The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, March 14, 1849, Image 2

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irrim Pmtmau DAt Oizna u pdbushed
Daltv, Tfl-Weekly, and Weekly—The Daily: ts-Seven
Dollars annumjihe Tri-Weekly is Frw Dollars pet
mntun; the Weekly'is Two Dollars per anmiOi V; *mtflf
n advent*. ;■ ’ .
rr7*A2*xxrasß3 are earnestly revested to.-hand in
.hi& faVpri bel&TB ani as early intheday as
practicable. Advertisements not insetted far* «p*ci
tied time: will invariably be charged until ordered oni
Pat UCTSTC&unfircUl ImdUgenfc4JJoQertle, Mar- - ,a
tela, Rif *r Netra, Import*, Money Market* v tc. aee
hixd pigfc ' .
iazt Mettt TtUgnpble Hewi.
For jUoeai Sfctun tea n«xt pafffe.
Wkstxxm RjVxas—High "Water.—Sou th We
tern papers speak with alarm of the continued ad*
rahce (ijTthe Waters. The St Louis patera report
the lihobii overlhe banks and flooding. the ware •,
bouses.,' The Missouri had seven feet water in the
channel, and wasjfalling, with ice running. The
upper Mississippi was oppn to Hannibal, had nine,
and a half feel water in the channel, ris
ing, witk a great of floating ice.
The:Louisville' Journal state*, that at last re
ports along the whole line of the lower Mississippi
tho rtVer wns in a very slannlng condition, n
manyplaces it had overflown its bsnkn. Crevasses
hod occurred at many places sloflg an t
fears were eotertainfld that a crevasse wou ocoo r
above' Carrollton, by which the water wonld get
access into New Orleans. Tb. .municipal anthon
ties were ustagtbeir utmost exertions to prevent
•nch a calaniity. Theßeße Key reports the nver
rising from Racoourci Cut-off down; at Vicksburg
it wai felling; but at Memphis it was again rising*
The list and; preseot rise in the Ohio and the up
per MusiMippi and its tributaries will at least keep
tL ibwer aii>iis»ippi at o high stage. From ex*
tnctebken from papers of the 24th, published nr
townslalODg. the coast and copied into the New
Orleans papers we gather the tallowing: "
. At-Bayou Sara, the water was within a few ms
cbea Of being fta high as u lB2B, and the I
town sraafutly.£-ur feet onder water. ]
At Baton Rouge, Levee Street was impas*
table for Riuf squares, and West Baton Bouge wns
oeft'lV overftiwed. Several crevasses had taken
pi c4*‘ neflt there. The planters were'unable t'
in p tbeir crops, and all kinds of business was at s
Ai‘Plnqoeniine, the water was within three in*
cites of ihe high wiUr mark of 1629, aftd a gener*
al u uodmi' D was almost inevitable.
of in?'3d ute*tani, s»ys: -
“Iti the pfrtjem al-'rtmng state of the river, ris j n
witllfn Hie Inst ’«« di«ys to an almost ncprecedenl*
e i tmtah . ime-u* n ug not only properly. but al* >
1 'e with desirac'iorij it beeomea ihe' iinperat-Y*
duty ef <»%r municipal authorities to lake itnineiii
aie ytrpa to avert the impending calamity. Whil«t
we besiiale, the danger Increases, and -the means
of »afety, from the peculiar nature of the conserv
ative woftt to, l>e executed, become mojre aod m6re
* W|e have -just seen an individual who has re
cently arrived from the Red River district", and
whd states that the-scene of devastation he has
witnessed coming down hither is melancooly. in
the extreme.. In many places the grounds of opr
planters ate completely under water, aqd the river
* is atill on tbd rise, menacing to overtop ns, banjes
. j 0 every soot, where by its sudden sinuOns and an
gular tarns it is at vantage. •
We earCeitly hope that, in view 6f Ihe pressing
exigency df the case,, there will be no delay in
seitihs about the construction of the additional
defences Which may be necessary fin* the safely of
the city. As for ihtj cost, that should be of minor
k consideration;- In case of need the State Leguli*
turn, at it*- next meeting, will assuredly eome to
our- aid ip'tlie outlay of funds should -be deemed
too targe for our Corporation tb incur.”
Sbvbbb ti*b m WaBHEt, Pa-— We learn from
the Mail, that a fire broke out in that
borough, on the morning of the Sib inst, in Ihe Ex
change Building, which contained the storea ui
Messrs. Taylor & Arnett, S L Axtelfl Baker A;
Hnftter, SG.Sterens’ Tin Shop and Sfore, AH 4:
T £ Snmmehon’B Tin Shop, the Priming Office of
S j Goodrich, the Shoe Shop EV Rogers, occu
pied by N Ford, the Tailor Shop of H' L Chureh>
County Treasnser, J)r Strsnahan’s Office,-and B
Nesmith’s Saddle and Harness Shd£, all of which
wefft destroyed.
books and accounts of Mr. Axlell, together
a few goods in his store, and a. number of ar
ticles in the store ahd shop of Mr. Stereos, .were
saved. Moft of tho goods in Baker 4c Hunter •
store, and their books and accounts were also Stv.
ed, Messrs. Sammirt era's Books were!*kewise res
cued. , . *
the Treasurer's booki were lost The booki
Messrs. Taylor & Arnett, which werekept m an
safe, have been recovered from the rains amn
Mr. Goodrich has lost every thing r his Just
books, mail books, account books and'all.
There vU no insurance ou any part of the build'
ing-or its contents. The loss is estimated at from
♦20.000 to $60,000.
©mo Asd Mississippi Railroad.— The Cincm.
nali Atlas ttys that Professor Mitchell has recent
ly returned from his visit to the places interested
ioihe greatenterprise ofconoeetingCiacionap, by.
railroad,with the Wabash, and ultimately with Bt/
- Ldnii 'f’be following sums of money were sub
scribed at t£e various meetings addressed by Pro*
feasor Mitchell:
Dearborn: county, 8200.000; Ripley-do, $lOO,OOO
Jennings do, $100,000; Jackson do. $100,000; Law
rehce do, $100,000; Martin do, *41*000; Davies
do, Knox do, $200,600. Total,
000. * ‘
}The ccttof the rood from Cincinnati to Viucin
n<t ia estimated at $2,000,009, aod of this sum,' SI ,*
370,000 u already subscribed, coeerruc*
tiirti of the road ceTtaiu. No. obstacle is likely to
e3tlst iq Illinois. The bill to . construct the above
railroad failed in the Legislator© for-vvant of time-
Aeoctbero.Bailroad Convention is to be. held m
Dllnoia lo May nest, and It if that Gov
French will call an extra session oflhe Legislature
in. June to order to act on the subject.'
jiGotn ;:nt' Peci&Tlvama.-— The Clinton Gotmty
Ejfemocret, published at Lock Hare*,- leafoa from
affobabl* soon*,that a geatlftman inSopfr Valley,
Clmoa County, while digging a wtil,-came oprn a
vein of ye'lJow mineral, which is heaaiertban lead,
apd has every appearance of being pure goldt A
simple hai'been sent to Philadelphia •hr the pur
ple of letting it Should the substance probe to
bo gold, rears ore entertaioed that Clinton county
woald won outstrip Celitoroia in the variety of ber
pppulatiort. The editor says, however, that he is
try no {beans certain that tlJc aabstance foafid u
fSild. - *'
’• Ca.tal>a.--The ceremony of pretexting to the
Governor 'General the petition, signed by nearly
aeyen thousand of the inhabitants oC Montreal, lor
(lie dismissal of the present. Libera- Ministry and
iho disdolion of Parliament, waopre'Beoted on the
sfrih ulu iThe Governor, in a rrplyiof four lines,
Bfid that he should take the matter into considera
tion. The Liberal paper* charge lho{ many of the
names on this petition are forged. ■.
•>Thi Cholesa still linger* in New;Orlean*.Jpy
the last reports, the number of deaths from ihiWlts*
fir had Been rhdnced to four durins the week.—
The weeL previous there were over eixty. The
of the Ist instant, says, for several weeks
since it to be epidemic, tho4poradic case*
have furnished food for the worms, at <he rate of
from sixty to seventy death* a week.
. A Sctßmric ApMoraunon."*Among the ap
propriations agreed to by the Conterence Commit
fee of tWtwo Houses of Congress, at the close of
the session, was . $20,000 for testing the capacity
gad usefulness "of the powerjas a
mechanical power for the purposes of navigation
imd locomotion.
>; Tbelbs creatfog the new county of Lawrence
'.laa pjjywt both Houses of the Leg til mure- New.
CatUo be the county seat. This thriving piace
4rUl thtrtjibre receive a new impulse, and will be
iome «ob of the' largest towns in. Western Penn-
out Pittsburgh and environs.
.. : - mm ■ "■
T Jora Br swnaiu, member of the last
>' ‘feougrds^ l died In Lancaster, on the &th instant,
. - While dn'bis from Washington- He re
: l7th Congressional DistricL
V that.iheSecreiaiy oflhe Home
i ■ fiS' in B> to»call,ityipoa the Land
; ‘ jOffice, jmdwo prciiume tba othoi bureaus wiUnn
ii, fcr4 mat om> chtb eofSawH
w‘ What-time they aM.ato offlce, and
’ •’ Wn aty aiiccwded, Sc, ICC.-M*-
l Jnme. Cd.ddeK*" ,»
SWillreibirr*; Ifliwrno oowny, lwl w ”^
■ Jibe jifcirllli, within wileh thn «ie«tfo4 look
latweitlßg tie retaonles.
tile iirrsavrrw’ or THBbpptcKas ob the waS of
The Washinfitou Union of Sunday coofaiosthe |
account ofan interesting the Prt»‘-1
dent and Mrs. 'Madison, of the officer? of the War j
oflSl2, oq Saturday last, at 2 oVlock 1’ M- After
Col. Todd, of Kentucky, the Cbairxnau of die meet ;
iog, had introduced eochofiaccr to lbe*l resident, lie
delivered the following address:
a Wa come toyoo. Gen. as a remnant ol
elates in the War of ISI2, to offer to 5 011 < - > ' ir 1 a .
, lions upon yourelrvation to an o®*'^-, Wl ° l
■m .he 3‘Dven.ineo.s of U* »»'«■ ' '“T*" 11
euureyo" -:,ai we l,a«e walched your career,
with deep. euxiou.. and P">“ d '“‘'"'f' rro “ ’', hc
heroic defence of For. Harr.wn, which earned 10.
you the Srst hrevcley in the j «ecoad wur oflhdc-
Deodence w .he more encoded ertlli m Florida
Sid Meeico. We oil tuew .hot. »> Ihe .heolre ol
your operation* .hould be enlused, you would Iw
eaual to nnv emergency, and wou.d display lc
your admiring countrymen all the qualities Of a
ereoi commander.
We .come, with our heart* ita onr hands, lo cor
cratuiatc you and our beloved country upon your
des'ffnation by the people for the highest aril .posi
tion,’ which we are assured you will adorn by the
*ame"sagacity, the same patriotism, nnd the tauie
success ihut were illustrated by your military ru
reer. And we hope to be pardoned for saying,
that your heroism and prudence have been sec
ond only lo your modesty; which renjinds ns of the
beautiful remark of the great philosopher. Sir Isaac
Newton, who said of himself, that “he felt tie was
like a child.pickmg up a pebble here and there on
the shore of the great ocean of truth."
As a remnant of the glorious war of lbl2, w<
cannot expect, in the. course of nature, to tnee
you again, but oOr latest aspirations will be far Iht
uccess of your administration, and your buppines
' and hereafter.
To this address the President replied nv follow*
Mr. Chairman and Qentlemm: — lam happy I'
•ceive you a* the surviving officers of the war c
1812, and to recognize among you some with
wnora I have served in past years. 1 than-b von
kindly for yoar congratulations and good wishes
on this occasion. *
In regard to my past services, to which yon have
been pleased to allude in too flattering terms. 1
can only say that the merit i f these service? i-*
itmir.iy due to the *kill and bravery of the irocp*
who served at d'llerent tune** under my order*.
To have led such officer* and such men i* :» »'•
self a sufficient honor and reward lor all tny >rr-
eel that 1 am now entering a new career
•hich l entertain a natural distrust < f mv abil"
) redeem the expectation* of those who have r:
let! me tn n.
For your bind expressions in this regard l w*e
you to accept my sincere thanks. May >v>u lmg
live In the enjoy went of health Sit d happiness
The President then mingled with great courtesy
and cordiality among his ancient a«*o> bites. and
gratified them by some sporttve remark-* introdu
ced with admirable laste. • The old s« Idters ih**n
repaired, according to previous appointment. toih
mansion of Mrs? Mattson, the venerable rebel of
the President under whom they and done noble
battle in 1.-e second wnrof Independence. After
C»l Todd, them chairman, h«d introduced each
officer to Mrs.. MndtrOO, he delivered, on ihrir bo
huit the following nddfes*.’
Ho* nro Madam: A remtmct of the officers ofi
ar oflM2-l>eg leave to present to ymi tin* it.
iaae of their graD-ful respects. his hnincthat U»«
>1 dier*»t Hie *ee'--nd wnr of independence «ivnild
•jo-ce in every opportunity to do tolne i>
n« staiesmau who united, m bi« Micro-
ih<j enviable title of the * Father *.-1 the C on
.irurji.n’ to that of the pilot who weathered !»>*•
»Uirni in a;war sedse of the natioonl rgdts
and eharacler led hint to recommend to the uor
deelanns power
W« rrjoiccthat one so nearly assocuaied with the
late President Madison. and who ?■ ed such a beau
tiful aspect over his publio-ond private career yet
remains as a Hot between the present and past 1
generating*. We are grateful, then Madam, to the
merciful Providence who baa Spread over you -o
bog the lhadow of b'» wings may hu choicest
blessing* ever attend you.
To this address Mra Madison, user the inßu
enoe of deep feeling, made the iollow-og reply
VfTCT** >*r> mmscniHEP soldier* The Patn
ot, whose sense of the naiiot|al rights and character
ommeoded. al ihe time he bad deemed n
ipedient. the declaration of the war ol 1312. com
aenced bis conduct of that war with embark
meats, not as regards the official avowed oretcn
/ion« of ihe eperov. but with the difficulty ot urvtu.#
representatives for war, who were for caber o. non.
:md who were to be Vailed tor to induce tbna
ir.uj a cordiality of ihe ruppon >ecv imp*:'
taot a measure. The result became h -tnf'e be
wur ugßiuM tfir ruo>t powerful ration «>f>b** •*» r!h
id wa* therefore thf* more glorious to tbe naii- u
Dd yourselves. » f
H.s |.afi in t-nrg.n;- alout the i>. Me n* l ”**' ■"; l
constitution, to be tied down by roniprunusen. *
becoming more known. He first in the >* C-«
latare of bis own State, attended a timt meeting n
Alexandria, foliowedby one in Annapolis. ; r-« c
dent to tbe tioal convention ot 1 7?7.wbere Wic gre-u
philosopher of tbe last century was 10 have
the presiding officer, »nd. lastly, to move tobm i-ir
great general of tbe revolution bad k*eon prevailed
upoo, after much and continued prrMb*i ». to
come to the convention fiu be it* president. nrd
tbe first executive office! afterwards to *-et 11 te
splendid machinery of tbe government ,a in
penetrated With pteiound wnstl.tHiy i .r t i«
kind sentiment# so feelingly expressed, and pertih
□alto myself, and nope our great country, vr.-t l> to
recognise and appreciate their benefactor* :ti i *e
Spartan remnant officer# of lil»
Anerthu acceptance of refreshment*, and )''«* <•
lernbnnge of pleasant social iclerr-i.iirre, the ctlt.rrj
lude tae venernt.le lady larewel. IV<«>re l:,e T
separated, perhaps for the las! me i'dloa.Jg
resolution wa« unammoiJsiv adopted
RrsuiatJ, Thai the thanks of tm. remnant - I 1 -e
armv of 1912 be presented to our cftturnr.r. l .u
Charles S. Tood. for idc expressive ami nppn-pri
ate manner in which he has represented u* •« 'he
addresses made In the Presided aodt.) Mr* MvU
wn . And. at*n, Unit our thanks »w presented to the
secretary of oor meeting aod wormy host. Minor
John G. Camp
C S. Cmurnmn
Johti G. CaJW, Secretary
Th* PosraAFTKM Gsherau—A large uumUT
oflhe citizens of Vcnnbnt, then in a
called at the reauk-oc* ..fine Hop Jacob Go lamet
the new PoM master General, ou Thuraduy ia«t, at
one o’clock P M. to eongra>uUie h,ni«tth>_ Ap
pointment to a seat in the crib-net f f Prcocni
Tayoß It is «ud that every \ rr.tnonler In me iuy
was present. Th-»y vrere a tine looking set < t m. o
The best feeling preva-led amot* them all. -««» tt
was untie evident that oil were highly gratified ni |
thA compltnietil pa.d to the unfonc&.ng o I
Vermont bv the Mr. Hale, m t-ehaJl i
of the delegation briefly addressed lmJt.-e ( j
mer, in effect, as ioUowv—Naiumet. lintlUc’urrr
We have come here. air. m ih'e miortonl mini' er
to congratulate you'personally on your appu ntai'i-.t
toa seat to President Triors Cabmrt, and lo n»-
sure you that the eomphinent thus pa.dto <mr Mato
'not less than to yourself, is b>ghly gratifyinff t" us
all We are confident also Hint this granhc.«ii 'n
will be shared generally by the psople of V ermr-m j
We know you will di*cnarge ibo duties oi v- ur ,
new position insucb a manner n« will lie i tud ls- |
b’eto yourself, and. w« doubt not. O u- i
the country. We Hope your sucre.* may »-* '•qo j«
to your merit, and that. »e *r« sure *dl be «ulli- (
deot to fill the measure of any mao a au>bn-*‘ii |
• To which J udge CoUafner replied as 6 ifows.
I tfaaok yoo, gendemeo. for this fneodlv e*P«- j
sion of your regard for me personally, and lor the
tod manner h. «h,ch yen bnve received my ]
appointment. The appointment wa. danlUc*. ,
tended, howerer. a. a complmient to. Vennoni. and j
not as a reward for aoy services of mine or *ny |
merit which l may possess. Iu tbi«> view it may
weli be gratifying to us all that tne long tr.r-d and
never tilling virtue and integrity ot our -•’ K *
at last been rewarded by a Cabinet nppumtmt tit
Ours is the only Whig State in the iJr.ton Wu<ch
hts never swerved from her political fotth ant n
most u,e only one which has never e “"' eil lhe
patronage of the General Government- ' e have
always been appealed to m the day oi trial w '*
right we should he remembered in the day of tri
uuiph. This was doubtless the main .ground on
which the appointment was conferred upon tne
It is a most responsible and laborious .position.
There are seventeen thousand different po6' offices
in the coonlry,all requiring constant caw and vigi
lant supervision. But,however difficult and burden
some my duties may be, I shall endeavor at leAet
faithfully to discharge them. And whatever ability
i may to-my aid in the admuiisiration of Uie
Cepartmeni which ha* been committed to tny
charge, I need not assure you that the character of
Vermont for inlegrily and v,rtue will never be
compromised by me.
Horace Gaxounr, has published sh. uddress to
hi* eonstitoents, lo show that if the laic w*»moq oc
Congress *d nothing of any consequence. ei«*pl
tn pas* appropriation bills, it was not his Inult
He says:
“There was no good reason for the ia.ture of
several important and benifieent mca*Ur«*s winch
were not maLured tulo law* at the late i-k-s M-m
no reason at *ll but tile inroDipetcnry nr onfa ll
fulness of a large portion of those clothed wiUi the
nwer and charged with the duty ofeen«-mg ttirin.
lo not choose tu bear my equal portion of the
blame, for 1 am confident 1 have uot disserved it.
He then names the following measure*, which
he supported, and think; ought to .have parwej to
1, Postage Reform 2. Land Reform. 3
The organization of iLe new Territories, on the
principle of the exclusion oi Slavery. 4. The ab
olition of the District Slave Trade. £b Retrench'
menl and Reform- He closes his address na fol
** “That i have been somewhat annoyed at times
by some of the consequence* of my Mileage Ex
pose la true, but i hare never wished to recall it,
nor have I felt that i owed an apology to any, und
lam quite confident that if you had *enl to wtub
jogtou (as you doubtless might have done) a more
slernly honest ami fearless Representative be.
bare ramie himself rabre unpopular with a
Urgeportion »flbe House than Ftiid. r ithtmk you*
keartity-for the glimpse of public tifo iwhich your
favor Kai afforded me, ond hope to render u use fol:
henceforth not to myself only but to the public. In
ceasing to be yout agent and reiurhing wub renew
edzest to mvpriritecares and duties, l have a sta
ff)* additional fovor to.ask, not of you especially,.
balofaU: and i,am obrt my friendk *t h-ast will
ffrant it withooi'hesiurtion. «is that you nod they
THE roauAtios OP H&IL.
To.the hl/lito'] of the. 'PiUttburgh Gazette
Several year* following theory of the for
nuUm 11,-td mil ofhail/oreibly struck my mind as the
tru- oim*. ond subsequent investigation and obser
vation have strongly-tended l*« convince me of the
truth »l u. It in this —and, tn exhibiting it lu you,
permit me. As introductory, and naturally and gra
dtmilv leudiug to a perfect explanation and under
standing .*f In.' subject, to give you the theory of
fonnatuiu and fall of ram and snow, which m
many aspects is strikingly analogous to the loruia
rnaiiott and fall of hail, and, indeed, both >auvr and
rain are m the formation o*
lad and snow, a» well as rain, obviously are
formed ot aqueous vapor, as we said before, which
;? evaporated frum-tbe surfaces of the water* und
the earth, and of which the atmosphere always
centum* a greater or lest amount, as may be d;?-
covered by its condensation into small particles of
water like'dew on the surface of a glass, earthen,
metallic.vessel, or even ot a -tone, whose mV.
faces are smooth, aud their temperature sufficient
ly reduced to produce condensation. The particle?
of this va'por will ailmu an altitude above the
earth's surface m proportion to the heat of the at?
mosphere, until they ascend to an elevation where
the cold is sufficient to condense them into small
particles o,r drops of water, which, m a moderate
temperature,' combioe together in small drops'
become heavier (ban the surrounding air, com.
itriice and continue and forming additional
connections aad combinations in thnr downward
course, until they teach the surface ot the earth, in
llu- form or condiUOfl of rk>n, where the sue of the
rmu drop .will be or small in proport.on to the
greater or less instance pissed through m its des
centi aud the’d.stance passed through ih H* tall
w,:l be governed by the greater or less degree ol
brat in the atmc spnere ot the tune
«s nt , w , t lorincd ift « colder atmosphere man that
ir-dut-mg rmn, where congelation and chrystali.
Edi on .inn.edißlelj succeed tne condensation of ibe
•npnr, and by eorobinntiuns of Uie chrysialtzed
porticles-lhe lormauou m snow flakes commences.
ind by new attachments they continue to increase
in aize if! the whole course of ihe r progress to ihe
VPrih. wVrc th-y will I e -lnre or srnal in propor
tion to tne distance thrv pusseJ through m their
fab; nnu the distance of the fall, or elevation of the
po-nt of coogt-Uji w..: l>e in proportion to the
Higher i.-f lower decree of ihe temperature or the
atmosphere; Mr we urvfonnly -ee that, the warm
er it is when it snows, the larger aie the snow
tl.iKr. nnu the colder it is. the .mailer jhry will be
Tec satin' n» « ob*erea'>U» ol rmn There is un
oifvr nneiiqmencii presented frequently in ihe ini,
o' mow , which f>. the n»uhd or form whi-'h
lt mol n pellei? Irom Ihe > ze of n large
p.-a down -to trial ol aiimti snoi. instead of tiiQi ol
ne’ilnn-flsiie Ten? fad ol su.-w is always aciw.n
p,titled by Wrnri;anil Ihe gfobirtar form is produced
and at qiiited cy a whirl na. or rotary motion and
H.-U- n ol tne wipd m the higher parts nl the atmos
phere Klr-'iicn winch the -now mils The?e pellets
or liti-e ball?, m their sizes are governed bv ihe
»smr eirru'mstan>‘cs wh on we adduced in regard
ti. :ne si*r« '>l drops of rvn and flakes ol snow
a re rca .» the nucleus or ■'ores ol « Hat would
na\e been had Mones. if attended with and oper
nted on, ov the appropriate additional, cause*
Having made toe ><>rcgoing rn'rodiiet.-irv remarks
whi.'h will presently l** lound lo carrot? raw- my
proposed theory, 1 proceed to nform you. that hit.
is foriurd nnil (tide to the earth by ihe following
process and operations i t nature, v i— * 'n a very
warm Jjy, in a v.iliey, or otaer lavornhie locality,
a column of air of a certain extent—not usuaby
large —iu-aviii" charged with aqueous vapor, ■ «
quickly heated by the sun to a much higher degree
man tne surrounding air. which causes it to project
upwards and a.-'end rup.dly to an elevation pro
poriumn 1 to its heat, and much above the hrst
point of i ungelauon in the circumambient stnio
phere, before condensation ot the vapor contained
m the up u-r part of the column takes place Iwn
con dens, non ifl that pin of the column d.»es like
place it m inmost iii.sia..lly -uccceded by thy >'.,n
gelniwxt >t the jkururle* ?o condeused owing !«■
'.lie rushing of ihe surrounding cold and den.-c Mr
,tiio tin? Collin nol lic..ied oi.d fanned a>r Th.*
sgilaiion of .ue iimo»pherr produce* wmd. or to
«peak more po-pery u trt/ui. which usually in
sui H circumstance* assume* a whirling, or rotary
motion. T;u« c ndvir*ati.--u and coupe-lei mu ol i-be
.article? b.n h£ Mkcn f.: ice tiff particle- Uon to
iiiiflc in •epahile portions, wtucti accumulate. I ;rtn
rew minnu!Of.? and onsiaotiy increase m ?;zr
, ae r.-i irv n> oi me ,:ir at 'iic «anic time g.vmg ;
eicn pon.on tfie .rlobuliir f-nti —n* tney pursue .
ttte.r dow uw jfirc.'iitM*. unt.i tney deM-rmJ to that j
region ot the Bli»»«»sp»eee wnuih t* merr:\ <-cld ;
ejioui,*! bf pr. J-jce coudeusatiolt aud ram |
tlie pe)let* <; snow will l>e large/ ur imiirf u ;
pr-porh-u : .-i • -tesier or le*« di-rtuu-e o! Inc
nlnxwphrrv tncuugh whicli iney tel’ and .n
11-ev were formed, and coming ;n contact wi'h U.e
O'udeofed vapor aim rfr-.p* (t ram. the winery 1
pnr'icle* are Congeaietl on their -nrrv-i » io tne 1
lorn, ot ci>.ilui<» ot ice bv the mlrnMr edd cl >he
snow pellets.
I i old, a* a rtn.iui ’n of bodies. .* .Jul' -r.d
’ prt oi id. therefore 'i toiloa's. m pr-'
i p->ti i-u to u.e Hje and quaility 'oe l>odv and
■ the mteiiMty .4 . - .s -'O'd condition wi ; I-- tne tH- nl
j oi .1, JifltiMOn. and the purer of its influence on
' siirroumbtu: ?iit>*t..nce« That such a power aud
I influence exist, and i* rxerted. and i» cerro l * ve
j ot my>. 1 wib give but one lumi ar m
; stance, out ol inauv wi.ich mny l»e a.Mured and
! i; .* mts —Mr revri*"** we sii know sleet .s
: —some oi us. jw-rhap* a: the co*t ot a degrading
j and painful pfoMralii'n lo it* power ll is h cou.
ing of ice ol viirnii- tin. kur*»e*. trem a mere
ftovering up M a qiisrler ot an f*tid .* pro
duced hy rant taJling oa frozen ground »<r pave
• menu which have o great amount ol lr>«l or r"M
in trietn. 1 nave evon sreu coalings oi it on wood
and the bark of trees. Now the cold which pro
dined ilmt ice d-d i».-t at the time ex;«l m and
proceed from the atilirispbere el*e. lustend ol
raining it would bsve snowed, but it certaimv ex
iHted In iild proceeded Irom the substapee? on
Which the rs.o fell Then I such comparatively
warm wr»*tauces can i»e i“. charged w . h cold a»
to have -such effect, wnat may be from
the ball* ~l snow winch nr.ainated .n and pas*ed
thmugn » an inlcn*e region ol cold'
N-.W l t us benr ine?e iscta in remetnberanre
n- we re urn lo our p*-iiet* of mow or incipient
tmiWvtjnr-. in the condition” and place where we
left tne in ittid pursue them m Ihe remainder oi
: ile--ciii M ihc r„rUi We left them with
11,,. r fir>t c<*aliOCi« of ice on. at the point wiu-re
irev fif'l epiered the region of cundensui ,on and
Ire f.irmatu o of rain, the aitiiude. (-1 which p<»Dt
bov ng iiren very much lowered bv the action of
the colder ht around. In the remainder of their
cour-u downward Ihev cnnl'nu»l : y ni.d incvrlat'ly
con.e in contact wjh more wa’er, which a* <er
nmly freezes into ic*. i.u their outer MirtVe*, from
the uiHixnce of their original 2nd accumulated
coni, nut.l they reach Ihe surface ol Ihe earth
here their « ze w II be large in to the
omc'UDi of aqueous jrftjxir in the atmosphere and
the length ol the doUanre through which they Dave
descended; and in« length of tne distance will be
great in prr.porinn to Ihe higher degree of heat
in me ,-nluniii r>f air Thu. .bowing t'onclusiveiy.
that the large*! nail is produced m the warmest
d-iV , ,
Thfe and forn. of the generality ol
hailstone, wdl t»e such a. 1 have before -tated, and
of necessny must be «o, if ihe theory m their
fornrnltnn, which 1 have here given, i* correct, any
Aevialioh tnerefrom can easily be satisfactorily «c
-ci-unlcd f >r
ll might (—expected that l would pay some at ;
tealuin tq ihe.-Prol»*<*«or'« ••rtperimenml exhibition .
ot the formation of nail m the mine off.hrmmtr in (
Hungary, afforded by an engine used I >r drainage
itr . Off before quoted From the descriplion given '
l nin not suilir.enily scquaiiifd with either the en
gin** of it; nm/iiJ nyrj'iJi. to prepare me
for an investigation and explanation ot l!-e resit 1 1
produced by it. But..up.« ,1 to be such aa he
Mates, it appears lo be rather inconsistent with the
tact that by the violent and *• Jdeivcompression <>t
e-iromoo air in a tube witu a piuoa. lo tlio inserted
end of which n attached a pic..e ot Under the hent
ffenernted to the confined air, by the trim,on d its
5 i/Uele*. caused by the coinpreaaion. will ign.t- the
under, if a is immediately drawn out and brought
in contact with the atmosphere. But this is contrary
lo the natural condition and operations ol the at
mo-übere. which are, tost at any givcu altitude
atv>ve the earth’s surface, lb« denser the mr J*. the
colder iiis oomparnttvely, and t-ice versa. » he - D '
why .iijhv u6l the Professor's experiment be the
result cl violence done to nature; and in no way
illustrative of her legitimate operations. H may
ff.iifioe u> Mate thnt. the whole of the Professor*-ex
nirmneiit 4i.d refill i« but an effort <d art; which
muy, and on times does imitate nature in it* prr
duct lons, but never succeeds in equalling or rival
mg her. in tin" case the oti{v part ol tne pheoom
e:ii winch would 1* applicable to the elucidation
ol the form of hnd. is the production d cold
Km even th* iff not available; for nature in the for
(TMtion oi nail duex not require thnl anv additional
Ciild Should Ue produced; ’he requisite amount ot
cold already exist* in the upper regions of ihe at
moapbere. anJ nature ha* only to elevate the rua
-1,-nais atioojed with the iiccensary . iroumMajice.,
to the cold, uud the production will *oon be com
plcied Hut what ,*tt the aavmyltsh
with his engine ' at the iuojl he can product
■ butts uf which bear but very Imle re-.em
blanre to uajistooeff; and come* far short ot lead ,
mg u» Ip the knowltsJgeof how hailstones are ql
tualfv and really formed.
r I nave now—imperfectly t admit —given >ou
Meaira. Editors n synopsis of my theory, in opposi
tion to that i'l'Prof. Sleverlv, oo the formation of
hot!; and have. I think, given the Professor’s theory
a iklr 10 vestigation and exhibition before you. It
therefore devolve? ou you cud your reader* lo
consider aod weigh well thu facts «nd arguments
he which the respective theories are attempted to
be sustained, and make that deeisioo ui your own
mioa, whicb reason vill lead to. and candor .u.-
inthe estimalion ol' many, no doubt, there ia
one very nlftterinl thing wanting on my pan. for
which,lik'd*. I nnghl in hnvenahedlh.
pardon of ySnnnd yonr rdadera. and whteh 1 now
humbly do, lor thna intruding on your attenbon.
whiolfla ttlhl I have no collegiate, diplomatic nu
lhomy to give my theory a cogency 10
iw, M <^' B ' r ohbbtv.
[TrinslatSd from the French for ihe Albany Atlas
The djwipatem of every quality, careless epi*
cures add prodigala, who had so ardently desired
the reestablishment df imprisonment for debt and
who wetcotjeJ with joyous acclatnations this re-
turn to tbeir ancient traditions, when at length ibe
decree Which abolished imprisonment forydebt was
repealed,—all these diseonnter* on the (inure who.
after a abstinence, relied upon seeing days of
plenty revive, as;before, are singularly disappoint
ed in thdir hopes.
We have already said that as soon ns imprison
menl for;debt was re eslabbsbcd. bills of exchange
signed by willing hands, were scattered around
with a pfolUMOii of good augury, and that brokers
resumed bustnes m its former course, li was an
erroneous report ’ Lendlers did not come forward
—oao ojgbt call them, but they turned a deaf ear.
lu spite Of Ihe guaranties and sureties which legis
legislation again oflered them, brokers remained
inflexible —they gave up their calling. ReW.ious
CoDtidence will not capitulate at any price, and
Credit it rigorously shut up under the triple lock
of their'Strong box. which is no longer opeu
Yielding lo the counsels of prudence, they profit
by the lessou of the pant which renders them . ir
cumspect and puls them on tiu-ir guard against
possible;accidents. So that ihe re eMabhuimenl of
imprisonment for debt will serve for bills of Kx
change old of dale.’but by no idcuu? fa v nr? new !>or-
After'hnvuig enjoyed tin- re|H>.*<- that lire ?u.?pct
■ion of jmprisonment oflorded Imr the Vu-omi**
B ■ '■*, u young man oi laslnoti seeing Ins tuiuli
tors preparing tor hostilities, and not l.eiog able to
contract new debts, took the resolution of addres;
ing his Uncle the Baron of B, whose sole heir
be it, and who possesses a very large fortune He
wrote to him a painful nsknowledgemenl of his p.*-
sition. followed by a humble request. The confe*-
sitm whs boldly received and the request formally
refused. Tins uncle is an old genliemau made up
of prejudice? Wuhrut being avaricious, he did
not believr himself constrained to make any ad-
vance,'and had detcriuiined to give nothing during
Ins l-fe. However, the nephew was not discoor
aged, the liberalities of his uncle were hence
forte his only resources, and it was therefore
absolutely necessary to ob am tlcro !>y return
ing lo jhe charge, not boldly, but by au indirect m
One of the prejudices of the Baron, the most pow
erful of all with biro. Was the aristocratic prejudice-
The revolution had nob affected it. He was attach
ed lo Ins rank, lanatS'nl concerning hi* title . be
beard not raillery cm the subject of ibe respect that
one owe* to tne arms lind to ihe pedigree ol his
illustrious fami'V
U was on this weak hide lhal ihe young Vicomte
resolved lo attack this rebellious uncle, who refused
to pay h:» d-bi*.
“UTiai means this if you p'ease 1 ” the furious
Bar n said one day; to hi* nephew showing
him a visiting card which be hud crushed in hie
-T&iiH" repbed the foung man coldlv “that is
my card." 1
“Your card' And hbw oomes it, l pray yr-u that
your title anil the particular rank inseparable from
your name are not found hore Si nee when hove
you called yourself merely M. Alfred B nnd
no ionger the Vicomte B— r
• You forget. uncle, that the revolution ho* sup*
prC'*o<! ii'les and abolished the distinctions of ran If
ufwhien yi>‘i speak
• Cfin l nelievr my enrs’ Whn’ air' You accept
mis forfeiture 1 ' You abdicate' But whence have
you Ittken the examplit of so unworthy a weakness 1
ti it that m our anModratic world things are not as
they were tormerly* l* It beejuae each has not
kept hi* rank 1 And jhese biles lht»: you say are
suppressed do they njot proclaim them loudly eve
rywhere and even m the raioons where the-racat
eminent fun. tionanesJof the present administration
are Id t e f un.i'
‘•ft !<* ;tuc liul it t>i an nbsiinale abuse a Idler
a nee winch 1 find inconceivable ”
At these words the Baron again burst into a
transport, and the vuing man cut short the diteus
won by a hastj' retreat Thu was sufficient
tor a first :r al, the second was to be decisive The.
ancle and oeptew made part of a circle wnere
they sometimes encountered each other It was
there, the same evening, that the second engage
iue"t ti-ok place l} was a little club of mluimlcs
ami they talked pdiitica. Alas' Do they nowa
days speak anything else 1 How can one evape
from the prevailing topic’ What gmaippiug. start
ing, even from the most distant points, is net lain!
ly brought back to this sad sulyect which mixes up
with everything I —They talk politic* . the Baron
makes known with complaisance ha principle
Uierub.y ,'J fashioned Tr» nephew en«er> <-nv j
alieriy into «on v er»Btion and without embarrass
. irfeot at the trown.og ot h-- nude* t»r->w
j to debate ned to su-Uun braveiv some apnorivni ■•(
: a sttml.t'g i.m.l
j The attriijan's witu> -I »i not umie in th,s ->p n
j ion and Hot debate but ; tt .- unused.
I Wiliihrr *■ leai.r-p 'hi* di«pule I-- Die uu-»- jiiJ
; nephew
•Tlecdedlr "-aid the Kjr.m, Wo have la. -ice
{ toolish
• Fmtrierilr uncle —the wi-riT
It is nc-t well 1.-r ns drirovruts t> spcal. onlT by
halves and to cadoursrlves.<»i*io i-ut < I tkc rest,,
you arc right. I have Iccmnr Kounenle. iiommamsk
*ociai:*i. What would you have ft ■ *
uocesjity viach hu» driven me into ibeerewaya, the
onlyione- that oiler of real advantiu e Ur cue,
an outlet ;o order to get out vi>'4orioiisl'/ troro ib«-
situfttam in which I bnd myself —’
‘What is it urn wist; to sav*'
“You kimw that l have debt*—’
•Ye« you have informed me -if them
Very well' Know then that six-m uni nUn.-nes
ile!it«. destroying ailf'bligal.ons r-er wtiat*att.i- h«-s
me to the doctrine In enrolling uiy»el; under ,u
banner, I combat lor my eiitrar.i-hisemeni Ho*
many others .!i «. miUr nr-um«tan. e« are gi> -«•.!
neither bv their conviction n.»r carried aw«v by --c
thuim-tm. but obey, aa 1 do. u simple calnbal- i d
personal interest. Pecuniary embarrassment. rtoub
led nils rs. ruisJoriunrs ot a 1 sorts, are lt># mo-: *•
Uve recruiters of Soc.iaiiaui. which p;-.>mi*e* gene
rai absolution nn.f »in:vrf-n- <jij:uai,. e. Ivo - ftd
to this propensity. and l dc> lared ■ ! juibb -i\ x. 't
omv because we must nave the courage u>
now the opinion ot when wc make use :-m.
moreovef, bccau-c the manifestation <>| it inu-l l*e
profitable to me The red --..10r has the gdi ot pro
dneutg a salutary fi ghl among the tim-d. Swing
trie dressed m '.Ms color arid. man<:-vering in the
advance guard, dor it is there that l count --n ta
king my plnce • my creditors will say. Betinh: a
man whom we should not irritate, if we t n*ve the
imprudence to uae Mm ill and, some tune or other
by chance, power tails to hiui or his friends he wiil
d> u» injury" l will have then at once this ad
vantage that these creditor* who pursue me will
let me alone when they will read the articles
l intend publishing in the roost violent pupei and
wlncn l will sign with inv name
How cried out the Baron, will you dare u
| profane thus vour name, the name 1 bear'"
j "If must be unde, and see here rov first articU
: which is to be inserted shortly See it is signed
| with all ttie 'elters and nt the side, signature m |>a
! ft nliie«is 'iiicumpt* ) That will nave great rtFect
j As tor the article I wi.l re«-l d to you it you wdl
’ u;low rnc to" and with.-nt wafting (or permission
| the young man read the tirsi lines of a fr>ghlfui d l *-
; tribe against ihe most chen-hed principles ot ~» ic
| tv, oftainilv, and ot moraidv
“Enough' Enough " interrupted the astonished
The nephew ceased, ihe blow bad lakcn effect
Tne uncle understood ihst a sacrifice i* indispen
sable and assuming n lone of affectionate commit?-
eraiion thus ?|>eaks
“It is vour debts alone lhal pul you to there exiro
roetie* 7 ''
•‘Uncle, I confess it."
“And if lho?e debts were paid, you would turn
from your course r '
■'l wtiiiitl renounce wilh my wiiole heart a spec
ulation which would be no nece*Miry
• “Very well. I charge mvadf with your debts
Resume, then with your title*, the sentiment?. »nd
(•pinion* wtm-h t>ecome men like u\ but olmve *H
deatrov quickly that article signed with your
• Ten promise me that, a!! my debts shall be
paid 7"
“l give you my word of honor for it " The arti
cle wn« immediately torn up. and tho pieces casl
Milo tne fire
“Now,” inquired the Huron ” tell me wlisl i*
the total amount of your indebtedness. You owe
nothing upon promise , you are no gambler I
know, you are 100 delicate t oborrow form your
•*I am glad to see that you do mejus’ice The
broker* ami upholsterers then remain
v To how much do the bills of exchange amount
to which you have signed l ”
"To thirty thousand franca"
• WhicD are those of vour furnishers to whom
you owe money 7”
“1 owe to a.i. Here is the last, total forty thou
sand franc* that makes seventy ”
“Send me to morrow' the holders oftbe bills of
«Xcnatige and apholslera, I will settle with these
gemfomen at one- "
“A thousand thank* dear uncle, and believe in
my profound gratitude ”
The next puy-in lact all was paid When ihe
Baron again saw hi* nephew he said amibng "1
hope. Monsieur le Vicotnptr that you have made
out new visiting cards "
“Not yet uucle “
"What do you ?ay' U it l-y choice vou would
Wish to break yuur promise* and lo reln[i«e into
yOur abominable crrl^l« , ' ,
‘•f jjin ready l" h« Id to our agreement* ou condi
lion thul you will do as much on your pari "
' ll uppaers to me that I have ucquitted myself 1
“You have promit-cd lo pay all mv d«-l>ts. >1
not *o r ’
“Certainly, and it is that that l done.''
“I beg vouf pnrdtiti. there still remaio* due
1 owe myscll twenty thousand franc* per an
npm for ex{»en*es
-Uh ludeed —a singular pretension ”
•Uh ’ dont deny it, dear uncle, it is a navrrd,
serious, and inflexible debt. I know tnyaeli' lam
tile mosfopitilcs* of my creditors. I will not give
grace of u hundredth part of a franc, and l never
Will grout tuyseli n toonjent of delay. Now, you
know that oil my fortune consist* of a poor income
of five thousand livresofuncolleclatle rents. There
are. then, fifteen thousand livres which are want
ing lo satiafy me, to place me in a way of acquit
ting myself towards myself, and of living os be
cornea a young man of ray condition who wishes
to maintain hi# rapk and to do honor to hta title
and hi* name. If you do not complete the revenue.
I will find myself forced, in order lo e»cupu from
Oty pursuers, to throw myself into socialism, wlm-h
ip the natural asylum of men destitute of resource*
or reduced to insufficient raeno.s."
The Baron, alter some resistance, yielded to this
reasoning He fell that the mjentice would be
complete, aud in order not to lose the fruit of
seventy thousand frouca given to creditor*, it was
necessary to add to it the pension claimed, m-d he
engaged for th" payment ot fifteen thousand tranca
itoffil* awawaff fer I’m
man to LimaelH From that ume, the nophew re
sumed his title of Vi com to with opinions suitable
to that quality.
The procedure now ts become quite tbe mode
among the fashionable youths in quest of bank
note*. Many young men combat the parsimony
of their parents, by threaleoiog '.o ca«t themselves
into socialism, and this comedv is nearly always
crowned by the success of the denounnent.
UAaRBBUBon, Mur. 9, 1549.
The Speaker In.J l>eii*re tbe Senaie a communi
cation tirom Alexander Vnttemare. accompanied
with u catalogue of the book* presented to the
.Stale of Pennsylvania, bv the i rovernment ol
Uii motion of Mr Matthias. 500 copies of the
letter, catalogue and resolution passed by the Le
gislature, were ordered to be printed
Mr Johnston from the Committee on Exeutive
Nominations. ti> whom was reierred the message of
the i.roveruur's nom.nating Frederick Watt* at Pre
sident Judge of the ninth "Judicial Ihstnct. com
|x'M‘d of the counties of Cumberland, Perry ami
Juniata, reported iinutomon*!' in favor of the no
mination On motion of Mr 1 the Senate went
into executive s«*-»ion and unanimously eontirmed
the nomination.
On motion <>f Mr ( Ytbb. r.e Senate proceeded '
to the consideration of ibe amendment* oi the
llou-e In the .imendment* of tbe Senate made to
the bill to reiustate the capital, and extend the
charter >fthe Farmers’ and Mechanic-. Hank nt
Philadelphia and concurred m the urine
O'dn of thr J)<m — The Semite resumed tuc
consideration of the bill relative to the usury laws
of this f'otnmonwvalth—il being on second read
The question pending whs on the - amendment
ertered by Mr King to the first section, making
ten percent, per annum the maximum rate ot in
Mr Drum iqq*>*ej ihe repeat ..| the usury laws
and Mr Small advocated the lull
The question being taken on the amendment, it
was negatived—yea- H. miys 1 '■
Mr Matlinas moved an amendment to confine
the operation ot the lull to the city and county of
Me«sri Hugus. Forsyth, Uverrield., Komg
macher nnd Small, debated the subject.
And (he qnestmn being taken, the amendment
Wu< rejected- yeas 10, nays M
The question then recurring on the first section,
it was lost by the tnllowuig vote —yea* ~. uays 9 1
So the bill wae negatived
The Bdl to incorporate the Harnsburgh and Lew
iMown Telegraph Company was taken up
The Scoate passed the bill to incorporate the
Central Telegraph Company, the act establishing
tbe bcw county of Lawrenue, and the bill to avoid
the Inchned Piane.
The Walhains|K>rt and F'mira Railroad bt! 1 and
the b-ll to incorporate the Coilege of Physicians
and Surgeons of Philadelphia, were passed in Com
mittee ol the Whole-
Un motion of Mr Miller, the bill tor ibe rebel of
the Somerset and Bedford Turnpike Co was taken
Mr read in place a bill to reduce tbe
raptloi stork of the Irtrard Rank
Mr Lairdißankr reported a bi t to extend tbe
eimrter <’f the Finnkhn Rank of Washington Ml
to extend the charter of the Western Hank of Phi
Mr Roberts., sain* * b>il to ex'endth' charter >f
the Com mernni Bank of Philadelphia
Mr Luckenbarlf. same- bill to extend the
charier of ihe Columbia Bank and Bridge Com
Mr Henry «*me' bill te extend ibe charter cl
the Bank of Montgomery county
Mr Laird. v*ame a bill to prevent biuik# an 1
brokers from receiving or out note* ot less
denonmaiton than five dollars.
The <-ommitl«o on divorces made several rr
Mr Mark .corporations! reported Senate hill to
incorporate the Philadelphia and Wilkeabarre Te
legraph Company
Mr N Thorp manufactures,, reported a bill to
repeal the proviso for the Ten Hour Law
A large nnmkr of local Kills were report? d
A'pAjirti.a. f)jy —Mr Bloom called up the
h.:i to exieud ihr charter of the Farmer's Bank of
Bucks County, which passed Committee ot the
Whole jii : debuted on *eoond reading l-U I
Th'- trovern.T *« ul ;u •» message, that he had al
lowed the Ini! !•> repeal charter cd the 1 'tiio and 1! .tor -Ail Company to tic-ome a law without
his *igjau.'.
Ti.,- i>, . n re,at.oil to t*’c hnriuers Lank »>t
uuiy whs pus-ol
i e .(■oirJeucr ol me Baltimore IV-u
WuniKtriii. 11 IM
’! he >eU3te had a very short session l» -.lay. and
tl.en adjourned over to Monday Nothing of note
Tlir jjrw t'ai»DC( •){iirt*r> werr for lioui* l.>uay
rrv'Givmg lire caU*. oi lhciere<pecutf Department*,
ot metr frtcod* oud uli having huwocae with
Mr Warren cl lowa, ba« been appointed Second
I\>*tm«'iern General. He >• a genilemnn
. : decided ability wi!ii a discriti.oiiiiui: mind and
krriit cneiry =i chan-oter
;; i* unihT»:ood that Mr. Hannegan. :»(•**.>:nlt'H
M mater to lierlttt l>y Mr. Folk, on the 4th ot
March. at '' oi lock m the iriuniinv. aud conlimi
cl !iv the .vua'r. w..i a«H !«• deprvd ot tn» op
;>.<inlu:i*nt 1 »en I'avlor The old nero :* rang
H\ iin* wif. i- >jue*r if wa* tn Mr I'oik to
.•MiUrr lhi« ai'{“'munfi!t upon Mr Hannegan. Wd.j
.i.w<i U' i t rrincmS-r '.i;r au'l burning ilri.ur.
[t.iin-.l ..o'. )'V Mr Hanix-naii, .11 i!»*
.'■x'liaic; u;Kin Uic hcuil <! Mr I’ulfc lr*r tin »!.u!
'lin# and J*Y |<oiTiti('«l o '<ir»? >ti Hit- >*i»-sriMi .ji.r
(iu&rlera far Bool* »ncl Shoci.
i ..f <-r >u' 1 on ■'fniiiiUr.ij .irmv
Pm-hi-XiJH. I’.
, ... , , —.<?•, IKt'TH A SCOTT r.uv. rnmiwnrrile-.M.
il he N ll ' l ' ii(' lb. uni' ol -.1 rhw. HI »« 4*l ■« »{.] ,„.,i S W. Nn.u...., Md
.•-d«d to Hie one oM9 dm Mr Hnum-gnu dedal ; « .u.l rent.:. wouM rcaiH-ctbilh r Bk.
i*il tliat Mr President Poik would t*e l-v the oila- thr xMcr.'.iC’i of th»*<r mend* and thr pubii • g cir
rous art sunk *o low that Ui«-hand ol Resurrectiou rniliv to \ur > -|.lrm!nl >•*■» *u>ck consisting at men*,
„.rr. re.rli h.m' '»i •, ■**" •«“«» «■«
. \r u . .i> ri i , I liirnriy, <ui*.*t>lt* for ib<- *var-on. and u. [irii**** w> suit
Wry Wfll.«»y» Mr President l ulk. plr-i-c take i|(r t( j£ # A rßdld ar .,.. ;e 0 t home made work,
tli* M:n»i«'n to Prussia Mr Haiwiegan' Ine latter ' >uctj ?P!l ii-i tl c:i - t hor bools. Indiea, nnu«i and
t .oL .1 W’ltal strange bed tellnwa modern \* < do- rlunlrrin hue work l’.ra.m m I and examine tor
c,*,,m w.;; bring briber' ><>oi »<:ve« TROTH Ac SCOTI\
n . , . . , m corner 4ilx ami Smithtirld »(»
It 11 gct'emlly -nderstood here Inal the H-u. T , unk . I'nrpet Bags. Ac Ac.
I ones Vk liaou. in the recent l ongrrs, trom N-w „ un „; mU m. cm.
Hampsh.rc. will receive the upi>ouilincii! d i rover iN.unuv iuen.-nair.. woukl mnl i io their interest to ol the Territory <•! Mnre-itu I g lv e u* u cit when vi-tnug the cry in hU
The Hon. t 'hurley Hudson ft Massachusetts, a HtioKS -Orction and F.i.normu m lt»4n, ny
menil>er <»t the recent C.mgre-v it ip understood, j <^ tt tnn Thornton. iso* Jumje ot the Supreme
w:i! Ut apj«»mt*d Naval Officer at the Port of Uo* , luuriot Onteou. uild eorrespom inj; innul-er nf the ■
luci. .n place ot Wi.linm Panneriler. whose.l**nn ha» : American Institute " *'<* 11,1 »l't’' iniix. uu -u< injt re
c M .ire,l or I, to expire Mr Hadron .* a '
strong. i)(> t-iihi tn«n and wnl n.HKe »n honest, ca lf>r 0 , , tllerril the t imcnmii. rtr Won liluimanoru
pabie and la tblul ]nibUc officer. and 4 map In two volumes
A foreign m.«a.on it t* expected, w ill Ur lender Rnphaei, or of in*- nook of ice m twrmy t»y
ed to some dietmjniiahed Whig lit North Aiphonse <ie l.eiuartme, amber «•' thr Hi.ior) ot the
f‘uro:.iia. Kx ' nv. Mnrehead the distingutahed *• "j'u*! Ve'ce "o'r »*lo
P/esidenl uf the National Whig Cugvenhon, whu’ti. , v . ' ' ‘ IuHNfTuN \ >Txk KTt»N
n-nn.naled tien. Taylor for the PretudrtOCY, m.-hll cor-i*: market ..ud 3*l *:»
the Hon Lhiniel M Barringer, member of the Canal Boat Purnllnre.
recent Concrc**. have been named for »uch » HA' F <>n har-a «>d tnr *».- »». Hum Frames,
station*. Messrs. Mangum, Rayner, Stanley and J[ M.oua*«e. fniuws t'nuiion*.
Kx Ceov ' rraham, have also been named. , Cushion* smt T. unnt.ngi 01 .ill l .ml*
There f a wnn indulged by his old Iru-nds, and moll dh M .NQHI.K. Ih.tJ street __
fn other quarters, that John S. S-kinner sbtruld l>e WANThID.
appointed Ounii.isstoner ol the l’atatit Ulßce. He , \ Cilßl. u> i<> ii.tuwwiirl. One who ihoroughly
is well qualified, every way, to 611 mat peculiar and underran ■ her ti«‘ii"'*». ■mi can j;i> c geoo re
, posl Th.r. «re olh.r. ol high clium., S”" c ” b ’SJ“"' “'‘"'.nchfi'dif 1 '
desirous of the place. --S —■ —' - - - r
Grt. Brady « 01 IN. U.agr... 1 EUONS-1M hi. 1 .a.l rrcri.U *.
from Pennsyivama. stands h very lair chance ol " oin ‘ ew 1 CA,l> haßL)\ ACo
succeeding one of the At iditore of the Treasury who -- - „
will mi retire • rj'BA WRAPPIN'I SAO-J-.,, p .
There >' a rumor afloat this evening that the cele
braied Urn John M McCalla is out of office, or
very soon will be
Thaohm. I«i>HB i* Ntw-BoaTOA, N H.—Foe* t V AiVs 1 rVo? ’ H* G*
Persons Potso'ieo —A orreaponilent oi’lhe Boston [’ t p o , War* nou»t ">1
Mnil. wmrs from i/ofTatowo, N H, March 5,1M9, mrhU
as tolluw*. • : T^Aft'N—2o 000 )t»» Hum*., Sides and Shoulders, miv
Four person* wrr** poisoned in Ibc family ofß. r. Jfi » nio krd, ui storo and for *a,e by
Biaiadell, K*q of New-Roalon, N H, by morphine, m -lil4 ' _ JOHN WaT I
.two of wbo.n died au fU?ed Udv and young child \ —3t>o bbts Ni> Molars**, .a pr.rao or
An adopted dau#ni«T of the old lady purchased |VI .>ct. lor -ale by nw-hn JOHN WaTT
rents *onh of morphine of an apothecary iu the IM>l[( _ T 5 Not a a „o a Mackerel- ludo No l
nly ol Mancheder. a pnrt of which ahe put in o prt J-< ti ala . on . irv » lo rr and (r.i sale by
paratiot. ol liqtionre which old Mra. Blaisdell wan mrhlf _ JOHN WATT
in the hah,l ol inkim. The (low proved latai, end , LOVKK SKED-Whorh jmnie OhuTclov.'.' Seed,
in a few hours nho was found dead in her chair — lorsaic by mehl4 JOHN WATT
Previous io ihia, however, the girl had tried rta ef 3 “bMa".r7sh
fects upon a dog. winch were such os o lend the , wd {ur lule ARMSTRONG It CKOZKR
family to suppose it was • nmmug mad, and it was ] „ 1( . h1 4
returned to Maoeheucr. aiciUag j APPL^aomto^m^appl^
suspicion uflbe act sbe bad committed id the mind , rT' - - -
■W7« tad the had always been consider- ' '
ed an honest. troaty girl,and bad been treated by • i-*
ihe family as a child and lister. Within three weeks I "DLANTATION M’tJAR AND MOLASSEB—too
sbe na» returned to Sew-Boston gave a'drse to the ! iT hbd. prune Planumm Buear. lift bbU do do Mo
child In ten, which proved fatal within twelve hours : J u, ‘ receivc “• nJ|j r ,*Vjt & RICKETSuN,
—falling immedmirly into a comatou state, or-pro- mrtil-t I*o Liberty at
found slumber, from which it never awoke. Just ' u '
,„ ot the fiioersl of the chad, oho delved , g'255S
tity ot lea. prepared for the remainder of the family. |J^ n , n Q fl lof a!l . „y
of which Mr uud Mrs- HUmdell partook sparingly n.<hl4
—remarking lh.i .1 bad nn o*l uu»e, and tenueMed , )XKV _J u'm.'ho,,,, ~o-VE j „„
her opiuion <-l il. a» she bql al her right hand, .‘ihe M mi . hP all<J lor ~a , r t> .
uwlf a teaspoon full into her mouth, and imtnedtn mchM SIH.I.F.R * RJCKj\FSON
teljr epu II out. andulker lea wee prepared. Mr-. T«:^;;; r „ l(rlr ,i w trr. No l
B was taken with vomiting whi>e at the, table—Mr. I' , urd :u , , R . C i,y Uii.LKK 4 aiCKKTSO.N
H. started h*r the doctor, who lived but a short di*- mrhil
»»J bdon be retimed »»• relied w,.1, IWi 11,.nj)-.
dumbness and other symptom* peculiar to tins po • I ' r> * '. c<l ttll ,| >
•od —both of whom, ok the character of the poison u'ifnU viII.I.KR A. KICKKTSON
<vm su*l«*cl«*d, and prompt mensurca being retort- . V
' . c' . r .. i k I«*K--- «■ ti*r. Hie*-. I > *-ufc and for tale by
c d to, recovered. Search was then made tor the I? n ',,n MIU.ER Jt RICKLT?ON
poison —the girl showing considerable trepidation,
she was, after considerable retieotioa,charged with 1» H K of Rye wanted, tor
Ihe rrime, wblch •he stoutly itemed, yet giving evi- MILLER 1 itlllKKTsclN
denoe other a'M*t by her manner
Sb . «. reluni u, heremploymen, ,» M WK K
Manchester, but came to New-tloalpn voluntarily _ i
on Suturdav lost- and Icr the sole purpose, as she X (OL'Ll> CAN DLhS—KKI l.*» Ciu .Mould Candles.
say», ofcont’esaing the deed She denies having lor »al« lo mehH \MCK & M*CA.NOLESS
had any motive in gmiig the poison; yet it i* / i LAf*}*—ft bu fith Class; lot do lOiia do; SI do
pretty -be erpocU-,1 Ihe properly be- »xli Jo. 10. •»!« 1.,
longing tu llio lumdy, might re7ert to her at their mchH " ICK A M CAN t)LESS_
death. 1 INSKKI) OIL—IO blls linseed Oil, for sale by
l have just returned trom a visit to her She is Xj ‘arhll WICK A. M‘CANDLK3S_
quite a pretty girl—apparently about 20 year# of . IUKN .mKaL— 15 bbl. Corn Meal, tor sale by
age, of considerable mental capacity. I could not , n <nU WICK k. M’CANDLESS
d.KOVer auy ludicaUort of metumy U iru mg. ■ .O"P.y SH -lu cux~kt prune Poluh, tor .ale by
gealed to me by Mr. n. that she did not conceive r0 ,.,,ti WICK X M'CaNDLESS
the design ol poisoning them herself but that others —-r ~—, . r
are at the bottom oflbe alfuir. She has her iriuU H ’wrhH WICK A mVaNDLKSS
'*!' d ”“ d * y d '" lol ’ m '“ U ic* R,„. „,. J end fur.ele by - '
take plate. . WICK * M’CAJSDLKatrt
Improvement* In Dentistry. T?LAX-U«a<k»KUi,rarM»iidfor*al«:l'y
DR. »» O f*TKAR?i». leieof Uo«lon, u iirejiared io ratf hM WICK 4 M'CANDI.IW
muiiQiutiurf! anil ki Bum* Tsstn in wholr. and pert* .. .
«po« Aimo-phmr J*«r..o H Pla.ea- TJITTKR 4 U-u» ltd. V? *
T..TtVwhk'i«*l’ ivma uisit**. wl.rrr Ihe Mrvo >• j) rorhtl WICK AM < ANDLKSS
end !•■»<.teiii-' 1 uen u. ilip ilay* , , u ... d ■>!« low to clc««
on i-roc*, Fourth tueo. Pui»Uut«lt A ' JL_„. i,» & istck. a M’CAIQILESS
im io-J. a U’FiMca, F. B. Cw J>U , A MMljiuMm b> WICK « “
ID" A public meeting of iha School Directors of the
■one Wards of the my. and all other citizen* who feel
an interest m the subject, will be held in the Fourth
Ward School House on Thursday evening, the 15m
in«L. ni 7} o'clock, for the purpose of taking mu> con
sideration ihe suhjr.ct of establishing a public Hijth
Se-hoo' in so winch all pupil* i who upon exantmation
are found qualified.) con be promoted, from all the
Potdic !*•• iiool« in the cny—ihe object of whicn will
i-e to place witoin me reach of every (fa-id the means
ol u more ihuruugh business education, than our public
or ••veil private school* t-ow nilord.
The subject wiP be laid before the mreimg by ihe
m .o« i-is eotninmer.. who irrre appointed for that pur
po*e !>\ me iti'-ctuq* held ai the Board of Trade rooms
on me Mil m*t. I.KMI BL STKPHENS.
"• \v. Wallace
Joujr iUircg, Sec y. ' mchlt
No i‘»Miu Sum ld hi Wmion Doctor M'Unr'i
Liver Pills—The tnghttul catalogue of diseases that
have thru origiu/.n a di*ra»ed »:atc of the liver, man
ife»t themselves io t» grrnKr or less extent m almost
every family Dy*pepsi;i. sick headache, obstructions
01 ibe menses, ague ami 'ever, pains m the side, with
dry. harking cough, ure all la' results of hepatic de*
langenient. and for thr-c. Dr M'Lane’i Pill* are a
sovereign n-inrdy They have never been known lo
fai’. a >«l tlit-y should be kept ai all nine* by families
Dnecitun* —Take two or three going to bed. every
second or ibird night. If tliev do nol purge two •(
three Mne* liv ne x ■ mor r mg. lake mi* or rwo more
A «!i«hl Urealrtatt *hou,.l invariably loliow their ii.v
The Liver i'ii; m.iv t-e used where purging i* »imply
m-ees*nry A* un iinU-'Oliou* purgalire mey are Ul
terior io none And m dotes ol twe or ihrre. ihey pivr
u* nm.hing r-!iei lo »iek li'-nduche. nl*o mi slight de
•ang'incnts ol ihe .lomur.’i
< m.rrve. none s" genuine wi’luxui the lac *um> ol
ihe pmprn *ignatur>-
1-orti.l.- ..•the Drug m J. KIDD A Co
F-oisiimt is Wui.rti," and 'f Mr Shield* had hui
lie. n governed by the unove motto, he might have sa
vrd munex and him-ioli much physical sutfenng; hui
rr nl the following ictu r doled April I Ihh. Idle.
Mr Win Shield*. u rr-peciable larmer of this vicin
;r, wu* laicii ni. called m a Donor who doctored
Inin tor Dyspepsia lor one ye-<» bin lie »!ill got worse
Jb iiirn ilix-riarf'-d In. l>oi u>r amt paid him thirty
doiisi- !<•> men goi ;i via! m y»ut Vermifuge, and
one box or Smuin r Pi’ s. and t<y the u»e of these med
icines icofciing (-nix 50 nc di*chorgrd, he sav«.
ai leas! on' thou*uml worm*, und in two weeks was
*<> improved in h<-:i!m u* in alii nd 10 his business, arid
has been m goo.l ben h c'- r *inre. and *ays Dr
Jayne’* Vermifuge &ihl yim-.i >-•• Pill* have made a
sound man nr him WM » DF.AN P M.
To IV I) Jayne, 1':,,1a hi Port William. O
l orsa,.-m Pittsburgh ai th" PKKIN TF.A HTORF,
70 hour'.H **.r: el, Wood lrt-17-.IAwS
M P* ran » * I'» i • i in Samtdux moMiuig ne u. ihe
arn.versury ni Ihe Pa-nm Sa-nt oi Ireiand the Right
sig.-id I'ommMtce txas nii‘ri,ied m dc .vn a dis-
’I he «altcT.iH'* nt irc'smi mu*i i-nt be an*ibuted io
CaU.onei'v Their ieai eanw • explained
The disci-ur«e will i.r delivered ui tho Hall at ihe
Si Pau. s Senno, House »l _ clock. P M
f ickeu ni admission VA cents Toe proceeds lo be
apptrpnated m the siijqi.noi me Orphan Asylum
JOHN AN DOF.. > C ommmcc.
marl'-fii HENR’i M r ULLOI(.»H. I
PinxirK I.KUoh Stoxr—Prepared by J W Ke.iy
william street, N \ and mr .ale ny A Jarncs. No
7tf Fourth street Th.* wi:i b- fnand a deligaiful ani
cio of beverage m famines. *-iJ pcmcularly lor sick
Usier's Btoxa. —Am Choeolaie prepara
lion, lemg n ci,mbmß'H>a of Cocoa uut, innocent, in
vigornimg arid f-alniahic. tugb'y recommended partic•
ulatly for >,.«ainD. Prepared i.v W Baker, Dorchcs-
Hr, Mass , and for *a i-j by A. JA VN KS, al the Pekin
Tea Store, .No 70 Fount, si install
Un Tuesday tasi. Mr s«i . l Artiu as
1 ni: tuami. wm lake pmer ■■ u Thursday, Isih in*i
ai 1 .- nek 1’ M io proceed from in* residence ol his
lather, lot Wm Arthur* o, 'iiiir-A'-iiUf 7ih ward,
to,he Abeghrr.v Omr.rrx
Newspapers, Hagaslnes and Reviews,
Ke.-ci veil »l M' Readifg Knotu ol th'
-1 .Vert' M,„-a>aiU L.ora*ir jmsi M,ehamct
Ft.dilli -irc'i t.c’wepri Wood mnl Mnrk'i *:ree.»
Niw V.ibs -i.'ouricr A Bn q ai ret Tribune, Heiald,
Kveiung Po*t. Journal of Commerce, Spirii of the
Times. Scientific American
PaiLautU liU —Nonli American and L S l/atcilo. Commercia! List
W*aHlnoT>"« —lnirliircnerr, Lmon, National Kr*
UoeroH —Muuug Journal. Alla*.
R.iti mob i— American
Cincinnati Gaietie, l,oui*vi!le Journal, Si Lwui* Re
publican, N Orleans PKavuue. N tlrleaos Price fur
IH A VK fl Marble Monument, m my old stand c
Wood sireei Should any pvrion want a'Mon
ineut. I will «pll ai very reduced pure*. between lli
■uid l*i April, to »avr ihr lal<at ol' removiug them
inj new stand at 'tie head ol Wood, ou Liberty *tre<
... , at the comer of Irwin'* alley
Li vkekmjl 'V timer A muiili'* K« ro;>eaii Tiiuet.l.on- | marl! tf KDMUN D WILKINS
iloli Tlltlr
Mao »/-n *>-Blb'* wood », Knn-krrliockrr, i’louco
Iflnni Anvil, Hunt « Mr'r|iaiiU.\ Ultru
Ijvmr Afr. Moriii'uiiurt»i. Stlnn»a<i'« Journal. Jnurnft
.>1 itur >innAnn In- uuir. • 'ivi. kncmrrro A Archilr. t»
K*v;*vf»—iJrcnoi-i.ih- . \nieri.»u Whin, t-oinlon
i'.‘ laJiohur* ii. r»Uiun*n- r. Ni.rili Urui.»li
K<iom» op-rn il». y .ex< -pt Jvinday • < from 7| or ork
A M.min 10 .>'(••«►<», I* M Mpnil't-r- have the pn
.- .. rf rv .111 ro.l.icii<K lh«-.: ir.rmU. i.oii rcouJrnU o' Ihr
v. :,rt V»n hr., li cl to tfe ror on-
i‘ff«on* m i-roiiir m«-mo«r» will ieavr
it..-;i " ii..r» wm tar V, ra-iiun lenu*—lnuuion. *l,
an no, .u:.»cri)><it>M W. in advancr. nuliM.illm
7" ti-« llunnrattf, the Jt'.lgta of the Court of liene
•„t Qoii’ft .'vuimii <•/ Utr Pteue. »M anJ fvr the
County ut’ Alieirhstiy.
ri\JlK PnuuuH ot Juua Ci LyMSi, oi me la »nrd. Al'e-
J. my. m the county aforesaid, humbly *hew
••iti. that tour petitioner hn« provided bttn»*lf with
material* lor the accommodation ot' iravrlrr* and oth
er*. al bdwelling hou«-c m ihr city afor*»aid,
and prat - '.ml tour Honor- wilt tic plrawd to pram
him a licci,.r \i Lrrp a Public llotiw ill
n.rnt A nil ti-iif |«ciino-icT a* ;ii duty hound, will
We. tin- *u!-. ril
do cert;!) ih«i Hi
!/••«» oi ■hf afor i**n)il ward.
a ,».»«• peii'.'i.nrf i« ot JiCMxj re-
i-vrnn'iiri** lor the nwom-
puir tor h(*:>c»t) amt im
a. 1 i.xiC'S ■
1... H .M.. 1 ! n«• r« i* <*•*.»:%
H-e -, rimkfKo»lf» pn. im* Huctify. Jono
~ 11dn.:,. H I Rerlim, S r[ili--ti Urißdotu J W l.Wica.
\\ T , Rivlo Win i own!. W Holme*,
IDO reams raeOutm
luu Jo
Juft received and tor ‘ale ai ibe Paper W arehouto
-i tr.chl4 S r HILL. ?7 wood it_
-Cu»h for R&£>. bi
By John li, !>• vti? A ue Uooe er<
n rrCii of I ' C ■
Knk-ihr». Forma-- and TV
"■n<. I'ih tn»i at II o rlort. «
houjr ot’Cxpt Jani-o Muy. >■
th« nram boat (.o-xlolier. ron
and machmrry i•»'. ; iVr • r.i
bedding, door* mid -tc' i .a
blocki and lacklr. l.r
*l“' *''<l tii-warCi
Term*, rn-l Turn-iK .
4 mo'ilb* rredlt, *pp-Ovr>.‘ <-n>tnr-.rfl :in
ro»rl4 Ji'H\ IM) A VIS. ,\ ur
Booh' JJaU
\V..; he told at lb« 'Viiiin -i. ~|! Hoorn*. ror
lier Ot Wood utid Fi lh All.! Ol
and Thursday eveni ». U.h u ..1 1. i , -t. mTtrik.
a larye variety of new Uo.ik>, v» .v -ii mu«t be rj >*ed
out. Many ot' the wn't* eianracd u the nock are
tcldotn odered at pahlic v;n<-
tuchl l JOHN r> p.\vm. Allot
Spleniiu/ Honsriioiti b ututiutr kt Autiati
On Pndny raonni'ij. 'larch irtiii. i|| |« o'clock, at
the residence of Mr*. »; t»«u«* I'olionade
Row, in Federal «ttect. A!>c'i**«y i.ik near vhe old
Allegheny t»rtJjfr, »•!' !••• - i* dcch nn*
hoii»e keeping, al* her hou«eii ><l >ii.| k.'chrn lurm
lure, which ha* been kept m ’he bed order, eoninniig
of l pair large maniel glasaea,
Splendid mahogany »ofa;
I doirit rhairv
Mahogany rani and dining tahw,
•• «ide board with marble «.uli
:uul cheriy wurdrobea.
burcaasjmil ilretain* uililen
Hid cherry hijh po»Jed bedneaU.
-• ' renirr table*, mahogany and cherri
wn»h kunU. low post bedate&d*. a hair maura»*r*.
tralhr: t,«-d* ami bedding. veimian blind*, mantel and
hall lamp*. Muir rod*, parlor and l*ed room rarpellng
mid malting. parlor **h boxe* and fender*, bre iron*,
kitchen uteiißiU, iiueennware, g!a*«ware, I tine cook
mg »tove and fixture.*, Ac
JOHN B DAVrs. And.
Sale of Dry Good x.
On Wednesday morninf. at tt o'clock, aud at II
• 'clock, will lir wM-Kiu. Cap* and Hatters' Trim
mings, comprising «l do* Russia, Nutria, Cone), Silk
and Wool Hats, doth, tur, pht*h and glared cap*
Term*, Mims over $4O silty day*, and over «l«'
ninety da>« credit—approved endorsed puper
Stcamboai Amenta at Auction.
Will lie *oid without reserve, on Thursday, March
ISih, iit .1 o'clock. 1’ M . the new and subs'anual Hern
wheei *ieunilio.n A merirs. a« «he now lie* at the Pitt*
burgh Wlmri, near the mouth of Ferry street, with aJI
her Ta*kle. Furniture Ac The America has U boi
ler* and double engine*. t* 140 feet long, tTJ teet beam,
raeasurtng Id ion*, nut cun carry 300 ton* Term*
libera. For lurilict particular* enquire of John C
Perry Win While Wm Dc Camp. Wel!«horg. Va, nr
John C Hidweil. .* grni,•Pittsburgh
mart JOHN D DAVIS. Anet
Wedlixtdst, M*acK 14, wi'l be presented
Othello Mr. Webb
] t go • • -.Mr.Oxley
Desdemnna ■ • -Mis* Porter
Amelia -Mrs Madison.
After which. Dascx Mister Wood
To cunclude wuh the
Nuti Tick Mr J Dunu
Ltsctto Miss Anna Cruise
In rehearsal—THE EXILE
n~7» Door* open at 7—Performance wiil comment
at half past 7 o'clock
Dress Circle a«d Parrjueite •• -st> ceuW
Family Circle or *Jd Tier ... -2$ cttUi
8*1« Agency for Sanaa db Clark*i Plano*.
_ JL'ST RFiCEIVKD.and opening, a
lot of elegant fianoi. from tie
ffXPfl celebrated factory of Nunn* A Clark,
|| V I |» N V , comprising f». *nd 7 octaves,
wuh important improvement*, both inlinechtinum and
exterior. pos»e«erd by no other* 1
ALSO — A hue selection of Crwckcring’s Pianos, from
d to 7 octave* H KLKBER, Sole Agent,
at J W Woodwell s,W Third si
N B The blkivc will be sold st roaiiulmcturer* pu
ce*. Wtmout any a.Kmon for freight or rxpenses
mar in Journal and Chronicle cop)
Rl uapratt’a Patent Soda Ash
,w lO CASKS just received per steamers Ivanlu
£\ f «nd St Cloud, and for sole by
uichll 160 Liberty st
California Wigom.
\'FKW W AXjON S intended tor emigrants going
u> Caiiiorma ju*t finished and for sale at the
U JW rsiaMi.htrct.i of' THdS HARRISON. Penn
• jlvwi.i A-.cnuc. Hull a tmic Horn the Court House.
iron and StlU<
rt'HK ■cunt »* Agents in ihu city for
± ihc Trov Iron Work*, aic now rccriviug supplies,
ln ,l 'tj.-v wii. Ik |>i>>*scU 10 execuie order* lot IRON
«> i Hie m»m tcroralrle term*.
Commission Merclisuu.
Joßltso.n. 46 Marin street, are now opening their
nock of Spring Bonnet*. Rib bona, Silk*. Lace?. Crepe*
Li*»e.Ac Dealer* and others aro invited to call and
■\I r H!TK GOODS—Jiut received at Smith & Joax
\\ so*’*, 4H Market asrret, a fall atock of White
Good*, eomprumg every vaneiy of Jaeoncu Cambne
and Sw ■ Muslins; check, plutd and 6g d do, B>*hop
l.awita ami Hook Mu*Una; Tarlatan*, embroidered
Mu»lnui lor cdriatua. Ac,' to whidh they would »uvis*
,hc attention of dvalera-and _ marl'd
4 N e lamiiiuiton of Teacher* will be held ui the ’’ih
Ward school Horn*, Oil Saturday, tne 17th jurt.
Te*untornftl* of moral character will !>e expected The
female drparuneui will commence oi I** A. M —the
male as U P M. THOMAS DA IT. Pre»X
mart* Old*
Cm rt'KO-.IVKn mm ;be lr Fnriorv,
.-SUj »q \ atd» ol .1 yttwide Uum FJa*uc Oil ('loth,
rit>rr»»l\ ror the California wagon#. for at ihn
(ndm Rubber [Jppoi. m&rlO J 4 II l’Hll.l.M'S
I ii.d.« IJ-Lte: He*"’ H> Wt loue. uuwlul^m
c.c ior prr»orii going in Cadfnrn'n b>r »alp »i Uie lo
an Rubber Depot. No 6 Wood «l
marlli Jill Plfll.Ul’S
SI.'NDKIKS —ji* hlidu S'n Sugar, lt#> bag* primp
Rio Cotffp. 10 urrcp* Ripp, 10 kg* Dray A Bio li
Twui Tobacco, landing ibi* da> iroin «:mr Meahengpr
No 2, and (or sale by J A K t IXJV D,
roarlO Hound Church Building
SKKI)—6O bagVpnmr Fenim. Clover»eed
J in iiorp and for »alc by
tnarlO JAR tUA D
HACON— 15 ca*k* Bacon. hog round, m »tore aud
(or talc by marl'i JAR {■ D
PUTASH-25 rn.k« (Duncan.) pure »>ota«h, m
*t«rp and lor *ajc by rnarlO JAR Fl.U\ D
Oil. CLOTHS-ttec’d ibi. duy at W M'C'untock**
new Carpel V\ aremoiD, No 75 Fourth *ueel, iwo
shpet. of C 4 Ipp: wide ini riollix, of the richest and la
teal TaiwiatrT paiierm.
nichl.l WMCI.INTuCK
Sl'<i AK —yo j.h*l* n«-w crot>. mi J<o Jo old do
in vl „rr Hl>4 foi *nlr l*V *
m.-1.l KHK'I . MAri'HKVVS A l o
LIMK UthJ l/l.le Louitvilir I ini', lor mlr low by
iniRUKIDdK \\A L'U.
inch) 1
MACKKHUL-Utf. bbl» Iwge No :i Miclctxd Bo
ion in*f*ciioii ui sior* an>l ror ml* hv
l, * WaTRRM AN.
inrbt'l 31 water uml W ttont »l
RYK FLUL'R—3S l,bis superfine Rye r'lour. Itorc
and for »aie by mchlJ L s WATERMAN
IRON— 12u tons Iron, assorted, for sale I<v
mcbl'J l. S WaTKRMaN
NAILS —12S kegs Nail* and Spikes, assorted. tor
sale by mchi:i LS WATtHMA.N
STEEL —A general uunmtm of Cm, Sbeor, Eng
lish Blister, German, Spring, and A H Sirel, for
•ale by mchlJ LS_W AT ER.MaN
SCATHE SNEATH3—276 dor Brow n't manufactu
red Scytho Soeaths. for sale atmanuiacUirer’s pi.
ees to the cny trade, by mhill LS W ATERMaN
FORKS— 6J doz besi steel bay, aod ihrce and four
proneed manure Forks, for tale si manufacturers
price* ui the city trade, b) L S WA 1 ERM AN
rachKl . _ .
CIOTTON > ARN3-J*** ol6 * Com.n Yarn*, uuncd,
.< for sale hy ntchU L •"* " A TURMAN
BATTING AM* WICK-*v> bn.r» No 1 snd 2 Hal
line 1 4i do i-andlc \\ <ck. for *s,e by
roc j,|.) 1. S WATERMAN
TJ'LBS AND HIXKETS-W dor Beaver Buckets, d
1 do Tubs, largo, tor saw >-y
mc hn l. a waterman
RjOK— al iinee* l're*n Bice tn *tore. for »*tr by
,ocMi __ BHEY. MATTHEWS £ I'-o
TT'KATHERS— 0 ba*t F«uiher», lauding from Mmr
X 4 j y Atlruns, lor *al« by
Yellow nan keens — o:-< e*.<- u.i
lA>n*iiaie Nankecua, juM opened by
LINEN LUSTRES— I Two cuai plaio. figured »»d
fancy Plaid*. bngUl color*, lu»i received by
MODE COLORED ALI'ACAS—7 cate* low priced.
mediom anti (Lae Alpacas, Coburg* and Cash
ui«rr*,)u*J received by
GINBENU— 5 narki now land, 114 fu>»( «te*niff
J Q Adam*, for wtle t» j
CIOTTON- -17 bales now lamlm»r irnin nunitr J
} Adam*; (or *ale by ISAIAH DICKEY A Co,
I ARD—6 bliU Not; l do No i. now lauding froro
Xj .team. r J Q A>lt»n«, lor »a'e by
M .uek», now lamling Iron, -icarmr
A J Q Adum*, ior.-aie l.)
ri'AR —SO bbl*. in a rime order, in «iore, Mr »alr bjr
1 utarl'J RHKY. MATTHEW?. AC«
XT O. MOLASSES—2OO bbl. prune N Molax.e.
IN . in .tore, lor rale by
maria RHEY, MATTHEW s*(u
JUST RECEIVED—WO lb* poWd I u|Ut>n- n lUH,
and for sale by incbCJ J MHDACo
Jl »T RECEIVED-HW lb* V** * ""f,'° f
, a ir by mclil'i JkJDOAto
Jt'ST RKCEIVKD-IU) lb* powM Hhobatd.and lor
.ale by mcbl* j MOD A Co
TUST genuine KreoroL and lor
J .ale by mehW 1 K1U,,4 - Co
Bnrkeu «J do do Tub.; sdo do Keeler.; for .ale
Backeu, a •>» von ' boNNUO RST ±
01 marlb _O5 iron! .1
STARCH- 15 !•*» rllT * Burch ’ ,af ,al « b 7
• HITE REA NS— iW bbl* wbiie Beau*, tor .ale by
OIoAR AND MOLASSES—im hbd« N O Sugar,
N ICU bb 1 . N U Mola***e*. landing from .leamirT lien
Cike, for .air by UAGALEY A SMITH,
matlO IS and 20 woo^it
tl LOVER SKED—EO bbl* prime Clover Seed, in .lore
/ and for .ale by L S WATERMAN.
marlO 31 water and (M from .tree;
IAKD —42 bbl* and Id keg* No 1 t.c*l l.ard, in *ti ie
j and for sate by marlu 1. WATERMAN
Dried apples » Lu*h in tioic and loi ' ■ t
■ca dK» jfijt
rpHIS well known line of *lll6ool*l pa*wn«r Steam-
I er. ia now composed of the laryeM. *viA«*t, bee
Clashed and furnished, and motl powerful boats on the
wtoer* of the Writ. Every accommodation and cut
forf that motiey con procure, ha* hcenprov'dcd for pas
sengers. The lane ha« been m operation tor five yearn
-ha* carried a milltoti of people without the least inju
ry u, their persons. The t-oat* will l*« *« «« foot Of
.Wood street the day previous to *umng, tor the trey
ti«»n oi freight and the entry of passenger* on the rc«is
ter in a;; ea*e» the passage mone£ must .be pud it
The ji*.\ At‘ NKWTtiS, Captain Hemphill, W.ll
leave Pituhurph every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock;
Wheeling every Susutay evening at 10 V. >*•
May fil.J'H?. *
The MONOM.AtIKL.S. Cspt will leave Ptft*
burrn rvrry M.mJny morning ai 10 o’clock} Wheeling
every Monday evening at 10 r ia.
The HIBERNIA JW £ Capt. J. KunariLTSa, wiu
leuve Pitt»burgb every Tueaday morning at IU O'clock,
Wheeling every Tueaday evening at 10 r m.
The NEW ENGLAND .So. £ Capt. f*. Bum, will
• »ve I*lll.burgh every Wednesday met mag at 10
H.i.k, Wheeling every Wednesday evening ut 10 V M
The URU.tJANT, Capt. Gases, will lave Pttta
>urgh every Thursday morning at 10 o'clock; Wheeling
very Thursday evening at 1U p. M-
The CUP PER No. £ Capt. Pars DtvaU will tear*
Pittsburgh every Friday morning at 10 o'clock. Win*, every Friday evening ai 10 r. M.
The No £ CapeWoodwalU. uriU leave
Pittsburgh every Saturday morning at 10 o'dofek;
U heelinf every Saturday evening at 10 r. a.
leaves Pittsburgh daily, at 9 o'clock, A M., and ax
rives at Glasgow, (mouth of the Sanity and Beaver Ca
itiu.) at 3 o'clock, and New lutbon at 11, mme night.
Leaves New List.on at 6 o'clock, P. aj n imaking tha
inp canal to the river dunng the night,) and Glasgow
at 9 o'clock, A. M., and arrives ai Pittsburgh at 9 P
M.—thus making a conuuuou* line for canyingpta-
BA-nger* and freight between New Lisbon and rra»-
burgh, in shorter umr and at less rates ihahby any
other rente.
The proprietors of this Lane, have the pleasure of In
forming the public that they have fitted tin two finl oOtu
Canal Boat*, for the accommodation of passenger* uni
freight, to run to connection with the well known
'learners CALEB COPE and BEAVER, add contact*-
mg. ai Glasgow, with the Pittsburgh and Cincin
nati and other duly lines of steamers down tha Ohio
and Mississippi rivers. The proprietors pledge them*
selves to spare no expense or trouble to insure cos
fort, safety and disputeh. and ask of the peblio a shin
of tnetr patronage.
G M. HARTCN, ) P.ii.feawh
3- AW. HA&BAUGB, \ rmsburgh.
R. HANNA, A Co {m^,t»lw*
myll-M J HARBAUGH ACo 1 Nrs * l ' ,,bca
NOTICE— The ueuner BEAVEILC. E Clarke, ktmj
ler. will leave after Uu» notice, for Welisville jpaacu
ally, at « o’clock m the momim ■
Dally Puktt Uat
FEBRUARY 111, 1848 FEBRUARY lit, 1«l
. u The tallowing new boats complex
,fT . ft u»e line lor the present ittun: AT
iifgyitSrPQ LANTIO, Capt. June* Paikinasi <
BB&BEiIDBSBALTIC, C»pt % Jacobs; and LOUIS
M’l.ave Capt F- Bennett, TOe boats or* entirely
new. and are ntted up without regard to expense. Ev
ery comfort tiiatnjoncT can procure has been
The Boats will leave me Monongohela Wharf But ■
the loot ot Ross tu Passengers will be punctual on
)>oard, as the boots will certainly leave «t ilia advar
used hours, t 4 A. M. and 4 P. M. JaaJl
- <r . The splendid fast running strainer
Williams, master,, will leave for the
■■■BKSrHßabove ana intermediate potjson Fri
day. the l*b, at 10 o'elocfc, A. M.
For freight or passage apply on board, or to
menu PETTIGREW k Co, Agt»
_ .—_ - Tbs splendid steamer
jggSgWgtflß R. D. Cochran, maater, wdl leave for
■SSSBsSBfe the*above and intermediate ports on
Wednesday evening at 4 o’clock, positively.
.or freight or passage, apply on board: mrbtf
- K The Steamer
, a • J. Q. ADAMS, . ,
rralftll Captain Gregjj, will leave oa TTiurs
tbeUth ioil, at lOo'otoek A .M.J
meh 13 PETTIGREW A Oo n Agent*
b. The Steamer 1
CTgffljiffiga Captain McKee, for Zanwrine, oa
the 14th inat, at 10 A. M.
meh 13 PETTIGREW A Ca, Agents.
. - The splendid passenger packet
ag£SBsmWt Cole*, master. will leave for the above/
■ABESBafib and iniermealale ports oa dAa day,'
the 14th lust, at 10 o'clock, a. H-
For freight or passage Apply on board, or to
Shipper* may rely on the Tagfioni going throofh to
IHi not* Kivcr. and-tlierehy aAvc a rc-shipment at 81. v
Loot*. mult
—. n. The «p!endid fast running cteamer
J- IL Ha*lett, master, will leave fo»
■K&SSS&Bihe above and intermediate port* on
ihit day. at 4 o clock.
For freight or pasai
■n- tv Tbe &ne running tieames
MwcCwißS Roger*, master, will leave a* above
■KttSßuMUßuiir üb) m 10 *. js.
For freigfct or paaeage apply on board.
h ‘Hie fait rnnuine Me&mcr
R c Gray, master, will leave far the
MaßH&«TSfcli>hove & uUerniedain ports on Tblira
day next at 4 o’clock. P. iU.
For freight or passage apply on board.
_ Tke fine steamer
Binnuu. muusr, having «tnder*our
thorough repair*, will u m reru
•as packet on the above trade. Leaver Pmaborgh ev
err Friday wonting.
For freight or passage apply oa'ooard. febl
p ““ n " r
<MSB53lit (,eo M W inks, master, will leave
ihe above and Intermediate ports
every Tuesday, at IU o'clock, a. m.
For freight or pastage apply on Board, or »o
K- i- KING, No. 153 Com. Row.
• •-- k The bur fftJi ruuuior ntMn/r'r
»ieiunrr GEN LANfe
Cara&Wg A. .McPherson, mu»i*r, wiU brave f or
■““MWi* above and inierrnedjaie port* eve
ry Saturday, at JO o’clocH, p w,
Kor i're»(?ht or passage apply bn board, or to
E- C. KINO,-No 163 Coro. Row,
, _ Loturviile
FoR NaSHViule.
The splendid fast roniuu iteum
ITiiWrntr GENEVA, .
Wl, * ,n *> master, -will leave for fo 9
and intermediate porta-an Fri
day, the 9th niff at lOo’elodk. >
Kor freight or passage apply on board, or to
marb J >V BUTLER A BRfX. Amu
Pittsburgh and louisville packet Lin t
f. The new and spleddidfost pa«MQ-
JifejgSS 1 PaC 'SIEGBAP'H No. 8,
master, will leave for Clnctn
nau and Louisville on Tuesday, foe fifo at 19
- *
Ip- Steamer Pevtona will leave fo» New
Otieuns. on arrival of Telegraph No ti PasMagera
can go direct, and can have berths teen red here it da
• ■red mart
rv The splendid fan running steamer
tfwScMfftißa Caihoon. master. will ran as a- tegts-
MBBBBBBiIar packet between "Pittsburgh and
W hceliacand Sui<fi-«k, leaving Pittsburgh every Moa
day mid Thorsdny
For imgbi or apply on board, or to
fet.a? J NEWTON JONES, Agi
- ». The swtrt steamei
maTCCRS Webber, master, will leave regnlati*
■■BKHEaBlRfor Wheeling, every Monday, Wrd
iiesday and Friday, at 10 o'clock precisely.
Leave Wheeling every Tuesday, Thursday and 2*
tnrday, at 7 o'clock,'a m, precisely.
The Consul wiU land at all the laiennedikiß ports.—
Every aoyxnodation that can he procured for the com
fort aid ' - iciy of passenaen has been provided. Tt*
beat is alno provided with a self-acting safety guard to
Crevent explosions. For freight or passage apply o a>
card, or to W. IL WHEELER. Aftf
feM At W. Pmifofield end Water ste
„, r t. Tbe splendid new steamer
tfgTLfr TELEGRAPH No. 1,
dSffdSSt Ha*lep, master, will leave for abov*
■BBBHSBMBaod intermediate ports on, Monday
«d m»t, ai 10o’clock.
Kor frpiflbt or piMoge »ppl» on bo«nL or W
/f "' Ci. The fine steamer v,
Jg!S^®Jl uc V’ matter, will ran *» »
packet from Piuatwrgt* w
£> "!!i tX. Uon ' 1 *''
For freight or passage apply on board. I* 2 *
Au«l Hockingport, tail Intermediate landing*
,v *—»»'■ fw. The fine steamer
master, will leave for the shove
every Tuesday, at 10 j oWoek, a .
m. Tor freight or passage apply on board_jg*^i^».
EICnjSOI BP 1 LX* 11* 08 •
iu» jv« **tp*J«xd r»oM
Ami u now receiving a &oe aa*omne*l of
or riiK bkkt quality and la test,
\\ lucfa he n* prepared lomak* UJoxJer
And in the I i ifll Fashion*
matin __
(i LASS—*ft> boxes sxlOlil#**, bi do lOii'j do, JO
J do tuzl4 do, *<W do Vxld do, 30 do 7x9 do: in store
«bd ferial* by BBXU LftWdOXUUZC
on boara. mirU