TbE pirrsßlihijtt HAZfiTfg. PUBLISHED Bt ' pitVS’BCEO;® SATURDAY MOHMteG, MARCH 11, 181°. - i nm,T Gum« U pablufred Weekly.—Hie DM U SereQ *' R^f^MraaSra- the'Tn*Wtfekly la FinDollarrpet £ wSdr i* JMlin J*r «mnun, a *4®®***** r imrticeble. Advertisement*netinsetted fore «p«l ESftfme *m,lnv»iiefrir be ; dt»kt ! nuiil ; from Washington or the eastern cities. f ; Miami UKWSEaiTTv-This mutation, is situated I f- '• et Oxford,Ohio, and has been «t»iaf}y-1 oiu,: The President. Dr. MeMasteyiiEs accepted | the -presidency of the theological institution at New 1 Albany, la. The board of trnsleesa fijw days ago I elected Rey. Dr. Stockton, of the Prrt&taßt Meth o* j ; , . dial 1 T' • vaSincxcatiscdijy to oißf.ttcMaite*. j j • The Cincinnati Gazette, speaking -of the appoint 'L- m meet, says: • - | The election of an eminent Methodist .divine to Ihe’Presidebqy ofa college which toi Ken under , thstgoreromdnt of Presbyterian.'divines and ‘he i ' influence of the PiKbyterfoachnrcb almost Jim® • - ont of mind, is one of those liberal characteris tic, Q f the , day which we behold With so much pleasure. Koum—The fbllodnng Is the decree pssseii on lhB 9th of February by the Homan Consutoeul As | semblv, by which the Pope ia J “'Ll?' Boman States erected into a republic. The decree has been ecnl to oil the diplomatic agents and coo sols of the Boman States. Already the Roman au thorities have adopted the republican form of ad dress. Titles are laid aside, and letters are address ed to CiUulaiu), dec: — : ROMAN CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY runnAunrrui. promts. •" Art. 1. The Pope is deposed m bet and m right from the temporal goverftment. of the Roman Statea- Art. 2. The Human Pontiff has ail the gnaranuei necessary for fhe independehce apil thO-eaerctse o his spiritual power. - '* Art. A The form ofthe gorernment of the Soman Stoles will be that of a pure democracy, and win i.i- the gloriona name ofthe Rontan Republic. :■ An. 4. The Roman Republic wilt bane with the rest of Italy, the relations which thnoommon nation ahty may require. ' : . February 9.' 1819,1 o'clock, A. M.. - - The President —G. OAldaTTl. ' The ScCrelaries—GloVANt«_PSjNACCH , ARIOEANTE FABRETTI ANTONIO ZAMBRANCHi, "qUIRIA F. baeilli, Ia tosi discussions which'nrecedcd toe adoption of lbe;«bgye decree, M. Mnmjnni |°°s speech,tawbleh he doclwed.th»tfceteiiipprai . jwaalion efthe Pope hid nltsnni .been , tune lolinly—but he thought thtilho hen thug the ' Assembty'COUld do would be to postpone the setfle ' meal of the form of GoTemmenf ■ Ibrthe present, ,nd to lrsve tost question to the decuuon of the ; Italian ’OontuiLniuile Assembly. , When he MU down, M- Mautiani was saluiett! With groan* end . tnurmuk of dieepprobetiop. SL Mari replied to ■ him, end M- FUopanti warmly supported the stwp lion oflhb Republican Sunt cfGovernraenl, end s iUHtea that the decree shouldatonce bo adopted. M. Agostini followed, and also .opposed toe pont . nenement of the question propoted toM■ Mam jam. • At sixo’cloct the AsaemWy «Bjottmed toe debate fcrtWo hoora. On tooroaumpUpuoftheaitbng.M. Tndlne, proponedtoatthe Assembly shouldjit once decree ibedepoaition of toe Pope,bultoal.ti should ‘ bfkAto the Indian Cou«mnante,:AjueinUj to do i- tenhuyT the form of Government-tobe adopted. A loug dSato ontHa proposition fcllowedi but uluma .'i uhfthe Assembly' readied. h?thOst_UMtniraotMly, I r tost the entire dectee should be thM -! not orilvshould Ibe jPope b© tfep&Mt • ■?- Of 144 m«tobe« wto ■ five'only opposed the sdojulon afaßepabhcsn farm •f of GaMrameni. •- M. Cmoti, who waa reiidink fa Parifl On citl mitsion from ihe Roman governinoM. cm wru ten to beadqutrters to *ay tbi» ia io* ***** r. j: Pope‘beiog deposed, he should consider his mission •j as tennloatc^- BKEAK IN THE MUSIX CANAL. gbbat uw'ofrntoy^rrT. Ob Yesterday morning *t 3 p’tibck,.* bieilr. oncor .; Miami Canal, betwrcen.lhe -corporation line aWciiftWllicrefk, at ajojnt , Of tb* *“7f.'■*:?a! Canal mnsi be eotfir .twenty.* i, o'; jnppttErsitbotin A? £ tauten ai wfficieniiy i, a^ooBb *** * the “• ' iWOOd t«»Tmeip*i!y ■ t lo,nnain=a»onpii»rtum,iied«WWf* w - , fiMrr. of their htuidia^ - Mf Moino; «t»P io»nuf«tartr»;lo«t sonto 810,0® *<»*•* •i: no! kia-u. Jt <-P■•■■ ■::SgfcsdSSSSwai W«k#w*«“- ■ .1: * sw"*’’- • 4“l«r^;iulß‘>“lim.u ! mtofc. ~■;* <•: i*"* ■ • lofc»ea. but nlllW WBP neTinned .t»_• «- t‘ >.* m °S uu 1 .. ■•--IfluareiK.aJVir 'ie waifxiltd *%PP W V ,-d t - - - ’fl* c o nsi; i bkk’ / Pomactln pubiic notice,, the Sphocl Directors' tend Pittsburgh, ** ihe Fourth oaTbureday evening’! • at the hoar ipjwlotcrii: Mr. ROBERT-McKNIGHT wt*called to the Chair, and Mr. fonu Haven acted a* Secretary* Professor Lemuel Stepdens, Chairman o a appointed at a previous roeenog ”, the Board of Trade Rooms for that fmrpow. rea the following Bis P O a T . The Committee Thom am.heWmtheßwaefT ; b taken olace in the outward constitution of society, toe Improvement of it* internal organization i* » Sorter brocesa- Oar mode* of education ore stdl too inoch oonforSed to the old model*. Philosophers’ have given to the world true views of the capabii itiesand right* of individual man. though these views are but imperfectly comprehended ulely at large. • i The great doctrine of human, equality i* enlerr talned, though not much uudcralood. Our own country haa laksn the lead in the introduction o the true philoidphy of human life- The voice'il the people, the newspaper pre.s, tai daily decla-, ’ ring the trntha of, this philosophy. WeJmve come-vara o! onr wia/om. We have been deta- Aid by the folaa idea that the declaration ol u truth ■equivalent to its realization. We hear 11 from “lolasae, and ggea,from the cl.altering rohool boy and the ripened alatMSnnn, that with ua all aro fee and equal Alas, we have yet to tearn, that man's political and aoeinl equality must he laid on ft deeper foundation .than legislation can give. Human liberty la not to be eatahhabed by enact aentl. Human aqoaUty means something note than equality at Ihe ballot bon, and on the tot ro.t. No bower on. earth can give freedom tothe ignc ranl° Evan wealth cannot raise them floor ibeir humble dependence. The authority ot the intel^ BtheMprome, unalienable authority among gf„“ We rail of an ariatooracy of wealth; the distinctions that wealth can grvn are too .apera ciai tranaien)i and trivial to be mennoned su no evil in comparison with the greateat absurdity of ’ the age, an aristocracy of knowledge nnder repub ton mitautiomt we talk of a free goveromea and human equalilv, Ihe people at large baye not vet reached n eooception of there great I Jens, r 1 leva attained to the roaUty. We rale and caU no mnn master, IS the proud heart bf Ihe American ciiixeu. i True, Ih.l people,.u upn.be throtn. tm them is a power behind the throDv Victoria, in the hands of her ministers, is ns murh IHn££l a. iho sovereign people m the hand, of their politicians. The Jeople can never he «^irrgr ; wfhr.K orparly feel the truli to n. so aqrni, that the permanency of free institutions can only bn seeur- Ed by wch an education of the mass_ ct the \>eoi>le ' « XCmg them to understand the P™* 1 plea of government, and thd'f own re ® • 1 . ?*ha nrSt danwr which every repoblic-has to ramd'agninslTlhia. the danger, lest the V**} ® ignoraeceriionldcome to outweigh theig>«j rf tclli«ince. Among men who are capable ol juUg . true policy -.11 al.rt.Tj P vSl over a tabe; for in maintaining a wise admin istration cf public affoira, cluaena aro but consul-: IS S.« lateral In » community that cap-, deluded the hope* of the demagogue are “ off, ondthe temptations of polidcal diaheueo, aSd fofepratences Srorontoved. But ao long • latga bodies of Iho peoplo have no meaf '' 'the right principles of grryernmont, nod through £o£S“ misjuJge eoneeromg the Sitieal and privaio prosperity, them be deshtning leaders enough found, who, for -clh h ££ fuZ inutar to tieSi mrors, nod Ihu, hm, ,hß lfTpnto ,D ed°nS r ha. m* advanced «. fas. naWmp«v'nnW.Binthepotocal organ, zabn »< Sr dSrand, fltDlleaa haa U kept pace with t e ho-the ipt iheir promioent defteta, a e edoMUon of youths, for the pi»ih.?nl dune. ° Tfe eoura. of hber.l edumstiOo was mh -4 and settled before the law. of She u*iura|.| fd weiemucb undprttood. and bellnu the■ £ | ,of chemistry had become ralerwoven m .1 he :y 0 7,^ d un““nt r ufgu.g« iT H | X. for nb,tract md geoe.-al rcaaomos, J “d be an easy matter to show, lowevc . that iduentioo of professional men , i; order to discern the iega, menu ot hi. U he were acquainted with the ( mechanic*, hii opinion in a question of pal nt SSTuUor uumnoe, -ould be ot. much mme loe U> hi* client at pteieai * »» lM understood the dectncm reUnoov the »«’»' a mni th. o,m.er nu|ii t'tv ut of SS&s&SSSS a nlainer revelnliou ol llus Lt-eator * minu s„ ,s conntined tn the “O.h.ned ltavi.ee t£bn! and Genevan hcbool*. Ibere he sve sight to enlighten the blindness of nii.b-tu ,q wzzg&m S£-*‘r?s: £dr adaeation were at.ll batcMbjn i ■•. W* ottfea, however, that our sympathy iber direction. It ** on eoaety »j- he 1 rind work of edocaiton has yet to bp done J short ol which neither phlianUirop> nor ass&r S«fi9r-s.f-.rr~ SSSHiills ports it, of the air thit tw oi w«ur p fire, of heat and cdlU. of the wind* ’ more than if his lothad been caj AU nature aremnd Him is a luddea -toyUtriJ unintelligent Of the world- • * . bis owp fimme, oi« ignorance i* dill inoro p • He nadoatand* mothiag of bia-duttw »» - Qorofihe.anaofUfc/ Theoperttjoti of u beyond hiicomprelieoaioo. The . . of the soil Ift to him ao abpurduy. H« . many wonder* on every hand, that in |[ he oedses to wonder,and even o* l i m»goeHc telegraph scarcely. hu y~ j If car common schools do bo tittle toward* fit* l , tinr voutha for the bosmesa 'and retional* enjoy> Totals of life, let took higher. :Let | what is'the edocatton of Uio»e wjto onjof the aa« vftnuure» l JSdSEher will not undertake, to the elementary studies, to >»«W et f“ ~ overv stage of odvanceraenl, tn the uac.entlftn . mathematics, and the whoto-ctreje of SeSek The iJain troth ia, of our yttalha, evan. the sons of Lie .weaUbteit, >»lui “ JSSidfor th. ar.tiee, operative jiurauit. ol life find no menus within their reach of,pbtatmug an ednealion at till adeqoatero tupply thqir wfinta. Cv MTCUIU ovt on ,he delenukuUfoP if giving thS rooaa vood-eilnrauoii, and then leaving them of li*e--eoorii*KKrtss*WV«*»v ritvranld do »r„ W«it Were nci ic*rtinUK*satDc mould, **r|t jvelttd higher SnUlUions a. well adapted lo fil U4.*r ttlive luenaJiieioare to fit them for the pride talon-. Irtve mV. We have only one plan of hi aMgiiMSSmis brought on a monotonous and brnmSlileaa pjth, without the least regard either to k? or }““'£ and thus the happiness end nsefolness of many a'lTountr'man is thrown away, because ho was so n&rtSalc aato hnve the lime and mean, to get an education, which with ul a. dred yearn ago. ts synonymous with a devotion to orofekuonal iUodie» , _ The majonty d< patents in our eommnnuy. how ever not having tho means ouhe disposiuon to per mit their sons to go through the entire course of -college study, continue them at school as long as they thick prudent, and then transfer ibem to the counting room, the workshop, or the store. What these youths hate learned at acboola a would oe difßctllUoafltwdr. Not that Rome useful knowledge ka* not been gained, bat their education ha* had no , 1 plan, no end, no reference to fitting them for uw i Fuiaeea and Mtcceu in their chosen walk of lite and a large part of their time bar been often was: ed on stadiea which to them are absolutely worth- j lers The las! two precious years at school oL this , 1 most abased aaff unfortunate class of student* have I I beenasaaliy *penl in getting a smattering of the i Latin language} in conning the pages of a (»reek I Grammar, and in going through one or two book* . of abstract mathematics, of which they see no ap plication, and won forget. Leaving school at this \ point to engage in the huaioeas ol life, thev are sur^ I prised to Hud that the world of realities has noth- I mg to do with the book world from which they | have escaped.. Vet judging ol the value ot their education by the pains it has cost them, »ti Isuspectiug that some mysterious virtue may e ' coniaiued in the story of Romulus and Remus an. ’ the like, which they have beeu at **-» mucb pa-ns lin eiiorting unknown tongue, >.er room of the attic. . Useful as the ancient languages undoubtedly are when thoroughly studied,m the formation ot a sound htdrorv taste, aad important a-* their study cons**- quently is, not only to the professional roan, but to all who devote themselves to the fullest culmation of their minds, still U shoold be remembered lhau thesperiod of two of three years spent m the study of these languages Is for wo short to fouler Ihoaa benefits which legitimately sllenii their ihorugh pur suit, end furthermore ihnl ihe usefulness and hip pines- of the mass of mankind depend mainly oil other things ihmi studies ol tasle. In " iuc ” u °"; a, in every Ihmg else, let wh.t is “ e ” r , be sacrificed lo what is merely useful, nor wlmi i useful. lo what is merely ornnmenliiL In Ihe work ofeducntion, as in everyolher work, lei • founds lion be laid suitable lo ihe superstructure we may lie ablh 10 rear, for he would be called a foolish or chiiect who wii-n his lime and means were ex hniisted should be found still laboring on a mag nifioeOl basement. Yet thin lolly Is every day en acted m our schools. . While the education of our youlhs lor the active pursuits is thus a planless structure, or a patch work of heterogeneous fragments, hud, we are speaking of ihe educauon obtained in the private - and higher ochoola,oo wonder thnl mou of plain com mon sense see nuadvanlnga la keeping ihelr sons al school, but prefer to Introduce them early to the pruclicat instruction of the workshop. They are more than half rigid. The only wonder in that dbeir plain common sense does nut prompt them ' lo provide something bett» than this slovenly nod disjointed training for ihe minds ol their chit dreo Thay surely cannot be ignorant of the boun litul M d which science has brought, and iv atill • bringing from her Imulless store* to a«>*t ibe nat nrahngenuity, add the physiol strength ol man. Thai al! Ibe operations in tho art*, ail the varied processes of mannfacture, and ail ihe combinations if machinery. ««P»V principles and laws which-science ba* given up to under stand add placed at oar use: and they cannot fail to *ee. that m order to eojov prudently, and to pro necote advantageously any of the arts of lite, a uerson should understand the principles on which [bat art is baaed. Amoas the mstaners that we meet with of singular indifference lo the benefit* that education can confer, it will be diificu.: to find to extreme a case ns we ourselves present. tv endowed by nature with peculiar advantage* lor currying on extensively ibe most important branches of manufacture, and tor cultivating the mcebaaic arts io their h.ghest perieciiou, which mainly owes ito present importance, and must al ways depend for its prosperity oa the *uee*»lul prosecution of these brauubes ot human in dustn and vet possessing Dot a single school, whether public. or pnvate, where either workmen or their employe can obtain such an education as would best, fit them lor their duties m Me lt in a fact worthy to be recorded as a curiosity m the annals of education Were we a siuggtah and phlegmatic people, like the first settler+cf New AmstofLaki, this pbenome non might be explained on ihe principle of inertia, but we tfre not. A question of tariff policy, or the nropcsal ol a ten hour law, is sufficient U. raise no excitemeot among us, bordering on convulsion. The effect* produced by measures such as these, ore m»mediaie,*and heui«n the Mirfsce, and there fore they engross the energies ot the day. But the souod politician and the good citizen shoold look deeper and s&k to the spring* ci pro*- perity and happmeaß. Vt on! ictiaoce can the maoofttcrarer place upon th»'advcnliM7us aid ot a i protective tariff, compared with the security he would‘dinv« 10 U>e intelligent iogenmty of our workaftn 1 And what protection is a ten hour taw atfaiast oppression, compared with the buk warfcjpf a well informed tmod 1 Tho educated worttS&o can' command not only hour*, but W aiea. forte can make himself iwtopewabl* taWBnj*H *kattho to«wU*i*e»e» canl I never ffo Give to the maasof the people lutelii- the relation between labor and capHe! ! Will iQVimably bccomfi a fair and natural alliance, lo the mutual advantage of both and of the whole ; comnlumty W.t need not make an argument to stow Ihul lire liegrudalion and oppression ol ihe manufiotur.iig «n,l clas.ee ol f.iirope is „,e Simple resull oflUe sUie.ol ignoinn.-e in wlneb lt,ev tilive been held lor sges. nml til-1 J"*' ' n pro portion ns iboy tnve risen In lalrlligeo.-e, ll.ey imve found a,cans, in spue of ibeir civil disatiilil.es, ui beturr tbeir eondiuoa and reader itemsel, e. in deoendeal ‘Uegrndniioa and drudgery are ibe *, nal, enable Vrtarighi af ignomace Ibe law. ol man l-nnnot countervail ihe laws ol trod. Wh le ignorance eiisls among me mas. of ibe people, republican m.uiuuon. canoul save rocely Iron, ihe extremes oi weslUi and poverty, ol |a msjanty may drag all down lo a comtnon level, bul Ural level will l* ‘he level of the loweaL . Lei us now progeed io consider m briel detail, what kind oi education would beal roccl ihe waots of this i-omihanny, and the means of eccompli-hing ,i Ttp hriui.-hes of industry which give lo our ally its character and Us prosperity, demand a pc cellar cultivation of wiealiac and mechanical skill. Tne rapid progress of diwmvery in ike department! „l diemirtry ami pby**-. ** yearly openmg fre.b f-bannek tff mdustry to lh«= a»nQfi.clur«-r aod the srliian while at the -sine lime, the old iiielincts of inanefat-tere are undergoing frci|iieal n'.leraiions, or be-eie ri.ilmng.u for new ami improved |.rt«-cw ea In lset, nis only by an aci|nai_l«nce wnh these -ctCticc. Il'sl the mechanic or manulnclerer ,-nn oallersland Hie operations in wmch he is dai.v eeibloyed. Tbpy leech «m Ihe nature ol Ihe me urnL ha uses sad ihe n.lure ..I the change, which he produces of, liiese malenals. 1 He* i.iske him acquainted wiih W properties of ml add thus enable hi,a UJ emplo-,- hu head s. well as bin hands. They save him Iron, me Jnnget of wasting lithe and money on idle and hopeless a pertmenu,-.al the sarao luae thal they deed hi. alteationto thtam polnLs where improvement is passable, and shot* him the way to its accomplith "im'provhionilll, m the manufhetare of iron for eg. aeiple. if not due purely to coaoce, can only be ar rived ai by an application of chemical know ledge f Vim the qualities ol iron canon! he ilatermiaed except by- a knowledge ol ckeuii.lcy ll is well kfiown Ibal mainly upon the amounl afearbua earn •afacd in the metal, aad Ihe manner ol , is comb nauoß. depends U.e gnality of the iron, and nsjif lies, for the various kinds of manufacture. Now life eye thntia accustomed lo ihe melal prodilrca from a palilcular ure,*nd by the same process of smelling, will learn lo judge cf its guel.lt by aim tdeHnspecUoii. Bat if the *a'‘*o - olor ‘f* taro. hardne** «od bn tu melal from a dilferenl locality, or produced froa. u ' dlfferem are, they will fail to give the same r. so*. 1 and . dilfercut standard of judging mast resort I Tii. lleie chemical invest,gat,ou a. 0.1 coare. tb our aid, io evoid Ike Jcuget oltcn of a disastrous, rhirtukr. • Tl.e quelities thsi tenner ,rui, suitable I (br purr,calm purpore, may I- much unproved, itthc niuQufncturer only knows whal it is mat im part. to the metal there qua hulls; ol this ‘•^ n,l ” 1 'l r will inform bun, and ihe process of .inciting and. be so varied a* to furnish UmTcodt:.-desired- nr such .mpunlre. « llllcoa, sulpfmr nod phosphorus, wlituh feUtfl the oietal almost worthle«, chem.stry cas reoaei im waw .fo r ihmr eaay removal aad f'°,'. U Cbfo i” vda. of Ihe product, of tk# r!roic Bat never while »« are depcndenl ul-. on igaoroot d 7 o^e teTcr.',uiTac°,; era * , iflirwiSed m lU** Kutoufc* Wr ha»f mud. capital we| , ~y ai(l Jure of coiinu, and l '» ™ we „ e of rowkinerv PJf j'j eo{ connecting priming debarred from ibe ad ___ , aclaf j e « until we cao «st*bli&ftm«uta v»tb . or educate our owo. eithnr itbpmt f« r, -ig n .manning and dyeing is For thc : wbole ('“““'‘S'LpU Id al present conducted lu *orthe highest ro .,mfacw.oof^paD^to.nt» di!itrm|n t (hc .importance in riMin ed j B the crude poinah 'amountn/pure rttrt soda ” h udl mnleru.l i. employ variation, and •»l>ere Kg ard ID IU portly, bn ignorance be may. a» »° ~ ■ ooderalood. The enrer of tho baker 1 ■ and coiilectiooee, .he .agar refiner, ibe oil ano arearlna ow.ofasll.ter, tW tallow <*”"rt£'. gf, numer;.andraDnf olbere, nil depend for Ihelr ‘“0. aud their Ituprovemenlaoo a familiarity with SoUj, riiilphune Acid, and tt vnnetv ofchenficul products will U. cilcns.eely rered Sour e.ty “ ben ae.ent.fi. knowledge nh.ll become diffused among the people - IP the principles of chemiatry bare so inU.nnlo a eenneilon with manufacture, .hen it .a .mnortanl !?“ to the dealers e.lher in the raw malarial or the manufactured prodnol. to have some hoowledgo of fheaefirtnclpies, m order to determine the realtml :^riffoThit,np f rgl.:.: i ma“tcCr. , forS , .[ many on wh.Th m. h^ state of manufacturing skill a much nicer scrutiny would be exercised than at present, and rendering a scientific education of as much value to him as to the producer and consumer of these articles- Tbs dry goods merchant also fans need to know the nature of the coloring principles and their effects oh the various fabrics ofthe loom. The different methods of bleaching, and the i r effects on the quali ty of goods These instances vci'l **dice lo show bow intimately the principles of t-henusiry are in terwoven with the lucrative pursuits of society, and how indispensable is a knowledge o( these prin ciples to every intelligent business man. Closely associated with cbemi-lry and ot an equally extensive application in the arts of hie is the scieuce of Physics, which maL«-i us acquainted with the mechanical cooktituticH aud properties ot matter, the laws of motion, and the doctrine ol for ces. Every instrument that as»irts the hand of man, from the simplest tool to the most complies - j led roabbinery. is constructed, and can otten only 1 be used, through a knowledge of law*, which it u| the province of physic# to investigate and explain, j Surely, m a thv ol steam engines, aud amidst the ceaseless din ot machinery, it would be superflu ous for us to show that e very *tßechaoic, artisan and manufacturer, from the highest lo the lowest, should understand the implements of their daily labor What respectable mechanic, we will not say ma chibiat, but what blacksmith or carpenter in our city, who lias not keen the advantage of being able to calculate the power of machinery, cl under 1 standing the law of tlold pressure, the nature ol j i materials, and the affect of air, water, and best up l on their durability. How often would professed urehite-cts, not to mention common builders, hove l>een saved from total mistake*, had they under stood the nature of materials, their capacity lo en dure the action ol the elements, orhaolhey known how to calculate the precise effect of oblique and compound forces Every journeyman iu these trades, Una need for all this knowledge, which the science of phy-u-s, assisted by chemistry, imparts. There is oneolher branch of education peculiarly needed in our community, which is less appreci j perhaps twcatise less understood bv educated I 1 men: themselves, than the two we bare already ' mentioned .we refer to tbe art of drawing u would be bard to say wbal employment m the niechuuic Arts could lieit dispense with a know ledge ol - drawing, ami equally hard lo point to a •ingle employment or trade tu our community, in which this art is either practised by the workmen or its principles understood. As a powerful agent rti mental cultivation, the practice ot drawing would property hold an important plare m anv scheme of education. U imparts to the uiind a correct perception ol symmetry and proportion, and makes us to delight tu ibe beautiful forms a! nature and art. It cultivates to a nicety the power of comparison, U laimliarixe* the mind with the conditions of contrast and harmony; in short, upd ates iu many ways to improve the intellect and to retine and elevate tbe feelings and tbe taste. I cultivates those very qualities of mind, only wan surer result, which it u our aim to cultivate in the study of the ancient languages. But to the me chanic, drawing is more than all this. » « l “ e only language by winch he cun express bis thought*; for a plan of architecture or a ?^[ x ot machinery must be seen m order to L* fully un dersiood. It i» to Uim.whul speech is w the oialor. Or philology to the metuphytician. U a**wts and eoostnatly improves his power of thought and in venlibn, by enabling him lo give to lua idea# a visible form, while tbe habit of puurirayuig bis con ceptions to tbe eye. prevents him Irora 1. aving them half finished in the mind, and compels him, aa it were, to perfect bis own thoughts, in proposals for contract, it enables him to submit bis plans with u perfection and clearness which cannot be mis understood, so that in ordinary rases, the best draftsman becomes the successful competitor. A knowledge of drawing pa periods ol equal importance to the mechanic, iu enabling him to comphrhend the execotions aud inventions ot oth ers, as in giving tbe power to express hi* own ideas.' So perfect and so well agreed upon are the ttlles ot this art, that the well educated mechan ic wilt execute the most complicated machinery, aa Well from a draft aa trom a model. In those counir.es where drawing is thoroughly understood, as tn Germany and France, the manutacturer may send his order for machinery to a distant city With no other direction but his draft to «c *ur« its perfect execution. Architectural and or aamental drawing are also deserving a share ol attention in a system of instruction which aims to educate properly the industrial classes m ouf community- The higher kmoa of architecture require a cultivation and purity of taste wnich | nothing but drawing can give. Lverv builder I has often to decide on matters 01 taste, and Ms 1 judgment in such cases does more than anv thing | el*e to determine Li- standing m hi* trade 1 Tub marble cutler and tbe eagre'cr am m a I ereal measure depeodont on (he spcc.es cl men I ia' cnlture wtucti ornamoutal drawing afford.* ,lor ! the value they can impart to their lalor The same with tbe vanou-t •-Imrees of pattern makers | The pattern makers lor all me orunm*-ni.i. wore l of our iron and brass foundries, «n P r ’ ot * w „i T wrKrii I mg establishments, lor manufactories ->l wsh pa s, wu uhiTvw-Rnt. , f« r , Jce. must toumlv owe whatever -•!• l„ ,hc :isd mo-t barren pnMon <■( ttu £»se* tot!- brm.cn of edumit.-u •« . VtJfll¥ England, tnerelred. a long •lone they must .lenve meir m-r , |me „„„ aB J he* wne ot the n«ne c. 10, of invention and combm:.in»o and m j»*m 'be.r| d fo rm , r «a* the keeper of Ih- Turnpike readiness in execution. Upon thetr -krl. too. nut j he bad -.sly been married *©* two or only thetr fortune depend, but - - crest degree fionltlß . wh« the circumstance ccurred of the success ana |.r.. s pr..i* -i m- iuiire e*ub- whu , we W e atfnit to wnte. Thermal! Toll liahmeo.s m whom employ they : ~.r- T_a ar , (ouf , lu whto.i So lived. ,vu wloale. at a po.ut c&hech the pattern maker,.tbo marine cotter, aud wbya ihrvc roatk met, and in a blao wbore the the: engraver, in thetr turn, hecopre edueatm. in „„ nnrulaily w.id and drerr lt «nod then Ideal »nd rnou impntUOt eenvt.. 1 qdotjihollcellormetl tj twoeMill, tidr works tney eJocWO -and atevaaa ahe of u-J,, „de, wee eoTer.d with natjht Imt a eon the whole community, aod iwcotne etc ...a. afflnta , (QWU( .urtaeeot datfc trowu bead or oeeaetOL ,a diffusing a l..veollwaolt. 0 I order. .0 m.pfcve „ to ne. ol ihefrtclly Some. l«o aoolhor men! and retinement. among the •*» I"', «„tah, oe. bt mka. and tbe oaly evidence, of 01, 1 Ufewere to the lew loot a of ahrep. trl« were feur Committee have U-ee tbua .pemtie .e b. jud , he „ bre-.iog .lot,! the moncln... a tjoink the ...tv.rtan.-e of cbein.aary, pbya.e*. =ld ,, 0 , com, and »or .'.met a was drawing 1..-.ane Ibev la-llew .h«t tbeve atod.e. wt.eh a. «* ifrval. pwned along the road, edeu n.'th. heat aeh,v-,a of our e.entry, do " Tte u „|, n w lever pod a via.l lo the Tol. eet.e ll.e uttentio.i they tfeaervv, from flaw v !.-: Üblm . wu u |.„t, l. namedtionher , wb.. called eonoeaum with the .mptwement end kb|.pm—ol utjacn a, lu rd.y kfbe potpoee of aupplVing the aceielysnd alaobeeauaeefll.eir perui. .. adajt*; >u t [Joi , anJ , wll nf r e,hhata to advance tbe ,ole rear, of ttu. eommuntly. Ihe | Mf p 0 | lan l |„J fd m kia preaeol atevie durmg value of other kind, of knowledge .. heller appre - u , verli ~«v« if t» w.mage; and lemg mated and need not he dwell upon Kvrry .... D| , v , r , r ., un .gea drapoMlmo and having he ebame know, the vajae of ' .eometry. and m older „ co«.-med>h' loeelinea, ol lua p ane ot to uoderetaod tbe prme.ple. of phye.ea, U. tin. he waft moch atreeted Ibereh, tail must be added a goowledge r.| Jgebya. Ing-mom- h „ b «/er be.n aeeo.tomed 1.. I.v.ag etry and the prope.lle, of the coot, aeel.ou. 1 bcae , a.-of b "°« *«“ « * ’"T tranche, aboul.l coc.fltnle the mathemaoeal , j „„„„, ,he m -»ed m . con.lant date of alum eonrae m a popntar ayMem of practlee. edoeanoa. , od whenever her bus A knowledge of hook keeping I. valuable to every d , T „. the a.igbbonog .own tor auek one, particolarly to urn merchant, andthiM.-vether ntc ,„„ ie , „.v re.a.red. And whn tended w.tb praet.ee In the moat pe.lert atyle.ol penman M ,|„»tmg ol nlarm lo a «t gremer afiip, ahould form a part 01 bo. educauon. Tbere „,„,,tha. pf' I ‘e country ... .1 lh.t t.me dmnld blao bn added a enrol..l aiudy of . .eograpby , ll(<1- » a ~y ~d of Ibwleaa men, who almoat part.rul.rly W.U, reference, o Ike agrienlloral and n u „ bu Jtd murd.rmd aomo unldrtunale “nanutaemred product, ol e. cry country To a tin ye inn. and plundered War lone „bed ednew mu lor me.eanl.lo poemf. *»' farmhon.e. n»“ ld v*.‘»nr. of'lke knowledge al-o. ol tne modern UogWMte. properly smbor , Uc , ,feded ,n deleclmg them Ol there belong.. Kvery youth, lo whatever occupation be >h'■“«»». *« J •*•«;” “ Vie have ream,led a g.neral onthoe ol the ed- „ fc p-e ol abode, but he invannbly laugh neat,on which we Hunk ought lo be placed within rd „ h „,t awur.ng her that there wn. M the reach of every youth in our city, alle. he ha. ,„„*er a. none bul ll.em.elve. were aeomred a Iborougl. knowledge ol the elemeniory >w>rt . met ot hi. |maae»mg Ihn m..owy to alud.ee a. prewan. I.egbt m .he free .Cool, of >be „„„|.e day la Inwember. ho mce.ved a wardv The range of aludiea here marked ont „>« him that hi. falber wa. lying .1 ll.e ahould be taught tu a publn High Sclaoof, and Ibo Ih, and who e«n,e«!y w.ahed to ,e« courae s> arrauged. tbatlhoae pupil, who, trom any la .,lhat evebl laok place Tb.a lalter mwhl l-e ouly able lo eonUmie al the achool a uaeumcia. lor, apart Hum tbe for h.i'of the penod tor the enure emu,o, * lt naioncd at hi. father ', dlu.lton, .1 he would null 1.a.0 acquired au ammmt of uaear-'tn- ’ WCD , pnld uol poaatbly return before the 10, Idrmotion, eomplere In itself, and of the deaenbuon low , „hw parent.' rea.denee wa. more moat available in .he mdualnai pt.rau'U of Hie , hon ) mile, d.a.ant, aoj hia wife would be The pupil, ahould be adnullcd lo Ibis vtbool from id)lbto «ny and lake < are cl .he ■gale Me tbe aeveral ward., by paramg a thorough “‘"“h, owever-he could not reluw he, felber . suon on tbe studies laugh, in the public, achoola ot j iliy nmd V heo he Imparled hi. mleotlou the ward had perhaps at the oulael. na>n a Small J ,be waa aetred with the llUnoat terror, ' number would be found al ooee in the ward adhix-lf enlreo.ad him to lb,ego »u ru»i..lmn, aulficjenlly advanced !(■ pa., .he os.n.toauon re „ or 1, uutu ..... « k.hg lime, durmg wb.cbbe ou.red fbr sdmusiou to U.e High School. « »““ ld ,„d. "to ™»> «renm.u. endeavor., lo «K«h be well lo tecclve pupil. Hu Horn tbe private he( cal.n her tear., that he could vsnli.ru to achoola of the city, and to require in their raw a on hi. journey. moderate luiUon tee. winch would alTord pcctini. ' p Saturday morning when be alarted. aud re old a. Iho lime whea fund, would be the mm, „„).e dreancat day. ol the «ea»„. The-now needed lo mn.plel. ll.e perlbet orgam/.atlon of the ,jk on the gronl.d, and .1.11 coni...net to tall . 1 . i-aiumt: ttio tact- i»< thv *urfou» «• v,, v thiMr jond «ad U> give etHcieru > | ((l . any sohecne of general improvement, m Iot> ‘ b' require di*eussion. It i* this lejttarc in t r public srhoois of Philedelphin, New York-.n- Bosl.>n, which has raised them to that higbd e *f of nxcellaocp of which those cities are so j»4 proud. The high school which we hnve projsod would send from year lu year large eloiwea Ol Ml educated youths from every welk of hfo, into 1 workshops, our manufactories, and our im-, • • • nourishment to the -root. which 'hail eniurr healthy and vigorous growth, ami which shall i wurd ui with da abundant harvest. LEMUEL STEPHENS, H... Mr T J. Bigham. a member «f Ui* Commute*, i. ad ifll- lollowinf #uggetuvr proposition* : , Tlt.t wt »■ r. W i.u»i >" nair o( Common School education »n tUi- < nv. H« eatablislunem *>t a Central High School. ' 1 ’ grm-rai orcm.uauon to th- High *wno«U in our Ast ern r.UM m;n which ithould he admitted trout 'he Ward and other acbon'it, «ucl, pupil* u. may be <““»*{ edueaiion hv ihc study oi branches mi m.w uughl in our puhlu* school* . •J. Thai the control and government ,«i it' H'ch school -hn.iUl he ve.te.l ,ii « BoarJ oi t whtfh one member .hn.tltl b' eleeted t.) I he »ebnH nireetor.nl ...» 'Vo,d-.o .nod “fj' term oi three tear*. aim '® 1 , throughout the my. the Board <>i Controller* should have, .minority to -xlm 6 ,.e ■ -erolteo-e. oi eomj.».o> »M person* applyine for ll >e *nuati«ii I” * .... ~„„u „ the Villa .eh..eU. ■"'! " “ “• “■* „e used ... the Word .e»ool—0«t l»»e . l>tmotor* of toe public *cbo«d* -o ' nnlinue ■ gtwci* unimpaired l i 'n... ,h..rwn«f ul Hie ereonotl and *uppta m .uthHljh Sehoi.l -hn.il.l I el 1,1 • “'“j tnrut on tbe Ulinbie propem hi all the >\ *d« the rTrmlon n mWep a 1 r*' o f .cbool hou«S aW* ld t,e be paid by the Ward where -m< -too* »» ' t „ r »-.ef and A desultory lii.ruminn arost up ll effect* of »oine .» the propo.itio* rtf M' "* which Mr.nr, Craft. Khaim. t.pben, Mr rncken. Bakewclt. Hkim.ma. Dcm.) . M'-yuh. ter, Haven* and Tone:' p«rtici*"* J The following revolution w* addled r, I J -m • ii»iik» e Un* ineeing he ottered JWwd. Tlihi > •'* '**' ual)i . Hctori and prupo l.mohn..TaX,;rh **'' ' =£H.3ri,:r:^ ' T ain tor’ll, 0rt,..0 of u,J.e,f'h>hte.to he .„l,n.iti.,d - „ Hdtoonted meet,,. »he i place, on Mondhy the It o ,n *i. at •, » r The Clia.ruiJi, «ppo,rfJ 'he 10i10e...? n»n..-> f e. llemen i:,»’ Coiumittee \i , * i \i , n lisirr ’ R M SnuUi. br M'Crackcn l R ’JZ-J “ ' s r r “- lU.e .0.1 S.t-..Uf rJ Jti Coinin' <■ TIIK DOCi Who it a a 0° Faithful for hit Maaier lus iniifrcy wm a lull, powerfully built man »«lortytive or titty years ofi4;e,aftd with a rough )niena mu di<*, with the exception oi the one id the bed-room. Ai her usual lime, Mr. Pollard retired to rest, i,nl m ram endeavored io the dog still re maining in (he name immovable position as when bm master loft h-m The mght wa» more eb.il and dreary than had been the day The tailing of anow had given piuce to » bctw norm ut commingled steel and ram. which fb«- wind now blew against the case* menln with lemblc torce —almost appearing ns iin.ueb ‘I would taiM' i..e house iroin its very Joun I dntioii- It seemed a titling tugbl lor deed* of blood' I Mrs. Pollard lay id her bed trembling, an her ler- I r-.r ni cacti repetition of tbe keen blaet increased. •i.in.'* oi rubbery and bloodshed, which she had i. ut ve*r-> ngo. now rushed through her mind A c md distinctness; and her imagination mcreas >-j tlu'lr enormity a thousand fold. Mi< jay thus liable lu sleep, until, as near as she i onU (ucsr, about midnight, when the thought •hr beard the soiled c>l n single tool step outside the house. Mir partially raised herself, sod bonding forward, lott ued tnr a contmuance of the sound wilheagrr mieiitneas. She soon beard the step ugai|. and ibis time distinctly. They now appear ed Mbe qtnie near She new listened lor the dogk rawing Home alarm—but not (he slightest inurement did he seem to make. Her leiror sud detly raided to it great extent, ut the animal's not übnc nonce ..I the noise out aide. Another mo iiful, and she hcurJ n sound asot some 6ne redo ing (he glass oiu of the small casement inthe olh -I ihrir view lisoging on Ibe sill, of the casement, wall tLe head and shoulders protruding through mio the interior wns the body of a man, whoso throat was literally lorn to piecr-V It was the 1* dy ol i.foobey ibe butcher' In bta right hand he held s large kmle, the blade, ol which was cover ed w.ih Mood; lor he had stabbed the dog sever*! limes during Urn ?Uiij*g!e And tierce that strug gle must have lieen [or in bis left band was a quantity ol hair, which he hail torn from the neck o*Uie dop Tlie Utter, at the moment when they eniercd the room was titling cruet on his hauneb e* lemeaih the place whrre bm master was hang ing. gnz.ng with a fixed look upon lum, and the Mood was still flowing from the stabs he bad re icived Honlrvy had formed luc resolution of robbing and murdering Mr*. Pollard, and had left hi* dog with her at u iutaud. after such a proof ol the courage aad .%agamy of her brute protector Dash recovered from his wounds, and was ever niter kept by them wnh a* much care as though he had been their ctidd, uor could any amount of money which might have l-eta offered for bis pcs* ■eac'in. hive lempted tbet;i lo part with turn JOB PRINTING. BILL HFADS, OAKDS. CIRCLLARB, y..xni/ftfi l>ilh Contract*, Idiv Bianis, HAVt) FILLS. LiBILV LSHTtrU'ATXS, CDECSS, ruuns*. A'" Ac.. • Pruned ai the suortesi notice, at low price*, at th« tiistexs orcica, I'hibu cracrT v ( p, rn-.i'K *Da i t>n Satardav morning next, the sm,.vcr* *ri of the Patron Vainl oi Ireland, the High! Rev Uiftbop iJ'OsMoa. si tho request oi the under signed Loiunutv**'. ha« consented lo deliver a dis course on (lie- following subject The (uttering* of Ireland mud noi be attributed to Catholicity Their res: causes explained. The discourse will Ur delivered m the lUU at the Si Paul's School House, ai 7 o ciock, P M. Ticket* oi admisoiou 2h cents The proceeds to be aopiOLX>an-d m it.e support of the Orphan Asylum. . JaMF-S BLAKELY. * \ matlJti HKNRV M Cl LLOUiH,) PaXMita l.aaos Svu*a- Prepared by J W Kelly. William street. N V . and lor sale bv A. Jaynes. No Til Fourth «u*rt This will fjc round a delightful ‘‘fu rl'. ol beverage in fiumlie*. and particularly tor >irk lUaxa's Hioma -An improved Choeolate prepan Uou, being a conil>lnat>«>a of f.ocoa nut. inunceiu, n vigarnn.ig .iml pnloiabie. highly recommended paitn ulai'y for invalid- Prepared by W Baker. Dorr he ter. Mtu . and lor t«le l»y A J A NKS, al the Pelu Tea Sloir, No 7b Fourth *1 n.cbU Ivprovrmrnti In Dentistry. DR t. U St'KARNS. lale ol Boston, 1* prepared I manuiaciure and «et Uu* a TxXJii in whole and pan oi upon Sucuou or Atmospheric Suction Plaiet- TooriiACitacvaan i* nv* xi.nxn. where the nerve •iposed office and residence next door lo Hie Mai or t oifirr, Fourth street. I*itf»l>urgh. Karo rw-J H M’Faddeu, F 11. Katoa. jal9 W. n. Wright, M. D., Qootlat, j—mga OcricK I-,t»‘t rv*«de«c« on Fourth st., ffEgjjg* ,-.ppouir ibe Pittsburgh Buuk. Office n*raSEsflh pours from 9 o'clork lo IJ A M.. and T UJ t roip 8 o’cloek to & P M. sepl-Lly Sanairrit tt Copt W A Cbaxlto* will b« tup ported for U,e office of Jthcnd, subject to the tiomina non ol t\io Aniimn'oiiK' >nd Whig County Couvenuon marV u Ktr.imi VYauu, Prrrsscaoo. DIED, At Rokri.y \\ oiks t'bosier cnuniy, Pa , on Sunday, li,- lib m«i . Mr*. I.TOiA Mouatiw Ai ibe «ntne place, on Saturday, tilth mst., Dl erx (kßussk NU W tiOU II K. R. H . PALMER, OFFKRs FOR SALK. AT LOW PUICFS, a fult assortment of STRAW A2JD HILLINK HV UOODN, of the limit appioved styles ai.td pal lei ns, (or the SPRINO OF 1549, consisting m part of— Fancy and plain English, American, and Ftencb Straw, Fluiesuu, Rutland, Pedal and oilier plaiu and fancy Braid; China, Rice. Jenay Lind, Loop and Roy al Milan edge Braid BUNNFTTS. Rich French l^aroi Fancy ami plum Uimp, Ac. Ac. Fancy Braid, Straw; I limp. Lowborn, and other Mic sea' ton liitanti’ fIATR. Panama, Manilla. Leghoru, Folut Leaf. Straw and oihor Summer fLATR, mr men nnd boya Bonnet and Plain IhbbOira, Rounet Silks; Aruhciai Flowers, Ac. A.• v.- Straw Bonnet Warehouse, '■*(• MorLei -iroe*. meh|7; Omul Rtnljte, Kel MOIU.AN JENKINS, ur ar the }>rtDti « tniuk if necessary Also, lirht Ptrk» and iiinrr Pool* used in California. TUa nUie will i*i* ».'•! on iti«- mum reasonable terms, at H ftYS ft 'JETTY'S, mrlit" _ No 61 Market st Pennsylvania Canal ft Rail Roftd Bi« press Fast Packet Jitae, ®M 1549 -fIUBL FROM PrTTBBUmi ro. PHIDADELPIIU ft BAi.- (Explosively for Passengers.) I'HE pablle are respectfully informed that this Line will commence loaning on the 19th tnst, and con tinue throughout the Season. The boat, ure new, and of a superlot class, with eu- UitKcd cabin*, which will fivcdgreairr comfort. The rail are the latest construction A host will always he tn port, asd travelers are to queried to Call ami examine them before engaging pas sage elsewhere. (Fore-euly nine dollars through l One of the boats of thin Line will leave the landing (opposite U 8. Hotel, corner of Penn street and Canal, every night at nine o’ tfock Time 3) days. For information, apply at the Office, Monongahela House, or to U LEECH A Co mchl? Canal Basin IAED CO kegO' Lard, very, good, fbr sale to i mchl? ARMSTRONG A CEO? T>OTATOE3—LKJ lacks jtfas landing Wn steamer J. Uaic Nrwtoti and tor sale by mehl7 ARMSTRONG A CROZfiR By John Oi Wlli AueU«U*r«' Bools, /.'<«•* (Vw. Million. On SaJurdsy nicbi i:«U n..'. rft * o'clock, »t the Cornm?rnal Ami>«u iso»tu?. i (X \V«o«- •»••!«; —A I«rpr . „ij«cu#» o» second baud boot*, tn the vaumi, departtn-'”t'i oKiiie* r&ture and science Alao, lu:;ci and cap p«pefy I 0 and tteel pens. K 7 A! tS o’clock ! fine cii raarlC •nary auJ l-oek e»x. Ji'ilN 0 DAN IS. Auct AJjmmeii Orphan' < 'v l ‘ On Saturday mon-iug I'ti New Court House. will to •... .1 1 • • r.lrr ol ihe Or phan's Court of AHe*tony i'imhh l ih >; > *KmMc l v t of ground situate In ihe Tib waul to,>V.-.-i« tii- Jwclnugi ofMemr*. Htrpqr and Ttmen. narmo » ironiof 16 feel on Cliff *ireet, and Mirndm.: t.«ek <*» • 'amarine • >rr*i 143 feet, on wlucl. ,t. irk .Iwrlling tM (ret bv 33, WI I. basertont »»•! c-llnr Term* al f ale mohlA Jirll.N l> DAVIS, Aun Wrrel of the \tetmn 0c.i,./«/ier at auction. Engine*, Furnnu.r „.,j T-rk-r 0,. **»r«l»y mor iuo«, lTih mat a« H oVWt. m,u h- eoU. at the ware boose ofCapi J«<»'" Mat v% »i-t .tr-ei, the wreck 01 the iieaio boat Gondolier, or toiler*, engine* and machinery. cabin lunnur-. c*y«:Htw. manrawa. todding, dooti and h;i»-rr. chain ruble, tigging, block* and tackle, bell, euok.ng *u.ve, 4c Term* under 9tOU ca*h currency, 8100 and upward* • ' Pf, °'' S "Tons rfivis. A.« amusements. THBATttK. p a poRTKB MiinsKk c FIFTH NIGHT OF MR WEUB ,FOUND NIGHT OF THE BATEMAN FAMILY «».TTfanii M*acu 17, to commtwe with the a ‘T fc|ui DUKM IN THE WOOD. Mr. Bateman. " a,,pr Mi*» E Bateman Mu*K Uaieiuan V lf u Mm. Bateman. Josephine . , , After which the RENT DAY . . Mr. Webb. Bollfro* • Mr Dunn ®o,W- Mia* Porter. pSs'.'.' ■ HUM To conclude with BOMBASTIS FURIOSO. Bombasti* Mia* **• Bateman. ... Miss K. Bateman. LStiSa Bateman. ln rehearsal—THE EXILE- Monday—BENEFIT OF MR. WEBB. MR. CRISP 1* engaged and wtU ihortly appear. Ip- Door* open at 7—Performance will coramene at half past 7 o'clock. rticES or asatssiait. Dress Circle and Parqueile 50 cent*. Family Circle or 2d Tier cemt- SHELL COMBS—A great variety of shell, back, aide and dressing Combs, on hand at niehl7 ZEBULON KINSEY’S, 57 Market at DRIED APPLEB-500 bush dried Apples, ia store and for sale by mchl7- J A H_FLOYD_ LaRD— SO kegs No 1 Lard, in'store oad for. sale bj mehl? J A R FLOYD CLOVER BEEI>—AW bush Clover £eed. tn store and tor isle by mcM7 J & k FLOYD R l^ COFFEE — ifflu lmg» prime Rio Coffee, in att .nil for ulr by JARKS DAbZuLL| ieh!7 Sl'.water si .KIF.D APPLES—as saefcs dried Apples, iu slot l anil for note by tucblT JAMEII DALZKLL STABCU-rS.’Q bx» No 1 Starch, landing and for salt by - mchl7 JAMEiI DAIdSKIiL DRIED 23 bbls first quality, ott con»i*i meni, for sale by J SCHOONMAKER A* Co mchl7 '2i iyood 11/"RAPPING PAPER—HXJU reams assorted; V» Cap do —5OO reams; Post do —BOO u fur sale by n ,chl7 J SCHOONMAKER & C< GELATINE, or Cooper’s Uiugtasa—B cases for u by mch!7 J SCHOONMAKER 3^C» HARDWARE PAPER—2O reams fine quality coiistxnmem; for sale by mchl7 _ J SCHOONMAKER A.Ct LARD OlL—lo Libl* best quality, for sala-by niclil? J sCIInO.NMAKEK A i’< Cl KEEN APPLKK —100 bbls, a good variety, ju T reeetved and for sale by tnebl" ARMSTRONG A CROZER ttORN— 12 get oat of repair. Ii will be for poor interests to call and examine the articles, at the marmfaetprer's store, No. e 3 Third street, Fntsburah. In addlttou to the above ’ h ' r “ rX^IdODWt-LL WDOLESALE SHOE VMBEHOIiSS. U. CHILDS A CO., NO 131 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURUII WOULD respectfully invite the attention of mer chants visiting this city to their very exteasiv* siock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, eontuating "‘if,Too CASES OP BOOTS AND SHOES, comprising every vancty of Men's, Women’s- Mimses’ hmKJhildreu’s wear, of many new styles and of supe rior qualify, adapted to country and city mule. A large assortment oC LADIES*, MlBSBff’s AND CHILDREN'S BO N N BTB, among which are FLORENCE BRAID, STRAW, TUSCAN LACE* RUTLAND,BIRDS ETB FLORENCE, CHINA PEARL * LAW N, m great van«My Also, ARTIFICIAL FLOW* BUS, MENS', BOVS' AND CHILDREN’S PALM LEAF HATS—MEN’S LEGUOUN, PANAMA AND CANTON HATS. * All r>t which have beeu purchased direct from the enufeciurer* and iropotiers, and selected with the ,iao«i care, and which will be sold on such terms as > make «t tlte interest of'Western Merchants to buy It CHILES A CO. 131 Wood street. mchlCitAw*,!iiiS rt UNDRIES—IOO packages frr«ti TraT—Y llysoi Gunpowder and Imperial; yoo bap* pnme Green Rio t’otfee; SO do Ijsyoyr do, 10 do Old Java do, * as ban black Pepper, 10 do Pimento, ISO hbai new crop N O Sagar; £O4 bbls Plantation Molasses; SO do Sugar House do JO tiercel tresb Rice: ISO bxs Rnuco Rsisini; ISO bxs manufactured Tobacco, various brand*; ”0 keg* Ordge it Uro S twill Tobacco; 10 u 8 Hen}*’ ' “ “ " 10 *• Pittsburgh plug ISO bxi BXIO Window Ulast; SO da 10x12 do 300 kegs assorted Naili; IX cask* Saleraius, 8000 pounds Cotton Yarn, aborted No*. Together with a full and general assortment of arti cle* in (be Grocery Roe, On nand* and for *ale by Jfcß FLOYD, Round Church Buildings, tnhlft Fronting on Liberty, \V9p4 and Birth «w _ OFFICE TO RENT—I» second story. No 50 Water street. IBAIAH DICkEY A Co, uw yo Froni and wutcr H> _ LINEN GOODS—A. a. hUson A Co., No.UO Market street, have received—Linin Sheetings, Linen Damask. 0, 9 and 104, Linen Hollands, Jileacbcd and brown Linen Table Cloths, Russia and ffeotch Diapers, Doylies Hankins, Aq , to which they invite the aiten* ■ 1 ion of purchasers. mchld AaTTiLASON A Co, No6o Market street, will opei . thi s day, ISO pieces small plaid Ginghams, a 121, lfl and X 3 cts P*r y*«i. mchlfi CIORN— lul bags ins! rac'd and for sale by > mcblC SFVONBONNHORBTACo C'KA.'niEHß 30 tacks for sale by r Uichio S F VON BONNHQR3T ACo RYE FLOUR—I 6 bbls toi sale by turhlti BFYONBONNHORStTACo 10 bblfi No l Mackerel, for sale by I mchiu 8 P YOr^BONNHORST PIU IRON—IX 3 urns Pig Irocvlßlack Fox Fumac« now laudiug 011 the Allegheny tybaxf andtorxul by inchtO JAR FLOYD HOPS— 12 b&leti Ist tort, Id IS, Eastern tlo{>&, (a store and for sale by HROWN 4 CVLRERTSON, MS Üb«ny_M _ BANNERS’ OIL-1U bUa Tanners’ Otl.ui *terc and 1 tor sale Uv takHS BROWN A CULBERTSON WHITE LEAD-ICO kegi pure While Lead, in •tore and for tale by mehiC BROWN A CULBERTSON T'EA—LI hf chefU.auprno? Y II Tea, ju*l received 1 and tor tale by BROWN A CULBERTSON mohlg _ . BUTTER— IS bbU putae 801 l Butter; i keg* park’d ijft, lepaived and (ot *ajc by _ , ieLia Tassey a best APPLES— W this Ruwet Apple*, |u*t rec'd and tc tale by inchl® TAS9E\ A BEST. TARD-2D ken Laid, ou band and tor into by j mrfalfl TASSEY A BEST II'XTRA FLOUR—IOO libU of Holme** ANoI Ei !i Flour, >qst ree d and tor Rale by mcb!6 S A w HARBAUi GILAS3-SW Lx* superior brand* Window Ulaas, T just received and tot *alc by tuchlO S_4 W_HARBAUGH_ Mess and prime pork—u i>m« j»«> "«•< *" 4 1 liiml. tiy iad.lll «A \V lIARBALOH SOAP —273 koxt, No I CtocmnooS‘'*Pi ter ,0,1., oithlO JAMKR A HUTLHISONACo ' r» li. HonorM.Uu JuJg" «/<** Court »/ Oe,u rol Quart,. S«rtonx 0 f /*< “ ““ l t* “* County of Allegheny. THE petition of JOHN HAY, of the township 0/ Omo, in the county aforesaid, humbly tbeweth, that your petitioner hath provided him nlf wilt material* lO ftb« accommodation of Ira* Telora and other*, at his dwelling hoiw, m the township aforesaid, and praya that your honors will pleated to grant him a license to keep a Public House of Entertainment And your petitioner, a* in duly bound, will pray. We, the subscribers, ciuuoi of tbs township of Bhaler, do certify, dial the above petitioner u of ■ood repute tor honesty and temperance, and is well provided with house room and conveniences tor ibe aceosmodmiiod and lodging of si rangers and travel* era. and that said tavern ta necessary. .\Vm Millet, Wm Woods, Jajnea Dad, Win Morri son, James Taylor, Ervik. Dickson, Paul A \yay c JbhJi / »Crawford, John Wint'iew tori, Thomas Birtch. mchlfidii' CINCINNATI * PITTSBORGR St fit St DA I L v PACKET LINE. rrlujs well known lino of splendid paocnger Stggni li era is now composed of the ■ «****? «WW, bet £uktbtfd and furnished, and mo»t powemfl ixwta oa the wttera of the WV*L Every aceonunodanoo and com fort that noney can procure. hat been provided far p»». tiger*- Thr Lin* ha* bevn in upeMMk iai five yvuri —his earned a million of people WUhfißUb* least laja rr to thru iwrasMi*. The boats will he »' the foot of Wood *ireci the day previous »o starting, r-»r the recep uun of freight and ih- miry ut passenger* on the rep* ie f In ill ,■»•« the pai-age money Hf« be paid w advance ■i Hind House clock ai ib«* SUNDAY PACKET. The ISAAC NKWTUN, Captain Hemphill, Will It-iive Puubuigh every Sunday morning «i 10 o'clock; Wbeeliut; every Sunday rvcuuig at 10 r. * May L*47. MONDAY packbt. The MONOM.A»tKI-A.C*pt- Sto*«,wiU leave Pint burgb rvrty Monday luommg al 10 o'clock, Wheeling every .Monday i-ye mug «l 10 r. B. TtKSDAY PACKET. The HIBF.RNIA No. % Oapt J. KuMrrLTta, will •ave Pittsburgh every Tuesday moroiag at Jo o’clock, i'beelmg every Taoadap evening at 10 f M. WEDNESDAY PACKET. The NEW ENGLAND No. S; Capt. Si Dm, UnU - 9 ve Pituborrh every Wednesday tnoraiag al 10 vitx-k; Wheeling every Wednesday evemng ailbp.lt THURSDAY PACKET The BRILLIANT, Capi. Gates, will leave Putt burgh every Thuraday morning at lOo’elo-t; Wheeling every Thuraday evening at 10 T. a. FRIDAY PACKET. The CLIPPER No. t, Caps F«*> Dtv.il, wdl leave Pnuburgh every Friday mornutgailOoViorl, Whoa liiw every Friday everting al 10 F. H. SATURDAY PACKET. The MESSENGER Nd 3, CaplAYooow*ta*,will leave Pittsburgh every Saturday morning at lb o’cloak; Wheeling every Saturday avemag at. 10 r.,w. NEW LISBON AND PITTSBURGH DAILY LINK OF CANAL AND STEAM PACKETS, (m otaaaov,) Leaves Pittsburgh daily, at 9 o'clock, A.' ihL, and ar rives at BeaVer Ca nal,) at 3 o’clock, and New Lisbon a! U, sortie night Leaves New Lisbon at o’clock, P. M„ (making tbs trip canal to the river daring the night,) and Glasgow at 9 o'clock, A. M-, and nrnvc* at PiUsbargh at 3 P fit thus making a cominnou* lint for parrying pa* •engera and freight between New Lisbon and Putt burgh, in shorter time and at less rater, than by any 'other route- • • . The proprietors tffthis Lute have they I tenure of in forming the public that they have fitted op.iwoßnt data Canal Boots, for the accommodation of passengers and freight, to ran In connection with the drell known ■teamen CALEB COPE and HLAYER, had connect ins, at Glasgow, with the Pittsburgh and Cincin nati and other duly liner of sleamata down the Okie and MiMtasippi rivers. The proprietor* plcdg* thatt' ■elves to spare no expense or trouble to 'insure cwa. fort, safety and di*pateh,,and ask of the public a than Or Jc..p.UC U .^ HoRi2EDAuE , vra KlwSloOII, 4W...1, b „K myltnf E IUaBAKGH* Co. } N«» tubo». NOTICE—The steamer BEAVER, C. >1 Clarke, ms* ler, will leave after this notice, for WclLvula panoia ally, at 9 o’clock in the morning. , jcl3 x 8«: " “ • FIVTBBURGB * BKOWVSVELI.iI - Daily Psckst Uas _ FFJJRUAEY Ist, 1849 FEBRUA tfY In. I »# LEAVE DAILY ATS A. M„ AND 4 P. XL The following new boats cowpUJ* I|L , a foe line for the present ■casco: Alt k#sPaw2B I ANTIC, Caj>L James Parkinwri B3SSSSa£nBALT)C. Cnpt. A. Jacob*, and LOUIS M'l-ANK, Cam li. Bennett. The boat, are eaiirety new, and arc fitted up without regard to cipente. Bvl ery comfort that money can procure has been provider | llie Boat* will leave the Monongaliela Wharf Boat a the foot of Rots st. Passengers whl be punctual oa board, as the boats will certainly leave at the advar* tised boors, MA. M- and 4 P. &L ‘ • janM PITTSBURGH AND LOUISVILLE PACKET LINK Wlo - j. The new and splendid fast paaaen- FtP * C Tfeu«iBAPUNo.a, ■■■BSSSUBMason, master, will leave for Cincin nati and Louisville on Sunday, the tfoh inst, at 10 o'clock, A. M. For freight or passage apply on board, lo BURBRJIDGE. WILSON a Co, or UEO B MILTENHERGKH. UMf oiUiutomuuHu’-n. in* Steamer Fey tons will leave Louisville for New Orleans, on arrival of Telegraph No 3. Passengers can go direct, and can have berths *ecarcd here if d« sired- jantn REGULAR PACKET FOR NASHVILLE. LKighoHßl IfnMeit. master, will leaf* fo* above ■ ■BBBKBfiBaod miemediats porta un Wednesday the ‘diet inst. at 4 o'clock, p. M. Fv frcighi or passage, to tnebl7 JW BUTLER A BftO, Agents FOR LOUISVILLE. . The splendid new steamer i kKSPyffIS Caldwell, master, will Leave far tko ■BBflßßßfetabove and intermediate ports oa Sat rday, at 10 o’clock, tjt por freight or passage apply on board; or to marly • PkttIGHEW a Up, Agentt WHEELINd AND&ENFISH PACKET. -r - k The splendid fart running steamer jCTLfiI o|k CINDBREUAr Calbocn, master, will jm «AA t w WimmsEmiiT packer -ROAarglTaad Wheeling and Sunfish, leaving.Pituborgnwvery Moo day for Wheeling, and every Hortday lor Ranfiah. For ireigat or passage, apply on board, or to mchlo J NEWTON/ONER. Agt FOR WABASH RIVER. - The splendid Hut ronnlny iieamer .. ffrTTA columbtakT jAUUFUQgp Wm. Dean, master, will leave for the ■HBBEOBHabove and totenheoiale port* this day at 4 o’clock, r. «. For freight or passage apply on board,or Ip mehld - J NEWTON JONEB, Agt . FOR ST. LOUJB*. w The splendid fifr ronnla* siramw SCHUYLKnX, T tmWCTwH Williams, master, will leave for tlp_ ■■BK3BBUbove and intermediate pons on day, the I6'h, at 10 o’clock, A. M. For freight or passage apply oa board, or to _ mehl4 PCTTIQREW A OoMgw FOR ST. LOUIS. tm, 23** K. Steamer rfll lurtrff J. Q. ADAMS,' gswfflts Captain Grera, wilt leave 00 Thors nßEESßSld&jr, the 13>h last. at 10 o'clock a. PeitiOHEW t Co-, Afenu. FOp Z&NESVILLR T ' ie S,eamer y IsjwLnfcSSSSr Captain McKee, on ■HBBSSMBrVcdneadRT, the 14tb iosu at 10 A. M. mch 13 PKTTIGEEWfcCo, Agents. FOR ST. Louis ANDIIXINuIBRIVER. w splendid fast rnoniag steanea , fL*!rT-M fairmount“* ■f hff pgffwft J. H. llaslea. toaster, will leave for ■SBBBBSISihe above and intermediate pens ou . this day, at 4 o’clock. For freight or passage apply oa beam. marl 4 B^uo^Airi^msr>A La? packet on the above tmdo> Le&ves'Pit!lrimrgh ev ory Friday morning. -;r For tieiffbl or paarage apply ofl boards ■ . VbWUE RBJUIAB TUESDAY PACKET FOB ST* LOUIS „ h The fins UM' lKnning'p&uenmr I ffTvTJfr *ipame* ATLANTIS, - iwStoaO&gß Oco. \V. Wick*, muter, %rill lr»va MflMaHHfar the a&ov* and imenwedQuc itom. every Tuertay, ai 10 o’clock, a. x. For fretai or paiuge apply ott bbuti« at to EL C nNG'No.ltt marS-dCm Loalivife REGULAR SATURDAY PACKJETT FOR -M-w- k The fine fait tanning putinn? steamer GEN. LANK cSwoNfftS A. master, wi leave for MBBEBfln&o above and intermediate ports ere ry Saturday, at 10 o’clock, t. u. For freig&i or pais ago apply on board, or to E- C. KlNu, NolttCoa. Row, _ ** Uoncr, aodoi Zinc Wash Boards, aJWOs White sr& 10 *“** e ssi‘ ni 6iM ‘‘n’Dwffias. URurrs—» biuh i„.j r p t .ch.« *» *SLt Vi* TCAMILY FLOUR-:* bbL Phillips’ extra Famtly X no;,,u»d.»«. ; 9 pilwobth »c. Q A ITd&'vohth * c. bbb pn»« No a Men trv'fi el—4o hbU in store. mar!, J S PILWORTH A_Cu flour in Wore ~ £ mart . J 3DILWorth kCo A HI) —(0 bbto La*d; ‘JO kegs do, in store and tor l tale by ' m«r3 JAg DALZELL Removal— W from 4® Marie house formerly ocsn atm, Vo 19 VfaoiM alley mar* ■" -.am ii—n> 883i5&553l behave removedoarßook Stores el street. aod-TS Wood strati, to the :Tipi»d by Mratrs. Wiijiani Bell A 1 ELLIOTT A ENGLISH.