'“MEDICAL. VjiMTABMI DISCOVERY' CONSUMPTIWP, BE ON-yOTJR OUARD . DR. SWAVNPS : COBPOBRD XtttßE OP WILD CllfißO. Tin CfiUT MJrtDl TO* . ■ lurJVaU In the Side imd IheasL Palpiutton of Lh c Heart, Influenza, Croup, Broken t«n siimtion. Stare Throat, Neirou. Debilj - w *«_nd all Disease* of the Throat, fereastand Irung*; tnemostef* feerooi. an«l sp«*y cue ever known for any oi ihc above diseas es, i* _ „ DR. B;WAYNFi’fIf Compound Byrtip of Wild Cherry! EThi?SlSciive b mrlonget. amoo®,lW ol doubtful SIS Ttba» pawed away from the thousand* daily t«n!2h«Jnoouthe tide of experiment, and now stand* BSSfi ?«CaSm. and rs doming more extensive fftSdUuut any otbepprepaxalion of medicine ever SCEToMuTood effects. For proof of the loregohig ■££S»eiU and of the value and efficacy of tb.a n*di proprietor w.» insert a few of tile many tbou cuie > ,Tl ; ur«i_i, ut>hich have been presented to him by who have higher M "."k b.r.tiW . ...or, I.J ItemcWe. no injojuen. Snob l«Unioii>- pror<. ooi.- Trr^ff^r.^ voluntarily bear testimony to w their particular fact, suchte.umony. nyietion of worldly interests and nurpo*■ * ■ .necial manner 10 its truth, ond commends |U«JJ Maxim*, universal credence. TT^JA^-.1-rtl FICATKS. RKAD TUB BOMB Como-pno.T ftrat. Asonreu Cra* , ha( been a* successful There n««t was a iem gJ l lflllJ1 pUofl, « Bf-Bw*yne*s in desperate CherrV, ft strengthens the Compound £ymp o' '*“ heiJ ti, tf ulcers on the lungs, i ystern, and »PP c *f.*. , loo d ; power possessed by »' creating new and nen u » oilier medicine. - Cnnttt Co.. April tgth, I3M TV« «ir: 1 TerUy belies your Com- Dr. Swayiifr-W'" V, orrT few been the sean» ol poqnd »yrup of g a „rere cold, whi« a gradu snvtag. my lif®- i 1 W jih 8 severe cough, ih»» ullygrewworse, «»■.. which 1 had recourse to, sub resitted all die. rem * ex bibiled-ail the symptoms of increasing «aul ‘ny C _ inf J mcd «. eci jed pulmonary mT complaint increased »o rapid to have no ef” 1 ' ™lf, gave up all hope, of ty that friend, os u umeiwas recommended to try my recovery. j d,d so with the moat hap yoaf invaluable ni effect to loosen the py result*- freely; and by the KSSSi was entirefy well and am tunc IBM Tn.n ul ever was in my life, and DOW , w - any information respecting my would be happy to p » dcriTe benefit for sys!?JSis. , »s you"' ‘ “o doe s.DT.#aroo--pcarBm * o£ r cr 10 T £ favor ef yow Compound Sy my numble iwora® * < n me three yean since I was rap of Wild Cherry. inflammation of the violently auacked w C o mptu ued with a distressing Lnn«, which and bead, aTery consideru eoush, pun u» mnC u* from the lanes, espo ble discharge of offc . v however slight. At. daily noon jj nl my coudiiion, but was pretty first! feltro going into eonsnmp sonn coumneed at length was sesiee* tion. 1 grew dmlv we 1 ftboTe a whisper, such ly able to walk about, o „f my lung*. During this was the exceeding , we and prescription*, time 1 had tried yuno tlie time worse. Jnst but found no rebel g —rfuaded by a dear friend in here | was advised ir Syfup of Wild Cher- Wilmington to make t ; WUi | y ihad been preju* T y. 1 must and lam still agaiust diced against pn em m«uc^ un(ll . r those coming out of t** prolcft&lou and practice of standing your claim [. j„ lbe saying of my -medicine, and kn ving P Shaw, one of your t"""**. I ?^Ssf e ;“Si«»*■="«'> iu o«. Mr , utelM . e *f acting thus imprudently, retarded. I» brtitei betorelwasper lhadtonset««sl»c B ‘ no BUon , a muc h mailer feetly restored. I hav _ mnJe me >oU ad, but for number of bottle* the fever* the above iiidnu-retion. > cough, pul a slop Khh.bit look *"">>B”' to Iho df-ohatß- vilem good hrolth. I li.vc d.i.r atom «,rf lUe eottreijj * ndl for U« porpou retloffenng this cert pennauency ol the of being perfret Tj offer .1 with cure, and now thai 1 «* Rkv. i. P- JoaDss. — pleasure. Dubliu county, N 1 uul that i? In. * WA ’- ’ ld largely throughout the public, which r , of Europe; llmted Sioir- nn.l P cof Wl ld Cherry have paraxion* cuHed h> U» rovrr ol ' w nie deceptive been pal out sw« u , VP currency to tbeir ciitamsianre*. m orvier " * j, er j mistake the By * little oh "' nr^[1 ® U ' Kach bottle of ihe genuine in likeness ofWilliain Um» portrait of Dr. algnaiare: awl h ewm t»er! so a.* to disunfioub Swayne beadded Uow, it it was uot loi hi* preparation fro"JJ known virtue* of Dt. the.greol curative P*®P*l "£• Wild Cherry, per*on* Swayne* Compound Sy~P°Lv e currency » Oi«r would not be enJeayon name of Wild - <* trssi -«- Philadelphia. ~, _ nfiDEN £ SNOW* Pot sale re tw g aPAHNESTOCK it DBM, cor ‘id and " ood *\\ ° " . Woodao; WM Cp. cor l*t and Wood; liberty *U JAS TlioENjdi Market *l, S 'ufTCH- A JONES, cor Hand and Penn tj• a Pa U-r» in ELL, Allegheny c.iy, and by all reepeetau. ctadicine PEACH!X PEACE It BUT ,N , h . Children aud_ Infanta to* ** ' fcnd bu at tenglh «ac medictneft which comaiop -n-> pubUe a medi ceedetl j„ preparing and allkwaßetoC wo erne fully auawering wj P“^ olenoa , d „ p . or any bowel*, without the 11,8 The lount PaiiJ otter cilculited '» “• teTteolW »«-. bt« te... tour “•“?,“'; a „ d '7„;o,<.po»o.>ii mantte, l,y iiiuncfout ptt pnotuoo »lf Ite ttton the extraordinary mue*. ,j , Hireetiom. .Di- ; ithiog ofcntte «1 l i'r.pSot, Octet.. ted arrhma, Vomiting, TeethJnsf acting immediately anarng from l of ***T, without dtiutbing euy pleaaant tranaiuon «.«, ot ftd- HSfessss? migm ptrrgauve action, ‘M*’ 1 £ m | * Suable hi thi. coon- Utebtl.urv organ. ovhor complaint*, a.- try, in which t b ftbo iind. tended with \r.t of year*, and expen- They have “HJXSJiJbe a wife and valuable remedy te«hteprotedU.r“-" d u Ulliou , Feter.; Jooi.- rn’otommltet, Btetmc Droprr ; Dy.teßP? ; <•“*■■ and til tontpltuitt of.•» Jo llllioM v onlntip , t«i»- complete and uniret»al flammatory JL en by thete-pUl* to oil aaiufacuon which render, the publishing of who hare once «*££?*. ’uuneceasiry. KjSSTcSSKh ow ■" »- ■»' f in ■ "FrilS’lTteorSTtex doouioiog 30 pint. Prepared and told faHNESTO CK *. Co corner 11 and wood, and aUu comer Clh and wood tepid , , OKLLEHS VKRMIFb’UU PREFERRED TO AU O OTHERS;— Lzusoros. Vn_ Oct 12, lilli » p Keller*:—One of our pby.ie.an., wfaoM Mr. R- •- ®f -itenoive, told me lb ll * morning of a practice » |«rr ** Vl ij of your Vermifuge brought ease Ui which »»« gent i cman m the tietgb away aho*® fcO halt cauKd the ui»* borhood *aul thaj fanre vronns from one of hi. ehiU ehavoof near 00 ‘o^ uch tultance , might bo tutted. i-«~. p any other. Send me \2 Uotcn P.«»u .ho donoV.i.h u> n.te w,lh Ih'lr duld™; ’nu'Hx H?SKU.ERS,S7 Wood «., ah Word; I) M Corry, AUoshooy. ■n4 hf™ retarard >o the ax uf J*tk»* E»*CTo»Arr, *** M,,( &il * a 10 r * llCT ' V” 3 "* HJdahl*mtii had iu equal ia arreting pulmonary diJrMM. Spared only by dIV Jay« ™^^“ N d l 5 ld ° B •‘SSSiw.r ” f “' m ‘- 1 T\AU.KY’S I'AIN EXTRACTOR will, m S.« miz- Tjoi.ltom Hi. um. of ll* .ppl'ciis™, ™»°7* u '* Jr * . .»vAn*ti burns, icaldi of ‘bluusn. JSwaTSaUvoundsulecrs and aoret of uy kiS ±ridiMl tear Thi* valuable Pain Extractor «an ►* Kf“ "»•* ® A grnl for Western Henna. n A~ PAUNistOCK'B VKHMIPOGK. “a* {kw week" since, one oi my children. Aged .bool *SSS2?&£2ffig£ Ver®ifu ßc when aiiaumtteredlo the liu, “oi“ y^iwtJSorJ Ml! t00k.., of .'.“l «*S>» £.“US'™.lom. of.h. .ymploou, ( «.vo ~ on. •Md . half tcaapoonfuls of ihe Vermifuge, and to my «eai aMonuhment U almost immediately discharged f m.«»n i>3o and t-W large worm*. lUhealfll was won U well. Prerioo. to «kIM ihe Vermifuge, iheworma would occasionally ■ass £ 1 ->■■ va’t&sr ApfUJiMA ,»»»3_ "n». W.P* inland 1 . Premium plMler. DR.*\V ?. IMaANI>, 0T the Medical College bf Phil adelphia, Dow oiler* 10 Hi* public bis Indian Veg etable Premium Plus ter, the qualities of wbirh. alier long and irfed experience, ha« been ** u ‘ f "f“ r j‘ y jr»- pEiSmlßMi&SSSwSnSltoreeMSSrEl SSUJS “ d h " f t O, S "* “'SIS, for Rhenmaurm and Want BroaU or Bark, ai .mdS SiU. pain, ■!.«>» u oolkiaj to «Mol tlu. Haaler ““dr Jw re lie/or efecimS* Fof ‘* Jo b 7 “i*Av£sieorn« of Diamond and Market *i la WileoA eorne. Ub Clair *u B r oon^^ l Ue ’ t i Federal »i atul Diamond, Alle gheny cily m ~ ihaaond Binning Jacqnc** ham. T HDV3 COJEUIIATm L, OINTMENT 1. ,h 'f?f' r S%r, M d »ucry dwpnbUo tot empUouj, piaplM of the tece, D«* Vhis OinUflent is «n 3 all other diseases perfectly safe, and «a*U f"? ,uS-?sSmi!lJr 3 un««»™ aiay he eiei « «U'. r jtaijjr fweiTed and mpp l / ony*’3^| rAW , '“£££»£ iM «4 wood; ■!«, ««w rf “ h , MEDICAL. V Urr . . ■■naiiiim, m UfiSßOmtl 1 DE, XOW^£i D ” , sa.rs”a papilla. r *V 'J* ln n tr dehilueting I*4 Patient. -._ be-otr and mperiorlty of thi* SarwpsniU i*. that while U eradicate* the d**- OTf T•“•S£ O B nS7lh» tody- >< »• «• «f «>*« wy but ‘opBiNG AND S9UHE& MEDICINES Kror knows ; it Drt .sly P-rifiw tbe whole .y»t*m. and fl»e pecaon. butll create* n*w, pare e»d «o* power p««md by aoslbtr isedietsf. And,.. .«?*ti«ethe crand McrrtofiU wonderful «»ee**». li hat ££»s lh. Utt two years «« £», of severe ca»e» of dwe«o; st lea«t■ IS-W were ordered incurmbln. U bei sand the bv« of mot, n.« W.OOO children duns* lh* two pa* uaroua. 10 000 caw* »f Gcaeral Debility and want of Nirroui Energy. Dr Townsend's Sarsaparilla tovt*oraw« the whole ■vitem nermaneally. To tboaa who hare to* their boa committed in youth. or the ex£**rive indnjeence ol ihTpinoH. «d brought oaa geaeral phy.ieal proetrw tloaof the nervotm *T*t«a, Umilude, vast of smbtuoo, fain tine censations, premntare decay end decline, bsxtaa in# inward »hal fatal diiaaae, Coaxuaptio* can be ea trnily reAod by this plaaaant remedy. Thu Saraa- u far laperior to any lawagarating C«Tdittl, • 4j a renewa andinvigorate* the *y»tem, give* activity bAhe aad itrcngth to the umecular tyiUn, in a m*- lnr toe *yitem. *»d retterlnr .effanwr. bm chad-birth ever dUeovered. It .treorihe... b«to the mother and chOd. preveaU pain and dj«a*e. , '.- masea and ennchwtba food. tbo.e who “ think it 1* indbi»cneable. It l* hirhly u.elul b»ih bef,. e and after confinement, a* ii prevent* di*ej»e* a r •-» ... tbildbirtb —i. Co.dram. Mn. lit of lb. Frrl. nnpondM»T. llnnbu.n bommr.. .. tb. ttai .nJ Lom. b f -* 1 "- and in -bo rareunn w. 4 .qualities tbe ci.- "r„..rTK. U Mil Vt« pm bn.tr of tbU tobinedieine, wifl always enimre a safe and ea*y can inoast Beftoty ud Health. cv-madea. Chalk. wd » ot preparation* * B “'- J£Tw?Vh«»PpU«* ® *- <**• ’V 7 ,* 00^ ’ r V I 7 Tb«v cto** lb* p®*** of tha •* lß * ,o ** S5feSS : ; Of tb. »«l.it « lh. s«j«r s noaecradrecnh«._ » If th.re U not a free and a-. £°° <»«.t. “‘•“j. 11 “**“* If ib« paint, and ore eosmeties, 55 ti.mSh/SX,“oil uS top«rm .b, t. «M b..m “ H ' h "“T“i“ 2;., „ y.1t0.,.mi Hun I. p«- *»J ““saistfe * h ° L_n fpoQad their complexion by the tppH "*“* If £wJE« otaares, & they wish lo r nin’eUstleity of rtsp. hw>T“‘ , P* ri! *\ A i ,f sb “‘ L >-*“■ ° f •”" •(■lino, erowd oor office daily Ntftiec to the Lndin. Tbo»e taxi imitate Dr. TowweotTi SarMptnUa, have Invariably called their atnffeertet Rn*tdy for Ft malta 4te, Ac, aad hare copied our bill* mod circular which rehtaa to the complaint* of woman, wont for won —other me* who put np median*, bar*. *mce tha ffreui ißccem of Dr. Townarad's Sarsaparilla ts eomplainu incident to female*, weomaraded thmrvalthoucl. prw Tioudy they did not. Anrabar afthere Mixture*. Pill*. A*_ are fauarius to female, as tMy agrareie d«»• and uodemiae the eonetimion. Dr. Towarend •i* the only and beet remedy for the numerous female com plaints—4t rarely, if sx*r fail* of effecting a permanent cum. Ii eaa he ttisn by the meet delicate female*, ia any care, or by tboee expeetisf to become mother*, with the gre*l**t advanttgM. “ ll P"P*re» , s‘‘ u “ and prevents pain or dialer, rad mengtben* both mother end chlfiTße careful to fet the famine. Scrofula Cared. Thif eertifleata eoaelnaivety proves that this Part*- parilla has perfeet control over the ww ob.un.te di> ease* of the Blood. Three person, eared in one boose it unprecedented. „ , Three Children. Da. TtrWinrSD-Oew Siri have the pleasure to Inform yoo that three afmy ehlkirea here beeo eured of the oerofttU by the ore of Tf®' eicellent medtclne. They wfr* effiietad very severely whh bed Sore. ; have ultra only few bottle*; it took them away, for which l feel myself radar treat obligation. cluiN, 10« Wooeter-rt. Opinion* of Phynlelnna. Dr Townrend U almost daily roeelvinf order* from j*br*ictatt* in different parto of the Otdoa. * •fill* ie to certify that we, the undersigned. Of the City of Albany, have ed Dr. Towntend’a Baraapanlla, and beUeve U to be “■ or*. ™. 'Xp'rouViTo 1 Wll£ON. M. D. JU n. BBIOOS, M. D. Ao.eoy.Apm I.lBft. P. £ M D CAUTION. , # „ Owinn lo the rreat recce** and luunaore »ale of Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla, a number of mvo who were formerly our AaraU, have commenced makinf riUa Eiiract*. EUaira, Bittera,Extract* of Yellow PoeA. t. They fraeraliy put It up in the *ame shaped bot tle*. and some of them have stela and copied our •dvef' tiscmmiu— they are only worthies* innuuoa#, aud ibo aid be avoided. Principal Offlee, 12H FULTON BtreeV San Buildinr. fi y. • Keddinf A Co, 9 Rule street, Boston; Dyott» Xons.’ 133 North Second street, Philadelphia; S. A flue* Drorxut. Baltiamro; I*. M. Cohen. Charleston ; T?o,IM Chartres Suret, N. O : 105 South P.«l Sir~t Albu..: .ml by J 1 tb, yr.nryJ Ilru[_ euU >o d Aterchanu fenrraliy the United Mixies Wert Indies ami the Canada*. N. B.—Persona inqurlnf for thi* medicine, rhoald not be uidneed any other. put up SarsaportUil*, ami of couree prefer telliiiß iheir own. Do not be deceived by any-inquire for l>r. Town* •end's, and lake no other. fO* K**iocml>er the genu ine “Townrentl'e SaHaparilla.” «>l«l by the sole arcnis. ILKWKLLKR-S (ieneral Wholesale fc Retail Agent, No. 57 Wood itreet, and D. M t’HRHV. Allegheny city. EUROPEAN AGKSC7T, For the Recovery of Dormant ami lmpro{>erly With, held HF.AL AND PERSONAL KsTATK. Hie i llrmenl and Arliitraiion of t'omnierciul, Trading, and Other Debt*: Srrunnif Psiem* lor Invention* in flrrsi HriUln, trelafid. and the fVilomr* and IVeprn.lenne* thereunto belonging, and NcgntiniiiM? tor ibe l*ur chare or Sale o£the *ame. RKPKRKNCK may lir haJ on application free of objure, (provided ih* motive i* n<>k lliat of were euno-iiy.) lo t. Lml eomprmns npvimJ* of IS.UUO tutme* i 0 which uuelaimrd properi) i« • tamlm*. Also, An index to onr IU.UOU udveil.i*rnjr.iii« which have appeared for lUe p»*i So year* m vnnou? Britub newspaper*. iJilrris'd in lieu* ai ruul nru i km Commarneation* Oy . l " ll postpaid. BKNTHAM KABIA N, tin Broadway, .Now York Reference* are pernuuetl to Hon Charier P Ualy fudge Coon of Common Hr**. New York. Freelipd. J*W®rt A Co Ciiaa.vHrtiidse h. Co. XV. As. T.Tnjwcott. <*. H-(A. Riokona, K*q- Kdwtffd Schroder, Esq , Cincinnati, Ohio A. Pstehin, Eaq , President Pntehin Bank. Unffali nov^l-dGm The Allegheny CemeUry. ” AT the biuicr! meeting of the iforpuruior*, held on thn Mil maL, me following person* were unam tmwslyrr-elected Mtnucn for the oitaoing year: THOMAS M. HOWE, PresideiiL JOHN mssKia, l JESSE CaROTHKHS. NATHANIEL HOLMES, .. WILSON MKJANDLESS, f Manager*. JOHN H-SHOENDEROKR, JAMES R. SPEER, J J. Euott, Jr„ Secretary ami Treasurer The annual statement presented the affairs of the Company in a very prosperous eomlinon Their office In the city»» No. 37 Water atrcei. j«Li it ~B Kt-jfA PPLIOS—iTWIi. assorted kiruK, lor «aJe It by ch*» ISAIAII DICKEY A Co UiO hjsin atoro and for sale bjr \jit& decs! ' ISAIAH DICKEY ACo TRANSPORTATION LINES. THE* CHIOS LTSE IMS- JSHt BfITWKEN IMTTSBU Will AND CLEVELAND. ' W. T. Matukh, Pittsburgh; T . Reeo. Paxes A Co, Braver; VPropr's. Ckatvfuiid A CnAXMK&Ltx Cleveland ) r TMIK above Line i* now prepared to transport freight 1 toil passenger* from Puuburgh and Cleveland,'or uny point on the Canals and I,ake* Onr boat leave* Piu«burgh.and Cleveland daily, run nmgin ronneriton with Itv vtremboai* Lake Era* and Mtrhigan, between Pittsburgh and Beaver. and a Imp or fim elas* steamhonu. propellers, hng*and schoon er* «tt have disposed of their in tercat in the Penn'a and Ohio Line to CLARKK A TIFAW, of Pittsburgh, and JOSEPH 8 LEWIS, of thii etiy. lliey will continue to transact buxines* for (lie line, at their Warehouse on Broad street, as usual, and be speak for it a continuance of the patronage of then friends. JAMES STEEL A Co. Philadelptua, March sth, 154th Paan'a. sad Ohio. TranaporUtlen Q< ssßiMaaa Double Daily Lane of FIRST CLASS NEW BOATS AND CARS, mnttn to txarstost soous axrwxci rrmßUßau CLARKE 4 THAW, Cansd Baatn, Pittsburgh. LEWIS A BUTLER. 111!) Market sl, Pfciludrtphli JAS STEEL A CCL Agt*. Broud street: OOWDKN. CLARKE A Co.. To North *l„ Ball. W. POIUUCK, Agl., Pi We»l street, New York. marls Oo*partß«rihlp> rpHK subscribers have Uus day associated themselves X together uudsr the style of Kier A Jones, for the purpose of continuing the business formerly earned on by Stunuel M Kirr, and solicit a continuance of the lib eral patronage hercuifore eilendeulo the house SAMUEL M KIER, B. F. JUNES. Pittsburgh, March 1. 1a43. KIER'9 PORTABLE BOAT LINK, s&zj&ss* asa Baa taa. COMPOSED ENTIRELY UK FIRST CLASS FOUR SECTION BOATS. EOR PHLi-ADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE VIA CANALS* RAILROADS. WE are prepared to receive aud forward tretghl to the above and intermediate place* with a* much despatch, and at as low rate*, a* any other responsible The attention of shipper* wishing to send Pork or Ba con to Baltimore 111 bulk, 1* particularly requested, in asmuch a* our arrangements enable us torurr) such article.* through in better order than anv ottirr line. KIER A JONES, Prop trv Canal Basin, near ?th *t Pm«trurgh. March 1.1*47 *** i. m he*. a r r..a*ss Kll.lt A JONES-Commission and forwarding Mer i tmni*. and Wholesale Dealer* in Lon. Bloom** Li'-. 'i.« h»h mlvanreson eonstgnineQtj, , mar lif lIVMII K. •: Drril.tr, I*D CRA*. HCtfPHKff Pittsburgh. Philadelphia. UNION LINK, To PblU(lrl)ifila »*•«. .. VIA rA*AI.« *5l) SUILKOAIrt. HENRY < I RAKK k Co.. Cajkl Bumij, Pituburgh. UUTILIL HUMPHiIKVs* k Cb. No 147 Mtrkrl«. Phi C H corner Norih k Saratoga «u B*ll > •_ John T Clarke, No lA. Oid Slip, New XTOTICE—TW *tylr t»four firm* will be known from ami alter ib>» date. at Pidxburah. ai llenry iiratf i. co aniiUt Piuludrititna. u-> Dutifn. Humphrey* ACo HF-NKy tiKAFF NDMI'ND C. DITIUI. frphHadclhb.a CHAS. HUMI'HRKY?*. ) Philadelphia. HKNKY DRAFF. Pittsburgh. mar-Chf PITTSBUaon PORT ABLK BOAT LISE 3Efe»lS4B.Jjgfßft lun- ihf Trauxyortatwit of Vfnght to atui from PITrSUI RtiM, IMULADIXPHIA. BALTIMORE. N. YORK, BOSTON, Ac. Bokhilok A Casa, Pbiladelphta. Taa/fr A O’Cojooa, Pittsburgh. rpIUS old established Une Iwiue now m fufl opern- X non. the proprietor* have ramie extensive arrange tnrnt- lotorward good* ami produce with despatch. and im the m»*i tavotubic terms They confidently hope tin ir well known promtitness in delivering goods—p«- cn‘inr tatety in muhe ot carrying—capacious warehou se* at each |*>rl. affording uccoinraodaUons to shippers and owners of produce—loireililr with their long expe rience Hint u lire milling attention to business. win secure u> them a eonunuaiice of that liberal patronage they hereby gratefully acknowledge. Ai. . onsißiiments by and tor this line received, char ge* paid. and forwarded m any required directions free ot charge for romnusiiou. advancing or storage .No interest, directly or indirectly, in steamboats. All communication*promptly attended lo on applica tion to the following agents: BORUIDOK A CASH, STM Market st, Philadelphia. TAAFVK A O’CONNOR, Canal Basin. Pittsburgh. O*C( popular Lius hare changed the Agi.sey at Cumberland from the house of Mcltaig A Ma guire lo that of Edgerton A Co. Pittsburgh aad western tnerrhauU are nolißed that J B»T |j Hobmaou. Natn South Charles it, Baltimore n ibe <»idy author,zed agenl of this Liue in the Kasieru t ibr*. The only agenli c j DWKI< L, Pittsburgh, ii W CASS. Browusvdfr, KDOAKTON f Co Comber land, fjgcoZtf J B RUBINSON, Baltimore. , “Western xVinaportitlMi^^nipany. 10.10 D. LEECH A. Co;« 11MQ IS4o Old Eitaßllshed Ltn*» lO lu, V BALTIMORE A NEW YORK VU VKSSsTI.VaNU AKB 01110 RAIL ROAbS. ARK prepared u» transport good* and produce to and trom the abore .ctucs on fuvorohle term*. Ad dress or apply to ... i I). LEECH A Co, Canal Basin. Pittsburgh. HARRIS A LEMHI, N«« R» A Ij' Stiuj • Hurd «l. h • J TAY'LOR A SON. Apt*. No 14, N th Howard *t. BalL A AilBUTr, AgUNb 7 " —»•"'•‘•‘i NcW ' ork - Pittsburgh. l-4" _ “V®- "HcrchanU’ Tran»|»ort*H«n 1848. .M-lSdl VIA ( ANlb INC RAIL BOAKB Full PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE. /'NOUDS consigned to ««»r rare will be forwarded It wiU.oui tit-in > at the lowest current role*. VJ . IU } f* A McANULTY A t 0., C*nal Basin, I'cnii st. Pittsburgh. MKKSKIU.I-** A REYNOLDS, ' -/Tt! and Market at, Plnl’a. ROSE. MERRITT A ‘fo, no Smith’s wharf, Baltimore. MKRCIIASITS" WAV FREIGHT RIHK. oonmi rmnnTiAiworrA-nmi wattohaut I HaTWIaKN PilLlm.*.., HlAir.vitlr. Jolmcourn, Hot- U |,JayAtaril..lV.iAr (lliinunjilon Co).»l Pa w». forcnoi rirlo«i»»lT«>''l»«»P | * l “- rom5«l»uo» ■>» »** Tbo l*rapne.or., o i O “TfrTi Inr rt*# verv liberal painmage they he*e rr tom U itr lnaNS—Draft*. Notes uu»i Acrcpiauees payable in any pan of the Union. eoliccird on the most favorable term*. EXCHANGE on New York, Philadelphia and Bal timore; also. Cincinnati. Smut Louu and New Orleans. constantly lor sain. BANKNOTES-Sole-on all M ,| V cm | Ml|| , lt , { \, r United Male* discounted at die lowest rnte» Ali kinds of Fameii and American Gold mid M v-r i Vnn bought Wire No. Xt Market street, Krtwrcn :-j\ and 4th. Üburgb, Pa. «cu& fIUSSBY, HABIA * CO.. BANKERS, EXCHANGE BROKERS, and dealers in Foreign and Duiacsue Exchange Certificates of Depositr, Bank Note*, and Specie; Fourth ;m-et near* ly opposite toe Bank of Pitnhunrh Cairmt money received on deposite—Sight Cheeks for sale, and col lections wade on nearly all the principal pomu iu the United Slate*. highest premium paid for Foreign and American Advance* made on cnnngntnania of Produce, ithip ped Fasi, on liberal term*. rachlft FOREIGN EXCHANGE. On England, Ireland, and Scotland bought any amount at the Current Knia of Exchange. AUo, Drafts payubfo in any pan 01 u t r old t'ountrle*, from XI to XlOUflftu the rnic ot u, to the X Sterling, without deduruoriw discount, hy Jui lV'popiic, IVunk Note* umi l oin, No fj Wood street, third door heinw I'nnttli, west side. innrtltl XLUKI LSXMEIL] [auWAKPUIUM KHABIU * RAHM, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BID >KKRS, dealntl m Foreign and Domestic Bin* ot Exchange, Cer tificate* of Dt-poaite, Bank Note* amt Coin, comer of 3d and Wood street*, directly oppuinr St. Charlc* Ho tel ronytfc'dly WESTERN FUNDS. Ohio. Indiana, KcuUicky, Missouri, Bank Notes; purchased at tbe lowest rttu, by N. HOLMES A SONS. tepid 35 Market *ucet- BILLS OF KXCUAIBOK—Sight Check* on New York, Philadelphia. and tlitlhmore, Constnmly for tale by N. ill MAILS A SONS. scpl3. :t0 Market ft. j SIISCELL/LNEOU6. If ANUFACTURED AND LEAF TUUACCO.- IVX HEALD, BUCKNOR A Co. 41 north wa-rr si, and 16 N wjjarve*. Phil’a, oiler for *alc on iit-commoduung term*, Giiui nkg* Manufadtured Tobacco. roimlsting »t pounds.jhuif (round*. s'*. rf». IS’*. In*. Id’* and :W*. tump*; Jp*. 6‘* and S’* plug. and Id’s Ladies' Twist, in whole Bfml halfhoxcs, of tlic following approved brand*, Jamck H Grant, inborn A Bragg,) Grant A Williams, A t al-aui**, S Jonps A Son, IVUDonald, Wcbkter Old. J Thomson, Jamrf Thntna*. Jr. A H Armicte.ad, J Thcbna* A Sou, Lundhorn A Aimistetil, J P Crates, J M Cobh*, Gentrfy A Royster, J A Clay, M A Butler, C A Hall, Groei Hail, Wm Dawson, Pear! A Norwood, J S Ltluc-k wood, Nath Page. Keystone, W lEVaujbar,, KJrnuml Henry, Pnrtii ux Robinson. Ru.srU A K«hm«in,| Keim. Robin»on A Co S*lli llanw-y, R Me calf, John Kmlcr. •live laHtier, J Rot>m»ou. 1 Gray, 1> L! I'urm-r, iic*on, Y ->*k WUnr, (ranch. AIA-o- Leaf Tobacco, wrapper* and fillers, do do do jos do do ‘ do tie Cuba do do ugo do do Guide* do. part fmr, Maysviile do on do Kentucky various grade* do do Virgtnnj Iwal, *uital.lc lor manufacturing nml export, SpaiusJf Seed l xml. Penn’a, Conneeti* ui and t 'tno. Virginia S.rttt**, i-wert, German Pipe*, Pipe head*; Scotch Mnutl (loo«e and bladder*.! Msccouha Meal; Tom|ua! Bean*. Havana t>a**; Oito Ko»e. IWgainnt, Culnljna lanaortce. Patent*‘avendmh Knives,Spunk, ftr A - PHILADELPHIA, mvli AT 1u» Old Sumd, rornrr of Smtibfirld *treei and Diamond alley. PiU*t>on»ti. Pa., would rr»pr«ful ly call the attention of Country Merchant*, Hoiernnd Mearnboai Barkeeper*. to a Urge ami superior assort ment of IMPOKTKI) CPiARS, «mon* which will be (ound lli«* following brand*. ru kUirlr. Regal.*, Ca*- irilo*. Pniietpc. La Nonna*. Star Bruntl Mtnerva and Dollar Regalia* all of win<-h will be «o!d a* low ns ran lx bad at any other l.im*e m the m> • Al*«>. constantly on bund am! lor xale, a Urge and well melerted *tork oi Virginia. Missouri, and Ftno < ul Chewing Tobacco. Also. Havana. Cuba ami Common l.rnf Tobacco, i constantly on hand and lor »a!e. novtt-dCin THE (freatesiand best variety ev«roffered in thucity before —made on the raoat approved Eaetern plan*— and rriOM (nahiotinble Entirin pattern* and color*. AJ«o THE CHEAP KOLI* or UOSfON BLIND, on hand or mude io order of all ntri, and at all price*. Coomry Merchants and other* are invited in call and examine ibe above for UiemM-lTea.aa ail will be sold wbnii «alr or retail, ami a liberal deduction mad wholeaale purchaser* apldly BRICK FOR SALK. TMJK undcrngiicd oJets fur sale a superior article of brick for building, made by his Strata Preaa, improved machine, for winch hr hu* obtained a patent, and afire* to give purchaser* a writien guarantee that they are stronger. und will resist iro-t and wet weath er and imbibe less moisture or dampness than any oth er brick. powMiug greater body and superior tenure ml much more durable in ever) reapei t. each being subjected to a pressure o! several inns and po» testing h haudsoaie amooth »uriacr ami rvrn edge* they iriake a front equal to the l*e»l trout brick They have given the greatest *aU.*iac.»on wall whi hove pu rchaaed. A kiln can l»e -ecu ai my work». un< ■prenoen at Uie (iaceUe afirr Tlio»c having supplied liienieelvrv tor thrir building* and winning handsome front brick, or ...iperior ban and solid paving brick, can obtain them ISAAC IjRKUti. Binning ham. Jane 12. IMi*. _ tf ALLEGHENY VKNItIAN 111. IN U FAiri'oK JOHN A. BROWN, STAKES thi* method’to inform hu friend* and the public ul large that In* Factory is now in full operation, on tbe we*t aide or slant supply of Blind*, of various color* and qualities, are constantly kept on hand; o)*o, at .No 5 Wood at, Pittsburgh, at J A H Fnillip* 1 oil cloth wareroom Verutjan shutter* maile to order in the best style. Blinds repaired at the shortest notire. N. U —Hi* Blind* will b« pul up without any nddt bona) expense, so that they can be removed in n mo meni in case of fire or for washing, and without the an of a screw driver. jyl-dlyAwinnilyS BENNETT & BROTHER, UFEF.NSWARK MANUFACTUREKS. Birmingham, [near Pittsburgh,] Pa. Warehouse, JVo, 137, Wood street, Pittsburgh. «jrrf\ Wll.l.constantly keep on baud a good assort aK/mem or Ware; of our own manufacture, and WOP supenorquaiuy. Wholesale and coantry Mei •B' chants are respectfully invited to call and el amine for themselves, a* we are determined to sell cheaper than hasever before been otlered to the pub- 'IET* Order* sent by mail, accompanied by the city reference, will be promptly miiended to. CO ACH MAKING. FROM the very liberal encourage; ’g men; the subscriber ha_« received *ince £>E2*Wp§iS'ne has located himself in Allegheny, has int/uced him to take a lease, for a JWLmterm of .years, on the property he now occupies, in Beaver street, immediately beside the Presbyterian Church. From the long experience in the above business and a d««ire t« plea#**, he hopes to mer it and receive a share ot public patronage.. Now on hand and blushing to order, Rocitawny Bug gies. open and lop Buggies, and every description of Carriage* made U> order, from seventy-five dollar* u> •ichthunaret jicplJ-difl JOHN SOU Tli. Tallortug Bitab. llihnienb ISAAC WILLIAMS, Draper and Tailor, beg* to ia£ lorm the eiti/rii* <>r Pittsburgh and others, thut Ire is now opening at lII* room- on Southfield street, un der the above UOtel. a large and beautiful assortment of Cloths, Cassuneres. Satin*. Silks, mid other Vrsumjs together with such other arm ies ;i- are required mr genUemrn’H w.- : ,r. Hi* P°od. “■►v- b-e,w rm-fnlly *r leeird. and »r-n( tm- nrwro and most m.lomiablr style ui wrll u« af -uperior quality lit* eu-mmrr* may deiM-ml upon having tiietr clotlie.s rmi.de up m « maniicf which cannot Isil u> gratify the taste ot the no«t tii-udiou* ap’Mtly TklK STAR OK TUB WEST a VKNITIAN BUND MANUFACTORY F.-m ode «>i the Diamond, where Vniltmll TO*. Blinds »1 all Hie ditlemn «iz. » and colors kept on band or made to order rule l ti 4 . luir.i und most approved Eastern fash- ion*, at the shortest nolirc and on the iuos reasonable lenu*. Also, the cheap Boston roll or split Blind Transpn rmey und Paper Curtain* ol all the ib(k-feiit ,i /r « n n.l patterns, on hand uud lor sale low for mail. Old Vein uau Blind* painted over and tepatrrd. or taken in pan new. II it WESTKHVI-I.T, ITo pr. ft. U All work done, with the best iimu-nul and workntansitip, and warranted to please the most las- IUiISOB. • Allegheny eiiy, Aug. 10, IWB. rPRANSPAIIKNT SHADKS—Jim received ami Tor X «ulr ai VV Nl'l'lmtof k'« new Carpet Wnreroo«n, No 75 Pruirib « bandtotur n**oruiiniii 01 Tnunpa reni Window Minie*. *»i very rrdnrrd prim, to wbi«'h wr mvilr ibr uttrnltou ul lho«e wuhiinj lo porch*** - . lebli W M*CUNToII a«»orl- Blent of Piano Fone*. rejected fro® ■ I • I J*lhe following manufactories hi HoMpn ami N>w Vork, to which the attention of purchaser* ■« respectfully invited. Those from Mr. CLickerm*. (for the sale of which he is sole Agent m Western Penn sylvania.) have what is termed the Nr* Circular Scale; being an improvement recently made, and giving them a decided advantage m power and equality *>i tone over any-others, The following are the patterns and styles of Chickeiing's: , No I Rosewood, 7 ocl’ves. finished bark ,V front, ■ It - '• “ «j richly carved “ " *'••"’1 .. x ~ gj <• •• ‘ * 4UU 4 6* - carved moulding*, S4t« & “ 64 finished baHr and ' >*nt, Bdfsi ;; ?; : : : S 3 •* i -6 “ »» *• « 6 projecting front. FOW' - in *• 7 nchly carved, style of mil. ••11. •* 6 fiollow corners and hollow cor nered legs, second hand, cost originally 8-t‘JS, amt will be told at a very reduced price. No. IS. Rosewdnd, round coruer, very elegantly biy ished.sv*7s. No Id Rosewood, round corner, very el egantly finished, fy?fi. The above are manufactured by H Worcester. N. V . well knowd as being connected formerly with Messrs Aiourd, Worcester A. Dunham, N. \. No. id Rosewood, «i, carved moulding, made by the Manhattan Company, N Y. S‘JTS. No 14, Rosewood carved, ft octaves, Gala A Co's, N. V, $ - 25ti No. 15 " plain d “ “ “ B2s** No Id, Rosewood Grand Piano, made by Heim Ileri. Puns. No 1“, Mahogany, 6octaves, second hand, pnee *75. Old Pianos taken in pan payment for new ones. JOHN H MKLLOR, Sole Agent for Chickering’s Grand ajid Square Piano Fortea, for Western Pennsylvania, j oct!7 PlaE<&s. A SPLENDID Ritaortmeni of Maho* and Rosewood Pianos, just bn* ishcd. These iustruments are made of If s I I ■ the latest patient and best material* and wtU be sold low for cash by F BLUME. 11*2 Wood street. *1 door above Fifth. N B —Those who are in want of a good instrument, are respectfully invited to examine these before pur chasing elsewhere, as they cannot be exedled by any in the eouniry, and will be sold lower than any brought from the East. Alsojuat received, two planosof Ham burgh manufacture, warranted to be supenur to any ever sold in this country. oecG F. B. EkfiW IfiSTRUMKNT. HiilE subscriber has been appointed Bole Agent for 1 the sale of CARHARTS IMPROVED MELODK ONS, as manufartored and and perfected by Messrs. March A White, of Cincinnati. The usual compass and extent being but four octaves. Messrs M. A W„ tn aeeordaner with the general desire nnd demand, have extended the scale ef these instruments to 4J and even 3 octaves, thus making it practicable to perform upon them any music written for ths Piano or Organ. The exterior, also, ha* been much improved by placing the body of the instrument upon a cast iron frame bcauiiiuliy bronzed and ornamented, rendering n at once a mod elegant and extremely desirable article. The price t* pot *o low as to bring it within the reach of every one to obtain a perfect musical instrument, and, ut the same time, a most elegant of furni ture for a comparative mile. H. KLEUER. At J W Wimdwcll’s /iRRAT MUSICAL NOVELTY—The _ su»..rn£r VJTha* just received from Europe, and for sale, osi rnurrly new invention of Plano Forte, called the CAB INET PIANO FORTE which possessing more powdr and sweetness than the square Piano, occupies but onis fourth as much room, and is a mach morn showy anil handsome pinre'of furniture it is particularly desira tde where the saving of space is an object, being ex ceedingly neat and compact, and occupying no mote room than a small side table. Tim subscriber lias in hand a testimonial of its superiority from the celebra ted pianist, Moschelles, in his own hand writing,whicih ly be iuspccied. H. KLKDiIR, oeCJ7 * At J W Woodwell** . ~JSSUIXtf AtTACIIMKJIT. " > ECM VED tnil for »ale, a lot of choice Piano*, with tml without Coleman'* Avoltau Attachment, by Nonna A Clark, N Y One of Nunim A Clark'* Pianon, with the Attachment, woi taken in Fjigland by Mr Coleman, and among many oilier testimonials of mi* miration tor tin* elegant specimen of American »k|ll and mgenuiiy. elicited Uie_ following remark* from S Thuriierg, the grcaint Pianist living IxiSbtin, Jan. IK, 1»«., My Dear Sir—ln enclosing a letter to my friend. Mlr Krand. Han*. 1 eaimol refrain from again expressing 10 you how much 1 wa* pleated with your " J%olian Attachment,’’ which 1 conaider a* a great musical im provement. I can assure you that on my part I ah*B with treat ploaxuredo my utmost lo make your mveb uon known For .ale hy H KI.KHF.H. jp-ys At WoodwalPs furmtorg moint. 3d *t JlVtafie Kr*m< Plaao. A SPI.K.NDII) Mwrttnem of Ro OCF.AN. ('apt \\ attcr* ONKoi iln* above Packet* lrave Denver avery day, lAunday* eieeplftd) uml arrive next mnrmng at Warren, where they connect with the Mail Stage* lor \k r,*n and Cleveland, arriving at ear h ot these place* >elnre night One oflhe Pn. Vet. leave Warren dailv, u j P M . and arrtve a) Beaver m time m lake me Homing Ucatnlßml lot Pittsburgh A I.KFFINOWKI.f.. Warren, j p , r ,. MB TAYLOR, V k BEAVER AND ERIE PACKET LINE. ruauuon to mi umx man tjoi-aa. Canal Packet—Pkk.istlvaSU, Capl Jeffrie*. •• TuLaoiArx, Pollock, •• *• Last Kait, Truby, «* “ PanoatA. “ Brown; •* •• PahCßion. “ Sayer The above new and splendid Passenger Packetshave commenced running between BF.AVER AND;KRIE. and will run regularly dunng the season —one boat coving F.ne every morning at r* o'clock, and one l. ov ,ne Deuver every evening, immediately alter the arri val ot the steamboat Michigan from Pittsburgh The host* are new and comfortably furnished, and will run through to forty hour*. Pa»»enger* lo any point on the Lake*, or lo Niagara FaJi», will find HiU route ihr mou comtonable and expeditious. I'lckeU through u» all port* on the l,ake cau t* procured by mi u* the proprietor*. • RFKD, PARKS A Co, Beaver. JOHN A CAI'IiHKH , Agi Pittsburgh, ror Water nnd Smitbfield «l» AfIKNTS -Ja* C Harrison, Buffalo. N Y C M Reed. Erie. Pa I’C Wirfc.Orvcnville, Pa; M'Furlaini and King, Big Bend, Pa, Hays A Plumb, Sharpsbtirgh, Pa, * W C Malan, Sharon, Pa, D C Muthewt. Pulaski, Pa; R W Conninghairt, Now Ca*lle, Pa. rrl Penmylvanla Canal A Rail Rood Bl* preii Faat PaekelLlne* FROM PITTSBUGH TO PHIBAOtILPUIA A BAL TIMOHE, iKiclosively tor Po**engera.) Tt HE public ore respectfully infonned thai thi 1 * Line will commence running on the 22d lust, and con tinue throughout use Season. I'hr bokt* arc new, and of a superior dan, with en larged cabin*. which will give greater comfort ran arc the latest construction A 'AEVTKRVELT A boat will always l»c in port, ami travelers are re queued to call and eJ amine ihcm before engaging pu*- »age elsewhsre. (Fare only nine doll art through.} fine of the boat* of lhi» Line will leave the (opposite L'. S. Hotel, rornrr of Penn ttrrei and (.'anal, every night al nine o'- r lock Time 3( days. For information, nopiy at ifie Ulhce. Monongahrla House, o'r to D LhfcCH A (.'anal Sonin Paiitttfer and Renlttane* OAc*> __r-y HA-NRUIiN A CO. continue to bring persona any pan of England. Ireland. Scotland or AfiaCWale*. upon thetnont lioerai jenns, with then usual punctuality and attention to the want* and com fort of emsmgratiu We do not allow oar pnasengors to t>e robbed by the swicdling.scamp* that infest the sea port*. a* we take charge of them the moment they re port themselves, and tee to their well being, and de spatch them without any detentiun by the first ships We *ny this fearlessly, as we defy one of our pussen gert lu show that they were delained 4» hours by as ui Liverpool, whilst thousands of others were detained months, until they could be sent in some old croA, ut a ch 2 P rate, which 100 frequently proved their cotfins. \Vc intend to perform our contract* honorably, cost what u may. and not act as was the ease lost season, with ether officers,—who cither performed uol all, 01 when it suited their convenience. Droit* drown al Pittsburgh for any sum from £1 to XIOUO, payable at any of the provincial Danks m Ire land. England, Scotland and Wales. JOSHUA ROBINSON, European and General Agent, fehl Pi Alt nne d»w*» K#lew Colvtr’i Patent Concave Beatei' Choral UI r ITKK IN FIVE MINUTES': WF, call llir intention ni' Urn public to Mr srttrle heading ill!-. advertisement, nml invite the en terprising and curious 10 cull and witness us opera uon. Alt advertisement* id relation to this invention, to ilir hundred* who have seen u testrd, Is supercro eauan. ' I»i. TJn« Churn will produce Butter, gathering it in a man*, from iwr«i milk, in five to ton minute*' and iroin cream prepared, a* lunnlic* usually prrparr n, in three to five minute*’ 2d. The utility of this invention >« hpparriu, as Let ter Butler ran hr produeed from sweet milk, or cream, than cream soured m llir usual way, and l.y inraus of this churn, a little girl or hoy ran perlonn. m hv or ten iiunulrs.wlmt ha* berriniore required the luhnr of a wommi or man for one or two hour*, ami sometimes half a dny. , , ... lid By simply lurmag a Uiumh screw, the whole in* «ide dasher I* taken out, leaving nothing hut the butter an<| milk in the plum wooden hoi. 4ih. It u the cheapest churn ever invented, as the kicopUciiy ol M* constiuction (though embodying a great philosophical principle) makes it but little to iDunnfueture it- Qlh. It is a common-sense cuurn, ns all will admit who Will el limine it. IT?" We have purehnsed the monopoly of this valun blrifoprovemem tiom Messrs. Colver A .Myers, ilia patentees- We are now nllailng the complete mono poly ol tin* styled article for the Stales of Ohio, Penn .vlvania, New York, New Jersey, Maryland and Del aware, which will msiite certain and large profits to the iiiiinufudlurer, and 11 speedy teturn ol investment The jtuhlic ure invited to call and wanes* a* operation, ui i,iir oince., in Pittsburgh, every day, at 4 o'clock, t* as J II t'l.A YTt t.N A t'o . Proprietors. Office, Pjelattice Building*, St Clutr street, uall door P- K'dutrc Johui'offiee. doell-dtf ConialUng Knfflntsn A Cotsna«flora for l’atißtocfi Office for procuring and defending Patent*, imparting information 0,1 Mechanics the application of Sci ence to the Arts, and on American and Foreign Law* ! wVroKWALTER R- JOHNSON, late of Philadel -I'* phia, and 71. C RuUBINS of Washington cay, ltd he aided hy Hazard Kiiowlrtj Esq. late Mur)iiiir,,i of the United HUites Patent Office,) have asaociaird • themselves together for the prosecution of the atmve 1 branches of professional business, either in their office, ut the Patent Office, or before the Courts; and will de vote their undivided attention to forwarding the inter est of Inventors and others who may consult them or place business in their bunds. Mr Knowles hns for the past twrlve years bold the post of Machine*, in the United Staley Patent Office, and resigns that sanation to take nan in the r>.-e»enl undertaking, Hu talents ami peculiar fitness for the important office »o long fill ed bv him, have been fully recognised by Inventors wherever the office a.elfu known. The office of Messrs. J . A H is on F street, opposite ihe Pateut Offiecu Washington, l). C , where eoranuuu cations post paiu, will be promptly attended to: eisoi million* made, drawings, specifications, and ullreciui*- . oaoers prepared—and models procured when drsi red-on reasonable terms. Utter* oi emimry, expect* ed to be answered utter examination* had, must be ac companied by » frr offive dollars. i„ ih* duties oftheir office whteh pertains to the Pa tent Laws JAR- will be assisted by a legal ifciitliman of the highest professional character, and fully conversant wilfa Mechanics and other ,u1.;,0i.. mMMkwljjS 1 ARD AND FEATUERS—7 bbls No 1 Lanl; ldo L b « o . *«,» DHLKY’B JIAGICAL PAUI EITRACTOK! rjMJK loliowing from Georre E. Pomeroy, E*q, the 1 wrll known proprietor oltbe Ex pm*, •peaks Cot lurlfoi tiir importance of liw Pain Kltraclor to every parent Flxprkks Omcs, Albany, Sept. 1. Mu Uallkt: My Dear Sir—W*Uh feelmff* of no or dinan pleasure l address yon in relation to the benefit I bavr received from yoor invaloable I'atn Kxtractor. Lately, my little dinghlcr, (J year* old, bada pilcber of boiling wuter turned into her bosom; her screams wcrr iltendfnl, so that a crowd inatmntly gathered be ioft - viit> |,ou«e to learn the cause of the terrible scream* I tore her clothes asubder, and soon spread on your ■ulve, and she was carried and laid upon a bed. She wa« >oon relieved from her pains, and say* "Mi, 1 feel t» it 1 could laugh: 1 ' and was soon in tweet steep. She was scalded to ■ blister from the top of her shoulder over more than half her chest, ana round under the mnis On the shoulder and breast it was very deep, tri from thr first hour, the complained only when il wu< drr»«rd The «ore healed rapidly, and there Is no rontriM-Uoii of the muscles. \N nh manv wishes, my dear sir, for your success in thr *ulr oi this mighty article, , ! am yours, with respect, j (,KO. R POMKHOY THE TEST and NO MISTAKE 1 The genuine Dailey, will ever produce ilie lamr in stantaneous relief. and soothing, cooling effect, in lh« severest cases of Burns, Scalds, Plica, Ac. The Counterfeits— no i> alter umlrr what name* the)- may appear-always irritate, and increase the pain. TO THE PUBLIC 1, Edward P. Holmes, of Chatham. Melvin Bridge, Columbia county, N. V., have been efflietcd with rheu matism in my breast, fret, and all over my body, for six year*. *o that 1 coold not stood, and was cured by three application* of Dailey's Magical Pain Extractor EDWARD P. HOLMES. Mr. Dailey: Sir—l cut my finger with a copper nail, the poisonous nature of which eaused my arm to swell considerably, with constant shooting pains un to the shoulder A large swelling taking place at the arm pit. with increasing pain, 1 became tearful of the Lock jaw. In this extremity your Pain Rxtraeior was re commended to me. and which 1 was prevailed upon to try. The consequence was that it afforded me almost i instant relict, and in three days I was completely cn 'red JOSEPH HARRISON. New York, corner Broome and Sullivan ats, Sept d. IS4S. NOTICE! —H. Dallky is the inventor of this invalu able remedy, and never has and never will communi cate to anv living mut the secret of its combination; All Extractors, therefore, not made and put up b him, are base counterfeits. pßoraiimiß't Dxwrs—4ls Broadway, New York; £35 Chestnut street, Philo. JOHN 1). Morgan, General Depot; Dr. WM. THORN. Agents for Pittsburgh. Iktilry’s Animal Qalvome Cun-All, Cure* humors, spavin, quitlor, grease, poll-evil •ores, galls, and bruises. Pamphlets, containing cer tificate* of respectable parties, may be bad on applica tion to JOHN D. MORGAN, oevlft-dlyis Agent, Pittsburgh. C“ ibN?»i: M PTION A NDLIVER COM PLAINT I—3uf 1 —3uf / fenng as I have for 3 years with these diseases,! feel from my heart for all persons equally unfortunate, ami therefore 1 beg of them,if they love life and health: if they love their families and friends, not to lay and die under ibe hands of mercury doctors, or their use less trash, but try Dr Taylor’s Balsam of Liverwort. Thi* medicine cured me when l was so ill I could not turn over in bed witnoui assistance, and the mineral doctors said I could not live & week; yet Qua vegetable medicine cured me in six weeks I bad shacking cough, pam in the side, raising of matter, night iweuls, and whs wasted to the bone; also, inward fever. J B MILLS. Milkman, Newtown, L. I. CnxsrtsrrioK *jo> Livaa CoMrixnrr.—For a long ‘Time I sudered with these diseases, and was the mo{e alarmed as I hsd lost a mother, two brothers and two sisters, with the consumption. I bad the best medical advice io vain, every remedy was tried without effect, ■nd l wu* almost in despair. I was wasting away, very nervous, had a bad eough, loss of strength, and many olbcT dangerous symptoms. At length I tried Dr. 'Pmylor's HaUsm or Liverwort, and 1 must say tins medicine cured me like a charm. Its great restora tive powers should be made known. W HOLDRIDGK. 333 Spring st Hsislvo or Blood --This disease is easily cured by the proper medicine. Mr. Newbury. WO Bowery, used to raise blood in large quantities, both by day and night; besides this, he had a severo cough, and pain in the breast, yet »ftrr using every othtr.iuedinne, he was cured by Dr Taylor’s Balsam of [Jverwort Hus man is a rariman, and all others who cannot afford to be idle follow bis example, if they are sick, and use ilns medicine. Jt will restore diseased Lungs and Liver in a short time Sold mi Pittsburgh by J D Morgan. 93 Wood it; J Townsend. 46 M*rLn it, H Smyscr, cor Market and :hl sis; Henderson A Co, 5 Liberty st Pnce lo $1.50 per bottle. febH /gagSS** B DR. BEOWM, having bees regularly educated to the medica profession, and been for tome time ESnßaun&frrj Ui general practice, now confine* hi* attention to Ute treatment of those pnr air and delicate cort>| plaint* for which hi* oppnrionities g n< ] experience peculiarly qoalifv him. II years assiduously devoted uJjJbyjrJriTT-alinent «f romplaints.f during which time b« hat bail more practice and ha* cured mere pa* unnu than can erer foil u* the lot of any priraie prac titioner) amply qualifies him 'o offer assurance* of aftcedy. peruafienu and *ati*faclory oure to all afflicted with delicate disease*, and all disease* arising lucreJ fr, Ur Brown would u form those afllieted with prtvil* dneuko* which buv* l«um» chronic by ume or ogl gruvnied by the us* of any of the common nostrums of Uic day , that tl*ur complaint* can be radically and thor* oughly eared, hr bavin* given ht« . arefa! aitcnui.n uf the ircmmcni ol sutb caw*, and •uccecdcd m hundreds of instance* in ennug person# of intfanirnaiion ol llie nach ol the bladder, and kindred diseases which oitec ’rc»uli from those care* where others have consigned tl.cm to hopcle** despair He particularly invites such a* liavr l*ecn long and unsuccessfully treated by other* to consult him. when every satisfaction will Ik- giTen them, and their cases treated in a earefnl, thorough and intelligent wanner, poiuted oat by a long eXperienr stody and investigation, whieh it is impossible for thi I engaged in genera! practice of medicine to give a one ela** of disease. [T7*Hrrtii4 or Ktpfare —Dr Brown also fuviiea pc sons afflicted with Henna lo call, a* be ba* paid parti uiar slirnlion to this disease. CANt’KRH also cured Sthm diseases; also Pi’ s, Palsy, e Chars*** very low. N U.—Patients of rich sei living al a distance, by elating their dnwase m wnUug, giving all the ayapl tom* can obtain mediatnes with directions lor ase, by addressing T BROWN, W D . post paid, and endos. tar a fee . (tfficc No W, Dtniootid alley, opposite lha overly House. Riibi-hatis* —Dr Brown's newly discovered rnroe dy for* Rheumatism «a speedy and cerUtu remedy for that painful (rouble It uever fails. Office and Pnvale Consulting Rooms, No fifi Dia mond alley. Pittsburgh, Pa. The Doetoi is always at 1 No care no pay deel* HOW DOES IT LOOK.—Sands, Bristol and Ball, formerly put their Sarsaparilla in small bottles bolding a few ounce*, bui since Dr. Townsend’s boa become known, and almost or quite driven their little bottles out of the market, they are now putting their* up in larger bottle* coiihuuing four times as much as before Query! How much profit did theyroakobe fore od o? their small bottles’ Was it honest? Au of WASHINGTON. He may be consulted and era* floyed in making examinations in machinery in the ’utent Office and elsewhere, ut furnishing drawings and specification* of machines, and all papers necessa ry. transfer, amend, re-issue or extend m.ttcrs patent in the United Slates or Kurope. lie can also be consult ed professionally on all questions of liugnuoii aris ing under the Patent I-aw, and will argue Ques tion* belore the Patent Offiee or an appeal therefrom, lor which In* long experience in the Putcnt Office and :,i in. profession, Have peculiarly fitted him. The pro li:»*ional business of the late l)r T. P. June* having been placed m hi* hand*, all lettnr* in relation ih-rrto should be addressed to ium post paid. uugtlO-dAwGm}* AMERICAN TEIjEOILAPH COMPANY BAt-TiuoHa, rrrrsaoaeu a.m> wuitusa, WWfPKItN LINK- Office at the Exchange, Baltimore. RKDLt'F-D RATF.S.—The charges have been redu red on all Messages to or from Baltimore, Pitu l.urvh or Wheeling. and a corresponding reduction made on all trlreraphie despatches forwarded from Bal liniore V\ r»l ot Piil*t-un;h. Pn Rates- llir charge lor a telegraph despatch to or from Baltimore, PmsburgH and Wheeling, Is 43 eenu tor the best ten words, and 3 cent* for each additional word a (L/“ No charge is made for We address and aigna- ' Until the completion of the South Western Late of Telegraph from Memphis, Tenn n to.Wew Orleans, des patches con be forwarded to Memphis by this route, and mailad tnr New Orleans. PARTNERSHIP, Ai’HKAON WOODHOUBF.A JOHN W'QODHOUSH, Having this day asiociaied ihemselvrs mgetber In partnership, under the firm and style of A A J Wooimocss, fot the maaufacture of TIN, CUPPER AND T*IIKKr*IKON WARE, on the corner of"Robin* son meet and the Canal, ui the Ist Ward, AU.BoaKSt mt, where tb*y arc prepared to fnrmsb to order, whole-ale and retail, all article* to their line with promptness. *• • Foundry Trimmings, and Carpenter* 1 order* are so licited. which will receive immediate aurnuoo. t:ny of Allegheny, Feb. t, 1949.—dCm GEO, W. BBXITH * CO., INFORM their friend* and the public lhatttey bave do lunger any coanectioa with their late establish ment in Fean tuect, known as the Fuubargh Brewcryj havutg removed their enure buxines* to the POINT BREWERY* ia Pis ttreeu. nylSai yt^; MEDICAL; IN QUART BOTTLES. FOR TUB RKQOVAL A PKRJIANRST CURE «>F ALL DISEASES ARISING FROM AN IMPURE STATK.OF THE BLOOD OR HABIT OF THE SYSTEM* VIZi Scrofula or King s Kvil. Rheumatism, Ohmmate Cuta neous Eruption*. Pimples nr PustuJe* «m the fnre, Btoirbes, Bile.*, Chrome>ore Eyes Ring Wormor Toner, Scald Head, Kniureriuerjl and Puin ot the Bor.e« nml Joints. Stubborn l/leere, Syphilitic Symp loros. Sciatica or l.umbaco, and Disease* from an injudicious use of Mercury, Awite* or Drop* •y. Exposure or Jtnprudenco in Life. Also, Chronic Constitutional Disorder*. . , In ibi* preparation are strongly concentrated nil me . Medicinal properties of SAasAPAWLLA, combined with Lbe most effectual aids, the most salutary productions, the most potent simples ofibe vegetable kingdom: and it has been so tolly tested, not only by patients them selves, but also by Physicians, that it Ua» received tbeir unqualified recommendation and the approbation of the public; and has established on la own merits a reputation for value and efficacy far superior to um various compounds bearing the name ot Sarsaparilla. Disease* have been eured, sucb a» are not famished in the recoiris of time pasti-ond what it has already done for the thousand* who have used it. it la capable of doing for ilie million* still sutfenng and struggling with disease. It purities, cleanses, and strengthens the fountain agrings of life, and infaies new vigor thro’- Out the whole animal frame. ANOTHER CURE OF SCROFULA. The following striking and, as will be seen, perma nent cure of an inveterate case of Scrofula, commends itself to all similarly afflicted: Sorrnporr, Conn., Jan. 1,1845. Messrs. Saxds: Gentlemen—Sympathy for the afflic ted induces me to inform you of the remarkable cure effected by your Sarsaparilla In the case of my wife. She was severely afflicted with the scrofula on differ ent parts of the body; the glands of the neck were greatly enlarged and her limbs much swollen. Alter snfiering over a year and finding no relief irora the remedies used, the disease attacked one leg, and be low the knee suppurated. Uer physician advised it should be laid open, which was done, bat without any permanent benefit. In this situation we heard of. and were induced to use Bands' Sarsaparilla. The first bottle produced a decided and favorable effect, reliev ing her more than any prescription she had ever t»- Keu, and before she bad used six boiUea-.10 the aston ishment and delight of her friend*, »ne found her health quite restored. It is now over a year since the cure was effec ed, and her health remain* good, show ing the disease was thoroughly eradicated from the system. Our neighbors are all kuowing to these facts, and think very highly of Bands’ Sarsaparifln. Yours with respect, ’ JlLllfa PIKF- F.xlraet from a teller received from Mr N. W. Har ris, a gentleman well known in Loui«o county. Va.: ‘'Gentlemen —I have cured a negro boy ot mlncvnth your Sarsaparilla, who wa* attacked with Scrofula, and of a scrofulous family. “Your* truly, N W HARRIS. ‘•Fredericks Hall, Va., July 17, IM-" Sasu*' Sakaacakilla It seem* almost unnecessary to direct attention 10 an article so well known, mid su deservedly popular, as this preparation, hut patient* oAen who wish to use the extract of Sarsaparilla, are induced to try worthless compound* bearing lbe name, bui containing little or none of the virtue 01 this valu able root; and we think we cannot confer a greater benefit on our reader* than in directing their attention to the advertisement of the Merer*. Bands in another column The bottle ha* recently been enlarged to hold a quart, and those who wi*h n really good article will find CQiieeuirated in lln* all lbe medicinal value of the root. The experience oi thousand* bn* pmv-d it* ef ficacy in curing the various duresse* tor which n is r. commended, mi.l at the pinreni tunc more than any other, perhap*. i* ihie medicine useful, in preparing the system (or a change of mason.—Home Journal, Sept. ItHa. Prepared and sold, wholesale auJ retail, by A. B. Jr D. SANDS, lHuggi*ts and Chemists. 100 Fulton street, comer of William. New York Bold also by Drug gtsts generally throughout the United Stale* and Cana da*. Puce #1 per Baltic; six Baltics tor £•> ' try For sale in Pituburgti. wholesale ami mtn«l,by B. A FAHNESTOCK, A Cfi. corner of Wood and Front st*.. also, corner of Sutti and Wood *l«; by L. \VII.CuX. Jr., corner of Sttnthheld and Fourth *ts. and also corner oi .Market *t und the Diamond: ulsu. by EDWARD FKNDKIUCIt. cor Munouga'ta House. icb'J.Tin - SALTER’S JINSENG PANACEA! THusF. SUFFERING W rill DISEASED LUNGS.- Tlic unprecedented *uecr»* which has tend'd llic u*e of Um- I.I.NSUNC 5‘ VNA> !‘A n all lire CM ru-ua tonus which nruaf.Mi of the lung? I iuiuc*. ha* induced the piopririor *gmn to cal' atli boo i«> this WONDERFUL PRF.PARATIuN TUo ctmiigatde weailict which mark* our fall and • inter motithi* is always h iruitfal source ot COLDS AND Ctm.llS. rhat«, if ne*leet«i, *ir l>ut th«* j>ree»iri-of* of lhat leatroyer, cosi/MrnoN Hie question, then, how shall wr nip tl»«“ dr*TTryer tn lie bud* how shall we get rtear ol our coughs w»u old** i» of vital importanve to ih«* jmltlrf. THK URKAT AM) .\ KKMF.DY wil! bo found m ihr Utnwng I'anute* In ptnet ..f tili n',. have i>»iu timr lo ijmc published the .erntirnies of do?eit> of our best known cilwcn*. who have espeti* Riirod it* curative powers. Theae, with a in&*» oi tc* uuuikv irorn ul) pans of the country. —from MKDICaL AIEN OF THE FHWT HTANDfM.* , Minuter* of the Uospcl, Ae„ together with copious 003 ICC* from the ICC» I IU«!I _ JOURNAL OF THE !>A\> we have innliodied in painphiex form, a nil may be nM ctuu of my of oar agent* throughout the couutry. HUNDREDS OF BUTTLES have been used lit this citv. THOUSANDS ANL> TENS OF THOUSANDS throughout the United Stale* aiul Canada, mid tenge my man to point oat a SINGLE INsfTANCE n which, when taken according to directions, and l»e* fore the tun** had become fatally disorganized, it has iver failed to EFFECT A I’ERFKCT CURE. Why. then, need the articled hesitate! Why resort to the miserable nostrum.*, gotten up by oh own individ ual* u Irr the assumed natnc of some ce • Urotwi phy sician, and puffed Into uotoriety by certificate* c per *ou« coaaily unknown! Whilst u medicine o( UNPARALLELED EFFICACY Is to be had, whose vouchers are at home, —oar neigh bor*.—many of whom U has SNATCHED FROM THE GRAVE In order thatlhis invaluable medicine may be placed within the reomof the poor as well the nch, we bava pat the price ol^ ONLY FIFTY CENTS, )u«l one half the nsaol Cost of cough medicines, it is for sale by oar ncents tn nearly every towu and village oeor the wu*t, who are prepared to give full tnfnrma uon relative to it. T. SALTER, Proprietor, Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio HYDROPATHIC ESTABLISHMENT, puaunsciou, tnuvxa ia> . fa. DR. EDWARD ACKER, take* this means of re turning his thanks to his friend* and the public for the extensive patronage he ha* received, and of in* forming them that he ho* lately ererlrd a large und well constructed building, for the exclusive purpose* of hi* WATER CURE ESTABLISHMENT, at his old location, at Phillipsburgh, Pa_ on the Ohio river, oppo site the steamboat landing at Leaver, where he is ready 10 receive patients aa.i>oarders, and ireul them on Hy dropathic principles, lrv addition to his long experi ence, and tne great soccer* which has heretofore at tended his treatment of patients committrd ts biscare, he has now iba additional facilities afforded by on ex tensive building erected expressly for the purpose, con taining commodious and airy rooms, and fitted up with every necessary apparatus for bathing, and ddmims tering the treatment to the utmost benefit ami comfort of the patient. Phillipsbargb )* a most delightful and healthy village, easy of access by steamboats, and af fords fine snd wholesome woier. Dr. Acker assures those afflicted persons wbo may place themselves un der his care. That every attention shall be paid 10 their comfort; ana ms an assurance of (he sabstantial benefits lo be derived, hr points with confidence 10 the hun dreds who have beeu permanently cured ul his estab lishment. The Waier Cure lenvs* no mju riou* effect* behind, as 1* too often the ea*e with those who ‘hove been treated on tile ohl system. It remove* Hie dis ease, invigorate* the system, proteins (ruin the dangers incident to changes of the weather, cruuu-s a natural and ucUve appetite, and imparts vigor to the digestive Kwer*. Term* of treatment anil boarding rea-tumble. t further particular* iuouire at ihersiatilishment, or address the proprietor at rtuilipsbsrgn. augynd UK. JAlNh'a Ahl'EtlAriV h. We have been infortacd by M r». Bose of a cdte per foimcdonb-r by Dr. Jayuc’* Alterative, which Sreve* n* sapcnoriry ovc.r every otlicr rrmedy of llie tud. Kbc bus been Bribe ted far the laxt sixteen year* wub NKCKOBFJsor WHITE3\VKJ.LINGS, attended with ulccrstiOU* and enfobxtiun of vaiious hours,du ring which time muny picrcabave been discharged from the irental bone ol the craniate, fromdioth her arms, wrists find hand*, nt.d from both lege,and from the Lett feu-oral bone, and from the right besides painfnl ulcct* on other parts ot her perton, which have botth-d the skill of auumberof the m»»»l r.ininciu physician* ot our nt> —daring most of the ume her suderntt,* have l*cen eierutaling end deplorable. About three mnnllnt since she was mdirced U) uy Dr. Jayne’s Allaruiive. which has bod an aslooishingiy happy effect npun her, by removing all pain and swelling*, and cao«iiig the ulcers to heal, while 8t the saint- bine lief gcm-ral health has become completelyrestored, >o that aim now weighs tffi ll>* more than she did lie fore *hr commenced the u*e of thi* truly valuable prepaiiun.— Kvc l’o*t. For further iaiomv-«tiou,iniiuire of Mrs Koic,No l‘J?t Fdbeil si, Fhltadclufiia. For salt to PilUbnrgh, at the FF.KI N TKA MORE, 7V Fourth **. near Wood jyfi DR TOWNS END’S SAR-MAFAllll.l.A.—fiO.doze'n just received of Dr. Townsend • Sar«upanllo. the most extraordinary nirdicine m the world! Thi»Kx fact is pul up in quart bottles. It i» six lnu<-* chejijwr. pleasanter, and warranted superior to any sold It cures disease without vomiting, purging, sickening or debilitating the patient. Loot our vox lictTATioirs —Unprineipled persons have eopied oar labels, and pul up uiotlicum in the same shaped bottle, fee that each Louie ha* the wrtuen «ig“ nature of 8. P. Townsend. K. K. BKLLEKS, Dragrist, 37 Wood street, betweer Third ami Fimrth. it Dr. Fownsend’s only wbola*ai« and retail agent tor Pittsburgh, ot whom the genoiru article can b« had. D. M. Curry has been appointed (be sole agent foi Allegheny city, of wimm Urn genuine article canb* had a P* . Si-KOKUI.A SWELL INGS.—Scrtif la in all it* multiplied form whether in that of Amg s Kv.l, enlargement* n tbe gland* or bone*,Goitre. White Swell,ng*. Lnrodic Ttbeuuuluu,ploe, o< ol Pulmonary iiouaumutiou, emanate Trom 000 tad the same ennae, wbieh u a poixontiu- pnocipio more or lew luhcreot »o ibe bumnn syateo.. 1 herev fore unless thu principle can bedtAtroved, no radi cal care can be effected, but if lh« principle upon which the di«a*e depends, is removed, a. core Dual of necessity follow, no matter ntuicr wbatlonn disease *h*>iild mauileat ttscll. i'hu, therefore n Ue reason why Jaybc’s Altcrativai* m> uni rtfeally KuecMsiut in removing eo many malignant aflEw*. It destroy* the virus or principle from wlurn those dl»ea»cs have theik origin, by entering ism the circulation, and with the blood La conveyed "tbltba oatnatesl fibre, removing every particle ol dTitihiiAjruro the sysiera;. Prepared led sold at No. ' j Street,FhtUdelphifl. Sold ei Tea Store, No. 72 Foarlh «tree. Pttahnrfh __ mch3l^ XT 0.9 MaCKEREL—TB tils lA store and tor *aie low to close consignment, febl JASDALZELL MEDICAL"! . ( Aaa£ATCUßK,wrfcn*yoosadth«nairt^ induces me to add a* bm»W» tsstimy fe Jwr of nmrpMlj celebrated Liter FOb. I batedeterred dom*» S*W adhero«UiDaTTCr*ekeU*BaSi«j“k* thettroahead." , •ud quack*, boded to U»* tktw, haremnk btoobhtaAitai toorUrcf Pilbkitebernol&redtotbs p*hlt3,tad,k*A4ed, i, A 1 btii«T« Uwy will “aurmm the* *U,” ligcy m TOD rcprcwnl the® to be. 1 liars b*« W*ud with Uw > Complaint f.otxr my youth; hats' *aS»«4. imnj nmuml pkjiljniWj ||| whaal pud BOtn.BWn kIW. Iwl niach bkiod; Dees (mailed and {sfayuckad l&taflttto doth; •■limtrdbur otime*,*nd fiasihrfirinßp**tajßUlhta. -I*. t l«£k>7l «u indorol to try jour Liter Fill»,»*d»OOr< OOT , WKLL. Use tax of which i>aow*uflki*Bt to keep US eltir - f of paw m the *i«i*, tad til the other sytaftot»»>lto h* I*M . I9ta»sth*. Yoar Fill* sresLu lb*bestmthartwlever toed.' beat Buld, not jri|ug or pfiut trach utkub «1 lit dAr 1 ' •chjout gi»« aw much relief. 1 k*T* kept ikqull O] tlpIS •, , Cur G or 7 >rxr»; tuU hundred* of boxes, and uTe aster heard * tinyft rmaphltt attend by Say mi Wap fca* mod • them. They bare Mpcrenled almost smj qther Wl in this neighborhood, and in a abort time will bantu meat all. recommend them tv nil uenoas BeCdiaf- pbyns, whether for Liter Complaint or Billiot* 4 dsetioap. Icon .irlxthem faonpgeiof loCelorarl or the pit). fuily yuorj, 3 L Hbtus CAUTION—As there in other Pitt be&nthswbti* Callao Liver Fill*, persons wUaws&tth«G&NUlff£ißQaid aak C>r and take oo other than (bote prepared tod ttU hr B K SELLERS, Mo 57 fIW-n. between Third utfnitb - i |t recta. Sold by Dr. Cabsxl, Pillh fTsnl r 4) fij Cct*t k eity. >t3 To tb« hedlcsl Prohisloß sad Pablk. j FARINA, nowin CM at the Hospitals Asylums, and other pabllo .etUbUsbmeats,>and recommended by some of the moil distinguished phy sician* ond chemists, as ah article Of dial foreWlibaal and invalids, much uiperior.la orfQW root, sago, *lq., far more strengthening, nJemfant to Usb UUte. ana easy of digestion. Pot up m 54 lb. boxes oflalnb, papers, each accompanied with primed directions fortookiag, Ac. 4 j Liebig, in his Agricultural Chemistry, p. hsfgfrei 19 per cent of gluuen and albumen: and remark! that the claims of the Farina upon the Medical ProfogliDn atsb the public.will rest Qpon lUcouiaiaiafc inihagiuttejt •and aibameu, vegetable fibrine and other hltrogoniied bodies not found in arrow root or similar «ahsUU*eea> and which modem chemistry has pointed OOtUA-betOg necessary to the formation of human, fibre, aha by means ot which nature makes up for the constant waste that takes place in the human body. Ffcf sale wholesale or retail, by : B B SKLIEBA _sepid - _ P w«w »t L Great English Bunsdy* FOR Coughs, Colds, Asthma and Consanrotidnl Iho GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY for the euro Of tho above diseases, is the HUNGARIAN BALAAM OP LIFE, discovered by tho eelebraied Dr. Baehan, of London, England, and unreduced into tho Uifijed Stale* under the tnunediate saperintendenea ofthe.LnvenlorV Tlie extraordinary success of thl* Bodictno, la ta • cure of Pulmonary diseases, warrants the American Agent in soliciting fur treatment the.ryoty i possible ca se* that can be foand in the edmmuf4ty*-«a*e4flul*o}* relief in vain from any of the common ‘temodloa Of-ton day, and have been given op by tho physicians as confirmed and incurable. Tho. {T«ipub an Balsam has cured, and will care, thO-matt despenlft of cases. His no quack aoatnud, but h standard Kafr Ush medicine, of known and established efficacy* *•' * Every family In the United States sheald-bo sappUod with Buchan's Huagarian Balsam of Lifovyotflwy to. counteract the consumptive leDdcncica of tb* oluatto* but to bo used ps a preventive medicine la all dates Of colds, eodghf, spitting of blood, pain la 'tho ridh'and chest, iratatioa and soreness of the lungs, brachitis, difficulty of broating, hectic Cover, night sweats, and* stion and general debility, asthma, insnanza, wnapping cough and croup. Bold iu large bottles, at SI per bottle, with' fair direc tion* for the restoration of health. Pamphlets, couuinuig a man of English U}d AsorV can certificates, and other e ride nee, showing Vka ai> euuallod menu of Uns great English Remedy, «taj h* obtained of ihn Agents, gratuitooslv . For sale by B A l ■t and Wood and Wood and > DR. JAYNK’H CA&MI n HUM tbc Bcv ASA SlUNiy j* alar Clergyman of the Protet The nnderwgnud having been i winter with a diaeaae of the *to dating gnrut pain in (be ftmafcfc without mW'nnisciaD, and aftei retnediea with little effect, wm* 1 oi 0i 0 Jayne’* Carmioauve B fording to die direcuuiu, uqd medicine caused the piiu tin ute.<, and in fifteen or twer sensation was entirely qolclc. U-rwanl* osed whenever indie i jiainwnr perceived, and the pa ed. lie continued (o use the -t and sometime* m the iQominj I health tv:i» h> fur restored, ths cd itoiu a large ajnonluaf Opf peneucc, therefore, he eon v D Jayar'a Carminative Bair for dxteases oflheslomach ' For u.le in Pittsburgh •» w 7*1 l» SCHWARTS, P Purify k MB. O. k SIBLE\>-Db' ring ike previous wini with a scrofulous complain fur rume months under ike «aid iuv case was oiinoil i but Imfe for me. l was 1 aid uf crutches conhf with last, 1 purchased of you, a iol'b «»n»»inui. Alter in*. - sores commenced healing. antl-I laid a—-, cs, using only a cane. 1 dispensed with a] ax the cud of ike fourth, was a* well*>lo*l in akearuig sheep. la al}, 1 usedavibb ! scrofula aiul sores have all healed Tip, ah! summer I have seen oo appearance of the I have eopiinaed,and am now, in the moil pe 1 I stale with confidence, hopmgthal others t rflncd iu the same way. that ike Sarxapa 1 you, has Item the means and ike only mek: me ike core. , COBXKUUS J. For safe wholesale and retail, by dAw H. A. FAHNEStOC i cor. front P wood tu, A also cornet woos Fink peuvdi9k&v- Cream dc’ Amanda Aside’, for thavln ; Cream a la Rose, tor shaving] Almanac Cream, Jo; Superfine Bouev,on Porcelain stands; fcllcgni sceni uaga, perfumed with Laver i ' Beautiful powder puds, of all patterns; Embossed toilet boxes, containing ftagp : for the handkerchief; a scent bag, and touc , . able for present*. ’ Persian, or Chinese powdery • - Indian vegeiablehairoii. Bear 1 ! oiL in fancy or common wrap pen ed)', Jones’ Soap; Nymph Soap; Bose Lip ml Shell *r»ap; Soda soap; together with a | of &tm perfumery: just received; for sale b B APAHSKK* V ' nvl# Pulmonary Messrs, rekd t cirtw owe to my fellow creatarei more respecting your' Vegetal) Since l Erst used the BalsAitt. V the happy efleet of which 1 tit have had several severs coopt lungs, one n few days- since, ' have used the llalssm alouo success. It has effected relit days. It h certainly a safe m that it will cure a hied const will be in many eases a prove better than caret 1 do therefore., low men. earnestly recommend In oil pulmonary complaints, has been the means of presr Boston June 16, *46. F For sale by B A Fahnesv wood and also comer wood SELLER'S IMPERIAL power to care! 1 R. E. HwrtwwWy wife to a distressing cough, aeci the cure of which she used a and had the pdviee of the moat England, buf &ll was unaftulittg. ol your Imperial Cough Syrup, a a bottle for trial, although 1 had could remove her complaint, two doses gave her untnedir troubled wttu a' eeugb, but always stops it. lam satis tour years, that Seller 1 * Cot medicine j have ever tried World. B«veulh The above'certificate ah troubled with eough or aslb iL It mny be had lor 2S stora of R Sold by Dr Caitel, frth w*t (bany city. SUNDRIES-Sbb.a'No' JU Libia No s mackerel, M) “ “ 1 “ S do Alum; D do K Sait 1 hf do Nutmegs; GO ' 6u bi* No d do do; 6 dc lu do No U Freas’u do; 1 bale Cloves; 10 bags Si) tihds prime N O So{ by dec 14 DP BKLLERS’ VERMIFIJOI. ever Uked.” Gniun Tr n Fayette county, P«i* Mr. IL K Xuu-aK* —1 iMeepby eeriuy lak your Vernmii*d in my family, and beoe»< itot superior u> xny 1 uave ever uaea. J P my children oi.e do»e, wliiefr orpefled wi Prepared and sold by RES£LLEHSj »Sold by Dr t'a**ei, Sth Ward; D M Cdtfl \V J Smith, Trmperaiiceville; and r I roncrville. _ JUST HKCbU V£l>—Two .pleo'tfd now fcliibrtMj, »om ibo celebrated Jaciory o( Nunn#l* CUjri, N. , and Ct ociave Piano, rowiwood, t.ir 7,nr( onr <4 octave, with Coleman* AOad^- U, Tbeje very ropenor Piano* will be »61flW hUftlifi*. "“/"sT" wcA,...tow»3i Ci a SmtiSi-iu lx* mould candle* on ; ,; r « me I,y decP AKMgTKONt* PITTSBURGH GAZETTE?!' l*UUUSiita» DAILY, TRI-WEEJSLY IWfiKKtt Ji Ui Ga**t» 3 & iL.ntoftkt FnfQfld' 2 hatks of adveetisiSq)'" One luacrticm of Yi liaea, or leas,«,« a fiP Two mserlioßt withouU!terattona |M «J„ a « ■!*»»«• “ '* 1 00 One Week “ •' -......,.1 SO |-.o Weak. ■• “ One Month, O’ linger adtertisements Id came properties* . Use square, 6 monthi. without literttHui,*** 10 00 •* 11 « " ( 15 00 addiUonaal aquaxe for 6 months, ■••>*• 500 4< “ “ IS “ 1 .*;.;.'1&5q One square, 6 months, renewable si pleasure. 1500 Each additional square for IS months.lo 00 Two squares,G months, re'wableatplea*are, i 30,00 Each additional square, 6 months, •••• *•••««.&00 WUUI OB TBl-WStBITW DAXXT VfTSBB, One square. 3 insertions " 41 eaeh additional insertion, * 37 BOSUStS CABS*. *' Kite lines or less, one year, s^o “ " “ sis months, ..4.*.,,, ft^QQ “ “ u one year, daily & weekly, 10 00 u “ " six months w M, i V;. aoTSßTinamsTs'xr vimf Kor 10 lines,'or lr«,One ixsertlots, K*****»»o}fiQ “ 11 “ Two, ** •*t^****.dJU7a = : £*rS« » Tmlm. ■ ■ '"■“'-it .f craidk, , tl»l alrdaj t Um. ~ TUt , , ililncel*** ( UieaM.b*k 3 . lectheaitbt : mar be two i ilia aqld bj liaofefibcfe |ROSE> iai, Aaxto* Ini extract* aosps t iail* naeaeav. ■ U’sqtlSL if te to one of itMwofjns. KrttvAJ. 17 Wood ti. ’ Aflegfehn#; tatp * L*s*- |oaattnmeStj jO&OZKB —....v. 6 00