The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, March 02, 1849, Image 4

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rat oftXAT swsdt fob
Coruumpuop. Coosh., Cold*, A**™., Bronchm.
Bpiuros Blood, Difficuliv of BmaUi
— inf Pale in the Side and Brcn«l* Palpitation of
%e Heart. Influenza, Croup, Broken C0.,-
stitunon,.Sore Throat, Nerrou*
» »nd all Discaaea of the Tbronu
Breauand bang*; ih« mo*: ef
fectual and ipe4Vy.cure
Rwcver known for any oi
-the above dueas
* ea, 11
from the ihommnd, dally
KJhed opoo teddo of oxpcnmonl. »nd «... .mod,
United State* and Europe, and iheie are few town
UnuHtuce bat what contain some remarkable er.-
bv lla Intrinsic menu, apd ihe ianqofc»ao*ia« «■
ty of public opinion. The » n *“^{X^“ lbr( , Us h the
ford*, and the toothing ,nB “V* . mosl ugreeuMe
whole frame by its o«. render* U a ■««“
remedy tor the I
■Whrl> mop, .cun. from mmc'."’o‘'r
worldly iniereat* and i>utt>o» i special manlier 10
111 truth, and commends 0- * MoTt , Maxims,
universal credence-
READ TU / sJl U ir WumosaßV Comvjotjw.v:—
Bmi ABOrara Cni ” „ k>L . I**n ns «noce»imi
There never was a««* », nm puon, aa Dr. ftwayne'a
in desperate Cherry, U strengthen* ihe
Compoond Byrup of the nicer* on ibe Luigi
ayatem, and •PP**J h blood, power poaieswsd 1.) n
ereatinr new a* s ”
other roediem*. •
CBCSTE* Co.. Apnl 2Jlh, ls4A
” TVor Sir l verily Wun yonx Cam-
D^SSSErfWUd hw beenliir means ot
pound Syrojdf bl . „, P m cold. which g.njo
m-fag rttftUP- * ''fyA-d with a severe eouch. that
T h*d recourse to. ~,11
„Jrnd *ll eilubhed mil the .ymplnni. of
lDcre lt Every ihing I mod ...mod
my cmnpbunt mummied mo rapid.
„ h« ,| „ myself, c «ma »P *ll hopam of
ly lb*t friends *s recommended loin'
my recoTgry. a . . . dil j M w ijh the mow hap
7oiilJnT*lu*Mejn£j‘^nl(. hs<l elfecun loosen Ibo
ooagb, enown* »« wa* entirely well, nui am
*». l ■•1"" «*• “ “»>«•.
now l s*v. any information respecting my
would be hopp? W PT® aenee llie benefit for
e«e,th*l Ollier «S»™r* w lkoT .
* SS ‘ I u> Pel" Knrt, Grooer, Wo,
Waicmcnh whom 1 purchased iho medicine,
““"'•a Sm Jmsml Mo**mn
—Be*SW“ l ' f y * im
nr_,j.rful Orrrs Mtntsttr.
tTmuterful UU™ / JeU of Rimmu Jr dar
i Dt - di' ntlhercd generally. lo odrr
“ p ?“"S.VJSiiy In favor of yoor Compound Ur
ll , J hnmhlem,nmni) 1 win,
Tup of Wild Cherry d m j,umn*iion of ,1«=
violently attacked** with a distressing
Lanff* w^*liihSrS o *«sbeiui. a very eouwderu
coafh, ln Jtn-i-c mucuo from the lone*. esp**-
howeWf At
daily upon mY eondiuon, bat was pretty
•ooa eoimoeed » at length was scarce
uon’ , 1 -limit, or speak above a whisper, such
ly able to walk about, 1 o| - | UI , g ,. Duruig this
was the 6 *°® e< ? ,n f nul . ll nrcparaiioit* and prescriptions,
time I bad medvanuuPP Ume wor#e , j U st
bat found no relief—* l>v n deer friend in
here 1 was advised onP* syrup of Wild t^her-
7 lball Ueeu pre,u
rr. I most confess ma t j gUIJ tt g ßm *t
diced against pate” l aieuipenes. but under
those coming out of profession and pracuce of
atandtug your d»tm» ' Uc l faith in the saying of my
medicine, and haring impl»cu o fyour
friends, I us ««. . My die
agents, a few bottle . “ of suutdtng.con
e«e wms allhat ume - ( u , and> howercr.
tequenUy t w “f f d - To^ 7 lhrt use of the first t<mtr or Cre
considerable relief . ( . c 1 fret)U«*r.i!y ui
boltles. But being a P i: ,creft'U'g strengdi. and
tempted to P rea . c ,.?\ ye-Uls UiM had already begun
thereby ruptured tho mv cure was greatly
to heal; in this way. 9f ac t m ‘ g thus imprudently,
retarded. In co ! l * e^ /fifteen bottles Iwibre I wsst>ef-
I had to use twelve o “ a mum smaller
fectly reatorrd. 1 bn made me sound, but for
number of bottle* wo® The Svmp allayed the fev.-r
-the above tndiacreooit. roucti. put a »iop
Uh habit, fool, ■”'>''' b ' c fS“h; Inif,.. ~„J „„vr
" snort hrnlih I h..r Orirr
them and the enure sy. o now , for the purpose
red offering du* certi Ul q u . oi Ue
p, 5EE...».y.N __
There l* but one cenuuw I"** fi v cVrr offered m thr
and that ta Dr. £'*■**• p > , | ar<o ly throughout ih-*
public, Whieb- !»» ' , « n J, Lrope, and all pr
bmttiS Stale*.an* OI w».d Cherry h*'r
pxiauoni called b> »* r ot j.-cepu^r
Ump°>ou! toto“““ .„ih«„ -nk
circutn*ttnct«, >n onler ' p Der , o „ lu-c-d mmu.i! the
By • Unto ° b “ r '*“°“- uouto „i tor s ,nui,ir -
l«»“ <7“ ’')? "fe»uuS .to«l -itotov.i.*, wito >h<-
JBrw&ft-sss- Izsjsvz’
•trmyse’i Compound currency lo their
would uot bo io R uwa „ o! Wild
-•■ "'•■kl u., tou«
7r¥,V\to ■»- B« —to,
.nd -toi .-7 (Hy;KN* r «so'^
TIIoBN,KI M,r1t0..-l, ?“.tv”JOH-T 'kUTCIk
auditor Sly, “ b "r II toU, dk.l,r, m
medicine. ...... .
M'ALLISTER’S ointment,
lo N O UdW OUNDS to diftcharge their putrid matter*
t au.-heaung,
SSS* 1 y«*r> for
iuSL« of foe ehe.l
„e ™peo mbilUy. .£ '.Jr * L^'^Knen
*J tf sris-J
se*r7e"„“f.y”er.. Ant'“«f
aad nwiuwde* Of P° b voice—one onircrml
W.J, ul there hu Men Ofo. OINTMENT
voice »ying— “M Ai-uini r,rv.
“mTOMATISM-U remove, almorl maned,.rely
» .Od ewelffo*. "Jon foe P«» ,
'“SIXCS ft.tu’ridperwm. ef foe
“Icffo M&i&Ve"™ fo”^
defied every *£* ‘” ” mm, fold ~1»W .pen,
«iy benefit. »'- w
box« of Ointment cured, them. e , lte
TFrm^Thti«i<R*W | « 11,,11fr ,or u, *. r '* re °*
Tetter. - • i._-, thine* m the world for
BURNS—it i* ooe of tM best U»ng
Bl 'pi'lF>— Thoowmd" ore yearly eured fo,. Oin,
meet '"i*' for out' MM
2SW cuw*., Mit X
So»« , asxbma Drains, Ear arhe,
rtuto/*' Sp»u. Head aekr. •****>
Junu, Cr !“’“{jmiv SWJ. KAr-moim*i.
K “ 0 ““|/ h Ve»pir^l/i‘er a e'r
srssrss rr b y i“**
DO- Tbi. Ofo'fo'"' ‘‘e’ai. .1 .lamld b,
or amW. when inflamed. In
* P i P -MITION-No Olnlmenl will be u„le„ foe
Mr A LEISTER » '»“*'» * ►«»
°°F«'2le Üby'»T U by'»T Ajenfo in .11 foe P™e,p.l our, and
town, to foe tailed yirAI.LISTER.
.delphat ■ „ CENTS PER BOX
Übeny and H H?hf L JSo comer of 4th and
Market >t « d wrier of Waluui uul Perm
Smitkfleid HC“ ' . i.ooknotc m Snutlifiebt
■U, Bfo wort; ullfold a foe ~y ~ ~
•t, 3d door l ‘bv Jt» Smith, Druggist. H»»-
hV NeefoTS« labeny. H Rowlrtid Me-
i d VM'N L - T
mniHl EVIDENCE th*t Dr JaYNEt* KX
i -
«n of it in *i***r fr®d .. u>T heva been induced
b»T«*t«»o*t inrmrably been'
foj2JS2 FESS** fo^> ;ot i ’ ,h “ h T‘
4bmdstadtß r«*«tving bv tbc proprietor*,
MfitHelw) ftoot tb* h‘* h P™ f j. TBM * u
SkkUietamcd «> tfic »« oj „d
• iwdy th-t b*J wt«r d.»*a«..
pt«>eWy ea«r h*d ,^! e< l°“ l 1 ,n *1 vM.?J»l*it*bia, a“»J mW on
■fmrrt eel, b, 0,1). JoP- NFS
ri Fourth si
Dr. Wi P. Preinlom pl**ter.
Tvg. W. P. INLAND, o''the Medical f ollegc b 1 lul-
I \ ga.lphia. now oiler* to lha puhiif hi* *n?ta' 8
££ble Premium Planter, the cjualme. oi whrrh. afirr
tone v«l OlNl experience, hn« h«vu
iSfuhwi. To all women who mu 7 h« ajflictr.i wim
ProlaMM Uteritt or Pollen V' omV. he recommend. tin
lluHer* roarmmeeini! a .are »ml rare in he
abort IPaM of from two to thee applied with
»»*« pountlr«s instruments
and expeoalae «o I» »*e. Jhi. «M
-conseicntloo*in statin*, inn.mnoh he h*. not failed
in one ease out of three hundred ami l«|iv -three pu
tkAJsofar Rfaeamairem and Weak ot ,lar | k ' J"-
tended with pata, there is nothin* io excel um.Pj r
“ Fodorll >f.nJ Diuj.mmJ, All.
JiSIS»Co, “ “a D.u»»>ta Bimi n! .
pbjcpahkd CHALK.
TJ?S!i.wi« tow (neatly .njtmou* rt » «o
flJjXfiJ-Siow COMM; bow rdugta. how iallow, yel
_ ibe ion appe*rtuAer uun« prepar
jSßSr»h» »»«• iiy un «)o», containing a Imro
q»*atlty. beautiful vegetable article,
» U C hw ? C S.iSS punfied ot all
il perfectly ufthc skin a natural, healthy.
at: the fame tune acting
alabaster, clear, avuw kinf n soft and nnooth.
u » conuetlc on *, «ki". “““'i of lira-
Dr. J««* flog* Lily
chat». “J*;, m o« brnaM am.
COAP-130 cinciim^ T f^ t i %jSDL^S by
fj febs3
nn, TOffKV ND ’ S
” ft , .
® j-sstSnaX“t4:w.Hd,
it Quart Boult* it it *
• d . '•
9 remit*/. F*rfW. tU*t*tng
r dskfluatty U*
TV. beauty and superiority of ihu SaraapiriJlm
to J,.. .tol. I. .r.*~to. to. .I
-*. (i invigorates the bod*. Ilia one of tbo wy b«»«
VrB&G and SDlfirEß MTJJtcira
Errt k«»wn; « net only purifies the whole .y*tent and
strengthen* the perron. but ll crtattt •« «re *U rtrh
lined/» power possessed by no other medicine. Audio
L,i, IWthe grand secret of»U wonderful «rce*v It ha*
•rrfrraed within the last two year*. more Uia UW.WO
Mr* uf severe cue* of duaie; at leait I*ooo '•"re
eousalered incurable. It baa saved the lire, of
itan 10.000 children daring tba two past aeartn*.
IO 000 core* of General Debility and
want of Herron* Energy.
Dr Townsend's Sarsaparilla invigorate* the whole
♦ vrietn permanently. To thoae who kav. (out tbo.r
mnftcufcir energy by tba affect* of medicine or icdlaere
,,,,o eacunitUM in youth, or the excessive indulgence of
thr pwntoov and brought on a general physical prostra
tion oftbe uerrou» system, lanitude, want of ambition,
fainting seasationa premature decay and deelioo, ha»t«»-
in- inwards that fatal diaaaaa, Consumption. can bo oa
tirrlr restored by tbi* pleasant remedy. Thie Sane
partila u far eaporior to any
Inrigornliog Cordial,
Aa it ronewa and uirigoralee the aj-atrm, prr* activity
t.. iho hmba, and alrenttb »» tbr muacuiar ayaiem. la •
moat extraordinary degree.
Conunmption Cored.
Oleatut anti StrmjOie-n. Conruiupiwa rcu bt cmrti.
Brnthitu, Conramplitn, Liver CootpUial. Cold*
Ottnrrk, Ctrvk*, Atthm&y Spitting of ifteou,
JrmMiiatu Clift, Sictu fiiiil,
Srtemta, Di&emix or Pre/nM £xp«cto>
rutiou, P*sa i»Lk< siir. Uu
iin od era li m«A
JAMKS M DAVISAt'o. Flour Factor* and l'.ommu
• )Q!1 Morcbtm*. 'JUT MarkrU uml 54 I'oiuuirrcc ri,
I’ui.nUf Inina. IcliiM
IT/- A'l v ance* rnaile by riibrr of the above on F'.our,
\wbol and oiUc/ denonpuon* ol MrrrhanJinr rou*ifuei!
to them. !eb-J4
K (rn*'i:—The *.u!»*enb«*r« navr deposed of thrir 1:1-
tprrit in the Fnci'a and Ohio Line to CLAKKK A
Til AW, o! Fuubjigh, *inl JtJPHPHS I.FWIH, of lln.
Ttn-y will conuiioc lo min*act buunr-is for the line.
U lh<-ir \\ arcliou»p oh Broad mjti. r* u*.un!, iui-1 ! c
apeak for it a tommuaiiec or tlnr patro . i*»- of :linr
, v .. fritiiili. JA.MKS A t o
Toor Pluiadelpma, March sth.
TTB ROBSKLJ-, a Oalharia»-ci. r
Iftu Tork, Jjorii S<&S4T.
Dt-TrSTISDO—I vorOy bolieve that year Sanare
ritla h*t boon the soatu, through Prc*ldanee, at raving
say life. I ka*ufhr MTVulyesre had a bad Cough. It
bopu*a wcciu and wars*. At last I nlnd
car otHMd, had sight Cw«tt. and was greatly daWU.
utod artl reduced, ead did act arped to live. 1 hero
nly «wi year Saracaaflk a shun dma, a*4 thara h«»
a woskirM ahaoga boaa wtwagbt in me. lam uo* able
to w tSk. sD tear the rfiy. i raise a* blood, ead ay
cough h» left me. Tea oaa w-U luugfaa that T we
llutfH fir thus* raitilta.
F6m ale Be^ldte.
Cr. Tawasond’r SampaitUa Is a toveTolgi and n* ady
aura Tat Inelploin Couußpden, Darrennesa, Proiaurui
Ctuii, or FaUlcsi of tba Womb. Coetlvoaasa. Pllaa, Loo
oorrhcea, oiWhLaa, obftrustai of.iiiaculrMeesinst.
Uan. IncontUanco of Urine, or lavolnatair ditchargo
theronC and for the ran oral prowratioa of tba ryrtea—
B 0 manor whether Ue rasoh ef Uharaat eaoro cr eeosas,
urodneed by Irregularity, tOacn or aeddont. Nothing
can bo more mprisiu than Its invigorating streets
oa the human Dame. Pereoes al wkaknao and lasrt
tuda, from uhleg U, at ease Uaanma roknst and fail of
anorgy ender Its Inineaea. It Immediately ecncteraets
the tterrelesrnsmof the female frame, which Is us great
c*b;« of BaxTanno**. It will cot bo nsnoctod .f ua i«
,im, of so delicate a catura, to exhibit eertiaewot ol
earoo performed but we eat assure tba afflicted, thw
hundreds of cases hero bean reported to oa Thousaods
ef catoa whero families bare bora wlthont childrsa.
after using a ftw bottiea of this laralaable taodidaa,
hero boon biassed with tea. healthy offspring.
To Bother* ud Hurled Lndiri.
This Extract of garssuariC* has boon expressly pre
pared la reference to female complaint*. No female
who has reason » auppose aha Is approaching that
ertdeal period. “The turn of lift." *honld aegloat to
uko it, os U Is a curtain prusundro far any of the
comcrous and horrible diseases to which famaics are
subject at this tta. of Ufa. THU oenod may hs it
Isycd M rmsrol ysar* hy uria# that msduuns. Nor
bit leas valuable far those who are apprceelusg wo
manhood. as it Is calculated to assist aatore. by quick
euog tba Wood and larirovating the system. Iwi~d.
ihui medicine U toralasbU for ail the dcUeats disc*
sn to which women arc subject.
it brace I the whole system, renew* permanrotlv tbs
uaiural energies, by retnov’irg the nni-unoe* of tti#
bodv, not so far stunulatiiig ** to yrodar* .labsoqnen*
relaxation, which is the of most medicine* taken fu.
female weakness and diaeaae. By wine » few b««ule« 'H
tins medicine, many sorer* and painfal stlrfieal o;>er*
Cjob* may be prevented.
Gmal Blrulag t• Jlothrrsnnd Children.
i It is iks safest and mc*t rfle«nal medicine for purify
ing the system, and rebevicg the soffenne* attea.Unt
upon ehiU-birth ever discovered. It strengthen, h-io
the mi’lher sod child, prevents pain and dseea.e in
cre»*e« and enrickesths food, thoae wb<> hav» u*e.. n
think it»« ladispensoblo. It is btybly |i»e<alb.»th W-»'
and after confinement, as it prevents .t!»a.1...U
upon rJilldbirtlv—in Coeuvcneas. Piles. Cramps p»'l'
I,; of the Feel. Despondency. Heartburn, \uih.tmr.
Pmb in the Back and Loins, False Palo*, Hetaonrbtgn,
and in regulating the secretions and equalising the rir.
cubuon it baa »o equal The great beauty of this
medicine la. It b always soft, and lie most doUexie use
n succrosfally. vwryfew cease require anr other
medicine, in some a Utile Castor Oil. or Magnf.i*. u
osefuL Exercise In the open air. and light food «iih
this medicine, will always ensure a safe and easy eon-
Buntr tsd n*«lih.
Coraetl'-*. Chalk. asd a variety of pnrpantiosi f*»-
nOv la ma. «h*a applied to the face, r*rr>.! <t
7ffi r Thtry close the pore* oTW. •*». ~d
check the circulation, which, when naiawte not thwart
edby dilate or powder, or the .kin inflected by the
alkali*. SM d Is .of- bceadflee it* ow o P roduct.wi .a
the - human facemrine.'' a* well win the garden el
rich and deticately tinted an.l varbyited flower*. A
free active and heaithy arcaUuoo a! the fluid*. .*r the
courtnr of the pare, rich blood to the extremities. i.
thet which paint* ike eauounasen in th« wo*i
..te beauty. Ill* thet which impart* the indescribable
.hade, and fl**he* of lotreiine*. that ell admire, hat
cm dweribe. TM* h**-iy a the eAprtnc df •* |
t»ee-,.0t of ,*9d*r or#**?. If there!. not a free.and
healthy circulation, there ua° b*enty. If the lady u
fair a* driven itjow. if .he paint, and n.e ewmetica
and the Mood is thlek, cold and Impure, .he u not beau
tiful If .he be brown or yellow, and there Unure and
active blood, it gives a rich bl«»m to the ebeek*. aod a
britUaney to their eye* that l* fascinating.
Thia is why the (, and especially the Ppas
who take bat litUe exerci.e, or are e ‘“"
room., or have epoOed their complexion by the appli
cation of delatenoo. mixture*, if U*«v to to
rain elasticity of step. bnoyanl spirits •pwhMr ey*a
aod beautiful complexions they .hould uu Hr T->- fl
ood's Sarsaparilla. Thousands who hate tried it. are
m.,re tU*D satisfied. are dellfhled. Ud)e« O' "«!
*t.n»n crow.l nur office daily
Notice to the (.ndiee.
Tliote tnat imitate Dr. Towtueod'. Sarsaparilla. hs»»
Invariably called their stuff a {***! Rrt nrdy for K*
main, ito, aod bare copied oor bill, and riroiir
which relate, to lh. compialnta of women, wor.l fer war
—other men who put op medicine, hare, the g r eai
.acres, of Dr. Tovrosaad’s Sarsaparilla la complaint*
lartdest to female*. recommended theirs. although pr»
vioii.Sy they did eot. A untnber of thee Mixture*. Pill.,
tc , ar* injurious to female*. a. they aggravate c.ivenvc.
and undermine the eonetitotion. Dr.Towcaen.i • n :;i.
i.ulv nnd be.t remedy for the numerous female eoro
pla'inte—it rarely, if ever f*U* of effecting a permanent
rum. It can be taken by the most delicate females,
ia ,„ r cun| or by those expecting to become mother..
witJi the pretest advent****, a, it prepare, the system
end prevents pain or dna*ar. and strengthens !*»«!»
mother and child. Be careful to got the genuine.
Henfala Cortd.
Thu certificate eonelaairely prove, that thi* B*m»-
pnrUU has perfect control over the mast obstinate die
eave* of the Blood. Three person* eured in one house
I. unprecedented.
Throe Children.
Dv Tormxjn>—Dear Btr ; 1 hare the pleasure to
Inform you that three ef my children have been cured
of the Scrofula by tho u*e of year excellent medlcioe.
They were afflicted very severely with had .Sore* . hare
taken only four bottle* . it wo* them awny. fur whtab
I feci myself under peal obligation.
Yours, re.poctfully,
IS/VAC W. CRAIN. IosWooeter-fL
Opinions of Phy*icl*n*»
Dr. TownMnd i« almost dadv receiving order* from
Physicians to different part* of the Union.
Tht* i* to certify that we, the undersigned, Physician*
of the City of Albany, have In numerous case* prescrib
ed Dr Townsend’* fcsrsaparilla, and believe it to be
doc i>f the DM vslusfle preparation* in lk« market
J Wilson. 51. It.
B_ H. BJU««8. M D
Albany. AprU 1.1841. ’ P. K. BKMKNDORK.M. D
ilwing to the ;m! success ami immense sal* of Dr
Tuwa»«o4'* Sar.epnrilla. a number of men who were
formerly nur Agents. boro commenced making Barsape
nllii K.tract*. Elixirs. Bitters, Extract, of Yellow Docx.
kr_ They generally put it up in tho «ame .hapod bot
tles, mid mine of them have stole and copied our ndrer
Uu-ucint—they are only worthies* UWUtious, and
should Iki avoidod.
Trineipsl Office. ICfi PULTON eimet. Bun Building.
N. Y.; Redding k. Cu« 8 htate .treet, B-wtois; D) olt &
Bon». UTJ North Becond llreet. Philadolphi* . 8- 8
Huikc Drusxlit, Baltimore , P. M. Charleston ;
Wright & Co, 151 Cbartre* O Utt South
I*r:.rl Blreol. Albany, and by illi the pmi<-ijia! Drug
and Merchant* grurraliv ti.e l'lined
SUatrx Writ lodio* and the Canada*.
N. ll—Person* inquiring for tlrt* medicine, should
not lie induced to take any oilier. Dniggi*:* pul up
Snr.apanllaa, and ol courw prefer 'n:ni( iheir omi.
Dfl 'tot be decrivrd t>y an> —inquire for Dr. Tnwn
eentl'*. ana i.ikr no ottn-r. llj' ihr r«-nu
me '•Tovi'ii.rnd'* Hoivi.piirilfu,'' »o!d uy ih>- «>.r ngeui*
R. V. SKI.I.KRH, Ijrncral Wholr«n!e A Rriml Agent,
No 5? Wood sireet, and 1). .M Alleghrny
ray. je-JO
For the Recoveri ..l Dorsi.iul and Improperly W'iili
hrld RI’.Al. AND PKKBoVaI. ESTATE, ihr jc-i
-’ tlrineni null Arl.iirntioti of *'ninmwmal.Trading, and
Other D>-Ijl.' B*-,-urihg l*alrt>:» lor I ovr-nlion* mi (ifi-n:
Hrilain. ircinnd, and Uir Cxilomc nod Ch prndrnriri
Ihercunwi Ix-mi-gi ng. niui N» goiialmg for Uie I'w^
chase or Sale or th«- *:ittir
UKKKHKNVE ,„ ay be, a ,t on app:i>*ii non fr.-c of
eiiargr ihe moiive :• >u>l ll.u’ of nice,
curiosity i to * !•<«' ••oinpri-iu;- :j.vuri!« ot I^.ooo
nnnic* ill W!in-tj UN'-i.iimrd properly i.-i fl-iJiding
Slave np|>eitrpd for mr j.nn M» ,-ar* <-i* ili.u»h
itevrepaper«, rtdilrc*»-.l to ijrjr• at |jiw and next or
k 11- t'.OUltliaril* - Utl»«Hv i*y t-lter nr r rnqueelrd to l*c
post paid HENTJIAM V A Ol AN,
•Mj Hroruiwny. N.-*- York.
RrfoTenre* arc pe ritliUed to Mon riurici I* Drily,
Judge Court of Common l’l«-i$«. N>w \ ~rV
Freeland. Siunrt A < o 1
Cline. C’artDdgc h Co
W A J T Tupsrott
<> R. A Kicketl- H«q ]
Edward Schroder. h«q rlii'imiuii, f 'mo
A. Putchin. Eeq . Pie.nlnjl Fulclnii Bunk. Huffalo.
Tho Allegheny Cemetery.
AT the antual mrrung of the thiryoraiors, held on
the Alii last— tnc following perron* were uiuun
uiooaJy re-elected Manager* tor the etuiuing year:
THOMAS M. HOW Li, WexidcuL
WILSON M*CANDLfc*S, >Managers.
jAAfEs r. sprain, J
J« FlictkT, Jr.. Secreiary and Treasurer.
The annual staicaent presented the affair* of ti»c
Company in a very prosperous condition Their ofiice
In th&cliy l*No IfTwftipr .ucct jeltf
/vSEEfnm-. .itri— li bid*, tuivorVcd kind., "tor vale
\jT by deefl hiAJAH DICKEY ACo
CMKKOTUM) bxa m store und for sale by
decs deefi iijAlAil DICKEY A Co
Bte«S* 184 S. d-Si
W. T. Matuu*. Piu»burKh, 3
Rr.f:o, I'aku &. Co, Beaver; M'ropF*.
Tuawfor!' A CiUMKcaus. Cleveland )
T'HF.abovc Lme i< now prepared so transport freight
and (rout Pituburzh suit! Cleveland, or
any point oa rtir Cunas* ami Lake*.
(hie boot ipitvr* |*m«Uurßh ami Cleveland daily, run
ning in rntinertnj,, witti llie *teuml>oni« l,akc Erie and
Michigan. boiweeirPiiiaburj'h ami Denver. tinil n line
or'fitM cin..» strainpropeller*, brig* uml nrlioon
it* on lake* Erie. Huron uwl Michigan.
Propraj-.forwarded lo any purl of ilie I'mon with
dupaioti. by WM..T MaTHF.IL or
JOHN A. CAIUHK’i. Atn.i*,
eor Water and *i*. puuburgh
A CENTS Ree.l, Park* A Co. Beaver.
Kli Parks A Co, Youngvown, th
K W Cotea A Co. Warren,
D Bo*twi, k A Co, Breadport,
A 4 N Clark. Newton Falls
K lew,,. New,,or.
J 4 K ,M 3\ hiuleary, CampbelUpnrt,
J <• M'Hrtde. Rav.-nmi
M Kll Kent. Frank,m.
Miller A Tuttle. Cuyahoga Fail*.
\\ heeler A Co. Ak run.
Barney. t.ibb* A Co. Sandusky,
\\ Utkina A Kiltie, Toledo
<• Will,am* A Co, Detroit. Mirh.
M'Clure A. \\ iliium*. Muwnukie, Wu.
II J \\ tu-low, Chicago. 111. aj»M
184 S.
v*>u TRl«Piin*noi l»F MKKI-KAMnza
between prrrsm ut.ii and puilauklimiia.
r PHE Proprietor* of tin* Old rxlnhllsbed and bTel
A Portable Boat having removed their de
pot m Philadelphia. m u mtieti larger Warehouse
oil Market -I . tlmi. di-\ liier!) oreupied, nd al«n in
rreaaed tlinr r00m,.,, utonige at Pituburgh, are now
prepared to otfer much gtrairr lanliur, lo tlieir .rn-ud»
and patron*. i
litxaia earned by sin* inu- are noi transhipped be-
I tween Pituburgh -.uid Pliiladeipina. being earn, J en
tirely m tkmnbie Sretion Boat*. To shipper* oi tlour
and other good* repairing care.ini handling. tlu* ,« of
importance No rhurge made lor reertvingor *hipptnz
good*, or advancing rhargex. All good* lorwurded
prompt!'.. ami upon a* rtuuinablr terui* n» by any nth-
Canal Ha*tn, Pe»<n «t. Piiuburfb.
jamhs m dams a c*> ,
'2T! Market 4 M t'otumerce «t , I*l,ita.
JOHN MeFADKN A Co . Forwarding and Commie
•ion Merchant*, Canal Hu.mii, Penn *L, Pituburgh.
Piai'a. aad OLlo TrmaaporLatlonCo.
Hir jw- M35m3 bBSSs Ceßb
«ssbME&LBi JBißr Iww Rgg*
Du'.tbl* Daily Lam of
rasriKtOi t» tkaWobt .a<ow nerve san p:tt*bcboh
* hi, Kawrtrm ciTtw
CIJkRKK A THAW. Canal JL-m. IMubo nth
LEWIS 4 BUTLER. •.Mu Market , t Phitudcti-hia
JAS STEEL A <’<>. Agt*. Broad -urn
CUWDKN. CLARKE A Co .7- Norm *t Halt
W PURRICK. Agt. 1* Went street. New
TH K subscribe!* burr tr.t« day associated thetu»r' ve>
together titular Utc *tvir of Kier A Jone*. n>* Uu
purpose of eontir.uinc the tm-me** fonnerit < .*rr-r- i or
ly Samuel M Firr. and *ol.nt a e*jti:iuai«-e <•' me lib
ent. pntron:i,re heretofore citrinJed'to the hou*e
P. F JtiNl^*
Pitwbargn, March 1, ls 4?.
COMFI !>!■T) l.NUKh.i.'t m FlK>r CLAS?* Kt »l K
XI-K ur- prepared'o rrretre and 'onranl irright to
Y| the al'O'r at:.l .-Uennediate pi a-ie* wi'b «« mtieh
despatch, and at a, o'"*' rate*, n* an* other fe*pi,n*;bic
The ntteitt.on nf shipper* w.«io I' • in .etui !*oi l nr Ha
ro,, t„ lII* te I X. ,- par . I. U > -. I(U . *te,l
Kll K A Jt 'N rmp n-
P.tL*:.urch. March 1 1-17
lA* U * K KB I V A JnNFs-f.inumo.,,,, »n.| 'or w rilm : :
eha, •- a.ol 2kVhov.a'..- Dm.. U;**
S. Pr 0.:,., e Ac
'• • •“•aux jss’
H*\kv tioir. w. .. pvt'-h. *.it' <ii*> ilt'ftPiiui <»
I NIOX Lift K,
To PhlladcljiDla and llalllmucr,
HKNRV DRAFF A in. ''mu, Ha>m. Fittxbnreh -
DUTU.H. HI MPHIO-ASACo.No UJ Mtuvei .i. Put!
C. || Kiv>v*. comer North 4 Sanraign *u Hall / ,
Jo,lk F Clarke No U <»„IM |,. New lor*. < A?l
TCvI »TH.'Fe—Tlie style of our hrm* tv,.. t,e know-, from
X* and ailrr tt*.» date, at Pit,eotirin. *» Heiirt (>ralf
A «'o , zuid|ai Piuiadeipina. ax Dutitli. lluni,>nrei » 4 i <>
ndmi N'n o orrii.n. < „
CUAS . l\u .u.e.pina,
HKNB.Y liltAFr. Vm^nuryii m-irl.Hf
For thr TianryorluUan <>J b fitfhl tv an,l ) ’mu
PirrSKl Ki.H. J'llll Ai»f.U-MIA. BA LTIMok I N
VUKk JHr»Tu.V&<•
U,.;ih,....K A Ph,:«.!<-1
A «>•< I‘riii.l.urr!i
ri'llW «M Lnr m
i lies ll.r |»ri.|trj'-:oi* hnv mad- -i -n ...
_ jfr«>-! • nml m .ih
o'tlilf Irrift* Til’") '-oatJilr r>l! V lio^r
riiut f mlf. •, it. iiii*l> '• jr r\ in.’ - Ca|»iii’i.-u- ■» :i rr.imi
ai pm n j-ori. atfuni.iiK »• c imswiHlnlKm* id aiupfMT*
ami u%» iirf* <|| - r Wi‘ h Ml** r liiMtf r- Xlw
n- mi- and all'- num u> « ■:: •i-vuii-
U> th'-ili -J ii.iitmuanre of Unit Imera: Uiry
bcr.-Hy (tJßirluiiv arknowmdir'
f >-‘ paid. and forwarded in an> required dirm-um;, Irre
«>/ rhnfge tor eoiiiini*»ioii. uJvinnni or »tonie«-
No miere*L dir®«t;y «-r intiirm-th. m .Mruinixinu
Ai; rotDmi.iiM'uUoii* prompCj u> mi applica
tion lo ill*- kotowing u*enl, ,
BoKMIX.E 4. CASH. T,~ Market ,t. Plnladc.pkm.
TA.AI EE A ()Vi >N Null. Cana. H 0,,;,. iMLOurgti.
<>C-OVNUK> X Co. Noiili »t.
\VM H AiI.SON -fi C-dar >t. New ork aps
1848. jSjg?
T'illS w,; kj-owii I jiip. rotnpo'ml ol -trJimirnm.
I.Hkr Eric nnd Ml. hiKHii, l.r!*«'ii Hm.t.nrcu *ml
Beaver. and [rrigni ■mil pa-«t:uj'r Cawu Bmiu t.e.
mvrii Denver ami Erie, and i‘ M Reed - line of fir«i
i« prepnr-d to carry tn-.gln mid |UL««Bniferj n. nil point
o.i th>, Kr.i Cunul. and Un»p* Erir, Huron and Minn-
I laving every I lity fur conveying freight and pa»-
KPiigc-ra with promptness and dtepalch. tiir proprietor
and lirrtm respectfully solicit from thrir Irirnds a con
linuorir.t of their pfttronugr
<• M K KEKU. I‘Topnrtor
KKKI). PARK'S & \ a, hrHvr, ArrnU.
apH rnr Writer mi.l «t* Pitt-harifh.
Wk's&k 184 S. JOHm
To and Irom the l.iul- rii nli,--, via Cumberland
rpilK proprietor. nl Uh- popular ,mr. liave'onre their
A rn-orgam/.auon largely uterensed their (uciliuea lo
meet fhr wt-lies ol shipper,: nnd are now prepared 10
onward a greater uiiioui.l l.y l!io FIVE llAi LINI
5, l>v »d«liUona! r*-inilar wagon, at low rate*.
Tin* lin-j win run throughout the year, delivering
go<al» tliro mil the ugemAii HntUmore uud Pittsburgh
ui owner' and eoii'iuneea ai xpeetbed rase* and. umc.
Shipments from Philadelphia for the line »hou!d he
in-irked •’Cafe, i H Robinson. Baltimore "
lli.t on!)* mjcnw nr'.
j n RoniNPON,
W S Charles at. Baltimore.
KDfiERTON X Co, Cumberland.
‘ (» W'CASM, Brownsville.
fsh.l J C BIDWKKI- Pittsburgh.
JZi ‘I he I'ropr elor, of th;i popular LiM hare cbanjid the
Al[tjK7 at tumbsrUad from tn« buiua of MelUijj A ,Ma
••u:re In that ot fcdgertun A C.o
P,it,lmrjf h and wr.ltm inerehanb are noi.fied that 1 Bay
ly \a »> Kouth t liurlea jt. Ualunore i* the uolj
author ltd agent of tin, L*;be ,u the faileni cU , r.
The only •renli are
J (’. BID WEIJ., P-tt,ourgh,
G W i.'A.-B Browu«T-lle,
EDG \ KTtI.N 4-
dertlrf J B ROBINHON, Baltliaore.
Western Transportation Company.
KtiO D. LKKCII A. Co’s jU JO
1040. Old Established Lines JO-rO,
via asm own halt- K"*ns-
ARF.prrporvd to imn-por. good* unit produrr to and
Iroin tiie üb«»e ,nue« ou (avorshie term* Ad
drr«« of apply to J
i) LEIU-H A ('.o. Canal Bsmii. Pittebargh ,
lIA ItJIIS A LEKLH. No* KJ Xl5 I bird »t, I hti
J I A VI,oK X MIN. A«t'. No 14, N tli Howard »t. IlalL
A AHDlfrr, A«lNm : ">e» Vtre.;. N. w ork
Pitt-I.unrli. Murr h l<*'h W-
merrhanli’ Transportation Line.
. ■m-nr'i'-d lo ,M,f tare will lw forwarded
Vjl,» "h«.t" Jl ' '*■ '“V'sV- XCo , fiu-tu. I'ei.ll ,t, Piitehuri'h.
nnil ULi Market »t. Phil's.
t. Smith'- wliorf, Ualiuuure
1848. il§i-&fek
-./■UMivtLT *i*K »'«' vv *‘ «'HW»H T
IVBTWKEN l* l tt ß l.lilgl..nißU*v I llr.JohM*!osv,l H..!
■■>«!, (HuM..i|.d«».<u|...d l~
"'to.'ll'.io f«™“' for «.r.peen.l .r
.middle lull*. yell., rc.iieetluliy -
utnaUtrir tlieldfe* «I“t the huhlic 11.t.l they .im ho-* Ml
ronu up 7- .-i,vcr e<*od» nt ajiY jwMM oil Uir
rtuiVl unTltaU Knad*, unJ dKpui. b
Pirkwurtf* M Wood*, John»U»wti.
C A M'Anu% A Co.eaimlbwln, PHtsbirrrt
p- r rl >rrt»- -Pi e*i.ufgb—Smith k. Buiclur, J k J
Mr Ikttn, G A J 11 BUocnberget; R Robu»*on k Co, B
SSw? Sptol* jQtn Wb U £2*' *
Coi Dr P BhotvbtXf9t. “
. ». mOLMtis * BOSS,
Bankcriii £xzg*ng ei Brokori
No ? w ’ ,u^!fes^« O ‘.“,s l i-'-™
. COLM-mOsSS.-Dra«,. \«,te,
payable in o: r[l[ ,
tavorab.c •.t-nne, <"
taCHANIia,. I’u.fai.-,„j 0.!-
New Orturw. edii.tnnijy l*>r *a.r
banknotes -w|i>n u . m,; v . IIiV , 1M ~,e
United State* dj'ilount'd tli ;1,0 .i,w<ai : .| C .
of Foreign aud'Amcnc utl’Lo.d :.:.d ,i L . f ,' 0
and sold. . •* f. -.u,uou h u.
OlEep No. sjCMarkft iire«:t. bet-a ,-eu u.„i uh
PuuLurgh, Pa.;. oe'.-jn
HDB*KT, rtAS.IA « CO..
in Forcifftkiujd Iktm<stic Rjrhange. Certi&ehir* o»
Depo«tte. HonS-Tiou-U, Speete, Fourta xur. •,roi
ly oppotilc ute;" Bank rf ; l*iu»t,argh. CuTf,u monvT
received on iWfo«itr-SWhl Cheek* for *oie col
lemon* made od nearly «i the principal poniu in tba
United Stair*
The hi*rhe»tp«iniora foii for Fnre.M and American
Co'd. j j
Advanee* mH&e on o' Ptodncr. ship
ped Fa.*C on llWtrnl tncMS
811.1. S OH, tribiii.l ~] Sootloiul bought
any tumrhni at Km,-, of Kxelianae.
A:*o. Draft* m .qli r . in u( !1)t . I'oui.inu*,
trom Al to XlOtWl, ;it lb? rule ti,e i. .sterling,
without il-.hietfon or di«f.., ■ 1 .H,.|u \ KtHliS-
S<)\ I ’.u rope tUfflJi: .*: .\, tn. one
door wee: <,l’\plwHl rj o<tl"tl
rtwvteit it uiLci: h- w\. u I-, 1 »»*
BANKERS tftl.l bai-nijife l:,„trt .. IV h. ft in For
eign uml D.>m. *i,rAT,nie |l,ka
chanKe.Ceriifu‘tttr* oi Dfln.-.t. , |..a-,x Note- and Coin.
No df. \\ 00,1 alreet. pltfd doo: tn. „ V F.-urtl,. west
Mdc V luurvlll
at-LJMi nuanii v Ai-viaoiuim
HRAjnEjk * RAlin,
J) ~, Foretjcnand DonCUuo H,ii. of I'.xeliaugo. C«-r
-tlli. nte* of DrfHuiile, Note* and Com comet Ol
JJ mid \\ 0,.d kjVeou. diflUctly opposite ‘-t Ci.mlri Ho-
ofllfl. f
[ WiMonn,
'* f Bank Note*,
pnrrhiued at tljr lowrM'.iate*. t-v
r» in'i.Mt < a m iss.
•rpFl ; \ T. \ta:\, : «,f et
Bills o^KxciKvkN«K-Ft,-.,tc.i.. t- <m
NeW k ot i.
Conuanily for by ' N Hiii.Mo a SONS.
*oplJ i.l :ti Market nL
.... -W-.-- -~ir~ --.t-
MANFFA<#n’RKD>:AM> !-F..\ 1 i"H \CiN>-
HILU.BjUUCKNrPK A Co. 11 « t »•:. and
H> N n liu'vtf*; I'Ull’a, 4&et fur *nle m, iirri>i,iim>U*t,-'K
term*. tHH*I |>Sff* MRiiufoVttired Tol.nero. •-o>j-i«(ll,|' ol
pound* li ilf-.>m!id*, &l. f*. FJ «. Idl-Fehind T."a.
lutli|'<i a dVttnil t’n a - '*i IIN 1 ..idir.' T*,*l. 11l
whole nod iiatO,oie*.oQ&<- billowing approved brand*,
Jiinr* 11 (Jrant. ;* o*l,or , A HraggJ
Ur,ait A Mill, MU*. A l abaru*., A sW,.„ *: M Donald.
Webswr Ohl. J Thouixon.
Jitnex Thom«‘. Jr. .-.J; A H Armiutrad.
J Thontn* JCSon. t.* l.umthorn A Armi.tcad,
j 1* Com- -S J M (-olibf.
Urntrv A koy«trr, ..• JA<‘lu>\
M A Huit'-r, «• A M.ui,
(ir-r.i Hull, Wui U.,u .<.u.
I'rarl A Norvroo.!, o J > ll 1 i.-t •>. M<.l,
Natli J \
WII Va«*Ha:.. &. Mr-,.),
pomtun K ; A Kaitin..<-n,;
Krim. llnii{h-«n .V 13k S-m lUU'\.
K j. J..ui Kivlr*
l.awrn;.'.. Loll c'. J K '
o*n) A i.ray, ;• MHlj- ■ :
R ■ ■.>. <,
D M Vf-A. M>-
lUvniia Leaf ToS-ve^ti**.»i J h Irrv
Yura Jo -4-. i- •**>
Micmucito* J<* i.
Si Ja*o Jc iTuba do J.> ~o
St Duiiuiif *>- • Jo <• .!
A (iiioirn Jo. p£n &;».
K'. :c-iv >;o
V,n%, .U I.'Af, » J.tul-S.IO' ■£ V : rl|-iTI.
Spiilli'!- >• -**i 1 11, l OilllM-tl. U. »H.l I Mi..'
Vni!U. a ‘ nil-.. P ;f v-
Si-o'Cli** I'i.iHJ-r ajis| \|w \lu..
To-qux !>• Mi« U«,, JU... . 1> ftiimul,
Tilßiim SPIFFS, A>o Tigaks,
4 T • ‘JW oi .1 •••--.
D'AiruK’tl n,.'-\,v'i;i.ourvti. I‘a . w.*a.J r<-.jt-r.
> . a ;n.- oiiVM'i’.iuuir-. Mrfrhsmt*. m
>ir-a,n. -,:r Qbrl>-e»&t. '<> a lari'- iuml «np<-ni>r
nfii! n: .»«.«..< u i.« «.
lo'iii.l v.i tajc r. Kcs-i.*i. t »»•
tr.lo- 1.-« S/iuiMU*. .Slot plinJ XtnrrAa am!
DulluJ will 1* so!«l .ov» rai.
tw n«-i :ir +U) i>in- I .it •»«
s,.r i-Jt
r?’II f' treats'*; and tM*t variety rvernrf«-rrd in 0< • r 'y
1 v-forr —ifcarir i«n«t ipptov-d K4i*t<-rt, p ian*--
Hu! inti*t la*h:r>nat<rtf Kam-tn pattern* and riwm A .*o
TilK > •*!Kal’ KOL|!,. or BOM’uN BLINH. on u»n«
or l"«tjA <>■ ail rp' and nl *ii prtr<**
'.'•oiifitn Mrrrti;ul»ar:U other- err nvitrd u> eai. mod
Minii n*- tUr 4ix»ve;TaT 'lirni**-lve». a* ail wl. M>td
*rtin'r»al- Or i i.berai deduction ro-»de m
*rh«lr*alf ptirrhueiU-
• HRIiT-fc FOR *AI.K.
M’lir. r tfc '•■< «•>’•■ b *uj'<*r;• *r .ir'"'
I o. lt.r • 1... »T
-iin,T«.vr.l B|artim- ibf wm- >■ *•■- a
- PVj' ," nr '
rr a.,.: ,rnh|&r' .. .!„ r. ..r .Inmpnr.
• r ■ <•i . j>Q-w • -•ri!‘*T<-iir’'r a *
a:i<! it.u'-u .1 fn
*niiH>,n 'ur■ ir. ...
U..- ; inakr ft (H'li! n'i-4 1
-i:.-. I,*W
limr {.ur<'i«iw.l. Aji.i'i ■ -•
*|.< i i.urn il I.H- «./l.• -
Tliour U4Vui* »u(ij|]i**o it. •<
un.l wntii/lg lioa.
tui.l vu’ui [l', cnji >.H
ri'IMK ll\K |>A N ,•* liny e .,.| N. K i,i-A
{ i «i *, . .«.In, >■ Uip Mm!
niirtii. ’'"■uf* ihp ppriain urrivnl <>i hikkU in Kivp
lOH.lci u|- *■*<•(• 'lu\ . •« On: no .!cl*v ..r,!t occur
Hiniiin<iintn. Ju»ij;lvs. l-l a . j \ V ' l ' l " r J ll> j n l . ***' X
Vr.ut.nrf Shultewrinide to order m thr !•••»; «lvlr
MUnds ri?}-uif <i if iii* - -lioM'-ai iioiir.-
N II -til* Uhll-ft V.! 1 I'll! lip without l»ny &ddi
lio.tal rxplMi.r. «<i thm ' ■<* l.r rriii.ivrd uu nio
ul a «'•re'V drivr. % l> l -«J 1V A winuil) *
BEfeNEfT & BROTHER, ’ Uditfc^-
Bl rmlufchatS.' near l»ltl»b«rRl»,i I*fc. Fliubargh and Philadelphia,
Wnrrhoiine, aNo.isl 37, Vn/Oil vtrrft. ' in nu mhshsiu h«i i
M*f\ vtfll,L ruiaSnnl.y k e-p nr. mh.l .. good a**ori- TIM K, II V K I> A > —KI VMM; DA V AND NU..IIT
jISK/ mem or \Vite, oi o u r own u.-nuifiicturc, ami r l'Mf. (^'i* 1,11 «' nr>- ri*«pc<"uully itilonnr.l that lht« Lure
*tti*«-;.nn|k£Jj !) W|,olr*.\> uu-i roumry Met- 1 »>*' running on the -/Tin mol. A ear
uw c.fcum* iiui:, rvt-rfio etUl and el- wm leave >*.iJe ij> u<« with me MuilTratn to
ira.ue Tot utem*«f?v* a 4 w* are il.-irrtr- nrd ;o sell *ham I •«* r«t>a . and from lhrnre l»y Wagon, with •
tliraper thmi haniyVr before beet, oSm-.' 'o llie pub- wl funmr.K .!*> mui ii.glu. W e be
j r : t r -- prepared tu lorwurd UK*) In* Origin bar’s Apply to
in- (interr •'til fjy mail, »C!-f>mpnr.-ed l>v ;h<“ cash or , D LKKCH A t’o, Limburg it.
c u relrreiK-'-. witie promptly attended to. frbltS,- of HARRIS A LKKCH.
ri * rt <: U MAKING " nV ‘''’ *° >■) Souih Third Street. FhUmlrlph.v
° : P A TruM the very i.lerui PIOSEKR TRANSPORTATION LI SB,
SB?- ■■sffil of year*, outlie property lie .tow UKTWKKN ISALTIMnRK AND ITITSIiUKUIL
ocej|'ie?.:m BeaVM atreri, ihuncd.mrly ben,dr the ID" Tunc, S'days _/jJ
FreM.ytaTiiin ‘-buriffc From thr long r&prr.encr in the Merchandise uunanortr-l at t’*lllll rule*,
above l>ii|bi.r-< *nSn rW sire la please. he hepe* to met- FORSYTH A DUNCAN Agents,
11 r»<i.l rptSCiTc h mrure »t puhne patronage . Water »treel. Filial.ur«h.
Nnwryfihnnd anjHmshmg lo or.ltf. Korkswuy Dn*- FRAILEY A MARSHALL Arenu,
rim. opi.'ji a:»l tOf?lßuffit;r» ar.d every ile-criptinn of nrtv|7 47 Light street.
llonue Tailoring Batab- )W^|gL
ltnifi' r a n.l Tin lor to is; 1 T.M HLKLAN D, HALTLMIiKK, AND Till’
fnrin lli* - t-iurejM Fiiiit'l'fk'H a»«l -iUi.-m. U.ui lie LA.sTK.HN CITU^
now oltetiinc uUfi- rfKim- u- mii-mli-li «ir.-1. mi- '| ’ Jll • Propriemr. of thr. Lme Ini v- pumn New Sioea.
d«*r Utf ob«*vr n •urv •*■»•* 1,1 •i>-'i'i' 1 rn-.irune.r. j prepared to l-.rwanl par »,^ r . „| „||
tri '•Him*. u Ail idlirr S r.||ii«». „ rl |,i|„„r dull V nl ' tl- I.) wr. | rule*
jojeiWr-.Uith »..i - .B£iiiLrf i.rt.. 1•<• m- rr. ; iur.-,i (01 j r UtDW I’Ll- Ai-rm.
ireiiiirnien , » IL* m> •• ■’ «■«••■ n . » rtfu , Water •Irm. Fituimr^li
Irrtrd. Olid unr aJ’-.Uir nr-.v .1 u.iri in..-t HulilSVti.N A rJOKUSJ’i
•u!«. U> •iip.-TMH .uri.iis lli< I nil I- ort’ll SfJ 5..1U1. I’l.uMr. ,1. Hi.imnorr
“o'crvi'i',' I*ENSA- ANI> OHIO WAUON UINK.”
/ veNi'l''iaN blind.mam, 1 AiTum mtaocasSE a
Kji.l fitlr Diamoiol. sshrir UmUimi I'l'l'l'S 11T H( 11 A\ l) I’lllLA DHL Fill A
n-u-on3;l'r irrtn U ' r r "’ ,l) I.MUSA ULrIJ H. "k’,’'l l > ' l U ''’ U,K h
AIAO. liio i-l,ruF>P®’ l '> n ro .' l ‘’ r *pllt Blind T ru>i-|i9- "*<■*« Flul.iaflpti.u
mu V mi 4 Fap.-r or ali tin- d,i»e,r„t n/e- hh.l HARNDKN A OIP.
P«ttern*rlDi burntotid'or K-ile 10-A OM V"i.i 'p*ii«ne*r and Remittance Office
luui Dlind* pßiniO‘t.o v "' 1,,tl r r |>*ifed. nr inkeii m pan HANRDFN ft t’U r.intmur . ,
s. U --AII « , "“ c l!,c J-*«t luntßrtul and flaftwalcv upon the niu.i liberal irrm*. wuh U r
workmuiniiip. ei »p t a.e ibe m<n-t fn*- u , oa | puiu-tnahty and nilruUon 10 ihe waiiu and rom
inl.ou- •*: , uuKlmdiv „, rt o femm.*,HmP W> do not allow our ‘ r ’ lo city. $“1 - r ~,. f „bbed by tlm •wiedlinß s.-ampn that infest thr „ri»-
r I 'KaVHI’AUKNvJ ADI-- Ju.< rr reired *„,t «, t porie, u* we take rhurge of thnu u,r inoinnu tliry re
L .11 it - 1U W M*Vwitio--k A. 1 A l urpri \V arrroom. purl ifiein-rlvr*. and »ee 10 their well being, and de-
Foinh -i. ... oi 1... I l’r,.| utrli Uirm wiihoul any drtcntiun by the hrit ahini.—
mil 1\ .I'vV" f*h|Mls" m vrrs n durr.' | -- ... ~ I, Wr -ay till' trarleaily, u»r defy one of our pa**en
W 1 ivi-p.jj,. Alison Ot 1,. p„ ri |.».e rr (» to »lio*• they weir detuinnd 4- hour! by u. 111
• It.; " M I'Ll Nfi n K Liverpool. wbiLt tliou«und« nl other* were detained
U■ , 1t...,.-.! rfi 1. .1. , , iiiomii*. nil'll they roul.l l>e *ent in tain* old craft, nt a
V i.sVkJa.vKl I 4. .i. , 11.. hi , mie. which 100 Irenuenlly proved ibeir coflm*.
%-S «r“ “Jfiv ''.’•l P.M-r,. . , VSV intend lo peMurw out COMUeca hn,i„ rnb ,rfO.«
t,V d. , ~ r What U may. and not art a* tm Ihe j Mt , rahUll .
, , .. 1 . w.ili filter otfierr*.-who either perlornjed not all. pt
* lw i- u ~yj. whon tl lulled ihcif 1 otivemenrr
‘n • ra?e« rl hKrau. DruiH drawn at Fillrbuigh tor any *um from il 10
.“‘S’ ar 1, u e payable at any of ihe j.rovmciui Bankainlre-
T ' l> iu«i fo»lmnd.lteoi ,, ndwd\Valea
* lh S^ mi,a * l, “ JOSHUA ROBINS4ON
All of m,IU at a -mull European and General Agent
will rttal Uite« a» •» can be purchased m Uic r a*i nn « door heUw WiwLl
-aeUSJ \V MX'IJ.VTOCK.Tb I ouitb •« * 1 .
a ' ’ , I ARD AND Ft ATHF.RS—7 DOU No 1 Lard, auu
LAIU>-»i ... ..*do in •'■■■> r 'M N<l dfli 7. bag, Fenihera. lo unre, for sale by:
•ale ay j feblo Jas DaLZWX | x^ u;j ISAIAH DICKEY A Co, (hum
JOHN H. .MELU)K?No si H i
attest, (i»* now rcr-ived a tu 1 .
Fiinii l‘on**». Mi.m
II ■ 1 I*.the lollowim; manuinrUinc* m Uo*ton (
anJ.New York, to winch tin- «:irni.iw oi' ;■>
reapeciiullv invited 'Hioim from Mr Ohickermr. nor i
the tmr of which jit? t* »oie A#'<>l ,n Wc*;ern IViin
ayivntuan have what i* termed ih' Nr* (’ireu'ar >< - *i
kinj; tu improvement rrrrnth made. and ri'inu them
a derided m power ami •'> •>' U, u'- .
over any others. The ioi:.»win< are ihr pfitu-cis•» and
*tv4r» of -i
No. j KukWixmJ. 7 w l'v«v fnihtt.rd t>nr k>\ trout "‘j 1 " ,
•*; •• Si - ,a :.' r .. • *4»w .
• 4 i'm vrJ moulding •• *l'J"
i.| • uia-hrd a.m • .hi. j
‘ V -• l. pro,c. ling ft mil. ?3H !
“ 111 •• : rit iifv carved. •tyle 01 lah*i* UiU. I
•• 1 | o iiuliolv i Htlic t* and III"".." in'
nrf*-il leg*, second hand. < n*! originally S'Ai. jn>! will 1
be «o4*l at • vrrv reduced price
No, I‘J. Kosevvood. roaml k'wrurr. vcrv cicgaAl S
i«beJ- £'l7s Noll Rosewood, round corner \n\ r.
rgaoi.y hiuthrd, £/?£.
Tile above are manufacture'! by If \\orre*iri. N
V. well known at being connected formerly Willi
Mrnr< Stniard, Worcester A. Dunnam, N S
No l i Kiorwontl. i>{. -urved uiouldinfj, mad* 4 by the
Manhattan Company. N \ SV7j
No 14. Rosewood carved. 0 octave*, (juJ« A. lai s, N
\. i'i.*) N«i Id • plain 1* 9'Jjb
,N» Id Rosewood lirond Piano, made by Ueun
Hen Pari*
No l- Muhogiuitf-Jkoetavr*. second band, price STS.
Old Piano* takriSu'pan payment lor new one*.
Pole Agent for Chickenne’* Fraud and Square Piano
FV>rt< a, lor Western Pennsylvania. uctir
A SPI.KN Dl U aseortiucm ol’Mabo*
umiV and Ko*ewoitd Piano*. ;u»t bn.
i*hrd These instrument* are made of
II * I f * the latent pattern and best mmenal*
and "ill be sold low lor rush by
F BUTSIF- IP* Wood street.
- till door ii-ovr Finn
N B - Those who n'r m want oi a good uoinitneul.
are respectfully invited to rtfumne the«r before pur
chasing elsewhere, a* they cannot be excelled by any
in ibr coumry, and will Ik- sold tower titan any brought
from the Fast Anojusl received, iwo piano*oi Ham
burgh manufacture, warranted to be superior to any
ever *old m this country oct2) F It
r | 'H E •uhsctiber ha* been appointed Sole Agent i«r
»iNS as manufactured and and perfected by Mr««rs
Murch & White, of Cincinnati The u»ual eornpu**
and eitrnt bring but 'our octave*. Me»»r* M AW.
in accordance with me genrtal desire and deuiuild,
have e jLii inlrd ibe .rale of ihr*e instrument* to 4 j and
even 6 ortavr*. Iha* making u practicable to pcrlorm
upon Ihcili air, music written lor ibr ' uim in Orgun
The eiirfior. also, tin* t>.-en mucii improved by placing
the* l.odv o! the ihsiruinent upon a c;i*t iron name
lienuuiully nron/ctl amt oc.uitienlrd. uni
once a moat elegant mid external* desirable artn -! r
The pi ice i* pul »o low a* to bring it wiihin Ute reach
of every one to obtain u perfect uiuuoa. ui*iriiinen:,
and, ai ihe same tune, a im*-i raryunl piece oi furni*
tus* lor u comparative tritle H KLHHKK.
A: .1 W Woodwcii's
(N RF.AT Ml'SlfAl. NuVF.l.l k I i.e~*u "i*cr.nm
1 Ba* iu*t received Iroirt Funipr. and tor «alc, an
enlirnly new m veuuon of Piano Four, ended the C.\ B
INKT PiANO For rp_ which possessing more power
and •woelne*» Uian the u|uare Piano, occupies but one
fourth iu ntuc.u room, and is a much more showy and
handsome pircr'of furniture li i< partirn*ar:y desirn-
Ole Where ihc saving ill spare is an i.tiject bring ex
ceeduigiv r.rii amt compact, and occupying no more
room than a *tuan • Jr lubie. Tne Hubss-riber ha* in
hiuul a icstiuumiai nt it.« superioniy irom the ceielirg.
ted pianist. Moscliciles, in hi* own bund wriling.wtiicli
may be inspected H KI.I.IILR,
ocrJ7 At J W Wood" r' I s
RF.i' FJVKD and lor «mo. s .oioi choice Piano*, wiih
»••>! "ithout t'olein.m * .■Kn.ian Ariseitineni. ny
Nan;i* A ('lark. N One of Nunn* A C-ark's I'tuno*.
a.l)i Die Attaeutneni, wa* taken to Kngliuid by Mr
Coinn.ii. :u,d sin.cic many otiier lc»i.nion.H < of ad
miratiK. 'or tin* elegant upecintcn oi Aruencan »ki)i
and nut •' mi :1} r.c.'e.l the lo.iovs-mf iniiniti from
Thalbe rg, the grraii «l Pin.u*i :i vtng
l.o;»in>n. Jan l“. l-dh
My IVear Sir -In cue o»."C -t iettr r :« mv 'rierid. M '
Krnnd. Pan*. I raimot reirum irom again e*prc**mg
u you how much I w.i* p.e«»ed *'iiu your “.Kn;,*.i
Attarhutent." which 1 i't»tt«tder b j a rront mu*tca. mi
-I'Kivrmeni 1 cun assure von thnt on my prut l »!
with gres' pi osurc Jo in y utitiojt to in us >• your invni
t.mi known For sale t.y H KI.FHF.K.
At 'A |VMj wej ' s IU r'lllUJe roums. dd s.
is4B. J&H
t una. Packet—>W\|.l.n\k i'ap’ Ford.-
Ut'hAN.ibipt \\ titer*
v\f .*i me above Pa. irn -u'-e |te jv c reve rv dn v.
, I **i. .'h * r icep'.ed .ni t urr vr i ' uior .1
\ urr>-. . w iere tin*. < .vine. • w,:n the Mat' >taffr* for
- 1 r- .eh: One o' ihc Pin* K e-.« ie*v e\\ar re n dui'v.
, I' \J . iuul nn ii ul Denver in time to lake Inc
r'l'Vl.-s a"i.M riNtiVv.i.L Wnsrci. / p r , nf ,,. rm
MUI Ai UIR. " \ P '
lIIAVhK AND 1 Klh I‘t'Mrr LINT
l.u, Hr- V. I u .
FsUH.ol. -sa-c:
The l !.»ve iieiv a•*.<; splendid P»««cni;*r p tl ,-ke-.t h■ ve '
-i.minem eo r u lining between BKA \KK AN 1> i KKI h. ;
. ilwi.. iu-. regular, during Uo* .rasi.'i • one Ural
envi-ig r.rtc every morning at • e rmrW. n-i.l one iruv
ni lies', er rvei *. ev e rung, immediate i > iil'.rr Ihr sr I- •
vh. ot tii- rroiu Piil*l-argn .
The iiont* are new ami comfortably turni»hrd and :
w.i. run thnrurli m tort) hour* Pa»*eugers to any .
portion tlir Fakes or lo Niagara Pa.i* "iK ft n-1 t!i ••
route tne most conilorlable and expeditious I’.- get* .
ii'iougti tu a.i |HrIU outlie lair i »n nr procured Is > ■
;.:y m» to the proprietor* ' I
RKFD. PARK.-A i'o Heaver '
JOHN A i'AFOIIh.y . Agt Pi It «ou rg t.
cor Water am) SatiChheiJ >l*
Jas v' Harrison, Hudn.o N i
t' M Reej. Kne. Pa
i' F Wick, Ijfeenvule, Pa,
M Farlaod and King. Big Demi. Ps.
11-\. A Piutnb. Sharp-*.urgh. Pt,
\\ i Maian s *harcm. Pa,
1» t‘ Mathew* Puia*ki. Pa:
K W I'uumnghaii*. New Cusile, Pa .) I
Pinniylvanlt l aaal A Rail Road El*
preas Kail Packet Line, *
KKuM I*l rryui wll Tt) IMII UAI7I .LI’H lA A UAL
(Kirlusivl) k.t }‘a»*cnr<-r» )
>..r arc rc»}M-i i:ui;> miorwpd ilia: Uu« Line
•itiKic- c' runtime on the -AW m«t. and eon-
\v!i,c!< vrih fiv» Rr*-a'>'i i'nmi*!i l’h<*
rjuesirifio run md eiuoi.ue u,.;ni beiore eiii;ur;iii< pu-*
i Fmr* » -ll V nm>- cioila f« 1 branch 1 Our ol tbr Imali of
• 14ii« < Wni irivr tU** .milling toppOMt’’ t S Molri,
nun in I'mn alul I'm,*, h.ity night *1 ruriM' -
k liav' For inii.iitmtum. apply atUi«
.oiigulina Hou-mv cn U> 1> I.KhI.H A. < 0
I'ana; U#«in
Bingham's Express Wagon Line,
VIA r»U'«MR*Rr* I ,H.
I<\ \i- l.Hindi
Slit f*I'SIICS uihl other* arc iiiiormci i;,m tht* Line
ropiiiiijc* to run daily i'mdurr nn«l tuerrhstuii**
r-vn|Hni mr !■> KIVK DA\' I/INK unc! regular wur
on', at 111 a- tuic* nml «j>eriliril utiir
J r iiimvKU. I‘iini.ttrrh.
riovU RMUINMIN .V HoKJJ.M, IL.uimorp
ri'nr. :i. o-vidg 'mm (>roTfe K Pnsiieioy, tbg
J -.vs . . jiiu.ineim ol tue ) i n'v*s. *.iul* lor
c.-o. • ~i. ...r-.rt..- P-ni ti.rns tin to every
} .ii-H* w Orrn, A'Pany.Srpt 1
i - . My —With irc.nif* of no or
l )«« m rr a.ion o tnc beiKbl
from ■. i»ur'.-.- Pan; Ki.rru'.or
■ •:ur-. .;d i>.u» in-; lier *«*rtain«
toji I n- c.irried n'ill 'on; icu t • *tK
,„h M-ii.'Vf 1 rrmn hrr pun*, n■.>l *:«v•< -M-i. I Jrr I
ii* 11 1 i oi'.d :t .ii: t. hnd was sooi. c-wu l sir- She
VC-all -• .tj.t: '< '■ ■ b.l-ler lIOIU ihr 1.1,1 cl her ".IMMi.lief
umi* f'li • .*rtiiii--| and t./e.i*. 11 vvus v-jiy deep.
-, . from the h 1 •' hour ilih .*.011,11 11 nod mi:v w hen II
the- 7y-.\ v t ji"i m> :i /> ia a e
'Tile- grnu Ine [l.ilirv. will ev.-r prn<tu--e Hie same in
• !aruaiiei)u«aa*Uci. mtd »oollnng, i ooling eflcct m the
*ev cresl ch»c» oi Burn*. Staid*. Piles. Ac
The Countcrlctl*— no n ntier under vrhal inline* ihev
may unpear always irritate, and increase the iimn.
I. F.dward P Holmes, ul Chatham Melvin Bridge,
Columbia comity. N ’• , have been erfiicied with rhea
niaiisri) in my brc’i*i icct, and mi over my hotly, lor
*ix year* *o ibai 1 could uni stand, and wh» cured by
tlircc BptiucaiKins oi Dnilcv * .Magical Pam Extractor
Mr Dn.ley Sir - l cut tnv finger with a copper nail .
the ; miuiiiou* muire oi which caused tny arm to kwell
coii-nierubly, wan coiuuul khooung pnuts up to liic
shoaldrr A large swelling takiiiff plaee attfte arm
pit. with incrcnsr.ig pain, 1 became fearful oi tie l-ock.
jaw In thi‘ extremity your Pain RltVarior wn» re
commindrd to me. and which 1 wti* prevailed upon to
try The catt*eiju<*nrr wa* ihni it auordetl mo almost
insinni tr!iri an-l m three day* I wa* i-omplcteiy cu
corner Broome and Sullivan »t*, Sept 8. IttM.
NOTP'K'-M DsU.kt i« the inventor of this invalu
aide remedy, and never ba* and never will cotnmunl*
rule to *n y .i v mg in m tiic secret of it* combination!
All Kxiriiciors, thereiorc. not mode and put up b
him. are bn»e eonniericiO
PBoraiiTi’ii'* !)>'a-hts—llv Broadway, New York;
•iiiOte*:;iut street. Phiin.
JuHN D MORIiAN. General Depot, Dr WM.
THORN Agent* tor Pillsbuf/h
]hdL-y> Ainntii/ (ruivanif f'rrro-A//,
Cure* humor*. *pavin. <,uittor. grease, poll-evil,
fore*, m • and bruise* Pamphlet*, containing ccr
tihcnie- o: respectable parties, may be had on applica
tion to JOHN D MORIiAN.
novl.Vdl , i- Agent, Pittsburgh.
\ 'ermg n• l hit i ior il y.-nr* with Uie.c diseases. 1
teel Irois iny iicari tor an pernou* cquu'.y uiifurnmutr,
and Ihereiuic I l<rp ol ilirin. if lliey love ,ife and health:
tflhej ivv e ihor lumiiic* nnd Iricud*. not to lay and
die under ihe Immij of mercury dociur«. or their u»e
le*> tT:i*h. bu: try Dr. Taylor * Uaisutn of Liverwort.
Th * I* dici/ie cured me when I wm »o ill 1 rou.d not
■I without mill lire mineral
I i'oui<J mil live a week, \ cl tin* vegetable
ir'j luc in iix week* litit ■ I u nui-km*
, oti r h pain . i mu «ule. nuring ot Dialler,
an.l win* wuMed :o iue liorir. alao. inward lever
J 1”. MiI.J.S, Milkinn*. Newtown. L 1
MPTION AND Li Vigil C»»MPLAJ>r.—For * lull*
Unie ] tutleml wi'h theac disease*, and was the more
alnnne.i a« 1 had lost h mother, two brothers and two
wiin itir i'«Ki*utuptH'ii. 1 had the l>e»t medical
at) v iec in mm, evert remedy wn» tried without etferl,
ai-J 1 w.w utmost m despair. 1 »«< wasting away,
irry Unit a had coUf>ll lot* Ol’ strength, and
inaj.y oilier ilmigeruu* • ywpuim*. At length 1 tried
llr Tm lor « lUitum ot Liverwort. aim I must toy this
iiirdifi ie riire.l me <ike a rliarm Its itreut restora
nve power* tiiouid l>e invlr known
W HULDRIIKiE. 23a ?prmg *t
Kmhv. <>» UiA>or -Tins di*ea«e i* rnsily cured by
the j ir of* niin'ii'iiir Mr. Newbury. it'd Bowery, used
id ia,-e • hi iarye quajitiliet, l.oth by day and
uifi.i. wn>, nr had u severe rouirn, xitd pain
i'i ne i -en*;. vet ai.rr u«imi every other medicine, he
ti..r:i:til' y *l>r. Tav or » ttaisarti ol Liverwort. Tin*
ttia.. : ii ‘ unman, amt ,et i.K oilier, who cannot aiforit
Tnwii«'*ii>i 4>*> Mm&<M •(. II Sin'»-r ror Markrtaiid
;W •> J l<:liarrsoi) * t'o.i 1.i1.n1/ »I i’r:r- reduced
•t. |t«-r l>ou.<- i-l>U
—;-No 65, DU.MONi) AI,LKY, %
*-w door* brlow Wood *irret. to'
1111 f Itrt.
DU..BOOWB, muu; bo«a
rnrularly rtlnraiod lo the mcdiea
j>roiV»i>!oit. and been lor »ome uroc
in eeiirrul practice. now confine*
attention u> ibe treatment 01
|>nWr and delicate com|
j.laiMtu for winch li’* npportuniue*
amt experience peculiar 1 ? qualify
U lean A»«uluou*i) devoted
Ui «iod v A ;rrntmi-1:: of itio--- ctunplmniviilunti< which
till.- hr h>L* hail iiKitc prsfiKT uiui H.i, cured more pa
l..-i.» :»:m; cn'i rvrr ijis To'ihr 10l of any private prac
l.:.i»ner‘ ainplv »|tinli(ir» him to cSn u'«uraiirc* ol
♦ prmlv permanent. ami *utl» Inc U>ry r,;r- to an afflicted
w.i i dr .cnir iliicnw* ami ud dcCMCI arifting LhcrrJ
|>r w,. u .«l nitons Uto*** • ItUricd wilti prtvm*
j... a -M?« » .mc :i Lu*f Itpww '"hror.r Uuir or hr;
(I 3 (, Hie u«c •<! "•■>) «* c ommon no-»iruin» o'
i:jr ,in\ is a: u«tf*r < - otui>.iuui» ran !>*• r »i!m-*iJ) .mJ '.I cor
our . > ••urru. lio um'iiiß n<vrn t.i» <arc"» a.i-'iiu.n. U
iLiiHa.irct M run.<4 person- oi uQ un:lLi.i(H, nt .be
n»i:4 ol the biaddcc an-1 kindred wluch oiler
rt-*u!v iroin tuu-% where other* biive eoiiMgndl
Ui.-i.j to bo|« ie-«» dr«pai/ He part.cuinil) mvuc* «ueh
hv n-i*.. lorn; and uiuucce»*iu)ly irr-ated by other*
I<> consul biiii. when every sausfacliuh will be fives
them. in.) ibi-ir case treated in a earefat,thorough and
uitri igent manner. pointed out by.a lung experience
»iuJ\ anil aijou. which it i» unp*»»»ibie for thoi
engaged in ernenu practice at medicine to give an
Onr c lan* i>( dl-ca*e.
or Rapture I>r. Brown ai«o mriin pet;
M»n\ alhiciwl with H-rnia to cad. a* be bat patil partlr* utirimon to till a di*cu*e
1 ANt'Hßt* ai*i‘ cured.
stilt Itiwaaea: ai*«. P? *, PaUy. etc . speedily cured
('lir,f»c« very low
N It -I** ii - nt* ot enn sex i.Ting at a distance, by
• uje.r di*ea*e .n writing, giving a;i the «ymp}
lom i. ran obtain tn-dirine* with diremons tot o*e, by
addrawtng T BRi>WN, M D . post paid, and eiiclo*.
Other No nr. Diamond alley, opposite the tverlj
Kn»' --Dr • nr wty <ii«. »ivrrau reme
dy i.u dy mid ••frtain rciurdy (or
'|, »• tin -i"j. :ff.uMr It •.■•V'T tiu.»
»:i.l <*..
mo.-.: I'-t*ut.!ti. I'
ILTSwru” «« P"*
Ho\\ LkHo U' l.tH'K - Sand*. Uhmul mul Hu:.,
mi,,,,,:, (lU ; t.„-,r rs*r»apanu« m small irottle*
hotel,i.< u ou-rr*. (ml w.iee Ur Towi.Mml-* liu.
U.!""™ >,ui oc llic iu4ikri. they arr now j.uUi.ig then*
uii .r, i*rg«r loi'-le* :-omiiiiiuub tour lime* u> murli us
(.(urt) H..w much profit <liil Ui«*T nuike !)••-
~,| a,ru mu« 1: uml*»' W«» n noncm’ Ami
viu ,. r ..1,,, mt, rrtiuml ilir* *trrogUi I« n l»one« 10
•.rnri.U inn: m-a* Bond a» they were! Df Town
1.,., •! honestly ami lairly—-Rave aa much
inc n« U«* miuiil ntiord. ha* made several iro> i-iu. ’iK ami i* d^trrmmr<l lo Keep up ihe strength
am: . i :n.,i 'V,:; warrant that cac-U bottle oi ni»
v,. „ l (I mhiM< mom Iliad lour time* Uicijuaiiu
• V(ir»uj»«fi! •» •; ■! rue.-u-a, qu»..u«» than any olh
rr i r*-i-tirHt...n >». «a|<uiiilri : i the market
j I.r K K >ri rr* -ole agent n»r Pittsburgh. anil
a.h-kU-i.v cuy. Pa
Sir J D .Wnrru.. Itear Sir -H.-irig >evrrr:y ulflict
' my iricrnl* u> try \our rrM.ratmi Couich
r»ip I r«ii x-nnr More onrt pyrchar-ed one hot
ilr .'ul :i i a\un i !<••*• li.'-ic- I foumt nijr cou£ti eu*
~r. ,i ~,rr•! w.u ra-i -iifly rrroimn«*nU it to ail per
»<m* n- t 'uf" - j"i'inr--u tor cough* and oolil*. Price
. '■nu •>. r ' ..'ill'- \\ in Koimikia.
l- « t>inr.l »ii«n< » and r.-tm! i.y the propnetor.
JMHS L> MOKi.aV Dturri*!
\ »o !v»i •'! >• I ) Mother. corner Wood and sth
■ tn i't*. lebls’
WM HI N(.lt AM.
Ctuial ltn«tn, l*m«liurcli
Nn -r« Mark cl .irr-t
A r ClUi'ems« to U»a Woxia.
iiV: DuLLARSw.:’:.f pit.d So Otto
X *wn.* v ' - ■ u.-r .1 M->1 OI *rcc. or Jry.tbal
oot -i» j;.;,! wl w.,11 il, '« liiipsov-iM’hcmieul
SiiLj’ I !,H.' Ill" 10 UK Pl’Ortf® 1
tir' r»ir»r r. nu. ii * arm - 1, t>f my own nnjifoyrroent on
- ,*w _unu« uni i»B‘n*ii in t!u» count r > iff extracting
ei i »»r., m. is. o pair.:, or any oiti'T ?rea*y sub
t : r i,n. ,||| k:n-!« n. gv.iiiifttaeii’a of l»«li*-clolhmgi
C4 ,.„. ;v tal.u iMf.ino, merino ihuwiv laJiea’bonnet".
&<• ' without uyui.nx an>* shat per" water wili uot
oil. rr Mom- •-si » • r>n<- thou«er.d p--rwin» .n differeut
pm ' o: tit i.arr told rue they would not lie
vr u’lout'’ll' r:t r«*t cn- dollar per r»*e- In trying thia
*>n-< on m-’p u m :SMI p.rtir« o‘ I.Rltt satiuit. ai
nu. ,m« t m ■ :i: ••..< », 1 :iJ*e only loun.i three piece* <il
~tk twi l*i nii.u-n., a: J Mur ... iu. urn. on whif h n
Chun/e‘l the rolor, tiicrt-M-e puSftiß n on it .ikM
drr*i< iry a ;amp> of see ilrea* ?•'" ; “'-.i.e '.h;« ''oc»u<«
l am Jceii»..M«-d unit« rr commend >. any *■' 'Her than
I know w AtnctJy true N H Hoit.
I‘rcr, lsii cm pereaia soi.l, nud ret*.l
t) . 1W.31-.M.KR*.
,i ec ..4 57 wood it
It A. )
It. L.
O W. I'iiMMiw.; .
Wboloiait l)rn(( Store In the Cltjr ol
New York.
riMJK undersigned aro cnenaively engined in the
X Whulcsnlc Drag bnainesa at No. 4lf John street, * n
|iie city ol New York, and are prepared to rupply
Drugrii:* aid errantry Merchants wnli Drug*. Paints,
Ok. Hj r-rtnfls, Foreign and American Prrfuinery,
jdm.iier. iYea«et & Mander’a Chemicals, (of their own
mr ot tuficn) atP all older aniole* in tlieir line of bust*
tfeaa, of a sifiterio as low u they can be par
•baaed hi this or any caxiem 6ltT. __
Now York, Pobl* » A. k f'
Office or American * Foreign pwtants
JA.MK.-t (iRh-KNOFDH, of the laic firm of Keller t
bfrnuiurli. ronlmuri thr bii-int*** of Consulting
Kngiiieer and Patent Attorney. at In* ofKre in the rity
hi \VAM!INI»TON He may bp con«uHcd and ern
nio) pd in making examination* m machinery ui lur
P.mml Utfteo ami cLewhere. in furm-bing drawing*
a ., lt »i)fpifirniniM* 01 tmirlimr.. ami all imper* urcrswa
,y inin.ter, nmemi. or extend letter* patent it.
ilip,I State* or Europe. Hr can also l>r ooinuJl
i-d itii»l»--*iom»llv on nil i|U«*liniis ol nniraliiin ap*-
undrr tl,p Patent Law. and argue qu.te
1,..n» j.p.nrc Uir l-'.irnl tiffi-- or an npprai lhrretr.ini
. I r ~1 Uir P.itelll I llhrn and
" h .V,,l(p..niri I,.tv. I'.r. uu.irly tilled hnn. Thr juo
,„i«. i><. ..r j....-, ........
l—< I”."
i nMnaK. pirrsßCßini *vn wiiKtuw
Ofllee at the lixchange, Ualttßioie.
Ri. |i| i I.D KJ\ IT-> • Tur chargr* bnve been redu
rrsl.innll Message* l, i ui mini Baltimore, Pm.
.11 \\ l.»'^'*“*;• and a • ••rrrapoi.UllH' redu.'lion
in'iidr'on «ninrjru|*lm- de-patelie*forwarded from Hal
""wVr& V - n'-' <•'liarije lor a irlrßnipb despatch Ui or
irnm il.,li.i*n>r>*.'P.U , J*UC»? s and Wheeling, is -15 rent*
, u , ,vi»rJ» nmi I cent* lor each addiltonal
N.. Phargr ft inadr 'or Lite addre* and
lU l''nUi the completion of the South Western lane of
Trlpcrapb irotn Memplii*. I enn • t« New Orleans. des
irate m-* *' an l*e forwarded to Memphis by U.i» route, uod
mtilc.l l‘i« N«w Orirane Iflll
ti-Hi>"> wooimoi.'M. a \mh)l>hoi:sk.
1 I aVIM* Uns day asvociaiod tlirlioeivr* lugeifirr
I 1 in paftn«*r»bip, under the linu and »t) lr ot A. A J
\i ».u.,oiat. iv* me luaauUriurr r.t I IN. CuPPKK
ASl> "HI KLT IKON WARE, on thr <«,»rr ot Robin
"n , lir n add the Canal, in the l»t " ard, Aixs.iHa'ti
, h -i v\a. ■ p 'bey arr prepared lo furnish i.> ordrr,
wholr*n ■* a"* l retail all ortirlr* in iiik with
1 oi.ndi. riiiniimu.”!. and Carpenters'order* are so
icued wuieh will rcccife immediate attention.
Cliy’uf Allegheny, Feb 1, I«4V* —dtSro
OHO. W. B9XITH * Ctb,
INFORM their fnemls and the public that they hav#
no lont’er any couuci tioo with Ibetr late establish
oMiQt in Foon itrect, Luowq as the Pittsburgh Hrcwgry,
navina removed ihett tntire boxineu to tho POIWT
UE£wERY,m Pul suaet. aylfcd jr3
(.1 o I r.’MLKi'Y
teh-.orr iliM-aunt Lung* biiO
a »lior! Line
ii Pittsburgh !>v j I) d'l Wood ii.
• u-timt Konr?**. No (>6 Lft»-
Tu<* ter .« alwar* ai
A. U. Ilnx, N. Y. C.iy
THE H\ STEM, Vl/.i
Spro'uia or King'* Evil. Rheumatism l 'bHina'.r
ilpou* F.iiiplnjn-. I*itriple* or I'u-tiue* on die (-uve.
Ii niclic'-. Kile*. b'bioiuc Sor*- E)*--. Kim- Wuiwot
T-ner Scald Ilen.l, K' largement an.) Ptm m t!.-
Bo ipe ami Joint*. Stubborn Ulcer*. wyjtbiiuic symp
tom*. Sciatica or l.untbairo. givd Di-eix* an-.iig
from an .njudiriou* u«e of Merrurt. A-n-ite* or Drop
ay, Kjposure or Imprudence m l.ue Ai-o, t.t.rontc
i.uiiiiitulional Di-onler-
In tin* preparation nrr *trnngly cOiicentritied si.l the
Mrdtnni properties oi Ssa-AiMKiu.*, combined wv.h
tbe mo*! rtfcelnal Hid- Ihr nio-l vain In I \ produc i.inj*
the tnoM potent simple* Ot the vrg»-isb e kinsiloin. nhd
It ha* been to lully ir*ied, mil oul> bv paueiit. I'lmf
selcr*. liui alao Itv l’hy*irian*. U hit* received
their unqualified recommendation and tbe approbation
of the public, and ha* established on t.« own merit* a
reputation for value and rfficary far »nperinr tn the
various oompound* hearing tbe name oi Sarrapanllu.
Di seine* have been cured. «uch a* are not iuruithe.l
id the record* of time pn*i, and what u ha* already
done for the thousand* who have used It, it is capable
oi dome, lor tbe tniLion* «tii! sutiermg anil eiruggUin,'
with di—iise It punfir*. rlenn«e». and finmgllien*
the inunum spring* ot 'ife. and uiiuse* new vigor Utro •
out me w iioir animal tr»iue
anothkh <TRKt»y srKnFri.A
Tlie t.iiiowiuc atrikuis and. a* will i.e M-en. |ienn:i
tent . ure of an mveirruie i H.e ni S.TOiula. commend
l*ei: to :t ( l similarly urtheied:
s«n turuar. i'um 0., Jan. 1. 1*1?.
Me.i-r* fie. I’niien —Svinpalbt fortbeiilfltr
ifd ii«li:i e. mr i.i iii'onii iuii u: lur re in ar k aide eure
effected o) your Sunupur.;:!! :n uie cane of tuy wife.
She wu« f-everely ntflieted with the •rroaitu on difTer
chl [>«n» fff the bodT: the eland* oi the ueelc were
greatly eniiirgcd aitd.ber limb* tuu.-b »woiicn. Alter
iiultcnia’ over a year and finding mi r.di-f front ilir
rvinrdieu u*r<l. the diseax attucied one Irg. and tie
low the knee ■.uppurntrO Her piiy ».cian nd .‘it cd i>
«hou;d nr mid open, winch wm di.i.e, Lot without nny
permanent benefit. In tin* sitontiou we ii--ar.i of. and
were in lulled to u»e Sand*' Sar*upun.ia. The 'ii e;
bottle produced a deemed and favorable etl-ct rebev
inc tier more Winn any i're*en|)tn>ii «he luul over Lt
leu, oud beiore *he bad u*rd «ix hoifte*. to the mton.
i*hmeiit ami delight of her frtentl*. *he found her
health i)UMe re*U>rod. It 1* now over a year *mce Lbe
cure wu effee ed. arid licr health remain* good, •bow
ing tbe di*ea«e was thoroughly eradicated fmin the
•yatem. Our neighbors nrc all knowing to ;hcse
facts, and thin* very high 'y of Sands' ?ur <aparilla
Yoora with respect, JUl.lWs PIKK.
Ertraci from a letter received from Mr N. W. Har
ris. a gentleman well known m I.ouitn rounty. Va •
‘•(•ettilemep— I have cured a negro boy of mine with
your Sarsupanlla. who was attacked VMlh S-'roluln.
and of a icrolulou* fttmt.y
“Yoor. truly. N. \V. HA KRIS
“Fredericits Hnll. >’a . Jmy IT. 1-4- '
SaSD*' SAtMifiXiLU —lt *ccm« a.oio-i uitnecc«*n
to direct attention lo an article *o wed known
deservedly popular, ns ihi* preparalion. bn: natiems
often who wu-li to usr th« ertraet of Sar*apnrilla. are
induced to try Worthies* compound* bearing the name,
tiut cont&miug little or none ol'thu virtue of this vnlu
nblc root, and we ihmk we raunui contler a rrealer
benefit on our reader* than in directing their attention
to the advertisement of me Measr*. Sand* in another
column The bottle ha* recently been enlarged to hoid
a quart, and those who wish a really good article will
find concentrated m llu* ad the mcdieiuai vai.ic of'.be
root. Th<* experience of thousiiue* has pruv-ni i* ri*
ficaey tn eunng the vntiou* disease* for which it is
r. corametided, and at the preterit time mure than any
other, perhap*. i* this mc.licuie ai"-l'a.. in pr: pnnng tile
«y*tero lor a change ot season.—Uuiuc Juuru , Sept
1 >*4'<
I‘repared and soid who'esat'- anJ rcitil. by A H A
D. SANDS. Druggist* and OhentisU. 100 Fulton meet,
corner'd' Vplliam, New York. Soltf al*o by Drug
gt*ts gecendly Utrougliou: the L'lnie.l Slnl-- and Cana
da* Fnce Si per Bottle, »ix Bottle* lor
Vrr For "Sic in I’ilUhurgh. whol«**ale and retail, by
B. A FAIfNKS'H >CK. A CO. corner of Wood and
Front «t* . al*o. rortier of Sixth and Wo.hl n«. tiy L
WI J r.. comer ot Srutthbelil «•••! Fourth »t*-
nil.l a.•■> corner of Market *t and tire Diamond, oifo,
1.l NfiS —• I'lte unprecedented nui'ces* w.iicb lias
ttri.acU the use oi the
" nJr il.r vnru'iu tortii* winch ir T ;!iti.nn oi the :urg***-
tunic-, ha. induced '.lie penprietur iirain locall *ltett<
hint tn tht*
Tlie ctmugabie wratner \»iuch mark* ou> fall and
wmic-r innulii*. is oiw.ivt n truiirul -.mrer nl
The*e, ii neglected, ere but tlie prrcur*i»r* o' that fell
leUroyr r.
The question. then, how shall wt n;p u»r u« «iroypr iii
the bud! how nhali we get clear of our rough* and
old*’ u of vital importance 10 the public
Will be found in the Outwit* Knnacen. hi |>io«l of till*
wr have trwra time to. time puidialieJ lhe cerubcair* of
doieur of our heal known citizen*, who have eiperi
enrod U* curative power* Thoae. with a ma*« of tea ,
umouy from ail u&rb> of the country .*-fr«m
M.m*ter» ol the (>o«[wl, A r . lotfr tfier wiiii copious iu>;
ice* from the
»e nave embodied ui }»au»|ilil»-i lonn. and rouy be had
trail* i»f any of our aeciit* throughout tiie countrv
Uavfwbeen o<ed m Dm city
throughout the Uuued Stale* and Canada. and we I'D
enge any man to point out a """
n which,’when lakr.n acCwnluiK to direction* mid he
(.<re Uie lung* had become l'ata..y dMorgamrr.l a has
ever failed to
Why. then, nerd the adlreied bpsiiatp' 't iiv rrsort to
ine iin»**r«ide nostrum*, guiten up ;.y u.' . oa n tudivid
aal* u In the an*uwrd uaioe of soiiir c« ■ •.«,,• , pi,y*
siriHii. and puffed into notoriety by er rubral* . ,
son- rqually unknown’ WTiilut a inp.ticine o*
it to be had. wliose voucher* air ct bomo,~oar n*iyh<
borv —many of whom it has
In OTder that this invaluable nirdicmr mity be placed
within llie reach of Uie poor os well Uie rich, we have
pot the price at
IUM one Utill the usual coat of rough medicine* uis
Jor *air by our urmu in nearly egcry town and vdiaje
over the we«t who are prepared to give full iniorinu
•joti relative to u. T SALTKR. Proprietor,
Broadway. Cinciniiau. tdiin
DK. KDVt ARD ACKI.H. take* viu« iuchiia of re
turning hi* thank* to his Inem]- :uu! the public
ior the es tensive pstronngc ne hu* reci-iveil. and of in
form ug itiem that he ha* lately errrteil n nnd
well con*micted buibling. for the exclusive purpcr»e.i
in lu« W ATER CURE KSTAJiLISUM KNT, at hi* old Phiiliptburgb, Pu., on ldc Uiuo river, oppo
site the steamboat landing at Reaver, where he i« rrndy.
to receive patients a* tionrters. and treat them on Hy
dropathic principle*. In nddiuon to ui* long experi
ence. and the great success which ha* heretofore at
trtided his treatment of patients rommium u hi* care.,
li* ha* now the additional lucilitirs udorded by an ex
tensive builoing erected exjire«»l) for the purpo*c. con
taining commodious and airy room*, and h:t*d up with
every nece.«*aey apparatus for ballnng, and dtUntnis
luring’ the treatment to the utmost oenehi nnd comrori
of the patient. Pbillipsburi;h u u most deagmim umi
healUty village, cosy of access by ttrumi-OHU, fid af
fords hue and wholesome water. Dr Acker assure*
those afflicted penotis who may place themselves, un
der his cure, that every uticuuon shuit be pud to their
couifort, and as nil assurance oi'the HUtistautmi benefits
to be derived, he (snnt* wan riinfideiirr lo Lite hun
dred* who have been permanent:) cur>*d ai hi* e«tnh
liKiiiuriit The Waler Cure ieavss no injurious rd.-ru
bemud, as is too Often the case with tl»o*c who have
been treated on Uie old.) Mem It removes the dt»-
ca*e, mvigorute* the system, protects from the danger*
incident to change* of the weather, creutes a natural
and active appeuio. and imparl* vigor \£ the digestive
■towers. Terms of treatment and boarding reasonable
For further particulars inquire m the csinLl.shinciit or
addrr** the proprietor ui i'ttillipsburgli
. aupSM
DR. JAi Nt » .LLI'bKA tlv J,
We have iteen informed by .Mr* Rose of a cure per
fo-nird on h«r by llr. Jayut’i Alierativ'e, winch
prove* it* superiority overevrry other remedy of Un
kind Che bus been uill-cted lor the lust sixteen year,
with N Kt’KOSKB or W HITK BWKLLINUs, niicndru
w.ih ulceration* and enfoliauon of various bone.*, flu
ring winch time many pircca have been discharged frou.
the irtuiiai hone ol Uie uriunum, from Lotii her nniii
wrisis it mi hands, ami front both legs, and from the. ‘eti
fr.i oral hone, and from the rtgbt knee, besnie* palnfn
alceison other parts of her pernio; which have ballieo
the (kill of a number of the most eminent physn-itinso'
our cu>—during moil of Uie bine her ludcriiig* have,
been and deplorable. About three month.-
since ihe whs indueed to try Dr.Jayne't Alterative
which ha* had an aatomahnigly happv effect upon her
bv removing all pam and swellings,'aud causing me
ulcers to heal, while at Uieaamc tuue her genera! health
haa become completely reston-d, ro that sue now weigh •
2h lbs more tliun she did before »U».- cominriiccd the
0 l- ’V valuafdc prcprttion —Krp l’n«t.
ror further information, imißirc of \:ih Ko*e N<* l*
FMben »t, I'hlladelph.a.
For line m Fuuburßh, at me I'KM N TK.K STORK.
■ i I ourtli *t near \S 00. l ;\.i
XJ just received or Dr Town».-ipl * tlw
iuo*i extraordinary mcdirme m tl,.- m.rlj Ttn< lj
l net i* put up in quuri bonlr. it t< , tune* rtieuper
pleasanter, and warrunted »u|K>ru.r to any mi.U. it
cure* disease without vomiting, purging, •n-keuing »>
debitituUug the paueui.
Lout orr run IvnmuNs rupriii<-i|,i<-d [it-r*«n* have
copied our labels, and put up nn-dn i> r in ih>- «uror
shaped IxilUe. see that each bottle ha. the wrmen *•*
nnlurn ol S. 1* Townsend.
R. B. SKLLKRa. Drugrisu 57 Wood street, between
Tlurd mid F’curth, is Dr. Towu««udN only »Tjioiee«u
and retail agent for Pittsburgh o 1 horn tin- genuine
uitu i<- ,-un be liad
l> M Furry hu* been appointed ihe »olr agent (or
Alh-ghi-uy city, of whom the genuine article can be
had. up 4
IO I.Nfi^.—*'rn>l u in all its multiplied lormi
whcDtor in that of .ving a K»il. enlargements o the
gUndu or bones f.otire, Wmle .''weliuigs. ( 'aromi
Rheumatism, tj.inser drtc.y-eo ol the bkm or Spme,
oroi ('onsucipUou, enunalc Iroui (Jne
and the s-itue cause, which is a poisonou* principle
more or lous inberenl in the bunian system. Th*r«*
lore, unleu tins principle can be destroyed, no radi
cal cure can be cllt-cicd, but U (he principle upon
which tba diaeat* .lejM-mla, it removed, a cure
muut ot dcceasily billow, n-i utaller under whallortb
the diae.ive shoold ui iinu-rt itseii. This, tlirrefiire
is the rit-siMi whyf Jit h a Ai. t !*H at IV KHi eo mu
mrually succ.eaatul to iciuoruig no many tiuiitgaanl
tiinuasca. it destroya Uio ruin or pnnotple from
whio t tbnae dmcasen have lbmrorigiQ,by enlenne
into the circulation, and with the blood it convoyed
to the imnatest fibre, removing every particle o(
disease rrom the lystrtn. Prepared and sold at Nix
S Sooth Third Street, Philadelphia.
Sold at the Pehtb I'm Store, No. laYourthatree
PUtafaurgh mehSl
0. i &IACKKRFX—76 bl»iD store and lor taio low
to close eoamgnmeni. febl JABDal.jirt.t. i
Aran II * T CURE, petfortuej by,lh* or^ttalaoJ
and grouio* LiV*r riti, phrjfared afld auld-by V. C4ei».i ,
Moakii’ KsCTt-at, Westnwrvland C-0.. pa., >
July Unit, 104 T. y
Sir R E St! !rr r — A jvi-te of duty to you ami th* ifflicird
mdueetme u,M m> humble totlawo* nt lavor «f ywtrpmi,
eelehralrd Liver I ha»« d'W«rTti Ambr •» far years
adbertac m Dj») CrockrlC* w-ttnn, '‘M »urt yuu er* light,
then goabesd." M<"' °f «<■' pre para
A. l . ih- .*•'*, hate luuk jatoobln um »iaie
V|« r I’i l* «»*• .V. uonrred '*> *l'* public »Bd. iadf-tH,
!r„::w «* u.- «*
vtn, in. .UUK tv *•*. « !“*•« ‘*« u L,,r ’
) 1 , r,« n ~..rh i.ii, .uffered tniielt; emp*oy»d
(..nutxioul in' ‘• l *' , , '
! niton l pu.d muCb aiuitty, Lit*
bul ivu >ciaiiv.' end pl.)*.ckrd *ltUi-« to «le.„V
Ll , .„j .t ill .m*. *ud r . ally ».n<n upas meuraKW. |«
KF.-T I « ..* ladurtcj u» u j )..ur Lux UO l
W ELL. Oo< bol of b ■’<"'* tmfnr.riu U, l;eep «U« Ci»*f
of a, iu m Ou »iJ* »»d *'■ * »T u, P Uxn * , * slkl
uuuUis Your r- ' ure s.*o U.e Uatxi*lA*rUr 1 rtcr u~o,
being mild. not griping «r y-‘ -ug much *tck‘-.«. »l tW* tt •*»-
•eh hut gt.e .... moib r-l.vl I Imre kepi them mmy .tor.
Itrf C or : mr,, »..IJ buudrad* Ol boie», slid bate tin.ei
u.. t . bjuro-rt. ho
l them. Tbo have »u|»fx , e<iv-»l almost ovvry oibcf {all id this.
nßighbokh.>.J. amlto * short time will Uutuh «h«a all.
ear lastly r.cum«a.iid tb.ut m all jrnotn neediug phy*te,
whether U>f Liver or Btllious .iffecUrst*. 1 eutv
*»der them laf su|ieru,t m Lulomel or Uk Blue Pill. Ur*p»et
fully T' ,u r> J ** Mo«IU*
f .\UTHkN —A* thvre arr Oliver PiJL bebire tit. Pftblic
Cal b*P Lit«r PlJl*. |nr-oin ** t>o »*nl the OEN UINE shoo'd
ask lor nod ukl uooihe, tl ,-ji those prepared and sold by K
K HKLLKKS, No 57 iCtwd el beiitMD Thud aud kourtb
Wldbt Dr Caaaau, Fifth B'aid, D M Cdkbt, Alkg^ay
.. -
To Use Medical Proftsalou and Pnbllc.
M F.CKKK S FARINA, now in u«r tu the Hospital*
\ •’. Imn* and oilirr public esubli-hmunto, aud
r-rommrmirJ M -om- Ol tne 11.1.-l dlcUHlJll.«he<l phv
lan- *...1 cbeinivi-. acini article ot diet for children
and tnvjJida, much superior to attuw root, sago, cto.,
lur more »trcngnt.;. pie-want u. tlw and eary
oi'digestion. Vi.' >.p in fl Ih Imie* of halflb- pipers,
ractl H. I'oUipiuucU WOil pf.lilr.l dircCUDU* lOfCiHlkiUg,
I ,iebit in in* An,, uc.ur it Cl.cmn.iry. p. dFJPUii r-d..
•t hiidfii id arrow-root. *aJep. OT indeed anV
luni ni nioj loluceou* iooO. which docs euniaju tngro
ilienu J.tie.f mr ih- iVrmutityi nt bouea uinl iiiua*Mt'*,
bi-c.oiiie int. it!ut aci’.uiTr much xMao-trbtWT. 1 kht-ir luttb*
appeur liul. but ilivv do not acquire nor are
their oryunv prop- rlv itereloped n
In tlie isitotysu pi,ihe l amia many bv Prof Kcni ot
New York, unsung other rnn-tr.uent*, give* 15 ppr ,
crni ol giu.ieu and ulbiiinen. and remark* tbat.Uic
c.a.nMOt the. i artna upon the Mcilu'u* I'rolennoa und
the public will Msl upon ll- cnlllai.llllg J'i me gtlltiee
and albumen, vegetutde tiltrine and Other nitrogoultcd
lodie» not lounJ in arrow ronl or *lllllllll »uti>tancc«.
and t* turn modem *hcmi»trv ha* pointed out a* being
ne» c-uiry tin* lonnaiion oi human bbtf, and by
mean* 01 whicii nature ui.iki-* up tor the con*t;i'
wn-’c th U take* place Ui tlie lounaO lanJy. For »«"•
iviioicfuT or ritn;. by R E SELLERS,
i.oii- 57 wood -l
Great Kngllah Remedy.
FOR Cough.-. Coni*. A*Uuua ami ConauinpliotL Tito
(JRF.Vf AND ONE'S REMEDY follhe cuFeoftlm
above di.-en*e«. 1* the HUNGARIAN BABSAM OF
LIKE di*covered by Du- cciebnucd iJr. Buchan, of
Loudon. F.iiglnmJ. amt introduced into the L r n:tedSutea
under the nnmedtoic superintendence oi iho
The extraordinary •uci-** ot tin* mudioine, id tls
cure o' Pu tnouary aixa.*,-*. warrant* the Afiiencan -
Age;, j in soliciting for imminent Uiy worst po»*ihie ca
se* tn a: can be tnund m ;i.e community—rwi's llml eeak
r. 1 .cl in v:i.n uoui aii A 01 the common retiu-dic* ofthe
dny. and 1.-tvc been giver op by the most <li*tuMfUlktied
pb) *icirii» a« conhimcd and incurable. 'l*he Iftingun
an Balenin hu* cured, uie. will uure. Iho most dcaperaio
of Cases, lt 1* i l ' l qnnek nostrum, buk u »luminal Eng-
Linn medicine, ol knot' n mid e*lal>iu-bed efficacy.
Every family iu the United State* should be supplied
with Buchan’s Hangaiiau Balsam of Lila, not only to
counteract the conßumpuvo tctulenctes of Ih* climate,
Inn to be used a* a preveituve inedicmo U> mi com* ot
coid», cougus. Fp.'.tiiig of tilo.Hl, pain in the »idc and
chest, irriuiuoit and »orcne** of the. lungs, broclnti-s
diffic ally of brenuiig, hcouc fever, uiglil sweat#, emaci
uUon and general debility, asthma, itifloenn. wnoopttg
cough and croup.
Slid in large boUlc.*, at *1 per bottle, with full iLrec-
Uoll* tor the restoration of health.
Pamphlets, coouiming a toassof FmglndLtuid Ameti
can ecrtihcaU"*. and oilier evidence, allowing the un
equalled tttonu c>: thi* great English Remedy, may bd
obtained 01 tlie Agent*. cratunoastY.
For rale by B A t UIN EtfT<)CK X Co, corner of
•t and Wood ami Wood luul ttth sis. Hrtm
n RUM the Ucv ABA sHIN N, a well known
J/ ai»r Ultrgrmanoi tne PjotestantMcihodUtChuren
Tbe undersigned having been afflicted daringtheptut
winter vi iib a di*ea*e or the stomach, sometimes pro
ducing great pain ui the stomach for tcu or twelve hour*
withoot iniermisnot!. ami after having tried vminus
remedies with ntuc cdect. wasfurruahed with a buttle
of Dr D J ayiie's Carnunativc Balsum. This he tued ag •
cordi.ig the direction*, and foend ntvariaMy ihaithis
mudietnr enured the pmti oa' .ue ui ih rn* or lour milk
me*, and m imeen or twenty zniniaesevcrs uneasy
sensation w«-* entirely qtuciod. The utcdirnie w:m at
lerwa r iD used wh* neve '•adicauoiisof tun ap'mmeh of
puli] wcic pr rcp‘ved. »in! '.he j.acji tvsi ihereby pidveftt
cd. Me continued n» use the tncdieinp every evening
and -oincintic- .n jie morum< and m a few weeka
beaih ».|* -o . vr rr'Wfi:. mat the -utici' i wa* r> Lev
ed ifinn a trge muouniur opptmMvr pain. From n
pertri’ccj Uicrviyre, In- cun comi tC'i.i, iccooimc’id l>
D Jayne • Oarnrtnauve 11uJ?Hi!i. as a amutarv med'; u
tor d;»s o .fif* 01 tlie *loicac h om! l*owel*. A'DIIN v 1»
Aiieghnrt c.ty. j\
Fur sale ;n Pittsborgu at the PKKI N TEA bT'*lk
7‘J Fnurtii *licol, mll U u-i, ami «tw oilheDiug
Store o: M l‘ r-LIiWAKTZ. Federal s'lrei f
Purify Tour Blood.
MR O K -Ik-Hrsit. Lu-i, and du
•jjng die prruous winter, I wu* -cvcicty athicu-4
wiiti h *ernfu’ou» comjilamt in my ley*, and bad been
for some uioiun- umlrr Uie cure ol jhi> mciujib. 'l'tvcy
Laid my cam- "n* nlmo-i iu<, mid tlicy couid do
hut little for me 1 was nearly helpless, but with th«
oul ui rrub hr- couhl with dilhculty gel about, hi sLay
la-L 1 purclinx*>t ,0 you. and commenced using Bklk-
Ttib‘* Alter the u«e 01 two boiue«. tfta
*orr» ciiniDienced heoiiug, aud 1 laid aside Bi) viutuh
e*. umid; only a ciuh*. 1 dispensed wfth lay cane, und
hi di- e.ui <>f mr ibuith. wii *w well a* to assist nil day
iu shearing sheep ■ In ail, I used five bottira. Tho
Fcrofula und -ores have all healed up. and auieo laot
»utiniier I have -ecu no uppearanve ol the diseaso, but
have continued, mid aui now. 111 the inosl pcrteol
i .tun- v*;tn conhtlcin-e. hoping that other* iiihv be ben
.-ttlted in tlie inline way. that iue J-ursapnnila sold by
you. ho.« been ihr means and the only mean* of edeot*
mg the r Are. CURNELILS J. ROSE.
For sale whole-ale and retail, by
tor front P wood sta. A also comer wood A bih*ia
I'rram de' Amanda Amrre*, for ilmvlnf;
Uti-nin a la Ko«c, lot Mmviiig,
Sapcrfinc Rouge, on Fru«-rl»iit stands; Kim bag.,, pciluiticd with Lavender, AnxU
tefrr Miel,
Dcaurifu! powder puiN, of all pnitern*;
Fnibowed toilet In'iea, couuuniQg iragraot extracts
fur lb*- bundke'ch.e i ; i -i ciil t-sg and in.«cl soaps, suit
able :rr picstiui.
Fcitiau. or (June**- pnwdei;
Indian tcgeiaide nur
Dear 1 -* oil, m lauc\J.r rummon wrappers, (rase scent
jour** Soap; Nymph -‘nap; Ro-»- f. p *aivc; :CT
.-hril *oap, ?A*>,la -oap, Kigcther w;iii a sreal variety
of fine p* rfuuierv: ju-t received; for <ah' by
nvlft cm tiib A wcoO *u
Pulmonary Baliao..
KKKD A CUTLKK—I icel u a doty i
owe to niy irbosv creauirca, to state something
tnoie r’-spi-cnng \our Vegetable FulinonoryllaLum.
Since 1 fir»i used tins Ualsaiu, about eleveir ynnra ago.
the fiappy '-tf-ci of which l then gave an account of. I •
hav,' imii Mtvcral severe complauiu and attack* at my
langa, i»iu' a tew days since, and In every mstnnc’- I
hav u—-« 1 the liahitm alone with complete and peried
succei* U li«* etlccted reitel and cure in a very few
dii;..*. Hi* i-ortmiUy a sum tuedicmo. 1 do not Know
lhai it w,.. cure a fixed consumption, but l believe it
w,.i he iu uuui) coses a preventive, and prevention ta ;
heticr than cur-, 1 do therefore, for the love of my tel- l
low men. curm-stly recuruuiead the use of Du* Uuisaui,
Ui ol: pu.monnry coiiipluiiits l am confident that il
ha* been Uir menu* ol preserving my life to this diiy*.
llosiou June 10. 4b CUN') AM I N j
F'or ».ne b) H A l'aiiiic»tock. A t o, corner br*t una
wood and also cooler wood ami filh. jail!
power to cure; I‘rrrauLiuiu, Feb. 14, i? 47.
R- K. Rkllkks:—My wife us* for years becu subject
lo ii distressing cougti. [i.-eumjiHined with asthma, ror
the cure of winch *h« u-ml ditferont cough
snd had Inc ni'vico of the most eminent physician* irf
Kngiujul, but u,; unavailing Dy chance 1 beard
Ol your lin,-.-mil t.'ough syrup, mid wTi* indtrrcd lo buy f
a boitie i«»r trim, niifiougli I bad no belief that anything
counl rciin.vo |„-r. comp.amt. lo my great «arpriKe,
two -10-i-s give her immediate relfef. Bheuaium**
troub.ed with a cough, but two icd-*|>oon*fui of ByrfF
always stop* it. lam satisfied, alter a trial of three Or
lour year*, that Setter's Cough jtyrup is the b***t cftughf
medicine 1 have ever tried ciUirr .n the CT.d or Ndv#
Wor.d. W»u F/aanoua-aa,
SevuoUi Waal, my of Piltaburjh
• Tlic above rcrtihcnic «bou!d induce all who are
troubled wnh cough or u'-Uimu. in give the My rap • UJ
aL It may be had for rf* cent* h ..<
«to»o of K K SKI.LKRS?ST wood M.
Sold by Dr Coamcl, stfi wurd, and D li Carff, Al * c *
ghony cuy. jans
O I'XDIUKS—S bb . No l Mackerel;
. O W»l* No w marker.:;; 2U ui do No’J do;
&u •* “ a in do Tanners
& do Alum; 3 do Y. Sait*. 3 do chip d Logwood
’-hfdo Nutmegs, .'MI t-x* No l «ca ed Herring,
fin bx»No*Jdo <ii>, 5 do scented Soap;l
I" do Na J PressM do, to do No 4 do do
I bii.e Cloves, 111 bug* Java Coffee;
fit* hhds prune N O >ugai. ju-t rec'd ami for *a>
decl4 UHO'V.N A CL'MtKKJ><iN
VKKAUKU.K^-Superior u>«ny i ftuvo
Cimtv.*;* Tr . Kavcite county. Fa.. March 4, '4B.
Mr. R. K Stxvartfl—l b.-reby ccrufy Urat 1 hare used
your Vermifuge in my famrv. am! believe u equal
not * to uiiy i fiuve ever used. I gave
ray children one dotte.wmeh expelled oiiout ifONSurtim.
t-Li Kvk*«,.x
I’rrpared and sold by R K 37 IN ood *i.
Sold by Dr <:*.-*.•fitu Ward, D M t-'urry, Allegheny,
W J Smith, Teiupcfttiift-villc; « n,t F Dravn, l.uv
micevilte. juyl
JL'sT RF.tJF.i V KD -Two »jiicndid new Plano forte*.
Iruot the ectebrated laciiir) ol Nonna A Clark. N
Y , and i>( winr Pi.uui. ,-,i.v'v«*)il, wiin elegant tut
Nnig, one rij octave, with i'.iidnrau** Alnlian Allac.t)-
These v.-ry -up.-nm l‘ian..» will be sold at rauufae
luier* |ir:ec« ii KLF.UKR,
uee-j; N*t.i Agrnt for .Nunns A Clark
CANDi.I.." Ui u- inoind ,-n'nile* oil cunxißintertf;
lot »uie by deefi AKAI^TKhNOVQRUZkR;
4ji44 liaztut B*Udtngt t 3 d il., suselis Port OflUa.
KATKS OF iDvemuirj;
One mneruon ot 1 1 lines, or lcr*a,.. # . ...... «0 50
Two iitecttmiis without nlteratKint .... *"** oT&
.; ’ -w- I S
n,ree . ** 3 00
Une Moiilb, .'..4 00
rw " " 6 00
Ihrcfl •• « IMI
IT?' Longur adsnrusemnau to sumo prophnic**.
Unr square,fi montha, without altcmion,... 10 00
“ 12 " “ v .... ii 00
Rich •ddiuuuasl i« } uare forb months, 5 00
'■ “ “ 12 " 10 00
Un« square, C months, renewable st pleasure, 16 QQ
Each addilionaluquare for Ii months... ■Ktluu
A' wo a H nare, ‘. f » months, re wableat pleasar®, SO 00
Each aaditional squarr. <i months, .... £ ,00
wtßKit on TKi-wnui i* tigriY n^li.
Ooe square, luaertmne, .•••«. 60
“ “ each additional insertion
BV*l«rsB t'ABDe. - /
l it. line. >,r Ickh, une m
■ '■ Iti mnnths i...*U)
one , ear, daily Sc ween* l«oo
“ “ " «tx months “ n ' J
For su lines, ' >r ( | e, a.One inaerlton, .... 6q
Three, '* 4
" Three months.v a. u
•• “ “ six ** ’ rr?
J T*.lf. • "