THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. PUBLISHED BY WHITE A CO PITTSBURGH! TUESDAY MORNING, FEB. 27, 1649. PHILADELPHIA NORTH AHKEICAS. Advertisements and Sabucnptioiu to the North A_raer cnn and United Stetes Gaxette, Philadelphia, received ad thl* office. OOKHEBCIU LIST ABD PHILADEL PHIA PRIOR CURRENT. Subscriptions to this valuable paper will t>e received and forwarded from this office. SEW YORK EXPRESS. We will receive and forward free of expense, ad vertisements and subscriptions for this paper QTTas Ptmeoaoß Daxlt Gazrrri I* published Diuly,Tn-Weekly, and Weekly.— The Daily i* Seven Doll an per anniimj the Tri-Weekly it Five Dollar* per acniuajtke Weekly l« Two Dollar* per annum. «ricd f a&tamcc. krAiHiifliuii an earnestly requeued io titml it fitcir favor* before, and at curly mUieday ■>< practicable. Advcrtiaements not uncial fora tpeci fted time will invariably be charged uuul ordered uu Foa t-tvcTT Commercial Intelligenee.DoiQeiUc. Mai kets, River News, Imports, Money Msrsei'. Ac. •«.- bird page. JUT Wm. Taoxrsox, Ktq , 8. E. corner oi Baiiiraotfi and Sooth streets, U our duly aaUionwd Agent io Baltimore, Mil. Sea naxt page for Tslsgraphlc News. For Local Blatters see next p*B«« Ackjtowlsdgsneers.—We are indebted to Messrs Hntnptoa and Stewart, at Washington, and several of our Hamsburgh member*, for public documents- iRaCQtJXAXioji NrwsTarkß-—The Brother Juna% than, for March 4th, is issued, of double sixe. id commemoration of the election of General Taylor to the Presidency. It contains some very beauti ful engraving*: one representing the inauguration, in which tho portrait* of many of the most distin guished men of the nation are given. Uis alto gelher a very voidable and interesting paper. Koi sale by Morse, Fourth street. Oar Washington letters will be read with interest these days. Oar very excellent correspondent has promised tq keep us posted ap in all matters oi general interest. The Presidentelect arrived there on Friday evening, and we may look for the an nouncement ofhia cabinet, daily. Mr. Cluyton has relarned from Delaware, and was at his seat in the Senate, at last accounts. It will be matter of gratulation to all our readers, from variooß reasons, that commercial and manu facturing prospects are so cheering in England, as will be seen from our foreign news to day.— Were the Interests of manufacturer>. and through them, of agriculturists, as well guarded m thitcoun* try as In Great Britain, this country would be able to boast of equal prosperity, in every branch ol business. hmttTAirr to the Press.— The New \utk -Su perior Court has decided that newspaper* have ibe right to publish police and judicial re(>ort*. and that any true and lair report is not a libel. This has heretofore been a disputed point. This decision also settles the question that if the facts contained in an article are true, it cannot be the subject of a Itbel sail. Fait.criticisms are also declare to be privi leged. Hex Jchu M. Clatton. —The universal appro bation with which the nomination of Mr. Clayton to the premiership has been received by the Whig press, argues,,. well lbr the ol General Taylor. It shows that in the judgment of the Whig party, the President elect has displayed the soundness of hisjudgmeot, and bis attachment to Whig principles. It ha* often been remarked of the old General, that he possesses, in a remarkable degree, the faculty of choosing hn> men for their fitness for the objects to be accom plished. This has beeo seen in his whole event fill military career, and m the nomiuauou ol thfc distinguished Delaware Statesman we have fur ther evidence of this most important (acuity iq a Chief Magistrate of the United Stale* Excessive LEatgLATton. —From who! attention we hove been able to bestow upon the proceeding! of the Legislature this winter, we should think it will be remarkable for a large amouai of Legisla tion- .Bills are introduced in great numbers, and are passed with Railroad speed. We have no 'objection to thin, provided due caie and consider ation is bestowed upon the subjects legislated upon. -We approve of industry and energy, and have no objection to any amount of useful und necessary legislation. Bnt we fear always, where there is too much haste in the pasisago of laws. They are frequently found crude and indigested, and productive of more harm than good. Hasty legis lation also give i an opportunity lo interested per rons to procure the passage of laws of which the people generally have never heard of, and ctc probably opposed to. Of this we have irequent mstahees- To prevent unnecessary, Uncalled for, and ba»lv legislation, every bill, affecting the interests of ibe people generally jof any county, ought to be published m the ropers ot that county, lor the public information and examination, and bills affecting the whole state, ought to be published throughout the Commonwealth. In this way moch evil might be prevented. As to petitions, they ore not much to be depended upoa in the general- We are sorry to have to say it, but the American people do abuse the right of petition most shamefully. A petition be gut up and numerously signed, for almost aoy project under the sun. Hundred# of persons' Bigtr-petitiona without reading them, or making the least inquiry into the effects which will be prodd ed by the granting of the object prayed lor Many of our respectable citizens signed a petition, ibis winter, to dismember our county, a thing they are utterly opposed to. While petitions oaa be gotten up m easily, legislators eanndt depend upou them as in nine cases out of ten, they do not represent the real sense of the people. In order to prevent too much and too hasty leg islation, many of the states have provided for bien nial sessions of the Legislature, and much waste of lime, money, and other evils would be prevent ed, were the practice universal. The Mississippi arid the Poeinc. The bill proposed by Mr. Benton, m the Senate of the United States, to provide tor the construction of a railroad from the Mississippi to the Panb< goes directly to its object, and assumes at once fc the Government all the responsibility of the umiei miring. This is bold and statesman like. The lime ho been when strict constructionism woold Lave #**r ed back with honor at the audacity of iu#q, because Cuiilorma occu pies the «»nn» relative position towards the lower portions of the Mississippi Valley which Oregon frnltU towards the northern. Both Oregon and California, then arc and must beintegral parts of the Republic. Every man that goes to either of the territories feels it and knows iL The last memorial from the people of Oregon, praying for a government, expressed a feverish impatience for the coming oi ibe time when they would be ‘living under and enjoying the protection of the stars and stripes of our loved country. 1 , , , The construction of a great natmnal highway from the Mississippi to the Pacific, with a breadth of one mile offend reserved and set apart for such a purpose, running all the way through the heart ofthe national domain, would open a grand artery through-which the tide of our common national life would flow, quickening every impulao of vital ity, and imparting a continually renewing vigor to every portion of the system. The time to begin thfegrwt enterprise is now. Let the public land, be made to Enhance their own value by furnishing the means for the contemplated improvements.— They could not be applied to a better purpose. Amtnesa. * FROM WASHINGTON. I Pres!an. While he' spoke, every member retain- | Correspondence ot the Piusnnrgh Gareue. led his seat, not withstanding an interesting debate ! Washington, Feb. 22,1849. j upon the same subject was proceeding in the Sen- I General Taylor will be here to-morrow night. . You could almost have heard a whisper His will not be made idl ten j acroSi the Hall, so profound were tue silence and dayß after. There is no material change in the , attention with which he was listened to. And reports. The rumor, however, that Mr. Choate when he bad exhausted hi* allotted hour, he re will be offered the atlontey-general-hip. gajns , ceived the very high compliment of being unam strength. Mr- Choate is a great lawyer and prob» | tnoasly requested to continue hi* remarks until ho ably the finest speaker in the Union The follow - , jj 4 j a p j, 0 say, j, e com ing geographical arrangement may be considered j ph e d with, to the delight of all who heard bun. 1 fixed upon— l | do not recollect of this high mark of deference and Secretary of State —John M. Clayton, troin the rr gard being paid to any other member except the Middle Stales. r ‘at John Uumcy Adams, lo whom it was tender - Secretary of Treasary-Fnim the M.dJlv Mutes, id probably Pennsylvania. Attorney Generai-From New Englaud. Secretary of Navy—From the South AlUutic Secretary of War—South Went. Secretary Home Department— From the West. Pt»i Master General—From the West Your reader* may indulge in their own -pectii itioo* as to person*. The avalanche continue! il« oour-e. The town i« crowded with those urban politician* whose habits lead them to attach consequence lo ease aud good quarter*. Had not General Tnyior. with Ibe forethought “of an old campaigner, engaged roomq for in advance of the crowd of hu admirers, seems likely that he would have lound it nece*- iry to camp out upon the common. Of court* in these lime* we need not be mealy | mouthed. The democrats, who have beeu fatten , mg for twenty years on the spoil* ol the treasury, ; understand that they niutl uow walk. They, of course, are prepared lo’vocale all prominent sta tions, say all office* of $2OOO a year and upwards. The whtgs are coming up from all parts of the country after these same offices. They are very right. Things can't be had for the m-king in this j country. A man mast make himself and his men's I known, if he expects to be appreciated. Therefore, Washington wall be crowded tor at least three or four weeks to come. In 1011. John Tyler and John M. Botls slept m the same bed. We hardly ex|>ect thing* to come to that pass on ibu occasion but there will Jks a tight squeeze People nerd no encouragement f) come up to the capital on political errands, but as inauguration occurs but once in lour year*, there can be no very great üb ! jection to their coming up w,th a lil>eral disregard of croaker* We bear troin Ohio, that the wing* arc making earnest efforts lo agree upon a candidate tor tor wnout they can elect, li <•> rumored to dav, that Mr Giddtng* came vvuhin three votes m caucus of betog nominated. His antagonist was Mr Vaughan, who has never separated trom the whig! Mr. Giddings think* that Mr \ aughao will be nominated and prcbab,y be elected. I believe the Legislature adjourns on the dsih in stant. We bad a breezy and usetui dny >n the House The hill for the establishment ot terr.tonal govern ment much Inited of lor some made its public ftpjxrarance !a»t night, at tin* 7 I'.'verr.aolo. *ud »t 0.-iirse U.ieJ The ma* ! • hme Marled but m .MiurMiem-e u the engineer * the ' wring .ove, it "topped ruo»t igno* mmiously. :tmd tne jeer* nt the audience, who ! would not remetni*er unit 1-aliens first Meant boat (dried The made money, aad would Lave done »u had he announced In* intended de \ (u.rture for the mo.ui Tne more glaring the hum* ! bug, the r,.-U-r the reword iroiu a .New Writ an* i ■ d.encji. ! I Workmen are engaged day and mght at tne tun- j I clnnery lor the Liverjui .1 steamer* ol Colhnv and • they will soon be at thrir [tort. The lute owner* ol the United State*, winch ha* been sold lor Stl'i » dihJ, go into the Neptune ('Mmpany .Havre Lmei . witit Uie;r cxiprta: The I'niled Stales ha* made money, and her owners realize a very handsome j '■ profit by the *a!e. John Hull may sneer at our u can ships, but the mortification is noon lurgoUen, i when w« recollect ikel, Russia, Spam. and Pru* ■ ma. haVM'ome to New York U. buy specimens ol 1 steam ship* of war. The • Eurnpa. on her last trp i to Liverpool, made tne run m twelve day* —tne ] shortest winter passage ever known, but it m a vl? . on j fixed fact, tnat the packet ship L>ev.->n*hire made , i i . i i the same run in fourteen day*, though loaded >o The bill rejtorted three weeks a*o trom ike com . - )f m (he %nmm „ mittecß ou commerce, by Mr- Washington Hunt. Sun-g. cose very Urm at 104#j t.-r Treasury providing for the extension ol the revenue law* ol Note*. for • ’.no *> *. time Mr Pennsylvania Ihe Toiled Slam, over Cal,forma, nc.-urw It r»U> ««d • W ra.- >• (uh-jm. T* , . |» expected to renew the demand Mr Meek*, and one collection district, with one port of entry aiuJ refuM , to a ler ; ;u> j Exchayge is nom two of delivery, and a suitable number ol officers i l(i IDl j another ri*e m American Stock* abroad was taken up, debated at some length, and paused ( wi;i give j* a large orce**ion ol ctnn The rale Tbr, » a Ml of wry great .«.(»*«»« ■» •!» «• ] T" venue of the country, and the trade, navigation, and general interests of California it contaned the same reservation as to the npf-ointmrnt ol oric er* have sajJ, ihe House made no difficulty in over leaping that barrier, ami g&i&g over some three hundred miles of barren table land. to the Missouri, in order lo bring iu a poor fjrioru colony ‘ot Mor* mona, who have sought lem[»orury refuge there from the persecutions of their enemies ui li.ioois and Missouri. This proceeding will doubtless have the etiecl to drive them more speedily than would otherwise have been the case, west ol inc Rocky Mountains. The bill provides for the appointment of a gov. eroor, secretary, three judge*, and a district alter* ney, all honorable and lucrative appointment* The wings had no*, the remotest idea ol trusting to the modesty nod decency of Mr. Folk. *o an to place m bis bands the power of mnkmg Don* for these officers, at ui'dmgiit ot the dr*! of March. So Mr. Ashman moved to amend the !»•; by postponing Ihe lime for its taking effect, to the last of March next. Auer an animated contest they earned the amendment—ayes 'Jo, ooe« afo four majority. It was then parsed without a di* by Mr Polk, postponing lb« beginning c.l ihe oper- Kkc n-Tiox or * l*.v TaTUir *r tiis Rki.ay Hor-x •lion of Uwlaw.lo March 10,1,. There W.N pr.ll.nbly 1 -<;«». TaT.a.. amvrJ at me Relay .tal,on “ u 1 , t , . miles from Bam i ore. yesterday afternoon at halt be a division betweeu ihe two House# cu .m#, paa{ three o Hook, where a mu*t cord, al and emthu# point of regulating the appointment#. , iafl{u reception was extended to him by (omm.i- tee# oi Reception from Wa*nuigtoii and Baltimore WaxhiuQTO.s, Feb. <■'! I (vnes. and by a very .arre conenurvr ol persons The first thing in order this evening.j the arrival to honor lt>“ d-t J hen, _ , •,, The Committee ot Kerentioii trom Washington of thrneral Taylor. Tl.e ear, arr.veJ a*,! „J, |liigl:i#«. Karnnaui. Ilenshaw iMi.ihps. be approached nearer than half a -H uare a “ J 1 Sweeny. Walla, k. Webb. M’Manu#. i’ol!nn*t*-e. must rest in the belief that uli thing# will be pro- himan and Km-ey i Lionel# Bits# and Dur-lmg . , . . , , enme on m the train which brought the ( urn* periy managed by those appointed lor that pur- froa \v as h;n ? 'on. pose. 1 understand that Mayor Seaton promised On the arrival ul llie special irmu Irom ' *umb*r lo prepare his speech U weicome to the President | au j Wll h Lira. Taylor, he was received with the elect upon the model of the answer to Santa An- warmest demonstrations of respect ami regard a 1 proceeding ,n which none seemed to unite witn na'a BUinmona al Buena \ istu. i ?r^n(er 7t . a | t han the many ladies who crowded The cortege repaired to the temporary re-den- e ; hal , (l f l; „. hntH Un the part ot the Com- Ol the General at Willard'#, where ! lru-t ml peo-; Hm-epOon. Mayor Seaton addressed to the Pl, will have ihe «ood «««• and f «,d ,a.,e ,e <«~r.l a fc- Imppdy . aprcaaed word.ofw.lco,,,. pn- win ua»e ft t , Ul Bud wogrjluiuuoa. which were responded to in a leave him, after very brud «remoiye# Col bliss lfallt aD j curJ:aj and h<# lady amved and ioi,.: rcfei"# at the same [ t i, el „g known that a irmu of car# wa*e*pe- trd hotel, last evening. from Baltimore, the [.rogres.# of 'reo. Taylor m Evcrr tiubhc house m the piece has, 1 believe. ; ward# Washington wi- delayed to awmi their am# . i vai Usriog tb,« interval he received the alien. issued a notice that no more can be taken ,n or mhay o! tbo#e present, convening wuh all done for on any terms. w^o approached h.r.i .n a -pint of free and warm- It « said —l do not know how much truth hearted cordiality wb h favor oi al? and p ~ redoubled the eoihus.Bsm Winded *..s pre —that on Wednesday next. Mr. Btid Mr# I oik wd hold a tareweli levee at the While House which Shortly alter ", o deck the train Iron. iLitmiore will attended by the President elect and hi* - ar^7e d . onsistmg ol nineteen cars propelled by taraily. If this festivity t* held, it will tie at least three locomotives, snd hsving .n all about one . . i . thnnaand neraons. aiun.-iR w'bnni were the Mayor crow,!ed ■“ “ k " **" bt " kn ° W " , L„J me ,aten of.b, Al lb, I,me of Washington. But I whether it t* so con- amvßl General Taylor had taken u«tsat mtlie temptation, more especially a# it ha# been aaoouu# t -g. which was to convey hun to Washington .Thi# ced m the Udioq, tbat on .Ihe loltowme d.v, the wa.iatfahlly .urrounded and ““ > he sbovring hun*«*»< 2t one windows, shout alter present ocoupanU ol the Executive resideoce m- J, na mopl uML-ot.-oHable enthusiasm went lend to evacuate it, in order to allow ct the neces- y wbl | tf hundred# struggieu hj endeavor to get tarv preparaUon for their successor* nenr enough to hike him by the hand 1 ..cae ioam ’ , t . n , ‘ .Wafirms ol friendship the General wa#. however , There are some distinguished Pennsylvanian# y orca; j w Jechue.hi# nglU band being still m a pain- 1 in town, whom I will mention with more partiou- ful >iaM from injury.recired In hij fall m Mad,- larity in my next. Among other arrival# to day, l pon, Indiana. notice that of’Genenl Shield*, of Illmoi#, Senator In answer lo the earne»4 and repe'i'cd » all# of elect It thus appear# thul be by un mean, defer* d to the opinion of those of his friends who think hi* i^ ttVOr S..&L;) He was then introduced to .May best course would be not to present his credentials or siansbury ibe k iwsi;iuUee of reception «iid other Pi! December next, when there wtil be no question mepiber* of the Baltimore Court' ii. he v ‘*'t Haiti apoa the Khomes for Territorial Government more did not.reach « Krtighl to be .tided to the Appropriation Bill u urw 100 i«l« to make arranpe- Mr. Dayton, of New Jersey, delivered a very able 1 menU Xo comply with u- 4 copy 011 bo lo “ e ' waJI and exeelfentiapeech on the question. handed to bun by iho Mayor- To day the House listened to an eloquent speech * * front Mr. MTDowell, of Virginia, on the Slavery The admirer* of great novelist, u wer, Question. He apoke m favor of admitting the be gratified to leatn that h* ** coming to r*« eat whole territory acquired from Mexico tu ooe j Washington, u the ambassador of her M es, y 0 according to the plan of his colleague, Mr. ! tb* Coari of Si. James. cd several Umes during hif long career in the Mouse. Ttu.s was a tribute to the personal char acter, the courtesy and conciliatory bearing of Mr- McDowell, as much os to hi> eloquence, and the beautiful and poetical character of his oratory. 1 am told that his appeals to the men of all sections to forget their dissensions, and lo unite upon some mode of settlement that would calm the passious ol all, drew lean* from many members ‘albeit,' ‘all unused to the melting mood. Ills argument did not meet my concurrence. — Me adopted the fallacy of ihe Nicholson Letter— that the diffusion ol slavery over greater space was not lo increase the number ot Slaves —a doc trine so palpably erroneous, and eveu so absurd* that it has always appeared to me wonderful that any honest and intelligent man could defend it. — Hut it wa* uot ine argument McDowell > 'speech that commanded admiration —it was iu conciliatory spirit, its mild and gentle exhortations : to pence and concession, its poetical imagery, and I the warm religious sentiment that pervaded it, * wh-cli delighted the Mouse, and disarmed all op* 1 position. When Mr. McDowell concluded, he was sur rounded by a crowd of his gratified auditors, who expressed their approval by shaking him by the hands, and similar raauifeslnuons of good leeling. .11 .xiua. FROM NEW YORK. Porre-pomlence ol ihe Puubucgh Omr'.ir New York, Feb. si. IMiV There i* l.illein the wnyoi general news to call Hie attention ol people from Die chiding (act that the present - cold snap exceed* in seventy any thing ex penetKed for the ia-t ten year*. Long Island t-ouiid has been partially dosed, and the harbor so lull of ice. that navigation is dangerous. As a singular exeotion it may be said that the North River lor fifty miles is as free trum *. e as in and the boat* meet no obstruction. The Oily continues to nil up Southern Merchants and Our jobber* anticipate a heavy trade The * .Sorout who preside m the bank parlors of Wail Street have got well over the panic uilti winch they |>er-uaJed themselves in consequence of ihe dram of specie tor tne Sub Treasury A rise m Slocks, attended by a decline in exchange on Europe, ha* convinced thrm that a govern ment deeply m dci*t a* .« that ol Mr. Folk, cannot hoard enough com to wciken the pubuc••ontiden;e af a time of genera, prosperity letters trom Washington make a certain that all Mr. Walker's clamor about the abundance d ha resource? and bis k'ndii<‘ss .a }>ostpon'ng the payments on the iast loan, were «heer prelen. r, and that a pahry two and « half nudum* are all he has due on me loan, w.ih a certain driKiency of three oviliou* *n This is a mo? From ;!ir lUintaor" America*. uf s»i»iur'l#\ Progress of the Prestdeut Blect. FOREIGN NEWS. BY TOE STEAM SHIP EUHOPA BY EXPRESS FROM HALIFAX AMD TELEGRAPH FROM ST. JUH.XS. ’ IMPORTANT COMMERCIAL NEWS. [We avail ourselves of the following more ex« tended telegraphic despatch received by the New York Courier and Enquirer. Commercially the newt i* of much importance.] We received at a late hour last night the tollow* ing bignly interesting and important summary ol the news brought by the steamer Europaf which left Liverpool on the 1 Oth and reached Halifax on Wednesday afternoon. We receive it by Magnetic Telegraph from Sl Johns, New Brunswick, to which city u was ron veyed by horse and steamboat Express from Hal ifax. Our despatch i* less full tbau it would have l>een had not the Telegraph between St John and Boa. ton worked very slowly. The Commercial news, however, it will be seen is highly interesting nnd important. Colton and Floor have both continued lo advance and the Stock market maintains its buoyancy. The following is our despatch SrSA>fk& CoMMooonx, f Bav ot' Fundy, Thursday evening. | The Royal Mail Steamship Kuropn, CapL Lott, arrived at Halifax on Wednesday evening at ft o'oliH-k. Ample and the very best arrangements having been previously made lo express the newt to St. John, vour agent left the city at about 5 o'- clock. in company with Mr. Barnabee. the enter prising and gentlemanly proprietor of the Western Stage Line. The road* were ol the worst possible description even for Nova Scotia, ansing from the recent nnd very heuvy fall of snow, the heaviest, it is said, that has been tor the last SO years. 4 Bull, however, we made most excellent lime lo Windsor, 4ft miles, where, on account of Mr Bar* nabee's illness the ribands were handed over to Mr. llomer M. Piolo, who is well known On the line for his gentlemanly conduct nnd kindness to pa.«?engers, and certainly they could not have fall en into more worthy hands. We left Windsor at U o'clock m the evening übd nrnved right side up at DigbyGut, 101 miles, at *4 o'clock this, Thursday morning. Most unfortunately, your agent was detained here nil 3 o'clock this afternoon, m consequence of the utter i nipossibihty of forcing a passage for the steam ei Commodore through the ice with which Digby Bay and (he Cut have been jammed full and bn It mountains high, during 'he last ?4 hours, with the lull for<*e of the steamer's engine wheel* and the assistance of some twenty men. During the day a chaunel has t*een finally made for her lo pass out into the Bay of Fundy, and n >w everything tools favorable lor a pleasant and -pcedy trip to Sl John As the new* wdt lie found of more titan ordina ry importance your agent regrets exceedingly that it was not iu hi* power to give it lo yon for publi cation at an earlier hour this morning COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL In uearly every detriment ol trade and com merce. increasing activity prevails, nnd greater biioyuncy and hope ataiund Cotton .*«nll advanc ing slowly, but all the more -urely Sales to a large extent have l»een going .steadi ly forward during the last two weeks. The gram trade ha* \**en more ihao usually steady the last fortnight anil prices have t>een wet! sup ported Cured Provisions, A-he*, Naval ."More* aflO other art. ole? ol American production, are in lair demand at remunerating prices Iron and Tin plates e >n tinne in very active Jenmnd auJ have further aJ* vsuced iu From the manufacturing districts (he account* are decidedly eocouraging Holders of good? are firm iu their operations and are sanguine as to a good spring tr ule. Ttie diocL and Money Market* are unusually buoyant. Pobi.c Secur.lies and Railway Shares are on the advance The demand for I'nited Elates Six Per 1 eoU still continues at advaoc* ,ug rates Tne demand for (Jetton ha* continued extensive during me past fortnight and sales to a very large e item nave taken place In the course of the week Fef». , 2d,o'* t S6iJ bales changed hauds,of which 31.440 bale* were American. The prues -»f there remain wiihout much of any change, but Brazil or South American kinds being ui *ery active request, both for consumption or on speculation advanced one»eighl of a peffny per l».unJ. Since the 2nd, the market ha* been drm and active, and the -ales amount to ft 1.120 bales, ol wfoci) -peculator- have takeu 12 500 and export. cr* ».IUO bale* The iru{>ort during ttic two week* is (j-i.IHM), of wh.cti 52.00 U is irom ihe I'ntied Stales and the slock now in this port i- esi.maleJ at 407.00 A against 25 AIM Hi nl same pcr.o.i last •easou The stock of Amer'cnu t« about -*t'. twmg nn increase of 10‘„ ')UU bales The official quotati.'in for <'niton uow »r« ltd lor fair I'pUnd i.nd l.nt Mobile and I'J. for fair 1 >riesQs. middling 4.J h> l*d, .iiid ordinary 'Wd lo id. The Lorn maikel throughout the lulled King* dim nave been steady On the wbolag great!;/ activity has prevailed duriug the fortirgkt- Ttte immediate effect of the cessation of the Corn l«aw* oi aud the substitution of a nominal duty on all descriptions of irrain, has been much the same it* anticipated Prices have not f*;!eo. but on the contrary, are welt supported, uod to some instances hive ad vanced. Accordingly, at Mark Lane on Monday lust. Feb the mruiand for wheat, both English and foreign, was to a moderate extent, and previ ous prices were well supported. l uii i—American de«.ription» were a point dearer and the quotations per barrel were a point down at 2-iv and 275. In the value cd lodiau Corn there wa» little if any i haoce. the prices ruling nt Jb*. to TL. f»«*r quarter <_>t 45') Ilia At Liverpool mere has been uttie variation ui the value of al* mo*t every article. Money at call* may be said to range at about 1 1 per cent The pnc.ilic tone of our government, the improved condition of the public revenue, and prrnap- Die increasing prospects of large remittan ce* of gold from California, have tended to this re- Tbe Rafik 'f France has now .1 large amount of note* *a r rru.'ilum. and in spile cd their endeavors lo keep v ihin iiie*!iiniis of t.V) millions allowed by Uie law, the nece*silies ot the Government will probabiv eumpel some encroachment Upon the principle* generally practised by the R-rtctor*. The slock of bullion however, still mcreaaea a* well as the account on the government, but this arises Irotii ihe receipt »l the InM instalment i>f the loan. Ttn* '’losing pnoes ot the Three per font Rentes were 4'* 9-1 o and the Five Pent* 77 1 . INGLAND Parlmnjeiit was opened by the on that mam ailiele of sustenance. This scales at once all speculation upon the course o! conduct likely lo be adujked by tbe pres ent administration. Wuh the tinvigatipo laws also the government propose lo be equally decisive, uod a new bill lor their modification will be uDuiediae* ly introduced. Tne declared intentions of the Ministers lo make every retrenchment compatible w.thcomplete ell* ciercy m the various branches of the Civil, Naval, and Mil.lary Departments of the Stoic. have pro duced general satisfaction, and the liberal free trade policy, which they have determined to uphold, will probably prolong the tenure of office U> a more do* tant |>eriod thaD they could have a&ucipated bem* - *- the opening of Parliament. The Ft Hon. Sir Henry Lytton Bulwer. K C. B, recently Lngnth Ambassador m 'jpair., baa ben. appointed to succeed Sir R. Pakcnham, as British Minister m the Lniied Stairs. The ravages of the fholeru continue about the same as when the Niagara sailed. Lnter intelligence from Indio has been received, but is wholly devoid of general lUtere-L Toe excitement created in Lurope by the report* i partly ruled in favor of the prisoner up on tl*p bdl found at the last commission* It lm* been recommended by the I>jrd Lieuten ant to renew for a LnwieJ period tbe suspension of the habeas corpus act iu Ireland and the bill has already Iwren rend for the first time in the House of txjuimon-. There is very uillr news from the Continent of importance or general interest, except as n regards France Immediately after tbe salting of tne ‘-.jag arn inlelligen. e was received m Fnglnnd that the breach l.etween the Assembly aud the President had into a fearful guli A real or sham pjqf was disclosed to the French Ministry, and fora few days P*n» again assumed tbe appearance of a beleaguered city. The streets were occupied by not fewer than SO,QOO men; and lien. Changaroiet. plainly intimated that the first barricade that yas attempted to be raised, would be the signal for a general slaughter. Whether the Red Republicans were surprised or uoprepared to cope with the extensive military ar rangements concerted—certain it is that Paris for a few days on the verge of a new revolu tion; tbe iasue of wbiuh cap scarcely be doubted, as Marshall Bugenud was despatched treat Paris to bring up « strong division of the Army of the Alps ostensibly to command Bourges during the Slate t/inis, but with no less object than that of overawing the Red Republicans m Pans. Tbe differences between tbe Guard Mobile aod the Army of the Line only added fuel to the flame which boarly pew in intensity. 'Hie motion tor getting rid of the propositions of M. JFtaleau to dm solTe the National Alwembly, was only defeated by a narrow majority of 4 IB over 405. Since that votes greater tranquility ban prevail* ed, and once more we have to announce that the struggle pawed off without mortal sa ife. Nume rous arrests were however made. SECOND DESPATCH. The trade has been steady aince the find and any change that has taken place in BreaxVtuffs during tbnt tune has been upward. » The market is now somewhat duller and langu id. —American tloar is quoted at 26a to 27» tor WeM era Cabal: 26s a 27s for Philadelphia. Baltimore. New Orleans and Ohio 27s 6d to ‘23s Ad. A men enn and Canadian White Wheat is now sold at 7* 3d to 7s 6d per 70 lbs, and Red 6s Ad to 7a. Indian Corn haa latterly declined and prices have receded. Prearnt price* are 30s a 3L* lor white, and 31a 6d a 32s fir yellow. For cured Provisions there is still n fair demand and a good business doing in most articles of the trade. The imports durtng the past fortnight are 2v*77 tierces and 143 barrels Beef, 232 barrels Pork. 2 casks Hams, 3 bbda. and 609 casks Bacon, 1437 barrels and 3314 kegs Lard,-303 sacks and 2310 boxes Cheese. The wool market is very arm. the colonial wool sales now going on ot the Hall of Commerce have been so far, well attended by an nnusuallv large number ol buyers from the manufacturing districts and by a lew also from the continent. The biddings nre very brisk at un advance of i >1 lo 2d per lb. on the prices realized at the private sales. Iu i ilasgow, us well as in Staffordshire, tbe iron trade has again improved; all descriptions of metals are in active request, aud higher prices arc readily paid. The stock market is improving, and American is, as English securities are, again on the advance; the demand for U. 8. 6 per cents still continues, the price is one-eighth per cent higher, with every appearance of another rise; very large umounls have changed hands. The buyers now being those bouses which are as bankers to the •'onlinei t, the nmount on hand □tiering even at 107 per cent is very limited. Maryland Blerling 3 p«r cents have been sold with remarkable steadiness, nt prices rising Irom 75 to 73; last quotuUon 73 to 30 per cent. The general opinion is, that ii will be sold at '•5, and even then it o low when compared with the income, derived from it. Pennsylvania 74 : Ja 7fr, rates per cent neglected, and will possibly remain so until alter the decision ot the Legislature on the subject ol the rebel notes, but will then be in demand at *R). should tfte rriict notes be redeemed. Consols for money, iowest. Ingitcst, ’>2., dosing, 92* In the N'uhnnii l Assembly ,>n the .Mli uh . tne Minister ol the Interior aiiimiC'>-il r>:ii he had been directed by the President i I the Kepubii.- lo present n bill against viuhv The Assembly had wleady ena* led severe pen alties, with the view to repress ex ceases and re-' move dangrrs ho ularnung to * ■ ictv Govern* meat hud ordered a number ot dub* to In- i losed in the i-upitol and trie departments, and denounced the otlen-lem to the tribunals. • It was impossible that confidence could be re posed whilst dub* were permitted to exist. They iorated a stale Within a »iatr, and u<> tree governs merit i’ou:d allow such ufl anomaly to ex,-l with out endangering un existence. PKS.VSVLVAMA LEUISLATtHE. HsKKISULRO. Fell '.’l Reporti —Mr Harris Oorporaiions' reported the supplement lo the act lo mcor|>or»le the I'lh/en* Insurance Company of Pittsburgh w.ih tinwij mens* Mr Ronigniacher reported, trotn t:ie Seie .i i om liiiUee on the subject, the funner supplement to me act relative to the Petinsylvan.a Asylum, us ,om nutted. Bdlt rtmi \n place —The Senate remaned, on second reading, the consideration ot the bill lor the erection of a new county out of parti of War ren aud Craurtbrd, to be called (Jeratur After a brief discussion, which wa« participated m bv Messrs Brawlev and ' »vertieid, in favor ru the bill md Messrs Ives and Johnson, in i ['position to it. the bill was read a third lime itnd passed. \eas l.’>, nays 6. The bdi lo extend the charter ol ihe I’oltinilna Hank nnd Bridge Company . jmmg up was read a third time and [issued The Senate resumed (he considerai . n se cond reading, ot the bill in incorporate tne_ Fishing < reek Railroad and Coal t'ompanv. which wu ps-sed finally. Mr Irom the select roium.itee i.j whom were referred the reiKibiiioii remim*' i.i Mon* Alexaodre VaMemare, rnnde ii rejurt. winch wits read twine and adopted The i.ili in incorporate ihe tb,n k .( i ~ v ngaiu taken up, and Ihm postponed i,.r u.e pre sent Adjourned. The Ibuimillea ul Way - and Mr»n* r.-porled 1 supplement lo the law rrlntmj i. ~| U ;.ml tavern licenses, as committed. Mr Ltile•, pn»v..Jing for tbe redemption of the relief notes, tor the coai* fiction ot North Branch Canal, and avoiding die nebned Plane at Phiiadelpbia. and a bill relating lo the collection uf taxes ia Chester County. Tbe general UJI authorizing tbe nouns lo ioqor« [•orate companies, with linnied capital, for roanu- Mclunng purposes, passed lo second reading fianh Branch Canal— The bill providing for -(ho completion of this improvement was taken up in order, an second reading. Mr Eshleman spoke against the bill; Mr Fisher (both of Lancaster! m f.ivor ofitu-passage. Mr Packer, speaker, on leave given, addressed the House in tavor ot toe bil Mr Laird opjrosed it Mr Ci>oppr followed, and made a speech for tbe bill. Mr Lmrd rejoined Afirr Mr l. had concluded, Mr Weir.rk's amend riieiit wii« negatived, and Mr a turttier amendment. changing the lira nec-tn n. but D U tuatermilY. and .-alutactorv lo tiie Inend* m [be till. Adjourned to 3 o'clock. tEuiui lloi'SK—The debate on Die N’orth Branch f’nnn! lull waa debated by Mrnsrn Waller* Nrei and (lotirt in favor, und Me«»r* Kvan*. Mernek Ball SwarUvrelder in opposition to the bill The »übMilute proposed by Mr Ball, providing for a loan ol twelve years, to complete the work, i,nd Cor tbe i.-mie of »m ui time*, was lo*t. The \ ole of Ihr tir*l question siiv>.l vena 4d uoys M>.— Adjourned Haksducruh, Feb. 17,15(y. Kf}>uri> —Mr Cunn.nchnni, trout the committee on corporations, reported the bill to authorize the Western Telegraph Company to ■ instruct lines ol lelegraph wire* through 1 Vni.*,\ Ivimm ..i a Jireo i on Irnni Baltimore to me Virginia INnlr* hue, with amendments. " Tno Senate resumed on second rending, the i on*ideraliou ot the bi I to incorporate the Bunk oi Danville A long discussion ensued cn tlie varumi pruvi siou* ”1 l nr bill, which was participated ,n by Messrs Sruyser. King, Forsyth. Crubb, buu*i; Best and Knnigmacrier, when it was rend a second aud third time ami pat ami—ynts itf. nay**) A committee was announced Inuu the House to conduct the Speaker and members ol the Senate to the Hall of Representative* t >r the purpose <>t hear tug read the Farewell Address of iltr Father ol In* Country. WO the rclurn oi the Speaker und members- In i their chaml>er, on motion ol Mr .'biml! the Semite > adjourned S»'ih ('ti mil. tin motion of Mr Swurir* House re considered tne Vole ul yes terday, negativing Die I M section i.i Ihe bill pry.' vidmg lur the completion ol the Nor'h Branch Cn ual. by n vole of 4T to and the lull was po*t poned tor the present., Mr l.iltie moved to make the 1..11 i. Jr Die up- ; polntment ol Commissioners in assess damage* that have occurred in Dir purintl ron*(rtiriion m the North Branch <'amil the «i>cc:;il order Inr Sat urday utii, ol lor it. ."J uguibsi, it>>t t’.v-j iJnr.l* lost Hn> jt..i i >h«j Hdi/uu-I - -in motion i., Mr {' the Houae tiK.iC up the I-.IJ to repeal the charter ol the Erie Railroad tYimpuny Mr Bail made u set *j*eech agam*l the bill. Trie previous question vviis then called und *u»tu,ncd nnd Die main question was ordered yeas 44. nay* db Tne section was passed without division, anJ tbc rule was di*|>eUßdß wuh, and Du* bill read n third lime by its title. Mr. M Cnllo' li moved to go mto committee of the whole n> insert an amendment, providing lor the continuance oi Ihe act proposed lo be rejiealed tiy imposing tales ii[ . nrrying passengers and tonnage Alter some debate, this was lost without a division Mr. Ball ottered another providing that this a. l ■diall not go mto vttect uolrl the Pennsylvania and uluo Railroad sha l apree to poy a tai tt|K>n mer* chand'ze. Thu was pending at j quarter ul'l2, when the question ww postponed fi»r the pre* sent M ‘ l < * r< '.rvpirtej a sere* cl resolutions, •Mr. SmallV relative to international ej.-hauges. Ai**' 'Horn- op Banks' ft bill to .-echarter the Rank ol ttermanluwn. A Un, a lull ‘Ways and Means' relative to Sullivan county. Several petitions were presented. At I'l M., Ihe heads ol departments, and Speaker and member# o( Ihe Senate, were introduced nuJ the Farewell Address of Wash.iigloii wa* rvaJ by the Clerk. Alter top iienus ol department* mid members of tbe Senate pud retirrti. the mb jouraed. Itnprovtnenti Id Dentlatry. DR l*.<> bur or Do*ton, i* prepar.-d to inanulai'Ura ami »et Du* i Tkdh in whole and nurta ot sets, upon Surtlouor Atmospheric Rurlicn fmo, • Toorti *C u* 11 men IN FiVK *i.*t ru*. wherr the i*«t ir eX|K**rd Other ami re»idrnre next door lo Uir May or'« otfice. Fourth street. I'.itsburgh JtKfVTt To — J D M Fadden, K. II Kama ja |y W. M. WrlgUt, W. U., Dentist, Orrtrs and residence on Fourth street, opposite the Pittsburgh Dunk. Other hour* from 9 o’clock to A M. and troiu i! o'clock 105 P. M sept I* I y Yesterday, at la o'clock, M E„wa*s, ,n fan: son of William and Mary Ann Fiance The mends of the family are requeued m st’rnd’uie funeral tbi* afteruoon at 3 o'clock, from tne residepre of me father, on Middle alley, above .North Common.. Alieturn, -*>TT• TO LET. Ml SIA’KRaL lli'ee »ton Hnek Homes in Wood’. lia Row. Marbury street —terms $l-j0 per year Al- l-01. curlier Marbury street and Woy Inquire ol JAMES Wtx)D A Co, frbQ7-naif No/*? Waier »t TSKACHKB. -~W bog* dry Peache., 49 dodo Ap- I jde«, I'f hhls While Hearts, r do ttusei iTndnig from Caroline lur sole by Irfctf? BAUALEY a smith M'ALUSTER'B OINTMENT, / 10NTAJNING NO MERCURY, or other Mineral \J It has power lo cause all EXTERNAL 80KK3, SCROFULOUS HUMORS, SKIN DISEASES, POI SONOUS WOUNDS to discharge their putrid matters, and then he&is them. It is rightly termed ALL-HEALING, for there is scarcely n disease external or tnldrnai. that it will not benefit [ have used it for the last sixteen years for ad disease* of tne chest, involving the utmost danger and responsibility, and 1 declare before heaven and man. unit not in one case has u failed lo benefit when tne paiier,t was within the reach of mortal means. r .... w „, n v nmmi uir retea ui luuiisi I nave bad physicians learned in the profe-sion. I have mmi-ters of the gospel, judge* of the bench. ai derii en. lawyers, gentlemen of ibo highest enidiuon, and multitude* of Hie poor use it in every variety of way, amt th Prp [j ai been but ette voice—one universal voire saving—-M'ALUSTKR, YOUR OINTMENT 13, GOOD - - UHM MATISM—It remove* almost immediately Uie indamroalion and swelling, when the pain ceases. (Itrod tne dirccuons around the box.) HEAD- aCHK—The salve has cured persons of the hend-artie of" twelve year# standing, and who had it every week to that vomiting took place. EAR ACHE TuoTH-ACHE, aud AGUE IN THE FACE arc helped wuh lue success. 31-ALD HEAD —We have cured cases that actually defied every thing known, as well as the ability of fil teen to twenty dociom One man told us ha had spent &3t«J on his children withou any benefit, when a few boxes of Ointment cured them. TETTER—There i* nothing better for 4he cure of Teller BURNS—It it one of ihe best things m the world fur Burns. BlLE*—Thousand* afe yearly cured by ihi* Omi nielli. It m;vu fail* in giving relief for ihe Pile*. [L ,_ Around the pox are direction* for using M'Al lister's (A/irvi-'ii jor Scrofula, Licer Complaint, Eryttpt /a«. Truer, L'hitbta-n. Scatd Head, Sort Eva, Quinev. Su’t Throat, B'onrh>ta>. Nervous A Jfeetion*. Pains, Dis ease of the Spine. Htad o eh*, asthma. Deafness, Ear ache. Hums. Coens, all Diseases c/ the Skin, Sore Lipj, Pitn pi**. Sc' . Su’tiline of the Limbs, Sorts, RJvumatitm, Pius, ati.l Fat. (‘roup, Steelled oe Broken Brian, T.mjiA athe, olfvt in iiir Faer. ift. 4 - c. tULU FEET—l.iver Complaint, pam in the Cheat ami Mde. iilimi; oiT of the hair, or the other accompa nie* cold feet (Thit Ointment is ihe true remedy ) It is a sure sign of disease to have cold feet. CORNS—Occasional u*c of the Ointment will al wuy- keep corn* irom growing. People need never be troubled wuh them if they use it frequently Iff/- Thi> Ointment i» good for any part of the bodj or limb- when inHuinc-1 In some cases it should be. applied often (JAUTBjN— No Oinuncm will be genuine unless the name of JA.MKi? Me aLLISTER i* written with a pen For *u,r by my Agents m all the principal cities and lowti* m ine United Suites. JAMES McALLIRTKR. So.e Proprietor of the above medicine. Principal otiirc. No '£> North Third siresL Phil adelphia PRICK .-5 CENTS FKR BOX. A.s»vr- n I’n rssi rcii —Bruuii 4 Reiter, corner ol I.iberr. nml Clmr *is, ami I. Wilcox, Jr. corner ot Market -i a»d ihe Diamond, also comer of 4th and Mm infield -i*. J It Cnssel. corner of Walnut and Penn -i- dili wird: md ,u,d at Uie boolisiore in Smilhfield n ~l door irom Second si; in A.irghcny rny by H P M-nw:,r/ uit J J Sargent, by J t, Smith, Druggist, Uir immiliNiii U Nrglr>, liberty. If Rowland, Mr- K-e-pon. J Alexander it Son, Monongahela City; N B Bowman A t o, end J T Roger*. Brownsville; John Barkley. Brave/. Pa. sre erholr*nle agents 'eb-/7 ilemll y To the Honorable tht Judges of' the Court of (ittt*- ral (fh.i't'i .VntoJU of rhe Peace. 1,1 and for the I'.runfv .if Allegheny r |'HF. pel non ol Wm Sra.vob. £>i the Second Ward .1 city n- Pni'i-urgii. m the rouniy aiore«aid. humbly *dr w rlh. •!. at . niir peliliOlier ha* provided hiniseif WHO material- mr - b'- accommodation of travelers and other*, ui in* Jwnling houre. m Uie Ward More -aid. an.l [.ravtUiai your honor-- wm he p)ea«ed to cram him a iicen-c to Keep a Public House 01 F.nier uinmen' Ami 'our peiiuoner a* m duty bound We, the -übwiihert. nnxciis oi ihe morrsaid Ward, do reriiiv ibsl (hr above petitioner is ol good repute for honesty and temperance, and >* well provide*! with hou-r room and rumemencri lor the accommodation end lodging m sirsnver* and traveler*, and Ibut said H WrtH/ei, W i « onnnlly, A Brown, C B Sawyer. HoJ', Paster**!'. R H Patterson, A B Berger, Samuel BuJii-ide tt l.rerter. rT —Have received by re < cm rnporuiion* Uie following Goods, viz MX ,’hi'oii* Thihei Sbawts. of various qualiuci and colors Finy doim "Alexander's" best quality Kid (Uove*. lojether with a good assortment oi col'll nlk. l.i*!e thitad. and cotton Gloves, for spring irade, Rit h Mandmg, Mraighl luniover Collars, cheap Col lar. Duo pair embroidered Cotfs, irom fin ci* to fil.trt Mourning Collars in xreat variety Demi I-ace Vella, ine rreuiesi assortment ever otfered by us French ami Fjirl *h t 4 Prmis, Hoyle s Pnnis, small figures and last i ••mo. small plaid French Ginghams, British Furniture Chum, while salin Dnmusk Table Cloth* Linen Damask. (1. - and Ib-fi, Green Beragc*: Gents black Oro* de Crarsis, 2J u> 40 inch, the beat goo"* impunrd, Purse Twin; linen cambric and eaiubn,- Hdktv trotn 6< to SLfiu, While Good*, reeh a* Jaconet*, l.awna. Mall aud Swiss Mu*tin* hiMircd and l.aces. white and col'd Tarlatanos' Ac Ac \\ c mr m ihe daily receipt ot NEW GOODS, ami ii.-..:•- ihr alienimu Of purchaser* lo our extensive *-<-c. feb27 Dissolution of Copartnership. T'Hl', artnet»‘np besrluiorr under the 1 nrrti <> tieo \V Tuttle & Ciu« nr»» vrili t.« continue I a» heretofore i and i .is ~ OK.O. T TINGLE, EL B. WOOL*. W I,Feb 'Si AN !i't I.K" RtiRK AND LARD—«OOO lb* Bulk Pork, !» If M>l> and 27 k< i* Lard, landing Iron Caroline; for BAOALKY* SMITH / U-OVKR SKKD —ll7 bbU prime Ohio Seed, landing KJ 'n>ni .learner Heaver, lot »a!e by inr/7 BAIiALKY A SMITH K |4 - ; K—5!tS iierce. ircsti Rice. landing from Heartier J Nelson. lor tale by :e'-dr UAOALF.Y X SMITH St»l)A ASH—4tf r ß *k« rec'd On* day and for sale by I'-t'a: TASSKY A BEST I)OTASH —lu m»ki on hand and for sale by let.yr TASSKY A BEST P— too til* t in No t Soap, lor sale by O tch«r TaSSKY a Bh>T CtOTTOST —l:Vi iiales Cotton, daily expected to ar* / rive oc. eon* yiuneni and for »ale by ten-r .!>i * A. GORDON. Kicr.-fi ra»k* Hue. landing from sir Monongabeia and for «uie bv fe**r DALZEU. Sll MtH.ASSI s- IS bt.l# S H Molasses, landing . Irnrn steamer t’hppor and fur sale bv fet-a: JAS bALZKIJ. i)KA Nl Ts - am l*ush Pea Nuts, in .tore and for •»el) fell<7 JAS DALZEU- Ct 11 FKSI-:—ls* Ji jsfo r sale bv > !>•!•»> sF. VON BON N HURST ACu AI.COI l< 1 1,- tt‘ iibis 7C per cent, idorOper cct:’ or -ale b); H E SELLERS. ST wood *t I)|STOI>—A )o< of California Pistol* ;ii*l received and lor mle by \V W WILSON, tebVO I'OniiT 4lli ami M-irk**! «l» (’i)|\l, LAST till licit Wednesday, for J Air. m-bual. order* for Wsiotu-* or ni .ir mtir n 111 ms roc. witi l«r promptly attended to \V \V W|l,j()N 1A li U H l l in * :jr» h, lo k egs do, for »oic l>v j -tivti ** F Vi»N BoNNHOHSTA Co 1) i >l.l. 11l ITKK— - ÜbU irrsn. lot *ale l»y Iv Tb-.x. SF VON BOiN.NIIuHHT Ato A ’ i.nki.ak *ju iri» for naif by \ !rl. ti UK VON btINN HURST ACo I_)RIMi Nu l l.\RlV~tn l*bl« and kp*», in »iorr M'UiLI.S A KuK DRll'l'l'l U'HK’* -Abo i'UjJi superior ti»lve», lor *_ule _ i.-triK M'lilU.S A ROE DKIIiP \ Hi" 1.1 * - }« Plantation Molas*.-* . 6.1 hud. N O Huuar M>23 M'GILLS A RuE Man* fai'l i red tobacco- a lull «>ippi> 01 i-huirr brand-. in store and lor safe feb-.f. M GlLt> 4 Kui. 'l'LAf*-- \»uu< II •, -..ii, Inipciial. Gu.p-iWtl , nu.l 1 l*oW'-hour. viretully si-iccf-i 1 , ' frl.-Jb M (.ILLS A RuK / ’ E.NtiINL I‘AL.M bDAi’ -Uu hand anil lor »aie bv IJ ■*»*« J KIDD 4 Co AI.ARiiK nsrortiiienl ol I an.-y Soaps, on ban it and mid lor iHir by leb-id J KIDL)I i'u N' ERMIFI’GE—3±> rro*» ol M Line's Vermi r uge. on bund ami lor »aJe by lelrrd ,l KIDD A l'-o lIS KK Fli.I.S-diHJ gro»* .M L«»«'* celebrated Liv j u Pi:i«, uii hand and for sale by lib Vt. J KIDD A To |>AI*KR FU-L BuXKS-Uu band and tot *alr i<> 4. if’.-'Ai J KIDDi Co HU PS- IU bale. in note and lor sale bv iSAfAII RJCfcF-V * Co, f Jli arn» No I. suited for family one, for sale j_by_ __ leb-Jt ISAIAH DICKEY ACo 1'I KF. hihl SS’ai'-r Proof Metalic Fund, on band and for »»l* by fel»24 ISAIAH DICKKY * Co (IIIEESK —cU Lj« now landing from *utir,, ' for -air by feb-.M ISAIAH pIt'KKV J, Cr SAKE FUR SAUK-A in J._iu in. WiiJir'i Su.a wanJLt Sai., fur »»lc low lebvl RKVNoLDS 4 SHKK SOAP- IJ«J bx« Cii.c.ntiau Rosin Sonp, lor .ale by fpl.-Ji WICK 4 MVANDLESS (tANDI.ES -100 l.i« Cm.-iunali Mould Caudles. on J ron'ir 11 mrn 1 and ot .alp by WICK 4 MVA^DLfJSs I/A'UI.S Cl.ul R-1-.J ooi' Varkwisoii't superior X* I'adol) Funlr, lor .if by r teb'£f WICK A M'CANDLKSS C1 H EST N UTS - V bait* Ohcatnuu, for «oir by / lei.-Ai VVICK 4 M'CA.NDLESg BRAZIL >1 OAR—lb bar* for sale by feb*i wi/;u 4 M'Da.^dless d ) SFiCKb— Auspice, \J Cioves Ac. iresh from manufacturers and for sale by fcbSd WJCK 4 M\:ANDLEi£S J>LA N LTS—MI) nock* for sale pv >♦**-21 4-_M'CANDI/KSS d t|iOt‘< *i.A I'D- -, i bx* No l, Uoalon and BaJiunore Vy nianufnriure. lor *a>e by ir'uW _ __ WICK 4 M'CANDLKSS GIUII ND PEPPER—IB b*a para, for tale by I'eb‘aJ WICK 4 M’CANDLgSfi I)OHK—IUW ib« Shouldon >ai iridoa, tor sale by 4 ?HKV. & Co HU rrhlt—bbla Roll. 4c; 8 kef*, for aale by Jr!?— HHKY. MATTHKWS 4 Co | KAD-VdAo pif* *oP Galena, for sale by Jj i«b‘i! RHEYsMATTHEWH i Cv sacs* prime, tor sale by £ IH'-A UIIKT, MATI'HBWS 4Co BrCK-KTS— 50 dor Miner 4 Merrick * Buckna, m • lofp and for «ale by BROWN 4 CULBERTSU3*. ifb'ii liP l.iberty »l T’l'BH-vi) dor r 4 Merrick » Tub*, In store and I lotaaieby reWJB BROW’N 4 CULBER f?*ON CtLOVKR >»Kh D ?U bbla nrw f*eed. in aiorr and lor 1 uldi) tebi: TASSEY & BEST AUCTION SALES. By Joha D. Davit) AactloiaeVi I*l r», ScL- l>r V GW*. I'll TlM'r..h-.- \l,, | .i, n: 11> o'roc k. at lb® Kn.ii... , „rii.T «f W„«,l and Fifth •trrei*. will t>e *o‘d. wn,.oui reverse, a large consign in'-m ot season* i..e l>y i opened. consisting oi «uperfi»e »t.i of Kits.and i riotln. rassunere*. wool (weed*. ;>-dis*. mprr bqio-ik , ne*. merino*. alpa ca luvtref. . 'J7, to commence wiUi Uie Tragedy of the GAMESTER. Mr Beverlv Mr. Crisp Stukely -Mr* Uilev l/w«on Mr Pnor. Mrs Beverly Mi»* Porter After which. Comic Song Mr. Murphy To conclude with Uie Comedy of FAINT HEART NEVER WON FAIR LADY. Ruy Gomez Mr Crisp. Marqui* *Mr Hoya. Duchess Mi«» Cruise. R 7~ Doors open at 7—Performance will commence at naif past 7 o'clock rairns or Ahucunirt. Dres* Circle and I'orquetle -60 cents Family Circle or ad Tier cents. GRAND CONCERT 1 OF VOCAL A.VI) ISSTEt: * EXT* L MUSIC MMtEEDDi FAMILY, accompanied by VINCENT 1 A. S*i HM! DT. ine celebrated Guitarist, beg leave to announce that they wijl give a Coui'ert on Tuesduy and Wednesday eveulitgs Feb -J7 and lis. n toe APOLLO MALI., ou which occasion they wiil vary their programme choK evening Prol- if Ronbeck has kindly offered hts assistance on the Piano Forte rebV7-dyt JIEBHERIBDI AT PHILO HALL. MR. SPENCER will present hi* wonderful demon stration* m this Philosophy, every cvenn g this week, m Sympathy. Amar.inn, Repulsion. Purrno .Magneti«m mid Clairvoyance An Asylum lor Inval id* wiil be opened every day trout It) o'clock. A M to I‘J. when all persons afflicted with dni-n*r* can cal: and Ire relieved No oblige ii the palient is not bene filed Aditusstun *JS cent-*. Tickets SH) lo tlie whole course, and to private m siruciiom tebJSFlw PAPER HANGINGS DEPOT. AV IS Cortlaruit sued, Nmo York, orroaiTK thk wontas hcmeu The Croton Manufaetortng Company, i Organized under the General ftlanuianurmg Law of the Stale of New York.) UFFKR m wholesale, in i l uantitie* to «uil purcha* er*. at manulaciurcrs' lowevt paces, tor cash or approved credit— Papk* Ha.voisu* of every variety ot «tyl* »nd BoaDta* to match. Fire Board Prints in great variety Transparent Window Shade* Oil Painted Window Shades, and Wide Window Curtain Papers, uf the laleal nyiea and superior finish, all of their own manufacture and importation A* their Stock i* Jarre and entirely new, they invite Metchani*. Book sellers, and Dealer* m these smetes, to cni! and exam me their styles aad prices whenever they Tisit the cay, Country Merchant* can examine tun Stock from 6 o'clock in the morning till Ii) o’clock in the evening febu'o-dlm BIGKL»\VS CIRP.IAUIS JUNtPACTUBV, fiionofiii dllrii, tniirmi IGod and Blrivti. ‘ K. M BIGEI.OW would respectfully q .ntorm the public that at his Factory y6yj*pJ*ijS>- cau at all time* be foutul n large supply wD* nf Pmmly Barouches Bug gies, and ail kind* of fancy Carnage*, -equal in ele gance and iieitne-t to any found In uie Kast. Con tracts for any number of Carnages, Buggie* *«d Wa gon*. will be promptly tilled AH work oi his own man manure wilt be warranted Hsn aa.vt s»--Col R Patterson, K It. Paticrsoir, E D Catzam, R*q Robert Robb. Esq . C 1.. Magill, Al dermini Steel. febtflJ-Jm House keeping goods-w. r mcimiy m vile* the attention oi house keeper* nnd those about commencing iiou*e krepmg. to hi* at sortment of above Good*, such at* — (guilts mid Counterpane*, while and colored; Ticking* and ptliow-cuse ,Mu«lm*. Sheeting*, from one to three yard.* wide, Table Diapers und Table (Tliitti*, Towelling. Towel* and Napkins. Kunulure Prii.i* and ChinLrc*, >eatiet On Cuiutz, lor curiam*. Super printed Chintz, for quilu; Embroidered wi-dow cnriain .Muslins, f Striped and barred *• Bed Blanket*, ail qualities and size*; A mpply ot thcie Goods t* constantly kept on hand, and will alwny* be *old on the most favorable term*; at nortb east corner 4ihund Market tts. fetnM 50TICS. r . THE firm of W. A 11. Hays having been dissolved by the death of William Hays, Jr., the bosine** of mid firm will be settled by the undersigned, survi ving partner. RICHAkD HAYS RICHARD HAYS has associated with him hr* bro ther Charles. m the Tanning business, which will be carried ou at ilie old stand, under the style of R. AC. HAYS. RICHARD HAYS, January \S». 1349 CHARLES HAYS. feb'26-dl w For California. MR 11. R. Marks, Apem of Col. Wkitinv'* Over land Ejtpediiion for tbe Gold Region* of Califor nia, ■* al the Monongaheia House, where be would be pleased 10 see persons who wi»b to join Ibis expedition. Application must be made immediately,as Mt-.M will poHiuvely leave Pittsburgh ou Tuesday evening, tbo 27ih uirl feb‘«Udi*i NOTICE!. MR. HENRY R. MARKS, or-Baltimore. Agent for Col Whiting's Overland Expedition u> Cnlifor nia,via Gila, will arrive in tbi* cuy on the 24th or 2Sih in*!., and may be seen at the Monougaheia Hoiue for a abort time. Person* who have applied 10 Cob \V to join thin exped iiou, and others that Duty wish to join, can by calling on Mr Marks null have an oppor tunity of so doing lebiM diß* F HINTING the exclusive agency for the sale of the Mill Grove Printing Paper, (S. li. if P Marklc, Propr'cior» ) we will be constantly supplied with all the didercnt aiae* of suponor quality, whioh we offer al ihe lowest regular price*. REYNOLDS 4 SUER, feb24 corner Penn and Irarin *l* INDIA RUBBER PASTE—i gro** bottle* India Rub ber Paste, nn excellent article for rendering boot* and -hoes perfectly water proof, and so/i a* a piece of cloth One application 0/ t!u< pasta in auilicjeul to make them imper.iou* In water lor 2 qtJ months, and a perfect prcvemative from the ienlher cracking RecM and lor stt‘e at ifac India Rubber IVpot. No A " 00.1*1. _ lublrt Jill PHlt.Uh'S FOR RKN'l'i MA TAVERN STAND and Store, 10 which is aitachcd V 4 acres ftf good land, owe U,ird mea dow. uiuniedin Uuknr»iowu,on the Butler rood, is miles irotn Pittjbutdh. Inquire of U. HALM, head ol Wood »treet. or 01 W H IiLICKKLL on the nrctuise. feb’AJ-dtll MTU LET-A large brirk Dwebiug House tunable lor two limiliex, suumesl ou Fcdr.aJ street, Allegheny, above Mr l.ravet «.*.<• App'> to ii. eee fcbil) Idbo.ty vu -ppo-ile Alii FOR BALE. OIX OU T LpT3. in ihe Ka*ei ve, bark of AHe e Inn y O ami Manchester, Noa IW, IWA. JUB, l»T. «» m.d ‘•ClI, containing about 10 acre* each klio. eleven contiguoiu lot* ill the Ninth Ward. JM feet on Canon alret-l, by I2t) feat in depth to Patterson's hue Two lots ou Liberty meet. 24 feel by Uto to alley ' The»e lot* nre in the 'Uh Ward, acar Uic line oi the stli Ward Inquire ol lebxd-u HM M DARLINGTON Co-Pgrtnerablu. FJkTUN 4 Co . have mis uaj asiocmieJ j with ihent*eiv** Mr Josmi Horxr and ihe bnai* r>e»g will hercAJier t>e coiidncieil under the Myie of JOSEPH lIOH.SKI t'o . at the Old .land No at Mar kei. between Fourth sireri and ihe Diamond. Frtiruury Al, Ir-ia - febtfi-daw JtJSEPH HOHNE4 Co. have on hand , uyrg aad well aaaorted sn»ck id Tr'.mtiungt and Goods, to which ibey in’ftte tac aCteubun of* tl>c cay ami country trade No &1 Market •!. feb'il-trw Bleached goods-a a Mason 4 (,y No ou Market itreet. have just received ibe tollowuig Well known bsand# of Bleached Muslim, v«- 7 h and i-4‘James’Sleatß Mill*,' 1 5-4 Naumkcag Steam .Mills.' •Mason.' ‘Poaanokrt,' -Carlisle,' Doreh««ter,’'Qu,iis igauiond. -Gioiton 'PuuVurah,' 'Lawrence -Boa ton Filiow Cave,’ 'Fasnaworib.’ ic. 4c , all ol winch, whether wnh many »iyb* not aere inetiiioned. will be by 'be piece or package at E&atorn prices ieb2i . * UKM P SEED— 5 bbla ree d and for safe by . BRA UN_ I. REJTER *Vl T RAPPING PAPER—Ch handa, a full supply of * T *H ihe different use* of Mipenor quality, which we olio: t»w \u city dealer*. ?\:i\ REYNOLDS 4 BONNET BOARDS— UXJ pro White Bonnet Board* lor *a’e fen-Ai REYNOLDS 4 SHEE WOOL —The higheji price in co*h paid tot Wool, by _ feb-ii H LE>; Übetty &ib C'ILUTH —t caac Ameriqtt" Artuy Cloth, on hand and J tor aaie by >b2:i H.LEK A f£W guou «eeond haml RIFLF-'* und PISTtrLS wanted al the office of A W HRuGKWaY, No d iTominerciul Row, liberty «t fclitW U’ s. DRAGOCyV'PISI’fH.s An in-,a.L-c to asrire . by 4 Co * Express &n asaiurduy. for Al ifomia expedition, and lo' »«*e iif PhiliukeJphia price febaa w w wujyuN .Sl)—Left on my cnac. a Purse oftaiAming inmc mopey, which the owner cun hove l y identifying , Ute aamy. lebtO \YW WILSON HOPS— 5 \ a’i-, a* «h Wesi/rn N. Y Hops, ju*t rac'd aitti fir ml* t>y BROWN 4 CDLHKRTSO.N, rotidl 145 lubeny *t \ I ALT—soo bu«)i fresh Unrlcv Mail, for sale by Ikl febtn IIHuWN A CULHE-RTSUN CMIEKSE— d-j I. proprietor, of this Line have the pleasure of In forming the public that they have fitted up two fits! ela*a Canal Boats, lor the accommodation of panic.ngera nnd freight, to ran in t-onueruoit with the well krunKS ncaiuerp C’ALKJB CUPE anil lIKaVBR, aad connect ing, at Glasgow, with th>- Fttuburgb and Cineia nttti and other daily.hues ot stoaoers down the Ohkr and Mi**i*&ippi river* The proprietors pledge them n-ivc- to *parr- no expense or trouble to insure coo, tort. *aiet> md dispatch, and «»k of i&c public a sbara ol lin-ti patronage. AUTIfOKrZHP AGENTS. i 1 rw“JKjI!; u *a R. HANNA. A Cc l uiyli.u J HAHBAUGM a Co. J New Luboa. tNuriCE--The Hicuner BfvAVER, C. B. Clark*, uu let. will leave after tin* nonce, lot WellsvUle panctt* ■>ily, ai 0 o'clock ut U»c morning -)13 PITTSBURGH A DBOWSSTILLIi Dally Paekat Lina FKBRI'ARY lay I*4!J FEBRUARY Ist, t«* LEA VK DAILY ATS A. M n AND 4P. H _ _ . The inllrfwmg new boats cottplAO P lendid pa»M&#er steamer .i«fflK- Javww - ma * ler - w *UWre for the ■■■■■•l'O’t and intermedia!© ports on Wed nesday nexu at 4 r. m. For freigh(_or passage apply oo feb^J WHEELING PACKET. tf\t K The splendid fast running a learner l&irUr+tfX CINDERELLA, iJgjCfitßgSCalhoan, master, will run as a rtfo- BBBBSaBMIar packet between Pittsburgh and \, leaving Pituburgb every Monday mad Thursday. 7 For freight or passage, apply on board, or to f * b ? 7 J NEWTON jhmzs. j-t JANESVILLE. .egagka* ts Ught draught ateintot yfeifcieCTl Boyd, master, will leave Tor the Above wiilWiiuJilwgHtj and intermediate porta on Toeadar the 27th in»L at s o*eloek, r. a. For freight or passage, apply on board; ftb*4 POR ZANESVILLE. “* ’* nm,, . The rplendid fut running stexmer CAROUNK, ? k&qKoilSiia Blnnin S. master, will leave for \hm above and intermediate ports«i\Tues day the 27th insL at lOb’eJoot a h For freight or postage, apply on board. foi&k a3JO IX)UI9ViLLE PMJEBTXtNK /jcvews- u. The now and splendid fast passen- PIU! TtLEaiUMI No. I ■aanaaMaMii.maiioi, will leave for Ctocin nau and Louiivilte on Monday, the 28th in«i w jo o;ciock. a. M. GEO B MILTENBERGER. Ip“ Steamer PewonawUl leave Louisville for New Orisons, oa arrival of Telegraph No 2. Paxsengsrs etui go direct, and can have berth* secured hen if do ~red - _ i febtt l-X)K CLNCLNNATL The fine fut nmninj steamer Roger*, master, will leave aw above ■BBflMnn the upening of navfootWQ. For freight or puaage apply on bojua. feMl FOR CINCINNATI. jW.-.v u The apteudid fast running paatemret ‘ ik- packet ISAAC NEWTON, A&yrHirtfa » Hemplull, makter, will leava for the ■RpgißgSSaaabove port on Sunday, the 22d h«l. at id o’clock, A. M. For freight or passage, having superior accommo dation*. apply on board or to fcMl PETTIGREW 4 Co, Age^i. FX)R ST IX>UIS—DIR3BCT7 _ “ a >v Th« iplcndid Cut nuraias »<»■—. mt. SERMON** _ jg!ur7ilitj^_y ooi>t> ~ ma,ter > will loa«*fet abor* ■BaSßaaVauil uuermedme por\» on Mamla> ihe •j«lh 111*1. For freight or passage, apply ou Ww MguArfw BHBBDSUtefor Wheeling,-every daV* W«P and Friday, ul 10 o’clock prreisaJy. Wheeling erery Tueaday, Thi*3Mhiy and S* inniay, at 7 o'clock, a m, precisely. The Consul will land at all the iaienttediate porta - Kve ry accomodation Uiei can he. wonued fo* the com loxi and solely of p»»«-nre»* has been provided. Tha t.OHt u nlao provided UhU> a u-tf-aeting safety ****l m“.r!r w fePt Ai \* Grscr'n, oor. fcmithfield udWincr »t» ZANESVILLE AND MARIETTA PACKET jt*o u*»- "ha fine •learner Binnimi. sSrae unde.e-w _£°i or apply on board. /ebl FOII CINCINNATI AND LOinsWr'p iftr**'* la The splendid new steamer Ufetoflg Mo .. telegraph rjBnCTE. Haalcp. master, will leave for. abora pom o. SLX* _ -»*? UEO B WlTkijGZr&p CQ REGULAR WHEEIjS^j*PACKET • ~~ #» rhe fine r^v^xo« Ao . packet /root Pwsbanrh i» ov "' “«^wtwS»!r For inagh, t: J.J,,. e .pply on benrd. ita , SOH HAFIETTA, PAaKEBSBOSB: -“d UocAMrgpori. and Intermediate, lajulliue k The fine« learner ' JlMp*. -«23KSSS uiiwtauaai ' I 'Hb ooapsrtDcrthip heretoforeexiauae bci*M« , k _ x of c« n ;ls 1 ir l 5"" ii ; *x. u tlu» daydiKolaed by maxaai consent. m. * •*»'*'* U^'"" cern. for which purpose tbsraxe amhorised ' 01 ,ta THOMAS BAaSS; Tim have thi« d4y . w the uome oi BU REE It UARNF^r*^T I^ em * ehre * ot Riaauiucloring Fire Proof B*f^ J ’ir° I i l fe *■= ■■> u» of ,h. S»' l g»»’S V A La, they will ho pleaeed* Connibl*. Sarke nonage a, ihe en.lom.m KHMIIND BUBKE, THOMAS BARNES I *' '“"•Me, B«to>* e «- BaniM C^ axe wotainedd Ueam. Barkc 4 Feb », IM» M *if?i£ 1 “r fliemb and H»i«W ,e lehlieS NATHANIEL CONSTASL® J L 2n'.™r'Jll; E ’'’ i all^e7- ttX Y* r ««ooee, and wan doe their *n»rei °* £MErSkSrKf i »" *ton nonce on reaSuAle nci work Bade loonier and farnilaro oaaUy repaired »»d earuUhed on roaeon“ la '“me. on FIRAIw . i!0alt " JO9EPH PRICR TTSsKRInkaBLK fLaJ*n£lj£-W. iLldear Sj rnvitea the attention of boyer« to hia atoek of above goods, of all lb* different (juautiea, aald to t onahrinkab’e a* the Weifb, end at mnch lower 'Genuine Welah PianneU also eautaatljr on Gauze and silk do, 4 4 and 4-4 do, for Saroodir po»«*. Also, , ... ajiv Home made White Hanncli and Linseye. ctJT/ on hand, at ihe north eoat comer of Fourth g kei ttreeta. Butter— * wJ* Re»h Roil Buuer, fot (jn 97 febtP J AMKS. ~rr (WpftsN-4ti hbi» prime Cotton, in $* j tale low *o dote consignment, by » febll . _ MoI.ASSES— 500 i>tl* N 0 ’ and lor sale by febi* Si ,r-, u jela .ijil