ESTABLISHED IN 178(5 EASINESS [SAIUIS. .Y CROrtfK, cranmr.m Mcichaiilr A N ° " C.l.burjh^. ’.tllSifnELb * HA.V6, AVkotersDr dciWf in Dr . H'oioKi uwnns 1W». Shoe*. Pn»tmr(b rauia **. No,«r> Ul.rrry nrerU Jm burgb- - ' - «a»c«. GIOBGB HEITBB. B' "Ssu“ l- SUTF-R, >V'bsler.ala »nJ Heuul Drur tfMt*.rAciux of Übcny and Si. C.air streeu, l itt* - : ww cc.-sraisop,• “• 8- »»oww. DROWN t ; Wholesale Grocer-. 1» and Corttfitaribn Worehoiu*, No. 144 Lihe.fy n . fiti.ftuttfc P«. : —•- dr ' li:y -- B* 1 A. PAUNE3TOCK A do,, Wholesale and Kc m lail Dro*|riiUi,curiiW Wood andfiih m* IT' HL.iiAL.KV argOTH, Wholesale Grocers, Is and JsaB~ , Vy , oo^.tlf«il , l , iiM.bayfh; (•a a Me AffITLTY A Co., Forwarding and Com J. .’.«•> B*““- ra**-*^*. --T ’' MTaaoijsa I JAWM'I. isaseri ENOMSH A BKNNKTT, (IM Fn fi hsl., Gallagher * Co ) Wholeaale firwm Co.nmn.sioa and W Vard.nir Merchama, ami dealer* in l i.Klnre and 1 m - Kss&*- Btiwv, /*uas wan., YmUKiBJWV* fb>, Wlro\r,»l. Ororr-r. P Cotaumorai M»rsU»niv »"J **'!?■,“ J Coaon V*rn»,No».jy7 u,kl lUs 1 f t l ' - nALLAOUER, IA)N, lUlttmore < a, i. sxcsmia, *dwaBH utald, ( plniada. pSeSsg contar iiicttr. ia, TOAUUDhSeY A Co.. Wkole.aU. Oroccra. Com- PSiaUmKkanu, and dealer. »n Produce, No* -C Water.aad IP7 Front atreeia, P.usbnryU. no V/tni? li » a Attorney oa«l Counsellor at Law J°K,SSrfcr.;lmS T of Ponnsylvanla S.Looi»,Ma,llalool Forward, Homo- JSSEfISSSSft *«*», Jooa i ButeU. k Scrap l *’ M’Cord k King. JcHl) ay&ly UIRE, (Uxc.onbc finu ot A4je«w» J «f MeGnire.) Mercham Tulo#, Si- Chorlr. BoiMing*. Xini»ti**U Piiuborgb. James a. hutchison, a Co -- Suc v c f MO ,'’„ l l ° Lrwi* UnttbiMß- Couunua«m Merchanu, of Si SU UuT.Sloom Sogo, R-ltory. NfeiSjvtlct *nd94 from meev, Pnubargh. i«M* • ,T .S. PILWORTH JuU*, Wkolrialf Grocer*. Pro •I * doee and CommSwon Merchants, and Agwu» for ite uLaid Powder Co. of N. V. No. *? Wood si, PUubarfb. _ . J TOItN D. MORGAN, Wl.olo.Mie »rup.t, aid £«»; || er in Dye Bmffa, Paints,'OtK Varmifc*. Ac- IVcbd street, one door Sooth oi Diamond l‘cu, iwaoM U> Jo"!*" J, Bari*,, Ship Chandlers, :» Y\ met sited. oeJI TOOT H. MELLOB, \VMe,a!e end Reirtsie.iei •I rn dlmic anil Musiesl liramiotrtiU. S' l'<">< Hooks. g, ' «a.,‘OoiU., Vr.o.en, (.aids, -oJ >;, ny RtC* Doaght or tairrn in tn>dc_ sepia T SCHQONMAKKR A Ca~ Wholesale Druggists, 0 W.-N6- tt Wood «ttoot,_grUAboisfa; JOHN D. DAVIS, Auctioneer, comer sih and Wood streets, 0 IOUNSrON i STOCKTON, F™*'’ J nadpapoj Manufacturers, No 41 Market ev, nu» —■ —■ —■ —f"En i »ii > u. T™E FWVB, * Ji V ’/FI.L & Co., manufacturers of atl »>- Boiler Irou uii Nul* oH ±c be* quality. Warehouse, »4 water and 1« from «. jarilt) : S~VVATERMA.N, Wbolc*aio Grocer, l*®*™”- . in* and OommistiCJi Men-bant, Lfeuler ni r»«* burtfa ftlaoufaeture* a»,d Produce, tso» Bl."* 1 1 ’ cut) OS Front*: UUMK-SUJ- I*. H-.H'MU. '“W* C ' *<* » * 4 ROE, Wholesale Oroottt *lui Commu- No. 1W 1-iWny u , fimlnir.l. -j«®' 1 *■ \A UKPiiY,'WILSON ft. CO* |lWf Jones, Morphy ft. Wholesale Dealers in Dry Goods. N<^4. Wood stteii,.l , i«i»'borgh. '. nov^ ‘STOWHV&.LEIi; Wool D«Ue« *ml Curnra..sion M Merchants, for Ihe sole oi American ''j 0, 2 e 0 uimda..Labeny street.opposite fritth- novAiy a Hi.**. Ai-KX. Noturo, ‘ NISC^ me- ALLEN ftsCo., Cuuuiusmon and horwarOiug M - Merchant?, VVoirr ami 1 fO‘» nl! > be,w "?" \VoodJUHi Market *»?. J “ n " "wT row *«- «r. weoßiwa. - MILLKII ft RICKKTSuN, Wholesale Grocer* and Conumssion Merchants, No.»“«, L»tleity,*t., Ptu=- burgh, Pa. J:1 " -• vr HOLhES A SoNi No- » Martel si. second K - door from corner of Fourth, dealers m torrign i Bills ot Exchange, iVmtlcateeoi Uepos- Notes and Specie ‘lections mad on all the principal emc* ~!fcL.nnivhe«. __ I tiEouox s lost*. I * «*>-, Wholesale Urocera ami 4 \ ?hi-TViuA>d*, boat more, and I'llUburgh Man hand, al allumes, a lull ami AU-r. _ —: ■T7>«nrrmoore, turn, «»»d Ot> baud a very yl|) t« will tuW IPX , ; Vf>T -cr^isss; —z. *•*"*» -t mw » *»***-*•* *»• 53 "“" M - p,l “ !":IrrM BAaALMrif-Co," r ‘» lt '" 1 ”“ r “' !r ‘ “2? SSH»gB32S& ald Wr#te«» i*/o UofUtL aud L«u«c. BPTT. { - : '.-.i_ I raau,-.gbott, Tctmkk, tArpct Bag*, **., »■ «> JV TIUSSBY *Ts®ivWk'> le *' llc e, *S“;*“ d c ”i?T‘ , £ «i i«'"> - ?v? WofrdTl. I*Ul«boTßfa. V t—- ry?^*.'. l ' ■ '■—* tuts> uxAXiiuam- > JUniH. JUJifHY.Wboleiileind ill •.Fateiga ai4 bomtitic Dry Goods, n6?frc*V eWMt tf Harfataad ypanh «u ®Blr "are. Tone,, rno. a. b’cohe. Wtt>YOUKOJ:Co— tte*i*r» in leather hides,/w M 3 ÜBcnv ■- _ _ . »«nWv _ ‘ ~ 7icurn3- —. aMT-K’cciciu-- Iv WCUTCUEON, Gtcccr*,i»e»- Af\ -•# in FrO*Hi£e,iron, Nail*, (Jlata, and fin*- bwlgL* fienaiaDy, 132 Liberty ft, Pi««- jpfglL . ~ . _. , V.WILSON}W»ic!Ie»,Ji - weif7,f!UvcrWm*. \U SJtfiUtwrGaodf,'corner of Madi*J and *«d- ' tirri ifpt ■ ; M" .rtrtiurvu 'WlldiON, FcnfajbenflMuuauitel'ain- Of f°* Office Alley and Marie t. Ft Tin - hvaihip woiiu, nr.H KDBmgD WILKINS, / IQ.NTJN4JIvS to manuikciore Moiiometii*. Hui«*l v.‘ Vault-. Tomb., ||p:,d Stiuir«, Manlrl Piece*. «>n tre and Pier Top- oi foreign m,j do»m *t»c ui*rl’ie, »i a regular and fair prior. N 8 - Uriiv* iiit'»'ii>rinomiinrt)|». vaults, Ac. luriu- li ed. oi no* d, w -e uptiiui. lie a dim* oi publir patronage auitP-dli u a tt u rw eu a res, jo* r roctfit. Triw- KTAsnrR, jr JACOB FOCI*, rtUJ N». TAKts'jf* I.KAKV, njn* «vr«n!t. ’ -1 HRCIIA’N'ICS' GLASS WORKS. SIMPSON a Co manura. turfr* of Vials. Boulr*. and Window Glut*. keep constantly oh liat,,l n general B*sortni*M of the aVoTeflrTictr*. Al.n make to ord £• aug'n-dm WiimiTSM;flj;:ii.onWrrr* ui Cotton uud colored Linen, Fringe-fyr Drea.e*, Ac., sewing Silk and colored CotinuFcmje-* lor * li k ****** emr.haw Puiom- 1 ' finnp, Mohair, ami Milk Bullion l-ringp#. made lo order o.i the ilmitei.! notice. Store,'orncr oi'Miudru l**iie sud WiHinm.eiiirHuce No so William ureciJibuJ door, ovrr Alml-i A U>* .-tiorc. No iu Maiden N -'v \ orh ijjw li lIKIISBY, MANVPAim'KKHof Stenin Boat and Blan kela. Batnin’, Cotton Motiru«*o« and 4'ointnm of all mir* Warehouse, No VS' Waier dreeL Pnishurf>h PITTSBI RGII, PA. RKNNLDY. cmi.Ds A , Manufacturer* o! very superior 4 t Smirting*. Carpel l ham. t’-otion l\vine ami Balling. ja3U-ly aPRHIK TEA STORE.—No. Ti Fourth al, near Wood—All quantities of Green tuul Black Tea*,' done up in quarter, halt, and one pound packages, ramming iromSU ri*. per pound 81,50. jyi A _JA YMSS, Agt. for Pckm Tea Co. DaqnMite Sprln^Ax^e t £»tcei and Iron C'tOLEMAN. lIAILNL\N A Co, manufacturer* of j Coach and Kiiptic Spring*, Hiunmcied Axles. Spruig and Plough Snt.l, Iron, icc. Warehouse on Water anil Proii' directs l'iUi4/urgh. Also. dealer* m; Cout h Trumnuig* and Malleable Castings octld BUCK MASTHR, Aude*jia.s—Oißce, Fourth *u, X* • third door above Smnhtirld, south side. Conveyancing ot' sib kinds done with the grentevt core and legal accuracy. Titlcf te (teal Eclats flammed, A.e. W" 4 M. MITCHF.LTREK, Wholesale Grocer* ■ Rectifying Distillers, and Wine and Liquo. .Merchant*. AUo, Importer* oi Soda A*li ami Bleach ing Powder, No. ICO Liberty Pjl HOBltt Ll£ AG UK FACTORY. HAMILI ON STF7VV ART. manufacturer of Heavy Shirting*. Checks, kc , Rebecca street, ciiy or Alligheuy. novl6-dly* , „ -4 o. PBTTIOREW £. CO.. IJL-I*.-J** STEAM UUAT AGENTS Uvric E sjmjvc M. A Co. MteaßCSSaatl octal No. 4d Water »trcn INSURANCE. DELAWARE MUTUAL CO. JOHN FINNEY. Jr., Agent at Pittsburgh for the Del aware Mutual Safety Insurenee Company oi Phil adelphia. Fire Rt.'knuiKin buildings and merchandize ol every description, and Marine Hi*k? upon hull, or cargoes of vessels, atrn upon'' the most favorable u-nn*. If T Office in the Warehouse of W. H/Holme* A Brt>. N\T J 7 Water, near Market meet. Pittsburgh. N. B—The nurrere of this Company since the estab lishment of the Agency in this city, with the j.rompl nc«s and liberality with which every claim upon them {or ions ha* been adjusted, mily w arrant the ugem in inviting the confidence nnd patronage of hi* mends and the community at large to the Lkelaware M. N. Insu rance Company, while it has the additionaladvantages a* an iii'iJuunm among the tncHi ttuunshms in Pbiladel phiu— a* having an ample paid-in • apnai. wlucn UT the oj-rrauon of its charter ts constantly irirreasuiij. u ytehling to each person insured his dne share of the profit* of the company, without involving hint m any responsibility \vhaiever,-nud therefore a* po**r««tne the Mutual principle diveaied of every olhioiwuj U;»- lure, and in iu most attracuve form ‘ novA FIRE ASD MARIhK INSURANCE. THE liuturaifcn Company of North America, mrvuplt Us duly uulhorizeu Age,’ 1 . 1 tlq: subscriber, oilers in make permanent and limited Insurance im property, in Uii» ruy »ml its vicinity. and ott shipment* b) the fa nai ami Rivers. DIRECTORS. Charles Taflor, Ambrose While, Al.Thomas, John R- NelL Richard 1> Wood, VS'tu. Welsh, Franic* Ifoakens, S Autun Alhbonc. ARTHUR a COFFIN, Prr«>t Arthur G Codm. Sami W. Jones, Edward smith John A. Brown, John While. IlKttst D StnasEitu. Scc’y Tin? is the oldr-u In-uraiice Company in the United Ernies, having been charicied m l?hT U* rnartrr i« perpetual, antf front it* high "landing. long experience, ample means, and avoiding »!i risk-of au extra haz ardous character, a may be considered u> ollering am ple «r runty *o the public W P JONKB Al the Cv/Uiiimf Room «»t Atwvu-d. Jon*--* A t o Wa ter and Friui! * ireet.- PiUsUm-l. «"*V4 PBANKIiIN FTHE INSLttAKCK CO. riiKE Franklin Fir* |n«»rnnrr Company, ol PtiUaiM- X phm. wtli omke In-timnr'* pmnaju-iit and InniirO on *v«?ry dercnpuo'i |hm|-iii, in P#i-l.urKli and tli • urruunditie country, on i., k,n dD.- 1 I'-tui' liiM«r»n> tiony na- •« pcu«ciu*i rn.m'-i , • :-,p1,.i, %4UU.000 paid in Coiiuiitfmn, Fund iMio.uju Oiti.-. t’omer oi Tlurd and Martfi »U«:et«. Fitirlmixli np.iiHj WAKIiU.K MAKJ I.V Ak-iu. rpHK dUBSCRIBKK Has Lem appointed Agent pro J. ;<-m oltbi- l’umpun) ol Nonh Aui<-n< j. &iiutfa \\au-<*» i*tui.lMUA BKUS w» lulorrn U«r •• (Ai»U d*-alci* generally. oi Pm«lli. that Uiry made «uili arrang.-menu wiiatUf V iri’imu maim., „rrn and the fy orel>-r -whrrc, ami all good* ordered from them will l«* war rpuled «*qual u> repreaenuumn: Havana: St. Dummr>o; Cow) ; ) Vara; Porto Rn-o; Pmfi’a.. S-Seed i**( to l-ul>a; Iguini; A Florida. ) Uocco; j -Sl) —Branch . celebrated Aronmur Mag i.avrn ilinh with 3 large uaMiruaem «>l oilier pojHitar brand*. aii<>quaillie* *1 ptumU. as Hbs I°* wtd 3y». Irnmp. **, £ Maud 10- Ptuff. l.sdie-’ 'l‘wiot; Virgin,a I wut 4e MwtH ami plain, in whole and hull wood andWa, together wiilt every variety 01 article belong ing io1h« irude. i Hiisn a. ajt*nn. g. ba utirrws BASKET, KBSUIT ffe OAJLB.BTBOS, FLOUR FACTORS, Produce. Comxnisslon and Vonvardlag n'mu dots, No. W Uojrm Whabvu, a.vp PdS Wats* St., PHU.ADKU’UIA. (Urn t»—John 11. Brown At Co. 1 Slran .to I (Tuiaajipii, Barer©it, Beaver k. Co. j Smith, Bagaiey tt Co. j Allen A. Paxton, New York Waiteri k Harvey, Baltimore. Bagalcy & Smith, 1 Burbndge,Wiifion Ar To j, uuLlir -|,. . Hailejr, Brown & Civ * m * l,u, s u ey A Jone«, ) ,t-T- kit/cial cajJi advance* on consignment* to onr - t c cnA*uesMvui. ao*r. watxib. ELLMAKER, ECKY & CO., &L * And 0«scrBl Commlwloß N.. 13 S.™ aEFERENCES-H.*ijf£:sa>Co, Ruubui|R A. W. January, May#YUlo. • Charles Basham, Jr., Lounmiie. l>uuih, & Co. i : llpreet, l?rp. A Co. VP*il**J • Kted t JJrplber, 3 jWlk f Cta<7, New > oik. cellar* . Mrj SSSpuono} We«er(rPwhwe.W“> olbe ' Ucka enininkd U> their care 11.nn., 11a,.ey i Co”?! kborjl.l «*»■>»• tCo New U.bon, O.; MeislikOß vUIe, U-'t Rkon,O j , A_o. Rlc^. »riu,n fc Eft) Cinelnnatl; I. Y ( Bl>; H. BojM, wool,Ftacft ;;w>>W>RP e ®• LIM'D, KBKU i Li., (Succcnwjni to Retd,_H]ivd A CpJ__ . »itc OKNERAL COMMIS iIOB MERCHANTS BOSTON MASS. . , Pr _ Panieolar attention paid to be sale of aH gild libera! advance i made on consigiuUCß « L R. fcXJo. have leave U 3 refer U>— Mumra C-fcpbtaon &to I puuburgb. •• McGill > • Iked, Park* i Co., R>S£ ef '„ *• Lawson ACc vode, O. Bo*wefl Mar EMJ StcobeitVille, O. Brady, Kw . I W H Frltreil !'»1 1 Wheeling, V» AJrtua HCvangle A Co. I B (JiU A ?touU j i. A. Ufkby, Bridgeport, O. _\ T. li. ci.VgR*VBHi , , , Btteiring, Forwarding sod tiagnil Lomuui lion Merchant, CoKKEkcul. STBktr, St. Locu. Mo. V ii —xihct attention pt id to order* lor purchasing m icu market, and aiH>»«me« promptly irmnsacted jßcftfifaco >4 pitudruryU, Jo*u W Kaden it to dcc*JB- untie*. Ho KKFI'R TO HlarW' 10.-k, Rdi A t 0.. ) t'lrun hA t’»roih«T>. >Pm*lnirr>i l> T Monrtu. V I y , J. lIKNRY. Attorney and C turner 11 r>r at l.:uv Fj. I'nirimiaii Ohio t'v!lerlion« m Uli*i> ami .in Indiana. ami m KnUm ky. promptly ami ■•arr lully att«-mlnt o> Ptinut.i--imw u.r Ui«* Stum <>i IVnn • ) Ivima. ho ukin.- iJcpn>iUon«. a< k now tf.l-Mm-ut' Jt.- Jl. Keren to— Hon. Wm. Hell A Hon, Turn*. (,’hurrJt A Carcilhera. Wen. Hay-*. Esq . Wtluick A ]*a»i- aUS u w. wnajAUm "« * »Hir«n. WILLIAM* A. SHINN. iKiicrn-por* to l.owri.- ami W llliumt.) Attorn- v* anil t’.Hiiurtlor* ml.nw Otfico North mile oi Fourth street, above Snmhh- Id. f«*t»i7«lA wty JA]IGR F. KFJIR, AT LAW. t nher n-uiovrd to Fourth jaJ-ddm w iiv.iuir, ' DCXI-Ol* A SEWELL, attor-.r\ at Law. Oil.. Snmhfirhl. between -Id tmd 4lh *U WO. H. HUHINSON. Attorney at Law. liar re . moved hi* office to Ui- Kichange Building*. ** of hi* owu munufnetur**. wholesale ajid r»- uul. mU made to order on *huit uouec. ap-vj JAM I- 1 * NVIUHON. MtORD A CO., aggfe MMr (Surfe*.««r» to M'Cord A Ktnjfl Fashionable II altera, Cortur of lUuotf lh vine*. Ac . illustrated »nh forty ,npravmc*, !-•. Cnlltas, 1 vc| octavo The Twelve Month*’Vo umrcr or J.mrrs' of a I’m V Hie rn IRC Tcu.H-**ec Kcpmenl W l,vrlt. .1. tin Ciunpaicn ofMeurn. during I—H.-41, <:ai,uo£ an ac rouill of the MurcQ of Lhe Recniienl lo V>ra Crui. a de*er*]iiion of ihe Country puj*»*-J over, manner*. eu». tom*. Ac. of the people. Sketches ot Camp Lhe;'« eounia of all the sciioils of oine, Voiumre, fleici i-ent« and a full History r-t ttir M-nctui Wn, lj-t ol .• Ki I- .1 and X'i'emmJvd. Ac, illustrated li\ n (irp- numlvi i-orreel View* and plan*. :•> t>cu c Fuil”-1.l v„ :,itn WORKH —Cromwell->•». hr • *• ■ u|‘p ,r tueilt lu tii« ftl*LeUjUi>U.' \\ lift rluriiiaw i ftonin* lu»TtH? I\?iiio /Hill- Ml-u.f.rjl Mr 1,-nr. ot Kr:i mcky. ffiiibrn. tntr m la-uny. aimijmiv U i>il imutrai i ano'ii.r- t:> ujjrapturni. UuixUoal ifnl »«*i»Jocira: Jr •.•npt»«>lr*v w»th anwJi>lr« I't pn.i.r. i i,tr tin,! iuo> fii*i«nt>i'. M\ A | I.*-wix I'uli.t. K*»rand Legend* o: «n:* •% N linin' ->» ■ ri • ii. new I’j U... 1, -||J U.n-I-I. >i liy«* B Knfkti*r-:i lip'iuUluliy illustrated • The Arabian NijflU* The Thom's ml anil <»ur N • - «.r the A I abmil Night* ‘ IjllrfUiiimri.l-., it a..*u.imi ...a iirranw-d lof isunly rradiug - * il!. r t pl.i .ixtur» mne* l yi: \V Lane. L*< t Kr,.iu tt..- «e.„i,d Lombm e. 1,. hull Illu«(tuu-.J Willi (jUI Wood cul* b} HarVe', . ulld illuminated uUi‘» by Owen .l.*o<-- I imi)ilrlr in 1“ The above tKXik. jn-l reerive.l anil U.f *nle ' y A Mtn'kTnV Imnk'etler* "V K'V BiniK* P>K S« lUhil-S. A,- Om.-m* m Plane and Spherical Tpeoinjineiry with ilirir ap Inicai.on* to Mrf-n *urnt mu. Sarvryim; ami Na . utaiinn By Lnu.* l-oomni, A M. Xrnoplion » .Nlriniirulnaa ill J*ocrale», Willi Kni>i|«l> note*, cnticul and Piplanaion Liir oi Socrai«* A•• lly Ari’.bon, 1. I- 1) M'Climock A Brooks' KirM Book in Greek. ronltuti iiii; a full view of llie form* nt word* with rorabuin-• nes and eopmu» eirrn»c» A>' Salkrtil's Kith Book m Spam-h. or, n j-rnpiirn! m irudut-uon to Uie study oi the Spanish Language Hook Keepim; l>y tingle amJ double miry I'rarti rally adapted lo the lulaml and mrniumi- corimierr- in Uie Lulled Stale*. Uy V Lhiti A History of Prance, from the ot Caul by Jolm» Ca-*ar, to the reign of l.oui* Philippe Uy Mr- Markham. Kevi*rd, unprovrd and enlarged, by Jm*oi> Abbott, map ami rwrav : n‘'i. for ».ilc by ' R. IlorKIN"*, dec!- Apollo Hotldiiiff*. 4th «l VKW HOOKS—Loom *' Kiemeiiis o' Trigonomrir) J.\ Element* of plain and superficial THgauoinc try, with thetr application* to Menssruiion, Scrveying nml Navigation: by Elias I-oomt*. A M A First Book In Greek; containing a fall view of the loun of wofds wuii vocabularies and copioui excr rb*e« on the method of constant imitation and repeti tion: by John M’Clintock, I) D., Professor of Langua ge*, and George R. Crdovi*. A. M , Adjunct Professor of I.aneange- in Dickinson College Uphara's Life of .Madame Catharine Adorua, 3d rdi* lion. A new novel—The Discipline of L»fc. I‘nrU 9, 10 and 11 of Harp*r A Brotiicr*' »pie«duJ i l * lastrated edition of the Arabian Nights' Entertainment*. The above work* received iht* day by express ami lor sale by JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, M(r vl3 eor 3d and market *ih SCHOuL AHGHITECTUKK; or coninbuuou* to the Improvement of school bouses in the L\ S : by Henry Barnard. Abandantly illustrated with news and pians. Theory and Practice of Teaching, or the motive* and methods of good school keeping: by David P Page, Teaching a Science; the Teacher an Artist: by B K. Hall, A. M The School uml thg School Master-A manual for the use uf teachers, employers, trustee*, inspector*. Ac. Ac., of Common School*, in two pm is. By A lan -70 Potter, D. I». and G. IL Kmer*ou. A M niusirated with engraving* hnr saie by deck'd It UOi'KLNB, Apollo Buildings 1) ABLEY'S CABINET LI BRAKY, for School. ami 'Families - Ths* work consul" ot volume*. •hk! coaifciU> five different subjects, iJlustrnied willi iOO eii*raVLig< It .• an entirely anginal »«rie», recently written and oofloifclej S(» (ioodncn, ibor 01 Peter I*urfay’» Tnics, ami u resigns»*» been published by J L Rend.iua boko uful of IMi pages It eanum." tin won*. ; 51 &c'^ e a of ErW - “'■ B ji lIOPKiNS. Apollo Buildings, » MaV-’t'” •• u ATIiIiMATICAI. IN»I»UMKp*-F.rOj.»«- M. IllK—lll Ebony Rosewood r-a-e., w.IU I ~* l miPKINH. AK>"« the supervision ot “ m J, d rr authority or the da** prcOWwH m each count) ,«' , afffe »nd epirmiiJ bSflatiue a **'•>?'** “/ v: * • CO-PARTNERSHIPS. n*. Tf rfi *iN A ICF.NNF.DV- (Kive this day ***oriafed i with ihem iii the-r Ifctrdsrare boii and F*lv. urJ (*r«-gj ’fke .tyle of hrm will b> rr i*jier i.e \N i!«-n A jjo I’hu arrangement ren der. il de« to c1.j..-flt[-old bll*inr\n hs vJOII »" po-- ib l - AH person* who'- lial.ilmeH have matured. -*re e*p«-.-ial!v ie.jue«lrd io iirak' 1 litiTOr-dinlc ptymeni. PiH'hutnddlefy. k>- ~Ifl9. WoaJ*treet. Pitt«- burviiLue iiutv tally piepmed with « recently impor le.t -loi k oi ll.ird>\hr-. Cutiery. Ac .to oiler very great I.iduc eineiil* 10 %M**-r*. Iwing Jpierouned >•> • .impele m price* tv th any oi the Atlantic rme*. Al ‘-,1 l.iiiid a« eTten»ive n**tiriment of Pitt*burgh Hard ware. vn Shovel-. Spade t. Fork*. Hoc*, Vice*. Ae . all oi whim will hr *old at the lowest manuiaiUorer * pnee* jaitl Dissolution, IMIF. pnrtuerm.p «o long e»*unc under the firm o( M’Cord .V King wa* t-y iniuut.l con>cnt di*»olv*d on ;In- t-tnr I The hu*mess will be rJn*e.| ul the old •land t*’ riitier oi u*. u«in* the name of the firm for that ptirpoo- IL nie Ur.irnu* to hove our huame** • •10-<-.l -.\t;li .i*. delav ar possible, wc would re r.-, 4 n.-: tlu.-r in'irlOfl.«l to call and m-Hlu their it.-coii'i’* JOHN D M’CORD. jb." H. D. KING Co-Part ncra hip. JOHN l) MCUItU likrui* mrooialcd with him bi* t.roiher J mi- M'l onl. under lhe «iyle of M’Cord A i'u i.....i.m in.- it ,i. Cap and Fur l‘U«me<« in aii i.* -. mum. tiruiii-|,.'v. wioil'-salc aud rvlrul, ot the o'J -iau.l, corner of Wood and .'»ih Rtrects. where they *t 'n-it it coniii-'-aiion of tin- patronage ro liberally bo Mowed ou linn JOHN D M’CORD j«2s JAMES S. M’CORD. IN n-uring from me old and well known firm of M'Cord A King, 1 most resjwotfl’.y reconuneml to the pntronage oi the public utv rurcessor*. Messr*. M'eord A C.. pi•> H. ». KING I DISSOLUTION —The paruiemlnp hlUierto exDt f )rig under the ui h- ami firm of Wightman A Dal 7e'l. u line day dt<»n-vcd ! y mutual crumenl, John l>al rei; liliving di.po»ed of liiv entire mlcre*i to H Wight man The bu*uir«* of the Imp hnn will l»e »ellle*Tby II Wig utinan. who i* authorized to use tin- name of the Ulc hrtit for thnt purpose. 11. WUiItTMAN *pti!Ud:)w 1 A7] J DALZKLL. THE Subscriber i* now prcpnreu to tnanufn.tturr all kuidi oi Cotton and Women Machinery, at tlte *horte-d nouoe. order* n-tt ai R. W if-kUnan « hlnguic Shop, cor» i.ei Liinrty ami Water Mrecu,will meet with prompt :,ltr ;il;r>n 11. WUiHTMAN, [.• acok m . he'.weei. Federal oaid Sandunky ipcAMty a _ Allegheny city. CO*PARTS KUSH IP- "II T M R SCAIFF and Cupl JAMES ATKINSON W have .•iitered into nurtnerthip. under the finu of St: A IFF A ATKINSU.N. und will carry on the IMt, c'oppcr. and Sherl lroit Ware manufactory. 1;..u-» hu..iii-iv in iv.l it* bruiiche*. at liie old • und \y'm 1» Si-mte, First urepi, near Wocxl par”, uii.-ntirm riven to »icnntboat work Ill.vVF th*» d*. a-«ocinted w*th mr in lhe whole *air iirocery. Produce and Coinmisnion huaineaa, iu> I'iother Josepn, under u»«- hym ol J S DII.WORTH A Co J S DIIAYORTII. J-iiiiisri l. 1-43 ClO-PARTNEHBHII* - W'm 'i oung having ihi* ) day u»»oei:iied wth him. John R. M'Cune. the Ica- U-.c, i iisiness will Ijeregtter. he eondacted under tho L. rhioi\\ in Youne ACo WILLIAM OFNti, * JNO. R MVFNF- MED.I OAL. /inFi.H PUN IN THF SIDE AND CHEST l_T V.C IU-’.D' lltimn Ui long time hern di(tre**ed wiili s severe (vain in me side mid ehe«i aeeotupitnieu .. .ill :i dry rougn. I " u* luduceil. upon the urgent roll c.u.i.on ol a Jr.end. to Di Tailor'* J!aJ*am ol i.irei purpo-. -ulmirnhly M*V di-tres. wn« produced hv a ■ever*- hurt, and was «.o gn-at ihn n wav wiih iliificulty I -i.u .! miv lood Indeed. lam *an*tted thi* diseu»e mu*l li». «- lenmnnied in Consumption, or eoiric u: i; u,.-, itc. had i; not :.e>-:i cured h> liin judicious medicine To >C: wlm to prolong their live*. I would advise tin* u*e ~r |)r Ta\lor’* of liver wort JAMES t.mVAN. tv<) Bowery Mn • no div .at- lo', .:.ii<- - ej|n i tnrMtinii. reduce* le ver, rcstorr* sire c'n. itnd muv 'tie conaidcmf u* a *u pcrior prepiifiunm lor ihe rurr mni prevention oi mi diseases in ih* Cue,; hod l unf*. and should In- reso- 1- ; ed 10. cri-ii after I 1 c.e *es haVr-re»ivletl the usn a! remedies In i.'ir |n :u 1 <-e of Ihis r»i.i and rerv re. sjveeia'.lr pnysiciMii. iuis Umsam ol I jvcrwori iir.. «<-• r'.r to tUt of ihc ' i.o.irvtn- oi me du> P «* w-i* ihe . ha:-i.-ier and probnt mrefimr. io thui ..! f.uark. m-d empiric.* CONSUMPTION t.TKI.D-Mr .on having a vio e.,: i l se#t<. muu ii v loteml 5 raisint (juartliie* of Unci putird insilei. mid linsi ) in- could 1101 lurn over .11 bed. irom weiikni-ss i|. eirf) • j m;>- t.-.m ..I firms d .-onsmo, non. For »,* hr i.ud 0— II *u‘ m Ih- n*mn.-. Hi* ph>*iei.i-» M-s-r. term..lit- A; A lid-r • >*n. -mr! I.e \s:,s lucurahn- ml must soon ill' N < 1 1 -vn* .tvlcrioineH tn try Dr Tay lor'* JUitam of Liverwort ui-.d atntngr a* il may up pear litis n,e.‘,. ; fiK-fu ; \ r< stored hi* bculth SOPHIA t.ALI ON. M Norfolk street Sold In I’limburch bv J I) Moffmn, PT Wnml «l , J T<>wiiscnd. -tj.klarkej si, H Sravrer, cor Smrkri nod *.1,1- He er ,ll'.tl _ IMPORTANT TO TIIK AKFLICTKD. Dr. Kosr's lelebraiftl Keniedifs. nK pririor 0> ili- •• mo-i mid 10-'.r|».-iu, mr.t nn.r* lli.l «!( 111Q.U111,; Uin l»tiiti(fc iu cdtcUutf a cure (.1 dr *<•.i.*' -I *. ivn- u v!culru( ol rinmrin i>Uy*r run. |)<>. (.X PHymp. mill i rr.-nlunir of in- I mi-rr., 1.. - K .... .1 4.. • >„ , ii„.-... .u > u i in* U,o-r ilc i'l'ul Ami U:..l i u... . ai.nW MMMpl.oil I n . •>>'r» It hr urn a:, ,» A-ii.uta. Ki'v-'i ami Am** li< Ol all lmi.:«. I'nfuMC Kn <»(>•• 1 ndr* <1 ' w i| 4im in di •ru >e » aii i vjic s unjr ( tlic «"«■ •MR DHI.AVY iVvi/otai lUnuftrluml Tol>«rro. oii-'.iuair duo*. tvj BXM.enuy A Rov«t.-r , « ..ijm-h.w -wect f. Ip-, ai do \l A Rutin • 4 1. • Hi vvti.r h | l(l ,. : JMI IS hi do Fine A. liufwt)o«l’' 'j ( | lim i.j liiilv |.,i 1 -I Jo Jo Jit lli j ' _| |‘ . . . , .. Jo do Hear! ± HanFiwnl •' " Ui !b • oijr' . i!i,r " In -J-l J.. U ... tlaw«,n ' 1 >*~., ***.*«.*„ jyyr «««*•-»* £ ; . lull..- -i-I- irniii . -wiv-llr.- t-1.-i m- • -!i> I- 1 Uallr • r iT r ?£^^?z , ■' ■ iaii-1. .1 iiiui u o»rc t M «< M,ilnn,i to r*t wh‘at J,: '‘ »hJ I'“' k "'-' »‘ |J f, ' r '-» ,r , ,' 1 , f , i.\,,T.T “ f ',V - 1-y HKAI.D KIVKNOK AO. • IV atr-i.-a-J a,',- rl rill av L U,r At'-.-.U «'»"•' “ -“ J '«>r,l, »t„r, ve«. priM-mr t TOHAtVU—AI l'l li! f? *Jonr» Fur »alr hy the tof owum agent*. a* vi, ji a* l.y mc*t ill A. Son • superior .wen It/ lumps. Druggi«t» throughout the .-ountij TJ lull hi' " -'•Met l»M -upunnr sweet b» lump* J tM-hoouinaker A 00. t»l Wood street. I‘ut.i.urgh. V> Lawrence 1.0tu.-r •'>« J M Town-rud. druggi-t. -t. r . Market .1 U*-nlr> A Kov-’pr :i« A a« - I.ra A Bertham. -n« ar it..- V t > All* ttliniy rny. i Dupottt ide lu Mure] “ .A. *• Jo-Barkley, Durlnieion. Keavn couiuy. ('a to “ MeUtni " **« • Jno Kllion. Ki.iton Valley. > »3 Lawrence 1-oiner “ S*\£o pug T Alinin'. Braver. - 1 Jus: lauding from »teanier,WM for ‘utr by novlU-«J|y Hl’Al.n. KtVKNOR .t Co. , , 41 N water *1 ni«l 111 N wlmrvrs, J.ync.’ ki|,mor.„i. I’hilmlrlpbm. SaLKX, ldiuniMaiia i o .<>. Apr. tfl, I*ll. ' DR |). JA V .NFjh J)tAR Smw I ItotinJ u* yon uiiU ilir nill.nfj put'hr. to avail cn> -pH Of Uu* op portumU ol'fivinjt puMu iiy U> Itic ttxffaorJmnry i tf«-rt« ttl'your Ki (>«•<• vornui rfli my »<*!!' Iluvmx I>tcii nllliru.*J tor st-vrrnl yrnrt wun a scvoVp coU£l>. Itn-tic Invrr anil ii« ciMii'oni.iunt JiMja*/--. ami sremctl only Jtx/ntcJ to linger out u «Ju>rt !>ui imscrulile cxUtcnce, uniil Uie fait ol' 1 f-S), when, bring pore severely Rlinckcil. and having resorted to all my lornm remetlies, and tlio pre si-ripuon« of two of (lie must rcvpcetablc pliysicmiu in thr neighitorhootl without deriving any benefit, or Lite consolation of surviving bui a few iluyt or weeks at furthest—when the last gleam of hope vyu* about u> vanish, 1 had rcroiimitMideJ to me your Kxj>eC',ofwn-*- and blessed b) ihul Being who does ail things iu the use of the turmis—uud cnnlrnry to the •XpecUtUons of my physicians and friends, i was in a few days raised from toy bed. and wils enubird by the use of a bottle, lo attend to my bu*ine*«. enjo) tug mih-c better beailh than I had for ten years previous. Respectfully }o»r-. \r . J*s \V. KsTUO-. For sole in nu-horgh. at the Tekin 'l>a Store, 7'2 Fourth street. murtS ‘ NEW ARRANGEMENT, DOCTOR B. \v. MORRIS having fin.tly purchas ed the Drug Store foruiL>r!y owned i*y Hay* * llrockwa), So 4 Commercial Kuw. Inliehr street, Pittsburgh. take* tin* method of informing hi* Irtrnd* and the public 111 general, Utah hi* ftorc will ig all umei l,e supplied with an extensive add general assoruient of Drug*. Dye Stuff*, PuinU, Oil", Varnishes, Perfumery, Cologne*, and indeed every or acle called tor m a drag store, which will always l>e sold as low as at »ny u;l»er hou-«j in ihe city, whole sale or rcud. Hoping to merit a share of (he public patronage, nothing shull l>c wanting to give entire rtlt i*fnriiou to bi« customer* in«v7*lApH flydroiiailiy, urThe Water (fare. DOC TOR 61'NJ A MIN W. MORRIS, cull continue* to prat tn e ilir «me mwt popular remedy culled II) droputbv 'i' tin Wb'ct Cure, and it desired will treat do.ct>-r» Allo.ieUncalty. tib-titrirnl case* '''lll bt *j ; tended to prim p, ty N. H.—Ur NJo.ns may t.a consulted at n*» Drug Store, No. 4 Commercial Row. Liberty sweat- during business hours or:» his maiden**! morning and even ing, Penti street,;; door* below Irwiiv** alley novi-UpM n It. 'l'. Robert ■( K> O.) OPTHAI.MtO VuKI.KUN. will the treat- [ mentof Dinaces ofthe Kve. ’ 1 Ur. Jl J)a» bre-i ertgojed ui tfim bnjj’p!) Qf '.hs rorui cal profc««ion tor liiie'en 'year*!' 'conducted an e*tat>li»hment for the trentmctil tx 'SUfeasfcs of the eye alone tor tcvnnt! year* . » . Urntx ami rrmdence, corner df Sftffluiky «i a' ll * Strawberry alley, Allegheny ciiy. f » ' * «*<“tbl Dr. BlcLane tu'Teniffe^iee* T 1 * 1118 i* to certify that I purrhiUltfu biie vial of Dr. X MoLane'* Worm tfnrcjfi-, V;?* 1 and gava w a wu ot oiiae, tmnfciee’rt yettM old. iwo .oaspocna folL, and although tbo-onwiarft may appear large, yet ! bare uo douut-bei thcnJ Upwards ol rwo tboceanp woHJta pauuul measuring from one ouarter of an inch to two illchcaJong. (i W JIOJULIUAY. Kona » f>eclt. Carrol eo Tcmi, IM"- o r.i.Lr Ks*‘ Vf.r.vnfi <;k irs oWiINMA - o C.ii.i*iai-s>«n. Mil. t*l» M- It K S-'le(« --Your \*r.ittfitre J *'« idU vc.,, anti hoy been bigbty rfolrdn or by ad who bavr uwd u. From the sact r«i nttendmg tho adi*un*irtiiioii of your Vnrmifugc in every oi«r l huv«*-heard 01. I am couhdent 1 cun sell more duuug ibc coining *c*«on man I (lid last. I will no glad lo receive another *up* ply of 4 or S groM Yours, re*peciiu * y» • (Fj tract from letter.J R. CARTER. Prepared and eotd l>y R. 11 SEI.LERS. £>“ .*!’ and «old by drogifirt* generally, in Pittsburgh and A 1 _ J aVa IVONDKRPt 7 L AtittrV.VL -lia IV.WB«SD‘B «aB *V biPiRtLU —l r : lW bottle* of tht« great <«H “•>“ wmtef medicine. jo*t received bnd'for sole by R F. SELLER*, Sole Agent for P.upburgb. ol who® Jh« geuutnc article can he liad. oclA ITfARUlsOvs l'olun.l.imi Hn.r Uy< [1 ,1., 1i.4c111.1r l“ k . * 0 vrtfiJoui piepmuuwi. UabUolih lUMtiui Red 1»t l\.r ‘ale lo Ihe ' rtlle hi ii>aua}aetarcT < l once** hv K HSFJ.LEK. . docti No if Wood atreet ViKp.l’Tf UN!*—■Al ream* Paict Medicine Dir. 1!) leu'll null loi »j»t by ~ ‘BTRJWJK-SlMb* Viiir Br.inir. all L> pd for cob- b> a*rt- JHli>Ufct-o ADHfcSI>rK KLASTKR— \'M yd* Wll'’ Adhi-wv. Wr,Wl ‘' ,U *' “Vliuu ICo ‘TTcOiTOI7- r L Aicolioi, 4 uk riT’d ?£&***'* Ae+u. JlJtns I> MOWftAN EairBCACK-rsirkrratT^gjMa^fby decl D MORGAN H 0 TEirS FOraTPAIW irOTEIy.* ” 1.1 <«*H T STREET BALTIMORE MTHIS e.inbliahiuenl long and wtdety known at bring one of dir luo-.t coinjnodjoua ip llic city of Baltimore ba« reeciUly undergone very exten sive sltcriitiftii* and improvement* An.entm* new wing bn* been added, containing mimetcn* and mry •Iceping apartment*, und extensive botliing room*. Ttie 1 j«die*' deparudcdi ho* »l*o been ooatpletely reorganized and lilted up in a n»M unique aiul beauti ful style In fact the wnote arranpcioeiii of the Houw; ha* been remodeled, with a tingle eye on the part of ■ Hie proprietors, toward* lhe comfort and pleasure of their tiuciU. and which they eonfidenUy ftnsen will challenge eorapari*ou with any Hotel in ibs Umr-n. Tltrir table will alway* br supplied willi every **oL • ajid luxury which the markeralTord*, *«rrved up in a superior sty le; while in the way Qf Wtnr*. Ac , they will noi be MjrpaMeik In conclusion the proprietor* beg to pav, dial nothing will br led undone on their part, and on ihe parlof their &*.il*xt rrtKrrs, r:m(Bnßnit. MTHH «üb*criber respectfully annotinde* that he lia* now opened hi* new ami excellent Hotel lor the accommo-luLoii of traveler*, boarder*, and the public generally. The hou«e aud furniture are enure./ new, and no pains or expense hove -been spared to render it one of the mo*t comfortably and pleasant Hole.* ui die cuy. The subscriber is determined lo d**crve, ami ihcr-- forr soimts. a *liarr of public patronage, octll-dly JACOB HOUGH. Propneior UNITED STATES HOTEL* ruxsxrv rr., BZTWXR.n 70CRIU AND FIFTH STB. OPI*OJ*ITE lute Batik of the Utlited State*, Phila delphia M POPE MITCHELL, marttif - I’roprietor. MISCELLANEOUS- / 1 JAMES W. WOOQWeU/ . loderu and Antique F.nrnitnrc, r.l. Tutu Siaxir, Pm»Bi'ksi|. assonmeniof Furnr.urt, BBHotel* and Private dwel ling*. constantly on hand and made to ordrr. flic present slock on hand cannot he exceeded by any manufactory tu the western country. Prrson* wishing to purchase would do wrll lo give me « rail, tu lam determined rnv price* shall please Part 0/ the stock eon*i*i» in-- Tele a Tetc. Bullet Fjaqcie. Lout* XIV Chun*. l{u<-en FJizabcth rbairt, Tea I’oysc. F«uit Tahirs, Toilet Tablet; Lout* X V Commode 1 . French Mal»ogany Bedsteads: Ptann Stools; f>o solas with Flush and Hair-cloth cov«r»; 5u Mahogany Rocking ('hairs 111 dot Harlot do * :ai - Fancy .to 1 mtre Tables , •Jo pair Divans; 4 ptur pier Tih e* lb marble lop Dressing Burma*: ■ v\ urdiotxs, e Secretaries «nd Book enseu. '.*o marble top Waeb Stand.*, I pa,r < itlomant; - pair fnnry Work Stand*: A very Urge assortment of rnmmon chair* and c*ih*.r lurmtur- 100 uuraerou* to mention. fry* *tiean> Boat* tunushed on the shortest notice, aiiaim liie most rra*onabk term*. ilrcii Chocolate, Cocoa, Ac. W Baker’s American and French Chocolate, Prepar- rd Coeoo. Cocon Pa*tp. Broma. Co*.ou She!!* >r risti tnrrrhnttta and con«mn>-n». who would ptirdtnw the l«ml produce 01 Cocoa, free inmi adulteration, more .m'riuou* than lea or coffee, anil oui lor lt«u*«» l'cikim« wi.lm.i; lo pMcurr htuul ‘vine puttrin* n .11 )>ira«r rail mul rnmm.- ami ju l;r for tbemselvr« Railing wiH Ur tarnished at the •hort r*l fcjtire, and in the t>e*t manner. »i the corner nr CrsilLnnO Rebecca ilfrus. AUrghrny my. ao*s>*Jtf A I.AMUNTA IuNOX L**chlng, Cupping and Uleedtng. Kli NORRIS, (Surceasor lo M R lMai.y>- . No 55 Ftflb airrfi. belwcrn Wood nml Siiu(!i hHil Kri*ili Icrclir. rnrriv«-il monthly ntirmlan.’i* :■ 11 hour- Krfcrr.ic.Mlw |.h\MrinA« ot Pju>hnr«h. All--. itUmyand Btrium^baju I tiK»4t -bc«rlu»l> (rcouni-iid lo llic pliy-ciMii* Um- !!!«-- Jllj .ill .U . U.IKICf H.tllJ' !*lllt fl -* 11 0> 1-, Ml K II Noiti» 4 , i-1 I.ti- HuifOUi; 111 ii <(U»:llir4 Wll>i [lir [it i !.<•*« aiiJ H-Oiil.y 01 |ialfQ^.n^i > rayai „ _ tV. * j. oCKNN, Book Binders. WK ar<- *u»l «agu(rcd In U><* above bamne-*, corner oi Wood and Th rd *ireci», BittsbWgb. vvbcrr v% f arc prepared io do nay hi oux ti»e with ile*- nmch We attend u» our work personally. and *nii •union will I.*-given in regard ion« neatne** and du rability Blank Book* ruled to any pattern and bound *ub • tautiully Book* m number* or old book* bound uare fully or repaired. Name* pot on boot* m trill letter* Tho*e that bare work in our line are invited to call Brice. myVnuf STBAW DO AT BLANKETS, MANL'FACTrBKii «o order and funnelled at «liori notice, wilii di« name of ibe boul m each blan ktu. Aiu>. Cotton and Hu«i MaUtuMc* mnde in the Le*i manner. fur a very low urice by I. HKRSEY, novllUdiy \Vnrrhoa«e, 25J Wnirr «t ' 1ALI” SKINS—'W dot jfenuuie ’ -.oi French Cnlf Skin*. n , / very fine article. A few Omen* Philadelphia from the manufactory of H M Crawford, to winch me attrntion of boot maker* i« invited, Ja>t received and lor *alr l>y W i OL’NLi &■ Cy.i jetf? \-i3 liberty »t i '!• \V M. M’CLINTOCK'S, No. 75 fourth six eet, jf\. cun bo seen a splendid variety of aup Roynl Vd i-. l anti Tapestry Curpeu, lule*l style* Also. Brus «e|a. :i ply* and «up nml fine Ingram Carpet*. of «up stylus and ; and m conueeuon can always be Inuml Table Linens, Crauhe*, Diapers, Damasks. Mo reens. OU Cloths, Ac. Ac., to ail ol which wu uitention of ihc public. moficC. HAVING »of.l our Mian? ‘tort lo 0 H with a view to clo sing our old business, wu bemliy *«>- IkA for him the paircmof e of ail our friends and cus tomer* RO. W PuINDKXTKR, TIIF. POINDKXTr.H. Pittsburgh, Aug 4th. !*H /'i U. GRANT. Wholesale (jfoeer, Commission and Forwarding Merchant, No 41 Water at. nultf ’ JOHN StfK&IKF A CO., -\rOS». 03 and 01 Front street, Beil Founders and man l\ ufaciurers of all kinds of Filling! tor Gas, Sientn and Water, have always on hand Wrought Iron Wel ded Pipe for steam, gas. and water, from 2 in. to * it in diameter. Bras* Ca*iuigs 'made to *»d;r. Al»0, u large assoitmenl of Bella r.ud hu*»acd Brass Work, in winch ihp of Plumbers nnd Engine Builders is Particularly directed. On* Killings put up and on" reasonable terms ' SoplM-dUm BELL AND BRASS FOUNDRY, JA A FULTON, Bell and Brass founder, ha* re fg| built and commeltOed'busmess ai bis old stand, Jjpa whe;j ho wnl lie pleated lo see h» old custom- and friends, Cliurcli, Steamboat. and Belle ofevery size, (jam 10 to 10,1)00 pounds, cast Trim pattern* of tno most approv ed model*, and wafTantetf t« be of the beet mntrriulv Minernl Water Pumpa, Counter*. Railing. Ac , loge iher with every variety of Brass Castings, rf ictjutted, turned and fimihed u> the ueoiest manner. A. F is the sale, proprietor of Barwt's tio.s Mntl, «o justly celebrated the reduction of friction in raachtnyrV. Tne Boxes and Composition can l>« Ua«i of aim at hihimes. ja»hiy_ P HINTING PAPEB. finiE rubscrtber* having iV ekelumve Agenev tar X -elling the Fruiting Foper of a new *nuc.ite&»nre paper mill io tbi* vicinity, lie at *J| umet we'J »«p -p.ieil with the o'.lTctcnl aliei of paper of aupenor 'H»ac i>, which offer at the loweat regular price*. A nr ttze or Quality Srill be nthnufaeturrd to order at .hmi notice. HBYNOLHS A SltE^, • irwut m comer Ptnn i*ntl _m 1,1 A!\».MUT;I LENi>—Jost received, one ease of I>| trilmiuoth Gold Pens. Penon* having morh ] writing *n do, will find great ease in using these pen*, j osthey'do not cramp the finger*, andltave tine smooth points. K W W WILSON, Uedll corner 4th'and rt*ar<»\ _ IN Dll. RUUfiEft CLOTHlNG—'received tor me Ctltarsvs EaprtUlidrt.l complete assortment 01 tluitt I3a«ia prices ranging troia ■V O J® gild*! for ami of coal, pants and bat. For salt at ine UJU * 0 «'6od H p „ aL , ps C" 101-kSIAN, HAiLSTAfi A «o , *•■*- «nrt»«d « lh* i Warehouse, :i -ho;j VCJ of lb? Mouongabelo llaabc, an Water gnii'FronUuvßU. FOR RENT-The Warcbcnuo No. « Wood «- oetii Ptwrcftpy. ; JUST RECEIVED—Tbree iobfe of those \ft U*B> celebrated Harnbaigh Pianhs. fcSdd coAstaotljr uy ta*t, pyj' other % rear performers, together • i •> large nsortmetrt of rose wood and mauogaoy, oi trty owu manutacture. The above mstronuids ale warranted ta bn perl.i-i ui every retr i<- k !er A Col. MANUFAMTHHRKA ol PhmmX fire -proof, MiuJi s*de. setoud itt-iet, btttnten Wood tuid mnithfirld Pnrr-burrli. J S BU*ckle.r having dcc.*4«cd and the anrvtviifc* partner Mt jo* r-ipp«trotC having a**oci!urd hirasrlt with Mr \Yiu C Ba(r. ftx tmnucs* will heresiVr l-e cjii.lii.-ie.l ut.Jcr the-uile 01 Lippcit colt A Barr. Trial of a *aic m i'inctuiiaii, 11.-VVe, the endewign rd were pre«cnt al the irtilmg of one of J S Slnckler A Co’s improved Photmg fireproof er* and hook* which u coiqiaoiod wmtaa (rrfest as when placed th err. the binding oidy of the book* bong in jured by the water in cooling the safe. We have uo hesitation in recommending atuibe public as a note aupgfior to any we have ever seen tested, and believe thatiil will aland any heat which might be produced, xccpia hum which would meU u to a solid iuaa«- Springer & I, Worthington, Kellogg A KeonrU, BenJ- L'raek, WliF Ureoao, Alortts Smith. T S Dungati A l!o, Sledotan.Nlayard A Co, Win Manor, Mend's Winator. We, Utn undersigned, selected the safe spoken of above, from s lot in the store of Timber A Auliety. the Agent* GGSPRINUFJt, S J KKLLOG. Refer to Cook A Harris, Broker*, l'ltlnborgh; HasaeydlanßaiAt Co, do do J fe3d Awl y 9 9 Coqtpoay. ritflis Conipfuty r ®*PC^’ u llj Btiorms the public, and X pariiesdailf.atl dealef\*Untx:aii»uineri of Copper in the form in which jherj>renarjwit. their Smelt ing Works afo ntfwfa wree<4m*obem(ihn. and they are now ready tt> (Bake costni£)»*ioc.llis delivery of Ingot* to those who want in this form: ‘and also tough cake for the purpose if fmlHnjf. * ’ 'llia Copper produced h from liie Mine* of I Ji»p Superior, i* nrcortnmrd to be muclt superior to the ordinary copper In the markets, I* obtained from orr* coiuuimng foreign copper i* perfectly pure, and'is not Injursd by the pro cess of smelting, aud is thereforegreatly io*be prefer red lur be.l metal, roiling, and many other purposes. A* it ii not the intention or wisa of (hi* Company to ereci works for die manufaetare of copper in tho various form* in winch n i« wanted, they wili he happy 10 timkr contract* for the delivery of it in the form of ingots, lough cake for rolling, Ac-, to those who way wi-h to embark 111 the business. Jlcrenfter. all ihe copper obtained from their mine* wm be brought to Pittsburgh, «od large supplies may be expected Ixlt-r* addressed to C<» JirsaxT or Thomas M. Howk. wi 1 meet with prompt attention. f ‘lccJP l il3iu CHARLES AVKRV ,r T RISING —A rare chance i« now i fpr tho «a£e liiTeiimem la a bu*ine**en ( Utcly.flpw, .Ofle adapted, to the mun of homed, as well a* to the inn* of e iron sire rnouree*-. yielding a profit ; fronucopitat bud any operation ot* . the day. JtJilhe.epWpVc monopoly of a uuplr arti- I elr, abioldtely wlential to every fami i ly. * Invited, 1 * to call utnlir othce of dm uinluraißiieil, gamine article, unit for hi tfcei r own judgment, troni the skeu pitwinted. Othre. Kirnanire Huildmr*. St. Clair *t. next door to I.iu.ri- Joli.i'. odu.-c I’UI.VEK A, MYERS. .Wit LMHKR ARK CAITHOIKI) AGAINST I'SINU COMMON PREPARED CHALK. THIEY are not aware how frightl'uily injurious it n to Uie jkm —how ru!»r«r, howrough. how •allow, yel uiw and imnealthy the »kiu appears artitr UMJtg prepar pared chalk' Bej ( dr» .i i• irflunou*. rmr.ajiimg * lurse nuajmtv of lead' We Lave prepared a l.eauuiiil vepnable article, which we cafl JONES’ SPANISH Lll.V WHITE h i« perfectly uinocrnL being purified 01 ail ilekterioo* -<»r tin; moat brnuuml util natu ral. and Bt the «amr tun- i.iiioerut wh.b- I ever «aw I certainly earn enu.«*iet,'.if>u«iv recommend it* use to till whose *km rriiuirr* i-eouiityutf ' Puce., ib cent* o box Soid by WM J )\ -n Liberty *i marts Pitt Machine Worln and Paanidry. Ji ‘IIV WRk, KT A i o . :u r prepared U) build Cotton nn- ••vuy l|ru.l«. Warpcri. Spoolers. DerWnr Frame* |,oi«n«. Card lie Wrought Iron Sftatunu turued, xb me* oi Com lioiu PulUc+uid Manger* i»i ilir i.iif-: ,'attrriH. slide and hand Lathe*, and tool* r»raif k i .rtU Caetcic' of evrej description Inriiteiiu'd qu short ikuiim - . l’a.terus made u> order tor Mill Hearing h'"t ft'i* i■ i.<. A • Sterna Pipe tor heat ing Pueion-'k. L'a*i In- i YV .idow nn-r iil> i inter.- k; itm Wareiiou»c of J. r.i’nn f A Co 1.1-:-.. -T- - IV • unr. ,»f mu |.: .tUea Rn. i to il.u. , !lr!l A i'o . J a Moorcbead h C» . t. P. W iriH-r Jr,lot It-wm A son*. P.tUburch I (j. t‘ A) J H Witrnrr. Meahrnv.iie. innllt Bfew Hardware Home. take pleasure in nrutuanetng to my irtrnds in the city unit rouulry. ILill I l.avr ojk u< d my at* *torr m the nl-nvr narurd place Harm* pa. < liuscrl my gr/otls fur c**b, and made at rnir.-mieiiu sftrh rauTiofhriurcn in Ihi* co-niti ntid in f.urope to l.r eomtanui supplied, i am tuiu jirppufd to Hardware of ail stirdi. un as good irmo ami uc mw ;»► au> hodtte Karl or West Meri'liitm. «>th> t» atr !-.,»< i-tluily mvtird to call and examine tnv atbik. before purchasing c!»e u.b'-te. The loilowi.ip oompria;.. # part ot‘lies, scyihck, bull iimgt'-. -er<: ws, Uluoti t lm> p.:tn<-«. *NW| mai.ogtmt t.n.iol < in.l v«-tl*i |« iit.l all other ftiactr* <•. • nerir.t w.iti ilir uardw.trt :.u-.i Pruu Macliltk« Shop. RlVUlirniAV- Manutsrturrt m all kind* of col • ion anil wuollrn machinery, Ai''*eb'‘n> nlj . l*u l’D«* aliovr wnr k • now in lull nuU it.! i/|>- eianofi I am prepared to ••rroutr t-rder* vri.o iii*paich lor ail kinds ui iu in> lute, »ufli u* widow*, ji.fkr r«. rpreajrr • card* jiruruuig ms.*, ran wa \ Ji awmif frumev. • loom*, woolrn card*. double or Bii!.Hit * and loo! < m ecu rtnl Ail ui •>liaiti»K made to order, or plan; giv r.i lor icrann# lu. nun-- or mil.* ill clu/ge. I’v.rK* to— Kc iiii'dy. Child* ti To . HUrUiwk, Bell Sl in, King. Pentiock A Co.. Jo-;. A lira;. Cooper Pttplcx ptrx nnd Patent Jyev. r Waiebo*. rus-d Li In’knint pout, and lull jcivwird, with Cii.ououiclrr b'tiunr.c*. Hie-- are now the vr*,onc>: made. being nuperi or in bm»b and ncc«ii*ey in tbn M J.Tobia*. Joseph Johnson. _i 4i.y otnei ma»e fho«<: m wimt ul n vrry hiu watch arc invnril lo cull nml examine tins lot. AI»o, a large uf'ortmcm of Gold and Silver VVniches, Cliunis, ficuU, Krys, Ac. !£/* Watches rrpaired ia u»n ben manner W. W. WILSON, oct’l comer 4tb nml Market si*. KEW COACH FACTORY, AIXSOBSITI. MA. WHITE A CO., would roipuotfaUy inform ■ the public that tiiev Ixve erefted a shop on Uncock, between Fed''"al and Sandusky streets. 'lticy arc now inakmj;.iaiU are prepared to icceive orders lor every description of vehicle*. Couches. Chariot'*, lia (imebeii, Rugme*. I’bu'ioim. Ac., Ac. whteh from liicir lone expenrnce in the manufacture of the above ana the facilities they have, they feel rotifidcqt they are enabled lo do work on the most reasonable terms with lho*e wanting article* ui ttijCif Uc,e. Paying pnrttcuUr aUeimon lo toe seleetton of mate* riuij, tu.J none but cumiHstcm workmen, they Lave no hesitation in warruniini; ilu-ir work. We the attentior. of the public to this matter. N B. Repairing done In the best manner, mid on the moil reasonable term*. jolW-U Head Rnarleri for ISoota &ckd Shoes, Corner of Smitlilielil and Courtli sis.. Pmasonan, Pa. TROTH A tjCOTT, having commenced the Hjvjjl general Shoe busincn*. wholoalc ami ■ retail, wou'd respertfuUy mvitc llic attention of thnr irieudj ar.d the public generally lo liicir splcadul new stock jost opened, consisting of men's, women**, boys’, misses’nod children’* wear, o( every variety, suitable for the »>ea»r.ii, and at to.suit the limes. Al*o, n splendid nrtinl- of Meuilic Gum Slnkes, for gen tlemen and Inrt.-jS. Please cull ami examine foryour ecivcr TROTH A sarrr. comer of Smithficld and 4tli ms, Pittsburgh. N B —Traveling J'riuikc, Carpet Bags, always on hand and low tor ra»U. LUMBER] LVMBKRII THE suHscnhers hKVuiir tak«*n ihc t»aw Mill above the FttU Ward Bridge, fotnterly run by Mr. John having a good stock of Timber on haud. would solttn the patronavr of the public. Orders thwikiully received aod promptly auemied 10- SAVARV a a?AVLDLNU. Tlie underpinned having lit* interest in tlie above Mill, 10 .Messrs. Savory & Spaulding, wouKl rreoni mend them id his fnrmer'e-Culoineri and the conimuo*- tv a* bomg well qualified 10 gire satisfaction bo ail vio may deal with them joAi-dlm JOHN CHAMBERS. WORCESTER'S FUSOS, RECEIVED ibu Joy, uni for sale in inHiiu<»ciuror* prices, three clngam Rosewood Piano*, made by 11. Worcester, N. V. Thrso instruments are consider ed fully equal, if not superior, lo anj now node iu N. York, navtl'K ns full, round. and melodious tone; war ranted to wear well uml give satisfaction. I’lie prior of the«e Piano* i» believed to lie much lower tlxsu any other manufacturer’* tit N V. win* are in want of a good nn j elegant Piano at a moderate prire. wilt plc«»e tail and examine the above at the store of ttin sutseribar, whore a large as sortment «>( CUn'krru'ji . celebrated Piano* eanalways be found JOHN H. MRLI.OR, dfel£ Ml Wood St UfATOUES, of a very tuie quality, ami beautiful pattern*, ■•electedexpressly tor reiail sales,raado by Cooper. Tobias, L'meriand, lWviei 4 Co, Hoe*ley,ond otan ire’tuiM ojid approved taunufactu rers in Rnglund, F.ll j-walletl H carat (lold Pulrnt Waiches. tit >bw as 833. Others ut various pneqs, *£eoriiing to quality. weight, Ac , vary mg from &lp to 81 HO. Mlver watches In great from fts to 850. ' AU over 810 wax rac'd. Uevers as low a* $l6. nowi3 f \Y W W U*SON, 57 market st, cor llh i&oibontafiela Livery" Stable, <*t ROI&RT il. PATTI-HaON hna opened large stable on First st, tanning through f to Second *li between Wood and Snrithfietd «*>wJi Sts,til the Oi tne Monoogabela Houoe, with an entirely R3>' nock of Horses and Carriages of , the best ouiii/ and latest style*. Horten kept nt Irre- I ry best manner, jyidly STEAM BOAT CLOCKS—Having couvladed 10 *eil jpom enure dock cu Kirke’aiUuhe Timepiece*. weYbw offer 10 »ell them at jiricta man they can be bougfal at any hou«s ui Piti&bufW or elsewhere, e*»t or weal. onlv ertkbu«hed agent* here Cor wo have Ibe larged und fine«i nrwi ra*UU»jtfw?4iy. Cay ren, Heocnibei, we are not lo be uiulrrtolt^ BEAKK 4 CO , iUr«*» pinrance oi) of the Ihamond S)R BAtR—‘ The good and *ub liat «t«am boat AMERICA i* of fered lor lain • oa accommodating 'Jenna. Al'iHy 10 J V li! Agi, water it (f U'u.t* kw QUNDRU&—ifluo *• 4,,cd «‘iu tiasA- U eli che&nuU’ iea(beno2T4o wool, a Jo gtflccjig, p<*f nicaoen Magflu and.Fia ue* r,,uni R>i tiilc bj* _ „ _ • itrti - •■' ■ iurnistt riramboMs or bouse*, before pare where The stock consists in p«rt of the ToUowln* Rich Aijinnu*! Carpets; e Oriental Tupwwy Oil Cloth do Velvet do ’ Plain colored do do Tapestry do *1 fc*t w«d« .„ n „t„,h do BruueU do M, 7-4,5-4, 4-111 oil doth Extra super 1 pfr do Stair Rod* _ Super da do J*M»;Mand*-4l>rasfetl do Ingram do Stan Linens Wide do do Rosewood On Cloth Common do do crumb cloths 4-4, 3-4 * | Damask ' Embossed Piano »«» Venmun do do Tabta do 4-4,3-4 A k iwl'd do do . Figured Table £XI cloth* 4-4.3-4 a I plauj do do Turkey Red Toilenett 4 -4. j. }, | A 2-4 cot. dtf Adeluid Mat* •*•4 pruned eotion Carpets; Sheep *km do Kxua nop Chenille Hog*; Jute do do do Tutted do doj Fine do do Marnila Hemp Wilton dn do Snow drop Napkins I'nmton figM Plash; Diaper Towelling Plaiu do > Crash .. ~ _ _ Drab M Cloth 84 and n«. do rasiillmn do; Is do eol'd Floss do; 13 do do Fnniasie do, 9 dor col d fleecy silk Gloves; « do blk Jenny l.iml Fringe, 13 do French silk Ruches; rec'd ii'-' uuy n> f if eaton a co, do-li Fourth «t 11NLN DI.U'EHS-M. 7-1 and *~4 Linen Table j [liapcr. of common .figured, dam&ak and'anow •irop jMtftrm*. Al*o. Rositia and Scotch Bird Kya Pai ,frar'..' ~ SttACKLEfT & WHIfE, _ ____ \ITELSH R Morphy hu on hand VV u full wortmeni oftheae desirable Ooods; also. :t full assortment of domestic unshrinkable do, and a in., m«oruarnt of scarlet ttnd yellow, and spotted, for Christmas wear. Home made Flannel*—While. brbwn ami barred: a «upp!y on lianj. h.c:>i WATCH AND CLOCK KtrAjKi.Xj —u...... employ ihc bent workmen to be found, together witli » large and complete slaeb of fine uol* and ma-. cliiiiery, adapted u> complicated work, and making 'viih facility* new pioeea, customer* may depend on tahsfoebon, and at about the name price* mey pay m moiry shop* for imperfect work, and in ma ny rmn for positive injury done to their watches All our work n warranted to perform well. N. 11 —Having tedneed my business to n cash «ys lem. ]am determined to sell aa tow a*.the lowest regu lar price*. ea*i or .west, aud customers may be assured lhat ihey can mni* their purchases in thin line a* cheap as in the eastern titles, thereby encouraging home trude and iivdustry. ' IV \V WILSON aovld Frepch ’ French Blerinoat V\/ r B. MUHPiIV' ttn* within it Tew day* a ' ot superior French Merinos, rot&priatrljf ditfffem shade* of nXAroon. Garnet, Straw »*my, Scarleii, Cherry. Dralt, Ijghl Bine, Brown, and Mtuaruii* Blur: also, vanoin qualities of biark. Alsu, I'AKMtfl’ro* AMD J-VuNKSKCLOTHS, 01 all ilir li-ailinj colors, including a.few piece* of very luprnof Mack HKI,TINv ” This important apparatus is ndvk highly approved W by many o/tke must wxiineatpWaiaafca oriUteM*. tryand Edropc; to whom (be afflictedand others wheta it may couceraeait be referred.--Reference will alao o( acme of the meat invetenue nervous diaorderawhleb mirablyooupted fa the eute of ihdfeuowimr dbehiea. m: neraons headache. and other dixtaea oflfcb Irak It ia wuh Urn apparatus-alone that the operator can convey the magnetic Atid tfth caso «jA safety te the eye, taMtbto Hff»4 ot cum uaharofaf:*ia (he !, cu to renomheariny; to the laattdhfld'otW «»*.»«: m r*- itore speech; amuo-lbe vaiiou parts of the body, for , »K» of rh»nm«ri j n», | naaralita, or tic dolourettx; panUyats, or palay, mat, chorea or St. Vim's danea, epilepsy, weakness Tram ipwhM, oome diaeases peculiar to l umales, contraetioa of the limbi, lockjaw, eto. eld. Etthte for oarroQßffinf cmrnUek of We) tent Pm? and priTpegea, with the-instrument. may bn purcfaaa»it al»o teeteafor the care of diseases. Foil instruction! jriQ be riven for the vunousehetrri tal* to be^usedfor,various diseases, and the best man* ner for operating for the eon of those diseases wfll al w be folly explained to the purchase!, and a pamphlet put into hit hands cxpremly ibr these purposes, caro rnlly prepared byihepatentee. ' Enquireor '* OctU-dly ft WILLIAMS,. Vine aj, Pittsburgh.. PUtilmrgb end Allegbeay Inflmxry, (Located m Allegheny City, Fleming street, con* tinoatiop of Sandusky—negr N. Commons.) npiUS InsdmtioaUhowlnenccewfol operation, on jl derthe management of apompefent matron and eursea. The Medical "SmiTii ecmposedof-ihoToHcm* ing physician* Dia. Addison Caxxam. DaJfcVDtppkß. Morgan, Bell, Lange and CLrnman. the two last, of wham attend to the German patients: ThoobjecfCJ the Infirmary is not to bo a mere.receptacle, but ratty a retreat for the sabering and the'lick—the chan ty ia therefore limited to accidents acute at—by, except in extreme cose*. A*.many patients ofjhis character will be rteetved gratis, as the ‘foadi will gutnit Individuals, Churches, Beneficial Societies, Families, Ac- who wish to provida an asylum for aick mends, members and domestic**, can "do so at from $3 1# $5 per week, according to aUoadanee, roan~ Ac. All applications for permits rort-t be made to Dr. Addi son, Penn street, Dr. Gaxsum, «Hh street. Dr. Brooke, 3d street. Dr. Lange, Hand street, l)r. Morgan, Fean street, Dr. Coromaa, Penn street, sth Ward, and Dm. Dale and 8011, second bank, belowFederaPureet, Al legheny city. . „ ’ Subscriptions and contributions forthii charity,may be made to the Her. W. N. Pnssavant, Dnector JfSo Institution; or to the fallowing Bankers, who; have kindly consented to receive them: Messrs. Kramer A Rahm, N. linlmea A Sons, a. Jones A Co- Wa.bßil mer, Jr., Upon A Sargent, IliU A Ctury, and ILD. King:- "dedSAtf The firm of reed, parks a Co. u nm day djuolved by mutual consent The bntfam afthe te firm will l>e leuled by R. G. Park« or P. H. Bell, the old office of R. G. Park*. CHAB. M. REED, R. G. PARKS, P. H. BALL. Bearer, Jan. 8,154 D. 1849. 1848. Clabxk fcCo. R.G. Fassb, late Reed Parkafc Co. CLAJULB, PARKS *GO^ FORW ARDINC A. CoSShss/oN .MERCHANTS, . . And Agents for tbe Pitubnrguand Cleveland Line, to Cleveland, O. Union lane, “ Cleveland, O. R. (i. Pari*' Expeas Packet Lino, u Ekie. Pa. Refer to G. M. Hanon and Jotin A. Caugoey, Pint' bnfKh ja!7-ln Efiririible KUterlng Cock< #FOR PURIFYING WATER, Which reader* turbid water pare by removing all substances notsoioble m water. The croton water in N.. York, although clear and pore to the cue, yet when it paues iu> hoar through ini* filtering cock, show* a large deposit impure substances, worm*, Ae. This i« the case more or less with all hydrant water. The Reversible FUterer is neat and durable, and ia not attended with the inconvenience incident to other Filterers, as it is cleansed without being detached fron the water pipe, by merely turning the key or hand!. Cram one side to the other. By inis easy process, the court© of water is changed, and all accumulations to impure substances ere driven od almost instantly, without unscrewing the Filler. It also possesses the advantage ofbeing a stop cock,.rind ■» such iu many cases will be very convenient and erouomieal. It can be attached where there la ituy pressure high or low te a cask, tank, tub, Ac. with ease. To be had of the sole Agent, • W. VV. WILSON, oetl7 corner of Fourth cq< arucies to hu warehouse. No. 244 Liberty street, oppo site Seventh. Also, bonus made to order for machine ry. octStMy o. KEBBY. PITYBBtiCOB JPEMiLK~iSBTXTISTAi THE Second Session of Qiis Institution, under tho care of Mr. and Mrs. Goshohk,' - for the present academic year, will commence on the first of Februa ry next, in the same buildings, No. 3d liberty street. Arrangements have been mode by which Lhey will be able to furnish young ladies facilities equal to any in the West, for obtaining a thorough English Classi cal, and Ornamental education. A frill course of Phi- Usophicni and Chemical Lectures will be delivered during the winter, illustrated by apparatus; The de partment* of Vocal and Instrumental Music, Modern Languages, Drawing and Paniuug,. will each bounder the care ofa competent Profruor. By close attention to the moral and intellectual improvement of their pu pils, the Principals hope to mem acomltroation of lbs liberal patronage (hey have hitherurenjoyed. Par terms, see circular or apply to the Principals. jaSO-dtf i / ' . n PHCEN'IX FIRE BRICK- -Tu- dubwribars havirg been appointed sole Agents i'j tbe truuiufadiums, fortlie sale of the celebrated-“rbrnmi Brick*,” arc now prepared to fill orders for cay. quniiuty, -at S2l, cash, per I.UUU. For tho consuuctmjL-uf.frirnflccs of al! kinds, these bricks havfc%eA , proaohWed by eom potem judges us bein&duMrioßm.hiLrahhr dire bricks now in use. C A Cp,Canal Basin. Manufactured ■> ~ 50 * i'do Mirabeat* 6k 29 ulmaii St and I«‘2U do JoWßiicker sa; to do Ro bernA 4a.d<* lle/mraJam«« Stand 10 do Johns and Uau ls; t U do* War wick taper Is; Z bxs Steward B*l *’ w - '• Them come of the mort farof ite brands, oaMWjignoieni, and will be sold low to *ded» LS WATERMAN XPTFSSST SODA ASUj ’ — TMrOETE^®ECTtXOMirUKASfNUFACTr- X REBS.—ran sabccnbers,-being the exclusive mt parte** vf’JdnJMittmpTOif &Soas* Soda Ash markeL arq,.naw*nd will continue to be largely suj» plied with this celebrated brand, which they.wul sell at the lovdest market price for etittor approVedbllls. , They, reief to the glass ami soap manufacturers t this city generally respecting llte quality. W A M MJTCUELTREE, 160 liberty «t 1' koN KUt'NDRV KOH'ti arouflTroirfoun dry in a flourishing town, with Patterns, Tools. all ready lor business, will be sold on acconUßO dsting terns, or exchange for Iron or foods.- .< Thunders an excellent opportunity to a yorujgman with small capital to continence the Iron Foundry bu siness. Enquire of ; FCAIFE * ATKINSON, deed. Hut near Wood street. Seales* Gookluff BtoT«f, Ur»t«a, dto. MABSUttAU'v'WAU.ACE A CO., Round Church, comet liberty and Wood hlrect*. manufacture end oflerToreale Platform, Ftoofand Couuter Scales, of thonmst improved quality; Cooking Stove*, fcr weed end ooni; Egg Slovea...of vanoaa sizes, Parlor and common Gyytos, Hollow_Wa«,_,Ac. Ac. 'Stay also ■aumfacture the Kitchen Ranee, which ha* givenioeh general jatisfacuoii to those having it i n ««, to all 01 -which they would respectfully tarns th e attention of . the ciliaena and the puhlie genertHy.- - oetfly^tf P assortment of Cornelias A Ca'ecelebraud'minn 8 taetnre, and superior to all other* in tuoj adapted to churches, steamboats, factories, dwellings, 'bu blit and private halls, and to all other uses where a chean «n*» and brilliant light is desirable., Pl , '“® AlaojGiraadwes, Hall .LaiitsraijCandelabrae Globes Phades, IV icka, Chlmme*, Caju, Trimmer*, Ac. AjS* Gas Chandebera, from one to four lights 1 ’ decs w W W!LsO?f, to mttktt st IlardwaHMllisaperthan Ever! ' Logan, WILSON A CO., Importer* and Wholes ala Healera in Hardware, Cutlery and Saddlerv N« liB) Wood street, above Fifth, have now in store* ver? cheap and well selected stock of Hardware, w&drted since the.deeltso of once* in Europe, and which Otfv .are determineduueU correspondingly low. Merohana who have been In Uw’habn of going East, uo carocor larfy requeued tdeitt and look Arosdi om lufk « we confidently believe they wilt »aveibeiryjt{l|ncet __ — T?XPKRiEtiCKD judges,oaaoitlaf dhdinndahalf J~4 millions, since loti, pronounce Qua article onsor paesed for durability in the eobstroAd&ft’o? aif kinds of Furnace*. I*nee 633,75ca5h for JotfdibriOfll'guaj ameed«iu* month* use. Orders-trma.'adooarquaJity Bolivar Bucks will be 4*ecßtf- ' 'Sit • :via r.l .ij ■ rcV si? 1