The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, March 07, 1849, Image 4

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consume rn'B^K 1 rov* '■ VA RD
7HC OHHAT roll
OooTOnptt*'" Con* - C Jt|rrtd< ~y ot M«*-»
‘ v “fld *'«•«• Vu.p>uu«M, ot
inflow*. CTtiip. WnW""-
«.\u-An ‘Uwe’llir'wuN'-rvw.nU* •» .
iv—T-r, m U»« l-hro.-.1.
I ' U,a-lJ l:» C* *■•
fr.d c,i r.
rVrr ir.o’* '' »«»f ' ,i
T, r * V s ,
©ffWtld C berryl
Compo®*®-**™", -; f||)fs4 „., u -..u
Thu oMj3i*ir.e i?'•« . (<>l| ..... ■in.r
utility. >t 11 ,' f P ; .j ..<>«•
launched u|xk- 'h l- ,i t r . t .
hitter u> m»W»"
Iy used mail al'; r > ,il y c n--v' 1
produced h>r Hie r ( J , lhr(Jtl<il i:
f H »»« »n.i U-«f- «rr few • •
-z\ r
men of the hx*t rc (H(vl ,h..n w «-er
view* of moral , t V 1 tav«-r. »'•«
tlfSf » * c,B ’■‘urh c
lhem*«lv<» wo injustice. u ’ ~ 1
by Its uunm* mcr.t>. .u»' - _ * 1 -
\y ol pulmc opuirfW " •; wro««e i'<
fords, and u»esooutn* , no *t n g„-c»-
whole iruroeby .u u«, ««*»■*»-'
****** l.»r the sf.t ' a:
-Wko. men,»ruog **••»
. *otumar,lv he*
ha tram, and wnitM-n*'* •» 4 M,.:-
uniuarsui i:r«Vr.<-e ‘ ~ |Mir>' •' 1 1> -
HKAI> THV. 1“ , M) , sa k» ’ • •*»»
. SHU, AWMU* ‘ »-*■“ a; t<« ■< »"* '
Thor* nrvtr wae a re'no iuri (l . l>r ."
in despersic .. U »*'•*«“
CocnpouiKl s*> rap »»' ilir* ulc--.-
S&’SJBSi*"-- i— p "'
other medieio®-
MTU.giny^ e - l with a *•»«■« c,,ut ft ‘j .
ally crew wor*e, 1 i»art remur-m. «... I
SiSrf ■« ‘ h y'TriS c1...----* ? “ '"i ■> :\|
in unH* ***' . _.. t-'v. ri thtiiC 1 UIIMI »<thi' • I
putinotM»r>^o? ,, * u ™^j l v c „ni| ;
-!> .iikppp* • < |
|y Dial Into* ■•» , «„
my recovery , J ‘‘ Zi.cinr l rtnl mj'Vllii ihe mo<s U«,»-
ay results. « n .tpfLUirMc free.), tin
Sough. c»B« n ? ™ arm entirely arc.: **.d w
time l had o*°d*ii boftft, vt ,. vra* ujt :ifo urm
(sow u hearty a . mt “ , u | (ltinß .U'.n reap-em.* nty
Iwottld be happy 10 5 1 drr.v the ‘..enefci f.r
cue, that au*rr-J' V> , h „ ,n,.a ~f u , e
, whieb l «*» fw, «».»,. V,e»-
1 sssx r pft,ta " 4t 1
my humble le*luno»> 4 years since I v»*
JwofWiU cj«nr ?,'r u !ta=un«. I u..
low. ” luch ,„d Ireiitl. » P«PT c»a«J.r»
ooaijt, PV 111;1 mm-in <»° nl li "' lurit '' rJ,lr '
hlotoAhS' ' 1.. V,, bo^-«P'
oiailT uP° a ‘V*™' mv rnmHnon. "*• P" :,T
6rell teliro “'*™ ,l r „!iy ,«« ...u. .-..ii.iund
s t:;v, cn "
um. >u J...
bul found nore»»ef g pft’n'fd b> ft Jeu; .>
. here l d vour?>yr _ p u W C •.
WUnunjrxon w '[ I hud pf' -
TJ I m«« C ° a( ?!ft mUcim-, and lam n> *K»; »
diced against P°ft‘ . . ,oKtuperifs. '-■u! u >«• t
those coming out of th , . rn f«« tl o:i and [>ra<-’..ce <
- standing your ; , b t iie uvmc of n-.-.
merheiM. and havtnc ; “ft su . w one o.
I (pra.««b P j ;'-'j' r . 1 ,„ iI0 ,„«d ...... »!) «„
B **e arms outlet d ,no . sruV . s | mu:.-!,
• oequently it was e«i> > ltjr Srs- u»ir or 1.- >
eonsiderahie teUef »«»"_th . i ;, V KU'r a.
boule* Hut bemc a P d " v - ... M rc::c or.
tempted to ha.T rea.iv he_rc
taereby ruptured the* ||iv ourt . w l 4 <r e,u
to heal; inlhu "ruy. do thus •inpruCmt;'
to lorded. t» conar,u«ne ft ~( . ,i , r r \
1 bed to uw* or fchne oi ._ , raueh ,n*aUe
nunilier ofhot'ie* W« u «,. r „ p *|:a-.ert nr !••'•••
the above P drtresM ir roueti. r«‘ » •“■
Uh habtu toot a««y-n • IIK lu „ rf -. and e"
B ihc; »f , rf «.lih 11.. V. .I.P
them and lb* entire*. * forihe pu;pf
red offering U>»
Dfbwxr “.‘v;,' p”n,-u< i-*”- -
core, Olid BI»W tliM 1 f P lter j p J:n»D>a
pleasure . r
Dublin countT > (
Cbere i» but one ff™*'* ~% . p r r.ii.-r-l u
andthatuUr '"j . •....mKiout
public. wbicb I’■ '*{•• -*<* «
United Stale* ; KSJ 0 . \\ il - l‘ >
naraltonS -.j-f c.-*v r«> «otlr»’
teen pot ou' u - ; ' ' ci.»'e.;c) •' •'•- ! ' ‘ 1
ejfcowstno.'c*. It(M1 I m ; -
By a little o>‘"r. i>\a<u v . i^) u ( vi»' £-joi*<- ••
rename teoni ‘ A ‘ - ( .•nsruv < sn< '
likeness of ’A uhnni l ri ,., IV ln .. pnur*;; «•: l> r
tigneiotet »n« a * **• «' •’*' Kl '" ' ,
Swayne will » «t ■: re.i*
tau preparation troni j k . ujWH In
the grcfil ettrnli^P ?,, 'JT Wud rin-rry. jvi •"»•
Bw.yoe’. Compon"o *»«»>» „ rnn „ .... , .
woaid rot l»c «,«•!• 1 ' i,,-- name <‘t
",T ; 4
cofncr #f I^“U ' a, ‘ a R * Ce ! ,
Philadelphia . rr-»jl by OGDP.N * 4i *' n V‘"' I
For »ai® witol^aI**™ 1 **™ H \ FAH N K>'l l "->■ * ;
P «! ; jV! 1
Co. cor l*t ■ n( * . < u>\ l-u l.ibert) *•• J .
T&ORS,»Market "Vji iH.N MlTf.I ■ 7
A JONEk m ■" >'«. 0r,...-.. ;
ELL, Allegheny city- «“ > <*o*. i i ,
medicine- _ _
Rautes%ss®J.'i j ;
SSSt®;.-S-.srKS.':- ; c
aad then tmuis tnetu , .iium.lNG- to' ’»»<•'■•• • I ..
Il u -a*. It w... :-.«■• |
scarcely a d
benefit, l hn-fr I p ,- 4 ,.rmr Li«- ulino-i mti.-- I
aldlaa—l'k*' 1 I-
and re»pon*ibii-t>. “ _ >..(••! to - v *n**> b
man, that not in one < • • (li nn,r-..i
Ibe paoenl was wiUtm tn (J lac i ; t<
l base bad I'PV * ICI - 11 ‘* ‘ ' . . c 5 n ; - w 'jenfi ••
h*T. mim-ien “ l ,I ”',kc i«m« «!»*••«>
1 ;
vocr oiyrar-M | .
defied ceery tnuig know®* na ,, -.0i.1 n» in- im-! .»•» i , rJiu ,
-•/ -»'>•••• wtriB: •' ■'■ <••
boxea of Ouitment cure t lb«® . )f lbr run . .. * w r .,„.-r r * m
■rerTEßr-ThereiS k,,, ' Pr 1 . r , rr ,, r.t sff-CtJM »
Teuer* , \innv» .n tLe- wo? J " ,; it -ai. *• ! v n»» Twt J- , r ‘’“ r .'
BURNS—It i» one o me be "« • , T ,,.. c« 10 Mi .
Bams. _ , „„ „ hr . v cured bv ...» •*» n
\ - < —»■
“■>“ i ::::. ,= ..?”;'w-'-!'"f."-«-«»
Burnt, Cvm*- ®« u s«-.v. R lirurr.nunn , ~ , n . pr «l'oiHi
.let *«. Steelimg of «A‘ - I ' l ' fl ( y,.,,,., ; 1 Tbrfr lUildW-n.
&,-U C V ~F- JT* 1 " E 1 ... T......m-1-r ***♦ ■ • |-’ ”
i“"r C0mp...... “ y ,T»:'!.X . r"jJi'..'
SJfcS'fcSrJSrf'to 5b.,... 0.. 0^..'1 ...... B'. ••'■■•; '•> rj.,”.. ■“V . u..
MdBU l?ieL rrniK Ointment iroe rrme.l, 1I- , n „ , ;
me*cold * eet Jii t . aje u, fcftvr 1-o.d mV.. - ur.-r f- '< »••" • " , *
ii a sate atK't . nAeof-ib 1 * Oii'iinsui wi. . i ns, •?If j» l-r ' T|,,,t " **',
;;;;;; '
j..r,".b00c.... |
o v.72j“>'™.-a S ™>»•«; t.
«gwulnlba Umled B>»“* Mrs MoA |.I.ISTI.R.
• d 'n>“*- ~.,.r F ... CE>TS 1-KK BOX
FKltr. v Reiter, rornrf oi
I Wilcox, Jr. corner f v 4 (.
Liberty and St V'tmir •xj-. »*• L u corner of 4ib a-j.i
Kaesporv J•V . j- r Kot:c Btow>i»vilie, Jolm
! .c:
. fc”? * 11 ‘! , ......v.-...-T,.-i7-v^yv<ll I S..
TTf&»« u .upernfta »'! titbrr t«o»*die» t«r ! H
k Aw FScTORA. T B u% »o«l Olher Pulm.v 1 W
’ owb^CoawfflP 000 *^' 1 r.
Sj3U«-.ftfcaty»« .. u, h n .
BM ■j,l*h€rtMyb«T«b.»ma^i-*d
. oihwreßWbesoftb* «»«• feJTf ,]««» uT.naU) b.«
to try otber prep»r»i'cn* . fi . w i llP h wrj re*soi.*h.) ••«
iieuooinUd m ! 7 c *, T ‘^ s _ lte4 bc»u>»«ti by lh ' propr'«b.r»,
, ::
k tesedy tb»t b« " r , r „n,oe putincroan ’
Wfoonbtt _ \
lon* and Uled * xporien e. be atlli''ie«i wun
Shed. T. J ( X'.:« : o»M?. ree.«.n,e. ; h.
Pn.Up.e* U l ”"*‘ „„ .„d .peeiv our. in u
urfeipniuive Und«" ,J,p n. I.n
' - S”Si“™.Tu. Of Ire.
in affordm? relief or a on d Ma/we: •«
L WUeo*. comer of U “ # °‘ , J fASL ciu.t-*«
Erann *■ Relief. »t l and Diaiiiond, AH'-
Dt JSarfent j reoenu
“ Bnr«... .nOThemoeO 8in...,-
| jutU'* g<' *>«■
I Kr»**'l«n'l. Si’jnr' '*
Tha- <"rirn* * 1 *»
| IV AJ I Tap*r.>U
j (i H- A Rickr.U- K*-i
h l>q l*f»-
—.aS?Snot"wp-rr how uuunou* u s. »v ( he A|leK , lcn y ( tmeury.
- ; A— »\^^aTK3«
WS’.rirK,;, !
cwlSf*w»dil iinp»n*■“.*? * t fame time ; si, ,I'MiKHvHU,
SS^,cl e u,lmnsW^i»V^ lBonilll( i im ooih. ■ rK !
M on cb<fßUßl of , J A j l \J (V't'orr-i.--
trr. Jam— <A^ u ?^ rßon ’J^^iiae"JO« e3 ’ Sp» nl *, h r,,r > .i :L mr/it jirr~rtv*<r ih<* *G*}n> of'
n«> lotll !in ihc ch. i»-No •• •* •' . , ,
SbtSS?»‘ or 1 '
(9 ft® - ■ '
M >• liH'-AL.
ft-i ti ItS B 6
rsh^» s -V’"'
"■'"' "f, u.-.-nr- -
T'-« ~•• ' ,,r " vv*-t - u '•
Thu ?:■■•■>-■■ ‘ 4»t* *Ar-.mU* m
((•ic* •• 1/ ft !■%' » rtJ'oul
»w »-»•”•«
<~ ,A '
I *:.»»«
«’’K Mi i'WINKS
i-...-* •» y
■» Debility Bat)
■ o .}.»<» t»t (teafnii ’
' ° ■ 7 , „( »r-oii» E»ierjsr
.U'it r 4 ■■•- -'.l.iof or mli.vfo
r>r i>i' rtcvmi- >im l'd" fi
I t ; i grf.rtt.l p’» f.val ;iro«:> •»
,ut frlci. Tc.* P-
~ l ofiiini,
A*u r- • •'«■*• 1 ; V »'
t 4'nr»'d
- t
in j-.i .'’luM
i t.Ait trf Prv/rst Kiyutt
rjr-i f-uia i-tthr Sms *f. ■'»«*»
tAA h csiti
Bi.oon. . .
;T€*s i?ni
s . f s .. ( .on 1 < 'rgr
.a »*. I*>«•<>-«£•-• '(
''•".'i lu .-rn' .i’' l ' l '“ ! * “
« i: .; S •.ar,?’!y
.-r. V-U e'jiSi nod •rra.lj'-ri*sti
■ •.(■ei 1 'j»ri > acl '*'• 1 ' J " r *
I : N»rs-.r.v: -* aibori n-n« aa< »•«■* »*v
■l‘ I
, • u , s: I M>« Mjc.l -
, ~rt m *. T<- • -•> '•» s: f-V »
; C r '«■*!«’-
Wti. S.UBBHL! . » C- iuru^-
<Pv«iiis:e jßlf>ilSe*«c*
t . lr Bruin-.
... > c i •: •»* isa c«'«s*. rii« y
■: Wht'n* ebfJ3«wd « nWifc'l i;
lJr'oe. "« <*>«'»».
i*T-V »>■ 1 f-r l«t r^*” 1 « l - a “
. »j” t ' -ati'-'f ’.h« r*»uS; s/itatriMcwM n
• ir-a lo UT!*-ir»:.ri «T" :
a . 4 }-«>• fl-vun S’» t- ~ut.i ■ *rsl J' ’
( ’’ rJ :-- , 'rT -.rivfcove-* •?« '■■*** •'*■
•«. -J1 <•' :lif »<•«*.* v-i- * .1 »•'
, li ~il &..I i-«
.... /** u<i-14sta » StWfr. IS clUli* l** l *' ■'*-
:.;t. t-.-.
„r «■**« Bi-oiei
Tv. oad Starr !«•«! l.adlea.
" r t , (, •ij.i- oroylaiuiA No mini'.
' ,r< ‘ r 'V. V',o •*« *• t}.j.-rn»e!»»< ikt!
""■ , ' , -Tu air. ../ il/s.’* »b*»old lo
~ raluallle fcr »*"*• "*> »"
«. ~i«i..«i •• " :
rn -l g»» and * n * t
k .- >• «.>rr»»u mro
* ..; f .... ..*
•nt to ""ll.t. 1 !"
:n ***-•• * ' % , tH <i Hi'-i »i-h
•lul | art * *" ,f **- nuy fOO-
" ir”, "”~
<rtii ' f u - p«lur" i* th w:, 't
.Win ir
!, t 4u«iv. - >; r ; Jj
v r u 3 , : .'i Tn “l'l' x
. , , / l..r»',i •'•«* >■'»* a ' artre.r •*'
■l**'."!"' * - 1 - ‘ . r .„ , |r*« »U.-1
t-t ->n-r' - J ,r- ? 1,1 ;i, |>
R 4 t.Mi.ry, Tr.
r.« .. "h* Lar I-*'!-' 1 * u
nil**. at* **• tnu'-n »• •• • „ / (U „j |a ' «if
I*., tfti i.m* -*''* s * ..r i.if. *rpj>
, a d *— *t
- to Ihr
5-t I
i. f- ul 1 :if *> <■!' tb l- *
. r . _ i’l'iiv'f\o» th-Fai - *"-'* 0 *
* I K* THT»I » *»
,btr ’
j W!!,*•' *** M »•
• R l t R |l'' M f
i- r B i*
|..c ([»' «l • < » ' f ~ ~ »nn ■
Tr.* . riir.. M .tT ( i.*. - •
''im'iM.'.’"-' l-’> ■>■ •'
2ssS'zrs! t ~s*
• *ixi f l Ml axm-led.
■ »iTuns «.►« »« r ;"',
R K *M!.I ’ K'-* '
V' r -r. V.r. , .• - :l. I 111-."-
H 1 jh-.kj
. r>. »•» *#*•> i'- »
1 tm lVimm»n" *
I |»o*t pm*)
'THE U SIOS LIKE I »♦ Il(|hKK!+i /; S!l.v«,
K J Bank »r«iJ5 * «» "t *
IS4S. N>»-rr<. DR.M'I-V‘ J.;V ■■■• - ■
ntrrw t i:n Frnvm.’RJiH andclfvklanu i cni.u . i.
u T .M*th«k. PitTMurcu. }
Co. H*?aY«f. M'rcipr »
t i.'iiAv.hK*uy. Cleveland y
rl’lH'. ui-ovr Ijii« i. m»w prepared ip transport frr;slu
l and ]w.«rinrrff iroro I‘utsourjrh and CI«-vKuml i<f
n- v w. inr < *i!il Lukft
ui-e t<(• i•• .r.uvt F.ittourirti iui«l Cleveland daily. rur*-
i..iie m ri»;. p'-'".on “ Ui ‘l**iuni'ou> l.a*r Krip nml
odwrcn i*UL.*i»ur*li and Reaver. ami u
4 <., «’« fiini>oKi*, propriirr*. and
tria. Huron ■ih! Micinrnn
i,,rv» arai-n 1«> av.\ pan id :tir wiui
WM t MATHF.K. »t
JOHN A I'Al‘GHK'i Apn u.
ir S' at«r anu »t». Fili-l'iiiyt!
Rr.i 1 . I‘n-tj fc Co IWv.-r
R 1. Fan.* k Co. Youiiip-irmn u
K W C(»i*-*A Co, \S nrr«-n,
I) Ho-iw.-W A Co. Urrftitpori.
A A N Turk. fsrmnn Fain,
F l.r wi» Arwjion,
J i. K M '•Vtiiiilpßoy, Ouinpfieiifcpi'f.
J (. M li'.iSr. R«Vrnmi,
Ni A: C H Knit, Frnilk.iii.
A Tir:i*. I'uyultoira Fail*.
U nr f ,-t a. ‘ Ak run,
■ :n-> A l.'-u. T*an<lu*ky.
W inkin* A Kagk. Toledo,
i. Wi. .mu A Co. ]>uou. Mi on.
M v*■ ti rt * h iiUam». MilwaotDn. Wn:
It J \\ ,iMir,v.ri,in»D, 111 «.M
1 prf.; .«-r'>
I r '■
Null. - - l!is *ui »< Mrff* iivvr n: tm;:f i
n 'f (’• i' . a -uni I Hun ] .n«- >o t- LA KKK >V
l: IA Vr i : IV:A«n‘...ftiid JUSKFH «• LhWlfv of this
i,.e *• tri.i 4-.0iU:.".0" U> tf^inai-1 buime»» for to«*
i • ll.' .r \\ ut snou*** ..n iff>.«o *ir**fi. *» ueua., aim i><
kit a « r0..'1. uu::tis oi ;je tiairoiuu.'" *M u.i .r
■nei.. - JaMl> STKKL. A Co
PUra-'.f.-t'::.*. Mm* it .Vh. I*-M
‘ DoiifJc DuJy li.ut tif
TU TSL'.W'U' G'-''JS r.7T» r. «611
n.ARK.i:4TIIAWd's"C Hn-.n. I':>-;arrJi
LK'VI“ 4 Un I.K.ft, 21» Markn *1 .
JA S t *TKEI. 4*o, A|”>». Hroinl
vVWDCN, CI.AUKE 4r«. *” N«n'-> «i K ’•
\V rORRITi:. A*i. w Wcji N. W\ . Il
It 1 "
• fr« afcvt- Uu» >:u> a*»'H-LaU“«l
ui- oi' Kiel ii Jo.ic.«.
,,i e„MiiiUiiiß ilo t'liN.nnf* lurmrr'y r;>nu*
i v vjim" .M K.>'f. a»J #o;.*-r. aOl t!)
. • hcrt-ofi r<t eJU-iidnJ to tmu.-
• v. hit
D F J< N I^s
NNren 1 !sMt*
.’(.Mi'O'l'M V.NTIKKI.Y <T FIRST ri..\<S F'H It
MH’i :*-!'. ■«! Vl>i FOR rMIt.AIJKJ I’!1 1 A \M*
“ jiAl .T'i Mt >R F Vi A CAN At> 4' RAll.lO'M''
W aK*\c ur.c liTUi-dial'* [>;ar-- "Vi .r> mu - S
,), .puli'jt. ami a’. a» '.yvv raii;*. fu atv ir*i- -
m,- a.--:u;o:’ -.1 4npper? «i*tnc u> *«•'•«! nT ,!m
>•• iluiiiiuotr S.u’.h :» i>art:e uiai .> i
• mu’-fi a* our [uruuc'MiK- (■•*:•« u* s '* :
ri i-'r- t n.tiClt :x> »r4--r llim: a':' r • •'
KIKK A JONT> l-r.irj-*
IMi-.-orei-.. M»vb ' l“»"
. l v k :KH , , H , F
• ; l KA. JuNF-S v.u ..r-vx-i.1.. . ■■
*•„] \A niii'--iir IVai-'t' i:i Icon, B.unii
„. M ., .. h« *r. 1•• t-n.:n. an:- c-« WVM»w^
I* i* .. u .. >
l-.yios LIXB, m**m*m**
.. * ~>H» *\-J ILAII.KOAD-
ItFNKY «.K \FJ *.'•> • \ U»»m. IV.uhEftfh
l.l’VllH m'\il'MKK\S t Cm. No H 7 Mnn..- i- Hu:
, H k----**. Norn A Stroioc* m» Balt » Att#
j,. K x T > aiKi N<- ii- Old Slip N- , 'a ifii. '
"N'ani-'Jiler^ni-iJHIc, n- IMol-uri;': v» H-’”')' Gratf
:. .na*. »> 0»-;»,«yjriL;rr*
ND V * ND GDL nLU. I j-ii, 4^fl -pn:b
(lIA S H I'M PUKKA a. > , t ,
HKNKY I.KAFF Pm-t-urifH. raarl-t.!
> u-* TuuisvoKinon of *’« < jn - 1 !
iU'al'iN. Ac
R.i&te.i-w A Fash. I’fi. «-.t pt>i*
Taafts A O (‘•••(N' a I' ::*i’urc!i
'|-H'- ... !.(:.«• tv-oe '• :u "H' rj
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id :> ».-knw«
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. ’•»re* tor (oift ini«»w«>i'. aot ui.r.iftS f-r
A . '•ominumciiiiOiif prntni’L • «i»<
111.- Wine
}(• »Klill>a. A i AMI Marie: ... f In
•1 AAKKK 4 OV«.«.N.NMR. »>•“’>
, 1 1 -| ,> 4 Co. Vrilh ►. Ha '•mi..?'-
\\ M H WILSON, -ft Orda.r »L-N<-'*
V l ''
4 .. l.jiii*. r umpo>. il of ■*ie-»ni' , M*i!'
•• dMm ii.*HH. l-riwrrii t i '»>l
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, |{. t I, f 'p . 4 111 .« >«l pii»“r MS' Mina! poinw
■ f ., r-'l,; a;„, Hiu.-n und
. ;' t)r rn::Trri"i H-»l pt>-
ii ll> r proprietor
r- 'l'- • j-'*-
»• \i HI I.U. I'Mipriruir
[JK» U. I'All A >:<>.
JOHN A > Al'i-lH- I A.''-
<• , r \Vf.:er -«..0' ■; *
To mid from tor dll'-*- via i. um rrln.o.
rii || i. .ro[»nrii»r» or tin' poj*tJinr hue. a**' " ' ' '
I r , H.rtimw»9H ariftlr I;^‘r lai ' M ;"? ,
• -..r «•>.-- 01 «■»-• -r- »»w P'-I'.af'" ”
.‘ T , v .. ri | h ir-j er nmoun; '•) i:.e I'lVf-. i)A> •
. t 1 0 [ y ail.i. ioiinl r-colur -.vuicoi!« *: low
'l'.]* - -.-.- w. nut ihnmrlvoui 1H- y-.-if- •-
■<H < T.‘-fo I h m«* Be-:!'.* ill Ul.UllfK.fß »"d 1
•O nv.m •a- d - Ift <>"'* »-‘ l
s.. f<*f 'n- ;|:,c * hou ' ° r
■ i-'. • ' -'<ir r i U Ki>!’iti*o:\ liaitniior
• j.. .. •»} -..-f '.j . J} RnltlN>(lN .
X VJ ** i 'mi r.<’« »'• ltn iiii'i-1-
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. , j C 11i11U1.1,1.. I'r.U.ilffilt.
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r'cLirsK thasspoutat os
li, iac i'i . r lh -‘ i" j r Ur L -“ ‘\7
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' !• .uuurch uud'we.itn »« ih*i J My
"-u N<• thi SoajOi < !i*rU»’< {UH.iuvr* i* «t>« ‘"‘ly
« K rs» »f ;h.» L.bc .u »-« Bnt.ri, Mf«
r j ' *** J c, BiI>\VKL.L, Punish,
u w l.rwwii't !U,
K.IKJA PTl>.\ !( CV.« , .uml>*r:i.u<l 1
J B KdBIN-SON, IHlLiinurr. _
. ~. , D. LKECH &. to’* |S LS
IS-1-S Old Kiubllibed Line* lO *O.
V , .s:> ouio **’•>• *'*'*•
» |(K ~fp»r-<! to al,<J P r "' ,u ' r to 4n«i
I .\ : f ,;; ( ,t i ;,;ib«- '.it-- o» i*vut*ir.r .rm. A.»
i.'VViVVrVi’o r A MiI lU»m. f*iti*l.urrh
, | M KIA H NO* n 4 is *t ly.
■ V \\: 1 ,i: a.i(>N A'f.* No 14. N H.f.vafU Ua.
' \-i. V, i W <■••■. ••-f'-'-t
r.t'.-- i'*.. \fclr<-i. I‘Hli t-1- i
,iyc uni* n Itoa
Blrrcl.unU' Tr»i»»porl«tton Mue.
1 fl i,i *•»!• i;*::.
, I.A L, XJ-HU ANI. HA I-'
( J«lw , m , a su.t\ i
Dum. IV»» •I WI'HW
•JTV BiiJ •!. 1’1... H
- ■ MKUKrrr a « o
,’y ' Sißi<‘> * w hm' Rnit.mon
.'hi-J--'. 'i'* " ,h
-v,r: r.,«a. h..T».«u«2r*;“s .
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..Hi!.,! Inr vrry ■*»'»' 'TS^ r SZ W B».*
! ."OT hTm i*W - *»"*
I‘irkwbnJ} A Wcwwl*. J«»rm»ui’** ‘
Jf/rjn Millrr Mcillulay»t.-jrt;S „ L ,,«w,rh
.- > MUim.-vA rural, 1 lUnburßli-
Risnihocs**- I’uulmru ii- Smith A C '*!. r 'fc p,, R
-I. 1.-.V..1-1, 1J M r, c r. I! , £
\l.,„tr. H r:..ti-y k small, Jolm Vnr*'» Wm UJm«
> u. 1 >t I* «l>o»n*.«-rr»<r.
V. ho • • 1 ' ' '<■ '
S; ■ I KH . . A ••••
Consulting Rn|inc»ri &. Counsellor* tor
Pat tiuec**
(fAir-S lor Mid dW« .<!»«**? I*at<* 'i*" • nnpr.rvnK
uii.»fw»tion.oii MeiMjamr* »"il tliP B|-|>ii«niH'ti of .
i!i.c<• in 'he Arts, end nn Anirnean end lortijn l~»
ri \ , HAM |'m;laN.
11... a. 1 .1 V •-'• '• uf*
~l ... r U
I>KOK W'AI.TKK R Ji)HNW»N. l#»r of I’hiuii'-I
j.l.iur u|id Z i\ RuHJir-.S of Waniturfwn ril).
:.,im s.idftd l>y Hh.'htJ K: • •-v.e». l>q.,latr Macli;iir«t
~c •«« l/«ur4 Simm Patent nificvi have n»u>i'in»*d
1.1 ;n«'.vrt tnye’tirr fur lir- ii'cisei'illlon of 'hr nl’o*p.
• i.t f»l* t ir«f-«-inuat U*me*», either m their oilier,
,»i use patent oilh>- or t.pfm- the Court*; and will dr
vnip their uniitvtdec! attr >.io-. to forwarding the inier
e«l ol Inventor* and others who may roitaolt them or
pj.ficf Unities* in'linr bnnil* Mr Knowles lia» foi
:)l , oast twelve yean hr id Hie p<i«t o( Muehiiiest mthe
i'l.itert r»tal*n Patenl Other and re»ien» that .iiuatioii
t/i Hike part in Ihe |*-e«-ni Hi* lakitf*
and peculiar fitne** lor ' B,! >*i>P«rtan'. oflee »o lon* di
ed I y hmi, have bc«jn fully recofiiuW by Inventor*
wherever the office itaeln* hoown.
Toe office of Mcitn i * K- '• u " * «*e«u opposite
me Patent Office, WMtiUiKtou. U t. where eominutu
r«,ona, pt>« paid, will be proinpUy »t<ei.ded to nain
,aaiwnlniidf, drtvSnß., .i-wifa.umi., «nd .If r. yt
,u> W p c r.pifp«r«-»n'l modrl. a,.,-
rh 10 b< mi.woro.l »d-i l>“.
' |„ Ike dune. of thilii oOeo «lhch porioln. lo U.o !•,.
•100. U„». Slo.-n U« b " oyn-ioh H * '"*■
remlrniaji of io* hijhc.i nrol«.lonul •od
full, conr«..«ei wilt MecW- Uhl
I trtjwu. mjrStdtwlyS
l-ilr/nn Hank,' iisH.
} M&Oa^crs.
HUSSEIN. JliftN*'-. U t
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ti-f I>l thu liiiWiin ■ UK jAi Sfg aLTEKATIVK.
l mn rontidi-ni mm >t i r llC^n :l -,'nrmrd by Mrs. Rose of acnrc per
u. ; ((| m ,. j ou b ,. r Ur> Jkyne’i Alt«rttUT«» vrbich
lunrhoiity over every outer remedy of the
Sb>- bn» H-en ajflieted lot the I**l sixteen year*
I wi'.a .Nix.Rt »rfhs> or WHI TE SWELLINGS, attended
A 1) He:; N \ r,.y | iT..j ulc* rat um and enfobauon of various bone*- do
,T‘ti t' n ' AvlO \ |. l\ K. '' A I .> , i v !,,, fK u i nr,: wt)>ni wne many p.ect* have been.di*chai|red from
‘ , ;i, i-I ms n" '. / • I ,irontnl Mine nt the cranium, from both bor aim*,
-v k' |\. fck.->VA. V. i * 'il'u, ua More In the Hi >• of I wr ; *;» an.: bards aiul (torn bmhlcgs, nod from ibe left
Zzp: J» |V»>. VN »*"»'“•'« Zi.S\™: u . ! ir.i IMBI uu,c, and from tbr right knee, beside* paintnl
< nm*ivriy etwtited >n tin- 1 ul«-i-i* on other parts of her person, which have battled
'• ’ *' r |' ll \ '" '‘ ! m \u . ittrei. ij> j mn si ill or a number of the most eminent phyvtcianaof
- l ‘/V a!, j trr" iirepareil to • npp'v i our iMi—during most of ibe lime he? suffering* have
l »-t |V* *"\i. f i. hß . l(l WU |, Dtn-a, Tamu. 1 !■«.<•»ß ami deplorable. About three month*
U'a.- 1 *•« -'jut r * -f • \ M , rncBll jVi'tutoei) 1 j ••iu’r fb** wh* induced to iry Dr. Jayne's Alterative,
* . 11\ •• »>u «. l r ' ,df t' t V-'niuefiN *i»f ihetr own j wb.rii tm* had nn astoaiihingly happy effect upon her,
"* rf -il e-bet sn.rV* sn thru ime ot bu«i- I i-y removing all pain and swelling*. und causing the
» -aiitv a* low u litv c»a be pur* i utcet« to heal, while at tlic same tune net general health
*'•'"esetirrn edT ** |ha . hreomr coinpiftely tesiurril. so that she now weighs
'* l **,. A j t j|vp * Ct M'K k. >' ii-« mom lUiui «iir did before she commenced the use
______—— | -if in.* truly valuable prepotiou. —[rat Eve. Post.
!tf |lt> , m.'iM'I 1 IAI'IUCM
r^££sc: tt&'is&L
V. AM> IIMI*' «
“ I-A.•».»«. i u.xt lU'.i.lllmift Othc«.
b- •n:S:«u.N >
i 1' ;
I uvl
j ;aiaU *Co,fToui»4
M R Dll' A 1..
< irrrs. A 1 1
■Ln/d .i ;d i^r**.(n. I>‘-' <• f»m»
i: .1 -row.: :; .u>mv cuili-red be-
-i.uiii: co'.,i;nr oiler.. in me
I' A
a;irr u;i»b r wmit name* 'liey
i- . j ji - n«i<l T'Tf:i«« ;nc
TO THE mi Lie
I :.v;,e.[ l 1 ||«. inf. r.iaiiiajn, Meiviii Uridtfr,
~11,. »,<■i»-'. » tl a.i i.*vrf my body, for
W I ‘ Ot: not Maud. amt w;n rurrd I')'
, j. HnLMK.b.
.. Mr -i «• u* lit t
,, rmi-.-.l m> linn to iwt-.i
tiii'-riiing (.I.:
i t inasi'i:
Vli h'IRKI-O.V New \ ork, U
-t;.. lirmnhvay. New York
M(i k vCt\N. i.f .-ru. Depot. Dr W.M.
, V’.' • )‘.n Ill'll ir' • * .'oumming r«r>
, ; i;r. I.e r: ft on
.. .• •, ; , .'.f I'ltiftOurcn
■ I'lVi \! - »V- Ml i i'NM Mi’TlON
> . .. » , .... • ki. s a,:sn *• .-XI ViTiinr
... n t n'|» »• u;r. »-i riulllnc n
... ... < . ; .;r. - i't- tr.; i old
.-'r:;..- lo -ut■ -:• Ir. *nm-* :0e ,1111^
1 r.»u«n i* mor- ln-il!.'-
I, 7- <■ h;i nm'il l:uili i» Jjii’ll
, ur ~.Q ii.., ~ii .. aciK-arnnre. a:i^>
..... .... ~r . .r.'■■ i i.-a: .1 huruH. a« on iiuj.inrin
. v r - .. , i ,ri ,v, Tm.
~\u 05, I>L : . M*i) AI.LKN,
'iit. ciunvn.
..n.;. 1 - '/!» i i>- ra,l <-ui:. uiul tiior
ti* •! •-« i •niri-p-drtl .r tlOl.ilfrdt
.... i,.. . o' ; oi t;.«
< k11141r .- l ; o. -a--- which oflor
•*. ... f It** punic-ulnr y uivtte. •Il"li
| uemi-rWulh tr--4ic»lli. <>'l r»
• o ;*i >•. J’u.«y, fic., upcchijr cure;
f>v LU'-.n'-'-M Xlin *f«ri}
11 k.-h.I fc-x-
t I v )>l -t ' i • 1 •' •' "■ |!t
rn-».i iixhi;nan. dkaVXB co , rs.
DR. HD'VaKD ACKKR. take* this mean* of re
turning hi* thanks to his friend* and the public
1 K,r i!i" f nc'mv'' patronage be has received, ana of in
'< ! .rni.i.c mem thatUehu* lately erected a lajge and
1 - Kr! r'virocietl builduig, for tlic exclusive purpose*
■ ,’,i im W.VIT.R CURK F-STAirLItHMENT. at his old
! nl BiulUpsburgh, Piu, on the Ohio river, oppo
site the steamboat landing at Beaver, where he is ready
! to rec-ivo patient* a* boarders, and treat them on Hy
j dropuUuc principle*- In addition to his long expert
i,.,lCe. ami tin* xreat nuccess which has heretofore at
fended hi* treatment of patients committed ts his care,
' ne Im* now me additional faciliue* afforded by an ex
;rn*ire butlomg erocied expressly for the purpose, eon
i tinning commodious and airy rooms, and fitted up with
i ~7 rry m-.-essary apparatus for bathing, and ddminis
vrmff ttir treatment to the utmost benefit and comfort
' .it m-;mirnt I'hiihpsburgh is a most delightful and
1 -irn mv village, easy of access by steamboats, and af
,nrdi bne and wtiolesbme water. Ur. Acker assures
- ; inose nllt.ctcd persons who may piece themselves tin- i
' der hi« c: rr Hint every attention shall he paid to their |
« "M»aar>, U«i, * j I .....morl, and as an assurance yflhe substantial benefit*
’• 1 ‘ " ... ' * lntr 'to be derived, he point* with confidence to the hun
’ l»u;m...iaf> KaUaui 1 dred* Who have been permanently cured at hi* estab-
\ i*nri ..JO, IV c«» «• uuunou,
u i,k itsu, , nn-oui.i of I ' 'icv-ul s* i« too open the case with those who have
v ,1H h 1 11 RJ . | j a - mv i -i treated on ihe old system. It removes the dis
r"' lvpfT ~.r i ! m-e. mvuroruies the system, protect* from the daogey*
4 ' tv Ullil i. fr iri t | iiirnirnt ;*■ iliangem of the weather, create* a natafal
.1 Hi iivi- sppcuie. Kill! tmpart* vigor to the digestive
wrr. Term* oi treatment and bdardiax reasonable,
her particulars imiime at the establishment, or
Ibe pri’pneior at Ptullipsburgh.
. wixk rfc:uK» Miiifi
p I'ninn Lf' '. 1 ‘ i
t:t: a -i )\ •«•
*iV* i. >;! II »U
a-ik*< l u. «
\ •• V. t
Foi :u/Umt mlonnatmn, inquire of Mrs. Ro«e,
\ii VIIK'AN TKLKORAPII COMPANY. I i'ill*cit *t,. blladelptua.
"mii >•• 11' - " fc'.u am. •' i.uv:.. i i'o' <»;r,n Pittsburgh, at the PEKIN TEA STURE,
l.iM- i TV icirUi m. near Wood. jj4
OKi rt "I ihf Ki<«e. W"** l T\K ~TO\VNSKN _ D v s"I‘ARSAPA.RfLLA.-6udown
!j • !>t I ti*l* A 11 " 1 I‘itu- M ju*t received of Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla, the
Xi « 1 ' >o .,Vi,.rrtiuL';«p.i mo*t extraordinary medicine in tho world! This Ex
'('.lwjVnj.'*! rroin Hal- j t'act t» put up'in quart bottle*. Ill* six times cheaper,
piv a •aitier, ami warranted »upcru«r to any sold. It
•, ra n. di-»|>airh t» v r ' dure disease without vomiting, porting, sickening or
» ii'K, i» 10 , mi* ■ debilitating the pauem.
;oc earh additional' Look cumro* lscrtanosa.—Unprincipled persons have
| copied our label*, and put up medicine in the wane
'I,- m.lilie** ai'J ngna i shaped bottle. See that each bottle ha* the written ug*
1 nature of Jt. P Townsend. •
K. K. SKtXKRS, Druggist. 67 Wood street, between
r tnrti ami Fourth, is Dr. Townsend’* only wholesale !
, vi.iui-u u. .Memphis b> mis loutf/amt 1 ami retail agent for Pittsburgh, of whom the genuine
‘ ‘ jpt| iirtir;,- can be had. ,
, Jj&ys&rsir;—
. i s 1
.11. I 1 ilfnS w AKF. on the corner of Robin- ! whether in that oi Amg * hTtl. e "‘ ar s e rnronie 1
... - ‘ ■ »•' W»«t,ALu. il i«i l „| a^ofbO Dci (ioitre. While Swelling*. Laromc |
f. '• prepared lo furnish m order • 1 heunialwm Cansor, disease* of the bkmOf Spine,
.. -1
Bacon Smoking. cal cure can be cllccteo, eu r r r-
I 1 vVIM- 4*l < .•■ci.-.rled the rebuilding ofnur sruoke wlllCO the disease dcp« * nnrlur what Incm
i V.. -nr prepared lo U.vr meat. neceasit) w • no ra “°® r "f al, ? rm
1 .t ml - ml-r.-;,ai.ti.ble manner S“di«-»« ' hould ® aDll *' l ! U il* lftU ' *****
Tl,. 11, »r- nil ' d wuJi 4.1 ii.c modern improve mison why JITKh 1 Ai.TKIIATtTB It BO OQI
fci..: ..f. I up- ie m I oma;;.!i's jui.ixai lb« cacti. ’ ~ v ‘ gucce ««iul in removing bo many malignant
hil.U a JI*SV>. funa; U..M11 d»«w«e*- It destroys the rirus or principleTron
/"t near <4*venti. «i those diseases have ihetrerigia,by entering
, ,1. , :vi st.-l«" I“.K KFtlM.l) •' l . uaU 'T"'*j inlo v ,.e circutaumi, and with tho blood U conveyed
V -ur/ara SaMhVVki to u.e a.iou«e«t fibre, reootto* eseiy pefbeleo!
... :« poartn stun. i>> disease from the eyttem. Preperetl and sold at No.
‘ o S .jy AJ A YNF>_ 5 Soul h Third Street . Philadelphia.
; i »oi j UUTIT.K • m i.t. • !rr»n, to« : d aiw mr Sold at the I'ebio Tea Store,No.T2Koorthatree.
Jv Jc’-v '1- kORi'ZKH PtttsUurfh _ tncb3i
~ ~V 1-H *1 i II H. 1.1... i H.vcr Sr-rd; IJ Sachs do, saTO ■) M bls'm store and ibf sado low
1 ( I , 11 ','|i’ 11 n, f , lamlin- i <om >imr Caleb t'opoi N to doi« coowgameol. tebl JAB DAXJiSLL.
<>!.(/ 1. |MMKKO>
Scrofula or * Fvil. Rhecmatim. Obaonate Cuu
neou* Frupnon*. Pimple* or the Face,,
5.; Bile*. Chronic Sore Eyes,
<rHid Head Knlargetnenl and Pain of the
V„ “'Yn.i Joint*. Stubborn Llceri, Syphilitic 9ymp
tomf <c uca or Lumbarb. and l).*ea«e« arum*
!SS-.'n”Sao.». .~.«'M CT ..r r .A^|»..rOr< S ;
*y Kxpo»ure or Imprudence in Luc Al.o, Chrome
—«< ‘“j*
of Nfmrnu, combrntl-»K
is r:
*wTs b.-.-t Ofu'.y ic-ied. not out? by patient* them.
.V'vr, but uI no by Phy»ician., that it ha* receded
their umjuu::ficd recommendation and the approbation
S thVpuW.c mnl na» e»iabli*hed on t . own menu a
rrpuution for vufuc and efficac* far .apertor to he
vMttou* compound* bearing the uame of
Di*-aic» have be«*n cured, *ucb a# are not f ur "“^ #
;•! Dir record* of tune past, and what it ha* alreao>
done for the thou«»n<r» who have u»etl it. it l« ca P*J > '*
ot dome lor the million. *ull luflenttg
A-iiti di»ca»c It purifies, cleaiun*. and «tren*th
the fountain spring* of'tie. and infuse* new vigor th r
out uie whole animal frame
. . 1 .» a‘ j'fi' a:.r»l i.|nm lo
■; *Bt»r< ! -d in- aniio.l
made mid put up i>
The fo!!''Win« ntnktn* and, a» '*‘■ll be «oen, pertoa
eni cure of nn inveterate cate corameom
• eifto ai. -imiUr ; v afflicted:
SovTHrorr. Conn., Jan. L IB4jj-
Me.*?* Sam>* (ientiemen—Sympathy for tie aip
ii diicf« 'ii*' to inform you of the remarkable 4
•rfre’-’d lv your puraaparilla ;n the case of my wi
•*!„. ~u * «rv«Tr]y afflicted with the acrofula on dlffe
rut pin* of the body: the gland* of the neck wet
irt-ai.v enanrcd and hrt limb* much awollen. Afte
• ufl’Tinir over a year and finding no relief from ibt
remrd e* u>ril the dn-euae aiiacked one leg. and he
;,m- (he kn- e nupporated Her pbyaictan advued «
,uoul<! he .did open, which wa* done, bat without any
p-rntancni heneßt In thi* situation we Ueardof. and
we-e induced to u*e Sand*' San-apunila The first
l l0 n (P produced a decided and favorable effect, reliev
her "tore than any preaenpunn »he had ever m
sen. ijui' before .he tmd used six botlir*. to the. artnn
i-un'irn' n id dcl.gli: uf her frienda, she found her
hr,nit .j ~.o It if now over a year since the
.•ere w a- -Ifeo ed. and her health remain* good, above
, vi» thoroughly eradicated from the
► v *wm (>ur neighbors are all knowing to theae
;„.u. .ml Ch.-.JC vrry bipLly of Sm.dC S»™»»nll«.
Your* with reapect, JtLIVS « J* 1 ,
I‘airat t from n letter received from Mr. N W Har
r.a.’u -'fiiiirmm well known in county, Ya.:
••tientlnoen —I have cured a negro boy of mine with
your Sarsaparilla. who wm attacked with Scrofula,
»nd of n acrofuloua family
° • \ inifi truly. N W HARRIS.
"Fradrnekb Hall, Va., July 17. HH" .
<anT»' S*in*fa*tu-A-—lt aeem* almost unnecessary
»to*ilitect attention to an article so well kuown, and »o
Jccr ved v p-ipular. a» thi* preparation, but patient*
oi'rti who wi»h to use the* extract of Sarsaparilla, are
induced (•> tr\ worthies* compound* hearing the name,
(■u - . i onin.!ii: , i; Jniie or none of the virtue of thi* valu
able ro«‘. and we think we cannot confer a greater
t/enct.i on our readers than in directing their attention
~, 1t ,,. Hll ,-t-ru>emeitt <»f the Meaara. Sand* in another
.•o mini Th- ha* recently been enlarged to hold
;• i.uirt, »i'd i .o«r who wi»h a really good article will
i I,ml con. «-n:i j'.ed in tin* *ll the. medicinal value ot the
i root. T.jc experience of thousand* ha* proved it* ef
. m turme me various diseases for which it i*
3 r. r.oiumcii Jrd nn.l at the present time more than any
Other pet hap*, i* ’hi* medicine useful, im preparing the
■lyoem for a change of *ea*oa.—Home Journal, Sept
(,r fin- Ki.f tinr
t;.r illid na.
- ; Woo.' i
m Mark.:' mul
|'ri - M-.1u.-d
Prepared mid sold wholesale and retail, by A. B. A
I) *ANI)S. Druifri«t» ami Chemists, 100 Fultou street
, oril ,r ot W.iiiHiii. New Yuri- Sold also by Dreg
ful, eeneraii v throughout the L mled Slates and Cana
da, 'pm-e Si per Bottle; su Battles for 85
, ai ,. m Pittsburgh. wholesale and retail, by
H ji TaHN KSTOCK, A CO. corner of Wood and
F?»u «t* . also, corner of Pixtli and Wood its. by 1..
WII COX Jr . inner of Southfield and Fourth su,
iml i orner of Market si and the Diamond; also.
••> Fl)\Y \hi’ FllN'DKßlCH.cor Mononga lo House
« r, . •. liu i.ppi-lluni!
;>•.«. pu red p»
a y pr.VHIP ITHI
J ( j \,.ji fur unpreeeluted success which naa
t.-.e u-e of tne
.r .• t*f<- io a. i attVji led
i - urn various lonns wiueii irritation of the.lung* as
,ume*. lias induced the proprietor again to Sail atten
l,on .o I,I, \ VOSI>IiRI .. I ;L PREPARATION.
The rhai'-'nl'ie weather which mark* our fail and
a .ntci months, is always a fruitful source of
The-.-, it ncgle-ir.d, arc but the precursors of that tell
Tl.f JIU-U..11 th-n. hnw'.hall wo nip the deairoyer m .
::r sud* how »h*:’ «« get clear of our oouflu and
.. ,i.' i> of vital in.-ormuee to the public.
w,n I.r found in the oilmen* panacea. In
we have from titm- lo time publiahod the certificate. of
lozr'iA of our l>est kuown cituen*, who have cxpen
i:,eed u. curative power* The*e, with a mu*, of te.
umouv from nil pan* of the country.—from
Mmi-tem of the Goqttl, 4c., together with eopiotu noS
IC *" from ’"jULTLNALS OF THE DAY, .
we have embodied in pamphlet lonn, and may he na«
r .u, ,1 -y
! inn,u s n«ai die Uimiid Sine. and Cuada, and we e»»
ei.oe &nv man to point out a
n which when taken according to directions, tod be me lung, hod become fatally diaorgomxcd, it hu
„e, failed A p ERFECT CURF.
Why then, need the afflicted hcitaleT Why resort to
ttic im—rat'le nostrum*. gotten up by u ; own indmd
ob.l» u ler the assumed tuune of some ce -Iwaie-l pbf
■ »i -mu and puffed into notoriety by certificate- c per-
I .ini equally unknown’ Whilst a medicine ol
ji*to be had. whose roucher. are at home,—our n.lgh
■ i tifjr*—many ol whom it ha*
3 cnf. 'u.. i:iorou*n and
•J i*ui !■> a -1:* ••• •*
v:... h r ' • f»>» U*o«
>| |> . j <>ti aiiU er clui.
W.J .ln»rov-red trill'--
...J :: lot
• j : .ii Room* .*»>■>. fi6 Uio-
T.. I*-., icr i► *:why» hi
l-i order that thi* invaluable medicine may be placed
wuVm the reaeh of me poor a* well the neb, we hatM
lust ottr half the usual cost of cough medicines, it u
lot r*ir by our went* in nearly every' i#wn and vilioai
c -cr tho we»t. wlio are prepured to give hill informs
relative to u. T. SALTER, Proprietor,
Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio
•■ri i* " “°n—l '• l ''
,„r. \v <-1 r ’ Ur lown-
.! .o ki r.p ti|< the ullrii^l n
«i .... * t.inr- Uic quanti
-1 ..1 mi' olh
• ’iuhli;
w m Lavender. Annl«-
ny - n ' '
. 1 . \ *•
•onirt 'll I'M „,;j ! l,r " Wl
'Wstcr'i l.iuc i*r
» QBJIAT CURE, p.rfi.n=~l b, U>«, lim Tit: pr,]'ar,d u,d wtd bp R K BKI.
LE “- reran
Ur. R K. SHIm.-i—
-ualiKn U>»W mv hoobta talirrraaj O fc-o- of T°“ r )“*>>
Sta„«a Li... MU. I b... d*.H«l doa, •» lor ,-m.
uihcriE* la D.,t Crvcb.itV narim, **b» w« J OQ *r, rijM,™.jpr.p»r»o«»»no9n».
, n d jLt. Hudcd w lb. b»x. .«»! urto albrraaraxr
,«A...rr F, I. b... b~» od.nd u Ih. p.blU,^«do«dt^,
l b. 1«,. ib.j . .'.I -.ur,f.» «n," »* JST . , w ™
’.onpl.nt too ro, j-rolh, «i»bnd much,
mu/.m.brsl (h, .rom»., U -bum l rm.d ”«b monuf. bra
roltmwb Uoud; Lrra .umimd rai phywckdd Hmoitid d«ih,
• <l6 T 1 «»• induced loi-t )our Llvvr PiJU, tad SOON GOT
-V ELL < boi «f b*iiicb u now sufficient to kvep naefaar
.f ivjid in ibi i.d. and ati ths eUser symptoms. Car nt l«ut
•JoUths. Ynur Puis arc abo the bwlealharOel overused;
wing mild, aoi cripmc or givmr »u*h tttkacss si tha itota
4th. out gits rnc much rrl «f 1 have kept them ia ay start
tor (1 or 7 )fi»r\ wld hundreds of boivs, and kart narsr
i.csrd t nag « emaplaiLi utured by any ons who hal B*d
ih*m. • They twr» suprret d «1 aiaost every other pHI ia this
ueirhbortuxxJ, and re a short time will baatxb them til.
earnestly recommend th»tn to all persons needinf physic,
whe titer for Ltwr Complaint or Bulioos Jffectioas. I eoa
,ider them u> Calcael or the BI&sPUSi Respcct
firily yourfc W J L Mouis
CAUTION—As there are other Pills be lore the poblw
caLLKS Liver Pi lb, persons who want the OEJJinNSsaonld
for and take no other than thoee prepared and Sold by R
K SELLERS, N’o 57 JFood-et between Third and Fourth
* t *S«ldby Dr. CataUr, Fifth JTard, D M Cu«T, Alkgbeny
city. K*
Great EngUeh Remedy.
I7OR Coughs, Colds, Asthma and Consumption! Ilia
< GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY for the car* of lha
V,cvr diseases, is the HUNGARIAN RAT RAM OF
LU-'K, discovered by the celebrated Dr. Baehan, o 1
Loi.don, England, and introduced into the uoited Btateo
under the immediate superintendence of the inventory
The extraordinary success of this medicine, Ut
cum of Pulmonary diseases, warrants the American
.Agent in soliciting for treatment the worst *•-
<c>i that oan be found in the community—<aaee that soak
relief m vain from any of the common remedies oi the
,luy, and have been given up by tho most dixtiirfuiihM
physicians as confirmed and incurable. The Hnjlfttn*
an Balsam has cured, aud will cure, the most despentt
of eases. It is no quack nostrum, but a standard Eog>
lish medicine, of known and established efficacy.
Every family in the liuiiea Elates should be supplied
with Buchan's Hungarian Balsam of Life, not only to
countetoct the consumptive tendencies of the climate,
but to be used os a preventive medicine in all easee of
cold*, coughs, spitting of blood, pain in the side and
chest, irritation and soreness of the tonga, brochftis,
difficulty of treating, hectic fever, night sweats, emaci
ation and general debility, asthma, mfiocura, whooping
couch ana croup.
Sold in large bottlea, at 81 per bottle, with full direc
tions for the restoration of health.
Pamphlets, coutaintug a mass of English and Ameri
can certificates.* and other evidence, showing the un
equalled merits of this great Engliah Remedy, may U
obtained of the Agonts, gratuitously.
For solo by BA FAiINESTOCh A Co., corner of
st and Wood and Wood and «tb ata.
,‘bom the Rev ASA SHINN, a wtfl know.n andpoo
r ular Clerrvtnan of the PioiestantMethodui Church
The nnderaigned having been afflicted during thepast
winter with a disease oi the vtomaeh, aomeUmea pro
ducer great pam ui the stomach for t >o or twelve noun
without intermission, and after having tried various
remedies with hi-ir eject, was furnuhed with a boola
ofDr DJayne'sCanniuauve Balsam. This be nsca ac
rorimg to the directions, aod found mvartahly that this
medicine censed the pam to abate in three or four min
utes, and in fifteen or twenty mlnuteseyery ttneaaj
sensation vmis entirely quieted. The medicine waa nf*
u-rwardsosed whenever mdieationsof the approach of
pain wete perceived, and the pam was thereby prevent
ed. Ue conunu»*d to use the medicine every eveany
and sometimes in the morning, and tn a’few *****
health was *o far restored, that the sufferer wa* reue*
edfrom ■ large amount of oppressive pain. From e*
perience, therefore, he can confidently recommend D
D Jayne's Carminative Uaisam, as a salutary i?Kiain
for diseases ofthesiomach and bowels. A BltlriJvD
Allegheny city,l*3l
For sa.e in Pittsburgh at the PEKiN TEA BTOB
7*j Fourth street, near Wood, and also attheDrug
Store of H i* SCHWARTZ. Federal street Allegaeey
ijUNDRiKS—Abb’s No iMackereh
O Ji bbls No * mackerel; 30 hf do No J do,
■■ - 3 - 10 do Tannen OtlL
i do Alum; 3 do E Balls; 3 do chip’d Logwood
l hi do Nutmegs; 50 bis No 1 scaled Hernnc,
60 bx> No 3 do do; 5 do scented soap;!
to do N« 3 Press’d do; 10 do No 4 do do
t ba.e Cloves; 10 bags Java Coffee:
b) . - " °«BihK saafiaf
c “ k ’ "•’w.cK^M^lWi-Esa
DEACONS -3 bbl. Pe.ons, reed end for sale by
,LOVO. SKKU,-* >-^ c --I^ ANDLEga
PORK— 4W.-0 ibn Shoulders and Sides, for sale by
fobid RHEY, MATTHE>y9^_Oo_
BUTTER—» bbls RqO, Ac; 2 kegsjor uJe
feb22 J RHEY, ACo
L t A°^“ P ''‘‘ OI 'RHUV% f fAFtHK!w a ko. .
BUCKETd— 50 doi Miner A Merrick’s Bueketa, in
“ d f “ T •*'BMWN t CULBERTSON.
fcb2i? 145 Überty st
GENUINE PALM SOAP—On hand and.faT sale by
fehao . J KIPP ACO
A LA EG E aaaortment of Fancy
and for sale by . jhfrba* J KIDD ACo
T TERMIFUGE —335 gross o(
y on hand and for sale by febJ-> j KIDD A oo_
L” I YF.R PILLS—3OO gross M’La*e’s««ilcbr*iedJJv»
er Pills, on hand and for sale by j RWI)kCo
Mackerel— i>bi* No a, for «ue by
'HITE BEANS—*7 bbl* small
Wore and for snlc by fe!3 L S W ATERMAN
; A R_« bbU N ft
GREEN APPLES—«O bbl* preen Apples, laijtand
in fine order. febl3 J 8 DILWORTH fc Co
171 RE BRICK—I7,OOO Ewing’s. equal u» quality to
' Bolivar brick; 10,000 good common, for »ale by
LARD— 000 keg* No 1; SO bbl* do do; ododoNo *,
lor machinery, in «lore andYor sale-by
gar Hou*e Molaase*, in wore and for sale rery low
lo cloee consignment, by
feblß JAMES DALZELL, water H
GENUINE SALAD OIL—On band and for
?NA'BDNBI& LINIMENT—On »baad and for <£*
It bv febW J KIDD A Co
TTMBRELLAS—2 cases low priced- medium, and
I) good cotton end gingham Umbrella*, opeoed
tSbEKSHIRE CASSiMERES—Two care* bright
H (S rib 5 «Tl~, ° pgT gHACKLETT fc WHITE
KENTUCKY j BANS—Three cate* gold mil, dark
mi r and blue, Ju»t receded from, manufaemrere
and for tale by feb'hl SHACKLkiT - A WHITE _
SALTS—3 ton* m wore and for tale by
, febt« ROBT DALZELL A Co, Liberty* .
P' "KARL ASH—tVcarks for saleby"
/IHEESE-CO bis Western fOT
S" ALERATUS —16 cask* for sole by . ,
/ lO’rrON—«s bales best quality to arrire; for
(, aale by ISAIAH DICKEY A Co, froo J _!i_
LIQUORICE— 1 2 cue* Sicily Liqnorice-m store and
ior »ulc by febSl BROWN A CULBERTSON
Allspice, Ac Ae.
Instore end for sale by
CtLOVTUt SEED—3O bbls prime Ohio Seed, re«Ww
, .O-J., u .d (o, „i« br EY t am
fcuaa w a»—iil_
BLACItTEAS— luo half cheou choice Colon* on* l
Pow'hooj tcm, r», ■%^ ( . AL?y t smith
Brunch RAisiNs-iio wio* ‘““if imffa 1 "
Coo orton for »alc b, BAUALEV A SMTfB
w ifHT .
TTt'CV dm rml h«T
K drover* end double lined driver*,^ *P.
c, °’ } u i” celvcd bT Erpr Irffigff* wHrrg *
r lIJUIWS h*»d 'tiy
I i febiU ■’ ‘ •
l-£, IC f E bis 1 ‘""‘ rasSfflOM*”4Co
X . Di-i'M *PPI KS—lO bbh on band and for tale fry
G B «*i* PL> W * tt M'CUTCHEON
/ 6aie* JaDd ss#° m «m* Com*
, b '.','“‘ i ■”'’ '" ““ jAS A HirrCHISON ACo Sj'
.. Qaxttu 3d it, mar Iks Pott QM $!
One msertton of lSlioet, or lei*, JO SO 4
Two insertion* wUhototaltemtiooe,.. 0 76 )
Throe “ “ »....••••• J ®
One Week “ ••>••• 15®.
Two Week! " ...... fg/
Thre« " " - J~l
OnoMootU, “
Two '• “ —7»^
O* Longer adterUaement* in nne
One square ,& month*, without alteration,*** gg
“ 12 “ “ “ 5 (jo
Each addilionail square for 6 montoe, •**••• qq
“ “ “ 15 “ i l6 00
Ono square. 6 month*,renewable atpiw*" qq
" 44 « 41 44 — lO 00
pch additional iquare Tor 15 30 00
Two aquarei,6 month*,re waoie»»p gqq
Each additional square, 6 month** '*** V* , ttl y
tmiT ob .TEi-iratW ** D
on. —'»
ClM*- g gy
<w>y *• W “ U J. IO s»
„ •< «iz monlb* “ ®
„ -trrl n visut rniii
r .*»«*<>» |0 S 3
For XOUnee,t»r;« , *«yj o> (1
!' •* Tht®*, * l
n n 't* Tbweiooath*, *««j**ii
■ •• Sii "
Tint™ “