The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, February 26, 1849, Image 4

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DIL Ntrs
_ p~nrha CotdvfAsihnia, Broach.:
Ce ZSZ£as™ »~i *»»-?«?
inTr*i- >" *' ?,dc “” d B ™‘V 1 ” I P ,i -'" < " !
X Ito Ml. !»«»«»**. '-"‘“P- »’«'•
stirotion. Sore Throat. Nervous Ib-biit
ty, and all Disease* of the Throat,
jlreast and bttnp*. the mo«t ef
• feetuoJ and rp«<Wy cure
cvethnown for any of
the at>ovc di«ean
e», is
dr. swaynf,' s;
Compound Syrnp of "Wild Cherry!
rjTUla mediciue. i* n° longer croons tho«< <,i
wtiltry. li has parsed away from the lUoitcinOs dui!\
launched upon the tide of experiment. :ui.| now
higher in reputation, and i« becoming rnorr citetiMvr
ly.usefl than any other preparation >*>' ever
{induced for the relief of suffering man.
Uha* been introduced very reneraiiy through t!ir
United Stale* and I'.urope, and thrr«* am few t.'\r;,»
Importance but what contatn *ome remarkable >-•.
dance of tf* pood effect*. For proof o! Uic
statement*, and of the value, and efficacy of tli * »i.V.
eine, the proprietor will insert u few of mi.rv
sand testimonials whirl, have been r„ . ..
menofthefirut respectability—men who h >v- i. r
views ofmerai responsibility and justice, <h:wi ... r
Hfy to facts,- betraa*« it wi.l do another a h,-r ( ;
themselves no injustice Soch lealituuny pm-. r» . or<
etusively, that il» smjmsmp eirrllein-r i*
by its intrinsic merit*, and the nrmuemona. •- n:rr* —
ly of poblie opinion. irtstantaneoii- .• .. .
fords, and the ■nothhii' mtlueore diffused ...
whole frame by it« u-e. tnubri n s itin.-:
remedy for the afflicted.
“When men. acting trorn conMientioti* mien <
voluntarily bear testimony to the truth of a ’time, »r
particular (net, such tcS'mwSiivibents routrnn to ii.e.r
worldly intercut* mirt r>or}>ore»j coerce* emivi< non <»
iti troth, ami commend* iteell ip a *|w<-ot. luannn i,,
univer»al credence* "—O’Hogatf* Moral Manmr.
RTO.!* AKOTHKK fITUI or I'III.MO>AEt t'oN**lMrT’«\:
There never war n rrmi-iif th-n ha» orcc u» *u«
in desperate ruse* M Onrumylion. s» l»r. !>«•«
Compound Syrup nf H’lld Cherry. It *.r' i i;’
«)«tcrn. and appear*to hem We u-err* w> m** 1
creating new and rich blood; iwr po*
other medicine
Chkster Co.. Apr* tl'nli l-l
pr. Strayne-Drar Sir: I vrrl'y beVve nr
pound Syrup o! Wild Cherry ii»» hi
soring iny life. I rouua* « • , * vrr< “
ally grew worse, attended wnli '>■••
resisted all the remedies which ' 1“"' r-c.-u--. •«»,
increasing until my e«uw riti.UHfl .. . f.- • •
Pulmonary Consumption, hvrry tin i m.-.: —rt,,.-.;
lo hare uo effect. uml my complaint «..r:.p.-'-
I y uiai fnrtidm* well u» ray><-Jl, £»'■• up ?.■! hope- ..
niy rnmiy *> “h,' "‘"""T ■“*-
vonr invaluable medieinr: l did %o with the nm-f h-i
i»y result*. The &r*l bottle hud tUr effort t>. >«>n-rr
rough, causing me to expectorate freeh , « . • il
time I bad used mx bottle*,l wax entirely wr h .
now ns hearty a man a* i ever wa* m o , .k. i
•mold be happy to give any information '•criwet.r,; .
case, that olber sufferer* may the : or.e.ti' m
which lam «o grateful. For the truth »: u.r
ftntemnnt, I refer you to Peter Rnsh. bmrtr, W>*t
'Hester of whom l purchased the medicine
ResiWully yours, i*MM3 MosnxH
Wonderful Curt of a Methodist Maiuter.
Dt Bwayu°- D*;nr Pm l fcol a debt of grains,: du*
to von—and » dory to the afflicted griwreUy. i-> o.fc
a»Y humble testimony in favor «t y»ur Ceuipo«i*i.! Sj
rup of Wild Cherry. Pome three y.**r* mice 1 wa*
violently attacked with cold and mllnaiuuuton »i ih.
Lancs, which ww accompanied with » di«tr- *.*i :;
cough. pain in the lircaat ami head, a >'rrr
bie discharge of offensive tuucu* iroui ur lunp-. • •) ••
dally upon change ot weather bowev-r slight :
first 1 felt ro nlnrm about my condition, w 4« err n
•oon convinced thxl I wu * rapid!) r! l " ! 'g [•’*'*‘
uon. I grew weaker, and ni •■'"'•Tli w-i« .
It able to walk annul, or .peak abo.--* .1 \rtu»ne-. , •
was the exceeding weaknc* nl mv mic* t*urm#r -I.= -
Uine 1 had tried various pieparatm-u ;.:<u pr-«rr.
but found no rrlivf-ttrowiug all ">'• i:m- | W| "*“
here 5 wa* advised and persuade*! n> a • *••" ' *>■
Wilmington to make trial of your -a inp oi
ry 1 must confeas that previous I ns- ■>-" ; •'
diced aciutiM patent medict no*, "■"> I am -nr :t.«.i.. -
those coming out of the hand, or_ emprr.. * Mn u o-r
standing your r’.afta* to the prote»*nn» and Pf l “**‘/*'
medicine, and having implicit laidi m the »»\ m;: ci m .
friends, l forthwith purchased oi Dr. !rh:»w. one <>. you
aaeats, a few bottle*, and commenced n- «»v .\ly,f-*
ease was at that Ume of SO or * month* Handing, eon
•cqueuttv it was deeply **atfd I ion-id. hnwey
eonstderihie relief from the use of the iir.t i-.r or hv
bottles. But brings public speaker. 1 ‘r*.. } uei,t!> at
tempted to preach with my inrrras.uc Mre.ipu., am
thereby ruptured tliow vessels that had alrnidi b«*Ru
to heat* 1u11... wav. aouhiw*. ...ycure was greatlv
retarded. In comrfquem-r «1 ar-mg Hut* imprudently
I had to use twelve or fifteen bottle* li. lor- I wo* per
feeUT restored. 1 have no quciinu. a ititi. n «ua,ir.
number of bottles would have made m*> bu: io
the above indiscretion The Syrup nllay.-d m.- i-v
-ish habit, took i.wav the dt.irf.uig mmg.,. pm ~ -a.;,
to the discharge oi mutter from the ’iitnr*. and v*«v*
litem and the enure .y*tem good Ii«-h1i!i I have- ..-fc
red offering: this certificate uut.l now. »..r tur purpo*.*
of being perfectly »ull*lir«l wtVl the |-ncuncm -. o<
cure, and now that 1 led pe '**■<' l > " r 1 1 "'••• ' 11 " •••■ _ t 11 " J •' .
Dublin county, N l‘*
Tmporuini Caiauju — R'-vi! R-
There u put one genuine preparation o, '
otul that in Dr. Sways*’*. iltu l»r*i ever t>:
public, which has been -u:d largdt iiitoucsou.
If oiled State* and some pari, m l.urope, n.nd ail pr ;
partitions rafted by the name *>> t • I. ■
been pul out since thi*. under rover o: *oi.s- •:
circumstances, to order to civ* rurreict w : ,• .* -' ■
By a lilUa observation, no per>,«*ti need m.
genuine from the false. Kaei. t-o:ue ot tli** gei.L.
enveloped with it bcauuiul »teci etf ravu-.g. vi... i .i
likeness of William Pettit therton. al-*>.
signature: and as lurlhcr security, ihr ponr.iu*. of D*
Swayne will be added nereatlcr. *o a* to oisuncut-*
Ills preparation from all othert. Now. i: t: was mu u>
the great curative properties and known virtue* o Dt.
Swaynebi Compouuu s*yrup of Wt.d fbetry. per-um
would not be endeavoring to give cutrisur . to ie •
' fictitious noKtrum» r! by stealing die .:•<.<•**. f ‘‘ “
Oherry. Remember, always bear m cuuu uie name
of Dr. jtwuyne. and be not deceived.
Principal osce, corner oi ihgaJt and Race turret*.
For saJc wboiesßle nnd retail by OfiDF-N .a SN*' «* •
DBN, dir 2d and Wood its. B A KAHN F>TtK''* \
Co, cor Island Wood, and fitn nml Uom:*i-
Tlloß.N.sfl Market S l'U It- r v •*• -•'•**
A JONICS. eor Hand and P-n;! *:* J>»H\ .'diD
KLL, Allegheny city. «--.d by a.; re*;*et ta-.e •>:, . .
j»m t*t xKxu.-u,
THK undersigned has long been con v 4..; • •* «.•;
necessity wt some medicine adapted u- y
Cutldren and Infants to supercede ;ii; u*r a. ...
medicines winch contain op-uni. and tins ■"'•.ev
ceeded m preparing ami offering 'o the public n men
Cine fully uunrerißß every purpose lor ail di«c!i.»r* o'
bowels. Without ihe use ot lhai tlsletenou* drug. ••' »
other calculated to injure lit the .east. Hie Intone 1 , ,
acen baa been tuliy tested ami tried. tnc laattwrU.-
months, by nuracrou* pAwna, and round to possess a.,
the extraordinary virtue*, ami to produce a.i ',h r o*:i
isbing effect* a» «ct lortn on the mil <>t direction-. i
arrhma, Vomiting, Cholic, I’a.ns. Me*n««.« a
Diseases arising from Teething, net mg innocdin.i- >
without disturbing any of the junctions <>t ior I**d.
producing the happiest and mo-t trartsiuu
from violent pain to a tranquil and joyou« *iaie of "
inr in the liulc satfercr.
To be had wholesale and retail. ot the Proprietor I*.
JOHN 9ARGANT, Druggtct and ApotWar; Jo.. ,
Mitchell, Elliott A Beckham, and mo-t other urtin.-: -'
B Allegheny ami Pittsburgh o. l td
pahncstock'i An»i-Ullto»« Pill
Thin Cathartic, compound com:-
balk with efficiency and conip-trnir.*- m
pureauve action, and » n-cni>:i •• •• u< - y
theuiliary organs. »< ••iucmei-, taiunme c‘m
try, in which in lions lever- a.i.i mm < • • ••up -om- .
tended with congestion ot Uie •*> '»•.« !i .••-•mi-i
They have now stood the trst ot 'J* }*•!'** 1111,1 ri ’-”
cnee has proved them to b* - a »a'«- ami v '
tn Intermittent, Remittent and lhin»M* h«** •• .-u
diee; Bilious Colic , Indigestion. Dropsy L>) —»* = n
Bilious Vomitings, Colds, and all rompi.i.m- :>•• i
tlanunaiory character The ruinpleir and ..
taiisfacuou which ha* been given by the*-* pm
who have once used them, render* tire pui»‘i,-i'
the numerous certificates in their umr ujm-- e*-«i
To prevent couutrrhemng they are now p*.i up m
red rylograpie wrapper.
Price sO cunts for a l>ax containing 3* prU.
Prepared and sold by
corner Ist and wood, and tdvu cortt-r fiui «;<*: woo-1
Sellers vf-rmifl'ge preferred m ai i
I.KXISOTiVf. Vi ll". IV 1-4-
Mr. It E Seller*:—line o < out pi -*
practice is very extensive, iur ••
case in which one visi of ,imt ...
nway above rk» worm*, ami » irenlieinan in re nr,*-
horhood said that len* than ha>i -i <• m > iu*”-t :iie • •
charge of near W> large worm- Torn <■*.- 1..* et
dren. Very many oi »u» )■ instance. imiirii* • -in'. .
It is well known »l«iui here sud annr.-i ;• i pr»-1.-r , .
OUT other Send me I’J <tot*-n
Your*. J M.
Parents who do not wi«tx to in tie with On ir ebitur- *
should use Seilers’ Vermiiugr
Prepared and sold by B E SKI-I.F.H-4, ,vr V. m..;
■old by Dr Cas*el, sth \N ard, D M t-urrj Aiie^tt* -
norl _
A“"‘ BTRONO EVItIBNCE thst l>r JaY,\K'S b t
P&yroRANT M superior to S!| other rcruediei (..•
Coughs. Coassaptiou, Drooehitis, Asthma, sad »<li*r Tui n...
nxiy that t)>r laxaa persoui who rommrtirrd i It*
use of it In their frtailic* tea year* ago. »uii jetltr it to
otter r* medic* of the kind; sad wltert iny hsse been indncci
to try other preparation* they lisrv siaoat .uvarishly beei.
lllaipl'iinfcil rtl receiving the beeefil which was r<-a*<rost>.y
from the high pnusrs bestowed by the proprietor,,
ml hov* returned to the <■*« uf Jatscs' Eirirrni *m <•
a remedy that he* never failed to rci.c»* them, mil wK.rl,
pgshaMy sorer had Us equal iu pulaouary
Prepared oaly by Dr D. J«yu* I’Uilsidphis. v.Uol
•2fp£p by ALKA Ja \ Fh
doc*idAwtf 7- Fourth *t
T\ALLEY'S PAIN EXTRACTOR will, in five mm-
I # aiea from die time of its application, rrrnnvo n,/
pvm from the eevereet hunts, scalds or i.listrr.
and Will heal wounds, ulcers and sores of any kind
without ecar. This valuable Pum Extrartor ra’i >:•
had of JUILN D MORGAN. Drpcgist,
No '•Yoon sired.
«oi»* A gent lor Wintent P*:i..m
D. aTpauiiestock’s verjiipvgk
AFKW weeks since, our of my children, a,:- 1 :> ••••.
five year*, was pnwell for wvrrai dn> *. anil .'•
lUness mcreased «o alanumgiy that 1 toured iI-m.
would be the result Havuii: hranl oi tiic • tl<
of Pahnostock’s VrnnuuK': wtifii ndiiiiiiixierrd '<•
children of my neighbors, und tlunkmg uiy
have worms, from some of the symptoms. 1 gave .. .■.
and a half teasj.oonfuls of the Veraulure, and •»
Kjal astonishment it almost immediately difcbnr.
tween *£SO and iflJO large worms. It* health wax *, ••
restored, and it is now remarkably well. Prrviou- >
taking the Vermifuge, the worms would oerasiomini
(ire in iu throat, and Imftcti ( it would dir u mi
■trangolniion. 'J as <i Da"’n i.N
'nonesta, Vennngo co, Pa., April l. 1“ npM
Dr- W.P. iojand’a-Premlitui piaster.
DR. w. P. INLAND, of the M-.liru. rolir r «H !■;•-.
adelphia, cow otfer* to’ uia public in • 1 inline Y- n.
etable Premium Plaster die qualme* tn wh.rh. »•.. r
Jong and tried cxiienruee. lias been «aii«in( :or. es
tablished. To ail women wlki may i>c aftlicte-i wHi
Prolapsus Uiertaor Fuileo Womb, be r— oraiuemi.
piaster, guaranteeing a »uf und «peedy cure i-i
abort space of from two ?o thee w«,k». if ufiplir" w ni>
cure "nd rest—-discarding ail the eimnt.e** .lutruin-- •.-
and cipeosiv* bandage* mi lone in o*r. Tin* ne :•••
conscientious lr. stating, inaamucli n* he inis uoi f:» ■ -••i
In CD* casw out of three hundred a:id fatty-turce p;..
Also for RhenmaUsra and Weak Brea-t r.r Ha- v at
tended with pain, there i* imthn.g i.» -r-f mis l
m affording relief or ctfrcling a cure hor -s
L Wilcox, corner of Diamond nn-i Mart - : ••
Broun A ftettor, “ Liberty and f*t Cum -v
“ Federal »i and Di-unon ' <- •
Jacques A "k, u Henman and Diamond U.nnr -•
ham. ir '
OINTMENT u the most effectual rented) t*
tho pUDlie (or the cure of letter, itch, dry'and wan*ry
pimples of the lace, neck and body,*culy eniptmu*.
tad alt other diseases of the skin. This Ointment i
warranted free from mercury, n perfectly »u(r ao.i
may b* used at.all times and under all circumstance*
A fTBSb supply ol this valuable remedy received him I
tor sale by B « KAHNESTtiCK A t:*,.
earner of Ist and wood; also, comer ol Olh and wood |
■ true a. jei
fTtmAfr cjkd BUirix# of lU Agi.
The nio>i r jtrmordtotry Medicine la the World ‘
T/U* Ftiratl u /si «p in BattUt it ur,
tikus tteape*. pUmieaier, aad teorreaud su
u mli. /< eMrte rstk«<u
tvmitinf, purpiryr, ttekt*i*f
err Lb*
Tl-» CT' s*. beniity sad supcr.ority of ltn» Sar».ipari!l»
m medicines u. Inst while It ershiratet the di*-
1-.:. t: f:* T-'-tte* Ihcbody. ll If n«« uf tbs ver> Lr.*i
.. . it it n*t calv porlfiei the whole rjr.tcm, ,m.|
,*n. 1 1»•• p*f*on. but it trtoit* ««», pnrt ajid n. 1
i Miner hy no other medJCiuc. Aadix
t- - ■- I l .* cr-,n 1 inccnt c.f its eomlerful ll )ij.
.- ii*,! **">itn tiij Uf; |ifo yean, oofu than Ur'ikM
-t vrrp ,*i*ra us disease at least »<t»
r • 1 in, nrub-r-. ll ass saved the litc»r,f mijri
i l“ n r'liblrm dtineg iae two past Mianioi
"10,000 comes of tienornl Debility nml
wniit of nertous Energy,
f*-. rn.iiv».: 1 rarkijinrul.. invijurate. the whole
*v an jierc:«ri'int!y in those whe have 1,-*t thr*r
mu- • .Ist rusrgy by the lufeets of medicine or iD<li«crr~
lion ?,it:iniirird in yuuth. or the excessive indulgence ot
tbr i>:i,*i«n*. and brought on e general physical*
lion "finr aervom srstem. lsssttnde, want of oinbiu-iu
fniiUu; ceufstioua. premature decay and docllne, hasten*
in*.- u'».rH» that fatal disease, Couautaption. can br rtt
t 1 rely n-ttorr-d hy this plnasatil retneay. This B*ri».
pa "ills u far superior to any
lavtgnrmiint; Cordial,
A* U renewt and mrigoratrs the »y»letn. a. i L nii
t • i • - ''reb* and strength to the muscular -a i
* —t r»irnor-iinnrt degree.
f outnmplion fared,
Ciramr m.i >'!"<• Consvstptiuu ecu ht curii.
/Jr.i-,* V,f tJ Consumption, Liter Ciu-u.
iJtirrA. Coif ha. Asthma. Sputttf of fllsno,
Airernr**!* fie Chert. Hectic Flush, ffvkt
ftetata !>,F.092t e* Profoat £tw«,t v .
r-tt.-a. 7'atn is the Siit. be, lieni
irv« onif r«e ha cawed.
: T i» Fork, April 2aß‘r*
H; f ‘w-'ini;- ? verily that veer 9*. t: -*
r a the bum*, through Provident*, d iar.i>y
•J.* I l '- • ».*ve f-.. Borr.rrJyears had s tis.f Cough, h
► ».-» ,« r-r«» »a 3 rrurra. Al Uxl 1 raised larpe'|i*' •
l'et j 3 J Uvrouu, and »<»* prttiv : »
inis,! ml i-*duce<L <tcd ail*i Bel expect lo lire. ! h*« t
t,aiy iur,4 ) avr BaruapaHfU a ihan time, ittd slier* ’•*-
e **o»ii*r?-r] b 'vr, waught Le CSU 1 ara s.M»
to walk V vrer tks efiy. 1 raise so MoM. ml r-»
«on*a Vov icA rao. Tea m wtil Icra-fu* ifcs• 1 •-
thaxkfK.’/tv these raaalta.
Tour ebvdirn serrext,
t7K. RUBSELL, W fithstlaj
Onmnle DBodleUe.
Dr. T.»iu#di ConsparilU is a aevarelg* and cpec.‘»
cars Pit luciidtat Canmnapuoa,,
b‘Ni. or t'allicc of the Wmnh, Caetlreaais. (-« ,
f.-.'rSara, or Whilst, obstructed K-oc*lr-. -
n>u. lu-rootinencn of Urtos, at lireloßtcrr dirrhargs
iterpnf. sad far tho geoeral prwradon cf tsv syii;*-*
w, u;*iie* wheshar the rssahofUhcreat ra> *e oi ••
!u-*i| hr- irregularity, Ulnves or aoeliU.:!
cic I * *s’ore firpriala* than hs Uvlgotaucg s3«.r*
•■"i ib- homes frvhi*. ftraces aB weakuars i- I A-,*
i • J*. • *•?"! tahle.g it. ct one* Waooos robuii acd fc‘l rf
■•«.ir • cr ir.r it* tsfiucoev. 1; iaunediatsly m.'-i-i.m
r uri-rol.)r»ans» rf tho female fraav, wht;ij«il)»g'».*
*- * 1 Pvrrsacvts tl villjsot be axpeciad of *•.. 1
• • <>f tfa'ieai* a catora. Ui exbtbii corUs*i , *>»
t',irfrjTuaii but v*o can assure the Lilir'.rd, it
’•■bid mim hare bees reported to as. Thou.a cJ,
•' rtt~\ ,rbere faaiiites hare bees without rhll.irci
o.lcT a few bottiee ef this UraJuahls aedicluo.
tarn L*i«;ed with fine, healthy offspring.
nfo'brre IHarrfrd I.adlra.
Tint Extract <*f Barxapsrtila has been sxpreuly pre
[:-u*U ta rofnrcncc ta female coaplainu. No famal*
| has r*as*>o u* tbr is approsehiag that
' critical pcjloJ, * Tie tgru of Hfh." etiouhl oeguirs u>
take it, a. it is a certain prerendve for any of ta«
faumerotu and horrible diseases to which fwnaLi arc
subject ax this Umr cfllfh. Tbit oeriod essy ht de
fayed fir srrrrfli years ky usfctf tfcao sscdumt .Svr
is tt lass raluable for those who are epproaehing ou.
manhood, as it is calculated to rain auturr, by q«ck
antur the blood sad invigorating the srstrn. luftred.
Cai medicine it invaiaable for all the ucitcaia .'iw,
\f-. to whioh iTonten arJ eubjoch
M 1 rjr"i the whole sy-stem, renews peritnc*n'
by removinj the imjiv::i*-
net to far stisialaong a* to prwiuco tut.*<uiu*,i‘
r*lsislw!a. whirh »s lb* ea.*c of must tncdtciae* i *kru f.-i
f ■■■ u‘r *nk bam and disease. By using s fc« b<,iiii -
lm».!ievi», -jsay *rv«ire and painful turric »i *»|*^*»
flrrrtf to JTlotbrrettnsl ('bildrrn.
It i- lit* • »f»»i nr-,! Oif>*t *ff*ctoal ttiMiimiis for ptinf)
i~.. .i|- n.'-ri, M.. 5 r« , l*nni the »iifferirc» ettmdnut
•«j-*»r, 'hi.■! * ;**t *i ">*r ,f!»eo»,-r-*i fl ktvcnglhr.i* Ui.ii,
rho mn:~rr a.-.t cttlM. prr*r»r,t» pain and .ii-roj-e. tit.
. r-**--, * . ! cn-icho* th» fl>od. who hn»« u*r.i ll
i i■: ii :;*.! lt )• htrhly tt»ef:i! l*oih**
*«.; *v-r '•••iifuiaairnL «» It pm opts Jiw>an*» ..!c*..:n~i
irm cniiabtTtli—to CtirUrmesa, I’lic*. Craoii * d'i**ii
•«r ..f ; u I "**l. fiT'pouilcocy, Ilcarlhiirr ■ruiiiof,
i*. the Bueit and Loiai. Elbe I'alL*. Heriirrhn.-".
,t,.< in Ut«i secretioci an l <*|UkliXiac tli* • **-
rulolitm it list po oqaai The gT*al lw»a;r «f tun
i*>C"iicfr* t*. it is always safe, and the iao»' d*iir»tv n**
r m-»l »3<rrt*fuliy, * *rv f* w esses r»wjßsr» mrv «r'i-*
mei!'ctae. <u men s litUo Castor ihl, or Uagpwvia. u
o»r/ni. Pter* - '** ta the open air. asd light f<w*d with
tin* Bjrdtcicr.. will always eas are a safe »-.:d ea*j cue
fiaciaccL 1
Branty and IlcAlth,
('parties, CVsik. tod s variety of prsysratw.* see*.
ib u*«. »ifj applied to the fat* v«ey *oaa spud «t
of ::t beastv. Thvy close the porvt r>f the *ain,*ps>i
i.-, w tn» r irealsuon. whteh. when catore u oot Uiftirv
- ; ; y or powder, or the «kla t*>| the
i. n u«-d ia *-.j*p*. beaauSes id owa -r
• li-IBIHE fees IltVlßO.'' *J W*ll as IB 10” rfveleo U
sc,! -i-bsat-lv firde-i a»d varj-rat*-! C--s*r». K
*- 5* ’IT- sd-* r-ealtoy circutsboc of 16* d aiw«. or
-- ni'ths para, ritn blood to the •'tireonti**
w-i;r\ p«:r.:s tan enaateaseee 13 lui tu-irt *1 ;ji
'-i.-ir lit* *hst waica 1 opart* the ii.d<*crih«t-..
io*»tise«« that a* 1 aJaaire.
i:»:ir csf ■i<T*'- r i*-*. T hi* ‘"C*#: * »» tae nf *s
i,f/ c.>t bfpexitr t~r *e«p. If there is el-i ■ free atd
i - jit'iy *•*”*'* Isa. th«r« t« ao beauty. If ta* lax/ is
L.r ui ,Iriv*j nt*. if »ne paint, tad a»a cninM-ur*
t-d tb* h!—el U thick cold aad nepure. i» aot beau
tif,il. If mat* bro* s or yellow. »ud there if j-nr* sod
a.-tive Mood, it give* a neh blpoia to th* rheea* to-i a
bnlhai-«y la their eye* that t* fasrieatiae
rile* i» why tJP ■o-itbera. sa-l etpeeiollv !’•» ?pt»-
tali lad>oi, are *0 aueh admired. I.sdi** is to* oartb
wan take but little eisreise, or are eoafioa*! is cloee
rnoru, or hi»* tpodrd thru complexion br the sppb
c*Uoo of deleterioo* mixture*, if Lhev •i«o to to
rsia datticity of »tep. b-inystrt spirit*, sparkher eye*
«nd beantifui romplerVit*. they »b»u>d u*e Ur. 'l'lieo.
ir |.| 1 S*r»*p3nt:a. Tlioaaaad* who h«,
t;,» u juu-Anl. ore delighted. I.i.
• - .1, >n rrond our office daily
Xorirr to (he l.ndte*.
y t,.- ttef liditste f>r To* oaeit/3't Sor**p,,rt:i*. He*,
llrt a v rr.ll- t ••ie:r »lutf * Ptfttdy
r A . at,| have rnfrlnd ocr lull* and r-r:u!>,
who , --I*!*, t-r las eoiDploiuls of women »-'u I !•< » .-.
-*Klie* me,, *txi pal op medicme, havc.sinre M.e cr*.
--** of t*r. T-woseod s farsaparllls m c-nnpLnjt
l-ot to iVnialra rt-tmamesdad laeira, eltboorli prr
.•i* the* .u.l enu A c«ab*r of the*# Misturr*. IMt*.
A* .. .-jju-.:.tu :a females, as Ui«y asgratate Uieexf'.
s:»l uodcrm.ue the CMlUtntloo. Dr. TowcirmiY i* tl-e
-.-iv .uni tjeM r-med* A>r tba nutaerou* female roi:».
j tii.n- —it rsrrir. if c*er (ails of affecting a perma.iem
< I: esa l.« taken by the tno*t iiel!r»te frnialen,
1 n iu» or by ihosa expecllcg la Iwcnpic mo\li»rt.
*i f :i ice rrrsical as it prtpar** the rytinn
»:••! i-re**at» paia or danger, acd ■trengtHra* lunh
1..-.' vre an. 1•• an j. He eareful u* gnl the genu hi*.
Mrrofnln Corvid,
T’ii* eertir>r-*»e ouelusivaly prove* that tb»»
partita !i.i* perfect coolr-M inn the moot 4»b*t»«j«ie Ji*
'£.*** the Three person* curcil’iu no* C-ivt*
I* unprcce-leoted.
Thrrr (’bildrea.
Its. TowvrSEWD—l>*ar ttir: I have the pleasure to
Inform yon that three ef q>y chlUirsn lis»* ti*»o cured
~| Srrnfula l»y iH<s use of your eseellout m«-linnr
'( c--y <*er» ediicte-j very severely with l-a-t More* . Have
Uk”u only Itojr bottle* . n took them *»**. fur wai.-a
I lf*i iryKlf under (rest oMigatluo.
I our*. rwri'^'Mfully,
W CRAIN. WWieiii
Opinioao of Fhyikias*.
T»w-<«> .el 1, niai-*t duly rccelviug order* fraa
. •I'lxr, ir .>[r».fl 1 {nets of the Udiou.
:i> 'Vit (Un nnd«nif l'riratcini:*
'■•.t: > , lmvr in Olini'rouatiuct |'fr»rrlb
•! • S«rtnp«/itli wjil ti ii> t>*
i ia t!»«
ft r puusn, m i>
j wiuso* m n.
r. n HKIUUK, ,11 D
A-Ur.-. I,r: t.1"~ !' f. I'I.MKNIK'RF M Jl
( 111- ( .IV ~| A-
>nd iinoirn»s rain of f»i
Ti*.•••••>!• a cumber nl men nunwnr*
—IV \ .S»Tr rr.tnirrrnmd c-•>fcf •w H»r»n|.h
-- ULw »<•*.• K; tut. P.iimi, Rit/ifi Kl ><!;••«
Vr. T»i*T jwit ll tip m (bn anan but
l!' , ai.d »omr of them have ttol« Hal cupind our ajvrr
li* l!mv «m only vcrtbleu»u.,r.« »uj
• 1...... 1 t* n< H ie.!.
Fnircip tl l/fucn. lifl FULTON Street, Rno Rftil.ln.7,
N V, Ke.Miuc 4. I n. e State itrert, F->n»n . [ij-oti A.
‘•..•j.. IXJ 3urlh tfrcouil Pliil4d*luh*-i H S
l!-o- l.w-rr-r. R.-M . I' M. Oh-i-
•» l,'<-, lil Cbanr*i Blrent, N •> loj Sihiii
IV -i Mi-.', Ailrsoy ; iili’l by *H (be pric \-il li-i.p
«'.« i ilrpi-u mi- fiT'-rally tlin'Ufh n.i t•».- 1
'*.r* W.-.t lii-iic* an*. 111.- Cac.ida.
N. 11 Tcrwiii* inquirlm; (or this n>n.!,,,„ r
b.- i.l.lirCi-1 t'. l.vkr; II 1/ n;hrr fin,..;:,..'
'liriji pnr IJ .tin. mu] of rotir-<* I>icfef n*| , n, l . Virir I.wri
/H’l Ucup.veil 1,,- n;r. -uirjuirr f,. f |t r
'TV'V’' 1 ’ .Old i,> 0 1P
;■ ' l.nm-ml Whole.„i, fr S'. A
■ ' Vo, *° n> '* U M * ' Ki;\ V'-rnei.y
T /'\!l' .Dt.i l,ri|ir .(w-ly \V ii-
_ 1 ’ ' *■ I,lr ■
U-iW.i . i- r.T.K -J \\ J
A (MI, .1 ••• \ Uij! •! In*/ ,mI ;• 1 HI,, , v ..
(nrfl apprarr * fur :|j» p.m V i \'Y ,
k,;i umiiiiu.imliiMH hf i. n- r f | i
po«l p.i«J Kr.NTHAM FMMAN'
Bron.lwtiv. \- w
nri'-T'-ix«-. * nr.-j«-un.itf<l to H f „, i|„ r> . ( , n
J-<]„"• o>un of t 'mtitnon I’lra*, Nr w y.<r i
I f -.uirsl. xun M A f”i»
ji -:iirtc* - S. '*<»
•r K*<j . <\nr,.in«li 111,.,,
I'ic:l'lciH 10ic1,.,, I:, ». j;,,,.
Tli« Allegheny Cemei'r)',
•; r.ri.j*. o( il».- C..f ,i.,. i,' t . r
• ■’’< • f., /oifrjwirt- w«*re « -ui
ir r^..'vri M*nt*rwr« lor ine v*nr
THOMa»* M 111 MV »,
V H\ mssKl.C. )
'’uio-rirnns. 1
N A:I IN! Kf. fldl.Mfjj
U [l.'tON MVANui.tjcs. !
j>*n.N «? ■shokvrkhukr. '
J 1 i."Jr . ‘'••'Trior)' nn-l T»*»n« ,•
t \fliif niill: rt Y-ry rnmln
lii Mr** fit;, I* No I77\Vy^f
/ (KKI.S AITI i • ii m,i. n-.,,,;. .i i ...i
VJ t-y >1- - ISAIMI •, * . „
CtHl{KSi£-i7IH t,x< .n aiurr w»d i»r *sip i.v
t d ee» decs ISAIAH A Co
am, ,T«^n« u
V*. I. Mathkr. !'in»!<ursh . -y
Rl~iK, IVkia A t’o. |* r . ... .
CkA'ATuhJj i filjirtliEiU.i V r>Vf .ai-ll ) '
r riirtiiUjv« 1.1. « riosv f.rrpurvc! \ a ir.i-vi*, r '-i, t,r
1 n'Sl ,i"t'» ::um i'"' •I‘urr). ,vi '
'-i/r lorn .rave, IV.uhiirpti ai:H r> v ~ta'>d -in' •• run.
”!" 1 ' a) l/.i, i;,, r :ll , (1
'.c”.rcrn JVui.urfli null an! » ' ...
"i Ur-( <• 'ir> ‘.cxiu'.un-.*, prof«?:ir-t,, |, r . :j ., n
rr» «ii •u » r » linr. llu/dt; aud Si if Uiija ••
Prop-rIV unii'i! :« my p vl tlir I'-.,, , •* ►
J. : V u M T SIATHKR „*
rf.r u al«:r and Smuhli-'ld »t< '
A<.K.\r> Uw.l, Perk- A Ca, IVnvcr;
K ‘ 4r ** * r»onjjmnt»'« h
I-. W Co!-» i l'„ Warr-ii
«' !'•- *'■•* A <V jj'i
A A \ ( .«ji, .Nev.-inn I'l.i,
y I.i-vvi-. Newport; 1
M A r II K.-11,. i rr.■. V -
'I l-rA Tot, Ir.,
W 0r.,.. A r O , a...,,
Il„r ~r (..i.h.A .■„,5....1„,U
II it:.',,. A H..,-.. r,,,.,.,
V »“•* 1,',” M.rJ.
".i.,»„,-. m.i,u
II J „. A , i,; 1 ,. j ,
_ ri ’X TUK h*H‘BT A rt,iN ~|* Mu-cu.v-,’-
s 1,1 and J iiif.Ainii.fin v.
r l 111* I tuprifior* ui u„, a , ~*,,„ ~* •. •
l I’m• I’-ir r„*., . ' Jr .‘
|WI ill Ill,u, H „, u . „ \*,. Ul ~J ,
*’ than ii.ei f„rtn.-rl\ *>. ~..*1 al .. ,*
i'r**!i«.',l *)n*;f *•*.,i*n lor Miirugciii l‘iu»iiiiif!, >,
prcpurnit in ~||pf m ur|i
rrcnicr :a.*iM;, » in ta.-n :r"*>*.t,
n ”*i p*tro::*
ctjrrir.l br tin* imr nrc ».»i i'm -tn|u— i i. P .
; l v» 1 ) !•' Ihirtnl'li* Srciion 'i .> «ii.;.5»*,, ~i tl.
nil*! «>!}.«• i .I» r>-i|Ulli|,r .*:ii« fu, .Ug i . . ~*
Ut.j'Oi ’am i ."So chart?*** i*»f r**i ri tmg »:i |*. ~*
cvi-d- nr ttlv* <<*iii*3 rlmigr* A!. g..0.i, iuruj'**«i
pfoinp' 1 v. ni**! n■■on a• rriu»«*ii«ii;r tern.* .*»* u . n.,\ , ;.*i
J|<HS Mi-I'A l»r..\ A I f. .
<‘anni I•»*< u >.i ,P, i-t.nrr
J.\ M ! ' \l I- >, \ A i ~ .
■*.’? Maun .V .'*4 i'uni,ii.
JO’IN 'M MH.N A ■ ‘,i I'.i.vv. .!, , c « ..Mduil.
*R*li M' ,i i,’l" • Can:. |'c nr -; p., k -.
AMF S M HAS ISAj. „„ r tail
•i M-r- :»«!•• M,'«.r r.u; -l , J( .. r . .
:!*•;' I- '."I
v\ia. •!*..' iiirf ,!r*.-r,(.tii'.i- .11 M-I •• IX'.;!:/ ,
iS • 1 !V n. * ut„. Ohio l Jim in fL M{ l, . *
1 :IA .«: I m.l.iuii, a;;., jn-'l |‘|| .<■ |.j.-\\ of - I ,_ >|
a: tin-.- u ,r,
M'“!X 1 ti
Pi. - S !r ; ; ..
>1" , i,: . i 1-' A
Pynm’a. itad Ohio Traniportntkoii in.
Dv.ib!f Dn'.'u 1.
FiKv*r h..vss mkiv it,. \’r« v N i,
rcxisiki, :,i tmwi',*,i - *u ~,i ■
I‘i.ARKK A I'dAU i , n i; rt . f . , ..
A HI I l.i .11. uiv ;„,H, . M y ~..'
J A * r n*.1.1. A til > W- f* . ~
fi 'vs iiK.N. ■ i.AKKE a <:• •,,,**,.* |;,
V\ E'.'lf Rl> h A,*l .* Ur . \, - A \
'I ’ll** • af** rt .:„*r* ,',m.|.,*. ~..',*.* Vu
1 ■\rr •.lie t. ~r h- iA tli:
(ii c..i,ti.iau'< iti** **u'i* >-•, i„:n, *r..
if 'Aiirr.H M hirr. an*J • il.i u « rani: r*,*.i ur •Mi
r,i* i'hiri u...*e liercinion- extrude.l to •>?.• i,ii„ pr
“‘■Ml I L .V KIE It.
H E Jtr.N-.*
P,::-‘*urvii. Mtreii I. t-4.s
U t.MIIUIV t!| Kili.-T K
SKi'l'lt >.\ lU> \ IX li'R rilll.Al'l '.pica \A:i
KAl.'J'l Mi iKK \IA CAN A: >4- Ka ILK' >\l *•
K. Hfr pi.-|.ufrj 10 n:ii ii'rm’,l.' •«,
a!..] j; ». ~»v J ,•„, t _ \
i xiox i.i>it!
' » <av*is« *’»!>
HfNKS I.RT\KJ- A l i.. ''mtai IJamji. (‘h;. , ( , t
IU ril.tL !<l M I*»IKKj * A i.«. \t».H
i H k.m'u. • i>ru--r \*>nii & ;n*ri,. »<• <
J‘‘-> i ' 1 L |>..i . .V tv .of*. v
N( • I{* > l'h> •'% > »mr tirni« wil •. k ( nv:, ,
w«» He...--, u-.J
A 1 n I (•!; 1J» ; ■ until IU- \•.V i i,
m.\K\ «.k_\i y
N!)*••: Nl) U IUTiI.H.
' H.\> Hl'MTtfß} V*
UK.'sHY I.KAFf V r.r.or; •
/••>* :■-* T'*mn»r~arw* v! b >'ifi; i„ an : ju,
rrrr>*jri!i.ii /'iin.Ai' l . nii.i n
U'KI. Mr*l i <N ir
li-T*::.:v A i *' H Cu. ..;p.
Taarn kin b p.,
Mill an..i r i! Mini
in . . -i. kimi
inn i. * <•> ..4-1 .or t
x m.ri lorwur-.-u (ii «i. >
i>t ••h.irv' ii,t i i.iiinim»iof niisaiu.i
No 1 1*I'-rt- *l. r<rur of nw»if»v- jy.
. AH '-trniim.jjt' viiuiio|fri>ni|.ti) .k;«
foil (o llif hoiowiiic .iitrtti*
KwHHlfx.l. A I V>H T.- Miw.r
T>i Ki-yy a «• I'jiN.'juH. r:„ii* i
« I r«*S V IMS A I <» .! 1..,.
I.* AKb KKiK AND All< lIJUA.N Lt.VK,
Tr- '
i" .ii'-ir {'Hira .
■: M K KII
T-:D. ......
Kh* A ' ... H-....... A\*-‘
W i.HKV V-.
IR-IN. Jh&L B V'-. 'rr:'^£:
.’HPOItTATION I IA K. j .■ V, lMi-,.u,-b. ;u J it
apH cor Waitfr
pfiipn- lor- ul it,
u '•! !• >■ ■ m*- I I ti: UK ( UM. |
in- ,j,, M -t • i» |
■ i‘i Ha.llran'" ii r-<J r,ii-l,ijivi> |
■«: ii rm--( ami lm,. |
IX h !-.t Cl,r J l: H„
\ ! A<S, Isn
mim rn.
ffifcfea j
IU 1 tie I'ropr Mnr* .il II
ix j at i umb-rlaoJ (
ji:.« Ui llt-i „(
r.'t«l>ur(li »ud wc-M*fi.
If l!»b(UM>u .. I/-.- hotilli
• •.Mi •<• /»J .r-i 1 ..i
Ti.» Ui.h 4f
•« [.OfMiUf 1. t.» Imi. fl.l|
JOl '!.» livi.-r fc
a W ra- s i:,tu. ,
>.D<l A l< 1 C i.N If • nOi;nb*T 4i*.l, 1
J R HOIJINHUV, CulUiu-.r. |
Wtiiern Tranifrorlatlaii Company.
U. LEECH <fc CoM m iu
Old Edablliltcil Lines lO l' >, .
To I’ll I I.A I ’Li.IMiLA. Il ALI t 'll »lt C. A NI.W \ 11K K r
• » pm.imm at:, •■m.* i.* i mu:-.
\RI |M'p;»l ■<l to ir.t. ilpfn.f •il '..1 jifi.i'ii' •• :i ■•!
ir.Mn M.e n i :,)«;• o:. ; u var ,i' i • r irr > .\.|
>1 A f .I*. | * H \ij< 1! .t Ii XiiiUi Tlunl (t ('-i >'
J IA \ I,<»K ASi )\. Af'k.Ng 11, NM. 11.. a ..iU x il
A Ayt So 7 \”-t .t- —I. \. w J ark
I'm.i.-f.-i, Al.,'rri, ium, |-4-
Merchants' Transportation Mur.
roP nnr.Ain.i.miA .vmi jjai.timoki:
(•oo|>-* .-ca-urn, <J to nur cure will bu lurw4rll.ll
J»» “i**im j. Mi , . • lowed cuiti-im rate*
i' A M- AM J.l '> A i'i. .
I’x.ta, ll.i ■ I'.-.-t, -I IV'i-tMtii:n.
1 A It K \ VOl.tiw
r.'i •#» M iri.i-1 .1 f*lnl n
idisk. .MKnurrr a <...
1' ‘•V'- wtmrt Miilurmc-
31 K 111 11A ft TH’ WAY FRKIUIIT LlftK.
Krfl.N vm,» rimtii*rcAJtsmuTAnoft nr w*t rHUimii
Bhrt'V% KKN l*m»i.uri{ti. lila.r«viin - . Julm-ww it. Iln
lnlrry*l.iifj;h, \\ hut *w ••«•». 1 i luiUiti|;iloii (b>) a ri<i JV
t IT abo /i’ll
Timljiu- wii> ( .ini. >■ umvri) far U.r *j>i i m
Pomnnulrtiicii ol :1m wa y I'U*"-- • * Hie J'ro.n ••
tlrnnlOuf n.r Un- V .) Mat! i: J>• !l
cnvcl during llic m*l two yr»ri wnu’ilr.
‘unn ttmir inemi* m».l n.r pai.M'- mi..! su» , Y
>»<llt:r |iic| jirol i.. dciivci ;wiil* '
txtnai n,.<l K-iii It .u«K, will. |.roif:| m.
I'iCKVMiRTII ii WthlJlS. A l/OHl
riDMii.h, J( tfl.N >! 11 t.l .It a i
I' <• I»• -iHI, A \S ,*m l- JolmHi
i '<<" Ml ~'f ll<. vnl’o■ *li
C \ M V ;. A I
..a*.rt. I'll • lH> *r
, K Hul-iii.i.n Jr K
.1. J..IH, I’i.; k > . Wai k
(>.•11 <1 A J M 'll..
.../•• Ila y ' .i'i A - ...n
i-O. I)' l‘ r.Kprger.
J* I''p
nr«s*:ir, hajjina** cn
pANKTJIS, EXCHANGE i I it', Id .li.s
•' • "• '• *'• "■ * *'uru ui
' * ■' " ll 1 Inr »a|r. a i:i| rof-
I ... 1 ll *’ I H .t.j'al j.ojMh in Uj*
t . ri'r-. 1-ffiß.iuc paiu r.» r I ure-jn and Amrncnr
A.iv,-"., -nh hodurf.Bhip.
i J.;KUu 7 :r0 ; , 1 ..1.
' “ 1 ' K . ■ . ot hlr)i:ini;/>
' A K<i|i|V
* ! *' tRAMB.a.> BHW'iKU RAUM
j.-A -i.1.10 »N 0 1-. X•: H \ \(,r HKOKIILS. d.-Hlera
«. f 1 | • Uuii -i,,- j:, No; V.x,-i,,,,
. * *’ I- Ik N.n.-* ~n,| I ~I
'I K.u.\ Kl s ns
|n I I.VIH'V MIIAM.F. - ( «
\! ' i ''-n ki ;i \m> i \i 111 ii v> .
nH u!..V‘': ''' u ■ - *••*»
( “ ' "•> • ' '■ •"« ■' 1
'- . *
■ • .% HmniJ
: K> , |:
Illb'.il I-, '■Nl f 1-X, A\» l IITiiKN,
\ > K.T IA N Ql.l !vns.
•’ - • 1 •’ v ‘»' .it th.* i
' ■ 1 - iv' - itjij’mv-.. I u»n*rn |i,*n»
• ’• '■ 1 • *> 1 ii mi-lpo.(ir» A!«p
” cor i ... p.«.<rnN in.i,vn. on i.ftnj
0 l Y
r ‘ . J'ijiij.l,.,,
Ult I( K r'Olt SAI.K
’• ’ IM Il \ N I\ 11 I Ai Il »K
:<• ' •. I •! I\A tv . anil •»
4- » ! • Hi V\M l- - \t l KKI'.S.
U* 1 M-. I »*>!<• t!» liitu ri( l*l'.irgti,| !>«..
’ •/- M». fiti v'r.. 4 \ I'i/lifntrgh.
!•> V k • C"' tl'ilid K £00(1
i n’.vii in uiulu.Mure am!
i-.d rminlry
i ■ t- ! in m*| find r*
!«• .1- '*• h’iinrd tn fell
;!!• r !<• thr pub-
I.i Cli'- i 'hum will pm.l Untirr. irallirrm* 11
nm i '!• . ' i<‘lii «»'•-! k . i.i hvf iu irn nunui,-. u
imm i-mmi prrt>urml. a. (aiiniH'i iKumity m
in ilm*i (u iiv.- iiiuiuicv
’rin- uiilnv «.f tin* Mivf«nnn n apparent, n* b«
I'T Hullrr run !•« produced mini ■wrnuj,:* orrimi
Hi an i; i ram .ournl m ilo- ii>u»; way, unj |,y
'hir churn a l"llr *irl or boy r un perform. ai | lire ,
Irn niiiiuirk v> bul lm» Jirir udote rt*|gir< d ilic .
a woman or mini lor our nr i« i> uotir*. an,l »uni- iinii
half« ii«y
•hi Hy «iiig>!y lurmu* a thumb Mimw, Uu whole u
.lti.lirr i. taken rim, why,:,, i ,„ [lle t, UU4>
mnl imilt in il"- jfimi wopu-ii un.
4lli ll r» Mir cbofll ever invcnic.l, t|,
ilaiplM-ity i>i u. <-on»ulictiuu iti.ou Hl , .-lul.mjy,,,*
er«at |>Uou.<.|' bnprim i(»ic> iiihli.< n |. ul ijntei
irmiiufaiMur- n
Sth Ji la b roininon-i>*ii»r cliurn. uia.l w,;t
w li«> W 1 11 ri aim r.r ii
IP/* "V Imvr ~nr. l,n«r l | the innnojmln: ii.„ t
Uir nr»|*rorcn"-:.i mini Menri. t!«„ V rf \ M )rr . l(l ,
p.iln,trr». r art i.Mermy ill- rnntpkic mom'i
~,/v oi'il.i* «ivlml aril-in lor Uir Stair. ~l (i| Ho )•,,
.|lY«i)iu. Nrw\ uta, New Jrinc). Mur, .nn-i un.J |w
r 1,,* ill a i iiiiii'liimr. anil il *prrdy r«i,uu „| 1 .1
in run oilier, in IV. Mm lull c\ rit .in •, ai I .. . m, k i"*,
J II < I,AYIt IN A i"o , I'mpnrmr*
l iffirt*. Fichn nan Buildm**, **l Um • ticrl. ncu d,,„,
lo K»uu.m •illicit
CoolUlUng Koglne(ri*Coun*tUori for
Office for procunnp ainfdrirmim* Pmr»u, impuriniL
Uiiomialion on Imuir* ami tl«r* apimruhun •>!* ?-<• ■.
rnrr in Uir An*, anil oil A irn- riratt nnu I'urrirti I
of Patent*
T)BoF WAI.TKK R JOHNSON, Uir of p llliadt . ;
~ , r M., *-r 1 l*«. «»•> 7. C RulliilNs \\ J,„ “P,!
*. u I-.. 111 iluleh-m l?r".'uut l"' I,r ''> H H “ rnr ;l Km, “! r V ‘‘-"I • lur
... . low in, i a»,i , | O' thr Fmled Slate. I‘r,ton. Office., have ■ ..oeininl
' I 1,,..]. .. r nr IliWm, . 1 ‘-‘ r »>< : vr ' U’il'-Uirr (of t|ir pro.i'r itliou of ll,r ulmvr
•U.\..,»ni mr Ir .• ii M I .-TIIHYII r i._„ *'' lf ' iirnmlira nf I'rolraMmiai lliiainc*. ntlirr in tlirir ottirr
' V !• . ... .1, , -I,r i.r . 1 , 1 , BI ihr I’airni »«firr, or lirforr Uir (%iuru. ami will
nmrijn iijixiVp, .....i .-.W m ’ votr thc.r undividc.l 0 11r.,,, 0 „ , 0 lurwardurg , U c mwr
mlnm- HMRID-dl y ,T 1 ui ,lV ' “ U>f * "",1 T ° ”!“> U.rm or
A'li irlimy nlv \N" I" <-t' 1 1 phKT |.««nr«*« in ihrir ImmU Mr kiuiwlr. J lu , (o ,
’ . till- nu»M«'-;V(* yrnr« lirld Uir po«l m Mn,. 11l I, , k ..
f j’K XN-I’A lux " •••■?.•,1 ami (~f t'i,iU;i3 Sutet Palm! Olfirtr, rind rm..,.,,. ,f, nl wlllll n o| ,
J in i.' U-M 1 - *V •irfuinii, in inlir part In lUr n r.dni unJrnnkni.r || lt tu i rill .
s ■>■ >' I *'“r :li -i. .. ~i i.i.i»nmr . -ortnirni m Tr**n .fn• im.l pecmuir fitnr»« li r Uir imp.iriniii nrfirr ... i,.hp r,jj
• V.A v '• ilm-ril pn.-f*, in W |,„ : h ■ d l> him, bore bern lu(llv rrcoi;iu.o.| |,y j (l ,
- 1 ’"" wi»irrnr.* n piirrli... r wltre vr r the office ilarlf IK iinowit
M’CUVI'ot’K The oilier ol Mr*«r» J A R. |. on F •rr.-rt. oi.ti„« H e
Ihe I‘iiir ii l Offirr. W*«hit fc *ton, l» i’. w|. or *i
culu.ii*. i*o*l piml. w-111 uiiend.-d u>i p llini .
mnlioii. iiiailu, drawing*, uuniu, iuiU uli r C uui«.
lin |.n|"-r> prr’i>nml— rul m<v)rl« prix-oroil When i)r»i.
r, <l—on rruxiralrle l«rm«. ofnntimry, rim. r ,l
-.1 in )>r nftnr rtaminutioiu hud, rnutl l.r ttr "
; conipnfiird l.y n fee dollara.
J." ; in ihn ilulim of thrir otfjrir which pcnauiß io n„. j. # .
- * Column,. .1-. ! trill Mn»»r. JAR Will hr n*ai»tcd |.y |( ip« n |
N Hrtl . WM il i,lv J ,.rr" n n.i I lhr s»*><«« characW, -am)
.liintai. .• n. - ,„i„.|.« u.r",V I l,Hl ) vc rkuiil wait Mechanic* ami other sjci«„i llir
U-- _ W M-I | I A II * n.', . roL'l, It J «übj.•«•'.- ; m)U*):A*w|yg
La HHi. k• i • 1 ,.i• 0 ii - .in , . .i.,rr Mh.l b.i |TAH 1> A l> h F.A THkltS- 7« No I •.> j,,
<•/ J Ar> UA 1./1.1.1. I A j No lon 7-i baf» Fibers, to arrive, lor «4]„' |, v
I irhlJ ISAIAH DICKKV & Co, from it
Kf'in; i
MdtiniiHnliiln llom** Tnllurlug Katab*
j vi N;l vN I.UMi M \\| |■AiTdllV
1 • • . • •• I>> IHHH..I. Vnmun
y" 1 ' r h ' u, ‘' J -y ‘l.rcci irum
Hru.-cj**. v«-ry rurti|i.
ii r.,u, r. . u( >. i|. i{i:n i
•11.1 -,..l .V- J \
•• >J - 1 i-'-Ul* lull
' >iik« - h,-
him. a. (rum
r> • muck y.
Hiii k Note*;
N m il.Mi'' A <. is u
J 1 .
■ • / A A' m.«ietd,
'\ >ii Im«
I *' • *•••- l'- i k ,mo(.
1 * ••*■"■•> '• K InVf. 'ifUllt.
K.IS N-f:. n
;r> «*)i nmJ
* -1. l tk II l.„ «UIJ
'ij.'iimi ijmJc
a >\ HVi.LT
Pamngcr and Remittance Office.
II A NROK.N \ Hi l conLinue lu l-rui* lu-r-mi
«fP tr, . ~M H,l > |i*iri o. lr \;m.l sroi:„.j
*■**> U ale*, U|x>n Inc mu»l liberal i«- rm-.. a iji :i,. u
u-oni punrimiuiy mill aii. iiuon to till- wmit. amt I
fort ol rminis rm.t* We do noi allow our paearnteni to
** rObhetj by the hWii-.Jlinj. .camps iha! mle»l Ihr >nt
t».ri«. m. »r tu».- .'iii-ri;,- ..f 11..-in the moui'-tu n,,-v »r
|H>n iliem«rl»r«. mid .re u> u* rir wrll l( .. uIJ(
-puieii tiiriu aultoui uuy detent.uu hi i:„- fi r »l unn- -
Ur *ay Un» Itarlcdy. a , dr'? o. -• of our pa*
err. to show dial they werr .Irtaiucd •!« hour. i.y u „ h,
Liverpool, wlni-t tiioUkaini. ol olnei- were dniuor.l
moiiiii*. mill! they .-onl.l hr rent in uhih- old craft in a
m 2 P r »‘r. ivhn-li too fri-quriiUy proved Ilieir rofUu.
Ue imrnd n> perl..mi „ur r„ m ,mi ro»i
what >1 tiny imd not a- t , t . via* it,r «- a ,.* lan .ca-on.
rdirr i-tii. nr*,—who citlier p<in«nu--0 nut ml. m
* Itrtl >' *uil'-d Hint I dlll rnirm-r miy mlJt
Diah- ilrunn mi PitUbur|}li tor an*- -uni ironi 11 io
iltaai, p-i)rtidr ai am oi the ,n, - m !i..
lucid. Fjw’ l mid, H. oiiund and Wnlr*
A KiiWNmiN
Rumprjin and l>i.- n | A^mt.
tolirr'i I’ Concu r Uratrr Chun
T 1 *'K . a..' th.' miotjori of i„ hip 7fll
TT ili r» jiL miJ mv.,.' i],,. ,
lpqifi>m< H-.l i'Uiwik 10 ''all :imj ,(«
Thi'i All n'>v< , rii*piiirin« m r*-l:Ujot< lo iru« invpnti.
lo lliC liumlfril' who UaVp ••-cii U , U |,, ri .
< ; • i! |.y thf e*»h 01
■i i ii. nl.-tf
ki nnroLir»4«
•ii'.l ;• t ir---<• i >i) Aiinglifuy,
•• m, inr | I>t|trriy lie IIOW
.ii'lii- d "K’ly ti*-sidr ih«
!• I'll.? ' Ijiri., ~c c m ilie
i> i-j-.-. im lio|k-« ui iner
|i i .i ixinfr.
r. llock«way flu*-
I r vit y dr»<-rijjiioii o'
*<.• f.V«l il/.llj.fn lO
n-.t mi,,.., |hu; 0?
i.m« - m iho
»|nM I y
mil.l' 1., f.r.l'.f nfl»-
.-m i lapf-r.
•lijxr; 1
l« I 'arKl*, [
JOHN ll MKLLOR, No £1 Wood j
ku now received u lull usoit-
4k pf Puno Font*. »eWted from *
f.. ■ *“ e foMowin? manufactori'-* m Motion
aud J\rw \ ork, io wbich ibe altenuou ol |>urclia*rr>. u
re*jiL*ei(uihf iiivnod. Tbo«e from Mr Cinekm»», (fur 1
me *a,e nt which be la «o,e Arcni m Wcirrn Pen.:- ,
s> ivaTim.) siava witai i» icjjucd Uie Nrw Orm;
Uc *“* n " ""Proveiucm r.-rem';, mad- ami *iv ra'Umm
a decided nnvnntu?* in power ami rqualuy ol io-i
-over any other. Hie iomow.ur arc me j.Mmru ai.d
'I \ ,C* Ol • lllr* ll rru.j''
No I RnoewiKHl.
“ oel'vrn. buck i fnml, 6 lu* - ;
'•i '• nolii, I-J'vril ' •• V.m
f.J r. .. ,
•*i '* r*rvril Mlo*l J<l i S-IUU I
**i II.JI-llCli Ml. !> mill • ..111, *.UI
*.-«> |
“ KttS '
~ » i«- of l4th. |
11 >• < or-ir r» aiu} liollow cor- I
n.-r-il ff. • ■•coud linntl. ro«t ont>tn>*U) WSS, oml-will !
l»f kc.d hi h v>T) reduced jirice
N ‘! !/ “‘'T*' 00 ' 1 ' roumi ror.irr. vfy elciranily fin- I
i»n«--l. \« n. Uo-r’A-ood. murid rurnrr. verv cl- I
fKHfI.)- Ltt.tohe-tl, '
1 in- nl..>v- nrr- uinmit'ai lured !v II \Vorrr«trr. N :
*•/* w '*' l •* iwown a « tin tut rmuuTicd lonucrJy witu
M*-*»r» M.itjjrU. \Vt*ri f»i.T A. I*u..iii,iii, N V I
.Noli NJi.rwond. t;l. , ~rvrd tttou 1(11 it*. tun.lf liy ttn» •
M ' :-aitait I onipanj N
No 1 1. Rclw'w m>d 1 4f Vr-.l ti <M !u Vf». (■ iil« .V c,i'. \ ■
V.' " pli ' l " ’* •• Hiitl
II " ,u “ , '’*' oO ‘l <*rumi I’iutio. madr Jlcnti
V prni**rti!|g •mill,
ncli.) vafvrJ
v. 1. \l:imi--inv r. ,».-tav*-v »-rond imn.l. pm-.-
I I I .o- • j.ari )•:•) tnciil ’or llrw
JOHN It Ml*u lIK
Mm- AtM'lit fr.r I liM'krrms'* <,rn rid and Sotnur Pi;,.10
I*•r'• *, 1, 1 1 \\p.icr-i I'ruiir, .vum.i. 0.-|'
nnl,. A JOM.KN l>l l> A«*(,r:mrnt or .Viatic
ffffH sk “ tjz
.l « ■ f I ■ i»-r lair.; |,niiprit and li.'xi mairria,*’
ami will 1m «*.d lor cu.l, !,y
r ni,r.MR ns \v«a,i « t rr C i.
N it —Tim,., »i *' door Fl '-b
“ *'“ , *'\Wuo an-m wain .1- u c«<»d m.iru.n.-nt.
• • > »*< nu n;vu-,| 10 nairuart l„f„rr i-ur
l*,.',?1 ri T Wl,, " r ’V a * l^ ' e, ••Jcemrd l>y ujiy
! t .:‘T ln '‘ w,!l U - * l, “‘ a.,) brouclil
! , * A,m»ju«i recvirrrl. iwo piano, of Ham
ur' i, manuijfiurr. warramci to 1,0 ,„(»««, r \o auy
I \ l 1 jmHi 1 r> ,-ounirj i„.|* i jj py ’
...... ~STcW ISiTRfMVst'.
1 II I ntipr ha» harni appomird Mile Airri,: ii>r
1 '.n. -u.r or CAUHARI'S I.M I'Ri 1V j.p NiK(^il)r.
’» ami and [•'•rf, |. v \J r .« r .
i.i'.iiA U ~| lUnr tiuiati n„. u .un ,
1-ilr ::l L-Ut 'mu i.rluw*. M, \| U .
1 ; ‘ '* w:1 ' 1 ,h< * K r ’'ornl ilf-.ii, mid ilmu iiui,
1 “ <• <•! IPiid.'il U»p mi-aip »| iUp»r 11:1 .irn.-ni. t ,, 1 a c
Ikin nn . iiui-i- \\ rut,., i or |)„ 1 innn nr i,n:a ;
!■ ’ 0, ' ” tfco ‘ llB * ‘ uu, 'ii •ni|*in,i-.l i, v 1
!" ml. ni>l v ron/--Va.a'l"'oran!!iH-i.'i. d .'
•ujr- 1..: v.- I Mir II KI.KHKH
A: J \\ \\ ,H-uvn .
/ * KhAT Ml Ml Al. N 1 1\ M. | S I !l{ .
* I hi,* n«: if<',ivp«t fr„m Knrt.p~ nn.l tor «ai, m
»<.~i h-. :,i.
i' ..V' l ’, l . " '■ f *■■*»
’ l,l n ’’ l ‘> , ‘ w lunre J *iHilo, oorupiea but our;
muitu u. mui'b room, and ,* a lua.-li roorr .fiowy H i.,|
li« I.uonir pircr 01 r.muiur- „ putv ulai !y
iip vrhi-i- n,r « aV in K or .par-, an o b JOCI . eI .
Ippdinm, neat and compact ami uecuny me no tnoie
-H.m u.a'• u .mih;: 1.: Tm .uu,c,Wt ha
..ami a Ir-tirn.ima! or n< % U iW,iu m, iiMrora
•*“ !**«“<• M^h,..p V t,.. mi «,■ 1 , 11g ,w 1 ..r 1i
' 7 '-’*P r ’ :rd M K'LKBkK
acoLiak atTaciimicst.
R' vzrzz:;/.
Norn., a r.*ia. .s y pi A , , JIK u *.'\
' i. 'iu. iiirv,,,.. m. tl 1;.., ~j Nlf
• •■-•iiin 1«l nrni> n< > manv oirirr ir-.Lino ,i a :- «. 4 .,.
m rn ...n i.„ u,,, r,r K «„i <1; Amn.. u,
'j. ' ‘ l ” •''! Hi- rt.'liiw.nt r-mn• k • v >t.
M . Ul.XlKi.Vja.-i 1-. l-l.
MV |V-,;«ir..(.i-rH'.o«iina|ru,r 10 ill, -
Lia»..l. p,,.. | i t.iiiin pvnt.j lioiu aif nm »
i' '".i mu< i, 1 « n. {■i'-uurd with foiiT
* Uirll | . Olialitei HK a fcfrat iuu».Ci«.
p. u»^lllr.. I I'll.. I-Uir jUil Itl*l 1,1 l BIV J,ai ; I «l,
* •-* it-'-t: c>r»«,iri" -in njv uunoc! lo m4kp ) - nut .nv.-ij
••on i ,: »,vji foi M«!e i v II kI.K.IH V.
" mJiivTi K,nim t,l-
aietallc Kr*me ptano.
A sru-LNWI) •Morunmi m' Ho.r
m<l .\Uh„*aiiy franJ uru»i:i IV
II # |"| fi;u»tlr,l mid nir *«|p
1 * *.» I* Ai»o, two »pi«-ndnl Kih'wikkl !’i«ho»
«nh ( eeM,rated .&>m u anaetsioem, tmi^rd
in uin Hum modern »tj >. |„ t tn ,,. a .
.1'"-' KHLt'M R'S. t IS wood «t
INJS. _&&&
Hi.A \I K A.M)>-u:\tj.ami |.is i. ...
1 » U.I.HW fnp. y
1 .S. I aju \\ »..i
Pa. kri. r,,-- It. .
’ ' -’ p ■* - ; L '*" “ 'f <» w:. •
i • h.«- r». k. i. ie«Y.- \\ i .
r V . a. : V, ii. .
I i l.u Wjrir- /, ‘ 1 *• |v "' : «*i •! e
Mil lAlli'K. - •• i 1 't* ' •• ' l,it ' •vui-li
) t •u i i-M. (i*r i'!i . «... re .. ui'fj |„iv» rnu*i£T,rd
|‘»mi P'li. kn-rnsrii .n.j I ,, I.' ' -I'.u . . , ■ . ..r> • ■ -.if. . .iu '.vr: I."-Iven
; ,;» ,r «
£ ALl'lliO*, •• s,y r[ . () , _ . * WC‘»C H"
>‘ , ovf •ptpndij Packet* Uarc !'y* U. t •'" ,> if ,
•oiniarj.c*-d i-iunin; between UKAVI K AND,KKIK. ‘ to*. «, ,'i- n ,
,' ,u "‘’' ua '" th- *.**«„,-on* 1.0.1 ; u,:« u „/*. c ’
•i > f.'ifn-ri momtitc at »<> rlori. and one icu*- \ C \ .NC'- K" ••„ i*.l
•"<: U«*'f c evening. .injr.t iiiat".-. m•.-/ •!»«■ ...
'V r" r
«w.i. "ru '»Z"'Z T-'uZ:' I *'? "' U * d ' \ '*•! -I a a,-U„rc.
—. • ,V. nr •V.’w-.rt V»" 'V‘\ i *'*““* t:r '* f ■'> V.*"iK ulp ll«- >)mpl
\ h , 1tl „. ',n,. .■; Ue,r * V * fi-.d . . in.-K.-.i.,.vv:„. I tor u*e, $
arill ., u n. nr l'**rVJr V' p’-'u.- I i;R,i ‘ ,vN ’ Sl ; »*’. J'llnt, and enclo*.
’''' '" ‘""‘■‘•'iTKa i'akk.« a 1!...-,.-, ’ i 'i't' No * :lr! ‘ ,hl
J"J!N A CAti.HM Air. I*,; I |„ f . v .
ror IWrand Id.;. 1,U|.,» • r ‘ u n . • > J •«
Ja-i liarn.-.on. liutfa.o .S', J ‘ i-r » . • >lrr, v a,n r. medy i o;
; Va . \ ■
M I and K.nx, liri.J. l’«, .
11u;..\ JVumii, <>i. pa. <•
W r SKuroi). Pa.
K 1 N, w i;n«ilr. Pa. jy|
Penniylvania Canal A. Hall Road Ei
press.Fait Packet Line,
P£s|||i IN4S. |
•''ti.M PITTSUL'tiII To PinpAlniLl'HlA A UAL
i hlrlu»tv.-iy lor r« )
IMIK pui..i.- nrr r-«|H-nrulU- niiormrd ihnl tliia Ui.c
\\... roiiimrin e rumiiug on tin- 2.*tl m M, m.j ~0 „ .
i.iy '.lirmis limit Ur** >ra«on
I'lif are new. mid 01 a *up« m r n:i««. with n,.
IURr.I rni.i.n.. w ‘" r »> w!I fiivr , m.iiiirirt The
A huulwi.l 4. .* a) « i.r 1,, mill -f:i vr.'rra rifv f
inmli d In y»:; and d liininc 'l|-;n !•»• niri- em;a»|.| l .
i I'ur- r.i j mm' dollar« throueli i l »'n- mi hr ~ * ll(
In- will Irnv.- ini. tn.idiiir |«|i|».»il - 1 >II n-l
i"i.'- I| 'hi/. For n|.rr-, m n„.
i\| nt; dir .a I loiim.-, or In 111 II \to
IIAKMtk.N .V i *i r
HI rn.K I.N J |V K MINI | |
ioilowinp irf>m fJeortf* B- Pomeroy, Eaa., the
J. we I nowi; propnruir otlhc Expieaa, •!»«»** ful
itsHtirf i;..- it o; -he Pam u» evrt)
ripmmj OFnrc, ANniny, Sept. 1.
'** \> % |i«.ir £rr— With irelm#» oL no or-
u.uaiy |> < t>a in relation lo the bench!
I h -l-j r • < .. <1 iir mraiuablf Pain Kitractor
m, ••• 'luu* ii»r. 8 year* old, had a pitcher
“■ oi o w U '.- ’u mod mto hrr boeotn: hcracreanu
«’rr«- «h< -• :mi 4 > ruv«j fiuUniUv (fathered be
i° rC 'T 1 " "'' " 1 ' ,u ’« 0 the tumble scream*
l.on-h'-- ■-■•i.i-•« ,i-ti inn) soon «;> read on vour
v '' i,: 1 " •' nut Hid upon a l**d. She
"■in- i ii.tid hcf pmiin, and says "Mu, 1 :f«!
'' :r '* _ i -'d «i- ,n .w,t| sleep. She
•'Her Crmn iJi»- top ,it her tboaidor
"«! am. feuml under the
• -v;„ V~ry deep.
'>>l- ' oinj-i«ninil Hilly wiicn .
1 1 ' l '' f-i;' •.!:< . umj-then- l* no
Willi nm.nv u]• ii--•, in) <|»af *, r inf \ mir «uiti nr n
1110 .-Ui'- oi '!m 'i ijjlr.y
1 :,ni vnuf* .n.h respect.
the test y,, mistake
'e •• I > U..-V wi . -r ;> ioji' re Uni »sinf i:|.
.iin»n.'i>ii- >• .1. , ai... • i-olic-g rlTrrt, Id u,e
"“f'< ■ <• V..CA.S.C.
,f * 1 “ 1 " j; "'f um.l» r wuat nauii l * they
uniM-ar —a l way* i-rnmr nm<l hut*.-, _
to the rriiuc"
!■ :>«■ "■• ••• " *" ;i 1,1 Mrlvin
‘ * 'i ’•Willed WIU , „ u . u .
i,ml i«y liotly. lot
l i'oii.J not «u<ml, nnil w 0 * cored t,i
r 1 , ' wt l Un ‘'’' -r «'<!' :■ copper nml ,
uie (it « nil'll caused tn> arm to swell
" Hi ,'o'.*uia shooting pain* up to Uic
■ir,:.- -ivel' g tukuuj- place U [ t | IP Hnj| .
a- -g I a.n, I i cCßine (»• uri'ul oi t‘, e J.ork
-\- mi’. winr l*mn KiUupior wm rP
/* -T .«! Wti.i'd I w:.. jimmied upon lo
tM | In* von «• ipienc- wu. thill ll n,e alnm*;
iu»lant iriir-i. ,i ,1 hi Hirer hits J Win ' i . a
corner ITriioine ajnl Milligan -'ll. Sept u
**Tl —ll OsL’M i* liic inventor of tin* invaliN
remedy. mul nrvrr ha - itnd never will i-miunuin
i'.ik to am living in in f:e M-eri-t 01 it* romlrinaiu-ii'
.VU hiirurioi*. in-more, not made mid |iul up li
Inn|, arc Pure count-:r r i.!»
Mr [Vi . v
•"••Mfr A
!' I *\UtU't.-rr:
*]? n ,M, !n't* S ~ro» *lw » y* Nrw Vork
-lUHN IJ. MORUA.N, Cjciicrai Ucjkk, Df. W.M.
ll[< J K Ai!f»ii« ii/f I’lii*! un-ii
t ■ AuiuutlUalrantc Cure~AU,
”• i, i::: i«j r. irrcuse. poliev::.
I'.t'iipli j> (*. ro'i ini rilin' iy r-
I’ .i' • iii.iv be had on iipp.ii a-
Jnil.Nl> MnltiiAN,
Agent, kitm.ornb.
/ 1"V I M I'Ti i' \ \.\ [ju \ ( ;k i u.WI’I.AiNT Su:
V \ i- i" 1 " M 1 >’ -r ‘ """ iWum-* I
‘ " ’ 1 1,11 ; I’’ 1 * •**' •••jU'ilt» tmii>r I aim ir.
ins un.j hculai,
•i ajfi. i.,m io lay uud
.. ' l *’** l 1,1 * !l > •' • l: i''«i:i »i I.i\rrwurt.
1 ■’ - I “:*• *o ii. I rould tint
'! I''. : I s „d :!i- m.rrr-.l
' i- MU.’.'. \|, L:u »!i. .Nr., !llW i|. |. |
< >•>» xr..f »«n, |.;vrk On «iri_AJ sr - i',.f „ 1,,,,.,
tunr I « jilur'.: w ,:Ji :||, Juriwi, and n 3. -hr
a Br’nril | h-J i , m.,r„rr two bf„:l,rr« u..J two
Kllt*M«. WMii If. r roundup;,,,u I haJ Hi- L, r .-t
aqt irtMii \ *>ti rii'i. i.ih.-.i. « ,i» tnr J witiioui''ll
nn.l I «'«• tlihr... I T-pn t l v»a« MU)
»*r) llrfuu* ll .1 il !• .. .1.1 l a • Il£ It 1o«» (if Bin)
fimiiT .1 niptom* At Irncth I trtrU
I r |») I'M Kv-hik.. |. . irivori, ami 1 ioo.t » a y .|i„
otroici - . nrr.i in- >:k <• n It* jrrmi re.tora
•. t r puw r . M | - mivl- k nnvrii
" H<M.DKII>UK. *W Spring -it
•>r | |4 . n*il> cured |,v
""" ' "" 'lr N'-Ai'iin Howrrv, n-r>!
belli ,|*v nn,t
' * ' ' #;ul p
' •;[ ' ••VffV other medicine, i„-
• J *' ll ' U 'K , < Iv.l !1 \lnrpan M W'ootl J
To \ ..<r Hi! I.) \1 *r*. ■ t ; t \ r ~o r \| j, r jci atll j
U 1 M. 11.-, .dr..*,. A 1 ... *.l. I*T».-** frtlurrtl
:t * u.. ... ~-Mj
MEDK At. * ** I'll (<ICAL DK^lCt,
06. l-'AMnM) A 1,1.. t
lr--x donm 1.-. ow <>o>J «trm, to*
im. bhuwh, l>prn
Prt*.-niru i<> :fi«- mrtlira
pr<il n irl Ix-pn f<n «omr i : nie
r*’\rrnl pmotu-p, tmw ronhnn
h.- a: tr r? tm to ih« trratmom oi
priTSip ami delirair p..n»J
plnint. u.r w I'lrh hn o|>ponuni«f?i
nr<i pfjK-rtPitrp peculiarly tjaalifv
. I, U >"»•»•« »»«<duuu»iy dr voted
fc> nlnd'y A. tmtim "• nt •!■<.••<• ■ •niopiauua.iitiinji* wnicb
fitnr ue liii« h* ‘ "icf' pmetirr .. ba» c xrmi more p*.
ti*- !.* ill* >i c • i • •• >• r ft ‘ ’ n !•" ot nny private pr&e.
:iif, •) •, i» , ./i-* him i»*»ur&iwe« ol
» >». , }-• i ii.c. ui: ! • .tti«'n<v »ry em rr to n( nine ted
*' ■ lr '>' J ' H ! ariicnc there]
.rr — l»t f. own ul»o mv,ir» pcrj
• '• i’s\ a. bo hi., j.a : ,J ( .n::n .
uJini- Koohik. No fifi pm.
I' I)-'. 'or ,< u;w:<>-« m
U'- u i■ i - •*.. a,.,i
-'i r ■ . m -uiaJ Uolllr
‘v ‘ • 1 '■• l 'Hu- Dr lowni-mr, ha«
1 •• k* ! ) >.t »»* fit.i.ini: ilicir«
I !>•« n.u< ii | ; lit (!nj f.r) ~iX; V”
off «>t lln r 5|,,4 ,• \V,. ||Onr*«t' .An-I
JOO.I a < .:ir-v \vrrr' Dr Town.
• ' y t iifry gnv- a. murii
lurdirmr «> i,.- rci,!.! Inn mart** s-v?ral mi
un.i mi I ~k.Tt > n s > ih«- -u-iitfii.
Sa r»ujmn. ii .mi. w,.rr u.> u.ur ume« uißi|iiHim.
UOl >af»«i)ur,,;a ta-.'f-al v in Uir-. Uittn M i:v mu
cr }irr|» .»i Mir.ii,.;ii... mark.-t
I>rricml !,.«( j|-v ,' t
►einl coiimirin '.l >o.
l.> K i. „i<
i> M I'uftv. A.V k '[i« ...
~ i‘i 'l 1.1 l M 111 r
A i !r k nmy Cilf. |\i
l'-arS,i l:<-n, K -*-»^ re |y uIUm I
• I.rnl-tl UlU|;!|
mu I it’ lo ail p« r
1 ami rtii.u Pi..-.
Uin Koi iii'k.H
!■'. I at* proprietor
JOHN I.' ,\i • 'Kt t A Ni, i«l
!• J." i Al .lii. r, . orin*r \\ uud nn«i .'.Hi
.. A «•> m« World.
' 'VVI.M-, ii > i ;>• w.i.A * t>< . P . t tny Ml . c
1 wr*n W: tiriM.o. r * «()!). o. ~. . o t di y lb'll
l— jii.».•-,( -v 1,1 11.-xt . I m»ru v< 11 »'li< m,ca!
»■» - •*;■»*» »k «
' C.l i lu.'BWll rllKTlll 011
U, now rt'tniN ijmi ,n iu» rnotify ot i liuriu /
«re».r,U,... nn> , fclt . v
.inner, Mom ,«:i »•„ „• rrm.rnini'. c„
i itrpcl., i.iMc r itirrn.o -• :iwu, IbukV l-iuinru,
40 "V* ' < K -1.-i w.Mrr »,|| uoi
‘“jure M*m«- mi.v p.-rioo* i.i il.tfrrrrl
PHfU cm inc :.#?e ra , ,tiry wool,l m.i Or
without it. f r-i-it f leu: np. r eMiit Inimiu i|. ,
cn<-n .lit . :•«>• -M. tr. n- r„r,i .a,mV
p«eea*. «jid o-Hn.-.ipf. I ii.tve o.siv found three pieces ni
••'k. two o’ « im.t four n( rmu*n on which m
'►**"< • IW.I-W 'ton . lu-'ii
Jrp». it, .. of i, • t!i.i i,
l hiii Ucn-.Mii.!.• il .mi ;rri nn.i .(
N II h . f
* '*<>•l Wlinlc*\ic jiijiJ *
A r»n%fc*T«„ I, t A. u. Hou, N. V .'i:v
u. 1. t-|*l‘u:sburgh. 1
i». u . Ft 11*1 »>tiw .)
I" 4 AlvJ KK \ 1 J V !•.
'Vr nave i>r. -i miortnrd by ftl m &©*« 0 i acure t»«-r
‘■- Kr. J.yn... AI,.r.tlV„"K
k «/'"*!* other remedy ol U.r
L,n ' l Shi- In* been Bflhcird (or.tlm la«tstiiceii vhn
, V" *'" i ol -.n0., boiv da
I „ ™i.J li. kT,' 1 ”” i “‘ | i b«r mm.,
uicm 10 lirnl, wltilp m?he «« m n *’’* : ‘ , )d onusm* me
M "" - '• BK,NtK * **<»*
1 Toiii A .»i lti M L, ’ A • -a {|' l ° , r"
i SMsussi: «* «-
; ofz
\ »s* p. ■rSw!. h^'„u“ w ’ ,m ’ "■» w """ •■«
IwP.Jf!; 1 ' 11 ?*' U -«IW-I- » "«.l .trra,« rr n
, d Kt’onh. is Ur, I'owinrnd’. on y wboiooaic
a,, ° , rp '» ,, »«««< (or Pittsburgh. ..< whom the genuine
»rm-ie can lie b*d 1
M Curry tms l>-rn a|i;>*>t n<<-*1 u»r *olr agent for
Allegheny city, of wfaimi uu- gi name article ran he
~a,‘ -H
W 1 HOKI'I.A \M> m Ki)H.'L»l
K» liStii*.—scn»r 13 m all its multiplied forms
whether iu lhat nf .ymg's Kvil, cni.irgenieul* p the
glamU or (.IniUu, While Swellings, ('nromr
Rheumatism,Caoimr, dur i«-« oft he Jrktn or .>pme,
or of I‘uuuonary Consumption, emanate from one
and tbn same cause, winen w a potmuioua principle
more or less inherent in thn liuuiaa system. There*
I* AllT .f Kits 11 Ip. fore, unices Uriu principle can be destroyed, oti radi*
ACJIKSON \\<<<>oJU tl'sji at Juii.N WouUtioi/wF cal cure can be cilrcU-d, bntif the. principle ppo n
HaVIM. tii-4,1,,) »«-oriatoil ib«m*eivr« to<rrtWr wb,ch U'e disease depends is removed. | core
in "I’-f ihn firm nod "lyicof A. * j mustol occwuitj Inllow, no tiuiUr under w-haUorm
AM) VilU f- lid is w uihMm'.‘i uf Tl *' °° KHKH ,hc dl,eai< ' ,bould “ ia “ l!wl *•««• TUi*. therefore
! -on .tr.-.-i uml ib- • nnni m- i . w" n . M,r,,f Kx,l ’ , “ ! lb * rT ' a " oa ""J 1 J * Tfuc * At.teßsrirK 6 b , |ni I
m hol.-4-iic- mu r«- „, , „ ll> , ‘ahJ'I'. 1 '. diiuiases. it destroys the T:rus or urin-mi-tr.
prompt.icM ‘ Iru uh •' fti,,b vrhini Hum diseases have llinrorigm by^nUrfino
i,..He’d" wlm-b order, nn- -o- • 1,1,0 k l,,p '•"culuUon and w,u th c Mo.ui ts ConlevJ
hnied win a ».U re,,-,v C ■,li.,ie n 0,.,.! ]to the minulcal fibre, remosinff cvcrvt-n.,ri,li i
■ U " '■ | -««• 'ir •!««» Frq-%* ,lu t N°'
WHO, W.SMITU * CO : j; Nouth I’hml Street, IMuladoJphia. ” ‘
JNKUKM OHMS inriid. and the puhln iUttheybs»« ; *<>»d si (he P»kin Tea Store, N„. t .
Ino loneer an, ~im u.iu d.. ,r |tur r,tu1...,1.. M HUburgh «'■»»««*.
uieni tu I unit ,u v Ihoi, .1 u-Ull l*iil*hurv|i Uh-s»- i i x T Lt"*u MAitffVTm tochli
kaiiw “M' j M»
V\ holemle lirng Store in the Cllv ol
A'bw York.
!f t * 1 c «c | ‘»‘V!>y cni|A««ul w, if. e
A u hoi. I>fOß l.udne** mNo 4> Jo; » ri ~,
Vic «ily or New Yon, nud tin prrpnrwi to nuni' v
Uun.l .1. eml crucvrv MfTrhnm* wtu, Drue-.
»"■! Kmt,,, IV
>U:t cr. A re-rt ft Mu.dcr* Ct.rnur.iU ,„i i| lt ., f orr „
inf <•>! siifir; * nil oitt«r eruelm m ihr.r In-c of
£’*■ 1)1 a >uy*rK> a. lo» u,,,
iDawJ yi Hu* or any *a«tern oily
New York, Vdl* i: A. KftiiMusn>CK ft <*
JOrtlre or American fe Foreign patents
A, IhM <• RhhMMJUJI, of Uir lale farm of (idler A
I'tffiioutfii, liie binuicsi. of Con-onm*
r ;"u"r ?r I Mw* “‘ , ’ ,,t •'‘“■f'-y »I bo office », (in- pitv
«> uA. HIM.Ion lir mil) !.<• con.ulini ait*l cm
plf*>ril i,* iiiuinii risiii.iiaiioiK in itmrbmrry in the
I Mcui uffir- «iul c'.'rivl,rrr. <» farmUiin* JmwiuiM
“11.1 «|>rrififiiU«iii» oi iu irlimr». »mi ail prtprr. n. rr«a
r> ’rmi*fer, unirml, t« .our or mcn.l Icilcm itaient in
i'Y 1 llnn'l- II- ran al.n I-
• 0 p,o'r*fioi n!ly mini, i,u.«ihmi« hi lilimliiiii
, 11 "' I "|'* ‘“’ ll
ni iitltmlMifi url»-
» UflfUr
lit iiicri irmn,
■ l’ i!<■»i i )tLr»- .inti
• r |!ir O'* Ir* llr I . r. Jimr, ||,n mjr
* :| i-'it'-f' 111 nlntion ih re*to
in , ml nufj:lO-*J4 Winns
j iA im< 'M k, 11 rrmt'Hii n wiik.tu.iu.
n( Hie lOkuliange, Ualltmore.
j H .i'l ' l.l> li Al 1 . Tutcl„.r S rrdo
! 11 'c.l .. . * . \| m or rroni linttnuuri!.
i -im ~i U to-.- . ..I ill .i < orrr.*jroiiiliiij> r**dup*i <H ,
'Vwir. *»» «*'-
Kami,, -TIo- i cur bi. i. denii.ucli lu or
Irorii liiJiijriurn. I’u.-. -injii mnl Wlieolin* i. j*
lnrl i„ h , , ... ... rl ... 1 l *» '* i« roinx
jp-x., .... ih. „ nd tl<ni _
“• M -*“ u "- sa;ts
- _ .. mu
Pproiula nr Knit * Evil. Rheumatism. Obstinate Cota*
nruui Eruption*. Fuoples or J'u.«iulm on the Pace,
Blotches. i)iic». Chronic Sore Eyes, Ring Worm or
Tetter. Scnld Head. Enlargement ami Pain of the
Bone* ami Joiul*. tfiubborn Ulcer*, Syphilitic Symp
turns, >vi:Uica or i.umhairo. ami Disease* arising
from an mjndirtona u»e of Mercury. Amte* or Drop
sy. laposorv or imprudence ut Lite. Also, Chronic
CuintituHorml Disorders.
In ihi» preparation are stropglj ronceoiraled all the iin.’ properties of Hak<aFaaiu.*. combined with
the ituim effectual aids, the most salutary productions,
me mn«t potent simples of the vegetable kingdom; and
it hu* been »o ruliv tested, not only !-v patients them
*e|ve., but also by Fhysientn#, that it hu» received
their uiujurtlilird r-eoiamendaUoii and the approbation
oi the public, und lias established on i.s own merits a
repuia'ton for value and efficacy far anperior to the
various e<>m;toumU bearing the name of Sarsaparilla.
Disease, have been cured, such as aru not furnished
hi the rei-ords of tmir pn«t; nnd what it has already ior tlir tnousandr w#« have used it, it i* capable
i* dounr n,r u IP million* .nil fullering ami struggling
with disease |j purities. Hean»e«. nnd strengtnen*
out iiTvI 1 ' oi 'ife. and lulu sc* new vigor thro'*
-r. an,, THKR t'l’Ht'.up SICROFL'LA
r.e, lunowu.p ,'nk„ ltf and, n« will l.e w „, penua
en . Ulr oi lln .nveternte . ase of Scrofula, commends
Use i Vi .limlnr \ afllien-d
.. rne..«r. Conu., Jan. I. H-ic.
Aies.r* >am.s <««-.n,e,n..,i . sy.upmlry lor tbe atfii *.
. rd l; SMw*. ■„ ... r ,,„ „ wu> .
Sl„ V,., .rv.r.,, „||„ ~J ,|... , ctoluU on ’ dIJ .„.
eiU |i.i rt« oi Hi- m..!y the elands m t t ltf „erk Were
greatly enfurecd and her lim'»« muen -wollen Alter
suiler.iiK over a >r«r and fimlmg no relief from the
reoieili r . used, the disease auaeked one leg, and he
lt..v the k,o e suppurated Her phyM. ian adviwid It
s boil id ue ia,d open, w Inch was done, but wnbout any
p-rmai.eoi ln ii,i . suualioti we heard of, and
were ieduced to u-e Sands’ SaraapartUa Tha br*i
l.oulr priKluced n decided and tavoruble etfect, reliev-
NIC her more ( r, B ii an> prescription .he had ever la
-1 ten. and before she bad used six bottles, to the aatou
ishuiem nnd delight of her triduds, she found her
hm.ili >jm;r restored his now over n year since the
. ure wu. eiTee ed. and her health retaain*
nnr the d.x-a-e was thoroughly eradicated from the
»Y-irm Our neighbors am all knowing to the»e
ia.-t», and inirt very highly of Sands Sarsapanllo.
\ "in. with respect, JCLJI'S PIKE
htUB.-i 'HUM .i iriicr received trotn Mr X W Hnr
n*, n i*enti -muri well known m l»ui<a county, Va
•iirmlemef. I have cured a negro tsoy of mine with
vour Mirsupnnlla. who wa* utuiuked with Scroiula,
rUlll 01 A .. rolulou* t.llllli) ’
■Vmu. irul,. S' W HARIUS.
1- rede ric » » Ha. \u.J u! j
>* Fi.-.A i*aj;:i t.A . I'seeni» utmost unneeesvafy
to diMct mteniioo to an at;,. | P w-ll and so
deservedly popu.nt »< inis prepnmnon. but*
nririi who Wj.n to tt *e the extract or arc
.m-uced 'o try wurtblrss compounds bearing the name,
nut ronisniiii* mile nr none of the virtue of inm vaiu
nine root, and w e ifti.ikwei eauooi contcr a xrrater
h.-nefil on our reader* ttiHti in directing tbrir utiriuion
t«. tt.c Ddvcrii-emen; „> ihe Mew. *tand« m another
column 11.- r.oute ha«re<-entH b'-.n mlarged to hold
s q.n.rt, Bn.) uio.r who w.isn nreilU ito..J hrude wi {|
Lnd eoneei tra'cd m this u!l the innl . him; value oi the
, n>< ‘ *l'' •*< 'tM.u-Hii i* uas proved ns et
h- net nr curing m- vunou* <li»c.w * tor which t: is
r ■ nmn*ti,ied and a, the p, lllllr morr ltlAn a||) |H map. I* I hi- medicine u»efu:. in preparing the
» cboageof sod.on -Home Joumn'. Sept
!m 1.i.. r.,0-i rn.
, ' *° ld wholesale and by A B A
l>. >rujj S Mt, un.l rhemi*.., HH> Fußnn street. of \\ ilnani. New N orlt Hold i,t«« |> T Prey
i',«.. n-.-milv mrougho,. (hr ftmcd R|inri aml Caua>
l -**_ b: P*T Bottle. «,J H.uie- tor M.
~ «* r “• bittabur-U. whole -ale mi) min! bv
H. A I'AIIM> It*< 'K, A I’n. ri.tnrr of Wood anil
Siaili an.) Wood *t* ; hy 1.
Ull.tOVJr. corner <•' Hn.i'hfie'd and Fonnli at*
nml nt.o roninr i.l Marit-I «t and il,e Diamond: a!*©,
: ’ T f, J!l'-?n Kl> K,;N|,1 '' 8,, ' ,, - POf Moamisa'la llouw
litri—i **,Uj privit.t
I|:,< : -nr nt
•r-. 'lll< 1
i i r\t.v •
; apo ",or.
V( i*>--n*. v ,u, i , n of" tin- !ui,g« «.•
‘■‘•‘•'•‘J >-u ; |>;.l.c or :15am u> call *ll*ll.
rtm rbanrnhlr wetwher which mark* nor fall and
* ’iter months. u alwav a fruitful ...urce o(
it neglected. arc but the pro ur*ori of that fell
Pie question, then. how snali we n.p the destroyer in
ihe 7'ud? how shall we gel clear of our coughs and
nu: (,iu_\i'and u.niA rkSikdy
t>e lounu iu tin- Gineet'i: Panacea In proaf of thfp
we have fruin lime to time puhii»hed the certificate* of
■luzci.x oi our hm; known citizens, who have expert
enced u» curtutte power* Those, with n mass of les
uruou) trout kll parts of :nr country,—from
.\lim«iers of the Gospel, tc.. toifcihef with copions no*
ices from the
we hare embodied m pumphlet form, ami may be had
<rau* ot any of our agent* thronrho’it the country.
have l>een u?W m tiu* city.
throughout Die United Suites and Canada. and we eha
eiiße any man to point out a ~
*' which, when taken according to direction*. «j,d he-
Lne the lungs bud become fatally di-orramtcd it h a l
iver fulled lu "
Wt»V. Him. ner.l Uic inflicted hcsitul-* VI I,y rr , ort tQ
l*.- mi'pralilr nostrum'. gotten u|> hyii- own individ
au.t u irr the u.-mnc-l name of »on.r c« .r.v> u , -\ p k T
«. ian. uml puffed imn notoriety by certificate- r on
ion* <-t|u:n;v unknown* WbiJxt ■ rn.*diclnr of
mo be bad. whose vouchers lire at hot«r,—our nalrt..
b«r«.—many of whom it has *
! ‘ ~nlf ' u, “' u, ‘- valuable mi-iii. n, r may b s placed
Wi:,l,il Ul rearll ibc poor n» well tt,r r „-h we have
pul me |.i • r
j Us i owe bait me u-mal coil or coueh medicine* , t „
for »iue by our rigrnt* in nearly every town and villaae
"l'“« prj't.urca 10 ,1,0 foil
J.. 11 rcltur. u, ,i -f, sal.TiTk, l-ropnoioT,
Broadway, Cineinnuu. Ohio
ntiLUJ-i-i'.i ami, ouvrmu p» *
DR. hDW AHU ACKI.H, takes ihu iniuii.i of re
turning ins thauk. lulus fn.-ii.L uml U.u public
ii.r ihr pxi.-iiv.v.: patronage la bos received, ainiofin
fonnu.e the... that he hu- UUeiy erected a large ami
bUu a I t L p* AHLIs ‘LMi-..\T t Ul hi. Old
r ■ UpUipsburgh, l’u., or. a,,. O h«o r ; r , .
-.a U.e -le/irtfWt ul llruvr., w lap- ht-i-M.-sdy
, r ' < ' r * v " pniipiu* a- l.uardrrs. anil t rrdt mem 0(l ~v .
opalli J.- |.rinr M .|,-.. j n uU.Uu.»u tu In. lon- expert
r".!T e B !‘ J T lfTr ' ll * u * ce, ‘ bus heretofore at
pndt-n tu* ireaimrni ..rpHtienu commuted i* in-rare
liv bn. now ihe additional JuriliUr* atfoided l.\ an rx-' builuin ß PreeU-d expressly i..r u. r co *.
laming po.nmod.ou, and airy roouo, and {.urd w „„
wow ,!!rr“ ,MUy “Pl ,ur “ uu f« tiwbuig, and ddiuinih.
the treatment u, U,,. ,„ ulo . t ~c l„ .gl nllJ L . omf ,
hrnUbv v?ni'i • Pt,,li, H’ u 'K JI '* lUOM drlighUul ami
. , 7 ft *i • easy oi aece*k l.y »leamboaH, and ai
ord« U,- and wholesome water Dr Acker assure.
V r porM»«s who may pl.u-r Uirm>p|ves un
der 111. rare ihm every aitenUou .ball br paid u> Umir
poiuioru and a. an n.-iiruiicr of tin- .üb.uniiaJ benefiu
U. I.p ilenvpd. In- (Hum. will, p.i„|,,iei. 1 -e i„ u.e 1.u..-
dred. who have been poruutnonti) punsl at hit e«tal>-
rim Water Cure leavst I|o mjunout ctTi-eui
beUind, u. i, toorMieiiiheeaaewi.h 11.0. e wbo have
ln 0:1 Hi- m-l -> iiein h runiov.-a the di..
a. e .in morale, u.e .y.Lcin, j.n.iepit irom thrdarißPrs
•iiid r “, r J k ' 1 "i wpuiio-i pieairt a natural
* !!*' • JV, ‘ ' v 'e'«*r to the iltgesuvp
power., Ie,„ ; -.oi ir.-ai.neill anfnuj ren-onat>ic
»nr tm ilirr k .j iu.* nmmre at u,p, or
si.dn-,. th«- |iru|niPtor tit riulltr-.liurjrh
• i it>r aiui
r.- )><r. r (I, w hs S
■nI.IiSAM) iTHl.if
drc*; Sole Agent for Nonw*fcq?rk
CIANOLKS— IU l.x» itiotiiii ea’tidlc* on
_>W>i__Ajt.MSTßON(j h CttUZKR
riluusWED DAILY, TBI-WEEKLY * wk>V, .
Ono i ntertion of mines, or lea *' *#n«i
iVn in-cn- 0 ,,, wi t hoat [ iUe ? tio B ;,„V.r;;; , S 75
Une WMk •• « hmwU I 00
Two Week* " „ if®
Three “ - •• „ *•”••••» * *
Oce Month, ■«
Two “ u * ?
Three •• \ « —-M-o®
Each *411111003.1 BJOIT, for 6 month*,» “
n „. : _ M • 12 “ 10 00
,® 6 noaOu,renewable at pletaw*, °0
f IS k p i 20 00
£»ch additional squire for 12 month*.*.-—• 1000
•'wo OQnarea.e month*, re'waUeatpteaiare, 30 00
**3cb additional square,6 months, »#•••♦•••« 800
One 3 iasertious,.... 30
“ " eaeh additional insertion,.•••.••. 37
I auniua caju»».
fr ive tinea Dr test, one year. >••■>«•••• 6 00
" f *tz month*..*-•••*•«*•«•• 600
!• one year, daily & weekly, 10 00
“ I l * •« *ix neath* “ u . oo
tPnsTtmnrr* ia wuu? rtni.
Kur St lioea, or le*», One mwitioa, 30
" " rwo, 0 7«
“ Three, “ IqT
Three aotftha, *.,a4A* S n
Sit « t <£
Twelve “ •
Mooait’ Ficmurr, Wotsanbod U. j»» ,
July lflth, StJ, ’(
Mr. R. B. S«Rsv».‘—Asms# ofdutyto-yoaiad th*sJß>«n*s
isdratse toadday bombU testimony ia 6nr of m,
eclsbrated Li»«r Pills. 1 hats deterred doing to lor
adhering to Dsvr Crockett** tnaxia, *4ie on y* ara4ifhL
then go ahead. 1 ' Mo*t of the many prsyaratioei of tsmisu
•ad quacks, Uuded to the skies, h*v« soak Into cAlirkxj rine*
Tour Liver Pub hire been ofitrsd to Ike pabfic, «ad, iadeM
1 believe they mil U *umre them til*” as thsy tre j«u
Toti represent them to be 1 have beta sjfilifrted With tl*»r
Complaint Tiom my youth; hare mffrred much; *tnphv»J
manj tnmiot nhnietaas, to whom l paid mack mossy; kavs
lost touch blood; been vomited tod physicked atntoatio datth*
mlivoted sor B limes* and finally given up as tacuitUt. U
!£*►' I »»t induced to yoor Liter PiUs, tad 0009 OUT
WELL. Onebox »f vhich isnowauflcicsUokeenmeoi^.
of pain tn ihs side, and ail the other mutates. At at ledal
19 months. Year Pilts th. 1,4 s
Sf* ® a 4» M ‘l n P*H or P'** much riekaete st (he
sch but t ,te m. much hsra WpdUmaH ay s££
for « er 7 yean; sold hundreds of bom, sad ban Mtei
beards siQj.e coo plant uttered by anyone ahT
L wpo«dedilW r^ry oihsXu tatab
neighborhood, and fa .short tj®, wiu
earnestly recommend them to all t"’ .
.u.a.r tor Lim Cocpluol of Bifikon. AS^boS
cillT&N-A. llwn m osbt, mu
Co bus Liror Pilli, ponooi who wul tho UEIWI JTe£olS
ask for and take no other than iiw— . j ,
SELLERS, No 57 ~^-tx
ej £° w by Dr. Cassai, Kin* Ward, D WCowy, Alkjhu,
H T ° icK\ R^^Jl roeet * iaa^^^^^'
tCh 1-oKTJ IAKJiNA, uow in use at the UoapUada
Asylum*, and other public e-tablishmentTand
recommended by tone of the mow distinguished nn7
etciaas will chemist*, as an article of diet for children
and invalid*, much superior to arrow root, sago, etc
mr more strengthening, pleasant to the taste, turd easy
of digestion, Pm 9l lb. boxes ofhalf/b. papenl
rntch accompnmed with primed directions for cooking
obw^TM- ** hU Affricullar * l Chemistry, p. 49, Phil, od.,
f‘ w )“ fi '. Ufd {o ! Xhe fonnauoa of bones and ratt2J£
IfJjJJ.'.JJf’ bm iKT '"“’Torwr, ihoii lunU
In iho onaf, »io of ihe t'.rfc. modt br Prof KoiJ of
Ne\r k ork, amcmj other coastknents, he rives 15 per
cent of rluucriiand albomeiu and remarks that the
claims of the Vjtna upon theTlledlcal Profcslton and
the poblte will rfcat upon tu eomaiouig ui ih« cimtau
and. albumen, v«etable fibrrne and other tmrorloi Jd
bodies not fouiOf in arrow root br similar strbnaaeea,
and which modern cbemuuy has pointed oat as betas
necessary to tl e mrmauon of human fibre and b?
means of whic i iintnre makes op fiw the constant
waste that take t place in the human tody For sale
wholesale or re ail, by H E SELf.RRu ‘
“PW . 5? wood st
Orta* KnglUti Oamtdy.
iV)R Cough.* Colds, Asthma and Consumption! Tl«
1 UiIEAT A MD ONLY RKSfKDY fortheeoreof tha
above dine use* is the HUNGARIAN OF
LIFR, dweoveiEd by the celebrated X)r. Baoban. of
London, Knjlaii J. and introduced into the United
uiidrr Uir umur hale superintendence of the itnrettlorßf
Tbecitrsordiiary success of tin moAtolnf, Jn
cure ot Pulmoi nry diseases, warrants IhcAmwlekn
Agent in soliciting lor treatment the worst ea>
sea that can be i turn! in the community—otUcaikai
irlief in vain fn m any of the common remedies of the
day, nud have men given bd by the most distinrtuahed
physicians as c< nfirned and incnntble. The Hanrnn
aa Balsam has rftrred, and will tmre, the most desperate
JJ I ,'"*,': “ 11 qaaek nostrum, bat a standard J£aa.
ush medicine, ol known and established effleacy.
~'^ rc J 5 ' “Jlho United Stales should be sappUed
wnh Buchan • ftmganan Balsam of life, not only to
counteract the cbtaumptive tendencies of the olunate,
but to be used as a prevetuive medicine ia all eases oi
colds, coughs, kpittmg of blood, pain m the tide and
4 v 1 1 rTU “® Ott ' “J sorenras of the lanrs, brochiUs,
ddhculty of breating, becuc fover, nirht sweats,
A,, ‘ M*«™rs^pi*.
SolJ in loigr tloiOa, ax M par bool,, with f„u Hitts
uon* tor the restoration of health.
Pamphlets, containing a mass oTEngllih and Ameri
can certificate*! and other evidence, showing dm no
equalled menulot ibis great Eugiiah Remedy, may be
obtained ot the Agents, graiaiiously
for wl. b, Ij «. Co., ooraor of
st and \» ood and Wood and Glh *u. aarS
L 1 R UMlhe KcV ASA SHINN, a well known andpop
i ular Clergyman of the Protestant MetfiodisiChorcJi
riir undersigned having beenatfUctedduringibepiat
winter with a disease ofihe stomach, aomaiimo* pro
ducing great paifi in the stomach tor lea or twelvohmiri
without uiieratsyiou, and alter having tried various
remedies with hale cffocij was famished with a bottls
ot Ur U Jayne's Cannmauve Balsam. This be Used ac- 1
cordin* u> the directions, and foaod invariably that this
medicrae eauscdibe pain to abate in three or too t mio
atea, and m fifteen or twenty minutescverr oneasi
sensation was andrely quieted. The medicine was af.
terward* used Whenever indicauouaof the approach of
pain were perceived, and the pain waa thereby prevent
ed He con tinned loose the medieine every evening
and sometimes in the momma, and in a few weeks
health was w far restored, that the sufferer was reliev
rd fmm a large amount of oppressive pare. From ei
uierciqn:, he can eonfidentlp rceommend (K
v Jayne * Carminative Balsam, as a salutary mediotn
t<»t diseases ot iheatomach and bowels. A BHINNII
*'? r **' c ' n Pittsburgh at the
V* fourth street, near Wood, and also attheDrue
SaiIVISTZ. 1 ~"la7£K?,
M„, Year BliwA
R-i> h. 81IJLE> Itear Sir Lust Hprin*. and du
ring the previous wiuter, I was severely afflicted
wiiu a wroiuious comjilami m my legs, and had been
!<ir •oiT.r months under the care of physicians. Thev
r’V t d |!?J < ! n * e '* ao « “wurtbie, »nd they could do
imtlltlic tor me. i vr M nearly helpless, hat with Iks
jud ot crutches could with difficulty get about. In Mao
lust, 1 purchased of you, and em»nmwwr »»,«.
tolS SasaaraanAa. After the use of two bottles, its
at the cud oi the fourth, was so well as to assist aft dav
ui shearing sheep. In all, I used five bottles. TVa
scrofula and seres have all healed no, and since last
summer I have seen no appearance Oftfeo disease, but
have continued, and am now. In the moat perfect hanUM
with confidence, hoping that others nmrbebeS
called in the same way, that the Sarsaparilla i
you. has been the means and the only means of etfeeu
tnrilie cure. CORNEUUSJ. HOSE,
ror sale wholesale and retail, by
* Jiw . _ B. A. FAHNESTOCK k Co
cor. from P wood «U,&. tlto corner wood *Qh»tt
Fink pkkfcmmry— ‘ “
, Cream de’ Amanda Amere’, for tharlor:
Cream a la Rose, tor shaving;
Aluonde Cream, do;
Superfine Roi>ge,on I’orcelain sianda;
lurre'ES;*"' 11 >* rr “ m " l »*Uwd», An,!^
J'eauuful powder puffa, of all patterns;
f , K ff bo k ,fce l. u>,l '‘ *“***l coniaiiuog iragraot extrttu
abfo * #Cenl waps, Si-
Pei sian. or Chinese powder,
Indian vegetable hair oil,
Uear** oil, m fancy or common wrapper*, (rote «o«u-
Jonet’ Soap; Nymph Soap; Row (, (p , s |, c;
„ri wf’ fto °* *°*Pi u> F elhor W‘Ui a great variety
of fine perfiimery: just reotuved; for sale by J
. nv ‘® cot €ih A wood «t*
M Palznonary Balsam.
EMSRS. REEU A CUTLEH— I un. „ , im . ,
owe u> m>- fellow creatures, to state tomeUdnv
more respecting vonr Vegetable Hahaonary thufm 8
Since I first tried the Balaam, about eleveu year* aeo,
fee effect ol which I tAea gave an account $ (
have hud several aevare complaints and attacks at otv
lungs, one a few day. tince/and in everf UwaSef 1
have used the Balaam aJotu with complete wd Mrthct
success. It has effected relief and cure in a vexv few
dayv 111. certainly a safe medicine. 1 donmlww
lha it will eure a fixed consumption, but i-*beUevT It
will be in many cases a prevenUve, and prevention is
better than eure; 1 do therefore, for ihu love of air fel
low men. earnestly recommend the use of this Balsttn.
ui all pubnonary complamu. 1 am confident thafit
has been the means of my |,fe to Uiu day
“i e b , Y B A Pahno * lo< - -k t * Co, corner first SJ
wood and also corner wood and Oih. ;*i#
to<? ure! Prmsutwii, Feb. U,l*t7.
i j- s,tu * K “ : —My wife has for years been subiecl
to u (lutrcssinc cough, accompanied with asthma, for
the cure ol which she used ditfereut cough remedies,
and hud the advice oi (he most eiaiucnt pliy«ielttn« in
Ki.ffluod, but ail was uoavailtug:' By. chance 1 heard
of >our imperial Cough Syrup, and was induced to huv
a boule tor Inal, although 1 had no belief that anythlux
reraovn b,?r complaint To my great xarortse,
two doses gave her immediate relief She font times
iiw l a!t <i n^ h “ bu fw*apooajfßloi‘.3ynip
alway s stops it. |un saushed, after a trial of IhrM or
tour years, lhai Seller’s Cough Syrup li the best cough
tottheme I have ever irfed etllter in the Old «r New
U a Pduocotg
rr„ru"af ? E&ssis
Sold by Dr Caseel, fith aiul DU Curn 1 , AUo
r»“r city. "jjpg
b ‘'-« No 1 Mackerel:
O JU bills .No U mackerel; fti h'f do No a do;
i . “* T U» do Tanners OUi
J do Alutn; 3 do K Salts; 3 do etiipfd Logwood
l hf do Nutmegs; 50 bxs No l sca-ed Herrufe,
hi i No a do do: 5 do scented Soapd
in do No 3 FreasM do; 10 do No 4 do do
I bale Cloves; 10 bags Java Codec;
Sn hb.U |>nnie N O Sugar; yust reeTl and tor sale
SKLLRR3’ VKRMIFL'OB—"Sopenor to any i; hav*
ever used.’’ ‘
GxaxA.v Fayette county, Pa n March 4, HB.
Mr. li. K SKLX*as—l hereby certify (hat I have used
your Vermifuge in utv family, and believe it a (fold, if
not superior to any 1 have ever used. 1 gave Ip one of
my children one dose, which expelled about MO Worms.
Eli Evnson.
Prepared and Mid by R E SELLERS, 57 Wobd «l
Sold by Dr Cassel. 6lh Ward; D M Curry. Allegheny;
W J Smith, Tem)<eraoceviilc; and P Dravo, Law
rcueevllle. syt
T l'BT HFXIKIVKD— Two splendid new Piano fortes,
U Irom the eeiebraied factory ot Nunna A Clajk, N.
Y.. amt df octave lhano, rosewood, with elagam ear*
viug; ouc bj octave, wife Coleman's Afoiian Attach*
uieui. y
The»e very superior Piano* will be Mid at m «*iniftc
ureraprite* „ , . , U Kl.RltKfl