. ■■■.■!■ esT:~:~~-~s A '~ a_ ~: 5 COHPOBSD SIBBP V oFwfliD fflEj&l- ; ~ yrtw gygfpWTVSinig JOB :» • Oo>L.omniin!>, aStbl, “WaSK? ; • L lfeM, ' fiUlaUwi, Sore Throat,NerTOua Dcbti «iU>uea»c« of too Throat,; BretwiaJidlstuise; *feP • f«eiofti- aad *pceßy c«» ever known tor aoy ot , ibe Above diseox \ ei* ia - . \ * DR. SW&\:NK'fg , • ot Wild Cherry! sgggasK’Sss ■li,, u.d tli iolhin* inflopHC* OifluKd' »“•«? <£' wttoie Jrumu by its UfP, renders it a mo* 6 remedy »•« *toc afflicted. 1 RKMF.MBLR.* t -Wfcro mt»«.MU»S "”'R E! or volmUHri!7»»ea<lpsUn.a»y u>lh>' ”,' ltatv i,> Ulcil p.rtieill-r foovtafeUMUmW. ■“ v,. Co,, ~i w .ulfiU .ut/treet* am! purples cotirr-* « u-. viuii. and Mu'itor •“"wSSS; no&taotn wAtks. T„.'rr u . vrr««.»rr ; o.oO) >“y w|| s fc. :1) ,„. . ; > ,3' ; TjJ‘SKnri.l.looJ, P«,Vv. „., -u.or-imaicu.o. C tmra Co , April UMli. l-|o. ~ V !*_,» Sir. I verily believe your t'oui v?ild ciierrr tia. 11.0 moan, ol 0000 I 1 j eapE ht a rrvere cold, wlunli (trudu worM auroded rrilh a rovero ,rousli. Ibv. U aSnmcita orbkk ItaA mom* 10. mu ~,"roEdi.l? Udlil m- c»« cxbibned *ll the r,rapu„o. ■olmmori CdMomptlon. Ever, Ui.ng I uiod «-e.»rd „Hv »7elten, ami my compldjal rncreawd ».. r.pid w ih.ltmnd. a. well on myvelf, gavenp all top., of Jv rernv. n. At llu. umv lana reeommedded to try vool mvaldalild mediciae: 1 did .0 wtlh the mom h.p ”y,„al,< "IfctfßrM *»“« '‘a l * la S*** “ ,o ““' t £ a SLlli, Cddiins mo u> expeelono. (foelti and by iho ",J I Vad liv'd ail bouteisl waa entirely veil, and ant «« hc&rtv a. ruin as i ever vr as m cry ttlis, nurf Snald hr dappy uJpittany infenttaUrareawretinf m# cage that oiSrvr, amTerere may derive tlir henerd Sof vteVl arnm. cratefa'- For tbe trallr of the above atnlernenn L refer yon to Feter Raah, Irroetr, drd Cheater, Mm, of whom I porcUaaed the me!, on,, RopSfvlly year,, -faire. Moa.atr WomlcrfU CumvJ ■» ilJffWid Ji?in.tlrr. n, sWayne—Dear sire 1 feel a dehl of gramotia dor m Voo-and a doty to the alliieled penerally. to idle, rnybumblo tcatitoony in favorof r 0„,.0«|..„e re ran of Wild Cherry- Some three y ear riolenlly attaetcdwiUt cold and .ntlemmajjon of u.e I Jo., which Waa aecompatuod with a duire.emp iSX pain in Urn breaat and head, a very eon-den.. tdiTSieharee of olfrdaivtemaeaa from ihe lun K ., e.pre hrv I X°o «. jridty y'nhle'towelkVboohor.pe.hal.o.odwhi.per. ,n,h .he Jreredltm vrealnoa. ofmy,lonsa- ll«nii| itoa iveTwal by a dear friebd u, r,feoda m s S..7mem' I ‘meiKL i I am mill ajmo., S»S and imvins implielt to tto-flinf ofmy agents, a tew _ f .«or '23 luonlb*’ utandnig.fon* "S 1 ” Jli’cSimoSo or amin, Iha. imjn-adeody. I had to nso rvyclTC or fifteen Imttle* before I Mwu-i-cr eeflyre fiprS , 1 Have no a isreeh «na> « , remhrr nfboules "wbold have marie me MO»d, bat lor [rnt.e‘lSc“S, The Syrup aUuyeti .J. Jevrr. Ub habit* toot avray tlft rlnrtresaws l' u, a K P to the *«charge or nmtter j’;. ' , them and the entire system good health, i ha% cJ... r red oflerinc this centficaie unUl now, for tbe pur|'t‘w4 plr.juun:. * “ Dublin county, ft. C. • Tsr.-portani Covtupt-^R^- 1 Them re but one jeuujiMs preparation of Wild Cher,rv, and thni is Dr. SwaTSS’s, tho Dr«t erer offered lo the pdblir. tebieh has been sold e™. U« frfe*^v. c^TS'<K; wreatn-retu’e-w ut order ropi > . Dvalittlo obiwirvauou, no t>«.rson n«.eu m.. i- - • mireiope'd’wdb° “fchu£u‘teri“Xvm.!’‘wnh the iwaytir winbr added hereattM. so aa l id du-.i bre prtireraUoatrotu aU others. Now, Hit «|»* ;' ,r the W»i [ oOtdd Ikm.i-r m wo»;il not he cibleavonag to give ‘‘unc-try i- ;r rfirtnloei, oOH,um.” Ire ate^f Cherry. Reuwtuber, always boar m uuud «l.i »• •>• of J>r deceived. PniKipa} oSce, comer of tsgbth Race .a. n ”-« d C^wWii«kwai^ DhlN,.or Aland Wood »«; B C*> ror Utand Wood, and 6th and Wood «•*. nltilLVid Marie, .v, S JONBS, te» A cor llaad and l*e:m sts, JOHN *U »CH LXL, Allegheny city, and by all respectable 11 reodietiic. M’ALLISTEH’S ointment, fe ,^£°cS2, ©sssra»; P "'ir AJwL-HKAUNp, for them i« cuira-l > a dr.-ea.w external ortnidmai, that u *iu i»m liCftriUt 1 have uwilil for the la«l sixteen > eur .or ail «i'ne'»*M ol the diet, inrolVins the Ottno-t daumj •.ml rrviiuiiMiuiirr, and 1 deehtTr before liraten tt.nl man, thit nru ill one case bos U fanedto bcuriu when lire nabent wmrwiuim tbe reach «M mortal MrJA 1 We bad pto/MCtau* ut tbe have oitulfttof* of the Bospcl, ladse* . l-wrern. Kvntietucn of the biffb«t ermlHiot. rn?mumu»-te««*» d.o tx-.r use it m ctery vanety oj It remoTc#- alnM*** immwliairiy ihc luttaumiation and swelUns, when the pain . (Itcinl ihaOUcrtions arotrnd the box ,\ K HRAD-ACHh^—The pu!t« has eared person- of th< <>f twelve ream rtao dsn n> . had ß “ remltr evsry week soXhal *• J.®. ackr,-Ttwrii-ACUE, and A^ yEl?< rm. i-ac^ or-helped with li»e "ucecsi. - SCAW) nfiAD-We have that «.luaJl) deft-d every thins Known,«’ 9rell •»**“ wen m twenty doctore. One man told os ho had vrui s piooe hi*eUUdronwithoo any benefit, wbeu a lew i. Dinlutect eared thoo. TKTrKll—There is nothing better,for the cure of T UURN3-ia. <me of me be.t thing, in the world for are r «|ly J>r 'to, 0 '” 1 ' mem. Jl nr.vnn mil" in ?'»>“« relief lor lelir' ii i- nrppiel llie bor. are d|reClioe. »r »*I /ili'r Otrrreerrt/er ■WibrAire' Comptamr, Jv.m,-.- j. -nnrr, CArir.reio, Seold /frtbl, Set. t. p- 1,.,.-,,. rv,.c IV.ri.nl, JlrentAfroiS Wrevori AJ7rervou, J>o.'.,. SpJna HM vie, rurtoo, lAfrfno.. fcjr »«.. Jl„r,„, Cerrre. r/0 Jfivor* o/*i.o, Sor.lapr, I .tri ple,, ik; S«W.«gTS« «Jr.r 7yZ /i.Vt, V.r’J I-Vt Criftfjv, Swtllni or HreJcrn JireatL, l.rl\ arJtr. Jig*** *>* Ut* Ift. .. h Ci»l >1 FRl~r— Liver CfHuplnim, pain in lb- ’ n-». and *de, tall/ng ofl of Urn bair t «r the meseonW tUmmemw the tmn remedy ) 1. ej tfl , airani iliimw to list® ruM fcsi rilSS&teeasional use of the OUttmeat will ol- TOW.^trep coins fmmgrowmg. People need neve, bn irmrt.l<*tl v<iih fh<un iltbey oic it frequently^ KSS“n.nlmen. 1. good <« “T P?"" , l "« ';»■'> orffiSrhenirilamed. U reme eere. .1 .l.eeld be "‘'cSriON-No Oiem.enl will bn genuine nnle.. the ■mm* of JAMES MoAIXIefTER n, wr.ueow.rn . pee my A genu ,a alflbe prme.pal eu.e. m.d (own.la 11.0 United tei. Pronrietor of the above medicine. iry-i.re„e.lSiofficrNXNom,™rd.„eeb Phil m.-lpbia. jy ckNTS VER BOX. I iw.’ifSm * eorner or ; ™«r*Ssi V bold, a* «ho ■ U Ef- A I‘WTQIIANT is scKrrer lo all other 7*®»dj«» for ' 5 5S&«f ”E.anh« »*. w. P, Inland’* p»f jaatwa Dn,-W4\ ISLAND. or the McdieiWJolleee bf mi- cow otfers 10 Ui* pnUllSu* cialilerj’rfsauua Placet, ihc qtiaJmeaOi vbicit, alter lone ttild ttfciieincrirucc, Imi been BiUit&Clonly etu M hiUrtl To nil women who may bo -afflicted w«h Prolimso? Uterw onFallm Womb, be recommends hu »kiiitrr,-*it«frwtßCin*!-aKiiro amt *P«««y CQr , e * n 01 f shortfootooTfAfo'ittPlboo weeks, tf applied will, car- Ora «nmtWm»tromr»u ami rtJW0»I»« »o«| m OM*e This U- (j-ci* consdoUiouaUi stntinar, umnmuch m be has not in one £asu out W turen hundred and fiity-ihf,- i«n- 'Y^* k flrc^ !i .*’[ 1 ; 3 .:> tCmled,'wUkj*ain J ,tlxre m aaddug «*<=*«' * " l ' •* f inalßirdius'ciwJttrcJeebiis \ cur V\ f * H ’ r ,‘* k 0 <l, \\lJcnXeWrittrof Diamond si llrStin&iJfciter/ 4 ' Iffl*ny fcnd totjLbur si* ** Federal ft tufi&Diuinomi, A .le- IteMMB «a4J>W»» , »I gauthwku against using SmoitVXKBItX&iDCnAUI. mi'KY Crt-POta'tilre l"'" ftlsMfuUriWon"“< “ » 'TPiL t lciiv—fin.<v ««**»•» !•"» nrajli.laro .allow, yri- SEfSsSiliy lk« -iiiiL apptan ate nalng ptcpar “jftgtai iti* W^-nuinu* a Jwamifal y«eiablo article, Wo taW-K-SJSaapiXISII LILY WlllTK 11 ,kia a unanl. kaaWijr. alfiirtstejyeteaT, •w ,n £ ; * itnoft aad «>aooilu t»iifn“e Stia'tconirri IwJUUiy**!?*' ,» • box. jackson. tfriiboty * _ l,:i,r -- > MEDICAL. SARSAPARILLA. Wnder tU °f «i< Art. The most extreordinssy BeaHa* in the Vr'nrhl l Tiu Kiirsrl U pvi mf U Qurt flettlei: ,»r t» wt eJueper, pltmttaXtr. and mmrramud n •tn*r t# ovy **U. tl eartj vitk**s tamitiaf. ffßpag, jtiakoiaf or blflilstay tJU PatisaL Tbe crest beauty tad rnpariority of this Baresmartna ovrr aQ other mrdleinea is,-Uut while It eradicate* lh- <U»- eivt. ll inricoratM the body. It b oae of thh rerr ben SPOINC AND 89UKE& MEDICINES Ever knows; UMI n\r pariEcs the whole system, ami ur-orthwsfh* paraoa, Dtrt it creates sne, pare mad nr* lined: s power puonsed by noetb«r medielne. And is lms bra tbe freed secret of it* wonderful racecn. li hat [Vi formed within the last two years, more than lliumKi rare* uf Mvere cases of diseam; u least 15.UU0 wore ruuidered iaeurabb. It has saved the Urea of more (pan 10.000 children during the two past seasons. 10,000 com* ef General Debility tend want of IVerroan Energy. r»r. Towatend't Sarsaparilla Invigorates tbe whole «v«tem parmstoently. To thaee who hare lost thetr muscular caerry by the affects of medicine! or Indiscre tion com mi (ted la youth, or the excessive indalgaace ol ih<- passions, and brought ona general physical prostre iM.n of the uervous system, iaantndo, treat of ambition, fsiutmg sensations, premature decay and decline, ha*t»a inc tKWartis that fatal ditewse, CouantptioO. eaU In ea lirrly restnred by this pleasant remedy. This .‘Perss |.,inlla it far superior to any Invigeratlog Cordial, A< >t rrhesrs end tavigorates the system, £iru neurity n> ihe btnb*. and strength to tbe musenlsr'sy stem, ia e juont rsireonhnnry degree. tioosmciptloa Cared. ClematJ aed Gvnatanattoa ran bt rwrsd ffrpwrbili*. Oonmaptioa, Eteer Omplaint. CV>iJ* Omlurrk, Ooagka, Atxham, Saitttaf ej ntoaa, fforcaca* in u* Okut, BietU Plash* Right Sweats, Diflcwll or Prafan JEi=*tc(«- raSiva, Paia in Ue ffus, kaot ,1m ml «mi ha nrti SPITTING BLOOD. Nips Torh. April SSS&AOT Da. Towtssxwb—l varffy bnfisve that year 6Sr«*»*- sQln ksn kesa the tkroagh Provldaoea, ef ssrlag nyUfik I have fer wmxl years had a bad Cough. >• beeamn vm mxd were*. At lost 1 raised large qesau tiss eTWaod, had night Senate, and was goatly rietliU uud ssM nidnead, «ad dM net axpees to five. I twn ealr rod year a than das, end there hm x wecdiw/al ehajsgnbnea wiMghlU ma. lam mow able to walk U 1 evar the nliy. 1 raise na bleed, and tav ceeth Iwe left me. Tea eax wall tangian that l m thaukfil tot these raulm. Tear sbeillf taarvttl. WM. MUBSELL, G Caheslue-n. Pr core for ieeipient Oossoapdon, Barrannen, Frouncss I'lsTi »r Palling of the Wash, Owdvenasa, PUsa Lm ut-rrhcaa, er Whites, obetntfted lesentinsnee ef Urine, er Uvalaiurv discharge 1 thrroni, and for the general psnnßatla ef the eysus— ; ' pjoduced by Irregularity, iHun er aaddeci. (lothlxg ess be aero surprising than lb tsviroiatieg effort* : ea the human Crtma. Paranna aff waanuav sad laast- . luds. from taking It, at exae baaoas rnhust and fill et | energy abler its !«*'««— It tastadlnteilr eMotrrecu | the nerralasxnaai of the fkaale framn, whldk u lire greai caose oi Bamßxen. It will net be expected of oa la w.m of so deficits a nature, u exhlhlt eerdlxaits of euros porfomod bnt we can assure ths -.afllcted. that hosdrads leases hare been reported to as. Thtnuands ef »«««» where famlfiae have beta without ckUdren, after using a fow bettlM at this txvslanUn taedidM, hare been blaaad with tse, healthy offspring. To llethen and ISarrled Ladles. This fixtraet of Bartnarinn bn hsss expressly pre pared in reference to umale eoapUiats, N* female who has reason to SUpptma she is appreaehltg that critical period, “ Tho tans */ UJ k," should aeglert to take it, as ll is e eartain prareaHvo fer any of the tuimerwos and horrible ■’y”* to which females are ■abject at thin rit— of Ufa. This period map. bo At leyUytr srasrol ycors hf ariag die sasdicias, Nur li It Intu valuable far those who are approaching wo manhood, es It Is calcnlrtwH to assist naafe, by quick ,nuiy ths blood and tavirnretixf the system. ltuip*<l. Ud< nedlcins is taraluahle for aQ tbe delicate cit#** ten to which women are subject < It lireecs tha whole system, renews prrmaaottl* tljs t nigral rurrriea by removing tha impqnties. qf tb* body, not so far stimulating u to produce suhsequen* rclaxetiea which is tha (an* of most medicines uhrn fui , fomals weakness and disease. By a ting a few botth •ol , thb medicine, many severe and painful sd/peal op-re tions may be prevented. Great Blruing la lllotheriand thlldrrn. > It Is the safoet sad meat effects*] medicine for pu> i ly ing lb* system, and retleving the. sufferinge «Ufn.l«ut upon child-birtb ever discovered. It •ireartUeoi t-otb the mother and child, prevents pain ami disease. In- t rrenses nod enriches toe food, those who have C»«.l H think it m lodiapeosable. It uhifhly useluj U*(h l.vforr and after confinement, as it prevent* diseases attci-.iant upon cbiJdbmh—4a Coetorenest, Plica, (.riata. S- cJV mg of the Feet, Despondency, Heartburn, Vomiting, t Pain to the Back and Led ns, Fabe Patna Hentorrh-ra, and in r-pula ting the secretions and equalising the cir eclaitoa it has ao equal The great beauty of Oil* medicine l*. ll Is always safo, and the omt delleau u*e n must suceessfafly. my few eases require euy .»ih-r medicine, ia soaie a little Castor OU, or BagUß»ta. it o«e/uL Exercise In the open tb, and light food with this medicine, wfi] elwaya ecrere a safe and «e»y«n»- fluctncat. BesntT nl Health. Cn.mwiirt, Chalk, tad • vsrtrty of preparation rally ja ore, when applied to the to, r*rj lt of it* beauty. They elore lie pore* of the skin. tod rhwk tbueireuUtion. which, wkea nature!* uoitbwen rd hy di.eare or powfler. or the tkla laflt»«d foy the alkalies sued la eoapa, heantlfle* It* own prodoeti*n rn thn “ human face DlrioV t* well tain th* garden of nrh tod delicately tinted tad variegated flowrra A free, active tad healthy circolarioa of the fluid* r> t the toonlnr of the pare, rich blood to the extremiUci, a that which waist* the countenance in the mu*t eiaut ■ite beaarr. It la that which impart* the iniie»en'p>ble •hade* and flaahei of breUses* thtt all admire. but none eaa daaerfb*. Thi* beauty i* the offspring of mo ,«rr—ool «•«?. U ti~.U ijot J In- u, healthy elreuUdos, there I* no beauty. If the l*dy u fair a* driren enow. If »he paint, and we wan-ito and the blood b thick, cold and Impure, *be b not b«s»- tifuL If thebe browner yellow,and there byute and tetlre blood, it*l*« a rich bloom to the cheek*, and ■ brilliancy to their eye* that t» ftotaatlag. . Tbi* b why the *o«hern, and especially the Span l(h ladiea. tra ao moeh admired. Ladievf* Ike north who taka hat UOla axereln, or are confitad In do.* roonaa, or hare wfoOei thair eomolaiioo;by tb« a,.Plt calioa of daleterioa* mixture*, If they wish to re rain elasticity of ctep, buoyant spirit*. rparkllM oye« »,»! beautiful completion*, tb#T tbould uto Dr. T»wo *m,r. Hartaparifla. Thomotad* who ham tried it, are m*»rr than aatiified, are delighted. L*R«* of -"fy I'.muon, crowd onr office dally. Nodce t* the ladlMi Thrwe tnat Imitate Dr. Townsend'* Saraaperilta. hare InrariaWy called their staff a grtat Rsatdf far Fa maltt, ie, Ac, and have copied our bill* ao<l circular which relate* to tb* complaint* of women, war I for'wor’ —other men who put up mad Idea, hare, riaee tba «reai •uceeea of Dr. Towwesd 4 * Sarsaparilla in cotapl jidu incident to female*, mtnamsudeif their*, altkoarb pro riotuly they did doc Auamher of tha*e .Mittur*», fill*. Aju, ar* injurious to female* a* they arerlvate dura**, and nadermina tha eowfliratiea. Dr. Tow’o*»nd‘» >* thn only and beat remedy for thn Buserwua female miu plaint*—it rrnraly. if ever fail* of effecting a penoaueot com. It can be taken by the moat delicate fen.alra. In any or by thoae axpuetlnf to become motser*. with the greatest advantage*, a* It prepare* ihn rvteui and pro rents pain or danger, and strengthen* loth mother and child. Be earefhl to fet tha geuumd. Screfula Cwel< Thi* certificate conclusively ptore* that thu H-rea ponlla haa perfect control over tha moat obstinate di» cue* oftho Wood Throe person* euretj in one booaa it unprecedented. Thne Ctdldrcm. Da. Totnrixro—Daar sir i I hare thfl pleasure to inform you that three af my ekDdrea been cared of the Scrofula by the ut of yoor eneelUnt medh-me They were afflietod very severely with bed Sores; baa# token only four bottle*; it took them away, for w nick I feel rnyadf under great obligation. * OB 1W Wooaurat. Opinion* of Phyilclaui. Dr. Townaend i* almo*t dally receiving order* from Physician* Is different part* c* tba Union. This 1* to certify that wa, the undersigned, Pbyrir lant of tba City of Albany, have in numerou* care* prererib ad Dr. Townsend'* Sarsaparilla, and befllvv* it b* one of tha meet saleable preparation* in the market hTt. PULINO. u. it J. WILSON, M. D. B. a BBiGGB. H. D Albany, April 1, lSf7. ' P. B. ELMENDOBK, M. D CAUTION. Owing to the great receena and hsmeolfl rain of Or. TownnsiTa SanapariDa, a. number of mbn who « era formerly our Agents, h*v* commenced making tiar«.p»- rilla Extract*, EUsln, Bitter*, Extract* of Yellow D.,r.a. Ac. They ffeoerifly put Hup In the rama shaped Hoi tioa, and *omaof them hare atolaand copied our a,lver tisement*—thoy are only {worth!*** ImlUtlona. and tbould be avoided. * Principal Office, 129 FULTON Street. Sun Building, ff. Y.; Bedding A Cm, 0 Slate street! Boston; I>y»u4 Bo as,-133 North Bocesd «UOBL Philadelphia ; S S -fiance. Drnggist, Baltimore; P. «. Cohen, Chnrle*<'"i; Wright A <sj- 151 Chart*** Street, N. O.; 103 »«nili pearl Street, Albany; and br all the principal l»mr *lat* and Merchsnt* generally throughout tba I‘n.iad Httifa We*t Indie* and the Canada*. N. If.—Person* inquiring for this medicine, should not be induced V> take any other. Druggima p,.t up Sar*;tpnriUas, qild of course prpfer telling tiieir own. Do nol ito deceived by any-—inquire for I)r, T.,w,i toiul i, arid like no other. 17* Hom«*ml»cr tins semi ine “Townsend’s Sarsaparilla,” told by tbe u>le acmtu. R. E. SIU.I.ERS, General Wholesale A Retail Agent No. SI Wood street, and D. M. CORRI, Alfog'irny eity. »e*i EUnOFEAK AOBSCV, For the Recovery of Dormant and Irapfoperiy With-, heid RRaI. AND PERSONALKaTATKi ih-Set iteraeut nmj Arbitration of Commercial,Trnum,-. awl other Oel>Mj 'SecuringPatenta for Invention* In <Jm»t Britain, Ireland, aml tlte Colonic* and Deprmlmcin.i thenrtuito belonging, and Negotiating for the- Pur chase or Rale of the same. REFERENCE. may. be. bad on application free of charge, (provided the motive is not that of in»»* gurlneity,) to « List comprising up vard* of is,nw name* in which unclaimed pTOportydii standing. Atao, an index to oar lO.Otft) adreiUrenicntg which have appeared tar the past 60 yean in vdrioDv Briti«h .u-wrpaprjrs, addressed to Heirs at Law'fond next of kw. Crimuißßication* by letter are rceaested »o l<e ,urn-paid. BENTHAJI JtAJUAN. 1W Broadway, New "York. R/uVr.-nces arc permitted to Hon. Charles I'. Italy, Judge Court of Common Pleas, New York. Fm-tan.l. Smart A Co. Cun*. rurUidgu A. Co. W «VJ. T TapseoU. (i It. A. Rirkeiu, Kwj. Kit ward Schroder, Cincinnati, Obrfn. A. pMiebm, President Palchin Btutk, Buffalo, novtil-tK'nr ThriOieffhcity Cemetery. " AT the attnnai meeting r,f the Corporators, hnd ott tho ftlh mtt, the IbUowing poraens were ui.nni moody re-eteeted Mutagen tor the ensuing year: THOMAS W. HOWE, PreidcnL JOHN DIHFULL, 1 JiatSECAROTIIRRS, fUTfUKIFJ, lIOLMFA I*i ‘ „ vtnaax mwanbi.ksp, ■ I JOnN n. MioENuiiHGEn, JAMES R.«m;EH, ) J. Fjaxinr, Jr T J*>tirrtary Trt-asnrer. TU«* cfytDa! sj.-u4rarnt prevented. the a ifairs of the Cmtjjcnyfn eomlitiou.l Their albert jnlh*al£ja{[p«jfi7.'\yBfor •trrci, jtiy (i F CK/v AFl’t.i i- —bl ltd*. 3-,-nted k)ri2rtf?i>r *ale J by KAIAIIJrICUKYji. Co^ m sture aud tor ■JSO2L. . _ / Ilua dees ISAIAH mesfc* *Co • TRANSPORTATION LIMES. , the USIOS HITE I betwkkn i-nTsnritcai and " T. M*TilVUi. I'lUri.UfvU, S Rtcru. l'mt .V Co. J-ProprV 1 j a Cti*vj CscvV ir PIIF. :• -to*, ti L.ul- ,► !W*.V pr«-i-Hft.d to n uio.,*,ri Origin 1 tod P «, tioiu a .-d CSevviaiid. or d’lypom; f: n th. V': .Old , One i'.asbyrj-ii .mj c:«-v;Un<! daily run nme hi non «\A l.n'kt K nc a „d M , rhi irJ . , .'l.- l vyr. , „ ruuUißi, a „j U,, IV ,T. ana a imc Cn.'hn |»lt *”* CkV™"W? G‘ T !f,Sr. , ; n, '“ J‘»HN A. C A t'(. lU'.'i . Arrow, «-or U ai» r a.,,1 Mn.iiiftrld <i- |‘r i-t.url» At.'KTS'TS: K—•>!. l\,rk, AC u Ucav.y. Ht. A r„, Vomurujowii.tt hV. t,„„ .v t ;o. Warr.-i. V Iw t‘ VVHA iV Cw - Rrrutlpi.• • ’ “ Si!, W.V fllKrm. A run..' .■»!„«. I-, 1., ■ Uliri-i-t A Cu. Air 1'...",.:)'. .v , s*. "■ l> •* 1... i... T,. !• " il.iuj.-, i . |u,| r . M r!,,,.- \ \\ . \| u-,.. >'J". .1,, Vfon.u: -ti.u ,L'..r, ~.. 1J „ JLI trn «» hi it,.- ft n •,.„i i„.,„ i .nAiayi niAW.Pt } V lU.'l<t:- K )l, Jl all'll r .(.-V, I-. o( lillK 'Kry w:i! r ontnu-.r io in,, . . . fnr lio- !mr at ihrir W «,u-.- on j; r .,j ~r . , . n0i1!..- *)irak for :t * nJiniiiuj.-.,-.- ~f jm'nnim-'r i’r fri T,7‘ ,s J AMP.M > IT.K|. A «-o rlivsilcis. .Itari’h .liii l-]-. Ptßa'a. a»d otilo Tmoiporutloo Co. I'Ht:- IVM» Ni’.w .s nafiMKh TO ,:.*••• rt l.iil'J Ci.ARWF. .VIIIAU « |;.i , n r ; :i. !•„ • t n MM* IK :•• lln.l ;*, riioa.’. JAM Kf KKI. .V i «i . i C :«. Hro.„l -• •• . fnWHKN IM.UtM .» .... - . i;„ i \*i IVftKIOi Art . I.< \\ . .r,.r.-. : \. -Son IMirlft Cu-|n rt r»lt Ip. !•» .‘'.1,1,1- 1 »l kii-l n • -YH ■ ,1 V ' -• "‘I » M K 1 Eft r J.-MM *M.' f I. , •: IUUICK POKTABIiK 110 A T LINE. aa i' .vi iici i.\ i,t i iicvr . >,,i u m < i it< -u> i • 'i- rmi* \un him \\ 11 I VI VI.V . KAI.-Ui.ur>. <l. *• li, ami fclfi* low mi. ■ -• I’ll- Iltir.uint, i>f «n*|»t>r» • •..• .: t ... , f., t t ß . I'itW-urrti. Mnfrh l ! UH'l. u. KIVH Kir.KA JONKfc , J - M. ,* >,.J Ur - •. 1*.,, r. ; 1,,.,. |; I«..in *> Sa.it, I'nx'iM . ,\r l.llir r Jl r».h nSw IM:»i -ip-u I’MO.V LI.\K. To ri!UaUrl|thU HKNfU t.KAIT A’« I or A IHTII.II Ml .‘.d’HKl t < At | IT Murk. w. I'li.l I’ U lux-r *..rV i A '■arainvrt il'i ;i , Jof.t F t ;,:t. Am >,,p. s PW N™. sir:. A l •>. F II A . , H. MO F M)> t'.Vli (i IM' I ll.n , . i ha.' him i'll k i \ < \ 1 - l IIF-AU V Mil \ FI- ufL mTSBIKGII PORT A Bt:K BOAT 1,1 SK h'trr iL- . f /•'.< , L -ui t 0 I’lTl'Sill ttl.ll. ImIII AMI l.i'lll v , Vi.lMCrtK N Vi'UK A• »/. 0..«1.h.i:r - I ,-•• !.. . • • :r--u ,n, ‘ : •- «*f*l t • -« . . i.i. ]« • , . • TUl'l i;<, clV'NNiiK.i'r . r \VM W \. „,»i LAKt: KUIK A!fp MICHIGAN LINK. IS4B. ciMUS wA n'.o\»i. 1..,.. . otnjK,-.-. .v.mi.iw.i 1 Lake Kr.c and ’ll . I’ : „,j Il'-nVvr, niiii rciunr :,<«• c-r i.,. 1U.. : . ~r m-ren iVaVtr A.r-.-. . i ,'.i Kr-ili . , or toe r'f i t':n.i,', s-i.. I iv I ti,.-.. . .; \|,.in Hs'.'l". rtrri !.'• v .fjift- n -Alii) pi-n.,-1.. - ■ ■ <• M M Itl.rii rr.. f . in 1 i* r a 1.1- ' . KCLIJ>SK Tin .N'kl'OKT A TH>\ LI S K. T<. mlrt in. ~ ij..- r I'm: l-K-f’" -In. ,r.. 1 . r, Tr oegnn/.ruii- . .. r. 1.. mrel ih-fwi’*),*-* I*, •l.ijij*. ■ , i. i.-i.i J l«. forsvi.of ’n cr-nJyr iuiiiiiih ' v if- 11*1 l)\ i I.IVK Thi- l|»- will >MH Pi goixln ihro-i: h ih«‘ itr-ni. i-. i-.hitn* u> o«H'-rs ap.l .-.jn-iri,-•••. . i-. ili. jHi.pm.-lii- Ti.if r,., !..!. |.. ~. i,,r mark-! J.M ...... M-. ■ 'IT,- nith »?••»*> Ptl-II’SK Til A .Vsl'OUT A Tin 1.1.1iK A* '“-5 f.l ' ..u-t*rl !'•'if I ». '.a t oir» M».r ..r a/L-r* .‘i. 1 1 , ,tt.1..q*1, oi.i ri, %c* .... ... .I‘-.- I It.) -.1 .. r i ... • I r • •I’—h'J •; I <• •. v.l L r ~.. ..... I, W 1 A'-s |tr .*.„•■ 1.. >:oo* i- ' - l-mol-r \dcflcrn Traimporlallon Company |V |VJ IrKKC'll AC o a |o Jv* 10-40. Old JCsthlillnkierl Lines lO fO. TO l’| Nf.A I-*! M‘lli A. M<\ I.TI 'U i(U A M W I<»KK \RKpr-l>iirr.l lo .run p..r •:<—l* f•! J---’ >• - Irma* the .>!>« ->• r-u. * Ai! drr-...|n,. { .l > to W. LKllrit A «'«, I!:, - in. I* *.-* if? pi* liAltKlH*.V 1.u'.l H.Nfi- l! A 1..Jn.r1.1 I J TA VIsOI* A M:»N, ' : • ; l \ i 11 . * r.l «: lien A. AKrOTT. A-t Nf : " ■ -i -'• • ’ '■ -v .'..k Mim >' PlcTchant*’ Trnnipurlallon Line is is. jgmgk roll I’ll 11 ~t I*l .Ll‘ MIX AN IJ HAI.TIMf iRI’,. lT;ii-<1 m.r < UT.- v*i I iorw.tnlcd Cantu M.-ii.i *l. I'i’i-i.uisli. M|.'.K"Kl].l.r> A KK'r .\OJ.hS. •.J7V and :*iA.M:i»t-r .1 |M,il'a lio>r. MKitH-irr a c„. DIKHCHANTS’ WAY FIIEIOIIT LIXPI, aaaaiti.iti.Aftaß. acf.tkivKi.vfytfTu>:Tß*x>i*-'>n':*i"..> -r «r*i i-KP.H,ur Bhri'WKJiN I’lUst.urgh. L»lair»vil,e. Jolni*u>« Hul h.Uyeburßh.Watnr stn.et lHu.itmg.lon Coy.iml IV. icrxburgli. This lJlie wsi* forni-d erf'usivrlj-for tlir ■p« , nn nr rommcdniicti nl tin- way tMi*m«-f» Th' I'ropnriora, Uinnklul lot the Tory hberr! peirnniire in« > hnve re ceived durinc the lasi two t ye»ri. wuu.d »»• infill thru llieud*-un<l 'he pablir tlint they are now »uil better prepared to deliver good* at any point on the Uunul and lUil Buada, wtlh prornpliirk* -ui.l dispatch. ' d pnoraitCTiius. PICK WORTH A UtsilS. JAVK-S A litHK, <JKoIUiKTRtM»LK. Jt»llN MILI.F.K At.KN'IV Pick wnrth.4 Jon::siuwi; • J.dii. Mni.:# ll.iuid.i) Aliuri'i t'A .M Aouliy K Co. cnnal ba.Mii. lv;-> argil Rvn.tuivv*—Pm.turgtv•-Smith A Sir.. I;ur, J 4 J Mr-Ucvilt, t. A. J II Hluk-iilmtcit. K Uobim-m A Co, K Moorr. Btixatey &. Smith, Joint Parker, Win le-hmer & Ifo, Hr P Mion-hrrrrr. ■ , ' to Conintting EnglaetnA <;oitn»ellori for I’fticDteeai Office for procuring urn! •i<-*i-jnliin: Patent*. Miipnruni; inlot million on iVlrebniin * nml the apple nmi nt Set ein-« to tin: Aru, and on Aiccn.-un .imi Kun »C< I.aiv* Of Pialrmt* 1)R1)R WAI.TI.It R. JuUNMON. lot--or Philadel phia, and Z. C. iUmiHNS of U u»hiiij'ion city, (to bo aided by Hazard Esq.. l|it« Mnchuiest of the United Sute» patent nihce,) luive asi-oriulrd thenuelvtoa together for the prosecution of the anove hronche* ofprnfosrtojml either in flioir offieo, •t the Patent tjlfice.. or before the Courts! and will de. vole the.it undivided attention to forwarding tho inter est of liiytntor* and other* who may consult them or place basilic** ip Ihcir hand* Mr Kuowles has for the past twelve yflnr* held the post of tlschlncM in the i;>Hted Stnn’i* Patent Odn e, mnJ o:*iqns hint Mlualiuti to take, fiiirt in U»c jjre«-nt undertidung. Hi« talents and peculiar fllne*« :!>'• iii.iwrum olhee so long fill |,y hip>, have, been fully recoemsisl by lllVClltOf* whoreVitf the iphCe its&lfi* known. nteotßPe of MtssrvJ. * R i« mi h -trert, opposite the pKtoilf IHbrß’.-'VasWngtnii. D.C, Where eonimnni r:>unit*, paio.-’.vil!.liftpromptly attended to; extun ,n ituinvwadrl, dritwinea, BprcibcaliiMi!*, ami nil rrmns d- pyj’rffl inodelK procured when tlesi n-.|—on TetißOiutlilf le|jw*. 1-eticr* of eiu|niry, npcet cl to I.W uJtnßaMliiHonr hud, must be«c- I hj a :i>. rifCVi; dotlsr?-. in iJir ofacereodiie whipo (wniiiw in the j* 3 , thn: Uatw^Tkb«'iJ X R •■vill>e ui»i-ie,l o geudetauftofthe biglie.u tiroiesßional ehametrr, and tuJly tcmVtirituH s(fuh iiccnonic* and oih;f iMcntihc aul<;e«a.' my^tinUnrlyS -r-ftr*-" EXCHANGE BROKERS^ I. IZOI*S£B it BOVS, Barken, Exchange Broknn, A3D DKALKK4 IX NOlfcS, D!Um.\CCKI«TANCRS, GOLD, SILVER AND HANK NOTES. COLLECTIONS*—Drafts Notes and Accrp: U ne<‘* in anr ! ,art of l^c Union. rollrctn! on !».• tavortiblr lenn*. ' ' EXCHANGE on NV«* YorJt, I’hilndrlphm an.l tl«'. tiniofc also, Cuiciuiuiti. l/GolevjUc, S.-um |, oul , ftrvvjQrlennv constantly for gale. BAiS'K NOTKS Notc» on all rolver.i l.iuiJn >n . .irnuCji suite* discounted at Hie .owoi rate- A 1 of Foruisn n:iJ American Uoid ami Silver {'oi'/tioueiit iiik! dbiil Uifire No 55 .Market rtreri, between 3tl ami l-.h PnuyirgL. I'a orr£> *r EIUBSJET, HASNA * CO, 'jyWKKiL-'. KXCIIANGF. HROKKHS, u.l d.i^r. IP fe 1 I Do , nr«».Kloh.i: r ..c^ni6c.ir<i.( jDcprtHhe Bunk Noirt. and Specie, f-oun-t near ly ogpowte tne Bank of !*::t«!.ttrrt). Current mo- rv -JvceiM on .lepo«ttr-tfirht Cbret. ft>r mlr, and col- **'* ,,<,mrly * ' ,Le P nncl M i Point* it; U,« ' hl « be,>l paid for Foreign and Americas. Advance* made nn ronjitpmner.u of Prodttre »hirv ped Eaat. on ! n«-ral terra*. ui'-n 15* T KOOEIOS EICHASGK. I>ltil,s Or: Kurland. Ireland. and Senil<fcil l.onetu > My.i.moui.l »i the I'um-m Raw of l-Wane*. pavalHf in nu> j»m or U„- old i: from-AI io iti Die rale oi I*.". u> tne A Sirrhni; wul.oot .te-.n.-uon nr di.coum. |.j- JOSIICa K< JKIN- Sn\ > bfn|..uu tt i,u Ur lirral Ac-nt. other ml, u „„e d*v>rver»i i>i winkl . r.~F?if h. mu. wyi , . . 1111,1, 4i ci nm, IJAMKFRS and Kirlumce Broker-. Jv-m.-rs 4 „ F or . > ami Doniretic Tua*< mid f- u . hl it,);. o) j,-,. Vhallpf.fiiTite* n! Bank N„„ , u ,.j ~N«. G$ W m»d Hire!. Dnrd i|«H>r l..'l« ; iv Xnurlh. wr.l - nuirri i! aiJ.KJI laAKeitl j aiwuu a* iim KIIAMKK & nAUM, I>ATfKKRS A.SU KXCMANIrK BKdkKKS. denleri I> f» fill. M'M and (till. «( KiclianKe l>r- All.' dir* n. ((.•Im-I!.-, Bank Nelri ~r,d *H aitil \\ . fr,•(, .1; rI • ■', (I, t.ppn-il.; >t riiai,.-. Iln. “ ' lli:i| .‘-,11 ) W fcfiSTKKN FINIkS- Indiana. KVii|„. i v pnn-imred at me inwr»i rnr«. '' N 111 >L.MK> A SONS. “'P LS 15 Mu-kr; -liret. •p»US OF KXCII A«OK-Sifi,i I'in ek« nn I) ' N-wNntli. Con«tAru!y fur ~,|e by MISCELLANEOUS. \rANI CArriRKD AND I.TAF TOBaiV«._ BI'CIvNOK A I'n tl north water •« , u .d l*> liarvr*. Fltii'a, oiler lor «:»!>• on nceomrao<laiiiie i- -nttfo-oxi pkp- Mamifitnnrrd Jot,arm.. eon»i*mi|: of i,„|i |»ound«. 5«. - |o.. |ii *. ts » mid :Wn. imi.fc; - - r.. ~„d -a pUm. and IIN l.a.lieo I’wm. m •vi.ntf iij..! .. a 'r i.i.i,-. ofil.r i.illcwui* approved I.rami', H (I'mnt. O.horn k Bragf,! • ■An: A lAiauu, A ('abanc««, •‘Jim. - A -on, M'Uinald, t\<l<»iur o;.i. J Thomson, J.itlte< f'nmn., Jr. A H Armstead, J «khii:,« a Soil. I.aiiUnorn k Annuiead, ) Fi'ium, J M I'obbn, ii-*JStn A Koy«ter, JAl'lay. M-9k ftuto-r. f A He’:. ».«**»», lUi: W in mwuiii, Beyl A Norwood, J S Bm< kwrMHl, . Nath l-nf Ki'i "tone W Jj Vaorlian. Klwami Henry. FWiiaui Uoliinw.ii. ISu—HA 11... K«R). Knbinrot, A i*o Sm)i lI.D ev, l< Jvlpiei,’; j..., Fnd.-i. - I.*Wt. . ••Uittier. J Kiiluiooh . t.Mv A l.rtt. , |> I! fui'i. i, ...... , l':>l ; - ALSO II.WUf-s liiujcni. wrappers and ftil.-n, ~ do do >l.. ( ji , j; : aef'o* do do do St Jpx' l .'e ao m, '.to Si tVdn. IJO do d« do l»un:r<t do !>art 6nr, do M.tfrVire do do do k- 'fldyk • v.. nil- (,» do no S •/;ti:ii !.• .. . -ana. .•• lot manuueiuriitc and nport, S|• - •] I.' !'■ Hl' E. I'vuir.-l.cul and ( rlii'i. Is. itfir -nnj ai.d S adders.) AI h.’ rm.'na*M e ai! 11. .4..*. Ifivnu |.n,., (>,,,• Kn.i' U.-i * m.,.. ' '■»;»' • • '■ .'I-or:, e. l'at, hi i'«v*- ndi .n Ki... u „k. • Afl A- I‘UIUADKJ.IMU V n.. i- »* f’fSr-' i/jsrnm n: :n*s.sa :?» *u. 'or ...-.TOB.HCN, SH7FS, h\ D f ILAKS, * * 4 X «»(' Sm.ihfi. .d .:rrf! Vr* A rr I*a «-.»«..] • l, rdjru.r at <,rC«u;UH M-rr'.am.. S>-Stfd■..»! Hu>• .; n ,ar t r n ,t.] uj«-.il. O' I U I'l I'U.A K! 4 aim.. < i**'i 14 i»- ;u ; -w.'ic brand*. \ i «•. K/-»* a..iu i'i» ,u io< I’r.ii'- Norton * <t.i' HrrtmJ llnrrt*. of-* •!H> &ji* K.-v-a. .... >. un.',..v* *. ,a -!••• irij :t. mi. •• iur • • I.c c AO.J f.Ktran -■ .• vt ~V. a lurr- *-.! i ... \ .i K . i. M„ un.:l\..Lui AjJ'u* If.ivt-. t'u'.a Cofiniu.:: 1.,',. Te ' J 'jlil hi .iir'Und he»i variety rver o(Ir red ,n iu »c i > 1 f.-e «nJ- on liir most «pprov>! KjiAlrfn pall* ii | >-•> nrwii. .r Pji »p > n pallet ii» and i mn< « ANo ris}-: • • 111 ap or i;n>ton ci.inr h«ri ' 'dV':'i' '••-rrS i”•» at»l oilo*r« an- n v,ieJ m r\! *nd k»l,or ,* t.erj- ilriluri.on nude to ... f . A .' KrTKKVi:; T BUK K FOR SALK. 1 i_oT 't ■ * i n .tin;: ti.iJ.- in* Mtrjin l‘r^-- n...f . '.I 1(11.. |.<l«- lu.«r. •» -.xni-.-n (u s I »illlt. <.! •r Crl-k ,nj tf-ilrr ♦-*■*.! > .1..1 -,ij...rmr Mlnr i-dmue'i rn<»r. .lull .. •• s• o r-. pr J, ~f,i L ■!,. y rkK.l- a ■•<..! -.|l. i., 1..-*; ! . *' I'Jiri ||*V- -It-I, u,— /!■ tu-v.ii. m » H*vl4r.:..i r,ri r „ ul-'.u, n 11,-111 ;• i> \\f iilM'iii. Ju.i- 1 7. !-t- i; j .tjj.M.IILVi VJ.M I lAN BLIND i Ai. illfl i VifiliJliri ii l Intdr lo onl-r in ill- be«l «ly l- Itiimlk ri p.H*. .1 m 'h«- *hon*-st tioti-r H<‘ Iti.Ji.i- mii i— put up wiibm»t any u.ldi tminbl , \ per.-r. uiui Mir) run r*-rnr>v-il mu oio liiru'l ii. . I,( hr- m fur Wurh.iic ami w.Uiim! the anl o' it f.r-rr v» dm-r jv 1 -II yA w|n«nl yS Sen NETT 4b BROTHER. r? cti>:i nsw aki- m am.'iai.tl 1 iikhs. Uirmlnßbim.|ncar PlU*bureU,j Pju H-dfit/i«u.ir, (Vo. i:}7, Wood xtrvt, rUtiJuri'h. IV NX rnr,»isntly k rep on hand a good aseorl mem ni W*i«, ol our own mnintuietarr, and sui»fi,oriju*!ii) VVliolcMie iindrounin' Mrt ■ rtir?ie for iMcmSi lv,-*. *« w- are drlermuied u> sell ri—kper than ba* *v-r l.cforc heen offered to i|, c paL>- JI Orrlt-i* •ert by mail,accompanied hy thetach or etuStfrn-iic.r. w;i l>r i.r<.mi»i:v atiended to. feb23 v COA C H MAKING., ■r FROM the very liberal rncoumga', W meni the sulwrnber has received *Uce he lia* locaieil hinmelf in Allegheny, bn* induced him u> uke a iea*r-,fbra *'' ■ term of year*, on the. property he t(nw occitjre*, ,ti Mcnvet Mreri. ;mmcdiaiely besid,, it ho i'lrfdlyier anO-uMt From the long etpcrirnce inilhe »tH,yd I,u*:ness and n dt»rc !• please, he hupe*to (per il *d«i( fecci vc H Allan* of public patronage. Nff.W on lianT mid fimimng to order, Roc It away Biug. a:,<l top llurr-ca, aud every desenptioii of ttarfi'jii'p* made u> order from *eveniy-fivo dollars to • 1 kepT-dtfl J«M!.N SOUTH SlOhvngahcla House Tailoring f£»ls|b- Ilihmtnl. WILI.IAMp. lirup. r hi,.l Tminr. ne K . u> in* Rirtn the citizens of Pittsburgh ami other*. ihoS'he m mSw opemiur at hi* room* on Snutlilidd «uect, cn •drf above llotcl, n large ami beautiful HH*orUiicul oi Cinith*. CoMiinerv*. Sutma, Milk.,ami oiiu-r Vcrime,, tosrefher with such other articles as arc required For wear. Hi* goods have been carefully j.r -le<'U'-|, and are of the newest and most !n«h.»mi|>le *ty well u* of superior quality His cu«nunfrs mnvrik'peml upon having their clothes muilr up ir| n uuiii'ifct which cannot (ail to gratify the taste of (lie apV4:ly ii THR STAB. OF TIIK WENT i \ A VKNITIAN BUNUMANUPAtriORY WuM Fj*«( suit- of Ihe ihainojul, where Veaitihn Blind* oi ail the ditferem .lie. ajul color* are kept on hand or made to order *f|c the latest and most approved pUi*iFfi, (nijli* |;‘ v ions,at the shortest notice and on thr md» rrax&]Qnble trrnir. AIM, the cheap Boston roll or rplii Wind Tranapn reriojfriliul Paper Curtain* of all tlir different nzoa add Sotiethx, on hand and Tor »ale low forrstb Old W|u nn Jflxuds painted ovrr and repaired, or taken in part :par«fjmior new. R M WKSTKRVKI/r, Pro'pr IV^p.—Ail work done with the beat material and rWor|iH|maliip and warranted to please the mottm*- tldloSl).! , u uk 10-41)* Altofcbony city, Ang. 10, 1&13. nMM&fSPAHKNT SIIADKS-Jaat TndlTr X at W M'diuloek** new Carpet tVnreroom, No «£>3**ou/th >l. a liandaomr anaortrocm of Tranana •Jent Pfimlow Shndea, at ver>* rednerd prim*, to which ><riflflltr tbr aticiitinn of tbuce wiitiing lo purchase, i, l||i;4 U M’OLiNTOCH SVT ffliV lIaApKI'M— He'-eived lhi« day direct mint U.l fcjifi muntilucturer— \ ‘ Neijt tlyie Tapeatry :t ply Carpet*. extra taper, 2j\o do do Ja auperj £|K> do llm* »i-li Onr|x-o; f-lio- very rbrap, do i|{o ndT-Colßfci nuprt Ingrain do C-?, ;M VrnrUaii do 4ijs 3-4 onirO-a«OBJ»o* do tip' * Al«>£ which aohl at a imaii advance, and trill »a tow a* can be purchased in the rn*i \V M-QLrNTOCK,7S Fonrtb it 16 kef* Lard: 'iS bbli do; in store and fur rqfo by IctilC JAB DAi*ZKLI. , JOHN H. MEI.LOIL No ?t Wood ha* now received a luil a»«ort- HT(BTw , “Sriraem of Ptano Forte*. selected irom * • _ f I * the followt itg mauul'artori'** m U<i>too_ ami N»*w <>>k. to which th<Mtften:ion of parrhnicr* n~ r«**;*rrtiuJlv invited Tho«r from Mr Om-kennr. |for iliu salt- oi winch hr i* «o.e Arent in We»u*rti Prnn *yl viunn,! have who: i» icnnefl ; ae New Circular Bca>; L>ein< H ''improveniciii in«uii-. ami civmg ihera a droid-d a-lvantatc i:: po wr mill- equality of lone u»rf any mlirr,. 'll,? to! _,W:i z nrc ’.he p.iUcni* and *iVJc» n{ l'ht' - kr»:ity'» No 1. Kt>-r\v,.,>d. 7 Kt'rrCtu «b*-d liw k ft from. Wi*' ' * o* “ i.iKv rurwo • " sM.AI *• - r*i '• •• - •• 1 ''i • • ifv*‘! m..:. .foes *4'<l - hn-.-n.-d i,i. k ami ' n't. *Va> • > * - - ICWi ■ 7 •• „ S.nis '■ •>. “ i. ;irf..-I tr ;■ (r■ 1111. S-im II •• t! li,->l'..W > nrn-r* n..d bntinw rnr- V. I-’ Hum* n 'round 'o.-i.-f. v, f y .-.rgumly |,n- Tiir :i! hiv ; u .- red * y M \% or-—t* r. \ ,M.-*.r. Stouirii. \\ orr.'-i. r A lUn.li-m N. \ . * N.. I f K«>..'«'«.!, i.,,. .rv r■ i m,iu ,i,^. tin,if i,, 10 Mniili.litiiii f.unpin.\ N \ • N-I 11. K .•jrv.'.i <i'». ;«vi-, Gine A t\> \. No t.. [.linn N.. hi. U(.-.Mr,,.„i miiilc I.) Henri 11-r/. I'm.v N,' ir. Ni .iw.r-1 w v<-< -.-on,l hnn.l, |n.-.- *75. u:.l I'.rtMo- ui. . ,rt pit) Hif.it io- new on.-* J- 'UN II M l-'.1.1 ,l 'K, Soir A*. I r for I >,|. k. I -,*< 1.ra.,.1 mi,l Sonar.- I'm.io For.-, mr U-.w.. F . I*l ANUS. 1 ri,i ,M i t u --.r. , i 1 . uiiiah . r.n mV.mdT- Mu-ul--".!!'';' 1 ,,?'"-,,'; Fhlladr Iph iri, and I In’ i ii -n. hi*' i n hi** li li * |na.j- 1 ng Mu'll,,,,Tf. S IMH..ML.S .* S<-N« T. Murk. I /''Rl-.ir .VI-lIAI. VNKI i X -Im: i,i-r VI .--'V,-.. 1 ..1., in: 1 l*i \Ni I t , »«: IK.' .! u nmirVool’f tl.i.j •«. ~|m - - it I'.il-'O 0. • up..-* I.„l„nr lowt 'u ;i* 1.1.1.'1. MN.ia. 1.0.1 I- • mu. .. mm.- «W t ..ml “I )hi 'HI V 1 lJ B .nl ii.r mth It -ml »•< . Af.o ...... t. Sum-* A n.iik N■. i ... o' \ A f..,,! . * <ii. ill-. Aim. inti. i.t. win ink. .i Jv, K ...-i \ii I’olriiimi. m..i Minoi.i- oi.,- r t. »lini.o,i 1 « a.;. iHirnUon lor 'if. t n: Am-'r.i *ii .»i,' MiceiiuH) . .•i.i'lK J ,l.r 10.t0w.1,t- frili'.fki irniti »< Tliai... rr ci •' I' 1 . v..,- I.on-fi. Jan IN 1-44. M V Drill S. t 1,, r... ,1 111 y IMr lilt. Mr *• I ■ • I •'out .'.I-411, C li»r-*«ni< o .ou now Hu,, h I 'ah« t-i. i«.-n wi'n yiiut ".Vhilian Ai.m :iinrni .v.,„ i. 1 , a- n r.- .it mu«,<-ul oji I for M..- ' II hI.i.MKH •••> A’ " .--i I.- kl /l RKKD, PARKS it.CuN. PACICKT LlNlc. isis. m.AW-.M lMh:i.l'.U.!.AN|i|.i.M.i., MAKKIhN K M »'!• I* l KK> A. .. fVav-r Ji lIN A > u <.»{,.> .A !' AM.VP- : . '•]!•»• .... !• lit., N v i \i Ku.-. I ... f, ■ 'la .. IV. i> i- V .La. w. ru-H-k; I':.. U W ' U • .11. \. * I J- 1 ... I’,. ... 1 i'ctiuiflvanlK ('kitftl Jt Knit Road Kl> )>rria Fn<t I’arkrl Llnr, gfe^is.is.jigj^ n:n\i i’i rr>lll r. h t* * i iinu, 1 i.nnuiai, T"’ dill.-.- |( i.t.t.l II ,\ Co nin K ''«"‘ - Kt|.r... U ofion 1.l nr, BgSk f FmVn in.n *\n i-hij \ hj. i.i-iii f riMi- 11**■’ i>\'. -’V. .7h» ,i A I ’ •** '*'• «.u ■ in- U«ul » , U,,„. ..., V4 0M RCI.IPSK Til A IVSP(HITATIO,\ LINK. w*. eßjaaa mammsma • -M?.m CHIPI'KK* >m.l ..N.rr. ..I l*.„l O •*••.>- 1C X P It 1C S S w A U O N I, I N 1C , iSt**-*— PlU»l>iir£)i nntl P lilia<W lphln, ti.mk. nvni.ws in \mmi imv a\d\i(;irr rjMIK jmil.lk- IM- r.-.,.,. Hu M ir.<l /riu>•.l i( o u tin. I.u.e 1 win .•'ukiil.*'-i.. »• >«»>..-« iitr. ar-j, m<( A cur w!!i Icavr > v.n, t |.r MaitTiuin lo I'Jinmi.pKl-iirc mnl horn :ln* in c l-y Wagon, with a ' v '-"ill l* rr 1 u i.i r.< Vi \ "Lj’.vSu)!? ** or 11 \i: uis ,v M novju Su r: A..U111 rinr-l .-Mrr.ii. I’tONKKR TRANSPORTATION LINK, Foil Cr.MDHRI.ANH l.'Al.'n MujtK. AM) TUF eastern ci'ni-as rpHH I’rt.prw ..ii - ... J„.,r |,„l N,- w yiUn-k J. liriilarr 1-r. pared i 0 K.iwaid pa,- U«.'. r.i *;i de scription* .M.• n: she .ow,«t ralr-s J C INDWELL. Ak-'ui. Water «irrn. UoULNso.N A HOKUM. nru'Jl t*'i cti:if!. » *i, Hulnmorr AND OHIO WAGON LINK, HTTSUERMf AM. I'Ini.ADKI.I-lIIA. '".•'llAU’KJ'-l-iIA i.„„ ri l',„. bur ,.|, I.KWhA m Tl.l-.11. *!■» Murk.-i ,t, h "“■'L* ' I’h.i mlr Iph i a I pßiiencer ami RemtUanca OlDe* 4** MaCkI.IvN .V any pan « Ir-n„.l WWalc. upon the iu.»*i liberal „. rHI , w ,u, h k -ii n.uu! nuuctunniy and •in-nln.i. to and . nm furt Ol emnugraW* Wp do noi allow our pii««n,ter* in tic robbed l.y Urn sirirdliiig *-nmp.. that inlet th- *ea poru, a* wo lake churxe <*f tirem u,r mom.-n- they re port the-m selves. ami »eo to their well fo-mr anil dr Mmie.htliem withotn any detention !.•, ih* (, r „, « tl ,p, . We say this learleisfy. a.* wr .b:f) „nc 01 .* ur Ere u> show Unit they wnc demim-d l~ !,«, Uf « |,. verpool, whilst thousand* ol «tit«, were j rUullr ,j months, until they could I* sent in mine old Cflt n ui .1 chip rale, which t«w> frequently provd tm-n a-ortiu* We intend 10 porTorro our contnrvt. honorably W ' )B , what H ‘Hay- a,ul 1,1,1 u ° l 'J* wn * 1},,; “use la«l wiih ether offierra,—who either pciiormed not all 01 whou it *uited their rouvciilitnce. Draft* drawn al Emsf.urgh for any sura f„, m x , £l«*l, pnjaWi- alaiiy nf Urn i.rovmrud llanli< m fro land Knchuid, Scotland ami Wale*. JOSHUA ROBINSON, European and General Arr’nc fri.j Fifth «tre«u one «loor below Wood. LARD AND KEATHF.US—7 bid- No 1 •»<!„ No ‘l do. 7? I'M* Feuuiero to arrive, for sal* h r lebLJ IsAiAii DICKEY ft Go, from U BOOKS, MUSIC, &c. PIABTO POIITES. Nkw l.vsrkl NKNT. 11 kI.KKKK. ' A: J W U «m,IAX ATTAf'IIMRNT. TKANSPORTATIUN. i- l \\ i nr,: i\' \ ! H w.l I n" |-.\. nl-r I.IVK 1.1. A •. I.U .1 N l) ,KIUI. 'A . , ~, ■ - r-.- H u ,,d «•< r-v-i- in Five 'V- » vt-c >•••* " M lUNi.Ha'M. I '-.-in 1 I'.",u ,^b I.INt. II AM ■» a D... K'. No MnrL.'i «i r , .., „.i. J ‘ Cli’-WU I.'. "vi.i.u-r!, K<*UlN>nN A |in| mm. Min „ rr hktw !.i:n Baltimore and pi'itsiil kuii ILr Time, '•> daw _/JJ Merchandise inuistMir-.r.i m Tniiai rate* rnfLMYTH A DUNCAN, Agems. W'airr street. Fiiuburgh. R.VILF.Y A .MARSHALL, "<'vl ? 47 Light meet. lUluovir*. BI’RKK Oi. CO’S FAST KXPKKSS ‘ HARNDHN A Cii , MEDICAL DAUEV’S HAGICAI PAW BXTBAGTOB! I'IIE following from Georg* E-Pomeroy, E*«lm the avcß known proprietor Of the tllprea*. *peat* for ti»elfoi ihe importance of the Pain Extractor to every parent. Rxracss Onici, AHiaay, Sept 1. Ms. Dau.xy Dear Sir—With feelings of no or dinary pleasure 1 address yon in relation to thebenefit 1 have rec'-iv.-d from tour invaluable Pain Extractor. Lmdy, my l>i:ie dnushter. 6 year* old. hod a pitcher of boiling wmer tnnird into her bosom; her screams were dreadfn;. that a crowd instantly paUmred be fore the iniuAc io lean the eauae oflhc terrible screams i tore lu-r i-ioibe* atoujer ami ooon spread on yoor *.i.re. uud »i>-- wu- canird and |«d upon abed. She wna sion i.-n.i-jrd irora tn-r pauis, and says “Ma, I icel ii- if I rouid .a jrli and »o* mion in sweet sleep. She whs »«• nlilr.l n , ‘i-irr from the tun of her siiouMer over mure li.-ni nu.; inr rlie.t. and round under the arm* 'hi tin- Miounlt-r nn.l breast n wia* vary deep, xcitrom tii'- hr.t b.,ur. >nu <-uinplained only When n .»it- ill Hi. -or<-m-itlrJ rupidiy, ttinl there i* no \\ ith uiiti » \vi.lif«, my ib- B r sir. for your success in l!i.- -an- i.i :1■ i* miftlii) Hflit-le. I inn vour«. w;hi rr*j>r«-i. gku. n POMtJIOY THE TEST a i»,/ .VO MISTAKE’ Hi.- penuiin- Dailey, will ever produce die same in* Miiiunncou- r.-.iet, mid •oothing, cooling cifert, in ih« '. vi r*'i .-UM-' oi Hum*. Sr alil*. Piles, ic. I In* < Viui.i.-rictu- non otter under what name* they nn»\ appear n.wn \ » irrnnie. *nd tor reuse i&r Dtun TO TUE PUBLIC P V labAard P llo.tnrv of ChaUuuu. Melvin Itridce, t.olumlua i-vmiiy. N \ have been elllieted with rin-u -moii'iii in my hreu*t. feet and ait over ray body for xirycarv U.ai I <-ou!d not stand, and was cored hv three applicaii.ißs ot Dulley’s Magieal p IU ,i Kxirnctor ■ LpvVARDP.UoLMJ.Nj. Mr 7 1*, Urx Sir- I cut my hngrr will, a copper nail me pu.-..noiu I.inner nf xx Inch caused my arm io swell’ i on* .1, -r il.lv. xviili con*Uul shooUng pain* up lo dm -linaiil.T \ larcc *xvrli ni: talking place hi ihr ann p.i, v. ii, in rrn-ii.i.’ pain. I heearur fenrlui oi ih« l^»ck cf>Timit-u.1r,l If 111.- h’ld WhtrnJ XVJi■ vuilt-i! uptit/m ml JUSI I’M II A lllllSt >.N, \rw \ i',i U I <>r;. . r ,i SuUimhi -i*. Sept - |-4- NCl'li'E- II Diii.KY i» ihr mVcninr of tin. inralo ni..,- i.-innh . iinJ nrxri lm* nn.l never will cniniiiuni • any " v m< m 111 ill- -reret oi n* rntubmuium’ • '•l F.x irii.-ior*, i:im tore, not made und put uph I’H/f i' -ilk ' f>n-.rrs--4l j Hnmdwar, New York k.t'ii. <iiiu: -tr.-rl, I’liilu. J"il\ 1> VUML.AN', (.cneral iVpot; Dr VVM TII-HtN A.... Ptlb-huruh h'lt/mu ir U"re-All, *m. • i-a :f,i Imi..-c* l'.uiiphlrti. rotiuuiimc cer i,|,< a ■ -... r • .i 1 •: *- puitj-s. mav he had on appln-a - JOHN D MOHiiAN, vl.! 1 yAgent Pittshureh. C | ’i' | l' l ' SY.MI-TOMS OF CONSUMPTION' O v<«»" * !• f-kntf eerngh, general weakne**. re, ~. vnr• .'ilr -ippetile, irregular bowels, pm a- l>, 1 -»e- ,i i i.r - ii i Jci l-l udes lie hind. IVF* I.UBU MXII'HJM.H •<!■• I'oMtJMFTION nigm and di.v, rtar.'-i iiunrlc. nmrrul debility, greai shonne-. in i, re ni ii on cuuii up stairs, ascending a bil.. <u wulkiMK hui .1 mite fust, pulse always above one hundred *or w-tlc* livgrthci, ilrenehing i old nln-rlii, i ->*i«tiiti,>;,<*■• com-* on like a common ci.iiuiii ,‘t .-..M, mi' ntu.iit lb- jicnod when ihal <b*- rate U.nu lV |. -Xp-rl-.l in sal-side, some «f the «ymp icnns in- ai--:rav«i-,l The cougli is more irouhl-. -•me, -.peeiuilv win n ly n ,g down. There is no hied pun in ihr chest. >.ut .lilhruli hreaihmg. wmch is w «>r«t on I) iinr ilnwi The appenrence of iherxpe-- lo'Mii.iu. wtn. h i« < opious, is changed from a duek •vcloxx niucu*. io u llunner substance, it is very un pViL«uiit to me uadet, iind rimis trn unpleasant smell •a hen burned It i-■■« uniform appearance. undNs I'fonnl.i, a m,xtur<- oi pus and mucus, as on raixtngpt w .111 w i-rr p.ift sink* and part svruiw This disease ii ~ 0.-. u-m, my ii.ilnt or at any ogr, and is charie tense.i ib<- iXTiinariiy of the cough. Tli- linisam <•( l.iv.-rwortefTects die cure of this m ridinu* ,'iseas.- |,y r xjK-rinratiou, sooths and henls the i,it.,-i—.l lumrs. It n.-ver fails. VVherrver tins inrdt* i w ha« b-eu used, we bear of iis success. For tinr i—ir x i ar» it i,a« t..-,-n before the puhHc. and has been i(i..rouj;tiiy i.-.icil for all complaints of the Lungs, and I:- jto veil u*«if superior in merit to any tiling in use. vv- m.j-bt mve hundreds of testimonials from physi cinn*, me pr*-*». clergy, and ihore who have been cu red bo; i . xxc ilc»m- is io ,-u.l ihe attention cf the af tlifted. suit for their nxrn good they will try u Look out foi <-nu,<ierfeit< ' Always observe the sic naiu-e. ‘(.co Tsyior. M I> ,** on the engraved label, 'rk U '° " hoir ' kle 0 '- Ueekman -old in l*m*burrh by J D Morgan M W.md *t ; J Ti>-viiseuil, <3 Market si. H Smy.er. et*r Markei and W »t* Hrndcrxo-i h t*«, 5 Lih-ry st Price redarrd to SLatpcr hoide mar » MEDICAL ft SURGICAL OFFICE, Sft, DIAMOND Ai.LHY, t /tyfikL tew doors below Wood street, to{ 0 GEL BROWH. nsvuig beep regularly rducatci in the mcdica <tJOn ' for some time fc’Kfefijßggf&lsy in genera, pracuee, now confines* hi* aueituon to the treatment ol \S j'.auits for wh»eh his opportunities and experience peculiarly qualifv ium 11 yrurs assiduously devoted to ‘indy A trenim.fiti <»: those eomplaijus.(during which t i.ic be hit* li-ift mor- ]>raclH-r and has cured more pa* .:* ::ian ca»i ex r ml: to ;he Sot of ary private prao ■ amply .(usniirs him to offer assurances ot sp.-edy. ['cnufi’in.:. otid satisfactory oure to all afftteted with d. uc*;.- J.*case', m.u ail diseases arising ihere| Dr D'.iw-i w.wj.d .-.form inose atflicied with .1.-.-a**-* winch have t-.-.-oiiie i nrimic by nine or *gj gr ln the B*e ui u*,y of the common nostrum* ol ui- d.i) Uia; t.-icn nomp.iki'ils c m he rudiealty and thor* oncN'i cured, ho tisvmg given his carefnl attention to tm; ir-uiren; oi such csxcs, and suecveiied tn hundreds ot i-i«ln<ice» in curing persons of intiammnuon if tLs m i * «•: the hi.-ul.icr. *r.t kindrr-d di*ei»»e* whichfoflet r-*u i from those ,'»*<•» where others have consigned them a» hopeie** despan He parueulnrly invitr* sticb hare t-ecn iong ami unsoccc**/uliy treuied by others to i on.ult him. xrlien every *.kti.«taetu>n will be {nven u,-m sr„i ih»-,r es*e* m-aini m u cureful. ihorouijh and .-.i-.igi-ii in an i;e*. pmnicd out by « long crp.-nrnce «tu It .. id iiivcsugnuon, wtuen it :* unpo»*ible tor thor -ngag.'d rc.er.ii prsettee <»i uieihcme to give an i; •' Herm 4cr Kuj-turr —Dr ilmwii a:«o inTtle* pet; •on- w ;lh llr.rnm U. i-a n» lie lik* paid purtlf• 1. u.. 0 l*i *. Pnl«y, etc , apeerlily cured N M - I’-.:.-.-..!* of r.l.i hv.i.K at a iliaranee, by • • v*r.:i-c. e>v,n< a., uic ayrapj .... < i.l u.• .1. «..u d.rrcuona ior oao, by >dr>-»-...jr I ItKiAV V ,\|. 1), |kj.i paid. iuiJ cnclota C u * **r »‘tf:rv Nr AJ. alley. op)Ki«lte lh« A overly Khkim»i u Hr li'n.v irw'y dtaeovered reme dy (or Kfa.-uinuiiMii :* j -i-.-y.iy 1111,; rrrtiun rtiinedy for iaut pa.mu: iru.it. • I. - • vrr ' hi. Ortt.-.- I.iui I"’ 1. tie t .......Itooma. No (VS Dm mou.l :i:.r ) , I'-11-l i.r ;‘1 |*x Ttir Dix-lor i« »lway» a| botne ir/’' N.. eure no pay. declP. iu.K> IrII M Ik >«n.l-. Mn.iol a..,1 Bull, UK iiiitwn. liml ..n.O-1 ... ,|U.!r driii"tbrir luile I.»ire- out of Ibr Itidik. I ill. y I.rr MOW piiiniii. their« t-.-iof q.».-r>- How morn prnbl did the y Rtn kc br • loir oil ol tln-.r l«.|!lr,‘ W>. it builrat’ And . ■ I- irov Imvr irdu. rd th- «lTP;.ctli .< II hi. Ural to pr.-i.-i.-i inai i:». \ irr s«mml n» they werrT Dr Town - ...I • oiniii.-J Horn -tiy and uuly—rovc a» much m.-.io .nr «. br euuld afford, hai mtule aeveral mi |.r..\.-ii.-..i« and i- detrrm.-ird ;.. krep tip Hie atrenrth ;.ml Ijnuto) w..l w.irrttnl llul each tn.llle of hi* -at-apar-i'ti «.-iita>n» more, than four Umri the quanti ty oi *-«r«a;i.u. 4 iitni ii.rdo al . ( ua itira. than any otb i’i pr.'i-.n H.r.ii '•( >:»r*o|.iinlia in the market. Sob' bv K K >• -irr* -oh- agent (or PiUtbnrsh. nnd 1) M Curr\ A l.*e(ir.p fel.t-i lAINK PKUKIUIkRV- . X 1 Cream de’ Aut.iiula Ameie’, for ihavlnp (7reant n la R..-e t.a. . tv:ng; Aliunnde I're.-tio d.., Sioperfine U««ug- on I'nre-lam atandt; Klerant »cem i.tirv p-rtumed w.tli lavender, Aogia icne M>el; lieauulul powtle.r p..,:.. ol all paiieniv, KjnUtareJ u'.lei b«u rnm.nnmg (raynoi eztncti for the hundken-1.-n : p vrci bag art«J toilet *o»pa, autl able lor prrrent* Pett.an or Cl.mr«r powder; iKiran.l n (».>r vn. i-oinmon Wrappers, (rme leent ed). Jones'So ip, Nvmpti 'nap. Rn«e l.ip salve; Hi.-n u.A-uu MRriher w>u> ■ R'e.ai variety ’ ic pcr'u.neiy iu-i • . .-iv—l, h.r «alr I.v B A FAMNKSTt** K ft t'O cor #ih ft wood «is Pnlmonary BaUan., Messrs rkku .1 t:uri.KK-i irei u a duty 1 owe 1.1 fit. fellow erraturea, to state something mnrr rnepe.-tiin- voor Vegetable Pulmonary fruiaaiu. S.iir.-. I lir-i used ttie H'tlsam. about eleven ) ears ago. the Nappy rfleet oi winch 1 then gave an a.-eount oq I have lnut *eveitu severe complaints and attacks at my one ri lew days imre, and in every iiiamitce I have u-ed llxi Ualsum alone with romplete und perfect sure.-,. It hn« ertecteil relief and cure in a v.-rv lew d*.v h.« •ertninly a sole medicine. Ido not know tl.. u .1 will < nre a (iked consumption, hut I believe it wul |>e in inuny .-uses a preventive, and prevention ta better limn cure; I do therefore, for the love of my fel low men, earnestly rernmraeuti the use of this Balaam, in all pulntotmry t-ompitunu. I am confident that ii has been tin- menus ol preserving my life to tins day. Hoston June Id.'-tti. UKNJAMIn PARSONS.) I For »tt(p by II A Fahnestock, ft l.'o, corner find und wood und ni«o corner " ikh! and tith. jaii) 11 A Finsnnocx, > A. B. Ilou., N. Y. Cuy B. U FAUSKSTnri, >Put»burgb. G. W. Faiuimoc.J Wboleaikle Drng Store In the City ol Sew York, rit|jp; undersigned are extensively engaged in the X 'A bolosule Drug business at No. 4l> John street, in li.c city of New York, and ere prepared to supply Drugfisis and eennlry Marcbams wult Drugs, Pslnu, 0 Is, l)yr-«tails, pemgn anti Aracncan Perfumery, sln.i or, A oa-er ft (lutder’s Cbenueaia, (of their owu ini oi sbor.| amf aJI other snides in their line of busi ness, of a superio as low as they can be pur* shasoj m lint or any eastern eitT. V-# York. FebiS B A, FAUVKBTOCKft r A3KIIK AN TELEGRAPH COMPANY BALriM..|IK, riTreBCROH A.HD WUKEUMI. WESTERN LINK. Office at the ExehangCi Baltimore. Rr.HI CKD RATKi* • Tbe charges hsvc been redu ced mi ull 'Me»»ug< s to or from Uultnnore, Pnu buruh nr Wl.e.-bnc, and a corresponding reduction fUuJr on oil t.-i.-emphu: dcKpnlchcs forwarded from lial tnuorc Wc«t «>i ritlsbnrgh. Pa KArca.—Tin* clturge for n telegraph despatch to or front Uultuuorc, PtUsburgN nnd W'beelmg, is 45 cenu lor the fir*! ten words, nmi 3 cents fur each adJiUouai Word. UNo churgr t» made for the address and tigna- Until ill’’ completion of ihr tfouth Western Ijne of Teh Rtupn iroiH Memplus, Temt.. to New Orieana, dev puici.rs can b- lotwarded to Memphis by this route, and (Bailn.l »»r New Orleans. jell PAB-TN'KASItIPi A<’llK>oN \Vo«>D»H»r-*>K.wJoHN WOODHOCBE, HA \ l Nt. this day a- -oeiau-d themselves together in pariin-rsb.p. U.idt r the linn and slyle of A- ft J. \\ iMMinoi -VX. lor the inanufai-lure of TIN. COPPER A\ D elit.Kl' IR* ‘N WARE, on the comer of Robin sou .If.-.-l it..d ’.l”' t’aliai. in the l»t Wanl, Auxaust mt 'viu r<- are prepared to furnish u* order, -A lio"■ -:.i. at.*l retuii. all auirles in theif line with j.ionlpliie •* Hi.mtdry rutnmidgs, and Carjicniers’orders are li. ii.-U whirl, will rt-rcire immediate attenUon. i'ii) ol Aliech'-ny, Felt. J, IM9.—ddtu tlauon Hmoklaj, H.*. VI.NH )u«t cumpletrd tbc rebuilding of oar smoke we an- now j.repured to receive meat, nj.d -matr .. in U.«- hkmi itK-rrhantahln manner. ‘TI.-' I.'.u*. • :,rr f>“ed with all the modem tmprove itieuU. and tire capul'lr oi i-onUmiUg 30),0UU lbs. earh. KIKR A JONHS. Canal 11s«m. ja l "ear SevrnUi it It»Vi-.RIN*. A ixH. m.r. Ki.FiAt-.ii js'l-GAR^-ai j bhl» Loveriug’s lK»ubir Urfmed l-oaf. Crushed and puivensetl Sugars, just r< d «/..t for s.tle at the Pell Tea t*u»rr n 70 Fourth street, by novtH) A J AVNfgl RIH.L lll'rn’R--lObhls fresh, ju«i meM and for .ale by (<■ -1.17 ARMSTRONG ft CROZRR Cl LOVER SEEB--I0 bbU Clover Beedi Oaaek* d®{ y da bags peachea, landing from sttnr Caleb Gou: tor sale by feblS BAGALEY ft SMTOI MEDICAL. IN QUART BOTTLES FOR THE BKHOVALft PERUAHK&T CI RE OF AJ*l* DISEASES ARISIHG FHOfll AS IWPURE STATE OF THE BLOOD OR BABIT OF THE SYSTEM. VIZi Scrofula or King's Evil, Rheumatism. Obstinate Cuta neous Krupiion*. Pimples or Pustules on the Face, iilotchev Biles, Chrome Sore Eyes, Ring Worm or T-itrr, Scald Head, F.nlargenieitt and Pain of the Hones and Joints. Stubborn Ulcere, Syphilitic Symp toms, SciaUra or Lumbago, and Diseases arising Irom an injudicious u«e of Mcretiry, Asritesor Drop sy. Exposure or Im|*rudence m Life. Also, Chrouic Constitutional Disorders. !n this preparation are strongly concentrated all the Medirinn! properties of S-kasArAKtu.*. combined with the iiuwi .-ffrcttm! uni*, the most salutary productions, the uni.i pitirm cimplr« oi the vre-inlilc kmgdomi and -! tia* 1.r.-M m» fully tested, not only b) pattenwtbem i'v but >i!*o I.y I'll> vi.-iinis. thill It ha* received w.-ir unijini.iiicd rri-iiiniii. i -liiniiii und the approbation oi the puiilic’, uml na» r>-i»l.li'licd o'i f* oxen merits a rrputaiioii fur value am! cfficary far superior to the vannu* compounds bearing the. name of ?*ar*apariHa- Dt*ca«e« have hei-ji cured, such as are not furnished in the records of time past; and what it has already doue for tlie thousands wlio have used n. it Is capable of doing' far me millions still suffering and struggling with Jisoasc It purifies. Hean*c*. and strengthens the Intmiam «prmg< of 'ifr. and Infuses new vigor thro'- 001 l, «e ml frame -,u. . A N(»THER CURE OF St’Rl 'FUi-A. The following striking ami, a* will he seen, perma nent cure ni hit mvricritr case of Kcroiula. commends nsrif m all Miiutur y altlicicff; *•" iiiK.tT I'onn.. Jnn l,K J , Mc**r< tNn* ( ••-iillniir n- S\ nipuhy for the udlie- Ird in.luce-me to inlorin t ou nf ihe renmrkat.le cure effected by your <..r* a p,uiila :u m- <•„*« ol my wife. She xvn* reyrre.) affhctr.l wall the .crofula on diifer enl purts.ol iln W»dy: Uie gland* ol the ncek were greatlv enlarged and her limb* much swollen Alter suffering over a >eur and finding no rrl.ef from the remedies used, the di*cn*e aunckcd cue leg. and be loxv the km-- 'uppurm-d Her phvieiao udvi*ed it • houi.l b- mill open. xvUi. li x*-a* done. :. u t wjihout any nerumnetii benefit. In (hi* MNiauon xvc heard of. and were induced lo use Jfa,id«t.' Sarsapnnlla. The firet bottle produced a derided and favorable effect, reliev ing her more than any brescriptmn she had ever la- Ken, and before »he had Used MX bottles, u> ihe asloiu ishmrm and delight of h»r friend*. *ln- found her health ijuiie rr*u>red. It m how over a rear siuce the cure wa.* cilec ed. nnd her health remain* good, show ing ihe dn-riise was thoroughly eradicated Irom the system Our neighbors are all knowing to thr*e facts, and think very highly of Sands'Sarsaparilla Yours with respect, JULIUft PIKE. Extract from a letter received from Mr N. W Har nv a gentleman well known in county. Va.: •‘(•cniltmeii—l have cared a negro boy ofraiur with your Sarsapanl.a. who was ntiackrd **.th Bcroftila, and of a scrofulous family. -Your* truly, N W HARRIS. ••Frrder.eki flull. Y:i , July 17, IFlr* " Sa.vos’ SaßsapabiJJ * —li .teenn u!mo»t unnecessary to direcxaUenuon win) srtiole so xv-!i known. af|d so deservedly jv.puiur, as ihi* prepuruuon, hat paUents often who wi-u io u*e khe extruci of Snrviporilla, are induced to try worthlr‘*» cornpoouds bearing ibrnomts but containing !itu« or none of the virtue of Uus valu able root; and we llunk we canuoi confer a creater benefit on our render* than in directing their attention to the adverusemeut of the Messrs Bauds ui another column. The bottle lias recently been enlarged to hold a quart, and iho»e who wish n really good uruefe will find concentrated m thi* all ihe medicinal value of the root. The experience of thousands ha* proved iLa ef ficacy in curing ihe vanoa* diseases for which U is r- comme-ided, and ai the present time more than any oiher. perhaps, is ibis medicine useful, in preparing the sysicm for a change of season.—Home Journal, Bept. 1H- r Prepared and sold, wholmalr am! retail, by A. B. k D. BANDS. Druggist* and Chemists. 100 Fulton street, corner <x Wilham. Nrxv York Sold also by Drug gists -enerully throughout the fmW States and Cana das Price 81 per Bottle; an Bottles tor $A saje in PtUshurgh. wholesale and retail, by B. A FAHNESTOCK, k CO. corner ofWood and Front *ts . also, corner of Sixth and Wood ns; by L. WILCOX. Jr., corher of Smithfirld and Fourth ti*. and also corner of Market si and the Diamond; also, by EDWARD FENDEIUCH,cor Monongala House. Vt.ff-'lm SALTER’S JINSENG PANACEA! r IMJ THOSE Bri 7 FKRING WITH DISEASED I LUNOS.—Tin- uuprecedcttled success which has lu-ndrd the use oi the* UI.NBENG PANACEA r. ai; ihr varum* lonus which unuiuoii of the lungs as sume*. ha* induced the proprietor again to call atten tion to this WONDERFUL PREPARATION. The ehangable tveiuher which mark* our fail and winter mouth*. i« nlway* a iruitful *<mree ol 04)I0>B AND COL'GHS. These, if neglected, are hut the precursors of that fell destroyer, COBUM PHON The question, then, how snail vse nip the destroyer la the bad? how sluiil we gut dear oi our coughs and olds* is of vital importance io the pulbic. THE GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY will be lound in the Gmsene Panacea In proof of this we have from time to lime published the certificates of Joscns of our best known citizens, who have experi enced its curative powers There, with a mass ol tea utnony Irom all parts of the country .—from MEDICAL MEN OF THE FIR>T STANDING, M nisters of the Gospel, ftc., logvtber with eopious no} icc» from the JOURNALS OF THE DAY, we have in pamphlet form, and ruay l>e had gratis of any of out agents throughout the country. HUNDREDS OF BOTTLES hsvn been used in this rlty. THOUSANDS AND TENS OF THOUSANDS throughout the United Slates and Canada, und we cha leitge any man to point out a ' “ SINGLE INSTANCE u winch, when taken according to dirccUono, and be fore the lungs had become fatuity Unorganized, it |,aj ever laded to effect a piau-i-xrr CURE- Why. then..nec<l the affhrtcd heaitate’ >Vhy Teiion to the ruble nostrum*, gottcit/up by un ■ own indivltl sals u ter the assumed name of some ce •('rated pby -114-1.111. itnd puffed into notorioiy by certificaxo- c. nar- I'.il* erjually unkmnvn! \\ hiiKt u Dirdirtne Ol t'N PAItALI.F.I.r.D l-JT-TCACY Is ui be had. who»e vouchers are «l brnuc, —our Qatgh> hor*.— many of whom it lias SNATCHED FROM TMEGUAVK. In order that Uu» invoJual.le medicine may be placed within the reach of the poor as wHI u,e rich, we have put the price at ONLY FIFTY CENTS, last one half the usual cost of cough medicine*, nis for sale by our agents m nearly every town and village over the west, who are prepared to give full informa tion relative to a. T. SALTER, Proprietor, Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio hydropathic kstablishMeNTT rtiiMjrsvrßan, s»j. vies ro , p*. "1 \R F.DA\ AHD Al’Khß. takes tins means of re- I / taming hi* thank* to his friemU nnd the public for the cxiensivc paironngr he l>n» received, and of m lunnnig them that lie has lately erected a large and well construeie<i building, for the exclusive purposes oi hi* WATER CURE Ka*TABUSIIMk.NT, at his old locution, at Plullipsburgb, l»a., on ihrOfito river, oppo site the steamboat landing at Ueuver, where he is ready to rreesve pHtirnls as tmurde.rs, and treat theuton Hy dropathic nnnciplns. In addition to bn long experi ence, ami the great success which has heretofore at tended hi* treatment of patient* committed is hi* care, he has now the additional laeilitie* nHorded by an ex tensive building erected expressly for the purpose, con taining commodious and airy rooms, and tilted up with every necessary apparatus fffr hathiru!, ainl tUinunis lenng the treatment to the utmost benefit and comlort of the pul.ent. l’hitlipsbargh is u most delightful and healthy village, easy of ucrc.ss by xteuxnboat*, and at fords fine and wholesome water. Ihr. Aeker assures those alHteted persons who may place themselves un der hi* car*, that every utteiiUou shall Iks paid to their comfort; and a* an OASurance oftbe substantial benefits to be derived, he points with confidence to the hun dreds who have been permanently cured at bis estab lishment. TTte Water Cure lrav**'tio injurious effects behind, as is too often the case with those who have been treated on the old system. It removes the dis ease. invigorate* the system, protects front the danger* incident to change* of the weather, creates n natural and active appeute. and imparts vigor to the digestive fuwere. Term* ot treatment and boarding reanouablc. 'or further particulars muuire at the estaldishnient, or address the proprietor at rhtllipsbnrgh. auglSJd UK. ALI hKAI 1 v r. Wc have l»cra informed by Mr#- Rok« or' u car* per burned on her by Dr* Jayne’* Atlarative, which E roves in supmomy over every other remedy of the md. She ha* been nltlicicd lor the list sixteen year* with NECROSES' or Will I’K SWELLINGS, attended with ulceration* and enfbl.nuon of various bones, du ring which unit- mnuy piece* have t>een di«rharg»d from the irtmmi bone ol Uio cranium, from bom her arm* wiish nml hands, and from both tup*, anil from Ue letl fe.rora! boue, and from the right fence. besides painful ulcer« on other pans of her person} which have baffled the skill ol a number of the most eitnnenCphymciansof | our cm—during most of too time her siiffenngs have 1 been eicmiaung and deplorable. About three month* : since *be was induced to try Dr. Jayn c ’s Alterative which has had an astonishingly hippy effect upon her! bv removing all pain and swelling*-and causing the ulce rs to heal, while at the win# unfe her general health has become completely restored, so lhai she now weighs <6 ibs more than she did beam slieicotnnienecd the u»e of this truJy valutfah. prcpation.-{!i*i Ev c . Post. reir further information, inquire o| Mr*. Rose, No. 123 filbert si, Philadelphia. for sale in Pittsburgh, at the I’fcSJN TEA STORE, 7U Fourth st. near Wood. Jy j Dlt TOWNSKNDha BARBA d ol * n jost received of Dr. Townsend* Sarsaparilla, the mo»t extraordinary medicine in the world! This Kx t»aei» put up in quart bottle*. It ii ux urae* cheaper, pleasanter, and warranted saprribr to any *oltl It earea disease without vomHiiif-, paiptnr, sickening or debilitating ths palieuL Loox out ron Imitatiur*.— Unprincipled penonahave Mptcd our labeli, and pul up inidicnm m the •haped bottle. See that each boiilelbas the written iur* nature of 8. P, Townaend. R* k. SKI.IiKKS, Droggiit, 57 \V6od street* between. Third and Fourth. i« Ur. rownsend’s only wboleeaie ami retail agcnl ror Puuburgb. of Whom the genuine article can be hod. 1) M. Carry ban been appointed the *ol«* agent for Allegheny rliy, of wlioid Uie g-mliur article can be ha«J. apt SI KUH.'LA AMJ MKUMJjL'Jt> oWfcl.L. INGs*.—scror la in ail iU [multiplied forma whether in that of Amg's £vil, enlargements o the glands or bones, Goitre, White SWeilings, L'nromc Rheumatism,Causer, diseases of bic Skin or Spine, or ol t'ulmonary Consumption, from one tod the same cause, whicn is a poisoooua principle more or less inherent in the human system. There* fore, unless this principle can be destroyed, no radi es! cure can be efiected, bat if the principle upon which the disease depends, is removed, a core must ol necessity follow, no mallei under wbatfonn the disease should mamlesl ilselli This, therefore is the mason why Jayne’s At-TE-ttATiv k is so uni eersally successlul in removing sinaany Malignant diseases. It destroys the virus Sr principle from whicn those diseases hare their Origin,by enterios into the circulation, and with the Mood u eanyeyed to the minutest fibre, rtynoting jetery particle of disease from the system. Prepared add told at Mo 8 South Third Street.PhilaifafphiP * P l ' eii “ T “ S W*.»C'*VoUrth.t«,. PiUshargb . r l: ; mehSl MO. a riACKEEBij—• todoMeaßii«&aeßL fishi ja»d*i.toi MEDICAL A GREAT CURE, by th< angtaft] asiooty tr«a ilae« jentim. Liter Pit< prepared and nld by R E BKI M.iMis' KscroaT. Wcstxao«laod Co., j July T9kh, 1847. J Mr. R. S. AeUvrj.*—ftsvus* ef-duty tuyMaad UtSaffUeCM mdueesme ray hucabic irstimooy iu Avor of yoorjastls celebrated Liver Pills. 1 tune Jrtetred diiing m tor yean, adhering to Dart CroekcttN maxim, “be *ore you are right, .Ihcu go slie.il.”’ ,\lo>l of (he aaaj preparations ofempjrxi had -lt-srk*. b*udt-J io the tfcies, tavs sank into ahltrfan wtyx jour L.» , r Pi 1* hot« be*o offered to Ihfl pmbtic, and, iotlrc*^ I belie*• li*»y H'll *-mnn* Uieiu sU,” U they an just *Lkl' you n|.,<ek' u.ctu iu be I har* been sAieUd with Ljsrr Corcjiluiui l o«a my jouih; have suffered tnucfaj ctaplupd many rminrui | hinciai,*, io whom 1 paid loach moßcy; have but 0.u.1- bi-vu, iwcu «u<uitedaßd physicked almost to drmih, salivau-u j %.r it t.ior*, md dully gives up a* iuetitabla. la !<li I » totluccii iu your Liver Pilli r and SOON liO t WEi.l. t rut hot of «..icb iitxiw luffk<vct U> keep are Clear of p.ii. m tn* nde and all the other symptom*, fat at least l 9 month* Your Fill* are also tha besicatUaltiaJ *»cr osrd, Uma initd, ■**>) grijaug ur {lids week sieknvw at Ihe ttum seh, ‘jui jit am* much relief I hare kej.t (heia in m) don tor 0 ur 7 )tar>, whl hundreds of botes, and have tiertf beard a *icg r .*U*red by any one who has nyl them. Tb*) bare >u|<«re> d*d Umoat every other pill in tail neighborhood, urd m a ibort time will bosub thoxa »l| «arue»U)rirre*.iuißeiul them to all ptreon* needing physw, whether lor Liver CotapUiot or Biiliom xffWain*>» 1 co»- tidar UietD tar lupereur Ui LUlotavl or tha BliitfilL RnpeeS- Aj than are other PiU» heihre tiMMUfc cauxD Liver Pills, penoM who want tha <J££l UINEsKaJd ask for and taka do other than thosa prepared and fc* K E SELLERS, No 57 IFood-sk betweeu Third and Fourth •treats. Sold by Dr.Cenaxh, Fifth fFkrd,' D M Ctut. fttkrhav «*»•.. si Great Engllih-Ramedy. FOR Coughs, Colds, Asthma and Coasumptioal Tha GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY for th/curc of tha above diseases, is the HUNGARIAN UAI-SAM OP discovered by tko ee.tehtoted. Dr. Buchan, oi Loudon, KiiglumL nnd introduced into thu Unhodßtaiea vndcr Uio immediate tupcriulondeuce of the hiveulorA ine extraordinary success of ibis iticdimne, in cure of Pulmonary diseases, trtmuiK the Aracriefin Agent in soliciting for treatment tlte worst possible ea so* that can l*e fqund in ihu communiiy-ra.*es that seek v e in riuu from any of tin- r.itntuon ruiuediea of the ay, and have been givx-n up by the moat distinguished wsiU xnciurmbtr. The Jfanguri »i, Ikl.uo ha, c»r.J, will nM ,le«Sr«U of ra*c*. It is no qaack nostrum, bnl a staodanf Kux lub medicme, of kirown and established efficacy. K , Ve .O family m the lluited States should be rappUad with Duchan's Hungarian Balsam o« U&, not ooTyio coomcroct Uic. cvnsumpuve tondenciea of tbo cUmiite, bul to be usod as n preventive medicine <u all eases o/ cold*, congha, .pmiag of blood, pahi lu the ..do and rhesL irritation aud roretmas of the lungs, brochnis, difficulty ol bre.ung hocuc fever, , U ghl .weata, em*cb auon and generul debility, asthma, mduoturnwhooViaa cougli and croup. Bold iu largo bottles, at SI per bottle, with fill! direc tions for the rcsloraUnn of health. Pamphlets, coutamiug a mass of FAghxh and Ameri can certificates, and other evidence, showing Uio un equalled merits of this great English Remedy, may W obtained of the Agents, gmUiitousiy. For sale by.H A PAHNESTOCK ft Co., comer of si and Wood and \Vood and &h sto. muß DR.JAVSKB CAILMINATIVE BALSAJa L' HUM the Hev ABA BHIN N, s well known and pop P tt'ar Clcrgvtnan ui the Pruic*tnmMrthodi*tChujTo The undersigned having been afflicted during Ihepaat winter.with a disease of Uie stomach, sometimes pro- i oru, lt great pain m the stomach for tenor twelve hoars rilhout miermissiou, and alter bavmg ir.ed various remedies with little effect, vra* furmsbed w ith a bottle of Dr D Jayne’s Carminative itaUanr. Thu Oco«ed ac cording to the direcuons, and lound luvariably ihaiihu medicine caused the pain to abate in th fee or fbar aun ntos, and m fificeD or twenty lutnuieaevery uneasy ■ensation wu* entirely quieted The tucdicme was a/• l rfward«usml whenever imticatinus of tlie approach of palnwcie prrceived, and the pain was thereby prevent ed He conunued to use Uie medicine every evening and sometime* m the morning, and in a few weeks heal lb wa« so tar restored, that die sufferer was relief ed from u large amount of oppressive pnm Fromox penencr, therefore, he can confidently recommend U D Jayne's Carminative Baluua', as u salutary meijtcfn for dueaaea ofiheatontachund bowels. A BHINND For sale in Pittsburgh at the PEkJn 72 Fourth Street, near Wood, and also at ibeDru* -•"tore of H >• BClt WftRTZ. Federal nroeL AllerW GROCERIES, &o. SUNDRIES— O ht--. No 1 Mackerel: JU bbls No 3 mackerel; 20 hf do No 9 do; su •• “ 3 “ 10 do Tanners Oih! S do Alum; 3 do E Salts; 3 do chipM Logwood 1 hf do Nutmegs; 50 bxi No L roaied Herring, 50 bx* No tl do do; S do scented 9oap;t Hi do No 3 Press’d do; 10 do No 4 do do 1 bale Cloves; 10 bogs Java Coffins; 50 hi da prime N U sugar, just rec'd and for sale by decU -BROWNft CULBERTSON POTASH— 15 cask* rro’d and for sale by feht!3 WICK ft fiPCANDLESS J"\RY APPLtIS—I3O bush dry Apples, for sole by -L/_ *<««.. WICK ft M INDLESS PEACONS —3 bM» Peacon*, rec’d and for sale by _ fcb33 WICK ft M’CANDLESS Cl LOVER SEED—CO bush for sale by J feb23 WICK ft M’CANDLESS PORK —1000 !bs Shoulder* and Sides, fur sale by feb2* RHEY, MATTHEWS ft Co BUTTER —d bbl# Roll, ftc: 9 kega. for sale by febtfl RHEY, MATTHEWS ft Co LblAD —S£>3 pigi soft Galena, Cor sale try fobai RHEY, MATTHEWS ft Co IMIATH ERB—2U sacks prime, for tale by febttt RHEY, MATTHEWS ft Co BUCKETS— SO do 1 Mioeuft Merrick’s Buckets, in store and for sole by S - BiHL ■*!?*; CULBERTSON, f«h29 145 Liberty st GENUINE PALM ERiAP—On band and for sale by _ feb s*L_ -- J KIDD* Co ALA RGE assortment of Fancy Soaps, on band add nod for said by fcbafl J gJDDftCo VERMIFUGE —325 gross of M’L^ine 1 ! Vermifuge, on hand nod tor nde by febttfi J KIDD ft Co LI VKB PILLS—AX) pro** M’Loae’* celebrated liv er Pill*, on band and for laie by febs» J KIDD A Co MACKKHEL —20 bb!» fio-X for sale by feb!s S F VOW BONN'HOEST 4 Co THTHITK BEANS— 'X7 bbt* small white Bean*, ia m Hot? anfl for *ala by fe!3 L S WATERMAN TAB —10 bbU NC, for cole by febls s P VON BONNUORST A Co PIG IRON—SO ton* Mercer county Pip Iron. lebia J H DILWORTH A Co GREEN APPLES—CO bbls preen Apple*, large and in fine order. J S DILWORTH A C<^> SAFETY feet Safety Fu*e, for blast lug. fehta J 8 WLWORTH A Co IMRE BRJCK—I7JMJO Ewing’*, equal iu quality to Boilvat brick; 104)00 pood common, for *ale by ftW* S P VON BONNUORST A Co rA RD—3bo kept No 1; 50 bbls do do; ododoNo C, j tor machinery, in store and fur *ale by fcbld SELLERS k NICOIX SUGAR HOUSE MOLASSES-40 bbU Sr Jaoir* Su gar House .Uolmaca, in store and for sole very low to clo»c t-ouxigmiienl, by feblß JAMES UALZEI.L, water *t GENUIN K SAI*AD OIL—On band and for aaie by fcb*> J KIDD A Co G l ABONER'S LINIMENT—On band and for tale r by febtfU J KIDD A Co UMBRELLAS —leases low priced,"median*, and pood cotton and gingham Umbrella*, just opened by _ fetivj SHACKLETTi WHITE BERKSHIRE' CASSIMKRES—Two cases bright spring styles, just opened by feb-JS BIIACKLKTTA WHITE KEN rUCKY JEAN^—Three case* gold mix, dark mut aitd blue, jo«t received Jrom manufacturer* and for sale by iVhiM SHACK LICIT A WIHTK S SALTS—d tons m store and for sate by • lelny ROBT DaJ.ZKLL A Co, j.iberty tt I)KARL ASJ{ —lfl casks for sale by J. febaa “ ROBT DALZKLL ACo CIUEI2JK— 00 bxs Western R<**eive, In store and for / sale by leb!M_ ROBT DaLZELL ACo 8 A LKKATUS—IS casks for «alc by frbaa RtißT DALZELL A Co CIOTruM— cd bale* best quality Toihl, to active; for / sale by ISAIAH DICKEY A Co, le hdd from n LItqUORICE —Erases Stetly Liquorice, In store hud lor sale by fetiaa BROWN* CULBERTSON GKol'Np si'lCfclH—Cinaunoo,' Uoaturd, Pepper, Allspice, 4u;. Aa. In Mnm end for sale by BROWN it CULBERTSON CILOVER SEED—3O bbls prime Ohio Seed, receiving ) 10-day aud tor vain by' BAGALKY A SMITU, IS and *jo wowt «t BLACK TEAS—IU) luU/ chesu choice Oolong and Puwcbong Teas, for sale by febB4 ._\- BAGALEYASMITIj^ BUNCH RAJSINS—voo boxes, 100 half boxes in fine order, for sale by 11AUA LEY A SMITH fobtU ‘i WHITE WaDDLNO— Five bales, mediumarticle, 1 jim rec’d by SHACKLCTTA WHiTR 4 fcbta 09 nrood_st_ I BUCK GLOVE! 4 —tuudoz real heavy drawn back,! drovers and doable lined drivers, a splendid anl- j c>c, just received by Express and for sale by X 1 feb&i BHAOKLKIT A WHITE £ LUDLOW'S SPECIFIC—On hand and for sale by febCU J KIDD-ACo i BULK PORK—GOO pcs just ree’d and for sale by febls ARMSTRONG A CHOKER ICE—G lierees fresh, just 3ec'd and for sole by 1 fcbtS S F VON BONNHOBBT ACo I ROLL BUTTER—JO bbls Roil Butter, foraaieby febifi WA K M'CUTCtIEON | Gl KEEN APPLES—IO bbls oa hand and-for sole'by! r fobld WAR M'CUTCItEOH j ClOTIX)N —57 bales Cotton, lauding from cimz CIUQ> ' beiland and for sale by: rebta , JAS A HUTCHISON A*Co PITTSBURGH GAZETTE* PUBLISHED DAILY, TtU-WEEKLY fc WEEKLY At ihi (74s«tu BuUdimfi, 3d it. Acer U| Pori nm*. UATKS OF ADYBaTIgIHO, One insertion of l2liuc«, or iet*,.«*******.loso Two iogertioM witlicmtaiteratioii« J^..TTT ..., o*7# — 100 One Week Two Weeks Three One Month, C 7" Longer advertisements In catta*propo7tif«« One square,6 month*, without W£l Each additionail eqnue for 6 months, •••••• “ “ ** is ** •••«•• *° w One “V»rej6 months,renewablest pleasure, gOO Each additional sqoare for 12 months..****** Two aquarcs,6 month*, re’wiblealp Jcs * am ' * J*;S Each additional square, 6 month*, .*•••••••• • WXBKX.T OB TU-VIIXIV tW ***** l«l» One square,3 insertion*, ...... •••••••S* ‘ " " each additional insertion,** Wl Bciivxsa ca»x>** Fite tine* or lets, one year ••*** I j£ tt <4 «• *jx months,«•••••*••••••• Ow « « « one year, daily & weekly, 10 00 «( <> 44 *i* months u u WTV BDT»BTIfIUrt»Ti i» ****** ' l For 20 lines, or less* 0*« —• ****l3 59 ; 44 4« ’ 44 Two, “ 07i t m 44 4i Throe, “ *.•«*•** IOU. " TbmBoolMr•••••••« / : : “ - - ..500
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers