The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, March 17, 1849, Image 3

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For the Pltubarfh Daffy Oeiette.
Wiuiiioio'io.t, March 16 —0 p. w.
Mr. Atchison w»« elected President pro tern,
tlie gcnate confirmed the appointments of Charles
\V;-Rt>Olrwell, Commisaioner of Customs? and A llall,
ofTtmiesseev Register iif the Tfaasyry.
Several promotions wtere announced for ine S>H<*
I’un.AURLPHU, March IC—>j yu.
The DetnoeraUr Governor has been cUfoiCd
Two Democrmi«, one Whig and one &Jppende»l,
bare been elected to Congress. .|k .
Lotnsvaj.K, March li, Ifrp.i.
The President'* Inaugural Addfe** reached New
Orleans by the O Retily Telegraph line,’[through the
Mississippi Valley,) mdcli m aoyance of this :*«*ab©ard
Cnm following Telegraphic despatch was received
a| tbit office yesterday inormng, from Capi Biunmr.
of the steamer Caroline']
StKOßKrlvtLt.K, March Ifi, 1 tin.
Tlie steamer Caroline was ruti into last hiehe shout
2 O'clock, by the steamer Consignee, one lin'e above
lUu place, and sunk uumhdialely. Boat ami'cargo lo
tal lots. No live* lo*t. x
PiuutHELrmA.Marvh p. st.
- F]/oor—There is no marked change from •yesterday,
bat the market is, if any thing,! duller Good brands
ore held at 84,75 per bbl.
Grain—The market for Whehl bus a downward leo
dedey. We note sales of prime Ted it Skpcrboth—
tome dealers demand 81,04. There is a g*od demand
ffirjCora, with aal c* of prime yellow at
■proTisioqa—The market baa a downward tendency
for: PCrk nod other bog product*. Wi uaic *»u-« of
Mrtka Pork, western, at 81 1 per bbh tales of Hams in
plekle at 61£f70. Sides—sa/es'iii in, Shoul
ders at 4l&4|c. Lard is dull, with talcs in htils at
Whiskey—Sale* In bids at 231 c
BsLthuoks, March IG.fPp m.
The market is unchanged.
noon asroaf-
'Mincii If—!2m.
floor—The demand it much less tbau -it was; bin
thgxe is no change m prices. We note sales of 3,300
bbls at former Tates. '
Grain—There have been no sales - of Wijeoi worthy
Of report; bat Cora it fijraerajfd in We
note tales of 83X00 bushels of damaged Oilcans Corn
4tV?4?Wfl. ' Sales of prime yeilovb at 53c.
4 provisions—No new feature to notice Lard ts ben-
Motion—Tbeic irs moderatc„fair demtupl, at prices
th favor; of basiness. S&let ofSWJI) bales comprise ihr
transactions of the day.' ; '
Groceries a/e held pt lie highest figure*.
Whiskey- -Sales at 2Jlc par gal. iu bbls.
The Stock Market b dull, with a downward tnn'en
<jr. Sales of Treasury Notes atlWJc.
Naw Yoaa, March if—d p it
’ We brive no change to note. \
Money. Market—Sale* of Treasury Notes st
U. 3. riui atilSi. -The stock market it dull.
llte weather is very pleat ant
_■ f March‘l6 G P. M.
, - floor—Prieeato-day were uo«inal.
• Whiskey—Sales of 401) bbls af jsie.
(air at former rates, 4{S4f
; Cpffeef-Sales of Rto. at 7c; of Imguyra at former
.- . . ...
- Molasses—Soict from store at 35c,
previsions are without change, with a.quiet market.
STAVING purchased at three of the: largest Facto
id riet in the Hast, {New York,. anil
iuuofe,) a large assortment o'f the newest and trioiM
improved styles of PAPER HANGINGS, BORDERS,
Aeb and made arrangements by whieh 1 will be ena
bled to procure all new Patterns, sinrallahcou* with
-lheir appearance in the Eastern' market, 1 .would in
vito the attention of those desiring to have tlfeii house*
papered ;wiili the latest styles of paper, -to call and
eXumineixby stock,before purchasing elsewhere
tgthave nowpn the way from liic-Kasi, 304 W pieces
of .Gold, Balin Glazed, and common, rupee Hangings,
whieh t han sell at prices ranging frora 13] cu to b 2 t>
piece,' tbsUIS • HILI., fc7 wood *t
friO COUNTRY MERCHANTS— Sfs rrtI A Johnson,
l!;48 Market street, can self-you hosiery cheaper
than they can replace them—having bought them at a
large package sale previous to--the advance in pnee.
They can sell yon straw BouncU und Variety Good*
ox cheap as you can buy there of Eaaien* Jobbers
Come and see. mchli
-CUJNDRIES—23 bbUNo t 2 hail;do do; 5 kg*
O'do dp: dbbls Grease; C likdc Bacon; 3 bbN
7JB sacks Feathers; t do Ginseng; 10 tierces 13ai»rcil:
-15 bbls ilo] 37 bags do; 6 bbls Ueans, small while; 5
bags do, to arrive—for sale by
mchlS ISAIAH Dlt-KKV A Co, From «
| # I-13 Liberty street, have
just received their SPRING STOCK of goods, rom
priking a large assortment of articles in then line, to
' which the attention of purchasers is- invited.
'-mcHIS . -
Hand Quarter! for Boot* and Shoes,
•Coruetof Fourth aod Smilbheld streets,
J - • ' • • - PtrrtßCkoß, Pa.
TROTH A commenced efrln
Atlf the general Boot and Bhoe Lukincss; AV|J
r wholesale and retail, would respectfully ¥
Invite the aUennoa of their friends and the pobli' gen
erally, td their vpleudtd new stock, consisting ef mens,
waaene% boys’, mii(et r and childrens wcar-of every
variety, suitable for the season, And dt prices to tail
the. umea. A splendid >tpticlß of home made work,
•och as getttlerooD’s'iine Boots, ladies, busses ana
childrens fine work.' Please call and rxarnme for
yotirselves. TROTH A^COTT.
1 s corner '4th and Suttthfield »l*
N. B.—Traveling Truiiks, Carpet Bags, Ac Ac , aii
wavs on band ana low for cash- • •
<Hmotry merchants would find n to theiricitcrcst to
giVc us a call when visiting the city. m-bl4_
Canal Boat Fumltort.
IIIAVE on hand and for wile low, Bank Frame*,
..Mattresses, Pillows, Comforts, Qatits, Sheeu,
Cushions and Trimmings of all kinds.
ttchMaPl WM, NOBLE, Third stre*t.
A GIRL to do houscwotk. One who thoroughly
understands her business, and eon give goou re
ferences, can bear of a; permanent situation, at fair
wage*, by applying at this office. incnl4:du
r Bancat t’a J*M tat Soda Ash
On*ICASKS jnsireceiord per steamer* Wan hoe
4Aj£t and St Cloud, ana tousle by
\V &
piehl? ■ 160 Liberty «
I HAVE 6 Marble HoAumenfe, a! my old stand on
Wo6d street. Should any person want a Monu
ment, ) will sell aLYcrT reduced price*, bktyreen thu
and Ist April, to sav&tM labor of removing them to
my pew susd at the head of Wood, oo Ltbeny street,
at the corner of Irwin's alfey. 1 •
maifrtf • * EDMtJNPWILKINS.
California Wtgtms.
A FEW WAGONS intended tor emigrant* going
to ju*t finished and fox sale at the
Wagon establishment of TflOS. HARRISON. Penn
sylvania Avenue, half a mile from -the Court House,
'mnrfhdtf • : .
Iron wtd Ball#*
TITHE undersigned, acting at Ageau in this city for
X the Troy Iron Works, ani now receiving supplies,
and they will he pleased to ejteCnte orders for IRON*
and NAILS, on the mast favorable terms.
marlthdlOt ‘ 'y_ CwHtnitsiou Merchants.
r» Jbnwojt, 46 Manet ktrcet, are now opening their
siqck offspring Bonneud Ribbons, Silks, Laces, Crepe
Luse t Ae> Dealers and[olbcrs are. invited to call and -
examine them. marlS
TtrHITE GOODS—Jiim merited atsdfei A Jonis
yy ms’s, 46 Market street, a fall sloc?of While
Gpods, comprising every variety of Jaconet, Cambne
add Swiss Muslins; check, plaid and figtt do. Bishop
Lawns and Book Mmdint, Tsrlalans, embroidered
Mnilinsfot curtains, Ac.; to which they would invite
jhe attention of dealers and others. marltt
AN examination of Teachers will be held at the hth
Ward School Hour, on Saturday, the 17tn test
Tfollmoabßa of moral characterwil) be expected The
fismalb department will commence «l 10A. M—ibe
able at B r. M- THOMAS DAFT, PresT
HIDBS-7W Qity Slaughter, and Western Fhni
Hides, on'hand and fer • hie by
rochlfi WM. YOUNG-4 Co, 143 liberty si
pwRIED APPLKS—OI bosh dried Apple*. just rec’d
\J and for sale by ' Cfl GRANT,
meblfl 41 water »i
/■'jLaEIFIEU SYRUP—3O bW» Clarified Syrup, lan
ly dinir front »tmr Schuylkill and for taiu.kiw by
mchlfi_ JAMia/&ALZKhL,jwu»?tjt_
NC. TAR—4O bble North Carolina Tar, in' »tore
• and for eats by mehls JAS DALZCLL
EPPER-14 bag* Pepper, fa* sale bjr
SALERATUS— 15 caaka Baleraia*, for tale by
me bls WICK k M’CaNDLJ^SS
WRAPPING PAPI n*am» Straw and Ra#
erowp and-medi Je bv*
Jouv, |iwtcrri»nj di
-for sale by
LEMONS- ito bx»
rcct from New Oi
k c.o
X IMI rtami m«dh
100 do
100 do , t . ,
Jut received and for <ft* Paper nr--U»u.«»
of. •_ ihrM4 SC IHUi, = 7w<> ‘* l
T>AGS! fiA(J2*!! RAGS!‘~fcd4h paid for Rnij*. 81
XV tke Pape r W arehousc of SCIIIJI-,
■ mehli , ?7 wtxuJat
BULK PORK-318 pet Built P*rk, laildih# from ca.
rial boat Mrdoia. «od for wJo bv
4JA3IKH »t
"K'LOUR— OOM 8 P Flour, landing from *tmr Ar-
JL rowlme ?t»id (ai ujg |n
bbirr,, ,»i«: • ~ ■
GUM CAMPHOR—On l}anA and for «ulo by
Part | - j KIDp 4 Co
N *|Kjf ASTIC VAENISII—<iu band and for »alr by
ill I J KID 1) A l"-«
"\t lIF-RIS PHIKR-JW |b» on bawl and for «i»lr by
11 BU<7 ; ..^
STARCIt-*- IS bn extra Biarch, for sale by
-. coafiP - ,J 3 P YON BONNHOBST ACo
WniTE I»hANS-20~blii wbhe Delia, for sale by
marlO S f VON BONN HOB.ST t (?y
PEA NUTS--300 bush dn basil and tor aale low 10
close eonsignmom, Hr
lilids new irop,. jnrt rac'd aniTtor aale
LARD— 10 bbia No 1 Laird, Id trlowaml for «afo by
foblO , £i.AVHARBAIjt,H
BROOMS-- SU daz extra quality and fiiiwb;
ii> “ “ i, h«a«h;
10 u 11 ctpti, for *«le by
ft by j JDSV|LU>uMS
• QHIRAB’ Al.K—Drier* for SMraV vrlebrainJ F«oi
•: W iljr Ale, promptly executed fry llic uoderugneil
j i aWoi* Hot the mmufrciurus
: i 3
JT* I*4>**lNo m *•«•
17 Saturday.
id Bondar.
Id MomUr::; 1...........
*0 Ttteaddy,: i
§3SSs£* £
' y. LQRKHZ. RaST. szfiL c.. no.
OmcK, Prmßutin Olir.nn, J •
Saturday Morning, March ir v !«u f '
weather yesterday was delightful, ami hustne»*.
generally showed an increased artivtiy. The river
ronrtimo*. tn fine stage for all ciaf*CA of bouts, and bn.
•mesn along the wharf was quite lively The opening
jof the eaiini, which we notice beljw. will give a new
• impetus to every branch of trade. We may now view
the spring trade a* having fairly opened, and rongrar
utate our Uuioesa men generally upou the cheering
prntpeeta aiiead.
1- LOUR—The receipt* by river were to a itir ex
tejit, and operation* from first hand* and (rout stoic
shufcevl no m-.iicrin! rhance from our lust quoted ratev
Wc note sales of 4011 1.1. K on the wti.irl at BXSO, ntid
of Itll VbU at £3,3<i bhl. For large quantities. Ba,;*)
i.< abotjt Uie ruling figure ot the market Iront tir-l
hands. Sales from store have been tu a moderate ex
tew.oniy at sn ttres-i.Tu V bbl
URAfN—'The market i* without ruts materia. . li-jii?.-
iij Whrul arjts Rye, we hear or no wiles worth report
mg, very littlt being on sale in the market Sale* ot
Barley at 15c t* hu, and of Coni at MitSin i.u trout
store Sains ot 4IW bu or wOn wliatf at *£><•. and rrom
'tort we quote at &&30c bo
PROVISION'S— J Considerable activity is mamlf'ied
m Bacon. with <aies in lots of I.UOU to itAkl fts at. ior
Shou Jen. I‘. for Sides 6±. and for limns Ofr V jj,
La'd is dull, with moderate sales duly at s|t\ and Cii
to. in blits and kegs. Butter is also dull, and
will not command from store over Kiltie for roll in
hbls, and for keg. Not much has been damg
in bjilk meat—te hoground is about the ruime rate—
Sale* of dried Beef at <> th.
(IROCKRIES— We notice no marked change under
this head, ever) thing remains steady at lormer quota
tion*. Sale nt ItiO hbts N O molascs at 2Sc, 1 mo*
Sale* Ot fair N O sughr nt 110-Hc, and of pfupr at i&
Hr f fb
Pli; METAL-By the recent rise m the Mleghen)
fifteen metal boats have arrived, but n-w sale*
h:tve as yet transpired. We beard of a sale of I-JO tons
al.tfSb F <ou; tentts not ascertained.
011-S—We quote Uiuecd firm u( Gt>e 9 gall Sales
of Lard nl S&ZktjOc, tor foil and vunler strained
SODA ASH—Sale of «1 cask' at S.Ttl*|c jtt) fi>«
DBIF.D FRUIT—W« note regular laiea. ta liiniicd
lojs. of peuches at 81,12. and of apple* at 55c bu
LRyTUKR—TTie market is mart urtive. with g
slight advance ui lone kinds New York Sole is held
firm at uad Baltimore at 21 (322 c ? fij Sale*
of damaged at l-t&lSc. We quote green hide* at 3|o
4d ? to
.Tiik C*a*t.—The water has at length readied the
J>a«m. and business in that quarter yestenlny bad ms*
► limed a lively aspect. We u<ok u moll through the
numerous large and well fillrd warehouses, and were
•truck with the immense amount of produce <if van
ous kinds which ha* accumulated there in view
the opening of the canal, that period has aMength ar
rived. and the immensity ot the business to be done
daring the coming lew month*, is beyond calculation
;We counted 3d freight boats siaUuued around at ttrt
different depots, ail of which, being,, beautifully repair'
ed and repainted, presented an imposing appearance
They were taking their turn ttt receiving freights and
will soon be on their way to the ’east, richly freighted
with the various articles of western-production
(ißruT FBESnET IM TDK Msl vkk —Tie O. H Journal
of Saturday, say*: A gentleman-who arrived this
rooming from FerryUmrgh reports that the Maumee has
bceiSvisiteil by the Everest freshet over known lo the
white inhabitants. The river, obstructed by ice, mud
carrying off immense masses in m current, must have
nsetl thirty feet The long bridge at Maumee ha* been
► wept away, together *vtlh its abutments A number
ui and 'barns along the bottom* wete canted
s*f?>und. the farms stripped of thyir fences fur a consul
ertilrb- distance. The telegrapli hues riossuij the nvr i
nave been brokeu down and a large amount ,u oil.-i
damage done
M/tssrtELt> ast* !<*:n*is*\ Raii.b.i*:. —The soiouni
attended on account of tin* Railroad. is
i*ross reccipiH lasi y»**r,
ifci Earning*.
Tht» Rood i* now in jirogre** of eoiiMruriion, from
Mansfield to Newark, n distance milm,
will be opened ihe present year
AXirrßKx Aqrsorcr Biexa—Thfc irasporary aque
duct, built to allow boot* to pass M(tlcrcek and arrive
at the Western Bow Bavin, instead of discharging
insight below that stream, gave way after the passage
of One of the State twists. A. boot called the
• Here She Goe» n was crossing, uid from Sjdme cause,
tlce middle or floor of tlie aquedOr-t.gtve why. ibi! the
bow oi the bou went down leaving her almost la a
perpendicular position nod of course letting the water
out of the from Western Bow to Millereek.
It h proposed to change the aarae -of the tinfuTUinate
boat to ‘ Here She Lie* ! n —{Ciu. Corh.
h ßcovu*t a WsALitL 1 ’ and if Mr. Shields bad but
been governed by the above motley he might have sa
ved money and himself mneh physical suffering, but
read Uto (ollowuig letter, dated April lUh, ItWS
Mr. Wot. Shields, a respectable farmer of this vicin
ity, was taken ill; called in a Doctor who doctored
him for Dyspepsia lor one year, mil got worse.
He then discharged his Doctor and paid him thirty
dollars, lie then got a vial of your Vermifuge, and
one box of Sanative Pills, and by the ore of these med
icine* (costing only SO ceuts) he discharged, be says,
at least one thousand worms,'and in two weeks was
*<* improved in health as to attond to bit business, and
has been in good health ever ainee, and says Dr.
Jayne’s Vermifuge and Sanative Pills have made a
sound man of hint. j \VM. B, DEAN, P. M.,
To I>t. D. Jayne, Philn. at Port William, O.
For sals in Pittsburgh at the PEKIN TEA STORE,
70 Fourth street, near Wood. lebl7-dAwfl
ICr Das thx Ptom Maua.—lf you wish to be sue
ecsxful tn any undertaking, you most always l u*e the :
proper means.* The re Jb re. If you have a cough, use
Jayxs’b Exrscro&un and be cured, for it il (he proper
means. Have you Asthma or difficulty of breathing,.
then the only efficient means to dire you is to use
Jayue** Expectorant, which will immediately Overcome*
the spasm which contracts the diameter of the tubes,
and loosens and bring* up the which clogs them
up, ahd thus removes every obstruction to a free respi
ration. while at the same ume all inflammation is sub|
dard, and a core, is* certain to beeffected. Have you
Bronchitis, Spittingof Blood, Pletmsy, or in faet any
Pulmonary Affection, then use Jayne’s Expectorant
and relief la certain, and you will find that you have
used the proper nUAtta.
For sale in Pittsburgh at the Pekin Tea Store, ft 4th.
street aenr Wood ian!7
N'oani Easrcoxmui 4nz axe Masxkrn*., Pmsaroon.
PERSONS wanting Dry Goods -vfill please take no
tice that the above house has Commenced recei
ving its NEW SPRING GOODS, and Invites the calls
of regular customers and buyers -generally. Goods
will be offered at low prices, and purchaser* will have
it large and choice assortment to select from.
Country Merchants and others are invited to
examine the assortment in Wholesale Rooms, up stairs,
.where a large Assortment of Prim*, Ginghams, and
goods generally am now opening. mar?
Sundries to arrive—
t(i bxs prtraa-wbiie Havana Suf&r,
10 liercea Rice; 113 bbu N O Mol*****,
10 bi* Lemons; 30 bu Soap;
30 bxs Rjuain»i . 40 bxs tobrt Soap;
And for sale low. ENGLISH & SEN NETT,
teb!7 iff wood
"Poe Sals* .
uin# order, ?| inch cylinder, 30 inch stroke; boi
ler J 4 feet long, IB metre* la dianmier; fly wheel 21
ewL Also, one line of shaft*, 25' feet long,. 2j Incite*
in diameter, with dram*; oneopriafei taw. Enquire of
nartaf fa MATTHEW SMITH, No. 4fl High it
LINSEED OIL—IS bbl* LmseedOil, in store and
Jbr aale by feUIO Bfc W HARBAUGJI
LARD —12 bbls No 1 Lard; 29 ke£i do do; Just rcc’d
and Cor sale by i ' ,
GItAPES — 'J kegs Malaga Grapcd, lot sale. by
WINDOW C’ompnm>g)el[ tie sire- gene
rally made, aiji warranted good quality, con
stantly for tale in quantities u> sui puretisaers, by
No Lw Second street
BACON —3 cukt sugar cured liaffisi
51“.“ *• Shouldera; for aate by
_JE> J D WILLIAMS, 116 wood at ,
e*ak» prime Kentucky eared Bacon—
Hamn, S»Met rind Bhouldera, ju*t ree’d and for «alc
l !2 m *f 7 _ , /AMK.S A HUTCHISON fc.Co
UKATIiKR^—HOC Ibi pnme K«ntßchy, fcr *aJe by
A. “I 7 ... CH UK AMT, 4l water »t
BULK VORK-Xnpiece* usoned Pork; inn n*c'U;
lor wle by nurd R ttQBJSON A Co
IJUTTHR AND LAND-* bbutkoll Bailey V Jo
JJ Lard, 8 keg* Jo; ju*t rec'd per]*unr Br«v«r; lor
***? “7 . . . . ,u *' c R ROBISON AOo
BACON SUOULDKRS—SOw Ibsdon band *mi for
«a<«by rnani TXSSKY.A BFWT
CtOTTON—S 3 bales for sale by ‘ ‘
Sl:< iA B—la bhda prune old crop; DObbi* U>«; Suirar
lor ..lo by febln RHKV, MA'ITIIK\VH A 15,
NO BtflAH AND *iOLASSK»rii6irhM,N'o
• a “f* r ’ receiving pur
steamer* Saranak, Washington aiidiPon Plit for * a |.
mod BAQALKY A aftlTll, IjjandS wood “
BACON— SO bhda Hams and Bbottlldeii, , bright and
drv; 23 tierces Sugar curad HatOs, superior u> any
ever offered ui tlusjnarkei, jott rccfd and Tor sale t>y
Window glass—aooboinfpxio-, iogdo"ioii*
SO do 10x14, ?S do 7xo-, for sale by
LA ItD —Id bLIs, <i kegs, for sale by
iIIKAP GINGHAMS—A. A. Mason ACo have a
j very large assortment of Ginghams, at t9| cent*
per yard. loose who wish goods «ST tin* kind would
do well locaJl at No 60 Market st. .• mart
WOOL FIN SOCKS—.W prs for «r sale by
febtf _ISAI Aft DICKEY A Vo
and Shoulders; 32 kegs Lard, landing from stair
O Cope; for rale by BAUAIiKY *
febi4 and 20 wood st
SEED— y bbla ju« reCM and for sale by
'ronrjdi *< the
I 1 above named goods have been fccelved at
mart A A MASON A 00%CUl&ffrkfft st
A Co, 60 Market street, have lo tiertMyttJ «•;
tensive assortment of (bean goods, sixes from o*4 fo
10-4—prices ranging from 37{ to (3 j »;;jnu9
Q F INDIGO—<9 earooas 8 F Indigo, fat sals by
Os mart WICKaIm’caNDLSS^
Michigan No, 2, Gilson, Beaver.
Baltic, JocotA, Brownsville.
Atlantic, Parkinson, Browwrviile.
Camden, Hendrickson, McKeesport.
Caleb Cope, A. Murdock, Beaver.
Beaver, Clark. Beaver
Wm Phillips, MePhial, Kitianoing
Isaac Newton. Mason, f'm.
Lady Bvron. Miller, Louiavtib-
Welfcmfle, Poe, Sauhsh.
B 9
C 10
0 II
0 IS
6 13
6 l<
Allegbeoy Clipper, , Frunkl.n
Arena, Golf. rrankbn.
Wave, No 2, Gordon. Franklin.
Jaa. Nelson, Moore, Wheeling
Michigan No 2. Gilson, Beaver.
Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville.
Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville.
Camden, Hendrickson, McKeesport
Caleb (x>pe, Murdoch. Beaver.
Beaver, Clark, Beaver.
\Vm. Phillips, McPhial, KiUaimmg
Clipper So. 2. Crooks, Cm.
Comet. Buvd. Zanesville.
Jenny Lind. , Ztnr»vil!e
There were 13 t«*a 0 mehe* lull m the .haitne!
by pier mark, Inst evening at dusk, and at ~
('mcinnah Packets, IU A M
Hrownaville Packets. 10 A. M . and A P M
Beaver Packets, 10 A. M , and 4 P M.
SUsOUts—J Q Adaoif
“ Schuylkill.
" Pennsylvania.
Louisville —Hamburg.
For Sr. I>*tis The line steamer PeriruvhnniK.
Cupt RCUrnv. wi!l leave above this do) She
offers *nj>enor ttrcomuiodation*. ami all übo maj
take on her ** ill be kplrmlidly provided for.
LOIfISVII.I.K—Per l.nmnrtnie—3 lAtds tob.JJlr-
Itonafil; in hg* codee. 19 lilul* «i S ar. «4 tk» tuis, d do
unterng. 17 bbt. pruehes. fi .to nuts-. Rhry. Matthews
A ro;.2S r-k* bams. H hi*. A pkgs. D Jwrrh A <•*.; 4*
csks hums. J t.reer tui 1.1,1* whiskey. Tuade & tfCon
nor. Vipe. scrap iron. Coirmum. Mailman A. eo, t>7 k*-
lard. It- 1,1. s itb. H (■ rad A eo. 4 hbds mb, t'Uarld A
Thaw; |b bbl* charcoal. J Bonnet; 4 e«L.* iiams.Ai-
Wood A Jonev UH bt>!« mola*M*v John Walt Aca it
do do, J A Hutchinson A ro, Si hbds mb, 1 t*,x samples
A Gordon
WUKEl.INti—Per Zacbnrv Tavlor—l I :.•>« cotton
Tarn. Wick A MrCandless, 31 hbl* Hour ownrr aboard
I bdl* steel, » l.bis apples. Church A ('arolliers. Jl bis
ihdscjW B Holme* A brn, 7 t.b's in kg* >ard, Ormn
'A-Mcjirew: 55 tibli npolcs. owner aboard. •£! do do.
f 15CINNATI Per Me*»cin;«*r So 5 'A*' bis mfap.
7 bbls gres»e. Kirkpatrick, ItiU bis *, hint* tub.
D Ixieiii ic eo. tl bbl* lard oil. ScII-t- A .Nicoi. d bb,*
lard oil. 1 che.*i. H (.raff A cm 16 hhds ham*, .rune. 1
box 1 bdl book*. Hlliol A F.ngii.h. 1 t*>i m.Ur Hats
A Black; *1 vis tVaihrrv N ajbmjtord A •£>• hd'i.
papor. R Hruce A ro, 4 refriiiSrator*. J C Hidwe.i
Per Clipper So 6—l hud* «ug»r. 55 bin* moinsse*. U
B Holme* A bro, 4- 1.1.1* hums and lined beet Sell, ..
A fs.eoU; 30 bxs ciiudl. s, \\ m Dyer. Hi Imd* bu.-on. II
Graff A co. ‘J dp lob, Hm<ham. 6S do. SJ bx» «!«.. 65 do
bacon. 3 bbl* blue lick water. II C.rnrt A co. 6 iibds bn
Con. Wailutgtord A e«r 44 do do Clark A fha\j li;bi.
hemp. Jan A Hutrlnson A ro. 6 r-k- potn-h. [> I' Mi.r
gan. 5U sfc* corn. Rhodes A Alrotn. 65 *k« mdse, owiier
14 hbl* Hour. 3 do riaxs<-ed. 1 di butler. '! do beaus. 161
bbU dour. 7 do whisker j kgs rant. I *k learners, *J d,,
pern lies, -J do racs. S M.furkanA eo. J kc* butler.
TP' do. - bbl* lard. II l.rrrh A ro, 7* td,U dour o'STier
at>oard, 4*J *k« corn 54 bb!-opplrs Armstrong A Cro
tx.i. 3 kev lard, Jti be* oats. I do dried apples, ij.b'
flni-eej. 1 do benni. bdo mm tiro A Hern l"0 bid.
flour. D Leech A eo. sdo do. Wirl A McCnudlrsa. :
hhds baeon, 165 «k* corn, ido lined apple* i>eu A
Berry; 4s bbl* dour. Annsuoiu: A brorr,. )•> d 0 do
.Bern, Ittdodo, tleareiinn. -si .L* cm ,tootO«
Carotheia, 500 Übln tloin owner aboard
United States
N.n i*s * *m, Vs< i I‘uli. sraesT.
Fulton street and Burlnir; Slip.)
i!i rni
•t fUK lETKLE ol>
We keep an rndlee* variety
Atao thk uie.l utKSstri «A.ur*arK«ib. <n
ui.utf.tat s»
'**6.731 34
irr .twi w
In the World.
Of all kind*.
fet>S-d3mdtaw No*, g&l and 25(1 Pearl *l, N. Y
Sotiea to Ba|n*rr*otypa Artt«i« r
JUST received, a mu ail invoice of VOIfiTIJCEN
new cou*tnjcuon Tbe*< Inairuments po*se*» great
Sdvatltagra over all other* ever made, covering g”. :i
aiu Plate, redocipg iflc (lmo of titling onA-haji, dnd
producing a tharper, clearer and belter defined pic
ture. They, therefore, deserve the attention of all Ar
tist* engaged or intending to engage tu the bumne**
Pnee for uie Tube *174.
A general assortment of Voigtlacndcr • ju«i!y rn<*-
braied Instruments. of all sizes, a* well as Dagucm-o
type Material*, at the lowest rale*
MR. PKTEK SMITH, Cincinnati, Ohio, is otir au
thorised agent for tlie sola of the above Instrument*.
A List of rni'ficiui be obtained by addressing, post
Exchange, Philadelphia,
Importers of Daguerreotype Materials, and General
'Agent* for ihe sale o! Voigtlaendcr'* Optical Instru
ments marfVieodGtn
TANSKR9’ Oil*.
BBLS. TANNERS’ OIL, in handnome small
OlL—Constantly on hand, blearbed and unbU-arli
ed winter and tpnnc Sperm, Elephant and Whale Otis
Alto,•'light colored selected N. W Coast Whale (Hi,
suitable for relaihne.
bers are now prepared to supply ‘Devlan 1 * Patent 0,1
in any quantity: machinist*, manufacturers, Ac , are
requested to call and examine the article Certificates
of tu efficacy and superiority over all other oil*, from
several of oar most-extensive manufacturers, are >u
our possession. ALLEN A NEEDLES, A gw,
22 and 23 south wharves, near Cbestnut st,
feblft-eodftm Philadelphia
For Saa Francisco, California, and (he
Gold Region*
SO' The splendid fast sailing copper'd arid cup-
fastened barque RALPH CROSS, Captain
is now loading at Pine Street wharf,
Philadelphia, and will sail about 15th of March This
vessel is fitted up in a superior manner for passengers,
»i*d with every regard to comfort and safety. .No
steerage passengers will be taken, but cabin passen
ger* will be charged the low rale of S2UU, and will be
liberally provided for Parties destflDo* lo be private
can bn arcocmnodaied with state room*.
For freight or passage apply on board, or to
mart-eodtatartO _ Philadelphia
No. 134 Noam Ssxokd mutn, PaiLxDEixnu,
MANUFACTURER and Importer of double and
•ingle barrel Shot Guna, Rifle* and Pistols, Pow
der Flasks, Shot ilngs, Pouches, Ae Ac
Also, six barrel Revolving Pistols, and materials for
Oon Makers' use feb|6-cod3w
California Rifles.
nnfj RJFLEB, same finish as the new model per
cuaaioif Lock Rifles, now used hr the United
gtates Government. They are strong, well made, and
serviceable Guns, exactly the article for the Califor
nia Trade, manufactured and for sale by
No 134 North Second street. Philadelphia.
BACON— 15 casks Bacon, hog round, in store and
for sale by marlO J A R FLOYD
POTASH— 25 casks (Duncan’s) pure Potash, in
■tore and for sale by marlU JAR FLOYD
/~\H» CLOTHS— Rac’d this day at W M'Chntoak s
\_/ new Carpet Wnrerooro, No 75 Fourth street, tw<»
sheetl of 24 feel wide Oil Clolh*, of the richest and la
test Tapestry patterns.
SUGAR— &0 lihd* new crop, and 4U do uld do ttugar,
ut store and for sale by
LIME— 3IXi bbls Louisville l ime, for sale low by
njchlD water st
MACKKRLI. i. .j bbls largo No 3 Mackerel, Bo»-
■toa inapec-oit. in store and for sale by
l s waterman,
mebl3 31 wairr and hi! front it
RYE FIAiUR—3S bbls superfine Rye Flour, in sfore
and for sale by mchlfi L S WATKK.MAN
IRON— 120 tons Iron, assorted, for sale by
N AJLS—425 keg* Nail* and Spikes, assorted, lor
sale by mch>3 L S WATERMAN
STEEL —A general assortment of Cast, Shear, Flng
Lab Blister, German, Spring, and A. U. Steel, for
SCYTHE SNKATIIS -275 doi Brown * mnnufociu
red Scythe Sneaths, for sale at manufacturer'* pri
ce* U 5 the city trade, by mb 13 LS WATERMAN
IAORKS —65 dor best steel hay, and three and four
. prouged manure Porks, lot tale at manufacturers
prices to the city trade, by I.HWATKKMAN
i nr hi.’l
CU/ITON YARNS- 3tKKJ lb* t'oiton Yarn*, untuned,
J for sale by me It 13 L S WATERMAN
BATTING AND WIi;K--*5 bale. No I and a Bai
ling; 45 do ramile Wick, for sale by
Tubs AND BUCKETS—CO doz Heaver Buckets, C
do Tubs, largo, tor *alc by
RI^L— Sd tierce* fresh Klee in store, for sate by
-U bags Feathers, landing from stmr
-I- J Q Adams, tor sale by
YELLOW NANKF:ENS— «>ir rase bc«t .|ualny
Ixinsdatn Nankeens, just opened by
LINEN LUPTRF^S—^I'wo cases plain, figured Imi
fancy Ilaids, bright colors, fust rrceived by
MODE COLORED ALPACAS—7 cares low priced,
medium and fine Alpacas, Coburg* and Cash
meres, Just received by
GINSENG—« sack* now. landing 7rom .icniner
■ J Q Adams, for tale by
\XT ANTED—A practical Baker, capable of taking
V Ulb{,>h ®en‘ In Erie, Pa., and
maaaglng IL tn all iu branches, can have information
rcspecung nby calling with TASBEY A BEST,
**** ’ :* wood st
Comrßßios or Chut, tmk Ivcrmhahy—On
about the tvenly-M?vei)lh of Fehruair, Andrew
Stuima and I were together. Andrew
in above a In-le in tfee door of Jame* Dillon * ms
tie, a liUle otf Webster street in the Third W at '
about ten o'elonL, and did fire me stutle ty i'| -
piymg a raai<-n to the hay.
The same night we went dnei-ilv iiiicrwnni*
a carpenter's shop, »iinaicd at th»* < orner ol Se<
oud and Ross streets. , Briiid.siey * 1 Usik out
two panes nf glass, nnd rnlrrrd thr-.nign the
window, opened lilt* d<»or, nnd lei .'Minin’s in
Both >f us applied matcher, nnd lired the 'lmp
Uu our return home. ISuuuis wanlej t,, tire is**
stable of Sbertl' Kerseyth, Lt.-k ol the Urrguii
House. I Would not consent, iunl he dc*.'led.
On Monday mghi. March the twrlt:;i we (dot
ted to set the Exchange stable on tin l Wj.i
••J lor TMuun* and lie did not come. 1 saw ntvli Richard*on. aud was afraid lo do ii
myself Went from there in a carpenter s 'hop
nt the point, where l raw Kiehurds- n itua.n- -
Went U(i lo the corner ol Wiley and Tiinne,
stm t*, where I intended to tire Hintin'* curpen
ter simp. I again »jw Richtirdson. und JeinsteJ.
Went ui the Fourth sliert mad, :«ud w;w trying
"lo ret tire to a wagon maker « 'hop, when the
Mayor came along. I got tnghiened. and went
over the lull li -me luimii.
Wailed tor :Simms, on Tuesday night—loond he
was Hut coming, and then l went down and
tried to lire both the Exchange stable and anoth
er ui the same alley, when I was arrested.
Examination or Witnkxaks in tuk or
•Simms.—Thomas Little, sworn —Saw Simms and
Orr, on Tuesday night two wc eks ago, on the night
the stablo wa- burnt, was standing on the comer
of Waahiogtou and Webster sUreelv "• coinpuny
with John F. Matthew*; saw them coming up
Webster street m a great hurry, remarked to
Matthews, there ure Andy Simms nrirl John 1 1 rr.
they seem to Ik* on a ••bust." tt \w» unoui len
o’clock; we wcut oil' about live iimmift alter Hie
tire broke out in the olabie; they cume Irotn li.e
direction ol the firu-
John*K. Ma'tliew*. sworn—Was standing with
Ltuie ut the corner of Washington and Webster
streets, ou the night ol Ihe tire. The rest ol ties
witness testimony was the same us that .u Lit
Andrew I. Moou. sworti—Saw Sunina on tne
night i l the V*7lti, the uighl of the lire, lietwern lime
and let)
W. H. Ixiwe, swont- Have been door keej>er
at the .Melhodivl f'hurch l«>r the lust quarter oi a
year, on the uight ot the tire, Simms came to iue
belbre ' o’clock, ami u*Lcd lor |*eriiu«sion t' l *t®y
there, he went up lo the mourners' l*e,nch. I lull
ed to him, I went out to *cu where the lire vvas.
when I went back lie was still on In* knees, vrlvu
Ike service was over we lett (••gelher, he we ui
into lus lather a gate, aud l bid hnn go-.d mgu>.
Joseph Barker, »worn —Chime lioin the hillh
Wiud ul the lime H the lire, was there when Ixiw e
came lo the gate with Simm». Smiths remained
there; he was there at the lime ol the se< oitd
James Carolhers, 9Wi<rn--Wu' -n 'he house
when Simms cnuie ■« lie went l > t*«'d w.Ui me
aud did not rise till morning, ialriy he has wine
regularly home 'tom . imr> li ith the i nri u
Mr. Stewart, sworn —< ‘n t».e uight that Mr. DC
I mi's -table was btirnl. ! wenl to cliui- h when I
weal in l saw Smim». lie wrt.l up to I’-e •> i ir
Wi« at the altm wbrn llet hre broke
We give the U-'tmu>li\ u illi - • miino I-'
timin' was ir-mandr d ■■ r
MuuJ.v .1 !«., «~l' Ni. ' .I.ri- .....I
grants Ircin Tfgn • mnlv. ie.i-- ' •
oiiiuius t< ,bi\ much »i •" tl’ l
('A-NAU—The water is ou.-e more ,u lhe t anui
and our d>>cks are Idled with IsDat* Ttie ' list*
aud animation ol the srene present* quite a con
(rust to the dreary acme visible there lust week
Extra cl lo> —The lertu dueractj ui oa applied lo
the disorder which ‘prevailed at the u the
meeting relation loathe Hurh Scfa-sd, wbL perhapa
100 strong uu expression, and we ::ceo|diagly re
Horjubuj UsATn. —A liTde Ixiyoi aixAit fi years
ol age son of John Scott oi the Filth Ward, was
killed on Friday evening by being crushed to
death by a timber wogou. Ihe hide (eiiow was
riding uu the boards, uud taiiiiwj under them a«tt<e
wagon advanced, his head was crushed t>et*Ccen
tthe board' and paving slone- and sli.e kutg'f man
Dtrattcr Cot;ai, Marrh |t’4h —<>tt mcvti.-n i<i the
Hon. Charles Shaler, J. U-- l*arg«- and Joseph UVa
Ver, were admitted to the bar
Ou tnotiou of Wilson McCandiess, . Jaror*
K_ Kennedy vras also admitted. >
buiLut.—Mr. Winchester, next door to <’iir *>f
lice, ha* hi* “reduinn of the lufwft' grinning !«•
Death a mask of Ireah war pmnt. Mr. W*s aasort
ment of cigar* is an unusually large, an.l good one.
By the way why is it that lobaccomet* tree the
carved figure of an iadian a* a sign'
M’Usi’* Wow Vrujivcar —The popuiari; 1 , whi.-li
this lias acquire*! in Weste'ii IVni«> . v ai:-a.
11 a «ure guarantee of it* exrHt.-i»re I’hr iuho»hik
gentlemen, highly respectable «i Allegheny
and Beaver counties, have used tin* Ycrmttugr in ihe r
fautilc*. an d olfer the a**ura»ce ut its gieat im-di'*,
Jome* Stratton. Fourth »i Roud. Piu*)uirel<
Mary J. Stratton *
Mary Stratton.
Mary Burk. Beaver county
Sarah ItoAberzer. Msiiebrster. near l’i"
Margaret lumUry.
James Burk, Squirrel Hoi
Agnes Burk, '■
For «ale ut tjis drug store of J Kl 1)1) A < 'o. Ao W .k»I
Dr«P«riu is the bane of mauv a man * 't'U
ence No tongue cun dc*crit»r the "utlrnng* riiu»cd
by tin* distressing disease li unfits man i«' hi*
Uon in life, whatever it may be, and make* tom fori
O* though he would rather not exist than endure goch
misery Yel these suffering* are produced in the fir«l
place by deraugenient uf the *tmnach. and if this were
met by using n A Fahnestock's Anu-Biliou* Pills,
the bowels would be rleunseU, the accumulation of
bile curried off, ami a speedy *i.d *urr relief obtained
Prepared and sold by B A FA HNF’J*T< iCh A t‘«>
corner Ist and wood, also comer tilh and wihkl *t».
LIVKR Ptl.tJi - No medicine ever carried lor n«e11 a
higher reputation m so stum a time, im- in.- I.iv* r
J*ill, discovered nnd by I)r M l.nnc oi
Virginia Although but a »hort lime >■■nnxpnmlr-cv
before the public, n has ulrendy earned u.r usell a dc
gree of populariiy tmiierto unsurpassed. The demand
for them has m conio naraensc. Messrs Kidd ACu
the proprietor* of the medicine, wliovesnle in Pitts
burgh, comer o( 4th and Wood sire- u, are epnsiani'y
receiving orders which they hud it aiino*t utterly im
possible to supjJiy. The populariiy ot ifie«e Pill* s*
not confined to any particular neclior ol tlie c<Minl:\.
the demand being general, from the North, South, Kjisi
and West The truth is, uo disoaoe i* morn common
in all quarters of tlie i'uucd Stale* titan ihui ol the Li
ver. And these Pills off the best remedy ever yet dis
covered lor Hepatic derangement For »«le at the
Drug Store of fcb’JO J KI DP A t o
Sr.Limas’ Cocon Svarr—“The be*t rneulctne ever
a*cd.’’ CcnircviUo, Gallia Co , O- E-Vb. 27, t *4d
Mr. K. F~ Sellers—Wheu purchasing drugs Inst fail,
l obtained in tny assortment some of your mucn valu
ed tfough Syrup, whirh has not only l-e.-n benrfii i*.
in ray own fumily. but oil who have pun-ha*. .1 n oi
me, recommend it to ba the beat rtVetlmne lor cough*,
colds and lironclual affection*, ever used in their i«iu
ilies Yours, Ac. J J JOHNSON
| Extract from letter ]
Prepared and «old by K. K SF.LLF.KS 57 Wood >i
Sold by Druggists generally in the two cine* and v,-
«• .July mu<-
Manufacturer ami dealer in uM kind* <>'
.•»*iiuimyiuici uhii uruJCi *n i*-' .*■— 1 ---
k T irt» Old Slam], corner oi SimUih.-hl street sml
/V Dlnraond alley, Pittsburgh, Pa , would rr*pcctinl
ly call ih« uttenumi of t’ouiilo' Mcrehuul*, Hoir.l nn-l
Sieamtionl Barkeep-rs. lo :i lurtre :iml supetior n»-ofl
ment of IMPORTED CIGAKS. uiiMing which «iii l-c
found the following brands, viz. Kuair. Kcgslm, ( a*
telhrs, Principe, Nonnas, Sinr Itrund. Mnierva ru’d
Dollar Regalias, ail of which will h*- “»ld u* l*’"'
ean l»c bad at any other house tu the city
Also, cdiißiaiiUy on liuu.l and lor sale, u lan:-- und
well selected Musk ol Virgints, Missouri, and 1 me t ui
Chewing Tobaccn.
Also, Havana, t’ubu artd t'oimnon Tobacco,
constantly on tiand and for sale. nov.l dfim
PISTOLS— For California overinnd c-ompunic*. re
ceived vvsiertlsy nnd for wilr by n
fel,|s W W WII-SuN
GENUINE SALAD OIL—On huml an«l for *alc by
fcbsu _ _____ J.KIDDACO^
/GARDNERS LINIMENT—On hand nnd lor ...If
\JT by fob*) J K , DDA_fo__
UMBKELI*AH 2 cases low priced, medium and
good cotton and gingham Umbrella*, iust oiwncd
by febyj RHACKLFTrPjk Will I'M
BF.RKSHIRF, U-ASSIMEKES-Twp ca*q* bright
spring style*, just opened by •-
\£ ENTUCKY JEANS-- Three eases gold mix. .fork
JV 'an afid blue, ju»t recrivcd from manufactnrer
and for_salc by frb22 SHAGKLETr & WHITE
S SALTS—3 tons in store and for solo it>'
• felrtß KOHT DALZt.LL A Co, Lfocn> *i
PEARL ASH—I 6 caiks for rale by
febaa ROOT DAI-ZELL A <fo
CTHFIKSE— 00 bxs Western Re*. ;ve, tit store and lor
j sale by fob 22 _ ROBT DAI.ZEU. ACo
SALKRATUS— 15 cask* tor sale by
COTTON— 65 halos bsst quality Teim ,to arrive; for
tale by IBAIAIi DICKEY A C-o,
(cliXt -front It
-A am ui party ol i\*i loin .i em
i.M'Ress fast j , ackitt ujtx
/ i!' «'>if r&n n P h tljsltJpJi i,; at-.! ll.itirmc: ■
TUI pub .r rr»* retpec’.ru’iy .morined i:,u: f ulp
. > w *• *»c<“ running on MoitOr-., j*»?n Murrti
l. «>;i:» », in.. a; a *U)htioi na»., unn
<*•• arrrd • nw!, .*h TV-;:: aive grille-f aou.iort : 0
A i'C it w * •a;i\ »be in port. mill traveler* arr rr
.,Ufr«trO 10 c. 1:: a,..1 i'iaii:iiic them Indore enga-ring p 3,.
• it'- I v cjii.rt route. TBev will leave ik .jtidu-i op-
ihe r S. H0.,-'. . omer I'enn Rirnct and Cana
'•vrry night ai ’i o .-i. < k
Time —’l) Days.
hor lUfnrnmiioti, apply at thn office. Monongabda
Hou*p. or ~» u LF.KCH A Co. Canal Uat.n
N II -The oropnrior. m the atrovr Line an- now
i u.idi;.g an : l.mro: Packet*. to run n» above
"" ~f if Juo.r |-a. .11 .'in.nrct.oil With llir Pnui«y.
yi'iiil Kan Itoa.l iron) Le-vutnwtt In Philadelphia At
i.m» tiinr a pu. ke t it; i leave ever, morning and e vrn
'■'* Tun.- n.roiuti -.'inn-.. mchDi
1S4!). &£&
F‘Ul...'bed in 1 -4il
'PHI' I’ropiM-ior mi tiiM wn; known Lmr oi Canal
1 Un.iu. w,i. nc prrpai.-U on the «-.«r'.opening of
••lira. iinvtCfiliKii. u» iniciAj*or: l’.i»«fiige r* ami Freight
a 1 ■ ini, i;„. Krir Hxirn-u.,. N‘.-w \ork I’unai.
"ini li.r Lali. lunn.itf hi cornieruon wan the luvor
'.r .icmnliOßi. HKA VKK and r.W.KBCt >PF.. between
I'autuirgli iin.l leaver, Troy and Mii'fin-mi Lake Boat
Lin-' on ihc New Voile Canal, and C. ,M. Keod •« Ijiic
■ •I Sirain'>>oai« and \V*»clr on t)i«- Lake*.
C. M RKF.D. I‘ropnrtm Krie Pa.
AIjJ.N TS - ll.dn*M A Brother, Ikavet
W t - Mnlan, Sharon.
J I" A (i Hull. Sharp*t,urg
>i,lltii A Downing.
J H Plummtr. West Greenville
Wick. Ai iicr A Co,
Uni Henry, HurtMuwn. me li 10
»i:r\VKi:N philaullpiha and imttshurml
(10i.Hi*' inrr.ri on tin* Lmr arr not transhipped
7 li.-iwr,‘n Iv. i»:-nr gh icut Philadelphia, being ear
ned ui tour ••-. I'.itui-tr Bout* over land mill wa
l'r i|'i*ei» oi iiirri'iinudirr requiring rurcful
iißii.ll. n’ tin. i» oi niamruiiicr No rh-irij.' mode tor
r.-.-i-i v .nc nr -n. "c nricr u.l vnnrini: ciiitrjrß Ail
;00-l- n.rwn.Ord \\ Hi. di.pau-h, and on u* rra-onaljlc
Cniml ll.kiu. I’enn »i. I’ltul.iirgli
niurl *i*iT Market A .'»! t'oinmrrce M. I‘hila
JOHN MeFADKN A Co. Forwarding and Coimm.-
Rinii Mrtclinnn, i'ana. Lla-.n I’rnn ». |‘ii:d.urgh
JAMK-**M DAVISA Co Flour Fni-tor* and Comnmu
«ioii MerrliHiiln. •*•.'7 Market uml ij Coniiiirrer rtn-et
I’biladelpliin marl
Advance' made l.y riihrr n'' me al-ovr on Hoer.
U 00l and oilier inrmmmlire eomugned to them lor
*ale. ' marl J
, Slirubberj*. Ever*
Tree*, Ac. Ac.
TDK. mif-i-riLrr offerß mr
>air a large and •meet a»-
»ortinert ol Plum*, ronlam-
MCI, f: MlK.tmiiJ
Plant*.for in t aril*
Ac . nt i«*tluetnl price* t.y
itic «lo’*-n, tine F. II «t ! II 1j
(ioone In-i -k«, C u i i un U.
(iiipc Vine*. Ktmbarb,
Sbr u l> ry. F.vrrv'refn»,
Snatlo Tree*. nml <> 1 h e r
i*ianl*: l)»hi hi ami Fl*wer
Rnnl* i>< a rrr»i varieiv—
u/l in li hi* com),nor i..r
Sprmß j’i.miniif Orilrr«l>\
ice, or lei\ *i oui *ianii iNo
cap-lully packet! mo iur
wirdrd n* dirreied
Order* tor Houijurl« leit witli W T. Down. Fruiicr
-r Si Clmr «trr. ; JA M FdA WaKDROI*.
Miei.lidlinAwJf'l Munrhr.lrr Nur."',
Cornrr From aad S'rne •trrei*, Omeinnati. O
Ordert frotn i’. - .'>'jirr.-li lor Aleutmi, I’urc Sprr
t« Ha*-*' or Reriifird Wimgry. wni atien.
de-l to »t 'owe«t iiiarkn .uenlldl)
n A FAHNITSTUCK-•* <;o < I*r.eumoine or Cough
J I, llulsam 11a* a great advar tagr many other
Cough preparation*. u» j-.r-anani ia»tr perrmt* it lo
be u*cd wilhout i>i>;ti.-.< entriie.- Dal it* v»l»«a« a
Bol»3in ep„»i.t« 111 tiir «'.rrdi,iroTtir rßre We tikve
known i.nnr rtf the iii«m de*|>rrki« rougha. *oior of
whn li trad lieen runinrrg m (nr a rorv*.dcrahle >ngth
of tiinr. i tcid xiinokl imtnrtiiair-'. in n* power
iu «u*mi wciili'r wr hwT* - lint) ilir [>h*i
thr wrulhrr ollrti ;a\« ilm** lounilalio.i .-.r a hnrkittc
t'otij; l> whirli .1 • a ~i: ..•» ' -nir ‘7 to |/<-*rn: • »i».
riiy .»i)0 Hi' - D' nrlitmr b«o«l, n: d tK«*> an? a MiHn-irni
and tin*' nnii tr-Lail. I.) U A
KAIINKSTOCK A Co. Wwcl iu.d Ui .nd
Wood andtith «u. muf i;j.,tA w>
ncIUiMJK tl'llOlMr, v
tiAi .art mrtrssi.;. mo*
N K \V Vdltß AN U V H I I. A l> KI. I’ It I A
Ami i» now ii-cnviii£ a oi
t If TMF. HKST iJI’Al.i FY AND I A l l.Fd*.
\\ :,t ii i,<- i. ,d maxr u> oicof
son* SIK>QI to rrUMIVr. aod Wauling their *U>rr» <> t
boos-• repaired. ,-nunicrs. »br;»iiig. door* wnuluw*.
and hoisting alu-ri. pill up. »* :* r(rrt<|.» r work oi
k md« dour on short nmicT on imti)n*lnr i-im*. « it ;*■ -
in-: w.»jk mod- and furmiurr iiratly K|'.ii.rJ
I ween Wood and Simllitirld sum. in llie rplfitl ware
nous- ni John l.igircu, .au- of Wio Trovnln, uppo.iir
the Allegheny Unglue tl.-usr
fci.rj-diAj.i.t jin*FPir prut
Commission Alrrchanl and Forwardrr,
{]./* I'af.i.-uli’t, tui-uimu paid lli- purehu.m.; oi
oi any urnrlr ul Produr- m 11... mnrkri Al-,. lu il.e
Jor wa riling »i tiood* gon-ral’v K-Irr 10
I AH. I’.- ) Mr* .min
ccfiiiiiu mnim,
No *1 S.uu W ai.-r -I , tl.ctwrni ,u,i A Mu,.’)
Pnriu' tilirniion wili t.e fivm in r « m
Hour and I'todu. «-. and any purcim-e* in in- I’h.'u
or ilcr-baml...* sent In turn through Mr l' |l
of PitlshoiKh. will bii v r ullrnlinii thin- >• of i«-
• ion for receiving and forwarding m u: ,iif
IN of Xummrr. wun nn In. " a ,„i v : ,
nation* lor llip I'ijiiu For!-. a* prrionn- .1 ~ .
ronerru m tU** I'nit-d Muir* !-y llcni, Her/
MiiiUuv I’olkn, In II- nu 11. i /
t onne Polka.
Miver Hell Polka.
Ju*l received and tor «nie i.v
MirhU JtUIN II M K1.1.0H, si wood *•
VKr.nMKTI'.K IT- .n.d~r.f nnsim. »d«,.-..-d
an in.uurn.-Mi in tU<- .nupo— m u...-eri tt i„, l ,g ib
*pecifir gravity oi vuJti«• «<t gold. i* now pupatr.l lo
supply ail who>.- mu> >r«• n. u»e 1: i
small -on\rnirm, u>id run l>- u*r,i wiihniu;, .
u Klart-- t»ruur •uMi-r-iii to show the prove*.
"• l".'ler! 'h-m (r.iu.l 1,, . ~,
. ' 'AMI 111. KARINS l
tn.if> ! 11l t-.rrji 1..1.M II M. I-VI-M • J--vr .1 ..
Til to \ H KOnt KTKIt.
T l,Ka: "' I'"' 11 •
J. in- laJiuw.ii- •
I Mk Kuiv - llavi.i(.
w> iKl.ed i.v io-u Air.*m-‘er. I m..i u.- >-•n. i , , ... .
in liinir gnm-, in ('.i Min urn. i« lb- l<-*n m> u.ud
tan,,n< ihe . -.rl vuln-..1 tin-.l • K-. f > Muir.
J H UI Nl.i: i I-.
•i*ili«h«ir<li. Mar.-li •*. iti'J
Pnrseiafui, Murrli 7. |«4*J.
Mb Deaf . y :r llaTi-'X r laruilind lh- ' A r
mi-iar.” ni iniiln-liirrd al your unuri*. I do uni u
lo eotnuiend il lu Ui- u»r oi linn-- g-mlem-,, who aie
dt give, a rinse appro*imrtnuti io the apmUc gravi
iy of rneiur., aud w.u —Mainly -iruhie ihe udvcniur-r
to anewria in when lu* piar-r c* > u-Wing lioid
tnartv Vuurs. r-.p y. J 11. SC’t-’I.IN POCK
lCxecator'a Notice,
A 1.1. prr'-nnn indrbied lo life of John llacuc.
•sA. de.-.-a ■>-■!. hi - re ju-htrd !<• ill like j>a> inrrrl lo rub
er oi lb- in>d-r.i|;nrd. and llioar having < U.ia*
ajain.l the .am- ml. jur.-ni them Inr w>uli-.jurni.
JOHN GRAHAM l Fjrcut(u
II CHILDS. jMecutm
A 1.1. uidctiled lo (he K-iiiic of \t’illiam Mr
J\ Kmglii. d> > ■ used, or to ihc lair firms oi U Mi
Kmp-hi * Co . and \\ tit MrKmglU i Hon, are miMr.d
in pay 1 1 houi nirllmi doiay, Ui
mrlij i din. AdraimtUaior of W MoKniplu. d-i. d
I> t I.K I’ltltX iiuuj tbs Hulk I‘ui K, r-cd a/nl „r
1> »ulc by marlO I, * WATttKMAN
l liAlt IPO lilid, prime old rrop Sugar, m ‘iur» on
O '■Uliwuuirnl. ultd for anlr by
. 1. H VV A rKUMAN
krjfs Nails, a.-oiled mr*, (Ulivanl's
brand,J and lor sale b)
aulw ' JAMK9 UAl.gFi r
StnceUu D*vdopemcat of thi California Gold Fever,
HAVE resolved cm SELLING OFF their large
•lock of DRY GOODS —the principal part of
which have lately been purchased at.lhe IaKGX Arc
no', Salks m Philadelphia and New York, ai a tre
mendous and unparalleled sacrifice!
'V« Lave made «ueh a large redaction frem oar reg
ular price* that we will now cell a large portion of our
goods BELOW COST of importation. The early at
tention of t>a>en« i« invited to choice high colored
good, adapted to ihe California Trade.
ladies dress goods.
I lain and figured Cornelian Cashmeres and de lame*
all price*,
' cry superior nroctna fig'd Super cloak cloths, ail co
, * ; " 1 watered )>lk «ilka.' lorm,
J ' u , l !t nof r,ft * ftnnn re silk*. Freneh mennot, all colon,
Wk and colored. Black bomboxinei.
>uner tilact glossy (iro de Cross barred and striped
•-Rhm silks, alpaca*,
V neite and raatmilo silks, Brocha fir’d and Rtnp'd do.
l>e«i quality. Jenny Lmd plaids,
Jure «uim*. I,lk and bine Victoria Lyoneoe cloth*,
idk *.*un*. very nch,
I.anmrune » uUn merino*, Cohere cloth* and eamci*-
. uper *tll> warp alpaca an lustres.
, . .W, AWLS! SHAWLS’:
hJ p.ihd long iht*ri»,i A few brocho long thawU.
SptenJ.J trrkrri .hawl.i the a,*,, wr hi.k trr,
r °J” ‘ ork auction*. brought to thu market.
Ureal barium*; , now lo B[
i’lam and rmbroi'd thibetl bargains,
colors. Superfine and common bro-
Silk fruißr. remarkably cha sqnare shawls:
Clieap; 'Super camelian milk shawls
French cloths from the celebrated ‘‘JohanY" manu
i.xr’.ory For beauty of finish and permanence of wear,
the...- cloths have no superior; a few piece* extra fine
j*-i black and olive ration beavers and other heavy
cloth* lor over coats, twilled French cloths, raanufac
lured expressly for cloaks, French and American ca»-
snnerrs. super \vr»t of England do, super French *a
mis for vosuiiit*. ihe best imponed. Plain and fancy
velvet and cashmere vestings, merino shins and draw*
ers. Italian cravats, linen, cambnc and silk hdkfs.W
>iery and gloves.
Iri‘K linen*. best long cloth sbining.musling. bleach
ed and browu muslins of good quality, remarkably
low: licking*, check*, domestic and imported ging
ham*. scarlet. yellow and while flannel*, a large lot
very cheap; <i large lot of while and crotsbarred coun
try hounds, cheap; brown and bleached Barnsby table
linens mul uible cloth*, Russit and Scotch diapers and
towelling*, snuiietu, Kentucky jeans and tweeds
An usual large stock of blankets, direct from the
manufacturer*, some of which are the liest ever exhi
bited, all of which will be closed oat at unparalleled
low price*. In addition to the above enamoraied
good*, our stock comprises a very large and complete
u**oiimrtii of almost every article usually found in u
dry' good* store, and as they have been mainly pur
chased at the casern auctions, hence the lata great re
duction of prices. We are enablerLond determined to
•.ell them oil at great bargains.
Wholesale buyers, country merchant*, tailors, and
the public generally are respectfully invited to an ear
ly examination. Bargains shall be given.
ALEXANDER A DAY, 75 Market si,
b-ti* N W corner of the Diamond
XTO Co MARKET STREET—Have received by re
i.l cent impormuous the following Goods, viz:
Su canon* 'Hubei Shawls, of various qualities and
color* Fifty dozen "Alexander’s" be»l quality Kid
Glove*, toifeiber with a good assortment of eol’u silk,
Lisle thread, and cotton Gloves, for spnng trade.
Rich standing, straight turnover dollars; cheap Col
lar* pair embroidered Cuffs, from 50 eu to 81,155.
Mourning Collar* m great variety. Demi Lace Veils,
the greatest assortment ever offered by us. French
and English 1 4 Prints; Boyle’s Bruns, small figures
ami last color*; »miiii plaid French Ginghams; British
Furniture Chintz, while saun Damask Table Cloths,
Linen l>.im»»«. 6. •* ami lu-5; Green Uerages, Gents
blai k Grunin Rhine Silk Cravats, Mto 40 inch, the
best good* imported. Purse Twist; linen eaiuhru* and
[men rumbrir lldkf*. from 6J to While Goods
snrli a* Jaeonri*. l.awns. Mull and tfwiss Muslins.
figured ami plum Laces, white and eoW Tarlatanee,
Ac Ac. ,
Wi* are mihe daily receipt of NF.W GOODS, and
invite the attention ol purchasers to our extensive
SimtkleU & While,
DK\ GOODS JOBHKRH, Vt) Wood street, n«k the
audition of .Merolnuu* to their stock of A.M F.RI
* AN AND I'uKEIGN DRV GOODS, now receiving
direct from fir-i bund*.
Rect-ivinr regular supplies of first good* during the
»cu*on and devoimg n large sliara of their Btteiition
ii> KaMrrn Auri'im **le». they can confidently n«-urr
i-uvi* ibey win find n in uieir interest to examine
thru stock
Just reeeivrd large invoicn of new style Dress
Good*. Fancy Prints, t.nsimcrc*. t’loihs, .’Summer
Goods, I,are*, Wmir Good*, Irish fjiu-in. Tailors’ brown and bleached Sheeting* of van
,n» brnmU mar:i
files ilie aticmmn of hnu«c keepers siiJ those
ui.oui couimenciug house keeping, lo Ufa aitnruni nl of
ahovr i.ckkU, such as
an,l Counterpanes, white and colored
Tuft.,,*, and pillow cat.-,
>hrrling., from One 10 three yard* w.ilc,
Tabie Diapers and Table t Until*.
‘luwricing, Jowels and Napkin*.
Furniture Prints and OhiiiUe*,
nriel i >u Chintz, for curtains.
Super printed Chintz. ior quiln.
Embroidered window curtiun Siusiiit*.
Striped and barred *•
Bed Blankets, all qualities and size*.
A supply ot these Good* is constantly kepi on hand,
and will Uhvay* be sold on the mosi lavurame i-mt*;
Si nurlji ra«t eoiner 4lb and M-trkei «•;
GOODS —A A.Aia-un A in. No 00
XJ .Merkel street, have just reeejved the lojlowmg
well known brands of Bleached Muslin* viz
7-(* and 6-4 ‘James’ Steam Mill*,'
6-4 N&umkcag Steam Mills;
'Utdm.' ‘Pokanoket,’ ‘Carlisle,’ Dofehr«trr, - 'Qti.rt*.
iganiond,’‘Grafton A.’ ‘Pittsburgh,’ Lnwrejire.' Boa
tun Pillow Case, 1 ‘Farnsworth.’ Ac. Ac., ailvn which,
together with many styles not here menuoned. will be
sold by the piece or package at Eastern pneo*.
vnes the oucnQon of buyers lo his stock of Itie
above Goods, of all the different qualities, said lo be
a* unsbriukable as the Welsh, and ai much lower pri
ce*. Geuuiuc Welsh Flannels also constantly on
band. Gauze and stlk do, 4-4 and 6-4 do, for Shroud
live purpose*.
Also, home made \\ hiia Flannel* and Lrttaey*. con
stantly on hand, at the north east eorner of Fourth and
Murket »’r» -t* tnorfi
SA ! IN Da.Ma.nK- W M Cliiitock uder* to purefia*-
<-r» a very handsome assortment of rich *au:i Da
mo»k» for window curtain*. Also. French chintzes,
bu,l«. Imrrt, transparent shades, to., at hi* carpet ware
room. 76 Fuurtii st. docll
Co, liave added to ibeir former business a de
partment under charge of Mr*. Bigelow of Boston, for
making to order m laie.t styles. Infants' Wear. Misses
Sark*, cloaks and Dresses, Ladies and Gents Dressing
yL 7 OULD inform Merchant* and Merchant Tailor*.
T V that ihey have fitted up the floor* over their Tai
loring and Clothing department. for the sale hr the
piece of Cloths, Cassuneret. Vcstmgi, Tailors’ Trira
mmiri, and all artiele* adapted to the trade. Hie lib
eral patronage bestowed upon them, in this department
of thetr business, ha* induced them to enlarge their
warehouse, to enable them to meet their increased
I trade. Une of the partners who has bad long expert
; «* n *e tn business, will devote his whole Ume to pur
-1 chasing; and buyers may rely upon finding a large
l stock 01 whatever is most desirable of European and
American manufacture, that money cun procure.
! New Cloth rooms win be opened on the Ist March.
SILK WARP alpacas —Biuuh A Johnson. -t« j Entrance on Charles street. feb«3-eod“ra
Market nrcct. would invite the Mention of dealers HUFFS AT OftE AT nannarwo,
and others to tnetr caoiee stock ol Silk Warp Alpacas. I -- r s7'r»ntt/?r7t U “ BAT BAHOAIHBI
Mohair Lustres anU fine winch they ate | (V| KVw *9 \V wu . h,i, S l ,° cl< ? K! 01,1 ,hc,r sU>ck o{
nowodering at reduced price* feWr I a "d Victonens for the season, will sell
0\ H.M.ivnn.o r-rci I balance .embracing a good variety of Ltsx and
u . P * Jra > . *" i Pitch,'as well at the more common aruclea,) at EA3-
tnaung. p» Uvtnder do do; 1 ca*e Laviudrr TERN COST—to which they would respectfully invite
'io'tw <?U h ?° rrr> Uo , th; *, Army , Clolh; a lhe #»lfntion of purchaser*. NOW 18 THfPtIME
S T r m 7i ’i r n r P. ack t,r d v mx ' Ido f * ,iry ™R BARGAINS. Call at corner Wood and Fifth
CasMiaerc*, I bale Inue Blanket Coating; consigned streets
dirm irom manufacturers and for sale by thepackoge ' a - v S“j "x~iir— •
or,.,ecc decdU - MURPHY 4 LEE. liberty *t min?
9 - ■ _ r T'iiE sabsoruers are now receiving their Fall stock
AM) SUPER THRKK PLY CAHPETB X of the above article, three vessels, vix: the Juniata,
1j Rreeived this day. direct from the manufacturers, Medallion nnd Lydia, having arrived at Philadelphia
:1 iiM'idkoiuc assortment of cxirn super and super three M d Baltimore, and two more, the Stephen Baldwin and
ply imperial Carpets, of new styles, to wtncfl we ask Leila. shortly expected; they arb, therefote, prepared
the aite-niion ot those withmg to furnish bouses or to receive orders They will receive during the wtn
»k'Bn»u.ais Carpet wareroom. No 75 Fourth m. P.tis- i and spring regular supplies via New Orleans.
'•urttl* itectSi W M’Ci.INToCK , tiovl3 WA M MITCHELTREK
BLANKETS —SUpcsDrabUionkct* The attenUon f EAGLE TRIPOLI—For cleaning wut
of t'illiiurniu men are asked to tin. article, as tiiev ! dow » and u,rD T» (Hasses silver plate, brass, Bn
ure heavy, and will be sold low to close consignment I lan “ 1 *~ ni,d other ware. L rapidly takes out ail spot*
fchl? H IKK I and stums, and reproduces the beautiful and durable
f lustre of new ware. Just received and ibrwale, whole-
I)I.ANKKI Ct).\ TING—An assortment of Blanket ' sale and retail, by JOHN l) MORGAN
1) C.val.i.j: lor sale very low a* tbe season is far «d- I jaSU Druggist.
vani-ed Ttio*c ni want of this turtle will get bar- 1 *
AKIIMCIAI. HJUVt.KS—Smith A Johnson, 46 X* Fast Express, at reduced prices.—T6 aceommo-
AUrkri *i. would invite the uttrntion of dealer* dme all lovers of this delicious luxury. BURKE A Co.
u".i ouiri- ni linextensive •tuck of French And have resolved to supply the people regularly through-
Aim riran Flower*, wlucKwul Ue olfered at out the season, with the choicest Fresh Oysters in
•.firm prure- _ _ der<7 cans, ha'f eau* and shell, at euch reduejed prices'as
l iitrmeiKs uinbroideml or «iarape4 for embroidery:
kmuim. i«-u.n;r. rrotchct work,betn*uic.'uii[' und nwr-
nrruied. oov'J<l
JfEW GoOt>B. '
O (IArKI.tTI it WHITK. IW Wood direct, are now
O receiving a irc-h «iork of DRY GOODS, oi rcceni
purrha»r. Mttl t»c*b «tyle\ pattern*, 4c, which they
will #c,i iow to the trwQu
Merrhn .t* nr>* reijuetted lo cad and examine their
*tock and priced f r h<i
"t ILK w '
/ 1 i:vrv ITRMstliSti uikifei— Fine ! *' lli cnml.ic every family to cr\joy tbit deUrVey at their
\ J »inimmv collar*, merino, Mlk omJ wool Vest*: dA |
.In .i<> Drawer., «nk. kid and wool i«li>vc«; nirrma An tlxpre** load will}* received daily aithe ware*
'•<’ and wiw; l Hu-’, Italian irravai.; tine Zr- bo “*« ®f JMU O. BUiWHLL, Water atreci, between
i'l'V* >< arf» drri FII KATON XCo I Smiliifield and Grant, and for tale theie, and at the fol-
I ii'.MKsrrc \Vim>|.|.l\* _ U.ankru. kih.,.,-1. ! lowm « depot*: Rets & Berger, corner SmilbJield and
I ) >4 noth ami Ca^imerrby Hv* i*!** C k oo > * Hoevler, Penn M, 6UI
.ur I'.c.c or very low for-alel,v } I D llanghey, loot of Liberty si; j Colturt. Jr,
novi* (»m) (T)CHRaN 1 1 enn Mercer Ji Robinson, Ailcßlteoy city.
L t lA.V’\ 1 A.V’\ i*AMr>iiMKKkS ■ t caw* mfvr Myle Fancy • - --*
’ u»*"»crc«, imgbi figure* and very handsome
ckhl« ju*i opened- by
1 / K KN« II MI.RI.NtiS AT COST—Smtili X Johnson
X Mnrkci *treet. mil *eli for the balance of H.e
• eo/on m rout. ihrir stock of I'tmob Merino*. compri-
Uir mo«t choice color* Now t< your utm* to se
cure bargains deflll
VKI.V KT UlUtlONs jii«l received at Zeoulon Km
«cy\t>7 Market sired,
.'lu p» colored Velvet Ribbon, assorted colon;
;ai black •* *• •*
r 1 " embroidery (iimp; 10 p» wi«lc I’liun.Ac
4 W.iAKS AM) MOslKlO—smith A Johnson, 46
\X Market «L would nivitr ihr attriiuoti of dealer*
•ioJ other* to lUcir rhoice slock ol llajou* superior
Kid (.'love*, and a great Tandy of merino, nil and
cotton (.ilnvev Also, to their extrusive slock of
worried, I'liOutn-re, Alpaca. Vtgonia and Silk Mote;
Moranuii ami other »tyir« of cotton Hose—together
will every style of riiildren'it 110-c and gentlemens'
lm;i I lone mtf
/ ' uI.U SI-UTACI.t^t-Silver do, stleri Jo, (ienii&u
V I Silver do A Jurge aesomneiil cniiatanlly on
h.miJ. mid carefully fitird lo uny age I’ntirnve, con
vex. .lint injii art r|«-rlurle glass accurately adjusted
■ in. vi«ml*.Jrijulrrd.
A. iitiiiiipiy nig glasses for examining Imrn, wool,
"I, bm.k .iOle.,Ae, ju>l rrc'd und lor aaie by
j*J corner of market!and 4ih m
1 KVI A I’m ’ft C.t>Ll) PK.NS, H magnificent and
Ij most excellent ]*en, being the first KOI to tin*
inurkci. Inf ‘life liy W \V WILSON
P*** corner market aud 4tb «t*
KIU LLOVKS-ttf do 7 ladies super Kid (fioveit;"
Ilf - men* white and blk “
5 - iruaaca colored do
/ TALIFuKNIA KL<h»I.S-Ju*i «vc™i
..u.orNuvy .md l>ra*oon Putol,. k,£Tu>.
ii-iulnii: lov.nii.aHfonna would do well w> ell and
r lamn.r them. Alio, due Wotchei, Jewelry, Silver
\VaTe. anlnary and fancy Uoodt: for lain bv
■o»rl-J W W WllioN 57 market ~
V*s*" ARRIVAL-By Kipn*M~thu da), a,W
1 M'Clintock • Cort H-t Warelionae. No 75 Fount. m,
.n*- Rirheit Tapcury Vauem, INGRAIN CARI’KTH,
o which we mviid the atienuou of purchaim.
I'V » ,,v »ie* lh« attcuuon of buyers to hi* very full
assortment of the above goods, embracing the various
qualiura froiq the lowest price to the finest. Also,
Mohair Lustres, very glossy, and ol rich Paris t>lk.
Also, a largo assortment of fancy Alpacas and Lu*>
ire*, roumung of changeable, satin striped, satui and
fancy burred, damask figured, Ac
Masanne Blue Purmcuos*—A few pieces of these
desirable and scarce goods on hand—also. Mazarine
blue Alpacas tuid Mouse de Laincs, at the north east
corner of Fourth and Market su.
Wbolesalejlooms up stairs. feb!3
J BLANKET COATING—Drab, Lavender, grey mu
> ret and blue, for tale by ibe pieec or package, ui
luamiinrimcr# price*., by frtUfiPllY k I.KK,
)*“> _>*l|enyi»4oj»pc«iie Sib
tII*OTHH-l rase black mixed heavy rassiineies, a
' do Tweed* fancy color*; | do fancy rassimrro
lor talc nt manufacturers priera/by' 1
>« S 3 - 1 1 '*>miipphv & UiS
A l"w
IfS.U Mf* JifuW!4 v»-*v *
Wholesale aim l ActsH, at the
PEKIN TEA STORE, 70 .Fourth sixcet, near Wood,
Pittsburgh-—The rabact iber having just returned
frsm New York, bnow receiving a large fall supply
of fteah GREEN AND BLACK TEAS, Soto the New
York Pekin Tea Company, te tected wi& great care for
retail sales. Our stock-being now heavy vco are pre
pared to supply Grocers, Hotels, Steamboat!and Fam
ilies wub any quantity and at any prieo they may wish
packed in U uwl l pound 5 lb'din canis
ter*, 6 and 13 lb catty boxes, and Inhsdfchejia
Retail Grocers are invited to call, as we can and
will sell better Teas at lower prices than any other
house in Pittsburgh.
Our stock of fine Young Hyson, Gunpowder, and Im
perial Green, and Oolong Black Teas are the be* t j n
the American market
Lovering*! double refined Loaf, Crashed, and Pul
- Sagan, at retail, or by the barrel.
COFFEES—Mocha, Old Gov. Jav.a, Lagujra, Sl Do
mingo and Rio Coffees, selected by the most expezten
eed coffee Broker in New York.
Sweet Spiced Chocolate, Pickled CacamUen and
Onions. Fresh Peaches, put op >n their own mice
Malaga Raisins; in 3 lb boles.
N. 0 All Dr. D. Jaync?»Family Medicines for«alo.
deriMAwS A. JA\ NFS
H PARRY has invented a machine for washing
, Gold, for which he has made application tor a
E stent. They ore now offered for sale at the tgare
ou*e of Parry, Scott A Co., No. lU3 Wood street,
Adventurers to California are minted to cul and ex
amine these labor-saving machines. They ore simple
in their construction, easily transported on the back of
mules or horses, weighing eighty' pound* each, and
can be put in operation in half an hour. They eon be
filled with provisions. It is the opinion of those who
have seen the trial of one of these machines of smallest
size, that two men will wash the mineral from 150
bushels of sand or earth in a day, without the loss of a
particle of the mineral. They can be increased in size
and worked by water or mule power, if expedient
Theoperators work without going Into the water or
being exposed to wet, and consequently without en
dangering their health- They will require but a small
stream of water, and can bo used the whole season,
and can be put into operation where there is not suffi
cient water to wash in the usual way.
Price of smallest size 835. Orders from abroad, ac
companied by cash, will be promptly filled.
1L PARRY, at Parry, Scott A Co’s,
febA-dtf No 103 Wood si, Pittsburgh.
No. 13 Cortlandt street, New York ,
f-w „ orroem tsx wnrrris hotel.
The Croton Sanufhcttiring Company,
1 Organized under thKpeneral Manufacturing Law
of the Stlfe of New York.)
OFFER at wholesale, lit quantities to suit jjhrchas
ers, at manufacturers’ lowest prices, for cash or
approved credit—
P*™* HzJtorsos of every variety of style and price.
Boanxas to mateh.
Fire Board Prints in great variety.
Transparent Window Shades.
Oil Pointed Window Shades, and
Wide Window Curtain Papers,
Of the latest styles ami superior finish, all of their
oWn manufacture and importation. As their Stock is
large and entirely new, they invite Merchants. Book
sellers, and Dealers in these artielea, to call and exam
ine their styles and priees whenever they visit the
city, Country Merchants can examine this Stock
from 6 o’clock in the morning till 10 o’clock in the
evening. fob36-dlm
Tin Plates.
THE subscribers beg to call the attention ofßuilder*,
Architects and owueis of Buildings, to the many
advantages which these plates possess over all other
metallic substances hitherto used for roofing, Ac , os
they possess at once the lightness of iron, without its
liability to rust, having now been tested for several
years in this particular, both In this country and in Eu
rope. They are less liable to expansion and contrac
tion from sadden change of the atmosphere, than com
mon tin plates, iron, zinc, ot any other racial now used
for roofing, and consequently form a much better ami
tighter roof; requiring far less frequent repairs, whilst
the first cost is but a trifle more
A fall supply, of all sires, from 1G to 30 W. G n con
stantly ofpnand and for sale by
14 and 16 Beaver street, New York.
The patent right for this article haring been sccared
for tae United States, all parties ininngiag thereon,
either by importation or otherwise, will bo prosecu
ted. oclOO-dAwlyT
AT LOWEST RATES.—Jost received, Pans Fans
of latest styles, Percussion Caps, Teeth Brushes..
German Slate* and Pencils, French Perfumery and
Druggist* articles, with the most extensive vanety o
Fancy Goods in Inc city. Dealet* are invited to an
rarly examination Ireforc purchasing their supplies, as
the goods Will be offered at the lowest importation
rale*. WM. TILLER, Importer,
jall-dGweod No 1 Commerce *t, Phtla.
Colver’a Patent Concave Beater Cbarnl
WE call the attention of the public to the article
heading this advertisement, and invite the timer
prising and curious to call and witness iu operation.
All advertiKiucms in relation to this invention, to the
hundred* who have seen it tested, is supererogation.
Ist. This Chum will produce lJultrr. gathrnne it in
a mass, from sweet milk, in live to ten minute*-' and
from cream prepared, a* families usually prepare it, in
three to five minutes!
•Jd The utility of this invention i* apparent, ns bet
ter Butter can be produced trout sweet milk, orcrciuu,
man cream soured in the usual way; und by ni-au* of
Un* rhuru. a little girl or boy can perform, in livr oz
ten minutes, what has heretofore required the labor of
a woman or man for one or two hoars, and sometime*
half a day.
Jd By limply turtung a thumb rerew, the whole in
side da»t>rr m luken out, leaving nothing but the butter
and milk in the plain wooden box.
4tit It i* the cheapest churn r*-rrr invented, a* un
-implioity cl >'•» •*oii«trn«-i »>;i ii'ioush emiXHh m/ a
great pln‘«*op!i.r-»i print- jd -1 nuke* n hut ,ml* iu
manufacture is.
sth. It is a common-sense chum, as all wii! adnut
who will examine it.
We invite the public local! and witness Us operation
at our office in the Diamond, near the Black Bear Ta
vern, Pittsburgh, and at J. F. Beckham’s, Federal sl,
m arP: «UAw!fcn S
THE undersigned have erected work* ut the city of
'New orb, forthe purpose of Galvanizing nil arti
cle* of iron, which u u desirable to PROTECT FROM
IILSTj wteh a* Telegraph Wire, Bolls, Spike*, "Nails,
Wire for Fence*, nud any oilier article which may be
required. For Hoops for Casks, as a substitute far bale
Rope; tor Clotto* Lanes,Lightning Rods, and a host of
other applications, UAvill be found cheap and durable.
They would particularly call atteuliou to the Galvani
zed Wire for fences; it require* no paint, and will not
rusL Also to Bjiike* and Doll*, the preservation of
which h of so maeh importance, that it wil! commend
itM-ii ui :lm notice of all mows interested.
GEO. B. MOREWOOD A CO., Patenter*.
ocdO-dAwlyT 14 and 1G Beaver st, N. York.
orem a hopk7ns~
(Late Johu .M. Oiem ACo ) 1
N. W. CUUNKB Mxaxsr *JU> fHm.M Stsjuts,
Chlckertng’s Pianos.
JU!*T received ami for sale at man-
prices, thixthkn new Piano
nfirTl Forte*, 0. «ij arid 7 ootav**, of ibe most
■*& » I ■ etegam patterns offunniure, and with
ilio late improved scale.
Also on band and for sale low, 3 second band Finn
°* , . r ' JOHN II UkLLoK,
Sole Agent for Cl.tekenng'a Pianos for Western
Pennsylvania, SI Wood street. mafS
MR. SAUL. IL HARTMAN 1 laving *4kl hit inter
est m the co-partnership of Coleman, Utulman ±
y° '*° l j*° remaining partner*, ha* this day retired
from the firm. February 10,
Pittsburgh manufacture. -The unde
signed, Agent for the manufacturer*, has on hand
ana . la receiving a full supply of the unities,
made in Pittsburgh and vicinity, which be offer* for
•ale at manufacturers prices. GEO COCHRAN,
fcrcO » wood *t
... RUBBER PASTE—I gruis bottle* India Rub*
oer Pastd, an excellent article for rendering bopis
and shoes perfectly waterproof, and soft its a piece of
cloth. One application of vbi« paste i* sufficient to
make them impervious to water for '2 or :) ptonQii, and
a perfect prcTenutive from the leather cricking.
RceM uud fur tale at the India Rubber Depot, No 5
Wood st, frbZ) J A If IMIIU.I P*»
1 PRINTING PA PER—-Having th«* exclusive agency
for the *alr of the Mill Grove I'rinUrg Paper, (S.
11. A (2 P. Markle, wo will t>e constantly
supplied with alt the different size* of superior quality,
which wo offer al the lowest regular prices.
feh'-M ___ corner Penn nod Irwin »t»
ri>HK undersigned having removed to Washington
J. city, will attend to the prosecution of claim*"on
the Government, ami to any law buainet* before the
Courts of the District, with which he may be entrusted.
dectMffau* __ ANDREW WYiJK, J*_
ton * D^lWT t'
Denti«L Corner of Fourth
’ and Decatur, between
AUrket_and Perry aueeto. KpU-tllym
INFORM their friends and Dm public ihhl'they have
no longer any tonnection with their late establish*
raent In Penn streei, knowu a* the Pittsburgh brewery,
having removed Uieir entire buxines* to'lhe POINT
BJrUp-vKRV, in Ptu «irprt ftiylftrd vS»
Patent Bod* Aih.
iH'Y CASKS (Gloss maker*] Jo* Mufpratt A Son*'
& » brand, pi*t rcr’d per steamer Brooklyn, and for
j*lB No IBU JJhcrty ct
INDIA RUBBER FASTE—Ju*i receiving, i tom
bottle* of Robber Paste, a superior anicus, highly
Important to person* that wish to keep their teet dry.
It prevent* the leather from cracking, and will take a
polish over it. Kowaie al the India Rubber Depot.
No S Wood street. aarS JA It FHII.IJPa H j
1) URSh LOiST—A.bead Puree, of blue ground, cop.
I taintngClty Strip and Silver, yesterday lost
<oinr wJirtr be,weep the COmcr oMtlr mol Wood Os
•„U WuUiKwn MJ Wylir .irtiu; tIJ 1 2.*’
vcnU. »n 4 Wftt-'cr
rrw.f.tri, lty r rw ,nini II In Uui ViihirSwroi *
Country S«M (to H»mu
gffijf antlr situated on ttoAllfgbeny river, about half
die U. 9- AisensF-garden, orcb
srJanffmeidaw rriwnti atthcbetL- -Afiply to
mcltlird3l’ •" Water st
A FARM situate os the N- W. bonk of the Ohio nr
' er, man miles below Piuxborgb.- conuuoing as
acre*, late th» property of Jo* a id. Hood, deceased,
and known a» “Rufe Landing.’ .
Reference to David Hood, on Urepremia**; IVm.'M
Davis. Allegheny, and the undetsiglted in u>e city of
Pi ‘i' bTrisJ pimsi
X offer* fbrt«LVthe>XterisiTe plantation in Arkan
sas, lonnerlybelonirfuj to and occupied by tbc late
Governor Kent* of Maryland, and containing twenty-
tuipdred u 4 eisbty*three aid a half acres of land.
Ttui estate fie* In iboeotmtjeaof-Phillips and Crli
tenaeiu and 1* situated IA Wnhmt'Bend, on the Miasia
tippf river, twenty-five ntfi«« above the town of:
na. hi* said to be the highest river land in that re
gion or country. It* toil u peculiarly adapted to the
F TOWtil of cotton. Iu iatpreretaßuta are anoverseer'a
eon*«, a com house*, and rood
quarter* fop servanta.
°\** Ven hundred ncres of thialand have "
euldvattd.- Thereat of it
an/ y ? e ? rcd ' most beta; already done,)
52,5_?V l M* t Uraberupoa lt,*ndthnt otafly Vaab,
!*"£,* w !* 1 > wid « a wrfi loca^lmSnSdCtn
quanunc* of se,<nU thousand oorfkCTwyeS^
u «n»°fKtßatvntavMidpresent* a
p?Mt?r^SS t L , l lh ?, wb V jood
». easily made of lawßMw «pnn»l pnv
!L i" «?Sf *“ of tawteo.™ wshN™oTwr.T
y I tJJSJf <» u>» aiipoi Jo/ iu^Totacu.
*^ n “' Wo mile* from anmnnfru. Wo
“lor, h” «4»«£3a tom
InlOMToraljNHU, U
For terms, Ac., apply (pop paid) to
Aem Co*l Lftftd ttt Sal*:
SITUATODon ih» SloMinmlieiirircr.^reUßoilc.
from PiUabarah andftimie* above thtM rock. i„
the immediate neighborhood ofMeasm Lyon ft «Wh
and Mr. John Herron** poiduue. Thla fine body «
Coal will be cold at the low price o£S33per ii»rc one
third in hand, balance in five eqaalannualpaytaenu,
without interest Title indisputable. Loeationym
itood—cannot be surpassed. For Amber ptrUenlan
enquire of 8. BaLSLEY, who baa a draft olaahi pro*
perty. Residence M st, below Ferry,Mr.Adtßßi*Kow.
N. B. There it another seam of coal on Oil*’tract,
about 60 feet above the lower, of excellent quality,
jys&dir _ * a. a
rpHE forge and well built Factory, erected on .Re bco-.
A ca street, Allegheny elty, by Caasau. Esq., u
offered lor sale or rent from tha Ist of Jaa. 1648, Tho
lot on which the Factory is erected, fronts 100 feet on
Sebeeca street, and runs back 110 fee- to Auk street
The ®aln building is ofbriek, three stories hick, and
M feet long by a? feet wide. Tho Engine House'i*
Urge and conunodiotu/wlih an engineTWier.-itaek
propcnr “ u-
TSwam BoßKwsmnffl®,
coo: —’
pi!ihi»K Ea 'i o / ÜBOUND > riwSi™ r
ptatrargh anilGreensbargh Turnpike, Si mile*
„„„ fram and adjoining thoSCSeS Sa-
S f>^ r Tn C,C I,* *»rffo Md yAriahed
°Z rel % n ° use ' Wgoiher with ttabiea,
carnage hoh»e, &c. There t« uijo 0 n tho pretniaea a
iaree vanety oifrait tree*, and a iprlntf ofnaaaanTex
cellence comtpuwj u> the dwelling
— J if?_ WML YOCSP, IQ litany «
Valuable Real Estate far ■.>.
rTUIK Trustee* of the TVeatemTheologicaJ Seminary
1 in *>IL oo perpetual lewe, a por
tion of thetr property m Allegheny oity, ofler on wv
favorable term*, from 30 to & Lou of’d&TJSZ
A warrantee title will be given. AplanofUieloucia
be sceu at No. 12>Wood street.
For particulars, enqdre of either ofthßudawrned
Committee. n ■ JOHN T. LOGAnT
tax Sal*.
UK following property in the city of Piiubnrfh.
aiidnear'ihe borough of JJ&ucheaier, on lie Ohio
r,^T r * ** °“ erc ‘l for sale on accommodating lermt:
3 Low (beiife rob-dlviaion of Lot No 4Wintheplan
of the ehy of Pittaborsii,) toeing s» feet front onSe
venui Afreet, by *J4O feet to Strawberry alley, near
Grant street.)
10 one nere Lot* fronting on an
1 itie. running from Beaver road lo the Ohio liter ad*
nning Fhnhpv* Oii Cloth-Factory. .
For term*, edpUre of CUARLESB-SCDLLV,
Borfce'a Buildings. 4th «.
MAND possession jivtsn'lhe Ist AprlP—A Store
m Mnrket street, near Liberty.
A Store m Überty street, next door to the cor
ner nt Market amj liberty *w.
Die adjoining ."Store, corner of Market and liberty
street*. ’
Two Siorrs, w*Ui dwelling attached, in Penn ureet,
icaj inc raua). Alm>. a ffr*t rale mod, with or with
•ut dwailujt, near tke canal. Posmjjuob givenam
itadialrljr. Iw.mreoi OAVIDGRBKR,
Penn street. near tie canal
Lot ’ Llbr'
. " Jcrt y Street tar LetM.
\M-. LUI ,<V (cfi irotu on Liberty rtreet, by l|Ofe»i
*-/ 10 Breerery alloy, nearly oppeaile Weu ttreet,
ami movement 10 Uie iloiionfakela river. will be lett
ed lor a term of year*. Euqaire of
, , „ of JAMK9.OaLA.IU.
* eWt - n _ Burte«B Bitfldin B ;4th nu
Valuable Prontrtv-fat ■«!..
X rnl Lor* onDaJdwjn and Liberty itroets.■ In the
Vlh Ward, 21 feet byJOD, and adjacent the proposed
depot of the Central Railroad. For terms inquire oi
Barite’s Bttfldiay,-4Ui it
M A TWO *tUTT >'nimc IhrelUcx ll6a«. in Al
legheny eity.oiwbo Dank of the Allegheny nrcr.
adjoining ihe dwelling of Mrs Snowdenjind near
!y of>po«u- uio poiuu The dwelling is commodious
a:ij coicfonaliJe, aod contains even* nceeisarycou
vewence, with a small, garden attached. Eaqainj of
Du vnl JMoan, Coach maker, in Virgin alley, or of the
ißufflTibtf on tiio preniiot.
marJuitf NKAJL McA,
»A TWU *TORY BUILDING, 40 feet square, with
jCL Pleau Engine, all m good order ontf ready for
operation, tor sale or rent, or a partner would be taken
m any good business suitable-for the bnildta*. Also
for sale. x PLANING MACHINE for flooring board*.
ui*o in complete order, in a flourishing neighborhood!
no compeutum and freer frqnl palenrfeea. ■ Adtlreas No
Ul ° r^ rU “fVob reaiwnttbiujerms,'
wgood tenanu. ax comfortable woatory Driek
DwelliJiga. with cellar*, vault* and baci hqiM
ing». situated on Robinson and Craig street*. AUeaha
ny cny. Enquire of SWEIT2ER A RKKDT
marfrdlf Office Third tu opporite BtCb«'r% BWel
OFOR SAXE. •*' *
N frvonil.le icrlna-A Lot Of Ground da the aoath
*id<3 Ot Penn Street, near Iho Monoogahela river.
■ ronitug 90 feel on Penn street, and-extending Ho feet
ui depth to an a.lcy 520 ft wide; a mori detlrable !od»-
uou either for private residence* or formanttfaeumn*
purposes. Enquire af } SCHOONMAITBF* Co. *
' cb - 16 „. ... No«Wood’.,
TO LET—A two story brick DweUing House
Imjll on Hay street. Enquire of
Brick Dwelling, with 5* aerea highly Intfroȣl
Land, auiuucd In Oakland, to let ftom llt April
ner ' HARDY, JONES*Co?
44 Water atreet
To Let,
M Aihree.iory Buck Owollinj, tonalniiij li
Jt»«B rooma, on >\ ayao BlrecL Bent t© a good tenam
T.^ 50 A PPIy *» C A M’ANULIVasCo. ’
feb * . . . . _ ianalbaaia
Property In Allegheny City for B*le«=
rruirc subscriber* ofler for Kale a number of choice
JL Low, situate 10 the Second Ward, frantiinKon the
Common ground. on cnsy (eras. Inquire of
W. O H. ROBINSON, Auy at Law, St Clair it
or of JASROBINSON, on thopremiie*.
mynaJAwt/T v
MTPOff RKNT-Kor one to threo year*, from the
4”? ,?• aex b a lar ?« nro • toned brick
Dwelling Hbose, pleasantly aitaaied omhß bank
ol (he Ohio river, adjoining the borough of Mabcbe*
let, wn.i about four acre* of land, oof building*, /hdi
tree*, Ac. Ac. Apply to “
MA LARGE and well finished Room, second
»tory. on the comer of Wood and ThWStreets,
above the ILsnhauge office of IVq H Williams
Possession given immediately. Inquire of
_ J«* M’GILLS A RUE, 191 Lflicm_s_t_
For Rent,
min Allegheny city, a pleasant IJwciling Jlouse
and largo Garden, «n the second bank, aduwunr
Oeo. Hogg. For tenor, inqoire of Sir Benj
Clyde on the premises, or ut hit store, No US. Wood
street; or uppiy 10 ALEX. URACKENRIDGE.
BpS TO LET—A large Uncle Dwelling-Jlouse..
HjlSa suitable for two families, Mtnntcd oa Federal
Allegheny, above Mr Craves’ store
Apply to II LEE
ffbaa Liberty st,jopp6*to Sth
Srx our LOTS, m the Reserve* bacfcfliPAllegheny
and Manchester, Nos. 131, 195,13®, lift32U and
U3J, containing acre* each. ALto, ""eleven
contiguous low uLtfle Ninth Ward, JM feet Carson
street, by 12U feai in dept); to Patterson's Une.^*
Two low on Liberty street, 21 feet by/lWTtp'Bpring
alley. These lots am milie SBFarti, Jteip'dta line
of the fitb Ward, tnqairo-of • ‘
(.lua-il WIL M- DASLTNGtQN.
. TWO LUTS on itehver city of
■TC> Allegheny, above the
U emctfed a frame budding, two stories htgoJaaltabl*
for tap-small tcnetueuw. The lot* ore CflC& “twenty
Teel infreat-byone hundred Cut deep, and Jfitn bark
to & street forty feet wide. The buildings .on Ibe nr«
iniso will pay a eery handsome Interest op Uxfl invest
meat, and the property will be sold cheap (oi esiah.
• 'Apply to 11. Sproul, Clerk’s olErcj U. S. or to
.Jtk THE «nl>«c fiber offeri fox teat A>t na or
‘■Kqoneor tnorr year*, *
tfljcd two *tory Dwelling Homo, OOnttUtin* d rooms
Kitchen. There i. u let
acrc« of fine >-00115 fruit tree* oT-everyJtiittlfttaW
Ac., conuceted wub liie bouse. fauTixiwn
in* a ddlpht/ol;r«i*ideaP4i
be * rurechaatjir.'iFof(£intuir?rhi»ih
will be lotr'toa gcod-tenant,
WrigUi> near tic pftnu*««j of JolutrWmtt, comer tA
Hand and Übenjr.ttreeu, or of* T/, “
- ' TUfiO. P.-WSfftirr
- ttcotcit bottom fprStlal
rPCN. ACEK2J OP LANA situated iu PeefaTtfiiown
burgh—tolou to «uii pnrehajcr*. Tor ftmherpank
uiari appipto.ircury *t L orto'-'* T
BM *; i.f • .A. WASHINGTON,
_ novlM-dlf '4tli,above gatfUiCfcJd «l
WAREHOUSE POa4ALiU>Tte.ib'»eriUei
jgjß oaers for sale ihe liuee story briefcWarehoose
on Wood street, occupied-bj R. Tumor AC&
"P l 7 • i , . WkIYILgON.Jr.
y A t^V n A lfrr^ON PKNJiSTREKT
rOR SALK—A Hot Of Ground dtustf on I‘onfi
#lrert, brtween Hav,aml Marbanr atreew, adjoining
ih« house and !«h floor occupied by Richard ttfwarda,
having a from of 23 feci, and in dcplh fbefc-wjl! lie
sold on favorable terms. Title onexcdptionaWe. Ro •
quire of -C. o. LOOMIS, 4th iWfloW Wood. '
ocra*itr *- • -
A J)E3lR.\DLi2l^sias2ot C fa
A located, In aiac about balranaete, ami
wilt we sold on accommodating if nna Ihqo(rbof
' febd Jl> WILLIAMS, HOwriod it
/*k rooa in Uw second juuy, No
SSQ Wood streei . su»
r C" “jj-oiTiSlUfonUa. .-j ?
TllEceMirnsM ilarord Uiflo Powdery iai*gi, half
keitv;«4mt«>i*nMdeau«jfor*aleliy • * aa
f*hl3- V ™ J 8 DtLWORTII A Co, J?**ood «
~TSa BpthdentiPol 1 cc v QURcv-j
irate. Stata,'*-Chief of PoUccyKosear
iUetx "up®; iwmj