wtte THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. ):'■ A - 7 -OfcJ*:'' BUtUr***-- \ ' ! .['’Tie Coinmlius Ohio Stole Journal cootmeols ih.tfce tbllowifigvitraiii of ihe a Bargain and Sale* i& xhe Ohio j&gkiintre, which distributed ail the offices between the Locofocos nod Free Seilers.—■ The iateDsity-cf poiitical animosity t* col hkeiy to be soon alloyed id- that state Teb Other Pftovmoss. —The partv ot the lirst pm-having performed the condiuups of the con tract, by the repeal lilact lstt’rfindHie lion ot Salmon P. Ctiaie to the office of Senator, j lhe_P«rlwtmatice by the party of the second port. : commenced by lhe adnuasioo Fmth and Pierce, was continued bribe election of Kiifus P Spaulding and W B CeidV«U ®» Jud S e 9 01 lbe the Supreme Court Other minor sen have V een done, oa both slSes, and there are doubt les« secret coudtUons yfc* to be consummated. The coolocss with Which the features ol the contract are avowed by the Free SoUeit and their organ here, ns soon b“ the performance takes piuee; ib quite a feature in political affairs, gives an air of simple innocence to the roguery ibat is quite aiuuj-mg. The rejoicing scenea, in fact. *r>t lull as areal over the election of Messrs. Spaulding and Caldwell as over Cbnge and Bits*, ftnddjubtle-u that Free Soil whicn elected them i« just as well pleased in the oue ense as in the iUgraphle Kerrs. | other. ... n«tp. E «- I Th. Standard (F... Sr,l, any. PUBLISHED BY WHITE A CD PITTSBURGH! J&TUttDAY 3, 1&49, PHttADELPHIA~NORTH AMERICAN. Advertisements and Subscriptions tbthe North Atner-- /• emn and United States Gaxettc, Philadelphia, received ad forwarded from this office. w COMMERCIAL LIST AND PHILADEL PHIA PRICE CURRENT. Subscriptions lo this valuable paperwd! be received and forwarded from thU offic** NEW YORK EXPRESS. We will receive and forward free of expense, ad vertisements and subscriptions for ibis paper. (Lj-Thx Pmsaoson Dxn-T, Gaz&tti la pubhshen Daily, Tn-Weekly,and Weekly —The Daily is Seved Dollars per annum; the Tn-Weekly is Five Dollars per annum; the Weekly is Two Dollars per annum, ttrialy aidveiui xnr w» Tho*»os. E*q., 9. E- corner of Balumor and South streets, is our duly authorised Agent fo Baltimore, bid. Poa latxst Commercial Intelligence, Domevtle. Mai let*, River News, Imports. Money Markets, Ac. se bird page. S«« next page for Tj Pox Local Siclters The Union of cVAttai »wd Labor. 9 referred to this subject indirectly yesterday, in tome cinctures upon thi course of the Morning •Rj*L We propose to continue it. for the purpose Of suggesting aod enforcitfe a mode by which cap ital and labor may be m&dd completely harmonious The Post announces to uslbaiwe nr* 3 iu Ihe midst or • 'war between Capital oruf Labor, In which the farmer is most uonalunillylseeking the extermina tion Ol its handmaid, whil4 »bo editor himself like a true knight-errant, yielding u> bi 9 instincts ,m be half of the oppressed, is receiving in faia own shield tbo ihnxmerable blows which are aimed at the life of the weaker of the combatant*: la the midsi, however, of all the turmoil sad con. 'tnsion of this wordy fight, bis spirits are refreshed by the beneficent aspects of these two fiery bellige rents walking band in haod in the divinest harmo ny in iho restibales of ‘the Siar,’ ind hob-nobbing' together m the festal chambers of tbo ‘ Novelty Works,’ of Livingston, Roggen, tz. Co. This spectacle, which is ~the anion, 1 aod might have been characterized as • the happy nup tials” of capital and labor, is certainly a pleasant one, and will doubtless be continued unlit some mischief-making intcrmeddler shall undertake lo convince the latter that she is oppressed, am} in stead of spinning and weaving in content, she ought, by way of showing her independence, to set up far herself and take lessons, instead of tmgr«, in thn.great school of the right.' of man 4 It is strange, however, that the Poat should take delight in a scene such as has been described, 'when its editor has taken so much pains to enter into the habitation where these parties have here tofore dwelt »o lovingly together, to sow domes tic slrtfe m their once happy home, aod to rend aasunder those whom reason and nature hath join ed together. It is set down, however, as a meni on the part of the editor, that he taken the *ide of the weaker party'from the promptings of hts own generous impulse. U is tor the same reason, we suppose, that he always decides in the same wny. without reference to the merits of the quarrel, and with' out ever stopping to inquire which party is the aggressor. This is indeed the very perfection >y knight-errantry 1 If Edmund Burke had lived t.» see this new star peeping above the horizon, be Would not hove said, that the 3ge of rruvaJrv had passed.” The-Post editor, however, copies from a noted • exemplar. He has read to some purpose in tin* pigea of Milton, of the wile** and machinations of the serpent. He has watched him as be turned askant wi»h envy at the happy condition of the first wadded pair, and lias followed him. as he - squat ted like a toad" at the enr of our common niotner. icaiUM 4kt vxu the waLer, and therefore the more accessible to the subtle poison winch he was ur dnstrioic'iy distilling ifirougn that organ into her inmost sense. He has indeed improved upon the example. Satan sought only to mar tma^e because he disliked the Author. The editor ol the Post quarrels not merely with the eternal re lations of capital_and labor, of employer and em ployed, but while he professes to love the one. seeks -to divorce and destroy both, because be detests the other He .is all affection indeed for the wife, but would murder the husband and leave her and her children to starve Thai cdtlor, however. profesv- io regard with great interest the idea 01 the harmonious co-opera tion ofrapital and labor, and has occasionally ask ed the question, whether there was no mode in which this most desirable union could lie effected to the advantaue ot both the contracting parties t We tlunk there i*. nod we propose to show it With a vn-w in>t merely of testing his sincerity, but -ofirgmg upon the incurable consideration of ttie Legislature a subject of \ a.st public interest, which they have now before them We reserve, how ever, what we have to say another paper Were the interests of manufactures, nod through them, of agriculturists, as well guarded 10 tfu * country as in Great Britain, this counu7'4vould be able to boast of equal prosperity, in every branch of industry.— Gazette. But a few days ago, the Gazette gave the manu lacturera credit for making 1 Pittsburgh what rbe is.’ Now, we are told that the prosperity of this country is not equal to that of Great Britain, when (as we are told bv ‘ protection' advocates.) laborers are paupers. We ask oor couutry readers to study the mean, ing of this clause in the above item. 1 When the interests of manu/ictQfcrs, and through them,' fir c We have no comment to make; but simply sug* gest that this ia not only rank toryism, but an out rageous insult to the farmers. How can they be protected through the manufacturers* And this country is not as prosperous as Great Britain, accordiug to the Gazette!.!— Post. Hie prosperity we spoke of, is raanutactbring and commercial. This is notorious, and it is the foQy of ignorance to deny it. The prosperity of this country is not as general in all its branches. — Oor manufacturing interests are depressed, through the operations of the Tariff of '46. and our agri cultural interests feel the effects of this depression- We do not suppose that there is as much general •ad social comfort among all classes in the over mocked community of Engtaud as in our more sparsely inhabited country, where the poor have many advantages not possessed in the Old World It was not of such prosperity we spoke Aa to agriculturists being protected through manufactures, we again affirm it, at the risk of the denunciations of the Post. So far from being an Insult to the farmers,’ say intelligent cultivator of the soil would feel bin understanding insulted, to affirm the opposite position. The farmer can be protected directly but io rare instances, such os a tariff on the importation of foreign coarse wools, which come into competition with the American production. But by encouraging manufacturing industry, a brisk harm market, worth to the farmer all the foreign markets ia the world, is opened up to him,—permanent, safe and productive, ia tie tingle article of Flour for starch, atul sizing, :n the rtrri«Mng- of cotton goods, a home market would be created of greater value than ad the foreign de» mand for breadstuffs, Was the American marke 1 supplied solely by our own manufactures. Would not the farmer thus be protected through the en* cemragement of industry? But let us come home. We restate the scnti* meat —manufacturing has made Pittsburgh t chat she it. With all her advantages of position, her population, and business, and wealth would have been comparatively small, but for her manufactures. Weil, have not the farmers of Western Pennsyl vania and Eastern Ohio, been benefitlcd through these manufacturing establishments * It would be utter foUy to assert the contrary. Would not the agricultural interest be still farther benefitlcd by a greater Increase of manufacturing establish xnents? None can dispute n. If this is “toryism " we confess we hare hitherto wholly misunderstood ha meaning. OUB BOOK TABLE. ‘Tn* Lm asd ok Johw Fas- TOl: EdifedbyJ E-Ryland with Notices of Mr Foster, as a Preacher and a Companion by John Sheppard, author of Thoughts on Devotion. N. Yorir: John Wiley ” The subject of thi* mcojuir. was u crlcbrutod preacher, writer, and religious und political re for mer, in England, and whose works are probablv familiar to mauy of our reader''. He was a deep and original thinker, of noble impulse.-. and a he- HoVolent heart. In the political struggle’! which Honied England for *.o many year-, he took an .•give part, and always on tbe side of progress and reform. . -Itaures on the Pilgrim's Progress and on Ibe ’ Life and Time* of John Banyan, by Rev Gv>. ' • B. Cnrzvzn: New York; J6hn Wiley " This ia the seventh edition of this valuable work. ' which is » great evidence of the appreciation of the > public. * For sale Tfy'EUioa & English, 79 Wood Street, between 4th sireei and Diamond Alley We have received aa elaborate article on the aahjeetof the formation qf Bad, which we shall fire at oar earliest convenience. ‘The Democrat* saving n.ded in the election cf a Free Sol! United Stales Senator. Mr Spau'dipp of Akron, and Judge '“aldweli. were elected, by Demo-ratie nrd Free Soti voles, Jodgta of the Su preme Court Thu*, cf course, is no bargain. It i« only a ;xr* formanex on both suits tht ore to connl organ < '>olmue*: ‘After obtaining: the Senator, the Free Soilei* could not we!! claim ttie Supreme Judges. 1 0( course no'. The-e hon*>t confederate* wore 10-i c"u?'nent»Mis to ea>. h otucr —ton Ao«<»rj ble to grab ibr *tn»e* at that stage of the game. In 't* disclosure. however, ol the other /mn-«u/"j the Standard does not adhere •trclv to the truth- It insinuates, and perhaps correctly, that the rn t}Unn» whjcdj fiwv loathe-Aind dreaded ahiioit as much as a defeat, and which, m the eousvquenue. will be teaiifoea 3s unfortunate to them. We «iiy OnfOMuoA'r. lvecAii«e u will he sum its effects upon individii.il*. fir never. we me itasu red. since the orga manioc > f the tovenimeiu. w-il so many metnlaws of the lietirml As-emblv 6nve returned to their constituent* \v:tn ihtsr political history complete sad their political destiny writ* ten, as from the present, because never before have so many departed from the-r principles, faLsi* fled 'heir pledges, disgraced their profe-MOOs, and failed to ftilrtl the expectations of their cotnuiuonli. Fremont'* Prttcnl Exptdtlon. The Wathingtoa Union, of Saturday, has n tetter from Mr. Fieroout, Jaird Camp a: Bent’s Fort Up per ArkaosM*. Nor 1 ".li n: wn • h he g.ves an .to count nfthe pfocrcs* ol li<* eipcd n. ti to com}>i-:e ttlO survey -if ib** . • u; 'rv I •■lurfii tne M-sm pp* nnd tke Pacific O.tM i'r-e ri fuv; t•-naid U > u out about fotty day*. t a .id h-li -wrd t'.e > .ju -ti KatiiJs, the U'ue Kmi/h* r.i >*r M' iri-U; *: say«, and *0 !u« a-.’-ieJ sotneusiiig fuiTii jogojenphy. He id.h* t.. ii' ;* a d >llll -e <<: Mir hundred mdet their route ieJ through ■» •vititrv a' liifd.nr abundant w.vai irauie. niui cx.. c Tin- v»l>v ol iij<* Kt-nzi* ationls uy nr lar m '•! ,r mountain* The wbi raixry soil i* of vvry »up«*mr «jn#liv .u: 1 i..-' roui* very dlroc t. ‘*rtwt vi'vtr 15:1 n»tJ ibtrti • aio« deztoc>) Th.» i i-** »• 'u. 1 acJ pood M'Ulemef.t* rtrta.i.iV i--r loaf autdrt-J mile*. n-tl is tteiclorer worthy .I' eCEt.JmU.-n in iifly plan < f I'pproccti ts ttw* iiu'tiiitaic* K# »iu We u'lll. a!ierof"Wiif It-.r . ha' - . t< lore uv j» eend ibt- H. 1 L>i. >••*»"•* ! -' r4| ' rl(l {, ‘ Colorado, and Lcrt v-Ui*- tti-ii nnuntato. and I tie i •’••a! li i n com : n. Minr* i. near 1 •> •* pnr-diel. and sc'-» a Vi*ci* ■{>«" brtv*--n 3. Jci. and & d-s. tt c S.crri N- vmi.i. wJr- .! v lo beaiiti *«• iii'.r ii - *!'. n- ;l j'r’v ->r» f r iian l tuno and <>or in* i-arnim-lcr m iumv<-. *.| W- nr- fo- ,n f->d fretsire i-nu'. and B n,j i!«3Ut!oUnj nomh«*r and paci-fl bnd'ftr .ir-r.-‘ T». » br^j-kl'a-'ir.i:n- day, m l!ir n |ko T, ID «1 111 v«f frOd i lW t. v r to r*-rntv <>t j frf*ezinK. i-a-nlni'!' ' Vf.rv lew ul'i-m anuta.* Have given viut. ar.d the whole bund * n-nv a good • 'tidit.oc A *i.o'a storm —a j.t? n*ier io -ov• ;.•• u* on lh« tth. till we were look dig out for mid loot care liijcm wood sa-ihai it chd u.* do nariv : He adds that he b;ul procured acon-v*- *kiu teat admitting a 6rt* .n i:<- icnli'. to catcum- astreno mica! observation* ir These rjhsrrs nl.ur, • and calcii! ilmf. - a!' > ary io i ur -u'c y —iri>li*pri"i! vnnre m a wdd. tic* a' « n . .icnir :„v lab'.t- the Kerns r, i.. tr<- r drawings sad piiO' r C' U> tf 'ike Rft-d •It • field •*>•(. tie- l(. finieh Wr nrtr *•.; busy now r.-un-i tit- nrr wr ting letters mme The men cin -deep nnd*-r .men ten's, but the lodge ► indispensable to -i ! w:,o have to work From tin* place we cc-nl.o ic up the r;ver lo l:>i‘ Pueblos —•evenly ami c>i e Hundred u> e* above— where we »naU Set *.uie fuppl.es. and shen fry K»u'h to cr;>-» trie mmolA.ii range—a branch of rhe Rocky Mountai-s—ul, ch divide- the Upper Arkansas from iw Upper Rio d» I Ni-rc and aftrr crof' nc that, we shall Rave cross ihe rr.ain chum —tlie mother chain —Sierra Madre —"line neai! of the Rjo Del Norte A vigorous effort, we uu*i. wil: carry u« over. Coti Fhemo.yt after Emerals* —Tin- Sew \< rk Sun. of Monday. ha* the lot.owing One of the m:.> ever -een m th l * count it. They v e>»* ;«-ft w .t:. i. rn. bv U-* - Wl> *.d Coi Freinout Ti'- <-.T era un.- ore-mled 10 Mr? F.e.n. ol by 0.4 K.i-mcn! on h* ~«t re urn to the Unii.rd Siau.- In *ire ..nd brilliancy. ir.e-e emeralds will v;e with the most gone >u» U Sho*i desent ed by the Spaa.sh wr ;••>* in the r ei.MD.e ofthe wealth oj Mexico and lVru at iu- period of ihe Spanish comiue*.' Those who a’.-'at all familiar with Ihomi chrom cles, know that ti e .Mexican and pTumn Bmp* 1 rors and noble*, hnd in Ifcc r po*»eMsi.si: an im mense number or thc-e atones, *orr.c ot ’fern sur passiog anything liial bad e’.cr iw-en r.-*-n i lie Spaniards were never able to learn frem whence they were procured, such was the jeaousy of U.e Indians and ti.o.r power of keeping secret* from the white man Traditions affirmed mat w.cv «r'e found >n the North of Mex-co, but no adventurer was able W find their tcur< <* How Co! I r'-ranni i-nne bv ice three we have ullud'-d fo. .* not lor us Ip say. oor ►are we Bt present [ '-rmiltel lo nnme li e jewel ler entrusted with the r m- l.rin, but we mu 7 say thek were not ail the emerald* in tbc {njS»e%*jon of tps: galitiul Cofond when t.e reuirnu'l Thia New VorL Sun is fj.ii’ius Jivovrorg lotir'i nest* Usn TayLuß )•. WasbiaoToN ~-The Na'ioiihi inteHi.gcDcer. ol Tuesday, say* •’Our rend-rs wi,. I«r amd to learn tint tieonal Ta)ilor has ly-en. l*v a day or two ot repose, quite reslUred from me cilccti ixarlt r I the n.-cident which he met with on Li* way nul.er. and of tn«? latiguu of Ills iohb journey. »u much thiiU t>c*ides re* cciding yesterday a large numix-r u! visitors of both i,e pa-d a formal vis.t to {'Resident Polk, wjio reeeivtrd inm must coumnsly. and with wb.lin te exciianvi <1 the nrspei-’.lul greetings dm l front each to lheoif.i-r .nthe.r r«*{K*cliv»' situations. Wei have rea-on to U :,«vc that the iruprviston made on the niinit-rous-.crs- n». private und puolic wbq called on the gi-nei il veMerduy, svarmuy one of Vll.om bad xver se. a h.m I .-fufi-, was highly favorable. The Wendt* J nrl.amly und d guiiy ,r>f his demeanor, his kindness to uit, and the evident bent’Volenor which nil Un actions, are well calculated to wm grner.il rstenn. We our *elvr-i were pleased lo observe ta.crtuess >- i tiiy i*- teivc-J '.U have no hesitation in raying that the liuervew bciwen thyrvf two d'xUnvui-'bcd men wu. imitualU ogre--- able to them, and it fllit''. have been lo even otc pre^'nt:" The Wasiungion Whig say* “The iiicml e'-of the ex sting nl.inet .-h...-,! up ou General Tax I>r in the course oltLedb'. and were cordially i»-.-«-ivetl Mr IJ’i. 'mnaa v/u* .n Iroduced h\ Mr. llaMoo. Pressvr Gcn. Tailoe. — i'he ladies nl h mow fort, Ky, presented :he President rlcct. during hia laic vis.t to l.tat f. j«-e, witii u copy of the Bible and the Con«tlluli'ii’ ofthe Uu.ted Stales. The l-Tnnkfurl, Ky . CocnmoDWealitj say* — Gen. Taylor while in this place, met hi# lorruer schoolmaster, •—5 " ■ “Well, General,”aaid the old schoolmaster, “l reckon 1 am the only man who can say heever whipped General Taylor.” Ah," said General T., grasping tho lionored old teacher by the hand, “put you must recollect it took you n dong lime to do it. r R aeeips vquog Zack, did uot relish a thrashing even when a boy, and resisted" his sdhoolmastler; but he wj» finally forced to sur render. MoaxGoL&i —The Rockville, Md .Journal slates that since the discovery of & nfch vein of gold on the fernr-of Mr. Ivllicott, near that place, pold has been found in otuer portions of Montgooiery county, and that investigations ore now in progress, which it u expected will result in bringing to light much mineral wealth in that section *of the Stale. PEmySYLVASIA LEGISLATURE. HAUtisßintofT, Feb. 2*5, 194 ft. Aew Mexico end Cofi/brnio—Mr. Johnston, front tbe Select Committee, to whom were referred ibe resolutions of the Legislature ol Virginia relative to slavery in New Mexico and California, and so much of the Governors Menage at- re'nles to the mine subject, made report tn the form of u pream ble .lad resolution*, instructing our Senators and requesting our Representative* in Congress, to vote it all tithe* and under all drennwtnnres in tnvor of extending the principles of the ordinance of 17*7 to the newly acquired territories. Mr Brnwley moved to postpone the considera tion of the resolutions until the ufternooo Lost— Ve.is 15: nuv* 1 fi The resolutions were then taken up for conside ration, when Mr King moved to strike onto! the second words—‘thatthe period of compromise with, and concessions to the demands of slavery has passed.’ Mea&r*. King, Konigmacher, Brnwley, Small, Crabb, Hugos, and Dnrsie, (Speaker.) advocated the amendment, and Messrs. Johnson, Brooke, and Sadler opposed tL The question was taken and the amendment agreed to— yens 23; nays and the resolution, h* amended, wm agreed to The third and fourth resolutions were al*o agreed to. and the question Iving taken on the preamble and resolution*, a* amended, they were agreed to —tea- 29; nays 2—Mchm* Poiteiper and Over field The bill tu incorporate Pbceaixvilio ws • ulre n up and considered till adjournment HOUSE OF KErtLXSKNTATI VEs. Prayer by the Rev Mr De Wiu. A iarge number of petitions were presented Mr !>i<*et called up the bdl lo divorce Daniel C and Srrah Kmg, which passed The bdl to exempt from taxation the Cemetery ot the United American Mechanics and Daughter* of America, of Philadelphia, was discussed i'll 1 o ri-iefc, when the hour of ndp’ornment wo* post poned The bill wa* further di'-cuvied, amended, anil passed Tne resolution* presented bv Mr Hole, providing forme investigation nf the concerns of certain- rail ! reads, and io nottfv the person* charged lo appear and defend themselves, ws* debated, niter which the previous dfctence wa* called for, and the rrs.' lotion* passed Mr. Webster and Mr. Calhoui debated the question in the Seuate, on Saturday, whether the Constitution extends to the lemtores or not 1 The Senator from Massachusetts contended that t does not, until its extension tt> declared by law. while Mr CaUlOoh instiled that the Constitution, by its own inherent virtue, is over the territories from tbi fernning. Mr Webster illustrated h.s arguement by a ret . re ace lo the judiciary. which, under the Coostitu t ion, is upon the basis of the tenure of good behavin' But in the territories, where courts uf judicature are rstahlishej by Inw ot Congres*. t h»* judge* are removable by the President, at will If the Constitution were over the 'erntor es. «uch a tenure of the judicial office would be unconsltiu tlonal , The illustrations which Mr Calhoi * adopts to make hit position distinct are ot a negative kiaJ— If the constitution be not over the territories theu □one of its regulation* arc binding, und it would )t is from ln<- Constitution mat C-n. gre«s gels :t* [v.ttcr 1. . legudllc rr*peOling trie territ< res, and and it i* cquall\ clear real in*- C-.m- Aliiiil’on represent* a sovereignity winch is over t' e ic'-nh -ne* as th. ‘reugh.v ns it is >v«rp uc Stales. Put |-,wer i» -me th.iig and the »ppi -alum of it, i"- >ut:. ■-re a:. 2-d medium*. is aodlirr th nr T .. r-* mu*i he instrumentalitiesj t<\ and M.rough iv..ci: pr.-.v-r i>eci ores operatives l\ingrr*s is re prcV ile t:.e*e ifl relerence re the lemicfies, and uv '.he organism thus created the vita’ e»erg\ iff ll.e C msl.tut.xoa ff,.w* giving it oclioa tod e.tficien r\ The moment a Terrireiv becomes a Ikate :l .•rises to need ire interposition of Congress as a medium -tween it and the Constitution Its own reth• - organ ration then suffice* —lialttmwt Atns’ The New Perk Express of Monday tin* ihe iui< Jow.ng account of the reception give a to Tom liver* the v.rior in tne late brut&i pnxe dght. by h.s friends in that city Such demoustration a are hu uuii it mg to tno Amrr.oan ctiamctrr. and disgraceful to ’. ne people who participate m them Hver. the hero w the recent dua.ogrnsbed puc 'i-t exhib lion in th*» vicmbv of Baltimore, aaving given bail to the oliended Sulbomies t»f Mm 'and and n.*gs.ne«l h>* i*or*ruiaJ liberty, arrived m i 1..» city on Saturday met, pv t‘.e afternoon train trim I'td.'.irfelptiiA '! he excitement whi. ii lurneo aC J .’*djwdvs.!. ill rj* lie Otf when the lighl w ft* Ip t'l* 'H'd tixvl (Ktndd.g, again l.roEe birth 3lTf»h. aftd u.ry wio witnessed the crowd that turned outf# w**h ouio IH- bruuer home. say. the entfiu*iftsili c->uid itoi have l-een greater bad 'ieiiera; Tavi V arrived .□ «ur midst. The pugilist rode in an open ‘.-iroecbe. oriu.uenltd nl ruch of the four corners,with no A merican d-ig. and drawn -iy four splendid horse* nil I Uie streets through which be passed Wtjre l.nrd with spectator* oi ljutb sexes, anxious, in 1 le mang phrase of the dny. to get n glimpse of the *E3rphaM.' His arrival at the wharf was greeted wuh he roar of cannon, and the welcoming plaudit* ot trie lower ten thousand who followed the 'disii .guisbdd strait ger‘ m pn*'e*sion lo bead quartern, in Peri Row Here Captain Rynder* of :he Empire Old >, made one ..i hi* most affecting oratorical efforts, sompL ! rnen’.arv of Hver and Ik* ‘irietid*.’—after w itch the , ■ < in:)t' h wit, i-ilren up aga n reward* u.e P.i-ac-n l-.tr:. .ii tne lb)wr» where mi .rimen-e ,mu I' *ud- i .in -ten palm u y aw a Mig u,e d the transported ,nn oticuce tne am • nuiitilude, : and t'eHrimr hi.* hotiora a* mrvfc'y as could n- I peeled, under me circumstance* the ge .tSenu;ii ! made l.is i,i'ci*Hnce to the sovereign* outs, -Je, und | retired wiln i.i* trainere, Tnompscm and ; > itie sumptuous lampiet that had been prepared ;or ttiera iosi le > The Hrimcstead In slaitselii«|ii. The judiciary CV.xnm.ltec ol fhe MjsMi|tiuseU- House ol Representatives, bs* been djre+ied 1 y that body lo inquire into tne expediency o| prov,. dins by low for the exemption of the Homestead irom sale under execution tor debt. Hom/tuoti Exemption >f fast becoming »et:- nnient of the country. It wi!l still be resitted lor n tune, perhaps for year* by the conservative fer! ir.ga of LeuisJators, and fear on the port of business men that it will operate unfavorably iu thd collec tion of debts. Eo'ighteoed chrisusa However, must sooner or Inter come lo the concbi* •1. n that it i« unwise, if noi barbarous, to strip even ol the home ibat cover? them the wife and ch.i l ern of th-* man wtio?<- indiscretions or misfortunes have immersed h::n in debt, and sngsrimis busi ness roe.!,, ii seems to us, cnnuoi fa,l Qnally lia per ceive that to (nke bora a debtor all he has to kiiock from unde; hts feet tbe lasi plank he stands ujlm lo ca*l out 11,to the streets, moneyless nnd sbdltri - less, the wdij . l his bosom and the children of hit iove—is the surest way of ail m which completely to unman 01m. and tnc least certain ot any lo in spire "him nnew with the energy and ambition that are ne:*e4sary to set nun to work again, the feeling that will induce him to exert every to accumulate new earnings and pay off o'd debt*. Tnough there may no litilc humbug in many of what are called the philanthropic movements of the day,'"tuere can he none in that legislation which u mamfestedly humane —und of tbi* character, m-iHt truly, is thut whicii bus lor its object the 111- aheoabilitv of the Homestead tor debt—C'metnnO' 11 Gazette ."-.ow A.\ w Cotx- is 1 iis C'ot'Tß. —Un the icght ol the ll>lh ultimo.there was a snow storm at New Orleans, wmcii whs qude an uuusual kind ot u v sitalion, and what 1* still more unusual, uvn per- s• ja were dc.i,!, whose Jeaili- had been caused by exposure tn the cnio The citizens ol Pensacola. FlonJn. w--r<* Ihv ,r-d w.th a light mil i-i snow ou the loth uit u t.oug unknown lo tiiHity in that rcg.uu Tne M-d.-le t A mr-anm ’ Tribune ..1 i:.e -tJlb ull ■ Wxthrn the last tw.. days the cjU hai beeu lo a dcg*ec unexninpled ,n the memory o( the v.bjc-t in'iabtlanl. We saw ice yesterday morning lorm ed during the night tn.it exceeded two inches .a th.cktiuM. The thermometer at halt past —*v.*.-i ./clock in one place was twenty four degree*— Thu snow which fell on Thursday night is nut melted. •Tins seventy w.ll l>e death lo the hope* of the enrly vreetablen. The orange trees, the peach blossoms, and the plants which put forth in the re. cent spring like weather, we suspeet, are all Je« strayed.’ lir.Ecxatt.Tnr v*. Si tx.u — Srnc»- tb«- di*cov*-ry by ucc* »«, to move rn-ichirery bv li •• i-noranm- force wbict. wt- have tbii- jI our (Otrunund. Ibe mu-4 i.-nurkatib- «-x p- rimeiils un- lho»-- ut Prof<-*-or Jacobs, who, in I md 1 b.'ty, -ticceeded in prop* lung a boat upon lie- Nevn at the rate ot four mil' * an hour. At th:* lirnu an • -ngin*- 1* in proce*. of roo*truction in R»noWr-r ui'/r»- r-liLiritV>- than it ha? Irt-en hitherto. Un* of th-- electro magnets made for the large • ngioe. in 1 reerut tmi, supported nearly f>,ooo Ibio, and r» atlnictive force el oce-eigbib of an inch was equal to I fAji) It.*. At th:> tone can Le raultipl.ed with out limit*, the questiou is icdureli vlltlf IV lo one ot ecououiy and convenience.— London Aihtmmtn i’ltKMUExnal Faceticiij*i i ««i.*'. — The Baltimore Fatnot, recounting the little incidents connected with General Taylors visit to Washington, giv.-* the follow ng *{*ecira«-u of facetioosaess perpetr-a'ed by the PieaiJent vltlcl Among other* who introduced themselves, was one of the obiquitou* Smith taniily. Un hearing the naiiiC. GeflemJ Taylor remarked with a merry twinkling of the eye. “that’s no name at all ” -Why, General," replied Mr Smith, “you should hate no objection to the name—Mrs Taylor w»s a Smith.” “Yea,” added he promptly, “boi 1 made her change ber nanjc, and 1 advise you to do to too.' His maimer Op all, entirely without effort, was exceedingly hajipy. He-appeared to have the lucidly of suiting hi. conversation to all, uvea the plainest, with such tact as to totally disconnect himself with the sunon to which bin conntryaen had eievalod him. Legislative Teoxperaaee Auoelatlon. 'Temporary orsa-TUattox member*, odlcera and 'others coa« neclM the Legitlatare Penngylvaniai was StalepCHpiuif, on Wednesday evening. February H, with (he following call. ‘PEJfkftYLVAXHi LEQt-LATIVB TEM P XiA.’ftC F AJAOCIA* members, officers and others t -on* be l&ld iirOhe North Committee Room nf the 3tasf-)Capitffi< on Wedotniay evnung, the 14th? m» *tnnf|i’bt 7 OjMock. for the purpose of organizing a Leg&ative temperance Abhociduod. ‘Aft conWcted wtth the Legislature, who are fneaSJl/ «r> object, are requested to attend and partpfipate Ip the prcK-eeding*.'’ □4 motioi of Mr Mere, of ('entr*. the meeting was-torganixjfd by the appointment of Mr. Swart*- wstirEß, of iJlegheny, to the chair. Mr 3 stated the Sf whiob the meeUog had been called —tlHi'mtentHat being to form an association lhat sltotud desewd from one Legislature to another, aml-be perpflual, Arc. He also apoka at length in regtttfd to benefits lhat would arise, both t.i members ofjhe Legislature and to the people of the Sjaie, through the example set by their repre* seni&tiveft KJthe Capitol U would t>e .onfined exc&slvelyjjlD members, officers and others con ncoC>d Legulature. following effirer* were elected temporarily P:7/My«i<|s-MARSH ALL SWARTZ WELDER of Aileghenjp, Vice Priufflent*.— John McKee, of Washington. JoKrt J Cofmingharo, of Mifflin; R M Frick, ot NoHhumbeiiand, John B Meek, of Centre Urael Gurelm*. ofiVuion. Lewis C J Noble, of Allegheny. David J Beja, of Chester iwnrfan4f,—W CTobey. of Philadelphia. Joseph B ffower, di’Lanoaster. G,b moticWof Mr 8011., oj Chester, a committee of five to draft a Constitution nnd By-Laws Of the government of the Association, amitn a form •f nhligsuon to be signed by sucif memj&r*, officers and others connected with the Legislature at should desire to become members thereof. TJtt* Committee were Messrs. Buil, Wn* rickyjot UnUin, McCultoeb.of We»imoreland;Tobey. of and R M Frick of Northumber* lanUi waring tiH* absence of the Conmnttee the meeting by Mr Meek. M.V Buirji.ilrcni the Committee .•>« the subject, replied following form cf obligation which wajj-adopWO and signed by ihtrty-sn uf those pre «■<* 4 Obujl th' Itegislalw Vrmyttj nr’ Auihui* 4; n ot uf Prenoyftunui. The members, officer* and other* coUpecied-pVith the Legislature ut Pennsylvania, appreciating tbe evil influence* nf mrmjv'uci *. it is a duty which they owe io thrm BOtj-fo their fellow meo thrvugk thru rro»n pttflo Oppose mtemperale indulgence id spinloua IJqpbrs. ittyliereby ohhgate themsrlvoft to abstain Irons usioifjntoi.cating dntiks n* a tieverage and lo Use aIU-featcnabie efforts to mdnre their x*acvia teg-land otters to unite with them in arrestiog the eV&and tothenng the cau*e of morality, beuevo* leOOe ao^lfiuatanity. Tho Cp{rjmlitre asked re be end were .reabnu- sub-ct of s Constitution sn*l By Lwt*. i';: Tho a»jsi>ciatiuii u ;\s thru addreued by Mr Bent of phestetqjand atlrr tbe transaction of some uuirn porlant battues* (.hi mufiin of Mr Duncan, t wa* That Mrmm hrtek *nd Cunningbaui ot the and Messrs. Bent. Meek and ReJ- k of,tbe Mjdixe, be a Committer to wait upon and procure signatures to the i-b- IqpkUon. Adjoufced to mriii at tbe same place on r ndav evening, eVbnisry IA, irADJOI RNED MEETING - I‘ERttjkVXVt OU.:AM2AHOft —The aSftoii*! lU u m6l at 7£ o clock, the President jq the chair .Mr Impure from the cixmmuee appemted u-r tlu» purpiilr reported me lollowmg preamble and which were adi.pted -JPAerwi-i, Th« representative* of a Iree pro. pbs of ngjDl ought to be exemplary in dischnrgiug th? moral, and s-xsial duDes drvolvng Upon therti as members of society and legislators oi-p virtdijiift and ntelllgentfpeople AnJ jj; reeks u* prey alike m uie hign* e»t and humblest walk* o: uie. and many ckWQed the ennuie of become its vie. timv «s ai lb“**e who move in the reUr*< y of and the lame <-•! the «tateamnn is h.i* u*elulnr»» -u 100 n-.nny imuaru-e* i*. hu name auU tecoming a cause discrodv to thr <• .untry of u,« birth. ur (hr ,iud hi* aifeptinn. it s donned rxpo«l»h iery shall meet yearly on the ; *ec\iud T&iradny utter the tint Tuesday of laa* i at -in. 'i p... m Of Tapiiul as mnv he dCxguatcii ' y ~<.<• ~r more „i the uiCccr* or rucu bdr» ’' i Aki fl,-; The right iu m:.k>* l.v*iau«, an.l iiaqs aVl sucti.-pthfr biinnea* a- may be Decenary Lo promote j&e ot.jeel, of thi« Arsocmuon shall not l br. quentiCSX'd and a majority, in all case*, shall be cc't.iJuAidi except when alterations ahall be pro- , poWd to ijiis .n.Mrument, when a vole of two thirds of the mdtn*>er« present »hall be required to effect suen ''baifcjev : .Axr uU- In case of ihr Jealb, or resignation • any nr the vnrati .n of any office from any | cause whiltever, it shnll be competent h r, and li e ' dlitvof tjlp Associftiion tc. hill such vacancy by 1 eleuion-r-.t majority tn ‘-e .-ornpelent so to eiert. .On of Mr Bull, ihr officers temporarily elected BC a prevtou? meeting were continued and Mr Levis, ot the Senate, was added to the list of Vice Prefridenir.TiH.ng up the number called for by the Constitution. Weasric Sankey, ut Ibe Ri.T.og. uf the House were elected Corre*i,onding Secre tar>e«. On motion ot Mr McKee, the Recording >ecj retaries -Were authorized to purchase a mnlab.t* book in Vk.hiL-h to keep a j-jiirna! of proceedings oTthe A^iociHtion On motion of Mr Bent, it was ordered that the cfcl! tor di6 l»t meeting, with the name* attached tb&reto. &iid the constitution and bye-law* ul the (When the latter shnll be adopted.j l*e transcribed iu the book named in the previous resolution^ (On iheffßoiiuu ol Mr Meek, it wt* ■RrsUv&, That the Recording Secretaries be r>— | qaired u£)"urnish a copy of tne proceeding* of Un* | Ati*ociali.-icuiilic 1-011- flhi'Jtioa .bt chimnevs. I m*>( t sni*h ever-, x-here iti tray*-!* .n cilie* und m the imiutr* 111 ■ me* lbe\ if ven frequcnllj lb*- * rk <■( the who ha* no preten con* to u know ;, -e <-or stm< tcil, put who bu ld» tb- m as a nei.-re-*sr\ part nr"hi* wofk in i*or.structing the woi!-ol 11.. nousr —-the tlufth 1.-ing carried up in the wall- m the cOuntr. tlte\ are more frequently the work u: ignc rtuit aniitfcif conceited pret'-nder- lo uc .•ham. a' ritll: iast 1 had occasion to build a ch'iun- y foi inv dwelling hou*<- and notwith-landing Ibe greaU-preiensions, and '.ffinou* interference cf many asserted their great skill in the matter, I t]eterini?!ed lo have m , own wav ScJ'conceit «d or nbti I believed l km-w how the thing ought tri l«- doffi. though I did not know how to do it. kiat 1* to'^av, I had not the requi-ite >kil ; lo perform tip- meCMUICdi work. .- I udopted th.-**' principle*, nnd rc.,lveJ lo eurr. them oubln building mv cinmoe\ ; Kir-l, Itie dare of my clmunev xo be not. le*« than £lfle « circle This would allow the heat tfi be tuilV r'-dected into the room and not from one Jitmb to tile other » ..S'-coad; to bring tie throat of'the tlue n* near tije frontvf the tire pin*** a* possible. lhr.t not to have tbuQ a four inch wall over tho ar. h for 'I Third; p huv.- tb*- thruui the entire width of the fife placrijand a* uarrow a* possible. »o that its aj.-a Aliodld not exceed oqe third ihe nrea ofthe iju e aixjTH it. . . Fourtfo leal when the flue wn* odk *et, it* Area * measure ut rignt angles to its side?* tinker be dimiouhod in tl.o least, but on the ccintrarv |&duaK and regularly eolarged to ti.e apex of the chSnney. no matter to who! height it may be to carry, it, —and Fifth 1$ have the sides of the flue a* smooth us possible, |ind to take, wheo carrying it up every possible precaution that foiling mortar, clipnipgi or other maienal. sbouid not adhere lo its tides, and (hereby partially obstruct it ;-.Talans|4hese pnnciples aa my guide, l hired a IPorkrasa,-who made no pretension to chimney building, but who agreed to follow my instructions. Wad charffe me /or his labor “by the day “ What Wes the jjenult 7 Why. that afirt extending twenty two outside tb« jambs, pours it* entire vol Of raoktt-jinlo the chimney „ti laid oft! my fireplace lb iixche. deep, ob the hitek it incite* wide; in front from jamb to 4l inches; from l.eprth to Arch it i- 3tl inches kftop oAfes throat 44 inches; the throat <• 41-2 in chea by (be fine varies in shape, but it* super filial tnca§nre is 450 inches at the reces; above the tjtiwil, aoff'With a gradual but regular lO lob apex, $7 feet, where it is exactly 2 in cues m diameter each way larger thaa ol ti* commence ment. As the work was progressing, ] had the in»u)e of the ilue carefully plastered with mortar made 6f clay (instead of sund) und lime, and when the Quo. varied from u perpendicular lute I was care ful to have it kept of.i full !13 d regular -ire, not by measuring, i,H frem-mlly the ca»e, ucro— the top oflhc Work, but at right align- to te diverging sior- Ia -o took the further precaution to -prin tie the -ide« ofth.- flue, i- -*-- of lu liog mortar, .ind when 1 had got above the pbee where it diverged Irom the'perpendicular. I tilled it with damp -trtvv, to rwlci, the rubbi-h that wa* contmtm'ljf falling The rr-iwl i- Unit 1 have a tire place und chimney that the envy of my neigbbor- Movtut-rrs or Mk Polk. —The Washington ( nion say<:—‘•The President nfthc I mted State* wd! lake’leave ol ii>- Whit* Hon*-, un Saturday evftuag. to tfikr up hi* quarter* at the If vmg House. He and his lady, and the Secretary oftlie Treasury —who wdl i.o as tar a« New Orh-ms with them— will leave Washington in the regular b ml, curly on Tuesday morning, of the President's friends will accompany him to Richmond. He expects to arrive at Washington. N. C > od Wed neadny, where be will remain the mvited guest of the town, one day The Indies of Ins family, too, will require some rejxise. oiler the loss of two n ights' sleep. On Thursday 1 <• erp« -ta to arrivein Charles ton to >lav m e day. mid partake of the cordial hospital,lies of the i-mumon council. They will ar nve at Savaannh on Saturday, where they wil I lie by on the Sablmih, and tl>-ri proceed homewards to Nashv, !e, by the way t>f New Orleans JOB PRINTING. HI 1,1. HF.Altt*. C A&D>. t:iRCt'LARr-. A/«nt/».«c.t, Bills La-Ung, Contracts, Lite Biunis, HAST) Buxa, I.ABRis. errrirtum, mints, rouetts Mr. arc . Prune,! rti ibr sborir't noi.ee. »i ,nw price*, *i ihr >i- '£‘ (» a rKTTK OrTica I'ms a *tess . Fa*iix*>MY iH WsaLTII.” and .1 M Shield* bi.d hut i,e« n governed by 1 lie above moil • »e might have sa ved money sad him-elr much phyvical ».ilTenr'g; bai rend the t,.Mowing .etler tlaiod April Hih. |i4-. Mr \S iu Murid*. ■» o .pe, i.,j|e isniier nt tin* vicin ity »u isken i,l. ca. • : ,n n Docior who doeiored him for D) »pcp«iu lor one year, but he Mill got worse He ihen dnehorjed r.■ - Docior und pant him Uiirty dollar* lie then »-i,i rml of your Vermifuge, and one 1-v.i o( -ianalive |*i;. m. and hy thr u*c of these mrd ieme* icoatinj! on!) J»l reuul he discharged, be aay*. al ieA*i one iliou*und worm*, and in two weeVi wa* »o .mpioved ui heulU, .• io intend m> tin buainoA, and li.v- heen m good heuon ever unrc. and tayi Dr Jin ne'. Vermifuge und miiiiiu*i- IV.!* bavn u.ad, « anund man i,i nmi. W M It DKAiS, P M , Tula I) Jk)ne riu.u U. I‘ori William o For *ai- in Pi-.i»i.ui,-i' at i.v- PV KIN TKA P IORK 7tl Fourth ne.rUnod irbtTd.tw'* ■-«U.*.a* I*ri*ui •'«“ ,ih r- t*c t r ■South Puunurgli. Fei. J. I--49. SI , « lie lift* Preli iroolned Wit,-, ft violefu cough lor 111 VI iron Kir- »o •-'id w« tier - nugli i-ul pb)«l -had me I'otiiuittpiiiin After we retnovrd tn tin* niv I o!’tui:ied fur her time and *[f»,ri. dittereiil nredicine*. bu’. ihc\ »■ nr p( • o kind ol ''-nebt io tier Jtome iwo tnoatht nnrr. I purejn,*.-,) a botlm of your t'oogb t 5) rup, ibe u*c of whieh tin* done her more good than ar , medicine «ho Its* ever taken 1 bav ol«<> u»ed Se .er* Veroufuge m uiy family with fine lui-ce- Bt-ttHAab M T \\ ,k>,l *■ and nicy be had of Drug • < generaih, tn ifte two cme- a d vicinity teblß : laui Vca mruo r' -Thr Proprietor* of tbi* great in, . ie,ne 1, ave re.-e.»ed hnndrrd* of eertihcate• aiteml ,ti; liir eica«ie:;-e of Um niedi-i'ie They extract tbe 1.. o-A ,nj -lie ft is,oi,g 111 mired* Idii-i*t ili.k April in. 1r |7 Me..f« J Kidd Ai .» t.enrleraer. Thi« i* to certify Hi,n a c Ini lolmn- -a » • * ffl , 'ed wth »nnn* 1 pro , „■ ed mriots* » Vatnii’uge *nd ftdimn.tiered M l.ane * ,-eiel'T j d V'fmiin:-, in-m >unii Senn A :,ie. drugg,*!. - Mir C" r • At-,i .liter giving n:o . dote, <•' ihe'i :.i d iui;ir.)ve,| imir.cUiftlr y l » niin recom lue :d Hi 't t.ai * » Vermifuge tn it-» put ~r a* one of vf J H ‘ L rTKR itTretiam ler ,a!e ft, U e Drug Swire of ■n. f J KIDD * Co ITLai rhi l*K->r» s -l; iou un»b <•» be me* P'«.:u: .t. i ) ujiiirrtJtm.i; ) .*« mu.i »lw»y. u*e she JnM> I. Ie W» Hi Rji ?rr * :J t>«- •u r ei ■.-> .Tilling, ;»vnc • * h eti * .1 itimird.aie.y Mr-rcome lij. *|>i>ni4:.iniiiii:rac',i tm- aunneicr „l in- lube*, M.J ,own. af.,l r up : mucu* whi-li >,o(. lUem □i> and .no. j-in... . r«-r% K" '<• i if-- re*p»- du-d. arnl * t-o-- • ri»,. t i«> r dc> i-'l llsveyou Uni.fM.ri v. .. . oi K.. I ... n, .4.1 inj Pu inmn • . .Mlr-n,. "i-,-.;-, J.,,- • i..ra ut u.-d U.- «,, a..» “ C ‘ li '‘ ’ U “** ror »:».< ,n v. »; ;11 , Pct.ii Tea Aus.. yj tub inert near W ot-,1. anK Improvements in Dentistry. PH «, o STKARN- *- ,m IK.*w>r. i» prepared u> In inu'ii lu/r ind in |l:,. i. f* 11 n -, whole Mnd parts o: o-i* su-tion or A:mn^pt,e f ,.- > u , : ,on !".aie« - T.-ofH» r Hr rtM ■** rvg yin ra» n u-.e in e ,erve m t > poaml < Hlire > ~.1 •-. , • in,,' w M»v llimiie J il MTidden f U K*l ~l» W. 81. Wright, .11. D., Dentist, 1 Tae F.e ||,P . K'>l >k.i *1 I.c i *OOI MOf** ilo.>( 111,; ~1 ti,r jvon w \ i;k j, . DAVID I!OL.MK> i\,m H \ SAMIXIN \ SODA A»H-tfcS casks. £oda A»fi. A t» Kuru brand • superior article. m store aud for sal** by ®* rl S A W HA RKA I i.h BK AN'S —ln bbU N’avy Beans ••• b> mart S MORRIS A HAWORTH, OIU A K CL Ktlb UKI HD BEKK- 16 Uftec* < r Hrci RECTIFYING DISTILLERS o am. istminkk. .>r J'fc.l.LhßsS A Ni< - u|..> M >KKW• N\\ I N l.> AND Ul4l l> A CUN |iui pieces Bacon Haul*, I j Übil* bacon t'-Ural itrret near t.te Ui,{ Maritt, Allegheny. I Jj Shoulder*, bright and dry, |..r sale by I r.W !\i. laicH adopt*-.! a i-W mid ,u r - fof mo. AMi Ul.> £, zsz?mi v iXK r“• »*• *•»*>..»«**..- are ddrrmmr.l not to b. u-dr, »0.. j ou, r>ncr- .-*• ... 1 'V'’ ' lo,e a,ul ,of ,alr b >' r u-..p 3. tar cu-r-Ht tM,M..,rrh lrh ~ SELLER* A .NiUK.S Ar "ay* on band. .. r.iut'unsr. i-:,.rv 1*..r..--«ui* \ I ACKKRKL- 15 bb!» No 3 Mackerel. 11 --1-, mfc Hriiidv '*> Kun. and O.d r„ u„;„ Ry- v, m, ill and for «ale by WA AI MITCHKI.TKKK. K "' i t .. , 160 I»il.rr 1 y *: Alw lok.jii Uu.f. J. 1.1 I •«.. Bind* and - mm* very .>.d and *u(>rno m iimi.e- • u.: »i..i foi L' TN ASA I- KTY 1- L»t.— ?U*l leet Kina Safer. lu«c in. d.n.. purpose* niar'J- .Vain’S Jt_J (or toasting, m store mid lor sale t>y - - - -- feieir- RHKV, MAT! HKAVP A to MK MAWOHrU o-' the »'-ove luiii. slan, lur+Jlg “ land. France and Ho..and .i-it month, lo pur ebaac Hrandv. (.. -a- J \Vn.*v *.,.1 *v,;; at nunc time attend t.< .i:i> i'uin:u.»iior.« ■-> : 1.0-** paru at a .mail [>ci r'entag. Krlcrciicf and %trurii;. ~ Wni D ll.' ■* »ni „r ?,uod ot U' n- H. will in ifte >»*< ('ll PiiltbuigL uo :ki. t-iiiUiv 4th A M . a.-iJ i u'r.ook. P ,M To th tlu Jiu/gK\ u / th' ( oift v/ Cent un t in.o:i* f UK» ;>ro' ulcii fumsrif wnh mairnii.i lor ilir arrotuninduiiui) ,u :rive)rM and oinri«. ni i»i« ilwdliiiK hou»f in i!ic Ward uiore- »ajd. ami piaj t ilim: yi.ui liwim «il: r.*- i>icu«pd to cram omi j !i.v»k io kcf|> n I’uiiin llonw m Putei tainmi-i.i And vouf a> n dim bound w,l. pi a ll.r- nlur«-«Ri'l Ward, “ fpole lot fToMdr.l wuh till r*n*J> . I.'UU 111 Uviir»t> unj t«Uijii- 1 a;i 1.1.1 loilg..«li id strange: Jtt* Uw-lou. Jus S'eritn... J>|. M.Ulirw.. W 1)1 C»i rob. John bn-.:'--, i/n.uni'-ii. U John Mm.*. Mo»-i Uin* ike liomnaiJe, the » of the L'oict at (imt ial Quarter S't.uom the V-ate, nt ,in,l /.,» the ('aunty of Mleghnty. 'pHK Petition ol Jas if \\>-«ver. of Hie township of 1. Findley, in tlie county aioresnid Until hi > »hew etb. that your p>*i,uoii*r n.i* provid-d himself with materials fur the arconunodatioir of travelers mid olh era, at lu* dwelling bouse, m the township aforesaid, and prar« that your Honors will be pleased to grant him a lieeniE-to keep a Public House of Kutervain ment And your petitioner ■„ duty bound, will \Ve. the subscriber*. enurns of the aforesaid town ship. er. John Fcrgu*on, Ma'lhew Anderson. John McMnrtne, .Mi A. Ariner. John Hood, Wi.iinm Vmeatnp iiu.fi dill* V K ' V Hi X IKS— Leeiu,,;* •>■. |»„ t nm . Progress ami iX the Ijie and Ol Jonn liutiyan, by the Krv k», fur aair itiw pt ,ces ‘ y hi.HOT T A 1.V.1.151t oinl sU maid between iut *t und Uamomt alley AtiKNTLKMAN wishes board for ii.uiself and wite. i c a respectable family, on or nrur W> lia atroet Address “H. X tbroueu th>- P O marl ill PUHSK LOST A Head Pur.e, of bine ground, eon taming City Scrip and Sjitr., was yesterday loaf somewhere between the corner of -Uh ami Wood via, anti Washington and W> ne street*. Tin Liberty. Se venth und Webstei -U The finder will be suitably re* nrdefl by returning u u» die Variety Store of raarl KEN.NKDV A SAWVKU C A \JFO RM A —\Ve Lave in rtoie 5u r.arre i. i- U> which ve invite tUcr »n^n , California emigrants. feb«S M’UILLS A ROK SIOAH AND MoLAmsIF.V -J) iihd. N u Sugar. :MJ | j, bbl* N O Muia>ie«. rrcnvin* per »t«amrr Yailio- : TSJ ( * uw bW * Plantation Slol««»r». w . lot .ale t.) m»r:t HAOAI.K'i A SMITH ; • M hhd * N M’OILLS 4 KOK ACON--A unall !«* Un-'Ori. m *tur~ ami lot! Vf A *‘ FACTVRKp TW^CCO—A lull '■upplT “I .air Iv marj RHKY. MA ITHKVVS AP« 1 br * JM *" “ for ulc I tebil ‘ it M'OlU,a4Hof, I>OT , AS L”. AND SiAMUHINU*.--.! ca.«. Pot».b rpKA S -V o u«m"Hy«n; Gunpowder and r uml 1 bbl ScorrhiJiß*, pnmr aruei.', iu »U)fe and I Powchon*. earetutlv reiecird /«, *atiT».y mura IIKKY. MAn MRIVSJk r« * feb» _ J__ _ _ _ ATUIU.* A ROB HU J 1 I.K 4 bbl* and Hull*- 1 .o'Mnr<* and for • A GfeNIHNE ample oMiray a LUntxnrni. can b« had .ale t-f marl UHht MA I 1 lU.WS ACv ii at the Drug yiote oi fetrju J Kll>f** Co i'LOL'R— ih' •i. 4 Flour «u Horr, pc# ui vroot Tweed*, lor ule by mart j s DIVWORTH *Co \ f*bp H LEE | nm BP&IIO ITTLE. 1840. WILL be.introduced Ihl* Buy, Saturday./ m 3d, the New York style tor Hat*. at •8. MOORE'S,. 75 Wood it, 3d door above 4th st TMPORTANT TO CALIFORNIANS—Just received X 1 doz Gun eovers, * do Jockey Cup*. 4 do Canteen', I do Air Bed*. l do do Pillows. The above foods for sale at ihe California UutfiUiiig ELublianmciu. No 5 Wood «t _ mar 3 _ . „ J 4 H PHILLIPS lIT RAPPING PAPER—.'UN l>di* medium and »m -»» gie crown Biraw Paper, just rrc d und for »a.e b Y REYNOLDS * SHKE toard coraer Penn and Irwm *t* CLOVER SEED—JO bbl* jus: rac'd and for »«> ;-y •nar3 _ ARMSTRONG 4 FRO/EK BEANiy— S bbl* juni rcc'd and for m.ic )• * ® a r3 ARMSTRoNi, 4CRoZER BUTTER —J bbl* fresh Roll Huiirr, just ree d and for sale by mart ARMSTRONG 4 CROZER KVH FLOUR—II bbla to-day ree d and for sale by ARMSTRONG 4 CROZKR "T\RY PEACHES—This day rac'd n-.. 1 in. «aie by U mart WICK 4 M'CANDLKSS MOULD CANDLES—Mb bx. Mould Candler, on consignment and lor sale bv mar 3 WICK 4 M CA.NDLKSS LEMONS— 50 bx» prune fra*h Lemon-, ju»i rac'd and for sale by inar.l WICK 4 M ANDLHMS NO. MOLASSES—WO bbla N O Mota.se*. race." • ved and for *alc l<> mar3_ _ WICK 4 M'CANDLHSs PAPER -16 b rramr Straw paper l.ju do crown d i do, ju-Mandinc ma 3 J S DII.WORTH 4Cm TNRY APPLES—O 4 sack* Dry Apple*, just landing, I / 2l'o do do do, m *une mart J s UILVS ORTH 4 t POWDER— 12 . «*«•* Ky Rifle cannuier Powde., 3 Deer Jus: arrived innrt J S DILWORTH 4 I'.i CTHKSTNI TS I'H) bu«h Chestnuts in •tore __j/ marl J S DIJAVOUTH 4. C© DRY PEACHES—ww nu*h Dry Penclirr* m nore mar:i J S IHLWQRTH 4 Co LARDOII. —26 bbl* -oid pre»*ed I-ard Oi! m nore and for \iie by mar3_ 24-*vaiei u Sll MOL.ASSK^—IO l.bls Si James Retinery S M • Molai>*e* for sale low to elore con*igninr.nt LAHD--I0 bbl* Lard; 2ti keif* do. in store and for • ate by mart! JAS DAI.ZEI.L REMOVAL —W* Lav* removed our Book Store* from 56 Market street ami 73 Wood «trcet. lo tn hou»e it.rinerly occupied by Me»ri William Bell 4 Son, No. 71. Wood street, br.ween Kourili and Lhxraoud allf-y inary ELLIOTT 4 ENGLISH EL LE Pt >RK fill pcs Bulk Pork, landing irour i n nai l.oul Medosa, and lor «ale i.y mart JAMES DaL/KLL. « wm. r • tti bbl* S K Horn. landing Horn stmi Ar- JT rowlme and lor tale by m y* . JAMES UALZEI.L HICKORY NL’TS-T5 *ark» *n-H bark*,ju.t'ree'd and for »alr by WICK 4 M’CANDLKSS O A CERA TL S—l*< ftiki C.eveland Sa.eratu*. O aale by mart WICK* MC A N DLK>S EARLE 1 ! cask* Barley, rec'd and for *a.- by mart WICK * M'CA.NHLESS w R Cbee«e. for .air by J mart WICK 4 M CAN (>Li:s> ' CT LOVER SPTEi) —WO bu*li rrr'd and lor *alr t > J mart WICK 4 M LANDLESS CITABLE SALT--1U bbl* superfine Tab e Salt, lor i. *sle by mart W ICK 4 M’CANDLKSS rpiMOTHY SEED-35 l.u.h r-c <1 and lor *aie by J, jriart WICK 4 M’CANDLKSS BACON— 213 pcs Baeon. rec'd st.d for «4T4 by mart _ WICK 4 M'CANDLKSS BULK PORK—COO pc* Bulk Pork. n> *tore and lor •Mr by mart WICK 4 M’CA.NDLESs CIHKSTN UTS-65 bu»h Chestnut*, in *tore ai.J lor > «ale b> mart WICK 4 M'CANDLKSS 4c —Just received loot evening, by Ex press, another rase ol California Pistol*. !' S. . Dragoon and HoMers 4c , a lew pairs yet for valr \v W WILSON. marl __ corner 4th and market si* ■ykw JEWELRY-Just received, an invoice of i) new *iyle Ladle* Breast Pin* and Bracelet*, him) Gold Buckles. C*ral Armieiu. n.vrr Hutton*. Guard Chain*, Gold Thimble*, 4e 4c marl W W WiLsiiN C"LOVFJI SPJvD-HI bol. rec'd ih.a clay and tor »aie by mart I'ASsKV 4 BEST Mackerel- a*bin* M*ck«r-i|to. *aie iow to dose consignment marl JM) M'FaDEN 4 Co iir »ale by msrl HAGAI.EY 4 SMITH CIHEESE —H*i Lit Western Reserve Cbee*e, mud. / >ng and for sals by BAGALKY 4 SMITH marl . i PPLES—SII l-u*b dried Apple*, 4o bbi» jr-eo d>< *». J“*t "r d per sleamrr Arrow, lor *a> by cu * ,t R RUiiiMjN 4 Co RICE-- 15 tirfcr* >resh Rice ju»i rec d :uid .or sale by marl R RoBISON 4 Co BULK PORK—luuopc* Hams an J Shoulder* to ar rive per steamer Cmtendra . m “ r ‘ tt ROBIS4.IN 4Co PEACHES AND BEANS-50 bn*b dried Peaches. 10 bbl* small W bite Beans, ;u*t reed, lor «alr l»v R ROBISON 4 Co I >1 LK I'ORK—JS? pf*. to arrive, for «»jc r>i *-) ISAIAH DICKEY A Co. tront «< a:j UCU wo cutisigomem. |»ndine from »tc«rocr t moo. tor »«Je by MOLASSES -M-* k.bta Undine uo,n •learner* Ran* and .North Kjr«i. ar.d for k«p« lit mft, ‘ !» *._W HARIMIGH C l •' * K- 7V hhd. new . roy Sugrar. m dote iml lor n «aie 1,) marl / U.KKKK-.IUI bm Kio and m itom n rc ami lot »ale tij "** rl • SAW HAR H A IT; H ( MIKK.''K lio i»n Crraiu rhrr*e m .tore n.id r»r _ luarl SAW HaRBaU.H S‘AA l’—loo i.i» No I Ro*m r»oap in More and lot **'*'■'> "’«fl S A W HARIJAtT.II CA.\DLh2*---IUJ l>.« Tallow vJaiMlie*, tii Jo Star ilu. m tiore luid lot «ak* bi GLAS* -UK' biv :U0 L'ac* in do 111x12 do. -.Si do* 7xS> do 20 do Hit* do in .lore and tor sale by . »“»H SiWHARRAL'I.H Pi-*h f ieruji BI'FFALO COMBS—a large Jud varied a>»orUiirm o{ Budato Hack. Coiribs. new »iy| r », for »uie m i>b« ZK.BI'LON KINSEY'S. f, 7 Market *i SALMON— o t>Lli piekicd, iu fine order. I tierce Cod&.h, 1 ease Hallibut, lor sale by febte J D WILLIAMS tin »<«d *i ML'STAKD— 29 dox Kentucky J and {ib cut. Mi lb* Long l*land, lor sale by febte J I) WILLIAM.* I 1 ROOMS—ill dux nirt quality and finish, Hi 10 “ hearth, 111 cloib. lor sale by »«■«¥- J D WILLIAMS SI N DRIFTS— J bbi* Fltuced, U do F.cgn l do roil Butter; 2u dox Zinc Wtih Board*, 2U bbli White Bran*, lu rack* FVnthcr., 6 doi Hickory ltroonu for •al<* by (elite JD WILLIAMS ITIUITS —M hush dnrd Peaches, 60 hxs j , m | t H Rui.in*, Ml dm Bordeaux Franca, Smyrna Ki*a l‘V J 1) WILLIAMS O lliAll AND MOLA Sr bS —ID hbd .'Sugar, 7 j bb! i O Moiu»»e-. landing irom stmr Connecticut and lor • nebv (Vines UAOALKV .v SMITH MOLASSES— 100 bids Plantation Molasses. land ing from »imr J J Cmtrndrn; for *ale by febte HAOALKY A SMITH 81 N DRIES—Now landing Irorn steamer Genova, lor *aie—s buic* Cotton; 45 l>bi« Lard; 9 »k* er J aimr Monongaheta, for sale by febte JOHN WATT S UNDRIKS—S bbla Roll Butter; 5 hf bbi« l.ard; 73 dozen Corn Brooms, in store tiud for sale by feb?s JOHN WATT CUiH ON-61 bales good middling Tennessee, land* / rnj from stmr Lienees; for snle'by frbtel C H GRANT. 11 water *t NAILS— IuWJ keg* assorted, of good brand*, for *alr by leb* c Ho rant MANILLA coils on hand und for sale by feb#H C_HURANT SUGAR— IS3 IthiU prime NOMurar. received per steamer L'lipper No 2, and ioj safe bv lebte JAMFN A HUTCHISON A Co OHUT-4U kegs a*«‘d, from No J to v, landing from O steamer Connecticut, and lor sale by lebte JAMES A HUTCHISON A Co IJKATHKRS— 9KI pounds prune Ky Feathers, rec’d .per stmr Hilxiima No 2 and for aale by JAMES A HUTCHISON A Cu, feld» 46 water and M front n PEACHES, 4c ~ by lebJT BAOALKV A SMITH t)ILK PORK A_ND LARD-9000 lbs Bulk pork ~i ) bbls and 27 kegs Lard, landing from Caroline ior .ale by _fet>27 BAOALEY A SMITH / 10TT05 —|6d baJea Cotioo. daily expected to ar V_z rtve. on consignment and for sale by fcb«7-dB»* _ a. GORDON. RICE-0 cast. Klee, landing from sir Monongaheia and for sale by feblff Jam DaLZEU. ** l * , ‘ Es “ - * OO *>**M*. in ■ tupping onle, U feb,w M’GIlXs A kof: AUCTION SALES. By John D.'Darti, Aactlnatt* ihy (JikaL. fr . ol Aor-iju. On Monduy mur.img. Mar „ih. #• h> o'rkx-V. at the Couiroereial SGe* Room*. cor: -r o f Wo*.J and Firtb street*, will i*e »o.d, u> close i uu»iguni-i.i.. * larg mvoice of drv go. J*. comprising the vnriei; esuallv Sound IU au esEen.ivr retail *.oi> Cmnnnati ‘oap. cavendtm i.n a. <•.. ‘i\h. tcola*«e*. cbestnuu. V H lea. wrapping p*s|-rr. ...i-omware, New and *econd hand fu• mime vi dressing amt common i.ureuu*. stand*, iu-akiu*. and * l .ihe.i m1,..-, rorkmg rhair*. fanr\ ’.leimuand cn.i.rnon ••hair., high and low posted bed*;cod«. beddmjr. kitchen uten ml*. knives and fork*. 4c . 5 pair super.or domestic blanket*. Drv goods, boots and shoe*, tupp, . v mu»icai ui*tru menu, waichc*, carpet l-sy*. •*i«-he'.». clothing, book*, tine cutlery. 4r mart JOHN D DA VIS, Auri jUoa£>' />oo4* Un Saturday rvemng. Muicii kj, «i ; o'clock, al the Commercial Sale* Room.*, ,-ornei oi Wood and Fifth •treew. will be »oJd— A lirge collection ol valuable new and •ecuml hard books, eoibracnifr staadtirJ work- .u I'ln'OtogT, Bin graphy, Pnilo-opuy, Hi-tor. Vm *g-. mnl TiaveL. und nilseeilaiieou* Lltorature Ann, a number of val uablo medical book*, letter and cap paper, gold tied •trel pens. (juiil». At s o'clock—l immature steam engine and boiief mart JOHN D DAVIS Auet Wnl bo sold on Saturday morning at 11 o shock. [ram of tiie commercial sales rooms, corner of Wood n»d sth stre-tk —l large sub«ianual made Pedlar’* Wagon, with iron axle* and falling lop. mart JOHN D DAVIS, And C S IMRTKB • • iiigbi of the engagetneni ol MR. C 4ISP >ATi'nD*T, March 3. will be pre*enied a play >n i acts, cal.ed ihr Edgar Mr Crisp Cap' • - Mr.J Dana r.ueki.n -Mr. Pnor Lucy A«hu>n Mis* Porter Lady A«hton . '• Mr* Madison liigiiloiid Fling Master Wood.. To conclude with VALENTINE 4 ORSON. Va.emme Mr Pnor Hugo Mr J IhinJi i >r*or. • - Mr. Woo*l Prince** Fli»* Cruise Monday--Benefit c MR CRISP I +_T Door* open at 7-IVnormance will conunen. e at aail p4*t 7 o'clock JAS UALZHLI, ruicrj os Ausu*kio> Dre*. Curie uh,| Parqucitc- Family Circle or 2d Tier ÜBBUERIBII AT PHIL.O HALL. MU. SPENCER will present hn wonderful demon •truiion* in ibis Pbiioxiphy, every rvoiung ibis week.*m Sympothy.. Atiraction. KepuLton. Phreno Magtict.sm and Clairvoyance. An Asylum for Invul id* will be opened every day from Hi o'clock, A M. >(» 12, when all person* arfJu-ted with ditcaiet can cal’ .iud b- relieved. No rliafge if ihe paueni t* not bene hi.d AUmi«*ion 25 i-.rui* Tickets 810 to ihe whole rourae, and to private m roctiou* feb’JC-lw SPE-R:iAE SYMPTOMS OF CONSUMPTION - pul«e. hacking codgh, general weskne*., rt'kiie** sleep, variable appetite, irregular bow*l«. jiaui* between the «hoalder blades behind. LnrALuaut '‘rurrosii or CottsctirTron—Coughing tught and day. (tabby mutelei, general debtli’y, great khonues* of breath on going up stoira, ascending a hill, but a little fiut, pulse slwayi above one hQndred. for week* togetiier; drenching i-oid • weal* towards morning. CutarThal Consumption come* on like a common catarrh or cold, but about ihe period when that di*> rase uiually i» expected to nuhtide. some of the symp tom* are aggravated The cougb I* more trouble some, etpe.-ia.ly when lying down There is uo fixed pain in the che*t, but dimcult breathing, which is worst ou lying down. The appearance of the expec torauott. wh.--h i» copious, is changed from a thick yellow niurui, to a thinner tubstance. It i* very un pleasoni to the patient, and emits an unpleasant *tnell when burned hi* of an uniform appearance, nnd*i» probably a mixture of pus and mucus, as oq milingpt with water part sinks and part swims. This disease may occur in any habit or at any age. and It rharac* tensed by the peculiarity of the cough. Th<* Kn'sant of Liverwort effects the cure of this in sidious disea*- by expectoration, sooths and heals tbe atfee.ed lung* It never fails Wherever this medi elu* ha* b-en used, we hear of its auccess. For thir i—n year* .1 ha* been bdfora the publte, and has been thoroughly te«ied for all complaints of the Lungs, and ha» proved itself superior in merit to uny thing in use. U e might give hundred* of testimonials from physi cian*. the pre*«. clergy, and those who have been cu red. but ail we de-ire i* in < ad tbe attention of the af flicted. and for their own good'they will try il I .©ok out for counterfeit* Always observe the ) J D Morgan 93 Wood at, J Townsend. 45 Market st. H Hinyser. cor Market and 3d »ts; Henderson 4 Co. 5 Liberty st Price reduced to Sl.fiu per bottle. , mart A. A. MASOR A CO*, O tk) MARKKT STREET—Have received by re -11 cent impopanon* the following Goods, viz. Six carton.. Th.bet Shaw.a of various ijualitirs and eoior* Fifty dozen‘‘Alexander's" b-»t uuant) Kid Gloves. tog-Uier wnii a good assortment ul eofd *ilk, lu*le thread, and cotton Gloves, for spring trade. Rich standing, straight turnover Collar*; cheap Col lars. 300 pair embroidered Cuffs, from SO et» u> BLBS. Mourning Collars in great vanety. Demi Lace Veils, the greatest assortment ever offered by us. French and English X 4 Prims; Hoyle's PrinU, small figures and fast colors; small plaid French Ginghams; British FurumirVCbuitz; white satin Damask Table Cloths, Linen Damask, d. >< and lb-5; Green Uerarca; Gents black Gro* do Rhine Pilk Cravau, 32 to 40 meh, the best good* imported, Pur»e Twist; linen cambric and linen cambric lldkfs. from 6J to 83,50; While Goods such as Jaconet*. Lawn*. Mall and Swh* Mu*lins, figured til plain Lace*, white and eol'd Tarlaianes, 4c 4c ISAIAH DICKEY A ill Wr are in ilie ilnly recmpi of NEW GOODS, anti iiiviic ihr •uetiboii o( purchasers to our extenuve «<*•* feba7 . 1849. PITTSBIiKIiII DID ELKVELANO LISE. IUIE Proprietor* of this old ctablished and popular Jaily ..1.-, consisting of sixteen first class CanaJ Boats, owned by themselves and running in ronnec bon with the strain boats HKXVF.R AND CALF.B IOPh, ate euablcd u> otfer unequalled facilities for the tr*n«ponetu« of freight find passengers. on the oprmng oi iranaHia vigauou. to all point* on the Pejm *y; .’ai.m Uwo and New York cabals and the Lakes F~ M FITCH A Co. Cleveland BJDWF.I.L A BROTHER, Agent*, Denver ). C BIOWKLL. Agent, u,-rt " Her street, Pittsburgh s A W HARBAI i.H i c emwriA. Pittsburg n BIDWELL & BROTHER. Lurwarding Merchants, bkavf.r. pa . Aff-.T,/- /or th> Pittsburgh and Cleveland Une. and SA. W HAKBAU-H 1 ' for itraxi boatt Beater and Caleb Copt. Ha-, mg purchased the large and substantial Wharf Boat just i iult for the Monongahela Pockets. have '* nh lb,, adenuon of a Warehouse, the most ample ee coiiimodaiion* mr receiving and forwarding, and pieiige ihcir utmost attention, promptness and despatch to efiiiMgnmeiii*do their care, and rely on their friend* tor «jriai. roarJ-dJy B. A BRO RELIANCE PORTABLE BOAT LISE, For thr iransiKmaiiou ? h ~^ V \’£? N PHILADELPHIA AND PJTrSBL’RGH. / IOODS carried on ihi* Line are not transhipped \J herween P.u«burgh and Philadelphia, being car ned m four section Portable Bonis over laud and v»a icr —lO shipper* of merchandize requiring careful handling, this is of importance. No charge mode tor receiving or shipping, or for advancing charge*. All good, lor warded with dispatch, and on a* reasonable lenus as by any other Line ' JOHN M'FADKN A Co, Canal Basin. Penn *u Pittsburgh JAS M DAVL* A Co, marl :W7 Market A 64 Commerce *u Phiia. JOHN UrFADBN A Co. Forwarding and Commis sion Merchant-., Canal Basin, Penn «c Pittsburgh J A Mfclb A DA VISA Co, Flour Factors and Comnna *ion Merchuai*. tCJ7 Market and 54 Commerce street. Philadelphia. marl I \j~ Advance* made by cither o( the above on Floor, Wool and other merchandize consigned to them for • ai * marl To thr Honorable jJie Judges of ike Court of Gene ral Quarter ,'v.trtoti < of the Peace, in and for the County of Allegheny. HMIH Pennon of Joust Jacob Mi'li.kr. of the ad Ward, I Allegheny r,iy. u, ih* comity aforesaid, humbly sheweth. ihai your petitioner hus provided himself with maicrul* lor the accommodation of travelers and others, m um dwelling bon*c. m tho city aforesaid, and prays that your Honor* will be plcuaed to grant him a i.cer.o to keep a Public House of Entertain mem. And >our petitioner, a* lu auiy bound will pray We. the sulLcrioers. citizen* of the aforesaid Ward do ce.tify, that the above petitioner m of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided wiib house room and conveniences for the accommodation ami lodging ot strangers and traveler*, and that said tavern i» necessary. nl’K °a"« ™ M P »£ B John Ej * h \- U v A Joseph Folk; Geo Han, C Kil mer, Haael. A Eaerhcld. marldft» rrvuto c 1005 RANQBRL rpms Company meets on Saturday evening, the 3d ! l a Hail, comer of Siaithfield and 9o kl xJi'iiV I*' 1 *' i kP° n w* occaaion a few more mem. ” ‘, wll ' bc . admitted, after which no single member* will be admitted upou any condition*. Tho short umo allowed for preparation, absolutely prohibits any fur her accession to the membership after the next meet la*- r “ o * 6 wishing to join this company, can obtain particulars in regard to cost, conditions of member ship. Ac , by inquiring of A. W. BROGKWaY, No » Commercial Row. Liberty st. marV-d^t pj.SPRING FAaUIONB FOU184«. na M’COHD A Co will introduce cm -Satur- ! B March Ud, the Spring style of HaT^ Tho** in want of a neat and superior hat, are inviteq to call hi comer of Sih and Wood street*. mayu California hats—id dog watt* proof IB California llau. ju«t received aud for sale by Ai'Ct >RD A Co, 'cbVT corner 6lh and Wood its MTWO STtjRIvS, with irweilmgs aitacbed, nu the romer-of Front and MsriCl rureeu l‘o»- sian given Iti April Apply to taara-dlw N aLTKR BRYA.Vf, i.-dLr cr.v L’ s*. DRAGOON l‘lSTui-»—Au invoice 10 arrive - , by 1-cicli A Co’s Kxpress on Haiurday ( for Cab norms ciptAl.noo, and for «ale ai Philadelphia price iebiTJ W W WILSON ijMll'ND- l.cli on my ease, a couiauuog some money, which the owner can have ly iieniifyine the same. (cbii W W WILSQjq baJrs rresh Western N Y. Hgn*. juai jee’d and for «ai o i.y BROWN A CULBERTSON _ _ rt ' \ I alt- jw I.urh fteah Dattey Mali, for sale bv ~ 1' I febtcj dRuVVN A CULBERTSON COiF.KAfcl— '»i» lc».'k Vhilar i Wagon at Auction AMUSEMENTS THEATRE, PROPHECY b W C BIOWJLL. Beaver FOB. RENT. STEAM BOATS CIBCUiSAYI 4 PITTSBURGH O A I L v PACKET LINE. TIUS well known line of splendid passenger Steam era w now eompowd of the largest, swiftest, bea mushed and fumrabeu, and mow powerful boats on tha waters of th- 'N -*t F*erv aceonuwodaGon and com fort that money ear. pro*-are. has be. i providwl tor pas seuger* Tl.- I i. ( » hr* m operation forneo yean —ha* cartieU a m,.ii©u ... j-*-©p.e without the least ityu rv to their ref*© .* !'h« fuat* will be at the toot oi \Vood : u.r Jj) pr*‘<.vw'io -taniitg, (or me rceop. Uo;i ol mid :n- cn'ry of paseengers on tie reai*- tr. In aJ- case? 'P'" moitev must be paid ia advance SltiU.il PACKET. The ISAAC NKWBD.V CapL wu leave Pittsburvu r«-i) s*i..i-Juy inorutitg at H) o’clock, Wheeling -.r") >.u«J*> (..'iiuuj at lu i w M» » is: HUSUAV PACKET, The MoNoNg ,\ ijki -A. Cap* Srumt, wtii leave Piua burgti -very .\|„i,a av inuriu.:* at lu o'clock; Wb««iLn| every JlfiiL. . ,-,his ». I»r n . Tl KiOAV PACKET, The HIBERNIA No. 2, Cup:. J. Ku.txrsLksa, wall leave Pittsburgh -very Tuesday rooming at 10 o’clock, W ieelLliß every Pursdag evening at 10 P tt \ WEUEKBDAY PACKET, /‘hr NE'N ENGLAND No. 2, Capt S. Di*n, wui leave Pittsburgh every Wednesday momuig al 18 o i io.‘k. Wheeling everv Wertneadav evening u 10 V- ■ TUIRSDAV PACKET fin- BRILLIANT Capt Gtuca. w-.u '.-avo Pitu burulievciy Thur*da> morning at 1U o cio-’V, Whoeliug e.nv Tbni»d «y ev-iung at Ul P. K fiuoAy PACKET. Ibo CUPPER No a, Capt Pitzs Drv*x, will leavo Pm>buryli every Friday morning at lOo’elock; Whoe ~ii. evei y Friday pveniiig at 10 p«, HATIIUJAY PACKET. l'he MESSENGER No 2, CapL Wooowakc, wtii leave Ptcubargh every Saturday morning al 10 o'clock, Wheelin* every Saturday evenmg at 10 p. **. NEW LISBON AND PITTSBURGH DAILY LINE op canal and steam packets, ..ffl ,84 “- mmm I vl* dUwAW,) leaves PitGburgh daily, at 9 o’clock, A M., and At nve» at GUiaauw, (mouth oi'thr Sandy and Beaver Ca us.,l at 3 o'clock, and New Ijjbon at 11. some night Leave* New List on m a u clock. P M . (making the trip canal to th- river dur.ng ihe uighi,) and (lla*gow si 9 o'clock A M , und arrives at Pittsburgh at 3 P >f thus making a rouumioi’-line for carrying pa* 'oiger* ami freight between New Lisbon burgh, in «h»'ter nine and at less rato* than by-any other route 'Hie proprietor* of tins Innc have the pleasure of Lu forming the public that they have filled up twofint class Canal Boat*, for the arrotumod.uion of passenger* aoo ireittM* l° f “’» 1,1 cuunection with the well known cteaiucr* ' AI.EU CUPE and HEAVER, and conneot mg, at t.mjDOw, with the Pittsburgh and Ciocm null and other daily line* of steamers down the Ohio and Mississippi nver*. Tbe proprietois pledge them selves to spare no expense or trouble U> It)jure corn .■rt. *afei> abi di*puu h, ami &*k of Uto public a slis. « • i Uictr patronage ALTIIORIZIiD AGENTS. !>' iwSiwii, jr.ujbartu. steamer BEAVER, C. E. Clarke, ni»j ter. will '*nvo iuu-r this notice, for WcilavtUe puociu ally, al V o'fl.M-k in Un* morning • je!3 i«*B. mk PITTSBURGH * BROWSSVHL* Dally Packet Lins FEBRUARY in, la4d FEBRUARY Ip a ?eo LEAVE DAILY ATh A. M„ AND 4 P. M. 4*. . ■ Thn following new boats osmplais fL* i. .-3 toe line for the p.-Aeni geitrou. Als LANTIC, Capt. Jrunea Parkiusort Cnpt A Ji.robs; and LOUIS M’l-ANK, Capt E Bennett The boats are eah/elj. new. and are fated up without regard to expenae. GvA ery comfort that money can procure has boon previds 1 The Boats wtii leave the Moitongaheln Wlmrf Boat ■ the fool of Roi* *l. Passenrers wtll 6c punctaol as board, a* the boat* wilt certainly leave at the adver tised hours, a A. Al. and 4 P. M. janSl PITTSBURGH AND LOUISVILLE PACKET LINK ». Tbe new and splendid faaipartou- IL ■. .-JR ger packet, jggyggffla TELEGRAPH No. 8. BBSSBCSaaBMason, master, will leave for Cincut nan and Louisville on Tuesday, the 6th tael., at lw o’clock, A. M. For freight or passage appH'/on board to BURBRIDGE. WILSON 4 Co, or GEO B MILTENBEROER. I Tj~ Steamer Peytona will leave Ix>ui*vill« idr Now (meatib, on arrival of Telegraph No £ Passenger* can go direct, and can have berth* secured here ii de •'red. mart FUR ZANESVILLE _ .. _ The *plendid fast running steamer / CAROLINE, Binning, master, will -leave for the above and intermediate porta on Thun day the sGi tn*t. at 10 O'clock, a. H For freight or postage, apply on board: mar 3 FOR CINCINNATI. ’ J : _ The fine tlcatner JLiwJ? RINGGOLD, Cop<-ma*ier, will leave lot ib-- oho. • BB&SE&sSn and imermedrtiie pan* od Monday, lib m»u at 4 p u. For freight or pas»a*e apply on board, mars Saturday racket for - ci'ricfNNATl w The &ne fui rnnninx steamer ’ j|| . | SCHUYLKILL, H Williams, maaior, wtU i©»rt> lot ihe ■BBSSBlßaiiovc aad unermediajß ports on Set onlay next. For freight or pan**** apply ou board. Or u> _ J?fl l __ _ F ETTTOREW- *. Co AjfH, for srr. i.ouis. The spieudid sieamey-, ■ A Loi - maatet. leave tombs and intennediVie pom on In day, at 1U o'clock Por freight or passage, having superior accommo dations, apply on board or to PETTIGREW & Co, Ageata FOR LOUISVILLE: /■*>*!«•' - k h '' vplendid new steamer HAMBURG, master, will leave lui in a —l*iiJ"nnr«s»itfrjabove pud intermediaO? ports on Fri day. ai 4 o'clock, r m. For freight or passage apply on board, ut to marl PETTIORF.WkOo, Agaui* FUR ST LOUS. k Th»? ijjjbt draught simuhot ULatMftJP „ SHENANDOAH, WHEELING RACKET /Tsjiv The splendid fast running *!**«.. CINDERELLA, *' Calhoun, mar ter, will robksi Je „ u P«kM fxtween F.iuburgh and •SiSaf.' S P'tt'burgfa cv«r r Monday and For treiglu or passage, apply on hoard, 0 r to -- feba * .. J NEWTON jq.srs x for Zanesville. * JesSfimit b 7 j - •»■««>> win ic«*.». u>« .to.. BBSOSHHKJ und intermediate ports cm Tnesdar ,n < >»ul at s> a’eiock, r. % freight or passage, apply Uii board. r cb<4 (TfiShl Ruh i. wheeling Pack ft The swift «wamer Wohl.et, master, wui leave regelar'. ■rattSßaKapbr Wheeling, every Monday* VJrl ne«day and Y rtday, at 10 w-clock prectaely. Leave Whce iflg every Tueaday. Tbttj*fc>y and S* tnrday, at 7 o clock, a to, pit*cuely. The Consal Will land at all the itueoudlaie oorU- Every accomodation ihdt can be procured for the coo fort and safety ofpassengers has Wen provided Tba boat u al*o provided wufi*» aoJAaetlng.Woty guard to prevent eiplomons. For f«eht or m,**.* apply oa board, or to WTIi .WHEELER. Aac feb4 At W. Oiaer'a, eor: Snmhfield and Wafer st= ZAMiVH.I.E AND MARIETTA P-irtfcr The fine itenmer .i&tejjgSS Rinrnuc. undergone ■BQE&9E9gßßthorough repasu, will run as a regv Kv a°s lh ° asove lr Leaves Pitubargb *t er> " £“*?«“>' morning—retnrninij, leave* Zanesville every Friday mornlnc. _For apply onboard. fcbj FOR CINCINNATI AND LOCWVILi.F. jfKtmj— tv The splendid unv steamer l_i?>i li-|rT? TELEGRAPH No 1 Haalep, am»ter. will Dave U» • tnlertacdain porta on .Mouduv *ld uiat, at 10 o’clock. For freight or passage apple on boajd. or U> UI r RBttIDGE WILSON A tie _ iaSS UEU B MILTKNUERGER RFC ULA W IIEFLING PACKET dFTrJb * ZACHARY TAYLOR. LuraaT master, will Hereafter n»n a» a BBBQBEBBBBresuiar packet from Pittsburgh u> Wheeling, leaving Pittsburgh every Monday. Wedne* day and Friday. For ireight or passage apply tut beanl. FOR MARIETTA, PARKERSBURG, And Horkingpen, and Intermediate lauding* .-vrsv* >. The fine steamer WELL3VILLK, Poe, maater, will Ifcave for tin. ■■■■BEtopcri every Tuesdty, al jo vehiw M. For freight or passage apply on board. tVc*7-i« *" tub ii» JOSEPH PRJCE’S JOBBINO sr_op\_T „ «oaa about to remove, uud ° a *‘ P* r hou.c. rcpurcd, eoulcn.. .b-,, v ”7 and hoisting wheel* pal OD . -,?L , window* *.nd. done on «nort no---. '* ork of *ll Inet work made to or Jt^-u a. terra.; c*hi e#“s#iisss V e Allegheny Engine House fOtiJlo, uppout© > lebti-dtAplH ma ,„„ i tnsmhinkablk i, lrE U invites th* *n«ntir.r. 'rv*’ fca J>—W. R. Muirei *bo»e good*, of *ll the difltrem ,*! lo ** ** (-enurn* Welsh F^f 1 ?“ dw mac * pr.ee. (]liue*ndyak do ,“^idS O rf ft C *, 0 ‘ l on fc “ - *>•«*. Abo. “ na M do > to * Shrouding pur i iMwSd, u ih e ' n * ,uiel » Emaeya. con.um.y ijet «Uyei*T ,b bmk 6841 corner Of Fourth and^M*r -J L fetti?~ S kU " Ro » Boner, tor *aie low t, iTtTPRII * r -. JAMES PAI^ELL ( ) *li'£!r* U prune Cotton. In •'or- and ,or Ls" to ;i}is UAL.KLL Un « order. toblP JAB DALZE3X hand and tor trie b> J KIDD A Co •tore aud tor role hy ISAIAH DICKEY A Co _____ front st ••oitMi 'or family use. Tor uli IBAIAHJpiCXEY A Co w/ Meiaiie Print on’ hand *nd >4 ISAIAII DtCKEY ACo landing iroxn »Unr Michigan, ‘ HaAUH Dickey a cT^ a - ~*Jt* WiJdlr** ~ aFE FOH SA. - « lucdittj satnder S»f*. lor tilo low fe69* REYNOLDS & BHEE Tfio'UND SLICES--Mjuwrd, Cuiniaon, Alimici Ijr L'lotov, sic. link fro® manufacturer* and for «e!a t _ '«£*» j W ICKjk_M^CANI)LESa [jfciA Nl v fS—Ht> feUPby ~ l (ct£i ~VYICK X M’CAJVDLF?^ STOVE* g£ED—BO bbU oew Peed, lonon tad to _/ tale bjr _ ASSET A BX9T^