BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAM. BIPOBTED* llliießtfßED For tbo Plttllrargh Dmlljr OoxetM- .CONGRESSIONAL. Wumwntm, M*reh 3,9 P. M. Sssatb—ln the Senete, to fixy. Mr. Benton pre tevited the credentiehi of hie oolleegoe. Mr. Ateh • iun. who was qualified, and took his seat. A report from the Secretary of tho Treasury was received, communicating inlbnnalion respecting toaoage and daties of Spanish vessels. The bill lor the payment of revenue duties di rectly to the Treasury Department, was taken op Bnrl Mr. Bright presented tho credentials of his col league, who whs duly qualified, and took his sent. The bill for extending the revenue laws, and the power of collecting tho same, to the District of Co „ Ineibia, was reported from committee. Mr. Ashman offered a resolution to place the boM of the UteJohnQuine; Adana, subscribed for by mftrte” of fimgress, in tbo Rotunda of the CapitoL > THE CLOSING SCENE. W&sumoTOTt, Sohday Mossing. After a protracted and stormy i aesaibn, both Housesadjourned this morning at 7 o’clock. Before adjournments however, the following bills were finally passed. . j The Gold Dollar Bill—The .billl establishing a Hone Department—the Bill estabiahing a Branch Mini at New York—and the several Appropriation Bills. c 1 The bill establishing a Territorial Government in California was not acted npou by the Senate. Pending the debate on the General Appropriation Bill, Senaior Foote, of Mississippi, shook his fist in Senator Cameron's face, whereupon the Senator from Pennsylvania floored the. Senator from &?ii aiosippi. In the House, Mr. Thompson, of Mississippi, and Mr. Ficklin, of Illinois, bad a renfconlre; Meade and Giddings had a similar difficulty. THE CABINET AGAIN. WsasiROTOR Sunday. Tbs Secretaryship of the Home Department hes beta tendered to the Hon. John Davis, of Massa chusetts. It ia reported to diy that Abbott Lawrence de cline* the Navy Department, which has been, con sequently, tendered to Mr- Preston, Attorney Gen eral. It is farther reported that Reverdy Johnson, of Maryland, been tendered the Attorney Gene rafehip, in (dace of Mr. Preston, who is transferred to the Navy Department.” New You, March 3—6 p. a The steamer Crescent City, from Cbagrea, arriv edat this city to day. She brought no gold; but reports one thousand passengers at’Panama await ing an opportunity to embark ibr San Francisco. pHrtiUrtLrau, March 3,1849. The 10th of March is the day fixed for opening the Pennsylvania CanaL ’ JPH^«ADELP|HA r MARKET- Philadelphia, March 3, 6 P. M. Flour —The mark«vwith moderate business, is in favor of the buyer, with sales'of western brands at 34 030)5 to $5 00 per barrel Rye Flour— Sales at S 3 I2per bbl. * Grain—There is a good inquiry for good sample# of Wheat, but poor lots are dull. Sales of prime red Wheal ntffil' 09 to3l 10 els. Corn—Sales of prime yellow at 57 to 58 cts to the extent of 20,000 bushels. Sugar—Sales of Porto Rico at 5 eta. The mar ket is active,.being, entirely bare of N. Orleans. Molasses—Sates of 200 barrels N. Orleans at 29 cents. * 1 Coffeq—Sales of 400 bags Rio at 6 eta. market is doll for Park and Boefi with aalelof Western Mess Pork at $lO 00. Sales of No. l,|lets Beet; Western, at $l3. Bacon —Western Hams are held at 71c. Lard—Sales w bblaot 71 cts. Butler—Sales of Western, m-tegs, at 10 cents; in this at 12cfa BALTIMORE MARKET. Baltojobx, March 3,1619. Floor—The inspection for the past week has been 14JOOO faU*. There is a moderate quantity offer ih& which causes a quiet market; but the demand is good. .{Sty is be id at $5 .per bbl. Sales of Howard Street at $4 S 3. Sales of prime-red Whyot at $1 OSO$l -09 cts. Corn- Bales of prime white at 44c. Sales -of iWte yellow at 50 cts. Whiskey—Saleain bids at 231. c. Proviso p,s-rSales ofWestern Mess Pork at SiO A 7- Messßeef at SI2'ST bog round at ,44 to 5} cts. NEW YORK MARKET. New Yoax, March 3, J 849. KOOftKSPUSX. Tfoor—Tie market s very quiet, aud the tea- deacyut downward. We note sale* of 3,000 bbla of Wesuira at $5 56 lo $5 OSper bbl a good inquiry for good samples of Wheak but are dali—there is nothing nole fn grain of aoy description. Ccfro jSales of mixed at 53c; prime yellow at % 62 to tbe extent of 10,000 boards. Proviaiua^—Tbo market is heavy for Pork, but l,heap of _wtt few sale*;—lower offers would be ac cepted. We note aalea of 1200 barrels Western Mess Pork at $lO 50. Sales of Western Prime at $9 SOctar: B4con~5«l«» of Western Hama, at 6i cents— Shoo Idea a at 5 eta. Sides—The market ia alive. £. Hnlm in barrel* at 6j to 6} cents—mar ketsteady. Cotton—Tbe market is quiet but steady. Whiskey—Sales of Ohio intbls at 23jc. CINCINNATI MARKET. ■7 I March. 3—6 P. M. yjaar—Tbe market is Heady, bat not active.' 1 note aalfs of 500 bhla at S 3 31< per bbL WhiAey' l -Sale* to a_fair extent at 15fe per gaL The market closed dull Pork—Sale* of clear at $lO 25c, Co extent of 050' barrel#. Bacon—Sales of Sides at 5 cts, and Shoulders'at 4 cts. Lard—-The sales of Lard comprises 200 barrels «ts*<£fc. Cheese—Sales of 550 boxes Western Reserve, selected for shipment, at 6Ja Bauer—Sales of Wetfera in kegs at 8 cts—in bbboil2lc. \ Linseed Oil—Sales from store at 56 cts per gaL Earley—Sales at 38 to 40 da Seeds—Sales of Clover at $3 12* to $3 25. IWNA SAFETY Etna Safety Fade It for blasting. in fiord and for sale by fcW3 • rhey, Matthews a Co BUFFALO COMBS—A targe and vaned assortment of Bttflalo Back. Combs, sew styles, tbr sale at tsbgd; , ZEBULON Markers! SUGAR AND MOLaS*ES-1Q bbds Sugar, 74 Moltsses, landing from itmr Connecticut and for. sale by febffli BAOALKY a SMITH MOLASSES— 100 ,'bbls Plantation Molasses, land ing from *tnrr Jl J Crittenden; 6m tale by feb& • | • BAOALEY A SMITH Sirwl landing from'steamer Geneva, r) for sale—6 bales Cotton; 45 bbls Lard; 9 «k* Oin aeogt 33 do Feather.; OS do Flaxseed; 1 tierce do; 5 bags Beans; I cask Beeswax. * feb29 13AIAH DICKEY A Co nvAR GO bbla m pfiino order, Uodiog tod for tile by J_ febgß - BOOT DALZtfIX h. Co, Jjberty at KICB-'S© tierce* jcd'dtlua day and for mU by i fobg V BOrfT DALZBLL A. Co (yrrON—io bale* Teaneiaee Coiloq, jtm ree’d per «»tw> MonoflMhiala; for talc by ■ snauwilHH, JOHN WATT SUNDRIES— S bbli Roll Butier, S' bf bWb Lard; 75 dozen Com Bro ims, m note mil to mto br feb33, • a JOHN WAIT . /NOTTON-5lbal«« good middling Tennewe, !«od \j iaff Yrom >unr Geaevt; for «alc by - . CHfIjIANT, 41 w»tgr n into kgpT«u»oilgt>. ofgood brand*, ior si by fcMS CaiQAßZipn hlidi 'fSitne H O Sugar, received per > CUfpei y A^l°»H Efea S0 N » Co . CUQT—MkegB aanM, from No I tof, landing from is> ««., *. co mmSSfrliM Ky Fe;U>er., ' rc ’ a “ “‘■feyfflßsSB& * 00, "fcKB 46 water and 03 front «t “PRACIU&t, ban dry Peaebfe*; 49 dodo Ap- J 7 pltK U bbU Whitaßeut; 8 do Clover Seed; landing Ruin Caroline; for tale by fcb«7 » BAOALEY & SMITH I>UIX PORK lbt Bulk Pork; 6 4v bbtt and37kcrt Lard, landing from Caroline? for ■ale by- fcb*j7 i.F.y & HMITJI lOTXOH—IS3 bile* Cotton, daily expected to ar< nTetoocoaulfiunem and for sale by tbBM6l* A. GORDON- R!»b* Rice, landing from ctr Monongahelii and for tala by febg? JAS DAt.ZKLL , KlBP i APW‘ES—too bnihcls, la shipping snJer. » mh3lllsarok. UOS C4UFORNU—W« have in store CUbmtU Jj goal! White Beano, w which we invito the anett* lien of California emigrant*. fete® M’GILLS & ROE - o. MOLASSES—OSO bbfr Plantation Molasses; efiOhhdtt S Q Sugar. .fcbgfl MH3U.LS A ROE MANUKACTUBKD TOBACCO— A foil .uppfe Of ebfiieo brandi is store and for tale, ■ , few . ITOILLg k BOR BAB—Young Hyson, Imperial, Powdtfnt*, earefiriiy selected. MCGILLS ft ROE AGfcNCINB article of Gray*! Ointment, eon be bad ‘Onto Dray-Store of feb3o JMDIiACb tfE^PS—J.IIQ pcs til wool Tweeds, for sale bjj^ LEANS',4O bhla Nmt Beans, in store and for sale Mqr mart giW HARBaUQH OtJGABCURED DEIEIr BEEP—IC tieree* H C Ifcef 19 .Rounds, in store and for sale Inr ij fcteaa ; seixebs * nicols I&iCOS*MDB pieces Bteoa Bum; 15 bMi bscoa •* >^ to >“‘ a “ d4^^ 8 b l l acou COMMERCIAL RECORD. ' 1640 I ALMABAC. I gun I - I - 3 BatardAjr, i Bandar, 9 Monday, 6 Tnemlay. 7 WedodMiay, 6 Thar*4ay, 9 Friday, PIT'fBBIIBBa BOAntl QP Tn. r,«r~ COMMITTEE FOR MARCIL 7 ’ F. tOBEIZ. v ' HOBT. JOTB. Omcr PmsEtmoa Gazette, ? Monday 5,1849. j The general feeling of the-market on Saturday presented little if any change ia' {trices. As uiaal on the last day of tho week sales were limited, be. ing confined to thq regular tredmetions of trade. FLAUR—ThdTceljits were veiy light, aud in the way of first hand sales, nothing wss done worthy of notice. Sales to u fair extent faun store at $3,6203,75 per bb!, which are the ruling figures of the market Flour oa the wharf may be fairly quoted al $3,50 f> bbl, although some lots have been sold as low as $3,44 bbL GRAIN—The market is generally dull, and sales luxated. We may quote moderate-sales of Barley a£4sc, a decline of Corn at 35037, and o Oats at 28030 c ? bn, Other grains, no sales. RYE FLOUR—SmaII lots ouly have arrived since our last, and supplies*conttnuo limited. We quote at $3,18 from store. CORN MEAL —Very little is coming in and sup plies are limited; 45050 y bu, are the nominal rates from store. GROCERIES—The market is steady but not active, and former quotations sre fully sustained, N 0 Sugar is in fair request at a range of 4i to 5} for common to prime; N O Molasses at 28c {p gall, and Rio Coffee at 7iO7J p 0). PROVISIONS —There is a steady demand for bacon, with sales in regular limited lots el, for shoulders 41, sides 51, and hams at 64c p ft. For Lard the market is quiet, with sales at 5106 to 61 in bbls and kegs. Moderate sales of bulk pork at 3}o4c p ft. Sales of roll butter at 10012 c, ond of |jeg at &ioBlc ? ft. GREEN APPLES—SaIes on the wharf ut $1,97, and from store at $1,1201,25 p bbl. DRIED FRUIT —Sales of 100 bus peaches good quality at $1,12*, 10c for sacks. Sales in larger quantities would not exceed $1,06 ? bu.— Sales of 80 bus apples at 50055 c ft bu. WINDOW GLASS—Regular bales from store arc effected at the following prices:—City brands 8x10,14,00; 10x12, $4,50; 12x18, $7. Country brands, Bxlo, $3,2503,50; 10x12, $3,5003,75 p box. /a SOA P AND CANDLES—SaIes soap at 41, of variegated at 10fcc p ft. Sales of dipped candles at 9c, of mould at 101, und of star at 2lc qp ft. OHS—Sales of linseed at 57c, of lard al 56060 c end of tanner’s oil at $17019 p bbl. Cattle Market* New York, Feb. 26.—At market, 1400 Beef Cat tle, (800 Southern, the remainder from thi» StaleJ. 85 Cows und Calves, and 2500 Sheep und Lumha. Prices—Beer Cattle—The market on the whole has been rather dull ware oar last report The range of prices is a little wider, but there is no re duclidn worth mentioning on good cattle. Said of from $6 to $9 f- cwt 4 A few pair of extra ere re ported as high os $lO. There were two pair of re markably fine cattle in the yard—one pair raised by Lopal Canfield, Litchfield cn_, Conn.— the other by Mr. John Preston, of Duchess co., in ibis State. They were purchased by William H. Conner, of Fulton market, ut 1210 p ft. Cows and Calves—Sales at from $2O to 42,50. 15 left over. Sheep and'Lambs brought from $2 to $3,5005- 50, as in quality. 200 onsold. UIPORTB BY RIVER. Cincinnati—Per Dr Witt Clinton—l(l htul* iugar. \V B Holmes A bro; ti trea rice. Miller A Rirkriion; 20 csks rice. \V Holmes A co, IjO bbl« nuila*»c«, JAR Floyd; ID hhds augur. S Phelps; 1 box. C A Muhti) Per Isaac Newton—lo tre* baron hams. Orua A iT Grew. 17 bbls hominy. G R Massy; 5 do do. Blackburn 24 birds tobacco. J A Hutchison; 33 cskS baron. Wul tingford Fro; i] lilul* tobacco, D Leech 4 co, 5 t*oxe bides, Kier A Jones. Wellsville—Per Caleb Cope—3o bbls. Church. Ca rothcr* A co; 43 dor forks. SAW Harbaugh; 11 *c* dried peaches,*J McFaddeu A co; 10 bbls c seed, Arm strong A Crorer,J) bbls, 1 bg seed. 15 bbl* c seed. 3 kg* batter. Church. Carothers A co; 10 bbls. 5 kgs lord. J il McFadden; 31 bbU. 11 kgk land, 3 do batter. H Graff A etc 3 bbls c seed. Uagnlcy A Smith: IUI7 pcs pork. 8 A W Harbaugh: 75 do ao, K Robinson A co; 11 bL* butter. 13 bgs c seed. 4 bbls lamer, 13 sks flaxseed. 4 bbls but ter. SAW Hnrbaagi>,.3 «ks rags; Reynold* A Bhee; 50 bbls flour, Hcaxleton. St Loots-—Per J J Crittenden—s cks lead pipe. 35bgs d peaches. 5 do goober peas, J W Butler A bro*; 3 dry bides, J B Bayard, 4 bales calf skins. Waiter Bryant 100 kmffpigirOß, IS bbls dried peaches, M Alien A co: 389 skrtotaioes, owner-aha&rd; 10 bxs coin. 8 Jones A co; 50 bids Loulsvile time, At Besr.-ai bbls whis key. Lambeit A Shipton;! bbl lard oiL Sellers A Nicols, IOU bbls molasses, 77 do mdse, Boguley A Smith; 4 bbls lard oil, 9 coils rope, 95 boxes candles, 19 do soap; J Bpe*r. Wheeling—-Per Jaa bbl* apple*, Orum A bbls dour, 8 Tremble; 14 sen d applet sdo Hut 3no F Perry: 9 bbls lanl, 3 kg* hatter, 8 MeClurkan; 5D bbls flour, Jos MeCully: 1M do do, R Robinson A co: Stl do do. Reynolds A Slier. 1 lot sundries, G Sell, A bbls scrap iron. B'dcr.M bbls dour. Smith Louisville—Prr Telegraph No l—B9 bales conou. 1 keg quicksilver, A Gordon. 1 hz mdse, U A Public*, lock A eo; 4 hhds shoulders. Jjio Grier; 4 Us cuiUm. 46 bb(s lard oil. 7U bgs feathers. 21 do g m«eug. I Dick ey A ro; I boz mdse. II Graff A co; S bgs ginseng. 1 dt feathers, t do leathers. 1 do liec rtvax, I hhl sugar. I ha; codec, half bbl fash, t box raisins, L iiuichisou. <i »k. ltM bend canle. I horse. H sbelb) Weilsville—Per Bearer—e csks potash, 2 bbls bi ter, Church, Carother* A co: 50 do Soar, 8 A W Harbaugb; 43 sks apples, 3 do c seed. UM- kgs lard, Cummins A Smith; 10 bbls do, 1 do c A Smith; SB bga, 2 bbls e seed, McGill A Rocr. 24 do da, J C Bidwell; 29 bates batting, R RoCunsonf 48 bbls floor. 33 bgi oats, E A Heaxlaton; Oil pcs balk pork, 11 bbl*, 2 kgs lard, 30 bbls c teed; J do, 3 kgs batter, owner aboard. Jo* Worms by their Irritation, augment the secre tion of mucus or slime in the stomach, in which, aTJ to, they involve themselves; and it is said they feed opon it, and if deprived of it they die. The celebrated Vermifuge prepared by B. A. FAHNESTOCK, Pittsburgh, Piu, 1* admirably adapted in its operation; first, to remove the protecting mucus, and secondly, to expel the worms rendered helpless and tender by fce- Kibca denuded. Itis a remedy m which every con nce can be placed; and that tt has answered the purpose Is manifest Cram the hundreds of certificates given in it* favor Je6 10” DtsKTIU i» the bane of many a man's exist ence. No tongae can describe the ■ offerings eonsed by this distressing disease. It unfits man for his sta tion in life, whatever it may be, and makes him feet as though oe would rather not exist than endure such misery. Vet these i offerings are produced tn the first place by derangement of the stumueh, and if this wen met by using B. A. Fahnestock’* Anti-Bilious Pills, the bowels would be cleansed, the accumulation of bile carried oft tnd a speedy and sure relief obtained. Prepared and told by B A. PARNEBTOCK A Co corner Ist and wood, also corner fllh and wood sta. "oclld ’ Ne MoTAtl m Sxllxbs' Vnamtea. South Pittsburgh, Jan. 30th, 1819. Mr. B. E Seller*—J purchased one viul of your Ver mifuge, and gave my boy, aged 4 years, two and u ball temspooctful, in the apace of four hoars, and the result urns, fen enormous discharge of worms of a large size. Previous » giving year Vcnnifbje, I had tried Dr M'- •'Lane’s and Dr. Jayne’s, without any good effect. Yoon, An, GEORGE SHUNK Prepared anil sold by R. R SELLERS, 57 Wood st Also, by Dr. CosseJ, Fifth Wgrd; P- M. Carry, Alle gheny, and Wm J Smith, Temperancerille. feb7 CLOTHING, AT'TpS' WEOLE&ALB CLOTflWfll WABBBGIJSB. LEWIS * UASFORD, Nos. 2&J ax? £5O Pbaal axanr, (Between Fulton street and Burling Slip,) NEW YORK, lUVI on DASH nut LABGOT asrOSTMEIST Of CLOTHING ism UNITED STATES is mm sjrncui or . SnißTfl AND DRAWERS, We keep an endless variety. ALSO TU* HOST KXXXasIVB HASPS ACTPKrTJ 0T C ll GRANT OIL CLOTHING COVERED HATS In the World. PLAIN AND FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, febS~d2ni3taw OREM & HOPKINS, (Late John M. Oiem ACo ) • N. W. count MsMctasd Ciuxl** SvaernL BALTIMORE. WORLD inform Merchants and Merchant Tailors, that they have fined up the floors over their Tai loring and Clothing department, for the sale-b* 'he piece of Cloths, Casaimeres, Vestings, Tailors' Trim ming*, and all articles adapted to the trade. The lib flril pajjonage bestowed upon sem t in this department of their business, has induced them to enlarge their warehouse, to enable them to meet their increased trade- One of the partners who has had long experi ence in business, will devote bis whole time to pur chasing: and buyer*may rely opou findings large stock orwhatever is most desirable of Koropean and •American manufacture, that toonev can procure *Naw Cloth rooms will ba opened on the Ist March. Entrance on) Charles street. feb-xi-codgtn ' TAMEBS'OQm Af\f\ BBLS. TANNERS’ OIL, in handsome small OlL.—Cotuumllyon hand, bleached and unbleacli ed winter and spring Spenn,Hepbant and W hole Oils. Al.o“Sh“ H. W. Coast Whale Oil, '"pATONrOILniR HACIIINKRV-The ,al>»-n -ber* are now prepared to supply ‘Dcvlan 1 # Patent Oil 4n any quantity; machinists, manufacturers, •*-» *** requeued to call and examinelhe article, certificate* of tw efiieaey and superiority overiail other oils, from several of our most extensive 'manufacturers, are ta our possession. ALLEN A NEEDLES, Agts, 23 and 23 south wharves, near Chestnut st. feblO-eodOm Philadelphia^ SHOT GUNg, RIFLKO, PISTOLS. BDWA&D L fVBOfI, No. 134 NoxTß'Bxeoss sTakor, Fanjtbixrau> MANUFACTURER and Importer of doable and ■ingle barrel Shot Guns, Rifles and Putois,PoW' der Flafkvßeot Bags, Pouches, Ac. Ac- , PORT OF PiTTSBUKtrU. vt- aRRIVEI, Michigan No, 2, GUaon, Beaver. Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. Camden, Hendrickson, McKeesport. Caleb Cope, A. Murdock. Beaver. Zachary Taylor, Luc&i&i Wheeling. Pilot. No 2, Kama, Gallipoli*. J. J. Crittenden, Israel, New Orleans. Telegraph,No l,HailCp, Louisville. Consignee, J H Lockwood, Cio. Beaver, Clark, Beaver; DEPARTED Michigan .No 2, Gilson, Beaver. Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville. Atlantic, P&rkinsoa, Brownsville. Camden. Hendrickson. McKeesport. Caleb Cope, Murdoch, Beaver. R Wightman, Walliamson Cbrisler’a Landing Wellsville, I’oe, Sunfish. Ariadne, Grabili, New Geneva. Schuylkill, Williams, New Orleanj. Nominee, Smith. Cm. Isaac Newton, Hemphill Cm. Donube. Cock, St. ljonia. Cumberland, Miller, Nashville. Hamburg, Caldwell. Louisville. -<V-XT ■ fj-ftt 30 :«as tl 97 6 95 0 83 -sal 554 5(55 5 57 5,53 5 50 There were 11 feel 6 iucho full in the channel by pier mark, last evening nt dusk, and falling. Cincinnati Packets, 10 A. M. Brownsville Packet*, 10 A. M., and 4 P. M. Beaver Packets, 10 A. M., und 4 P. M. Cincinnati —Ringgold. St I<ouis—Niagara. Louisville—Telegraph No. I. Wheeling—Cinderella Wheeling—Zachary Taylor. FixTrCxiTim.— We notice the receipt by Tele graph No 1, of 104 head beef cattle, from Maya ville, Ky, mid designed for the New York marker Ourtkank* nrc due the gentlemanly clerk of the fine steamer Telegraph No. l,for lute river paper*- in advance of tbe muil. ttA ItB OK DISCOUNT—CORRKCTfcIi)BY a. UOUIE9. A- 80NS, Firbungr Brokers. >u. 55 Martel surci, near •< PeDniylvaals. Indiana. Uibloi'PittJburKh -—Par Bute B’k A Branches* I Exchange Bank Pni’SateSerip • Merrh. A Man. Hank -Pur. Virginia. Bk*jji FbiladHplmi - -Pur KleJiangc ilk. of Va: 1 liirmd Bank parjFarmers Uk. of Va " Bonk of Germantown pat|Hk- of the Valley, “ “ Chester ttounty-• -par;Bk of Virginia “ ‘‘ bvlaware Co. ■ • par'M AM Bk , Wheeling | Montgomery Co • par do Morgantown -- • 1 “ Northumberland |»i N. W. Bans Va—— J Columbia Bridget*. • pur do Wcilsbiirg-l Doyiestuwn Bank pm do Parkctsburg- u Parmer*'Uk Kcadlpg-par Ttanciie«, Faincrs’Bk Burki Co pur Bk of Tennestre- -•- 5 Farmers H’k l.anoas'r-pur Far. A Mercb’t* Bk- “ L*uc<un*i Co. Bk.• •• -pßrjPlanier*' Bk ••• • “ Lancaster Bk parlUuion Bk “ U.Stnir* Bunk- J'J ; niasourl. Brownsville Bk pat'Stuir Bk oi Missouri- - I W A-iuiUßion HI |r North Carolina. Gettysburrf-h Bk.- • ! Uk of Cupe Fear 2 Charabersburt' • ••• “ Bk.,Newbern 2 Susquehanna Co, ilk. 3 ISiate bank 9 Lcbigb Co Bunk, —I Booth Carolina. Lcwniowu -* (Camden Bk • 9 Middletown l f ßk. of t-harleston 9 Curliftltf • ■ “ Comini-ri k: Bk •• •• •» Fur ttt •• dP*js U*. of (irorreuiwn ••• 2 Fanuers’ and Drovers’ Bk ©t Hambarg V Bank. V4'uynesburg. • | Alcrrhanit life .... - - u . Hurn«!-ui< • ■•••“ Flaulers A Meeha’s Bk 2 llt>nosdu!c -—-I Bk of Boutk C-arelma-• 2 Lebanon per Maryland* linuvill, *• Baltimore Bin*. pat Wyoai:Dß 1 Halliu'e A(> B RBrrip -tp Yur» Ilk. I I‘hiraberUnd Bk ofAlle tVr.« Brunrh Bk I gbany • l Kehef Noi.-* • • - “ Far Bk of Murylund “ , 51A M Uk. Pitt* do- “ Fanners’ A M-«-Amirrs “ • lity AtViuiuy St rip l Uk. rn-drrtrk• “ Ohio* FVeoenekt’o Bk “ State Hs.nnd Branrbea 1 IlafcMlown Uk M Mount Pleasant “ Mtneralßk ...... t Steobeuvilk----- ••• • “ Futxpsro Bk 1 Sv Cto.rsvdie• “ WMhmgton Bk— *• Marietta • “ Bk.ofW eiunmnci • •.• •- New Lisbon —“ Michigan* -> Omemnati Hunks “ Hk.ofSu Clatr--- Columbus do “ jßk. oi River Ralarn-~.— Cirelevrlle “ Miclnguii Ins. Co S Zaaeavtlie •—••— “ Far. A Mreh's Bk* • 5 Ifotnam • “ U'liooniln Tirrit’yi Wooster—-—-- - 7o Uar.AFire Milw’o 5 Massillon —• — l Canada*. Sau.lusky - 5u AUsolvraißank* 5 Geauga 1 Book of KnglondNotes Norwalk So 94 70 r £»tr- Cleveland—— - 1 Gold A. Spec!* Value. Xeb'e** —- “ ’-Napoleons 3 8a Dayton “ .Ducats 2 15 0 2 20 Western Reserve “ Eagle,old 10 50 Franklin B’k Columbus “ Eagle, new 10 00 CbiUicothr u .Doubloons. Spanish. 16 00 - LAke Erie-.-- - “ Do. Patriot 1550 SC lota * • ** Sovereigns 4 83 Lwicoster -—lO Guineas 5 00 Hamilton- *l3 Frcdencksd'ora- —--97 (JO GrtnviUe 5® Ten Thalers 7 6D Farm’rs B’S Canton —5O Ten Umlders 3 00 llrbana •••**— • -60 jLonisd’ors 450 StMucky. Kxchaiuga. Ur of Kentoeky I New York • 4 pro: UX.ef Louisville * Ifitiadelphia • - - ♦•*■• iprn Norbern Bk. Kentu’ky- “ 'Salutcore ij>ra Saw York—City Banka,par. Intenor B'ks l SECURED BY LETTERS PATENT PUBLIC ATTENTION .ia-solicited to an entirely new article of RAILING, made of wrought iron bare, and soft annealed rods, or wire, and erpreasly designed for enclosing Cottages. Cemeteries, Balco nies, Public Gtounds. Ae., at prices varying from SO cent* to f3jUO the running foot. It is made (n pannf Is of various ieugths, 2} to 4 feel high, wltb wrbsghl iron posts lj inch square, at inlervemng distances d< #lO 10 TeeL If desired, the ponhels nan be mufle othuiV' heisht, ut eonunnou* spans oY 60 to an feel, wuh'-uip without posts. No extra charge for posts. ■, i u The comparative lightness, great strength and'daru* bility of the WIRE RAILING, the besuty ofll* varied ornamental designs, together with the extremely low pnee at which ft is sold, ure causing it to supersede the Cast Iron Ratling wherever their comparative merits have been tested. For further particulars, ad dress Marshall a brothers, JUST OPENED, this day, and fur sale at W. M: 'ClinlockV Carpet Wareroam. No 73 Fourth sirec Very style Brussels Carpets, New style extra sup 3 pty do Super Ingrain Cartxt*; 4-4 t-ommou Ven io Carpet Med'miup do tl<> 3-4 do do do Fine do do 5-8 do da da Common do do 2-4 do do do Cotton do do S-4 Cotton Carpels. ALSfV—Extra tup Velvet Pile Carpels, of the latest importation. AXnunister Carpets. Tapestry Brussels Carpets, all of the nebest and newest styles, to which we invite those withiug to furnish house*, steam boats Ac. feints W. M CLINTOCK. Cl L'GAR CURED HAMB—9 tierces B.C Hams.bnu O fled Miller, Brown A Hawkins: 23 do do do, branded Evans k swift. Families and hotel keepers who want a choice art ele, can be supplied t>y us in any quantity, and at an time during the reason fcbt* BELLRRB k Niaii.<t HEMP SEE > - 5 bbls rec'd and for sale by ja33 BRAUN A RF’JTFR WRAPPING PAPKE—On hands, a iail supply ol ait the different «uc» oi aupenor qusdity, which tve offer low to city drslrr* BONNET BOARDS -100 gro Whitt Bonnet Boards for sale fe».24 _ REYNOLDS A SIIKK lIT <X>L>- The hii;tie>i price in cash paid for Wool, VY by feb'-Ei 11 i.KIv, Idberty *l, opposite s(h CILOTII 1 rs*c American Army Cloth, on hand and / tor sale by feb*3 _ H LEE A FF.W good second band RIFI.ES and PISTuI.B won led at the office of A W BROCKWA V. No. 9 Coiumereiai Row, Liberty '•< feb*£) BUTTER —10 bbls fresh Roil Butter, mst rec'd ami lor sale by JoIIN WATT. lel*!9 . Ijt.eriy st CNANDLES— 16 bx* prune Hperm Candles; 16 bon J Ktar do; 26 has mould ana dip do, for sale low SUGAR— 10 hhds old crop New Orleans Sugar ic rale by WENTON UOWEN, fcb'dl 90 front st ALUM —lb bbl* Alum, in store aod for suie by _ fefi2i _ 1.8 WATERMAN MACHINE CARDS-Just rec’d, a frerdr supply, i reduced prices. febUli GKO COCHRAN w Tab's and'Churns, O/J/k NEXTS TUBS; 20 doz Churus. on hand and 4UW for sale low by BAM’L KROESEN, LARD —U bbl* Mo I Lanl: »• Itegs do do, to arrl aad for rale by BROWN ACI I.BKRTmON, febtfll )46ldbcrty st KOLL BUTTER—If* Roll Butter. U> arrive an ‘tor ta> by trlriO BROWN A OIJI.BEUTSON T r KG BUTTKii—2 kcaa prime Butter, to arrive and jV for laleUV febtfii BROWN A CULBERTSON BR. BARBER'S HORSE POWDER—On band and foMale l-y _ J KIDD A Co MOLASSES AND SIMJAR—HV Irbia N U Malar set; IS do rur*r iiou«e Uo; so hhd* fair to prime “■■ar SRSA NICOLS il colored Plaidci ETTA WHITE DARK IW*UK CHECKS—S ca*e» Shining Cheek*, ysrduh Grure», jo»l received by rebia suacklktt a wihtf. Of all kinds. lewis a iianford. Nos. 262 and 250 Pearl st, N. V BLUE bale* heavy dark blue Prill*, received tuul for tale by fcbls SreACKLETTA WHITE Gl BEEN FLANWKI*—One bale heavy bright tail’d r feblS Uld ' ,U *' sIIACKLETT 1 WHITE SUNDRIES —14 Ifol* No I Laid; 4 do No 'i or greare do; Suck* Feather*; 1 do Oinreng; lUdo Ela* Seed: ? bale* Cotton, uovv landing from *tmr Me«»en gen for n*lo by fobl2 ISAIAII DICKI’Y A Co CIUEESE— On huud ond foraale by / Icbt'J ISAIAIJIWCJKEY A Co C'ItIJTON V ARS, Ac.—lttOOO lb* CutUm Yarn,'a*- J torted No*; aoO bale* Baiting; 'O do Randle VV irk; Carpet chain, cotton Twine, nnu rover)t*t Yarn, for; ioleby _JeblO_ _RHEV.MATrHF.WH A Co /*IIfERSE~4D bz* foreale by V J febai _ SF VON BONNHORST A Co ALCOIIoL —lu 11)1* to per cent; 5 do 60 per cent, received and for ml* by fobiß H HSELLKR3,fi7 wood «t PISTOLS lot"u< Cali&rnU Pistols ju*t received and for talc by W \V; WILSON. __fobso corner 4th andjAlarket sta (1 OINO -EAST —On nen Wednesday, for Sprittg J vupptir*. Any trrctai. orders for Waiche# o* other ante c* in toy line, will be protnpUr attended to. tflbW \v W WILSON SUNDRIES— 4S bbls No 1 I«ard; S bale* Cotton; 0 •aeka Ginseng; 33 dp Feather*; 6 bag* Bean*; 3d do Flaxseed; 1 tierce do; 1 bag Beeswax. to arrive! for sale by ISAIAH DICKEY tCo, ! febl9 front ft PEARL ASH— I0ca»k» Pearl Aih, ;a*t Tir’d and for sole'by BURBRIDGE, WILSON A Co, \ ; feblft ~ ’ fc water ft l J hr*CrrASa-4:cAik B Potash, mat rec*d and foe nl* by - BURBRIDGE, WJLBON A Co J BOATS LEAVING THIS DAY RATES .OF DISCOUNT. WIRERAILISG, Agent* for Patentee*. Diamond alley, near Smitbbeld »t, Pittsburgh. feVAwOm a CARPETS, foe. REYNOLDS A SHF.E ENGLISH It BKNNKTT corner market and Sth *U Ml matters. EXPORTtfI FOX PITTOCXCB DXILT'OAZnTS. MkToJti Or?ftx. Fittsbuboe, March 3.—Six persona viire before the Mayorthis morn* lag. wju committed twenty-four hour*, for ( The second had been arrested for duotfceriy at <l-c church, corner cf Seventh .vjind streets. The watchman swore th*j tbe together with several other young m’ln the congregation by keeping a-'greal Hoise, and nsing profane language at the When he was taken into custody, bis compchions Attempted to reicoe him. and it with-jtho aV'host difficulty that the officer, to getlier whh as niiny of his colleagues as lie could summon |o succeeded in getting him to tfje house. He was sentenced to three dayji but his father engaging that tbe not be repealed, he was on pitting a fine of two dollars and-fifly cent**. Vie artcjglad to see Uiat the police are mouog fi tlu»|tnaUer. The conduct of a few young vs taboßdg ha> long been aa annoyance to til persafk goinglo the church ailaded to, and we bojx* thaf a l* put to it Tbe keeper of o tippliog House ntipr the Theatre, was next brought Up charged witlijdruiikenueas. His defrure was iulerlardcd withwore 1 1 says'’ and "says he’s” limn any we I'huve AVer before listened to, and wu* verbotun.ks follow*: —‘ Just after having shut up cny little sho{i as going home, the wab*uuan came up:lo me, {jmd ’Patrick, what ore you up to,* says he, *.&oihins says 1, ‘where are you going, ifiys he, : l, ‘you aint,’ says he, l am.’ sqy» l, bql faith was right, for he took me to the watch hqSrse of my home " The prisoner then trieji to his blarneying powers upon the but;ivas sentenced to pay ihe usual fine sonable, and ih« money out of a puree well Stored with golff and silver, a* well as notes, he bowed very polijely to bis honor, and left the office, to again Open belittle shop,” and provide custom, ers for the watcT?.house. The other three |>ersoiis who weft of drunkenness, were commu ted lor hours each. MaTOft 1 * PtTTaßtjßoa, March 4—Six persons Wh° heii lieen enjoying themselves a little too mutlh on pjaturday night, came the Mayor this Tbe wife of tbe first custom er appealed ag£ja*t him, and swore that her life was in ganger! towing to his violence, and l hut dniul of never gave her a moment's peace. % thal the night before, he. while op«i the door of a room in which bis wife hfoi locked' herself up, and beat hrr. The prisoner,‘a cuntfftig, hypocriuca! looking man. when asked What to say for himself, declared that be ■'rhursl Jfoen the divrr, in order to get the Huly Bible, a tbe inspired pages of which, be deliglued toTcad, both text and comment and that so fiir fiomiieating his wife, he was the party tggteved, as ahH.never gave him any peace, and always oompelH>d him to dy to the Bible, the only Comfort jie in this miserable world." The Mayor that he tied for comfort more eagerly to the bi<ttle than tbe Bible, committed him in default of Kjtl for bis appearance at the next Court Sessions. The next threw je-r tons wel« brought up for drunkrnness, and two of them ware roßtfQilleJ for twenty-four hours each. While lift thirJip&id his fine and was discharged. Quite a fine lotting young fellow theo appeared, charged.,Vvith tia same offence, and declared that ou ihe 'previoi f 4 evening, be put on a pair of new pantaloons for the first lime, bqJ they felt so good, ho, couCln't bejjr leerrinr " If he had not succeeded to l ’«kelUng them," he had tn muddying them, ofiil therjMnyor not deemma tb<« a valid excuse, tv as marking out his eoramitment when he begged -that Hj* honor, would send a consta ble with him, promising to get money to pay bis fine. The sbl! hesitating, he declared he bod foot horeC&to attend to, and that they would be starved if hAilid not go For the horses’ rake, be wus.pcrmilUhd to take his departure, in custody of a watehinatL- The ia*>t on the list was commit ted fur twenty-4qur hours. ! •te\ •- F occurred yesti-rdny, l*>th of which, Ut all |9X>bahihty, were the work ot an in cendiarf. Tbfi.firM broke out in the back huildmg of a house Second street, befonging to Mrs. Adams. - It bnl been fined up as n tem|>orary oar]>eatk7'a shdp, for the purpose of preparing the wood ttfprk fofi|iie reflection of the front budding which #a« btfifol down in the late fire. The fire was before tbe arrival of the engines, but rae doors, window sash, tec., which the room uonPiinflxl ‘were 7 Yl£Cftjjwd. Another > VLrpba alley, betwe«{wood «nd Liber ty fiiiecfk, occupied us;tuUasksmith »hop ML Eliot, yit more as a stable, was buifbt to t&h ground, about eight o'clock, yes evening^ f j|)EATH«— Tb« Co tuner held an in quest oft morning, open the body of a man villose oMhc wa* unknown, and who was killedjbjjr a frucsar« ofthe akulL The unfortunate tnon, who seen&d a little drunk, woa atepping from the steimer. S£-tiuyllriU. to the Niagara, when his foot alibied, ohd he foil into the river, hta head Striking agamtf the guards of the boat while he wa* in the act & lallinr- He was drawn oat before hi- was tioder lha water; but. niter givtur a tew gtfips be‘ : «xpired without speaking. The wooodJ"which-. ; Was quite a small one, was just above, The poor fellow’s clothing wu quite ringed, qfid be had no papers about him by wbicb*ltey discover bis name. A verdict to Vkilh the facta of the case wan given. Picxjfecxrr AaatatrD.—Police Officer, Hill, on Saturday monFog, arrested a pickpocket, charged with scaling ajjrocket t>ook containing one dollar and fifty ce-nta}-frum a little girl, m tbe market bouse.'; She d&lared Ibat the prisoner and a con- federate, bad jpstled and pushed her about icverol timer, fpt she tip at pacing through the crowd, so much, indeed, ip. to attract her aUeution. Immedi ately alfrrwardjk «b<* raw the prisoner hand a jk>ek. et bookrto bis fbmpjmoQ,,wlncb she thought ver) like be? never suspected that they had stolen fl, till tltk put her band in her pocket to get pay tbr some beef which the had bought. The trtJtclier. dil hearing the story got a countable, and affer aamei search the pre-oner was arrested. He dOTared that he was Inpooent, but offered to pay lbs giri llite money winch 'h«- had lost, rather than put tfl any inconvenience To this «'* cmr»o*thc offipi-r objected, nnJ he was fu-l\ com mitted'for trial, , I-Mpojmu* -“A snap tuanufociurer ol our city, purchased on -Saturda\, m barrel* of what pur- be sdftp tat, from the cook ol a steamboat; payitiffjhwn tWo dollars a barrel for it On exmins. lion, -t§ey distfp7ercd it tu b j filled with apples potatoes, piectik of bread, dec . the top only being covered over-Vith a loyer of fob The cook, n colored man, kyos brought up betorc Squire Steel whertvfhc tasjner was compromised by his return: mg dollars, tl»e prosecutor paying the costs. -• So ludlih competition as to which shall get the re&se steamlwat*. exists tunoog tlio soap that they ore often cheated in this Wky, they buy in a hurry, eager to be hrforeUiieir riknl*. ATfibtrrai^SutciDt— A man who was arrested on mg fe. Ferdinand Saadoz, front the steam boat Clipper, mnd|i two determined efforts to destroy bimsefr on Saturday. He first attempted to bang. himself with jjif pocket handkerchief, but was din covered, and&tlt down afier be bnd keen banging ft few min uteri. His bandkt'rchief having been ta ken aiiruy, bAjlben twisted bis sbirt, and making n noose-bo thread of it, again hung himself to ibe hiira ef the door ol bis ceii. The Captain of the, Walt'iig luckily discovered him licfore lilo was again cut hira down, though it t§i« before he was restored to conscl finally diaeb^ged. - LI CAtlFcnwiAj—A friend has shown us a letter from; lit gentleman connected with a company al>oui to stpft from-Veona, Illinois, which isorgaoiaed on • plaoihan most others. Its rnemlsTs are generally men, who have been engaged in the Ijanta trade, aud its officers consist ol a capti)n, wogbp toaster, and orderly sergeant. This company wdj conalst of about a hundred meo, and afifen to draw thesr wagons instead of nralah or hones. Battbit.—On Satorday, morniug three., charnotcra living in Ross Township, made an attack upon Edward Spencer, as It# was to the «c1k«1 house. He look refilfl* to th4l batlding, and defrnded himself dc«* pebbly wll| hia kniii.', cutting all Ins assailants lessjbr mottri and injuring one of them quite se vered)’. ‘ jisiL-—Alfred Boyd, whose arrest we noticed | day's paper, was held to bail before tbousud : dollcb, appearance at die next Court of Qttkftci Schema- Shameful Conduct.—While * clergy in an vis baptizing Mine yerterday, by imtoersion, above the Monongaheta Bridge, be was ranch an noyed by'the unfeeling and unchristian conduct of : the byitandtTH. Prior to tbe commencement of the ceremony, he told them that be had frequently been troubled by their thoughtless condoct oo siml -lir occasions, but that he vu sure the men who were present would preserv e order, and he hoped that the boys would do so too. As soon os be led the first one into the water, the men and boys who filled two large dal boats, began laughing and shouting, and ended by throwing a large dog into the river amidst uproarious merriment We hope that this disgraceful eooduct was the result of thoughtlessness only. We*ilo hope that the sober second thoughts of these misguided young men will the error of their way, and in the mean tune, it might be advisable to procure a few police officer*, and station them at the river, so as tn prevent a repetition of a similar disgraceful scene. Pocket Book Found —Just es the pickpocket arrested on Saturday, was entering the Mayor’s Office, he threw a |>ocket l«x>k away, although he afterwards denied it. which, on examination, was found to contain the tallowing memoranda: — •Snyder’s check SlOOfh, Holmes’ S2BO 31; Davis’ $2.T2 92; Note s.*>; Odd change 81 23. If the j*cr son from whom the above pocket tx<ok was stolen will call on the Mayor, he can recover it Sworn*.—At a late hour on Friday night, one of the watchmen discovered two suspicious looking characters carrying a trunk down Wood street lie immediately ran up to them, when one drew a sword and made a desperate lunge at him, which he lucidly avoided, and knocked it oat of hi» hand. The sword, which i* one of those used by the Medical SlatT oi the United Slates army, may be seen at the Mayor's Office. Tukatee —Mr. Orisp takes his benefit to-night when the Lady of the Lake," founded on Scott’s poem of that name, and the three of • Used Up, or There's nothing in il,” will tie presented. Mr. Crisp appears in both pieces. MISCELLANEOUS. OHIO FKIIALE COLLEGE, utumi, oiuo. RT REV CHARLES P. MeIt.VAI.NE. D D, Bish op of the Kim Epta. Church in Ohio, Referee Bov. D. W. Touoan, B. D, Rector of 8l Luke’s Episcopal Cntuch, Principals Mrs r M ToLniM*. .Associate Principal Aided liy an efficient and experienced Board of Teacher* Tbe establishment occupied by this Institution has been tilted op-at in expense of about StSJ.OUI. li i« litunted on UteVlrvated ploiu in the rear of Marietta, near the wt*yluiow» sue of the I’aropu* Marttus. The > buildout is spacious, the grounds large, covering at*oul five aoie>. and die location healthy The quietness of the place -the association* of rhe U-cslity—the char seter oi the sarruuuding scenery—the fine old town lying below the ample ground* and *hnde, invite to contemplation and study The situuiard oi graduation in tin* Institution is of the highest t haruclcr, including not only a lull KAg lish nnme. bui where il is desired, the lailut, tireek, Hebrew. Urruiaii.' ITnicb, .Spanish and ltaliaaTan t-sages nUhouuli ihc-e languages are not demanded tor graduation— wiih uiatruriiop in embroidery, Useful and Fancy, Mnsie, Paiuung, Drawtug, Ac The rpnijuj ol the Institution is. to give a sound ed ucation. willt thorough morel and rvtigious instruction. The ’i oung Ladies are under the immediate charge of Mr- Toltord. (.ovrrnmenl kind, but firm. The nr (1 session commences tbe I*l ol April, and conuiui. « five Calendar Months For hoard and Tuition, including roots reut, fuxmiure, bedding, lire and light* g&S uu Musi-t. Modern latiiguacrs. Paining and Draw-' mg. extra charge. Heier in Pittsburgh lo eiiher of the Episcopal Cler gyrnen _ . . . mafl INDRMKITY I I'ratUJin Fife Insurant r Co. of FkiLulelphta. .IRKcTORi* —Charles N. Bancker, Thoinns Hart. Tobias Wagner. Samuel (Irani, Jacob K Smith, l*eo. \V Ku-hnnl*, Mordecui U. l-ewi», Adolpho E Bone, Ifcivtd S Brown. Morn* Patirrson. Ctuit-n* N Uimiix President Charles (;. Bancker. Secretary. Oonunur ui make insurance, perpetual tn limited, on every description of property in town or country, at nitei a* low as are consistent with security. To Company have reserved a large eonlinjent Kami, which w.ui their Capital and Premiums, solely invest ed, afford ample protection to the assured. The assets of the company, oa January Ist, 1849, a* published agreeably lb an act of Atsembiy, were as follows, vis: Mortgage* Heal Estate Temporary Loan* Nloecs- - t'a-h, Ac 51,039,493 71 Since their incorporation, a period of 19 yean, they have paid upward* of one ml than four hundred thous and dollars, losses by fire, thereby affixniing evidence if th« advantage* of insurance, a* Well as the ability and di»po-iuon m meet with promptness ait liabilities. J. (iAItniiNKUCOPFIN. Agent, marl-dly Office N Kcorner Wood ami 3d iu KENNEDY * SAWYER, LOURING GLASS Manufacturers, and Wholesale dealer* m foreign and domestic Variety Good* VVentem Merchants, I’rClars and other* are invited to call and examine the'prtees oat _*iock, s< with oar present increased facilities in manufacture mg and purchasing, we think we can offer as great inducements u. buyers a* any other house west of the Mountain.'. jaS-tf SBW GOODS, IS«. KK.NNF.LY A SA 'VYKR, comer Wood aod Fourth •treet, arc now receiving direct from first bands, a iar<v dock of Fancy ami Variety Goods, inc uding Clock i of avery variety, /old and silver Watches, Jewelry, French Prints, Comb*, ilooki and Eves, (iiorri and Hosiery, Butpcnders, Uun Caps, and oil other articles tn their bos—*ll of which having been parchssod personally of the manofaeturera east, da ring the last winter, expressly for the Bpring trade, will he sold a small advance on cost. Constantly on hand, all descriptions of Looking Glass es, of our own uiuuufartoimg, ut eastern prices marl BlflKLirm&KUQli SIIMJFACTOBI, [iixniond Miry, Mims IP oni and &miiAji*Li Stma. us, rp F. M BKiKIAiW would respccUully Cyty the puhlie that at his Factory can at all time* be found a large supply -VD* Family Carnages, Barouchss liug* gics. and all kinds of fancy Carnages, equal m ele gance and nettnet* to any found In iba East. Con tracts for any number of Carnage*. Buggies and Wa gons. will be promptly filled All work of his own manufacture will be warranted. RErrassra*—Col. U Patterson, K II Patterson, K. D La warn. K*q., Robert Robb, Ktq , C L Magill, Al derman Steel febUS-lini SKW YORK AND BOSTON PIANOS. JOHN H. MKLLOR." No 61 Wood street, has received invoice* of a largo supply of Piano Forts* from the ccle- II ■ I "firmed manufactory of i bickering, Bosion, to arnve in a few day*, of wlm-ii due notine mil he riven, varying in pntc.trnm to STTki. A)*o from the manufucinnea of H Worcestm, and Uarun A Raven. New York, a handsoo.e assortment of fl, fl| and 6| orthvc Piano Forte*, row-wood and uahugain ca*e*. of the mini elegant description, sml with all Uie late improvement* The above, in addition to 'he stock an hand, will make the latgesf and loott desirable (election ever ode red for sale 111 ihlc city, and will be sold in all ra»es tn manufacture!* accommodating terms, and a wn.ten guarantee given with every Piano Forte sold. JOHN H MELLOU. Sole Agent for ibe sale of Cluckcring » Piano Fortes, for Western Pennsylvania deciiO California Rifles. , WW\ RIFLKR, same finish as the new model per * eussion l«ck Rifles now used hv the United Biate* Government. They are lining. well made, and i4-rvic.-t.hl>' ttun*, exactly the ariirln. f,.r the Califor nia Trade, iujini!Briur-d and tor sale l-y EDWARD K TYRItN, No Idl North Second «l|erl. Philadelphia / fehK eod'lw ,/ TO CALIFORNIA, FUOfl ST. LOUIS. THKsuliserihct it now preparing ui convey i large party !>y iqa overland rnuie to ('alilormn. Per son* who wistrto go in a cheap and comfortable man ner, may have the opportunity with Hus party, who trill all be earned through, tarnished with good pre visions, fur die. low charge of SITU each The quanti ty of baggage hi each must not rrc*cd ifiO lbs weight. Will depart front Rt. Lotus about the SOth of March. A remittance oi SJO will secure u conveyance. feblk-lumublp It. CORWIN, Mam si, St, Intuit -PHILADELPHIA IMPORTATIONS, AT lAI WEST RaTKR.—Ju»i received, Poris Pans of In test styles. IVreu«*ion Caps, Teelh Brushes, German Slatectind Pcnctis, French Perfumery und Druggists article*. with ihe eiUMoivr variety o Fui icy Goods tu the city Dealers are invited to an early exammblmn beinrw purchasing their supplies, a* the goods wifi‘be offered at the lowest importation rates. WM. TILI.EII, Importer-! jall-dCweod No 1 Coixunorcx *t, Philo. POII SALK. A FARM situate mi ihe N. W. hnnk,of the Ohio nv er, mna utiles below PiU*burt«b v coiitntniitg JfcSJ acres, lulr the property of John M. Hood, deceased, and known ns ‘•Sale Handing.” Reference 10 David llood, im ihe premises: Win. M. Davis, Allegheny, and the undersigned in ln« cut of Pbllaoelpluarr Icbl-ttmeod CHARLES GILPIN. Tv the Honorable, the Judge* of the G'oi/rf of Gene ral Quarter &i eions of uu Prate , ijt aiul fur the County of Allegheny. 1 MIL Petition oi JnsD. Weaver, of liie township of , Findley, in the county aforesaid, bnmbty *bew mb, that your petitioner hi* provided hiiaself with material* tor the accommodation of traveler* and olb era, at lui dwelling house, lu the township aforesaid, and pravs Uni your Honor* will In* pleased lo grant him a license id keep a Public House of Entertain meut. And your petitioner, a* in duty hound, will "'Vie, the subscribers, cttuca* of the aforesaid town ship, do certify, that the above petitioner is of good repute lor honesty and temperance, and is well provi ded with house room and conveniences for the accom modation and lodging of stranger* and trawlers, and ibnt said vaVeru is nceotsury J Poltock, Win Slrousn, Jefferson Patton, John Mc- Cullough, David Cooper, John Ferguson. Matthew Andersou, John McMurtrie, McA. Armer, John llood, William Vtnesmp. mntfl tW?_- Sundries to arrive II) l»x* prime white Havana Sugar; 10 tierces Rice: 11J bbl. N O Molasses; 10 bxs Lemons; 90 bxs Soap; 60 bis Buis ins; 40 bia toilet Ponpj And for safe low. ENGLISH & BKNN KIT, feb!7 37wood_st_ For California. , . . TIIK celebrated Hazard Rifle Powder, io kepi “ 8 ke&»,quarter* arid cans, for *olo by J febt3 3 J 8 DU. WORTH k On, STwood M nuSVuendant'Police Office, NO. IIW FOURTH STRKKr.—CmimnUaf Maji irate, Alosilmiß Stkkl. Chief of lUooa. Uf) DR AGOON PISTOLS—An invoice to irrivo • by Leech 4 Co*» Express on SaUred»)b tor£ol- Homii expedition, and for sale at on my cose, a Pur»o containing awne 1 money, which the owner caa have ly »dcißUr»i>S the same. * teblß „W_WNVILSCW_ Ij'INE FLOUR—24O bbls fine Flopr, an excellent at -1 uole, in store and tor sale bit fcbttt -BELtgBS * NlCOlfB MACKEREJ—IS tjbil No 3 Mackerel, (18491 io«oi* and tor vale by W* M MITCHELTRER fefctt 10Q Lftcrtjpjit - . •I«. i DRY & VAKIETY GOODS. SinaUu Detviopevtmi of the California Gail Fcvtr. * DAY, No. 75 Majucx ftrun, Pnrsscsou, HAVE rtiolrrd on SELLING OFF their lim stock ofDRYGOOiOS— the principal part o i wtxich hate UtehTtaorpure based at the Lanas Acts tios Salts In Philadelphia. and New York, at a tre mendous and unparalleled sacrifice' We have made sjuh a large redaction from our reg» ttlar prices that jye will now sell a lure portion of our goods BELOW TOST of importation. The earltr at tention of buyers is invited to choice high colored .goods adapted to the California Trade. LADIES DRESS GOODS. Plain and figured Cornelian Cashmeres and delaines, •Uks, all prices, Very superior brochia Eg’d Super cloak cloths, all co and watered blk silks, lori. Superior repamare silk*, French rihrinos, all colors, blk and colored, Black bombazine*, Super black glossy Gro do Cross barred and striped Rhln silks, alpacas, Visette and mantilla silks, Broeha he'd and strip’d do, best quality. Jenny Lmd plaids, Pure ssons, blk and blue Victoria Lyonese cloths, blk setins, very neh, lamkrtine satin merinos, Coberg eloths and cameli- Snper silk warp alpaca 40a lustres, lustres; 811 AWLS! Splendid plaid long shawl*,i Splendid irrkeri shawls, from N. York auctions, great bargain*; I Plain and embrot'd tbibel| SHAWLS!! ' A few b roc ha long mhawl*, toe uowl »*■ have erer brought to ibis market, Bow to be sold at great ' bargain*, ■ . Superfine and common bro ck* tquare »h»wl*i Soper cornelian tilkahawls (jKNTLKMENS' <iOODa K.Uttwln, ail color*, remarkably cbtfapi French cloth* from the celebrated “Johany"’ manu factory. For beauty ot finish and permanence of wear, th’cae cloth* have no superior; a few piece* extra fine jet black aud olive caston beaver* and other heavy cloths tor ovor coats, twilled French clothe, manufac tured expressly for eloak*, l-'rench and Amencan ca*- simerea, super west of England do, super French sa tins for vestings, the beat Imported. Plain and fancy velvet and cashmere vestings, merino shins and draw ers, Italian cravats, linen, cambnc and silk hdkft.ho siery and gloves. STAPLE GOODS. Irish linens, best longclolh shirting.mnalint, bleach ed and brown "muslinA of good quality, remarkably low; tickings, checks, domestic and imported ging hams, scarlet, vellow and white flannels, a large lot very cheap; a large lot of white and ernssborred coun try flaunets, cheap; brown and bleached Barnsby table linens and table cloths, Rosiij and Scotch diapers and towellings, satinccs, Kentucky jeans and tweeds, BLANKETS. An usual large stock of blankets, direct from the manufacturers, some of which arc the best ever exhj luted, all of waich will be rioted oot nt unparalleled Id'w prices In addition to the above ruumerated goods, out slock comprises a very large and complete iiasoiunrni of almost every article usually lonnd in * drygoods *tore, and as they have been mainly pur chased at the eavem auctions, hence the late great re duction of prices. Wc are enabled and determined to sell them off at great bargains. Wholesale buyers, country merchants, tailors, ami the public generally are respectfully invited to an ear ly examination. Bargain* shall be given. ALEXANDER A DA V, 75 Market st, febS N W comer of the Diamond D&I GOODS NOTICE. A. A. MASON A CO., No. 50 Mmn stub, Pmaatrgoa, Ps. BF.G leave most respeetfully to annonnee to their numerous patrons and the public, that thoy, in consequence of.cometnplaung a cliaiige~in their busi ness, propose opening the whole of their extensive warehouse, (including all their wholesale rooms.) for retailing, and will coulmae open until the first of Feb ruary. commencing on New Year* day, Uil» Oor wholesale stock, comprising one of the most extensive and varied assortments of Faury and blaple Dry Goods ever exhibited in the western country,'will be offered at lower price* Lhnu ever before known Eve ry article, however choice and desirable, will be ac rordiugly reduced. Upward* of fitly thousand dollars of our stock ha* been recently purchas'd, the greater portion of which are foreign good*, received at New York by late European arrivals, which from the late- ness of the season, as well a* the known pressure in the money market, were «o!d at immense sacrifices at public talc*, at cate* varying from twenty-five to firty per cent Ice* than similar goods brought the first of the season. We are therefore confident that our prices for the time above mentioned will be found to be even lower than any Eastern wholesale rates. VVr anxiously itfvile all persons to visit oor estab- hinenL whether they purchase or not, and test the nh of the them that they will inear no obligation thereby, but eonfer a favor upoa the pro prietor* Our assortment of Silks, Shawl*, and fine Dress Goods will amply repay oue for a visit; added to which, an unusually great display of Domestic Good* will, we hope, induce all to ealL Our system ol one price wil be «trietly adhered to. jals A A MASON A Co House keeping goods— w. r. Mcrfht m vitee ih.e attention of house keeper* and those al*>ut commencing bouse keening, to hi* iu«orunem oi above Goods, such n*— anil Counterpanes, white and colored, ■fickinj* and pillowcase Muslin*, Sheeting*, from one 10 three yard* wide Table Diapers and Table ('Mb*; Towelling, Towel* and Napkin*; Furniture Print* and Ctrinue*; Scarlet Oil Chintz, for coriam*, Soper printed Cbtmz, for quilt*; Knibroidered wudow curtain Mnflin*; Striped and barred Bed Blanket*, all qualities and size*; A supply of these Goods m constantly kept on hand, nd will always be sold on ilia moil lavorubic irrin«, north tut corner 4lb nod Market »u. 81,04?,439 41 94,734 83 90,001 W 21,983 82 37 BLEACHED GOODS-A. A. Mason A Co. No GO Market street, have gust received the following writ known brands of Bleached Muslims, via. T-C and S-4 ‘Jtunr*’ Virata .Mills,' 5*4 ‘Nsumkeag Su. >m Mills; ‘Mason,’ T'okonokci.' 'Carlisle,' igainoad,'Kirafton A, - ‘Pittsburgh,’ ‘Lawrentre,' ‘Bos ton Pillow Case,’ ‘Farnsworth.' Ac. Ac., ail of which, together with many styles not here mentioned, will be mjIJ by the piece or package at Eastern prices, retell Artificial flowers—smith a Johnson, 40 Market si, would invite the attention of dealers and others to their extensive slock" of Freneh aod American artificial Flowers, which wilt be offered at eastern prices. , dec*J7 GIINTS’. FLUNI SlfiNoTTuOlis—Fii.c .'•nu.s wiu, standing collars; merino, silk and-wool Vests; do do do Drawers; silk, kid tuid wool Gloves; merino, courm aod wool £. Hose; bik lla|]BP cravat*; hao Ze~ phyT Scarf*. decs HREATON - *: Co V XMLNWEft tAtti'E 7 !*—\Ye woulTlavtw the A attention of those wishing to furnish houses, to call nnd examine our Arminstrr Carpru, winch are very nrh tn style and colors. Wareroom, No 75. <tl| si. Pittsburgh. dee!* W M’OLINT«>CK SATIN DAMASK—\V M’Ciintouk offere to purebu* era a very handsome auorunrm of rich satin Da- masks for window rurtjun* Also. French chinires, bulls linen, transparent shades. 4«.. at Ins carpet ware roots. "A Fourth si. decs ISSKS" AND INFANTs'WKAR-V H F*to?i 4 Co, have uddrd to their lormer business a de partment under charge uf Mrs. ifigelow of Huston, fox making to order in latest styles, Infants' "'car. Misses Sacks, cloaks and Dresses, Ladies and Genu Dressing Gown*. • (isrment* embroidered or stamped for embroidery; kiuidaj. netting, crotchet work.heiiisuii'hliig and mar king neatly executed. qov^S GOoDg. SHACKLKTT A WHITE. BO Wood street, are now receiving a fresh stork of DRY GOODS. of recent purchase, slid fresh stylet, patterns, Ac, which they will sell tow to the trade Merchants are requested to call and examine their stock ami prices febd O ILK WARP"'ALP “iTjtohniun* - 40 C 7 Market street, would invite ihe'*nurutimi of dealers and others to their choice slock of Hilk Warn Alpacas, Mohair Lustre* and fine Bombazines, which they ore now offering m reduced prices. feUi /\N HaNITaN UFUR HAA.Iv- to ps diatT Hlanket \J Coating; 8 p* Lavtiulcr do do, 1 ca»r l.avimu-r Blanket*; l Jo grey railed Cloth; l do Anny I'toih • i do Tweeds, hrown. black and gold mix; l do inn.-V I’assiuierrs; I bale blue Ulaiitvl Coating, '•muni’lird direct from manufacturer* and for *u)e b> ihr i. .esn-c or ptecc._ dect!o_ MfHPHVA I.KE. sf I,'ATRA ANIJHUPKR THREE PL\ C UIPKTS— J Received this day, direct from tbo manufacturer*, a handsome a**onmrin of r*»» supci nml super thr. c plr imperial Caipftn, Ol new Jiylcs, SO Which vve a«k the uiieution ol tbnnr wishing to furiucti houer* i,r steamboat*. Carpet warutoom, ,\.»75 Fourth it. I'm*. . dcc'Jl __ _\V H’CUNTOCK DUMK>t]C WOOLLENS tiUokcis, Flruinci. Tweed*, ijtssuiriln, .‘>-4 Cloth and <'b«muicir. by U.r p.eee or parkage, very low, lor sale by ._ iK’vtes GEO roCHKAN CASSIMKHKH-Vcare* ifew style Fancy Ciisinmerra, bngtit figures and very handsome goods. jii*t opened by _ SIIACKI.ETT A WHITE I.'RKNCH MKRINtrH AT COST—South 4 Johnson Ad Markcl *trert,wi!l sell (or the balance of the season ul cost, their stock of French Merinos, coinpri -mg the most choice color* Now n ynuriime to se cure barg Kills docut VKI.VKI' KIBHO.\S--Jq«i received at '2ebulon Kliw rey’s. B 7 Market street, 3Ups colored Velvet Ribbon, assorted rotors? 30 •• blnrk •• “ “ emhroidory Gimp; !0p« wide plain,&f. deci ' . ULGVEhAiNU lIOSIKBV-—Smuli 4 Johnson, 44 Market si, would invite the attention of dealer* and others to their choice stock of Hajou’s superior Kid Gloves, mul a great variety ol merino, Kill and cotton UUivea. Also, to there extensive clock ol worsted. Cashmere, Alpaca, Vigoum and Silk Hone; Moravian ami Othar styles of rollon Hose—together wiihevery style of children's Hove mul gentlemens’ half ifosc. j*t> if^lOLi) HpLCTAGLKS-—Si! verdo, Steel do; German V? Silver do. A lorge osAontuenl constantly un hand, and carefully filled to any age. Concavr, con vex, and cataract spectacle glass uceuruicly adjusted to any vision required, Also, multiplyiug glasses tor exnmiuing linen, wool, minerals, bank Jtotcfcftc., just rec'd and for sale by W W WILSON. Ja3 corner of market and 4ili its LKVIATHUN GOLD PFINK, a magiuficeut and most excellent pen, bring tbe first sent to this market, for sale by W W WILHON, jao corner market and 4th its KID ULOVKS —23 dor Imdic* super Kid Glove*; 10 “ mens white and blk “ S “ misses colored do decs ' \ F HEATON 4Co BLANKET COATINU—Drab, Lavender, grey mii ed and blue, for sate by Uic piece or package, at manufacturer* pnees, by MURPHY A LEtv jhS liberjy *l, opposite oth CII.OTHH—1 case black mixed heavy easMimenss; 4 i do Tweeds, fancy colors; 1 do fancy caaeimerc lor sain at manufacturers prices, by ja# MURPHV A LKK ri l WELDS AW £££i cold inixM X brown and black Tweeds, 1 do Fancy Cusimcre just rcc'd and lor sale nt manufacturers prices. MURI’HY A LEE, libenv at, opposite oth 17KE311 ARRlVAL—WrM'Ctiutoek oDersto those | ' wishing 10 famish booses, the handsomest assort- j rorni of Carpeting ever brought to this market, com prising in part the following varieties: Hich style Vel vet Pile; Axmmstcr Tapestry, Brussel*, extra super 3 ply; super 3 ply, superfine and fine Ingram Carnots; lo which he most respectfully invites bis friends and 1 the public, to call and examine before purchasing i elsewhere. Warerooio, No. 75 Fourth *L Pittsburgh I declG _ | M~ "oDJTaLI’ACAB & DE LAINjisPlWe havcTu.i ! received by Exprore, several eases One and me dium mode colored Alpacas, do Laines, and Cash meres, which wIU be sold low. faw __ SIUCKLCTrfc WHITE, W wood at Black alpacas and~lustri&-w. r. hd»- phy invites the attention nf buyers to hb very foU assortment of the above goods, embracing the vanous Qualities from the to wen price to the finest. Also, Mohair Lustres, vejy glooyrhnd dr rich Paris bik. Also, a large assortment of fancy Alpacas and Lus tres, consisting of changeable, s*t£n striped, satin aad fancy barred, damask figured, Ac. Mazarine Bine Pannottos—A few piece* of these desirable and scarce goods on band—also, Mazarine blue Alpacas and Mouse do Laines, at the north east canter of Fourth end Market ats. Wholesale. Boons up stairs. febia BLANKETS— 50 pern Drab Blanket*. The aquation ofCalifcrmia men are asked to tats artiele,-oa they are Jtoavy.and will be sold low to cine consignment febn H LEE BLANKET COATING—An assortment of Blanket Coating, for sale very lowaa ike season it far ad- Thoee inwaot of thUaiLtte will gelbai |oio*. • • fcM7 , al£B i f "*■' - MISCELLANEOUS. passu PIIHE TEAS, Wholesale and retail, at the Pehn tea store, to fwnh street, near wood, Pittsburghr-Tbe subscriber having just returned froa Now York.'!* now receiving a large (ail nnmlv ■of (reah'ORFlEN AND BLACKTEAsTfrpta the New York Pekin Tea Company, selected with great care for retail tales. Onr nock being now heavy we are pre- • pared to supply Grocer*, Hotel*, Steamboats and Fam ilies withanyqaaflUty and at any price they may wish; packed in i, 4 nnd 1 pound packages, 5 lb. tin Canu te re. 6 and 13 lb catty boxes, and in half cheats. Retail Grocers are Invited to call, u we can and will ietl better Teas at lower prices than any other house in Pittsburgh. Oar stock of fine Toting Ilyson, Gunpowder, and Im perial Green, and Oolong Black Teas aw the beat in the American market. . . , _ . Lovering 1 * doable refined Loaf, Crushed, and Pul verized Sugars, at retail, or by the barrel. COFFEES—Mocha, Old Gov. Java, Loguira, St. Do mingo and Rio Codecs, selected by the most expciien eed codec Broker in New York. Sweet Spiced Chocolate, Pickled Cucumbers pnd Onions, Fresh Fenchfcs, pat up in their own juice. Malaga Raisins; in 3 lb boaes. N. IL—All Dr. D. Jayne l * Family Medicines for sale. dedMAwS A. JAYNES. GOLD WASHERS. i H PARRY ha* invented a machine for washing • Gold, for which be has made application for a Salem. They are now offered for safe at the ware* oase of Parry, Scott A No. IU3 Wood street, Pittsburgh. Adventurer* to California are invited to coll and ex amine ibe*e labor-saving machines. They are simple m their construction, easily transported on the back of mule* or horses, weighing eighty pounds each, and can be pel in operation in half an boar. They can be filled with provisions. It is the opinion of those who have seen ihe trial of one of these machines of smallest size, that two men will wash the mineral from'lso bushel* of sand or earth in a day, without the loss of a particle of the mineral. They can be increased In size and worked by water or mule power, if expedient. The operator* work without going buo the water or .being exposed to wet, and consequently without en dangering ibeir health. They will require boj a small stream of water, and can be used the whole season, add can be put into operation where there is not suffi cient wash La the usual way. Price of smallest sire $35 Orders from abroad, ac companied by cash, will be promptly filled. 1L PARRY, at Parry, Scott A Co’s, No 103 Wood st, Pittsburgh. SAM’L. GRAY, MERCHANT TAILOR, tJ I' !l *MI t DDILDI.tO.t ST. CLAIR STREET, PITTSBURGH, KEEP* CONSTANTLY ON HAND CLOTHS, CASSiSERES AND VESTINGS, OF THE BEST QUALITY AND LATEST STYLES. Gentlemen Wanting FASHIONABLE GARMENTS, Will find it to their advantage to give him a calf. _jm» Rooting^—Gai van Iced Tin Places. THE subscriber* beg to call the attention of Builders, Architects and owners of Buildings, to the many advantages which these plates possess over all Other metallic substances hitherto used for roofing, Ac , as they possess m once the lightness of irom without its liability lo rust, having now been tested for several yrnr* in this particular, both <o this country and in Eu rope. They arc less liable, to expansion Slid contrac tion from sudden change of the atmosphere, than com* moo tin plates, iron, zinc, or any other metal now used i.>r roofing, and consequently forin a much better tud tighter roof; requiring far less frequent repairs, whilst ihe first cost is but a trifle more. A full supply. of all sizes, from 16 to 30 W. G, con stantly on uand and for tale by GBO. B MOREWOODA CO., 14 and 16 Beaver street, New York. The patent right for this article bavfng been secured for Uic United Stales, all pnrtie* infringing thereon, cither by importation or otherwise, will be prosecu ted _ _ £._oci3o-4AwlyT P&PEfi HANGINGS D EPoIT, Ao. 18 Ccrrtlandt itrest. Hew York, orrosiTK tut WKSTKaa uorsn. • The Croton Hanufketurtug Company, (Organized under the Genera! Manufacturing Law of the stale of New York.) OFFER ai wholesale, in qoaoiitics to suit purchas ers. at manufacturer** lowest prices, for cash or approved credit— -I‘apkb !lAs<ftxa* of every variety of style and price. Boaoica* to match. Fire Board Print* in great variety. Transparent Window Shades. Oil Painted Window Shade*, and Wide Window Curtnm Papers, Of die latest style* and superior Gntsb, all of their own manufacture and importation. As their Stock is large and entirely new. they invite Merchants, Book seller*, and Dealers in these articles, to call and exam ine their styles and pnee* whenever they visit the city. Country Merchants can examine this Stock from 6 o’clock in the morning till 10 o’clock in the evening. felrtJG-dlm RUST PROOF DION. 1HI E undersigned have erected work* in the city of New York, for the purpose of Galvanizing all arti cle* of Iron, winch n is desirable to PRUTECT FROM KL'ST, such a* Telegraph Wire, Bolts, Ppikes, Nalls, Wire for Fence*, and any other article which may be required. For Hoop* for Ca*k* 1 a* a substitute for bale Hope; for Clothes Line*. Lightinug Rods, and a host of other applications, it will be found cheap and durable. They would particularly coll attention to the Galvani zed Wire for fence.., it require. m> point, and will not rn*L Al»o lo Spikes and Bolts, the preservation of which i* of so much importance, that it trill commend itself lo the notice of all those interested. GKO. B. MOHKWOOD A CO., Patentees, (vi.KLitjwivT 14 and lfl Reaver *t, N. York. Elscllon, A N election for Preddrut, Managers, and officers, f\. for “The Company for erecting a Bridge over tho River Allegheny, opposite Pittsburgh, in the county of Allegheny," will be held at the Toll House, on Monday the sth day of March next, at 3 o'clock, F. M. irl>7-d4t\vidT JOHN HARPER, Treasurer. MUFFS AT GIIEAT BARGAINS! •' M4CORD a Co, wishing to close qul their stock of . Mnffs and Victoiieos for foa Reason, will tell the balance jculbraclng' a. good Variety of- Lvox ■!■«! Fitch, as well as Uio more corajnou articles.) at EAS TERN COST—to which they would respectfully invite the attention of purchasers. NOW IS THE TIME FOR BARGAINS. Call at corner Wood and Fifth street.-* jn!9 Hniprau A Soat' iiodaAth. Tin*! subscriber* are now receiving their Foil stock of the above article, three vessels, vis: the Juuiota, Medallion and Lydia, having arrived at .Philadelphia and Baltimore. and two more, the Stephen Baldwin and Leila, shortly expected; they are, there fore, prepared m receive orders. They will reeeivoduriug iho win ter and spring regular supplies via Now Orfoani. novlJ W A M MITCHF.I.TRVK MOUNT EAGLE TRIPOLI—For cleaning win dows and lamp glasses, silver plate) bre**, Bn tamiia,pnd othet ware. It rapidly takes out all tpoi* and stains, and reproduces the beaottfol and durable hmre of new ware. Just received andfor sale, whole sale and retail, by JOHN D MORGAN, J a ‘J3 Druggist OYHTKadI OYBTEHtSU FRESH FROM THE SHELL—By Burke A Co’s Fast Express, at reduced prices.—To accoramo date ail lovers of this drliciout luxury, BURKE A Co. have resolvgd to supply ihe people regularly through out the sea.son.wnh ibe choicest Fresh Oysters in cans, half cans and shell, nt such reduced prices u wilt enable every family to enjoy Uu» delicacy at their Uible*. An Express load will be received daily nt the ware house oi JNO C RIDWFXL. Water street, between nmnhtield and Grant, and iur sale tltc:e, auJ at the fol* lowing drpou Reis A Burger, comer Smithfiebl and 3*l «t-». L Hvnzletoii. Diamond: AdlwevW, Penn st. 'Vm.l; Dllsurbey. foot of Liberty it; J Colinru .1 r , IVnu a Avcsiu*, .Nn-u-rj A Robinson, AMegbrny ruy. llOTtU* I II \VKI,L’S I*KF.MII M MRK mi/OF »l . CEMENT - The Proprietor would rcsptrcttuUy inti-tm the puMn 1 iluu In. lm> now ihe »nii:-tactf ion to <>iW incru « i fmt'iii which wtJI weld, Lciuilnuily and duf«My. all nrticle-. of China. Kanhcii and Glassware, Sb-ul-s. OrusinniH. Marble. Ivory, *e.. without d»3- blMiring ihrtn rn the letiti. rendering them as useful lor «nv purpose whatever as mey were Ixforc broken, and nut ail- c rdby beat, water ornir Tins Cemrui is not weakened lit the least when sub jected to s strong tin- heat, or when immersed in hot water The public have long since toll the necessity of such on aruelis and in this their eipeclatidaa'Will i>e fully rculued. os it is applied without heal and can l.e u«rd i>) a child The subscriber has tally tested this article Fnr sale by \V W WILSON, r ' juii comer market and 4th in' ~ For Sal*. A SECOND H A NT) STF.AM ENGINE, in godd niu mug order. 7} inch cylinder, 30 inch stroke; boi ler 14 ieri long, :bi un-hes m diameter, fly wheel VI rwi. Also, one line uf rbuftS,'t!s feel long, inches in diameter, with drums; one upright saw. Enquire of IshW-dtov JAS. SAirfil, No. 48 High »t NOTICE. MR. SAME 11. lIAKTMAN having sold his inter est in the ro partnemhip ot liuleman, Hailmao A C-o, to the remaining partners, bis this day retired from the farm 18, 1549-tf PITTSBURGH MANIiFACn’RF-S. Tlie under -I. signed. Agrni mr the nißiiutaclurers, has on band am! i« eo.istanUy receiving a foil supply of the articles made in Ttltiburgb and vicinity, which, he offers for »nle nt manumrUirers prices. (iEo COCHRAN. tn-w *.»J Wijod st J AST evening, twtween 4 and Bo’clock,a SILVER J WATCH, with a meel chain and key, aod with tlie minute hand off Any person finding the same and leaving it at the GareUo office} will be liberally re* warded by the owner. febl?-dti I NlilA RUBBER FASTEreI gross bottleslndlaßub- L brr Paste, an excellent article for rendering boots and «hom perfectly water proof - , and aod as a piece of cloth. One application oi this past* (a anffieiem In make them impervious to watcT for S or B montha, and a perfect preventative from the leather cracking RecHl and for sale nt the India Robber Depot, No 5 'Y 00<1 -‘ 1 ’ Mm Jill PHILLIPS PRINTING PAPER—Having the exclusive agency for the sale of the Mill Grove Printing Paper, R- M*rkle, Proprietor*,) we wilt bo constantly supplied with aji the different tizca of superior qiuditY, which wc offer at the lowest regular prices. REYNOLDS A SHEE, . .!* corner Penn aud Irwin *t» SOTICH. T'HH underaigned having removed to Washington city, will uUcnd to tbu prosecution of claim* on the Government, mud to any Inw business before the Court* of the I)i«u|ct, wuh which he may be enlruited. dectM3m* ANDREW wYLIK,Ja wutigk; TMIE Stockholders of the Pittsburgh and Isle Royale 1 Copper Mining Company are hereby notified that the Trustees havo ordered an assessment of one dollar per share, payable to the undersigned, iu mo equal inj ilalrnent*, one on the Ist day of and the other on the loth tiny of May. By amer, Ac_ JOHN IRWIN, Jr., Sec>yßitl TreasT, laStbdliD _ cot. .lVrry.aßd From m. BlcstcblnK- Powder, iChlorlrfoof'CiimeT) IMPORTED DIUEGTFROM THE MANUFACrU RKRH—The subscribers have ou band and will constantly be supplied with Jan. MuspraU A Sons’ cel ebrated Bleaching Powder, which they will warrant equal if nql superior to any imported in the U. States, ami which they are prepared to sell at the lowest mar ket pnee foreash or approved bills, novl WAMMITCUELTfIEE,I6OIibertysi bn.' D. HCSTr Deriliw. Comerorpoarth ji- said Deqator, between Market and FetTy sueela. sepSl-dlyin A Good Bnalxicaa Stand for Sals* ACONFECrriONAHY and Vuriety Store for sale, on Pcuuaylvaaia Avenue, with, a good run of buoiucu and a small stock.' The Proprietor finding u, mcoitveuiem to have two eslahluOktaem*, Due csuio for selling. Apply m - ; H. M. SMITH’S, laW-dUm egtncr U ylie and Washington «ta. GSfO.IV. 89UTU ACO,, INFORM^ their Mend* and thesjitlblietlaitEfff hm7# na longer dnycanaceliim wtt& th*ijr>late tfsU&Ush. mont in Penn «t«ei,kupwu as tha PilUtat&Brvwerv bavin* removed thell’tntiTC'WnivsH^OkalYllNV MRKWV.ffV.ip Pilt Klreet, X wi* *7 ’ , *Wfc II MPCHtgf ,4gggV?^- lai-> -' "2No4soXil>iWt3r*t. >r ' , : ‘ ' " •■ 4 HOUSES,EOTBrFARMS,fcc TO corns USD SUGAR PLANTERS. PLANTATION IN ARKANSAS.—The subscriber offers for sale the extensive plantation is Arkan sas, formerly belonging to and occupied by the lain Governor Kent, of Maryland, and containing twenty eight hundred and eighty-three aud a half acres of land. > This estate lie*-in the Counties o t Phillips and Crit tenden, and is situated in Wtflnul Bend, on the Missis sippi river, miles above the town of Hele na. It is said to be the highettviver land in thy* Re gion of country. It* soil i*'peculiarly adapted to the growth of cotton. Its improvements are an overseer’! house, a horse-mill, several corn b?vT» , t and good quarters for servants. Upwaroa of seven hundred acre* of this land here been cleared and are now cultivated. The rear of h mar be easily cleared, (ihe most being already doited ana ha» less umber upon it, and that chiefly of nab, which is readily sold at a well located wood yard, in qaamiue* of several thousand cords every year. This plantation is oue of great value, and' . rare opportunity to the pulflio. la the hands efa rooJ J < Slanter it may E>e easily mode of immense «nm*i\ra u Its facilities of intercourse with New Orlethsafc ford a constant avenue fur the disposal of its btoaZ*** ■ It ia distant about BCU miles from mile* from the mouth of tho Ohio, and"ttntiWTuEi, New Orleans. d«Se*d PR)PenT W ‘ U ** dj ' Tidcd “““wal V***,\U For terms, apply (postpaid) to 'VTtUAM B. PERINR • Baltimore, Mary Uad. 905 Acres Coal Uad for &mlu. SITUATED on the Mouongahelarirer. Com Pitubairtud iffiSi riwn> ito?|isS“S theimmediate neighborhoodofMeaar*.Lfos •Bd poieluue. T*U bEg** Coil will be #old*at the low price of tOper «c*S«m ihirfin b*nd, balance la fire equal anaSll. witbooi interest. Hue indisputable. LocaUonvra? f^Ta 0 s; ."sS'srate. -• perry. ReaideneeSd St,below Ferry,Mr. Adams’lbw N. B. There is another team of coal on this traat’ abaci 60 (bet above the lower, of excellent Qaallir ’ . iga ' FACTOBY FOB BALSOttBSBT. mHE large and well bulb Factory, erected on Rebec* JL ca street. Allegheny city, by B.B.Caa*au. Esq, U offered for tale or real from the Ist of Jan. 19(9. Yho lot on which the Factory ia erected, fronts 109 fr»t oft Rebecca and runs back JlO feet to Park street. The main building it of brick, three atonies high, «"( 60 feet long by t£7 feet wide. The Engine lionie la large, and commodious, with an engine, Doilei, slack, all in complete order. The property will oetoia low, andon advantageous terms. Inquire of ROBERT AT KNIGHT, aecffS-<ttin . Agent. COPBITRy BtCSIDESCB FOB REIT. a lb ACRES OF GROUND, situated near the Pittsburgh and Grccusburqh Turnpike, 3| miles from the city, and adjoining Uie AllegbeoT Cea* etery, on which is erected a large and well llwnlmd iwo story Luck Dwelling Ilotiso, together with stable*, rarnaga house. Ac. There is also on the premises'* laree variety of fruit trees, and a spring of unusual 6X- v cellence contiguous to the dwelling. Also—One three and one two story briek dwelling, situated on liberty street,between O’llara and W«J nut streets, sth Ward. Rom moderate. Enquire o t - l >ia - WhL YOITNO, 143 Liberty w T„ Val°«bl* B«al Giuia tor Sftlc. . HE Tnutee* of the Western Theological Seminary having decided to tell, on perpetnsU lease, a not' uon of their property u Allegheny eity, offer on rat favorable terms, from 30 to 50 Lota of different nzaa. A warrantee title will b* given. Apian of the logout' be wen at No. HB Wood street. For particulars, enquire o» either of the undantawd Committee. JOHN T. LOUAN, ALEX. LAUOHLIN, MALCOLM LEECH, H. CHILDS, * SAML. HALLEY. Valuable Real Batata for Sale* THE following property on the city of Pitiibnrfh, and near the baroaghof Manchester, on the Ohio river, t> offered for sale oa accommodating terms: 3 Lou (heiog autHdivisioa of Lot No ,469 in the plan of the city of Pittsburgh,) having SO feet front on Se venth street, by :SlO feet to Strawberry alley, near Grant street. 10 ooe mere Lois fronting on so Avenue, 60 (emt wide, running from Beaver road lo the O!uo river ad joining PUillipa't Oil Clolb Factory. For terms, enquire of CHARLES B. SCULLY, or JAMES O’UA&A, Burke’s Building, 4ifa at POH apHT, • MAND possession gTOcn the Ltl April— A Sion in Market street, neat Liberty. A Store in Liberty street, next <ioor to the eor» ner of .Market and Liberty sts. * The adjoining Store, corner of Market and Liberty street*. Two Store*, with dwellings attachetkinPeaneiree*, near the canal. Also, aGm rale nan£ with or.with* out dwelling, near the canaK Posse won given im mediately. Inquire of DA Vli) GRKiiR, jal9<mn* Penn street, near thoeanal Lot on Liberty Street for £eu«. ONK LOT, 4* feet front on Liberty * tree L by llQfeet to Brewery alley, nearly opposite West street, and convenient to the river, will be lett ed for a term of yean. Enquire of CHARLES B SCULLY. or JAIfES OHABA, * Burke’s Building, tih jt, TO LET. STORAGE for !XX) barrel*, in the dry Yuths, comer of the Diamond and Market street. Also,one basemeiustnre room, and twoupperroaxn*,- suitable for shoe room* or office* Enquire on the pro of ja2B ALEXANDER A DAY. ValniWe Property for s*lfe — THE undersigned offer lor sale the valuable pmser r>- known osConcerTHall t iituaiedonPexmhaecit. comer of Barker* alley, having a front on Penn sireei of 120 feet, running back 160 feet to a 12 fee* alley, on wtueb is erected a very large brick dwelling hour, themaiu buiidingfrout of two stone*, with wing* one and a half story nigbj and the pear building three no n«s high. The boildiug is very convenient and wall adapted for a Hotel or extensive Boarding Host*. I* U now occupied by Mr. Christie a* a Hotel, For terms, apply to r , JOHN GRAHAM, or >« fchlMm JOHN ir PEEBLES, [EWw*. , FOR BALE, r—' . /|N .Irvomble term*—A Lot of Ground on the south , \J wde of Fean street, near the AlanengaheU rive*. fronting to feet on Peun street, and ern-ndinv ilO’feet" in depth to an alley 20 ft wide; a most desirable loefr. • : uon either for private residences or for mnmif»>t Tf ?nir purposes. Enquire of J SCHOONIkIAKER A Co. JeUa-_. . . ... No at WoodVr* M TO LET—X iwo story brick DwelUar HobM' '-! oa Hay street. Require of , . fcbla JAMEii PAIjZELU 9) water at M COUNTRY SEAT TO LKT-A two norr Bnck Dwelling, wuh acres highly improved Land, situated ui Oakland, to let from Ist Anil “«» OARD7, JONESACoT ' eM * 44. Water umi VoTlcti Jsk A three story Briek DweHhtj, eonudaissll t _fc»H roams, on Wayne tttreci Rem to* good'leaami 5230. Apply to C A M’A*NULTY ft. Co, feb9 -canal basin. Foa hkst; : MTHEthjeo story Brick Dwelling House,'for merly occupied by lie subscriber, on RebeecC' b: street, in AUegbeoy city. JAS. KKBfi, Jr. • ‘i »>• jalS-tf No 36 Water at ’ • « Property In Allegheny City for Bmle, rpHE subscribers offer for sale a number of ebatee JL Lou,situate in the Second Ward, fronting on th» Common ground, on easy terms, inquire of W. 08. ROBINSON, Any at Low, St Clair st or of JAS ROBINSON, on the premises. my!7:dAwifT AsA KOK'BUNT—For one 10 threeyear*. from "the thfiW first of April next, a Jargetwo storied brick Dwelling House, plcasuigfr situated on the bank 01 the Ohio near, adjoining tbefroroagh of Maoeheal ter, with about Jour acres of laud, out buildings, fruit »«*«, Ac Ac. ‘ Apply to ‘ ' ' j«5 JAMES A HUTCHISON*Co r T6~L*C~ mA LABOtI and well • Col*bed‘Room, second story, on the corner of Wood end Third streets. bl«otv the Exchange trinee of -Wm'H Williams I'.iAiessioagiven tuiniedtaiely. Inquire of Liberty m i ' Roa SMBOUBEST. AE THE subscriber offers for kite or rant, his resi* Jiadence in Allegheny. city. Possession can be gi ven lit of February, or sooner if necessary, and'whn ever may occupy it, might find it advantageous la re tain some oftho (arwture, Ac., particularly *»H to the place ja2 R. W. FtHNDF.TTRR, For. Rents : ‘ ‘ »*Jh& In Allegheny city K «'pleasant Dwelling House ~Jg , »W and large Oaxden T duihc second bank, adjoining -OrtowJiogg. For terms, iqqolre of Mr. Benj Clyde on.tbe premises, or at his store, No ISO Wood to AI.FX BRACKEN RIDGE. FOR RBRT. nr?,!'/ AdL A TAVERN STAND und Store, to which 1a JltSB attached iHucres of good land, one Uurd.But dow, situated in Bsker*town,on the Boiler rend* I* nulev from Pittsburgh. Inquire of W.‘H. BAUM, head of-Wood street, or of W. B. RI.ICKELL, on the premises. feb»-dCt '• M TO LET—A large bnck Duelling llouae, Bgg suitable for two •tamilie*,- siiaatcd.oa Federal JUKscureet, Allegheny, above Mr. Ci raves’ store Apply to H..LEK, / e *»3 3 Überiy_»i, opposite Stb TO l«fiT* M SEVERAL three story Brick Houses In Wood’s * Row, Marbury street-terms 91bU pe» year. Al »o,-vaeant I<oi, comer Marbury street and Duqueana Way. Inquire of JAMES WOOD*.Co, febtiy-dct* No 57 Waicrst' - FOR BALES. QIX OUT LOTS, In ib« Baterve, back of Alieiibeny O and No*. 104. 183, loc, tfly, qffl a/t, containing abcoi 10 acre* each. Alio, eleven coatigaon* UjU In ibe -Ninth Ward, 24 icct on CaiSon ' •uecr, by 120 foil depth to Pauenon'a line Two lou on Liberty «ire«,*M fern by lOu 10 Soria alley. TUMe lot* ate in the »Ui Ward. near lha linS ,l of th« Sih Ward. Inquire of ' fabga-tf wm. m. darlingt6n.‘ ■ " 1 TWojnqvsKr AND DOTS FOOJ&LS on f >aver «ireet, in the city- ot A JSL Alljegßeay, above the upper Common*, qq wUck"* i» erected a frame building, t-vro stories. higL-*Bitsj>2' r ‘‘ for two KnUlI tenefacut*. The lot» arc caca . twentv ' ir feet la frontby one hundred feetdecp.and nm back to;a *UMtfoTty feet wide. Tho buildings on tho orZ mlseswlUpayaatiry han<Lio«no interest on the WeiT meat, and the property will be sold eheap Jot cash. " ApplytOlf: Sproal,<3erk , i ofliee-, U. S,orto ' * HOTtf> _ KAY k.ckt SW'KKK'K —r-77:. THE subscriber offer* for rent for tie - Jiaonopr mole year*, a large convenient welKfi«f uWdtwOttory Oweilinß Ho Lite, co.i UU Ji^ l ,: ‘ and Kitchen. Tbcreuajotof *to«u«1 acre, of fine rou«* fruiUrre. of cverr kLmL * &C-, connected wuoilw-ii&Bj«.' To anv ta» • dsliriitfiil rejfiKncJwllWn « f bo low u> *. good idiom inqrir^o™t,*s2?-' MtfißiS; ““ wf TlfKO. P. WRIriUT. .... Bcototi Bottom f.«w«l ft.-B.iJ’ 1 **.on" T F -? ACtl £ s V." LAMUi . “Sd ta pS?£ brio. ' X ship, on the MOnonrabela, three mitns frjn«. d-*^ 4 *- 1 L: 8 A A l '] T? ON .? T -«N stbeett «Lc iuy s? ?■?»* till! hoiiMl lad lot now occupiri Kii-hSi fjs!2j!&f > - UMM.ftoMjlfWfcM, .^‘inSoaisSfaSwmi* oertl-dtf i LOOSUS, AVood: ] - kr-Kia „ . begrAnatbuti,Joriat , it*'- j. ,VZICIC,ILMCAMPX _
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers