■'^sSsggßa^^.. » \ '-' "/ " *- B-toOaTBD * TBLBGaAPHEIT^ *«• J*ltUbß]r|k Dftay Gazette. CONGRESSIONAL. Washington, Feb. 8,1819. Sxnatx— The Vice President was authorized Jo l h« vacancy in the regency of the Smithsonian Institute. The Committee to inquire into the eligibility of Gen. Shields, waa authorized to send, for person* and paper*. No nominations were sent io to-day. frew Voss. MarchS, 1549. .The Falcon sailed this day for Chagres, carrying out fitly passengers, and $30,000 in specie. PmuDSLFinA, March 8. 1619. Thomas D. Grove died at his residence, in West Philadelphia this morning. v PHILADELPHIA MARKET. PitzLADsmiiA, March 8, G P. M. Flour—No change in.prices. A moderate busi ness is doing*. /U 1 parties, are awaiting the arrival of the steamer which is now due. Grain—There have been no sales of Wheat of importance, but there is a lair request for Com, with a firm'market. Sales of prime yellow st 60062 c par bu. . • . ' Provisions—No alteration in price*. The mar ket is inaefao. Sugar—Saks ot 200 bhds. N.Orleans at sh£r3tc Porto RicoJiJ held at OJ, without sales U~day. in bbl*. at 23c per gal. . $ NEW YORK MARKET. noon tzro&T. Flour—No marked change sioce yesterday;—the market, if any thing,, duller. Sale*iof3.ooo barrels Western at $3 50®$5 26 per bbl. Graiu—Good Inquiry for Wheat for nulling pur* poses. Sales of 7,000 bushels Ohio and Miwonri prune red at 1120111 cents per bushel. Shies of IJSGO bushels of prime yellow Corn, Western, at 58-cents. Sugar—Sale* of New Orleans at t.i t!»e extent of 300 libtß Coffee—Sales 2jioO bags Rio at G‘ to GJ—l.5OO bags Java at S da per tlx Provision*— Holders of Pork are asking higher prices. No sales reported. Western mean is held at $ll. Lani—Sale* of 200 bbts at 61 to Of ..cents peril. Bacon—Sales of hog round at 6 ctr; Wes» tern cured Homs, 7 ets; Sides ot 5(251 ot* per lb , Whiskey—Sales in barrels at 230231 cent** p< r gallon. Cotton—The market is qoiel bat steady NEW YORK MARKET. New Yosk, March 8, 1819. Flour—There is no marked change from yester day, but if any thing the market is duller. Sales of 2,000 bbls, at former prices. Grain—The market is without change. Provisions—The sales of Provisions ure only for the supply of the tegular trade demand. Cotton—Sales of Louisiana at 7| to 7? cm. BALTIMORE MARKET. * Baltisohx, March, S. The market is entirely unchanged. PENNSYLVANIA LKOIBLATUIIE. • HjianisßtrKOH, March 3. BJCIATS. t Eepcru —Mr. Matthias, from the committee on Corporations, reported the bill to incorporate the Boiler and Mercer Plank Road Company, with n mendments. On motion of Mr. Crabb. the Cotr.- nuUce on me Judiciary were discharged from the further consideration o t the bill to restrain corpc • rations from issuing obligations redeemable other wise than in goid.and silver, which was agreed to. The Senate resumed, on second reading, the bill to restrain corporations from issuing obligations re deemable otherwise than in gold aod silver, having in view, particularly, the Lehigh and Schuylkill Navigation Company. * Mr. Mason offered an amendment, to prohibit any company of this Commonwealth from issuing aoy note, for circulation, payable in gold a ad silver, which was agreed to. v Mr. Hugus offered a section, prohibiting munici pal corpoiations from issuing or re-issuing notes or scrip under a penalty of SIOOO. on convfeion, which was adopted. The various provisions of the bill,ana the amend ments proposed thereto, were discussed at length bjr Messrs. Small, Crabb, King, Streeter, Drum, Forsyth, Stine* Johnson and Brookef The bill, as amended, passed final reading, 1 without a division, aad was sent to the House for concur rence. • A message was received from the, Canal Com- missioners, in reply to a resolution of the Senate, requestiogto know the probable cost of opening the Pennsylvania Canal into the. Ohio riyer, without -Classing;ifcunquaduct topitlsburgk. Fluting that*#, estimate could not be made in time fat the action* ot the present Legislature. ■ House. —The Speaker laid before jbe Hoo*e a letter from Charles Lay, proposing to lake the motive power, See., of the Philadelphia and Co lumbia Halloa'd ou the same terms as proposed by Mr. A Mehaffy, except that be offers to pay ten, instead ofeight per cent. On motion cf Mr. Frick, the House took cp and passed through committee of the whole, the bill to authorize judicial soles of live estates, which was discussed on second reading by Messrs Frick, Eabelman, Laird, Little, Coroyn, McOaimont and others, and finally negatived. The bill to prevent transportation and travel on the public work* on the Sabbath day, wus taken up in commitiee of the whole, and debated by Messrs. Rediek. Myers, Meek, Packer, nud others, and at one o’clock the committee rose and hnd ieave to sit again this day week. Adjourned. 1?LODB— IflObMs Ramsey’* Fariity Hour. ;u*t r' e«TpJ; for «aleby _mirc_ JLROBISON ft Co ROLL BUTTER—I 3 bbl* prime Roll Butler; 5 do do do do, m ctotti* - keg*prune Bauer; ju«t,rec’d and fo« rale hr BROWN ft, CULBERTSON. mart 143 Liberty «t SII. MOLASSES—2O bbla S H Molassca, just re • reived and for sale by mart .. __ BROWN ft CULBERTSON SUGAR —CO hhds prime *ngar, new erop. ju<t recei ved and far vale by __ mart BROWN ft CULBERTSON jOOAP—GO bx* RilUborgh mahufaetnred S*ap, ju*it Xj received and Car talc by mart BROWN ft CULBERTSON STAR CANDLES—2O boxy* Star Cundle*, No 5, jus received and for «Ue by mart BROWN ft CULBERTSON RAISINS— CO bx* M R Raisin*. just rcc'd and foi axis by mart BROWN ft CULBERTSON Fl*S —10 bx* Malaga Fi?», in rtare and for sale by mart BROWN ft CULBERTSON OILS —HO bbls Linseed Oil. in Rite order and war ranted pare: 25 do Lard do. No I winter; for sale by leblil BELLSRS ft NICOLS F*NA SAFETY FUSB-rooo feel EnVa Safety Fuse, for blasting, in itore and for miletby febSS RHEY. .MATTHEWS ft Qo "OUTPALO COMBS—A large an<l rarjed tu.«i>rtmeul ±J ofßuflafci Back Combm new ttyirc. for »ale at lebiG ZHBUIXI.V KIW3EV>S, «7 Marke«jM_ AN P MOLABBES-10 hlld* Sugar, 7ibbU kj iuOlßises, landing from iimr Connecticut and for by feb2a BAOaLKV ft SMITH ■ STARCH— fltf b*« Sinib'i No 1 s*rch, rcc'J «nd tor »7 fcbU HRQWN k CULHF.RTSON HA VAN A SUGAR— SO bn wliise Havana Sugar, a pnme oracle m fot , ase |ow *» leotO ENGLISH & BENNErr, 37 wood at MACKEREL— 50 bbla No 3 Mackerel. m »u>re and for iaulo<r by ft MO ENGLISH A BENNKTT SCH. SALTS—9 caiki Sch Sait*, m «totr nnd for tale by t'eblO ENGLISH & IiE,\NKTT ALMONDS— IUO bo its toft (belled, for tale by f«bl9 DURBRIDGE, WILSON A Co GREEN APPLES—IOO bbU green Apple*. m wore and for tale bv fcbiO SAW HARHAUGH SUGAR CURED HAMS—S tierces S. C. Hums. bran ded Miller, Drown A Hawkins; 33 do do do, branded Evans k Swift. Families and botol keepers who want acboiee an cle, can be s applied by ut in any quantity 1 , and at any time-daring the season. , febgt _ SELLERS 4NI COLS = f7TN£sAß—bbTsTor sale by V _ S F VON BONNHOpST>Co PRIME NO. ILAR-D—in bbU and Jtcgi, iu store febflO ~ AUGILp- A ROE BU trt'Eß—G bbl'a Boil Bauer, in More | ah'J'Tor sale by ftbUi S A W HARbaUGH TMPORTANT TO CALIFORNIA NS-^Ju. w received X bdozGan covert, 4 do Jockey Caps, 4 Ao Canteens, 1 do Air Beds, | do do Pillows. [ The above roods for tale at the California (nitfitiiu# Bttabllsfaßeni, No fi Wood u. { ttarS J AH PHILLIPS "DEANS— 3 bbls jnst reo’d and for sole JP ntt3 ARMSTRONG ACROZER t)llvuS«) bbla fresh Roll Butter, jolt rec’d and AJ- to nlebv ««*» ARMSTRONO ApROZ.ER A/TOiSSSES—EfbSIson cirasyramenL find in? from Colon; for sale by jmarl:-; tSAIAHDICI EV A Co /"jI^VERSEED—jo bills just rec‘d and or sale by V— g*” ARMSTRONG A 11ROZER ream, Straw l3tr di r rowm do do, lost today. ma 3 J S pILOUS—bO bbls yi our . ~ MCGILLS & ROE ‘P&ooala— M) dox enra finish; r.KOQ' 10 “ “ cloth, for tale t> —. fg ” 3 JD WILLIAMS ad * * <i<* roil P- Butler; SO doa Zlne Waihßonrria. ifi Ef,U White MumVt sack* Fearers; 6 doz Hickory Jlriwms. for «*jg OT • feflß • J D WILLIAMS- lLt^iulTS—so btuih drirt Peaches; at kin 1 and*l Jg RaUint; 60 dot Bordeaux Pnuss; SUnyroi F&J far«ale by febSS j iTwiLtJ am* JDWIU.I AMS * caaka Potash, ia. store and for sole by , JAAffiS PALZELU w»iex « \ZiUWU42ES~COO bbU N O lnfin iTAiMtot ule bj feblfl JAS DAt.ZEXL PlliL BOXES*—On bind tnl'Tor *«!«. by •f- ftbig. ; J KIDD ACo JLloP&—iti biUe»,Ln (lore and for taJeby^ -Uj,', ISAIAH DICKEY A 00, -wW* from »l CI/ITON— 40 bbla pnme Cotton, in store and for JWJfi low to cla*B ccnjignnUat bT r, JAMES D^LZELL I*4s | ALUAXAC. Sun j dun March I ri***. w.u. vl,i 33,’ » sa' '(HI 6"Sn 650 3 « 0 2H 3 S 3 ... 0 'l7 557 • * ‘ B S 3 56k t «21 C£o 3 Saionltj', ~ 4 Sunday, *> 5 Monday, • 6 Tuesday. ........ 7 Wednesday, r*, 8 Thawday. '• 9 Friday, PITTSBURGH BOARD OV TRADE COMMITTEE FOB MARCH. l-OREBZ. 'VOSXI CEtU ~C. XCQ. , Office Pittsbcioii Gazette. ) Friday Mprmn*, MareK 9, 1549. J ,- The xyealber, yestenlayj tau very pfea**ail, ba l tbe marlje-t wa* generally iqoiflt, and sales mainly conCneillio limited irao*actioos to cityjrade. The river is liigh, aad the rates of .freights from this point wdst nro very' low. ; ♦ •' FLOt^R—The market appears completely at a Stand, arid very little Ijr; doing either from "first hands or I from store. Small lets arrived by riven but the Ibrger portion of the receipts go into sto-. rage, to iwait the feeling of the eastern market,— s3 ( u2£?3j7o, ere about the ruling figure from .«tore- GSAIfi —With light receipt* and small supplies, we mayjquoie small sales from store ot the fclbw ing nominal rates :—tYboat 70c, Rye 40(3^5c,Ear ley 4oc, ’Corn 37 1, and Oats at 2sc bn. GROCERIES—The arrival* from brlow cop liouo tu 1 bring m considerable quantities of Sc gar, Molasses, Coffeo and Rice, and with all article? of groceries, the market is fairly supplied, aud tales m limited lots are regularly affected at the follow ing.rates —N O Sugar, 4L 4i and for com mon fair, aad. prime; N O Moiaeses 2s, S H iQtf&fi, Rio Coffee 7}o7s, Loaf Sugar h/frlOc, nud Rice at 4ifo'4{ in tierce and bbl. MaCcb B—l 2 u. l*RO\ ISIUNS—The market in every respect ia quiet, presenting no change in figure*, Sales ol Hacon in lota of 500 to 1000 fits at, for shoulders, 41. sides SJ, and hams a! tf*c. Lard iu bbls >«. rel!- mg at 3f, in kegs at bulk meat, hog rotiud at 4c, and dried beef at 8c p Ci. BETTER—For this artuic the market is Heady but Dot active the receipt* have been partial, aud we ran uote limited sales only from store at lfl£f 1-2 for roll ,u bbls, and Sj®stc for Legs. There i* a fair j emn „d u,, ,r«U roll Wu,, from Hr.! h»„d, at 15dvI0c lb. LIILESE We find no change in price*. We quote common \V R a( sifiCe, Cream nt 7c, and Goshen nl B|c, ns about the mling figure* .if ihe market, with small sates. SEEDS—For clover seed, we quote the market dull nt 5333,12, n decline. Tiintoiliy i» held at 5i.73 Sales of flaxseed nt 9f,c bu. OILS Sales of Lmsced at &7, of Lard at C>d£ Goc gail, and of Tanner's oil at SI “jtft y bbl FlSH—Sales of Salmon uislS,3o, of Macfcarel at $6, $9 and $l2 for Nos. 2, .3, and 1 Sales of Herring at $6, and of Codfish at drum. CANDLES—ReguIar sale? cyy end Cincinnati dipped ot 9c. of moHid at Ioj, and of star candies at 21c %> &). Sides of rosin at 4f(5l j, of variegated at 10jc {r Tuz Cisqixuati Packjtt Lins.—We have ofieu expressed ibeopinioo that some of the swuint of our Cincinnati packets might extend their inps to Louisville by a little active ejerlioo, and that by adding two more good running steamers to the line we might have a daily line to Louisa..le just os ea*y a* to Cincinnati. See what the Louisville Journal says in relation to the recent trip of the Messenger No 2, to that city : Ho. fob Pirrsßtmou.—lt give* us pleasure to state that the Messenger No 2, or.e of the Cint'n natt and Pittsburgh packets, will pay us a visit— Wc suppose that if this boat receives sufficient en couragement she will extend her weekly trips here and some of the other packets will do the same l'nder these circumstances w e shall soon have a daily line to Pittsburgh if our citizens will only tike a lively interest in the mader. The Messenger u» a magnificent new boat She is advertised to leave for Pittsburgh to morrow morning. Let Louisville show what she can do.— Lon. Jour. • Sinking OF TBS Akdxew Fcltos.— While the Fallon was under full headway, on last Thursday, uiglii, in the fog, she ran against a-ledge' of rocU, at Piatiu Rock, aboot 30 mdes below St Louts, which stove in her bow, aod notwithstanding the greatest exertions, she went down in less than five hours after the accident, in some seven feet Water. Her main deck is said to be above water, aad the hull lies perfectly straight It ts thought that the greater part of the freight can be get cut, and if proper exertion be made, the boat may f>e raised. There wo»«4arg» number cf euugrenH -on board, and two persons are reported to have been drown ed—one an Irish girl, and the other a man—the names of neither are ascertained. In the general rush to the hurricane roof, it is said they felt from the steps near the wheel-house, aad both tound i. watery grave. The Fulton was a new and very fine Meaine* of Jx-r class, and was owned by her commander, Cant Fulton aud others, of Pntsborgb, where :t is fought she is partiaily, if not fully msore-J. Her coosiats principally of sugar, coffee and salt, tfte largest portion of which will be materially dam aged, if not entirely Io«. As soon a* tbc uew« of her sinking reached St Louis, a boat was dispatc.'i ed to her assistance by the insurance office*. A large number of her passengers, wuh thrirbaggage. were brought up by the John Quincy Adam? —Si. T>ouis Rep. The f.t.’BA sL'oaS cbop—A Circular dated Ha van s, # teb. 22, contains the lollowiug informatidh.! The prospers ta regard to the yield oi the crop have m,t improved in the slightest degree, and We now hear from ike south side ihnl they aLoexpc.-i n considerable deficiency there. Some estates Have been obliged to stop grinding, having already et bausied their cane, and that process must c»-a>e generally at a much earlier period than usual, the cane being small and dry, and a large proportion ol the held? being so thinned ,from the effects ot the drought, that ieot're fields of caoe disappear more rapidly than atfigle squares in ordinary *ea»- oo>. We learn that several estates have been de prived ol ram for live months, owing to the unti» uai dryness of the months of October, November and lJeoember when showers are looked ihr qod an- id great benefit. I nle*s there be a salutary change in the atmos phere. it is feared that the young vane now grow ing lor the crop a#er ihi*, wdi s iso sutler mmenaiiy. All these circumstances confirm, beyond a d jujii. the opinion thatlhe deficiency in the* quantity <f sugur produced Wjll be very great. Of Molasses then- can be no doubt that the production will bo very short, which fact will become more apparent later on, as the high rates that have been ruling ! have caused more to be brought forward at an ; early period, than would otherwise have been ibr 1 case. The dealer*--eem fully convinced of this, ] and such of them os have conveniences lor keep * ing the article, refuse to sell at present, in the ax 1 pectatiou of realizing bitter prices, when part.*?* abroad becomo fully convinced of the serious dm: unition of the yield. Cattle Markets. Baltimore, March 5, 5 p. xl —Cuttle—The supply was small tc-day, and the market rather dull. The : offering reached 6<lo head, of which 26S were sold to city butchers, J 1/2 were left over unsold, and 220 were driven to Philadelphia. Prices ranged from $3 to $4 on the hoof equal to $607,75 net and averaging $3,50 gross Hogs—There was a Cur supply, and soles quilts active at prices rangiog from 55,50 to $6. IMPORTS BY RIVER. Portsmouth*-]? vt Pacific—s kgs pieties, 3 bbla butter, P C M«n»n; 381 bis pork, Clnrk A: TbnW. bacon, 01 bhls mess pork, 364 kgs lord, 104-hbds pork. same. W'lkvilU— p„ Gilcb <>,j o2 broooin, 10 barrs, Lewis; ]oo bbl. flour, SilV Harbauffh, 96 pta grove siones, uor SunJUh Per Wellsville —ls jtegs InTd, 2 beg, beane, 191 pa bscon, W F Booih; 3 bble flax seed, i d ‘ J bbl *‘ bu '- McOrll 4- Roe; 9 sk, ptt dace, uO bg, oo.e, G A Berry; 7 hhds lobarco. J A Roe, bOlet. Oats. J Parke 4 co; 31 ,k, fra,,. 33 pee bacon, 6 kgs lard, 9 sks d applet McGi.l 4 Roc: 39 bb.s pruducA * ske aeaches, 0 do apples, G A Bdr ry. 4 bbb walauu, k L v ,|e; 35ek."a,«, 6do corn, oblluo “ “i 14 ,k * bora. l d 0 bbl " )*«»»■ O A W.d’t kt oau, 1 51 bbls floor, J ll ske Dencb« C W Rhodes; 49 bbls apples, 161 bbla flmf, Als’ hops; owner aboard; 100 .k* *htp*tuff J Donald, soo, id bbls flour. 31 bbls apples, S B WeUavdb* 17 P k.dspplcs t J; S Waterman; ,02 bbls floar! Clark Ar Thaw; 91 sks d apples, 53 do peaches i bbl butter, 4 bgs flaxseed, J A Gray; 3S *k* d ri * ( ] apples, 3 do peaches, S Ar \V llarbaugb, 236 bbl. flour. Clark Ac Thaw; 2 ale bbls. Smith; -'JS »k< fl* x seed, Hays Ac Pointer; 19 sks dry apples, Strode! MeCiartan Ac co; 7.1 sks oats nnd corn, 32 do bn>« ley, 12 sks corn, 18 Bvc bogs, owners aboard. Atrw Orleans —Per Saronak—l csk soda ssh, VV Ac M Milchehre**; 9 hhd* sugar, E Heaxlrton; 10 do do, R Dalzell Ac co; 20 do do, 50 bgs coffee, 10 tea live, M Leech Ac son; 1 c*k imlac, 1) liouglu-y, 3 bbls molasses, English Ac Bennett; 30,3 do do. Bnjf nley Ac Smith; 300 do do, Burlmdge, Wiboti At no: 7 bbls syrup, 2 bbds sugar. St. Louis—Per Palrmoynt--3l) bbl pork, 2 hhds shoulders, 2 bxs books, 100 bhU ok-ss pork, Rey nolds & Sbee; 20 bbU molasses, Bagaiey A: Smith, 97 bbls pork, IS csk* do, Clark Ac Thaw, 01 hhd» hams, 30 bbls lard, 4437 prs pork, Geo W Jackson, | 4045 do do, R. Robinsan A: co. i Cincinnati- Per Clipper No 2—3 hlf bbl imlsei O Blackburn; l bx books, R Hopkins; 25 bbls barn's* Orum Ac McGrew, 101 bis cotton, King, Pennock Ac co; 1 50 bbls molasses, Bag&fey Ac Smith; 15 hbds tobacco, W Bingbim; 1 bx mdw, J A Hutchison ft co; 10 bbls whiskey, Millet & Ricbetson; 43 sack* oats,>J S Dilworth i co, 22 sacks fruit, l bbl do, *2 bdls leather, D T Morgan; 50 bbls, 29 sfc# potatoes. 6 bbls cranberries, 5 bxs lemons, 4 do glasswarc f 0- bales mosa, 3 bbls oil, 2 hlf bbls: pork J 3 kgs pigs feet, 1 bx, 1 chest, owner aboard. e paper will ha real,*. PORT OFPITTSBURLII I ARRIVED, Michigan Gilson, Beaver. Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsvifle. Atlantic. Parkinson, Brownsville. Camden. Hendrickson. McKeesport, Cope. A. Murdock. Beaver. Beaver, Olark,'Beaver Bachary Taylor. Lucas, Wheel. of. Mesweugn, No. 2, Woodward, Lou.svdle Jas Nelson, Moore. Wheeling Suraaak, —. N Orleans. Fairmount, Ebbcrt. St. Louis. Wellsville, Poe, Sunfish Arrow. Nnjson. McKeea|torl. Mar. , McKeesport Wni Phillips, Mci’hial, Kntanniny DEPARTED Mx-higan No 2, Gilson, Beaver. Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville Atlantic, Parkinson, Bruwnsviifo Camden, Heudr.ckson, McKee,^ Caleb Cope, Murdoch. IVaver Beaver, Clnrk, Beaver. *• VhllUp*. McPbiul. K.u.nn.n, Brilliant < -race, Cin. Jhs. Nelson, Moore, Wheeling Arrow, Neboo, MeKeeapoY Slur * McKeesport. * N<*rrff River. be:,n. N>w (Orleans. Th "° j ere 15 f~‘ 8 ,D.-ht. lull , ha „ nr | by fii.'r n|arb. la.! evening al dusk, and nau.g B))AT8 LKAVIXUTHISUAV. tCincmnnu Backets, 10 A. M sviile Packets. 10 A. M . :,nd 4 P M mver Packets, 10 A. M., aud 4 P. M f incinuatt--Ringgold. Si. liOiuC—Wyoming. Wheeling- Cinderella • •a&csviile- Caroline, Comet. IUK MottAWK.— We leurn*!ruin the officers of the 1 U'tle Sum thill the Mohawk i* not sunk— They did aot her. but were informed al the mouth of the Arkansas that she had struck n song ami was compelled to throw overl*onrd much Inc Stock uni Ifercljl to k*ep ail< u! The leak wn. i,. nally stopped ,<> J( s iu able to <- >niinue on her \oyuge. The bout uod’thr can-o are sa d t u ),«. badly d.imtigeil.—ljou. Jout. poi\T SAW ani.L kuu sale, fpms W(,ll Sifowu ned vutuAhlr rMuMimimnii 1 now crtcrcJ foi sale, toceiher \* ilk ihr uu-xnirrj r.l* 11..- fosse. u> xv.l. Ixvu years ireu. the foo „< Apr<! t~4». Ihe null « driven by a ruwerfal si.-nm engine, lumimc S»Wh, J.ntb Mat-innr, Circular Maw n*f buarJs. urnl NVoadwanl * t’airn: I’la- The ground oecil I‘ied by till* eMh 11.,»1|1n,. U J,., an etime square tn U.e rjty «t PittM>urah rronbix V4O leei on I'em. <uee;. and vale,.a „* A.legite.iv rteer. aumit IUU reel, nl which. ti«-»iu.-i .nr- i-.nTd■„/« o<cupie<l lor the pm pose. oMhr m : '.. u. r „. >re '. wo icretut-ii’. ao-xv rent.in- i«r per aur.unt 111*- mm ik ai pr»?seiK supplied wiUi USi.UiO iret 01 chr.ir- Tine Lumber, ami laen- «■ n, Ui<- >srd :iw> u<U leet o' *nxM-il l.amliiitt und steam boa! Tim K-r. all 01 which x» in l»e »oltl ui la.r price*. Ta_any ore ileairuus of engaging in ihe busioe**, fhlt e«tabU»Mxf>T.! ]>o*M-«sr* mlv&niace* oxer a.- oih ert m Aiieglieuy opuiiiy For lerm* appiy lo WJU.l.uift A SHINN. Aiiothey* at Lnx*-. 4it: .ueel. Piiisburi'b OMO DAN Lfr Sfß.\rru.N. Hi Uieod.ee 01 U.e m lt. on Penn iireoc raarti VVLeelmg Urnettr and iuiiriii. l j»'i !Ui.|Uir-r copx and zimrgr itii* rilfite A !.St»--ThH’. «p:<*:id..i pnm:e rr«»dfiice now occu pied by Mr Sum'l M. \\ ivkertham. »nualr m Aiieglir ny r:t y. irontii •: the- Utuo i.v-r Jbiquire 01 .... ln ' ,r,i . WII.LIA.iiS i SHINN POTTER'S SERMONS. r |'HK r.vaikgebcnJ K< onomx Developed, m a sene* 1 oi discourses on the I'acu. Ir.Mituiion*. Applia-x. ce*. Lffec;*. imd Final Rc»mi* oi ihe Chn»ii*n l-r - lem- By Rev. Thomu* Roller, Mirui-r ot Ui- Metho dist Froiesumi t'huicii • Tnr trueiwn has ion- been currem. thai ••fart . -trnnecr thin hciio'i." Thb ia ],-e ensinrui.y -rue of Scripture 'art*. * hirh vus;;y irHiisce, d nine mui vcJKmJ*. u:: ihe rreauoa* ol Hie luioguiHuo.-. .Noi u It ]e«» I’rrlAii:. lhat die rcpre (r il!n inn <■ ihe r.'cmi , I >acred Hisioiy. amt ih- niuemem-oi U-.wioua Truth mny ne drawn out m such a mam er. a* tol>e. al >a*t cqua;iy aitraciivt, utiereaiuig, and impressive, wilt the debneauon- and ib iui» oi hrmiom or fabulous ;iiernturr. Thu has been ;ne auiiior * aim in ibe*e Discour e* pK»*rr. For «a!c al Boot and Shoe Store oi Troth X Scou, comer of Fourth ami Smtidfind street*, S. Stoner's ••Inth'iig c«tabi>shtntnt. Wood street, at the store of Obarle* Craig. Dinrnoac! alley; at me drug store of W Hendereon. W 6 Übt-rty street; . a:*o at -.be Methodisi Proiestam panouac* on sin stree;. l*;its£>x*gh; and in Allegheny city at the Hug »toce or Dr J Sargent.t and al ;hr pnnonag-. a.i;o.:unv the .MeibodisfeProtcs lant Church mar? dsw* To the Honor all e, liu Judge* of die Court of Gnu rztl Quarter Sfjsions of th* Fmr,-. in and for the County of AUfghtny. THK Petition af Jos* AuaEtut, of the Borough of Birmingham, in ihe roomy oforesa.d, hnmbtj- shew | e:a. dial your pcu.ioner has provided himself with j matenuis for the fceccimni jdatiou of truve.ers -yid oth |«n», at hi* dwelling hnu«-. ihe borough aforesaid. [ and pravvtnui xour Honor* x*.; io gtum i b:m a iicenw* to keep a I'ub.i,- Hou-e oi Knieruun mem Anil your |xu.loner. u« in duty bound, will pray V\ e, the tobscCibefs, ciUreov o' the slorenud bor ough. .fo certify tbul Die above peuuoner ia of good repair for bo.ir*iy nusl trtnperaace, nnd i» i*-rli prov.- ded wiiii house roctn knd convrmouce. 'or the oreom modniion aud iodging'of ttrangert and iruTrier-, uud that *aid iase.cn it pncesAary J6hn M'Clafe. Gfo'?T>'t>jw*r TTnorv T-OVer NicVs ' .a* Shaffc;, John HucfoitJi. F Olriihcs...- . I'onnut Ko sernian, Cfooien* Cn. i*. J Wouhbur. Jni.m»htrnoa.';. John Nu**cr. Juc.tib Boer- iiinr*-dJt* RKCKIVPI) THIS '*:ibe i. a l r.«t-l V\»r.. bou-r No Lt Four’h siren ' Rich einr.o**e.l I'llllioruo.. : I' Tx-.kev red Chum do do Tabfo Co ) Fi» d d.. do do \Vor-leddo do .i 0 . ,lo tioriirr.-,^ Blue Di.ttu.-k. carpet Bndmg* Ure.-a u-ut-rn Gt.i.if* Trsr.-psre •! shade, nj-ure \ - - d.- I'lir lt xh n, _ ,i., j.. Drspery l 'tunes* in! n.i Unonbirbl View, .1., I .and *r*pe ,lo .!,. .1., ... I or,' r.:.d Tu -el. 11,., Ksißu..,. K'si-r Kcd* * ! > 10 -x 11.-'i, we !-ix I),.- nv. ..H o. ~i o u ftrie,.,l« and eo-tonirr. ,n.l -fc.i.e ,v,,, i uf , m;l of lr p.eni.i, alii 1.0:,r* i:>>! hnii-e. nr ‘ r: . V U Vi I INTih h W. OOPKLAMI, A_B. Ut ri.n-iy t u-lCffr, lid til.ll. rx-.-v.-M ,i,,|U U ..:m Scholar Itoirt ’hr Hn,a, >, !,f. o! I j,..r.kiilm r-' v inionQsti.. [.L1..-. III;.: nr «»;, .ifri,, p v . the P*»RT<«HA tNHTrri TK. IN AIJ.KiAKNi CI I V, tin Mon.Uy ‘iiti ni'Ajir,, ior u.»- j>ut,pu»c oi imparting • f-nilrm«Tin- Priai »pai iru»i* ibau I.) uurviimijiK Wiirnnna i<» inr morel an.! imHienua: miprow-mmi oi hi. ;«iipn«, hr W, lifl/r. l ;i .bun- rtl |.ul.-i<- patlooaifc A irw l.oanlrM hr jrrn.rd. wtK. UfcV-r (f,r •<l vaular* <>l Pludj-ine «-4-r;ni>r niitlrr ||,r llul „e. Jiatk! uml fr-ftoGAl siiprrlni-njrncr or >h- »lru-i 5nr.,1,0,, i.riav pui.fcav ihr h-n..'h. romtai i ami moral., n. >. (hr l.^rarf-j.ivjn.-ru.'m or ihr i-u -(Ms For uironiiuli<i:i. n u -uirr v: Elliott A. I-Unr is It • Kt Rrv t.*r' , Mi-m l *lm." l, U*Uoi. oi „im- Rr-, Fr IJa.r.;, Nr-., \ t rk P.rh l>f Uj.-f, Rry Ilf. R,<j.llr, Itrx Of ll.lOiil, 15«-v l'./okv Rrv 1>- Herron I‘itui.urp'i Re, AMr,her.vn«y insr-Utf JOHN A. HtSAM , I’aIKKK OF IUKh AND BKI'.F Coramisjlon Merchant and i orwardpr. NO 1 l ANAI.SI ,t:j\i INNATI lIHIU of any ii'U-ii t>(' Prirdui rmi un» fnafkrt , A‘ tu lo' iile lorururdiiKT m‘f»r>-H* general v Refer to J-.I.I) V A (.0. 1 Marini A Slor.wei; \\ K) e,..., a , (, ** t Fark)iUr*t. Ileq ) l.ij>|.n.i'Oti k i ivier A Jones, V I'm.b ur* ||. Y» English It Brnririi, ) marr «Wm CARD. ROBERT W. POINDEXTER, cLo|e of P>tt«burgU. I*a ,| * IiEKER.IL LMIIISBIOK BERCUAKT,' No. £i Soat'i Water «t , Iheiwei-n Cnr.nui 4 . PHILADELPHIA C7* PariK-.iiar atlemioo wii! In* ervrit to » a ln« ot Flour am! ProOm-ei ami muy porchnpc m the Phi'a delphiu lor Western sreoum. ami miy Produce or Alerelin.nliac «»nt to hitn througti Mr t’ H. Cram o' Pittsburgh, will have attention lucre (roe of commi*- non for receiving snd forwurdmg ‘ nu»r7:dtf PLACES nroeamd for m*wi asJ t>oy*. women and girls —wanted, nluee* m Piore*, .leant or canal honi*, or in lowri luui country, for several good sales .men, clerk* school master*, warehouse ami couch men, waiter* ami laboring men and bo> • of all secs. Money borrowed ut*o lent, and ail Kind, yf ngnncie* a ttemled lo promptly tor moderate charges, please cal; at ISAAC HARRIS'S Asm, \ am i Intelligence Offu-e. oppowi-5 the Exchange lloir innr" SALE— aiu rut* of 5 doable purple and yellow carpet t-bam, lt,'» m.-ap woo«l<-.. l»owi», assorted ai ia a; white ] /tui.r.lio Lime by • ihi i.nrrct or retail, Slid. 6x12. lux!'.!. Itrxll vrihdow *a*t. :i iron post cof fee mips anil a unuli .upply of bed ror Is, lacing*, twine, fulling mm! chalk linen, lor »u!e m any quantity ty suit rustotner* ISA At: HARRIS KEPT DAILY FOR JVaI.K— Th- Du.lv nnd Week~- ly (fji'ltc, ajttl a.I tfo- lM:»l.urgh daily and week ly papet*. Sibbet'* iTounterfen [H-t.-cmr*. letter paper, a variety of exchm-jjp papers, ironi k>n«iern and aud Western cities and 10-wns. mart-13f ISA AC HARRIS To Engine Ballders. Fire.—Last al balfpiMt twelve ocluok. a I)KOI'OSaT,H will «• o! ihr firo brollc oul « board pile on the bank of the I'ltuburrk Water \\ ork». until Tuenioy tbcltth Allegheny. jtfat oloDrv'tle the L'liivcrtilv It is iiiki , &i 5 }’ ,\I.. lor inakinc a trna.l Sirain Kiiiiinn . , r •, ’’ Drnwing* and «pn ifirot»on» are to he »<-e:i ui ttic burning ItUioUMy as \ri- write, but wr hope thnl the ° ld 1 H 7TI M(M.IEHM) L"i»'Vt-mUv i. not in «»)r d«n»«r Wewii: Ki.clbe piirtirular* to mprrow. HOWARD HOTEL, . ,m:\V YORK F'JSll, MIDDLETON A. W HIT} - . Ur Imv- to in. uouni-e lo Ihrit friend* m.d ibv public, that they have iruril the ninmtsemerti u( the '.arsc and com m<«;.ou* Hotel, cor her o* Broad way ami Maiden J.'uie. known iii ilia Htmyirtl Hotel Hav.nj raurli impro ved the inlenml improved the internal arrangement of ilia liou«r. no jiUli.s (bail be ‘purl’ll <.n thi- purl of ibr pfopririoi’ 'o gj»c entire aatiaiacuon to iiiux- who turty lover u« -wun ibrir pfuroiiiirr** ntarf! dSw FOR RENT. MTU'o inrj'e tlirre •lory Mrick Dwelling*, *it oatrit on thel turner ni Prun«ylvaHia Avenue Hint lJn.rn.mil -irei't, wiUnii Jutli a *t;tt&fi- 01 the new < o ur , jjuure, ttui-amitift ten ronmr each, tun-hed in u nuprriof »iyte Bra'idu iii front, marble mantel*, bain room* un<J . vdj-y ot'ier f..nvrmrnee cu«li>niary in Crat cIM. lioukp* -fbc .ituiltioi. t* pjeanant and Ural thy. and eon n» iimrad and l.tuine.* Rent moonal lc ln<itiin-,.f I) r KlNfi. m. the tirrmbei m.irJ <ll w M . VOK RKVT. ' MWiMiirj iTamr iluu.r, u. Al l"gbrny city,:on tb„ timk „i ihc AlleeUeit) river, adjoining ilieidweb.m t ,( Mr« Snowden.mid near If <ipp»i‘Ue Uir point The dwelling 1. .MIIIIinCKIIOU* and comtnrtaMe j- ; ,i contain. ever) ncrcfcaHry con ven enee. wiih n • timh garden auarliril Lmjuiro of H.V.J 51... U., . 0,.0h U „k„, v, r|i ,„ ,u r , ,|„ SUb'Cnber Oil the pi«m..e, mar&idtf NKAIL MrAL'\A\N PKODtf h - l)bu white linn;.. ? <|o flameed. 1 do Ntl 1 Ufd. II do Ru‘~,| applrk. ,i,.i received and for *tUe l. T 1 I> WIU.M.MS, . lio wood.. PKAKLTSt-tt'l U SI , iva Nuu, », .tore and lor ,e ' ,a7 . JAM DaLZRLL T^RUIT— To arrive b> f?hie( Ju.uce Mai'khiil Jj 200 boxes Ranin* Is* drum. 76 M 410 * UD frail* Almonds. 60 <JI do W bx* Lemon. AvltofMlolow. fcb!7 ENGLISH A BENNETT ; ML MATTERS. ' EEfoSTtn PDI tbk rrrm.no„ a,, Lr c<lTrm c.^,Ts^^"j- n r J r 4, L^"rl,?illiS ba '' _i ’“'‘*“ ,yA ‘"‘“•‘"‘s By thujahnonnrrment w. olnerre thnl Mr , ™“ l«i>nedy. Ibrmrrly of FlutHulL Nr«' x 10 lb« Americn Bar. aving knmpQ Mr. Kennedy from hr« duMbood ue ' ao ( *P* of him aa a man ot the atriciest m ivgmy. We. aUj wmb to Pt atr. thut he has talent* rS ft*pectßble order. In the early dt V . or the Whig, he was one oi our muM vafoable ccotnl-mont. j.artu-ulariy on quern, on* ,d rade ahd (Muienl economy. We understand that * . JVKiinedy intend* turning his oitcntmn, &.* much os jxwubfo. l.i trade qtnMfon‘ where fire Vk? knowledge ot a lawyer .ire requisite oooui.j any of our Irish friends require the aid of •ui i » in instituting inquiries alier pro perty. fney Mold not possiWy find a more .iesirable I'rutesuyoQai agent than Mr Kennedy —Chronicle. Mavor'h Orricß, !Pitt*birgh March, ith ihe ettlixr,/ the watch house were lull ln»l mghl. and twelx i* txt , K inniutra fcppears-d betbre the Mayor (hi*’rtornmr A man who had been found Jruuk in daj- I g i„, will, a ,-towJ ol boy* torment “ig him, wi, brought up first Ue *,ml. ‘ that he had '\jtfle U{) fr,„ n jnd falling in with mime friends, had drank onr mu , k " Having but l.ult moftei. ihe Muy-.r advised him l.) go to jml raiherthao pay hi* hire, but he m-»*c-d that he o-.uld get plenty of work, and pn.d it A woinan,uTio had got intoxicated nt a thru came lorwHtd, and lier tongue ran more _hbiy than ai.v we hare heard for slum- tune Hhe had no money with her. but «a-d lhat if the Mayor would permit, an Cflicer to go with her, she would gel it ot her Boarding bou*.-. When asked whether jl she sent i 0 order by the watchman, the money would not lie forthcoming, she uld the Mayor that •she boarded.w.ili onir [hitch people, wlu* were very honest; but ju«t s* stupid, and could not rend " ».» *he Was allowed to go with an otfieer—-jm.d the tine, and wa* discharged. The tadoreil man who next sppe , r . d. La J Wen brought from.a house m iretlx Alley where he bad be<n “liiekmgfip u row " He crawled nmJei the bed. when the watchman came m, but was soon j itlled oat, and provided with lodging* m foe *atch house.. He aa.«erlcd hi* mniH-eiire xcry strenuously, and got very uuirrv when he win sen tenoed to pay a tine ot tmedeliar and rfv cents, but a* Iu- wacstewnrd on n steam fo.at going down the nvf-r bi dqy. there was no hdp i*»r -t. ami be very reldctunUy wus obliged to pay ,t Four tiegfo tnen, and a* man v w. 'men, i wo bfoek anil two wliite. were brought treni the same de lightful locality as the last case, charged with drußkedtrea* and dt-orderlv <-->nduct. and seemed quite rejoiced, when iu«v were kcnleiix-ed only tu lour tad twenty hours' imprisonment." * Weil, that * kind, Mister.'' said <>ne .-I ti,ein «* *he was going out. Two oi me men paid tbrir fine*. »nd were diacharjtv!. La*t of nil, an old man who had t>een wounded iQ the i&le war with Mexico appeared, lie had come to Pittsburgh to draw his pension and when the officer took him mto c r*t.»dy. be was drunk, and g'xiQg up U) Hnrii with two thieve-, whxi would certainly havb rji-fo*.| hun as ...ou a* begot up there Alter bating paid };;*• i.nr.he wx« d,*<-barg ed with -some very good advice. !o wii cii. u e nope, he w.U attend. MaY'-Tx's CtrriiE. Aixtuuksy. Mar. b sth—The tomb* reuiamed untenaoled last mghl l-forAINIMJ Mi'Sf T TM'Oi KsME I'm rryxir* Officer Hcrnug, (me truiependrnl P '.'iee, yr-ter* day arretted and bnuic'it l>cl.»re Aixiirman Sr.-el- Edward O’C/oßiinr. charged with d*irjiuJ. n g the public m to,'loan i J'Conner went u> Eben*burgh. Cambria where be represented h m*ett as a Catholic Pnest. a breaher of Bishop > )'f*>nn.ir ol this city, aud as dul\ authorized n. .-i.ifo,-: rn.,ney for building a Catholic Cnun-I. in lust place JJ C sux-x-reded in yicluinxing the «-,U2«ns (*■ »xnt* n lent, and then started oil for Bikunore wi.rre he played the vi#c gatnr, pa»*ing h.m*e i -,i ,i» a monk. Alter h.ix .ng .-.olie< ie«l aii Hie m .n< h» could, ne ret'.rnFd •) I'ltt-bn-gb, where ;ie »-j, arre*ied foi ahoye mated and eomnuited „ J c . fault ol t>«P Ci rr;-»b wrru x V~.wie Ksut— A:ire.i 1!.,f0r snlered i x unpia-ril bei.-re the May r vr»vrd»y syeo.ng. hgaiQSt Cttkcte* Smith, for igyj with a i*jw*:e knifr Tk.th were ed xped met: and H* I'.'.Mirrrnce t---k 111 Hayr. rtmUli f, nr.«i :ag KJOicwij! mi. .x,cate J it I j , ‘ I.’ f.N.NCIiV A \A\ IK . ..-v. ,\\ f>, | t„„.. ,na«ir »ever*l nlipn>i>!« tr. ml l,im m»e <>t u-bu-h JY iu«l Mr .on -..•t--. wj- mid l<>ok eilr-’l u h « arm Tfcr *::d \ n i •«rm »'a* cut UJ tin* !/ >n*- nnd ihp ;Kiyw*ian who 2«vrlt\ Fr*n. n Pr r * u. .»• * K?ri' drrns«-J Ifc** U'Otind dc«-larpd Dial i,r wan airsid OT ~ ' r ‘ u oU-» i nr’irlv* ’i —.i , 4 , . 4 •> •,,, Butler wijiiM toiw .1 Th. »«>. vpr\ w.-at front the ;■>.<. : ,a l( gfcal vil'it.i 'H Ot hUn/vi, I*- wa* al*te u< coiur* lan ’ % r j*, * ' »•< 1 •:• ’> »d !•> U..- NUrorVUllicr. whi-fr- t,r ; .r**.p u trd :i iK-rr.d l 'o '•U.n.) .•«. ’a; .1 , 'j. „i I V-'lT.r 7(. a'.*. *f<er!ar *•. tr.» *h‘irt . -'-i!. ( ~»tU=l.*>n«. Mid t-ven )i,i ***' ‘’“ f n " ,, ‘ ,r,vl ’ u > *"F- i*r»ce« m«M U*>t» I'ciUK ratercd w.iii l.ii> A BICRWrS riKKIAlih SlAffiFATOt. warrniil *a« it*urj |.,r Hip nii r -i ( .| wK,t.. /''«**»•>'/ .HUy i-lir.n und Sfnu,\fiYul Sr ’.r&. n F '1 Itt• • fv!.<>\\ «aoulil a D.)(oru«» nnar.dr 1 (ggt-*fJL-m'»nu t* fjt.nv- m.l at t.-l.ru, ry Ml K DKRi>t ' A-'A I IT as i, p.uniair —Jofrfl Nrl »f Fauiil!' 7^’ #’.>n c*t y lxFr 1 !*• ;* (■, w. yr-if-rdnv ftnp*’ *. J; ., r°'7k]**>>• V:T* «°'.J ' IT'm pd **\ Hidirrl jl’H’in I Hip I n Jeppmlett l 1\ 11 * u<>. •.»i • n m.*» - Hu« r* ».i a j and luijirn Kerd •’ H.r \Uy.ir', urfi.-p, < l.,»rR«iJ ’ * i-V/ 1 *! 1. *. u,.i7'i , A 1 ' V%l| , t , witii ;m a«>mil and iv « ith ..-i'Ptii i-. k..': K Fan. m.i K H I'.i j ' "• K.p 1,.., i l. M . Sl . a in, tied upon tli*- j M. J''ni..p«. L,i the .M.iit- luu-usii.j,; Mr 1*1..a *• h.*,| teacher, and the i hildren of Mr %»•!«,.n wm.- under hia care. Mri R tia\ inn bad •*•041.1.111 n, , ~r r, ., t Min of Mr Ne)«oii a children lhai be< ame enraged, and threatened lu "whip the t«*n»-l**r. wl.crrtip m the ease w»« bronchi Irt-f-urflh* N-bo. I Ltirrctori. and the Ti ,irvn were dt*in>s*eii in-m the school. J'hurtly afie-r : ; .iv .-vurn-i.i-e* Mr N met Mr. Phillips wh..in h«* kn..ekrd down, nod rirnrly to drain —looking inm **> violently la the stutnacn, trial inHumanon has eu«iied. nnd tu» pbyucmn.lir. Otiziun. ha* not the l.iwit*-**( li-.jr «,f hn ms.very ' Nei*..u was put under b.- n vy t.a I Im h>* appenruiHe at inr net: irrm ~1 ..tj r Crimum I’.uoi KEkrtWi —W« refer our i-mder* lo the advert.anient of Mr Lr«* m hpoiii.t .-...umn Mr l. >e Mir of ohr niutl »urre*«[u' lea. her*, and hie ret-ouunebdaliOus, arc- .•/ the n»u*t li.itu-rni” de wriplMiii. Mr. Jwc may tfound al Brown's ll'. tel AccU'KNt—A y<ding man wlm -a-:;, slightly in toxicated Jell otJ ihe pavrmeut ut Jk Clair street on Wednesday ingbl, and cut his tore in a ebook mg manner We Biuoicit lu leurn that Mr Scad*- in gell.ng much 1 otter, and we hope ihnl he m now out of donger. Dirtmcr Oottttr March Sth—The (Jourt t.Mlay was occup.ed win. the trial of Shoemaker v*. Kerr el al. Ttua vrss nn action of ejeeiment Jligham for plaintiri. tflnmgan and McCandless for dc fendan'i. The jury found a verdict lor the de fcod.tnia. I Theater —Mr Crisp appear* to night in the chameter of‘‘Alexander the (sre*t ' The* drama of the “Murdelfed Boatman ’ will also tm present ed, together wiilj a dance In M&atcr Woods E< upsk or TUH Moon, —Our citizens had a tine opportunity ot , viewing the eclipse of tee ai'-m. yesterday evening. The sky was very . ',nr. and all things favorable. For Calirornlu. I’HK celebrated Hazard Hi tic t’nwtl-i 11, Se*. hull t|uurtc?B nml cans, for ■aic by Iri.ll -j ?* Dii.wtißTii a co. .1 Indetikndent Police Ofllcc. X T U. 10* FofltTH AFREET - foin'iutting Mi.«ir irme, Aun|tKSi*a itruiu. iwf m Pnn.-e R..R*at : jßir^dUm / ‘ RAI’KS-iilitg. Malaga (jiip. i„, *„; r i,y V "-MO ARMSTRONG V CROZIU ' j>l t.h PORK—7UO pcs bulk Pork, just rrc'd mid lor J ) »aJe t.y leblft A RMSTKONG 4 CRoZFH o'*A I* —IIKJ titaiSu 1 Soap. rac'd nnd lor .»|r l.v R HOKISON A Co IjKVV S\ Rl I’ t>bl« Hon*) !><•*» syrup in store »nl* felda J b.Vi.ZM.I. DRJhD PKAI&iKS 1 'AXi t>u*h Unlv*». tor «nic hy febio RHKY. MATTHKWS k. t’o / tU ITf i.Nlmlrs for sale by > RHEY, MaTTHKWH ft Co, 57 water street SrOAtt —« Uhds primp old cron, vfil.hl. Mat'?*uaat, lor «ide t.y UHHY. MaTTHKWS * Co Bi’ttrr a ST) r.ARrv-7Tryr Jlu Tr f nrTu L«rd. for sale by taarS AHMSt'RONfi A f'ROZKR / tf>RN bush just ree d and lor safe by TO,rft ARMSTRONG A CROZhR (I) bhf* superfine Hoar.jum ref'd bv 1 innrs •; ARMSTRONG A GROZF.R A PPLEH AND PKaCHKS- lA »«rk. dried Apples; ■f*. tbco do Peaijhc*: for e.-ilr by • ARMSTRONG A CRoZER Manufactured tobacco- k**. superior brands, eopillstiiut of !•, sa, |«< uud 35* tump, ou hand and for sale by WICK A MVA\I>I.KSS LOAF bt!» Nos v and If) Loa. Sugar, for ilafe by 'VICK &M CANDLEB9 MISCEIdLMEOm — OHIO PIIIILE COLLEfii7“ uusm, omo T>T ItBV. CHARGE) P. iIriLVAKE, D D.. Bt.b -w? w El> ” Chl,h:h *" obl<.7lSr"r. Ber.^ D. W.Tou-,,i,0. », u . Rrca, „ f Sl . . Episcopal Chnrrfa. Pnncipnl. Wr« V 'f.TnuotS, Apptx'-mi. Prin.-toal Tr.cwK r “ ' nJ '*'*«'*''* li °^ J «f Tbr 4tob bf lb,. u,, bwn op b\ rxptn,, of aboui gal WlO lil' ~l D »1 r P)u » l„ Dlr,D, r , l pl„„ ioa | 1 , "'V. o-Dli ~i. oi dw Cimpu, ,m 4IU d,. Tbr buildi.* h .par ion.. , he po.nd, , bou , five :u-rt,. and Itm inr,l,on health}-. Th- of Hid j.tr.™—Hie >.»oc„u„„. of c!l , ir nrter of llm .urmuridlng seeri-Ty-(bo Loo a.d uinn i) inr --{ftp ainpir jrroun.!. inJ bh«de inp.ic i.-> contr iiipltiDuri nnd study' Tiro vu.idard ol gT.do.uo,, llu . l 4 „, lllu „ u „i !''"T '"'f”'' 1 '■•“"“•f.‘"DiadiDg 1,01 only « lull Eng u-h ondr-e, bn! wtroro a « do.irod tbn I.nrin, Uree.. IlDl.n-W. I.enam.. Ireuob. n.I, ulld |a„ rnnpD- u ihuu.'b th,-e lang-noße. aro not dr la, grnJu.ho«-w,i!, utatiootton » a.»l.r.ade, r , Lanai Sfnllf-*ort. Muair l-aial:,,,, 6tuw„,*, Tha limiumon la 4 .0uj,.1 nd oratrun. .v.ihtborouyli .aural and re!,..| ju, Lka U,,i, U 4„ a(r a„J., ,ai..,r.b>,r ~i Mr. l obanl. tr"*'r,.n.D„i b l; .j. bm f,r.„ rlia ueii .esnon •'..mtUDiirr. |. !ll: Ar.nl and i*ouunur« bre i uii-ndar MontU*. „ , , SiJ ®. rua Season For board and r.ißa,, ...oturli,,, room | u , llllure . lipilduic. fife" anil litjhii , u . Mu* •. Modern |. al „ uu . u „., Dr** ‘•w. u;r.i L*hurf!r *,“n» ri " lO lb' I , PITTBBLEt.iI A 81) ILKIKU'iO l.'\F 'I un: rf.»p.iri*ia „i !i„, ul<l . >»W’n«d K) Uirm-T-lvr- a.,.l nnm.ii* in , i'’r>pr‘ !h >,r i '" ,1 i I'uat* HKAVKK AND CAM, ; r °); r fur.imr.f.j -F. w'^TmVlT.'.Vn.-lr.V-id ftil I>\V Kl.la .8 nn« TIIKR „ Ar.utd.lfc.mrr Jl f Himvr.i i. ,nßrt _ . I'nivirurrU bidw-ell &. brother. forwuniing IHfrthanu. HKAVKK I'A !■" the ] AIU (J „ / J ’ ,le7r '" ■'*-'«/« l-iir-t Ilo:i: ;u.i naif tot tu.. 'vntj tl.r addJljoi. lit a War,!,, ,r fOlliri»litlain)n» UtS irrpiv.tn Ul. 1 lorw t 111 ft., k- inn. uttati-.t a,„•„»««. .. -i'.j ,'* il to fl.l: «A, ..hr,. a!IJ f „„ tr , rJ|l u ” ’ :,,h! . mnrj-.lh |5. \ |jRU RKLIAXCE PORTADIjE BOAT LIXK, 1S4!). Ft»t ihn tnuibjumatioii ot \im ii.i.. RK'rWKKN IMIII.A Dl-/LPIH A A M) mTSItL H( i 11 carnrJ on .iht* l.n-c arr not VJT ..rm w*u I’itt.liurcti and J’hilmir !|iltt:i hrmt' nr nrd in lour M*t lion I’tinnbk lion:* o v.-: i 3 nJ nji.t w n inr: —in .»( tnnrrhamlwr r A! nn.np , „r«h.i h jinlitnc, ihia i> i-t iuit><munrr Nr. F..ar i;r ttm lr t.*r lfi-inJ. lo.'vsrii-l ft-1 it iJi.pm, n - ,i ~., 1 trn... 9- < y »).) .‘Ui.’) l.t.nn JOHN M KaM.N i t .. ‘‘.uii' Had!,:. J'n,,. ~ I'.-.idt-urj-h JA> M DAVIS A On marl .-r M.itrO M fum*.-:-- P„.'a John .v.-r.M'i n a ;t . c „ u .» . •.••11. lu*.!,. IVi.li -■ l.’ • ;> II71; t, DAVi-i.v to.foil- Ik. tor. i.,1 r,.ft. m .b I'ni-H.ir j.hl*. ' U - J ‘ E7-A.tv.tf .v nihnr ,uc „,,„ f • oi:f M 00l , mJ lt ,. r( - iiu „ uiv , ;o I)< ; m °r or ' INDKUKITV. 'A/ l-\a*U,n Fi; J»ntr„ n , f C u n,laJ,h wt j ] Vlßf-aiiK.-rn,,... N H.notr* l | / VA J•, R , mtlh C ere Kjrt.rt'. Vor,!. , |) ’ , r . \iJon.t..> K liorif l)AVI(l •* Srow-ri. ... I'a'l r. <r>- 1 'll* *1 ) • N |!,v i. .jg |' ;r . , >r . 'liar;,-* r, 111 lrr M ' ■'■fdnUr in rr.aii' in«ora!i.r ;>r-:nijg nr ; (llll<r ,j •If Cl rr ) df »fri(.'.rt.'l t>d \ rrt . A ., Of, , r.i I :<IIC(W» II i tiavr ar r i*r it « At ... , rn - Whirti Will 1 ti*-ir CalMi: mnd Prrnii.it.,> i.-i.r.- nJ. olford «nij-r priiirt-non to inr Th« aarcrU ol u-e ••ninno:. - . nil Jurv an l«; t« - -i |inl..t*hnl a<rr>.u \ j. »i w:.ia- ti llnul - • : T-iili-fira: . In*'.. ! * !o -** ft. 1 n » b C S.n.-- .nr.; uu-ofj><mat.on. a j*-nod nf I<J year*. tfar> hair p»u: tipwarur «i n«i<* lunn.rui toor nuitdftd utoti*- 4 •! t) <i .n '• 'iwara l.y nrr. Utrrrjiy afldbfJmj. cVtdeiK'r . r u.;i - -ta;;. . (.1 .ti.urw .. r a* «r!l »• U)«. ahiMr *: .t it iv..-. k ,ii lo tnrr.! .»• -ft )>r.oi,f.:t,.-a4 all Hatillltir* J ■ \UDt \ >.K l omv Ajrnt. on, rNi -.,00r WoiKl am) .kl . KKNNKDY & SAWVKIt* ' 4> “ C “ (»I.ASs AtaiHitactarerm, >mi Whotca.i ,- uC*K , r» ui (oicign a-ul rlotnrtatir Vanrty lioodg " r tiar>lft l’r<:!ara ami »tbr» ir ( mvtii*d i,. Sfli» linoiis. imi it ■»*.r/ k.. D I j., K. NKW VOHU ANDHOSTOJi PIANOS. t*ru:f.| man. A ..'i k o' '■ -•* u.,J r.j t . ia , • .'r. I'. r. . Fn ji'IIN II Ml.I f. (>jr U. • r•. i- WIHK K.UUNfj, KKIi n\ 1.1.'1T1 Ks }■ \ I » ST 1) i m.n- ATI I.vrios tv „ •„ , I ti/.tric HAII.IV. , ■i" I'M-*’ • , .«.yr^cirtn, k 'c f ,. w ,T;!. of v n non* Ifiti'lh? Vj 1.1 I l-r: lur'ii V. ■, r.!i !• "t '."r.'.i 1} .licit Vjlltlff. ~-o II Uic jLiiinr S , in, |, r m.nlr au> Without pn»l» Nn rllfa .hiiiiji L ' ° f Thf cutnj umi. i urm-.. itn-m » rent , tjurn Ut.lV m J.- WIKf. K-WLiM., ii.c t .. ... v „ n , (l J ( ;" r V " P '•'»'»* mrtii* have been tested For ;„niirf 11-.^^„ J ar * ’.j .Marshall a hkothlks. ASCII', ir. r I’nlcillrr*. IJ.timtv.'l ,1, ri I,cur Smnfi(ie„i .1. ISiu.t.orc:, V T KW IM-r.Ws Prnit're*. am! 1 s ibe Life mid Tune* of John lJunyun; by ine Rev Lien. H rsrtvr.t. |l |J. ’ 1 Wanderings oi & IVgritnin the Siia.iwiv m .VJoun! Blnnc, 1.) l >«o It (. lire vrt D lL The .Wna. c.f lI.C Pilgrim* at- |\i mo-ih. ,nN\ w England. i:i Ifatfi H-prmicii i/orn the ungnja! ro.uirK. with historical and men! i laßiatum* of provide me principle- B«(t pvrtotiH, ti) i.curgc BCbe.ver l) D [Upturn, wun rc-TMicc lo .Is uni.ou a 'ti urndi*. i. Kdwsrd licet ii-r. 0 L». Lite ttnil (it John FoM.-r. cM-dbl J K K) ,ai .!. «nli noil. C „| Mr Po-mru. i. preacher anti a Uy John Sheppard -n<a .-.i.ik,;. IV Hiiovr ivuii < nf f? , toc , oi Theological. Hu tone'll, Medics, and School Hook.. for *«> at J o w price* by KI.I.IOTC & KNULISM. Til Wood *t, between din *; and iJinmninkaltry T T N'SHRINK AHI.K FLA.NNLLS—W. R. MiEinx l_ ; mvuei the tmrniion of buyers »> l>u •jock of Uir above (food., oi ail the didereni ijuabuc., »m.l l 0 be a* muhrinknb e a* the Weiab, mil at murfs lower price* (.eiiuiiie FiunneU al*o comtinmly on ham! o*ute anti S.ik do, 4 A ami i-4 do, for ?hroutliu K i.nr portr* A‘ro, ' Home ni't.ic '.Vi.ur Fiain.fu und 1 .uu.- y« coiuumly on band, til the north coal corner „ t Fourth nn.l Mar ket strcpia. . .- |)L RSF. I,IIST- A Uckd f’.ir.c ol Mm- Kronml chi -1 umity ('uy Scrip i.mi Siler., »m )r..<r,| lv 100 totr.ewlinre b* iv.-rn il.e corner of 4ih umi \\ 0.i.l -i. >'ml Wi»*l:inato:i h:i-1 VVylm »trc.-u vlti liuerv »<e vrmli ttnil \N rli*it:r .1, The hri'Vr wi Ihr .o'.iuMy rrwardr-.| by rciunirm; it in the Vn'triy Store ni mnr:i kennkdv&'sawnkk • ARPKTS, Ac. ri ST (JI'KNKL), this day. mn! (or .>.lc *i \V ,M o t-'ltnmck'. furp.-i Woreroam. No To I'ourm v ItCP . Very liithO.oine ,tj|e Ipruescl. t'arvcu \r» 1,, . uol „| y Super Inarnm ( a/pcu, 4-4 rorutuon Veil in ( nit,cv« ,M rtl'm *gp do d„ | ;t-4 do do do 1’,1,r l ’ ,l,r , a ‘'" I 5-b do do .h» t timmon d„ g,, y-4 do do do Cmton do do | 6-4 .Cotton Carpet*. Ai.St -Fatn. .up Velvet Pile C«rneu, of il.c llU e«i iinportmion \xmmutrr Carpet* Tap««try Uruasci* t arpeu. a.i oi ii.e riclm.i and nrwvai ■tyica. lo which we invite iho*e wishing to furnish house*, .tram boms Ar _ 'V. iPCLINTOCK. . Pjß HAT^j—l*2 dot water proof Ur H»lv JU.I r.„r,»td and lot uilr l.r M'CURD A. Co, !•'— rrij her stli and Woml «ta i! 1 PA »ut»!«» FOHIB4#. /B M CORO A Co. Will introduce, on Sutur- /fl March 3d, tbe Sprjn* atyle of m ;:r, l JtV? of / ? r * 1 “ d 6 “Pe>ior hat, are uivued to call aCtornr.r of 4th and Wood streets. mart SUNOHIES *lX> ARRIVE— It> bxs prime while Havana Suear 10 1,;1 bbl - N O Moluin, 10 k, 60 bt. So. K , 5 S ■»*'«», 10 bi. ioi Soup. A hkjl" “‘ W ENGLISH 4 KENNi.Tr, J7 wood at For Hole. A STEAM ENGINE, in rood ran. XX '“"fi o«J*r, ?| inch cylinder, 3o inch airaW hm *\ Alw, one line ol aliafts, 25 feel lon. si [ no h ß . •“ diamelar, WU, dntnu: oneuprirti", ■>"“* MATrHfews*fH,Nr«H^'™ t of DRY & YARIETY GOODS. -A# Development of tke Californio Gold Fever ALEIAHDKE* DAT, H, '5 ,M*.»ra- Stuart, Phtsbumu, , AVt. resolved an SELLING OFF their j»rec »tock of DBT GOODS —tho principal pan of wnich have lately bee/t purchased ai Ihe nao* Aco« nus S-«l4j tn Philadelphia and New York, at a Irr meadou. mid onparalle led sacrifice' ‘ e liavt- rnaile *ueh i large reduction from oar re*. ! rifJd? r Hr? M\v r:^ li ,10W ,H ' * lor ?” Portion OI our rood* BJJ.m\ IUST of importation The early ai iu on o. 'U\c*r * i» invited to choice high colored f”" 1 * »,la i ,o .h- (.Vi.bn.U Trad.- ... , LAIMUS DRKHS UOODS lain ami Sgured au Cashmere. ,nd dc lame*. all price*, . r nV Uf V lD V', r i‘i c! ", l l. ,lif ' d Su P pr '•!"«'( cloth.*, all CO. and watcre.lMk Mil. lort. Mirenm THpnnnure «ilke. French mennot, all colors, 1- * ami mmue.l. Black bombazines, ifS „ u burn! and tinp.d iimn nu-, aJpQciis, ' ,*H, I1 "* anl ‘ ,ia ~:k’ **rocha fig\i ami sm P \i dn, ' Ueel quality [Jenny Lind pla.ds hi k -in' MdblwV,|,|w "' l.yonese clothe, \ IKK K. Very rich, f Umaro.l.' ...... .... ...... <**,„ doth, and c.ra-l,^ Miper -d. w%rp a. pa,-a anja*trc» Ml A\V Lf*' SHAWLS" \ splradul j« 11.1 Mine.iiawj. ,a few l.rovh# long shawl* | . |M/i.lnJ lerk. u -hrtwH . Ihe finest wr have rxrj Horn N Norl auction*.! brought to this market. £ great bargain* now un* sold at creai h plain U.id rinbroi'd ibiheti bargain*, gT 1 .hiwUaM.o'o,* .. 1 • i.k ftiri.’-. ruuarkably cha square «hnwl»- .vF.NTLpi f iruSt.s'* n '‘ ik ' l -' ,! French cimh* from thr celebrated *■Johanr“ rnanu i.«<tor> !'«<( t>i*auiy ui'luimh tt«ij pcrmuif-jice ot wear t; '""" s*”'' '' o «im j'-i iiliuk und O.ivr ruxtun beaver* mid other heavy .'lotr.* lor ever r«tu«. iwtlJed trench < 1011,., manulr.,-- 'urtMl r-A|»rc-.l> lor rlo.tk*, l-rencli and American n.. -.mere., I »r>i oi Kngland do. * U per French * ,r vr-snijf.. ihe best imported. Plum and fancy \elvei und '■a*linifrr vc.uti*.. merino *imts and draw ere. liaiinurravau. Imen, earabne and ~ik lidkl. ho siery and •’love* STAPLE CtMIDS Irnh linen*, beat lon* cloth sbirtimMiiusiins. blcarb •it an.l I iowii mn«l■ 11 k oi' good quality, remarkably I"*', lieku,(*, eberks, domralie and imporied ginr bam*, -j-n rift. >el low and white flannel*, a large lot v«»ry riieuj. a large lot of while and rro.elmrred eoun- Iry linnnci*. ehenp, brown and bleaebed Uaru.t.y ia|,| e .iiierm ana tabic cloth*. Kutnu and Mcoioh diapers and towellings. -.otJiiru*. Kentucky jeans and iwc-cds HLANKETs*. A': u*u.\! large stock or blauieU, direct from the tu.ii;u|.,i-.tiirriH. route ol winch are the best ever exlu bi'e.l. u|] oi which will be dosed out hi unparalleled •<i.v pure * hi addition to the above enumerated B . *ri«*d». our >i<<. k rniitprlue. a very large and complete " a‘.oiliiieiu oi »liuo<i every urltric usually found m a Jrv co*.<l< .tore, nnJ a« they bare been mainly pur i-•used -,1 ibr ca-cru uuelions, lienee the late grrat ro ii-»n ,u price- We are cuabied and determined to - i innti oil ui creut bargain* \\ ltoir.ua buyer*, country merchant*, tailors. and the public crucially are respectfully itivued to an ear- OF :) e 1 »iiii .ii mi U.irgtun* shall l.i: given. | AI.JAa.NDKR A DaV. ?3 Market «i. N\\ corner of'the Diamond p A. A. HA SON A CO., 11 ■ J ’ -MA HKKT S»TKKKT—Have received by re ’ i fai Hiipor'ntioii* ihe following (Vood*. vu: * J Sim«,*.•*. of vnnnutf <,ualmei and P v >'■•!/' •< AlrmuderV he>et ouality Kid "I'-r »v ifi ii sjoo.i assortment ol col’d »Uk, -iml ■•o-.ion i.iove*. for spring trade. mi. C.rh ..amli-t*. nr4.*iu turnover-Collar*, rhea,. Col- \? - .ump.i.r cir.--roi.ierr,l Cutfa, from 50 cl» lo Slja. ‘ • variety Demi Laec Veil* . v •• CHI r» ever ottered l.y us. Krenca ()' I \ 4 J'r...:., Print.., 'u ?U fe» *' 1 " l,>r * I' (inyiUanik, lintmti •■aim Danra*k I'hljlc Clout*, . - mm 10-6, («reen'Berate*, (»cuu v-t.r i. .).• Kit.in- >u« Crnvnu. av U> 4U uteri, me •••• ri.j'i.r-c-i. I’ur»e Twi«t; linen cambric and .it ' >■ tlJji-, ;roin l»i to While (sooti« iui-Ij .i> onr-if Lawn*. Mali ami Swim : ~j p.a.it i.nerv while ami coi\J Tariauuca,' ;**« c3a “> receipt of' NKW (.OODs?, and ,„i[ xivu- :i<- of jmrclia*«c. i«j pur extenuvc l(ie 01 * fe t»a*y !lol>h. KKKI'I.M; W. R. MciPUT 11,- 11. v[tr< ihc uUcution 01 home keepers und ovp : out fommeitcin* 4ou*e keepmg.no hi* a*»orttnent 01' t'O'** (.<x>d». «ueh a*— fjn a.»l Counterpane*. wim- mid oo;ore*i I“‘"I r<..OW-C*M- Mu».lll«, .f*. iromnw i„ Uiree yard,' *•„!«. I :«t> - Pi t(«ers nu.l T,-,;, Cloth.*. f m*. Tuwrio Napkin )• i-’r :!ur- I'ti'.'i a.*.,| CJumUph, Kitit'ronJerr-iJ w|i o»w curtain Mui-.ii., i ined ami harp'd H-v' li 1: kc'v and «:rev A -tip;' to. ;j.e.r t.ood. rnnMmujy kept on hand d «: l n ai, • d on ;lif inn«i favorable mrini, ‘ nr ti i >»i corner l*n and Market m» l«?hd4 UU-A‘*HHJ G'«>DS-A A.Maso.t A Co No GO Ma.-K«n Kittri. nave just revived me lollowti* ■ r in.iwn i>*mtd* ot Meacbed Muslin* vti ’ B • * »n.l S-l Jiimrd Strain Mil:* • Naamaei' Meam Mill*; •«»>..ml.' i.ru'l,.l, A i‘iti.*t*eri;h ' Lawre.ice^Hos. • n l inn (n-r. '|> arnswortli ' Ac Ac. &.:<.( which **■'' I:|,M " ■ •• ,uJi, ‘ » T ) I' • not here menuouea. wm t>e ••: Y i.e |,i« ( - or p aC k*gFal Kasusnt pnrev BUST PHOOK IRON. | " k onJfr»i ? T.rd have erected work* in the city of X ,>«w > ork. for tb» purpose of (iaWanutnir all aru .. ,m I y*Vr lf0n : *“ ‘•emntble to PROTKCT FROM . i ft- F : *“£ h *' rdetrruph Wue, Noil*. M. K All' Via* AM) USTREs—\\ K Mu- I r*.!,7Mt t, nc< ‘*: n ' ,tl l ■">• "tb#r arncie which maybe > /Ot • ttc ,it.-.,,.0-1 of buyer* *n 1,. vrrv u ll I IT 1 For lUk, p , to* C*.k.. a*, substitute for bale rin|. r »,.,,.- h lnr Tarioiui i V Rod*, and a host of 1 r,,, r .' \ M) t ~, M ’ n >‘P l ' < ‘ a, * ori *- “ «*« found cheap awl durable. M.i • ! ... >. . x -•* .V«. • . f .j ~ , , T , , * t,uld particularly eai! atu-ntio,, io :he Galvan,- ' » -t.- -i V .. and | "«* 1 Vf f ° r n *••**"*• »« pai.il. and tv.ii not e- ... K ~ . ■ ld ‘ A l, ‘ s P'Kr» and Bed*, me preservation of *.<- ' ' *° marh "»P"nanec, tbnt it win common.; M.t/nt. . f: oe Hurine u.. -A i,~ . lS *^ !l *° ' nr nntl '* r *JI those interested. **■• «.yt Mou«e .te l.njiie*, it •.!> ithca «t ' ’ v r „ 1 * n ™!. ** "l. N. York. ■-'••I..- i ..irth »ft.l Market *• MUPPB AT GREAT BAKGAIBfSJ i o.* Knom* up .11 f. Itbl3 \f wubu. f to c!..»e out their Mock of ■\,.liliiM .|. ■ • •• | ,vv.i .. „ . “i X.IA .Mu Ua and V tctor.fcti* for the rcKHin will «... m i r, .•„ _ . , w ® MW e ef ihe I ►mdt. »• «r*U so ih» mero eosohKKuxrucWA ai K.AA. \\ . h *i h *■ l *»cy N»<»uid rcspecifully invite • '«• u.,.. vw'.h Pa-M r. , J*T" -rr. r pn * I rn«'» n . U o“ °/ W**”": n. NOW IS TIIK TIME ... .1 do. 4 4 a.,,! i- 4 do. lor "hrouT ! Mrnct* '' *“ Cur,,rr WooJ " V"'';,:;; . V(l . t(r r . Mlltll!MIll ~1 11. ; i „ or . 1 m HRI ?" f p r * uA w.-a.i.~ ' •‘ n »« '»*' mm corner of Fourth and ’ 1 ‘e *!? W r * rel ’ ,Uctr FaJI »ireei. mart! !ai a c * *L' , 5 * rt,c *®‘• veaaolfc, rii. the Jiinima, .. ~ - ■ Mcdaihon and Lydm. huMny arn«od at Philadelphia a MIN MAMA k -W \t > iium.-K o»f«*r« io porrliav- ‘‘»*l Ba. unore. ami two u.ore. the Stephen Baldwin -uid ‘ r " *" ‘ ‘ ' "'•'W -“ .r-iueur «.■ r,-a .am, U«,. i l<l,a - •»*»rtly expeete.l; ihey are therefore, nreparej n..». If-... run.,,,. vM> Fr-.i-n es.nt/ev . 10 receive ord-rs. They will rrrni. .limn? thr w,n -“ '-Tr '' ‘ r ,r " ' -hdo-.. Ac .1 h.. rarpe. ~„f n '■ r and ‘r- r, ‘? repn'nr .ujS'l'es vtn New ijrleair* n ‘’‘ de. ti Jl’l'j; W A M .'IITCHEI.TUEE V» I NFA.\T> UKAR-r II hUro-1 A 1 \! °‘ NT TRiPOLI-Fareleiawr w m . ‘ •*'’ ,0 - •■'• '^ r -» funner i.u».r,e.« J ,‘e. i don-.and lamp pldMc*, .liver plale. hnu<» Uri m,.VT. ; U , ’ 1 VI “ »h;e 10 v Ho-iort, r< r nr,d "arc It rapidly take* om all ipou maa. It t0r.,... ; . ...e,; »!>■■»•.%. t,.t 4 n:.' H'ra,. M.ue, «».l »uu.,*. and rrprwluce* the b-*at,ful and durable .r... . .aw ... I', =—« Latl.r. and (~-uu Unv.w luaue new ware Ju-i received «,.d for »nle. who.e- Uu * " , *sl« and retail. I.j JOHN D MORGAN 1 0( tor en.hrot.lerv. . . Jn ~‘ Drawm. . '• work, lum.tn. and mar ! OTHTEUSI OVSTERBM U va**M- , ; V l #* 1 * ►‘KUW THi: SHELL-.By Burke fc Co*a . . k . r , ! 1 , F V* it reduced oriee*-To occomnro- A k ! H 1 n. -ry tt ...„! xi,,.... ,re ■„.< **' '* ,v * »* *>f »u* deltciou* luinry. RURKE It Co . ■[' o. nm t.u, 'li> rr.-rin , h *y w »«m,|y the people reynlaHy throueb. . '■ .* h ' l \'' A. . " inch tney 1 ‘* ut Ul ' l '* |,) ' ‘be choicest Fresh Oyster* in V. 7 lra ' *. , , " I l t|*', **.' a,,K 11011 "bell, at roch reduced price* as * ’ ' evro 1-.X1.1) to etyuy thi* .Jcii.-nryattheir Am l-.lpre». lon.l wuliie rccrived daily at the warr- JNt. C. KIMVhU.. Water *ln-ct ketw/e,, AmirnbeiJ and Grant and tor *o.c W-e. a: „f at thclol. | •h ', d T'‘i Rn V Vi r °rncr Smlthtielii ami ' -•I m., K lleu/lcmi, D.iiinoci.l, A Hoevlcr Perm .1 &,k ! llo ' ? ‘>|* ,lU ' *’*‘ ri< -' r Ruhiuson, Ailceheny city. S''\| K U , U ' aLi ' i '*' a> •* JyJuivoii. t. ” ' * -•'••• ii»i'»- .»ir au*-n'i<»n .<r i|«-u>r i»' '■ilk H urt< Aipa<-a« Hirli Jliry aft fr L^i t.o.u- ami t».,r J»..rin, wu.rv {> N M * N " ' MI r, 'K SAU- Jr... W».,kr, W ‘ - i - •!.. Jo. ) 1.. n imjrf , ' * vi*. \ in » ml i ‘lni fi I do Aral t'lolh. if ami *.»,.! n.. 1 I <Jo lull.' > ••mi"," ' ' ' oaimc, i'on^j,(i)pj ~ri - •• Ml RI'HV A , ■",* - ...told renpeciuilfv inform the public tiial be bn* now me »au»iaciic>n 10 oflur thcjn a Cement, winch w,U weld. beaimfuUy and H , ™r* m ' «*«■«»-: i.«‘, ' r “'" l '" l, * Uful * ,h « ,n l " leaai; rendering them as useful tor f , ’ i,f: ‘ tupcr a,us Mlprr :br "‘ j *“1 p “ r P®» e ai they were helore broken • , • «. >, -t) ,r*. n> 'A-lm-h we a>i atni not affected by beat, water or au ’ ■ v° I?? 1 *' 1 hou, r* or : Uemem «* HOI weakened tuihe least when Mb ‘"N jectedioapirone dry heat, or when iuuwrard in hot ‘ "Mi I.I\TIM,K ™*irr rite public hare long *uicn fell the ueecMtiy •' \> -- Hauikru. Fiuiuh-I* ! f an , nr V cic - -' ,li *n U»n their eiperui.ou* will ‘ - l I t.Hi n.ul Ca.siinrir. i.y i raalued. as u i* applied wuhout heat un d cun W . .tr r> >nir t., i J l ' W»<*d by a rMi.l. I'be «uUcrtber has fully tested "" 1 ' «-Kn CiKMMtA.V Ult * 3r - r! ” »* ! « *»>' W W WILSON. 1 ' 1 ‘."ivi I!is t n. r . .jy,r Kuncr corner market u:ul 4ih *u 1 •* *•»?:»: fcrurrs and very . NOTICE. ' \T* 1 Jl HARTMAN htmnj *oUI !i, f inter ! ItJ. '-■t in the co puruifmhtp of Coleman. IJatlmatt &. i I o. to the remaimnc partner*, ha* thi» dhy retired : 'rout the nrm February la, ISrj-tf ! plTTSßrm.il MANI-FACTCRIiS—TIw' unde,': A Agent lor the inaiuuacturor*. baa ou hand and i* constantly receiving a full Mippiy of the article* made in 1 iiuburgh tuid vtcuuty, which he olfer* fo! *ale at manufacturers price*. 6fcX) COCIIKAJS' fe, ’ w XI ]r,'r:r Mi.u Ki.hrrr * wmjtk I/K! 11 Ml.KlNuj* A John.on X *<• • Uik.-i . ircn | lur i M i„ :|rr >o . .U . 'i-.t. lli.-u >u» l ot i'rriirh roni|>ri -5 r r,r - Ju.i ie*Vivcd »: Zebuluii kin f •<*) * li» AlarkKi »trr*-i. 0 !"'’ Vr ' l ' cl R.nlioii, J ■•oif'r*. .'■hi r.micry liuuj.. tu j»* wi.lr I’lajji, A;<* I l A '' l ’ *****"lKK\ —\ Jotm»on. W , l ,MV,!r *“ c *“•”“'*>*' »«' de.lew , “" lo,r ‘f-i'k oi Hn,ou> mpcrior 1 * crt-tti voririy of merino, mil und °' I* A,, °- l,) li*rir citenm-ve rtock of ‘‘ rt • * s»i itiioTr, .\;jmrn. Vipoma niid Silk lloir; ’'Ml outer ii) lr* of col ion lime—together ' *• *>( uu.«Jrcn'» Ho*e nnd ja'i ( : u i-‘< s|, ‘f r S.ccido. '• OO A n.**orimeiu coiistamiy oil and careiuliy duel 10 any a,r Concave, con ''*• IMO ratxriiiM djipciarlp gin** accurately adjusted u. »ry \ I*loll n*ijmr«*il njii-r, ; ,j y", K placet tor rnui.minjt Imnn. wool, ' ra,«. lu.k i.otr* *, i<- , j U »i reo’tl and for »»'«* t>y W W WILSON. cortirr of market uml 4;h .i» i K\IATUO.N ouim PKNS, x lunginhc-eiit u.nd _L_i ttm«i »jc<*l!rnt pen, being the firni inn to tv, tnnrk.-t, tor saiu by \V W WILSn.N, . ja,i corner markn and lib *u: KUMiI.UVKS ■£• Jo* Kn.ltoa-uper Kul <»iovr«, Id “• ineno wb.tr and bllr •• 5 * mi'iea colored do dt ‘ f3 K H KATON A Co BLANKET COATLNO—Drab. Lavender, prey mix ed nml b-ue, (or *n e by tbe pierc or paeknee at manuliu'iurrt. pm:.-*, by MI’RPUY A LKK, . liberiv »t, nppo«itr 3th Cn.orHS—I -U»e mark mixed heavy ca»mmere»; 2 ' >0 rwrril* taiic) r-omra; Ido fancy camiracrc Uir »nlr at jnamiluriurrr. prtrr», by MURPHY 4 LEK T" K».U> AM)i C u»«. K t>id ran d 1 bro-A-n Ki.d b'a.-k I wtnl«, )do Faney Cmsiiucre •ui l ie<- .1 and lor ‘•me at mnninai'turcr* pnre«. Ml KPIIk 4 LKK, liberty at, opposite sth L-II AKUI V \\ r -IV M V.intoek offer* to th«»c *• iv. 'uriu-li hr>u*e», tbc huculMjjiir«t an»©rt m lit i ui|>< ting ever brought to this market, com |Wl 1,1 l Mrul,u lul'Owmg raiifUri; Rich *tylo Vel vet i,., . Axmiiikter Ta|>e»try. Hruwels, extra .opera i^\vh U^ r ! ‘‘ l"> • Mipertme nml fine lugrain Carpet*; »hKh be mo»t re.pectfu ly limit* his mead* and • |.«biir, to rail and .-xumine before purchasing I,'cu. s * rerowm> No 73 Fourti ‘ Pittsburgh V] (U'h AU'At AS 4 UK LAIXK»I~vvr baVß]utt IT! ncr ved by Expre*-., several c „„ A > L “ n ~'*■»- frb<; 'UiACKKKTT WHITE, »_wood M B L «rr K i l ; TS-60pC,1>n,b n;Rnkeu ' The attention of California men arc asked to thu article a* the* are heavy, and w.U be sold low ,o T^ l r''«i!' , ’ T r COA i r,NO— Ana**o r uaent of Blanket ‘" •M' f salc ver ? l ow a » lie Season i> far ad ranerd lhosc m want of ihiaan.*le will get bar- febiy hlek A R J* F J C . IAL FLmVERS-Bmith * Johnson. "iff V would invite the attention of dealer* and other, to their extensive atock of Preneh and American artificial Flower*, which will be offered ot eaitem price*. dec‘J7 FURNISHING GOODS—Fine Shirts, wun standing tollora; menno, ailk and wool Veit*; do do do Drawer*; *ilk, kid and wool Glove*; merino, cotton and wool f Ho*e, blk Italian cravats: fine Ze phyr Scarfs. decG F U EATON A Co AXIIiNSTER CARPETS— iavita the attention of those wishing to Attniah houses, to call and examine our Axminat/r Carpels, which are very neh in style and color*. Ware room. No 78, 4th rt,Pittiborgh- deefl W &PCLINTOCK FUEBU POftE TBitgi PWJioleitle and reUxL at tii ' EIQN TEA STORE, TO Fourth near Wood, FuuimrstL-Tbe «abraib« tavioj jiw mmHJ irem New \ orir. t* now ttetlvin* a JMw&il sanriv Of trul , GREEN AND York Pekin Tea Company; selected wilh great care for retail sales Oar siock being now heavy we ore-pie pared to supply Grocers, Hotel*, Steamboat*and Fain ilte* with any qaanuty and at any price they may wish' packed in *. t and 1 pound package*. 5 lb. tin cam*.’ ten, 6 and 1.1 lb catty boxea, and mini/cheats Retail,Grocers urc invited*to cafl, a* we can and 1 will «eil beucr Tea* at lower pnres lion any other boo** m Pittsburgh. Our stock of fine Young Hycon, Gunpowder, and lm penal Green, and Oolong Dlack Tea* are the beat m* the Atnene&n market. Levering’. double refitted Loai, Crushed, and Pul verized Sugar*, at retail, or by the barrel. COFFEES— Slocha. Old Gov. Java. Lxguira, St Do nungo and ILo CotTee*. selected by tin: most eipeuen eed rotiae Broker in New York. \ Sweet Spierd Chocotatc, Pickled Cueuiuber* and , Onion*. Fresh Peaches, put op in ilieu mm jaier. Malaga Bamn«, in :i ib boxr«. I N H—All Dr D Jayne i Family Medicine# for sale. _der9 dAwS a. JAYNES. GOLD WASHER B. ’ARft\ Ini' invented a machine for washing Gold, tor w hich he made application for a 1.l Ib**> arc now ottered lor sale at the ware • of Parry, &c«i A Co . So 103 \\ ood street, .urjrh venturer* to GaJilorata are invited ty call and ej * these labor-saving machines. They are simple ir construction, «*a*tJjr transported on the hack of ' nr horres, weighing ctghtr pounds eaefa, and e put in operation ut half au hour They can he with pruTHiou* It is the opinion of those who »een the tnai oi cue ot these machines of smallest that two men wilt wtuh the mineral from 150 1« or sand or earth in n day, without the loss ot a le of the mineral They can he increase*! in size vurkrd by watrr or mule power, if expedient permuni work.without going Into Utc water nr e a posed t<> wet, and consequently witlroin en* oanft-rinj then lieaUh. They will require hm r *mnlt .reain ut water, and can he used the whole season, ud dan hr put into operation where there i* not tnffi lenß water m wash m 0, 0 usual way. I rice pi ««uaUevi site Orders from abroad, ac oranamrtl b> ea»u. will be promptly Idled. II- PARR\ , at Parry, Scott & Co's, No Ut] Wood st, Pittsburgh. SAM’L, GRAY, MERCHANT TAILOR, riciu n o i oi'iLDiftoa if., CLAIR STBKET, AttSBUROII, KKKPS CONSTANTLY .ON IJANf) ITUS. CASSUIEEES AND VESTINGS, IF. BEST QI'AUTY AND LATEST STYLES. Gentlemen Waating A3HIQNABLE GARMENTS Wi I find a 10 their advantage to give him a cull JiCW A P ICR HANGINGS DEPOT A’o. 19 Cortlandl rtreei, AVtp Tvri, OPPOMTH THK WT3TKE.V HirTEt. Croton Manufacturing Company, .fcanizcd under the General Manufacturing Law I of tin* Stale of New York.) jFFKR at wholesale, in qaaaiiuea to suit porehas- J tvs, at manutariurerH lowest prices, for cash or JoroVetl credit— ('* r 5 01 every variety of stylo and price. Boaiisn* to match. Fire vioard I’rtnti in great variety. TraiApareut,Window Shades, i HI (‘aimed Window Snades, and Wufe Window Curtain Paper*, Of the latest styles and superior finish, all of their vn manuiarture and importation. As thetr Stock t* ree aid entirely new, they turtle Merchants, Uook ilersdand Dealer* in these articles, to call and exam j tliar styles and pners whenever they visit the 7, Country Merchant* uan examine this Stock in I o clock in the morning nil lu o’clock in the r, " n _ feb2o-dlm R loflnj,—Galvanized Tla Plates. i|Jll*ub»criber* beg to call the attention of Builders, X At imecu and owner# of Buildings, to the many advanu ges winch these plates posse** over all other metaliit sabstances huheno used for roofing, Ac a* they .poisr** at once the lightness of iron, witJtom iu liability to rust, having now been tested for several >ear» it this particular, both iu tin* ooamry and ut Eu rope ney are lass Inline to expansion and contrae u«u fro i sadden change of tho atmosphere, than com mon tin plates iron, zinc, or any other metal now used lor root tg. and consequently form a much better and ughirr : >ot. r.-omnug far less frequent repiun, whilst ; the tir«i com i» but-a mfle more. . A :uU supply, of a u sbe*, from 16 to3o W. U. con • taut'y 4n hand and for sale by ’ GW). B. MORKWOOD A CO., M and 16 Beaver street, New York. ;> * , P 3 ‘ r '“ ntmior taw article haring bc cn secured I f?lale *‘ . P»nie* tuihngtng thereon, | p,,n * r imponauon or otuerwuc, will be pro*ecu | oct3o-dAwlyT I If « > r.JIKNT. — llip Prwpuciur wooul - ‘ulh LOST, I A?.** 115" ,n 6v S and t> o’clock, h SII VKR Ij watch. with « .oieieh.fn ud ‘ the minute band nfl Any person finding the »ame ami paving a at tae Ornette office, mil be liberally re xvarded by the owner febS-dt} T N ii I vt RCii^R 1 B«>"* bottles indin Rnb- X ber l as.e, an excellent article for Tcuderinr boots and .boe. perfectly waier proof, a „d soft as a f mull a *r'f ,hcaUon 01 tbi. pa*tB IP sufficient u, make them impervious to water for 2 or 3 month*. and a perfect preteuuuve trom the leather cracking ° Her d mid lor salo at tic India Rubber J>enot No 5 'is? 1 J »■ iirnu!u?s »h,cl, we offer or Use lowe« regular"Wainy, ’ HKV.NOI.LW i SHEE, 1 oorr.er Penn end Irwin.ia NOTICE. T 1 HE umlereigned having remove.l to tv..e:._ l S X’S? IS °/SotT —KtFtTffSn— fpHß Stockholder* ot.iha Pitubareh and I«i« Bov-u Sa^^SMS^-sM Powder, (Chloride of (.true.) I HPHS Tt I ” R K CT ™ OW ™ K MANUKiUTL'. RC,tt ?- —* be lubacnbert have on bund and will *** V lppll ,f U xvul > Ja *- Wugpraa A Son*' cel ebmted Bleaching Powder. which they wJI warrant cijual if not superior to any imported in the V State* ami which they are prepared to sell at the lowest mar set pnee for cash or approved bill*. W AM.MITfI HKLTRKE. ICO liberty « »Rj D. /. jUpsStlet Dentist. Comer of Fourth 7, »od Decatur, between Market and Ferry sheets sopit-dlyin A Good Baalneaa . Stand for Sale. A CONFECTIONARY and Variety Store for laic. on Pennsylvania Avenoo, with a good run of business and a small Mock. The Proprietor finding it inconvenient to have two establishments, the couae for selling. Apply at H. M. SMITH’S, iaW-d2m corner Wyliei and Waihinginn sla GKO. W. SBIITB * CO INFORM their frtends and the public thaitliey hsv* no longer any connection wnb their lute establish ment In Penn street, known a* the Pittsburgh Brewery, having removed their entire '.urine** to the POINT nRKwKR i . in Pl 9 iinri mvl u ' yS Patent Soda Ajb< O *y CASKS (Olaas makerai Jan .Muvprstt A Sons’ ** ■ brand, just rac’d per steamer Brooklyn. mid for sale by \y 4. *,j UITCIIELTREE, No I6U Liberty at NOTICE. ANTED—a man who is competent to t»Ve * * charge of a small Dairy, and thoroughly acquain ted with modern faming, can hear of a good *uuaaon by inquiring at this offlrc \ Also, a single man, who has been aeeastotitffi to farm work generally and an milk. Inquire as afcbve. marfl-tr Journal copy. ; INDIA RUBBER P^STE—Just receiving. 2 Ants bottle* of Rubber Pus to, u superior article, hfthly Important to persona that wish to kedp their foetTjr? It prevents the leather fraa cracking, and wUltafi a polish ovrr iL For sale ai the India Rubber Shot No 9 Wood stmt. TO COTTON AND SUGAR PtSHVSBS. PLANTATION 'IN A&£AN9A&-H« nfcteribtt X offer* for sale tbo exwiro plantation in Aiken »**> formerly belonrinffto and oceapicd by, the t*ta ' Governor: Kent, of Maryland* and eantoxcisf tweaty eighthtmdred anil eighty-three aedefcalf acres ofjind. vlul* estate lie* in the counties©! Phillip* andCxil louden. apd u situated inWalnot Be&d,o&tboßH*lii* •ippl river, tweuty-Gve mile* there theuxtra of Hele ne. ',h i* said to be thn highest river t»m* is thet re gion of country, it* toil u peculiarly adapted to the growili of cotton. Its improvements ere to overseer 1 * - house, n horse-milt, severe! corn houses, end good quarter* for sen-aot*. Upwards of seven hundred ecres of this lendhev* pocn cleared and are now cultivated. Hie rest of it f*/ c “ lJ y cleared, «he most being elreedy donej le>; * umWcpon u, and that chiefly ofuh, Wh.eh » readily sold at a well located wood yard/in * lM! * ol fcreraJ ihouaand cord*every yeei. _ flotation u one. of great value, and presents a rue optwriumn-teUw public. In the Iwads ofaMotf n :. f VaST?-** e r*" l7 m * J * o(i ***** onnaalpS tern 1 • * riht,e " o( mtMeoam wuh Now Orleans af- I, a t onuo for *he disposal of its prodtdts. m , ( .. !«," l 'i! M * hc>lM f’ llo mile* from Cincinnati, ©fl .nlw ChW.' “°“ ,S lh " ° hl °’ " d 740 SiSfrK J.™7 r ” ,wn: ' m " i,! JiTid ” d POT. II For terms. Ac, apply tpo „ w WiLLUM a FERINE, . Bilflaors.MiiTl^Bti, 365 Acres Coel Lsnii'ri. »Ii " the immediate neighborhood of m«..~ i i_ J® end Mr. John Herron's parches*. Coal will Ue sold at the lowprX'efKn.J?® " third in band, balance m SS wuhom interest. Tide indisputable L<S*i££ a 2HS good—cannot tm surpassed. Fox enquire 01S. BALSLEY, who hsj a draft ffJJW" Pe ?'h ? r e * dence ** «. Ferry, Ur. Adwifi? X n There is anoiber seam of coal on this Sant’ about »«l feci above the lower, of excellent onallr* ** dtf & B. ’ FACTORY FOR BAU3 ' OR KBIT. FIiMK large and well built Faetoiy, erected on Rebee. X '"“'•cl Allegheny city, by R. 8. Cassatt, Esq-, u otlerrd for sale or root irotn the Ist of Jan. 18(11, Tb loi on which ili<? Factory Is erected, fronts 100 feet on Rebecca alreet, anil nina back 110 feet to Park street Jhe main building b of brick, three stories high, and f° fcot tong by *7 feet wide. The Engine Hone b large and commodious, with an enrineTboilcr,stack, «e n all in complete order. The property will be said low. and on advantageous terms, luquuc of ROBERT M’KNIOHT, _ dcr'J^dfen COCffTRY RESIDENCE FOB EXIT. M ui acri-3 of GROUND, liiuaied near tht 1 msburgh and Greentbureb Turnpike. Stmiles from the c»y a,,* adjoining the Allegheny C«D* c*n .ouwfuch « erected* large and-wSllhuSSl ■I °nn»7h b '" k D^r * ltl sJ House, ugelltei with f„ honat i*. There u alto on the premise* a rxc » arißty of (rail tree*, and a iprisg of nrnift* l «T - cllence conunoM 10 the dwelling. *f r ” one two ttorr brick dwelling, wuioird on LiGeny street, between O’Hara and wEJf r !! eu ’ sli Ward. R4ni moderate. Enattire of —itH WM, YOUNG, I«liSrijn a ®* l Batata Tqt " 1 1. nITSSi £& SffiZiSlStSttgr ,‘l*"' 1 *"' “® d " %'iSf' T of issjgr*-* 4 ALEX. LA.tlmn.iW, Malcolm lrtwh*, a CHILDS, SAML. BAILEY. r™,,. V , aJt,able Reftl K*ute for Bala. r l'Hh following property in tbocityof Pitubarrt X and near the borough of Maneheator, on the Ohio river, u offered for *ale on accommodating twm.*. J Lot» (being *ub-diviiion of Lot No .469 in the elan oi the city of Pittsburgh,) haring® feet from on Be> (.iram street! ‘ eel to Strawberry alley, sear *, 0 ,m ” acre . fronting on an A venae. 00 feat wide, running from Beaver road lathe OhU tint, ad joining Phillip,'* or cloth Factory. For terms, enquire of CHARLES B. SCULLY or JAMES O’HARA, Barite's Building, 4th it FOB. SUSBT, ISA : Vl > P°s«»ai©n pVen the lot April—A Slow Murkei near Liberty. „ m, 4 ? 10 " atreet, next door to the eor net of Market ami Liberty it*. stSu adJ ° ijlins Btore ’ coracr of Kls rket and Litany „ Btore, i witl J dwelling* attached, In Pens Kreeu near the canal. .Also. a first rate stand, with or wit*? * quireof DAVID GEQBB. Penn street near _ on Llkertv Street for T.»*aV~ LOT, <2frrl fronton Liberty gtreaL by 110 feat io Brewery alley, nearly opposite West ■treat, atul convenient u> the Alooangahela river will Se 1/Jv ed for t temi of years. E«X W 3 * CHARLES B SCULLY, or JAMES O’HARA, Burke's Building, 4th ft_ TO LET. S^!’!h A rf ,or “S" b y. r ; l ‘’ ‘ n ““ dr 7 Vluitu,conur e O o, iha Diamond and Market street. A<Ki,®nr haacment store room, and twonnfinroMM •tutanle for »hoe rodma or office* Enqaireaafceia*! Ut>o ’.. . J aau ALEXANDER St DAY\ 1,.,.. »"laabi# ProjwriT foTgaleP H K anderajgned offer for tale the valuable proper* 11 known at Concert Hall, tituaied on PenaancMi. or i^» r ,- of i IJarkcr " Q ! ley i haTin s » front on Peon nwl £ “‘f ru »'«ek I«» f«t to alt feet aEajTSo .. ' r ■ erected a very large brick dwelling houae. L',Td, * i ■“ 11 5 ° r " y ° *“'!«■ wiu, Th7h„'Ssi “ ni ™* r lire? ■£ md 'r l The bin ding i* very convenient and wall n J m P wU.‘ ?J citenrivT, Boarding Hern ft For ,^, Up, * d b , r Ur « • HowL ror term*. apply u> JOHNGRAHAM,or foMo-im John n peebli 0.. . . • : ' ,erm *- A Lot 0{ Ground <m tha usmk ' r t -'"I“‘''<>f J acHOONHAKEa*<X~* - NoS4Woo<f«“ *&. TO „ - T— A twojtory brick DwdUnjr Hjhm o«H«y*trceL Ef, quire o/ J' bl - JAMES wittr a n 2i { u T^ y SFUT TO LET—A two Rosy Dnck Dwell,*-, w«iO £* arrw hi gUy inip„£2 Land, situaied in Oakland, lo let from let AsTtl jIIABDY, JONES ft Co/ . <4 Water ttet .. , v 'i'o Let, ,A lhree Dwelling, containing U ■EIL^S? 14 -? n \ V V™ * ,reCT - fi««to♦fooduSm. 8-150 Apply to c A M’ANULTY * - canal baain FOR REST. “ M t U o STORES, With Dwelling! attached. on the comer of Prom and Market »treeu. p«a* »«m given m April. Apply to m»r3-dlw_ WALTER GRVaNT, 183 Libert? »1 riliu“ p, K lr i? n AUe 6*»««»FOU»ftrissr T ~üb" c nb,!r * o^e l, for tale a nnraber of ehoie* 1 l-oistituate tn the Second Ward, fronunrEtTS 1 oimoon # round, on eaay terms. Q«T * 00 *“ 'V. O H ROBINSON, Any aYUw.St Clair « myl7°dAwirT IIOBIN^°N ‘ ° a rfSft J'>* K /? , ?~^ or «»oui three year®, from tha ,? atl h 4 l «fo two gloried briok “i“ 011 “ d >«“ «3i . JAMES A HUTCHISON A Co MA ItARGE and well Room Uficm i story, on the corner of Wood and TOiS* issu? above the hiehango office of Wnt H Wlliiaat rossession given immediately. Icaolre of ; * 5 . A iSe, im Liberty at FOR SALE ORRERi; ~ «Sr H ™ B •“bscrtbei oSm for gale or rent, his real* Jluadenen m Allegheny city. Potseggioa eanhanS! n°r s.? sr.’l S”"- HNWS!^B» . . For Rent, " ' 1 11 * ISA ‘j , , An * g K e “I Cl, y> » Pleasant DwelWßcma JSRfSI fF® <«“*».«“ ff,oaeeond ( 1,, ,<m '- l °' “ nns - orMT^S! 1I)Jv on the premuet, or .1 hi, ,3,™ N „?S ,£**: AEEX BRA'gkSSJSiS’l 04 Mroa rest. I', VI ;;J iN 3TA ND and Stont, to which iff Hoi h N d tH acre, of good land, one Ihitff^w u^'XgX£SS£! t ES&? ,> ‘ a *«~+ w b BMr on y° od »»*'■, <"<* lehhwo, “■ Buc ™j, an the prcmiM. uT*’ A ' Khcayi abovo Mr - fob 33 _ Liberty «, oppciS^th TO LET. lhree ,tor y Brick Houses in Wood* .ITTY ’ , Marbur >' street—iemu Si SO per year. Air *P; vacant eoracr Marbury street and Duqfean* ° f JAMES WOOD Ado, feb/7-dGt* No S 7 Water M FOB HALE. ??m T l '? Ts ’ m i, he R *»«rre, back of Allegheny and Manchester, No*. IM, 105, ICS, 107 onft Via «l. containing about 10 acre* each. Alw, eiflTaa conußuou* lou in the Ninth Word, 8t fcetTn •treet. by lao foal to depth to Patterson l * lino. ».i 12“ 00 Liberty meet, *4 b , l 0& Bprtar “‘‘ c >• ou * K ln 9th Ward, near thoQaS of tne sth •* ard. Incjture of febSQ-i/ WM. M. DARLINGTON. TWO H« -* ASD LOTS FOR ■ir.tt sn L 0T v. oa fl * aVßr la the city of 4aiL Allegheny, above the upper Commons, oawtlak u creeled a frame building, two stories high, raitable lor two small tenements. The lots are each twenty teet m front by ono hundred feet deep, wwrf nin bautft U> s street forty feet wide. The building* oaths pro* fc misea will pay a very handsome interest oa thainTMt* ment. and ibe property will be sold cheap far «»«<» Apply to ||. sproul, Clerk’s office; U. 8. or to KAY It Co THE subscriber offers for reax for lb« tans ml or more years, a lar&e eonyenlennreli fin* lihed Iwo itory Dwetlin* Hoo«e, coatniaiar a maM and Kitchen. There i* a lot of jrround comaininwlJ acren of hue youoi frtm treca of ererr faniitXi* Ae.,connected wititha boose. To an? nera*n a deliahtfoj resi&nce within a few ralsaie* -the city, tut* will be a rare chance. For torn? wdli be low to a jood tenant, " right, near lie premises, of John Watt* Hand and Liberty streets, or of THEO. f. vrainm- Scotch Bottom /».. T“pf S.T. StoSsss: a. Washington, <th, a bore Bauth<Ui.f Jbßk ARLUOL’SE FOR SALE—ThetnbirtW i£a.°J eri . lor ih« three MorybrickTvSjjSSJ on\No°d urect, occupied by R.TtoaarkXr "- 1 - *vm.wison *r- y A i^ UL . K Rc - rtL PKN.VSTRCIA FOR SALK—A Lot o( GrotuM Mreei, between H»r «uid Mwborv th« hotiM „n.( lot :«,« oecapted fa j baTtvc uom orafeet, and i n depthl»foirSSfft on i«?ornhle term*. Tala p nAe cn?d n . a ° LOOM “. •ff.Sw®?' VwSrfgST* ro,,< ° egg"" 8 -* S D CAg-18bvgt^to^~j~^« fix center*. V ; . / r it % | r 1 * 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers