THE fITOBUHdfI GAZETTE. PUBLISHED BY WHITE A CO P1TT8DD&OBI PR-ISAT MOK3INO. MARCH gylMg; ■’i.. n«t For liocal Matters one ncit p»g*. Po.f.ct' apki-^"- 0 ” S“ a *T tnonl ‘"‘f’ Jl»rch 4 whealhn •hini'th Congrats was dyog or deadband when President Polf. Ume ra expiring or had aspired, the ?M«t« heid an Etcc live SoYoion, Odd Mr. Polk Oddi in the Home of Senator Hannegan no Miniatcr to Prussia, and ha was aoniinnedd This is holding on to the “spoils" to toe last minute, with a vengeance. Citt A-TO Coturrt Squr.—k law baa been parsed the Senate in this Slate, which, if we J understand it aright, will prove very injurious to thw diy;'ond bounty. Our city fathers should see to. it before it pastes the Hoaae. Although we wouldnot tliln'4 it wise 19 make any new issues o f scrip, yet the present issues answer au admirable porpose. t far our local currency, and we hope the State will not interfere with it It is safe and ns« ifa),'en(L preyents ustrom being o'7emm with atna notes ofbther Si After having thirty years, wit the u oLI Gazette 1 ciimstTOtion pa] not feurprisirur its new-position, i.. 0 where it has heretofore foontl much to censure.- Although nn administration paper, wo trust it will never foreswear iu independence and its doty to its high commission. The few. months of Execu* live suusbme it enjoyed in 1641, did hi no sense deter it from telling oorenlers their sins, for which his excellency Jotra TVlbr soon placed it under the ban of hit displeasnre* However, we haven consolation now, that did not then cheer a*. We bavo noJonw Tyim in power at Washington, and in no possible event can we bo enrsed with sneb a political traitor. We hare no fearp, therefore, of bemg obliged to change oar position to the Govern ment for the-ensaing four years. THE sew administration A complete, yet quiet and constitutional change has token place in the Government of this greu nation,—a not only of it* officer*, but al« of its principles and political measures. After i long reign of spurious Democracy, a true Demo cratio administration, supporting the principles o the eariyand pare founders of the Government ha* come into power, and a happier era of greatness and prosperity has '.dawned upon the American people. The Government is now organized as fol lows? President—Oc n. Zachary Taylor, of Louisiana. Vict-Prcndsn*— Millard Fillmore, of New York. Secretary ofStaur- John M- Clayton, of Delawart Seaddryofthe Treasury— Wo. M. Meredith. < Pennsylvania. Secretary of tk* Home Department —Thomas K< mg, of Ohio. Secretary of TVar—Georg® W. Crawford, of Georgia. Sccietary of the Navy —William Ballard Prettoi ofVirgina. Post Master General —Jacob Coilamer, or t tnont. Attorney General— Boverdy Johnson, of Mary land. This is an administration possessing as much purity of character, matured taleute, devoted pa triotism, and sonod sense, as.any since the days of John&uincy Adams. In politics, it i» esseatially Whig, removed from the nltraisms of both Northern and Southern factions, and intensely Anu- Polk'and Anti-Loco Cjco. In principle, it i» the Very antipodes of the retiring administration. Tue country breathes more freely and fuller since it cast off the incubus upon its advancement to real great ness/whicb has pressed her down for the Inst srx or seven years. The present administration is one to inspire confidence, and create repose in the public mind. There is a comfbrublo *ens«i of pub lic tafcty, which is delightful after the constant anxiety of the past .years, when there has been a constant apprehension of impending evil from the effects of bad principles and'bad government. Of the several members o£fhe Cabinet, we have .iereto&rc spoken, with the -exceptian- ; of Mr. Col This gentleman baa been in Congress for some yc£rs, and has taken a prominent part in all discussions .with reference tc the protection of homo industry,and thedevelopment ofthe resources o 'the donptry. He is a thoroughgoing Whig, oi IfictL character and fine abilities. This is the first Cabinet appointment ever "held by Vermont, and we are gratified that the “star which never sets.' barthis honor eooferted upon her. CLOSING SCENES OF THE LATE COSGREBB. We hasten to bring op u fast &a possible, the doings of the late Congress, as it is more important to ou/ readers, to know what was done, than bow it was done. The National Intelligencer, of Mon day last, has the following article: The last day’s retting of the Second kwiod of the Thirtieth. Congress was extended, with the exception of a brief recess of an hour or *o, fro* eleven o’clock on Saturday morning until sunrise yestehlay morning. ... , in the preceding columns will be toond a Last o( the Acts passed daring the Session, believed to be entirely correct, bat in which, if any error be dis covered. it will be noticed and corrected in to- paper. From this List it will be-perceived that all the annual Appropriation Bilk have hexane Lxics, though, as we we had foreseen, not without aevere conflict, ns well in the committees of conference »• in the two Housds, iifwhtch more excitement and unpleasant feelings were manifested thau has j*er haps ever before been witnessed at the close ol a Sessien. "Wo do not descend to particulars, which cm po bstof minor and transient interest to o»r readers. • It is perhaps enough to say, that the brata.andheart-barniagscftlje evening, the night, and tbo morning, were chiefly the fruits of the coo lest between tho two Houses in relation to the several propositions relative to the government of tho Provinces lately acquired from Mexico. The General Appropriation Bill waa barely ianed, at the lews’, moment, through the persevering nod patriotic efforts of those gentlemen in both Houses who were not willing to see the wheels of the Gov ernment stopped {or at least impeded) by wnh kolding^lhe 1 supplies necessary to beep tnem m motion. Such was yesterday the complete exhaustion as well of iho clficew of the two Houses as of oar Re porters,'that it fans been Impossible ferns to offer to Our readers to-day anything like a regular re port of the proceedings in either House daring the sitting of Saturday. Wd must content ourselves, therefore, with stating the results of the most im portant questions left for final decision on that day •a fellows: 1 jVb bill waa passed providing a Govemmentfor enter (f the Territories of Nets Mexico or California. These measures fell through from the inability of the two Houses to concnr in any propositions for the purpose. At tho last moment, however, a bill from the House was taken up and passed by the Senate, aDd has become a law, Jar extending (he Revenue Laws of the United Sthtes to those territo ries. 2. The bill to establish the Hams Department has become a law, having parsed the Senate after a long, arduous, and rather stormy debate; and a new &ad valuable department has thus been added to the Government. 3. Tho bill for altering a Territorial Government in Minesota has also become a law, the House of Representatives having receded from lu amend ment proposing to postpono the operation of the bill to the 10th of this month. . ■4. A bill was passed in reference to the next Census , directing the heads of soTne cf the Depart ments and tho Attorney General to prepwe and re port ot the next session of Congress a hill to au thorize the taking of tho Seventh Census of the United States. , Much business of a mrsceilanoOUß character was trnmracled, and, after bavin* disposed of the L-m and Diplomatic Appropriation Bill, the Senate, a about six o’clock in the morning, went into execu tive Session, when Jlr. Sepator Hannegan, of In diana, was nominated by the President and con firmed by the Senate, to be Minister of the United States to Berlin. LIST OF ACTS of a gesuril character, passed (originating m lhl Uoaro of Representatives) at the second Setsioi of tkosoili Congress. An ad to'provide for the payment of horses and cfker prdpony.lcet cr destroyed In the military ser vice of tho United States. _ An Ml in authorteo iho rf«-0 Md 81 mid piMMfittlto mini of iho Umled Suite, and tu "ajl >tut amendatory of llte act enlilled u An act nmerldatory of fbe La enutled MU ad to mcor nomts tho’provtdaat Association of Clerlu m Oe KSDepaiunenuof Ibe Government of the Untied of Colombia, epprored M aS I to tbonet epproeodthe Cth a£cm*im ontWed-Aama confirming oen lita bad of land for tin. me L Bw.?rn»*» te w titans; lianafifcUfc ttf&f the fiscal ytmr ending Jane - act to provido for carrsdnsinw port, the twelfth article of tho ueaiy with Mexico, concluded at Guadalupe Hfcklgo* - f jin pf-,( fir tho gappgtf ® tbo Military Academy for the year ending 301 k Jane, 1850. An act making appropriations for the payment of revolutionary'and other pensioos of the United States for the year ending Jgne 30, 1860. An act making appropriations fsr the payment of navy pensions for the year ending June 30,1 sOO. An act granting five years’ half pay in certain widows and orphans of officer? and non-commis sioned officer*, musicians and privates, boih lars and volunteers. An act to establish an additional land office in the Sinte of Missouri. Au act in relation to the Fox and Wisconsin river reservation in the State of Wisconsin- An act to make arrangement* for taking the seventh census. An net to settle the title to certain tracts of land in the Stale of Arkansas. An act to amend the act entitled “an act supple mental to the act for the admission of the States of lowa and Florida into the Union.” An act making appropriations.for the service o< the Post Office Deportment for the year coding Hie 3lrth of Jdhe. JSSO. An act to provide for the settlement of the ai ouuts nf public officers and others who inny have eeeived moneys arising from military contribution! ir otherwise in Mexico. An act to extend the provisions of si! Inws tic-w a force relating to the carriage of passengers iu nerchant vessels, and the regulation thereof. An act requiring all moneys receivable Iren customs and Irom all other sources to Ik? paid im loedi&ieiy into the treasury, without abatement ci dedoction. and for other purposes. An ru t to establish the Home Department, ani i i provide for the Treasury Department an Assist ant Secretary of the Treasury ond a CotuiniSMone ol the t 'usloms. An act making nppropriations for tin- sUp|>ort c the army for the the 30th June. lSCsi. An ai l making appropriations for the naval sei vice for the year ertdiug the 30th June, I S3O. An act innkiog appropriations for the ctirrer and i*ootingent expenses ol the Indian Departmen and lor fulfilling treaty stipulations with the varum Indian tribes, for the year, ending June 30, An net making appropriations for thr civil and diplomatic expenses of Government for the year ending the 30th June. 1850, and for other purpose* An act to extern! the revenue laws of the l nited State* over the territory and water* ot 1 pper t a! • forma, and to create a collection district therein. An act declaratory of the act fir the fldmii*u>n of the State of lowu into the Union. An act to extend the provisions c-t att act. \ a proved the third ot March, eighteen hondred and irty seven, for carrying into effect the existing ompacts with the States of Alabama nt>d ppi With regard to the five per cent, tund nud :00l reservation*. fewnionihs ndcr, »n ad iQuaal- It i.' le utmnge m to coramcDd An ad in nrnend an acl entitled An net fu authenticating certain records.” appruved fet-rt ary 2'4 I’iUU An uct making impropriations for light house light boats, buoys. Arc., and providing lor the ere* lion and establishment cf the same, and lor oibe purposes. An art for the better organisation of the dislr.r court of the Untied States within the State nl Loi An art ecocerning the pay department ot th« army. An act to establish the collection district of Bra zos de Santiago, in the Stale of Texas, and for other purposes.' • An act authorizing the payment of interest upon l\be advanced made by the Stale of Alabama tor the use of tbe United Stales Governnicnj id ihe suppression of the Creek Indian hostilities «n nod ltj37, in Alabama. An acl to cause the northern boundary line-<1 the Suite of lowa to be run aDd marked An net to continue ihe cilice of the Commission er of Pension.-*. An acl to grant the right of way. to the Mobile aud Ohio Kail Rond Company. An act to provide for an increase of the :al utatf. and for ao additional numlrer of chaplain* o! the army of the United States. An act to define the period of disability «mp “cd upon certain bidders tor mail contracts. An act Vo grant to the Atlantic and Gulf Railroad Company the right of arty through the public Unds *of tbe United Suites. > An act changing the locatian of the laud otfu e ia the Chippewn distret, and establishing ah addi tional land diatrict in the Stale of Wisconsin An act to establish the territorial govetmOert or Mtnesota. An act to carry into effect certain sirpma'ions or the treaty between the Uoiled Slate* «i Amrncii and the republic of Mexico, of the-id day ot F'd rtiary, l&4b. An acl to ailow subsistence to rerta-n Ari<m*.is and other volunteers who frve t>rru pf.*f*ner• »i war in Mexico. An acl for the relief of the forward officers -f me late exploring expedition An net to u.dinquuh the reversionary mlerc*' l'ac Untied Stales m a certain Indian reservation th** State of Alabama. Jo.nt resolution granting tb the S-cret ary oi i!i-j Treasury’ liirther time to tnakn me rr|»ort <* >r | cernmg the *aiv and etitry of certain ..u.d m ' n ( cinnati. 1 Joint resolution relative to evidence in a[i; -'ca nous lor pensions by widows of deceas’d * , under tne act of July 21 at 1548 | igjoint resolution for the purchase of eiyies u. the \ Goc.-ral Navy Register and Law* j Joint irv-lubon authorizing a settlement ul account cd Thomas M. Howe. late per.s-oa agent at Pittsburgh, apou equitable principles i Joint resolution for the distribution of the t 'tTuiiai | Register or Blue Book among tho scver.i. 1 Joint resolution authorizing the ti«r rotary oi me | Senate and Clerk of the House nl* ; to subscribe for 1.000 copies ol a further puMiem.on J of the Debates and proceeding# of Congress. and for oilier purposes- Joint resolution jVr ihg relief of the pursers m 'if navy as to expenditure* made in cl or der during the war wtlh Mexico. Joint,resolution directing that the Guvemo'eni of Russia be supplied wtih certain volumes o> the Narrative ol the Lxplonog expedition l in lieu of lho«e which were lo»t at *ea. A resolution for the appointment regent* in the Smithsonian Institution. A resolution relating to the compensation r>{ i>et sons appointed to deliver the vole fif Pr*-»>det»i and Vice President ofthe United 3ia>*-> m me President o; the Senate. A resolution authorizing the Secretary ol W ar to funush arms and arumunilion to perwwi* emufra ting to the territories of Oregon. California and New Mexico. A resolution to defray tha expense* uf certain Chippewa Indiana and their ipt<rrpr«*^r A resolution to fix the meaning of'the *•*•. un«i section Of an act for changing the li'<~at‘«u "! the land office in the Chippewa land d.sirfi and e» tabli&hing an additional land d.strict m U" Stive ol Wisconsin. A resolution relative to the public pr nl iu’ The Lnaagaralion, \V> art; indebted toth«* Baltimore papers : ■< to* following description u the suleuiaitie* oi it-. »r.' ,luguriUi.>n The eereiiuime* winch took place at Wssh.n.'ton on Mondav on the occasion nt the li>au*u«a!.-»n ol GENERAL ZACHARY TAYLOR, es Pr*«.-i«*nt of the Gened State*, wew imposing ia !»« bit- degree, and were w.ti)c**ed by an iirtnvense con course of perton?. From an early floor in the morn ing the whole city presented a scene of iOiinntioir and buttling excitement, which seemed to por-eud Ibe occurrence ol soma e vent in which all ieit b.em Selves ifeierealed. N From every prominent point the National ensign wosio be seen waving, whilst the occasional hurst of music from the bands of the milthrv a* they passed aloDg the street*, served to add etih more to the enthusiasm which was ready ia break forth on every side. As the raornrn* advanced lb-- pre viotisly almost couuUeas multitude wtflrh the streets, was still further ainrroented by the then sands who came pouring in, by the ctrr, fo-ni the city, and from Ibe surrounding country, in « very misinonhle kind of vehicle which could be pre**ed into service. At ten o'clock Pennsylvania Avenue,'irom the Capitol tothe President's House, seein.edcmnpletr I 7 filled with human beings, alt Apparently mteni on gaining some position which they liatl selected as a favorable spot for viewing the approaching j ceremonies. The vicinity of the Capitol, and at Willard’s Hotel, where Gen. Taylor lodged, were the chief |»oiDls of attraction, and tboasatul* took their amuoos at both places. bouK before they could expect to be gratified in what was evdent |y the chief desideratum, a sight of General Tay lor. ' Shortly utter eleven o'clockth*Pro<tes*imi which was toescort the President elect to thdCapitol firm ed in F street, and moved by way of Fifteenth sfeet and Pennsylvania Avenue to. the -fruril of Willard's Hotel. Here the line wa.9’halted a few 1 minutes, and General Taylor appeared, accompani ed by Ex-President Polk and the Vice President elect, Hon. Millard Fillmore. They -nested -ihcm selves-in an open barouche four tine white horses. ? The appearance of the President elect was greeted with loud and prolonged shouts fron ihe multitude which crowded the spare in trout c-fthe Hotel. Aa soon a» he was r*«>ried into line the procession moved oplhe Avenue toward the Capi tol in the fallowing order Music. Richard Wallarh, Esq.; Marshol-in-ohu-f, with aids. . Military. CoL N. Hickman, commanding; Major .1. W. Watkins, and Adjutant S.S. Mills. - Junior Artillerists, Cnpt Marshall-• • Independent Blues. Capf. full band. Washington Guards, Cape Konffion, with band. Washington Light Infantry, Capu Tale National Greya, Capl. Bacon. Independent Greys, Capt. Wilson. ' Walker Sharp Shooters, Capl. Bryant^ German Yeagers. Major Eltennanjtoawnsoding. Frit Baltimore Sharpshooters, CapL Idliy, with Volandl’s band. Officers and Soldiers oflhe war of 1812; among these were a number of the Association of tba Defender* of Baltimore in 1814, who: attracted much attention.—After them cam? Officers and Soldier of the Florida and Mexican Wars. Then followed the President elect and suite.— The carriage ia which herodebeingflanked on the right by the United Stales Marshal ot the Di*tri« of Columbia with hia depntie*; and on the left by a number of eltixon marahils, ail mounted. Immediately after the carriage which contained the President elect and auite, followed the Laurel Light Drngoonfl, under command of CoL Capron, i-’who.rode with tbo gallant Col May, on bis right After these, came a long tine composed of deio gallons froni varioua States, and from the Rough and Ready Chibs of the District and f>f Alexandria and Fairfax Couatfes, Virginia, and of Temper ance Societies and other organized association*. As lb& procession tho* advance'll toward the Capitol, rim Avenue prestated a moat extraordioa fyapertwte* Every Inch <rf tho atrtat teemed oo copied n dense rnazaof person?, ail slruggtmg and poatoiff to get forward, wlnl-t every window along the rodte waa crowded bv ladie#. who by their acnies and waving baodkerciels testified lbeir participation in the enthusiasm which the scene and the occasion were so well calculated to call forth. Gen. Taylor, kept uncovered during the whole progress*, and frequently and ccrduliy acknowl edged the greetings which li s presence elicited. On arriving at the Southern entrance to tbe Capitol grounds' the military funned with open ranki, the carriage conuiining tne PrcMdent e ect passing between ihetn on to the Capital, where he was received by the Committee ol Arrangemeais and conducted to the tloor of tbe Senate Chamber. * Precisely at 12 o'clock the Marshal of ihe District of Columbia appeared on the Lustem Portico of the Capitol, where suitable preparations had been mode lor the Inauguration ceremonie*. He was succeeded nlmoit immediately bv tbe Judges of the Saprcmo Court, m their robes of office, with Chief Justice Taney at their head. Then followed The Sergeaat-at-Arms ot the Senate. The OiiDtnittee of Arrangements. The President elect and ex-Pre*ident. nnd ttie i Vice President and ex Vice President, i In the rear of these came the Mem)»cr« ci the Senale nnd ol the IIuu«o of Repre'-nUihvr*. the Diplomatic Corps, distinguished oiheers uf i the Army mid Navy, and a lurec number ol la dies occupying t lie -tep« ami the residue of the i portico. As soon a* ad had taken ineir plnir«. mid the -heer* from Hie immense mtillitnde, wh <.!i occuoi nl every part of Ihe spaced front n! i;.** porticn, .ad subsided, the Ptrsideiit elect urose endiulvnn e g towards th- Justice, Uif on' h o| oilier vns adm. aisle red to him with due solemnity by that undo, nary ihi :h*- co-.noletii'n oi tics ceremony President Tuylorlurtied icwardsthe assemblage and deliver ed thelnutigud' Addres- The addrers w.n drdiviMc.! I* v i to* President m in eaitV and uuei;*cd nianner. ui..l w ith sp »r 'prulc gestures, thougli m a low tone ol roic/- He h<-l 1 n copy >n hi* hand dur-ng ine dr (Very bill glanced only u< • a-.onnPv u I hi it* .-Oih l»»«nm lie was c<.oJit. ted bai k me >ennm Cnsmhci. winl.-l me |.»ud r. nr of artuerv aim>*ui. ced ihe i oiiMinirn Hlnui of the c re men re- alien duo) U|H)t) ihe lOduetrnii into iitfiee ..f i!ie l > e| Mngu*- trate of the N atn>n. A fern short stay -n 'he >er-e.e • 'ham! n. .Inr.iu; u’ni.'i he received Ihe respect * 1,11 !| - l"r«i'ni ihe President took b’S soil IU Itie i--irr-W end. escurl- e>! by me tm'ttrtrv pr vet»-le.! lo the V : rp«-denlia! tun 11 -I- o where, during me nliernram; he rer'CiVfd the visits of a large mtiiih- r ol persons Tin hireling of ihrUrnMr. U'a-u.v no March, b.-lbltt The vir- r the j> v' .hint-r w• ••• upen- Tho. e»»;ern giliery ws* ,vui*.ed i-\ male eio zciiv vl'ior* rrpvriers and h»iu:r writer*, and the circu. nr gallery entire.y by uiialieodcd by ge u'. lei 11 ' li Oficets oi the nrmv n»u mi.l mnr n- .-nrpvsnJ Other privileged peoni* oct o P e J I hr- I .it>r:iry ul the ijenate Cuamber. The Senate nom nakv assembled si ! 1 << though a nund-e* we»e pieseut mu-’h -irl-er Such a ru»h as we 111. ule when t"e ,| -«ir* vyere first opened. I nave never e\per'enc-.l .*n sny - The galleries wrr-- inme.i a> v n. e.l 1 . miiloc.i lion, an-i nil th- *ia-rr-'i-c- !v * J ..a iie-'e n I lun drei 1 * ,111*1 perhap* 11.l 1 . -ll- l--il- Wr-re li;. h! eI ' >)• Iu •; r-i.-ter a »<(•» ,[ or • ‘ i- «• • 1. - . oil!*..dr When :n- S 1...1C h « : Mr Dav.*. of j 1 —.nb.U-'ll subsiai'i.s toil a- li '• Da'- -1 1C -'-hi.on in 1 t-erll eicolrd. on nV 011 .1 Tl. ma- H i'-hto«l Pres.deni >1 me Se-.a’e ll til. w(, ch hud just terltll-lttled. hr !>-ev oil Ul » ",-i- •-,.»c U Ijt.'h rc i.uii' ll wn» mi .11 ;I: u«'e adojl.-d a-d Mr Atcli 1 so i wn conducted l-> h.s •*•«: .»y Me*»rs. P*enio:i. nn.i Dav.s •! M-ts«a. iU*elt* The 'l’re. ,lr-t . r*r*. ro-e mid st«lrd t *t Ult‘ first business "'’the >ennir w utM 1 e i-> \ lm nistrr the visual ohm l • I’r t.e v mrrid- r . presen 1 . and fmt It.ev wo.od acc.-rdt c'. pr. Ht.-l: tn- pre dent’s chiio lt>c rJ-r m w:,.-n u.eir uroues were i-"lir; I'.V tne Se.'YelnrV The :•>: -w.r * i- t rnr:. nlurn ■ Mf .1 .in:--. • ti. »a!h '• ilrs. '» *•.< .1 1 v :• V ' n.vt ' w T.«*- t:* tr;<- Sr*n<Ut* J WiU ' '('“lull ; •" irit- K !''-' > N \''d V If :"> -'I . I ..r l» . I .a«c I' '-V*. ' •' * ■■ V A « y \V m. it. .-eunrJ 11 v • •I 1 r U 11 >• c. .*•••' 1 AVi.vtl rl.c -.Sum- •!;a « r.'» ■■ ' v. ai • • Mr. Walkrr n**- .m.l * f**-*-' ■: • > t*r rKrt'** I !•> l"“ ' *-»i'• i»• • u>* Ju«>-.'u- «.), • f- n. r r-- .vul r u» (o a.'i *j»c*K,.iy i ;<> •**' '-'‘f Mr. rr.l. m .->filrr r.r •« :? it*! pp>ff» , ulirn l'-fV Ci «•* m i *• UJi«ru U-H «.r .• ! '•’''l"' ir>\v. n»«»i l 'C on units*.•.•*«*•» i'l Wbi <i Ihhvmmi ri Mmm M N-'fr o!’Nr\fc*il»niJ**h rr li. J une* JA'.iluioni! . ...J.nut ;S -ii't > I 1- .i • •••:! > 1... Triuxi m Sm ••: i•[ i ‘ •a ;n i/j»- iri -- ’* rs -. *i • t. H .« ..dir v . n'.n.-a-.i :-i Tim V.rr -•>. La. u-d by Me-r am! Jejlcr-ou Ln'rlv after tim j•• r. The V|. e F'mr'Jen. . —[ *j* .!.ir . bi -■! Li V*.. <• Fr-.- .lent i • I to uni •>ll ’1 v n» j-Jfi bltr;. Or t ikois i':i* 1 Fre-ndeUl 'nor- addre mart- were kd co- pied a net! ti.tnii bon*. ;>r— «nled '*‘rr l eral-nui 0* an y Lr*i r\*L *.«• ..•••jm. prebend the nerer-'tv .•( thi .r trei|iiri>’ (•• 3&<l imlkifienee. Hut iv L--U the n»«tjrnn*T t-iat lb- ■ e..<r • ii:y i.ud ei|.enor.. v .( .>n.;n. b-.-dy. would reiieve u.e , - -id tuf i; - r ol It.e dillieiil.ies a;>[-re: » ;.dr 1 kil l ri -• le u-ui-nj an «*e•eeabn 1 »i* t wi" . »h,jij i! iliV'ti.irfie tne ilutie- < | Hie -lb -e u nm. nl.ty ninl to t'-.e i-eM . i tuo ;d' He wnulfl ie: d Vf;g . :ijU»l . e «• f- * ■* h- net hi* I r h lTTtl>).»,'l !;%»;*« .f .W .1.1 Ii l‘ r 1 Dill. |? niiKUt ».4 -ai[*r ' i tL.MII Ilf. >0 i:- V ru.-H. Wl. »>rv U cn.—\7 'll JH'IV /•'••Kl tiie !• y.'ii) Ki'O.'U'; •■* i.i f i’" tne . unmuu'. >n. ! ••• u.-- :.rr i p.v'jMV a rUnnee «•< li'lrruii.ktri'ii-ii t> ’ • a.i J «• (|U i*-« IVh> < »-.»-*.J K- 1 c ..TrtUilaini ni>uii :!.i» 2 *- Uir 1 j>r»px:i»».lv j{ ■*J r iri‘i 'i/t.i>r>*. \* ’ i r***if» ’ jx* that titty /..By b** >»* r.K-rti-tl **»!. :tn.J 1 1> *• r r.r -ou» L’nk»u u- II i->r » v, ‘r [A| w*i.rh bowtver win umiir Juiicly | Tlie V ( re Pp-»'«k-ni »'i" itpwj sbou! oiinot*« mi ihe d*-l»v**ry ih;-* fuldr*?»« ( i>n6n a! U'foL. i'/f fiiniutf*s l«cl >«• I- A few umu;** afterword-. M*“-s»s Bin i. Johnson, mid Mnn-.y. <e 11tt* f a. e-t> and took "eats at t!i»* llot «/' tio V -ce Preside Chair. and imm*'d>«iiely m f rnnc M n.e 'nemtjer* tli« |>.pl->maln* (Wp*. i't if"- I t including Attaches, were pre*ert' 1 ' tne fu! a apprnprihltr c;-»a < I tlnir r»* ».• The hour til* -* ■*. tb«- j>r'inmuiir i->r lt<* trance of the -President aud r' 't'r—n!-*n' quarter to 1/ but <!•>-! O'-t ?! i f * r '« until ~i-> minutes past ! and enter- I If.. Cbomlifer. arm-nt irm p»>*-r,Kcl •• !!.- >er fserjeanl V-.srm» <ti.>l noc-mp me >’ i'V 1 « ' Committee ut Arrangement*. i ,, ‘* Marshal District ofCulumh.a u#lbr- Four large crimson « c ••tjjjicd bv Mie President .uid hxl'rt- Hi Vice President* Dil'i'• oid K. M J-tm-.H President entered imim* 'lately into wivrr Wth Cruel Ju*ticc‘l’-ii.« y and Jujlire Mnle'un u’ere *eal**d directly iq front “t bun. »M the Justices of the Supreme tVmrt ben> I'f* 4 *. and seated to tin* lelt .Indys M\ area u» the right of lLc Yiee-Prrs.deril » vim Tie member* of the new Cabinet aiao oi-cuoyuig **au m thin part of the area Just before the President A’e rnlrred ilie (''mm bet, ;«i** sound of eatuion mid Urn «h.'-:!s ..f !h>* multitude oDlrmle. announced ho. nt the Capitol, mid Use. pric<*ipnl door of the Senate Chinn ier. which bad been ts-wi-J. except when o|«*no i to admit the digui'>e« who had p.eviorVy arrived, w.i« again thrown open f>r bis recrptioc But before hi* arr'Vtil nl the entrance. Mr- Tru t&an Smith eotcrml Imm the print*..pal lobby through this door, apparently without miration. uund peals of laughter /rtn® ?!! parts ot the hall and auilene-. the lodio* also Joining .u won right good w.U. Cries of-Shaijh. S.mlr."— a t„*:e 'h from Smith" —“hour bun. boar him"—were also h*--iJ l/oo: the geutlenicn* pallert. but m;i wan von again hushed aod miaul a-i«the grave when the President aud E*-Pr**idtinl entered The, rum.vU. -however. um* made by sevrrnl within my bearing, that he was neither ‘'rough n*<r ready” It.-day—alluding to h.a neat amt of blnek bronddoth, black satin vent and hlSie* si.i cravat, and W tho fact that be hod I >r once in h>> I le Ik-cu hm time Uo -die return of the Vi.-c-PresidetH and Scngle to the Senate Cbain!*er, Mr. Bright ul!er**d a r««'- liltioni wna adopted, that until otherwise ordered, the daily hour at meeting shall be twelve o’clock, M.j aod then— l On motion of Mr. Dayton, the Seuuto adjourned until 12 o'clock 10-morrtrw. THE DIFFICILTIES AT THE CLOSE cpF THE SESSION. The ditficaly between Mr. Foote and Mr. Copt eron, a* *eea from the Reporter's Gallery by riy• ■elf and other* m my immediate vicinity, was tin derstood in he os stated in my report published! in this morning’s Araericao. i It 1$ slated lo day, 1 learn, however, by the Sejio lor who separated the parties, that Mr Cameron did not hit Mr. Foote. I Mr. Foote, it seems from what ia now rtated, Ap proached Mr. Cameron in the raanu*r stntedim' tny report, and made some remark which Mr.. Cameron considered offensive, and h«s replied lint there Was n ciasa.of men who might use offensave' Isngoifle without insulting him, when Mr. used n still more pointed and personid remark, and in hia earnest gesticulations one of his finger*: hit Mf. Cameron’s face. Mr. Cameron then made a past al Blr. Foote's free with hta open hand, bat d'd seems. bit hint, though 'as 1 have befapj Mch appeared at the time to be the genfffalt|bpre**ioQ lfl yj e gallery. Mr. FExpatrick then interposed and separated the two senators. Mr. Foote subsequently wool to Mr. and the whole matter. 1 am infor raed, w&ji taxi«£ictorily explained This statement 1 think, aio.y be relied upon, aa an accurate state ment of the affair a« it was understood by mem ber* on the floor of the Senate in the immediate Viciftity of the parties. The d&Qcnlty between Mr. Ficklin and Mr. John son, m tji* House, was awo, I understand, subse qoemly-optiafactorly settled. And 1 am further informed ' that the blow received by the former from Mr»; IngeV cane was not intended to inflict mjttry. tuid is now regretted. From the New York Tntmne. THE PLIOIIT OF THE Ait Kpuode in ih* Ufr of Ku Carson. , BY DA VI 0 L. mtOWN. VIII. I wiifpas* very briefly over the remainder cf the hunt, m which few additional incident* occurred of any tfrtsat Importance in the present narrative, and merely state, that alter a rapid journey across the mountains into Pierre’s Pole, in which beauti ful and romantic valley we lingered for a few days, to rerniil our annuals on the excellent pasturage which it'&flbrded, we crossed the great chain in the close vfiiinnv oflhe Three Telons. whose gigantic and perpiend cular pinnacles, cloud and snow-cap ped. shexjt up to the altitude of ten thousand feet above the level of the ocean. After descending tnU> lh« Territory of the Oregon, we encamped upon Lewis's Fork.oue olthe mam stream*—Clurk’s Fork or Vlut Head River being the other—whose junction .near Fort Walla Walla forms the magmfi cent Cbltjtnlmi. Thence, aher a few days’Torther slay. wrVrosaed by swimming the river just men tioned.' l oDtimnug souili, parallel to the Teton range of mountains, for ahoul n hundred mile*, wc dnlered the western termination ot' Soake Valley. T/hence We passed over the sonlhern spur of Wind River Mouutnm leaving whnl has since Iteen ter med Krenvmt's |‘enk a few mile* to our right, mid descended to the great Kuslorn Slope and encamp ed on Ihe Popiasia. a siimll and beautiful aflluenl of the MK-our., which rises in the mountain just mentioned, ami, alter running about fifty nines m il north-eastern directum, mingies ilspellu . il waters with the board current ot that nohla Thi« whs the termination oi our journey 'or the present. Wing the point designated twelve months beinre lor tiie general Rendezvous ot the <fon-pany. which trfol l*cen di*trtbu«ed, in parties of from thirty to a hundred men. over the vast regions lying be tween tlfe Russian Possessions and California. A lew dayi etier our arrival, the ditfereul parties be gan to flock -n and nil was burry, bustle nndex.ilr tnenl. All ol these hud traversed vsst tract* n| mcuiilam cud wilderness, the haunla of ravage leasts, dm) ot inen'rnurr ravage still, exposed to these and !•> i-w’rv vidsstlude ofehunce, aoculent, ami the clement*. bronzed and hardened by expo sure nod privation, and yrL with hardly a notica hie exception, the men ol winch they were compos . ed presented to the eye o degree ct physical health, reckief-mevc good nature nnd RU’ftiul courage. such as l suppoee u would he vmn to hx>k lor tri any | <>tner eftw* of men on the face of the *iol>e The arrival i t ihe S. Luns parly, brugmg with them thi annual supply oi goods lor tne trappers, formed (be great eveot ol the Rendezvous. Pure avofio l ; ol win. h poisonous trash they had brought a..,«ig With them b large quantity. tf»' here dealt out i ■ the men at lae vury reasonable rale of lour dotUr* a ihesamr amount of sugar Ht the *-<pi-»<• V moderate. clmrge of two dollars' Here a »rr.c« i >• >_ rt ie» commenced, that were kept up tin t . ••rilier ihe 'firr water’ or the credit of it* . -nsu lncrs Was exhausted, ihat set description deli an.-e .Hi-rse-racine, gambling and fighting i.i:V anti consistently completed the mm that the • qu-.d poi-.-n fmd tiegiiu. leaving the j*oor hunter, wiui hail :•, const ml |*erb ol ii|<- and l.mb managed to save perhaps -» Jew Hundred d.'Uara, with which 11 buy him«e.l a farm and retire In no his hazardous ~!<• to Hie alioles of in* youth und of civilization. Mr'.jqw'd ol cvrrvthipc in the worbi, and iu a too*! pit.aide state o< mrriUu and physical prostration. the r te How. iu*tead of returning to the “•eti'eniet! • >« nin lunlionrer term* the l a Red State* —gay of which with its comfort and • ecu - tty. had . net-red and nrrvrd heart in mnnv -ii: i.niif <-i dcs|s>odcucv and j-erl —find* bnawll •mpeiird to ii li-r another twelve months to the 1 ur '‘.-irparv. and »•. on. from year la year li'i deul •-r the «a vi-»;e -ia* heref: him «-j hi« ad- T--M-ir.M-* : <*• Aid v • was u> Mame tor tnis «lal« ■' ft: ties' 1 ,11-i-r. 0.. r v fie Kur ffotrij-aoT Wuiil rig’il Had i-icy 1> sead urdrci spirit* mm tbe icoii:i-.Ar;,.« lc moide.i and the-r men' .''riinl' r> .nil i>:\ .»■ - - - ’ i - : •!.« i '•im! .n ifcnl »c ciJ un,i- i' |i.r,j .ujj-d;i\ w n rti undr lbl» . tin’ll f !i ;iiOi 0’« »y mn»<n! I - <rwn Mir did - . . a; '.r i'C r r rry;h:njf !’*-ld ii»ii«in«*KC • Kin-ictt -ii:- nc ni'u Th«* L-r *••'1 oa'uif " •• r i ■ Nyrib.-Anrr.inD I ur'oi.- .-.1 i'tw- ».i• k•* . J«;j• ra v.• v **!.>• n !,.irr<K *<• u V:*»- wa» dMW.aC In □ when I »'«• inlofuied :>y Mr Andrew l>rp«. the prion;-..: agent hi: that K’t li -•ur * nuipuuy tu the miHiatnm* th»t ryy •ervibei were required to j«r,>»*ei*d to Kort Hi!!, a ik)"l htni»»ping to Um? Hu<!»ou Hot Com }«any. aituatrj nr. Snake River—there ; > tMnauet M>tue oustne-* the |irrn*e nature ot wtneh " ■« tin ue.-rmarv in «late Suffice Hln any that alter fl ■■ i.-ney through a »'uJ and barren an*! in mautr ;u•'jidop'* highly piciurvkqitn munU'.. <wr-th< icolfc •ls\ a(Jer nif departure i arrived -u my pJare of deM.Latn.ti 1l ad dt«ni.'un«Po imiu my aor»c and wui Iriid.tiit bin through the pniu-tyai ghtewiiv in to the ijusd'anguiar court m the :tnrrvs rl tb' ITrt, Jueo the tir*t ;>er*on ! met, to my utur j-mJ aHU>Msnmrn«, wo* Julseo Footsuipii* I ob-erv eJ tßat he Van • i-übdr tame au.l upon m«u nc ;t.r c-iii-e hr 1 nie that he »» -wrr m>nr •( my utst.l wch ume a» i baa hid -nine r.-CeK& ntni l*ren introduced tu in old m •fiiniKtatice (Jiving my Imnc m charge tin *er ut ihr e-t*Uit«hraet t. he ied the wnv to n part tOe»))m J u$ which appeared .n «on>r re*;.r< *.j i H S rf Ic jupr-n-.-r lo tin* rent in limMi and Uf:ittie»i». au<l, pn-ii nu, aside h vtiul- mu-i a "Utl>v;. t u-i l,tine n» r.J»» -mi open iloor wav. mvileii me I i !' 1 !•..•! b«'«*n »iupr .-d c-. f-r-t !i< urn-biig l "i: i nncrl" 1 was d-tubly »<> when o-i .»L’r-‘»* in>- litrc-no,-J ue linU i>b|r* tmv - vc* rncounirmi w** Catharine ( -«{Uin tr»»- Inst Siiowenn A-htflil Pul suppressed vxclsmninui <’l .le! filed -iirpriM r«<-;rp*-il i!.c !nd in girl ns - rose lr->m a pouch on which shew i« rcoi.-mg m > corner ol ihe nj partlOen' a».j willi lew w >r«lv tmi in Ml elprr*- sion o» r..u[iirnioiee wn-.«e rich cr in«.n gk v. was fit more .-ii-pm,,i thud Liiupiace warmly wruMii t-«l die to lit-r new ivinc As m V rr-.-.t .• W -,p,Ms..d. * Wst «.l ip--,,..n -were a'K'*,i »n*l jntwered on both sioes The viMrturve ime con > cr-.iliviii au-.l ul the J.u-ts H.p o-! on iin« occisioa i«j io-- J.-wip;•Mur ■ -1 Jthoweiia .■ nd Knntametle |r >m our riir.urpii.i nt on the Mol.-on K.vrr jml Hie adventure. •ii!.s%*i|i). i v iiciel lii ni. i ahull pro-roj lo n- tie lor the ’DloruoUjoii rd'tlo. reader X ;t ,v i t.«- rcc. I,ci-i,l |i|,|t nl ihc lrf*goii':iik* <f liu- #k>*:ch M.iiK-on wp- made lo the pr-kniped rt'i-eocr ol KmiisiiiH e Iroin the < amp. lh-- penerai ticpre-is, mi ul Ins dentil and the rik.rts i,i K I ' -*r «• ii 10 ii-ce.'iain s'liurlh'iig dennlle retfw-cioif h . Isle, Frn«,nnc:i>* mil the mmti party, n- l.e now mlonhed me accompanied b\ J:,e Meek with the initoipon of being absent ool\ a few <lny« It wa« e.ulviilt the morning when they set oiu, and. hav '.ig jiiltien all day without finding Beaver in any of tfad numerous amnll streams whicti they eroded, ineij encamped for tr.u c;vht cn the Mti»cie M.wl, bay* tig iravejfed «» lie -opposed. .‘x.-ut 7>* miles I nn exniiunation ol L'n- river m ihe moni'ng liodiAg plen’v of “sign" he nod hi* companion concluded to trap ft tKiih ways—Fontnmalh* iul ioWtag Ihy -'.ream up lo it* source m the moini; uud Mri k lh*- oppoai'e cour-e t > r.s juiitiioi, with the Madi«o(i Fori; i"e Misw.uri pofuaaieile was lortunnlc l«*\ -nil ttu mom nan guiDd expectations, and t»eiQg plated with hit cim.l h- proceeded, nfier having thoroughly trap ( „;4 it.* s'reftin t.) uno’her nl-iut (if.een m.ics d»»- tani wticre n l wns ngmn crowned with su -crtH 11c njw irvi' «-d .to return io ramp Ircfti Which ’ie intd been nl.arnt ten days. B I|H l! e * .•dyinulntc.l spoils ol :he bur.: During the whole of this lime, he had neither teen any Indian, nor »n£ ei;tn of the-' having been nl anytime m ina neighbor!.POu .'.'e w«s noL however, lulled mlu a llifc feeling cf permit/ h; 'hr- appnrenllv an 8 ucious eircuiiiistniie* ►. fiaution tu.d vigiiiinee ar-- prrVMn-n-'tdlv lh>- charac'erialie* of a trapper; and dangers and aiincuilios which conlir.- surround him. siioihinte into hie and aci;- vitj ihnsr l.i-ultios nnd »«*tincl.<i which shores .(> « oum..n W"h the lower animals. but\»h.i-h the MTid* m-y piv.iu&iioa is u> repr»-«s and render Inient »l < ano-t wi.-.siy -rnd; cafv them. These however, are m,lv ibund in ail tinyr pr.slme v-gur nnJ acuteness m the savage, Ihotigh [be tupcriur intelligent r of the white man w pircumatnncod, goe« far UM-omaenratt* h»„ for iieehv.eA.el i-d-noritv Ul tin: qiuh'.ies refernec! »**-i . . ... . Fiitilamclle Marled early m ih« umjnn.g uo..i Itio-btuM* Ol Ihc monntain. where he had rnhuuped dußhg ibe nigut. a»d rode aero.ns ihc coinin’, m tin* direction of the Mjulopou; along tno notillfern bunk' of which he iDlmded Lo proceed .nOJjlerto reach l he camp As be approached thd M'is<-i v tSh .11 sea- :t# junrlcn, his alert and eye. detected R jhghi onitog r.conj; the wiUows that lined .If bank*, and he bad barely 1 1 iffe to ilruw iiici-overfrom hi« ntie.ereout sallied a lumber of I’.mekfip i. who-.png nnd yelling, a* he OKpiesscd n. I ke so many devils. They were all Wiounlrd. :>nd armed with Ictig English fusee*, wtfirft thev discharged rapidly as they came lo wnid tom.with Ihe evident intention of taking hi* I - Foninmclle. who had on ihe tirsl glimpse of (tor firdians wheeled his horse round. iot*ndmg to esdajie by li.e rnule hu hod come, perceived to his disimliy. that a nurnlwr ot'wxvugpa —who must have 'be&f •«*n«eiile<l in a holiow, or ravuie. through whifib he had pn«s«'d wilhool perrmvmg ibeiu— rupidly advanclpg, cutting off the possibility of Retreat in that directwn. All this'passed in a As yet he was imwoundod. Quick n» tbdnihi he buried his spurs in In* horse’s fl utks. wtfiSi txninded forward m Iho .direction of ihe Madfe'm—ithe only course left open lo (light: of the savages, whoappaerod lo bo belter mdbnted and more daring than ihe rest, aUempled to kptil him off, nnd succeeded iu getting between hiofr 4dcl the nver A* Poauinello advanced, the lodifiO look deliberate aim, and fired. The binder fcJj Juiß9elf«pnng in his saddle, as tbo ball look efleia in hi* thigh. Nerving himielf by a strong elftiri, thoogh a deathlike aioknesa Was gathering al 1W heart, he remaioed firmly seated, and bring mgr- hia rifle lo hu eye, be drew a rapid but sure leSlfron the Blaokfixil—who was now in fall flinty hoping thereby to derange his aim—and g rtffc* The savage bounded spasmodically in bis udiifo, tell forward on the neck of his bone, where he &QDg convulsively fix a few seconds, and then j dropped heavily to the ground a lifdc&jeofpMs— On witoesrfiqriiis iaie, the •avagesdUerotUttdeoos and terrific yells,and redoubledlbeir efforts to over take Fouiainelle ere he attained (be river. Not withstanding the height of the bank, which was something like ten or fifteen feet ahrer descent. Fonlameiie gave spar to his nobie animal, which bounded over it into the river, and swain lor the oppoMte snore, with as much vigor and ease as if the water wr-re bis native element. era sed over in safety, he continued hi» light in the Wind River Mountains, along whore bon- he proceeded m a north western direction, for the space <i nve days, with such speed as the strength of his horve and the condition of his wound—now grown exceedingly painful—wouid admit ft- On tiie sixth day he crossed the mountains in the region nl perpttual snow, and descended into Pierrv a Hole. Here, the hunter hoped he had at length baffled his pursuers, and here he intruded \c remain until the Camp should come tip, a« he was awnre it hod been the intention of those bav ins control nt its movements to proceed by this route into the Oregon Territory. The escape'of KuntainelJc from the Blackfeet was n very narrow one. Nothing but the speed and leiiom of ios horse, joined to ln.« own iron constitution find consequent power* of endu rance. could have mvei him atider the circum stances. ANTELOPE. Having selected a pos.ti.-ti him sell, he could command a view of the whole val ley. and thus provide against danger or surprise, he sei nl*onl muning Inmaell as r-ouiiortalile as pc^.l,:,-. For the tir*t lew days the pam ot im wound* rendered hi in almost hopejess. and lie came well nigh o! huuAr. Providentially i.e found in Ins. lose neighborhood, a plenlilul supply ol wild fruit. *.urtraa«etvi«-e berries, hips wiid cherries, and the little spiky m.mnta'ii gonslwrrv. which enabled him to sustain life, and support. U\ their rough 'mt wholesome cheer, natural buoyancy und hope fulness of heart. In a far shorter space of lime limn rmld ren sonab'y hnve exp,-, i.*d, the pam and swelling in hi* wounded limb l*egan to subsije, n'though the ball was slid Jlodifed m h* thigh leaving h.m able in sh*» lor tiimselt. *o that he rapidly recovered hi* voided sireniMh aiwl v,g(- r li incredible v;hil wound**-! man will vurv.vr ~i ihe pure air of the mountain region* where .-oriMiwit exercise and the utmost simplicity cl < I..*t render the hu man sy-i**"' all but invulnerable to t<.«. shafu, ot disease 1 'ne dny about tie* tme F.'iitaotclle hntl wan derrd out upon the tin.tu.u.n- m.J tempted by Ihe l>e«uty of ihe weather and tt.e exceeding Jov bur*- ot the prr~p.-,-t he pn,longed h.s walk to ail umi-unl distance The s-'en.-n ncvnul bun wit jf a chuM'-t.'f t i aw'kri. -e-cunem .md n llertcoi; ot .nv l-i«om ii. t dead to the .>irlu«-nr.- ot externnl na'iuc Above n an.rcd n *-»vngc om•]* k ramleiir the Three Trton*. !,keT. tame wat.-t- t -v 'Ti. the.r clou,! summits piercing the ethereal vnuii . i>eneath him. and stretching nwnv to the distance ol' »om<- thirty mile*, lay the beauMful valley covered with the richest emerald verdure i • !ver etrcmii meander :ns through i'- Hid*! wli '«<> c.ii.f. diaphanous wo ter» reflected. ns m a mirror, the lofty cottonwood and ti*h, which gracefully shaded its banks, and far on the eastern horizon loomed up Hotid-like and huge. Fremont's IVnk of \V :n d River Mown lam. 13.570 feet the level of the ocean. Sel dom bns the eye of poet '-r pamier lu tunated upon a lovelier terresiinl paradise Here might the sage or anchorite delight to tix ho* ntxrde, far removed from the gnawing cares and ir. nlvlous passions of the world, where.,ihe beauty and sublimity of Na ture are constantly Kpi*e«;;rg t.. the soul for it* highest maniicstnl.ous nt svmpaiic. and power Fonlameiie returned to camp Mine two hours al ter the «tin had pti»«ed tha iih-h.lhu. and. Iwjngtn ligued by h-s long walk, he fell | a »t usieeo He was startled from in. -litmte-r by the whinnying ot his horse., and /limping up. nde in hand, can steppe,J out troin tbe thicket ot willows, in Which he haf made h>» temporary resting plnce. to di-o ;, vrf 1.~- cause of this, under the circuin stance*, alarming muse. This wnnd w«» almost instantly replied to by another horse whu h. With its ruler, hounded lightly tr.)m the wubtvrt mlo ti.e V" at the d *tnnce of i,l«not fiitv yards from where the hunter stood He hod rai*cd hi* nllc to h'* shoulder, tun i{ dropped suddenly there from, a* it stru *cn down by an * hand, upon beholding not the bk-id-thirsty arid savage l.v«* which he had confidents expected but tbo graceful lorm and the m.M am) eyes of itic l»-ft'iii'ii. li.diitu maiden < aUmrnc I'kvjum. An ex. 'finirtl: n 'T'joyful surprise mum,.*,! Irom the hunt.-r a« ii- forward, and n the next •n«’.*'C ! - i..< . > •"'■vena rrum the saddle and |>f r »*r • ,-rl 1 s ilr!a 1« oi I f.rrf i-f "■ : vv i.. . i tv :.u,i iru lerne**, i*.«n . •• ix I, \erioc iiidian msi.b-a. Hut ■s-ltor. '.ur.i I: I •-*•-1. mi .i.fed Vigor (A « j-irfectly vK-u tr.uuipaiti ov.-r mere ptt SiCai emaustion it wu during tne»• lew il *v« o| Unrucr the imrt of f.-ihsrwH-, U'ii*n :,er Inver aficc'ionale’y iniuiMcred in her wn,nnr»*, c.Atinr,r 1- og-'hensh. ed pa*sic i. I'T eu'-n oilier was t >nd!y and freely ur. iKiaoincd Never Were ix-urs more |>ro;-itio>is to the tiillc-i conud-fve and sei-uritv of .o-.c —Alone viln r:u;H nii.-r surrounded on e• cry -xie by tlx bcau*v ;, n d nmgn licence rf nature in tbe very depths Of be; s..btud.-- u;li, u-nhinj to d arnel i.ic i<r:ght , urrent cl the.r ail ab*ort»ax iovi- t-.-t «A.»h other, ite heart* of Fcc iainc'de and Sacwena were un, hnngeably uoi- <l«rn and »j«t,<m< <li« •i[. ; tr .» -un;.. in-rr :~;>ilrd J»-. Calfc <' : ‘iid d.'itili rrMrd devdionj •«i hr had ■ eXi- I .ip.ib.e . i :!.• ur il.iiiicm. •I «*-*k ai r j'nUi- >* »:>d ulrrtion—were m.iue l nowu tu tl.ll. Tlrt**.* wcrr iii MrhMaii'-e a* k>li<»w Waeti by the n-tiirn (’arson I'rmn h.» metier run! *4«un-h mier F"til»:m lb . n.v> !fcn Ur fore luent.uiu’U. an.l * n-pirt tin- *ul.j«*t;l. Hie >r»j-re«» .-it ol Fonlnmc\t- * death wit* !h com** Murk Head. now Hint In* I alnl nvrfl wn* n- nr k rrvcr utrf-t.j Hu* w«iy. ilclrrmi nud In 'mint mniii'r* :■ nn i«*i>r My no m» .fv Ln»wn, lo i.mueil and lb** laPu r o[ ('nthnr;i.«—hut wn.rh wmi doublie** ol a inrntn-mg nnd *tm»!cr nature —tie tind prevailed n;»m the i- mier [i. u«r that m. rile nee and HHlhordy ver li.« dnughler wlir -bm nu Indian parent .* ..banlm- i,. .om|wt Iter tn he •■•■ me !n» 1 In—e .•.f. uin*ten.-»•* preon npr-n m- p.«ir moiherie .« vir| m her InnHc at,.i utiinrnd ••d »i'tia:i"n, wrtli no op,- „t h*-r own «-x t ,ook fn lor olvico Hi coii«(d.iimii. drove her t-i me r il- deierm.nntii n of *vekmg m .light an e*cupe from n uuiOi w t.ich dreaded iiuti Mini, death In me nud»i ol her normw and ii-ciniiun. Him: wan Mu' one li.'pe Inal mi..rOed to S!iovr«*na alirvial'on of lirr sorrow and »*niib|«rd her lo siittimuii l i her aid nn SHionnt if energy and rraniun.'ti which wmnd oibrrwi.e upj>efir incredible, nrd that was a deej wuled feeii<rl or pre«ontinieiit tlmi Fonin.nello *»• -Idl »hve Act- Dll Ilia.ll ,hi* Ih.ili. .he deter tinned eimer tu find nr nsiurtain the tale of h.-r lov er or | erinh in the attempt. Havint? clipped away unobfierved Ir tn the par ty. -ha made her way dire.-liy to the pfrtre demy Dated by ('ar*on n« sliowini; marks ol bloodshed A tier .'i rh '■•>&[ the auooeeded in findir.trthe nnd hnvuK examined the ground about it in every direction with su.'h a vonilmy as only an Indian eyr sharpened it. tufi-rnatnraf aeuleness by atler linn, i* cHjiatde 01. -.ho dimovered Kontninelle'a* iraclt» lead.m: in the direction of the river. These ih«t judged to i.-tvc made by his horse. Irom lue Uol that ihey &err m ule by "hod hoof* whitethe other track* m wtuc'i ttje, were tiongled were the reverse, which she concluded b- !••• tho*e o! the amnia - •'>! In- "itv-mr pur..ner» —Showena f.;!ovtrcd op lh« trinl in it..- tMink t i in- river, iuto wh-oh sin- lioldiy leaped her hor*e nnd swam across lo the "ul- Herr, hnv,M7 reenvered :ho trai 1 ?he tbilow-d t u;> with mor 'i< - vni.,e pnicnce ait i rer«evei 'I lie <-..«irv* pi.rsued by Fon lu nrl'e. rend. r«d il extremely d tilcull to do thi*. eh hr. oarl pur;. ’ vlj ■ iO»en the most and and rooty m>i! flkniH the M'l' i f tliu moiintnin. as on it the fbui prou. o,‘ )i;* h r»o won!-' b- lenvj htely to l>e tracked, so i>« li> bartje pur*mi. mid wnere m cane i>f danger betn* immun nl. he cou.d take rrCnge a rn-’i>? ihe rocks and i!• *ri'ea wh-ch eyrywbere a bounded. It was <>n the -'ciri. after her exodn* from ini’- i>nrly. toward nni.e 1 i>.ai tin* brave and beau l.fu, imli_tl nil! erri ed. ■« w- ’-a'-e n'remly atnlcd. n! her i.-ver* retnrni l;i lie* perilous and extra ordmnrv jouri-ey. she hud travelled a distanoe of n* inwi two hundred miles, through a country a’lvr witn eostiie mvajtes and of prey, and nl.oundniir in ob»trncii.iti« nnd dnueem wbieli woe 1 '! Hr*v - appicltrd a h-nrt je** resolutely bent on ficu '*. n» ht iicart o'l F-'iilumei'e ov eritow-nl wit:- f. rlinp* of mexprei.- »ii,le ten-ierness winie ik-*leiiinK ui the artless tnle m wincli the hem sin no*} !->ve of n true and de. voted woiniin » heart w ere so louchinf iy manifest ed. From tlie depths ol his afFeotion* new hopes nnd i.pirn'ion* ftn 'rt \t t .i;, j.s in ortl. r to in«ur.- in «om. aer comfort and happ-nesS. he determined to übuiulou the w ild and ndvemturous oeaMipuliiin in w loch he was entaevd wjtii ah ti" U'ciuntinu varidy of action anil rvpo«e. etijcvincn'. mid pr vntiun. it* Ixiundle-s* freedom and perilous rxciteiii' nl co.islunt experience of an turn I* nuM Miljlime and buau dul in the fii*nile"lntious ol e xternai n.iiurti, in its magnificent piscciud mountain*, n* sheitorrd and exquisite nook- nnd valley*, its lakes and nv C rt, ,iu (,recf pic.* ai.d wolniUib., aud the many nniuelevs but potent ih tine nee* which unite enjoyed, rule for ever after the mind ui the hunter witn irresistible sway. Having revolved in his mind innumerable schemes of life, all <>( which upon mature reileciioo were abandoned a* either visionary or impracticable, he finally determined to proceed at once with Show cua to Full Hal'.wnh the ttianugcr of which pusl be wa» slightly acquainted, aoij endeavor |o procure •mine rmployinent uy wtnutv he could earn an honorable tfaoug+i humble subsisteuee. Ciilhanne joyfully concurred with her lover m deeming tin* the very Itcct course lo l>o pursued under the cir eumstaiu'cs; for *he dre;ideu the nngcr ul her father in the event oftbe'r rejoining the party but above nil the had feared that the vengelul *nnd remorse les* disposition of Mark Head would stimulate him lo *eeb to wreuk ujxm Fontntnelle tlie tortur** u| hi* dimppointed hojws. “ lo accordance with the resolution jn*i mention ed. the lover* immediately departed from Pierre's Hole, in which most deiightlul valley they had •pent a lew abort day* of exceeding bliss, and aller a rapid journey, during which they met with oo was gr-stly ••m*cnir*,l. Anietv Hfid i-nihic i.xd done ihnr de . II,• fmx lie- mco-a: an*l rr* u ... I, ' ~i ‘. •; •irt-tc. ud to Ihe-r .» uirc-g l-. p».-r -us .nxl m--si extra hf-.! . t: tn*m .fli 11-c r,e!p'c u a:, h over advesiure* demanding tzjfeisl Botice, Ifcey anived in safety at Fort IhE , Tb) msnupr of this'jpoit, who was a gentleman named McKay—a muf that celebrated McKay, so frequently alluded to la Washington Irviag’g —received and web com«l tbe wanderer* with tbo utmost kindness and hospitality. Shortly alter tbo arrival of Fonlaiselle, a vacan cy occumog m the clerkship of tbe Fort by reason of the advancement of the former incumbent of that office, by the regular routine of promotion [ which obtains in the system ol the Hudson Bay Klompany’s service, to a higher and more lucrative appointment ot Fort Vancouver, our friend Jolien ■was selected by Mr. McKay to 611 the situation so opportunely left vacant. Nothing now remained to complete tbe happiness of rontaindlc, but to he united to Catharine. This joyful e vent took place shortly afterwards, amidst r *J°'cing—Rev Jason Lee. the well known Methodist Missionary Imm tbe Willamette station on the Columbia, performing tbe marriage ceremo ny. Andlbos liappilv ended tht Flight of the An tslopt. —Mark Head met a sad fate at last It wits, however, in keeping wilh his life. He was killed in the «nme emeuie at Too*. New Mexico, id which Governor Bent was murdered. Tbe cowardly ra-cal. effected by treachery what would otherwioe have cost thetn dear. Mark and some ot his companion* were in o ranch, or farm house, taking refreshment, unconscious of danger, when they were «t«olthi!y .arrnunded, and shot with theirown rules. Headwn* an extraordinary com pound of rliild-lite simplicity, utter fearlessness, and. when roused, merciless atrocity. There never was a lictter tr.ipper m the Rocky Mountain*. He wa* the hem of many a marggjoua adventure a cions me savage*, who heliPnim in the utmost dread. The story related of him by the late Lien tenant George Frederick Buxton, m his •‘Adven ture* m Mexico”—wmch ineideiit. however, was (ii>t made known by the writer of this paper, in a magazine published in Cincinnati, some four years nn,—in which he is *md to have killed and scalp ed n hall breed servant of Sir William Drummond Stewart, i* ntnetiy irue. The writer first visited the Rocky Mountain.- shortly after it occurred, aod nail the particulars from tbo*e cognizant of the whole matter, and even from Head himselfi The circumstance i* here specially referred to, a* it# truth wo* doubted by a writer in a late notnber of the Weetminater a critique onthr work . I Lieutenant Htixlon. nlxive referred to.—Major loc Meek, who i« mentioned m the foregoing pages, is tiie same person who wa* sent by the Legisla ture of Oregon to the Gen eminent at Washington, on hiiTiiie** connected with the affairs of that Ter nlory. He reen vedi from Prasident Polk the ap pointment ofVniied .State* Marshal, a few months ago. and ha* nn.-e «et out f.-r his home aud the •phrre ••! (us r'tiieiai duiie«. on the u Biers ot the Fneiii, ,b proud and gratified man. OFFICIAL. THKASI-av I>TTABTMKKT. MaRCH 3. 1»49 The Rr-, eipt» into tli? Treason during tbe quar ter the 3L at "t !>»*<-eml*er 1 “4-9, as nearly a- can in w be a-s-ertaioed were — From on-tom* $C161.b70 .*>6 From lands 95S 22 From loan, 1b47 2 731.660 00 From loan*. IM*' 4.566.600 00 FrnmmiseellanoMts 934J0y 30 Expend.ture» ct the United States trorn Ist Oc tober to 31-t December 15»4S Civil list,iiHM-i-ilaneoiiß.and fbr**ign !ot*Tcmir?e, •;including 52.147,- 176 11 under the treaty with Mexico l4 Army account*. 3cc. $3.65i.b22 61 Indian Departiucut... . 12.515 97 Fonni.-aiiou 169/i.37 04 Pension* 36,712*23 53 803 990 76 On neount of tix- navy 2,659,269 66 Interest on-piibi:c d*-t»t and Treasu ry note* I.6U>/> 30 Reuiilinrseinent of Treasury notes.. 1 Au 3,960 00 Reimbursetnrnt of pubuc debt 600.000,00 R J WALKER. Secretary of the Trrarury. Improvements In Dentistry. OK l». i» “‘Tf-.ARNt*. tale of Bo»lon. i> prepared 1 mtixom-tur* amt set IIut« Txna m whole and pan o: h i*, upon <ucinm or Aunooplienr Suruon Plate* - T.errn*«-tia rt-ars is rn Misers*, where the nerve j • jpo.e.l Oilier sxd residence neit door lo Lhr Ms) o:'» o.+ .-e, I‘ourui street. Pm*burch lUrta to—J H M'Ksddeu, F II Raton. jaG W. as. Wrtgbt, fi!(. D., Dentist, ’r."!! JoVlo.'ll InJP M. *eplt-|y Sjivairr*uvr --*Vq>; W a will be »jp .-ini ior me art..,-* oi s*henfi. »uti,ei i lo the nouuns or. ~ .lie A'iuma»iu>x and Whiff Couuty ConvenUon marVtf Kiaimi \V*kd, Pimsnisii. tolrrr’s Patent Concave Beater Churn Ut'TrHK IN FIVK ,VltNl'Tt>" \X ' h call ihe suenuxii of th>- public u> the aruete V V Readme this sdvemtetnem. and invite the enter »nd i-uiioa* io call and viiuesi il* qperauon. A.I adverxsritieiitk in rrtaunn lo Ihi* invenuon, lo the ix.iid.-eiW wt« have *e«*o it leaird. i* >upererofxmon. l*i Tb « t'oarn wilt produce Uuiirr. gnutering ii m a ai3»». uoni iw*ci milk, m hr- io <en nunoiust and Iran, cr-ani prepared, as families usually prepare u,in tliree to Ct* minute*' til The uiilii, of uu* invenUoii i« apparent, a* bel ief Hutwf can !«e pioOur-i-d from «we*t milk, pi ere am. thar rtiiam soured ui '.be asaul %> a> a-d by mean* ol ihi* churn a lifcc or boy can perform, in five or ten Minute*, whnl ba*herru>foic rnjuired the labor of * w«m*n or m*n for one nr i*n liuorv and sometuncr naif nilac I .tc H, .iinj > in: a.a tfaurol' -crew, the who'e m side uii'- .'-r is take:’ oui. irarmf nothing but the bottr and in .1 :c U,<- plain wooden hui 4m It ,s the chrapjst enurn • rer mvrnted, a* tbi *■ inpiicity c-f it" cntiMrurucii ..nouxli ■ erpui plmosaphicoi principle) makes il but little U It i* a momoii -rnr rhum, a* all will.adin W. .iiv. e t i.r puti.i. to ml. and w.tne** i>■ operation our nitf in the lUnniond. near thr Klark Bear Ta v.'fi I’ltisburgh. and a; J F Beekhsin’*, Fedeiairt. AUrghrity marO-dlA3m3 NKW SPRING GOODS. A r I>K\ UIKIIIS Hol.riE OF \V. R MtTtPNV. Nobth Kjut coknii 4ni *.xu Maoxitits.. rtmßraoii. I)KH>UNI* wanting l)ry Uooda will plrase take no i.rr lhat the above House hna cotumcuccd recei via- us NKW SPRJNIj t»Ot)£)s, ami mvitc* the call* oi irtfit ar cysUiuieu *nd buyer* (eueratlv.- 4>oodt will b- ottercAi ai low [irice*, and pureha**-r* wnl have U t. ountrv Mcrrhunt* and other* are invited to e xanunf: the aasuruncni m Wholetale Kooau. up siair*. where n lar«e «*»onroenl of PrihU, Unigtiun*. and grneraiiy are now opciun? ‘ matll BOOK-KKKPIJTG. DA VII) LKK, I'rtuei-orot Kook-Kerpog l>y Kiitry, aj-on the mo.i approved It*ua* tnrthoil on* ol the »n*t eipenanced 'ind iucc;**ful mstruclor* in thr l. intrd States it pec'.full) inform* the citizen* oi I'lcsbargn nnJ v.cin-ty, tha' i>e will give a <'<ju"*e or icf-on* on the «cience of fti-count* a* conn-rfed »iui evert braiicli of i.unnro, cither foreign or do niemc. and tuaruntcr* :o in* j'upiU (provided they giv- j.ioprf mien lion) a thorough llicorciieaJ and prae uc*l knowledge iii llir above named science wiilnn tlir "l.orfe- p*.»*iMc nine that »o important a nraucb a .Sleu untile eUuc'iiioii can be arqmred Fin further information an-J term*, app'f to M: I.ex. »i |fri.wn'» Hotel, comer ol Third and omithheld si*, u.nrf* dtw PUBLIC SALE, --old at ptit-lic vradue. on Tueiulay. the Tf '.Ctti oi March, ai the lair reudence ul jsme* (»ray, dt-c'«l In Wilkin-iowii*Uip. Allegheny county, viz .Niiietren large (lien, hve broad wheeled W(i eons, one n \ Cari, a largr number ol Hor*-. Ge k .t, 4 ''addle*, 7 Clough* 1 Harrow, 1 W.ntla.ii. (xisv* and Hogs. I Huggy a .d Ra.nea*, I Singh, l first rmr dou ble f’Airelleo Gun. With all the nocesusry accoutre* inenis. 1 gold patent levur Watch, l silver do, a varie- IV of, a car lor hauling coal Irom Ibe mine, Hay by the ten a- d Wheat by tlie busael. house hold and Kitchen Furniture. Uncon, tnd :i variety of other article* too numeiou* to mention. Sale to .'iiminem-r ut Ml o'clock *od credit given r.y IX!7A M OHaHA.M, 11 I'RPHV A HF.NNKTT. having been engaged fot LVJL iomt time m ml* city, ui teaching the mi m Dr! led mg Mounierlrit Hank ISmes, io the enure sat."fac tion of those %s ho have taken >«*on«, beg leave to xj, ttntt they will be absent soin- wj «uit, arter which moe thev wp| return, to attend to those who ms > » ,sli to become acquainted witn their *y»lcm. Beware of impokition, us there are none regularly iiutln>ii*cd. i ut those who h»>r Gi’leit'* Bam Note Kipic nor for sab-, and written authority from Murphy A Benreit. mart:dlt MOSI'MEKTS, IMA VI-' d Mart.* iMonutpenck, triii)' old stand on \> oc_ sweet HhOulJ any person want a .Monu ment l will sell ai very reduced prices, between ihi* and i*i April, to save tlie laimr oi removing them to m> new stand at the head of Wood, on Liberty street, at the comer of Irwin* alley. mu! l tt EDMUND WILKINS. California Wagons. A Kt'.W W * iiUN'3 ;,itPs;aa(S far tlmlgtaiut going uV io Uaitfurnia] jast finished and for kale at tho Wagon csiablistuneufof 'HiOS. HARRISON. Penn lyivuiit Avenue, half a nulfe from the Court House. matO:di)l ttllKAl’ GIMiItA.MS—A. A. Masou ACo a > very large assortment of Gingbsqjq, «; i'2| cenU per >«ru ',vL;p n t 4„ goods o.'this Y Jut would ■lo well i w nail at No tIU ilafkel tt. mar 9 lINKNS! 1-INF.NB!! LINENS:”—SO ~.und* of ilia j above named good* have been received at iiiurtl A A MASON A Co’«, ';<> Market st BROWN LINF.N' 'VdLrl ('U)THSi—a A. Mamin i k'-o t»G Market street, hnyc tu store a very ei teiioivi- assortment of these goodk. sixes from <M 10 HM—price* ranging from d*| to ,aa s AN c .tamiiiation of Teacher* will v»)J at the Sib Ward School Mouse C,i *-u/dny. the 10th iutl. Testimonial" of enarseter wiL be expected The female Jvpanmenl wil' commence at 10 A. M.—the male ui -j l* M THOMAS DAFT, Prea*^ mart) Utd* I>Al.'oN- J cask- *urt > 4 Siiouidcr*. for sale by J D WILLIAMS, ltd wood st tfll boxes i*r« stall's extra-■ and T‘- o ,iv Watkins' o'*; J uo a-* and I'o) • Aroraauc s'* aud l'», i in Luscious Luxuary; for tai« by m*i» J D WILLIAMS Ip IKM KINDLIN'’—S rn*e* “Chcever’v n for ials by H cave or package, by mar** J Q WIULUM3 ] IMANS—t*I) ttfilj •ioitr, «»r »ate by 1) loa'V J D WILLIAbtS PALER— 15»> rrmu* Wtoppiug; i-O do Stiool; 10 do Letter, tor sale by tnmrV J D WILLIAMS CHfFFEK-fiObag* Fancy Rio. IV da Laguayra, 5 do ) Old Gov Java, lor tittle by UsniU JD WILLIAMS RULL Bl rrEH—trr I.Mi Hod Butter, rec’d anti for •ale by W A (I MVUTCHEON, mary lfi!i luUerty st I_)FJkCHK2* * 50 bush Pegche j. ter'd and for sale by I. m»;M. WAR M'CfTCHEON / 1 LOVER nIiKD—V bag* rec'd and for sale by \J mart WA R M’OUTCHEDN CIOPAL VAJtNIBH—JU) gall* oo hand anti for aale , by mart J KIDD A Co AUCTION SALES’■ By Joha AuctiMMli Soaks, Fine i u?». On Salurduy evenin'. M mi, i v »i ? octeck. si tbe Commercial Sale Room*. o. AVa,-d and Fifth streeta. will t>e sold— A large coller'ici. of valuat. - "fw ami --i-and ho-id Books, some trom n private i : :„ry At j o : clock —t superior go' r .vtacbed lever ’-vnteh ea. second hand gold and *. v-r r.-nicho». very fine old violins, worthy the aiicn'iun >u r.iiri*ur< ro art) JOHN D DAVIS. A act. Market Street Store. — Dry (rooc/j, Jv. Will be sold without ro*vrvr si me -uvre of Jacob M'KsJru h>i|, No 101 Market urm one door from Li berty, commencing on Tuesday inonmi;, 13th lost at 10 O’clock, add at a o'clock. 1’ At . and comiaoing fryi day to day anti) ail are sold, me enure stock of a Re tail Store, vir Soper broad cloth*, assorted color* super FVuch and English Coaumere*, satineit*. wool tweeds, Ken tucky Jeans. cc:u»,adts, drillings, k'auuui flarineU, r**d. white and yellow llaunc s. pen nos, oinacas, rash mores, mouse de lame*, Beragt**. la** ns. ebecko, vest ings, imported and domestic gingham*. English and American dress and furniture prmi*. MILLINERY GOODS— Hmme: an) dap ribbons, ar tificials, bonnet and dress silk* and »:lk vetveis, gimps, frinse*. edging*, ’ace*, plain an i figured bobbi neis. jaconets, worsted and cotioii hosiery, fine dress ibawls, dress bd.kf*. mull and »wi*‘ mfiFlin*, silk.kid and cotlou gloves, linen cambric, silk atid cotton hdkfs. tot) dor Conics’ best spool cotton, sewing *ilk, needle*, pins, tape*, combs. Leghorn and straw bonnets, tailors’ trimming*, br’n and bleached maslin*, hardware and cutlery, boot* and shoe* Real Estate tr* the Fifth Ward, at Auction. The subscriber will sell at auction, on Saturday, the 10th m*t. at 11 o'clock, r. M . at the Commercial Sales Room*, corner oftVood and Fifth streea. ibooe four cligib'e in ihe sih ward of the city of Pittsburgh fronting un Penn sireet. each feel, and running bock toward ihe Allegheny river 100 feet; being Ihe remaining tront lots in the plan of VV. A. V Magaw. in «aid ward, and being nearly opposite U> ihe Associ ate Reformed Church. An indisputable liile will be givem Term* rash VV A V MAGAW mani JOHN D DAVIS, Auct Steamboat America at Auction. VV ill be sold withoul reserve, n-n Tbersday, March 15lh. ai d o'clock. P M. Ihe new und subs'snliat siem wheel Meumhoai America, a* she now lie* at the Pitts hftah W harf. near the mouth of Kerry street, with all her Tatkle, Furmmre, Ac. The America has 0 boi lers and douhlr engines, is I£U feel long, 23 (eel beam, measuring 143 ton*, and can < ncry 300 ion* Terms liberal rur further particulars enquire ol John C I rrry, VV m \\ hiie, Wm De Camp, Weilsburg, Va, or John i Hidweil. Ag.-m, Puuburgh * n » rs JOHN D DAVIS, Auct AMUSEMENTS. THRATUK. C PORTKR MsKstiK* LA>T NIGHT BUT ON*F. OF MR CRISP Fwnat. Makci b. lo commence wuli A4.KXA.NDF.R THE GREAT Alexander - Mr Crisp Lysimacnui Mr Prior Staura Mist Pvvner Dance Master Wood To conclude wtih the MURDERED BOATMAN Dick DareaU Mr Woo-l Will Wberrr Mr Prior Phoebe ... . . Mis* Porter. Betty Miss Cruise JO" Doors open si 7-Perfonuaucc will eominrnct at naif past ~ o'clock PRICE! or AbMKSIOX Dresa Circle sad P&rqueue -5U ccuu Family Circle ot 2d Tier 23 cents ’ 514,211,343 08 MEDICAL BOOK S—Cooper s Surgical l/icty; • 'opeiand's do, Cruverliu*’ Anatomy, DrueU’s Burgery, Ferns on Cholera, Reese on do. Bell and Stokes’ Practice. Grey’* Junsprudenee, Grave*’ Clin. Lcciore*. Urodir's do. Brodic on Jomis. Magendie’a Phy* . Neligan on Medicine*, Pans’ Pharraacologia, Blundell * Midwifery, do on Disease* of Women. Mont gomery on Pregnancy. Parker on Stomach Velpeau on Brcaai. Dupnreque on -Vtcrus, Krnmcr on Ear, Clark on Consumption. Contes’ Pop .Med , Ashwcll on Females. Stewart on Children, Beil's Inslituir*. Perei ra on ll'ood, on PhUusu. F.lliolron'f Practice, Dupreytrei*’ Sur. Abemathy'.* Work*, Phillip* 1 on Scrofula. Mackemosn s Practice, Bollard on Children, Velpena'i Midwifery, Eberlie'* Therapeutics, Bell's Anatomy, Clark on Females, Harrison's Anatomy, Cooper on Dislocation*. Condie on Children, Mi'ler's Prin of Surgery, Churchill’s Female*. Dewee* oil Children, do on Midwifery, do on Female*. Dunglison’s Ph) siolory. do Dictionary, Lawrence on Eye. Perei ra * Mairira Med . Watson's Practice, Liston’s Surge ry. Dunglison’s Practice, do Mmerta Mcdica. Miller’s Physiology. Ramsbotham's ;Alid , Bartlett on Fevers. Hope on Heari. Columbat' on Females. Parguson's Surgery. Wilson’s" Anatomy, Williams on Respiratory Organs. Abercrombie on Brain. Durglison’s new Rem edies. Ac Ac. 54 Thr above, with a reneral assortment ol Standard MedicaJ Bool*, rer'd and for sale low F.LUOTTA ENGLISH.7B VV ood »U utarT between 4th and Diamond ay FRESH SPRING GOODS Sharkielt i Whilt, DRY GOODS JOBBF.RS, 99 Wool the uiienuon of Merchants to their stock of AMERI CAN AND FOREIGN DRY tKXJDf. now receiving dir-n I’rxtn lir-1 l.and* Hcceivinc regular supplies oi fir«i good* during the •esson. und dcv-ifng n iarge share of Uieir attention u> Easier!- Auction «a>*. they ran confidently assure buyer* they ml! find ik lo their interest to examine their »tock Jum leccivtd. large invoices of new style Dress fx-ot*. Fancy I’tniis. CassimeTc*. I'lnibs, Summer Goods. Lu'es. VV rule Good*. Irish Linens, Tailors’ Trimmings and brown nod bleached Sheeuugi of vari ous brand* mur'd TO CALIFORNIASB* ARKOMETK.R. —The undemgsed having adapted ’ aa instrument to the purpose of ascertaining the specific gravity or valae of gold, is now prepared to supply ail whose business may require its nte. It is small, convenient, and can be used without difficulty; a glance being sufficient to (bow the process. Person* contemplaiing going to California, would do well lo eall and examine the instrument, as il is in ev ery way calculated to protect them from fraud bv ena bling them at any ume to asccrain the value of ibeir tcetal Primed dirrouoQ* and tablet n il. be supplied grnto iiooaiy to pßiciasert. ~ SAMUEL EAR I NS. Union tireot. mati-lin near of John B. .McFaden’s Jewelry »tore Pittstuirgti, Birmingham and AUeght* ny City. GULD RK/JION —CtiL. Wnrrrxe is now at the Gall Hoase. Ctncimiati All persons who have joined his command, nre notified that the lUib in«L j, the time appointed lo leave ibis City Red River. Coi W ha" this day adverUscd tor mules. Other ouiht for the cxpeduinn car. be purchased at Cincin nati. at a let* pri-c than baa been ottered any whero else Boat* ar* now running from Pittsburgh to Cin ctnmtii in from !l lo 4 days urae Good board can be had from SJ to 9i per week. mart-fit FACTORY FOR SAL EL AT\VOf<TORV BUILDING, 40 feet square, with ?• team’Engine, all in good order and ready for operation, for tale or rent, or a partner would be taken in any good, business tunable for the building. Also for sale, a PLANING MACHINE for flooring boards, also in complete order, in a flourishing neighborhood, no compeution and tree from patent fees. Address No 384. Prist Office, Pittsburgh. mxrß City paper* copy dAw to amount St each. Chlekcrlag'i Piano*, JUST received and tor a** at ass- ulacturert*, ruirruxa new Piano Fori-*, ft, lit and ? octaves, of Uie most • I*l | ■ elegant pattern* of furniture, and with the line imptevrd scale. , Alto o.i baud and for sala low, 3 rccotid band Ptun- JOHN II MELLOR, Suic Agent lor t'hickenng* Pianos for Western Penns) Iviiiiia, "I W oo*l street. mar'i I 1 HE coparuiership heretofore ’-l.mng under the firm oi Berger* A M'Kee. was ttn day jjnolved by thr retirement of Mr. I.rvi G Befirtt. The busines* wilL be conttnari as heretofore, at Uie warehouse m \S ui under me firm of BERG MR •Y M'KEE JACOB HF.R4JKR, Pniilu.-ti. MarehU.lMb WM. M'KEE. inarTidht TOLGTt mFROM Ist oi Apr\l next, an kosouxU* term*, in good «u comforuhk two story Brick Dwellings, with celltu*. vaults aa,l back band ings. Rolnusou and Craig street*. Ailegbe ny city. u/ BWEITZKR A REEL. 9>» f Bdu OSte Third st, opposite St Ch irle* Hotel St N D R \ ES— 1 7 bales Cotton; 7 bhi* Lard, tdo Grease; y *nofc* Umaeitg; 7fl do Feathers; to «r -rtve. for sale by iSAIAII DICKEY A Co, m,in _ _ yronV »t BACON— AOhhds Hairs tnd Shoulders, bright and dI T- '* uerc-j Sugar cured Haro*, superior to any ever ofl*reti ui ini* ju»l re.* d and for *aie by . . _ BKLI.MU.H4 NICULR (.LAS S—3OO boxes irxlU; tUidoiOxlS If 5u do lOx 14. 75 do 7x3; fot »aln by A Jminislrnirix. “*«■” 8 F YON BUNNIiOUBT A Co, SAHH- :tt»J -xio ojid tnxli for mV bv ’W..7 S F VON BONNHuRpr A C 0 XT' O St GAR AND .MOi.AB.SCB--4W hhd* N O i. v • Sugar, ttv3 bbl* N O '*»oia*v% receiving per (-.earners jsarannk. uiid Fort Pui, for *ale by ms- lk and so wi»e.| .I lARU PEAC-tIfEA, Ac.—Ju i bis Lard; LW sack* J fgied, P'-ji-het; S 3 dodo Apples, 15 do Clover*ced ii, store aud for aaie by nwa BAOALEI ABMITH Indigo and madder-5 hhd* n 0 i Madder is efroon* S F ledigo, in store; for sale by ’ roars BAOALE-Y A-BAUTH Uli'M AND 8. II MOL ASSES—I4O tierces fresh Rice, *OO ÜbU S y, MoJayeAi reccirtn* and for sale by sarfl BAGALEY A SMITH olx,h- ;m bbls fine winter. bleached Eleph’t Oil ** ‘‘ “ '* Whale “ ' tsfi “ •• Tanner* «• For *ale by mart A SMITH O ALERATt S—C,bx*. fot aaie Uy P mar .__ . . a t \’ON BONXHOK3T ACo LARD— JO bhb», 0 keg*, for »«i- ijy . ®nrt 8 BONNHORBTA Co ljtls fresh family Floor; It) do Bye do, 4 fot by tt*4 B_r_yON WONNHORST »Co O NF.ATHS—2S dot Scythe SticotUs, for sale by y ajMfON A_Co_ A tin »<»l^ r BALR SALS’, rlßsr second band Piano for t&!»iaw Ao tif ’« Allen cordell, *trect inarLdfli BULK PORK—4OUO pc» ami Shoulder*, to ar rive per steam-; viiUendcH. “rorl _ R HQBIHQN 4Co 1) AND BEANS—SO boah dsted Peaches; 10 bbls small White Beait*,,aat reg’d, for *ain by . ro»rl _ R ROBISON 4Co BULK to arrive, for sale by ro*;l # ISAIAH DICKEY A Co. f»»t_*t_ ROLL RUTTER— 2 bid* fresh, tor saiu by lebjjn «» F VON RON_N HORST A Co \F KIM SON HAMS— i#!4 Vvn.son Ham«, juatir-'d and for taJe br mar 7 WICK A M’CANDLRSS A GENTLEMAN wishes, board for himsell ami wife, i 1 q respectable L^ mi ly- m* t* l “ ear Wylie street Address •8. X..'' through the P O mar3-at MABTIC VAJLNISU—On hand and for sale by mar 7 J KIDD A Co NITRIC ETUK.R—3U> lII* on hand and for sale by mar? ' J KIDD ACo BACON— 14 «a*ks prune Kentucky cured Bacon— Hum*. Mfdes and just rec'd and for sale by mar?' JaMEB A HUTCHISON It Co ib* prtme Keutucky, for sole by J mar? OH GRANT, 41 water u 1 BULK PORKhXU piece* assorted Pork; hultee'd: mr sale by wort _ R ROBIBON k. Co * BUTTER LAND—a bbl* Roll Boner; ado laird, b kegs do, just rec’d per itmrßeavor for sale by ! mart R ROBISON £ Co BACON SHOULDERS—aoo lb« on hsmd and for sale by mart TASSET 4 STEAM BOATS QISOUTBATI 4 PITTBBCROII j£S£l JS&L JSL DA I L v PACKET LINE. rpHIS well known.line of splendid passenger Sfeaa- I era is now eompased of the largest, swifted, be* finished and filmisketl, and most ppw«rftilb«afr ®*> the waters of the \Ve*t Every accommodation ana eon* fort Ui&t money can procure, bos been provided inr pas senger*. The Line ha* born in operation lor five ytntt —ha» cartieU a million of people without the least iuju* ry to their The l>ouu will be ai tl» V» ood *ireri tl«e Uay previous u> starting, for the recep tion of height and me entry of passengerson the Ver In al! , nM>s the pa>*age money nuit be paid in advance _ ftUSDAY PACKET. The ISAAC NEWTON, Captain HemphiU. w..’i Uiusi-urgh -r-ry Sunday morning at lit o’clook. Wheeling i very Sunday evening at ItJ t. X. May in. tM*. Monday packet* ■ Tbe MONf i.Nli A tt KLA, Cape Bros*, will leave Wtts burgli cvc\ Moiidui inon.nig si to o'clock; Wheeling every Monday evening at til r *. TI RSUAY PACECET. The HIItLUNIA No X, Capi. J. I*u *wm leave l*insourgh every Tucoday moming al to Waccling every Tuesday evening at io r 'a Tbe NEW ENGLAND No. a, Capt a Dxab, wUd leave Pmaburgh every Wednesday moruiag at 10 oYiock, Wheeling every Wednesday evening .a mr * The BRILLIANT. Cnpt. (lues, will leave Puts burgh every Thursday morning altUo'clock, Whooliaj every Thursday evening at 111 F. B. The CLIP PER No. 2, Capt. Pus Duval, will leave Piu»burgb every Friday morning al lOoYl,x k. Wheo liin every Friday evening at Il» f. H. SATURDAY PACKET. The M No 2, Capi VVoouwarii, will leave PitLvburgb every Saturday motning at ID o'clock; Wbralmt every Saturday evening at 10 F. M- NKW LISBON AND PITrSUUBGU DAILY UNK Leaves Pill*burgh daily,at 9 o’clock, A M , and ar nvetai Glasgow, fmouih of the Bandy and Beaver Ca nal,) al 3 o’clock, and New Lisbon at 11, tame night Leave* New idsbon at 0 o'clock, P M., (making ths trip caua! to the river during the uightj and Glasgow at V o'clock, and inivr.i m I'ltlaburgb at 3 P M —thus makuii' a continuous lute lor carrying pas aengers aud ireight between New Lisbon OJtdriUs burgh, in shorter tune and ai its* rate* man by any other rooie. Tbe propnetora of this Line have the pleasure of in forming the public that they have fitted up two tint clau Canal Bools, for ihe accommodaiioß of passengers «<>4 freight, to run in connection with the well knows •learners C.4LEB COPE and JIEAVER, and connect uig, at Glasgow, with the Pittsburgh and Cincin nati and other daily lines of steamers down the 4Am and Mississippi river* The proprietors pledge theta selves to apart: uo expense or trouble to insure com tori »u(et> and dispatch, mid nek of the public a thar* of lueir patronage. AtTTHcrIUZED AGENTS. G M. ILARTLN, ) „ . _ B. A W. HARHaUGU, K. HANNA, A Co. j . . . myllrtf J. HAKBaUGH aCo ! ' t ** NUTll'B—The itramnr BEAVtfL OE. Olarte, maa ter. wit! leave after ibia uoiicc, for WeHirille poncti* ally, ai V o'eloot in the morning. . p 18 " 1 841 PITTSBURGH *. BUOWBSVILLS Dally, Paok«t Lln« » FEBRUARY lit, IB4» FEBRUARY l«t. LIiAVE DAILY ATd A- 41, AND 4 P. M. t w fallowing now boats comnW* r 1L i. in® lino for the pxcacnl LANTIC, Capu Junes Puuiffisost IlilMlinr MBiBIIALTIC, Capt. a. Jacobs «bdLOCIB M’I.ANE. Cant El Bennett The boats ajo entire!* • new, and are fined op without regard to •xpense. Ei* ery comfort that money can procure ta» boon provida I The Boats will leave the Moitongaiiela Wharf Boat a" the foot of Rot* »l Ptuiesgerj wUI be punctual on board, os the boats will certainly leave at the adv«. tired boors, 8 A. M. and 4 P. M. janSl FOR CINCINNATI. k The fine fast runniorr steamer wyosunu, MwgcSgaa Roger*, master, will leave il above MBESE9Hu>'marrow, ml 10 a. «. For freight or passage apply on board. mart FOR ST. LOUIS. -v- k The aplendid (learner 'JkrktrAJe J J CRITTENDEN. Uriel, moater, will leave fo? tOor* "■flk'BwTffymnd intermediate pora thi» day, at 10 o clock a. x For freight or pasture, apply on board. for marietta and Zanesville. ■rin, . Tho fighi drvrf/hi ateamer JgSp§tegß|P BovJ, saaaier, will leave for the above gsvSwSSm&a ..uennediate port* Uua d ay .p,,. day)iMh ni*i ai 10 o’clock, jl For freight or paaaagc, apply on board. marfT FOR ST. LOUIS AND ILLINOIS RIVER. iplendid fart, running itevaer r fh |, „FAIRMOUNT, kßj+sfflwg J H- Haalott, aa*tar, win tears fcr ■SESSSSBBBihe above and inlennediaie pom on Saturday, at 4 o'clock. For freight or paiaage apply on boarn. m *j# k The fine (learner Mgratia, matter, wilFleaee for oho te- lntermediate pom on the 10ib hurt, at 10 o’clock, a. h. SVW * For freight or p triage apply oo board, or la mar* PETTIGREW fc o*s Apt WEDNESDAY PACKET FOR CINCINNATI p. The splendid fteaißA* ;JL~ u _ f Jfl WESTERN WORLD, *EggsgaAlex Norton, mailer, Will Icare for aborc aty) Intermediate porta oo \\ edneidav, 7th tnit, nl IPo'etock. For freight or pun|, apply on boaW, or to _ mar 6 PETTIGREW & C' REGULAR TVESr .v'KSDAV PACKET F<Jh BT. LOUIS L&jrL& .ItUStil* ggSEtiߣiL- i f eo '.' v •"'»*», master, will leave i "i P°n* For freight or paaa«g« apply on board, or to E- *- KING, No. 153 Coin. R«»_ Loaurrille. rkuvlar Saturday packet for sj. loue? k The fine fast runtunja nasse&xer »***«*' UKN LANE, McPherson, mamas, will leave for o’cS, l»ru For freight or pawee apply board, or to K. C, WNG, No 153 Com Ho-* Lgtitville mars-iJ3ra fwh nahhvillk T, ; .""w. .m , or , ht z^rr,*.u”»“t;r rrjcd ' > '' *■"- HTTSBI'RIJH AND L.OUIsVILLE"TTi;ii KT UNh iv »**■'••«» and ipiendid faitpaaaen- I JL- -ikrrfrrg f.ackcl, -JSE3aSwBI _. TEL Eli RA PH No. 8, .ilason, metier. will leave for Ctaeia-* M y ie f° n Tu * Rd *y- xhe inn., ai 10 u - rreja-lu or passage apply on hoard- UtRBKIIXiE. WILSON* Co,or ' u , ( iKO « AIILTKNbKRGKR. ILT Steamer Peytona will leave Ixmuville for Nan Menus, on arrival of Telegraph No £ Passengers cm. jo direct. and can have bertha secured hen if d» ,<4lr _ Bart FOR ZANESVILLE.' k i"i* e "plcnUid fa*i runaiog •leaner Binuinj, master, will leave for (ho above and intermediate portrait Hum day die eih inn at 10 o’clock, a- K. Vor freight or pa»‘ aj-. apply on board. mart __W B WUSELER, Aft NOTICK. >'OK oncinnatT opc ' «a***«»i will leave tor ib«* above and mterraedinie port* on Monday, Sin mst. iMr k. _Por freighter W HEELING PACKET (f iv Tb« »plendid fast running steamer _ lv CINDERELLA, * Calhoun, ma»»r, win ranua rvtv- packet between Pittsburgh ud •ntarainy' ,e ‘ v ‘ ng Pl,ubQr * tl every Morning and Fo /. , £? gbl or P^**** o ’ *PPIy on board, or u {th9l J NEWTON JQNE& Aat PITrsiILRGH A WHEELING PACKET* “ May iw The swift steatnni Jfaffla Webber. mrrfwh nnfota'or Wheeling, every Monday* We* netday aa* Friday, at Uo’eloek precisely. Leave Wheeling ovary Tuesday, ITm/wisT and £% tnraay, at 7 a m, precisely. The Const}) wtH land at all the Intermediate ports. - Every aieoaualsuon that can bo procured for the com* fort had safety of nassengcw ku Veen provided. The boet is also provided with a self-acting safety guard to Erevent explosions. Ter freight or passage apply os oard, or to* W. E. WHEELER, Aft, fubi At W. Greer’s, eor. Bmnhfield and Water sis. ZANESVILLE XNDMARIEITAPACKET.~ r _ The fine steamer i ft-*Tr: Ja Caroline,. tfSßßjafßlql Binning, master, having undergoae ESERfissßflSlthorough repairs, will run as a regu lar packet on the above trade. Leaves Pittsburgh fv ery Wednesday morning—returning, loavssZaaesvilla every Friday morning. For freight or passage apply on board. febl V II WHEELER, Agi “FOR CINTLVNaTI AND LOUISVILLE k The splendid new steamer I ttrV. -J* TELEGRAPH'No. 1, *sswiJ*wSß Haslen. master, will leave for above ■RBBSESSHRand inte mediate pom oty Moodhv. Ttfd iusi., at 10 o’clock. For freight or passage appi* on board, or to * BUBBWDGEjWILSON * Cd iaS2 _ GEO B MILTCNBERGEH.' REGL'LAR 'VIIEELiNGTAESfr rv Tk* fine iteuner I ft, 2ACHARY TAYLOR, Lae»«, ia*«er, will hereafter taa m » ■SaaSSßßrenlar packet from Ptmhßrrt w War,h " r " 7 For freight or paua^e FOR MARIETTA, PARKERSRpPn And llockinfpon, luieraedisto i.J iv Tlie fine tteamer • ’Wtot'SttnZSfto! the Ocjr. J r^T" &HSS3KS ne" work ‘ h ° rt DOlkc «» JmSSmo l«B* «Wj I!dM^l <looritr “' l fttraiiDM aejtfy rep*irwl “ on reMootblownaikOamiittrwWbe !* een '/ ood and Soitbiuid ureev ta ibe coffin ware ?h* ?»° f l ohn l**o of Wd. Twrillo, pppodis “ h nf ny Bodae. „„ M ~ fcbla.dtAplit JOSEPH PRICE. Louisville lime—m bbu received u» cooiign meat and for tale low by „,^ r mart TASSEY & BEST \A7 AiVTED—A pracQcaTßaker. eapaSM o/tnkini ** charge of an eaUbUshssenl in Erie, aaS fflanagiug a, in nil iu branciic*, can hare Information reacting it by calling with TASiEY fc BEST, mart . M wood tt GUM CAAIPIiOH—On hand and far lale by maid - J KJPO t Co MOLASSES— 350 bbla prim* Plantation Uolauet, jmi received and for «al< by mart fi&O WN A .CULBEBXBQR '-••US*-'.- WEDSKSDAT PACKET. THURSDAY PACKET, FRIDAY PACKET. OF CANAL ANDSTEAM PACKETO, »*««• Ehs-jsssa* (tru auasuow,) FOR LOUISVILLE >tyoa baard.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers