The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, March 17, 1849, Image 1

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business carps.
; . n JsTRO.N<TkCROZKR,Coinnn«--;?.> Mcu'hßOl. 1
A^P"V»^ e ' N ° - dooT
. , p. V - - - ..-.Vinr,;!
■ VilfSlimSll * HAYS, Wliolettle itanlein in Dry
B Goods. Groce rie». Boon, SUM*? P"«>>“'S* mnnu
• lieiurrll truclci. Ae„ No. IMI Uteny “'"l- P'«"
: burs*. . _ . ■.... „ - ■ . .
. ' aaar't. . ce*sas Mcrraa.
B' axUN i BETTER, Whole**!*. and Remi! Hniß
corner of Liberty and SVCiair «tr«u, Fiu*-
‘ ImrolPo. "*>"
" ct'ißrxTsut V a. a
’ f DROWN * ' CUI.BF.R-i; !ON,,Wl.oir»i.r : Cro-rr.
: Jj awl Coonnfsw<MV Mew ianu,>So. 11$) Lil»cnj »i-«
. ftwhurgh. pa. I j-,
B'*Xf*2bnest6ck 4 co^ and «Jj}?;
. util Dragpau, comer ,w ~- 21-
B' —GALBV fc SMITH, ‘ VTiolefaie Unweraj lei and
go Wood Itteel Pimtni gh. .......
- Merchant*, and dealer* produce and Piua
' **• * *’-»**- tew "™
3d metis, ... - - - -» ■-
• EOBbE COCIIBAN, ■pd FlrWardnic
7 t No l 2 l"’ om !' U ? :^!- n ‘ °' s^
H LEEj (succewor to - Wool Deal
. cr cud Commiasioa Merchant, for the «alo of
igjrioao yooleas, yteny. oHSfble slh it. KbO,
H*SDV, JONtsTi Co.. Coimmioo uil IW-
MertitoilU, faoTO returned 10 llioiroio
p ars-.coiiariSVaior.iiiid Fronl ilrtou, Hllltonilo .)"
wk.Tixuj*, Baluraoio. ;
,£ , a.-?.KVCI3OK, ptWAIDJX£AtP7o IphiUda. t
■ ■'
& Job churl,, 41 Norih Water «, fi!U North JVtawot,
-~TgAUH*SI£:*KT, -JtdBXST DIC»«T, Jtt,
rAtXli cDIGKEY A Co-, WhotMale Urocrte, L«n
mUfjon Merchant*, and.dealepa in Produce, N . .
•• Water, and 107 From street*, _ j no,tf
JOHN WATT, (iwceuor IOEwnU *
‘Wholesale Grocer and Comofissfc?
' ■•: tfeafaftn Produce and PimtaTrt Ww«w*»tot »f“
'_ ! 'ner'cf liberty and Hand «£«^?I“ bO -^ h i*K J ■ -
'• TAMpfa MfGOTPF, Ode cflKe lirib of {Ujtto and
? Clx.rk a Building*,
•V. Uurd.Mfeei, near Wood,
" TAMES A. HUTCHIBOtI, kfCo.-eoccooior, U)
•■ ■,; •» l2!S< llolrtiion * Co. GonioiUiitoti McrcOoiru,
1 KiSll Of tlO SC-1,0 J» SIOUP Sogo. Rofroor,.
No.ffinlor «od*a Croat itreeu, PinotH!*!*.
T ft DJbWORTH 4 Coi, Wholesale Grocers. Pro
•I : dijco and Commisaioh Merchants, and Agent*
;i for powder Co. of N,A'- So 27 \V*.o<J si,
• Pittebhr[h. . T .v.. . . .- ,av
TOHNJX MORGAN. \VlK»le»^» : orncit»si4 and deal-
K *1 Oil», No.ya
ft woodsiTeci, one door South of Bsmrumd alt*y Pms
■ r burgh, .. . - , “ J ! l ..
1 VjMfo ftP.ftlL Ir'., & C&J (BBCCesaor tu*Ji»<-pb G.
y. VoUN Hi MRIiLOR, Wholetmti and Uetajl dealer
- Uin Mosio and Musical laatnuacoi»i’BcLool Boots.
'•J Pcper.-Bla.tea, Steel Proa, Quill* Pnnieii Canl,. and
Stationary'generally,No. (§i\Vo<Sd*t-, Put«tiurgh
i' Cy-Fy* baughtor taken mtrhilc. .
s TStHOONMAKER A Co 7 Wholesale Ihascuu,
-i || , No. g* Wood 6trce», Pltisba£gb
OHN 0- DAVIS, Aoctibueerpooroeriih and Wood
street*, _ „-Ji_
JOHNSTON A STOCKTON. S.ookseUr.r*, Printer*
and Paper hlanulactuier*. No. 44 Market *l. Phi,
burgh/ »*»■ J£E-
Jt R. FUJYD, (late i. Fld>'d A Co (Wholesale
• Ckoeersj No.lW Liberty
TAAQa DaLZELL, Wholeaafo'jaroeer, CciumiMton
*■ *| jiUrchant, and dealer in Produce nml Pttt»l‘urjh
Maatofoatatrcs, N 0.24 Water it., Kushdryh jarUo
.•> TjT 1 p.Rfe JONKSrporwtmhu t and Coouuissiott Met
r' JHc -ahanu,-Ctealera in Produce and Pittsburgh
- f»etatgd article*. Canal Basin, oaarTth »t d2l
'' n ' 1 Vesnvlaa itou Worlu.
•*; 'eWIS, IDALZELL A Co., njattufacturers 0! all St
-11 yea Bar, Sheet*.Boiler lion'Wul Nails 0/ the l.e»i
qnaiiir. l Warehouse, S 4 water and IUS trout u
. janio 1 _ .• j ..
• ¥ : B‘waTEbslaN, Wholesale Gxocer, Forwenl
li-lng- •sdfConualaaion Me”tflianJ. Dealer m Piita
r- bnrgh Maanfacwrts aitd Trodilcei No* Water e* ■
end 6g Front
•1' roanhrooj. ras. Hk n’ortt, • Vai-ria c b*»k
* * 'fc/TcGUiLS A ROE, Wholesale Groeere and Cotrmna
iM. aioa‘ Merchant*. No. 1W Liberty st. Pittsburgh.
<• - •
j VJICRPHY, WILSON ACO ,'ilaie Jones, Murphy A
"*: ivi c<y.) wholesale Dry- Goods, No 4d
Wooditicst, Pittaburgh. J_
n. n r.nt " -njt. «a*»-«.-. , Wk. a. SlitlCK
lif Crimihisstan and Forwarding
;* : ' JXL-' Merehants, Water and su., between
•• \ Wooyitid Market rtk. ' , l^l
• Wit;AjtA£ft, ~ "t • c. w. Hicurrsoa.
- jzl;£<nhßUJiiou Merchants, NftilTu, Libcrlyjst,
- X. • -froSgh, l pft.’ -*?y _: lan!4
' A-SON'rNtt-63; ilaikei hscqnd
JjlV : deor from cezaer of Fourth, deafen m Foreign
tv,'Bifil Noie* and Specie.
flyColleelionh mid on iaii the principal ciuei
ttatmftfabntflKj United Stitca, -. 1 _ drrl.
, iLSL'KBCKJI, K * #*OSClt B. JO.fSS.
o.ti IV\ BLACKBURN A Co., YThalesale Grocer* and
1 VT»!d**fcM in’OUs, BoatStore^iutd PUisburgh &lan
pfyro'ygd actiela*, have on hamyat all times, a fall and
.• gf>para3;inortmem of goods in vniii'"Uric, Water
earCtierry Alley, Pittsburgh. ■'
TbOBFJfT MOORE* Wiole*i»lc. Grocer, Rectifying
IL 'pUtiller. dealer m Product i
tutesi mid afi kind* of Foreign abd Ifcimejtic Wmr»
Mid Liquors, No. 11 Liberty iiteot. On band u very
'! luge tlock of re pc riot, old Monongahcla wbwtey,
• wnldiwiil be noldlovn fot _ . aplStly
ksssbc aaanuaß, ‘ oakum. R- außtssoa.
■T) BOBINSON h. Co-Wboleeale Grocer*, Produce
Jr\,. and Comnu»*iou iuercbajiu,andl>ealer«in Fiu>-
baraii Manufacture*, No. IfeO Liberty «u, Piiubnren.
p, ’. , i i r janlO
x I)AT.gyLL ~& Cor..Whbleaair~(irocen,
K, Commission andFoneartllrig Merchants dealer*
Ot Produce and Pittsburgh. Manufaelnre*,' Liberty *L
Pittsburgh, Pa. ,ebsM _
TbOBT. A. CUNNINGIUM, Wbole*aJe Grocer,
it. Dealer in Produce and Pittsburgh Manufacture*.
liberty «L j V. ,
X* ©.anauua, : ,
UEYNQLDS k SHEE, Fotw.ardmr.aiui Commiasion'
IV Merchant*, for the Ailertieiry River Trade, deal
«i in Groceries,. Prodiice, Pittsburgh Manufacturer
andCitkffide ofLime. ■ 2 „ . ,
The highest price*, in Cush, paid at *ll Uiaes for co un*
try eag*. 1 Corner of Pena and Ifwin *t*- . jantci
OMITU* JOHNSON,‘Wholesale and Retail Dealer*
o in Millinery t>ooda,.Lac£s,:Ho«ery and Fancy
Artidl*K'No.4G Market ttrect, $d door above Thud si,
Pittsburgh- ■
*, c. ilLkCtiirt, j; tucs^k. wunit.
OHACKLETIT & WHITER Wboleaale Dealer* In
O Foreign and Domeaue Dry Good*. No. W> Wood st-
FimburgL. j : _ » fcblTif
Wool Merchant*, Dealer*
O. in FlonrAad Produce generally, and Forwarding
and CWmniulon Mcickahtt,. No_fii Water »u, Pitu %
OMrm, BAOALEY *• Co~i WtoLeauJo Proccrs anj
o Preduea dowers, No.B£J*uarket ■tre*l£l>e Ween sth
~,d mh, Kanh aide, FiuUdeipfciq- • .* «•' =
V; ifixiaaf nrtsstr*Gß. ibs* sKrHousku.iTUk.vD.
i I. . CjEIEEkS A NICOLB, Produce and Oenerui Coin
■ 0-.tni»a»n Merchants,No. 17 Liberty »l, Pmsborgh.
Bp<tng>Mnf*fdnad LejdQlisi .
**» O > F.: VON °BONNHOBST> k CCL, 'VVholwai*' tiro
' Ok 'eerx, Forwarding- and CobimliaJon Merchant*,
tkwnii Pittsburgh MimnJbepirea.and Western Pro
v daee,.fc*«removedto tueir pewwarehoc »e,{o Id *tand)
Mdiaicomei of From it. aod'OJjanccr) Lane.
v ' ‘ __
w; I.JSOTB. ; it. f. scorr
fTKOTK* SpOTT,m6lMilp and Retail ncaiers in
Boou. Shoes. Trunks, Cafpet Ac, H. VV.
• omer of 4th and femHh&eid mj Pittsburgh, fc*u- jaJ
riIAPSEV & BEST, Wholesalp Grocers and Ooaunis*
I■’ «uoa Merchants, and dealer* iu Produce Nu 3&
iWood au ftobargh- _ •
7oHS D { OAVIU ircasni-M
WICK A. ir-CANDiiESS, (Successor* lo L. A J . D
Wiek,) Wholesale Grocer*, Porw»rding and
QoJoinhiiion j Merchants, dealers ui Iron, Nuils, Glui,
UrttM Yams* *nd Pittsburgh ilmralacmiea generally,
icifraf Wood and Waier «treets, Pittsburgh. __
BOWEN —Commission and l’orwarduig
W Werchabl, No.,W Prwil -pi. between Wood and
Market streets. J—J T ; ! !l h 2L.
• w r Mlllatnnc and Mm Famub-
YV * Inf establishment, Na. 244 liberty *L, near the
t- . Dealer In WaKtoes. Jewelry,
’ 1 W • Silver Ware, Military. Good*, Ae-,No. & Mar-
Wit : - 4 _;_.. n .°rT:
WJL BIURPHyi WioteUle and ttetiul dealer In
! p’orcian and pomesueDry Goods, north esst
corner of Market and FourtfrsU. aar-n_
’irtt’'toohoT ~ '' * *’cu-*l
- M TOWIG A Co.—Dealers in leather hides, An.
V mLitxrty-at , ; \ ;L_
aoif. «‘ccTcuaOß
i*> :< V C. WCUTCHEON, Wholesale Grocers, dea
" W. « letriin Prodooe, Iron* Nails, Glass, and Pm*.
tdrjtiSiinaCactniea general?, 162 U&Oi'U' •«» P jU *'
..h&ife ; y r ... . x-L: i decs -
■' TXrf W.WlLSOWi.'WMcieiiJewelWfSU’er
i W * aodKUamCoiMMflnftt orMaiketu»*l 4th
' B&wtr, PitwbtiTgh, Pa. ' N.-B.—batches andClock*
dartfaii-y repaired. . >: “ t ‘ p ?
fli/l ATVliiSiy WlLSON,PoiUaitaudMuuaturePuJii
• Hooma, comer efPost Office Alloy and
■i Pwmh sue*Vemranci on 4fh,iiear Market.
. dfcuS-dtf. r I
.%TOBK M TOWNSKNIItIrV/rrisiftaa Apoae«uO‘.
V No. 44pm aboveTfurd « i’juii
bargOi will h*T« constantly en band a well selected at
iorUttej'iQi ae beat and-ftcabcn Medjcinei, winch ii
•Vill^be 1 ! ou tho.mort readable terms- I’bysteiai
: 'igidiiJg u otd«r«, Win be pnjfnjjtJy aiiemlcii to, end euj
pu<Qi*Uh vuelca Uipy way, rely upon** genuine
—Cf FbyiieiM* Prweripuotii wtu be #ecnrki«*JY wid
• <» *BMUiy prepared from tbe 0«t m&leruJ*, ut any hear »l
✓ tbs ur or nixht. ,
r ■; Al#o fpr ttb» » imig* itoelf of ffe*h end pood Perfu
-' • *§2L.‘ - --- l
'] T,rE , SmffiS®bSElB?" >11
V'IONTINUB3-io Bftunfaetnre u ur j*i
I |i Tomb*, Head Stones. Mantel ISectt, Cen
' r ire end pier Top* of foreign .and domcaue marble, at
* •* • regular ttifd fair pwde. •t
-_Druwinj* (orraomttneiiu, vault*. I*. ftnaiib
nij' de*cnptibn. He toUcH* a ibarc ofpabj,
patronaga, , • „ i ..
i? iJ ■-■ ' ’ - ;s H. T. lU>bertf) fit* D.,
nicni to Um lw
! '\J meniof Ot*eu»e* ortbp Eye. .
'• Ur.K hat been engßgedmlhi* branch o ( thu med.-
* >al profeislou for aixieen r r and ha« eondaciej an
-' *sablMmieM for ihawettimem/if dim» of ihc cy«
. :al*ne fur seraral yehrs. * . _ .
)■ Oyrir* and re«denc«, .t9rn« o( Sfimlotky » and
alley, Allegiyafr city- .._JR*£L
t JPEKJH , T^A'STOBK»—No. 72 Fourth
: 'Keffi • fU near Wood-JOl q«MUOMoiew» and
Taitr’dbrt&.up in uoanrf,. halt, and
2 taekir*#, fanglug. from 50 ctt. par pound
A bl * €lmCo -
A V v " J “ ■ y
, it.. . ' ; - r __ .^^.^.■■'•*!&m-'-':
, .. _ ..., , ’ ~ •_ -,, _~' l^
i' 1 .. 4' ■' ' ■ ' f T ‘ 1 / ’• • * : Vj ’ -•<} It-* til |-J . v T*
/"tOLKMAN, iIAILMAN k CO. coniwot* t l> tnano
li factors Small lrott, Spring and AO. IM»- er Sled.
Plougfa r Fork and Hoe Steel, RiveU, Spike* a«d ; W'ro’t
Iroo Nut*, nil *««*. together with Coach- and'El.puc.
Honagshlf Pat, Taper and common Axle*.
Mavitiff reduced the price of Wrought IroriNut-.
engine builder* and other* using the article, **lJ! ftild
ii u, ibetr interest la give this new braneh of Pittsburgh
manufacture* their attention.
Coach trimming* and tnaleable iron ou liberalterutt
Warehouse on Water and Fourth si*. irjbß
■ lirrMKW mwiims, jo*. c. foceu,
iscob pocra, vslix bob, jabub «■ lasxu.
Tans, suiraos. " •
SIMPSON A Co., manufacturer* of'vial*, Bottle*.
and-Window Glass, keep constantly on hand a
general assortment of the above article*. Al*o. male
uF'ofdetr a tafe+rSot article ofMtneral «rSoda J Wa»r
Bottle*, Of colored class.' No. IC Wood si, Pittsburgh,
Pa. ' 1 ' aug3M3ra
■\lfiLLlAMrfeMlTh, Manufacture* of Cotaw wd
W colored £in«n, Fritipe. for Dresses. Ac.; 6cwm*
BUk and colored Cotton Fringe* for ulk and gingham
Paruaols. Gimp, Mohair, and Silk Bullion Fringe*,
mode to order pn the shorten notice.
Steal, eoroerof Maiden Lane and William, nturance
No 85 William street, third floor, over Abner ; * Ely*’
•lore, No 65 Maiden Lan- .New York 1)1«
MA.NUFACTU RKU of Steam Boat and Family Blan
ket* Batting, Cotton MoUrasaet and Comfort* of
all tije* ’ Warehouse, No. '£> Waier »tteeL Putstwrgh.
deeSO 8
jrESBTauLIL; Pjk
KENNEDY, CHILDS A CO., Manufacturer* ofvery
rapenor 4-4 Sheetings, Carpel* Chain, Cotton
Twine and I&ttiug. jaaLly
Dnquetn* SpringAxi«» Bte*l and Iron
HAILMAN A Co, rataufactßrsrs of
Coach and Ehpue Springs, Hammered. Azles,
Spring and Plough Steel, Iron, 4c.- Warehouse on
water and Front streets, Pittsburgh.
' Alto, dealer* i»{ Coach Trimmings and Malleable
Carting*. k octiS
V BD'CKKTaSTKE, ALDKXMjlu— Odlcc, Fourth *L,
X* s third door above Smithheld, south side.
Conveyancing of all kinds done with the greatest
care and legal accuracy.
Hides lc Real Estate examined, 4e. ocdKMy
AM. MiTCHELTRKE, Wholesale "firocers
• Rectifying Distillers, and Wine and Liquo.
Merchants. Also, Importers of Soda Ash andliieach
ng Powder, No. 160 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
*cpgj -•
HAMILTON 9TEWART, manufacturer df Heavy
Shirtings, Checks, 4c.. Rebecca streetl city of
Allegheny. . novli-aly*
1 lCT^ lfrl a B T K A M BOAT AOKNTP
.■MiiiHvltflfi Omcsaiovß M. Allkh 4Co.
— BMBgaBMi octal No. 42 Water street.
JOHN FINNEY, Jr., Agent at Pittsburgh tdt iha Del
aware Mutsml Safety Insurance Company of Phil
adelphia. Fl/e Risks upon buildings and merchandize
of ever)' description, and Marine Riiks upon bulla oi
cargoes of vessel*, taken upon the most favorable
n~r Office in the Warehouse of W. B. Holmes k Bro ,
So. 37 Water, near Market streot, Pittsburgh.'
S B/—The success of this Company sinae the estab
lishment of the Agency iu this city,.with the- prompt
ness and liberality with which every claim upon them
for loan has bees adjusted, hilly warrant the agent iu
inviting the confidence and patronage of his friends and
the community at large to the Delaware M.
rance Company, while it has the additional advantages
as an institution among the most flourishing m Philadel
phia—as having an ample paid-in c&pilal, which by the
operation of iu charter is corfstaiuiy increasing, as
yielding to each person uuurml hu due share or the
pro&ta oj the company, wilhooi involving him Inany
responsibility whatever, and there tore as possessing
the Mutual principle divested of every obnoxious lea
lure, aod in its most attractive form. nov4
ri 'HR Insurance Company of North Atnench, through
X i'» duty anthorired Agent, the subscriber, oflets t<
make permanent and limited Insurance on property. u
this cut and its vicuury, and on shipjneuu by the 0*
nal and Riven
Arthur & Co din,
bam'l W. Jones,
Edward Smith
Jaoub SI Thomas,
Jobi(‘R N«*<L
Richard D. XV »<Ai,
Krmittct Hoakeuv
t* Aiutin Allilwrx!,
Htsn U Suamuau, See’y.
Thu u the oldest Insurance Coraptny in the lotted
Slates* having been chartered iu ITVU lu charter t*
perpetual, ana from ,tu higb standing, long rjtpermnce,
ample means* and avoiding all rtfki'tof an estra haz
ardous cbaracier, it may he considered oe olfarturam*
pie security to the politic. 5 ’W P JONES.
Al the Coaming Roam of Atwood,;Jone» A tlo., XX'u
ter aiu! Front streets PtuiLurgh. tu»yS_
John A. Brown,
John Wbua.
Thonu P Oope,
Samuel F Smith
Samuel Brookv,
THK SUBSCRIBER ha* been appointed Agent pro
lem. oi'the Insurance Company Of Nona Ameru-a,
ami will issue Policies sail attend W lire other business
oi'ihc Agency, attluswarvfcOßse Jones 4.
pa. aplg WM. »i
n tt ‘nt«TilWlOT«]-"' * l- itZ&AL&J Sa-VI.
tobacco cumissoa bei;cbaslts,
No. »South Wharves. fcuJNo. 147 Sooth Water it-
BEOS to mibrra the trutic aad dealer* generally, of
Pittsburgh, that they t>a»* rnude such art«jifrmrnu
with the Virginia manuincturcrs afld the Grower* of
the Weil, Wmi indies, ami other places, as.-wtil insure
a large and constant sappl7 of uie-following descrip
tions of Tabaeco, which will be sojd upon a* accom
modating terms as any other house in this city or else
where, and all goods ordered from them will bo war
rented equal to representation:
Havana, &l Domingo; Conm; . 1 •
Yarai Porto Btco; VSoed Leaf to-<
Cuba; Igumi; Ik Florida; ) .baeco;
ALSO—Branch's celebrated ArOjhatie Stag Caven--
dish, with a large assortment of other popular brands,
and qnalitiea sf pounds, Ss, Be', 12s, 16s and this, Lamp;
6», 6. Ss and 10s Plug; Ladies' Twist; Vtrpju* Twist.
sweet and plain, in whole and half bdxes, wood
and tin, together with every variety of article belong
ing to tne trade. ; jely
Produce] Comml*»lozx and Forwarding
Na (U Nona Wtuavxa, asd 129 Waisk Bt.,
itxruTo—John H. Brown A Co. |
Bomb, BagaJey 4 Co, ,
Alien & Paxton, NevMork.
Wallen h Harvey, Baltimore.
Bagaler'& Smith, • \
Burl*ridge,Wilson tt Co I pimbanrh.
Baiier, Brown h. Co.. niBDB, » n
Cicr a. Jones, )
lO* Liberal cash advance* on consignment* to our
iddre«*. marSftdly
r. c. wjjujue*. niiif.n kit.- aeai. watiui.
And General CommliilaD
Na.l3 Berra WAzn'Srszrr,
REFERENCES—Henry Gru& Co, Puuborgh
A. M. Janosry, Alay*vil)e-
Charie* Bashami Jr., Louiarille-
DuiiQl. Humphrey* A Co. ) -
Mereer, Bra. A Co. • >Fki)ad’a
Reed A Brother,’ ' )
Duulh ACouiderj, Nc«* York.
bIJUJI, RB £ It: & CO.,
iSuecewon to Reed, llurd A Cot,) -
Particular anenlioiv paid u> the *aib of ail triad* »f Pro
duce, cud liberal kdvance* made oo cumigiunenta.
T-B. A Co. Jiave leave to refer to—
' “'5“ ip,n,"“'«h
-• Reed, Parks A Co., Beaven
« Lawson A Covode r 'WeU*vul«, O.
Boswell Marsh, Eat). Steubenville, o
s. Brady, Eeq. 1
W F P ',“ r ”,'V Fjq 1 WbMllnj, V.
Messrs R Cmogle k Co. . f
u Gill & Stout, .' J
“ Rhodes A Ogleby,ilridffep*n, 0.
dec37-dfcwmaylfi3 * ■" '
Beteivlng, Forwarding sod General Commie-
ilon Serchant,
CcaanniL Srxxrr,' St.. Locis, Mo.
N. B.—Strict attenuon paid to orders tof purchasing
n this market, and all business promptly transacted.
Reference at Pittsburgh, John M’Fadep k Co.
OBOEGE C(H3l|iUlf4
Commliiloa and Porwar<lln( o«r«hani.
bo. 'J6 wood rr., rimictad,'
(10iN fINUBS to transact a general Commission InUi
j oesa, especially in ihe purclidsie end tale of Ameri
can Manufacture* and Produce, jiml In receiving aad
forwarding Goods consigned la h» care. ._As Agent for
the Manufactures, he will be coftjuaiitfy. supplied with
tlm principal article* of Pittsburgh Mann factor* ai the
lowest wholesale price*, Orders and Cnnsignranhts
are respectfully souciled. rtr7
georqe a. berry,
Iron, MsUla, Cotton YsMU A (Httsburah
Uanufacture* gtasraUy,
na 10 wood arxKKr, r*.
: wfiT u. ciiiaK, '
Forwarding Merchant, Browhavtlle, pa.
Attends .particularly to the Forwarding of Produce,
any information, apply to FORSYTH A Cll.N
HEaßssß, BBowaag J 4
por the sale of Produde generally
Try Liberal advance* nude on consignment*.
laiH-dAwCmT .
td the Basil
Uommiision’andVorward'iDg Agenli.
«. m. babtoN,
gtmi* tA»L '
, ArROIIANDISBBW« , S?*I!d’o»MmiIo , i Mrr-
Yf r i, Qn , 3,0 33 Sooth FrontnrocßßWfO'«l Mory.)
Ftuit and Cheese received on eonk^nment
age, with Insurance obtained. '• : ** .---
X)“™ W.
CBOCOIxATEr-80 hi* NcTC"^* lol1 * 1111
manufactory, for sale-bv' ~c ß .
feb23 ‘ Wlt?K k &ECAMPLBSS -
Ground PfcppEßr-iobUtmm,<or.ti«by
rtfOVEtf H£ED—T? bbl.prkuObls
V/.frora staaanr Beawar (orsale br
fcW7 'BAOALJSY k SMltll.
TTP'H.I. also attend to collection* and all other bosi-
TV nrw entruated to httn m Butter and Armstrong
counties. Pa« Refer to ’
T B 3WKJTZF.R. Attorney at Uw.ofl.r- ?A .j,
O « opposite 5t Charles Hovl. ru:*l»u r*ili. wit) also
aitemi promptly in Collections, ui Wn-hmgion. Fuyroe’
and Wreetl coutttie*. |‘n.
i.' J., HKNRY, Attorney and Coninvlior m La*’,
Xj. Cincinnati. Ohio. Co(leeUoi.» in Southern < liito,
fthd iti ludiann. and in Kentucky, promptly ai.d < »rr
fftlly attended to. ComraiMioner for the Mate m p-nn
•ylvnmii. tor taking Deposition*.
&C. Jui.
Rkjkr to—Hon. Win. Bell 4 Son. Cnru«. Chart h Jt
OarotherOYm Hay*. F.*<| , Willnc's 4 Pnvi< a ttt
ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office removed to Fourth
street. between Smitlifield and Grant street.
T\l'NLf)P k SEWELL. attofev tu Law. Cilice* otl
1 / Smithtield, between .Id and 4th su
JOHN .It RANKIN. Attorney and CoinseltoT at Law
and Commissioner for the Stale, of Pennsylvania
31. Lotus,* Mm, (late ot Pittsburgh.)
• RKrxKtxctK—Pituburgh: Hon W Forward. Hamp
ton A Miller, MCandless 4 M’Clure. p Parker
Bissells (t Semple. M Cord AKing.
ATTORNEY AT LAW. Fourth niece, l.nwc«u
Smithfield and Gram al i-dfliii
AT LAW. Fourth street. n* r Urnm.
WO. H ROBINSON, Attorney at llR » rr .
. moved bin office to tM Exchange Built,,g», Si.
GiaJt tu.Dcxi door in Alderrotui John*. njyiy .
THE subscriber, in addition to hi* own g.
Jfl manufacturing of Hat*, has made arrange-J3
with Mesara Bebee 4 Go., dhe
fashionable hatter* of ihe city of New York.) for a n*g.
Ular supply ofhin exirn fine Silk Hnia. and liavtm* ju«
Received a few rases, gentlemen can be tuned with a
Very neb and beautitVi'bat by railing at his uew {lst
and Cap Slote, SmiUtheld street. second door t oufo of
J-'ourth. where may be foundagrrat variety of Hat*
knd Caps of hi* own manufacture, who.esaie and re
tail. lhit> made loordet on short notice
ap«__ JAMI> WII^ON
” H’CORD A CO.. gfßQ*
.JR If (Successor* to MVnrd 4 U>;.g) E-Bfc*SL.
: Wq FsibloDiblc II ■ll cri 1
Corner of Wood and Fftk iSr*rrtA. ~
PARtHTI.AH attention paid to our Retail Trade.
Gentlemen can rely upon gettiug their Hat. and
Caps from our establishment of the man Marski tie sad
U'.'iuvis.iitr of ihe t-tTErr und it the
Gooniry Merchant*. purchasing by wholrssi.- ale
tdspectfuliv iuviT*-d 10 nail and rianiiue our Si.h », *»
jvc fan say with confidence Mat a* regard* s ctUTT
And PUCK, it will nut sutler in a comparison wnh any
house in Philadelphia. trt»|7
A ''HATS. CAE‘S and Ml KKS--TV
jßiubiirtilirr i« now rf«-nrmg liotn U»e
of N*w Vofk. a<*ltnu'« a»MJi»»ieni
of Hal*, L'«pi aoO .Mud*. latrM in«bion<. m iimm; vans
iv and *cr\ ■•limp, auJ rcinjl
Snuilitietd *t, 'id door tun ill ui Ith
California hats--is ji>l
/ nC&Uiortiia H*li. ju*t received and lor *n<r by
•- MCuRLJn'o.
IebSZT corner 6lh and W ood »tv
MCORD i Co will introduce on
day March 3d. the Spring style of HATS
There ie isant of a neat abd *uperior hat are
L> call ai corner o: 6tb and Wood »ireet» inur'd
Charles Taylor.
Ambrose WJbitf*,
Ur. Kost'i Celebrated Kernel it j.
TVR iACOH S ROHR, the discover*** and *<nr j*ft.
1 jLrmeiof ol liicec mod popular and brnehciHi used
icuie-s, and ul»o the luveulur of the celebrated in<Wu
. tneiit for inflating the Lung*, m effecting u curcoi
Chroule dt*ea«e». wa» a undent ol that rmninn pn> >..
Oian, Doctor t'hysic. and i* a ;raduate of lli- l m>«,rv
ty ol lVun») Ivama. and lor thirl) year* um’c 1■ a• t»ee:i
engaged iu ihe m vr%tirauuti ol d.*ru*r and <>>e »p|d.
gallon «*: remedies therein
Through the u*e of hi* inflating tube, in connection
witff hi* Propbylnetie Syrur and other oi in» reto-dir*.
he ha*' gamed an unparalrlfcd eminence in curing
Ihuac dreadful and taial maladic*. Tubercular Con
mmpuoa, Cancers, Scrofuln, Rheumatism, Annum,
Fever and Ague, Fever* of all kinds. Chrome 1-Ir> mpe
laa, and all thd*c obstinate disease* peculiar ui icmoie*
Indeed aver) form of disease vanishes under the eve
of hi* remedies, to wtueh humanity i* bear—not by Ute
are ol'ooe compound only, for mat i* incompatible
with PhyaioJogicoi Law. out bv the itae of Ui< mmr
dieSy adapud to and prescribed for each imealmr form
Dr. Rose’s Tomo Alterative IMj«, when used arcili
\ anabfy acknowledged to he superior u> all other, as
b purgative or liver pt.l, masmnen os they leave the
bowels perfectly free from cosureties*; u* also In*
Golden Pi.l* is admitted by the faculty to posses* pecu
liar properties adapted to female disease», bat i>edng
satisfied that a bare trial is sufficient to establish whnt
, has been said in the mmd< of tbe. mn>i skeptic*!
K!“he atilicted are taviie.t to c*u upon the agent, and
■cure (gratis) oue of 'he Donor s purapn!rt«. giving
elatlfcd account of each remedy and il« application
for sale by the fol'owmg agents, a« weii a* by most
Druggist* throughout the country
V J rieftoottmaker A C-o. 54 Wood street. Pittsburgh;
j MTown»eiid. druggist, -15 Market *t
•'Lea A Beckham, “ near the P O Allcicne..y city,
\ ‘'.Jos Barkley. Darlinfpon, Beaver county. |*a
-. Jno Elliott. hnnou Valley,
- k vT Adam*. Beaver,
/ RED' —Htrvmg a for long umc been distressed
Willi a severe pniu in the ude sad chest, accompanied
with a dry cough. 1 was induced, upon the urgent soli
citation of a fnend, to Dr Taylor’* UaJtsm or Livej
wort, and 1 must say this meefoeme ha* answered ua
fiarposs admirably My distress was produced by a
fivcrc hun. and was so rreat that it was with difficulty
boon! swallow nty food. Indeed, lam satisfied Uus
diseas® must have icmtuated in Consumpuon, or somo
htal disease, had it not beep cured i/y this judicious
ifiediciiic To all wbo*e*k to prolong their lives. 1
Would advise the use of Dr. Taylor’s Bafsam of Liver
wort.' JaMKSUOU AN, 450 Bowery.
Butlr-r, Pa
J i IL Floyd. Liberty «i i
VV. W Wallace, do j
James Marumi! do > Pittsburgh
Kay A Co . \\ ood *t. j jan*
Blackstoek, Bell tu,
Cltarch \ Carothm. Vrntsborrh
I) T Morgan. )
This medicine facilitates expectoration, reduce* fe
ver, restores strength, and mar be considered as a su
perior preparation for tbe cure and prevention of all
Aiifaifi in the Chest aud Lungs, aud should be resoil
td to, even ufter these disease* nave resisted the usu-
Lai remedies, in the practice of tins old and very re
spectable physician, this Ba.»am of Liverwort hn> ac
quired an enviable reputation for iu virtue*, a* supe
rior to that of the abundant nostrums o' the day,
Was the character and probity of its inventor, to dial
Of iiaarks aod empirics.
: CUNBUMPTION CURED— .My son having a vio-
lent cold, used to cough violently, raising'quiiauues of
Uuck putrid matter, and finally he couul not turn over
in bed, from weakness. He manifested every symp
tom o( confirmed consumption. For six years he had
been subject to the asthma. His physicians, Measrs.
Vermoule A Anderson, said he was tncurahie. and
most soon die. Yet I wa* determined to try Dr. Tay
lor's Balsam of Liverwort, and strange os it may ap
pear. this medieine has folly restored his health.
SOPHIA GALLON, 14 Norfolk street.
Soli) In Pittsburgh by J D Morgan, M Wood at; J
Townsend, 4d Market st; II Srayser, cor Market and
3d sts; Henderson A Co, S Liberty si. Price reduced
•to SI.SO per bottle. ja26
Jaynea* Expectorant.
Salxm, Colnmtnana co , O , Apr. 54, I*4l.
DU. D. JAYNKS: Dxab Sib:—l Inrl bound to y«,u
and the aJlUeted public, to avtul uiy*eU of tbi*cvp
porttmiiy of giving publicity to the extraordinary cts
of your Kxwectoraut cm myself. Haniir been affln- ted
for several year* with a severe coagn. hccuc fi *rr
and its concomitant diseases, and seemed only doo med
to linger out a short but miserable existence, uutil the
fall of IBJ9, when, being more severely attacked, and
having resorted to all my former remedies, and the- pre
scription* of two of the roost respeeuble phy*ici< ins in
the neighborhood without deriving any benchl. nr the
consolation of surviving but a few days or weeks ut
farthest—when the last of hope was uoout to
vanish, I had recommended to me your Kxpe* b»rani—
and blessed by that Being who doe* all thing* in the
Use of the mean*—and conuary to the •xjx-etarious of
my physician! and friends, I was in a few day a raised
from my bed, and wa* enabled by the use ot a bottle, ui
attend to my business, enjoying since belter health than
I had for ten years previous.
Respectfully your*, Ac., Jab. \V Ksnt-t..
Fey sale in riusburgh, al the Pekin Tea Store, 7$
Fourth street- _ marts
•T\OOTTiH B W MORRIS having recently purvhas-
I f e d the Drug Store formerly owned by Hay* A
Brockwu). No a Commercial Row, Überl/ siren,
PUMburgh, lakes this method of informing hi*
frieuds and the public In general, that bis store
will at all tiroes be supplied with an extrusive and
general assortment of Drugs, Dye Studs, 'l’amU, Oil*,
Varnishes, Perturaery, Colognes, and indeed every »r
icle cailrxt tor in a drug store, which will always
sold ** 'uw os at any other house m the city, whole
■ole or retail. Hoping to went a share oi Uic pnbl
patronage, nothing ahull be wanting to give enure sa
isfactioh to hiscustomer* n*>v7-tApli
D Hydropathy, or the Water Care.
to practice the safe and popular remedy path
Hydropathy ot the Watet Cure, und if desired will tre
diseases Allopothicully tibsutru-ul ca-e. will br *
tended Ui prompU) . , . .
N B—Dr Morn* may ba con*ultrd at b.s Drug
Store No 5 Commercial Row, Liberty street, during
busiups* boura, or atfus residence, morning and even
inf, I’eiin * tree l, doors below Irwins alley
■ nov7-l»pM
l>r. RoLaae In Tennessee.
il’Hlfe is to certify that I porchaaed one vial of Dr
A Mo Lana's Worm Specific, some two months ago
and gave to a son of mine, some seven years old, two
fulL and although tbe amount may appear
taiga, yet 1 have no doubt but there was upwards of
two tsodeaSd wona passed from him. measuring
w c. w .n„«(... .-.1. >»
Rooa a Creak. Carrol co. Teun, Dec ID, lt+47 j>rtT
. CotcMßca. Jan. Mb, lnßi.
Mr. R..E. Sellers-^-Your Vermifuge ha* sold welt,
add hhs been high y spokeu of by all who hava used
ii Froth the success attending tile ndmunstratiou of
ydor Vermifuge m every case I have heard ot, I am
confident 1 can sell more during the coming season
than 1 did iaaL 1 will ne glad to receive anoUier sup
ply of< or fi gross. Yoorv respectfully,
iKiiraci from letter.] R. CARTER.
Prepared and sold by K K SELLERS. 67 Wood st,
and sold by druggists generally, in Pittsburgh and Al
kflhny jaT-i
Sll. MwLARSES—UO bl ;« SJI Molos'C*. just r
, eeived and for sale by
SUGAR— do hbds prime «ognr new crop, jost rcee
ved and for sale by
SOAP— 60 bxs Pittsburgh manufactured Se*p. > u
received and for *alel>y
; -tJAMILY FLOUR—IW bbl. Parkinson'* tuprnor
F Family Flour, for sale by
ri'HK co-punner«ntp heretofore existing between the
X subscriber*. in the name cf Friend, Rbev A Co .
was this day dfssolvedby mutual consent (.eo Rtn-y
will settle the bu*ines* of the concern. for wilcli pur
pose he i* authorized lo use th>- name or 'he r- I.n
Fehiuary T, 1-4’J. OKO KIIKV
C ©-Partnership.
The *ub.«onhr T ' tu> >fuu» da v '..i-'mi :ve<
in tlw- nartjr »t RIIIiV.M.Vh'IIKWSiO r the
parpnu- o! iruii-iHSiMC a Urorrrv, Cfmn:.t»*'Oii
and F'lrxrariliii;’ Mn* tli« *1:1111) nf Dip Ism •inn
o[ Fn.-mt. Rh.-v .V ("u . wti.-r.- ihry %v.!l W
rcri'ivi* ih<; patroii'u'i* of Uir ro«iotm-r« '•( In.t. ii<iu«<*
»*» , l!Wiy I and our in—id« UKO. HHKV
February 7. I - IK
We take pleasure tn recommending to the coufnienee
ofbur friend* and :!io«e of Frtenrt, Ritey A Co. our
»ucce*»or* in tiusii*e-», Rhey. Matthew* .V Co.
THK co-partnership heretofore existing between die
subscriber*, in the name of (\>r.,t»bte. Burke A
Co.. i* this day dissolved hy tuuniai consent. Mrifti.
Burke A Barnes will nettle the hu«nr«< of me con
cern. fur which purpose thev are authorised tn use the
n-une ot the concern N ATM ANI Kl. C«>.\ STABLK.
The undersigned have this day associated themselves
in the name of BI’RKF. A 11A K.NKS, lor the purpose,
of manufacturing Ftre Proof Safes. Vault Doors. Ac
Ac . at the stand ot the late firm m Conetal*l r . Burke
A Co., where they will hr pleased to receive the pa
tronage ol’Uir customer* m that house and Uirir friends.
In retiring from the hr in ot I'niotatilr. Barite A Co .
•I with sincere p,eu*ure recommend Mr»*r* Burke A
Butin-* li* Ihc >• tfiiAlienee 01 im trie id* nod 'ln- public
Fe!» ». fMW N A I'll AMKI. * ON ST A iil.K
frtil t-dit
lUirAN A KKNSKDV have this day u*«oeir«ied
_J with them >ll the li'irdwnre business. I'biltp Wll-
Mm aim rsi>»util t.rcxc The *ii le ot hrm wn! < ••!▼-
after l.c lx>*an. Wilson A Co Thl« arrangement ten
der* it dt-jirsble lo close tnc old business >i> «i*on ■«
possible All persons whose liabilities have matured,
are especially requested to make immediate payment
I’UlMiltrjll. Jn-t 1 . l-°l”
LOGAN, WILSON a CO.-Importers and
Wt.olesalr Dealers Ut Foreign and Domestic Hard
ware. Cutlery. Saddlery, Ae , IU9. Wood firm. Puts
burghjnrc now fully prepared with a recently inipor
ed stork of Hardware, Cutlery. Ac . t‘> otTer very >;reat
iMlucerautiis to western hu > ers. being determined to
ampule tit pnees with any ot the Atlantic nnes At
‘ on band is--..riment of Pittsburgh !l»rd-
Sre. viz. Shovels. >padc*. Forks. Ho,'*, Vices. A C .
*-of waicit will l-e sold si the lowest manufacturer »
P«e» t»*»l
H'K partnersnip »o lons e»*uni under'.be hrtn of
X 1 Cord A Kins- was hy mutual consent dtW.vtd
oil u J*t i,j*t Tneliusme** wil; he close>l »l >»r old
Hanoi- .itper ot ua. u*inz the nmne of the ti"« tot
that r r po*r Being itesir.iu, to tisve our i>us ■•'**
jjjj i,,t10 leisv a* possible we wou.dte
tUM * ""’’"piHN D MVOKO.
H 1> KIN*.
JOHN l MVOHb liimii! ss-oc.atcd wiUi Mm to*
M t'otd. udder the »t)le t>l M'lhud
A Co , will * 111; .. u ll.e Hill Cap nod Fur bosilur** tn
ull its vano, pruiu-fi'-s. wholesale and retail, si the
oIJ ,iand. ei,t or C i \\ .mO b... 1 Jih sliest*. wheia titer
Ssuot a niiiUx S |„, !l p.iiionsge *.■ si’ier;t!l) ts
•tovfc-d oil the vj t.,,11 jolts' D M CORD
JH>< JaMHi* .“> M'foßD
IN retina* fr-n m, old and well known hrm ot
JilCord k Ki» | most respectt.i) icoonuceod to
the patronsfe nf lftr public ctx suceessoi*. Messrs
M rou A t o ai*- H D KINO
HTHt partoer»ht{. # f ML’RPHV A I.F.F ■» this day
X dufolveil I.) 1I»» U4 | coiise-u The t)U*llie,4 »' the
late t»ni w.ii he «et»j h l-.-e / K MI'KPHV
l’ltl>!lUtK!i Jsn K-|-4y || l .IX
NUTJI'K The U> J'm.gue.l **. cnnUnue lb/ t>o>
DtGu;e*t md tAleli.l li>| ia ~n | r 0 | lV oO>eu (io.iJs, st
llw old stand II I K.F
In rrtutng irom tbe
g-. el Pleasure ...
rinS.leoce ot mi m*i>d-
F:u*bureh, Jan IP*. l'»«
i t; Ml KI'IH
Pariuuibi) Notice. j
K K.N > KD'» Jf, .-...r \V«—l I. ■>
im» uii* J»y w.u. bnu «it -tu
Uokuu t .im.*-* Vi'.l Vui./mv \l, JiillN .11
-kW'V.K. M-ii.ih* «X:ii' ’" .• I, <ii
.1 ~<• KniNVi. A ••-
Jm-uan I. IHU
LOOKING GLASS Manufacturers, and Whoicnare
den;«*n in lorrign n>uj Jomfiir\ aririy uumJ*.
'V*irrn merchant*. I'allar* and nthr* air i.jviimJ
tiyail ami examine ibe inccnoud qualty ui out stock,
asevuli dot prereel inrfeired iari!me*' u in«nutacisf•
tux arid putcbiyuiig. wetluuk n> ennjflVr t* great,
icitoemrul* io kuy«r* a« my othrr hour wt*«i ditUie
__ ;*S-«ll(_
r *uL«ni>er* raveTKia ~oLrecair3HT< v’m-
X *lvc' together hr thf puip„<? ol'traiilucunf a
wholc*ir and retail dt Good* ami Grrerry Ua*iw*>,
at No Su Liberty, VPO’JI*: Seventh »u«et, ui>>l<*r H;e
•tyieairtfimof BI.'SHFIKIDA MAYS
Pitlaliftch. Jnmurj. !H'.»
N B—vur old cusSrcr* .1 the pubic ore uivited
CO-P At,\ kk.mii ip.
\irM R t JAMf-a* ATKl\>vN
\Y have estereU ntjiar’iiersbip, umkir tin- firm nr
WAITE A ATKINS} „,il carry on rb.- Tn
lAipprr. 'uid Strn Uo4 u f «- man mac lory
A,«o. ab it. ..ranches, at me orJ
stand of Win H ScaiieirNt .fleet, neur Wiam
Partieulnr attention to «u-ambo*l work
TtHE PARTNERSHIof w* A K lists having
been dissolved by klrath of one ot ;ne p*n:ier».
the interest of Wm ltay x > d<-ces»ed. m «anl firm,
cousuiii.g of Hide*. l.e*j, jtkm*. Oi 1 , Ac. will ue
sold on uic premises o-v
f«.b7-td JAMES LfJHLIN. Administrator
IHAVF. this dny k«*odd with me in the wasle
►are t.roeery Frodueyj Commissmn buamess.
mi biother Jc«eph. under \ rm o: j s oiLWORTIt
January 1. I^4U
riO-PiETSKBSUIVii, 1.g,,1.r0n,
day associated with hukhn K. M'Cune. the lea
ther busines* will herrnt\e\ conducted under the
firm of Wm Yount ACo MLLIA.M \OU\G,
land -Xti R M'tTVK
Bt-K>K?' IK»I)KS’ Edgar jj'ation* u ( Popery.
by Rev t: Sparry; Xi-iiof, tvorir, Tun-.i*
Work*, University Sorvns. Wayland. Nutui»:
History of Kmhusissm. Lila uS mr s p hlilJ , Hen
ri'- inie Of Rev Henry Venn. „ t mp
of Magooti, rheopfiuii). or nhsiauou of <,nd i.i
Christ. Memoir* of J Fotv.-,: jt an _ Cnr'.i u
all. by Tyug. Baptism. u» The Afi.l
die Kingdom. 'J voi» Cheever’* nu p l ,g.,ni-,
Progress; Cheever » Wanderin| a ,n ine
Alps Anderson's Domestic 1 “'Von, Modern Ac
complishments, I-a»t day sof Ell VVomen m the
Revolution, by Mr* Wien L)lerxj ;i) D f or Ra i,,i, v
marl'd ELLIOTT A KNsh, 7V woo*t ft
Human magnetism—luo, to ,u^,.„ llin .
ate inquiry, being an attempji JOW lhe utlll[y
of it* appheatton fat the relief iflenrtg; by \v
Newnham. hU<j., author of “Tim i Vocal inOucnce
of Body and Miad," etc The bcsii 01l subject
published. For sale by ELlJOTj^^ujHi,*
marrt 79 wesosl’ ►*
LIFE OF FRANKLIN. lilu*ua» u VOUT , e 0 ,
publication in the s.trial lorin, \u.rjwr A l*rv
ther«. New \ ork. The i-ife ol ( , ui|
stating of his Autobiography, and kruttvr oi In*
public life and service*, by ih<- Rev Weld,
ispieuididiy embellished by uumcrx>u«Lsur
by John (> Chapman, engraved in ylc „J
-'ait. Tbe hoi k i* urmied m ocn, rm> iu .
(•erflne jtaper, from bold and leg.ble tj, ’ wll | w
completed in eight part*, at 85 cents „ 3UP( j
ol Iwtef intervals Each part will t,« Vei( t , lrl
pru*s mimrdtulely arter Us publieiitioiy rI |,, JUv|
received and tor sale by
jnttf '-orner bd *t«
Macaulay s history or Krotn
the. Bi-cerSioil of James II Vo( I
The History ot Alexander the Great: 4co t,
bolt, with map and engraving*-
Tite History of Charles the First of Fjj i, v j,
coll Abbott elngsnt engravißg*
Harper's Life of Franklin: <pl'
- by numerous exquisite dcmgna.£.No I. To
t-c completed ui e numbers
Pictorial Hi»iory ol tjiglaul, up to ~. 0 f
rge 111 complete hi 4 vols ocisvo |j| U4U . a .
ju»t rereivriJ liy R
letHl Ajulio UuiJat^', t
• AfAtM.AV’S HISJuRN O'ENOW.aJ,,,. ||
I 'll AlUir Tl' PonUlUtnOili \Wkl, VoL
Krankun ■ Lift lllmttraied p*u II and
The UiKtory oCHaniubal the Crtha*imanj BC ob
Abbott liluMratyd title, map *d munri* ll(tr *.
Aillei'-i (»raninirr anil Enpli*li >irtionary»vo
Story of J.title Joint iron* the Venob t»i ( j rA
noil, llluainttril
Acton, or the Cir< lr ot Lite AiolWuon ‘bo 4 !*
and Übßcrvaliuix. designed :«> depute I.n.' 0 ,»,»d
rbe World
Mart** Romance or '» icliiitm
Arabian NighM IJilertuinmcnial.m.e'* titnou
splendidly illustrated v >ot*. Hurl
Ju»t rci riwd by H Hu PM
feb‘£!_ tullo Hitil^t
XT KW Hutot) ot 0 i,.„
_IN By Jacob Abboii. wtih eiiKiNU,.
HUtury of King Charles the h-rsf,, KrtglunOv
Jacob Abbott, ivitlt nngrttvntp*
Hutory ol Alexander the <»r«ui y j uril |,
\\ all cußravtitu •
Huiury ol II aitmbal the } ly Dl>
Abbott, with engravings K
Received anil /of rale by
lebtfl .'*» r “trl and !l*
From the latest authorities: . s AukU ,.
MtteUell, with an aceoni|'oimiient--lfL., cll , Ue**.
Urn. UcoKrophlcti! and Staliaticnl. J B j c
iledi K HOPKINS. Apollo
County Surrey* authorised by >f n te
.er original document*. Revised Ur|f .
the supervision of Win. K. Mono*. l iv feinerr, up
data procured m each cou -ty, undeC on ,y t
A lew copies of this opleni
Map reeeived thl» dnv and lor «nl«i b>* j
Uookarllet* cot u»;
'\JKw"rfboKy--OrfßCm and ''itlMbi
.tl J IJujnn Thornton, late
Court ol Oregon, and rnrre»po«duig|
Amiricua limutuir Willi «» append?
ccm and authentic inforutnuon on Owl
GOLD MINKS ui Caluornia. uinl oW>4
ter of mtcreat lo the emigrant*, r\c 'a
• ami a ronp. In two volume*.
Raphael; or page* nf the hooli •>• UI
V Iphonoo de l«emartin e, author of U>«
(•irondtsta, or Pcr«o«ml lletnou- ot tht
Vremh Revolution,** rifi. Ju<i rrceiv
I uiohl4 corner mar
MTHIS e*ia!>li*hmrni long and widely known •*
l>rm? one of inc mo<l commodious in the city of
Baltimore, bus recently undergone very exten
sive alteration* aiid improvements An entire new
wing bu* brrii added, containing numerous and airy
sleeping apartment*, and extensive hathiit? room*.
Trie Ladies’ department ha* also been completely
reorganized and fitted up in a mowt unique and beauti
ful t'.vie In fact the whole arrangement of the House
bar been remodcicd, with a «mgl< eye on the part of
the proprietor*, is ward* me comfort and pleasure of
their Guest*. tun! whirl, ihrv confidently assert will
romparinoii with any Hotel in the Union.
Their table will always be supplied with every *Qb
snuuul and luxury which ihe market alfords, served
up .n n superior style, while in the way of 'Vines. Ac.,
they will not be surpassed
tn conclusion the proprietor* bee to »«v. that nothin?
will be. leti undon-i on their part, and <>n me part of their
a**i*tunu. to render tni* Hotel wortny the continued
patronage of their friends and the public general’y
The prices for board have nNo been reduced to the
following rates;
Ladies’ Ordinary. *1.75 per Jay.
Gentlemen's •• 1,50
\VM. Kims
N. H.—The Baggage Wagon of the House will al
ways Ur found nt the Car and Steamboat Landing*,
which will convey baggage to and front the Hotel, free
of charge. ntaylilf
rs.RxtTt of n \-i axo nr iAjir m., pittsnrß*u. ?*•
rsfe I :ir subscriber having assumed Bin manage
2JJp mem of Uus ;..nt> cstahiuhod and popalar Hotel,
XSBL rr.speetfuiiy announces to Traveller* and tie
Public ceiiertii’y. that he will be at all time* prepared
to accommodate them in all thnurs desirable in a well
regulated Hotel The House is now being thoroughly
Repaired tnrtn.gtioui, and new Furniture added, and no
foam* will be sjiurcd ui make the Fjtchange one of the
Hen - best Hotels m the country
The undersigned re«per'.lullv solicits a coniinuanee
of tbr ver) libera 1 patronage lit.- House has heretofore
febPdtt I
MTHK »üb»er;bcr respectfully announce* that
he ha* now opened his new and excellent Hoidl
for the urconiiiiodnuon of traveler*, bnardrr*,
and the public ?r»*re!ly The house and furniture
are einirely new. un.l no psin* or expense nave been
spared to render ■> mi, im ihe most romlortHt.le and
pirasnui Hol. L In ihe ony
Tire subscriber is detrnnmed m deserve, and there
lore solicits, u share ol public patronage.
nrtU-dlv JACOB Itot'taii, Fropneuir
1 0 0' P E a CENT SAVED!
Till: VIRGINIA HOTEL, on Rallimore rreei, near
1 the LVjioi. Cuntl.erland, is now in complete order
for the receptimi and aeeominodauon of tbc public,
persons iu search of en*e and comfort, will do well
u> patronize this eaiabiishment—■they will find.ibe
chamber* ciean and nice, aad the Table oj wall fur
lushed a« any in Cumberlind. at twenty-five cents,
guarsnieed m good as suy thai can be had in (he
place, a' mv price, ur no charge No charge for
transtiortalioii of baggage to and from the ear*
i«js-dam Washington evans
OPPOSITE l.iic Uank of Die United States, Phtla
martitf Proprietor
tlodcni and Antique Parnllurt,
‘•rt, 1 tiinti M k*k-r, Prnsfltiiuii
A large and -plendnl
a**ortmeni <*f Furniture.
•niiaine i.,r Steamboat*.
WlTllli Ho'eis 61..1 pnv *lr dwei-
ling- cohsiautn i.n hsi.ii and made to order
Tii* preecul »Uh-i ~i> tisnd canuot be exceeded by
mi r otanuia.'iory n.c western .-oiintr) Pet own a.
wishing to purchase would do well to give me • call,
uI on determined ray* shall please Part or
(hr slock consist* ,n -
Tele a Tetc. Bullet Eltaqeie,
latuis XIV Chan* . Uuren Fhizabrtti pha.r*.
Ten Po\se bruit Tables,
Toilet Tab c*. % V Coratnoder
1 reneb Mahogojn Bedstead* P.sno Stool*
t«i *ots» wnn Plata and Hat' oiotb osrvtrg.
j(i Malioaau) Rocking t ha*ts
lu dot Pirnu do
•»> - Fancy .!,
Ai put Divan* i pair pier lab es.
15 marble lop Dressing Barest**.
V\ didrobe*. - Scr i eianci and Hook r*-e«
ai inarblc lop W*»h Stand*,
f pur Ottomans;
r pair fancy Work Sinnd*;
A v.-ry large assortment of coniroon .-hairs and oilier
u'lwiuic too nurneruus to mention
i; . Meant Boats furnished oil ;be
»i J •)•. the mo*l reasonable term*
C « i ... ..a Basic ll.uinn . Woa .She is Ac
f l *« * inerri.a it* and consumer*, wiiu
J. .ae h-M prosiuci* ot ilos'on. free tront a.!alu>rauon,
rns.rr nutritious ihait lea or coffer, and Hi uiiah I) unsur
passed '.at -uluJi rr.-onimeuds Ihe above Article*,
laniiuniriurrd by Inm-eii and stamped with hi* name
!ti* Bromn and Covon Pa»lr. a* deJienie, palatable,
and solacin' drink* for invalid*, convalescent*, and
other*, are prjnounerd by the must eminent physician*
superior io any other preparation* lit* manufacture*
are ulway* on sale. >■ unv quantity, by tbg mort re-
Ipeetable gTswee* nt tt»e ea*rern nuns, and by then
agent*. HuweuGnty Jr ro . uf B»*to«; Jiuoea M Bonce
S co. llnrtfnnl. t'cmrr, Uihkt4 Murray. iNew kork;
Grant A Slone, Phiiadc.phtu, Tnnunu V Bruitdigt, Bal
umoee, and Kellogg A Bennett, t'mciniutti. Olno.
\VaI.Ti:R BAKER, Dorenener Mast
_For*aleliv hu?JI BAGALEV A SMITH. AgU
Wrought and Cut Iron Railing.
*i»t<«cril>er« t«-g ,e«ve lo mtorni the public that
:..»iitvita i> dirii|.' - : ■ liv.i Hi. £. ! :■ r bi'iin
a.ill icinrir-rie* IVt«■•— iopf.-uT lnnd
■*»m< pattern* will pi-jur cu!, and f lamiti.'. s.ui •u.lj.'-'
inr Flruitr" w;;l U; tunimhcU at ilic *hort
r«i notice, and in tbe nasi manner. u: ;ne corner 01
Craig ami Keuecc:* »tft«su, .tUegtri,'. cii r
aag2!J-.!tf A L...MONf A KNOX
Leeching, Capping and Bleeding.
Kfl. NORRIS, (Succr«*nr 13 M. R De.any t
, No 55 Fifth street. netween Wood aa>i Smuh
held Fresh leeches received monthly—attendance all
hour* Reference, the piiyuciau* o! Pittsburgh. Alle
gheny and Birmingham.
I man: cltecrfaily recommend ;he physician*. fam
ine* ami al; my former friend* and patron*. Mr K B
Nom* as V ’ig thoroushly acquainted with the bu*i
ne«* and worthy, of patronage.
A Q BXi l Gentrv A Royster's superior sweet 5 Ipa,
HtO 23 do M A Butler'* '• U> -
19 it/do f*r..-e A Harwood'* •• “ 5
21 do do do “ “18
25 >lo do pesr; A Harwood ~ “ 54 !b ••
H do J Rolnn*on •* Km •
ST tf do do - 5
23 do do U'm I)aw*on " 5
.TJ do T\Vright'. » *• « •-
37 do G Amlrrwm •• •• ■<
t* do L T Dmle'« " •• x
5 do K Macon » " - “ ••
V do Raichff •• lb •
Jmt ..aiding from nranicr and packet*. am! for *aie
41 norlli wttir r *t and Id north w‘tarvr«.
jt-24 I’lnladciphia
MAM'FACTIKK.D TuBACCt t--2il in m j.
A Son',, tupenor sweet lb liiiii|>«.
75 hail tin Wrlincf U.d superior *\vcris« .uinp*
JO " l-awrenc U.iti.-r •• A.
25 Gentry A Rnv*'er “ 3»Ai.
15» ” Dupont Ne la Eure) “ ft*.
25 “ l-awreuce Ixnticr " s*Ad* plu^
Juil landing from steamer, aud for rule by
II N water *l and 19 N wharves.
my.ll Philadelphia.
"W.'A J. OliliXN, Book BlnderaV
WE are mil angutfed in the above busmens, comer
id Wood and Th rd street*, Pittsburgh, where
we are preparol to do any work in uur line with des
patch We attend to our work personalty, and stits
mciion will lie given mi regard to i:« neiilne** and do
rain illy
Blank Book* ruled to any pattern and bound tub
stanually. B-Hik *tn numbers or old book* bound rare
fully or repaired Names put on book* in gilt letter*
Thonr that have work in our line are invited to cull
Prim low laylSbtf
kTBAM BdA-rnetAfTß^Tfer
MAN I.FAITTI'RKD to order and furruahed at short
notice with the name ol the boat in each blun
kht. Also. Cotton and Husk Maltrasses made in the
bc»l umnuer. for a vri> low pnceli) l. HKttdETV,
novlft-dly Warehouse. 29 Water *r
dor genuine French Calf Skins, a
very fine article A lew doren* Philadelphia
Skins, from ihe manufactory of H M Crawford, u>
which (he-aitention oi bom rnskrr* is invited just
received and tor .ale by W \OL‘NUA Co,
je2? ” 143 llbertv «t
AT~W ‘SI Tri'i.]
can l.e seen a splendid variery of sup Royal Vel
vet and Tapestry Carpel*. Utest style* Also. Brus
sel*, 3 ply* and aup and fine Ingrain Carpotv ot sup
siylea «nd, and in cemiccuoii can atwavi be
lound Tabic Linen*. Crasher, Diapers, Donmakis. Mo
reen*. Oil Cloth*. Ac Ac , tn all ul who'll we call the
attention of the public. hug*£!
NOTieic; ■ “
HAVINfi «(.1.l our cn.irc sun k to U H (.IU-fr, with
a view to cloving our old business, we hereby so
licit Tor turn the pa>rmiage o( all our Iricndt and cus
tomer* Ro \N I*OINDEXTHR.
I'lttsborgh. Any 4th, l**4!*
Cl H •• KA NT. \\ Itolcsale Grocer, Comnussion and
/, I'm wnnlmi; .Merchant, No. 41 Water *t unl2
.iOIIN fiFTKItUi'K dfc CO.,
N{ >S y;t and 1»4 Fiout »irret, Bell Founder* aud man
ulucimer* ol all kind* of Filling, u.rthi. r«irHiii
iuid NN'aief. have always on hand Wrought Iron WVI
ded I’ipc tor Meant, gas. mid wntei, innit 2 m lo ‘ m
m diameter Brass Cb-uug* inudc to wrdrt Al*u. u
luri'e asamtment ol bull, uud Inu-licd Bn.»* \\..rk lo
winch tbe uiti-niiou o< Plumbn* mid F.i-gmc Buibjrr*
i» particularly directed
Gil* Fittings pul up promptly and on reasonable
term*. septht-dtnn
A A FULTUN, IW.-IJ and Bin*. Founder, ha.* ic
built and cminurnerd l.ueiiir** ai hi* old .land,
wuerc lie will be pl*u«rd to sec In* old r-astom
<-r* and mend*
I'hon'h.Slc.ambont.and Bell* of every site, from 10
to 10,000 pounds, ea*i from paUcrns ol Urn most approv
ed model*, and vvurrajited lu bn ol the bent luntenal*
Mincrni Wm. t Pump*. Counter*, Railing, Ac., toge
ther wnli every var ety <n Brn*s Casting*, tf required,
luriiad amt finished in the neatest manner.
A P is the «ole proprietor of lUkhit’S Airri-Arrai
tio.n Maxsu ;u justly calebraled lor the reductiou of
friction tn inui'hiuery The Boxes ami Composition
pan be had of him at all times. jaUUdy
r I'HE »uli*. ribt r» huvmg the exclusive. Agency foT
X srliin- the Fruiting Paper of anew aSaeZleusive
paper null in tins vicinity, wil' be ul all times well sup
plied with the uuTrrcnt .itc* ol paperof superior quoii
tv, winch we oifer at Uia lowest regular price*.
Any nif or quality wt'l be monufactured to order at
short n<W«*e REYNOLDS A BIBT,
_l* ,r * ft '» comer Penn and Irwm sts
INBI A UI'BUF.K CLOTHINO—Ju*t received for tbe
C-mfortua Expedtuou, a complete aasortmeiit of
Uum Llokiir Cluiuing, at prices ranginj from ffiiiO to
lor suit of coat, pants ami h&t. For «ale ut ihe
Indi* Ilubber Depot. No 5 Wood s;
JtST RECKIYED—TUree more of those *o justly
celebrated Hamburgh Pianos, used constantly by
List. Thalnerg and other great performer*, together
with a targe assortment of m»<swood and ninhoguin
. ot oiy owti JDBuafacturc. The aimve insirumenik arc
wokianied tn be perfect in every »t..peci, and will r>e
sold low for cub F IH.FMF,
I deei3 No 11? Wood u, M door from sth
cpiy: l»V
r y pf tlic
i, of the
I hr i'Ble
Cbwoialc, Coco«||Ar.
Slanuflutturtd Tobacco.
Plttabnrgh A Boston Copper Com pony*
rpins Company reapeetfnlly informa the public,sad
1 particularly mil oeolers and consumere of Copper
in ibe form ta which they prepare it, that Ihcir Smelt
ing Works are now in aueceaifi. operation, and they
are now ready to moke coalmen for the delivery of
lugots to those who want in this form; and also lough
cate for the purpose of rolling.
The Copper produced from the Uetaiic Mines of
Lake Superior, it ascertained to bo much superior to
the ordinary copper in the markets, which js obtained
from okes contomthg foreign mineral mbstance*. This
copper ia perfectly pure, and is not injured by ibe pro
crsaof-amelUng. and is therefore greatly to be prefer
red for bell metal, roiling, and many other purpose*
A« it t* not the intention or wish of tius Company
to erect works for the manufacture of copper in the
various forms in which it is wonted, they wifi be happy
to make contracts for the delivery of it tn the form of
Ingot*, tough cake for rolling, Ac., to those who may
wish to embark in the buuness^
Hereafter, all the copper obtained from their mine*
will lie brought to Pittsburgh, and large supplies may
!„• expected Letter* ifttfresaed to C. G. Hcsarr or
Tiiomaj M. How*, will meet with prompt attention.
derl*-d3iu CHARLES AVERY,, rrealdent.
AND now opening, a splended lot o
flcSsfaSHl Piano Fortes, from tue celebrated firm
fyyyaiw o< Nunns A Clark, N. Y. licoastsuin
If a | J "port of the following:
One elegant ILoaewood 6| octave Piano, with carved
moulding, top and plinth, projecting from and carved
gothic tablet*.
One rosewood Piano, 64 octave, elegant and plain,
with Coleman'* celebrated AColian Attachment, a su
perior instrument.
One Rosewood 8 ocuvc,'round corners and magon
legs. One do do do
Oue rosewood Ptuno, square corners and legs.
These llanos have improvements in the tnecbiuurm,
ui stringing and covering of the hammers, possessed
by no outer* in this country, and are at once the best
a* well a* the cheapest Piano* that can be bought
Al.SO—An elegant lot of ChickeringS Pianos, from
7 to 0 octaves, possessing ail the latest improvements,
at reduced prices.
AldsO—l>tie elegant rosewood Cabinet Grand Piano,
7 octave*, a new invention. HENRY KLKBER,
febl -tf At J 'V Woodwell’a, 93 Third st
JOHN H. SIBLLORt (sole Arent for
Chickenng’a Piano Fortes for Western
ff|W,) No. dl Wood street.
■ I*l J ■ Pittsburgh, hus received und now open
for tale, ibe following elegant assortment, direct from
the manufactory, at Mr. Chickering's (Boston) prices,
One Rosewood seven octave Piano Forte, carved ut
die moat elegant and rich style of Uuu XIV.
One Rosewood carved «ewn octave, nfcw and ifli
proved *caie
Due rosewood Piano. octaves, new scale;
One " rarved, 8 *• “ “
Tjvo round corners. A octave, new scale.
Two pannel “ 8 “
The above are all from the manufactory of J Ciuct
enng. Boston, of the laicst,ityles of fhrniture, »nd with
the new and improved scale.
j Rosewood 8 octave Pianos, from the manufactory
of H. Worceaiei, New Y'ork, formerly of the firm of
Stodaxt. 'Vorcestei A Durham.
U rosewood 6 octave, Gale A Co., N Y
1 nxewood 0} ocuve Piano, made by Bacon & Ra
ven, New York
1 Mahogany 8 octave Piauo, made in Baltimore, and
left with me (ostale by the owner, for cash or in ex
change for Pmahurgb manufactures, or groceries roitj
able tor a country store Price 8300 ja3o
T'HF. Silver Moon, My Home, my happy Home,
Tts Home where e’er the Heart ii,
Jemry land Polka,
I nave led the snow clad Hills;
Rosa lx*c and Old Uncle Ned; Sueanna Polka;
t<u where the mists are sleeping,
\Y>!i you come to ray meuniain home,
Grave of 80. aparte.
No ne cr can thy home be nunc
tib’ r*o*anna: Good-Bye;
Empress Henrietta* Waltz, Ben Bolt,
Joy* ifcsi we've lasted, Ailem Mavouineen,
Louisiana Belle, Ethiopian Dances
A new edition of Iluxrua Puso Foari Lviraccroa,
with French and English Text, reduced to the follow
in? tow prices, viz
Hunter’s large work, contomiag 93 pages, 89 DO
small " 85 1 50
Burrow » Piano forte Primer, 25
BertiiM*' Method for Piano. 3 00
Far. isst't Guitar Instructor •• uO
Pait*»ron * Vocal School. 2 00
iiohhock’* Piano Instructor, i 'tit
for sale by JOHN H M ELI .OR.
;S*U , 51 wood »t
JAYNK- Tlu* certifies, that uumcdiatcly after
aur tided ray brother, who died of consumption
in March. I **42, 1 wo* taken tick with ihe Consumption
or LirrM'omploint. and was reduced so low witti ibe
diss-Mse, that for tour year* 1 was unable tu attend to
in) nuaiAeM, either at home or abroad, being for the
tuo*i time confined u> ray bed During the above peri
.h! r.' tune I had expended for attendance o
r«--ii.:iT t*liy *uri*n» utui medicine*, to the amount of
gnu. wimout receiving any benefit therefrom. In
July. Ir*4A, I commenced taking Dr. Jayne'* Medi
cine*, and have taken them more or lea* ever since,
ami believe that tl was by persevering tu their use,
that I ran now iruhr say that I have completely reco*.
rr red nty health, f bdieve that Jayne’s Sanative Pills
ami Expectorant are the best family medicine* now tu
I reside ut Springfield, Owego county, N. Y., and
carey on a furnace and machine shop in that place,
and are not interested tn any manner in the sale of the
above medicines, and moke this certificate lor the ben
efit of those afflicted. ELIJAH EATON.
Springfield, N. Y., Sept. 18, 1-I-*. j»4
Manufactured tobacco—The subscriber
would call the attention of the city trade and
dealers generally, to the following brands Tobaccos,
,•) store and to arrive, which being consignment* di
rect front manufacturer*, be i# enabled to sell at ro»t-'
efll price*-
nil | br- R W Cfi'n- law 5*
7o j • Jaiu«« .MaJi»o:.
"I I Lninarune 5:,
} " M.rubcau ss,
•-’-1 I - Putnam 5« and Is;
15 j “ Roben* A Sl*son 's*.
ci” Oscar Burl si,
9 j " John* A Lewi* U;
.1 I •' Warwick, supr Is;
1“ 1 ’• Henry A James ss, Is and Sic
leb'fl I. 8 WATERMAN
Pitt 31 acbine Works and Foundry,
JOHN WRIGHT ACo , are prepared to build Cotton
and Woolon Machinery of ever* description, such
as Cardins Machines, Spinning Frames, Speeders,
Drawing Frames. Railway Heads, Warpers, Spoolers,
Dressing Frame*, lxxim*. Card Grinders, Ac. Wrought
Iron Shaftmc turned, ail sues of Cost Iron. Pollies and
Hanger* of the latest patterns, slide and hand Lathe*,
and tool* of ail kinds. Casting* of every description
furnished on short notice. Pallern* made lo order for
Mill Gearing, Iron Railing. Ac. Steam Pipe for beat
ing Factories. Coal Iron window Saab and fancy Coa
ling* generally Orders left at the Warehouse of J.
Palmer A Co., Liberty street, will have prompt atten
Refer to Blacistock, Bell A Co., J. K Moorehead A
Co., (•'. K. Warner, John Irwin A Sons, P.tuburgh , U.
C AJ H Warner, Steubenville. ionlD
Penn Maehine Siiop.
HWIGHTM AN—Manufacturer ofall kind* of cot
• ton m.d woollen machinery. Allegheny city. Pa
The above work* being now in full aim successful op
eranuu. I am prepared lo execute orders with dispatch
for all kind* of machinery in my line, such as willow*,
pickers, spreader*, canla. grinding machine*, railways,
drawing trnme*. speeder*, thro««siU, looms, woolen
card*, double or mnglv, for merchant or country work,
mules, jacks. Ac., slide and baud lathes and tool* in grn
etui. All kind* of shafting made to order, or plan* giv
en for gcuring factories or mill* nt reasonable charge
Ritraa ro—Kennedy. Child* k Co., Blacksioek. Hell
A Co . King, Pennock A Co, Jos A. Gray.
MA. WHITE A CO-, would respectfully inform
. the public that they have erected a shop on
Lacock, between Federal and Sandusky street* 'liiey
are now making and are prepared to receive order* for
oven' description of vehicles. Coaches, Chariot's, Ba
rouches, Buggies, Ph*toiu, Ac., Ac, which from their
long experience in the manufacture of the above work,
ami the faciliuea they have, they feel confident they are
enabled to do work on the most reasonable term* with
those wanting article* in their line f
Paying particular auenuon to the seleeuon of niate
iial*. ami having none but competent workmen, they
hav* no hesitation in warranting their work We
therefore ask the attention of the public to this matter
N B Repairing done in the best manner, and on the
most rensouable terms. Jathhtf
kj put invite* the attention of buy ors to his extensive
assortment of above Goods, embracing every qoality
up io very fine, and from the eelehrsded manufacto
ries of Frauce. Puchoaing these goods from the
commission merchants or agents of the manufactu
rer*, he i.* enabled lo sell them at the lowest possible
prices Also, olive green end invisible green Cloths
very - cheap, wool dyed hlk do; and French, British
and American CaSSIMERES, black and fancy; blk
and fancy *atiu VESTING!*, gentlemen’s silk pocaet
Handkerchiefs, black and fancy Cravats, linen pockat
Hdkfs, ITnderalurta, Drawers, Ac ,at the north east
corner ol 4th and Market streets.
Wholesale Roomrup stairs. febau
•fi ROBERT H. PATTERSON has opened
large stable on First si, running through
(_ \ <to Second «t, between Wood and Southfield
.in the rear of the Monougahela House,
with an entirely new stock ol Horse* and Carnages of
the Lest qoaliry and latest styles. Horses kept at live
ry tn the uest manner. jy&Uy
OTEAM BOAT CLXKIKf*— Having concluded to sell
O off uur entire stock of Ktrke’s Mariue Timepieces,
we now offer to sell them at lower prices than they can
be bought at any house in Pittsburgh or elsewhere,
east or wc*i Being the only csiahtiiihed agents here
for lbe»r rlor-k*, we have the large«l and finest assort
ment in lh<* city Call and see.
Remember, we ure not io be undersold.
BLAKE A CO., Market street,
entrance on north tide of the Diamond
ISAAC luUD. Julia t. uuiao,
MANI ! FACn/RKttfi of spring aud blister uteeL
plough steal, steel plough wing*, coach and elirt
uc iprmg*. hammered iron axles, and dealers in malS
leabte castings, fire eugiue lamps, and coach irimranun
generally, corner ofßos* and FTont sts., Pittsburgh,
_ _ febfl
INDIA RUBBER SHOEB-Jnst rec«rred,T caie*;
1 net lined Over Hhoes, a splendid article, superior
to any ever offered in this cuy, of which any quantity
can be had at short notice, wholesale and retail, at the
India Rubber Depot, No i Wood street.
rcl * J 4 H PHILLIPS
/ IALIFOKNIA OUTFITS— Just reo’d at the India
V Rubber Depot, the following goods: Ginn Elastic
Pants, Jockey Capa, Camp Blanket*, Life Preservers,
laggings, Horse Covers, Drinking Cups, Tenia and
Tent Ploor*. a splendid article, Beds, Pillows, Isthmus
Bags, Haversacks, Canteens, Pouches, Long Boots
and mining Roots. The above goods lor sale at No 5
Wood *L feht7 JAHPIjILLiPH
C4ANDLE&— 100 bxs Cinctiftiau Mould Candle*, on
i consignment and (btaaJu by
!>*' wick a arc a ndlkss
Mathematical instruments—Fofbraw
mg—ln Ebony and Rouwodd coses, with or
without Artists’ colors For sate by
deed! R HOPKINH, Apollo Buildings
JUST IN TlME—Another lot of Pistol*, suitable for
the California service, ;u»t received-
Also, to arrive on tbe 16th mat-, bg Express, a neat
and hamly article of Portable Gold “cales. which ev
ery’ go'd miner ought lo have; and for sale by
mrlit < corner 4th and markef si*
NO. -J ami J MACKEREL—ISO bbli fo* sale low io
clui-e consignment, by
WMH3URTOCK, ia now constantly receiving hi*
• fall stock of CARPETING, fite.. comprising
one of the largest assortments ever brought to iba-mar
ket. which have been parch used direel from- the Im
porters and Manufacturer*, of lb® latest anil newest
styles, and lower in price than ever offered in this city,
to which he taviies the attention of those wUliuac to
furnish steamboats or houaes > before purchasing eltc
whsre. The stock consists in part of the foiktwtng
variety, vix: ,
Rich Aumimai Carpet*; Oriental Tapcatry OB Cloth
do Velvet do Plain colored do
do Tapestry do 24 feet wide
do Brussels do n-4, 7-4,5-4, 4-4 & 5 oil doth
Extra super 3 ply do Stair Rod*
Super do do 18-4, M and 3*4 Druggeu
do lngnun do Stair Linens
'Vide do do Rosewood Oil Cloth
Common do do crumb cloths
4-4, 3-4 A 1 Damask Embossed Piano covers
Vctiition do do Tab'e do
4-4, rw A | twIM do d* Figured Table (W cloth*
4-4.3-4 A | plain do do Turkey Red Toilenett
4-4, }, 1, J 4, 2-4 cot. do Adelaid Mats
8-4 pruned cotton Carpets; Sheep skin do
Extra sup Chenille Rags; Jute do'
do do Tufted do Alicani do]
Fine do do Manilla Hemp
"Hum do do Snow drop Napkins
Crimson fig’d Plush; Diapor Towelling :
Plain do Crash
Drab M Cloth M and d-4 Table Linens
Blue do, for coach un'gs; Windovg Shade*
Carpet Bindings Extra French do . do
Woat’d cords Rich Satin do Lgiites for
do Tassels window curtains
Scarlet, blue, crimson, biaek and drab Damasks;
figured rainbow Damaske worsted and linen Table
covers; blue, crimson, scarlet, green, drab and black
Moreens; cotton. Plushes of all colors, Ac. Ac- Ac.
Also, Osneburgs and DrilUngs for steamboat deck,
and all other trimming* necessary for outfit* for boat*
In our line, to which utc especial attention of owners
is invited. W. M’CLINTOCiTB Carpof Wore room,
one door from Wood,on Foartb «t. »ep*.Si
Slklrtins Muslins and Irish Llaena.
WR. ‘MURPHY invites the particular attention of
• those wanting the above Goods. u» his desirable
stock, consisting of the t>e*i make, from the rnost ap
sroved5 roved manufacturer*, and th« latter warranted pure
ox.—He has just received an additional supply, and is
offering Shirting Muslins of a superior quality, at a
veryjow price. AJ*o,
Sheeting and Pillow-case Muslin* ;
Diapers and Crash;
Table Cloths. Towel* and Napkins;
Blankets,Quilts, Counterpane*; and
Housekeeping Dry Goods generally
LADIES’ DRESS GOODS—Such as French Merinos,
Psramotto*, plain and fancy Do Lames, (some naw
styles just received;) Alpacas, Ae ~
Tlie season being tar advanced, all these flood# will
be sold at price* that cannot fail to please
Room* up stairs. jan!s
A. A. KANOS * CO.,
NO. 60 MARKET STREET, will continue their
great stmt-annual sale of DRY GOOES, for 30
days longer, during which time their extensive whole
safe Rooms will be thrown open to tbeir Re pul Tragic
a* heretofore. A. A. M. A Co., knowing that they are
selling Dry Goods of every description from ten to fif
teen per cent, less than ever before, do iuvite every
person in want of drr goods, ot who may be in want,
to examine and purchase from our stoek, at the lowest
wholesale rates.
Our great object in reducing stock n to make room
lor Spring Goods, it being our intention, to exhibit tn
March the largest and the nebest stock of Dry Good*
ever offered by any one house tn America
'Ve shall continue tbe sale of our Bleached and
Brown Muslin*, Tickings and other Domestic Qoods,
si our former low rates, notwithstanding tbe recent ad
vance ot 15 per cent upon the same iu eastern markets
FINE BLACK LUSTRES—W. R. Munrai asks the
attention of buyers to his extensive assortment of
above goods, including mohair atjd alpscca Lustres,
very fine ana glossy, jet black and blue black; also, a
few pieces without lustre, for mourning dresses; also,,
a large assortment of various coitus and styles of satin
stnped and brocade Alpaccms, black and fancy co
lora plain black, invisible green, drab and other col I *.
Mazanne Blue Pormetto* and Alpscca*—A tew pcs
of these scarce and desirable goods lately received.
Wholesale Rooms up stairs, north east corner of 4th
sad Market sis. jo3l
FOR GENTLEMEN ~W R. Mcwr has recently
received a further supply of Gentlemen's Fancy
CRAVATS, including some very handoome. Also,
black Italian Cravat*, several qualities, nod including
some aapenor/ Also, gents lnneti Cambric’Handker
chiefs, plain and with colored borders; sapqr Silk du,
Undershirt* and Drawer*, merino, silk a(td cotton,
wme of the former extra *ue. Especial attention i*
asked to tu* «u>rk or French Broadcloths and Casst
tneres, of the latter plant und fancy; Velvet pn<l Saun
Vestings, Ac Ai north east corner 4ih and Mucin
street*! • iaa».
/ press, on Tuesday next, 13th m*i ~
F S. Dragoon Pistols: Allen’* 6 barrel RkVolver*:
Pistol Belt* and Shoulder Strap*;
Bowie Kntve*. bra«s mounted,
Hiow Pipes;
Pocket OlaiNft tor examining minerals, &•-; and
for sate at Eastern prices, with addition of freight, t»y
w w wu^soX
fetjlo comer 4th and tqarket st
within a few days opened a supply of-black Al
taccß*, low priced; uo, medium and super? do Mohair
lustre*; new style Unlisli Pruts; do Amdncan do;
black doth Shawl*; plaid long do; ueal style Mouse
de Laines; plain lead and drab da, at LSI; and a vari
ety of other scarce and desirable good*, wprthy the
attention of those wishing to buy.
Merchants will find m the wholesale rooms up stairs
a gc< d nock of desirable jpods, at low price*. jalfi
RICH DRESS GOODS, per tore ten steomdr lvaropa.
—A A Masoh A Co, No 00 Market street, will
open this morning, Rich Dress Goods, comprising tho
following styles, viz: Satin plaid Merinos, a new arti
cle, and the rtehesl goods imported this season; all
wool Plaids, high color* and choice style*; all wool
<'n*hraer«*« anti ,'lous dr Gaines; fine •’olmrt' and I.yo
-1 i.ete Cloths, o! any de«cnbable shade and color. Salta
»tnped Caxlimcrc*. in great variety. jalti
A A. .MASON A Co. GO Market street, have just
• received another large invoice of plaid Long
and Square Shawls, bought 25 per cent less than any
previous.y received this season.
Our stock of Shawls is now the largest in the city,
sod purchasers may be certain that oar prices from
this date will be 25 per cent less than at any former
time. jalH
GENTS’ CLOAK TABSKLS—2 dot mohair Tas
sels, assorted; 3 do silk do do; Sdo do fine do; 10
do do Ladies Tassels, assorted; ' do col’d do Mo.
! GOODS—IO do* children's woolen coats;
6 do do do Cups; 4 do do common; 10 doz Woolen com
forts, assorted; IS do do with rings; 50do (allies Cash
mere Glove*, ass’d.
LEATHER BELTB-30dox bik .Molkskiu Belt*; 20
do do Morocco do, 3 do col'd do; at
novtS _ ZKBLLON KINSEYS, 67nlnrket *t
LaDIEK’ TRIMMINGS—2dot bik Lace Demi Veils,
Jpt col’d Velvets; 20 gross bik Daisey But
tons; 1| do castilhan do; Is do col’d Floss do; 12 do
do Fantssie do, 0 doz col'd fleecy silk Gloves; 6 do blk
Jenny Lind Fnnge, 12 do French silk Ruches; rcc’d
this day by F H EATON A Co.
dec!3 Foerth st
IINEN DIAPERS—A-J. 7-4 and M Linen Table
J Diaper, of common figured, damask and snow
drop patterns. Also. Russia and Blotch Bird Eye Pal-
__ ialO _ 90 wood st
WELJtH FLANNELS—W R Murphy bason hand
u full assortment of ihe*e desirable Good*: also,
a full assortmem of dometur unshrinkable do, and a
full assortment of scarlet and yellow, and spotted, for
t’limtmns wear.
Home made Flannel*—wane, brown and boned: a
supply constantly cm band. dec3o
A A. MASON A Co, No. Gu Market street, have
• just received the largest invoice of Linens ever
offered by them, comprising twenty differen( qualities,
to which they would invite the attention ol wholesale
or retail purchaser*. feh9t
AT DIGBY’S, 136 Liberty street, comprising Ft etch
Cloths, Cassimeres ana Vestings, of the newest
and moil fashionable styles imported.
Also, a large quantity of Rough and Ready Blankets
and Coatings, peculiarly adapted to the times and the
season (
On hand, the largest, best mannfaemred and most
fashionable stock of ready made Clothing tn thu city.
All orders in tbe Tailoring llde executed in the mos*
fashionable and durable manner. novll
New BRITISH PRINTS, Ac.-W. R. Morphy baa
just received a lot of new style brown and white
British Prune, very handsome, arrived by late steam
er Alto, on hand, a iarge assortment of choice styles
of American Prints,fta colon and low prices.
Black Cloth Shawls, of various qualities—a supply
just received.
Black Alpaeeaa, low priced and fine—« very full
supply, and at low-prices fjrqoality. Jato
LACE GOODS—S*rra A Jottjisos, 46 Market street,
have receivedbne carton of fine English thread
lace and edgings; five canons loom made do; ten car
tons cotton do; one do of black silk lace; two do of
hlaek and wMta French worked laco capes: one do of
black chaaulla veils; together with a variety of fancy
Brussels nettsj black and colored silk netts lor veils,
col’d and white silk iUasion for evening dresses
Dealers and otheis will find a for their interest to ex
amine them before pnrehasing. ja*f
N*W JEWELRY—I do* gold patent Lever W»ieb
ea; I “ ” detached “
1 “ silver
Also, cold pen and pencil Cases, Vest chains, heavy
Guard chains, Breast Pm*, Finger Rings, Ear King*
and a complete assortment of other jewelry, m
dccs- ZRfIULON KINSETC, 67 market it
JEWELRY, consisting of gold guard, vest and twb
chains, keys, seals, pencils, finger rings, l»r'*t pm*,
studs, ear flogs, bracelets, lockets, bockles, slide*. 4c
Also, silver combs, card rases, frail knave*, thimbles,
shields, pencils, buckle*, slides, tooth * ml ear pick*.
dec4 57 market cor -lib
/"IIIANGRAULE siLk'VlslTES, for Christmas Pro-
»enl%.—W |L McrthT ha* on hand a few vct>'
handsome changeable Silk Visiles, very satiable for
Christman pre«enu, which he is selling at reduced pri
ces. Also, handsome Dress Bilks ami Batins,
new aiyle L*nen earubrie Hdkfs. A*-. qcc22
LACE GOODS—White and black Lace Cones; einl'U
iiuulin do; wlutc and black lace Uudcnueeves; do
Lace Berthas; black do Veils; plain French Work
Collars; tnmmrd and untrlra’d standing do; emb’d cuffs
to match; ladles linen cambric hdkfs; gems do do do;
also, opera uea, bead dresses, artificial flowers, boiniei
tabs and quiltings; just received and for sale whole
sale and retail, by P H KATUN A Co,
deed 63 fourth *t
assorted cloak Tassels; s*gro«« figured Silk Bind
ing: A do do mohair do, i do do drab coat do: 5 do drab
overcoat baitona; 4Udo fine coal ballons; 121 lb* be*t
Italian sewings; 60 do do patent Thread; padding, ran
rass and other Trimmings, for tailors' use, eoastanUy
on hand. decs F H EATON A t o
T.TRE3U GIXIDS—F H E*TO!t A Co. are conmantly
P supplied with a large and c hoicc a**ortniciit of
silk fringes and gimps, velvet ribbon* and braids. la
ces, edgings and embroideries, gloves and hosiery,
gents shirts, suspenders and under garments, Berlin
Zephyr, woolen yarns, needles, pins, buttons, tapes,
bobbins, Ac.; all of which they offer at the lowest cash
price* to merchants and other*; at their new and com
modious warehouse, 62 Fourth st, near market. na£J
FH. BATON A CO., Dealer* m Trunmings and
• Haberdashery, have removed from their old
•(and to NO. 62 FOURTH STREET, 6 doors from
Market street. oov2>
LARD UJL—4* wmiet strained, ree'd per «tmr
Pennsylvania aud for sale bv
T-tLOUib—3o bbis superfine Flour, 3D do Bye doTTn
t store and for salaV LB <V ATErSaN?
f#bll M water aadfififrouxt -
- '1’ ""
YOL. XYI. NO. 189.
n . GOAD’S
Vaiem Graduated Galvcme Battery and PMtmt
buuiaud Poke for MediexU and other punoam.
THlSutho onJy instrmaentof the kind that haa ever«sentci| in Bus country or Europe for mod
teal purposes, and u the only oneeTer known to man,
by which tha galvanic fluid can be conveyed to the hu
man eye, ihe car, ibe brain, cr to any pun of the body*
either externally or internally, in a renuo
stream, sytthqn* chock* or pain—with "pdrfodt *uT«y—
armoften with &ehapjnesfcaffecta.
Thw imponaat apparatus Is now highly approved of
y many of the most eminent ahyalcJansoftlLiaeoun-
f > m ?v d /"°P e ’^ hom ondoiherswhom
, oc * rn e *J! l>C refooeA Reference will ulao
respcctahlohltitena, who. have
ofson^frih 7 thlsmostvaluahlaupyaralas
of lorn. Of the mcnfinvfcterate ncmtosdisoniSriwhieh
could not be removed by lay o ttarknawnnSK
Among vanou* others, it ha* been proved lo be od-
V? headache and other diseaxe* oLtha brain.
It i* with tlu* apparatus alone that the operator can
convey the magnetic fluid with the
eye, to restore oighuor cureuauurosasi mthe nr i*
restorehearing; to tie tongue and wre
norespeeoh, and lo the ytnoua pan* of tho bwiy, fog
the core of ehrotuc rheumatism, asthma, neuraMa. or
lie dolourenx, paralysis, or palsy, «uu ohowa o?8l
Vila’s dance, roilew, wtaUu T"*™, soma
diseases peculiax to femalea, eoutraotiou ofSoßmlm.
loekJaw,eTB. eto. wanw,
Rights for sarrooadlng cousdes of Western Pa, oad
pnvileges, with ihe instrument, may beparchased. and
ulsotested for the core of diseases. 1
Full iastructiatu will be given for the various cheai
cal* to lie used for various diseases, and (ho bast man
ner for operating fbr the cure of those wilt al
so be fully explained lo the purchaser, and a pp"lpblft
put into hi* hands expressly for these'purposes, care
folly prepared by the patentee. Enquire of
_ocU3-dly_ S WILLIAMS, Vine st. PituWfh.
Rsvenlbt* Kilterlaar Oook*
1} Which renders turbid wutsr pure by
rumovuie all substanfies sot soluble ia
//teJSMV water, rhe croton water in N. York,
clear end pore to the eye, yet'
Rvs32SfifT hen 11 P 45X53 *0 hour through this
filtering cock, »how» a* largo deposit
impure subsbutcea. worms, Ae. rnua
i* the case more or less with all hyaraai water.
The Reversible FUterer is neat and durable, and ta
not attended with the inconvenience iooident to other
Filtrrer*. ns it is cleansed without being detached from
the water pipe, by merely ttmtiitv the key’or
from onewde to the other. By tai* easy process, the
course of water is changed, aqd all tcctmmlatioßj fo
impure substance* are driven off utmost ‘ Instantly,
without unscrewing the niter. It alto the
advantage of being a stop, cock, and as tueh in' many
cases will be very conveiileniaad economical.
lican bo attached where
or low !• a cask, tuk, tub,
of the sole Agent,
(here U »ny pressure Kick
( &p. with ease. To be had
of Fourth and Market iu
TirE'CLI.NTON PAPER MILL, »itoiled u Bteabon-'
villc, Ohio, having been enlarged ud improved,
and. ai a very great expense added new and lie most
improved kind of machinery, ts’ttow prepared to man*
nocture alt ktnda of Writing, Printing, Wrapping and
Colton Yarn Papers, Bonnet Boards, tc., equal to any
in ihe Eastern or Western country.
The undersigned having the Arencr of the above
Mill, will keep constantly on hang a large supply of
the different kinds of Paper, and will hare any «1m
made to order at short notice. . S. C. BILL,
ja3o f-j Wood street
WANTED —A partner in the Publishing btuinsta,
embracing Stereotyping, Printing anci Binding,
in a large establishment with a profitable ran of work
to commence with. He mast bo a marwif nnimpoach
ed integrity—nricoinpromiaing in his principles—wil
ling a/td able to control the priming department at
least, and have n capital of £l,OOO to 110,000. The es
tablishment is at present Vo., bat can be
removed to Pittsburgh or any other suitable place at
short notice For further particular*;, call on Bav. R.
Hopkins, M E. Book Room, Pittsburgh, Pa~ or addrftm
J B. Wolfe Wheeling, Va-
N. B r*-6lurcotypmg done at short notice. fobi-lm
fine usd Cedar Wan Buntaetory,
No. 87• coKMca Maukt aan Finn
r PHE oubscriber keeps constantly on hand, whole
J sale and retail, very low for cash—
WaahTubs, > Barrel Chants,
' Bath Tub*. J Staff Churns,
Hnrxi Bucket*, - | Half Bushels, Ac.
Ait other kinds Ware in his line made to order
__ jutS-dly SAMUEL KBOE3EN ,
Jas. mlm’ratt a. sons’ patent soda asi£-
1 n» :» ton* U| cash currency,or 4 mot. appbrd bills.
13 tuns or upwards. 3| do par. 0 mot do, interest ad-
JrJ lur liin Auperior quality or this brand we refer la
tli** gins* snd »oa{> manotactureni of this city general
dw4 _ __ _ 100 liberty tt i
Diaphragm Filter, for Bydraal Water.
gp J’HIS i« to cerufy that.l bare ap
-1 pointed Livingston, Roggen A Co.
Ageuts for the sale of Jenniag’s
VWP®* 1- ‘'Patent Diaprahgm Filler, lor the ct*
yj lies of Pittsburgh and Allegheny.
%3519 . for Walter M Gibson, 349 Broadway,
N.T, "
1 W 0ei.19.1M0.
V, e have been asingone of the above articles at the
office ofthe Novolcy works for three mouths, on trial,
And leel perfectly washed that it is a asefuLiuventioa,
and wo take pleasure in roeommeadiag.them as a usa
ful arhclu to all who love pare water. Orddrswill be
thankfully received andpromplly executed.
THE subscriber, in offering for sale a handsome lot
ot Nunns A Clark’s, (New York,) and Chicker
mgt (Boston,) Pianos, would direct attention to the
fact ih.-u his i« the only ploce in tbe WesLwhere tbe
matrumetiu of these two makers can be tried side by
side, and where, consequently, a correct idea of their
qnulitir* ca.i b- fanned. The subscriber being anxious
to test their relative merits, and having for a number of
years performed upon tbe Pianos of Nunns A Clark,
lias tailen mto use fot the last twelvo months, a Chtek
ering l mnn, hi order to try its durability and Practi
as an accompanyineut to the voice. This Piano may
now be seen and examined at hu rooms. He fecU
cotifidcot of hi* ability lo give a competentind relia
ble opinion ou ihe subject.
A handsome lot of new Pianos will be opened in' a
fcw H. Kt-feBEB,
del = a _ 41 J W Woodwnir,
O LFACI^)R\The .übu:niKri,ke. ihi. method
of mionninr his (fleniis and the public in general that
he has the largest stock of the following axti
des of his own oann/aeture io thin city—Baddies, Hor
ne**. Trunks and Whips, ail of which he will Warrant
to bo made of the best material and by the best mech
anics tn Allegheny county. Being determined to sail
his manufactures something lower than boa been here
tofore sold by any similar establishment b iho city
he would invite persons in need of the abovo natnod
articles to his warehouse. No. m Liberty street, oppo
site Seventh. Also, bands made to order for machine
rt- oct3u-j y G. KERBY.
PITTSBURGH Fg~M A~rnuT~fiwff<y KTTTflE
THE Second Session of this Institntlon. under the
care of Mr. and Mr*. Gcaaoas, for the present
academic year, will commence on the fint of Februa
ry next, ui the same building*, No. 53 Liberty street.
Arrangements have been made by which they wilt
be ? bl «. l ° fDrn, * h young ladies facmtieseqnal-to any
tu Uie iv esu for obuming a thprough Engl)«h Clasai
eal, and UrnameimJ education. A full course of Phi
lisoplucal oml Chemical Lectures will be delivered
during the wimrr.* illustrated by apparatus. The de
nartments of Vocal and Instrumenlai Music, Modern
Languages, Drawing and Pninung, will each be under
the cate ofa competent Professor. By close attention
to the moral and improvement of their pu
plls, the PrincipHls hope to merit a continuation of tka
liberal patronace they have hitherto enjoyed. For
circular or apply to iho Principals. \
PHCENIX FIRfi^BRICKH—The subscribe l * a°»mg
been appointed sole Agents by the msumfocturer.,
*or tbe sale ot the celebrated. “Phtcnlx Bricks,” are
now prepared to fill orders for any quantin', at 821.
fi 000, co “ t nrehon of furnaces of
ail kinds, these bricks havcheen pronoanced by com
petem judges as being superior to all other fire bricks
nowinuw). C A M’ANULTY A Co, Canal Basin.
_my3o ’
*O|bxs Lamartine 6s; 33 do Mirabean ss; <8
utman 5* and Is: JO do John Hooker s*; 10 do Bo
berta & Sisson ss; 45 do Henry A James 6a and 6s; 10
do John* and Lewis’ la; 3 do Warwick super Is; 7 bra
Steward fi*.
These ssato of the most favor
ite brands, on consignment, and will be abld low to
close, by . decO L 8 WATERMAN
RERS-—Ybo subscribers, being the exclusive un
porters of James Munprmn A Sons’ Soda Ash for thu
market, are now and «Ml continue to be largely top.
plied with this celebrated brand, which they will sell
at Uio lowest market pnee lor eash or approvedbillo.
They refer to the gloss mid soap manufacturers i
Ihi# city gcncruHy rerpccuug the quality.
ldOlibcrty st
dry in a duun*liiitg town, with Tools,
Acu aU ready tor business, wilt bo sold on aecommo?
dating terms, ot exekauge fot Iron or gqods.
ThT* offers an excellent opportunity to a young
' with small capital to commence the Iron. Foundry bu
siness. F.aqutreof
J it near Wood «ire«t.
Beales, Cooking Stoves, tir»t«a,~4e (
Marshall, Wallace* cu, Round church
corner Liberty and Wood street*, manufacture
am] fftfcr lor sale Platform, Floor and Counter SesJo*.
of the mnrumprovrd quality; Cooking StOTp*, for woo 3
ajid uo»t; Egg Stove* of various *iae», P Br u,r end
common Crate*, Hollow Ware, Ac. lee. They
manufacture U*« Kitchen Range, which has siren *uch
general anomai-tion to those haring It in u*e to ail of
which they would re.peetftißj'mtrfta the attention at
the citizen* and thr public generally. oem^ttr
aworuuuni of Cornelius 4; Co*® celebrated m « nt ,
farture, and ruprnor to oil other*in tur, adam*,i 7«
rhurrbeis stewoboau, factories, UwoUinea. nuhlie
rjK&Sh&s assr* *“• •a** -£
(rsvtKiandelier*, from one lo'ftmrUrhti. * '
Hardware—Cfieanai. =>
LQUANj WILSON & CO.fta M n«raind!S*V .
Dcalere in Hardware, 6lsSf 7n”^adduS 6 *^ 0
IS Wood street* above Fifth, bavrnoS S «*!!??» No
chm? and wtfU selected rloci of
unce the decline of prices m-Europe,
are de.tcnmned to »*fi correspondingly low w CJr
who hive been in the hatat of going Eaki/.V.®* 0 ** 01 *
lariy requested 10 call and 100 l lhnra*b m^ o^ 00 *
br’.iVYK Ifte, will -iaa“S2£
»",««». P»«
atitecd moo monUu one.- Orders l o*"**l
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