BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH. HJBPORTED & TELEGRAPHED 7 th« PUttbikrfb Dmtly Gazette. EXECUTtfcE*SESSION. : WismsGTOJ*, March 13, 9 r. M. The Coxnmillee appointed to inquire idio ihe »*t* igibtlity of Geo. StueM<,-reported against him. The Senate will take netioit on the resolution tc-moi- Mt. fihiaidi adrfresaod the Senate, avowing his to abide by their decision. He dialed that id buiette( to Senator Br.-crc lie did not mean that he would assassinate )am. He would look to the State of Illinois to give him a place in the Sinate. * Me. Evan*, of Maine; Payne: of North-Carolma; and fcj[r. Smith, of JodiaDs, have been nominated Conmtitaioeer* to settle Mexican Claim*. GBEIiT JtISK IN THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER SERIOUS DAMAGE TO THE PLANTA TIONS. ; , pHiLnikuni a, Mitre h 13. New* baa jupi l*?en rtceivejd frpmNew Orleana. giving an account of the river at Baton Rouge and DonakUonville. The-levee javp *. of Howard street at 81 75; l City Mills ia held at St 67. without buyers j Gfcua—Sales ot prime red Wheat at I04&107C. , \ Sales Of 700 bushels prime yellow (kirn Ut 4 bij^Oc per buibel; sales cf prime while at 47c. *- Oataj-Sales of 26029 c per bu. SugAr—Sale* 1500 hbds. Cubaot Lie. ' Whiskey—Solea at 234 c. Molasses—Sales of N. O. at 244925 c. mess Pork is held ai $ll pcrbbt; prime ta held atSlO- Sale? of Lard in * g obi*.'at 64; ia kegs at 7*c per lb. Bacoß—Saies of hog round at sj; sates of sides at ®±. per lb Money Mafkot —Tbe stock market is-dull, and a downward tendency. NEW YORK MARKET. NOON aKPORT. , March 13—12 w t; ; Flottf—The market ia, heavier- ibgn -yr-terdav and the done is at% small 4Conc*-*i>ioa yfanote sales of-4000bnahelsof\VVsteip at 7. Sales of 4000 bb|s of New Oriegus al former pi:- ©e* Gtain—There is h good inquiry lor Vyiienl lor milling purposes, but other grains are quiet Tboi. receipt* of Corn are large; we note *ale» 00.000' bushel* of Ptime White at 53054 c; Prime Yellow at 55057 c. Provtsion* i r , Therfe is abetter feeling In Pork, but no improvement in prices to quote. Whiskey-^-Sales in bbla. at 23iu. .» Sager—Sales of 200 bhds of Orleans ju sijs]c Molasses and jCoffea Have an iru|>roviag lender. cy. : Money Market—Sales of Kentucky at »v>; of Ohio premium; lodiadn s’a 65i. Treas ury notes $1,10; New Loon SI .12. ' New Yoek. March 1.3. 6 r. m. * • Cotton—Holders are anxious to id!, but buyer*: •hoW oo disposition to operate. Flpdr—The market; with a moderate basinets is intavor of the buyer. Sales of 200 sbla. west ern at $5 4Gosfi 50 per bbl. Gram—Sale* of prtmo yellow Corn al 56c, ana of prime white at 53054 c per bu. to tlig exteat cf 20.0Q0.bbL Ltird—Sale* of 400 bblv. at 6|o<.>]c pifetlb. ► WUi&key-rSales io bbl*. at 234 c. £L- l Sq’gar—Thp supply in fits: hands is aSkall; sales at former rates. \ i Molasses—The supply in market is very limited. ' tad stf vale*; c • ’iv •' Coffee—The supply in find hands is u>mßll tip change in prices. Mtoney Market —Sales of Treasury di of New at 112). Markel dc preaied. r CINCINNATI MARKET-';’ CmciszATi, Mareh J i Float—Sgles to the extent of 700 baejei* at ‘ 3 80 eta per bbl • Provuiona—Sales of Pork are to a modcr-ii.’ *i:% I tanti including 500 bW* of Mee at 25yier bbl. . j j Whiskey—Sales to a moderate extent al I'i-fr 1 15J eta per gallon. v Lard—Safes m kegs at 6jc. ' J There is no change in other articles u«u;|ily spokes of March 13—3' P. M*. Flour—The market is steady, but not active! in prices, there is no quotable change from. prenina quotfluuas, the demand is confined to small lots! for etty consumption, at 53,75£?3.51. Prices bav|? a downward tendency. ! Grain —The market is without change'. j Wiikkej--Sales at 13101 the market closed kwty* l Coohe—Sties of 100 bags fair Hio at ?■*. Freight* id Orleans are scarce. \ Flour. 30c jp I’hi. Fork 40c jp bbl. ST. LOUIS MARKET. St. Lotns, March 12! Flour—Sales to moderate extent at S4.oo£?ll2rj *bSL[. white wheat eells al bti{3?3c r bnabeL • Lead—NomJcs worthy of note. Tojwcco— -.Market unchanged Hemp—Nercbange. Pdjrk—Sales to a moderate extent, uiciudtag oesret $8^608,75,. Lord—Receipt*small. Sale* in keg* at blr —m bbbatfiie. Bodk;Meat—Sales of rbouldefs at" 2$ to JJr Hamtj&Ks4. •• The ppper. fiver* are very high. To tit Hcmartßethe jLdgt* of ike of Gev'e ' ral Quarter iktnoru of the Peart, tu 'htA for tk4 ' County ilf Allegheny. ‘ mij mUgfetUiou.orrnoau pAirciX, of thf>4tb Ward, J. City of Pipiburgb, in the county aiortjfeMl, homqly tPewe)b, (tout vour petitioner proifflfr~.d wjtb-ttt»teri*J« tor the aocoratnodutlini i>{ tatisne r* and hi* dwHiinj fo>U«e. wi the eify 4/uJ priiyt Umi )«or Honor* Will Ik- pir-vr-cd *i .nit bits # :llcets**t in fc Public ilpunr tolyltuirrUcrt meOtr'And four petitioner, u* Hi dm) ;uiiv..d a.H e lulitCt then, nn/cn m tfi* »-ofiqrt»)if Ward do Certify, list Ibn sl.ovfe J»c'.:i'v«ejfc >* * ! u> for Wtßfaiy aid IrfUprfrUWr, as.! l< ,W»■!! |.«>ci.i-u . vti iiouii Room slid couvenie.irc’ lor the :;i'«i^upil' , i •<«> lodinng p 4 «ni Jnmed M*fchaoe, Aiidrow^Janhinaft, Xto« l*Biier» Leonard, LWilihjtrt* J.nbn llm'Wi, D Doviuug- .inch! : d.v i “ WTCOPELASD, A. U«P / vE?yfiiuij-.«Jpileg«. DbhCin.- eX'&Juf,-Bjld tp»"-n!ii ftibotor (k>» the Tloyul of,Epi--**i >f». TCiDeetfullT ihfcmna iteaublie tharbe will ll> V.i tbePORTORiUNSTITIJTK IN ALLEGHRN V CITY. OD Monday, Ifth of Aprif, for tbe purpose ttr.tftjpsTlniß * and Mathematical eilacation uiyi-uug gentlemen. The Principal iru«u that, by, iriir-imnmg attention to Oteimpal aos ioteflrcuiai in»{jrtrvnnr»it of blapßplU, be-'ftil merit a *itere of public -frat'oiiage- A war boarder? will be.recctvcd, who wjfl buvr the advantage of #tud} mg each evening under, i ie immo diate and pcyk>n*l superintendence of the. Principal. Strict,attention.being paid u> Uie hcnlib, cOnnsu ami Storaliy sa whll.u* lie literary. udruncetnenj of the j>o . < alls. For adddiodol informpuon, inquire- <*t . Ellioti k EngHah. ' ' Refiitence titidly -pcrntincil to Rti-Kcv. Dr. JUelrvajiw. Hi hop.of Ohio, Cn c-unali. . . .Ret.J)r. Bnifri, New York. •*. -' ' EeV.'Dt. Dttl.- Rtvi-'Dr- HeV.Dr tp oid. ieviUr Coote, Key. DrlHetron. I‘itiH.urgh. _Bwf>|W. Ptjgaon. AHcyheb .' city: • ■' *His IST AP3ttii/» ' SHOP.—TO '»N per- M Wn* aboutio remove, atd waijUuf: tiiek *mrr» or fcpaitcd, coiuiicrk, shelving, doof*s; wii.*i<*w>, Md-bouung wheels put up. carpenter-work o' all »!Btoaon« Ob fcbon uoliee on reasonable,.brtio#; r«bt ne* **r» tuaitfs to order and uniiuire neaxiy repoired ; hill! Jr ol *ad**rnuhe-to,) reasonable be- ' re • y* uf ifreajt nood WM>>inmji&Bld suvew in >bu ebffm-wurc , I 'Hie l> te’Sjl'SS'.-yWf®- >|» 1 " “>■ Tr.«aw. »W».l* ! pr , ~ ». ,k n, _SSSJ&* awwisriiii-R;. | ..ou ». - PhnoAoii? "bfln# built t iiuriH- biive stnonnif'l u» •on RPPO9/.C9 will 6* received at the office ot the i ,ri- non, sccVudKl-ia bln •PSrjibuf-b waterVfotks; mail Turidftj. the I3t)« „iur .irut toad tin- ui sa 7J * - ioai^ai« P. M-. far making a amalltticftm«e i S nvRru.UR-5., . J. 11. M-ctKLMsb. i•* " '""" f u * * r~ ‘ JOIIS A. IHAWV ‘ ’ ~i . rKKIk-Mlf o' br».i nl S PACHKR OF.rOKK ASB UMij . J Jl-.-, • - MnmißiM Buehant aafl forvfcanler. I » NO. , bT.. CI.ICIN.N AT1,0,11. t 1 r»lr-m uiblr. . paid to the,, ? v*k We aolwr afanV Produce to thu abrkrL• | U . „ h ? AT, l n ' , 2°, , SrSrSouCood. generally. Refer to .' ' m * . «t.h mvlrmtc supplmr in »t • aohn Swiaay * Cto “ •.«> small.ou only at ArfWc u • AlartinA Btociwell >Ciiich»hau o. ITIEKiHTS—TIie followii ; C. Parkhurtt, Eaq- J ' , -rom pc.niea*r— t ~ irfppjni-otl k Co. | ' • T • Plu'uili-lpbiu by D I«cecli &. Co'i>. fired") n- JCier A‘done*, . rutsburgu, »•* 1 pre»« wnuoi. Hue. the rhnrgen an* lot heavy godd* ft. • Bcancflj J War'dilni • "h. ami i. > $lMM* Return charger by Mm** y HP. 11 g*«d« Si. light ;BaJO too From ilu.- ••'il m ph'm \oi bnikin CV Tc b n° l ** I'> Haiuitwrr by the Be ipse 6'C dnj.ltoo; lur hea ..ROBERT W. I; "*J]!R fe * TE:FI ». *> >-> light. siao*> uw itetum •»**> . V r -iuiyof H'.c. isr n. for Hgbt.,Bl h»F 4 « _Na_ M Kci»»u Water ti-. I between Cbrtnm.k Mmu'i.) t.|IiH''KRICS»- Ueceipi. have been quite lull, tied * c. fj, I . PHILADELPHIA. , • «.-<•> «f «ur. j t a U .«. art- cost juulj gt-cked. prtpamto * *' - Particular attentloo will be to -ales bi O -pr> -g : Wo heavy #alr* have (nil,spired Produeel'vßd «ny purchltiee »S)' the ptubt- p vi.iar-n-r bitve learned. b<-«ftxnndned dtlphia market for wcutetu' account, apnf an) I'iaduce l 'r rv.vula» iiinued l«t* at the •orMerchaodise aen* tb him Uiroagh 'Mr Corn 3-4* _ do Copatia -30 d 371 1 Batter 'Z& - Bnciinone 4 0 5 ■ Malt. barley god a& Cainpbor. refined-• -40 & 45 | Glne ..p* r a» Chloride Ut*e, cask «0 7 . Pm»h-r owrn „„. .. u Cr n Cochineal Itt 0-irtl , Ho»ey_D.,«v :» net cent Cream Tartar » & C* I Cobh jw rail-.. . _ & _ Copperas 15 Wruern cam!) 11 Hjl» CP -Hi 5*“.? 111 s ® 131 Gln*eti|p— IXiry fl) nr rt Gam Arabic 50(9 70 : Hay— r*r ion of •■ikmi 'i,* _ “ Copal ••••3S iff 50 Timothv - 1 “ TraaacjiJlh* •• *3l HT T,\ ' Hlde.-Duiv 5J r rVm _ “ Shellac 15(9 1H . Mirnnuri 5* «.i “ Maatsr <91.25 1 Spaniel _ g. _ Ipecac HO <91.00? : Do. iaiir.l _ e _ {“W- P° w< * e,cl ( ■ “J,®' ™ Do u«. an «] Litharjje- 51® 6J Greett* (S- 1 SSSSS3!r:„I| l Moddrr, I'robro 1J &14 : Finn «nl Mmi.W. Common « - j , ® M , irh. Turkey ■ ■ X& Ml f "’P""'"- 0,1 v„no'. , { * *-SSrir:' • •• -s? -" :S±:-::::::ySSi2 i «?!" 12:2-, ( •• IVfvm-. .... iaita!i 4f . w,,1,,u " ■■■.}* < >pium. Turkey• • »r cl ' I'liv dipped 94/-- -Monld - 0IC»t l’liuburpli Slur 21 Us — Cificifil-Hli do • • • 021 . Sp** f oi. be«t brands- • 30 032 Ca«ttng»-rf b Foundry hot •'Thrr. n*'d -03 Furnace do 2| Tea keiile* *> dot 8507 \\ ar;on boxes |fr tOU b- 70 Counter weight* set - to Sad iron* lb nei4- - -4405 Cotton Yarns-? b Short reel— No. a to No. 11l 16 Dy« Wood—Duty 3 p rt. CninwtHul 3J<2> ? Kumir , . j IjilfWftod, chlpJM-d "J Peothers-duiy *ispi*r ct. •d Val Krnturky Ohio k P**nn»ylv» Prult- Alroonrt. shell'd ---A) 9 ‘ii Soft in if |7 Hsuil ll & u Currant* Zauie • & g Filbert* sjgi g (•roumitiut* i.ia (2> Fi*», Srn\rna 10 & pr Slalaga -St - Khimii>. Mu«ca< it Bunch v.UO 4 Bloom, old - • ft Crßnbcrric- - 9‘J St-- l/<-rnoii«. Sicdt l»x &{».M ■ ‘ Oranff"-' do • *:t \J6 p ii«) i lVacbr*. dry. t.o lulltfi n| .jw Apple*. drv £} -- ,(' o | ninoll rV'Brlck CJ*« IJ " ©xUi Flr« Brick-per M fomnl| •••• a/ifijo • G&x* * - % Common •• . tj _j • ( 0 „ 1U - t .. W Flour- Duly all ~,o,* ! \\ , Ijj Ul . I iSS iJirrrnwk. 3.M3 . jm S,„ n " W3 o.i J„ Jo a-, M t i " r v, ~ •r 1 j <■'<>■■ . -- u j.iiu ' . m, Vm'j -' ! 2 i UW..M.OM, ■:■£. a « • O \ Lite Stork. ;, r luu Buckwheat .tiilied pft-0 l| ; u,, rvrs \- Mit h.t. bliia.• • • none [ Hgo» ... 441 a _ F**U~p«bE*bel t,'OW> A Culver O.wai-OO ® rwi " H Sheep-. loo# tw suorn---- IMNO H01a...»--Uu l i rjup, .1 » Ut»-du<> Oil lore 11 e*U I [ Su#-*thou*i i ••• 4(149 Ji th'i>«-r ocm iN-tnicaii' 'Pi&z -.£*» Wnrkrrrl, No I 11.303-.- . b|« t »i Slur.. D„n yu. No 1.t,,. Oil. .-3 fl . R aMII boi No -J. ■ rtt» . , Pi,.,. - ■ .. a ot» iti.i bl.i*. «J - -I’ar *..rii»rtn # »s.w I > ! I ;i e, No. I. bin*. 4-• iTan-umr.,., . tv # Herrme.No I ... - j virn.-i., iV,*.*,. | # -„.i *•» - Q -| Noll*—.*..) ;i , ~ SiJmbn. No 1,0.. i •• SP - i Pl{ j (R , ; t . (1 iiv ; i ~n il l0VB „,, Shad -- -- : i.iarvuj j ur ,., VB «•! yi » VJ • 7d - H » = IlirreaKnih' 1 CI per lb io No 20. Long reel dor. No. 500 08 '•• r 000 07 “ TtW - 040 - SIJU, 900, 1000 • 0 0 Coverlet Yarn !>#)•• • -200 Carpet Chun *• • 200 Coliou Twine 2UO Candle Wick old Cotfiee—Duly 20 per rt Java. Old white • 12014 St Domingo -- r . 0 Lagßoyra- -p- -d 0 Rio - 740 7* Copper—Duty 20pr ci |>ig bar undoldS pi.M. old ir< « Uraxiers • 2702 b SheaUnng --027 Oid 1301 V In rake unti Insou --19020 Cordag*- Duty 2Upr celt Manilla —0 13 While rope • -0 11 Tarred 0 il) Pack's v&rn, line 0 9 common--'- - 0 <£ Hemp Bed I'tda perdor- loiif, 3,0003.50 Long • --o“ij7 Cooiiiion - 01.6:4 plough Line* 3701.00 MitMiiia Beo t'oidfe- per dbz. lu Id <• Uuead OHJO 'AI A dU do 1.7502.1 U Jo P.oi.rh ones • • -0 -74 Uomactld- per yard J Hr«>« 11 Cotton 32fd I 04. do 607 Pr nn Hhi'e* ANo 1 - <0 7i Allegheny lie • it An.’* > DPm Mu. ■•-~0 ii| II regi.n D l Uloli Ml;! —0 Nonauwk Fe:inMill -0 7 Pill* '.' do Laurel I'. —•••—- —074 Savav- —o*4 Powhn'an A - ———o&4 1 -o rtuoe C •• •••• — oi> HarrieO'i.— — 06 5-4 Urowii cotton 9011 ) Blear hod do 409 4 do do • •• -740t0 4-1 do do-——'•••74o^' Brown dr.ll* 7|o 9 Bleaeheo 3010 4, Tickini!* .-6401 J i llarauion 01(1* { l.aucujier-- ■ —OI3F f Btown'r A.CkA" ■ —012! Mr,iu. m- —0 14* No t superior 016* Coiored Cambric* •••• 4406 Fancy Pnui* 31011 I'ih] |K*r ilrutu • Fur* - Rrd Kol. No 1- o tWI, io ...... *u ; ?1 ! 4t) Muskrat -•- 10 O 1 i Raccoon -' 23 Sink. Mink - a 23 .. >. |.<-r 6 •• HO IS u XJG l-nroj.itUrii loxia Spaa U a;:inr••• Gunpowder—DuiygOpr. Chrome t.rrrt: ee»! ■ V.inrNn FFFt> J.2S f»i_W •' .S. pai- Rjver Blue- •—0 9 Mrrrintae- —01 U Fa 1 R Blue A Orange 90104 \ ork Tick* 10J Kaglf. » ©.U«I Btuixvvi (•f"- >v it Do doi l ii' eaojri'*— fi?7.ixj W Imr Ufa* FFFt{ do tSf.iiO •• Oil. pure urg lmi 4 i.ffjj F.aeie -tp in papr ; r« e Wrdifjr.^•U' if 3- J)rug»-per fis \ W 1 A«afa:uila IS 0 4'< Arrow R‘h.i 0 12 ■ •• • 10 0 II COMMERCIAL RECORD I AIaBIAISAC. j March [ | ID Sumrday, 11 Su:n!ny, 12 Mondiy, Id Tuc^lay J 4 Wedueiday, l.’» l7>ur^d«y, |l. I'ridnv. PITTSSHJUOU BOAJU> OK TUADE COMMITTEE FOR MARCH REVIEW OF THE PITTSBURGH MARKET, I »B TJ! T \fto £»tllPr. 1.1 reek ju»!*e«i iiave ['ft T'** u:nrk'‘.» «Junue :;i< w< t»Jion» \ r' in;ii' :«* eahlPtVxl I‘l «*li l-»-l ir- no r- > aim. w..; be yi>.; iir tiir- lap*r oi * I'- ulurU ft, | Ul>- HOlll Hit lit rtinier Hit ■*' ,<-t i ynii'iiii?- in (n uii ilie v\tinn !.<■ ir-n- 1.1 *•■«/» bappy rfln uu Uie river *bo\e m.ii irt li»t« ih*- ivllovruat a(ner»" U- i;a'li*r itpcii our i »o{kji mipuriiui ot row Oi Tiver during n»*- »*•*•*• n J-V«iher« -k« MaoAcrei l>6i (.a Ml. l«i/l • . I .OO- I.!,!- - Mill \\*’ i-k» •» •Vi.-*- Mil!- til* Mo:* bin- i 71 s * r;,.iU..i i.i. ■&< -M-- l<* |U''u.i Mi’ - >*7 m i.-j-* /:t ' d-. k-ir. Bulk l’of» i»< ■ dq r.t..! Tritijuro. Ill'll- Coll. Hr. Ihy tw»okv Ota*-', Irrtl* • Wool, r • * ■*«' Fork b'.J. .147 1 • !.»• an - l':.r rrcnpt*. oi S*/d't A -ll I| '1 V r Orf|l 1.1.-f •liauiri i ti’ii.- iiiarku m.d limit* d <>o- st tl.* i’ti • e-ii • onlii rd in ■Jh 1|.I .!•-(! ,g Iftlue hbo* f APJ’I F.s -« oti-.J'Tabl'- n.lO y> i.■ ,i i[>i ' ulnili-oi Wilir^i XI,K Mami uin' ii" I'Mial <)Uirior«» wn 1 ( no i-ham,-* m iti, a- and r»*i*i> Ih> yal- ’ Irwin lifrwrri *l ST/J-IK , «*k ifl* unlit! Uyi <>N- TTi* 1 m-irkri Na« br.-n -lejiiY biKjiol a*- ~ , r •.% .in r.o in*irle»l i imr-ire *•! |imr« Hrcwpl* kn< l.rr I 1 I K Mil nlrnt Itie l.iitdoil i I Wiin'li li.arr.iri I* • :r»u/ne.l | o | rll|l |,. [ .i ,I,l),infill wi’li .1 ki'iieliWiw our irtamn Tn< m- -ml., ir-i '« in- d p ,n ~ .! ,uli mid in | rt» ul lining “I l:.r ' >*' ' ' -'lOUlllrf. I* -ul'. ,J. niM U.fll- .-ilC] • V lb’- ill I.K CiiHK'- T'-r Ml.r am-,i •ilui a 1,0111 Ui.uUi U>v ifitvi.y ■ IioimI"- '"id h»in* at • r •bouti!*': •. ;*• ..mi ini iin...\ al Ii "■. ■'«* • l'i *<*!' - c '■ •I'lr. .11 $r R 111 Tl’hß -A l -hnwri in rr i aii If• ti i jiii;'iri«. in* re •••(>.• 01 'll*- Vi..-. » i. $ v»- '-T, nil. ti*M MrppHr. ■Tr •lUHinrgie .. iln «*le. ii) linuo-rl In I*. a', lor ttOnd '■'•ll ••i!• t.iiurr at|r to 'n»r iunrk-1 .h«jl. :ir.*l •.viii l.c- o-iH morn -w an ilo- »on nilvani rn lIIUI Will, !Itlt ..,,iplie« Id llir Ilinrllrl *r ml- 1 :' b f-u! ilfiruK,' .-nr »>• »l kin). Sale* *ti Jiiniieil ; t- *■ -f> ll« ■ l-.l yi f. r br.i .|«iril;tif«. r..! •M i'i i..r J>—<{ur.mnon. r.-. .4|T u< . tifcnpnl Hnpji.m* Hi- nor ak<-n -l | l( m.iior U U 11l ■ t,u;iliv, ro-rroN. i ffm>N v uinh an u HiiKimM.s -ifl.r-4, lot •Ol t lie rII Vo inytrrul Mn, atrl ve il. lull v « ..1-ar.l 01 IO .lirrffl «iilr- 1.,, ~ ~.e /Hnr .- arti.r;.-. r mi. n.-.m „. e „„ p . t'Kirn pjyTr--T»« n rn ib •«l i»i fj>’ ! j. a- in ijiit'ii) b. 'trr ihr Mm f|( i | I. rule; •• ; '*•*! ~ 1 {« »r|ir, „1 O ’ • . „s .VJtf ,H„ J, llllVr )•«-. i InrL" r 11)11 II mi) JO. >IUI m . » |„v» Offti I ) u i-fiiij) 4-11-1: latcutr hmir»» •of bm.r,. >n-e« Irion hra. I-"'- ill [) wdli incilr.vir 1 blil IoJs'!«»■'* ar.«l »rt shorts CP- we noiii e r,p*ulur naler e *► tt ■Off are Hf wiijson eliarcei AJtD BATES OF IUBiEE ISBCHAN i L«ad--I>u'\ wp rll .. | Mi«*oun IV 41 if . I Bar • • 4( & M Ul. -l:r. |'ip«. prl „ li;t rt Jj C.| Leather- I»ur\ v»> pr . i Sole Bii-ltmorr - ‘.*l £ a.’ I Nevv \jt k . to 3 i: ■ DatiiKrnl . I■> tt 1-1 Slaughter t« it a> Skiruni; i ■ VI A - lUriie**. bJack- in it i\ \ BriJlm. tiiark. pr .In* \ rio.Un tffpl.lni j P u «mmi Jo IMim A4«.i«i j I'l’pef finUlitfil £l.lll A*.*-.Oil Kip*. fiunheJ vi m ta.-aui) Cali Skm it* - U.UU A'VUUI ! Lure leather 1“, U) £ .. ! N Uneriuul StNiimc. INo 1 per (jo? 45 ti Jf I No V perrtoz 'ssjh> uf j No - J per ti o 7 • -»Mli a . She.-p«kin» vtA* 5 liumbir-iluu tti...,g ' vul per M | I‘ine ei i. in. pr M - - W l*i |•• u,.l -J. -',M rfjtf i<- r* • '3 #’ lb . grain - T\ L'j'\ r Wa.511 and R; Odi. u: v- d ax l>u I> 1. *i w.n«!oti a *0 11 tt> Lk)\p* .i) n.] «u; . ii) t ai Ui«* v at (<■ No < kfc’ic** ci 'lip pri- <*« Hi itj .a O' eoo.t . *pp TUli ■ i SRh-;r.i- m irw«i • iai»Hi*ra|r ji*p.i>n.l 11-- rfl. n-.-l i r trf. «.)/).; ft; ) I.K \ I MLR ri>- ; r. - . Ist.- I.ilil' -Not. > l, <1 h.; »t l.f. U* t‘l I ■>' I*r r •»! •»- V ... w y m . -1 i Mai.i u - . -in- i. * m. •«: y a FOT\n>l-> iV-i,.,ir 'i $1 *» uu tr;„, *«.« RA I »!*- Itevmar a. SOAP AM i ' IMjl.K.'* T ALLOW » iav ,— : a,* :i." 'tiij-ii (ip ■ \ ISW.AR --vet-- O' V. • I t» :• in in l.' (4 H-Tli MM 4 !l 40 Ci . . n.- 111 brio. w . - .1 M-iM.', M tKhl.r HA NK Si fj | .> I .i. j•' SiKW NJMtISO (.OODS. I.K» \E> n ■.,»!• . :i .r! •, VT !>»; . r.' >* i] r- ili H | ui H K *.r i Kl* 11 o(!r.i„.'- M M,. ..n. i ••«... .. - i- ■ ah,".. Ir, i.a.’ - ... 11mi fl>- n. ft.-. i(,.n:,u - ■*•i '‘ 1 'fl(i \ (. i- miip- ,-i * ■ 'l. I’.l:-li!i I vli 'll’ .it ii> B - ■ .1 lane- .1 ■ Jin ii.niliiin,' w,.n, JH,« A V !>»' lb- n- • ' ... w PORT OF PITTSBIKOK • __ • - I«|>* ' In*ru'i < ti r >. < | riimmini \rnw i hi j'-i* arrivei> ;; J;; M Michigan Nu., V, (iilwii,. Beaver. 1 '"H’li'xi .in On 2 4 ■'.« Baltic, Jue.ihii, llrown»vilie. o '' l «■' , Jo “«• „ 3’ * 1 AilnUtK, I‘a/kinson, Browinv.i!*-. , a'* ' \(Vriril 11 f ra'«r>' l*t"f **'"'*:« Camden, lleijcJrie.kNm. McKeesport. , », oi ../ ric'i.r.i am/n. '•••!• Jienvrr, Clark. Ileaur Al " _ !• 1, »” _ 'V .M < l.tN I<" 'K Win I'bii'ip*, Mci'h.ul. ICiiunmnu .. i;m)rjks TO ,\KKI \ I. Telegraph, Mo ! . Ilaxlep. Lmmvillr O Jtt l»x« prirrn- Wlmc Haviini* R Wigblraatt. Whlliiiidv.ii 1 ‘hruder s l.un luiim n« Hu r | |:j i>., . N > i Mo...»•••• 'Schuylkill. Williams. New t irimim '!! ►* * , ,no, “' JMnt, .Vo2, KiflUA. I -Hilipil.v Aliin.'r .ulr’a'-w' IAM.IHITItI NNKTI'. /.achnry I Wheci.iuf j i.-r>l7 i; »,.<„| -i DEPAKTKO Mu'liltfun No 2. Cilwm, Braver .B.iujc, Jacobs. Browiis\ ille. Ail.mlu', Parkinson, Bruuri'.j'lc fiiimlrn. Hendrickson. McKer»pvrt. I airli Cope. Murdoch. Beaver .Beavbr. Hall, Bcuvrr Win. Phillip*, MrPlnui. Kuuiinniii. Hllicfmu No 1 Klinefelter. t m l>r Wilt <‘l niton ! irvuiin y. St I^i tlencva. I>enn. \'a»liviilt* WrlLivitli l , Pur, Suntiih. There were 1 fret U niche* lull m the channel by pier murk, lust evening 1,1 dusk, nml tallmy Uf' -t: t* ID Hi 'ATS i.kavim; this day Cincinnati Packet*, 10 A M Hrou’b.ville I'ut-kcin, lIIA.M, and 4 I' M Benvcr P*rke>t«. 10 A. M . «iul 4 I*. M S|. lx>tlU—Wyoming Kairnioutit. and lIlino»» rivff—Tugliom Now 04-lcnnpi lvunlior Wheeling —ZarUry Tj> lu; Codhi! W* M. Wright, M. n U.ntl.t ‘ 1 U*HXS- UNK.SJ* -so tuun.i, o, • * Utnllili J j nfcuvc narard 4 ;ood» have ben n-rrnt* A-Co, W> M«rk«*t Mrei, tin * i'> ♦ ’* ?- mar* • , SfrWl^«'Tr—Copt » a (.naq»a ami U nip • • foi *hß olBc» of SLentf. «unjpci u, the nois...r*- 1 'mj n *ar.if MA CKKRfcJ.—t.S. li. • lot aUc .«»• io USU Of tbe .Ajllinaicnifi and Whurttmmj Cobtmjuoq. , J\ dote con Jignmeat, by mwfctf Barra Wu», Pantmua. I m«rto JAMES palzki.i. PRICES CURRENT, 'E' FREIGHTS* 4tc. P'ifMetal |>r lOrv 6 mo*. A 'it-jrncnv I. Kounrtr) - —o* - Korcr - 0 H.uipwic JlacV I Foundry - St Korrr • 0 Tr iilif*«rr . .. -.0 Mercer Coui i> Foundry Pur n i, iff Fnrgr & Mahoning (_ <■ ,1 •• x l lb,o Foumfrv I’ie (ft - Forr- Ho • it PlAtlerParl(-a|||i\ 1 r*»c P'.nMrr Pan*. Jfc | t M> Provltlona - Bnron Ham*. (jj . iiJ ij -- ffSJ 43*6 -4 _ h Ifff.i N« Ruiiff 1 111 V*. I 111 11)11 111 tff \V R ;,ji/ i H-rnn fijuJ I'f l'- 9 M*\ 1 H-., .> 1)0 1i u ,.,. r -Ml 1 ! n. -ml T,,m Hr.iw , "•Ulofi iir-i bint; I*rj (* ijcnvir ' 'Wfoii . jf ( I* i ifcfluc*A i- • i.ri N**-hn;; It .|. i. , ' T«, ««■ !*'!'• ‘ -H.itu. 11.-hvi l)o «!•«<..-r lb t)n Kjr< ' 41 ' ii- w■ •, Seed* ■ I>AI I C Til Zmir.v, „ Turn.'.ln 'l ];'»£-JDO F:ru«,-rrt .k if | J u h.„,. , Mu-tard v jf iih, • lit, Spit-ra |-n tti ' K- f» > Fio--. Tu\.--.s ~, 4 i ir in f m d (5 'Hi N I -!j i J ,~S ‘Hi p-l - r,V Om Htx.rtnJ Sugar Ihi N o i.uiur ui..i " 'UI liild n.-.l lllVJliK Wlulr I S»lt I H.n « \'r : cri No i >i rt..u at 1 ..“i Shot Lhi;\ _;IJ ;w-r ;.| P-. 3 i.> Prr |i is ... a , SkUpMri t) *«. rt>*-:r- 'J a •(> Tobacco j».-i Jtj iio ( ,. t - 4?r.«p - - it 1 (XI d oO*f 0 i, i>i4 ~t 'I :<•:»< i-o ill MH■!iif :■! ,l„ I* -Jt , '-.,5. . •: Twm’ 'll! 4 0 <■ 4 lOjO 1- v Hi? ?•£ • a n - 0 i.-j lid H- - ii 0 II !**•.•! h n:ui -•• 14 S ;c RapK- f> :) fu- 4 Dry * It) ?•»;• #* 2.1 Ten—lK;. . i 1 ru;>fM4 • • nj tt -i, <-Liipow.W U 0 Tli Youit{ h'.«*'i- -• SU ifl fjr Rr«tJrrrJ —• • 7 J} Roucu p ( Soar- 11 rrfi»« Vleee—p<-r *.x So!lit l)i‘ir Wit***— Du'v l<> ji/ - I. I' \U.‘-.r, .» it ]. I' | :» 'ft , „ :i &. i , I*r \ M » '•* VS -t» . r. j} jj -JM. Islll ,//••-.• ** n. A\O I'U.(EUtI) LISE. B.IDWtLL t BROTHER horwunJin! lirrrhuul*. V-*-« :at r *iJ5 u- r to • Jt- A- TV-. .... " I'llK,, I •"> I v a v >•• > i I- vs, w m i I’lmi* Hr 1 ,. * j r J■■ ■ \M| i J. | . ASFa’HM) IIA.MI'TI.A.M I'M.IM' io mi, uni* urij<-r 'i jh'li > yiimW fl' Ii «tf«kr. i.u 1« r M f«-ri iuii* -J»l iiuMm * in cliHini ri-r. fIV '»!>'•'" *' f*'l. Al• o. "in - .m»- r>l •hill'- . i.rl 'onp. VJ ii" Ilf in itlnda lcr, will, ilruin*. n,.r u|*>t|[l.l «aw Kn«i uirr '• MA'rilMW > Ml! H No l« I INSKI-.I) Oil. I.i l-l. < l.muri-d On. i > *■<'••' .11 1 iior —lf I.) Irl,m SAM HAKI">. j 0»: *'<■ J aml !<•* / ’ KAPI> ii ► Ala VI fr-Mrt \ A/ 1N Wl > W (11. A Sv - i 'unij'MMiie ail 11.0 »*>!■• K''*• I V f jlly irmiio. iii d wiirrunird noed i,o«lU) ' i> ti.iflliy inr »u|o hi ijuaniiiir* 10 • un pi.M’hu»«T». !l )' RoBKKTsuN i RI JMM.RT. utai In.dim No KM Srcond «'r-' ' SHIRAN AI.K Mnlot* inf Sh.ra* - rrlehftttr.l I'lrni ily AJr rii-niinl l.y U t «* uiidrr«iKm'd K< 'HKRTSON A KKPRKRT himr|D-il I'H AtrnK lor ilie m»nufnoturor« For California, IMI K rrk brmrd Ridr Powder. hi krg-. I> ilf kp(t*. iju.iiii’f« nml cun*, inr »«l*! 1') irti.i3 j > Dii.woirru a r.>.-.’Twimml *i ladtpf ndcat Police Ofllcei NO . |(h FOCKTIi STKKKT -AVunmnuns Mm«.. Itol**, ALDKUXIJ* RtKCL fhirfnf Polirr RoBkHI !U»tc. Htii-rim • TO 0 7D I >4i ji 3. r M ij ; Wool |ipr B>— Ihm jo j>rr --ent huic I>i«kk! . . ,yi J limorj m f i Ih«'o<‘ • -- 10 2-1 i and (oinnK..i ]» 0 •*> fill* \»n»r»rii. !& t H Whlakey- |»-r ri*wmi Hr c n tied Rn w Mom nor u Zinc—prr lb "i'rrl • Fretplita- |>.t idu 1 To t'irri ninali i Drv - Hruvy : T o U,.,.v„ir I Dry Good. I HrUV) -- . . k _ «* ||| j IVy l.ooil. Hcmv. ! To Si I.OUI. . l»rr Good. . . T l> < ir- V r uj ,| huJ |-. r|r [)r\ , ' f.»- lIHI P, liilitrr and Hm ~n ■t'.J ,1, Uiui,* \|, l»n l»fW } lU ,| 1- !|*J . |>r r I Ku«‘ til.! Vr t. I’. u P- ‘ '• i "• «» l*i*l »rw! Hu6«.o a 0 H* . Pi.). N V I’r r. I'. a . i'.t H..f So.-.U \\ ,«,) So l B*-c*vrax. H«r» MUr . ...r ,u Marine Insurance. 't I H , tJ> , \a\\ i j / > K,., . ) 1 \ I.MWII \vy . \1 ) H J to otl'-r JuV.m ai - .»A.. fc .L' +O4 pa... «... : | , I) * . 1 {»♦t • * i ii muLu. i m, | i HR. ■ Hruf- i •• . . For Sale. iiki i\v\ .v iTi.m- it r*i - V,W r-re l.rmglu down by the WHlcriinrn.-hi fues.l.t y e veil. ng Iroim ti.e hi‘ii*e .•! Mr l.swsnii. who wi< . n’e oi the psrty. and the j »rr ot tic imb,-. Mi U>iu-»« .ir (Vtf». from M cl. to «l.* .. f . >U-. V n*-. .1-1.1 t-1- VUMI m ißiwrre M„ur m «:'*-m «. armv [Vmi l.v. rn Ui; i* .. k Ut r !.;<• 'f' «tr,ir.i ~mf.n-i,! rvrr orfrr.l Frem-ti (Bi ( ( 1 4 I’..>■<». MoyV - Pri.r* li*ur*- • i-.’rj t .J :ie fi.idrr \ i:- ■ ug v *i -u i J ;»\sa\ 111.1-' \l '; 'All. [ill p.l [rill. b«-!lra’.; Hi.' t*-d ■»“ j r.'lKf i >1: Kr \ Mi baml •i-- wal. '.ii.i-n ii.i.t emeu ii- < \»' “r« an. ■ k*V .01-1 . . .-Lr'-.l Tc- \» part; sell! Mas II M i) —Tiucr -i! i i'.! .-J ‘ : n W ,i .r: i Wesistion - .iid • onruy. nr cor., -nrd , our r-prr ot M.m.i.iv Tw , ~r m i t.ui near it-- f'aual ord»:<-. .» I’mn and at 00--e entered :uto ctDVrrsoiion A r, rd. who wi« \ery roo.'h n wain i mooev rnn.e up iiiem and ./tiered a cold watch tor sale. w:.u q iwiin; to Ins* DC would set. Yen'cheap ■i ; e •onHdirialra. *>l n’iir*e had any ' ,f Wj.kfr *».>«',! l-uy ;t. tb»?y :-r> •ught me watch, aod li« two companions f* t iJIi >:!-«• i t! y *• J crl lhr,/4« fn.- w 4: w f --i. f.-- had •> mg'it w.« a .arse •> d we I M- Wal.rl UI ~a J deaf 'y aw hn IHJr* I* !i . U hi. .ieij(i'.llli(S|ii l r f > J ,L,r l, r g r|t.l u.k-l ' *iii <'f r wi« :trrr*’.e.l by M.iy.'r H-r? .•> ii .1 -i !’ir*'.»of»’ A—-\ Th«* rrli d-.caed j : n . r-.iiiuJ tr-mi uuiVr irl ut applying H vM uni -innu-d alety *e-red i..n- • J i- » bf» »> i,-u.. ler ... in. i • ic-.g *i -ad c« -,i d mm ■ t.g an - i" .I -•- Mai -. ,• , it, K,--hir.} II h«ej V f.-r (hi .i \ . ii'fhi* »>H I. r lc , r*' - r*.| *• V lit.* 1» rT r- *»( In. lll 1...1.1W (if h • drl.-s.-.1.r r 1 ,m|vr K i Mnr. i. 1 l --IVI n- h.» lion. r Jii.lvr i»i%imr Kart K«-..y..n V Wa Ur I'., vi 4* ..ii v l. ii •! «:. ir.n ..i -. in A iritti.'i.v ( IV 'He \l. K-e »• lr- niu».i V .No.-.CI I ft., w*. ~n n A !!rt i-ony A « er »!>'• Hi lin .i Jiuiii.'li x ■( ) i>< • i i.i v t.-i: ** I 1 1. .-r \ A>-ri I he ■ «.>.e W H- ii- -‘i. i I | . u.r to the s.l ■l .er U .s.,| -r. v in.iurd i’ that sir.-. : Mmi.b.v .triil - r-il 1 ' '1 r in.»ii. In. rv r r ~i» »illi-e l-celi du.lig we nm! 1 here li m-W 1..> >1 infer 111 h.s Intviflg i.i •n 1 -.-I i I ' nil • rf It•• >n Mi in : i .i > i.i - '■ :rincul |;..l.b,in, u . • • d limn • -»*l •-i i in* »!»• ii.u-r r.irl I’.ll. wn* ) . > ••li Tir lirflil U*,:, | U'.ifil lit- sr.unl-'UI. 1 1 -w rL h iir Ihr tl.-sli w:i »«• vet r.l 1.1 |hr !k>ti<* fit: tv u aioii'id. .in.l il s liniughl In- w.b !m- " I.y> f \, ii it —At \r!: t>e 'cru by .in ii duv eveii * tif;, u-r tin* puqioaeol Inking into cotiaid er*tinn the expediency "I establishing a H ; t. Sc-nofl [ur lire mor*; adviimed scholar* of (he | v! i.o iti-.iitxilii Tre pu’.bo am int iU-.i lo ntteml hiuN 1 11 y I(a*ukks,—Tina oompAny Mnnril ">r Independence y«--crd.iv on the l - U’i:i i‘, mm. I. is coii.uMniifd |.) Ibijit Vt Hrnt kwav who is a* coml a leader n» vuiitil into l*.-n in-!n beiMH |.er!.-,i'? wdli ihe hardidnp* nnd per Kkwali.'i—A reward oi titiecu hundred dollars ollcred l.\ lb,- Mayr-iml Insurance uffi. n ■»! tin* - it>- I*if ihe drli-i'l.un o( lU»* iiiitndiaries win Ii in- lalt-iy 1.r.-n r\. unroll alarm m the Aiiack wuh uMi'i: —A wlnir ma-n I'uit*. wan "i.itibfil m tin* arm dl a iiogm bull, in ll.iVly**Mrrray t-vrinriK TuKAiitf.- -T'i-nigiil xMr rharira Wti>b appears in ihc fiinr.ntr*r nf Otbfiio, afler wlucii Ihe "Swja>» l‘-ciiage wi'l br presonlfd. i in*LiM. lioisE.— A in so Darned Morrell, ve*- lerdav n|>jteair(l before the Mayor ot Alleghroy to answer ihe charge of selling liquor without lieeose. He h tve bad lor his appearance at the neat t ourt. i’amal--The water was to have been let into the Canal M o cloeL < to ortcr senou* obstruction to the trade of the ol the Pennsylvania Canal; thereby injuriously al» revenue* of the Slate, and the commerce ol the city of Pittsburgh, and, notwithstanding this Mibjccl l.a- been repeatedly brought lefore former Legislature*, by the Central Board and Officers ol the Railroa J. ami the importance and urgent ne cessity' ol r-xieosire and pennaneot improvements have been dearly demonstrated, it has been siitfer ed still further to delenornie from year to year, in den,uire of the dictates of a sound and judicious economy. And, Whitbeav There can now I* uo reasonable doubt that the completion of the Pennsylvania Rail Road to Hollidayshtirg. will, m the spring ol 1560, throw upon the Portage, a large additional bmo'nt of trade and travel, which, in its present, condition, the road will not be able to vent, with out such delays, danger*, and inconveniencies, as will have a tendency to divert the business to othe r rhanucU, lu the great injury of the trade and of the cities ot Pittsburgh and Philadelphia*— therefore, be it HoditJ, That the Board of Trade and citizens ot the city of Pittsburgh now assembled, do ear nestly petition the Legishitore not to adjourn until they have made an appropriation of at least $lO6. di)d, deemed requisite for putting the Portage Rail Knud into thorough uud efficient repair, so that it •hall t>e capable of passing any amount of trade and travel which can reasonably be expected m tiir *prmg ut 1660. RrtolruJ. That our K representatives m the Le f!»litture b** respectfully requited to press thtr mi port ant subject upon the attention ol the Senate mid llou-.e ot Representatives, and to use all proper «nJ honorable mean* tooblaiii such appropriation. l{*xo/i+J That the Hoard of Trade of Phtlade! P'l.4 br requested to endeavor to obtain such nd d.i.onal !• n't>w"tiv•• engines a* may be requireJ ou the * <>!<]inbut Railrua.l fi<’sojiY.i That a etipv of these resolution* be Iran-iir'li-d by the President lo the Board of Trade t>( Philadelphia, nnlung tor the co-operation of that Hoard .uid li.e citizen* ol l'luiadelpnin, lo obtain lh« ties red Legislation T BAKKWKLL, FmjiJttti. i.HS HaKPCK S+rr A. A. NASON A CO. r- MAKKIT xT»! KT-Have repeiv#,! :,v r. VI , rt..!.n Sh .iv » i.i vinoiM qusiu.r. a:ij ■> af. fl ’1 ill)/*-” lill>.lr-f ♦ ' !>*•>; 1(1111111 kiJ - :ae>- h<-- w.J. * e'»>l ui t - u ' ,1 n;a, t -u- : i, >*-n J «i'll y<»">>n t i'o\r«. tor «jir.-is ts te Crrm-li ir.niMianu. Brit..!, f uri r.i— t'lm i/. Damii«k Table Cloth*. 1.. Iv,nit.» 4 -•.Mi) |i. 4 t.rrrn lW»c-- t.n.ufi 1 V (.ru- .•* Kn.i.f- >. W I'rnvu'.i. fi o t‘' . .• n Ur* ! V -e-. P.jfM- I'«-:-t. 1;..*,, r.mi.r,<• and ! •*•txi' T'.■ H.U-. iron. r* s*:,• Mu.ltllk i . v ;,-n, m.l . „ J Taritttoiir. ; F 11 K.S II BPRI N (1 GOODS. Shaffclett k White, ] i.O»U» JuHUtdRS, D« W .-.d -tr ei : u »* :nc 1 ) ..iwr.iV.cfoi»*i'.ifc u> th.-it »:■><•* or’ A MF.RI • vMipnUKUiMIRV IjOuD'i now rrcnnnjr i .ug i .urge snare of lhfir attention ». they can rou6.lpi.tly assure 6 . : :t to thru ,nterc«i in examine .. P-.vJ !**• ' I " hiv G.»«S< I |DI 'I. M.KI'iMJ {,< >« >Lr?<—W R Mi urn \ m ,u«4* trrpiaf* lo bit n>*4r!lurni oi i'i>n>TMr :.m»( .'ki AW- l.l.tUil «U* it'll I « • 4jj•! I C...uu ruwr'i and \»pkm iri .Jow runuin Mu>iir>v Ur/n q.i m*u..i.r• «».| n-.|urrcJ For M.»p« for a» * *ul.*imitr for bale A v or rhr*r (rood* n coi.oamlv k r k ioUu*» ij»r% Lochlmuf Rlhl*. and a Uo»I or i‘id »<■' »' w« \ • i-c uti rijr tiio*i luToraiir*- i«-fm», «pf»liraaoti», it wui l»c lounil vliKap and durable. *'■ ->nfl> «•».: an.) M.nkel m» irb*l pakUrujart) rail aMentioti In rhr Gdl»a«i- Hi i »i-nrn r /v.fw ~ Vf . - .. “„„ , " •«* for «'»•'»■ » require* no pauit, and wtJ! nor 1.l \< lIFD r.OoTH-A A 4u.No 60 ru „ AW u, Spike, ami Bolt* tile of ~ , r ' ‘ r ' . „* r ui ;U *K 'I vi rt ,ow ’ n, < '•'x hl' O' *«* importance, ilmi u wtli commeiw "I Mira, bej ill it--;r 10 tfie►noucc or all ibo&nnipr««i?d . - a.-d - \ Jamr. T*ira.„ M v OKU B MOREWOOD 4 CO., P.ieniwa, '*-o.nir«< . Irani Mn.a, nrLlitatwi vT |4 and 16_ Bearer «. N Fork M«%on t'ota. ohrt. •C»rli»ie Dori (irj'rr 1 tJum» . . - . m>. '(••..Mu- A.' P;it.!.gr— K«,™. ll».t Fmll „«« :sSS- nSisss • ( I r'w-'i r •■(...r'r:i «.,il i'uT.sde lo'h*. «;»J fU.nmort, nnd iwo more. Die S’rphen Baldwin and : ..i r.uin'.ie Bo* * otif Yi.d l * p uO. Uirv «rr i.-rrefore. prepared ; • i.u.rr carefo ' Hlr.y « ! rrrnw.iurmf ,hrwm. \„ rh.rr/ma.l, „„ i ~C iWk ‘‘ *P*'‘'* ,r *'Uppllrj. tih Vw Orient !mwi Z. ■ '“ ,¥U _ w* M MITTHKLTRKK • u., »• reasonable . AjOt'NT KAI.LK I Rii‘Ol.l }or rirsuioewm i.Tl dow. md *iass«., »iiv,-r P'a;,>, tuan. Bn tn mu. Hml irijsr ware It :n*r> ou; a!t «pot« an ! Alain* unrf reproduce. i;,e btr.uo'u; i.t,H N Mr F \ I»! .N A F'orwanlina i*.d iXmtm *>«. Mrr. tiaia» I *na< Uaniu. I’r: n st. I’ut»l/urfrh I AMK> M DA Vl* A Co. Rom Kmrior* »„d Coiunu* \l<-rrnt:u« 'in Market iml M loram.-rcp mud I’ht Melpbi* p'AJ»«!./r. m».l- !•> nibrtot ,i, • U( , Poo. W oi>: mbei me rrhandif e lo them lor • vJ- marl 3 NEW Ml ?!<• KV HENRI HKRZ ' The ! a*t Ro.e o' '•uumu r n itit an totroUuriion anJ hi ■C. ant vs i.auunsfoi th. I'.a'to Forte »• penoniiej u> ah bo . >»n.-ert« !•„. 1 11( .r,j Sialf. 1-1 llrur. Hen \l.iiun P...k» 1., Urn rt Hr r, ■ -rt... 1*...1a M>ri HrH Ju-l .-. -,.-rd ...J .or .*> !. • s M i,-e ai J J' >HN H \iU.L' 'H. -I wwd 11 j 1 r* f I \ UMI tCi er tt tor's Notice. Al.l. |>rr«on< i'.«trl.lrO to il.r Ralolr nl J,»tnl Hague, • lrrra.r.l »i- rrqu'.i-.l lo mukr p*) inrill lo mil,- 111. ‘Jlltf «t..i |>ie.«.-»l Kirin | OI .„n lemr n: JOHN UKAIIAM f ~ m-nIUM H iUlLl**, \ Me.-u'oi. SOTICK. \l.l. |>rr.«l|. m.irbled u. Iftr J «1,,1e „l V\ i.i.ani Me Kr.ltilil. .1. rtlirr.l, or lo Ibr lutr linn. .V( \\ M. Knit In & I o , and t\ in MrKtitllil A Sin. itrr nouto-d 1.1 (in ) ' I'irihc! .lo KoBF.RT MKNU.IIT. tpi'M.i-.llui Ailinii'i'iiuiui oi \S Mc-Kmglii .!••**‘.t | TIIIC AUKUSIETUR. ' 1 1 1 1 *•*• ■ r uU '»*- ” tr 'l’ ci ■!" . «•:» '0 J ■ ..r (Oil.l\» Hit .-rrlrtK'nlr. Mh > Kmm H.ivimr lc«i<-d a i,iiat:i ■ i nr' i,,i ' in 1 1 mint mi rm i ••it. ami recoiurarnd itir u*r of mr >i-ul vs.ue or 1»,,d Hrait umn, J U DC'NI.I-.V \ . Hold Hr a- • .March y -M a I.aiuo—Dear Mr Haying a&mmrij ihr ii.. i* i. mat iiioriurril ai your room*. 1 do not li-.ilute in rnmmrmi : >o the imc of tho»e gciitu-tlir.i who arc iriiinviHi; u» California hi «i-4f. !i «>( lioid li r'»c» a flo»e approximation lo the specific gravi i <>( wrfitl*. and win ccrtsiuly enuhle :or udveiuipcr .• t»i .•ilnni w'tcn hi* placer it t irliiing Hold murid Vimr*. re-py. J R }I'CLI.\TOCK BOOK-KKKPISC. DAVID ] ,F.E_ Protestor of Book• keeping by Doable I jiir). iipini ihr too«i approved Itaijas method, our in .or mo.i experienced mid successful inxinn iori iln Ctniftl SiMir*. respectfully uiforma the emiens Pui.hiirgri uud vicinity, that he will give a coarso ni i ..on. on ihe science of account* ax connected wi ll ev>Mv branch of business, eiihri foreign or ric* me-nc, and guinnim-es lo Ins pupila (provided they C" r r nlli-iMuni) a thorough iheoretjral and prae !. qi knowledge nr Uit* above named science within .norif* poa-inlo Mine that *0 irnportuni a branch 01 a Men ..mile ''duration can be acquired. For timber niwnusiion ami terms, apply to Mr Lxe. ai llrtiwn't Itoie.. corner of Third and SaiubficU *i t . inuM-dlw HuhKS BdOKS" Kdgnr'* Vartalion* of Popery I -y Krv r Sj'Hiry; Xenophon » Work*; Tai-uu»’ Work-. I nivrfMiy Scr«mi«. by Wayland; Naiuial Hungry <>l f-jni.uMaain, Life and Times of Philip Hen r\ Liie of Rev Henry Venn. Proverba of the People Of Mnitinm. Tlienphany, or maAifeaiaumi of God m t hrjxt. Mrmnifv ol J p'oivrll Uaxton, Han; Chrut ia al,by r> a K ; Hnpn.m. Ua import and mode*; The Mid dir kingdoms yoU Cheever'a Lecture* on Pilcrmi’a r,0»,r... Che.™.-. W enJrm.B, e( a PiI K rhnTn me Aipa, Andrraon'a l)ome»uc CooatHution; Alodern Ac comp lahmrniv La*t dny* of Ut.ha; Women of the K, .elu.ioa, h r M" Wljll I Jle of I'ollok. (or .ale hy marl i KLLhrrr It KNI.USH. ra weo.l HLMA N MAUNBimt-iu el„m.To‘a;.p...,ae ale uiquiry, bemg an attempt to »how the uUhty 01 us application for the relief of aafftnng; by \V Newndtam Pato. author of “The reciprocal influence of Body and Mind, etc The bdgt work on the iub;ect pubhahed. For sale by* FaLLIOTrr.A ENGLISH, , IU * rl;! 7» wood M TO CALIFOXINIASS. A KEOMtn'KR.— The onderslrned having adapted an uutrament to the purpose of axeenamnig the specific ftnvity or valne of gold, t* now prepared to supply all whose business may requite n» osr It 11 small, convenient, and can be used wiihooi dubeuli) . a glance being saificieni to show the process. Person* contemplating going to California, would do well lo call and examine the instrument, as it is in ev ery way calculated to protect them from fraud by ena bling them at any time in osceriam the valae of their metaJ Printed directions and table* will be supplied gratu itously 10 pnrrbaaers &AMUEL EAKINB, Union street, mafi-lm rear of John B. .McFaden’s Jewelry store IJULK FORK—OOCO lbs UnltFprk. rrc’d andioi JO sale by marlO L S WATKRSIAN ’ QUfrAt—GO hhda prune ineters-on P T D . a “ **A 8 , Wholesale and retail, *1 PEKIN TEA STORE 70 Pounh xtreel, nrar Wood. Pittsburgh.—The subscriber having jq«t returned from New t ork, is now receiving a Urer tail •uddlt of frcih GREEN AND BLACK TEAS, from the New York Pekin Tea Company, elected with great care for retail *aJe*. Oar slock being ijow heavy we are pre pared lo supply Grocers, Hotels. Stearatro&n and Fam ilies with any quantity and at any price they may wish; packed in ±, i and 1 pound packages, 6 lb. tin canis ters, 6 and 13 lb catty boxes, and in half chests. Retail Grocers ore invited to call, as we can and will sell belter Teas at tower prices than any other house in Pittsburgh. Our slock of She Young Hyson, Gunpowder, and Im perial Green, and Oolong Black Teas are the best in ihe American market. Lovenng's double refined Loaf. Crushed, and Pol- Tcnxcd Sugars, at retailor by the barrel- COFFEES-Mocha, Old Gov. Java, Laguira, St Do mingo and Rio Coffees, selected by the most expenen ced coffee Broker m New York. Sweet Spiced Chocolate, Pickled Cucumber* and Onions, Fresh Peaches, pat up in their own juice. Malaga Raisins: in ,! lb l>oxes. N H.—Ail Dr I) Jayne's Family Medicines for aaie. dreV-dAwS A. JAYNES. GOLD WASHERS. HPAItRY bn* invented a machfne for wtuhiug • Hold, for which be ha« made application for a Ca.ent They are now offered lor sale at the war*- ou«e oi Parry. Scott ATo . No I‘fJ Wood street, Pittsburgh Adventurer, to (‘aliform* are invited to call and er ucnine ihete labor-saving machines They are simple m their ronstrucuon, easily transported on the back of mule* or horse*, weighing eighty pounds each, and e.m hr put in operation in bait an hour They cm be hi rd with provimom Ii is the opinion of those who have seen ihe Inal of one of the«e machine, of «ioa!lr«t sue. that two men will wash the miner*' from IJO I.ashel* of sand or earth ia a day. without the lo;.« of a panicle o! the mineral They can be increased in sue and worked by water or mule power, if expedient The operators work without going into ihe water or being exposed to wet. and consequently without en dangering their health They will require but a small •trenm of water, and can be used the whole season, and can be put into operation where there it not suffi cient wainr to wash in the usual way Price ot smallest sue 535. Orders from abroad, ac companied by cash, will be promptly filled H PARRY, at Parry, Scon A Co’s. febft-dtf No 103 Wood st, Pittsburgh. PAPER HANGtIHQS DEPOT, No. IS Cortlatuit street, New York, OPPOStTK THX WOmB HO? XL. Ths Croton Hanufhetarlßg Company, (Organized under the General Manufacturing Law ot the Stale of New York ) OFFER n: wholesale, in quantities to suit pureba* ers, at manuiarturrrs' lowest price*, tor ca«li or approved credit-- Pspxi Hasgi.vo* of even - virteiv of «iyle and price Bogota* to uiaicti Fire Board Prints in great variety Transparent W indow Shade* Oil Panned Window Shade*, wn.l 'Vide Window Curtain Paper,. Of the tulest styles und superior (iiudi. ai m the usual way; and by mean* of tnu churn, a tmJe girl or bov ean perform, in five or ten minute*, what ha* heretofore required the labor of a woman or man for one or two hour*, and sometime* kail a auy 3d By *unply turning a thumb screw. the whole m ■ da»her i» taken out. leaving nothing bui the batter and milk u> the plain wooden box. 4th It u '.be cheapest churn ever invented, a* the simplicity of u* construction (though embodying a great philosophical principle) make* it bat Itllfc to manufacture it sth It t* a common-sense churn, a* a 1 wnl admit who wiil examine it We in vtie-the pablic to cal! and witness ut operation ut our office in the Diamond, near the Black Bear Ta vern. Pittsburgh. ami at J F Beckham'*. Federal «i Allegheny t'ASJERO.N 4 FRICK mar? eIA w*ni!t HI ST PROOF 11103. fJMIK onderaigiied have erected work* in the city et o. \KU (»< HiDS. aud V r, Dies* >• It»*h L.-iC - Pallor. 'mr.y3 'l»n' • wiuw and .-oior.-d. A .New ork. lor ibe. purpose oh vmtinuz all aru o> Iron, whjctj it i« dcurable u> PRtJTKCT FROM HtST. .n ihe ve*»on. with ihe choicest Fresh Oy.Mcrs m esnv. half can* aod shell, al such reduced prices as will enable every family to enjoy ihu* delicacy at their table* ■* An Express load will he received daily ai the ware house ot J.NO 1 BIDWELL. Wain street. l>etwecn TSimihfield anJ lirant. awd rot sale there, and ai ihe u>l lowing depots Her* A Berger, corner Sinithbeid and •hi 'l., E He-aiieUin, Diamond. A Hoevler. Fenoti', hth Ward, D Haughey loot of labeuv st; i Coliart J r Frunu Atenu., Mrr.crA Robin. on . Allechen\ .11,' novfll* I'vlWflM I,>>U . * Li ll W W \\ 11..H0.N ori.n 4t!i srid rourkn ■ NOTICK. MR SAMI. H HARTMAN Having ...M hi. inter e.r ~, ihe -'o-puruieisliip or fol.-man, H-ilman A ior 10 the remaining partner*. Ira* this day retired "oin ibr hrin February 19, It-TU-tt pmsm Kt.H MAM F.urn KF> Tlie ullder- I signed. Agem tor the mannia. turer., has or, hand c0 ' 1 ; ftl,t V rece,' O.g a lu.i -ap;.: >of Ihe article* hitde m 1 Mb.|.urßh and viemuy, winch he otfer. tor -me at nianulacturrr.* i.EO COCHRAN, lftl ** ll _ ao wood si LOUT, ' 1\? r ‘•e'ween j and » n - :«ck, a SILVER J u A IN H. with a steel chain and key, and with :hr ''*">«'*• hand oil Any per.ou finding 'he same and :ravmg n ; ,r ihe t.air-uc odtcc. wi:| be Itberni'yre " aided by the owner. leblT-dif I NKUSCBBW PASTE-1 pi Ru ,' I ber I as.e *n,exeeileiu article lor rendering bool. i"<. -hoes ; .-fleetly water prooi. nnd .oft as .1 piece or . .old. line a,.ph< aiiou of this past.,, .urtu-ient 10 make laern tmpgrvmus to water lor V ~r :t months, and “ J u ri T', l the leather cracking K. c d :ur p.T »u the India Rubber Dermt No 5 ": ,n ' 1 ‘L. .. Jiii Fill 1.1.1 Fs PRINTING l'AHEß—HavingVhc exeium-c .t-iic .1 Fntiutg Faper. .s BA • 1 Murklc. Proprietor») w* wll leconsiaitr M.,vi w„i, .ii J,. whiLli "0 Oder a: tlic .owcu pnee* RKVNoLDB A SIIKK. corner Penn and Irwin ms * NOTIfcK. r JMIh ttiideraigned having rcmovnil 10 Waahinjrion A cay, will attend to ihe prosecution of claim* on the Government, and lo uny law business before the Dourts of the Dutrtct, with which he may he entrusted. decMUa-nu ANDREW WYLIE. Ja. Pmsm igu, March T. i-Ur T ■ Notice; ’HE Stockholders of the Pittsburgh and lale Royaie Copper Mining Company are hereby notified that the Tmilee* have ordered an assessment of one dollar per thure, payable to the undersigned, in two equal iofi •tairaents, one on the Ist day of March next, and the other on the 15t?r day of May By order. Ae- JOHN IRWIN. Jr, Sec'y mid Trea*’r.. Ja3o-dlm cor. Ferey and Front *u. Dentist. Comer of Fourth ‘ t ‘ and Decatur, between Market and Ferry stieeu *eps<-dlyiu_ A Good Bualoeaa Stand for Sale* A CONFECTIONARY ami Vuneiy Store ftr sale. on Pennsylvania Avemic. with a good run of business and a small slock. The Proprietor it inconvenient to have two establishments, thv cause for selling. Apply ai , H. hi SMITH S, ja9t-dSm corner Wylie and Washingtonjl*. GKO. W. SSXITII * co M INFORM their friends and the public that they have no longer any connection with thetr late establish ment in Pmn itrcei.kiiownas the Pumburgh Brcwerjj having removed ihetr entire business to the POINT HRKWKHV. in Pin «trnnt mylPrd y 8 CASKS (Glass maker#) Ja* Mutprait A Sons’ - I brand, just ree d per steamer Brooklyn, *ud for sale by \V A M MITCHELTRKE, jalfl No 160 Liherry n NOTICE. WANTED— A mah who is competent to take charge of a small Dairy, aad thoroughly acquain ted with modern farming, can hear of a good simation by inquiring at this office AJ*o, a single man, who has been accustomed to farm work generally t and ran milk. Inquire as above, martf-tl Journal copy INDIA RUBBER PASTE—Jtm receiving, Bgrot* bottles of Rubber Paste, a superior article, highly important to person* that wish to keep their (eet drr It prevent* the leather from cracking, and will take a polish over it For sale at the India Rather Depot, ,No 6 Wood Street. msrS JfcH PHILLIPK ’IfyURSE LOST—A Bead Purse, of blue ground, coa- X tuning Cuy Scrip and Silver, w*i ycslerdhy lost somewhere be ttgeca tbq comer 0/ LANTATU>N IN ARKANSAS.—The rabicntur X oiTrr* lor *ale the extensive plantation in Arhan »«*. former') pr'onpnjr to and occupied by tie Info Governor Krm. of \t«*y und, and containing twenty eixht but-Ured ami nighty-three udi half acre* ofliwd Thu estate lies in the counties o| Phillip* and Crit tenden. And u •icuaM tn Walnut Bend, on the MU*U uppi river twenty-five mile* above the town of Hele na hi* «aid to be tho highest river land in that re £°" »r t»orr lu toil i, poeoliml, Adopted to ih. K"»7e .° "« anoveroevr’i houM*. n boroe-mlll, several com homes, end proo.l for tcrrutti, . “ w * boXvkStl'.T'l. l " mdred *"" »f ImJ hove ™ r it. re -f . d * rt now cultivated. Tie rest of u ™*7 ? te £'* d t lthe most being already done,) whieh^^^f^u"* 00 UW *4ttS T of a*h i -. re ? dJ,T * ol . d “ » w*« located wood yard, id quamtues of several thousand cords every yea? raw plantation is one of great value, tad present* a r»re opportunity to the pubuc. In the Standi ©fa rood L iu *£*** mado oflnuoenaaaiunial pro -6,ml* c, l ,Uo# oflatoteourso wuh Now OttoanaaJ ford a constant aveuua for the disposal of it* product* mieJ ‘ “H** Crom CtAclnnau. SPo New OriSiS? n ° aih ° f tbe 0hl °’ Irtaa dcsired Pn>l> * rt 7 Wlll *** d,riUe,i »mo several pan*, if For terms, Ac , «pj.|y lp< y M p aul) w WILLIAM & PEBINE, Baltimore, Maryland. !)05 Aerti Ootl L&nd for O ITU A TED on Uje Mnnongaheta river abnnt lAmitci k lr ° a ii > ‘ U>a " ir^k^ liJ 1 . 3 nu,e * **x»»e third Lock m the irame* erected a large and well bushed two nory bnck Dwelling House, together with stable*, carnage house, tc. There i* also - on the premises a lacac variety of truit trees, and a spring of unusual ex cellence l orvipuous to the dwelling _ WAJ VOl’NfJ, M 3 Übe;t» of different dtea A *-\rrnnire ml.- w.Il begum A plan of the lot. can be.rouai .No U* \S yod *llo*l», enquire of either of the oudertnrned ( oiniTnilre JOHN T. LOGA*N * A LUX. ia.UtiUUN, MALCOLM LEFa'H, H CHILDS, SAML HaILEY. Valuable Heal KiUte for Sale. rpHH loiUmuig property in the ctiy ot Piu-burirh, 1 mid n**ar the borough ol iVanche'ter, oa the Ot-w. m '■r. it offrrcl fur hmjc un hicomiuudaunr tertn»: 3 J*>t» (heuiif «üb-division t»i Lot \o 4© ln the pl«a 01 the city of i’lit'burr’h.) having JH t'eel front nu Se venUi «trr«t. hy tt4u tret to alley, near (ifnnl »trrrt. lO.mrncrr l.oi« instum* on an Arenar, «0 feel wid*- ranr I'rooi Knavrr road lolhc Ohio riTer. »d Phiiii|*. - tit. noth Knciory Par wm«. «cAhiou given Ihr |>< April—A Store JjSjgL»n Market «uwt, uear Ldberjy. A Store in Liberty «r«t. next door lo the cor ner oi Market ami Liberty sir. Tllc ad/oinms Store, comer of Market am) LUxrty Two Store*, with dwelling* attached, in Perni street near the canal. Also, a firm rate stand, with or with out dwcLmg, near the canal. Possession given in* mediately. Inquire of DAVID GREKR, jalP d&n* , Penn Street, near the canal Lot on Liberty Street for Leu^ ONH LOT. 4a feet from on Liberty *treeu by llOfeet to Brewerr alley, nearly opposite West street, and oonrement to the Mouongabela river, wil) be leas ed for a tuna ot years. Enquire of CHARLES B SCULLV, or JAMBS O’HARA. Barkc'j BuMinr, -Ith *t. VaJvable Property forlltle' T'HE iinder.tgm-d oiler lor tale u.e valuable ptopqj t) tiiown a* Concert Mali, mtuated on I’ean Mroet corner or Barker, alley, having a front ou Penn meet or It'll feet, minting buck ICO feel to a 12 feel alley on which •« crerted a very large bnck dwclUug bou»e the man. building trom of two stories, with wing* otto and u ~ ”’&**• aad ibe rear building three *lO net high. The building u very convenient and well adapted mr a Hotel or eatensive Hoarding Hou«e It ts now oe.upied by Mr. Uhmtie a* a Hotel. For iem«. apply 10 John graham, or > JOHN H PEEBLES, I Merutor*. Valuable Property for Sale. T N Till; MYTH WARD OP PITTSBURGH —Ser i era! lx>H on Baldwin anil Liberty street*, in th* «ih Ward.-24 feel by ICO, ami adjacent the proposed depot or the Central Railroad. For tertnj inquire of CHARLES n. SCULLY, or JAMKS (Wlaba, mar I2:ii Bnrfee’i Building. 4lh « FOR. REST. 1 M A TWO awry Frame Dwelling House, in AD l-ghcny city,on the bank of th« AUvgheuy river adjoining the dwelling of Mrs St.owden.and near ly oppo*uc the point. The dwelling U commodious and comfortable, and contain* every necessary cbn veinenee. wuh a garden attached Enquire of David Heart. Coach maker, 1,1 Virgin alley, or of ihr subscriber on Rie premise* marfrdtf N F..\lLr Me ALW’A VN FACTORY FOR SALE. A TWoSTt>RYBI;It.DING. 4u feet w„h . team Engine, ml in tood order and ready for operation, mr sale or rent, or a partner would be taken i.t any yood business sujtab'c for the building Also mr .sir a PLANING MACHINE for flooring boards, also 1.1 .-oinpLie order, 1:1 a flourishing neighborhood. n«. romp«m,on an city f-Jiqutre 01 SWEITZSR A REED, mat - dit Office Third .1, opposjteSl CharlesHoteU OFOR. SAXE, N (rvorable terms—A Lot of Ground on the tooth ,s'-J Penn near the Monongnbofa rivet ironung SO feet on Pei.n street, and extending UO feet tio» •»? a ey 80 n WH,e ’ * raost desirable loca- prw#t * residences or for manufgemnng • purpose, Enquire 01 J SCHOONMAKER A Co, * - - ,e,,16 -_ No 2* Wood si Ask TO I.ITT - A two story bnek Dwelling Hoaso Jlay «trrrl Fj uuire of febls MMKSJMLXEU, an>[« M,; 1 *I’;'' 1 ’;'' T.) LET—A Iwo n.f T Hnrk Dwelling, wun 6* uric, highly improved Land snuated in uskiand, to let from Ist Apnl ,l4 ‘ ri . HARDY, JONES 4 Co, r 44 Water street To Let, A three Mon Brick Dwelling* containing 11 ?“ ' v " ,,,r “ rrc ‘ «*■“' » ?ood imam, V 5O Apply to 'a M ANU.TY A Co, l,w canal baam *“ Alleghoay City for SalaC. I !'■ *ob ! .«*nlw.- Oder lo r safes number of efcotea 1 utusir m Uie Second Ward, froaung on tl>« i Hinmdn ground, on easy trrms. Inquire of W' (pH. ROBINSON. Auy at Uw. St Clair tt j or af JiSHOIiINSON. „„ U,,prem,.™. 1 • tnyl >:dA wt( T M FOR KENT— For ot* to )'««,. trom (tie hr-t oi Ann! next, a large two storied brick Dwelling House, pleasantly situated on the bank Of the < tine river, adjoining the borough of Mancbes. ter. « till about four acre* ot land, out buildlugs, iruit tree*. 4 Ac Apply to I* 4 JAMES A HUTCHISON SCo ■ To Let. SQ A LA RG E and well fimsbed Rooai, second |sj on the comer of Wood and Third sum*, *»al*ovc the Kxchajiceoffice of Dm H William* 1 o«*e»!«ioit given tnmtodiaiely. Inquire •»( J fti M’GILLS A ROB, 104 Liberty s; . FOR SALEOR REKT. M THE *nb»cril»er otfers for sale or rent, hL«r resi dence m Allegheny cuy. fcanbe gi veu Ui F>-bruar). oraooner if necossaTt, and who ever limy 0.-rifpy », miglu find It advaniupeou* ih re tat# some ofinc ‘unuiurc, Ac , parliculurly suited i». the place jod R. W. POINDEXTER. Por Real, Mlu AlYchcuy city, a pleasant Dwelling riouse and lanjc (iardett. on ifii second Geo Hogg For terms, inquire of Mi. Benj. Glydc on the premise*, oral bis store, No Wood sired orapp.') n> ALKX. idl'd'-J1 m s M’S»> I.KT-A large bnrk Dwelling Bouse, totialiiC tor l"0 Uimlies *Unsted VAlw>?e the upper Common*, on xt iuch i» erected a frame haitdm*, two Moiie* tti*jL mitabU for two tmail tenement! The iou are eanh twenty feet in trout *.y one hundred fret deep, and ran baA to a Blreet fort) >-ct .wide. The htuidin*. OQ U» „re mißet will pay a yery tondapme iuttleiuni the mye«i v or to . r A.* WASHINGTON, 4th, above Swthfiela «r m WAREHOUSE FOR SAL&—Th® wbeenbei offer* for tale die three tmrjr brick Wazalitroae on Wood ttreet. occupied by R.*Tsutner * Co. WAL WILSON, Jr. XTAULMLE REALTiSTATEON PENN STREET T FOR BAJLK— A Lot of C»usd titsate on Ffloa tUeet, between Hay and Marbary ■treeu r tdiaioisf theioute and lot now occupied Vy Richard Edward*, hancga'from 0f23 feet, »nd in depth 120 feet wUI bo aold on favorable lerat TuleeneioeptionabJe. En - qalre of C O. LOOMIS, 4ih m, Bear Wood. octSJ-dif- Tft For Sola. Vi ADEStRABlAlBatJduif f» ror^TydocsiedrinaizejdxnKHauaaa(re, and will be Roid btMtceooAumaunx tenet. 'Jbdaltt of SlpHSti