THE PiTTSBUIMI GAZETI'E. PUBLISHED BY WHITE * CO PITTBBCBGHI WEDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH 7, 1549. PHILADELPHIA NORTH AMERICAS. Advertisements md Subscriptions to th* North ean ind United SuuetsGaiettc, Philadelphia, received nd forwarded from office. GOBHERCIAL LIST AND PHILADEL PHIA PRICE CUBUEST. Subscriptions to this valuable paper will be received and forwarded from this office. SEW TOOK EXPRESS. We will receive and forward free of expense, sc >ertiiemenU and subscriptions for this pap^r lOTus PrmucucH D*av G*jnrrra Is published Dauy, Tn-Weekiy, and Weekly.—The Daily i* Seven Dollar* per annum, the Tn*Weekly is Five Dollars per annum; the Weekly it Two Dollars per annum, striaif nodvanc*. (rP-AUvkitmxai are earnestly reqnetted u> hand in -hew favors before 5 r. and a* early in the day as practicable. Advertisements not inserted for a ipcri Bed time will invariably he charged nntil ordered out cr W«. Tuorirscw, Esq , 8 E. corner ol Baltimore end Sooth street*, u our daly authorised A*ent foi Fom Liter Commercial Intelligence,Domestic, M*f ►eta, River New*, Imports, Money Market*. Ac see bird page. 0«« nest pagi For Local r THE UNION la oar last article ofl this subject, we suggested a mode by which a mbre perfect union could be fanned between eaptloi and labor, and save *ome reasons whv such a onion would assist the labor lag man, and put skill upon a level with capital, and we shall now attempt to show that u would be equally important to the community m other respects. It has already been remarked that the amount of required for most of the important branch es of manufacture here is M great as to secure a of monopoly to the rich. Even they, how ever are in most instances compelled, for this very reason, to yvork under greut disadvantage. Tne real estate, buildings*, and machinery of our iron or cotton mills, are generally about sufficient to ah •Orb the available mesas of even our strongest hoasea- The consequence is,that their business is done, to • very large extent, upon credit; their sales are anticipated, and their bills drawn thereupon diicoaqted ot rates which interfere very materially with their profits, nod tend to keep up the price of their produefa to a point which is often prejudicial to the interest* of the place. With larger means, they could of course lay in their stocks and sell their fabrics at lower prices, because could pay for what they bought, and hold their paper until maturity. They would, moreover, render thereby as other very material service to the community' by relieving the banka from the necessity ot sus taining them, to the exclusion of others, »nd leav ing those institutions to assist other and larger r»l«—who are equally, meritorious, and whose wants are of a more moderate character. It would, moreover, serve as a means of tempo rary investment, which would keep the n-sources of the community in active circulation, instead ot having them locked up in the banks, where they are of no use to their owners or to any body else. Il* influence upon the Slate nt large would not be less salutary. Instead of driving capital from amongst us, a* has heretofore been the p-jnry, it would invite it from abroad, and thus assist iu de veloping the resources of the cotnjmnwealth, by building upvsities and towns—increasing the taxa ble property of her citizens, and augmenting, to nn immense extent, (the traffic upon her pubbe im provements, in every direction. it would accomplish all these thmes > not a mere problem either. /The expertrr.rot Mu been tried elsewhere, and with the very result* we have suggested. Tbe cuv of Lowell, m :toc N*-w York Tribune. IDE FLIOHS* OP THE ANTELOPE. An. Epuodr. in the lift of Kit Carton, EYDaVIJ- t_ CROW7J. A few day* after ©veoti just related, after having paw'i through some of the most sublime M-ei.ery on the whole range of me Horkv Moun tain*. wr encamped at tne Lake of the Wood*, a a ftu/til though most beautiful Mice) of water, sur rounded tfy rceuery ikhose very re.rru-mbran'-e is • nr liaatiJKD'. Muicexnirencounter with tne Black !**et. we had seen no ‘feign" of Indians, and the country was fairly alive. With buffalo-v A# we were proceeding up.ilhis magnificent valley, w© observed, ab:in a mil© ahead of as. on the top of a bur. no Indian on horseback, with a buffalo robe stretched out. which we knew to be a token/*! peace, ahd a wish for an inlemewrwith the leader ol our party. Several o( cur men gift spurs to their horses, and galloped up to where he was station ed. anxibui* to ascertain what circnmstwjces so uuuiual n* a flag of truce from our mortal foes might portend. On commit up. we learned from this Indian, who was n B'ackfont subchief, or • tirave* that he had come on brhatfof his people, u village cf whom were encamped a few miles up the v,i!!cy, to desire in lx.- at peace w ith us. We herd learned, lor the fir-l t-nie. tnal the small jnxhad committed wii and (i lei ar' ur,d itjnthi* manner only a :'©«• lour-, previous. We knew tois from their fotuc© l-eia*; as Ifesh aud green ns U they had been Mil: , m sh tn-pride and vigorof vegeu- Ij.c I «•. We baited unj encamped about a mile the ’'i; air*- Mtortly .iherrMier. we were vis ited by ii. chu*!. a very tin© lookittiT savime, though inuc- marked with thesrrnii- pus aod verging up >a ti.e gigantic in »:»uuie. Ho made a great tnan ny protestation* .>f friendship for us, which we msrvsr utirihuied most probably to their right vaii*e, i e. lea: ol tiring attacked by our men who were now m iiie very mood for a hostile demon- jbio »«■**»• jfD LABOR. slrnuoii. Tn s However did not prevent us from ►ormmg a tireie round h.ra, and smokiug tbe pipe n( peace; which alter in© usual preliminaries oftil ling the same wit!/ a mixture of tobacco and -tin nidinmei, and pomluig the stem in a slanting d reen.-n upwards, as a votive nßVrtnglo tbe Great spir : ] t and itirii in the Karth. me Universal Mother, tie pushed around among us, each one taking a WQitl as a ! ie Jge ot aunty. After thi* customary and tovanab!© ceremony nad been gone n.mirga with, tbe majority of our u>» n rode up m the v. lag© f-r ihe o»tms.ble por pose ot tra.l. ic for ! ,*b -cc' our camp bring nearly <.e-: I .it -r oi ill !*. to a iiinnt-r tmjispens.b'e Com ui°< 1 ' ! **•:> ©• purpose, .'or the real inter urn* ot a numkf ul ©nr men, mn a hunting expe dition, but a- we shrewdly suspes'ted waylaying suci of f»ur men as were absent from our party, trapping on the numerous ti'reanv* abounding in this and tne nerghlxinnc region-. Many o! u« had en tertained sanguine hopes umt here most nruhnbiy, we would i*e able to obt.»m some tnlormaiion reixtivi-to h" laic of J?h iwena and Fontamell©. and even ol lind ug the former a prisoner mnqug lli.s vrrv [arty. ’1 lie latter wr nad no expecta tion or se*- ti; ftiive. being well aware, from our Unxw.ddge of character and usages, that if nc c:ul been unlcrmnate a- to fall into the hand- ol I?,-sc merciUss beun:-. death—not cap tivity—nad .arv*i to become Ito u-ves ol their captors; and •uchwe had nopcti it unght Be in the present in -t.ince. We were :. -wever d.-iipp. .nied. Neither by (.o-otic-g m»r threats, eouid vve obtain the sight esl due. eitner to .•.■ntirin or dt.-pel our fears oa tbeir necouftt. They resoluuvy denied ail knowl •dge respecting them, anil they did this with so great an appearance of sincerity and good faith, that many of lhi>se among us who were the least inclined t> give u.ern credit for truth or honesty, I egnn to fo-i.eve mat-mu might .be the case. At any rn’c, we were compelled t«> he SHtirlied. if net «u.-nv.nced only U. v > t!i: u-tni that 3 reasonable ground at nope tux sin; i«-tt us. To turn to othir matter* 1 observed with a great -teal of pleasure that the lowering brows wiirt m h.cii many o! our men hod entered the, had witii a f* w cxcepcions, gradually rc axed into good humor and even fun, as they suc ceeded in M'voin;..--' tig tn:.r tuncb-prizcd object ol'prconntig ».>tne l. ••noe-. as t.-.e jiftei.* of which many >f tae.-n ha< j si ripped tt»- very -uirt -which were e.ther of red liana©; or calico, of glaring b-ed-curta-ns pattermn od'thc.r backs Tbe iimiles and halndishmonis 01 tueir Blacklect women, had likewise no little eii-*ct in subduing and mollify ing tbe hitler spirit In which many u» were actuated- i W’e lind here at> c-ppottc:: 1/ of observing some of ctlect- wm. • the smail-pox had left behind .ItoaMest tne cruel nature oi Us ravages. The tares of many of these people were dreadfully marked, and showed unmistakable evidence of hav ing been but reoen’lv released from the loathsome grasp of IN-.l r.orml iisease Everything having thus passed off good-bumor edlf, thank* to the coaservauvc induened exerted by vorae sensible and reflecting men in oar Land, aud we were uhout to depart, tiavmg rnotinted our hor»vs I -r t lit purju*-©. when the attention of the wm!" pnri-v was arrested by an ©xtr&nrdiaary sound, wm* h rrsenroed di-tant thunder, or more pr,.;;er!v ic* nisa-tig of an approaching hurricane thronuri fcome migMv loreM. Wel-*okcd uo to the skv. but n-»; a c->ue d our men who bad rut den forward m advance ot the partv returned to ward us at f-n! galfop. shouting as thev came, Buf falo' Buiralo' L'n directing reir -trs tu the bare of the n*oi*rii;oi,. tne wfioh* nutter w mat once ex pinined. We could tiie'C see, emenriug Irufti out the dopihs or tne dark p-ne loresi an immense berd of ujfialues. which cuuie pouring and thundering down the .side 01 the mountain .n«.* the valley in the wildest confusion, presenting to lOe eye of Ibe be hotder a siibiuncly niugodkent ■peetacle—a tre mendous cataract of nmtncl life Following up with ihe eye the vast stream, this rushing torrent of bi 8005, we could observe at every opening or inter stieu in the forest l!ie black and continu >ua übba, like the body of some mighty serpent, hurrying on. levelling to the earth, mt* !ire6K: |K: e and deatruc tive course, ihe uodert»fu»h, e-. olmgs and smaller irees, as effectually ns if an avalanche had swept over iflera. No interruption was offered to the muitiluiimoud herd us it came tbuodering on, and passed about a hundred yards from us shaking the solid earth under them a* if an earthquake were pasting by, until ihe rear ofthe column was :n sight, when, a* we were in the act of dashing m upon U we discovered a large party ■■( mounted Blaekfiret in eager pursuit and cio»e on llie traces of the fly mg guine. These sivages were doubtless very much astonished to find us, thejr roorlai foes, where they had only expected to ,rov«l the r own people; still they managed to conceal their feelings admira bly. After u very few minuie* 1 observation, which was long enough, however, to tnitke them av fait in reference to our intentions and disposition to ward them, and the relative positions of tbe parties, one ot them who appeared to be a cluef or bravo, had the cool audacity to ask Joe Meek for the loan of lus big bay horse, telling him tiuxt with such an animal be (-mid kill buffalo coough to supply both camps. Tl : Major laughed significantly and told the wily savage that he ln-beved he would do his own killing Goinmentl mo t-> no Indian for im passibility; even a Talleyrand would find himself matched by a sjivngc r more limn diplomatic pow er of dupbccy and simulation. Tnc well known axiom ot extremes aiectinjg holds goo«l iu this as m most other instances I Th.s vast herd ol bulfnfo had be«’D collected tiv getber by the Blackfeet Tn oibrr tide of the mountain, in an eiteusiVe and beaunful valley, called by the trapper* Herrc'* Hole and driven across for tiic purpose of .supplying u»** village we had just left, and to whicb'thrv belonged. with this, their favorite article of fodii. Afier those of our inch. who had participated with the Indian* in this 'grand buffalo-hunt, had returned, bringing with them a supply of the find cow meat, eudicient id furnish the whole camp for sever*! days, wc proeeded on Our way, ialenemg i.i place a long reach between ourvrlves ami otir r.fd enemies, with whom wo had frater nized under «uoh dub.ou* circumstances of friend ship. We had proceeded alwat three or four mifes on our journey, when the alarm spread through tho enmp that one of our men was imeMag. A bait was umiK-diutely t ailed, nnd upon examination it was ‘found Inal a Canadian Frenchman, a greenhorn.'' or Iresh hand. whs absent from the party- Th>» created a violent excitement among our men, a number of whom instantly proposed to tutu back, nod lake signal veuxeance upon the Blackfeet, for concluded to be a wanton and treacherous mnider While mill in the act of deliberation, 'wo mounted Indians were seen Hlowly apprimrhiug from the upper and Opposite eod of the valley. Several ol our men, among •whom w.m Mark Head, rode rapidly forward to meet them, with inteatlons evidently ominous of miscta'ef. They proved to be a Blackfoofand his squaw, wh*'. with :«ieiirgs of uudoubting Security, were leisureiy makiug their way to the village we hnd just eft. The poor creatures were much surprised an 1 terrified, nnd made many an> precious to be •►©cm pied in running after deserter*. After this, Col. Mason was glad to get back with half of his dragoons. Agriculture has been *<► totally neglected, that a man wbo had a fie id containing 15,000 bnahels of wheat, could not get it harvested, though he offer ed half the products, and was obliged to let bis cattle eat 1 it. Women tad children, as well as tbeir husbands aod father., had become geld dig ger* Capt Phelps opinion as t-- the success of expeditions daily starting from this country, is that it will depend upon the manner of their organization There is no doubt, he say*.® of their being mn«tderable quantities of gold in California, but then- is grosa exaggeration in the matter. Istten had appeared tn the papers from persons who had Ha. existence in and in respect to r eeseU that had net ©r been there. CapUiin Phelpi looks hearty and healthy, and bears no marks of a lotliome voyage from the other side ofthe worlnrgk Gazette- <-f »}, e , , -aas— ao “ d ssjarrjs: i „£-# * * w„, aa '"•j 00 absßeaver eouotievme' at Ike paW *,•*..! veßU * Ever voce t: ba* been m opera bopse n'lace of Florence ar.d were 01--311 1 f! '^* Q a - tra,n causes have ue3 ar-poinimcni of Thcma. NVr,o.*. n ifcrL S lmports and °* couree S*’ de, “- “ d >’■ ~,„y ' Tje *•:,« W. .J ~,:e d ,„,... , d, m „J for ! of l ho ffi-run? W,, . fc?s . vj .... ~ our bread*-.,G* ~, p v ..^ 0s M ~, cndble Uft tQ : Lhriag-stbi. " • ’f. s!J..o worth of these article* j Liriognon. a comm.;-. ■■ „ .... = ! pdj&oiupjlrr,. appomu-tl lo draft rra:. , v '■’ r “ l ‘>»'l MUiiw ». ,]„, »n,l ov.-r wl,,ch II could I prfesivd-ijjf ih<- viw or trie meeting. T. e r . n2 \~ ; ‘" > euab.e.t it* t.. increase our im» 1 m»n i; . ie follow-tog c-mmutet - "" ' ,!Unß *° d thu ' ke. au cl ; «“ l!1 'a- '-'me. had of ine parts H'ljacer.t. and it is ioun«l i Mr. rorst’tii »yl:r.iii:ei! inr f iiii»w;mc rer<•liilion to.'be fiot; on , v praettrable, smt m tunny resp« els w:i* •\v.e«*. i n* i. re.l ami acreed to highly li>r me construe; n■! :. R,, a d. 1 K'-'o!> •■>l Thmtr..* .-'e ret>t\ ( ,•: t•cmn. e. e.u-h and otjove road, he imtxhausiibV h*- Js -I ti:e pure*) 'he;ntt.<>l .r t;i- r .,j .Indgos re» stene fotil m the tvr.rid. iron o r« is a;».j il.iiti.J ! 1 ’t ,,!!, er vi n. i-.-> ,i„ , f respect along the-route.and in one ploce it hashe«. r . work iVC J'-' : ; n- «•! i,- ed to Bpitfe extent, and has proved to he o( <*\eci- ‘^ r ‘ "derei! the ;■ ng resolution. leQt qrfatlty. LimeMoae to any ext*■ *.; m?,- ■ wliicn uh. u,y , >n* I iml adopted faQnd iljjjig the route. Tne eouiitTV is also ri. bin ' ■ 1,31 '■■•'«•.'ee . , i>. .ludieiarv agricuffttVal productions, on esceeticl pen.;.in bv !;e req-es-e I 1 ,xi„ ri fK ~ u , p P ,.„ r:r t v U f .mveas ally ottet portioa ef the f-tate The . .-urvnis • l ll,a f:r *’ 1 ' ri -i.e to.mlw: ..f'! I 'i*tnots thli prOdijce would be an immense pr, ri; w we. :.. UJ thc road, aud would also pivr to the tsrun-r nn u-.k q. r . n ~ii,husme** ~( easy, cheap and regulir mode 01 c mvcnng nt alt reaterdiv '«tn e ro-r»t rsoi-v.u tp'in the H.-u#e tim«rs tßa.produce to market uiv.t Pre«.,len-J •».. K. potj,- , , V(Nll Harrisf And.yThereß*, the rand would lorm a > mnee 1 ■v the | ,!,on ol «»- » ' P -tpoued nfost dfl-ect route by Steubenv.lV. : T «»* f-s.-m oa 1 1 tho amendment with Ctncinnati and St. Louis j;id r* a tie, e'.,., r y ,htl coioMi.i,/-,, .tm* t.rihe Hr<-tion «>f result, ft Would pass through ;r>e ce-urr.l r-Bion* . t l ‘> 1 h<> - nn- .... was rend a third the great agricultural .Slate* of Onm. und ; JinK ~IKI i ea.* v? mv< s Thus it wnold uiake Pennsyiv.inia, t>* it 1 " Ph '* r ''- 1 -c- 1 •‘*e n • oiul rending cud wire, laegreat tbornughljre ol tbr L nun It \v--ii!d 1 op ‘‘" l<-r ''' 1 •<' ' 0,-,,, „t. if y tn tt.e act lllfensbgglve on impetus lo 1,-udr. to industry mid ' ~J‘ { ,<' , Jr! > " r alr• Rmt mad fun etHerpfin?. It would largely ioeren«e tl-e pr-tit-on ' i' ,,nv ' oor public Works, and thus it would enu iliistinfi - Tne amendment . r,« - ,i* o'lejed bv beneotk an the citiaens of this commonwealth ’ ! Mr. Smr, yrsierdav to make lu . e..irtf.r.riy liable Therefore be u Kesoi ed. That to reemc nn ob : f “ ,r 1 ,r ii' iint'-- '•xc«.- : .-u* o' embank . j«Ct so>iddsiraole, thin, meetinc pledge u. !», «t | ,rw,n,v 1:1,1 i-'‘hl: sn.t -, llffps in fovor of the enterpnv " j Auf ' d.-’ |. v Vr-s.- Sm-ll Rmc. - fyi&ted, That the citie* ot Hitt-i- i-gli nod p-,*a. Mnitt - f Oahh .'obits'on. !»;.r-ie tnd lirum. tt r dblphiOlaire deeply and mlimatelv interested (n the I 'l up ' btkeu >■, 1 os* amendment, winch sDccesh Of the road —u» in :o tti. se'com * u ’** i a e. r^, ‘-' l r ' yen* 1 >■. nay ] ! njcrcial Cities, and It) connection w.ih inem 10 ! M f .tiaiiluns m veJ - new re.-i.jii that Uic ad Pennsylvania, the advantages ot 1 h**ir natural and ' unl ’• uul,l ,u prov.-. u.s aje accept eehtrat position |by opening for tnem hie mo»t' rJ, ‘ v 'be eon-tMii'.- N -yeas 4 nav* and easy channel I. r the fr.ulc ar.J ■ ll A'b- iirried irnv-ldflbe great and growing we*t. And thus! H"-k of RKm«3*NrArivK* atcunSg-lo Pennsylvania and louse tie* tiie n 0-1 I \ ifltporthiji trade and travel, whi.-.t the s.igaejtv ! i l”, J '. ‘ lf> "' 1 'emoiWruiK-es eateqrfise and capital ol New Vork and IVi»ron are I . , . ,' ’ m ,vi-p.- d the r- mtunder if caloQlated lo divert the trade and travel from <.ur j oiru Stale to the more northern porn ot New \ -,rk I tKm t ... *' “ K ''■ ll ‘ , ■ , ajld Boston, and thu, lo 011„.t:,r.j,m ...,r p„b-l „ "’'j 'I •' - lfc imJtfccvetncDU,. to inD.ot . J,.,, ' r . I ,w W h,ft, tie cotnmercjal ,nt,re„, of I-n. odn pu.'o oil i- u, j \ imiuti,, with them lo tho general pr..»prr v,f ; mi| i|i. u>-* . »i'"ir*. l-io!-, 1 Sennaylvanin. f—. , i ' u, r ■■Re.s4Md That this meeting respond to ;hr end j ha :> 1- - 1 a*'..-.* 4 . h< ~t KrF, oT the President ot the Itoard ol''f.,-|>.'ratr>r* 01 ■ ic -ih« \,\. ftteiibepVibe aod Indians Radc'iid. for the r».• >. : l' r ’'>^ J •*■ ’ * .er'-o i.:> .. *; ,„■* pr.i-r*. bi ifcr ajTa ccSivention at Steul»en> tile, .-n ThurnCnv tn.- , '' r ~' (•> r>:rt v « »rv-. *. i-nti-KT.; 'J&lh day of April next, and that delegates hr u..w .. % v u~. '; ® ' appotirted to attend said tucetiui;. ' ~, *,’ l ' T ’’ . ”, ~T " " , '"' l L “ • Ji/jil tfj/, Thai the pro,cedu..-» o; t.i.f t.u ( •;: g', •• • n.I. .-.n'.iu .* ». ir«-ri*;--* *>u bissigtted by the otlicei.H and pu:...*i,rti :i) r-ir It. 1 r .••-•iti.-- •• • *>•;; -"c. .uvc a|i;.. |i;i.. !-| * v n&pert Ol Philadelpaia if.u rilt*...., '-I'W SleutKSdVille, 'oluinhiu, and I'me.nurt; .m. ; 11,..: 1 ' it be also published iti pamphiet form, and n • •• v BSnt UAhe Speuk.-r of the U -tne <.( UepreretiUi w. and a Copy 10 the speaker -h tno Senate, req... * ;• litem Ej have them read their respective !!,;.*<•* That tne nt the *.h''mv from AUegheni Washington, and !'n>\er «-<•' be sptfNAily requested to u*c tit'or rtl. effeut the pasMige ol a ,aw pro<’ur l ..g [[ lt . j,,.[ corpofittjon. . • <>n motion nfWm. L. lu>.‘ ;> }•><) .ti,r vat • m “ commute^« wi i -tj nuW :n-e i signal On} a to In'* t. Leffiwflilim- o' i'emmviv.uii.i. |.i iy.i:*; ~.r \ - of way, Wcrtj Uifn rcijurattol in rcpcr. w.i< acemirntfly wn«*r.-n,ma u, r number <»i »,*<• ' nstaret wm found to !•»• fmm:t?« •: ,>i I 2 l'.v| •< . BfembCrt wu then .ippoiated to ottci.d ii.<- ...r. K 1 SKI us ■fenticA at Steabrnvijic in a<-o, rdance won ntm ' v ‘ « „ . - .m.r . , .... Tll „ Richard ItonnMsnn. tt*m. A:iJr»-w !’r;c , a-■:' —. . ~.., Sfttnufj IL <«. Sir.ih Ih»V' ♦On faction of SLn .njr»tor, J >hn S I'uno.i n •*r.-i >o; *•» Win. {i-ilobb, kvj« . were appointed * >:ji;h tt,-e *' 10 hare the pnH:eedin{4 of nieeliii* publ.-'srd. Irt aectfrdnnce with the 7th resolution ■'***' : Od Motion the meeting ndj'Mirnrd , 1 • THOMAS NHCHOLSuN. if/'' iJjavf?) P Serretary. • EUport od Nkoaftclurci. pelilions Irom IVtinaylvan-« m liiig lh& Ibr manul! < .-f' h ' tbe sls*A arr autferuur pr»-at d«Vfe»itn .-..ns»- lh»- prfM-ul Tanrt. having tr<-n r< .«-:rrd 1 td-lhe oommiU>‘4 of Wav* and M.*™*, M.i. Hr: 4oj», IrcWtrlaal (-mmitler. i,a« mailr a tj.ant n- or&’ibi ~ gftat Idnjjth, but m a inmi va.unhir an.! , Dot home in <-oni|»-lit.OQ Witt. ...ur js-ji . W. M. Wright. 31. !>.. Dentist, ban* A graduated scale ol duty on run Injtir* jrn —- urr.nnri.i ■ lom'u -i. specific a» far a* l»«i iv .in ,H>l ‘" Ml .' n 1 : ’• ' " rtl ‘ r toh go&l* increased to some ••xii-nl A ,n ;'nm'J ' i.'. r M .•*-1 y WpUenfc^lhe'duty noi : I* »o, a by tnr untf - -»•- 0£1b42,- fifty per cent, but higher trun umle- ihai yC l94r '" u ' ” 111 •libuld fceapecific as far a* pra. ’irnli * The pre*. • > ‘’ ejft dutjf upon cotton good* shun.d be ai. ren*ed to 1 r ' Wtne extent. We doubt tn* wisdom f the poLi-v >•■ which iholl bring into tiie country, a* it <|>d iaal yfci&r, Cotton goods to the valor e( where WC have the raw rnatena l ntid a! the facil.- tie* for'pfoducing the domestic art,< ie. The .lutv coarse cottons by the land oi IsU wa«un{ necessarily h'tfh. and *ound pobry dor* tv -t rc n iuieiiadt&rnt. Not, howem. that those n,.-b du- '• 111 bits actually imposed auy ta* upon the oonsuniers i lh? irst; t)fieo«n*«v: cotton. ,Th« fret was that these dune* were proiubuorv, Slid tbit Circumstance* drove our uinnnfuctor- rt lf . ar u UJII (>\jt UJ: the lowest living point. We trial thn • r |'HK i p, reducliod in price Ins been grcuicr on~tn© coert-- 1 ■>' lll "' <>jr»r« rntion ti uw ’ ' U '' r*W £flbe South and Wrst. where cotton nuiQU' ' " rur-'M-*** i.'m uV (keturert Or© in their infancy, ask the roumration <(. such raUB. they might be rr.jiored. \V e do no{ hOwevbr, believe that they are nccc'snry r'We'ibelfere that on some nr*icle» the rnte? of v , (I p. 1612 ifiigbt be reduced more than one hah. •tialaijlUiat interest, tinlesa the duty could be made iuul Vdi- *v •pecififl hod sure. While wool pays a duty of' i.n.ti'-iu*.ll thirty £er cent, it seems perfectly obvious that’ the ' CAKU ROBERT W. POINDEXTER, !. i^twr, per cefit, find by the m:l of IMb. thirty per N 0 *' >o, ‘ ,n " ‘|'n! i Vd'ki Y it ! \ " ‘‘ A 1 ft proper medium between the two would secure .-y pamn.. ir « ■ ftua brttnCb of business to the American laborer k.,,1 .< , ( »,i f'cin-- Thefduty on glaas by tin- tartfi of 1&42 was .[*. i tN-.p'i.. ni irk cific, tile classification ii"t, perhaps. ihr most ! “ r •i 1 '"' 6,1 cibus, fctfd the rates on hcp articles unnecessarily : 4 biffb. :Hierc should bo a thorough modification and ' ' " ' t jconsfrldrable reduction from the tariff of IM‘> 1 '» l{: the Julies on paper were made speeittr, bi t ].[. ,br r \ AS\!:'.’>; lift mrfßflke would probnbly he required upon U.e pfeseoj tales- Sugar 1* another article which re- (>f Wlt , Trr' "1., c a -00.1 liurn fltfires4 specific duty, and would bear n reduction .ire<* A;.pe u.rtn.tu, win. oiuer am! frim lirt: tariff of l£t2. of from twenty five to ih.r t.rr.- iiiui. lar 1 (•.'»*« 1 -Au <-f ji-uii-iunt Tnir tjr.peretjnL Coal, by the tariff act of ISI2. paid , indiofrwU'; •• n *;. '' " :c ‘ :rrn.. up,n> , u 75 }>« ton, which is consideublv more than 1* H>ll.\ *7 I K ” I . I “ ,lt Ai ejjii-uv < ,iy. necessary to protect that article. While we have ; •. "V!j u„od fttfcxhatistible mines of coahn this country, it is th- ’ v: w ,-r. .\i-.rkci .irr.-t msrf wjt*q'' dictate;: bif wieuom that we impose sticfi n nj* , fie duty! as will give to our miners the AtnuricAr mitrketj a&d to our own shipping the carrying irnde ’ T'J 1 ' , 1 •* - 1 • 'We '&*Vrt ventured to throw oul then© h. n tj , n ] Ti.r«n>r-« wi«! >••• «.«• t - r,.to, at tnc relnlH.d (o the rate* ol duty. I.ut we hnv« done ,t 1 K '" " apn-.ftc information winrl, would l,e ! x j|,„» „ i-c iv MMki I lO the formation of a judicmiir. inritl We. ~,..7 .int’ are. hojenver. lut'v aati.fied that rate. ..! duty ■; • - ~. ~~ tWceo Ihfl acta of ISI‘I and IM6 would*..*. . njfcrr?- neceMiTt ““ ount °* revenue, and at the mme \ «•< iKiM.I.;I ».ir:i. alfbfjl that .protection to the great interest* «-f : ' ■; if 7 JBt th« country which is so essentia! to ourprospi- .- h li.tM• U rity. \ -< nil Kit •’* * We hrfl al» inclined to the belwrt that the warn* j mr: , : i‘ U V li !>Kw*N !' .%! . - Ij' • IV;.. I, l-t« <• 1 •••<•- • •' - I « ■ o-'-.-: i-xu 'in* h" mor- good Inal; i.wrv. ,• I:4*6', I lair mUo u*C«l 1. •M-.ftK!. ,M <.h' vr»i • u .„.d - ri ma' ! • ! t »d , l [iru*. M.i- ; !!u- i i: 1 111 |iro « rmen(• m Umilitr) . I* K I. *• M'-.ioii Tn- 'Op Mot- Mm: o, »s., Sl> .s I'. ::!• t* IV ' »•• |.- .. •vrr..: , M,w u, .. >1 ■ i iiu i;a\ i:u j. . I>\' I I Ml*. ' I. n. A. H A 'AM I'M ' N > - '"-•if. ol Truh •••« .’! « :■ .• »:•>! itnpri mv., «,n. I> mtrr.-l*, s Slotl'l - - , «i HI-. , :r. ...... . .hr I*&, tt . ,r "• r•;r 1 •, ~.s •■.«...1 „..y |>, o .:urr I. r:i Ml Mr C II C A cl ..;f'< in: < r . K»«r; .111 FOR fcAI.K .NOTH K tirrp'.i'nn ■■ i;. r--r. I M K-- -V r . urrmr. • o- Mr 1,. t. ti^rr MKOICAIt BO O K B—Cooper» Surgical Iccty; Copeland'* Ho; Cmvcrlisu' Anatomy. Druett 1 * snreerj. Pcm« on Cholera. Rcew on do, Bell and stoker Praeocr, Grey’» Jun»prudence. t> ravea'Clio. p£ < ! tor '’V Brodie'kdo, Brodte on Join*. Mmgendie's rayv. Netiraj; on Medicine-*. Pari*' Phartnaeoiogia. Hlandelr* Midwifery, do on Ifcretiae* of Women. Mont gomery on Pregnancy. Parker on Stotnuch Veipeau on Breast, Dupaieque o.i LTeru*. ICrmaer on F-*r. ' ark on Consumption Costr*’ |’«p Med . A*hxvrl. on t-enm.r*. St"wan on Children. Red • luntinite*. Perei ™ on Blooi. Loui* on Phtftut*. K!ltot*on'« Practice. Uuprrvirei*' Sur. Al-wnam*. « Work*. Phillip*' on t Pram.-- Heard on < ‘tnldr-n \ npenti» M.dwuVry. ;r * I'i.rr-jpeniie*. Beil'* Anatomy. Clark on Femal* *. JUrriMMi* Anatomy. °n [Julo-auon*. Conrtie on Children MiUer'a I™, " ( s, ‘Tcry. Cnurritiil'* Feroa.e*. Drvr'i 0:1 Chi.dr-n. do nu 'I nlwjicrv. do on I’emale*. Dungli*on'« D.ctionan Lawrence on K>e. Peru ra » Mairira Mt**l . Wat*on'- Practice. Linen’* Surge rv Dung*i«on'» practice, no Materia Miller » I liy*ioiogy Rnrnphoiham* .Mid. Bartlrt: on Fever*. Hop- Heart. Column*: ,»n FcrmCr*. Furgu«on « Surgery. WP*on (’Anatomy. William* on Respiratory Organ*. Abercrombie o U Brain. DuriMaon'* new Bern . eiiie*. Ac Ac •rh- above with acencral .■uanrtmeni of Standard Medic a. book*, re- d nnd :or iaie low KLI.TOTT A KNGI.ISH.7p Wood it. mar ' between 4>h and Diamond ay DKCKIVEDTHISBaV. Ht ... new Carpet Ware" It nou*c. No 7u Fourth creel— Rtch trfrfWed Piano cover* , Plum Turkey red Chintz ... . J 1? Ia:,u ‘ h-'C'l do do do „ ' (n J '> do Bordering: l.r-e„ mn“e ! C " rl ' Cl BuM * ,n »‘ Ttiotmc, do J„ t nrd anJ Roler- and Slats. Hack Pullie*. Ro u r KmU Tin- above i,»od* hi rof tile ncli-'t and newel *tvlr-. lo •*'!.,cli we invii- l!ie atlrntiun oi o«r friend* tin! cu-ioiner*. :inri lliow wiihmj in tumult or rc [i ein-ti .'cam boa l, and him*.'. ■““f* W M i LINToCK I T NSHRLNKA BLh FI.ANNKI.H W R Murphy .... L 1 vitr* ihe attention of buyer* to hi* nock oMhe Ht.ovr- (rood*, 01 all the oitferent cjnaliuea, *aid to be "• un*brmkahie «* the Wel*h, nod at much lower pri ce. Genuine We,*h Flannei* alao coiiMandy on hand Guiue and si.'k. do, 4-4 and 5-4 do, for Shroud nut I'iirp''*-* AUo. home mad* White Flannels and Liaaey*. con *tHnii v on band, m Hie north earn corner of Fourth and Market .ireet* marG 1)1. 4CHS nroc Urr ,i /or men and boy*, women and cir * 'Vaiiied,place* tn more*. «team or canal houl*. or in 'own and country, for «evcrat good *aie.» rn-ii wii.irr, :j *.ct lufonrig men *nd boyi of -HI age* . -.oncy i.orrnw—i .|«,| |rnt. and ail kind* oi agencies iv-iendr-d to p-onip'ly Lr moderate charge* Please r >* m ISA.U HaKß|'-> Arrnn mid lnleili»ei»r< "tfice .-ppo.ile ibe Kicnnnge Holci. rnnr7 L'< >U SALK -■&> cut. oi ii doul-.r purple und ycl ow 1 '• * rpe i chain. IWrhnp wood, n t.owl'i, aatfortrd .a-*, white l.ouievnu Lime !. v ihe barrel or rsttut; -xl-n, niid ti/iiv. ioi)| window »a.*n; :i irtmpo*ti*ui m,i; j l ' l ' l 11 “oiail «"pply of tied c-.r lacinr*. i, v nr clia J lt line*, for nale in any quantity -TV-U'l eu»:mn-rj« inarMi ISAAC HAHR|S_ 11 ' KIT DAII.\ FOR Sal.hi— Inc and Week llV '7 'ivretie, and «l. ihe Pii!>t>urgh daily and week l> papeii". Sihhoi * Coumcrieit Detector*, ictier paper, k variety oi eichnnge paper*, from K>.a*ter:i and tnd \\ clem citie* and town* ISAAC HARRIS To Engine BnUden. 1 )RoPOSAL.S will be received ai ibe ofltce of the 1 Pitlabursh aier Worka. until Tucuday. the 13th m«t. at 5 P M , ior mnkniff a imall Steam Kngine Drawing# and ■ "VntT -MMKS V HI & Co Tj'l-.AT lU.R.‘-iiiti l>» priuir Kriugck y. tor *a!e by m:i J ‘ CH(■ U \ NT. 41 water it T>l !.K P«.RK atoned Pork, mnYr^d A } tor • I>e i-y mart; H KOBISO.N A. Co I.r™ IJMU! Hoi ,0o ■l? •""'i ' kr S ■ '"■« I- -n.r 110.v.r: .o, ♦air l-y mnrti R Rr>KISU.\ & Co [JA.-.-N on nand and ,„ r luani TASSH't A BKST li*L IS VII.Lh LIM K—SO l.iiU received on conaign _Lj fw m -ale low i.y _ tassky a hksr U'ANTKD-A jrraeuro! Baker, rapat.v of taking T * »norgr of an e*lal.H,W..i m Kr.r, Pa., an-1 in an a g;.-i j it, ui ail it« branein-.. ran ut? information 1P ,.,. ; it by caMing wi:!i TAsSIiY 4 BEST. ij wood *t /■ ' I M r.A.MI'HOK M:i »n.l for »»!«■ I.y V * _ J KIDD * To / iuPAL V.UIMMI- -.ivirai*- on n*«.l al.d'for »o7e v.' ) niHrtj J kion 4Co -IfrH.- .• Ram*- ■ • Faiiu.v p.our . u .- r* ■ - r f »,i;. :,y :i;«,.. K HuhlMlNi To UOI.LJ.I n*KK 1.l ui>i « prime Roll Uuuer; j it.) ii<> do do, in cioth* ■t *<-«» primp Uuiirr. ju»i rrcAJSJNW—}(> bx. M RRaifinv ;n«t r-V.I an.ffo*r L-tc ! > marJ lIROWN 4 CL'I.UKRTtfON II ’in'* •.u: »* Nl«,»*a h i<». in ►ton 1 «ud for «&le by -I HRuW \ A Cl i.HKRTSUN AllJ)- 12 ic -« V> i Ltrii, i;r »rgt ilo do, ;u*l rre'tj _ ,uv '\. URoWN'i fTI.HKRTSON >*•11.5 ' ' .i* \ >- r uinuc -U ->.(• r ( 11 PKK-- I'runr I'liifr in «Uir<* and for «al<* by ' n '°»C lIKi tVVN A i.l I.RKRTSON Y| A ' •‘I-KKL— jii '!m ,\o -j Mh< ierr,. 60 do No 3 || I.ATHMI-in M-tkc,. [.-Kin-Tr, .... ' A RMS^rRO.Vi"& i'Rl i'/.Y.R J) RI.NTIVi r.\Pr.R-IMt rnnn •«.»i3a ,n.-Ur. 5-; - mx-w ■M •• ill.Jt . .. ft.- U ooJ ; 'n»unipiu>i\ •>i. -•■.ly cipcn "'Lfc'iz •*it: '-n-t-: !!•> ..ft- I>l ITK.U AND I.ARI>~7 keg* Buurr; - oo Hard J>iof.»iri) turns ARMS ! KONU A i RoZfclß / ’I'UN WL.AI, VU t>u«li.u«l rro'd and for »a> by V n-rS AHMSTKOM, ACROZkK - in t>9i« «u|»*rfine Fiour, ;u»t rro'd i.v A U.MSTRI)NI> A t'KU/KR _ AlObTßiiSi. A i HuZKR AM ! \< I Lf! I'Ll mii.UVu ] wAKMt.AK i i ■*>!».'« t*jr m <• i.v I I N 1)11.1 >- - , -rot. II'" I \KY HKRRINO— m> i>x• Dry llrmix, for .ale i,v -L' "<«'«* "li.K i JUiAMJIiNS ' KK.I-.~JUJ liffrei (lr’itir Rice nrneinir for »ale l>y «»’»t-'« IH' RHRIIH.K. A Co MACKKRkL-VUI No a .Waekerrl. R** U do. tinvinr; tor *»••• '.y marll ID 'KHRIIXiK, WILSON A Co VV SASH—3»| »el* ei ID and 10x1Snab, in ' » tuire and for *:ile iow to done coii.ißninfiu. bv «*ar i JA\IKS I) AJ.Z F. 1.1.. Witer •( CI.DVKR sFKD—VUI bu«lt prime Ohio, tj-r rrcM nir Lai- t <\ tnur.'i JUIi \ b A’lT pu1.:.1N.. Mil l. \IKrAI.-m. ion, on hand «:„! lt-.r-ai- . in rA JOHN WAIT / ’!.nV!.|< i-.V.I >- vt. - |.j. Sro.i. ui .lor. an.! tor ' ■ :l •' TA«SK\ i HKST AI.I.KA I I >-!» O.M.r^y rr«idcr.ce ... |Vrm IJAHU-’S - cvW ilar:«*'. rrr d and .„ r *.-»> by W|CKA M VANDI.KSS / UIKKMI -!:u M> W H n,er.r. f„ r bv ' : " ;ar - H’K ! I.K l , iii{K-,iu pc« Hulk Pork, i:i «iorr and 101 X> "It'K kJ QNDI,^ CIIISSTNf TS- f>s Oirmnuu. in .tore and foi • '•) «mr: \S lOK A NLCANDI.KSS < r .. Ac . a lew pair* yet ior aalc. w vr wiixin, m,rl corner Alb :unl market *i* I kK\ I’KACHKS—Tin* day fed and for »alo Uy U marl V. ICK A M CANDLES I) A' HV— 21J pi * llaron, ree d and for «ajr ) "»»** WICK A M V ANDLKSS K 1! 1-. I Lot R —ll m-day ree'd and ior •aleliy I">i i ARMSTUuNu £ CR<>7. HR il Mir ufuj .tore n( ’.V .iv* lit Ihr MflliOdi«! |\c.» burs;, »n.i m T \Ri*—4s !il UNo I. now lane,.-; from •trainer XJ No I. lor i v ■ c •: T-- at Or J Snrg-'irii. n.r iVotr,- I^KATHKH.-— ?A >m< row tor ,a;e [,y «ia TO ISAIAH [JICKLN A Co / ’ l.VM.Nti—iM sa.-k. now !ro«n neniiW \JT IViegTaph No t. foi 151'1.K l*l>RK—Us7 , now .an.ijriK from mkuiii jL) rr l*noi Nu'J, for me l.) 1A KI) • LM i.i*.- >ol Lard- In U<» do. m good -i order, m O'tr. for -ale by MOLASSLS- H- Mi » Muliiatra, jUit landing from ali iirntn l‘an» and Nor;M Rjvrr. t ,nd tor , 4ie by SAW NAUiIAt-i|| mil-- r.l’ i * ‘t nlt)l,|^ ». \H—TO Im.u new rroy Sugar. u. Mote and foi i««rl S4WHARHAKIH / IOFFF.In-Jixj !>;*((« Kio. Laguara and Si Dommir'c Vy Coder, in •Uitr and for «ale by * ( UIKKSK-i.V. b». Crrnm Chee.e. „i »u»re and !oi ''** ’ ’ "'" ,l * * MARBALOH yttiAl’- Is(i bar No 1 Romii Soap. |„ .m,,,. a o rale hi marl * A AV ltA KB A[Ai || / IAMM.KS !>»'Ui*Tuho«-Candle, iWo St., r Oo V' m *l«rw -11. l u.f *ulr L>) ' H'MIH uiiiii-r Mr l.Ck •!.*« U>«rol vr d ( > '-'r?"*,''"'f.!"/ 1 Oi l a |l<» .'ljo V J .IV do; Jtl '*llJ '.ln , a n ofl . an ,( teT . marl .. ?* & W lIaRUAI (.H 00[t.\ ASH 'Alcan soda A»ii/A (i Kurd u lM d O a hu|'*Ti<>t *f ui'ip, i;i -lore ami jor ..air i,y innfl ... SAW HAHiIAI (rH iff'RAPPING PAPER- now MU medium and n K'«r crow n Struvr } aper. ju»t rrr tl ami for sale W REYNOLDS A SHKK. nm rl Cor»rr JVmi amt Irwin bbl* fresh, 10 kegs Jo, luj t«| c by " fcbK 3F YON BONNHORST A Co w]i K\ M CANDLES'S , Al.Su—Cam;,, thuh.,-• Tnin*|>arcii< Shade- A Turk:»ft do do ,o * Chine,* do u, I'fiiprry ('lun< *» do j., Mwoiiiislit Vif«» it,. j,, l.nmUrapr Jo (In ,!d HRn'VS A. \‘l LHKRTSON REYNOLDS A.MHKF m»i-> rofiirr fVtu. nnd Irwin »t* ti-n.J auJ :i/r [I’K A M l* AMM .h:s> u H K A M'i'A NDLKSS i' - E InQ no. Inr »aj- '• 'Mika MvandLkss in. >.(>.• j*r me ,So I Herring. gii.bed marJ t\ ICK A MTAN Dl.Em* i Ovcntmi Salrraiufi, for H |i'K A NEUaNPLKSS ISAIAH DIUKEY V Co ISAIAH DICKEY A Co ISAIAH DICKEY A Co ISAIAH IHCKHY A Cn S A W HARB.M’GH V.- HARUAI t.JI AUCTION SALES. By John D. Davli, Anotioiceii Imi .v .Nr.V rf D-y Gcodt. !>«!a> .liar • th. at 10 o'clock. at the r.ui Sal-, Room*, mnifr o/ Wood and Fifth *tu-t.. b« »«. .• wiibou’ reserve, an invoice of uKloomr-. - DfU.ooi., rownui t l 5 part of •art wm oi hnrnuid broad c/oth* and ca*»uuereik wb,.r yHlow, scarlet canto,, Sanne!*«i-hed a-o y.: .-.ted mu»!in«.. imported »uJ piece, fine Kngltib »n<] Amer ican print* At 2 o'clock, Id Li« oHvemJt.j* and tiookmg tobacco, Vfl bii No 1 soap, Ct'k» itrrmigj half rbosU Y H lev. 3 libU «u -nr bouse together wtih a large lot of new and recornl hud nousehoM furniture, kitchen menarla, l»ediliop Ac . from perrons declining house keeping. New and second nand watches, Brussels rarpet bag*. an »Mortmer.t of riiy made clothing. v«: coats, pants, Vfr_a trial. mart-dly B. A BRO. R.ELLASCB PORTABLE BOAT LIKE, 1849. For the transportation o( Alerebaiulue, BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURGH. GOODS carried on this Lute are not transhipped between Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, being ear ned in four section Portable Boats over land and wa ter —to ■hippers of merehandise requiring careful hand! ng. ibis is of importance. No charge made for re. riv .ng or snipping, or advancing charges. All gcoiis lorvrardcd with dispatch, and on as reasonable terms a* by any other Line. JOHN M'FADEN A Co, Canal Basiu, Penn sl Pittsburgh JAB M DAVIS A Co. mat 1 £37 Market A £4 Commerce sL Phtla. JOIIN McFADEN A Co, Forwarding and Commis sion Merchauu, Canal Basui, Penn si, Pittsburgh. JAMES M DAVIS A Co, Flour Factors and Commis sion Merchants, 227 Market and 34 Commerce street, Philadelphia. marl JT7“ Advances made by either of the above on Flour, Wool and other merchandize consigned Jo them for sale. _ marl POINT SAW BIILI. FOR BALE. THIS well known and valuable establishment is now offered for sale, together with the onegpired term of the lease, to wit: two years from the first of April, TTie mill is driven by a roweyfol steam engine, running three Saws, Lath Machine, Circular Saw for slitting boards; and Woodward's Patent Pla ning .VlaAhiAf . > Toe ground occupied by this establishment, includes an enure square m the eitv of Pittsburgh, fronting 240 feet on Peon street, and extending to the Allegheny river, about 420 foot, on which, besides the buildings occupied for the purposes of the mill, there are two tc etnenis now rroung for 8120 per annum. The mill IS at present supplied with 20,000 feet of choice Pine Lumber, and there is in the yard 300,000 ten of sawed building and steam boat Timber, ail of which will be sold at lair prices. To any one desirous of eugagtng in the business, tit■ establishment possesses.advantages over all oth er* in Allegheny county For terms apply to WILLIAMS ABRINN, Attorneys at Law, 4th street, Pittsburgh, ur to DAN'L S. STRATTON, at the office of the ni'il. on Penn strecL mart Wheeling Gazette and Cincinnati Enquirer copy and charge this office. ALSO—Thai splendid private residence now occu pied by Mr. Som'l M. Wickersham, situate in Alleghe ny city, fronuog the Ohio river. Enquire of mart WILLIAMS A SHINN FRESH 8PR156 GOODS Sbaeklett & White, DRY GOODS JOBBERS, » Wood sireei, ask the attention of Merchants to their slock of AMERI CA N AND FOREIGN DRY GOODS, now receiving direct from fir-l bands Receiving regular supplies of first goods during the «e*»on. amf devoting s large share of their attention to Eastern Auction salcv tney can confidently asaure buyer* they will find n to tlicir interest to examine Ui< ir stock Ju-t 'ere.veil, targe invoices of new style Dress Uo<>!«. Fancy Prims, Cassuneres. Cloths, Summer tinci.i*. l.ii.e.. White Goods, Irisu Linens. Tailors' Trimmings and brown nnd bleached Sheetings of van mu- brands _ mar 3 t • i!< ni|>vfior TO CALIFORNIANS. \REuMeTLR. — The undersigned having adopted an msirurheiii to the purpose of ascertaining the *1“ “ c value of gold, is now prepared 10 •uppiy nil whose business may require its use. It U small, convenient, and can be used without difficulty s jlance being sufficient to show the process. i'ertons coniemplaung going to CaUforma. would do well to call and examine the instrument, as it is m ev ery way calculated to protect'them from fraud by ena- I'ung them at nny time lo ascertain the value of their Printed directions and tables will be supplied cratu nously to purchasers. , SAMUEL EAKINB, Union treet, ruao-ltn rear ot John B. McFaden's Jawelry store HOWARD HO Tiß L , NEW YORK. ' UI*H. MLDDLKTON A WHITE, beg lenve io an- J. uounee to their friends and tbo public, that they have assumed the management of the large and com modious Hotel, corner ot Broadway and Maiden Lane, known as the Howard Hotel. Having much impro ved the internal improved the internal arrangement of '.tic house, no poms sball he spared on the part of tnc propn-"”-* to give enure salisfadfion to those who nia> tavor i with their patronage. matf-dfiw TUtsburgh, Birmingham and Alleghe ny City. GOLD REGION.— CoI. Whiting i* now at Hie Galt House, Cincinnati. All persons who have joined Ins corammnl, are notified mat the IQlh last, is the uni- npi>eiiiied to leave this city for Red River. 4 °* ha* this day adverused for mules. Other outfit n»r the expedition can be purchased at Cinem nan, at a less pnee than has been offered any where else. Boats are now running from Pittsburgh toCia cmnnti in from Ito 4 days ume. Good board ean be had Irom $2 to S 3 per week. marti-3t FOR RE Iff Tl TWO large three story Brick Dwelling*, stt- on the corner of Pennsylvania Avenne n .ul Dinnnma street, within half a square of the new « -u« House, containing ten rooma eoeh. finished in a.superior style varanda in front, marble mantels, bath rooms and every other convenience customary in Cnn cits* house* The situation is pleasant and h'ni thy. and convenient lo market and business. Rent reasonabkv inquire of D. C KINO, 0 „ the premises inaro-dtw 1 FOR REST. JteA )TW O story Frame Dwelling House, in Al- City, on the banhofihe Allegheny river. adjoining the dwelling of Mrs Snowden,*/,d near -y oppo-me the point. The dwelling is commodious and comtortable, and eontams every necessary con vemenec. wnh a imnll garden attached. Enquire of wnvic b-onn, txioch maker, in Virgin alley, or of the *uti»cnii«M on the premises mars:dtf NEAII. McALWAYN ___ t'MAU. .lIIAI. U A I 11 A„ r . fi'or Sal*. SKt.UND HAND STEAM ENGINE, in good run ning order, inch cyliuder, 30 inch »troke; boi- Jer H feet long, 30 mchet in diameter, fly wheel 21 ewe Alsoi one line of shafts, 23 feet long, inche« in diameter, with drum#, one upright saw. Rmmire of _mari:tf MATTHEW SMITH, No. 40 High »L_ ' SOTICE. VV’ ANTED—A man who is competent to take ' ' .charge of a small Dairy, and iboroug&ly acquain ted with modern farming, can bear of a good' situation by inquiring at this nffiev. Also, a single man, who has been accustomed to urm work generally, and can milk. Inquire as abeve. Journal copy INDIA RUBBER PASTE—Just recetvn.s. i gross bottles of Rubber Paste, s superior aruclr. highly important to persons that wuh to Veep thetr teet dry. It prevents tl\f leather from cracking, and will take a polish over it- For *Ale nt the India Rubber Depot, No a Wood street. inars J k 11 PHILLIPS A GENTLE-MAN wishes board lor himself and wife, I - a respectable funjlv. on or uear Wylie siret t. Address * j>. X..” through the mar3-3l rrw MALIFDRNIA HATS—I 2 dox water proof / m Cal.furnia Ha:*, just received and for sale by 1t .|,.y7 corner 3th and Wood ats BULK PORK—4ua»pc* Hams and Shoulder*, to ar rive per siEamer tSittcndea. marl - . . R ROBISON ACo AND BEAN:*—6O bosh dried Peaeheas lb bus small White Beans, just rec’tWor sole bv marl R ROBISON A Co BULK PORK—3S7 pea, 10 arrive, for solo by marl ISAIAH DICKEY A Co, front KoLL BUTTER—2 bblt fresh, for tali by ft b» 9 F YON BQNNHOKST ft Cg STEAM BOATB. CZScnraATi * Pittsburgh i Saak' nEMBBSSa GBS^HSHM DA I L v PACKET LINE. rpms Well known line of splendid passenger Steam- I ers is now composed of tho largest. swiftest, bea blushed and famished, and most powerful beats oa the waters of the West. Every accommodation and coo. fort that money can procure, haa been provided for pas sengers. The Ijjw has been in operation for five yean —has earned a million of people without the least inju ry to their persons. The boats will be at tlte foot Of Wood street the day previous to starling, for tie recep tion of freight and the entry of passengers oa the regis ter la all cases the passage money moat be paid ta advance. SUNDAY PACKET. The ISAAC NEWTON, Captain Hemphill, Will «.u, vc ,^ iu< bmgh every Sunday morning at lo o'clock; every Sunday evening at 10 T. X. 1V MONDAY PACKET. The MoNONt, \ HEI.A. CnpL Srona, will leave Pitta burgh ry-r) taonung at 10 o'clock; Whfltliß| every Mottdaj rutnitnj at 10 r. sl TUESDAY PACKET. , Tae *. Cap, LKtSamm, will lltr.Burrh_jjr.TT mmun* ,0 o’cloe^ " heeling every Tuesday evening at to r. k. WEDNESDAY PACKET. , The u NE '^ S* Capt S. Dcas, wdi leave Pittsburgh every Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock; Wheeling every Wednesday evemagaj (prig THURSDAY PACKET, The BRILLIANT, Capt. Gases, will leave Pitu ourgh every Thursday morning at 10o'clock; Whealiu -very Thursday evening at 10 p. «. FRIDAY PACKET. The I'LIP PKR No. 2, CapL Piss Duy*l, will teavo Pitta burgh every Friday morning at lOo'clock; Whae ■ inr every Fnday evening at 10 p. x. SATURDAY PACKET. The MESSENGER No 9, Capt.WoonWsan. will leave Pittsburgh every Saturday morning at 10 o'clock; Wheeliui every Saturday evening at 10 p. K. NEW LISBON AND PITTSBURGH DAILY LINE OF CANAL AND STEAM PACKETS, -iffife- lh<,>• k The following new boats camplatg I ilr ti iirty ifoc for tho nresont season: AT» _W!MB LANTIC, Capt James Parkmsonf CSbBOBESSALTIC. CapL A. Jacobi; and LOUM M'LANL Capt E Bennett The boot! are entirely new, and are fitted up without regard to £il ery comfort that moner can proccrc has been onwidsfl The Boats will leave the Monongahela Wharf Beat a 1 the fool of Ross sl Passengers will be punctual oh board, as the boats will certainly leave at the adrar* tised hogrt, 8 AM. and 4 P. M. ’ D W. C BTDWTLL, Beaver. FOR MARIETTA AND ZANESVILLE. The light draught steamer USMgfigp Bovd, master, will leave for the above and intermediate ports on to-morrow at 2 o’clock, p. it. __For freight or passage, apply on board.' WEDNESDAY PACKET FOR CINCINNATL . g, Ths splendid steamer ■ fTV. WESTERN WORLD, Norton, master, will leave for ■flSlHSßßßibe above and lofenoediate poru on Wednesday, 7th insL at 1U o'clock. For freight or passage apply on board, or to mart PETTIGREW A Co, Agta REGUIAR TUESDAY PACKET FOR ST. LOUIS. jf jw The fine fast tunning pasaenges ijV JN steamer ATLANTIS, W Wick*, master, will leave ■en*i , i | Vii , ii 'larwfor ihe above and intermediate porta every Tuesday, at 10 o’clock, a. sl For freight or putage apply on board, or to E- < KING, No. 153 Com. Bow. LoaiaTlUo. REGULAR SATURDAY PACKET FOR ST. LOUIS tv The fine fast miming inuirowi «eamer GEN. LANE, <6ggSsffl3 A- McPherton, mailer, wilt leave for above and intermediate none r#o- r Y Satnroay, at 10 o’clock, r. *_ For freight or postage apply on board, or to E. C. KING, No 153 Com. Row, LouiirulA FOR ST LOUIS AND ILLINOIS RlVErT”'"** tv The fine neamer —jjggMlß Maratta, master, wtlfleara (at mhore »*“ pom ° a ! r p “^° FOR NASHVILLE. , /f®* The splendid fh*x rnamnjr uauAr yirittv oenevaT^ muier, will tears for Um aud mtonuedifis portion Fri day, ihe Blh ni«L at 10 o'clock. n For freight or passage apply o n board, or to _ roars J W BUTLER A Bko , Agema PITTSBURGH AND LOUISVILLE PACKET LINE * nd ' plm, “ telegraph No. a. will leave for Ciacin nau and Louisville on Tuesday, the 6ih in«t- at 10 o clock, A. M. For freight or passage apply m bohrf >« BDRBfiDGErwilSoffloSi, UEO B MILTENBEBGEH.^ IO" Steamer Peytonawill leave Louisville for New Orfcsni. on arrival of Telegraph No 8. Paswagm can go direct; and can have berths secured hjeretPda* * ma : maxS ' FOR ZANESVILLE" w *^ e •ptandid Tmi fanning uauner I . •*“*» Binning, maner, will lr tbov* o. ——icr, will leave for the »t>ove ana intermediate porta eolfean . day the tih mat. at 10 o’clock, a. jl 5 For freight or pairage, apply on board. W B WHEELEB, Agi FOR CINCINNATI. tv The fine steamer RINGGOLD. 1 Copr. master, win leave lor the a>Ov» ■™=atl U dm. m ««« e| », n oa Mcutd.f, Por freight or passage apply on board. mart WHEELING PACRET iyv nj *‘ The splendid fast running ***r~TT Calbonn. ■■■BaWlar pneket between PiOaborgh and Thuridaf eavin * every Monday and For Ireighl or passage, apply on board, or to ... »W* J NEWTON /ONES, PITTSBURGH A WHEELING PACKET, k. The rwiA steamer l_f L i'iiviffr CONSUL, —S?atfwg|{l Webber, master, will mve renifertv ■nEEaHßßfer Wheeling, every Wd/. « and Friday, at 10 o'clock precisely Leave Wheeling every Tuesday, Thursday and & tnrday. at 7 o’cloet, a tn, precisely. The Consul wilfland at all the intermediate oottMjdi-' prery accomodation that can be procured for the ««£' fort and safety of passengers has been provided. Tfct? boat is provided w»«a a self-acting safety rtukd ifc proven! explosions. For fre.ehl or passage apply loanLor to W. 3. WlifeELfiß,^ 7 ” At AV. Greer’s, cor. Southfield and Water ZANESVILLE AND MARIETTA PACKET. r The fine steamer ‘v* CAROLINE, « JESBBLBtnnuiff, “*««*. undergo*# rrpaus, wiU run as a nptsfi irv I tt °H * atlOV9 PUlabßlffc.fS/ ery Wednesday morniug— reiurptng, leaves every r riday morning. For ireightor passage apply qn board. : wbvv FOR CINCINNATI AND LOUISVILLE F iv The splendid new steamer ** UfcMrJtS , TELEGRAPU No.L j, Hnslep, master, xfrjll leave for tnuraodiaio pons on Monday.-j WdmsL, ntioo’clock. s'* For freight or passage applr on:board, or to BURBRIDGE, WILSON4C«. H GEO B .HiLTENDERGEB. gJ REGULAR WHEELING PACKET.’ • /•'ess**, j* The lino steamer S 1J.% CT ZACHARY TAYLOR, p _JEyg£fiBfist Lucas, tauter, will here*Hex ran ua BBSSSflEßreealu' paeket from\ Pittsburgh to wheeling, leaving Pittsburgh every Monday, Wedoea- a “day and Friday. . t> ror irelgbt or passage apply on beard. ja9i FOR MARIETTA, PARKERSBURG. ' And Hockingport, and Intermediate landing*. c? /T'oter- k The fine ueainer £5 • ftrr\ & wkllsvillk, R dt*#onHm Poe, master, will leave ftr the above A evei*y Tuesday, at 10 o'clock, a. h. Kor freight or pauttge apply on board. ' degV7.ip, A ~ THE'IST APHIL. nm b JOSEPH PRICK'S JOBBING SHOP.—To all p«. H sons about to remove, and warning their store* or tl houses repaired, counters, shelving, doors, windows &5 end hoisting wheel* pat up-, carpdSher work of all i' kmd* done on short notice on reasonable terms; eabi* “J net work made to order and furniture neatly repaired $ and varnished on reunaabte tenor, on PiAh street, fir ?J tween Wood and Smithiieltl street, in the coffin £t house of John Liggett, late of Wn TiovillaforaJldfl S the Atlegbeny Engine House. °* °PP trt “* $ fcbia-dtAplst JOSEPH PRJCE. 3 Hickory vuts—is sacks shell b»rv. ~ and for sale by ree’d mart - *-* \fEW"7E\V J.l, ' Gold Buckles, Chain*, Gold ' C L b°y VER re „M *!, dn Li fo, j V?>' nuul TARSFV A BEgrr i‘ M"bl“'';'r c r M ‘ cl ' r ” 1 ’* j.u- j JNO •' , ' P *DEN tCo !- K G ? bb r*e*d h r " ~■ ■ i