BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH. EBPOETED For tiu' nmbvfh G *** t ‘ e * ' CONOBESSIONAL- . VtioanaTOS, Feb- 24,9 P. M. Houtt-Ml Ftrrelly’a mot * Gn »pno. 40,000 co pin. of Ih. Finn. Office Bnpori, we, The uai relative to tl» ttaOninf of U,o .wamp land, of Louisiana, waa taken up At the denro of Mr. v '° aa -**** 0f “ ! i iJiieotseU. and lb* territorial «u taken op and "“"T' , question ««faongUtatoJbv debate. Sen.—The joint reaolotinn conferring on Gen. Scott, Hut Brevet of Lieutenant General, far hi. gal lan, condnct It) Meaieo, w„ read th. firat tune. The General Appropriation bill wn. then taken up and coetdered. Mr. Walker .poke in favor of amendment to eitabliah temporary Govern menu in the new Terriloriea, after winch the Sen ate adjourned. New You, Feb. 24. The steamship Europa birived at oar wharf ibis morning- PH.ILADELPHIA MARKET. PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 22, G P M. Colton—Sales of Upland at 7fi»S*c per lb. Flora-t-Moderate sales at previous prtcra. Onin-Prtoe red wheat, sale* of 3000 bush at Idtec per bo — sain of prime while al 115 c per bo. Prune yellow corn, sales ht 55c P er u- Hemp—Sales at SI TStflSO per ion. The slock ** Provisions—The market is dull loi Pork end Beef, with sale* of western mesa pork al $11,500 12,50 per bbl Prime Pork, sales at $10,25 per bbL sales of western mess beef at $12,60 per bbl. Lard, sale* in bbls at 7‘, sales in begs at be per lb. Gtoceries—The market b unchanged. NEW YORK I^ARKET New You, Feb. 24, 1549. plow—No marked change from yesterday, but the market is, if any thing, more active. Sales of 500 barrels of prime Western brands at $5 50c per bbl. Genesee $5 50l los6 8“i- Rye Flour—Sales al S 3 50 per bbl. Grain —Sales of prime while Wheal at $1 13c I per bushel for Ohio, and 132 c for Genesee. Coro —There are more transactions in this article, and the market has an upward tendency. Other grains may be quoted at yesterday’s rates. Provisions—There is less inquiry in the market, with tales of Western mew Pork at SI 1,00 per bbl; Prime, $9-"50 offered. Lead—Sales at $4 62* per cwt Cotton —Prices advanced Jc. Money Market—Sales Treasury Notes at 110: rf New Loan at 112*. BALTIMORE MARKET. BaLTUtou, Feb. 24 —9 p. at. The Baltimore market is unchanged. CINCINNATI MARKET. Feb. 24—9 P. M. The Weather—U has rained considerable sin< onr last report The river rose at this point 3 feet 4 inches. Flour—The sales to day have been moderab comprising 300 bbls at $3 75 per bbL Oil—Sales al 56c, from store. Provisions—The market is qniet Groceries—The weather being un&vorable, could learn of no transactions worth noticing. MACKEREL— *£> bbls No a for sale by 8 F VON BONNHORST A Co W~ mrr pci *27 bbls small white Beans, i by f.U L 3 WATBEMAX bbU N C, for sale by _ feb» 9 F VON BONNHOBSTACo kin IKON—SO ions Mercer eoonty Pig iron. (ebl3 i 3 DILWOBTH* Co GREEN APPLE*—6O bbls green Appj*t large aad in fine order. £ebl3 1 S DHAYOHTH AOo SAFETY FUSE—I3,OOO feel Safety Fuse, for blast- Ai-fai j g DILWOgVH A Co APPLES— 2» bash diied Apples, m seeks, in store and for sale by L S WATERMAN, f e {jl3 31 water and 62 front si PEPPER, *c.t-UW bagi Black Pepper; «do Pi nwnw 6 bale* Clove*; for tale by _ BAGALEV A SMITI YE FLOUR—9O i and for tale by b inperior Rye Flonr. m «xoj j,-rr L S WATERMAN LARD— JO bbli Lard, landing and for *ale by febl t J PALfIELL /HANDLES—» bi» Sleariue; 10 do Star; for sale by (Jfeb3-~ j D WILLIAMS FATHERS— 81 ucli now landing from * reamer Cumberland; for sale by* feM5 ISAIAH DICKEY A Co. front si LApn— 3 bbU No 1? ddoNo 8, landing from Comber land; for sale by feb!s IBAIA] si.AX HKWn—to bags now landuur from nmr Cum -1 land; for sale by frbtS iSAIAITbICKEV A Co BACON— 10,000 lbs country cured Bacon, in 'store ■«it for *»io by feblO JAR FIAJV P T ABtS-40 keg* No I Leaf Lard, in store and for § j ggje by feblfi J A P ►ULK-PORK—’TOO pcs Balk Pork, just rac'd and ft iinflebT feblfl ARMSTRONG A CROZKR AVANA SUGAR—2O bXi white Havana Su a nrune article, in store andfor sale low by febtO ENGLISH fc BENNETT, 37 wood MACKEREL— 60 bbls No 3 Mackerel, in store and toW ‘ T __ _ tSOLBH i BENNCTT SCH. SALTS —* cask* Seh Salts, in store andfor sale by feblO ENGLISH A BENNLIT ALMONDS— lUl) ben toft thelled, for **le by fafalS BVRBKIDOE, WILSON * Co s°t^ lu “ ““ N “ 1 s “* p ' " !6 1*kobi' S Sn iCo T^Ai.LN'iINKS—Ot every variety, tenUmeutal and V and comic, received and for tale by . JOHN H MELLOR, 61 wood «t Firebrick— 17.000 Ewing I *. equal m quality »o Rnltvar brick* HUiUI good coannon. tar tala b) Boiler brick, F BONNHORST *_Co No 1; » bbU do do*, 6 do do No 4, U, . Un f NlcoLS ODGAR BOUSE MdLASSES-40 bbi,St O Hou*e Molanea, in «u>re and for tale very low “ JAMES DALZELL. w.«. « TIUTTEB-lO I'M. f.e.h 801 l BJ ”' l ,‘"V., r 'V J r CANDLES— 15 b*» prune Sperm Cendiet; IS bom su.. a; » n. c55Sp" hhd ‘ ° u “'iSSSwE; “ °Smi ’. . 90 Iron. .1 aW- ■-‘ , ° l “° a ‘ l watkkman Tubs and Chorni. onn NESTS TUBS; 20 doi Chjirnj, on hand «&UU for tale low by SAM L KROKSEN. fctdSLdai corner market and Sib tu L3?ri»sa^«: ROLL BUTTER—is bbl* Roll Butter, to «m.»e y toiale by feb2> BROWN &. CULBERTSON KEG BUTTER—9 keff* prime Butler, 10 arnve tod for *aJe by fcb® BROWN A CULBERTSON TAR #a«RF.BS HORSE POWDER—On hand and for tale by _ febSb J KfDD ACo GENUINE SALAD OIL—On hand and for tale by febSU J KIDD A Co_ VaHCNEB’S -LINIMENT—On Hand and for tale febSW J KIDD A Co. UMBRELLAS— 2 e»*e* low priced, medium, end Mod couob end ginfbera Umbrella*, ju*t opened goo* «**»•» * WcKLKTT A: WHITE^ TSErfkßmfeE~~ CABSLMERE3—Two cue., bnjht i> nr?C, ’ ,U * t OP * SHA&KLKTT k WHITE •frKNTUCKY JEANS —Three cj>c« sold nil. d.i s ■s^l^siEssivs.'i.b*! pHfS xom oh.y.T.LL A ro, .cl, »r LEY * SMIT „ fcbd3 I? and ‘JO wo«tl_«i__ BLACK TEAS— luO half cfae»l* cboice Oolong and Powcbong Teas, for sale by febgj BAOALKV * SMITH BUNCH RAISINS—vso t,oxe», IWJ half We*, IU .fine order, tor sale by BAGALKV A SMITH feblß _ W HITE WADDING—Five bate*. medium article, rec'd by SIIACKLETT A WHITE, BUCK GLOVES—IOO dox real heavy drawn back, drover* and double lined driver*, a iplrndid arii cie. last received by Exprt** and for m*Jc by feb» SHACKLCTTfc WHITE SPECIFIC—On hand feb» ... . J KIDD 4t *'o ' «*vii>NC!NE article of Graf's Ointment, can be bad A*l *e onl * * tot>3U JKiLOACo ■/VitwTTPli?S—(s bbls No l Lard; 5 bale* Couon; tf S l Sck?OuiW'KT » NFEcrrioNEßs-» • h '“ eJ A ‘“ oM *' “ 1 gj§' oldc ' “erOWN 4 CULBERTSON COMMERCIAL RECORD. 1049 1 AI«HAJIAC« PEBRUARY | 84 Batarday, 25 Sunday, 26 Monday, 27 Tnewiay. 23 Wednesday, 1 Thursday, 2 Pnday, PITTSBURGH BOARD OF TRiOB FOB PEBRUARY B. CTUKi. 4 wOIpUEIA Wg. ■.JirfcPUT OTFIC* PmSBUWJB Gazette, > Monday Morning, February 26, 1549-> Owing to (he continuous rain on Saturday, ibe market was exceedingly daU, and scarcely any thing transpired in the market worthy of report. The river ts again on the rise, with a sutlieient depth o( water in channel tor all (he purpvaes ot trade. FLOl’R— l 'oe or two small lota arrived by n* ver on Samrday, bu( we heard of no sales irom first baods. We continue »o quote sales in limited lots from store at 3,90&5l p bl*l. rRAIN—-Very Utile is arriving, and we hear only of sales in limited quantities from store at the fallowing prices: Wheal 70c. rye bar* ley .10, corn 371, a®*! cals at 30c 0 bu. GROCERIES—The market » steady bot out active, with regular sales to city trade at the Ibl* lowing quotations N 0 sugar, prune fair 411041, and common al 410410 &in bhds. N O molasses 2710251, augarhouse 4004 be, loal su gar $OlO as in quality. Rio coffee 7‘o7f, rice at i *lo4lc ft, by tierce. PROVISIONS —We notice no change in quo* taUona. Western cured bacon is passing off in regular limited lota at 41, 5051, and 61061 c for sfiouldera, sides and hams. Sales of bulk meat at 1 Zi&ic 9 tt. Of lard at s*oti to 6‘c fDu bbls and kegs. Sales of dried beef at 7|oBc 9 IS. Of roll butter at 10012, and keg at &|o&*c. Sales of Goshen cheese at S*;. of cream al 7c, and of W R al 5106 c as ia quality. j All other articles usually quoded in the market, l remain stationary, with no change from former Wuxx os the Miami Canm. —A Icuct to ihe Toledo Blade from Mr. Forrer, says. —“‘The work to be done while the water u* out of ibe Canal, conairts of building a new aqueduct across a small stream, rebuilding two aqueducts, one of which ia •SgroM the Big Miami river, (more thaa 300 fret long) with two stone pier*; besides removing near *>400,000 cubic yard* of mud and gravel irom the bottom and sides of the Canal. To effect this work, over 1500 men are at thin time eraployed t between Cincinnati and Piqun. Much of the work is in the hands oi energetic contractors, and be remainder under the immediate charge of State Agents, who alone have over 600 men em ployed by ibe day." Cahal Bask, of Cleveland. —The Cleveland True Democrat of the 1 sth, afterreading the res- olutions of inquiry which the House passed, r questing the Auditor to report the true conditii the bank, says: -We called in at the Bank yesterday after read ing the above and asked for an pxhibit We learned that the circulation is $51,545. And the amount of the State Stocks deposited with the Treasurer of Slate is $51,957. The Bill Holder, Mr. Public, is safe, as Ohio Stocks are worth $lO3 in New York. “The Bank has com and currency on hand to par all its deposits. New Cdui the Slate Bank of South Carolina have been put in circulation- The aignatores are very good, but the counterfeit plate is unlike the genuine. The vignette at the top and ceoltM af the true bill is s female sealed in a shell car, drawn by sea horses m ibe spurious a female with a vase presented to a large spread eagle. At the bottom and cen ire of the gennine bill is a plow and rake on which rests a shea! of wheat, m the counterfeit is a small eagle. Counterfeit Hundreds oo the North west* era B»nh of Virginia are in circulation at Wheel ing. There is nothing about them reaembliog the genuine but the filling op.—{Express. New York, Feb. 19.—At market, 1460 beeves— -600 Southern, the remainder from this Slate and the East—7s cows afid calves, and 2000 sheep and lambs. Beef Cattle —Prices continue firm, with a larger supply than last week, sales of good retailing quol ilies at from $7 to $9 * cwt, extra 9,50 to slo— unsold. \ Cows and Calves 'are dearer; sale* at 22,.r0 to $300550. Sheep and Lamb* —Prices have materially tin prOTea,—sales from $2 to $7 ss m quality—lso unsold.—{Co nr. Sc Enq. - Da. M’Labs case his Fills in hi* practice several veari before he could be induced lo offer it lo the pub lic in *uch a manner as to make it known ail over the country, ibe quack remedies so frequently advertised and forcad upon the public by means of forged certifi cate* and a system of polling, prevenung frequently regular and learned phyueians, such as Dr. M’l-ane undoubtedly is. from entering the lists again*! such competitor*. Convinced, however, of the teal value of his medicine, and influenced by the plain dictate* ol duty, which, would not permit, him to keep from his fellow creatures »o powerful a means of preserving them from suffering, he finally offered n for sale. Since that ume u has become known all over the L States; and wherever it ba* been tried, ba* proved it* supen iv over all other remedies ever offered for di-ease* of the liver. In fact, the prescriptions of physicians are no longer required in eases of liver complaint. All that i* necessary, is for the patient to purchase and use Dr. M 1« ll, '‘ Liver Pills, to secure a restoration to health. Head this: uj j£,jd t Co.—Piea««.let me have two boxes more of Dr iPLane’s Liver Palis. My wife ha* used two boxes of the Doctor's Pills, and I assure you they have , done her more good than my family ph> sician ba* for two years, during which ume he was in regular alien* These two boxes I think will effect ■ cure JAMK9 JONES > iVilk.n* ip., AUegheujr eo. J*a., March lU, 1847. For sole at the Drug Store of feW J KIDD A Co H DICKEY A Co I.ITKS Puoa.—No medicine ever earned for it*clf a higher reputation in »o short a lime, a» ba* the l-iver Pfll discovered and compounded by Dr M’fcane, oi Virginia. Although but a short ume comparatively before the public, it hat already earned for itself a de cree oi popularity hitherto unsurpassed The demand u»r them baa become immense. Messrs Kidd A Co., the proprietor* of the medicine, who reside in Pitts burgh, corner of and wood «i -octlh ' Nrf Mutakk vt H*LL*«a’ V ttun a*. l’at*bnrßH, Jan Tilth, I&4W Mr H K WrUrrn—l porrtittW 0.i.-ti*i oJ( jouf Ver aifage, and *ave *ny boy, a«d 4 yi-ara, lwi» and a halt s**pooc*loL in tho *paeo vi four and 0>» »e»uh . n . enormous diaebafye of »ono»ol a large m* •revjou* to *ivul| your Vernufme * bail U»**d l>r M • nud Dr. jUyno**, without medicine, bov they were 7f no kind of benefit u> lier t*ome i*» months since, llporchaaed > bottle ~( you* Con*b By rap. tbe o*e of iwbich ha* done he« more, food than any medicine l*be ha*ever U*keu l bay* »J*o u»«d Seller*' Venailpge m my tamiiy mm hue success Uci*a*b This popular jeough remedy it prepared wd sold by R B SELLERS, 47 Wbod «t, and nmy be hod of Drug tit generally] ut the two cities ami vicinity lebiv “jOrPßl'n TIB 6. BILL KLAUS, CARDS, CIRCULARS, Manxfexti, JilUt Lading, ConlradJ, Law BLtnis, ttanu atLLc, ! cunrirsm, enact*. ! ruuait, Ac Ac , Pnnted at thfc shortest notice, at low pnee*. ai the dej» Otttcs, Tm*» st*x*i. PORT OF PITTSBURGH Sun sets. ‘5 44“ 5 44 5 46 San rises. 6*43 ’' * 42 6 41 rvRRJVED, Michigan No, 2, Gilson, Beaver. R Wighlmoc, Wallisroson Bearer. Monongobela. Stone, C in Clipper N 0.2. Crooks, Cui. Shenandoah, Bowman. Cin Carrhnfl, Binning. Zanesville. DEPARTED Michigan No 2. Gilson. Beaver R Wigbiman^Willtntnaoo, Beitver i.)*\reg>», Grace. Cincinnati. Isaac Newton, Mason. Hit. Wetlsville, Poe. Sunlish 6 34 6 SI There were 5 feel 0 inches water in channel by metal mark, last evening al dusk, and natng slowly ~ Cmctnoali— Monongahela 1 .oui* —Ml Vernon ■* Koacoe. 7.ane*villc —Caroline. The steamer De Witt Clinton, Capl. Devinney, was advertised to leave New Orleans lor Pitta* burgh, on the 14th instant. m«,hng— Per Wellaville —11 bl.I« apple, C. W Rhodem 193 bdU paprr, Thoa Palmar; 1 boa gun barrela, W F Fahmsslock. 3 afca wool, W Bing ham; lObbL, flour. S McClurkan 1: 00, 237 pea pork, Wick Sc MoCandlea.; 177 dodo, 19 aka wool, 1 bbl butler, R Dalroll S: co; 39 bbla flour, Sam) Lindsay. (’DirtJinan—Per Shenandoah- -570 pcs blooms, Forsyth A: 00. 2 bdla paper, Jno Kidd 6c co; 12 bbls hominy. 3 hbds bacon, Wm Dyer. 69 hhda bacon, Orum & McGrew; 24 bbls hams, S fc W Harbaugb 4 ires hams. Sellers & Nicola, 30 bis wool, W Bare ker; 25 trea hams, 5 bxs books, H Graff &r co, 5 bbls alcohol, K E Sellers; 32 csks bacon, hier Se Jones; 11 hhda U)b, J A Hutch-son, 1 9 bbla grease, J fle J H Shoenberger. MB ELIJAH EATON * CKRTIFH'ATK TO DR J A \ N E —This certifies, that immediately after having attended my brother, who died of consumption in March, l was taken sick with Ute Consumption or Liver Complaint, and was reduced so low with the diaen>e. that lor lour year* 1 wo* unable to attend to my business, cither at home or abroad, being for the most ume confined to my bvd During ibe above peri od oi Utur I had expeuded for medical attendance o regular Physicians and medicines, io the amount ol S3UO, wuliout receiving any benefit therefrom. In July". I commenced taking Dr Jayne * Medi cines, and have taken them more or’less over tUvce, and belu-ve that it wu by persevering m thou use, Lhal 1 cau now truly *ay that l have completely reco vered my health 1 believe that Jayne's Aanauvc Fills and Expectorant are tho best lanuiy medicine* now in preside in Springfield, Ouego county. N Y„ and carry on a furnace and raschiue shop in tfial place, and am not interested in any manner in the sale ol the above medicine*, and make th>« *"?*'*'* Ilorl^l^ 1 l or 1^1^ n ’ efit of those affiicied ELIJAH LA IX»N Stpnngfield, N Y„ Sept 16. W? J«“ Manufactured tobacco-te* .üb.cnber would call the attention oi the cil) trade and dealers generally, to ibe following brand. Tobacco*, in siore and to arrive, which being consignments di rect from manufacturers, he is enabled to sell st east rrn price* KW i fax* R W t ren»hsw .>- Tu i " James Madison o*: -4 i *• Lamanine 5», IEJ f " Mira beau &*, •Si i “ Putnam S' and 1* 16 i •• Robert* A Si««on 5-, h | •• (Hear Burt a*, 9 j •• John* k Lewis l«; ;; j - Warwick. »upt U, 4a i - Henry k James s*. I* and **, feb< l L»WATERMAN_ New York, Feb 20, 1949. a.—Counterfeit Tweutiea Cattle Market. BOATS LEAVING THIS PA\ Cincinnati Packets, 10 A. M Brownsville Packets, S A. M., and 4 P. M. Beaver Packets, a A. M., and 4 P M IMPORTS BY RIVER. MISCELLANEOUS BA. FAHNEjTOCK k CO 7? Pneumonic or Cough . Balsam ha* a great advantage over many other Cough preparauons, a* its plea*ant taste permit* it to be used without inconvenience. Bui us value s* a Balaam consist* in the speediness of it* cure We h *ve known some of the most desperate coughs, some of which had been running .»n for a considerable length of time, yield almost immediately to it* power. In »uch weather as we have had during the past winter, every one is liable u> take cold, uuless greai precaution* are used Wet feel and undue exposure to the mrlemeney ol the weather often lay* the foundation of s hacking cougjh. which need* a quick remedy to prevent senou* We have numerous ceruficate* of cure* which it ha* performed, many of which are from person* m tbi» city and the neighborhood, and they are a sufficient reference without saytag another word in us favor • Prepared and for sale, wholesale and retail, by H A FAHNESTOCK k Co, corner of Wood and lit and Wood and Gih »t*. fcbtl-dAwS F”’-R GENTLEMEN-W R. Mi sj-ht ha* recently received * further supply ol Uenilcraen • Fancy including some very handsome Also, black Italian Cravat*. several qualities, and including some superior Also, gent* Line. Lambr.e Hamiker chiefs, plain and with colored border*, super Silk do. Undershirt* and Drawer*, merino. »tlk and cotton, tome of the former extra 'ire- Kipecia. attention i* a«ked to hi* stock of French Broadcloth* and Ca«si mere*, of the latter plain and fancy. Velvet and Palin Vesting*, Ac At northeast corner 4th and Market .m,u. _ . I«a ✓ 'IALtFORNIA WARDRUBK-To arrive by Lx 1/ press, on Tuesday next, LOb insi - U R Dragoon Pistols, AHen’s 0 barrel Revolver*, Pi»iol Belt* and Shoulder sirapv Howie Knives. brass mounted. Gold Bag*. Blow Pipes; Pocket Glasses loi exanmuu* minerals, Ac anil ror sale al Eastern prices, vriUi addition ol freight, by lor saie ai m»i ' w W WILSON, corner 4th and market si SUPER FRENCH BROADCLOTHS— W R. Moa euv invite* the atieuuon of buyers to hisextensive ...ortiii'ii, „f^ov«lioo4.,.mbr. c m f t v.,y q»«M7 very line and irom the celebrated manufacto ry, of France Purchasing these goods from the coimuifsion merchant* or agent* of Ore manufactu rer. hr .5 enabled u> sell them at tire lowest pOMlble price* Al*o. onvr green and ii.vmh.e green Cloth*, ven . heap, wool dyed blk do, sr.d French, Bnu.h .nd American Mack and Mk mnd fancy saun VESTINGS- gentlemens «lk pocse . Handkerebieis, Muck and fancy Cravai*. linen pocks Hdkfs. l.'ndersturt*. Drawer*, Ac . at me north east corner ot *ih and Market street*. Wholesale Room, up stairs ,rbw To thf Honvrablt thf Judgrs u/ liu (Wl of OVrre ral (Juartrr Zr.wuni of thr Ptar*. in And for lh> County of AlUghnty THE petition of Bruuarr, ol (be 4th W arc, Allegheny ciiy. m the county aforesaid, humbly abeweth. that your peuuoner hm« provided btro»eif with material* for the accommodation ot traveler* and others, at hi* dwelling house, in the city aforesaid, and prays that yoar Honors will be pleased to grant turns license to keep s Public House ol Entertain ment And your peuuoner, as in duly bound, will Pr \Ve the subscriber*, ciliien* ol the aioresatd Ward, do certify, that the above peuuoner i» ot good repute for honesty and lemperanre, and i* well provided with house room and conveniences for the accommodation and lodging of stranger* and traveler*. »nd that said tavern i* accessary Win Mver. iac. SnrUner. P1..1 P.ul.n. Nit.Zin lueisirr Wm Haedly. Franc Mutei. Plane llenay, M Mullin Dr Oswald, S.O*on True, B Eaply ,r K NOTICE. MR. SAMI. 11 HARTMAN having sold hi. m e»i in the co-partnership ol Coleman, Hailma Co to the remaining partner*, ha* this day fell the linn _ February l»..!*»“• PITTSBURGH MAM FACTURKS. - Tbe und. iivned Agent for the manufacturer*, has on na and it constantly re.-nvmg a mil supply ol the aruc „,„d. ,11 ,nJ IV, whirl. U, o«cr. tale at loanuiaciorer* price* OWJ |eb» _ 2L2^.‘ / lAUFORJSIA OUTHrs-- :u*t rerM the India ( / Rubber Depot, the following goods: (ium Uaauc Puiu Jockey Caps, Camp Blankets, lufe Preserver*. Leegmg*. Horse Covers, Drinking Cups, Teut* and Tent Floor*, a splendid article, Beds, Pillow*, Isthmus Use* Haversack*. Canteens, Pouches, Long Bools £s'.r a -‘ !™d3 ftfj LOST, Last evening, between 4 and B o'clock, a SILVER WATCH, With * *teel Chant and key. and with ihe minute band off Any person finding the same and ~ « ,h. UA.MK o®rc. w„l hr " warded by the owner ieoi/uu^ FOR SALE-—The good and sub* df - ft* »;anUal *tcam boat AMERICA i» of >J|U7 J C BID WELL. Agt. water «t THE PARTNERSHIP Of W* A R. Hais fluTm 6 been d.s.olved by the death of one of the partner*, the interest of Wm. Hay, Jr., deceased in *a.d firm; consisting of Hides, Leather, Skins, Oil. A< , will be mid on trie orenuse* on the 15th inst. feb7-id P JAMES LAUOHLIN. Administrator. _ lndependent iPolice Olflce, NO lira FOURTH STREET.— Committing Maps- V£a2l£aa St«. chief of roue »J»« Hauvk. . ... ... * Patent Soda Ash. fin” CASKS (Gl».. meker,] J*. M 27 ,ec e K r r„“Si'. , TCH?xV’K^ iaifi No too Liberty »t CRAB ClDER—tubbl* Economy Crab Cider, just „ce„ed ud to, RIcKBTSON SUNDRIES TO ARRIVE— -10 bx» prime white Havana Sugar, 10 bxs Lemon*, 5° bxs Soap, SU bx* Raisin*, 40 And for *aie low ENOLISH A BENNETT. feb!7 * w v <»> I m'TTF.R—I° bbls fresh? ju»i rec’d and for li “ ~1.1'; _akmstk6k<; * ckozkr /vRAMIKD. LKMON* ANU J'INK AITLKS-A f l '7- l ’ 1,l ‘ °* ” rh to, AR*ia^ BONO 1 CROZER Ki; ' , " ;c "' d ' v YTp.H--l2 bb.* lush Salmon V 40 do large Noll Mackerel. half “ ® quarter* A kill* “ 1 ’'“UT" <> BLACKBURN A C. H“ fehr 0 ' 1 ""’ “"ji BLACKBURN AC, OTARCH-1W) hoi— U,md*lon. AT.— N .oowr.o, St»rch, mAnaf«ciir„» pnr« ,o b *" J *, nRODi'cK s hi.G R'y«. "ai i» ■"*’* 5" IT 'Bhu.hdnrh R,.ch—; 3 hhl, lr„h Roll , * l ' l ”' R ROBISON A C s hoar -«hh.,. n o ~ "to, bhlt NO Mo*, ' ,Jido S *1 dC r.hiV " C '" ri ““ R ROBISON A Co (JOKFEK - .30 h.,. R.o Cob-, «*{^{ Cl ASSiAlF.RES—40 ne» fancy Caasimerrs on hand / for sale ai manutacturev* pnrea, by leblT H LEE Liberty st, opposite Sth Manufactured tobaccoh-iuo h*" tox* Myers' iuper pound tamp, 850 half boles • Jrape,’ ‘Orabfs, 1 * Hart's,’ auon't •Conway’s,’ ‘Johnson I *,' and ‘Rocker 1 * 1 6” JSSt’., 1 store; for sain by febl7 BxGALFI A SMITH LOCAL MATTERS. gXPOETXD FOE THE PITTSSITXQH DAILY fIIUTTX >FFtcs.—Nine persons were brought lsy morning. The first who appear ;ed with being drank, and beating hi* Mayor's Oi ip oo Saiards sd vra* charge Wife. When the watchman aUempled lo anwt kmu. he drew a kmfr, and endeavored lo cul hini ) j but wa» ao drunk that he waa duarmed with little difficulty. Being naked wbat be bad lo say for himaelf. he declared -that he bad nol drank any .Dial hia t»rolber«in law, who waa the cause he disturbance in hia family, waa ibe aulbor disagreement between hiuiHell' and bn wife, it lumo laudauum wbicb be bad taken in* ( to make away with Uanaelf, waa the cause earning to be drunk." He denied that be thp knile lo cut the watchman, but asserted led to cut his tobacco with u, and lak. tig a large plug w tobacco Irani bis pocket, be ihowcd his Honor the very place where he hail taken the piece off. Sent to the hill lor live days- The second had aJsubeeti drunk, and was using protaue language when he was arrested, both of: which charges he denied. He ‘never swore 10 his life, md his eyes were so weak that he could not see alter dark, and bad thus been unable to find his way home." The Mayor Dot giving the fullest credence to his story fcoramiued him lo pri* inty-lour hours. A very old mau, upwardsol eighty years of age, was next brought up who had been taken to the watch bouse, dead drunk, on a wheelbarrow. One ol bis sous had desired a watchman to bring him in as it was impossible lo prevent him Irorn getting drunk, and bia debauch was already ol some weeka duraliou. Th& wretched man will remain for iwan. ty days where no opportunity of getting drunk will be afforded him. ' The foorlh had beea arrested on the complain! of his wife. She said that he had been constantly drimk lor some days, and she was afraid ol him- He was committed lor three days. A man charged with vagrancy next appeared aud was also sent up for three days. Two boys wbo had been guilty of disorderly con' duct at a late hour on Friday night, wens commit* ted, each for twuntyxhours, and a third, and con* aiderably older lad, who had been rescued from the officers, and was aUerWkrda arrested, for five days. The last case, a miserable drookarJ, was sec •need lo twenty* tour hours imprisonment. Mayor's Office, Pittsburgh, Feb. 20. in and two women were brought up tbu ,g — 6 i| charged with either simple drunk* enuess or drunkenness accompanied with disor* derty conduct. The women were (hr more degra ded than the men, and it was with difficulty that the officers could manage them, so furious were their struggles. With the exception of,One, wbo paid his tine, all were committed, tor from ten days to 24 hours. If we had a work house, as we should have, the County would not be saddled with the expense of supporting these miserable drunkards and bad characters, as we are sure that they would endeav> or lo keep out of »f more than they now do out ot jaiL Mayor's Uvric*—Alleohesy.— There were two cases before his Honor the Mayor on Satur day morning, both charged with drunkenness. One paid his fine and the other was committed. Mayor's Om< s. Allegheny. Feb. 2f>. Two persons appeared this morning, both charg ed with drunkenness. They were committed for the usual time. DsxnKßOTrs AcciDEfr— A hule boy of about sev. en years of age, the son of a Mrs. Motlini, fell over the wall of the tunnel out the Fourth street Road into the bed of the canal beneath. The descent is twenty or thirty feel, and the poor little fellow lay uaable to move, his collar bcue being broken, and his body very much bruised, for some lime, before his distracted mother, and the neighbors who wit« neased the accident, could come to his relief, owiag lo the precipitous nature of the banks. The child fell on Friday evening about dusk, aud it is a won* der that it was not killed An iron railing should be placed on the top of the wail os it is 100 low to afford an adequate protection to the passers by Concert.—' The Eddy family will give their aec 3nd concert at Apollo Hall, this evening, where we hope all lovers of the 1 concord of sweet soonds' wdl lie present. Tbeir first coocert. despite the ineirrocm-y of tbe weather, was attended by a very large and faahiooable audience. V A-Schmidt, the celebrated guitarist, accompanies this troupe. od it without exception the beat performer on that tslrumeot we have ever beard. Hit ‘La R^rtraite was decidedly the gem of the evening, and was deservedly eocored. The guitar, in roost hand* a mere twanglmg mostcal toy, possessing neither power nor sweetness, beneath bis touch becomes replete with hartnouy. 'He doeth all thing* well, a duette by the Miases Eddy, was sung most bean tnolly aud feelingly, as indeed were «» the other song*. We hope that ‘La Reiraite’ wtU be re* peated this evening. The advertisement of this tarnily, which was accidentally omitted on Saturday. wiQ be found m aoolher column. Fire— There were two alarms on Saturday evening, one of which turned out to be false. The other was caused by the burning of a board pile in Scou's lumber yard, but u was extinguished before the arrival of the engines. The fire aa« the work of an incendiary. ThxaTRR. —The Theatre will again open U*« evening. During the recess it has been greatly Improved, and every thing possible dooe to insure the Comfort of the audience. Mr Crt«p makes hw first appearance to night, as per advertisement. Mesmeris*— Mr- Spencer has been induced U) my another week with us, and will lecture to Igbl Philo Hall, where we have no doubt be all have a crowded audience. Mr. S.'s experi ments are certainly novel and interesting, and well vortby the attention of our cititena. Asjuilt *sn Battirv —Francis Taylor, who, •ome utne ago, was sentenced by Mayor Herron to thirty day* impnsouoienl for drunkenness, after spending eight days in prison was brought before Judge Lownoeo a writ of habeas corpus, sod his acii re, and energetic Counsel, Mr. Brook*, procured his release. On the evening of the *arne day be again got drunk, and beat bis wife and a young lady who was visiting her, m a shocking manner. A warrant is now out for his arrest. Riot.—A large crowd of youog men and boys 1 attacked a house in Hayti at a lale hour on Friday mght, and besides breaking all the windows, drove in the panels of the doors, and did considerable damage. Tirpusi. House. —Charles Kelroer was brought before the Mayor of Allegheny on Saturday, charg* ed with selling liquor on tbe Sabbath. He gave sppearance at tbe next Court of Qoar. ter Sessions. Silver Ware. — The magnificent *et of silver ware exhibited in the window of McFadden s Jew. elry store, was manufactured from the silver of the Cliff Mine, Lake Superior, and was presented by tbe Rev. Charles Avery to Mrs. Thomas Howe. It reflects the highest credit opon the artistic skill of its manufacturer. Bioelow’s Carxuos Factory.—£• M- B’g®l° ur , has just opened a very extensive Carriage Manu factory, between Wood and Smilhfield street. His facilities for turning out the best kind ol works in tbe most expeditious manner are unsurpassed by any similar establishment in tbe city, and we cor dially recommend him to tbe patronage of our friends. California emigrants wanting good wag ons, would do well to call. OBTAl.vmo GOODS UNDER FALSE XS A young man was brought before Aid. Steel, on Sat urday, charged with obtaining a pair of pantaloons from a Merchant Tailor, on Liberty street, under falae pretences. A* he returned tbe goods, and it appeared that he had been drunk at tbe tune rbc offence w*a committed, he was discharged. BataJiiwtow?*.— ’Squire Parkinson had three ca ses of assault and battery brought before him on Saturday morning. NO S trfACKEREL—7B bbl* prime No i Mackerel, _io°" lor “ T JAMRR balzeu. . F'RUIT-To arrive by Chief Justice Marshal— SIX) boxes Raisins; lt>B annw MgJ »Ju jo frail* Almond*. l4b ii.K m 2EwT«-pr And lor sale low leblT ENGLISH h BEN 1 TWEEDS— UO pc* ail wool Tweed*, lor »ale by lebl7 /"ILOTH—I case grey mixed Cloth, 'or »» le V J ieb!7 _ . BLANKETS— 50 pcs oirmb B»sokoii The sneouan of California man are asked to iht* at^*' “ are hea*ry, and will b« sold low to clove consignment. kb!?* H LEK BLANKET COATLNG-Aii aasoiuneni of Btanket Coaung, tor *ala very M lhe * c^."^V,* d r ' vanned Thoic m want of this arucle will get bar- r m. feb!7 » TRANSPORTATION Blnrbni’l Bxpr«sa Wagon Llao An elegant lot of Chiekenng'* Piano*, from T 10 9 octave*, po**e»*in* all ihr late»t improvement*, at reduced price*. XLj*o—One decani rowwood Cabinet Grand Piano. 7 octave*, a uew invention KI.KBER. t>L>l -tf AtJ \V Woodwell'*. Third *t C HICK E RING'S PIANO#. * c ” __ JOHN H MKLU>R, tsole Agent for 100 PER CENT SAVED! Chu-kenn*'* p,mo Forte* for we«tem { OPPOSITION HOUSE. No. si Wood street, , rpHE VIRGINIA HOTEL, on Baltimore street, ne. | I f | 11 Puuburgn. ba» received and now open , J_ the Depot. Cumberland, i» now in complete orde fur •ale, the following i-ie.ant assortment. direct from , f or the reception and accommodation of the public the manufactory, at '■.. Chickering'* (Boston) prices. ; p erM >n* in search of ease and comfort, will do well Vlt; _ to patronize this establishment—they will find the tine Rosewood seven octave Piano Forte, earned in chambers clean and nice, and the Table as well fur live moil eiegan and n.-h »tvle or Lohn XIV ntsbed as Jny in Cumberland, at twenty-five cents, One Rosewood carved reveii octave, new ami im- ga.ronlecd as good as any that can be bad m the proved scale place, at any price, or no charge. No charge for ihie rose* ood Piano, 6J oelaves, new scale. transportation 01 baggage to and from the care carved, C u WASHINGTON EVANS. Two • rouud oornor., Joci.vo. now ~ Dl*gOl.fT«Osf ■ IS== v tvS' Hie uvw and Improved scale p„i,h„,»h Jan 'MI 1-49 H LEE. ataooH tuso ajso »om utz bow t Pittsburgh. Jan .w, i.av . n *' w * 3 Rosewood 6 octave Plano*, from the manufactory 1 t>( H Worcester. New York, formerly of the firm ol Riodarl, Worcester A Durham t rosewood « oetave, Gale A Cm, N V » rosewood u*aiina Polk s. m iho Easiem or Western ciwntTy Go where the imsu are sleeping, undersigned h*'V*S the Agency of ibe above Will you come u>my mountain home. \t,n mil keep eooateStty on baud a large supply of Grave of BO' aparte; ' |he J,ff erem kinds Of Pand will have any size No, ne'er ean thy b«tne be unite. made to order at sbortvouce S C. HILI., Üb! Susanna, Good-Bye, , ia3o e? Wood street Empress Henrietta* Wall*. Ben Bolt ' rJinr nnsuriT Jovs that we’ve lasted, Ailem Mavouiueen. A RARE CHANCE. Louisiana Belle, Ethiopian Dances WASTHD-A partner m the Publishing business, amw edition of Hcvraa’s Push Foati Isrrmcitoa, \)/ embracing Stereotyping, Printing and Binding, _ lLh lfrench and English Ten. reduced to ihe follow , in a large establishment with a profitable run o! work U low puces v,; ilO commence with He must be a man of ummpeaeh ‘ kunirr'*lareewurk,e..tJiainia«ir;page. l 82 w ] c d imegnty-uncompromiMiig in his pnuciples— wib ” .. . m fn •• (io lbu 1 ling and able to control the printing department ml Burrow sT.ano lone Primer. * ' tail, and have a capital of UOOU to l»0,000. The lkrtims' Method tot Piano. 3 w tabliahmeni i« at pre.eut 111 W ceUng, Va, but can be Slcwsi s Guitar ln*liuctor. **> removed to P.ttaburgh or any other satiable at Panaeron’s Vocal School. 3 » ! short notice For lunhsr particulars, call on ftev R ~~wn « mkluilu* H^> - M " “““ im2S it wood st _ l N B—Stereotyping done at shorinouce. fcba-lm "TIEW^tOBKAHD'BOST 1 OTPIANOB. | HCFTMAT GREAT BARGAINS! JOHN H MKLLOR, No HI Ww« Tk r *CORD ACO wishing 10 close out their stock of has received invoices of a large Muds and Victoriens for the season, will sell supply of Piano Fort** irum the ccle- . lh# balance icrabraciug a good variety of Lrsx and II V I 11 brated manufactory 01 1 bick*nng Pitch, a* well a* the more common articles.) ai KAJv Boston, to arrive ui a few days, ot which doe notice | 'rEIfLN COST—to which they would respectfully uiviie will be givru, varying in price trom B*/jb m S' oll ■ ltlf . auenuon of purchasers. NOW IS THE TIME Also irom ihe manufactories 01 H Worcester, and j-yg BARtiAlNs* Call at ronter Wood and Flflh Bacon A Raven, New York, a handsome asaoriment iUceU jat» ol 6 tt* and 81 octave Piano Fortes, rosewood aud - . . mahogany cases, of the mo«t elegant deacnplion, and JtuipraU A Sons Soda. AaL. withall the laie improvements ' subscriber, are now rece.vtug the.r stock The above in addition to he stock on hand, will • i 0 f the above article, three vessels, viz. the Juniata, make the largest and most desirable selection ever 1 Medallion and Lydia, having arrived at Philadelphia offered f6r sale in ibis mj. and will I* sold in all cases I kn d Halumore. and iwo> more, the Stephen Baldwin and »i maoutaciurers pners. on accoauuodauiig terms, and Ixnla. shortly ezpected; they are, thereloio, prepared ■ wrt iriL guarantee given with every Piano Forte sold 110 receive orders They will receive during the win -8 8 JOHN H MELLOR, i ter and spring regular supplies via Now Orleans. Sole Agem tor the sale of Chickonug's Piano Porte*, I novlJ WA M MITCHELTREE ! TUBS AND CHURNS. Fine ana Cedar Wart Banulactory, I Arrhiiet-is and owner. 01 Buildings. 10 the many No 81, coarixx Main asd Firra Sta. PrmxuaoK. advantage* which ihe*e plates posses* over ail other j ritHP. subscriber keeps coiisiantly oil hand, whole metallic substances hitherto used lor roohug, Ac , as . n d retail, very low lor cash— ibey possess at once ihe llgblnes* ol iron, wiiuoul its, WaahTub*. 1 Barrel Churns, liability 10 rusl, having now been tested lor *everal \ Balh Tuba. Staff Cliurtiv. yean in this particular, both in this rounuy and in Eu- j Horse Buckets, | Hall Bushels. Ac rope They are less liable 10 expansion and rontrae- All other kind* Ware m his line made 10 order lion from sudden change of ihe atmu*|ihere. than com- j.ii-dly _ BAMUKI. KROHIIIJi mou lui plates, iron, zinc, or any other metal now used CLOSING OCTI lor roofing, and consequently form a much Irelier and ril||F undersigned would call the attrimon of ibe ughter roof, requiring tar le*» rrequeni repairs, whilst ! public 10 hi* slock of DRY GCK*DB. which he will the first cost is bul a tnfie more , , . ! oul at cost, a* he.miends 10 quit the busiuess A full supply, of all «tzea, trom 10 10 3U WU , con- AJJ knowing themseive* indebted, are re stanlly on hand and lor sale by , uUr CB || a „u •mle immediately, as all aceounu GEL) B. MORKWOOD A t'O . hO , ,-| o »ed previous 10 the first of March, will b* pthceil 14 and 10 Beuver street. New \ otk tJ hand* of a proper olfirer lor collection. The patent right lor thi* article having been secured j JOILN WHITTEN, (or toe United Stales, all parties luirntging thereon, j ja ai-d|m No 94 Market street either by importation or otherwise, J* ro I **l tt ' 1 A FURTHER REDUCTION. < wd. y T AS. M US PRATT A SONS' PATENT SODA A&H — RUST PROOF IRON. J Ito a tons ca«b currency.or 4 mot app'vTbiUs THE undersigned have erected works in kbe city of . tou# or upwards. 3J do par, 0 mo« do. interest ad- New York, for the purpose of Galvanizing aßarti- > j. or lhe , U pfrior quality o(Uu# brand we refer to cle* of Iron, which Kt* desirable to i- ROM > . ' j Htlt j manuiacturert of Un* city general- RUST, such as Telegraph Wire. Bolls, Spikes, Nails, ' * * \V A M MITCHKI.TKKF. Wire for Fences, and any other article which maybe; >' Jec4 ICU liberty *t required For Hoops for Casks, as a substitute for bale ] • Roue, lor Clothe. lines, Lightning Rods, and a host of , VT K.W UOOHS-lli.ior) ol Mary queen of Scot. oUter application*, it will be found cheap and durable. j>( By Jacob AblwU, with engravmga. They would particularly call attention to the Gulvaiu- . History ol lung Charles the first, ot England By zed Wire for fences; it require* no paint, and will not Jacob Abbott, with engraving* rusl Also to Spike* and Bolts, the preservation ot History ol Alexander the Great. U> Jacob Abbott, which i* of so mach importance, that it will comnlend with engraving* , „ , itself u> the notice of all thoae interested. History ot Hannibal the Carthaginian By Jacob GEO B MORKWOOD A CO.. Patentees. Abbott; with engraving* ooCXKltwlyT V«k. B.c.cJ ...J W ■»>''S „nmYiv %*of.NT'BAOLk TRIPOLI For wi.p N m.7k.! n' JjJL dows and lamp glasses, silver plate, brass. Bn- ... tannia, and other ware, it rapidly tuke* oat all spots Bacon Snxoltltkg. and Ktaiiis, and reproduces the beautiful and durable TJ \ VING ju«t completed the rebuilding of our smoke lu*tre of new wate Just received and lor «ule, whole- f~| houses, we are now prepared to receive meat, «ale and retail, by JOHN D MORGAN, .moke it ui the most mercnantnble manner. jutO _ !>ruggi*i. | The houses are fitted with all the modern unprove ' i menis, and are capable of containing 300,000 lbs. each. KiER A JONES, Canal Basin. near Seventh si OYBTEBBI OYSTEHJitJ FRESH FROM THE SHELL—By Burke ACo's Fast Express, at reduced oncea.-To aceommo- j ja4 . _ dale all lovrs of this delicious luxury, BURKE A Co. ■ o vEßlNl>\< DOUBLE REFINED SUGARS—HU have resolved to supply the people regular V Utroußh* I w>| Double Refined Loaf, Crashed and out the season, with the choicest Fresh Oysters m i p u i, eri s uirmr . i o m rec'd and for sale at ibe Peki cam, half cans and »hell. at such reduced prices as Te# ro p ourlh meet , by will enable every family to enjoy dus delicacy at their no r!ifl An Express load will be received daily at the ware- 1 NOTICE, bouse of JNO C. BIDWKLL, Water street, between ; rpHE undersigned having removed to Washington Smithfield and Grant, and lor sale there, and at the fol- , city, will attend to the prosecution of claims on lowing depots Reis A Berger, corner Smithfield and ] ih« Government, and to any law business before the ltd sis; E Heaxleum. Diamond. A Hoevler. Penn at, sth . Courts of die District, with which he may be entrusted. Ward; D Haugbey, foot of liberty si; J Coltart, Jr , deeK-d3mia _ ANDREW \\ LIE. Jm. Peun a Avenue; Mercer A Robinson, Allegheny city. nor®* ! rpHE Stockholders of the Pittsburgh and Isle Royale | JH WELLCUMK’S "PREMIUM FIRE PROOF { Copper Minin* Company are hereby notified that CEMENT—The Proprietor would respectfully i the Trustee* have ordered an assessment of one dollar inform the public that he has now the satisfaction to ; ( >«r share, payable to the undersigned, in two equal inj offer them a Comenl, wlnih will weld, beautifully and stalmenu. one on the Ist day of March uext, and the durably, all article* of China, Earthen andOlassware, other on tiie 16 thduy ofMay By order. 4c,, Shades, Ornaments, Marble, Ivory, 4c , without dis- JOHN IRWIN, Jr., !*ec y and Treas r. figuring them in the least. rendering them a. uselul lor JaHO-dlm _ rat. Ferry and Front st. any purpose whatever a» they were beiore bioken, m eao hl*»* Powder, (Cliloride of Lime.) and not affec ed by beat, water or air T MPORTEU UIREC2 FROM THE MANL'FACTU- This Cement is not weakened in the least when sub- I ngßa —The subs™iber» have on hand and will jected to a strong drr heat, or when untnersed m hot con ., anl jy i*. ,applied with Jas. Muspratt 4 Bona' cel water The public hare long since fqll the necessity etjrute j Bleaching Powder, yrhtch they will warrant oi such an article, and in Uh* their expectationsi will aj DOt superior to any imported iu the U. State# fully realised, a* it is applied heal and can d which they are preparer) to sell at the lowest mar be useu by a child. The subscriber fully tested j fof J WU . Ib '-;.S C • w * M ">*"y« Dldt'KMSB WORKS. CIOLKMAN, MAILMAN a CO continue to raano j faeture Small Iron. Spring anil Am Blitter Steel, Plough, Fork und Hoe Steel, Rivets, Spike, and Wrot Iron Null, all met, together with Coach and Hipuc Springs, hlf Pat, Taper and common Axle*. Having reduced the price of Wrought Iron Nut*, engine buildera and other* u*tng the articlei, will hod U to ibnr intere.t la give thl* uew branch of Pittsburgh manufacture* their attention. Coach trimming* and maleable iron on liberal terms Warehouse on Wat*r_and Fourth *!*- feb*Ml_ For Ball, A SECOND HAND STEAM ENGINE, in good run ning order, 7& inch cyliuder, 30 inch awoke: boi ler 14 feet long, 38 mchc* in diameter; fly wheel SI cwb Ai»o, one line of shaft*, 25 feet long, 2* u.cbea m diameter, with drum*; one upright ww. febtRMSW .. JAS- SMITH, No. 46 High *b VffOLASSES'AND SUGAR-UOlihi* N O Molas {Vl *ea; 15 do aagar house do; 60 hhd* fuxr to prime j., mn ...J (or .... LERS t NICOL 3 MACAULAYS HISTORY Of ENGLAND-Vota hr»i and second ju*t rec'd and 0 JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, (el»l6 corner market and 3d *ta GROUND NUTS—I3O sacks in »uue; far aale by febtt ISAIAH DICKEY A 00, from it GOLD WJkBHBBS* H PARRY has Invented a machine for washing . Gold, for which he has made application for t E stem. They are now offered for sale at the ware* | ouse of Parry. Scott & Co. No. 103 Wood street. | Pittsburgh. | Adventurers to California are invited to call and ex* amine these labor-saving machine* They are simple in their construction, easily transported on the back of moles or horses, eighty pounds each, and can be pot m operation in half an hour They can be lilied with provisions. It m tbe opinion of those who have seen ihe trial of one of these machines of smallest site, that two men will wash the mineral from ISO bushels oi sand or earth in s day, without the loss of a particle of ihe mineral. They can be increased in size and worked by water or mule power, if expedient The operator* work without going into the water or being exposed to wet, and consequently wllhbut en dangering thm health They will require bui a small stream of wairr, and can be uae«l the whole season, and can be put into operation where there is not soffi* cieni water to wash in the usual way. Price oi smallest sixe S3S. Orders from abroad, ac companied by ca-h. will be promptly filled. K. PARRY, at Parry, Scott k Co's, No IU3 Wood ti. Pittsburgh SAM'L. GRAY, MERCHANT TAILOR, KXCHANGE BUILDING ST. CLAia STREET, PITTSBURGH keeps constantly on hand a ns* assoxtostt or CLOTHS, CASSI3IERKB AND VESTING, OF THE BEST QUALITY AND LATEST STYLES. Geutlsmsn Wantl&g FASHIONABLE GARMENTS Will find u to their advantage to give him a call. .}*». „ . _ FB ESH PURE TEAS, Wholesale and retail, at tbe PEKIN TEA STORK, 70 Fourth street, near Wood. Pittsburgh—The subscriber having just returned from New York, it now reeeiviy a large fall supply o( fresh ORF.KN AND BLACK TEAR trom the New York Pekin Tea Company, selected with great care for retail tales. Our stock being now heavy we are pre pared to supply Giocers, Hotel*. Steamboat* and * am- Ihes with any quantity and at any price they may wish; packed in J, i and 1 pound packages, Slb un canis ters, 6 and 13 lb catty boxes, and m half cbcsU Retail Gtocrrs are invited urcall, as wr fan and will sell better Teat at lower price* than any other bouse in Pittsburgh. Our stock ot hue Young Hyson, Gunpowder, and Im perial Green, and Oolong Black Tea* are the best in ihe American market. s , u , l.ovenng’s double refined Loaf, Crushed, snd rUl vented Sugars, at retail, or by the barrel CuFFEpS*— Mocha, Old Gov. Java. Lagtura, St Do mingo and Kjo Codecs, selected by the most eXpenea erd coflee Broker m New ork. sweet Spired Chocolate. Pickled Cucumbers and Onions, Fre»h Peaches, put up ui their own juice. Malaga Raisins, in 3 lb boxes. N ft—All Dr D Jayne’s Family Medicines forsale. Jera-dAwS A. J AYN ES. _ Partnsrshlp Nolle*. ritHOMAS KENNEDY, Jr., corner of Wood and Ilk J. streets, has this day associated with him in the Looking Glass and Variety business, Mr JOHN M. SAWYER, of Marietta, Oluo The firm hereafter will be Kxnxsdt A Sawtis January l, tHUStA* XKSNXOT. IX. JOHJ* H. SaWTI KENNEDY * SAWYER, LOOKING GLASS Manufacturer*, and Wholesale dealers to foreign and domesuc Variety Good*. Western merchant*. Pedlars and others are invited to call and examine the prices and quality of our stock, as wnh our present increased facilities in manufactur ing and purchasing. >ve think we can offer as greai inducements to buyers as any other bouse west of the Mountains. ja»-dt/ Valuable Property for 8sl«. THE undersigned offer lor sale the valuable proper* ty known as Concert Hall, situaied on Penn street, corner of Barkers alley, having a front on Penn street of lit) feeL running back lflO loet to a 111 feet alley, on which i» erected a very large bnek dwelling house, tbe main building Iront of two stones, with wing* one and a half story high, and the rear building three sto ries high. The building is very convenient and well adapted for a Hotel or extensive Boarding House. It i* now occupied by Mr Chrmie as a Hole! For term*, apply to JOHN GRAHAM, or ) rr ec uiort leblh-Dn JttHNH PEEBLES. < NOTICE—The undersigned will continue the Wo< business and attend lo the sale of Woolen GoodSj i the old stand H LEE- NOTICE. Dentist. Corner of Fourth and Decatur, between Market and Ferry stieeta a*p3-dlytn THE subscribers have‘this day associated them selves together for the purpose of transacting a wholesale and retail Dry Goods and Grocery business, at No 820 Liberty, opposite Seventh street, under the style and firm of HI'SHFIELD 4 HA VS Pittsburgh, Janaary 1,184 V. N. B—(Jur old customers and the pohlie are incited to give us a call. _ j»*> Hand for Sals. A CONFECTIONARY and Variety Store lor tal on Pennsylvania Avenue, with a good ron < nosinesa anil a small stock. The Propnetor finding inconvenient to have two establishments, the cause ft selling. Apply at H. M SMITH’S, laM-dfen eorner Wylie and Washington sit Orvtcs os tbs Fttsi. Ran* Roan Cojtfairr, 1 Philadelphia Peb A 1849. \ NOTICE is heieby given, that the eighth instalment of Fits Dollars per ibarr on the Capital Stock of this Company, >■ payable on the second day of March next Western Stockholders will pay if) W H DENNY, at the Merchants' A Mannfacturers’ Bank of Puts burgh febV O V BACON, Treasurer FLOUR —38 bbl* 8 F Ftour, in sure and tor sale low by feblS/ .JAMF-S PALZELL DRY & VARIETY GOODS. Stnottiu Dtimloprmmt of Uu California Gold F*ver. ALEXANDER A DAY, No. 75 Maaaar Stsxxt, Prrr* scans, 1 HAVE resolved on SHILLING OFF their large ttock of DB.Y GOODS—the principal pan of jh have lately been purchased at the taaoi Arc- Z£L a.m in Philadelphia and New York, at a tie mondou. and unparalleled < We have made each a large reduction from our reg nlar once* that we will now sell a large portion of our raods BELOW COST of importation. The early at- of buyer. U.nWu. choice “'“"d «“* U cSoW Plain 6 S «red Caoelian Caatajnr™ and del„nc. Venf wiperior brochia S** Super clonk cloth,, all co "v &£££»*“ e ° lor *' 9opor“ock o J°°">' Clro dc Crua. barred and air,pod VifjS .Hi. BroJE %'d Md .mfd do, P^‘.r:: r i„a clou,., Co'S^A. I Super silk warp alpaca an lustres | lustre* SHAWLS* SHAWLS;' Splendid plaid long »hawla,iA few brocba long * ha '\‘ ’ Splendid terkeri shawls, the 6n««i wr have ev r iTom N York auction*, brought u» this maxaei. great bargains, ‘ now to be sold ni g re »* Plain and embroi’d thibeli bargains, shtfwka, alt colors, (Superfine and common bro- Stlk fringe, remarkably! cfaa square shawls, iSupercameliaußiliibawis GENTLEMENS’ GOODS French cloth* from the celebrated •Johaav*' menn factory For beauty of finish mu! permanence oi *«r. these cloihi hive no superior, i few piece* extra hne jet black and olive ca*ton beavers and other heaTy cloth* lor over coat*, twilled FTeneh cloth*, manufac tured exprenfy for cloak*. French and American ra*- umere*. super wen of Kngland do, lapor Irene It '* un* for ve.ungv thf bet imported. Plain and fancy velvet and eaanmrr* vesting*. merino shirts and draw er*, Italian cravat*, linen, cambric and silk hdkl* ho siery and glove*. STAI'LE GOODS. imh l»nen», be*t long.clolh *binm*.muslins, bleach ed and browu mualiu* ol good quality, remarkably low, tickings, checks, domestic and imported ging hams, scarlet, yellow and white flannels, a large loi very cheap, a large lot ot white and crosabarred eoun try flannels, cheap; brown and bleached Barnsby table linens and table cloths, Russia and Scotch diapers and welling*, taunetu, Kentucky jean* and tweeds BLANKEST*. An nsuel large stock oi blanket*. direct from the manufacturer*. tome of which are the hem ever exhi bited, all of which will be cloned out at unparalleled low price*, la addition to the above enumerated good*, our stock comprises a very large and complete osooiiment of almoml every article usually loutid in a dry good* store, and a* they have been mainly pur chased at the easern auction*, hence the lale great re duelion of price*. We are enabled and determined to teU them off at great bargain*. Wholesale buyers, country merchant*, tailors, and the public generally are respectfully invited lo an ear tv examination. Bargain* shall be given. ALEXANDER A DAY. 75 Market *u i>his N W corner oi the Diamond dry GOODS NOTICE. A. A. MASON * CO.. No. CO Muun rraarr. PrmsuaoH, Pa. BED leave most respectfully to onuounce to their numerous patrons and the public, that they, iu consequence of contemplating a change tit their buai neaa propose opening the whole of their extensive warehouse, (including all their wholesale rooms,) for retailing, and will continue open until the first of Feb ruary, commencing on New Years day, 1349. Our wholesale stock, comprising one of the most eitenwve and vaned assortment* of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods ever exhibited in the western country, will be offered at lower price* than ever before known. Eve ry article, however choiee and desirable, will be ac cordingly reduced. Upward* of fifty thousand dollar* of our *tock has been recently purchased, the greater portion of which are foreign goods, received at New York by late European arrivals, which from the late ness of the season, a* well a* the known pressure in the money market, were sold at immense sacrifice* at public sales, at rate* varying from twenty-five to fifty per cent less than similar good* brought tne first oi the season We are therefore confident that our price* for the time above mentioned will be found to be even lower than any Eastern wholesale rates. We anxiously invite all persons to visit our estab lishment, whether they purchase or not, and test the truth of the above—assuring them that they will incur no obligation thereby, but eonfer a favor upoa the pro prietor*. Our assortment of Silks, Shawls, and fine Dress Good* will amply repay one for a visit; added to which, an unusually great display of Domestic Goods will, we hope, induce all to call. Our system of one price wtl be smelly adhered to. j*l£ A A MASON A Co New goods in January—w. r. muhtht ha* within a few dajrt opened a supply of black Al paccas, low priced; do, medium and super! do Mohair Lustres; new stvle British Prints; do American do; black doth Shawla; plaid long do; neal style Mouse ile Lames; plain lead and drab do, at lbf; and u vari ety of other ocaree and desirable goods, worthy the attention of those wishing to buy. Mercbonts will find in the wholesale rooms up stair* a good stock of desirable goods, at low price*. jals RICH DRESS GOODS, per foreign steamer Europa. —A A Mason A Co/-No 00 Market street, will open this morningf Rich Dress Goods, comprising the following styles, vu: Satin plaid Merinoe. a new arti cle. and the richest good* imported this season; oil wool Plaids, high colon and choice styles; all wool Cashmeres and Mout de LaJnes; fine Coburg and Lyo nese Cloths, o(*any de*cribable shade and color Satis striped Cashmeres, m great variety. I*lB A A. MASON A Co., 60 Market street, have just , received another large invoice of plaid Long and Square Shawls, bought 25 per cent less than any previously received this season. Our stock of Shawl* is now the largest m tuc city, and purchaser* may he aertain Uu> out price* from this date will be 25 per cent less than at any tortner time. __ . i*V* GENTS’ CLOAK TASSELS—*! doi mohair Tas sels, assorted; 3 do silk do dd; Cdo do fine do, U> do do Ladies To**e)*, assorted; ' do col'd do do. WOOLEN GOODS—IO doi children’* wpoleii coair, « do do do Caps; 4 do docommon," lDdot Woolen coin tons, assorted; lb do do with rings; Uj do ladies Ca»U- I mere Gloves, asi’d. , „ . I LEATHER BELT&-30 doxblk Molkskin Belt*; ’JO do do Morocco do, 3 an colM'da; at aoTtS ZEBULON KlNSßV , B,fi7m*rket_at T’RTIFTCIaL FLOWERS—Smith A Johnson. 48 A Market «, would write the attention of dealer* and other* to their extensive Hock of French and American orufictal Flowers, which will be offertu at price* dec97 GENTS’ 'FtTRNISHING Go3tlS Fine rhirvs,wiui sundtng collar*; memo, silk ami woo! Vests; do do do Drawers; auk, kul and wool Gloves; memo, cotton and wool * Hose; blk Italian cravat* fine Ze phyr Scarfs d*cs F K EATON A Co ‘i XHJ’NSTEIf CaK'PKTS— We wouT3 iHVite the A. attention of those wishing to furnish houses, to call and examine our Axminstrr Carpets, winch are 1 very nch in style and colors. Wateroom, No 75, 4th Pittsburgh. jec9 W- M’CLINTOCK _ SATIN DAMASK—W M'Clintock Ofen tq purchas ers a very handsome assortment of rich satin Da masks for window curtains, Alto, French chintzes boffs. linen,ir*nsp*rent shades, Ac-, ai his eazpct,w*t< room, TS Pounhit. d «ef> Misses and infants' wear—f h ea-ios a Co, have added to their Tomer busmens * de partment onder charge of Mrs. Bigelow Boston, for making to order m laiesi style*. Infant*' k\ ear, Mi«*e» Sacks, cloaks and Dresses, Ladies and Cents Dressing Gowns. , . . . Garments embroidered or tl*#uped tor embroidery, knitting, netting, crotchet work, hemstitching and mar • kina neatiy executed. novtS lfE«r OOODB. SHACKLETT a WHITE. VO Wood street, are now receiving a fresh stock of DRY GOODS, ol recent purchase. sod fresh styles, panerm, Ac , which they will sell low to the trade. Merchant* are revested to call and examine their stock and price* Idbtt SILK WARP ALPACAS—Smith k Johaaon, 4t> Msrket street, would invite the attention ot dealers and other* to their choice sioek of Silk Warp Alpaca*, Mohair Lustres and fine Bombasines, which they are now offering at redneed pneea. t«sl>o_ /"vN HaSD AND FOR p*"drab Blanket Coating: 9 p» Livinder do do; l ease 1. grinder Blankets l do grey mixed Cloth, l do Array Cloth; : i do Tweeds, brown, black and gold mix; I do laney Cassimeres; 1 bale blue Blanket Coating; consigned daert How manufacturer* and for »nlr by the package or piece dscAl MURPHY A I.KE. liberty si Extra andni.pkr three ply carpktb— Received this day. direct Irom the msnuiacturer*. a handsome assortment 01 extra »u|>c# and. Super three ply imperial Oarpeu, of new style*, to which we u*k the attention of those wishing to lurnish house* or stoainbosu. Carpet wareroom, No 76 Fourth si. l*iu»- borgh. dertl W M'CLINTOCK T6MESTIC WOOLLEN* - Blankeu. Flannel. J ) Tweeds, Cassinetts, 3-4 Cloth and Ca**nneie, by K," P ‘ ct ' S '' " nr '” w ' '“Lb’cSchran ■I,'ANCY CASSIMERtaP-k new style Fancy J; Cassimeres, bright figures tuid very handsome gOO tX? A WHITE X-tRENCH MF.RINOS AT OOS'f—Smith A Johnson X* 40 Market street, will sell for Abe balance ot the season st cost, their Stock of Frenrb Merinos, compri sing the most choice color*. .Now is your ume to se cure birgaiivs _ deed VELVET RIBBONS—Just reedved at Zebulon Kin sey’s, S 7 Market street. 3U ps colored Velvet Ribbon, kssorted colors^ JO - black ** •• 9 •* embroidery Gimp, llipa wide Plain, Ac, tlecS | G’Lo VKB AND HOSIERY— Smith A Johnsqo, 4f> Market st, would invite thoailenUon oj dealers and others to their choice stock ol Bantu s superior Kid Gloves, and a great variety of merino, silk and colton Gloves. Also, to their extenuye slock of worsted, Cashmere, Alpaca, Vigonia and Silk Host, Moravian and other styles of cotton Hose—together with every style of children's Hobo and geitliuhens' half Hose • _ J®- . GOLD SPECTACLES—SIiver do; Steel do; German Silver do. Ji. large assortment eonitahliy on hand, and carefully £tled to; any age. Concave, con vex, and cataract spectaclc’glas* accurately adjusted to any vision required. . Also, mulliplyiug giksses for/gaminm* Unon, wool, minerals, hank notes, Ac., just rac'd and for sale by minerals, i>« um. noics, «* . J w w WILSON, ja3 corner of market and 4th sts A JAYNKf* T“ EVIATHON COLD PENS, a ' and 1j most excellent pen, being the fim to th.s market; for sale by w w . " IL ™\. jafl . corner market and,4th • jp GLOVES—9S dot Ladies super Kul Gloves; V ** iu •• meus ryhite and blk. " i, ■> nusses colored do d ,_. F U EATON A Co LANKKt COATING— Drah, uavendfP. ffTcy mu .„d blue, f0r.... b, lb. pfocb or manufacturers pnees, h) ML HI HY A LEE, liberty it, opposite 4tb CILOTHS I rase black mixed haavy casauneres, 9 j do Tweeds, fancy colors; Ido fancy cassimcre lor sale at manufacturers prices, by MURPHY A LEE rTuVEKDS aNDT'ASSIMKICKS*—tf cases void mix’d J. brown and black Tweeds, l do Fancy Cossimrre just rac'd and for tale at manufacturers pnees MURPHY 4. LKK, liberty st. dcclfl opposite Sib FR£& W~M "Chn ioc k ofteruiu u...»e wishing to furnish houses, the b»nJwm#ii s»*ori ment of Curpeung euer brought to thi* market, com prising lit part the following varieties: Rich style Vel vet Pile; AJtmtnster Tapestry, Brussels, extra super 3 ply; super 3 ply, superfine and hue Ingram Carpets; 10 which he most respectfully inrites his friends and the public, to culi and examine before purchasing elsewhere Wureroom, No. »5 Fourth si, Pittsburgh declS Mode alpacas ade lainks—w* h*ve] U *i received by Eapre-s, several cite* fine aud me dium mode colored Alpaca*, de Lame*, and Cash mere*, which will be told low. febfl SHACJCLKTT A WfTITE, SP wood »i “>LA'CiirALPACAS ANDLI'STRE?—W. ft. Me,, phy invite* the attenuon of buyers to hi* very foil assortment of the above good*, embracing the various qualities from the lowest pnee to the finest Also, Mohair Lustres, very glossy. and ol rich Pans blk. Also, a large assortment of fancy Alpacas and Lus tres, consisting of changeable, satin stnped, saon and fancy barred, darnaak figured, Ac Ma/arire Hlae Parmettos—A few piece* of these desirable aud scarce goods on hand—also, Mazarine blue Alpaeas and Moose de Lames, at the north east comet of Fotmh and Market tu. Wholesale Booms up feb!3 HOUSES, LOTS, FARMS. & c TO COTTON AND SUGAR PLASTERS, PLANTATION IN ARKANSAS. —The *at»»enh*r offer* for sale the extensive plantation in Aiken i sas, formerly belonging to »«'d occupied by the late ! Governor Kent, of Maryland, and containing B*J*n fr eight hundred and eighty-three aad a half acre* otiuul, Tht* estate lie* in the routine* o< 1 hillip* and Crit tenden. and is situated in Walnut Bend, on the Missi*- sippi river, twenty -five nltte* above the town of lleh - ua tt i* «nui io t*e tne iiigtiest river land in that re gion of country It* »oii i« j>c«ifc»rly adopted u> the growth of eouoH If improvement* arc an overseer • house. a horsr-imii, severs! corn tiou*e*. and good quarters lot wrunu. I pwtrd* ui seven hundred acre* ot tins land bate l>cru ,'-rnitM uml tire now Cumulated. The rv(l ©( U llia , i- .eared. ,the mum Ik?mg already done.) *!.«{ ha* 1.-i* t.ruber upon lU and that chiefly of Mb, which I* rcaduy -oul ut a well i©c»ied wood yard, »n* quantities ol >rvnai thousand cords every year This plantation i» nneot great value, and preacnli a rare oppoi uiniiy n> ib>- public In the band* ol* a ? ood planter u may be easily wade ofiminenar annual pro hl Its lacUities of iiucrcuutsr witb Near OHcana a*- lord a constant avenue kit the disposal ol iu producta ll II distant atioul MU> utile* from ImrumlU, £l9 mile* Horn ibe uiouUi m the Ohio, and 740 mile* from New Orleans Thu property will be divided into several pan*, tf desired For terms. 4c . apply ipost paid) u> WILLIAM B PKRINE, -dJ«i* Baltimore, Maryland. 965 Atrea Coal Land for SaM, SrTUATKDon the Morning abela mn, about l®mile* from Pittsburgh and u miles above third Lock, in the immediate neighborhood ot Messrs Lyon A Short, and Mr. John Herron'* purchase. This fine body ot Cool will be sold at ibe low pnee of 81KJ per acre-one third in band, balance in fcve equal annual paymeata, without interest. Title indisputable. i-ovauon vary good —cannot be surpassed Fot, further particular* enquire of 3. BALSLrA . who bus a dratt u( (aid pro prrt> Residence Vtl «t, below I erry. Mr Adams’Row . N B There i« another scam ot coni on this tract, \boul 00 feel at-ove Uie low ft, oi e tvellcm quality. jytpii.ltl S. B. FACTORY FOR REST. large and well l»uiU Factory, rtvcted on Reber- I ca Mioeu Allegheny my. bv K. !*. (**««■«, tan. it orfered t,.r ►»!*• or rent irom itic Mot Jan. is4u. Ttaa ll>( 01l w ltir Faoi.iiy i* erected, rronu 100 fen on Rebecr* ,ireei. and run* back ll'i feel to Park aireei The miwn building i- o! brick. ihrec alone* Inch, and 00 (eel (Otic l.) v/T (eel wide The Engine House l» large an.l commodious, wuh art engine, bmler, itaek, Ac . all in conipleie order I’lie property will be told low. and on ttdvaniageou-term* Inquire oi KullKß T M KNKiHT. tlr<“J!*-(TSin Ai»ent._ COUNTRY REHIDKSCE FOR REST. mIU Ai’RKS Ol l.Ri»lMi Minatcd near the Pnuliurgh Hinl i.rern-t.urgh Turnpike, 31 mile* w irom (he cils. and adjoining the Allegheny Ceni etery on which i* creeled a large and well finished iwo .tors brick, liwelling, Mou*r. together with wablei., carnage house, Ac There i« also on ihe premises « large s arieiy oi (mil irei s. uml a tprmg Ol unusual ex cellence contiguous lo the dwelling } Ai«o— One iluec and one two alory tinck dwelling, situated on liberty street. between O’Hara anil Wal nui Mien*. Mh Ward. Rent moderate Knquire ol >B U WM VOl'Nii. IV! Jjbony M A FA Hitt FOR SALS. T!IK lubsmber offer* for wile 1U acres of Land. situated in Hopewell township, Heaver county, Pa , one mile west of the Ohio rfvrr and twenty mile from Pittsburgh There arc a log house sud barn on [he premise- Upward- ot forty acre* are in cultiva tion —the rnnauuler i« densely covered with chotce Umber There "i* u vnn ot coal and nme tor a water gnel mill on the premise* Tin* tarrn l»eim! situated in a moral community, and being convenient tf>y course ot river) to Pittsburgh, it i* br.icvej tew place* combine ko many advantages li not sold previously, line tarot will be mid tit public vendue on Tliur-dity, the Ist o‘. next Murch For panculars. nn t u.rc of Uie eubsen* tier or 01 Wm Young A U.. 1-1-1 L,il»erty struct, PiU*- bur gl,. JOHN V M’KKK. jm£)-dAwlra*T Valuable Real Eatftte far S&le. TILF. Trustees of the Wesirri Tticoioeical Seminary having decided to sell, on perpetual lease, a por fiou ot their property in Allegheny city, offer on verj favorable tetuis. froraJtl to in Lots ot different me*. A warrantee utlc will be given A plan of die lot* can be seen at No. IS* Wood strret For nnrucuiars, enquire of either of the undemgned Committee. JOHN T LOUAN ai.kx LAUUMMX, MALCOLM LEECH,' H, CHILDS. > ami.- hailey Valuable Real Relate for Sale. rIK Soilowing properly in Hie city ol Punburph, ami near the borough 01 .Manchester, on ihr Ohio nver, i* offered for tale on accommodating l«nsu: 3 i*o(» (beuig *ub-divi*ion ol Ui No 4CD m the plan os ihe citv of Pittsburgh.) having tfi fee; from on Se venth mreei, bv -.MO leei to St.&ivberry alley, near Gmni street. . 10 one acre Lot* fronting on an Avenue, fit) led wide, running from Beaver road to the Ohio river, ad joining Phillip*'* Or Cloth Factory. For terms, enquire of OHARi.KS'B. SCLLLk, or JAAIKS OH Ait A, febl-dtf Burke'* Building, 4th *t FOR REST, L/i AND po*sc**iun itfven itie l*t April—A Store Ijs# in Market -ir-d, near liberty A Store m Liberty *trrel, neit door to the cor ner of Markei aud Liberty «* , The udjommg Store, eoruer of Markei and Liberty ureei* , . „ Two Store*, with dwelling* atinrueu, in Penn ilreet, near the canal AUu. n lxr*t rule *tand. with or with out dwelling, nrar lne c anal l‘iiwr~.iofi OTrn im mediately. Inquire ol DAVID (iKLKR, Penn «ir«-.-i. m-ur ihe canal hot on Liberty Street for Leak*. ONF UJT.4-J leei on Lil.eriy -ircn. by IJOfegt io Brewery »ar. neaxty oppo.iw Wet sired, ami coir. piiieni to tne Mommxaiieia river, will be len»- Kmiuire. ol CHAKLKS B StTLLY, or JA.'U.S U IIAKA, llurkc* *l. , TO LET. STORAGE t«»r biurrl*. m the dry Vaults, corner of Ibe DuamuiiOaind Market rtreet store room, and two upper rooms, suitable ror shfM* room* or others HmiUire on the pro 0, ,*•* ol jaJfl ALEXANDER A DAY For gals. mA BEAI.TIVLL Family Residence, with two seres ot ground. ,n Newtek lev. nest the Ohio ave;. It. IB situated within *. lew rods of the Edgeworth Pemtnary, ami wit a *J,vn distance from Mr. Tcavcilt's Academy tor boys. The house contain* eight large room?, imdi* finished tn a handsome style Possession esn he nvtn the l«i ol April next For., particulars, inquire of John Irwm a. Soiu, or T H.'Ne vm AAlo., Pittsburgh, oi D K NF.VIN. lel.- s ¥T.'. c .i!? y _ FOR BALE, ON frTorahle term* —A Loi of Ground on the *oath «id'- of Penn sirrwt, near the MouongHbcla r«y Dwelling on Fomth. between ffiet Ferry ami Lilnity :ir.-cb. now oe.-upied by jil&Atoaloiii Morm 1-Jnpre <>< ,l K.VAP A TtirrKN Property in Alltgheny City for Sals, r|IHK subKcril-er* oiler Im «ab- a number ol ebou o 1 Lift*, .ituiite in the Second Ward, fronting on U o Common ground, on cu-v term* lnumre of \V U’H KOBINSOV AUy m Cla.r st or ol J AS KoIJINSt IN. on the pn*uu«r«. mylTidAwtl 1’ M FOH RENT For o.h- n, ihr.-e i-nn.irviumr hr«t o( AprP next, n large two -locied buck |)wetllhi; Hou*e. p'e •Uuaie.l on tUe bank ol the l lino river, adjotmiia ibe t.otoiieb ol Mnni'lie*. lr rw i:about lour neie. ~i ,„nd. oui i.undliij;., null I fee*. 41 AV. Apply to jK i JAMES A 111 TfllleoN A Co To Let- mA I.AKtiK and wm hni-hed Knom. wind -lorv. on tin* corner of Wood and Third *lree|., utrvvr ;ne hjehange otiice of v\ m H NN’iiliair., [’i,- Bts deuce m Allegheny nty Possession cay be gi ven l»i in’ February, or somter if necessary, and who ever may occupy'it. m ght find it advantageous to re tain some of Uo: furniture, Ac . particularly »uried to the place _ K. W. POINDEXTER. M WANTED TO RENT— A small jinvate dwell ihg with not ics* man lour rooms and n ksichen, within hve or ten minutes sSacn or tlic Diamond Address, with particu.ars, ••D»>x No. !lU> l*osl UJbcc ' TWO HOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE y, TWOl.ors on Heaver <*trceU in Uje city of fftSf Allrgben >, ntx-ve the upper Coramous.'oii »ln<-b i» erected a Iraino tiuiMiitß. *«o blfrti, huilulmo for two finm: tenement. The* mu are each twenty Irct in from l.y our irundr-d lect deep, and run bark lo a Hire! forty fret wide Tt.e bmldinifs on tins pre • mtfc* wt.l pay a very handsome interest on the uiveal menu ami the property will l.e .old cheap for caak. Apply to 11. Sproul, Clerk's office, U. ti. or to KAY A Co FOll KENT j-l THF. •üb.cribur offer* lor rent for th« terra nr one or niorr > ear*. * large convenient well fin ished two *tory Owe ilm* H«»a*e. corniuning n room* and Kilcuen. There i» a lot ot ground containing ifr acre, of fine young fruit tree* of .-very kuid. .whir, 4.C connected wiili the nou-w. To any jwrraon with in* • delightful rem.lmce within a few minute* ride of the city, ihi. will he a rare cornice. Foriermii, which Will be low u> a good tenniit, inquire of Mr. Jno.. Wright, near the premise*, m John Watt, comer i.f Hand and Liberty street*, or of THW) F WRIGHT Scotch Bottom Land for Rale. T'F.N AC'RKSoK land. situated m luwn-' •hip. on tlir .Monniigaiirln. three mile* from l’in«- burgh —m lot. 10 »uit pun ua*rr». Pur further partic ular apply t*» Henry Wood*. :hl *u or lo a Washington, novlM-dtf 4th, above Stuiitifield «i Raai K«ut« In Maroar Coaniy, A LOT, Storehouse uml L>vrellini». .itaaie on the Krte Kxtrncnn Canal. m tnn viilnge ot \V«m Mid i diesel, a desirable location for a rar.rchatrt a I Lot and Rood levelling House writ suited int a Tavern Stand, ut the village of Orangeville. on tttaie lino or | Ohio. Term* easy. ISAIAH UH’KKV A Co. j feblO • W nier and Ktqui au. COAL IAMf PuR SALL—Seven acre* coal land tor sale, situate in bend oi the Mnhongahcla River, above Brownsville. Pa . having a 7 foot vem of coal which will be sold in rj.liange for good* Pur pmrncu. are apply t" |w«sl S A W< HARRA l-'tiH XI wood •! MWaRKHOIM; KORSALL—The rubsrnher offer* tor «nie tire three »uiry brick Warehouse on W.:o«l mreet, occupied by K. Tanner A ap!7 W.M WILSON. J» _ YALAaIU.K RKAL KsTATEON PKNNSTUP-FT FOR SALK --A Loi or Ground situate on Penn street, between Hay and .Martury «ireet*. adwnning the house and lot now ©eeupi'-it by Richard Kdward*, having a frmjt oi ‘i& fert, an, I in depth IV» fen, will he sold on invornbie term* rule oucxreptmnitble l.n • quire of «■ U 1.1H.M1-, l«l> ocPJI-dtf _ . 'll > >orl . ' ' rnmmodaunr icrmv Inquirt of w fibfl 0 "" J U WILI.J A»,s. n o wood m» KKNT-A reom m the •*e-ni