The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, March 13, 1849, Image 1

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    it km &
IT RM STRONG A CROrBB, ComniWfian Meicbenui
A and Heater* in Pfodnee, No Market street
. :***?*_
v i m’?iTfTT r, p j w. jj. mta
f VliftHFtW-P A HAYfs Wholesale dealer* in Dry
r\ Good*. Groceries, Boom, Shoe*. HttsbnrgJi-Hvanu
faciwreU articles, Ac, No. ‘£o liberty atre«t, > ’J*t!t»-
Fati»t*uk;.*KAOX bKOROF. atltha
T>HaUN A RF4TEB, and Reiairi)/ug
liniu. carnet'W Lißerty aiid Rl. Clair ureeta, Pat.«-
bnxgo. Pa ttiaVH
cvLsrxtaoK, M u ttfcotim
CULBERTSON, Wl«ole*nJe Urncert,
«f> ttml Coomu.iion Merchants, N« 14S, liberty sl.
Paabafgh. 1*» ‘__ _ deiflly
BA. KAHNESTOCK & Co., ÜboVixir trodl R«-
» tail Ufoggmßrcontci Wood Bjidtith «K jji
‘fI—JJALfcTV 4t SMITH, Wholesale (Irocers, 1» and
MJ 10 Wood street Pittsburgh!
CA. MCANULTY A Co, Forwarding mid Com
• musioft Merchants, Uanal Byiu, Fnuburgh.Pa
!o»h7 - A me* j. ttkjtx&r
V BENNETT, (late English, OoJUih'
{otrsaie (irormi, C< iinin»»iun nhd Fr
"is, and dealer* in Produce and jj’u
W». 0 cKoia
English a.
8f Ct».»sVJi
''•riling Mefcb)
JIU, ,
(oms No- 'S! Wood bl. l>ctworu vUI uni
warding file..
taj£h MmulfiwJ
GEORWfcitX CJfRAN, Commi**io:i and Forwahlni#
MerdsitStjl N»-> Fituburgh. ;tnylT
icetsor to Morphy k Lee.) Wool'pcd
'ommlßsion Merchant, for the able of
en*, Liberty, opposite 6lh st. fell?
■NES, fit Co., Commission and For
lerohanu, bava returnrd to tbrtr old
d Front wraeta. Pittaburgb. Jtt>
Baltimore. : •,
i, dwx*i> nuu. iruttil.*.
UCKNOR, Tobacco CofflniLisUur ller-
North Water at, k 10 North Wharve»,
. op»ijU|f_
■ OOBEXT mcCVT, /a,
EY & Co., Wholesale fan*
hjliilß, and dealers in Produce, N«. M
•ttttit nreeu, Pittsburgh. w>W
(successor to Ewall k GebWrv.)
! Grocer and Commission Merchant,
eeknd Pittsburgh Manufacture#, .caj
id UamlstrceU, Pituburgb Pa. JasM
GUISE, (late of the finnof Alged and
[erehant Tailor, 8t Charles Bwidirig*.
ir Wood, Pittsburgh.
iUTCHISON, k Co —SoceesHorjt 'to
hisoc k Co., Commission MerchniiU,
he Bl Louis Steam Sugar Refinery -
192 froetrtrccti.Pituhurgb.
• er And £
American .Woo ■
warding ! t
amj, ai«
D C.
„ muii stctrr
v I minion Mcr
Vyaicr, ami 107
. WboleMlej
dealer in Ptoda
net ofLaberty u
O MeGnirej) Mi
fttrd mfcctj ecM
Cl Lewu Umek
«nd Axcuus ,«/ tl
M 0.48 craler.aml
¥ 5. DJI.WuRTII A Co., Wholesale Orocew, Pro
tf «<-4»ee and Cozomluion Merchants, and Agent*
fotilie HaztnS I'oWderCo of N. Y.. No ‘JT Wo^tu
Pilwarfh. ■ ,
TOIIN l). HOKOAN. Wholosaie Druggist. tutd dfcal
if «»ia Dyoßtaflij Painu, OiU, Ac., No.'VU
, VVooa street, 4p>e door Soaih of Diamond Alley, Piu*-
b«nrt- . _ _ ;...' J*pt
i TAJIKS « Co- (luccesnot to Joseph .0
If Dm m,) Ship Cbaadlen, 3o Water atriet- , oc3r
JuilN It M£LLOl£ WboleaaJo' and Rel&fl denier
ip Mo>»e abd Muical Instrument*. School Boos*.
*% Slates,:jgtee! Peru, Quills, Primers’ Card*,' and.
aiary generally,No.ta-WOodn., Pittsburgh.
i* Hag* wiupht nr thken in trade. rctili
jsCHOOftMAKEK A Co* Wholesale Druggist*.
[No. 84 Wood street, Pittsburgh.
> il-M
V . I No.
rain ru7T9|! juciiahd rvorh
T lit PL6YD, pais J. F\oyd k Co Wfcoleadl*
0 > kiroceni|. No. 1M Liberty tUvct. • ;cpd
TAIIKS Wholesale Grocer, CcQUaiSJifto
0 Merehankaad dealer in Prod ace and Pitttbtirgh
htomlkcmrei. 1 N 6. i 4 Wear it.,T*jttaburyk Barilo
‘l/iERit JOMESj Forwarding aadCoSiaiiuloli iIeT
.AX ghacu, Dealer* jn Produce and Pituborgb m»i<u*
faeist'nl aruelea, Cadal Banin, near Tilt *l. d2l !
IN D. DAVIS, Ancuoneer, corner sth and Wind
Pftubargh. _ octs
NSTOBf A STOCKTON, Booksellers* PntWrv
id Pspcf Manufacturers,. No. 44 ALarkei *L, Pill—
Veiuvlai Iron Works.
r EWIS, Oo., mamuarturcrs ol aJl'»t>
-1 * sc% Bar, Sheet, Boiler lrou and NuU of tfte [-<*'*■
Qgalijy. Warehouse, 54 water and ltd irom V.
E S WATERMAN, \yho!c*ale Grocer, Forwwi!
• ling andComnuatum Merchant. Dealer m Piui
bargb Afanafrciures and Produce, No* J 1 Water. el,
and & Front at ' >37
KsE»i**aiLi_ v. )4JL 2>. M'UU-L. WUJU C. t£»*
Ik/f fGILLd & BOE, Wholesale Grocers aoJ Coaum*-
iXjLluoa Mere heats, No. 104 Liberty *t, Pittsburgh
]iitIiRPHY.'WILSON& CO.,(late Jones, Murph? 4
A*JL r, ' > t Whole*- 1 r '-*'*ler» in Dry Goods, ISd- 4S
/OMll'k,, WM. I JItSUL'K.
Comnusuou suJ Forwarding
Vr and From sis. be»wa
’ c w~ Bicirrsoji
'CTSON, Wholesale Grocers iytd
iir, No. ITU, Lu.ertySL, P>tu»-
_ • _ __
/2L, Hoi Si Market «l, second
/r.df* in Futfeign
'F-lr.hangc, Cerlilicateeaf HeyOk
CollecUtuu eda4. on all the priucipal cinds
rbooi the'Dtuted States. . decl.
h BMCOirMj . ” «BoftdK a. ju.fta.
A Co., Wholesale .Urocera And
ttealera ll; Oils, 800 l Store, and Pittsburgh Mtui*
ted articles, have on all times, a dill and
1 assortment of goods in their line, Water street,
terry Apey, Pirteiurgh. anil'.
*EBT MOORL, muifcalr t>rtM-er, Iltctnyinj
liMillpr, dealer pi Produce, Pittsburgh
*Bd all hind* Of Fortigu and Domestic Wares
iqaors, Nt). 11 Lihtrty 1 street. On band a very
stock o£,frap«rior old Monougahela whiskey,
I wiil be K>ld lo<* for cash. aptfr.iy .
IKOBINSGN & Co., Wholesale Gruceta, Produce
I and Couumsuoa Merchants, end Dealers ui Pltti
u HannfMtures, No. ISU Liberty sc, Pitistmrcti.
J £ ''• jaulo
ud L i
)BERT U&LZ EI.I» it Co., Wholesale Grocers,
doaunissifia sad, Porwarding Merchants. dnaldrs
qducc and. Pittsburgh Manutiu-iures, Liberty >t
itrgh, Pa. ftbdl
A. CUNMNGHAAR Wholesale Grocer,
r-aier urfredoce kadi Pittsburgh Atanufaeturt >.
1 Libert? iFL - Li__ ft l *
L. Q-,' »ktsolsa, • J. L. *HF.k.
‘ll'££ifcOLD3i& SLTKE, Forwarding and Communion
X\> BlercKami for the Ailfeaheny River 'trade, deal
er! nr Groceries, Produce, Pittsburgh Manufacture*
'■iwl fMnyiriw wfljrow
Tim highest pfices, in eubtpaid at ail times far coun
try ray*. Cornet of Pens and Irwin si*. jama
43&UXU& JOHNSON, Wlplesaleand Retail Dealer*
O is Millinery Good*,. Laces, 'Hosiery &*d Fancy
Articlaa, No. 40. Market street, 34 door abort Third si,
Maabttrgh. [ : apaa.
- m. e. cuckuOt, - xnae. a. wurrx.
OHACKLHm) A',WHITE, Wholesale Dealers In
|J Foreign auq Domestic Dry Goods. No. Vj Wood M.
Pmihcjgh. ij /cblttf
St W. HARBaCGH, Wool Merchants, Dealers
9 in Floor add Produce generally, and Forwarding
and Comoituoii Merchant*, No. 5U Wmer *l. Pius.
bryh. j •
OMIIh. BAOALEY ii Co., Wholesale Grocers and
O Produce dealers, No.S3 Market street, between 2th
and ®th. North aide, Philadelphia. nova
v. ipjmj nroaraag. jotts mcnoiA, jq>.
OKI.I.FUI? ANICOLB, Produce and General Cora*
Ij. pussioa hlefchanti, No. 17 Liberty si., Pittsburgh,
gpeito, Liatecd-hed Liirii OilA .
O F. VON PONNUORST, ACo . Whole.ale'uro:
Q* Cera, Forwarding and Commission Merchants!
Dealert in Pittsburgh Matrafaciares and Western Pro
teee* base removed to their new warehouse,(old aland)
No- 5A corner Of Front ati and Chancery Lune.
w.i. iiora. t ~j
F | tEI/Til A SCOTT, Wholesale and Retail dealers in
± Boot*, Shoe*, Trtuiks, Carpet Bag., Ac., a. W
otper of tth and Smithfißld ats, Ja3
f|)AsBhl i BEST, Wholesale Grocers aiul Gorarats-
JL_*to« Uerchhnu, and dealers ui Produce. No. to
Wood st, fimhjatgh. 1 _ p ß^'
T f " ,c h,) Wholesale Grocers, Porwrfrdmi: and
Ooamisston A&Jrcbenis, dealers in hou, NtuU, Clan,
\Gotta» Yarn*, abd Pittsburgh Manufacture*’generally,
ipon of Wood and Water «tre«ts,‘Piuibafj3i
■rtTEST BOWEN and Forwarding
jl\ Merehanl, No. Co From st between Wood and
Market street*- frb'M
WW. WALLACE, Will stone ami Mill
* ingestabitalunfcnt, No. V 44 Liberty it., near the
•tWMI- ; __ mans
Vi/' Itealer in Watches, Joweir/i
If » Silver Ware, Military Goods, Ac., No. 57 Mar
fctlW \ | tu>v7
WSL MDRPH vlwholesale and Retail dealer ip
« Foreign and Domestic Dr*y Goods,nonb cast
career of .Market and f’odnh.Eti. ; } anya
'int rora«r~ • 1 reo: it n’ceMt 7
WJj YOUNG &CO —Dealer* to leather hides.
ll3 Liberty at [ r ,maUf *
wn.VarmnoM. Roar.M'ctrrcii:
HOST. _ -iros-
Wtc R. H'CUTCHEON, Crwers.deW
• ten ia Prodtrde, Iron, Nail*, 0!:i«, ajid I’uu.
bargh Maoufaeinres generally, lM\Uuer»y at,
bttryfl. \ • ; k . defel*
Ww. WIISON, Welches, Jewelry, Silver Svaju.
« and MUiiary Good*, corner of Mbjketaad Jib
WrceU Pitisboigb, Fb N. B —"Watcho* and Clock*
carcfally repaired. -dcc4
wuiibs, Fortran and AiuiTaiufei'xn
yA *«r. Rocroa, ccrrner td' J*o*t OfLce AJl«r>\ and
rott *“ '(Stf 1 * ®^ on. near Market.
TOWNSEND, Druggist ltd
S" •*-, fof*« doOTßibov** Third *. I‘iti-i
--Pqrgnt>m g«te cotmantfT on hand a well gelente-i at
•prnum or Oie bcu add (reabcsi Medicine.*, which he
wiU t , - OR . *** mo»t, rpftsonablr ienu» FhywiiiUu
P fotn P u V amended tp. uml sop-
">*? F")' W>° *■ e™am»
■ mS be Mdu/utlr ipld
' ; !t *" « “F «•«*
* '“t* »«« of fro.h „,d feood (Vtfu.
CONTINUES » gaui'seana Monui.Vm,, Burial
Vuulu, Tomb*, Wetd sume* M Ull( | iv, e ,,v*'
treand Pier T»p» o/fotcign ud domino i R » r Ur *i
a reru l nr and fair pnee.
N?lf— Draw»»f« for Monuments, vaaita, 4, f nfllt4b .
ed, ol aojr de*cnpUon. He *oJie»u a shatr 0 f public
patronage :’ , augo q t f
Q(;f<ttob«rt(, M. u.,
IThfTH AJ»MH? SDftGEGN. anil aun.d In the 1 relit I
\jf ip»ntof Disease* oi the Eve.
Dr. Ji. ha* been eugagrd in ibi* branch of the meOr
, for atxfoen years, and ha* cpuducu.-.l uii
enuiivtuDeut for iho °i diseases of the c>f
•tone Joraevarol ye*?*-. \ , „ r " ,
Oltsm and jeudeac.*, come# of ,Ban.f\fc*ky *1 am]
gtraw berry alley, AUigbeor : . '
PBKIS STOEKr- No. 7a Fourth
IXMI it., ntAr Wodd—AH' qoxniiues oMJjifeu and
flgMß* filaet-' 1 Teas; done up 10 aoaraf, ball, ami
I TOLLMAN, HALLMAN & (X) comwiur m ma»id-
V-/ lieture Small Iron, Spring and Am Kb-ier •sieri,
rtotieh, Fork uud Hoe Steel. Rivets, Spikes and V\ ti.'i
Iron Nuu, all «ize*, together with Condi aud Fhpt.c
Springs, hlf Pat, Taper end common Axle*
Moving reduced the price ot WraurLi Iron Nut»
ettgine builder* and other* using the article, will Inul
it id toelr interest ta give tins iu-w branch of l*iirat<urpb
raanufactare* ibeir aileiitmti.
t-oadi triiutnijiKs and mulealdr iron on term*
Warehouse on Water and Fourth »ls iHrOSit
MAiTnaw KUWaods, to*, t . roctu. mn n «s.ii.n. jt
IACoa rouKU, raJl rob, jamb* u
Titos. BllirtmS
STMI*RON & Co.. manufacturer* of Vmis. Botib**.
uiui Window Glam, keep rwusla/iilj on bund ft
general, assortment of the übove articles A .mi. make
In order u superior article of Mineral nr Soda-Water
Bottles, of cotored glass. - No. Id Wood at. P.iNburgb,
Pa. anf-11-Oni
TlfniLlAM atffiF, Manufacturer nt Cotton mid
J T colored Liner, Fringes for Dresses, kv., Sewing
Silk and cotored Cotton Fringes for silk and gnigl.ab.
Parasols. Gimp, Mohair, and Bilk Bullion Fringe*;,
laade to order on the shenesl notife.
Htojui, comer of Maidea and William. entrance
No e>3 William »treet, third door, over Aimer A El>V
store, No tii Maiden Lon- New York jylO
MANUFACTURER oi Steam Iloal and lAumlv Itlatu
ketn, llainne. Ooilon M»ura»*e* iuhl Comforts of
alt sizes. Warehouse. No, •£) Wain atreri. I’litabtirgh.
' "pßlfir HILL, PlTTsm'ltGil, PA.
KENNEDY, CHILDS at CO., Manufacturer* ol very
superior 4-4 Sheetings, Carpet Chain, Cotton
Twine aid Baluiig. >a3o-jy
Unqau&e Stool and Iron
COLEMAN, • HALLMAN k Co, manufacturers of
Coach and FJiptie Springs, Hiunmered Arles
Soring and Plough Steel. Iron, kc. Warehouse on
Water and Prom streets, Pittsburgh.
Also, dealers raj Coach Trimmings and MaUcab'o
Castings. ,Kti*
NHUCKMASTER. Alusbuaj*—Office, Fourth <u
. third door above Southfield, south ..d r '
Conveyancuig ol all kiuds doim. K ,Ui the x rraie«i
calO and legos accuracy. '
Tulles le Real Estate examined, kc ’. oc;3u-i v
yAT M. MiTCIJELTRHE, Wholesale Grocers
Tf • Recurring Distillers, and Wine and Lkjuo,
Merchants. Also, Importer* of Soda Ash and Bleach,
ng Powder, No. IGOLJtmrty sown. Pittsburrh Pu
scp2f , ‘
HAMILTON STEWART, manufacturer of Heavy
Shirtings, Cheeks, Ac , Rel*ecca street, cny of
Allegheny. tiovld-diy
rr-'s-w. PETTIGREW <fcCO M
BT E A M BOAT’ A t, )•: NT jt
Ouncesbove M, A lux* a. c<>
0031 No. 4a Water -trcei.
1 OHN FINNEY, Jr„ Agent at Pittsburgh for the Del-
XI aware Mutual Safety Insurance Company of Pbila
adelphia. Fire Risks open buildings fend merchandize
of every description, and Marine Risk* upon bulls or
cargoes of vessels, taken, upon the most tavoruide
ID** Office In the Warehouse of W R Holmes k Bio*
No 27 Witter, hear Market street, Pittsburgh
N, B —The success of ibis Company since the estab
lishment of the Agency in this cny. with the pitmtpi
ness and liberality with which even rlaun ii|K>n ihcuj
for loss has been adjusted, fully upmuit ikr ugeni tn
the cenhdense and patrounec cifin* inends and
the community at large to the Delaware At > l»»u.
ranee Company, while it has the nddiUntml advantage*
a* aninsdtntiou omofig the most tJnurndmtginPhiladidH
pnia~as having an ample paid-in capital, which fiv tiic
operation oi ilr charter is constantly incrcaaiifv, a,
yielding th each person insured his due share a? th.-
profits of the eompany, without loralvtug him tri any
lespousibUity whatever, and therefore as >os.<te*Mitc
the Mutnal principle divested of every obnoiuouj tea
tore, and in its most attractive form r.«vl
THE Insurance Company of North America, mruiigb
lU duly authorized Agent, the subscriber, uders to
tanke permanent and limited insurance on property, in
tills cny and its vicinity, and on shipment* b> tiir Ca
uol and Rivers.
Arthur G Cofia, Charles Taylor,
Sam‘l \\ Jones, Ambrose White,
Edward Smith Jacoto.M Thomas
John A. Brown, John R Neff,
John Mime, R). hard D WooJ '
Thomas P Cojm, \\ m . Welsh,
Samuel F. South, Fiamcs Hoskei.u,
Saiaurl Brooks, f* Austin Aliiboiu
ARTHUR t. l OFI IN, r..- i
lliNat. D. SiiUkaui. Sec 7,
This is the oldest Insurance Company in the Ib.m-d
State*, bavins beeu ebarutred in iTW Its charier 1*
perpotunl, ana front us high *lantiii. s . lon s ezprnritce,
ampta means, and avoiding ail risk, ot uu extra nsr
ardous cuuracier, it out) lw i-oiMiuncd u am
pie aefcuntj to the public. \\ p jt>Nl>
At Ute Oouniiitg Rouiu of Atwood Join-. ,v t .... \\ i k .
tor and Front streets Pin*i»urgh m4 y;,
I'HE SUBSCRIBER bos been appointed Agrm j,m
tem offhe Jumrance Corqpanv of Norm Aindr/i a,
arid will isiiue Policies a*d anrnd m the ..tber t»uiune*.i
of the Agency.' at ll»e warehouse 01 Alvtood.* i
Co. HptZ WJI 1‘ JdNI- >. « -,i- i
& QOMi^lOiV
c. l oanauowiut, _ a. asrutou
No 59 South Wburvea i>..d No. 117 South Water ml
BUGS 10 inform the trndi- and dealer* generally, ol
Pittsburgh, thattbey hove made >ach arrangements
with the Virginia msno/nrturer* and the Grower* of
Ibr Wen, \Vr*t Jnd tv*. «n<> •Y-hr-r a* « til .111 cifr
a large ami i-ortsiaht supply «i the folio-.*).i,; <!.-inp-
Uotn of Tobacco, which win be Mjl.t fij*,-, *,
thodutuig tens* a. any other limiv m lhi» my •>> t—t
wncre, ami ail gootin ordered irom u.rui a-,;i t.,- war
reined equal to r?pre*enmttotv‘
Havana; St Domingo; v'oiui , 1
Vara,. Porto Rico, Penn a , VSee.l |.r«f to.
Cuba; Igoiiiq 4. Florida. ) :-jr. iq
ALSO —Bnuicti'* celebrated Aromatic \ av.-n
-di*h, with d laiye aasoruaeut of atber js>i>uhir l-;an>!..
and quaiiue* afpound*, s*, h», Id*. I<>* mid ij. i.omji,
s*. t>, s* and 10a Plug; Ladies Twist, Virginia | *vi.
Acy mwocl and plain, in whole ami ha.i i.oie*.
and uii, aogeilier wilh every variety of article bri,;«i;-
mc trade. * ;cl'idiy
j. aiiwn. a. at»atT. k uAHkirr>os
Produce, Cotfimlaalon aud Portrardltiu
51 K R Ull A i*t TS ,
fid Nobtu \\ tuavKS, asd wlt'.rki St .
Reno to—John H. Brown A Co. ) '
Robert Sieca A Co. ib,, , , ,
B&rcrofl, Beaver A Co. | rbiladciphia
Hmnh. Uagaley A Co. j :•<
’ AUen,A Paxton, New York
Waiter* A Harvey, • KaJinuore
Bagnley A Smith, r
Burbndge.WUeon ACoi J, ,
Bailer, Urowii a Ca.
KterAJone*, )
H7* Libera. Cash advances on consignment* n< our
addr.-‘*. m:irhi:«lly
r c. tonjiAXta. cuablis kcu. ituar w uit.i.
Ami General Commission Bferckaauls,
No. Ulßotmi IVatex Stbicet,
RKFKRKNCKM—Henry Graff A Co, Pittsburgh.
Rodgers A Sherlock, )r~
S.Sihool.y 1 Son, jCiuc.iiMU.
A. M. January, Maycvtlle
Charles Baslinra, J/., 1 jmnvu.c
Duulb, Humphreys A Co i
Mereer, Bro. A Co >Fhxlad - a
Reed A Brother, )
spi.dly Dxltilh AConsinery, New York.
. UKAS, BEkB k I; 0.,
lSuecc#*or* to Reed. Hurd A .)
Particular aUenudn psifl to the sale of nil kind* uf Pro
duce, and liberal advances made on consignments.
I, U. A Co. have leave to refer U>— .
Messrs It. Kobison A Co. | »».„ ,
- McGill A Roe. { Puubargb.
“ • ltii«il, Parks A Co., Beaver;
** Lawson A Covode, Wellsvilie, U
Boswell Mar>b, Eeq. Bteubenviile, <l.
t*. Ipud)', Ksq. \
Gill A Bloat, )
'• Rhodes AOr leby, Bridgeport, O
drry7-dA wtusylCH
LL. It A y a itTsYfii II
Btttiving, Purwarding sod btoeriil Commis
, lion Ocrcbant,
w _ CAksocUL ttTBEET. St. l»ftS,,AIo.
.1' ®?*®* auenUon paid to order* for purcha«inr
in tins market, and all bnsioe*i promptly transacted
dsSSSta PiU,Uur * b ’ Jobn M’Pifocii ACo
Commission sat) Forwarding Merchant.
£ ■.MVTTvnr??' ® ’*’ o ®> *x., Mimhcaou,
/ CONTINUES U) transact a general Commission bo«i-
?f**i “P* fufoe porchase and sale of Amen
»rv,M<lu,, Good, wml u. hi, „„ A, Ar,* i fa.
iho hluubeuuo, ht «U 1 h. c. a .,„tlv .nih
b. pr.ncf.l uiiclt, ol Pittsliaigh M.iLhclhr. .1 tV
l«w„i Wh01e,p,,,,, Oniof.
are rcrpcctlully h l<# y
Iron, Nails, Cotton Yarns A Pttnbarkh
Manufacture* generally 8
HO 10 woob nsKir. rrrrsstxoH, r » '
WM. 11. CLARU,
Forwarding Herrhant, Urownavtlls, Fa,
Adeuds paruealarJy to the l'roja,.;
Ac Ac
For any information, »pj-*y »o KnKwVl'H 4 rl N.
CAALWaurti •
‘ Sf&bCJCltf, BHOTUKUB A CO. f
Koj Uie tali' of Produce* genrrallr
|[y Liberal advance* made on
■ aiM-iiAwftn^r
Tr»aiportMiim to lb* lU»i.
1 R (i-W »>VIUI,
CommiisioD ; aml Forwarding Ageals?
O M wiJl recoil Product
going Ka*> feltlifcdJtm DAO
MERCHANDISE BROKER a»d iVroirai>.»ioi> Mrr-
No <35 Soatii Froui tir<*fL, (<«i uiid tiury >j
HUdodrlpitiA. 11 'fiioods puri:lia«eti,.packed, msurra,
and ahi|>|ioi to orirr. Woul, Flour, tiium,
Pnm aiuJ rrrcived On conaigmueiil anil atura
vg'., with inmmtn'r obtained i«*U •Kina j*
DRiPlb f*KAUIIfrIst—OOU busli aupchor liglVr*, log
«U«. _ ifb-Ai M’t.UXH A s KOll ,
Uoaium and baftimore'
V/ manufacture, lor *a)«- by >
{-i a ?V^, D PKP * i feß—16 btaVurc," wY-mfe'ln -
Cj«»“ Jss , sS,“ , Ts.‘sr
- Hut/m, I'>i
Ilflll. also attend to 1 and ult miter l.u-i
yy n.-. - rntrlieicd lulmo m #;ii | t
rnuhis'k. Pa Reiet u>
J A 11. 1 ioyd. LtbvMt -t l
, U . W . U .1,, M.trti.Ali rt„ ! j’,11.1 al . tl
K n I A ( »• . Wood si '1 ,
T f‘ SWFfT'/ER. A ' tut in - v >, L.vv or!, - d
*' • opl-Oettr <1 t’h nrr«« ] 1 t'.ti. i. u r, h ~
d'-t,d prt-mpt't m «’..llcciio„. \\ j-., ~
c,,..n .-octft.e* f:,,
* HKNHS. Atiorney and ( out.. »-i loi hi 1... w
XJ, I i».-i tAi..„ , i-oilc.-i m. - ,»
and m ln.iu.,.u. ami i., J Ke K iu.-k J |.r.o»|o'>
lull) li:t,-|ni>'tl In I'niiimiwionei i..rth«- .'>t:il»<.' IV-
,or Mk.tu IV-jK-Mlion*. u.rv
RkpkH r«» Mb., Writ. fV-'l 1 Srm.;.- V
( nruuiers. U h,.- Hat . Wtl.o. k A IVlvi- i-.-j
A nnUNr.V AT LAW. oih,,v c d : . l
1\ »ir-ei, hdviVimi So!i hf.. |,i a,..| l.rhiil «1
. 3 MAnaisov
I V L-.M.t »1* A SI. W I'lA.. n’tor.-ev n l.itw, odi,
I f Sin*ttifiehi. l-twren bl :i.,d Im
] Olt.N 11. RANKIN.> and L*vv
M and CutnnuASMim-r lor the Mate ol l‘,i ii.jivaai 1
■ft- Mo., ilaieol P. 1
Rhvwui.xc-Ka— Puts! aiy,a: llm U IVnnir. 1 11-im
on A M.iirr, M'Cmu'u-** A. MViurr. j.,,,.. l‘
U.iscil, .Vi, Scuipim M t.'orJ A Kim ,-j ] ; ,
4 rr«Jß\F\’ AT LAW. Fcur. . -t f .
j‘V SlTt.tliheld and Grant, e . M J q..,,,
at . Foil rl*i ,|r<-. !. r
\\ r ** 11 RoiIiSSON, Hi Law uu> r---
* T • "«<••• *-d h,, nth. • 1. Hi- Kn'ij,! Ku..ii!.r t ..v l
t'lnir 11. next ttoor tu ‘A Ui-Ttnun Joiin.v
{s* TUK, in addition to h:» own
tffiH mnimiactunng 01 Hats, has made arrunre- j®
with Mcssr-. Otbee A Co.. |ihc
fusl.ioiinlile batters of the city of New York,) i<-r u rev
ular supply m hisejtra Ann silk Hats, and having
received h lew rase*, ran be »uib:.l w-.ib a
very ru h nod i-eauuiu '-bst bv ea.iitig at hi* n-w Hut
and cap Store. Siuitiihrld street, second door * 0 (
l iiurtb. when* timy ba lom.U a creat viinen ofllm«
and Clips ol liemrii inruuifactiiie, ivl.nir.itlr n-.,l tr, llm* topidei ,m *a«*ri .lOtu-r
»F--’ . JA.MF.s U I!.sh\
a .■n’CoiiD 4l co.,
J 3 tSueep«*Or» m MVntH A Kl.igl GUSSi
KiihlohsUle Ha tty ra, •
(‘nrurr 0/ Huw/ <i».( ft fit, N>r„r.«.
auemion pa*d our Beta-' Trade
CicmleuiL-n can rciy upon fi< itu.r tlinr ||m« mu
' Cups from out ■•<tabli«h.neni of the rsm wtkh.*:* and
wouaiSA.-nimr, of tfn- tJira.«T mt.ta u..d »t the imcvar
I’o.lriirv Merehanis. |>ureh:»Miie 1.-, wholrsHle H ,r
resju-pifully invited lo snlt and exanmie UUI > j.
W«t eat. K|l> Will; fonlnlc l.« r ||,n! B•» „• : «.; V
Ami ea» s. it « i,| n.s, ..ufltr iil a eor.ipiinio-i w.;,,
house in PL;i uileipljm. . jy
n » llA'O- '-Al-S A.N'D Ml FtV Thr ***.
JtS suh»ci.l- i i- now i.-n-iunr, iront H.eCnAK
... New a chon-e'H.-onniet.i
ol Hat* Caps ami Mull*, lule.*i ihaTh.-is. in r,.„: , , tlr
vdl «"d v. f) eheap. Whole-ttle aud n-tni!
J*U'lh-S WJLmi.N.
" ov,;! Fi.uthi.cld *Jd door *nuib o. tu,
/■yfc CALIFGRNU imu
! ffiCalitoruln Hatr >u»t receive t and i.»r -sle t.*
m curd k co '
eorner ith and VVo.kI *i-
MH'OHD A Cu wit! mtroduee on Saiur- !m
Mai<-h 2d, the Spring «ivie ol HATS
Ttioso u, warn «U a neat and supenor hai. ate tiiMte.:
to call (U corner of 6th anJ M'orxl street.* iu«r.'
Dr. Kusf’s I'fltbratfd Kfmedifs.
UK JA'.mH r*. lit *-* I. tJirt d. H'|l Veil-1 ;wi,l fr '
prietoi u t ;lwe im»*t po|-ul«r ai.J l.rn.-tcßil nie.l
*••. He -. n oil ai*o the love.ltitr ill. , . *lf <>
ii.elil i„. UiQaa-i- il.e 1.414.. r .j,. ~ A ,. (I , r <|(
Chrome OM-u-e*. W|< a <ludei|l„f u>„; e»m-ir r. I •],!, , .
eiUll. Lf-'IOI l*hv«iC. luiil W * vraduate .»( \
nel Priiii-hlvsiiii ,»nd mr Unm »e»r< *u,.-- „ . ... ,
enffßy.ed I*l the mv.-snsaune ,n »„.< .j., _
-•M-iint (.1 reipedin*
f Thfoiigl. ll.e >..«e ( ,i n • * ,tla .. - 1.. - , , .
with [..«■ Froplit S lup H-,.1 „-|. ..I i,j
!•- I.UA ruined X«1 U.ipulale;..;,; PJ „,.„ '
inoie dreadful ui-.l uiii.arfi-.. I ~1 —r--u. * 1 '
'umpuon Cancer*. Ver.uni-i Kin-mns-i.R, A-. -n.n
F-vernntl Arne K-rV-r* p. k»nd*. t’r.ron.e
la., KIIII *l. ||||>*- bi.*lm-»te disease* ,« ~t,a . u ,
Imif-ed *•* er) lonn ol vim-i,-. ~„|r l th.
ol hi* reniedie. to h«in,a;ni,
use 01 one compound onli. inr :.,*i .-r .im-uiii.lit
With I’b) «.Plov’i.-all JV but Kv the life ui ui.'reme
.die*. mlupKd 10 und prevrribed t’«i .-h. Ii t .-.-uiiar io*u»
of diMcaisc. * *
Vi RoneVTonic .VhrralM'r PilU whrti u*rJ at* m.
VaMdbty aekliuwleiippil In be lo j.i oil., r
■ |*ttiK®Uvi* nr nVrrjuii. HiUMiiur.b as i)ir\ 'r*vf il„-
perieeily jriv iruiu ro«UTnn-.,, 3 . a ; w h „
(’Oliicu PiiU-j* astuiiUfi; i.j uk Hu ill|; In j .<>•*, >v . |,,., ~
liar properties mlnpi«*«l u. team)* |,n; • r;,>e
•HUlifirtj (hilt a bafe triis, t. mtti'irtlit UJ e-U*,;,..\ »i,,|
ha> been »«.ni in the lum.U oftlie io<>»: >kefiti<-ir
The turnetrd pro iunlr.l i„ r-,11 lt ,„. u t,.- acr „, hlllJ
1 kv tm *
t Ut !»"• o|' '.ttl' lil/tl'A,,,. ’•
- iVitn'n
J -•*< ' lH* > >HVI!lk >'f A l'«l '.'fWlKHl »'
J II lowit‘i‘iii! i!ru,-i;.,i VI-,,*
A H--. « li.uii - ~, r ,
J.>< Ha'V i . . 1» .r . "j ■■■ . ,
;uo K-t.or • . V ...c
T AJ.ut-. I:. •,-.•••
iiu*ln-tU i
i W)l <,|| PAIN ..N J Hi-. <\U\ AN i> . 11l
V • KKJi -lit. .»,« ft „. r j„. ... ..
»iut j rtf pii-i, 3 .tin' a <■ :t>[>.i
purp«-« n!»nir:i;.f> ' \; c .
J '*i»u *) r.u «•*.' }(if ]' '/•••' ‘ .nil
•:.*«a».e iiiu>: :iuv ■' : rt.».:’*!»-•» u i‘n-i impi..,.!. or ..
iui;*l di*.-a-r naJ a ,u, been cur--J • v iai.-
iii'-Jn-itit* lo nii wii>) •-ert ui jiru ineif .w. I
would advite the U-.- t.' Df . <>[ |jrn.
JaM»> (ill‘A A\ Ijf. Ui-werv
' ' »-'■ *x< " n '
' n»]» mr.nciiie' r».-..i:nir* / iprr’orj.ion. r.-.10.-r<r-
T-r. retK.r*** «'pe-p .f>, «•>., jii.i-. i-«; oiiM<lrr>'<l a*um
piTiOr prefWirulK'ti , ufr n., d j-rryt.-,.,un o H
liurusi-n i;i in* 1 One*: a:..: Ltr-:y« amt »jmt. .; t>e i«»n i
cil lo,''ven HiVr Him' '..jryi'n. >i»v •-« . ;lf u»n
n. reni'dn-* In i|,r pm. ii*-. n «ii «!,.j vry
• IH-Ctiablr piiv«i( ;U;s. t.';.* ilia -a |. «l 1• r r\t <>:i I. I- .
«}u:ntd ui. erivia'-e repu aUun !*»f .1* v-r-.j. , ;i. »n;
Of A' -i m.p. ‘.I
I’U.NSCMITKf.N til KCJ> - t'v ' 11, v;,. f a ..•
!• p«! 1,-.I ... ra.viis iju:n*u:ir a n: putint r. am. mu. > ii. cou.rt no: iur.|,-w»-r
iU lifil. Ifum Wt'litcr** Ur nvrr. »yu 4 >..
tom of <:nr:tirim-.| c oijunupimri I'cr x,-;»»« iir n n ,< .ul.-r.-t iniv-uimia l!:« |un.ic,'u.*. M e «r.
VrrinmJlr H Amlcr-tor:, mud hr r.n-urubie. »M
:nu.t»oor ihr. \'t*t I was dr;ir trained to try I)i Tn•»
lor'. RnUum art' Ijyrfwon. an.j ■ir.-mjfr a « :> may ap
I’i-ar, linn mcdicinr hp» luily restored }u* liealut
SOPHIA LAI.I.oN.H Norfoli vi.rr-
!*ol.l In l*v J 1) Morgan. ?•! U . J
Townsend. 45 Murm-l m , it .-or MmUi un.l
3d at*; llrmieMon A Co. 6 Liberty »t. Pm« r-du.'.l
to per bottle
Jnyiteii’ Expectorant.
S* I.*iVi. Lnluili! 111.. a ..., 11 .A pr 1r J |
DR D.J.WNLI f)t IK s;tt I Ir, . :. V u,ui to v»B
n.itl itm njfhr’nl pu‘. n*. ■> i, 4., r:;\ i.t :.i.«
pnrluntlV ut <.vina pufifn m In. :XM due f. a-rf.-i-.
»•! -,<>ur Klpratraraui nh!tr.»«-.l lln»n.< li.-en ;.-,l
lor wvern.i >ra r- . with s aevrr-• «ut|i. lia-a-m- n
ami it* .ilfu-nniiil v'-int-d omx .loom,
to out 'tt «horl hit! hum-runii- .-xi.o-nr / . urn - 1 ttu
fa!! of I*o. wlirn, taring more allucL'd und
buying ru.ortr-il to Mli in, lotcrr rr-rm-dirv u.i.l 'in- |.r>
scnptioiiv ol I'.vo of the 1110*1 jr -(run.r jd.j »i<-hiii*
thr nrtgtil.orljOod wittllx.l .Iri.vmg ui.y eflt, O' Hi-
.-(Hlw>lnljoii ol «ur\ ivnil.- t'lil n |.-w <la\. ~r w> rk« n<
turtiiept—whfu ihn itui r.ritin n! li..|>r wit. nt.i.ui n»
»uin»h, | libJ cl u> i<o- v■ >i.r mr4.11
and ble.ned li> Uiut wi.u thmc> >■■ tnr
u«r ul 1110 inrun, aad' oiiirury 111 tlu « *|..-r 14:i-mi .ot
ni) ptiy.iiniu* *mt Inriid- I «i‘ mu I>-m .In. . r.n-.-.J
I"."I my 1.r.1, U... 1 IVIII r 11:1 1.t.-.I I-) Ilir uo Ol .1 l.c.Jlir
tl Ur lid ty my I- n : ,. fill#, t-r Ur ||r 4 i ill IhUJI
i hud lor trn yrarv |irpvuui»
Krifiriniuily youii.Ar . t»» I'-ni-t.
I'or .olr ,n l'iU*.t>urg•.. tu tn>- I’rtm I'cu >u.»», TV
i north ilfri-t m*r*s>
DOffUK U \\ . .MOKfllJi tiuviiijj rrcenOy j>nrch»“
ed thr I)rug fitorr mrnirriy ownrd by Mhji 4.
HrOck'vay, No (lutnmrrrial Row. Liln-rt.- *ircei,
Piiuburgti. 1 akr• tin. tnrthod ol ttiforiuint; tu»
Irirnds «nd thr j.dlilir in general, that hi« dorr
Will Bt all ttllx - l>v im r*|.-n-,V/' alid
genefßl u*«ortii.rui |nu|». f>> c >tuli». l'fw:it> Oil*,
Viiriii»li«>s. R'-rluntrry, t'ol©t;nr«. and .narrjrvrry ur
ticlr called 101 in a atm; ttorr, wlucn will alAiuyu Iw
gold n« low BB hi tUlf OlllPl luibrr ,fl Ilir , |IV Wholr
Bale or rrLul Hoping ir. mein a .l.nir m tin pul.iic
patronser matinng i-i -viuiuiii' m e. ••• mm r - u ,
i»lu»-tjrir2tn t.i" ru-Uamrr. i...v: up|l
tfytiropatby, t*r thr. Water t'urr.
DUtILiK BL.NJA.MIN W MUHKI- *t«ij r..ioinur.
li> I'ra.-Qr.' thr sal' J1..1 popular rcmr.l- .-all.-.I
Hydropathy or thr U'a'ci t'uir ».,d :r -I>-mh-iJ hi , in »
iti -ra.m AilO['nUiir-»:iy <,m-l.ti ,1-ul .-a-a • »mu :.r ;.a
ii'mJed to promptly
N H l‘l M'/l fl« ,1111 t 1 « "Uha-.l ’.t 1..0 Il'lli
r*U*l*-, .No g l.'oniiH'-.H'uai Ru.w I il-m • nrt-. Tlufim
llU«ll|rsv liouff Of Ml hi - H-Ollr l.rr IHI-li.lllg ai.<lr"rli
uta. I’oin .irn 1, 1 d.aoi. l'«'..w Icvm - at.- \
Ur. HeL&ne In T«nnei»«f.
I Hlfl is to rertify Unit 1 piir«.-lu»»a-d orir ml u! I»i
UrLal«=’»' Worm Spollir, *<mir ;u-.. montl.. a- t.
tu.! gave It. a >»IJI ol llum:. -omr srvr-u yritf* not two
-ea«(>ttaJia lull, and alUui'if'll llo* litooun'. iua‘.
4rxa, yoi l luw mi donut !>ut lion- -.'a-. 0,.w..i0« of
two Tudovgpo wbusia poa-r-d 'limu tom. turt*mum.
■ftotn ate .martri ~t un m- Ii u> iw.. ti*oiioa lout:.
u W llt >1 -J.l 11A '1
Kobo'* i im! i ia. - <. T
\ hKMIH t.K IN i.LtfKt.lA
i) 1 '.at am . J»« -
•'lt U K Vnui Vrniiiitiye im- -‘-id «>• 1
and hli.« I.r. n 1,15 It , .png'll of I<\ nil 'Vlt« liu»*U»ail
it i'rnm u,r .0.-rr.. i.ii'iiilim: Hi' u>l n*a>a■ si 1 au■ >■ 10l
Vour V'lmifug, 1 y «•- 1 In* V r henid I *UI
'-oiltideut I i-»n .rl! |(aui<- .1ur.1.,: llir rotiutig •' 3>■-n
llauil I (Ini lna-1 | «>i) nr In rrrrivr anolll' t ‘tip
ply uHuii|;ii.o n*v|a-.->!u ly
( t U'.in |..ue, | “ K ' A M i l II
I‘repainl md wald by K K >Jsl I.KKs. b? " .->-1
and «old hy drm;r.ivn. grnr ::>( 1 m I'iiin-iiri'li »'"l '
k«lui) I'"-'
•V Ii M< >I.A—>I -- • a. m
i>. —y» - ')
KKI i «\ N A ‘ I i HI H I
OUtiAK <ai lilni. (.ii.iar -..1 ,ii.:i-"
IIJ vatu timl lot *.:ilr
llailrta lt|{. a\\ N .S l‘l i JiKli I'-' >N
I'dAC- ;*> i.i. ii
O fwectvrU «..l lor
\|/A,MII.\ i lM( K-HU M.t, I’tt.i.• •i.jM'r.oi
y KalU.ll I’lvui, Mil J» . dv
iikiiusaii mu;kisi»n
1)1 aaol II ( lou .
r l*IM rojtar <*!■■;• I.* 1 . tr.,,,,, i,,, .vr*nrt>-
1 >uh«*l{}l»-r«, »i i.n.n.- fl | nru.l. Klip) *. Co.'
*■* ilii»<WV ilu.»Bh.-.l I• v mutual . ~„,rL i ( ~.0 |(t|«v
V.. 1; lili-iiw - ..i - i„r
J‘"T 1.0 |*d»Hlio| . .'«•«} in HHi.-♦ ~t |!,,• |
X. I'I'HITII »< Hilirih
J\ J4MI -* Uiin|. **
IV • -uiMtyi. i.m> HH!.\
. Co-Pa rturr» h I ji.
n. I. IV- ill-.
I 'I. KMP *>i Kill V MMtltl \\v A .. ,
M'<> KHI 'i
' » VI MaTJ lll.vvs,
I-.•f-riirtrjf7 l-l'i \V\| !
1,1 Di.flix toi.l „i Phohil.'kVo'v \ i\,'''
: I‘iiktkhk run so,
' ,;l ' Z__ JAMI.S UiiulJs
r JMir fo-|»rj.'ru||ip 1,, .-l.o;«vr. -. hr
i oi i Mr On- A
i-i • ilii- v.iy ••••*"■ v 1 !•' inmji >1 JII. »i
Iturl- ,1 fJar •<**' I* IT .-t: • ),,. lii,-x-;)r«« ol '.!n
-' ' "i. ,,>f ” ji* r >• I'" tlii-v nro u itihon</ i| r,, i) t ,.
:i*jit)** ..f :ln»ron.*r ru. SAIII A M Ki, i'i iNM'A I'.I.l~
/ n l'I»\l l M) II l' U K I «
Tit.- i/rii>£»itfit. .1 li.-i v !lr.« -in v >i <«or.oii-il r
if i !>•• namft-oi HI KItI v A II.UINI •» for llio jiurf>o , t*
o’ inn> utnc'Aiiiuy l -'f I’rinn >rti-F. Vault I)oot-. .Vr
A<- . in tiuTuhitui . i iiio uir hrm ..i ('.iu».,ii.;,. iturk--
A. t 0.. irhei'r. tlir> M ilt In- picuM*.| tu IV ,. ■ j,.,.
ti 'it.nri; iit iRo cti »Hiirr r* of I inti liotiv* i» ti.l i lin ' ft .,
U)'H Mi HI HKt .
I - n units u.piii
I •».tJ> Hll('*’ti’
U.11.-n • In (Sr- . ....
r* i. a xkw
-i.’-i .it?
rot 1 ’.in•;uu,r. U' 1 • A «'n .
. ,1 M.-.m- li„ ko A
;ti\ U-- ::,!•» and th • j, t 1
N \TII \Mr II |N*T \HI
S ti:iv•• iii!* <lny a>—<»- mifil
j w'.Ui'h*iit in Hi.- H:ir.!«iiro l»|„irp W.i
*l>n ami l-4i->?rtril C.r*-i»c I'lir stylo pi tirtn \vti. i.rr.--
ullor !-«• I.iifSiiu \\ .i»o:i A I'ii Tiii« nrruiiqruiPin rrn*
«ler« n ilo»ln»iu« tu i in«- tho iml t.uMi,r«« n» .o..ri j.
po#4tl.,i’, AH |'rr«oii-» vvli.i*.- linl.iiitir-i 'lavo mn’.iri’.l,
:ifp o"p«*r ulfly iftiUi-Mo.l lo itlrtki* Utimoll'nlr piivuu i-.t
IMt-S’tirjh. J:.n I. l-l-
lOli A !fi> WLLSOK A CO.- ami
J it.’lr-jtiir Ik-uier- m KorriC; .nul l>.iuo*;.p Mar.l
war.:. I'ut rly s,i.Mr-. A.- 190 lY,.n<J «tr.---i Put
I'iiri' U.J:ir»- ifovv t'iij!\ j»t.*pnr»*.l wit’, n rr-oni-\ m.jii.t
loi! »rook ortlnulw .M.- i ‘ull.-r\ \lo tjll.-r vri \ [t.-u|
mduitrillitnliy lo M-.-»ii-fM tiuvri* Or Irfnm i> ,|
" .f. v-' Sl.ovo'. r,.r1.. Ilpo- Vio—' 1,-,
n ' of whii'il, W.’i ho .<>l.l i | !>.• lunut tnn ’tuhti In r.-r .
l)l**ol u (lon.
r IMII-. *” i.-ui: >-■>»:.4 *i»,.*r '!<•• littn o:
I Mi or .1 A Knit’ ’ t• -, in til it 1.1 1 .- -i ,!i-...|
on liir ].i m*’. Tin’ t*ll .100 * • vv, . t..- .1....-,| II • old
•land ntfior 0! un u-un; ihr 1: uuo ,>i l|,<> i,mu 10;
Hull (Birpoun .Ir.iroti. lo tin.- <• mil :.|i>.nr*i
I'. 1 M*<l With fl* lllt'o .I*-!u 1 .ti p.o«ih - WP M-.IU d fi’
ttio’- to On'l mill -Ollle
Mo,in, ,*u nt— JOHN l> M I'HKI».
C o-Part n* rah Ip.
It M I'uRP liavt'i? i>i..’i,Hfil >riih Io n .‘it*
hr, n*-i ium-* M V'otil uo.l. r mt* <ui> 01 M ».\inl
A i\i wil. ccniinn- tho llm. tin), and lut * m
aH it* r-.aioui bram-tim. ’-vho.oka.r nuJ rci>i, .1 tlm
oid Ilan-I, eorin 1 ot Wood «nd .Hh -UeeL*. win r* the)
>l I'oitUnuvnod "I U-S pdtroil.ixe .0 I ,*i«V mll \ !.«
•towed th> ~:.1 t.MU John D M-i'nllP
J*.' 1 - J vMK?> M «'t*Hl)
IN feuiing (rinu u,.- aid a;.d ti.own hi at of
Sr. ..r*! & Ki!,»: I nitit ie<wauneflJ to
in- p*u znage m the puin.r tu* *aece**or«. Mes*r*
M i-i.etl A Co H D h!\<»
TMI V. p*rtn/r»n.p .*1 MI'RI'MVA LLF ntn.-.U/
l il i<• >!•.••»} bv mtl’ual eo n seni Ipe l,u*ii.«*< ot Uie
*l.- firm will be *eme<l H l.e* J K Ml RCIIY
I'.it-r.ureh, Jan M», i-tv If I Cl
\<iCh K Tii' u .lers.gned w
hu-.m-#. **.d aitei.d >.* Hie *tv!.
u I J
u undrin 1 01 iii, :r.
Dm-.' ut.’!, J. ;, *
ParliKrtiiln Noilrr.
KF.NNh 1r \\ ~ ,M I,
liHiki.'f ami Viifin\ 1 u«i
'Al\ HR. ih M-id- «.
* ! v - .
r »i• v>«■ i ) * ,
Kli\rj|£tl\ A SAWYtIK
J otihlNt. M 3I , i
uoi ruri-ha-Hi.x m.* tumi w
Ulnoi uitoo of - <•
I'IU'I t'ojiurliifi.l..). luT.-Uitor.- rll an ut tnuW Mir
lir ill Ol I*6o W I'tlitf'r A 1 iii ini* t o.'lr.'i ].,;«•
Lir I a* It- r-
I.a-.o 1 MM.I.K, H
k i; u
u 111 * e
•\ IM. Ji. VI MV- s
JCIU N/l* I\IiIN .1 I .r . ,
i -A ‘i.-lllf-.V.-. N>- 11. S'
ii-»* •* I-.
JUSKIiI lIiiH.M: A i
i"t. -v. IN.iii-J •
J i ixl-TH lIHIIM \
'J’lll. I'IHIM KS IUI' -»■ W v ■ ){ , I
•w' ~s o Mi.i-- 1..
/ U>-rAKTSKItS!UP Uii, •. r.,vi<>- iln*
V/ w.i:, !• in. K Mn,,-# i|,.. t-«-
V’- m \ (ii.ns A'n Ull JM M I'l \I
11l I I >1 1 11 \ \ l\ I IS l ' ■
j [in!• 11 rti,.ic i , nit -... .... ii.nn 11-np
V W \ult I'l..- J.,t. ,1 It. ,;11|,,,| | I
•v.'l it,; g lr.« ;inl n m.m.'
}-ut l;r Irr UT.<l «i*n inr. II H-im.,
»(•>«- m«J 111. v i-tiibr-.Uuliril |,y jium* rot. . >< ( n , «it- .)«■ • .• •
In John < ■ I'lißpiti.m. r ><|> r:< v >-<l ■ni nr<- •< *t i •-
dll I'lk- wo i k i> pnnl.-ii in tti<- in iivo ii.rni mi t.i
(•• ifl J.HJ.rI, 1...J.1 mill Irdi'.i.- -l |.r !i IV," >1
i-ntii; in i-iifh: pun.. HI ,-4" h H'.fl 1
hi iii.n u>i»rvnl« Kni-li pi. ii .vi; l-r ir. mcl 1 ■ i
|>if“ inline-.anrr it- puHi.uin.i; I’.m l- •h - >
Ji iH.N> H iN A ''Tin kTi »
1 i’-' • c-orner ii.n i k «-t nn-l hi .n
MAI’U I.AS "• Hl.sTiißVdK f \i■ I.A M 1
tl.r ii.-. ,on ..I Idlllt - [J \ I
riir Ml*liiry All* I« Ailr I il.r (iuai l.v .lit. 1..• \i
(’Oil. mtit!. mop mni . n-ri ,i vn% •
Tlir Mil*lory «.l I'lmt.i-* ll.p I'lfl I.r KnpUn.i In Jl
<"0l> AL.I..IH elegn- l pcikihvji.i;.
Harper *> l.ilr u ( Krnnkl.n *p! rmtnilv rmbeHi»l.ei]
by nunieroia Mijuitiie iWi|jii« qNi. l. I'o
be etimpleiert in *■ mnnl.ei*
**n-torihi Mivlorv ..| up i.j the r>iC» *1
(>«. 'we 111 .ninplrip hi | vol« . i <-14 v i. 1 If" ii I ii kl I h-
,iu«i rr.V.vft! I K IHM’KI.NS,
b Apolin HmUlirtc l lin »i
MAl'Al !,AV ti llMiiß\ (ir M\nr.AN'H \A-t 11
i-tiHim<pr* l > <n>ihuiiinu< V..:
pinnk'ln * lj|r llluiKHir.) . p«M- || «i..| 111
l lie Hi*liiry f.l 11 Hi.11111rt'i l tie t nnluutii.ia'i l.) Jo ob l.iuru <» .1 1,1..- in up ui.j I.umt-I-I.t • -.l'ni
Aill.-i . i.riitilnrr hii.l hjii'l; !. r*t< i. "•u i • < •«-»•» »• *t
•*iory hi I.i(l b- Jntin ir..n> il.t Ki.m.. n ~i M i
ii*- 1 • l!iutiin»e<l
mul l>i.»»-r •. urf.jn- <l. • i t -,t I t 1... «n.l
il.•• AS oriil '
linn « R..iiru.> r oi •.
•Sr.ibii.n NiVhi- hm<-ru..„m, ..- | B „ r • iff.
•j leinlirliy 111 khttrate.l v„l. (
Jilot r.-reik W by K llui’h IV
A,'..111. TI .I’ lit- -I
i.i *Ur 141..1. I 11.. >
W 'H>| . ntj'-t
11...... > ..i £LU. „. it,- .
j> *ii s - nis a '•'i. m k r« *v
M ai' ok ii iikma hiumis a n:\
I ruin 'HtrM . [t y S
M;'. ii. i *.i'ijjVii n. i■ |.iti>l»■ r-hi . I rip
l.v.- ( .niifi mu! Slali»t».-*i Kur »:i.-
Api.ll.t H.u .iMir- -i
M\! 11l Mi'rirAl. INsTKI MIAT'
"'K - In anil lto*-\r<*><! ■ i-»>. >« '!l
"illu.ul Atii.- pi’ > ~r *ij)r |.y
\ It IK iI'KINS. A|N.( .. [in i ..I.v
\|Al‘<>! »*£,%>.*> l.\ ANIA 1. u. 1.-l li*'-" 'I-
’"iiial •! .Ati lurnl* Ur
Wm. 11 M-.n il I rr !'[*■•■•
'■"la |>r<.C(|r...t\ in Hurl. • uai.l. ....l-i aii'lmi.l) *‘l H»*
l.cKUtmujc, h\v I'.ijiir. o l :in < inn. o'l.i
M:.|. irr..jA- r ,j>^,, t j U y Ml ,,| i, vl | v
J| lIINVT< IN .< .>'! 11' Kf* A
B^.ok*rllrr\ r»r liiurWt <.'•! W-' !
ft If' l'< H.> -Jt'" l i aliiin iiu i. v»* r J
i-ri>*u<! inf >»:< i-j
mir sTUST HdTKIi. Plli.bursl, * tto.nm Copper Company,
f•l< > 11 I* sI'III. KT HAI.r I M 11 U•. I I s ‘ ompiujy j- mr«rm» the public, au<i
'■*•••• ,s- :--ienoi rKi't'Ki>.r..«- i 1 particularly all ifr-aler* and consumer* of Coppef
STHH eU.. icmr and widely known «« ."• H- "•■fm m trhmh limy prepare it, thaUhcir Sroeli.
•>.!.- O. lit. lu.i.el runniindion. u, M.r- , f.t ->i " ~fk" hre.imwr in « U roe»«M operation. and ifat-4
H» niiiori- tin* r. -Uih •/.*-• . «i.-n- '"‘ w to make poturacM lor ibe delivery of
-v.' ulietui.,,... on.l ••••/»*iii**iU< An w- ne* I ■■,!*>»• to iAom* who want m Una lortn; and aJ*o touci
ba- fc.i.t.-d, . c i.mi,-n.n* ami im i wr lor itm purpo.- t ,( rolling -
•• • v -- ' ■'' <■:if r-•»«.• f \' -‘ W' f»«><«u.T,| from the MftUlie Mine* of
n.n l.adir*' .(.•(•n ri.iip*.t ai' ai*.. '•«»*t» r...m.ict-; y •*' >• a-vnamd wbe much aopenor to
,r '^ a ../.-d i.i-l tup 4 "•••• »"'• ,"* ,ml:lary l '\ “ic uiorkcu, winch w obtained
-I I-, 1 I in.- '-vn,.37 . -'.•incut rb.- II --i-a- j ' . '.i.tai’ foreign tut nr nil <u balance* Thu.
bur l*<-n ..Hi...1 •_ -a .1. •. V-1. rv.' >.ii in.- pail n; ' ’ r •* l’* r pure, and i« noi injured by tlm pro
:l‘' *‘ " ' ul ' ‘ t'l- I ‘ U'«r.*|yre greatly to bo pr-Mcr-
;• ••- . '-f I..'—i.i»- w,l. , •*' f'l 'inc. and ninny oilier purpo«e«
imsl'--..*.- :>ui'•.hi . I lm. .in ih- l ni.-.- '* l1 " 1 ‘be intention <.r wml, oi ihi« I'oiupany
’ : ’ l -' •* *•* •'•■■*■ '-'..n rvrn lu: du: nnuiuiiiciur. of conwr m tlw
an.l ;m m \ wi.i.-t. ifc- -Wei adi.f.ln,-rrv.u ' in ""' l,,rMl * " bich ni» wanted. Ihr v will br happy
u.i .Aa -- « 111..- 11l If:.)- Ui tVmr. A-. >" nmkc contrucu iur the driiv«*infu'iu ibe lorm &(
, I .„, U115 . 4 ,. „, 10 „ wh „
I'i it--- pr.ipn. t..-r in «ny, il.a: noilnnt j w •*n if* •mt'itrit in Ibe bu <inr<s
wi; o.- i.-u iirulou.- o.i u.rir piln m,l .m ilm purl i.i :m-ir | Ij-TPuft.-r, nil tu<> ropprr obtained ,rom Uieir mm<i«
:.*•.« !un«. lo re-.i.le*. ill.. M..U-I •- -t: 1 v t!*c rou!iiiii.-,l ; •roupln lo I ntaburch. mid larji* «uppfica moy
p-i'ti.iirre-. i.i !li.*ir frirn. 1 -and ik.-p.i ■ ..'ceiicrul v : '■;* •"*v* 1 l/eticr* nddrc*»i>d to C(» Hi'iuxT or
I'm p.icc* ioi I nut. i.,- ~ .i .- .1,,,-n.l | 1 «‘|-l nieci with prompt attention.
Nil- ; ~ciu-.jlm CHAHLKS AVKRV. Vrrndcot
!.c‘;-v.,!.‘ r : l : l,nry ’ S !'V‘»’"' U " V ' 1 just *—
I’.''' iC Wn C on ' Ih- ‘'l lor. - wi-! 6P ?‘ U,nK : 1 “ lot 0
■'* . L . . i >iu- ! i!n«n-.vood li[ Ot-lnvc Hmno wuh earvrfl
RXCIIANOIf HOTEL, mm,. ImjMOp and plinth, projeennj. iron- - •
'H 1 - • ojrrtiny Ifoni and carvfij
<*>»UN »R, HR I'hfl'i * ,Si' KT. I If in Hf., !•: ;-[> Hf Kn M. i Until If luiilnl*.
mn. f.i-'-r Jw'lfa t li.e nura* (hr-».! )*iano. K| octave. dr C ant ami plain,
' ’>• ••»iattuJn‘J in.l |.nnii.„r llnw . '* i »l-'ttr.n'4 rclcl»rniccl /Koltan Aun'-limem. a *u-
I *nfi!’*«* iji-npra lv.;!iath« will til all lntif.* prrpmv.l
U» if*r«Hri'in*ialr- them in all dimy*. tliruralitr h: i vvdl
fit ilia n-n 11 ‘i< i. I'Ll' lloUf-Ql Ik trow liritiij ;;mi r>u-• ii y
(nun* » . -• • I tirnk (Vttu* l* r i”c»r<f <)•"• n! Ui
vnrr !>' -i lln -'i- n i|.f I'vimik,
pleilMMl ‘llolru In Thr
T|ir i» ilt •rTirnr.oil in tlc-'-rv*-, mm .it*"-
ti'tu ‘Oiltilf. a. «Uan* of* naiin.i.uir.
o. :H-iUy JAO 'll HOt Y. II Pr,.[>,:. : .r
10 0P KH C K X T S A V K D !
riHfH V|f{.;iMA IidTI.I. mi HnMmnr-"r.-.-t
1 flu* IVjwii. CiifTl!..-r‘«nfl. H now in i-n’m-lt-m or*!."
(im Urn fft*. mi.] iii'i-(miJiiinliiuu.i ii. ”.i'j .•
*‘r r«oi'« u: ■.««rrli of paw* and t-i'iiiii.i i, w . 1 -a »•
■■j |<alTii!ll/>' Mil* r•! J iittiini; n f «•: 1. .1 i.'m
t filllll'tri . i# f litid l&t T*iMf n. •.*.•’! 1,, T
•tithfit in :i r* V i*i <’utnlirrl*n<t 'll t w-nt\ • livi- t-nni*.
|tl:»i*n. ai mu I'fu-r, nr i><> Mian'- No t iinn-i- nir
!rnt.»jinri.ilit.ii o' Illicit**: to slitd (l<*ili tli*- •• •
/■Oi.l-ni i:\a\h
ni&.-ii ri. nrwin TiJpUrn *n> v:\ mi -rt
Opposin' !ui<* Hank oi tb<* t'nnr.l sini.-, Phil*
[ t’f..p.Koi
Modt* r d and Antiaur Fornitnrr
*-t. J'hik:-SrjivKr, j*;T»«sri;f.!!
•smjJZ*:, "‘Vi!’: 1 «Bggagw&g
iiumlMo inr ,-<teßUil&Ct>
Hotel* ana i«j nrata mrvi-
lihltK, co lAtitl'tl f on fiitnil tniiJr 10 ortlft
lift iucmli! ‘lurk on iißnd vimniH ei.-er-dml t>«
a;-v marufartorr in tl.« we*«rt rmmtrv Pt*™.
wi«hi«£ to partlnuc would da w**'i to hyp rue n rail
*-■< delrnnirml n.> j>nn<-j «h». j..<sa* • Pan ...
it>«* nock coitain* .it— *
rrtraTrm, Hw»i
IfOmrXlV rtic.Qd'-en F'' s 7n , *pih t-hsir*'
Tea Poyw. Hitu r»o;r«
Toilet Tat. r« Loin* \ V >
Krnu li
in »nta* wiia i'mh and B»;r-not u ioy«i».
*< Mat.<>y>u)\ Kn'-icm Phn"
1" .U..- I'ar'n.
‘Hi - Far* y
H U klNti
Wrnlrp Oo»v<1- si
; mnu.f U.
Slit rjil.v A I-f I i > 11;
.mi H !« • -K
.VI t.r f \\ IMI •'tail.H
- fu.l i.,n< ' \\ ,’,.S
’ I H Ml H i’U
umciou- '•> ii.<
’'lird {.I (.
•■» ihf nni'i r-'a»i.nt*«lr r«r|n*
rburoUtc, r V«*i A r
v r* k* ' • I*--i ir an « i.t I • -1*
. n..«.:umSn.l» rli/ mimiv.,r i
i 4tJi| J * Hti v
.J * ti- lin.t M
• > Ik-i
• ;J* i itwn- H'«
• •.1 '•!••• n lin; 40»mn>.t>v ;ii.- 11.
rjmi’iiOi'r !«• f •iOlriJi'. Ilir. a,„| • ,
Ih »•>■»> a..• . wi Qa-io,. j Mh<t j Jt
A <VnT~- "Vrw \
C.'r9ul i -no:.-- I’li.:*•<<•.[. ,v Hfvridi#-. IJ-.
!,m.irr, i | % . I'lVf A I ft < .ii.-nun.
WAI I*KK IMKKK.l'"i.'i l i-.L,r M.,„
-u.,-.;) UM.AIJ.i A■*M J i 11. S<
Wrimghl »»<l C*j»i Iron Italltu£.
' j’MH !»[.. r- la-tfinit' n ...Ml* lirnulilr'ir
Or r ill lit g, Mini Ul«-cilliic.
. . _ , .. : V W V * |OI 1"» ... VI K [k.
• >lo ■'»' I II• !i '-r.. \V :i„.|
. ( h‘rr*n iccfli-* in. ,
J{p(»Tr«. r. U.P -1. I' t>vn, V,
■ I -Ml Il'.l.Ji .V lIA \ > |l,nil.n-lrui,
I’l'iiiH...on i.u«i i. ..
i. . J Ml Wi >KTH
j * mi.\\ i»ic*rH
W. dt .(i I.IC , 800 k r ■
jAM I \<* n KMI in.!, ia ml iuiim.h.,l ..
A. .. I >■.li<n it ..1 llu-k -r- until.'
/ lAf K *>k IS •* W Jus t ( l ‘ji i >iiu. 4
V ’ v.-r\ l»n«* ai:.i f Ai- n iir./. -i I'ln.jj.lHj'in.i
:i..rn y - iinjuit«.- ■. ji y cl M >| I 'rt >* i.. j i>.
« tur L i up- )«((• i <>i ii.i.iu>.|. .1 J,,.,
If. .-n r«j all-: VI p» • !•' \\ lul M,,\ Cl.
I 'I M ' ll> l'i U K V.
•t *U|i U.. ... V r.
-I B.’nl < '.r -l *lf * A.-., lid.
I«. I ]<:■.•« nnd »u|. mn.l inf Jnuiairt i.ur[><-i». ..r .up
«1> i«« Mid <*llll lII.* », Mill 111 <•.. II ..”11 i: Ml !I. « t! •’« |l
lounU Tat. I* Lmc u». Ci .n«li* • l >u.:'< r«, Dsmu.k ». Mu
fi’ciM. Oil I'lnlnv A>• if Hi a.i r>l x’bii’li wr ;-u.i in*
UltfllllOll hi ill* puli ■ ir MU !>«•_>
HAVIiVf; Mild our r-n.irr »>.*•* to t‘ H (itA.vr, with
» Tt*“w ;.i clotuur out oiJ I vr. hrreby « k i-
IK.-Il lot linn Iltr p.vrrn*fl •!.. ot.r IfU'fltl* bint ru«
toi.irr* R( ) U PuINPKXTKJI
Pm»Uuf|fb, a uf Ith. iM 1 -
/ 1 II (crfAVP. Wri'-ic-i. n- i • rt-ftj, r0, u „...!, 1A n -n.l
V.'. Foror.liu* M< rr|,mu. mil.*
«ml Wti. i uI-,n-h\..
Ir.! i„ v ,
in iliHfllrli r |iru»»
UKLI. A ft D lilt Ah* KOI ft DH \ .
Sf. A R l.i'u.v M-.l h,..1 1t..., • »..u..4. ..
1.... ii
1.. J .. '•
A h .« .u.-
~ „ joh*( r oriaa
... .. , . JONfalS 4. <iUIQQ,
PRINTING i»A Pti'fi ' \! ANI h . Al ' n : HKK f< of ■pnn* nud tm-ier sir«u,
. RI , TlN *. * A I R> » ; ■«*«! wuig,, coach »..J riipj
* ~;;;;, ", r i«ia P5M d ri ,, r b...............
- “ a -•
.T 1...! - 111 .bi.Ubi S!||*|- ] 1 “ r ' lr » rJ bl'n.,, a »|.|d.b||,| urt.rlr,
1V,,,i i, n -,, “ *’ f *'‘' r ' - " r ill tHu city, o« which ;•«> tjußiiuty
1, ~,, u, u i ~,„v, , ’' - t’l* liml at Mu»rt HuUi-v, wlmlrsulr arid rn ail. :»i iUe
NMIA HI UIiKK < I* I. 11l >l. 111. i fee. . «r.! lor Hip I iil.lio l(itiiiM>r N«» iV\ oo»l ,ifc«M
.V l, r t . 7", r; ‘ .'."‘“J);' »< i i-v- j* it
* ,|V ' 1 • ’• JI - i‘“"‘ !'•’! i"' •••■■■ „| : / I.\ Ml t >lt NIA Ol'Tf IT* '<l*l ff.l «i ih- likJiu
I iJiB . .N.I .• U Xifit ! \ / l(i.' l 'U‘r O’pol. i|i«- H)lli>vvin* ctowl* l ill Ml Kl.lallt'
J A M I’l 111 .1 J J’S j I’ll Ml*. Ji.i-k-l I ' j(n ji lUjiiikrl*, Vff i.
J"». >ruu mi n Twr-, „« .t„, k i'un>. r«m* «<..i
, I-,.. „ i ~l II minirnli I'.n . i ' I II"II { I' l«M. f•. :j 1111 <• 11, J| c | :| r! Iri P . 111 •> WlttllOlUS
iw„! 'JTITI "r »-« *«•*.
nilVi 4 r»«rw«,u<i . • ’ , ‘ l I * '" r 5
nr mnnumiMUT. Il.c abov.- uwtru,...-m- U ‘ M ’ • • UUJWMJW^
cv.irruiii’-J is i.r- |«?rlc. lin fvrij aJl i w,n i. r , l IA.NLU.f-> 1 |i») lu. i'ini'iniiMM Caudle.*, c*n
• oul lt»w lui cinli. P iil.UMf, i '••'iini>rmn*nt and (m Ml** t>y
acclfi No UU Wood *l, ‘id doonrom 50. j WICK & M’CANDLESS
MAK('H i:{. 1549.
Iv 11,.uw :,a# . Ki>.e
iMAS i>U
pit'.’ 1 V
- ..14 »fc ••
' v •\ I . K \«I V
’liiiiiilsctnird Tobiidi,
1 . A h ■
It-’-:-- Mr'l i To . J K Mt)or«-b>-nii A
''' 1 t'' Irwni i sui.a, |'iu*:<urs:i . u
• A * H >\ Rf; ra Strut,tfnvi ,r 'hilly
P«i4u Mhcbla« Shop,
Hu i« •11I' \i •V'N— Mi.'iu :'u<riur,'f <n al; i>: rot
( insi'in rr;. , iu . i*s
, K A , ' 1 •' • H- 'HIW in l- r u-nl «ui-rr»<ti,
>t ’ • • H , .:i t 1,11 1-r- I to r xr.Mitr ororr* with tiluj'.iii- ti
Ml \l.i> HI I'KM'K r.,
41 \ -.v, I-. S
i U. r- ).(• !< F-'.ulh.l. ,> lima
•< K." tu;- I. i..
i !<....<! \Vn he UVi
• r li.iKii • A't \ . a
(*• nor tiulru'lir.jil.
OH' Kn’.eu-ood 6 octave, round corner* and octarth
let’s On): do do do
i >nr ro.rwixHl Piano, square corner* and Icr»
i’ni ;o* have improvements in the mechanism,
i • fiieinir ami covering cf the hammers, pouo*«-if
ny •m outer* m nu* country, and are at once the best
«•.'!' 3« ilir i-lnjnpeM Piano* that can be bought.
\l -to-An rh-eant lot of Clnckerm** Piano*, from
r r, <>. tnvc*. |u>Mie*.Miij{ all U»e latest improvement.'
AI.M»- r '
•i«*iriuii rotewootfCaliinetfinuni Piano,
i. u.-\r nufiiu.M! HKNHV KI.KUKR.
A: J \\' WooJwelP*. HD Third m
. --a*-. JOHN Ii MKLIAfR, (sole Agent for
l*hn'liermg> Piano Fort. for WeM«rn
5jT P'mipylvujiio.) No. ''l Wood street,
* ' * l • lY.islmrgb. ha* received and now open
i’ ,r *“••* ,l "' mi.owing elcgnm a«i>ofimeMt. direct from
iii-i'iij!u«-iory. ai Mr Chickering'* (Hosioni price.*
i hie Ko<<-\vi>od tevrii oi'Uvr Piano Forie. csrvcd m
ill- m»«i **li-i!air: and rich »lvleot l-mm XIV.
i in.- r..«- \* f«x| Pin no, iIJ ortii vr*. new «eale;
"• r.irvrd. «i
[" 1 round corner*. II octave, nrw »oaip,
' " •* |>a nn-i a -
Iln' ui..i»- a i- a!> I rum Hi- m>wiai«-ir>ry m J (Murk,
rnni:. It.-:.!., 1,1 ibr luir.i <iyir, 0 ( furniture. anJ With
llir II- w :ii .J Iliiprored
4 IJWI 0.l U*M> *NU FOB HU.* lOty
ir 'i» " "° d "''‘V * l*i Him*, inun Hie manufaolory'
.h ll \\ ..r.-r.:nr \>w York, former)y of the firm of
Simian H ..roreier A Dutbsrti
i'>*e«iH,jFri ociKve. tinie fi t'o . N Y
I rosewood AJ octave Piano, made bv Bacon A Ra-
VeJK .New \ ~|j£
) Mali.-ea/i> ii nrtave Pmno made in Baltimore, ami
let. ivaii me id* «nle bv the owner, for caah or in ex
. imm - u.r I'ltunurjrn moDuiacUirci, or groceries amtS
*:• r j c.iuiiii, more. Price $3OO jafU)
rHF v m»e r Moon .Ml Home, my hßpny Home;
1 1* Hom- where e’er tSc Heart it
1.h.i1 )'n ktt.
I m-- ‘**d ihc -now clad Hn)»;
){.••» l.rc and t>„i Inc'e Ned; >utantia p O JVa.
i.n wii-rij ii,- nu*i* arc »:ccp,np:
I '' '•’U come to my mountain home,
i.rnve or Ito apanc.
No ue r.j cau M) l.ooic t.e in.,in,
I'll Sll».lll,Kl (,OOlllUe,
Kinjir-** Hrnncitß'r \Va,u »-nBo:i
lr>\« Him we re ln»'**il. Ailcm Mavomncen.
I .r.iii-iinia Bci.e. Kluiopian Dance*.
i Anr •» p'liuoh 0/ Hr rax* # Foxtx IwkTirrrox,
1 ■* ,i: ‘ fr'"'h uut Knßi»«ii Text, rrduced 10 ihe follow-
, in,: ou- price*, v r
j Hi.- in * iur?r work. 03 p»jj e «, no
j Mmol - •• os i 50
1 IX)
Burrow . |-,a mrlc , -. mcr .
Bei’iri* Mrtbml lot Piaim
k * Piano l ii-r. u-ttir \ ■£,
JAtNt TM* nrrtthe*. that tmiD*.:.»iely nu<:
i.n ...< aiicn.ii-d mr mouier. wtiu died <>i consumption
.. 'l*.- ii.l'ti 1 >'a* uiacii «ick with ito loinumM.on
i oiu(i..»i/i- jin! *i< reduced >o low with ihc
• 1 . ii.u: H»r i<«uf rear* I war unaMc u> aiinifd lo
in. •u ■ : a—- • -iiti-r Hi itcime nr shroud hci'ie lor 'he
oi..- • , ..ohm ,i i.» in v twd Dtinnt itic above pen
.al oil.- | r,*,l r < lor uiedn ai nUridajlie o
•rvu *i » ,ail Ui-.i.. uir*. 1., i;.c,.!
* * -.-i.-o i. a • >—r,-fji i|.. .. rroiM In
■ -hi i ' 4 H' nu«v iiu''. <*i Hiui 1 fiaic complclri, rcco-.
' -i-.l n . li' I l—,i. tlmi J»; :ic'« '*anativi) Pii!«
J-.i,. • -iiru • ,i:c is- !,.*t lamilv nwdi.-iiicrt tro vin
I ; • i!- i<i Spr lll*r»,i MgMi l , \ , n d
imii ..o .1 i(iiurr miJ uia-hmc shop iu Uia: pli.-e,
•imi aiu no: i..ieir *i.-ii a „j ma,,,,.., 0 . Uir
Sl.o.rt 1... ■!,. me. aiul uuk. ISu. .-riuticalc lor Iff 1.c11..t
..t il,-, ifl.' -0 r.I.UAII KA'l’ltN
Ue ;J. N \ . Sepi
Mam i Afri.Kni
w.o, ,i . a.‘J Ho- aiviitoui oi ihc city tradf mid
d-a'-r* v-n»rajlv. loihe loliownif hrand* Toi-a-r o*.
r> B'l.l lo arn«c ivlm-li km« voi«»ignmriU> .!i
!• ■•! irotii inaiMii.-ii-mi-rt, i,e i> rnol.ird lo vil m cait-
I •'< } ’-in R \V .
! • Jin..-. iM.i.!,..n
i J 't: A 1..-W
I \\ 11ir>- .
1. ii..| -
I. y W \ I KK WAN
IMtl Mftchlut Work* anil Fenutlry
I'-j.n vvKLoirra **
•J - ' -> 1, M M ..
>r<-.i in !. u . Cnv.nn
•' V »bcß
I'--.;*,'. Kji<!«»)' li.* !,.
I -niif . Citf.l i Ac u (I.JCIII
KiiA-t« A.- >'-nm 1'
•rO' f» ri: m. ;iir \\ jrru. un- ot J
i-n\ am t prnnipi Mini-
MMl*. >; i iniiiiijj iiini (nnr.
■■ *K IV
All. Jl • \
' u HITK A l‘ii. wmtiil rr«iinMMi)ly innrtu
k '•'-'ATrit l-Vilrru. Mini »irrc!» /nrv
uiwl an- 10
*• l'!i.r:on« Ar hr. wlin-li n um .h.-.f
' r ■ 1 -: i: '.lif m» 'in Imi 111 rt* of llir «lu»vr w I*l Ik,
’* 1 ’’ " '"■* ' I,!1V, ‘ ’hi*'' 1r«-r < , onXn:«-ill Uir\ ii rr
rHK » i » M-. >: i SU i-treLT .•*
A 1 I*H> K\ •< t t< I.Hwriv tlfPl mmpnwjn I'rciir !•
I totn». ' anil Vo*tnm». ui ilj<? n*'vr»t
:unl ini'M • .ir «t\ ;<-4 iiii;*Oftt-»]
•'l *° * l - ,r *- '(imi-uiy t>l K.>ucn ami |<|nnk,ru
auU ui..u.y n.lupir.l m ih«- mum ami ihe
I-iii ■ • *Mi | •<- I'lil workmen. Ihry
u* iiu* nihunr
flratl iiuarters fur fiuoia »n<| Shoca,
i orutif oi '>tauiiltr!<j mjd I'ourth mh .
Prrnaraou. P*
■f jf l ri{i)lH A r*o «Tl\ harm* oommeiicrtl the
fVV, s r ' * ht> * I'UMiiffi, wboir»Hi>- mid
r Ifti." UI,. v»ou J t«ff'-rtiuuy un-Ur ihr aiirnm.n of
LUrif ii.rnJ.' nr.O u*e pubiu: Rcuerally to Uiwir npi'emijU
11.-. V .lift o|M'tir(l. coit'ismif' .11 mrn't, woqi'ir*.
i.nv • mi*’*-- Mini c hililr<-n'* vvrat ot rrt ry Taririy,
■.u.,«i,i C :<tr tn«mm*...i. mid a! frirr. to « Ui( ( | ie u.oe*
A.'o. t *|.i>-T) l iai aito'i.. of M.-t*lie (iiuii Shors.forirn
ivntfti rin.i i-i.ii-. Pira«r mil and pjamuie t'oryour
rornrr nf Smitlib-tM ami 4th M». Pitutmrrh
N B rruvpnnji Ttuftltn, t*afpri Qa<ft, Ac , nlwnys
ft.. I.mid mill ;nw |nr ca.ft
i rer i n vuc» intf Micobcn ol t>uy cm to lusextc.nti vc
u»*orriicul oi above G<>od», cmhracmg ever) quality
“P to very fcne. amJ from the celebrated mabufi.-to
of France Purt-hming thou* good* from the
frmin»ii*>nn merchant* nr omenta of the manatnetu
r-fn. he .* enabled in *rlt itsem at tho lovreal p«*Ml>lr
purr* «*.ivc green and iiivimWc preen t‘ , Kith».
•ov wool dyd Mk <lo, and Freni li. l}ilti»li
ajnl Atiiri,*n>i c A SSI V| l-.H KS. Mark and fancy, btk
»>ttl tan>‘\ »»'mi \ h.STI.NGb, gentlemen'* *<ik p*eket
Mw*.ik rre nre i*. (.lack and inner Cravat*, h:, <n pocket
Hokia. l t«h rl*. Df« we • fcr . m t], e nort h
<o,i. > ~t t::i ni,<J Market ntreci..
'’:.01.-ho- Hoom. up Kiiiir* teb‘?»
ItTotionffahela Llverr Stable.
HUBERT H PAITKttSON ha, opened
.<»r>.'r -utue on Fan *t, running through
l.clwcctl Wood Hill] Southfield
m ilu rear of the Monongahrl* Hint'e,
• ni w nt H.itioj lun] Carriage* ol
1 rtvles. Horae* kept al livc
CT>\ v"
W 11 '• M lIOA i I'l.ocKS-Having concluded to »«|J
n * ;n Kirkr'. Marine Tim^jurj-c
' -’i (t.cti. m lower j.uctf than tht-> crui
1,1 m {‘iu«huiu;tt oi MirWnrrr,
' " ' ■' l <r,h *’ only r-laWlirtjjed mem-i
i... <-!<.< \-i. we l.ave if..- and t, u , ~ e », otl . .i, cti,- ,-il y < nil nmi icr , •
rtrmrui'.fi. nr m r nal lo undciroM
BI.AK F. AC O , Mnud nrfft
: •*' north «idr of ib* l>,*tnc,.i.l
I' l "-lit «"H S-I-KKI. V.ORK3 AND SKKINIi
AM« A\l.K I AiTonv
Wil’d JNTOGK. it ROW eonmnily rcceiTtng bt«
• fail »mck of CAiII*BI'INU, Ac- compminj
one of tiro largctt astonmeht* e?er brought to ib« ißar*
ket, which )i*ve bran purebnted direct fro to Uks iio*
porter* and Manufacturer*! iho latest * neweal
•tylca, and lower in price than ftreroaered in Uit* city,
in vrhirli he iiituc* th*“ atlßnlion of those w|iblar 1C
intuit atAamboat* or houaea. before purchasing elae*
wb*rr Tho *tock con*i*ts in part of the following
vnrieiy, via
Rich Aixaiuu*! Carpels; Oriental Tape*lry (W Clotn
do Velvet do Plain colorrid do
do Tapestry do at f.-ct wide
do Uniwel* do >M, 7-4,5-4. 4-4 A I °» l
Kltra nnper 3 p!f do Stair Rod*
Super do do ia-l, tf-4 anJ 3-1 Drv«ctt
uo Ingram do Stair Linen*
Wide do do Rosewood Oil Cloth
Common do do crumb cloths
4-4. 3-4 ft | Damask Embossed Plano cover*
- Veuirisn do do TaWo do
4-4,-3-1 A } iwl'd do do Figured Table OH cloth#
4*4. :M A j plain do do Turkey Rod Toilenetl
4-4- Ill* *-) col do Adclatd Mats •
-V4 pnnuid cotton Carpel*; Sheep *km do
F.xth *up Chenille Rage Jnte do"
do do Tufted do Alieont dog
Fine do *do Manilla llcmp
'Vilirm do Jo Snowdrop Napkin*
Crim*on fcg'd Plu*li; Draper TtnveUmg
Plain do Crash
iVal) M Cloth f-4 and d-4 Tahlo Linens
Blue do, for roach Un'gs; Tmnsp'nt Window Shade*
Carpet Binding* Extra French do do
Wo«;*d cord* Rich Suun de l*ainc* for
<h> Tu*scU window curtain*
Scarlet- blue, crimcon. Mack and dmb Damask*;
figured rkinhow Damask*: worsted and liitfii Table
oovcn'i Ldue, cniusun, scarlet, greea, drab and black
Moreen*; cotton P(u»he«of all colors, fte. tee Xt
Also, (JUnehorgs tunl Dnliuigs for stcambout'deck,
and all utper inmmine> necessary for ouihls for I>oiUs
in our linb. lo which the opecial attention of owners
H invited. W. MCH-VroCK'S Carpel Warorootn.
one door Iroia Wood, on Fourth *t. *cpW
Shlrtinjf Blumllns and Irish Linens.
R- Ml UPHY invite* tlic particular attention «
' * • liic übovc (Jno<J», 10 liu desitabli
viort. oi trie inukr, i>t>m ihe itro*t ap
I'tovt*'! MButofrfoturrrv find ih< Inttr.r warranted pon
llnx —Hr itia* juai received an additional supply, and i
oiloriin; Hlaruriß Mu«liu* of a iuj>f.nor quality, at i
very low fcirice Also.
JSlifcunu uml Pillow-case Muslin* ,
Oinpen mil Oasli;
TnUle'OloUi". Towels snd Napkin* ;
IllankeU, limits, Counterpanes; and
Housekeeping Dry Good* generally
I.A DFKS’ DHKSS* l»OQDi£—Such s» Frcnch-Mende*
Parr.rucUos, plain and laiiey De Lame*, (tome rtsv
*t) !*•» ju«l received;) Alpacd*. A.C.
I’lie »r»*:m being far advanced, all these Goods wil
Ik- told at puces (Itrtt capmK fml to pleantf.
lL‘}'lVliolf*;i!e Uixxns up stairs.
XJO tin MARKET STREET, will continue thetr
J.l grrat semi-annual sol* ol DRV IiOODS, fog .'ll)
days longer, during which lime their extensive whole
sale Room* will he thrown open to ilirtr Retail Trade
a* heretofore A A M kCu , knowing that they are
►riling Dry Good* 01 every description from ten tr» fif
teen per cent leas than ever belbrr, do invite every
j>ereon in want ot drv goods, or who may be in want,
to examine and purchase from aur stork, at the lowest
wholesale rates.
Our great object in reducing stork is to make room
for S*panc Good*, it being ear intention to exhibit m
March the largest and the richest stock of Dry Goods
ever oflered by any one house in America
We shall continue the sale of our Bleached and
Brown MuoJifi*, Ticking* and other Docneetic Goods,
at our former low rates, notwithstanding the recent nd
vance of 15 per cent upon the same in eastern markets,
feblt r
FINK BLACK LUSTRES— w. a. Mbwht asks the
attention ot buyers to his ertensive assortment of
above goods, including mohair and alpacca Lustres,
wry fine and glossy, jet black and blue block; aim. a
few piece* without lustre, for mourning dresses; also,
a large assortment of various colors and styles of satin
■triped and prncadc Aipacca.v black and fancy co
lor*, plum black, invisible green, drab and other Col I *.
Mazarine Bloc Pannettos and Aipnocaa—A few pea
of these rearer and desirable goods lately received
Wholesale Room* up stairs, north east corner of 4lh
and Market sLv
FOR GENTLEMEN —\V. R_ MrxpirT has recently
received a lurther supply of Gentlemen* Fhncy
CRAVaTS. including some very handsome. Also,
black Italian Cravat*. «cveral qualtUea. and including
some superior Also, gems Liucu Cambric Handker
chief’'. plain ami with colored borders, super Silk do,
l ndersmm and Drawer*, mcmio, silk and cowon,
some of the former extra -ixe EaprcULi attention i*
asked io h,» -in. I ot French Broadclinh* and Ca««i
mrres, oi the imui i<iam and fancy, Velset nod Sant:
\ r stings. Ai- a norm east corner 4fh and Market
/t A I.IFOR S' I A WARDROBE—To arrive "hT’hx’
' press, on I'neadav next, 13th in«l.-
t > l’i*tolv a Heirs fi barrel Revolvers
I'i* mt Belt* a:;J Shoulder Strap*.
Bowie Kmv.• tv, it»«s mounted,
< .oi.l Bags. H,ou l'.pe.,
I*. r a.-i f.if exaini. mu minerjis Ai-jend
t.-r ’»'c »• Fuitetu pure.,, with addition ol freight. by!
'' ,- l‘> corner -lili ami market *t
ll wmun a lew davr opened a supply of blank Al-
I'Si'css. io\v pfi.-rd, do medium and Mipcr do Mnunir
Lustres; new *ive British Prints: do American do,
t.iurk <• iotb Shawlu, p.uid King do. neat stylr Monsr
de, plain lead drab a.i at t-*J. acd n vari
ety ot other araroe and desirable goods, worthy the
uiteuuoii ol those wwtuug io buy
Merchants will find ir. the whotcaulr rooms op stairs
a good ‘fork of denrabm goods. »t low prices, jaio
Kh-ll DttKSS per loretrn steamer Kurnpu.
A A Miitw 1 U, No Ct> Maikei street, will
ojirn tin* morning. Rich Drr*« tiood*, compmtnK lh«i
following styles, vu. Saun plaid Mriluon, a now am
i-lr, unO Uic ru-lir*! good* imported this leuwli; alt
w«n*l 1 .miK high color* ami style*; all wool
t »*l)iijercfc :mc Alim» dr line Coourg mut l.yo
i lot'.*, ni i It- siiude nnd color Palm
• 'r-i'r-il I'li.hiiirri'ii in sr'-.i vsn<l> . Ial“
VA MAS' '.\ A Co . M Mnrki-r .;r.:««i. have jum
• received another large mvoicr of piaul J.oog
a-id x«jU-ir. r»h.v.v:«. ‘AS jn-r cnit lc.< man u.iv
. rc.-MVed this *et»»uu.
Ourm.<t 01 Miawl« now iiic Itunoii in the mv.
u».i piif.-cjM-r" nviy in- certain dial out price* from
it’.i* iiaip w-.l! he ai per ten) Icm ihun ai auy &>rmrr
tmie. , jal-
/ l-N I • 1 I.«K\K TASSKLS—if dor mohair '!'&»-
t 1 do »;:» do iln. do do fine do; 10
no 1. > !ussorted, ' do gol'd do do.
U 1 1(.) | \ t »u l)S—tU dor. c'ulilreit'v woolen coal*,
i) 00 do •.'<• ; do no common. ludoz Woolen com
lon., a*„onr.ii: ;- no do w,m rings, 50do Ca»h-
i.KATHKR HIi.TS-lUMo*MelSskiu Belli; ifO
do .l<> Morocco d<- I no J <jo a;
Z*--*** KlNSKVS.iirniarket »t
I AI)il«> I U|\|Sil.Ni.> -.Moi ink Dcuii Veil*.
1J Jp. .Ol d >l.v Wvr,.. -Jit gross hlk DnifCV Bui
ton«. 1 4 do e;**iwoHii do. 1« do col d Flos* do; " l‘J 00
do I an'iikie do. U dor c. d ti>-cey -ilk (,loves; 6 do blk
Jenny l.ti:d fringe. IS do French mi Kucliet; ree'd
u, ‘- F H KATON 4 Co.
J^L 1 _ Fourth «t
I INK.N DIA I‘KRS-t..4. 7-4 aud S-4 I.uten TaMf
lj Diaper, o! common figured. damaak and snow
n'op paiierns. A.»o, llu<.«i i and Scotch Bird Kye Pal
t,ril - smacki-Ft r a u iirfF.
4KJ wtimi »t
Wf-l-MI H.ANNF.LS-W H \lurp»y ft 3» on
.1 ru.; a««ort!i:i<ni m '.. w d.-,,r : ,i. 1f . ;. lK kl*. aNo.
a in" h—orMie.i; 01 doilies;.c iinenmilie'dc do, and a ma.'c Klaon.
opp y . on- : -| 0.1
iu»\ liruwu jrd l.ufiv.l. a
A MAC'S ,( i!|j. Nn (At .tiarlrt »iTeet, Jmvc
. V. ; u«i i'ivi .-c«l itir l.arer«t invoice of Lincui. ever
ottered :>v Ui.-in, ,-in»i;■ ri»-. twenl) ditfcrnitt ilimimee,
to wliii n ;ft ev would uivile me iiactilion of wholesale
or rc a.. I'lin Uw«. ictt-.'i
Ull hand, the larveM, t>c»t matntiji-lurnd and
UkhionaMe -lock ..i_ read) -nude Flothmc hi tlji* citr
All tirAcr» 1 u 1 lie r»ilonn; 'in- ciccuied 111 tl]r moi>t
lu«hi<>Mai*lr snd duinine mariner nov 1 1
\" KW UKirtSH I‘Rl.Vl-S, Acc.»-VV. R Miir n hv has
k\ rd " 101 01 " cw ’'y lo >»rown and white
Hritisli Prim*, very handsome, arrived by late steam
er At.o, on hand, a large assortment of choice styles
01 A met tcan Print*, fast colors and low prices
HU.-k Clout Shawl., of vtmotu qnalmev—a annoly
ju.t received ' '
AHmccßs low priced and fine—a very fall
• apply. and ut low price* t>r quality. jalfl
Li bay received one omon of tme English thread
lace and edgint,**. her canons loom made do- ten car
ton* cotton do; one do of black ulk, two do of
U ack and whae Fje„ c h worked lace capes; ooe of
black chantilia veil., together with a variety of fancy
Bm-.clr nett*; 1... ck nmt colors -ilk net* fer veil.,
cold and M.k illusion for evening drtitea.—
Dealer* ai.d oiheuwill find it for t ietr to ex
amine ill cm before purehn.jnc.
1 Ufa gold pnicni l.cvcr Wateh
I ’• •* detached “ *•
~ , l “ milver “ *' . “
f ■£v? , £° ldl, 'r.* , ‘ d p . cuc ' 1 Ga * e ‘- Vp,t fhaiM. henry
InH , !*• L ‘' r *“ 1 ' 1 n ' 1 ’ n ‘ li,r Rlnin. F^f
■ nrt .»^ompi r ir of oiber jewelry, at
ZKHtUIN 67 market it
JKVV KLIt \ , coastßUiiu oi cold guard. vest mid job
Cham*, icy.,-cal*. penci?*. finger nils*, brVi piiu,
V, • , 'f r nnrr - hrucclrui, iockeA buckle*, slide.., Ac
Al*o. stiver combi, end cum. fruit iruv«», nimble*,
•hiclds, pencil*. 1.,.rV|,,, tooth . nd eat nicks,
“*■ , WW WILSON.
_ . _ 57 market it, rir 4th
( IHA>GLAIirb MLK VinlfKg, for ChrlMi«f*i l»re
ictus—tv K Mrerirr haa on hand a felv vrry
handsome riiHuaenbi* Silk Vmtei, very tmidhie for
ClmMraaa winch he is «etlinff at reduced pn
e<-» Also, b*.:d .i*«nr Prei'* Silk* and Sauui, niperfme
n«w»tvl<! Jjiien e tnitiii ' Mdk/», Ac ilecW
lAi'K GOt I D>- Vt fnir and lilack"Lace Cape*, emh'd
.J do, Mti.ic and black luce I'nderalnove*. do
L*ee IVriha*, black ■!«> Veils, piun French Work
Collar'., milliard a.. ! unlufn J .landing do, emb’dcnlis
to mat. >. ia.11.-* !i;i. n i ;unl*ri.' lidhln, grni« rtp dn it«.,
■ opera ties. I.raddres-es, aruhcial Uoveeni» bonr.ct
Inl/i and viuil.iin*•. i.»'i nfeitrd and for miltt whole,-
-Mr.nuli'Ull l‘- PIIKATONifo,
ti'J foflrih at
/ io\r .\M* ‘ I."AK TRIMMJN’G*- <i<i* out*
\t U - i'iwi u gro«« h’furni silk Binil
iii* 5 iln do moiiiiir <ln. “ ilndo rtfoti coal Jo jilndrah
mvcpmui ijuiiun*, 4” il>> bar ( 'o»i hortonv J J- » t>e-«
«parm(f», s<> ito <io pairnt HirraiJ, pad«iiii(;.'•aa
va«* anil olliPt Trimming*, lor tailor* ui<-, .•oitaiamly Jpri K M KA'n>N4 Co
t>OODS- F H (\> arc cujs*ianity
J 7 -oJipltPiJ with a larg* and «• noire aa*orlnirm >,(
*iik langc.l ami giui|is, vrJvri nWmn* anil brk«l», U-
rc», rd/m?.* ami embroideries, clovr« itnil hortery,
tjetu» *lnn», *g*prml«*ri tun) under H»-rlin
Zrt'liyi, uoglr.n yunt*, n-r.llrs, ptu», buil»i«i v tape*,
bobbin* Ac., all oi wfitrli they oiler at the lowrtl ra»b
prices to inrirlimiu and other*. *1 ll«ei/ new nml com
modiou* warehouse. &; Fount) *t. nrat market no*** l
CiOOU». ;
If 11. KATUN A CO. ivaVrn m Tnmmjifcs nn.l
JJ . Halierda.hrn . liavi* removed from C|fi r o |,|
Hiunil to Nil ti*.’ I*ol ItTil STKKtTI', i> from
Market »' reel ' * tlpV*£J
I A Kl> < >ll • 1 (••■i* wintrr strained,
J IVfiii«ylvtnin mol ior sain by
ffl»6 _J A \ll> A HliTt
t'M'l'R --u» i.1.l- »u[>»Tfanc Kloofj ;■
<n»rr »sid (Of «*l« <.y i, S \V
31 w&tfi
XYI. NO. 185.
Patent G raArtatrd Galvame BatUry trad Pmms
lntulottd Pole* far I^dicalandaUurpurvQtn,
I'IUS u the only mstrumam ofth© kind that hasever
in this country or Europe ft»»
teal purpose*. and u the ooly on* ever known tff ■««
hy which Ute guUmuc.dtud c«0 boCCOTeyed Ulh»h*!
man cyp. the ear, the brain, oj to any part of the bodv
cither externally or internalfy, Jr» c detain* woua
without shocks or pain—with perfect safety—
an.l utten oath tbe happiest effect©. 1
Thu important npparaius is now highly approved of
l.y many of ihe most eminent physician© ©fiMa eoo»«
try and Europe, to whom the
it may coj.comi can t*e ruferrwl. Refcrene*. will akb
be Cfv*n to many highly rcspectable'eidrena'Wfc© bare
born rurcd by means of thiamosi valuable apparat»«
of tome of the most inveterate nervous disorder* Whiah
cohld not be removed by any other known nwiit* i
Antong various others, it has been proved .to bn ad
ntirably adapted.for the cure of the following
vis? uervotls headache and other diseases of the brain
his with this apparatus alone that the operator can
convey the magnetic fluid with ease and safety to the
eye, to restore sight- or cure oaaarotas: tatba carta
restore bearing; to the tongue and other organa ta fu
sion; speech; and to the variouspartsof fo? bmlirfer
the enrb of ohronio rheumatism, neuralgia-or
Ct#B JSft
diseases peculiar to females, contraction pf the
lockjaw, etc. etc. *
Rights for-surrounding counties ofWesfefrq P*_©ad .
privileges. with .the instmmenujpnyiho ptucluuoZ and
alro tested for the care of diseis&a
Pull instruction* will bo given fair the various chemi
cal* to be used foe various diseases, and the best man
ner for operating for the core ofth<ue,diseases vriHiU.
so be folly explained to the purchaser, a pamphlet
P°t iuto his hands expressly for these purpoacsTcare
tally prepared by the patentee. Biqulre or
octis-dir s wJlmamS, Vine st, Pittsburgh.
Rcrsrilble PlltsrlnrGook,
Which renders turbid water pore by
/®wv removing all sulistaneasnoisorable tn
wstrr. The crotyn water in N. York
c^ear and pure to the eye,yet
VoSssw/™^ w * >eu ‘ l P a **®* honrthrough this
(iUenng cock, Ehows a large deposit
anparo substances, worms, fee. This
is the case more or less with ail hyuxnni water. •
TUr Reversible Filierer is neat and durable, and U
not attended with the inconvenience incident to other
Pilterers, as u is demised without being detached frjrt
the water pipe, by merely turning tboaoy or
from due side to the other. By this easy process, • the
course 01 water Is changed, nod all mccßinaiations fo
impure nuh*tauce» are dnveu off almoti Instantly,
without unscrewmg the' Filter. It also possesses £ie
advantage of being a step edek, and as such in many
caws will be very convenient and economical.
It can he attached, where there is any pressure high
or low to a cask, tank, tub, Ac. with ease. lb be had
ot the sole Ageut, \V. W. WILSON
corner of Fourth and Market sis
• iattlS
THE CLINTOPf PAPER MlLL,attuatsdaiSteuben
ville, Ohio, having been enlarged and improved,
tnd at a very great e-penie added new and the most
unproved kind of machinery, ts now prepared to man
ufacture all kinds of Wriuog, Priming. Wrapping and
Lotion tarn Papers. Bonnet Boards,fee., eoualtdany
in the Eastern or Western country.
T*» undersigned haring fhe Agency of the above
Mill. wiil keen constantly on hand a large supply of
ibe different kinds of Paper, and will have any
made to order at short notice. S.C. HILL,
. . j* 3o .. 97 Wdod street
ANTED—A partner in the Publishing bMines*,
embracing Stereotyping, Printing and Binding,
in a large establishment with a profitable Tun of wort
io commence wuh. He must be a man of unimpeaob
ed integrity—uncompromising tn his principles—wil
ling and able to control the printing department at
least, aud have a capital of W.UOO Theas
tabliilnnent i* at present In Weeling, Va.. but can be
rwßOvcrf to Pittsburgh or any other suitable place at
short police. For further particulars, call on Rev. B.
Hopkins, M. L. Book Room, Pittsburgh, Pu, or address
J. B. WOLFF, Wheeling, Va.
_N. B —Stereotyping done at short notice, fco3-tn»
fine amt Cedar
No. 8 T, caum Mamet i
r pHE subscriber keeps c
X snlo and retail, very j<
Wash Tuba, i
B*ih — Tubs. j
Horse Buckets, |
All other kinds Ware m
*' J lo '" ca»h currency, of 4 raoe. #pp>*d bill*.
j innt or upward*, 3f do par, C not do, uttexeat ad
df.l For the superior quality ot ihiabrand we refer to
Hie y!a.«s and «o*p manufarturermof this city ccneraJ-
100 liberty at^
Diaphragm Filter, for Hydrant Watar.
ep THIS is to certify that-d hare *»♦
'fi pointed I jvuifjstoii, Roggra i Co.
. goU- Arent* for the K«Je of Jenhinx**
ri *Pati-in Dmprahffm Filter, far <ha ci*
Ji tios ot Pjttfcborvo and Allegheny.
,0T Reiter M Gibson, Mi Broad war,
J 9 ' Or". 10, 1348.
W r liavr been UMiig orur of the aboye article*-at the
oilu-e of the Novelty IS orfci lor three month*, oo tnal.
•tti.l Wi perfectly *au.<lied that it is a taefal mrentioo
aiiil wr tale plessore in recommending them a» a aic
!t ,0 aJl . wh , u loVc P ure water. Order* mil ha
tlimjlful.y received and promptly executed.
, AdsTeytUpnaent;
I ,l 7’£ ul ‘* rril> * r ; ln «>ifcnuß for tale a handsome lot
1 orNomM fc (New York,) end Chicke!-
ing • (B<M(uD.> t .i uuit**, would direct attention- to the
tact Uiat tiiH it the only place in the Wen where ihe
in»tnioietitn ni the*r iwi makers can bp tried ride hr
* ,• mid wtrrn. conßctjunatiy, a correct jdeaoftbm
ijua.itirt f,,„ Ik. loruicd ‘Hie *ub»criber being aknon»
to i»-*t Mi«*j r r. I.t'rvc in»nu. and having tor a number of
year* prnonnol upon Uio l’nuioo of Nunns i Clark
Ita- M,i«. u.«* io» Ihe lust twelve month*, a’Chick
h'll"’ in order u> try it* durability and fiutoM
11. an M-.-oiupaij) in.-ni to ibo, voice. Thu Piano may
now hr - : n ;./■•! eiamiupfl at hw room* He feeU.
rnuhdcnt o' h<» ability to give a competent and relia
t).c opinion 0., t.n; subject. •
( A J* mlwrar ,ot O' «fw Pianos will be opened in a
' A.JW wS,.
UF D i' l n-i l |n ,U,l S S ’ T f U "? AN ? 'TinPMAN
Lt-ALTIOIU—rhe *ub»cnbcr lakes thia n>»ih»d
informing Um .riends and tiie Public in renehUtkat
br n» ,hc largest stock of the &Uovau ff named ani
clrs eiliu ow.. manaiaciure in this ciiy—Saddle*, Bar»
iirj«. rnmkeand \\ hip*, all ofwbicftho wiliw£jxS
u» be made of the hesiiaatemJ and try the be*t meeh
aiuosiu Allegheny county Being determined lo sell
111? manufacture! *mieilu»g lower that hoi been here
; toion- sold | > any similar estobiabmem in £
1,1 llcc ‘ i of »h« above namod
aiHiele- lo hn No. JM4 Liberty- street, uppo
me Sc remit. Arno. bunds made to order tor machine*
r > oetSO-iy G. KEBBY.
r T HE 011,1 Hewnon of tbis tn*modon, under the
X carr of .Mr. and Mrs. Uoauotw, for the present
academic year, wul commence on the &r»t 0 f Februa
ry next, in the name building*. No. fcl Liberty street.
Amuigemeuij have Urua made by wmch they will
be anie «° tunu.h young indies facilities erjoal te» any
the Won, for obL-un-n- a thorough En -hsh, ClassK
umlOmamciJtal education. A full coarse ofPhi.
nropiucaJ aad Chemical LectnrcM will b« delivered
durng die winter, n, uairalrd by apparatus. The de
partments oi \ oral and nnruroemal Music, Modern
UiiiMiaef*. Drawing and Pamting, willeaeh be uhder
he .arrofa I'roirwor. By close wieutioii
in the moral uud tnirllrctual improvement of thcirpu
>.l-..the I rmcipuU hope to merit a continuation oftho
liberal p-trunaac Uiry have hiUierto enjoyed. For
Tna£dtf ,rru ttf ur npp!y lo 11,6
;;*• :,ir r
""y- 0 A &'A.Nir LTV * Ca.ciniV^*
1n”l a Sisß F n se ' Ud ° Hrnrr ± Jaajeg > and 10
UWL -'^-"'«">ci ™„n, L, ?hi"
h« l^ e r^7° b:U:Ccm,ollllra,:in<T somnof the mom fVror
witfoiiMjDm«nt»aail*ni| 1m »ld low to
JEe^r"» ,u r cr ‘ b « ,n s 'he eicloiu»f ms-
Ol Jame, Maspralt A Sons’ Soda Ath f or this
e .. u '' w anJ Wlll continue to be lareoly «od
ptted with this eelebrotrrf brand, which
at Utc Inwcm market price (or ca*h or approredbill*.
lnry reicr to »hc Bias* and soap manufacturer! f
Uu» city generally rerpecung the quality
W A M mitcheltree,
-.™ v, _ ... __ _ 160 libgrre »t
THON KOI NDRV FOB SALE.-A .mall Iron Food*
Z dry in a flourishing town, with Pattern*. Tool*,
«*dy *«f buatnci.B, will he told on accomm£
ilanng term*, oi exchange for Iron or good*.
"nil* offers so excelJeht opportunity to a young nun
with *tnaii capita) commence the iron Foundry tro-
MScalca, Cooking Stores, Grates, &a. —
ARjaiALL, WaU.aCE ft CO., Hound Chureh
••Miner Liberty and Wood street*, manu/aetura
and offer loi sale Flaiiorm, Floor and Coumer Scale,
ofthr mom impaired quaiim Cooking Singe*, for wood
and, Egg Move* vanoo* *Ucs, Farlor*S
common Urates, Hollow ware, Ac. ftc. 1>«-» Titr
mnnufarniro the Kitchen Ranee, which haa'afven
general »*UAittUoi. to those harm* itiauae la -nil
iHfturc. u'i'i in a i others in m«- *a **?“'
. liurchr*. MtamlKwOv lactorim, dWelhn*.’ ..““P**® *0
.... U.U...UU..J lojl K,„ d ,„K ££ ''i.ctui.r
•"V’ havr !*.„ , hr | | tPy- Mnchuis raot,„d .all a„d luff Ur* art
*■' “;i touly , “' y wi i i h« uS'^Sis:
T'x““ Ji“v , “°'- ,v ' A a fculciifi..
triS' a w^J^saK}
U.di,a, llrirk, mil b. d j il,, S
L it . 1l ,r wur **bou««, *slo*n'» Wharr,* Ca
u ’ ' y J «»*AW MACLAKEaV,
/ . Kenxingtort Irou Work*
S7* Va! !J ,, 1 >VW •- *•* -M'lw »i>adorM'd _ g£s:
i ' r ,* ' ,u «> Manner Knrit*. go do Urain SitOTCl«*ifl
1,0 Aj«, lUi.brLs, .MatfoCka ud Piclu,
IlrJlows, Vi.‘c», ftr , lor sub- at martufßCTßreT*-Drlr.e**
b V novls (iWiCOCUßAM.iflwaod«i
nomWrs 1 7U do entitled; do pofodeA4)- itynl!
Clarified; in more and for sale hv , . g ,* 1 00
, / asa ui/Kyirsdftiv*. > '
Ware manufactory,
*jtd Ftttu Sul. Pmaiutt.
constantly on nand, whole*
low for cash—
I Barrel Chora*,
Staff Cburna,
Half Btudcla, he.
i his line made to order
Ui nrwr Wood *trei