IlffiD BY WHITE fc CO PITTSBURGH! TUESDAY MORNRSG, MA&CX* 20;iSl$. PrfWTJMu TUxly :Ga2vmt' U wblisixed Daily,Trv-Wcekly,and Weekly.—The DaitoSa Seven UoUera Mmwuihe Tti-Weaklyii FlyeDbUwm nadca Tw» Dollar* per anndSn, itrj^y .t,£r* practicable. Advenbcmams doijtaaened fora «d«*i tica dm, will invariably k. cSiuEa Jffi Sdn^H!. M lNcWlh Motley Markets, Xr *«• arfxt page for,TelagTapbfe New. Vor Local Matters sea next page. Official Pi-TaoNAoe.— The publication of the County accounts in ibgfC&tomcfc, a Free Soil Or gim, edited by persona who Itaye always affilfefed w|lh the Looofoco parly, before -they were poWisi'- edP- in any Whig paper, anil several d*ye before they were ordered into the Gazette, baring exdi ed- dommeat, a few words of .-explanation sec* o * to?be fcecesary, in justice to parlies aojfar at the are concerned. Mr. Gormly, then Clerk, infoYmbd us that it was through a. neglect on (be oiuof the Coin* mlsstonen that the Gazette notified to co py the Report from the Chronicle, as it Vr£s among the papers chosen -to make th* publi cation. ;(t in due also to MrJ Besson, the Junior Com mission cr, to state tha» he called upon ex pressed Jus regret that ISie Gazette bad been over looked, it having been ytih&ui his knowledge or consent. For ourowo part, we have not been Ale alio 4qiher to banish bo impresston that the neglect ot the Gazette was owioglo oarliaving thought it our doty to oppose a bill greitlf jncreasing the al ready pretty large patronage of the Commissioners. * which the majority of that lsoard very much de sired to have emitted; on* of their number, it is understood, having visited H&msburgh for the purpose of boring for it. But be this os it may. grant that the neglect ot the Gazelle was entirely aedidental, there is still rid excuse for gi ring to tht Chronicle, a paper which urgently opposed Whig candidates and theirprinciplesinlhe'latt* memorable conflict, n-yre/eranpe over the Journal and Ameri ' can, which supported them. ' We will not dismiss this matter without a few . plain words on the general subject, though we are . awftre We do it nt the hazard bf misrepresenta tion ondnbus&. Messrs. MAfias-and Perkins, ami wri'.may add to the category, Mr. Mayor Herrox, were placed in the stations they-occupy, not from aaj superiority of personal'character. or fitness over their opponents —far from' it—but because i they weru Whigs, and they were expected by all ■*latt means to promote Whty principles. Yet the ' two first make the Chronicle their official orgun. and the latter, Mr. Herron, extends “aid and com fort” to it*, editor, by appolnting'him City.-Printer, .with fat work attending it, tuuanating to several hundred dollars for the year. It matters not that that bo is a personal friend—a boon companion, or any thing else. In voting for the present Mayor, personal friendship, relationship, dhc manyeslima* . ble-qunliltcs of his opponent—every thing—-not ex " cepting some qualms of conscience, were disregard ed, in order that we might place a Whig m power; yet no sooner is- he ejected than he thinks-him-el; justifiable in gratifying his private resentments or friendships, without regard to party. It precisely as though Gen. Taylor had made-lhe Union his oi licmi organ, in preference to the Intelligencer, be cause u may be, that the I nielli geucer preferred Mr. Cloy os n candidate, or scene -olber equally or gent reason. Snoh ft course, in Gen. Taylor, who brought n good deal of capital Id the’Whig parly. would, nevertheless, be confidwed frecrw* to its • interests,vand we do not see why smaller men, who owe everything to the party,- sboold b?» mere cxcUsablc. If may be a very pleasant thing to be “-puped” in. the Chronicle, bat we- are determined ' that if, hereafter, the puffing jj fcaroed ■forge', fulness of what b due to the inierisS3 of UroWhig party, put the rose shall not tfe iis thorn. , Our Washington correspondence occupies a good deal of our space to-day, but we think cur readers will find it interesting. Fc-r some reason OheasoHs in that quarter have been at “sixes and laevwss 3 for the past few dap*, and letters and pa Ipers;liavemane in shcai*, instead ofthe usual«Ja;ly routine. orted to the House uf Assembly* With an aggre gate of three mtUivn anti one hundred dunLuuul del kzTf. . FBOH RKW ’ YORK.. Cone* pofidenep of the Pittsburgh Gazeue . v Srw Yoek, Mijfch 15, L 949. A great suiyectdbr gossip has broached to day. Nothing tesaihan the freteat qjrawo swmdlers - wbo li'nve been writing lhreaieain£ letters to Mr. Win. B. A star, demanding ttfe paymehtof $OO,OOO. i being; their (atheps share 6f profits upon bogus money, nude for, and Astor, on joint Account of the maker. The stamps became so urgent that Mr. Astor agreed to the levy, named ' the lithe to pay the money, called dn the police’ nod the end will be a prolonged’ residence on the pan of the swindlers in Sing Sing prison. The sto ■ tj >« told on hundred ways Dowj and some people «f« sore that Mr. Astor made ail his jnoacy by sell, mg tin? bogus coin. • Tbo Boiler mama continue*, and .the gifted ar tist, with no aid except her wonderful genius, i draws, booses that surpass her triumphs in - the heyday of youth, with all the g&uering efleef# of the stage and a theatre*! company. A few mkhtb* . of exertion will enable her to acquire Of . this wtjrid’s gecr, to retire upon. j Macaolcy'a last and greatest work in to be re. ■ ( produced by ttio Harpers, verbatim d yunciuaUm - el Ikeralim, with the addition of capital letter*, as in . the English editions, and all fur twenty-five cents a vOlumd. Like the Chinese taildr Who .‘‘followed '• . eo P7t'’ and pm a patch oo the uefc COM, we ore to . gel ull the ineleguflne* of Etfghsb printers, a* Weil an the beauties of on« of her must elegant writer*. The Crescent Ciiy Irft for Chngres this afternoon, With 3tfo passengers, being tile large?! number ev et taken by sn ocean steamer. 'Fho earnings of • this ship for the pest thirty day* were $3l/100—an 4 amounftliat soon settles the que*t;od of profit JJhe f look oui quite on amount of coin, m small nlver 4 to trade with, for geld. ‘ - • Busiricsa increases among Ur- dry goads men, *. and they agree in saying the trade ikfirst rate, and that the country merchant* pay well. The chief V trade is l now with the south and went, and so esg* f : erhave our merchant!* been, to get'the business, • J that hove paid freight ou goods through to i Cumberland. This is carrying competition father tod far-rfor buyers thus treated, are Apt to forget to j: rndke any payments at ali in the efcd! - •, Coin continues to accumulate to the Sub Tress ury/tndthe deppeileis overs2,ooo,ooft/ind growing s rnpidJy. ;Nolice'faas been given that tho War Bohn i ty .scrip: Will l*wd off on the iri of July, and - that inlejcst WiTI bear from the data—*afact of some interestjo soldiers. ,• markets there is not much doing. Several . :huadredjbbls Vaf potash have been sold to arrive at o' ;ijj private bargain. Cotton is steady at the late de ' fclitie. Nowßrlean* Flour hgs sold air low as $O,- y- '■ .-iSfc/nod very good State at Jt3.37i.T-- In Provls vt. jj general dullness—Mesa F0rkj5t0,032210,76, .‘ahd $9:250 bids Chfcaga > Mess Beef at sl3j2s;liard 6l£?6i; 900 packages" Wtflcb<-Mffr'", r ’ t i 4 Bans," ami ‘•StorealTa” haras and shoulders, at 7 Hot thejbitner and sfc Ibe the latter.' Stiles of Ohio ' Whiskey ;(U,23fj Clover Seed for choice new, Bud - wanted. c. FROfl WABHXBGTOS. ’ ri'Un'te'pfflideqca of the Pittsburgh Gaxltte'- i 1 . 1 . -; Wupaiawnei, March L**, 1819. t ** to bear and to read current here, and soinit-of* 60 journals elsewhere, concerning removals’ a P" potflUnenta. Few have yet been made. f slr **cß rose, ol your State, has been acting to** days, as Asiustaat Secretary of the Treasury • ,n offic ® aled by the law for the establish* - " of **“ Hom *. Department. The report of** appointment d M* Brady, to be Second A***'• b * wll “* 1 Wtt * well a. other**" onfoundedAe place having been given to *‘ r Clayton, of MeClmtock Young. * c Chief Clerk of the Treasury Depart** ol . resigned yeiterdsy; but the resignation bed *»<* been accepted by Mr. Meredith up io this ire’raing. He will do so however, it is expected a* *ooo a* a successor shall have l>cen appointed I see it slated that Stubbs, of die State Department, has not been removed, and tfial he Is out chargeable with the offence of having Bluffed Ingersoll with fnkebood* and partial truths, for lm assault upon Webster. 1 made my staieufents from good authority, And shall not withdraw them until a/fer a contradiction on better ground* limit any 1 have seen. Many of the rumors of whoiesaleeject ments from office, originate in the apprehensions of present incumbents. I lately heard a Clerk in the Treusury assert that all the employees in the Pension add Land office were reformed into the character of private citizens, at one fell swoop. No changes have yet beeu made m either. They probably recollect with fear and trembling, the mode employed Uy Amos Kendall, about twel re years since to clear;tbe Post Office Department of the old officers. Oiie morn, mg, each clerk in ibe'wboie vast establishment received an intimation that be might remain at home until he was scut tor. In this way the business of the. Department was suspended for sc v eref days. About half the clerks were honored with notifications that they need not reinrn, and they did not. This was the summary process by which the work of proscription was executed in those ‘‘good old rimes.’ 1 Mr. Meredith’s first labor will be to ascertain the real and true stale of the finances. lam informed that be is now deeply immersed tu it. I notice n ruinot that he has issued a circolnr, the object ol which in to ascertain tho length of lime each clerk has been in office, whom he succeeded, why his predecessor wan superseded, and other circum stances of the same general character. I do not know whether it is true or fiilse. -There lias been auother interesting days delate and proceedings upon Shields' case. Mr. Cuss made a motion, the resnll of which must lie con sidered a lest of the opinion of the Senate upon the -naked quesUon of elhgftiility at this rime. Cass moved to lay the whole street, including the re port and resclolions of the Committee, and all in cidental motions, upon the (able. The object of the motion, as will be apparent to most readers, was to quash all proceedings chesting Gen. S.'s claim to a sent. It was lost —ayes 15, nuys 3-1. *fhe vol«* iu the affirmative was an astonishing one, for there are those who thus answered, who have uyiruated *lodbls of Shield's prereni eligibility All the leading minds'of the Senate upou Unii >ides have declared tfeir opinion that he is con-ili lutiouaily ineligible now, aud most of them have further expressed their belief, that being inelltgi'ile now, lie cannot l*ccome otherwise, by mere lapse ol lime, under his present commission. This seem* to be one of those esses m which extremes meet, fur Mr. Halo, and Mr. Foote who wanted lo hang him, are zealously laboring side by mie lo get Shields in. Un motion 6f the former, the subj* d was jiOMponeti till tc-morruw. ! Understand that the nominations made to-day were not important. It is thought that no noiuma lions will be made fur the foreign di] l->malio *er vice, but in those cases m which tho credit of the country is suffering from the injudto- us appoiot ments ol Mr. Pctk. There would be no difficulty in naming these, but a* they will su take’ tfceir. departure for tfce shades of private life, it would be hardly gunerou* to them up now. 1 Am gJ-id to *ee here your asvocutr, Saiuuei Haight, fchq. lie formerly held a desirable dijilr malic employment to fchifope, bur l presume'i tail he ponessjas certain agreeable ties that would u> doce most men lo prefer elegant letaure at btoor to public station abroad. However. I speak with out tKXvk in this case. It is certain that no man is mot* Atneerciy gratified by tfie success ot the Whg cause than Mr. lUigbL Jmtrs WasjuxG-rorr, March 15. 1 htf' The Shields case w decided, anJ he is declared tflelligiHe to bold a seat iu the Senate, by reAton of hts not having been nine years n citizen; and it larthez renatved that the election a* vi.-td. Tr.r efiirct cfthis !axt Gau.*c is u> render it im ompetcfi: tor the Governor of Illinois, uudrr the t fonstituirou "f that State, to appuiol a person to fill the remain der of the term which began oo Ibf 4th of ihj* month, as well a* to incapacitate Get.i-ml Sb t-U* from applying again tor a recogmtian of hit claim under the present cias; three day*, has been to obtain such a recognition of hi> chum as, when be abandoned it, to leave the Governor the fiower to appoint him. The Legn lalure upon which the election will now devolve, will 1« chosen next summer,and will duuUlesj con tain a majority of whig, and free noiler*, so that .! is notriear that Gcueral Shields will lie returticd. The lc-4 vole was upon the motion of Mr. Douglas* to amend the resolution of the select cotn;niUe<». so as tn make it merely an .nthnation troia the Sfenale to the Governor, that Gcnerul Shields had resigned. It failed—ayes J 2, docs 3^. The question t-hronghetu ha# been manifc-tly one of pure naked constitutional right, yet Mr. Doughs# most injudiciously, and Foote with char acteristic recklessness, sought to make it one uf a personal character. When Mr. D. perceived Uie utter impossibil&y of getting any mitigation in the Senate’s judgment of the case, he raised the cry’ o* persecution: { So illiberal, and indeed scandalous an imputation, ot course excited oo little indignant feeling. Mr Mangnm called him to order.. Mr. Foote jumped up ami dourisbed his arms in if manner almost maniacal, and called Mt Mangum to order. He iterated what Mr. Duiiglass bad »aid,and declared that the course pnraucJ towards General Shield* was {sersecution, and every body knew and felt it to be so. Mr. Mangnm said it wits' not true Mr. Foote made some rejoinder which was not audible, and after Mr. Douglass had concluded, went on to make a flaming speech of one hour or more, affirming' ing that the persecution ol General Shield* aied in the same prejudice towards him, as led tho enemies of the Bahe of Bethlehem to aver tbnt no good could come out of Nazareth. Tho op poneuls ol the present claimant weat upon the principle that no good could oome out of Ireland. tenco Gen. S. came. Ho said, to reject Imn now uld be to sacrifice him tot lid cry of ‘Vnu-.fytimi, icify him.’’ Un motion of Mr. wn* re»«»!veil lc nd u copy oS this resolution to the Governor of Thu protracted case having be«a di*possci! of, there exj»l* no-obstacle to the adjourniiient ul/lhc Senate On Saturday, nml it will doubile#* thrn (akr Uihcve it to be true, a# reported, that a general : has been adopted, to moke nu appointments lor at least some week* lo come, except in rnic* in which coimninuons arc about to expire, or have done »o. There must be exceptions to the rule, m presmig cases, some of which I huve indumted. There are some persons abroad, wlio ovgiH to be and doubtless will be recalled as hum a* it may l>e lainvement lo appoint socreyore u. litem. There are persons ami m other part* uf the country who have grossly abused the privileges of their public Stations U> obstruct the freedom Ol election*. Those men will be sjtfeddf removed, a# many uf them have been. I mii hnppy 1.. Icaro that n bold end decisive stand lift* been made in thr Senato, Against-the amvunt doctrine unounneed by WesteoU, fpit summer, that the “taint of al^o^itionism, ,, meaning participation in the prevalent seutimm.i of the north, nu slavery, should be, and was a disqualifi cation for office under the Federal Government. When it i* considered] that thi* Westcott, an cW gram irom New Jersey to Honda, said thi* by Way of commending hfmself for having opposed, upon this ground, some of (he nominaiious o/'fcvetj polk the most proscriptive southernef dial eycr *»{ U | the preadentiaJ chair, ft may be easily imagiijml I what, in his lime, would pash in Aecxet jiewion jfbr ! Uje*'taintme zealois southern Democrat Opposed tt on this old s’ereotyped cry of abolition* ini. Southern Whigs defended him, and Umi the feet that he did not agree wUh them upon the slavery question, was no good objection to his Confirmation. Mf. Seward interposed, and remarked that he id nw Imow how Ihe poinf of the preeije mhado of Mr. C.'i opinion oo nlavcrj-quesOons might U, R uled, but be ro,e Lo say, lb« it was a daag.-roua watte to raiae hew. He cared not how the inquiry, 0. to Mr. Collamer. leueta/mighl tenmnale. He waiued Seoatora not to vote against him opqn any «ueh, Ho would not eondeacend to defend him (rum the ehargea of very radical opinions, hot he Ivould take him at the worat, and then daro ami defy Hu, Senate to reject h,m. The warning was laken. There was no division of Mr. Collntnei a fiomuiHUon. P. S.—l hear that tLe nomination* for Mmesota were made and referred tmday. Hou. Kdward McGauchey*, an able whig member of the 29tb Congress, is named for Governor. Jesus. FROM WASHINGTON. From Occasional Correspondents Wasiiimjton, March If.. 1849. , This Washington is a curious as well as instruc tive place, and one meets with many a thing in his loiterings, which might well point a moral, nr adorn a tale. Just til the present it exhibits a “coup d’u-irof no ordinary attraction. Here are gather ed from every portion of our wide spread repub lic, hundreds of applicants for office, who are rea dy to accept a Foreign Missioo, if they can get.ii, or it not, wdi permit their pretensions lo dwindle down loan humble clerkship, or a country post office. This love ol office seems to be particularly an Auier.c&n trait. Men here, ai Mr. Webster truly remarked, in conversation . some few r days sioed, “would rather obtain one dollar a day out of the Government, than to earn three in any other dianner.” However, it is now 100 late to change the system of rotation in office, and as the Demo crats bgve l»een feeding for twenty years apuu the public crib, it is but just that we, the Whigs, .should have a small taste of Uucle Sam s Ixjitnty. and I trust and l>elieve Gen. Taylor will see justice done' to the great party who have placed him in his preseut elevated position. “Vox Populi, Vox Dei, - ’ is a scmuiueal, however false, pretty univer sally acknowledged, and as the people have de termined that there must be a change of men as well as measures in every department of the Gov ernment, 1 cannot see how the President, if lie Wished lo do so can resist the popular dcninnd Senate presented a scene of great excitement to-day, the subject before them being the eligibility ofGen. Shields. I was not present, but understand that tho debate wus extremely warm. The im mortal Koutr outdid himself completely, the result, however, was a most triumphant vindication of the purity of the Senate. By an almost unanimous vote, Gen. Shields was declared in l>e ineligible to a seat us Senator from Id-noi.*, and a resolution Wus passed, notifying the Governor ot that Stale that-ins scat was vacant. Tins was a* it should be The law in this rake r,»»e suiwnor to the j>ow er of party, us a lurge majority of the Senate are ol the same politics as Gen. Slurldr. It is a sad tar nish to the laurels so gallantly won on the field* ul Mexico, but it is Well deserved for lus rrveiil con duct apart from its ju*itcc The last apf-omtinents lo be made dunug the siUuig <>f the present Senate, went in to-day, and they w;ll pro bably adjourn on Saturday. Alter that, the work of rotation will probably go on, though 1 am in clined to think the most important changes w.ll not take place lor some turn- to come. The President entertain* no application* made direct to himself, l»Ut refers them to the Departments having the control ol thesr matters. Tin* relieves bun of it great deal ol trouble, and is but re «[*-,-uui to tbe (leads ol Depsrtnieni* It wa* toe case prev iou.* to lien. Jackson’* adinniistruliou and we are glad to see the customs prior to that unfortunate reign, revived. Western Pennsylvania t* stn-ngh rej>- reseuled here at present, and a more rcpectnhfe ttody of men can hardly be timed any where We smeerety hope 11,.-y nuy ah sucrerd ill U«-« wisj,- ea, though as there are several applying h-r tbe *xme office, some of them of oour*e wilj U* disup xiinted r , W*Njn\oroN, March IC, ISO. Your regular correspondent in thi* gn-at and inter esriog city ofruagmlkenl some one has cltaoged the phrare. keeps you so well posted up a* to the daily occurrepces at both eadaot the Capitol, that I hardly leel able lo utford you any thing new oranteresling. Matters and things are gradually, quietly sealing down, and »n a short time the wheels of goveromrnt will, under the old Hero's gind.iuce, roll 9iuihlv on. J*o tar. the Nk'nigs *edn pleas-J wilb the conduct ol the Adunnistra and I do not bci.eve they wdl have any good rnsm to be dissatisfied wilu ihe course they will probably pursue. That their measure* an 1 acts will l>e ducuied'y Whig. 1 have not the slightest doubt, though |>vrhapn not quite as ultra a& might l>« deemed desirable by some of ire Krery one, b-rth Wfug ami l**moc>al, are most agreeably im pressed with Gen. Taylor's unaffected umplcity of heart and manners. He walks, as a Keotnckian I observed, .“right into your heart at once." Since 1 have been here, I have been thrown into the sc ciety of every member of the Cabinet and as far as I am able to judge of men's capacities, I should sty that the President had been ugnaliy fortunute m Jus selections. The country will safe under their gu»Janre. t feel confident. A preat many an ecdotes are being told ol the new President, und one was related m my Hearing lo day, by a high official, who remarked that ••he did uol deem it a ..cabinet secret, as he had told the General he io- J tended to male it public. President Polk disrotss cd from the service two Midshipmen, for lighting a duel, and strong petition signed by Mr. Webster and others, had been presented to the Department fir their restoration. The Secretary of'he Navy, Mr. Preston, however, reported in Cdbiuel Good ciLthis morning, against their restoration. “lam glad, Mr. Secretary/’ said the Preaident. “that you have reported thus, for had my whole cabinet aaid otherwise, I would not restore them. I will | have no fighting of any sort, if I can help it, during imy tenu of service.” Gen. Shields will be reject led to-morrow, witboat doubt. He tendered hu re ! sigaalioii lo the Senote to day, but they refused lo [ accept it, u(tf>n the very just ground that as he was not recognized as a Senator, he could not resign | what he did not held. His oLjecl was to create u I vacancy, and then be sent back by the Governor I Public feeling is entirely against him, aod he would do well to retire from public life. Hie Idler was , an outrageous attempt to frighten Judge Ifteese, I even into committing perjury, by deelaYing whut j be knew w&a not the fact, and Ins ajiology, yestcr | day, bus only rendered him more unpopular Judge Cranch has just reversed the LwJs.ot: of I the Commissioner of Patents, who decided, a» you ■doubtless reeoljecl, against the application of Mr | Hume, some time since, and has ordered a Patent lu be issued m hia fuvor. This will destroy Iho [ absurd pretensions of Professor Morse, i,, the ex clusive use of the lightning, which he acema to think tbu Great Ruler of all things invented for far* especial benefit. This sort of monopoly shou! I not be sustained, and we are glad tbnl Fog Siniih and Amos Kendall haVc been conquered. The Senate will probably »it until next Monday, by that lime, they will have finished nil the matters that the Administrative portion of the < •overnment may deem necessary to lay before them «t their present sitting. As regards upjwininienls i<< nf hce, | think the work wdl go slowly bill -urdy on U is the intention of the Powers now hi control, to purify every department ol the Government effectually Tjron. however, will Un icquued 1.. bring it about. Mr Ewiug, it i* 3a „| | IIU ,Jrea dy MaiieJ a circular asking faun the f lerks , u his Department the dale of ih«j r p.»uimiMwoa, which baa caused great confusion u „ m „g\ the Democrats. He is the ngbi sort ol a man to Ijforo mrutar the porgaiioa. ,„T'S MOn W Secretary Of w ar, liu published the flowing ouli.-e : Wae DtPARTMCTT, March if, !b4‘l. Uowmjj Regulations will govern m issuing gresrfajiprovrd March 2 “16-19: emigfnle to Oregon, w ‘ SjS^^CK.T M ~,p Uauioll ffi fthove Staled, a suHicient eupoJv <>i »k- * ’ , aramuiMUon designated Ly f/n,* lo BPm “'7* ttnd each applicant, may be delivered to hm uhu order, on payment of the cost Uiew ' , the Government has such arms and ik. dc * lw »IJ without detriment tolboiiublic im",' II not, thou the applicant may Lei,* , U e|, one. juid ammunition nbe shell on ““' r conditions, >uavc i , 3 : * foa MOfijunlwo, furaisbed ■* above be deJivpred lo each applicant, or to his authorized •gent, at the nearest or most convenient srsen.l where the arm. may be. The pUcn o/ delivery desired by the applicant should Ua deaigsaled, 1 the portage railroad. •- -rtTTßßuaca, March"l9,lSl9. of Puuhtrgh Goootu: Bar Su-I l»« .hi, morntog recclYed M . D,BCO 0f "« Of Ike P ortoge Raitai Al * o h , |lo P-ard ->f Trade h..e, npon inform»t,o„tra«o u ,t y Oetdre then., elratidy recommended and petitioned the Legislature to approprianoa, neees aorj- lo pul the Portage ,u a state ol'thorough ra ptor. It „ not yet too Ute to »ho w the c.Unen. ol Pitfhurgb the importance oj net,on in the matter; aad you cannot better do no,tl,an by giving t 0 Mr' Magnire's communication a piacejn y uar column/ An imtimate acquaintance with tlm Portage during ,u conalrnelMjn, and frequent ciamionuona of its condiHon, for two years paat, enahlea me to anawer the appeal oi lhe intellmeul aupermtendent ae to the neceaaily of the improvement, he hua .Jsgeated, aud I leel that it i. my doty thu. pule l.cly to conlirm hi. atalemenlv Indeed I regret that be did not recommend the renewal ol the defending track, on the Inrlmcd |-|.„e,, „„|| a. the, being ..ti.tied Lha. thi, ale. will very soon be required. [ beg leave lo add, that tins conimnnionlk.ii made upon my own reapomubikty „ ~,„2 r[l Pennrylvanin. having received no communication or instruction, on Hie subject, IVon, lto a r,| ,g Director, ot Hie Penurlyvnnia Railroad Conipauy. Very respectfully. KDWD. MILLER, (• Engineer. Srpau.vTETDEJrPs Ovnnc, A. P R. |{. March 1 fell. 1 sly. Edward Miller, Ewj.: • My Dear Sir—The Supcriufendcnt ha* i ed roc to address you on the subject ol improve meat>, which the prospective connection of the Central and Portage Railroad* render* necessary to the latter. Colonel Power would have com muaicated with you himself, bad not official busi ness called him to Uarrisbmg. Driog sol.ctut.s that exertions should be made ofi the pan of those interested, to bring the mailer prominently before the present Legislature, m time for final action during its present session, lie has instructed me to direct vour attention to the jiolicy and propriety ot eliciting tbe influence of the Pittsburgh Board o/ Trade, tn making an appeal lor the required specific appropriation to accomplish the object m view. In his Annual Report, made at the cln*e of me last fiscal year, the superintendent asked for in appropriation of $32 200 for the repairs of the road, during the present year, and ibr $12,241 to pav the indebtedness of the Repair Department u'. to the 30lh of November last. These estimates tor 1819, were made without having m view any material improvements in the marhmrry or track of the n>ad. No one ;n trie (foinmonwealth is more tamdmrly acquainted with this link in the ehaiu of Public Works than yourself, having liecn pronuucn'ly engaged in its construction. You are aware of its original capacity, and oi lhe decay m the machinery and soperstmrture, which has been a consequence ol a system of superficial repair*, pursued with a view of economising in the *xpen.Uluru of the public monies, bat which has resulted iu more than an equivalent mjory to the road. In order lo place tlus improvement m such a state ot repair, ns to accommodate the i'icren*eij likely to be hreughl U|.m it by « connemou with your road, and to render it ]>oss!t)ie i.j keep it m operation during lite winter, u will |> w a :.solutr!\ necessary lo relay the attending track* on tbe m cl,tied planes, with a heavy rad, to substitute some ten mifes or ..on wafer pipes, m the place of the wooden ones now in use, to build shed* o \.-r Hie bitching ground at Uwj foot of each ot lL« plane*, and to make material alterations and improvements at the Tread of each of the planes, for the purpose oi protecting the men employed, during tne m . clement seu*on, to renew and increase the huder* connected witii the suib.inory engines at the plane* and to rebuild tbe stacks, and to make matenai improvements in the ma« bincry. tfolonel Power has advocated the policy of re laying tbe tracks on the inclined planes with heavy rails, iu both his annual reports. Von. my dear sir are acquainted with the rbtfraeler ot the track* mi' the planes, and know that when first they were not designed lo reiomu for any great length ot nine, but that it was the original intention in relay them vuh heavy rad*, us soon ns the em bnnkinetil* should femme settled This tmprov.- roent has never l*-c. m«d-. „„d it* B e,-e**n V othei wise urg-nt. lm* b- omre al.*, lute bv lire miended couirecti- -n with y-ur n-ul. »»q „J] wuit-ii l ;jve referrvtl me relaying ~i the track* on the ).lacc« ,* the n .„t , m|Ki/ , unr t ndcr any circum*uii<-es, i,ow iu u-c, are sabject to decay, aixi it require* a oinsidernitfe ex penditure to keep them Ul order. They ore only ■uperficuliy laid, and, in cold, freezing u-mther they Would atlord no certain soj»ply ~i w ~u r for the Stationary and Lxcotnoiive Engine* Ti.i* di ffi-ulty would 1* obviated, by sobstjiiitaoj; 11.. Ir >u water laid at lra*t it,ur fret umlpri.te *utl„,-e It u bvlivvvd thnl thv Common w-mth coose«>uiMit ii|K>o thi* uiipr.iveioent Womi.l , n , raw year- ;.a, tin- i-nure t, r ,v „f , u nt winlor luoml)-. » ,- |„ rani,-rail when contrecipj with tt.r tv..i ri ,j wu*t to: constructed at the :in d a li.-r u,-.ire made Di lliose ul the baud of the ired Pt,aes to prof ret tbe Wchev As u..w arranged,.. w.„ld l«i utterly unjH>i*,|.le rand. .! }*>**.!,tr.' ,i wmitd be mhumatii to employ men lo work the Planes rx, po*«-d u* ttiry woufd be to the -Ice', and snow «torms, which {hcvriJ n our mouutaiu reginus u, the wim» .* i The BoiLt. v-iiiireied With sateen Cl Uie t iron p.,*i '.> mchea in diam ei*-r .ti.Ortf) <. Ex., and laying uiims. Ouatmns. Av *. Atlrruliona m sheds nt head of 10 sheds at of Planes Uymg ascending track on ton loe'iined rlaoe* UenHWing l«iiJ«r, ar,J rebuilding sfilclis Improvements in Machinery KiMpJhrifuHy Vourn, THOMAS A. M>\» n..v V i. q ,i ; i uni (JlBcfi |V ( mrtn..i»l ~.. Is| ,47i| 00 Surveyor I f*Mi«;ml and l Uerka fiV7]() on Midi and limocbex jo.j g () Uovirrnmenl in Oregon ft’tlUO 00 'MOfilU OD Miscellaneous. 1.V97.40J O'. I/iglil lluu«- h-daWnlimctil»‘ r*.VS2f)i 7n llo.piu,i« 131, 'ran on Purvey* of robin- Land* 12.10/jo {H3 Intercourse wlili Foreign Nation r*o<, sur rotrad Bern and his IJunganan*. were entirdlv dc tested and many them killed The town ilfiler uianimtiuit wu sacked l.y the victor*. Bero-lhcad quarter*are now ut that place. The Aurtmjrssuf tered another d-leic. alter »:x hour* 11.g1.t at A pirty ot l ft) Austraius broke into *nmo' wine vault* and got drunk, after winch they «e,red a number ol women and perpetrated the mosl mfu moti* alnx'ities. | n thin slate they were surU.sed by a body ol Hungarian* who literally thrtn Tho war in Hungary ih marked by the most lenrftn outrage*. The Ixmdon Ttmrs passes the highest eulogy on the manner in which the Erector* n the Bank M rranee have earned ,t through ti ie tumble .-*,*,* ol -the past year The Z./t.*. .-otnplnm* loudly ot me l.e*i ( ,wim-nt 1 * e l u » rtel ' «!«”> 1-orJ - s |»enecr, as liemg a man inr below the murk ol merit winch should U- reouir ed. It denounce*, moreover. the employment ol Ibis high honor to suBta.ii the peerage, «nj contend* that it ought to Ih- made tho reward ut ••luuirnl s.-r Vice to the Mate The cholera in C-oliMaMjnopie lu*.-ea*ed The mi in ol 10.000 trauc was p u ,d « J>, h few days since lor * puiroi va-«, t)( rtra [HJj lain. 1 Attempt* to naansatnate the .-..ntiiiin be made at Vienna— aup|«me,l ~ |* , lur Ol a systematic plain A part ol Loiua llulippe'a rare h„r*rs were i at auction on the I,'ith u |t. A great number of eigner* attended the »aJe. aud r.igh prices were tamed I arms Napoleon bought an untr:e«l . oil lhe Attorney 1 r.-neral of France ha* cunmenc ed a prosecution nguinst M Pnudbon lor .hel M I'ruudUnn «nv* that he will not defend huu«ell. I.n afier c.nvict.on rite Ine Fresident o/ the Republ lelofr liie Court h m itm ;it !ra*t ivv»-my Mirr* j*- f tl 4 y „ rc mcved by U >r l\,l, MVf :ul.*iniiUou niramM lb. Ic.. wnw ( .iruh.r<- ’1 »«* i .iib. t l*rirll .\ lisln:> (J.-iunml a M*|m . Mm o' < i.nfr.i uiiil m.itf 10 order (bal ibc-y may tiHM- f-niirf . ..turn: o/ il.c chwrcii rrvroue njuiiial . 1 Ttir Ik. l*. I -it- l.irl Hint lh,-* Julie, rrcn vcd .U lU- itairH..( Hr cap,!:,l | nHu ,|, c N; r , J 3lluarY lollreStl, ot r fl.ruurv inataui. enwjfd by 43. WO- «be am0.,,,1 reeved during u.<» «uu o period in 1 547 r Tfcc Ur»(V, r - r , 1 „, a( j ctl , c . f| | |)< Turn l).atthel-,cLih «niverninent ha* icr.ved a odit ui report relative t„ U»e so |J I(i ma. These di>euinetiu ouv* breo UtJ U-iore 11 i -ommiuuoorr* of Mines tor th«r«p,mon. which tn tm published niter it ha» been coiumuuicaled l the Mmu-lerv /*! r*/n« r..ntnuli. t» a statement m the lu/orsu Ihut Imrmg Brothers. u| Lodou. had .rife red x loan to the r r»*ortt < Government of 500 OOO.OOUf. on reu lean* Nap.'le..n w-.-m. lo h.vr m.d. Irion.U nn.l I, ~r xaows <..und sense, rood judgment, and no lutjc j tn.itness in omuluUng tueu of all elasse*. The .-/strio/a/ sneer* but m ,l, SD rer» betray* tfle “President IVinaparte ,s mdulgu g Pans to !U 1.c.r,. ™pi. Will, paUw c .| Imiwn.l [iulli-,n 11.. J.«>„ a rc ena ,j,.j „ te N,p,loo n i With gigantic |H)rter* m the true Najs.leou.c livery’ he *taads in no hereditary po«iur*. with his hond» .«ehmu his l.a. k. he is right Myaiiy aHnbie. with o lew word, |.»r every lwdy;h* lutga (\mat Mole and l.oJw. M Th,.-,,: in «.ot, bo , m| wrml n„d vondent-t-tiding, magnificent and jiopular ‘ PK\?I9YLVAMA LKGISJ.ATUQK. UAiir.tsßL'awJi, Marcli It, IMU ftsjxnu 0/ Cputmutrei. —Mr Savory reported th« bdl to mrorporate the Fayette Manulnctttnng (Jo m p*nv. with liineiulmentr. Jijr. Cunningham , Corporation*) reported the b to mcorimraie the Pennsvlvama Mtotugand S m . ung Company. Mr. Smalt ,-Mecl) reporurd Iho (iipnlriiKMiirv l“,l‘o "ra" Ihe 1.01,re0l 1,6,,,. »„), , InM „ lm , ’ I"? "' ll t Mr >•* ', pornip the Lanai Bank ot Kn<\ Tbt- Senate resumed l he eom.ulerm.on, on lecoud readme ol ibe bill to provide tor avoiding U.e ,n «lmed plane on the Columbia lUilroa-l. Mr Smyaer moved to ntnke out all atler the en acting clause, nti.i insert ui lieu thereof a nropoji iioa that the route shall coinmer><-« „t or near Dowumgluwo, aud leruunato at the fool of the In clined I lane, oa whan* called the valley route The amendment w„» debated hy Mr>«i Crabb SmoU. Brooke, tuungmaefacr. Ma»,u. Ovonield ond Johnston, when the -pictn,,, *•«, t„ken therei on. and it vraj negatived— yea* 1, i, n y» ]*, A great nomber of verba! nmetidmenu were then made to the Ml, and it w»u tl . n read a rer •md t«rae und ordered to be prepared for a Word reading. A eomiuimi.-at.uo v»» received from the Aud, tor General, transmit!.ug a tabular statement r,i the militia exjKMise* of the Gmnnouucnllh Ad journed. ItOt'SK Ol' nSftIESENTSI JVK3. Tlie entire utorninß jejumn has !*-en taken up in n debate upon (he l.dl to ehangt; the M at of ju.*- b» id Sullivan ' \*UtUv I hiring tb*- dehat.- a j«rr M»nuJ ijiieaiioii ama? 1.-tween M««n Darker and Little l 7,00'i 1,000 6,0110 6,000 Tlie 1..11 I'l 'V i.luit' I*«r t'ie rrinovttl ||,e Mtul t»( just.. .- i.l S nll.v .in e«.lilily wa* lr Ml mod. T l.e ). .*M»al oi \e.triday waaVend and ved. J rriiu iistrun, e* were presented. 1 he .Semite resumed the <’ousideriUiuti ol tiie lull In provide Inr avoiding the lu. hard rii,,,,. |j„. I'umtM-rlniid K-mlrond, .1 being on third readm [t ' Couu.iittionerx to select the route J Mr. John-on spoke at jh-cal length m op|x..-«it,oii to the I ill. and Mr Sruyai*: bnelly opposed H. Mr mlvre.i:.-.! the passage ol the hill P«rk A. P. B K. Mr. .lol.uiou dci.maded the yeas and nays, win. i, i»r uen-d mid taken, the lull pussed bv the i. ih.w mg v,!i 1 ’ Yens-Me. •». iiest. 'Brook*. t.'rnbb. t'utiu ng. ham. I ’rum Forsyth. Puck. King. Kotrgmaeh.,) liitwrciK-e, Minton, Mntlhma, Licit, aankey, Snmll, Stu.r baraie. Sputtker—l7. X> f * —Me»xnC jioui, Ur.nvley, liugns, Ives, lnhii •im. (Jverheld. I’ntteigrr K.ieh«rdV Sod- Irr, •'*-t*i rett. Slrr.-iei I :i. The bill was then aent to tin House Inr ila eoneur cnee. Mr. Mntlhias submitted l 4 joint r-solttli.m ouih. und tbu Slnti- i., f'tim■ «i« ; M Alexnndrr Viitietnaie wuli a imu.brr o| works in the library, wm agrrrd to ThrSenule resumed the • •niiwdrrntion, on v*<- i>nd reading, »i (he bill providing inr no- 111 <- ji, M t of the aicounla ot tlie i oiumissinio is , j me [ M(rf iiaj linproveiueiii Kiunl Messrs. Mason. I lai.h, ILng, Sm.iil and !\, f sylli discussed the several sr.-Unim i the U||, win, h was nfuirwards n-ada third tune and passed ~~\mix IT nnyx rj The b.ll lo eneouruge mauutaeduriug. uiiumg. .uiechabicA l , aud ihcmicul operations, wusundrr coiittiduratiou when the Seuate adjourned tfot'sK or UF.rßtst:?*TATirKi. A communication va* received Inun the (.'anal Board, »m anawer to n resolution of the House m which the Commissioners express the opuuou Uisl it it inexpedient to raise Ihe lolls on the pot.|n works. Also, a letter front the Treasurer of the Heading lUilrond Cotupanv, tmasnuUiijg an a*' conul of the artairs ol said Company. Thi. (xiiumiitrie on Banks reported adversely to Ihe auplu-uUoOs Jor the incorporation of lljo prppo *ed Banks at Allentown, Tutimuipie. Jianrille, Lnc, Armstrong. MrueraVille, und llolhdiiy.sburgh: ngiunst a generallrtinkiog Inw, against the repeal of tho law prohibiting the issue of small ante*, against the bills proposing changes in the charters ol ihe Bank of I’eonsylvama and the Carlisle sit Hartk; and against chartering the Spring (»ur den, North Leb&nuu, and Middletown Savings In atitutjoaa. The laine Committee tepurled iavoru wrißj *° reduc ?^ o *oek of the G *• • bills paxaeiifiaaijy^ inih othenf of 'totinporttuachitracier. ‘ ; ' •*• kill to.extend the charter of the Laacasi ter Savtogx’ Institution. . - ' An act to'incorporate U e Western Insurance UJOipany of Allegheny. ~ An act to incorporate the Atlantic and Ohio Teß e E rn pa Company. ex * en^in £ l ‘ lf limits of the borough of An act for the rul»*( of Uu-h Irvin, and others. luri^ a S)m^ rporatC Mariulic- A UJI relating to dam* In ihe cj arioQ river . ® U PPletnrnt to an act, entitled “An Act to *W»w«re, Ulugb, Schuylkill, nod Sinquehiuu. RmlroaJ Company’ ’ l,any.“ " rl “"“T"™ l ' lh« Peon Mining Com- Imi.n'lir^ih 1 l ° 1 i“ 'Mi', [ll- runlrihmora In the ne« .1 m «“ " “ d «>"- Chu I, f il, 1' y °, "* R«h>cmed Church of the 1 oiled .Stairs. uJwm""'’ W “ U,te " »“• «T Comm,lire of i: V ,-„A aj„„ amt „ f iom |>j expire. John Pctten, ol \'ermonl, lo hr Mumhal of the [ (•iiedMaien lor llie district of \ ennont, in the platv of Jacob heal, whose comoussion is about 10 expire. Samuel I) King and W.lham Thompson of Washington, lo 1* Jusiioes of the Peace for the county ol Washington, in the District of Columbia. coLi.serous or niK ctirroitJi. Ja>>eph 1. Nyc. Saco, Maine, vii*e Iclmbod Jor don, wlmw cominisjion expired. Thomas Hedge, Plymouth, Massachusetts, vice Win, Morton Jael'soh, whose comroisaion ei]nred. James bonngiie. New Haven, Connedicut, vice Norris Wiico*. whose commission expired. naval oifjcsu. C harles Hudsjin, Boston, Massachusells, vi Wm. rarnieuter, wbo*e commiswon expired. „ George Howland. Tiverton, tt. vice A»a Grar, whose commission expired. Wm. IV Grrene, Prov)dencc, It. (. vice t) K Seamans, whose coniiuission expired. JOB PaiHTIRG. IHI.I. MKAIrs, CAHDy. CIIICUI.ARP, Nanxftsix, hail Lading, Contraett, I jaw [UavL HASU BII.LS. LARCIJ, rKBTmcATKA, fIIKCKS, rounn, Ac Ac , Prinu-it a> the iilei»c[): |i is wuh pica lire 1 iioml l llls inv rrrtibcnle. (lesufyuig lo the gen, rn!:jK,poisri:y e>< Dr M innie's Amerienn Worm !|r. Munroc. steme tim .isioii 3 n-e-<| a ..w |,ouic* in my own latmly. 10 Hi gi.0.1 -tier,. | r:i ., ruily ic-ufv Tim Imlunce I sola t Ul| rnsiomera. ami loumJ on ncjuiry. Ih*l 11 gave ver griinral *uii-la-non Otoaui MaXwkli^ AIU'U«U. I srrtili Co Ohio Ja ty y?. For m<■ w ,m, ; .ion „i J KIDD A Co. ini-hiu ras*'! * Urn.* Si.iar I'rrjmred by J W. KeHy. Wtlli.uii .Heel, N V mnl lof sale l»y a Jayne*. No .le o'l'll'l l rr rerl ( ri "* '* lll '*'“'>‘l a ■L-ligldiiij BrlM s Urn.** -A'. ui.pmvrU CW.oiuic prep u r lion. I etug .1 rt. ml.nio 1 1.,» ol i tycon nui, nuioceni. 1 viKofaum; ami imlaiai.'c. ircommemlct] pani ul.m> foi mvand.. W Baker. Dorrhc let Ms- , S..U lor .*!e |,v A JA\NKS, alUiel> a 1 r 1 More, No ?U Kouilll iL m<-lilt Improvtmcnli In Dentistry. I)H <• ll STKAHN>. Injc of Itonou. is prrpsrej mmimji iuri; •>■loit ;n|J w. PI. Wright. AI. I)., Dentist, loi P M. " tepH-ly Srtr*»rr»l n - Cnpl \V A Cr*Sl.To.-t will be »up poried for Hi* 01 1 c- •> «*l,-rur «uu>cri in Ihe nora.iia- Uun w llir A-.,fii j . ii, i \V*hn; Coarnv I onvciiMnn. 1; Fj-.»th Waed, Pirrstason. PsornoaoiAat Ihe Wines 01 AUerheny coentv WID urge tbe elaana oi WM. J MAH KS, mr a notuma liob u nut ofier w Uir r.wniog Coouty Conveauon. Mr «. 1* a good Wlug, ami u every way competml to di*ch«rre ihr duim or ihe, and deserving a nominal,on by lire party ALLKsncsT CorTrr nvrh’Ar.dJlAwil* C DIKD, rm. Sunday, m IVrblei lownabip, James B«own voungr.' child o( Aiirrd W Maris. K»q.. in lus 7ii year riHIK \ ERV BEST CITY itADK NIIIRTS. X COIWBTS and StIOCLDBR BRACKS PLAIN AND PASCY NIGHT CAPS, COL LARS, CItAVATS. nARDRBROtIIRFS, bit all o r SEWING neadv es-i-uird*t M R HKNDKRsON'sk _m< -a:;i* N»». ISL Cia»r street. r pMtH NJ H\ MKKCIIA.NTS—\V R- Aloarirx aa» i new at iu« Wholesale Dry Oooda Rooms, nofiii r«.t r tlT .,, r ol Aih aivi Market ttrreu I‘ittsbiirrb. 4 lull .up(.l) ol irexh Sprisc Goods, muJeding newest oi t’ruiix (.inghatn*. 4c_ and Itiviie.* aa cumimll.un ol In* aim-ir Kiuran. e m \t tiolr A A none M*n in a w'h-lejttle and r< IT tao l>ry Good* Store Apply at bi» Market »t mchdu-tlif WANTED, B\ a Mamrd Man. a .tuiauo.i as Book Keeper. Ueri or Sale*maa, m a *tnre or manutaelory -Most renpertablo rererem-ea can be given Address "A H. (... l.azrtte edteo. mchdOutn* Administrator*’ Notice. i. hereby given that letter* of Aiiministr*. 11 lion have been ranted to the undersigned od the C*ute ol Andrew sipfool, late of Ka.t IVe? townshtp, A ’egliri-r count?. deceased All person* bavine c atm. ttgam.t the e.iatc ol *»«) Creen'W, uitt nreseni incm prop-riv nutbsimctttcd for settiemem, and JL 11 ' fcK I'«S"'T 1 '«S"'T •- JOHN KKNKDY ( Adtn ijuiratora. me ntS-dIU / 1 ARHCTHNUT has conuaenced to receive a larr- ■fsorimnu ofKtmey VARtKTY (itM)DS . pttriof Artiheial*, Ribbon*, Ho-’ ■irry. (.lores, ctapo. Cambric*. Netting*. Imre \r.l* Mi*w|., longec it&iidkerehrefs, grata OravnU. KiiHtuam and ri.tton Handkerchief*, corded Skins, viewing auk. 1 bread*. Hatto.ia Combs, Jewelry Onb ley. .( 4c C«c„„y city m.rebuu re* peetfully mvur.d lo call and examine bis stock No <4 V> ood sireet, corner oi Ihamond alley mehso' B. J. WILLIAMS, No I” Noam Stmt Stuibt, I'IIILaDELPHLa \rFiNmAN BLIND AND WINDOW SHADE V MA.VI f ACTI UKR, (Awarded the hrxt and high o«;MedaUatil.e New York, Baltimore and Hhilldef. ptM.-i Lihmuioio for tike aupenarity of lus Bhads, with conlitiaed eouhdence in in. manufaciurrJut*ks the at tetiiion ol purehuser* to bn as»onpn-nu<6r*iui« Bltnd'i u! nario-.v and wide xlnta, vriih fancy and plntn Trim ininy*, ot new «tylri and color* Ai«o, a large and jri-< ral assonmeut oi Transparent Window Shades, a.I winch he will »e!l *• the lowct c:i«h prices, l) il Miimtr painted mid trimmed 10 look cnual to new HP- DEALERS SUPPLIED on hbcrsl i. mu. 1 lir I'jfi/r.iF of Allrfhcii)- Poumjr art' rc^ciiuM)' ■' ~,,' i u> -all br/urr l*uJ'lnjr rU. ivlirrr—confident or •■ ‘Mil- all. Ojk-ii m ibe .•vcn;»• used in the treatment of chjomc roin|ilmiit(vO'ojni'liiiit», too, winch arc uiuroamue ev '■ry year,).it uhisi he u natural wub to a«e iho auerei* o( a method l.y which n» many uyfortunato aullerrra will be fr-ed troiti thru pain* and mlirtniues. rile huving praetmd aurce«fuilr thta method l«»r eight ve»r« ni lu« Hydropathic e*tnljt*l>. meiH, wim-h nua Wen mUrgod ami inj prm.-dm ail in. pa;U, and lit every reapect, i» iyow rovJy !.» reoeive an.l uodomntodnie patient* who may rJnni»e to place Uieuuctvr* under Ina rare. ,kill and rliTnenee IlAitKisi't Mar.-h Ir> IMitl-ppliuri'. Mtunt.-.l npc-n the let! bank of the Ohio, ippixitc the mouth of the Utc lb-nver. t* well known or it- refreahttic nnd «nlii!.nou« atmosphere, it* do ■ ghtiui ijuieinr** and charming onto rat scenery. com- ' 'cry re*,uiailo to mnder the sojourn ol theiu *d d nxt-eal. e. and contributing not a littie to n-e«- hMi-;i tm|iair*'jin. ‘I *•- ■•Klahlfiimenl. -‘i- him started in the Umiod ‘.at-,*. coutHii,- eveiy Uiiiik, hutb for pleasure and notion,. m.•utnied to maure a apeedy and happy ler iiiiiiiioii til the ailment'* ol the Pniietu. ■'“'i" wi-h'iig t« uvmi thentfelTvs of the advania here nllerecj, will plra-*r address the »üb*criher In;, r ipmit paid.i »::ttu-i! n» near a* possible the r on their liln»--« :jm l nirahiliiy hy the Hv.liw’dluir itmeiit. and ni.*n wh ui w ill t>e nece«?ar/ tor itiem (g alone, lor turn r»j.rr nl an,i pcraouftl use I‘n.hpetmrk, Ltoaver county. p a . (tariikXM-rs —-Key •( Ktiltkei!), Armstrong; Y. D t’ urk, Kaq do. Mon Thoma* Menry. Denver. f*a : Dr Kaiker, do, Plot CM KUiot I'itUhorgh, l*a , 1.. C Perkin*, K*q utiio, Kev >. li jkoeed. New Albany Key ft! Aim. I’rtiteeion, J, T 1. Elation, (£aq New \ tirh, Ur i'll kVinlef I'hUtpshurg, Me.' i onnel |'iii<«bureti, A Uajweit, inrhtlU I AUDUII. Hi l.i-t* vMii'.fr tiruned Lirii oil Jj in I*l.up mid r..r »«»:< I»y ui.-hai I ) V CANAI.’-- N e iuvf JUM recnvrtj a 10l or new I> »i)i. Irco.-i, (.n..n * , '" t,i,f * *" d «««! rolorcO XV u,|,t '-l-irk kul <||»VR». «i«s, Jut( l-y 1 ifrrh‘» l‘:unii Line, atul lor na'e by m ‘ HJACKLKrT 4. WIIITK I A U Ij-iy M-N No I, -j lull ilo. 5 kg» do, ÜbMt.No 1j now irotu «lmr Dolphin: tor *ale bv 'HAIAJIDICKKYiri Prom.t VCON HUKS~fI B * "* .. .. ISAIAH DIUKKY \To I^KA TURKS- :« .srk. oi |.rimV*.,u.j,r>" TtoVlaod r ing from Mcmer Dol|.|, lß , , ftf ,‘ ai( . b i* . »flch-JU ISAIAH DICKEY &Co —° 6 ''S"' from mrainrr Dolphin, fur Knlc hy «nch!» __ MAJAU DICKEY A £o WATCIIKS*-CloM «ud Mlvrr of ev«ryde»e n piian 4»d at regulftt Eattern prices, warranted, and just opsncd t«y mehso W W U’n,qn^ OPPFCIAL. IPFaMUENTS BV THE «Xk, DC>t . OF THE CUSTOIIA. 20 0 0 PHKMiU M BLIS U 8. PlUl.l Pj>iU'KG, I’a. iriipuinu m order 10 dreide and ud- Rlnv AUI) A«-KKK, W D Proprietor O HI-ACKBI.RN A Co 4PCTION cSALES, By John D. D.»J,,^ 0 j,ojste»..' &,rmar-J**„wu r., }\n,,6 fob „J a Batting, only about one i„.i ,„,. Cn “"wn In U«f ( couipmmg— l jiajf j.' rpu .|. u a„T, rX^r,>i *® order. do rr i i *T', 1 do; one eplcudid pUwh leaiiclCAiei,.- . « f do do -i. r ir,. r iu.h burtuw iMltotaur „,j 1,,,,;,.,. ..I “" Ouo hlith *i™i b>«, p...i l.m,i n „d<; , JJTTt?’ Bra.*,!!,, .t,,!, .„j cl „,’^; £"7“, b * il *"? ■'*■' ...I ,loih. \v„"£, rr b, "r n ’* n,H «7,r;, fcjlcbeti ntenul* aju itmuiun-. a, 1 1 * ions II DAVIS. Aur. Credit Stile of Syri ii ~ On Tuesday, Mli ,n.i & ai |o nvioek at 1 h„ C—""’■if s ”'" «•—«. »> street*. will l* *<>.d on a credii „i yu £*! orcr S!UU,a lar*r ...voice ot fashions::* , prm? line. consisting oi n id pair* caMimerr pants; tin do p a j 0 A | lo Jo u w do »tnp*d satinet do; 43 do heavy lined drill do- so do *up«r Mk satinet dt»; 4{- do fancy ctssimere do- -j| do rxira tine blk do do; (Xl extra tinnhcd iu-crd cniiti 4d tine tweed coats; «0 fancy summer ve«w; cas.micm and ■aiiinet do; fine shirts, bine mernmar and hicko ry shirts, Ac mcbl» JOHN D DAVi.s, Aur[ Executor*' bale of a Dry Goods Store. On Wednesday morning, Slit msL at if o clock, and continuing from day to day, at 10 o’clock. A H and u o'clock. 1 .M , will he sold without reserve, by order of the executor* of Wm W Penrus, deceased, ni the store in the Diamond, the entire large stock of Dr) Goods, many of which arc of the latest 'tries and pat terns, having been porohaaed within a slihrt time in ihe eastern cuiea, compnstne in part aboot «JU yards su per dress siiks, moos do lames, cashmeres, alpacas, yds aasoned priat*. tickings, lickings, checks, mi. ported and domestic gingham*, colored cambric*, lu- ’ B , wm . a J,' a esunbrte miulms, barred and country nannsls, red flaimols, satiactu. jeans, cojlonades, btuc dnIU, country linen. ,i_, of bonnet and can ribbons, Jj":! S'-«. =»!». , „h -silt i iIV * *bawU, site parasols, linencambnc and “oauiu SJI 1 m * ,r * U “' '"aw and I cotton, patent threads, needles, tapes wuh the u.uartanT"?? * nd ° lpac ;* cl *“ k '' u, R ell,e ' large retail store fancy arue, *» contained in a nun™X“" f“ h currency, over Siu Ibrcc endorsed tun,, f \‘ 11 mouilis credit, approved. r-uy.pcr. Iria, JOHN DU*VlsfAucl AMUSEM£KT& C.X TORTF.R. T“ K . ATaK ' Mr Webb snll appear** T i »ha I, March au. will acted tb«- * PKR ALPINK. BRfn’HERS. Mim i: Uaieman 'f*'» K Bueiahu •*l f Uatrixua lt ••• ’Mr«. M- 1 f]imun Tu which will b« aHO«WAI.S willlra toco,rod m ||, r „ r f> ihe JL Ptltahurgh Wuier Wot**, au*l Tuesday. VT-I. ir**i. at 5 o'clock. P. M-, lor furnishing Water Pi«e« a . follows, yii: 1 134 pipes •* m. l*orc, weight each 4t» fb« UW - C - - - .. :wo .. 3*l " 4 - •' •• . tw The fi and C* la be C o»i ou end m dry land ike 4\ hi whir.™-*, rompicm'ciiu „• branches to be furni.krtl ut the *ajur rai. „ Vi\ S , HI Aim. H.U N.J " * th- »««.!«■ <;u*i;juiy Uy the 6r>t oay cl Jun 1 a* oieitu la l»t' to Bonds branng ini*-r.-.i jrdhav i«lf ‘JO )r»i» io ran ’ re.Uk* and, 1? lo be m ike expenw o< toe " w, "‘SS; 4 tu J " ■' ,VLau^''^ < \PIi:M -50 lt.« nr* r,.,,,. (IMI w ,, , mi le . t „ r b V/ HA 1 AilM'.-s-rtn’K «-o melcfO i orn-r i.t and vfood su ULLNINK- 75 ounces tee'd a„d fo T aaic py _ BA PAILNKSTOOK* Co /'IOPPy.RAf*-- 150 kbit juFt rerd and for «»Je i,y '- / mrtt ' Jo U A PAHNKSTOCX \Vo M 1 bb '» 0r1.0a,. ju-t :a»d,n K irotn stiar Moiionrabela; for sale |»y 6 !“ eb * F VQN BONNH4IRST& i!/> \\7 111 IT. BKAN3—2O bb!s for tale by f* metrSi S F VON BONNHOKST A. Co UfiCXWlp—iasdoz, vaimaaqaaluira.fur *alr VJ'F. melt*) S F V(JN BO.\NJIoaBT ACq P o !^^® 8- ** 0 * ki «* d far .ate "by 4 ■«*!>_._ ARMSTRONG* CRQZER PORK—A small 10l tery (ond,iuit tm'il .n.i ARMSTRONG AQBO2KR BACON—*® pet city smoked, for talc by _ ARMSTRONG A CBOZER BUTTKR— a M>B Roll Buaer. jttii rec'd and for sale mcua) ARMSTRONG A CROZER LARD— *i keg. No 1, for ealehy ” oi ’ aD _ar\wronoackorkr ESC I.ISII ASD CLASSICAL ACADEMY (Room, m ihe Ikl Preifiyicnon ChuruM T*“. w ; “ r r ILSOTpu™ u“ i. r bo,ou4 m. rhs PnßcipalUatded tn Ute.emtportiu.t dnu M bv ftVrn^m f J^ or «T r atisaiamettti* eminently oaif p'LS,“:?,Kc£, l ."*“"‘ b! ' -pccoßKoi.yx . saasewe l^ 6 - *■ «*r- I* CATXJN, Principal. utk&esvzs. H ■ 'a fSS,?,! 1,, linn SVv , ’ K D U “ >•«*« laOOOUS, : ffjjsssst, &»s tt. H. Beeson A £o\ .No SU Market street otehlSdSw A T m "; o I l aKßriu-S-T..,' re,e,«.r., ULOVllS—Ladie. .uper kill. ligtn and d, rt rDlof . meu . dm femlemei,'. and l.die, + mi aae* lisle and eotion. • HOSIKBY-Ladlc. eottoa, lead. blk, wane, „, Itd and unbleached: at]an’, do: ladle. «uper Kneliah 1 ~|e • pun and hne Silk; La.hmere, plain and rlbed clip dreu s white ami mixed cotton do LACES AND FJX3INHS— Thread and u.c-ede in«s. laslc di.d % icionne do, Swigs a»d l’acfo„J ,t„ Lisle and Thread Lacca, Ac laa '"" 1 Uo ', Floored Nett*, lor copes a*d e a .„. „ ew , tV lev—a large assortment 1 * . pi, l c t ““'•""'d 'Midi lih and M.rkei »tr. Wholesale Kooms Op stoiTs. rnrhi'i BA FAItfnSKICK i CWanji Balnani ha. . been eminently noccfiil m th. .rre.i and ,3“ oi Coa jh. .one of which were of violence 1 “ J lon ( ■“"‘■m* Seacre. pen,, m ihe tireiuu and hsvo yieldcrf to tla virtues. aud-many soOe'-ers relieved. It. cunuivo power, are undoulneii. a„,l le.led by a large number o. ceruhraie,. || with areal earn, and from iußredien i. wind, are i nn,' ly af t ,eat hcuefil la all palmoaaiy affection, The Affenwor Out plec*-will give you an vniairf grau» r m which you wjil find more njoplp deto.’u “ Prepared and sold Isv a A. FAUNESTOCK A <- 0 C * r . n . e . r e 0r j Kir * t * nd Wood streets: eormr fiiui and Wood sta. mohl!> , VKSTINOSU / 1 r.NTi, call and see the choicest vannr ever oder ed? and Camelin Cravats, at price* von rnn’t >*» ve CI.OTH BTOHK. Pom Uuildmvs. onrmr fiAh sod Wood »w, ineblCillw the largest bread IN PITTSBURGH OR ALI.EIiIIKNV At ilir Mg it of the Shraf, Penn *ire« t, out. Ji. wf k,,,,, O'Hara sireri MI.RIUJY will sell Kiybl Loxvr>. i l|, 0I • each, or Iti} lbs. of lTrcad, made Irani i|,,- U-i| Klaur ih>* market will added, ter S 5 ccu(k,<-n»h; ami j or ca.«li omy wtll hr sell. Customer*. both wholeaala anti retail, can be «rrvrd with ilur hjtira |,arge Loaf, from bis through ike city every morning. K Ue*nic», hr ha* always mi biml DyspopMa oud |{y r Bread, and freak Ru»k», inornutg am] uftentuuii i) r . der* left at his store *haiJ l«e amended to imncmMiv mcHtfrdJt Jg' ! ' NK ff 6 OODS. R. H. PALMER, OFPEH-S FOHSAU-; AT LOW PRICFA a r„M siionmfm of * J J al Milan edge Braid ' P a " d ' Rich Lauu, Fancy and plain «imu, 4e. ftp •»■<«>■« »*- f'&nnma, Mnnill,, Palm SDume, HATS, for mun mid boy. ' ,hJ lionntl hud Plain Kibtmus; lloonol Silks; Artificial Kinu;i.|* l Ac * c ™ 'VaiAoaaaTto Mark,, " P«»»ot Gold Waahera, 1 JKESON* gom f In llalKorm, cuu 1.0 fn„ 8 1,..d » 1 Ilir 1.t.1 Paiemeii UnlJ Waalier Dial |,c» y-1 l-r.i - - -? cl| i 7 A ' s no ei L sZ\ ;; „ WRKAT INVENTION*— VALUABLE DISCOVER V Patfst Saccaao JaNCavT l,:. PaUrti rrots-lex'tt rrtmsion Tabks. Uustatt ». Pool Cases, Writing Dais. LKVKROF WROUGHT IRON TA|H»KB far surpassing w*rT oiher n- A venuon of the kind now. extant. The\ t,. rt ir.uited Irom i«-n U> iwemj-kve feel, and n hen ■ io» eouo ttuse room, aud Convert a nlcfpiiiA uiio a imrlor or ruling room, as they can be otiencd and shut at Convenience, and when spui, itic t>eodtng U nnetoa ed. A *rp“t win* in room and rent. All the L.-d -sleada when closed form a teAMuni! piece of.furnllare for a parlor or Killing tovm. BtKJK UAfcKS— A neni and useful Article lot parlor 0/ drawing room. W RITINO DESKS - For lawolljce*, coallbii* roouia and other entices; wnen opoood b mostuoavemeu Iw-d Stead, When closed a perfect Desk and Library übst* ssswri o £ rci&sss ssf"? u Vfiufi ~,«L K.i.Wr,b - », “ »J,«iil»l,t, Uu, hit ftoor inioi bin. ve iDcfilfi jAjJtsw vVonnwFi,, STEAM BOATS (jiscisthati a J bAILV PACKET LINE rrUflS well known line of splendid pa««cnger Steam. JL, er» is nun- eoisjHite-d .of the largest. «wUV*i, bet furnished, audttioki powerful boat* on the waters ot the West. Every accommoda Poo and cost. f«*n iha( moory ran procure, boa been provided for pa*, •enger*. The has been to operation (or Bn years han earned atiulLon of people without the least usjm ry m ineir per-onx The boots will lift at the foot of " wJ Mrret liie dsr previous to starting, for the ree«p> tioii of tretrhl aod tl|p entry of passengers Oft the ruu t'‘r In Klf r&»r« die pusaage money mast ba paw In silriro. _ St'SDAY PACKET. The lAa.m* NKWTViy, Captain HrnipluJl, will Wh V * rvr O r Sunday inoriaitg at lit o’clock; MaT'i SU, * J,r evening •' 10 p. u. n. u..vM? osri>AV PACKET, hurvli r v,-r‘. CXpt. t*TO!l», will ICOVC Jtß»* rTrr\ ,1 '' ,y a,or "‘"g at to o'clock; Wheeling ) ..ouo-,, cvc...„, lu »a. The mBFS : iA S “ A .y ( f^ C » tE T. Irate Pillshunr*. . pt J ‘ hdJ Will WEDKKgDAV PACtTh'iiv. ■ , The NEW RNCLAND No. ±££ Vn... every Wrdneaddy » rkK-1. H heeling every Wedneedn?e»ei,ln ™J toj-i* TUCRHDAV PACKET. The URILLIA.VT, Capl. Geack. will !h». ***_ mmiing ai ICIo'cUeA n wSSX every rbarsday evening at 10 r. a. ««ua| „ FRIDAY PACKET. C L .lllf>Kll No. a, Cape P*z» v Dt\-At, will lea>« p every Friday morning irt (Onrlock. ttnSi! •u> every ]• nday evening ai 10 p. *. - ' - w “ NKW !;'SaK5»«a Jssl efaaa . „ , (*U OLiUtGOWA Leave* PiUil.nryh daily,«tp o>Wk «xr n tea ai Glasgow, (mouth ofrthe sSulyled*&a4¥oL i.s4) tu J o'clock, and New Li,boa Jl\. g££Vu&* Leaves New JjsLou :tt do'clock P M ,Tr“ Rt V irrp rmiaJ to'tbr nver during the night] Mid gHLS2 a.tlo'rioeh A. .11., and onfve. .TTB!"anSSS’? U. the. mahin* « contmnoj. line tbr eor? r tS end fte/jb. bemeen New Li.lionrSftffT bueji, ,n .hone, unto uilulai me, riajif „„ other roQte. “ AO r ■**? The proprietor* of thta Lrne hare IhApI.MOT. of la. fomunr Ihe puhho lhal they hero Oiledup twofciSai Caaal Boat., lor the aecoounodatioa ol ('..aenrenare Origin, lo run in connection with .tetiinrr. CALKU COPE nod UKAVKR, at Olnegow. with tto Pitubnrgh and Gm?,. end oilier daily lino of alranmt; down thhoSi and Mi.n*op[)i nrera. The pioyrialon pledra .IST nilrc. m .pare noexoeuaoo, uoabte lo riSre eS ion. .alert and diepaleh, and at. of lha |*nhUo a ahUa oi n,.-u ]>utro!iase. AfiE2TRJ. M. ILARTC.N, > AW. lIAKBADUIL ( P'Urha^k k >. '"Wi n J ILAKUAl'liii & Ck) | Neva L»«bo*a •NOTH’K—The «l«tuocr UKA Vf B_ *’ v !.«*. m ° n ‘"'s iS« ViTTanuuGn* bbowibviujd' Dally Paokx 1.1-. FF.BKIARV IMP FEBRUARY tn. lMg 1. EA VK UAU,Y AT# A. Jl, AND « I>. M. /W'-"* rh " new botu eMokla M-I.ANK, C. P , lUr 110.1, W.I! Ic«„ Uonoug,!^ lile fo«: Ot Rom »u ?M»en»en will U* l,Oßfd »< tlirf boats will cenLaly tei»V«?Xa!£i? t.vrd lioutm A. M. and 4P. M. " Xa^tdry. P *' •tiutmrch *. Uklirni. Packs* Ua>~ FUR CINCINNATI AND LODISVIDLE. tv ■*^ ,e IjHgndld DQW SteSHKr «• U&fetfJp.. , TRLEORAPH Jfo. 1 ■I muter, will lp«Ve for «Um Iri, ~ io"iK,’£ FO"U on every Dai. F.»r frrifhi or ,m*»nge *ppjr Qr Ul/RiIRIDGFI WIL.SON ft Co “.'•t.i* UhU 11 IiLL'I'f^JBEHGKR nnsaußcu and Louis viu.k P.uxMmjx* JL’X'-Z 1 - ti&tisszvzsMZs.t?* ~__ v. 1 .: KO a UILXKNBKBUE&. IT/ • •'■aeicr t*eyion» will le*ve LooimU© Qsr New r»ITo“i rr'rL fn rf*‘ N ° * P*OCato r.f.J d r,u ha,c bewifd* • '. .. __ -uuuff? A 5r vul * “ d ’“• Lo " U P~kit Llii. REOUI.AR TUESDAY PACKET FOR ST. LOOTS «eo w. WtcU, tew. r iJscSS**"S lutcnnCiUajß pom * w Looirrm*. BEUUIaB SATURDAY PACKET FOB BT.UJHI3 JCT 3 B^. 6 ” r "Lv‘ni&, ,, “* rat " m«ter. will learo for ”f a,# * Ba » Jie above aitd uuenaeduuo 00m e**. ry SaWrtfar, ai 10 o’clock, p. u. *»™ «*•* Ft>r freiyhs or apply on board, or 10 R C, KJNO, Noira FOR ST LOUIS AND ILLINOIS RIVES. iv The new and light draaritt paxaen- UMvAtsfecV *-' or I.AMABTXNg, Awean. master, wiU leave ioi (he above ajtd sH?!flS!SE¥lr v** lor iwight or passage apply on board, or to - “c&J 31 GEO B AULTENBKWfIgP fty FOR NASHVILLE /f k The splendid steamer -* intermediate ports on Wednesday SUt mat. at JO o’clock, a. «. - For freight or passage apply oa board, or to - maf2 ° FBTnorew k Co, Agt» REGULAR PACKET FOE NASHVILLE v The fine steamer Hasten, master win leave for above «i*r®tTri laiermediate port* on Wedn&adav the t!GI tn*L at i o’clock, r. sl tor freight or passage, apply to tnchXO 7W BUTLKB A BRO. Agent* FOR ST LOUIS AND ILLINOIS RJVEH. ' " / »K The Splendid fast ntnninjr steamn . haihwopnt, . Ebbert master, will leave fit* 54.7? e-Do,. For freight or passage apply on board. ms«SO. r)r lguisvillr K Fhe splendid new 'tieazae* IR^^rTyil ol '’"'' l ' (fir Um ° r P»«as-»prilT on O, w . KITIGRtTW A Co, Arena' WHEELING AND SI'NFISH PACKET iffliSH::: ■HBflß&alfiaiar packet between Whedmr and Sucfisk, leaving Pltikbnrgh en^Mo* • For fr ,nS ’ ***** ™***rbt SmSt£ hor fretant or passage, applyoa board, or to mrhli J NEWTON JON&lA« FOR WABASH RIVER. WMnncSiai, po, u d ,, ’"'i' 11 afifify on hunLvr lo 1 wavTon jqnct FOR BT. LOUIS ' “ j&SJt "■* 'wofiMTe ror o» toy, Ito ldi. r„„? c Ck ' nl S n “ d “"o porta ontUf mTio'“ “ *®j r M to»r.!, or lo , FOR ST LOUIS. iTVfcaw* k fbo Kleamcr 4/ t). ADA VS, ■SSBL.^'r 1 ? re BgT'wji> tew, on flan-. M 9 r ’ A. W. -- - 1 !«T!gke>v> Siiites": FORJSANKSVHjUi, v KKi.ulAa sfr. Louis liMKfiE"™ “ ,/T llhr ' > " tk Tie fast ruiuilna steamer . • - 'i&MS? .rr ‘gNNSVLVANIA, MTnrrr^W.i. K 0 Gr . , Ti'stari*v«-:,i ripUoa. Foe. frr.ebt or £,££***** * os to W fi. “f piy “ n .“ M A 1 w s»iu"'u !,'SV,fe REt-t LAK * /fv»«s«— fw i“C fine steamer IArSyWO , . 2ACIIARY TAYLOR U heelmir. IcuvmePiiubarah .».„»? to J»v *ud Fiitiay. a * heTcry M6€HUy,W«dj^- "[.'.lh » P "'*«L'Wr to town. Aml lio k* *® l ,?"';- |,AB SKRSUUR(I, '■■Ni S pon nml , ntonlwli; ™ <** ?rt d °L“ *“” «a io, mgrio L H WATERMAN S -j do Kefs I_d1 _ do _ roll Beni.t'Yif' ‘-'V 0 * Wa«i, Board*, bbl. W|,ii« “**«•*, lUwcka Fnihe,* b do* Htcfcoiv Broom*, for ■**" b y. irb'JN JO WILLIAM* iiu*U «jn*d PcttcJ»c»; Ui bx* i lud | .• .***''“; ‘ bbil Pbl/Hp*’ r*US PtHdjy A? Ktoiir, jukt landing. J ft DILWoRTH * Co OATS- . 16 sarjr, Ihi