THE WTTSBUBtiH GAZETTE. PUBLISHED BY WHITE A CO . PITTSBURGH* THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 8,184 t». PHILADKLPHU NORTH AMERICAS. Advertisements and Subscriptions to Amer eon and Cmi-tl Suite* Gateue, Philadelphia, received nd forwarded from this otfiee. COMMERCIAL LIST AND PHILADEL PHIA PRICE CURRENT. Subwr.puon. so tin* valuable paper will be received and forwarded from this office. Sec next page for Telegraphic New*. For Local Matters nee nest page. SECRET ART OP THE TREASURY. The appointment of lion. Wu. M. Mzs*i>rrH,of 'Philadelphia, to Ue Treasury pppartinenl, has been received with universal pleasure in tins State, where he is best known, and the country will equally esteem hun on a more extended ac« qtiainiance. True, there were geotlemen in the Western part of the State, whose claim* were pressed for a seat in the new, but only one other who wo* • urged Ibr the Treasury—Hon. Andrew Stew art. Neither Mr. Mr. Loomis, or Mr. McKen nan, would agree to acceit of the Treasury. A* this place m the adm.niiratlon was desired by Pennsylvania, and as the Wed had the Governor, and the mtdd e count.** had the Senator, it ** em “ “ -*d but fair that u.« En-t should have the cabinet appointment. Tins urrangcp> enl Has there or been ncquit-,cd it. by the friend, of all [ be rnt melt who*, tuns., haw beni m,01...»,d M worlhy ol p.ibli.- coi.ndeu..-,.and no. more on o ,1... propriety n. llte ..rnuWmolK- “““ frw “ ,W high ,-l.uracier ul Hie Bentlemim who ha. 4 leefrd to fll » f.-.pon.ihle n ..loabon l. lb. oab,- net. . , In .h« e „ly P . rt ofb- bfv.M,Mvn ! d,.i.wa 1 member of .he Lector, of whe he took prom-vM p.rt m orgehiemg ehd p, motmg iho« pee. m-a-ores of internal >mprv>. • meet, which, allliough .trough .üb.cqucn. el tro cage nee" end roiimaeagemetit they involved [ the Ckra,n.onweel.h in a heavy detn. heve develop ' eii the internal wealth and vast resource* of the ' S:aie, and have added immeasurably to our popu lation mid businey*. f Leav.u? tb<* Legislative Halls, Mr. Meredith applied hunaeifio the duties ol his profession of the law, until the people again required his service* m the Convention lu relerm thft Constitution of this £omn»OQ\vcttUh. la that Convention, comprehend l mg among its member* much of the best talent m | the State, he held a high and commanding position. I equal to that cf any of the diKtinguiafaed gentlemen who participated in its deliberations, and eatablish i ed fcr himself a high character as an able and 1 ready debater. i At the close of these duties, Mr. Meredith again I applied bimteif to the labors U hi* profession, aod has for many year* stood in the highest rank of a bar equal to any in the country. A* a (owneTCtal lawyer, especially, has be attained great eminence* and m the practice of this branch of hi* duties, he has acquired a ripe kuowlege ot Uio commerce and hn&ncial afiaire of the country, thus admirably lilting him for the distinguished position to which he has hern called by the President. Mr. Meredith is a Whig but moderate in politi cal feeling*, shunning party bitterness, and the herceness ol parly str'J' He is a warm friend to the Home industry ot the country, and i* in favor oi adequately protecting il against excessive for* eign im porlaiion. iu tin* he feels as every relied uig Pennsylvanian must, that we possess in our hiib and mountain? wealth superior to the gold mines of Colilorma, which only needs the fostering csre of the Government to develope and scatter it among the people. Understanding, also, the wants of commerce and trade, we may rely with 'confidence, upon his dispo-nion and his judgment, to conduct the operations ol the Treasury without cmimrra-vung the business of the country. We cannot bettor conclude this noticejhan by the following extract iroui the North American In calling such u roan from the retirement ol private to occupy si> important a departmeut a* thAl of U>*‘ Treasury, Gen. Taylor has pmd the u.elk'-'. coinplimetn to the Stale ol Pennsylvania The selection of this office to be filled by one of ner sons, is a signal of hi# re gardfor her. anri bis desire to see her great interest* properly protected; while a is equally an evidence o/ hia Wren appreciation of character und adminis trative capacity m individuals, as well as of his deterauns-norii act aa; his own rule of discarding merp politic* irom rule, and —we use his owu words, as expressed to the Joint Committee 01 Congress on Mooday last—of “assuaging the fierce nesa of party.” It was not for nothing that Gen. Toylor laid down the memorable platform of the Alison letter—thi platform of-the Constitution and the country—the platform of Washington, ou which he oow stand#, surrounded by o galaxy of the most able and patriotic men m the whole oouolry. And the whole country will teel that in such a bnlmot Cabinet, no one better deserved to have, or can more advantageously for republic occupy a seat, than our own fellow citizen ol Philadelphia Wujjaji M. MfcßEunn, of Pennsylvania - The London correspondent of the New \ork Courier thu-i describes the ceremony ot' the open ing of Parliament by the Queen in person On Thursday, tho Ist of February, the second sewion of the present Pari -ament of England wa* opened by the Queen in person. I hud the good fortune to be present during the august ceremony, and to witness the whole proceedings. The Spec tacle was, if possible, more brilliant and more dig aided this time than tiie last. The spacious area of the magnificent hail was c rowded from end lo end, with au array of beauty, rank and splendor certainly not now to be equalled in any yiber country of the world. The feminine portion of the assembly predominated greatly in tiie general coup Wait over the other sex. Tho Peeresses, and sue n other ladies as were fortnnate enough lo obtain •Peeresses’ tickets, occupied the main body ol liir hall, with the exception of the front seats, , >n * which sat the Peers in their robe*,) the space allot ted to the diplomatic, corps, and tbc area around the throne,{which v.’u**heUi by the £real officer* ef state. The galleries were in like manner tilled eiegantly dre*M?d visitor*, mostly ladte*, and by foreigners ot dislimr.iou. The Bishops and the Judges sat respectively on their proper benches ia the body of tue House. At a quarter before two o’clock, the approach <>fih*» Duke of Cambridge wm announced by a flourish of trumpet*, and that il lustrious personage. with hi* usual condescension, bestowed cordial greeting* upon ail his acquaint ance. At a quarter pa*t ftvo, a discharge of ord nance aoDouoced that the Queen hud arrived ot the royal entrance, and m o few minutes afterwards the royal procession entered the House, preceded as usual f>y the Kiug at arms, the Heralds oud Pui attended by the Marqnis of Winches ler, beating the cap of maintenance. —the Marquia of Lanadowne. beanDg lb' crown on a cushion, — and the Duke of Wellington, who earned the sword of slate Pri&ce Albert in the full dress of a Field ttarahal, handed the Quoeti to the throne, and then took hS seat at Her Majestf’a left hand. At the entrance of Her Majesty the whole gorgeous asaetnbiy rose siaiultaneously.and remained aland log, until the Peer* were motioned by her to be sealed Thr Housoof Commons being summoned to Urn-bar, and the Chancellor handed (be Qtfeeli a copy of the royal speech, Her Majesty read the same, aintd the the most profound silence, in a clearfsw.-et, mid sonorous voice, which was distinctly audible at the furthest end of the spacious chamber. Appotnttnenti by the Pretldint. By and tci/A Uw aJvuf and cunerni of the SnurU Gnstavus C. Cusnman, of Maine, to be consul of the LV-ted Htrite* for tne port of Chagres, m the republic of New (}ran«iia,ln the place of Leonard Jones, declined. ... A Hyatt Smith to be the attorney oi the Umied States for the district of Wisconsin, m tbo place oi L W. Sutherland. resign'd. Msrciu* J- Virginia, to be consol of the Doited Stale* mr the city and kingdom of Tn poii. , tJ James L. Edwards to be Commissioner ol Ben- C. Wigbtman u> h* major goners! of the militia of the District of Columbia, in tho place of Walter Jooes resigned. John Mftsoc. jr to l*e*rbryr»dier general, vice WeigbUaan, promoted. Peter F. Wilson to be captain of infantry, mili* tia, U C Henry W. Palfrey Sew Orleans, vice Oliver B. Hili. resigned. Rufos Hewitt Wmamac, Indiana, v:co A L Wheeler resigned. Abner Gilstrap, M.'uti, Missouri, new office JLfC*etrr. Jacwuah Seaman Milan Missouri, new office JUSTICES or THE TtACE 0. C. Peter M Pearson, Franklin 3. Mvers. and Heu ry Haw, all of Washington. CUMtcab School —We take pleasure in direct- ing the attention ol thosu parents wbo with to give * their children a Classical education, to the tdver tiwment of W. CorxLAKD, A. B-, in another column , Mr. Copeland brings with him the eery .highest both as to education and hit capsciiy o£ a teacher. We have the utmost confidence that those w ho patronize h.t school will have reason to be entirely satisfied. Thx Plocou, the Loom ai«> the Aimt, Thu admirable monthly work, edited py J- S. Skinner, sS long and ao favorably known for bu exertion. tD behalf of agricultural science, is not as well sup ported in this seetibn as U ought to be. We un- J. R- Weldin, at Johnston & Slockton’i Bookstore, is agent for the work, where we hope the friends of home industry and of agriculture wilT call and subscribe. \ I FROM HEW TOBK. Correspondence of the Pitubargh Gazette. New Yosx, March 3, 1b49. The stramer Crescent City, from Chagre*, whence she sailed on the 17ih nlu, arrived last ntght, but brought little news of interest, a# no communication had Ven bad between Panama and San Franci*c<- Ail were weM on the Uthmus. mid the mean* getting up the coast ample. The California loot up three hundred passengers, which i* equal ic the estimate of fifteen trip . Twenty passengers were calculated upon by M eases- HowlauJ At Asp .' wail, to make the ships pay, in addition to the la?tut ly of the goveroineul. and tt rryt-'trs little mJUhtL ttiattcai .kill to show that mh lY 1 them a lorlune. A Mr. ib.mau ha. enne by the Crescent City, from San frnnciaeo, trom w pete be left on the l«th of December Like Captain Pbelpa, he throw, cold wale, upon the adventurer, and advise, all who are in decent business 111 K main here. Gold abundant, but hard wort mu.t be expended to obtain It Captain Spring 01 the Huutreaa. w,U soon be here, and .how aome 550.000 of gold, which he ha. in chare- M. Walter, who .hoi hia wile. ha. been com milled by the coroner, jury, for murder. 'The concurrent Iclimony 01 the woman with whom they lived, and cl fhe Rev. S. L Southard, leade little doubt If.l the deed was wilfully commuted Let no one tor a moment .oppose that he will be executed, tl, indeed, he enu be convicted. To the disgrace 01 New York, il ;« a notorious fact, that noue Uit the poor and nre liuiik lor crime, no matter how atrocious. Th.s murderer will get clear upon it quibble ns to the admissibility ol .Ins f wile's Oyiiu; declarulioii, whether she was 10 tinu-nlv uiuma. Um criminal luwyrrs will prore that she was not, mul her husband will go lire. . There is u general. feeling of gratification ex pressed by our merchant?, al the clo*e ol the reign of the party whose political existence |i»r present evil expires l»night.. For twenty loug year*. polui. cal gamblers and tricksters have ruled the destinies of our country, paralyzing to ft great degree, us energies, and subjecting Us citizens to experiments that in go case have resulted m our gain The administration of General Jacksoti ruined the heal currrency in the world, aud exposed our cotr » merce through suicidal reciprocity treaLe?. to a competition that has robbed us of imii.ou*-. 11.» , successor, with equal .gnoranoe of the true wants j of the country, saddled us wjth a metallic currency. , an experiment that ua> swept away ihejfortunes . of thousand*. The succeeding administration, i? remembered 100 vividiy, ami the history of the la?i incumbeut is of more pnmary interest. - His «d ministration will t>e remembered a* the period . when the beat and me bravest of our countrymen fe 1 by thousands. to grainy hi* lust of conquest, when our laborer* were forced from ihsr work shops in order that foreign labor might thgtve But a better day baa dawned, and confidence U» been restored. Honest men are to wield the desuuy of a nation, of which to bd ft citizen, is the hignest honor a man can know. We shall h tve protect ion to agriculture, manufacture? and commerce, and a proper sy*tem of internal improvement? We »ha i have statesmen who understand the want? ol the republic, and who udi legislate tor us rattier than for the paupers of Europe. We shall no longer be robbed by tree trade, but grow wealthy by keeping our resource? at h-nre. We shall !..«»•! no more of that Wind of patriotism which show? me intyi.-jt-. of American mWens to sutler and go to ruin. Wtule an attempt is made to introduce that pel abortion of democracy —free trade. , Money closes easy, and ttock? buoyant witu a feeling that the national debt will at once advance to the old mark of i 1 b, *hc» the rr*GureVs> 01 the counliy werts prtte'-ied. t*ood paper, four month* to rut, ha* been done at 7 per cpnl * with a good degree of liberality on tne part ot the bank?, which to-day have thrown out vert tittle paper,* The incoming adnnnistratiuu !•«* created h continence not often witnessed. *nd one fu.. ot premise u> kinds of business. On Change, business n.i» not ‘-ecu veryacyvc Ashes are 6* for pot?, and 7 for pearU, ;■> a decline. Cotton i? stead\ . with sale? <’l ItiiKihaie- Flour is 12* cents cheaper, and good State can be had at $5 50. favorite. So *»d pure Genesee, New Orleans, ST- 37iz$'> 4-1 In U heal 1 ' n ' M bushel? Genesee. SI 3lu**l lne nt*r'iKi dull. The opening of oav.cation will send 'price? down rnpidh. No Corn here, Hemp has risen. Si S 5. Tallow l» ?ean*e, and l’urk i? cheaper, and bus « *d at SU) 3lur>ll» ■' *. tor me?? No prime old. Beef ■- dull. VOO te* li}J.a me?? •'Perniie’* inspection. Ciii-'iimat:, at Hi 00. T-iri. ,a dull at Whiskey 03*. for Ohio. k\ PENNSYLVANIA LKCISbATIHIi. HbHZIsIH.'HOB. Mur. 2. ISdV. Mr f'r.ihb, irom the Comiiftiee on Banks, to whom wa.» referred the reiurned Irom the House as amended. Ui rvvharler the Kirioer? and Mechanic? B-ak of Pui.ade?pL>s reported back the tunic. wuh ?un«ir\ amendments. On motion of Mr F«r*V. • ihebiti. together the amoadmrnU. was postponed. and the latlei or dered lobe printed. i The biU to antbonze the Aud iv- i t North Penn to settle nnd pay the claim of Edward T Tysrrt wan taken up and pas*ed. The Speaker laid brlire the Senate a nm munication Irom the Auditor Genera!, in obedience to u r? solution, askfDff f>r id 'ruiution u. the nrovigioiisofthe third section < t i. e m t enj '.r. fog duties on tin* Attorney trenersi, .ran?rnittnui a ?tutcment »nowing tne amount d mon*»y received from suudry deputes, agreeably to lh? said provisions. No money* have l>rcn received irom any lleptity Attorney General since lSfa nor doea '«*.«« I'- Li. * , A <-ommuDa-Hl...ii wa« re. ved iruin lar\ cl the < me ( omi-onwesUh. nauie« and number ftl me Judges, together w.’U the listed if i re,pe« coinrxiissiou* Kcforred tu Uie Coinm.tiee on .d- Jadinarv. u . . The bill to incorporate the LHirem lii-nr4'i.-e Company cf Pittsburgh wb« passed Th< bill allowing the Philadelphia Muioal lu*u ranee Company to wind up ;i ada : rs v. a- pae..-d —Ad.ourued. 'l'fe. bill «n relation to the Cbf‘ier prison pss* ed te-.:ond leading Th<- bill relating to damage* m opening ‘lr"h m Piitsburgfa. passed _ia Committee ol the U hole w>. negatived. Alylmlctxcal BtJl Day -Mr B.dd> cnbe.i up bis bd 1 cbanglDg the mode of grantirg ijvctl i. cense*, which passed Committee of the Wsote On seoond reading. Mr Robb to *u -sU lutr |,,s bi!! on tne same Mi>* ect which was n u, it. iMr Biddle's bill »s intended a» a revenue nice »ure. and will bring iruoi Plciadclphia u m<- irmu 52.7.010 to $3O UOU per annum \ Tho bill passed «»*<*ond reading w.tnoui auy mu tena! change from lb« lorru .a wtiici it was drawn u p t>v Mr Biddle. A motion to suspend the rule and read it a third time wag agreed to —y--d*7l. nnya IThe !»!' ilien passed final ss 71. u.a J >fe-srs Beilis, D Evan* Henszey. Henry ilort/, Joiiii Mcß<:e, Pratt, S<.mxjnov**r, and S Thorn voting ib the negative. 'Thti bih to erect the new rr.imly of Monogahela, paused the ComnnUee ot th< Whole Tbi' bill the mannrn i elertmg la".>ec Chester < ounty !'r;v>n, was discussed til! 1 u clock Th«- shortest letter which was probably ever j written by n public man is recorded of 'ie-i-ml ! Taylor, and the oicssion is thus related by a or J respondent of the National Intelligencer j “I happened to hold a triple appointment trom the quartariuiuitffr at Tampa Boy, bemg no quartermaster with this division of the army—; One of my duties vu that of forage rnhsier, and my : msmutiona were that if. during the march, 'which ; lastdd 14 day*] 1 should not bo able to obtain trom , the jntermediute posts forage sudic.ent for all the t -Animal* during the whole march, I must proportion ; the forage to the exigencies of the case, and serve j out" half or even quarter rations, if it should be- | come necessaay. On arnvuig ut Micabopy. hav ing failed to get any forage either at thiA or any of ! th,. [K)# u we bad paased. 1 found it indfspeQ*able I to curtail the forage one half During Ibis day. Gen. I t >, tervßDt cimo as usual to draw the forage for I the «UIT horaes. 1 considered that the statl horse*. being generally the best and strongest framed bor aes, could subsist on the half allowance quite as weil, and probably better than the horses in the teams and those on which the private soldiers were’mounted. OeD Taylor’s servant had gone bot a few minutes when fie returned wuh a me»- sage from the Adjutnnt General that the start horses must have full rnuoos. I immediately sent a mes sage to the General as follow* “SrK —la obedience to my mstnidtiona from the quartermaster at Tampa. 1 have put all the horaes and mules upon half allowance, must the staff bora es form an exception to this rule?" , The answer was promptly returned aud here Z. TAYLOR." Could anything better demonstrate the unswerv ing integrity of this brave old man’'’ . laxii o||'li:e. Ratlin. aFrwmuon session Hor*E Or E-EFRESK-VlAnvi*. 6«B. Taylor can isy So. Our obligations are due to Hon. Sitnou Cameron, for valuable Public Documents. We received, yesterday, neither papers nor let ten flttm Washington. TllK LAST DAY OF THE THIRTIETH 'COSOREBB. The following interesting account ot the proceed ings of the last day of the late Congress, we lake from the Baltimore Sun WAjHisuron, Maxell, 3d. SENATE. Mr Bright presented the credentials ofGovernor Whitcomb, elected Senator from ludiaot. for six years from the.-lib mat, when the lime of Mr. Hunnezan will expire. Mr. Dix. from the committee of commerce, rt ported without amendment, the House bill to ex tend the revenue laws over Upper California, and establish a collection district therein, and asked it* immediate mnjhderalion. After debate, on mo tion of Mr. King the bill was iaid on the table. Mr. Atherton from the committee on finance, re- ported, with an amendment, bill authorizing the coinage at the Miul of gold dollars and double ea gles. The amendment was agreed to. and the bill was then passed. (The House subsequently con- curred in the amendment ] On motion of Mr Jefferson Davis, the Senate in- sisted on the.r amendments to the Military Appro priation Bill, and a committee of conference was appointed, [by both Houses ] Mt. Douglas*, chairman of the committee on ter ritories, reported back House bill to establish the tex ritcr ai government ofUoper California, and moved that the rommii'ee be discharged from its further consideration. He stated that he had found it im possible to gel the committee together though be had several times notified them to meet. Mr. D. subsequently moved to take up the bill, -.'.atuig that it Was his desire to make one more el tort to give a territorial government to California. If ihc committee were not disposed to discharge llieir duty, that was no reason why the people of .lifornia 'botild be deprived of a government. After come farther remark.-* by Messrs. Butler. Rusk and Hamlin, tbe motion to lake up was neg atived. by yeas and nay*, 2b to 23. Mr. (lameron m'roduced g joint resolution au thorizing the Secretary of the Senate. Clerk of the Houv* and Clerk Mpthe joint Committee on Print mg. to auditmud settle the accounts ot the public printers during the recess. Passed. [The House struck out tbe Clerk of the joint Committee on Printing, and then also passed the resolution ] Tne amendment of the House to the suppletneu ury act Ibr the admission of lowa and Honda into the t'nion. was agreed to. and so tne bill stands passed Mr. Hanuegan. from the committee on roreign A Hairs, reported back House amendment lo the oilt to carry into effect the Silt article ot the treaty wUii Mexico, in reference to commissioner, and •urveyor and other officers to run the boundary me. with a recommendation that the Senate non concur (herein [The amendment u that betore rt-ported, requiring tbal these officers sliajl be ap pointed from the corps ofTopographieal Engineers, and thus nullifying the appointments already made and .-untirmed by the Senate ] After debate bv*Meaar* Baldwin and Allen, the bill on motion o( the latter, was laid on the table, will toe understanding that the salaries of the-e oicors, provided for in the bdl, should be provided for by an amendment to one of t lie appropriation bills ; . Mr Breesa, from the committee on Public Laudr reported a resolution to authorise the employment of a suitable to collect and compile the law* of Mexico.up to the iSth May 1946. having n bear mg on lanfl claims in California and New Mexico. Agreed to. Bill to ircorporate the president, directors atiu ! company oi the -’Oakffeld Cemetery in the Dis iri.M ut Columbia. wo« passed i m in Aion oi Me. Hamlin, the Senate concurred j in the amendments of the House to the light house I bi.i a«d so the bill • Blau dr passed. J The j nut resolution firm Ihe House. detimug the evidence shall be necessary before the Gun-. m:«*ionerpl Peiiaiooe, in applications by widow* oi deeeiiMfd'acddiers lor pensmns. wa» passed. The House bill to make arrangement* for the taking '•evenlii census, and constituting the Seorv'.ary „of State. Secretary of Home Depart merit and tepatmaster General, a board thereon was pu«scd. vip* rtn amendment proposed bv Mr King, me Attorney Gener.. lor tl\e Sc.-reta ry of the Home Department. -» MV. t'nderwood moved to lake np Hie bill from the House to rjiabliM- a home depatjmenl. whni Mr Hunter.trom t ie himncr committee, rose and rejv.rU-cl back the bn! tnuii that coiuimUe|. with r f .-oumiendaiion Ibat it do not pass The t'otuli men proceeded to the e«»u*nler*l. ol' :..e s.-.i, nr.d Mr 'Hunter moved to amrivJ tb l.'ih r the transfer 3t icrUin ortin-ff A debaCir ensued between Messrs. Ailcn. Hunter. Wrh’.tT, Nile? and Mason. The latter moved to lav l!n IrU and amendments on the table, but it was, bv yeas and nays, decided in the negative. 2 J in .’U. Tne debate was continued by Messr« Calntma roote and Hunter. Wukoutooocluding, the latter CSV.- way lo .-liable Mr. Atherton, chairman of me hnaru-- committee, to move that the S-nate concur :t lie- aroer; .Intents ol i tie House to Use lorM'-rnt.on b, i. which was agreed to —*o that the UU stanu* passed Mr. Atherton further stated that the cnimr.itlee of coulerence on tbe diaag.eeuig votes ol ttu- tw-> Houses nit the Indian appropriation bill, had met, tmt could come to no agreement in relation to the amendment of the House providing for an add.- isyue 01 five millions treasury notes. He was proceed,ng to slate the position of the case, apparently wita a view to prov.- that Ike* issue is oot required, and to point out the manner in which the difficulty may be compromised, when the hour of tow having arrived. the Seuate tool the usual recess until 6 o clock P- M. NIGHT SESSION Mr. Hunter re-noted and concluded ui* remarks bill to csUSUti .t Home Department of Hie Govrrnim.-i.i- ~ , . He wn» fo.fowd ny Mr Budger. when Mr Ami ert'in mo\ <-d lo lay me bill on the table. Lot—l 9 t.< 2'J. . The vole was then taken, by %ea* nnd nays, on Mr Hunter's motion made nt the morning sevi.m. n vr-he out the 13ih and Hlb sections providing 1.,r u Comptroller of Customs and Assistant Sc.-res tsry ut the Treasury The question being divided the Senate refused to strike out the first 2D to f>, and the second li* to 31. Mr Mason proposed tn amend by sinking out and inserting so a* Ui provide simply for an A*m*l nnt Secretary ol the Treasury, without crentim.' a new department. I'pou this nmendmenl a protracted debate rustl ed in which Messrs Mown, Foote. Calhoun, Wrb- M er Jefferson Dav.*. Alien. Maoguiu, Kernen. Iwwns.N'iles, and Uckinson, participated, when l„e vote WfflLjakeri ay yen* and nays, and the nrnendmenl was reje.-ied Ito -10. The bill van then read tne third lime an.t pn*»- rd. 3lm 2.7. Mr Badger made a rej»ort from tne commutes ufeonforenre on the naval appropn.Pioti b 11. which whs agreed to, m both Houses aud so the bill stands p.lnHed. ‘ Mr. Lfowns presented the ereJenlniia of Hou. I‘,err.* Soule, elected a Senator trum I»uiaiann, for -it year* trom the 4th lostunt, m place of Mr. John ?*jn. wnoso* term then expired Mr Jerierson Dav,, made a ie|-orl (rum the ronfr*repi-e ojimtiiUcr on the arm? appropriation bilf which wan agreed lo by both Houses, and so tne bill Bland* pft»»e* Mr Aiherioo reported, trom the cotmuillee of roafereme on the civil and diplomatic appropna* tion bilfcj-lbai ihe committee could not agree in rr gard to Mr Walker’s amendment, stricken out by ne House A stimlar report was made in the House.. Mr. Alharfoth lroni l^e ot conferenre on*the indian appropriation bill, reported that the committee could not agree mi regard to the amend meat of the.. Bennie, appropriating $1,200 000 tor Uie Cherokee*, under treaty stipulations, and the amendment of the Hour*- providing for an addi i.onal issue of $/>OOO,OOO Treasury Note*. He i proposed that the Senate recede from tU amend* ! ment. and that the H *u*« recede from theirs. The 1 Senate receded accordingly, and the House subsr . quenliy receded from theirs. So the bill standa pessed. Mr. Walter, trom the cumnutlee on dontiugent ' expense*,reported a resolution to pay the alerts, 1 me«aefigera. pages. &< ~ of the Senate extra pay, whfrh was agreed 10. Mr Fitzgerald presented the rradentmlsol Hon I Casa, elected n Senator trom Michigan to ! hti tbejraenney occasioned by his own restgnat.on,- 1 and hd was qualified and took his seat. ! Mr Hnnnrgun. tn»in the committee on foreign rv t Utuxifi, rejiorted Houae auiendments to tin- bill -1 providing for a board of commissioners to exam- I Jlie aa d decide the claims of A uifncan citizens ; under lb« iatu treaty with Mexico, and the Senate 1 concurred m the amend-..*-ntf 3o tfi<* bill »taud* passed. A great number ol pnvnl** many i ! whn-a had before pUB-cd tbo House, were Uten up ami passed. , ... To oue of tlte*e. lor the relict of- Joseph .Norn*, Mr Walker proposed an amendment appropriating s2**3so, lor the expenses ol the now territorial government of Mineaotn, which wasagreed to, ami the amendment was subsequently concurred in by the House House btU to extend the provisions of the acl ux relation lo passenger vessels, was passed. House hill providing for the recording ol com veyaace* of vessel*, and tor other purposes, whe taken up, and after some debate, was, on laid on the table. The Senate went into executive seosion at about hall past eleven, and after some lime poxaed there in, the doors were again opened, when, A meaaage was received from the House, fit ttbiut I2i o'clock, communicating theactioo of that l>ody in relation to the disagreeing -.ole*of the two Houses on the Civil and Diplomatic Appropriation Bill The auiendments of Mr Thompson, adopted by the House, »* a substitute for Mr. Walker's wil read. ; It tho President to hold and occupy all of-Cabforma and New Mexico adouired by th« treaty with Mexico —lo employ suck parts of lht> army and navy ns may be necessary lo preserve of< j ef t he existing laws there to remain in force, and the civil and mumcipul authority to bo exer cieed by such persons as the President shall sp laws relating lo tR pubhc land*, applicable, to lift extended to this territory—martial law ooi to be proclaimed except m the trial of person* belonginf to the army ond navy. A d«t»“ en.c.d ,n oHrich Mean. Mwin. Underwood, Foote^H.o.! Im Kmg Liooglu. and Jedersou Devn perticipeted, end m Ike conn, of which vnnou. moUoh, were mnde, boi not decided—when il wai projioMd b Y Mr. Jedel- D«».. that the Sen etc .hoald >uuit upon ,H emendmenn »bd nek * oommillee of confcroncn Hi, ohjeol, he .taled lo be, that .11 lh.l related ffi C.hforai. nnd New Mexico might he xtnekea out, •nd the puuge of tho bill. *> neceu.ry to .ho o(- erauoDa.ofiWigovemmeQt, secured. The debate was further conUnued by Messri, hoote,lJuntciV Douglas* an-i wh--n. at a 1 quarter past Mr Foote c.ihed Mr. Wentcott to order, on the ground iba; tb<- constitutional r \:f tence of the: thirtieth Congress usd terminated, and they were oiling there without a shadow of au tbority. Mr. Westcoa. however, wa* permitted to pro c«‘eil, and concluded hi' remarks Mr. k ip«.*e expressed hi-doubt ,m to lh>- r.>n«ti* tutionaluy of* their present prrxe©dini:». f-nd n<* therefore, at haif past 2. moved that tne Senate adjourn, nn, d»* The yeas and n»vt wrtr requested, r d Mr Turnet reque-ted that the House mmiit !e d Mr Webster prole-led ngiun-l uny such course. They had no power to ndiourn without the concur rence ol the .other House; and should tin: Prcsi cent jo home, thev would have the satisfaction of sending htfti the bil!, if it were not until 10 > oiock to-morrow;. Mr. Mason moved to Strike out mat part wlvch provides that the emting laws -null remain in force, ncr 'osr npproprmtior bil l . than jitfe his consent to Hie nm"ncuient of thi Hou-e, though he ready to si nke nil ntu rcla ling to the IPrritone*. as -uggested I v the Senate from Mississippi. Mr. Yale* insisted Inut the Senate -ou .i no now rectsde from their amendment »* -t • = l pn-« ed from :tfcheir hands inl-> the po-ses- 'in o: it: Hhuse. ! Mr. Webster had resisted me ;ntroduc:,on this subject into this bil It had nobu-in«-- iu-r in the first pJhei-. but they could not now -tr.We >u what thej had agreed to and the other Hou-e hn agreed but they might amend it. Mr Fbctie asked the Senator In mi Massachu setts to yield the rioor to him for a single remark. Mr. Webster. Certainty, but lor God's --ike be short. (LaCghter) Mr. Foote's remarks, m the c.-niusun winch jcceedcd. Were not heard. Mr. Webster proceeded. The queati-m wait diether this bil! was to L»e 10-l For --ne he w»s ol disposed tn blink—he «a* prepared to -it out. ml rid hi» skirts of responsibility. Mr. Berrien again addressed the Senate it some •ngth. sSrhCn he waa called to order t>v Mr tlanie on, a* having spoken more than ttgu-e on il.e sub set. J . . Mr. ll Sad been explaining Ifte point ->l order, and had U)ken his seat, when hr was approached by Mr. PoGU.*. who.wlthneslicnlil'oii- made -« m- remark, ; But heard in the repi-rler- unl'cry. nut which Mf. Cameron, of course, on-idered mien* sive. mrd .returned it wnh.n Mow in ihe tn.-- wun hil open bund. Mr. Foote atlcuipied to r*-t.i!i «t<* in the same way. but Senators m the vi-uidy a* terferedi Mr Cnmerop. who had r.sfn. resumed hta seat and Mr. Foote returned to In 'Mr. Cam *aid lie hod been looking on as u -pr> talor ioF two or three hours, but took no part, t*** cause be Conceived ihat the c-.iiMriiiiion*! term ol the thirtieth Congress had expired And he soon after left the Senate —rt now te*:ng hail past 1 The ' vote was then taken bv veas and nnya on Mr Mftefin's proposition. ar-J modified bv the ac of Mr Berrien « and it was decided in the nodntjve— 21 to 2*7. Mr roote protested agn - si any mrlher 'eyulu lalion, fin the constitutional ground, and moved an adjournment. The vens and nays were ordered. When Mt- Foote raised the point that no person should vote who«e constitutional lerm iiad expired but he win decinred to be out af order Thetnfilion to udjonrn wa« lost 1 to M •‘TheqOiPMion was about to bo lukeu on a motion Idr Mr. Webster, to agree to tne amendim-nt ur l lie Hoti-Cj vfbea Mr hoote, after some very earnest remarks.'aga-nst 'h** constitulionabiv f ! their pro ceeding*; in which he stated his detertninalion to syrend the whole matter before tne American poo pde. again moved that those Sennl ir«, whose cor. UlutioOatterm had expired at ui-dmgLt sbottM not be permuted to vote. His nwtion was ugam ruled dlil o^c^der. ; Mr.iTurney also, nl -. •laidernb!'* length argued that tftfl fODstitniional eii-iem e. not only "i the thirtieth C'-ongreas. but ul the President oi the last four years had terminated the President nt the Jn- Bate beiftg now* n> jacto President of the l mted Stale*. , Mr M?cb*ter was di*(«'-«■ d to make one more efiori. He wnawdlmg to withdraw hr- mot,on I , concur, if gentlemen were men wi,mg t-* in ikr ibe mbtiion to recede from tue Senates amen;! foent.'ari'tl let the bill slnn-l purely as nn uppropr.a . r \ in —itiofrfHl llni ::■<* il’f-ieT- to lit** H< • -’.ftJ rv -t-ci*.* trom ri me ' uJ«lree»«il in»- >< uV- nr.o« pt lnc:ettlr.i jrei -lie d;>r- . IDg life jliist H<* ImJ w 1 Coafudibn revo.u l »n :--r never : ■ ■ •• «-• ‘Wucr li; rn 1 ed I dto cnaoi—never iinl uel-re w j MMTieU Whl'-ll !> lr ! fi'"l w li: ; *’ ,rl ‘' ' n * Vnhdut UH- Si-«u-» no-! 1 •• l r i‘ i‘ • '" ; - »':i* fts'llMiruj-j:. iiii• i !• m-'M I''-’ 1 !i '' v v and do their dii’y (• t'r <-<• r» tf v Mn. tVli'kcT ir-'.'tr-d im: iV-t on’y reur— Wna R> agree or tl;« the Hods* Riii'ttd . ** eD, »' . | ’ After-some further retncritn frtm M» LA.utr a**, the question wire taken rn Mr. Alhertcci » motion. • by vdfe* and * S*n«te and Speaker >r tHo«i»e. »eot Presided Poik, ami r»’«*e:vr*«] 1.,*. • Ttfe |/ii) irum the Htu»f. intend t:;e Uw»o**r Upper UaMornia, mid pr»'«it* a .-.dire'•>•» idi-’riitlbere.u. wa-, oo muUoaolMr U;v, ici*s»-n bp Mfd.paswd. A irom t*>e k> iljourn. v.t> m. ami n joml ciiininii'.rr »j>i»t .n;*-'! i » "wairob Uie Pr***nd«’nt wk•-uUei|<>-r-j* ,1 •that th.vy h ul porMrroed ihe and tnwu tu»* s v bale ftdjonruril .1 •(>' •House uk rupkesilvtativus Mr, A*hinun -nd-ni'llrd a reaoi'Jtir-n |»r»v d that h (barbie '.he :aU.' John QU n.-y Adm:-'. by procured bv tu-- vnlontary c>»nt r:bu: u i.* of inettfbent o| the Houm-. mll !<** placet! m a suitn b.r- portion .n th.- Speaker'* Ri-om. orul thm .n .um not flXpeedme nv<- lmndr* d d -Mar* '-e pan! irom lot* contingent l-iu.l, to e-i.i:o lothjshavaf npproprn’ton bill con.-iirre.l -n r :rie and flOncoornrred .n nitic.-. A comm'ft e . >r. .ferefior* was app-'int*-*) m '-otn Houses ThtfHluU-w cnu.i pr-.riding fur » d;*ir.!.nliou l-. ifrary -i..i ,u.• iu the several .'•tale-, ul cupm* of Uir A nicr-i * i ’ chiVei. House receded from 1(1 nincnmiiviit I -r MidpXbta territorial b'b, fixing the SO". in*iaiit «• the period when it shail zu mlo etlect m d i‘u* bill Wand* passed. The Senate bill to provide for the runn-ng and niscfahp ol’ the northern Umndarv “f lows was pasfiw. *Eiiq House concurrej in the Ui, .>r the r-i vir.ltng .1 'r gisjerf of ve**ets, an.l tor ->llicr purp, e*. w.» Miss ed.; Alysi, S«n«!* bid lo red'K-e the il m nr’i: inds In tne Lake ■Superior tin I Ouppewu land -1 * rufia. A Jreat ouinlmr •<( enrobed tmi* wrre • irue.l >, hriSpesker. rvturnei! tu lb'- uiul tliru- -r :eiV«jl also the signature -I ihe Pr«-*id<-nk pro fr jl thfit body • -*■ v A iteal num'xir -i H«, nut ;iu! lerfiiA, were retd llie ih.r.. '.-ne .uni p.n*ed - t nit amendmenr. and v era: .-t n'i, wait mnt nd menlJn which were i- turned tottic 1 lur <-4..n curreuce NIGHT SKSStuN Tipi uniy business of miportanr-e trai-'.tf. .1 tn th 4 IIoum;, i* noticed ui Uie pr--c-,i ng .vnmr <<•• jK>k. Th<- procecd-nc* were cluetlv cOiinnL-d lo the repqlt* ol the i-..slereiice committees, nnd IQe jm> sagtriof private 1-dU. A-- resolution wns adopted, authori/.-mr the See reffify of the Semite uiul Clerk of the House to cufiC/nd for auy etlgravmg which m»y be between this and the next session ci U->-icrev» House agreed l<> the report o! tne eonier etltft committee on the nav.«i iip|»ropr:.WK)ii l>, 1 wtiich hud been previously agreed t- 1 by the rvn ate, and so the bii. stands passed. Air. Vinton ro;idc a report, similar to that u nde by'Mr Atherton in the Semite from the cum- . tire on the t-ivi! nnd ibpfomst'.' appt.-pr atlOU bill, viz that the committee were umilur in adYf*, and the House agaia pr<>< ceded to the cor. siddrabun of Mr. Walker's smemiuient. wh.eb <-on sttltjled the prtonpai subject ol difficulty Air. Ashmun inoveil that tbe House insi»t upon its iMnendment, but withdrew the motion Mr. McClernand moved that the House recede Mr. Wentworth moved to lay thin motion cu tLe tab!*. Lost. Mr McOlernand's motion was ftru decided in ll» julirmsuvr—lll to 10i3. Mr Moorhead moved lo strike out of Senate amendment the word-,* west ol lb*- ILo Urande. nad add a proviso, that nothing therem shall be aSnitrued tu affect the claim of Texas to a just and true tkoundary. Adopted. ISd to‘2o. A lung discussion ensued on a ot order, ns lei whether the only quest, in ws« not on concurring iff tbe Senate's amendment The Pha.r decided against the point raised , Mr. Baytey appealed, and Mr Wentworth mov ~ed to lay the appeal on the table, when Mr Buv 'ey ' withdrew it. lit. R- W. Thompson proposed n sutfStitute. ss a ctttliproiuifie, essentially the proposition ui Mr. Web sieC tn the jJenate, though somewhat modifictl . Sir. Bayley raised the point tliat the amendment i$ not in order. Tho Chair overruled it. aa insult one ol his colleagues. Mr. Giddiog# retired to his own side of the house, aid Mr Meade to his seat. A in! ’iftb** Houv was refuted. 13 to J I*3. Mr i nuns moved that the House adjourn. .nit ihe Cnasr dec.ded the motion not lo be in urilcr without tin- concurrence ot the outer House. Mr < .<>ihna apj>eaieil. but the t hair was sustain- Mr Thompson s amendment was then adopted —11 l 105. Mr Pent moved lo ..i\ ibe be!, as amended, oo the table. The .’ipealcct ruled the m"l»on out of or der. Mr. I'eiil tiien moved lo reconsider the last vote, and proceeded tn debate, at some leogui ibe amend ment, wnen Mr Mcf'lernand called him to order as apeak ng with a vn-w to obstruct the business ofthe House. The Speaker decided Mr Petit lo be in order, but the house over ruled the decision. The question wn?> (he taken. t»y yess nnd nays, on concurring in the Senate amendment as amend ed b y the substitution ol Mr Thompson’s compro mise din! ft was decided in the atlirnmtive, 110 to 101 Mr. Petit raided the point that tfie constitutional existence of the Hoi|.»e had ended, it now being niter 1- dock though the clock told but a quarter past 13 nt winch point it remained for the remain der ill lb- n pM The l ni.r over ruled Mr Petit * motion Mr t'inton rose nnd*la:>-d the absolute necessity )< r passing the bill, and moved that the House r< ct-de from all l l '*- other disagreeing smendmenti The House receded accordingly with- div Mr MeUnvHl—Mr. Cobb temporarily occupying [be Chiur —otlered Ihe usunl complimentary reso lution to Ibe Speaker, for the dignity nnd imparti able wtlli whim he hail disch irs-d the duties ol the I'ha.r Mr Andrew l-.lin-nri moved lo amend the reso lution so as lo make :t read "undignified uod partial m his conduct as a premdmr oili.-er," and proceed ed to give his reio-on* for*oHering tlie amendment- Hjs nmendmenl was rejected 15 members voting for it, and tne resolution was then agreed to without a division Some other business was duqiosed 01. when a resolution was introduced l>» pn\ the cierkv assist a'it door keepers, messengers, pngt-s. Ate , the usual extra pnv which, otter amendment, was adopted While the bitter was under ••onsideralma. Mr. John 'ii ol Arkan-a« -'lfered an amend ment grant ,n»t V-"i to one ol the door keepers, for ins ei peuses in lal ng home tne l>ody of Hoa James A. black !t was objected to nod Mr J. made some atirr\ n-miiri.-. nnd as I subsequently necii-ed Mr l',--kbn ■>( • ppOSMig his resolution Mr F Jen.ed n, bir. Mr .1 , it persisted, and caned him a d d puppy. A souttie ensued, and Mr Inge. of Alabama, struck Mr F. with his caDe tnrehrad. causing blo<>d to tlow. When tir«t noticed trom the desk, Mr. Johnson was violently pushing Mr. Ficklm over the seats, and l>oth were striking and struggling. Tbe\ were immediately surrounded snd separated, Mr Fick bti’s Mc<- (/ceding freely, and he was led out into iheSerjean' a: arms ro->in Mr Thompson of M i>s ,ui >ve.l that ihe House adjourn suit Jtr but die inui'ori was negatived. Alter some further business n resolution was agreed to that a me-sage be <-ent lo the Senate, jo- I irmiug that bod\ that ttie House had disposed-of the business belore them, and were ready to *d journ dr/ The Speaker delivered his addrers.anJ then the House adjourned. JOB PRINTING. HI |.l. HI.A Ur* i .\KI>S. nRCI'I.AR*. i/-j.‘ •• lid!* Ijs -i< ng. Contracts. Lav iihinLs, k.! . A ,-T'a,.* 1 ' _ •}d -S U •Ah’U." ni-d if Mr Shields hioULi , i. i;.,l :nr i.,ivr moU .. he might lm «j t muc-v •< a ;um*r • inucft pnynea; », h. , ; ih. ow-i- g .r I’.'-T «l»ie,i April Hah, l'l*" \], \\ ,i, larmer of this Vim •a;,, , , i/lrU iii a iJocinr Wlu> floeuirr -<; i.o Ihn-ior snd paiiiur Vrrmibige, ai V Oi• * :iarirr-vl. hr *B' ». i,..,1 m swo wrck* wtu , u ;i•• lJ .0 lII' Ull«ine«». Slid , .-r . .If«. an.l -a>. Dr n.| -no-Hivr I’liU hav- made a n,n , „i \\ M H DFA.S 1' M , •| J 1*- !> J.,v:r I’lli n a- T*o' Wu .«m. O . J‘i a; tiir I'hKl.N TKA FIORF. I ,- rct !,r. t r\V,.«Mi Ir'.il" iliw* , -uir:i 'll 1 A '-r Wr i-mm'-d to tin* ruj ro '..i ’ , in'- in.-: again. ■ t;llrr--iH me-di";nr* u : o K.Mil 1-1 tirl.'fit 10 her Sow- lw:o .. o! y (»u r < oIU H S V • ,i«. w.i.. It Ua* dour her ruor- good man an.t.r i‘u :i.i- rvr taken I have al«o uird k ; rns..u:>r . . mv laiinJ) >m’K line *u. .•••*- IkiMUi M t.axuru r;.., |.,%»u.»r fi.«nh r-nifds i* ;>rr|>jirri VkUHiKi »ti —The i'opularitj- which ill * rtf.iK-.iiv im* acqu r-! " r.iem Penu«ylvuus. rj.urf . r> Til- tallow in* t-Mirraen. Y u s--' "(Allegheny I in,.' llni?ef i-»uiMi<'> nave um;J :;ii. Wrm'iage in trier unuiic. an it ufct uic 3i»«urn. rx of medical ,-n- Su.uW Fount, V '.vurtl, Mu.r\ J >:rau U i, '••arv SUJ'ioii. Mu'S Hun B* - #' <• f c«.m:v v Ilifl-rr-r Mitn.-nr,: \i.,rr«rr< t IJt T _ \v - vim <1 ■ n:i*nuon to , ' K.-frri.Mi.t ot iii« :u .1 I ..i .. it >vr U'ir. nr.'«- nii.. .hr >r ot llna Mud. v»r imvc.i.y 0.-. t- >n ii* u*e l! i« v r ' >••‘<'•‘l ■) •* h;iU l a -.ntf rift. -t... .Hi*' J>>. ri .-ter... N.. Tu I mi: Ui «.rvt o: -.our m-jcli valu ed r*> rup wb..-ji nu> i-t *<> •>' Imneßeiai ,n. <»vn Ittmiv buiul. wot- Ua\r |.»rrn.i«.-d it of , ~r. ;*• i Oiiniiend n io be me t>4“ m. -I I .\KN>. lute of PoMct. .» piepat-J to , 4 . , u'lu-e tod »i ; 111'.. * Ti.imt .m whole n d pari# /.’.’."■u " 'ii.'V-.'.J \*eu :' to .J Mat * ~:h '• Fouri' 1»i>ur«h Humko-.J !'• M, K II l ii-v ... iw IV. M. Wright, SI. D., OentUi, opposite P: .»t>urg!i Hfcii* Olfiue Mks» Mim. »fi:LK«h.t *xt> Mr UAMffi 1*»n; 11 i -Ti.e M'.h U' ui llit ami>« a,. . P ei7ea '4 ; Protesn.r I. Suvi <»,ou Tiniratlay >ij. Maf>-n .-Hi. «i A p<>. pu I la* i. i*' ‘ o ...fvY--The K,eme.f.» A.< *141! "Ver tifheit. unc imij'it do. ui o<-M* „p, gdin.itifiK a (frf.t!‘ rau;i uti a■•(•fin.ia/ la |'nr - hi the book >ion'., 'oof. and o! the JA'.tiF WV.AVr.R. Jr . DaVl!> IIOLAI V.S, M’omKmie. »• It v SAMPSON ) IV. COPKLAKU. A. 8., (K. , T-n ..«■ Koy.l M 1.00.01 Knni«kukn. V ,M(.r l n.ih-pm. l iriM! h- wi,H.pri,,D V, . r J ii. Allcoi-.-ny I-li-,. on Monday, . , A,.-., lorjii.' |.atpo»r ui imjinrum a ,1 atii'a. rducfitio:. lo younjt ,- , u to ;i,— hiura. anil in‘'-'lpi-iua - improvriniTi! of he Wi 1 W'"! “ put'll'- PHUoiiu«r „ ttl iJpT» Ilf TTfivni will mvc ilif m «;t. 1) >: 2 -ai-n .ivriunj iml*-r Hip imme- T' »u|wrini«-udpiirr of lh* J’rmcipal; 'ai.i 10 Hip hca.ih. romforl ami ,» -.i« 'K'- litrmrv mWanc-meni of the pu ' V,u :»’• n: < J-«, of Me.,,. K‘ .o’t A F.ns ( s'i' KrJ r i>f Mr> *»•»• UliiO. ' .:.c-UM»nU »,v !)r N-" 'i It.- I'r I>y«*r. H--v l>t Kttlillr. K«-v I»r l.'piolil, K ,-v I'f I'ooif. lie v Hr Herron. Pm.Luren t*.-« \\ |’re«ton. Ai;- eheiiy my. wisr- dtf /•. lh' Jndgta of tm Comt •;/ dene -'ll’ of the P'Qtr. 11l and jv> the (nty «7 MifL’hrny pm. fell 'iO.i 1>: I.UIN 01 Boroufi'l of . , \.n.r pr ino’icr i;j» provide! lwn*iMf vvnh , . •ar iM'iM/mmjdnUoii oi travruv* and olh .. . w< 1u: < ai iiir l/i»n>UKli uinrr*aid, o. r Manor* " lii l r pi> lapd io pram • i«t* |.i .'•l'l' a I’u Ij. it iitmw* ul FjilrfUin m Jui) doom!. *tll ' w i . .;rn« ul Hi' - aforesaid i.or il‘> rrriit) ' |U! llir nl ’°'' ,r petitioner i* oi good f<-puif for mul letiii'rrunoc. n:n! i» writ provi ,‘c,oho „« Joint Mnrtn.iti. f cConrml Ko \ ."ino-i. t.' | rn , i , n» 1 ’!n>'* J Wei dinar.. John Ohkertnan, j,',:. i Su»»'' J«<••>•> Mar- mar^-d.U* TO LICT. . . l ROM Ui of Apr.: neu *>n tfiisuutiljic term*, «5f u. /o»J tenant*. “ t rou.-ori.tMr iwo .lory Brick wn« folia:*. ';n ! i« »i.d hark on Ri.tiiifiu and Cr.'- "’ 1 f•*i* Aile^lw , !V„_ Knqnirro' -WKiTZRR A RKEI). ‘ i„ (ir « jtf i «hce Thinly. opposite ?•! I'Uarle. Hoi-I 81 dk It II I K 17 bait * Cotton. 7 m-h Lard. Ijo rflPw •> *ack* Linaeti*. 76 do F'-aibera to ar r v . f^3r,a i,. !iy ISAIAII DICKKV A Co. liint- ’ From -t . . iti Hartu t*wl sftntrdrr., briiiv i...| I » d; * vrr. ei >J»;*r ruretl lltunt, »übrnor lo „,.v r!-Uo rr«d m ini'- market. iu*t reed anS for .air by gK.LLKBS & i i ' |\7hi\V~ .LA*!-*—UoiU -i Mi; I HO do UUIV, \V ri’d*. lOXtL7idr»7>'> l"ll «*l<‘ l ’)' , n „ r . S I*\uN HO.WHOiWT* t*.. . a) , , •,-1 Hi kn>t lOxri um *»ir Lv ; i a Ri>— lu t>bis rre«h, 1U ken do; for »»ie hy S VV VuN BuNNHußfrfcl-. L !** S F VON BONNHORST fc Co JOHN A. SHAW, _ PACKER OP PORK AND HKKF CommiuioD Screhaut and Forwarder. NO. 4 CANAL ST., CINCINNATI. OHIO H r Particular attention pan! to U>e purchasing c f any amcl« qf Produce in tin* market. Al*o to me ’rwarding of Good* generally Reier >o Messrs John Swasey A Co. » '• Martin k Storkwcll %Ci<-i.inati. <». I* C. Parkhurct, K*q ) Ijppincott k Co ) Kier k Jonr«, V Pittsburgh. La English A Bennett. > mnrr wdn FACTORY FOR SALS. A TWO STORY BUILDING, 40 fee; square, with Steam Engine, all in good order and rcauv tor operation, lor tale or rent, or a partner «t>oid be taken in any good business suitable for the bunding Al«o for tale x PL A NINO MACHINE for flooring board*. ai«o >u compu tr order, in a flourishing neigtioorhood, no eomneution and free from patent fees. Address No 1124, Po 3 Office, Pittsburgh. nnr v City paper* copy tlAw to amount 'K>ui-a. Chlckerlng'a Planes. JI.'ST received and for sale at man fICSABH niacturers prior*. Taiarrns new Piano HTWiP Forte*, 6, Ci and T octave*. ot :be moit I I ■ I |.l elegant pane rat of furniture, and tilth the late improved scale. Also ou band anil for sale iow. ;l second hand P*an* o. JOHN H MKLIX>R, Sole Agent for Chiekertng'* Pianos tor Western Primsylvanta, *•! Wood street. mar? W r ANTED—Three er four good Salesmen—tho*e that hare been in bonnes* »om« tnpe. Also, a good dog that will watch the store. A A MASON A Co, im market n XT U. SWiAK AND MOLASSES—2U) hhd* N 0 i. 1 • Sugar; tWJ DbU N O Molasses, receiving pet «teamer«'Snranak, Washington and Port Pittf tor *ale by mas BAOALEY k SMITH, la and 21/ wood M [ARD, PEACHES; Ac—lo bbl* Lard. UW sacks j dried Praches: iW dodo Appies; 15 do Uovef— lo u for laic by j ' ' II l)Avm. \ut*i »»9 sV VON BO.NNHOIWT* l'« I _ JOHM DUAVUv Au.i SALEKAII -S-- ty<-a*k*. •! In*. I'or talrvby imr- S F VON BONN HORST A C«> ULOUR—4S bbl* ire»h family I-Tuur; tUdo Rye i; lor **Je t>y wa- S f VON BONNHORST A. C SNF.ATHS- dor S«-vihr Sneaih*, for *aie by mar* S F V ON BONN HORST A i o A PIANO FOR SALE BALE. A FIRST rale woond hand Piano for sale low Ap ply lu ALLEN CORDELL. Fourth M.eci mar? Ml BULK PqsK—4WXJpc» Haro* ttiJ Shoulder* lu rive per »ieamer Crxieitdcs FIACHES AND BEANS- M bu*h dr.ot Peach. 10 hbl«! imail While Beaut, ;u*t ree'd. for »»’e marl U ROBISON A Co BLI.K PORX- J 57 ])«-». in arrive, for hy marl ISAIAH DICKF.Y A Co. from ROLL BUTTER—si bble freih. inr eale by i.-t.-M S F VON UONNHORST ft i V UNISON HAMS—J9v Vem.on Ham* .ujt.r.-d and tor *ni* by A GENTLEMAN wuh« for tum.eif ami wile, j•> a respectable ; uml y. on or near Wyl.e turaei. Addret* - S X.," through th-- P O mnrt :h MASTIC VaRNISN-Ois hand nnd jor .ah- by mar? J KIDD k Co XMTRIC ETHER— but ib« »» hand ami ibr *n!r r.y 1> mnr7 J KIDD ACo BACON— 14 rusk* prime Kentucky cured Boron- - Hama, Side* and >houlde.ri, ,iu»l re r d and for *a;e by tour? JAMES A HUTCHISON A Co F.ATHERP— ISiXJ lb* prune Kemuckv. tor *a'e by JT mur7 i II oRaNT. 41 water *i BULK PuRK-ffct. piece. **-.oried Pork. u.»t r.-c'd, lor tale by mart RROUISuNACo BITTER AND LAND—-J sol* Ro:i Butter. .ic Lard; rke*«do. junlrrc'd per *inir Beaver, .'i kale „> mart R ROBISON A Co HAi ON SHOULDERS—juuO lb* on hand and ioi «a> b> mart TASsK't A BEST Louisville lime—oo bi>i* received ou con*i*n mart TASSEV ft BEST W’ ANTED—A practical Bakei;. capab!.- of lak.n; charge of sn c»*hmciii in Erie. pa., an manuring jt. m all u- bran.’hr*, cun ‘.avr inform u.o ic>prcling üby calling w.ih TASSHY A BEST, mart -To wood *t GUM CAMPHOR—On hand and lor rule by mart J KIDDA / IOI'AL VARNISII-aXi g&a.« on aa«i (of V_y : > mart J KIDD A iM.n:ne Roll BuUer: S Jo Jo Jo do. mr.oih' S keei prune BuUer. jUM rec'd and !*>» ‘.ale ny BROWN ACLLUKHTSON. rasrt US Liberty .1 MOLA>^LS— JSO bbi. pn:r.c I’.wieon Molu mM icceireJ and for »ale 15- mrO BROW ,N A. CULBERTSON .. l'. . ;MW O H MOLASSES—SO I'M* S H Molo*»er. juv re O • > , e:vi.d and for »a!e by mart BROWN A CULBERTSON SI OAR—Qh*l» prime I*osll r. new crop. ju*l rceei ved uud lor *aie h> mart SIM l’—6(1 )>x* Pittsburgh manuiactcred £«ap. ;u«i received and lor sde by STAR CANDLE 3 —3 i boieaiiisr Candies No 5. jus received and for tale by mart BROWN A ti LBKRTSON RaISI.NS— Ob i.x« .M B R&ma*, ju*t ice d and ior sale by mart HROWN A CULBERTSON hi* Malaga Fir»- in store and for sale l.y ' mart BROWS 4 crLBERTSt'N L.^RD— tS oM« No I S? do do; j\i*\ r/c'd Ulid for «»> ti) mart* CtIDER— «J iihU |inin( C»urr. Hi mon* and for (•> / mart KH(IU Nh. CI'MJER’IXDN oli i-t.t, No .Markrrrl. M do No .1 Jo; ;usi rereivrJ and lor *uie !is map- BROU.V A i. t'LBKRI'SON IKAT HKK -1W bill* Unmet* l* jUi*t a innk>iii> lio«c. of lor belting, for *mc t»> * inur.'i AR.MSTRU.Mi 4 OKOZI.H I)RINTIN<. PAPF.K-100 reams mrh«~ W •• WxlMl *•. I urr |.rc-|>x: *-ti -o •U..T [l-.tuu- Ja ' ' l '' ’ ' OI REYNOLDS A SHF.F. mart rftf nrr Kill) I r wt.! Bl ITKK AMi LARI'- T Sfe. Haiin, -dol.srJ tor l— •'Jjnkrg» .u|*r.»r brands, cuntm-ng of Is. s*. 10s and :•* lump, on band and for «*)'• i.y LOAF SUGAR—Ii) No* 4,6, Sugar, lor sale by LJ P INDIGO—-i oeroon* 8 F Indigo, for sots' :-y O, mart WLCKA MTaNDLE** nKRJUNG— you br-is pr hip No l Herring. gibbed— for sale by mart WICK A .M’CANDI,E-**S DRY HERRING—-ilAi i.xs Dry Hcinng, for tale by mart WICK A M CANDLESS KICK— 100 iKn-p* prune Rid** nrneina. for sale by mnrS Rt P.BRiLxrK. WiLSUN A Co MACKEREL— v(N| t>bW No b MucVerei, iwl •• a do. arriving, lor • ale by mart DURBRIIXJK. WILSON A Co U' IN DOW SASH- an >ei* 3xlo. and mill/ Saab, in VY »tore and tor *a.e low io rioT*- consignment, by uiari JA\IW DALZELL. water at CM. OVER SEED— Aat buah primp Ohio. )ti»t n-e'd / and for aelo ny mart JOHN H A'l*T ROLLING MILL MUTAli—lvy ton* on baud and tor sale by murt JOHN WATT (t LOVER JiKKD—‘AI bill* ituvtr SppJ. in store and lor j by frt. 17 TASBI.V A REST SALEKATI.'S —t- tank* Cleveland Saleraioa. for tale l>y mart WjCK A M'CANPLESS BARLEY—- ra»k* Bane*. ree d ami for sale by mart WICK A M’CANDI.KSS (IH KEKE—1-»H v*. W R Chee*c.' fur solo by ./ mart WICK CAjNf)LESS ■f>ULK PORK—fluu pe» Hulk Pork, in store and for XJ -a.e by mart WICK A ..CCANDLKt'S CtUKSTNITS—d-'» bush Chestnuts, n. siore ar.d tor > mart WICK A MTAX'Dr.F-SS IjISTOLS. Ac.—Ju«t received last evening, by K-r -prt»*. u’lotiie: cw.’ l of California-Putols. I.' S Dragoon and Hosier*. Ac , a few pair* yet tor tale \V W WILSON. marl corner lib and market »u DRY PKACHF.B—Thiadny rec'd awl for saie by mart WICK A M’CANDLKSS I > ACI )>'—pea Bacon, ree d ami fox >»U by AJ mart \VICk 4 NUCaNDLKSS RYE FLOUR—tI bbl* to-day ree d and fur tale by mart ARMSTRONG A CROZF.R LARD— 45 bbls.Nol. now landing from -i'-a liter Telegraph No l, for »ale bv mart ISAIAH DICKF.Y A Co LEATHERS—7O sack* now land.UM. for «alc by X mart ISAIAH DICKM Ain f\ INStfSo—’Jl tact, now landing tmui .iramer \J Telegraph No I, tor tub- by . , mir 3 ISAIAH DlvAbO A t o BULK PORK-357 pieces no* iandmg from .-earn er Pilot No if- for »ale by mart ISAIAH DICKM A Co 1A KD i.jti i.hljNol Lordt.lOkegs 'to. in good J ,na' r s Pl " S ot,lrf " lWn I.'Ala'h Co _ M()LASSP>- Ur I'b * JU, ‘ ‘«‘‘d-" •icaniei* Par'* and North R.ver. and fo* «jit ny marl SAW Hj\RUaL'UH Si r; s R—'b b.»d. new rruy Sugar, in store and for •am by marl # A WHARBAK.H CtOFf’ET. —300 bags fiio, Laguara and St Doin ngo y Coffee, m ttore and for tale by „a“l SA W HA RBAIT.iI / tHKV^E—ISo bx» Cream Cheeso. ui ainre and for (J marl * A W HARUaLGH i ' fIAP—ISO t>l» No l Rutin Soap, m .tore anil lor O '"«M S A W IIARUALGH CrANDLES 10" bit Tallow Candles; i 5 do Star do; / in store and tor -alfiiby \£.S SAWHARBAIt.iI Gj A y;a._t(» bi. Slid o'aes. J" do lOxrt on, A' <:o -IS do «0 do yilV do in .lure and for *vr ny m 'V stWHARB.U-.-M ooda tin-ii.-ufoJ-t.i,, au i« >■<•»*• . .anenor articir. ut store ami tor sate uy iSr SAW HARBAUcH t x MUkJ'l'lNG P APKBr—DOW bdia medium and nn- W tie crown Straw Paper, just ree d and for » 3 jr j T g.e tn. REYNOLDS A SHF.E. ’ mart corner Penu and IrWui Aa By John D. Dgrlu. AnetlOßMr. Marti'rl 1 ’■ 1 IJt. \\ ..I IfC »n i! w ;,••• u- -..1 cl' Jacob M'Katrt. E* r , ■ N« l"l MarWpi *ircn o-«* '!,' on Tu«- «.■' » . 1 :i . ,n«c. .->1 M) o cio< t Ji"i oi ■; o viof. I M . ami con-.uni..* from 10 .lay u .u. :<;■ are -nmr .i©cW of a Re. .ail Store, vi.- Super brttud r'ou»». *. ul i » Jrsns. ri.' *' -d. \» hue ami ) Om ID'T'‘» mou*u U* - la: f • K-:u-.y-». :. »• i:-n Oiec 1». »r. [ import-"-) n*d do -if fi'vHHp*. Englifra a- Atuprtoan <♦/-»« ft'>d ' -i-’dre ;'in>'- MIUJNKKY (>oolr- Hoi.urt «*,O r»|* ribbon*. ut tifinal*. bounet ami ire** «v.i **iiii‘. «i | k velvet*. «unp», fnne» *. nti-Hur* t* ! «‘ ■> »-v tisurr*l bobbt net*, jaconcl-. wor»ir>. niu-!ll>‘. tilk, kiO ul 1-otton (jlovm, lim n r 0 dor Co r*-*' »*••> -r-m n«. tape* coniD* I.ectiorn ami *trn’~ '-o-. ul bleached ma-Jinv ' id *lnx» On \Vritiir*duy m*»f.n«. «' '• e ■ ; <* It. mid ailt plook. will be told lUi», i aj»» mni MuUer* Tnm inr*. compmuuff 30 doi Ru**m, N*«na. Coney. S.:k id Woo! Hat*, cloth. mi, pluah and glatetl c UI .» Terroa, «utn* ovrr »uiy day*, ami over 41(10 “'W Auo, ]_sirgt Sait of Dry CrCOtli. On TliLrxday morning, Mar. Slh, «11« o’clock, nlih' Commerrial Saif* Hoorn*. coTwr-oi \Nood and rmh ttreet*. will l>e »old, vritoout reserve, an invoice 01 foreien and -lomenuc Dry' Oood*, eonwsung in pan u «upcr wtii of England broad cloibi and ca*«iroerr». white yellow. and scarlet flannels, canlon flannel*, blearbed and unldeaebed nidslma, imported and do rncauc gingham*. menoo*, alpaca luatrr*. ca*hmerr». iboumj de lame*. Coale*' be*l *pool coilon. pm* nee dle*. lane*, homery. Madra* and cohoh bdkia. »bawi« linen cambric hdkf*. 50 piece* fine English and Aiuer ■ran* BAG ALKY A SMITH A!‘J o'clock, lu !•!» and amok mg inl.n.-c.j "i' • ** 1 i.ij.. Blibn he mug. 3 haif cUobU V H mu. "l*}* * u ‘ ur lioukc together with a Inrffr lot ot new mi cotjj imml ImuM-'tioid furniture, kiiche i uienail*. ' ddmf. Ac . from per*on* declining ln>u«e keeping. T armor* BAUALKY A. SMITH Real Estate i« the Fifth Ward, at Auctum The subscriber will tell at auction. on Saturday, the luth met. nt 3 o'clock, t x . at ihe Commercial Sale* Room*.’•orner of Wood ami KiilU tiree t, those four '«• in the &Ui ward o! the city of Pittsburgh, irouting .»» Penn «' 111 ton*, and can carry 3w ton* Term* iihemi For lunber particular* enquire of John «' P--rry. V. iu White, Wm De> Camp, WelUburg, Va. or J.lm C HidwrlJ. A rent, Pittsburgh. marS JOHN D DAVIS, Auct WICK A M CA.NLH.K.'-: CS PORTKR —' --Masuosi Third Night of the re engagement oi MR CRISP Tin k»dat. March 'i. to (commence with the sTrAnokr Siruiicer Mr Crisp p r .. r Mr • un» lia ron -• Mr Pnor Mr» Haller Mr* Madison Martel'n Mr Crtsp p 1 Mr. Dunn I.c.a ... Mi»* Porter l)oor« open ai 7 Pcrfonnance will commence Dre*a Circle and Parquette- Famnv Cire.e or 'AI Tier• • • MEDICAL U<>t> K ts—Cooper * Surgical Ir.cty, i npelanil* do; Cruverliu*' /'Atomy. Drueti'« Surgery. Fern* on Cholera. Ecu. An do. Hell and Stoke. Practice, (fray's Jumprudfci 4, Grave*' Clin Lecture*. Ilrodie'* do. Brodie on ’Jt»in'». Mngemlie'* Phy» . Neligan on Mediemr*. Pari*' Pbartnacolngm. Blundell'* Midwifery, do on Di*rn»r« of Women. Mont gomery on Pregnancy. Parker on Stomach Velpeau on HrrttM. Duparequn on Lteru*. Kramer on Ear. Clark on Con>uroplion. Conte*' Pop Med . A»hwell or. Female*. Stewart on Children, Beil'* Institute*. Perei ra on Blood. ].out* on Phtln*i*. F.lliouon » Practice, Ihipn-vtrei*' Sur . Abernathy'* Work*. Phillip*' on Scrouiiu » Practice, Hellnrd oo t Itildren. Velpeau'* Midwifery. Ebcrlie-* Therapeutic*. Bell* Anammv. Ciurk on Female*, Harmon'* Anatomy. Cooper on Dislocation*. C-ondie on Children. Miller’* J’nn of Surgery. Cliurcnill'*»Female*. Dewee* ou Children, do on Midwifery, do oft Females. Dungli*on : *y Phy Moioiry .do Dictionary. Lawrence on Eye, Perei ra'* Matei.a Med . Wnium'i Practice. Li»ion'* Surge ry. Dunitmon'* l*tae*ic<-. do Materia Medica. Miller's Phy*.ology. Renislotham’* Mid. Bartlett on Fever*, Hope on Heart, Colurabat ou Female*. Furguson'* Surgery- Wii.ouV Anatomy, William* on Respiratory OrpaAbercrombie on Brain. Dui gtiaon's now Bem edir*. Ac Ac « Familj K'.our ju- H ROBISON & The above, with a general assortment of Standard Medical Beok*. rec'd and for *ale k>%v FLLiUTT A ENGLISH. 79 Wood st, msr? between 4thjmd Diamond ay POTTER’S BeRISOSB. BROWN A. CfLJIKRTSON rpHK Evangelical Economy Developed; in a senes J, i»f*discourse* on the Fstets. lu»tiuitioii»j Applian ce,. Effect*. »nH Final Revolt* of the Christian Sys t,.m Uv Rev Thomas {‘otter, Minister of Ihe Metho dist PruiostAai Church. j -The trueisni ha* long been current, that -fact t» stranger than fiction ” Tilts t* pre-eminently tnie of Scripture i>m. which vastly transcend, in the mar vellou*. all the creation* ol" the imagination. Nor f» it lean certain, that the representation of the events of Sacred History, and the statements of ReUnoua Truth may he drawn oct in such ta manner, as to «, at least, equally attractive, interesting, and Impreasive, with me delineation* and detail* of fictitious or fabulous iheraiurr This ha* bee* the author's aim in these Diueour'e"."—Paxraca. BROWN A CULBERTSON BROWN A CULBKK'rSON For sale at 800 l and Shoe Store of Troth A Seou, corner of Fourth and Srtiihheid streets; S Stoner’s clothini: r-tabhshment, NTood street, at the s\ora of Charles Crnig, Diamond alley; "at the dm* store of W, Henderson. iuS luherly stfeet; also at the Methodist Protestant parsonage, on pth street, Pittsburgh; and in Allegheny city at the drtig store of Dr. J. Bantam, and at ;be pnrsnnaf*. adjoining the Methodist Protes tant Church. mar? d«w* RECEIVED THIS DAM. hi the -«W Carpet Ware house, No 75 Fourth Street- Rich embossed Piano covers | Plain Turkey red Chinn do do Table do PigM do do do orsted d» do do I do Rordriing, R nr Dumu-k. ; Carpel Binding,. A|,Su—i'ainps t«otlinti Transparent Shtule* ■vnptare Vtete‘ do do l urk »h da do do I'-lutlCM do do do 1 trupery Chtness do oo Mooi licht View* du do land.i-apr Jo do. do T Gothics : do do l ord arid Ta-dels, Robert and Slat*. Hack Pu'lies. Rnler End* . Tlir above (tooth uiof the liciteM and liewcn tlyir*. 10 wturh wr invite ihe attention of out friend* and ruiionif.ri. uud those wishing to lurmth or re . plrrn.i) strain boat* and houae« WICKiM j , nßr : . \V M'CI.INTtjCK WICK A M’OAN DLESS* DRV U'SJDS JOBBERS, 8» Wood street, ask the usumtion ot Merchants to their stock of AMERI Can AND FOREIGN DRV GOOD!*, now receiving direct froni fir-t hands Receiving regular supplies 01 first (mods during the season. and devoting a laige share of their Mieuuon to Eastern Auction «aie*. they cati confidently assure |iuyrn they will bi d it to their interest to examine Just received lar command, arc notified" that the ltnh insu is the •„me ,o leave ibis city for Red River. r.J \V. bus 'his ‘lay ndveiiised for mules. Other outttt for the expedition cau lie purchased at Ctttcin nun. at.* less price,than lias, been offered any where ri.c Boat* are now running from Pittsburgh ta Cirt cimiuli m'rout "i to 1 day* ume. Uoo4 tywd cau be had from *'J m T-J P < i. w £l k . »ar6-3t ROBERT W. POINDEXTER, ;Lnte of Pittsburgh, Pa.,) GKHEK.H CCMISSION MKRCIIAM', No SO Sout’i Water «t., (between Cheanut A Mtirtsuj PHILADELPHIA. Particular attention will be g*vcn to aulos ot Flour and Produce; anil any purettoses in the Phtla deluinn niarV-ctTOY veakeru account, and any Produce <>r .MrrrbaniL-c .eat to him through Mr C H. (.rant c.f pitisourgh, will have attention there free of coiumts -,oii lor receiving and forwarding. mart du" fl’JHl copartnership hcretofare under me 1. firm of Berger* 4 was this day dissolved by the retirement ui Mr G Berger. The business will be continued as heretofore, at the warehouse of Win. M'Kce, under the firm of BERGER A M'KKlv Ptvieburgh. March 0, I>Ui mar7:iirfl P 2, t.’ALli-OR.NT A HAT**-ul4 aoi water (iroof / Bt'iiuoriim Him* ju.i scectccd and for sale '■ > 45% M’CuRD k. Co. it;b«7 corner otlt and Wood *w IJI.ACFJS pnnured lor men aad boys, women ,-id —Wantcil, place* m stoics, ilearn or canal i.out., or m town and eoumry. for several good sales men, cierts, seaool masters, w*rehouso and coach man, w utter* mid laboring men and boy* of all ages. Money bonowrd uod iettt, and all kinds of agencies attended to pronip ty for moderate charges Please csi; at ISAAC HARRIS’S Agency and Intelligence Office, opposite the Exchange HoteL ntar7 I>OR SALK—‘i3i cuts offi double purple and yetiow carpel cuati., Igi cheap woode- bowls, assorted uids, whin* Loui*>iUe Limr by the barret or retail; “XlO. «XIU. Iflxi-!. IUxU window «aU, J iron post cof fee mu » and a .mail *uppiy ot bed cor ta; lawaga, iwine, fishti'g uud chsik line., for sale in artY quauuty t) *uit cu itomers. marT-ftt ISAAC HAnRJS KEPT Daily FOR SALK—I’h. Daily and Week ly t isactte. and ab the Piusimrgh daily aiui week .) |>apc,.. r» i.bef* Coiuucrb-It Detertorsv letler papex, * vanrij o, eirhangr paperv tram Eeasteru and jn-1 We.tcr.. i tue* ami town,. msrNUi* ISAAC HARRIS To Rxagftne BaUderi, I)Rt)pOSAIJ< will be received at the offiee of the Pul-burgh Water Works, nulil Tuesday, ihe Ufth ni.i , at i P M . Tot making a *unsll gleam Engine Dru -* mgs and .peeifirauon, are )o be seen ut the otficaui the old Court House. ma/7 dtd JR M'CLELLAND. Supt. AUCTION SALES. n--.i t ntur*. super French v.n. twtvd*. Ken. tnlt . ?• ■ union (Knur. ‘SfIC *i I .inrj rottoil tldkS. .i'i.ii * *ilk. needle*. i; e.r• irunniing*. bt il :n- 'Ji-.l rv f/o» At 7 o'clock, Africa at Auction. AMUSEMENTS. THEATRE D.tiicc • Ma»ter Wood. To conclude with <)>e COLD SBEKERS KEKSII SPRING GOODS .sbaekleU & White, NOTICE. JACUB BERGER. WAI. MKEK. STEAM B,OATS J-i CISCISXATI * PITTSBURGH _sl&glL JUS. mmiMuiiiflß 'D A I L v PACKET LINE. rpins well known !iae of fplendid Stcia- I 'em t« now composed of lb® largest, * v, “7**»‘’S* daubed and nmu-hed, am! most P° n ;? rf ™ water* of the Wr*t. Every accorntriotlalioo aodetua. forvibat money can procure, baa beenprovidwifnrpa*. sen ccx« The lone bat been in operation for five years - baa e a rr:,*d * milium of people without * e “‘l nju : r> to their person* The boat, will he •} *»» 1001 'Votnl *irrr-t i'ic Jay previous to starting. tor ute recep tion of fmtiii anil the euirv of passenger* OO the ter In -w. Ibr pat-age money mu*t b« paid W fi.ivance SUSDAT PACKET. The ISAAC NEWTON. Captain Hemphill, Will leave I’i'ubcri'a every Sunday rnorntttg at IV o’clock; W’iieelnn; i-.rr) Sunday evening at 10? a. May ai. 1-AT. MOSDAY PACKET. The MONKNCi A HKLA, Cupt. Sront, will leave Pitts burgh rvety .\L>ud*-, morning at lo o’clock; Wheeling every Monday cvrii.iig m iu r. a. TUESDAY PACKET. The HIBERNIA No. ‘A Capt. j, Kinmuo, wiU leave Pittsburgh every Tuesday .rooming at 10 o'clock; Wheeling every Tue«dav evening at 10 t. at. WEDNESDAY PACKET. I'ae NEW ENGLAND .No - Capt. S Db*k, will leave Pittsburgh every \Yedue*day moraing at 10 o i lock, Wheefuig every Wednesday evening at 10 r n THURSDAY PACKET. The BRILLIANT, Capt Citucc, will leave Pit*. Imrgii c vrry Thursday morning at 10 o clock. Wheeliag e.ery evening at 10 r. M. FRIDAY PACKET. The CLIPPER Ni> t. Capt. Pax* UvvaL, will leave Pittsburgh every Friday morning ai 100 clock, Whee in., 'very Friday evening at 10 r. >t. • SATURDAY PACKET. The M KSSI..NLTKK No % Capt Woodw axd> will leave IMlkburgh every Suiurtiuy morning at 10 o’clock, \‘l.ii ( everv Smur.luy cveuing HlO r H. NFW LlSlbiNANi) PlTl'Mlt HGU DAILY LINK of CANAL AND Sl'KAkf PAOK.KTS, I.CHve* Pittsburgh daily, «t 9 o’clock, A. M.. and ar rivet iit Glasgow, (mouth of tbe handy and Braver Ca nal.} at 3 o’cfock, and New 1 jtbon at 11, tame utghl leaves New l>t*bon at 8 o'clock, P M„ (making tha ir.ji canal to the river during the night.) and Glasgow at 9 o'clock. A .M . ami arrive* at Pittsburgh at 3 £> 11 _ ibn* making a continuous line fur trngert and Height between New Lisbon and PlUv burgh, in shorter ume and at less rate* lb an by ang oilier route Tbe proprietor* of thu Line have tbe pleasure of la lonnins the public that they have fitted up two first elaa* Canal Bonti. for the accommodation of pareengen and freight, to nm ui connection with tbe well know a steamer? CALEB COPE and BEAVEB, aad connect* mg, at Glasgow, with tbe Pittsburgh and Cinolfi nan and other daily lines of steamers down tha ObU and Mississippi rivers. Tbe proprietor* pledge them* s-lvr*. io hpurr no expense or trouble 10 insure cow lorl, •ali.n and dupatch. and ask of tire public a th**4 ol ihf tr [•ntTonage. althoiuzed agents. li M. HAHTI.N, A a \Y. HAKBaUGH, jP‘«*bttrjh. U. HANNA. A Co ) .. , , ; HAKBAUGH ACo J New Lut>«x. NISIiCIt- The stcaiur.r BKAYKK..C. PL Clarke, mat ter, will Imr uiicr ibis aouce, for Weilsville punctu ally, at 9 o’clock in the morning jc!3 1 ggg, n^^ PITTSBCHOn * browrbvillb Dally Paek«t Lins. HIBIIUARY la U 1&43 KKBBUADY Ut, 1|« LEAVE DAILY ATS A. M., AND 4 P. &L /r\*Kr- rv ’** he J“Uplsi« . fL Jn too Uhfe' fot the present leou&a: AT? HtfittcfcaflSt Capt. Jamr* riC, Cup! A Jacob*; h*id LOUl| bPLANE, Capt'E Benuetl The t>oau are entirely , new, and are fitted op without regard to expense. E»4 ery comfort that money can procure has been provide* | The Boats will leave ibe Monongabola Wharf Boat a me root of Eln»* «L Pastenger* will be punctual cj board, h* the :>oau will certauiiy leave at tba advafy u«cd knurs, h a. M and 4 P. M. jaaSl FOR M ARIETTA AND ZANESVILLE. The tight draught (learner Boyd, master, will leave for the above ami intermediate poru on to-morrow at ti o'clock, r. m For freight or passage, apply on board. WEDNESDAY PACKET POR CINCINNATI „ Th« splendid sieamer ' It ■ , WESTERN WORLD, Ai<*z Norton, msiltr, will Is-ave tor BBBBMSDOthe übovi* and intermediate ports on Wednesday. ?lh ui»t, “t 10 o’clock. Fok freight or passage apply on board, or to PbITR. KKW A Co, Ayts HPILLAR Tl-FSn \.V r.v'KKT PUR 9T LOUIS . -pv Toe fan* l’a-t lunnme passenger P . -i-mncr ATU.tnn! Ueo W Wick*, master, will leave tSKVSuSsXSEBfor ibr above and liitonnediate ports every Tuesday, m 10 o'clock, s. x. For freight or paanage Apply on board, or to E. r KING. No. li3 Com. R©v*. Loui'.Wlle RKGUL.A R SATURDAY PACKET FOR iff LOUIS iv T ' IC fin ® fMt ninniQ* naaieitirer ■ steamer ( GEN LASR, ffiftKEfrjSg A. .McPherson. iniwter, will leave for M*a■ ■■>■ Vwkhe above and uiU:r*a*«iiate port* eve ry Saturday, at 10 o'clock, r. a. For freight or passage apply on board, or to fc~ C. KING, No 143 Com. Row, Loairrille •marS-dOm FUR «T LOUIS AND ILLINOIS RIVER. /Vo;-o-~ [» The fine stenmer ia PARIS, jgfcrejCsfgfßS Mnratta, inn, ter, will leave tor al»ove intemetltaie ports on Wednesday the 7lh Inst, nt JO o’clock, a. u. For freight or passage apply on board, ot to „ ; at*rS PETTIGREW & Co, AgU I OR NASIIVILLR jCnsa k The splendid fast ranoinr summer JyptlfP GENEVA, 'gUS&BBSS Wilkins, master, will leave, for the nanttmfHf&S above wul uuermcdiaie poamon Fri day, the Blit in»L at IU o'clock. For freight or passage apply on board, or k> mart J W BUTLER * BRO., Agents PITTSBURGH AND LOUISVILLE PACKET LINK' jfXtxr- The new and splendid fast pas sen i&fiSffini I " U No. » master, wjll leave for Cincin nati and Louisville on Tuesday, the Ith mst, st iv o’clock, A. M. For freight orpasiaae apply on board, to BL RBIUDGF. WILSON A Co, ot GEO B MILTKNBKRGER. K7* Steamer Peytonu witt leave Louisville for New Orleans, on arrival &f Telegratoh No U. Passenger* can go direct, and can have berths secured here iide streiT m art bWZANKSVIiXR. _ The splendid fast running steamer CAROLINE, UwTOfi®' Binning, matter, will leave tor the above and uitermediate ports as Thnre < day tho flh tnsL at 10-o'eloek, a. m. For freight or passage, ajtply on board. mart W g WHEELER. Agt FOR CINCINNATI. _ Uf> . K The (in* steamer iJl*ji_. .jft iu.v;noL.u. ■BSrofffS Cope, ran*tf% trill lenrf for tb» aboae tUiUSMUOa and intermediate port* ou Monday, Mb Inst, 11 4 p m For freigb* or pas>hgv apply on board. mart WHEELING PACKET. -rw gt*m i* The splendid fail rUualne tittotr ■ CINDERELLA, Calhoun, master, will ron as a BlßfipESßßSlir packet between Pittsburgh aa' fort Hid safety of passengers has Deen provided. T jj_ boat is also provided with a telf-ecung safety gue,f£ to prevent explosion*. For freight or passage axr,t v „„ tori oil IV ll WHEELER JS T “ foM At W. Greer's, cor. BmilhfirJd and «Vawr «u ZANE3VH.LE AND MARIETTA PACKET - - The line steamer ififELfil CAROLINE, wBUESiia Blnniny, uan, k»vin, u n .lc,r.o. ISSnßKHnihoroQgh repo.**. will run as n rrru- Ur paekeioo the above trada. Leaves Pittsburgh ev ery Wednesday moruinj-rotumine, leave* Zanesville every Friday momir^. For freight pt passage apply on Ward. fobl .. , W B WHEKL&H, Agt • FOR CINCINNATI AND LOUISVILLE a The splendid new rteaoter ■ fll. .i Hf Ja TELF.OR.APH No I, kSHg*C£ffigftHa*lrp, taaster, will leave i..r above HBBESUfibaiand intermediate port* on Monday. * I 5 ‘Ad inst., at lOo’cfoek. f- P'or freight or passage applv on board, or to 'l 131/RBRIDGE, WILSON & Cd. GEO B MILTRNBERGKR. REGULAR WHEELING PACKET, r. The fine steamer JL ; ,fll ZACHARY TAYLOR, Lucas, toaster. will hereafter run at » Mil I I I HllU.icß packet from Pittsburgh to W Uer.linc.leavMg PiusborKheveryMonday, Wednes day and Vtitfay. F«: i/cight or passage apply on beard. • PARKERSBURG, And Hocamgport, and intermediate landings. /*vs»»r» The fin* steamer IIK u.trrT w fc.LI sv ILLE, BamwF™- y ° C ’ w,,<,e V* ,:i far the,above ev.-r, Pucdny. at XOo‘cfock,a M. rot (rtlgh: or passage apply on board. deeST-Un ' THE IST APmi. ~ ' m ■JOSEPH FRICK'S JOBBING SUOP.-To alt her U son. al-out to remove, and wuimn* tb cir storaTor Sou... tcp.ircd conic, >hcl,i ogl L ' K"of J^hb'l^g nr l \Vm Trovin alGn £3" tne Allegheny Ku|ine Hoose. Tr ° Vl,lo > “?? ..... ..JVICK A M’CANDLBSR. N bbw tt.l Rl'Rl—jiul received. all invoice oi B, ' a “ >■«! Br-cclnU, “ ,ver • w w whjon ( !‘bi YE “ 3i;K£> - , “ U>ta rac'd ihiTd.r '•»* <«£" marl TaSSHT A BI2JT iVT A ?KEftßL—*o bliln Ma-Karel, for •* te ,ow w iXx <‘lote ctujsigumem marl tl retii.l bl «<^Mr BONCi t cßo2E.a_ RICt-hu u«ro»* (ran. Npw Urleiiim, lur «*)e 1») u m»ri BAOALfc* MOLASSES- in*. M,.. niu*‘* ,WB Undin* Jrom marl ... J APPLES 50 bu.J* uaio«« imk ILc« ja»c r ec 'd *nd for u By miii iR ROBISON t.CcQ f j.NO.MKADENACo