The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, March 06, 1849, Image 3
BY^mGNfiTICTEUEGSAPHr RTPOIVyiP I * 4 irBLUCRAPHED .For the Pitt*lmr*fc P** l * Oaxctte. H < Phuadscdhi*, March 5,10 P. M. The- cagiftA with, the Government Express of the laaogarpl, reouoff the track at Morris vilie New No-aw mjnrtd. Mr. Griswold the apotj:lus shoulders, and footed if • to Trenton, wh«W be-obtained another engine, and auriedin New, York. - Chtef JwticcGibsoa is lying dangerously ill el Gariaift. • - yj,g mrmV r * °f the Philadelphia Bar hare Undated dtnnpr to Mr. Meredith. [' a4joan<;d withoot making any pro vistao-fae the Government of California. PHILADELPHIA MARKET. ' March 5,6 P. M. Floor—The market is doll, and holders are ttiflj ftai— of Western brands at $4 9355 per bbl. RycrFlour—Salesat $3 12} per bbl Grtib—The market is onohanged. Proriabas—There is do activity in any article. Quotation* are steady. Groceries l Are unchanged. Whiskey—Sales in bbls at 21c per gal. Cotton —The marketis quiet, but steady. 'new York market. New You, March 5, 6 p. u. flour—The market is rather inactive, Eastern demand being smaller. The market with moderate burifieas is in favor of the. buyer: 1 note sales aj£3s9o bbU. of Western at $5 50, SO 36fiS5 OS pet l barrel. . Grain—'The market is active for Whe&L Sales ufPritno While Coni at 55. Sales of Prime Yellow •f01062c per bnsh; Provisions—There ir less movement'in. Pork, , the marketbeing heavy. Sales o[ Western Mess «i SIQ 374010 50; prirno at $9 37009 50 per bbl to theextdatot 700 bbla. ' Lard--Sales .at 6io6j. Whiskey—Sales in bbls. at 23|.‘ Coffee' Sales of3ooo bags of Rio at 01- Molasses—Sales of Orleans at 28029, to the ex tent of4oo barrel*. Sales of Porto Rico ax 22. HOPS— 6 bales fresh Western N. Y. Hopn, ju»t fee'll and for sale by BROWN * CULBERTSON, febS3 US Liberty « FLO UK—SO bbls superfine Floor. JaBl BTQILLS A ROE iri INSEN G-« bbls, in good order. VjTJsai ; MH3ILLB A ROE GHEESE— 60 bxs large pome Cheese. Just res'll end far sate by )isg Wt BM'CUTCHEON rUTTEK—I6 bbU fresh 801 l Butter 12 kegs do; li >. itorc and Mr talk by js27 LSwAtEnMAN I.ICE-10 tisroes fresh, io«t ree'd and for sale by _K, ,febli TIROWN A CULBERTSON r A&P OCC—IO bbls Brown's Cfo. best winter strarn- l r j ed, jtut jeeeived: -and for sale bV febU : BROWN A CULBERTSON FEATHER*— Iso£Llbiprime, jost ree'd and for tale by fcbU .BROWN ACULOERTSON BULK PORE-SDOps Balk Porfej juit ree’d end fbr sale by febU ARMSTRONG fe-CRQZER PROVISIONS— 90 hhds Bacon Shoulders; 10 do do HsmsjjM bbls sugar cured Dried Beef; 1* do do do Hams; 50,t001bi mg round Bacon; all wan anted •quiteany cured in this market,ln store and for sale by feb!3 SELLERS A NICOLB bbls Linseed Oil, in fine order and war* V/-tamed pure: £Sdo Lard do. No 1 winter, for safe by feb!3 SELLERS * NICOLS PRODUCE— 80 bbls white Baans; sdo Flaxseed; 2 d& No 1 Lard; li do Bassetx apples, jast received and for sale by J D WILLIAMS, llO wood st PEANUTS —200 bath Pea store and fa sale,by febg? JAS DAI.ZELL TTiaUrr—To trme by Chief Justice Marshal— X 200 boxes Raisios; 12S drums Figs; 76 hf do SO frails Almonds; ® qr do , 15 bxs Lemons: Andfor sale low. ENGLISH A BENNETT GRAPES— 3 kegs Malaga Grapes, fbr sale by feblg ARMSTRONG A CROZER BULK PORK—too pcs Bulk Pork, just ree'd and for sabs'by fcbtO ARMSTRONG A CROZER COAP—IOO bxs No lSoap, rec’iTand for sale by** O febl? R ROBISON ACo HONEY DEW.S YRUP-& bbU Honey Dew Syrup, in store nod far sale by fbblS J dai.^pKl D~ RIED PEACHES—I2O(I bush halves, for sale by fcblO RHEY, MATTHEWS A Co COTTON— 33 bale* for sale by 1 RHEY, MATTHEWS A Co, fcblO • . 57 water street SUGAR— 42 hkd* prune old crop; QG bbls Loaf Sagan for sale by fcblO RHEY, MATTHEWS ACo MOULD. CANDLES—HO bxs Mould Candle*, on consignment and for sale by . mar 3 WICK A M'CANPLESS LEMONS— 60 bxs prime fresh Lemons, jut ree’d and for sale by mart WICK A M’CANDf.Ras NO. MOLASSES—2OO bbls N O Molasses, recei a ved and for sale by nkrt WICK A hPCANDLESS SUGAR AND MOLASSES—2O hhdt N O Sorar; 200 bbla N O Molassts, receiving per steamer Tagtio on ferule by mart BAGALEY A SMITH BACON —A small lot good Bacon, in store and for tale by mar 3 RHEY, MATTHEWS ACo T>OT ASH'AND SCORCHINGS-6 casks Pouih ' JT Add V bbl Secnthings, price article, in store and Sr sale by mart RHEY, MATTHEWS ACo "TJ UTTER—I bbls efid S kecs Batter, in store and for ■P sale by mart RHEY,"MATTHEWS ACo bbla Floor in store JC mjp3 J s DILWORTH fc Co TMPOICEANT TO CALIFORNIANS-Jost received X l Gna covers,* do Jockey Cans; |do Canteens, IdoAlr Beds, 1 do &Pillows. '• Tbs above foods for tale cube California Ootfittbe Establishment, No 5 VBood «i. mart J & H PHILLIPS BEANS— 6 bbls Jnsl ree'd end for sole by JPM3 ARMSTRONG A CROZES BUTTER— 3 ,bbls fresh Holl flatter, jast rec'd and sale by mart ARMSTRONG A CRQZER S 3 bbls on cunsignxnent; finding from ill Uaien; for ««<« by Part • ISAIAH DICKEY A Co -^ILOYER-SEED—IO bbU jast rec’d for isle by \J _m*x 3 ACROZEH - TJAPEfi —ISO reams Straw Paper; 130 do crown do X dbj jast landing. ma 3 J SuILWORTH ACo DRY APPLES—M sacks Dry Apples, jast landing; SDO do do do, in store. f - mart ' J S DILWQBTU ACo POWDEH— 10 eases Ey. Rifle eannister Powder, 8 « Deer “ “ “ Jast arrived. mart J B DILWOBTH & Co CHESTNUTS— 150 buab Chestnuts in store. mart i 9 DILWOBTH A Co DRY PEACHES—6OO bosh Dry Peacberi la store, mart J S DILWOBTH A Co T ARDOIL—dS bbls cold pressed Lard Oil, la store '.Xf and for sam by mirt_ JAMES DALZELL, Si water at SB. MOLASSES—4O bbla 8t James.Refiaery S H « Molasses, for sale low to close consignment, ottfl JAS DALZELL LARD— 10 bbls Lard; 80 kegs do, in store and for sale by mart JAB DALZELL EEMOVAL- —We base removed our Book Stores from Si Market street and 73 Wood street, to the bonae formerly occupied by, Messrs. William Bell A Bon, No. 79 Wood street, between Fourth and Diamond alley/. mart ELLIOTT A ENGLISH. BULKPOHK— Glflpcs Balk Pork, landing from ca salbost Medqsa. and for sale by • mart JAMES DALZELL, Si FiOUB— 05 bbls 8 F Floor, landing from' stmr Ar rowilna and for sale by -‘girt . . JAMES DALZELL, fPABLE SALT—IO bbU superfine Table Salt, foi .X *ale by mart WICE A M>fIANDLEBB fIUMOTHY SEED-&S bttsh ree’d andTox sale by X_ mart WICKAM’CANDLEBS MALT— £00 both fresh Bariev Malt, for safe by feba BROWN k CULBERTSON CHEESE—C 8 bxa jogt ai\d for sale bT fabM . nARDY,_JONES A Co BUTTER— -4 bbls jnu rec’d and for sale by febg HARDY; JONES A Co • /'IOBN MEAL—I 4 bbls Cotd Meal, last rec'd and fc ‘ v J sale by febS3 WICK A OTCANDLESS PORK—£OO pcs Balk Pork, for lale by febB3 WICK A M’CaNDLES! ROLL BDTFEH—Bbblsfreah, jd*t rec’d and fc tale by febSS WICK A M’CANDLESS T ARD—23 kegs No 1 Le*f Lord; a bW» do do; for -1 febffl TOOK A M^CANDLISa bblft freah Roll Butler. foruteTowbr , feMg James dalzell ELL HIQ LbSN O Molasses, in fine order •-hr- . fcbtf JA;I DALZKLL , 1 .. Si i nI.AK*KS—&DO till 7 ' . . IVI. fcntHor »>la by BOXES—On hand ' -DAFER PIU. x tetito - anpS— IU bales is More and for iale br ISAIAH DICKKY fc Co, fohst , * front I JVTNA SAFETY FUSE—7OOO feet ElmrSifetyFus a for blasting, in «*<>»« *» <lfor,al ® b J r _ L „ fjSg RHKY. MATTHEWS A Co IiUFFALO COMBS—A largo and varied assortment XJof Buffalo Back Combs, new tty las. foi-sale at /Tfcbg ZKBULON KINSEY’S, C 7 Market *t , AND MOLASSES—IO hhds Sugar, >4 I*l ’ TVf OLAFSES—ioo'bbls FUnlarfoaMolaf set, la : ill iwCromtunr J.J Crittendem for saleby ■•-v'..' . 4n£5... BAGALEY A SilfTl ■ 4jIINDJUES—New landing from steamer Genera, - O fiat atlo—Abate* Cotton; 44 bbla -Lard; 9 sks Gin .*Cor» 33 do Feathers Mdo Klaxsced; I tierce do; 4 1 cuk Beeswax. Ifba 13A1AH DICKBY A Co . ■ > bblt in prime order, landing and for tale t>] v L. fe>2B ROOT DAt-ZfeLL A Co, Übcrty_«t_ tierces rec’d this day and tor tale by ..Xt.febQ ROOT PALZBLL ACo IfliON—lQ hale* T»nn««** iVetnn, jn*l per atiat-Jtfoaoniahela: for aale by foh3B ; . . JOHN WATT SUNDRIES— 5 bbla Roll Batter, * ht bbl* Urd; ?5 doxen Cora Broom*. is store and for tale by feb3B . . JOHN WATT •jf VritlN-Sl balds good middling Tennessee, land \jt inf frosatmr Genera; for aale by . -w-febgg .•. Cll GRANT,4I water «t ' ' '\TAiLS—IOUU ken assorted, of good brands, for tele ■• - - _ feU23 C H GRANT <e lk VANILLA rope—3oo emit on band and for ulc 1' jV|_bv"__ fabga _p H _OKANT "CCGJIB—I£? hbdt prime NOSnrai, received per ■= . ... Ar. * '** ! \T-- O.- MOLASSES—3SO bbl* Plantation Molaasei •AtiJXjTANPFACTUBED TOBACCO-A foil supply of 'jXa.* ebilca braitdi instore and for tale. . r mgillsa roe flTfiAß—Young Hyson, Imperial, Gunpowder, and '■ C ' ntM ’ t ME WIMMBiMm RECORD. 1649 . l ALRAaiC. MARCH. I 3 tjotnrday, 4 Sandayf——T.. 6 Monday, T .' .. 0 TuesidAy,- ' 7 7 WedaeUaS; 9 Tttarsday.' . Vv.- A.... » rrMq,* ..a.... PITTSBCHGII BOARD OF TiIAUK / COSIMJTTEE FOR' MARCU ?■ RqbT* JBSUm C. 7XQ. tbTi’drjprmarifeu Gazette, ? Tuesday. Mp rain gj-March 3,1&49.J The day, yesterday, wiia eittrerttely dn!! v in cdo sequeoce of ihe JQClotneilcy of- the weather, and scarcely nnythiogtranspired in market worth Fl^UR—The-receipti and stiles from firtt hands confined to 11 mi ted lots at $3|SO f bbL Rbgular sales from store in drey load lots at $3,6203,75, tits to qnality. RYE FLOUR—Moderate salesarc effected front store at $3,18 bbl. ■ t CORN MEAL—Sales oflrilo dried, at4soOOc* bu, in small lots. . GROCERIES—Every thing under this head re mains qaiet, with no perceptible change in quota tioas. Regular sales of N O sugar, in Itmilhd lots, by hhd, at, tor common, J|, lair 4J.041, and prime at 505 tc p ft. Sales of NO Molasses, 2S y gall, of Rio Coffeq at 71071 c; S H Molasses at 40045 c; and of Loaf Sugar, St Louis refined, at SolOc and of Rice, 41041 c p H>, by the tierce, . PROVISIONS—We iqtice no change in the market. Bacon is iu steady demand, with sales of shoulders at 41041, sides 5051, and hams St 6)c if Bx Sales of Lard in at 51c, in kgs at s36ic fOL For bulk park, 4c £IS is the ruling figure of the market BITTER —We hear of no sales to any 1 , large amount For good roll, in bbls, we quote 10012, and (or krg at BloStc &, as the present ruling DRIED FRUIT-A better feeling seems to prevail for. bat we hear of no sales at an advance; 112(0 f> bu was offered for 500 bus, 12c for sacks, with good acceptance at t>ixty days, but refused.— Sales of apples at 55£$60c p bo. CHEESE—Regular sales of Goshen at 81, of Cream at 7c, and of W R at s(^6c. FlSH—There is a regular trade demand, with sales of Salmon at of Mackarel No 1 at $11,50012, of No 2 at $9, and of No 3 at $6 bbL Sales of Herring at S 6, and of CoS fish at $4,50 p drum. FEATHERS—Moderate sales are effected st 32033 c Ql. Opetiuio of thb Cajiau.—As announced under our telegraphic head yesterday, next Saturday, the 10th lost., is tha day-fixed by the Commisaioimre for the openiog of Pennsylvania Canal. This fact will be bailed with gladness by the shipper* here and at the west, as the amount of merchandize here, and to arrive from the lower markets, is immense; and we anticipate a lively business, after the opening of Canal communication with the es*L , The quantity of Indian edrn Imported into Liv erpool from the United States, from the 12th to 25th January, 18*9, was as follows - J From Busndls." New Orleans 184.000 New York 111,000 Baltimore 77,000 Alexandria... 31,590 Philadelphia 23,000 Boston 17,700 Norfolk 1,500 '•* Charleston 1,600 To which may be added 7,900 barrels of Indian Meal, of four bo&hels to the barrrel which- would make a total of 480,400 bushels of corn arriving - nt that one port in 14 days. Nashville, Feb. 23,1849. The river has fallen. There are barely 5 feet water on the shoals. Cotton—There was some little amendment in the market on Thursday and Friday, and a large amount of Cotton changed hands—ss,so is the highest rote paid, except in one or two instances, where a very superior article has obtained os high as S6^o. Tobacco—Forty bhds sold daring the past week at the various warehouses—prices from $2 to $6- —[Banner. Nsw Bkdfoxd Oil Maxkjtt—{For tho week ending Feb. 26.)—Sperm—The market is firm with a steady demand. We notice soles of 200 bbls not re-filled at 107 c, and 700 bbls (including all in first hands in this market) on private terms. „’A sale of 400 bbls was also made in Westport on jfri vaie terms. -Whale—The Bales of the week embrace about 1800 bbls, at prices ranging from St to 38c, accord ing to quality. The sales ore 320 bbla at 31c; 420 bbla at 3Uc; 130 bbit at 36c; 75 bbls at 38*c; 377 bbla at 36c, and 500 bbls N W Coast understood to be at something below the latter price. The stock of handsome N W Oil is much reduced and hold*, ers evince more firmness. • Whalebone—-We bear of no transactions in this market. Last sales in N. Y., 31c cash. Cattle Market* New York. Feb. 28.—At market. 1400 Beef Cat tle, (800 Southern, the remainder from this State,) S 5 Cows and Calves, and 2500 Sheep and Lambs. Prices—Beef Cattle—Tbe market on tbo whble has dull since oar last report. The range of prices is a little wider, but there is no re duction worth mentioning on good cattle. Soles of from $6 to. $9 p cwtl A few pair of extra are re ported as high as SlO. There were two pair markahly fine cattle in the yard—one pair raised by LopaJ Canfield, of Litchfield co., Conn.— the other by Mr. John Preston, of DucbesS co., In this Stole. They were purchased by William H. Conner, of Fulton market, at 12fc p G>. Cows and Calves—Sales at from $2O lo $3OO lO left over. Sheep and Lambs broaght from 62 to $3,5005,- 50, os in quality. 200 unsold. Baltimore,-March 2—Cattle—At tbe scales on Monday tbe supply was large and the market rath er drooping, prices ruling something lower- The offerings reached 1000 head, of whteb SSO •old to city butchers, 40 were left over unsbld, add 3SO were driveo to Philadelphia. Prices, ranged from $3 to 84,12 oa the hoof, equal to $603 net and.averaging to gross. Hop —There was a moderate supply in market, and the operations were quite limited. We quote from 85 to s6.—[Amer. IMPORTS BY BIVBR, Wheeling— Per ZaebaryTaylor— 98 ska dried peaches, Jai Dalzell; 27 hhds sugar, 35 les rice, 25 bbu flaxseed, 6 bbls sundries, 1 box mdse, 4 bxs specie, 35 bbls apples, 518 pcs bulk pork. Per Cinderella—9l kgs lard, Brownsville boat; 100 ska wool, Bingham. Cioetnnar*—Per Wyoming—3 bxs mdse, JMe Faden fit co; 2 bln rope, Reynolds Sc Shee; 100 bxs soap, Sellers Sc Nicofs; 7 bdls saddle trees, R T Leech jr} 19 hhds boms, Clark Sc Thaw; 8 casks, J A Hutchison & co; 30 bbls lard, 42 hhds bams. 4193 pas shoulders, 614 sides, O W Jackson, 1796 canvassed hams, Kier Sc co; 125 ska oofs, Wm Holmes & co. Per Hibernia No 2—1524 canvassed shoulders, 1273 do bams, 3 bbla lard, Kier Sc Jones; 37 bales wool, W Barker; 8 sks wool, M Alien Sc cp; 1 box mdse, RT Lbech Sc co; 14 bbla white beans, Frieud, Rhey Sc co; 200 bbls molasses, Rbfcy, Mal thewa ic co; 1 bx, 2 bdls hoops, Jos Woodwell; 1 box, 2 bdls hoops, same; 28 hhds bacop, D Leech Sc c0;,250 kgs lard, Taffo Sc O’Connor 10 bbls linseed oil, B A Fahnestock deco; 15 bbla charcoal, Lehman. Consignee—2l hhds bacon, Omni te-Mc wew; 48 bbls hams, J Grier; 2 hbdt bacod, Sellers % ”!f^U 0(3 ***• whiskey, R Moore; 1 bbl axes, & Thaw;l box, 1 bale, Johnston & Siock gn; 9 pkgs mdse, G Cochran; 20 bb!t, G W Smith, iZ. “ peache®, James M Cooper; 5 bbls, 6 «!;», 1 & Sn*Uh; 37 .li, modrle,. O H froit, J S Dilwonb i cm 187 50 bbls wheat, 4 boxes venison, owner sboord. 13 b '* cotton, 10 samples, A Gordon; 38 ssclts festhers, 2 hhds tohaceo, 1 bbl .staples, Geo Wey wh,*k,y; ™‘c' & Kicltetson; S .£. P f* b Gsrson ,t Me- Kntghl, 21 hbd, tobsoeo, J A Hotehtwm i eo; 500 bx. oranges, 250 do Imnons, Jm,bos Rhodes, 1117 pcs port, hates. 30 bbls scrap Iran, 33 pe, do, 55 W s h ; J’ eS” nCMi 80 “k* '••con, 50 bx, pork, 4 tea do, 114 bbls mess pork. 13i dn i L n Urd, Clark & Thaw; 163 sks <Sr n , sdo d s„,S. L S Little; 8 bbl. beeswax, 2 bg. feathers, 1 110 gint seng, 1 bx lure, 1 do cigars. and for taleby j KIDD A Co New Qrleaju— Per Western World—loo hhds sugar. Miller de Ricketson; 209 bbls molsssen 105 hhds sugar, Burbridge, Wilson 6c co; 8 bb[» molas*' es, 2 chetts, 2 coib rope, R W Archer. Lrvxa Pius—>No medicine ever earned for % higher reputation in to »faort a time. a» has the Ltvrr Pill, discovered and compounded by Dr M’Lone, of Virginia. Although bat a abort time comparatively before the poblie, it bacaiready earned (or itself a de~ See of popularity hitherto unsurpassed Tbo demand r them oas become immense. Messrs. Kidd A the proprietors of the medieuie, who reside in .Fills barxb, eomer of 4th and Wood streets, are constantly receiving orders whttfo ' they find it slmost uiterly lm pos>H>le to supply. The popularity of these Pills is not confined to any particular soctioc of the country, the being general, from the North, Booth, East and West The troth is, uo disease is more eotrnnoa in all quarter* of the Umted SlAles than that of the Li ver. And these Pills are the be«t remedy ever yet dt*. eovored for Hepatie derangement. For sale a t the Drag Store of TehfJO J KIDD A Co No Uistsxx m SrLtxas 5 Vxßitirtex. South Pittsburgh, Jan. #hh, 1849. Mr. R E. Sellere—l purchased one vialof your Ver , mifoge, and gave tny boy, aged 4 yean, two and a half leaxpooctfol. in Urn apace of four noun,' and the .r esult was, an eaormoua duebargeof worms of S large,sire. raving.y oar Vcrmifage,! had Iridd XIE.AI’*, Lane’s> and Dr. Jayne’s, without Any good effect 1 Yours, Ae, - OEOROBSHCNC ana sold by R. fc SELLERS,'# Weofrxt. Dr.Caaael, PfOb WanJ;-©. MTCurry, ARs* gkeay, and W« j mmith, Tempcraucavifle. ’ feU7 POM’OF^FITTSBtJfitiH. aBKIVED, MichigaO N<v2, Gilaoo, Beaver. Jacobs, Browntviiie. Atlnniir-, Porkfnscn, Brownjrville. Hendrickson, McKeesport. Caleb CSps, A. Murdock. Beaver. Bearer Hibernia No 2, Klinefelter, Ctn. Columbian, r, Louisviile. Arrowv??jlscin t Me Keesport. Wyoming,JFowler, Cincinnati. Western World, Norton, N. Orleans. DEPARTED Michigan No 2, 4 Gilson, Beaver. Bailie, Jacobs, Brownsville. AUanlid, Porkinfion, Brownsville. ' Camden, Hendrickson, McKeesport. Caleb Cope, Murdoch, Beaver. CinderiHa, Calboon, Weeling. Zaobary Taylor, Lucas, Wheeling. Consul, Webbafr, Wheeling. Telegraplt, Mo X, Hazlep, Louisville. Niagara, Cox. St Louis. Stone, Cin. c 33 5 aa 6 a 5 53 930 554 6-4 H. 555 8 X 7 5 57 68S S» .6 33' rS 50 There were 9 feet 6 mche* full m the channel by pier mark, last evening at dusk, and falling. BOATS LEAVING THIS DAY. Cincinnati Pack ts, 10 A. M. BrowDsviUe Packet*, 10 jC. M„ tnd 4 P. M. Beaver Packets, 10 A‘. M n and 4 P. M. Cincinnati—* Ringgold. Louisville and St. Louis Packet Link. —The interruption to navigation by ice as well os (be In- and basiness during the winter caused moat of the beats eogaged in this line last year to go into some other trade. Another season is about opening and a newline in again organizing, indeed it is nearly established, mainly through the exer> tions of Col. E. f* King. The following boats com rnence ranniag this week ami luave here oo the days mentioned: Ocean Wave, Capt. Able, on Monday. Atlantis, Capt Wicks, on Tuesday. MnuQtsineer, Capt Reynolds, on Wednesday Geo. Washington, Capt. Shockley, on Friday Geo. Lane, Capt McPherson, on Saturday Tbus’it will be aeen that it required only one more boat to'complete the line. These boats have fine accotmubdalioQS, are swift and well officered. —[Journal. ' RATES QF DISCOUNT. HATfcS OF DISCOUNT—CORRKth’kiIiA a. BOLBES * SONS, Exchange Broker*. No, 35 Market street. aess 4t_i »i Pennsylvania. Indiana. Bank ofTittsblirgh - --*Pax,S*a:» ITk h. Branches 1 Exchange Bank Par;B‘aieScrip • • - “ Merck- at Man. Bank -Par. Virginia. BkrtofPhiliLdelphiar—par;Exehange 111: ofVa. l Girard Bank Par-Fanners Bk. of V# • *• Bank ofCermnfltffwa parlßk. ofihe Valley,*-- ** “ Chester dd&siy • par. Bk. of Virginia • “ '• Delaware Ci> • parjM i. M. Bk., Wheeling | “ Montgomery Co. •‘par do Moreoatown l “ NonhamEoflanil ;pat N. W Bank Va | Colombia Bridge Co. '"p»r| do WeUabUrg •». '1 Doylestutvn "Bank Jo Parkersburg - “ Faxßiert Uk. Read.Qg par; Tenneuec, Famers’tik Bucks Co paDßk of Tennessee- •• 6 Farmers B’k Lanc.iJ'T-par.Fsr it hlercht* Bk- - L*xieasiei Co-Bk parlPlants/s’Bk. • • “ Lancaster Bk. pat Union Bk, —. •* U. Stater Baal—— • fillasourl. Utowrutvillc Bk parjSl&te Bk of Missouri l Washington Bk. 1- North Carolina. Gettysbareji Bk. • - 1 jßk of Cape Fear • ■.* Chambers burg • " jMercb’s Bk., Newoerii 1 Susquehanna Co. Bk. 'i IStaie Bank 1 Lehigb Co Bank, - South Carolina. Lewists-A'n • • -- |Catnden Bk a Middletown • 1 Bk. of Charleston- - a Carlisle •• ♦’ “ ’Oommsfv>a! Bk S rlrie Bk .. 4?“.iS Bx. of Gsorretown ••• a Formers' and Drovci*’ Bk.of Hamburg a Bank, tVsyucaburg | .Merchant* Bk a Uurrubuiv “ Planter* XMcctis'sßk * Ho:ic*ds'-; _. . i Bk o! SouLb Carol.r» a Lebanon - pur filar viand. PoiUv'llc - " .Baltimore Bt* —• • p*i tV joining 1 lltdtm'ciUßßScr’.i' to York Bk -1 Cumberland Hk o( Allc- Wr*Branch Bk • • 1 ghany I BeLei Note* • • *• Far Bk of Maryland Mi Mfik. Pitta do “ Farmers’ S- M-chajucs “ City A Gonniy 4 crip • l Bk Frederick *• Ohio. FredcnckOo Bk • —•• State Bk - sod Branches l itlagemown Bk “ Mount Pleoaani “ iMmeraJ Bk- —I Steabenville.—... • • “ tPaupscoßk* I Sn ClairtTill*. w Wttshinflloaßk* •• Martens “ Bk.cftt estmiaster • •- New Lisbon “ - fifleblgasa* . Banka “ Bk of Si. Clair-• •—— ftolnmbn.- do “ Bk ofßiverJUlsen-* Cireleeiile “ .Michiganlnk. Co-- •• i Zanesville “ Par.AMreh'sßk*---• 9 Putnam u Wlaconatia T«tr»t*y- Wooster-—* ——- •TD.Mar.AFireln.CoJUUw’t 5 Massillon 1 | * Canadas. Saadnsky 50-Allsoluentßimks 5 Geauga 1 Bank of England Notes Norwalk SO 7t» p Asu. Cleveland-—• l jGold ASpacla Value. Xenia*- • “ [Napoleons a *0 Dav.on -1*- “ Dacau v 130 2 Yt' Western Reserve *• .“Cagle, oid • ••• 10 Sv Franklinß'&Columhst “ "‘.agle, new 10 00 Chlllioothe u Doabiooun, Spanish. 18 00 Lake Erie* u iDo.Patnot- -•—* • 13 SO Seiota-- - • —< u [Sovereign* <S3 Lancaster • —**lo ’Guineas *v —• 500 □ajnilum-—* —-13 fFredenckstPcrs- -f7 SO Granville 50 [Ten Thalers 7 BO FamPrs BTt Canton— 60 Ten Guilders - • 350 Vrbaoa---- 1 —-50 iLouisd’ors <5O fientucky, Exehangs. Bk of Kentucky 1 [New York 4pnn Bk.of Louisville * Philadelphia -•••- ivira Norhem Bk. Kentn’ky- w Baltimore ijinn SeW York—Ctrr Banka, par. Interior B’ks-—1 SECURED BY LETTERS PATENT PUBLIC ATTENTION is solicited to an entirely new article of RAILING, made of wroughttrou bars, and soA annealed rods, or wire, and expressly designed for enclosing Cottages, Cemeteries, Balco nies, Public Gionndit, Ac-, at prices varying from Hi cents to 53,00 the running foot ft is made in pannel* of various lengths, apto 4 fret high, with wrought iron posts II inch square, at intervening distances of 6 io 10 feet If desired, the pannels can be mode ef an> height, in continuous spanrof 90 to 00 feet, with or without posts. No extra charge for posts j The comparative lightness, great strength anil durs bility of the \VTHK RAILING, the beauty of us varied ornamental designs, together with ibe extremely low price at which M is sofd. are causing it to supersede tbe Cast Iron Railing wherever their comparative menu have been tested. For further particulars, ad dress MARSHALL A BROTHERS. Agents for Patenters. Diamond alley, near Simkhfield st, Pittsburgh foli*2-«-rt3m 'UST OPENED, this di CUntoek's Carpet Wi Very handsome style Brussels Carpels, New style extra sup 3 ply do 9uper Ingram Carpela; t-4 common Ventn CSrpcisi Medfot sup do <Go 3-4 do do do Fine do do 9-8 do do da Common do do - JM do do do Cotton do do 0-4 Cotton Carpru. ALSO—Extra sup Velvet Pile Carpet*, of Ibr latesi importation. A xmtmster Carpets Tapestry Brussels Carpets, all of the richest and newest styles, lo which we invite those wishing to furnish-houses,steam boat* &e. fobSJ W. M'CLINTOCK SUGAR CURED UAMS—B tierces S. C Hams, bran ded Miller, Brown A Hawkins, S 3 do do do, branded Evans A Swifi. Families and hotel keepers wno want, a choice arti cle, can be supplied by as in any quanUty, and at any time during the season. leb-28 SELLERS A NICOLS AlU>—lo bbls fresh, 10 kegs do; for sale by I feb26 S Y VON BONNHOR9T-A Co ROLL BUTTER-2 bbls fresh, for *al« by ' f febM S F VON BONNHORST A Co YINEGAR— ‘JO bbls for sal* by ' feb« 8 F VON BONNHORST A Co I LARD—in bbls and kegs, in store X feb2o M’GILLS A ROE WOOLEN SOCKS—3OO pr» for for sale by feblt ISAIAH DICKEY A Co BULK PORK and LARD-13,000 pounds Hams and Shoulders, 32 keg* Laid, landing from vtmr C Cope; for sale by UAGaLKY A SMITH, febld lb jnd 20 wood si CLOVER SEED —U bbls just ice d and lor sale b> febU ARMSTRONG A CHUZER PEA NUTS—3OO bush on hand and for safe low to close consignment, by febl4 BROWN A CULBERTSON SUGAR —30 hhds nrw crop, just rec’d and for sale by feb!4 BROWN A CULBERTSON STARCH— *d) bxs Sirub’s No i Sarch, rec'd end foi by lebU BROWN A CULBEKTWON HAVANA SUGAR—SO bis white Havana fcugsr, a prune article, in store and for sale low l.y fehlO ENGLISH A BENNETT. 37 wood *t MACKERKL— 00 bbla No 3 Maekrrel, hi »tere and for sale low by SCH SALTS—9 cask* Scb Salt*, m storo and 101 *alc by lelilO ENGLISH 4 HENNKTT ALMONDS-— 100 bjt & *o(i ihclled, /or **ic by , febia BI'RURIDGK, WILSON A Co T>OTASH —4 ra*k* I’otmh. in «toie »nd for »*le l>r X feblS/ JAMESDAI.ZKLL, W«it m BROOMS-— SO dm film quality and finulq It) •• ** baunli: 10 “ " clolb, for SUNDRIES— 3 bbis pluMetl; U da K*g», l do roi Duller, XUtloi Zinc Wash Booid,, 2u Wjl» Wtmt Beans, 10 saek* Feathers; 0 dox Hickory Brooms, foi sale try feb2s S D WILLIAMS 11 RLHTS—KJ bush dried Pearher; 50 bn 1 and ; 1 Rai*inl, 00 doi Bordeaux I‘rgiirs; Smyrna Furs (at sale by febsss J 1) W ILLIAMS SALMON— 6 bbli pirkled, ui fine order, I tiern Codfirh: 1 case llallibuU for sale by feljta, J D WILLIAMS, no wood si MUSTARD— 29 do* Kentucky j and Ilb cans; GO lbs Lone Island, for sale by febffi -ID WILLIAMS HEMP SEE' -Sbblsrec'dand for sale by ,a2?l _ BHAUN A RHITKR WRAPPING PAPER—On band*, a fall ,*«PpIT 0 f all the different hzm of superior qoality, which we offer tow to city dealers. _ feb24 REYNOLDS A SURE BONNET BOARDS— IW rro whits Boruirt Board* for sale. feb2< REYNOLDS A OHKE WOOL— The highest price in cash paid for by feb33 H LEE, Liberty st, oppoam pLOTU-l cue American Army Cloth, on haid and \J for aaleby feBW It LBB A PEW food second hand RIFLES and PIS TULS wanted at the offiee of A. W. BROCK WA 7, No. B Commercial Row, Liberty »l i< t>23 BUTTER— 10 libit fteih RolJ Hotter, hut tee' I and lot tale by JOHN WAT f, feb|D Liber y tt CANDLES —16 bza prime Sperm Candles; 14. boxes Star do; 2Z b<* mould and dtp do. for tale lo w wM« ENGLISH A HENN3 TT hhdi old crop New Orleans Sue: r. Cot WESTON BOWF. , . 00 fro at it Alum, iu store and .'or tale I/’ L 8 WATKRA AN APinNK CARDS—Jun rec'd, a fret* supilr, ill rfedaced prlcea, fcb?o QFO CQClif At ... TBfci and CbnVn..' -Qnn ay fax Cfaajokjca k*t'i '*}tzLa* •*** low b T SAMI/KHQEBEN, fcjtfSWW corner aaxtel cod 6ii« • • T; ' A jri . i WIBE &ATLISG. 'ETB, Ac. »y, tad (or sale *1 \V Wf ireroom. No. 75 Fourth ureei. KMiLtFIi ft BP.NNKTT J D WILLIAMS iiTHKifaK.-—To-nig ht it* the firti ot ib»* rc*cn- of Mr. Cri#p, when the beautiful drama qf- tbi Lady of the Lake, ” together with the af- KVooJ I &f the Miller’* Maid, will be presented. | ith° ' ’ . LOCAL MATTERS. - koa.the rtTTSSLRGu nsu.7 oaxettu Office, Pittsbt.iwh, March s. —Five persons appeared before the Mayor ibis morning. The first Kail been found drunk at a late hour on Sunday bight, near the Monongßhela Bridge. It was his fifei>aud we hope it will be Ins last "spree." A genlleoiah who was preseut payma bis fioe. be was disehkrged. The second had just come Irotn Marietta, .-and intended going to Frankitfi, up the Allegheny! river, but finding no boats had got and was brought to the watch house. A 3 he had only money enough to lake him tbeietßsd piomised faithfully to go at once, if the Mayoir let him oil, he was discharged. The third, an iia customer, was brought up charged' with drunkenness and beating his wife. He dt* dared that be had drunk nothing but ale and cider, and oflerdd lo take an oath, if the Mayor would let him off. that he would never drink anything strong, •er than cdffee or water. His father-in-law, an old geotlemafi win- seemed highly excited, appeared against h(m, and ewers that he had threatened to cut his Wife and whole family into ratiaage meat and to pound them lo jelly; thnl be came into the tike a roaring lion, and tried to find a knife to put.ins threats into execution.” He wat, commuted for ten day> The next, also an u J acquainUiuoe of the watchmen, made u defence, which irk style and dthvery would have doue credit to m our lawyer*. Mayor.” snid he, ‘ t would rather face the hardest engagement you ever werb exposed to in Mexico, than your honor, this morning. I am anhamed to see you. I feel tity own degradation most acutely 1 Thun he went on for soQi* lime, find concluded by praying that Cod would .cause (he heart of the Mayor to relent. Having tentenced to fifteen i}ays imprison mem, heldeclared that “mercy had lied to brutmh bca>l*. &6d luen bad lost their rea>on," and off be went, declaring that be would never patronize the Mayor s tlfUce sgaiu A verv young lad wua then brought Who had been louod at a late hour on Sunday iiight, sleeping in the shanty of that ntm arce, Will Engine.” He was held over for further .examination, in order to find whether be had concerned in any of the laie commiudd by the members of that company. Mxroft’s OKFicx, Auxobemy. March 2th~*Mr. Rush still continuing unwell, though, as we are glad to Ifiafbi da'ly improving in health, Alderman Hays oftyffated in bis stenj. Two persona were brought before turn, both having beeodiuak and disorderly the night before (Jue paid bis fine and wasfdificbarged, the other, who was commit ted for fijkfi and twenty hours, when asked what be-,had iNsby for himself, declaimed in the words of Emtn4ttf' :l ‘thal he had nothing to say which could alter tke&r ..-predetermination ” He said, that'“a! though ustTaoger here, he knew that he would be fioed no fie dollar, and twenty fivecenta, or m default of payment be sent to jail” When naked how, betb^-a stranger, he knew the amount the fin«, he kqld that the police officer* of Baltimore were juil its bard bvailed, as in Pittsburgh, and that he Iftew from sad experience there, wltni they would db With huu here. Ht'ckfirfcxa. —No clar* in our ciimotuuuy are s»» 'univerealjjt disliked boil) by the lowuMuni, iml country |>ebple. as the hucksters, and every oppor tunity u( avowing that di'like is eagerly taken ad vafatager <j£ We were mach aiui]*ed at a nceue which oCeflrred al the Mayor’s Office ou SaturJuy inorniagi in which one of thew wunaies figured very coplpjcuously. He bad been arrested v>u the cotnplaiet if a woman {< hnckster) tor iH*cupyint' mdrethfiA lLe half of a stall, and relasing to tut renderilr'uiheQ called upon to do s.>. He wore lk4 air 4 respectable farmer, and loudly prater brought up on the complaint of n A farmer who had seen the whole prdeeedKgJy and who was equally vehement in the conduct of the constable, accom panied buh to the Mayor's Office to bear witaess in kis While ft the office, however, a gen; lieman to call m, whe at once recogni Xrtfthe tanner, as a huckster. The wtl tfess irnOejLately we* as loud in abusing him. as )pr bad tu his defence, and went away, leaying to the leader merries of ihe Low, wan noone pj Ay a word in his favor. at Afpollo Haix.—Our reader* will | bt-firin itjtftl that Professor Stevens will deliver a l lfid*ore hrfore the "Yeung Mens' Mercantile Assr> | evening. The subject of the Ico tuffe is, rt elements of Air and Water " Proles- Cf?S- well aqd favorably known toourmti-j zenx, tliatjhe mete mention of his name is Midi* j ciafit to a crowded house. The p oising ur- j lately 3* Ku manners, as vrelt as hrs extensive : ku(Jwled|ff'on icicntific and titerary subjects rctg|j defi UQivcrssl favorite, 1 AERaifciSß.—■Owing lo ll.e crowded Mule ul otit'coluthfb to day we nrr compelled lo omit no iatfindei' Notice of this valuable instrument. It appear to morrow, and id the meantime we advise ifliwho intend going to California to rail ttpfin Mr. &akras, the manufacturer, and examine itdin for themselves. Any emigrant having one of jbese: instruments with him. need cover be nm taken oi'ta what is, or is not gold. JtloreiT* ConDUcr. —Four n.«-n were arrestej asO brought before the Mayor yesterday after* oobo, changed with not. tig on the whurf. One, the rinjftgfeder. was sen! to the hill for three day. The otwf three paid their fines, and were dia« dflrge<£ iAasatlit. Afn> Banrar.—A woman came to tbit- MaijfoW Office yesterday, [and lodged infer' maiioa iagainsi her husband and brother, for n valent and battery, she being eoeienle The brtJtdßWere committed to take their trial at ibS next Cbart of Quarter Sessions. Afit> Baitket. —The morbid feeling ndW pefvciJuig our community, which delights in atbclaog: ’SColTending men, and shedding blood merely jbr ; the sake of bloodshed is rapidly on the m&reasi.'- Mr. John Myera, oneoftbe firewardens Gfjhe Allegheny Engine, was attacked at the fire ottl-Sanc»y evening, and knocked down bv a rut filth lo fwbom be bed given nocauso ot oiience whatever;- __ -A.sotftJfe. — Another woman romplained'againsi Wi buafiabd for ibe same offence He, 100, was cOfomil^siL • punch’s Kirs -Wr yesterday tried a oew trusts for Kindling Fires, which, it appears taps wilf prove a very useful and economical mi! Itilute Ajr wood The nrticlo >* put up in packages each otaet'f which contains 'iA Cukes—rarli Cuke H)d3qu£nf?, one of which, instantaneously taking fijle, W& burn with sufficient beat and bla/e to fgijile Bituminous Coal. H. B. Gray, the ageni ol life ariiltW, ia now in town for the pur|>os« nt iniru dicing-Itr Pocket*. —A lady who Lad a pocket b&k stolen from her to the Market bouse ou Sat u*Alay, lintbedmlely called on Mr N. Holmes, lo ftfpp lb£ payment of k check for fifty dollars winch ib'irontitiosd.ntnong other papers,drawn m her favor ‘bsG. \V\-Sraith & Co. There i» evideutly a gango! lift ‘ bihfi lingered gentry now in l’lltsburghi afid oui citizens cannot be 100 cautious. . vMEsifrAuii.—■ Mr. Spencer has gone lo Wash ißgton,.;l'6., where he will deliver a few lecture*. On lus/yeturn be proposes giving another course i»t this feity, which will doubtless be ns well anten ded as Rift last. CoCßT—Marcb &lh.—The care va. McCullough, went tu the Jury to-* 4fiy. and Woods for plsiatifi McCand less utrd Jlurkc.lbr defendant. £MuA .local mailer prepared for utility’s pape*. bis be£n ; ,crow«lrd out, owing lo a press ol busi ness. -! ; y-UaoAs;. Jail. —We see l»y hand bills circulalcil tffrougb t^wn,that fourlpnsoners have broken from the jai(<ol[Misrcer County. A reward of one bun -&e<l tfillbrs is offered for their apprehension. S’ UO4B CI'RKD HAMS—casks sugar cUred Haitoig. in store and for talc by •r. fetfla- H k W UARHAtOII HSTUB—IO c.r, for sale fry _ g -fcfelj B_F VON kCo "OicE-iIU UercaiTßice, just landing fto® steamer . XV S&saengsr and for sale by „ . felflQ, 8 S A WJIARBAtGir • y Plantation Molasses. land- J9JL thg'from suar Krabossy and for sale by J*5» JAMK9 DALZKH- al tester n JMTfiafl ROLL HC’ITKH—» bbl* to-day rec'd sod 1 fojr rile by febld ARMSTRONG A CBOAKR Bit. §tOLASSKS-12 bbl# 9 11 Molasses, landing • from steamer Clipper and for sale by JAS PALZF-LL tyU'&Eß—s bbis Roll Butter, in store an 3 for sale |i bf j 9 AWUARBAUOH V A lkl>Mo bbls’No I Lard, in store an! b T \j ftrwo 8A W HARBA U(»n_ f OIL-U bbll Lttueed <>»)♦“ in' nore"and bl A bft fob Uy n-bio SA VV HARBALOH^ R#UN a PPLES—IOO bbli green Apple*, ra store sals by ftblii SAW HA&BAUGH iUSCELLANEOUS. OHIO FBHALE (COLLEGE, R_ „„ xjLartrrk. onto. T. REV. CHARLES P. .McILVAINE, D D, Bish* i*p 01 Hie Frol. Epie. Chore It in Ohio. Referee Kr». b. W, Touroto. B D, Kecior of Sl Lake'* hjmcoptl CUurrh. I'riueipai. Mr*. P. M. Tolford. Associate Principal. Anlr<; ii(i efficient ami experienced Board of Teacher*. * Tlir establishment occupied by ibis Insulation has been fitted fc , , X p fll , f 0( tt Uiut f 20,000. It is Mioittrd on tjie elevated plain m ilia Tear of Marietta, near me well Known *ite 01 Uic Cutups'* Mantas. The bunding is spur im«. m« grounds i»rg*J. covering about five acres, and :ne locution health)', llie quietness of the place— the association* of the locality—the char* octer ot the surrounding scenery—the fine old town l)ifig below— >ti.- ampic ground* and »h tide, invite to contemplation mid study Ihe standard of fruJuauoti ,n tin* Institution is of the htgltmi character, mciumug nut only a full Eng lish course, bat where u m desired. the Jmtut, Greek. Hebrew. i.*nnnn. French. Spanish and Italian lan !|uagc* a.though these langungi-s are not demanded or graduation— wuh instruction in embroidery. Useful uml Fancy Needle-work. Music-. Painting, Drawing, The iptrtiiu of the institution is, to give a sound ed ucation, with thorough moral and religious instrucuon. The Noons Ladies arc under the immediate charge of Mrj. I'd lord Government kind, Imt firm. The nert session commence* the Ist ol April, and continue* fire Calendar Months TXUIS, flit Stflfl IllX. ror board and Tuition, including room rcut, furniture. betiding, fire and lights ~..855 00 Mu*i.*, Modern Languages, Paining and Draw ing, extra charge. Refer in Pittsburgh io either of the Episcopal Cler gymeu. mail INDEMNITY 'lke branihn J*j te Juju ranee Co. of Philadelphia. IVIKM. TORS -Churl*. N littnokrt, Tbonnis Hnn, / I'obina \\ ngnrr. Snrnirl (irani, Jacob 1L Smith. Lee. \N |ti>-hnrd», Mnrdcrai D l.ewis, Adtilpbo E» Ho:.c. David * Brown, Mom* Patterson i!iiaxi_£» N Bajuikr, President. Charles t. Umirkcr. Secretary l onunur u> make insurance. perpetual or limited, on every descnpimn ,n property in town or rountrv, ai rates a* m-.v as arc i-onsisient with security To Lui'i|.aii) have r.-wrved a !arge continicnt Fund, which with ihrir I'ajuui and Prejoiuins, safely invest ed, alfonl ample piotrcUon to the assured The assets ot un* dompany. on January Ist, ledtt. os published agreeably 10 an a,-i i,f Assembly, were as fellows, vii Mortgage* 81,<H7,43H 4t Real Keioir U4,7V4 63 rompornry Loai.. Dti.ttJl 85 Mtocxs V 5 Cash, Ac 15,804 r BUrftl.4S« ?1 Since then incorporation, a per.. J of 1S» years, they have paid upwards of one million lour hundred ibous and dollars, lou<*« U) fire., thereby allording evidence t.f the advantages of insurance, as welt »s the ability and disposition io meet with promptness all liabilities. J GARDINER COFFIN, Agent, marl-dly Ofli. e N L corner Wood ana Jd its C LOTH I NG, United States WHOLBHIi CLOTHING WAHKHOUr.. LEWIS * HANFORD, Shi in 256 Pasaj. stikli, Between Kultou street and Burling MlipJ NEW YORK, CLOTHING i N l P E D > I A T E r 1.l nil sKTICi.K Of afdartj AND DRAWERS, \S r lr-rji sn endlcs* variety OIL CLOTHINL I uI'KRKL HA T > lu ide VS orid PLAIN AND FA>HU»\ABLE, t I.OTHINt, I.LV\ i?• a HANFORD. No* VW and tttti Pearl it. N KK.VKEDV dt KAWVKtC lOnfilNl. 1 1 1, ASS Manu.'nctutera. sod V\ hulesu.e j Jrti.rr* . > iMfrun n‘,.i >ii.tnc*:,f Variety Loud* \\ r.ierii M-f.-l.ani*. Peuiars and others are invited lo (0,1 and rljrn,.,* ilic pin e. Hod (,o*oll our stock, s• wi' l ' our pfeseoi increased faetliltrs m manufactur ing sod p-jr. lmsioi:. we 11 .i>.It w«- ,-hii offer a* great iinlurrnn-r.u *o l.u.ers as any other lioune west ol the NEW GOODS, 1849. KENNEDY SA W VI'.R, curncr Wood and Fourth •trret. arr now receiving direct Irom tirst bund*, a i>rg- *'..» s of Fancy soil Ssriet) (>ood*. utc.uding Clock* it “very variety, gold and «.,!vcr Watches. Jewelry. French Prints, dumbs, Hook* and Eves. Irom and Hosiery. Suspended. Lun Cap*, and a.; other aruclevan their line—ail of which having been purchased personally of the manufacturer* coat, du ring the last welter, expressly for the Spring trade, will be sold wholesale at a email advance on cost. Constantly on hantl. all descriptions of Looking Glass es, of our own manufacturing, at eastern price*, marl BIGBLIWS CABEIAGI! JIANI'PACTURI, Diamond Jt-ry, b-iu-ttn Wood and. Strutt. tn—xz vj t~ M. IiILKLOW would rcpeniuily pfjlLJSpa-sCc inform the public that ut hi* Factory ean at all times be found a Urge suoply nrT»nmily Cnrringns- lt»r*tunh«« Bug gies, at.u ui. kind* of fancy Carriages, equal m ele gonee and neatner* to any foond In the East. Con irseu for any tiamber ul tUrriages, Buggies asd Wa gons. will be promptly filled All work, ot !u> own ir>anu fee tor* will bn warranted Hn eutM t>—Coi R IN<tiersc-n, R. II l*at:er«on, K D (in£uim. fjij , Robert Robu, t»q .C. Mogiil, Al derman Sled. NEW YORK AND BOSTON PIANOS. JOHN 11. MRLUML No s\ Wood •BjgSgijSSEg street, ha« received invoice* o( a large »**ppj>' of Piano Porte* from the eele- II c I | * brnted manufactory of t tuck>nni;. Boston. ;o srnvi. m u few days, of which due notice will be given. vary mg in price trom 5*75 to S7OU. Also Imni the manefartone* of H Worcester. and Bbeou h U-iven. New York. a handsome assortment of fl. fij ami 6| ortive Piano Forte*, rosewood and;' ra«n. 01 tr.»* too*’. elegant description, and Will! U.l UiC , U 1.- TIIV r IJU' II » Inc a!>o«e, i-i addition i>< he stock on hand, will make I lie ,arge»t and mo»l des-raMe selection ever olfercd lor sale in Uiu city, anil will be loid in at) cane* at manufacturer! price*, on accommodating terra*. and a wri.ieu guarantee given with every Piano Forte -wild. JOIIyN If. MEIJAJR, Sole Ageni for die sale of Cbickenng'i Plano Fortri, for Western Pennsylvania. deotSJ To the UotwraKe tin. Judge* of the Court ot Gene ral Quarter .Skwohj of the retire, tn arui foi the County of Allegheny. 'Pllli prlibou o: J.m> Ua«VM o: the Ward city of I’ltt-iiiifuii. n. ihe county aiuresaid, numbly sheweili, that y our petitioner >]> provided himself with ruatrnaU for tiie acconmiodanon of travelers and others at his dwellm; non-e. m the Ward More- • -iid. uiJ pr»>» ;hit y*ur i jnnn will kw pienwil to grant him a licence lo keep n I'ubiic Hou*e of Fnirj iwiiunem Ahd vuur penimnef ai hi duty bound will JH»> We, the »uh»onl-ei«. oitirrn* ot the aloresaidWard, do certify, that Ibc above petitioner i« ot good repot* for honesiy and temperance, and is well provided with hou«e room nnd conveniences lor the accommodatton and lodsrui(r ot •trnnger- and traveler*, and that said tavern i» neccaaarv Jas Ow«ton, Jus Sterling. J«« Matthews, Wra Par roll, John Dmnr. Columbaa West, John Mima, Moan Ula»de||, Hugh Garvey, James Graham. Frency Kulk, A C liell raar3-d3l* To f/ur Honorable, the Judge* of the Court of Gene- ral Quarter Svstoru of the Peace, tn and fo> the County of Allegheny TUP Petition ot Jas II Wearer. c.( the township of Findley, tn the county afore«aid. humbly shew eth, that vour petitioner has provided himself with material* for the accommodation of traveler* and oth ers, at his dwelling bouse, m the township aforesaid, and prays that your Honors will be pleased u> grant him u license >o keep a Public House of l-ntenain mem And yout petmotier. ns in dutv bound will pray We, the snh-ciibers. ciuiros ol the amreenih town ship, do certily inm the above petitioner is ol good repute lor honesty und temperance,. and is well provi ded with houx: room ai d conveniences for the ncront raodation and lodging ui mangers and traveleis und that said *av« rn u necessary J, U in Su.vuss. Jtiimoii Patton, John Me lu bough, Uovid Coopei. Joim Ferguson, Matthew AtuWson. John M. Mimrir Mca Armci.John Hood, \\ i/iinrn Vincaiii]) Uiar3 d3t* A] KW BOOKS Lectures on Pilgrim * Progress and Xg ihe Life and Tunes ol John Uunyan, by me Kev Geo. U Chcever, U I) Wanderings ol a Ptlgttm ill the hitiadow ot Muuni UUnc; lo' Gto H Cheev't D L) The Journal of the Pilciunt at Pi'iiibuih, mSew England, in IC2II Kejinnied from (he a;ivmal volume, with historical und local idusti&uoiis of providence, principles and persons, by George B Oheever. D. 1) Record edition ’ , Uaptlsm, with irtrrrlire >o O' uii(ioil and mode*, b' Edward lie pc hut, H D. Lite und uieni— o' J»h i Foaicr; edited !»• J K Ryland, with notice of Mr J'u-ter HA a nrracbr and a coiuprumm, by John Sfirppu.d -new eiiiuou. The above, tvilh .i Imge -ion ol Tlirolocleal. Hu Uincal, Medicui und >cliO!'l Hunks, inr sulc ai luiv prices by , ELLIOTT*. KNGLL**JI. 7!< Wood *t, marl between itfi si and Lmuioiid alley TO CALIFORNIA, FROM Bl\ LOUIS. rpHK lutiscrtbcr Is now piepanng lu convey a large J. party by the ovcrUud mule to foiiforma per sons who wish lo gu in a cheap and comfortable man tier, may buve ihe opportunity with llilf party, who will «;bbe earned through, furnished with good pro visions. for the low marge ol 9-170 each. The ijiianli t) of baggage to ford must not exceed 160 lb* weight. Will depart from Si about the 30th of March. A remittance of 82U will secure n conveyance _i«-bL2-Jnie<itlbV B. CORWIN. Main n. St Ixiait UNHHRINKABLL FLANNELS—W. R. Mcbpiit mviir, die aueniion ol buyers to his stock of the above goods, of nil the ditfcrrni tjualiuc*, said to be as iinabrii.khb e u.« the Wc'sh. und at much lower price* Genuine Welsh Flannels also conninatJy on hand, (iatise and Hilk do, 4 4 n:nJ j -t do. lur shrouding pur pose* Al*o. Home made White Flnnnriiund Liusey*. constantly on hand. »; the norili eitsi corner of Fourth and Mur- PI; RSK LOj*T- A Hi'ail l‘ur«e,ol blilr uruund, con taining City ycrif and Hilvc', *m yesterday lon toiaevrbere l.e.wcen il.e •■ of 4lh ami Wood *u aiid \Vb*limicu>ii and Wylie nireeta, via liberty. veiiU; anti \Vrbnrr *t* Tfie liuder will be »uiiabl> rewarded by rcturuiui; i: to tiie Variety Store of mars kKNNKDY k SAWVKK. SL NDBIK.S TO AIIRIVi;- Ui 1>&» prime while liuvann Sugar; 10 tiercel Rjre. 11.1 bbi* N U Moluam; 10 in* I-emor.K, U) In* rtoap; TSObxa Raimi*, 40 bis tOUel nd for 9nle i»w KNfiLISH 4 BET* NUTT, fclil? 37 wood *t For CallforulaT T' UK celebrated lUtnril Ibfle I'oxvder, in keg», bal .1 keg*, <juaner» ami can*, (or eale by _|>bl3 J s DIL'VORTH H Co. «?wood H Independent Police Office* NO. llto KuOimi STREET —Committing Magii train, Alskiuian Xthtl Chief 0/ I’ulien, Roau jai6»d3m TT S .URAWKIN PISTUIJ^—Ad invoice m arrive U • by Leech h. Co•* Express on Saturday, for Cal ifornia expedition, ami for sale 61 Philadelphia price, lebaa W W WlUtQ>_ FOUNb— my ewe. a Parse containing imn« money, which the cm-nercan have ty identifying Uie lime. febSl W W WILSON FLOUR—2SO bbt* finiuFlour. an exceUent ar ticle, in store and for sale by fcbiW SELLERS * NICOLB MACK KR&L—1 2 bt>!» No 3 Mackerel,(lM») in »tore aaU for tale by \V &. M MITCHKLTREK, feb3S 100 Liberty at /AMES' V low. —igs bush on consißDtnent-aoti for *ala fefatt REYNOLDS & SU££ TUBS»-80dox Miner &-JUemck'a Tabkio store end tor»«ie by (tba J2BOWN k CULBERTSON DRY & VARIETY GOODS. SincetUe Dnebpemtnt of the California Gold Fever, AXEZASDBII A- DAY, Xo. 75 Minn Stojutt. PrTTaßvaoti, HAVE resolved on SELLING OFF their large stock af DRY GOODS —the principal part of which have lately been purchased at the Loans Aec- Ttotv Solis id Philadelphia and New York, at a tre mendous and unparalleled sacrifice! We have made such a large redaction from our reg ular prices that we will now sell a large portion of our goods BELOW COST of importation. The early at tention of buyers u invited lo choice high colored goods adapted to the California Trade. LADIES DRESS GOODS. Plain and figured Cornelian Cashmere* and dedoines. silks, all prices. Very superior brochiu figM Super cloak cloths, all co and watered blk silks, loro. Superior reparmure silks. French merinos, nil colors. blk and colored, 'Black bombaxines. Super biack glossy GrodelCross barred and striped libm silks, alpucas, Visette and manulla silks, Urocha fig'd and strip'd do, best quality, Jenny land plaid*, Pure satins, blk and blue Victoria l.yonese cloth*, blk ssuns, very neb. Lamartine satin merinos, Coberg cloths and camcii- Super silk warp alpaca .an lustres, lustres; SHAWLS! SHAWLS! Splendid plaid long shawltuA few brocha long shawls, Splendid lerkeri shawls,] the finest w.- have ever from N. York auctions,i brought to this market, great bargains; I now to he sold at great Plain and embroi'd thibeij bargains, shawls, all colors, (Superfine and common bro- Siik fringe., remarkably I eba square shawls; cheap; ( super cornelian silk shawls GENTLEMENS' GOODS French cloth* from the celebrated •‘Jobanv’’ tnanu* actory. For beauty of finish and permanence of wear, lieM cloth* have do superior; a few piece* extra line rt black and olive cation heaven and oilierhen.vj loth* lor over cnata, twilled French eloths, manufac ureil expressly for cloaks, French and American eas* imeres, super west of England do, sapor French sa int for renting*, the best imported. Plain.and fancy civet and cashmere resting*, merino shirts and draw rs, Italian cravats, linen, cambric and mlk bdkft*. ho le ry and i*lorcs. STAPLE GOODS. Irish linens, best long cloih shiniug.rausiins, bleach ed and brown muslin* of good quality, remarkably low; tickings, checaKoonie«mc and imported ging ham*, scarlet, white flannels, a large lot very cheap; a large white and croaabarred coun try flnjincla, cheap; brown and bleached Borasby table lineus and tabic cloths, Rossi t and Scotch diapers and towellings, sstinelts, Kentucky jean* and tweeds BLANKETS. An usual large slock of blankets, direct from the manufacturers, some of which are the best ever exhi bited, all of which will be closed out at unparalleled low prices. In addition to the above enumerated goods, oar stock comprises a very large and complete assortment of almost every article usually lrtnnd in a dry goods store, and as they have been mainly pur chased at the easern auctions, hence the late great re duction of pnceSi We are unabled and determined to sell them ou at great bargains. Wholesale buyers, country merchants, tailors, and the pobiie generally are respectfully invited to an ear ly examination. Bargains shall be given ALEXANDER A DAY, 75 Market it, »e N W comer of the Diamond DRY GOODS NOTICE. A. A. MASON A CU„ No 40 Mmn truer. PmutmoH, Pa. BEG leave most respectfully to announce to their numerous patrons and the public, that ihey. in consequence of contemplating a change m their busi ness, propose opening the whole of their extensive warehouse, (including all their wholesale rooms,) for retailing, and will coulinue open until the first of Feb ruary, commencing on New Years day, tMft Our wholesale stock, comprising one of the most extentive and varied assortments of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods ever exhibited in ihe western country, will be offered at lower prices than ever before known Eve ly article, however choice and desirable, will t>c ac rorduigly reduced Upwards of fifty thousand dollars oi our slock has been recently purchaai d„4fte greater portiou oi which are foreign goods, received at New \ork by late European arrivals, which from the late ness of the •ckmmi, ns well as the known pressure in the monev market, were sold at immense sacrifices at public soles, at rates varying from twenty five to fifty per cent lea* than similar goods brought the Aral of the season We are therefore confident thm our prices for ihe time above mentioned will be found to be even iower than any Eastern wholesale rates Wr anxiously invite all persons to visit our estab lishment, whether they purchase or nou and test the ruth of the above—assuring them that they will incur m obligation thereby, but loafer a favor upon the pro prietor* Oar assortment of Silks, Shawl*, and fine Dre«» t,oo<U will amply repay one tor a visa, added o wUii-h. su unusuelly great display of Llomesiir Joods will, wn hop--, induce all to call. Our system ul oue pnee wii V* .incUy adhered to. jni« a a Mason a co House keeping goods—w k mc*i*ht m vile< ihe attention of bouse keeper* and tuo.e about commencing house keeping, to hit assortment of above Goods, suen as— Quilts and Counterpanes, while and colored: Tickings and pillow-cmsc Maslrn*, Siic-iings, from one to three yards wide Table Diapem and Table Cloths. Towelling. Towels and Napkins; Furniture Phot* and Chintzes, Scarlet Oil Chintz, tor curtains; Super printed Chintz, for quilu; Embroidered window curtain Muslins. striped and barred “ lied Blankets, all qualiues and sizes; A supply of these Goods it coaniuiiily krpi on liand, and wlii always be sold ou the most tavoialue lenns; ai north east corner 4th and Market «u. icb'J-4 Bleached goods—a. a. Mason a Co. no so Market street, have just received ihe following well known brands of Bleached Muslins viz -7-9 and 5-4 ‘Janie*’ Steam Mills,’ 5-4-Nsucnkeag Steam Mills;’ ‘Mason.’ ’Eokanokct,' ‘Carlisle,’ Dorehes’er,'-Quins igamond,' ’Grafton A,* ‘Pittsburgh.’ ‘Lawrence.’ ’Bo»- imi Pillow Case,’ -Farnsworth.' Ac Ac., ail of which, together with many styk* tiot here mentioned, will be ‘oid by the piece or package at Eastern prices, febdl ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS—Bntith A Johnson, 44 Market su would invite the attention of dealers mid Olliers to their extensive stock of French and American artificial Flowers, which wiil l>e offered at sastern prices GENTS’. Ft'ttSlsHlNO GOODS—Fmc fh.r s.wua standing collars; merino, silk and wool Vest.*; do do do Drawers: silk, kid and wool Gloves; mcn-o. cotton and wool 4 Hose; blk Italian cravats: fine Ze phyr Scarfs. _ decs _ P H EATON ACo A XMINSTKR (JiHftl'S—We Would luvite the A attention ol those wishing to furnish houses, to out and examine our Axmmstrr Carpets, which are very neh in style and colorv Warerpom, No Th, 4th m. Pittsburgh dee» W MCUNToOK SATIN DAMASK—\V MiChutorli oiler* io purchas er* a very handsome assortment of rich satin Da trunks for window curtain*. Al»o, French chintzes, bod*, Imcn, transparent shades, Ac., at his carpet ware room. ‘i FourUi st doc'J AND tNFAXTj»* U'KaR-FM Earn h. Co, have added u> their former busmens a de partment under rhurgeof Mrs Bigelow of Boston, for making lo order in iaiesl styles. Infants’ Wear. Misses Sucks, clonks and Dresses, Ladies and Lents Dressing (rowim liwrrnrnt* embroidered or stamped for embroidery, knitting, netting. crotchet work.hcmMUchiiig and mar kmg neatly executed nov‘J3 \EVF QOtfDS. SiIACKLKTT A W HITK, 1/w Wood street, arc now receiving a fre»h nock of DRY UOIIDS. of re.-e„i purchase, snd fresh styles, patterns. Ac, which they will sell low 10 the trade Me reha .(* life requesicd u> rail and eiatnuse ibeif slock and juice* f e |>6 OILK WaRP ALPACAS—Smith A Johnson, O M»ike» street, wotrid mrlie the uuonuon of dealer* and blberi to their choice »tock of Silk Warn Alpacas, Mohajr l.tmres and fine Rorabarinei, which they are now offering at reduced price*. febfl 'N hanD' - . rtANUANDKUK !*aLK—IW p» drab UlanEei v_/ Coating; 6 p* Lavtuder do do; 1 case Blanket*, l do grey imied Cloih; l do Army Cloth; 9 do Tweed*, brown, block and gold mix; 1 do fancy CMsiraerc; 1 bole blue Blanket Coaling: consigned direct from manufacturer* and for >ole by ibepackage or piece. deciJO MURPHY fc I.KE. liberty st EXTRA AND SUPER TWRhE PLY CARFKTS— Received (hi* day, direct from the manufacturer*, n handsome assortment of extra tupet and super three ply unpenol Carpel*, of new style*, to which we a*k the attention of those wishing to furnish house* or steamboat* Carpet ware room, No 75 Fourth st, Pm*. burgh _ JerVl W M’CLINTOCK JjOMK*' " .aKSTIC WiHJLLtINS Olaiiieu, Kl«u.ueli. Tweed*, Cauinctn, » Clotfknd Caj»»iraeie bv ibc piece or package, very law, Wwnsle by gko cochiiaN Ip ANC V c’ASdIM ERE.H— y cun new u; If Fancy Cssiuneret, bright and very handsome goods, just opened by dcolil BHAi KLKTr A WHITF French merinos at cosT-snmh a 4d Market street, will mil for tbe t.slanor oi the •cusoa at coat, then stock ot French Merinos, compri sing lbe most choirs color- Now is your utna 10 »e-' cnro bargains dee 13 V’ KLVhf RJhUONS— Just received ul Zetiulun Klu wy’v ti? Maxkrt street, 'M ps colored Vrleet Ribbon, assorted rolors 30 - black s - embroidery Uuup; lops wide Plain,Ac deei ' / ' LliVtj* AMU llOflEßY—Btuiih A Jobuson, 4d vX Market at, would mvue the attention of dealers and others to their choice stock ot Baiou's superior Kid (iloves, and a rrefl variety of menno, silk und coitott Ul.»ve« Also, to their extensive stock of worsted, Cuahmrfe, Alpaca, Vigomn and Bilk Horn, Moravian and oilier allies oi cotton Hose—together with every style of children's Hose and gentlemens’ half Jlose. Sl'hCfjPACCESf—Silver do; Steoi do, Uerinuu vX Stiver a large assortment constantly on hand, and curefhlly fitted to any age Concave, eon vex, aud cathraci spectacle glass accurately adjusted 10 any vision required. Also, multiplying glasses for examining linen, wool, minerals, hauk nutes, Ac., just ree d amt for sale by W W corner of market and 4th »n LEVIATHON UUI.D PKNB, a magiuticesu and most ejcelleut pen, being the first sent to this market; for sale by W W WILBON, Jafi corner market and 4th sts KID OLOVKB—£S dor Ladies super Kid (jloves, ll) " mens white and bik “ 3 misses colored do decA Kll EATON A Co BLANKET OOATINO—Drab, lavender, grey mix* ed and b'ue. (or n t by the piece or package, at n>:u.ufai'lurcni pnee*. by MURPHY i. LEE. J*»b __ _ _ liberty »t, opposite sth CtlAlTHjt —1 ca*e black mixed heavy ca«»imVrr*) y / do Tweed*. fancy color*, Ido fancy euumtre >or *alr at manufacturer* price*, by 1“« MURPHY A LEE T'W KK® a NTO C A SSISI goH mTr'd brown and black" Tweed*. 1 do Fancy Caaaimere ju*i rec'd and for sale at manufacturer* pneea. MUUPHY A LKK, liberty at. opposite fith IMPORTED DIRECT *nu.u RERS. —The subscribers have on band and will J 7 wishing to furnish house*, the handsomest -aaortl 1 c«M“bw»ly lie supplied -with Ja*. Muipratt A Bona’ cel* merit r»f Carpeting ever brought to this ’ Crated Uleaciiuig Powder, which they will warrant prisma in pan the following varieties- Rich *tv?e Vel" 1 ,{Ul>t • u P eriof »° *uy imported iu the tJ. States; vet Pile; Axnuiister Tapestry, Brussels. extm i OMr i “d which tbt y are prepared lo seU at the lowtal inor plfi super .1 ply, superfine utd fine InWin r?™ J ! kel (or c “ h or W'ovwi bills. u> which be most respectfully Invites 1 _ nOYl W A M Ml PCHELTREE, IfiO liberty it the public, to caU and examine before purchasing ! GPZT'/’ *>». D. OD2IIT, ' ‘'Si?' " irenwm i No. 75 Fourth st, Pittsburgh! l ! Demist. Comer ofFoonb ..r.-n : and Decatur, between ! ODE ALI AoAS ADE LAINES—We have Just j Market and Ferry sued*. sepU-dlyiu drum m'od'elo&red^^lDs^J^* A Good Bu.lne.s~SUnd for Sale.' ~ i MU boMFd lS 1 A CONFECTIONARY and Vtmety Store far sale . fcM - siucKißrr.wmTE,»»od.. J SS’K5S‘^r ! K;.7-SpSX" i 63S t ‘!, f BLACK ALPACAS AND LUSTRES—W R. Mcb* ' locoQTentent to have two establishment*, die causetor ] pby invites the attention ofbuyers to his very fall Apply at iL M. SNITITS, assortment of the above roods. emVimrimr ihn various iad4-dBm corner Wylie and Washington sta qualities from the lowest price to the finest Also, OSO. W. SMITH dfe COs atobairLustres, very glossy, and of rich Pari* bit TNFORM their friend* and the public (hat they have Alto, a large asaortment of fancy Alpacas and Los* Xno longer any connection with their late establish* ties, Consisting of changeable, satin striped, sarin and tnentin Penn tirees known as the Pittsburgh Brewery, i fancy barred. damask figured, Ac. j having removed their entire bothies* to the POINT , Miuance Blue Parmeuos—A few pieces of there BRP.WP.RY. in Pilt tnytS:d yft desirable and scarce goods on hand—also, Maxariue patent fioda Aih. **?*£* M ° a f® d ® Baines, at the north east CASKS (Gin** makers* Jos Mnsprut A Sons' e^sh«u,.^?l» lh “ d Wftrkel * brand, jusi rac'd oer steamer Brook)vn,and for “®! e !*ll R ?? , ?i. O P* f ®Wa sale by W A M MITCHELTREE, BLANKETS— 50 pea Drab Blacken. The attention _ J® 18 .. - _ No J°° Übany at of California men aje asked to this article, as they I liAD—sßf»3 pigs son Galena: COOO lbs Bar Lead I are heavy, and wOt be sold low to cioA consignment * J * Ol **| e by feblO ‘ RHKY, MATTHEWS AC# —l?— “±S_ I OAF aUGABMU bw.-LMrimS; _ SSni TJLANKirr COATING—An assortment of Blanket , r, “!^ ber * i for BAGaLEY A SMITH D Coating, for sale veryiow as the season is/ar ad- fet>ta - • i vanced. Those ut want of this trutle will get bar galas. fcb!7 HI&R MISCELLANEOUS. I HOUSES, LOTS, FARMS, & c F tt . 1 g. 8 , 11 ,«■ li H B TEAS, Wholesale and retail, at tfc- P^ I . N K TE t W Fourth street, near Wood, Piiubargh -lha lubteriber having just relumed tram New kork, is now receivinn a !»«„ fall «unt>lv of fresh GREEN AND BLACK iWL ihe /lew York Pekin Yea Company, rejectedvrifh retail sale*. Our slock being now heavy we are pre pared to supply Grocer*, Hotel*, Steamboat* ond Pun ihe* with any quantity and at any price they may wish paekea in i, i and l pound package*, 5 ih. un canis ters, 6 and 13 lb catty boxes, and in half chest*. Retail Grocers ure invited to call, as we can and will sell better Tea* at lower price* than any other bouse in Pittsburgh. Our stock of fine Young Hyson, Gunpowder, and Im perial Greenland Oolong Black Tea* ore the beat in the American market Lovering'* doable refined Loaf, Crushed, and Pul verized Sugars, at retail, or by the barrel. COFFEES—Mocha, Old Gov. Java, Lagutra, 8t Do mingo and Rio Coffee*, selected by the most experien ced coffee Broker in New York. Sweet Spiced Chocolate, Pickled Cucumbers and Ooioaa, Fresh Peaches, put up in their ovrn juice. Malaga Raima*, in 31b boxes. N. U —AH Dr. D- Jayne's Family Medicine* for sale. decO-dAwS A. JAYNES GOLD WASHERS. H PARRY hos’invented a machine for washing . Gold, for which he ha* made application for a patent They are now offered for sale at the ware house of Parry. Scott A Co., No. I(J3 Wood street, Pittsburgh. Adventurers to California are mvtted to call and ex amine these Inbor-savfrg machine*. They are suaplo in their construction, easily transported on the back of mule* or horse*, weighing eighty pound# each, and can be put in operation in haif an hour. They can be fil ed with provisions It i« the opinion of those who have seen the trial of one of these machines of smallest size, that two-men will wash the mineral from 150 bushels of sand or earth in a day. without the loss of a particle of the mineral. They can be inereaned in size and worked by water or mule power, if expedient. The operators work without going Into the water or bemg exposed to wet, and consequently without en dangering their health. They will require but a small stream of water, and can be used the whole Reason, and can be put into operation where there is not saffi cieut water to wash in the usual way. Pnce of smallest size 835. Orders from abroad, ac companied by cash, will be promptly filled. H. PARRY, at Parry, Scott A Co’s, feW-dtf No 103 Wood si, Pittsburgh SAM’L. GRAY, MERCHANT TAILOR, EXCHANGE StriUDINOS, ST. CLAIR STREET, PITTSBURGH, KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND a run AxsoaTXSRT or CLOTHS, CASSI3IE&BB AND VESTINGS, OF THE BEST QUALITY AND LATEST STYLES. Gentleman Wanting FASHIONABLE GARMENTS, Will find u to their advantage to give him a call. jag Roofing.—Galvanised Tin Plates. THE subscribers beg to call the attention of Builder*. Architects and owners of Utdldlngs. to the many advantages which these plates possess over a]] other metallic substances hitherto used for roofing. Ac., as they posses* at once the lightness of iron, without its liability to rta*L having now been tested for several •years m this particular, both in this eouniry and in Eu rope They are 1 on* liable to expansion and contrac tion from sudden change of the atmospnere, than com mon tin plates, irou, zinc, or apy other metal now used for roofing, and consequently form a much better and tighter roof: requinug far less frequent repairs, whilst the first cost i* but s trifle more A full supply, of all sizes, irom Id to JU W. ti., con stantly on sand amt for sale by UKO B. MOREWOOD A CO, 14 ami Id Beaver street* New York. The patent nght for this article huvtug been secured tor the United States, all parties infringing thereon, cither by tniponutiou or otherwise, will be prosecu ted , oct3o-dAwiyT PAPER HANGING!! DEPOT, No. 13 CoitlamU ttreet, Nero York, orrosiTX Tax wsvraa.v uotku The Croton JUanttfaeturlug Company, (Organized under the General Manufacturing I*aw of the State of New York.) OFFER at wholesale, in quantities to shit purchas ers, at manulacuirets’ lowest puces for cash or approved credit— Pirn HAJtareos of every variety of style and pnce. Boauxas to match. Fire Board Fruits in great variety Transparent Window Shades. Oil Painted Window Shades, and Wide Window Curtain Papers, Of the latest styles and superior finish, ail of their own manufacture und importation. Aa their Stock i* large ami entirely new, they invite Merchants, Book tellers, and Dealers ui these articles, to coll and exam ine their styles and prices whenever they visit the city, Country Merchants can examine this Stock from 4 o’clock in the morning till 1U o’clock in the evening.- fcbgMtm RUST PROOF IRON. THE undersigned have erected work* to the city of New York, for the purpose of Galvanizing all arti cles of Iron, which it i* desirable to PROTECT FROM RUST. *ueh a* Telegraph Wire, Boils, (Spikes, Nails, ’Wire for Fence*, and any other article which may be required. For (loops ror Casks, a* a substitute Cor bale Rope; tor Clothe.* Lines. Lightning Rods, and abost of other applications, it will be found cheap and durable. They would particularly call aitcnUon to ihe Galvani zed Wire for fences, it requires no paiut. and wtll not rest. Also to Spike* and Boil*, the preservation of winch is of so marii importance, that it will comment itself to the nonce of ail those luiercsted. GKO H. MOREWOOD A CO., Patentees, oeCBVdAwlyT M and 16 Beaver «t, N. York. Election. AN eleeuou for President, Managers, and officers, for "The Company for erecting a Bridge over the River Allegheny, opposite Pittsburgh, in the county of Allegheny,' will be hold at House., on Monday the sth duy of March next, at 3 o’clock. P. M. jeb7-dAwtdT JOHN HARPER, Treasurer. MUFFS AT GREAT BARGAINS* M'COKD a CO . wishing to close out their stock of Muffs and Victorious tor the season, will sell the baJauee {embracing a good variety of Lrsx and Fvtcu, as well a# the tnore common articles,) at EAS TERN COST—to which they would rc spec Hally invite the attention of purchasers. NOW IS THE TIME FOR BARGAINS- Call at coruer Wood and Fifth streets. ja!9 Unsprstt 4 Sons' Hoda Ath. fIMIK *uli*;n(xri are now receiving their Fait »lock J. of the above article, three vcmcls, v)i: the Juniata, Medallion aod Lydia, having arrival ul Philadelphia and Baltimore, and two more, the Stephen Baldwin and Leila, fthorll}' expected; ther are, therefore, prepared to receive ottierv They wilt receive daring the win ter and *pring regular supplies via NewOrtean*. nov!3 VV & M MITCHELTREK Mount eagle Tripoli—For cleaning win dow* and lamp glasses, silver plate, brass, Bri tannia. and older ware, li rapidly lake* out a!! spots nnd and reproducer- ihe beautiful and durable lustre of new ware Just received and for mile, whole sale and retail, by JOHN D MORGAN. _. Druggist. OYSTERS! OYSTERS!! FROM THE SHELL—Uy Burke A. Co’s Fast Express, at reduced prices.--To accommo date all lovers of (hi* delicious luxury, BURKE X Co. have resolved to supply the people regularly through out the season, with the choicest Fresh Oysters is cans, half cans and shell, at such reduced prices as will enable every family to enjoy this delicacy at their tables. An Express load wilt be received daily at the ware house of JNO C IHDWKLL, Water street, between Stntth&eld usd Grant, and for rale there, and ru the fol lowing depots: Reis k Berger, corner Smilhfield and 3d sts; E Heazleton, Diamond; A Hoevler, Penn st, sth Ward; D Haughey, foot of liberty st; j Coltait, Jr , Penn’a Axcnue; Mercer k Robinson, Allegheny city, novffl* JH. WELLCOMK’S PREMIUM PlilK PROOF « CEMENT.—The Proprietor would respectfully Inform the public that be has now the satisfaction to offer them a Cement, which wilt weld, beautifully and durably, ait articles of China, Earthen and Glassware, Shades, Ornaments, Marble, Ivory, tc n without dis figuring them in the rendering tnera as useful for any purpose whatever as iney wen beforo broken, and not affected by beat, water or air This Cement is not weakened ui the least when sub jected to * xirong dry heat, or when Immersed in hot water The public have long since fell the necessity oi such au nude, Sad m this ibeu expectations wtl) l>e fully realized, as it is applied without beat and can be used by a child. The subscriber has fully tested this article. For sale by W W WILSON, jalSi corner market mid 4lhsu NOTICE. MR. SAML. H. HARTMAN having told bit inter* eti m the co-partnership of Coleratui, Hallman & Co, to the remaining' partnera-haa this day retired irom the firm. February 19, ffrlg-tf PITISUUKGH MANUFACTURES —The under signed, Agent for the inanainciuieu. hat on band and it constantly receiving a full supply of Hie articles made ui Pittsburgh and rtcnuty. which be offer* for tale at oiantiHKlurera price* GEO COCHRAN tobgO *3O wood <t I AST evening, between A and e n'clock, a SILVER i VVaTCH, with a »ieel chain and key, and with the minute hand oi. Any person tiuding lb« sanw and leaving u at the Uairtte office, will be liberafly re warded by_ihc owner. tcblT-dU f NDtA UI’BURH PasTK—l gross bottie*judia"RuiA 1 t»er Paste, an excellent article for rendering boom and .hoe. perfectly water proof, and tort as a piece of clotti. Out application of tbu bui« i» sufficient lo tnabe thenl impervious to water lor it or 3 tnoutha and a perfect prerontstive from the leather crocking Ree’d and for tale ni the India Rubber Depot; No 5 ‘•‘bfa Jill PHILLIPS PRINTING PAPER—Having the egeJu* njreucy for ibewltoi ihe Mill Drove Printing Taper, {$ U. it. i Marklr, I'ropnetora,) wc will £ constantly supplied with all Die different tuea of superior quality, which we oiler ut the lowest regular prices. . REYNOLDS A SHEE, _ comer Penn and Irwin si* NOTICE. FIMIE undersigned having removed to Washington JL city, will alien'd to toe prosecution of claim* on the Govcmment, and to any law buxines* before the Courts of the District, with which he may be entrusted. dee&Hl3nis . ANDREW WVLIK. Jm. NOTICE. IMIE Stockholder* of the Pittsburgh and late Royalc . Copper Miiiitg Company are hereby notified Uiat the Trustees have ordered an assessment of one dollar - per share, payable to the undersigned, in Itro equal in] j stalmenu. one on ibe Ist day of March next, and the ' other on tar loUi day of Mar. Uy order. &c JOHN iKWI.N, Jr, Sec'y and Treas'T., ja.Hl'dlm coc. Ferry and FVmtt sis. Bfeae&iag PowHor, iChlorid«'nf t mported DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTL’- TO COTTON AND BCGA.B PLANTATION IN ARKANSAS—The sabsoribeT offer* for sale lie extensive plantation la Arkan sas, formerly belonging to and occupied by the late Governor Kent, of Maryland, and, containing twenty* eight kuqdred and eighty-lhK'C n ad a n elf ue tea dtlaad. This estate liee in the eoutiTiee of PbUltpSrand QU« ipu'Jcii, and it situated in tVntnpt Llend, ou the'Mimih- Mpp ftver. twenty-five mljcs above the lowa of Hele na. It i« said to be the hivihcat river luttd'ln'thar re gion of country. Its coil w peculiarly adapted ta the growth of cotton. Its improvements are ah bouse, a horse-mill, several corn homes, and gtibd quarters for servants. Upwards of seven hundred acres of this land have been cleared and are now cultivated. The rest of it may be easily cleared, (the most befog already done,) sad has less timber upon it, and that clnefly of i*h which is readily sold at a well located wood yard, tn quantities of several thousand cords every year. This plantation it one of great value, and presents a rare opportunity to the public. In tin- hands of a good plamor it may be easily mode immense pn>. fit Us facilities of intercourse with New Orletit oft ford a constant avenue for the disposal of i«< products. It u distant about SCO miles from CtTwinww mites from the mouth of the Ohio, and 740 milch New Orleans. This property willed divided Into several pots, jf For terms, Ac- apply (post paid) ta ><■, . WItUAM aPERINB- i BaltirsoretMoviMriir., 300 Acres GoaJ iinnd for Sals,. CrrUATKD on the Mbii<>!>:':ibcla river, üboctiCin.iJi O from Pittsburgh and > tho immediate □eiahlx'ubod of Maui. liym a SSa; ant) Mr< John llerrou 1 * purchase. This fiaff bodr o} Coal w» be sold atlhe low prise of s33pera£n>t-«nL ihir Jm land, balance in fire equal annual tmSSS, without interest. Tltfe indisputable. good-caoimi be «n|Msed. For further panicnlS enquire who has a draft cfeaSpE. perty. Residence tl «t, below Ferry. Mr r N. a There is anen-er seam of coal on this Irani’ aboufCOfeet above uic of excellent cnallhr ” 1 o; 1 FACTOR! FOll jiAItS. OR HPHE large and weir bum I'ucionr, erected on Rehtc. _L ca street. Allegheny cily, R. B.Catsatt,]&& > is oifered for tale or rent from U-c Ntof Jan! 16tsI‘’TBe Ist on which the Factory is i-r-vu,!, fronts 109 fßet'on Rebecca street, and. 1 runs bark i ,-i feet to Park atebdl The main buildtngia of brick, tl.;ct stotiea UA and' 60 feet long by 27 feet wide. T);? Engine Howob large and commodious, with an engine, boiler, ttacV, 4c*, all in complete order. The propenyjyill be sdla low, and on advantageous terms. - >rc f Inquire of • HOUERT MCKNIGHT, dcc23-d3m Agent' COUKTRY RESIDBirCB FOR REST. M\t) ACRES OF GROUND, sitaated near the Pittsburgh and Greenaburgh Turnpike, aj-nnies from the city, and adjoining the Allegheny Cem etery, on which is erected a large and wall &usbed two story brick Dwelling House, together with.stables, carriage house. Ac. Ihero ts also on the ptmigea a lane vanetj or fruit trees, and a spring of nncasal ex cellence contiguous to the dwelling. Also—One three and one two story brick dwelling, situated on Liberty street, betweer O’Hara Mad Wal nut streets, sth Ward. Rent moderate. Eneirixo of I*l3 WM. VCTJNO, 143 Liberty «1 T D^* tbU a « ai EiUU far gala;" HE Tnuteea Of ihe Wettern TfaeokwicaJ Scajindrr hyvinr decided to mH. oa perpctoat lease, a oor uoo of tbefr property in Allegheny city, offoron very faror&ble term, from 30 to Bo Lot* of different nxea. A warrantee title will b« given. A plan or [ha toucan be aeen at No. 129 Wood street. Por particulars, (inquire of either of Uui'ittiideriLnisd Committee. JOHN T. LOGAN, AI.KX, LAUQHLIN, Malcolm leech, H. .CHILDS, Baml. bailey. Valuable Heal Estate forStla, THE following property in the city of Pitiabunrh tmd near the borough of Meccheiter, on tbex£o fiver, l* offered for ttle on accommodating-tents: 3 Lou (being »üb*divUioUj>f No 4® (jrthepUn of the cny of Pittsburgh,) having 30 feet famtoa Se venth street, by SMO icet to Strawberry aDay. near Grant street. __ 10 one acre Lou Croatia; on an Avenue. £0 feet wide, ranmua from Beaver road to tile Ohio river, ad joining Philupa'a Oii Cloth Factory. For torma, enquire of CHARLES B. SCULLY, or JAMES O’HARA, ; . Bqrke’a Baiidlng r 4th «L Poe rbnt, M AND possession gtveu tho isi April—ASlor* in Market street. near Liberty. ' A Blore in Liberty itreei, next door U» tin cor ner of Market and Liberty ns. The adjoining Store, comer of Market and LfliertT streets. n ' Two Stores, with dwelting* attached, in JPcoffktreoi, near the canal. Also, a first rate stand, with.or wife oot dwelling, near the canal. Possession riVeaim mediately. Inquire of DAVID jaUMthn* Penn street,.near ihe.eaaal tot OB Liberty street fortoue. pvNl-. LCrr, 4* feet front om- Liberty utraet, by IlOfon \J to Brewery alloy, nearly opposite Winmnsct, and convemenLto tbe i!onon?abela rirer, wilJ be bas ed for a term of yeari. Enquire of CHARLES B SCULLY, or JAHKSO’HA.ttA,' Barke’s Baihßnf, 4tb it. TO LET, STORAGE for 500 barrels, in the Art Vaults, confer of the Diamond and Market street. ~ Also, one basement store room,and two upper rooms, suitable for shoo rooms or otfiees Knquiro oathe bro mmes_of_ ja2G ALEXANDER.* IWY. Valuable Property for SafiT" fpHF. undersigned offer lor sale the valuable preper- X ty known as Concert HaU, situated oa Pennsireeu corner of Barkers alley, having a front on feaa street of 1»> fret, running back ICM feet to a feet alley on which i» erected a very large brickdweUina house, the main building front of tw* with wm« one and a halfstory high, and the rear building three sto ries Ngh. The building i* very convcaioat and well adapted for a Hotel or extensive Boarding ifouia ll is now occupied by Mr. Christie as a BoteL For terms, apply to JOHN GRAHAM, or JOHN R F.EKBLE3, FOB SALK, A N /rvoraWe terms—A Lot of Ground on the south V/ side of Penn street, near the McnongaheUr river, fronting eO feet on Penn street, and extendmr-lio feet in depth to on alley 20 ft wide; a mdst deslraMeloca uou either for payate residences or for nuurtfaetUrin* purposes. Lnquiio of J SCHOONMAKEII A Cd. ■- >*4? ' No 34 Wdoa Bt "" MTO LET—A two story Imck DwjeUiar'lJouae on Hay «<«eL Enquire 0/ . fcblfl JAMES DaLZELL, 24 *t M COUNTRY SeTt'to"lXtlla - U, rv Driok Dwelling, with 5* acre*. highly Land, tytiattd m Oakland, to let from Ut’Acril hardy, jones $ po, __ J** "7" "’« Water street To litt, • *;• MA three story Brick levelling, eojiuiiUn* IJ rooms, on Wayne sweet Ren* to am*! tenant, Apply to CA ai-ANULTy-feCb, fcj9 . - cnp>tffra»in_ FOR,aBBTT. ' ' . M TWO STORES, with Dwelling titLuuhcd, on lie corner of From, and Market «ion given lit'April, Apply to -C martf-dlw WALTER BRYANT, t«siLiberty st Property In Allegheny City for Salo. rj-ui>, sQbsenberv orter for »*ie a number of clwnco JL Lou, aitaate tn the Second Ward, fronting on the Common froond, on ea*y lemu. laaoue of W..O*H. ROBINSON, Arty at Law, St Clair «t or of JA3 ROUINSON. on theprenusea. tayl7alAwtfT fo*~ Me J\° R , in three yeaiv, from the of Abni non, a large iwo norttd liriek ..1 JmT - "W situated orvthe bank oj the Ohio nver, adorning the through of Mnnche* | wr, wim aboot four acre* of land, out bmlduiMj (mit tree*, Ac. Ac. Apply to 0 JAMEB A HUTCHISON ft r MA LARGE ana weir finished Roots, - keeond «ory, on lUe cornei ofWood and Third utreeta, above the Exchange office of \\ m II William* Possession given immediately. Inqniro of _J?*_ M’GILLS A ROE m Liberty «t FOB SALEOaOEBIT.’ ! AA THE subscriber offers for saieor rent, his mi- JUsLaeoee in Allegheny city. *v ▼ea Ist of February, or sooner if necetaaty. ond who ever may occupy u, might find it ndvaritngeoMlo re tain some of the furniture, Ac., particularly suited to u* e p!*ge R-WJ’OINDEXIKR. Forßent, Min Allegheny city, a plcsaant Dwelling 1 Hone and large Garden, on the second bank, •ifiouUn* ~, . Oeo l H ° 68 Kor termJl i inquire of- Mr. Ben? Ulyde oa the premises, or at hi* store, - No IflAVood street; or apply to ALEX. BRACKENRIDGE tebSs-diio • ••. POE RENT. M A TAVERN STANDand Store, *lo which u attached ut acres of good.' land, onathud mea dow , situated in Hskersiown.on tho Butler road, 19 miles from Pittsburgh. Inquire of W. IL HA t/M, head of Wood Brest, or 0/ W B. BLICKKLL, on the premuea.- fcbaG-det MTO LET—a large brick Dwelling, House, suitable for two families, ailaajed Oirederal street, Allegheny, above Mr. Gravel'' mors. Apply to ' HLEE, . . fcbs ° Liberty sV,bpftpti(c 6th TO LET. Ajrfk SEVERAL threr story Brick Houm* to Wood's Slw Bow, Marhury sited—terms 8190 per year Al so, vacant Lot. comer Marbury street and Daqaesno Way ]nim of JAMES WOOD A Co, fetna-diu* _ No 57iy»cr .t FOB SAXE. , SIX OUT LOTS, in iht R*scrve,-back qfAUegbmty and Manchester, Nos. 13-1, ISIS, 127,. JED and £2l, containing about 10 acres each. Also,.eleven contiguous Jou iu the Ninth Ward, dt fe« ou Carson street, by 120 feat in deplh to Patterson’s Hoe. Two lots on Liberty street, 24 feet by 100 to. Spring alley. These lots are in the otb Want, near ihe lino of the Cth Ward, Inquire ot , fiibta-tf WM-M. DARLINGTON. TWOHOUBEB ASD LOTS FORiALK Afe TWO LOTS on Jienver meetj in Uie_ city of B.Cf Allegheny, above the upperCorartfoni/on which it elected ii frame budding, two atotiei-hign,’ auttublo for two email tenement*. The iota ua ticlij twenty feet in front by one hundred feet deep, and out bank to e ttreet forty feel wide. The bmidiagVQttjho pre mites will puy n very handsome mt*re*t onfitp inyett raent, nod the property will bo roid chcnp tot cash. Apply to H. Sproul, Clerk’* oflle*; U. n . - KA^ACo JK THE nbscriNr offer* forwntfortto-tenn io»eor moreyear*, a I» rg* ecmvenientwcll flu ei twoatory Dwelling Hoa» r c<mtainiflr a mC and Kitchen. Th':re u a ot of prouad tjscnttimn* 1* acre* offino young fnw tree* of every kfad. connected »wiUi ihe house. To snv Z..w’ in* » delightful rew'deuco rrtihUi vnll be low in a pood Itaiftt 1 tmjuire Jno MS. £g£s s, * lu > « TIieaP.WKIGHT Scoter “ _____ B©Ot®ll Bottom I««»d ~ ACHES OF,LANU,«itoaiedin Peey M urm CSV»k Up j’ °t n Monaryfolicl*, ihxoa oik* from pin*, burgh tn lots to suit porehucrm. nnrti* olan apply to Hoary Wood*,3d «Uor to “T a- Washington. Oh/abom amtilwi.i/.! FOBSALE^Theaai^; "®fc?wss' *^ e * rc «.«orjr.&rfcirWarehotoe oa\V«°d meet, occupied by. JL •ftaner& Co. WJLWItSON, Jr. l wtatkon few street rujj BALE.—A Lot of Ground-(ituu on Pena Kreet, between Ifay anil M*rba». streets. adjoining lao hoa*e and lot now occupied by RicUajhf'Edwnrd*, v fr ? nt , 0 / 25 feet, and in depth iytid©e*» will be sold oo favorable tetina. TiUeaccxeejHtooßble. Ea - qu ‘ re 1,/ C.O, LOOMIS, lih K* otor Wood. oetSl-dlf • „ ’ For -?S '' A DESIRABLE Bui!dinj ; L?« ta-ADejrtieay eitj, lW xx. vorabiy located, in »i*o aboduiairiyf.eore, and will beeold ©aaccomroodatia* of fcbO JPWltU4»tg^Uftwoodn FOR RENT—A room 1« Utf • *MSntc*«ory, No Wood <trect .' '• ' ; jaKSi; ibrti C&esttoTtv ftmwby '' Bkazil siroAK-irtunfcr ndfbr <vr >, “!* Exeehtorj.