The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, March 07, 1849, Image 1

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business ca m.
t "•*. B «A 1«.
k dealer* i* Dry
b«t*h. -
ir ~ o*O«Gt **TTK*.
tSIaUnVmBTER, molwole ind Retail I>n»?»
J}%£i cornerof Uteny and St- Cle»r .trwu. P.«.-
bpfga. Pa- J
Wboteeale Grocer*.
and Conxaiuridn. Merchant*, No. H 5, Libey » ,
Piusbnrgh. Pa. -- ‘ ? D
n A,FAHNESTOCK *• „9°:> Vb , 0 ’ c ” 1 . c . jJ,
I>> mirDn»ggi»t>,comer Woodagde.h; «■ J > —
i SKUTH, Wholesale Grocers, 1= and
«0 Wood ttfecr Ptmbygh ■_ _ ,
—* ’;aSieB J. BX^urrr
■nSbusH'iifeNNßrT, n*w b*l'«s!*'
:^rSSSNO. 37 Wood.•-««»-'
3d ttieet*. • -
~ mRr> P cqcHBAN, Commission and Forwarding
Ht.BR, (tacceaw 10 Morphy A ter,) Wool Deal;
A » wood Commission Merchant, »r ** : ®°‘
Tfran Woolen*, Liberty, opposite &‘h si.
TTABjjV, JONES A Co., Commission “ d . F ° T :
rTrwhTOilUE Mewbanu, ha’fo returned lo their old
grant streets, Pittsburgh. jirt
wn. wniT.n. B alamo re.
<*. j. Tvncsoa, mr*XD nx*u>, ) philada
-»•*. c,**cjjaa»< joss a/wamsa ) ~ .
TTBALD fc BUCKNOR, Tob.tco poin-a^ouli.r-
Hj tteiß, ,1 Nohb ■Wuer .t,*. 1« Npnb *•
TBiUH DICKEY & Co, Crocf , «. Com-
I minion MerchttnU, ana dealer* In PTodutc,T»o*.s6
W«an and 107 Front menu, Pittsburgh doth
T4)HN WATT, (successor to Ewalt A Gctban,)
tl Wholesale fetoeer and Commission Merchant,
Safes to Prodace and Pituhargh M«tnufaetares, cor
ner of liberty and Hand Mieett, Pittsburgh Pa- join
TAMES B McGUIRE, ffate c! A l **®
J McGelroJ Merchant TailoT, 8L Charles Building*,
fifrAtongi, near Wood, Pittsburgh
TAMES A. HUTCHISON, A Co—Successors to
A Co-, ConjmiwnoD Merchants,
JttdJienis oftto St.-Lotus Steam Sugar Refinery
Np.« water andW fronj street*, Pittsburgh
T B. DILWORTH & Co., Wholesale Orocers. Pro
• 1 - dace and Commission Merchants, and Agents
5, toELIri Co. of N. V, No 17 Wood «,
.. _ Ja *
fraAttteet, one door South of Diamond
Jr~" A. Co- Uuccessorta Joseph U.
J Paris.) W«®m*«ssV cc3l
TOHN fl, MELLOR, Wholesale and Retail dealer
u inilosie uidMnsical Instruments, School Boom,
gp or tahcniutra<le 1 sepia
JBCUOONMAKER A Co- Wholesale Druggists,
»> No. t* Wood street, Pittsburgh. _
TOBtfD.UAYIS, Auctioneer, comerSth and Wood
>) .sfrcotfrTiushmgh. .. ocv r.
JOHNSTON A STOCKTON,’ Bookseller*, Hnuiers
oad Paper Manufacturers, No. 44 Market su, l iu»-
burgh. ' ' >e ?~
i- m.dil aiciULUU run i>.
T iR. FLOYD, (late J. Floyd A C 0..) Wholesale
tl, - Grocer*. No. 193 Liberty street. “P 0
Sira DaLZKLL, Wholesale Grocer, Commission
ereham, and dealer in Produce and Pittsburgh
failures. No. 24 Water sL, Pntsburgn-_ lanlti
‘irffißA’ JONES, Forwarding and Commu*iou Mer-
K chant*, Dealers in Produce and Pittsburgh manu
factured srur)*-, Canal Basin, near 7th at. daU
Tsinelos Iron -Worit*. ' „
I EWIS, nal.CTtl.l, & Co., manufacturers of all ui
t res Bar, Sheet, Boiler Iron and Nails of the nest
quality. Warehouse, 64 water and 103 front st
ft WATP-ftMAN, Wholesale Grocer. Forwanl
— tug nod Commission Merchantj Dealer in Pitts
burgh Manufactures and Produce, Nos. HI " ater st
and 62 Front tt. * J _
ioAb tronx. ' ns. d. k’oill. wst-raa c. aoa.
McGILLS A ROE, Wholesale Grocers and
lioii Merchants, No. 194 Übeny PuisburglP
J»fl ' ■ .. .
ÜBPHY. WILijGN A CO, (late Jones, A
Co.) Wholesalt Dealert ui Dry Goods, No. 4a
Wood street,'Pitts _ DDVI r.
'■t‘*LLns, r ' r ‘*iix. trustee,' wjs, a. lasuot.
TT * ALLEN k Coj Commission and Forwarding
jVlt' 'Merchant*,'- Water and Front Sts., betwwrn
W eoo and Market rts. i 1 1?”,
M,IT.r.F.n A RICKETSOXj Wholesale Orocewand
Comiuminn Merchants, No. 170, Liberty .st, I itt#»
_h,Fa. L- • • _J
N HOLMES SON, No. 65 Market su, second
d pot from corner erf .Fourth, dealer* in Foreign
aad JJouteauc Rill, of Exchange, Ceruficnlesof Det***
u, Hank Notes and Specie. . , ,
ID” mU onfall th» principal etuea
_»*.•. '.' _ rded" ,
outzx atacarraSj **
s-\ BLACKBURN & Co., Wholriale Grocer* and
V/|» .daalwOn. OUs, Boat Store, and Pittsburgh Man
vectored artjelaa, hatroon hand, at all tunes, a mil and
raneralMaoittoentof goods in their line, Water street,
ear Cherry Alley, Pittsburgh.
ROBERT MOORE, Wholesale Grocer, Rectifying
Distiller, dealer m Produce, Pittsburgh hlanufac*
tuxe*. and all kinds of Foreign and Domestic " lM *
and UqUora, No. U Liberty street On hand a very
l acre-stock of superior old Monongahela whiskey,
which will be sold low for cash. _ nplScly
aasiat* aaacaon, sohem. i. Buacraoa.
T> ROBINSON t Co-Wholesale Grocers, Produce
IV. • (,!»]> Commission Merchants, and Dealers in ritu
bmh Manufactures, No. ISO Liberty bl, Pittsburgh.
p fc ° ■* ' jOJtlO^
■ ufopyr pi T//KI.I. A Co n Wholesale Grocer*,
K, Cbmmiß«on and Forwarding Merchants, dealers
mVroduce and Pittsburgh Manufactures, Liberty sl
PimVurgh, Pa. ......
ThOBT. A. CUNNINOHAM, Wholesale Grocer,
K, Dealer in Prodae»lSid Pittsburgh Manufactures.
So. 144 Liberty at. /T.“-
-11 KYyaUtall SHEEI Forwarding «rrd Canmußiion
is, WMetSSla, for iho Allegheny Elver Tnule, de*>-
S la Greceliej,. Prmlnee, Pinaburgh Nannfacturr.
tndChloride of Lime. ~ . ,
The highest price*, in ciUh, Paul at all time* for eoan
gy rags. Comer of Pena aua Irwmst*.l* 1 * 23 .
SMITH ft JOHNSON, Wholesale and EetoiJ Dealer!
la' Wiltidery Goods, Lace*. Hosiery aodFuncy
Artiele*,No. « Market street, 3d door above Third «t,
Htubcigh. .
- f race. R- whit*.
SHACKLETT ft WHITE, VVhofenUe Dealer* In
Foreigrituid Domestic Dry Good*. No. W\y *t.
nuiborgh. . . l ebl7 V
ZT - ft \V. HARBAUGH, Wool Merchants,' Dealer*
o* in Flmlr and Produce generally, and
gnj Communion Merchants, No. o 3 W Rler ri-i Pttt**
burgh. .. ... - .
MfTtL BAGALEY ft Co., Wholesale Grocer* an
fttnSeo Market .treel, lermeen ilh
.■%ad tth. North side, Philadelphia.. no . vl!
'v. oujob; ‘rrmßtrooH. jutci mdiOLs, oxaiLA.’ro.
OELLERB -ft NICOL 3, Produce and General Com
mlsiion Merchant*, No. 17 Liberty *t-, Pittsburgh.
Sperm, Linseed and Lord Oils.
S' VTVON BONNHOHST, ft Co., Wholesale Gro
»«en.> Forwarding and Commission Merchant*,
Ucalet*inPia*bareh Manufactures and \Vc*teiuPro
aee, have removed to their new warehouse,{old stand)
No, eOfoer of From at. and Chancery Lane.
w. r. anrt.
Taom ft SCOTT. Wholesale and Retail dealer* i{l
Boou, Shoe*. Trunks, Carpet Bogs, Ac., S. W
o xner of 4th and amtthfleld >u. Pitubnrgb, Pa ju3
raygSFfV ft BEST. Wholesale Grocers and Conmus
-1 . ifTwhmn, and dealers in Produce. No. 34
Wood sw Pioabnzgh. _ _ oȣ*
ion s. wicxT sAvui jruajroutt*
TTjriCK i iPCANDIiESS, Iraccewon to L. &J. 1>
Vi Wick,) Wholesale Ororers, Pomsnlmf and
Mcichaati, dewier* in Iron, Naiii, Gla«».
TYuMi and PitalJuigJi Minuiiciuici generally,
-rVVood and Wi"*! Piu*lmr*i*.
»,mUm Yarn*,
BOWEN—CommiFiton /orwwdinjr
•refcani, No. 00 From ft between Wood end
Tgm. „ feb! H_
-rrr vc tCAi.l.Anr. Mill ««me and Mill Purmsi-
YY etubttsluoeat, No. S« Liberty -nef c' ^hc
<7' W]T-Mns. DcilgTm Wiiebei, Jewelry,
W "AHrar Wore, Military Goode, fcc., No. 57 Max
k!,V “ T 7
i MURPUV. Wholesale ujd Retail
• Foreign and Domestic l>ry Goods, north cast
—'-»«.»kftiand Fourth ati. angiJt
" 'wo. a. at’cmts.
i leather bidet, ±c.
tow. h’cvtchsor
leiale Grocers, dea
i*. Glaus, and Putt,
1 iibertjr «, ?»»•*
decs. "
comer of u.
A v
• fervia Prodm
burgh Alaxtofacuirea
bmyh. ;
eiiefenrwpVirri- — C il -
Fcttftfi MxctL cnlranee on 4lh nearilaricL
, .-aacfrdtL...
JOHN-M.TOWNSEND, Market «ii three doors alove Third »t- r»t*-;
bargb r wi[] hive cotutamJr on band* well ,c £,v£ii , hB«
KTU&CBtoltha bcit cod freeheit Meihctnevw^®- ® e
wSnSa'tfditomo.t reuooible terrnt.
sc^9g forfeit, will bo. promptly attended to, aafl/op
pliodwilh utlele* they may rely UDOn as ffCß«une< j
fCPfbyiicUM Preaeopuoa* wiflbe accurately utu
tjuatly prepared from the oe*t material*, at any hourol
JaFe^alarg# dock of fresh and good Pdrftt
met* ■ _ * anl -
CONTINUES to'manufacture Monument*, BuriaS
Yaoltt, Tomb*, Head Stone*. Mantel Piece*, Ccn~
tro and Pier Tops of foreign and comertte marble, atj
. a.regi»lar «fld fiur'pric*-
N B—Drawing* for monuments, vault*, Ac furnish
td, of any ppooih .He <ollch« a «inire of public
. pammuge \ * *!
B.T, Robert*, D n
TifTHVATIO SURGEON,’•BI attend to ibe.ireatrj
b&dn engaged in iL* braneb of tbs aadii
far the treatment of dl*ea*c* of the cya
*SSOTS4SSi, co»..f ■-**,.> ™i
gWtbttrv nlle,?Allegbefly c»r ..
t3Sttl PCKIS TKArSTOIIK. N!! Fourll
• VTnmW^S—XH QUnnliut* of Green ««
IW* tlkii In qnarrer. hnlf, »nd
'—.l., from » “■ pofpnnnt
rtSJTi T “« *•“»■*“ 01
PJ•• • • 5 ‘ '
•r- 'l . —I.J— •.~"”" , ” T “ i •
/~UJI.KMA>. UAJI.MAN * CO c-6a>.. l ur a,
1/ facture M»*!l Up"-- SpnMr Am
Plough. Fork nnrt Him* Steel. Rivet* s>p,kr. T,:, \\ rc*:t
Iron Nuu. ill logodierwrn n ••• K :;m r
Springs. h*C P*t. Tapor-and eomiwm Axc-
Havre* rntucrd the price ol \\ roucnr Van.
'■Tifir.f bu.’iicr* and o'licr* the » r '-» "• . hud
U n> iHrr w!ere»i to (jivcUim tic'v nnm. o of }' ■•
mauofactnrr* their t'lentioii
Coara mmrp;ntr» nnd ma’tnhk iron -n libera •< rm«
Warehouse on Whmt oml Four h «t* tel.vtMl
. meet. ncru *<?*■
SIMPSON a Co. jn»niifH-rtort , .r» ol Vial*. Hoitfe*.
mid Window Gln*-« keep constantly on band a
general assortment of the aSoyc nrUele* Al»o. make
lo order a superior article of Mineral ocSodu-Water
Bottle*, of colored glass. No W> Wood st. Pittsburgh,
j> a Auc3t-nm
WILLIAM SMITH, ManufK.'iurrr of I'otnm nnd
colored Linen. Fringe* for Dre»»C4, Ar.. sewing
Silk am! colored Comm F/uigw for silk nod cmchiun
Parasol* (jimp, M«Uair. and Suit Bmuon Fsiugo#,
raaue to on the shortest noUer.
StoEE. comet of Maiden Lane. a:ul AA i.l;j£m, entrance
No cS tyfli’T" nre«-i, iliirjll tloor. over Abner A Ki»*'
store, No t»5 Maiden 't ork. Jiju
MAM'FACTL'RKK of Steam Boat tuulFumiiV Rtan
kfiK. Buiime, Cocon Mattra»«e« and fninmn* of
all «ue*. Warcfictne, No. Water street. Pittei-urgh
KENNEDY. CHILDS A <X>.. Manufacturers of very
(uprrior 4-1 Sheeting*, Carpet Cham, t'ottoji
■J whip and Bulling "hUD-I}
Bnqnune Bteef aud Iron
COLEMAN, HAILMAN A Co, watfufaiMurtra -ot
Coach and Ehptir Springs, Hammered Axles.
Spnnq and Plough Steel. Iron, Ac. Warehouse on
Water and Front wtrcrtu, Pittebnnrh.
Alno, ilealen ia' Coach TrmMnirjr* and Malleable
_ '■ x , ridl’l
Vr B U C kAI ASTfcIK. ALDEUiiAM—Office, Focrth »t,
( third door above ttnmhtield. rouili side
Cohvryaticing of all Vin«l? done wuh the greatest
earr and legal accuracy.
Title* tc Real bonier kv
Yt • Rectifyuig Distiller*. and Wine anil Litjuo.
Merchant? Al*o, lm:>orirr' ol xidn A.*: and B,codi
ng Powder, No. \M Liberty Pnuburah, P,i
HAMILTON STEWART. manufacturer of Henry
Shirtings, Checks* it., Rebecca BtreeL city ot
Allegheny novl j-<Hy*
- . . , PETTIGREW A CO.,'
-'■ Owes above M. A Co,
BttttajLfigß ocCa No- 4< Wafer stte^L
JOHN FINNEY, Jr - Agent ai Pittsburgh lot ttm Del
aware Mutual &&fot) Insurance Company ot Phtla
atlelplua. Fire Ricks upon buildings and merchandise
of erery deirnptiou. anil Mamie Ki.ka upon Bail* or
Cargoes of vesnel't, uikcn upon U>e most favorable
10” Office ui the Warehouse of W H Holme* A Hro .
No 37 Water, near Market menu l'utsourgh
N. B- The cuoces* ot uua Cuiupan) since the estal
lishm-ni m UlO Astency ui ut»« city. w4h die prompt
□ e*. and ÜberulityViui which evei \ clfwra upon them
for loss has been adjusted. mt!> warrant the ugeul in
inviudg the confidence anti patronage trienJ** and
the community at large to the. Delaware M S Insu
rance Company, wm.e it hao the addihnttaJ sCvuuUuir.
as aa mstnunou amorut the most douruhiug u» Ftuiadel
plus—as having an ample puid-tu capital, wjuehJ') :11c
operation ot’ its charter is constantly inrren.Aig. a.
yielding to each person insured h.*-due .%iiarc ot th>-
profits of the company, without involving htm >u am
responsibility whatever, and tmrrrinrt as possessing
the Mutual principle divesl'-ti ot rwi) ot-noaioui lea
tare, and iu iu moat attract..' form novl
riiUE Insurance Company of, Nunn America, tnrv.ugh
J. its duly authorized Agvrtt. the subscriber. oflera to
make permancrit and limited Insurance on property, ui
lius city,and its vicinity, and on shipments b) the Ca
nal ond'Rivcr*
Charles Taylor,
Ambrose v> bill*.
Jtrob M Tliomu»..
John K. N eS.
Rjphard I) \Vooil, :
VVm Wci.b, |
Kramc* Ho«ken», |
S Aa*'m Allibone,
Tbi« is the Insurance Company 1:1 ihr l.nited
having been ch*rt<-t-i-0 x:< I7VI. cuaner i
perpeiaal. ana from iu bi?u sumdinp Jon* experience,
ampic mean* and avoiding ai; ri*l.» ot an extra Li«r
ardoD* chu. : .fcr. n may be eonsiOrmla* oferinr aint
pie «rctiril” to ihe public. . I*.
At the C«>unli.ig Room of Atwood, Jouc* u. Co., W a
icr and Front streets Rv.uhnrrn __ raays
Arthur G Cotfm.
Sani'l W. Jo:ir»,
Edwnrtl Smm
John A Brow;,
Jotui Vi'hite.
Thoinat P Copr,
t*oJOuH F. Vinitli,
Ramur! lirookf,
THK SCBSCKIUKR has been appointed Agent pm
lem-oiibe Insurance Company at NorUi America,
fuid will i>Kue Policies «jsd attend to the other iiueutesi
of the Agency, nt the warenot.‘<; t ' At worn!. Jn;ie» A
Co. , apU ~W HI 11.l 1 . jOM^i.-vatcr^t
BEGS t® inform the'r«Jo and dealer* generally, of
Pittsburgh. that they tiuve made socharraugetoeuu
■witli the Virginia imimir-cturer* *ad Uie Grower* of
tin: Went, Wwi Indio*. and .-licr piaces, a* will insure
a large n«d constant supjFy of U»e tallowing ticacnp
uonfl of Tobucco, which wt.i be sold upon a* accom
modating t«m« a* any other house in Un* euy or else
where, and all good* ordered from them wilt bo war
rented equal to representation:
Havana, St- Domingo; Conn ; } ...
Vara, Porto Rico, Penn'a; VSeed Leal to-
Cubn; Iguiiu; & Flondu; ) I accn,
Al*SO—Bnuieh’n celebrated Aromatic Stag L'nve-t
-di»ta. with a large assortment of oilier nnuni*.
and qualities ol juundt. 5». —. L2v lt» uml -hi'. Lump.
,5* ft, -a attld IC» Plug; Ladies' ‘lwi*u V Fwt-i.
I Ac, .weel and plain, ui who.e and ha- 1 nos.-., wood
j and tin. together witu ever) vanri) oi n:ur
; ing to itc irade.
Produce. Oommluion and lorwardtng
No 6$ North Wuarvrs. am» H® Wato St
Cvmn>- John H. Brown ft C<». I
Robcn Siren 4. C-. I
Bancroft, Beaver Jc Co | rß “ l,ue *'“**■
Buutn, A Co. J
Allen 4 Paxton, New Vprk.
Walter* 4 Harvey. Baltimore.
Bagulev 4 Snutli, |
Burbrwge, WiUou 4 Co , PlUil , ur r!t
Bmlry, Urown 4 Co. f r *
Kier 4 Jones, j
irr- Liberal ea.b ndvancM on ron-irrmicnW b» our
• do?-.. n.u.3.n11y
r c. u.wu*». gi/»n.Hi Jolt Bout. w*»»$»•
And OcQtnil Commission MercUsnU,
So. 13Sf»CTH Wj.TKJ» Stkttt.
iNCES—lljnry Groff A Coj Putnhurgli
/ AM January, Muysville.
Char)*--, l!a*h»m. Jr , l<nu»svU3r-
Uuijib, Humphrey* A Co l
Mercer. liro. A Co, VPhilad •»
Reed A Brother, J
y Duiilh k. Counluery- New \orit
oolTflour ahd prodcck.
USAS, KE e i), s to..
trtuceeasor* u> Reed. Hard & Co .1
I HUSTON, mass.
i&j attention paid to the *ale of all kind* of Pro
land liberal advances made on consignment*
1 4, Co. bsve Irnve io refer to—
lessr* R- Rol»i»on A.Co. f pumfcuryfc
i•• McGill 4 Roe. V f
Rr-cd, Parks 4 Co., Beaver,
•• Lawson A Corrode, WclluviUe, O
Boswell M*r*h, £.<q WeobrnVtllr 1>
S. Brady, Eaq )
\V F Pelemm, Esq l Wheeling, V*
ia«AM RCraasleACo. ,
I - GUI 4 SJom, J,
I•* Rhodes 4 Ogle-by, Bridgeport, O.
lug, Ponyardiog aod General Coinmis
liou Merchant,
C<na»au Btbrst. St. l»nri*,
—Strict tilenlioa paid lo order* »»r purriiaatng
market, a ltd ait bustne#* proropliy transacted
reoce ai Pittsburgh, Joho M’Fadeu A. Lo.
:25-d3ra . _ .
aittlon and Forwarding ilerchiuiu
so. -X woub *?., rirrsavnou,
TLNUKIJ to transact n general Coinruiasloc bow
m. e-peciAily.jn llic purchase and sale o» Ataeri
unufaetur*-* and Produce, and m receiving B ‘*d
iltnjr flood* consigned to hi* care A* Agent wf
mufaciure*, be wilt bn constantly «uppl.n<l w.Uj
ucipai article* ol Pittsburgh Mamifiieinre at the
wholesale pnccA. Order* ami eonsiglinJont*
.'spcctfully •oHMtt'd.
Iron, lUSU, Cotton Yarn* &. Pittaburgb
DUnafaetare* generally,
so 1(1 wooo ktrewt, rrtrswKi.ii, pa.
WBf. il. clakk;
Forwarding Merchant, Drownaville, Pa.
Attend* particularly lo Use Forwarding of Produce,
any infortßalloti, apply to FOIISVI'H A f'l'N
CAN, Water *t
WW,¥I ” pmi.t 3 >HLPHIA. 1
For die aole of I’roduci generally
rry Liberal advance* made on consignment*.
U Tn93.d.V wdmT
Tramportaf lon (o tin E&al.
uoBSEV & corns,
- Commiuion'ttDil ’Vorwurdi’ng Agenti.
(j\f HARTON, I’ltubui'sh, Will receipt Produc*
febia-dshn . D
— CAai> .
Ste j^csrtftrttra*
Fxuil imu?Cliecse xeceired oh coi.Mfrnmoni wM
mj{«, with iiuuriuice obioingd. •
l* EACH EH—so.'
4Rll® UUKII tuptnor h*/«* |i»r
±J t*io. leb'Jfi MvlLLfc* KUfc
bn No l, Boston and Bnliunore
J jnmiafacttxTf.'tiir *a l e by '
_fe XrOT WICK _
GROUND PEi'l'Kß—id bx» pa/o, for tale by
__ feWO __ WUJK fc.M’CA.NpLKSf 1 .
CLOVER fJKKD—37 bbl» irrlriie'Obio'; landing
from navaci beaver: for *ale by
• Pa
■\IMI.L blm> (iMrbU lo roliiM'UoiKi »r,d till oitcr liai*i»
\\ pntru*if!il to htm .11 Duller tunl Arumrouc
H-'-i i<>
J, A R. F'n'.U."-rty <t i
W U . \Va,„ice.. do 1
Jnmes Marshall do f Pilt*l>uty'-
Kay A Co.. Wood st. ; -n
I it BWKITZKR. Attorney at Lnw. ©flier :W M ,
*J , nppo-owfl Charles Mo.-'. rj( I*. will also
attend promptly 10 Colleenim*. m Washington, Faycim
an-1 l.rren eou/.D'-s Pa.
liua M. 1.1U1.K,
Blhckslock. Bd.J A <‘o , >
Cnnrcli A t'nniiliers. ‘-P.r.»i-ure)i
I) T Morgan, 4 »
I' J. HENRY. Attorney mil Coutn-elloT •<' l.»w
j, t'lnruinall. Ohm r©;lcel>on» in Souther.i « ».m.
am: in lmlißun, and m Kentucky. promptly »t"l cure attended 10 Coimtii*»(ni!«*r tor the Slate ni Penn
st.vui.• h. lor taking Deposition*. nvknowled'ineiu*.
A.V. Ar
Kfc> ).R TO- Htm. Wm Ikcil A < on. Curtin. Church fc
Caroth-r*. Wro Havt F-sq . Willook A Dnvi*. a‘23
ATTOUNKY AT LAW. Oificc retiluved to Fourth
■sired. between Smithfic'd and (.Iran: •lie t
DYNLOP A SKWKI.L attorney ai Ulltcc* on
Stmtkfi«ld. between 3d mid Uh »t.«
JOHN fl. RANKIN, Attorney and C«kn*eUor m Law
and Commissioner tor the State bl Pennsylvania
Ivoum, Mo., (late ot Pittflliurßti.l
Rr.yTßitsCT*.—Pittsburgh: Hon W Forward. Miuop
tcn & Miller, M'Candless A M'Clurr, Jonn F. Parke,
Bi«*eil*. & Semple, M’Cord A Kut« jcH;\y
* TTORNKY AT LAW. Fourth street, between
_/V. HmiihheM and Drum. jnl2-dth«i
ATTORNEY AT LAW. Fourth street, neartiram
"lir O >1 ROHINSON. Attorney at Law l,n* re-
V\ . moved tit* ojlice to the Exchange Builei>.g-,Sh-
Clair *i.. next door to Aldennun Joans. hi l~ly
fashionable hats.
—. THE in addiUOt. to bin own n,
Xm majiui'uclutinj oiljau. has made arrange- JjH
«%meni» with Mes-rs Uebcc A Co., (the most
fashionable natter* of the city of New Yoik.) for a rtig
uiar supply of hi J extra fine Silk Hnt*>, and having just
received a few cases, gentlemen can ue sailed with a
vety neb and by calling at h.s new Hal
ami Cap Store, Sh.iiM.cld street, second door sooth of'
Fourth, where may b.; found a great variety cfllau
and Cfips of his own manufacture, who.male and .*•
tail. Hats madrftp order on short noucc. <
Rpaa _J_ _ James wilson.
~‘mJ~ M»OOBi> dt co., *iS§g&
B? (Successors to M’Cord A Kinei ffisSaA.
Pashionablt Hattera, T 1 * 1 ®
Corner of Wood an./ Fifth Snort*.
I)ARTICI'LaB attention paid to our Retail Trade.
Gentlemen pc an rely apou geuing iheu Hi't* and
Capa (rout our esjuldi-luornt of the best M»triuus an«t
woaaita-vttnr, of Ok- utkst stub, an.l a: me uitvm
Country Merchant* |,ur«tiunr.< by »vi»o)t".aio are
rc.iiecuu:.-. .n/ttcii to uadi and eiaraiur oar Sinok. us
we ran siiy with tbit as regard* ycALTTt
und runic. a will not buffer m u' comparison wiPt any
imuic in Philadelphia. irbi,
JgH ,m now receiving iron. lhe€g«sS
••afceiry ofNewYort, » rboire assortment
oi' Hau. Cup* and Mufi latest fashions.m area: vune
f, ;,".d veo’ rh-ap. wliob-sule and retail
J aMF£> Wli^nN.
, ,»vj3 Si.iiilifi-M -I -ill Pool « /> i | th €.l -Ub
Ur. Kom’s Ccltbraleil Hemedies.
DR JACUU S RUSK, the di-coserrr amt sole pro
prie'.or of these most popular und beneficial nlt'd
icmes, and also.the inventor of the eelrbrated instru
ment for indaling the Lungs, in effecting a cure of
Chrome dLeases. wu« a .tudeni of that eminent phV*i
ciau. Doctor PUysn-. and .» urruduuieot the tmvrrsi
ty cf Peuasv.vuhin. end lor tUirsy ycurssanee ha, t>eeu
cuitaged tn the Hiv-i u-ut.oi: oi di»ra*e. and Uie. appli
es'.mi ,11 rclliedle* llirre.o
Tiirouirh the o*e W ln» initn'ing tube, m connection
with lit, Pmphyiarti. S;. rup and othrr ot hi* remeuii'S.
he nu* cuiilcd an tiiiparaleiied einmcncc in citrine’
tlio*e dreadful nnd "iin; malinlte*. Tubercular t'-on
sum;''.i'»n. Gander-. >orofu!-i, Kiwumarisri. Astiutia.
Fever and Ague, Frvri. of a.I kinds, Chrorur Kry*ij«e
ia.«. turd ail liio,e olis'.inate d.-ca,r' frtimies
Indeed ever", ibrui ot di-ease vmu.«Qe« under the n*e
p; ins remedies,to which liamar.ii) k tirir -.-ni! I v ;he
use of one compound oii(v, lor that ,» incompatih.e FhyiioJoiiica. l.i-.v. l>ut i>v 'dir u*c of hi, reme
dies. ndnpted to at.d ; icscntied ‘tr each |eco nu lortn
Dr. Rose’s Tome Allfrutivd Pin*, wncu used arc in
var.ably acknowledged to be »upenoi to ml otber. os
a purgative or liver pill, inasmuch a* tney leave the
bowuis perftedy tree from costivcueea, 1 a» also hts
Golden Puis m pdirntted try the furuity to posses* pecu
liar pToi»«rtie* adapted to female diseases, but teeing
satisfice that a J-are trial is sufficient to e«tol>(ish wtat
has been said in Urn minds of me most skejrucai
The alfiicted aro invited to call upon the agent, and
procure (grous) one of the Doctor's (nimphlci-. giving
a detailed account of each remedy and it* application.
For «&lc by tie fot owing agents, us wen a* by met
DrufgtgU throughout the cuuiiir):
J ScbooumaJter A Go, 24 Wood street. Pittsburgh;
J Al Towfi>ead. druggist, 45 Market st “
I/ea A Bock Siam - near the PJ'. Allegheny city,
Jox liitfkiey..Darlington. Beaver county. Pa.
Jtio Elliott, ttnnon ValJey,
T Adams, Beaver, ” u
/ M'.l't.H, r\!N i.\THKMi*K AND CHKM'CL-
V' KKD Hwvmc H lor 10117 ucif tiffil ih*ue»*c*«l
Wlih u .cvew pmnjn ilie aide and ctiPst. amorapaiiird
w.;ha <!r> cou<a. I was imtiKPd upon u»e urchin wi
civauo.i <>' tt Uieud. 10 Dr. Toy.or* Haljaru 01 Liver
wort, imd ] tnual ->ay Ihi* medic..if ha* unsvrer*'«l »*
,mrpo.f ni'.niinirjiy Mv ci*irr«- wa. proceed ny a
», t , ro wul v/u* «o jrcal ihn*. il wan wtin utaicullj
1 eou tl awa■:««» my iixxl Imier-d. 1 atn »aimfinl this
iJIMIKf utu.lliH'M-rmi'lllr- 1 •: t onsumpllufl ornoillP
t-«:a! di-.c:i~c. had n i'll" I'rii cured r.y U»i* ;ui(;nou«
tri'ilK-Mo* To Hi* '"'ho *"-k 10 proioiitr ihnr*, 1
wou.U advii- ihr u»ehf Dr T»y.»r * BaLum of l.ivr-
won. .UMf> AN ivifViwrr,
'Hu. inr'liciUr fao.iliiic" eipector»iion. reduce* le
ver. rr-!oie- »tru gth. and mav I-• enn.idrrrd t«a*u
l-pflfH pn*|iarajjoo 'or the curt- m:.l pr-v-nlii.n <>t all
di»ra>rn HI urn l’nr«! and*. and Miould be r-»ot
,-rl in, even ai'tpr tbews disease* hav*, re«t*ird the u*u
ill remedies. }n the practice of m * old mid ver. rr
spectnble physician. this ot Livrrwuri liki ac
quired uu enviable reputation for ii* virtue*. ns *upe
nor lo that oL the abundant nostrum* ol the d«*,.n«
won Die character ami probity ol it* inventor, to that
quacks and empirics.
CONSUMPTION CURED-My »n having a vio
lent cold, used to cough Violently, raising qua# tinea of
uuck putrid mailer, and famdiy be coud noi turn over
m bed. from yVeasttc"* lit mani'eHed every »\mp
toru of confirmed consuiDpuou. For »ix years be hud
been >ubjeot to the ambmu. Hi* physicians. M-"»rs.
Vermoulr * .Andersen. »nnl hr wn« Minicab 1 - nnd
mutt man mi. \ct 1 >r»» d'-termineri 10 U) Ur Tav
lor't IluUam of Lu-erwort *.id strange a* n mn> ap
pear thi* medicine ho* fud) restored nis health
UAI.I.ON. II Norfolk tt.v-t
Sold tn Pittsburgh by J D Morgan. Chi Wood -i. J
lowiiroiid, 4$ .Market st, II .•‘mi »rr, ror Marhc: tuul
W st* . Henderson A Co. 5 Libyriy »i- Price re uccd
m ifl-it) per bottle 1 '
ifaynei' Expectorant,
SiiiTH, Columbiana ro .O, Apr. W, 1-il
DR. D JAVNKS: Dx*a Six—l feed bound to'yoa
and (be alßicted pablic, to avail myself oLlhi* op
portunity ot giving publicity to the extraordinary effect*
ot your fexpofitormii on myself' Having been atmeied
for nevcrui year* with a severe cough, hectic lever
and ii* roi»c«rnutant disease*. and seemed only doomed
to linger out a short hut miserable existence, until the
fail of IKB. when, being more severely attacked, and
having resorted to all my former remedies, and me pre
v* notion* of i*ro of tji« nod respectable physicians in
the neighborhood without deriving at;) benefit, or the
consolation etfaurmuiff bat u few dt»y» or week.* at
farthest—when the lust gleum of hope was abedt to
vanish, I had recommended to me your Expectorant—
and blessed by that Being who doe* »;! thing* m the
use of the mdana-'OUtl nontrary to the vxjiectaiiou.s of
my pbfKlciaft* and Utcnd*. I was in n tew days raised
from my bed, ami wu* enabled by the u*cor u notHe.W
arc ml lo*iny buM»e»s. enjoying better bex.Ui than
J had fet ten yrara previous .
Rc,|,-«mllt in.,,..Ar. J..U
For »aie in Pittsburgh, hi the lekuiTca wur, d
Fourth stroet. Binrß
1 * A FAHNESTOCK At o S Ft.euuioii.e or Cough
XJ, IJalsihi hit* a great advantage over many other
though preparations, as it" pieosar.t ta»t.; permit* >1 in
bn u»ed without lucmiyenicnc*..- Hut it* valur a* a
Bal*uOi cou»i»U in the speed nie*s of it* tun 1 \> r hive
known some of the most drsiwrate coughs, Mime.ui
v* mch hod been running .<it for a considerable length
of time, yield almost immediately lo M* power
In such weuther we have had during ihr pa*i
Winter, evefy one I* liable In take rrtld, utalcs* £fent
precatilioiis-ar* used
Wet fret and undue cxoo*ure to the inclemency ol
the weather often lay* the foundation’ i>< n h»ciins
rough, which needs ajjun k remedy to iircvgnt *enou»
result*. .
W-s have uuturrou* certificates ol cure* winch n
bo* performed, ninny <*• winch ore Irotn persons m th;«
ciiy and the uetKlibothooU. m.d ure a •utw.icui
rolcrence *TUlioui**Rytng e-i.nncr w.»r«f in U» ,aT,,t
Prepared and n* »ale, wholesale and retail, by H A
• x cornet of Wood and Isinnd
Wood and flth *>*. lebtfl-diwS
DOCTOR I» W .MORHIS .Kivimt r-cetlly purchas
ed the Drug Mure formerly owned by Hav* A.
Hrock*.(, No, a C."""' 1 ' 1
PiUskUfKhi iuetno.l ol 1 “ 4
(neiids add the public , rn.erai. mat m* *ipre
will Hi iilUliilie-' I*'" supplied "vilh nu rjl-nnw. amt
genoralasgortixcni ot Urug*. U>.- >m.f« Wmts n*
Vanitshes, Perfumery, t oiog-o-'. and , very nr
l,clocked lor in a drug su»r<- whretr w,!. alwa) .
“U Tr Si’i’ Tlopuis’u l^^l ' » ' tl * Tr u(^'r t"' Uiw
n..ronu B u, be wanting to give enure
istncl’on to fi** custom' 1 '" n0..-upn
cW “rO/*'FN j'a .^ll” r '•V RIU .-I still conli.iue,
safe arrd popular remedy -Med
o. the Wait, t urc.uud tide. J »
tiii'-asc* Ait<>P a ' l “ cuU )'- ‘ >l,-ulrlcHl Qa^r 4,1
temlad u, wompUj. fol ,. ulled nl hl . Drug
St ore 2 Commercial Row, Liberty street, during
hborr, ot h« his re.ide««.r.mmn K .u,d even
tug. pnnn street, 3 doof* below Irvnn s ailcy
Dr. lttolsano in Tennessee.
r|*|(i« ia to certify that l purchased one vial of I>r..
I WclW, Worn Specific, some two months ago
ItOna * Creek. Carrol co Teitn . Dec If*.
rtp.hii VKRMIFI t.K IN IiiXHUUA -
•S , tJoLCMJtCS, Jnu. bill, I-.»
v. K ft rw.lrn - Uiur VrrmifagA ha» sold well.
r i j
vonr Vermifuge in every rn.c ! have heard 01, I »i
confident I c<ui sell more during the coming scuroti
thafi I did inst I will i.c glad lo teceive another sup
ply of 4 o«6 gross Voura, respecifu 'y ‘
y (Extract from letter ) K CARTEK
Prepared ami sold by R. R SELLERS &I\\ ood «,
,„d soltFhydruggutsgrncrail), ut Pittsburgh and A)
iotthry .... } -
V tAMICS VXUUR-tWi bid. I'nrk.n-on * superior
H Family Flour, for vale bv
* .i Dissolution.
fI’HF ortacfr'lHJ' !»•*reu>f«T« •«‘
1 i»f h.i' niim- 1 fi K"*-' a 1
W|l » u.,* day <s.<»! vfd by rautiia' l<»
w , ',ii'' <»f vt»— <*oiu--rr, •>r w ■; !”
t-- ifc }.otfcori? r<l \o u«- tli'- natnt- oi Ui- •• •<•
' - }*» iFITKK K I- Ki ’ NiJ
o »•',<> hiii;i
'>■' t:o-P»rtner»blp.
The •abaer&et* linvr. Oil* da) a»*o' i.aied ' “
m ihc lOkine fti'RH I'A. M A ITMI.W S A ' ■> • *< fT
tuit'tooe 0/ iridj»irtii,- d (reifra: ur»'-ry.' .mihim*- •»*•
n>'ti KorjrHnlljiK"HoMi;r.'«. -it ih- c>i in'- in
<*< Frimd s Hint)' A i'o . whore la* v ’■*'* •**’ '
rroeiv- rtm fOtrOMue o! Ill*' C"» 1 <>i " j 1
,'kvi ?i "tViik.«s
Fc!mi*r> 7fl £3 J
\W tiJc*- p!cV«iir»- • • f ‘•onime««li,iiiito »>'" eeufidrnce
of our tfiendfc-and "f Fnrml. Khev A i o . our
V,;;, N „
•V.ii >, . J.\MK>
f Dli«olntlow>.
T'HK dr-paffn»!T»hip li.T<Mofore-cx>;ii r l' 1 ’ “ r *;' ;,r
„f <W»y- 1 '
Co . i* tfcn tU*J dl«*o:vr<! hv mumv AW*-* ;
Uurkr & Hurtfrf will aeiue Ute 1-ii‘i‘tr- ot the '-on- (
erru (of purpose they »r* «>.U»r he j
nuiueoftbei/urtmi. N ATM A M Kl. rt-N - TA HI.! . ,
( - THOMAS HaKM> !
The have thu day n»*ooftlcd them-rlve*
iri the name IfIURKBA BARNES, tor Hie purple
<M manafi»«-tnta«Jt Fire { roof Safe*. A ault ,r '- '
at tV «iwfc\ of the lull* firm of Vmn.abir. hurt.
4 Vo . frhrntihiv "'ll! he l«Vn*od to rcrenre ihr n-
Uonai’e y! that houae and ilmtr fnemi*
• ; • M)MI.ND lll'llM'-
In from the firm ot Conan* * 1 /’
I with -*Jncc*r pkaaure rrromiurii.l Mr.»r« uurM
Harncvdo tlufcOiibdr.wr of my m-nd, and the pun"'
fehfo-dtfr, ;
«. KKNNEDV have Una dnv a««ociated
wifh thefctin the Hardware InisineM? PlnnP "
ion aui tilwaia Gref* The style of firm win here
after »<t U«fa*Wil«>». * Vo Th* arrangement ren
der. if-!e to eln.e the ..M buMi»e«9 «-oon a.
noisibftl. Aft pfer*6n« who*»* liabilities have matured,
are eaperian£ requested »u make immediate payment.
PUttbarthf Jin 1.1“^-
lOfiAN; tWILSOS A. CO—lmporter* and
j Wvhole«Al«JrDealer> in Foreign mfd Domestic Hard
ware. Saddlery. .Vr.. 130, Wood street. Pms-
rimv-fully prepared with a recently impor
ted of Hardware. Cutlery 4c .to offer very great
induc-o&jcnut U» wettern buyer., beta* determined to
.•omprtetn /riera wrh any of the Atianuc*. AJ*
on ItAnd n)l ejxten.ive assortment of Pmahurgh Hard
ware, viz- 4h<wc'., Sprule. Fornv Hcv<, Vice.. 4e..
a.; of whiettwil! he .old »: t! ( e ’ow «t manufoeturcr *
price*. _ Jan
' Dlaaolntlon.
lAHlypariit«r*>t>p >0 ;on« eaiMuitJ under toe fuin ol
M l CorJ f A.!King. »u l>y mutu.i coumuii
on Ihf-int ink.- Toe bu-.;ie.i. will lx? .-.n-ci fttthe o.d
.tandtjf • idial of u». units the .ivn- o: the firm tor
ih.ii p«rpo«f .Being dr*lrou« to l.nv.- rur huwite.i
Vvith'-a^'Jutlo tlrl*'- a. po««i:*!r »v< t.oaldir
, ? «JuJly rfsi-.i U>°*« ... ■ u...l rcl"»
Uieir JOHN l) .It-uKI.
.I* •: - | - IN *-
JOH«N l> 'At* ORL» having u<>«*>ciav J** • IK . l '
bToUicr M t-onl. uiMlcr iv- •><
\ iV.'mu fwftiiiu- 'h- Hai. <'*l' a*'J » w' ”;;
n : l il< ®nnl*ut .iriinrti-v sm-J '» ii»-> •>"
,„.i nJB' ol W.KHI »iul Oifi •.trrr-j. whrr« u.«-jr
V* Mi'OMll
IN fijnrtu% ftoiu t:.i «• i»i J wr ' ‘ : '
Moor'd A **"« 1 '“ u " °
iLr «■ pui,.!«- ic.\
Mvm4.hS • ,**> 11 >'
j>arft>rfr«a;|' *»<■ MUKPJH 4 * l "“ ,i, ‘
1 «JiMolrt<l ty rontuul content Th* « >ii
icf'S H l-~ jK Ml Kl'in
/an *>. i'W H M*
htwai*i*« n.4t itm-i'i! u>-
In (snriitft from .
treat Ijlcartirn in rr-onim-'i.r.M’ »i ’ I* '
ronGdfeirc-ff»i> t- .>fi! "«'• . . , - pu.r
,l-l> 1 K '!> «na ji .
1. s Notice. rurnmi" - i»o ixti.rrou* to mention
Jr.eor-r ..i Wood :.n-l Jp - S.-mn Ifcw * fur -:»*•«! «n th- 'honm
X thi* lUv vviiii Umil and OI.<• m"-' r-a-n K-n,.,. <n-.
laxils's lii** mid A•> nrlj M ChocoUtc. Coco*, <fcc.
nA \VS:KR*'.oJ Mari'-v «'.>.• I’'"' f ■ •” \\* j; rt , , r • .Cm- r.c >■ ia ■ Frt r.- ■; '‘horn,an
Wi ltp KuSxin A >KH t ..ii !*.«.•• J'foinn Coma <i • l'* «Yi
JuifßM To Ji.-r -lie * hn wi-uU j'urru.''
*. ;r.- prodcri* of •'neon, free from adulteration,
tho*j6 i*»rtr>T. JR- ~: . r t2 Li.v * A ' vttE : m*,e nut-Hinn* than tea nr coffee am' in n.juMy un*ar
i! ttfiSNBDTABAWV*«i_ , paJ u«uuMi m s,-r rib<*r trcoini'ijuls iiie üboYe article*.
Manufacturer*. end U noies*** j manufacture-. lumeeii. anJ itnruped wuh-ius mono
j itfilerS jk foreign u»uJ domestic Variety (rood* _ j {u ~..j in, P«-te. a* dew.-ate, pa-a-.a. '•
\V-4tsfn liljrtffc hunts. Prillar* and other* art* mril'iu . ,i r , ». ;V»c miWi'li. 'p:ivu;.-«(-.iX a
lo riaTHid tl*c mid .piaUty ol o«r.'U>ca . o .^ r . r ,- r ;.r-o-«-.r’>v the m.**.; aow«e P t
a* wiSt ouf'ti2e*etinriCrea*ed fucilille* in manutaotat- SU c cn nr to a.. >• i .ier i-r-putMH -t«. lit* raimu-arturr*
in; rffld pAtMinsln;. we thtfik we cun offer ft* KTe»( aa 6; . VB y« on ,* r. ,■ any ijiuintitv. t>* me mo-t rv
. o*any oJterhonao weai ofUw rppciao-e gro. eii . n* rwuru aur«. t:ul t.y uum
*s J a v’“ ! ’ k agents. Hsvre v(**ti; •! of Jan.i-* >1
■“* Ol Copartnership. I »(a. Harrioril. <'o: . Hn»wjr X Marruy. Vi*w \ork.
T'UJ? rofcHtiiiC'»J>ip herrvofore existuiz onder the j <;r*ni i Sion-', f<>>«• Pnom*. Y »Sn;i.Ha.-
&m oSiw. W Tingle &Co m the Colton ?.«•<- . more. w»l Ko. A lirme-tu i.'.nciunou. un.o.
nea* Bastfiulday been d:».oived by m-toal romwiti. W Ai. i r.iK U\KLB, hon heeief Was*
Toft’tS»*iUijii:"nrilt be eoauooc I*» heretofore U tito. ;aJt. bjt . JUfßvl ~ ?*»Ht Ag>»
T Ci«le, ’be burfuie*» of tk«- firm m-.i’-ii lV i.ira, Wrought aml C»»t Iron n.nLlina.
rB-:«jjU top. *. *' L " rnilKV,. ,<% .... ,• m »| ..rm j.« tlmt
WWelinß, 'ffl> ti R 1» < J sr . r \ >,».< .. u.. tin- ! ..i-t n! 'ui-- la-rond
v •• > - 1.-.-.'iitMnil’-r iir> -TT' ’"r !>«,n H' r l.cutm
mar tint run or wf rrconinit-xie.. P> ttt* ,-n.r .-,tr
ami pO»se«if’rfr a amount ........ r „ ... .. i.J . . uuill.e
ol (fnghai. V.rtild l>e lak'-r. a» :< p«r .• r:: hr in»ou j„ r um-iu.. .. m. • ■ i. r. a: »nori
lactutt oftrtmon Yarn- r. i»>r {••n-n 'l-d . ‘ ! ‘ H c . ; fto --e.. „«.! ae uirt.t-.rr ai ;:.e ciiroct
huciimaa I.<tlBw wri: r»;;i'-.:*i.-'‘ f'rasir ar>.! kr 1 •< < - • • Ail. r.-ir|.'.
h.r oSportOJtil)' lor ur) " ...• -c '•> S u<tW- :: -’ A i„\ \i> >Vr A KV'Y
pr.ASibl- C I 11M..!. , Sechina, Cupping *nd Bleeding.
<»»t T•" U Ni'KRi I *. '.Moii-iwr m \i. K- Lhlu.v i
rpirt£ «uSwiibrw« have U.i.h tlay J_V • No W Filin -.m-*-'.. lictwv-i Wood ami Snmh-
X. for :h- piujio-ve o! Iran«ur’..i« a ritJ }’ r r.|i x-r.-:,.-*! -nr .'h > —alirnaanee ml
w holism retail liry i»oods amt t»rr .-cry i-uviaea*. p il>l; ., Heir re. er. i»r jiuj .a:u> o: i*:u»(.uri;:i. A. •
at Vo>t. V kli.erU. oypoMtc Sc\--!>:h *:rrri. u:n!i‘i •■£>■■ r,.,,| Uirim 'linn
.MrpHn.lf&tPol HLSItMI.UiA HAN- • | he-rfu.-
'P;rl>! urgiii.Ju.uxrv 1 1-4'| . , ,i,r. aad aH ny f<*
s; .j o-it rustoniTi* uml tb- ut „ . ■ rm? u-i-rvur a.,
to jrtfr u- U.cait :| " •• ** v w..r’i ; , t : r-i*'-.
? ;\co-PARTNKasuir.
IT; 9CAIFK and I'upt. jAMfJ* ATKINXIN Manufailured T#ba«e.
W- hav«* eitieri-d mio«hip. under ilir him *»' JO 11 \> ' -r u:: .A K • T • * upr 1 1, ■r >
ATKiNt*ON. and will rarry on ilir T»-. • M A ' ;
Copper, aitd iiheel Iron \\’*f tnanuui ior> A I ' ar '* ’ nJ '
AUo. HfjoVaiimhiiiff u> ali its branche*. ut the old Ji no .
«UUid of lym B goatte, P'lrat itreet. near W »0.l . . d>* do I•m •» 1 1-' '
Pdttteufhr sileiujon jtivcii to aienniboa: vorL i« do J Itohin-fM
Wrtf e
“ • ", Co-Partncrahip.
rOHKttzs KATUN a r... t>*ve u»»diy a.#<*:4««i
iSchineiv-* Mr. Jnsiru ano vn<" !>«»*•
nn»a wukhireauer be conducted under me *>V"' o'
JOJiEi’HiIIQRNf. &■ Co . at the on! »!»;'(! No M M-u
Found meet and the Diamond
Fibruafjj iSO, IMl* - tcLnhf-d'.Nv
'GSKpIi fIORM! a I*o-1. iVc on ntwid « lurr-and
JGfeKpil fIORMIi ra.l. *vr o:. , -
Svr.i; Ju>kon*<l »*.«/< k ui Trimming* *nd I-incv • .‘l
(looiv tcT.wiiirh tlmy r. viir ibp iiiwiinin jC •in- r:'..- . v > i y ,\i "| [ Kl-.t> L< • in nt ► *Joik'
• lid-Country" tt*Jp Su >i I Mari'-! «t tA. s.-w -j, ei-v i•*
I'HF. PiAftTNERMIII* ol Wu 1 R Hits t-M.n. \N .. ir . f...r 5s lynr*
l»y Ujp death or one ot iLt [>»ri;>«■ rl.aww-M f Uiiiim js
Ltt.JinerWOlWm !Uy,Jr. drrM.-.! .«•»«! nrni. V> i.r.,*r> A K.»v .;«i ' 4 ,
cJ .Hide*. Leather, Skin». wi.l t-* !' '°' u '' ' i:> 1,c? " ' * .
ujld/on t»e premia* on me loth net. I' l "
Jnb 7-uL JAMES LAI'GHLIN. Admim-trati-i I „-i *„*,/'* P *
llla'vE ?1.1» <!«)• i.imciHtrd wr\ mr >» ti- «•''*> ni * l'u i'K.V'II A Co
, «a> Grtcft-y. Produrr h.i.t .v-.yy, It N w ai> i f ; I | h N wi»ivc*.
ioy:feiiiiherio»cpli- umlci fir fum J s <_'M 111 ; ... I’m ••.iMplnii.
& V. 1-48 * MLN'ORTH \v.'a J. Book HiiKien.’''
"m \ ..m.j »«.i „ Ou. I U' „!?£ ‘ri ’fiSSSSf XI
lu*ociaie<t with furn, John R M Oiuie, the !«*«»• r ««J inflc V'V »"'« •n»ir Itnc who dr
th»*.jr. will hereafter hr ronduc :ed under 'he ' .«• ~u % n -1 i-1. mu' mu
hnztof Wnt. Younc ACo WILLIAM 1 £„, w . r-‘. •• r -- .M i.-i.v f* and -h
? ; i\ii H \! rrvL. ' ”
LIkKSjK" FKA.NKI.IiN. li.U-IMllrO i.. I-..1H L- .<1 Pnr.--.ii-W _ ’ . ,
i putitu-iuon 111 tno form by|>< . A ll> »- hTKAM BOAT UI.ANKeTH, ‘
Nfp*; \ ork. I’lir LJf- <>( U> 1;; m>.u I r>.;A m <•<■(. \T"\ M K \fTI •” onl'T nnr| f.irn>*!»'.f< »h/vH
<ji lp« AuiuMogfnjib) . urn! a . 11 . Il l. •• i>: I. * : ..our. . n .t!i If.. I nmr '>■ It.r t.o«t lnr-.r:i Mb
politic lt?c iuti ««*r> llv loe Hrv H Hav.. it* . j j,, io>«>i' 11ml Hu*.l: Al.mrri**** niiuir in tt
• pitnduli) rmlt'- iirlicd l.j uuni-roiM r x-,iii*ii'- c-. *• • |, r4 i n.i n -i-r, n.w |>vr -.y 1 111 K>l-.\
n f
ari. Thfi tVork i» t-nnwil in thr oci«v.> n.nn. <>" »» - —-j } .iuY;:77.'i.k:.
ptffine l’roiu liulil uml lreil»!« 1) p«'- 1' ' VI • 1 I ' r( ,' U:i" IL. 1 A | f w
in Oiglu purl.*, m i'j mil. m.-ii «H'i iv'im,' '
at im*.'luftrTai* |>i.n fr.-riv.- i M i'<- n ,i,-
pJM* ullrr i'« ]>uMi< ali«»n P'ul >' •' ~'i ,-.i, >l'ili-.l Mi **i
rt-ciivr«i afrij 101 -ui.* t.y
-jirt.'fc r corner tnnrkri ainl !.i •!'
M“’ AtlAfcl.AV> HISToKY up KSuLaM/ S'.-..
. tht ari-camou of lanu-» II V..! 1
loidor/ .if Air in .U'-r i).<- l.fra! i>yJac*.’ A
yrjTT, •* tfh fonp an.l rntriivi»y*
. iPfir Unitory of Ohar!.-* Die I’ir
?<s rlr.e;.. 1 rnurnv .hr- : .. ,. 0 ,
HarpirV Inlr' of FratiUur -|>irndnlii rn.Mli.lh-'l I
b£ nurtleft)u» exi)ui«ftr nosiumijNijl 2:. ,n.;- 'ln • ... .
» i.inniHfr. 1 J A%IV
iVlojiij iliMcry in 1; 1.1 .id >r.> m 11. •* <“ *" v
(.<)UM(r.3ti“<OHlplrl.- in i vul.,*.. i:PKI ultt'llH j ’‘’ f 1
K Hni'KI.NS,
A|x» I.) Hmlilme*. 4m •'
Tu»i frtitivf'l liy t> . ...
V* Ali>Vt I.A Vr* lII* I luin o|-KM.I.AM* '•* 11 / < II y Urm-tr. r<Htimt«>noH ami
i«. <Jhilin»T-- W..r«., Vo- , l;, }-<m » unltn* ;>it rohant. No 41 Whut vt oul*
-Tr»"Alii' - « liuu -tair i ~r.ri' II *mJ Ili JOHN MIKIUi ,< I<' & (!()..
•-Tin* B Bilory oi IliuoiiOa, ihr i uiiiiu<m>'< ' ; > - 1 ’ , x • i r-* «t.j nml \bi From rtrriti. Mr‘l I'ouruiur- unit itinu-
Ajjbotc: .IlluilrmeU ..lit. b.i.l - rn/rn in ;• r-» *-l k iiul *oi Kwi.n*. lot Sit-mii
v®4*«. j .. ~i \\ ilirr. itnvr ulu-o-t n l.u.i.t Wrum-Ll Mm. V*V|-
-A'F<\f*{<ir»«nnrf 3ml Ln« '..on .. > or ■> •• ,| )• . t(/r ~-a.r i. |rout •.* m ic | .0.
•J»:orf i»J l.uirt-Joun- IKMII Uir Fn »< i> ■*• M '' n-- r ; ,sii' K - lomt.* in t W At«<>. n
~.»,v;inr .i ..i H.-11. !,..i.i,-,i l»ra». \\ nrl U.
lb* Cirri- of I .nr A* o. i umi ii'v ain iiiinn dI I r« ji■ ■ i l.htmo Huji-Jrf*
UM UtH-tfVUIJuUv U-mphr.l to *:.• 1.1 >. 1• « ~,r , ,
lUr Wftnfl. (. ~ Fm-i.r, i.,.; •
;11 n rif* -Jtoitimirc of \ actu.iip itru-
Araj4nh Nigln* Koirruimni. nu Lam- * ii.ho ’
»p>fcljiin' |*lu*jralril. i/vm* !-.•«!<•
*Cl<*lr. (1 t.y
4 "
. I£rhS'.;W)UK^-n..u., ) JU.-y ...
lf. A- ri. ru .l.l^.
of Kma I'hurlr* the f-'ir*t «»i Kiipm" l 1>
Jacob with*.
Hi*tflr4 of Alriiimlt-r tnc (»rrat. i>y
*jlh efoiruvmji ? OI H.r.mhui ihc (oir.higtm.*-' I-vJ «• o
Abbott, i*'itn*
’ ilecai'ieii aaj (or mirliv
0 : Joit::-*To.\ k STm'KTUN.
cor market ami J»
A FI'I.TOV tictj ti’Ml Ura-» Founder. fan. rr- ,
ffl tniiU *>nj ooinincii' rd !iu*nii'«» :»* In* old »mml-
w her- ir w.:l be j>.pu>cil 10 »■>« lu» oidcu»U«iO- ,
. to HUAjn pound.'. • .*i (rum pniwn* 'ill** mo.i *ppr*\- |
I i-il rno<'--i*. mul wiirr:-,:.'.'.! i« >-<• ol :
Mineral V. Pin Puiiit'n. Counter*. Kbjliiik, Ac., toijr
, iaer -a,iu \ »i n, ol Uru.«? Cn'Mi#*, .jl required,
: tu/nv: ai»l imi-M'-il ;u ;tir iieai'\'t luuntur.
I a. Fii un. ioii'. j-i yi'.MT ol' ]WnßtT*s Aim-Arra
• ri<>> M *!*._ in»i •> •-fl.ruiivi ior the reduction ot'
' friri.on in ltsar'iri^-i > 'Hie l>oxr* and Composition
.I^l,-4 ' .. 4 be Had o I to*u u: «.l umr». jaiO;!)
sbs*. « i
Mfe u ,? I '*■•' "ilkvm s'^r^' 0 '
T'fllliotH?Ani"l ß i colors' 1 " I'i.r .*(<• », : I'cnil
R Hi'PKINS, AP ,,: ° ,lu; I 1>» UIA itl ÜBKK Cl.O nii\C Ju'l received tot U>e
i : ‘ . . - 1 <"i!.i«ir»u trt-ill-ion it comp.etc a»»oninrn: ol'
;1\ f A#:OF P«NN>VIAAMA-Con»;rmied.rnint. ~ . gH , nuttftnc from «*M
iVI Gqomy Sqrvr) . auUiotiird Uy t*‘f f ' lalc -‘ j *,i , ar >ult ~„ p iuu . a »d u»t. For t.i.c m stir.
tfrorlStfia! document* Hcxiwtl and i'«l ,fo ' " i p.utxirt Iv.-i-oi NniWumln
jhe suf^rriiiouiof Wm K Morn*.Civil Kniju»««T. »}>< • ja. || PHH.I.IP*
ktuin ftWcured in each county. under auinort ) —— -•••- - *
'Cr-Rirtniure A few nop-r* ot tin* I>ir8«! »‘' a S’-*’ “•“ s 1 L?*l KkCKIV fc.IV ‘Three more 01 mo-c m)
3lnp tc'ieived lhi» day mid lor mle By . l» cri«tl»r,»u;d llanit/iitpti I twiui. o»e>l ttmsini'i} V>
& STOCB I !, V I.ini, ThuU.crp ami oiin-i jr-ai pi-rtormrr». toffetiwV
j l . •< .j liookiPller* cor mar ket atld *d *t* > uh u lanjc mimitnriil i*' fOM-n ood and mnhnipitiy >
•' k..-, ... 1 -i . • of my owyi mnnofantur’- Tin* utiove iu«irum«iU arc
1) W fti iITh lor l altfcinia n*'' "dd Compun **4, warranted la L'- p/rimi m rvrry reaped, atui will lie
,■■i-ncriM' and lot »».*• sy j4 i ow ( QJ e>aQ F BLUMK
i|t»*o VN w >vll - 3Mr ' dado .No Lia Wood n,-id door from Uh
i (. ;i t s - r ii r. v: \ u a i. t i *i o r e
"me -L*i- mii:i!<vJiou« i:t rt'V of
u:ui*-r?tn.e vet-)- ciicn-
A'i rtQre ;;rw
A- «ll .plied W.. 11 even ‘Ul
xvhn h i*>e mm krt ulTor.U.-rrvnl
wliil- in :h«- »*ii\ ot' W:n«-- ter .
■ ■■ ;'io;ir;i-tnr« ; -c 10 ‘ii . Unit •;o , .hiiK
! ;•«• r pur'., a i l oil '.he p»n o! Itei?
ri',..;. r in-« )|u:ri won! v ip- rnminued
:v.i :r*c-.! ■ i>.-- pul-in- ire-m-rally
■,. r ->nr! have a;‘f| l.een rrdoi-ed io Ihu
la.'.i'. <
N. B T!.r Wucoi of :;;r Hou««* w:il nl
•lii. ii w, I V.-. 1 ;a mul r:i»in UiWlotr:. fr«e
ii'HKk:: <>r nn » v- j'” ra.
?•• • -•-!• r>)i«T i.itMiiu n•«un»'-c' the mr»rm«p-
SUiS it- o' • mH nopuhir Hotel.
R ;:u,:v ;w>-ouiU'-. to Truviten ru.d tne
I’u'o.c- c< >|< r-t: . :1m! hi' at all time* prepared
U’ Of im-l'fi !’•" '• k' .'iihup il--irftbio m a well
T.'UH at. •! Itoi Tt;. Ilnu« >• ruvr home thoroucbly
rr(>Hired :r,-na;ho' ' nnl nr'.v I'limitur* added. nn<i no
puii»». *• nvokr-l.e J*T ehangr one ot Uie
Very !•••.; , lit.* counTt
Tin- umt.T- ? r*-•|*e,-iiui;y Mtiicin a romnutatu'-e
r-i. iMiriMiu-’* ax- llf>u»e ha< UercWibre
' L-nkNKK nr rnrRTH > *-t) «R*TT "TRKmt. PI TT-»Br SO H.
I THE *i:-'«<ritifT rf*[«?rrf«l)y fti’noan<-e» thin
: jJjjJffl h- ns* nnvv opened iu« iifw mid excellent Hotel
i ine kcconumwl&uon of traveler*, boarder?,
' and the pnb'ii'" peiii-rn:i> The hotl»e and .furaiwr*!
I an- ni’irr'v ivw. ruiil no tmiiit or expenfe have beru
I (pared in tender ;; on-of t.ic moct eomlorwble and
I pl«-»iairi ilui,-., in the c.-y
| The mb* -ri-’er ud< lerunneJ to dcMive. and iscjc
foie .cdt. iis, a 'L-in- n! puoi.c |>ntrouat;K.
,vt| 1-iM v _ JA'-Hit HOl'tiH Proprietor
10 0 PK H VR X T*B'AYK D I
Opposmns HOfSK.
fI'HK VIRirIMA Mtil'KJ..on Baltimore r’tret. near
1 lit- I’rpoi t'l.n'nerUml is now in complete order
for the rec pu'vii and neeummodaiion of the public,
permit m • ■•arcbi/ -K.-e in,: comfort, will dir-.veil
U> patronize - >hi» e?tnb!i'lim'ii! th*7 will fi'd the
chamber?-Van end tiler, nod the Table a* well fur
jji.'ied ii a:iY to Cumberi uid. it iw ernty-five cent*,
troatkim-fd *» sore! n« any taut can be. had in the
place, nt *i.> it, <>r no rh..i>;- No chaise tor
ira:t*porn.on >*; . vre*?'- m 'i"J ne cur»
|nli ,|.j ra vV A KINf.T ON’ EVAN?_
| niCi'"T n s riwrsrt v.u r.rz firm stb
OPPoHTK :»:*• Bunk or me Ib-itrd Jimlev Ptula
dr-pa i. m popr. MrrciiHix.
i iu ,iv?! Proprietor
■ 3 1> dr r n ;i uil ft n tiq ne u rnn urr,
iii | > r Kt;»
Hutfrt l-.Th.j. „•
I r'"*-
I ;ui l ] »rn< t.
J-. • I'ai• I X ' ('uiaaiojei
| • i, \n!.(irn . »d • N«>o.i
i,; :inJ Hu: C ! OJ.
-* Mount*'. . ■ , l'“i V T *
) ••
•1.--- t !>:• .
I am. MN » »v
ir U uo.
l Cj.. - M ;
ilo tl<i Wm I i .vn-ji
iu> T Wn- ill »
7T .1» l»
v •!.. !. T •
A „ . II 'lnri-i'l
vi K-,:. .iS
r.-m trn»*i nr..i anrt M»r snl<
|l;r. :,k fV.-li r U i-.l
I I W M Ma!Mn>>'!<. No li> I minu ••irwl, :
A .•«.» I, *«:• B«> 4tV.-l- *
ni'il Tb -li \ . I,}-!.. .»"•« ,l»lr« A'-„. Ur,.- j
J k .;-. 1 ..i}. ~.,.1 !.:>.• |i.«n\.n Csr|.i;K. of -u{i I
-,v ~un!iti.?s. n.i.l in . Uiinni-unu cun uiways i.c |.inH,..i n,«u > , Du«a;.«k«, >],*- ,
huk'A’ i
SOTJCK. <• l
.1 ..II r I U.II-P lo C 11. (?ha Vf, Willi l
mi fio r (in-mi* urn! mu ,
Tlir. l-utNUKVIUL 1
-Al* • J
MARCH 7, 1849.
PUt»bar(,ii 4 Boston Copper ComptS7.
T'HI? Company respectfully informs the pnbfic, «j)d
J pHriicularly nil dealer* nnd /•onsumers ofCoppCT
the form In \rfi;-h toey propaye it. that their Smelt*
Hit Works are i*>w m vjcces-tMS operation. and they
or.- now f-iul) to iimk" enmn»rts for the delivery of
hu-o;* u>'.no.-wi:o in ifhiform, and alto tough
eiik- !->r ih- purpose of rolling
Hi«- Copper produced from the Mrtaijc Mine* of
l.nite Superior. u ascertained to be much superior to~
m- ordinary copper m the yiurWts. v Mch is obtained
lioin iornainm- forrirpi mineral substances. This
copper i« perfectly pare, and is not inhirvd by the pro
f-.v-_oi t-mciUug, and is therefore greatly to be prefer
red for i—;l metal, rolling, and many other purposes
A* .• is not die tnteruimi or wish of thu Company
to -red woiir* for the inaaufaciura of copper in the
variou* form* in which it is wanted, they wriM be happy
in make contracts for the delivery of It m the form of
In-iii-i. tough cake lor rolling, Ac., to those who may
w.h to embark In the business.
llcr-nfter. alt tlm copper obtained from their mine*
w..: be brought to Pittsburgh, and large supplies may
I.- e xpectci! {jotters addressed in 0 (J. HtrssßT or
Thomas M. Howe, will meet with prompt attetiuou
dccHl-d.lm CHARLES AVERY. President.
AND now opening, a spleuded lot o
faH 1 Irr ffSlßkl Piano Fortes, from the celebrated firm
of Nunn* A Clark. N. Y It consuls u»
I 1 * I I* pari of the followm";
One elegant Rosewood df octave Piano, with carved
: moulding, top and punth. projecuug itont and onrved
1 gothic tablet*.
On* - rosewood Piano. f>J odav-. elegant and plnin,
; with Coleman’* celebrated .Enhan Attachment, a *u-
I penor instrument. \
I One Ronewood 6 octave, round comers and oc logon
! leg*- One do . do do
m :n'ij iimii*-rcu4 nnd inn-
, ~«ir • T.:\:binrooms.
it a trio—! unjijiM* mx! Iteanti
urfa.,,Tturni oi‘ the Hou«e
- "'I the piKl "f
.he rwul ple«M,re <4
Si ~Ti per els
[ s*i
One rosewood Pituto, square corners and legs.'
These llanos have improvement* ifl the mechanism,
in strininng and covering of the hammers, possessed
by no oihcn nr this country, and are at once tha boat
an well as the cheapest Pianos ibat can be bought.
ALSO —An elegant lot of Chickenng's Pianos, from
7 to C octaves, possessing all the latest improvements,
at reduced pnc<s.
ALSO—One nlegant rosewood CohinetGrand Ptuno,
7 octaves, auew inveuuon. HENRY KLEBER,
iViUI tf At J \V WoodwelPs,B3 Third tt
JOHN H. MELLOR, (solo Arenl for
Chickering’s Piano Fortas for Western
Pennsylvania,) No. 81 Wood street,
II • I "■ Pittsburgh, has received and now open
for sale. tn« following efeiuni assortment, direct from
thrmanuiacinry, at Mr. Chickenng's (Boston) prices,
One Rosewood seven octave Piano Forte, tarred in
the most elegant and rich style of Louis XIV.
One Rosewood carved seven octnve. new and im*
proved i,cafe
One rosewood Piano, tit octaves, new scale;
Ouo carved, 6 •* “
Two round corners, <t octave, new scale.
Two “ panne! " 6 " *• “
The above are ati from the manufactory of J Chick*
en:ir. Boston, of the latest styles of furniture, and with
tb- *i«*w snd improved scale
'i Rosewood 6 octave Pianos, from the manufactory
of H Worcester. Ne.w York, formerly of the firm of
Worcester Je Durham.
n.-rwood 0 netave, Gale A Co.. N Y
l rose wood dj octave Piano, made oy Bacon A Ra-
ven. New York
1 .Mahogany 0 octave Piano, made in Baluinop: and
left wnh me fni sale by ihe owoer, for cash or in ex
cftnntr: for Pittsburgh manufactures, or groceries suit}
»nir ror :< .ouniry morn. Price SdJto. |b3u
r pHK S.'ver Moon. Mv Home, my happy Home.
I Ti • Home where e'»*t Ihe Heart is;
Jriii.v t.iiid Poika,
I aave ,**tt the snow clod Hilts,
Rou Lee iiul Old I’ncle Ned; >usanns P>ika.
t.o where ihetnift* an- s.replug,
\V 1 j.i vtnr Home to m> mtmnlaui home; - ,»I Bo jparie.
No. i.r or rati Uiy.boiur t.e inn.r.
i Hi Good-Bye,
Lmprrs* Henrietta'* Wain. Hen Bol',
Joyiihai we've tasted; Atlrtn Msvoutneen.
Belie: Ethiopinn Daut'e*
\ new edition of Hi ttraa's Pu.vo Foma iNsTftvctoa,
w uii Fte.icU and Engiisb Test, tedu.'ed ui tin' follow*
inv iow priO'i, > ii
Hunter’* Urge work, rontaimng f'i page*, ft* 00
small u “ 'to l 50
Ba<row's Piano fon- Primer. S 5
Uerun.s' Method for Piano UU
i'i.ic«‘«i • tiuitar luAiructor, - l *>
Pan*ero‘i * Vocal School, 7 o* l
R.ihtiock's Piano Instructor. I
For «nie b> J«»HN H MF.LLOR,
.aSo 31 wood st
mil emti:,.! 1-r -trei-ileil hy
a. rr., .L.imiv IVnoiu
sr u«n «/
j.tiN K —'Oil* eertifir*. tbst mnnrdiately aricr
iiav t - x sisended m> brother, who died of consumption
, in >l.i« n. l>tA 1 wa.* tukeu sick with ihc Uousuaipuou
L.ver I'onip.aiiii a. d wa. redo cd so low with the
-iiti ;m lour )cnr» 1 was nnuMe to attend to
j-. • j.. ■> either at home or abroad, being lor tii-;
. :mi( i*u«t»'»d io my bed. During the above pen*
i,j „• uni,- ? el ;>c:ided for modicai aucndauce o
.. fu -. u . .*■!,.)• and inriUciitc* to the amount of
M- si. se.;civnn* any benefit therefrom. In
„■ a-. l-,j. 1 couimi >-c taking Dr Jayne’* Medi
. inJ have ukrn them more or !e»* ever since,
an-1 twilit :e ibm u wa_g Ijy persevering in UitJi us-,
ihui I can now Uu'y «ay that I bars completely reco-.
vere>l tnv health. I hcllcre that Jayne'* Sanaure Pill*
, isjiU /. nr- itc iicsi fcumiy medicine* now in
I rfMflo ld IJ. Oi*c*o •'onntf, N. Y., and
eaif) on h :'utuui e in-l macii.iie *aop in that p.nre,
a•• -1 uni sur mscre-ocrt . i nn>' marniT i'i iti«* «blc of ihe
above rtirdivinci', and make itu* lor i?e ben*
rii: oi UK>»r IUIU-tcd ELIJAH EATON.
Sprinctinld. N. Y, Sept Id. I J 4- ja4
wotitd cull ihe mveiiLum oi Uws ciiy uudc and
, deader? ecaeraJlj - . to the foiiowing braoiU Tobacco*.
’ ir tforn WM JO arrive, beliir cnr«i*nment* di
-1 root frobwSruitifucJuierf, tic >* cnaoled l© »ell at cast'
T ONN WRIGHT A Co.. are prepared to build Cotton
tJ and Woninn Marnuiery ot ever-, de*c riptton, such
j« Mnrnim’s, Spiri'nite Fr*mr». Speeder*
Drawnu l>*in.«. Railway* Wnrper*.Spooler*,
I>n«*liiC Friunr*. l<«. Card Grind?’ •.Ac Wrought
ij. >ii Siioliiiig turned, all sizes ul Cast Iren, I’uhic* and
Hangers <>i ihr laic.i pattern.. slide and hand Lathe*,
and tool* of ail kind* Castings of e very description
furnished on short notice. Pattern* innrte to order for
[ M..; fifitnnr. Iron Railing. Ac Htenrn Pipe tor heat
! me Fsctone*. Cast Iron \Vinuovr !*nsh and fancy C«»-
i tin;* generally Orders left at the WarehoOfe ui J.
: Painter A 110., Liberty street, will ha re prompt alien*
.!rr u:;J imiro.’o* Mr l\ 11
\i n deh t v'.
Refer to nU«rk»tock. Pet! 4 Co., J K Moorehead 4
'■ f'o , R F. Warner. Jotin Irwin 4 Sons Pittsburgh ; G.
i' 4 J H Warner. Steubenville. •anil'
Penn Machine Shop.
HWIGHTMAIS —Manufacturer ot aUkinds of cot*
t lou and woollen machinery, A.l>gbeajr cinr. Pa
! The above work* being now in toll and successful op-
I erstlon. I am prepnred to execute orders with dispatch
1 tor all kinds of machinery in rny !me. such a* willows,
, pickers, spreaders, cards sanding machines railways,
. drawing frames, speeders, throssils, looms, woolen
I tar*U, double or *i.eir, for merchant or country work,
| mules, jacks. 4c., slide and band lathes and tools in gen
j era! All kinds of shafting mude to order, or plans jrtv
-1 cn tor genring factories nr mill* al reasonable charge.
Kursa n>— Kennedy. Childs k Co., Blacfcsiock, lie 11
4 Co., hilly, I‘cnnook 4 Co.. Jas. A Grav.
N l£ W - CO AC II ~F ACT'Ott
MA VTJfITE A CO., would respectfully intone
. the public that they have erected n *hon on
I«ac«vlc. herween Federal and Sundnaky atteieia. They
i are now makini ami are prepared lu receive orders for
-r ; every description of vehicles. Conches, Chariot’*, iia
■ e rouchrv Buggies, Phailon*, Ac . Ac., which front ihc:r
lor. .• e tpenenoe in the manufacture of iho shove work,
a;:d*thr raoiljiic* they hnve. they fed confident they are
I enabled to do work on the most reasonable term* with
'.haae wanuii); articles in their line.
Paying particular attention to tnc telecUon of mare*
mil', au*l navm? none hut cooipeirnt workmen, they
h.ivv no limitation in their work ">
th-rriore a<k me at'er.iinn of ihe public to thi« tmttter
\ H Repairing done in the hen manner, and an the
nuiti rtruonnhle terms. ;**£» tf
Head fur Boots aod SUoci,
Corner 01 Smiihheid and Fourth «ts..
Kronen I'M! stniv
.1 H M Prjwilr.M.
.1 U>c.\ t- mviirj J.
v\' \ ol'-NO ft
UJ >»l-ci iv *1
|.r«»!i.|»i ; y niiJ
l-Ts> j bxs R \V Creutbaw As;
;u | Jan*>-* Madison s*,
-l i “ L*..nmin- 4*;
.i, | - Mita!'«*:ia 5«;
•:ii •• Putnam o* and L*.
;i " Rot.i-n* & Si»*-on is.
►; } “ <>tc»r Burl 6*;
Si I - Joliu* A l,cwn Is,
•; { J Warwick. »upr
tx ( " Henry A James ft*, l* and t*o;
i«i.h i. s waterman:
Pitt Machine Works and F6an<lry.
PnTsarßOH, Pa
,-o , TRUTH A. SCOTT hnvtnp commenced the
JLuMJ K' , ' nrf Itooi And Shoe business, wholesale And
r wouM re«(v-cuaily invite the altculiou of
incir iru-mia and the public generally to their splendid
new stock just opened, consisting of men's, women'*,
l.oj»’, im»w*' sno rhildreu's woar, of every Tandy,
•suitable for the urn! ul price* to «uit the timr«
ii *pi*udtd article of Mctnltc Uum Shoes, for pen-
Urninn amt ladies. Please call and ex annuo for your*
rorncr ut Smitb&eld anil 4lh st*, Pittsburgh.
N B -Traveling Trunk*, Carpel Bags, Ac , ulways
on hind nml low lor cash. jo3
O nit mvii«>* ihc aileillicit of buyer* to hi»exien*iv*.
sitoniurnt ot above tiyod*. embracing every quality [
up t<> very film, uml frotn the celd-raled manufudtu- 1
no ot France. Purchasing there goods trom the |
cnoiumsiau mcrchanw or agent* of tbc iiiunuttictii
irr*, he i* mauled to »ctl tlieni at lire InwcM possible '
I'rice*. Al*o. ohvc green and invisible green, Cloths,
very cheap; wool dyed Hlk do; stid French, British I
And American CASSI.MBRKS, black and taucy; blk
uml ianev »atm VESTING}*, gentlemen's »Uk pocket j
Humikcictjief.*, black ami fanny Cravats, linen pocket <
Undershirt*, U/tiwer*, Ac , at the north east I
corner ol 4\h nrtd Market street*.
Wholesnlr Room* up stair*. fehSO |
nouoneahela Livery BUtbU<
l}mn*iUc large statue on First *l, running ‘brooch
lo .Second st, between Wood and amithficid
i. Ui* * t u.. in the rear of the Mouongahclu Mouse,
! w* .ii nr. entirely new nock of Hordes and Carriages of
nir ’-c*i uuKlt", and lutest styles. Horses kept at live*
irv in Hie best manner , JySdly
OTF.AM BOAT CLOCKS—Having concluded to sell
off our elittro slock 01 Kirke's Marine Timepiece*,
we now offer to sell idem at lower prices than they can
,u< nought ut any hou«c m Pittsburgh or elsewhere,
••a*t or we*t. Being the onlV rMsblished agents here
for these clock*, wnliave Ute largest and finest assort
ment m the city. Ontl and see.
Remember. tve are not to be undersold.
ULAKKA CU-, Market street,
entrance on north side of the Diamond
and axle factory.
isa-ac rortet, . jotirr r
MANUFACTURERS of *priug and blister ♦"eel,
plough steel, slufil plough wings, coach and chpjj
tie spring*, ham toe rod iron axles, and doalor* in mnlj
lcttbie casting*. fire eugtae lamps, and couth trimming*
generally, curuor oflUw* and Front si*, Pittsburgh,
pa._ _ _ To(>»
TNDIA KUIiUER SHU»—7i'.i'rrc o ivrd,‘-’ rase*
I 1. net lined Over ! s h*»e», a spieultd article, superior
1 to any ever offered in this city, oi which any quantity
I can he had at shorbnouco, wholesale and retail, at the
I India Robber Depot, No 5 Wood «jrr«i. ptuLL jp s
/ CALIFORNIA OUTFITS — 'um r«'d « »"
! f_, RuW„r JJtnol, U|<, loitowtM u “‘ “““°
I Titnl*. Jockey Cc|... Ciqnp llucVeo. Life 1 te«r,er.
I Lecemce. Him Viw». DnnUnf Tenu «»d
•. I r£-chc.! o ai , B™’
!j j*; *
if ( IANDLK* K*o bs* Cmciuiuui Mould Caudles, on
Kj 1,1 “iVwlk A it’CANDLESa
WhrrPANTOCR, Ut-now constantly reoetvtng hi*
. MlSi of OIkRI’ETING. Ac comprisms
0«f »[lt> > ro "V”' ■
*«. wuohK. »Js;
n-prre. .The MOCK con-isth m part of the lollowiit*
ii!KLc. r ; ,'r i f”“e! !^ ,u7o i ; o c '°“
do Vol Ti-1 ■ -lo M«!ll rntol**
&SSEI d=
do rncniin do Stair unen* ’
Wide do Rosewood Ott Cloth
STwifDamask 110 ■ SX'llS'pj-JJ y
4-1, WiTwl’d do S Figured T.fle Oil cloth*
j 4-4 3-1 A * plain do do Turkey R«*4 ToileneU
4-4, f. M A 'i-4 cot. do Adelaid Mats , \
h-4 printed emton Carpets; Sheep skin do ■*-
Extra sup Chetullo Rug*. do
■ do do Tufted do AUcant aoj
Fine ‘ do do Manilla Hemp
Wilton do do Snow drop Napkuts
Crimson &g'& Plush; Diaper Towelling
Plain do Crash . _
Drab M Cloth . M *“ d Table Dmw
Blue do, tor couch Transput Wmdow Shade*
Carpet Bindings Extra Trench do do
Wost’d cords Rich Sami tie for
i do TaweU window curtains
Scarlet, blue, rnnman, black and <lrab
figured rainbow Damasks; worsted and linen
covers; blue, crimson, tfcarlet. green, drab and .
Moreens; cotton Plushettof all color*, Ac-Ac. Ac.
Also, OaiietiUTff* and Drilling* for steamboat J* 60 ”*
and all ether trimming* necessary for outfits lor boats
In our line, to which the especial attention of owner*
is invited. W. M'CLIN'TOCK'fI Cnrpel Ware room,
one door from Wood, on Fourth st.
Shirting natllhi and Irish IHnen*-
TIT R. MURPHY invites the particular attention 01
VV , those wanting die above Goods, to his desirable
stock, consisting of the best make, from the most ap
proved manufacturers, and lha latter warranted pure
fI.T _-lli- has just received an additional supply, * n< J u
offering Shirung Muslins of a superior quality, *t *
very,low pnee Also,
Sheeting and Pillow-case Muslins;
Diapers and Crash;
Table Cloths. Towels tod Napkins;
Blanket*,Utiilu, Counterpanes; tod
Housekeeping Dry Ooods generally
LADIES’ DRESS GOODS-sucb a* French Menus*,
Paramettos, plain and fancy Do Luaea, l*o»fl>new
stvies just received;) AJpacas, Ac. ...
The pc ala n being far- advanced, all these Goods wui
!>« sold at prices that cannot fail to please.
CT-WTiolcsale Roorris up stairk. I 1 ” 13
-V r O. oo market STREET, will continue their
i\ great semi-annual sale of DRY GOODS, for TO
day* longer, during winch time their extensive whole
sale Room* will be thrown open m ihetr Retail Trade
as heretofore A A. M- AC« , knowing that they are
milling Dry Goods c»f every description from ten to fif
teen per cent !«■«» thin ever before, Ju tovite every
person in want of dry ijoodr or who may he in want,
io examine and purehnre from our stock, at the lowest
wholesale rule*.
Oar great object in redjciug .« to make room
for Spnng Goods, n i-tiug oui intention toexhibttin
.March tu« largest and me n. best nook ofDry Goods
ever otferrd by jny onr Nou-i- in Amrnca.
We shall commit- lit- sale of our Blenched and
Brown Muslins. Trk,nc* and oilier Domestic Uooiljs
at our former low ,ut.;<i;oiwiih?tandi:ig tne recent ml
vouce of 14 per emu upon the sanm in eastern market*
FINE BLACK i.USTRES--W K Mtawtv asks lb«
attention of bnyerp to hi* extensive nssorunent of
above goods, mcluamg mohair and atpaccm Lu»tgc*.
very fine and glossy; fei Mack and blue black; also, u
few piece* wiuioi’t ludtre. tor mourning ilrrmea also,
a large assortment ot Various c„ior« *ua styles of satin
(tnped and hrocade Alparvus. biack and rancy co
lor*; piain black, invisible green, urati ami other col *
Maxuriue Blue Punaettos and Aipacra*—A lew pc*
of these M-arre and desirable good* lately received.
Wholesale Rooms up stairs, north east comer of 4iii
and Market st«. l^ l
1-*OR GENTLEMEN'.—W, R. Mca?HV has recently
? received a funhdr sopply of Gentlemen’s Fancy
CRaVaTP. incluuing some very handsome. Also,
black Italian Cravats, ocvcnil qualiUes, and includiag
some superior. Axso, (yrau Lutteu Cambric Handker
chief*. plain and with colored borders; super s*tlk do;
l'mJer»tnn* and Drawer*, merino, silk and cotton,
•ome ofttir fomi-rciitrtt *u«. Especial auenuou is
usked to to* *tock of Krcncn BroadiNoths and Cassi
ntcres. ot tne latter plain ami fancy; Velvet and Satin
Vesting*. Ac At north eu«t corner V.a and Market
streets. .JUl!!
press, on Tucsita J nciL lota trust
U S. Drugooti I’.sud*, A .erf* 8 barrel. Revolvers.
Puiol Belt* nnd pD-juld-- Straps:
. Bowie Knive*. brass uiofi’cci.
t.old Bags. Blow Pipe*:
Pocket Gla**e.* mr mmeral.. Ar ; hmi
fot saic ai Fxiatrrj i'rw.-c«. with addition ot freight, by
feblO corner-4th ut'd nmrltat st
VT EW GOODS IN ;aM:ARV-W R. McaniT ha*
11 within u few days opened a supply of black Al
paceos. low priced; do. medium nnd super! do Mohair
l.u»tre*; new style British Prim*; do American do.
blhek e.lotli Shawl*, piaid longer-, ::eal style Mouse
ilc Lames; plain lead nnd drab do. ut 1-J; ned u vari
ety of other scarce nnd desirable goods, worthy the
attention of those winhmi; to buy.
Merchants will find in the wholesale rooms up stairs
a good stock of desirable goods low prices, jald _ ■
RICH i)RE9R GOODS, per towni steruner Earopa.
—A A Maso.s A Co, No 60 Market street, will
; open tins morning. Rich Dress Goods, comprising the
i following styles, vix: Satin plaid Merinos, a new arti
. cle. and the richest good* imported this reason; nil
• wool Plaids, high color* aad cho.ce stylos; all woolj
! Cashmeres and Mou* de Lames; line Coburg and Lyo
; nese Cloilm. of any dccribnlde •iiadeaiid color. t“»un
• Hlr.ped Cafinneres, in great variety.
A A. M ARON A Co . fid Market sa-eet, nave ,u*t
s received another large invoice of piaid Long
sod Square Shawls, bought per cent le*» than any
previously received this season.
Our stock of Shawl* m now the largest in the city,
and purchaser* may be certain that our prices frijm
thisaate wail be per cent less than at any former
urae. i»l H
GENTS’ CLOAK TASSELS—a rto* mohair Tas
sel*. assorted; J do «i!k do do; odo do fine do; 1(1
do do Ladies Tassel*, 1 do col'd do do.
WOOLEN GOODS—in dor. children - * woolen eodt*;
fi do do do Cups, 4 do do common. Uldoz Woolen conn
fort*, aiitorteu; 1” do do with rings, sbdo ladies Cash*
mere Gloves. a»*’d
LEATHER BF.LTS-30doz bik Molkskia Belts; k*n
do do Morocco do, d do col'd no. at
ZEBU LON KINSEY'S. «7 market *t
LADIES’ TRIMMINGS—Sdo* blk Lace Demi Veti*,
3 p* col'd italic Velvet*, 29 geos* blk Daisey But
tons. L( do castiilian do, l; do col d Floss do; 12.dn
do Faniasie do, 0 do* col’d fleecy silk Glove*: 6 do blk
Jenny kind Fringe, l’J do French «lk Ruches; ree’d
this dsy by F H EATON A Co,
dcclH Fourth <t
IINEN DIAPERS—<M. 7-4 and tM Linen Table
j Diaper, of common figured, damask and snow
drop patterna Also, Russia and Scotch Bird Eye Pat
jalO W wood st
WELSH FLANNELS—W R Murphy has on hand
a mil assortment of these desirable Goods; also,
a full assortment of domestic unshrinkable do, and a
full assortment of tcartet and yellow, and «potted, fot
Christmas wear
Home made Flannels—wnitc. brown and barred: a
supply constantly on hand. dcc3o
a A. MASO>Tik Co, No. O’ l .‘/target struet, have
just received the largest uivotca of Lmcas over
offered by them, compnsmg tweniy ditferent qualutes,
to which they would invite tlyt attonuon ot wholesale
or retail purenasem. n*hvt
AT DIGBV'S. l.h* Linetty street, eompnsmg French
Cloth*. Cassimeres and Vesungs, of the aewett
and most lu.shionabio styles imported.
Also, a .urge quantity of Rough and Ready Blankets
and Coating/,, peculiarly adapted to the times imri the
On hand, the largest, best monafnetnred and most
fashionable stock of ready made Clothing lit this city.
All ortlr rs in the Tailoring line executed ut the most
fashionable and dursbie manner novll
XTKW BRITISH PRINTS, Ac - W. R. Murphy ha*
Xs just received a lm of new style brown and white
Bnuvti Prints, very band-oni*, «rrivcd by lew steam
er Al«it. on hand, n Isrge sssortmrni of eholce styles
or Amencnn I‘niit*. fast color* and low prices.
Black Cloth Shawl*, of vanoun qaaituen—a supply
just rereivcd.
Black Alpaccas, low priced ain! fine—u very full
•apply, ai.d at low pnee* for quality. jatU
L.ACK GOODS—Smith A Jumsuit, Ui Murkct street.
have received one cnrtoit of fine English thread
lace and edging*; five eartun* loom made tin; ten csr
ton* ooUoti do r onedo of black silk lace; two do ol
black and while .French worked lace capes; one do ot
bluek ebauuil* veil ►. together with a variety of fam-y
Urujseli uctis; black ana colored silk uctu for veils,
col’d and white /-ilk illusion for evening dro-c*
Dealer* and other* will find it fot t irir interest to .‘X
umine them before purchufiitK. ja’JV
JKtVKLR'I —1 «loi gold patent Lever VN aU ti
11l c<i; ( ~ ** detached ••
Also, gold pen and pnnetl Vest chains, heavy
Gear,l cLiuua, Broust I’m*, Finger Ring*. Ear Rtiijv
amt a romp.etc areoiunenl of odrer jewelry, at
ZEHOLON KINSEY’S. 67 market »i
JKWELR.V, cuusiMing ol'cold g’mrd, veal fob
chain*, key#, teal#, pencil#, finger ring*, hr *: pin#.
Mud*, ear ring#, bruceieu, locket*, hurkle*, slide*. he.
Al#o. silver comb*, eatd ca*p#. fruit knive*, thimbles.
•tuelda, pencil#, buckle*, *uJc*. tooth > nd ear pick#,
dcc4 5? market nt, cor 4th
/“'UIANuKABt.V. >ILK VISITUS, fo"r Christmas Pre- j
—W. K. Miami b*< oti bund a lew very
handsome changeable Silk Vnm*#. very .uitnhle tor
Christman present* which b- i« at reduced pri
ce*. Al*o, handsome I're»» ?*ilk * ami Sauna, scraei bnc
new style Linen cambric Hditt*. he.
I ACE GOODS—White and black Luce Cap**#, cml.U
J muslin do. while ami blue* iace L’udersiecvc*, d"
Lace Beriha*. black do Nell*, plain Ireneh \' •>*
Collar*, innnnr.l ami umrira’d standing do; omodrud- •
to match; iadic* linen cambric hdkt*; pent* do do do.
ai#o, otwr* tie*, bead drc»*c« dower*, bonbei ___ -
ta.n and uuiluift;*; iu*t received und for wiic «•!;•* <- u*i'drrar«»Cbeaper than
•ale and retail, b> F H EATON * Co. :ft CKiAN. \N H-SUN hCO , aud Vgh»l. rti
! drei fid fourth M , -Li l ' u ‘** rr * ;a (. ullf . ry
CO\T AND CLOAK TRIMMINGS—2S do/ »e«t# lf>" *.r--t, »l*ovr Hrh have now i„ ittfreffVerr
a»*ortrd cloak Tawel., 6 gross hpured silk IW ; cl ‘‘ ‘> *' seted5 eted rt S* c \«d Hardware, imported
; mr: sdo do mohair do, *J dodo drab i •>•: do. ado drab - -h« '’*<•.mr of pro-- » m rum p-Sj and which they
; overcoat buttons, 40 do hue <oal button#; K'j In* br#t i ft-dc.eruur.pcf to *r.l e*>aetp o ßo;r.>tly Tow^jUgriA,,,,,,.
; Italian *ewa|i, 50 dodo pat.Jnt Thread; padding, can- w .ioWc been in the i-imi w going Ka*Vtt<3 hhrtifca
vaa# and other Trimming*, tor tailor*’ use. constantly larky requt sled io cn.. and molt through aa> ..
on band decs F H RATON ACo wocon£dcnUy i-ehevc they wiU ££££.
! T?B£SH GOODS— F H FAto* ACo ure constantly j Vy mY-Tm# V ■ i.7rr. rT.‘— ■ ■, r,
!X 1 supplied wnh a large kndcSoice a**onineQt of I UOl7l\ iVa T3St^g5XT"
»iik fringe# and gimp*. velvet nbbon# aud braids, la- j M, of otis»Aad a fcalf
ce#, edamg# and embroideries, glove# and hosiery, J *\ ~fJ i* pronounce th-t ortfefc nrtsnr
rema ahim, tuspeuder* and .under garment*, Berlin J™ d ?£!'i I?L-,® 0 WJ *« l ra«toi»' or*Dlfcuttof
Zephyr, woolen yarn*, needle*, pm*, button#, tape*, * A C34jl fo**loida«flß4t gaarj
boobiQi, he, ail of Which tady oder afthe lowest ewa . " ,lc “ »ns aowh» oio. Orders for a second Quality
prices to merchant* ami uthcr#: a. their new and com- i i**>i.v,vr Wricks wiUUi eiccaied at fciO per.M,
modiou# warehouse- OiaKoarth #t, near market. n«a* } • tfc “ - vv ‘ l bout A stock of the firft qljgliry
iiIMM.SOJI, HOS.EHV A.STD VIHCY ! 7»%s’ *scC*t^
.. . i l ®?.; *' s* yjpd:u \ Keuniinctoji Iron Works
. *«, , g
Market ._ J , ; Bellows, Vicca.vN.t- . for «nle kX* mahumeturefi prices,
LARD bbla tnaiei strained, rac'd t>er stmt * **>' r.ovlh l.Ri) CfM' wdod it
Fcun«ylvani» and for sale by .1 M a k>-4t» ot.i* s'ioaU Xjou£ia/MoKcH
febs JAMF«S A HUTCHISON hCW *y “~* l nnmber#; I7i* ib» nu-ned, do poWdereat;- ©do
t>LOL'R —M tibia aupertm* Ftooiv bO do Kycdo: in
1 nore ami for aale by , i L. S WATERMAN
fcbai i 31 water tnd <3 tout**
'you XVI. NO. 180.
Patent G'-ttduaLiA Galvanic Battery and Patent
InsuLiu A Pol?.' far 3£iAit.U <tnd otMtr yurvatee.
THIS I* the only miuomem <■: the kinil that ha* over
been prn«-n'.c‘ tliis'ci’. -v or Efcuopa for med
ical purpose*, and i* t.v only,. ,ed*er toown to man,
by whicn titn gtrivamc fii id enu ‘j> -nvoyod to the ha*
man eye. the car. the lira.n. or to a..} part of the bodT*
either eiicni.uly or internally, .n a definlta jeotlo
stream, wuiicut shock* or j ja— wild ptrfhot
Mill often with in? hnp|ne«l effect*
Thu unportam appamiu* t* M ow highly approved 0 f
by many of U„. mor.t emuient phyiiciaiu of thilCOOO
try and Europe, to waom the tffhcied atul Other* afhofll
11 may concern con be jef i.-ed. RcfcPOOCe will <IJO
be cj ven to unuty h*ghl -. pec table cilitena, who haTO '
t—cii cum 4, s j mr, thi*mo*t vnlukblfl apparkntt
ol smn- »i .n-jnn- c-ierate nenrou* disorder* which
could uoi be nnu.A . , >y any other kubwa means. ‘
- n has been prsrod io Am rf*.
-n r* inl-tpird for Secure of the following dueuttS,
'■ *''*'* • **«* heanache and other diseases ot the braio.
. i* with tin* apparatus a;ooe that the operator can
convey the mmjn.-uc fluid wuh ease and safetTAOihfl
rye. ;o restore iight., or cure amauroaut; to the eafto’
rrsinir '-'nif, to toe longue and other orgsßf, to re
store *pe. and to toe vanou* p« m 0 f ib« body, tor
tne ''lire <u - - -ic rheumatism, asthma, neuralpa,6r
lie dolonrenr.. 1 -n'vws, orpalgy, chorta-wSu
•Vitu'* ilum-c. < ’‘y. weakness from spnuua aomc
diteose* pecuiisJ . • «<-.nole», coutrocuan of the Umh»>.
lockjaw’, etc. cl. - *-•
Right* for sorrivi’n’ eoanues of Wostern Pa, Md
pnvtlej{c*. wiin in • tern,may be purehased,and
also tested for the cure ••• d;«ease». t 1 -
Foil instruction* win ■- riven for the variouaeba&l
tal* to be u«cd for vsa«-i- .israses, aad the besiaun
ner for operating for tin- •>"* of tho*e diseases wiQ'«|>
so be fuliv ex|>< nued to purchaser, and a pamphlet
'put into bn hands exprr»*ly for these payne*es,'ekro*
, fblly prepared by the pntentcVi. Rtiquiro of .
douli-aly S WILLIAMS, Vine *t, Pittslfcryb. .
Reversiblo Filtertne Co«k>
V-j Winch render* turbid water rare by
removing all jubilance* not MiabU.m
/»V«Kvi\ water The orotou water fn N. Y«t,
p IT/P^l'V ,^nl,tlout?! ' clcar 1111(1 pure ta ihccy<K7ci
?{v\svviv*® when u P 3^4o ' 1111 fioor thron*|t iju»
filtering cock, -mow* a large a6M«if
impure substances. WOHB»j.Aflr, AW*
is the case, more ot le*» who all hydrant water-
The Reversible Filtercr is neat andMurabi©, kad i#
not anonded wuh tlic mcouvsaiencc mcideat 10 othex.
Filtercrs. a* u i* cleansed without being detached from
the water ptp-, by merelr taming the key or fefcndW
from one side to the other. By this easy procets, Jha
course of water i* < hanged, and all aocmauladfmi foi
impure Bobstnnrr* are. driveit off almost ia«*ally,
without unscrewing the Filler. D also, poajteueg Jh©
advantage of beinj n stop cock, nnd OS such to Stiay
case* will be very* convement and ecanomicaL
It can bifsitaciied wjetc tiiere is smy pressaye high
or low ta a ca«k. tank tub, Ac. with ease. 'Djhohii!'
of the sole Arent, W. W. WILSON,
yctl7 comer of Fout'b and Market »ti
THE CLINTON I’APT‘R MILL, situated atSteuben*
ville, Ohio, having iier-a enlarged and Improved*
nnd ai u very greut addeu new and Urn most
improved kind of machinery, n now prepared to mam
ufucture all kind* of Wrmug, PrinUM. Wrappuijreßd
Colton Yam-Pap-trs, Bonnet lioardj, Ac., equal lo gnj
in the FAsirrnor Western country.
The undersigned having the Agency of ihe.ahovo
Mill, wui keep constantly on hand a large supply of
the different kind.* of Pap-M. and wfiljxatr>‘ ttay hit*
made to order ui siton uottcc S. CAHILL,' Wood street
WANTED- A |"»rtn>*T in me Pnblishltl^busineu,
•-uiiirucing -••irrt.-oiyping, Priming and Biodipg,
in u iuxse «•*; iu.i-innc.iit wi’Ji s profitable run of work
to comrnemxr with He must -be a man of uuimpeacb-
-uuc.omiiromuing m ins piLOfitple*—vrtl
ling aud nS tu <o> ir<>i the printing deportment at
least, nnd linv* ■■ capitnl ol »u,ouo to BlU,guU. Thees
tublishmem ui present in WceJuig, Va.. bat can b»
reni.ivrd t-> !‘itt*burrlt or Huy other cuhabio place at
*hor uot.c- For rurUnir particular*, call oq.Rov.R.
Hopkins. M K Book Room, i’liutiureh- Px, or address
J B WOLFF, Wheeling, Va.
N It--siHefeotytntig dime at short notice, fobd^m
fine and Mar Ware Manufactory,
No « 7, c-oexKK MnK'urr *:n> Pirra Srs~ Pmuroa.
rim K subscriber t-< ••oifj'tajilJy on hand, whole-
X nale and r«*t*ul. very low tor eaab— ’
Wash Tub*, I Barrel Chujtn,
Bath Tubs, | Statf Churns,
Horse Burtr-ti. | ?fn) i Bushels, fee.
AH other iuuds Ware m bn tuic made to-ordcr.
; ait-dj SA MUHL ItßOKßigf.
“ A. ' PURTHEtt RK'fftJCTltfST ~
-1 to J lout :>J cash i urrvo'-y.or t ttios. sppWd
5 to . - or upward*. .11 do par, 0 mos do. Interest ad
dcd. Kor the superior iiuauty of ll»* brand wo refer W
itin gla** and soap uimuifaciurrr« of this city ffencral
\y. W k M MITCIfF.LTItEE, *'
dee I
DUphragm Filter, for Hydrant WaUrt
sat THIS i* 10 certify tbol I havf ap-
X pointed Livingston. Roggeu tc. Co.
|R --t'e Ayiiiia lor the *a'o of Jenning’s
Ihaprangiu Fitter, for.the ci»
tirj of Pittsburgh and Allsgbeay.’
/git!*. JulJ \ u;iWO*V, Ageut,
to- Walter M Uibton, MS Broadway,
Ucl. 10, W 1
We have (>*'— <1 u».in- one V v .He above article* at the
office of the Novelty Worst tor three. months, on tri&t,
Oiui (cel perfect )’ tiuiehrd Hint n». useful mvcnUop,
and w take pleasure in •r'-tiHIK. nding them S 3 a ttie
ful article to ail Woo lov.j puro water. Orders will tw
thankfully received wn*' promptly rxceuted.
Advertisement. a
THH sobscribcr, ;o odermi; for auto a hotulßOOta lot
o( Numa a. Clmk'a, (New York.) and Chli-kcr
>ng a (Boatnu.) Piano*, wotih; direct atteothJa to the
fact that hta u> th,e omy place in toe VVe.u wharo die
instruments Wthese Iwo mdfcrn*' e'ffi'+e'wMil side or
• trie, end where. c<mA<]ucntly. u correct iden of their
qualities can he lomie-J. The subscriber
to ten their me n’*, and having Mr t nodibCr of
Venn twiiormcd upon the .Pianos of Nanus A Clark,
nu* laden into ur< tot the last twelve mouths, a Chick*
••rtxtjs Piano, ;ri order'o uy it* durability and fititeaa
a* mi uircompanyiaetr. to the voice. Tins Piano tuny
i.ow Le seen iui<! rxanmi«d at ms rooms He feeU
confident of )u« ability to give a competent and relia
ble opinion on iiic subject.
A liauiUomc lot of new Pianos will be opened In a
lew day.. H. KLF.BEFL
decs At J \V Wood wall's
iO —Tnr «uii«enber lake* ttu» method
of inforirauc tuirieml- ajul Urn pnblie ut general that
tir hm the rnri;e»i stock of the following named arti
cle.? of lnt own manufacture in tint cit)
nr*:», Trunk.-tui.l Wwp-. nil u; which ho tnli warrant
in l*e mud*- of the l«'>( tnaicris! and by the beet rtedb
amen in Allegheny county ik-mg deiemuned to veil
to* ttuinutacturet >-oiiif«nuig lower than tins beenhero
toforc Mild :»>- any Mm.h'r establishment rn the'.olty,
hr would iiiviuj perron* in nred 01 the above• Dunea
article? to lintvatetmu-". .No. vl l Liberty street, oppo
site Seventh. AI?o. imtido inode to orderfor machine
ry. ocuo-iy G. KESiJY,
f ItHK Second Sc?«ioii o: n.;i Institution, tinder the
1 care of Mr. etui Mr*. (i<snio*3, for the prevent
academic year, will commence on Ue firvt of Frbcot*
ry next, in the ram/ binding*. No. s*i Liberty strict*
Arrangements have been made bv which- they rtrfU
be iWa to furnish young ladie* ftici.itiev any
in lh« West, for ftbtiuiuh; a thorough Kngiiihj Ctnu*
cat. and Orniinruud education. aLiuU count) of
:nopr,ical and Oemicnl liectureirwill be delivered
during the winter. Ktanraicti by apparatus.
partmer.'* of Vocal and Inrtiuincnuil Mndfg.
Language*. Drawing nnd I’umtiiiß. will eaenbe aider
the care of a competent Profoaor. Dy cloxo
in the amt; rciun! improvement of their pa
piU, the Vrincipul? hope to merit a eontinutufon
patruffagr. unjy have mihcrto ciyoyed. For
term*. *te circular nr apply to the PnacipaU.
piimM ‘"■'IRK Br'
JB—<L\ . Tee mbseniett having
IT been ftppoiiur-i *o!r A cent* by the manufacturers,
for the sale of th-: cnJrt'tiuetl • I'hcrnii Brick*,« tn
now prepwp'J ;o tul iml«r» for an> m B*f,
ca*h.’ r -et I,W! K.»r ' >.• roi r-tn:r:ioii of furflace* of
*»-"• kinds, these bnskuhnire been pronounced byccifl-
s» io ail other lire brick*
now in use. C A ii'A.NTLTV it, Co, Canal l&sJn.
M A ?.’
- t'ACTL' Rtu l uUACCU-
i.w *'M l<l* i.amanine s*; fto .!<. .Uirataau ss; fis
ilo Tinian 5a «nd l«, *;r) do Jnnn Ructrr<s«} t«do B»-
bell* X Sisson in, 4a ilu d*“ur' 4 James Uf |0
do John* and Ltrwi*' 1-, j dr. Warwick’super !•; 7 6x»
Tli can Tobarco>, einbrurtKi; m»ii? of Uir ounl favor-
A* bnmilv »:• rojmijfiij,ami wilt bt toW Tow t/
close.l.y deiU l. S WATERMAN.;
1 Mrourui) DtKK.rr fkum THii-UA.\ l UFAinx’-
JL RKKS — Tbc in !>- r’ i •.(><• --. b/>i«ir the exeloilve im
porter* of Jnme* Mu>i» »ti A: Sam’ Sodn Ash iar itii«
nif noil lord *a*ill continue to be largely sujv.
|i’irrt iviib tfti« li*-nnd. -*hich they Will ceU
|ui ihn lmvo<i mat it i-1 prn« for rash or approvedtult*
I riiey fier io * >• -»«i »oap manufacturer* t
! ih.» rstj* f.Mjerailv the onnlity.
Ijti) ijbcnr •(
IK< *N KOI.NI’KY Kott ALK.—A »m&«i Iron Foun
dry in a liouruii'ii/ tawii, with Palfrm*, TV>i»,
if . all rrndy I*»t will he sold m atdOlDiDo
dnu'j* icrims or far iron or goods.
Tin* uticn an cjt-i.cui ni'ponunuy to a young man
wub >10)111 capital io roujmcucc toe iron Foundry t>u
■i„i:u. Kmjuirrol
d**c6. I*'. r>rnr Wood Mn^t,
Scale*', CooUlnj; atovct. Hmtei, <fcc.
MAKSHAJJ., VVAi-i.A'.■!•' A CO., ilomuj Ctauteh,
comet L.Ocny ■< i>t »tfcci*, ma!:u(«cj|jfo
and otfer for *ai'e pio'-i.rtn, Moor ni*<l Counter Vc&ite*.
i ul'li*© »;o»nmprovco qua.ny CoOKUi£ biovflt.fpr&otjd
.and mtt., Kn .Pastor and
' comwoi: (,'TUft. H«"»f A jrr. Ac. Ac. ■l. ft
I Uir Knrjc: wiunli bn* gfa w ,
I R r„, «. ., t \“ Tin ? * J »»■ ««, to of
r nmc h ih*-y *'«aM re.,--;iullT Utvt e Ul6 01fefitfoft‘ o f
I Ukr ciuxcn- tti..! nr*- . pcCPwtl f
X »*«»«.•. ■” i >■> ■■■'", »r« , c!lcl.rsietfii, MO .
la.-mrf. a.>*' Fiiiwnm wail oihrmm itte; aoiptetf a,
church-.". .HAinix>a;.. :iu.:jfics pujMloami
l’ r '?? K 'A » • «•■■■ t m whoa a ebein Ofc
mol "M imi:\ l<?lu i:» He irat'ie. .. »)••**
>*«, VrimTncrr, &c. AW
.»» <.aji:<i:i!iieis, uuni our to f>ur ■«*»«,
1 W xriL^u^M«_mart ct 3I
jas a iaTcmsQ.v*dL,
Aj-u St Lo&t* Suam Part* Refi»*<77
ltJt) liberty at