IEDIC&Ly i i'l ■ TAL'OAStE DISCOVERY* COKBVMPTIVEB, BB ONYOVB GTJARI); >' ■ DR/SWASKBS'; ”, raw ;.0E : Ce^tanpUoß, l Cpoghtr Colds, An&ms, BmmluUs, lir* Hoo4 ttCcnltybrilreatli lag, Vein in ihe Side aad IfreesL Peipluticaof ! the Heart, IflflueTizav-Crwiß Broken Coa .3, «StwJoTi, SoreTbroM t Kc'rveti« Debili ty, end ailJKsetuesotiJioThrtai, iv- t&enuMtc^' v ftcuiol mnd’spe«S? ' .. i> evexlrco«Q.lbr44y.oC .' ,ibe above disease .«£taflߣ&UnQ *»,- :«-*i—-:r~o A.. w—'T~ mifljtvJ Ilh4»T’U»edfcway' from lie thnngambdauT l*Onc£e4‘Ui>cn the tide ofexpettrneito, mndrn*** 1 "^ . hlglierm>epoiaiica, .:ljawdtbAaaayoOter prcpariS.6n *f nicdicinß eve MQttueei fei-.Oie relief of «fctiUs.ia»»-. . h &o fen hto’nwa. . ? irnWtonce: tut whai/- contain J^^V^raroinir : good;effector, *«j2^?£tbtoB«S UU6j»ropn^^fa^A2^SaMiedtohimby .. (wn^flSumouiaUwffbtfive higher -nton?tSr.the fiiil' jaiticc, than to cer vifeweof moral f»vcr,t and . .'IUJfKV .facto* beoahaeJiyS. proven con .-■'themielvc*job injtrtcK eitobllihed aatoon -. hT. It* lnodn*iC cierito, rcbef It af . iy. orpßhUc opinion* E&Smdijftited through the conviction of worldly ihteTMti#*® P-|££jfmanner to Ito trout, end MoratMaxiin*. -l been aa Meeestful P?*ZZ£?Sm*oC CoMuniViion, ullr.SW* ia de * J> t^fcWnnefWDdCherry, It strengthens the < < o " lpoa 22d Sl SoeK* to heal the Utwrs aa the Jang*. ~'■ rich bloody Jim pou«Kd by no nltormadiclno. i />mnisi:Ca- April SSb, 1949. n. ftwnvne—De»r Sir- Iwrilyibebpveyonr Com aSZSfof Wild Chernihaabeen the mean* ot • &S&9*3£ RSfBl •&» cold, which grnd»- SKL- y «Mr«tiawMft4wiib a aevete .coogfi, thai *^Sife«sa2sa™s3£ 'aSSS^temS^t2E«SSsSSStbS rmtoSh Forthft truth ofthe toon .ga*lyV£«!PS»-»D Feta Bub, Groom, Win SSSPa. 1 poreiiiod the medigne. COeweTj|&jOi . y i . limn MraftAJt • , Bo>lWpU-T7® llx *t ' !T K . .7? -Sis- niSS-jjiml six’. I feel 0 dtbioftrmimda du to*a£«d rinejolty.i® ojtr ' ;SJSmblole«timooy to y°4r Compoomi 8y- ISJj r.rTxrnfl chenr • Sdnesthrte Jtit* einco I was SS!£v:£L£ffil«ithSM inffamnuuiooef the with, a di»tre*»ing taSKSto couridera- tom ilm lamps,espe- L Dje-oucnaxgo_ _ _ weathhr, howorer slight. At Sl7 f8f?o «sSf«boi“ my tojriWon, boi wTprouy '™SVmYiß<£nh»l I w.. rapidly goto* “>"> <"on»ump- I'E? C rT T^r 'weaker, end at length wai seance- Treble tfwalAabotn, or .pea* abord a whisper, limb W* ; propirmionTaM prose npooar, -'ffTf.L 1 !*! iTryn’-irf time worse. Jest by a dear friend in liSSmmSalhat preysoorly I had beoa preia : SiSnoamat madUtoea and.l am mill agamst 'S» OTtofS?th. hand, of bpiander ntdSobmaod in tho sayin« of my Dr* Bhaw.ono of yoor : tfr?sa.sllh“did of®orM ■hoalhs’slandmg,coo- ■ : Sfeef 4 SSi r »^«rry'd : SSby rtohtodthnse yo«SthalHstoady boson ■:‘ S £K to this way, double*, my earn was matly ; ratirio'd litomiMnonM bf.mriins tons impnflonUy, : rSdmiso JtftnePiWtrioSfboforo I wupot i fcndyresinrod. I bars no «esnon, a 'mnob smsitor .•- xronld have made me-sound, but fox ' SatetStod Ktotitm. fooor uSbabllffidt away lie dlsßtasms coa K b, Fot a srnp STniiKrr of malier tom ibo-hmsa sad t a»o \ ifiem and ayitftin gbid health. 1 have deftr iSaiflWmTrti;. bs-rii&caie wnl now, for toe parposa b . ..■ . ; ■** > b* pnMfa chanty, N. C. ■•' i : 1 ‘ invariant CataSir-Baf ? . ifrbetoUhntbhesenmneOTophraiioaofWildCherry, • Ad tharia Br • SWAtyWaj iha fim ever offered to toe UtthedStttta-haleTOpWbof ntttnb W Wtw Chetrr ' '. i? BSii'aimto.ui'o, oa&* v Srcdartwices. in order tog«ro cumjncFto.their. «*«. SJ^^s?SS!»a rESSpS’trtto abSwtoSSepl ending SmSnewill b« added as to ditto jnisi : Swim’sCompoond Cberr} • j ver ? >, !$'ro cutiencic to toea ■;L'SsSrVsassi&SPj—: | M »« ‘‘r ’’SaSSbobmalaand teliui by OGDEN t SNOW- S!23wSa *Sf B APAHNEiTOCK* I Co.cer tetand Wood, and'fith and Woodant, Wtf a TSSILN, 13Harkolsb ’wltch* - medicine- • miai.LISTER’S OINTMENTi . ■ former. U scarcelya. disease external br InidzuMbai u will not benefit/ I have o sed it forth# last sixteen years for all diy?a«** ofthe chest,; fiwpMng flieinixftost danger and xeSoßsihllity, and IdicU* befdrebesvenaad.* Wn, that noi In ona ease baa »filled to benefit the patient was within did reach of mortal mean'. I bav# had physicians learned in the pro(o»., )on . j • fcaVt> minister* of the goapel, jad«sofui# Dench, ol deratav lawyer*, genuetneS of the emdiuoiu' and ouutitnde* of the poor use it in r'very variety of ‘-War. and thCTC hire heed tot one Twee —one universal /vole# OINTMENT ISGOODd n . ••: s BHEiaiATISM—It rentes almost immediately tho inflammation and ; rwpU',iig, when the pant '■ease*. - (Read the directions around the box.) HEAD-ACHE—The *aij6 has cared person* of the he*d-*cb© of twelve years.'Standing, and Who bod it relitlar every week «o lMtvomiting took,place. EAR* ACHE, TOOTB-ACHEi :«pd AG UEINTHE FACE, are helped with like suckers. SCALD HEAD—'Wo hare feared cases that seiaally. - defied every thing known*** wellms the ability of fir* teen to twenty doctor*. Oae-nan Joldus he had spent: SSOOon "his children wiihott any benefit, when a few cared 'them. • .'rßJTEß—Then* is nothing better for the euro of »> ‘Jiair. r, ■ ... "• Ijen thing* in the world 'f OT HLES—-Thoiwuid* uefeftriy aired by tbi»< jint. meat,* /_&.tonat fall* in-gmng retihf for -the Pilf *. 1 . usixf x AP4f> . [ SonTkfMJßieneJinu, Hnr Peiii, ft*- ; ‘ ft” l .Buacht, 1 Utfiim«, ST* fa". «<*• ! •••'S$2S?* jittSScnisiiMiSai* l *«”"■" “5“7r ’ "-^ffiSSfBSSKS" ” * ’ tram'CTWms- People-need never • < * , g2Sta£iS»?S«“ iS “' bMl ‘ ,to I, ?S™v ; -No oiß geiralße mde.. Ibe : *• “* town* to lie Un ' lcBa.«Bd<*h«rPalP»- i>SSs5asfJtS^SSS i ■■'■SS B .W&sagss3 c •so*7*7 ' ' s . a -i TOFooithlt : «,' . ;>* ■* yrcUimu €ittU. or fallen Wosab, ho ■>■■ . h '/f''l . . £sB£S»j>«». m* tor-«l»» : p»- *' i ■:; or Bai-fc f »<" ',>*■' Vl^SEtsk^lhT«denJ il'tad : ttwwMi, Alla t :'l’: u -T •“■w w^ ag :. , ; ,i- . -Tames abe ciMWNgpXgmnotcsinu i W"Vi.rigc3Sß&£& ik ■':,' v v»' •••%* ■+ 1. ; ••< irixtcliwccaß purifiM pf-*U dcl^wpoot "'&*/:'? .?v ; V a laaioril," healthy. :^:i n . i£fs •>.£#* SlSSSttSs'w u» S:‘]f» - i'u •• > iUPft thdßßOOth. ? pwiilPiSNiitf !•• . > r * l-iisi i 5 ■ ?*Wfy. "?a! .i ~ ■. ’ ANNUitt STATEMENT ' Of the Seceipts and Expenditures of Allegheny County (or 1848. ThiAumiotidtddhty*f tk lht ? uh * c d\ c T t ’p 1 ?* ?“”# Ss s 5#%%54 fl' t K Court If Common PUa, of Jd Lu*,/,l« fol lowing Staton** Be P° rt ' mz: _ __ W BAXTER ESQ. tl RECEIPTS. Balanc. in Tituorron ibo January, 1848, aaper jail Auditors' report, Received from Collectors, vi*: First Ward. City of Flits- I bargh. [ Charles Craig. Collector for 1847, io full $lBBB 76 do do 1848, onacc't 1100 00 | v . 3098 76 Second W ard. John McKee. Collector for 1846, balance m fall, 136 13 do do 1847, do 432 91 > do do 1840, on acc‘t 720 90 128? 94 Thihl Ward. Joseph McCnUoofh, Coltec* tor for: 1848, on acc’t 3500 00 ' 1 TbbmaaJFalrman, do 1847, an tcd‘t UOOjn 4i J w Fnorih Ward.. L. G. Robinson, Collector for 1845, do ace’t . • 400 00 Richard’ Hope, do 1547, hal. Arfnll ' 2610 00' Sb do 1848, on ate’t 1000 00 : ? 4010 00 Fitih Ward, James McClean, Golloctor fot *847, bat. in fall John Lowrie, do IS4B, on kec’i 1900 00 2504 53 Sixth Wird-r Jared M. Brush* Collector for 1&46. bah in Cali Emanuel Eckert, do 1847, ooace't 647 94 832 80 • Seventh Ward. William M. Arthdra, Col* Ilector lor 1847, bal. in foil EightbWard. William Neely, Collector lor 1847, on ace’t n 3* 03 Charles Jeesnp, do 1848, .in HU Ninth Ward. John S. Norroine, Collector for IMS. In full »3 do do 1847. in foil 206 13 First Ward. Allegheny. David Smith, Collector for ' 1847, bal. in full 1308 80 Ido ; do 1818, on nbc’l 700°° Second Ward. Joneph Irwin, Collector (or 1843, on acc’i 96 53 David 11. Scott, do 1845, in tall 116 01 do do 1847, onaec’t 05 05T William Baxter, do 1846, bal .'in full 335 H) Thomas Smith, do 1848, on uc'l JfL* ,* 28 » .Third Ward. William Benson. Collector ' for 1847. bal. in full 997 77 A. C. Alexander, do IS4B, 0D a “' t M 1 00 1489 77 Fourth Ward. .Benjamin Simmons, Cpllec- • fhr. for 1347, in full- 1936 84 James Graham, do 1848, on acc't 2000 00 . 39a'. 24 Borough of Birmingham.. | N. P. Pearaon, Collector for ; 1846, bol. in full . 357.-6? do Wm. J. Manee, Collector : Tor 1847. bat. in lull 51 t 4 do do 1848, onecc't 314 83 366 47 . Borough of Sharpsborgb. ‘David Strobm, Collector tor . iai7. hal ia full Isaac Wise, do 1848, iq lull Borough of Elizabeth. Win. M'Gaghan, Collector for 1846, hal ia full Wrr». Laagblin do bal in foil 5L 30 Be»j. Wilton, .Jo 184*8, bal in full 180 05 Borough o' M*Keespctf.t. Joseph Wfjnpiej, Collector _ Q for 184K #| on acc’t H‘ P in Township. Asa Bougher, Collector I.V t 18*0, on acc’t S9C 39 W lUiua Wiley, do 1847, • in full 478 | do da 1848, on iec’i 369 52 Peebles Townaiiip. B. L. Spabr. Collector for. 1045, on aec’t 300 OO John Stewart, do 1649, in full nol M j 200! 54 Wilkins Township. John Percbmem, Collector tor 1847, on ace’t '• 63 tW Robert Milligan', do 1848, .a fall . i<6s <2 Plum Township. J«\ho Coats. Collector Cor 1847. on acc’t 00 A. Challam, do 1848, on acc’i 262 « § Versailles Township. Samuel Shaw, Collector for • 1646, bal in fall ' John Gregc* do i in (all Fauntley Mate, do 1848, bal in foil f Mifflin Township, j. T. Patterson, Collector for 1847, bal in luit- Andrew Hamilton, do 1846, on acc’t , Elizabeth Township. Andrew Fife. Collector for 184*1, on acc’t 753 U 0 John Calhoon, do 1846, bal in full * fio2 ?) do do 1847. on acc’t 708 00 Ebenexer Caldwell, do 1848 on acc’t 00 Jefferson Townabip. * DavidKennedy,Collector for 1847. in tall 492,41 John Shepler, do 1846, on acc’t - 337 00 Snowden Township. Harvey Wadsworth, Colla tor for 1847', bal in full 2 47 Wm. C. M’Knight,- do 1543, on acc’t 414 00 Baldwin Township. James M’Glbbeny,Collector (or 1848, it) full Lower St. Clair Townabip. IVid* Perkin*, Collcctdr for 1847, in fail IGO4 03 do do 1846, on cec’t 35 40 South Faveite Township. David M’Cabe, Collector for - 1648, in full North Fayette Township. .Alexander iPCandles*. Col lector for 1847. in fall 505 76 James Clark, do 1848, in ' fall 653 37 Robinwin-Townsbip. Msnbiw Hatheson, Collie* tor lor 1846, bal in full Samuel B PhUlipa, do 1647, bnl is full' 1 681 W Samuel Glaait, do 1848, on acc't 45000 —— 1221 44 Findlay Township* .James Mewfcorter, Collector for 1647, tifci m fait Strsaei do 1848, on ace’( Moon Township. Joseph McFadden, Collector for 1843, on account 70 00 Bepj’n,Meaner, Collector fof 1848, inlull '•< 647 85 Ohio Township. .■ James Mi Crawford. Col'torl for IS4B, on account6l4 34 James S«Staton. Collector, for 1847, in full . 333 91 i..*4 <' •• 9M 31 FxankWi* Ta»nahip. j Phitijfcßrawn, Collector for; : 184$ on t£sovox ; .-« «-i:. 4 , ;i > . bafftCfis m foil l '<.;47.-3J ii Tohn Graham, rar i ; . 1847, Wtfic® xofoll i 2$ H J«»»G.ArtaiJiQM, »|o Cor;, ■ •*■ itiXtoW vr -a it, *' «« l\ - j i 1 SABUREB Off ALLEGHENY COU NTY EXPENDITURES Amount paid Assessors, Mayor, Aldermen and Jos« uces fees, viz> Ain't paid G.. Adams, E»’q., Mayor qf Pittsburgh 1447 60 do d 6 ' Henry Campbell, Mayor otAllegheny 310 93 do A Idermtn and Justices 519 28 j * . . 2277 8 Auditors. Amount paid N. Patterson, / State Auditor 106 00 .do Hugh McCormick, : Cooory Anditor 94 50 •,do A. S. McCord, do 94 50 -,do* Wol Caret), do 94 50 ' Appropriations. Am’t paid Uncle Sam Hose f - Company 15 00 rdo Niagara Fire Comp. 25 00 .do Ragle do 50 00 do Vigilant do 25 00 do Allegheny do 20 00 Bridges. Ain't paid for catting drift ' front-Chanier's creek do Embankment of budge • over Cork’e ran 30 00 do Repairs to do 51 65 do Viaduct On Nunnery bill 2093 83 do Dickson &. Miller, for erection of three bridges o ■ ver Robinson’s ran. in Pay" ette township, on ncc’i 1469 79 do John McFarland, for over Adam's ran, in the Borongh of Man chester. in fall do J.W, Richards, bal« ' ance of his claim lor his services superintending workmanship of bridge o rer Carr's ran,in Elisabeth township, per award o( Arbitrators do Repairs to bridge o er Killbuck do Blank books nod sta« tionery for ibe different offices County Commissioners. Ara’t paid John McDowell, on ace’t - 305 00 do Joseph T. Marks, do *63 50 do Thomas Perkins', do 440 00 Clefk to Commissioner*. Am’i paid James Gorraly. including bal. on acc’t of 1847, ($l9 23) do County Commission* sra expenses, in attending Appeals oral bridge view* 7l) 02 d» Commissioners Me* Dowell and Mark*, tbeir travelling expenses in go* tog to aod returning from • Pbtlad’a on business rela tive to County'Railroad bonds, and the payment of , Slate tm CpußTs.—Supreme Court Ain't paid William Ramil' ton Crier do TipaU*ea District Coon. Ain't paid William Hamil- 100. Crier do do Jurors Quarter Sessions and Com mon Pleas. Am'i paid Andrew Getty, Crier l l * ? do Tipstaves 699 do Jurors **s4s 25 do H. S. Magraw K-q. Dap. Alt'? Gen'l lees 498 50 do T- J. Btgham, do 157 00 do John Young. Jr. Cl'k of Quarter Scssmtie 315 4 3 dj Commonwealth wit* neesiN * 757 do Jurora' board 75 V % 12 n7j Coroner’* Fees, &-c. Am'i paid J a tries S. Rich ardeoQi Esq. bis tee# a* Coroner/and ibe Jeos ol Cormier's Juror# do Funeral expense# for sundry persons, per order of Coponer do Post moriem examina liooi ' »*8 00 996 98 do Constable# fees *9B 4 3 County Solicitor. Am’t paid E B. Todd, E#q. salary for IS4S 200 00 do Commissions on col leciioos, and other pro fessional services 109 do W. Forward, Ftsq. lor hit profcssiooal services in the matter of claims for street damages sustained ibe city dis'riet 500 00 * do Oorneli«Darragti,.Eq lor professional services rendered the County, in 1839 100 00 I** 23 — 166 82 (Jo C«nnty Scripcancell’d 1 do Counterfoil money do Contingent eipanae* do JDisebunt on currency do Commuaionera for lay* mg out d«w Township*. *ad altering uw'hahip lines do County Scrip, expense of issuing , do County Railroad bond* do Auditor* appointed by Court to settle and adjust the account ot George R- Riddle. (late Prolhonot’y) with the Commonwealth, viz: William McCandlesa, Ejq. for hi* aeryicea 76 50 Tbo’a McConnell, Esq. do SO 00 T. Liggett, Jr. Esq. do SO 00 do Election expenses 1 do Fine imposed on Rich** i.rd Gleason, in Court ol QV 8. of Juoe Terra last, and paid by him, refund, ed, (routined byGovern r 1 do Fumiipre for Court House add Jail - do Fuel and light for d 6 do James CnaawoU, ba . in lull as engineers Jail Fugitive* iroin Jastice-. Ara’t paid for pursuing and arresting fugitives Irom justice lotereat on Loan*, etc. • Am*t paid James Ross, Erq o interest on loan -0 80 00 do Dsvid Shield*. Esq do 180 00 do Jama* W. Biddle, E»q interest on one hondred and ten dollars 50 cents. County tax overpaid by him. a* agent for Me- Nichfos’ heir*, from ISfo to 1843, incluatve ” Jail Expenses, do John For.jrih, E.q. ShertfT.C hi. Jail to. «nd prwon.r.’ •' 3n9 7j do Clothing and heddme f ur priaooora 4 ” ‘7 da Soap and candlca •»« 47 do Medicine __ Jo A. (j- Waller, M. D. , professional service. J»d • <} M Physician Jo C. h. Armstrong. M. D., his solary lor IS4B ' “ Jo Priming and sdv using 13 do Premium o° ■ealpe do • Post age Public (Jround ImproVr- mem* Ain't paid Thomaa Scott, lor fmdinjr material* and on-* derpinioc terrace wall on Diamond atreet dp to do balance of for mer acc’t for raaaon work done in and about Jail, 6lc. -544 01 119 89 jto to do for digging (tench, and laying water pipe under pavement of' terrace 340 81 3C2 6t do fo do for taring cast iron pipe from Ross street jiugjail do- Jama* Cochran, bal* sues in tall, for iron rail** fog and gates do James Wardrop, (or trees aod shrubbery ’ do Viotrtng condition of terrace wall on stb street 1 50 Amount pud •nndrj main to Cotut Hook »nd J«il . 1709 091 Roid timing «nd unjnng .tK-rt duugn. Am ? t P‘ld T o»d»i»«rr. 560 oo An/» paid redaopiionmoMy oo Qootted Uod«, , *JSSB23Wr** ' * Reserve Township.' A!. ’1847, infoU ,=• -i 347-71 do, do "3848, bn account. 230 00 , We*t Deer Township. William Duncan, ’Collector for 1837, ob account Richard Morrow, da lor 1&47, on account Mark Mehaffey, do for 1848, ia fall East Deer Township. John Boyd, Collecior for -1845. balance in foil Felix Negley, da for 1847, balance in full Washington Beal#, do for 1648, on account Indiana Township. Charles Gilmore, Collector for 1848, in full Shaler Township. James C. Bryant, Collector lor 1848. m fall Rosa Township. Peter Ivory, Collector lor 1848, on account Strays.—Am’t rac’d of J. H. Starr, Esq-, proceeds of sale of Rtrayß 15 50 do of E J. Brooks fordo do 2 46 ‘‘do of Robt. Hilands for do do 11 25 MisoBLLAWBOUs.-Am’t rcc’d of W. Thompson, for tree boiei*. 4 00 do oC Geo: R. Riddle, for do 25 Oo do of Joo. D. Davis, proceeds of sale of old furniture Fi.fCs akd Costs is Com, Casts.—■Ain't rec’d of Jaa K. Polk, costa per J. T Marks, Esq. do of.Peisr Baker, coats per E. B. Todd. Esq. do of W. Kreidskarap, fine in Coari of Quaitcr Sessions, 20 00 do of C. Darragh. Esq., bnl. of fine paid him by Neal Mcliwaine, do. of Wm. Jones fine and costs per J. T. Marks, do of P. F. Borian, costs do of Charles Fleck, on ae« count of fine.and costs, 12 00 do of L. P. Upton, costs 12 $8 do of J. l.ittle, fino and costs 22 00 do of John C>yle, coats 8 10 do of A. L. Herd, do 105 00 do of Thomas Carry, fine 5 00 do of Moses Ward, the bal ance in Tut! of his duplicoie as Collector of the 4tb ward of Pittsburgh, for 1844, on which suit was brought, Am't rcc’d ol United State" for one year's rent of Court and Jury rooms, do of Commonwealth, abate ment on $52,400 State Tax paid to State Treasur er in July last, do of Auditors in the case of Geo. R. Riddle, E«q.. late Prothonotary, do from sales of unseated lands do of redemption money on unseated lands do of Ef. Hulls. K«q. to 55 verdicts in District Court U‘> 00 do ol Conmy Scrip, received 41558 00 SHERIFF'S John Forsyth, Etq-, Sheriff, »*» account with uary 1848 to the Jint day Dr. ... ' To amount paid hi* Jail fee* and prisoners' allowance, from the Ist day of Octo ber, to the 51*t day of Dc* comber, 1847, viz: Vagrants Court prisoners 126 40 Ara't paid, balance ol acc’t for 1847 do Jail fee* ami prisoners’ allowance, for quarter end ing 31si of .March Inst, vbr Vagrants 437 41 Codri prisoner* 434 72 Ain't J)#id quarter ending June 3oth; »u: Vagram* ('oun prieoners ~f> Amount paid .quarter emiiMg September 30th, viz: Vagrant* Court Amount paid quarter ending December 31st, m: Vagram* 49C Coort prisoners 622 "l K ; \\\* 99 lul Verdicts in tbtf district Court in do Common Pleas 2t> do Qr. Sewtpnd Fine* in do do tß&Lnce uue Allegheny Covnty, $1232 43 tPsid $BlO 43, during the session of tbe Auditors. COUNTY COMMISSI lohn McDowell served Irom January 2nd. 184 d. to October 14th. IWtf. both dwys inclusive, 217 days, at $1 50 per day,* 4O Amount due him at per last report, 97 ay 909 33 6793 00 13 00 67 76 21 25 Amount paid him, Balance duo him, oieph T. Mark* served from Janu ary ‘2d. 1848. to Dei-ember 30ih, 1848. boih day* inclusive, TUW days, at $1 50 per day. Amount duo him a* per lajt report, OO 462 'jO Amount paid him. Balance due him, Amount of Taxes assessed, amount jxdd Collectors , Commissions, Exonera tion*, and balances due by Collectors for the year 1848 DISTRICTS. Atf'tAn’d. Coi.reton'Ntmn Am f pau/. Fir»L VT aru «S « OhariM Craig,* 51 L* n[ in,rd do 13® « JobnMcKe*, £* T'h.nt Vv aril do 4«6C &5 Joseph McCullough. 3ottl 1,1 K.h Ward do 4455 37 Hop*. "WO M> K^hWard do *47® «• John Lowry? »*"» W Sixth Want, do UW® Z- Arthur .MoCleltami. SSenSwV do M»« Georae Ciumbert, Fjxhlh Wild du 739 6« (.baric* Je*«up, nS Wirt do :)18 M' John Norm-ne. Firat Ward, Allegheny, 1»» 07 David Smith. Second Ward, do H«7 «■ Thomas Aon*,* Third Ward. do 1401 W A. U Alexander, Fourth War* do **«> 03 James Graham, Drrtr.inaham Do rough, M7O »?• Jame* Barr. |.„,,| iu r* do 54® 3th Joseph MeKihom. MancbCef £ 4.5 04 Alexander Campbell. l!*wrenc*iv«lle do 4» » J. Munoc, Mr.*m«harrb dft iSO'JJb U..C W IM, Phzabeth * do 1W M; Benjamin vVilaon. M«KVe«»,rt .U, SfiS 37 Joseph W.mptrr, PniTown U, «OM. WuSmi Wiley. Peeb r* do IMW I*- John Mrwarl, - K» ££££!-■ BBSS &» S£r,«3U “ £ «*®'" „ amt re. w w MeKn.ghu IWMwn do *» «S Jame* MeOibbeny, i *o.. r do 711 f* Jame* Espy. s'►■veil* do 7tw HI Davtd 51oCal>e, N Fa,Cited. •■#»#> JameaClark, di *n 45 Saronel G a*». Jr s®? l “ n : 7HI U Samoel Kaehrl. K ** j" 5«1I5 lee jan.a Meaner. do 907 31 Jame* M. Crowfor J, F,l»kim 3® oi. Ph'lip Brown,* j; f, “ kl1 " J;, *5 49= Jame. G- Arhuthnol LLLrvp do 74« 97 A S UdOA. tv iL-r do 400 t*fr Mark Mrh*dv. V u£T £ «« «i Waaloitgion Real, do R7U 55. Chnrlc Inlmur nhan-f di> nlhi I*6. Jamr* Dr> :>ni . v, .. CJ- Thox Collector! marked ji u », (*) li«ve |>a..l the bataAce reported agamv them, during tht non o ()t>* Auditors. '& • Statement of the Uetit and Credile of the Cm the Jinl fay “/ January, A. I). IM9. To Jamea R-o*a. beira, nn ,, permsnonl loan *33.0110 00 To David Shii-lda, K*q. do do 3,000 OO Xo County scrip OQietanding 1&6.874 00 To outaiandln* warrant* for 1848 8 W To Uaae C Kauflman, Supermiw* dent Public Buildinga 37 To Jamei Oormly, Clerk to Com mißsionern, balance for 1848 IS 00 To balance undrawn by Comm.*.. Bioncri _ ,l9 12 da do William Itmp, Collector of Uwreoceime, for 1841. . 218 93 do d£Rohm. tyifo, Collector of ~fililabethtOwnhlp for 1843, . ‘£>4 09 dodo J«, MbFaddeo, Cotlector of Moon toff ttfbip, for 1843, 23 13 do do A. Irwin, Collector of Ut rrtrtrAlUgbeny, for 1843, 36 53 t • Ftyeue township, 25 00 d&Alat.r'MeFirland, 1 do do < 4 W 4u SimM Douglas, Snow-’ deb township* 50 00 do J*me« Murry, do do 8, 50. do (George Murry, do do 50 00 daEbeneter Larimer, do do OO do Jks. Torrence, Rob* inszo township, 25 00 do Beoj. McCormick, do do 30 00 do Alex, Mcßride, do do 10 00 do James McMicbad, do do 10 00 do David Logan, N’th Fayette do 15 00 do M&rgaxei Gjenn, do do 51 00 do Thomas Wright, L do do s°o do John A.’ Niahet, South . .Fayettedo 130 00 do David Harriot, do do 10 00 do Jdhn Johnatoo, do do 55 00 ■do'Eben’er CurFv, Jefferson 10 00 ■do Wn>. Espy, L. St Clair, 25 00 ,do W. McMurry, U. S« Clair 40 00 do W. W. Hickey, Indiana Bitd West Deer township, 5 00 do Bright’s heirs, Reserve 150 00 do John Gardner, Elizabeth, *0 00 do Logon's heirs, Robinson 30 00 do McMichael’s h’rs, Versailles 25 00 1 do Clark Ktsstck, West Deer II •*» 865 00 Soporiotendant of Public Buddings. Isaac C. Kauffman, balance of »!ilary for 1847, 37 50 do oti account ol salary lor ’4B, 412 50 Tate* and costa refunded, 280 1/ j ' Discount. Am'i paid discount on car« renryand temporary loan, 54 Tax Duplicates. I Am!t paid fur making oulta* , duplicates, 343 21 do paid Treasurer’s commie* bipn on abatement of State Tux, 26 20 • do Treaauret’e salary, do Water Rent, 250 0(7 Balance in Treasury, $103,300 49 ACCOUNT- Allegheny Counly,from Ihejlnl day of Jan of January 1849. By Jail fee* and prisoner*' allowance, m; For quarter ending Decem ber 31. 1847 For quarter ending March 31, 1349 For quarter ending Jone 30, 1818 For quarter ending Septcm i ber HU IM-t For miarter ending Decem ber 31, IB4i l— 8-4* 20 By balance due January 1 si. 1348. per Lasr report 1-7 4o *• summoning 594 Jurors lor District Conn 14s •'■O • • summoning . c *4s Jurors for Quar" r Schbioos and I’mnfnon Pleas 130 J.> U(..t u 9 •< convefHtg to Penitentiary “ advertising proclamation \ (or Central and F.lcctoral Election, m October and i.-p id I 170 78 7Tlt JJS 4 l-J. <1«>0 23 3 Hi, 40 1(5 OVI 77 420 H» :uo mi 647 36 014 34 •ms -*s ■ (Ut> &l« 45 i 00. :»a 7:1 0 52. Bis 314 ra M |0 W W ‘ 510 97 ♦.artfuia mw \n\ s&at :n no |213.1*:> 28| Witkins townihip, for 1847, «8o do John Coot* r Collector of Plam township, 1847, do»do John Calhoaa, Collector oi Etitabeth township, for 1847, dc do N. P. Pcarapo, QoHector of Birmingham borough, 1847,. do do Richard Morrow, CqUecior ol Wept Deer township, 1847, . do do John C. Little, bis note for . coats. dodo N. D. Miller, his noto for costs dodaJ, White, do , do* do do da H. B. Burkholder, do do do dd Martin Rcghier, his not for fin*. V. dodo Moses DonnrUon. bis note for fine »nd 1 Amount dire. . *11,790 id dodo sundry individuals, tar tines , ... WTho.o Collector, marked thu,, <•> h.„ paid tbo bnlcnce reported tb.-m, dur.n e the eeßSBi.‘ , n of the Auditor*. Oivin under our lands and seals, at ( the Auditor's Office, in the City of Pitts burgh, the 9th day of March, A. D. 1849, . ARCHIBALD S. M'CORD, L. h . WM. CAVEN, . b - f AumTous. JOHN K. FOSTER, L. S.J Couni4 Commissioners Once,) March 12th, 1849. y ' The loregoing is a rorrect statement of the Receipts and Expenditures pf the County ot Allegheny, for the year 1848 ; also of the ammmt of county m fo ea.-h of the respective Wards, Townships andj Boroughs the rate of two and one half mills on. the dollar of ,heaS9essedTOlueofK«d Estate, including personal Taxes, together with a statement of *« Jebte »ntl credits of the cottn.y, as shown by the Books on the third-day oftaj. 1849, in conformity with the Acts of Assemblyjin such cases made and provideu. Witness our hands the diy and year above written. JOSEPH T. MARKS,, 1 THOS. PERKIN 1 V Commissioners , WILLIAM BENSON, J Attest: Jas. Gormlv, Clerk. ' JXCHMGEB^KE|S,Jc, ComnUlng Enslßtiri * ConnuUori for PaUntecit Office for procuring and defending Patent*, imparUng Information on Mechanic* anti ine application of sci ence io the An*, wul on American and Foreign l*aw» P° ROF WALTER R. JOHNSON, late of Philadel phia, and Z. 0. ROBBINS of Washington city, (io be aided by Haiafd Knowlea. E»q-, I* l ® Machine*! of the Umied Stale* Paicnt Office,) hove a**octaled j themselves ipgcthcr for the prosecution of the a wive branches offliofe«Monal buuuies*, either In their office, at the Patent Office, or before the Co arts; and wjil de vote their oodividctl attention to forwarding the inter est of Inventors and other* who may consult them or place buaine** in their hands. Mr. Knowles ha* lor the past twelve year* held the po»i of Machinest miner United Slates Patent Office, arid resign* that situation to take parr in the preseht undertaking. His talents i and peculiar fitnesi for the important office so long fill ed by hint, have been fully * recognised by Inventot* whcreverlhe offiee h*elfi* known. The office of Messrs. J. A R- l* on F tweet, oppoaita I the Patent Offiee, Washington, D. C„ where cornmom-1 cation*, post paid, will be promptly attended to; exam- | inaiion* made,dr»wing». specification*, and all reoai*- iw paper* prepared—and models procured when desi red—on reason a tfle terns. Letters of enauirf, expect ed u> be answered after eftiraiiialions had, most be ac companied by a fee of five dollar*. In the duties of their offieo which pertains to ibe rn lent Law*, Messrs. J. A R. will be a**ut*d by a legal aenUemun o« the highest professional character, and luilv conversant wiih Mechanic* and other ScieniJlic subject*. "tr»niAw_lyS_ POINT SAW MILL FOR BALE. Itlllß well known and valuable establishment t» now offered for tale, together with the unexpired term of the loose, io wU: two years from the first of April, l£4U. Tlie mill ia driven by a powerful steam engine, tanning three Saw*, Loih Machine, Circular Saw ft»r slitting bourd*; and Woodward’s Potent Pla* nine Machine. The ground occupied by Hu* establishment, lorlade* an enure square m tire ciiv of Pittsburgh, fronting feet on Pdnn street, ami encoding to ihc Allegheny j river, about fee*, on which, besides the buildings ; occupied for the purposes ot the mill, there are iwo . tenements now ranting for *ba>per . , I T»«« mill i« at present suppbod wuh choice Pina Lumber, and ihere is in ‘he yard JUO OuO feet of sawed baihliug and steam boat niaber, ull oi which will be sold at lair prices. ’ . To my one desirous of engaging m the bnailiea*, this establishment possesses advantage* over all oth ”> wilShS SIIuNN, Attorneys at Law, 4lh street, Piflsburgh. Or | 0 uaN’LH. BTRATfON, m the offiee of the m'tl. on Penn suen. raarCai2ur Wheeling Gazette and Cincinnati Enquirer copy lo amount of fi, and charge this office ALSO—That Splendid private residence HOW occu rred by Mr Sam l M. W ickersbam. *auate in Alieghe cu, ju....... ur uu.. ''’y- IL aagi f sB»N INDEMNITY. Thf Frtttufhu Fire Jiuurana Co. of ThilaArlpkia. DIRECTORS -Charlr. N-Bancker, Thomas Hart, Tobtn* Wngnrr, Samuel Gram, Jacob R. Smith, Gee W Ui'-hanis. Mordceai D. Lewi*, Adolpho K Bone, I>awid S. Brown, Morris Patterson. I'iiiianN Bam saa. President. Charles G Butcher. Set reiary. Continue to make »n«ur» nee. perpetual or turuied, on uvrry description of property in town or country, *1 rate* ** low a* are consistent w|ih/o' hatfo'nsiil upward* of oue million four hundred moo*- »ml din.r, M Sro. iherel-j Ifforting U me hdvwiiaKT* of insurance, as well n* lb« ability ami di>i>otiiM»i to meet wiib prompme** all liabiliUe*. J. GARDINER COFFIN, Acral, marl -illy Office Nj£ corner Wood and 3d its mow inaisraPT. J.' ‘ ' ‘ AWT “- EKKSKDY * 84WYEB, T OOKING GI.ASS4 ManulaCturera,' Md Wholesale I j dealers in foreign and domesuc Oooda. Wertem Merchants, Pedlars and otbereTre mTited to call and examine the price* and quality of otir stock, u our present mcrca«cd fiu-dtiies in manufartur mg and purchasing, we ghiuk we con offer u great inducements to buyers as any other house weat of the Mountains. I**** l RBW GOODS, 1849. KENNEDY a SSAWYKtt, corner V/ood and Fonnh street, are now laetmni direct from hrst-bands, » I.IJC >l«k of F.ncv «od Tirioiy Uoodo, me.odi»« Clock! of ««tr joid ud »dv»r Jewelry, Flench Prims, Combs, Hooks si,d Kyej, Ulovea and Hosiery, Suspenders, Odn Capa, and all other articles in their tine—all of which having Men purchased personally of the manufacthrefs east, du ring the laat winter, expressly for the Spring trade, wifi be sold wholesale at a small advance on cost. Constantly on hand, all descriptions of Looking Glass es, of our own manufacturing, ai eastern prices, marl TfjT KDICAITTI O O K S—Cooper’s Surgical Iftcty; M. Copeland’s do; {JruvprUas’ Anatomy, Jhuett’s Surgery, Ferris on Cholera, Rce*e on do, Bell and | manufacture will be tta e *»3cEa-Col. fL P.ucrson. R. H. Mjf >*r derman Bled WIRE HAILING. HKCUUED 11V LETTERS patent. PUBLIC-ATTENTION. i> K.Jtt-1 tcJ u> an euluoly .Oracle if JUIUNO. M ben, andaolteaneu.l- * f«‘ l »B»‘».wuh wrought iron. MitOliuc). £uare. »i M,wfvemi«|ii»aui»ce«uf «io I nr?™ It which'* i» WtL •« eaaaujg U lo aupereede I Z C cL Iron Railing wheraeei lh«ir comna,auve ..r. iioVr lxan mated. For nmharjjarueuW, ad j jiavr o« Ma hjJILALL4 BROTHERS, I ~ AgfelUa for Patentees, UKmona iIH, »<■•> •‘te'lAtl' l l’'lu''urjh lebVH-ddra "■ NFvViHiokst-Lii’tttW oa Wffnm a Progress and Jhc Life »<>d Tunes of John lW*"i *A« Kev. “WMaSSne'/atSrtoin'#<■ »f Moini; hi,,... i )V ueo BCheevyr.D. IL - . Knaland’Jm KWO Reprinted from the Orijinal tOlac^ SShhS&rfetttand tpeal iHaatm»ibns;of pnmAjM principle* ahd - peradtw; by George B Cheevw; D. IF wtib-refertoea t» it' nnp 09 do do John Yoanc, Jr. taieclerk of Quarter Sessions, ste; ftir'tefifict •• * * fees, . • 20 00 dodo Hiram Halts, B*q. I’rotkon* otsry, in Dm. Court 104 00 do do John Yoong, clerk, 8 ver dicts fn Quartet Sessions, 1848, ■ 'M oO do do ’John Forayth.-Bvq , amount j due Allegheny fcottmv, H. HOLHKS * BOSS. Bankers. Eiebanft Broker asu exAUua in . _ „„ NOTES, DRAFTS, ACCEPTANCES, GOLD, SILVER AND BANK NOTES. COLLECTIONS.—-Drafts, Note* and Acceptances payable in any part of the- Union, collected on the most favorable tenu*. , , , „ , EXCHANGE on New York, Philadelphia ami Bal timore: also. Cincinnati, Louisville, Saini Lorn* and New Orleans, constantly for sale. BANK NOTES —Note* on all splrent banks in me United Stale# discounted atthfflowesl rate*. All kinds of Foreign and American Gold and Silver Coin bought and sold. „, , , . Office No. AS Market gtreet, between 3d and 4th, Pittsburgh, Pa. J wca BCBBKYj OAKKA * 000 . , T>ANKERS, EXCHANGE BROKERS, end Carpet Ware roam, No. 75 Fourth street: Very handsome style BnrrsoU Cakieut; ’ ; New *tyle eriT* supJl ply ‘ do ' Super Ingrtun Carpets; 4-4 common Ven’in Carpets ' Med*m sup do do -‘«M ’do *lo do Pine do do '54 do do da Common do do '3-4 do do do Cotton do do W Cotton Carpet*. i,t f so Extra sop Velvet PiloCarpet*, of the latest importation. Axtouniut Ctrptlt! fapesiry Braaael* Carpets, a!I of the neheat and neweststylea, to which we invite these wishing to famish houses,steam oo*u ic f e b2S W, MCUNTOCtt n, BUCKNOB i Co, 41 north-water st, and | jo N, wharves, Phil’*, offer Cor sale on acccmrnodalinr « PrT n. 6000 phis Mandfactured Tobacco, edakiiting or I poWs, kt& pound*; Fs. B’s, umrff? ffa,OH and S'r prag.and 13*» L^die*’Twist, in whole and half boxes, ofthcrollcwing approved brand*, yin I James II Gram, Osborn ft BragiJ 1 Grant ft Wiliam*, A Cabant**, j 8 Jones ft Bon, McDonald, Websutf Old, J Thomson, James Thomas, Jr. AHAmLteail, j ThosaS ft Bon, Landhorn ftftmlstcad, J t Coatesj, J IASSt Green Hall, , Wm Dawson, Pearl ft Norwood, j .J 8 Blackwood, Nath Page, J > Keystone, . | W U Vaughan, fcdmnnd Henry, Paniaal Robinson, Russell ft BdUinsoni] Keira, Robinson ft Co. Smh -Halsey^ H Metcalf, . John Kndet, t Lawrence Lottier, J Robinson, Gray ft Gray, DB Turner, R J amieson, l orfc White, D M Branch. —ALSO— Havana Leaf Tobacco, wrappers andfii Vara do do Cietifoegos do do St JagooeCuba do do St Domingo do do Iqnria ft Guide*- do, part fine, Maysviile do do Kentucky various grades do Virginia Leaf, suitable i«r m mgandexpoitj Spanish Seed Leaf, Penn’a, : pent and Ohio; Virginia Scraps, sweet: Gor Pipes; Pipe heads; Scotch Snuff (loose and bladde fSj) Mocccuba Meat; TonquU Beans, Havana bus*: ;uito Rose; Beijamot; Calabria LmuoriceiPu tern Chveudfsh Knives, Spunx, ftd. ftp. PUILAX?ELPHIA, myl3 T onlkrnniaapprawi E»«eni pT«n»- or mad© to order of ail sizes.and at til price*. , Ceumiy Merchants and otbeT* ere invited to call and examine the above for themselves.asell will be aold wholesale orfb*atl,erfd • liberal dednetion made to Wkju^A WmF-avKLT -• BKUK iros 9A&. THE undersigttod offer* for *ale a superior article of fcnrk for building, made by .hie Steam Pies*, I improved machine, tor which ha ha* obtained a patent, and agree* to give purchasers a written guarantee that they are stronger. and will resist .wet, weatb- I er and imbibe lest moisture or dampness iban buy oth er Iftick. possessing greater body and .superior textor* more durable in ever/ respect; each bnek bcisg subjected to a pressure of. Several tons, and pos sessing a liandkome smooth surface and even edges, they make a front equal to the best front briek. T*hey have given toe greatest satisfaction to all who have purchased. A kiln can be seuu at niy works, and ■{lecuiicn at the Gazette office. Those bavin* supplied themselves tor their buildings, tfiJ wishing handsdme front brick,' or supcriot hard ahd solid paviiur brick, can obtain them. ISAAC GREGG- Birmingham, June 12, ISIS. _ If ALLEGHENY VKNJT£aN BUND FACTOIIV JOHN A. BEOWS, «. • TAKES tfaiamethodto inform his friendi and the public at large that bia Factory ta now la tell operation, on the uda of the Diamond, AlUnaeny. where u coa aiam supply-of Hltnda,of various coton and uuaHlir-s, are constantly kept on hand; also, at No 6 Wood tt, Pittsburgh, at J A. 11 pkiUlps’ oil doth ware room, hultera road" to order in the bostaiyle. Blinds repaired at the shortest notice.- N. U.—His Blinds will be put up without any addi tional expense, so that they can he removed iu a mo ment in ease of lire or for washing, and without the aid of a screw driver. jyl-dlyAwiamlySS BENNETT 4 BROTHER, 1 4FE£NSWAfi£ ftUNDFACTUREKS, I BtrmlDgbua, l*ao»* Ittitabarah,] Pa. J barckowe, No. 137, Wood itrezt, Piltiburgiu l «MHf\ WlLLcohiianUy keep on hand a rood assort- 1 m/wtnt Ol W«6i of oor own manufacture, and 1 «o!>*apcnor4 andg-qfeframoa do do 1 All of which nv> told at a small -advance, and will cudnbxeo u low as can be purchased m the east \ec9S . WttCUOTOCK, 7fi Fourth a I 5V.--H iwetsuipy?* ,BalaA|«Bcy for Bu»M*OU»k»iPUM4. I jUSTRECEIVEDaad opening, a lot' cif elegant Piano*, from the celebrated facteryofNaimaA Clark* .l|. |P.|. 11N. Y-, comprising6,o} and 7 octaves, with important improvement*, both in mcchauitrn and 6 to 7 octave,. j I N. B. The above wilt be sold, at ttMHUMttgw pla cet, without any addition for freight ot ekpenguß. tnarlO • Journal and Chromoltt.CpP?- ’ Newspapers, MagsxUn* and, Bevlavua* * r; Received at the Beading Room of the . - 1 Young Mens' Meirontilt Li&raty caul Mecaatttcs Institute,” Fourth meet, between Wood and Market street*. N*w Yoas—Conner A Enquirer, Tribune. Herald, Evening posu Journal of Commerce, Spirit of the Time*, Scientific American. I’nnjiDU-rHJA—Norili Aiacnoan aod V p. Gaxette,. Pennsylvanian, Commercial List. WwHU-linoa— Intellixeucet, Chtyil IXktlOnSl Rrt Uosro*—Minm* Journal, Alla*. BsLlUflOßS—Aincrtraii Cincinnati Gainte., Louisville JoarnaLSt- I«*bls Re* publican, N. thleaus iVayuue, N. Orleans Pace Cut- rent. _ LrfVUfooL —Wilmcr A Smith's European Times,Lon don Times. M-mazcres—* Blackwood's, Knickerbocker, Plough* Loom A An/ii, Eclectic, Ham's Merchants', iiltelPi. Living Age, Horticulniiist I SiMimsn’*Joainsl, Journal of the Franklin Insmotc; Civil Engineeri’A Axehileta' : Journal, London. ‘ * Rsuaw*—Democratic, American Whig, Quarterly, Edinburgh, Westminster, North Dniislt. Room* open daily (except Sundays) from 7|o’clock- A. AU uiiul 10 o’clock, P. U* Members save the pri vilege of Introducing their friends, non-residents ortie city, who will be entitled to free adniUsioirHof one month. Persons desiring ui become- members wiU leave their names with the Librarian. Term#*—lnitidon, 81; annaal subscription Ci in «»twnn*. mchKalHa PIABOS. A SPLENDID assortment and Rosewood TUnd*, judfi* ished. These instrument*are madeo f II *. I I * tho latest pattern and boat material*....., and will be sold low for cash by ’ F. BLAME, 113 Wood street, al door above Flnb. >•- N. B.—Those who are in want of a good instrument, are respectfully invited to examine these befool par- , chasing elsewhere, as they cannot be eAecdled'bytby in the country, and will behold lower than any brought from the East. Also just received, two pianos of Ham burgh manufacture, warranted to be superior to any ever sold in this country* oct33 P. H. SBW INSTKDBIKHT. ItUK subscriber has beeh appointed -Sole Agent fn “he sale of CARHARTS IMPROVED MJiLODE UNS, as manufactured and and perfected 1/yMesirs. - Murcb A White, of Cincinnati., Ibe,bMal*.e*mpif». i .* and. extent being but four octaves, Menis.M.kW,., tn accordance with the general desire ufld demihd. have extended the scale of thesh mxmtments to 4*an* • • •»* 1 even 3 octaves, thua making it practicable u> peripm upon them any music written for th? Piano or Orgph. The exteriorTalso. has been moch improvedby placing the body of the instrument upon a csutjrou frutte beautifully brouzed and ornamented, renaetmgitat once a most elegant and extremalpc«trmble-*tnel<».* . The prie is put so low as tp bring It within to reacb of every ono to obtain a perfect rakileai inatrumeid, and, at,the same time, a me« elegant offunu- . uuo fol a comparative tridt A 1 j wSSSir. -.! /THEAT HtlsrCXL NO'VSDrY—-nn'-raMjnJbu' - has just received from Europe, ond u)rsaie, an entirely new invention of Plano Forte, caliod to CAB* - ' INET PIANO FORTE, which possessing mom pdfwei and sweetness than the square Piano, occupies hat one - r fourth as much room, and is a moch more showy and ■ handsome furoUnrc.. It is particularly deaira- •• bio where the saving of space is an ohjeeV being ex ceedingly neat and compact, end occupying no more room than a small tide-table. The subscriber hum hand a testimonial of its saneriority from the celebra ted ptafiisuMoschelles, in hi* own hand writingjWhleh may W inspected. 11. KLERER, oceff AtJWWoodwsfo TRANSPORTATION. PITTSIiIIBUU AND CUBVBLABB MSB. milK Proprietors of this old csubliihCiLand popular X daily line, consisting of sixtren fitstjclass Canal Boats, owned by themselves and running _tn ronneo*' lion with the steam bonis* BEAVER CALEB 1 COPE, are enabled to offer unequalled,uciUujs ter . ihe transportation of freight and passengers, on -the opening of Canal narigaUon, to allpblntswn the Penn sylvania Ohio and New Yore canals and miME, HVK DAY3—Rasmus Day and Ni*bti—A a I ■ Car will leave Philadelphia doily- with the Mail. 1 Train 10 Chaaberobargh; a w agon will leave oa Ue arrival, and having relayi of huna nmniiif'dayjutd . , night, occarca the certain antnl of rooda W -Ijye , I Day t! No more Goode will be received than can Do loaded up each day,eotiiat Dodolaywilloeiar. . I We will be prepared lo forward dOOO.lbi daily. 1 Apply to WM. BINGHAM,t | Canal Bails, PUtebafih., BINQBAMS &DOCKT i dec29-d3m No 876 Market»tract PhUa*f<. . ECLIPSE ltm. j ' 1848. mSEBBmm- aBs9B. O IIIPPERS and other* art Intern#that 0 ioniiDßei 10 run daily. Produce odd aerehaadfsta receipted for by FIVE DAYLINE ondyeff* 1 ** Wig' oiu, hi low rates and specified lime. '., . J C BID WELL, Pattfrttrft; ' ' ROBINSON a BOEHM,TBldmort. BXFEBBS WAOOH Pitubargb; mnd PblladelpUßt AVIA IIUUUUUIIEUiI ■« TIKE. FIVKDAYB RUNNING DAY AOTNICIfC TUB public on rerpeetfully lofertwed tbat thl» U® will commence nrnmac on Uieitfth iiwt. Ac« . 1 will leave Philadelphia daily with the MailTruioJ® t I Chaaibersborg, uul fromuienee by Wagon, wU®"* I relay- of horaea, running day mnd night tVc wnj;l», ' , prepared to forward CW® !b»/freight daily.' Apply*® <4 , D LEECH IB Co, PUttbttrgn,- * * V \ or HARR®«r LfcKCHf : ' \•/ ) aovOO No 13 Sooth Third Street, Pbiladelpaia^ pioßicsui, muspoßTXTias afeasaiB4B.^!ift bet>veeN Baltimore and Pittsburgh. s gy Time, 5 day*. «£Q ’ , Mercbandi* tnuupondo atCamunj*** FOR3YTH A pPNOANrAfffltt,. f , n,v!7 FRAXLET *7 M iiS^^%^:;. . "" BURKE A FAST•BffBKM' 1 ■ FOB . ItJIE Proprietor* o( tbi* line hate put co NtorStoefct 1 and are prepared to forward packagea-of all <3®. I ‘ cripuov,fl d * i,r - a,,hr : Water »iw.pinAtttsli.» RomNSONSBOEIW' v * oecti M Sooth Char lea tt» dltimcorc. <,D Oiao ' / prrrsßirßßii AVtrrimlAiiEjitaV ft**, & DAT*—tOtIKTHO ]UT 4KP HtflKT. " This Line la DOW retlelpling-tot‘COOCfc lbs-prodprt -per day, at .reduced rates.: •. ' . ii * CLARKE ATIIAW, canal bail a, Pimburik- } LEWIS A BUTLER, SfcL&Matket it, * feblO ~ I ... UARNDBN ft- CXy. Pautafir and o*M» l' l«X nANRDEN It COl ta'tam&il tt fata# P«t o?£ngUnd, Ir'daad.gctflyffiff ' PWfiWtlei.'apoa dtamow otoal panotoaluy sad attenUoa'taJfo.ewPMjjjHfr' : 1 foilofemmifnau ,AYedonat»ilew«rarp«*fl*“*2 I bo robbed-by theawicdlins » porta, mw* Ufa charge of thorn fte-.ggggj t3i ju. port&eraae|yes. and tec to thair we? _ ' Web them deumianwrpaueX v " We say tfu*fearle**ly, u w< defr xen to show that they wen jgJSfl - ■- • Liverpool, whilst thousands of otbeia «enjoea ■■ -\V« intend la perform fl “* *gJffi£eEf2iK' J -355?. when it suited Ihcj £lt* ‘'t Dra&s drawn at tarlra.s . s^sssssa <&T4 4m ■F ABD AND FEA'. la N»a