VUiVABUE DISCOVERYI CONSUMPTIVES, BE ON 70U&GUABD DR. SWAYNBS COBPOBSD BYBDP OF WILD CQERBY THB OBEftT ftSCXDT kOft Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Lri er Complaint, Spitting Blood, Difficulty of Breath ing, Fain in the Side and Breast, Palpitation of Ute Heart, Influenza, Croup, Broken Con stitution, Sore Throat, Nervous Debili ty, and oil Diseases of the Throat, Breast and Langs; the most ef fectual and fpedty cure ever known for any. of ' the above diseas- es, is '' DA. fIWAYNE’B: • Compound Syrup at Wild Cberryl BThltmeaLcise is no longer. among those of doubifbl o til fry |t feu passea away tram lue thousands daily launched upon the tide of experiment, and now stands higher ta reputation, and is becoming more extensive* if used than any other preparation of medicine ever produced for the relief of suffering mao. It has been introduced very generally through the United States and Europe, ana there are few towns of importance bat what contain some remarkable evi dence of its good effects. For proof of the foregoing siaiemenU, and of the value and efficacy of this medt- Oine. the proprietor will insert a few of the many thoo sand testimonials which have been presented to aim by men Of the first respectability—men who have higher views of moral responsibility and justice, than to cer tify Ut facta, because >l will do another a favor, and themselves no injustice. Such testimony proves con clusively, that its surprising excellence Is established by its intrinsic menu, aud-the unquestionable authori ty Of public opinion. The instantaneous rebef it nf fordi, end the soothing influence diffused through the whole frame by its use, renders it a most agreeable remedy for the afflicted. « REMEMBER “When men, acting from conscientious impulse voluntarily bear teaUmony to the tntih ot a thing, < particular fact, such testimony, being contrary to utr worldly interests and purpose*, coertfe* eoovtcuwi its troth, and eemmenus itseli in a special manner universal_c redenceJ'— O’Hogan'* Moral hlMnns. READ THE HOME CERTIFICATES. Snu Asarsxn Coax of PouroreusT Commies:— Them nover w*. a remedy rher k ” b ""> “ “ooomiul lo dome rule cafe* of Consumption, ** Dr. Swa) ue 1 * Contpotntd Syrup oI 'Vila Cherry. }< *trenfthene ih. lyeiemTend eppeurs lo heel the ulcer* on Ilia lunge, enuring new end rich tdoodi power poueued by r other medicine- Caniu Co- April 23th, IMS. Dx. Bwftrne— D“ r »i" 1 »““» °<“>- Mid BrS® o t Wild Cherry ta h“n >1« mc*n« ol ufe. 1 caught » atm cold, which grade- Svlrew worse, attended with a severe cough, that SJSdrLI the remedies which I had recourse to, •till increirinr trntfl my ease extabued ail the symptoms of Pnimoruijy Consumption, fcvery thing 1 tned seemed to kveno efecw and my complaint increased so rapid ly that friends as well as myself, gave op sll nope* of my recovery. At this time 1 was recommended to try rma invaluable medicine: 1 did so with the mast hap py renha. The first bottle had the effect to loosen the jj-wyV. Muring me to expectorate freely; and by the sm7r™d«d six boUlea-I was entirely wall, and am Bowes hearty a man as I ever was In my life, and would be happy to rive any information respecting toy ease, that other suneiers may derive the benefit for wktob lam so tasteful. For the truth of the above qtstemiyUj i refer you to Peter Rnah, Orooer, West of whom I purchased the medicine. ReaflShlly yours, JunoMossui Wonderful Cure of a MetKodist Minister. «X>r. SwAvnefr-Dear Sir: 1 feel a debt of gratitude doe to too— o&d ft duty to the Afflicted generaily, 10 offer IBT testimony In fever of your Compound 8y - nS of Wild Cherry- Some three years since i was VlSsstly «narked with cold and inflammation of iho Lonn, which was accompanied with a distressing pain In the breast and head, a very considera blediacWge of offensive mnens from the longs, espe oiallT upon change of weather, however alight. At first 1 felt bo alarm about my condition* bat was pretty trem convioeed that I was rapidly going into consump tion 1 grew dsilT weaker, and at length was scarce ly ,*,lO vo walk about, or speak above a whisper, such was the exceeding weakness of my lung*. During this time 1 bad tried various preparations and prescriptions, but firandno telief—growing all the time worse. Just here I was advised and persuaded by : a dear friend in Wilmington to make trial of your Syrup of Wild Cher ry. I mast confess that previously l had been preju diced against patent medicines, and l am still against those coming out of the hands of emperics. but under standing yonr claims to the profession and practice of tnd having implicit faith In the saying of my friends, l forthwith purchased of Dr. Shaw, one of your agents, ft few bottles, and commenced its use. My dis —tt vii at that time of SO or 25 months' standing, con sequently it was deeply seated. I found, however, considerable relief from tbe use .of the first four or five bottles. But being a publle speaker. I frequently at tempted to preach with my Increasing strength, and thereby ruptured those vesseli that hail already beguu to heal: in this way. doubtless, my cure was greatly letardad. In consequence of acting thus imprudently, 1 had to use twelve or fifteen bottles before I was per fectly restored. I have no question, a much smaller & anther of bottles would have made me sou id, but for the above Indiscjretion. The Byrnp allayed the fever ish habit, took away the distressing cough, pm a tup to the discharge of matter from the lungs, and gave thWm and the entire sMnem good health. I have defer red offering thin? tefbficaie until now. for the purpose of being perfectly satisfied with the permanency of the cure, and now that I feel perfectly well I offer it with pleasure. j Krv. J. P. Joaoas.” Dublin county} N. C. Important Cautxcm — Read! Read.’ lhere is but one gemline preparation of WiW Cherry, and that 1« Dt. tbo first ever offered to the MjbUe, which has been sold largely throughout the United States and some parts of Europe; ana all pre parations cuffed by the name of Wild Cherry have pm oat sine e this, under cover of some deceptive circumstances, 1 1 order to give currency to their sales, fir ft tittle observation, no person need mistake the genuine from the false. Eacn bottle of the genuine is enveloped with a beautiful steel engraving, with tbe lileneu ofWillihm Pena thereou; alio, Dr.Swayae's signature: and usfurther security, the portrait of Dr. Bwayce wQI bW added hereuitcr. so as to distinguish Mi preparation from ail others. Now, ti it was not lor the great eurativfe properties and known virtues of Dr. Swayne’s Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, person* would not be endeavoring to give currency to their “fictitious nostrums” by stealing the name of Wild Cherry. Rcmetqber, always bear m uuiui the name of Dr. Swarne, and be not deceived. Principal Office, comer of Eighth and Race steeela, Philadelphia. por tale wholesale and retail by OGDEN ArftNOW- Dß*j, cor 3d anil Wood sis; B A FAHNESTOCK A Co, eor Ist and Wood, and Gth and Wood sts; WM TUORN, S 3 Market at; 8 JONES, leu Liberty «ti JAS A JONES, cor Hand and Penn sis;. JOHN MITCH ELL, Allegheny city, and by all respectable dealers in medic in e. _ ortKJ PEACEI PEACE! I BUT IN EVERY MOTHER'S HOMESTEAD. rpHE undersigned has long been convinced of ibe I cecataily (or some medicine adapted to the use of Children and Infants to supercede Uie use of ail those medicines which contain opium, and has at length sue* eeaded In preparing and offering to the public a medi cine ftxliy answering every purpose tor all diseases o( ins bowels, without the use oi that deleterious dree, or any other calculated to ini are in the «asL The infant Piuj aena baa been fully tested anu tried, the last twelve hy numerous peiwn*. and tounu to possess nil extraordinary virtues, and to produce all the aston lshiny effects as set lortn on tho btU o( directions. Di arriwsa, Vomiang, Cholic, Oriping, Pains, Sickness and nu«n»« arising from Teething, acting immediately without disturbing any of the lunctious of the body, producing the happiest and most pleasant transition from violent pain to a tranquil and joyous state of feel- Uain the little sufferer. To be-had wholesale and retail, of the Proprietor, Dr. JOHN SAHGANT, Druggist and Apothecary; John Elliott & Beckham, and most other Druggmts n Allegheny and Pittab’ - •gh. decKl^ tir£~faEiiitecks Anti-Bilious Ptlls. rTtVi. n rtathawie compound combine*'unallltess oi JL bulk with efficiency and comparative uiildnnu of purgative action, and having a peculiar tendency to liw biliary organs, is exuemely valuable id this coun try, in which bilious feven and other complaints, at* tendodwith congestion of the liver, so much abound.— have now stood the test oft* Years, and experi ence has proved them to be a safe and valuable remedy in Intermittent, Remittent and Bilious Fevers; Jaun iHesj Bilious Colte; Indigestion: Dropsy; Dysentery ; Bfficua Vomitings; Colds, and ail coqipiaiou of an In flammatory character. The complete and universal I ——tfrffr—riini which has been giveu by these pills to all wha have once used them, renders the publishing bf ihb numerous certificates in their favor unnecessary, lb proven! co ante rfi citing they are now put up in a redi xylograph: wrapper. PrioaXi cents for a box containing 30 pills Prepared and sold by BA FAHNESTOCK k Co comer lit and wood, and also comer 6th and wood acpl3 SriA.v.RH Vermifuge preferred to aj.l others.— LaxxnaioM, Vs , Oct. 12, 1343. Mr. R. E. Sellers:'—One of cor physicians, wbo«« practice u very extensive, told me this morning of a «»f» ia which one Vial of your Vermiflige brought ■way above BO worms; and a gentleman in the neigh borhood said that less than baiT a vial cansed the dis chaijeof near 60 large worms from one of his chti dxea. Very many of inch instances might be stated. It U well known about here, and almost all prefer it to aay ether. Send me Vi doxen and oblige Yours, J. M. WILSON. PartJUa who do not Wish to trifle with their children, shoo Id tua Sellers’ Vermifuge. Prepared and ipld by R E SELLERS, 57 Wood n., •old by Dr Coasel, sth Ward; D M Curry, Allegheny. MTI . STRONO EVIDENCE that Dr JAYNE’S KJt- PECTOEANTb mpmorto all other remedies for r i «i»»iiipHw> ) Brooehiti*,A»thißa. sad other Poltao any that the same persona wnoeommeoeed the ua ofitia their Emilies us rears ago. still prefer it to all other remedies ef the kind; end wh«rs any have been induced to try ether enparations they bare almost invariably bees Jt—i.pwiaiadiß raeeivipg the benefit whtehwas reasonably few the high praiaes bestowed by the proprietors) Mi h**returned to Inc us* of Janas’ Exkoto*a*t, ss • RStedy »hai has never, (ailed to relieve them, and which jgotahty saver had its equal b srresfeg twlmncary diseases. ftnarad oaly by Dr D. Jayne Philadelphia. sad sold co sMßwk ALEX. JAYNEj docSSuAwtf 7# Fourth n TvALLEY’B PAIN EXTRACTOR will, in five mlo- I I ales from the time of its application, remove the psJas from the severest burns, scalds or blisters, tad will heal wounds, ulcers and sore»»of any kina Without sear. This valuable Pain Extractor can be had of JOHN D MORGAN, Druggist, No B3J Wood street, Orfvle A gentfor Western Penns. B* A FAHNESTOCK’S VEHJHIFCGK. A FEW weeks since, one of my clii'dren, aged about years, was unwell for several days, and the Minnas increased so alarmingly! that I feared death would bathe re »dll Having nehrd of the good effects odFahnestoci’s Vermifuge when administered to the children of my neighbors, and thinking my child might Rare worms, from some of the symptoms, I gave it one ltd a half teaspooafuls of the Vermifuge, and to my gtetl astonishment It almost immediately discharged between S9D and SflO large worms: Its health was soon ttatored, and it is now remarkably well. Previous to ■kl&g the Vermifuge, the worms would Occasionally Kiln its titroat, and 1 often feared it would die from •tnaguladoo. JAR. u. DAWSON. Hencm, Venango co, Pa, Aprjl 3, ’pi. apl3 Dir< W. P. Inland’s Premium plaster. DR.W. P. INLAND, of the Medical Cotlego bf Phil adelphia, now offers to ths public his Indian Veg etable Premium Plaster, the qualities of which, after long and Uied experience, has been satisfactorily **. sahßxhed. -To all women who may be afflicted with pndapaua Uteris or Fallen Womb, ho. recommends hu plastar, guaranteeing a sure and speedy cure in the abort apace of from two to thee weeks, if applied with care and rest—discarding all the countless instruments and expensive bandages so long in use. This be feels tlinrifnriima In stating, Inasmuch as he has fHBt failed Jfl one case out of three hundred and fitljHatee pa fiunv ai« n fat Rheumatism and Weak Ilreast or Back, at tended With pain, there is nothing to excel this Plaster la awarding relief or effecting a cure. For sale by I. Wilcox, comer of Diamond and Market st Braun A Reiter," Liberty and si. Clair st» Dr J Sargent ** Federal stand Diamond, AUc aheny city Vacoaes A COi 11 teamto and Diamond Birraing- V EIDY’fl CELEBRATED ITCH AND TETTER 1 a OINTMENT la the moat effectual remedy before ffiTrmHf" for tho cure of letter, Uch, dry and watery of tho face, neck and uodtf.scaJy eruptions, grKeediseases of lie skin. 1 TOhlyintment Is warranted free frpta mercury, is ,perfBdadwafr, and «• he uad at all limes and under all curohstancf a. - etfheroflst and wood; also, corner of 6th and wood J •tRStt. 181 ' DB. TOTT N SJ3 X I> ’« cokpouto ixrjufT or SARSAPARILLA. fTonder and BUstiaff of tbe Agt. The mo*! extraordinary Hrdicioa la tbe World i The Extract «/*»■?*■ Q«cr* Bottlu: it uit cheaper, pUnSOgiCT, OXd KOTTanlld ft, •crier to «*y «IA It ecru teiiAimi wemitov, eickemug or iebUUetxng the Patient. The great bfauty tad superiority of this Sarsaparilla •vnr aD Other medicines is, that while it eradicate* tb- du »M. il invigorate* the body. It is ooe of tbe very SPamG AND SUMMER MEDICINES Ever known; ft net eoly purifies tbe whole system. and strengthen* (bejpenon, bat it Crtnltt turn, part cad nth Hood: a power* (muetsed by do other medicine. An.iiu Inis lies the graftd scent of its wonderful success. It ), s , performed within tbe lest two years, more than I'Ml.uij cures of seven uses of disease : at least IS.WO were onudered incurable. It has saved the lives nf mure ■ 'am 10.000 children daring tbe two past season*. lOiOOO caies off General Debility and woiil of Nerrons Bntrgy, Dr Townsend's Sarsaparilla invigorate* the whole system permafienlly. To those who have lost tboir muscular energy by the effects of medicine or indiscre tion committed in yenth, or the excessive indulgence of tho passions, and broagbt one general physical prostra uoa of tbe nervous system, lassitude, wont of ambition fainting sensations, premature decay and decline. hast«o ing towards that faisd disease, Consumption, can be en tirely restored by this pleasant remedy. This Sarsa parilla is for superior to any Invigorating Cordial, As it renews and invigorates tbe system, gives activity to tbe limbs, and strength to the tausrular systam in s most extraordinary degree. t'wunmption Cnrvd. Olcanoe htrtngiktn. Consumption can bt cnrtd. arnchitie, Consumption, Liner Complaint. Colds UaUrrk, Ctmgks, Asthma. Spitting of tfiooe Ssrsntstifi the Oust, Htttxc Fleet i, NLvAt Siteats, Difficult or Prefaea Ezpocu ration, Pain in the Suit. 4rt-, kem ,i(ra ssi tts bi tv si. SPITTSNG BLOOD. _ Pa s Fork, dpni 8g*917 Ttrfly balieve that yonr &art»»*- 1 i.? 1 a *&*-“M**, through Providence, of saving tsyua. I hire far nvnrnlyunnhnd a bad Coogh. 5 2H«s**«»o and won*. At last I raised □*i effranni, had night B»ma end was graaiJy dshiU tttod mod raiment, and did net expect ta live. I btr> ™ 1 ■flfra BtnaparfQn a short tins, tad there h» a woadiflfil abangebeea wrangbi In css. lamEowbbfa to walk all ever tho eijy. 1 raiu no blood, oad cr sough l~i left tno. Ten eaa wall Issaglae thti I ihoakfii f» tbasa malts. T oar abediexi servant, VT3L ZU7B3LLL U Caiherie* *l. Featfcle fftodlelao. l>r. Tosruond'afiompsvfUa Is a sovaraign and ipeaJy sura far iaotpUnl Ceasaspttna, Bssranseas, Pralso**., Dwrt. or Falling oftba V7oiuh, Coctivenesc, Piles, t er- or Whltta, ebstneud ot.dlScalt-Uenstruo- Uon, Inscnllncaco of Drina, or iavoiosurr dlscbsrgs thereof and toe tbh cntral prartratiau of tho tyitaai— CO manor vbothnr tho result of lihorant exsaa or eacsta. peodneod by fmgnlarUy, Olnsu or aecidecL Nothis,- tas ho tsar* swprUss than 9 wcokean and krtl tnde, from taking It, at oasa robnst end foil of oosrgy indtr Its isißeaco. It eousteracu the nerraloasni of thi fotsalt ls tbe great eanao ol BamnnoU It win not bo expected of as. la aases of so delicate a notnra, to axbiblt certfdeeus rf caru porformod bat we can assure tbe afflicted, tbui bnndrnd* at exsa have boon reported to os. Tbotuands of cases where fialller hove been without ehJldrsa, after using a fbw bottles of this Uvnluabla aodicins. bevo boon biased with Ino, heaitby offspring. To Slothen and Ssrrled Ludivi. This Extract ef BarxaparOla bos been expressly pre pared in ref trace* to female esstpUinta. No ramala who bos reaootf id lupposo she is eppromebiag that critical period, * Tie tarn of Ufl. m should neglect to toko it, aj U la a esrtain pruraativn for any of the nuns<3runs and horrible diseases to which femalvs am subject a} this tine of Ufa. TUa period eooy bo do lejtdfbr general psora fry nexag tkie medicine. Nut is U less valuable far tboto who art appratching wo manhood, os it is calculated to assist maxmro. by quiet ening tbe blood osu tnvirorati&g the system. Indeed, this oedlriua la Invaluable far xfi the delicate dieea an to which women an subject. It braces tbe whole system, renews permanently tb* natural energies, by removing tbn impuritir* of ih« body, oot so far ttimuiatiag as u> produce •ufnniucn' reloxsdlen, which is tbe cos* of most medicines taken fix female weakness and disease. By using a few Ixittles ol this medicine, many severe and painful surgical opnrs tions may be prevented. Crrnt Blrssiog (o Rlotltera land Cbildrea. 1 It Is the safest and most effectual medietas far purify ing the nntem, and relievtog tbe suffcrir.r* aueo-lsui Optra ebfld-btrtb aver discovered. It strengthens botu the mother and child, prevents pain anil diei-a.'*. in creases ood enriches the food, those who hare used K think It is indispensable. It Is highly usefoi both bvjvrr and aftercrinfineioent, as it prevents diseases atiemiaut upon childbirth—in Coativenest, files. Cramp*. ri«ri:- teg of the Feet, despondency, Heartburn, Vniuitinr. Pain in tbe Back and Loins, False Pains, Hemarrharc. and in regulating the seercttn&s and equalizing the cir culation it has no equal Tbe great beauty nf this medicine is, it b always sofa, and the one delicate use ft nxnt sttccessfally, very few eases require «cr other medicine, in seme a tittle Castor OU, or Uagtinsia, >« nsafuL Exercise in the open air, and light food with this m edifice, wfQ mi way* ensure a safe and easy ro»- laeaußL Bcftatr mud Health. Cosmetics, Chalk, and s variety of preparations gen*, rally in use, when applied te the (see, very toon ipotl it of ta beauty. They elose the pores of the skin, and check the circulation. which, when cmtttm it not tbw»ri •d by disease or powder, or the ikia inflamed by the alkalies used in soap*, beautifies its v»n production iu the *• human fees Dmna," as well uia liie ranlrs ct neh and delicately tinted and r«n»r»t»d flowerx A free, aetive and healthy circulation of Ae fluids, or t!i-» eoursiag of the pun, rich blood to ike extremiue*. n that which pilots the eoonte&anee in thr most exqui site beauty. It U. that which impart* the IndevcribabU shades flashes of tovcUfiess that all admire, hill none eaa describe. This Seamy Is tho offspring of aa- Csrr—not ofpswdsr or totrp. If there Is not a feea and healthy eirenlstioa, there lino beauty if the lady u fair as drives seow, if she paiat, and ore eotoeue*. sad the blood is thick, cold sod impure, she is no! 'bean- Uful. If she be brows or yellow, and there it para and setivo blood, it gtvee a rich kloam to the cheeks, and a brilliancy to tbmreyes that U fasciasuag. Thb bwby the ssathem, and especially the Span ish ladies are so much admired. Ladle* m the north who take but little exarcise, or are confined ia rice rooms or have spoiled their" complexion by tho appli cation of deletcrions mixtures, if they wish to re gain elasticity of step, buoyant spirits, iparhlinr »yrt and beantifbl complexions, they should nto DK T»»ti •end's Sarsaparilla. Thousand* who have tsieJ'it. are more than satisfied. are delighted. Lad: it of »»<-,* •teiian, crowd our office daily Node* to the X.odlre. ! Thus* tost unJtsie Dr. Townsend s Hurtspanllt ‘.s>> invartsbty called their stuff s grtaX fleewdy far ft ntaltt, Ac, A< ,■ —oiher men who puWup mediciue, here, Ui« prrui success of Dr. Townsend's Bamparilla Ui rompbioi. t&eidesi to females, recoameaded theirs, although pre vtonsly they did not. Aoemher of these Mixiurci, Pill, Ac., are injurious to fsmalea, at they aggravate .iiaexie and undermine the constitution. Dr. Towssend'i lithe only nod best remedy for the numerous female com plaints—-it rarely. If over fsfia of effecting a permanent cure. It can be taken by the most delicate rensaJet. >n eoy esse, or by those expecting te become mother*] with the greatest advantages, ss it prepares the rysirm and prevents pula or danger, and rtrrnrtheca *«.>h moibcr and child. -Bo carefnito gel the groan* flerofala Oarrd. This certificate conclusively prove* that this .'>atea psnlta has perfect control over the most obstinate die eases of the Blood. Three pereoos eared Is cm bouts i* uoprecedbnted. Three Children. Da. TuVMLVD— Dear Sir: I have the ptoasure.-co afonn you that three of my children ha*t been cmjetl of the RcrofnU by the use uf year excellent roedtrtji.4 They were nflllcted very severely wtth bad Sores , taken only four bottles ; It look them away, for which I feet myself oaaergr-et obligation. Youra, reepeetfully, ISAAC W CRAIN, 1M Wootior tsi Opioioon of Phyolciiuta. Dr. Townsond is tlmotl daily rncetviog orders from Physicians is different pens of the Union. This Is u> certify that we, the uodertigned. Physicists of the Chy of Albany, havejn numerous cases prescrib ed Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla, and believe It to fie oo* of the most valuable preparations in the market ' H. P. PUUNO. M. D J. WILSON. H D. R. H. BRIOOM, M. D. Albany, April 1,1847. . P. E. ELJIUNDORP, H. D CAVTIOfr. Owing to the great succeas and immrinte tale of Di. Townssud's Sarsaparilla, a number >if mru who wort formerly our Areata, have eomiuc&ced making Harsape rilla Extracts, Elixirs, Bitters, Extracts of I ellow Dock. Ac. They gsnarally put It op in the same shaped boi dea. and some of them base stole aud copied our silver trie meets—they are only .worthless Imitations, and should be avoided. , Principal Office, 128 PULTON Street, Sun Build ink I N. Y.; Redding A Ctt. 8 Hlate ctreet, Bwton ; Dyuil A • Sons, 133 North Second rtreet. Pluledetpbia ; fl. ft Hance, Druggist, Ballimore ; P. M. Cohen. Charlestoa j ' Wright A Co, 151 Hlr—rt, N o.; llifi !*ouili Pearl Street, Albany; and by all ike pnnai Dr»r- Ssti and Merchants federally throughout tl.e United lairs. West Indies and the Canada*. N : a T'P er » oaa ‘ n< l u ‘i , ‘ , ig for 11.,. medirm* should rtti aeed t r*° °' bef bj Mraaparillaa, andofeourae prefer seHing ihnr own Do not be deceived by any—inquire for Dr ToWiw n ° p: Hr>mcmber il, c p.riu-- # SagaspanliiiT sold by ih- agenit i M SILERS, General Wholesale A Heta.l city 57 W °° d “ rcot ’ “ ,ld ,J M-CUriRV, Alle^hoJjyi EUHOPKAS AGKNCY, Fot the Recovery of Dormant and Improperly Wij|,. - held REAL AND PERSONAL ESTATE »pr s*,.' Ueoient and Arbitration of Commercial. Trudiuo. uml other Debts; Beeoring I'ntciits fm Invention, • Britain, Ireland, and the Colonic* unt! Dcpe».depr,r* thereunto belonging, and Xcgouniini; for ihcil’ur, chase or Sale of the siunr. ;'] Reference nay l« j ; r«i o« sppiK-ntion op charge, (provided ib« motive i* not iln.i <,{ n,cr.i( curioxityj to a List enmprisim; u„vnrd* m names iu which ujiclaimpilprupcrty i. standing Aiao, an index to our Ki4KXi wtiidi have appeared for the past .Ou ) cur. in vanuu* ltn'.i*li ncwxpapcra, addiram-d io Heir* at Law and r..-n oi kin. Coounanienuohs by letter are requested io hr post-paid. BKNTHAM K Alii AN, 3b Broadway, New \ ork References are permitted to Hon CLarl-. y Duly Judge Court of Common Plea*. New Yurk Freeland, Stuart A Co Cims. Cartlidgs A Co. W. AJ. T. Tnpscoii. U. R. A. fllokeUi, Ksq. Kdwmrd Schroder, Esq , Cincinnati, Ohio A. Fatehxa, Esq, President Paulin Hiutk, Uulfalo novSl-dOm CcueUry, ATtksinjumJtnccuunof’ (Ire Curporaiop>, held on following perton* wote anam owniijr re-elected Monareti for ibe enauiii# rear. JESSE CAROTHBRS, NATHANIEL lIUIJHKR WILSON MKJANOLKBS, JOHN H. SHOENBEftOCT JAMES R. SPEER, , J. Jr., Secrelaiy Md.Tr^Rjt U rer „Thc annual auteateni pre*cnted Uir affiur* o( t).<* Company in * »o ty proiperom comiu.on Tt, el x u iii< ■*■ in the eliy <• No. 37 Water iri9 BEEN APi‘CTSwU fer uecl> . .ksfurletl bii>«lt I'.ir in «lore and lot talc tPropr's A CiusanL*. Clrveland.) ' J[>-isi i nr”’s , *c" 'l™ m> point on tile Canal* and Lufces. ’ '»,r 1*,,, leeve, 1-in.bursh and Cleveland daily ran 'ii'if in uo«mc» «..ji,w lii , , K.iL , k havln ft rrmovpj the,, j.. LwLV SmS"* “r “ lar B cr W.nsboui* , I'J ; th ****> formerly end also ui l.remreJ , 'S' Piiulurgh. ,r, „ow S “So p, ‘ u ' "“' Ultl " '» 'to.r frt.nil. b > 1 ““' *"• not Uim.hipp.oU,,,- un-l\ 111 L?? U , ‘ Pl,ll "‘ Jrl rmii. linn, c.rrirj „n -„ , S ""“ > " Bo *** T ° «lw nm.Sn S rr,,lJlr " l K «"*•! h.ndling, tin, ui“ i N ° ch “8' ,r '“ dE f« roo.iirm, or pippin, ?“'S dh “8”»- All s oo£ (omiffil * ’ * ,,,, U, ’° n “ is mu aa by my oib- joiln m<*faden a Co., Canal B&mh, Penn n., Pnubunth , JAMES M DaVJsIA Co., leb.4 an Market A 44 Commerce Fhila. *.a o m N A ! i ' FADKN 4 Co ' Forwarding and Comnu*- sioit Mer.*ti*nu, Lanai Ba*ui, Penn »l, Pittsburgh. JAMES M DAVIS A Co, Flour Factor* and Commi*- rhli.Ji'l’j, ,u “ 1 M ‘-'omiae.c. .1, . JP.‘ A, ’.‘,““*>« by either of lire above on Flour VW*- u... oilier .IccnpuoFM of Merelmmiiw coiuignuj “ febiil have ditpoaoU of iheinn- J,fr -1 1,1 a ami Ohio Line to CLARKF a Vt, , of I‘iusbmgh. and JOSEPH S LEWIS, of Plu;»delptu*, March sth. late. * W *’“**'»• »«d OM» Tr>q.po r t«,|oa Co. Double Doily Litim gf FIRST CLASS NEW BOATS AND CARS fu, * Uß 70 T**.wojrr «Oota twrwm m-mmwH urn Exrrvß.t cmn CLARKE i THAW, Canal Baga, Pittsburrh LEWIS A Ul'Tl.Eli, aitf Market «., PbilnUrtphia J AS. STEEL A fO . Agta, Broad « V COW I>KN, CLARKE A Co.. ?* North si . Balt oi A S I • We*t street. Now or* Co-pan»#rihlp. I HI. »Bh«rril> '• ilia above and uiiormediain place* wun as macb linr Pa,eh ‘ and Sl 13 * OW rBle!S M *” y oUler ,e *P° n '* l * l o T!ip Bitenuon of sappers wuhing 10 send Pork or Ba con to Baltimore in bulk. i» particularly requested. in asmuch sjour arrangement* enable us to carry such ;.*s uirougu tn belter order than any otner line KIKE A JONKS. Prop ir*. Oanaj Basin, near 7Ui *l iLpittsburgh. March t ls»7. •|±M 1. V SUB. t r , urtßi KI KR A JUNKS—CoratruAxion and forwarding Mrr < run.:., and H‘l,uie*alc Dealers in Iron,Blooms* Mil. t Ar | I-’- ••.,»!] jdvanr.-* on cnii.ijfTiroenLi morHf ! HKSBX oiLAfr, X. inmui, a*D cqa*. ErtTPiumr* ri...».>urgn. Philadelphia. UNION LINE, To Vl* «MU ant» aaiL*i)Ai». i\l’“e.?' <,RAFF a <uiei> in mode oi carry u»g—capacious ivurebou *''* “• ru, ' tl BMoalim; urcontmodauuit* in shippers *ml on iier. »»r produce--together wah iheir long eipe tieiu’e ami unremitting allenuou to business. wiil securr 10 lliriii n continuance ot mat liberal patronage'tQrv l.errb) erHieiully acknowledge. ' * y All consignment* by and for this line received rhar irr* paid, and forwarded hi any required direction* free oi r|,urge for commi.wuii. advancing or »ioroge No interest, directly or uuiirecLly. m *ieam!>oau All eoinrnuiucauoiisproniptly attended to on amilira lion lo die lotlowmg agents: r BURlilDciK A CASH. 'J7t* Market sCPbiUJelohia TAAFFK A OVuNNOK, Canal Hauu. P.tUbutrh U’l (iNN'ORS A Co, North *t. Baliuuorv WM B WILSON. wi Cedar m. New \otk ap£ LAKE ERIE AND MICHIGAN LLNK* 1848. l&fr wrli known Ijjia, composed o( oieambusia A l-aie .'iM'iiigita, kciwcpu Puuburrh «jul ™ rr - *' ,akes, i n ' l , n ", e .' sn J ki,d !'■***t>K eJ < U> all point., nr. Hir hurt anui, »nd l.ake» Krir, Moron and Michi- Hsvmi every Unlay for ronveymr fr-» f ht and p»,. w»h promptiww, and d.-petci. the propne.or and figent, reepecuuliy *otnu from their trirnd* « con tiimnnce or rli»;ir nmronaxe t' M K KF.kB. Proprietor RFIKLi, 1-AUI6I 4 Beaver Arrnn. JOHN A. tAI’hHKY. Agem, * .* P M « or W aicr undhinnMiH.l ,u.Vit'uLoreb KCJ,IP»K TRAffSPORTATItHS LIRAS. ,ron< ll,c ,;a '' Wl > via Cumberland. 'Pith proprietor* of tint popular In,-.bev**«nce the, L <*- organization largely no-rented their lonlltlea li ■ntrl the wukr. of sUppera, a„• the FIVK DAY LINK a- m.o hr additional r»-goi*r wagon* tit low rate. Ilu. into wilt run throughout the year, delivering good* throw* b the agent, w Ruiumora and PiUaburirL to owner, and cunugneea at spe.cthed raiea and tnue Wlupiueiu. from Philadelphia for the line .hould |.< maikrd -Car". } IS Rohtn.ou, Baltimore ’’ The only *v<,nl« are, J B ROBINSON, W s 'Hiarin* t,t. Baltimore LDOKKTON A Co, Cumberland. O \V CASS, Brownerille. J C HimVEKL. I'liuliurjh. MBs pCLIPSK TRANSPORTATION LI.VB '! Hr Proprietor* ofthu popular Line Ipt* changed iha AS*_aoy «i Cumberland from ilia houM of .McKair A M»- gu,rr to ibal of Kdgrrttfa X Co. rutdmrgh and wrOtru merchant* ara not ified thai J {Jay If Kob.ovjd No vy South Clmrlea »t, BaJt.mor* . u u.« ou U authorized agmi of tint Liu* ia Ui* kaaieru ill.*, uulj 3grot» are J C BID WELL, Pituhorvb, a \V CAS a BrowtiATiila, KDOAKTON Sr CoCutnberlaod, J B ROBINSON, Baltimore. Western Transportation Company. IV .txj D. LKKCII A. Co's 10/10 iO4O, Old Established Lines 1040, TlmllLADKLrHia, BALTIMORE A NEW YORK |Vl* rKS.thTLViJIU ASH OHIO &AIL IHADS. ARE prepared lo iruinpor good* and produce lo tnd frim toe abate cuie* on fuvoruble terra*. Ad or npjily i« R .LKtCH A . Canal Danin. Pittsburgh. ''APKIH A LKKOII, No*. 13 A 13 South Third «, Phil. J. TA VIAMIA KON, Agt*. No Id, Nib Howard »i, llali. A. AHJoTT, Aft. No 7 VW.t aircct, New York. ' J llul } ar eh. March loth. l**4a marto \ Merchants* Tranaportatibn Line. tv. , ...,. VU S A>UI - A * D aj»iban*w r L HH.ADKLFIIJA AND BALTIMORE, l - r* 4 r ‘*"'‘fnciJ io our care will be forwarded VA,w.i|..,ui a* ai.thc loweat current rate*. C A MrANULTY k Co. ■ Canat Ua«m, Penn it, Puuhorcb. MKK*EI!J,KB * REYNOLDS, m end aoa Market at, PtaJ’a , HO!*!-; MEHRJTT & Co, >*■* • Swiiij’i wharf, Baltimore. MBHCIIAVrs- WAY KXCUmIVKLT ro*TUiT»»jBft»»t XTIOS or wit tkiniiit ,Urrh ' W>ler ““"'i'Huntingdon Co) drill JV- Thia Elite wiu formed exclusively for th*> op ifomuiodliuon ol die way buaiueaa The J*TO&ri«ujra. tlinrlklulfor tbe very liberal ptnioouc Uiey have re during (be leal two yefcrt, would roapoci/ullv in’ lorm iMr friend* »nd the public lh*l Uiey ore now .till ixrtlcr pitepaiod to deliver good, at u „y JH)im 01| ailtl lUii Hoad., wui prompting. and dUpai. li PICKWOKTII A WOOD*, JAAIISf ALUHV f.EoIMK TRINDLK, JOHN MILLER* rv AGKNTS. PU'bworlh A Wood*, Julmatown. , Jujiu Miller. llofUda-yaLuieb f C A M’Aiiaiiy A Co, lanulbMin, Piiuborrk !. Rtirea*;acv-Piu*burgh—Suuiii A Sinelur; j A j i] MrDevitt. 0 A J II Sboenberger R Robuuon A Co B j! BbeiUey A Smith; John Parker; Wn lj-hm» fc | Ooj J>r I' Minenberger. jd| |CHANGE BROKERS, & c . D .nice*.' * SO!,s . " | “ ~ .• *Ti) D!ui.e» ? * ®*©lteri,| PIABo FOBTES> NOTES, DRAFTS, ACCKPTancf* rn. r ' JOati H- MELLOR. So -l Wood ™, T ™. ANDRANK NcS^° 0L£ * si LVER | :aua^r,- COLLECnONS.— Drafts. Noi-.'V ' I I 7 »"It r ? ent Pi«no Pones. selected iroin payable in any pun of the L'nine ,„ii Acceptance* v . * v ■. 111 e allowing manufactories in Uts^ton tavorablc t«rnn.‘ L collecicfl on il. c „ „. Votl p... , Z'T'J ,^’Tf timore; also, Cinrutnai: I m,..'* 'i Jclp,ua &,, d Bm- u Uich l he u Affci.t m Western Prnn- New Orleans Co. Km, iV or .. I * au « U. and- >“** i. termetflhe Sew Circular Sea'e; BANK NOTES-\i , . * , ‘T S a “ W°rement recently made, and jm,, them United Mutes discounted -• ~ ’ ' ' olv, ‘ nl bank, in the ! deculed advantage in power und rqua;n\ ut lone t-s?* ““ fpLn “ ,n ,br ***" *"* Office No 55 Marie- ‘ ~ “ oci'ves. finished hark A front. WU 1 Piu»hurgh, Pa ' ’ ' , ’ , ' AVeil mid 4:h, .. “ richly carved - • J^jO ot*t£J ~ j '’l " “ /■lull ; *' <>f “ carved moulding*, £4OO "* “ l»J lim.bed back and f «ni. Sttfti . i «1 - SU4O „ ‘ *• *' “ SM2S “ - •• • *** ~ , '* projecting front, SJIJU ti “ ‘ ~ nclUy curvrd, Style m Louis Mil. **• " d hollow eorner* ni.d lio!;.>vv cor nered legs, second hand, cost originally aitdwdl be told ut a very reduced price No. iy. Rosewood, round comer, very eiegunilv t.n nhed, stf?3. No IJ. Rosewood, round comer \.ti c egsnUy finished, st/73. 7 The above arc manufactured by ti. Worcester. N J.- w#!, t Ituowiii as being connected lonuetiy w.ih Messrs Stotard. Woreester * Dunham. N y No. Li. Rosewood. lle % ri Pan* o’'"*'*” 0 ’'"*'*” < ' r * nd by Henri g .b Muho S* n r <• octaves, second hand, price $74. t»ld Pianos taken in part payment uue* 15ANKKR3, B raci/AS)K S BROK?its OO 'J j ly oppo.lM UU Uaai at received on deposit*—Sjehi Ci.yi\ Curr " ut R»*>ueir '“Mn. made 0 5°nc„ly £ V™«£i “ ,1 Liu led Male* * ,e, P** poiuia m ilj# OoM. , br ■'""•S" »d *„« ri0 „ Advance* made on conurnmerts w i ped Rut. on liberal term. U o( * *odare, *hip ■ ——— - . uiclilO Al«. Draft* pavnbir u, any“ un of r nn from L\ to £lOOO. at the rule«u «t' . ' ‘-oumriea, without .Ifducuot: or uitt 1 sun. door We»t of wood 1 “ lrr .»t|i »i o<-:l-tl JU3XFH II HILL. B.\-ri-p * Cl’UttV, *" ‘ “ ANKLB> jim.i Kioliange UfoUrri IVm , l "«*« u „d,.' Time 'V «*•*. s«'. mariiti tU.INUiNU.I „ nkIHEH *. UA»i U " jysti&&E2HS. "'f Western funds! Ohio. Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri, bank Note*; purchases! at the lowest rale*, by N HOL.Mfc* A 35 Markfi mteei B' LL s?!“f ia ASOK-h.,!, (i,,, v .■„»- Philadelphia and C °.S" Uyfo '" 1 ' » N HOLm“-S'ji SONS. 'l6 Market *l MISCEI/LANEOIIs M A ,f^cTy. RKD ANI) !KAK HEALD.BtI KNOR ACo.4i north waiet t i_ B „d "■ wharves, Phil’a. otJe r Ku -ale <>„ m-eomujodatins terms, cu.i pk K i l 0t.,. c ,„ iwund,. Ux,t pound',. 6*. -s. iy a . aaJ £, wh l o , r' i V/'ir d S- ‘ »»d IT* lilies tV|.t.,n whole and halt boic ... .1., i.Mowm, a;.,„*e.. d brands, James 11 Oram, Oborn A Br«jj Uram A Williams, A Cainuu«v S Jones A Son, ArDouald. Web*n»r Old, J Thomson, Thomas, Jr. a H Anauiend i So "' Oentrv A Royster, J A Cluy, M A Culler, f Jl%,i O.WM, I earl A Norwood, J s b)nrk-. v ,..Kl Keystone, « H Vaughan. l-lmund henry Poruaux Robinson, RU-..U A Kob,u.-w> n 1 Keim. Rohmwa 4 s, ;h |Jals.> *' f 1 Motculf. Joiin Kndr-- Uray A dray, 1> B ru'niei' Vork uW, I) M Branch - AI.SU Haeana Leal Tobacco, wranpen and tnjrra X 4™, Jo do Oenfuegos do d„ .. St Jago de Cuba do u„ St Doimngo do d„ J(J iauna A LuiJea Ao, part Sue „ Maysritic do Uo ' Kentucky various grades do , lt> Virginia l.ruf suitable lor manufacturm* and ertiorL k u \^P"' ,tV '‘ eli (/croioii Pipe,. Pipe heads; Scotch Snuff (100-m* and Madder,,) Mae.-ouba Meal at; 1 *";"'- ,uv “* i“ k .:L, Cblahna Uquonre; Patent Cavendish Kaive. Spunk' PHILADELPHIA. n.vld MAXI-PiCTUREa *3l) 13 *'LL*litW TOBACCO, SNUFFS, ASB CHTAHS/ At hi» Old of S.mthfield street and Diamond alley, Pittsburgh. p a .. woaM r«.pecual iy call the o( Country Merchant*. Iloirl- and Steamboat Barkeeper*, to a larpe nm j * nfv , rior M^n . mcnt of IMPORTED UUAH.t, omonir whi.-h will l>a round the following brand*, viz: Escle Retalia Ca« SiS*- £™ c ;l“- L. N»rau. Si*r Brand. M.'.-rvi .„J Dollar Regnlta*. all of which Will be **l,l a, . 0 «v a* can be had at any other hoa*e in the city. Alto, constantly on hand and (or ,ai« a l«rp« and well selected stock of Virginia. Missouri. and Kine Cut Chewing Tobacco. A.Uo, Havana. Cuba an jive purchasers a w mini guarantee (hat Ihey are stronger, and will reaiu frost and wet w»»ih. cr and imbibe t>»* moiMure or dampness than an) oili er brick, possessing gremer liody and •upermr (»iliire and much more durable m every respect. cf. h brick bcinp subjected to u ptrssme of ,ri.| t | lon«. »i„t j*,. •eifting a lian.lsuni* smooth turu.v and rven edge* thej make a from equal in the be.t troi.t 1.r.r1; They have given the greatest sa h ••iircion! who hate purchased. A kiln can br v- r n »t m, , n .i specimen al the f,alette ofin-e Those having aupj.l.ed themselv.--. i.x n,. , r ! -.S.iir* and wishing handsome (rnni no, * or -ui.eri,.i imi.i mid rulid pavin |> brn-k , cun t|,.-m „ , , ISAAf (IRIX*, AI.LKCHKNY VKMTIAN HJ.IND t aC iT»kV JOHNA.BRO WN, 1 . und qualities, are constantly kepi on hand * also, at Nos Wood si, Pittsburgh m J a il Phillips'oil ■-loth watt-room A v\ KVKJ.T VeniUan Shutter* Kind*- in order in the beet *< yle lllindi repaired ■( the thortol nut.< N. H - lli» IJliiml» w.II 1.0 |>ut u|> wuht.ul «tif addi tional ezprnfe, »u Uiui ihry cki, I,r 11-im.irJ in J | Ql> _ room in i'a*e ol tire or lor waahun;, i.nd wnhoui ihe aid oi a screw driver. _ |)1 dlyAwwmlyS BENNETT A BROTHER, Ht'KP.Sii IV AHK MAN DI'aCTI KKKs, BirmlnghaD.jntar mm 1 JV ; I**/. PitUburgh. Catenl Concavi BfalTr Charnl NN I LL ™n"ianily ie e p „n baud a good aa*ort- UUTTKK IN FIVK MIMJTKH'- Mjf" 1111 " 1 Ware, o( our own manufacture, and lyKcaliihe aitc-iuoti of the public to me article THy ■yVoriorqunl.i). W ho.ojwie and country Mer- W heading (hi- ndvrn.«ement, and invite m- on ,'*»•"»« are respectfully .«v.i-d to call and el and curiou. to rail amj W nw., «• 0 V« arume for Uicmiei*.-., *» w - ar» determined to »ell non. All advertisement* in relation m ,bm Cheaper than ha* cv. ; before hee« offered to the pub- to the hundred* who hart ■cert it wiled, m lunertrn’ gallon v ® \u~ Order* sent by ma.l, aeennipnu.rd by ihecaah or l»i This Churn wdl produce Umter earherin. ■> , Mircr,,™,. ».n ... Im. mm , w „, m ,r k . TL’SZuLS 2“ CO A O H MAKING. Jn,nl..l,;";,Sri’S jizr, ■■ >«■ WBZ&3&5&1 SSSS lo Itak.w.y Uaf- Jj mill in ih. pin,,, wiil"£{ “’ 8 b “‘" r ft a. open and top Maggie*, and every dewripiion of 4th. It ia llieilieapeat chore ever invemert i. nafT,a*c ira *dcto order, fro® icrtntr-i,, dollar, to simplicity of It. construction »h«Jh ? T 'a m ,b * •Mrbt ltunareL , aep-Vdin JOtIN SOUTH. | ere.! phlloaop mak rt 4 “u? RmJ Hoßoogabela Ifoa«« Tailoring Keiab. I »• 10 llaliment. I * h - l| l» » common-awtse cltnrn, aa ail will ai j mil ISAAC WILLIAMS. Draper and Tailor, beg. , 0 icj I , 1 fonn the ciliarna ot Pittsburgh and otnera. that he I . * Vc “* ve P« f c!ia*ed the monopoly of thta vulua |« now opening at hi* room* on SnmbhelJ street uti- I improvement from Mcaara. Coivrr 4 Mvera ib„ de, the above Hold a large and he au „r.,l assortment 1 V*, n 0? ,°' ler ‘ n * ,he complete in'oul ot Cloth*, Ca*aunere*. J*iint*. >iHa. and ntlm Venting* 1 P°*y 01 ‘hi* *‘l , l e d article for the State* of Ohio Wnn logotlicr With »«.-h viler .liil'k. 11. are m , uirr< | ? Ol ' 1 .ylvnnim, New \oric, New Joraoy, Maryland and D-i" fOiitlnmeri'a wear Hi* vo-ml. have 1... r n rarntuiii .r uwliro ' wh,Mb w,, ‘ '"«nrc certain and large pro&u to reeled, and are ,»f the new.-«i f u . bl4>i ; uM< , Um Oia-.uftwU.rer, and o .peedy rnnm ut .«ve.i,,“„, ttyle. a* well hb of -uperior .(uahiy caalomer* ’ r h« PmWic ura InvHed to C uJI and witnea* na operation may depend upon bating ineir eio.faea made up in . »> out office, in I 'U*""fKh, every’day.nt 4 oVJock, p u mnnn. r winch LBimm Uil to gratify the u»tc ol the ’ , J M. * . I'roprietnn. mo.l (a.tidjoo* apU4:ly m V^oirl^ohni^ofTirß^ St Clmr «tre c t, neat door THK STAII OF Til.K WICST ° tfeoil-dt/ w A VENIMAN UI.INUMAMFAtrruKY ' BORlnoßr* * Oouo.o|| 0 ». for Fji.m «id*- «•! the Diaindml, where V'emino “*l*l>t«**i Ulindr o I all li.e didefrnt „ zr . for procuring «uid defendt,,. Patent* onlr, ,n,'„rn,ni,n„ m l ifcrhmuc. nnj iL nppl, t .; u „„ l „, , H J* the lolc.t and muROF WALTKIt H JOHNSON. I.«e of Phll.d«,u Alto, the cheop[u-i«ton roil or B|„|,| Trami.u- ‘’h' 4 ,’ f\ l ' «*f W’aah-tigtoA city 1 rency and Paper ve imymcnt tor new. It M WESTKKVKI.T, Pro'i.r ; I'mnche* ofprote.«lo.ial, either In UinirofficV X. U-All work done with the best malerial and ! »> the I‘atent Office, or before the Court,; and w.llde ’ workioanalup, and warranted to plenum n lr moM (u% 1 ll ““ undivided attention to forwarding the inter Udwua. aug 10 dtv : -*l of Inventor* and Other, who may con**| t l bcn 0 Allegheny city, Aug. 10, ItHd. 8 d ' ;•'»«•« hu*me.» in their band*. Mr. KmwliL ib rtlfl . vvi»ahf\t HiiAl)b-v_i, | l, n pa*t twelve, year* held the po»i 0 f u ' ARKN rHI ADFJt—Jua, rvr.„,cd and Uy ! Cruled Slum* Patent Office, and re.igna tha, ~i„i,!, h 7 W “r" 1 « V‘“'"!"° rar “ r^ r, 7"'' j L"d"J«Kr'o,ni'." Sf'uJjSrjSjirffc, low"!' w V,-r.INTiKIK ' H,ul„OHo,„m»„,,|r„ NKW CAKI-KI-M Ko, Uui, Jay J„ I ,h '' |, “'* ,l „ oilicp. Wo.lungtoo, U. where cooimun, the nianufaetiirrr- - ration*, post paid, will lie promuily attended to- eima New -tyl- Tapn»u.- .pl> t orpei., r j| fu U1] .,., | inuiton* made,drawing*, «prcificmtoi,* t a „j ’ do do do do su ., Kr !‘-e paper# iirepared—and morleia procured when drm do do Um%4tj't’ari»ei I red—ou rcMUtiuhln loruiA. Letter* ol rtiuuuy eioen do Urua»eJi, very c|,. U p. , *' Irdto be answered after exnmiltauott* had, * do rirhteolor* eu{>ei |i,<(raiti , i-umparued by a fee or five ilotL^i. 44, i 4 and »«dj-nvy Vcnenan j*' j In the dutie* of Uteu office «ch pertem* p, Uie p«. 44, d 4 end tSdfibonmio* do j u lent Law*, Mron JA R. wtrbn a*al*t— 15 keg* Lurd -ii btd* do, m store ami lor I •ale by fcblJ JAS DaLZLLL I BOOKS, MUSIC, kc. o, . , JOHN H MKIJAJK, Sole Uurkeruig’* lirand and Square Piano r on<«, for W tfßlt*rn Pennsylvania ocll? PiXnob. ~~ A SPLEN DID asaorUmmi of.Muho- I^HmW* >iiv *vi Ru, * wood uiniio», JU «t tm fl tt | II 'f ~r u- rheae instruments are made of .mi*.llLiii b,ta,,l " ,i,alleril *» d l,r ' l ““‘•'•tuN anil will |>r .old loiv ior rush by y HLUMK. IPI Wood street, v n Tk I Ud door above Killij are "'} ° *Y in vranl 01 a B°od instrument. ?hn.,r,rViy l U,TUcd W =iMuno these before pur fr. h fhi n ®^^ BDewhorp.aa ibey cannoi be excelled by ouy fVm hC || C ° ' lu " 1 ** * o,d ■ owr r than any brought from the Lash Aisojust reenved, (wopiono.ol HaV : ,U .^ lUr "' warTat^*l be lupenoi to any ever told ni (fan country oeif3 F B ’ I»«THUME«T. I “, K ,ü b*cnber baa been appointed Sole Ajreni lor A,. lhe “* of CAR)IARTS IMPROVED MKLODE- Murrh"! and tnd by Mmira Alurrh A Whim, of Cmctnnuti The usual compass and extent being but four octave*. Messrs M AW m accordance with the general desire nnd demand,' ' “ p 'landed the scale of these iu*tninieuf to 1* a„d f octaves, thus making it practicable to perform upon them any music w-titten for the i tano or Otian ~ «' er,or / 4l ’°t **** been mui'h improved by placing °f ,ho lr ! ,lrumeiu upon a cast iron traiue txauuiull) l.ronied and ornamruted, rendering it ai once a inoM .riegaui and extremal} desirable article the price i* pm .o low as to bring it wnhiri the reach oteterj one m obtain • perfect musical instrument, ana, at .hr -amr time, a most elegant ptece of furni ture lor a comparative trifle H KLEBER, Ai ] W WoodweJl's r. R . EAT Mt ' wc *‘- No»io.-rv- ih« . Ü b,c,:i,7 \J ba* just received trom Europe, and tor sale, un I \i£r I. i'IZ, L-f.nH?" o{ r ,ano Konp - cal,cd 'he CAB- I lA.NO f-ORTE, which possessing more pAwer nnd awcrtne.A than the square Piuno,occupies but one ourth a. much room, and is a much more showy and oandsome piece.of rurniture. Ui< particularly desirm •i n ed'Tivtv C 1 Ule , R * V , ,U 3 ?f lp ‘ Cr “ 4,1 being ex “*** * nd “nd o'-cupymg uo more . * ,n * a !' wde üb »« The subscriber ho. m hood a testimonial or its superiority from the cnlobrm ted pianist. Moschelle., in hi. own bund wming.whtoh may be inspected. ,j KLKBfcR, °* K* At J W Woodweir. RKCnvnF 1 ? 1 * AT'fACHMEST. " ECKIVhlJand lor sate, a loiof choice Pianos, with ? Colrtnall '* '*"*•“» Attaciimrnl, by , sunn. A Clark. N Y One of Nunn. A Clark's Ptai.oi ,?* “ 1110 Attachment, was taken to England ay Mr coieman. arid among many other testimonial, of ad imrauoii tor this elegant specimen of American .kill snd mgemuiy elicued the.foUowmg remark, from H Thalberg, the greatest Pianist living, „. f, u , Lospon, Jan. \< Ni. Mj OearSir-Inendosmg a letter to my mend. Mr Krand, Pans, t cannot retrain from agam expressing io jou how much 1 was pleased with your "JJollnn Attachment." which I consider as a groit musical im provcmeiiL I can assure you thstxm my part I shall »uti great pleasurodo my utmon to make your inven tion known. For sale by H KI.KBRR. . l® - " . _ At Woodwolt’s furniture rooms, dd st JleiaUc Frame Piano. ' " A SPLENDID ussortmrm of Ro»e- Wf xx> Slohogany grand acuon Pi fl SnTl I“*' bQ»»hed ami for sale 1 ■ *,• ■* Also, two splendid Rosewood Piano*, wall Coleman's celebrated attachment, finished m the most modern style, and for sale at !*& F BLUMpfI, llfl wood st TRANSPORTATION. IlKkb, PARKS * Co’s. PACKET LljfS, 1848. BKAVKR ANDCL.KVKI.AND \V\RHKN Cinai Packet—SWALLOW. Cant Ford ‘‘ “ OCKA.VCapL uWr. / \NK of tbe above Packet* leave Braver avery day, \ / excepted) and arrive nexi morning &i ‘'Kfrrn. where lhe\ connect with the Mail Starr. for \Mro.i and Cleveland arriving at r.nch ol ihce place* '■ctore mg tit One ol Use Packet, leave Warren daily •*! -- l* Si . and urnvr ai Heaver in imir 10 wkc ihr ■ uor-ime .irainlHiai lor Puuumrch vi-? $ Warren.> p M B FA \ LOR, •• $ Proprit r* UKAVKH AND KRIK PACKCT LINK. TIDUICUH n* TIIK L-AKB IS VOKT HOC ». I'ii-.ui Fa.kri —Pmwti.vixu, <’*pi Jrilrie«, Tiaisu»AFß, Poltu.-k, Lae* E»i*, Truly, Pmosuj *• Brown, u " FeLcsros. *• J«By pr ’ Tbr above new and splendid Pa-ivneer Pockets have roiumcucrO runtime between BKaVKR AND.ERIF •i/ul will run regnfarty during the iruon-oiic boat leaving Ene every morning at S oVlock, and one leav ”*< U«“ver every evening, immediately arter the um ,u‘ol ll,r Mnunboat hbebigan from Pittsburgh rie boats are new and comfortably tiim.-ford and will run mrourli in forty hours Passengers to any |>o.iil on the Lakes, or 10 Niagara Falla, will font tin, route the tuoM -'omtortabie and expeditious Ticket* ilirouijii n. all port, on the |.*ke can be procured b\ MT I ) me to tlr propi lelor*. KKED, PARKAA Co.Besver * JOHN A UAUGHKY. Avi Pm. h he ui port, and travelers are re queried to call and eramine them Letore enraatn* oas »age elsewhere .. s e k (Fare uiily mne dollar* through ) One ot the boats of this Line will leave the landing (opposite I’ S Hotel .•ori.r, ofl enn strrei and (.'anal. every night at iimeo'.' ''IT k I inte-H days. For infonmilioti, apply #1 Hie Urticr, Mommy; slrls Hou«e, or to 0 i.EWHA Co J ,f " ei Cutml Bunn. I HARNUKN 4. CO’. oat*. £j£K HA.MIDhN & U), continue to bring persons »»>' part of England, Ir-land .Scotland ot ale, U|mjii the most liberal term*. with thru o.uaJ puu.tualny lUIJ attention to the wants and roui url " W« do not allow our passenger* to br robhr.l by ihr .wtcdhng p. Umt tafeai life sea port.u we lute charge of them the moment tuey pon themselves, and see to thnr well being. and de tunic it ihrtn wuhooi any deiennun by the hrat .W-. Wr V r ! lut «**«rleaaJT, as we defy o.te ol our pa«r„. rer» to show that they were detained -Is hours by u* in ■fjvcrpool. whilst thousand* ot others were detained ujouilK, until they could be sent in some old crail at a el._p rate, which 100 frequently proved their cotbua Wo intend to perform our contracts honorably, cost what K may, and not act aa was the case last season with ether officers,-who either performed not all or when it mtied their i-ouvetnence. U,.,u d,.»„ Put'iju.gti ,„ r lrra X 1 u XdUUU. payable at any ol the pfovtumal lUnkiin lie. land, lvgland, Hcollund and Wales JOSHUA ROItiNSON. European and Oeueral Aerm. PS/U- .'f.n, ««« door K.ln« X*- J LA-RD AND FEATHERS— ? bbl« No l LurJ, ?"ho No U do; 78 l>ifl Featbcr*, to imvc (or »«i e tv (obia ISAIAH DICKEY A Co, trout « MEDICAL. DILHIV'S BUGICIL PAM BITRACTOB! 4 r |’HK following from George E. Pomeroy,£m . th« 1 well known proprietor of the Express, speaks foi | iue:t oiine importance of jba Pant Extractor to every ! purer'.. .. ExFaaaj Or»tca, Albany. Sept. 1. j Dsllkt: My Dear Sir—With feelings of uo or dinary p.easure 1 address yoa in relation to the benefit I have received from your invaluable Pain Extractor Ute.y, my Imle daughter, 6 years old, had a p.tefacr 01 boiling water turned into her bosom; her stream* were dreadful, so that a crowd instantly gathered be lore the. bouse to learn the cause ofthe terrible screams I tore her clothes tttuntfer, and soon spread on your valve. Bud »he was carried and Intel upon a bed Sir , wu< *oon relieved from her pains, and says **Ma, 1 irrl • n. 11 rcouid Itmgh;’- and was soon in sweel'.leep. She w “‘ sealdetl to a blister from the top of her shoulder over mote than half her chest, and wind under the arm. On tie shoulder and bren* it wus very deep : yet trotn the br«t hour, *ha complained only when it us. dressed The sore healed rap.dly.and there t» no ruirlrartlott of the muscles. \S .11 many wishes, my dear «ir, for vonr *ucce». r • ale 01 unicle, lam ours, with respect. THE TEST and NO MISTAKE' The genuine Dailey, will ever produce the s*«c m •lantaaeou* relief uiui soothing, rooting effect in the severest cases of Burna, Scalds, Piles, £c. The Counterfeits- no n alter under what name, ibev “ r “ •"* *-■ maiism 111 my hreasr, feel, and all over my bodv for Six years, SO that I could not stand, and was cured hv titer application* of DallevN Magical Pam Extractor Mn ,1 « , EDWARD P. HOLM& Mr Dailey Bir-I cut my huger with a copper nail the poisonous nature of which caused my arm to swell’ considerably, with consUui shooting pants up to ih. shouider. A lacgii swelling taking place at the arm pit, with inrreuMiig pain, t became fearful of the Lock jaw. In this cxirenuiy your Pain Extractor was re commended to me, and which I wa* prevailed upon to try ITte consequence was that u afforded ine almost m*Uni rriiftf, and m ihree days I wa* completely rn f * d JUSKPH HARRISON, New York (turner Broome and Sullivan sta, Sept 8. lfHa. NOTICE!— H. Daxley ts the inventor of this invalo able remedy,and never ha* and never will commuiu living m uj the »ecret of 11* combinfcuon! All Extractors, therefore, not made and put up b him, are base counieneiu. Broadway, New York tCA6 Chestnut street, Philo. TMfiBV f MORGAN, General Depot; Dr VVM. THORN, Agents for Pittsburgh. JWey'i AmmtUGalvanu Curt-AJL, Cures humor, spavin, qnuior, gieaw, poll-evil, sores gall** and brume.. Pamphlefs, rootling utaate* b( respectable parties, mar be had on apphea ,,on‘" ~ „ JOHN D. MORGAN, . 0 l«*-d!y I* _ _ Agent, Pittsburgh. / ItiNHL'MPTION AND LI Y'RR COMPLAINT Sul fVi h “ Ve ‘ ye,r * wnh thw diseases, 1 ind lherei«re h |7 / T CT * an * «>«•«>• anfortunate. and die re fore 1 beg of ibero, if they love life and health dii h ani °r'ra U, r ,r » nd frienJ *- not lo lay ani die under the hand* ol mercury doctors, or their use less tra»h, but try Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort In* r rr ' m * whc " IWM *° > cottld not lurn over .n bed wttnout asM.ianee, and the tninenil rioclore said J could uot live a week, yet this vegetable medicine cured me m »it weeks fhnd ahaelting cough, pain in the side, raising of matter, night sweats and was wa-re.| , 0 the bone: al.o, inwart )Sve! J B MILLS, Milkman. Newtown, L I t.ofjsLMenor* Lives Comh-aivt For a lone V 'n h ‘ hC ‘° ™d was the more alarmed a* I hod lo*t a mother, two brothers and two «i«lrrs, will the consumption. J had the best medical “!*r* va ‘ n - c,rc '>' ««edy was tried wtthqut effect, and 1 was almost 1., de.pau ! was wasting away, m > v n V. VO “; h *“ l * t,a ‘ l cou Bh, low 01 strength, and Dr Tsviorf d ‘ , i^ fou, / •>mptoma. At length I tried Dr Taylor t Balaam of Liverwort, and I must say this medicine cured me Lire . chrrro. li, „,C nve powers should be made known. ». 'V HOLDRIDGE, Spring st Rataixo or Rtoou -’Hiii disease ts eawly cured by he proper medicme Mr. Newbury, 866 Bowery, used ~I i r ?'V* ' . In l:,r m. 11 year, assidnously devoted «»study A treatment of those complointsddanng whieh lime be ha* had more praeoee and ba* eared more pa tient* than can ever fall to the lot of any private prac titioner) amply qualifies him to offer assurances o| •J**edv, permanent, and satisfactory esire to all afflicted with delicate duearev. and all diseases arising lherr| Dr. Brown would inform those afflicted wtth prtvats diseases which have Iweome chronic by time or arl gravated by the o*« -if any of tlic common nostrums ol the day. that their compUiuts can be rndtcall) und Hot. ourlly cared; he having given his careful attention to tjc treatment of such na,l pud, ■nJ cnc’lnZ tug h lee House* N ° tfS » U«a*uond wllwy, uppoaito t>*a avetly RuitCiUTiiai —Hr Brown’* newly discovered rani; J> lot Rheumatism i» a speedy and certain remedy f. mat oatmul trouble. It never fail*. Office and Private Consulting Room*. No 65 Dii moud alley. Pifl*buri;h. Pa The Do. tot i» always i lt>? No cure no pay. d MU)> HO'N I>OKS IT LOOK —Sand*.! and Bull formerly put tbe.r Sarsaparilla in small bottles holding a few ounce., but amre Dr Townsend'* ha* become known, and almost or quite driven tbetr little txtUle* out 01 the market, they ate uow putting their, up m larger bottle* i onianung four time* «u» much a* hriore cjuery' How mucb profit did Ihey make be. tore otl ol ihetr wuiUi bottle*? Whs it honest* And • ince they have reduced Uie utrengU, t. it honest to preiend that they are a* good at they were’ Dr Towu send commenced hone.tly and latrly-gave as much medicine as he could afford, has made several tm provemctu*, and >s determined to keep up the itrength bnd ijuniity and will warrant that each bottle ot fits .'.aisapanHu contains more than tour ume* thcquauil i> or Sarsaparilla and medical qualities, than any oth rr preparation of Sarsaparilla in the market. l.y R E Selim. sole agent tor Pittsburgh and D M Curry, Allegheny. fcbl* 114 ORGAN'S COUGH SYRUP „ , v , Allegheny City, P*. U | OeAr&r-Beutgteverd) .flic.- ■“ •‘••Jeottgh .wo Week, or *O, I wqi Jurt-.l L> my ucitd* to try )our celebrated Oeugb *> rup I ceiled at > our -tore and parr-bated pj,. Mr amt ally taking a lew doaes j found my couyh eu . litrly cured, \ou enu saiely recommend il to ail per »on. mi u lure panacea lor cough* and cold* Price u rnu PV Wm Roootto prepare,! wio.M.le and retail br (he propneuir . . D MORGAN, Druggist Alio lor *••<• by Joel Mobler. corner Wood and an, _ febtii ChalUag* |o tta« World. T* a NrJ ‘V" X who w,!i produce a «pot of’ pun.i, K ree. or dry, that He. fl Jlw r r,ed w,UI Improved <'hemic.! iM V* ! r •'»»>•«»* to Hie people ui ’V" " f ' iCl * ,bv U,J om ‘ wrjiroveammoii in, Hand* unrivalled in ib,r ,-,iuntr> ter rKtraciuis ?mn*e'| hl P> )ih' f> “ nU ° r * n)f olU ‘ :f ■«*»* ,un< *• ” w,n " ll kind-, o( xenllrnieiiHi or lnd,r»' UoUiui* C,oU,N a ‘ ewDO Udi-t 1 bonnet.; Ac, without injuring ait) thing that pure water will noi ' ,nC 11 ' 04, ’ ,,r1,l person* u. different part* ol the country hare told lur ihcy would not Iw without n, if n co»t one dollar p,:r cake. In trying thu «oap on more thou ,-wo article* of tight *nlu, aau'i.* *| pace**, ind eal.« or*. I buve only found three pn-,-«H ol “k ' ,W . U “' p,w ‘ r ''’ *»‘d four of oalieo, on which it changed the color; ihcre/om before putting n mi a hafai drew try « .ample or the dre &r*t I *u.c tbi* «*“.«« l am deuirWiited not in recommend »t any *inm«cr than I know tu In- cecity uue N U Hon. rr;cc, U| rt, porcaka >old, wholesale au,l retail U ) „ A. a llcii, N. V. u. u. pAURKHToca, >Pm*burgh. * 0. W. FaiiNßrrur.y Wbolccklc Urn( Store lu the Oltr o, H«w York. w r r»IH nnderaigned are eiUm«TeJy engaged in ilia 1 V\ huleaalo Drejj buaiue** at No. 40 Join ureeu ln •kuod to Ibu 01 My extent city. P New Fort, FcblO u. *. FAUNEtfTOCK A r Office of American A Ponlm p'> J ° r lha lM ® of Keller A y tireenouch, continue* the buameaa of Comuiuojr o(WZ&MKrr?M A » , , ,orney ’ J‘ hl * °® ee in *• dLv„nr, H^ TUN ’ ~c mßy ** c °n»uJ>ed umnhip. multi ,|„ trm „j ~.“01 ft'V : v> ooimni'an, lor ibe manufacture ..l °,L„. J A.NDMIIKKriHUN WAH? ™V f S ' LO fl‘KK ,o„ .u.,1 .„J u.r i «. Il I? w"","' 01 c-irv. wli.r. .l,ry or" „j" V Y“ rd 1 U " '--"ri'r-;; izzi, - ! 4 - M >' w( Allegheny, Ppb. >, |s4l> -dthn OKO. W, BUITH A co I NFOKhI Ibeii ftwuds and the public tbit they hava I I. no longer au> connection with their laic eaubliab inani In Penn *Ueei, known u the Puuburrh Brewery SSSrplr! iu iho Pon& oRxTW tJit, in Pm itreen. ayiStd yg- I GFX> K. POMEROY IN QUART BOTTLES FOR THE REMOVAL A. PERSIAN ENT CORE OF ALL DIKKASKK ARISING FROM Alt IMPURE STATE OF ' THE BLOOD OK HABIT OF TUB BYSTKB, VIZ* Seroiuia or King’s Evil, Rheumatism. 01-tinste Out -> - v."m,n,r «.ma neoun Krupiions, Pinipfo* or Pustule up tl, r Face Blotches, Bile*. (’lronic Sore Eyre. Rmr M'nrtn or Tetter. >rald Head. Ki.largemeni and P»m. of the Bone* and Joint*. Stubborn l leer*, Syphihitc Symp tom*. Sciatica or Lumlnivo, and Ur*ru*e* unong troni an iiijudu mu* uw ot Mercury. A3Cite*or Drop sy. F.xposure or liupiudence in Info AI no, Chronic Constitutionai Disorder* In tin* preparation are Mrongly concentrated all the alediciiin 1 propcftic. ot Sabsa r axilla, combined with the most effectual aid*, the most salutary productions, the oiost potent simples ut the vrgetallc kingdom; nnd u ha* been *0 fully tested, not only by patient* ihem selves, but also by Physicians, that it lias received uietr unqualified recommendation and the approbation ofthe public; and has established on tw own merits a reputation for value and efficacy far superior to the various compounds bearing the name of Sarsaparilla. Diseases have been cured, such as are .not furnished Hon. a* re f l* o{ lane P* 4 «; n»d what n has already done for the thoussnds who have used it, 11 is capable ol doing lor the Bullions .till suffering and struggling “ purifies, ctennses, Ind stren|tl.e l » mn ?“ n^ n r pn “*‘ ®« l|f «. *nd nifuiex new v.gor thro'- out the whole animal frame. • Th ,>.|^ NOTI,EK ' ;l; *E OF SCROFULA Th. lOIIOWU.J .Llk.u, „ „,|| u .ten, p.ram s V ITH - 0 «'-. Conn , Ja„ 1. isii. t-n .nAn’ . ‘■'""'“'"-SVniß.lli, lorihe .flic '“‘l' I-**- hi !S: rZT^myMr'r gTeatly enlarged and her I,mbs much swollen AtW suffering over a year and finding „o relief I,om the remedies used, the disease attacked one leg, and be hsi.i} e h. k i ne ? « u PP a Her physician advised .1 should be laid open, which was done, hut without anv permanent benefit . In i|„* Mtuauon ue heard of and wore induced to ure Sands’ Sarsaparilla. The firei bolt e produced a decided and favorable effect, relJv mg her more than any prcscnpiion she had ever tu ken, and before -.he had *tl hollies, to the aston uhiucnt and de.nfht of her friend*, she found health quite reslored It m now over a year since the cure was etfeccd. aud her Ire-klth remains good, show lv«em e ‘ t W ,V U,orou « i,, J' eradicated from the »>stem. Our neighbor* are all knowing to these facts, arid think very highly o! Sands’ Sareapanlla 1 our* with reaped, JIT.IPs PIKE Extract from a letter received from Mr. N \V Hnr n., . Binfemn w»U known ,n la.ui.s coumy, Va 7 h" n directing there attention F«nU. 111 another f , T ?,'; bo,ll « k«* —criitly brn,, onloryoJ i,„| d a qaart, and those who wish a rcnlly rood article will C °T'k «'• «“•<■!> irriisiiuii ol lhc lung* a<- luiiie*, lias induced life proprirtor again to call miu-i*. ion 10 ilu* WtJ.NJ)ERFUL PREPARATION rho changabie wcathet which man** our fall and • inter months, la always a troitfttl loaicv nf LX)LDB AND OOUiHH Jcmoyel , ‘ C * ,crtrd ' A,e but lh * prerur-or* of that fall cosu.Mrrm.v The question, then, how shall we , u p die destroyer in bud’ bow shall we g n dear ot our oougl.s and »iu« is ot vital importance to lire public THE GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY wdl he found in the l.uiscng Panacea . In prt.ei of this wr have from nme to time published the certil.eutea of Uoicns of oar best known citirew, who have experi enced tu curative power*. These, with a mas. ot tes timußV from all part* of the country,-- from MEDICAL ATEN OF THE FIRST STANDING, Minister* of the Gospel, Ac., together wtth copious nod ices from t)ir JOURNALS OF THE DAY, . we have embodied in pamphlet form, and may be bad gran, ol any of our ueuU throughout the country HUNDREDS OF B&TTLKS have been used in this city. THOUSANDS AND TENS OF THOUSANDS throughout the Untied State* and Canada, and aha nge any man to point out a SINGLE INSTANCE w Inch, when taken according t<> direction*, and h, re the lung* had became fatally dHorg&nard v.«l rer tailed to ° ’ “ “** KFFKCT A PERFLX:T CURE Why. then, need ibr aHiicved hesitate' v. hi resorts the nu—-table nostrum*, gotten up hy u.. 0 v u rndma aais u ler the aatumed name of some co u., r . - j nhr iinun, and puffed tmo notoriety by eCrUficat-. „'* - equally unknown! Whilst a medi.nne o’ ' ? UNPAKA.LLEI.KD EFFICACY bor. -many of whom it ha* • l * n SNATCHED FROM THK GRAVE In order that this invaluable medicine may’he olaned w.thtn the reach of the poor a* well the nri v* put the price at ’ *■ ONLY FIFTY etna, *" S3'v,C ...... .- Broadway, Cincinnati, Oluo HIDROPATIIIC KSTAM.IBIIMKST~ ruuiirtavaou, ntuvKaru *. * n« TOWARD AOcfil. .*kS«:,/mr.»P of re (if.n J,"* b “ ***** 10 bu rri ' ,m ‘* »•« pul.Ue for tii* ri eas.vr* ), e lia , received, andofu..,:, Oiathe ba« lamly c , t ,u.d a S« Jd ilroi'ULfuc nruiciplp*. |„ addition to hi, long , pii.-c, and did great ruci-er, wlrnMi I,*, »'?•■«.«• tomirmted u ".a ha haa now tha additional fariliii,., udordnl i.v an or ' Irtintro building areclrd tdprnw.l, lor Hi- 1,11,2,’ ™,' .an,,g Ilia IradJair/r;n*a“;,,Lo.n.S"2i *a"id "Sli ol the tialirul. PtiilUnilrtinrb 1. a nro.i iS 1 , ETra^rr 0 '" 1 -^ >orn» uur and wholesome wait*. hr a>-l . afflicted person. wtlo lM) “‘“T Sowforc'lS ?Very “ llem,u " t« paid 10 lW coiuiurt, and a* an axfuranoc oft!, e Sfi x - S =iJ£ ft ftftrsJi.TSK: £& ■i.e.deat 10 change, of the w£aU. cr , cS » Z *" d ‘"P" 1 ", Vl «f° r *0 the d. ge Tcnn * o/ jfvtttmpiit ami UmrUme reasonable For particular* ...quire at the e.iaT.l U * l JU wJpßd pn>pr,cU>T “ FkMipifourjjb. or W,l„ ALTKKATivi:; - - • - SESSSsSS nh lt which tim( many pieces have he™ o *'. 0 *? t,oue*i‘lo the truntai bone o{ ifi e wn«u and hand*, and from boih bor aims, femoral Uono, and fh>m thertrht& W h d rr ® m the leA nicer* on other part* of her i-rtin whl deB ptu £ ,n ' the shill of a aamber of the n ’ hlcil h * w o bufled our ca>—during m©siofto?7£ l t n l ,ncm H. h y«icia»uof been egcruiaung and denbrabh? 1 * »?* * ut £ nn C a b»*c «ioee she w*t Induced wftVtv, boQl . | brce |uomh* whi.h has bad an Jajrne, bv removing ail pain aSi l*Jiu!£? Y * t j>' :clx>poa bc J' □leers U) heal, while ui the «■« . ■ a * ’ 11,4 the has become completely ,er K c aw*J health Fd F £f“^Ph|S^j;; on ' I »‘l'‘‘'= lB3 “ ,ta P “' N TE * STORK, D SARsiTAiruX^Bda™ , utt4 i, ’’ warranted superior u> any sold It ■UbilaiS“ e , 'iSf“ n , l , ° m ' U " ! ' P “' B "' ! ' «“*«“»« or P»r~i„ bn. SSI! t i.' “P “'Jrri,,/,„tl,r.u« c 17 w "»i"™, 1.1W.M and rjfi * , °® r, b* 11 l>r. Towu«snd’» only wholesale had** P,lLsbur * 1 ' 01 wLm) *« S«»atne aru-? 1 ° uri 7 has been appointed the sole areal for . ‘?y* ,r, ty city, «' wtwm the genuine article can be ‘ sjH \J < AM) M'KuVt’l.Ot SWELL LNUS.—Serol- la id all it. multiplied lurut* whether in that uf Xiug's Ktd, ettfcirgnuu-ats u the glands or boots, Uuilre, White Swellings, L'uroim Kheuinatitiu, Lanier, diseases o| the Skin or Spine urul t'ulmouurv consumption, emanate from one' ami the tame cause, whtcli is a poisonous principle more or less inherent iu the human system. Tbofev lore, unless Una principle cun be destroyed no nidi u l 1 1 * n, . u,coafir, »»daudlncunble. on Balsam has eured,and will cure, the most Jejgmrmtß of case*. It Uno quack nostrum, but a mandjttffgng? liFh medicuio, of known ami established efflcacr. * Ever)- fmmly in the United Btate* should bHmM with Buchan » Hungarian Balaam of Ufo, notonhuo coiuumpuve tendencies Tflho but to be used a* a preventive medicine ih all eases ol cold*, cough*, epitung or blood, pain In the *iid had Sow m lorß. Conley u« p „ bonle, wiu, Uons tor the recto ration of health. n fi !! a^.R U, . COQtai, J iug . amai,of ERfiDth and AOtffrV fl *" jfictU .= 5 » “(1 other evidence, showing'the on» ; i ed . merits °f this great English Remedy?tna T i£ • obtained nt the Agents, gTutuitDaily. 1 ‘ 7 7 >or . & 9 by & A FAiiNESTOGK A Co- corner st and Wood and Wood and Clhsts. narS y*l K 8 OAKOIHATITBBiIfIAH ft i.OM tb< Rev aSa SHINN, a well known tod pop r V cr f° ra ? no{thc^roiestam MethodicObarcn S^IfssSSrSSISKS-ssf ll r Ue e ? eci 5 vr * > foraithed with i bSK of Dr I) Jayne s Carminative Balaam: Thirba hm3i»- conJin* to tlie direction*, aiul found invariably that this medicmc fausrdthe pain to time In three or loar tS? ntca, and in fifteen or twenty tnkinieteverv toetn ’““ u ° n wa ? enurely quieted. The medicine tuai terwanliiuted whenever indlcttiontof tKo approach M pain weie perceiTpl, and the pam was thereby, ptevant. ed. He conunncd to a« the medicine every evenS* and »on!ftmc*in the mornini, and In a few «Ni»lri heahn w;u to taj retiomi, that the cofferer was re lisa ed trom a aiootuuof opjireame pair* From e& oeneuccj therefore, he can confidently reeomaSna'D , J “7nv»Carminative Balaam at a Military ttadiein for caearr* of theKomach and ho welt. ASUINND For ..le hi I'm.!,nr,h u, Ho ' 2 bourtb tueeL near Wood, and alia ttiiafim* Bjaooinj.oaiwoHTZ, >H*Vfsy!«i. SALTER’S MPnrlfr Von nM .fc' Sll,UiV “ I)eM Slr: L*Jt Spring,en'd'dg*’ nng the presume motet, I was aeverely afflicted wiui a acrutoiotu caiapUuot. mare levs, tad bean lor some months under the eons ot ** u , d . m Y caae wu almost incurable, and thereould-da t>ot hiifo ior me. I wu nearly hdpless'bM wStthF aul 01 crutches eouid with difficulty get about.' 1 tSllk? last, 1 purchased of you, and commenced nring-frytZ tol*s flAfcfcinastLLa. Alter the QM of two thi M>re a commenced healing, and I laid aside myoretS? c usuifoalyacane. fibp&et wiffS*mSSSL *j ‘J** 1 e “ d fourth, was aowellutoauiit «fl in shewing sheep, la all, l used fiv*. toulei. tX scroru l * and sores have all healedopjaod iiadaTaS£ summer i have seen no appearance ofthe duease^UL’ C t, d h»?" fld, «sl“ m now i aostperfajtkaaliM) i«., h ? h * 00nflfet,ee ' hoping that others mxytotkuf edited U. the same way, that the Bareap*rill» soldW you, has been the mean* and the only tneaniofdflhS mr the cure. CORNELLS JußS^ ror sale wholesale ami retail, by dAw , „ B. A. FAHNESTOCK ACb i .® wood «u, A also corner tvtf&d A dth«t» * L'ISR PEKTDMBay 1. cream de’Amanda Amere*. for ihrvtnr, * ~ Lictjn k i« Ut»«e, tor shaving: - • AJmonde Cream, * ( i r'upertinc llougp.ou Porcelain sumdi: i"""' E * , “' "* BeAuuful powder pad*,* all pauetott . HmUawd toilet botes, containing (rtnui «xnw^ii s.%*sSsf u 1 *—• ‘m* WwSS I’eruan, or Chinese powder: •* < 1 IftJjaa vegetable luiir oil; • . Urar»i fancy or common wrappers, (ra** aciJL W-.’ Sou,,, Nyiunb 9uaj>; Bose Up salve; vii I ors^^n* 30111 *°* p ' Lo S tlijor w ‘lt» » reV|*nrt«{y of hue peiidmefy: ju*i received: for sale b* ** rmw » B A PAIII9EBTOCK ACO i " vl “ cwtw^r.^ I ill owe to oiy fellow creafereTi)Ste MSSfif respecting vour &nc« I Grsj used the Balsam. about eievetrVeairES; fee happy ejfcet «l whkh I lien „ 7# b*ve bail several severe complaints and oue u lew dsy* sine 6, tod la every lhstinrtf\ b»v« u*cd Uio Balsam along wife *»a a*>». li is certainly a sate medicine Idn n ». t tl: feal n Will cure a Gated consumption; bail will be in many cue* a pw»S3SswldnivSfeSf ft beue r than cure; |do therefore. for low meii, earnestly recommend fee use of fei* uJuflll m all pulmonary complaints. ran ‘ etmffdont n!Ss?i wMd , J C \ y ° A Fllhl,M Kwk 1 A Co, wood ami ai»o corner wood and fife. _ 7^1?“ imperial cough srßm>*4tu » Power ,o cure; Pmuna Sfe l£i£* . R. L. Strajas;—,My wife has (btsean bfumuKifni to a distressing cough, accompanied wife-a*fema?&r fee cure ol which fee used Cfferem cowrhiem2w and had fee advice of fee mon otalaeat England, but slf was unavailing. By oi your i mpenal Cough Syrup, end-was induced toßuy * l . Ue (or I had no belief fetttayfeijis mu Id remove her complaint. To my great «SKf ™mT 6 S* ve her immediate relief lih*fr7il££' uoobled wife a eeugh, but two teaspoonsfol of Syrup, alw j> ■ iiopr a i ant satisfied, after a trialcd ferM or >'. c " r V fe»t Seller's Cough Syrup is fee benooMh, Seventh Want, city of KShferh. • above certificate should induce afl tmiblihl wife rough or asthma, to give fee Syrup tftr* «&"•' “ Sold by Dr Ciusel, sfe warded I)H K«euy cuj. bbi * No 1 Mackerel) ‘ TT” O .übbla No 9 mackerel; SO hf do No 9 do; , , a „ “ to doThononOflf' .• f Alum; 3do K Salts; 3do ehipHl Logwood r\ . .Nutmeg*; bis No 1 scaled Bcnfeg, bm No 9 do do: 5 do scented Soapd ' « lU do No 3 Press’d do; 10 do So A dado ‘ '* * 1 hale Cloves; 10 bugs Java Codec; 40 hhds prime N O Sugar, jost rec'd tad for sale by , deeU BROWN ACULHKBTSON g ELLERS’ VEHAUFI/OE—“Sop«n«!U»*af, lhiv« ever used." ' • Gkxiiaa T/-, Fuyctic county, MaTOh 4, ’43. Mr. H. L. Ssu.ias- I hereby certify thatl h*vo used j-oar Venwi'ufo tu my family, *mj wfidtß R if not superior to any I have ever used. I gavatoode of my children one dose, which expelled about M>wnrm. _ Eu. Bntrtx Prepared and sold by R E SELLERS, 47 Wood ■» Sold by Dr tjhssel, sth WsrU. D/d Curry. Allegheny:. H J Smith, TemperancerUle; and P iWvralfkL reaccvilfe. • '• jgff JUST HKCKIVED—Two splendid new Piano fortes. from the celebrated factory of Nadir* & ClrfHa aT* V-, and tit octave Piano, rosewood, wiihelagaA far one 64 octave, with Coleman’s AJotiaa Attach iTtese ver/superior J'iano* will be SOld'at Btahftfh* taterrprieej. UKLEHRIcii 7 . . . . _Solo Agent for NonkfiM /IA.NDLKS—Iu bxs mould candles mi e'nt,-.>.’Srrr Ldi2l^liiL-i££^--j^MgTBONQ PITTB B U R PUIILISIIKD !>AHjV, Tg|.WKCTr V;*-hi3ct- » Ai ikt Gwta BviUimß, ItATKB OV AA?BKV>%9fr Une idiertluD of ItUtci,or {Sl ■**•«*&,« 'n~r eniwa w,ti !^*^uS i Tr.v^z*BS One Wot! <• ,1 **"»*»«H { 1N»o Weeks .. ~ «*•*•■*»*• r ®® Three ** i„ •••••««•*; One Month, «. *•***•••*• J J® Two “ .< J~ Three • ~ ® £ iu- Lome, taßnTprmisSE °“ s “®*.g "“."U™, without 10 00- it “ u it fen* th oty ,?* additiua*ii«-B«re for 6 month*, OO , is « io oo 6 wmilht,f«iewibUi it pleit«r*;|S OO t.achadditiODaiaqsajo for 11 month*.* •••••• 10 00 A w ° *W*e»r6 -rr T — k, ~~*rtlf*"'7i *" 00 iuUitioQsl square, G month*, 00 - w*iEL» om ni-«kiiir tf'OjUH (tinu. One square, 3 nucrtU)ui,..f»<«*MM»<«Mt*|] flO * " eacU addition*) tneerlioa,•«•«*?«£ 37 *ucin*«a .CAAnI. „ Five line* or leu, one /e*r, •••••• 0 00 lix month*,;.,a op " “ oca ye*r,diil;4f w*ehly.3o 00 “ “ «ix liiootu* n * r#- \ s QQ. iDrtßTttiiiiatr t* emm >m*. F or 20 tme«, or less, One nuertioa, fio " o i. - ■■ » 15,i„ - J_ , .MI'DICAL id AGREaTCURR, parfirmad i.gßg l «« rill, prepared cat md by R E srl * Moaxi*’ Fxctdsv, Wastaorelaad )*k » _ July 19th, IBC. & Mr. R.‘S, SfUtrti —kasnofdoly toyoaaßdtiMiflkkd indoceißM toadd my humble testuaenria &fqraiyo«rj«*Uv celebrated Liver Pills, l hare deferred to br rare' '-v.' adhering to Davy CraksUN maxim, M ba «r« TO* ay* then go ahead. ” Ala*t of the many prvfaraticma of enptriei * sad qaacks, lauded to the skies, here sunk hi to oUivaoaslaN' • 1 our Liver Pills havabasnoffngtd to Qm patdte, wdiSb4s*4|i bolievt they will ♦**wvtve (Irani aIL" as thsy an just »ky < you reprncut them to bv i tm*been kAiefed •tflf Uvar • Loapiauit fj«n my )oath; hare auffiired mtxL; ma*fay*4 ®*l unimol uliTianui, to * hum 1 paid mueb moueylkav* hwt much bfoud; been vomitrdasti rdtTskkrtbklMKredreiht ~.4 •oLituuj 6or 6 tuns*, sad tluallv givvn up as taeurabfe. (a vv Ki I *’** 10 I C7, J 1 Liver PilU, mad SOON GOT > *fo*bo*«r which •> now sufficient to kaepateloar of Pm,o( the Fanna upon * ,h« pumw will ,ea. upou ,f. uomSS.'KJXI’SI ; alhumen, veetiable Ulnae Mdiffi, bod'ea no, ,ounf In uio.w root or IimUuSHKSk . wm whieh modem ebeouiry has pointed ouie. u.eY iiftce»«ary 19 the lormiuon of human fibre, tndbv ' means ol which notuia suakes up. for ,tk» couiSi * wa-te that takes place in the human body. For adfe wholesale ot retail, by R E RELIT*v •.. . w l *