The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, March 14, 1849, Image 1

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    fc.K i.-i
TN 1786.
. OM«rEO«IG*CBOZER,Couunwi»» SIWiiM.K
Ars^^» ii « fna * c ‘- N °- d ' ! ' r " l
‘nulltFlS-U i.’ hays, Yyhote.«ls d'*l,r*‘i„ Dry
H Good*. Groceries, Boot*. Shoe*, I luslturgh w.»r.u-
**•. No. «0 Liberty meet. Pitu
borgh. 4.- * - • - - JaS
«KindifC* «um. c&iaor. REtrRiL
BRAtfN A-RENTER, Wholesale ami Dnig
comff of Liberty and Si. Glair MreM*. Pitts
burgh. Pa ?h»yb*
cctbsaTtoa, f . a. h, fgnwtt
O*OWN * 'CIJLBKRTSON, mo!cw:f>.
K andfComiolasioa Merchant*, No. 113, Liberty »i.
l»* J
B A/f A Co., Wholesale Wi K«
t uil DrujpjiJits, earner Wood and dtb *4" „ jvi
BJaALEY i’ssrnuWholesale Grocer*, 1' ami
BO Pittsburgh. , ; ;
Cl A/,McAttULTY A: Co , Forwarding sM
y, miikioa Merchariu,Canal Basin, Pitis’-orKri P»
• ' jihiu
• ;*.*** J. Mtxsrrr
ENGLISH AKENNETT, date Chllatfh-t
* Co.) Wbol*a»HJ Gtocera, Comnu-.HrtJ juul For-
W*nllng.M*rcb*iit* r *md dealer* Id rroduug jsftd I’m*-
jmrph f3*rr ,lf,r ' l No. 37 Wood st. 3 berwefih ij ai«l
SAstreeM. • , .. •>«•»
/"> EORriE COCHJISAN, Communion and rewarding
f lj Merchant, NtTsb Pjtuburgb. u»> 17
H£&E,-(sii.c«ps»ot to-Murphy A Lee.) Wpj>i DeaJ
# and CotaxntMton Merchant, for the »al* oi
WdOlegaiJaberty. opposite Sth at feblr
HARDY,. JOSES A Co.. Commission and For
wilding Merchants, have returned tottheiroki
tUnd, Water and-Plcui sir ecu, Pittsburgh. j»o_
: wwlexalo, Ilalmuoro.
a. JrMOLSOBi BWiIS nsau. ' )
. p. c,-at > CAJstHPK,-Him* *-waaxta, S
/TTEALO A-BDCICN OR, Tobacco ComtniCTSOo Mer
•JEjL chant*,4JNorth Water *i, A 16 North Wharves,
Ptfla. '•;' •>••• uor3o-ii_
“Suait-oiciutt, . |. *oh*bt jncxLi. ru.
TBALAH DICKEY A Co., Wholesale Unmcts. t\“»;
•Ij mission Merchants, and deulera <a Produce,
Water. And 107 FrptU iftrect*. Pittsburgh. __ nov-
TOHN. WATT, (aaoccMor io fs*ait Y Gebban j
Uf "Wholesale Grocer and Comnirteion MercMnt
dealer (9 Produde anti Pltuhurgh Manufacture*, eor
oSr of J3berty_and ilutd street*. P«a»bnrtfh I’v i»Jfi
• TAMES 8 McG'CrHiVfcilc of tbe'firm ami
d McGuire,) Mediant Tailor, St Chark-t. Build.R*>,
fetrd sftfegt,n^Wood, PiPalargii __
JAMSS A* HITKIHSON, A Co.—Buecc«ors to
L evris JluteWtotV &. CoounuMon MerctmntH.
tadAgWU of lli* St. Stenra fsugar Refinery
NA u water eftd Hi front Wireti, PitdterKb.
• • ' :
J- ft. DILWORTH A &Q~, Wholesale Grocers. Pro
•- date .and Qotsmission Merchutta, and .Agents
fbt (he fiaisn! powder Co. of N. \ n No d 7 Wood »t.
'PfttAurfh. ;
TOHN'D- MdRGAN. VVholmale Dnug-j>t. turd deal
|l et ui : Dye Studs, Paints, Oil*, Varnl*i>es, Ac ,No *j:i
Wood atreet, one door South of Duunpnd Alley. Pi.u
bargh. .7 .. - - lH ' ll
YamiB» iff IS, Jr, «yio., (*UCCe"i*or U> Jtrscph U
g|; Daoi*,) Ship Chandlera, 30 AVtuer surd;.. . oc3l
TOUN. f Wholesale and IkuSl dealer
lli iflMjwic and Musical lnstremenU, Sclrtiol Boos a
Paper, Slate*, Steel Pdna, ‘Quill*, Printers’ CajiL. hj:J
Sauidnaiy generally,No. 81 Wood
Qy Riga bought »r taken ; rv*cpl£
JSCHOOK&IA£ER A Co, ffijuggiaia.
% K(L*4 Wood .street, Pittsburgh,
TOHN/D? DAYtS,- Auetiouecr, corner sib%rtd Wood
U iiretU. Pinaborgh. - f'-t*
IJ-. aiuhPaper Manufacturer*, No. 44 Martel *U. I'm—
burgh, .j* ’ >c6_
jpr*«* ifmyn. ' *icu*fln.9L<‘YT.
J AB. FLOYD, date J. Floyd A Co.<> WfioK -rtit
t Onfeer*, No. IftrLiheny street. . «• »cps
JutTiA DALZELL, Wholesale Grpyer, Cenimtuion
Mercham, an»t dealer in ProdscAand'.P|u*buTgb
Manalacturea ffO.S4 Wdtar »tj Pitfsbuqjh. janlti
IERA JONES,Eorerejtiing and CotumMion AJer
IV chef's Deslen' in Produde and Pittsburgh man u-
Cctnrdd hrticlcs. Canal Basin, near 7th st. . dal
Veiuylui iron Work*. '
LEWIS, Co., manufacturers df all *i
zes Bar, Sheet, Boiler Iron and Nnilsofjuir jca.
qualiry. ' ‘WerehoiiM/W water riul 106 trout gg,
•ani9 <■ ' ' ' }£■
T 8 WATERMAN, Wholesale
ingand Coqrtissicu Merctasujieolet: tii Pu'»-
oargh Manufuctare* and produce, Nos. 3i Water m
and 02 Ffonl »'- l*il
jobs itiAll. ‘ laa. c tfoiu. . WAurstfc.
Vj cGIIaLS AROE, Wholesok '.rocct< iinil Comnii.-
iSX *ion Merchants, No. I£4 Liberty m., PitXsbuigu
jafl ; __
MURPHY. WILSON ACO., (fata Jones, Murphy A
Co 4 Wholesale Dealers in Dry 43
Wood street, Pttubnrgfa. .• goyJi
il audo, AijfT. ETtww*. wM h. natjea.
TkjY" ALLEN A go., Coimnusioii and FonSarding
ixl.* Mercbaßtn, v Weler and Front s«»<. b'etweyu
WQod and Market safr y jaud
wil upj fu, c w niCK3n>o>.
\l n.T.y.H & Wholesale GrbSen and
l»l Cnri»mt««fm Merchant*, So. 170,
baigh, ’ ,ja:ii 4
» HQIJUEfI 4. HON, .No. 65 Market 4,♦cotH
» door from career of .Fourta, 4aale«ito-S‘oreipi
■ill Ikimnaiin Bill* of Exchange, Certify sie*»£l>rr>o<-
u, Bank JVote* ami specie.; v
Collection*. mad on all too principal ciuci
IhrOcghohl the United ltlee 17
aum BUcuuU, n C.
BEcaca BWWtfcS.
f\ BLACKBURN St Co., Wholesale Grocer* and
\J» <U*ler» ui Oil*, BoatStonj, oad Man
mutated article*, have on bond, at all tiroes, a'Juil and
gesjcral attonmestofgoodkin inetr tine, street,
earCheiry Alley} l‘tusb«irirJi. ;>» ,r
T3OHEKT MOORE, Wljoietale Grocer,
Xv Distiller, dealfcf in Produce, Pittsburgh Mtuinihr
tort*, add all kinds of. Foreign and Domestic‘Wmr*
•ad liqaora, No. 11 Liberlr street. On baud a ver>
larre stack of superior old Monongahrla •wlnskey,
winch will be mold tyw for e ash.
jiasxsrt xoaLtson, augum. n. n.-M.-mu.-v
TJ ROBINSON.A: Co., IVholenaie GrcK-er*, rr«<iuce
Jtv« arid Comiu*»ian Merchants, andDeaieratn I'ilt--
bafgn Majiufacraiea, No. 180 liberty m ,
P*. '..-jiknitp
n*l.ypl.l’. A tC-wei-
4, Commission anaForwarding MefcluiQii,ticaler«
in Prodace and Piiubargh Manufacture*, Ltyenv *l
l*a. ; »et>y4
TjOßTli A- CUNNINGHAM. Whoj«al© Grocer,
fy Dealer in Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures,
N0T144 Liberty «t. _ jyt«
L. O. IffTBuUS, 1. L. *HEi
I_> KYNOLBS A. feHKF- Forwarding and Cdtnous«iui.
AV Merchant*, for the Allegheny River Trade, deal
era in Groceries, -Produce, Pittsburgh
and Chloride of Lime.
The highest price*, in eosh, paid ai ail inaaafor coun
try-rags, ' Comer oi Penn ana Irwin sis jan2i
Oiimt* JOHNSON, Wholesale and HeLul'Dcal?r,
Q. in Millinery Goods, Lacc*. Hosiery M'J Fancy
Articles,'No. Hi Merkel sued, W door above ; third *l.
Pittsburgh. ’ , _____ 'apusi
~~i. c- siueiLiri, tuom *.• vnir*
A WHITE, Wholesale Healer. In
A Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods. No. tft) Wood •;
Pittsburgh. -• feMTii'
A W. HA’HfIAUUH, Wool MorchantSy-Detti-r*
# in Floor abd Produce generally, ami Forwnrt'mg
■M CWSmitsldn .Merchants, No. 6Ti Water at. Put.,
bank. -*
nyrm; jjaXAALEY.A Co., Wholesale tirocen ±u d
jjj Produce dealers, No. Market street, . r 'th
and Oth.JNoith lide, Philadelphia. ; mi6”“
*. csuncMiiFnmdhsni joe.\ mciiols, K^arLA»i>.
SKT.t.tgHfl A lilCOLd, Produce and tidnera: Corn
-1 mission jyierehairU) No. 17 Liberty hi.. Pittsburgh
gperm, Lieseed and Lard Oils.
Q F. XyON BONNHOKST, A Co n Wholesale Gro-
Q % ce»»i Forwarding and Commission Mexcncnta,
Healers to Piasboqrti.Mannfacjare* and Western Pro
dode. hsjie removed to their,new warehousemen .land)
Na.&, corner of Ivrom'A. and Chancery Lane,
aov? :.'■ ;
w. i. tjKim. ” r.
m&OTH A bOOIT, Wholesale and Retail desert in
A Boots, Sbue*j Tmitkj, Carpet Hags. 'Ac,, > W
Su> aadgmtihfieic »u, multi tga, i’uj - juj
4 IlßSfiyWholesale Grocfcn widCounnt*-
lercbatya,and dealer* in Prodtnc No 35
*iuatinrgk. -
JPX3 D.. WICX. UA'Tin M’«:iTtuuen»
WICK A M.'CjANDI.KSS, {successor* to L &. J D
Wick,! Wholesale Grocer*, Ronearjlicc and
Cotnmiikioo Merchants, dealers *a Iron, Niuis* l.iiwi,
Colton Yams, and Piuaourgh Manufacture* generally.
♦o»»ot of Wood and Wt:'! -.treei*, PiusimtEli!*
- - ~,,5
"XfTr' WUSON, Dealer in Wntebea. jew-lry
ff « -Silver Watte,' Military Good*, No.jS? M«r.
ketat. •> n . _ _ _ .no/7
WtL MURPilYi;'Wholei‘*le and Ke' dealer in
« foreign and Domestic Dry Goodij o&rth cam
corner of Market and Foarth at». '
wk. focno, jju>. fc. -apcra*.
TTTftl. YOVNO A Co.—Dealers is Ua liter hide.*, t-.c
ff U3Ubcrty «t- ' _ ',ins-iv
■Vctchsos. ' • tour. k'fOTtauujs-
Wfe R. JkPCUTCffEON, Wholesale Grocer*, dca*
• (fcrii in Prodoct, Iron. Nula-Gliaa, a«ti IVi»
buTgb Mwoflactuies g»ner»Uy, IbU Liberty «l. Pms
feufgh. * dres
WW' WlLsbS,' falehek Jewelry. Sliver w nr*.
• 'and MUilkrTC* coda, corner of Mnrkr>a;ti' -lUi
rtreeu.d'iTtsbargh, r» N. Ik—Wajebe* «tjdO:.>c»»
csjefany repaired.
J» Al THti N, run-
JW. \>it. Roome,* comer of Port Offeo Alley ted
Fdorth afreet, entrance,on -Ith Rear Market.
JOHNjM. TOWNSEND, Druggist »«<1 Apoihrcaty.
no. U Market *u, three door# above TUiM it i'Ul*-
Wjrgn, trill hard cbnaumtly on hand a well scire m-l m
aorunetiVof the -hen and freshest Medicine*, winch he
wUi ae.t on the jooit reasonable term*. Pby*inam
promptly abended to, mui euy-
PHStjd? they My n \ 7 upon at gemn.-e
ICT Phyweians Prescription* wifi be aceernfily a lid
T OTniht. tt<:,,n materials, rtofiy hnorof,
filto tat •«!•, . t*rg* uuk at frt.b „,j ™d p„,(u.
•PfUT" .’ 1_ ; janl
N. P - DT*«injn> (OI mbminfcnu, „„n., Or. (craub
i ci, of any dekc«ptlon. ge aoUeiu a «a> T « p.,Mie
■> ■i* ■ -j i euirt* -hf
H,jr* HobejrU f w. D-,
/*vP):HaLBIIC.- BUBGEON. will auri.d m tb r rr«s.'
; .vi-frdpidf £H«.fcMfiOflie bYe-
Dr u.’iia» been engage » n ‘ fali Frauen ei it.
cal profession fetf slxiden year*. *nd;fc»s comiu.-uni *,»
fentihc geatmesaer dlscasei of it
alone tor sevarai y«*T*- . , ,
• OFrdtt and re*adene*( corner of ST.mla»ly .« q.i.i
. Btrawt-efrr ailer. AiJesheny eny. u:,
Kpebjui tea STOIUE • —So. “i Fourui
■L, nekr Wood-All qaamiticr of Grrm m.j
Pltrfc Tea*,' done op h»:t o^-l
.••••• . i jucv - >
4 a / £?«Aut££- ,
/IOLEMAN, HaILMaN a CO 'continue to tmuni
fac.ture Small Iron. Spring mud Am Blister «le-i
Floacn. Fork und Hoe Steal. Riven. Spikes and Wri. t
Iron Nuu, all sire*, together with Coach and Kltpuc
"I'nngJ. hif Tat, Taper and ro«!non Axle*.
Having reduced the price of Wrought Iron Nu:«.
engine Intilders and others using the article, will find
it to lb give tht* new braneo of Pntslxorga
m-tnufactures thci^atteution.
Coo oh morning* and roaleab*e iron on libern! i*rm«
U'arrlii,iu«e on \\ aier_and Fourth »i« jrMd-n
nsi.ii ei:a, jajxjj *. lukk.
Jacob roeta.
SjIMPSON k. 0q„ munufac '.UITf* of Vl»-*, Itotllc A.
O aud Window Clam. keep con-iaml) on hand a
pnncraf assortment of jhe above at:ir>«•«. Also,make
U> order a superior unit k of Movers.! or Soda-Watr r
Bottles, ol colored alas*. No. Ifi Wood si, Pitishurpli.
Pa aagl!l-6to
“\lfli.LlAM SMITH, Af«iiulucturt v r o( County mid
y\ colored Linen. Fringe. lor l>rc**i;». ite . ScWim*:
e*tik *nd colored Cotton Fnrnie* for si»« <*n«l rmg.inin
Parasols. (.imp. Mobair. and Silk Bullion Fringe...
tr.ide ip order on the shortest iioiii-e.
n.'.uc n» uiuri vn uic inai .. ’
Srokjc. corner nf 1-anr and Wilinun. crnmne.-
No M Wnitnm street, Omd tloor. over Abner A Hl> *
store. NoA". Majden Lin- New S «.rk jylD
\ f u»<! Faim'j Blnn
iVI ket«. Batting, Coeon !Wom-.i*ke« nod Cora lona oi
aU sites. Warehouse, N'o.y9 Water street. Pmsburrh
V-KsrTHTEi., PWfsßuHuii, i-j.
KkNNfcIDV, CHILDS A CO., Moußfaumrera of v. r>
superior 4-4 Sheetings, Carpet Chain, Cotton
Twine and Belting ja-Kt-1 y
Duqtieinc Spring Azi'e, Steel and Iron
/ tuLMMAN,' * Co. raauuftctuear* m
Coach and Elrptic Spnngt, Hammered Axle*,
Sjmug and Plough Steel. Iron, Ac. Wurchottai on
Water arid Front *trents, Ptn«i>urgh. <
Also, dealer* Cosrb Ti.nuuing* amt Malleable
Castings ' ‘ i ontfi
XJ iit'LKMASTKfC ALPebxas —Other. Fourth «t
li • third door above SmiUitvld south mJc
ConveyJUHtmg of all kind* done with the preMr-.i
i-are anti lecal accuracy.
• TiL'ea tc tlcai i'atain datum. d, Ac oct3o-l )
WA M. MITCHELTREJ-" Wnoieealo* Orocet,
. Rorufying DiMiiW*. and Win. -and iiijim
Merohanu. AJ«* r lnjpoiter» ot Soda Ash and BTehA
i ig Powder. No. 160 Liberty Mreet, Pmshorrh Pa
•‘•pii: . ,
HAMILT ON STKWART, itikuutacturrr of Heavy
Sltinings. Checks.'Ac . fleVecu rircet. ctn ~f
Allegheny. novls-Als»'
• ..S .. . PETTIGREW A, CO..
_ji. STEAM Htl A T A i; KNT :<
timt’s sbovb ,Nl. Allk.i a Co,
octal No. 4a Water street
JOHN FINNiTi , J r.. Agent a; Pittsburgh lor the !>•!
avrure Mutual SWetylusurancc Company of t'h.ia
tnlviphia. Fin: Risks upon buildings and
o' every description. and Marine Risk? upon hull-or
f*n;w» oi vessels, taken upon the suom tuvojn.Me
{I /** Oflitre in the Warehoose of W B. Holmes & L’ro.,
No. 37 Water, near Market street, Pittsburgh
N. U.—The sucre;* of tnts Company .mco, the
llshftietit of the Agency in this cilv, with ilir pivmpi
ness and liberality with which evet> c.a.m upon ilirni
tor loss hits been adjusted, tully warrant the ugen: .-
inviting the confidence and patronage ofhis friend; :mu
the community at large to the Delaware M Si.ln.u
. ranee Company, *vht>c >t ha* the addon.ns ciivantuce*
ir* an Institution among tbr Iti.i.t tlouristnng in Philadel
phia— as having afi ample pu:d-m capital. which b.) me
operAUon ot ns chan<r is constum:; uirteoMJJ|, a
yteidlng to each perron insured In* due *nnre oi tin
protit* of the company, without involving ini ill un;
responsibility whatever, anti ihercton- a* possessing
tin Mutual principle divested of ever-, otiooxinti* lea
tore, mid in its most attractive form. navi
lnsurance Company of North Amcnra. iu rough
tL duly auiborued Agent, the rubscriber. after* to
ipuke permanent anil limited Insurance on propcrlj m
Rii* city-and u.« vicinity, and cm shipment* by the iif.
lim tutil Rivers.
Arthur C» Cothn, Chanc* Taylor.
fSam’l W. June*. Ambrose White,
iEdwurd Jacob M. Thomas,
Volin A. llrown, John K. Net!,
Joint While. Richard D. Wood.
Thomas .I*. Cope, VS m Welsh.
‘Semuel F Smith, Frame* Hosrcn*.
Samdei iircKii', S Au*un Alii V 1 ■
it shut li. Suxrjtxau. Sec y
l Tbi* is the Oldest Insurance Company in the United
Slatct. having been charlerrd lit 17V4. Its charter ;«
yierpniuai, iiud from it* high standing, loifig experience,
.ample mean*, and avoiding mil risk* o: os extra tai
(ardou> character, it may be considered BMtienng am
pic h* curtly to the public. W. P. Jt i,NF->
• At the Counting Hoorn of Atwood. June. \ ixi.. Wu
and Front streets Pltttourgn ms; 4
FIMIE SUBSCRIBKK ha* been appointed Agent pro
. X lent. ol the insurance Company of North Asnrrn a.
unit >*»ae Fancies and attend to toe oilier oasiue**
of the Agency, at the warehouse oi amvikki, Joar» i
Co apltf . V> M P JUNK* w.t;-;
C. (1. IULSiKMn’WUJL, t(K>xJ.SU
•1 No. 117 South Wau-r »l
No. 39 South Whanr**,
BEGS lo mions the u -iJi. and dealer* generally, oi
IVuburgh- that they in.'- •! mude rueh itrrnngrtne nu
Wiia ine Virginia munuin . ..rc.-l anil me Grower' »i
Uie tVesL We.*: indie*, bj.< j In rplac-*. n« wiii ms.ire
a larje ami cuueiasi *u(>p.> of Uie roi.nuuig
non* of Tobacco, which »i. i»e «olil ur>oii s» seronj.
moUaunf irrm» a« tuiy oinei iiuuw ■■ i ;m» e:i> or
vrhrrr. uitil ail good* ordered iroffi Lheti! will t-e .«
reined etjirul to ropreaentatlot..
Havana, Su Domingo, Gorin., i
'k aru. Porto Rico; Prnn a.; >Seni Len< u>
Cuba, Igunu; A Florida; j barcu.
AL*SO— Drancli* celeb rated Arornniic Stag Cavr.
dir-ii. aiUi u large aAnomueut of «tber jxrpulAr l>raj'.i!«.
Juxi (jusJiUci ul jKiuuda, 5». S». lib. 10* and Ikiv Lun., .
S', f>, ■« s:id 1U« Plug, Lodie»' Twist. Virginia Tw'.r.
Ac »iveei and plain, in wtioie and half l>oiev tv,»oo
ttlid i;u. uißciher with every vanciyol article belong
ing lo ihr radr ;#lodl>
i. A. SBESIT E BA*nll*Of>
Produce, Commission and Forwarding
«IKKCH A H T 8 ,
No <U .Noird Whieyp, a.hO Vt& H ath* Si
K (7u Tt> — Jotui U Brown 4. ilo l
Robert Steen 4 Co v t.v.,<.
ttarcroil, Beaver * Co f P ‘ “
Smith, BagaJey A C-o I
Alien 4 Fusion,
Walter* 4 karvey.
4'Small, i
„ (uer 4 Jone*, j
Litift'k, iidvaure* on«*nt» o»»i
«Llare»s. • nmrihcdl)
t c SLuviitK amm im H»er wiio
Autl Utaeral Commlml an Merchnui*,
Nr» 13 South tt'itll Snm.
HKFF.RRNCKtt—Unity Grad A Co. I'liieuurKl.
Itodiren > She Irx-* /..
S. Kchooiey A bon, .i<>» > h.ikij
A. .M. Mnysvilie
Charles Ba»haln. Jr i-ooisviilr
Duuln, Uunjpnrry. A Co i
Mercet. Bro. A Co w’uil*.i a
Reed A UroUiflf. J
ni»l 'lly L)uul.n ACoumnery, Sew >ork.
I, HI A * , KBKi) A It).,
(Surer vior» 10 IteFd. Itur.f A Co ,1
particular aiiennon pud to lire sole of uJI Ai iOi vi }'<<>-
■ doce, olid liberal advances made on coi:*i£miit>nir
L H. A. Co have leave 10 reft? lo
Messrs R Robisou A Co. I i. llu . JU „ ll
’ “ JlrOlll It Rot J
lt> rcl, park* A Co , Beaver,
•• l.uwton A Covodc. WcllmiMc, <>
lk«weli Marsh, K*q Steubenville. (>
?. Brady, K*q j
.. »y r T7","' K ' <i WUr,11..,. V.
Meniiii K l rangle A Co f B ’
(.ill A Stout, j
* Rhodes A Oflrby, Bridgeport, **•
dn o ST •d A \vtii a y 1&j
i*. ii. cavanaugh,
Itcceiving, I'orwtmiDgand litocrui Coiniuis
lion Merchant,
CoitMKXciAi. SraxET. Sr. Mo
N. II Stnrt uuciOj.i.i paid to Order' (of pur-:ltaanig
la iln* market, nud ad business promptly irunsuctcj
Reference at Pittsburgh, John M’Fadcn A Co.
depJS-dlro 1
CoramliiJan an<l Forwarding Merchant.
t, *“• a 0 W " uo n -i nrt»»LTI(AB,
KJNTIMJES to transact a general Commission bun
/ neas, especially u: .he purchase and talc oi Ameri
ca:) Manufactures and Produce, and in receiving and
Ibrwurdinrf Goods coris.gned to his care. As Agenl for
the Manufactures, he will be constantly supplied with
th*: principal article*». Piushurgh Manufuclnre at the
10-Ae«t wiinli-rale pr.> si. . Orders and consignments
nr*- respectfully soh'-i'. -d. tfr?
Iron, HalH, Cotton Varna A Pittsburgh
Banufsi: ures generally,
so. 111 wixitj srmsaji&n, r*.
\y M .
Forwarding Merchant, Ur»wntvllle t P«.
Aim.tU porucuiarl) n uic Forwardmc «.t Prodt..-*?,
Ac. Ac.
For any information. upi-.yin FORMTM A Cl N
CAN. Water «t „,mj»
For the sale of Produce generally,
rp- Liberal advances nude on consignment*
Transportation to the Bait.
tominiaioa anil Kurwordlag Agents.
G. M HARTON, Pittsburgh, will receipt produce
going Cast. ' feblt!-42ni D. A C
MERCHANDISE BROH KK and ('ominissinn.Mbr
chaut. No 1)5 South From Wreet, (second story.)
. Philadelphia. porcbaucd.paeked, inaprrd.
and shipped to order. Flout. Oram,. Dried
Frutt ajid Cheese received on cousigmiu-m and »u>r
»g':, with ifiso’ranre ol»U»ii«mi
DRlRD‘FkAcilb>-iliO Vush superior .JibJvcs, iJr
sale fobSd ROE
/ VHOCOLaTE—rb hi* No I, Boston and Baltimore
mwtafacturc, Tor sale b\
fcito Wick a m caMdu;ss
; ( lUOI-ND PKPPF.R—ItJ !•!» pure, lorsnlThy
[ VT fcb-O WICK A M^aNDLES.i
'* SEED— J 7 bids nnßk Übi® Scctl; iauduiK
fro® Beavar, for wlf by
W'tt. TfMHLIN.
<?- •' , B'tidcr, J?a I'j’HVr .
TiriLL «lw.mwrnl to collection* end ail oijir; |. OM . i*■ *“* * rn ' , r«». m itn* e : I-tu--,: R;
» iw»« cniftMied intom in' BuU»r *«d 'Vrin I u ’ hl ' ll *' Jl “" l, ' ra
POUIKk- Pa. R*<rr lu l"’ 1 * r “ tl-:*i* t . »»r V
JH. P-074. Übe n •• a " " to u - p ; ,M .
\V. \V Wuii«r>; d<i ; 11 Oh i f-.H K IM«\U
„.v F4 • * hi u'.v
J- u “WT.rr/r.R. Am.r :in ». <„*.
« oppo.ito M. 4*||nrlr« Ho o' !-( *iMinr!i w
nil.-:!.I prompt!) to '''WMcov.o'u ..> \\ , s .|„ lr i„ , |
roaliti-* Pa. j |""l> •*- r r .11
■RPITKTI' 1 • ,-. tf Uv.- a: in.- *tn .j>,- !,. n
Ul.vk • took, U-H A< \l } •■I, K.P'l .it.. wir : i-n
D T Morijiio^" 11 ' r *’ ' ~F.ti 'HIM
t, . .. v . '■“ I.KVI Mvm.Mi '
' HENRY. Ai»tfrne\ and i'* j;i. >. :»r a 1 .- 1 n u\( 1 Hj:-
i, Oncinnau uiru i'o’ireii«n< -,n cr , . ,
ni..| in Indiana. an«l in Krmurky. prompt-' h.»- •«•. i U->t- ; ~• .r • ; ... •, or i.< the <-.,i:i-. 1- *
tuny (o (lJhimi*Mi.ii« r tor .!)•- 1.1 1 *«•: n j . - ~, Hll .; • , v ... i-*r.«• m*. ft iV .•••ir
ivaiiia. tor Hiking IVpoMUonv ..-kiiou .-nt ;■ • .. : -.r. • ~1.,.,.,',..! Hlt-t M-rh. »i A f«
ritHIKK K. KKI- Sl'
, K " K * f,0,; u ,n A 1 1 !uni» in..:. -A | J VMFH \VOOI»
t.t|rmln:rv \\ m llay, U .U„iiH-ki LJanv .»-r. j r%l , . - -
4 ni.i.Ni 1 A-rt.AW ...... ; | »
V',*,' '' "ro.tlif.r:.! and -'r- *« .. ,4 R,.- .rws! rnii.ef V,— •
.jaJ-dlit? , )’„,!< A »»>nir li„,s. o' ui' .•.••••
J«i4 vajr . 4»y* 4.1 V I'-' tmr. ov n.rv *r< IMIWV
D! Ml , .1. .1 . ."' , - , n aiii> 01 Ihe ..>•.,•••! .\APM \ M hi. «I>\-* i A RLI -
"■■■ - »• at. ... ..m
~ . - -..J ► ; 11,, vt A' H )KM »
Jons h rankin A;uii.Tn.wu.». l Ki; n; „;i, lM t
ami ('oniiniHkM.nrr <>r m- >wir P,1.0.4 VK : I'!.*-» ! .•*»•- ,• tn.-m— l' r>
ai l-iuiK Mo ilHirot r*:m«:• 111 l;ii. 1 I ■’ iti« n*m«*oi Bt.’lIKV A tiAKNF-S. foi it." Pun**’*'’
Kant!;-\I »>..— I‘nixhurstt Hon W f-.i-Mii . .*i i«n. : . ; m-i uta :,;tiit I ••• !>.—• S" •• Van 1 U...“.
OJi A M'tNmllfM .\ MTlui- I I’.ifAf Al «' lh" 'intil ." i* 1 ' l.nn I'on-iKi r !t\< IK **
Uit*trl|. A Srmpt.- M Ford \ K.ui* .-| ■ ' ' A ' ■ . wK-i • •.lit-’, .v. ' t r (.Va.r.l t.. r.-.-0,.-.- 'r.r
• JOHN T. COCHRAN. i 1 *<«
.\T UW l out ■■ •• ••- 1 - ,vr. ; KDMIMMIIRH.
SmitafieiJ and CiinM w|-.>f'..n [ THOMAS HaKNK>
WM. C. KHIKM), jr. ..a r.oui 4(1- hill. "01 -1,. UarkeAt..
’lT< jRS LV Al' !..\ V\ . I'm: rib 1. f.-. ; 1 t., rf . i>!-a Mt'<- r r Mr»»r* Btirk» A
\\r t> ti Rur.isyi'N Aiu.rorv „r i.h-.v 1,.. ,<• ’ h "'. narila s 1 r 1 ..»\»rA*n.i
Clair it :k xt i|f>or to A.iirrmmn John* ai>i. 4
" r ’ 1,1,1 " —— | | i >l, \N A K‘ NM'IA t-nv.- mio .la> .-io.-ih.rd
*fcuii-iiifwun M---h* Knifp i i:«,
liifflimnnl :>• linner* ot itir cuv or Sfw j ..rk.| tor i
uiftf »upj> > 0! hi--xirr. lino Mik H,;. «:.<! hivu,.* 'ii’-r
B irw .■ tnuii-mri, ,-ni ;, r w i<>, n
vcr\ fu-h hml M r»lins« «: hxi nrw H
and Cap Swtc-. *!u.•,!.!.r1il .iron. door m
Fonr.h, w!.<*rf usny In* round »rt-j; vuri.-iy ui l!oi<
and Oli>- ,■( tn> uwii maiiuiTUMurf. •• *',i r
<tui Hut- iiihJ.- a- oi4-t on -lion
\\ .1
Q| M'CORD dt CO.,
IV J.i.i h'tfin Si’-.n
P.\RTl<t I.AK jU-m.ou u. oi.r
■•tu n.'\ mk.ii J I(h • 4 .1
Cap* in.m ou. vmjj- i» t.'.-i s ,ru,:, - •.
. i»! ..I. UTt»r iTV!fI ••• •10-Ui.-;
Touillrs Mrffll
rr*|*'C!!u... I.rn.-
.r P
i§*,i -t • r«*
M H.ilh. an- Mi.ll'
/-!*> < ALi I'OKM \ HA IV
r “ :
IS MVf»KI) A •••- • ®.» Sa.ur- fg
«**»*>•• fc-r* m ~r or Hats 4bQ
Tlu>-« in -.<>■. . uj N,hal. *rr
U fall Ii! >-cr< ~T O !\\ ~ nj . >
M ' ■ U - K n A**! '
Dr. How's (dfbrald hrmedics.
DR. J.M'OJI > R(V>K. a..,,;
ICi.i-•/ uJi'l B.w* trie sa-
TB-IIW : r.-„ * .
Chrontf w\i» .luiic :• <>: in„, i
'•.in. Ikvior l’n;. n-.u .« n cr.i :mi> U 1 i ;i - i;„
elisjugcd ir.W u*-
cation oi rrtfirdir» mrtri,.
ti*e u-' u m. .
wi'ti f|l» I’ropit; ia*' , .i.r S ,«*•!' a;.
ht him ?mae<i an iinpi.n,, .eiirrei
‘.DOte itrcaVh'al a:u' Ik .a.’ nmir.-lir ■
nullJf'UOi'r f - .1
Feveramt Arur K"«'-r%o; 1
<a». n;i(l aJ c.:.-tii:alr li-i-av •
Inde*->1 rviT» lorm iti .li«r-av<» ra.-i-ii
u* of our t3iiipc*o[\ti'»it:y. :•»«! u mrninpx.i • r
wild l’li) *4olo*ir*l U"iv, liul !■> in- u«P 01 r»l> rrmr
aiiitpt'd 10 prt'aontu:(! tor owh neeuiiar luriu
of -
I>T Ko»H« Tonic .\)'rfa.,vr •• «. r , u ..
rnnaiify ■-knowu. i.«- n,...-r.<.r i„ •»., o „ -
a pur««Uvt or n v«r -jwii. muMm-in »» nuyYa.-
ww.ii p*M'?ci:> free train r.K.vor... n*<»•.,, :>i«
Ooidcfi l*i:> la atlnuueij 1-1 ti»<- tacu.iv lr. j a
liar pruner’.iea aUnj-ioiMo .Jumph-* * • t • •
fcAUshtii ‘.hut a aurr |tiai :« •all i .'-'i: in n| N ' ll! ,i
T;.< aiil.. led an- i \
pfOCLte iK.'rUii
a ilr.l.uirii m.'r<
J MTuwuvr-1. J.-q-j;,. I
J.><j K. I .i.mi. . Ynlo •
) A lla ii.« . JV ( '
'.<l/10 <: 1 )
i " ict.n h.\. \ in thk -Hi: a »!• iin• i •
V_ KKl> 111..',.,., : .. ... . .
Willi 4 *eY<*r<> {>... I. ..Villi* • 0 «■>'] I i,r- I. •
witii a <ll, rou* & 1 v»-.. i.iii i . .
eiUbVßi i.i « a in ii- 1 4 , it . , 4 j .. -,
4urt mid I Q.u-I *»y :ih. l:,i. ti,*."'
purpOM JHUUiriil. i Ml i'.-lir*. «»• »
•eii'M! wit «, i,i«!i «k. ,«tH <• ?*.,•, • r
1 cou.d *vv uCc. u\\in \ loo*! l.idcrO. I hoi *nli»L*' '
d*»ra*B !,m»l i.;ivr iprnii nil— ! .n i -nmptisjn ir
(sloi d;,t-a»d. :i«.l i-- poi iuf ! th.- ; nrj r
lOedlCUl'- To 3.
would sdvi-v- iiip- u
J A.MI-..* t,l .U \ \ JJt. 11..-V
Tin i »i>< i_‘u i..»• r*r
v»-f. fr»lor'-« - re ;
pcTior prrpa/Minr. :-.t .lir ru;r - -.1 jr- r i
ail'n«r» i n 'hr l n.iJ < ;l ,• .;,mi ■ 1 ’ •
rd 10. rvr•. *,trr lot.l,>'*».-« i., ■ » n,-
Hi r*!Ul*iii«-- In Ihr f:ncifr .»/ :|ii< n vrr
• I»i|) •ICIKII..UU* )l:n»Ulll
quirnl in -iiVinf..* rfip-iLn'iiiir ;oi
nor to '.liui ol thr «"»uuilpm.- . n.
wft* thr <rhafn>'irr .»jvi . i
(DNM’llt'lll'N ( L KI.Ji
tnirlr puin.i inml-r Jomi
laU»t MVUI ill' 'irt | U'n ,lr
lor • tin ■»m o' v i*i •.vent, n 1
|*r* 4 r Ui ini’ Jn.'llr li«« fn I,
•<U)'HIA I.AU i J-V M N- r. 0!« •
!jv J ]i ')< r*m; u j \\ ,fi.
J'owi.»»ruli. UMarlflvl H !“-n.-,*rr • Van
IM *t» , Mrnde r>-oii 4 i'v. '■> l.i •» i, M run#* .
lo |>rf liotllo n
•Isy nd' Kipeclorant.
I'oiuretuhMi >-<> ,o . Apr >| i>i:
Dl<. U lltfK MH.-I ir, ..„ Ull .l ~ -
lino l«- lilif'.ri) Pul -.u . 11l a.*., UI; ... 'I, •’
ptmu.-11. . I>f g: WUX i-ui’iii I; t- !(.'• rx;r:ioMi.i,i»ry • t. . .
of ) our Hijie.- orn: !on riiyr .' HiTiny n «r.,
foi utrrrrai jrari u-itfi t- *- v ► :>■
*)li| lIS COl.rOtT.lUult 1. a •; or. i il.Hfiurd
lo out « »liofl but illi.m: .< tJU-i- i'-.-r u :.-r
ftiti of I w fit n, tp-int; mor>- «e.ui'-ii ii'tti-o * i
Mi vitiif rrwoflrii lo ul! in) torinrl . • it. - .in-., run! li.- pr*‘-
•e'tlptil/l— tif I'.VO u( thr mi.-i : jim: J.i , ~ ~
in'! i.rigliftorJuioil withi.Jl reii.’im; ■ !**-..»• Ui. ..i .
ruiiMilnUnti of •urvi vi i ..o 1 j -w il • > ... a
fanlir^l —Wtirn !(!.• lii-t c- I'H -A •» :i- .11
vtun*(i, 1 find rrroiuiii' nil. d iniii' i.t I-.iikc -m -i-
H‘tF 1/y ’.Hat Utitli; a ; ,n in,.
n! Ui<* totalis—kai •ronuiu, 1 1
IUV »!!> ■iC.aio tUili in- lU«. ! vv.i* .. .!-a-i)m ) « : ,i |
from my br, , and wtii UA ,.
lai'ml lo irry bumnri* -f'.ovniK . ..••• t..-t:•*r i,-u i.. if Ui .
I fiad fur i.-ii )i-i»n pf. •.•.on*
krapiTitully ) uur<, «H: , j ls U J .-r: i.
For *•« •- in k. I'n.ii Ten .|r,7J
Foar.h *w.-t. tuirai
SI£W A RUA(■ F.-.IIF:>T.
Doctor h w mmkjo'-n. . : , -r r,
-■lj Drag Inrmr y I'y (111-.- ft.
Urofkwiiy. No U (.'ftinra-Tiu Row
KllUlmitrh. lak**« r.« u-r: .r t «l «,! minrni
lrttilU» J-.. 1 :’jr- r. (>• ~1
\«3: IU *l. Uuw. .<• ;/■ ' a.
cen.-fii! >->ii (i: *>« i:p» !. .•
Vurm*tu*». f'rrfuiur-;.- L«<->>L”t> • •
Urlo cui ■••li lor ui a •(. uj: «:oi r ** i
»«ic or r« iai. I!«>'>• ?'n bi";
jiDtrnilunrr lloOHug ».* • i r r •.*
hydropathy. or the Water Cutr
Dorr'>:{Bh.\j*.‘!i\ w M./rtm
-.0 J.rao'.i-- U-- (-<.(•>.
' A .!;•.!• .1. .
ir-n.lcl to j ,
N H - l>r. Vtorrn i:i i
jMorr. So
■ lip. i'rnu •ir'-'-J. 11 « 111 • a:.. .
nwvi-l*pi !
Dr. McD*ne In Tcunritce.
I,‘HIS 1« U* <*rfUty !Itn I i'll - liiixnl »»n« .• .1 i>
XlulAJie'* W'orre Spr- i!i< M.iu- !»•> riM/nj
Uui *o*o 10 “ 1,1 Hl: "" »« vci yraf. . . U,
on«pocflf full, ami ul iiOiij:!. ui- nm<<un: mu. ujipm
arye, yci i have no •l«*uc.t !'ir. ■*«' n|.*'ira.
TWO 1U ’CUKP Woltil* jnt*-rJ (I'Hli !.:m. mrn«u.'ti
rom ctn <>l t'. nirtf.o f-vo mir h** loi.^
Roao * '•«*. i'arioi fr> 7i‘i. i. We ’•TV 1• J“ •■V-t
Skm.kjim vi.rmifj <jk in nkorma -
iJ.-i.l J«»> *«!> 1- : V
oi.r Vcrmiiugf h.*i
!»> r (l. K trt.cti
miii li3* i-frn Jjijju ) 'i! li> a«i Wb# h»v« u».
it. Krtmt itin -ar'H- a iJi.t* a«Jni.»i»:ru:inn c
your Vriiiii/ng* in rvrt\ ft*' I fIHVP Jiranl i-J I m
< bntii!«m I CH" vil »n*»r*- rt urine roinmi; trium
Ihin I'«iill r*»i. | will nr ifla»i n* BlinWuT »u|i
f»J)' oM orSgion. Ynijrv
[tllHacl from Mitt-r
Prepared iirni by K. >1 •tFJ.M'Kr'. 4
and *tHtl tiy drußiuH Kfnerm:; 1:1 t’»h-*l-u rn h iuJ A
KsgJ.ii y _ ‘
8 II \l< U..\'*'l> V" •
i;k< f N A I'V'UiEK Ir» iN
SI t>A K -Hi JiniHi- •«» .r ,/‘irti,|i ~i-l rc.
>*.J i. .1 u,t *ii :•.
I.,'nri'. I*«• i •. H i UKK J'MiN
V '.>A P olJ.l.i* 1‘ >«• .i /•; !>
r.-irivr-d ili- 1 . tut -H-c ’•>
marl. iJKIiWN ft .:ULUKHI‘bUN
I'aMII.Y i» i i.i. u Pn/triniio;. »
r Family F.otjf, tor t*i«
Pittsburgh: Wednesday morning, march u, mo.
Dlifrol ullon
C o- P • r t n e m h • p.
n;.v- llindiiV »««». 1.i1r.l
• KHlJ'i . MAITMKU >A -V uo
[HI- A :! jlfrvl’'- «'hO-'- '• A Vi- (H* ’Ur-' t
Juii l. l~t-
I OOA.N, WILSOS Jt CO. -Imiwi'.r,. a .,*i
I j WixVrwale Um.jt'- in Kofikii ai.J [>>iq«*mh* H«rJ
wufr, t'ftiifrv. ci\. A.i- . I'-iW Wi/«n1 <(r■*«'', r'*::*-
i-ur.-'i.Jnrr now nr v iin-pn <*•( v\ .; t* k rWrn’.v
:n«l •*:,>»■ k oi UarUv\ I’ui.ori Ac- u> offer rrr\ (rrr*:
Irt wr«jrrn iuv dftr i inmrj ij
'I UH ri:»u«iu
• .fi •M.i.V'-;* ■■ • I'm . i
L>t■ *<>lu( luu
•m Hr.ns 0.
‘-..•.rd y.
Vrety 1?
U»-.r a:fit- ;•
i '■}. Co*Partnr
\t iVKJ> «•**»■..,
| */ Jnni-. \| Lot.!, ajjr- ; <•
: * ■ tffc' . . I'-.-., r..- i
-N , -tii-.- fr-:- a
i m ( Ay \ k
. :•'* USt&Vll^c
f. UiSSOI.I I'lOA.
i r F'UK. ..i> ... mi Ki’in i i : v.
i I - • C Ti
1- gffl
Nc»lifjfc-lV .1
| .J .
i;.- Pur (urrtlitp \oikcc.
K!.NNi.. 'i . « u
1 • .. .... ..... •
* \\ \ FA: V .
fc*,\ itr"r. :t. • . 1
kgKtSSKDV A. KAM ktll
I O'Jii&ll. I«i.A >** V • .vjr , - ’
I- •' «
, :• .-iIPSUWIr,-
j Mr.aitliU&.
1 Olmniuuon of t op* rl lie r»hlp
r pK ccj.■
j 1 trmm' wj. .- a.
i n>* “•• i"'
j r I
: W.' ,3;!
I u-.«.-iii-v I
i .<? <tl* v\
'I’ Ml: **' ■< ■
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I,* r. •». ••• \|- .• V. II ..
! JI I'U II 111 'K N V
; j < >-H I'll Ml i.(M
| *O.PART\KIt*HH* W.. . u „
IMOK Til Aml
<'r fH.INKM \ | C
... . Nr. A \ '•
AM.A . > 1.l •It 1 wj , \t. 1..\ '* i • I
Tlip Hl»lr>rv i i.
<>■ A' , i
li.irp.T. !.,!<■
- m> I UK'I OK i V
I ■ • .... .. \\-„ rk ..
; < At A l LA
A rii.'iiui
c.Ji-l ) ' *A.
Ju»: rpr. .1
N' } W )U n « .1
! H'.'orf "< Kn.p n.
I Jltp.'ll ,\t) .til. \V ... .
i !••!’■/» '•'» nark' 1 .:'i! •- <-in or hurt i.i tutu nI k
M Al' onAI.IKiitt.NU, w,||;i,,,N,v Il'U' I'HISTISO PAPKR.
fr»ni Ilf . 41< «• author My* 'I’UL •>, • iiHv:nij vn n cicluatte Agrury lor
| M r.yl.r n, '.V :UH 3- , " til-' p H!. -or >i'l>" •• 1 -<5... . < l!.(I* f * 111 I ni> I’u p< fOl u l,r W R:lri e IlrilM Vr
I Le*‘ r n;-J|if J. anil Slitnl.r.. }\,r .« ) •*!-«•( :n. »r. li.l« V ic, ..I V . \vi In- HI «,] limri nup
• K IInMiCI.NS a, oiio ItuJili’iK*, •: I' *< ,i> i»-i| wiiri u>»'Jiffprutl oi puj*er ol »ap*Tioi
! | it. whwii w*> I'lfer at .mvim rt>i:u nr price*
MA T)lk\J A'llt'A l. JNSTUI MKNTS - Jot l>rnw- j An )* *U«* nr qua.i<> wi.. i.r tontiui jr wrrd Hi onlrf at .
iu(- In ||.on) ){»•• w<m><! r *.t• , w:tn »' »ligrt ikiUrr KK YM >l.l*l ASH hK,
. •' ..lomil Ai ;i*l- (.!.•(» lor .rip |.\ n* *illl I'llfiT I'v 111 Kill! ItM’III Ml
K ll"l'KI>'. A|i>, .. lim.* • I NDIa'IU I>UKK'rI.OTMINW-* Juit rrreived forme |
N?K i' I'M IM \N \\\ \ M i . 4 -i ~0 „ , ifj.- ' 1 ‘ 'h.rina Klix-'li:.r*n. n complete monmrsil oi j
.’• ] i '.Hiii -*.17 4 ' "imi/' i 1 ii\ <t»ir in.l oiii- ; <*««« l-.'a-i*.* « a' .puff* r«iu,iuif irom WSOto ' . .. ....
'• I nri K .:ni ’iloi-unii-n-. 4 " Ur vi.^ol'uni.rr.-.—i ' U!1 1” !l “* *'° r *** ,hc 1 C > ! A n J M OR uf A OUTFITS—Tust recM at the India
; n.r MipprviM«.ii ~i Wm F Morin. C.vj bnutix'-r upon 1 ,l “ Jl “ No •> W uod •> 1 V XUbbtT Depot, the lollowm* good*: Oam Ela»uc
j -mm prrtourrd m r«h cmn-j. under «( «hr ! "**» ii'JLi”* !A J ??. i f “»-> Cape. C»mp Blanker Life Freaervor*.
A K'wn.,'ir. O' i:.i- km-i -p.-.irtol ; j i;* T 'k K i { IVLD-U.m mor. o, UOK M> /B ,uy x2*SJS pX-T'? l ?*
>Up rrertivMl Uo.dav ~m 1 OT Mir t.% ■ ~J Huiui.orgh h.uo,, U m 4 coii.unUr by t i^JL! P a d £ " UwiB, u*k
lIIMWMIM 4. Sltrt K riiN. ■ L,M Thau-em .nd oiler ,' r.i nrnbrmiin. together B Cantr.wi.. Fooche*. Long Boou
I Doottwlter* mr tnera.-i end -u | . ,;h a la ri ;r awartmrni .AomJUiI aitd mahogany. , W^d^t" 8 f-Ir
TRT* T ftJ r "‘* Foi <n 'u" n-- 'an-i *o" •• t"* ■- 1-” ' 'hT pWl ’ ma'urnctorn The airove uieuunicnt* arc • —— ?■ ■■ -■- * *
I X ye»terd«>“and for Kau „y ' ' . *T-nn%tued übe periect m eyery respect, aiid will bo p
fehtC WWWIISfA aeld low for caaii. F BLUMR \\
’ ' declfi No 118 Wood it, door from Wi (
KorxTAlN HOTRL. Plttabarjch & Boston Copper Company.
L I <. H r < T R K F T H A l. T l M o K I' Pi-tIS Company rrtpcctfully informs ihe pubfir, and
»■>“ fkiitu«"». *■ pnr*.i.'\i,urly a ]i dealer* and consumer* ofCopper
llll> e*;a, ; 0|l( r all .t Widely inowi m the form m which U»oy prepare it, UttU iheir Sracll
lT,£| t’Ctnc ,i.-r , n me si rommfwiinu* :u the cw or In S " ul *‘ ,rc “O'* m tuccesatt operation. and they
A * a “ Hi!.:ur.o-r undergone very hre r,ow ready to make eooiracta for the delivery of
a!r»riii.ii'n „■ iniprovrmrnL' An enure nrw ; i iron. u> more who want m Uniform: and also touch
:nr hi.« l-ern a' 1 :-.' h : -:i og Mumernu* and a;rv f 'tnr purpose of rolling.
• upanninii. .ml ••tU'r.fiv** room* , Copper product from the Metailc Mines of
rue L«<lie* il-cdr.i,.*;.-.! ; .,i» a ht™ completely i 1-ak e Superior u ascertained lo be much •uperior lo
rpor?aui2«.i lul /l up ■, * mo«- .itu.ju.- and iuu- | lUf- • dl, '»ry oopper in the market*. which t« obttmed
In 'iirt of ihp Hou*<* • ir o« >»iEi eontajinnj foreign mineral substances. Thu
lim* • '•<•!> r- «-■>- a .ingle - on :»»• pari of ■•ow-r .• peiiecily pure, mid i» not mjur*il by the pro
vh»- iifn|>rif!cf.. '-WHf.i. u... (Minion ami ptf«,*ii/p «>f •>' rinrain*, and i« therefor* greatly to t*« pre.fer
n«--ir 111-J wic.-'t ii-ry a»*«ri wV. rr.l Mr l-ml nvial. rn.img, %i,d many otircr purposes
.... II- •<. :hr ['<■.>■ i. • mieniuw or wish of this Company
ii:- ' ;hi • h ,viv. .-•! lviiii even *u ; ’ u> wor»' (or the manufacture D ( copper in tho
' --j 1 1 . - • w market iiifnrd*. 'onred ! lonn * in which it U wronted, ihey « id be'happv
a r>..r while ... • >.» «iv Wine. Ac ~ to c.sJcc contract* for the delivery o fii m the farm of
, iru’f -.. :ou?h ealre tor rolling, ic m tboae who may
- wi-h 10 rinbftii in the baniicsa.
11--reaiir. aJ ;he copper obtained from their mtnes
w. , .'C nrnufht to Pittsburgh, and large supplies may
>• i applet Uuru addressed to C G Hcswt or
,L I,OW ' E - ™. n?*.L wilh P™®?* mention,
dec itMtfm CHARLES AVERY. President.
■ -i J -** yv T« D A*' l D IIOW opening, a iplended lot o
° ,ano Fonca, from tne celebrated fLrin
nTrll of Nanni 4 Clark, .N. Y. It consists m
11*1 | •part of the following
-- — j_ . One elegant Rosewood 0* octave Plano, with earved
EXCHANGE HOTEL, moulding, lop and plinth, projecting front and carded
Mittiy <>r ps.vs i.ip n chib er# , ptttihcbgh. r* gothic table's.
55© If- *:i'.i*<;riiicr having a‘»umr.i thr manage* One rosewood Piano, 8J octave, elegant and plain
£j;E iu- i i -»f' 1. 1 • long established and popular Hotel, , with Coleman's celebrated Attachment, a *«-
Wft ie«pe,-t:'j'h announce* to Travellers and the pertor instrument.
l'ahlir lrrafrV'y. ’hai it-- will he at a'l time- prepared One Rosewood C octave, round corner* and octagon
:i> iMVoinmn.lnu- in-m .a ail things desirable in a w-H I lees One do do do
rngniamd lUii'.. Che House i* now be.uu; thoroughly I One rosewood Piano, square corners and left
irpaired throughout and new Furniture atld-d, *n.l no ! These Pianos have Improvements in the mechanism,
pain* <aiJ. I.« I n, nmkrthc Kic-hanire one or tnr m stnnnng ami covering of the hammers, posse wd
r<-ry fw»t Mo«r:« ; v‘tie country ' by no others in mis country, and are at once the best
V H -T1 - Bagsai;" \V»<;t,n or •• Hoci'. will u!-
•c:.y< ' r found at the mid S;-.rchc-., I.ending*,
which < Oi.vrv hmftjf m and iron* me Hotel free
Tti-u'>-Wr.; l rn<*U f*p<"-t:u:.y Milicii* u rontmuaner i hj well u the cheapen Pianos that ran k»e bought
<>( the isii* ra. hoise na« heretofore . ALSO—An elegant lot of Chtckenng : s Pianos, irosn
fr-mv.-.i. CH«>.MAS OWbTO.V 7 to tJ octaves, possessing til the latest Improvement*,
f Prop: nor ; *t reduced price*.
r.ASIAHTIXE lIorSE, " ! ALfcO—One elegant rosewood Cabinet Grand Piano,
~r r.. KIH anV wAA-rt m'.vkt. eiti>ir| luH ocuv*, a j-w invention HENRY KXEBER,
JfjA THh n.writwc r'i[K-<'Wul!v tnnuunr-A- ru< fehl tr At J W WoodwcU’*,‘B3 Third at
jSjg*- na- hi* new and e»e Ci ;em Hoie> j CHICKERISO’S PIANOs”
•-r -a- omrtimla.iou ot travelers• HtiJw, JOHN II MtXLOR, (sole Agent for
' ll ' r S ri " **.•• liou«« rmd luin.'u"* t;hickenng’« Piano Forte*for Western
S ' rl !.i '"‘f"''” ,l ' nk * l,kVl * VV «■“*■ Pennsylvania,) No. SI Wood street,
|*V“ r i if, ''‘ ,^l ' ort,lbl, * anJ |*l*» I j * Pittsburgh, ha* received and now open
’V- J.T. - ' '... '.. i ... lof , ‘ 4, ‘ v l ‘ s1 ’ lol.owing elegant assortment, direct from
ion-i^o-e ? VstimVii't pub »" j kt'j i ! >he manufactory at Chickeringi {Boston) price*,
.niii-Jl) One Rosewood seven oeuve Puuto Forte, carved in
10 0 I h A C ENT BAV EDI me most elegant and nett style ol Lout* XIV.
oPPOMTION < 'nr Ko-rwood carved «cven octave, new «rwt tm
’ | 'll t. V 1 Hi a I \! A HOTKI.. on Baltimore iueet i.rar pn-ved scale
1 tl.e IVpoi. t.‘uTiit»et:and. n mis in <‘omi<’eir «,rd«t (dir rmAwi.u.l Piano, 01 wiavc, new scale,
U-t tiic re.'ep',i»it »od arcomiutxJiil.'M) ui the |>utili.; Our carved, t> “ •*
in* hi »r»rcn of rav and comfort, will dv wei: T'vo round corner*. A octave, now »caje.
to patronue this eftatilielujiCTi; - the) will G'-d -hr j P-.vo pannel “ fl *• « •*
.••* clean and the Tsiile a.« we,l :ut \ The tbore are all front the manufactory ot J Chick*
n• * reii a, ant m (urubeilmd. hi twemy-fivr cent* l er.n»r. Boston. ot the latest style* of furniture, and with
run ’nnteed s» good a» any that can he had <n 'he ■ il.e nest and improved »cs.e
[liner si any puce or no chary- No charge mt j also ut »t.u m ran uu Law
' j'.HtL urKii Hard
Ho- . V.. • A-
:i a.i\|'ortM:on "sgKhge to ut.d from til-' cur.
.jl7. li'.’ni WASHINGTON K\ANS
• j vt '.rrii.v voi’ktv tv »(mi vt>
(YIV- T ,:
.Mils u M'.’i >Kl>
i' ’.i KIN«.
ti t! cf ii aG il A u 111( i! r Kurni I a r e
H •> MS-
» t.;« ‘!ulet Vhn r e
!J • \ l V I !i:t • • JJaert: V :- a :„-.h t..i,
1 I n. *e. I -ui' ’•»! rt.
|'"C fail. [fniu* \ V I'omillc.r
Kr. n.'li Wa.iMganv !'--.i*tc*u* I' Hitf
id iwtfns a itn V.. n.ig Ha.t-cni'.h covt n.
it* K;i-' V■l -g '
1 !! Ml IlHh
r. i k
( liorolatr, < ucoa, Ac
Ihc »«; cr.t-pr ri-rntr.tnrmJ* ltn- tti-ov ar •• •••
«. .'tulurltil.
I 1 ;* »•-«»
. lA.- t» Itftiuv
'‘V * (..AM-A T;h*ui<*« V Km-.-'if'- ji,
\\ AI ‘rv.H l. \K».K. 1w,,. M*..
' '• * V
t.Mi \ riM.u
K H 'j'H-
U roaQlu and < «*i Irun RaUluc
•• • • > \ v.» s r a kv. »>
( anct Bleeding.
Kll 'u- £. M k Ih.laj.v ..
• N 3 i.l I i: : u g«><J *l,O >.u, f,
. t" - •! >’ moult; , —>u;eiidaft-» *.
!U*n uf*r lured Tohai co.
LS‘ * K*>v«i": • * '!>**' .»•
*. J. M A »Su-..M .
h* Jo d Hfti**rvd «
vi ri». • >' «lo
£• il.- -lo A Haf*VAoJ
1; -it: J
dj *■ Wir. Ua
• 1 U> r*
■u- l. I brfj*
■ i.. K 'i
M vi:•/ , i K ' u ,vv:v;v'‘"'”'
W. * .1. UI.KS.V ilook Ulndtra,
' W l
am i •; i k: w w- j i„iii,-ii.-.
< V;V;:r,
A'. ‘ • ■ A!.,..! v.ifco;\ ... ’-irH.'.
| J AVIV*. ».i«i ~U r rr. -i., ktof |J Wl „ ;
•' I.r ui: m.r Inciul" liHi/r ,1...
»(> W l'( >IN l»K\'l 1 K
riiK IMI.NhKA .'Krt
»• Aue 1 , !M-
/ 1 il 11 HA NT.
; .8 '
.John A.'ro„
)';■»' '■ 'il r>m : .irr'-l M'-i (• rutri'J"'' *!>•! ii
■ul \\ M-w,,..: I**,,,’
UK 1,1, AM) UUA.S> Fill XUUM
i U ii’K I
Y- rV. ’,*r ht-.-i-'-i l ;
\\ .1'- ' I■ H IXi I•* ' < .1 Il’.’T* K'llf ItV A•• ' -
viir>-rv ul Ura«A C;»i>:in!f« ,l t-cj
I. . mi.'l in ih«- n**«i***t mininrr
|iri>iini:«ii <H HaShii * A.Nri-A'irx
•l lor Uir r*-durin»:i r
A I' it w
n..% Mu .•
optirinr* K-i ... »jv. lUal noihii'C
!.-,rir jv.n. km i on tL» oMht.r
n '-duc-M •.£> tli
o*l »• V yf thr !*lair»,
'iktrr - hcs.i ti^
v.'d ir. ulr to or.l' •
!•'>- 'u lint r XrrriS
>«■* umJ hat<- laicen ihcro mor*? or le«* ever uiier,
»■ d bel»ev* uiai n ora* r.y»e vermg m iheir o*e,
••iift-. ; aa non- imiy •»> that 1 nave completely reeo
frfil iii> h<a:vfc I bri»r-.r rt»i Jayne’* Sajiauve
i Kajv-e'orant are the beet fnmi'v medietne* now m
:ir» ami ■ ifc-ii
Jatii« \f s*u»,rr
V» N r>'V
A c' 1 . !»/
ofourL.y irqn»,i!, 1 *»
•O A! b hl'< V \<>K
II t. M !• |il • KN« *H i
»\ '■ or \ r
I >lllllll *■! . \;n
<•' *•»' r> *i/o rr»in Id
»•. iritin niTlir nm-i u| ; -o\
; lUmcwihkJ 6 octave Piano*. from the aiamilariory
oi II Wurcr«ter. New York, formerly oi the Crw of
N’lKliirt, \Vorcc«ier 4 Durham.
U rowwimd d octave, Gale & N V
l •ovwcKKlOf octave Piano. made by Bacon 1 Ra
v'-n. New York
1 Mahogany l> octave Piauo. made m HaluinOYe, and
<•*11 with me file »»Je by the owner, lor enab or tn el
chantre for Pnt«?iur*h manufacture. or luilj
at»je lor a rouiury .tore Price S3OO |aj(l
PIANO nunc.
r l’H K Moon. My Horae, ray nappy Horae
1. Home where c’rr ihe Mean n.
ie.u.y land IVa.i,
i .Mivr !n» file enow c!nd Hi!!».
Ki>*»a l.**** run) Did fuele Ned; Polka;
•.0 where Hie mi»l« are *>rpmg.
" vou route to my mouni&ra aotue,
‘■rave oi Lto- apitrir.
No Mr rr »:!Ui ihv home Jh; nunr,
>».- Sn«n:n<i Dond-Hvp.
i .:i pp-»« Hr « VVaitr; He-i 801 l
Jov 4 in*: wc>e mated, Ai.ein Mavomnrr't;
l.ouoiana Deile, Ethiopian Dance*.
•-w minion of Hckteea Pu.'xo Furr* IruravcToa,
Q anil Fjiuliali Text, reduced lo Ujp follow-
':nr*e work. contaititag M paces 92 00
“ •• 44 '* i5O
liiirrmv'i Pjano tone Primer. *4
t<ennii» Method tor Piano. 3 ix)
i ‘are Guitar Irmructor. 2 (W
P»u»rron’« Voral !*ehoel. a «i
R-’*ht>eie k*« Piano lnmroctor. I 24
► N John h mellor,
;*2i , ;1 wood •[
Mr Elijah lato.vs certificateto-dr
JAVNE—Thu eqrufie*, that immediately after
"•c- % sttrnOrd tn) brother, »ao died of consumption
... \..u U. I wu» taken uck wuti the Consumption
. I. . - lit, anil was reduced »o low ,di tbr
rut u •. fouT year* I was uuab<e to anead 10
n:. ’-u m’i'-s*. *-at home or abroad, twin* lor the
mot: ’.mi - ■<» my bed. During the atH>v» peri
<>.! ; ii nine. I Mut i i;>emdfd lor medical ailcndanrc o
r- *-.i a; I'ti <:c.*r* and medicine*, to ’.he atnoui.! r,f
■* :1 "nt ."nig «ni '.-i’r6t ih-rrfiom In
• : *l-' I —imurncc-it irking iJr Jayne * Medi-
! re*i-j* ir, >pnngtield. <li*cgo county. .V V , and
an.: <un nut ic-,>-re*ini in any manner in tne »a!e of the
• •-v- * nuiuinort an,l make thu certificate tor tbe ben
•'<- o’ ,hj..e »:P.i.M-d ELIJAH EATON
NY . Sept. 16, 1-4- _ ;a<_
Mam «■ ACTI RED TOBACCO—Tbo .übirnber
wonid can the attention of the city trade and
Jen er» renrraiiy. to ihc following brand* Tobacco*,
tr ►lore and ip arrive. which betas consignment* d»-
t«-. i trom utHnutaitturer», he i« enabled lo »e|* at east-
| -I* K W •.'r«‘t)«hnw V>
" I limn Mn.iivm
f. J M,: «I,^i,
* • I l‘u uuu St »cd ii
< Robert* * s»
- i • ►—•ar Hurl j»
*’« Jot>n»Al*Wii [t
: ♦ »V*r#li‘K «ii,T I
I- I ll' >r T A Jitin : *
i. s waterman
1 1 n*chia: Works and Foundry
FtT73Ft BOH, Ft
Jui! \ A iii«• SIT ACo . nre prepared to bai .1 Cotton
a;-..; Woy.rr M»r Of rxrr defCnpiiun. »ijfb
ft * 1 Mastin e*. Spinning Frame*. Speeder*
Draw vf frame*. Rauiway Hrada, Warper*. Sunder*,
I)rc*M , f rawer, Loom*. Card Grinder*. Ac W-ought
;iun M.fl'l . g tu nicl. a.i lljn q{ l'**t from (Vile* , n d
O' :!ir ;»:m pattern*. idde and hand Utlie*,
aii.l "t ill kind* t'a*t;r.g* of every dewriptHW
’.:r-.;*iird 011 atiOM notice I'atlems made to order inr
M.iiOeantt* Iron, Ac Steam Pipe | o r heat
.Ji* Kuclot.r* Can Irui. Window Sash a.’id fancv Cm-
Unj* ftner.i.y Order* left at the Warmruie o' J
pa.tner A 1 »> Liberty «:re*i, w.,i save prompt attoi.-
Rr 1 -t W Uiirkttock. Beit ACu . J K Moorehea.l A
1)0 G K Warner John Irwin A Son*. P.ttahurKh G
1 t A J H Warner, Siieuiirnvilie lanlV
Pent. Machine fthop.
HWIuHT.MAN -Manufacturer or all kmd* ol cot*
» ton and woollen machinery. Allegheny city. Pa
The nirnv.-worki .>.•111* now in full ami aucceaatul op
eiauon I am prepared to execute ordert wan dupatch
lot a. t kind* or machinery m mylmr auclt a» wiliowi,
picaer*. *pieud«Tk. card*. grinding machine rauway*.
<iia«v.!iit (lame* »predrT. i*tro**i:«. loom* wooiru
••■d* double 01-unrtr. tor merchant or country work,
niai !e< ia.~k* Ac .udc and hand I *th<:» and lool* in y rn
e is' A•• k id* ill * lira; link lu-a Je lu nrdei ,or plan* <1 *
eu lot tedimg lurtonr* or iin 1* .al reHhonatilo coarse
h ..g iM.noci A Vo . J-<- (.rat
New coach factory
j\ | ' U HITE A i'll, vvoit.d rsaperlluhv mloiiu
i’J . tl*e puMje ..itt ;liev h»» erected a 1 hop on
!.!!••. •* . i.r c.veen 1 in|e r*» and Saiidu*k ) .Ifcet, rtiej
* ir mm making and ar- prepared in rreriu* nr»l«r» | ot
ee.t) rtc.citptn.ii o' . r hide*. Condle t'hartol'*. Ua
'■"! Huggiet I’tnrtun* Ac. fte , whieh trom their
: ”'"C ' tperirnee ul the manulueturr of the above
*'"l 'he tsc.iiie* the* h*\ •. they feel confidenl ihey are
. ns ••"•d to .10 work mi the mo<i rea.nnal.le term* with
l’ i. i.ig partji Ur attention tn the veirenon of mate
’ -1 - * ..! avi,.s min-- hut coin|>**«etH workmen. ?hey
|."V. i:t. I.**n.ninii lit warrniumr tnru work We
tm t..f a* k llie attention Ol tiie pubic 10 till* IDa.ler
N ti Krp». ring .tone in the !•«•*’ iiiatuit r uml nit the
,11. *: c a***(■.;«r. e ta-rnta. jntxi „
Head Quarter! for Dooli and Shock,
l.nn.ei ot snutlitielrt and I'nurth *l*..
}*iTranuaou. P*
cf, TKoTII A SC<>TT, Having ctimmonrcd me
fr\.\ * r! ‘' r HI lk.(n and Shoe l.uiinr*., whole*ale nnd
r |ha"''*".''iiut! reepecuuiiy invite ntte.tlioit of
ine.i if. tins <ir,.l Ute pulnie ijerierally lo th-i' "plem'ld
.« .’.V. I n»! irpen-d, < otiairttni* Ol ItlF.l'l. Wiltm'll'*.
i. r.iin««e. and c it. id re n'» wa i. ol every vaneiy,
Mt.ttit le lor me .rtiioti, ami al p. -.•» to anti the limn
A -o. h •pi eii did in item ol Air lone (.inti Minr*. lor (ren
te men and .iidtK I'lenac fj.l timl ejmntlle focyour
' otner nf Simtlifieid atm 4m »i». I’iu.imnrli
V it -r_. . .... . . ,**
i * *-iiT inviiea ute ur.eiHioii of buyer* to hi* exirnaive
i**«)rmter i <d nbove (>ood«, rmhracmir ever) .;a*Uty
t> to very lliir, mid from me cdcUruted manuiuvio
n * in I‘tance l’urchu»iiiiC ihc«e good* from me
. ii.ti,. -» - .t niri-rlwnit* nr*»ftni» of the ninuuiuetu*
• r*. In- t* eiiaided lo sell Uteitt u: the lowe«t po»»ll.le
price* At*o. o'itc (rrreii and mviaihie urcrn t'loih*.
rnrv I licip; woo. dyed hlk do, and Krtnch. Urniah
if.d A meric tut CASSJ.MKRKS, b.ack and fancy; hlk
•*n.i t-iu- y Futin VKSTINi-s. jenttcnirn'* ailk pncuct
)'lcrrhilf». Htnek and fancy Cravat*, linen rocket
Hdk's. I’mlcr»hirt». Otawera. Ac . at Ute norm mil
corner .it (Hi end .Market aired*.
M t.o.c.mlc Hnimt* up «tair* Ict.Vl'
ftlonongahola Livery Stable.
r*» KOHF.KT I! I'ATI KKJ*UN lu« opnued
1 " I«HM' l «HM' Mnblc on r m -i. running ttirnugh
m >'• ond »t brtwe-ri Wood nn<l Smuhfteid
A.„. me rear oi ti,e Motmugahelc House,
« •!' .11 » ■ v new .lock oi Horse* Carnage* of
H"’ ' yaan'-v khU :.iir«i st) tr». Horse* kept ut live
rX.-J1 ? u<s ' ,w 'r T . jytfdly
I'K.A M i.UAT i'I.UCKS— llnvuis concluded u> »eil
o oil • n.r enure .jock ol'KirkCi Marine Ttmepieeea,
"<"a ‘f-i ‘hem at lower price* than they can
nc hotii; 'it iti any hou*e in Piiuburffh or elaewherc A-*: Keu.c the only eataklubed ajgem. y,ere, wn it.ive Hie lurgeai and fine*; 4»«on
meni in me city. Cull and »ee
Krtnrm'w'r. we are not to be undersold
UI.A KK k. CO . Market nireet
■ ctb. entrance on north iide ofihe Lhamoiid
""'"'“va'Kgs.r 3,,r,n0
" ,AU JOURS ft. QWoo, 1 "” ' ’ iCl ° a '
MANUFACTURERS of soring and bluier steel,
plot.nh .wel, steel ploogh wing*, coach anti dirt
snr.n K .. hainraered iron axle,, and dealer, in m»”
lead,- castings, fire engine lamp, and coach trimmings
generally, comer ofßoss and sis. P.VtsbutjC
IMI.V KL ÜBKK a >.**«
I net lined Otrer Shoes, a splendid article, superior
10 any ever offered ui this city, of which any qiantfty
can he bad «t short notice, wholesale and mail, si the
India Rubber Depot, No 4 Wood street.
. ,rhh J At H PHILLIPS
lANDLE6 lOu bxs Cincinnati Mould Oandlea, on
' ewnsigmeam and for ill* ofl
f«b*3 WIGS fc M’CAWDiES*
pall good*.
WM'CLJNTOCK, is oowconstantiy rece.tnnr hj*
• fail stock of CARPETING, 4e . comprising
one of Ibe largest atsonnteni* ever brought to iho mar
ket, which have been purchased direct from i Unt im
porter* and Manufactnrere, of the latest newest
style*, and lower tn price than eTeroffered in &i* -ity,
to which be taviic* the attention of ihcfrc wiahiair tt>
ftinnuh Htoamboaui or bouses. before purchasing else
where The stock constat* m part of the lollowmg
variety, viz:
Rich Aixmimst Carpet*, Oriental Tapestry Gil Cloth
do Velvet ilo i'lain colored do
do Tapestry do W fe«t wide
do Brussel* do S-4. 7-4. h-4, 4-1 A ♦ oil cloth
Extra super 3 ply do £tair Rods
Super do do l*-4,e»-4 aadtW Droggan
ua Ingram do ptair Linen*
Wide do do Rosewood Oil Cloth
Coalmen do do crumb cloths
4-4, 3-4 A | Damask Embossed Piano covers
Vcninan do do Table do
4-4, 3-4 A ) twl’d do da Figured Table Oil cloths
4-4,3-4 A i plain do do Turkey Red Toilanea
4-4, J, | A S-4 col do Adelaid Mats
M printed cotton Carpets; Sheep skin do
Extra sup Chenille Ruga,* Jute do
do do TuAed do Abeam do]
Fine do do Manilla Hemp
Wilton do do Snow drop Napkins
Crimson feg'd Plash, Diaper Towelling
Plain do Crash
Drab M Cloth e-4 and ft-4 Table Linens'^
Blue do, for couch tro'gs; Transput Window Shades
Carpet Bindings Extra French do do
WosiM coeds Rich Satin do Ltines for
do Tassets window curtains
Scarlet, blue, enmten, bUek and drab Damasks;
figured rainbow Damasks: worsted and linen
covers; blue, crimson, searlet, green, drab and black
Moreens, cotton Plashes of all colors, Ac. Ac. Ac.
Also, Oeneburgs and Drillings for steamboat deck,
and all ether mramiags necessary for outfits for boats
In our line, to which the especial attention of owners
is invited. W. M’CLLVTOCK'B Carpet Ware room,
one doo, from Wood, on Fourth sL
Sblrtlnc Muill&i tad 1 risks Lin*iu<
\\T R MURPHY invites the particular attention of
Tv, those wanting the above Goods, lo his desirable
stock, consisting of the best make, from the most ap-
S roved manufacture r») and the latter warranted pure
ax.—He has just received an additional supply, *nd «
offering Phirtmg Muslins of s superior quality, ai.a
very.low price. Also,
Sheeting and Pillow-case Muslins
Diapers and Crash,
Table Cloths, Towels and Napkin* .
Blankets, Quilts, Counterpanes; and
Housekeeping Dry Goods generally
LADIES’ DRESS GOODS—Such as French Menu-*.
Paramettot. plain and fancy De Lames, (tome new
styles just received;] Alpacas, Ac.
The season being far advanced, all these Goods will
be sold ai prices that cannot fail to please
Rooms up stairs. jaiiLA
A. A. HABO9T Cl CO.,
XTO. BO MARKET BTREET, will continue their
Xl great semi-annual sale of DRY GOODS, for 30
days tongei. during which timeAbeir extensive whole
*o!e Roomi will l>e thrown open to theu Retail Trade
a* hereio'ore A. A M A Co., knowing that they are
selling Dry Lioodi oi every description from ten to fif
teen per cent les* than ever before, Jo invite every
person in want ot’dry goods, or who may be at-wont,
to eitmme and purchase from anr slock, at the lowest
wholesale rates.
Out great object in redectog stock is lo make room
for Bprutg Goods, n being eor intention to exhibit tn
March the largest richest stock of Dry (food*
ever offered by any one house in America.
We shall continue the sale of our Bleached and
Bro wn Muslins, Tickings and other Domestic Goods,
ai our former low rates, notwithstanding the recent ad
vij.r* of 13 per cent upon the same in eastern markets.
FINE LLACK LUSTRES—W. R. Mt-snrT ask* the
attention of buyer* to his extensive assortment of
above gdpils. including’ mohair am) oip"Cca Lustres,
very fin4juid glowy; jet black anil blue black; also, n
few pieces without lustre, for mounting lire**I**; 1 **; also,
a .argc assortment of varioia colors ana styles of satin
nit.j'cd anil brocade Alpaceaa, black and fancy co
ior», plain black, invisible green, drab and other col's
>{aaanne Blue Pnnneuo* and Alpacca*—A few pcs
of these scrrce and desirable goods Lately received.
WDoiesale Rooms up stairs, north east comer of 4th
and Mattel st». jaUl
FOR GENTLEMEN —W. R. Mchput has recently
received a further supply of GetuJetnen's Fancy
CRAVATS, including some very handsome. Also,
black Italian Cravau, several qualities, and including
some superior Also, gents,Linen Cambric Handker
chiefs. n a*n and min colored borders; super Silk do,
Undershirt* and Drawers, munno, silk and cotton,
«ome of :hn former extra «ue. Especial attention is
asked to tu» »u»rk of French Broadcloth* and t'assi
mere*. of the latter piain and fancy; Velvet and Satin
Vc*ungs. Ac At north cast comer Ith and Market
pre*n,oii Cueaday next, 13tti mat
U 5 Dragoon Pistols; Alien's 6 barrel Revo.ver*
Putol Bell* mid Shoulder Straps; *
Bowie Knives, bras* mourned,
(ton! Bogs, Blow Pipes;
Pocket (lU««e» for examining miners/«, Ac.; and
for »a,e at Eastern pnre*. with addition of freight. by
feblO corner 4th mid market si
N’KW <;OOD* IN JANI ARY—W R McantT bus
within a lew dayt opened a supply ofbinekAl
r areas. low priced, do, medium and super* do Mohmr
.ustres. new style British Prints, do American do;
block cloth Shawl*. p:md tons •*«; neat style Mouse
dr I.sines, plain iead ami drab do. at llif; and a van*
ety of oilier scarce, and desirable good*. wnnKp the
aiteiiiion of those, wistung to buy
Merchants wiil find in the wholesale room* up stair*
ii good slock of desirable goods, nt low price*, pi')
RUTH DRKM£ GOUliti, per foreign steamer Europe.
—A A Mum A Co. No till Market street. will
open this morning. Rich Dre*, Good*. comprising the
following *(ylcr vti: Satin plaid Menno*, a new arti
cle, and the richest goods imported this season; all
wool Plaids, high colors and choice styles; all. wool
Cashmere* *nd 'tour de Lain*,, fine Conors! and Lyo
arse t'iotn*. of say de»crtbat>le .ha-Jc hurt coior Satin
imped Vasamer.-s. .n great rariety. jai?
A A MASON a. Co .GO Market street hare just
• received «neither large invoice ol plaid Long
and Square Shawls, bought 25 per cent lc»* than any
previously received this season
Our stock of Sbnwli is now the largest m the oty,
and purchase!* may b« certain that oar puces from
Urn daw will be 24 per cent less than at any former
time. je.l*
Gents cloak tassels— 2 dot mohair Tas
sel*, assorted; 3 do silk do do; Sdo do fine do, It)
do do {«ad.e* Taut;).. assorted; • do eoPd do de.
WOOLEN GOOD - * —lo dot Children I .woolen coats;
0 do do do Cap*, 4 do do common; 10 dot Woolen eora
fon*. assorted. ; c da do triut rings, Sh do ladies Cash*
m*T* (>lo'"*s a»sM
LEATHER DLL r?—3o dot fi!i Molkatm B«li»: 20
do tlo Momcco dn, 3 jo •>- <1 do; at
_ 7LMI.LON KINSEY S.«7marltet *t
LA DIES' 1 R l l| \i l \(,S —2ilor fcbk Lace Demi Veil*,
j p» co. d S. I Ve reu, '2O gross jit Dnisey Mot
to.t» If do :a*’: .ian do; I - do col d Klobi do; IV do
4o Famasie do. V not .-o. d fleecy silk (Loves. (J do bTk
Jenny Lind Fringe. 12 an French atik Ruches; rec’ti
day It F M EATON A Cm
dec 13 Fourth »t
11NF.N DIaPERS-<M. 7 4 and fi-4 Lmen Table
J Ihnper. of common tigured. damask and snow
drop patterns Also. Russia and Scotch Bird Eye Pat
julu 9‘J wood at
WELSH FLANNELS—W R Murphy has on hand
s full astorunont of these desirable Goods, also,
» lull assortment ot douietuc unshrinkable do, and a
lull assortment of «c&rtei and yellow, and sponetl, lor
Chntunas wrui
Home mad- Fisnne.s- *-uitr tuonn and batml- a
*“4*ply constantly on hanJ oec3o
A A MASON At Co, No 60 .tlarket streel. have
• just received the largest invoice ol Linen* ever
offered by thrui, romprising twenty different qualities,
to whirh ihev ivouid invite the siffluiion ol whole.ale
or retail*. )ebgl
ms >u-o.xb Ulok »hd rssHl ‘Vsat.3 *rmT nr
A T 1 >lf •KN ‘S. t.'lit Liberty street, ciirupriniug French
s*V t’iout*. i'»«siinerc« and Vrsungs, or tho nruv-i
sitd most tuuhionabie *t) >ns tmporteiT.
Ai*o, a large quantity ot Rough and Ready Blunket*
and Coaling*. I'cculianv aitapieit to the tune* and tho
On hand, tiir iante*t, licit muttiilaotured and mtxa
!u»hiouablc *to<** o. rnudy mndo Clothing m ibi* city.
AM onl-re in tlic Tailoring lin- executed in the nio*l
fasluoiiahic unrt durable manner nnvi4
just received s lot nf new style brown and \yhiU:
Hnu*h Prints, very handwme. arrived by late slvini
er Al»o. on nuiul, n large ai.orunent of choice arvlc*
oi American Pnnte. fast color* and low prices.
UlacK tilotn Shswi*. „{ various qaaliiies— a .upply
ji:«t received.
Black Afpaeeas, tow priced and fine—a very full
•apply, ami at low pnces jalb
L.' CE titK)DS— SurfH A Johx.ox, 48 Markm street
’ ice received one carton of fine Kngluh thread
Ince and eilqmgs; hwe oarton. loom made do ten car
tons cotton d,., ou« do of black silk luce; two do of
-tack and white French worked Ucc cape*; one do of
, black chanUilu vnl*: together with a variety of fancy
Brussels nett*; black anti colored silk aetu for veils
cold and while silk illusion for evemntr dr*-s»e.-’
i iVrater* and other. wtJI find It for Ueir mierest ;o ex
, am...e them betor- purchasing.
"V *■'" J EiV KLIIS —i doi gold patent Lever Watch
A" a*. | •• detached •*
n ■'**?• ? 1 ’ P«n n;*a pcn-tl tW*. Vest chums, heavy
Otw-rd.-hams. Kreas.PmvKtnwr King*. Ear Rmg*
and A complete MssoruneitLof other jewelry, *t
uc. A 214JLLON KINBKv'S. «b market st
JEWELRY, con.lstmg of gold guartl. rest and fob
chums, key*, seals, pencils, finger ring*, br *i puts,
stud*, car nun, braceleu. lockeu, buckle*, .•Inle*. Ac.
Also, stlrei corah*, card ca*o«. trutt knives, thimble*,
shields, pencils, huc\!e*. sudes, tooth rnd car nick*.
‘ Vc - W IN.
“ market »u cor -lUt
( HIANGIvABI.E^ILK - VISrTFA mr ChrlsunuTp'ie.
sent* -W R. McaeHY hu* «m bund a lew very
baudjome chungeable snk Visit**, very suttabio tor
t-hriitinas presents, which he is «ellmg at reduced prt
ce*. Also, handsome L)res« Silks and saun*. superfine
new style Lmcn cambric iidkf*. Ac. aer<2
LACE GOODS—White and black Lace Capes; emb'd
muslin do, while add black isco L'lidersJeeves. do
Lace lt-nha*, black do Veils plain Kronen Work
Collars, trimmed and untriiq d standing do. emb'd culls
to match; ladies bnen cambric bdkjis, cents do do do,
ai*o. opera ties, head dresses, artificial nowen. bonnet
tabs and quillings, just received and for talc whole
tale and retail, by F H EATON A Co,
rfeci (hf fourth tt
assorted cloak Tassels, & groat figured tilk Uimb
ing: 4 do do mohair do, V do do drab coat do, 5 do drab
uvrrcuat buttons, tildo fine coni buttons, IJ) lbs best
Italian sewings, SO do do patent Thread: padding,can
vass and other Trimmings, for tailors' use. constantly
on hand. deci P H F.ATwN A Co
FRESH Gti<Jt>S— F H Karo.v a Co. arc coQsuniiy
tupoiied with s large and choice assortment of
silk fringe* and gimps, velvet nbbont and braids, la
ces, edgings and embroideries, gloves and hosiery,
gents *Lnns, suspenders and under garmenta, Berlin
Zephyr, woolen yarns, needles, ptos, buttons, tapes,
bobbin*. Ac., oil of which they offer at the lowest cash
prices to raofeHwua and others; « their new and com
modious warehouse, 82 Fourth st. near market, uoa)
FH. EATON A CO-, Deafer* m Tnmmoigs and
. Haberdoshery, have removed from their old
•land to NO. 82 FOURTH STREET, o doors from
Market street north)
LARD OIL—4 nbU winter stnuned, rec*d par mbr
Pennsylvania and for sale by
T.'UdUß—nhl« raporfiu Flour gkdoftyado: in
f Store and fof sale by L 8 WATKIUiAN,
am Ji wM^uiwftown
VOL. XVI. NO. 186-
Patent Graduated GaJvanu Battery and PatmC
Insulated Pouj for Medical and atber Purpose.
THIS the only instrument oi the kind that uicnr
been presented in llus country or Enropo for mod*
teal purposes, and is Uki only ono ever known to 18US
by which the gaiv&iiic fluid can be conveyedto the ha
tnmt eye. tho eaV, the brain,’Or b> nay put of tbn body,
cither externally or internally, in a definite gentle
without shook* or pain—with perfect safety—
and often wfth the happiest efieeta.
Thi* important apparatus Li now highly appro vodof
by mauv of the moai. eminent physicina ot this coon
try m»«l Europe. io whom the sfluctkd and other* Whoa
It mar concern can he referred Reference will also
be given to many highly respectable citizens, who have
been cured by mean* of thtsmost valuable apparatoa
o( some or the most inveterate nervous diaordera wklah
could not be removed by any other known mean*.
Among various other*, it has been proved to be ad
mtrably adapted for tho care of the following disease*,
vix: iterroua headache and other diseases o? the brain.
1( is with this apparent* alone thru (he operator enn
convey the magnetic fluid with ease ufetjr to the
eye, io restore sight,, or cure amauroses: to the ear to
restore heunng; to the iongae and other organ*, to re*
store speech; and to the various pans of the body, for
the cure of chronic rheumatism, asthma, neuralgia, or
tic doloareux, paralysis, Or PaTsy, gem, ehofuTor St
Vim* dance, epilepsy, weakness from, sprain* some
diseases peculiar to females, contraction of theßmba.
lockjaw, etc. eto
Rightt for surrounding coantics of Western Pa-, and
privileges, with the instrument, may be purchase! and
Fall lostmetioos will bo giT« fbrths varioni chemi
cals to be used for various diseases, and the baft man
nerfar operating fbrthe euro of fhoea disease* wiliab
w oe fully.explained io the purchaser, and a pamphlet
mn uno his hands expressly for these panoses, ear*
feliy prepared by thejnalemce; Btduiroflf
ociLMty. S WILLIAMS, Via? st, Pittsburgh.
RsvinUUs FUtsdna Cook,
Which renders turbid water pure by
,»£|srßiv removing oil substances not soluble ia
-ivffi&WftY wa,er The croton water in R. York,
"rfaYSr/SSS* 11 * clear P 3™ u> the ere,ret
u passes an hour through this
filtering cook, shows a large uepoatt
nuyuro substances,worms, kcTThil
a the case more or less with all hydrant water.
The Reversible FlUerpr rt nest and durable, Is
not attended with the ihconvsniencc incident to other
Filterers, as it is cleansed without being detached from
die water pipe, by merely turning the'Vey or
from one side to the other. By this easy process,'the
cour*« of water it changed, and all secnxniilmdons fo
impure substances ire driven off almost instantly
without unscrewing the Filter. It also possesses the
sdvantsge of being a stop cook, and as such in many
eases will bo very convenient and economical.
Itcan be attached where there is any pressure high
or tow to a cask, tank, tub, &e. with ease. To be had
of the sole Agent, W. W. WILSON,
_ corner of Fourth and Market sts
fp HE CLINTON PAPER MILL, situated atflteaban
i. ville. Ohio, having been enlarged and improved,
sad at a very CTeut expense added new andthe most
unproved fctntfof machinery. is now preparod to man
oiaciure all Mods of Writing, Pnoting, Wrapping and
Colton Vara Paper*. Bonnet Boards, ie„ equal to ttty
in the Eastern or Western country.
The undersigned having the Agener of the above
Mill, will keep constantly on hand a large supply of
■he different kinds of Paper, and will have out size
mude to order at short notice. S. C. HILL,
joJO - S 7 Wood street
"IfiT partner in the Publishing business,
T V embracing Stereotyping, Printing and Bindidg,
in a large citaliluhraent wi.h n profitablfl rOn of won
to with He mu A twr a twn of unitnpeach
ed integrity—uncompromising iu his principles—wil
ling and aole to control the printing department at
least, and have a cnj.ital of 8-kOOO to St(l,000. The d*
tablisliment is ai presont in Weeluig, Vo., but can bo
removed io Piiuburgh or airy other suitable place at
short notice For further particulars, coil on Rev. R.
Hopkins, M K. Book Room, Piusborgh. Pa_, or addresa
J. B. WOLFF; Wheeling, V*
N. B —Stereotyping done at short notice, febi-lm
Pint anil Cedar Wart flannlaetory, '
No 87, coarra Main am) Firm Pirwroion.
I>HE subscriber keeps constantly on. hand,RWhole.
sole and retail, eery low for cosh— *
Wash Tubs, f Bsxrel Chnros,
Bath Tuba, Staff Churns,
Horse Buckets, I Half Bushels, Ac.
All other kinds Ware in uis tine mode to order
I tos ions Jl rash carrejicy,or 4 inoa. app’vd bills
0 inns or upwards, J* do par. 6 mo* do. uitcrest ad
d'd kor ibe superior quality of this brand we-refer to
tee glass and soap manufacturers of llus city general.
A... 1 ,er. __“7 . ..
d oct 160 liberty st 1
Diaphragm Filter, for Hydrant Water.
cp THIS i* io certify that Ihaveon
-1 pointed Livingston, Roggen A Co.
Agent* for the sale of JepniDg’s
Diaprahgm Filter, for the ei-
H ties of Pitisburrk and Allegheny
for Walter M Gibson, 349 Broadway,
® Oct ID, ld4A
\\ c have been usinc one oi the above artioles at tho
of the Novelty Works for three months, ou trial
aud ice! BaUsGed lhat it is s useful invention,
and we take pleasure in recommending them as « uo
fu! article to sB who love pure water. Orders will be
thankfully received and promptly executed.
riUlb mibeenbcr, m offering for sale a handsome lot
L of Nunns A CUrfu fXew York,) and Chidker
mg s (Bosmn.l Planda, woold direct attention to lbs
fact mat faj» u tfi- ouly place in the W e #t where the
instrument* of these two maker* can be tnedride by
•Ida, axvjl w&*re. consequently, a correct idea of their
quftuue* roii be formed The subscriber being anxious
u> test their r-iat.rr rnmt., and having for a number of
year* performed upon the Pianos ol Nona* & Clark
aaa tade-I into use loi the last ivrelve month*. nChifik
er:ng Pmno. in order to try its durability and fitneu
as an uceompanymem to the voice. Thu Piano mar
now U ,een and ..xunmied at hia loom* He feels
confident of hu ability to give a competent and relia
ble opinion on the subjecu
A handsome lot of new l*laffoa will be opened in a
few . d *r»- H. KLJEBER,
l e «® At J XV Wood well »*
S mrraß^’^ 8 ' T * U NK AND WHJPMaN
O l t ACTORY The ȟbscnbej takes ton method
of informing hi* mentis and ihepubricio general that
tie hat the larger »ro ct of the following named ani
«le» of hi* own manufacture in this cuy—Saddles. Har
neis, Trunk* and ail of which be will warrant
to he made of the best material and by the he*!
amen in Allegheny county. Being determined to Mil
tui manufacture* something lower than fcu been here
to fb re 101 d by any umiiar oaubli*hmant in the city
he 'vouU inviic perron* ui need of the above
aiucle* to hi* warehoose. No. >U Liberty rtreeCoppo.
«ite S* Tenth Also, bund* made to order for
r >' ocUU-ly o. KERBV
r I'HK brrord <e«.ion oi tin* Institution, under the
X care °* Air* arid MM. Gosbob.'*, for-the Dresen*
academic year, will commence on the first of &brua-
O’ next, in the tame bwldinga, No. &el Liberty street.
Arrangements have been made by which they will
be able to ntrmshvoung ladies facilities equal to anv
m tor « e»i. tor obtaining a morougli Leg!,**,, Claim,
cal, and Ornamental education. A full coarse of Phi
luopbteal and Chemical lectures will be delivered
during the winter- illustrated by apparent*. The dT
oariment* 01 Vocal and Instrumental Mnaie, Modern
Language*. Drawing and Pointing, will each be under
thecare ota competent Prufcwor. By dote attention
U» li.r moral and intellectual improvement of their pu
u.c .*T>m, ipal* hope in mem a continuation of the
l. patronage they have Ui-herto enjoyed. Per
lenns. *ee circular or apply to the Principal*.
,£ s °| e Agent* >-y ihe manufacture?,
iot the -ttie of the celebrated “Phojnix Brick* " ars
now prepared u> hit orders tor any quantity «ui
carh per 000. For the . */
DeiMi d edL hC * r > ’ rick,ha ’c pronounced by com
m. , w"?* W,"-? VS 111 otilct fire bnck.
ra>-M L A ANULT* £ Co, Canal Basin.
Manufactured tobacco—
• b i t>i* Ijimarnne ss; 35 do Mirabeau «x
& *» d lti *' to John Rucker «*; lft itoßo
."I 6 * 5 46 du Henry A James is and.d«; to
Stewart Bs.‘ U L ‘ e * l * U " d “ " super 1«; 7 hr*
The*e Tobacco*, embracing tome ol tf«j moaUaror
1, gratia*, on coiingnmcnt, an o' will be *dd low u>
close, br decii 1, 8 WATKHMAfI
i KKrvS—' TV •ul.vcnacn, being the exchmve urt
ponon. o( J-n,e, Mu«pr*oABo»*>SodajUbfo r £u
‘“‘‘V* 1 ’ V\ Haw Wl ! 1 co “b™«= io be largely tu»-
pucd with ihn r.-.rftratH brand, wbleh they will «ell
l,l3rtfl P r, ‘-r 'Of fHi.h or approwdtnli*
uif) rcier to lire gl»»« and *o»p tnanufueturera r
Uu» illy iCCfralli ru*pc<-uuir in* uimjjjy
W liberty »t
T HON FOUNDRY mn SAI.E.-A y oun .
i. drv m a iouriUm:, ‘own, will, I’iiuem*, Tool.,
Ar . ail rt-.dy tor, will i«, s©ij on a
dai»;i(C term*, or oxcUauge ior iron or good..
Two odor. «ii vii Plima opportunity to a joanff man
wita .null naptiai io commence Hie Iron Foaadrv lm
<ln-*». Euquireol
Itu ceoT^Vooditrwt.
Scales, Cooktaf Stovas,'Or»i»'»r«fccl
Af AKsIIALL, X CO., Round Church
J.ll. corner I.aber) v ami Wood *tr*ou. manufacture
and Oder for »»1« Pisiform. Floor and Counter Se&lea
oi U»e mojt unproved • ‘‘ouxuig .'mo. c*. for wooJ
ami coal, Ksic s?tovm or viu.ou« »ue«, ""J
common Ora lea Hollow Ware. Ao. i-. Xftev -i
manure lure the &u t-cn Ranee, w tuch ku* , u^
gi neral utUn.a-Mjon to i .o*o having u jq Use .
rweture, and superior to ail otOera u, ujkv T
rnurche*. «icamt<oaU. lactnrica. dwell].!*? X*??I*® 1 *® to
und hn'lranr lialit »a cteajraNe-. c, * ft *P, aals
Aiso.Oironduica, li»U Lameiu», Candela hr.,u
S&adr». W u-k v Chimniea, Can*.
Oa» Chandelier*, from one to four brhia ®*‘ A **°.
de ' 4 jspMjta.,
r » , SW riE Srswr
IZ* \\ ood tireel, above RiAh No
«-n ■«<! «ii «i«c,ri VS‘, '.rt “ «>r
»hn h«». V*rn ,„ htWl of I > Morciomi
».,mfd.»,ly be.irve Uvy will «T«UveS
JCi nulilonv tine? pronooac#
iiied, without Ku&nn'tt A ,?J.i/ i" 7 1 ’ ,f •*.“*■
i» now i° ck ™ e fim «?*&or
naiHumS warehouse, -Sloan* W*«£' C*.
_-i- iKrtnngtoa frba Wonr»
* ao dox Spades and
j e Manure Fork*; 20 doOndn Shovel*: a
do Sockec doi Ait., “llatcbeu, Mtxuxkt ud p&fcZ
Heuo-w, Vice*, Ac., for «*le. si m*n«&cflirer* nriH.
XV number*; itu do cnubed; to do pawdcifedj egd*
eikri&cd, m itoTtf and fot |*i« by “
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