T ItEDICAL. COfiPCCSO STBI'P OP WILD CUEfiRI. rni suit seuiinr to* • • . -rtlSSS, Sir. Ttro.l.N.rrt.u* DeU* > i w tni aUfii*M** of tfw Throat*:.. r- v ilreastendlmnga; themostef- ..-. . tectnol and speedy care'-, erer known tor any of r •j tha above diaea** n,ls ' DR. BWA T N E, l S’ , CgVnpsvad Srrdp ■>* WUd,Ch«rryl This medicine u ito looger among those of doabuul -Htrti" It away from the thousands daily i.eßfihdd'oiin the tide ©/experiment, and*aw standi !£^r&«£umuon 1 *iidtibeeoaung moreextensive. {r.weti-ihM any other preparation of ever lfnSJ*tl3re» relief of aoSsnngoian. - 1 U1l»I Wen Introduced verygenetaUy ihjoagh the Umfed Btatpe and Europe, and there are few towns of Imftifiance hot wfcat eontain «m* remarkable evi .l*, rn cf iu Rood effecta. For proof of tha, foregoing ■tkif tnenta, *M of the value and e&cacy of-Una raedi ei» e. the will Insert a tew of the mat j thoti sand testimonial* which have been presented to him by mmol'the 6n»t. reipecutUlity-med who hare higher vn a s'ef moral responsibility and jttaucr., than to cer tify U« facta, iWeante it will do another a favor, and »J.«ii*lvea ni> injustice. Such testimony proves con clusively,that Us surprisingexceUe'nce u 4stah:.ahod l.v urfatmisic inerita, and the unquestionable auiaon ii ol fißblic; camion. The inttaniawou* relief »» »i* fords»'aiMl ihe toothing influence diffused through the abolg lframO'by its uss, renders tt a most agreeable remedi for shd afflicted. REMEMBER! . «\Then mta, aeting from conscientious * < ? pa J ,c n *' •voUmiarils Uehr testimbuy to the .troth of a *£• par*.maia/fack««htes imony, WDiWlx.liittiMUlwl uh I,« ireii, »iu». BS^THEU§MSfiKH T,FICArto BEA.U co»ntrna.T— -Brt),t. AsaTttaa c^**°. v Sh^|kasbeen uDr , in despemta cascs of L strengthens the t’otnpbOiMJ Sympof V np on .tha lungs, •ysirm, and pAwe* possessed by no eTfckting new and neu »kw, kt other toedicb*. Caxnt* April $W>, IS4B. iw, Rif I verily believe poor Com- has been the.means ol Synip of a revefe «bid,whieh gredo aavittg my ««• .ueuded with 4 severe cough, thht which l had recourse to; sull resisted all »% *« cU& exhibited *U the symptoms «i increasing * «j n n. Every 'hlng I tried seemed l»„l,w.-ry Conmwpu tomplninuncreascd so rapid to have no c £ c f» well as myself, gave op all hopes ot l) uia> ,nr, is* , .his time 1 wo* recommended to try *y r£c©**r*. ■ did so with the-most hap ywiMMvalnaWt the effwiuyloosen too W "T m. to expectoram freelyt .and by the S 0 h.d £& SbSuleV was eaorelyvreU. ar.d mw l. - nas lever was in my life, and £ ,S" For U. 6 uath o,rh. .M*r * 7 C «JnL Lrefcr you to Peter Rn»h,‘ Ur*eer, West ’'•SSriSs,:»- w *‘« m 1 po" 1 """ 1 “■« Uoiprtiulb yooro, ' BWn/nl C«™ o/ « Mahaiitt Minvur. Ih gMylio- Dooi Sir. I fool 0 Job, ofOTUMJe 4oe « a doty to the afflicted generally, to offer sr‘SSwe ieViSJuy l» fa«r of your Cmapound 9y ° r nftvlid Cherry Seme three year* since 1 was tMcaUT i colc ««d jtaflanunatioD ef the f m«a which was accntnpatu«f|gnlh * diatreaa£ag plin u>e breast «nd head*a Vary cooaiden. of offrnsite mucus ftom .the lungs, eipe t,otv. .J or gpeak abovea whisper, such *JI £e“jS-din« wwk.!ewofmy l »ng>- n During thu but roQ ml iiore pbnaaded b T d P» T fr ‘cnd in ui. I of yow Byrw of »¥ Ck« f ™ U TmJiico.ifoi. Si»' »"> O'"* P"' 0 ' dl,4d polool modlcines oi'O I ua 101 l 0,0u'.», I SS So, Oflte Wooraopmooi bo, oodor. friends, l Jonh 1“ P a ™ 4cotnmence dtu die. My dii **!i‘ K time of * Ot » mouths’ Handing, con eaae waa at mat um 0 wated . j { oar ft, however, •m ri'dlSlb e reUef frmathe aso of the fire! four ortv- Sht beio. a>blic speaker. I ftaqaontly a.- rr “„^^s2J. n ra««?ss S bofofc 1 «o, pe,. > “j* “ qoo.uon, » moot motor would have made me seund, but tor .^£‘2f™" U^HS i p.^ 7 U l 4to, ; ,w, U . 'pleasure „ _ * " liablin county, >• C. jySSSSKfea ~ f . called by the name of Wild «.Kerry l*u ESl^S3s®?si : signature: andi as fwth' #|teT { w as to dis».ngu*-n Swwyne Will be added * „ 01 , or hi.prcpanmor. from aU^^ d . ae^n nu( . ao{ j*. the great ad Q, ffrT y .person* Bway»e’« compoun *-7 p curreucy to their would BW the asms of W.w aSSTfiSK.i’-Si- “• ““ ol r’'.,“,p*. l '“i‘;: , 'c u n“r .rEKbU, md 800. moou. FloJoJelobio. reul j b . OGDEN 4 SNOW. F“' “> e Z ETb A FAHNESTOCK » &£3!&sX “■* bf”a tnediema- J —; M'ALLISTER’S ointment, kaofuLSw'H"XSs dSEases. roi- \VUi;MJ3l>» feSSa?wffi®£ ‘-SBwESSS.ITiSS'--* •» *• “• ° ! T eUBN9-ltUonco^tt* b»^S* l,1wo ’ ld f °' “pIIES-HwomM. *« y=»rly cured by 80. Out- W.J «r * ir s “»- L ‘'” > f "' l "uS^ »» „^ASffissart-s at ; , ‘ », * p, ?imSS'- No i -lmmeni *i« b« *«»<*>• “!■■> lhe o. m A . l if n jAMra°,OALLl=TEBU «u»“-“*!»» m fSwt£*m A.erui in *ll ih. <**» «.< towns ia On United Stole* MoA (~jSTER, _ . PfmHttflf of Itt* nudicisia. cr pJocß' tßNonh TtoO snoot, PMI. “ *Ss»CT2SBS&.-n„.r Aox*T* t* Pi/Tastr*® 1 * _, wiicox. Jr, corner o' IJbir-y and S* a***® cornet of Market *nd th« Diani a na. Walnal and Penn 8ni.»6014-Mi ‘ H 'Bnuthfi-l-i U» 510 wsrii .no ■Ol4 * in A°‘j“.oJ cm by H P ■1,30 io"f <™» j 0 BBU* DmisiK, Bo- Scb»«nx-*nd J Sufent; ® 7 iK.wtw-wrftowland .Me Bloihuni N KEE£n kcSSd" T rS'«“ Bo.WO.yißo, •* mat br JAYftlfr* tX aS«? sssrsxs- BUT ptafcr ttto «11 BM of ilia. j )ut» W«b induced 6U«f**e4looflb* kJ®d. .ETwStiaU’ inwably bwa to try otb«r F«P”**!g» whkh'.wa* r* Maatblj liaficaui b prapriuon, 'tN.pind Mlj bj Dr P. *!»• P /£E£”aV nES rg&kmt inn »»£■£•*! a-Jasa p- Sgs^gms* L*g3*& «; Bi s^- iua, I ’JSBeissss®s ' Beilde»iiU Injuries!, canuijni 11 # • lir K* v d s .f*. *b«lnr cnuiScd of' (It dcleieriouf ■■U toalitfcf;-«M U uttßiMW time octet, pi»aaiter, .ctefijftrA'w. making fr soft tndnnoodu *» atooieue Cbenuit of Mi«o* ®la&S£Kw medical. SARSAPARILLA. Th. 'W* ' Tki* JCztr*d <» r* * «? «• BettUt, uutr tbau cfao«% «** MrrwUei *« Zi e»*-. *tU«i or rftiiitfatt*/ tie PattnL Tht mil betniy tad of tbit Saraaparllla lU othef owlkeinea it, that while it ertdicaiu tlir du*- uii it ln*i*or*‘«* **» ll “ < " ,, at ,u# ytr * SPRING AND 80MHF-R HEDICINM E»«r known; it net ealy ptmdw th* whole ayetant, ami die p-mm, but it critUi mw. ;wi and ncA lletd : a power posscued bf c® other medicine. And id UU lte» IM fraud eeemt ef iu wonderful tueer.i*. It ha* performed within the tut two r»»™« th *“ lOO.W'O ruru of wtcrt mu of diectM; at leaJt IS.OW were eouaitlered wettrabte. 1« hu fared (he lire* of more than 10.000 children darinf tin two put aeuona. 10,000 eiuei of Oraml Debility and s. want of Herron* Knersr- • Dr. To»mond‘» Sompanlla invigorate* tha whole Ty,{em perteanentiy. To Uw»a who hav# loot tbrir muscular eo'argy by tb* eftcti o/ madieinaor iadlser*- tlob cotsraittid is youth, or tbp sxeauivs indulgaoes of tha psXiioa*. and brought on f'K*am) physical prostra tion o/ths narvout system, Is'iarttuda, want of ombiiroa, feinting MTtMtidat, prematura decay and decline, butts IcX toward* that fatal dl»sa*e,Con*tmroaon, ean be e*- UreH’'m&>r*d by this plsasipt remedy. Thij Bant pariila It fer superior to any laricormtlng Cordial, At Urebeva and tovigoratss the system, give* aenrlty to tha limbs, and strength to tha npitculhr system, is • noft extraordinary digree. CooaompUota Cored. oad. Slrcn/ijua. CewnptuM can It rurid. Srp*eAitis, Coatattpliaa. Liter Ctmplei'nt Colds C aterrV, Conjks, Jittiu, Spilling of met*, . deroMta in lAa Clutl, Htcue Fl wi, ffigH {•Mil, Di£cuU pr Profit* fryicto ratios, Pore in tit SUt, V*-> loot v |iye> ad llt ll oeii SPITTING BLOOD. ITtw Tort, April U&1M1. rarily bailer* that you Sanaa*- rilta ban bad a tha meant, through Freridaeea, of nrtxf ay UTo-' l have far savsral y*ar* had a bad Cough. It bottmo van* and me. At lut 1 vaitad luge quanti ties of Uo-*d, fcad tight Swaeta, and ru greatly dehlH tattd k?-i reduced, ud did aol expect to Ur*. I bare anly-ar-l year Sarsaparilla a then time, tad than let a veifer'ft I change been wreag ht la me. lam ao* able tn n& tfi ever the dty. I. raltt aa bleed, end By eogb I-4 left me. Tea sal wall Imtgtre tnat ( art (luikfli •*» theca rtndts. I car ebediect aarrut. WH. KOB3BLL, O o«Hrii Kt . Female Sedletue. Dr. Tevtsasd't flanepxr*U* U a rotorelgi aid neody rare (hr Ixsipfeat Coatsspaon, Buoumi, Pro lap ret Uteri, er FaUing of the Womb, Cwtiveae**, Pllcx, Lev serrbaa, orWhltea. ehxtraatad er dlfteull Hsnitrwv lien, laeonUcaac* e? Ortsa, cr iirvlutarr discharge tberoo(ind fer tha gaaenl pmtrtdat of the system— ao maScr whilhu tha molt of Inherent oauu er caoiti, predttead by Irregularity, Qlian er accident. Nothieg can be met* rarpriiini thix ita in virc rating effects ea tha butaa frama. rtnext *3 lent :i;d», Irea taking It, at eae* heeeea robust fl|d full t.i energy order in Irfuaae*. It taaedlsuJy eouDteraeu the uarrelaerao** of tha famiia (tame, which Ujh* great mate of Barrenusea. It will aot be expected of us. » ruet of n dcUcaw a natura. ta ozhibll etrdtteats* of earn* perfhcmed but we ex* axtnre the afflicted, that hendredt of cant hero beta feponad to ra ef cat** where fkmlttea bar* beea wUhotjjchildreo, ifter nxteg a (kw bottlu af' thlt laraloahlCtaedislae, hhrn been blsxted with ftna. healthy offspring. To Rotben mnd Married Lidiet. I'hlx Extract of SanaperiHa hat been axpmahr pra puad la reference » fonulo complaint*. >0 famalo who ku rentes » tappowo tha la xpprotdhlai IUI period, • TL twr» V 4A-" «to«W «•* oh* It b 11 I* 1 certain proraatlTa (hr Oy of the nan crow and horrible dlaaana to which females tn rah]art at thb tint* of tlfk. Thlt period iuy *t da-. UrU M Mirmi ytor* by lubsg Uit medfeiaa. Nor B u feta walaabU fer thcra who are approuhiai »> u It ta calculated ta asxirt xature,-by quick ■Mag tha blood aad terifOtatlng the ayxtem. 1 lodtwd, thie taadiriae it ioralxabls fer all tha delicate due* mi to which women are rabject It brae** the whole tyxtam, renewa permahCßtlr tha natural en«r»«- by remoring the impartllc* of tb« body, not *0 fer rttmulaiing u to produce aubee-queo* rrlxixdon, which ta the ear»o/taoet medietneataken f•“» nil, io a wh.o .ppM t. tko fa,. »"r «¥ f?" 1 1‘ Ifh. brauT. Th., (la Uw port, of Iho »klu, sod ohook Ik. ofreoUUot wklok. .koo aior. I.mttk..rP •d br dUoao or powdo., or ih. .kin lodrajd br tko , ilk.llro mod I. «..p» b..oUfie. U. ™ '■ Iko - hamut fkco Dlriko." u >«U " !• ? nob ral dJialUr u«t«l «d '"‘"'"'Vfr , ,1 i free aetire and healthyeircalation of the fluiJr.— r the «ur.fegoftk- pure, rich blood to the extrtn.inra, m rtat which painu the countenance in the mart rioiii tiu beauty. f It i* that which imparts tha indaacribahlc ah*d« end ftaahea of lorelincaa that •» admire but 00.0 c. Tki. ko.ol, 1. rb. off.prlkj of ltrrt»Ul,»fa orara If tk.rtl. '« Jjp” hoUthr etro.UUok Uur. Ul* UVpMrU fur rr drtrr. r.o». U rk. pU.t, ad ««■«* bod rb. Mood Ir tkkk, told ood iroporo. rho lr nor boa- UfoL If .bo ko krora or r.Uow. ad “""“P 11 " active blood, it gl*«* * rte h W°°w» w th* ebeeka «cd a brilliancy to their eye* that U faactneun* Thi» l* why the eeutharu, aad eapeaally the Ppaa t.h ladira. are ao much admired. Ladies ia the north who take but little exerdae, or ere eonfined lo cio.e room* or hare apoiled thalr cmnpiexioo by Ike *pp»- cariw of deiateriou* mlalurex, If they n. re gain elasticity ofatep. buoyant tpirtta. .p«kkn* Ltd beautiful complexion*. th« 7 ehould u«;Dr To.n- Mofi SaSxparill*. ThoMaai*-ho hare tried 1., ere more than xati.fiwl. are dellgbud. Ladrq# of every station, crowd our office daily. Node* ta tibc Ladirt, There tn*t laitito Dr. Towurend'* B»ra#p*riiU. ti*rr tn»«riabiy esilad their staff k rrtat /tcmrdv Jar F « *•»» _ i%f ud bare oopiau oar bill) *Qa circular* | wtueb ratal** to tba eomplatai* of woman. w*r 1 for wore ' _«thar mao who pui op medicine. have. since lb* rr».«t •necaa* of Dr. T«wu*end’» Serreparill* in eompUinu Ineidant to fraal**, reemauwaded their*. *ltho u gt> fr® notuly they did not. A number of the** Hiilar**, IM!* tr* tajurieu* to female*. u they «frrr*U and acdkrrm&e tbo constitution. Dr. TowoMSd’i ua Alecbaiuca and the application of Sci cuce u> the An*, and on American and Foreirn Laws of Puteftta. I>iiok. Walter r. Johnson, iateof phiiadci ph.a, and ’£. C. ROBBINS of Washington cut, 1 yn b« awed t-y Hafeurd Knowtre. P'aq,. late Machmeii of iho i.'oued States Patent ut£cc.,J save us.ocmted 1 ihrtoaelvea together for the pro«ccution of the above tranche* of proie«siousJ bunincea. either m their office, al uniPiueui Officp. or before the Count; and wril u*me*» in their har.u., Mr. Knowle* bna for the past twelve year* held the post of Mactane«*fl the ; I'atU‘d States Patent Office, and resign* that situation to taxe part in the Present undertaking. Hla talents and peculiar fitnex* for Vro important office so long fill e.i by him, iutve been fully recognised by Inventors whereverthe office itaelfj* known ' hleaera J. A R, i k on F atreel. oppose thi- > tttent Office.- \\ Mhinpion. D. C., where eouunuui cai.Oins ju>et lie proutptly aUcnded to exam i oHiions mnde. drawings, ■pectficauons, and ah reuui*- tie papers prepared—and taodeis procured when oai Timber, all of which will Ik sold at loir price* To any erte desirous of engaging in the burin*-.!, this esiahlishuient )>o»iu:Mr* advantage* over all oil ers in Allegheny county. For tenns apply to WILLIAMS A BI4INN. •Attorney* at Law, -llh street, Pittsburgh Or to DaN*l.4s 3TRATTQN. at the office of the m I\. on Penn street. marff-dtfw Wheeling (iagene and CincmnaU Enquirer ropy h> smouitl of and. charge this office AL5O T-hm »p>endid private rendenee now or*u tiled i.j Mr S»am'i M NVirtersham. situate m Alleghe ny city lionung the Ohio river Frtquire of WILLIAMS A SHINN INDEMNITY 77if b'rtm/drn Fi'a Insurance Co of Philadelphia. "I \IRECTORS —Cbarle« N Bancker. Thomas Han, U To'tma Wagner Samuel brum, Jacoo R Smith, Gee \v Rn-hsril-, Mordecai D L.ewis,. Adolpho E l>oi.d, David S Mom* Patterann Cksslz* N iUhctxa, President Chnr'ei'G. Baneker berretary Ck-Riuine to male iiisurnnue. perpeiunl or limned, on every dcfcr-p-ion of property in town or country, at rates as low w are couMstent with security To Coiupai y have reserved a lar B e eoi.tiiuent Fund, which with tbejf Capital and Pren mms. so/oly invest ed. afford nrapleprotection to the o»»ur*d fhr B»*et* oi the -ompony, on January Ist, 1849, as Dubuohed agreeably to an net of Aatemuly, were a* fellow*, s .<; Mortgages t1,W7.4-'l3 41 Eaut* 94.7U4 ■JuiLjHirary Loans Wi.itn 85 bli'Cas M.5V3 /& • - - 3-NM 37 ' ri Finrexiieir indon>or*i.on, t period of iy year*, tbev have paid upwarti* of o->e million lour hundred ihou«- ai-d do, IS iO**c» b) fire, the re ti» eltnrdinif ’ e vtdence * ! the advui lagc* ol mtursi.ee, a* well a* Ihe annuy and aupomtion to meet w.th prnrnpine«* ail liiihiiiiie* J GAKDI.NKR I Ut-riN, Agent, marl-dly Offi. e N E eor-ter VN'ood arid !d Hi TB.iaA? KVtIM. JX. imn s*. uwut KKNkKDV A 8 VWYEU, LtKiRI.NG lrl.A?> .'iHiiulac orers,. -nil bob-** e ilrWeri in foreign and rtoii.e»ue Variety Hvod* W-eateru M»r.-hitiiU. Pediars and oinei* are luviled ro eab mnl exunmie the prices and qunn*y nl our Mock, .rtg and purchasing, we thi'-V we esii offer at great iuduceilici.lt to buyers os a . other bouse we»t o' me Mountain*. jac-tf m\ GOODS, 1849. KEINNEPY A ? A'VY ER, corner Wood and Fourth sirdtt, are how receiving direet from firlp-lai:argefr, K-r? fmi i'b '>fH R»—»c on on. Bel’ and Si. »-* Pts ; - i- <• I.i't • lurvprua. nee. Graves tT. - I -eli.ie-,. Kii ji- ■» »lo.' Iltc-ne on Jo.n ». M«gfPd[i - I’h). Ne-irauoM.Mddi. i-.ev Par.k Pu.vnn*e- 1 '-rvt. h'-nni-i o;. I'^r Sen. aip. Mar kec,]’r»i:iiee. ifeiiard oo > b ..ire... W.p. au'« Mi..«*i!ery Er.ej ir > Taerapeutir*. He.. » Annioriy, »'ark on I'emaie*. Hamx.ii> Ana'-oinv. Coouer on ih*.<»i-aUon». ()«>>.dje on I’luidrrn. .Mi ex's Prin oi' Surgery t-hurvinii's Fenid-es l)r*rr, on Ciuldveiii. Do on Al id tan ferj, do on Krma.es. Dung.i-oc '* PhytHkio/y, do Dictionary. Lawrence <>n Kyo. Pern ra'e Maieirn Moil . IVaUon * Practice. Lidnu'* Surge ry. Dung >,. Pracuee, do Matena Medtea. M-iier's rh.) etolvgy- hasurtxshaiß* Mid, Barilvii i>ii Frwi*. I lope cm ileari. Columbat ou Femafea. Furgdsotf* S-crcery. Wutou'i'Anaiomy. VVilbaaton Ke*piretory Orga- x, At-etcrombie on Brant. Dot gluon * new Jica. cd»' *. Jtc ir 'The above, with a genera! a**ortmeut of Standard Medn si itook*,. ree'•(and lor «a> low ELLiorr 4 y.N(iUsn :v woou*t, maiT heiweeu Ivh and Disdnond n\ pottK-u's skumons. Kc(.*Mm ijrv, ir. A *'■*% ■■t* J iVci*. l Inal Rr»uh» 0( tftp t'linslian »- teov Hy Rr' Thoum* I'ot'.pr, Mn.t«i«r of itie Meiiiu .J.idl Protestant Church. “The truei*m, has oni current. that "fact i» •trantrer twin fiFno.t " Vm» ;« pre-errunratly true of Scni'iut* fart*,* -vhifh vastly ttmin’e ,S |r*■ crrintn. ;tal the r«- f ,tr«etiUlt..u ol the event* r>f Surr-d Hivifr!, and U>e rtcrmniu 0/ K-iifiou* Tru:h m»> l-e, Jrawn out M *u>-i> a trim.ner u* to i-e. at Ie»«(. rt.ua. vs “'"I .mprrr*»rve. witn She ■*~saea'.:'-n* -i:..! rPAi'E. For *aje at liool mid Shoe Store ot Troiii A Scott, cnrtwr ot Fourth and SmitnheM *treet*. S Stoner’* eiothtn.? ••aubliriimeiiL Wood »trert. at the »tore of Cmrleo Craig. Diamond miry, at the drug more of W Hernlefaoii 50‘A Liberty atrret, *!«o at thn Methodic J’rotr*’iliit j-ar*or.age. ott 6th »treet. pitwbilrgh. and tit Allegheny city si the drug *tore 01 Dr J. Sargeant, atth a: Jir parreuape. adjoining the Methodut l‘roie»- t»n> t’hiifeli _ ma£7 d*w* BiObbiitt’S CAtUUAUt"HiJiI hALTofiV, Diama.ill Jitlry. ’-'tu ctn lIW anJ StrttU. yt.EU_tW^woui^rc*p«»ui;y L-jr- u.i Sihds'n! fan<*y Carnage', equal in el>-- if-ijin; :.n>i i,ejUic-« s«> ary fnun'! In rt>e E*»t Cm, ;fh<- . tirnr.y number of Carnage*. Buggies and Wu gon». ’-i i’l he promptly filled A-: wnrk 01 hi* own nmnufartcre wtl; h»i warranted BETt»r«oE»—coi K P«tter*on, R H Patterson. L. D l.aiiam. Esq . Rc-L>eri Robb. Haq C L M'kii.. Ai dermon Strei (ebitt-lm ' WIRBIIAILISO. securko i.eit fcK-i patent PLBI.IC ATTENTION <« solicited *0 an entirely new article of RAILING, made of wrought non liars. and soft annealed roda. or wire, and expressly detig'ifctl for enclosing Cottages. Cemeteries, Ualcn itiea, Public Giound*. Ac., at price* varvtng from $0 cent* 18 ISOU tDe lunnine foot. It is made in panncls of vnrUiii* length*, V) lb 4 feet high. with wrought iron post* ij inch square, at lLtervening distance* of 0 10 |6 frrt It dc«ired, the panncl* can be made cf any tieifhl, ii« continuous span* of 50 to 60 feel, wtth or wtthncf posts. No extra charge tor posts The comparative lightness. great *rre» I ALS'j—Oamp» Ooihir* Tranapareiu t^cripturc* View* do do Turkish . do do do Cbiness do do do Drapery Cbine»» do do Moonhjrht Views do do Landscape do do do T Gothic* do do Cord and Tassel*, Roler* and Slat*. Heck Pu'be*, Roler F.ndi . TUo above r lihcate* of Depo«ite. Bank Note* and Ootu, corner of 3d and Wood ttrreis. directly opposite St. Charles Ho lel. maytfedly WKBTEKN FUNDS— Ohio, parchaied at the lowest rate*, by N HOLMES A SONS, •«Pl3 36 Market !treat. Bills of exchangk—sight Cheek* on New York Philadelphia, ajid - Baltimore, Oonxiantiy for »ale by N. HOLMES A SONS »epl3 35 Market *l MISCELLANEOUS Manufactured and leaf tobacco.- HKALD, BUCK.NOR A Co. 41 north water »■_ and 16 N. wtiarvex, Phi.’a, offer for sale on accommodating terntA 60tk) pkgs Manufactured Tobacco, consutinjr of pounds, naif pound*. S’s. b 1 *, HTs, 16's. 19’* ami ju 1 *, lump*; s’*. 6's and 9'* plug, and IT* Ladle*' Twin, in whole and half boxes, of the follcwuig approved brand*, vii: Jade* H Grant. Osborn A BraggJ Grunt A William*, A Cabtuus*, 9 Jone. A Son, M'Douaid, Webttar Old, J Thomson, James Thomas, Jr. A H Amustead, J Tlioma* A Son, Landhorn A Armiißod, J P Coa’e*. J M Cobbs, Gcntrv A Royster, J A Clay, M A Butler, C A Hall, Green Hall. Wm Dawson, Pearl A Norwood. J 3 Blackwood, Nath Page. Keystone, W H Vaughan. Edmund Henry, Pomaux Robinson, Russell A Rohmson,! Kmm. Robinson FCo Seth Halsey, R Metcnlf. Joan Ender, Lawrence Lotuer, J Rohtn*on, Gray A ,; ray, D ii Turner, R Jamieson, York Wane, D M Branch -AI-SO Havana Leaf Tohncoo, wrappers and filler*, Yarn do do do Cienfcego* do do , do St Jago de Cuba do do do St Domingo do do do Iquria A Guides t«inol J a.ley.l’iiubiitfU.Pa.woaSdrflgpeeifm l« call me auciiuon oi Country Merchant*, iioiei aud ?a - oflil>oa! Ila/keewrs 10 * large ami *up«n»r a-aion mem oi I>l Pt 'RTrID CIO AR>>. among wtnrn wifi be round the following •ifßtiil*. 1,1. Kagie, Rrsßtß.Cu* lel.ot. Princttx, J.« Norm** Slur Uituiil. Miner** and Dollar Regalia*. a., of wan .1 u iii he »otd a* low a* ran Oe Ba«l ai any oU>u»r m the cry Atwi. constantly on hand and for a large ami weil *eierled »Unt oi Virginia, Mi**our,. and Fine Cu; Chrufic Tof/ucro Alm>. Huvni:a. I'ut-B anl ('nmmc j Leo/ToJ-arco 'on«ia:u!v on nnuil «,f nov'l-.ic m r |'h. - -e;tT X before —made on Ur mn*i approved Eastern plant - and ijmi fashionable Latte rr. pattern* and color*. Al«o THH OIKaE ROLL, or DOS TON BLIND, on band or made lo Prder of all nut. and at all price*. Country Merchants and other* are invited to call and examine the above for theni»elv*». a* a!) will be told wholesale or rcuui, and a l.berai deduction made li> whnleeale porrhatert. anldly A V.'KSTKKVELT QUICK FOR BALK. T'HK undersigned offers lor tale a superior article of bnck for building. made !• v his pleura Pr»**, unproved machine, for which he h»« obtained s pnu-nL *ml agrees :o give purniasers a written guarantee that they are.strmigr' and will re*i»t fro*i and wet weath er ami untune ir*« moisture or dampness than any oth er brick. possessing greater body and superior tenure and mum tnor- durable m ever)’ reaper!, rim nnrk t»e,na subjertrd to a presiur- of sevofal ton*, and pn»- ««*«nir a aa:id*c• now in full operation, on the weal lido of the Diamond. Allegheny, where a ron siam supply of Blinds, of various colors and quali -ie*. are constantly kept on hand, H Phillips'oil cioth wareroom. Vemuon Shutters made io order m the sett style BUnds repairrd at the shortest noure. N. B- Mis blinds will he put up without any addi tions! expense, so that they can be removed in a mo ment in case of fire or for washing, and without the mid of > screw driver .'yl-dty&wiaralyS . BENNETT & BROTHER, qFKr.Nswakk manufactluehs. Dlrmlnghsm. |n«sr PUtsbarffb,! Pa* WareAouec, So. 137, Wood street, rittihurgh. ***lLl t rinrtti mly keep on hand a rood asson Wholesale and country Met- W ehanis are respectiuliy '.nvitsd to call and si amine for themselves, as we ere determined to sell Cheaper than ha* ever before beoa offered to the pub [jy Orders sent bv mail, accompanied by the cash or (,it rrf<*rer,ce w :i he promptly attended to. febttt COA 6 H MAKING FROM the very liberal encourage' m P , ment the subscriber ha* received since MyttUr he has located himself in Allegheny, has induced hiu. ku take* lease,for a of years, on the property he now occupies, in Besver street, immediately beside the FresDytertan Church. From the long experience in the above business and s desire it please, he hopes to mer it and receive n share of public patronage. Now on band and finishing to order, ttockaway Bug ftee. open and lop Buggies, and every description of lamaxe* made to order, from aeventT-five dollar* to eirhihu'iamt JOHN SOUTH, jhoncmgabela House tailoring BiUb- Ililiment. ISAAC WILLIAMS. Draper and Tailor, heg* to irf form the ciuxm* of l*ni»tiurgh and other*, tlaai he it now opening ai hi* room* on Wratthheld street, un , at the shortest notice and on thr mo* reasonable terms. Also, the cheap Boston roll or spin Blind Transpa rency and Paper Certain* of ail the different itze* and patterns, on hand and for sale low for cash Old Vein- Uan Blinds painted over and repaired, or taken in part payment tor new. R M WESTEBVELT, Pro'pr * fi w g All work done wnh the best muienal and workmanship, and warranted to pleuse the most fas- Udiotu. „ . .. auglU-dly Allegheny city, Aug. 10,1H48. Transparent shades—ju*t m-eircd and for sale at \V M'Crtntock's new Carpet Wareroom, No 75 Fourth st. * handsome assortment of Transpa rent Window Hhades, at very reduced pneev to which ws invite the attention ot those wishing 10 purchs*e. fpl)l 4 W M CUNTOCK xi KVV*CAKPET»—Received this day direci Jroiu f\ ii»e manufacturer— New style Tapestry 3 ply Carnet*, ektra super; jo do do do super, jo do Brussels Carpets; jo Brussels, very cheap, do Jo rich coloas super Ingrain do 44, 34 and Venetian do . 44,34 and 6-dCcsnrooa do do All of which w»be sold at a small advance, and will rusraittee os low as ean be purchased in the east "i&B W M'CLINTOCK, 73 Pounh n Lt, HD—lft km Lardt IS bbls do; in store and for Mdoby feblS JA* PAL2ELL PIA.SO FORTE*. . -*■»- JOHN H. MEL LOR. No. St Wood * trect i i** now received a full a*»ort- meat of Piano Konev selected from ■ * _ ll* the following mann/aciones in Boston and New ark. to winch the attention of purchaser* i* respectfully invited. Those from .Mr. Chickcnne. (for . the sale of which be m *o.e Agent m Western Penn sylvania.) have whet i» termed the New Circular Scale, being an improvement rerentJy made, and grvinethem i a decided advantage m power and equality of tone over any other* The allowing are Utc pattern* and style* of Cbtckcnng ► , No t Ro»ewood. 7 oetNe*. finished back 4 front, £4o*' "It “ 61 rtebiy carved “ “ S-'dl “3 •* “ e-UW “4 u t>+ “ carved moulding*. 84i» “5 “ l-j - finished back and • -*U. Sl3O ! “fl “ fit - " “ 8-’lsn ••7 6 - •• “ «Jds • - 1 -fi S-TSi i •' « •• ft projecting front. SlXJti j '• H» “ 7 ric-riiv carved, style ot Lout* l J lb. ■ 11. t> hollow corner, an* hollow cor nered legs, serond hand, cost originally S4tts. and will be »oid at a very reduced price No HI. Rosewood, round corner, very elegantly fin ished. JvfTfi .So n Rosewood round corner, very el egantly limailed. 9-/7S. The above are manufactured by H Worcester, N. V. wcii known a* being connect.d formerly with Messrs Stotard. Worcester 4 Dunnajn. N V No ttt Rosewood. d|. carved moulding, made by the Mannaliaii Lompan;.. N N StTb No 14. Rosewood carvea. 6 octave*. Gal* 4 Co'v N. Y. WSfl. No. hi" p.ain 6 •* •• •• No IC, R..».-wooil Grand Piano, maue uy Henri Her/ Pan. No 17. Mahogany r, octavr*. second band, price *75. (lid Pianos taken in pan paynieni lor new one*. JOHN H MF4.LOR. Hole Agent for Chickennr's Grand and Square Piano Fonea. for Western Perui.vlvuma. o-H7 PfAWs. A SPLKN DID asaormeju ol.Slaho gain* and Rosewood Piano*. ju*t tin i.hed. Theie instrument* are ma>h of ■ I ■ I I * the latest pattern and beet material* and will be .old low for cash by N U Those who ere in want ol a good t:. -•-«•!••• in. are respectfully invited to examine these before pur chasing elsewhere, as they cannot be excelled b> n.i> in the country, and will be sold lower than any brought from the East. A:»o just received, two piano* of Ham burgh manufacture, warranted to be superior to any ever told m thia country octal F B. KTSuHlss YU . subscriber hat been appointed Sole Agent for J, the rale of CARHART9 IMPROVE MELODK- O.NS. aa iTianulactured and and perfected by Me*«r* Murch 4 White, of Cincinnati The usual compass and exicnt being but lour octave* Messrs M 4 W , m Bccordance with the general desire r:nd demand, have extended ibe scale el the*- in.trumeni* Lt Hi ami even 5 octave. Hiu> roaki- g it practicable to perform upon them any rau*ie written for the I lano or Organ Ibe exterior, also has been much improved by placing the body of the i iirutnc-ii upon a rast iron frame beantilully bronzed and r-rnnmcr,ie<}. rendering it at once a most e rgant and eitrernviy d'sirmMe art-ce The price is pul .nw as to bring it wnlun me resen of every one to ontmn a perfect inu-ical iiistrum-nt, tod. at ih« same time, a in«»t elegant piece of luriu itua for a comparative in lie K Kl-KHER. Keutneky, Missouri. Hsiik Notes, Gr eat "srrsi cae - .vivelty— ih« .ur-' f ,^r has .ust received from Europe, and tor sale an emire'y new mve. nun oi piano Forte, called me • A B- I.NKT HIaNU FuRTE, which possessing more power and sweetness tn&u tae square Piano, occupies hut one fouith as much room, and u a much more showy and tiandsnme piece o‘ furniture It it particularly desira ble where the saving of space u an object, being ex ceedingly neat and compact, and occupying no more room than a small side table The subscriber has in hand a testimonial of m superiority from the celebra ted pianist, Monchcilea, in his own band writing,winch may be inspected H KLEBER, pcCT7 At J W Wood Weil's l&O LI A !fAWAC HMKIi'T. RECEIVED and for sale, a lot of choice Pianos, with and wuhout Coleman's ,Eoiian Attachment, by Nunns 4 Clark. N Y One of Nunns A Clara’s Pianos, with the Attachment, taken to England by Hr Coleman, and among many other testimonials of ad miration for this eiegant specimen of American skill ami ingenuity, elicited the following remarks from 8 Thatberg. the greaiesi Pianist aving Lonpon.Jan. IS IMS My Dear Fir- Inenclosmg a letter to my friend, Mr Eruii’t, Paris. 1 cannot refrain 'rout again expre««mg to you how much I was pleased wait your ‘‘lEoiian Attachment." which I Consider as a greal musical im provement. I ran a*sure you that on my poit I siiall wild great pleasure do my utmost to make your inven tion known For sale bv H KLK3KR. ictfr ai tk’oo.iweil'a 'unuture rooms. 3d st 'transportation. REEB, PiRKB 4 Co't. PACKET Ll.Vfe. 1848. jga. BEAVER AN!' CLEVELAND LINE, via WaRRKN Canal Par ALLOW, Cap! Ford OCEAN, Capt. Waller* ONI ... the s'-ovo Parkl l- leave Beaver every day, iHundsys excepted- mid arrive next morning at Warren, where Ut-y co-.nect witn the Mai: Mage* for A kron 4 .ill I'.rv'.iml. arriv tug at earh ol these pi a res before night ime of the Pucset* ie«ve Warren daily, »i 5 P M . nn.i arrive »: Braver in ume take the niorni-e -uninm.ei -or l\.i*i-uri‘. i’on>A I.EFFI.Ni.WKU- Wanrn. ) - t . M BTAYUIK. ■ jrt-Pn.r. Hr. Wilt AND ERIE PA i' KI7T LINK Can* )■ .■'•*• 1 - P» vsau.l I'.ipi s'-?-r._ IN; r-i..i n. I’- ■- i i.**.' i.a;r. •• Trui.i-, Pavron... .*• llrowr.. Übhii.N, |" Saver The above new and •|i,ri,diii Pa<*-ynger Packets have coi.iiuenred tunning Uisrrn UV.A'. EH AND k KKI F. and will run regu.urly d'.nng me wason-one boat leaviug Eric every inarinng at » o'clock, and one lea • mj{ lieaver every evening, immedmu-ly alter ihr arri val of the steamboat Michigan fiom I’msburgb The boats are new and comfortably furnished, and will run through in torty hoars Paswenger* to any point on the Lake*, or lo Niagara Fails, wi.l find tins route the roost comfortable and expeditious. Ticket* tbrough t« all pons on Ue Lake can be procured Dy applying to the. proprietor* REED, PARKS 4 I*o. Beaver JOHN A CAi:<;HK\, Act pm. burgh. cor Water and Smithbcld »U. AGENTS Ja* f Harn*on. Uuflaio N Y. C M Reed. Erie. Pa C •.* u ick.tireenvtllr. Ps. H W Cuonmcbain. New Outlie, Pa ;} l PcnniylTania Canal & Rail Road Ki* prcii a F«*i Packet Line, FRUM J’ITT>Ul'(fH TO i’HIDAlft-XPHIA fcBAL- Ti)fK pnblic are respectfully informed that this Line will commence runtime on the thld mat. mid con tinue throucuout the Season. The Ixiau are new. and of a aepenor clat*. with en larged cabin*. which will give greater cotnnirt. The cart are the 'iur« eonainicuoti A Ih»i». will always be .a port. aird traveler* nre ir queeted to ra.l and rluuino them belorc engaging pas sage eltrwbrre (Fare only nine dollars through j One of the boat* of thlt Lme will ieavr the landing (np|<>»ilr C S Holr l comer of l'rtu: street Mid l.’mial. tvciy night at nineti'- tlock Time:fjda)» For nifonimiioti. apply at the Office. H«u*c. or tu U LFF.CIf k. Co ie'JSI Canal Basin. TIUE.PIVK IM\>-Running Day Hi:d Night:- A Car wiii leave Philadelphia dm;y with the Mail Tram to Charab-rtburgh, a Wagon will leave on ns arrival, and having relnva of horses running tlay and nub., secure* the certain arrival of good* in Five Day*' .No more G*od* will he received tbnn can le loaded up efert day, to that no delay will occur. We will be prepared to forward 6000 ]>>* daily Apply to WM BIMJHA U, ECLIPSE TRANSPORTATION LINE. JM. < 8 «- rasa SHIPPERS and Other* ire in'errard ihm ihn I.ine continue* 10 run datiy Produce mid merchtimlt*e receipted lor by PlVti DAY LINK and regular wag ons, at low rate* and xpectfieci tune J CBIDWKLL, pKtibnrgb; ROBINSON 4 BOKKM, Baltimore. novi4 EXPRESS W AGON LINE, ro ‘ ro, ““ flluburgh find Philadelphia, (vii CHAJIBCBSUVRa ) TIMF.nVKDAVSS-RLN.MMU DAY AND NIGHT THE public are respoctlulJ y mlurincd that Oil* Line will commence running on the *?ili mm. A car wii. leave Philadelphia daily with the Mail Train to Charobersbnrg, and trom thence by Wagon, with a relay of horse*, running day and night. \Ve will be prepared 10 forward GOOD In* freight daily Apply to D LF.KCH A Co, Pruburgh, or Harris a leech, novAi No 13 ?outb Third Sueet. Philadelphia. PIONEER ThASSPORTATION LINE, 1848. -iiMiygL DKTWKKS BALTIMORE AND PnTHUUROH JlTime, & d»y». _y~T| Mrrehandlae transported at CanaJ rate*. Forsyth a duncan, A*enu, Water street, PituLurvh. FRAILEY A MARSHALL, Ar-nu, • <7 Liilii street. BaTtHnors. 13URK& * CO’B FAST EXPREBB FOR CUMBERLAND, BALTIMORE, AND THE KASTF.RN cities. rpHE Proprietor* of this Line have put on New Stork, and are prepared to lorward packages of all de »crtptlon« daily, ai the lowest rate* J C HIDWELL. Agent, Water Pittsburgh ROBINSON ft BOEHM. ocCll 9’i South Charles jl Haiti more PENN A. AND OHIO WAQOK LINK, PITTIMII'RUH AND PHILADELPHIA. I TIUR, 6 OATS— BCNV tSO OAT AXU XIQTIT. rpilis Line is now red u>u;ig for flulu ib« produre-i 1 per day. M reduced rn.es. CLAKKKA THAW, canal bn*m, Pittsburgh LEWIS A BUTLER, Witt Market m, frhio Philadelphia PMisngir and R«mlttaae« Office. HANRDEN a CO. continue to bring person* any part of England, Ireland. Scotland or JUCWales, upon the moat liberal terras, with their usual punctuality and attention to the wants and com fort of emnugrama We do not allow oar passenger* to be robbed by the swiedling scamp* that infest the sea ports, a* we take charge of them the moment they re port themselves, and tee to their well being, ami de spatch them without any detenuun by the first ships \Ve *ay lhi» fearlessly, as we defy one of our pa«»cn ?er» to show that they were detained 4a hours by us iu jverpoct, whilst thousands of other* were detained mouths, anul they could be sent in some old emit, at a ch2p rate, which too frequently proved their coffins. We intend to perform our contract* honorably, cost what U may, and not aclas was the case last season, with ether ofieor*,—who either performed not all, ot when it suited their convenience Drafts drawn at Pittsburgh for any sum from XI to XIUOU. payable at any of the provincial Banks in Ire land. England, Scotland and Wales JOSHUA ROBINBON, European and General Agent, fei.j Fifth atreeLOM dn©r hslo* w«-i. LARD AND FEATHERS—7 bbla No 1 Lard, if do No 9 do; 7H bag* Fgulliefa. to tmve; for ial« br febU {3iUh PICK* * Co, from it sjmxntu. F BIX ME. 112 Wood street. ‘.M door above Fifth. AI J WNv'rv'elwe'V M Knriand and King. Big Bend TV Hat' A Pnimb. Sbarpoburgh. Pa, W C Maian.Bharon. Pa. P C M«tlir«rv Puu.ki Pa, TIMORI-L (Exclusively for Passengers i Bingham's Express Wagon Line, Pll l«Hl RO'H AND PHILADELPHIA VIA CUAMDIESBCRiIH. Canal Basin Pittsburgh KI.NUHA.MS ft DOCK, No ?7G Mark-t meet pi.. » t* HARNDKN A CO* MEDICAL. . BALLET’S JUSICAL FfflS EXTRACTOR: THPi fo;mw;ng from George.E. Pomeroy, Eeq n the well known proprietor of tire Expresv kpcaXs for itrem'o: tbc importance of the Pain Extractor to every Kxpskvs Orncx, Albany, SepL 1. Mb. Dallkt. My Dear Sir—Wilh (eelmga of no or dinary pleasure I addreaa you in relation to the beuefil 1-aave received from yonr invaluable Pain kixtraetor Lfitely. inv iitlic lintjgiurr. 0 yearn old, had a pitcher of bailing wu'.er turned into her boaom; her scream* were dreadful, so thai a crowd instantly gathered be fore the boose to .earn the rnosc of the terrible screams, j tore her clothes u*under, and soon (.j>read on >oar salve, anu sne was earned and laid upon a bed She was soon relieved irons her pain*, and sa> a "Ms, 1 leel a* il l couid and w./u* »oon m sweet nleep. She wu *ealded 10 a b.i.ier from the top of her shoulder over more man hu.i her rbest. and round under Uie arm*. < »tt ibe shoulder mid bream it wn* very deep, ici from un* hrit h-iur. *i..i eurnplained only when it was The *o'e b'-aied rapid;)-, and ifitre n> no coiiiractn-x o( the muscles. \S'nh many u i*he«. my dear »ir. for your soccer* in the *alc oi tins migbiy aru-ic, I am tours, with respect. GKO. K POMEROY THE TEST and SO MISTAKE' The genuine Dailey, wni ever produce tlie same m "'aiitanrou* n-nef. and sonttung. cooling effect, in the severe*! ca*c« of H>i'u*, ScnM*. Piles, Ac. The Cminterfriis— no r alter under what names they may appear—n'w:iv« imiate. and increase me pain . TO THE PUBLIC I. Edward P. Holmes, of Chatham. Melvin Bridge, Columbia ecur'y, N Y . hove been etfiirird with rheu niaUum in my kreast, feci, and all over my body, for six )ear*. *o mat 1 could not stand, and wo* cured by :hree application* of D»Hev * Magical Pam EDWARD P. HOLMES Mr Dailey Fir— I cut tnv finger with a copper nail, the pof-.*iiou* nature of winch enu*ni my anrt to swell roiiMdcrobly. with i-otisitmt iliociung pain* up to the • n.-alder A large *wd! :-g U.mg place ut the arm pit. with increasing pain, 1 became learful oi'the Lock jaw. In mi* cxtremiiy your Punt Extractor vn tr coTnin-nd-d r: me. a- d which 1 w«* prevailed upon to try' ‘Hie consequence was Mint tt afforded roe almast .u-v-r b -« and never will commuiu • utc io any liviiH 1 m in the secret of n* combinauon' All Extractors, therefore, not made and put up b him. are base eounirrleit* PaoeßiKTO*’* Dvp-rTs—H5 Broadway, New York; •£JsChestnut street. I'nila. JOHN D. MORGAN. i.encraJ Depot, Dr WM, THORN, Agent* inr Pittsburgh Dailey') Arrmai Ualvantc Curt-All. Core* bunion. *p:vm. quiitor, grease, poll-evil, sore*, galls, and hru -c« Pamphlets, containing cer tificate* ni respcctab c panic*, may bo had on applica tion to JOHN D MORGAN. nev!sdlv:- Agent, Pin*hurgb 17 qmci pui*e. hacamg . ougn, general weakne**, re»tle»* sleep. vnr:'Me Hpprinr, irregular bowul*. pain* between 1 onlder i.isdei behind IsFA.ta.ißLi FTsti-rows nr I'onsuximo.v—Coughing mghl and day, flah'-y inusrie*. general debility, great «hor.ne*» of breath ,>n go:ng up stairs, ascending a lull, or walking but « little r»«t nni*p always above oio hundred, for n-i-e-.lier drenching cold «»-e*ts il-wards mori ing - uisrrba- Cu'isuinptmn cmne on like a common catarrh nr cold, bm abnut 'he period when that dia ea«e urns -y t* expected i:- suh*irfe. «f the symp tom* are aggravated Tnr cough 1* more troubl-- some, especially *>hi lying Jowii There i« no fixed pain tn the chest, -ut diftieuh breathing, which is woret on lying down The appearence of the expec toration, winch is enpiou*. 1* changed from a thick yellow mucus, to a tntnncr substance It is very un pleasant to the uatie'iL, and emu* an unpleasant smell when burned It i« of an uniform appearance, and*i« prooably a mixture of pus and mucus, as on uuxingli! with wutcr part sink* and part swim*. Thia diaeaae •nay occur m any habit or ct any age, and 11 charac terised t-y ibe pecul-.irity of the cough. The Balsam of Li' r rwon effects tie cure of this in sidious diacase by r j pcctoration. sooths arrd neals the affected lungs, it n-ver fails. \\Tierever this medi cine bas bean used, we fiear of in success. For thir teen year* it hut t-e-n before the public, and ha* been thoroughly tested lo; nil complaint* of the Lung*, and has proved n*- f superior u> merti to any thing in use A\ e might give hundred* of testimonial* from physi cian*. the ores*, clergy, miC ih<,* t . who have been cu red but a* we de-trr i* to .-a.i the auentirn of the of fficie.d, and lor their own good they will try 11 Look out for counterfeit* ' Always observe the tig natu r, “Geo Tit:o' M D." on the engraved label, and prepared *1 the Wholesale Depot 7'l Bresuian street New ?oia -tn Fmsr-Utrh by J D Morgan #:i Wood .1, J Townsend. 45 Mariei »i. H Smy*er. cor Market and Ad st*; Henderson 4 <"o, 4 Emmy *t Pnce reduced 10 91,50 per bottle mart MEDICAL * SURGICAL. OFFICE, OA, DIAMOND ALLEV.^b D DR. BROWS, btrinf kei rcguiiirly educated to u>e medica CTSSPWTrfrTj proSsaaioti, anil boon for tome timi bi' attention to the treatment ot the**- private and delicate cotsf R|3jj[*By Th piamti for vrhirh !iu opporttmiuei him noaiduoady devoted to *tno/ & tmititi.'iii of ilio»e complaint*.,daring which time he h»< lied more practice and ha* cured more pa tient* than chi. cv-t tail to 'he lot or any private prac titioner) ampiv r)ualitie* aim to offer aaaurjtacca of •I»eedr. permanrii'., and «ati*factory c«re to all afflicted with «ic..raie dneaae*. ana ail duoa*e* arming there) I itm Dt Hrowii wou.•! inform lho*e altlietrd with prtvni* di-.-ate» wiuoa have Vruriir < nrouic by ume or a*' Ri.vau-ii t»> the u»e or any or me rumioon nostrum* of ;nr a>. that thetr rotnpUuiU* can be rudieally and thor oughly cured, he haring given hie careful attention to me irrainiom of nurJi rooea. ami mcceeded m hundreds m rarng pe.r*on» of mdamma'ion of ihg lire* 01 inr blunder. and kindred r. Rrown alio mviiea peri ■one atfiicted w.th Iterma to eail. a« be hat alar attention to ttt.» dt«ea*e. CANCKR* attoiun-d. Skin di*cas«*s. a:*o Pi s, Palsy, etc., spoedlly cujed el-urge* vrry low. N U Patienn of e:U« -el living at a dwter.ee, by •tr-K Uirir di«ra>c j> v.i,:m.; giving ail the sympl I ore, ;aii ohuui: mcdi.-iAes wu:i direction* for u*e, hy addressing T lIRIAVN, M I> , po»i paid, and enclot. ir.£ •« tee Office No to, Ihamoou aney, opposite the A averiy House Knvt **nu« --Dt Brown’. discovered reme dy for :* » »peejy certain remedy for (rficr mul I’ntatr Room*. No G 5 Dia mond oJlcy, Pittsburgh. I'a, Ti-e Doctor is always ai home ICT No cure no psy. declß. HOW DOKS IT HH'K- band*. Bristol ami Bull. fr.rm.-fiy put int-.ir Sar »mi», rti i m in -mull bottles hoidmg a few ounce., hjt « m rr Dr Townsend's has J-'ronte know::, and i.im.it or quae driven iheir little bollie« out of the marnei. they nre now pulling tbeirs up in larger hauler conian.iiig lour litue* a. much a* L'Clorc How much profit Out they make be fore off ot Him smal; U-lUe» Wa. n bom-M’- And • he \ have reduced the .'rcngin i- it fionuat to prcie.ii! ion iDev ar- h« * “*c| *. nicy were" Dr Town send commenced lioncei.y and f’airi) —rutc-as much medicine as i:e counl afford. ha« made .everal im provements. and I- dcierintnrd 10 keep up Uie strength and qualiiy ami will warrant thai each bottle of nia Sarsaparilla contains more tha.i four times tJir quanti ty of Sarsaparilla and medical qualities, than any oth er prep*ration 01 Sar-apuriilu in tho market. Sold by R. K Seller*, soic scent lor Pittsburgh and D M Curry Ailcyhc-iy _ fcbltf Ft INE PE&FUIKRY - Cream de’ Atiiunda Am-i.' for ahsTlaf; Cream a la Rose lot ‘ua*.u<, Aimonde Cream, do Superfine Roue- <>u PorcU..: stands; Elegant vent l-sgg. jiei'umrO w th Lavender, Angte terre Miel, Beautiful powder pud-, of ai: pattems, Embossed u>il«t t*oie». confining fragrant extract* (or the handkerchief: « ,r-ni hog. and in.let soaps, »nli able lor presents. Persian, or Chinese t- -wdetl Indian vegetable. hair .X, R-ar 1 * oil ;i fan- vor wrappers, nose stent ed;. Joi.es’ A.up. Nymph a.? . Ko*c l.p saive, sheb soap Sgdn ‘-rap. -'.gtH-or with a great variety of fine perfum-r," -u«i i-co v—i, for •ale ' y It A l AIINf-sro* K 4 •*«ll) U A FaIIVESTOCI, ) 11. L Faunisrrucs, :-Piuaburgh 0. \V. PauxbtuO A. B llcru, N. Y. Citfc Wboietale Drue Store la the City of Sew York. ri'HK undersigned are extensively engaged id the X V\ hoiesale l)rog business at No. 49 Jol a sireet. in the euy of New York, and are prepared lo supply Uro«<'»i* and ootmry Merchants wuh Drugs, Puma, Oli, Dye-studs, Fcra-fii and American Peifumery, dsn .er, A A Hander's Chemicals, (of iheir own mi muitioa) *c/ aJi other articles In their line of basi oeii, of • supario aa low as they can l>e par* •b&m»J (p ilu* nr any eastern elty. New vork. Feblfl It A. FAMNKHTOOK A C AMERICAN TELEGRAPH COMPANY saltimobx, ri-rrsncßoii sso watKU.io WESTERN LINE Office at the Exohaage» Baltimore. REDUCED RATES.—The Charges have been redu ced oa ull Messages to or from Baltimore, Pitts burgh or Wheeling, and a corresponding reduction made on all le '’trraphic despatches forwarded from 11 ai umore West ol I'tnshurgfi. |‘a Rath*.—The olmrge lor a leicgrsph despatch u> or fiuni Baltimore, I’nutiurgh and \\ lirrhng, is 45 cents for tue lirsi ten w'oftli, and .1 ccnu for each addiUoual H. /* No charge is mode >or lire address and signa ture Liitil the completion of the South Western Line of Telegraph (mm Memphis, Tcnn., to .New Orleans, des patches cun he forwarded to Memphis by lias route, and mailed tor New Orleans . jell PARTNERSHIP. ’ ACIIKSON WuOIHIoISE A JOHN WOODMOL'HE, HAVI.NI. tin* dny usioc-iuied themselves together in partnership, und* r the firm and styde of A. A J. Woomiovs*, for the manufacture of TIN, COPPER AND SHEET-IRON WARE, on the corner of Robin sou street and the Cana!, ut tho Ist Ward, errr. where mey are prepared lo furnish to order; wholesale and retail, all articles m their line with promptness. Foundry Trimmings, and Carpenters’ orders are so licited, winch wilt receive immediate attention. Cuy of Allegheny, Feb. 1, ls4fl,—dtim Bacon Smoking. HA VINO JUSI completed the rebuilding of our smoke houses, we are now prepared to receive meat, an*i smoke il m the most merchantable manner. The home* arc tiued with all the modem improve ment*, «fv capable of containing 300,000 Jbr each. KIF.R&JUNKS, Canal Basin, i*4 near Seventh »t DOL’ULK KKKIftKf) aTJuARS^-itt* ij Double Refined Loa/, Crushed and Pulverised Sugar*, just rce’d and for sale ai the Peki Tea Btor**,8 tor**, 70 Fourth street, by now© A J A WES ROLL BUTrEU~Iu t>bls (mh. iastracM and iwr *ala_by f«*bl7 A RMSTRON6& CROZKR CtLOVKH SEKD--16 bbl- Clover Peed; ducks Jo; / #5 bags Puebes. tnaaiag from sunr Caleb Cope; (01 sale by febia IUGALEY * SMITH MEDICAL. IN QUART BOTTLES FOR THE RB3IOVAL4 PEUJIARE&T erRK OF ALE DISEASES ARISING FHOJI AS IMPVRB STATE OF THE BLOOD OR HABIT OF THE SYSTEM. VIZ* Scxo'uln or King'* Evil. Rheumatism. Obstinate Cuta neous Eruptions, Pimple* or Pustules on the Face. Blotrbcs,. Biles. Chronic- Sore Eye*, Ring Worm or Tetter. Scald Head, Enlargement and pain of the Bore* ahil Joint*. Stubborn Ulcers, Syphilitic Symp. tom*. Sciatica or Lumbago. and Disease* anting from nn injudicious use of Mercury, Ascites or Drop sy. Exposure or Imprudence in Luc. Also, Chrome Couriiuitianal Disorders. In ibis preparation are strongly concentrated all the Medictna* properties-of S*B*iP*.iuixi, combined with the most effectual aids, the ir.o*t salutary productions, the most potent simples of the vegetable kingdom; and it has been so fully trsted, not only by patients them selves. but also by Physicians, that it has received their unqualified recommendation and the approbation of the public; and has established on i s own merits a reputation for value and efficacy far superior to the various compounds bearing the name of Sarsaparilla. Disease* have been Cared, such as nrq not, famished in the records of ume past: and what u has already done for the thousands who nave used it. it Is capnble of doing for ine million* still suffering and straggling with disease It purifies, rleanses, and strengthens the fountain *prtng» of 'ife, and infuse* new vigor thro'* oat the whole niumiil frame. AM ff HER CURE OF SCROFULA The following strtkuia and, as will be seen, perma nent cure of an inveterate rase of Scrofula, commends itself to ail kiiniUr y afflicted. SniTHJnmr. Conn , Jun. t. 1948. '.Messrs Ssros- Gentlemen— Sympathy lor the atihr ted induce* mr to inionn )uu of the remarkable cure effected by your Saroipanlla :u me case of my wife. She was severely afflicted wtth the scrofula on differ ent pan* of the bodv: the gland* of the neck were greatly enlarged and her Itmhs much swollen. After (offering over a year and finding no relief from the remedies used, the disease attacked one leg, and be low the knee suppurated. Her physician advised 11 should be laid open, which wns done, hut without any permanent benefit In this situation wc heard of, and were induced to use Sands’ .Sarsaparilla. The fiist bottle produced a decided and favorable effect, reliev ing her more than any prescription sbe had everta sen, and before ihe had used six bottles, to the aston ishment and delight of her friends, she found her health quite restored. It is now over a year since the core was effee ed. and her health remains good, show ing the disease was thoroughly eradicated from the •ystem Our neighbors are alt knowing to these facts, and think very highly of Bunds’ Sarsaparilla. V-Our* with respect, JULIUS PIKE. Extract from a letter received from Mr N. W. Har ris. a gentleman well known in Lxiaiia county. Vs.: "Gentlemen—l have cured a negro hoy of mine with ynur Sarsaparilla, who was attacked with Scrofula, and of a scrofulous family •Your* truly. N W HARRIS. •Fredericks Hall. V'*., July 17, IM s .’’ Bands' Bats* paKiixa —lt teems almost unnecessary to dnect attention m an article so wolf known, and so deservedly popular, at tu;i preparation, but patients often who wish 10 u«e the extract of Sarsaparilla, are induced to try worthies* compounds bearing the name, t commended; and at the present • me more than* any other, perhaps, it this medicine useful, is preparing the ■ ystem for a change of season —Home Journal, Sept. I*4“ Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, by A. B A I) BANDS. Druggists and Chemists. |OO Fulton street, corner 01 William, New York Bold also by Drug gists (icneraliy throughout the ln'ted States and Cana das Price 81 per Bottle; »tx lUttle* for 85 II f~ For saie in Pittsburgh, wholesale and retail, bv B A FAHNESTOCK. & CO . corner of Wood and Front *t* , also, corner of Sixth ana Wood its. by U WILCOX. Jr., corner of Sini’.hfieid and Fourth *t«, and sl.o corner of Market and tbe Diamond: also, by EDWARD FEN DERICH, cot Monotigi'la House SALTER’S iINSENG PAN ACEAi. INi THOSE SUFFERING WITH DISEASED 1.l N'G> —Tire unprecedented «uccc*s which bat GINSENG PANACEA u a-, uic vimoui tonus which irritation of the lungs av •uiue*. ha* induced the proprietor again to call atten tion to lilts WONDERFUL PREPARATION The changnble weather which marks our fail and winter months, is always « fruitful source of COLDS AND COUGHS These, if neglected, are but the precursor* of that fell destroyer, COSUMPTION. The question, then, how smut we nip the destroyer in the bud! how shall we get clear of our coughs gnd olds! u of vuai importance to ihe puhlio. THE GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY will be found ui the Ginseng Panacea In proof of this we have flam ume to ume published ihe certificates of Josens of our best known citizen*, who have expert- ; enced it* curative powers. These, with a mas* of tes urnouy from all parts of the country —from MEDICAL .MEN OF THE FIRST STANDING, M duster* of the Gospel, Ac , together with copious no* ices trout the JOURNAL.** OF THK DAY, V we hitv- embodied m pamphlet form, ami may be bad (mh> of anv of our ureni* throughout tbe country. HUNDRED?* OF BUTTLES have been used in tins city THOUSANDS AND TENS OF THOUSANDS throughout ihr Uminl Slate* and Canada. and we cha engr any man to point om a “ ..SINGLE INSTANCE 11 which. when taken according io direction*, ami be fore the lungs nod become fatally disorganized, u has ever failed to EFFECT A PERFECT CURE - Why. then, need the afflicted hesitate* vv by resort to the nostrums, gotten up by an * o*a mdivid aals u ler tbe assumed name of some o« •I'ratod phy sician. and |Kiffed into notoriety by certificate' r. pe** sons equally unknown* Whilst a mwdjctne of UNPARALLELED EFFICACY Is u> be had, whose vouchers are at home,—our ualgb bor», —many of whom it has , SNATCHED FROM-TUB GRAVE. In order that this invaluable medicine may be placed within the reach of the poor as well the rich, we hava put the price at * ONLY FIFTY CENTS, just one half the usuuf cost nf cough medicines, n is lor sale by our agents in nearly every town and village over the west, who are prepared to give ftill informa tion relative to il T SALTER, Proprietor, Broudtvay, Cincinuati, Ohio HYDROPATHIC ESTABLISHMENT, rHiuufvßt aoH. rum co , p*_ DR EDWARD ACKER, takes this means of re turning hi* thankK to In* friends and - the public for ihe extensive patronage be ha.* received, and of in forming them that he has lately erected n large and well constructed building, lor ihe exclusive purposes of hi* Water CURE ESTABLISHMENT, at his old location, at Phillipsburgh, Pa., on the Ohio river, oppo site the t(earnboat landing at Heaver, where ne is ready lo receive patients a* boarder*, and treal them on Hy dropathic principles. Jn addition to hu long experi ence, and the great soccers which has heretofore at landed his treatment of patients committed is his carer he has now the additional facilities afforded by an ex tensive builoing erected expressly for the purpose, con taining commodious and airy rooms, and filled up with every necessary apparatus for bathing, and doimuu lenng the treatment to the utmost benefit and comfort of the paueni. Plullipsburgh is a most delightful and healthy village, easy of access by steamboats, and af fords fine end wholesome water. Dr Acker assures those afflicted persons Nrho may place themselves un der his care, that every attention shaJl be paid to their comfort; anu a* an assurance of the substantia! benefits to be derived, he points with confidence u* the hun dreds who have been permanently cured at his estab lishment The Water Curs leaves no injurious effects behind, as ts too often tlio case with those who have been treated on the old system It removes the dis ease. invigorates me system, protects from the danger? incident to changes of the weather, creates a natural and ucuve appciau, and impart* vigor lo ihe digestive Kwers Term* of treatment and hoarding reasonable r further particular* inquire at the establishment, or address the proprietor at Philiipsburgh. afigv&i Dtl. JAtNfc’S AL I't.lt A I'l V t. We have been .luormeu by Mr* Rose oi a cure per formed onher m Dr, Jayne's Alterative, wn,rb proves us super.or.ty over every otner remedy of the kind. She hat iwrn afflicted for the last stxiren ye&ra w th NECROSES or WHITE SWELLINGS, attended wiih ulcrrntioiM and enfol ation of various booea. du ring winch time many pieces have been discharged from the trontul bone oi u»e rruumm, from both her arm*, wrists and hand». and troin both leg*, and from the left fe.roral bone, »tul from the r.ght knee, besides painful ulcers on other parts of her person, which have baffled the skill of a number of the most ert lent physicians of our cil.— during most of the time her suffering* luve been eieruiaung and deplorable About three months since she was induced to try Dr. Jayne’s Aiicnmve, which has had an astonishingly happy e ffm upon her. bv removing all pain and swei-mg*, and causing tbe ulcers to heal, while at the same urar her geneva! health has become completely restored, to that she now w eighs so lbs more than »be did before she commenced ihe are of this truly valuable prtpn;iott.—{sat Eve l*o*t. ror further mtornuuioa. luqu.re of Mrs Hose, No. 128 r dbert si, Philadelphia. For sale m Pitwbuncn, «TiV iTKJN TEA STORE, 72 Fourth »t near Wood. j>s DR TOWNSEND’S SAKS AFA RILL A.—so dozen just received of Dr. Townsend’s Sarsaparilla, the most extraordinary medicine in the world! Thu Ex pect is put up m quart bottles. Ills six times cheaper, pleasanter, and warranted superior to any sold It cutea disease wnnoui vomiting, |mrgmg, wcketung or debilnauug ihe patient. § Loot oct roa iiirraTiox*.— Unprincipled persons have copied our labels, and put up medicine in the same shaped bottle. Bce that each bottle has the written sig nature ol S. P. Townsend. R. E. SELLERS, Druggist, 57 Wood street, between Tlapi and Fourth, is Dr. Townsend 1 * only who | «uue and retail agent for Pittsburgh, of v wbom the genuine* article can be bad. D. M. Curry htfs been appointed the sole agent for Allegheny city, of whom the genuine nrucle can be had. ap4 SC KOk OLA AN 1) ”>uKUFULUt-S N W ELI liNClij.—Scrol - la in all tu multiplied forma vrhetherin that of Xing's Evil, enlargements o tbe glands or bones, lioitro, While Swellings, (.-nronic Rheumatism, Canter, diseases of the Skin or Spin*, or ol Pulmonary Consumption, emanate from one and the same cause, which is a poisonous principle moro or leas inherent in tbe numan system. There* fore, unieia this principle can be destroyed, no radi cal care can be ejected, hut it the principle upon which the disease depends, is removed, a cure must of necessity follow, no mallei'unoer ahatlortn the disease should maoilcst U»eil. This, therefore is tbe rea»oa why J*T5 e s Ai.tmi±t iv k is to uni versally successful in removing so many malignant disease*. It destroys the virus or principle from whten those diseases have their origin, by entering into the circulation, and with the biood is conveyed to the imnutesl fibre, removing every portieie of disease from the system. Prepared and sold at No. 8 South I’hird Street. Philadelphia. Sold at the Felon Tea Store, No. 71 Fourth stree rammish nchJl ' s in stars and for sale Itr feu t. *,... IKUCAL A ORE A T CURE, performed kytha oßgtealsftd adyta*; and grouses Li*«r rfli, prepared and sold by R K BKL 1 j LRR». Moaau’ F acidic, Wcdmmlaad pu > July lath.lWJ. Mr R. S. StlUrt:— iaM efduty tojoutad thsdfiktad taduccSßs toadd aybumbla testixnoayia ihtor of year justly eejehrated Liver TiQs. 1 hats deterred doing so for yuan, ) adherxtg lo Davy Ovchelft uaana, - ba sun you are right, thee go u> cad.” Must of the assay preparations of «*ptms and quacks, tsod*d io (he skies, have task tale oblivion start riur Luver Pi t* have br>c offered io tha {mbtie,sad, iadcod, belirtc thej sill ‘-lunlM Uma aU,” as tboy art just What yoo irp. e.wot them to b* 2 hart been afflicted with Ltvar ' CutaptHiiu fiota my youth; bar* suffered much; employ sd Qsnj «ciiueot j hystcaos, to whoa 1 paid much mousy; hava j to,< tnuru bioud; bees vuaitrd aad ghyriekrd abauatio daaiV; j tali*atoU j c>r t, r.raes, and busily given up u incurable. la IKE ;i»u induced t.. your Livee POis, aad SOON GOT | WEIX. l to, but si which i (Bow sufficient to keep oidear i of (win m tin uJ«, aod all tka other lymptusas, for at least ' ISmnuih* Yunt Pills arc alio the best cathartic I ever used; j being mild, mil jnpm ? or (iruse nneh stekacw at tbe lime , eeh, but j«», mt much rei ef I have kept them te OJ stare I hr C or 7 year*. »>ld hundred* of bu&«*. aad hare Herer ' heard a ong » onapUint uttered by lay oaa who h*l aad ' them. They b*»* *up*rcvded mlioust awry nthai pill m thu I neighborhood, aad la » (hurt Ums will bsnuk them all. rarureilj reeoa-.i3»ud them to all person* nrediag rhyme t whether for Liver Coenplaiat or BiiUou* .tSertioax Icon ndwlhem hu superior toCaknel orth* BIuaPUL BramV fttHv Toun, J L Mauxs CAUTION —As there an other Pill* before thft pahUe CiLUtC Liver Pills, pcno&s who want tbe a*k for and Uke bo ether than thorn prepared tad b* ft E SEU.KRR, No 57 lEeod-sk between Third tad Fourth streets. Sold by Dr. Casub, Fifth fFard, D M Cout. Iftmtusi Qrtat Enfllsh Remedy, Coughs, Colds. Asthma aad Can=uinpdea! T%» r GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY for the cure of (ho above diseases, is the HUNGARIAN BAiAsy OP LIPTV discovered by the celebrated Dr. Buchan, of Lxmdoa, Etigland. and introduced into the Uuited Btata* under the unmediate superintendence of ihe invcntorjp The extraordinary success of thj« mod loin e, in 'T eore of Pulmonary diseases, warranu tf.o Amcricaa Agent m soliciting foT ueatment the wont possible ea acs that can ue found in the cotzununity—c&sesthal seek rebel in vain from any of ihe common remedies of the uay, ami have been given tm by the wm**! tfi«t ON BONNHORST A Co fenuon Hams, just rec’d T7TNISON HAMS—I«" V and for sale by max? WICK A MTCANDLESS BUTTER AND LARD—7 kegs Butter; Bdo Lard, for sale by mart ARMSTRONG A CROZER Cl CRN MEAJ^—3t) bush just ree’d and for sale by • mart _ AH.MSTRONG A CROZER tH.OUR —10 bbl* superfine Flour, just rec’d bv mart ARMSTRONG A CROZER A PPLES AND PEACHES—IS sacks dried Apples; Sx. 10 >!o do Pcschcs; for sale by mart_. ARMSTRONG * CROZER MANUFACTURED TOBACCO—23S kegs superior brand* consisting of la, s*, Ss- 12*, lfts and tump, on hand and for sale by* mart W ICK A M CANDLEBS LOAF SUGAR—I 23 bbU Pfess,*>7, ISO uckt driedTeachea; 3u do do Apple*; 15 do Clorervreii in »iorc and for *aie by maid BAGALEY A SuQTH INDIGO AND MADDER-6 hhd. No 1 Madder; It cerooiu 8 F lodigo, In (tore; for tale bv muxs _ B AG AL£Y_t BMTTU_ Rick AND S. H. MOLASSES—UO iiehte» # freah Rice, ‘2OO bbls 8 H Molasses, receiving 'Ond for »*le by mart BAGALEY ABMITH OILS —-W bbls fine winter bleached EJeph’t Oil; 50 •• - •< Whale “ 150 “ For sale by Tanner* “ BAG ALKY A SMITH SALERATU9 —IS casks, 0 bxs, for sale by mart 9 F VON BONN HORST ACo L>EANS —SO bbls while, ftfr sale by HH I> mar* JT) WILLIAMS T^LOUR— 160 bbls Ramsey’s Family Floor, just re J 1 eeived; for sale by_ mart B ROBISON ACo ROLL BUTTER—,I3 bbu prime Roll Bauer; 5 do do do j do, 111 cloths •i kegs prune Bauer; just ree'd and ids sale by BROWN A CULBERTSON, * mart 146 Liberty si ROLL BUTTER-37 bbls Roll Butter, rac'd and for sale by WAR SPCUTCHEON, PEACHES— SO both Peaches, rac’d and for sale by mart WAR M’CUTCHEON CLOVER SEED—O bags rac'd and for kale by mart WAR M’CUTCHEON CiOPAL VARNISH—2OO galla on band and for sale / by mart JUDD A Co COFFEE —60 bag* Fancy Rio; 10 do Lagoayro; Sdo Old Gov Java, lor talo by mart LEATHER— 10 bdi» HannssLeaiiiirj ittitabl#~fc J making hoau, or for bolting, Tor aaio by jna.:Z_ ARMSTRONG * CROZEB PRINTING PAPER—IOO ream! 22X33 iaebst; SJ a 34x30 « •JO “ 84x84 “ Just received and for taJo by REYNOLDS k SHEE, mart corner Penn and Irwin its KRRINC—aoo bbli prime No l H«riiix.jtbbed— for Mile ly mart WICK k }d’C6jwL£Sd CtIDER —0 bbU prime Cider, in itereand fersaJe by , mart BROWN k CULBERTSON McAaSSES— 050 bbl» prime Plaaution Molasses, just received and for aale by mart BROWN k CULBERTSON TOBACCO—2O boxes Preston 1 * exuas* andS’i, 3 do Watkins' S’*, 0 do Branch's fl’s- and I 1 ** 3 do Aromatic ffs send t's; 1 do Loseioa* Loxuary; for sale by mart J DWILHA-d3 KINDLING—S case* for sate by . case or package, by mart J PWILLIAMB PAPER— 130 reams Wrapping; 8bool; 10 do Letter; for tale by mart JD I WILLIAMB bU N D R I E B—l 7 bale* Cotton; 7 bbla Lard; J do Grease: » sacks Ginseng; 70 do Feathers; to ar rive; for sale by ISaIaH DICKBYt Co, mar? , i Front n . PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. ri liUdllED DAILY, TRI-WBEKLV fcWESxLfr At (A. Oatdxu Bviidingy, 3d it, tuaru« Pact OAea KATES OF ADVBaTUISO, One insertion of Himes, or len,.»,.,| ks v;fo flO Two insertions without alterations, o TO Three ' =•'■ " 1 00 One Week “ “ •«•••*...* 1 bO Two Weeks “ " .......... * M Tttte “ " " .......... 300 One Month, “ 4 (JO Two “ “ *****.... 600 Three “ « 7 flO O* Longer advertisements m —piopoitire. Ono iqu»re,6 months, without alterationlo® • 15 « .. «< .... lb 00 Erch additional! square for 6 months, A 99 1 “ « IS " J 92 One months, renewable at « jjj Each additional square for IS months...••••• *0 ® Two aouarea, 6 months, re'wahleat plrtPre. 30 00 Lnch additional square, 6 months, ••••**•••• ® DO .TTEattXl on TU-TtIKLT « »**** ' A '**** One aquare. 3 insertions, 00 “ •« each additional insertion,....*... J? aesi fin ©*»»»• Fite ktnea or lew, one yea*. , 6 00 i. m month*,..••••*• •••»•• 000 u .. ~ 0 a« jetx, doily *• wedtij, 10 00 .1 ,i fix month* “ •'< 00 IDTIBTIfU»I n I* VilU, F... 20 Uoea, or lew, One >n*artioa, flO Two, “ 0 Ti Three, *♦ ........ iw Thwo BOBlhe, ........ ft Jl « " BiX. “ <2 - « Yw*m * • mm**'* » 153 liberty »t i D WILLIAMS