The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, March 15, 1849, Image 4

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i’ r-oo<rb*» Colds, A«thlna, Bronchitis, Uv
'?2SSSS?®iw:.B6Wf BWesJtf iff P""*- t
-! li the ««• P*!niuuon of
, ra!» Heart, InflorjiWt.WotJir, Broiten Con,
• tv aod all of the Throat,
c . v ilreatumd ijUrtfW: th£mo*kef
, tactual *ud Ipetfffy; cure
•_ ever kaovrtjfnr any of
w iiiß above ,-diaeaj
**, t*.
• dr. swAyrrE’S’
- > ' Cominniiid t?lld Cherry 1
r,f TiilcttfSiej 00 l*no lonjftr. among those ot doubtful
' •MLirt'' It bß*p***cd away.from the (hou»and<dady
the tide ofexfjlriwejii, and now *iai»di
• -Kiibtr in reputation, and re b££Otxuug more extensive
nntatrt tiiaii *j'7 other preparation or medicine ev*r
' hVdtirwi for. the lebeftn •uffwin f {,maji.
. rt has been introduced very xcberallj through lb*
' iffnilrt State* end Europe,ind uwrc ate few tbwiu, of
Unformnce but what contain some remarkable evi
(iertefi of. il» good effect*. For proof of the foregoinr;
itaftlnenlv.aWofthe value nlid einc-afiy nf \htV med,.
• ihe prcpnetor-wIU insert a few ortlm raacr thou.
r iktinitc«Wtonlui* which havediecn presented to Win by
i ji«iif the first • rejpectaiuhey—meo wto have • bigiir (
Mtflerrt Ofinorßl retponsiWmr aud ju*ocp, than to re i
•‘iftVihi Wcis becaoJ* H'wiiWo niioihtsx a favor, and
- rto injustice.' iUißh teitunany prove* con
• iU iurpTthibjreXcollencd u
~ bviia ib.triu«ln.merit»,andlJx? unquestionable Bnthon
l | ;ty oFftihlic'Opinion, reiiel U ,ii
r Jpn)s*Vod the diffused through it.-
»ho!d fnuntt liy iu 4«», Wflderi it a most o«ree»l-s
-tomedyforttye hffUcVnd, • <
;^;: y ; ■ remewberj
diVkon rot-n netfnw r*/»«h- -’onscionUOUS lfl)/ml«v»
foludtnr uih.of a thiuc, ox
partenil : contrary l,, eif
Wdtldly ecs c«“V»cnon *»•
-katnith peeial manner in
- 2wS' »rml Maxims. •
r. , C > 'iftATFJ.
•. «■*•,**. if Cajammus:—
I ■echnsiKceesfai
i iTDr.gwarn,!,
I. to.!! . ; ■trengthens Ujc
■ SE :M»<m lh.l,aw»,
■ JSTni '“"I':
cUrerinp. Cim .A*W»dOie».l
" wiTS CTL r shSrt
S“3i rayTfe. I cftUgm* *£<« cotd, which grade
•S#*l£vjr»e, tttwndfd with a sever* cough, that
remrilies whiih 1 had reeourvftlo, siiii
. .resisted Wl exhibited oil the symptoats 01
cStSpUoo. Every thing l tried *eeine<t
and my cotaplaiot inertnued *y rapid
S SS fScndß 0* well a* my*cH, ifave op all hope* of
' ' At this ume l was recommended to tr>
medicine; 1 «hd sow-tth- the most hap
‘The first bottle had the effect to loosen thr
»aah.ena#b)s me t&expccUtme freefy; and by
six t*tUefci *as «ntmiy well, md on
oSvos hearty ft rum asTeftr was to my life, and
; SrotUd bohftPtiT to give InfoTTttatw^te»-,wuuyrr.r
bfeCN ihajother euldttra Oily denve the henebt t»-
. which, 1 tta so grateful.. For the umh of the above
JJoimeiSl refer youto.Fettr Etuhy Grocer, Wta
, %. of whom l porefrhaedthe medicine.
SsspSftfaliy yotrn, V J*K»Moßa*».
. " WonJiiftd Curt of a Methodist Mztazut
Dr SwttTßt- Dear Sir: Heel a debt of gratitude due
to vcot-itid h doty u> the afflicteq generally, L> offer
St Wftjnlrt- Wrtiicony in fovflt ofyourCompopnd Sy
“VnfWild Cherry. Borne threeiye«n «uice I was
attoefced with cold sand lafltuumauoa of the
lAurt, syftleb araa necomp'auied arhh a dirtrtasbi/;
, staHi, pain in die lireaal aiidti-md, » very considers
T'hl.ftpohhrje ofoßensloerntheae Iraq the luhsa, «pc-
Silly upon chan*. « a««Bla=r, hoareret slight. AI
br,i lie if.' c ilium about las.cmullUon. bul was pretty
, lull wufiieehd that I »** iwP'T ffoinj udodouaump
tqu. 1 Krcw 'iiilv wcaheiy aud at Icnglb wu n*
’ "v MU 10 Wilk ahoot, oasppak abo.o twSißi, add.
wu, .Ire weakneoalif my longs. During dm
time 1 WFuirt carious PiTt*™™" a“J Prcscnpuoo,
Dai roam! no telief-gromns all >be unK scorae. Jasi
hare F win advised e"d persuaded by a dear fneud m
, n I ta*sl confess lftl pn(»tousiy Ihad been proju
il. 0,1 against paiuul ;roed)nne>, «»d lam sull agalnel
lUoaa comma 001 ofthebamie otempenca, bat- ander
siiuidine year claims to ltd ptofeaaion g,d practice »■
*edtota'’aed caving Impllcn faith inlboaayiiia pi iliy
fti-mdiforth wuh pure I. sued of Dr. Shkw, one of yqu;
, a tew battle#, eud commenced it* use. My. tit*-
:..25*£tialoti01.fgn.Oj.lM .modm 5 , con
fftqoemlj it wti deeply L I howertr.
eSKtriwc relief from tkMue of Hie fi«t or &Vr
bottle#. Hat being * pntilitf ipeaker, 1-lVcqnenUy #t
tSinmed to Dreieb wtuToy toerewtng feirenrlh, tun.
tile hbovo todisereboa.- -Tho Syrup allayed the Teoar.
lah babh/taoh assay tbo dijlreaauig TOigh, pat a stop
to tha P d(achabgaofß»tmt ftOT tho ißhas. and gave
them andnhe enure sysiem gaSd 1 naye deh-r
red orfering tide certificate cbhl now, for the parposa
1 af belur perfectly satisfied set* the pemanencyotthe
efim, anufiow .L. 1 feel
1 pityrur#. > 1 t ••
‘ipobHn'eoanty, N. C.
Important Caolian-r-TUad: Read!
'frhcrt is but one genuine'preparation qf Wild Unerry
arid thrit i. Dr. Irak's, evci■ offisred to th*
pit Mic, which bus been *oid. largely ilirouuhoul it.,
iwmed Suites and some rank.of hurone; mui all Jpe
psratioi/i .cafied hy the «anw ot \% i.J, Uuerry lt«vr
oevttinui out emco ttus. under dot rr oi •*?>*>**• ••ciicpn* <•
circumstance*, in ordti currency to ir «uh**.
rßt a.little observation, no person ue«d mwiaku in*
to»uins front the false- KM* bolli * 01
•Javeloped:. with ab«*«tlfi*KiU*l «mm. ■mrhtke
liketteM ofWilliam Pann therein; also,4Jr. SworneV
siEtiatorei and ft* further security, thepomau of Dr.
Attavne <riUbe aided heieaftcr.w aa 10 ihsiuiffinso
the groat curadte knowrv Tmues ot Ur.
BAaW. Compound Syrup, of Wild Cfterry, per«nii«
wtraui'inoi be endcaronng to give currency to tbeit
“fictitious-nostrums” by stealing the aamc of Wild
, CfacnY. Remember, ttlwayi bear ia mind the name
ofDr. fjwayne. and bfl dot deceived. -
principal Office, coiner efEigb% steeets,
f “«e U »h.k«lc -.d rcMb 7 oot®i*«a«S
DEN, tor ad and Wood aw B A-PAHNESTOOK i
Co, eo* l«ft and Wood, and <Uh and Wood sts; WJU
lUloICN,« Market'at; S JONfcS, IS> Jt; JA*
AJONES, car Hand and Penn its; JOHN AUTCfI-
Etu Allegheny city, end by -ajl respectable dea<ccs m
mfr&loc. t . „:.. "*}* .
WALUSTER’S ointment,
IXftONTAJNING NOMERCtR^.or other Miner*!-
bn* power to eUuse oil ‘AiXTERNAI.
SONOUS WOUNDS tn discharge their putrid
tania then heal* them. . ■ ,
it latfshtiy termed ALL-HLaIiTNO, for there t«
achrcely adise*se external er intdrnal. that u will not
benefit. Thnve used it for the lust sixteen yeqr* for
«U-diwaMS of the cheat, involving the mtmort dunjnr
and responsibility, aiifi 1 declare befote heaven wnl
man, that not ih one chse ha*, f. tailed U) benefit when
the patient was of mortal menu*.
1 have httd physicians teamed ia the pro/evuon. I
have ministers of {ho of the bench, tu
ddhrfefl, lawyers, gentlemen of . the. highest erudiuodS
Ond mdlthodes of the pool u«* it in every variety of
•eror and there has been bet cine voice—ooe universal
It; remove* almost immediately
thd inflammation and awelliiigi.#wbea the pun ceases.
(Behd the directions around the box ) 1
FIKAjJ-ACUE—The salve has cured persao* of the
headache of twelve years standing, and who had it
' Ire helped wiih;Uxe *um:cs»- .
SCAUD HEAD—We have cared eases that actually
deled cTery thing knoflrn, as well aa the ability ot hi
• leen to twenty doctors; One.mnu told us he had «pent
gjfyooq his children vnthoa eity betiefit, when it lew
bojees drotntraeot curiU iheiu;
TETTER—There is liothtngbensr for the cure o'
Tetter. r ' ’ . . ~ ,
DURTiS—It is one of the besl-thiogs m the world for
C ?UJBS-Tbohiands «re re«>y c?"* 1 *7 ° iat '
menu. It arvxa fails La giving relief for the rues. ,
f£j" Arouud tlic box.hra directions fol ■ounr At-
Kx&'i Oiawunf for Scrofula. Lifer Rrynpr
lai.Trotr, CkUtlazn, StaUi Head, Sort Sfa, Q-i«cy,
flars Throat, BrenehUat, Wtrtditf Ajfttttorti, ft'M, u >-
aikqf t&t Spint, Head tlu,atthna,Dtaf9hi,£ar orJu.
JBtitnt. Corns, a 8 JBooxa rf tAs Skin, Survlapi, P«*»-
shA &e.. Swelling ef iAs Limia, Bora,. •
V/ BrtU Crtrjp, .Str*U*d pt Broken Rruut, TooUt
pain in tbe Chest
anil Side, fallingoffofthe hair.or the othhr accompa
nSdseoidfeeL rThi* Ointnpini ia the inie remedy.) it
i> fl sure vign of disease to have cold fwt;
CORNS—Occasional o»o ol the OinOfltsnt will oi*
wavskeepcom* troirtgtowptg, Peopte;rt«ed never
b«; übubled Wlih them if they y.» e it Creqoemty.
&?-This Ouiuacot iagood fo? any part pf the body
or-bmbs wisbi inßuncfl. la »ome eases it vhoald be
ap SsfuTKJN—No Ointment will be genaifle pales* the
name of IAMfIS MeALLISTEfI is written with a pen
° a^r C Agent* in *n the cities and
to*us in the United McAl/LWTER,
Sole Proprietor of the abovfl medicine.
Principal Offiee, No SSNortHThintltfcct, Pioi
«d*lpl>U- ra[CE2JCB . NT si.ERBOi
i.KOT a Pimire«OU~E.»«" * R'"=', co'nrr or
LifiertT and Si Clair elSi and.L*\V ileqx, Jr, cornor °. f
Market si mid the Diamodd, »i»o *orn«T' Of 4th and
amiuificld .Uj J M Caasel, Wr«r of
ma.6th word; and sold at tho SmilhfieM
■f, lid door &um Second su la Ailcgk®°y!City hy HP
thwarts and J Sargeuk by 3 0 Smnh, Dropri*t ttr.
DNegley. East Liberty] H Rowisud, .%!«■
Kb**p6rt; J'AiexandertSon, Cuy; N
IJRoSmanACo,and J T Rogers, Brownsville; John
Balkier. Beaver, Pa; am wholesale agents.
•.■•; .. jnHl
dimPpai&Ud u> ncsirmc-Utebensflt which ys rtasaiably
fyoa fl,* Mab pm*es bestowed by ph>pnvtors,
J. TJ£.^-±
c«|tee« *tf“> ■
woollen lamMtma V&.
elSiTe'Prttniam PtaaUrr, the qualities of wluch. after .
long and tried experience, has .been; satisfactorily e»-
utbruhed.. To all wosjenWiuJ-nmy be afflicted mih
Utetia or Fallen WQtnb.h* recommends lux
speedy cure in the
*hohßP»e e 0 f Dorn two lo Uted weeks. if Appii'-d with
.’carfl and rest—discarding ajl tad.roantlesk instruim-iiis
afaffexbbtftivfl bimdageaiio'lclftgilt use. Tbi* iicfeei,
eonicfeaiicrtaiiaataiinxitnasmileb aahe has not failed
■i& bn& iato. ont of three hohdred ood fifty-threo ps
Weikßiteast'or Back, at*
•: tended with 4 noaßig to txed this Plaster
'laiSßttiag.relief• Fof sole by
BradnA Reuer, 14 liberty flnfl 8l Clair su
,JhJ Sargent < u .- Federal Wand DiJuaond, AJle
ham. x - T ‘ - ■ :i “a
M'i® ' l r ■■ • ; ■■■■' >- ■
- rriHEY BTO.MT bwarc iMw-JHflbtfiwyinjMion*» i» w
hi I; Saikm—bow eoar& hawtpagby bow KftJlow,yei
’i.;|n«:s3ia dotoltilt.OicMin cp*e*r»«PM prwiu
- : * beaiUiful vegeujblfi. «ntelc,
; - - -wS'wS wuT JONES’SPANISH UCY WlirrE. l!
~t' i ■ buKficd of *ll deleiorion*
' i J ! i| nworaf^* 1 !!'!'
‘ “ rllabawter.cteOT,livim WlitcJMOhe «anKrtWeHetio s
lii ,•;.** 4, wffvjittartla on making it «ofl and Hnooth. "
*f ' !•:• ; “ptfSSrei -jKilenta;eS«S3 OnmM <■{«>>'
•• —p4.
nttv tows ms h
--coisrooro jcjcT»ipT nr
Wonder and fllfMty «/ the Art.
Tbs rnnii extraordinary Medicine in-tlia tVnrld \
TK# Extract is pat «p t» ifrenrt BetiUe Uit tr
times cheaper, pleasanter, u<l warranted n
ptrisr ts step t»U. II C*'-* vitkavt
abutting, Purring, RUnui/
or <iH2iUtiif the
'■ TU rreai beauty Mid ntperiority of thli SampaHUa
» r^r all othaf itiadielnre i*. that whit* it nrtdiearo th« di*-
bsx* it inrirofale* the bodv. It If ni« of tha Vary Ueil
Ever known; it not enlv purifiea the whole end
• urm.'tlicn* th« person. tny it creates wit, wart and rich! ■ a power poaseiaed'by do atber nmbeis*. Amlin
t,ri* lic» the pnind react ofiti wendarfol icecre*. h hit*
performed within tb« Urt two year*, more than IW.tMi
r<ir«* of revere ease* of diaeue; at lna*l 15.000 acre
roit.lileroil incurable. It hat cared tho Urea,ol mart
t'mu 10.000 children during th» two put tensoa*.
lO,OOjO ciwi of General Debility' nad
want of Herron* Energy*
r>f. Townsend’* HiraapaxtlU invigorate* tba whale ■
tj'ir.m permanently. To thse* who bare teat thair
iiiuacal&r energy by tbs effect* of arildli or indirero- *
boo committed in youth. or th* eXcereiveindulgence of
the passions, and brought oa a fdflhral pbytical proatra
tioa of the nervou* *y«tem, lamitoda, want of-smbitioa,
Cajoling Moaatioda. premature decay and daebna, hastew 1
lay toward* that fatal dlsaaas, Cctuampnon, can be en
tirely restored by thi* pleasant ramatjy. Thli Sarsa
parilla 1# Car aaperior to- any •
A* it renew* and Gtrigorats* tba lyetem, p<«i activity
to tbe.lfehs, and strength to thamareular system, ia •
moat extraordinary degree.
Uonwnmplloa Cnrrd.
Cleons* end Mrtagthste. Oonehmptur* con bt cared.
Brnekuia, Consumption, Liter Complaint. Os Ids .
OaUtrrL, Coughs, A/tAma. SVifttutf of tstoea.
Soreness i* tAe OkssUßeatc Thu*. iTirJU
Smtaa, Di&cmlt or Prafiut Exttde
ration, Pain in Ur SiA*, *•«-, i«*i
,iu» and tn be eared. .
■ „ _ Ifemtark, April SS^Stl.
On. T-»wirsX*i>—l rarity bell dr* that yoar Sarraaa
rilla ban bate Ihemenaa, through Providence, of i»Wny
I bar* for mvsralynra-bed a bad cough. h
becatta wen* tad we***. At last 1 raised Urn quand
ties af Irwrt, bad nlybt Dm* cad was peatly dtklli.
(n-rd Sill redact<i, and did not Cxpeel I bare
ealyuil year Samynrilia a tiert tlma, and tbtre In
nwaadiinraJehaorabMAWrenfidlß na. laaaowatH
|o walk ail era* tba «Uy. 1 ratio >e blaod, and wy
dsayblM la A Bid. Tea sen wril iaafifce that J a*>
ibaakftl At tbssa naa]ta
few ebatUant **maL
17M. X43BIBLL, (8 OaihtiinowV
Fciaamlo Bedidic* '
; Dr.Trw«send , »#ar»apar<QaUa»orare4»aßa*ja*i}y
•ore fbr lad plant Genranpom, Prolrpru
Otari er Falkoroftba W«ob, CartiraasM, Filaa, Lett
cart boa, or Wbltaa, ebatrtetad «t dlOeaU-ttauu**-
tion, Ineomlscnea at Ortsa, at inralaatirr dlsebsrte
(beroot and for tba mwil preittatisn ef lLa ryiltm—
-93 naUar wbatbar tba mall ofiakercxtcun or can***,
predocad by (mfßUrlty, Ql»aa or accident. iNothinr
ten be acre SarptUlM than <ta tnri|okeiief aPeett
en tbe tinman frame. Perms el weeksw* *pd la/«i
lade, from Itklßf la el eats beeftme reboat and full of
eacrfy nndar U> Icfineass. It (ncnedlaiaiy eeaniemru
CHa cerroleessasief tba farnada frame, which L tba n*«i
baers Of Bsmanra. It will aat ba azpaetad of ua. ia
care* of io defeats a BStnre, »* .exhibit certificate* t-l
*oro* ptrftmsU bn) we can unn iba aSlleiad. that
boadreda of eases bare been reported to a*. Thousand*
*f cates wbera frmllias hare bsea witbool children,
eftsr Briny a frw bouiae at thb: iaralnahla aedldaia,
Srro bsea bleated with Is* bsaltby eSapricy.
Ts netber* and married Ladle*.
Thi* Extract of RarnpaitlU h** beea expretafr pm
pared la reference to nad* cotaplalaU- Nq lee*lt
who bp* reason to suppose ik* u appraeeblsy that
critical period. " Tit in of Ufa* aboard asyUet ta
Übs U, as U U e certaia prerutira for any of tba
Cnmsrtnta sad bertlbls dUeaau ts which fhi&aise era
■object at tbU dots of Ufa. This period <*sf l« do
bfid /Vs aaoarml fear* bf utinf Isis midicint. Nor
4h U tesa ralaabls far those whs are approaching wo
manhood, as it ia calcnlatsd to aasirt RaUfre, by quick
eainy the blood asd inrixaradny tba ayuem. Indeed,
this mediafae U inriiaabm far all tba d'elicat* di.«a
tf* to which woman are sahJeei.
It broeo* the whole fyatam. renew* psrmaneatiy iba
naiurwi eaenrte*. by removiajf the irnpuritiea qf tbe
body. Sot to fir ttimuladny as to: prodneq fubarqumi
rebaalioa, which U tbe emr»ofnoet medicioe* taken fat
htmale'weeknea end dhuses By nsicy a few bvtilm oj
this mcdleue, myny eseere and painful eorfical op*re
dens may be prevented.
Orratßiruiay te Blathenand Chililrrn.
' It U the eaieei and moat effectual medicine for
fay the irsiem. and reiieviny thS'*ufferi»'*» ai(rbd»nc
open child birth erer dlaeorered. - It *trrerth*fu l--«k
tbr mother and child, prerenta pain aad dieeetc. >n.
erre**-. and enrich?* tb* food, those who ha** med it
think it lt 1* hiybly neeful U»Ui liei'm-c
and after ennfincmeot, a* It pmernta due**** atteoriant
upon childbirth—in Coetieeseia, Pibi*. Cramp*, K* •-ll
ioy of toe Perl, (>e*pondeaey, Ileartbum, Vonnti.r.
IViu in tbe Back and Loin*, False Paine, Her&orrt)«va
and in reaulauny tbe eecretion* and eqaabamy the nri
rblatwsa It bas/so eqnal Tba yraat beauty of t’lir
msdiciaa-ia. it Umlwayc safb, asd tba noil delicate ned
It ovstaa«ea*fplly, awry few ease* require any other
medicine, is no* a Rule Castor Oik or Uaynena. ie
smluL . ExereUe in tbs open air, ksd liybt food wiU*
ibis medkißs, *IBI always assart a safa and easy coo
fiaemeet .»
Bezmry and nemlila.
Cearaßtlrt, ChUk. and a variety of preparation* f»»e
r*U* ia use, wsii applied ts the face, very toon tjwnl it
of ft* bwasty. They doss tbs petes of tbe akin, and
cheek tbe drenUtioß. wkieb. wbca nature it not thwart
ed by or powder, or tb* abia i&fimtard by the
alksllre u*ed la esapa, beaatifln* it* own prodneti»n in
tb* - human face tMrine," a* well a* la tbe yardan el
nr.b and delkatcly tinted ynd varkcated fiowrre. A
free, aetles andbeaJtby cirenlatioD of the fiuida, or thi
renrviay of the pom, rich blood to the eairemitW. I*
that which paint* tb* countenance ia thn .maet ezqcp
the beauty, lit* that which impart* tbe ind**eribahle
ifaade* nod fiaihet of lereliseca that all admire, bul
doc* CO dMcribe. This beastr is the of a*
tare —not of ponder or sas*. If there is hot a fre* and
healthy cirealatlon, tbera ia no beauty. If the lady li
fair a* driven snow. If the paint, and ore eocmrue*;
and tb* blood ts thick, cold and Impure, the la net bean
tifuL If tba he brown or yellow, had there U pure and
entire blood, it fire* a rich bloom to the.cheek*, sad •
hriilianey to tbslr eyre that 1* fuei&atief.
Thi* ia whj the teeth ere, asd .acpeciaUy the Bpa»
lab ladies, are so much admired. . Lsdlot tn tho north
who bat little eseretsa, or are confined ia close
room*, or berevpofled their eoetplexioa by tbe
cation nf delaUnoas mix tare*, if they with to re
gain elasticity df step, buoyant fjilriu, sparkling ryes
and beautiful complexion*, they should tree- Dr. Town
send’* SampartUa. Thouaaade who hare tried it. are
more than.satisfied, are delighted. Ladle* of arrry
station,'crowd ear office daily.
TVeflce to Use Ladin;
Those tut imitate Dr. Towaaeod'a Sarsaparilla, have
invariably ceiled their unff a rriat Rrrudy f*r Ft
naUt, ic, Ac., and here eoptea oar bill* and rjnmtan
wbseh relate* to the complaint* of eonn, war I for wore
—other cm who put tip *>edida*,h**e, rises the rrexi
rseeen of Dr. Towoteed'* Sarsaparilla la complaint*
incident to female*, recommended their*, although pm
rinusty did not. A ntnbtr of lb«*e Pill*.
At , are injnriog* to fbaalea. a* they aggravate iljv u «,
ami undermine the constitution. Dr. Townsend'* i> the
only had beet reaady for the naderon* ftmalp rooi
plamu—a rarely, if ever fall* of effecting a permanent
cure. It can be taken by Ike ttfei delicate female*,
iu any caao, or by tho*« expertlaf te become mother*,
*uh the grcaieat advantage*, ae It prepare* the syttein
•ml prevent* pain or dancer, asd ttreoftheo* both
minher and child. Be care Ail to pi tha genuine.
Hcrofnln Cured.
Tbit certificate eoacJuaivdy prove* the! thi* part*-
psnila ha* perfect control over the moat obstinate Jt*
e**et of the Blood. Three person* enrvd is on* b"«*e
it bopreeedenud.
Three Children.
Dx. TawMr.vD —Dear oir« 1 ftata ibe pleasure to
inform yon that three ef nay eblldirta bar* be«o cured
Oflhc Scrofpla by the uaa of your .excellent medlnoa.
Tljcy were afflictad vary severely with bad Surra , hare
taken only fear bottle* ; it took them away,-for which
I fbel Dyeclf under (real obligation.
Youra, rmpoctifiiilr,
ISAAC w. CRAIN, 10d Wootur-IL
OplQton* of Phyilelwn*.
• pr. Tewntend i* alenwt daily rnc4d v| nf vrfltr* froo
PinrddaD* in ddferAit part* of tb* union
Tbu t» to certify that *«, the nndetiif ned. Phytlrtan*
of the City of Albeny, h*»e in nameTou* caeea prr*c«ib
ed Dr. Towcj-ud'i SamperilU. xnd belter* it u> b*
on* of the mutt valuable prvparatitra* in the market
fl. P PUJLINC. «. D.
i. WII.&J.V H. ft.
R. n. HiUirfJH. M D.
Albany, April 1.1847. P. E. EUIKNDORP. >1 D
Owtoj l» iti* great (uccßta ud iramrsie *•!* of Dr '
Tnwnirod i s>nnA|>«rUla, a number of m*o who »ere
foriaerly our Aetfnu, bare cotnmaoegd makiaj tlartap*-
nib Extract*. tiixin, Bitter*. Cilrutial Yell<>« Dock,
VIC. They pec?rally put tt ap is (lie nme «b*p«d hot
.l4*. tuul *othe >if item bare *tr»|* tod copied 6»r **)*«*•
. tirtme.nta—they mi only worthies* Imitation*. . and
»tpulil be avoided.
Principal Ofir*. 128 PtLTON Stfaet. Sun Beil.llny.
N.vY.: Reddinf A. Co, 0 flute rtreet, (to*ton | Dyoit i
Bobe, 132 North Second rt/eet, PUlailrlpha, 8. 8.
fiance. Drnx>i*t. BalliiD<rr« ; P. U. Cohen, CharirMon ;
Wrtfftir Chartre* fltreeu'N. U.; 105 S.iuth
Peart Btre*i, Albany; ap.l by all' (fee principal llruy
pi*l» and Merchant* *eneralfy (UroafLoul Die Ueited
State*. Wot lodic* and Ibe Canadas.
N = Hu. mrdieiae, .hould
Sot be tndaced to bike any other r>rn»»i«i. __
6ar*ap.niJaa, and of course prefer icU.Jf i ht , m
Depot be deceived by anv-tamil ris p* Dr j
•eod’t, andlake no other, p* IWncmlmr ihr rent.-
« ®« Tc C^ n,end * *dl.l by i| ie
B. B. SELLERS, General Wholesale 4 Retail x<rrn>
fJ0.,57 Wood street, and D. ULCURRV, Allegheny
C, ,y *_ i ’ jottt •
For the Recovery of Dormant and Impronerlv Wim
hold RE.\L A.VD PERSONAL \h' S
tWment and Arbitration of C<nnroerruil?r/ Ul )| ne and
oilier Debt*: Securing Patent* for liu riftiosn in Lreut
• Britain. Ireland, and Utr dolonib* end Dnprndrnric *
thereunto Winr>gtng, and Negotiating for the Pur
chaae or Sale of the «ame..
REFERENCE nmy i.* hod on npjtlmtwint. free 0 f
rjiargr, (provided ibr motive if not thru i>f mere
COTiD*tiy j to a Li«t coinpri*inn D.>r>rif> «.i |&.u*r
iunui» an whirh iittrMmr.l property i* t«u<llnß
no imJes.lo nor l«,OUt □tf*ct-.nsßi*Miia whiclj !
t»ve appeared lot the pn*t 50 yea'ra ju variou* Urituh .
newspaper* mldrearnj in a < Low and neat
kin. Comtottnipaliona by letter a/e irqrieatrd to
PMfcjmid. BKNTJIA.M 1-ABJaN,
Si IJrotdway, Nrw Vork
. Reference* am'permiuw! u> Hon. CWrlen P
Jndga Coatl of Cofum-m Plena. New Vork.
Freeland, Smart 4 Co
ChiiA. Cartlidge 4k Co.
W. fcJ.T.Tapccmt.
a. Rieketu, K*)
. Edward Schroder, V+<\ . Cincinnati, Ohio
A- i’atchm, Kaq., Premleiu I’nictuu Bank. Buffalo -
novtH-dOm *
f be Allefffatny CeMcUrjrT
A'V dw «:unal WeeUn# •>( lie Cotporaux*. held on
iftn.Um foltourtn# p®i*6n« worn uriam
io-defied Manarcr* tor Ule eosnia* rear
•, . *'CHOMAB 3t lIOWKPnvueQL^
: •
...•' : .fATJIANIKL * M .\
' : r | ««•»*<*«.
J. IjsihiT, Jr., Secretary and Treasurer
*JTsd T»!irreirt> xlatrnKTU predated jJ, e aflkir* o( iba
Comr|inrid‘ , '!y*O‘'M<»peroa»-cofnUUcn. Tied office
iulljfrCHf «;»!>• 3T Wai*T eircei. -» . j«ia
\j sr * i3awh^dickeVjlCq«,
(IIIKKSE—IUO *ture aiMfinr uOe bjr
/ dstB deed ISAiAIipICCB
cwimunjEDguiMn > ctmuuoi, <or
__ , Pttantecti
“ io “ *““*» SFo^it^';
...i 7. c. BOBBINS
‘""■ r d > li-uml KntnvJc, I,^
’ ' r'lert ">• B~»reutloii Of tbe,?il,„ V o
’f. ,7 ol l’ ro 're*ioual bneinera, either m their uih.-,.
'.'£ r 2 “’■‘".‘""rs o,l, ' fe " Bt. Coon,; ood
flir orfiri' of> JAR,- »- .
u -™
|«,L* D -,fi U * ,U ’ C ailciuJcil to: rium
“ “"n<--i- piioumi .-I,or, ,i„.
I>. rr.Mount, r tßrina letter* of cnouirv e*in-.-u
“!!fL r c S n ."r ri? "“ ll ‘ mu * l an -
-•- invJtlnliwl yS
I M, ‘ . W '7 , ‘ end vul.uoir oliu.lMhitirnl t«
u r.n, . , t,r anlc, logci]>r r with the unrapire.l
A|-nl. dnvcr^o-'u'foiscn-LVl'.cLm
ni|»g Mnclmic.
ilic R found occupied by thi* c*ial.:i*hnirnt. 'hrluiie*
...i mute .quare lu die city of i'uuburch. frouuny -Jin
•- on l »trcct. and exirnding 10 the AUcgbrny
nwr, about 4 SO feet, on which, beside* tbe liuiidma*
occupied lor ilir purpose* of the mill, there arc two
.r.iwmem* now renuug for SldOper annum
the «ni.j i%at jireacni supplied w:i!i tc«,ooa frn of
cnoice rme Luixjlwrr. nnd iherr ia hi the y'urd JOO.Otai
lewt oi sawed bunding and veara boat Tiint<cr, ull 01
which mil be » o id m I# i r pr i ct3
ro any one dctirou* of engaging m jhc bu*ine*»,
il'ie r»iabii!>htuent po»aca*e> advantage* over all mb
i-re in Allegheny county. For terra* apply to
Attorney* at Law, Alh »tfe«-t. Pittil.urch
Or io Da.N L s STR.ATTO.N. ai the olbc= of ihr
,U i\ i” 11 • 1,0 “ Irc< ‘ t inarfhdlfvr
V» iiccUng (Jutcue aud t'nreinnau F.nquir<‘r oopy
lo nmount x>i gj, ami charge tin* otfirc
AL&O-Th-Il »plcndul private now «w-n
)•■«! by Mr Mi.i-i M. Wickf-riSttin, .nuuic m Allrgt,.-
*• y «'**>'. ironlmg tin- Ohio river Knquirr or
Vht F'av.Ll i(i Ftrr Insurance Co of PhdaMtiltta
T vIKKCTORS —Cliarlf* N Bicker. Tl.oma- Han.
1./ I'o'nn* Wagner. Samuel (jiam, Juroii R smith,
(.et W Richard-, Mordernt l> I.ewi». Adnlnho t-
Boi.e. David S Urntvn. Morri- Pmurmnn
N. ilnui.i, Pr«*ideni
OhmW (;. Bsnekr.r. Secretary
Continue to tr.akr insurance, perpetual or limited,
on ever) tir*cnp>ioii oi propetry in town or country,
m rate* **•<>«' a< are coiuioicui with •euunty.
In i.orrrpnny have runervril n large coninu.-tit Fnmf
nhK-h with ihrir Capital and Premiums. »aiejy )Drr „;
cd atford ample protection to the assured
The ot the company, on January I«. l «4h, a „
ptihli-hcd to an act of Ancrably, ware a*
fellow*, vw ¥
Moripagrt • ••.
Hool K*talt
Temporary Loan*
Cuali, A c.
Sim-r ihc.r incorporation. ■ period of 10 > » H r«. the\
hare j..u<l upward. ol one million :o U f hundred i1.0u.-
hy fire, thermy atJordmi; r.idi-iii-
I ihe nd'-ni tag. . o; in.ura.,ce. »» we!: a. the iKihi,
•••' io meet prmupiin -• a'l ii.i!.Hiiie»
J f.AKJiINKR > UKHV Aertil.
Hfhi e ,N |i cofiier \\ i>n<l nnii id *t*
?** “ k'kSAdt 4k HAUTYKH?
lOt >K I !\< i t»l. Miii<uf#ciurer*. *1..1 rt hoVii f
in lorviicti am* don.r<iir Vancy
\\ etlerti Mrrrhnnl*. t'edlnra and nllief. f,rr invitm! tn
••uj. and ■•iuniiic ih- price* and quality ol nur ncrk
■i*. H'lin our f>re»ent mcrrnvri larmne* tM manutar.ur
■nc and purr-nwe UwnV we can oifer n. pirn:
ii.ilucrnM’l.l* 10 lit) era a* un> other houae woi r.i iiic
Mndotuln*. .
SEW (iUo[)?i, 1849.
KIOJNEDN A HR. corner Wood and Fount
street, arc now rrCeirms <Wri f,t, ln firn hand*,
leigc .-o'i of Fm.ry and Vor'ieiy liood*. irr ocmi
iVnei. nr cvriv vnrtety, gold and silver W ate ne*.
J-Wrliv, French Frfott.. Comb*, Hooka nn.l Kim
'.ovc. and Ho*irn. t*u«(>emierr. l.unCap* nod a
other article* Imr—uH of - Inen havine ■— n
nnci:ir*-d pervjra..) •>( U» inan.nactun-r* ca-t. du
■eg t)ic I H «t w.rter, r X prc««‘r i..r the Spring trade
t-e wild wnolrtale nl a -jtia.l advane* i>n « o»i
..njjjjtn'hr on al iWoriptiou* ui lnio.inp (*.>«»•-
• Ot uu- o*ll niatiuluruifiot at eastern pro * . nM ,j
MV.Vh-Al. lIOdKMVr < * U r K ,r U . . u
« opfumV* do. tVuvorlm,' Anatom t inur-i
'urt.n Frrn. no Cho-m, Ke-*r on ,t„.
'* l, '•'■* J'm. IK-r «.rr, . Jilft-prudrno*. (iravr. (;„•
l.i--toiP« Croon- • d.. Broo c on Jo-n-. »•»
Nrh<».i on Mr-.,-, r,. IW tM,,,,,,-,.
8.uji.1.-: . M„lw itn.m Uun,, ~ m,.,,,
:< mrrs ..n l'ir*tt»nrv. I'nrUor on Siornafi \ .-Ip.-au
Ir-.M. Dili J.rn.ur oil l'lrn,%. h-,,i,.-r mi I hr
*• '• i - >-•»•!• lOC C...V, |V,, \t-d. \o,.»r
’>• Mtr . Al»«si:iaU.j m Work,.
Mn'Wrrvto.o » Brl.aru on i .
W t'l > Thrfjjviit r» io .
Cooper >n i<i«locmuoiia, roml.c uu t'hndmi, Jli .fr ►
°» **vnsfr>. Churrhur* KemuJe- I*weo« on
Owltlruf, i!d n-i M nJo'uvrf. il«i <m 1 rnia r,, l>ui.* ii«oi: »
Phymm-rv. U«> [Jictmua ry, U»7rnrr Kvc ' Krrr>
f« , Mai'irn Wr.l . WtiMin'k I'racurr. Limuj.n * u , tr
O'. Du--i;.:«. » I‘r.iclire, do Materia Me.lim. Miller*
l'\>\ Hnu'»N,iharo'» Mia. Uanl<-u on VVv.-n.
Hope on Heart'. t'olunibnt uu Knui.n, l , ‘urtu«on »
S«i<rry. WiUonVAnatonn. William- on Kr»p,rut..n
1 *rpa. « Ahrrrromlne un Urain. Dui gn«r>n'» H. m-
Thr al-eve. wub & rrnrral n**or!mmi oi SiuwlarJ
■l<->ln'a; Kook*. ter .1 nnd lor »oir :<>« I rr* KN4.USH.TO \\ 0-1.1.
between 4th m.U l)mm<vij
r rifl- 1 viMtt-'ira; a
'Jt I'f >li-.-.i«irw» «.|. liic I'ai-w. ln*uti.!:u.i». Apt
<-• *. l-jir.-u, ami Kiu.n Hrruli* of il*r Cbr»:ia» >v»-
i. tu ity |lr» n.oma* pourr, Miunrf <; k.c Mr.i.o
i'. «: pruiF*«tHnt Church
-The ttu''t*u> ho* lone been eurrruu tint ' !*••! i»
umtißrr liiau fictio- ■» Thi* I» pfr-cminrin!) iror m
Scriptuir lit*la, which vastly Uan*rr..d, mi the mar
vei;ouK. ali the rrr«uon« of the rninßittatioi’ Nor |«
It ir*< ceitaiu. til at the repmientatH.i. of the event* „(
Snervd Miitor). nml the »mtenieiit» of Reaciou* Truth
me) be draw it out in »uch a mnntier. a* to l«* ut le*m.
eijua.iy atuscuve. i.nere»tiii-. and nnprr**tve. with
•Uie dr utcniuni! and de-nil* of firuuon* nr fiuiuiou*
literniurc. Tltia hat been the auutor'« ajot lit ttm*e
I)i*eourrc*.“— PxCTicx.
For *alr at Root and Shoe Store of Troth A Scott,
comer of Fourth and Southfield *creets; S. Sumer •
CloUMny e«tabll*hmeiH. Wooil street, at the »iore of
Chnfie* Unmond alley; at the drug »tore of W
Mcndt-rson. s«5 Liberty street; al«o at me Methodi«
I'totestam purronage, on sth meet. Pitutmrch, add ui
Aliegttenjr city at the drug »torr oi Dr. J SatEeaiit.
and at Ibe ad}onnnf the Mcthndiat Pro e*.
mu t l* w‘s Cl itrd Aii l a i s t r ACTUS I',
Dcuuioi.i .ff/nr, h/lictt* Wuod and SmtlAlitM Strr,n
V V- would 'ffapecMudy
of Family Carnay’** lUronctT-* Duc'-
i «ie» iti.d :.i, kind* t»t laney Carriage., < <;u n ; Ul
ifi. ' A f..- a/.y r.ucnbcr of <'urrtage-. Huseie. a.d IVa
Soto*, wiil tie promptly iiiied
A‘l wur* oi In* own ntanbfarture w ill oe trap * filed
Rx»**SSc*v-<:ol K KatlerMMi. H II Pallersoit. I.
D (ib/ Kj«j„ Uot.ert K*g . I I. Mug,.,. Al
il. rinati Irt.git-Jni
i) I. lU.IC ATTFN'TIfI.N I. .oi,cttrd ut'an enttreiy
new article o( HAII.I.NIi, mede uf wrongiit iron
l>arv. an i non annealed rnda, or wire, atid expre.ely
(Icijrm-d for «nclo*lng Cottep**. Cemetene*. Baico
rue*. Put'bc Ijiounda. <kr . at price* varvinr: from fid
; rmt. to SdOli the running foot. It i> made m pantiel*
M variou* length*, Vi tt* 4 feet high, with wrought iron
po«?' J 1 inch »<}nare, at ii.ienreuing dicancc. r.t fi t<>
10 ie-t If detorod, the pnntiel* ran (*• made oi any
fie* 111. .1 conlinuou* *pnn« of SAI <o bO feet, with or
witnoot po.u No extra charge for po«t»
The eomjinrntfve ligbtnn**. great *tretnth and tkin
lulltr of the WIH H RAI LING, the beautr oi it* vim«-<i
ornamental de.ignt, togribcr with ibe extremely low
pltce u; which H U M»id. are cauaing It to *uper*ede
ftie Cn*t Iron Ratling wherever their eomparaurc
merit* have been lo»»ed For further porttetiii ir ., Md
marshall a brother*
Agent* for PiiteMec,
Miamomi obey, near Simuificid *u Vntsliurgh
NEW BOOKS— Pilgrim’* Prngre*. anti
ibe Idle and Tune* of John llunran, by the Rev
Gc. H Cheever. DU.
WumJ.iring* of a Pilgrim ;n tiie Shadow of Mount
JJliinc. by tiro HCbrrv-r I) f>
The Journal of :hel‘,| R at P i mouth. ,n\ew
in M.yn • Repriut/d from th,- original volume,
with hi«!nricnl and local idu.iration* of pnivnleoee,
principle* and peraona. by (ieorg- it Cheever ]J |)
second eJttlnn
JtuptKtn. with reference to it* import and mode.; by
IVI wurd Iteechrr. 1) D
J.jf* and Corre.ponrtence of John Foaier. edtte.l by
J fl Uylund. with notice of Mr. Fo.ter a* n preacher
»fd a couit'anion, by John Kheppard—new rriiimui
The aJiovn. wite a large atuck of Thenlogicai. <lt»
loncal. Medical and School Hook*, for *n)>' ni low
pTiec* by ELLIOT r 4 ENGLISH. T« Wood *t.
between -lih m and Diamond alley
RKCEIVf D THIS DAV, at ibe new Carpet Ware
iiou*r. N"o 75 Fourth meet—
Hich emoo*scd Piano coven Plain Turkey red Chinu
do do Table do Fig'tl do do .do
\V*or*t£d do do do do Bordering;
Ijiae I>ams*k, Carpet Ilimling*,
(irecn rnoreett
ALiSU—Carnpa GoHnes Trnn»parent Shada.*
Scripture View* do do
Turkish do do do 1
finite.* do do do
Drapery Chine.. do do
Moonlight View* do do
do do do
T IJothic* do do
CorJ and Tb«s«I«, Rolcr* and Slat*, l(ack PuUrr*.
The above Oood* n>f of (hr nrh"»i and nnwril
in wlficb *mi umte the attention o( nur I'rioud*
and mi.«umt«o, and those wishing to lurm»li or Tf*
pleuiah itrim bouts and bouiei
: »«*r7
• t'KMKVr.—Hie Proprietor would respectfully
I inform the public iliac be tia* now the uttmiurtion. to
offer tlieni a (>iut:ni, which will weld, beautifully* and
| dbrubly, ail unirk* of China, KarUien acid (iluswnre,
i Oniain*ni» t Marble, Jvory, <cr , without dt»-
• 'hem ia (be least; rcruiennn Uiecu as u«ofi|l fur
opy purpose whatever os ibey were Uolorr hrulco'i.
aß '!" dt ' 4tfr<, "=‘ l I, T *«•«, water orncr.
, ~ nto,m ** weukened in the least when ȟb
'lr/«»f when immersed in hoi
atrr The public have lone mice felt the necessity
r 4 1,, BB and hi this their orpeeuniKi. will
tl " J , roallMd > a» il u applied without hrat and can
beared by « ebild. The subscriber baa fully ucsitd
tHisarttele. for sale by? W\V WILSON, •
Ja ~' . comer market and 4th *ts
in»itr« of his stock of. the
nuove corMA'Or nil tbe different (jualnje., said to be *,
unshrinkable an the Welsh, and at much lower i.riee*
tifnume Welsh Maanels »l*o eonstaotly 0., hand
(isuzc and Silk do. 4-4 and 5-4 do, for Mbrou.lmu pu>.
poses. Also, " v
Home mode White Flannclaimd Linseys, constamir i
ori hand, at the north eut corner of Pnurih iunl Mar I
km .treats. _ _ frp* *j
|?lSfi, MIDDLCTON k WHITK, i MVe lo an .
T uobnce 10 their friends and the public, that th*y
li&ye atsndinl the management of the large and eo«-
modiou Uotekcornerof ureodwaydnd Maiden L ine
known aathn.Howard Hotel. ; Having anirh ImSro*'
.vedtiteußuraa; implored,the, leteneel errutninaitt
MnefiMu, ad paioa ihall he rpotd aa the pari of
the proprietor* to give entire tafluaetioa loafcoea who
may fatoru* with their ptmmage. aart4£*r
5 t
Btitkfr> r ExehiDge Broken
COU.KCTinNS_t>ra.X Sole, «„d j,™,,,,
payable in any pan of me l umn, eolir.ied „„ ,L
Uvorabk- lerrru.
EXCHA.V;h<m V-wr Wrk. PUadHpb.a ai „r U*l
litrorr, »!*«. Omunaai.. San" Lo'.
New «-©lt»tanl!> for .air U>a ** a,,d
BANK N<>JV.S Notr. in a!: w’lv-r,! ..
L*iiite«7 *i'alr.« ilj»cou!!t«*i! ni (he ;<iw> «( rntr. a'’l i
of Foreign ailli AUirfli'Ull (.old huu SnvrM " it
and «<»ld. •'<'u<ui
(lltirr No
Pilul.urgh, Pa
* Mark "' * lrpr '- t , h .
f> in Foreig:- and Unme.<n- hip,,*,;,. *VruLr E -r-/,«
fepo«.lr. Ban* ,W,. , V ., , r h * uf '”„**?* ?
ty OppOMtr tl.r RiUlk r u ,Vr„t uo''rv
rrce.vnl on drpo.ite—Ch.-rW f m >a i,. unf , f
SdVw."" " r "' T “ lU,e pr ‘" e '** l P<”»“ *" U-
ln S Lo.. prun,bo pud to, Fvn, la u.d Amcn.iu.
Adyanees niane on tor,i X r t mc.i:* at Produrr muis
ped i::.«- r al terms mcM*
on Kncla:,.l. Ireland. »,.d IIOU ht
> any ninoum ihr f urlrm lUir. 0 , Kim,;..,.
At.o. DrulU pnvi.Mr lfl ,„ in ... ~, . *
from XI to xnmu, HI t*ir rule Of *0 U> Ihr
*i.hout IrAirno,. »r<l,i, y jmsiii'a K ,V|,i'!{;
SON. European aim Ocnrmi Ag.-v„ oiTi-r ith
door wr«l of wood. ' octivtt
j.wKfn a hill. ‘ „
HILL «. CIRRI, W> ' f r, -“ T
BANKERS iiiul Kichnn-r Hf„;, f> r -»ilrr* in For
eign ami Domr.tic 'PI me and Ri ; l« m ii
cliaiipr.CertiLrnie. «>i |Vp<»i:.-. |< n aild
No WS Wood Rirn.-i.Uuid dr>..f '.o-w Foorm w .-.i
* ldc ' tcnnMif
. <>ul "i niJn!R a RAUJj'” W '“ “ ,,M
JL> in Foreign and Domctu- lim. » iri, !Unrp Or
Uhc&u-K of firpomte, Jiank Nom. UU( j ,
»W and Wood »trceu, direeU> oppu.iir m i iianr^Uo-
mayi-dl >
B- ndmna.
purchased si me lowe«i rnirt. hy
"W :ii.Mi,rkr t
CoiiM»nily for .nie l.y N HolS-ls It <i,iVi
** plJ X»\Urkn.t.
HKAU), BLCKNOR Ar„ U nor ,h water and
Hi N whorvr*. Phtl’a. ntfar lor «nir , m :»cM>imnod«nn K
ierma.fcm«picg« Mnnumctumt Ti.h».v o con.i.tmr of
pound*, hnl/ jKiumlt. v,. n;. IS’» ami :W'«
!ump», 5 . A'< and piU". nnd lil . I.ndir. 1 I'wi.t m
whole and half |.oic« oi th« tollowmg spj.t.ivrd htundi,
Jarnea II Gram. o-hom A HnugJ
(rnvni A William*, A Cal.unu*, -
SJone»ASon, .MlAanairt.
Weh.iard ,:. J Thoiuvn-.,
Jamrs Thoinoa. Jr. A II ArmiMend,
J Thoma.* A Son. I.andiiorn A Annmtead,
J I ( j \|,
Urnirv A Rr*y«er. J A Cbv.
AJ A Ruller, I.‘ \ Hn!,.
C.rrrn Mn l, Wm I>n««tn,
1 rarl A Norwood, J>Rlorkw 0 od
N aili I’nco. Krvuonr
W II Vniietian Kduumd i|r..ry
Pnr: auj Kolnri.o-i, Ru*ie t l \ H„>, •
K.-I.U. Rot„..ov ATo Srth Hnl.rv
K Mru-nlr. j u ,n ‘
l.awrrnv.- !.<-.t;tr, J Koi.jM.on
-V <■ r.i*.. |1 I! fur-ir-r
,n UiaWh,,;
D M Ur:«i
Havcmn Toi »rm, wr-inpen and fiUrr.;
\ ar ' 1 - !< > do do
<..icr.rur.rD' j,, ,i 0 ,|
Si Jngo -ir Cnltf .)<> do ' j 0
8l do j 0 rtn
Iqnr!* A fjujdra do. pari fine, do
Mav.rliV do do no
Kmtui-.lry various do do
Nirgmia »ujiabir for msnufaoiunuf and export;
Spnmin IW.I Ixiaf. pro,, a. Cm,,,ennui and pirn,,
\ irglnia S.r*ip». fw«ei. I.rrmnn I‘lp'.. Plprhr»,U,
>eotrh . null ,‘iwi»o and blnddert.i Marrouha Mrnl
i™,.. iu», n..„, R „.„ i^ rtu ,;„„
Cm.» l.iijuopce. Patent Cn\rmti»h kN:i». Spurn
f1,tH7.4.> 41
M,7*J4 SI
ini.U'i ;5
si.&kj *.)
3- ?tn 3:
.4 T h.» U.J rorucr o( w,,, 4m |
j.*\ I>iaim>i:<! n .ry. I\is*l.ur s t>. l'» . wuu.J r«|>r. c,
J «»'•"*,O" af Cnomry Mffrbnm. n.,rt
Ha»k.’#p*T». u> a iacgs anJ Mijwn«»f a ~.».n
B t r „o' i‘.ipi»ktkdc:u;aks. », unne wwt, w , i t >r
-yl-.w.'i); L,ra.;»U. T!/ Kaelr Hrfu.,:, C,..
f** I-■ N.muav !-ur W^rv K m,l
Dulu.r Kreuh.... a.t 01 « Ui> U «... 1..- •*,„! u. ,rm »« ca „
t !.-u .it T*-: «• cn K and lUt
<Wr.o.. |_eaf Tol.iero.
'P*' >• .;et>- . :r
X before—made on the moat approved Ea*irr:» p am -
aii'l ijh»m fatiuounhle Kanern pattern? and color* Ai«n
or made 10order of a') tnei. and ai all pneea.
Conntiy Merchants and other* are invited in call and the alvrve for thrmM-Jvr* .a« all w.l. l.e »old
whoie»ale or retail.nnd a l.bera; deduction made '.o
wholesale parrbaacra.
undtrugned utTeri tor »a!c a superior arttr.e
A ciC I'fu’k for building. inmle by hi* Strmm l‘r**».
unprovd niarhim- for which hr ha- nbtiiiiurd a patent,
atul eiji-c. io g.yr purrhK«rr« a writtui fttmranlee that
the) me -irongcr anJ wi!| rr«i«i fro«t an.l wn wrath*
” r and iin!.ti><- r.. nii>i»tnrr. or dxinpn... than any out*
'< brie* |KM*c»«inc it renter ’axly and iiti-e rior texture
anil Uiurli more <tniH' k in r\er> re»pe.-'„ racli brirlt
ITiry have ett-rii in- grex'-M oli-lHcliun mat! who
• |H*ein.rii at the t,.iv tlr otfl. - 1
Tlioap ha vine •nnplie.l lii.-mrvlve* lor their bujirf'nev
an.l wi-tnng ( Iron! bn.; i. or *upcr ;<>t hard
and paving I.nek. ran obtain the in
Birmingham. June fi
fTA KKS tin* rtirUiod to inform hir tne«d«
nnd quail tie*, are comUeil) kept nil hand.
\ eiuiiau Shlll'er* made to order m tint t»e*l *t> k
Blind* mpiumd at the *liorte*t nou<«-
N. B.—hi* UlmdV wili l-r pm up Without any addi
tional eif>en*c, »o ihattjipy ‘-an hr rrinoTru m n mo
ment in enae of 6m or for wa»hin<>. and without the aid
of a «crew driver jv l-dl y A w i ami y"S
Oirmlngham. ;n*«r Pittsburgh,) Pa.
V>urfhtntfi!. An. IH7, Wood slrcrt, Fitlthurgh.
W ILL rntsMamly k rep on b*nd a rood aa*nrl
dPSg n,r ' s " 01 '»* our "®" mtinulapture, and
«upe*ior quutu > Whoif*4!r uml country Mel
mm 'limih •I'- n-'pertfutiy irfVit-d 10 rail and ai
cheaper .1 in ti»» befoft been offered lu the pub
: ir
Pittsburgh and Philadelphia,
JJW-j n ‘, n >—Rl'NMNli*l)A V ANDNK.HT
I HKnuMt.- Htr rc.pertlHlly lll(OMl , rl) lftd , lllu lj(lf
1 »nl rommence running <*u ihe ui«l. A rut
w,.l leave Philadelphia daily the Mail Train to
.HI aV'i "'" l ‘*l Wagon, w„h.
r. I»> o'horse. Minning day and n lt .bi Wf Wl |||„
prepared u> forward d)N«j | t „ freight daily"ta
ID" •>f<Srr« aer.i t»v ruw!, accompanied by tbeeaah or D LEKt'H k ('o, IMinl.ursa ’
•IV fB(-friirr. wi! r.-v'nrrvpli, aKrnriodin. fehtfi orllAllßl.S* I.KHCH. f
mrrmhe subscriber has received since ua. .--.j io t O J2BXbr\
W&mr K.*siS3f'ir!rsi.'a r,';::s 5 . 1 ,845 1,,m
l,,m term of year*, on the property he now HKTIVKKN BALTIMORE AND ITITSHLTU. II
occupies. in Beaver street. immediately beside the ID* Tune. 5 dny». /Jl
I'restiyieriaiiCimrrh From the long el pc nr nee in me , Merrfcandlse transported at OnnalVitet
nl.orr business and a drsirr in pleAso, lie hopes to iner- A lUJNCAN Arrnu
it and a share ot public patronage Water street. I'itubnrrb
Now on hand and bn.ahmg 10 order, Kockaway Bug- • FRAILEY k MARSHALL. Agents'
rtea. open and lop Baggie*, and every description of n«vJ7 <7 Uf bt atreet. Baltimore
Parrisgei made to order from seveiuyfive dnllan to nl<n Ktr * rn.o _
a flii him a ret Ivp-t-dif) JOHN MOUTH. CO 8 FAST EXPRKbs
Moaongahel* llouae Tailoring Ratal*- ' ICOMEa
and ti,e
ofCiotbs. I'»‘iimr« , «. SlitluA, Milks. luitl Ollier Veaung., pirn,, daily. ai'heloiTro c. 1 l,e ‘
together null aurli nrlier Itrunei an are required for t p mntvriT .
gentlemen's wear Hi. good, have been carefully »e. w-i.r > , i> M P, “'
lee ted, and are of the n.we.i and mo.i fnsb.onnblr N A^HtiKttV^
style, as well as of .ttpmor •|unlity Hi. ru.ii.inrr. o.CM o-. « “YJ cw„,ii. , f* HM '
may depend ii|*>v having lh<-ir i-lmhoa made up in a --- - . Baltimore
manner which .an not lail to gratify the inxe of Hie : PENNA. AND OHIO WAGON LINK,
m#.t aptMily ; Eg&ftSg v; Nm .
Fa*i *>de ofilie Ihamond, where Vennum
llliml* nl nil liir i&tlerriil ,ur» and , 01,11 *
kepi on ImmiSir made to nrfltif ane
llie Uieni ni.d mo.t upproved Eaairrn tush.
* the aimrte.t nnUee nnd on ih.- mi >.
roaeonable lorin.
Afro, I lie c In-up Ilodon roll or «plii liUm! Tranupn
Pnper I'armuu ol all Uin dillcreul mie. D ,id
patterDt, on hand and for »alo low forra.h (Mil Vnu
nan IJlmd* painted over ami repain-il, or tnkru r!i part
payment lor new K M W KSTKHY K 1 ,T, l*ro'pr.
N. U—All work done wnlt the l<»t mmerml mid
worbmaniltip, mid warranted to plen«e the uioet fun-
Udiooa. narlO-dly
Allegheny city. Aag. 10, l“1K
Just' received mi.Flm
J. «nlr at VV M'Cimlork'. new Carpel VV nreroom,
No 75 Fourth »t. » handsome u»»ortin<:in of Trnnipa
rent Window ?ilinti«*«, at very mlnerd prices, to which
we invite the wticniion or tho.e wi.lnng to pnr<-h'*e
VJKVV CA Iti'fr.l'J* — Kecen ed tin* da) direct from
i.l the nuimifociurer—
New style Tapestry 3 ply Carnet., extra xuper.
do do do do super,
do do Hru-scJs Carpet.;
do UruAwrto, very rnrap, j,,
do rich CotDT* snpet inprnin j,,
4-4, 3-4 and Venetian do
4-4,3-4 anil 3-dtattomoa do do
Ail of which wifl lie aold at a Imall advance, and
will guarantee aa low u enn be purchased in tho east
.«eg W fcrCI.INTOCK.73 Fourth at
16 kega L*rd: S 6 btti do; la note and ft*
•ale by febl3 JAMJALZKLI.
*UeeXy has now received a ("at! assort.
II Pis no Fortes, selected from
... * the following laamifeetones in Boston
M “ ,?\ l '„ 0 7*L to wiueh the attention of purchaser* i*
respectful.y invited. Those from Mr Chtekerinc, (for
the *a e of which be is sole Agent in Western Penn
sylvania.) have what u termed the New Circular
h-i improvement reeentl) randc. am! Rivinj: them
' a derided ad van tap© m power and equality of tone
, o*rr anv others Tbr following arc the patterns and
«tyie» of i hick. ring's
N °. !,' 7 oct'vrs. back A front, Wt)**
” ■ " bj *• riehlv carved •• “
• 1 - tvj “ “ u XIRJ
; *4 carved mountings, e-4ir
•| ’■ <•* ' tin,l l-u'k mid r «r<l
‘ “ *4 *•*••• “ ts-jn
, ' "6 - scrr.
- e - >• *• js.ri,
I ‘•' " d pro.erimg fiom. Sjisi
j •; - T nr lilt • arvet 1 . »i* <e nl Lou.s 14ili.
■I t l.olmw cr.ri.rri nmll.r.llow mi
nere.l 1.-cv second hand, eon originally S-lifh. and w.|;
In- mill -i n very reduced prne
No I- Ko-ewood. round cornet, very elegantly f,„.
i-ne.i SV.-i No IJ Rosewood. comer. vert .-j
-ejrailllt finished. SV7$
The above are inamiiaetured hv H Worcester. .N
' • w ' -li known a* brine ror.neeird mrmcrly with
.Mes«r« Moiard. Uorcctcr 4 Ihn-nam. N V
No 1.1 Ho«rwood. m. carved niouldmc. mude bv ihe
Mamiauan t'oiiipuny. N. k
No I l. Rosewood carved, bociuves. dais A (Vs. \
' ■*-*’ hn - “ Plain «
No H>. Ro-, wood Grand Piano, made by Heart
No 1« Mahogany. <3 ocmvrs. seeond hand. pric«-
Hid I‘urn.* take., in jmn payment for new one*
J?«.e Agent for t.hirkcring’s Grand and Square Piano
Tories, lor \\ extern IVnnsvlvania. ncilT
A SPLKNTMJ) assortment of. Mano
MMggfn Haiiy and Rosewood I’iano*. ,n«i
II 7 111 These instrument are made ..
m, 1 V' 1 ' - latest pnlterti and best material,
nnd will be so,d low for cash by
v ~ —, , ‘<hl doftr above Fifth.
, Z,, !V who ut * m want of * rood instrumerr.
. . P *‘> ,u ‘ l s mviicd to examine these before pur
r hu.iitg elsewhere, a* they cannot be excr.led by any
in ihe couniry. nnd will b« mid lower thaw any brought
i roar the bast. ANojuat received, two pianosof Haro
-I>U,K 1 “*«nufßrturr. warranted io be supenor to any
ever sold injhis country. oottO F. IJ.
r.t.,L '"“WEW'IHBTStj'SifiaiT." -~
I l lh aolncnher has r»rrn appointed Sole Arrnt for
J, jin «„, e «,t ( ARHA R PS IMPROVKO MK(X)DK
mV.' , " : *' ,u ' Ilc, n , '-d and and periccleU by .Messrs.
■ * ' ‘ <>i (.inciiuHitr The u«unl compass
U! .1 extern,ir but lour oetn i »*», Messrs M AW.
;l, ' , ‘ , rdmie« with the general de«ue . m .| <'et«-ind • Jlc-Ulrd Ihe scale «. these IrlMrnm-,,,. tj w „|'
upon lli'enr any mu * " I'fy bcubie to perform
1 '.r •• > .«•. inr n »(». Inis been much unproved hi placic,;
i!',,.-'!' I. ."! "' r "; s[ru, "'*ir upon ii nisi iron frame
■ . u .luhy hron/e.l and ornartienird. rendenns it nl
oner il m,..| e cfaitl Hit.l exlrrma'y deumble an- ■
I»e J.rirc pul ,„W m t.rmr ,1 w.iimi Urn rm, n
"’''"l-nr lo «»• -i mu ~ peru-.-t mu-.r.; mslntn.e.n,
noil, ai th» time, n m» t elei’aiil piece ..| .
luje mr,, mde II KI.KIIKK.
MI SI. aI. Nnl-KI.rY -ine’.ui...
: ,p ' v • •w.w m
INK] I'|.\\U t UK n:. Which p 0... more poa.-r
und sweetness than Ihr s M UHte PmilO. OC. upirs bui ~„e
b.un.. „s muej, r.Hini, nnd i* u much more showy so.I
inuidsonte p,ece_„. inmiture ir ,s parncHarty des.ra
,..e wi.erc ihe saving of space n nn hemg si
eeedingiy lies' amt rompaet. end o«-cu|>ymir no more
room than a .mail »,dr tain*. The subscriber bus m
hand a ie«Umoiun. or its superiority from vhn celebra
ted pianist. Moachellc. in ht. own e.n.l wntine.wh lC h
tuny be inspected H Kl.KBtai,
.__ oer - C AU W WoodwalPa
RtrKl VKD and lor .air, a lot of choice Piano*, with
and Without rolcmtu. , .r-» Attachment, by
Aur.n.A tlark N \ I ~f Nuitn* A Clark’s Ptanos.
with the AttachmcnL wa. taken i 0 l-jigland bj Mr
' oleman. B-id nmong many uUier t.-siiinooial* of ad
miration for tins slegant spectinen oi Amencaa skill
und_in*e,inity. euc.ird tho fpllowinc remarks from
sl ihuil-crv tar greatest Pianist living
.. , Jsn f, |MA
.Mv iv-ar Sir—ln enclosing a letter u» m y mend. Mr
l.ruml. ]*nri«. I cn.ipot refrain front
■i> you how mu.-n 1 was pleased with j- OU r -.Kolmn
At tucnit..-ut ' winch l consider a« s great tnu.o-.iJ .in
provemenL I can assure von tnat nn my pan I *h.-u
Wiin crent plra.ure do my utmost to make your inven
tion known For sale by H kI.LBKK.
I 1 '* At U oodued's furniture rooms. Id si
Canal Paean —MVALLOW. Capt Ford.
OCF.AN. Capt Watters.
ONK.’i ihe racket, leave Heaver every day,
.•.undiry. eii-.ptwdi aml ni nve nr it morning at
" l,rll 'b, wn-re th* t Conneri with the Midi Jktaccs for
Ak.-O;. a.m fie., nnd. arriving al each ol these places niylii Hue oi ihe Panket.. leave \\ arren daily
..til’ M . and a. five at Heater ,-i time m lake ihe
nn.r: . .-e M mno.-u mr Fi-i.tuii-i.
i < ’ I t a. | LKI l.Nt, V\ KX.(. tV nrren, / u
Mit l'A\ l.flK, - { Prnprit r» ;
- I',-sc I‘ltt.rnt.. I'un| ,l jetf..e..
Tli -»o
♦••»viu* Krw* i»v«*fy morning al rt «»'. io*-*. atm i.,n- !*•«•*•
‘"S Braver rvrf) rvi-vm-' imuH.lja. 1) aflet ihr urn
vti <»i *. hr .traml.oni from • > itt«t>orcfe
Tbt I'lioii mr im-w and comfortably lurnwicl, anti
Will ru.i Ilmiusn m tony houri a(iv
P° ,m <»* U*e Lai'i, or iu Niagara Kali*. Will Am! tfii«
rooic- uir tno.t roiiuort.-vb;e and ei|«-chuoo«. Ticket
a.rou<t, l.> al. tam» »ir ill* Ijarctui I* {>ro''BrcU b.
to tin- [)ti>pric!or«
RK.KD. PARK* A Co. Braver
JOHN A CAIfiHKVA«: Pnukur*!,.
cor Wau-t and *miGiAciii »u
AI.F-NTS - Ju» C lUrriMiu tiudain. N V
I) i' Mathew*. |’uln»ki.J*a;
H\V Cumimgbajn, ,\ri» C**ue, J’b. l
PtnniyhtnU Canal * Hall Rood Ei
preu.Fait Packet Line,
isjs. SSkSSb
lbllc*u*ivr:\ for Pn*«i;njfrra )
I'ilK public art! tf.pccirully informed liai Uu» Line
»u: rumocmr ruiiuing on ihe i£W iqm, ami cm
ur<u<- '.nrougiioui ui- Hea*on
The !«>m* are new. and o( a aupermr ciaj»*. wuii er,-
InrgcdeaM,,* wil. nvr prciupr eomlori Tbe
■an are me lAict conatrocnon
A *•!.! ».wuy« |< in port, and traveler* arc re-
io call and examine mew Hciotc cogiuriUK pa»-
«a<e eUewtierr “
iKarc only nine dollar* through 1 <htc oftne l, o *t. of
thu Line will leave the landing (npp<.»;ir L' S. Hotel,
rainier oi Penn *ti*et and tlaaai. ever} night a! runm
cJock Pinie 3J day* For inmrmuiinn, apidyailb*
oflire. Moiiongabcla Houvr. or to D i.HFXm KCo
< itiiul Hmmii.
__ Blngham'e Etpreei Wagon Line,
Ebsssa __
To a»t/ rii<M
ru-iMii.iuin am) Pim.ALmj-juA
lUMaKtam BUM. ’
T’IHL n\'K - Running Lh»y BI „| \irtr—A
Ira.L"on.awiV^l.aii i b d u , \vr ? V \‘ h ,hr Mllil
■ un.l Imviep relay « <„ 1.0r.e-s runnmVn.n'and
uf' 1 ‘V' ,i ' r * ll f , '7 ,n "’ “ r,,vaJ o. pood. it.'Five
h.,. No mnrei.ood. w,i; (,«. receirej than Ue
lomieii op each nay, «>. thai no delay will occur
\S c will It prepared to lor ward (10U> It., dkilr
App)> '*> WM. HIXIHAM,
ML ltt|S - «mbl
an<lot)«*r« arr inrormni that ih,« i.,ne
k !<i tun .laiiy Product. anti mer.M>anili>e
■ rcnp.rdforh) KIVKDAV LINK and r-Ruiar wac
at low raw. and .wtcitird unit.
J C UIDVVtLU P.u.burph 4
rirrsm HiiH and I’hu^vdki.imua
..,111 . l’’** - ttl NMS.4 UAI ANb moriT
ri.ARKKA THAW, ,-.,nnl l win , pHuUurvh
l.l'.'Vls A iil’Ti.Kß. -JIU Murkt-i Vi, ‘ f
_ J'lulnilflplua
PM ".?“G* r aad Ofllc.
ffX HANKDKN it (XJ. continue to bring pe r *on.
any p«rv«l hnglmid, Ir-Und. .Vmland or
upon thr most liberal term*, with ihcu
uiuol puneliaJiiy and attention lo the warn, and
fort of emmfcrjuit* Wr do not allow oar ouMeii.rerL re
be robbed by the .wtedlmg scamp. Uia t inf Mt tc i
jH>rt«. an we take charge of them the inom-m thev re
port UteniMdvcn, and *ee to their well h*.,,,, a,J del
nrmtrl. them without any dcte.itiu,, by , he f ir s, . h( p. 1
We say line fearlessly, u we defy one of our no.s*en
«r» to show that they w>ere demined 4- hour* i'v us ni
Uvemool, Whilst thousands of others were Uetmne.l
month*, tut Cl they could be sent m some old cra n at n
ch g p rate, which too frequently proved thmr coffins
We intenl to perform our contract, honorably cost
what It intsr. and not act a* wo* the rose | MI W L...
with ether kfieero,—who either performed not oJ! or
when it Mik'd their conrenieneo.
Draft* dfewn at Htuburgh tor any , am from L\ to
£lOOO, payable nt any of the pioTineioJ Bank, in Ire
land, Rnglod, t*coUaud and Woles.
European and General AjreuL
toi.l KIAh streftiMtdOor balnw Wnnd.
T A»D 4SD rsA iioi ut it.
I* Hi.UUK. 1H» Wood Atr««*u
A- J \\ \Vlm>• l.v.
I'rtro.M*. “ Brow'ii,
"• -irvr an.: |*a-«ri,frr j»ar kei « | IB ve
.1 n.wMKUiwrcii BKAVKKA.NI> KKItL
C M Reed. Kn,' p«
T<- Wi.'k. C>rt-rT!villi-, p.,.
>1 f-Vinn.i and King. >i.c Rend P,
Canal Ua«in, Put. burgh.
mini.hamp a dock,
Uarkr. ~rM P»„ ..i*
THE following Ceorpe E. Poßieroy, K»o., th«
well kr own proprietorol the Expte>», spell* for
itAclfof th» irxipoKAoee of the Paiu Enractor u> evert
.. Rxrutss Ornct, Albany, Sept J.
Mi. Dillbt Vy DearSir—With feelmpa of no or.
a;jiary pleasure 1 address yon in relation to ihebenefil
tiavp received from > our invaluable Pain Extraclot
, ra 5' >*ttle 'laurbir.r, « yrcir* old, barf a ptlchef
01 oothnj water turned into her bosom; her scream*
* rTl \ dreadful, *o that a crowd instantly fathered be*
tore the )i«n«e tolearnthe raoseo/tiie terrible screws
l tore Ji<t ciotbem asunder. and soon spread on >ouf
naive, n rt«! M>e wa« earned and laid upon a bed. Sue
.racoon r.-;.even frou (1 .- r p aulSi aU4 j * a y t .. Wa , j l<>o ]
u.» l imu '1 and \» : ,t ,o on Ul «jv Pe ; deep. She
wi» .ea.Ur-.i to .. l>h<ier (rein the top of ber shoulder
'.'' rr :i 'j7 c ~4J{ ’" :r fbc-u, and round odder the
'V*..... •*., " " " Jul ’ lrr 3''d hre U .,t it was very deep.
ur*' hot>r. *1,.. ‘-oinpiaitied nnty when It
»f tti'*"h*' 1 " r "r l,J ‘> • and there i» no
~ . w, 'hei\ my dear sir for t our success in
the «a.e n; t:= ; * itiicliU ti/Ucle,
I .tin vt-urt.. wtut mpecU
Till i TEST atui A'O MISTAKE'
. f r, lu ,M N„ W |i rerpt(ldupe ihe -tune
1 ’ti um!Tii* r'!> ull• v*'N* n \* h‘ <: ?“ lla,n - Wdvn» Bridge,
1 * v \ • bave tern f.ttiiccd wr.n rhcn
•« Su r
Jlr Da I CJ - hr T J cut rny fmgrr wm,
I‘uimii Du* i.aiure r>[ which cau.crt niy arm to -well’
"M. .v-i, <'<m-tanl *hooiin B paw* up to the
r. L w r/ " TC “"« I-*". *»« the ,J£*
l"U «■« n m. rea-mg pam. [ became jfi*rfulofih«U P k
;aw. ]n thi* extremity your Bain Extractor w«. ~
:;; ram ; ; i"'r" * »■-• *■'•« «wh i w». n revailc<l
l ‘ P wn* that it alforded me Ilmen
V u I re ami in three duy» I wa* completely
rorner Broome :utd Aullivan *tm. Sepi 8. Ib4n. 1
NOTICE! —ll Dilute i* the inventor of thi» inva/n
ah'e remedy, ami never bu mid never will commune
.•••itr to any min tii*> secret of iw combination!
A.i hitrueuir*. therefore, not made ami put np b
him, are base counterions. y
PBorßirroas D*e.»r*—4ls Broadway, New York'
tclo l.iie«imit eirt**ri. J'tiim. '
I’ MORGAN, General Depot; Dr. \VM
THORN, Aevnta for I'ltt-burch.
IhUirys Animal Galvanic Cure-All
• urc« humor., «pt*v.;i, uurtni. grrnee, poll-evil,
.sorr.. gn; » ai,.l t-rai-c. I’wtiphlrU. containing cer
tificate-of parue-, n,m he barton applica-
Uon 10 . , JOHN I) .MORi.A.N,
i.ov t • .1! \ !■ Agent, I’m.l.urglt.
P»*t| , '*iVV'»- , |' l VMri " !,:< ’ 1 ifrcifular bowels,
Iv.unu "V'tSM-SS - -Coughing
u* i ami <!») Miu-rv.. generiii >1 *-1■ rJuy. great
i rr-uth <■« kiuuk up -lair,. a-ei-ndmir a
. W ,‘. X ;” r * S "‘ ip r-'«f Hlw.v, above
* t-i-eu.-i ilrrurhing cold
■-i I'rr'V'i.' *. r ‘"" r ’ M common
I -I I I I ..r r.i <t l.m i,[.out m- p. rind when that dl»-
1!!’ r ?T' Hi- »ymp
ar*’ “iinravuipii Th- .-ouch t» more trouhl*-
«.me, e., ? ...nv when lying Join. Tnerc i> no filed
P-un m the rt.p.l, hin difficult breathing, wt.iohl
« orn on .yiai down The appearcnce of the ejp oc .
lorutinn. wmch ■ « cop.oua, ta changed from a thick
ynlow raunii, to n thenter -üb.'ancc. It u very un
plea-ant to the natient. and emit« an unpleaannt «mell
when burned bw nf an urnform appearance, nnd'ts • mixture of p u , and mucu*; as on
•'till water part »mk. and part »wimk. Thi« di»eaa«
, n * y «f 0f an > nT »' any age. and i« charac
tert»cd hy the peculiar. tv of the cough
The Balaam of Ltre-wort effect, ,he ere of tht* ,n
-.tdtoo* d.aea.e by eif-cloraiton. -omb. and heali the
affected l.m-. I. nev» r foil- Whcrerer tht. medi-
'""."k'"•’V 1 * J, r ,r "* »’or thir
teen )'« • It hns been before the puhltc, and ha- b-en
her,> l .gh| v |p„r,| , or rM eornf.luint. of the Lung., un.l
. s iifo/e. uae i ..1 pe-i,%r |r, inert! to unv thine iii uae
«C mtrl.t hunrtfed. o r tecitnionial* from phyai
in'i» t e pre«« elrr-r' . anrt tino.. who hive been cu
„?'i ’* lo ‘‘ Rll lhr H ”ention et ins nf-
Bicied a ..,l for U.e„ own gm.j they will try M
na re *?V* r T r n a V ,t ' m'V "V. observe the Mg
n. rt n,e„. ’ r ..,t TMr u-, ' ° n ‘, n " cn T r » T 's‘l l»**el.
l \<>Va * Ull '' Mhl " '-‘••Pol, Ttt Beekman
j-' I ■S"T I ‘ '•> 1 n M u«„i }
i 7 K, ~r M„k« Li
..s; 5
uS» p.*v, diamond alley, •
l-w ilot.'f below Wood street, to?
BROWS, haying been
regularly educated to the modica
profession, and hern It*r some time
m general practice, now confines
tit* attention to the treatment of
More private and delicate com|
plnint* tor which his opporuinioca
ami rxprnrnce peculiarly <joili/v
- ..him I i yrar« osuduoiuly dc-voie.l
in *nit»y h iri-aUii-ul o' ;k.-« dJinplauiujduruii; whirb
tim.' lie !in« (mil iimt** prar • ami n*a ennui motr p*.
’irtti* ihaii can rver lai. :o !::<* of any private prac
l tioncrr| amply ijurtliff* lirm '■» oJer 6.<jm-uiirr» ol
•perdy. prr.nanrtu ami .al./tai-iory *uiy to all alßmled
i!«*:. .-.r.r .U*cw*. am' Ul i ariainf UteraJ
l>f limrrn wou-a .’ii.-mh iln.-f prihrit-d «ru,i ~f , ./ ua
e'w ui. ,, l >•>- itjc u»- 01' :i-ij of the common nostmAm oi
l, " # !n ’' • '""I their ran (>,• radically und'thor
0.-Thiv cured; he bifiiif tn« careful attention t®
th-- treatment pf *u« h <•**«, and succr-eded «n hundred*
or i|i‘iM_-ur» m runng p*r-»tt« of iiuflimunation of tbs
nrrk ni tbr bladder, an 1 kindred diseases which often
p**ull frtirn tho** eases where other* have consigned
tlimn to hofM*tc«« <lesp*}«. Mr particularly invite* «ucb
"* have* U-611 lonir and u!..uc-***/utty treated by other*
to r»tt«uii him. when < very *ati*facuoa will be given
uirm, ami their case* iroaiod iu a earefcJ, thorough and
intelii|*riM manner, pointed oni by a long experience
«;urty, umi mveauirahou. which il is impossible /or the*
rnrayed in renerol practice of tm-dicmc to rive an
one cla*« of disease,
LLrl In ula or Rapture.—Dr. Brown also invites per*
aoas oUltcicd wnb Hernia to call a, ha ha* paid parur.'
olar attention to tbit disease
CANCERS aNo cured.
Skin dioeaaea, »!«> 11 a, Patay, etc , speedily cared
Charge, very low. ‘
N U Patient, of nui *rx living a; a diaiam-e, by
• Jtung I belt dt-enae in v.aung. giving aliUicevtnpl
tom*, can obtain medicine, with direction, lor uee ki
adftreaoirg T BRuIS.N. .SL D , pout paid, and cneiot.
mg a fee.
Iloulle * " N ° M ’ oppoaite ilia « averlj
R.ii.ry,rmvi - Dr new ) di.rovrrcd rctne
d) for K.i-uina'Mia :• a .jjt-r.'y n-id evrinin remedy for
that pa.niu troubir ]t never fa.!*
niti.T a :J Private Commlting Room,. No. (>£. l)i*.
mond u..c), Pitulmrgli, Po. The Doctor it aiwaya at
home. '
117 No core no pay. decl*.
Hf»W DOES nr,,.r>l ami Bui!.
lormerly put their Sur.apurtllo 111 ,iuall t>otilca
iimdmg a few ounce., but ..nee in Townsemi'i ha.
jct-omv known, and almost or (juite driven their little
tmtt.e* t,m of the market, they are now puiung their*
up in largrr bottle, eootainmg four utnea aa much as
before Cjuery! How much profit did they make be*
ft>rr off ot their «mal! hott!c»f Wa. it hone,!? And
*»nce they have reduced the atrengtli 1, u honest to
protend mat they ore at good a* thev were? Dr Town*
•end commenced bone,tly and fairly—gave as ouch
medicine a* be could afford, ha* made *everal im
provemctiiß, and 1* dctemunedSo keep up the .trength
and duality aud xvill warrant that eaeh bottle of hu
Sarsapuni.a eontains outre rnuo four time, theoaantl
ty 01 Sarsaparilla and mmlfeai .juaiiiir*, than auy oth
er preparation 01 m uic market.
Sold by R. K*. *ol* agent lor Puuburgh. and
D. M. t-urry. Allegheny. , r f ((a
Cream' <le' Amanda Amere', Tor shaving:
j Cream ala Rooe, lor .having;
Almondc Crenin, (In,
Soprrfine Rouge.on Pon-elam «tand«;
ricram scent bags, perfumed win, Lavender, Angl«*
terre.Miel, “
Reautiful powder puff*, nf nil pattern*-
KraiKJ.aeU unlet U.*e«, roHummg iragrant extract*
for U.r b«m»kera«i.ei: a .. m; i*«g -, ,1 aosp.. «uit
al-.c <or prcMiiu
lVi*nn nr ilhme»c powder;
India,i vrt-ijM. n,. r
cJ)**' * 0 t ' 1,1 > ~OtnIDOII wr » , r , scent- Sum. Nymph Sna;., Kov L.p **lvp;
.-lirH «*>.•(>. Soot l.* K rllw>r WiUl a gr.Ml variety
»l hJi r * rlunirr y, ,«m (*■•:. veil, :ftr Ml** by
11,10 _ for tithA »voo*l
Palmonarr B&Uah*
VfESSRS. HKKU A CUTLER—I feel ii a duly I
UJL owe to mv rvllow creatunts, to state something
ntore respecting j nur Vegetable Pulmonary
Stuite 1 firm u»ed itte Hnlsatii, itboot eleven year* ago,
ute happv effect of which 1 then (rare u aceoum or', |
have find vyerul •even' eninpinint* and attack* at ntv
luin**, one a tew dm i .nice, uu.l ui every inalance I
have used the Hu.-urn alone ivtth complete and perfect
turceay It hit* etlrrird rciin »nd cure in a very few
da) v. it i* rrnauil) a .am medicine. I uo no( know
tbautwiMrwre afiaeil cuu-uinpiion. hut l believe ,t
mil be in m»n) a preventive, and prevention t*
better than cure; I do tneretor-. i«,r the love of mv lei
low mru, earnestly recommend the u.e of thia Hn’launi
• nail |uilm..nary romplunit I am roniideni that it
haj been the mean, ~| preserving my life to u,,. ,|„ y
H0.i0.1 June Id. If. HHNJ.VMIN PARaoNS., I
For «mle l.y R a Fiihnciock. A Co, corner hr»t and
woo.} slid >l-0 corner wood and dth
II A I* usirvroci, ) A. 11. Ho a., N. Y. t.'ny
11. L. l*ll:»Mrmca, >Pnubun*k. 1
G. W. Fatih rarrer, j
W tiolesale Drrtg Store Ila the CKrof
Sew York. 7
Vie City ol New York, and are prepared to aupply
Urugfiata nod coamry Merchant wub Drugs, Pwnti
\>i», Dye-studs, Fofsign arid American Perfumery;
dnn or, A evmr k Hander's Chemicals, inf their own
co| oration) asff all other anklet in their line of Imat-
OMa, or a aopann quality aa low a« they can he pur.
ahaaed in thia nr any eaatem city.
New York, F<t>|W |l A. FAU v ICkTO('K Ik «’
BALirxoai. rirn-nitaaii a*o wuuuxd
hk>tern line
Office at the Exchange, Baltimore.
RI-.DUCKU RA PhJv. • I'he charge* liavu bcej> redu
red on ull McMif to or from HaJutnorc, Pm/-
hurKli or U lu-eliiiß. nrd it ri'rre.pomlntg reduouon
made o.i alheleurapUte .!«•»,.(,tot,e ß forwarded from Uhl
umore \V«<»t oi I‘illst'urL-li. Pa.
Rai kr —fhr eliarge it., i lelrgrapb deipalch to or
from UoJumorr. I'ltuburttH and Wheehug, n 45 pent*
(nr tne (ir»t ten word., ami J_rrm- for ruch additional
{£>“ Noehurge i« ma le for the addrex and aigna-
Uuttl the romplntnin <w the South Western of
1...... ,M. , I |„ o,|,, lus dr^
putriie* ran hr i.invttrdrd to Mf tnphic by iht» route and
mailed tor New 1 Mean*
nAVINt. tliudav aaMw.nled litem, fl |vr, togethel?
in ).orinrr.lui.. uml. r the firm and atylcof A iJ
Wnoi.uot aa. lor 11. e uiHM.furturc of TIN COPPVH
AND SHKEriRON WAKE on the comer ifßibia
.o,, ..rrrl .ud 111. tun. m Ik- l« tv.rt,
nil. -Ut-rr hr, ore iurp.irrJ ui turnuh lo ordt-r
Wliolr.i.'. mid nun, oil u,u, li., Srfu
protoptimas wuu
houndry I ruiiiiniiga, and Carpeutera* order, are .0
liciiett wti-.-h will receive immediate attention
City of Allegheny, Feb. |, IMB —dc m
Bacon Smoking.
Having j.«i ,um|.i.»d ,b 0 reb n S,ia ßofour .
m.m., m.J .m OuSaxjO C P ?ZV:
AJONFji, Canal ifcum,
nov *® Ja Y’A'F’i
ll°ife |v lTl ?H“ lO t b n‘ rrah ‘ ju.TncHJ and tor
ik wlo by i d.?, AfIMHTUONo k CKO/KK I
tibU feed; 13 **cka doj J
Scrofula or King'* Evil, Rheumatism. Obstinate Cuta
neous Eruption*, Pimple* or Ptutnles on the Fare,
Blotches, Biles, Chrome Sore Eye*. Ring Worn or
Tetter, Sruld Head, Enlargement and Pain of the
Bone* and Joint*. Stubborn UlAprv, Syphilitic Hvrap
toms. Sciatica or Lumbago, arid Disease* arising
from an injudicious use oi Marcujry, Aicitesor D rep
ly. Exposure or imprudence m Life. Also, Chroutc
Constitutional Disorder*.
In this preparation are strongly concentrated alt the
Medicinal properties of SAjt'Ai'ASii.t.s. combined with
the most effectual aids, the most salutary productions,
the most potent simple* of the vegetable kingdom: and
>t ha* been so fully tested, not ouly by pauenis them
selves, but also by Physicians, that it has received
'hair unqualified recommendntion and the approbation
of the public: and hat established on tis own merits a
reputation for value and efficacy far superior to the
various compound* bearing >he name of Sarsaparilla.
Disease* have been cured, such as are not furnished
in the records of time past: and what it has already
done for the thousands who liavc usrd it, it is capable
m dome for the millions tull suffering and struggling
with Ji«r#»r, It punfien, cleanse*, and strengthens
r ountain spring* of life, anil infuse* new vigor thro'-
out .He woole itinnisl frame.
,e lo lO ' V| “S striking and. as will t*e seen, permn
-1 cure oi an mvcirrate case of {ferofuln, commends
■ t»eil .«> u,l MmiUriy iiiflirted
\. a „ Conn., Jan. I. IMM.
i, i* **■ ** SIJ * ; ( ' , ' , "*einp!i—Sympathy for the offhe
i i U C ' mr 10 ‘ nfl>rI " you of the- remarkable cure
eßected by your Sar.«p.r,lla in the ra.e of my wife.
*‘K‘rted with the .erofula on difler
jr n, , the gland, of the neck were
fndPM.J ht " r l ‘ ,nh * munli swollen. A fie/
JemVd.V.r/ tV'T "" d fituUn * 1,0 r from the
,w ? hr d "”' n ’“‘ ••’’••’ked one leg. and be
low the knee .uppurnied. Her udvised u
• hoold laid open, which wn* done, bui whhout any
p«nn«.nent benefit. In this situation we heard
were induced to use Sami* 1 Sarsaparilla. The hr*t
iKMtle produced a decided and favorable effect, reliev
ing her more than any prwciiption she bad evert*
sen, and before she had used six bottle*, to the aston
ishment and delight of her friends, she found her
health quite restored. It i* now over a year since ibe
cure we« effec cd, and her health remains good, show
ing the disease was thoroughly eradicated from th*
system Our neighbor* are nti knowing to these
imeu, and think very highly of Hand*’ Snreaparilla.
Yours with respect, JILIUSPIKE
Extract from a letter received from Mr N. W. Har
ri*. n gentiemiin well known in county, Va.:
"irenUeroen—l have cured a negro boy of mine with
your Harsuponlla, who w*« attacked with Scrofula
and ot a scrofulous family
.ir ’V. ,iT .- „ N HARRIS.
FrcdericXs Hall, Vs . July 17, 1«4R”
S* sns Sa ass pa kill*.— lt seems altnont unnecessary
to direct attention lo an article so well known, and
deservedly popular, us ibis prepanuioa, but pauenu
often who Wish to u*s the extract of Sarsaparilla, are
induced to try worthies*compound* bearing the Dome,
hut coutaiumg little or none of the virtue of this valu
able root; and we think we cannot confer a greater
benefit on onr reader, than ni directing their attention
to Uip uovertisproent oi the Messrs. Sand* in unmh-r
column. Ihe bottle ha, re.-emly been enlarge.! to hold
a quart, and those who wi«u a really article will
hud coiic.-mratcd in th.* all the medicinal value ot the
tool The experience of thousands has proved u* pf
bcaey in coring the vuritai* dtseassn for is
r commended; and at the present time more than any
other, perhaps i* tl,i* medicine useful, m preparing U.e
tor a change of season —Home Journal, Sept
n P iTI P vn Q d ,old ' and retail, by A B A
D. SANDS Druggist* and Cli.mi.u. HKi Fulton *treet,
corner of rt ilium, New York Sold also by Drug
gitU{rnera,ly throughout the Tr. ted Siam* and Cana
da*. Price per Jtnttle; ,jr Hollies for S 5
R P°l w,1,,1r,a1c retail, by
B. A FAH.NESTOt h, a CO. comer of Wood and
corner of Sixth and Wood sis; by
\MI,LO\,Jr.. corner ot SimdifieM and Fourth sis.
and al«o corner of Market at and the ;nsmoml- also
r ' r fr'«. V rm ßn K,:N,,KR,r '‘ **»'
J ITN<»S Hu- unprecedented •ucces* which has
n a.I the various forms v. hieh irritation of the lungs aa
iurac«, ha* induced tin* proprietor again to rail audi
tion to this
The chungalile wenther which murk* our fall and
wmter mouth:, is always a fruuftil source o* -
These, if neglected, are but the precursors of that fell
The question, then, how shall wi nip the destroyer in
the bud? how dial! we get clear of our coughs and
olds? is of vital importance in the public.
will be found in the Ginseng Panacea. In proof of this
we have from time to tune published the certificates of
dozens of our l>ert known emzetis. who have experi
enced it* curative power*. These, with a mass of te*
(imouy from all parts of the country.—from
Mi aimers of the Gospel, Ac . together w ith copious no?
ice« from the
we have emlxniicd in pamjihlel form, aud mu/ be h*4
grau. 01 any of our agent* throughout the country.
have been used in Uus city.
throughout the United Slate, and Oaiudu, and we eh*
■enge any man to point out a •“
which, when token according to directions, and be.
tore the lung* had become fatally disargaiuied n k.«
ever failed to i u **
Why, then, need the articled hesitate’! '.i hy n Mrt
the miserable nostrum*, gotten up by uj,., c » a mdivi £
aalsu lerthe aasumed uame of «oid«:(o« •brau»d pllt
uctan, and puffed into notoriety by cehtficato- P r>*r
loos equally unknown! Whilst a medicine of
Is to be had, whose vouchers are nt fadrae,—oar nairtt
bora, —many of whom ll has j *
In order that this invaluable nlrtlicirfc may'be placed
within the reach of the poor aa well the rich, we have
putthepneeat I ®
lust one half the usual costof cough hiedicnica it is
for salt by our arena in nearly every lown and village
over the west, who are prepared to gtfre full informa
uon relaovc to it f. SALTKIt Proprietor,
Broadway, Ctfieinnaii. Ohio
rttiLurucßou, bkavkb roi pi *
IY, **P' V . Ali P ACKER, lakci till* means of re-
X f toriitug bis thanks to hi. friend«}ai.d-tho public
tor the extensive patronage hr. has received. and of 11,-
furming them tljal he has lu’.ely created a large and
T. ‘t'f exfllusivr purooM,
<.f1..« "ATKR CUREFSVaDUSHaIeNT, ai Kd I hill.psburph. Pa n on thesbto river, oppo
site the steamboat lading at beaver, h-i* ready
M “parders. and trfiat them <m Hy
dropatlnc principles. In addition tofu's long exoen
ence. a.,d the great success which h& l.cretofnro . .
tended hi. treatment o» patients rAttiufitlcd 1* h.s rare
he has now the additional lactluies udhrdrd l,v on »t’
tensive building creeled expressly for &r purpose con
lauitng commodious and airy rooms, oitd fitted up with
every necessary apparatus for butinig, and
temig ibe ireauwiu to die ottnosr benlfii and camion
£rtihv win”*’ PluJI »P?* 0 «» « » nt4t delightful and
rUjft S c > c «y o' »«e** by steX,boau, and a/-
SSe .Sf ! , who^*°m » water. Ur AckcV assures
Umse afflicted peraous who may place themselves un
aer lus oarc thni every attention shall be paid to their
| com tort; and as an assurance uf the substantial benefits
' d ® nvetl - he Points wnh conbdei cr la the bun-
I BSmJ!’, ho VC ,^ e ‘ l PonnananUy. cur id ai h„ e-iaU
Ushment The Water Lura leaves no ujurtuus cffecu
j behind, ad is too otten the caw with foose who huve
j been treated on the old system, h removes m P di*.
| ease invigorates il}« system, protects 1 0 m the danger.
; incident lo changes of the weniber. elates a natural
j and aenve appetite, and imparts vigor to the digestive
power*. 1 rrm« of treatreeni and boarJmg iea.ouab>
hor further particulars inquire ai the eitatduamem, or
I address the proprietor at Pbillipsburgh s
auipaid 1 s
Uh. JAtNfs ALl'Kha Ik Vj-
, vv * have been informed by M/a Rost 01 a cure oer
touurJnnt,fr I.y Ur,, w J^ b
nvitevcy nine) J, „t J,.
I s lid She bn* l>eeii nfflicied for the Uit sixiuen v.. H
Willi Uleoraiiom ami enfoliauoii of vnf,ou» uone*. da
ring wbmh ume many pieces have been I'srharaed
tot ' r n,„.l hunt „| J le cra,„uu,.i ram i, ou ‘ k ‘ d
t-';,r,rruSr f t£zSEr KS
.nice Hit w., TnJuttJ ,0 n. 7 ho J , , U,r "
<5 lbs imir ihin «i 1 . , *<> B»at now weighs
wM, to .?K,iSK«' L ' “■* «° »
wiwS e .L „ci" w“5S’ *‘ u,c ‘““inltka stoke,
Pli#a£ittr apl f 4 "* nbo,U,! *- U “ MZ Buies Tbeaper
r arT “ n,cU » u P cr «*r w any -oIU P 1
eomod u?,'!"! *'< rt »™»A-i;»pnM,plrf ptreou, i,.,.
nature of 8. P. Townsend. B
TiiJ 1 SKi;I.EHB, Orufftot, 57 WooJ .in-,.i, Kttwttu
iliini and Iturth, .. llt,Tb».«*h oilv ibulo.uit
»nj retail .jtm f or l-.u.UurgU, ot »l.„to the ~n«ine
article can be had.
Curr V hn * appointed Itie to> ugenl for
nj'egncny city, of whom the genuine article can bo
***;.. apd
IN(«S.—ScroT la id all iu luoltjplied form*
whether in that of Xing’s Kvif, enUrbelncnts o the
glastis or banes, (ioiire, White bwelhhgs. Chronic
Rheumatism, Causer, diseases of the Skin or Spine,
or of Pulmonary Cooaumntion, ennnaUi from one
hsdthe same cause, whicn is a poisonous principle
more or leas inherent iu Uio human system. Thorea
fore, unless this principle can be des?ro)ed, no radi
cal cure can be effected, but if tiic principle Upoo
which the disease depends, is removed, a care
muslol necessity follow, no uinttcr under whatJoro
the disease should manifest itsell. This, therefore
is the reason whv J*r*K'a Altkkxtive is so oni
vemally euecosslul in removing so many nuljmani
diseases. It destroys the v.rus or principle iVom
whicn those diseases have Ihetr origin, by enterian
into tho circulation, and with the blood i/conveviS
to the minutest fibre, removing every darting
disease from the system. Prepared and
BSrnch Hurt «««, PhtUd 'K: 1 rold “ “°-
TC3 SWlrt ' W °- Ko.nh.up,
1 OREATCURE, paft.nui by tha arMaalanffwJrfrw*
pi spared gndquldfry B t *n
MOUSF r&CTOKT, Wwtadcfe&d Co. p. >
• Jaly UUi, ItM7. I -
Afr. A S. SrCw*.*—Asaasa of duty teyou tnd
mduet* aw to odd ay hsnbla totiaoiy a &v«r of yonriosUy
celebrated Liv«r Pill* I ksvs datsrred doipg so ior ytarZ
adhering to DaTy CroekettN naxia, - b* care jou art iUI
Uwa go ahead.” Mot of U» onj preparation* oftapujt*
tad quack*, lauded to the skies, have sank into oblivion star,
your Livirt Pt b have be. nofiered to tka public, gad, jnihn il
1 belirr* they will Sinn. IhcM tD,” as they are jus! j*b*|
)ou rep e«at then u» be I have been afflieted witk Ljv*r
Coaplahit f.aa ay youth; have suffered nuctg
cuuy ecuceut | hyveuns, tu urboa 1 p«rid auch osoaeji ta n
lo » ; much blood; hrea vomited end physieked ahaOSl to ffcSh
salivated 5 or 5 times, sad finally given up as incutahla. la
* w “ induced >o ty your Liver PUU, a»d BOON OUT
ELL tiue Un of which t*nowsufibetat t«keepseelksr
uf p.m m the side, sad all the other ijaptotra tor ai Jtost
iv Vour Puu are also the bestcalbartM 1 **c rated;
wnj m ill, urn gnpicg or girisa much ijekue* at tbe-sto*
•eo, »ui (i.« a,, much reLef J have kept them IS jay store
r OT • > r “rs; »cld. hundred* of boxes, u*d hare bsyet
irertf * uni- , romp.'au.i uttered by aaj one who 1 ha USrrf
*“• rheJ h»»« luperrtded almost ertry oilwt Pill a thii
k ih. rtuvd, .lid in • short tfme will bounii diem all.
-tTTi r^r“ rDU U> *® ,0 M f*r*u» Deeding nhydir,
L, rer t-ouiploun or BilWs ilffeclioft*! Tcoa-
* n P cnor u or the Bio. PiU. Rcpset.
* J L Mouu*
CAUTION—A* then on other POD before tM pub Us
call** Direr KU*. pence* who want the GEN UTNEshoald
V k J5 pf»f*«d and »U by R
LERS ’ 57 r ° od ' <t Thiid aud FWth
8«W by Dz. Coxian, Fifth ITVd, D M Ccaat, Alfegfaxa*
c, ‘y- ogS
Qmt EngUih Romedy,
and Consumption! The
-17 AND ONLY REMEDY fbr the cure of ika
d,,,e “ c ** 13 1510 HUNGARIAN BALSAM OP
UfF- discovered by the celebrated Dr. Backan, of
ixmdon, England, and introduced into the United €taxaa
under the immediate inpenntendenco of the inveatorJi
iae extraonlinary sncceks of this medicine in IK
A Q /s C n, o , n Pu } ?lo ' &*>*** wartams die Amnriean
for treatment the won: poixibfe ea
, CRa ! found in the cornmnnity— com* that soak
day 5 aiVb.wT ° rUie coaaaon remedies Of tha
„ h £'“j d tvn given bd by iho mostdiatinn&hed
ro y uL!s?m k* Con& ? od incurable. Tha uESSI
ofiScruun^’^^ 11 m>**m*t dt*S£
n lh “ e L;‘ l “ no <jaack noatnua, bat a atantlflJMEnx
lish of known and established etfic^yT
>n United ftatoaßS fiffLy
with Bucbana Unagartan Balsam of Lue aotiSrta
1 u . 1 . t0 ” u **“ u » preventive medicine iu all eases o??
colds, coughs, apiojitg of blood, paff ESaSSfairf
clscai, irntulion and soreness of i*“t^
ililiirolty of breotijs, hocnc for.!, Srtl
Pmophleu, comaiaioff , m,„ of Eojli.h
eaa comUcalo., aadl olbor oviJonc, .toma.
ejaalloJ of IIIU 5,00. EojliJ, R„aeff Sn bo '
obtained of the Agents, gratuitously J
For salu by B A PAHNESTOCK A Go., corner of
si and U ood and Wood and tkh its. martt
0 ROM the Hev ASA SHINN, a well known and poo
1 u!«r Clergyman of the FroteatnmMcthodisiCharob
The undersigned having been allllcteddaringthepsrt
winter with a disease ofiae stomach, sotneiloies pro
ducing gTeat pain in the stomach for tenor twelve hoars
without intermission, nnd after haying tried varioas
leuicdres with little effect, was farnisben with a bottle
til Dr D Jayne’s Carminative Balaam. Tb« he o«ed ac
cording to the directions, and found tnyauahly that this
medicine caused the pain to abate in three orfonrmtn
utes, and tn fifteen or twenty minnieaevcrv cheasv
sensation was entirely quieted. The medic urn arts a/-
terwurdsosed whenever indJeationxof the agpfoich of
pain were perceived, aqd th*. pain was thereby prevent
ed- He continued to u*o the medicine every evenintr
and someumes m the morning, andin s few weeks
health wo* so far restored, that the sofferer woxreliev
ed from a large atnoam of oppressive puin.- Pram ax
penence. therefore, he can eoafldently recommend D
D Jayne » Carminative Balaam, as a salutary medic in
for diseases of ibe stomach and bowels. A BiUNND
? h , or •* le >n PiUibnrgh at the FEKfN C T^A%’ , {SH
71 Fourth street near Wood, and ulwi at iheDnu
More of H FK-HWAKTg. Federal nro.t, AffeJSf,
SI NDRIES 6 bbls No I Mackerel;
J«» bbls No 2 mackerel; 80hf do No tt do;
“ “ 3 10 do Tanurrs Oil;
j do Alum; 3 do E Bsiu; Jdocbtp d Logwood
1 hf do Natmers; 50 bxs No I seated Herring,
aj bxs No‘J do do; sdo scented floap:|
10 do No 3 Press’d do; 10 do No 4 do do
1 hs'e Cloves; 10 bags Java Coffee;
50 hbds prime N O sngan jost rec’d and for sale
pr i m ® N O Sorer, received per
O Western World end Gen Pike, for tale by *
RICE— U lierce* prime Caroline Rice, erririn* by
steamer Oen Pike; for sale by
»«*; for sale by BURHRIDGE, WILSON ACo
inarlO (
WHISKEY —16 bbl* old Mooortjihele Whiskey
copper distilled, for sale by '
m ‘ rl ° BURBRHXJE, WILSON k. Co
STAR CANDLK&—2u boxes Star Candles.No 5, ms
received end for talc by
RAISINS— 00 bnMR Raisins, just reett and for
sale by mart BROWN* CULBERTSON
"MOS—IO bx» xi-i-~
fuos—io bx* Malaga Flffi. hi tfore and tor aaie by
SA9H—3OO light* 9xlo and 10x12. tor sale bT
T^LoijH—2s titil* freah family Plonn 10 do Ry e d 0;
X.»®e. by n>s 8 F VON BONNHOBST k Co
O NKATHB—' 23 doz Scjxha Srieath*, foTMle bjr
O maf!j . 8 F VON BOKNHORgT ACo
YKNIBON HAJkiB IW Venmsn jmi r co’d
and for *aje by
'DLITE"" “
-R AND LARD —7 kera Batten' 8 | f° Lard,
tor tale by marf_ARAIBTttONG ft CROZEH
C'IORN MF.AL—2O biuhitut rje'd and for uJe by
I r’LOUR—10 bblt superfine Flour, just reo’d by
Apples and peaches—is wki dried Apple*,
10 00 do Peaches; for sale by
Manufactured tobacco-233 iten rape nor
brands, consisting of Is, ss, 6s, 12s, 16* and 32a
lump, ou hand and Cor tale by
Loaf sugar—l 23 bbu Noa si’c, 7, a,Tawno Lo»/
Sugar, for talc by
" lari WICK k M’CANOLKSg
L°S«V n L A^^t4 b y 1 ' l! r "' W " l
_ n ' art _ TASSET t BEST
I *"»■, JKACHES, iko-io bbl, iarti irn iuki
? 1,0 “ A PP‘««i I»4oOto«rwd
in (tore and tot sole by
INDIGO AND &lADDEB-6 hhiU No 1 Kidder, U
X. ceroon* y * Indigo, in More; for taie by
• ® an ? BAGALEY « SMITH
RICE AND 8. H. MOLASBES—UO tierce* freth
Rice; aoo bbli 8 II Molueet, rccciria* end for
, “ I ‘ c by mare BAOALEYfcBMITH
/ \ILS—3D bbl* fine winter bleached Eteoirt Oil!
U ,S u “ “ Whale -
For *ale by
Tanner* «
I S—l2 euki, 0 bu, for by
BEANS —20 bblt while, for (alb by • m
mArt wn.|.i^^ M
Ij>LOUR— iso bb)» Ramaey'a FbniJy Floor. iut re
cejred; lor tale by mart R BjOBIBQN kCo
T> CIX BUTTER— I 3 bbU prime Bolt Batter,
6do do do d^inclotha
. «e*» prtme Butter, just rec’d and fot tab by
._i_ 1C liberty n
I>(HX BUTTKH—77 bill Boljl
L sale by \\ 4 gj
ti««r» 1
: liberty »>
•1 >!vAt’llf?*—io bu»h i'eaebe*. tee’d and for ule hr
1 *?»** wA r jrcuTcaEcrf9
/ ILOVKn BKED—B hay« rM*d wd for tilt by
irTar9 \V4[a M’CBTCHEON
( y < l PA ' l ' V - AKi> ‘ lsJl ~ aw, K* u M»“b»ad*ad(bf««U
mar * ; i KlpD 4 Co
. - f ?s£i I J D WItLIAUB
I r-A riiER-iu U, ii,_ ' teST73suirs>.
i j oakinjr how, or tor oelur ' m]o Ire
mmr L. «BM«iy..VO k CBOXEB
|_)BINTINU PAPER—IUi ttanli tflSSiiKkei;
1 « - “
. . a» - Mrti -
Ju«t received *mi far *ate by
comer P|ruo»Bd|mi»»to
HKRRJNU~-9»u u>l« prune Ko
for «*lc by nufi WICK
bbl» prime Cider, in *1
MOLAySK3-K0 bills prime pJ
)u*t received mid for site by 1
m*rt BROWN &i
20 bole* Pre*i*n’**rtT*sV*nd S'*,
6 do WuJcißs' 5*
4 do Brandt’* £*• u 4 IN;
5 do Aranade Fa and fa;
1 do Luscious Laxuafr; for «»*-
by ma f®_ _ _ JJ? Wnj.laiiq
f'IRK KINDLING—3 cues “Chserety fay
case package, by mart J D Wft.l-1
PAPER —150 reams Wrapping; SC
Letter; for sale by mart
SU NDR I E S—l 7 bales Cm too: 7 bbfe Erfr tdo
Urcase; U tacks Ginseng; 70 do Feathers: ta >r
n»«i Cor sale by ISaL&U DICES' t Co.
mar * ?.iw rt
Ai UM Gazvußuildimc* 9i tuVm2^og%^^ Lf
One insertion of ltlinea, or It— ... **««*»
TVotusertioe. withM l alUntioM;„ f y;;;;.7S 5
One Week ** « 1 Q 0
Two Weeks " « ~«;a|..... 1 W
Three " „ "•*——*£
One Month, •* ifS
Three '« «
p* Longer advertisements in came’aroportirt.
One squara,6 mottLhs.'withaat alien 10 00
tiach additional square for 6 months. 0 00
* “IS " 10 00
une square. 6 months, renewable stolen**, w ®
" “ U « « «To to 00
&aeb additional square for lSmonthsAf»»»-» 10 00
Iwo aooares,6 months, rewaM«atplM«™» 30 00
tuch additional square, 6 month*, •**«•••••• 8 00
VBXKJ.T ok ni*vnstT u oDH »mu.
One squire. 3 insertions, 80
“ “ each additional 57
auaiixa cabM. ,
Five lines or less, one year. .*•*•••••••••• 6 qq
" “ •' iji months, .*»•«»*. •••..» & S(j
•' •' •* out year, daily*.' weekly, 10 <0
•• 4. u gu months “ .f‘ . fa
iomTiiwm i* rout tina,
P»r to hoes, or less, One w»« .« tt |o flo
Two, t t»*—■ 0 la
“ “ “ TbT«e r n* - w*»mm I<CO
“ Three mouth**.. ** »
: r-
B<mer t tec*d cad for
• lSt liberty it '
Herna, ribbed—
j M'UAftPl.Eas
lore aftdlor ute by
naUitOß Uoluwt,
?do fifeooJ; 10 do