The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, March 05, 1849, Image 4

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    ..MEDIC AL. >- ■:>
'• .
Cohshs, Cold., Asthma,'Bronchitis, wt*
C<ra !SSnir3KUniB Blood,TSOeeltrAf Btnik
“WS i 55 S ~.d o< - , ■•■
lnfloenea, Croup, Brokun Ouu
“Stlrattbn, Bure Tbroat. Nuroou. DebUi
tv ana all pi*eases of thr Throat,
s'nd'lmngSi flgpostef- *
feetaal and *pecfcy-cure
ever known tor aity'of
the above diseas
dr: few A YNE’fll
„ strut tof "Wild Cfcarry*
■ttwnj.tbow ofdoubtfnl
_**j» aufttv from the thousands dally
Bg^g±s»- , =as^;
P'^ 4^, tirouBli the
l? P 2 t^iu b KO<>d b eflectSu tfrejmfof Of toe foregoing
**» of than to cer-
ItSZ (kSvheoSTaiilCd^aSer:*'lhw< *nd
2_s. A* the MOthina Inaopiice.dtfliisdd through jhe
rend&Ua mo.t.«trofU>i'
;;.r ,
■Wken men.?aelingfre>nk.ccrawuenMoW
REALB Casstmmon:—
9nu> AS6",;iU*' 5* thuT has been as successful
Thereoevex wah asDr. Swuyne’s
»— 4bT “ ■
other medicine-... . rmffrrll co- April 25th, 1549.
n • tv-, <shrf«rilyM!l»e« yoor Com-
Dr. Swuyne—De*[.^“- ‘ means oi
pdhnd Byn»«f J^gSv^veftfcold,which
•Mtagwrw-'SJJffiawith a «▼**> cough, that
ally grew which I had recourse to, still
resisted ■ Uih f:nS!eaSexhibited nil too synytom# of
hxerearinganui *7 c_ Every thing I tnea teemed
p^n<^l7 u^uand t my complnrotiucreased so rapid
whw‘/£ °P all hopes of
fy tool I was recommended to try
my recovery to with too mosthap
TFcAirrfulCure -Mimaur.
■ tv. n iVarrir Ortit *ir: l feel * debt ofgrautade due
f toeafflfcted generally, to offer
to yw—*®“ in favor of your Compound By
“ 7 to, fllWe ?j e#fß ajaee i was
If P i 0f and -inflammation of toe
■? violently attached aeeonip""!* 3 with a distrerong
l*ng“i which yw.*.*r*K bf „,| vVery censidera
««■&» rnn«™ &® m toe longs, «pe
ble discharge Pin weather, however slight. At
cl&lly apoa,.2Xs aLoulnrycondition, but to pretty
B ”‘ * fcl JS™tj£flTO rutildly guta* mu wap
tkm- I 5 wW ,x B iii«rSrn>dakßl>ovoawhisper;'sueh
ly able to waUf about, *v«“ Dorinathls
was toe exceeding and prescriptions,
time rh«hUred tou time worse. Just
but found nowhJdMd serenaded by * aearfriend in
ter® >-. w “^*™Sl?SiofybnrSyrup«TWildCher-
YV drain gton to max nrevioiisly I had been preju
£ JSKSSSi^ 5^ ' r- •?“ ‘fr
SSSSSJStd tSrnt impbttil tiilh i» Ore ..yiniCot my
oH>t Bbuw.onoofyottj
My ttit
sequentiy it was deep 7 of toe first four or five
er ßult e i«a^.l!u«^- l “ I *>;
bottles, put «>“# , r v i uere asuut strength, and
tempted to ffi»chwdh myj already begun
thereby ray cure was greatly
10 h !?‘U n of, ueting thus imprudenUy.
question, a ranch smaller
'fcctlv rettored. l bK^e mad® toe sound, but for
. number of bottfos wouio nu g fcTer .
too distressing cough, put a
Uhlrabit, and jsvc
» the dMgtoigjrf tojgj "Sa health lltave defer
plesxure. „ _
Dublin county, P». o-
Tmnartant Rea£
■“wr beat sold largely throdffhout the
dreamstamms, tu order to g ougiake toe
his preparaiionifromaUOtoere. ~ _ > YjjyjeXofPr.
the great curative properties „ . ch-rrv nersou
• .s^gSSSSiSSt-s-t-'
medicine*. *■ 4
M'ALLISTER’S ointment,
, NSMEBCB^«.reb^M™^-
bmjgy sassjfs
and and, irfalled'to benefit when
i sste;- J
have minsters of toe highest ereditjon.*
dennefti lawyers, ge Me j t evcr y variety of
hß^bee^but one voiee—one uaiver«al
B ttTOttirATISM-Il remrore" imtncdi.tely
ettred U.,.
■ fo- - of
\ —lt» one of Ibc W liiog. to The world for
Bl pELES—Tborowi. ttr e yearly cored by mis Oint
“g. ssssfsssssas.%
Skin, SartLipl, rim-
Coreu, Ittf r«* Bor,!. RAiumaiwn,
■ “ls ) i?s“reEP-S‘roti.f i 4ai„, pa,a in lh.,
midfbde faJUcg off of Itic bmt.orlbo other .ccoiiipa-
SiSldVeett jTbi, Ointment ,s ibc Bo- remedy.) II
Oinucent will bo gemioe Bolero tbe.
MeAIiJSTER » wnnett ronli. peß
° n F?r'Si‘b7 l ttr? Aerßis m 81l die prißcipal cilie. ro.d
mroMlTuie UnlteJ ®“ I ''j AMES MeAIXISTER,
' .: Sole Proprietor of toe stove medicine
o- Oftce, Nb 49NonkThird street, Phd-
. Preremjiu-Ureß" R Eetter, corner of
AOOT3.ra v**nnmu> Wilcox, Jr, comer of
Liberty and StCUur »“!»»“ o( 41l „ d
• ‘ -J^^WBSsnsrTsrTSVggrEf l
**22flsl6wtf 72 Fount *t
-t^E^i^U'TSND, < s,’l^>'cSeidCollOTbfFhil
Prolsnsss Dtena or PsilleniWomb, ho recommends his
t ) T JSv,. saanoteeing a sure and speedy cure in toe
fhorttwreeof fromtwo wtoee weeks, if applied with
c»e s3dKt*-a««ardlng all the eounae»iasnu»ents
,nd oryaarive bandages so long in asa. This he frela
relkJ’or effcclega cnre.V-For sale by
**DTOIWt eotner cflhamond *ndsWletst
• ssssfsass-.Aiiro
“ Dennai MiDUmmaTtemlnj
h—. -•>- ;,™J—■
tSrSSunkeaSy S« *W^2SSS«
il “ tonrioß »’ Cflnain}ng * Ur » g
#Sa«;;*ad>l ‘“pan* w £&„ *Rme tarn icons
•bbtfttr,«lear,livmiwtuie, tmoaAi---
■ ■ o» **&?* of Mu»
; ttaieitMPFgt tt?S «o*t betttflSl tnd nolo-
t P«Hod. .
I mi h-matt and rtfortfority of this Sarsaparilla
marines la that while It eradicates the die
toKrtrt lhaW llla oa#of th« «ry ben
F ,„ H MI mtr poiilt* tb» wM« ijitoi Dd
M i- train •««,>»•« «*/ f“*
by »» ether medietnß. A oil in
,£l mdnntit/ it* weuderftilsuccea*. libs*
' jdjrmed witSn lh« lasttwo yam, mo n ihanIOO.OOO
Kes of severe aw oT di*e»»*; •* teut 15.000 were
loSlertd Incanhlo. It ha* trni the lives of more
than dtSdrea dark* th# two post season*.
10*000 cbm* «f Ofpanil Dtbfllty ud
mui of H(TTou Enwjy.
Dr Townsend's Sanspnrifln Inrljoralrt lh» whole
*#«t«n wnnanenUy. To them who U« fort their
V*••!&*? ° r "■y*??
tionMnnuttM l» JtMR wtt» RlcnrfTßtotolpmM <4
thR RRRrfo w amt U*«M •» »I"“™l pijMcil prenn
ttßß Rrtll. R.IYOR. .>SeO, Unil'Rd., ROI Rf RISbIIIRR,
fainth* sensations, preautor 1 * daeay tad decline, butaa
for towerde the! fetal dl»«»*t Consumption. can he en-
Urely restored by this plmnrt remedy. Tbie Sane*
perm* b Car superior to any
Invigorating OndUlr •
Xt it renew* and tnrigaraiei-th# eyriem, fire* activity
to the limb*, anditrenglh IP the rawenlar •
most extraordinary A*Srse.~
Consumption Cored.
OUmsa «*d Sireagtkeu. Gnmanxius cos be cared.
BrtnduiU, Gnrmptian, Lntr Corny lota t, Colds.
Catarrh, Oodgks, JUtted, Spittiaf of trtoea,' '
Sertntss but Chari, Beotia Fbai, ffifkl
3muu, DiAesU or Brofast Expects
rrtion, Petal*tie Jtia,aos*
ITm Tcrk, lprilS3rl6in.
Ds.¥owYsncs—l vrtfiy bailer* that your Sanaa*-
rill* ha) boa the meedi, thfoagh Providence, of nring
, nyßft!i ifcats C*r ssymytti* had a bad Coogh. «
4 tecaaa Wtfas asi wore*. At law 1 rairad lxrye qaarti
tU*:bnte«,h*d«l*hi-®iram sad w«* (smtly daWD
’taiad aftl redacad, sad did sot expert to ttra. 1 have
•sly mil you HampstffiM £«* *»• frees
a weadtafil ahaari baa* wrought la ms.l am sow this
to wta *JI era* lha afcy. I rain *• bfoed. and sty
cough to* left me. Tss •«» »«fl Innjtas that I am
Ifcsafcftl IVt that* rSttlta.
tear ahedieat’aarrast.
WM. KUra&LL, a CilhsrixwL
Female BlolldMi
Dr. Te waaead** b atttsrslfs sad ryaady
aara for IsaipUat CeaamTptteß. Btmanan, Prolnß*
Utsri ar FaUfox efthaWomb, CaUnwa Ns. L«*
•orthos, trWuiw. ohehrastsd
Uotl laMoilaaaea of TJrtaa, •r.terslsatuy dluharc*
tWeotaadrorthsnmlpnaosilsa tf theaynam
ao wbathar tha maltaftiharsaiaias* or csnasi,
antdsdad by imnlailiy, tQans si aaddaat. Notbixy
ua t>4 not aopridai thaa Us latlfaratiac affett*
or Ik. k»m» btnZVtntn d ai luM
mi. from i«Mb* U, at ones baaam* robort aid full cf
coany aadttrt* tuaaace. D lamsdiaub vmmntu
the mratsasasttsitbs Cusale Dane, which 1* Uie yrrat
cause of Bamoaeas It wfll art b# sspscttd *1 «u. to
osu of as delleat* a aatarat le iiUblt esrtlicaua ol
care* perfbrewd bat V# can amaro lha afflicted, that
baadrada of easts baraboaa reported to Thread*
of cases .where families bar* Smb wUhwS ehlldna,
afUr fidar a ftw bottlea «f IB* larslasbU
barebwatdrtsodwith ftae, healthy efft^zia(.
To Hotkcra sad Blorried Lsiles.
This Extract of Banapsrilla has b*ea«xM«nbr pro
narod to raferoneo to lW»i* eomplairta. Bo faaale
who ha* reason to tappas* ah* U appmaddsx tUI
critic*! period, “Tie t*rw tflW aboald te
taka it, cs It la a certain prorandTa fcr uy or the
nnmeroes and horrible disesni te whUh Carnal#* us
snfaject at this da# ofQfa. Wle period aa» te d*.
Uf U fir surusl r ttrs by wiag «i* Nor
Ji U tea* rateable for those wbe era appnaechinj wo
manhood, as It b eaknhud to assist aatare. by quiek-
TTyqg the hfodd asd farixoralisf the ayatmiL Indeed,
this b israteable to all the delicate dbe*
ses to which women aro object.
It braces the whole system, renew* pcnnwieattT te#
natural eanrgie*. by remorinj the impuritin ef tbs
body, not *o far stiaulatinc u pmdnce anbeequen*
nlaxadoßwwhlch is the case of mart median es taken foi
remale weakoen and diseaa*. By nsinr a fow bottles <rf
this medicine, many ootct* and psinful open
tions may ho p raven ted.
Great Blcssint m IWotberwand Clilldren.
> It n tha safest and most effnctoal medicinelor pnrity
iss the sytton. and relieving the suffering* *nend*nt
open ehilddrirtb ever discovered. It strengthen* boU»
too motbfr and child, prevents pain and disease. l»-
*rvases and onrichretbe food, thoee -bo “
think it«iadispensatde. It U highly ose/ul both before
and after confinement, as it prevents diseases attendant
upen childbirth—in Cortiveness. POta, Cjwps, BwriV
iM of the Fwt, Despondency, llrartborn, Vomitiop.
Pain in the Bach and Loins. Kobe Pains, Baaoreliag*
and In reraUrinx the seerationa ami oqnalning th"
eolation it has no eqsal Tb» great bmoty of
tDclidnO ts. It is ahrsya eafe, and the mortdelieete o»o
« most .oecrtstelly. very few «»e# require «ay rthw
Rodkia, i.»««■ utu. c, "«i
•oiefnL Exercisa In tb* op®* sir, and L*ht food with
this medicine, will slwmy* ensare a aaf* and easy con
finement. . ..
Beauty aad IZcalili.
r- ,W Chalk. sad * varfaty of praparatfans fua-
wTwttttt sppiUd to the Ac*. my to
y?. b£Sy. Md* tie pem of the Ain, and
Seek tkedreuUltaa, which. wfcauMtor*»«not
eit br dittos* or powdar, or ihe skin Inflamed by U»
alkaLs need I# »sps. heantlfias Jo own ,P fwi -“5“ ;
Iko “fcwnnflfcMDmne." as well main the garden rt
nch and delicately tinted and
free, active and healthy circulation of the dnida, or the
« tk. U
tlul which ntista tke eonntraence In the mcmt exmu
Su beaaty/lit* that which imperts the ladeserihsile
SidMtnd fluke* of loeetoo* that *U edatra bm
hone cu dtteiCbo. Thti heantr »* the offspring of »e
-rrii« nnt ..f.niitr of tama. If there ii not a free and
healthy cireuiaSon. there One beamy. If the lady i*
r.u«» jo—« new. if the paint, and n*a cosmetics,
and the bleed thick, eeld and Impure, aha to not been-
5 “ lr - -p.. h
"3”- r, ■gSrW” l ’ IX 2%
ni.’h.» iSSrf. J'Utllrt. I-”"” ° { ~,
station, crowd onr office daily
Notice to the Ladle*.
TboM teat »"»■*■«■ Dr. Townaand'a Sarsaparilla, hevr
Invariably called their stuff a frtot Rnuif for J't
Bolaa, ftr ftp, end hare copied onr bill* and circular
which rnJatea to the eompUinu of women, wool for won'
—other men wto put up *odldne, hart, does the m*
•nceeo of Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparffl* In complaints
Incident to females, roeoamended ihdra although prs
vtously they did not. Auntiber of these Mixtures, Piiu.
fry are inwrioo* to female*. as they arjnrarate diaraea.
and nadenniae the coustiOrtion. Dr. Townsend *to the
only and beat remedy for the nmnarom ftmala com
plaints—Hf*»*ly, if rear fail* of atettac a penaanant
care. It can be taken by the moat deUeata female*,
In. any cue, or by tfioau expectins to become mother*,
with the greatest advantages, as it prepare* toe ryrtem
and prevents pain or damps, and strength*** both
mother and child. Be earnffil to yet the f eauine.
flereiklA Cored.
. this certificate eondnstvnly proraa that this Bun
partita has perfect control over the most ctoaunate dm
iua of the mood. Three persons cured in one bone*
to unprecedented.
Three ChiWrw. .
D* limm-tei Sir i I k... Ik, pt 0.0.. >;
U,fcrn TO, lk.l tkn» .f"T ckiMrmo b>» k„, and
ofthe by the nse of
Tboy were afflicted very severely with bedSores ]i here
taken only fonr bottles; it took them awe/, for which
I feel myself oadergreal oMiptjci.
To "raju2Tw. cfiiin, i«wonu.-o-
, Opinion, ofJPhTololnn*-
Dr. Towoiood b ,hnort dkDy n«i,la, ordra ton
Physician* in different parts of the Uniot.
•fhli 1* to certify thaure, the qnderrigned. Physkiana
of the City of Albany. Base hjonawrotucuas
ed Dr. Townsend** Sarsaparilla. and believe irto b«
... ofU» «... njuiklo
' J. WILBONi M. D.
r. a muoas, m. p. „
Alban,. April 1,1841. P. K ELMENDoRF,« D
Owing to the freal snceess and lmmeb*e sale otur.
Townsend’s Bartnjarilla. a number of .ben who were
formerly onr Acentt, bavocommoacai rrtkins «awp»-
rill* Extracts, Elixirs,Biuars, Extracts df Teßow Doc«,
kc. They fenerany pot It up In the sattte shaped poi
ties, end some of them have stole and copied our adver
tisemente— tboy are only worthless {nutations, and
should be avoided.
Principal Office. I2fi FDLTON Street, Son BuUdlufc
S. V.; Ueddinc ft 8 State street, Boston: Dyott ft
gdni"’ 133 North Second street, Philadelphia-, 8. S.
flsnce, Dmmriit, Baltimore; P. &L Cohen. Chlnestoo ;
Wrieht l5l Chartres Bueet. N. O.; 105 Booth
Peart Street Albany; and by sQ the principal Drtr|-
ri*u and Merchants yenerally throifboat the United
Auirn Weil Indies aod the Canadas. '
N. B.—Po*on* Inquiring for this medicine, sHoold
sot he tndneed to take any other. Druggists pul op
Sarsaparilla*, and of coarse prefer celling their own.
Do not be deceived by any—inquire for Dr. Town
send’s, and toko no other. JET - the genu
ine u TVw r n»eiijd,’t Sarsaparilla, n sold l>y the sole ageht*.
BI EhSELLERMf tfoneral Wholesale ft Retui) Agent,
No. 57 Wood street, and D. M. CURRV, Allegneny
city. jeife
For the Recovery of Dormant ami Improperly With,
held REAL AND PEBi*ONAL ESTATE: ihe gci-
Uetnent and Arbitration of Commercial, Trading, and
other Debts: Seedring Patents forluventionvin Great
Britain, Ireland, and the Colonies and Depecdencie*
thereunto belonging, and Negotiating for the Pur
chase or Sale ofthesaote.
REFERENCE may be had on application free of
charge, (provided the motive is not that of ptern
cariosity,) Id'ft* lint comprising aptwards of 15/WO
aameaiit Which unclaimed property ia standing.
Also, an index to oar lo,oul advetthsernenu which
have appeared for the past SO yean is various British.
''newspapers, addressed to Ueirs at Law and noil of
Idn Communication* by letter ax« ; renaested to be
Broadway, New ‘York.
References are permitted to Hon. Charles P. Daly,
Jodge Court of Common Pleas, New York.
Freehutdi SutiTt &■ Co,
Chw. Cartlidge * Co. - . •
W. & 3. T. Tapseott.
G. R. A- RickdttaJEstj.
Edward pnc^Hitb^Ohi 0 -
A.'p*tdna, I&Kfc
Jut PatCbit B&ak, Buffalo.
i ! Tthc acnßHi mceßnif o( the Corf sriior*, he'd |o-
A k thfl'tili ijaUOxs followup dct«u» were u»m*i.
saw •
..NATUANIBLIXOLAIfes, Uaraten. i
.' JAMES E-Hmai,
1. Fikwi, «ndTreu ir
Contr-toy in ayotjr/tiroaperoa* eonailw
m Ui* dtyjH Nt». STvyyaicf nn^t.
iwr. •-
ieaffwr* ftf iii«
do., TheifdficA
' ••? jelS ~
m*mm isas.
W. ( T. Mathkx, Pittsburgh; ")
1 Ecxd, Pau* i Co, Heaver; >Propria.
* CiLCwnißn k. Cujlxzesux, Cleveland j
TfIK above Lift* »■ nrm - prepared to transport freight
and rasseapen* from Pmsharyli and Clrvelami, or
aurpotnilon the Canal* and Lakes
’ One boil leaves Pitlsbarph aod Cleveland doily, run-
Sing in eanneetiou with the steaiqboau Lake Eria and
Lrhiguu. tkciween i’lttsburgh itnl Beaver, and a line
pf fim class ■icomboats, propetlera, bng» and schoon
eru'on lakes Pfoie, Huron and Michigan.
Property forwarded to any pan of the Union with
dispatch, br WM. T. SIATHEK. or
‘cor Water and SmilftfaJd sta, Piusburrh.
Porks A Co, Beaver;
.■•B G Park* A Co, Vmmnu)vn,o;
' BAV Cme* A Co, Warren,
> D Bofitwick A Co, Breadport;
, A A N Clark, Newum Falls;.
F Lewis, Newport;
J A E M Whiiuesey, Campbelispon:
l J G M’Bridß, Ifiramiiij ,
MACH Kent, Franklin;
Miller A Tuttle. Corahora Folic
Wheeler k Co, Akron;
Barney,Gibb* A Co, Sandusky;
Watkins A Eagle, Toledo;
G ‘Williain* A Co, Detroit, Mich;
M'Clnre A Williams, Milwaokie, Wis;
H J Winslow, Chicago, 111. apl4
NOTICE— The tubsenberv have disposed oLibeir in
tereat in the Pmn'a and Ohio Line to CLAHKF, A
THAW, of Pittsburgh, and JOUEPE S LEWIS, of ihi»
, Thcr wjll comiane to transact basin eas for the line,
kt .their Warehouse on Broad street, es usual, pnd be
apeak for it a touUnnance of the pairenoxo of their
; fflenda. JAMES STEEL A Co. j.
PMlxdelpnio, March Sth, ILI3.
t»d Ohio Trmportatlon Co«
DouHf Daita Jatu of
riDilll TO 78A«ruST coois BXTWKSS mtaDDlea
CLARKE ATIIAW, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh.
LEWIS A BUTLER, 21» Market et. Philadelphia
J AS. STEEL A CO„ Agto, Broad street.
COWDENTcLARKE * Co., 78 North rt„ Ball.
W. PORBICK, Agv, 12 West street, New York.
111 IK subscribers have this day associated ihcrosolve.
together uudsr the style of Kier A Jones, for tin
Eorpose of continuing iho business formerly carried 01
y Samuel M. Kier, and solicit a cgaiiiuancr of the lib
era! patronare herctofore extendeoto the house.
Pittsburgh, March 1,1843.
Siaifiifißsaßa 2HIBRS9EBE3E3SC
WE are prepared to receive and forward freight to
the above and intermediate places with a* much
despatch, and at os low rates, as any other responsible
The attention of shippers wishing to send Pork or Ba*
con to Baltimore in bulk, is particularly •requested, in
asmuch esaur arrangements enable us to carry such
articles through in better order than any other line*.
KIKR A JONES. Prop’trv
Canal Basin, near 7lh si.
Pitlsburgh, March 1.1847.
KIER A JONli*—Commission ond forwarding Met
chant.', aud Wholesale Dealers in Don ) 'Blootns
Salt, Produce, Ac.
Liberal cash advances on qyyrttf
aunitT caxrr, a. a. dctu.b, aud chas. BtfsfPoa»i
Pittsburgh. Philadelphia.
To Philadelphia sud UalUmors,
via Cstuxa aSD eailkoads.
lENRV GRAFF A Canal Bum. Pittsburgh.
DlTUill, HUMPHREYS ACo. No. 147 Market«, PbU.
C. it. Kooks, corner North A Saratoga ats Balt.) . ,
Joins F. Clarice. No IU, Old Slip, New Yorx, - y “
NOTICF,— The style of our firms will be known from
nail alter llu.* date, at Pittsburgh, as Henry Graff
A Co., amllal Philadelphia, as Dutifn, Humphreys A Cb.
NDMUND O PUTILH, 1 pc..uH.t«Ki.
CIIAS. lIDMPHRKYS. ! Philadelphia
HENRY GRAFF. Pittsburgh. marCnf
Forth* Ttansportxititm of Fmghi to and from
BoasttHiK A Casu, Philadelphia.
Taatfs A O'Corsxoa. Pittsburgh. -
THIS old established Line being now in full opera
tion, the proprietors have made extensive arrange
ments to forward goods and produce with despatch, an A
on the most favorable terms. They confidently hope
their well known promptness in delhrenug good*—pe
culiar safety in mode oi carry ing—oupacinus warehou-
se* at each port, affording accommodation* to «hq>per*
amt owners of produce—together with their long ripe
nenra and imreiniHing attention to bustor**. will serure
to them a continuance of that liberal patronage they
hereby gratefully acknowledge.
All consignments by and for this line received, char
ge* paid, and forwarded in any required directions free
oiebarge for commission, advancing or storage.
No iuteresl. directly or indirectly, tu steamboats
All communications promptly attended to on applica
tion to the following agents:
UORBIDGE A CASH, 2Tb Market st, Philadelphia.
TAAFFE A O’CONNOR. Canal Basis, Pittsburgh..
O’CONNORS A Co, North st, Baltimore
tVM. B. WILSON, t» Codsr M, New York. tpd
IS4S - jfigfr
THIS well known Line, composed of steamboat*
Lake Erie and .Michigan, between Pittsburgh and
Beaver, and freight and parvrnger Canal Boats be
tween Beaver and Kric, and C M Reed's Line of first
. clilss steamboat*, propeller* and vessel* on the Lakes.
t« prepared to carry ireixht and passengers to all points
on the KrieCanal, and Lakes Ene, Horon and Michi
Having every facility for conveying freight and pas
senger* with promptness and dispatch, the proprietor
amf agents respectfully solicit from then friends a con
tinuance of their patronage
C M K RKED, Proprietor.
RKKD, PARKS ft Co, Beaver, Agent*.
JOHN A. CAUGll>n , Agent,
ap!4 cor Water snd SmiliifirUfsU. Pittsburgh
1848. JSt I
To and from the Eastern cities, m Cumberland.
TIUi proprietor* of this popular Ime, iheir
rr-orgnnization largely increased their facilities to
meet the wishes of shippers; ami are now prepared to
forward n greater amount by the FIVE DAY LINK.
a> also by additional regular wagon* nt low rate*.
This lias will run throughout the year, delivering
goods through the agent* tu Baltimore and Pittsburgh
to owners nnd consignees at specified rates and lime.
Fhipmruls from PRUadelphia for llie line should he
marked “Care. J B Kobmsoo, lisltimore **
The only agent* are,
Jft S Charles si. Baltiraoro
KDOKKTON-& Co. CumberlnnA
ii W CASS, Brownsville.
frM J C IHPWKF-U I’illsburgtu
Eclipse transportation line—
Th* Proprislors of this pc polar Line bare changed the
Agmcy at Cumberland from the boose of Mcßaig ft Ma
guire to that of Edgerton ft Co
Cittiburgh and wesirrr msrchaatsl art noiifisd that J Bav
ly Ruhiuwn. No 91 South Charles »t. Baltimore, it the only
authorized agent of this liw in the Eastern cities.
The only artels are
- J C BID WELL, Pittsburgh,
U W CASS. Browaanße,
EDOAKTON CoCumheriand,
dtcQlf 1 J B ROBINSON, Baltimore.
Weitern Tranaportatl^r^^Coin panf
011 *- Co’» ■ IOdO
iO4O. Old Eatobliahed Linos 1040,
via pianrattVAaiA ajto oiao ui buaw.
i RJK prepared to iranaporfgooda and produce iq ami
jfV from toe ebere .cine* on favorable tefiu*. Ad-
Cana], Pitlfburph.
HARRIS fc LKELH,No». 13 A 15 Sooth Thtnl »t, Phil.
J TAYLOR A SON, Aft", No 14, ITih Howard »t, Halt.
A. ABBOTT, No 7 West itreet, New York.
Piuabnrgb, Starch lUth, mar '*L.
Traniportallon Line,
GOODS eomifiKd to our care will )*i forwarded
wlthoul delaf at tlie lowent current rale*.
' Canal Daatn. Penn at, Pittaburjfb.
27* ami 905 Market at, Phtl’a.
' . Smith’* wharf, Baltimore.^
mtacHiSTs’ way pmjohtlihb.
ggjsMl IB4B,SSMk
B KnVEEN Pittsburgh, Blairsville, Johnstown, Hoi
iidaysburgb.Wfttcr sveet, (Huntingdon U>) and Pc
"tML Mclu.imlT
commodiulon ol Ibe way badness.
thankful tot the very liberal peiwnage tj»y h»w J«
cored during the l«t» two years, *°f,l d /J? r . uow y ju
form ibetr friem* and the public thntthey are now dill
better prepamTlo ttobter goods m wy point on. the
Canal and Bail Hoads, wuhprompintfss and dUpaieb.
Pickworth'4 Wuod*, Jehrutown.
John Miller, HolUd«y*Uonrh.
C A M’Anntty A Co, ca4i»J ‘ , “* n t_ s^ lU ? b , uc ®? l 'jfc i
Rzncuscn—Pittsburgh—Smith * L® i ° <f “5 5 J p ® n
McDevlti; 0 A J H Sboenberger. R Rotiinwo A Co? B
Moons Dturaley A Smith} John Verter, Wm Lfthmr A
Co; Dr P flhocnherger. ;
Gooiolllns En((lne«vi A CouueUori for
Office for nrerarisj end defending patent*, impamn/f
information otv Mechanics and the application of Sct
ene* to tb« Aru, and on American and Foreign Laws
of Patents. . ~
PROF. WALTER R, JOHNSON, late of Philadel
phia, and Z. C. ROBBINS of Washington city,
(to be aided by Haiard.Knowle*, Eaq., late Machine*!
of the United Slate* Patent Office,) have ssioctatcd
tbeauelve* togeiherfor ihe prosecution of Use above
brauchea afprafcMiooe 1 bautteu, either m their office,
at the Patent Office,ot before Ihe Courts} and will de
vote their ondivided ailcntton to forwarding the inter
est of Inventors and Other* who may consult them or
place botinesa in their band*, hlr. Knowles ba* for,
the past twelve yearrheid the port of Machines! in the
Cmted Stale* Patent Office, and reitena that situation
to take pan in ibe nre*ent undertaking. His talent*
and peculiar flute** wr die important office *o long fill
*4 hy/him, ; have been full? rocogni#4d by Inventor*
The office of .Means. J. k R. J* on F !HWI, oppciflte
the pfaent Office, Waahingidd, D. C., where eonmmni
eadota, pout paid, will be promptly attended to; eiam
iurtionv made, drawing*, specification*, anu all tequi*^
ite paper* prepared—and mddcl* procured when dc***
red-ojy«aL*oaatile term*. Utter* of eagairy, expeet
to be answered after examinations had, most be fcc
edrapaoied by a f«te office dollars- ' L , ; j (
In the dolies oftherr office which penahwt to the Fa«
tebtttyra, Me**». J. fc fL fill t* wuttd hy ategai
Enilewaitofthe bighwt orhfeaaional wharacter, sad,
ly eonvmaw with Mechanic* and other Sctenttfio
■uhiecta. B^afcdfcwjyS
„ »• igttsHKß 4b 80*8,
B«nk«fra, sXek*nr«- Broken,
> , <fi*aa> smsn ui
COLLECtION&f-DtrUu. Now# and Acceptances
payable in *njr ptffbof the Umon. collected on the mo*i
fovorable i&kiui. -ii- •
EXCU ASGK York, Philadelphia audit®),
timore; alatf, Onrfiisaii, Sami I^ Ul . and :
New Orleah*. eocJfintly lor *a| e .
BANK NDTRS4~Note« on »H eolvrut bank* in ihe
United Stlfjr* diriMtntlcd at the lowest rate* All kind*
«f Foreign>tui Attjnran Gold and Silver (i,m bouirhi
and aolil.. < . *
Office No- 53 Stir Set street, between :y and
PilUburgkjVpa. octUi
"DANKEfiS, BROKERS, and dealer*
Jj in Forfogn »rjjM)c£ne*tie Rxehaug a, Certificate* of
Deposit*. Bank pci, and Specie; Foarti sweet, near*
ly tiie tttnk of Pittsburgh. Current, money
received on ddptfiite—Sight Check* for *aJ c , and col
lection* m*do on fjjatty all the principal pomu fo th#
United Stale*
The highlit prAnliiia paid for Foretftt and American
Advance* ma4&CB consignments of Produce, ship
ped East, tfo lihefcjll term*. mciMi
EnjKind, Ireland, and Scotland bought
any *pioant*ht (he Current Rate* of Exchange.
Also, any pan of the Old Countries,
from Xi XtOWj ill the rale of 86 to the X Sterling,
without duoounu by JOSHUA ROiUS
SON. Enr%>cao nui General Agrni, olhre 6th *t one
door weaMif wo<H|j ncil“tf
juaePil tt.SnuP *’
B- liu WM. C. I'CIBT
HHix-L *.
ANIvKjHH ats,\fcUrli&nge brokers Dealer* in For
rigit'fitMi Dnfftesuc Inline and Suht Hills of Kx
ebiuiß, Cffttfiraifi* oi Uej)osite, Uanlc Note* Coin;
No W W*?od suCci, third door below IV -r - ., west
tjuxa KUkxa.l ;K' \h>wxbu iaiim
1 KRAsiEa * uaum,
n in Pp&iJin #ifl Domestic Bill* of Kx'-bnapm, Cer-
Ufiralri) b( DcpqtSie, Bauk Noi*-« ami I'om. corner ol
iJJ anti AVStui itoljju, directly oppoaiie Si. t'hnri,* Ho
tel. |& mayiftdly
'iinice£ , *:R& FUSDB- _
W •: ; Ohirff
Bank Nolen;
pure)uu<sd.&i tlii'Joweji rales, tiy
36 Market street
*epl3 '
BlljliS OFi£XOBAJIOK—Sight Checks on
New Yjrk,
Philadelphia, and
ConstanUf for site by N. 110LMK5 At SONS.
a«p!3- ; t~* 35 Market«.
HEXI.D, wVCKNOR A C®, 41 north water *'.atid
1C N. wdtinrr.a.whtPa, offer lor sale on uccoramodnling
terms, &J<W pkgi’Mnnnfaclurcd Tobacco, consisting of
DOUnu% baif poflndn, Pu SV J-JV Ids, 18’s and Ifil's,
lumps; j 5%, 6'n uAd s'» plug. ami t.Ts Indies' Twist, ut
whole titd half ftsxes, of the following approved brands,
vlx: ’ -s
Jtttoi 11 Gram, Osborn A BraggJ
Grant * WilßAnu, A Oabaiuss, l
8 Joiftek A Soft, M’Drmald, • 4o
Wobklar Oldji J.Thomson, *
Jarotfi ThoninV, Jr. A H Anuuuead,
J Thouja* A ifilini, l.andhorn A Annislead,
J P Coates, J M Cobbs,
Gentry* A Rafaier, J A Clsv.
M A-'Duller, V C A Hail,
Grreji Hail, f- Win Dawson,
Pearl A Norcffcod, J 8 Blackwood,
Nath INigr, Keystone,
W H VaughiH, Kdmund Henry,
Portjaei RolijßsOii, Rassrtl A Robinson,)
Keira, jlobintab A Co. Sv-th llalscy,
II MftOalf, )•' John Kuder.
Lawrence I/;tLer, J Robinson,
Gray A l» U Turner,
R > ork White,
1) M-Branch; . ALSO -
Havana l,eai‘'C&bie©o, wrappers aod fillers;
Yarn ';do do do
Cienfuegot ;-do do *d«
Si Jagb oe Cut& do do de
St Dosiltiro •> .do do Jo
lquria A Gaidep do, pan fine, do
Maysyiflr Ljdo do do
Kentucky various grades do do
Virginia Leaf,>lfrmable for manufacturing anJ export;
Spanish Seed (rfiiu*. Penn'o, Connecticut and Ohio.
Virginia German Pipes; Pipe heads;
Scotch Snuff (ILOw and bladder*;} Maccoolm Meal;
Tonana Beamy sllavana bass; (mo Rose; llenramoi;
Calabria Liodjirtce; PaiemCavendish Knives.fcpunk,
A foulcm Bsum,lsi) ciifm;
T his OlAfttami. earner of HmilhGeld meet and
Diamond, alley, Pa., would reapecifal
)y call the auction of Country Merchants, Hotel and
Sicamlxjat tta,ifeeeprn. to a large and superior Wwil
meni of IMPOftTKD CKJAJtS> among which mil l>e
found the fbl!«;*ln* brands, yis Kazie, Regalia, Ca»-
telloe, Fnncip&lai Narntaa. Slar Brand, Mmerru and
Dollar Rcgaliiui, ail of which will be aoM aa low as ran
b« hadai auyjoihet house in (ho city.
Alio, O'l hand ami (or rale, a larjt* and
Tll£*-to. . , --•*»
before—4nflde on the t»o*i approved Eavtero plan* -
and mtr*t fachiotrable Kaitrin pattern* and color*. Al*o
THE CHKaR POLL, or BOSroN BLIND, on hand
or made to order of all nzrs. and at all price*.
Country Merchant# and other* arc iQVilrd to call and
exnoiilK" the above for thern«**lvo*. a* all will be *old
wtiolcnale or Retail, and a liberal oedor-lian made to
wholesale pnrnhaaer*.
acidly '
THE .amlenrigned offer* for role a ropertor article
of. brirk Lfor building. made l-r hi* Steam Prea*.
improved machine, for which he ha* obtained a patent,
aud a free* mglre purchaser* a written guarantee that
they arc ttrolqier, and win resist frost and wet weath
er ami unbihtfipM moisture or dampness than any oth
er brtek, posdiMutg greater body and superior texture
and much tmj/o datable in crcry respect, each bnek
(►ciup subjected U> a pseaaurw 01 several inn*, and po*-
pomiiif; a haitiisome smooth surface ami even edge*,
they make a iVnnt equal in the best front brick.
They have given the greaie-a sabsUCtmu loall who
have purdts*<jl. A kiln can be seen aktny works, and
specimen at ih<: Gazelle office.
Those having supplied themselves for their budding*,
and wishing jianusonie front brick, or superior bard
and solid pavidig brick, can obtain them.
nirmmgharft, Jape Vi. lb4M. tf
fISjBEB i 'TAKES this method to inform bl»fn«-mi»
| p'nd (be public ni large that liu Factory is
Row in lull operation, on the wot side of
xSjsjsl ibe Diamond, Allegheny. where a run-
*l*ut supply of Blind*, of tuiom cnlon
trf-idjgi flnil qualme*. ore constantly kept on bund;
jdlro. »l Nofi Wood it. Pittsburgh, tu J A
|BggIBO J.I Phillips’ oil cloth waroroom.
Ycmttao Shutters mode to order ui the be*t style.
Blind* repaired at the »liortr*t notice.
N. It —Hut'•Blind* will lx- put up Without any addi
tional expenac, *? that they pBn be removed inn mo
ment in case pi fire or for washing, and without the tud
of a screw driver. jyl-dty&wtamlyS
Birmingham, [near Ptttabureh,) Pa.
Ytartkousei -Hv. 137, Wood strut, Pittsburgh.
MBfv W i Life constantly keep on hand a good osKirl
jjjHL/mcntpJ Ware; ol our own manufacture, uud
HP sapetiorquality. Wholesale and country Mei
«■ chanlit a/c respectfully invited to cal! and ex
amine for tliStthiacJvcs, a* we are determined to sell
cheaper ihattfeai ever before been offered to the pub
lic ?
(£7* Ordrrtaent by mail,accompanied by thecaah or
city reference wdl !«• ptompily attended u>. feb£s
i FROM the very liberal encourage'
« men t the subscriber bo> received sinee
he has located hira»rlf m Allegheny,
bus induced him to take a lease.for a
•term of years, on the property he now
occupies, ini Beaver street, immediately beside tbe
PrctbyterianGhuxch- From the long experience in the
above business and a desire to please, he hopes to mer
it and rcrelvij n share of pbhlio patronage.
Nowon brftid and finishing to order, Roekaway Bug
gies, open aftil top Buggies, amt every description of
Camogei made to order, from sevemy-Sve dollars to
aiahthunareV t*epiNßT! JOHN SOUTH.
MonoloksSTeTa Hoiisc fallorlog Eitab*
f tlihmcnt.
ISAAC WIJ.LMMS. Draper end Twilor, begs to la*
form of Pittsburgh and otliers. that he
is now opening at his rooms on SmilUOcld street, nn
der.lhe a Urgesml beautiful assortment
of Cloths, Cakxlmere*. Satins, Silks, olid other VesUnes;
together wuh.:auch other article* as ure required for.
gentlemenVtpar. Hik goods have »>*-en eareftilly «<i-
Tectcd, and *k;re of the newrsl an<t most fashtouohle
Style, as wefliaa of <‘«P enor quality. His riuutmera
may dcpemljUpon having their clothe* made up in a
manner whiff? cannot fail to gratify the taste of dm
mast fastidious. . . ... _
' ' xh¥ star op the west
A 1 vemtian blind manufactory
jjvst side of the Diamond, where Vemtian
sllind» of all the different sixes and colors
kept on hand or made to order alia
\sfie latest and most approved Eastern fash.
T -ions, at tbe shortest notice cutd on the mas
Also, the 4&eap Boston roll or split Blind Transpa
renev nnd Hiper Curtains of all the different sixes and
naueiiiß, on'hand and for salo low for cash. Old Vent-
V «• U —Ailvwork done with the heal material and
vnAmanihfti and warranted to please tbe most faa-
lO IMt » WMI Y
AjleghenftMty, Au «- lo > „
mBiANSEA«ENTaHApta-4«»t and for
I iUle at H£s?Cimtook’* new Carpet Waywopm,
No « FonrtfcNL. » handsome assortmenl of
renhWimloWißhadc*, at very redueed.pncet, to which
"ibi? -ff of ,b °^mbs™’-
this 3ay direct trom‘
JY>jbe maAllfoewrer—
N6W sty»c?sftp<*wy 3 p'y Carpets, extra super,
-’do ~i] do do do super; c
••do : i!‘ BnaidsCarpeUi*
do very cheap, 4 P
do SjeiT«*>» B «P«» Ingrain do
:x4,3-4 itIA-Mitewy Venetian - do t
ax. 3-4 aiHdTuilUnguaji tlo) do
Altai -whhjn wflHe told at a small advinee, and
wltiauaran&sa as low ovean bepttrehaaial Jn the east
. WM°CUNTOCK,73Foimh /_
L- li kejft Lank S& bbu do; In store and for
[L>icbyl;? iAB PAJ.ZFi.L
BOOKS, MUSIC, fce. ;
JOHN H. SIELLOR, No. 81 W 064
street, has now received & full a*tort
meal of Piano Forte*. selected from
■f■ *■ I*the following manufactories In Boston
and New York, to which the mention of poTehnserm
respectfully invited Those from Mr. Chtckrring, (for
the sale of which he i» dole Agent m Western Penn
sylvania.) have what is termed the New Circular Scale;
being an improvement rrrmtjt made, and giving them
a decided advantage in power ami equality of lone,
over any others. The following arc the patterns and
styles of Chtrkrring's
No. I. Rotewood,7oei*ve*, brushed back AfrorA.SltP
•• i •' fi} richly curved ~ " V.A
“ 3 “ •• “ “ “ •• *4OO
“4. m u carveil mouldings, *
“ 6 “ <>‘ blushed back and LuiU, StISO
.<• 6 “ fl( ** •• “ RW)
•• 7 “ fi •* sta
11 C g i. S^lll
u 9. “ fi j*Toi<*ctinr front. Jtgjll
“ 10. “ 7 richly cirinl. *t\ie of l.oitin Uth.
••11. " fi hollow onrueri and hollow cor
nered legs, second hand, cost originally 8435, and will
be sold at a very reduced once.
No It?. Rosewood. rnun<> corner, very elegantly fin
ished. 8t!76 No 13. Rosewood, round corner, very eh
egami) finished, ®ii7s.
The above an* manufactured bv H. Worcester, N.
Y . tve.:l known as being eounerted formerly with
Messr> sjiotnrtl, Worcester k Dnnhain. N. Y.
No- Id. Rosewood. fi{, carved moulding, made by the
Alatthauan Company. N. I'. $275.
No 14, Rosewood carved. fi octaves, dale k Co's, N.
Y, No t* “ plain fi “ u ** S*JOU
No Id, Rose woo. I orand I‘iantL, made by Henri
Hem, Puri-
No 17. .Mahogany, fi octave*, second hand,price $75.
Old Pianos taken in pari payment for new ones.
Sole Agent for Chirlterin*’* (tmnd and Square Piano
Forte#, for WetJem Pennsylvania. . octl"
A'sFLKNDri) assortment ofMaho
anti Rosewood I’ianos, jusl fin-
BTriBW ished These instruments are made of
I » » 'f I" the latest pattern and best materials
and will Ini sold low for cash by'
r M 2 Wood stree^
•it door above Pmh.
N. R. —Tliase who arc m want oi a good instrument,
are respectfully invited to examine these be.fore pur
chasing elsewhere, a* Uioy cannot bo excelled by any
in the country', and will he »old lower than any brought
from the Fast. Also just received, two piaho* of Ham
burgh manafacture, warranted to be superior to any
ever sold in this country. octal F. B.
riMIK subscriber Imsbeen appointed Sole Agent for
<iNS, as mutiufacfured and and perfected by Messrs.
Mured) k. White, of Ctncinaatt. The usual compass
and extern being but four octaves, Messrs. M 4. \V.,
ui accordance wiilt tbe general desire and demand,
have extended the scale of these matnunenta to 4f and
even 5 octaves, thus tanking it pracucuble to perform
upon them any inunr writ|cn for the t'iano nr Organ.
The rxtenor. also, has been much unproved by placing
the body of thr instrument upon u cast iron frame
beautifully bronzed nnd nrtinniented, rendering it ai
once u most elegant and extremely desirable article.
The price is put so low as to bring it within the reach
of every one to obtain a perfect musical instrument,
and, at iho same ume. a m*«t rlegunt piece of fnnu
luie for a comparative trillt;- H. KLEBER,
AI J W Woodwell’a-
GREAT MUBICAL .\wVELTI i'ho subscriber
has just received from Europe, and for sale, an
entirely new invention of Piano Forte, called the CAB
INET PIANO FORTE, which possessing more power
and sweeiness than the square Piano, occupies but Otto«
fourth as much room, and is a much more showy and
handsome furniture. It is particularly desira
ble where the saving of space is ail object. being ex
ceedingly nrut and compact, and occupying no more
room than u small side table. Tbe subscriber has ta
hand a testimonial of us supertorily from the celebra
ted pianist,Movobcklos, in his owu hand writing,which
may t»e inspected. U. KI.EUER,
0c127 At J W VVoodwell’s
RECEIVED oml tor sale, a Iota! choice Pianos, with
ami without Coleman's .Eotihn Attachment, by
Nunns fc Clark. N Y. One of NannsAClurk’s Pianos,
with die Attornment. wa* taken to England by Mr
Coleman. .in.l amon< many other testimonials ot ad
miration for tins rlrtrant specimen ol American skill
mid luocnuuy. elicited the following remark* from
S. Thalberj;. the greatest Pianist living
Jan. l»Ui.
My Dear Sir--In enclosing a letter to iry fnend, Mr
Kraml, Pan«, I cannot T«rfr;itn from again expressing
to you bow much i was plcar-rd with your “ißoUau
Attachuteut, ’ winch I consider *« a great musical hu
provemenL t can assure yon that mi my part l shall
with greut pleasure do my uunovt to make your tuven
■ uon known. Fur sale by II KI-V.BER,
jrtfri At Woodwell’* fp mimre roomv 3d at
KEEB, PARK 9 AOo'i. PACKET Llflllfi.
is4s. jgfc.
Cana! Packet—HWALLUVV. Capt Ford.
•• OCEAN, ('apt. Watters.
ONF.of the above Psr ket* Irare Beaver every day
iMoiwiay* riccpimlt and an ire next morning 1
tVarn-n, wtiere Utcy connect watt the Matt Stage* Co
Akroa and I'levHimi srneng «• each of these plaee
betore mvhL ttnc ot the Pucset- iewve Warren daily
at U P .V., u id arrive ut ltesver m urm- to lake lit
inonuue <,tmmi»oiit tor Pinsburyh
ft I .111 FI.NtrVV EI.L, Worren, J
M UTAIIJ.iI, ‘ r"”'" 1
T.l*.-t ..II Mill* 1,1 V n form MOCKS
't’miii l 1V..-1 p».vaM i s»?,:«, fapi. iedti--.,
r.i>-lan,, - P0|....-k;
Iwtsa Fain, - Trob*,
•* Pkttoma, “ Brown;
“ “ Falthioji, “ Bayer
The above tnrw sod spletuha Paa*eaeer Paidteubavo
commenced running between UEAVtR AND(£SIK,
ami wtU run regumrfy during the tetoon—one boat
leaving Erie every morning ate o'clock, and one loav
ing Beaver every evening, immediately ufter tbe arri
val of the steamboat Micnigan from Pittsburgh
The boats are new and rnatfortabiy furnished, and
wilt run through tn forty hour* Pa»*engrr» to any
(iotnton the Laic*, or :n Niagara Falls, will find tin*
route the most comfortable and c xpedtuous. Tickets
through to all pons on the Lake can be procured by
applying *o the proprietors.
RKKD, PARKS A Co, Reaver.
JOHN A- CACGHKV. Agi Pittsburvh,
cor. AVaier noil Bmfttthetu «ts.
AGKNTB -JasC Harrison, HuJalo, N Y.
t’ M Reed, Erie. P*.
O O Wtek.Greenville, Pa;
M Knriann and King, Bn; limit, Pa;
H«)‘.V Plumti, Shsrpsbitrgb, Pa,
\V »' Matan,Sharon, pa;
lIP Mathew*. Pulaski. Pa;
H \V thiniimghoui, New Castle, Pa. Jy 1
Pcntuy I vanla Canal k Haiti Hoad Ex
prcu.Fast Packet Line, _
from to piuDAma.riiiA abal-
(Riclti«iv«*ly tor Pa**ewrer» }
f|' If K public an» re»pr>Mi'uUy inlortned that tin* Ijne
will eomaieucc tunning ou uic £2d in»i, and con
tinue throughout ihe Reason.
Tbr boat<> are o«w, ami of a unprnor claevwilh eli
largrd ealnnv winch will give greater coim«m. Tho
cart are the latest construction
A boat will always be u> pore ami traveler* are re*
quested to call and eiusme them before engaging ptu
•are elsewhere.
(Fare anJy nine dollar* through.} One of the boat* of
this Lruc will leave the landing (opposite l' S. Hotel,
comer of Penn street and Canal, every night at nine o'*
cloek Tuno dj day*. For apply at the
Office. Mononicahrla Hon*e, or to D LEteCi! &Co
Canal Hn*tn.
Bingham's Uxprosa Wagon Line,
to aim rami
“*™ l ! ?i'TsnunnH and piui.AntxpiiiA,
IMMK.FIVK I>A\S-Ruimjr. t ' Day aud Nighll-A
Car «nl leave Philadelphia daily wnh the Mail
Triin 10 Ch»rat-T»tninrl>; it Wairou will leave on it*
arrival, anti Having rcluj < of liorrc* running day and
night. »eeurr« the pertain arrival of good* m Five
Day*: No morr t»o*>d» will t>e received than caa be
loaded up ear h do y, *o liiat no delay will occur-
We will be prepared to forward CUUO lb* daily.
Apply 10 W«. UIiNOUAM,
Canal Haxin, Pltuburgh.
No 370 Market aired Phiia-la.
j&mi. >S4B. esam
SHIPPERS and other* bps informed Umt ihU Line
ronuiiu<-» to run daily Produce and raeteiiandjte
receipted (or by FIVE DAY LINK and regular wag
nn». it low raid and (meitied tmio.
J C HII)WKI.L, I’ltuborgb;
KniMNSoN A. BOKHM, Baltimore.
Pllliltorsh and Philadelphia,
T'HK pulilip ure rt:i|ic< uiilly imonneH that thin Luie
will commence running on Hie a7lh mil. A car
will leave Philadelphia daily wild tint Mull Train to
Chamberr-barß, and from i hence liy Wagon, wild a
relay of borne*, running Hay and ruglil. We will t*i
prepared lo forward BOUU lb*, freight daily. Apply to
DI.KECH A Co, I’uuburgh,
nnv*Jl> No tn Sdmh Third Street, l*hiladrlphia.
1848. gSifll
||T Time, 5 d«)i_ -J~\\
Merchandise transported at Canal rate*.
Water street, J’itubuntU,
Light itreeu tlalUmora.
I>HK Proprietor! ofUiu Line hav«i put on New Slock,
nml ai- prepined lo forward pu-liugm of all de
tchpiioaM Hally, ai thalmvmi rale* ?
J C BIDWLLL, A cent,
Wmtr Hrrei, Pittsburgh
orull 9U Smith Chnrl.c* M, ItaliirHore
TIME, 6 tUt»-BCK*n»« Stt'lXl MOOT, t-
THIS Line u iid« receipting fur COW lbs product
per day, at reduced rates.
CLARKRk THAW, canal basin, Pittsburgh.
LKWJB A BUTLKK, i UH Market .t,
feblO Philadelphia
Ptiiennr tad RetaHtanee Offlea,
UAiNRDKN A CO. continue tp bring persons
IgjCTWftma any pan of England, Ireland. Scotland or
JBBmfiWalgs, upon the nuw liberal terras, wuh their
usual punctuality and aticstion to the wont* and com
fort oferamigraiu.* We do not allow our passenger* to
be rubbed by the cwicdlntg •camp* that infeal tbc sea
ports, a* we take charge of them ihe moment they re
port tneranclve*. and nee to their well being, ana de
spatch them without any detenuuo by the brat ships.—
We »ay this fearlessly, a* we defy one of our posaeu-
Cr* to »how that they were, detained 4n hours by us in
verpool, wliiist thousands of otiiers were detained
months, urttil they could he sent in mine old craft, at a
cb 2p rain, which too frequently proved their coffins.
We imcud lo perfonn our eontraeu houaraldy, cost
what it nay, and hot art n« was the ra»e i„*i tendon,
with eihftf office ns—who ruber performed not ail, or
When U suited liietr convenience.
Draft* drawn at Pittsburgh for any sum front £| to
£lOOO, payable at any of the provincial Hanks ra irr
lamL Kiialuul, Scotland and Wales.
, European MM CenerhL Agent,
fabl m/UitlrVclahvtlstrHAHUßVaX}. '
L — A !uVANtri-l3LTi7i:ns-:'tbirS>4iSd;'VS.
Ho 2 do; 7*i bags Feather*, to arrive!'for sol* tar
t tcblk ISAIAH DICKEY A Op, Crow ft
THE following from George E. Pomeroy, W, Ui«
well known proprietor 01 ibe EJCpteV’ ‘P* ll ** * ot
luelfoftht importance of the Pain Extractor lo every
v.tmm Omci, Albany, S»-pu 1.
Ms. DaLlkt: My Dear Sir—With feelings of no or
dinary pleasure I address you in relation to the benebt
I have redcved from youi invaluable I’uin Kxuacior.
Lately, on* hide dauchter, d years old, bad o pitcher
of boilinrrwaier turned into her tKjsorr; her scream*
were drehdful, »o that a crowd iustaniiy paibeied be
fore the b4uM to learn the cause of the teriible irirajia.
I tore ben clotbca asunder, and soon spread on your
salve, and ibe wus earned ami laid upon a bed. She
wainootiyrlievrd from ber pains, and >sy■* 11 Ma ltee]
b* ifl cowd laugh." and vo aoon.ui *«rrol sleep. Hie
waa sc aided to a blister from the top of her •duniidet
over more tbau half her (-heat, and round under the
anna. On the shoulder and breast it'wu* very deep,
yet from (be Erst hour, slia complained only when n
was (fresyed. Tho sure healed rapi>4y, and there u> no
eoutrVuipn of the muscles.
With tjany wishes, my dear su, for your sucres* m
the sale df this mighty article,
I am yours, with nwpeet,
The genuine Dailey, will ever produce the same in
stantaneous relief, and soothing,-cooling etfrcl, iu the
severest pases of Burns, Scalds, Piles, fcc.
The Counterfeits—no n tiler under what names they
may appear—always irritate, and increase the pain.
I, Edward P. Holmes, of Chatham, Melvin Bridge,
rnlnpii)ii county, N. Y.,have been ef&ictcd with rheu
matism Li my breast, feet, and all over my body, for
mx years, so ibat I could not stand, and vu cured by
three application* of Dailey 1 * Magical Pain Fdttraeior
Mr. Dllley: Sir—l cut my fiuger with a copper nail,
the fwisdnous nature of which caused my ami to swell
eoiuldembly, with constant shooting, poiua up to the
•hoftidrL A large swelling taking place at tne arm
pit, withinc reusing pain, 1 liecame fearful of the Lock*
law. liithis extremity your Pain Extractor was re-
Coaunetaled to me. and which i was prevailed upon to
try. Tlf consequence was that it afforded me almost
instant tvlief, and in three days I was completely ca
red. ' JOSEPH HARRISON, New York,
cortie.d Broome aud Sullivan sis, Sept 8.1848.
NOTICE!—H. Da.u.kt i* the inventor of thi* invalu
able retdedVj and nfver hoi and never will conmmm
catc to Iny living m in the secret of tu oombinutionl
AU Knractors, thereto re, not made and pat up b
him, arabosocounlerfeiU.
PioraiKTO*** Dsfort—4ls Broadway, New York;
835CheiUiut street. Philo.
JOHN D. MORGAN, General Depot; Dr. WM.
THORN. Agents for Pittsburgh.
ArnauitGalvanic Cure-Ally
Cures humors, spavin, quitter, grease, poll-e Vii,
sore*, gnlls, and bruises. Pamphleu, containing cer
tificates of respectable parties, may be bad on applica
tion to , JOHN D. MORGAN,
novls-dtyis Agent, Pittsburgh.
<4ujck pulse, backlog coagh, general weakness,
sleep, variable appetite, irregular bowels,
pains between ibe shoulder blades behind.
InraiusLa Snsnoia or CoxsQMmon.—Coughing
night ujni day. dabbf muscles, general debility, great
shortness of breath on going up stairs, ascending a :
hill, or walking but s little fast, pulse always above
one htindml, for weeks together; dreuclnng cold
sweats! towards morning.
Catairbal Consumption comes on like a common
catarrh or cold, but about the period when that dis.
ease usually is expected to subside, some of the syrup
toms lire aggravated. The cough Is more trouble*
some, {specially when lying down. Taere is no fixed
pain iB the chest, bat dimcull breathiug, which is
worst {n lying down. The appeareuce ol' the expec
toration. which is copious, is changed Uiick
yellow mucus, to s thinner substance. It is very un
pleasant to the patient, and emits au unpleasant smell
when burned. It la of au uniform appearance, aiuQi
probably a mixture of pus and mucus, as on mixuig|it
with water part sinks upd port swims. This disease
may oheur in any habit or at any age. and is charac
lensriiby the peculiarity of the cough.
Tbepaiaam of Liverwort effects the cure of ihts in
sidious disease by expectoration, sooths and heals the
affected lungs. It never fails. Wherever ibis inrdi
rlne hfca been used, we hear of in success. For thir
teen yfars n bus been before the public. umiun* been
thoroughly telied for all complaints of the Lungs, and
has prpvcd tiaelf superior in merit to any thing in use.
We plight give hundreds of testimonials from physi
cians,.the press, clergy, and those who bare been ca
red, bpl all we desire is to call the nliriinon ot ths af-
Birteii and for their own good they will try it
Look out for counterfeits I Always observe the sig
nature, “tieo. Taylor, M D." on the engraved lubei,
and prepared at the Wholesale Depot. 73 Ueekman
J D Morgan 93 Wood si; J
i il Sxayser. cor Market sml
5 Liberty it Price reduced
i. 6ft, DIAMOND ALLKY, •
doors below Wood street, inf
>H-> BBOWBt haring bee*
olarly educated in the medica
feuion. and Veen for some tint*
general practice, now uoafioea
attention to the treatinrnl of
f prtraie and delicate rom|
its for which his opportunities
experience peculiarly qnalifv
11 years assiduously devoted
those complaiDW.ldunng which
practice and has cured more pa.
I to the lot of any pnvuir prae*
hes him to offer assurances of
1 satisfactory core to oil afflicted
and all disease* anting there]
I)t Browu'-wnald inform those afflicted with pn v«u
diseases which bnve l*-roroe chronic br time or agj
Savtted by the use of any of the cumnum nostrums of
c day, (bat their complaint* can be radically and thor«
oughfy cared; be having given his careful attention lo
the treatment of sach eases, and sneeecded in h ami red*
of in/lanees Ift 6urirfg parsons of inflanunatjoe of ibt
nack of the bladder, and kindred diseases which often
result from those eases where others have consigned
them to hopeless despair. He partiealariy invites such
a* have been long and ansnccessfolly treated by others
to con salt him, when every aaitsracUoa will be given
them, and their caseacroated in a carefal,thorough and
Intelligent manner, pointed oat by a long experience
nady. and investigation, which il is impossible for the*
engaged in general practice of medicine to give an
■one class of disease. ,
(£7~Hetnla or Rapture.. —Or. Brown also invites pci;
sons afflicted with Hernia to call, as he ha* paid parUi;
alar attention to tins disease.
CAhiCF.Rtf also cuied.
Rklu diseases; also Pi' s, Palsy, etc., t|tee«Hly cored
Charge* very low.
N. B.—Pstiems of eitb sex living st s distance, by
iiaung their disease in d-nuug, giving all ihe *ymp|
lums, can obtain medicines with direciious lor use, by
addressing T. BROWN, U. D., post paid, and enciot*
tng s fee.
(Hhce No. 45, Diamond alley, opposite tbs •* averly
PimniiTw«—Dr. Brown's newly di»oovered rcmt
dy for Rheumatism is* speedy and certain remedy fa
thatjisinfu! trouble. It never fails.
Often anil Private Consulting Rooms, No. On
mond alley, Pittsburgh, P*. The Doctor is always t
|Q" No cure no pay. declß.
DOES IT LOOK.—Sand*, Unstol und Ball/
formerly put their Sarsaparilla to small boiilsa
lug a few ounces, but since Dr. Townsend's has
become known, and almost or quite driven tbeir little
battle* out oi* the market, they are now putting theirs
up {n larger bottle* containing tour limes a* much na
before. Ouery! How much profit did they mnko be*
fore otf of their small bottle*! Was U honest’ Ami
«ln4e they have reduced the strength t* it honest to
prejend ihatthey are o» good aether were? Dr. Town*
send commenced honestly and fairly—gave as much
raeuictne as he coaid afford, has made several im*
prtreemeirts, and is determiued to kcepup the strength
am] quality and will warrant that each bottle of his
Sanaparillu contains more thau four limes the quanti
ty uf Sarsaparilla uud medical qualities, than auy oth
er dreparation of SaraapnnUa iu the market
ixilil by R. K Sellers, sole agent for Pittsburgh, and
D.JI. Curry. Allegheny.
Cream do’ Amanda Ametc’, for shaving;
Cream a la Rose, tor shaving;
Almonde Cream,
Superfine Rouge,on Porcelain stands;
Elegant scent nags, perfumed with Lavender, Angl
tern Wiel;
Beautiful powder puff*, of nil patterns;
Embossed toilet bogus, containiug fragrant citrac
fnntbe handkerchief; u scentbag, and toilet soaps, su
abfc for presents.
Persian, or Chinese powder;
Indian vegetable hair oil;
Bear 1 * oil u< fancy or common wrappers, (rose scent
Jones’ Sonp; Nymph !V>aj>; Rose Lip salve;
fieli soap; Soda soap; together with a great variety
tie perfimenn lust received; for sale by
nv!6 cot Oih A wood m
Pulmonary Dalsam.
Messrs, rkkd a cutler—i fed u a duty i
owe to tuy feltow creatures, to slate something
indre respecting your Vegetable Pulmouury Balsam.
Since 1 find u*ed toe Balaam, about eleven years
die happy effect of which 1 tarn gave an account «»U I
have had several severe complaint* aud attack* at n>y
lungs, one a few days since, ami In every instance 1
have used the Ualnara alone with ctunplclr and perfect
surce**. It bus effected relief and cure m a very few
day*. It i» certainly a *afo medicine. ( do not know
that it will cure a fixed consumption, but I bnliero it
w{ll be in many cases a preventive, and prevention i*
better than cure; I do therefore, for the love of my 'fel
low men. earnestly recommend tho tudof lhig'sul*uui,
in all pulmonary complaints. I am it
has becu the mean* of preserving my life to this day,
Dosum June 10, ’ld BENJAMIN PA RSONAj j
For tale by B A Fahnestock. A Co, corner first and
wood and also corner wood and tflb. jail)
U, A. Paiuibtucx,') A. B. ilffiL, N. Y.City
U, L. FaUßknocs, > Pittsburgh,
G. W. Panasonic. ) ,
Wholes*!* Drug Star* In lha OUy of
Blew Yftkt
r|UIE undersigned ore extensively mguged in too
1 VN holesule Drug btnincss ul No. 40 Join street, in
Ue euy of New York, and are prepared to supply
IlmuftsU and eaanor Merchants with Drue*, Paints,
(Ais, llyr-stnfls, Foreign and Aaerioan Perfumery,
Mender, WusverAMundarN (of their own
. rat ortttUm) tuuf oil ether articles in tbetr line of butL
nbts, of a wpario totality as low as they eon be-par*
abasedl# ton or any eastern eUy.
BALTtuoai, pirraatnisH ajto tnintuxa.
Office at (he Exchange, Daltlmors.
H EDUCED RATES,—The charge* have been rrdu
ced on all Manage* to or from Baltimore, Piti
utirnb or Wheeling, and a corresponding reduction
made on all telegraphic despatches lorwardcd trora Bal
limoro Weslofrittsburgh, Pa.
Rxrrt.—Tbe charge for a telegraph despatch to or
from Baltimore. Pittsburgh and moling, is 43 cent*
for the first ten words, and 3 rent* tor each additional
No charge is made for the address and signa-
Taul ihecompletion oHlib Souih Wf*m Lin; of
Telegraph from Memphis, Teun., to New Orleans, de»-
natcScs can be forwarded toMemphts by this roule, and
mailed tor New Otlesn*. . ... ?**L
STUVINO this day associated themselves together
H miaruwTsWfc under toe firm and style of A. AJ.
s Mil MHKFT-IRON WARE, on the corner of Robtu
ta ?iS2t .ad toe Canal, A W Ward, A txaoHKnr
~r , ,h e y are prepared to furnish U> order,
ShoVsiTe and retail, all articles in their tine with
and Carpenters’order* are *o
lieiird, which will receive immediate attention.
CU, o 7 Allegheny, Fab. 1, 1U4».-dfim .1
- - 'Bacon Smoking*
HAVING justcomplewdlhe rebuildingofoar smoke
houses, we are now prepared to receive meat,
■nd smoke it to toe most merchantable manner.
'The houses are fitted with all the modern, Improve
m-rita. and are capable of containing 300,000 lbs, each.
mcn “’ KIER A JONES, Canal Basin*. •
.near Seventh *1 ..
■r oVf.IUNU’d DOUUUi KKKlftfeiD
I . bU» LoTcrinS’sPoUble HeEned Loaf, Crashed &»d
Puireriied liug&r», just We'd fend for sale at the PeJri
Tea Store, 70 Fotuth street, by*
O0»S9 ■ .
KUhb BUTTER—IO bbla £re«h. Jim rec’d uid for
ud» by Jebl7_ AttMBTUOMO fc CHQgKB
C'^OVEBBRBO— ISbbUClo^r&redillw^iin
Bernfula,or King's Evil, Rheumatism, Obstinate Cuta
neou* Eruption*. Pimple* or Pustules 'on the Face.
Blotchi*. Bile*, Chrome Sore Eyes, Bing Worm or
Tetter J Scald Head, Enlargement and Pain of the
BonesVnri Joint*. SmbMrttinter*, Syphilitic Bymp
lorn*. Sciatica or Lumbar* arid Diseases arUiog
from as injudicious uie ot nlercury, A*cite*or Dro|y
S Exposure or Imprudence m Life. rflso, Chrome
nsutuuonai Disorders.
In tbi*3>reparation nre strongly concentrated all tne
Medicinal propertlerof ******combined with
tbe mo«i|euerUJtti aid*, the most laintary productions,
ihe mo«tlpoieni simple* ofihe vegetable kingdom; and
a lias been *o fully listed, not only by patients them*
selves, hut also by physician*, that it ha* received
ihetr unqualified and the approbation
of the and has established on iia own merits a
reputation for -value and efficacy far superior to Urn
various pompoutul*bearing the name of Sarsaparilla.
Disease* linve beeu cured, such as ore not famished
in the records of time past: and what it has already
done foe the thousands who have used it, it Is capable
. of doing- for the millions still suffering and straggling
.with disease. It purifies, cleanses, and strengthens
the fountain springaof life, and iufusea new vigor thro’*
out the whole animal frame.
Tbe following striking and, as will be teen, perma
rnt cure of an inveterate case of Scrofula, commends
seif lonH limilurty RfUicleJ:
1 Soctupo»t, Conn., Jan. 1,1843.
Me**rs. Sa3Ds: Gentlemen—Sympathy ferine affile
ted induce* me to inform you of Hie remarkable cure
effected by your Sarsaparilla tn theeaso. of my wife.
She wuh severely afflicted yrith the scrofula.on differ*
ent part* of the body; the glands'of the neck were
greatly enlarged and her limbs much swollen., After
tattering over a year andfindtng no relief from the
remedib* used, the disease attacked one leg, and be*
low the knee suppurated.
should be laid open, which was done, but without any
permanent benefit in this situation we heanhof, and
were induced to o»c Sands’ Sarsaparilla, The first
bottle produced a decided and favorable eflbct, relic*,
ing h«< more than any prescription she had ever ta«
ten, mid before she had used six bottles, to the astoii
ifhmem and delight Of her friends, she found her
health quite restormhu'lt is now over a year since the
care was effected,Kf her health remains good, show
ing tbe disease eradicated from the
system. Our neighbors' are oil knowing to these
facts, and think very nighiy of Sunil** Sarsaparilla.
Yours with respect,. JULIUS PIKE
F.xirert from a letter received from Mr. N. W. Har
ris. a gentleman well known in Louisa county, Vo.:
•‘Gentlemen —I have cared a negro boy of mine with
your Sarsaparilla, who was attacked with Scrofula,
and of a scrofulous family.
“Your* truly, N- \V. HARRIS.
‘'Fredericks Hail, Va., July 17.1343.'"
Samis’ S****PsanAA.—lt' seemsahnost unieeesary
to direct aueniion to an article so well known, and so.
deservedly popular, as this preparation, but paUcnfr
often who wish to use the extract of Sarsaparilla, nre
induced to try worthless compounds bearing die name,
but containing little o» none of tbe virtue of this valu-
able n>oq nnd we think we cannot confer a greater
benefit on our readers than in directing their attention
to the -advertisement of the Messrs. Sands in another
column. The bottle ha* recently been enlafgpdfr) hold
a quart, and those who wish a really good article wilt
find concentrated in thii all the medicinal value of the
root Tbe experience of thousand* has proved its ef
ficacy the various diwases for wbieb it u
n commended, and at the present lime more than any
otber, perhaps, i« this medicine useful, in preparing the
system for a change of season —Home Journal, Sept,
frits. ,
Prepared and told, wholesale and retail,, by A. B. k.
D SAN 08. Druggists and Chemists, 100 Fulton street,
corner of William, New York. Sold also by Drug,
gists generally throughout ihc United State* and Cana
da*. Price ft per BoUle; six Bottles for 85.
|£>»For sale in Pittsburgh, wholesale arid retii), by
8. A. PAHNESTOCK, 4 CO., corner ofWood and
Front sf , also, corner of Sixth and Wood sta; by 1
WILCOX. Jr., corner of Smithfield and Fourth st
and afeo corner of Market «i and ihe Diamond; aln
by KD'VARb FENDERICH. rot Mononga'Ja Hous
LUNGS.—The unprecedented success which has
Uentled the use of me
n all ihr various.form* which irriatton of ihe lungs at
suuieh, has induced the- proprietor again to call aner
tion tn this
Tbe ehnngablo weather which marks bar fall and
winter months, i* always a fruitful source of
The**., if oegiecicd, are bill Ute prtcurspr* ot that
Tbe question, then v bow nUalf ure uip the deitroyci.Aß
Lite boil’ turn* «baJI we get clear et out coughi Vtd
old*! a of vital Importance to the public.
will be the tliuseng Panacea, hi proef of this
we have ttom one to uute published the certificate* Of
dozens of our t**i known citizens, who have ekperi
enrfcd iu euralive powers. These, with a moss of les
limoar from all parts of the country. —from
Ministers of the Gospel, 4«t, together with copious no*
ices from the
are ),uvr embodied in pamphlet fonn. ana may he had
gratin of uny of our agents Unoughout the country.
have been uscAin this city.
throughout the Untied States and Canada, and we eha
lenae any man to point out a ”
ii which, when taken according to direction*, and be
fore Ute lungs bad become fatally disorganized, It has
ever failed u»
Why t then, need tbs oilicledhesilnXet Why resort to
the na«erablo ncwlrum*, gotten op by tut* o«a individ
ual* ti lex the assumed name of some ea ibvated phy
sician, and palled into notoriety by certificate* c. per
tbits equally unknown? Whilst a medicine of
Is to be bad, whose voacbors are at home^—oar aalgb
bore, —many of whom it has
In order that.thi* Invaluable medicine may be placed
within the reach of the poor as well the rich, we have
oat the price at
iast one half the anal cost of cough medicines, it u
(or sile by our agents in nearly every town and village
over the west, who are prepared to give fall informa
tion relative to it T. SALTER, Proprietor,
Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio
DR. EDWARD ACKKR, takes tlus means of re
turning his thauka to his friend* and the poblie
for the extensive patronage be has received, and of in
forming them that he has lately erected a large and
well constructed building, for the -exclusive purposes
locution, at Phillipsburgh, Pa-ou the Ohio river, oppo
site the sicamboai landing at Reaver, where he is ready
to receive patient* as boarders, and treat them on Hy
dropathic principles. In odditiou to his long experi
ence, and the great success which has heretofore at
tended hi* treatment of patients committed is his' care,
he ha* now the additional facilities afforded by an ex
tensive building erected expressly fur the purpose, con
taining cororoodjous and uiry.roonii, and tilled up with
every necessary apparatus (or bathing, and ddminis
teruig the treatment to Uio olreosrbcneui sad comfort
of the pattern. PhillipKburgh is a most delightful and
healthy village, easy of access by steamboats, and af
fords une and wholesome water. Dr. Acker aumres
those evicted porsdn* wbo may place themselves un
der his care, that every attention shall be paid to Ibcir
comfort; and a* oh assurance of the substantial benefits
to be derived, be points with confidence to the hun
dreds who have boen permanently cured ftt his ertab
. lnhmeut. The Water Cure leaves no injurious effects
behind, a* i* too often the case with those who have
been treated ou the old system. It removes the dis
eoM% invigorates the system, protects from the
incident to ebunges of Ute wealhar, Creates a natural
unii active appeute, and imparls vtgor.tu the digestive
tower*. Turin* ofiircatmenl and boarding reasonable,
•or further panifulur* tntinins at tkwettahlisUineut, or
address the proprietor at PhiUipsburgb.
mu AbThdA'flVfc.
Wr Usve been informed by Mrs Rose of score per
fome-d on her by Dr» Jajr*s«*s Alterative, which
proves its superiority over every other remedy efi the
kind She has been afflicted for the last sixteen years
wnh ulcrmtioß* and rnfoiiailpn of Various bones,du
ruig which ume many niece! hdvd lien discharged from
the iromal bone or the cranium, from both her arms,
wrist* and bands and from both legs, and from the left
feinorul lone, and from the right knee, beside* painful
ulcer* on other parts of her person,-Which have baffled
the skill of a number of the most eminent physicians o(
our eitv—dating most of the time hfcr Shfierinfi* have
been cicruisbng and dcpiorahlo. About three months
since »bc was induced to try Dr. Jayne’s Alterative,
winch ha* bad an ulodflhingty happy effect upon her,
by removing ull paid arid swelling*, and causing the
ulcer* to hcai. white attht same time her general health
ha* become completely restored, *0 that she now weighs
i& lb* more thau she cud before she commenced the use
of tin* truly valuable ppepattoit—(Sat. Eve. Post.
For further tofonnalion,inquire of ilu. Rote, No. 129
Filbert si, Philadelphia.
For *nle in Pituburgb, at the PEKIN TEA STORK,
7V Fourth sL near Wood. jys
just received of Dr. Townsend’s Sarsaparilla, the
must exiraotdjjttry iu the world! Tti* Ex
t< net i* putup la quad bottles. It is uxtluies cheaper,
pleasanter, and warranted superior to any sold. It
cure* disease without vomiting, purging, sickening or
debilitating the patient
Look out roa tHrennuits^—Unprincipled persons have
copied oar labels, and put up oedieiue in the tame
shaped bottle, . See that each bottle has the written sig
nature of S. P. Townsend.
R. R. SKLI.KIIS, Oranixi, 57 Wood yucet, between
Third and Fourth, is DrTt'owasond’s only wholesale
end rotutl agcut (ur.Pittsburgh, of whom the genuine
article can bo hut}.
D. M- Curry bus been appointed the sole agent for.
AJleghrrvy city, of whom the genuine article can be
had. _ i _ _ op 4 ___
Scrop la in nil its multiplied forme
whether in that of A mg’s Bvil, enlargements o the
stands or bones, Uqjtre, While Swellings, (.'nronic
Rheumatism, Canser, diseases of litc Skm or Spine)
orol Pulmonary Consumption, emanate froih Ano
sndtho same cause, whicn is a poisonous principle
more or lea inhercht la tbebaman system. There*
fore, unless this principle can bo destroyed, no radi- -
cal euro can be ettecled, but if .lb© principle upon
which the disease depends, is removed,.* care
dimol necessity follow, oo matter*] ode t w bat lorm
the disease should manliest itse.ll, This, therefore
tribe reason why Jatre’s Ai/tebativr iaso oni
vnrually vuecesslol in removing so moriyiiKilignaati
diseases. It destroys the virerqr princlpleTroia'
whicn those diseases have fhcir'<jrrigin,6ji
Into the circulation, and jvjyilhe.blood ig.coQTeveS
lo the minhteiC fibre,' rtinevinjj' vrhrf £urocleol
disuozo from thesjnteth, /{Fftjptire4apd cold at No,
8 South Third Street, ... >
Soldattbe Fekin'i’e^SlotejKoi32fc f CorUiar*e;
PiUsbarfb- *i-: /.-.a .• *,j .nthSif
j 53
ttbd gvatuqs hirer rill, RfI.fRL i} f
UoUti* FscwmT, Pfc,)
July I9lh, I&T7. (
Jfr. n. S. S*an.*-*AKS»®^du*ytßjf«itt4U*»flict»4
tad acts tt* lo add .
celebrated U«r Pill*. I h»* drt*»r*d duutf m Sat yon, “ *
Siberia* to D*»y Cruek*tt*i maxim, *ha sure youar* right,,
thru ro ah«»d. Mu*tof the n»oj ptVßfkboos of empirics
tad quart* LuJtd so Ih* ikies, h»v<Wi tttto oMiriatto** ' - ? •
vouCLlvcr riiliiutnWaoffcßd to tfawpobUeiaad, w»r*4»- r
1 bsbcvc tl*t ndl ‘*>unire U»tai *ll,*’*• *h»y *x* jujt WMI
you represent them U> Ur 1 halt bow aflletetl with IJm
Campiaiiilj wy yvulh; harei 1 suffered. Bl£h» tfflptoyyil
mans taisfuii hjalcuu*, to nhimo 1 pah) noefa boo*)'; ban
ke*( much blood; been rhmitcdohf jjhyiieked taafiktlfr «*•*»;
ttliretcd S<w 0 tinir*,aad unsfiveirvp up** «e»u*M*.ln,
1 ski-7.1 WO, iimluc* Jlnli y your Liter PUL, ofetfSOOW DOT*
WKLL. iimlwi *f ni,»ch ir now sufficient to keep Bedew
of paiaui the stde.sitdaUUM other>tOt l*«>
12 month* V our PilU are also theW»teatWtie I eteFaM,
h*k»t mild, set or giving mcch skfcara at-ths rto* '
•ch, out jire tar much rel.ef I hare kepi them in mj.stor*
fur 6 *r J jnn; told huutlratii of botes, and hiv4 MW
bsaAla Mug.* coaipUint uiterwi bjrmayoe* wbohss.aW
(hcm> Tlwj bare »u|«rc*4ol almost rveer other pill ia tbit
aeighb«+i*od, and iu m ihurt line *UT btsidt theta aft v!
earnestly r«comiara«i tlm t« aD nnoi> phyw, •
whether tor. hirer touipLiut or Billion* iffreticXL*. FfO®-
ilder them tit superior toOßoaei orlk* BlutKll—ftwpwG '
C&^?rft>N—As then art nlhrr Pill, befon*
Cau».UrcrPilL,pman* wbowa&ttheUßNUlNlCshoald
ask tor and taka so other than those pis pared and *>U b« K
S BELL ERA, No 5? IFood-st. betireeaThird tad Wurth
Sold by l)r. Cum, Filth Bard, 0 U Cpaat, klWrtway
&b ' j ' ' agS • * ’’
Great English Remedy*
T7*OR OotirbkrCold*, Asthma and Consumption! Tke '
X tiRHAT AND ONLY ftKMLDY for the care of lb*
at>ove diseases, is Use HUNGARIAN BALSAM OF
LIFE, diheovered by the celebrated Dr. **"»*■*». «| • ,
London, England; and introduced iato-thc United Slates
under the immediate superintendence ofthe intentorJHl
Theeitraordinvy saeeest or thia<dtediamev in . . t
cure of Pulmonary diseases, warrants the American
Agent In soliciting for treaunentthe wont possible et- 1
•eslh&tconboifotutdln ; |
relief iu vuin from auy of the cetntaon .remedies of the
day, and have been given up bythh most dtstraguitlnwl
pfayiicians osconfirmedanduir:arable.,t Tba iianeuri* . .
on Balsam has cured,, am} will care, ih.« n>n«i .t««e?fty
of eases, ItfshoqaaeKiiostnumbut'ft standard &tgw '
luhtnedkine.of knoscu and raiahUshed efficacy*.
Every family in the United States should be sappUed '
> with Buchan's Uungcruui Hatayto of life, not otuy to i
co ante root ihe connimptive tendencies of the
bat to bo used as a preventive medicine in all cases ai *
colds, cooghi, spitting or blood,-paia*in dm aids odd
chest, irritarioa. and mccbcss of the longs, broehriis,
difficulty of breaung, hectic fever, night sweats, emael
saon and general debility, as thirty iafineazo, vnieoping .
cough alia croup.
Sold in large bottles, at tl per bottle, with. fall direc
tions for the restoration of health.
Pamphlets, containing a bias* of English and Ameri
can certificate*, and other evidence, showing the an
eqaalled merits of Ihis great English Remedy, may be
obtained of the Agents, gmultotihr. j
For rale by U A PiUINE3TOCB A Co., corner of
st and Wood and Wood and Gtb sts. mart) ‘ 1
1/ ROM the Rev ASA SIItNN, a well known mndpop' *■
X uloj Cl eryvntKn ofthcPnitcstaatMethodinChtgea.’ . p.,
> lhe andersrgned having becnafflleted daring the past
winter with a disease of the stomach, sometimes pro- 11
dadnggreaipainiritijdstmaaChfdrieacTiwelveliojre |
.without miemisßion, after having triad various
remedirs with little effect, wksfarnlsbed with a ; boUla ’
of Dr U CarwnaUve Ualtaimt Thi’
, cording to the directions, amf found invariably thatult
medicine caused the pain to abate at three orCntrmlA- >
ales, and in Sfleen or twenty uneasy
sensation waseniirelyqaieied. Toe medicine wasaf
lerwardsosed wheneveruubcstionsof the approach 9f ,
pain were perc dved, and the path was thereby prevent*
cd- lie continued loose the medicine every evcaiag- , .
and some amen m the morning, and in a, few weeks
health wok so far restored, that the sufferer wav teller' «
ed from a large amohht of oppressive pain. From el
perieuee, therefore, he can cua&deully recommend O
i> JayneL Oaminatiye as a salutary medic in
for diseases ofthestomacli and DOWetC ‘A SHINND
• • Allegheny *Ly,irtl
For sale in Pittsburgh at the PEKIN X£A STOR
73 Fourth street, near Wood, and ulso at tbcDnif
Store ofH >’ SCtiVYARTZ. Federal street.. Al(eghn»7
SUNDRIES— 5 bb;s No 1 Mackerel: 1
W “ 11 3* u 10 do T*anners OUjJ ,
S do. Alam; 3do F. Salts; 3do chipM LbgWood ' ‘
L hfdo Notmegs; SO bxaiNol seated Herring,
SO bzs No V do do; S <fa> ue enled Soapil
10 do No 3 Press’d do; 10 do No 4 do do T .
1. bale Cloves: 10 bags Java Coffee:
5o hhds prime N O Sueari'Jdst rtcVJ and’!br sale
by dec 14 BROWN-ft CULBERTftOfI * r
POT ASH—IS casks ree’d and for sole by '
DHY’aVpIES— 130 bash "dry Apples, for'sale by
PKACONS —3 bbls Peacou*, rac’d anil for sale by >
C'tLOVKR SEED —00 bosh for sale by
PORK —tooo lbs Sbouldar* and Ride*, forkale by 1
feb« BUEY, MAITHSWa k, Co .
BLTTTKJI— «J bbls Roll. Ac; U kegs, for
frt.« BHBY, aiATTHE>V.3 A Co
LEAD-r2£i3 pigs sod Galena, for sole by
’ ___ RHEY, MATTHEWS k Co _
isbits prime, forsaleiby
Miakr AMemek'a.Bafikets, in
store and by . . , . ■ ......
feb£2 US Uhegfy M
GFJWTNE PALM SOAP—Cte hand and tor WUe-by
feb® i KIDOACo . ,
A LARGE sssortmenl of Fancy Boap*. oUlik'ftd k»d 1
and, fpr sale by firbifl 11 S KIPDACP 1
YERMIFUGE— 323 gross of M UneH VortaKteh* ;
on hand and for sale by febsi J KTDD ft Co I
LIVER PILLS—3tW gross M’Lane's celebrated^’Liv
i er Pills, on hand and lor sale by. ~
febtSJ . J KIDD A Co _
Mackerel —nu bbi. No a, for sale bv
TCT7THTE BRANS—9» bbls small white Beans, Jb
Yy store and tbr sale by fcl3 L S WATERMAN
TAR— 10 bbls NC, for sale by. •
febls 3 F VT>N BONNHORBT ft Co
PIG IRON—GO tons Mercer county Pig Iron,
_ (eb!3 JSDILWORTnACo'
GREEN APPLES—6O bbls green Apples, largo and
In fine ffcbia J a PU.WQBJH.fc Co
S* AFfiTTY FTJS&—4&€OO foei Safety Eesb, for btasl-
. in t- feblO '' ■ ■ J g PHAVnBTH,* O'
PRK BRICK—I7,OOO Ewirig’s. eqtal' Id qaality la i
BoUvmr brick: 10,000 rood common:, for sale by ■
TA.RD—aookeg®Nol| 50bbl*dodo; ft do do No *, -
Xj tor machinery, is atom and fat tale by. _
SUGAR HOUSE MOLASSES—4O bbla Si J fines Bn ‘
gar Honed Molasses, In Atom and for sal* very'hnr
to close consignment, .try . : ..
febia JAMES PALZELL, water it
GENUINE SALAD OIL-On hand Knd’& tale by
febar J KIPP A Co
GARDNER’S LINIMENT—On band, and/or tale
by fcbJO J KIDD A 00
UMBRELLAS— 2 cases low priced. ntbdiiml/'nfld'
gftod cotton and-gingham Umbrella*, jot opened/
by febtti aHACKLETEA-WaiTE ,
•spring styles-jasiopened by ~ ... . .
KENTUCKY JEANS—Three cases gold dig, dark j
mix abd bine, itftt received from manofsetnret*-
andfar sale by febiN . SiLACKLETT A WHITE *
S SALTS—3 ions in store and lot sale by ,
RUBT QALZfcILL A Co, Liberty H ■
PEARL ASH—IG caiks lor sale by
CIHKKSE Ou bxs Western Reserve, in store and tor*
_/ sale by fobtg . PORT PALZELL ACo .
SALER&TUS— id casks for sale by
_ fcb2* ROBT PALZELL A Co,
COTTON— 45 bales best quality to arrive; foa *
teiefij ; -front,si j ,
T ICIUORICE—3 cases Sicily Uqnoriee, in «UJrt and/ 1
Xj for sale by feb22 BROWN A CULBERTSON ’
w Ma stare,
In store end for tale,by, • /
CILOVERfIEED —J®bbIs prime Ohio Seed, receiving
/ to-day and for sal® ’by a j
febti2 19 and gu woods! -
BLACK TKAS-lUO ball chests choice Oolong and
Fofrchoiic-Teasv for sale by vj
feba • ' OAGALEY A SMITH \
BUNCH RAISINS-iso boxes, too half boxes;-la (
One order; lor sale by HAOALEY A SMITH i t
foW3 -,
1171 UTE WADDING—Five bale* mediiua imicln •
W r Jusl rec’d by SIIACKLETT A WHITE, *
fcby-J _ Btf wood st,
teal heavy drawn baekf .
13 drovers and dodble lined drivers, a splendid arti
cle, just received by Express and for sqlftby. •
LUDLOW’S SPECIFIC—On bond and for sale by
febtt , J KIDD Ago ,•
B" ULK PORK-400 pcs ;ust rec’d and fox Ule by 1 •
1 j ICE— O tierces fresb, jost 3eeM and for sale by i’ «.
li . feblfi S |j voNBONNUOHSTfcCo,
ROLL BUTTER—Iff bbls RofTßaner, joArtoMana*
_ for salebf feblS WAB M’CUTCHEON
G\ REKN APPLES—IO bbls on hand and for idleby
r febli W ABM^UTCWBON^-
CIOTTuN— 67 bales Cotton, landing Bow suni Cns^.
J berlaml ami for sale b)£ 1,../ . 'r?
fcbia JAH A HUTCFIIfrfIN ACq *
At Ikt Uaxttu Buiidingr, 3d A. ear lA* foilQgk*. 1 f
Odo iosortioaof Ithnea, or !&>,.••«„ .i**So SO
Two io«ertioß»wiUioutall4TaUbn».,,4i«*T** 6 ’#{
Three " " “• ‘
One Week 11 ••«••••••• 1 w
Two Wecki '• ••
Tbm “ " " &y
Two " " fi>Qor
!T?*l<onger(uivertueraettt*tftßina prapoTticn. / 1
'Ooesquaro# month*, without alteration,.*. 10 W
M “ w i# 1 . ;. <*. ~«,•« 18 tf
Escb addittunul squreror6 months, ..*••• 5 W
« 1 ’ «- is * «•••*• 10 (0.
ODe,|i|Qare.6 months,renewable st pleasure, 16 00
.«, “ w ,;*? \ -tote
Bach additions I tqoare (or l 2 months.. •*••••“ W W
TWdacraare»;t> month*, re'wableal ptea*nre # tJO4)O
£acb additional square, 6 months, .... H-aXI
Dne itquare. Sinaertioo*,
u “ each-addition!) iourtioa,.«.«••••.. A
ACtfVua can?#. . Y'j* - •
Fite title* tit lew, one>jear. OO
: li , l f . “ lii^onth*frOC
! “: >. 4 i “ one year, daily fit’weekiyjiO'QO
. “ “ «* six month* * l ** ’LI: 'A gp
fc'or.2o tines, or Jen, One insertion,' 1
\"'~Z‘ " >r .’ST* 1
4 fID