The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, February 28, 1849, Image 1

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AR.MifTRO!V<: ACROZEKpoaOiasion Merchant*
slid Deelrr* tu ProdacefAiff i 2 Market street
Pittsburgh . _
t.'fLBCSnriKLD. , w. *. M*i*.
I kIJSIfFIKLD A lIA7 S, W3c*ale dealers m Dry
XJ Good*, Uroeerie*. llool*,boe«, PifUbargh mann.
faetured article*, Ac., No. 2 Liberty street. Put*-
burgb jaj
rSJtX>UUCK MUtl'TI, CBoftQX atirn
BRAUN A REITER, Wfaesalo and Retail Drag
gi*W, corner m( Liberty id St. Clutr street*. Pm*,
burgn, Pa. mayt4
cuumkrtoos. a. a. stow*
BROWN + CULBERT>N, Wl.ol.nale OrocTH.
and Commission Merc.tlta, No. 145, Liberty »i.,
Pittsburgh. Pa. drUtly.
BA. aiuT Re
• tall Druggists, cornerYood or.dCih *t*. _jyl
i>-OALEY A SMITtL Lolesaie Grocer#, la and
- JL2L^ood ktreat Pills imh-
C'A? McANCLTY A <, Forwarding and Com
• mission Merchants, On! Bazm, Pittsburgh Pa.
wk. B. tnoußK, JAMfc: J. SHSSK-rr. '
English a Bjpnfpr (i&w Kfgtuh, oaiiacher
tf Co.) Wholesale Grers, Commission suit! For
wurdine Merchants, and dicr* in Produce and Puts
burgh .YUnufaciurcs, No. Wood st., between vd und
3d -ueetA. octi
r. k. rancu). oto. txi, jajskj wool.
IJKIKND, RIIEY & Co Wholesale Grorvn and
. Commission Merchon and Agents for Brighton
Cotton Yarns, Nos. 57 Wots and lift Front Pitts
burgh, Pa. febs,
VX Founder* tuid Gas Hen, luti 'Front, between
Wood and Smithfieid street Pittsburgh, Pa.
cy Highest price givefer old Copprr aiid.Brass.
,- dels
GBORGE COCHRAN, Cmmsfion and Forwarding
_ Merchant, No. ai Wot street Pittsburgh. rayl“
HI.EL, {successor Jo flrphy A Lee.) Wool Deal
• cr oud ConimissicnYierchaiit. lor the sale of
American Woolens, Liber. oppostie sth *t ieM7_
HARDY, JONKB a C. Commission and For
wording Merchants, av« returned to their old
stand. Water and Front strts, Pittsburgh. job
w*. uiuLb. lluiUmore.
a. i Bt CISOtt, EDWAJtUitA Li., 1 j»bilada
i». It M'cAKMort, joun axauiko. 1
HEALD A BUCJCNOIt, hbacco Commission Mer
chants, 41 North Wuf st, A 10 North Whunres,
Philo. _ _ _nOTIW-tf
mission Merchant*, and talers in Produce, Nn*.sd
Wnler, and 107 From streettPilUbnrgb. dots
JOHN WATT, (succe»«r:o~Ewalt A Gebbart.)
Wholesale Grocer am Commission Merchant,
dealer tu Produce and PlUstrgti Manufactures, cor
ner of Liberty and Hand strils, Pittsburgh Pa. ju-Jrt
JOHN SCOTT A Co.. Whoaale Grocers, Forwrwd
mg and Commission Mrchaiti*, ln Pio
duce and Pittsburgh Manufaturea, No. 7 Comm, tend
Row. liberty strewl. near lh<£atial. Pittsbargli, 1*:.
f AMES 8 McGUIKE, (lai of the firm of Aigeo and
V McGuire,) Merchant Tailr, fit Charles Building*,
Thud street, near Wood, Pitiiurgh
JAMES A. A Co.—Successors to
Lewis llmoliiwn A Co. Commission Merchants,
and Aceuu of the SL Loui Steam Sugar -Refinery.
No. 45 water and W from sttets, Pittsburgh
I ,S. DILWORTH A Co.Wholrjale Grocers, Pro
»/ * duce and Commissist Merchants, and Agents
for/the Hazard Powder Oa -f N. Y- Np 27 Wood at,
Pittsburgh. _ jal
JOHN D. MORGAN, Wbleutle and deal
er in l>yti Stuff*. Pummtils, VanmEes, Ar , No M
Wood street, one door Soucof Diainnnd Alley, Pm*-
borgh. __ janl -
TxhßS KERR, Jr., A Ci, (sueeeseur lo Joseph (J.
V Davie.) Ship Chandlers, 5 Water #tr*?et P.-31
J OHN H. MELLOR, and Retail dealer
iu Waste und UuAe&l Idtrument*, School Books,
Popufj Blares, Bte.-I .Pena, Oilts, Pnnurs' Cards, and
Staiioaarj generally.NAai t ood »i n Pittsburgh? .
P~r* Hags bought or I alien /trade. septa-
«_Nb_v’4_\ViKKi wrnev, Pitsiurgh. .
1 oilN i>. DAVIS,* AbcUotfer, comer sth and Wood
»* sireeG, Pittsburgh. __ _octs_
JOHNSTON’ A HTOCKTCN, BookseUea, Printers
and Pape; Munuiacttues, So. 44 Markrt sc, Piu»-
burgli. •- ; jro_
JAR. FLU Vi), Male J Floyd A U>.) Wholesale
_« (irveer#. No. lil*4 Libei| -street. t.-pi
JAMEM liAl-ZKLi*. Whcesale Grocer. Ccmuiuiun
Merchant, and dealer a Produce and Pittsburgh
No.tM Watr Pittsburgh, jauld
EJER A ju.N KS, I wr ivarsug aud CmanusFion Mcr
chonu, Dealers in ProCtee audPiUAborgh maim-
Uciured arneles. Cacjd Bam, near 7U* st <l*4l
Vetuvlai Inn Works.
LEWIS, DALZELI-A Cl., ninnuiaclurers of all si
zei liar, Sheet, Boiler h»n and NaiUoftyebeai
<l«ality. WarefiouKe, 54 wafer and 105 front «ct.
LS WAl’l-iILMANj Whdewile Grocer, Forward
• mg and Commiuion Alirchaul. Dealer iu Piu»-
burgh Maiiulncluiej and Proture, No*. 31 Water si.,
aud W From sc jV7
JOHN hTOILL- iML y. u%<aJ_ WAL7RH C. EoE-
McGILLS A RUE, WholesaleGmcers aud Commis
sion Merchant*, No. HM ijlioriy Pittsburgh.
MURPHY, WILSON & CO\(lato Jones, Murphy A
Co.) Wholesale Dealers m Dry ,Goods, No. 4?
Wood street, Pittsburgh. oovtK
MORPHY A LEE, Wool Dealers und Commission
Merchants, lor the sale 'of American Woollen
Goods, Liberty street, opposite Fifth. ootitly
K. ALtKS, iIJT SUCC*, Wit K. SlJtU'l.
MiI.LKN A Co., Commission and Forwarding
) McrchnuU, Water Arid Front sts., between
Wood and Market sts jajid
W»». KII.LE*, C. W. &ICXK»O.V
MILLER A BICICETSON, Wholesale Grocers ami
Coratuixtioit Merchant*, No. ITU, Liberty,si., Pitts*
.burgh, Pa. ’ janl4
VI TToLMKS A. SON, No. 55 Market m., second
i.S » door from corner o! Fourtli, dealers in Foreign
and Domestic ItilU of Kxnhaugc, Certihcatcs ol Depos
it. Hank Notes a ad Specie.
PSr~ Collections mad on ah Utr principal ciuci
tUfflUghooi tur l tilted Stale*. . decl7
0 BLACKBURN It Co., Wholesale Grocer* und
• dealers tn Oils, Boat Store, and Pittsburgh Mau
oiaetnred orucles, have on band, at all limes, a mil and
general ivsvartmcnt uf goods in their line, Water Street,
ear Cherry Alley. Pittsburgh. aal;*
ROBI.RT MOORK, Wholesale Grocer, Rectifying
Distiller, dealer in Produce, Pittsburgh Manufac
tures, and &U kinds of Foreign and Domestic Wines
and liquors, No. 11 Ijborty street. On band a very
large stock of superior old Monongahela whiskey,
which tvdl he sold low lor cosh. aplSily
RICH ABU UARD, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in
Lruthi-r. Morocco, Shoemakers’Too*» and Kind*
uigrs Tanners’' 'and Cullers’ Tools, and Tanners' Oil,
No. Ilh) Wood sl, Pittsburgh. scpld .
s-raiun tosiis-js, sAHtu. a cu&uaox
RHUBINSON A Co., Wholesale Urocers, Produce
t amt Commission Merchants, and Dealers in Pht»-
i.uTifh Manufactures, No. ltd Liberty si., Pittsburgh.
ul.Kirr IMIJZfcIJ. it. Co., 'WitolMalV Grocer*,
Cumnm-noa and Forwarding Mervliom*, dealers
in Procure and !'m*burgi> Manufactures, lnlicrty si.
I'ituburglt, Pii. leb24
OBT. A- ~L^JNNiNGIIAM, _ W l.ofa*aie' Grocrr,
Dealer in Produce and Puuburgh Manufacture*,
:%o. 144 Liberty #l jyli
KL, o. KXYKI'LCM, t. i. BUJC*.
FYNuLIiS A SIIKK, Forwarding and Comn»**ioQ
Merchant*, for the Allegheny Rjvrr Trade, deal
en'm Grorertea, Produce, I‘UUburgh Manufacture*
stul CLioritle of Lune.
TLr Ingbr.Kt in cash, paid at all tueea for coon*
tty Comer 01 pen* and Irwui si*. janXl
SMITH A JOHNSON, Wholesale and Retail Dealer*
in MUlturry bood*, Lace*, Hosiery ami Faney
ArUclr*, No. 40 Markn Mrcel, U«i door above Third at,
»- r. atiACKLEn, rims. a. whit*.
SIIAOKLETT A WHITE, Wholesale Dealer* In
Foreign uud Dommiic.Dry Good*. No.tW Wood *i.
Pitubiirgh l*ib.l7ti
A W. HARBAGGH, Wool Merchant*, Dealer.
1, in •Flour and Produce genrmlty, and Forwarding
and Comminioc Merchant*, No Aj Water «i, Pm*
LjMiTii, BAG ALEV A Co., Wholesale Grocer* and
Q Produce dealer*, ,*.■> '££J Market street, between btb
end 6UI, North *ide, Philadelphia. o«vs
r. ,jw *t mmaußsu. -roun memo*, uahila.iu.
SKLLKKS A NICOLA, Produce and General Com
nii«;ion Merchant!,Ho. 17 Liberty »t., Pittsburgh.
Sperm. Liaseed and Lari Ufa.
ZT F. VON BUNNHORST, 4Co , W hoiraalc Oro
da crjn, Poniarding and Commission Merchant,
Desert In PiUaborgli Mamifactnres and Western Pro
dace live removed to ibeir new wait boo»«,(old stand)
No 05 corner oi From at and Chancery Laue.
\y i ’ t*ot H. - SCOTT
TROTH A SCOTT, Wholesale and Kelail J-oJer* in
Boou, Shoe*, Trook*, Carpel Bag*. Ac., S. W.
orrer ol 4th undJJwuhheid Fiiubuigh, Pa. <a l
fivkSSEY A BI'JST* Wholesale Uio-ef* and Ootamnt-
I muh MerrbauL, aud dealer* il Pm«3ucc. No. :B
Wood sL, _ .
/uKH~t>» wica, uavip iTcajiulks*.
H' JCK A 31'CANDlESS, (»occei*or» to L. A i. D
l/V Wick,! Wholeaale Grocer*, Forwarding and
CoßU&iseion Merchant*, dealer* to Iron, Na:l*, Gla»i>.
Con*-t-Vani*,and Fnuburgh MaaoMcture* generally.
Wood and Wai-i jre«i*._Piii'-bureU
■\VftST BOWKS—Oonimmlon uud Forwarding
W Merchant, No. #0 Front at belw-en Wood and
Market ktreeia. .
W \v. Wallace, Mill *ume an<i wni Fumuh-
V Inn euftblirtuneui, No 3M Liberty sL, uearihr
raaai.|; tutirSS
\tf ; W""WUSoN, Deatrr.ia Waui»r«. J*'w C ir>,
1 T-*Aitver Ware, Military Owodj, A•• , No. Mar
ker gt.uov“
WiClrtUßViTv. Cv'hol r»at<- and IU-taii dealer in
« Foreign and- Domeitic Dry t»i*»d«, north ea*l
corner*!* itaritevaml Fourth »U * aug2i
wx- 70pu>. ~im> a. n'ccnk.
\X7 M-YOuNO ft Co.—Dealers m leither hide*, Ac.
TT Liberty at. ,jnS.Jy
wa. » CoTcueua.
b>Bl U'CL'tCHSUtI*
W* R. M’CU.TCirEON.AVtiofeaalr Uroccre, deo
• in Prudnce, Iron, Natla, <*i;isi», #ml
bargli MnnufQclunr»,jcuer<Uly, Jtt Lri-fty *l, Pitt*-
W. W. WILSON, Wmchr*, Jpwclrt. Silvrr Wore,
• , and Military Uoorir, conirr of Slarlret and 4lb
lalreett.'.l’itttburgb, Pa.. N. U.—Watch*-* and Clock*
carefully - -rrpturetl dec-1
A'Ll tltW WILSON, Portrait and MuiuUurePain
ter. Houma, corner of Pont intro Alley und
Fourth uticat, entrance oe 4lh near Marin
dectl-du. ;
IOHN XL ; TI>\VNSJSND, Druggiityu.* Apou.i-cnry,
V No. 45 Market at, three doors above nurd n !'m»-
barglt, will have constantly on band a w.-.i selected a*.
•oruscntorUtd t»C*t nntl freshest ftledtemr*. which He
Will iel! on the moat reasonable tenn- Ptaynctan*
•coding orders, will bo promptly amended to, aud»bl>-
Pl<d wub amele* they may rely upon a* Renuine.
Qj?*Pbyrdcuuta Prescription* w»Q bo t.cruratcly and
aetby prepared from tire beat material*, at any' b»«r ol
tbo.aay or rufhi-
Also for selo. a lire* atork of fre*b and Rood Perth-
MTT. . r _ janl
X A. ILASON & Co, No" tJU Markft xirtct, have
' 4** last icceivcU the larged invoice of L»ueu« cT<-r
bffcrctl by UteuL, cowpriiiug twenty different guaUurv
Ullthi£h U>cy would invilr Qic attention ol wliolc»»Jr
paiciiaserg. . feba
- kl
Wl .. rt , iy ,.. .... . - ‘ w .. - t .-,
Marble works on i.iuERTy yr. opposite
/tONTINI ES tu munuiactnre Mnnummi*. Punal
Vy Vault*, Tombs, Head Sione«, Muhiel iVw.iVn
ire and Pier Tojn oi foreign and dojnmdie niarbb*. ai
a regular and fair pru-r.
N. B Drawiiu's lur tnouumeui#. vault#. Ae rurni»i>-
ed,-oi any .le*eripmni lie solu-it# r>- |*«iMie
nm^cdu, jo*, c. r«wxa, tM«»s*TA»cKii. ;r
JACOB POCSK. mix IHiS. )I*M *. Ll'JtKk.
SIMPSON A Co, manumeturrr# of Vn .#. UottU->.
und Window (Pass, keep eou.taOt/y on bund a
general UHsortmer tot the anove Hrticlr*. A!*o. make
to order a superior article of Mineral or Sodu-Water
Houles, of colornl No. lti Womi si. Pm«barph,
Pa. au*3i-<>m
"VITILL'IAM SMITH. Mnnufaetor-r oi Jloitnn and
Tf colored L.nen,-Fringe* for Dresste»,Ae;
Silk aud colored Cotton Fringes lor sift and rin-hmn
PurasoH. Gimp. Mohair, and Silk Ronton Frntfres.
made to order on ’.he «b*ne*lnotice.
Brnuc. corner u ; Maiden Lane and WiJham. emrunce
No h 5 W'illinm sircrt. third door, over Abner A Wv#’
Store, No lid Maiden Un- NowVorK ;>H* _
I. RBRSEi; "
MANI FACTrUKRoIStcom Bontnbd Fnmitv B.:u.
ket«. Banimr. Coltnn Maltras«.e« iittd Comforts of
all sizes Warehouse, No. *»» Water street. Pittsburgi,
KENNEDY. CHU.US a <"<>., Mauuftcturers of very
rupcrior 4-1 Sheeungs, Carpet Chinn. Cotton
Twine and Batting. jalAWy
fSs£ji PEKIN TEA 72 Fourth
near Wood—All quomiuc* of Green and
Block Teas, done up m quarter, half, and
one pound packages, ranging from 50 cl*, per pound
*1,50 jy* A. Age for Pekin Ten Co
Duqurins* Sj>rlnc, Axie, Ste«i anil Irou
COLEMAN, UAII.MAN A Co, manufacturer* of
Cotter, and Hipttc Springs, liamnicrr.l Ailr.,
jinring and Plough Steel, Iron. Ac. Warehouse on
Water and Front streets, Pi::»|iur«h .
Also, dealer* in; Coarh Trimmings aud MallcnMc
Castimf* oeti-j
XJ BUCKMA.STER, Aizjuukax—Office., Fourth si.,
i.«i . third door above SiuiUiiirld. suutii side.
Couveyauctng of all kinds done rrilh the preaten
care and legal accuracy.
Titles tr Rea! l-Utale eiuinuird, Ae oct3tl-ly
W r A m! MITCniXTREI-; Wholesale Grocer,
If • Rectifying Dt-«iillcrs, ami Win«- and I.iquo,
hletchants. Almi, Importer, of Sods Ash and Blcn. !i
-iTg Powder, No. l«0 >tr.*m, l*t;t*burgh, Pji.
HAM1 LT ON HTKW ART, mnnuiarturer oi Heavy
Shirtings, Check*. Ac . Rebecca Vtreet. rity Ol
Allegheny tmvlAdly*
d T A * NI “>'AT At.F N T S
maaasaua ocmi no. 42 water nm-i
JOHN FINNK7’, Jr.. Agent at for the Del
aware Mutual Halet) Insurance Company ot I’liila
adelphiu. Fur Rmis upon btuldmg- anti mrreiuui-Ji/e
ol ever)' de.rnption. antt .Manne Ri»k4 upon bull-or
cargnes of vr-«l*, taken upon me most i.troiubie
nj- Udice m the \\ arehou.e oi W B Holnu-* A Hro
No 37 Water, nenr Alnrkct street. Piu*Uurgh
N H —Tiie success ol this Company since the ealsb
lishiuent of the Agenry in this city, with itte proinpi
ues- and liberality with which every claim upon tnnn
lor lo*s h»i Iwm udfU-rtrd. tuttv warrant tlie ascot m
invmti£ the t ontidcnce und patroituge ol friend, and
the community at large 10 tfie Delaware M j< Insu
rance f V>mpnny, u pile it ha« the additional adv amuses
us an ULstituDon among the most ttisurishdig tu Ptulmie).
ptua—ua having an ampin paul-m rappsL which by the
opersUou ut m ch»ru;r is connamly u
yielding to each perrou uisured hi* due stiiiie o< Uu.-
profits ol Hie company, without linn in any
res*>on*il)iluy whatever, aud liicrelofr n- i.iu;;
the Mumtd principle djvclcd ot ever. Obnoiioii*- lea
tore, und in its mint fonu miv t
T’HE Insurance Company of North Amenca, toiougli
it, duly uuthoru.-d Agent, tlie ,uUwji(tl. odt-r. Ui
moke permanent uad .mined lu-.irm.-r on pr..j«-n>, 1.1
thts city fci'.l it- vi.-unty, «n« o» -n.puiro:- t>i .nr « ,
nal and Kivrr#
Arthur <■ C-otbn. I'.tiarles Taylor,
riam'l V\ June*. Ambrose While.
Edwunl Smiin Jacob M Thoms-
John A. Brown, J»tm K. Ned.
John White, ILcbartl D Wood.
Thomas P Cope, Win Welsh.
Stitmuel F SlirilU, Krann -LoWel..,
Sonuu-.l Ktoos-. S Austin A1. ...0n,:,
ARTHL'K t. t.ul-HN. I'lr.-t
Hettsv D StliSßHKau. ftrr’y
This ta the oui. -i lu*ut.»n.-r Compnny iu ttir ('ailed
Slate*, having chafiere.l in U»4. Ii- ctiartrr i
perjieuial, and ffoin its higii slamliug, long cijveTiei,.-r.
ample means, and avoiding hl, ti»k-of uu extra haz
ardous chnracicr, it may be con-idrred a' utfertng mo
pit: si-z’iirit)- to the public IV P J»*Nljs
Ai the Counti. g ivooOi of Atwood. Join * A i « . Wii
ter and From *tre«i» |'iti#l.ursli inn>f>
f| 'HE Franklm Fite Insuranrc Company. oi Phitad.-I-
X phis, will mate Insurance, pontmiicai and UQ'iird
on every draeTTpttnn Of property m FiU*l«tr*:hM»<J the
surrounding country, on fsrvurabJr terms. Tim* com
pany ha* n perpetual .■•wncr
iWtial. S-Ibojwu pud Jfl.
Coaungri.t, Fund
Oiiv rorii-r ul Thud and Market street*. Pillffburgh.
apf» WAItKICk MAKII.N. Ain.i
ft'HE SL'BSCKIBKR bn* boon appointed Asj-i.t pro
X tt-tn. of the hi.urance Company ot North Amen. a.
and wMf nrnip Policies qhi! attend 10 Uin oUirr liui.iwif
of tile Afr.T,. 11l tvarrlu.i»»<? to A: Wi-o-l. j «• 1 r • 'A.
i In. up IV v\ \I i* j i»iN k> .•.
No. 59 South Wharves
PHIL, i . i.PHIA
BEGS to lu/onn the "-s and dealer? generally. o>
Pittsburgh, that they i..i ttmde sut-.h arrun<.>
with the Virginia manu'i ; -rer. and die i.iuwtnui
the WeM, Went Indie*. a:., j her p.aec*, in w >.i insure
a Urge ami constant *up| , of in. fallowing dew-rip
uoiu of Tobacco, which wn. be to.’d oj<on a* acconi
mixlatiug term* a* any other iu)u*r iu this my or rl«e
wiirre, and all goods ordered Irotu them will be war
rented eqcat to representation:
Havana, sit- Domingo;
Yara, Porto Rico;
Cuba; . Iguuti;
ALSO— Branch's celebrated Aromatic Smg Caven
dish. with a large assortment of awer popular brands,
and qualities oi pouudn, &*. os, 12s. Hm and .hi*. Lump,
St. A. -s and 10* Plug; Ladies' IwK Virginia Twaa.
Ac., sweet and plain, in whole and hall bvXi-s, wood
and tin, together with every vurmiy of article belong
ing to the trade. jeltidiy
j Bsanxr. s. luo-aii. i i»*aairrjais.
Pradaee, Commliilon and Forwarding
No. 112 Notmt Wuaiibi, ash WO VVaraa Sr
RcFkk to— John H Htwwn A Co .
Robert tilecn Alfa. . , , .
BunoA. !!>«», J, r., |
bomh. Uaguley ACo j
Al'en A Parian, New i ork
VV alters A Harvey. Baltimore
, Bmjalcv A Smith, ;
Borbridgc,Wii.*oii ACo I „ . .
• Ua2ey, Brew.,! i:„ e.u.l.on!U
KterAJnnes, )
Liberal cash udvanre* on consignment* i«> our
ad dre mi. rtmrlßr.dly
And General Comminlon Tlerctunti,
No 13S»>wu WsTUsSracsr,
REFERENCES—Henry Graff A Co, PiUxLurgh
Rodgers A. Shrriook, 1..
» S,Ao»lr) I j ‘
A. td. January'. Muysvtlle
Charles Btu-lmm, Jr. I.oiti*ville
LhiliJb. Humphrey* A Co i
Merer., lire Ho Iphilad a
Krrd A llroin. i J
apVdly Ikutllh A Cou«uu-r>. New kurk
iamico AMMsrau.So. lusiu. uwm
\J Pittsburgh, I'n-, will attend promptly u» it.r Aide oi
every description of'Western Produce, mid oilier ar
Ucles entrusted to their eare.
Kura* to
Hanna, Hussey A Co. Pittsburgh, Hanna, Graham
A Co. New UsDon, O.; Merahams gmnrali). W tin
vtllc, O , Rhode* A Oilei.y. Ondgrport, U, A 11. Uuh
ardsou A Bro Cincmnnu, J. F. Howard, Loumviiie,
Ky; Guile A Dorwon, st Lours, M. Isoyie», ''ictiberi-
Ville. ueri;
UJIAtN, R£kD i LU ~
(Snerr »sor» to Reed. Hurd A .)
„ i, BOSTON, Mass.
Parueblar attention paid t© the «nle of all kind- oi Pro
duce, and liberal advances made on conupnftienu
L. R. A Co. have leave io refrr to—
Mrssru R. ilubisoii A Co. I
McGill A Une, i »*.«*htfrjsh
Kred, Park. A Co., Reaver,
•* Lawiuiu A Covodc. WclUvillc, O
Iluswell Marsh, V>q Mrubrnvilie O
Brady, K*q. |
W F Peterson, E-.q I
Mersrt H Crangle ACu >'V heellnr \a
< till A Stout. }
“ Rhodes A t>gleby, Bndgenon, y
Htfeivin?, Porwanling amt Uturrul Com mis
sion iUerehaal,
(toMMKBCIAL HTBRirr, J*T. lajL'l*. Mo.
N. U Strict attention paid to ordrrK tyr purchai me
in tin* market, and all buMitess promptly irunmetr.l
Rclrirnre ul Pittsburgh, John M'Faddu A Co
dectte-dlltn _
Commliilon itml Forwardlneincrcbattl.
* no 2G woob st., rtmoumnf,
to trammel u general Coikuntssiou bum-
J lies*, especially Ui the purchase and sale of Arsen
can Manufactures and Produce, and m recetvin« and
forwarding Good- consigned to In* care As Agent for
the Manunir.bircs, he will be con*tnuOf supplied with
the principal articlos of I’lttsburgli Munftfaetnre at llie
lowest wholesale pnees. Orders and consignutetiis
are respectfully solicited. t
and dealer in
Iron, Kalla, Cotton Yarns A PUl»bnr B h
Uanufaoturei g«n«r*lly.
so in wtmiii VTSKKT, mraafEOH, r*.
Forwarding Merchant, Brownsville, Pa.
Attend* pttrucularlv to the Forwarding of Produce,
Ae Ac.
For any mfortnaiion. apply io FOR?*YTII A* Ll N
CAN. Water «* oeilh
I’lilLADKL.l' 111 A,
For the ante ol Produce gnir '*l1}
IIJ~ Liberal advance, tinulr on rouaigiuocni'
XIFILL n 1 *0 tit tend to i-oli.-etion* and all other basi-
W nr#« enin»«'-tl tr* him »n Uullcr and Armstrong
('o-- I’a Rc-ertn
) 1: ptnvd. Ulicriy -l 1
\V. M W.lilac**, do 1
James Marshal! ,j ft f Fm«l>urirh
,11 y Knv A C-o , Wootl *t J u,n?
| H SWKITZEJL Auorncy at law. odsc.• 3d *t .
*/ « o|.|m«iir M rintrli-# lln.ri, Pitul>ur«h. \v>ll uLo
urn-,I pniTiipi.y t.. fmlerimns. m Wasiimslon, I'u) e’.te
ai -I Gre.-Ii rountj. *. pu.
Black-toek, Ivll Sc C,. , \
t'hurt-h A t nrmlirrt, vpitisburi-h
l) T Morcan. l •»-**l'Ully
JA» J. HENRY. Attorney and Ommceltor uli-uw.
J. I'mcmnati Ohio Collection* in Southern Ohio,
»' d m Indiana, Mill m Kenluckv, protnpity a.'d care
iudv attended lo Commissioner for tltc State of Palin
'rtlv:i:i,4. for lakt u> L>-j«* sit uu-*. uckuow ledgment*.
. A .
Rsvesto—Hon VYm. Beil A Sou. Curtiz Church A
CiiroUioni. \Vm. Huy*. h>q.. Willock A Davu a*js
it w wiluzm*. *” ‘ wm xi aiuxrt.
W r ILI.!AMS A SHINN, (succcssora to I-owric and
"’iliiiim* ) \t’ornev« and Cootfi-Ui.ri. ut Law.
Otfico North side oi Fourth street, above Snmhficid.
A TJ’i >K NEY AT LAW urh.-c removed t.. Fourth
aV. sir-''-;, liciwvu Stnit.ibc.d and Gram #t-«et.
j n 3-d. Ill)
DCM TIP A SRWTSI.L. aitor-wy at Luw. oifiee* on
Smut.lieid. hr-wi-r-i 3.1 und 4th It*.
JOHN ]( RANK IN, Attorney and Counsellor at Law
mm Commissioner for the route ol Penn*) Ivama
Lou.*, Mo.j ilut-' ul Piioburgh.)
RKrxuKM-Ks.—Pm-burgh: Hon W Fbrwnrd. Hump
on A Milter. M'Coodloos A M Clure, John F. Parke,
U.*-e|i, A Mi-mpie. M'i'ord A Kiiik irtlrly
* TrollNKY AT LAW. Fourth street, between
J\ SmiiMictd nml Grunt. mlii-dOm
ATTORNEY A r LAW, Fourth street, near Grant.
7U T 0 H RolllNJtoN, Aiiornry at Law. has re
\7 . moved his othce to the Exchange Buildings, Si.
Clair »t, next door to Alderman John*. ap!7ly
Tilt-'. subs< riber. in addition to lu* own
SB mannfacluriii'T of Hals, hns made arrange Jui
with M -ssrs Bcbee A Co„ uhc
fashionable hatter* of the ciry ol N«*w Yorlr.ijora reg
ulur supidy of hi.* erlrn fine Bilk Hats, and having just
re.-eiveJ a few c:ur«. gentlemen run be suited with a
very ru-h and l-rutmtu L.ul l>y railing si Ins Dew llul
and Cnp Siore. Sumhf.cld sired, sqcoi|d door south 01
Fourth, where uui W found a great 'Vurtciy ot lint*
u.n Cup* oi hisow.i uianuiii.'Uirc. whoietalc and re
tail. HoL* made iu order on short notice
aptrj James wiijson.
Jffl (Surrrs-.T* i<> M'Oord A King)
Fsihlousblt Uatteri,
(V*«*» of IFoiaJ ii«*J Fi/Vi Sireetx.
})ARTI< ( l.Ut uueuimn pa.d to oar Retail Trade
(teuUcuru t-BK tel) upon gettibg ibeir Hat* ami
Cup* (rout our estabii'fiuiem of the mar msTTUjzL* and
W. •ttRUXNVIir. or if * I.AIKST nTVLKO, Ultd Ht Ul. LOWtM
i'.‘untr\ .Mexeiiaiit*. purcliawna by wholesale, are
rr-pertmliy uiTitrd io sail amt examine our Stock, x*
w<- cun *s) wivn , unfidenee that as regnrds vCAt.iTT
and muck, ii will *kh *ulTet m n wttii any
house in Philadelphia. febl?
ew H.ATsi. caPSj AND MUFfS s
JS mbsenher i* now r.-< riving from 'bewSjSl '
oi New \ ork. a clioirr a«a.trtmenl *T 11,, *«
of Hut* Cap* and Mufi?.,late«l lashions, ni *re*i vane
rt :mJ tri, eheap »\h«»le*alt and retail.
u.ivlJ :*i!u.libeid *!. 2d door south ul 4ih
, n Fall ior pvn
Jftt H e C OR D A Co., , fg
lU-. K m’ioku A kinoO
TT T ILL m-rodur- on Saturday. August tff.ih. Urn
V Y Fsii .*•) !e ol 1 In;*. )u*l r.-e.-n-i-d livm New Y**rt.
Tl u.r in want 1.l a neat and Iw-aunfui ha:, nre mviie.l
lo • nil ut tiietrii.rnri ■>! I'itth and Wood »treet«
i\ !•% J A All . F JA.MJft, I'ini-uiiiiit,. ihe lui.ovtu.e.
Tie V a-.d .n-uiijn- \'.,.[k>—*
I klmpll :l n'« F.V[*e.'lli«>l|- t'OMtUiUing a .k.'etlli' 1 tie
Lie o: C.. 1 AI W I>ni.q>lt.-.|l. Hie Oz.n.jne.i ,>i Nr**
Mm I.»• s )ienrn-v .trtnn.n.l n. CzL
||-- unpulutw-le.l M - u upMti « I an.' lin
an.l lUI- tJJn-rutLiii* *-l G«-.1 at t- -.»-"l :i
Map und l-jigtuTin I.V John T Hughes, A 11->' U.c
l*t Kegimeui oi Mir-ouri Cavalry
il.story of tlcniurk v- li.* Anttqtntie« and Natural
Cunoeilie*, lioiigraplucnl Sl.n>*ncnl aud l.rv.iog,,u'
deHenpunum, willi anrgdules uf Pioneers Life. t.iJ mere
liiau one butidmd rapni.-al akei.-liei* >»f iL*l.:i;;uish
cd Pioneer*. Soklicr- SiNie«t,eu. J.iruu, '.rvun, Di
vine#, A.- : illusiraud with forty engcavings, by lzr»ii
t'olmtßjl vol octavo
Tl.r Twelve Alonlas Yo.utiicr.r. or Joun.n: r>{ a l*r,-
rair ii! ilie Te:i!ic-*re Regiment of Cavalry. in tfie
Campaign of Mexico, during l < 4fm?.*'v» nimni! an *<•-
t*ount oi ilir .Man lt <>l llir Regiment u> Vrra Crux, a
dr-aenpuun of ttic Country pa**ed over; manner*, rg«.
tom». 4c of tfc* pcn|.l«; Skoictic* of Carop late. a r.
counit n( an Uie ai'Uom n! oiuer Volunteer Itertiwiu.
ami a ful! Hi*:ory of in*- Mexican War, ot ,;.e Kil
led sad Woumkii. Ac; illustrated L»v a large number oi
eorfcrt Vlc*«* :»n J , ,;wt». ■•)• < iro i* Cur M-r | vxniiir
NK U Lo<>K< Kn»i SCHOOLS. Ar—K>mrnt, of
ixi>il >|v|>rf)c!tl Truroiu<m**ify, \nin (lutirap
|i;x:niion« to .Nirniunnon. r-urvryiug m,.! NavnaUoii
liy l-oortu*. A M
\'in.f-rtoii'« M-iiK>ral>i m m Socralo. with Kn;'i«li
iio;ci«, cntu-u. J r if.inn.tii.:} Life of Soornle*. Ac
U> C Anti.Oi;. L i. 1)
M’Clir-iock A Crookk KfM Boot in Lreek; contain
ing a full view o' t/ic form* oi word* with vocabula
ry* niitl ropmut cXctci*cv A.
1 No 11 7 tsoutb Water sL
Sake*! • Final llrok m Spsmwti; or, a practical m
irodurunr, the .tody <»< me«h Language
Kook k- ' p.iig 1,;. «.:ipir and cloulde *»mry Pract.-
ca' 5- adapted 10 the .niand aud maritime commerce of
Uin l mien Mama. B> Duff
A HiMnrv 01 I r. iron the r<>.rqor«t ol t/uul by
/UiiU« Ca-Hir til ill'- rr i|*n of I .out* I’hltlppe By.Mr*
Miirkh-un . Revi.ed improved uml en l ar7-d. l«jr Jacon
Abbott, map mu engraving*. For »alc t-y
derlV Apollo Blinding*. 4th at
Conn. »
Penn » . >rtecd Lent' to-
A } banco,
LIFK OF FltA.S'kl.l.N. li!u»irmrji—lu of
publication 111 :tic »nci&l torrn. by Harper 4 Bro
ther*. N**w ork, The Life of Benjamin Frank lin. con
»i»mur of hi* Autobiography. and * narrative of hu
pablii- I''V nml Wiriiri, l.y the Rev H Hamingx Wrl<l,
splendidly itioil liy rmmerou* exquisite deaign*,
hy John <» (.hgpman, engraved in the highe»t stylo „(
uj" The work i< printed in the ocihvo lonn, on su
perfine paper, trom bold and irgibie i> pe. It will t.c
com; lelrd in eight pan*, ut xS rent* ram. and issued
at briefinlrrvul* Kacti port wni tm received by ei
prc«* immediately after 11. publu-niion Fart l.i ju*t
the accession or J.irur* |l —Vi.l I
The Hiiiory of Alexander t;..- (ir« t.) Jacon Ah
boll, won ump and engraving*
The Hi«iorv ol Churle* the Firrt of England 1<) Ja
etd> Abbott rlegunt engr avlne*
Harper'* l.i'r Fri.nkiin w|.ir„.|,.|lv nni-em.hrd
by numrri'ui ••lipi.-ile de.,en< >; Ne l crub To
Firiunai Hi-tory <>l!.ial up in the reign m'gc 111 -coinplct.- in i voi.*, octavo KJlki illu-irn-
Uu'i* '
JtHM rr.Tiv.-il l.y R HOPKINS.
i<-MI Ap./ho Ru.ldingv lib ft
\lAt AI N Ills I c »KN UK KM. LA NO. \ ..u It
.(] ('tinliner» Pnsiliniumii \Xork*, Vo! i
Fraliktin* Ini* lllii..ruled p.i rl* II and 111
The Himory yi llhii.iii.hi Hie 1 nrtbaicinmn I f Jacob
|tlo*lrnied title, map und numerous engra
ving*- ‘ *
Ailler'* i • rainiii'r and Fiu'lml. Dirui.nary, octavo
Mi.ry ol i.l me John. in.m the French ol M O Jen
nrll Illuilruled
A. ton. nr the fife:.- of I,lie A collection ol Tho t*
amt c ihservation*. designed to d*linrhi« I ate. >1 wo arid
the Uoihl
Hart * Koniain e ot Yachting
Arkbinn Night* I jiterininmenf, i.aue * tr«u*lai.oii.
i.plendidly il!n»;rßtr.l lirmn
J n rl record b) R HOPKINS,
ni.-' A poll" Hall. 4lh *1
SPHOril. ARfHITFJTI’RK. or ro-unhunoin to tin
linprov rim nt 1.1 »ehnol Ikmmp* ‘ttl the I' Si by
Her) linrnuid AbunJiuiil) illu-trab-d wi h view*
and piu 10
Th-or) mid Praetn r r.: T. ui-Uil.g. or the molivr--.
nml ineiaoda of good «. | ( onl keeping by David l' Parr.
Teaehmg a bcieu. r tne T'ae r,e r nil A ri.-t by R R
Hall. A M
The lino! and (hr School Martef A manual lur
the ni*c nf learhri- employer*, irtntrr*. in«pei ti)r*.
Ac Ar or t'mmunu >chmtl* In I*ll porn lly Alnn
-70 Poller. L» D.utiiH. K. F4i»rr»on. A M liiu«irnird
With rueravini;* lot *.i.e 1.,
de.-aa K IHTKINs. AK-ilo liuildmga
7vHI.RI.«m:K UN 01 VINK I'KuVILIF.NO.--Tni*
O imnciio very ic.rir m-d eit-ee.lingK valuable
work, ha* iuu been piibb'ln-d b> J L HruJ. m g i* «u
llfill Krttio vol of Alii pnge. ii cnii'ani* tin- freon*
i.n mint ion* 01 -cverui etc re iim 11 ot (bit city, olldiili-r
-ent denomination* In one week 4t<l. l.uvn l.ccti
di-tnbuled m Ihc < it) of PiU-l.urgh and «übuib« In*
a book for every body lor «a'«- by
r.ovVA K HUFKINS. Apooo Duildingv 4ih
S«n«r - ' on llr-altli. PJiyncal Fklueatjon. and (fumun
Voice n* ba«*J upon me. hamcai pbilovqpby of
mail'* plivucul coii'Uint.oii. bring the iub.tunrq of liu
leciure* on the above aubjrrt* recomly debve.rrd .11
S For snlrbv H HOPKINS,
oetiy AjroUo lluilding, 4lh »l
IkßoOKs’ OVID - Tin* Mrtamorpho«e«,of l übbu.
J 1 OviJiu* NttMv; eiuritpitnl by a). aual)-i* aSid ei
{•lunation ui U.e FabJea, logcUier with ►
if.*tone,l, ADUiologrrai and .-Mic4. nml
from the iair*t Hy S
Mm hell, with *ll aernmpan line ill— HDionca , De** r.|>-
uve, r.eojtraphleal and Siou»ucal i-or »«lc by
deelj R HOPKINS. Apollo Building*. <ih «'
IYI ioR-ln Kbony and Jto«cwood orue*. W«Ur or
without Aru*i» color* For «Ke bj
rtrr-'.l II 11111‘KINS. At” 1 !” BuilJlnK*
MAP UF n;.\M»«tl-J »”i"*
Coumv A..r,<T. .u.1.0.4«J Vy HA SUM.. l>-
rr urt.innl .lorumriii' 1 »nJ
U.ID prw,T-il m-nrti cooiltl ■ u|nler *“ l I'°.* t
A fr* * U"" '" r «"
Book .e lie I * cor markcl mid JW *l*
ULD~PK)NS—-Twelve doren -u-4 re< ;^ v =‘'>i.°erem
» I hnni urn* vrl od.-'nl ll,r **lr. Bn»d<t with gf
rJ, ,r " ! w.
W U-. 1..,,, i.iii.burfh, ami warranted by I
" »* u*"ii, r t' l \V VV \VILS<>N.
- rornrr market nndHUi •*
|)Ts-'n'C '
* 'w W WHpiUN
i H'tlJrr. p a
lOGA.V a KENNEDY have day .n,.|.,ie.|
i with them in the Hardware hu*me*,' i*t> l l :p MM
•on und Edward Gregg The style nf firm will here
titer he Mgnn WQson * (’zt Tina arningrin-ni ren
der.« it desirable |p close it..- 0 M bii*..i. *« ... n*
|»«H*ible Ad |>er«i)ii* whose Luf-ililic* hav- inn-iirr.i
are csin-ctally requested in mnkc itnnirdi-ti.- p mrir.
PtluDurgh. Jan IA
TOGAIC, -WILSON 4b CO.—lmporter* and
i VATolcrale Dealer* in Foreign and Dom.-.uc Jliird
wure. Cutlery, saddlery, Ar . 1‘49 Wood .ir.-.-i, iMi—
burgh-litre now fully prepared Vuli n nupot
led .inrk t»rHardware. Cutlery. \e . in nlfer v.-rv gren'
indurement* lo wtfteru buyer*, firing deterni'i.e.l tr.
cninpele in price* w.tli any m u.- Ailant.r i-:;,.-. Al
- hand uu rxtensive of Puuhurvti Hard
ware, viz: Simvela, J*pudc*. Fork*, line-. Vice.. A c..
ail of which will be sold ut the lowest mnnuhietur -r’*
prior* »iinl
THE partner*!, p so long e»*u:ig under the firm O '
M'liord A Kitty;, wu oy muiunl i-ousem dissoived
on the Ist ui*i I'lje business will he dazed at the old
stand lg- eiilu-r ol ua using the mime of ih- ;.rm lur
lltdi purpose Kuxng desirous to have oar '>u*inr«»
closed with a* littlu delay as possible, we would re
apeetfullv requcM tho*e indebted to call and settle
Uteir account* JOHN I) M'CORJ).
joas 11 l) KING.
OHN n. MTORD hs*nng aswactated with him hfi*
brother Jatnos-M'Cord. under the «tvle of MVnrtl
k. Co., will cou'.miit' tile Hal. Cap nnd K*ir Lu.*me»s in
all us vanou* liranclu-*. whoiesale nud icliu!. a‘. the
old *uuid, corii'-r of Wood and sth «trvcu. wtivr® they
sclint a oontimiatfon of the patronage »o libenillv b«
•towed on the old firm. JoHN U M’CXtUI)
jidft JAMES 3. MtXiKD.
IN rcltring from the old and well known firm of
M'Cord A Kntf!. ) most respee-.fliy reromnu-nd to
the pauoitngc ul the public my successor*. Messrs.
M'cord, A Co .aa> U. D. KING.
Dissolution —Tlic partnership htth-rri erl =t
mg umlcr the stvle and firm of NYightmun A Dnl
zrll. i* this day dissolved by mutual coii*eni, John Dnl
irll having disposed of )u> enure ini.'ic*i to H YA igin
man Tins business o* liio lair firm will bo -ettle.l i-y
11. Wighuaan. who is authorized to u*r the nuine of the
late firm tor that purpose. II YYIGHTMaN
spuSMdw Quly I’47] J DALZKLI.
THE SuhscriUcr )« now preimred lo maimf.irturr alf
kinds oi C-otton and U oalen Miicbmcry. ut ihr shortest
uiiiice Orders lef\M R Wightmun s Kngiue Shop, cor
uer liberty and Water street*, will meri witn prompt
lrf-«Cok *t . betwren Federal ami S imlusiy »t» ,
•pttSHlt) Ailc.gheri) city
Y? have cnierrd. into partnership, under m- hriu ■>!
St’AIFE t AThINSON. rvnd will curiv on me Tm
Cofiper.aQd Sheet Iron W are m.xuuiai-toi)
Alsu. Itjarksmubiiig in all .1* ..rnnehr* a! :he nt.i
Stand ol \Vm B SiUute. F.r*! «lreei. near Wood
I’urtU-ulnt aitenttini given to «icamlmai work
IHaVE ihis dny-a**ociHtnd with ine in ihe 'sn-Je
hi.e Grocery. Produce and Commission bu»inc«».
hi) bioilier Joseph, under the hrui of J S DILWORTH
J S im.UoKTH
January t. I-4D
CTb-PAKTNKRNiIIP - Win Yount h»vie< thia
J dny a>*-0.-mini Miih him. John K M'l 'une. the lea •
llier bu*mrn* will berrsiiet l>e conducted undri u>s
hrtn oi Win Young A Co WII.IJAM Yol'Ntz,
)ans J.MI, R MCI M‘.
/ REDl'—Haring a Inr long lime <n«ire*sed
with a severe pun in ihr side aud r|,esi. arroinpumed
tvnh a dry coogh. l.wns mdured upon Hie «o.i
cuuiion of u frienji, lo Dr Tm-m'* U«:»kiii ol l.rt'ri
Wort, and 1 IIIU«( say ihi* Iliedicme r*n- M'.WrTPil
jrufpovi mdimrably. Mv di*ire«- w*. p,<~luerd i>v *
•cvrrr bart. and was gf-o> that n «ra* ** uu .tijln-uiiy
I ron (1 swallritv Or)' >ood lu.ioed lam *an.Ued Liu
•lureiiM! muii tiuve teiiMiir.-rievi ui CorisutiipiiLHi <>i
ISlui di‘>-«..-, had n :10l I-e, II I ureil ;<) lli. • . inf., .oil ■
iiiedn-ui.- To nt! who -rek lu prolong the. r • r\)
-.vuui.l 4,1 v r*r tire uv i.' Dr l'n> j• > r - Itn-* ,n> »
wnri J A M ES GO 'V A N. rift Ih.wer,
Thu mmliSine* -xp-< iuiu;n>n. rr-1..*
vrr, re»lor<r» ir’.glh. Ulld 1144 . bt' ctmttdrl-d *
penoi pr-parainilt-thr Ihe -m- a.i,l ;ifr i-ruHfii i" .
»ll'Ji 11 (if* I he«l a n,J I, ’ll.‘l *hmi..( !■•• f-*o- I
»! reined**-* 111 lkf I’UrlM'f ul nu» old .tint t-rv tr ..-.t.,-is U. I Jin’ll
«prc table ph)*.tiuik tin » I La,-Jill utUviM..i: I.u ' u ,..,. :,.U,UwU’ HUH .« u 111 ruder. and ~ i ,"j 11.1 1 •i y un-uf'
N uir--U an r.ti* laMe reputation lur i.« > mu. - • -,i,- im.-.-d Hi.- ,o>- .inm-’-.d- abon aiTel—..
i .of lu that i„ 'in- m.u. .li..i n ,-iMMn- i!: • ,i, ■<- in, ..i'ifiiir,-,i i , tviiii h>. mime
-Vli- ’lit; i L», N'l ifl.l pti’l :11 - •• ;1..f 11.. ilf.iini ui.l ’..ce P:...- a. ,1-heal.-. paiftUhlr.
or ,|Uifk» tlul • mpirir. :i„.r ...iJirtM Jt'iL.n.r ir.valnU, runviirwi nml
ULNSUMPTIoN l'l Hilt) -My ..HI a arc pronounced |,j m- ,i„><t em.n-oi phi-i. ;au
l<-al rolti, uved lu roup., fs-.mi: ..-at u to .my l/-l„ i ptcp-i r* Hit mrimil-rctiirr.
thick putihl liu i'f, at..l 1.1, 1.., ,'uit' . 11.,' 'inuv,,, . t) >vk .. , . on ... ' in a,/ b\ riici re
in 1..-.!, iruOl -alClt-.. H- 1.1 ;i - -•! ... |l„. ( .».||tri| nu,.<.' ||.„l l.r llicil
’ 11 • < *>' !• n Iron-,in ..... f. .I. Y-If l- • -..1 .m,.. li 3 .*-* I. r.y „> c IhmUh . J-t»n-- .St li.:iie.-
•• ’..lliea •hi..- H. ; ..... M. ■■ A. ... . Hu-« , \ .M.iuy, \.„ k .
Vr r m..ii ir A 1 ..d-r u.f. <j ..I 1.-- v, . . . 1.1a1.f A r. 1'1... i jin la. riioUlJit V Hrumili;e. Lit
mus l aoou Hi*' Veil wn» drier uni,.’* in .f ,1>• 1 » ) I,nn)f . an.! Ki : n:;s A IS- nnrl!. ('memnuti I Jhio
lor . oi l.rverwor-., an.l strang- a* .i may tip ’ WAI.I'KK HAKKR, Dorrbe-ter Mas*
I’ 11,1, ip-d, bn* fully h.. „ for vnir |.y nuir :n HAGALKV * S.MlTll. Agt*
j r[ , lM wr " ,, i h ' -,„i c... >ro» u.m„ K .,- a 4, WMo'kn . II ...J F '"■■■„ " ,,,r 'l™
IW Kl.| A Co. 4 Liln n> I’r... ui- l_«»i m ui«- ,ulp and
u**linper«H.«Hr. n--, d • ,„r lr„n K u ,.„, s Ih„u u,r L.jwt.
r - ■ I ri-u. imi. |Jri.oi,» vv 111 |.n.rur,. lumd
UIPORTAST VO THE AFFLICTED. s f .-u <r ,-a.l and m.imn. at .«i ;u ,|. r
Dr. Hosc'i Celebraied ' ,r: •'* • “ iUe » bu «-
| IK J A LX) It S. JIOSR :„r cWovci-P, uh., ..... J •*,
XJ pritftor oi ULwo.ttoM p<»|iular au.l Ueucj., .a' mr.l- R4 e»..m A. LA.MuNT A KNOX
n7rTt'i<n , mt!Ju.,’K C ibe\7on > < f . !,»'7/rVim7' U a'7!iLe«cl»ln<;. Cupping «.nd Bleeding.'
Chrome “ «: 11 ™*Y
cian. Dorior i’by«[c. and i> a graduate ol tft- l mvei«t> Al* ->.° *' rr '' l between \Voo.| and Sm.’J,.
tv of iVimrylvuuiU. trill tur ihin> year» .hht tint *’ ** I r*-«ii (...•rivril monift.y—ruteiidnn*-• ml
eurnged id me mvrtiicaiioii w< d.«u*r, a; , d mm,.,..,. V,f,UM Krierri.e.-, u,r ,u,> ..i IMuliuryi., Ant
catiou of romnl.e. U.rr. u, M *** l‘.r.n..,i:h*m
Tbrouyl, ihr li*ft of hn mflmlnir in o-i.rr- on 1 " ,OM r— lo !;,r pliy»ir,m,».r:,ni
•»»h h;« l*rophv!«etje Syrup and other m ,pmrd..-K '''* 1 . 1 ’ :r - m>.l , Airo. .. Mr K i(
h- hU4 j’mlird all eiHir.e K-r in rur.iiu ' >rrl> ' -!'i ,r < 'll’ i • -.jii. .l< .1 «-.:n limi-n-i
-tao«e dreiadful ami fatal I ut>, » '• f *" ®'>‘,/-* Tmr > v “! ~ „
• umplioil. Cmicrrt Srr.ifu.a Hlin, rr. - t ■ j . t , ffVjrA--l. M R UKI.A.NI.
Fevrr and Afu* - , Frvrr. ol ui. mi :,run,<• • .r) Naaiihtcturnl Tobacco.
:u«. and&:!‘.note ob*dtratr dim'a.rr ;>p.Mi!:ar m inriia., . lO HAStrair\ A Um-ier'» *up.nor .wrti S ,p»,
liidmJ r»rry for.B of dura»r u• ,«1.-r me u*p '"tO V.j uo M A Uoiu-i * li»
of tii> rained ip*, lo bumamiy i. i,'ir-noi by ;nc In n: ,lo I*r.. «• A. Harwor l'» •• -3
u*e of one compound only, lor .» otupnii’-ie «l do'to do •• •' Ifi -
wiUj Pb) *lolos;u , a! Lbw. nul l.y Lite U*.l «»i r... rrine- "d , ’ > do -lo !*•* arl A ||:irwno,l *• J A 111
die*, adapted lo add pre«Ti!,rd lor rai-!i ppe.j i,, rin 14 <m J Ho:-'•••»in •• ir.. ••
of d;io.-a»'i S' In du ,io •• j
Dr TomC Altrraiiv* }*i,u. when u«e.! xrr m- i:do Urn i 5 ••
vanaMr nctnuMedge.l io lx- *ii(>rnor lo ail mner ai »• do I' Ur. i. - •• - u
a purgauve oruverpi... luu.niuib a* uiey irate uk ~ V, ,!• i ••
boweu perfeciiy 'lree from ro»t.; eiu;**. unu'ml.,’ * " •ml'l l»'ui.-- ....
Golden i* adpmiril by the laruiiy to po4»r««pr,,,:. ’ K ', * • ■ n
li*r properiir* adapinl to lemale Hik-hii-i, but firm- ’» ..>> K i-, id •• 11■ ••
•ali«6'<l mat a boie inai is »mficieni lo p*ial»n<b w i.a - Ju«. m-.1.-r * id juii k«-l» mu! foi m'r
lia. I.rri; said in the Oliud* ol Ibr mo«l «kri.l:<'i. '■>’ HF.M.IJ. Bl'l 'KN()R A »*0
Tbe nlUicted »r« jjmsed lo raJi upon in- uyri.t. u•.-! 5' ■> w-.:. ■ ami jfi north wiiarvr*.
procure tjrau*! oar of Die Docior* ;>ampu ri • t'.M Piulnilmplua
u detailed •'-count of each rt mrdy and h* uppirrm on AIAMI'I < Tl K f.ll I’* ill A ('ClVli tn lif S
For sale bv Lhr fol owinj ugr,u». a. we. a. in ni»*; A .iv-n u> iump»
£>ruf:ri»u tbrougbbui Uir country t . \\ . ... , 11,.* . w i-w ;umu«
J M-bix.nui.Urr A Lo. al Win..! .irr. •. P ;:.;.urx:., V- l..iw- .•],mi|. r in'-
J M rown»cnii. 46 Martel *: a H<>\ .vr •• ;t« >*
I.ea A Urcbbnm. “ neur the Pit A i.rel.e ■. y • .... -.*l Dupmii .Jr :* Knrr) - in
Jo* Itarkiey, Ihirlierton. Heaver oouniy. }•« ; , -.
Jno Kiiion. tjmpn Valley. •• j. Lnwr-- ,•• Ixuirr -s*a n- plug
T Adam*, Heaver, .... J a .i :a...1,„c ■ami for >.uip by
novliMlly UKAU) 111 I'KNUIU i'o.
Jaynek l Ri|>cclorKi)l. D V '- k "rr h nml |i> \ wlmivi *,
SxI.KM. Giliunil’lmnt <-u . f»., Apr d 4. Irll niv"l I'biladrlpliia.
DR l) Ja'».\» Dk*u Std I Ire! bound in > ->u ■ W. 4 J, ULESS, Book Binder..
and illr Hlftietrd put. ir to a vail myelt nil lim op- mi' r. c ..,•••.1 Hi.- nl.uvr l.u.uir.. .•nfu.T
ponomfj oficivHiirpul.liriiy to U.r eauiu.rdmary rdr. i« ■ Yl <>, U ~ „mi nl IMi.liarfli.whrr
■•( your fjrpe'-roranl on my self HaTihg iiern ..ritn-n-«l ; w arr |.r> |.,irr.i ,i., «n, «,„ v ~, „ u , lltl j r> ..
I<»r several y-ur» wan a »esrre < ou«lt, heme lrv,-r , j, a ii-1« H . i,. nui - A <>rk |., m ,|
ami il» roiiromiiaut tinea*-*, am l —-aii-it only ditomrd ,* . ! t,.- r-.. • r ,n rei-urd :•> it« n-uine.kanildii
to .m<er out a .bort but tin.-ruble -tn-irnc-. until m- t lau.m,
lull of l-CHI when, li.-inj more v-rety a’tark-Ml and |t H,,„k . ru -d 1.. nnv pxti. rn and l.mind «üb
h:i v i.ig re.on-d to all my tonurr*, mid Urr pr— | .i.mii’iliv Hi*-k * ... j,urni»-r- or ..Id book* bound rare
•rription* of iwo of tile mo*t ph> mi:iiiiu ai j jy.i) i„ lejimr.-.i ,s I(nr . ~„i on i-.x.s . ~, KM , iene f ..
Hie n-igliboriiood WUl.oui drnvmg uny bcnrbi, or lb- I'm,*, ba.-wo’k m our -m- nr- mvii-.t in rail
consolation 01 .urVnmg I.ul a >' -v day* <»r week* ul * p, in\*Al:lf
lartii-«t w|.-n iln* lo»t el-uni or hope wa« uhoiil 10, I had rm-otuniruded tom- your Kip-cUirant - 1 n TKAM BOAT BLANKETS,
and l.i-.»e<3 t.y that who d.--- all Hung* In lb- VI A - Nl 1 ,l W*" l -* 1,1 o* llr ' lufiiflied ~l «l«irl
uar of ilir luckrie —hurt contrary to Uic aipenautm* ol : **■*- l - u '” - ” oi. 1*” naiur m lb- in each binu
my physician* and friend*, I »a* in h l-w duy < rui'-d ' Al *° 1 a "d Maiira**cfi uiade ui the
iron, my bed. ami Wa. . n ibl-d l.y U.- u«- ol u Ixitt!-. 10 . Kmm’fr tor. .. \-ry low pn— tn I HKRSKY.
nUrud to my bu..iitc«« .-nj.iy mg »inec bcller health Ihan ''“ '’J.* . "• ar< 1...11 nlrr «l
l hurt lor i<*n year* prrviouk |/'A[> sh I N>—;ai iior (ciiuine French Call Stem*, a
Kr-p-o-.tully y uar*. Ac , J** »V K»rtt-L | v.i> i’i,.'i« \ i-w dorni* Hniladpiphm
For sail! ,11 PlUaiiUlgL, at the P. k.u Tea SUM-. * Skin*. Horn ih- in .n..,',i. y...y ol || M 1 *,..w10r.{. u,
Fimnii Htropt. niurty , wnrch in- Hti.-i.imri boot makers 1* invited. Ju»i
NKWAIUIANGKMKIiT. . rc< <r..-d and .01 -a. by W \ UI'N(. A .
DyCTOH B \V. AlOHins having r-n-niL pun li t* I4JI lib-rtv *t
>d thr [Kir,; Store formerly owned by Hay* A AT \V \\ MiI.INTih RS. No 75 Founli *ir—t,
Hrwkway. No a Coiruoerrnw Row. Libert; ktre-i. j\ . rt . , a .p.-mlirt variety ol *up Kt.ynl Vel-
Pnuburgli, lake* tin* Dietluxl ol H.lvruuiig m« , ami Tupeviry I'orpeu. mi—l »iyle« Al*,,. Uru*.
tripnd* nod Uie pub.u- in griirru:, lint In* *lor- -*r*rf Bn- Incrmu tlarpei*. 01 »i,p
Witt 11! all lime* bt; kiipplied vrub an eiirn-ivf „ml in emu,..t l.on mo aiway « be
general asuorurertl ol Irrugk. Dye Stull*. Paint* lh;«. ; n, u;i .i p* ... ,'m*|,r. Diaper*. Duma-k*. Mo-
Varr.ikhe., J'erfumery. Ctdogoet. :iml indeed-very ax 1„■ Cimh. A- Ac to ail of which we call the
tic I- railed lor 10 a drug time, which will «iu *) * b- ( B it.-i. ... ih.- |. U i,.h ,iu?ta
sold at low u« of any othtr boio- 111 Ui- city, wboi* ( NOTICE
sale or ffliad. Hoping to mem * »i.ur- of U.- pul'" ' , r AVIV. *o:d ..«r‘e„.,re -tork to C II Ga.wr. with
patronage, iioUimjj *hoil be waminc 10 give entire *-.t- ;] £ H , r ,„d i,u*,„- a *. w e brrehv
if tact Kin to In- cu> tmnar* m.v.-upU , „„„ ail (mr uilllru^
Hydropathy, or the Water Cure. , Hli W POINDKVrKR,
1 tur hk.njamin \v morris. Min Tin: j’olndf.xtkh.
I/ to practn c the tale and popular rtuu-dy Cud-tl I p,r..|,,if v h \ n e Aih,
Hydropatlry or the AVarer ( ur-, Bod ii devtred will trrni (
d,*e»*ck Allopailiic'ili 1 < ii..:.!n-a! ''**-* Wl, l b- *' j/ 1 H I»R A NT. Wholci-rut Grocer, Coinnu«*ion and
I tended to promptly j • Forwarding Mr.etinni. No 41 Water *t nui-’
N H •-Ur Mtwn* may ba eort*uii-’l >*i hi* Uruv kium wii 17 fi t fi> Ai t~n
K ,„»,tSS;’.,...
bukiii-** hour*, or ai h>* rr»,rteo«'c. marniiig [\ a, rr,. nil k :«”l. of Filling* M«.m
mg. P-IH. Sir—l. .J door* o-mvv 1.-AU. . Hbe, ‘and Water i.av- i.Kmiv* on hand Wrought Iron Wei
"*,v ’ l *l’ l ' ' d-rt Pip- b-r eua, un.l wmrr, Irom U in. to I 111
Il.T.lloWrik, M. IK, ' . u.imgs mud. toord-r AI*L »
OrrilAl.Alu: M it(il'.t)N. uti-od IO ,h.- I*. , 1,.,.., lu .I. „,y,t (inirhed llium Work io
Ul- lit (il Dic-a*e* Ol the Ky , ; Wli.-b 111- .11, ..1 l , ;,.m!.er*' ami F.ngine Uutl-Jer,
Dr R lia* be-11 in Hu- I.ran. hof ih- m-d, , j..l»r, , :-d piofekMon tor *atn-n yran* and tin* ernnlum-.l •> ’ c; a . |. i;lt „ t .. i-nl up p.oiliplly and oil rraMllihble
cstnbii*tiio— ul to 1 the tirmnirni 01 di~-n*f ol lb- ' i.-nn* r-pytl ddm
“.“.S'Sw'uu"— W...’ « »“‘ l 1 HKI.I. HD IIItAKS eiM N1.1t,.
Sirawlmrry alley, Aiieghmy e.t> *-UJ j sjUv v f* l. IHV M-d and Hru*. fnuuker. baa rr-
Dr> ÜbLftiie In Tcburnrt. ; Ej V,r',** ,,‘ ' ’ U T " U ' 'l7
r f'Hl!* i* to eerttly that 1 purclm—d one v.i.i oi I>r ‘ un, ‘
1 Wonn Specific, .orru- two im...:ii' ; ( 4„..,mi„ m i n „,l lb it. m -v. rv .. rrom In
° a ‘ u?o^i, V mT unnmi.l m' . "appAr ' P--‘> - 1 '* 1 »ro.« pnarr... ... ,b- mo- • ..ppra. -
IftfßO, 7«t I hnvd no doui.t but U.e,e wn* up.vA.d* of r ‘ ,^ I ’‘; r r l a ‘l' wlwM’^
nro VDOOSAMD whums P«..nd i„„n him. m-.v-umu V v,iiiet.rt vur rly m lli.-b i'vi,„<. ,r ....uii-d
U V-. 'V* A a-I ' •' propn-ior ol lUim,|* Am ri- A rmi-
Kod« • Crook, l.nrrol co Iron . . I -I- U-' . M| JAi _ ~r l. i.r,Hed k.r 11,.• r-,1,„-imn of
BKJ.I/KRS VKK.MIM 1.1-. IN (.FORMA - 1 ■„ machinery. The Itux. . imj hmipo.u.on
t 'iiu tkai*. Jan. 1- 111 ~a„ i„- nxd td him -u all time* jaUU.iy
„,dLa" ££i£u, oi T';:r *“v. 1 papkiu ■
,1 KM n. «.w». U„..,1,1„.K I, J 1..." M.M
mo!,'i'"r,,'■»,« I «■*' -«P
iltan I did ).■, 1 nil t. t u , r ,n, o „p ■ i.d ■, HI, , l,r 0nf,,011, -t.r- o: j.iijn., o, Hi,,mi,..r
ply of 4or 5 cro** 1 ourn. r«-*prcifu iy I t.. wrin-n n. - oil-r at lb- ,ow r*i reg u.ur pi icck.
; Kxtraci from, . « i'AKTF.R Am, m ip,.. wm be munufaelurr.l to order n|
Prepared and .old by RF. SKI.I.KKS a' " «‘'’ l j »**'»" "oil- ’ Kl /1 A; SliF,F_
»ml .old by dniggisi. eenrruK,. m |Mi.-buri:li nurt Ai j J;l - r.,„ Perm and Irwin ■<*
| \.I A.M Alt) I'll I KN> Ju-; n-rnved. one ea*e of
WftJNbhllFDl. ARRIVAL Dm , iJA m.tmuioib Hold Pen*. Person* havmg inucli
W MJ-AJHU.A —L,-s(»i b’lil.c* .d dn« cr-ai tall im.l ; wrmug i-v <i”. wdl Imd great cbm.- hi tlieke pen*
Winter kiti-dicme. ;u*t received andfor -trie ~v K t «* ihry do not , rump the huger-. «..d have fine .mooth
SKLLfclia, Sole. Agent lor PllMmreb. o' »'‘fin the pond* \\ \\ "
getiauie arßcle can be had oeiA> , ,li-r|| .oni-t it an inur - **
HARRISON S Cutumbiaii lU, , ; I 1U C
J„ lud.l.bV li.k. 1 l .1.,™,. , ™i(R« ‘“"I!* 1
wißtoat Tiremirauon ‘' u "' G'oil,m<. at pnec* rruiging Irtyn to
HaniisoiF* superior Red Ink |-..r -ul- to i" ; f l '- 4 *' KU, ‘ I’ 1 ‘'out, pu.rt* »»d hat For kale ul the
'■> n k *"*• N “- '1 a „
Rln’ • 11..JM-, on IS .f-r s-.l from *’.r-ei»
BSoK'klS-5.,6. Rrm,,.. c010r..!],-, I H’R RUN. -f- » ' v -■’
and lor ante by decl-s J KIUDA I " '
Adhesive plaster-i» y-d* wit* A.ih tiv.
Planter, just teecivmi and lor ««" ! 1 1, y.. nn .
deelS J kIDD^Lo
ALCOHOL— 5 bids Alcohol, >ll*l ree d and tor » ile
hy declti JnHN D MORI.AN
LAM K Bl.Ai'Ls- * cask* ',dki, sulM.y
flrtrH, juJLN D MORLAN
m Tills e«i.ii-b<liiiiem long ami vridely known at
beme one . f Uie most coiniaodtoua in the city of
Unit .more- am* reccinijr nudergonc very cilen
-,vi. ait. rauoii- :nnl iinprovemcnt*. An entire new
vi ini; tin- i.ddrd. numerou* and airy
*:-. p ; .-» ;ipnrtntri.iK. and extenmve bathing room*.
The Ladle.’ department hair alto ireen completely
renrennizcd and i tied up in a mo<H unique and beauU*
fat «t> :«*. lii tnet the whole arrangement of lhe Hou*e
hue i.ei-n teino*lc‘>-d. with a winkle eya on the part of
the prnp'*e;on, t-wrud* th" comfort and plea»nre nf
tlie.r i.ui-.t*. n.rd winch they confidently a«*an will
challenge cotu{>ar sou with any Hotel in tha Um«n.
Tlicir luiiic wi„ niway> t>e supplied with ever) »üb
•■'aiiia. und luxury wlucii the market nffordw. »erved
up in a .-..pcr.or -'. vie, while in the w«y of Wine*, ice.,
they s ill hot be .arpu*«ed.
In eo-ic!n*m'i u e proprietor* hr* to *ar. that nothing
will he left undone on their pan, and on the part of tbeir
as*iMam> to remier tin* Hotel worthy the continued
pmromwe of 'h-.r friend* and the puldte generally.
The pri.-*« for hoard have ni*o been reduced to the
following rate*-
Latin-s' t >rdn.:irr, 51,75 per day.
N. U.-Tbe Buggagc Wagon of the Hou*e will al
why* be found nf the Car and Steamboat Landing*,
"■inch will convey baggage to and from the Hotel, free
of_eliHr*e ma.y*2l/ •
coR-vr.a or ckxs a vd rt. et. Aim m., mTeauHon. r*-
aTiic nstiM-nurr liavmi o«sun»ed the manage
iu'-hi o' tin. long runbluhed and popular Hotel,
rchpccifull) imuouncc* to Traveller* and the
Public generti 1 ’y. that he Will he at airtime* prepared
in nrrommodnii- them in a!! thing* desirable in a well
regulated Hotel The Home i* now being thoroughly
repaired throughout, nnd new Furniture added, und DO
I‘tii'i* Will tut -.pared to make the Exchange one of the
vt-rv best iim.-l* in the country
The undersigned r.-*pectfullr solicit* a eontinaance
of the very lifternl patronage the Hou*e ha* heretolorc
l-OtISKK ««r IoCETIt ARl> UBAXT *T»KWI», pvrmocHfHt.
MTIIK *uh*cnher re*|>ect/ully annoonre* that
he ha* now opened hi* iii-w and crcr.llcnl Hotel
tor the ’ivoniniodniion of irnvelcra. boardera,
und the piiMn- grnerally The hoii*e-*nd furniture
are etmrcl) new. and no pnm* or expense have been
•pared to render ii one •>( Uir mo*l roitilortablc and
'Dm- ‘ul-wntwi i» determined to Jraerve, ami there
fon- solicit-. a dim e ot puttlic patronage,
oet! l-di> JACOB HOUOH. Proprietor
om.tvr *r. aetwxsn pocrth asd ptrrn m
OPPOSITE late Bank of the Untied States, Phila
mariii Proprietor.
SI odc r n ua it Antique Furniture,.
vi. Tlttkl’ Stkeici. Pitubcboh.
A Ikirc mid .plendid
a«*ortiiimi of Kurni urr, moSmOk
»u,tn)f!e r,. r Siemul.iwtu,
üBBS 1101. u anil private Oivel-
Imc. on liaml and made to order.
Pinr k on hand c annul be exceeded by
ait) nii. Mila, tun in tl.e < rotmtry Person*
• •• ,• .r.-'i-i'-r wdul'l do well io rire me n rail,
at> I mn d.'if mi price* *u* i plea.-c. Part of
IVtr » IV'. (bidet l-.imjeie.
1.0'... \r. li;„,' Kli/abrih rha.ri,
I'e.. Print Table*;
T...!. i T*V. • 1 #nut* XV Commoder,
f'-t twii 'Mnhocmy ISeiKlrart*. Piano Stool*,
vi toia. urn )• ,i*n ami litur-doth corara;
mi ,\Ulniqi;ii Jio.'kimr Chturt.
to dor 1'1.....: do
t <!.•>
“ireltle ral’lrt.
•n. pa.r lit**.,. t pmr Table.
IS iimrtne i u p l>rrti*m* Bureaus;
- W anlroi.c*. • Sr cr.-ianet urn) Book r„ fj
•-'ii iin.rl "- top \\ a-i
- "ai f tain i U nrk r*l*o«ik
( li.Molate, < <xoa, Ac,
U .Vui'-f . aril Krrtirti Hrppar
.~l iH.-uv
and roii.uin.K, wuuli! |>urclir»««i
1 l>T KK-'I.IM.I* n.f'-r more u! those «o justly
! tJ < • irbrnied liAtniiureli Fiunuv used constantly by
l List, TbaJnerg mm olurr jrrai performers, together
«iia u liiryc o( ro%ewo»>d and matiogauy,
1,( in) tua >u;a«lurt The above instruments are
l waff niirnl in (■• ,»r rieri m every rtinpocU ami will be
i .Mill low 1,.1 . .... F ULL'MK.
1 decle No lli* Wood it, ‘-HI .too* from ilh
ufPEreorr, ’ Wtt c BABB
_ _ „„ (tf :lc J $ StrielcKr.- ACo )
VTANUFACTCREIUI of Phomix fire proof safes,
ITJt sooth side, second meet. between Wood aud
Siuiik&.-ld Pittsburgh. J S Smokier having deceased
nml the surviving partner Mr Jo* luppeflcoti, liantig
associated hunselt with Mr Win C Bnrr ihr bunfterfw
wUI hereafter be conducted under ilie »t> le of Uppen
Tnal of a safe in Cincinnati. O—We, die undersign
ed were present at ihc testing of one of J 3 Smcklrr A
Co'* improved Phtraiiz fire-proof safe*. The vafe waa
p.nced in a furnace on the public landing, and *ubjeet*d
to the interne heat of a stone coal ftre for mine than
three hours. In one hour and a half U»o safe came to
a bright red heat: the door of Oic furnace wm-> then
closed which caused an increased and sternly heat for
t)ic boiance of »he lime, until the cast iron wheels were
partially melted of; the fnrnaee was then thrown down
and the safe cooled and opened. The money, paper*
and books which it comaiucd were as perfect as when
Eed there, the binding onJjr of the books being in
d by the Water in cooling the *afc We have no
union in recommending it to the -poMfe as' a safe
superior to any we have ever seen tested, and believe
that it will stand any beat which might be produced,
xcept a heat which would meJt U to* solid mass.
Spriugnr A Whitman, 1, Worthington, Kellogg A
Kenneth Be«J. Urner, Xv G P Breese. Muni* Smith. T
8 Duncan A Co, Sledraan, Mtyard A Co. Win Mouse,
Mead A Winator.
We, the undersigned, selected the safe spoken of
above, from a lot m the storo of Truber A Aubery. the
Agculs C« <*PRINtiKR,
Refer to Cook A (farm, Broken, Pittsburgh;
Hussey Jianna A Co, do do lfo3dAwt>*S
Plttibargfi ft Roiian Copper Company,
rit|ilB Company respectfully informs the public, and
JL particularly all dealers and consumers of Copper
in the form in which they prepo/e it, that their Smelt
ing Works are now in succesdM operation, nml they
are now ready to make contract for the delivery of
Ingot* to those who want in this form, and uUo tough
cake for the purpose of rolling.
The Copper produced from the Melalic Mines of
Lake Superny. is ascertained to be much superior to
the ordinary copper m the markets, which is obtained
from oars containing foreign mineral substances. Thu
copper is perfectly pure, and is not nyucad by the pro
cess of smelting, und is therefore greatly to be prefer
red for bell metal, rolling, and many other purposes.
A* it is not the iiitenuon or wish of this Company
to erect work* for the. manufacture of copper m the
various forms in which n is wanted, they will be happy
to make contracts lor the delivery of it in the form of
Ingots, lough cake for rolling. Ac , to those who may
wish to embark in the business
llereaftrr, all the copper obtained from their mines
will tm brought to Pittsburgh, and large supplies may
be expected Letters addressed to U (j. Homskt or
Thomas M. Hovvk. will-meet with prompt otteution
decliMlOm CHARLES AVERY. President.
rtTHE ENTERPRISING - A rare chance t* now
presented for the «nfr Investment m a business en
tirely new; one adapted lo the man of limited, us well
as to the man of exiuiouve resources; yielding a prohl
Irom capital-and eoiaipu»e beyond any operation of
the day. It t* the complc-r monopoly of a staple arti
cle, absolutely necessary and essential to every fami
ly, a* well a* tnriispenanhlr to the merhanic. armn
and professional man To c-apnaii-i». an opportunity
offers ttself for a lucrative employment of either Urge
or small sums, bringing immediate arxl highly tirtmfae
tnry return*. Tlm*e de«ir,.us of embarking in a pleas
ant. genteel business, are invited, with others, to call
Utme office of the u'xWsignrd. e x amine U**- urtine.
und form their own judgment, from ihc tans presented
Otfiee, Exchange Mumling-, m. Clair ,l next door to
Escjuirr Joan*' oifire. COLVF.R a MYERS
dec U
THEY «re not «wnrt how frightfully mjunour it ts to
the skin—how coarse, how rough, bow sal law. yn
low and unhealthy the skin appear* mier using prepar
pared chalk' BcMdr. ,ti» usurious, containing a large
quantity r.[ lead!
We nave prepared k f.eautifu; vegetable article,
which we rail JONK.s-SPANISH LILY WHITE. I:
i« perfectly innocent, purified oi ail doetertmu
qua lairs; and n import* to the *kiu a uatura>, healthy,
alabaster, clear, living white; oi the same tune acting
sr * roitueur on the *kiri, making ii soft and smooth.
Dr Junes Andervon. Practical (’li'mid of Massa
chusetts. aav«: “After analyxmg Jones' i-spaninh Liiy
While. I bud il [*•*»<• —e* the most OrnuutuJ and nolu
ral-uid at the -aiiic ~mu innocem wmie I rver *aw I
rertAinly cmi mo-eit-niioo-iy rornmmntj h* as-- to all
who-* sit.n require. beautii) mg ' Pner. -ii eeni. a
box Sold by WM JA«’KSt>N -v Libem «t marffl
Pitt Harhlne Work* ami Psuudry.
JOHN WKk.JITA tlo . »rr |.r. |..*rrd tn Cotton
biu) W'uoii'ii Mu.-iimrry o{ i-\ .• r . jri« r.pu-u. • u.-li
:*». I’ardiuK Spuming I'mur..
iJni'viny iVain*-» U:ni«-.iv HraJ, W:ii|i»n spooler*.
Ur*-»»,i.e I'rmr. i‘uni*r«. A<- \\ rougt.t
Iron Snaßinc; nil »nr« u( CuM Iron. t a ulli<*« ami
Mmici-r-ol thr iUr*l |>nl!.'riln, *<n!r anti ban.]
and U>oi« i.l uii liii.l* i anting t ul rvcrj J< -< ripia.n
; .1 r in •uni on iii.iri cole- I‘attrnw mad.- u. «rd«r '..r
\|.i, Iron H.«>l l :rc. An. Strain l'ipr lor lif*i
■ ng KiiiMur!.*., i’h«i I run Window Sa»ti nml ranry i'a<-
« : i'-ll HI tile Harniiiu-c o!j.
I’ in, l.ii-'-ri) «lrrci, \\ >.■ havr priuupt ,-iUl'ii-
Refer to Black.fork. IVU A. to. J K Mi«.rrh<-».Nk
Oo . (I K. Warner. John Irwm A Son*, P.ttxhurcu ; <»
<‘ fcJ H Warner. Siralx-tmlle innlV
* Sew Hardware Ilonas.
W'<wnl and -J»: <l* . Pittsburgh. Huv-
III,; tvitiulrt»w• i iriirn Me linn ol
'Yulkef and WWwr'l. on Hu; I*l of January. 1-47, 1
take pleasure in miiiouncins to my tririi-1* in Uie ciiy
and country, mm l have opened my »rw * mine
ttliovo named pi»ee Having purchased my good* for
m*li. and made Urrangcmriiiji with ruunuinciurer* in
ihi* country ami in Kurope to be cou-tantly *up|Ked,
1 am lolly prepared io furnish Hardware oi all kinds,
mi o» food term* and ax low a* any house Easi or
West. Alwdniiin and other* ur« invited
to tail and examine my »lo*-k. before purchasing else
where The follow,nr comprise* a pan o( hi* eiock:
Steamboat and taddlery hardware, run trimming*,
file*. .Naylor e steel, cutlery. edge too!*, annls, vice*.
■m-kv iMcbe-. scvilies. butt tuner*, .crew*. t'n.ou fac
tor) I’iuiiei, »«»•», mahogany board* uud ve<i<i- r* * .<1
*i. oiher articles rented with Ui»: hardware Ihim
Penn StachliM Shop.
TT WIGJITMAN —Manufacturer oI all kind* of rot*
XX • ion amt woollen machinery. Allegheny city, Pi§
The »t«ove work* tiring now ta full and suerrmsiui op
efauon, l am prepared to execute order* with dispatch
lor all kind*, of machinery in my hue. »ur!i u« willow*,
picker*, spreader*. card*, grinding ninchim’*. railway*,
drawing irame*. *prrder». thro»*il«. loom*, woolen
card*, double or *tm'k. tor merchant or country work,
mules, jark«. Ac„ s.tu« and naiul Jatfie* and tool* ,n gen
eral All kind* ol sharting made u> order, or plan* giv
en lor gearing Uciorio* nr unlit at rc.vmnaM-charge
Kkj kB ro— Kennedy. Child* A Co . Hiack-tock, Hell
A t'o . King. Pemtn< k A t'o . Jtu* A l.ray
Cooper Duplex Lever and Watches.'
-kvjyI : JUST received and lor »aie at
Krca p y rr^ uce>l price”, live genn
r~~ ■ irJEtafl Gray '* Inn Road London." Du
plex and Patent Lever W ruche*. ea*.-a m i- knmi
gold, amt fail jewelled, with Chronometer balance..
1110*0 are now the finest wutebe* made, bcinj; superi
or m finish and aecuracy t«t the M J. Tobias. Joseph
Joh u*ou. nr any other make ' Tbo«e in want of a very
fine wau-ti are invited to call and examine this loi.
Al*i>, a large assortment of Gold utirt Silver Waicho*,
Chnins, ,**etii«, Key*. Ac.
liy* **••»« Watches repuired in the best manner.
\V. \\ WILSON,
corner 4th and Market •!*.
AT A \\ HITK A CO. would respectfully inform
iM • tae public thal they have ere. led a shoo on
l'« l 'oi'li. between Federal ami street* They
are now making and ara prepare,l to rrceivo orderi tor
every description nj vehicle*, Couches. Clmnui**, Ha
rouche*. ltuggie*. Pb.vtnn*, Ac. Ac. which from their
long '•ipericncc in the luauulucturr oi the above work,
and the lac,litic* they have, they feel rntilidr nt they are
enabled to do work on the mo*t reasonable terms with
too*c wmiung article* ui their line. s?
I'aymg particular addition to the of male
rial*, and having nunc but workmen, they
have no he»itatinn m warranting their work Wo
therefore a*k the utteminn ot Uie public in this mailer.
N U. Repairing done m the bc*t manner, and ou the
mo*t reasonable term*.
Head q,aartega for Boots and Shoes,
Corner of Smimhcld and Fourth *t*.,
_ Pimat-ncH. Pa.
9! fill TRQPH A SCI iTT. linving commenced the
PuJv l,r bu»iiH-*s. wholesale and
' UhL”* l *! l - wou ,1 respectfully invite the nile.utimi of
nieir ifiends nrrt toe public general.>• n> theit splendid
new .tock |u*l opened. con‘i«Ung of mrn'«. women'*.
l.f.y.‘ mi«*c*'nnd children'* wai. or every variety,
• uiitiMe for the «e!i*«n. ifnd at pnc.-. to .im the time*.
Al*o. a •plrndid arneie nf MiUulic Suite* for gen
tlemen and Indie* Piea.r. c.s.| .iml rniiuiif
corner of Smith held ami i n m* }'itt*hurgh
N. M —lraveln g Trucks, Csrpe, Hags. Ac , ntwny*
on hnnd and low i,i; ensn. ja3
KRSONS wishing t 0 j«m n romponv game the
overland route, on puck mulrr.. ran do *o by ma
king application at the office of A W URUCKWAV.
No tf Commercial How, Liberty *irc, t Tin* eemp.v
lIV experu to go through from the ir 0 .in,«r m le«* than
»ixiy day*, with perle *1 safety Mni- a limi.r.i n u m .
her will be taken, a* the coinpnny doe* not wi.h to be
retarded by * large body moving together A meeting
will be nmd nt the above plum on Wetlneiday even
ing, the MUi, at wlmrn tune and place any uiturniaUon
will bo given to tho»e wi«hmg lu join Sum- will be
received but men oi good chhrucfr, who can rive
► atiMariory reference fehl3
SI oiionEtliela Livery Stable.
J- iITTVhe large .table on Pir.i *l. ru lining through
io Second *t. between Wood and Southfield
* *«*..»< ihe rear oi Uie MouongnheU House
with an entirely new .took ol Hoise* aud Carnage* of
tlic be*l uuul.i) and Ule*t »t> les. Horse* kept ul live
ry in the W»i manner jysMly
CTKAM UUAT CUMJKS-Having cm.elud'ed i.t *<||
O od uur enure *jork ol Kirke'* Mnane Timepieces.
-*e now oiler to -el. ili. iii : ,t i OW er prire* than ihcv nn,
»■ 11 ") L..u-o m Pill« burgh or ei*„wl>cn
of west. lleing Uie. only e*taUli.«hcd ugeuu her,•'
Ucillrml-er. we sre not to be undersold.
HLAKK A CO , Market *treet
onyiortli aide ol the Diamond
MKRfIANDI.K HKOKKK *...1V0ram,..,0n M.-r
-.-lo IflSouU, I™ ’, a i.J '
,o o,J„. IU,I. Fl u li“',?r.,''“,ei
iTUiI uud ( Ueeae received ou consigniiieiu nn.l *i.,r
age. with inaurauce obtained L ' leb-dHiu
ISAAC JOKES, miiy.gtisfc
MAN! hACTURKRS of suruig and bliat/ir «tcel,
plough steel, steel plough wuig*, couch and eli|4
tic spiff* hammered iron u X le«, and dealer* m ma?
fire sll Klue and conch Irunmins*
generally, comer of R*>** anj fVom «t*., Ptiuiwinth,
‘ * fcbl'
INDIA RUBBER SHOES-—Ju*l ,uceiv«t<l, S cu-e*
L net lined Over Shoe*, o splendid article, superior
to any ever olfcred iu thi* city, of which any ijuuiitity
can be bad ut ahon notice., w’ln>!e*alr and retail, si ihe
India Rubber Depot, No 5 Wood xtreet
Transportation to th« Hast.
Commiislon and Forwarding Agenls.
G. M. HARTON, Pittaburgh, will receipt Produce
going Ka*t. febPJ-dstai . D. A t;.
»lh. kS4tt.
A St Cluu •licet, next door to £*<4. John'*
WM CIJNTOCK.i* mow cormumly receiving hi*
. hkU utook of' CAitPKTING..•!>• , c.mipri-i \g
one of lice lurxtau aNiOflnients ever hraughi m the m >r
ktn. which knve tieen pincha*e,i direct imm the lm
porters and Maitufaetutcp*. of ihe inirft and nrwr*t
styles, and lower in pnedhan ever ollffcd in this c:iy,
U» which b.rumfA Urn untmiou 01 liios,* wi*lua< u>
furuish’pieajnbou 1* or hou*es, b.-farn purchanrc -l.e
wbere. The * VO ek eo«*D» inpartoi the fobAwmg»i C irp--i-', Oriental Tapestry I Uloth
do VelVet ,R» Flam colored
do Tanesiry do til feet wide
do Bru*-ci* do -1 T-l V 4, M& I o' l cloth
Extra super-1 ply ,l/ ' Stair Rod*'
Spncr tlr» <?f> cntl'M Drugrctl
do Ingmin do Stmr Lure*-
Wide do do RoeewonJOH Cloth
Coounua do do cn.inb c'.othn
4-4, d-4 A | Duiqsalc Embossed Ft«no covvr*
VeniUun do do Tiih'c do
4-4, 3-4 A | iwl'd iio do Flcuted Toidc Oil noth*
•1-4, 3-4 A i plain do do Turkey Red ToiUnc .l
4-4. J. I. I A A-l 01. do Adeia.J AUu
‘■-4 pnnted cotton tlurpet*; Sheep dm do
Extra sup Cbciulic Huge, Jute do
do do Tufted do Abcanl ,do<
Hue do do Manilla Hump
Wilton do do 8i»« 4ri>P' Nsplui.i
Crira»ou hg'd i’isah; JJmper Towelling
Plain do l4rn*h
Drab M Cloth r-4 and i*-4Tnl>le Linen*. .
Hlue do. for coadi liit’gs. Tmnsp'nt Wunlovr Shnde*
tlnrpet Bimbn-;* p'xira P*rcuch do do
Wind'd cord* Rich S.iut de Lain**.* for
do Tu**cl» window curtain*
Scarlet, blue, <-run*on, black nnd drub Dam«*k*t
figured rainbow Damask*: worsted and linen Taitlo
cover*, blue. crim«on. »cnrlct, crecn, drab and black
.Morson*; cotton I'imdieenfnll color*,Ac.Ac Ac.
~j v, , 1 u—l -re ,11 mi niivn, •
Al*o, o»neburgi and Drilling)- Ibr eteamlMml deck,
and all ether iriraittiHg* n«-cc**ary for outfits for boat*
in Our line, to which ihe --perm! aiiejition of owner*
1* invited W MTLIN'IT)CK'S C.trprt,
one door fntra Wood, on Fourtli «t.
Shirting Muslins and Irish Linens.
W” R MURPHY nvite* the paruoular aUeuitoit of
. tho-c warning the above Good*, to hi* desirable
Mock. coli-ittiiiD 01' the be.l inukc, Iruili 1 lie mu-1 up
proved inanofscturur*. and ilia laticr warrHitied pur-*
rtax —He bn* ju*t received an uddiiiohnl supply, and i.«
offering Shirting. Mu«hn« of a *up**rior ijualuy, at a
very low price Also,
Sheeting and Pillow-case Mo*Un» ,
Diaper* and Craih ,
Tnblc Uiolh*. TowvL and Napkin--:
UtiutketA, Counteqianr* ; iiml
Housekeeping Dry Goods generslfy
LADIES’ DRESS GOODS—Such as French Menu**,
Psrametio*. plun nnd luncy De Lames. t*ome new
style* just received;) Alpaca*. Ac.
The season being tar ndvancrii. all these flood* will
be sold si price* that cannot fail to phvn«e.
JCT'Wbolctalc Room* up stuirs. janlS
’V'O. lid MARKET STREET, w.ll rm-ilmue their
i> great iemi-rwmuui »a!e nf DRY GOtiDS. for :a)
day* iongrr. during which time ihtpy exiciiMve whole
• tie Room* will be thrown open to thetr Reiuil ITsdr
a* herrio-ore A. A M. A Co., knowing that ih-.-v arc
telling Dry Good* of ev« ry d-v-cription from t?-i to fif
teen per cent. !n-« man ever beiorr. domvtte ever,'
pcr«on m •vniii <>f .try rrevt* or who mar he in want,
to examine nnd purcha-e irnm our Mock, nt ihe lowcH
whok-*ale rate*
f>ur grrtii object nt reiiiirmi- ttuclt, i* to make room
for Spring booil., M being oui mict.'iou to e t tnl-n m
March tint lurge-t and tii- rolie-t «iock of Dry Oo«>d*
errr offerc*! O) any ,/iic hou.— m tmeric*.
tVc Oialt cnntinuc the sal-- of our Bleached and
Drown .Mu«lnr*. Ticking* and other [h?nie*uc Got-'*,
at our former mw rat-*, itotwiihktaudiag the recent ad
vance of l.’» per cent upon the «Ajnr m eaitrrii mur*'-t.«.
attention of buver* to ins cxtcn*ive assortment of
above good-. incluiJing mohair and alpnccn 'Liiftr**.
very fine un-1 gtr»**y. ; et Mack and blue hUck; sl*o a
few piece * w itjiout lu»tre i«r mourning drwseM nieo,
a large ii**->rtmcm or vanous i-olor* and *tt ie» ■>; .nun
«inped anU brocade Aipaccae., Mack ftJid fancy - •>
lori; plaiu mack, mvia.uie green, drab-ami other col'«
Maxunnc Blue Purnietto* nnd Atpa<‘cn«— \ few pc.
oMhctc .rur.-e and dii«)n.ol,- good* lately re.--,?,*,!
Who.e«in- Koocr.* Up*.uf:. lairth r i-i 101 ner of Lit
and Market -l* )3 ;;i
IADIF.S- THI.MMI St;> -Vd../ !.lk Imcr De.o- Ve.:..-
j:j [-Sen'll S:'* Vetv. Is '»!■ --.>«» bl k Da- , P-m
-tons: l| ilora-uiiiiuirtii H- do col’d Floss eti,
-I-. 1 rt.-r.-v -ilk l„uv,-,. I- .to
Jeon) l-nuce, IV 0., FreiK-h -ulk Rudi-e. te. .1
Uf* usy t-> y II K.VI!nN A IV-.
de< I I Fi.o-rt!. -1
11M.S I M!*LK V « i 7 l ..nd '-l l.iitcii TnV
j Dmr-e- „. 1 c.nti.o-; lm,,re, 1 dujfi4*k k-til —-'.v
.(1 J-aif f•• V-„. Ku-u iml h Btr-I Ihe Pji-
sliAl 'RLETT «V \\ 111 IK.
\I- r IT. \ NMT.S -W R Murphy h.t- on hnnd
TT a o,ij |l,, ... ,1..■..m1.1c1, ai-O,
n lull i<*or:meiit o. iloiii- ■:.< un.nn .kitbi- .In. ami h
lull .*•*,.nui.-nl -< *r.-: tcjye'low. -;>o;'.cil. 'uf
11- 1... r.t. ; J I- -e.. 'Viu.c. r.r. a>l bn*r» .)• b
I'll'l • ' SI-1' - -I (err • % ,'r.:ai
\4-aTVII AM- , 1.1,t h. -u.r.MKuV, -It.,'-, .V ...
v v cm,-rny ih- I- -t .ro.'smm- to he, |* u .c U|rr a lance an l ouftpictr *t»ck oi ijiui i>on, uud mu
ehm.rry, osiupt-d to *onjp:w.ii,-.i viork, aud jmikme
with i»>-I: urjc) a. d ini-miy n-- .v j cu-timic 1 • m.iy
depend Oil M*l,-Ja.-UOu. amt nt .r'out the *nnic price*
thev pay ;n luunv Ourr* -or .mp-Tm, 1 work, nod m ma
ny cj-n for po-1 ,v • • iiijnry done to ilieu watebs » A,i
our work 1* warranied to peTtorm tve.L
N. II —lUvi, g n dui-cd my Imu.ico to a ca.-i
tern 1 iuu di :crino,i lu, «, di-.v a* no* U, .ve*.t rt-gu-
Lir jirme*. e:,st nr w.-st. a-ut eu.tnmcr? miiy be ttsxured
that they run rank- their pur-h rse* in Hu* hue u*
cheap a» in Hie rk-i-m citirn. tncrelty e,-e,j liracill g
home iriule and uiuu.try. \V VS '
.^ rt n n^ h ,I ' rll * <> ‘ l B>ench Herluukl
VX, R Ml RPHI hu, opened within a few day* s
. M • *.»n;e ussoitiaorr. of i-upenor Frcnni M-nniti.
rompruing -litf> :c.i, -hades 01 Mnrtum. Garnet, Straw
berry. Scar'-t. flierry. Drab. Light Blue. Drown, ami
Maxsnnc line. i.n.,. vitno-t* qua .:>•.•* ol Mu. k Ao-J.
pak\i;;tju> and i.yoNf.-edluths
ol all the mur*. .1., .udtug few piece* „fvcrv
• dberior l.ii.rk
iiKLT [ S„.-M. , r : ,, 1 "- D o--, i.r.-en. Drown, Ac.
PI»AIN ». ASHMI .Kl-j-—Maroon. Garnet, Drowr.
Drab. D-nc*. \ r *
KMilßi M DKRKt) CASIIMKUES— Plain aiulpmuod
Nh»u» de Li.ui!>, i-rin tej 1 '*-1:m- re -. Lamartine Strip-*,
n new article for ladies*. satin striped Alpaca i
I >i.Af'K AM) I'ANCA CASSm KRtS _ W H .Mur
1> i ,liv hiir l )' rw ivnj a Urj:r ttitsorun.-ia 01*.
C ’ K,J ’ U,,,J ■* <»pc«n,n< un-in m [>ru-<» mmm.'<-ik'j.vrg
io-vv Idittf.i imm sJijw j>.;r
A .Ml. Frr',r!i U;,J }.|-.1M.|1 UrcuW • , o
*omr wry lii.mliom,- l-Vr-rf-ii Hln.-i Mr funk ..
Alm>, «;». po::oh miJ m.-rmo L i»n'rn amj Di..'.v
ors i'JiirniPi» l U‘i • rMun». c>ii*taiii:y «>,v
U?" TJk: utin.u.n ui .Mprcinnti ~m! Merchant T;.:-
:or», who buy by pier.-, u j-prciallv inviird t.r i). 4
BI,OVC ,l«Tli
THt LjUMK * NU tut..l« rll.K rcrcLY ..*
4 T Dinm 's, t:tt> l.’imrty -.treet. rompriMuc Trench
/i. L.oilis. (.annim-rc and Vi-aungt, of the newel
tad most ta-thioimbie «i> |r< tmporu-ii.
Ai«), a Ihi-p- quantity or Kouirli nmj Ready Hlankem
and Cnaiin-p*. peculiarly adapted to im* mns* miu the
Unhand, the largest |.c»t nunofariwrtd nud ni<>*t
faroionatne, *tock ul reads made ‘.'loittniyt in iln« . ns
Ail ordet* in il.c r-u;.>ni)!; hm- rircuird ni ik m.M
fashionable amt duruMe hi vmcr nos 14
VWiIiUTIMI I’KINCS. Ac-VV R Murpht hn«
11 ju»t rr-cci .ed a :.»i .-! 1,1-sr My.c Rrownnnilwintc
Hnti‘ii I’i i-un. s ery liHiidiotnc anrrtit by
er Al*n. on hand, n mrs- »*»©rUn-in of ebon-e n. ie«
01 Aini-n.-m, I'niil*. i.ih :«rut low price*.
Hlacls (Void Stia*-k, of various iian.iiie-. * ,oor>iv
JU-.1 rccciv-rd M '
HUrk Alfmcr,.. m . v ,-r,cml and line- at-rv fall
«u|i|ily. a. .1 ai lose price* mr . miu
V"K4V PRIXTS-W R ha* rcrciiny r«j<»t-|.
ll Ted arversO new »tvW or fti.fnun and A>D<:ncn»
I’r-nu. wnrra -ted i„i r „.
ns LtiNw— AI«o receive.!, a lot of wy neat
anil han.i«oinc buic ,u„| wh.'c, -rem
lit d while, Ac.
I'lam Draa .Mou«c <ie Lame*—A pood srtu-! t*. «vuy
lrl ct* per yd.
Atounmip JTuus— <co-rai ~i*»v mi-.« i;r.n>h - d‘o,
Ainericnn figure do
Ucm.W man - , mfter dr*irnMc rood*: at north ri««t
corner 4tli mid Mnrket *i» -
WhuieMiir Room* up Maim. ln «jrt
T Ai‘K (JnOHS Smusi 1 Mark-a arret
I j tinTe reocirrd«»nc rarim. At f.i r U.kii.,,!
lace nml edmnci; t.vr cat .nns loom .in, lea enr-
UHie.oUOli .to o„o ,to oi hoick m:1 Ucc. uv., ,t-, ~
Iniu-k ami v»riiu- Krr ,cti u.-rked ia.-.j Cnp-. ~i- ,-o
M.icx c 111 u v.-ii«. tog.-th. r with l variety of m,.-,
nrj.*c)a lirm. u■, i c1,10r.-rt „,, L4 f«„ vm
col .1 and white mix .i.u-.oi. ior- .■y ul ii„ c ,ji*<*.«.* . ‘
Ucalcrtuimi oinera v.tu tmd n tor t ( cir uuercai-o . 3
■mine thorn t-eime |.ur' iia«mtu j..-.*
VTF.W JKWKI.K'I —l d.ti po.U pair (U Li-V. r W.iien
l ■■ • deiapncd •
AI.O. C ol,lfr,| S j r „ r l lu „. h „,
l.>.M.«.i«.,l».piPin s K I , rr lliprv ln„,
and n compicie xitottmcni of odicr i. wcirv m
dcS IFUU.O.N KINSKYS. IST mark. 1-i
O rcrrlYed iftix momma by Kxpfca*. a lm oi v-t,
superior w.xil Lome Shaw, v of »t) loj.
rNKM.'H At a«lftO>—Oil litm.J, .1 K ood kUeUit. ’ll-,-.
V< a Ml |*r 4 i'' r ' \ U ' ‘"p lr ‘ rre ' u l,ul I»rn.>n. dial.
A frw black Tin pel situ wl>. Vf h <ju:i li
on band at north cum erner 4tu Market -lx
JKWp;LHk, coa-i-t.iiY ni u.d.t <u..t>t, v.>. n. 1.1 u<
«'llium-. kry», jhuml- j*nj<«, l-r »; p 11
*md». cur n»iu . brk. i-. hue.l.-., . -,ir. ,y,
A 1 a. 1. »i 1v c i c.'ilil,- .ard.'.... hutlk-nnc i.,.i,,:.„.
»hml.l«, pcufilu. bint.... mill'. nuUu.inl ~„r ~ L -
U W ! \\ 11.*.,>N
CUi \Nt.KA 111 .1 -U.K VNl’l.i, 1.. r I'liri-i.m.. V ,■
• wmim-W |i -Ml arm lm* on hand a n-w
liHiid-tmic «• Snk \ i*i.i>, very .u.tal'*.- mr
t.'lwuinm* prc-i-u'c. wincft he 1. .clluiy 3 t rctnc.-.i | IM .
crx Al-ci. liniid*.iiiic l>rr<B Sitk« m,u l<atuu -uncrhi.r
unv.ljk l.inrri , umbric Itdkf.. A.CI *),-«•«
I ACI '. (iOi »!>S— While mid black Lace Cftb’hS cm I. d
J iinutm do; wiiiie and hluok laco Giidcr»irev. <, .let
Lace IWilms t.nick' do Vril«, pliun l-‘r«-o*:h Witn
Ilonar», tr.imncd and unmin'd do, mib'.l cud
to mutrh. lad.-* :.m n ( -m.l.ric b.lkf.; r m. do do U..,
<>(e-rj he. I>. ml .lre,«c., iir'dicHi llowcrv Son.,el
tab- and <|uiUiiiUB. ju«t rc.-eiv-.l ul.d .lor ...ic « ft.ilc
*nic amt retail, by , | u (-.ATi >N A Co.
dcc6 fourth «t
CHAT AN!' Cl.iiAK TKIMMIViLSdr>n i'. 1.1.
a»»ortcd clonk Tn*Mri*. 6 H-o*.- Mured . .X it-nd-
j do do mohair do. ‘J do do drab om.l d.>. . tin <Jr.ii>
oven on! 4Udo fmc run i.udon*. C.'J !t>* iirn
Italian •enrinf.; So do do j.ateni Thremt. imddine,i- Rn .
vu»» nnd other Triiiim.i.u'*, tor ui><o(« o*c. <o«»iaii;!y
on liuml. J.-r.t I' II KATtiN A t
|ARKsH fit M)DS- FIT t.. 1 1* ** A C. tire .oi.,ui,hy
JC aupDlted with ■ l»i?>- c aeMjrunenl i.f
»Uk Inngc* and.Kto.p*. vi-tvci nhb.ilu tend SrauiK.
ce», cdi'.intc* imd cni'-nu.l. n-«. i;>itvr» limb bf>v,e:y,
feuU nbiriK, »u,peuder* .imt iiiui.-r camwulfc, Uct m
Zephyr, woolen >»iu*. needle. pli.S-liUUun*, |„p-._
bubl.iun, Ao , u. ul winch Kiel oiler ul U.e imvesi ma
price* to metfhunt.* mid 1 io« r«. at tieir new am! r.-ni
uiodjou* wrttthtiuv. uJ Founh *l. nchr marke: jmyj
if fl I.ATuN A in. Leaicrv 1c Tnimnurri and
, M«tierdiL*ne.ur.»f retnmA-d from their u'd
.tn.ul to Ml. W t-1 )G RTII STRKKI‘, ti doom from
»,«•« itovJU
1 ARUoIL—! bb!« winter uraiiidd, red’d per »Uur
J. j and for -ale hy
VOL. XVI. NO. 174;
rsl/ni <, tij.'vtimc Barter» a-*d Pgeeri
i ruafin Mt&UamddU,
r PMK I* the only tiKtrument of the kutd U.. 11 *
1. be-n i.resentralin thu eoamry or Kurop* :.>i.u»ctA*
to.aJ i*«rp«>—and in tue only one OTcr known n> tnau,
l’v which the , ajv-utic Haiti erut b« contrtyedle Gie ba
.u.f: eye. Hie ear, tiic brain, or 10 any p»rtoftliO body,
b " r rr ‘«nuiil) or iif.uraaUy. in ft definiw *anu«
a ..^nft;-c V '‘-Xl h '^^ 1 et l “
•1 tin- w,,on * lhe sdbewd ftndothers wbda
! . v,! ! '' lll refcrT « i - Hefcrcnc* will ftlfto
n,n ««^etabtocia»uia,w^bAVO
c7c, to rc*torc or cure *° .
rcrt*>ro btmnnc; }o iKe lO e4TI *
« tr-.eeb; tutd k» d>e various parta^l
the cure of chronic rseuraaU«m,Kmi
tic doloureux. |mralvai». or palsy, KO nu
V"iiu'u daoce. epilepsy. weakncsV OS SS
Wkww rZ^ 10 '““JBlonor tISKS
Kijk:, i'(ir -nrroatiding tm.te of Wonen P. uti
pr. m.-ccM. -.11111 Uie instrument. m»y be parehaW-InH •
ul.-o ie*ied for the core of dtscasea, 7
Kui; i.oa. witltegreft for th« v»riou* eheml.
t a.j io he u«-d <or vrrnou* di*ea««, noJ the b*«i m*a.
»*■ r for oiw- ra u U r tor the core of Ihote diwosea *ili «u .
BO he full.- eiphuoej to tin* purchaser, aadapanmfclei
l*ut .mom. r.An.|. .iprr^iy-for the*e purpotei, cor*,
lul.j- [irei.areil iiv ;n<-. imu-tuce. Enquire of
octirt-dly * WHXIAMB.Vino nt, Pitobgrub
PlLLabr Tb il Allegbr
joxgU au«l . icgbeay lnflmuF,
' n'vii-iu ir' 1 Hemm^Ktree^eo&T'-
r pll!S n now'-m successful operation m>
JL ‘l-rtii-- in.uuu..-Mj-ri! Oi a competent mtimn m n A
Hi* MciUcaJ Mail u composed of the follow
.«§ r uy«c..u,». Dr.. Addison 'jH*zam, Dale, BiOoki.
Moreau. I«*. I .:>».((• and C. .nman, the
wh.»i»ia:i.-n.| >« ,t„- (i-'rman patients. Thaotyeetol
Uie lufmnarv re not ui !•<■ a in»-rc receptacle, bat t ear
rain>- lor Uw. wulforu.R luid the sick—tbocbari
tj u iitcretoie I muled in accidents and acute
exccpi in irrnie rnnen. As many patients or Xu
character wtl he received pauj, a* the fund* will
permit lud.v.dt.aJ*, Ohorcfie*, Beneficial Societies,
lanuuej.&r . who wr»i, m provider asylani for sick
fneii.l-. member* it:ui itoniesur.s, Cop do *0 at froia&l
«. Roper Week accord,»* 10 attendance, room, te.
Ait Hppiu-u.ioiM. for permits must be made to Dr. AcHK
son. P*un -tr~t, Dr. Gaziant, 6th street. Dr. Brooks,
Id •Irc.-I Dr loin s e. Hand street. Dr. Morgan, Poan
►ireel. Dr. t-0.-uman, Pcmi street, olh Ward, and Dr*.
Dm* and IM,, -cfoml hank. b c |„w Federal street. Al
legheny city.
Sdbdcnj»uod> iri.t comnbuuom fonUii eli*my,m*T
l.r run.).-r,i i),.. Krv \V N Piuwavani, Director oftM
Innuiouon; or in lire lollowhig Banker*, vbo h*««
ki n<l! >• r...,--,,:,-,) lo ihera: Mcs*r*. Krwntfr *
Krthm. N Holm.-* k. H Jour* it Co., Wra. Lari
ui«*r. Jr, Moor k Sargent, Hill &. Carry, anul fiLJtt.
_ . dectt-lT
rpnh I'IHM OK KKKH, PARK?' A Co. u tW* tf»y
i .fn€ni»-r«t uv iiiurnri) mriM*ru. Ths buiineu afu«
:a:.- trill w» It..- .cMlou \>y R. U, Parks or l». H. Ball,
hi t;.« -M • ■tin-.- of H.G. Park,. CHAS. M. REED;
I*, U. BALI-
«**v*r.Jan l.*W.
~ S49' . 1849.
lhWsi ': l -K.b. l‘*aav Intt* Read, Park* A Co,
KoRWaRDIV. A '‘‘'Mmission merchants,
Vid Vsenia for th«
I'ui/ ißrcii nnJ Ci**velanJ, io CteTeJand, 0»
! U'on Lxr.r, _ _ _ Cleveland, O.
I! fJ l*ar»<‘ f-cp'.'*.. Pnrkfi Line u Krie, Pa.
«*•' 10 «•* *1- Hanoi. na<l John A. Pitt*.
it e vrrulble Filtering Cock, ~~
H h.cft render* water pare by
removing «JI oihMaticr* not aotubie in
wat. i. The croton water in N- York,
k ( n:;hou:’h clear and purr to tin* eye, yel
it put** nn hour ihroagh Un»
if-'iMt: I large «lego»u
iiiipurr 'uS.|K!icr«. worms, Ac Title
Hi.- c titnr- «ir W« wnJi all hydrant water.
'I .!*: lUtfri-m.c FiiUirtf i« iK-ni mid durable, and la
»••• 1 « ill n- mrrmvemenre incident- to'oiher
t.. i: r. <-I.Ni:. without beingdclatihed non/
>- >•, M-T-., turnuiß Ihc key eft haudl.
;,i ’ •• ;,- ' f Mv lhi« nwy proerva, the
‘ • mid uil accumulation* to
•>*- du\4 ii oil uiiuoAi u.KUtntly,
l-i.ler ll ?!.<> poKtcxaes Uifl
li.- rort, and a« sueb m many
I i><> very ••o.ivi-im-m and econouuoaj.
Ii ran !.<• i/a.-i,.-,: vrhrf tin-re i«. auy pressure hijfh
or t nvr {,) u i-.IV, • ai-,«. ml-, ip. with cuse. To bp had'
-1 :nr «i..e Ay-n.l, . W. \\\ WILSON,
■ -•'.IT r-o-ii-T of Fount! JUid Markei «t»
Dlnjilir*gm Filter, for Hydrant Waier,
»5» fill--* *• in.wruty iliai IJiavemi-
A por,:.-.' I *lmi. Itos'eli A. Co.
W urn " " I<,r l^l '
$S r-*n Dm l-jlicr, foe the «-
JM '•*■>‘>l lVi>nnfijh mi.l Allegheny.
J'»HN t»!KJ*ON/Aire>it,i
altar M. Gibson, IMil Hryodway,
© *oct. io.i&ta
\\ V have ‘ u.u,;j n,i t . o; me above article* at tic
or :I|.- i>'*» lor three months, on trial,
and l. e! I- rtr-i'y •un-fm-l Hint it i« a o«ofnl inyentirmi
.111.1 We la*.- ('<«*:i-tnm mcoiauicmOnn them an a me.
• i-.arr.-.. i- wi.o purr water. Orders will be y received and promptly exrctncd.
. . 1.l'oN, KqugßN A Co
“ Advrrtliement, '
j”IF «i!-«rri!.t*r n ..[femer ror »ale a handsome' i
J. oi \unii*-i<H. i:\cw York,! ami Cb‘
» 1 1«<>»|.,u . Pium.., would direct atteutie' , (
far: 1.’u.l 1... .» ir.r nu.y piarn i:i the Wen* -r •
no' -j
•u>». t-i i«.o was era oun t»-
>ide. H1..1 . ..i,,.". i urin l \. a ci.r .
■ l.r :,.rni<H. The
lo their rr'tiii aiu<
yean |ii nunnnl u|*oij die '' • •;
nas ua<r'i ~uo u. - i„i me la-.. • - ,r, t .
emi.< I‘imm., in ord.-.r in try ..... r. .< M
a- <l.l acccuraaytnrut t#> ia« % *. m «T
00. V !>.. 4MU K'ldrll, ll!Ml | „ <IQ feel*
con(nlr.:t or M« ability In give a . Rn d reli*>
Vie opinion on ilic »uCj->rv
A r.a!kd«f>iiio in; oi new Pianos v.
Uc opened in «
A I J w Woo<Kvefrß
O I bA I —Flic M;ti*nr.kcf lukr» Uh* method
•■i*itr.ii.i.i{ :.i. aol 'Uc |>ul.ln- hi ycncraJ that
!.:» .nr- *i.i, if in tb» [oilcurimf darned anj
. a a! :••• • ii ri* m ii.Li-uy— Saddle*, Raf
vv!im• 11 iic will warrant
1t.i.l by the be«« meeh
• . U. iiii; determined lo tail'
'* iban bio been hart**
>.dinar i’»Uilili <Uiiiem m u, O
“ , ’ ov « aameU
* . • No -< l < rty btreet, oppA
• i ..uirlr inrt.k in nr.ter tor machine,
lv <■- KKKBV.-
r I'UK Se-.0,. oi uu» U»utuUon, under the
X i-arr oi .Mr. m,a .Mr,. for the prcaent
ru aii.-rnn- year mil -nmmi-nrr m , the find of Februa
ry I’.Ml, 111 ill.: rnj.e a i No. aU Liberty »IfC«U
Arraus Mvr Iwn, made t-y which they will
. •* •• in n.Mi.-ii ' <ll;.if rarilutea equal u> any
"I tn<* U wi. tur n Kafflin/i, Cla**i
. ill. ;.nU l>ri,;tMi-'.;al ( i ltl r, A full courne orPhl
ii»r*jit.irm and Uicmwnl tenure. will be drJivered
ilnriiif Uic wiui.-r, Mui-rnti-U i.y apparatus. Tbede-
Purim. i.i. o: Wr, rind ln.innnrtnal Music, Modem
LHmtur.ce*. I'rnwinc I’hiiiUM*. wilt under
lln-1 ; ,l i’l <»|e,-nr. Jiy Clo.e aUCUUon
u * l,r Ml ‘ ,:t r ~n provemeuPof Mieir pu-
P'ls, in- Prt„.-i,T„.. hot*- to meni a continuation of the
liin-tnl jiiiiromiir.* they hove Imiiono enjoyed. For
lrn, * lt "* upi>ly lo u ‘ e
TjIUKMX J iUK URICKS—The ►ubr.rnbtrs navuic
X ben iippm.-i.-.t ro : c A [’rut. by the inannfactiircr*’,
-r •*- '•* »'eie|irutP<l "I'lliriHjt Birk*." «W
no*.v prepared i<> 1.11 order. for any quanta*, at 931,
c:»»h. per for the r.nn»tnicumi of iuroacca ol
ail lunlr. tnew brick* have been pmnoonceil by cam-
J.el.-ni mdse* «• 1-ci.,-- vqicnor to at] other fire brick*
"’"mi’*' C *' * AANn/rv * c °. Canal BatfiL
M\ n r v.\ - • ri "h i fn t< IiiACrTHI
11 ) !• 1 * I .rxnurli ,t- S-; 'as do .Miraheaa to; *M
fifl I*n 1 *rtn 11 •*. and !►; uo do John Kucher *■>%;. 1-i do Ra
hiri>iSvm,h,, -W» on Henn A Jiubbb i«»nd or, id
<lO Job-.* ana t.ewia I*, ,i do Warwick MißejT U; 7 la»
!«■ hil
I !»••>! UiMr.-nv-ii.r.oMns «ome of the favor
i,f' 'tmi-I - on I -r,!,c u .| l „ r . nli an ,i wJI |
j MPORI l.;> li.ttK. l UtO.M TJ4K MAiSLFAITIT
-1. Kkß> !.(•• >nn»^riirr r». Uc ciulmurc ut}-
( iufa-- f iji J.ii,.- a, So«» .\»h for Utia
-v.'i .-..iKjuii- to bo larjsc}r»an
p:i- .1 •-vnl. t!n- r< n-,i | r nt .,i wlurh th«y-win nrlj
AI Imvr.uwnn s ,r..ror eu*h or npprovedinlU.
I'liov rrjrr u> iiif .ijj.. ami iwrup maiiuuoUlttn (
in : »ciij ri 'jn.t ihc ijuultty.
j nos tors [>snsiiTSim^xis2n^^ n .
I <in» in -i lotrn, wiib P&Mejtn*, Tdolk,
\i- . ml rr.mly lar will 64 »o!U on ’aceomnm
dnu .j trrm«. or iof Iron or good*j f
I to. i.ilrtv :t „ -.•ii.-ni opportunity u> a TOtuiirntn
wui. »m ni < ii|ni;il i.< . miiiticnri- iho Iron Kitmdry bu-
Jr "'‘ inacar Wwod meet
t ix'Utuf; Siotvi, Orate*. fee.
M. MINIMI v» U.I.ACKACU., Ko«iM Cbnfeh,
rwiirri,n.M,. U.hkl *irrr(«, manufacture
*'..l ull-r.... , .mi, KW and Counter Scale*.
ik sii. 1a..-: .mi- *V, Onjkinjt Slotm, tor wood
rL: in \ l :' : ' ■*!*«*,' Parlor and
• (•"iino/r <. n.w M«... vWuro, 4r. Ac! They t)go
raa:uiifl.Muf' u~- k,n-i«-r, Uiui,*.\ Wiucii Itugivcameb
K ' i.- rul lo lbi»r !<;• vmg u ,|| u**, ,j| w f
ii - v-•••iiuli;, i-ivm* ilits tuentJen of
• !;l I '- r ' ' S-‘«r»tiy ‘ortS7s)if
1) AI }:NT m>!.\K I.AHn'U V.P^~-T n V»ir»ue
I. i m.w fn. * i,V« rrlfbrateri njSJiu
t" iirr, mm t.rt i.Uter» m u»«s; adapted 10
! Uweliu!**, public ami
(my an an., in i i»Ui.;r uno. wticre a cheap, safe
:■ ii<l I'ulljbiii !i } ;l,i j<-» .f.ililf. a ”
fT";,, - 1 ,"' m ' ««*••. *»»»■.«. xu,
(•.in Ul.tuli urti, liijui one i.» i.jur hebla,
* ■ " V ' U <6 .oaflttl M
UarilWttr»*Cii«n|ier iliiia ££veri ‘
L'S~';. v l 1^::^
,1 ‘ r ;i,r ,rt "> I urcifie, uml wfacii they
*re urieniiMinl ni-«:.. ,|nii:duu:ij Jow. Alerctema
!**"’ tJS * 3,c l *‘ :; r f°'"< Earn, arc parncu
l.-vii) rrquriini . .. milt took Uiroßyh our stoel, as
Wt 7,'li A:y u,^wlll •n’m tlreir exjwncea.
OItM.INAI. -OOL.I v Ati hHIfIWiJ - “
one sod.* half
j iiuiiuiiiß, p ■ r firnuouncc liu* article mj*ar
lor .! u r :i !• ~i l) in litr cojKirucUon Ol' ailkjodaoC
■'»l'ni'i'*. f;.i c r«*h for iondi oCIO M, fuarj
a :;ei'.t i- n.' moutii- nu- (.Infers for a acooud quality
Itoliv xr Murk* wui be eXcceici at S» per M, if •• do
k.rn! vv I'.liou'. 'uura.Uce. A slot.* of liie fiml (JUalily
I* HOW u>r iii ■} n: uio V. Wiprf,’ Ca
na! K*.-h. t-7 J SIM tV MaCLAREN
».*pO-n Ke»i«iicu»n Inm Worki
a.- .miio* ?i*r«dca audr Hbe
iTa 40 ■!» ;.i , .... | ..rk- -*!i *lo f/rain ShofeU: fiO
do Sviifiiin, A i-» Hnirocir. Mattocks aitd'Pick*
Ui .V iWkl> HOAIL' - «*> !>'»<- -maii LoTip
iiiuni-.u; -inlQ powdc/c* ,<W do
canUeil, ,ii -ion ami i.rr inJe by •
Agu si Louu tfieum Uugar Rf*mrrr.
«iec4 45 water mjds| f*ni ■;