The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, March 06, 1849, Image 4
MEl®k ® , -VJ&COldlfSbrnaTßnmehui*, Uv Bloixl, DiibeuliY of Breai),- s? e &£ nodErea% Palpitation«f lag,P»f» in tile Croup, Brogan Con ‘S'ThrUl, K«' * ■ ; hud •?«*»*'?* * ever known for any of * ihu above diseas e»,'ia ' nn sw aynt.’S! +t. —«ABnnp®fWUd Cherryl XOJnP 0 ? 131 ". „? | on g er among those of doubtful L“riaS!y ftSrOn thtntaand. duly u^ P the"!Se °f eiporiinent,“ d ”°" IMPCbrf ylfiSjL, af,d 1« becoming more ertenaivo ’JUSSfid fot me reliefof Mffcnng men ffiKffbSn introduced eery generally through the Hit u> oeen *• ini l &eje ax* few towns of H2SSS e l«twbot T^'aiQ worn remarkable evi effect*. For proof of the foregoing tec* ® .h.Jvkiue and rfflrngy of Due mrd.- *al«M®*s?SjiJiri!riSert a few of the Xnacr ibou- bm been presented wW ' who hare iHßher and Justice, than id c*t • 3** wilAhiaimn, . re™'.’"' 1 »»eb J“Xf£ 'S-hed 2££H££3& BEg* “SMS: IrtbS, frame by in la” umfrb¥ U » f » SE«. »' yoluntatttybcarWtoonV'“ l, 'J dll! .T oia , m to their .partiomflg fhbti Ctreb'leetbrm conviction ui “,j|cUl mannrr to I'i’Vki.’Sommi CC J!S,°dr thShaa beenjul.occer.fii There never tea. a "“jJJiaaytltm, ”»'■ S'SwW*^ — — 1 * - medleine- Ce »• J3mett.ll the. ''“" l ‘2 SiblleJ aUrh. .ymntom. ol . Every thing 1 Jned seemed pyhagnaxT Off?*sSi m y complmntiucteiißed so rapid- no effect, aD hope* of I ~£*«&*£» ■» Jrt^^ne 5 ! was recommended to irj ij twt«r L T wstb the most hap yfflvhiyalanhlo . effect to loosen the S?»S: freely. «4 by >b» eoughaCWUtor w » am tiintfl paidtgcdcii e vcr WSI m,oy life, «>« ' Jrtu urr tnfemnuon respecting my yi«ldbo.hiwy«,Ell_ Lav derive Urn benefit for * •'ehsaj-thktbw* p or ihc truth of the «^ Tfc V * Fete* Rwh, Grpoer, We*. "ItntetttCTtj I «WJ« naicbftacd lbs crediotni,., , dac ! Biy hushret p -th U ‘°; iy ~'Jtrcey ccrs .leer ler repofWibl Cbarrir.B"”' ef the. -rt&nnlly V'f 3 f artat.' » ib.tre.ang liagn, which Jtu »ec°mtj h a very, conuilcr.- gmih pain-in <bo bce«i » f rom the litnge, eepc- SSher, htiteetrer'.bghl , At -cSllTbpoii pretty - fire: L fnltao aleim ctiiaj into ccm.nnip- SonXelnccl Jad^'aflcnglb rea. «;•«'- tfraa l grew bally wcaKC. ay ov r s whreper, inch ■ , liable “ , ~ U S S S:Snl»of^my hinge. Boring thl. War the exceeding y’“?„. r edon.mS premrlptmur. a* da. -more. Joet bnt fotffid no by & dear friend ui of Wild Chec wnmtefftontomg^l had been prejn ry. I most confer l, tin Mill again-Hi t|»lMtP««nt bot under those eominf and Ending poor claim* to m f tilo wyU ig ot o> ntailelne, and ha^D* G f p,. ghaw, oneof yom fiictids, 1 uso. My dw ace&ts, a few bo^ *?^) OV 45 months standing, eon .SKwmi«*J«3*,Sr iated; I found, however « fn n*wtly U was cwP*/ . -ofthfl firaifour or hv< relief ft°m fe. kf>r- i frequently at SSrSo bj“»4rmy ‘f?re«i“f tsamttd to u that had already begun thereby raptured those care was greatly £4ea£.iD this way, y unDrudeptfy, SSSft. In '“"fjf S'en bottle* before f «»• P«'; 1 h*A»>o«'l?' I T'isJ I “ no qaesdon, a mncb.malter (cCI)T Termed. v a ,e marie me -wrnad, but for ntmbcr Of b°. r ' e * The ayrep allayed the fever thflabova-mtoe^PP trcsMug cough, pm a .top bShtablttlnok from the Itmga and race to tbe«Kbaigoof m«« JJS ..Jik, I hare defer- - „ piftMare. . -, . r Bahtin county, - *adUnat»pr. largely throughout v raMfo b» of&uW all p. trnite?St*»r*«i. w ™®Same or >viu Cham- Uav purcdona e^l e t_ t !Lj ondS of tome decepuv teapot ont W te 2j;“ „ w currency tolkeic c j Jcaalf ianee« in rj-ctnoa need oubuUb u.o of thr-genuine i* tenuine from the Huse- . with the Sloped •‘•JSJg £££&. K&w*rort ilkvses* onfllltitun *, h *4c flr uy» the portrait of I>r. Sraaturc: and u fo£*« /* „w ritsu»tpn*!> gw* “ 11 *** no , l if* ind lcnosrn vinueeftJ *>• ' the mol corauve P* s ** 1 , of Wild Cherry, pet^O"’ «iv •■«“, “ ~WOTld "Oct bvrosaluig the nop* of Wild “SsUfloiM oo*n«™ boot in mind dm •« Cherry- Reinft®b« » deceived »' *** ““ R “” ■ *wafis^sfs B B b vssssa?g«i DBN, eor «*>» *" d Wood mU; , YIS -Siswwste« VpSTi“ o™ 7 " s -v ■*-*—* tsr - — — ■ j._ M> A L LlB T E JJ TMENT, u sork*. (JItha.MSS^aKINDISEASE* *HH• ggoTOow»“ &.,r U,=„ !««* v«c**jiyft d ‘» ca * e .“f i fTor ui« ***** rey* iut r ‘fcrofcV lh*« BK “ ijuvol^gthe utmost d>n?.>c all disease* oftb® cb *‘ l l j dSlire before heaven o«>d and responsibility* ha* Mailed i o beuefii when Sm«w tf« '" “ o h '“S. moon., thgpotieflt was withtn t" . . t&c pro&wion. I li»*ob«dpl>T“"'“ l '* r " 1 „ d .„, of ifcblgbool erndmun Sennen, totfe", Pf «moa <« u In oTory .otioty ° oftd mnitiTttdga of “! e P®T , ae voice—erne BW *££si[ YOUR OINTMENT ', ff 3SKsw jsejjsseusss v ' iSS a d;^^ dp o [ «,„,,f Jo gat s^j3asaiSw , 3SiK& i V™* S£»»S3jS.M r ybo« 6 b -«■*» b, ?^SS« c^L”'b ““ r toI Tetter- best things In the world Or BUBN&-R» ooeoftto h ffarp*- i ,„riT cared by this Oint* ore jr®®** *?£ r Pllc4 . mlnuUKEypf cl li»i for wine fawytamt, tiS* Oinonmifof Saofvfrg** Son 2** STttxur, £waiar», x, “ ejnq/1*« Sjnn*. Stio-. Sort-Upt* P'™' Su rn», Cbraa, all s2f*j, JlAßamaium, ~ is a fare *ign of di«we . & Ointment will ■' ] »® g w * Pl(o p te ncc d ne^r j^sassssssn^ >* -; j *“F^3“yU *P»»***.»— -I*--j towns la McALLIsTER, cnm.-j i Batin ct Pirtfsbioo*” WticoXyJfy corner of | liberty St Clair rts; »® co me< ®f “ Bd ', M4»»>i tt and th* IXaiannd. Penn KttSw* > 'S’tcaJme 1 ■ w ,! sSSs T r --SSSS'l^s^tesSLi^SS^^ Eoetpon; 1 ' J T Boson, Bronnisdle, John r SfliiSa Umitfrmibc* <*» J htnWeninduord SSmSwiiaaiftb. to** «J U« 75F<,0,, “ , ”SJTw.P. Inland** P I,,phil ' Y?.P. INLAND, ->f m, Icdi.n Vt;- IJ aielpWa,ao»oifci« f wtic k «JVt Ahl« Preotam ’'SS wdrf«c>o3y fan* tried experience, b»» w- afflicted with übSiKcd. Womb, he reeomroend* his ITToUpfUxCw^* o - 1 : a i„' .needy cure In the > toWT '’^“r^SmwQtoihea-week«,s epplied w»ih • ell tbe ceuntW In.munenu _ -tmre end re ‘ t lor* m uims. This h* fe*‘« --•- taLanwh eabebaa noifwl^ coasCleia io a *l n «l»nn^nnM^ jeilaDl j ift y. lhre e p*- *' / £» OU UK oat of uire« u [..fflS^BSfiSgStfSKSKSr^ u Denman end Pi amend - 1 .„t; cautionkd AOAngy.igwo sssss.*.- 11 rrHKT•« y«i- X theridJr-^W*nniMjgaltgf Minsprepar ♦ •'- » beMtifol vegetable • : ‘ Sfeiseft^sa^tes -- 'CiSwInSo chemm p < M“* y li'JßtesisglffliigsrM ,RHD»« SARSAPARILLA glut** of 0« Af*. Tfc* coo*t <*aoardtoorr g« uUt ~ u „ Tk» - 7 «#«aSp« rr ia e' n f? MM * er hinhleHKf U< . hMuty .nd lUrmnlH of ihii B»r»«p»i*'l* T mtit3«e* i<- " eio'flool" *'•* *• of" »H lh . body, n u on* of ill* "if li’ l •“• mSM® HEPiciura .. iTS, “ ».<«ir p-rtS" f h ” * h "'’ ”"! p..rfor=.a -Hiuo ibo u« mTTwSoo S&. 4«I« “I* ■*■ r“' “*”■*■ ■ 0000 cnl Ot «ot™l DfUllir ■»* 10,000 f Itcrron. EotrßT. ' -• '"EE kr Ik* .Cut. mwcclc. cn*«7 * nmi!„ °* rsrJo pkT.. ? i p rr . .yncm. bnmla. *•■! c< ustuuoa, I.mtS ucutioki. pra»««™?~V “ d *“ u "' h ?‘ , “' « cJcrd. .kut.ul dluuc Co»«£U~. k. *»• urriy „.lor,d liy lki. IJ.UiM rtvi,. Tk.. H.ii. ,>*nll* u iv rtperior to «y u!\be limb*. *qd .tH-aytb «u lb. muwulm .y.«.u, »» * o„„i Clta*U o»J iirrcjrtiia. Ow«*»pt*e* r*» »* Bronrkitts, lAtrr GoaplavtL Colds Qttarrk, Artkm*. oftsuo* Oiirt Hccile AmU, D&£*h er fr&*t X»«cto rclU*, Puxtuli. So*« \ttM asi m il ewnd. HP.T-traeßEoeß^^ Dx. TmOTm-l r.riiy »k.T.lku y.«. Su'=r*: risfss is ,k “ ' «* t*utki>ifcv b«urw«i». [**” BLUKBBLL, 45 C»ib.iU»L S-feHS#; U.” tecclLkc. .< Dri *,<' ” ‘"J'.'rfS. ikuttottsdin tie |ft*nl p»*»a*l«* of the , T««» igp=i=sgi M." k“cWd -i.k SM. off.prioy. ,*fe?-jf.S=|Ss «rbo b« r ***” n tSrw'./MA" ih“»W eeyiect 10 Mko it. #• , r,i Hlihi.p** lo wbieli female* *r« esmeroc* %oi horribU tl 4, tabjeelti thli t J^ t E3r« ul |UiL- N*r U|r.<Ar '*?*’£* fTTtiSewK u. »pp«»ebln* *» sWtsn sifc-'Vi *k. j'- t»B* msy b* prooooiod., r^ikH'S'‘chS.Jp...-1*“" •“‘/.‘rr;:, 1 ':. • ,cy cl lk- krrk pni „, S:4KSH 3 -«^2»«ySsr i ksuy. .accuilcDy, CumToiTc. kli*' l '-"*- ■ .k. cVS u. ud Uck. O-i "ilk fiAamest. thß tklQ joflMnod bf lh« Rilliy ium* w P icloutifif:* it» o*™ p™doctt»n >n •lk.Ue* «««»i» ,. wan Mi" lh " W lh" - human Ue« . T*ri«cat"<l A nch «Bi areaUlion of to. hUi. " ‘bo free, «««*• »“J ”“ y ri di Wood to Ike MtmnWw... eoarotaS oitM P in th« mo»t «qu»- • to, .kick rV“,t« Ik. Icducriklo “".’’““S iiku 5 tku .li.dmiu^.l .hide u o,c "f bos. c*» 4«»cn!)* » .wu. u oot a fro*> .ed ””XJ £Sy. »k»Wr h hrilthy circßOtic., lk.r« 0 ,c '»■'»» Oil M ‘..1 «S lcp«c .b. k«l kuc aad thoWeodbj , yeDow , Sdtber* Üb«U« tif “ L rui bloom W ih. cht*U o*4 • . icOTO blood. »t P™ . ... ■- /--.footing. Wrinunoy the i»p*a- Thi* ttwhy th* ««thwfc*a BO „ b l*b Udiet, wnfiaed «tt doee Who Uk. but by tie .ppo roosu. or if they wUb to re estioe of deietwion. t «niriu, .park'Jaf f f '* pi. .luticity c« Dr..T..c Ed buclilki “5? *Tkswc -kc k... iricd I'. 5- =?MSS, m L.dlu cf .teliee- kP.< d “JJ- ~ iT Tkei. I! 1" ” oU, * r “?nr To«*.o«r» Bar»|»eriU* U eompUmu tbeue. dtboUßi. h JSt A oW>« ofthe»e Hiitaret. f*.IK ' 2Z ™ tJiSf«3ETS tw LTcX's:. s~*• !-•"■-■ r srs3a:ss «'• * b " Merofalfl Cm+d* TUU ««!.»« I'' -iw. as Keel «•**« *"■* <^*n! a ' '“"iSAJuTw cfi»lN, IOSW^.r-.' ~ phynewa. »n dife'? * th „ ao d*r«tjßed. Phjfi»«.i,. TB»» .■ to r;ru£ CMC* iMKfik. oftheCuf »f » d belief to >“ '« ed Dr. Tovnirmr in t h,m.r»*l bn* oflha »o*t vnliablepr i p puU.NO. M. D. * J.’WIUWN, 11. D. K. B. M D ■ ... p. E. ELMKSioKP M D April I. « __ 0„U« lu *■MJ" „ , „( u*o *h° f<mnnrir our *5“ Bi |£*t,,cU *»f r*ll» U u op to tb« •»“* tot sr P -°^ c “' , ,b<ftija t* s? N Y Fliil«delphi« H. 8. Boos, 132 N ,,rth 8 . p3l f'-ilito, ChiMrjl.'vc , SmcC-N. £., IDS Bi.ulh «•> *“ , ‘"“ c “* ,i '‘' M n _[’ eT >on. iiiqulrliis (or »>i. m-dict"'. " hl,uld uot be M«ee<ll° «""■/ '’'“W 1 "' 8 “ 1 “J’ irui?iTowii*en<l’a Bnr»apafilla." «»ld t»y ihe wl« *«nw R. E. SELLERS, No. 07 Wood tired, aod D. f>i. LURRY, A , pj™ ll ' | ciiy ' EUBOPEA.N AGENCY, p„ lh „ Rrcoverv at Dohnuni and Improperly W,U. F h.M AND I'KftfiONAl. ESTATE;. Ow Ac. dement and Arlmrioo" n( Commercial,Traflmg.rui - oilier OebU, Sr.ctirinp Parent* for Irereuuona in (rrei Britain, Ireland, and the Connie* and iVpewJenoe tberennto belonjpnic. No ? pim»uh{j for thv Pm elittr or Pile oi tin* *an»e . . ’ REFERENCE may he tnd on applironmi free < ehanre (provided lire motive n not that of nmi otitJT ioa U« compr.«u* optrard; «. 16.H00 Which uuciaiincd irroperty ia jUQdm* AUo an index in our 10,000 adrerilwincnt* whirh have appeared for the putt OT year* in var.ou« Bmwh ‘LiSn, addreawd io Heir# at I*w and ireii ot fcfn try ore rcimcied in be *£•, BKNTIIAM PARIAN, potl*pu • jjj, |j TO B,j W gy i &.*»• York o-f-reneei are permitted to Hon. Chnrle* P. P«IY, *££ S££V<£E.*. Pi™, N- Vo*. preeland, Smart A <* . Chat. Cartlid*" * r<v IV &J. T.Tapscott. U. B. A. Rickeua, K*q. . , • Edward Schroder, Ew., Cincinnati, Ohio A Patclun, V*Q-> Picddcnl Paichin Bank, Buffalo. I DcrvSl'dfim , . 1 The A'o<Rt>«ny Camitary. A 1 T dtß annual Beaune of the Corporator*, hrtd cm ibofilUhaWtlto iJilowiiijj peraout were ananl moaaiT to-eiaelea Maimrera tof the ejwobxyean nioawy •njoiiAS M. HOWE, Preaidant. JOHN BIBSKIi* JESSE CAROTIIFJIS, . NATIIANJEI, UOIJIEfI. , nanism- WlfcSON M’OANDtESS, JOHN U. SHOENUEBOER, JAMES B-SPEEB, & * c. TRANSPORTATION LINES, THE MIO » >*l» » IS4' S - BKI'WIiKN m-rslH'BiiH A.NI> I'l.cvU.lKll W. ’l*. fMi#l»otsb, i Hkei>. i-*«n * r*. ' »V'» * i'tLKvrajfti' • » U-v- Hirl > TllVabovo l(it,t< ii- nc*.pn*i*er»>«l »,;,i lu.-ity.- "V™ (■>«•''•«•■ ■■' ajjy iHiint on tbr ncut Ih«W.« Oirv l.on'.Viive* »<•>) «‘l<*vk.Ui.d d*iiv, *e li* i'>miu" , 'i |1 " wilb 'b* l b’*i' w »‘i' Mirlir>;tii. U-'krf.-n 'l*lii»ltttrjcl» »p 4 »m 4 . fi »*•• of [fr«r**t.‘« bnr* *«>l ,-y, ~,. inkr* K«r Mwlw tn.l Mipbio'i't l’nil»<-tIV id.TMm.lrsl 1« HI.rkMM IM ll.k. Will. !• \ " M l XlAl-Hl' * M\ttN v (>ATuIIK> kr^«t». rot Wewt »««i.f\i 1,l «i», P<iulmt9*> AOlv-VTS - lte>il( r»ik. A I'o, lU*»ivt H II On.k* ,V V*'. \ em.jpif.'wn. «* K W <W«&C.., tt'orrii.. )i UoKtM A IV k ,\ N t'.Bii.-NoMttin Pt»U.. I ,1 Ai W \f W I’Uwtil.r.n.i./.r., J M v‘Ur»rt»'. M S V I'l^nkun. Mairr.S Tonl.>, r M i»W.. f n K.U., WhfWrt A P„. AW }»>', lt:ir««.) Snmlu*kT, \> ntkii * A tS.i.'.lu, t, kV.)!, .m.A . .. M..-1-, MMh.v A Wiiiinmv Mil«U».V..'. It i kk i Mi *i' lk Xrorii’K • Hi » *.v , .r».«»il'.'«. tk«.w .1.VJ..W.1 •>» Mieit n-- m Uir Mr mi * «)bin \a>iv ui I'l.A It Kb- A 111 AW. of Mitu-bercu, JUHKI’tt l.fc'Vlsi, of U'»* tliey will fomt'm* to l'H» ur«« f*»r tlir Uur, e\ QiniT \V»rrli.ia»»» «>» l»omi Mreoi. »’.»»«?' MV one at u>: ft » ooinluttAnct’ oi ibr |>*imiiaß« ol M.rir friend*. • JaMK* JJTKKU* t'o PhiUilrlpme. Mer.-ti .vli, 1*1;'. had Ohio TremporUt^^^o. ITiISTCIcttBS NEW MOATS ANP t'ABP. >n»ii;in to M.HJiwt aviwttN rrmeunua • AkSn WFV4RA CTTIKN CLMIKS >• I‘HA' V . t'aiMtl I'K'-butlb UiWttVUUTI^n. WJ MarWr- ~i.. Hnlu.fnrii. J A - STKEI. i 9“ • A BjoaJ ~ ~ CUWIIFcN.CLAHKi- A Co., North n . I»'- \V. I’URUICKpAgt. M.» V\«ftt«;rcri. Nut kon niarlS ..... - .. —• doputß«riiilp. uU'Cnb-:!.-* hut'r MU'* day n‘*o« , ..:ilr.l liir ivm-i v tunr ur*!Jr ific rtyie o/ ki«r A Jw.r,. t.w ■■ rimiuiuini' in«! Imamu** lofjumi) cu/rmd < M Kirn, BH«1 * e«ilmu.u>er “i ; ' 1 " 1 ia~V licjcU>J'«mc rxltudcil to tI»C Ll'U.««- ‘ J,n - *aMUKJ< M MKR, li K JdM 1 ?' ■ Uurfh. March i, 1^1? ItXKR»B PORT'ABIE BOAT U.Xg, COMM'JSiD KNTUfe-XY 01* FIRr*T CLAM* l'Oi'K sKcnoN liOArs, 1-x.u pniLAi>MJ.rniA am. BA LTI MU RK VJ A CA N Al' H, 11 o \ l>S V\ the abow luiau-.ti-miodini'- pbt. ••* witi. a« int.rii tJc.iiaii it, a;iJ Bl a." low raltti, ft* any other r. Tl.r Mtu-oiioti uf *lnpiwr* wirLinyr to'l l'.v.* it« >n U> Bollunoic i" bull. .» partfCoUi!) rc»jU*-«i* , u i .uiuub uj-eui nrrB«<;cm-;iu* . liable u* lo . ;*r r • -'i> '• ruclr* »» belief lifdci tlta.i ani (il.i'-r 11 1 KIKB A JOM> Mr..| 'r« f ’ CauH - Riu;;u MiM*buf|ti, Maiob l. IM7 r BiOlX. 3S uka. KIKB A JUNKS-I'oinriifMo- m*. ..r r ..r-1,... rlmnu. and WhoW.r iVtlcrv » •• Uo.i. S\u11 I'rodin'**, A*'- , . |.;iK-n.l ,-;.4 aura...-. * Ot. r _J&} 1 ,f|», E. >i. OtT-LH . «M> ■* l , I’hl'u.l.’ipiH tiwioff iiWK, IKNKY i.RAFK \ Co . Canal lfcu.m. MmM.i.rrb H 'l'tlJl. HI’MPHRI \ SAln. No U. Market«. ib. • H Koo*«. come i North A *i* ba.i < Kj , „ H n f C'.»ri<- NuUMlii Mi]' N-'* ‘ ' NOTICE- TV *tyle4s f~r 6;m. wtli l r knowrtm.m and MIU-bufjfß. an H-..r% tr ,Cn ~„l ial Pi-Ld,.,*,*. - nU **^ K N U ll\ r Vi li AF r ndml'ND g m-rn.H, f M h iUdeii.u-. CiIAS IIfiIPHRKVS. y J HENRY KRAKF, PiMi'bnrgh. imuldU PITTSDCKOB PORTABLE BOAT LINK JWLg& r (t,f TraurinTtitfW g l,l 19 a,ui v , •Tr-Stft K«.H, I*HH.ALH;LPinA. BALTIMI'UK Vi>R.K. tt(»T<*S i<- i i’aM' n..!!.«Mptih. T»*mi<iv.«sn« m-i-urrh plilS r»i*l i*»tat>h*h«*»t l •i'"' !•"»"* n ' m ‘ I non. ilie prnpricn.r-- )wv mini.- . n-a-* iifrui .1 , rult I,,,'npvnil i.rtJ i-chlii. . v-uh-Wpnn-i. »'• r. t ; i.- |ii(wi UMJfjl-V !i TIO* I h'".' '■'‘fltl' v n*’ ,'. m r uell Uniivo. |»iomj»Uie»i h’U^V “•‘Hi lik'liV" l - ai . ■ .otl.-m „ cuaUl - -I ,h, ‘ -"'V^T 5 ■ brPß»M;e"lt , Tfo*t»"--*iP» ,I,JviL ' ,t ' ,B = l,r ' {or *** No «I»UTP»1. «li#r«3t.y Of iii.l»rr. irv . in Me*m.->:u- All cunißiunicaiiJm* t«uiupi)> mcmlcJ lo tin u|>|> -. (iimi to t!ir loliovfuu; t*ic«rni-- , IM Jit Ml tH.r. •!» CASH -'T* Mar*-**! »i, I imulsipltta TAIFTT.i cr*‘ONNOH. Cju.hj D»*h». Pitv4.u«i:h on .KNOBS * <*• Norlb ,1. \VM. it. WILSON, Si CcJai ,1. Ne» t ork. nps WKS BIUK AND MICHIGAN BISK. 184 S. Tim* well known compos'd o< Lake KnennU </***£*« "* fw.-1-rii onil Knr. tmtl t M I.r ' »"• ‘ r!a*«-<c o .t.l"**!%!-r..;>rilrr- ■■<"* " ,r , ~ a ' ' ..ptenao d m Carry-lo*««s. H..d p»*««*njr*-r» w. all ,hnml- Oi. lhv V. nr, , 5' W»« '■’vrrsVTilfl.",-'- ie *r* •"in. »i.u ■ PJ‘‘* ii aifftitt re*pefUulty *on<*<l ln*ra lUcit i i calico ol tUtftf imuuimt C M II HKKH, l*r«n»rlru>r rtlU'.l). PAKKr A 1 *v. r. Agriu*. JOHN A.OAri.UK’k . »14 cor Wai*r ur>J »i*« f m«lmri!h is4B. KCLIPSK TdSkSPOIITATION LISK. To and (rxnu ilte Kaawn i iU«*«. via • TIIK proprietor* <m Uui in*' !’“»•- *‘ ln u» lute. w -ml t « gTC.W imiouiu I.) 1 IV ' JT, ' «, „!«„ by uUiunnal r*B«..r w.go». »i '“7 Tin* tin • will run ltn.ugi.mi! Ui. !*»■• i . pi0J.U,,.,:. 1.11k- tgtui.iu llulunow 7? E om.rr. .1.11 ron.imi*. »1 ™;'* ntniki-i “Oat* J M Ros**i»»o«. lUUiiuotr Th- only Rom.NfliN, fci S Cl.nfi - * »C KDOKIfTON i Co. ComlrcTiw.nL (i \Y CAS?C Ujo* Orville. , ,« J C HIinVKKI.. l’lnitiorg 6 u ! r * 1° rVl'. .r-mXifitJ that t lUj I . »«* «n 1 1K5V... -»»«-»»«.«»«>'*“ 1h,.,ul T JJIUW »:ix, S'lll^urju, ,1 w I'AM nr«--^.tu, KIMJ Nt- TU.S 4- I *c«.»!-r .*.l, 4rr-£,\t - J a UOBi*\»UN, iUlUuu.r». "“W«»W*ii Tr»n»port><>onComP* ISIS mTlffi.fa is 18 . J\ irutn ibe •>!•« ■* , ' lll ''' '■" j TAVU'HA sli.v Art*. *•»•>'%"»* „ fk ,\ A KIM fFI. Ail. .'««>' \\ '••t * r * '' •rr»i..|>«ir^^^ FOB PIIll-A‘“'■•TiF-'St’.winW i <>m)* ' .*'i«.iftH ii i-. | ,,u ' - 3 " ! - I MrllMltl 4ciny »!, ll*l c*i i urr'iii rui«'.* C A M. ANTI-TV A « u C*»»« U»*m. Pf.«« .L A Kh » iNIJI.IW, ’ <Xi" ami awVMarket »t, l'!ui“» kosk. mi-.rwtt* nloll' Uillliiiiifr nK UC..A«T 8 . 1848. IgfigUiPMr ■rrJibafßh. fnr li.f »<•- Tbtf L»*nc WM formal • Tlir l , > , *P nrlm *' mmmotJftHr*" nl tf* > '*/*,J lf , lhlltf r thM' " pr ihiriikful tot lb* «!ry »*' wo J a r.-iPwfdunnp un*-ln*itwo y • ~,.•*.*111! lorn itnt m*iu* *»«'* pw J£ .1 *« SX! i" -Hr""” ,ml , “ M ”" “ PtckwrnrUi ft Johnnowii Jnhi. Mhlor. «> u mb u rah RKrtthKSCE*—l'i»w‘'WKh Smi . j tot(l(|3un &.<:«, R MeLtevut.o A J . L* P«rlr*r WHiUiwifr* Moor*, H»*«iey i Jolul ’ ar ‘- \.Ti Cm, f>T V r»l.ornh*»a«- niu'y IWdl/TKR 1 Wdl/TKR 1L JOHNSON. ■»■•' T)H4>r. v " .. .. BoiinrSrt of \N ni*hti»a u,n «*ur 1 . tuidivijloj U> forw»j(Unff tl»o »i“«* r°< vsr’srsis* r sss. pf. in prr.c.l u.»dcrtKki,iß. Hi* latenl* to taka * , *f I ,‘2ui««'S>r tbo important oArx ao lour M* w > Pr *vfnhn R° IWn P strrel, OppoeUA po« P* I J-'S.Ci wU d it™,uW ionium* mltdr ; ** . jnodeU .proenrwl when dekv i* paper* P«W“:SS Urtara-of entity, expetifc fppilctmm oi tl»q other tfeianufi* tullY«onvar.aUlwtthU«chxiue. * nu o^ o;d4w4yS ] iUWBCt*. KXfHAsßfepPPßagc._ r * bobs, o»«Uf r • *c*» «u g e Brokers, ‘ , xfi liuuki in . \ortry (MAr’CM4'*U < TA NCKsMJOLD.SII.VKR I . *«* Shrank notks nil 1 f»r^'■' V :»<>*! Ar*cpranrr» p» •,*.*» *>*i IS*' 1 l ' mun - «•*•*•! **» Utr moil y\rlj ami B«*l , »_i itV i fciv. I i*oi«vi.i-\ >aim l uuir. nuti Nr'» "«»«!'• , ai ii.ivrM inle». All kind* r* r ‘'■’ l ' l nnJ Coin bought } «-d •nlli V. : SUtii'i'l »U-P«. I'fiwfrn ?-! uud lih or i*is i ».«.N I’liM'urflU, *’ a JDAHNA A COn IbANKV.HH, KX<'l,W'Nl*l'* BkOKKRS, and dealer* I If tu Ff.rciitii fold ftfliic»uc fcUuhacffo, Certificate* o( fLn««un, lUut Sjirrin; Fourth street. m-ar- It “i*- Fiuafcurah. Currrm tnoncT rr*i*«*iY.'.l .m Ctirck* for snl*. uul col- mode «h oe!f(rJj K»l the principal points in Iba IHUU-U Hlalre [; n.o uighcai ptcouam paid 101 Foraitn and American ,4< Ad»ani , e* mbd* «l-;r<;nA:Kiuner.u of iHoduee, »hlp )W 1>«I on liUora) tfKm*. mcbli X'. KOjtKiOH KXCIIASGK. HKJ.S <»" Ireland. and Scotland bought nny ttnioulli n{.; the Ctirre.ui (Luca of Kxcbange- Urnfl* pitViiMft'rt nny part ot th** Old Countries (tom XI u> XtOWi. bt 'h«- ran-of Mto the .£ Sterling, without drdnrtlor <f?Mll*-eouni. lrv JOSHUA ROBIN* SON. Kuu.pmin I , mf(v , ii' ,r: > | Aii'iii -‘die- Oiti «t one ,|o«f «T‘l *•> WOOd-Vi:' Oi'll-lf “‘'SlliL. *. CVRRY. BANKKRS and banco Broker*. lWler* m For riffn inid Ihmi.Hd.o Tiui" and Siebi Bill*oi IU- I'liutnte. t Vrti(j«tatrA;<H lJrpo*ile. Bank Notes nnd Cow; No ai Wood' »iritfeC thud do*>r below Fourth, west ■ martilif LI.LK.V KRaMKA' [HJWA.BDRAUM tIUABKK *l H.A Ill'll, . H\ N k KKS.A-\ l» EXCH.VNOK BHOK.KRS, dr.airn lit For. iirfi uniJk)inf»'ii' Bill* ot KxcbaiiKC, Ccr t f, : ,-e» lfcponlH Bunk Not--* and Coin, conici 01 :;.t un<l U'vrtO-'hir. .'pi-0m..: m. Oharla* Ho lt-i iiirty'Jmllv , \k! B.STKH.V^ISUS \S . 1 liti^na pufuaerd sitin' ijtrp"")! rnl.-n. by .N MoUMFS A SDNS. fcr( .j;j 1 :li Market Htcn. niLIiSOV IiiCIIANOE -sight Check* on I> N «w S AtSf. j’liiu. a: •: N -V ?ONS. Mafli.-i »: C..'.• in. by for -.itiVy , r; illSrKLLAM'i'l'S. Mam a SI) I.K\l* Tob.mvu 111 l! ..oi'-U w-u.-i • 1,-, N PftU’*. oil. > *«• >*> m» (,<**»•' yi:.- •'Mu uu !«««•«:*• r.’ln.r.n. c it.: »n; • t - 'Olt wl-.lir n..,! ki. ..P t l '" <>' l » 1 ' h *!<■» MU' .v \\ . «< A. po.t, M ;i - A- 1).,:/ j lamr- lTji""'ih» Jr j vh.unw. V‘'“ n rr * Anu - ,r “ ,< j I' ■ Vk(A«. J 'I 1 i<i r ■ i lU'l'iUrr, i A i M A lini'rr, t' A M »H.'i-n »UII, 'Vm l >»v»i. KrSli A NorITOPJ J * HilM-l Ah’l. I «Cf. ‘ ~1 • i.r• W II VulkliAh, Imluiuh.l If- ur i* rtobinwiv, Ru««-U i Ko: *;. :m. l(e'.n.<N"t 1 ‘’o •i. •• K M«WI. , | i a>!‘ if r. i.f , a: ’IT, K Jiuiitu*"" i> >i iirni.- llkvu, l.r r T-j l, > * U't »-.f-fis<chA • J ,° \ 1 ’ m jnco w. «'<• ■ rt SL l>on:tU?" '!«' Jo ““ kur * A Sii-hUr*. |>»M '‘O'-. Mll \-M If . d«> 'V KruUK-k-y ’•udi/5* Jo uu . v , •iuii-.p"- mr iuHHUl*ftum.j eini fTj ttrtfcrs; iiik. »Uv»i»a mu. R.««r. i*a' -v'lrM l in«on< f. *- Riu v*-«. . p v- AC ' Vim.AUKU'HIA. rnvlj putrx.ii ’ tV.-y, AND ciffm, \ lhaianfcia'lry. |Y.i»tmrxli. P* • WIM,|J rvapert.ut . . »3i«r oM'-JUiitry Mjkliwiu, Hoi®: umi mrriol I \tVOII TKU CH i kHS, -m>o»K ill.; *>.■ «• «*k "•*»»* “ “ JT ""di „,;l Mr. iW'«« l ■» Vii|"*-.i-i- MimhiUi. and *■»• 1 “> ■U--von*i A \ia. MnY*k‘ •’• ©till* rriut iTirtit*-. iu» J Uc*l variety cverolcrrd m tts"Crtv 1 Ss.SSdU.»*ppn**^ lvi*;rrnp»»er“» *n<lo«>lorv Ai *? TUEC»I|*V'BIU.I. Of BUSfON BLIND. «n U*«d r>T rf n.i »i*rs. and »nll P rlc ” . . <>'ils c 2 wtf*. n** UiC i:ni' r ■ i, ‘ ■ ■* _.i. w, „_5 v'Jm •. - *>.•• n '-em. owl notion oiv-e to‘o IX r-• \ V v«Tj:R V Kl .l ullUlyvi: >v BIIICK FOB BALB. (j -rptlK otfri* u»f *»■* n »;•*' * 1-of s.jw* «y fi'f vvliic-ii bi two O- Uui . \ ,„!i «,***> civ: ~,..•»»«*« » 'vrutcn caarninr. thj. *4?£&s£*' ■« * !■"••’■:' - «,»•• «,»•• •"«“ *»» mid vwilpkf '■ o;nJ V '.rk.rano <;R ,- Ai (j. Jim. I- '' - T.U.J§iM:M % I M U " m bSnnett & brother, , Mma'Wari •’ 'Vi, 1 *‘b„ r ib r- ’ PUtS.nb .»d l-bll.<Ul|>M., ■<« BlWUb«h«w «**“ «*l»l»burK*»,, rfc * r * , .uuiximi-m i • fyart+msf. I-’*. U ■""* utrf-t. J Uttuuffih T , M ,. nV Kl>t> > id N M.%« •»A Y AND NHiHT f-] i,- r.i* i j> h«nrt « r»*>d 'IMIKi'K 1 ' 1 "' <,r ' < rr>|» '-uuHv ml ird iUi*t ltn» Line ~.i ,|u« ; • W «.«.«> , w „i i,*y C t'biiaiWptkU dai w ‘ lll V'.rit..'' ■•«< •» u. *m*H ; ‘Jj*y unri* mining day and m«Ut \V<- will tvr 2 • t-r '.—iti’r I » !.«»»• frd t<i l'ie P^ l - ~f r, .»xPo i.. lurrve.rO «**) lb» Ifrigl.l daily Apply lo ■*%' H nW'" '' ‘ n I.KF-tM! ht o, iMIO.urRU, >--'-i£ol r, Ev mo : »*•'«n>i‘d l.y tb'caai. o» i or HAKKIHA LKWII, lu ■ *■'.!. I-.- ••• ai-mi-d i» •*» nOYaU N „ , , TUi -dMre - S H,. i e.irl pi,.a. ‘ ' ffe'6 ACH MAKING. pioKKKII THAMHPORTATIOM IWJ, |Ap 'H'S. IM4H - jjjfeMfc i,;,■ i-d h iyr 4 V b'! ,W »«* UKTWFKN UAI.TIMURK AND mTSUtKOH OTfOfli&i I" tniiiw'dt«.ri > ihc ' hmlVl U«• uahaportecl al rail-* |T,-!K r .'„.o J „fr h Krmt.Uk <**•■*-1»- Kute* YTII 4 OUNOAN. A««nW, i. r• * mid «d* *'fr »» p'e**.-, Ii i»'*p<m '< Wurt »lieel, iMuburgik .. .!.urrl-i-' l.r piuoimr KRAILKY A MARSHALL. Agent*, -Nr SViier=.■>.' l.«'b*M ß lennW fturbawey Re* n >y( . 41 Ufbi rtrwU lUlttoore. *«.’•&« » h«k« * oo*»*va*t *«'**•• '"biffr* rl :f 1 JI'MIN MlUnil '***’**" T.ltorlog K.lab- J JBUteT flßUr—’Tr n.- ll.l.m«nl. ,1 MKUtI.AND. HALTIWUKL, AND THH I «Aj£c WII.I.UM" l-Af*. -W I HIK KAKTHIN lITII'-S n« fiofr , ‘ l "" r '“ 1 , , f , r ,„rni' I mid pfp*rr<! to tiirwurtl p.»'-V«K<« .M *U 'lr '"■T.'-'„,,„. "Ui-ei'm «'•>• -Wh “* ,or \\n»r» Mr.-H, Pittsburgh !• ‘ w-r M-* R"-'’ hhV '' ’‘' r " ‘ HOIIIN.*ON .V T...JY Hti<l If ul lh, ‘ ' rP *' :,n, ‘ "" ,rl l»7 Clini !c* •*. Hulinmiro ,3*. 11 . mi.'iiKl imiuHlT Hi« i r« ■ ' "' "Vni, V l IIK STAR OF TUB WKfIT cK »«>*»>" foli ‘ ,f » h,,J t,r “ ll ' t, ° **' nl , j.oml <i"<Hor »ul*> low lorcnth. Old Veni* j oVrr an ,j of Jaki-n in port hajljjilmtl* R y WKSTKRVKI.T. Propr. * lB ir lj l »|| vrork ili>n* wilh Ihe l>f«i mutcrml and l,d Al3glin»y cny.Au*. 10, ls 4& _ _ T.bifJuPARKNT HIIADKS—J«*I rccfii?*-.t amt for rilV.iW hHl"».or,'. »» IVcronm, LvVnuriU »t, a Uanditoiuc aaiurtmejii ol Trm»t>n- Hhudr-i., ui »nry reduced pn.w, lo wtrush rrn 4 I 'J. , “ oJaiicnugnof U.o.r wm1,,,,, to |»urrl»a«. "•W* ‘ U W MTUNTOOK :loDt4 fc r f»nV i-\K»’kT*—Urccivod u.r« day iuciM irora N ftr - ai)ic Tuprauy tip l ) l «I*U, flira aoper. *r. B V do du Jo ■ *j w Jo Uruiaol* ( ;• 'do IlntMefc, rrry rh««l>, *|o , } -do ncbeoloW »gj>ci incraiu : do r £t, :M and G-«J*«*Y Venetian > o f r-4 .-M and io ~ do , iltol which ■"•»» ■“ »'• >»lJl , uvn , icc l^ BOOKS, PIAHO FOUTEB. . JBT JOHN 11. MKIXOIU No. f} Wo “ . *ITTCU ha* now received » t-ort** « lccted II « I Plh« lotlowmg ißunufcriorif. ,lon and New York, Jo wfcicii the aiie-ition of porrbaa I mpecuulJy invited. Tho*e Horn Mr l ’, h ‘ ck *‘ nD p* , tt , thertir of-wliirh he i. wir Ac-m m 'Vewni PeH . .vlvnnifU have what.. irnncflhe New Cm-nlarScale, being an improveuirHi recriitly mode. ainl rivu R t I T! t££ZK,-~. «...*- "T‘ 1 *“•£s [ "i • ttt - rlrblv r.rved •• u I“ 4 “ ?* e.rYeJ moutdinc*, ' JJJJ I <• j c( - hm*b«dl.arkiu.d<.wnt, Vgo i ••*>l ■■ *■ ;: f *:«& *;i * : .. •• w* :: ; •II li boiJow corner* ami hollow cor- IlPrr " eg*. .r. ond or. K ln»Uy *4* iad will be .old ai a very reduced pner. fm- N«. Komiwwhl. n.uml corner, very elc * n ” , ‘l\ b “ i,hr«l No 13 Ronewood. ruond corner, very .1- V. 1 well know, H. beine connected formerly wild Mfur* Hintnni. VVorce.ter & Dunham. N. i • No U Riwwood. OH curved moulding. mnde by the Manhoiian I'ompnii). N \ . N * No H, Uotewooti carved, o ©clave*, 0»1* dto Rn»ewood lirand Piano, mads by Henri P fNo GorUirr*. accost) hand,price 8‘ Old Piano* uket. in pan payraem for new one*. JOHN H aIhLMJa, *,•>;«. Agent for Clnckerutg'* Grand add Square Piano Kortei. for We •tern l‘oiin*vtvnmn. oeU7 - MAk&V. . _ A SPLENDID assortment ofMaht* illdSbUim cnirr ami Rosewood Piano*. ju*t fin- ißtittL These uu-muncm* are made of I I ¥ | 11 1 lie latiut ptiueni and best material* nnd willbe sobl low for cash by F. HLLMK. lia Wood street, ad door above Fifth. N B —Those who tyre m want of a good instrument, ure respectfully tus-ivd to examine these before pur ehimmt el«u-» (iere,a» they rannot be excelled by any in Utr country, ami wrll be sold lower than any brought Irani (hr. En.t. AJ*oju»l received, two pianos of Hain tiuri'ii manufacture, warranted to bo superior to any ever soldtn tin* country. oct-P **• **• _ NT£W~I S ST HUGEST.“ r|MIK subscriber ha* been opoomted Sole Aff»t _<•? I the »ali* of CAR.HART’S IMPROVED MLU>DK oNP, a« urtiiiufacmrcd and and perfected by Meura. Mure), A White, of Cincinnati. ‘ The usual compaia and extom being l>ui four octaves, Meaer*. M.« w., •i accordance with the general desire nnd demand. Uuvr extended the scute of these instrument" to 4* and even i octave*, thus luaktrg >» practicable to perform noon tlicin mi, music wmten lor the Piano or Organ The exterior, nlss. bas been much improved by placing ike body 01 the ...Sirumeni upon a ciwt iron frame beautifully brmittrd and ornamented rent enng aat once ti most eictfnni mid uxurmsly desirable article The price i. put <o low as to bring H w.Uiin the reach of every one' to obtain u perfrri mu-tcnl insirumein, nnd. a. ite same time, a elegam p.ece ot turm luie lor u cotnpurfinye mile i ir ' At J W W oral well « Itnni Ni»lt- GKVAT MUSICAL NovULTS —lne subscriber l,„. ]U*l rri-cived Iroui Kurope, ami for »aic. an fiiitreiv new invention of Pinno Form, called theCAH INFTf PI Ai% i > FORTK, which possessing more power nnd -we- uio. limn ttic square Piauo, occupies Wutonn louith n. much room, nnd is a much more showy mid handsome niece uf furniture It i* particularly dreira hlr Wtirrr tlll .<aviii>: oi .pace is an object, being til ,.red, nr It neat ami compact, and occupying no more room limit e. suusJl sole tulilc. The subscriber ha» in hi ml a !• •Viro itul oi ns superiority from the celehrn- S/TSSSf* "* kSK““‘ m-i f? At J W Woodwell* ' AcoUA* attachment. ““ RKrFlVh.ll nnd tor .ale, a loiol cliowe Pianos, with vviiimut i oiemnn . /Fh-lian Atiachnienl. by Nuniis h t'tmk VY One ofNmio.A Olart,’. Ptanos, Aitu me AmoniuciiL whs taken to Fmglnnd by Mr i silemse hud sniocr. many oiber lestiiuoiiiu's of ad nnißtii’ii toi ilni elegant specimen of American skill *nd mtjenuiiy elicited the Iniiowniß remarks Irom * Thaftw* ll.e greatest Piam*t » V » ,, K Lom*>* Jan H. V“V Ml IWtSir- In riir|o.m* a letter io my friend. Mr Fraud Pan's. I rannot rafnun iroin again cxproasiug 1(1 you how much 1 was p'ea-cd with yout' « li.rl. 1 »* * C'« "““'.•'“K piovrmr... I r:«i twti« ,«« IMIoi. «> with 6 ,c,.U. ») »»-' » “JVi KBKR, UJ ,:.‘'l"" 1 AI tunmufr ■ W Si .1 I ;« A Hrys'gJ Jo.-u. Ilmlc: J l> H lunui oil Mi' AI.AO HEED, PARKS *■ Co'*. PACKET l.lltffc. 1848. Jasd? MHVFR ANHn.KVEI.ANDI.INE.nn WARREN, •, ALLOW. c»pl. Imil. 1.1. V_A N . W #.H'•*« UNW n( l'i<- ol.ovp Ph<* hrt* |C«*l* Bc.»Wr OVPTT Wunius. «i..» amvr neit monunj *1 IVnn Anil l.Wi' Al .ach .1 u,«= pUrA. hr lUCI, I,l*lll », '.1,.- ''"'““'l, ~lf M". uwl Vi ri" HI m twin in '•»- «' .norui’ia >iron.ii<‘4i tor P.mbumn .•till.-A I.KHtIM.WKIiI. "‘* rT, ' n -{ Propni'r*. M H TAVI.OR. ' ' BEAVF.K ,\N4' KKIK VACK.PT USE rttB..f«n r> rvr u<r n hmib. Cfcnat ‘■‘l' l if.f Tc.wiui'i., PollorU, l.»K» l'.m. • Trul.y, I'uwm*. ‘ Biown, » - Fa-u-kiuh. Bayer •n.r above new and E •omm-ncrd ruhnmd b<*twn AND „ , ,« toil 55 ~ The i*>au nrr new and comfortably rurnubnd, and will run ilifogh in lorry hour* Pa*»«o*er» u> a«Y u,N.«;r. F.UI., .HI luid tfu. roun- il»r uio*i comfuruble ■iidexpedmon*. TirkcU lO a.: port. on Ihe i.*k' run be procured by * rp!> -u« -o the pAJI K *A r „ Beaver. JOHN A C A I'oHKY. Apt- i’liieburcK, eot NS'aier and SmiCabrid <l» A(«P NTS Ja« C Harmon, Hudalo. N f M Heed. Erie, **n- C C \S irk .OreeiiTille. Pa: M Karim.d ami King, Big Heud, Va, lliiv* A I'luinb, Shun.-burgh, fa, \V i* M.ilun.Sbaron, I'a; U C Maltiewa.PuiaaJU. I*«j j{ \V»i'ouninichwti, New Carur, l a. Jj* IS4£ jfßtflßl 'V.mmoil I<-»f Tnl'nr'-o ( u r Siovj-nom from prrrsutiiH to rHiDAin-xmiA a bal * TlMORfi. (Kxclumvely (or P»n*en?er».> nuiF nublir ure rr*P*<“tfoll7 tnfonfl«d ihnl lhi« l.we 1 «"»*«»« «* w,d con ' ;: b r...... U. c E".'“ ">«“»■>• 1110 ' w'lr^yi I""'- ""J'.*” l '" 10 e.:l .nil ...on.. ill.l. Imlon .nsimi'i* P*- doit*!* mrounh.J One of <hej«»w of 0. . U««r *-i:: .r.a*- U>- >»«'«»’* topple t S Holr . . ‘ of J’ctui «»»«■<•» end Canal, every ixlfht at nineo • Vlork TJnc '» <la>» Fw »nfcrw*u«m, «PPlv alii* »»-• Ho— ll spaa AND I’Mfl.ADKl^PlilA, Vl* ca*M»rt-'SVBUH. riMMF, KIVK UA V R»»nui)t Day *»<i I I'or "ill irav«* Hntartelybia dauy with the Mail i>ain lo l.’fcaairfrabgrsh, a U agon will n-««e wi «»• »rn»»:, and having irlii) • oi horrf* ninninf <lnv and »ceaTr« toe rcnniTi arrival <»f rood* m Day* N<* ro«K«* U<hkJ> will In - received ifaan can l>* oa.icd ui* rath da)-. *o thal BO .tela) wilt occur. VV> will be nrciiured tu torwanl OOCBi li>» dally lo WM.mNt.HAM, . MV ) Canal Hum,.. IVt-b.itth. UINtJHAMJ* fc'DOOk. ilte‘£i-«nin No S7O Market »trcnt |*h«l«A« L,r Uh'lT i, » or tu|» i '»■ li'tf'i &c. 9 TRANSPORTATION. Blogt»»ui*e Kspreee Wago» £.!»•, KCl.lPtiK TfIASSPOUTATIOR LINK. mi-1 oO»rr» «rr informed liwi ll»U Line Tnr.i-I«.i 1.. f '•> KlVk. DaV 1 .INK ami uvular wnf „v rnu » unil i li»il Him* J «* |»lU\\ JJ.I., l*ut»bOT«li. KOId.SAO.N 4. lU>» JIM, HaKimor*. ■CXPUItftH W A UO N LINK, ljjfeSag or rn PKIINA. AMD OHIO WAOON MSK, Jill r,,, “ R(iM AND BMII.AIfKUMiIA.. TkttK. St>*V*-MUS.IISU o*t *an SlUllt Uric n imw irtrripiii.i; ftAHJ Hi* proiiur* I p4 . r jj'y, ul reduced fulra I’I.AKKKA THAW, rmil tiamn, i'iu«bumh. LKWJS A Uin-J.KK, SIV M»ikn *i, ,>l,lO Hbt)adelphl» lIAKNUKN A CO'S P«il«»ff cr and Ucmtttana* Offiea. lIAjJHDEN 4- CO. continue to bring persons JSjSufrmn any part of England, lr"land.Sc«tlaud or SfiKwules, opon the mo»i liberal terras, with thmr usual punctuality and nUfiition In the wunts and corn fort olrtmiucnuiU 'Vo do not allow cnu ptusenger* lo robbed liy the swindling scamps that infest the sea m.rt«, m we take charge of them the moment they re- Ln thcmrelre., »»■> «" “ 'T” 11 '>»*“«. d “- .irslob ilietn without ony deleiiiiun by Utc 6r.t ahtp..- ,V„ guy ihta feallculy, *■ »? ■*'*> ° r ™,P"T „r, u, .bow Uiat tbey dotuooO *a hour, by it. in Ftvenreol, whiUl ihtuuniuU o' ?>boi. were detained .nontb. until tbey eouitl be rent In rente old croft, at a eb ft crate wbleb too frequently imtycd thotr rolliui. tSffl'lntaiid to perform our contract, honorably, coal wire! it may, and not act a. wa. the care Uat rearen, Sih otlibr oAcen,-who either performed not all.or .cited their eonreiuenee. Kyu-ttotn at Piliabufgh for any .an) ftrtm £1 to ,52; payable «' any tfftho ptonncial Bank, irtro taSWU *»»*”* . Oeaßiml^ient, .'Fifth •traoUOfl*dnorba{o»jwqod. ! .. ■ \Klt ANU FEATHKKH-? bW- No 1 *de I / wdo 76 hags Feathers, to arrive; for salt by fibU lbftJAH okcKSY * Co, B DMiLKY’S BASICAL PAW BX1BACT08! PM I-*""""’ jiliretil Kxrro® Office, Albany, S«pt 1. ><«■ D.u*r M,^”^S I ™VS»T.h 0 . r £“»«°£ "ss csss juplv my little daughter, fl years ° 1,l » b“d * pucber ,nS.'nt water turned into her bosom; her *cn-*ras urrrr dreadful, *o that a crowd instantly ffalbeted bo lore the bouse to learn the cause of the terrible scream*. [ ,orr ber clothe* asunder, and soon spr»d °° >«J f lalve, and she wo. earned and laid opon*abed. Hbe « u rtou relieved from her pains, and *ay» Mb, 1 reel « xi I could laugh;” and was soon m sweet sleep. She wms scalded to a blister from the top of her shoulder over more than half her chest, and round, onder ihe um* On the shoulder and breast it wa fjiefy deep, vet from the first hour, *bs complained only when » was dressed The sore healed rapidly, and there wno contraction of the muscle*. With many wubes, my dear «r, for your saccrse in the sale o' ibis mighty article, l am yours, with respect, ’ UKO KPOMKROV. TJJE TEST and NO MISTAKE' The renuiiie Dailey, will ever produce Uie »ame tn maniancous relieC. end wothinf, cooling effect, m ihe cw of Bum*, Bcakle, Filet, tc. The counterfeit*- no n alter under whet owner they „. y I Edward P. Hr.Cmcl, of Chatham, Melvin Columbia county, N. Y, have been eilUeled with rhea. iaau.m m my broael, feel, and all over nty body, to, HI Venn *o that 1 could not *umd, and wai cured by ihre’e •PP'-e.d.n. of PmnExugor Mr Dalleyi Sir-l cal my infer * ™PP«' n” , ,h„ poUoooim narore of which canoed my aim u> iwell coniddorably, with cou.laiit .hooting mun. on to the ■hoaldor. A lorgo .wolhng Ifcking pteo .t tl.. mm. pit, with incroulng pmn, I boramo fcarfhl of the Lock, law In thi. exlrcmity your Pain Bklraelor wa. re commended in me, nod which I wn. prevailed umm m try The con.equeuce wa. that it afforded me almost [Slant relief, add '» red JOSEPH HARRISON, New York, corner Broome end Sullivan ats, Sept 8. 184 A NOTICE—H. D*UJtr i» the injemor of thu invalu able remedy, pnd never has end never wui cominunl* cete »o any living m in ihe »ecret of it* combination. All Extractor*, therefore, not made end put op b him. are base counterfeit*. J pßorvEioi'i Dttrore —414 Broadway, New 215 Chestnut street, Pbila , _ . _ JOHN D. MORGAN, General Depot, Dr. WM. THORN, Agent* for Pittsburgh. Ammai Galvanic Cur*AlL, Cure* humors, spnvln, quittor, greuaa, poll-evil *ore«, (tall*, and bruues. Pamphlets, containing cer tihcam.of reepeetalde ' novl4-di yi* Agent, Pituburgl.- oPECIAIT SYMPTOMS OF CON3UMPTION - O Quick pulse, hanking cough, general weakness, restless sleep, variable appetite, Irregular bowels, pains between the *boitlder blades behind. • l«».i t Srurrous or Corsumptiox—Coughing rncht end day, flabby muscles, general debility, great shortness of breath on goiug ap Mem, escendmg a hill, or walking bul a little fast, pulse alway* above out hundred, for week* together, drenching cold turret* towards morning. Catarrhal Consumption come* on tike a common catarrh or cold, but about the period when that dia eesc cuimlly i* expected to •übsido, some of the symp tom* ere aggravated. The cough Is more troul.l-- some, especially when lying down There it uo Axed pain in the chesi, bul difficult breathing, *hieh i> worst on lying doWn. The appearance of the expec toration. which is copious, is changed from a ibick ysllow mucus, to a thinner substance. It is very un pleasant to the patient, end emus an unpleasant smell when burned It ui of an uniform appearance, an«n* probably a mixture ofpu» end mucus, as on mixmgpi with water part sinks and part swims. This may occur m any habit or at any age. and 1* charac terised by the peculiarity of the cough. .. The Balsam of Liverwort effects the cure ol lb *» •"* sidious disease by expectoration, sooth* and heals the adecird lung*. ,It never fail* Wherever thi* medi rlne has been used, we hear of n* success. For uur iren year* it ha* been l«efore the pubhc, and bn* beei. thoroughly tested for all complaints of the Lungs, and ha* proved luelt superior in merit to any thing in use. \\r might give hundreds of testimonials from physi cians, the press, clergy, and those who have been cu red, bul all we desm, is lo cal! the attention ol ih# ml dieted, and for their own good they will try it Look otil for counlerfeits - Always observe the sig nature. 'Geo Taylor, M D.” on ihe engraved label nnd piepartd al the Wholesale Depot, TJBeekmar street, New York- Sold,in ftnabutgh by J D Morgan 93 Wood *t, i Townaknd', 44 Market si, H Smyser, cor Market and M*u; Hendersod A Co, 5 Liberty st Pnee reduced to SI ,50 per bottla _ _ mart HEDIOAL * BCBGICAL OFFICE, dlNo 60, DIAMOND ALLEi, a few doors below Wood street, to? XL markeu B DR. BttOWMi having bee* regularly educated to the medica. EHBfißMamßiißiai profession, and bei n for some dm* BfiSnßßgZSf? [n general practice, now confine* HSBBMSgggSt tun attentiou to the traatment ol BBhhRBPmT those private and delicate com| BHlBfllMißfli* plaints for which hi* opportunities and eXpenenoe peculiarly qualify him U years assiduously devoted to uoJr iStarroeni o( those complaintMdunng which Uni lr. has h«i more pracncc and has cured more pa t*em. tharTcanever fall to ihe lot of any private prac titioner) 'amply* qualifies him to offer assurance. «d speedy, permanent, and satisfactory oure to all with delicate diseases, and all diseases arising there| < O Dr Brown would inform those afflicted w.ih prtvui* diseases which have become chrome by time or ag* rrakated by the use of any ot the common Do*uum* of fhc day -that their complaints can be radically and thor» ougbf/cS* ho having given hi. carafel aUenuon to the Vestment of «uch «»*». and succeeded ui oi mstaneea in earing *"ona °f i n A“ naek of the bladder, and kindred disease* which eflqo result from thoae eases where other* have consigned S£m to hopeless despair. He particularly .nvue S IOC h as have been long and unwcceWulty f re b * to consult him, when every sansCacuou will be oven them, and their case* treated in a careful, thorough and intelligent manner, pointed out by a studyfand investigation, which U is impossible lor lfa ®* engued tn general practice of medicine to give an Drown u.o mvilr. poij w.U, llenii* lo coll, ■' ho h>- haiJp»rUO, ular attention to this disease. aff C dSIi"MS7?- „ F.DT, «»* C N r T-p”ui”aof c.lh VI IMn* *■ ■ b I staung their (liaeaac m wriuiig, giving aJ the «ympj tom., can medicines with direction, by ! addressing T. BROWN, M- D-, port paid, and enclos. No. 45, Diamond alley, opposito tha * averly Ut Rim^taTia».—Dr. Brown's newly discovered reme dy for Rheumatism is a speedy and certain remedy for that painful trouble. It never faiD. Office and Private Consulting Rooms, No. 64 Dia mond alley, PitUburgh, Pa The Doctor .* alway* a homo. j__«o C7* No cure no pay. aecia. TTO'V DOES IT LOOK- —Sands. Bristol and Bull, H formerly pul their Sarsapanll* in small bottlu* fcfeirtg a few ounce*, but since Dr Townsend's ha. hrcon» known, and almost or quite driven their halo bottles oat of the market, they are now putting their* tup m larger bottles containing four times as much. as before. Qu«n" How much proQl did they make be fore off of their small bottles. Was it honest. And since they have reduced ifae strength is “ bone»< to pretend that they are as good as they wrre? I)7 ' T “* n * send commenced honestly and fairly—gave as much medicine as he could afford, has made severs! im provements, and is determined to keep up the atwnfth knd quality and wtU woman that each bottle of his Sarsaparilla contains more than four tunes the quaint ly ofSusaporitla and medical qualities, than any oth er preparation of ?ar«panUa in the market. Sold by R. E Sellers, sole agent for PttuUarah. and D. M. Curry. Allegheny. _l_ Fin pbrfuhkrt- Cream de' Amanda Amcro’, for shaving; Cream a la Rose. lor shaving; Almunde Cream, do; Superfine "Rouge, on Porcetain stand*; ... EJerani scent logs, perfumed with Lavender, Angla lerre Aliel; , „ Beautiful powder puffs, of ail P*“*«“* „,, r . cl » Embossed toilet botos, containing 'Tarrant extract* for the hondkarebief; a scent bag, and toilat snap*. Suit able fcr presents. Persian, or Chinese powder. Indian vegetable hair od» Bear 1 ! oil, m fancy or nornmoo wrappers, (rose seen - tones’ Soap; Nymph ttaap. Rose Lip *alf« Shetlaoap, Sods sosp; together with a great varmiy offinc perffmery. ,«st A ro . ror tlih A woa»«i *t» \JTESSRS. REKD A Cufl.Eß-l fcl n > <1»>1 ■ Mm u> my fellow o tenure*, to atale rimunfAn* Si rt.pTfUni your Vegt.ul.lo Pulmonary Balaam. S?m l i,rn wed iL Balaam. aUMI “‘even V'" ir * •£°f ihe happy effect of which 1 then gave an a. eouui of, f ktviTw ecveral severe complaint. and atULk* at my hm,a/o». a low day. unt., and m every nmtanee i have in-d il.r BaUara aJoatt with complete and Benort »uree«« It ha. Reeled relief and rare in a very lew daT*. It in certainly * »■*« medicine. I uo no Snow lhat n will cure a liaed consumption, but l believe H will be in many case* a preventive, and prev*nuOu i« better than runs l do therefore, tor tho love 01 my lel low men wuiiMily recommend, the u»e of tin* BaUmn. mail pulmonary coiapiaiuta. I am confident that il ha. been the mean, ot preaenrmfc my life to tin. day. h UEnITmiN PARSONS, For .ale by B A Fahiie.uwk. fc 00, comet 6r*t —^ wootl and al<*o eomer wood and Blh. .. . J« U A. F.MBOtoca. » U. U K*«"WToea, VPmsbnrgh. WboUialT'orag Slore In tbo City of Nowr Yofk« ritHK undertljraed are ejteuajvoly engaged m the I Vi holcalo l>mi boaine*. at No. 4ft John *ut:et, n the eity of Now York, and are prepared iu tuopiy DrucrMte tad CMtttn Marehanu with Dmna, Paiuia, ihii. Fkraiu and American F«num«y, SindS, *SSi * Chemical* iff theu own fcXK $? “W.feMWoc«.e AWEIUCAW TELBOBAPB COttPASY. tULTIMOM. WTfWOMH *ND WUKKtOSa \YKSTERN LINK. «t (be Kschango, Onltimor*. RKUUCKD RATES.—The chargee have ton «du. ceO OU ell Mctuxei lu or from Baltimore. | in r~ r \vi.ppLil« arid • corresponding reduction ma'l oh *l'lu*raptc de.palrbes forwarded from Bal- TUc n iclreraph despatch to or from Baltimore. PiU.burgh and Wheeling, !* «' cents ETurt 6«l wu •"<* a rfmU lor eaeh No charge >« made for the addreM and signa* lU llnul the completion of the South Western Line of Telegraph from Memphu, Teni., to New Orleana, dc patches cab he forwarded to Memphis by Ihu route, and mailwHor New Orleans. _1 PARI'SKHajIIP: ACIIKSON WOODIIOimKA JOHN WOODHOCBK, 1 t AVJNfi this day asiodtated themsclve* together rl in Daruenhip, under the firm and stylo of A. AJ. Wooosocta, for «n« manufacture o { TIN, COPPER AND SHEET* IRON WARE, on the comer of Itobitt aoit klrcet and the Canal, in the tat Ward, Aelxohkit cm where they are prepared to famuli to order, 'Prboleaale end retail, all article* in their lino with pr h™uirdr7*Trimralng*, and Carpenter*’ orders are 10- hcited, which wilt receive immediate attention. City of Allegheny, Feb, 1, lh49.—ddm Bacoß Smoking. HAVING )o*l completed the reboMingofour smote houses, we are now prepared to receive meat, and sinohe it in the most merchantable manner. The houses ore Sued with alt the modern improve ments, aud are capable of containing 300,000 lbs. each. KIER A JONES, Canal Basin, , a 4 . near Seventh «» •T'oViEaINU’dIKJUUUi REFINED SUUAKS-UJ 1 1 hbli Levering 1 * Doable Re&nffd Loaf, Crus bed and puTvoriMdSiteaxSkJasudcM and for stleatthe Pell T '*«1S’ *““ ! 11 ajaynb. CILOVEB SEED—Id bbl* Clover Peed; 13 dicks do; j d 5 ban Poaches, landing from icnr Caleb Cope; fax sals by febU BAQALSt fc BHTTH Vs-aWBB H |TATB OF° T “ E T VIzT ° P la ihi. Ijr'P"™'" Jp ££/rL£U willl pS^liiP^: Ssa-'r'fe'SSjgl viiou, eoiaponilds btannj ““',5 ..ffTS.heJ Huut. fafslieco eared, .och .. «ra Tioi wrm.nta in tie records of trie part ed wh Ji u , done for the thousands who have used it, tl »l P., tliaLf for ihomiUlbm Bill Bjenn, V^ I '”W rcith dr««e. ll puiriftcs, rleaa«c<. *» d ■«'“*¥!? the fountain sppngs on hfe, and infuses new vig out the whole anlmall frame. . ANOTUERjCUBE OF SCROFULA. The following 1 iriking and, as will bo seen, perm • nent euro of an inveSsrate casp of Scrofula, commends jtaelfio aU •Jmilarlylaffiicied: , 1<M * SotrTOfOBT, Conn., Jan. I, Messrs. Sasus: OrinUemen-Sympaihy ted induces me to inlora you of the effected by your SarUpajilla tn the case of nty_wTle. she was severely the sctofuivon differs ent parts of the bodr, the glands of the were greatly enlarged and her Lmhs much *uflerin«.over a y*4 r and finding no relief from.the retnodie* used, the disease attacked one ''‘g. and be Gw the kne? suppurated.- Her phyricUn advised n should bo laid open, which was done, but without afiy pSSianent benefit. In this situation we were induced to use Sands’ Sarsaparilla. The trial Untie produced a decided and favorable effect, rely ing bet more than any prescription she >i“d 'V er ta sen and before she had used sti bottles, to the aston ishment and delight of her friends, she found her health quite restored. H u now over aye» r »’ ncc l^ e rule wss effeced, and her health remain, good, show ing the disease was thoroughly eradicated system. Our neighbors ore all knowing to those facts, aud think very highly of Sands Your, with respect, wul. EJUracl from a letter received from Mi. N. W. mr ns, a gentleman well known in Louisa county, VaJ Hientlemen-I have cured a ttegroboy of your Sarsaparilla, who was attadred with Scrofula, slid of a scrofulCUs family. u»«*ni<* 1 “Yonra truly, N.WrHARRI^ “Fredericks Hall, Va., July 17,184*/’ 1 —li seems almost unnecessary | to direct attenuon to an article so well hnown. aiidso deservedly popular, as ibis preparation, but P ■»«&»* : who wish to use the extract of Sntsapanlla, induced to try worthless compounds bearing the n#m*t hut coniaiuinc linle or none of the vtrtue of thiavaln- i able root; and we think we cannot confer a creator benefit on our readers than m directing their attention 10 the advertisement of the Messrs. Sands in another , column The botUe has recently beeu enlarged to tyld a quart, undMtoae who wish a really good arncle Will | find concentrated in this all the medicinal value oflbe root. The experience of thousands has proved ttref-j ficacy m cprtng the various diseases for which it is 1 r , commended, and at the present lime more than arty other, perhaps, i» this medteina useful, inprejiarmgthe | system for a ctnmge of season —Home Journal, &epl 1 and aold. wholesale and retail, by A. B. A D SA.NDB, Druggist* and Chemists, 100 Fulton street, comer of William, New York. Sold also by Drug gists senerally throughout the United States and Cana das Price SI per Bottle, six B*tU*4 for 95 in*For sale in Pittsburgh, wholesale and retail, by BA FAHNF.9TOOK, A CO., corner of V\ ood and From «t« , also, corner of Sixth and Wood sis; by l- WILCtIX, Jr corner of Simthfield ami Fourth sis, and al.o corner or Market si and the Diamond; also, by KDWARD FF.NDF.RICH, cor Mononga'la House. SALTB&’B JINSENG PANACEA! >po TIKIMI-. SUFFERING WITH l)lBKA8t® i LUNGS.-The unprecedented sacce** wtueunaai twii'ldl the u.»e of the GINSF.NG I'aNACKA | n all ihe vanoas torms which imution of thelhnßJi *»♦ . »ome*. has induced the proprietor again to cull «ten ‘‘“'"""‘‘“WONDEKKUL PREPARATION. The changable weather which mark* oar mil ana winter month*, is always a of COLDS AND COUOHSJ • „ The»«, if neglected, are but the precursor otthat teU destroyer, COSUMPTION. The qnrtdon, then, how *h«ll we nip ihe drrtroyer 10 ihe bod? how ihall we jet clear of ear cough* anil old*? i« of vital importance to <he Public. THE GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY will be fotAd m the Uin*eng Panacea. In P™** we have torn ume to ume publi.hed of S'isr;r"rr»"::r«, Minuter. ef ihe Oo«pel,ie ■ logelher with eopiooe noj r, °“ Journals op the day, wr hare embodied In pamphlet form, and “T ** h * wSfifss “tS-SANM iStffete OF THOURANC3 throughout the Untied Siaies.aad Canada, and w« ch* '“** “» T “ffiTISsTANCF. a which, when taken according to directions, and be fore the long* bad become fatally dlsorgamxed, \i haa "" EFFECT A PEBTECT CUBE. Whv then, need the afflicted hesuaiet \> hy won to i ihc mtwrable nostrums, gotten op by oax owatndmd aat* o let the assumed name of tome ce unrated pay* and puffed into notoriety by certificate* r. per* ton* waaHy unknown! Wbilat a medicine of lent efficacy It to be had, whota voucher* are at home*—cor naifiw hnr» —mf"Y of whom it hnJ b ° r * r SNA TCH KD FROM THE OR hVE. In order that thit invaluable medicine may be placed within the reach of the poor aa well the rich, we hare F , FTY CESTS, Inti one half the usual cott of cough medleinea. uit tor tale by our agents iu nearly every town and village over the west, who arc prepared to (rive full uifortna* lion relative to iu T. SALTER, Proprietor,. Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio. ITyDHbPATUIcWTABEiSHJSI«<r runup*Bcacu.KEJLW* co 7 pa. TAR EDWARD ACKER, taket thu meant of ro ll tornmg hit thank* to hi* fnend* and the Public for the extensive patronage he hoa received, and of in forming them that he hat lately erected a large and well constructed building, for the exclujivc purpo.ea of hi* WATER CURE ESTABLISHMENT, at bts old tocauoa, at Philliptburgh, Pa-, on the Ohio nver.oppo sue the steamboat landing at Beaver.where ben ready 10 receive patients as boarders, and treat them on Hy dropathic principle*. In addition to his long experi ence, and So great soeee»t which has heretofore at tended hit treatment of patients committed u his care, he has now the additional facilities afforded by on ex tensive bußoing erected expretsly for Utepurpose, con taining commodious and hiry nxnna. and fitted up with «• very necessary apparent* Tor bathing, and ddrwma leruig the treatment to the utmost Benefit and comfort of the patieui. PhllUpsburgh ia a most delightful and healthy village, easy of access by steamboat*, and af fords uno and wholesome water.. Dr. Acker assure* afflicted peroons who may place themselves un der his care, that dvery attention shall be paid to their comfort; and os au a**urance oflhe substantial benefits 10 be derived, he point* with confidence to the hun dreds who have been permanently cured at hi* estao- The Water Cure leavas no uuunous effects behind, as i* too often tho c*»e with those who have been iron ted on the old .ysiera. U removes the dis eaie invigoratei the *y»tem, prelect* from the danger* inemem to changes of the weather, creates a natural ami active appetite. and imparts vigor to the digestive powers Term* of treatment and boarding reasonable. For further particulars inquire at the MUbitriusent, or address the proprietor at rhilUpaburjjn. augtSd ' _ ' ' pa. jAY«ir* alterative. “ . We have been informed by Mr*. Ro*e of ■ curt pef foimed on her by Dn Jajme’a AlUraUvs, which prove* tu superiority over every other remedy of the smd. She has been afflicted for Urn luisixtccA year* *iib KKCUOdBdor WHITE SWELJaINGS, attended with ulceration* and enfoHatloD of various bones, dn ring whichumemxay pieces have been discharged from the iromal hone ot the ctannnn, from .both her arms, wrists and hand*, and from both legs, and from the lan femoral bode, and from the ri|ht knecj besides painful alceri'on other pans of her person,.winch have baffled Utr skill of a number of the most eminent physicians of ouz city—during mostfof Uto time bel sufferings have been excraiaung and deplorable. About three.month* , since she was induced to trylfr.JaJTrt’t Alterative, which has had an astonishingly happy effect upon bery by remnvlitg-aU pant and swelling*, and rausiug the' ulcers to heal, while aUftc same ume nor general hnalih has become completely restored, so that she now weighs tS lbs mors.than the old before she commenced the use ' i* truly valuable prcpatiou.—{s*4ll Eve. Fosl to. 138 A. U. Hull, N. Y Cuy Fbt futthnr t&fbrmattdii, inquire of Filbert*;, Philadelphia. . For tale ia Pittsburgh, at the PEKIN TEA STORK, 75 Fourth bL near Wood. _)_V^ tSr.JtOWNSKN-D’S SARSAPARILLA. —SO doten 1 / ]u*i received of I)x. Townsend’* Sarsitparilla, the oitwl extraordinary medicine In the world! Tbit Ex tinct Is pul «p in quart bottles. , It is %lx urnes dreaper, pleasanter, and warranted superior to any told. U cures disease withont vomiting, purging, sickening or copied oar labels, and put «p medicine Ww taro shaped bottle. See that each bottle hasibe written tig- 57 Wood street, between J ThirdandFriKAr , tt only wholcstde ( and retail agent /or Pittsburgh, of whom the genuine article can be had. , tor ■ whether i»« “f\v elude or bones, "J^" o| thc snsor Spine, orol Palmoaary _h»eh Is a poi*oDOD» principle andlha aama cauee, which TheVee wXctalo can nidi- oflcctS, bat »r tho prjadple upon . I , £r,l\Laaa depends, ia romoted, « care S°“°.eSnbSi manliest ttsell. This, Utnwlbre ili SSI J»«‘ k ALThanT.T.j. SO nt,i SlSly sasnosStl in mmnttnj somanj tltllijnanl ”?1 2. ,t destiojs the strun or pnnmjde from imenttiose disesses hue their origin, brjenterinn ’,o tho circelation.nnd with the bloolis’tfenseyea i >iiiOC i, a ri > »*d> frcMVft *^ eu w, S^sfie«, P *'L j^t^i£!S«BSsra VtkknU 4 Lit". riL 1 **•• 4 '*",S? iSftiSSi JES H'.riSlo D»t, Crotk.lll an>*, *>• ‘“iSfLS/gZ* Wkueh blood, been rooufedM«l *s****?£ ~’ «»li»»u<i 5 or Allan, tad finally 1830-J l »u mdwewl lo VT jOUr Liw WELL. <Hit boi of wbM»Ua<ttr«atoqttitf«yyfqy af pain ia lhs-*ld«. sad *H*h« other SjmptoWdf Wi U*4Wy l 3 eonibt Your Fills sr* also ths best«athart» l we* W*i being mild, nei rripine or givia touch jswtaat'V the stom '_ »ch, cot much r»li«hsv* k»jit thsin in store for 8 or 4 7 yuan; *oM bub, nod com . heard m «»£,■ «fopfoiit nnSi*d by *ayoa+fhaJU*jm4 5 them. Tbeih«# pH Btto | neighborhood, *n4 in a ihorl tiam bill yta . tsrucstly reeomsnud ib»s* to-ajl whether for Lhrer Complaint or BiUloui dfiwniM. LCO9- . itder thtffl foreuperior toC«fo«nblordit|fe>gar'^&^iut- I As there are otbt£pilb;bafai* ifapnkOi '; catxc9Lmrri2U.penin»«b»*«B|lb*6SjHQUS£a»ud I ~y tor end t»hnnoatb«f than thoM prTpUnd mdtdd ny & ! E SELLERS, No 57 TP’ood-it.bvtwrea Ttjrd thdF«p<h * l *g£ld by Pr.CaS*U»KRh JF*r>J r njl CuUT, Ailsghttj .- eity. ‘ " Groat BrfgHih Remedy. YZOB. Coughs,Colds, Astbmaaad&astmptlfgl:Tho 4 GREAT AND ONIrY REMEDY for thecureof tho &eve u the HUNGARIAN LIFE* (Uncovered by tor edeferated pr ii BaehM* i qf London, England, and introduced into Slate* under the immediate of tto faVuamiy The extraordinary raeceks of thi* medicine,! ia.Mt cure of Pulmonary diseases, warrants. Uio Anifilicta Agent in soliciting for treatment the worst ns that omn be found in the eoamanhyvtjenea thsthdak relief in vain from any of the cotanoc ,TptawUdj>. pf . day, and hare been. giVen ap bfr tire more di*tinfcai<Vkl physicians u confirmed andmcdrable. ThH. Hangnri* *n Balsam ha* cored, und will Tore, the MOST delhoroto of eases It is no quack nostrum, but* : «Uiiddra32ag- Uah medicine-of known ande*tahHihedefflCoCJ«li ii Every familf in the linkedßtateaghouU with Buchan’s Hungarian ’BuHnm> of Life, nbt tuny to counteract the consumptive tendencies ofShe tllmata, bat to be used as a prevendve medicine brail eas«* of eolda, eodgha, spmiflg of btood,pain fotfeafcidd and chesz, irritation-and Soreness of-ibeiangsibroehihs* ''•< difficulty of breatiag, hbctic lever, night sweats, emucl atioo andgeneral debility, asthma, Inßtfefi^wWging e °Soldin3M^S httl per botlle, with ftill dic tions for the restoration of health. ... Pamphlets, containing amass of BigUahand Ametv eartr certificates, and other evidence, ihowing th%un ecualled merits of this gretUEngUsk be * svhnd Wood and Wood anddthstA- ~ -map DB. JAYNE’S CAUMINATIVSIBALSAM remedies With imle effeeL-was funnshed with a bjnia of Dr D Jayne’s Uanntnatiuo Balsam. Thtshe eording to the diwottons, and foundinvan£btyth*ithi* medkme eansedthe pain Wabaur to three or fourtmo ue*>aod in fifteen or twenty mtnateseynry w?®**? aeuiaiUoa.waseautelyquicteU. .The aiownillO fM**" terwardsused whenever indicaoonsofthe approaea oi painweie perceived, and the pain was thereof PM?®®** ed tie continued to use tto medicine every_e v eamg and sometimes m the trwrtnns. and in a • healtb was so far restored, that: the sufferer w»WUov edfrom a large amount of oppressive pain. Fmmol panenc®, Uiercforo, he can confidently recommend D Sjeync 1 * Carminatiye Balaam, *s asaiutfWmegc in for diseases oftheslomach and bowels. A olilrimi Ko, »>. ,ii « titt *e2n 7U Fourth street, near Wood, and also anhalHuf •tunoAfJl WJHWIRTZ federal street. AlteabvO GROGKBIhS, &«. SUNDRIB*— Stibli No t Aimckerei; - ’3O bbt* No-S maekeret; to hi do_No 2d*; an « *l3 »* to do T»nrmx*Wj. 5 do •Xhiro;OdoESaJu, 3dochip* 1 hi do bx* No l icked Hama*, £0 b*s NoSdodojSdo tcenled Soap-X * 1 lodoN*3 Preutt do; 10 d» No 4 do do ( hmie Clove*; lOfcus J**» Cofl * B ?. , ( J br m *tssag P°T^'" 15e W I CtIM'C&i.LE3a pRYAV^-i* 1 /CLOVER 9KEI> 6»* Wu«h /or sale by . febZl WllK h My, L,UI “-"agy. _. F^ R^ W, “^^%il'^ XJUPKi^S— 50 do*. Miner & MerrieX’e BocXnr*> m ts el,i« .wd, fpt «=‘% t ! J )WS * cULSEBT^M, ma ;._ iaui>«tj« VALMSdA^-bi^ b > r tmHK •i.gftaag'sr LIVER PILLS—3QQ jrow M’LaacVcofebplfd LJv ' 00 h*nd wd for ulo l>y j-ppfo g, •X/TACKEREt— OO blila So X 0 M fcblS 8 P VOM RONNHQRgir» Co VtrHfTEBBANS-37 bbi. *m*ll ■ &*»-Bejn*, u» \t «torc tuid farotlsJry faU L»BWATfIBMAN X A Ltn . P lo^*- " l °” “""."gdc &ZF™ k-yst^s.ccc FIRE BRICK—I7,OOO Ewing’S, eqaal'ln qaillty to Bolivar bnck-,-10dX»good" eemnmnjt finjaale -by kbU a? VONBQNNHORST t Co L' * ARD—aw kegs No L ,60 bbU do do; No: tor machinery, id store and JOT Mue &bl 3 SELLERS jfct-NtCOLS SUGAR HOUSE MOLAB9E£mQM»!*SW«pe»B»* gar House Motastts, In store and lor sale T*ry low to eftne consitnmcnt, by _ tobt9 • JAMES DALZELL,water a GENUINE SAULBOIK-Onhandand for »ale by feb*) ,y apP_A_co_ TTSffIDXER’S UNIMENT—On for sale (j ty febgp JBDOh Co UMFFF-LLAft—£ discs low priced! tfedfam, and •n/ut cotton * n| i riagham Uinbrcljas»jtist opened good cotton ann g u, » B|iACKLgrr & WHITE TJKRKSTiiRF. CiS3IMEKB9-Twn,‘esies bnjhl KENTUCKY dark mix ahd Woo, hur tecciTed ftottt’ gtyidngtnicrs and for sale by icbg SIIACKLfcUU t WHITE S SALTS—3 tons iasicre and for sale by . . febaa ROBT DALZELLfoQcyXibcrty »t TTEARIi ASH—lotsshs'for sale by - v*; P fcbS ; BOBT DALZELL ACo Cl HEFSR-OJ bxs Wes taro Re«e)V?aAh»fb and for j sale by febat _ ROOT DALZELL ACo ALKRATUS--1S casks for side by febSl ROOT DAIJIWL A C° (TOTTON— 65 bales best quailTeM., to^rire, foe j sale by - ISAXAii DICBfiY A Co, iebici •• •’ ,ri • • jromst T IQUORJCK—4 «ywc»Sicily UqiorictiaitM«iuui I i (at take by (ebS) BROWN QUj>RByTSON_ Ground spicks—cuuiai»o*w— -l—*=• Mustard, | • Pepper;' < AlUpicftj.fcC *C -IEBTSON in »iore end for tale by CILOV bill 3KIID—3U tblipriiflo dhld ' u^. y ud tot -to JJAOAbEV4 , W TH, fobu is m 4 aoj~ls_ BLACK TEiiS—llWhaUehaiacboic^j^ 00 * ,?r d “"» T, “’ «" “‘h^aLEV^M'TH fTfaiTE waddTng-fivo W fc «'d i>r aiiACKLEWtgg i^ii jgm JT!k guNes-iou t drovers afld double lined o, }U»I received by Kxpmi WHITE feb£J • l X UDLOWS ta®D*'co I,T I i febiiO_ _ _ 5 pL r LKroRK--oao^ V g.^ o^^^R "V kto { , rkksafplks-is / tOTTUN—S7 bale! CouA, landing Ca»- t, jX'ri A WUtCTl'jaN A C piTTSB 0 R.<3H QAZ.ETTE, 1 HUUI.ISHKU DAIL.V,TEt.WKEKI.T fcWEKKLTi; “pptZtXF’f&SggiSiVS: 1 One mtcrtloß of llliMlj' Of iMIy• Mi«Vm• • J® < Two iciertioni 0 75 , Three • \ “ “ j® «*Week - , ! -••1*9 One » Two Week* Three •* Ooe Monti), Two " " , : " - Three « * ; otitifcwf •• 7 “ O* Longer adTertleententeia reuJe'-preportirt. One square. 6 months.without altemlojv** {; « u |2 <« ",.c- - low Kach additionaal tqnareforfr .{#••• i Ono months, W Knrti additions! square for 12 xnoßtbSjU*»*«»» 10 00 Two aquares.6 Months, re’trtbionijaffiftro, 30 00 (Cacti additionai square, 6 months, •*•/•*•••• 8 00 wiuil Ol' TIhVUSIV. llihAttl >AV1BI« Ono iqoarc r 3 insertions, GO *• “ .bscbidditiQnaliAV&rJfftft*gfc»j*«»« 31 0 Ftab lines or less, one jtlt k 300 .** /« a•« 6OO ■■* « lO 00 t< « . r-j 4 * 00 ■ y , for 6) itoes, or left, Ono insertiQ*** •*t .JO 03 ' i.til * S : " " Threelaattati-Ti~.. *«* su “ on . - > “ Tw«l»» * >» ■ / .. ,V , r ■ r brown & CtJLBI i for tale by IVHEOW .. j«,