MEDICAL. Colila. Artiitofl, Branelilus.l.iT ■Coa*BWSJio% BiowJ, Di£ c « l 7 ? f « r . C e Sore Throaff Nervous Qstnli ■'“"SXpS-S or the Tktoal. tic mo*t ef fectual and spool? cure ever known lor my oi itie .iboT* diviss *' e*si« ,DR. S\V AYNE'i' rA«nOiuid Sj rap of Wild Cherry! rrralfnie&e '• »» ““"S U ’J“ ° r ‘‘ uu !' ,< “ l Uhupaiwaiaway trora the thousand* daily tauubed opon!*be ride of experiment. ood ». mod. Lt*£*vm reptttetloxvaml ”* doming “ on * extensive . Euisd than any otbct preparation «>f medir-ine rv-r fmdseed f* the relief of suffering man. P T Sf?r B Keen introduced very generally through the Halted SU»< and Europe, andjkere are few towns oi IflaAortasce but whit contain «ome remarkable evi duee of lu good effects. For proof of the foregoing I SSuwntm. and of Uie value and efficacy of this medi eSaTthe proprietor vrfll insert a few of the Vnacy tbou- ; i£d testimonials which have been prorated to him by , lenofthaCrat respectability—men who have higher «Slin of morel responsibility and justice, than to cer tif*n facte, because it will do another a favor, and thaaeeivel no mjuiUcft. Surh testimony proves coii c|rß|t»etTi that Its summing excellence u estahlubod far Ita intrinsic merits, and the unquestionable authori ty 0 f public opinion. The instamaneou* relict it uf (orda, and the aoothing influence diffused through the wluda frame bails'use, renders it a most agreeable remedy lor the afflicted. naoaj . RKMFMBKR! “When men, acting from conscientious unpnUe*. ▼oltwtarity beirttstiipoiiy io tne icpb oi a uung, or DaibcuUi facLauihtestimony, bring contrary to their = BnulmnsaPm,' Omnnra- Ttereneee. wa, t renusly tol ku been a. ■eece-ful tadeeperxre eeiaeof ConnMnpuon, m Dr. S«) ne'e ConancnmdSyrapiof,VUU Cherry, (t ,,,. ,!,e lS3£”iLl appear, n. b««> »“ “ lcmon I| '' uns ' JSSig new oil net, blood; Power po«w.«J by no other njq»Trrt my complaint increased so rapid- SSSftSSSP-5-Ap” »p 01 •7 Atihl* lime 1 was recommended to try **7 ritsdiclno*. 1 did so with thccioit hap -7oariß**Ht«" had the effect ta loosen the Z2SSZJS? S» expectorate freely; and by the sssa^-gs^iisfssrcK&s S&.'Wife JXS" For tbo truth of iho oho,* 2SsSiS\t«fcTTOtt to Peter Bash, Grocer, West BWr/ui Curt of o rVaAorfirt ilZrrttrurr. .n, BwS-0o“ Kn ' tcol *. 4e * ,t ° '" ra “‘ 1 “ adatT to Uie Blflicted generally, to offer 'ZFE3Si£d£L$ to favor of your Compound Sy “T * Some three years since I was cold and inflammation of the iSSlottaS lie Irroost and hoof ■ vary ooosrdtra. S m ?r ?.".rnfrffnai°- mucus from tbo longs, espe bl« oitcWfe of weather, howover, slight At about ray condition, bot was pretty “ itlf lUnJi.dihai I was rapidly going mu> cocsump **» ®‘jgr^ndatlength was acarce fto®- 1 speak above a whisper, such tongs. During Urn preparations and presenpuous, ha* pi ——>ll the ume worse. Jn*i bttt fojrtd ttO Tt■ * ocnraotled by a dear friend in !??£sw™?r claims to the profession and practice 01 having implicit failh in the saying 01 my of i)r. Shorv »» of you, £■£* SSSSS X&ZZ£2S'SZS™ •jwSj*' Sftti”«.i'i.os u Zgj. r t StSrfed {nloaseqittnce of ucUng tbuh imprudently fiSStoM* twelve or fifteen bottles before ] «M per feeSvreswUd. I have no Hue*mm, a much amain. WnrSJr oftoilles would have made me sound, but lo S!uSr° i&”Sk Tbo Syrup hJluycU the low, Ek away the distressing cough, pul a »to “fc dtroSiryo of rnuttor from '££, jsasste’E.sKS ssJ twV oubibvJ vrith thr ponttunoitcy 01 1' smarts ft.* v off ri ”; cjounry, N. C. * IthvortauJ Ciiunor- — Read! Read! There It butone genuine preparation of U .Id Ll.rrrr mni ih*i ii'Dr SwaYWlC's, the fir»l ever offered lo tJ*r SbUT Wifi tea bee.. »otd largely Uuo*jh*ui U>' GS&StttSrud some P .n« or ! oerxtioni called by the name of Wild Cherry KSputoJt since tku, under cover o. soon 9 *■«/«' w,i aiienmiUhces, in order to give eurToncT *» ' • Be n Utile lobservetion, no person need nustul 2n!KJ» *e false. E»eb bottle o« the genmi.* «• SJSSS] with a beautiful UkeneseofiWiUiam Penn thereon, aUn. Df t • ae timntare: knd hfffurther necuniy, the porita. oi Dr SSJffnofbe Endeavoring to give currency to the. *&32W£££ SSS& «d R»» - P F l o^who 1 „... and tSoSnS. M»ke> «i » JONES- ’ *joJTn VlTft A JONEsToot Hand und Penn its; JOHN MH I CT.T., city, and by all modicinfl- FEACK! PEACI BUtfcN EVERY MOTHER’S HOMESTEAD. mHE dldersigned has Ion? been convinced of the I neeeiuty lor some medicine adapied 10 ihn uraS[» u n Alleghany and Pittsburgh. „ - - AnU-B»llou» POi»’ mitia Cathartic compound combine* sum mu-* Xbulkwith efficiency and eoraparmive nulduew m TOigauve action, and having •* P«“U*r .*£?, mu,? Sobiliarr organ*, i* extremely valuable ‘" 'his coa trr in widen bilious fever* and other eomplutnu, m u&Swilh congeaoan of lie m » cU “.““‘i,, •ni«v have ftow stood the lest of *jb years, and experi ence ha» proved them to be a safe and valuablercmeOy in Inlenmuent, Bemittent and Bilious Severs, Jnu “ dice; Bilious CoUe i Indigestion: Dropsv , ' So. Voaanngai Colds, and ail complaints of an 1 »• gammawry character. The complete and univer ul which has been pVen by these pill* to nA JKohave once used them, render the of the numerous certificates in thetr favor unnecessary, lb prevent eoometfieiung they are now put up iu a conlaioing 30 pillau Prepared urf b, n a fa|inestock t c eomer Ist and wood, and alsu corner Glh and wood •eplS - Sellers vermifuge prefers OTHERS:- LKXnttrtos, Va., Oct. lt>, Ibli. nE. Seller*:—One of oiir phytictana, who« t crteiwive, told me llu* morning of a vi*f. of Toor Verndfag* broogln 60 worm: and a gentleman in the neign- caused the d..- -?!T77f L fnVMf 60 large worm* from one of hi« ebil- might be-.a.ed uS mlSLwn Zbonl hon:, and .too.. H P"*' " “ “7 ">»«• *>»*“* J Si. WILSON. ruma who do no. ari.h lo m»« wto ttoir-children. W«-'«. cold by Dr Casael, sth wort; D U Curry, Allegheny uotl gTBPN<> gVIPEftCa thet Pr JAYNE’S h-* PZCTOBANT b wperior to *ll other QBSfh*. Cocsomstka, Bn«h iU»» Aethma, anJ other nary efladJana,iilhal the tarn* fertaat who commenced the OB ef it is their Cmiliti ten Teen »jo.»un prefer »»*» ait ud where any hare beaaißilaeed tatn othar prcfsrttica* they hateataoet isvamUj been dlTiintntiii to necirbg the benefit which wai lowuikiy ZmZttml Uftam th« high pratew beetowed by the proprietor*,. aaAfaCTrtantod to the a»« of Jmn’E»ictoaa*t, m • tV »* he* MTtr (ailed to relieve them, and which iiUfMttT *— l bameting pulmonary di*ca»e» r fttpin4o>ll >7 »rb. J*J« WT—be ALKI. JAi riKtt - Foarth el T\ALUBY t S PAIN EXTRACTOR will, m five min ±J «e* from Lhc time of iu application, remove ihe (h*n Ute aenrfttal barn*, *coid* or blister*, Sviil heal wounds, ulcers and aorcs of any kind w&trat Kir. Thi* vain able Pain Ertraetor can be • JOIINIJM T™u ! SfC\, «/*■«* a fern for We*teru Penua. B. A* FAHSSSTOCE’B >* A FEWwaaka since; one of my children, aged about A fly*yean. wu unwell tot several days, and the lilivrfl incnaaed so alarmingly thsi 1 feared death wmld be the resuh. Having beard of the good etfeci* when administered to 'he elfldrenof B 7 neighbors, sad thinking nr child uughi fcgvo worm*,iron some ofthe lyraptoms, I gave it aii« ■ad | halt teaapocmiuls of the Vermifuge, and to my awn gasiwlahmenfit almost immediately discharged XtfVKh S® and ttBO large worms, iu health w«* *oon casioieditnd it is now remarkably well. Previous to 2£inf the Venntfoge, ibe worms woold occasionally (UTI! > u D tfnm * n * nd Koinooll Bi^* ri)t ' lns> : •* - - rra KRUATKD ITCH AND TETTER ’ ««*“■* ,ca 'P b " o, ' r *wrofifYUMlwoc(Ji 4»*o, corner of 6ti> aadwood fttMßtt. '®* -MEDICAL, DR. TOWN BJ2 ND*H coacrocro zxnlxr or SARSAPARILLA. Wenitr end Blessing pf U< Art. The moat extraordinary Medicine in the World t This Extract it ft *p « Qwrt BctiUi : it it tr timtt dueper, pUatexltr, and norrsmied n verier (e «ay acid. ft curt* without ttnitif, frging, tickening or dtHlXtotuig the PltuX. Tba great beauty and tuperiority of thisSaraaparilU srrr aU uther medicine* U, tnal while it eradicates t he di*- exwi ti invigorate* the body. Ui» on* of the wry b«t SPRING AND SUMMER MEDICINES Ever known; it net cnlr purifies the wkole tyatem. and atreugtheni the perron, but it ertsUt one, pure end rttk |(e<*d; a power piwsessed by no other medicine. And in t.iußee the grand arc ret qfit* wonderAii sueceaa. It ha* performed witblu the lart two year*, more than loU.Drtl ■urva of severe care* of disease; at least INOOO were c. pondered incurable, it baa saved the live* of more tiao 10WO children daring tba two part acarons. 10,000 rniri of o«n«rat Debility and irant of Kcrrom Energy. Dr Townsend’* Saraaparilla invigorate* the whole sritrni permanently. To thoae who hare loat their muscular merer by the effect* of medicine or indb«re turn «i>mmuud:in youth, or the wetnire indulgence of ti.v passions. and brought on a general physical proitre cion of the nervous ayneta, laaritnde, want of ambition, faintiug sensation*. pr etna tare decay and decline, batten ing toward* that fatal ditease, Consumption. can be en tirely reitored by thi* pleasant remedy. Thia Sane trill* ta far taperior to any lnrij{nratlng Cordial) Aa it renew* and inrigoratoi the system, give* activity to the hrob*. ami strength to the muscular system, in a mo»t extraordinary degree. Aloneamptlob Cared. Cleons* and Strengthen. Consumption can &r cared. Bronckitis, Constimpiion, Liver Complaint. ColJi. Oetarrk, Asthma, Spitting of Bice*, Sorenttsin the Chest, Hectic Flush, flight Snsett, Di&calt or Profess Zimeclo retina, roan in Li* siih, ft, Anna lit* end ton (a tvli. 81»ITTING BIsOOD. Htw York, April U^fiSfT. Da. Towwsssrs— 1 Tartly belioro that yoar Sanaa*- Hlla ha* bran the means, through Providence, of aarLtf ay Ufa. I hnae for eeroral yean had a bad Cough. It btvxos* wwree and vm At lart 1 raised Urp qnantl tie* ef tfead, had night Cveatx, and wai gwatiy dotili uud u>4 rednnad, and did hot expect to Ure. 1 have only r«4 ynu Samp*fifa» abort tine, and there hae awssdivfalehaafebeea'aroafhtbrßa. I era now ail* to walk act ever the eft*. I raiao ae blood, ud rry xcugh her left nu. Tec sax wall Imagine that t r.K tliaairftl fir there reaalu. Tour ebediaat nrvatl, WM. RUBBBLL, CS Cathwiae-st Feisfile BSedleixie* Dr. Tewaxsnd’oSorvapsrninlae eoyeraign aid speedy care far Ineiplhal CouszspttOß, Barrenness, Ptolanres U'eri, or Pallia* of the Womb, Cusliveaess, filet, Lea rorrhma, orWhltea, obitrtutad or.dJJßeali Menstrua tion, lneentlnenee of Urine, er tirelnßiarr discharge tberoof, and far the general preeoalldtt cf the eyetea— on matter whether the result of Inherent eaasa or casus, produced by Irregularity, IQiere er accident. Nutbixg can 1* more aerprixinx than lie la rice raxing effects on the homan frame. Pereone all weahnees and laul tede. fiom taking it, st onee baeoma rebut and fall cl tougy undor lu isflnenea. It immediately counteracts the eerrelesanea of the foraaio frame, which is the great cause ot Barranneea. It will Mt be axpeeted ef a*, la ( asea of to Hellcat* a nature, to exhibit eerii2ea:«i of eares poribrmed bat we can eaenre the aiQicled, that buudredsofcasaehavebeai reported tool. TboorecJj of where famllle* have been withoat children, after n*i«g a faw bottlas ef this Isealnable medieine, have been blerred with fine, healthy offipring. To notltera and Blanied Ladle*. Thw Extract of BateapariDa baa been axpreseiy pte- I pared In reference u> (etatla complaint*. No female who has rearen to suppose she Is approaching tbai critical period. “ The turn of lifer should neglect to take It, as it is a certain preventive for aay of the numerous and horrible disease* to which femalo* are ■abject at -this lime of Ufa. This period map »« de layedftr esotral years by nsing tiis mdiriia. Nor is it lea valuable for those who are approaching wo manhood, as It is calculated to assist nature, by quich' emag the blood and Invigorating the system. Indved. Utu medicine is invaluable for all tha delicate direa sn to which women are anbjeet. It brarea the whole system, rooewi permanently the r.i.iui-jl '■ irr/i-K by removing tha tropuntiei of th* L,dy, not ao far ttimolatiag a* to produce •ufc»rno<-e* relaxation, which is the eae* of most rsedieines taken i»i female weaknes* and disease. By ut g..t>e ea* describe. This Heatnjr Is the offspring of *»; t*r*-00l ft/ pc-der or soap. lftherei. sola froa and healthy circulation, there ano beauty. U the lady u fair as driren .now. if .he paint, and us* coemeuca. and the blood is thick, cold and lmporeL .be is not br.o tiful. If she be brow* or yellow, and pore and active blood, it (fives a rich bh>om to the cheeks, sod a brilliancy to thaireyea that u fascinating • This is why the southern, end especially the «pa»- Ith ladies, are ao much admired. Ladies in the north who take bat Utile exsreise, or pn confited to close rooms, or hive spoiled their complexion by the appli cation of deleterious mixture*, if they wish u» re rain elasticity of step, buoyant sparhUn* rye. and beautiful emapleatoM. they should u»* Dr To*o wnd’s Sarsaparilla. THooaaads who hare tried It. are more than satisfied. am delighted. Ladle* of e»«ry ataliou. crowd our office daily Notice to the lift die*. Those tnal imitate Dr. Tn*m»eos'* HirsaparilU, havs Invariably called their stuff a frt*t Rtmtdy for Ft n atrs, Air., 40.. and bare oopUd our bills and circular* w hirb relates to tbo eampiainWof women, wor 1 for —ether men who pot up medicine, have. *ince the gsesi success or Dt. Townsend's Sarsaparilla in complaint, ineidmt to females, recommeaded their*, although pre riously they did noL A number of these Mixture*, fills. See., are injurious to females, U they aggravate dura.*, aod’undennine the constitution. !>r. Towusend’s la the only sod best remedy for the numerous female com plaints—it rarely, if ever fails of effecting a permanent rurn. It can be taken by the mptl delieate female*, in any case, or by those expecting to become mother*, with the greatest advantages, a. it prepares the cy.tcm and prevents pain or danger, and stfangthros both mother and child. Be careful to get the genuine. This certificate conclusively proves that this Sars* parilla fane perfect control over tbwtnosi obsunaii* di* eases of the Blood. Three persons'enred is one bouse ii unprecedented. Three Children. {>». Towtvkiso—Pear Sir 1 I have the pleasure to inform you that throw of my children have been cured <■/the Bcrofuin by the use of your excellent medicine. They were afflicted very severely with bed Bores ; have taken only four bottle ; it took them away, for which 1 feel myself nndsr great obligation. Vour», respectfully, ISAAC W. CRAIN. lOfl Woosur-et tBD TO AL Opinion* of PhydeltM. Or Tewoseud is almost daily receiving orders from Physicians in different paru of the Union. This t. to cerufy that wo, the undersigned. Physicians of the City of Albany, have in numerous ease* preronb ed Dr Townvcnrt's Sarsaparilla, and believe It to be nuc uflbe most valuable preparations la the market. ft P PULiNU. U. D. J WIUUiN. M. D. R. B. HRIOfJS. M. D Albany. April 1.1017. V E. EUIKNDORP. U D Owing to the groat success and immense sale of Dr Towuaend's Sarsaparilla, a number of men who wsre formerly mir Acmt*, have romi»»rx* the «oi* agents R. K. SIJ.LKRN. (ieneral Wholesale A Keiiiil Agent, No 67 \Vi«od «ti-cL nml l>. M.rt.'UKl. Aileylieny '•ny. . VEHMIFUG ehildr BIIHOPKAN AGESCY, For the Rncuecir o< itornmnl aud With held REaJ. AND I'LILSoNAL Kci tJrinciii (ml Ar’ itration ul l>nußirrciiil. Trading and other Drt.ts. Securing Patents leliuii'in|v. nnd .NrifotMliliE for the f'ur- chiLsc or Sale ol ihn -ni.ic Rh'KKKKNcr. m:> v ie-| n d on application frre of rharge, iprovulc.i the motive i* um tn*t,. tne following perron* worn unam aiocalp-ra-dloeiei) Manarrr* tut i&e eiuulnr you: i'i THOMAS* M HOVVK, Pre-idenc. BISSEI.L, JKBSECAKUTWms, NATHANIEHIOLMra, WILSON M’CANLLKSS, • JOHN 11. SHOKNUF.Rr.RE JAMES R. SPEER, ■LFissht, Jr., Serretarf and Tr^axufrr The attnuaj statement presented the affairs of itie Company tun very prospervo* eojnJttion. TLelr office •in the city I* N0.'37 W»xt •trcet jeia GKiTKN'Vf'Tf’i.f H-14 U.U, s.jTor.trd'kimU: (Sr'sale by _ _IXAIAH UICKKY A. Co CptKKSK —100 Lxs ui More and (or sale by / fee? feeii iSALAH DICKEY 4Co TDK VHI O.JS LIKE IS4S. J^iat W. T. Mather, ~i ILkvu. I'tuii Co. Beaver; >Propr*. CH-A'Wfpßli ii OIIAMKEIUJN, Cleveland > Line i« now prepared lo irutmpori freight and pu?MngPT» Crum PiluburgU and Clrvelajul, or any point on Unf Canal? and I.nkr« One l*uai leave* Pm*hirrgh mid Cleveland daily, run ning hi rnmiifiMioii with Utd steamboat* Lake Kne ami MiuiiiKaii. between Pittsburgh ami Beaver, and a line ol brat «:la»“ rieamlvuie. propeller?, brig* uud .irhoon era on laU<-«- Kne, Huron and Miriagan. Property forwarded to any pan «,f the Cmon with Uiapai. li, by W M. T. SIATHFJL »r JOHN A CaPOHEY. Areuia. eor Water and Smithfield «*, Pittsburgh. ACiEN'TS" —Reed, I'&rk? tc Co. Beaver: R & Co, Youngstown. O; RKLIASCE PORTABLE BOAT LINK, Pott TJUVH-OICTATIOI OF MJau.-HA.TUI/ll BETWEEN PITTSBLHGH AND PHILADELPHIA. r j , lIK Proprietor* at thus onl «*tnbli.-»brd aiul find .1. Portable Host Line. having. removed ilieir de pot in Philadelphia. to a mueli larger Warehouse oil Market M.. than Utcy formerly occupied. and «!*« in creased ilieir room tor murage m Pmebunrli. are now prepared to offer mucti grenter lac little. to iheir iriend* mill patron*. Mcrofola Csttd. CAUTION. TRANSPORTATION LINES. EXCI&NGE BROpRS, &c. BCTWEKN PITTSBIBGH AND E W & Co, Warren: U BtMw»rk.AC«. Rrrmlpon; AiN Clark, Nrwioii Fall*, F Newport; J & K M Wluuif>««y CamnbelDnorv J <> M'itnile. Kaveniia, MACH Km? FtjiiiVfin; Milter 4 Tuttle. Cuyahoga F»lli; Wheeler A Co, Akron, Barney, CibU 4 i>, Samltukv: \N aikinn 4 Kng|e, Toledo, <• William* 4 Co. Detroit. Mirly MVliirr 4 Williams. Milwnhkie. Wi«; H J Window. Clurnju. 111. apH Good* earned l*y thi* line are not transhipped be tween Pusiurgh amt Philadelphia. l-entg carried en tirely In Portable Section Horn* *mj shipper* ot Dour and oilier good* requiring careful i« ot 3 nance. No charge madeJorreoeiviug or whipping a. or advancing charges. All good* forwarded promptly, and upon &* reasonable term.- a* by any oth er line. JOHN McFADEN A Co., Canal Ua.«i.i, Penn at. Pittsburgh. JAMES M. DAVIS A Co . 227 Market A .'>t Coinmert e , Phila. JOHN MrFADF.N A Forwarding and Commis sion- Meieliunl*. C-nn&i Boat it; Penn *t, ptiuliurgh. JAMI 2 SI. DA VISA (Jo, Hour Factor* and Oomrnia siou Merchant*, 227 Market, and W Commerce nl., ftddH 27" Advance* made by either of the above on Flour. W*ooi and other description* of Merchandise consigned to them feb2d UTICE—The subscriber.* have disposed of their |n- J.X terew tu the Perm's and Ohio Line to CLAIIKH A THAW, of Pittsborgb, mid JOSETH E LEWIS, of this CUT. They will continue io transact business for ihr Imr, at their \\ uehr.usc on Itroud street,' u» utnn l . mid he. apeak for it a coirdnuam-c of the patronage of mrir friendr. JAMES STEEL A Co Philadelphia, March Blh, IA4S. P«tK r t« .nd Ohio Tranapomtion Co* Double Daily Dtun of FIRST CLASS NEW BOATS AND CARS. rUTL&SD TO TKAhSPoBT COOLS HirrU’KtT MTr«UI But! CLARKE A THAW. Canal Baum. LEWIS A BUTLER. 211> Marfcrl at., Philadelphia JAS STKHi. A CO., Agio, Brood street. CO WDKN, CLARKE A Co , 7s North at., Bah \N . PORRICK. Agt., 12 \Ve«i «tr«n. New Yotk tnarls Co-partnership. rI tliE subpcnbet* liH'-'e llu. du) a**oruiled themai* l ve» J. Uirriher nndar tlie style of llier A Jour-, tor ihr purpow nf continuing tlie buxines* funner'y rnrned on by Snimiri M Kier. and 'Olicu a eajtiniewier oi [lie itb eral patronage heretofore rJticiided to the liou»e SAMFFJ. M klEIt, B F Junes Pittsburgh, March 1. 1-43. KIER’S PORTABLE BOAT LINK, COMPOSED ENTIRELY OK FIRSTT CI.ASM KH R SECTION BOATS. FUR PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE VIA CANALS* RAJLKOAIJS Virr are prepared to receive mid forward freight U> YY ilir und intertnediatc place* with a« maeh dewpatch. and at u.« low lairs. aw any other responsible line The nlleiu.mwof shipper- Wishing li> Lend PoikorH*- eon io Bulitinnre iri nuit. i* paiiu ulirl\ reque- ■ni-i tium mu m;.- , u - KII.K A JhM:'-- Iv./. - Putahurgli, March t. t- 17 SAM'I. M »MCB *. v .li i \ES Coii.m,- •.* M.-t Mi?l. Piortw.T Ac 1 c -li •»•:/ me— Uu< "I lI..JIKT .novir, «. .. i-ir;i n. . ... iifVlMia* Pilfburw U. I .pn .i. I N lON LIN K, To Phlladelplila autl Ualtiniarr, vt« . i>»i» w?fi. HwiLHOxU*. HENRY t.RAFF A I n. I .-UIB; Baun. PmxbuigU. Dt’TiLH HI MPMK E•! > A • •>. No 147 Mnrkei »n, Plui C H i-.»r,.--r Suiia A >iirdio«ri vii Bail / , Jon-tF Ciurkr. V. i;: t«d New i or«, \ A *» m;. .-..four firm, -.nil I e know, nom X* and a tie r llu- dale, .il Pnlwhu ig tl a« Henry tirnd A Co , sn.tjal I'lniau.-! pi..a, a. Dulifiq Htunphre> * K CKK. IKiMUV Ac lUmß.l't.K A Lami. I’niiai!"i|p|iin. T»*rrx A. rjMMS old c-nm-1.-ln-d Line km? i,.nr 1.1 tu.l iu*-ru m< nU In l'or\< 3 i| com}-* hirr»hn--i with «t.-.|inietr mil :lc ir w e t ) known ;irtatnjit j»i-v* in delivering eooU« •pr eu la r ;-i mode r>> f at r \ inr—enpai ixiU' wiirvhon ■>c> ai •••!< ii ailnnl.iur amnninud ilium to Miipp'-r* mill owner- .»> jirinJure—ltiv’eltler with Ihrir lolitf rxj.e -rieii'-e ami unfcinminn nilcntuin to liuKino". will u-cure to them .a i iiiiiitniunrr of liiut lll.eml |iatrnuai7e the > Itrrelis lt.u«-iu: ; -. n« knowledge All «->iiimguiiieii!» by mid tor i®« line rrreivr.l. char era puid. and for wa fdrrt in H*• J" re.jtiirnl i||rr<-Uon> in r ot rharce lor i-otiunuMon a«lv nn<-lttg or stonier No intermit, directly or indirectly. in •lemuboai. All c(nnniuiiirtttu»n«pfT>inpi:y ttticndrd u> on applies tiurt to tlie lolio'.vini: agents- ISORBIIA.K X CAML -rr- Market ft. f|.|..» TAJkFFKA U’CUNNUK, Canal Hn»m. PuiMi-uryH O'CONNORS & Co,,North «u Baltimore WM. B. “il Odar *l. \r»' \ ork. api LAKE BUIE ASD MICIIIUAIf LIWE. m IS4S. r |'MlH Wril known I imposed of ‘leamtica:* .1. Lnkr krif and Mn-lngam n*-.weeii I'lUtliurgli and Brav-r. and null f.a»M-n«rr Canal BoaU !*c iw.'. p, If* . ..1 Hr --, and C M Urc.i ». lin- nl firm rln»« iteami->ui«, {irojn-iier •■ nd vok»«m» on ibe L'ikr.«, i* |irr)*-il tn rmry irrieh: .mil |ia>.«r:iLMT« to all pomt. on tin- Urn: I'tnai. unrt Ixikr* Kric, Huron- ami .Nlirhi- K»n llnvi/ip rv*-ry facility tor move) mg frnj;lii ami pn»- **-ngpr« iriUi proinptnf»- iimi di.pwcli. tLi*- prnprn'or asul airntu rri[.r*Miully «oin ii 'rom Uicir Ifn-nd.i u ron Uiiuunce ol':‘n»'ir ii*tfun:«*P r. M K HKKIj. I’roprioior KKKIf. I’ARK* A Co, IWvrr, Aram. JOHN A CAI i.IHIV. Ap-ru. apU eor VYuier npopuiar line. liave'sinee their r---orii»Jii4a.i«.ii larpei, m.'re«vil their tanlitie* to meet the wi»t tr.n o/ ► htp|>er*; and are now prepared to forwiud a jrreuter amount hy the FJVK IM V LINE, iu- aI»o Uy additional regular nt low rates Tine line -will run throiurhonl the year. ilrli*enn|T Roodn Uiro-Ji. Ii tlie ngrnt* in Llnllimor* and I’lttsOuryli to uwnrr* and run-iitnee* nt rate* and tune Shipment* from Hi.),,u i,.r the line M ll nii.l b* marked •Tare. J 1* lU»l.ui*on, limmuorc." I’ll.- nut) UftruM nre. J D R< MUNSON. VJ S t'hn.rl> « m. BilitJlßOTe KIXIKKTON 4 tur)rlu J/ICLIPBK TRANSPORTATION LlNfc -1/ I l.e f'rnpriefora of dm popular Line hare cliangci! die al Cumberland from die bou» of McKjuj; AM» gone M that of Kdjjerton A Co. Pittsburgh and western merebanU are notified that J |{a» lj Hobitnoii \ o Ift! Houtli (buries it. . » the uni; author ted agent .»! :h,l Lllic.u I lie Kail rf u ( Hew. t C BIinVULL, Pittsburgh, U W Uruww-r ilr, KD(JA KTO.V 8( l>»Cumb«T!and, J B ROBINSON, BalUiunr*. Western Transportation Compnny. 1848. lB4B. TU (Mill.A UKI.PHIA, UALTIMiJBK A MIW (illK VU PKXHaTI.VStH* ASM OHIO RAIL Rial* ARK prrpured 10 transport good* ami produceio and liuin ihe n!»«'’r cities on facornlllr ir>nn«. A*l drr.» ni u|.|»l> in I). LKKCII it I'o, Cana! Ha-on J'm.t.nrgK MAKHISA LKIX.H,N<>- I.l*. 15 South Third «i. Phil JTA YU»K ASo.V A*iv No 11. NU Howard -i. Hall A A HRi./TT, Aj-i.No: \S i-i -irmi, Nrw York I'm«hnruli, Murrh I'Jih. Ic4v ninrtl» Merchant*’ TranaporUtlon Line. is iB. iH|.B£sk FoR KHII.ADKI.fIIIA AND KALTIMORE. CI(M)LS* n«-i| in our rare-will b« forwarded J w,!Sou! ucin , 4i it,- lnw.-»i current rule*. C A M.-ANLI/rv * i 4,j, Pmsliurgb, ( J A.' onjd HUS6KY, BANNA * CO., BAKKERfL FIX CHANGE UROKKRR, und dealers ih Fomiit and l>ome.«jr tVrtifieate-ol Depotiite.«*lle. Note., and Specie, Fourth etr-.ei near ly opposite inii Bank oi Pmsliurrh. Cum-nt money received on -dqnwae—Strlit for sale, and rol iectlon* mmle op nearly all the principal pomu it, Ui« UniHSt Stated The highe« prrnutan paid for Foreign and American Gold- ; Advances "made on eon-ignmenu of Produce ship ped host. onJibrraJ terme. mchls KICUAKGE. BlfeUS on;.Httglaiid. Ireland, ami Scotland bought l(jiy anrtntTil at the t'urrrni Rate* ~i‘ Kzctiungr. AleOv-Dratls payable in any purl oi the oi.l <„'miiurte« from-AI at the rale ol M to ihr X"Sterling! wam'tui detlKndnn or dt-coum. l.y JtiSHl’A Rt>Bi\- SUiVjF.UfopyaH anu Gmcral Agri.i, oii n — fiih M one dnor-teeji oCwikod or-il-u It Itni. w v r'ci'KKT • -ffllLL A CURAT, BANKKR-E titid Ei<-li:ui«e Biol. rv. Dealer* m For eign aijtl Donu-*tie 'l ime and Sight Bill* ot k.i -elianife.t'«-rttfii-ni,-« ol Depo.-nr, Hunk Note* and l oin; No tJi VS u NgjwSork. j Philadelphia nod Haihiunre. CoaHnntly fi>r sale by N IKU-MF> A SONS. >»«PI3 j 36 Mark.-i si. .[MISCELLANEOUS. MANUKACTIRED AND LEAF TUHACCU IH-JkLD. HUCKNoR AC0.4l north witter and 1C N. wharVot, I’hil’a, offer for sale on nrrommoduiing trrnbi, IHnubkxs Manufactured Tohaero. rmnifung of pouitiL. pound*. V*. -'*. 1 Ilf*. I-', and lootp*; S’*, n'n and !<’» and 1T» Ladies' Twist, in whp)e ami half boxes °f'Ui« mbr wing approved brand*, tHi’ ,j J fanes llXlrant. Osborn UraggJ Gram A Uliliams, A Cuhumxa, Stones A! Son. M'Donald. VYol**t«r )Dld. J TLomson, Jiupe* THjnnu*. Jr. A H Anmxead. J .Tliomiutft Son, Lnndhorn A Artm*tead, J F Couidjr, • J M CobL«, Gentry Ajßoyitor, J A t'lav, M A Butßir, C A Hall. GBjen Htjil, Win Dawson, Phar! A fjlorwood, J S Blackwood, NTuh PagP- Keystone, W H Vuljgboii. Fdiaund Henry, P ; >rii»uißobin«on, |tu«srl!A Kolmi*rn,’ KmniitK( do do do loufia A Gtlidea do. part hue. do M»y*vilie.j do uo do KeiLtuekt gjmou- grndr, do do Virginia I>»f, .nimble ioi iiianufaeiuru«* and export; Spanish S-bid le-ar. Pe»ui“>t. t'onn/rtivui and Ohio. Virfpma S?Va|j». sweet, German Pq>e«. Pt|*e heads; Sooii'h Siui?flOo«c and I)..iddci• > .Maccouha Meat. Tditqun R.’iaiis. Havana baa*. Otto Rose, Urrguinoi, Civiabria Pa;e,ut'avendi»h Knives. Spunk, Ac Ac .. PHILADELPHIA. mvl6 TOEACIIII, SAlim, A fill Cl Cm, i T Ins Bid Siam!, corner of Snnlhfirld .irre. anJ jTL Diamond aitey. Piii-i.urgh. Pa . would ly .-aM the ailcntio., ofToumry Mer. lionts, Hotc' «nd >Gcatn< -tibl -!■- » i-t \ ir-iin., Mi«*i.un and Fine Cut ittirwiu* 'Pplu.cro .Mm>. H«£sna. n ..I I'.iminon Tol-arrn. #"»sa-.:!r (in liaurforc •■"fnadr on Ihr n»n»t appton-d Katiern plan* - ar tl ,jio«t r*Hhionnhl«; Kant.'in pattern* and color* Alv> TIIK i-illJAl' HULL or UtisruN BUND, on ;nml • •y iiiß-l** n' nl? tijrv and al all price*. • on mi > Si irimtin it ml other* lorurd ;o emi anil* lii.cfn. deduction made U> A KSTKHVK'.T BRICK FOR SALE. r |'MF. Uljdi'fsiKnmi utfer* lor «ale t «u(HTlftr »r:ir!r X of l.rriiV lor buiMmc mail'- 1-y In« Steam Press, improved (lin<*hir>r. to; winch hr hu« obtained a puirnt. iJir\ mr ami \*|! resist frost and wet weath er 4 uoik, arid tjfi |UI( rt lUUir (lOirllr ulfn— TUn-e ariv.ue supp.iml ilirm-i-!;''* inr tbmr InuMme». nod «rt«!iif|i* hami-omr from hrn-k. r, f sup-rior Unrd kn.i sTuviii,( brick. can uMiui : lie hi ISAAC (iRf-U.O ALLW|»hKNY VKNITIA s'lil.l N D FA^foß ;! JOHN A. BHOWN, VrmHiOi Shatirn mndr Ui order in the bett nylm Blind* jdprur*d "l Uie shortest notice N. j{ —Blind* will !»«• put up without any addi tional expense. «o that they enn l.r remove) n> a mo ment ill ea*e 01' fire or lor wn-limy. anil without llir nul ofu«ered>- driver jy Jill y Awl ami yS BENNETT & BROTHER. Li F£r N'.v AK V :«l AM rAI Tin V. HS. BlrmlngUatn {near I’litabureh, j Fa. VrarditiijiM, No. 137, Vt’mnl rfreW, T'titaburgk. wgqpT) Wli.Lconrtamly keep on band a pod assort- l.l Ware, 01 our owq manuisr.turc, and sApcrionjuat.i) Wholesale and country Mei cliunt* are re«pcrtfaHy invited to crJI and rj ahime fof themselves, as w- are determined 10 sell cheaper otan ha* ever before Ireea offe red to the pah |D- Order* *eni l>y om; I, accompanied by the eaali or city rr.ferr.nre. !»• promptly attended to. febSi do a c h'maki n g . FROM the very liberal j mem me subscriber hu.< received nuce bn* educed hint to lake « leu«r,fors I T*^ i “ i " l,,l irnn o( ycars, on the property he now Occupies,- In Braver "trecl, immediately t{Je I'rcsbyietftut Church From thr lon* experience in the above bimtt=s< and a lu please, lie- hopes to tnrr i) anJ receive a share of pulilic patronage. Now on hand and hni*inny to order, Itoekaway Buff ers, pj*cu and u>p Uucric*, and every description ol iJar:.arrea tnude to order, from seventy-five dollars to •'flufmnarni l*cp:i-dtf| JOHN SOUTH. Blonongaiieia Monte Tailoring KtUb* Mali meat. ISA A' - WII.MAMS, r ii ml Tmlnr. he** i a mj lonn lh« clli/iii* *»( I'lUMniriih and other*, Dial lie ■> ai In* room* »4tn*-r*-* '“ntin*. Sn k«, am) **ili*r V.-- Une*, tl.e-Mlwf tttlll •IH-Ii <>Ui*-r Bilirlr* n- nre r<-i|in r*-d far Uenilfitirn'fl w«*nr lU* k«m**l» liuv- l.*rn i-uf.-iull) **•• lrrl.-d, und ur*-ot' ill*- and ino.t t»«li Ir. at vCfcil u* <*i si>|>*-ni)f i(tmlny H»» *-u»lnmrr mov di-jicntJ U|xmi tlicii < loili*-« lutul*- un innimrr whlrli r*nimt Uil mitraniy i)i*- lliftat l*Mt<)tlKl«. B| THIC STAR OP TIIK WKJiT A VKNITJAN UUNDMANUFAirToKY Kafi Ol It*r- Dnuiton.l, wbrrt Vpmimn Blind- oi all Ihr- 'UITiT'-Hi .ijm D nd color, are kept on hand or inode to order »iu .. • the lair.t and uio»t approved Kuatern * ion->, at the »liori« «t notice an<| on Mre mu* ira.miuHtf-torin. Al.o, Umt di-up Ihvuon roll or split Blind rt-iiry mid <‘unmu« of nil Jbe dtdeteni mci and patlctus, etl band and lor sule low (or cash. Old Vein Unri lllimJc painted over and repairrd, or taken m part pafmaßl tOf now. KM \V KKTIiRV Kill’, Fro'pr. 13 —work done with the l»«*i imiU-na! and workmuubipt “"*1 warranted to please the most u*- Udioui. nUfIIU.IJy AUrghony city. Aup id, aiRANSI‘AKF.NT SHAUKS • Jwt rcc-ired and for X rnle it "W MTlinioek'* new i day Oircci trom Xi -i.r liiniruht-uirer Nrw «(*<•• Tapwuy 3 ply Carpet*, extra super, do do do do 'over, do do Uru.scl* Carpel*; do Bruiaoip, very cheap, d,, -*-L5 kee* Lard. ».'* bbli do, m Mon* and (or t&le bf (ebu JAS IW.LZELX BOOKS, MUSIC, &c PIANO FORTES. - JUHN ». MKLLOR, .No. 61 Wood gwi«iii|Sßn»treeL ha* now received a full o**ort if Y Jjrt Wcl ** of Pi Ino Fortes, selected from * • » I • the following munufacioric* in Boston and New 1 ork.»n> winch the aiirniton of poreluuer* is respechuilj-mvu cl i Those from Mr Cbickermr, (for *«!•• 01 whirl, he n «,.« A?nu in Western Penn sylvania.) have whut re icrm.-d the New Circular Seale; i»etng an improvement recently made, and giving them a derided ni luwcr mid equably nl tone, over any Other*. The following arc the patterns and style* of OhirkermgV No I Rosewood,? ©ci’ve*, ijnrebed back & front, s4o*' *• " 6‘, •• ri.-lily carved *• “* $ / A) " 1 - f, t '> #4OO 1 H rnrVeJ moulding?, ' s4l» <>i hm-hed buck and'.wit, s3su ' '* 4 • $350 • 0 - • - sags 0 •• •• «* saas •' " 1* proje.-iuig front, $3OO ? r.chl) . aive.l. style of Lotus Mill. ' 11 |j liol.i.w corner* and hollow cor n.-red leg*. second hand. c»>-i original!) $4‘J5, and will l/e told at a very reduce.] j-nrr No IS Rosewood, rouini corner, very elegantly fin ished, vtTf.'i No 13 Rosewood, round corner, very el rxanth Utnshrd. SgT-'j. The above are manufacture.l by II- Worcester. N. \ . wd known it* being roiinectr.l formerly with Mcs*r» Stmnrd, Worcester 4 Dunhum. N V. No 13. wo.nL l.|. carved moulding, inude by the Mmiumnin Compm.j. N y sg?a. No 14. Ko-cwoihl . urv. d ri odave*. Galt 4 Co*. N. V. tpixi N„ t/, - s•£*) No lb. Rosewood (.ran. l I'uiio, made by Henri Hen. Puri* No l. Mahogany octuvr*. second hand,price $75. t Hd Pianos taken m purl jinyment for new ones. • JOHN a MHI.I.OK. Sole Agent for ('hickerutc's (.rand ami Square Piano •'ortrs. for Western IVnnsv U nnia octl7 PIANOS. * I’I.KN I>lD assortment of Maiio- B“">’ *'inl Rosewood Pianos, ju*t fin islied There instrument* are made of II " f I * the latest |i*ueru and best materials Hlld will be sold low tor ciis). by 1 H1.1.-.MF- IPJ Wood street. , v 2d door above Fifth. N H Those win, :.r t . m want ot a good instrument, are res|irriiuny mvite.l to examine these beiore pur rlin*ui;' e >»e wliere, as they rauuol be excelled by any in ibe country, and will be sold lower than any brought iroui Die hast Alsojust rceeived, two piano* of Ham buruli manufacture. warranted to be superior 10 any ever sold in tins country ocu£l F l . B. N KWIS STR U 9IE N T. r I'HE subscriber has been iippomted Sole Agrnt for A the sh!c ot CAKHARTS IMPROVED MF.I.oDK- Ii.NS. u.» inaiiuidctu'ed and and perfecicd by Messrs 'lurch A\\ bue. ot Cuuimiai; The usual compu*.* uml extent being but four octaves, Messrs. M. 4 W„ in nceonlunoe with the genrrul desire mid demand, have ex tended the scul.• of ihe*e instrument* to 41 and even 5 octave*. in U s making a procurable to perform upon them any music written lur the I tatio or Organ I'he r 1 tenor, also, bat berm much improved by placing the body of tj..- n sirumcni upon u . asi iron frame beautifully bronzed ami ornamented, rendering it at nnee a most elegant and extrrtnely desirable Phe pnee is put *0 low os to bring it w ithin the reach , ot every one rn obtain a perfect musical instrument, and, at the sum.- tune, a mac elegant piece of fumi (Die for u comparative tntlr H KI.KBF’R, . M J W WondweiPs GRF.AT MISIiiaI. NuVF.l.l' -li.e .^sc'rTUTr ba* ;u*i ri-eeivcd from F'.urnpe. nnd for sale, an entirely new mvent,on of Piano Forte, culled the CAB IN FT PIANO I'oKTFn winch t>o**es«mg more power nnd swceitiess n,aii the s.juure Piano, occupies Wut one lourth as much room, and :* a much more showy and handsome pi.-ciyot furtnturr I: 11 porticulariy desira ble the saving of sp.tcc is an object, being ex ceedingly nc-aj and compact, uml o, cupymg no more mom than a *maU side table The subscriber ha* ta bund a tc*timmual ot its superiority trurn the celebra ted piant-,1. M<»*che7lcs. m In* own hand writing.which may be inspected H. KI.KBtR, ©CtiT? At J \V "'oodwell's ACOLIAN ATTACHMENT. RF.OkIVKU mi.l tor salr, a lot of'choioe Pianos, with ami without (hileman * .Fh.lion Attnchmcni. by Nunn* 4 Clark, N V 1 >ac of Nunns 4 Clark's Pianos, with the Atinciiment. wii* mken to FjigUii.l by Mr Coteutun. and among many other testimonial* of ad miration for tins cirguut ipecimen ot American skill and uigeiiDtiy. elicited the fniiomog remarks from S Thnlbtirg. uie greatest Pianist living. I-ONIHI*, Jan. Ifi, JKt5 My Dear encloaing a letter to my friend. Mr Kraiid. Pun*, I cannot refrain from again expressing to yon how much I was pleased witli your u Avolirii Attnchmcni, 1 ' winch 1 consider us a great musical im provement. I run assure you that on my pari I shall with grcHt pleasure do my utmost to make yoar invetv m known For sale by H KLF.BER, KS) At 'VoodWelP* furniture rooms. ;M st BLetalio Frame Plano. A HPLFJSDID assortment of Rose flCgtAn wood and Mahogany gTnnd action Pi anos. ju»t hmshed and for *.ue 11*1 |» Also, two solendid Rosewood lhanqa. with Onleroait'» celebmlcd .4%oltan auaclimrnt. fim*bf(J m the most modrrn style, and for saJc at F BLI ME> V . Ip* wood wi TRANSPORTATION. UEKU.PIKKS dfc Co’a. PAC KET Ll. Vt. m IS4B. . jM? IsF.avi U t\ln l,|-.\ | LAND waKKPW. I . •. ,-u M I.tiu f.ip: Fo'.l < >< I A S, ( api " utter (vNKnf th»* above Packet* leave Heaver every day, / i**,m,lsi. .1. 3n 0 next im.rmii< at iVarirn wns re, I- • • ••* It li thr Malt “mge. tor A k « * ■ •■!..: ni n v .nr at roc h of lie -e |.n..-r. •• ..ip i,.(!i. ‘nip ut me rurs-t*.eave Waiipn daily, loortunc «lenmb,,..t Uir Pit'-s.i !g|. 4 i.El'FlNiiW'kl.L, Warren, J MB TAYLOR, •• rropni rs. BF.AVKR AND tJiIK PAi Ktrr LINE ' ruoroii n* tuk uu in >..jn 1 11.>1 ** ('anal Pneket -Pwnvsti v » Sl* . ('apt Jrtfnes; Tia.iuja*i’ii. P0.i0.-k, lui.Kn., •' Tmii>. '• Part.iv*. “ Brown; F* U 111. IN, • Su,er Tile :H,nve new und sp.ei. did P:i«»rr»grr Pack eLs have eoinmeured runntug between BKAVKR A Nl) ,F.RJ and »i.i run regciJurl) dutuig the *ca»uu -one Loot teavx.g Kne every morning at u «V». k. anone lea v. ■ vai ot Uie •trunil'oat M.. hignii (n.m pitl*liui ;)i po.hl on tt.e l.nkes. or 10 Niagara F'abs. will hod this dnou Muian Suaron. Pu, l> l’ Mall.ewa, Pulaski, Pn. R W Cuanuighatu. New Castle, Pa. jyl Ptniuylvanla Canal 4 Rati Road Rl* Packet Line, 1848. FROM FTITSBUGIi TO PHIDaI/ELIHHa A. BAL- TIMORE, (KXl.!u»lTr|y u>f Pu**c!lgrr« ) IMIK arr rr«|«*-c-nully inioriiinl lit■;! tin* Liar will commence running on ihr ‘.Kd m»i. and eon* bnoe mrouniioui Uir Season Tbr l.oai* irrtr new. i,;id of* «upertor rlrt>-» will) ri,- larged c«;.in». winch will give grriiu-r Thu c»r» .-ir- Un- i*lc*l rotiMrurUcn A i*oni *-i!. k hi port. «ui- lj ilny« For -iionn.Mion.' n;>i*ly hi the Other. Mm.oi.iNuic.a Hou- , i.f i,» l) LKEFII XCo ,'-i/ fun i! ftn^iu. HARNDLN A CO PaiicnKfr mud lOmllUnci Office, rgr HA.NKDKN A CO. ronimu* to bring perion* JyYW-lrom any port of Kntf Inml. Irrlnini Scotland or ■*■£ Wale*, upon tho met liberal term*. with then d*uai r>um-lunliiy nnd nllrntinn lo ihr warn, and ruin ion of enuiuertm* \V ndo not a:;.»w our pu**- snatch ihrm without any ilririimm I>y the tirat »lup*.— Wr *ny thi* frarle**ly. a* we defy one of our posseti ?rr» in «how that ihry were -leiiino-d -is hour# by u* m .iverpool, wh»t*t thourand* of niin-rs were detained moiilli*, until they could l>e «rm m aomr old crnA. at n fhjl* rmr, which ion frequently proYcd thnr coffin*. Wo inirnd to perform our roniniri, honorably, cost wlmi u may. and not an n* wai the cn#r la*t season, with fiber ollu '-ia,--who rtilier performed not all, oi when >■ auiird Uieir rom-niieiire. Draft* drawn at Pittsburgh for any «um from £l to £IUU), puy.ihlc at uuy of the provincial Dank* in Ire land, England, Scotland and Wale*. JOSHUA ROBINSON. European and General Agent, Colvtr'i Patent Concave Deafer Churnl BtITTKR IN FIVE MINUTES' "\I 7F- cull the aitcniion ui the puhlir to the article W hcndmtf ihi* advertDrmnit. nnd invite the en* krpn'mir ami ennou* lo call nnd witnc** its opera tion. Ah advertisement* in relation lo thi* mvciiiiun, to the hundred* who have »ecu il trued, i« superero- l»i Thi* Churn will produce Bn ,cr, ©aihrring il m n mm, from swept milk, in fire in u-n minute*) and from cremn prepared, a* fumilic* usually prepare it. in three to five mmoie*! thi Tin- utility of ihi* invention i* apparent, aa bet ter Hiiiici ram be nrmluccd from *\vcct milk, or cream, Ilian i rrum *ouren in the muni way, and l»y mean* of ihi* Hmrn. n liltlc eirt or hoy cuit4>erlorm. in 6ve or leu inniulr*. what bit* hcreiufore required the lalmr of a wnmnn or man for our or two hour'*, uml roatrumea ball ii day :M lb *impiy inriim; ft Ummb ■crew, the whole in • uir du'lier it tnlten out. Icavtni; mXhinjr bul llte butler nnd milk in llm plain wooden box 4lli M is the chcn|»e*l churn ever invrnied, a* the -laiplicilv ol im rotistruetion (tlronnh em(>edyiii)( o ■[real pbilomp liii'al prin>'i|de) mub i it tiul little to manuliiclure n Sib It i* u rommon-tciiM- churn, it* all a ill admit U’c Im ve puli Imired ihr monO{>olV of llua Valua ble improvement kom Colvrr A Myer*. the pnlrntri-s. We nre now i.llermjf the complete mono poly ofll.i* atyleil nnicle mr ihe Suite- ol (Jluo, Fimiii ,i 1 v itm;i, New York. New Jci-ev. Mm y land und Dol uwure, islueli will rnturc ceriam nnd laißr protil* to ihe miuiulnclurcr. ajul_ n -|w-e.|y reiuru of mvestnicitt I'll* pnMif ore ii-vltril m cull and \< *» n« opcruiiou, m ,»ur office, ut I'lllabureh - every 'lny, hi -I o .-lock, p. a Jlf t'l .A \ T‘»N AOn . I'foprmiors. Ortice. I'jfchante lloildlii"*. Si Ohur sireel, next door to John*' -ifTice. dcoll-dtf Conaultlnc Kniflneari * f onnaellora for Patentees! Orfico for procunnif and d-fr-ndma t’alrnl*. impanuift mloramboit m* .kfecliKini * mid llir application of Sei- ence Ui the Art*, aud on Amern-ai. and Fi>tet|(n Law* of i’lit-'iU*. ] tIII>I' WALTER U Johnson. of Ph.ladel -1 phia, a»d Z.i' RODRINS ol Wu-hmrioti city, im aided by HaxurU Knowl-«, E*q.. lute Muchloest ol tlir l nilcd Stole* | , nient CHlit-e.i liuve nuoemled thcm*clve« inpether for the |> oi ihe above bnuicln * of profeational bu«ine»h, ntlirr m thmr othcc, at the I’.vienl Office, or before the Court*, and will de vote llieir undivided niiention to lorwardiiu; ib« inter e*t of Inventor* ami other* who may consult them or p|nee bu»ine«* to their bond*. Mr Knowlr. hu« for lhr pu*l (vvi-lvc year* held llu- po*l of Mu. hmcnl in the l nJted Slulu* I'ntenl Uffiee, and re*ipn. ihm kiiuuliom to take part t n l * l *' p‘ rH '’iti unilerinkiiijt Hi* talent* and peculiar fitn~* mr the iin|mrmm office *o long fill ed by him. tiuve been fullv by Inventor* wherever ihe office u*, specifici.fion*, und all reauu in- paper* prepared—nnd models procured when desi red—on reasonable term*. letters of euuuiry, expect ed to be answered after examination* bail, must beoo eompumed by o ftr affivc dollars. In Urn dutiesoffice which pertains to the Pa. tent Laws, Mesars. J. A R. will be assisted by a legal eentlcfiuut of tho highest tirofcMiimal character, and inlU'conversant w«n Mechanics and other Sciuntifle tulijceu my-jOulAwlyfl LARI>AhiD FBATHfJW-7 bbls No 1 Lard; ado No'Jdo 7S bags Feather*, to arrive; for sata by , e pu ISALAH CICELY A Co, Horn »t MEDICAL DJLLKI’S HAGIC.If TJIS KXTRAUffI!! I'HK following from (ieorge I*. Po-n. roy 1.-.;, the well known proprietor ot the F'uprt **. « e.i*. 1. . 1 itself ol the im;>ortancc ot the Piuu Li’rti.'lor to , v.-m parent. Kxpagos Omcr, A’biwy . !«ept 1 Mb. Dalley: My Dear j>ir— With leeimgs of 1 no or diuary pleasure I address you in relation to the beret.' ] have received from your luvnluablr Pam > xn ..rt,,r lately, my little daughter. Oy ear*.i:d, bud u 'p.tchet of boiling water turned into her bosom: her .kr.-tun were drradutl, so that a crowd iinlntiUy gaibe r. d lore the hoasr to learn the cause o ! the -.-r. .im> I tore her clothes a*umW, and *onu *pie.»d on u «hui hi .avn si.r,. She tru scalded to a blister from the mp .<( lur -.1. i:Mo over more than half her clie*i, tn>.i r»um! i-mt. > th* arui*. On the shouldrr and l.rcu-t .t wj- very deep yet from the first hour, rhu comifbniied only wiim >. was dressed. The »ore healed rnpidh uml ti,, r in coiitrucuon of the muselei. With many wishes, n.v dear sir, for vour *O. . r*< n> the sale of this mighty article, J am yours, with respect. i: I’u.MrilnY THE TEST a»,i ,Y 0 MISTAKE. The genuine Duliry, wilt ever produce tin.- »ume m ttamajieoui relief, and sootiung, cooling riled, m the severest case* of Burns, Scalds, Pile*. 4c. The Counterfeits— no n atior under what name* tltey may appear -always irritate, and increase the inun TO TUK PUBLIC I. Fslivard P Holmes, of Chatham, Melvin Bridge, Columbia county, N. Y , have been eillicted wuh rheu matism tit my breast, fed, und all over my body, for six year*, so that I could not stand, and was cured by three applications of Dailey's Magical Pain F.xtrnctor UPWARD I*. HOEMiy. Mr. Dailey: Sir—l rut my finger with n copper nail, the potsonou* nature of which caused my nrm in swell considerably, with constant shooting pain* up to the shoulder A large swelling taking place at the arm pit. with increasing pain, I became tearful of the lock jaw. In this extremity yoor Pain Hxtranor was re commended to roe. and which I was prevailed upon to try The consequence was that it anorded me almost instant telicf, ami in three days I was completely cu red. JOSF.FH HARJUBUN, New York, comer Broome and Sullivan su, Sept 8 lh4i f NOTICE—H. DaLLiy is the inventor of this invalu able remedy, and never has and never will communi cate le any living m ut the secret of its combination: All Extractors, therefore, not mode and put up b him, are base counterfeits. Peopritrot's Depots—4ls Broadwuy, New York; 235 Chestnut street, Philo. JOHN D. MORGAN, General Depot; Dr. WM. THORN, Agents for Pittsburgh. « Jiaun/’j Aru-mat Gtuvante Cttre-AIL, Curr« humors, spavin, quiltor. grease, poll-evil, sores, galls, and bruise*. Pamphlets, containing cer tificate* of respertublc parties, may be had on applica tion to JOHtf D MORGAN. novlS-dlyi* Agent, Pittsburgh. / Consumption and Li vkr com plaint.—suf vy feruig a* 1 have for 3 years with these diseases, I feel from ray heart for all persons equally unfortunate, and therefore 1 beg of them, if they love life and health; if they love their families and friends, not to lay and die under the bands of mercury doctors, or their use less trash, bat try Dr Taylor’s Balsam of Liverwort. This medicine cured me when 1 was so ill I could not turu over lit lied witnout assistance, and the mu.crul doctor* said I Could not live a week; yet this vepetable medicine cured me in six weeks I had a bucking cough, pain m the side, raising of mattrr, night sweats, and was wasted to the bone; also, inward fever J. B. MILLS, Milkman. Newtown. L T CossfMPTiOK ast> Livkb CaKfbA.i!rr.—For a long lime I ratfered with these diseuse*, and was the moir alarmed ns I bod lost a mother, two brothers and two sisters, with the consumption. I had the best roedicul advice in vain; every remedy was tried without clTcrt. and I was almost id despair. 1 was wasting away, very nervous, had n bad cough, loss of streugth, iui«l many other dangerous symptoms. At length i tried Dr Taylor’s Balsam of Liverwort, uml I must suy this medicine cured me like a charm. Its great restora tive powers should be made known. W HOLDRIDGF„ •Jfi'J Spring at Raisixo of Blood —Tbi* duea*c is easily cured by the proper medicine. Mr. Newbury, ’JUi Bower), used to mi*e blood tit large quantities, both by day nnd night; besides this, he lutd a severe cougu, and pain 111 the breast; yet after using every other medicine, he was rurrd by Dr. Taylor’s Balsam ot Liverwort Tin* man is n curtman. and In all other* wlmruunot ailord to be idle follow Ins example, it they are sick, and use Hus medicine. It will restore diseased Lungs and Liver m a short ume Sold 111 Pittsburgh by J II Morgan, 90 Wood »i: J Townsend. 45 Market st; H smy*cr. cor Market and 3d «t*; Henderson 4 Co, 5 liberty st. Price reduced to 81 AO per bottle. i<-1.t4 HKDICA.L~4t> SURGICAL OFFICE, CJfcNo. 03, DIAMOND ALLKY, • few doors below Wood strcei. to* market DR. BROWS, haring been regularly educated to the roedira (trofc**ion. and been for some time in genera! practice, now confines bis attention to the treatment of those private and delicate coir>| plaints for which hi* opportunities and experience pcculinriy qoalifv him. It years o*aiduou*ly devoted it of those complaints.(during' which lime he has had mom practice and has cured pa tients than can ever fall to the lot of any private j.rac tuioner) amply qualifies Uiui to oder a-s*urai>ces ot speedy, permanent, and sntufaclory core to all stflicled with delicate diseases, and all di*eu*ej ari*nig ttierej from. Dr Brown would Inform lhp«e nlHlcled wuh fnvsu di*eßMi» which have become . (ironic by tune nr agj gravmcd by the use ol any of the common nostrums of the diy, that their epropUntitscan l.e rudM-allv and tbor oughtr cured, tie haviiif given hi* r tim'd I site*. n-c ir. the Uratmeul o: such C»-w», a id *'ICI re.U-J ill hun.'.f.tdl ol instance* tn rurmg person* ot intlainiiiatjon of the nack of the bladder, and fctndred diva*e* which often result from those cases where other* have consigned them to hopeless despair He partieulurlv invites »u«-b a* huve been long and unsuccesMoJly trealrd by oihcri to eonsoli him. when every sausfartnni will t>e given them, and their cases treated ut a careful, thorough and imolligent manner, pointed out by a long experience study, and investigation, which it 1* impossible lor iboa engaged in general practice of medicine to gire an one class of aise.ane. [£7"Ucrma or Rupture —Dr Htosii * .«> inviic* perl soiu. ollUcied with Hennn to cad. a* fie ha* psnf parties uJ*r atienuoii to this disease I'ANI’F.RS also cured. Skin disease*. al»« Pi ». Psl.y,. .p.-edny cured Charges very low. N B.—Pau.'iits of otth sex liviuk :»t a dutarre, l,y siuimg their disease m wnunx. givtnr: ad the *ymp| tom., ran obtain nmiinnr. wub direction, lur osc. by iiildressiug T BROWN, M D , |>o«l pmd. and i.iU a fee. ?ltsce No &5, Diamond alley, opposite th* averiy House RusrvsTt aiwr.,y« 111 IO” No cure no pay dec.lti. HOW DOES IT LOOK-Sand*. »ri*iol nml Bud. formerly pul their Sarinpunila in .mall iw.ulr bolding n few ounce*, bm mice Dr Towim-n.l'i Jiu* become known, and almost or qtule driven their tittle tallies out of the market, they nre now pulling ibeir* up m larger bottle* cnur«iuiii< luur lime* u* ui.n li us t.efore- How murli profit did iln-y mnke be fore off ol their small botue.' Wa* it honen' And amre they h»ve reduced Hie inrength i» it lionrst to pretend that they ore as good a* thry were* l»t I own ■end commenced hone.tly and fairly—gave u* much medicine s* fie could tttford, ha* nude .evrul im proveracuu, and l* determined to keep up ihe -Uensili aiul quiiiity und will warrant dial each hottle of Im Sarsaparilla coniain- more thun four time* the quanti ty of t*arsapantln nnd medical qualities, than any oth er preparation of Sarsaparilla in the market. Solo by R. E Sutlers, sole agent for I’ltuboriih, and D M. Curry. Allegheny. __ fel.ltl 11 ORGAN’S COUUti S\HIT iVi Allegheny thiy. Ph Mr J D Morgan Dear Sir —Being severely atfliei ed with a bad rough some two weeks or so. i wa* in duced by my fneud* to try your eelehiotcd Cough Syrup I railed ut your .tore and purchased iuc bot tle. and oiler taking a few dose* 1 found uty rough eie tire:y cured, -utely recommend it to all per mjiis u» a »ore panaecu lor coughs and cold* Price •Jo cent* per bottle, Win&Rnhnns Prepared wholesule und retail by the proprietor JOHN D MUKf.A.N, Druggist Also for sale by Joel Mohler, comer Wood :uid itii streets. fjbl'J A Chsllsagi to tb* Worlo Twenty-five doixars wpi i»e paid u> ,i.y m.e who will produce a spot of paint, gree - or 1 iu»i to n c.rnnnei'd u uny nniiirri than ( know b> rilr true N II llorr. I‘rire, L'J* rn p«i cake Sold wi.ob-tair- aud reinii by K L fIEL.I.ERS, JeclM 57 wood st R A. Kiiimsiuci, ) A. LI. llotx, N V. Cny B. L i slixurruca, >Pitlibajgh. 0. W. F*ti!«om*r, ) Wboieiala Drag Store In the City of Sew York. MMil* undersigned ore extensivnly engaged in tho l W holesale business at No. 40 Joi n street, in the city of New York, aod are prepared to supply DrQgttsta aod ecurtirj McrclianU with Drugs, Paints, O-ls, Dye-stnfli, Feraiu and American Perfumery, Man -cr, A'ea-er b Marnier's CheioicaJs, (of their own mr oration) acV all other imdei in their ime of bust oaas, of a soperio aa low aa they can be pure •baaed ip this or any eastern city. Now York. Fel 10 R A. FAI/VKSTOrV A <* Odkce of A martcan A foreign Patent* JAMK3 gKELNUIMJII, of the latu firm of Keller A (ire-enough, continues the business of Cou*ulUiig bjigtneer and Patent Attorney, ut bis office in the city of WASHINGTON Ho may be consultrd and em ployed in making rxamiuuuoo* in maalunery in the Puienl Ollico and eLewlmrc, in furnishing drawing* and specification* of machine*, and ull paper* in-cr**a ry. transfer, amend, rw-issue or extend letter* patent in Ibe United Slates or Europe. He.can also Iki roiisult cd professionally on ull qur-uoii* of litiganoii aris ing uhder tbe I’uirni Luw, unit will angun llon* before ihr Puli-ul Office or an oppral Uii-mroiu, tor winch his lung nx(M-rienre m the Puienl Office and in Ins profession, have peculiarly fineil him. Tbr pro ictkionul l)u-,iiie*4 of (be lrt|e [>r I'. I’ Jiinev having been placed in hi* liundk. nil letter* in relation th -reto should be addressed to him paid. augHu-d.Vw-nmS TELEGRAPH COMPANY BALTIMOBK, PtmBUUUU A!*D WHKKUno WF>TERN LINK. Ofllee at the Exchange, Baltimore. RKDLCKD UATF-H —The charge* have been redu ced on all Message* to or from Baltimore, Pm*. liarnh or Wheeling, und a cnircspoqduq; reduriiun inaJe on all telegraphic despun-he* lurwurdrd from Bnl tnuore W eal ol rtitsburKh, l*u Rato—Tim charge for b lelerraph despatch to or from Baltimore, Pittsburgh and W heeling, n 4<, centn lor the first ten word*, uml 3 cents for eucli additional word. U_/“ No charge is made for the address and ture. Unul the completion of iho sbiuth Western Line of Telegraph from Memphis, to New Orleans de*. poll-he* can fie forwarded to Memphis by ibis rouie, and mailed lor New (Hleano PAHTNEUSIUP. ~ ACHERON WOODHOUSKA JOHN WOoDHOl^i-' HAVINO thi* day associated theioaelvc* i.wnfier tu partnership, under the firm and style ol A A J Woointbcsi, for ‘he manufacture of TIN rv.uoi u AND SH KPTr-1 HON WAKE, oa the corner of RobV.I sou street and tha Oanui, in Ibe Ist Ward, Aixeumtat riTt, where they are prepared to furnish u> onler, Wholesale aud retail, all article* in their line with promptness. . Foundry TTimminga, and Carpenter.’ order, are .o llcited, which wiil receive immediate uiiruiioii City of AUegheuf. Fab. I, IMV—dOm GKO. W. BMITn * CO., INFORM their fneuds and the public thuitacy hav« no longer any connection with their late c.tablisii ment In Penn«Ueei, known a* the Pittsburgh Brewery, having removed their enure business to the POINT BREWERY, m Put itraet-. myia.-d jrd^ MEDICAL. ! IN QUAAT BOTTLES FOR THE REMOVM4 PKllsl ANF.NT CI'RR OF ALL DI9RA3ER ARISING FROM AN IMPURE STA.TK OF TIIR BLOOD OR HABIT OF THR SYSTEM, VIZi Scroftila or King's Evil, Rheumatism,-Obstinate Cuta neous Kruptious, Rimples nr Pustalea on the F’nce. Blotches, Biles, Chronic Sore Eyes,\Ring Worm or Tctier, Scold Head, Enlargement Pain of the Bone* and Joints,' Rtublmm L’lcers, Syphilitic Ss tnp toms, Scioii'-n or Lumbago, and Diseases an*uig from au injudicious use of Mercury, Ascites or Drop sy. F'.xposure or ImprudoQce.m Life. ADo, Chronic I'uustiiiitional Disorders. \ lu this preparation arc strongly concentrttfd all tbc Medicina' properties of Sabjapabilla, toft&hied with thr most rtirciuol nidi, the most salutary productions, the ino*t potent simples of the vegetable and it hus been so fully tested, not only by palicliU ihem sclvc*, but also by I’hystcians, .hat it has received their unqualificd KCommendation and the approtiaiion of tho public: and has cotablished on it* owamerits u reputation for value and efficacy far superior ito the various compounds bearing the name of Raraaffsrllla- Durases have been cured, such as are not fordJfbcd n tbc record* of lime past and what it has already done for the thousands who have n«cd it. it ts capable of doing for the millions still sutfering and struggling with disease It purifies, cleanses, and strengthens the fountain spring* of *ifc. and infuses new vigor thro’* out the whole animal frame. ANOTHER CURE OF SCROFULA. The following striking and, a* will tie seen, permh nent cur*- uf au invrtomie ame of Scrofula, commend* itself to all similarly afflicted: Sornn*ntT, Conn., Jart 1, l?4a. .Messrs Sami*- Gentlemen— Sympathy for the oi9ic* ted induce* me to inform you of the remarkable cure effected by your Sarsaparilla :n tho case of my wife. She wo* severely afflicted with Uie scrofula on difler eulpurtsof the body: the plands of the nock were greatly enlarged and her lirobiktoch swollen. Aflnr su&ering over a year and finding no relief from the remedies used, the disease attacked ooe leg, and be low the knee- suppurated. Her physician advised it should be laid open, which wa> done, tmt without any permanent benefit. In this situation wr heard of. ami were induced to use Sands’ Sarsaparilla. Tho first bottle produced a decided and fsvombir effect, reliev ing her more than any prescription she had evcrla- Ken, and before she had used six bolUee, to the aston ishment uml delight of her friends, she found her health quite restored. It is now over d year since die cure wa« rffeced, and her health rcmplus good, show ing the disease was thoroughly eradicated from tho system. Oor neighbors are ail knowing to these facts, and think Tery highly of Sands r Sarsaparilla. Your* with respect, JULIUS PIKE Extract from a letter received from Mr. N. \V. Har ris, a gentleman well known m Louum county. Vo.: ••Gentlemen—l have cured n negro boy of mine with your Sarsaparilla, who wtu attacked with Scrofula, and of a scrofulous family. -Your* truly, N, W. HARRIS. ••Fredericks Hall, Yn., July 17. Sabos' SarsapaJUUjl.—lt seem*almost knnecessury 10 dnret attcution td an article so tvell.kttbwn, and 10 deservedly popular, as this preparation, hut patients often who wish to use the extract of Rartapanlla, are induce.] 10 try worthies*compounds bchrihtf the name, nut contaiuing little or none of the virtse of this valu able root, and we think we cannot confer a ereuter benefit on our render* than in directing tlicir attention 10 the udvcrusi-ment of the Messrs Bandh in another rotiiui 11 The horde has recently been Onlkrged to bold n quart, and those who wish a really gpod article will find coix-.-iitrated in this all the medioiiisl'value oi lbe root. The experience of thousand* has proved its ef ficucy hi cunng the various diseases fo# which it is r. commended; and at the presqnt lime more than any oilier, perhaps, 1* this medicine usdftil, in prepanng the »y»iem for a change of season.—Horan Journal, sfepi. ls4i. Prepared und aold. wholesale and retail, by A. B. A D. SAND>, Druggist* and Chemist*. 100 Fulton street, corner of William, New York, tfold al*o by Drag gist* generally throughout the United State* and Cana das Pn.-e SI p<-r Bottle, six Uwtlle* fur So. sale in Pittsburgh, wholesale and retail, bw B. A. FAHNKBTOCK. 4 INX corner nfWood and. From *t* . also, corner of Hixih and Wood sis; by %\11.1:t»\. Jr., corner ol bmithhel.l and Fourth *Jsl and al*«i i-eiucr of Market si anJ the Diamond; also, i.y F.DW AUD FYiNDF.BIi H.cor Monongpla Hoose BALTKR’B INBENQ PANACEA! I‘l • ItUJ.SE SUFFERING WITH DISEASED l 1.1.M.S The unprecedented which bat (.INSENt. I*A.NA( FIA :i.i 1 to- vurious lornia which irniatton df the lung* as sume.. has induced ibe proprietor agna to call «ueu. tIOII U> Wo.NDERI'I.’I. PREPARATION, rue rhmignhie wruiher which murks our fall and sinier ro.-utfi*, is alwuys » fruitful source of AND COth;IIS. Ttie-e. if neglected, ure but the precursor* of that fell destroyer, ('OSUMPTION n>c que-iion. then, how shall we nrp Uiy destroyer in ’.he l.udt how shall we get dear ofiiut coughs and olds’ is of viitJ importance 10 the public. T4IK GREAT.AND ONLY HLMJiDY will t>e found in Ibe Ginseng Paiiucea. In proof of this we have from time in time published the Certihcstea of Joren-r of our Im*ki known citizens, wbojhave experi enced it* curative |K>wer* These, with a mas* of w tnnouv from all parts of the country,—from MEDICAL MEN uF THE FIRST STANDING, _ M-nister* of the Gospel, 4c., together with copious DO; ■r r« from the JOI.RNAIJj OF THE DAY. wr have embodied iu pamphlet form, anil may be had gram of any nf our throughout the country. HUNDREDS* OF BOTPIsEB have been used 111 this cilv. THOUSANDS AND ‘l’ENt* OF THOUSANDS Unuugboui the United States and Cni(nda, and we ch* fence any man to point out a SINGLE INSTANCE -.vbicii, when Uiien according to directions, and be f..-e me lungs had becomo fatally disorganized, ft has c•.-'•( failed 10 EFFKvTT A PERFECT CURE Why. liicn. need the aKiteted hesitaleT >Vl»y resort to Ific miserable nostrum*, gotten up by ni: > own individ aal* u l>-r ijic assumed name of touie co -brnie i phy< iiciiin. aud puffed into notoriety by eertificato- r per l»n* equally unknown? Whilst a medicine ol UN PARALLELED EFIICAOY i* to be bad, whose vouchers are at home,—our uslgh* bor*. - many of whom it ha* SNATCHED FROM THE (IRA VFL In onler that tin* invaluable mediditir may be j'laerd within the reach of the poor at well the rich, we have pat (he price at ONLY FIPTY CESTS, lust one half the usual cost of rsough medjemca. mi lor sale by our agent* in uearjyssveiy town and village over the wc*i who are prepared Jo rive full informa unn rclauve lo il. T. SALTER, Proprietor. Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio hydropathic KSTABLidnfirKivi'r riuLLirsnvHOK. ai-jirra co.,ka. DR. EDWARD ACKER, takes this 'moan* of re inriilng Ins thanka to hi* friend# aod the public fur the extensive patronage helms received, and of m lurnnng them that he bo* lately erected a large and well constructed building, for the exclusive purposes of hi* WATER CURE KSTABLISHMPXNT, ai hti old lor,-uion, at Plnllipshurgh, Pa_, on the Ohio river, oppo site the steamboat landing at Beaver, where he is ready to reeerve patients a* boarder#, and treat them on lly dropatiuc Dnuciples. in addition to Ui* long expen race, and the great sueneQt\ and comfort of the patient. Phlllipaburgh »* a most delightful and healthy village, easy of access by steamboats, and af fords fine and wholesome water. Dr. Acker assures those Hitticied jM-r*oti» who may place themselves un der fiu care, that every uueutioii ihall be paid to their eomtort; and as un assurance of the substantial benefit* to be derived, he pouu& with confidence lo tin* hun dred* who have Weu permanently cured at Ins estab lishment. Ilie Water Cbre leave* no injurious effect* behind, a* i* too often tho ease with those who have been trrmed on the old system. Il remove* the di«-, invigorates the »> *tc«n. protect* from the dangers mrideiii lo clmnges of the weather, creates a natural and active appetite, and imports vigor lothedmetfive power*. Tenn* of treatment and boarding reasuuable. For further particular* uiuinrn ut the e*lal>li*iuueul, or addrcs* the proprietor oi rtulUpsburgh. aURVIki DK. MINK'S ALTErCVUVr. We have been mloriinM by Mrs. Ruse of a Ctfre per formedoiiher uyDr, J»yne> Altermtlve, which prove* a# supcnor.iy over evury other remedy of the knid Mu- lij* L-cn BflJifted for the last •ixtceu yeaxl w.ifi WHITE BWFtLLINGB, attended wnfi afi-erauou* and enfoliauhn of vurious bones,du ring which umc rouny on-s-os have been discharged from ihu .rental bone ol the cruniUin, rttorn both llcr arms wdsts nnd band*, and iroto both leg**, nod from ibo left ten oral bone, and irom the right knee, besides paJßinl ulcers mi oUter paru ol her peruoa, which have bultiod dm Skill of a number of the mom eminent physiciaus of our ctD -Mating most of tbe timelier suffennga have t-en rud, *o that sfie itow weigh* v> lbs more than she did be/otu she pommeueeff liie u*« oi this truly valuable prepanon.—(i-rx Eve. Foil, oi forthi-rmfonnaboii, inquire of AD* Rose, No. IV6 F ilbr-i t *i. HiJtudt-lphik. F'of sale in Fuuburgl., at me I*KKIN FRA STfiRE, T'i Fonrili *t. Urir Wood. jj'j 1 ’ , 'GW’N3ENU'S HARdAI'ARILLA-—su«lozen J_/ ju*l received of Dr TnwnseiidL ibe mu«t extraordinary im-dieinr in thF vtorld! Tin* Fix n art i* put up in quart Ixmle*. It is; #ix times cheaper, pleasanter, aud warranted superior lo any said, it cure* disease without vuinitmg, purging, sicki mug or debilitating ifits patient. lam« out roa I Birr — Unprincipled prnon# have copied our labels, utid put up medicine in tbe same shaped Imitli:. See that each ImiUe hn« the written ug iiftture of s. P Townsend. • R H. SELLERS, Drujmtiti, 57 Wood street, between Tlurd and F'curifi, is Dr. Townsend*# only wholesale and retail agent for Putuburgh. ot whom the genuine articlr ran Im had D- M Furry Ita# luiru apptnmnl ihr *ol«- sgrnt for Allrglmny city, id wbmjr the grnutn*- artirlc can be bad. «pd MI.KUH.'I,A AM) M?KOFm.OU> .-WELL O IN< .-end-D* IB nil iL. muilipited form# whether m Hut ol .king's Evil. miLirreruenJi n ihe glands or Inures, floiDt-j While Swrlliii}»«, f'lironir Rheum alum, (,‘anse', disease* “f the Skin or Sprue, or o( Pulmonjrv (*on#u»nplioe. oinanat© fmnj ono and tbe Mine cause, which »« a poivoooii* principle) more or los# inbcrcnl in Iho *y«toin. 'l'here* fore, unlca* this principle can bo divdroyotJ,no radi* cal cure be eilrded, but if U»r principle upot) which Hit ui*e:i»" dt-jMinda, i< removod, a cure must t*f rr»:c«L*ity lollnw, a« matter under whai lorift the disc.iM- should manrlcßt lUeft. ’J'hia, Iherclbro i# Ue reason »li) J*TM:’s AtrnRATiVE ia un | versally uur.cooutul iu rdmoving so, many maii«naat diseases. Il destroy# (be virus Or priucipJe°fYonj wbii-n tiiiise dueoacs have their entering into Uie circulation, and with the Mood to conveyed lo the mmatesl fibre, removing every particle of Ifwcaw from the «y6tcm r Freptireti and m.ld at N t> South Third Street, FniFidoipbia. * Sold u iu l-.k. u Ten Sl.,re, J,o. K Kounb Piuabargb mch3 , NO. .' UaCKVIRkL - 70 ’.1,1,1 tA i c | u ..; to close contignaem. Wbi JASDaLZELL MEDICAL AToaRATCURIC,^ 'perfiirraed byTbd ortgiudaodoalytiua end gvuaiiwLiYvr Pilh prepared,md *oM by IL E tifcu |,KKA. ' • Mdaan’ FxCtobi, WciUßoreUad Co., P*— j Juts BHh, 1847. jilt R. S SeUrex.-— Astttsvofduly toyouaia} indue**as toodj my bumbi*lwtuawty m fa»vrof eelgbratod Ur«r Pills I have deterred doing so for years, adheriwtaDatv Crock«U^.n»M)mi* , b*-*«" J°« ®re right, tQtwaliod.”' Must oftfie many prrforatioas of erapi>K. sad uuacks, budi d i® the , kies, hare soak into oblmoa tiu« joarLiver Pnl» h»*« t.»to offered to the public, and, indeed. 1 beliefs ilu-t will -sunrn* them all,” u* they *« jusi wh»i jou rtprswb* (bein lo be 1 Hava bean «rt»trd with Li»*y CuupiMnl Com *u, youifi; Huts suffered employed ■au smsurut phyviciAU., lu whom l paid mnch numsy: kwt much b»ood; Lera votuheJ sad physicked almwsito ffnub, nlwale.l 5 ..r « 1 anJ h»»lty up is meuiabl*. to I.*sll-7 I »*»- .o.l— '.! 1.1 try juur Lit-r I‘ilt-. nud SOON <•><» 1 WELL l tue fcos uf «tii.-Yiilum sutficienl lu keep Btecleur oT pain to U- tide ai.Jal»lh« other symptoms, for ol tea-1 t2month*, kour PnusrealwU»* l »*»icnth*rtielenru«,d be ins. mild, not griping or giving “ce l * »«*tari» •» the itmo sell, bid gite me utnrlr relief I luve kept lb*m 1U my *«.»• fuSi tf or 7 ynir*; *o!d haodreds of buses, ami have next bedrd a »ixig e eumpixiU uttered by any oae who has used thrill. They here supererded sliaosl every other p(H u> th'i ueichborliood, uud ui a •hurt lime will banish ihctn •!) unruly rreomnieud (hew to »1! jvrsons needtDg physic, vhrther for Loer t mnplaiut or Bittious Affecfiont 1 «»t»- ' snlfrtbrm farsuywnor u. Cakantt or the filacPUl. Respsrt fully your* -,J L Moaau CAUTION—A* there in other PilU before th* nubhe CaLLCB Liver Pills, person* who wint the OKNUINEshoaM asU for and Uke no other than those prepared tad told by R E BELLEIiB, No 57 IFood-it between Thiid and Kwirth Ure*t*. Sold by Dr.CxraxL, Fifth ff'trd, DM Crx*T, Aikgbeay eitj, *gs To the Medical Profenalon mud Pxabllc. HECKF.R’s FARINA, now in u*e at the Hospitals Asylum*, and other public establishments, ami Tceominendcd by some of the most disatiguiehed phy iiraans and chemists, as an anicto of diet for children and invalids, much eopenor to arrow root, sago, etc., far more strcnxthonuig, pleasant to the taste, and easy of,dige«||oii Pul up m -Jt lb. boxes of hall'lb. papers, rpeh accompuiucd with pnntosl direction* forcooking, 4tau.-r*. which modern chuuustry has pointed nut a* being esaury tn tho formation of human fit-ic. amt by mdans ol which nnuirn makes up for the constant whsle that take* place lu llie human body. For sale wholesale or reuul, by K E SELLERS, i s.-fUd 57 wood st Great English Remedy. FOR Coughs, Cold*. Asthma and Consumption! Tha GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY for tho cure of the above disease*, u the HUNGARIAN BALAAM OF* LIFE, discovered by the celebrated Dr. Buciian, of London, England, and introduced into the United Stnte* under Uto immediate superintendence of the .The extraordinary success of this medicine, in is. gdre of Pulmonary diseases, warrant* the American 3enl iu soliciting for treatment the worst poiHiblc ea that e&n be found in the conun unity—co*c« that seek .ef 111 vuul front any of die common remedies ot the nay, and have been given ap by the most distinguished ph.yeir.ians as confirmed und incurable. Tho Fuingun an Balaam has cored, and will cure, the most desperate of cases. It is no quack nostrum, but a standard Eng lish medicine, of known.and established efficacy. Every family tu the United State* should be supplied wuh Buchan's. Hungarian Batsum of Life, not only to counteract the consumptive tendencies of the oilman-, but to be usesl as a preventive medicine in all ease* of colds, coughs, spitting of blood, pain in the side and chest, imutuoa and sorenees of the lungs, brochure, difficulty of smating, hectic fever, night sWuabt. ofuaci auon und general donilitf,>qthma, mtluenza, whooping cough omf croup. Sold ill lurge bottles, at SI per bottle, with ftill direc tion* lor the rcitoration of health. Pamphlets, containing a mas* of English end Ameri can certificates, and other evidenrc. showing the m>- equalled merits of this great English Remedy, may bo obtained of the Ageuts. gratuitously. For sale by U A PAHNKSTY)CK 4. Co., comer of St and Wood and Wood and Ctb Ms. mare DtLJAYSK’S CAIUUMATIVE BALSAM RO5l the llov ASA SlilNN, a well known and pop A 1 ulur Oergvraau of the ProteKtaiu Methodi-t Chorrb The umk-rHigned having tieem afflicted during Uie pa*i winter with a disease oi'tue sunnueh, sometimes pro ducing great pain in the ftotuacb for ten or twelve hoars withoqt Luhmnisjuon, and after baying mod vatiuus leniedn s with little effect, wax ftirnfshed with a bonus OfDriT) Jayne**Carmiiuiuve Balsam. Tlti* he u*ed ar cording tu the direction*, and found invariably lliatih.s medicine caused the paiu la abate in three or four min ute*, und in Gftecn or twenty roinuteseverv aueasj ■eusatioti wtt* entirely qaieied. I'bc roediemr was m terwur.Uused wbeuevef tndicaUun*of tbe approach ol ptln were pereeived, and the pain was thereby prevent ed. lie continued to use the medteitie every evvuutg and sometimes 1 u the morning, and in a few weeks health was *0 far restore J, that tile sufferer was reiiev e«l froiu a large dionutn of oppressive pmn. F’rom ex pcri-tice. Uiuietbrc, he can confidently rvctimuiciid D U Juyne’s Caninnalive Ualxam, a* a salutary medteiu for diseases ofihc ttotuarti and bowel*. A aiUNNii Allefbcny cily.jrtt For sale iu Piuaburgli *1 the PEKIN TEA STOR 7t! Fourth street, near Wood, and also at thoDntr Store ot H P aUHWARTZ. Federal street. jUtegtieSy Purify four Blood. MR. O. K. SFBLEY—-Dear Sir I.out Spring, ond.du ring the previous winter, I wai severely aiUicieAs wiiii a scrofulous complaint in uiy tegs, and had . tor muir laoiuit* under the care ol physicians. , *l‘hej’ : said mv case was almost incurable, and they etfutd dO'* but little for me. 1 was nearly helpless, but with thk’ * aid 01 erulcbes could with difficulty grt abouL Jn May lost, 1 purchased of you, and commenced using Bris tol's RsmuPsaiLhA, Alter Uie uve of two bottle*, Ux* sore* commenced healing, and I laid aside my exutekr e*. using only a cane, i dispensed with my cane, aw) at the end of the fourth, was so well as to a*mt all duj to shearing sheep. In all, I used five bottle*. 'Tho scrofula and sores have all healed up, and since las j summer I have seen no appearance 01 the disease, Las have coilunued, and am now, in the must perfect hcalibft 1 stale, with couihlcnt-e, hoping Unil others may be ben rfitted in the'same way, that the Sarsaparilla sold by you. ha* been tho means and the only mean* of offset mg the cure. CORNKIJIISJ. HOSE. For sale wholesale and retail, by dfcw B. A. FAHNESTOCK A Co cor. front P wood su, 4 also corner wood 4 6ih*u iMNR PERVVMICRY ' Cream de’ Amanda Amere', for slixvmg, Cream a In Ro.e, tor shaving; Almonde Cream, do; Superfine Hnupe.ou Porcelain standa; Elegant scent bags, wrAitnct with Lavcirtcr, Anafs :rre Micl; i Desuufat powder puffs, of all petiern*, KmboMed toilet boxen, containing fragrnnt extracts far the handkerchief; a scent bag.and todet soaps, suit able for presents^ Persian, or Chinese powiler; Indian vegetable hair oil, Bearisod, in fancy or common wrapper*, (rose scent ed); Jour#’ Soap; Nymph Soap; Rore Lip tidve; Sficli *oap; Soda snap; together tntn u great variety of fineperfomery: ju an>* I have ever used. J gave touaa erf my children one Jukc, which expelled about *0 wornu. Eu Evn#so«i. Prepared and sold by K RREI-LEILS, 57 Wood »t. Bold by Dr Cuswii, Wfi Ward; D M Furry. Allegheny; W J Smith, Tcioperoncevdlc; and F Dravo, Law reiiccvillc. ntyj JUST RECEIVE^-Two splendid newPtanoferteft, rruin the celebrated factory of N'unoa X Clark, N. Y., and dj octave Fiauo, rosewood, with elegant ear ving; one Cl octave, with Coleman'* rEolipit Anhefi menu These very superior Fiano# will be loldat ntitOufac lurcrtphrM. H Kl.l'Jtßß dpe«7 Soic AgcDt for Nunns A Clark t( ANDI-ES —iu os* mould caqdle# «n consignment /for »aiq oy X FRny.Kt? ’ PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. PuiIMSIIBU DALLY, TRI-WBEKLY * WEEKLY At lU Uaxitu BvUdinfs, 3d il, hear th» toil(MU*. UATKS OF ADVeUTIMSS Oooiaseruoaor Izltnci, or Two in«ertnms without liter*Li OQ« .V.. 075 Three " •< *** i m One Week <• .» ! S Two Weoki • • Ult'.IIII! 4AO Three “ '• u •••••••«•• One Month, '* Two ' >• - mmmm "”liob Three *• «< 2.Y.Z~»' 760 O' Longer in tame"proportim- One square,nuiolha, without aliertiion,*** !? - •" is " ' .. Z'.- is oo biib additional! maare for 6 nonlka, ...*• ( * jjj* One renewnbla it J* J® « |2 >4 „ •• u SO DO Bach addltional«qoa«> for *2 montlw *£oo Two aoimc» ( t» moDth«,re'»at>Je*lpleaMr«» 30 00 Bacb additional square, 6 muntb*, .••••*•••• ««) VCKK.LT Ott TU'WRKSO-T I* JJAXIT XArXEB. One tquay. 3 (OBOrtIDM, fiO ’ c-irh addition! insertion,**** »••• 37 iD«nu ciMI. Piva line* or leu, obo yea*. 6 00 •* u fix DOfl^i**** l * l 600 « - U one year, daily 3c weekly, !0 00 u i 4 ,4 ,ix month* " “ 1)0 For SU lice*. or le»*» o°® 'aaertioß, .•••••••£0 60 <• *• ‘i Two, " ........ 0 *• •• u Three., I Qjj " <* ,e Three nDDUi, ig u Six u £•*••«•• v (L. - « T«l*e * r-r ,n