iUBfiH GABEETE. i HEira •TOBUSUED BY WmTB feCOg ji _ Si'- PITTIBtBOBt: ' "~tgcajDAyß6HKin6. marg« is,, few. ■ Ry*Ksf rmsntaH baai oazms t» pnbftahed Suly.TrMViekly.Eid Weekly.—The Daily i*Set*n >lla» pfcr onnam; ihe Tri-WeeWy It Fire Dollar* per fsnumi ih* Weekly li-Twa Dollar* per • oitiaM- ■ requeatEd xo hand in Jicir before is r. and a* early In thed*y a* practlcablo. AdTetUaeaeofa not inteiled fore tpeei fei dsae-rSrill irrruiably b© charged omil ordojea oot sreixl iiitelligenes Jbomertfej Mar* -apOfts, Money Blaikett,-&e. tee Fo* Wttsru. Hutltiigr Km) hira s**«. ForJUocal ; ju /tor TelfgrtpUe latter* we next pag4« A AGB HIGH SCHOOL. Oar feaderi most of them, probably ob served « call in : Opr columns,: tor a meeting-on this (Thurtday) event jg, at the 4th Ward SchoojJEiotue, to take into cook deratiaa the propriety of eslab. liihing|LHigh Sc tod, on Übeial and.popular prin* dpies,uf . , , v All who teelaa, interest in the e/locatioo ofthe people,-nod"or dinteqaenee, the /elevation of’the character ofVibeiiß asses, will, it hoped* attend- This efiorfia ibjdo lor Pittsburgh, what haa been tdreadjr accoromuhed &r many other citie* around as, less populous and wealthy than our own—to establish a pubUc athool oftbe practical Jirta an ■.sciences, where put future mecWuucs, merchants , and ddrla will Spqnfre that knowwdge which ey will find daily ttse tor all their fife aflerw.arda— > This High School is to be baaed upon th« P aJ)l.c , ! schools now in operatioivsnpportM and controlled 1 immediately tythc people.Pracfitd knowledge Is wealth, and the happjest result* may always be expected when this knowledge and industry-are brought into uniim . How tong ahail it be temark ed abretad, and felt as borne,, that Pittsburgh, with ila larg6 ( populai»n—its great wealth, industry and camm«Ce. 1* hejow mediocrity in all that concerns the education of her children. This matter cannot be disregarded With impunity-tor just in propot* tton as a city ■ neglects to provide for ito youth sehoolhooses and teachers, it will in ibt& end be , compe&d to payiien limes the amoUnl to lawyers, judgt*,constabks and wPtchmen f io remedy evils which thighs and ought to be. nipped in the bud.— A titbedf the l&set incurred every year by incen.' diarism nad theft, would, if propprly applied, do away With the greater port of thisevil. &is lime fir thepeopleto look at this subject.' ThC pCrma -1 nent prosperity : rif any city, must depend mainly. '' -on the chamctOf of the mass of % population—it they ate intelligent, honest nod industrious, ail wilt go rjgfa-—if not, neither ila wealth, nor power, nor any advantage* of position will save it- ' ; Lotflll our citiaeut, our Wealthy ftMd influential' men, attend this evening', and beat a report oa the subject by a gentleman of distinguished ability - , and they will, we- think, be ready to act with vigor and promptness. wjlhave been informed that tills Congressional TKtt/ici fans noW noOidet at Wert Pointyto one or whicfa.it is entitled. An appointment wiU/b© made we give Ibis public noticeoftb© obiter,that all oof -citizens, whether in icfluentialr'ci rules or sot, who have- a son for whom thfcy dcafT* such an ediiegiioa, may have an equal obance Ln-aoliciung the tivor. The Cadets are nominated by tire Mem' her ofCongrtCa for the District,’and applications, with proper certificates, stating the abilities, educa* tion, health, character dcc-,of the eandid atescen be forwa)fded:ui'idr. Hampton at Waahington imme diately We'‘tfaiak we can speak confidently for Mi- EL, lhat' iie most worthy and fit- candidal*, wfll bC : nominated, without regard to ony-other in fluence., Botwe would caution parcntsftnd guar . dlans against subjecting their children of-wards ta the severe mefatal and physical discipline, of West' Pointy without they are perfectly satisfied, the can* dldatfa has the requisite natural abilities aptd cal const it utioo. for the .situation. It is a Cruel thing* to subject a child to months of painful labor and mortification, and final expulsion, from an ambitioq to place him in actuation for which he-ls unfilled. FEOB SEW ! Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gasetu. - Nbw Yoxx, March 10. Tfa& arrival of the steamer has given aliule ani . tuition to affairs, and no one seems dissatisfied i With the general character of the newt. From the mnnufiuriuring districts, the same favorable reports are rflide; and there exists no doubts as to the prosperity of- England, if a large oonsdmpUbu of COtlDfa and olfier articles is a fair index—which noue can question. The foreign iron trade pre sents'! atognlar appearance, and the masters con \ gratulate their, correspondent* here in ' strongest tfffnft, The advanoe abroad mart be of advantage 20 usj and enable our qwn mills to supper more of the hame demand. Brdsdstnffs, Since the steamer, are cheaper, and holders very anxious to realize. A'deciine has been submitted to, and the opening cf the northern and middle channels of navigation will force prices down'rapidly.: The foreign market has gone, and the sboner out fanners realize the fact,.the better Prices of for four years have so high as Ur stimulate production, aud to accomoJate a Btoclc iu the couatry which will qdw cofoe out, and beforti navigation closes again, four dollars will bay ft barrel of GeoeSee Floor, in New York.; Corn is cheaper, and 59c the top of the market, for yellowy Com 'Meal hu sold largely at $2 62i,.snd 82 5 6 not be refused for large lots. Quite a panto occurred in Wall street yesterday, in cQ&aeqdpuce of the absence of one of the most eateetted broken, Mr. H..N. Scott account was found to be overdrawn thousand dollars, and a-cry of defalca* Sion rimed. Farther inquiry showed that 'large ■umawere dub-nini upon stock contracts, which madtLpeople mere charitable- Last night he came back from Kew Jersey, where he was found with eleven-thousand dollars on his person.-. He was ▼ioleotly insane, and was captured running throogh the wood The mosey no obtained 'from his ebeclda. Whileai the’baifk, he complained of ill neasr.wfc'ch terminated in the loss of hia; intellect, ft calamity which has befallen two of"hii near relatives. The oecurience has created a good deal it feeliogi and tbe restoration of Mr- Soou is ' looked for wjth much solicitude- :. Tbs largest packet ,abip in the worfd, ‘'The Ccnotellaiion,® —a name rendered in nor oaval ano&la,liyUw gullantTraXtnie was launch ed iodav, for-the Liverpool trade. She is-2800 tons buraeo, find looks as formidable az a line of "battle,ship. The'*Empire City 0 steamship, of2ooo also launched to-day; owaed by Messrs. J. Hcrtvard ie Son; who have it iu oonlemplsuon to ran a daily lino to New'Orieans. Thd trip can be mode In test.than the present mail!time, and the route would be cheap and agreeable. The Charleston end Savannah ships are coming money, .and the feeling now is all in favor of ilefim specu lation. -i Mis Clay’s emancipation letter published to-day, does not lack admirers. The whole clamor about free soil, and the famous Wilmot Proviso, have not Crock so forcible a blow for the freedom of the lhreeinilltotjs.of slaves, as this stroke of the pen by the foateamab who knows the subject so well The hew Constitution of the State of Kentucky will deceive the impress of freedom more strongly afieran appeal like this, and the whole northern tier of States soon follow the example of emend nation. Wesiem Virginia and Delaware are ripe for tha change, and we shall have few bondsmen among tu- - , v On Change to-day, things were not. as active. Cottbn has risen i@J cent. Pot ashes 86 62|, an advance. Ginseng, 2000 lbs. at 28 oeats. Bee's lbs. ftt 22 cents. Whiskey is in small BUpgy, and sells in good harrelt at 23{;'cents. In Fork,ibere was not much done, dealers seem de termined to khep the. price up,tad oBEr mess at 810 130511; buyers offer 510 62. Pickled meals ere cored Hams 7 eta; plain shoulders Good Lard, 6|. Cheese is higher io Eng foodnnd here, say 1\ cts- for cut, aud' wanted. *' • C. The lover* tif nature in ell her beautifUl varieties of Solace and flffwere, have a rare opportunity of ornamenting (Jjcir bouses and garden*, choice ■hrubbex?, plant*, flowers, shade trees, toft., by appli cation to Mr, Wardrop,whose advertisement will be jooni) In anodteroolumn. This gentleman, Wno.is DOtefl ftJr.hi* beautiful flowers and boqueta, beside* his great skiliin cohivatisg, has a fine !»*te in se* lectlogi tod tboie who wish to make purchases, either for their gardens or booses, may .rely upon Ms judgment/ when they cannot trust-their dwn* CiusrD to Exist.—'We regret to see dial the puhiication of the New Orleans Commercial been suspended. Losses.incurred by the : derangement of business preva lence of the cholera, are the cause’of this suspen { don of a-moat excellent journal Xba’Hoaie Deportment was offered,under- to th£ Hon. Truman Smith; who, though Uppfecirjfngihe honor the offer conferred, decided „' V to (kite' bis seat in tlreSenate, than which few posi tions are more desirable or elevated. —Albany Jvur. No mas in tbe country is more admirably quaJi • -Vlsd'fer'the ditfes-bf'the Home-Department: than his appointment would have been yeceived with universal fever. Hisservicetintbe Sensfe however, wfll bo equally Important and ■ f W VBOis^WAtma&TOS. X'4 Comxpandaaee of UwTiiuittrgi Csauc. £f&;> 1 . Wjumjuaiua, March li, -vDeveloperoents <&mcernhig Important, meaiojje* i of public policy, under the Bewißdnuwsirniion, will . be m order,and maybeexpecicd, whenthe time for preparing iha annual r&eaaage next (all shall arrive. , With those topics ve have now little to do. The first duty devolving upon Gefleral Taylo* cabinet it that of weeding out from cambeOU of office the the metßctefil wbdnbiv make acme of the public building# a mere roosting place, this work i# «p«ied W «° •taorrow. The Onion of this taoruing raises the cry of persecution, by proclaiming the Second Ax ntstanl Post Master General to be tbe first vicbm. This is cool. Crown was one of the Central piss Committee of electioneered during the last cam paign. Burke, of the Patent Office, and Foot* «-f tbe Senate, were hi* colleagues. Tbe fir* of the irioveiy ostentatiously cast his official life upou tbe barard of the die, and even claimed great ere l it with the Democracy for his magnanimity in j p lir »uiflff a courso during the coolest which must of necessity bring down upon him tbe power of tbeopposing party, should it be successful. U bap puns that as yet Brown has ijot been victimised, that tbe Union in elaimiogior bim the honors of martyrdom, is slajply mib taken* There is no doubt that he will receive iis walking paper# in the course of this week, ns will a large number of his co-laborers in the cause of Hunker Democracy.— But I believe the first dismissal was undergone by one Mr. Stobbs of thelState Department. Stubbs was charged With having officiously volunteered to cram Charley. Ingcnoll with tables, detached facts, and «o forth, and so on, from the files of the 1 State Department, for his contemptible attack upon Mr. Webster, some yean ago, for which be was 1 so unmercifully mauled in Return by Mr. W.— ‘ Stubbs has Wen replaced by Mr. Young, £rmcr -1 ly a Whig Clerk in the Houseof Representatives. I Jsiubbs have been dismissed by Mr. Bu * chan»t\/or interfering in matters beyond bis proper 1 control None of the stories which you will see so liter ally scattered-through the newspapers about office, holders magnanimously throwing up tbeir ciromit iioos, are true. A clerk from Indians, holding an unimportant situation, had indeed paraded hi« re-, rignation in the Union, ‘but he was one of thn«e who might bflve safely calculated upon being ousi :ed without any unavoidable delay. None of your two or three .thousand dollar a year subjects have yet packed up their dads and left the premises, ns their friends throughout the country #o loudly pre mised that they would do, in ease of tbe success of the opposite aide- It is one of tbe on dils of the day, that a rule has been adopted by General Taylor and bis cabinet advisers, by yrUicheach ofthbse States which have been favored by the of one of its citizens for k seal in .the cabinet, shall be considered its not entitled to ah appointment in the first rank of dij • lomatic missions. This 1 take to be ao unfounded rumor, because, in the first place, it coudicu with what appear tq be well authenticated reports and because, secondly, it would be a rule of exceed ingiy questionable lt is said, upon ap parently good authority, that i>lr. Pendieton.is about to be appointed miutsler to Chili. He'was a-mero bur of the late Coogress, from Virginia, to which State tbe Secretary of the Navy belong#.- The rule would also deprive Pennsylvania and Ohio of any aucb appointment, an exclusion which ap pears manifestly unjust and unwise. - • It is said that either Mr. Lawrence or Mr< Win throp, late Speaker, will be named &* Minister to England. Bailje Peyton, Esq., has been named a# • likely to succeed Clifford in Mexico. Col Wehh of New York, and Mcsara Bartow, of Tennessee, and Barringer, of North Carolina, both ex-meinber* of Congress, are.reported to be running neck and neck for Madrid. It would be rather sopererogi;- li.ry fur me to mention the maumerab'e rumors which are flying ahout in regard to changes in rub ordinate places at tbe seal of Government, or con cerning the local appointments in your and other States. When any thing important respecting those matter# is realty done, tbe facts whl be coni' momcated to your journal by telegraph far.in ad vance of the receipt cf ray speculations. It of the most difficult thing# rh tbe world to sustain the character of a prophet, when the deed outstrips tbe prediction. A large batch.of nominations is expected:ln ta submitted to tbp Senate to morrow. Unless it be determined to extend the sesuoo to a very qonsid erable length, in order to decide Shields' cnsc, the Senate will adjourn tine du this week, Olid per haps on Wednesday next. - CoL Biutbn will leave here to morrow for New to make some arrangement# for the passage of bis daughter, Mrs. Fremont, from that cay to the way of Chasm*. Mrs Fremont will sail in the vteamer of Thursday next. She w il! bo accompanied by another sou in law of Col B. Mr. Jacobi, of Louisville, Who married a younger daughter of old Bullion. Mr. J. intends also to set tle ia California, and io tbe fall will return for lus lady. CoL Fremont -shipped by tea, last fall, a full supply of forming implements, and other materials for carrying on an extensive plantation in thm coanuy. Junius. FROM WASdI-NGTOS. From an Occasional; Correspondent. Washington Ott, March 10, lit 9. D. N. White, Esq:— Dear Sir—This place at the present time exhibits a very busy appearance, but busy in an entirely different manner from our own smoky city. Here the bottle artses altogether from (tie nOux of office . holders, office hunter?, and ftnure ex pedants, peri ambulating Pennsylvania Avenue from monucg until midnight. Some endeavoring to aid their friends to obtain place; pooh making fine Weather for themselves in future, and all laboring to advance their own ibterest. present or prospective. Many dancing attendance in the anti-chambers of the great, awajung each their ittrn for n three minti(r’« conference, until patience becomes exhausted at the delay in transacting pablie business; and yet allowance being made for the installation of.fi Dew cabioet, businesscerfainly is dispatched as tpeed ly as reasonably be expected. The new ibecre- Lanes all adpear to-be very affable and courteous to those whose business or pleasure lead* them to an iaicrvieiw, and there is no doubt the present cabinet will be found to be one of the ablest that has ever governed the country. / It seems that ail appointments are to be left to the respective departments as in the olden time, hy which yjou will perceiva President Taylor res litres himself from a great deal of aoooyonee and tronb.le, as Well as responsibility. An anecdote is related, whether true or false, I will not vooch, in re fereoce to this matter of appointments. It seem* an applicant for some office from the city of Ro chester, caned on the General, and obtaining an audieqee at which several others were commenced proposing h;s claims, very much to the General's annoyance, and taking bis petition from his pocket and boidiug the bottom ofit in his hand, give it a flirt or two on tho floor, unfolding its formidable length, and ercltum.ag “there, Gcoe ersl, you cannot get over that-” He was met with the reply, “I have laid doyrn a rule, and 1 dutil care if your petition would reach from here to Rochester, l will not break it,” This determination sets at rest the political complexion of appointees, as the decided Whig character of the Cabiaet will ensure to us in ail coses of appointment the selrc lion of whigs for the offices to be tilled. Removal?, except Or cause, it is said will oot uke place im mediately, although, as interference m elections is admitted to be a cause, it will probably not i>« very long until we have a pretty strong sprinkling of whig office holders throughout the country— quite a desirable matter after a proscription of twenty years by the tocofoco party; and yet tiid union mokes k great iaxnebiauoQ over the full of a few political brawlers who were appointed •for, their subserviency to party, and who were re moved to give place to letter men. But so it is this proscription party now rail at proscription, and denounced the wbigs for dkriag to think of claim ing their share of the patronage of the Govern ment. X Potash Goon roa Gxapx Vntas.—Having, last year, seen .it stated in a paper, that the ashes of grapes vines contained a targe amount of potash, I caused three vines of the tame aisc,to be planted in boxes filled with equal quantities of earth in which I noted the following retails:— No. I. was toppled, when necessary, with pure water, and in a given time, increased fux inches m length- No, 2 was watered With a solution oiwbale oii reap, and in tho same length of time acquired nine ioehe«,ofgTowth. And No 3 I watered with a solution of potash, and within Ibe aamd period as above, it grewveighleen Inches in length' . By the beginning of November, No. I and No 2 dropped their leaves, end showedno signs of fruit, whereas, No- j 3 retained its leases three weeks la* ler,*nd in thA course of the season shot forth seve ral banebei olfruil, course. were not suffered to grow. This shows the importance of knowing what kinds ofsalts go to form wood and frail, in order that we may apply such manure* to the .noil as the vino or fruit-tree require*—Avieri ton Affriat&vrvt : ‘ FOREIGN NEWB BY F TttHi; STEAM SHIP. A3EERICA. .have at length brought ua the For eign New* by the America, and woavailoaraelves again of tbe condensed summary events, cf afford ed. by the London correspondent of the New- York Commercial. Cotter pun Jrnte of thr .N. I. Ctfuißurna / Jj/itrtutr London, Feb. 23, 1849. The awakened glow of commercial prosperity, which 1 described )n ray last, has been steadily maintained,hud with tbe exception of groin all ar ticles of commerce, have continued to meet with ri&iug prices. Cotton last week advanced id per pound and all hough the ardor of buyers has during the past few days been somewhat moderate, ant ra&Uonis still universally observable. In what we call tbe colonial markets, that i# to say, the mar kets for sugar, coffee, spices dec, the depression which hod prevailed ever since the breakdown of thfe great East India and Mauritius booses seem# at’length to hove been foirly overcome. Business with tbe coouoent also is returning ia some degree to*ita old channels. From India, afrertwo years of almost-hopeless stagnation, we have had threo cm fubr successive mails with good advices. Bullion, too. continues to jlow In, and the foods pursue tbeir upward coarse. Consols, which at the last dote were 92*; have since been done at 34} and hive closed to day at 93}. Railway shares, how ever, have scarcely participated to a proportiooo b!e extent in the general buoyancy. The distrust in l teir management has become chronic, and tney now offer illustration of the inevitable reaction ol fil .popular impulses, no less impressive th&u tba: wi.icb m presented by the existing mil iary dopc'tisms'ofHhe continent, as compared with the liteiuut of thisltme twelvemonth. Two year# back, abuse of od or drink or nid of any kind, which went farto re due? the ultimate value ol a day's earning*,- but not a murmur n» to thn absolute fact o! great earn ings being universally practicable It la alao seen lhatj iflhfc mines did not appoar to be almost nn limited in extent and nbundaoce, the workers would as far aa'possible suppress all tidings of them. On the contrary, each person seems tu speak of them much tnlhe satie way as Bn Irish niHd.lo whom lapd i« gold writes home to his rela tions about farms iu Illinois. Under these circumstances iti« impossible tor us at present not to take the sanguine side, and when inn'ddition we contemplate the restils mat may attend the introduction of complete mnchirei\ inr getting at the beds of the various stream.', together with lha immense number of people that ore now certain to be upon the spot m the course ol a lew nioatb*. there i* at all events enough to suggest the possibility Ibni the supply, even if it be ol snort m the first instance enormous. In deed thir-aeems likely to be the peculiar lealure ot the present eouo-e of events, as compared with what happened when the discovery n» America too* place. F.ifecis which it then required S) years to produce might row. supposing the nr 'supply toibethe same, bv deveoped in less than mi may mouths. 'fllfc immense extent o/' capital 10 this country. and,(be vast number of individnal* interested in annuities. and ulh«rr description* of permanent projj>erty,-will cause it to l»e understood that the whole question aiuwt excite a far deeper general feeling than on you side Look first at our 600 miflioui sterling of debt, which U all held at home; (ten at the immense amc*nt of foreign loans that is distributed among us; then at the extra millions raised by railroads on are not .to demand upon the profits but are to bear a certain guaranteed rate of interest m perpetuity, [li**o nl the amount invested to wbat are ea'led ground renls, almost every 'liouse in l/mdon as well as ifl all our large towns being chargahle with - a certain rent for the ground on wtm-n it stands, ranging if> many ua«e* from -t!0 up to idQO or m"fe perannum;then ail the money invested in life anoumes, pnrehased from assurance oificers or form private ,individuals, and finally at all the mi nor transactions'of a similar character, and it will be easy 10-form.a conception of the multitudes woo are; now calculating either id delight or dis may, the- possible consequences that may he ap proaching As regards itm pcrpular feeling, of course it is one of flausiac'-on. Numerous ns the holders of annu ities muy l-e, lhe;publnt, from whose pockets the proportion comprised m the interest on lh** nation al debt must conie. are sull more •*. For tht# rea son the discovery mast prove of far greated value to England Ihnrt to the United Slates, stoce the one grnttd thing that was wanting, and which neither .natural . philosophers, no financiers, nor moraltstSj ever hoped to discover, was coma means of lightening the terrible burden of her public lia bilities. ? In conclusion, there are one or two simple cm enmstaades connected with our monetary nrrage meht* which it may bejusefui to point cut The Bank t» Obliged to issoe notes, on a depoMt of gold. ly any exteat These notes are issued at the rale of £3 16* 9d for every ounce of gold The Bank can tben'tnke the gold to the mint, where it would he coined free of eQarge into money which would reprahtinl £.*? 11a 10J—the addiiionnl three hn't prncc beiog considered the equivalent for the loss of interest sustmaed by- the depositor of the odd at the mint, while tte is waiting Its return in the shape of cren. If the Bank were,not to i**ue note* tor the g.dd brought to il, the holder could take it to the mint ftnd get rt ooincd at the rate of£3 1% 10* for himself A* thtfmoles issued by the Bank, how ever, arqohly payable in gold, the Bank comes un der no responsibility m issuing them upon such deposited since in fac*. such notes are merely ft promise to return wbat has been iodg. ed far them* The etlver coinage of England is merely listened far convenience Its mtnnsic vai .ue la abbot ten per aent below its nominal vslae —that is to say, if n pernon were to melt down one hiiddred and two thousand shilling*, be would fiad his lamp of gold worth .£101) and bis lum.p of silver worth only £9O. Hence the silver cnos of England never become articles of com merce, add they are, moreover, not a legal tender fjr a larger sum than 40s On the continent gold and silver are equally a legal tender, but silver is there the standard, becau-e, having fallen in prtce since thejeoioa in the respective metals were on gmally sthick, of course all perxom* pay their debts m that winch is Jb« oheape** The premium on gold in three countries is usually about live per cent. (In Au»triit, at present, owing to toe hoarding consequent on political terror, it is much higher.) If however, void should l*c reduced more tht»o five per cent -in vulfif it would then be selected os the medium t*f payment. In this way the subsequent fail in gold would be retarded, and silver, from being thrown itjort? or leas out of u«e, would then take u» shale tn the depreciation This is a very im;*or tantelement inestimating the future effect of an enlarged-supply t»t gild. The question Os tb the necessity an«i feasibility of a ship canal *cro»s some part of Central Amen c-j—either Panuma, Nicaragua, or Tehnaniejwc — u bbgmrilug to excite a real interest A detailed summary ol'the three routes has been given ui the Tai)d the preferenoeu awjrdcd to Nicaragua Tbeainouut of capital required would lie extremely large, anil unless America unJ EnpinuJ were to un-loin the undertaking there would he little pro* pcei nt present of any actual operations The po-*i liyu, however, in which we should be put if you were to construct your lalked-of-railwn\ from the Mocvtsippi to Sun Kr*nci«co. i» calculate*! to a waken serious consideration* Such a railway would furnish an millet i.»r all your produce, and would leave us to find our sgpv.aa ol old vui Cape Horn or the ('ape ofGocd Ho|*e These are no mean* of ascertaining what Iv the amount of emigration going on Irotu this country to California, but Ir&m such stray foots a* come to my knowledge. 1 should imagine it lot* by no means inconsiderable. it is asserted that the f'rench (government have decided on sending on engi neer amt stall to examine and report upon the inmea. In oar House of Gomroon* the only important proceeding* since the last date have been the in Iroduclion of a bill to do away the present privilege of Pnrhameot, which exempts members from liabi lity to arrest for debt, nod "for the exclusion of ID solvent members,’’ the renewal oflho discussion on the navigation laws; and the introduction of a bill fbr a lertn of oath which would enable Jews to "It iq the House of Commons None of these meas ures, however, have-as yet advanced beyond their ureltminary stages As regards Ireland the pressure <>( the poor law noon the landlord" is the grand theme of complaint. The dtsiress is tn all cases local so that while -orne parishes protest their utier inability to main tain their poor, there are others where •coaly is jn a better Condition and the rotes are consequently liffbt To meet the outcry on the part ol the desti tuie parlihc.- th. (3ovcrnm.nl have propoaed Ibal »hcn Ibe rare, of nny given electoral dlnrioD .hull exceed S«. in the pound on Ibe rentel. the .urplu. .bill bo collected from Ibe muon u large, exdeoting that eonlribuuon. from Ibe union .bell not. exceed 2x lb Ibe pound il being provided tb.l >ll beyond 7,. moil be railed b, e rale on Ireland generally. Tbia meaaore. ancountera tremandoui 00 pkitbik the well regulal£i& OCnkrbvth r*»«n * «jw m'»»g «** on lie trial *wt ( ,-? eVe^,' r3l J o ® pwmd in wet weather if yon to cemel„.„ ™ly o ‘d ■‘•Mil make* it clod like and compact hu theiekre fX„ H '•"’“‘TT Jy*" c ' a * tb « ait not-* And ridge op poor kitchen b«i«=un T n,„ri T SSh. il,'t.' ,OW 'r r T ■ g^'n c ero “ ,ld - , ” li >"> -P"og *o S. to expo,, articles P 1 h ° publication of other aa much snrtaee in possible to the action of-the On ikk ffOSL . Brest change. '^VranCe^the* l^ 0 . wuhou[ttny Never lose ah opportunity ofgeiangiscds from their mceni m.,, on o7HT„ , T. r '' e ; fcr|! ' lh = “">«» °ful.l paatores, o, the bfeaking up of mad with delightT °bn b.Z?„ 1 Lb "- ,uon --V” all “»">»»» or meadow, where they turn be .pared. tny elected Emperor, either unequivocally ■—n,r-. , or dttguised'y as President for life seem* to be thjfi 3- f , 8 man abootyqur neighborhood to collect general dpinion. From Austria, sickening accents 8 . !l ““wiJuum thrpwn away as useless by of the reign of terror established by the Emperor P*^° n * 'Womnt of tbeir value. Pot them in a and his army, still come thick upon un, while with “|9J»pot " nd poui sulphuric acid and water over respect lo Hungary, where excesses of the mint •“* nQ d they wdl turn to paste- and finally to frightful character continue to take place, nothing l' ow “'* r This is the besKpossrbh* manure for more is known of u decisive kind than had reach- eir lrees Btaptr vine*. — ‘Uortieuburiit. ed na a toruught back. France, by wboTCaU the movements were originated that have led to these seventies, has now no word of succor or prolSKt on bchali 0/ the sufferers. In Italy, revolutionary changes-are yet going on with some rapidity. The Duke of Modena has tied from the dominions, and the Duke of Tuscany, a really liberal man, who was one of the rirat sopporter* of Pius the ninth in his popular movemeut, has followed the fatal ex ample, from the dread, it it believed, which was inspired, in bis mind of yielding any further to the democrats tendencies of the time, and thus locur ring the excommunication leceutly promulgated by the Pope from Gaeta In Rmae the temporal power of the Pope has been declared al an end. and here as in Tuscany a >rt» v i*u>nal government has been established • ,ne and Tuscany these movements were preceded by a determination to promote the con vocation of a Constituent Assembly, to decide.lhe basis of an Italian union, but m Sardinia, although the liberal ministry stiff hold power, a wiser or more •practicable course has been pursued and this step has met with no encouragement. Mean while the despotic powers, Naples, Austria end Russia, ore burning to puUr in troops and to subju gate these disturbers. In the Sicilian questiou, tberejs no new feature Fron#lndia we have received newt of a great success, the strong city of Monlun having been captured with comparatively little loss on our side At the last accounts. However, Moot raj and his re-, mauling adherents still held out m ihe citadel, to which they had withdrawn. On this occasion gun colion wn* used lor the first time in our operattous. and is fruid to have bees found most effective. An important announcement appears this mora ing regarding our mail arrangements with South America, Government having entered inio a con tract which wdl lead forthwith to the establishment of a steam line to Rio tfe Janiero. SPECTATOR! _ Accident & r a Thlatrr —Sixtt pour Pie sons Killed.—On the night of February the 17th. (Sa turdays a terrible accident occurred at ihe Theatre Royal, Dunlop Street, Gtasglow. An aiarni of fire was given at about eight o'clock lu the upper gal lery. the fire having been caused by the leaking of a gns pipe. The scene is thus described by a cor respondent of ibe London Glolw: "It was soon apparent to the mauancr that the fire had hreu occasioned by an explosion of gas, andheand bis company, used iheir utmost exer tions to restore order, in which they partially suc ceeded. Mean while,the alarm had been convey ed to the central police officers; the fire brigade wete very soon at the theatre, and immediately commenced operations, which increased the fears ot ihe people, and a general rush wa« marie tor the door, u enough the die was already extinguish- lt would Lie vmo to attempt to enuvey any ideaoL the scene which the theatre now presented Oil the gallery ••t.vr. at one cf the isDdme place*, wa* a scene cf the most horrifying description — men, women, and children huddled together, trod den under toot, dead nnd dying. The [>oor crea tures were carried Li houses adjoining, and every exertion used to restore' animation, but, unfortu nately, without success, except in a lew instance*. Smy one were dead, and three sent to the Royul Infirmary, two died ujon the way. and one short ly after. Eleven pprsons, slightly bruised, were n moved to iheir homes, aud other* are still in the infirmary m a dangerous state. The sixty one dead bodies were in the couise ot the evening re moved to the Clyde street hospital, and there kept till Sunday morning for identification ‘ About teu o clock the aulhunl e* were at the hospital and it was arranged to »d;nii ifie relnlive* 01 the deceased. The bo.hr* writ I out "ti the floor cl the .he.l afcd w hen ie • igmrcd shriek* rent the air tine wuusn churned three as i.-.-f own. With scarcely e smgV rxet-ptu n ihe «oriet era belong to ttie lower class of society and are fur the most pans lads iH-twecn It and 17 year* ofd . the only temales amongst the dead was one girl three years of age A gloom hn» bn n c-ikt over the city b\ the I'.-ar lul occurrence, wtreb it will require some tm.r to dissipate. Tl»e ih»*nri- ha* auH.iitwti no d.iruuge from burning. a* Hie dame* of the g.i» pipe w j.;- uiost inMuully extinguished Tha hie. in another arrounl, is attributed to l! *- cureleahoess cfa young man who hnvtg In a p.pe. threw the ignited paper on the floor, near a ieuk in the gas pipe. AGRICULTURE. PRACTICAL HINT h'O AMATKIUS. BT AN "OLD S.OOU. Grafts may be cut now ,*« well as Inter in the wrnter, if more convenient tn you. Keep them in a cool place *hslf buried in earth or sand.tiil you wanltbem. If not wanted until sj nng, bury tb*-m otil of doirs. wuh only a couple ol niche* of t ir poiOt*expo*ed to liie uir. and throw Iwu nr thn-e inches of litter over them. Strawberries will produce good crops m opeu winter quarter*, m the. Nortben Sutei, but they will bear much better does, :uid much larger fnnt, jf you.cover them lightly with straw, taii-hay. or stable biter; otherwise you arc likely enough lu stiif soil*, to find half the plants dead or injureti by i being “thrown out in the spring.” You may trsD&plaat,all winter, when the ground i« not frozen —only talie care Dot t) expote me root* to frost while not covered whh soil In w in ter planting, it is best to jale up a rooun-lot earth J tix or eight inches Around the trunk of the tree ; Thi« kreps-it pieriectly steady, and protect it, par ; tiailv. aaainsl severe frost, i If you are very anxious to be rheated, nend to 1 Some nnrscrv that uiodeailv intomi* the public of' it* immense superiority over other est*>M.ahm*ni», { or that offers hundreds ol varieties ol -*s.lendid. j pre-emir.cni, and delicious'' fruits, not to be found | anywhere—or challenge* competition for accuracy. ' Where there is no much modesty in boasting, there I must be great diffidence in sending you Any thing j but what the dealer’know* to be finl ra'e.aod you I must i>e a wnre, arc hundreds of ISrsWkie fruits. If you send to a nursery for a new vanely of tree or pfani. do nc*t expect to ace the plant a* high a* your head, or the tine fit to bear s bushel of fruit, Be content if it is healthy, baa h good root, and fa a font h'gh People "in the trade” caDool sriord to rend you larco trees full of grafts or cutting?, of sorts which are senree a* guineas, atiif which have not been long enough in tbs country to enable them to get more th*n ft year'fl groth If you went big tree*, order ibe good old standard sort. When a tree brought from a di«lanco has bee a a long While out of the ground, and looks quite dried op, do not plunge it into a tub of water; that would be mgb as fetal as giving a gallon at a ung'le drink, to a man nearly dead of thirst. Moisten the roots, and after shortening the branches severely, the whole tree tn the ground tor three nr four days. When you prone a small branch of a tree, al ways tee (bat a bud is left opposite the cut; this writ help i| to heal over quickly, and you will os«tst tlio matter lull more, by making the cut ulvny».a •loping one. Ifybu are obliged to plant trees in the rich but worn nut Kill ci an old gardeo, and you have not time nor means enough to cart away partofthe old soil and replace it with new, you cm renew us fer tility by throwing part ot it up in honp«, mixing it _ with brp*h, faggots, saw dust, or any sort of cheap lucl, and burning it. Do nut let insect? <*f various kinds evcriun your orchard or gardca.and then lr.surety fold your arm* end say, “it's no use, this trying to raise thiDgv. now that so many vermin arc about/ Spend three days, jodostriously .n the early stage ot the matter, in putting down ifo- end iheti look around you nltd *ee it a hti.'c industry is not belter than grnmfiliuir 1/ von want eurlv vegrlnblc*. see yourself, in win ter. about making .-Kline Ikjxc* U) prottect them. A few cheap l>oir«, n loot square, with a pane of glss* iu the top, to pul over tender thing* at ntght, will cost you but it trillc, ond will give you teu day* •tart ol the open ground. To linvc x<*xl uurreiits. giH'sclierncs, or rssptier 1 nes, the ulri plant* tbuulri lie dug up at tho end ol ! throe nr four good and Ibeir p’ai-ns mipplted ] by young one*. If you plant a lew cutting* oj the | two former u«you would d>* every spr.ng you wo. • always huvr;* good supply of plants ready »l oil time*; ulwny* cut out *ll rye* (bud*) ot nntuig. on ‘ that part wlurn g*>es in Ihe ground—otherwir*' \ *u will W- rroublud by their coming up ye.ir ulier'i ear. in thpform'of suckers. | If you have n tree that grows “apace,” but do not bear, dig u trench around, and cut off about one third of the root* This will *oon check its growth and vet it about making (rim bud*. Never buy fruit trees in the market places, of tin known venciers, who have no character i.r lose. You oantint tell examining tho artn-le, whether they a hen I you or not, and you get the tree at half price, only to wish, when it come* to hear, that vou uad goue to an honest dealer and paid ten limes as muoh for "ometbmg worth planting. ••Hog IVaHi" trees-ore dearer at a penny, lh*u ••George the Fourth" ut n dollar If you do do! love flower* yourself, do not quar rel wilh tboae who do. Uin a defect in your no-v ture that you omrht to ho sorry for, rather than * buse those who are more gifted. Of what possible “usc” fi the rainbow, we should likeloknow* And yet oOe wiser than you did not think the earh com plete without it. Do not grudge the cost and labor tiocrssnry to plant n few of the. best shade trees around your Louse; and if yoa have any doubts about what to plant, to stu-.k in an elm. There are few trees in the world finer than the fine sweeping elm, and two or three of them will give even a common looking building a look of dignity. If you plant fruit trees for shade, they are likely u> be broken to pieces for the fruit, and they grow unsightly by the lime forest trees grow spreading and urnbra geou*. There arc very few men whose friend* build so feir a monument to their memory, &s they can raise with their own hands, by planing an aim or a ma ple where it can grow for more than a century, to he au ornament to the country. Do cot be afraid to dip hedge*, cr cut back young trees, when you are planting them. You gain PROTECTION AGAINST THE BEE The bee noth 100 formidable for bees to cot • lend wub, as it spread* out its web and protect* it fteir&s it advances, and when it attacks a leeble swarm, it is »ore destruction to Ibis useful inject. Thtrbeeosu drive nmii and auimals of every de scription; even the noble horse has not only been conquered, but ha* sometimes fallen a victim to their 'Vet s contemptible worm takes posses sion ol me oeat uad beautiful inve. protects himself like a skilful and powerful warrior despoil* the home of the bee, nod converts it into a place oCfillh, and the unhappv possessor retire* in dis g\»st trom an whom he has no means ol defence. As the winter is a good lime for the construction of hives and bouses, the following article may l* acceptable to our renders. A SL'RX WAV TO PROTECT THK HER PROM THE MILL EH Mtssn Editor?. 1 was this summer witness, in a Western State, to a cootrivance lor protecting the be« from the miller, which was novel to me. and, indeed, to the contriver himself, until it struck his mind in the beginning nfthe season Thiokiug n may be a nevelty to all your reuders. I will give a desenpunn of il The contrivance 1 witnessed wu this “A bee house eight feet square and eight feet high, sur mounted by u roof running up into a spire with a weathercock. In the middle cf each of the four sides ot the bouse wa,* a clime filling door of suffi cient width and height to allow persoc- to enter with ease standing erect Within was n sene* of three shelves or platform*, one over the olber, four feel square, supported by corner post* reaching from the ground to the top oflbe wall*, and morticed per haps imo'erotw piece* from ih« lop of the walls. These plmf-trins would accomodate trom twelve to sixteen common hjve«, In the day tut*', all lioorr toern ftttienni open. but e may dictate—(jY Y. Farmer PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATURE. Haßktsbubuh. March ID, 154^ lathe Senate ibis morning a number of petitions were presented. Among thrm were A petition Irom Citizens ot Allegheny ro. praying (or tbe pasetift! of n law prohibiting the sale of mer ebandt/e by persons not residents of the place where it is oflered for sale. A remotistnince from citizens of nuyltdl co . against granting a farther extension < f time tv the Reading Railroad Co to construct their road ,nto PoUßVille. Mr Offlbb m place, read a bill extending ttie ju risdiction ol the aldermen of the city and county uf Philadelphia. The 3f note then resumed the consideration ut the lull for avoiding the inclined plane on the Columbia Kailroad. rpo iMJL’NTRY MKRCHANTS —S«rnt k JoHjuuin I ifl M arkot «i r**r*t, can *<*;l .on notion ciieap* - ! it.an they cm replace Uiem—liuvins: uouciil tlicin ui i Itriic pack ««l«r ptfv inn* lo tiir advanre in price Tii*-‘ ran 'oil , , •, , j , ,| a* rl>*ap as von mn buy ih«-ra of Ba«iern JoM«*r«.— T.,}v.>,-d mult-I,t Ibc ruilr-.id t--avoid ll\nti. l;u«d ,; om , and w-iiM.rT« i! Spruit t/.udeu. ngnin-t the The Hou>>*. ulier some Imther t>u-»inr«* t<*ob up mid jmjsmml the l-ijl relative i.> oule* l>\ person* mg hi u Fiduciary capacity. The liiilfor the completion or the North limm-li Cnunl was then tslim up. Mr Hut: ottered nn ntm-mlmeM whicn appropr. *•! 1,-om tin- Tr.-wirv ti.r the comple tion of ih>- uurk, i to- uiiiO'tnt to t•• borrowed lf»ni tPc Bun-s rl the Slate rn three aununl msia ! mcot«, each g-ving ID per root on t:.t* amount of ni cap ilil >iix-k, the Uunht having the privilege to inne am.ill note*. countersigned and registered hy the A oditor General, and to receive crruhc.ale» of the Loan to mo twelve year*, with interest at two per rent. Tte amendment further provide* that the entire revenue ol the work ahull be appropriated to the payment of the interest and to the repayment of the loan, and the remainder I* to be a Milking tund, for the extinguishing the State delrt. All corn goißg D 'rlli un Uw canal, to pay a 101 l of one cent per note. In custi of ihn Banks declining lo issue 'mall notes, then the tux on Ihf ir dtndend* to be incrra*- e«n or m tm> Sinking Fund, and lo reccivo a certificate of State mock, bear 4ls interest dunog tlie firvt three years ut two per -ent. during the three yesr« afterwards three and idler that four per cent A debate arose ou the tmiondinehl aud it was w.u» finally rarnod — Yeas 15, uays 47 Mr. Roberts then spoke ih-opposuton to the first section. Mr. Little demanded the previoos ques lion, when d wns b>»l—Yeas 11 nays 4h. We learn from the StenbenvUle Herald, that on Saturday night, the 10th mst a man Dtuned John son was shot down on- South art-el, directly op. porute the dwelling of Mr. John Suiditr, >u that city. The shut entered one of hi* thighs, which was horribly mutilated, nod front which he shortly bled to denlli Belore his decease, he testified that the gnn wn* fired front n wndow in SutchfTs house, and implicated him in the transaction, upon which Mr S was immediately arrested JOB PRINTING. BILL HF.ADS, CARDS. HBCTLABS. Manifest*,' H-dh lf *»*ij child ihe means ol • more thorough bosint o education than our pubnc or rv*n private schools now oxford The subject wi'l be iaiil before the meeting by Ihe following committee, who wrre appointed tor that pur pose by the meeting held at Die Hoard ol l isde rivra* on the K h ,i>st LK.MI'FL STEPHENS, WILLIAM J TOTTKN, I. It UVINUSTON. ntuMAH J HUrIIAJI, W W. WALLA(”K Joh> lUarr*. Prc'y mchlt • tVosowt t« Wssuw.' sod it Mr Shield* had but orrii govefjn-d t>) th.e above mono, lie might have ved triune) and Umi-Hi much phymcul .utfrnng, but rend lb*' lol'owing Irtler dalcd April f tnh, l-*t" Mr W,n "bicld*. n r-spn labl- farmer .w ,*,» v,.m tiy, was taken ill, culled m u Doctor who duviured him for Dyspepsia Ilt war but he sun cm wor*e Hr them discharged bis U cior and pa»J {rtn thirty dnllsr* He then goi a vial of t out \ unnuuge. and one 1.-I ot Shu Oil T.- Pill*, and i.v |hr u-e of Uir.r med ■ernes l-osiing unlv 60 onus) he discharged. br«u>*. »i least one thousand worms, and hi two vserktuu* >0 iinj-roved m In-ahti u* In Htbnd 11 bis husiuns*. un.l ha* hern hi fund tiraub evrr sinre. nml *aj? Dr. Jailin'* Vernnlugr and Suimlivr Plli* have mu.ln a voond nun ”i b.m WM. It DEAN, V M , To* Dr D J»>ik- i’hila at |*nn Willmin.O lor .aii in l , in.!.i..*h ai the IM.hIN TEA *|< 11 ' 'osnou. nl the fuurvl 01 Ihe under. Signed l.'ommuen. ha» Consented to ili-iYrr 11 dis course on Ui» following •übjeel - The ■ufterings of Ireland must nm be auniiumd m Catholicity. Their teui caoim cipimned The discourse will be deliver* d in the llu'i m u, Ml I'nui « School House, at 7 o Hock. V \! Tickei* ui admission ‘ii rent* The pro.-rnN i,. |, r tppreprmted 10 tbo anppori of Uie l Irphan A • > lum JAM Kit BLAhl.l.'r. 1 niurt. API’KI.IIKL, 1 JOHN ANlMlt , . ' '•■''•"mire marl bf'i HL.MI\ M'DbLl.nl Oil.) PklKiiiM l.KMorr SiOAk.- Pn-imred by J W Kelt)-. WiUmm *ireet, N V . amt fur sale l»v A. Jaynes, No TO Fourth sired Thu v* ill be found u delightful am* Hr of beverage 111 families, and particularly lor siek (Istkin llsotu —#i n improved Dbocumtn prrpora- Hon, being n ci rnbmaiiou of Cocua nut, linmoeuL, m- Ttjforaiiug and pulutable, highly rccomtucnded )>• rtic ulurl) f**r invalids I’rcpHred by W Hukci, Don hc t*r. M»»« , and lor sale ny A. JAY.NKS, at ihe t’ckm Tea Store, No 70 Fourth st meUU Improrsmenti In Dentistry. DR- D- t’ PTMARNS, hue nf Boston, is prepared 10 jaanufaciurc and *H Hum Tr.nrr in whole iu»l pans of sets, upon Mieuoti or Atmospheric Huction Hale* - TooTH* c *«> ft-kitP «vk H 1 hvtxs, wherp the nrrv# 1* axppsed Office and residence next door to ihe May or's olfiee, Fourth street, FitMiarrh. Hina TO— J B M'Fndden.P. H Eaton. j*l» IV* Bl* Wright, M. D., D«nll«t, Omcs and residence art Fourth *b. BEjigjgßt opposite lire I’utehurgh Hank. Olhce (mSCBI hours from tr o'clock to 1-J a M . ami 1 ' lIJ X* froni i o'clock to t> VM. scpH-iy SHfJdfr*i.n —Capt. W A. CHaOLtun will he tup ported bt the office u( Sheriff, subject to the aoiuiuu uoa of ihe Aotimisom . and whig Coutny Convenuoo jcarftaf Eianra Wm, Prrrßßrxon. 2r-* '• . c ;5 af iworcrorw**# or ■. it c pal iNi; m b ■*ribj * a, • Corner Front and Vine Cincinnati, 0. [£7“ Orders from Pittsburgh for AJcobol, Pore Spir its. Raw or Rectified Whiskey, will be promptly alien *lrr Ini ti our stand No >e ct-refuny packed and tor- -* By**- wtrdfd n» dftecicd Order* for Bouquet* lert willi W T Bown. Fruiter er Si Clair »treei JA VIES WARDROP. niclUSdlmiw3t*S Mnnrlireter NttTMry NOTICE IK hereby riven. that Book* rail bo open for the pur j>o«r of rp'*eiTtnjf »üb*»Ttpt>on for ihe Ktoek of the AiWheuy* Porryavtllc Tomi »ke Road Company, at the following time*. and place* ■ti Anril nett, m;—On Thi!r«da\, the it), at I*l- Frni.t'.t Morel, m the city of Atlepii*i>\ . i»> Finlay, the nth. at the Council Chamber itt »»irt f«iv: on K.itorday. the 7th, in the hou«e of John fJoehrme. m vntd city. on Monday, the 9th. at the houae of I.iirhu-ap, Mirren Trtr Tavern.l m RokT township: on Tnevday, the lOth. at the house of Jacob Cnlrbautjh, m «aid uiun»hip; on Wednesday, the nth, at the home J Htnea Newel, t. Pcrrywille; onThurv dtry. the 19th. a< the !,o.i«e of James M’Aleer, in Per r\ sville; aud on Friday. inc 13ih. at the house of Nich olas Hood, in Ro*« township Commn*ioner» will he in attendance from 1> o'clock. t jkl . until 3 o'clock. P M., each day By ord-r of the Hoard of CoiumiMion* N M M.iNFORD, Secretary mcMs:dU4ew3t*S Post cop* and chaise (Jamie TO SAVe'mONEY AM) (WITH lUXJUES. i« ihe nlitrcl of Mcamr A Has.*; r. in teaching the sys ifm of \Vln»eler M fallen for I meeting all Ooaoterfei|, spurious nt altered Hank Note >. now in circulauen or to l>e hereafter issued They may be found between tbe hour* of£ o'clock, A. M . and 0 P M., ai J. Cbns ry's Hotel, Penn street, m arly oppo*ne the Exohanfe take pleasure in making (W announcement. be cafiac wo have been here some fi weeks, at interval*, anil feel assured from the te«tnnnny of Uioae who have examined the system, vi 7: Mr. Howe, Cashier of the F.xclmniro Hank: Httssey. Hanna A Co. and W Lari* mer, Exchange Banker*, and many others who took le**on*, thnt the public will he benebtted thereby. Ph are call and examine for yourselves, and if we fail to «misiy. no efutnre wii! b<- made. iuclils:lt* Paper Ilaoglngi. HAVJNi; purchased at three of ihe largest Facto rin in iiie East, iNew York. Philadelphia and Hat imnr*.' n Iru, 1 - assortment of the newest and most improved miU • uf PAPER HANGINGS. BORDER?, Ac and made ananiremem* by which I will be era* hied hi [.n.i urc n ; . new Patterns. ■ miultaneous with their appearance m the Eos.cm market. I would in vite ihe ■iirrviion of those denni’i! to have i.ifltr house* papered iv-.tiit'i- xtyle* of paper. loculi and examine tn\ «toek. before purcnaaitirf elsewhere I hove now on ib«* wa\ from Hie 2f>.«oo pieces of Cold. t.iaieii. m«] common Paper Hangings, wmch I can s-“ si rVtres ranon; from 1 24 <*l* to piece _ m*iij . S 0 HILL, h 7 wood s^ Conntry Seat for Rant. ■>%. R-a A rotnfortable Cottatte Dwell!op House, p'eaa- Bgaui and\ simarM on the Allegheny over, about half Jalb* mile above ihe l S. Ar««nai —tntrdan, orch ard and mendow "rputid nirituiiad. Apply to J. BISPKIX, oi SKMPLK, BISSEIX k Co, CUNDJUKS— ** i»l«U No 1 I.&rM* Grea«c, ft Mjd* Sarnn; 2 !»!>!» Fgjj* Tft«ark* lVor:i.-r*. 1 in., ruin'! while, • ,| 0l •„ arrive— fc»r *a!« b ~1-hl L>AI.UI i Co. Tro'U mi WM. young * CO M TV\I.KR-i IN lIIKF. 1 ' AND LEATHER. Morocco l 1 |- • •<). ir- A • .No In I i'n*r! v street. have ■u*’ rrcriTr/l mpir SI’RlNt, >Tt“H'K of unAd*. rom pn*c!>» n *»t»“ u«fortm'*! i m imclr« tn r lm«*. u: mioi. o'purehvMjra i» invited. HIDF.S— Tuu City Siaußiiter, and Western Fl.nt on nanri and tor - ale u • mchl.» WM. NoUXliAjCo. U 3 Liberty *1 I \JUKT) AW’LRS--tJI bush dried Applet, ju»i roe’d I / and for aide b’’ C if GRANT, mch!s 41 water »i CU. A K1FIK1) HYRLT-SO l>hl« Cianliad J*\ nip, lan* y din • from *ucr Schuylkill mid lor mOe low ny nidili JA.MRS_DAI.ZELU water it XT C TaR—HI Libia North Carolina Tar, to atore i.i • and lor nie by melijj J.\S DAt.ZELL rEI’PKR— M b:»Pepper, far «* cbv mr!:|J WICK A MVANDLF.SS L* AI.F.R \ rrs-lj - n-k- Ssi-ratna. tor rale |.\ O •<*(*n ■ > WICK A M'OA NDI.KSM \I r HAl’l’lMr DAH- H—lsoo mini Straw and Ha* f V rrmvn and ii.i-d.atn. for aa'e by inrni.i WICK A M'C.ANDI.iatS IF.MONS-n-j lit.fr> *n lemons, .amt irceived ill l rrn from N-w Or’cnn* »nfl for sale l»v iiM-nl t r lIAHDY. JONF.S A Daj f l'i:A W'Kal'l’lNi. I'AI'KK - J lt*J ream* inedinni t’>oe Tea Paper lUU ill) while do UK) ilo thrown do Juki rereived and for *iie at (hr Paper Warehouse of mchl 4 S U s 7 wood tl RAWS RAOSV R * OS'” Caah paid /or Ragt, at tbr Paper \Varefiou4u o i SC H 11.1.. iucoH 37 wood X> bush prune Ohio Clover Seed, for sab-by _ mohU JOHN WATT ROLL BU7Tk.fi - 3 bills fresh Roll Butler, just rec’d and for sale by ARMSTRONG 4 CBOZER •mciiH Bfi IF.D A PPLFS— .ill tacks dried A pplee, for sale by rnchll ARMSTRONG A CROZKK GREEN A PPLEr>— 1C bbla juu rrc'd and tor sale by mchU AUAISTRONU A CROZER PLANTATION SUGAR AND MOLASSES— \OO hud* prime Planißii.ru Sanr, 100 bbU do do Mu- U*«o«, ju»i reee.vej and ‘or »«ie oy MILLER A RICffKTSON. 170 Liberty it SUGAR HOUSE MOLASsß*—to bbt» sll Mol**. «<■*, l,oai«i*n* refinery. )u*i received on conriro mem and for sale by omhH MILLER A RtCKETSON HO\ET--b !>W» Honey, joh ie< e;red on consign* mem and Lr sale by mchlt MILLER A RICKErSON J)KOI»UCE-4U sacks dried Pesche*; 40 ketts No l Lard: lot tale by MILLER A RICKETSON mebU 17 EACH BfiA.NDI —l5 bbli FVaeh Brandy. just re rcivnd and lor >a menu 'VU'K A M'CANLLESS «1 bis-lid Ul»'»; 103 dolOr I'J doj" Bl~do utoui4 WICK A M CANDLESS ' II.NSt.LD OIL—IO I>|.i« Linseed Oil. lot sale by _ J whN WICK A M*CANOLESS / lORjN MEAL- I j l.b.s Corn Meal, lor sale by mchU WICK A M’CANDLKSS "I )VTAHH - 10 cs»k«. prime Potash, for sale by X _ mchH WIPK a M’CANDLESS SIOUCHINGS 7;i i.nu Scorching*. rec’d and (or •aJe by me 1.14 WICK A M’CANDLRSIS RICK- Id ics Rite, rrc’d aod for sale by iin'lil4 WICK A M'CANDLKSS I.M.AX- IV sack* Flax, rac’d and lor »«!•• by T mehll WICK A M CASHLESS Ii l ITER 5 bn:» Uoi. llutier. ree'd and lor sale by 1) uichll WU'C 4 M’CANDLKSB \ Ll.spu.'E-LI *ai s* ALpnje, for saie low m close /V coiiiigniu'-ni !•> \\ R’K A M'CANDLESS C'AiNIH.KfI Ilk) bit Tallow Candles, SO do Star dy mm 3 WICK A M’CANDLKSS V **• .MO|.ASM:s- Vbobbb N O Moldsses, recel- In . vrd and bit OV WICK JcjkrCANDLKss UlUi.tU AND MOI.A*M*t-sojibUTTKU~4 bbli km Butter. UI atore ud for I> »•(.- ‘'V mart HHEY, MATTHEW* M n« V/LOl K—ii Flour hi »mrß r r . ft Co T AKI>~-lo bl.l» i.onl; W kcg» do. in More and for f . „ .. _«»* _ _ Us DALZKLL R F J^* OV '« M "i Vo ha ' , ' a ten “' , «douf Book Slorea rmt. .rtl Market atrtcl and Ta Wood .treat, to the Bfonwfonnerly occupied by Mestra. Wlllmraßell A sojgoo. T 9 \\ ooil etiecl, between Fourth and DiuuatuJ nlB mntfl ELLIOTT fc BNOLIBM. m.K I’OflK- Jls pee Bulk Fork, landing from ea jmi boat Medoaa, au>l Jor aalr by ml* > l- 1 t’lour, tlfidiu non fiat Af rowtuje and lor by L , m * xa JAMB* DALZELL jC'LuUß—juOtbli Hi »ic>o. JC nurf J s DUAVOBTB *Co vr'- ®Y Johß D.|)vvt« t AaetiUMr> Adjourned Orphan* Court V e]f Britb ■ llottM and fj*. i OoSiUßnJai raotxijjiKvliio |i'«. m ibe ni,?l. O n - I '* bT order nr the Or phan • Court o( AlUvnyny eo'Uity, ihat va.ua>.> !. ~,11*, Tennm at »»le. . mch|s JOHN l) DAVIS. aocl Wreti of Uu steamer Guuduly-r ,u a tut urn. Engine*. Furniture and Tackle tin 4iuudav mor nioj, 17th intt at 11 o'clock, «ill be k>IJ. at the war*. boftM ofCapt James May. A but *tmi. the wreck of the aieam beat Gondolier,consisting of bodr.r*, engines and machinery, ealmi furniture, carpeting.man™**?*, bedding, door* and .a*F, hawser, chaiu cable, rigging, blocks and Uckic, brjl. covkiug stove, Jcc. Teems, under Slot) ru.t curie,»t y, gtDO and upwards 4 months credit, approved cndoiseil roper. Barl4 JOHN 0 DAVIS, Aon Bools’ Bools” Bools! Will be told at iht Cwmi.rfria! Auc-i.on Rooms, cor ner of Wood and Fi lit and M'ret*, on Wednesday and Thursday rrem it*, 1 tui asit i .«i, ,oa>. tn 7 o’elk. a large variety of ucw Book*, wtu h must be cloaed oat. ilany of thr. works embraced m the atock are seldom offered at publie sale. mehl t JOHN D DAYI9, Anot Splendid Household Furniture at Aution ' On Friday morning. March Idth, at lu o'clock, at the residence of Mrs- Denmston, opposite Collonade Row, tn Federal auect, Allegheny city, near the old Allegheny bridge, will be told, os ase'is declining house keeping, aQ her household and kitchen furni ture, which hoi been kept in the beat order, consisting of—l pair large mantel glasses; c? Splendid mahogany sofa; 1 doien “ chairs; Mahogany eanPand dining tables; “ side board with.marble slab; - and cbeny wardrobes; “ banana and dressing tables; - and cherry high posted bedsteads; “ v centre moles,. -mahogany and cherry, wash’ uanda, low post bedsteads. • hair tnaunvaacs, feather beds and bedding*, vepbian bUnda, mantel and hall lamps, stair rod*, parlor and bed .room carpeting and matting, parloT-nah-boXas and fenders, fire irons, glassware, 1 fine cook ing stove and fixtures,'4c. marl 3 ■ ' * • - ’’ 'JOHN DDAVIS, Aoot. Steamboat America at Auctum. Will be sold wiibout reserve, an Thursday* March 15th, at 3 o’clock, P. M-, the new and substantial stern wheel steamboat America, a* .he now Uaa at the Pitta burgh Wharf near ibe month of Feny street, with al! her Tatkle, Furniture, Ac. The America bas 3 boi lers aud double engine*, ts ISO feet long, 23 feet beam, messurinc 143 tom. and can rarry 3W tons. Terms liberal For farther particular* enquire of John C Perry. Wm White. Win De Comp, Wrllmborg, Va, oi John C Bidweil, Agent, Pittsburgh 1 mart JOHN J> DAVIS, Auet AMUSEMENTS, THEATRE. THIRD NIGHT OF MR. CHAB. WEBB TBvaanaT, March 16, to cnnimaace with the ' HUNCHBACK. * Master Walter -p-•-Mi. Webb. Fathom »-• Mr.Dan# Julia--- - Mils Porter Helen Mi*i Cruise ■To conclude wuh lae NEW FOOTMAN In rehearsal—THE EXILE n~r* I)oor« open at 7—Performance will commence at naif pirn 7 o'clock. ritirs* or aovtsaion Dress Circle and PurqOecte -60 cents Family Circle r>r 2d Tier 25 cent* Newspapers, Slagaatnes and Reviews, Received m llie Reading Room of the Young Mens' Mercantile Library and Mechanics F'ourtb street, between Wood and Market *treet*. Niw Von—Courier A Enquirer, Tribune, Herald. F'vening Fast. Journal of Commerce, Spirit of ‘the Times, Scientific American. pTntADXu'tttA—North American and U 8. Gazette, Pennsylvanian, Commercial List. '*V, WsamsoTtm—lntelligencer. Union, Nauonal Firm llovros—Mining Journal, Alia*. UiLrmoae— American , CineuinaU Gazette, Louisville Journal, {lt. Louis Re publican, N. Orleans Picayune, N. Orleans Price Cur rent. 4 Smith’s European Times,Loo don Times. Macaxuou—Blackwood's, Knickerbocker, Plough* Loom & Auvit, Eclectic, Hunt's Merchants’, LittelPs Living Age, Horticulturist, Silhtnan’s Journal, Journal nt the FrankUu Institute; Civil Engineer*?4 Architects' Journal, l,ondoti. Rxrntws—Democratic, American Whig, London Quarterly, Edinburgh. Westminster, North critish. Room* open daily [except Sundays) from 7|o’olcn_ TROTH 4 SUOTT having nV'J the general Boot and Shod business,AlljU r and retail, would respectfully V uiviie tnc attention of their friends and the pnbli: gen erally, to their splendid new stock, consisting «f mens, woolens’, boys', misses’ and childrens w-rar of every variety, suitable for the season, aud nt price* to suit the time*. A splendid article of home made work, such as gemiemen’s fine Boots, ladies, misses nun childrens f>»« work. Please coil aud examine for yourselres. TROTH SCOTT, comer 4lh aad SmilhSeld su N. B —Traveling Trunks, Carpel Bags, 4c. 4c , al ways on bond and low for cosh Country merchants would find it to tbsir interest 'o give us a call when visiting *be city. tn hl4 Sale Agency (brNnnns A OlarA Piano*. | JUST RECEIVED and opening, a lot of elegant Pianos, from tie WTWn celebrated factory of Nunn* 4 Clark, II I I f" N. comprising 06} and 7 octaves, with important improvements, both in mechanism and exterior. po*»e«*ed by no other*. AI.SO-—A fine *eWtion of Chiekrring't Piano*. from 6 10 ? oclaT<*«. H KLKBKR, J*olo AgcUl, at J \V Wooduejl’s, sO Third »i N R. The above trill be told el manufacturers pri err. without any addition for freight or expense* uiarlo Journal aod Chronicle copy. Canal Boat FornUnre. IHA VE on hand and for sale low, Bant Frame*, Maura»*em, Pillow*, Comfort*, tit*. SheetH Cushions and Tumming* of all kind*. *' pch K.-d&t \VM. NOBLE, Third street WASTED, A GIRL to do housework. One who thoroughly understands her business, and can give good re* fereoees, can bear of a permanent situation, at fair wages, by applying at this office mehUtdif nojpratt'e Patent Seda A*b ,)Ai) CASKS just received per steamers Ivan hoe £/\J£ and St Cloud, and for sale by Will MITCHELTRLK, mebn 160 liberty st MONUMENTS. T HAVEC Marble Monumeou, at my oldsiondon Wood street Should any pereou worn a Mmm, reeot, I wul sell al very reduced pncea, between Uui and Ist April, to save the labor of removing them to ray new *uuid at the head of Wood, on liberty street al the comer of Irwin s alley. JOHN watt California Wagons. A PEW WAGONS intended lor emigrants going lo California, just finished and for sale at the WatOD eaiablishmetn of THOS. HARRISON. Penn sylvania Avenue, half a mile from the Court House marthdU’ Iron and Bails. THE undersigned, acting -as Agents in ihwi city foi the Troy iron Work*, are now receiving supplies, and they will be pleased to execute orders for IRON and NAILS, on ine mast favorable Irran Bonnets and millinery goods-sjcth a Joukmui, 46 Maixet street, are now opening their stock of Spnng Boaneu, Ribbonr, Silk*, Lace*, Crepe Lasse, Ae, Dealeu andother* are invited lo call and examine them. marl* WHITE GOODS—Just received at South A Jobs* sou’s, AO Market street, a full stock of White Goode, comprising every variety of Jaconet, Cambne and Swiss Muslins; check, plaid and figU do. Bishop Lawn* and Book Muslins; Tarlatan*, embroidered Muslins for curtains, Ac.; to which they would invite the attennou of dealers and others. niArlS AN exarunatiou of Teachers will be held *t the 'Bth Ward School House, on Saturday, the l?Ui iust. Testimonials of moral character will be expected. The female department will commence at 10 A. M— the male a; a P. M. THOMAS DAFT, PyreX morOiltd* JUST HBCKJVED trow ibr Pn/iitptvi l ;,? Factory, Son aq. yard* ol'U yd wide GumEJtnuc Oil Cloia, ejpressly lor ihe California wagon*, Tor sale at ihc India Rubber Depot • warlO JA H PHILLIPS INDIA RUBBER LIFE BOAT—Just received, \ India Rubber I Jl'e Boat, 10 feet long, a useful arti cle for persons goingHo Califbnua, for sale at Ihr In dia Rubber Depot, No 5 Wood st matin JJt H PHILLIPS O I’NIMUKS—SO hU«U N 0 Sugar; 10U bat* prune O Rio Codce; 10 i*«rcea Rice; 10 kg« Gray & B?o ft Twut Tobacco) laqdiug ibu day from nor Mcuenrcr No a, and for **le by J * Jl FLOYD, rcwlO Itouad CborcU Building / s ILuVKR _ »iUip—O) luw« phme.Peiuia. Cioren^a iu ciorc ami for ialo by .. m " 10 J 4, R FLOYD CIOTTON —17 bale* now loudtn* from rtcaiaer i U j Adams; for tale by ISAUU WCKEY 4 Co, Prout n LARIV-A bids No l; lda No i, now landing from steamer i q Adaur, for saleby lw| S ISAI All DICKEY A Co FEA.TIIEILS— 76 racks, aow landing from steamer J Q Adam*; for male t>y wrta ISAIAH DICKEY & Cc I^AR— 60bbls, ui prime order, iu itorr, ,or male by —RHKV, MATTHEWS A Co NO. MOLASSES— SOU bbl* prune N O Melwsei • to story; fo; sale by _ RHKY, MATTHEWS A Co JUST. RECEIVED —IOO lb. powd l.umonw Rail. and for sale l*y rorlili* J KIDDA Co JUST RECEIVED-MOO lbi~pow\i Ipeeoc.' and for sale by mchri J KIDD A Co TVOT.REOEIVED~-100 lha p©w«d Rhnbsrd. and for V saleby rocbltf J KIDD A Co JUST RECEIVED-30 vs. genuine Krct»oL mud for sale by mchlt J KIDD A t-o__ TTUCKETS, TUBS AM) KEELKRja—do dor Beaver D Backets; ‘JO do do Tubs; 3 do do *° r **” by » F VON BUNN HORST A Co. mario «front .t OTARCIf- 15 t.z* extra Starch, fSV wjf bJL marlU SP VON BONNHORsT A Co HITE BRANS—w bills ly marlll S_F VON BONN HORsT A Co SUOAiTanIjHmOLASSBS— -l 1 ** bbds N O Sugar, 100 bbls N O Mdlw.es, landing from steumeT Gen pu^;;o“' c by * *4S.4S« Clover seed-os bbl. P r™. ciovfrs.riin .u.,. and for sale by L M 'r27? . . ’ mario 01 water and 63fronl aireel I* on 4-j bbl* and 16 kegs No 1 Loaf Lard, m store j andfor sale by_ marlO LS WATERMAN DRIED apples—GO bush io store and for tale by marlO JAMB 9 PALZKLL rTABLfeyXLT~IO* bbis’superfine Table Salt, for 1 «lo by mart! 'WICK.&ftTCANDLEaS miHOTHV bash rec’d'dnij for sale by 1 mart WICK-WCANDLESS T No 1 Leaf Lard; Sbbiado do: for Aj sale by feb?3 WICK AiUCANDLESS oiscmivi * nrvßßOßoa jSi DA I L v PAetCET LINE. riliUß well known tine of splendid paasenger Steaa- I . en is 'now composed of the largest, vwtftcst, be* unwhetl and furnished, and moat poWaifsl boats oa Ika waters ot the Wen. Every accommodation and cam fort that mousy run procure, has been provided fatpta •eitgera The Line has been in operation for five yttia —has earned n million of people without the least iQjfr. ry to their person*- The boats will be at the foot al Wood street the day previous to starting, for the recap, lum of freight and lae entry' of passengers oatbe regu ter In alf crac* the passage tnpney marl be paid 11. adyance. BUNDA V PACKET* The ISAAC NEWTON,. Captain Hemphill, will lr*ve Pittsburgh every Sunday morning et lOo’clookj Wheeling every Suuduy evetiing at 10 r. M. May 22, IM7. BIOHDAY PACKET. The M(>NONG A HKLA. Capt. Stom, will Ee«re Pitta burgh every Mumlay morning at 10 o’clock; Wheeling every Monday evening si t«* r. la. TUESDAY PACKET. The HIBERNIA Na 2, CspL j. Kmt.rim gjQ leave Piusburgli rrery Tuesday morning at Id o'clock: Wheeling every Tuesday evening at 10 1. u. WEDNESDAY PACKET. The NEW ENGLAND No. 8, Capt i Dxah, will leave Pittsburgh every Wednesday moraimg at II o'rlork; AYheeflng every Wednesday evening u 10 p. ■ THURfiDAV PACKET. The BRILLIANT, Capt. G&acs. will leave Pm» burgh every Thursday morning at 10 o'clock, WheMUs every Thursday evening at 10 P. M. 1 FRIDAY PACKET. The CLIPPER No. 2, Capt Paxa Duval, will leavo Puuburgh every Friday morning at lOo’olock, When, lmr svery Friday evrmng at top. h. „ SATUrB AY "packet, T*he MESSENGER No 2, CsptWoonw.an, will leard L ! ‘ ub ‘ l *gh every Saturday morning at HX wueelint every Baturday evening' at 10 p. it. NEW M A nss^Sfga ¥UNE jB. 194 “- . t (7t* *ta*«ow,l LeEV ” 1 Putoblu « l ‘ d»ily,atO o’clock, A. M.. and or nves at Glasgpw, jmauth of the Shndy and Rea ver Ca nal,) at 3 o’clock, and New Lisbon at 11,-kame taaht. leaves New Liston at 6 o’clock, P. &L, (makmr thr trip canal to the river during the night,) and Glasgow at U o’clock, A. M-, and anives at Pinaborgh at 3 p M.—thus making a continuous line for carrying oat. sengen and ftelght between New and Pitta burgh, in shorter time and at less rates than by any other route < The proprietor* of this Line here the pleasure ofla forming the public that the j have fitted op twofint «»iy Canal Boats, for the accommodation of passenger* anr freight, to ran in eonnecdon with the writ knowr steamers CALEB COPE and BEAVfcLH, and connect ing, at Glasgow, with the Pittsburgh and nati and other daily lines of steamers down the aiul Mississippi riven. He propWeton pledge •elves to spore no expense or trouble to insure ess tort, safety and diapatch, and ask of the public a Aas* oi tueu patronage. Mahaokr. 'authorized agento. • , ’ a M. HABTCN,' ) w,rtK M l fc B& W. HARBAITGH, | "““"I*- a. HANNA, k Co. 1 .. , ~K _ riyUstf J KARNAUGH A Co. | Now Ltstraa. Mr. Dunn. Mi*s Crai«r. NOTICE-—The »tennerBKAVER.C. E Clarke, mas ter, will leave after this notice, for WellsvtUn minju. ally, at 9 o’clock In the morninr. min x MS. ~ia4> PITTSBURGH * BBOWSITUdLI Da4lT PMkit List. FF-BRUARV lib 1848 FEBBUAPV Jat, LEAVE DAILY ATB A. M-, AND 4 P. M. The following bow boau complete i H». ■ to® lice for the present eeawni: At* LAN TIC, Capu James Parkinson. fcgarhiMSmßflaßßALTlC, CapL A. Jacob*; utd LOUIS WI.ANK, papt E- Benuea TTie boat* are entirety new, md an fitted op wiihernt regard to expense. E** ery eomfomihat money can procare Las becnprovidadl The Boats trill leave the Uonongahela Whirl Boat a the fool ofNttes si. Passengers will be punctual mi board, as the bbats will certainly leave at the adver tired hours. 2 A. M. and 4 P. hL ;au3l FOB LOUISVILLE n - K The splendid new steamer HAMBURG, tfwtgMt CaUwtll, nmter, will leov, &, u,„ MBMBBaßßabova and intermediate pons on Sat urday, at 10 o'clock, a. u. Pot freight or passage apply on board, or to atari3 PETTIGREW A Co. Agents WHEELING AND SUNFI9H PACKET jpn>> K. The spteudid fast running steamer I rrr j» Cinderella, .. *g«tfrCiaaßg Calbcun, master, will ran as a reiru ™™»-aßBßlar packet between Ptluborsh and Wheeling and Snnfiih/learing Pittsburgh every Mon day for Wheeling, «nd every Thuraday Tor Sttnfiah. For Freight or passage, apply on board, or to nchUi J NEWTON JONES. Art FOR WARASH RIVER. ,g*r> n ° ”" to " _ N ' '»• Dean, master, will leave for the and intermediate pom this dav at 4 o’clock, r. u. For freight or pelage apply on board,or to Pi! 4 ? 1 J NEWTON JONES, Agt FOR ST. LOUIB. /f&ra* Ck. The splendid fast nannies ateamsr tegJg SCHUYLKILL, ™aster, will leaw for the and intermediate sort* on Fri day. the Übh, at to o’clock, a. M. Wm * n For freight or passage apply on board, or to niettM PETTIGREW A Co, Ants k The Bleamer _ Captain learc on Than ■—mbmAfckdsy, the ICtli at lOo’elock a M i PhrrnaßEW Ayeou k The Steamer n jfem Mc Ke*i on BMBBaSßßßJWedneaday. the Mth inst- at 10 A M meb. PETTIGREW * oi, Agents FOR ST. LOUIS'AND iLLIKOETfimaL The splendid passenger packet Coles, master, will leaveVor the above nßfiißßSgto&iuL-jrit Sh.pper* may rely on the TagUoai going through to Illinois River, and thereby save a re-shipment at 9l . 1 marU Fdß ST. LOUIS AND ILLINOIS'RIVER. ilElL&l ,r° '"'"rSiAou'St' *“**“' —SaSHSBiJ- master, will leave for !"!di?!.!i!*i«t b °” ,nd p°™ •» For freight or.passage, apply on boaro. merit REGULAR ST. LOUifi PAcvgr • ry vr«- k. Tk* running steamer U L U rm? „ PENNSYLVANIA. JOgi o OraT. *aat«, *iU leave, for the A intermediate portion Thnrm. day next at 4 o'clock. P. M. ' i~ **on n»ur»- ZANESVILLE ANDMAnw ■iTgrm jv, fine ateaaiM ondnjoo, repairs will tan u a A«! For freight or puaage apply on board. febl EDMUND WILKINS. FOR NEW ORLEANS.” ’ * “ jv The splendid steamer • leave for poru - for freight ot on board. aehLS , PETTIGREW * Co. Art no. RECULAR.TUESDAY PACSOTFOB3¥~L6uS r i ta snam? »—■■■' «eo \\ Wicks, maltar, will leave 'bo above and Intermediate port* 'veryTaesdiy, at tOo’aiock, a. k. Por freight or passage apply on board, ofto E ‘‘ Klf ’ G " No - ,53C, SJg55i. regular SATurday Racket fob'ot. Louis (v The fine fast running namoter -iftSrf TSS»nJ™gk leave fov . a \ B ttod porn m ry Satartar, at 10 o’eiock, r, a For freight or passage apply on board, or to £- C. KING, No 153 C«n. Sow. bmitfrip* ROBERTSON A REPPBRT, Commission Merchant*. pirrsiiUKcin an’ii Lours vinrapifcißTilN'ii ifßii* l |v The new and splendid ftat pumv JEM£ No. «, toaster, wUI leave for Cinato nau tutu Loou?iUe on Tuesday, ihe&h ta»L, at !• o ctoca, A. M. Fot freiittu or passacvastdy on hoard, 10 B U RB KJ DGRJvTLSOjf * Co, or _ GEO U MILTENBERGBR. iLr steamer Peytons will leave Loaisnlle for New Orleamt «w arrival of Telegraph No *. Pu*ear»n can ffo direct, and can have bents secured here if do sued. marS PITTSBURGH A WHEELING PACKET. imitT~ k. The swift (teamer__ ■ consul, board, or to W. fi. WH’EEISiIXJ. 7 fcM At W. Greer’s, cor. Smithfielil and Water FOR C.NCINNAT! AND LOUISVILLE. - - - The splendid sew steamer TELEGRAPH No.'l, JdS&am lla-dep, master, wtUleavp for abova ■■fiflDßSMSind intermediate porta on Monday tejd inti, at lOo'elock. *' Fo , fmcUtor u> • _-S9 Gl-XIBMIL^BERGEE RKfiCl-AB WHEELING PACggf ». The fine steamer IgiSjgLj-a™’ „ , (■„, imjh, or P«***2«nrpl, on bMnL j^, ( r.w tv Too ana ttaamer LffiM - WKLLSVIU.E, maunr, will la.ra (07 U>a mo.a ———{IBIPOTU aver, Tnetday, it 10 ccloak, ». r ° t “Wh °* Panaga apply m, dwdMw (r 1 di B i?tS ! 2 b ° It ' BO do 10x13do; so Z&stv* “SSP^iVTASSa Jr.* o .*; 10 ** cJta FeaUl ®«; 6 Jo* Hiekory Brooms, for •* l * h T . ... fob*. J D WILLIAMS •pRUITS-co bosh dried Peachey 00 bxs i^di B U Sli K ' a bU ‘- bU * rbli r *Wr - raa -- 6 ~ . >.IJ B WLWORTHACo “(} A TS'n . J S WLWfIRTu ar. M° J tt4CKEREL-60 bbU fa mK4 JBWLWQJ3H4Co STEAMBOATS. FOB ST. LOUIS. FOR ZANESVILLE. .For freight or passage apply on boartj