The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, February 21, 1849, Image 3

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'or tilt PlttibttTgh p fi l L Aibetr-i
Kil. •
r ie fjhuring Tfhgrayhu Beorchinc
The Telegraph JSS^'
, ajjng ~ fco. and am.. p”r ttaß -'
Wheeling- He '• Monoafahela i» llop«
« by ' 2o Caput. « » r ■*“»"• si"'^’-
«roaod »n the <«» f„-P,it i.intbe roree, Commonkimr'
—rtvrtM T tJtvo,... P
7b--. «« riw N * *■ “ ’“ k,w Gravc ’
. tk „ UoiW-f Lump* •
m the . v ~ a., o p m Broom* —<, M» M , rr t, al ,mLir
CPU Uarrmon ha. ju.t arrived at IIS. place from ,
,k e rteamboal Telegraph No. 2, and inform. u» chMllol o„k
,L Gan. Taylor I, quite unwell; but u.ul\amve
here F
ebv 3 o'clock this afternoon. . j A , ,t,, river
The Cupful ihtttk.the General will leave here From
,o morrow morning, anil will atay m Wnehmstot.
L morrow night. He ia behind ~me. »od hur. *
rvins to gel to Waabington cily at the earheH I*' cocoa. p_,.e
riod. If any eh.uzo taken place, either in hi. route t »■>-
or „, hi. elate of health, you .hell have the e.rhr.l I
Wheeling, Fel>- 20 > y 1> M
Gen T.ylor will no. «»l Pin**"* 11 - H ' ” l 1 j Fou„..n hoi »
go direct from th,. city to Weehington.
* Wamusgto*. Feb. yOth, ■< P-M
h „,„,_A substitute for a l.ill wb..-h ha* I*™ I *,
.ome tine tore reported. the ™.». ( r
of raid dollars and double eagles, tea. latea
and consider***- . rrri *'
Mr. Vmtoo addressed the House on the. I No as,
of alteriiig the present law relative to the tnilentte ; '™
of members. It teas P«»ed over for the present. .. sjt »H
The bill far establishing a new land OtTi j
Mitscmri, pawed the House ; ...her
'"snutT*—Tbe MWta" Indemnity bill «s< tshen
m> consideied, and passed.
Vbe bill for appropriations to fortißcattott* w.»
reported tom eommittee, alter whmly tbe Seo.m
into consideration of tbe IrenerV Appropn |
.lion Pill . I
Mr. Walter, offered en amendmehlito tecnre n
raverttmeat for all new territories.
Mr Bell moved fnrther to amend by bailing
. olnose be added establishing a Slate Cmeerns
meat In Califomie. On this smendment » protraet.
ed debate enaoedi
By prJVain Corre«ponU*ncr..
Feb: 50. ISJS*.
Both branches of lie General Assemble have
resolved to go into nn election for Hatted Nates
Senator, Judges of Supremo Court, and other off.,
com, on Thursday nfleruoon nett.
DisrorasraG ACCIDENT.
PHtutusurtitA, Feb. 20, P. M. j
A frightful accident occurred to day at the public
school, in the Sooth Ward. Sttt hundred scholars,
bays and girls, rushed out to n false alarm of Sro.
the lower bannisters of tho stairs gave way, sad
the whole crowd fell mto the passage. F.S'- P''-
son, were injured, six dangerously, one gtrl had he,
log broken.
Philadelphia, Feb. 20—7. p. «
Tin British ship Cambria, from Londonderry
New York, arrived ai the Delaware Breakwater,
M day, in distress. Silty two passengers d.ed ""
the voyage.
Baltimore, Feb. 20, P. M.
Thoma»Hyer waa prerented by the n'ldionli
tram giving hi. intended eihibilion. of the art
•elfdefence. c __
PHiLAOELpm*! Feh. 20, G P.BA 1
Flow—There Uno new feature to notion; de
n*nd firir, and quotations toady. We note
atOOObbU of western brands at So per bbL
‘’7' re nl°2 SrUr bo.l. Coni—Sale, of 4000
N °- '•
fl b»U -P-** i
«. won.
°”wh^ir _ in hhls. at 21 r net gal-
Beef* -The market ia unchanged.
Laxd—Tbe market is nnallered.
active demand.
Nnr York, Feb. 20, 1549.
Colton The mmkcUtaß « downward to.
d ’Sr-Tbn market, wtlh moderate
favor of the buyer We note «l«» of We.
brand, at SS S&SSS 52 per - OhSl l-l
Grata— Sale, of prime whit, al SI OW
while a. 55 cm, »*"'
lent of 20,000 boftets—sales of pnmo y e ow
Salas to a moderate extent at o*7* j"**
the mMkrt b J“ g . 75— «a1es of prune ai
Wes* Port. Wo l *s"LjnbW.
- 231 801
fOr 50 pe,loolba
Naw York,Feb.20— Of *-
r«r-The market at 6rm, wt.h a pood Ea-torn
baafeel. of pace yellow a.
baj.timoTie market.
Baltimore, Bob. JO- 11 ! M
Tto i. onohongod- T<« "«**•'<
I'lQne light - _ __
FA 20—« P M
Wo b.»o bod °»o dap.rwro. and ao
Corner, daring ibo pul 21 boor..
TbcrrrMbor is cloody wilb ibo appe.
'"Floor—The .ale. u>-d.y b.v. 1-n -deraio,
„M cla. m
Lard—Sale* to a moderate extent, at
a'-liv. dnmand far Sag.,,
with sales at 41. -
CJTbIf *** s> ~”
«S10N»-» UU. gfc £
V llama; 21 bbla anrar warianfd
ni *ROI)UCK —‘At bl'U wtntr IJean*;
P"do No 1 Lb*. U *>«»•“"
an dfor»ale b 7 no woo<i
sbp« ctato,fST' T SßV!M*rw KW! '* V
M VrHEW9» £,
QiSiTcun.'ir HAMS-® '-''' * U^ SI
O »fl «u>™ and tot »l g £ w iiarba^'H
T4OTTEB—3 801 l ““"ffv'w'llAßßAOOll'
bT PelilO »■> t ff.l* ||«
,Aj >biD ?n-
L'jp4p-a<M pip* *ofl (iolena: ****)}%
iferuje by _&.!« RIuaV.MATTm-.Wt' * <■« ,
MaPKKRV-1. —*11 bbt» .No 3, for iml*- by
fcbifi » F VON BuNsmm*l r x
HITEBKANS-27 bbu «uUi
twr and for «le by te!3 1, S W AThRMA^
TAR— 10tjW*NC,tor«»let*y c,
iIfoLASSES-a# bbli N l) Mol;;
.. v
FUHJB-50 Ujb.uperii* Fk '“' MGl i.l_« 1 ROE
Ginseng-*-! it\*, m s*** 1 ut
___ jmai
CRKESB-Mlixi l-rjc M'CUTCIimN
for ule by : l"> „ im do.
' TJITrKR n hbl, l' r ’ h ““J 1 * JJ w A rb'KM b>
B.«»r. ..Ji for;■•!« bf l j to. m- by
!>»;» «"*" '"BROWN 1 CLL.UKKIb..N
T AEU OIL- fo bbl. Brown', Cfo
Ij oil. )"M roooiyrrl ft r |IH KKTSO N
. ~ ,«irt rcc'd *” <3 for •*'
m „ o IUBI ICC ll Blld fi
' B L^ K «by ORK fo”. P ‘A CROZE*
nv 20 or. cent ißorai. refined 22 0 25 lOau --
* ... 4itfsnß»:«»ro IVru IT* .Corn-
S}O3? \ do Co fiat in 30 & :f?| Hurler - —
— 01(34 ißnmndne <i? •• Maiv '
"3l ICnrapbor, refitted- 4“ it ; Glne-pirß i:i
3i®li Cli'oritlr l.imp. ca.k r,G* 7 l'in.l, ( oinmuip
~ *4an C0rh..,.»l 1“ «*'•' How- >■».• _
.OmySpnraM. Ct-.mT.rtM *g ~ S',! ™».l. f *1- e w
-sll-il /..£! « ’ -r!‘*.“3r' p " r
•rbushel. “ £oP al a -jvi llldea Iktiv $ per rent -
TO®75 “ Trarnrm.n • « r ;» " . . W‘i
--r dox. “ Mastic • • i |(| - lv> .ailed ..-it -
T ••••4*s® , /, "Sim' Ik, V.pp«rr k km- U» «» «
• [)my SOpr.ct. Jalap, powdered. -•->*> (;J .. & 4
2o®— Uil«artf* > -- • -*# *, Hemp— l>n’> V*.per ce»< -
urn • Liquorice R*>oi • l \i i . mH iu A. Kv '
•»—®7o Lnjuoncc Had * ‘ Kamila ? tt» * H’lfr
STOO— VLneDye- &r, Hops- l*ui;y 2*. |,.-r rcni
p dO7. rj If 14 ‘ Fir-lM»l I- H ; a» >'
J. 25 0\& lMadder, _ Indlco Pm\
•i*J3® 4 Aa7 I Madder. Common ", . | ta\ «•*»
cord Myrrh. Turkey . v s . U« an *’
.. .asoffcou o-i v.inoi • • ‘k,- s 1 . *oan«'
4®4.5U - CaMor •• v-;.-hi . iron- iHUv » |~r '•-»«
30 per Ct- I •' ( n<M3 " .i ao-»'list Hu r Jun.rf:.- 4 it# 4;
5 ®3‘ | " Clove* • • 4r . 1 -l . ;«• ~
.. •• Lemon • • ; aSo|flr . wl . ;.,,r
: (.Quinine yt .so l*><f< « nti'*
. -IUOU . fliiut-arl.. r> vtnl,.
~rrJ - -aW* »“**' ~ 0 5 . K.,-..-i «..n
- IXIIV 20 per ft !>■*• >ou “ i-; fir -JO? ■ l.ratl ln.i> 'f'l'""
. . | 4,t 6f '**> Mi• ..Kir. IV. 4J4* -
.. _ ©•lOi , . ultf IV U„, & H
i uy. r r* ~,r* e ,," r "
amU- T»> -ii 4 t \ | <rn tl>er Uitv-.n. |..
•F *h i \ '""’j iliippe.l “jw ‘.’l i**.,!*-. •.‘ 1
VH |hrr , llu ,y •' - Ni S.• r V • £ '•
do 1 v-,1 lh»iim»r.l 1 ' it 14
dor • • '! ~ . v ' 0 -H I - lit ' **:” !h;";A JVn..*Mva « - :SV.•.'! «,r ?t
p ..rf-l 411 I 01.1*1 A • ' , „ k 1U uy vi
.4l<er3 i Krnlt
«> i 4.mond-
*|wro. t”'"
..... .'.ril'd ® . ..
; 11. <tf
; Kh -.ti ill'
■ *
■r 10N "™ "?r ; *' ! > ; .'s i ; r B:z „ --: ~**«• ■" ss..
■■■■' B w «v taws
*■“ ' """ vi.”-"' ? »
■ ■ ■ -58 ■--5,..
Miv *> P*** <*' 'M'l'l'-*- • ... . i •'*- , ( ~ - -./:.««• it <•!
r~ : ...:..'Y 4 : 3™ r £ '!!
fg ‘ ’** '* ' X \\ k .| T-U I ...Jo - »«!•<«• , Bplrtl.- r> R«J-on
Copi»* r l>u»yWr r ‘‘ l“? : | .ii • -(a n,r,i..h ».»>r.. i 1 f v *
bfrwdoS-iSpYri oWirrr I, «»r-t.rn.nK V. :it >; : | • - fffl-.u. Ko«m„ i **• * l i „
Brmiirr* 'fg.V K?* - !IW .huo |> U«rJJHi » ; R U i..J:».«r.4u. ,*i I <* <l«
mr ,h - nR '- U' e n ?u bU«'“ “T- «" » Mardwnr. £
_ r&ke *nJ Ingots b {, fc »,| ,:LSt*» <; iw 4im , 1 •-*'• »»•■•' . • j 0
'Vim. «.■••.■ '?-r ;Vv ;v, g*£ N S,j ™T V v.I inS,,.- m *>w J» „ 0
/ -®n F««i-p»' i " , " , ‘ rl „ lo ~. , < "*; 1 ,.: .... sM - N .... "I. J° w
v7T.;r::=S'“ •-.■ '• w “‘ l ' * ’•’« •iu* .-di-'* »
“r -» . ??S •> - * ’"WVZX* 2 -
~- p| MlTJ.|", ' “ 111 Ml"® I S.Cor«». Pull I" J,.,, | hm .»pr,rriil 1,.,,,. o'. I.U • 1 f
B*"* 1 "* - ‘ ><«■"■,l?g . NO'.:' “ ' Kof. , «
'• *’ \o ’i' - ■■ N *’»r«M'» ® ' ; ’’shoV l*n‘.\ -JO prr frn: . ' lo 7 “
„1,_ p 0,00. No Z. •» •• To.v .0,.-..1.0.0... tu a • . Oo »
iJ * yi ‘T. L. '' i ... sTjfl‘6.m» v-jin.Ni* >• •* O -’mi . ~ ... to 1... i - r «iin«- 'lo
l'"f"-, • - K»U»— lii'y y|. r I'V |-t«> : lvt.oroo. In'. * “
3. Imno N« t oIJ - 3 - Loo. 'OO-lOC 9 3 1". l(n \K..o(«r!u re-1, do
.pot yord. Solmoo. . KJIO 1" | ~hn,o o P ojlM ,l„ M ,to- i».H “
* | '*_ 0 - to**.! J.0.-1* *»* " S . 01 „ll 10. o».h !.H .»M.r j , Xool 00 057
T _ - 0r! - | -«l‘\ '. ■ *£&-■ »“'VV V ; «0..i0,. porObl IS*
:zS -,r Jn": N- > g ?!' s ‘ L% ~ 0 T “ "VTir***™
®— i * at 1-J | -t., '• . • •—. »«?■ No '- A,,hr *- BIU ~h“ N '•
° ll \*"££ZTr'*- ° 7 -8 -
- 0 f O 17 0...N0-*
i:::=SS ®'- mi ' l ®"v pr '*" ! . ».“• 'j ,„ lin .uS 11 CU«N«Vl>nrd Fruit
z:..*Si S K ?s - - « s
«s - t
..... — oldt rmoni do-UllM 'O p»lnt»—por lt> Tln p|"'* n rm ntt-ounrh 10 wliorlio|.Vo .0 I
. . » vut' lord. -—l«oO0 1o e *• «.«••»>«* -, 0 M -.. „,31-mnC.oo.»,i»u.<) |0 <
i : .18.!
aiSS— 4s«* >g “ •_ !«!
.s„»ss s „ „ .. . 'is::
VorkT.oki _ * S-Fudo ~ £•£ .. & f . ■ -« .* I!S 1 " |i U»U
...liar bs>' o l .”! , i'"«S Rod Loo.i ao * ‘•''I;”" .. it %, -«
> SXorn.'.-sf.S:
.—0 ft Wb«t 4-03 U Vertlisri!* - °° ®
r.otTee - l h >
nouru *>■*'■'
40 ytl. 6 Uirea
«u jt nu Jo - •
do rioufil' Inif
| grown Ooi
PrnnSUl's* A N a -'
Allegheny P'V. Y.
Altcg y P 1 •« « l “.
Oregon l> \ nton M
I enn iul
Pitvhurth do *
Laurel U
I powhaian ‘A
M brown ooti
1 Bleached do
i Jo dc
4-1 do dc
Brown drill*-
| c Ticking*
Arrow Root- -
FEATHERS—'Tbr market i« well ■ PO[\j t)f i*l 1 l Mill Kill.
« hn.c hoard of »o «do. lo *»y '•«'
.S,lo»ofMO,olHOOHlhoveWrn ort.-clo.lul OT Wr.,nr.« no l(.vr«-Ihir.lig »’<•-
,£,.16. Root,,*. 1..V0 --■ , uy, wo had ,m,o «.
’TROCFR I KS-S,n,o ou, l.of wookly i-mo. wo „„.l ,ho .M0rn...,,, fl.oro -» ',orto u . U„ B o
nojoo rc.-oil'- nf n Mid. ,ho woaU.or. M,rt.0.„„0 -n.n.,y .U«
-rt.aud:*Wa»k» rn-e. Of every tlmuj under W| , ; TWre are lour ter«
head. sup|»l<»- a** nHo*clher In wairr ... l.\ metal mark. «"d «•' 11
mnn.i witti no marked rhan«r in <{«• ‘
u,r early part of the week, a -air os M hh.W r•>«*»- B | yRR O
ia **Uia.AUi.*»*nr W U ‘“l !.V The -re -he■ —nr '•< the
and °‘ \' hl ',‘ l ; '^ r^1 ‘iaw' nj :«'>» M>l» N lrn ,l. n y arti-le* durm* ihr week Frl> l*«.
Mid* prime old at 9 ® ,;_ a d|U j l( , f.,, r
Ri.viK.v of r. IK '.oT'imX;SS^****'*5*r«". •*.- |:::::' '"n
«** B * T ' ‘°‘“J '”f o R... o*o. tkooo ’* - *»’ «««• ", . T, P, 6 '"no. ... IU
,h. oitocmcly cold woalbcr winch baa Sato. si |u-»» oobiwJ b»l *' ... •>* \
weekly ««. Ib " ~0,0. and ... .0-0 U&1-H ,V. | Honey. "■ ■ ■
ened since our i»« w "*'' , I K , r'.t I Hire, mak* *
•opormnl change. I» «>•> •" TF» ' More. wo „,.* »- 1 •**"-• *** .torn
A. h«l «* TO" o», -J- Ha- ■>"'
. bnameas waa rtooo on Ibo r.oor c.r,, ...all. .. \v ~ w.,,:.l r.t„a, W Ilia! 'bo above bol nl lm|.'tl«
oio-tvrd dnrina ,bo liral IWO o, ,0~ -
botng now ar .rtv.ouecl.
j - kChnsw. I
17 aiumluy, ..
is Ban«J»y,
10 Monday.
21 Thorwlay,
g; Friday. . _-r^:
—. ivv R UI RPBT
<~HAIG- »■ gg^==
AMres-Tk. •“ ■>'
i a k b.a been *etyiiniel,aalM being connii. <lo do henvv - ' ,rt ' "
nodn Ash, baa been y s , ,„ble —a,, do du id"'' do
ad to limit'd tola .1 iplrtnliona ,n 8 do j., ~,11=,, do
Of th«* article, we oote *al«» during Wuu* ?»!-»'«
30ca-ta al 3fc caah attrrenny; of VI ca. •m . do ,|o ~,'a-od
a, 3,n. 4 and 10 and 5 naaha ordinary ~.,.1 Pdoher-, plain ■•••• —;; '
rent ,1. present,bnainesa being ■» » «*•< ~ d" .
,n fa P* Iw; —• •
o( „,en apple-. hoi owing M the-mall re. a', , K> fJ , do do
Lara f.rmar, without a. ya. any demited ■ > - «”* ' ‘
~ not*- regular from store t«* •uy r^f a¥ , ¥ t ,,„. •
”1.4 price, ranging aeeordi.g-o Horn )N KY-Wcn..,,.L*- ", ~
p »
on, of »“ '" a d ;,'3iraa“!d.:; 14-la- o.
na abown in our laal :aJ) 0« »■' *«*
western h “” 7 . ,ida- W<l. and "hoillil
inm lots at, f° r hß ™* *’ cured hain".
ra «l IK f»■ o |'imlv"adar,X. Wlr f »
le» l‘ aVI * ** ,en . , L ~l iy cured bac/.n from
,cro .* a fair te . The re
-0 * and 714
,« amount tn m ca*k«, '«*'
toI , ~v*T—The rereipl. aiaoe our
BI.LK MEAT f,„, punted, amoanlinE oaly
weakly l»soo, b “" pave heard of no
,o some 3000 Junta 3l»le r B, ««
‘hewing ««nn. of .he market,
with «naU Balcu. j, av « a-
RUTTOI-T** present supplies ol
with light . -B
arliele nominally at 1./>- , a „d W e
BLOOMS-The mart*. hn,' ' Thc
Sb ySSas™ *■ *“• ““° rJ ‘“ B “|
With moderate “W l '” * ™
there in a fair regular demand, w i
02,‘2:> for common to best. '
81-CMTS AND helmet
antes to city trade fro 1" More *
and *9 Car the laltei r doz- fer .
CHEESE The market
mer quotations, and attpplie. are W>>- j
Goahen in limited lot. at W, of eream at
of good W R at MOSIC «> B.
CRACKERS —dVe note regular aalea at llw
lowing hat of prices.
Water Crackers
Butter do
1-dol Bread
Sugar St Soda (crackers
CANDLES —We Cad no i-hange in any nrl..-la
under th,a head, ae. qnotanons •!*-«.
COTTON—The receipt, of the week li*»e
C °r,d to IS.I hale, of, will, .nle
tom' £o« of 138 bale. a. * "»■ 'h»—« *„
advance in the r.w material.
COT U „ f _- luret l sheetings varns, H
Pittsburgh genera! table. >h»' an
».,n he seen >JY ]s „ Jurutit the,
advance has '"“ c “ V yard fl) , Per., will
’"wed nunr-R-jji; ™
SI WEDBEEF-Sal«o f .0008, wevtern c„
KLOIJK Owing w '^.^’^.^ltat*f."
1 none worth mention n / wtu c|,, .upphe- hare l«Hen
1 War,l, iu consequence v KlW rvhr, any male.
Ltl very h.alenally, witho >lore have
rial advance in jtncein ■ dray load lota lor
been mainly oonfine.t lo 1 sale-
I city consumption ot .tyO/WTH V
• \ from store at 4,1
KlSH—'The only during the «fl!,
frf) bbl* mackerel, which came «« J"* 1 . rr
doling of navigation. The market m Y
TOCI qa.w utm «i lotm« quoliuioo.
i which are correctly given table above.
t, S'l j
6 M 37
tj 51 i *'
l!» S :»
b 4? •> •
C •»«» $ 4-.*
l. 45 C«-
P^ia'l'i'.’wi: i“*"
■' vile -n * V.
,|, " 1 iu,«,
r r.-r l |il- liavc aiin“iiil<Ml ’ 1,1,1 ■
I.KATIIKK-Thr mart'' 'I »»* “"“J,,, ;
»"V nin "' n; ' l 1 1
I,mu rV- InlJ.-.
I (■ AH-Snlr. rt ».*•« |.. e lrm» ■‘"f." 4 ;, i
, LKAHIMPK-llr.:»lAr~.l-» "> fn-.. rMH.of
according l» -ire, Imm ''l to l -l<* 9 l “°
MA l-T No Riia»|t« in ll " ! , ."’.'"V.url.-v
I,mil* t'l ou-il- nl bll l “ P ,u " r 1
JiJSJfSJU. ***** <""" **
Arrau, a. Hie li.ll.>win K f.AUro
lard -mm, fa, .all and w.nlrr
- oi Tanner * oil al , 1 (1 ,
r„^ S of Ihe markrl, I.J '*•- -luanlrty.
piITATOIvS—Wo not. limhrr limilr Mlte *
Sla’AHirtl.raa y l-W. f->r K-"d'l“ nl, 'V
KVE AN!) lircKWlir AT FU l;'™'/'
have been ea.mmely
„ nearly bare. £ 4
«l frll prices. Moderate **-«•* ■>! r>
#n,2f. from More.
KAf»S —For good nux<-<! Uf 19 I ’*
figure from first hand*.
.**.oo Y bbl.
. 4,r. u
. :i.r»o 1
. 4 ,<K) "
7c 9 °
Pig j'f if»n. 0 rao*
No l. Foundry
i Inni;Ko-
No 1 Foundn
Fl>T«;f •
Mrti rr
•»«,n!r V IV » I- - «
Vr,r -■
MulKimug * I.u'.i’j . O:."0
"i.uiulrs IV 0* -
'ory «lo- 0 •
PlMtfrPntU k
»*un- **
Prorlilon* -
llal.l- <-l 0 :
• M,n,ililr,.. <a
.uni Ni' l Ml U'
. V-.- \S li
|»»1 Klori I" ' nn-h
i tmiiiiMii t
X,-.1,».,u0> k • p \.t-l 1 .;■<><«/1
flag*- '* I-' -1 ;
- * «i
Klreari U)
U,-... • Mff
S|>lcrk *1
i <i> Qf i
'Sum OfV> l*'
no iri V! !■"
SnnUr root !”•' to
\, r <■? M
•ilui iT‘>
•.*4 no it
l.\ no «i-.*o m
I* ui et
r' ('ATTLK
„i -w ■--<«'•>«
I :<> «•*> . .-nfl.'. - j - hur
1 |r ,, m i„,| u « .]Ui*ialiuni.
. rT - -
ed lot. »l T* V “ " ,r jail,
i VINBJAR— S* 1 "
| for elder. „„„.|I.|V.I In
i, WUlSKh'i-Ttn- re. I ... .-we.
| w „|, r .l r . »f reamed in
j gall"f>
i.jH.n v«*ry I'* 1 ' 1 - nnd
Wi K il/—Rw'l’ I *, h " .1 Hi" li'l
from t.r-1 b»»J» r—»'"
r * ,r * ‘jo
. i'nmmon Vi
i '<' l
i a vi
| tlo
y» n ''7",,*, ».M»n Ih.»roo*bly
revi.rd »n.l Mrn” 1 rrview
fo, .11 »">
W - pro--'
„„bl Tb« fc.How.ns «•' 1 '
..Thame* 'h** Rrc ' k " ’ l! "“"
Sfihok n * l< ' , i Ji*
v-rk i P‘» .. 1
B»-"« r | J',*-
Ohio, .. U> r S»t^,
Indiana, l|Vui»!»vl v: *" 1 " 1 " u
K«*uW „ .. u . \ o rk.
Virginia .. I yiarylatid, «
do Wl»*eliug u l^ cw Qrleaaa,
Teanoaaee, lXi 1
fellow. \
an n.Weni-emen. in one of .he my t»l*" |
... *. .h. I
lag wrrr v.'ari> un ‘ . .
dog*. an«J rviftfruic t<> lli«- >r. rrmrv ••» ,
ln.— T r
»' ,l "' 1 ' „
’ ' rel irv ,e. e >-.i , .•a.’i Iron. * .
« « l„ln im.~Tbl.k- ■■>ir llell.ul '■ in '
a “ i him l-e' ,rr hr .In Invoreil will.
s 2,i- »
!r.r,:;:'r;: j
ilar*aii>f* 70 £ . j
, . i,iii oi.;
•aial.r.a • • • « ® ' J \
J'XL ' 6 fk\
1 l.iood •• ~ "
1 and fntnmon • •• • * 2 w
>„!, “ -
Whliker- r r »
Zinc jwr &
Freight* I’" 1 ,ou
T.l *'.M. I "
r.i i
[>,, 1.C0.1-
Vn.mU.u.-vii.r tf> th
Hiv t ;<»«►»**
Tu Si Ixnii
l>t\ I.,kwl*
MfllVS -
-l»M ®
To :iml iroiti
l>.. ul.i'vin • • w
l-t.i.W.-.A.- lu><> &
To Vi-livillr
t>., ..<>o.l- ■
11. ..M
ml mid Cri'"
l AH A 1 »H>
k'I:: i: L;
Unit- min- :mJ
iw.wra. d °
l-.MKmn. *£, ‘v.
'•' do W*
. ' do W
I>, I,C . n.d Mr.ll'-'">-
1»r.r,l 1 1 11 * l
p,rlM '■<’
vti IW »■* IWI
I'n ;<* Vi
,I,> b '’
\Vi;,.>r.\v. I**' l 1 X O
t ,rr<-n a ini Jr V milt l” - r ,(,W Ih *
per 100 11m
wrt-k.nlirr wlnrh uHVig*HOi»w»!» . >»y
|hf» «•.•.■) « ih«**r h * hu
C»tllr Market.
tn.xni, Frt. I\
,-T'i,,rr « al-.ill 1"" h™' l
r*iIKI-.l’ —' Thrrr wfn
... v»„l 1...1 1... -il~
1 V;,| r , 1,1 a liimlriJ numl**r \r»*rc t-
nt 1 '•<> r
<lh .-Ww-nlly «*»*•■ '»*■*
.lurmc nmnih 1 "* *
KUmr. M-l- 1.-in
'l‘i Itlul*
(irttm. M«*kl. »V« , lf,n ”
Pork :u».l I’.-u-nn
Lar.l *n-l ItuUf.r. " ‘
llrtg*, '«n ‘
Th* 1 ir.umutc uM*Hiwnr*l lf*»m r.nllnm»r* 1“ * **4. h»- n " d 1
revrnuf __
I IV, M'"'"'' 1 " ml * w HARHAIMI |
j ji'tfiSSr
I S' N " 1 KHKv'"m
' I > r.n.NK.II-I f. AKA •'“A"' J ,alr l.y
l- ---j;.' K ': ' :rr * WIIITF-
I,y W wowl *’
. . , „ i,. n.lcif'-'l I’lttfl**
j *««
,t t I .AKK hi.vk
\\) \ tcurr-. ,u* , M?K ] .{:rr fc MTV.
e ' r.'-L'iinll I •*-!"•=*)' *>*'■* I ' l “' U,lil '
' H i7iA.-.Khi:rr a »iim
l " i , KKI-'N JUAN NKJ*— t,l,e l,cnv > bl,Kht ’■"‘ l
!(jr r - • ttMOr,,e WHITE
!tlg j M’U» -
, ,;;i**lUH.-KKV * >•»
| M.IV
1 lomiumioii anil Porwuriling Aaniis.
'"'l (i M lIARTUN. P—'i’i
-- • M ’’*' \
C Vitr. IVnrli--*. VV", TH j )u*J7 jf |I|[)WI.I .1 ■■ \r.i. "
I i*■ -■•
H ' U ,ut val< ‘ \ Plltibnrgh, Febroarj Hlh, !"*»•_ ,
/ «j ff ,J^ AlTß sus. fiMmm mi-. mile* *" K . , .
.uw.«f«r.a «»«*•“" 1 j.a ,r -w re uiM , .Mj | 'y;:j iAUOS4^
n ,,,, halfrtir.i. nnd r,i!V !»«>»*• V”'! 1 "!''" J JOII N T. COC lIU A»,
1 ■" IT Ti l "***»'-*- A.'TJ^uS, r
f|M US AlJl» BV-rKKTS -*• ***. iTISRSO**'' /' ' IV n. l\ KBIKSU.
1 Kurk»l«. lot -Ml-!•> ,r *V '• , tßftl iJ i ITDRNr,'. A r 1.. M-irU. urar i.r
tvr* -’*w -wasß"* ia_ p _, --
I kKkvan n -27v,-;-i',VK
, , emu n 1,,,,n ,»IH No lttl l .i»*«*m_
„,i/ku j''^ 0 ",^ r ,r:r;r »;:s
** * - , „, w , lT le i <l«nl*r in Pru.iur.- nml Pm»bunrtj M»mir , »'*'u |r4 .
f p\V dMortmnti ° . nrr of Lil.rny jiml Han ' P>u»!.un*i. I « :>
| Tw»*rd*. in*i KT r r WHITE I OTARI'H—IOO I>l* Kni* lin nml Pi-arl >*mrrl
(-Mi .. M,M - M r ,1 f(llnr H , o ul-l-V ~VM HAliAl.n A >MI
«MUN»iF>-A.. l' wml/iRaU CIDER-M>l.t.t- Kco.iomv i'fi-i'»\n
I 1 l»ullwn TWing M)k Vtwt • P L» mud lor by rlCK .cts,
pimp h«»d. ji>-‘^ lvcub s > HACKlj ETTi WHITE <■*“ MILLER 4. RICkCT.
, BCVMinro TO* Tin riTTWWOII dailt oaicttiu
„„J r>r,. !»«*■>
l |„. r i l .lion hK<* ami ..7.V Wi-n- l.r.Mißt.l ► » rJ
Urn. mar., -> -'‘M—"'
a„Mlm^ra,.r V .»miH.-
nuMiwmrnt i.l ll— i'-l • •'"'l’ I '"''
1.- 1 M vti.u suive ii love
,MK»UEKt>M *"!%!»«• rt'l
-i* - ‘ i,,i ’' i '\ ,uii ;' i r:;
[hr rX| -r »■**
-i- w
mow nfllidr'l variA...
with a «»«•*! »ir*tfr*-** oC -i l .-***-"!* ,
\\V hav.* ihf I'" 1 ' - E-n tr."" ,r 11 '' MIVI
who mwW In' iri-Hlmt'iil l‘ >- ~r' r ~rm '"J
head lor ih** Ur«l tun* mI- r l ' l • t<
iruili »I'l l' ' l-
than l*>
jo Jjnl>< | i»*v«* ri qinrt-' miM* * rtMl " '
—s* Hunk* o>e Kfpirlfi
•' I-.t- «'• ‘
■ ii..- i.,n .a lit* -i-ff' 'H 1
u-;,, *..-u rmtixhi: •>' M “ ‘''l '
r rt K.,. i.—«v > Z
S.xU.-ar.-H w 1... I.
,-.,.,1.1 ..... l*-:.rn, 1-m t* ,, l'- - 1 3 - ‘ '
M-I " ''•* ""
•1 «'l « A|.l Ai'Umi'
Th«v |,,,r|
""I'"' H-t-l'l.r.ompU.V
,„.h„ 1~--n U.!'V - ""
\V,- t"-» l ,i ”*
\V»«IUN<* f-'K'*'
, I ll.r (>»IMT Iflf K Alll'-liuko. »l * 'll" '*
•mi "I II" p»|K-r w nrd. w«, in « >
;;l ‘■' i “ Aiicg^n '
1-..1 ivv<» wn* i.mnd 'D
MaT«'«'* K. — 1**l»
. b , w = ,.-h y.—r.lnv
•«" r '" lh,rtV
«>»*»»“>’• KlP"** w *«°" M “"
Bggj T—
*^RMinUill AXI) Pim.AI)KU*IIIA.
v;» < *•">• .
riMMK. FIVH. l>A>»-Vr„W.’r’ 5- MM
I i-«r wi.. :«-av«* I’h iihi.s
•A«... n
,mval.«M.U.:ivm<r>-‘n>‘ <*‘ , ,-ooJ. ..i ».vr.
Bft -
Ap|'-' 10 j-*,..,- tMI-!'Urgh
V» «'•’> M ftrkr ’ * lr,r ' *’**
k'cl.psk tbampoktatios LI».
•nxa is-is. Emaffl.
~ r ' ,, ' , ‘r;' r ', I \”nvKiiAV UM'.
t nr.1..--i
-11 JO lllliWKU.. |'.n«i.ur*H.
K X P It K » S W A U » S
Pittsburgh Phll.drlphl.,
- iviJL tnAMiWsiK'O IT
I ' R R t'KHT gAV K D
'i zyjs^XSi:
prr,- ? rr.l ... “'J",£ p.'’W -■•».«»■' »•" . «-.i. ■'“
184. . ] i; 1 ;".,;.,,,, '"W(*i'"“'|, i ,'“,“i; l ;'tviM
* IL>* Timk. i d«> * -s-ii |
Afrnt. '
\\ Birr »iriw-i r»Wt.*-
TllAluri 4 - u<ht lUlitnnn j
U (JEi-KK * co-s F*»T KXPRKSS
ihr firm of Murphy fc l* Bk '
,„R ‘ '•' U,M «»!■. ;--V-r.V ' P “j K MI'BP.IV
rtMIF. Prornr.oM of “ » |<ier . (>I ah j... ! pitiohurrt. J-oiJMJ
| nnO »f id
-rnpiinn->ln.'\ ui ' hr *.' , '*j'",- ISIH'VV.!.I
-\\ atrt «u*-«-i. I*ut-bur<h
Ll , n A.uih j
PKBNA. HO 01110
rnWI RI.II ASII I-1111.A1.H.1-HIA
n«p «" v '“ U *' * rjiini 1 *•• !•
i'Hl* 5 l .me l» ini'* Tr.-. H*uriS •«» "*
I «i T..lui-nl r»i”
1 1 1’wkkk* V,
a hi ru h. vi * m*'
!, 'ri*c Hff V.n °‘Vj
■ trl.lilit'eii lII'-' nrr ■' , ‘"'-
... i >*• 1,1 ,r "^ h Hllil .limn
" J-.a-ucr'A tot A aii.«.r...a
mime the * ,l U’ ll ’ " 1 ’
y "’ ‘ M> .% KN MA N KIN,
- wl-tl
For Sou Fronrltco, C oMforulo.
T..S.M I'.-111-*.' ...»
*--w lhr li»M < "I'k
;,',"*l.|| || *oui.l i" ' 1,1 1 '" '"‘'i’ 1 "-' "
IJ II J”"'' l , OVl ,| r J
ITv- !■»'*■
Soo." lrri^ ll [ ~r (.*,lira, 6r*t ")>«
r '' '^"^ll^,^,,
I ........ _IJ
jgit: srts?
k »„ ur.p.ldi f- ~'
fiM.IiR.UM* WAKPKOUK-T.. «m* 'V **
I‘i.tol tfeti* cuid»»ho«ldrf Mr«r.
Ilowie fciuvrv l»m«* itmumr.l.
- ">Vi,u
,n. ... ’■>
Ml ,„ cornrr Alh ili«l niarkrl M
urn. r"T !•«*»» »*"■ ll "*” (
.TiyrH'l-' i- hrtel.V Riven, that tlie elßtUti l"' 1 " 1 "*' 11
MrrtmS Check'
s,oc»i,„uvr. „n rvy ... >V II DBNNV,
I 1 N (HA RUIIUER BIIIIKS - J*« "«"?« £££
„ 1 ~c. l,,rJ Uvrr -"'i, „„
~10 any ever olWnl in Un« **ny. oi > ' .
1 I rail t'r lia«1 m »li«>r» iniiirr. wlioir»alr ami fr.a. .
" j |> Bul.brr ‘ „.1.11"<_
I Trtniuorlalton to the K»»i
-1 dokskv k onss,
vi I *. 'ip'-r ,<,r *
1 , ■„««r!d foi >«lc ai the warr
pa.mi lb'. a.riio« •'» IIU W ui«l.
of l*sfry.xv>u i i. o .
J*ui>Uut<» invlte< | io .-ail and <■!•
AJv« ,, 'iuri*r« lo l a.i.orn • r Thrv »r«* untpir
•!.-«- :u..oc ..Vint rnunnwr* l*n *** »£ (
CUII'IMICIIOII. r,„ V imi..|» r «-> 1 I‘ “„J
mu.'-. Of hOf*m. wrutbmu ciiflii) * H>UI :.. h _ ul ,
'vr n ,"'r “*! o.
‘ 'i. .; ~, 11,r*r °i —>=■"">
i "* ,i •i v„ iii.'-iwii' w»»n ihv uu.wrßi
' 1,1 , , ... . a day. wiiboul 'hr U>«. ol a
,11!.. itiinrru I 11-M . mi l*r mr
t.v , <i .Mlrpowvf, l( r Indict
.i V witiioii’ [•tmn! Imo l '"*
„ «ri. ami .-...iM-ournlly Wlll.oul Cl.
Thr-S wiii hul U ‘inal
ml ~u ll !„«■ vvliy'r ••'•u-v-i'
~ O ,,rniiiou W hrre ih-tr .* '' ol
J:iucrr hm' 1
.fill ''.in <"■
wn- I lit- u»«ai way
fX, nrJff fr«.«n iU-roa*l. »'
r.i-h. will lif pnmii'ity lillf‘l
Hr A UKN ui farry.SooU * l’o '•
No HO \Vi>«>J «i PiU^LiurtfU
,}s r Vr fV
til' rill" lIT'-T '{l AI.ITV AMI I.ATK>T >1 i 1.1- > | turr j
fashionable garments
\\ |:i II I.* ilir.r •'ilvanti»ti«* Him » i'Bi'
KKKHU *> VM. K T 1C A H,
U uitJ- Kinil. at u»-
« »!. kIN TY\ -I'uKl. 'U Knunl. 'ir-n. »<*nr W »o<
P K o N | VU- .01..rn».r. t.av,u< ju*t
1 1 .. IIt(XV r,rnvm« it Urßr ta'l *U|'l> 1
Tl tM.ui l N AM) ItLA.-KTKAS iron, ihr V
rrl: " iVV ~1,1.1 V t.rm-rrv HolrU. httt
irrLv i. ;v: ik
r;;. k ;:. ■ a
' , , urr ittvitril t«'fall. •>« w
Jll .r.'l !71.r. Tr“. !tl l.»'. U»» •»
‘’““.rr n„..e ’
Ifc.L.M MU. t IVi- »"■ '" r
il>'* Ain' - '" "" jA..# and P‘
l-ov-rii*'* double r--linf!*oai. ' ™
o»“. .u. ru.l l.y Mu 'II' 1 "
mints •*» ‘““I t““ • uul • . .
■■ 'k «
■ Krr.l. Fam'l""-- P" “I'"‘ U "-"
j Malaga Kni-i'i-. i» 11,1 , Mnticui'** for«al<
N H All M, llJ.vii..U"i | y> l """; AV^; ,
1 ,tcrt> ||> wS -
1 oi I-IU-Murirl. «,.J MW'l'V. I>>*> <•'
) l,hpu r l »«™>l^K,“ Br '' V “
«;• ‘"V' 1 iTtTin'* PUMI"- paimnw
.rrilo-r lm,w‘ to msr, |llv l 0 4 ,v<. iau«Ui'Ut»i
prnKtrA, and improtn-mml oi hi
|,„ - r to a. Ur i« jirixcll) lh
1,.,",, "y i>.< “> , 1,„„ .0 imparl
iri.;...,;: o. .t .i».r.... **«•
! ‘ p ;! 0 7:'om,uu»""..j -"-'"'"k;;!"'
j'o-uh Kn,. K-o.
lortumlN , a w Mrllor. Wood atrr«M
non- oi Mr J >' r F **aNI)F.Ri <
• M*. .ilw
r r^'""''Tohn«
-L ‘ ...,,1 V.mrn Mr
NUnrna. tM..o Thr Crm
xl tl , K,SNM.I K SOVTKK
Janu«r% l. Mi* _
"kbSsicdv •
T ''"P»??S»SSS£Z wn^.^*
.•• '- - ;:rz zzzz z'sn
With our i>rr-ri.l i ’ rrca * o ri er B , grral
. ....MrrnliMil* » 11 ) cri **► * * ja.~-dll
. v : lu *vrX'T. r . , J
ol '. . lit l.Jfk l’>" K* al • lrrl nur >
~l ivt' - 11 _ 1 v |.j r u r iiriok Jwr!*ii«F *>'
wUl ' " ' • Vi'.li'i'iE -rom I"'** ‘ion*-*. «>»«. *•>»*
| F... -™- iR UIAM.o, {f^M
‘ JOHN H \
i ~.„h r —- r ~
N.m.T -n- r:. ZJZ
I, n...i »«■■< " H U-U-:
11, r 01. l *ta!Ul
fc"»< T*n*n* “ ,,d
fiSSTwr*. Pn,..r- Hoft**' l*^.*-..
. !■•« of f«i'*n>>
' n ,' \ , i,.,.|iM,r»l UIMI.S Ibr Acenry ih« ab«-»e
, ll( . U .».k i i „„ Üb(ul a utac ►upP»V °»
r...-... i '»> i -" i s ?v' ll^:,..““
j ,irf *1 -'K'f' Wood
it t wm> a i”>••* .it x-«»-
\V ‘•‘'Th
ii 1 lar-.>- .--Ml-., in 'Viih '*
,t• uih l,l,l
i ’’’’ * ' , , , u , ,]• It'" ili* pi'nii'iS •'
I ""'.“‘iv.".' “• ‘i'' l '' ♦‘-'•■‘"‘•■s’."
' ..I i- >1 lirr».-nl 11. V\ '•'•lnti* ' :
I ’ a !,V,iJ.».«i. -t »««> -«"*»
i . , .. I I.inbrc juti ii.-uiur*. <•
• , ' \i v Kihjik. I
1t,.,,L..i- M »• j |t U( , r .Kf, \\
; N H ..'i >' ,,nr " ol "
n i KKS at «BKAT
MTU KI)A v*l . “• r " ' Wl n nell
I Mu "' <--»vr r ». «m.y«
T, “'“'.'.r r” Z , -•■'-‘■l
r ., »■«. «***
„, I1K ‘
1 „i U,- *l'
“'Ulf,’I’™* 1 ’™* ‘“"wVm MITOIIH.TKF.K
J i TUBS and churns.
' ! i-ine and talar Wart ManiUattor),
i r,u‘v ' Siaff Churn..
" “ r V rt ‘“sami-kl k'uukskn
,* J. om\ ul ru*i. «» »ir u.lcmU 10 <»u
\,| knowing Uieintsrivr*
..LiV.i. il li- cull a.i«l -•ill'- onincvlialr
~..i .■im.-o to Hi.-
i„ ibt Mod* «>t a j.rop*-r ottw-er to? ■
** 0 ion- or ui>«ar\U, :»J Jo par. G mo* *lo. uitcrc*
,M. K-r Ihr ..|*m 1—l"V -I U.I. I'l-nJ *"
s'”* »"•' “”!■ iih'Vrk.f.
') • iai Uhcrty
duel _____ . . -
li«eon Smoking* .
A.i ~:z:' » «.r^
IloU**'* Jl'lCll IIVI lli« r iL|>h
, ,te.l nr.- rut>i.M* «»' ouiiliUim'K X* <■'■*» *
nirnt*, mu an rH *" K ,.. RiVju IU-m.
n<*«t SrveuU' ►»
“ 4 AKS-*’
1 ri’ II I-' um'rf' l * t"ivn‘K rr "
I hi llie )»*»
l i „vi■finin't«i mid “• mi\ lu '
• U" '*“'7 vruh «)...•!. li.- I.IHV c-mru*
‘ ‘ ,UT !llii,«,V AM'KI'AV AM.IK.J
- ar ‘ piOTICK.
I 1 .<mi >*i „-iu.c.l.ln* il»' r»u»l-urt;li ami laic
11’.M-!**-, Mn.imf atc ■«>»6cci
in'- l ' ’ ... ,i, f,|..|u-il. li> 1-. VII rout
, -1.-...- ; i-i .lay ... ... <>. «...
; ... mu, »»■«*•.
~ ” j. ,)|N HIM l N Jt . , 1 L , .-' , * i r i
Powder, CUlorlde of L
om.Hn.o LiHirri KoM thkmanif.
I ut It** Tin- Mih»rnl'rr» imvi- <>t> li-md hi
Ol ' .n.'.iil) t-r • S ‘ u ' , ’ ra: ' *r°!
r |. lßl r.l IHfurlMK rowdff. wturhihrv w,M «
’ uii it *up not '» "it)' 'l'Hiorn-d I
' • Vn.l’wllKh ll.r) “f l'"-t'“ re,J ' r ' l : ‘ l l,>w, “
n" ! r wl »! ffi’ivJiw.TKKK. l«> IM| -I
ti"! ppinft t'ortirr ol Kounh
"’ | M«rk-i .ad P'm •i.cti- "’'H''tV™
rUHK .Ul..cnbrt. hbvr Urn dm ,
1 I 1... >b
-1 .nulr.d.r M.ilr-l.illlry !•«*> lit „ '„„dr.
■! “X" ' in m.nKLi. * iuk *
:'""i “E"*
e-xi I ;
■■-'I I 1?.,,.,,.. . ■! . 1.1
t. ini j kurn.iven.p.kt «o hnvn«i>r. SMITH’S.
IH 1 wllut* Api'lt ll' .. XN^|lr Wa«hti«iMOii »«»
'„Z" | (yi£ ,m **"• °* u *wSKo(<«* l c» ( 3b» ,>
jSv * V*HSTV.GOOI%. • "mjgjggfr
Samtk, Dei-fin*- mml trT ~’ \ pLAVrATKW W l» *■>>»"'
“ M.KIANUKR * DA\i olfcfiar .»lc U* oicpici t*
So ?5 NUEin Sruß. Pimjcwn. , Ua«. lonm-rly I n »Ionc>»« “' •*' . con tftini.»f: twenty
HXVK revived on SK.LUNU OFF the.r Governor Kent. ot M-0 , hmi( »cr«ofland.
A '2.*v of DRY GOODS —U»c principal pari oi . h , iail! ,lrrd M«d ol |»u,U,p* and Crrt
, V® 0 i.ieiT l*c*n purchased at the liacs Air- 5 <4 . alr ;n-j in the roan on lh«
i , and Nr* Yort. at a«* . J lkl , ind *„u».rd •« of »*-
W inl and unparalleled sacrifice; I «»pp* nv.t t«rm>-hv <• •>tie Il * |»„d in that ««-
raetidou* »»“ > . | ar - f redaction Cram oar re*- ( * n ~,,j 10 l-e tUr htf b p «t fl . B japted to the
"> , n ‘* d ; 7d |no7«H a »«n{a JJ.rt.on -.four ™ “ r01 „., n .oil .. ««« rseer*.
•'•'d SfiKT of tmportat.o,. The early at- * „ T . ....ptovcfncni » n d tood
r ood< BFI/>" p 'ted «« h.«h colored ,I<>u
* -j^sss d d , 1 ,iu ftVrsSS's
“SSSS.* - "7 I-; :..
rl.moh.n &fi' d *“l*' <‘ lonki - <:l '‘' b '' a “ and ■.«•’*— »tU io< -atrd wood yard, in
?-} „„ * S 2— „!^EJ£ys2
,w ' alpaca*. ... iilantrt ii w■' l,r ' .... with New Orleans of
tlil„ „ik., BrocllH Su'd * nJ ‘" 11 ' ‘ ' ll li. ‘ £ of 1U ptoduriv
a „,„l, U.,|l i,„.l . co. .Hint *"”“ r from Cinciim»n. W>
• -„„'ir„"ss- - ™*srh
” - '-"^ISRPKmNr.
Bcliiißore, .lUrylmd.
Vt«-Ur it ml
:|.l<-(ultJ pl» “1 10
Irom N \ ° ,k
.T.U'l.Fc;i>Ol*< ~i„r h
1 lone rloili *ntrimp.n> ,_. f koUv
i.„,w„ ’
,u..etn. Krntucky jrnn. rwtd nr«*r«l*
> 3rrr .fi-i N hlankrw. .liffl from thr
r «. „».nr ni which are 'he beM ever
whirl) win i-e rlo-rd nut at unpnniUr etl
l„ aJ.l.Uoit If* th- above enumerate
o!-h ronipri*e‘ a very inTyr wd r.m f .lel<
„ ahno-t every .vn.He usually '
, .inrf mul tt‘ they have, been mHliily put
J [ V »e7i the e-er„ attetiotK. hence the late K rea, ,e
a uon MTnre* We an- rnal.W ami .letermn.e.l «■
...rrr,h.nw. .j>,lo,v .n
JiV-rlllT ..*l >" «»
|y el .iiu..»i.oii AV^Tl'SUrk'-i .1.
’ N W eonnjrof the Diamond
t nol 'HLK KKH.NK
1 Penns'.
A H |V "bVoclth i°Jt
'I llo tV 10 Iro MIJ at V'*
,e*ti t-arcam*. . .
-< u ~-rh.«PBOJ roinioon b, °'
‘ ,b,r i^;K.s^
r.FNTUEMKNS nu , nu .
«.■, »«■••>
;t;,. :;»...rd fw,
i , , ~t,,ik« Pfiirh itntl »"
' 1,11,1 Fi'»*l:ui«l do. «U[*r » rn.rh -"•
u... *»^isr,r.“
No to MARS!r ! to thr
t VA, \r*v' mo ;,‘ pa».Ur. ih.l they
' numerous pairott* «“ -‘ c h»ni{r in ihei? bu«i
.irmg ® n • , i ttiod rxu - n«ivr
, . ,i ... tt>» w«»*i#rn coonu} " ,u or
«•«•> l^ar
rtirle. howrvrr rho«-«* *4e*»r».t I .
,y fcaJlprn wbote»alr rale*. . t
"»nS% D ™'*‘“
t.ood. will. li»l«- 'P d " r '*'"JAo.Lv orfltontd to.
l 1 1„«foncpn«" 1 “‘“Jats i Co_
public »»»<*«• 1
net ccm le»« i
' - We i
i) PJ' inEsrssrsa
tv -A A *t C0 ’ D^a , (jooJ». comprising the
,prn thi» ra “™' l '*’J p i u d Merino*, a new mru
o!iowiii<‘tT'«* vtl ; • “ / on< - d ,1,,, season; ml.
•le.mnd ihe nchesi goods rt yi c « ; all woo
*ool Plaid*, mgn col Q, r Coburg nml Lyo
and and color,
e». in great variety. }
dc»c Clothi
iirip«*l Ca*l»i |
■ 1' i Co GO Markrt «ucet. have jusl rrrnrra l\.i» (n „ nl o.r. n.y,
of f*t* nwl n . hal o or pni'«. trow
anJpurrba.rr.«»ny »>J j a , w , y former
ilu* .Uie wi.i l-r j«U.n
“bnw Artt*?
X J , J ° ." ~,. j ! jo col'd J- d°
i„,|„ *“ %* , j„ i , 1.,1,]r0..'.'v001f ,, ™ui.;
1,111 * nr.rk.-i
•u-r.t Fl.O'VKKt*- Smnh A J..l.ii-*on. <•*
. ./x ilinr c ilrn«ivc »><*r k of rr*-m»
Klowrt-, "J""'
7 VVLn !^ ,c Vir ft 1-H i Nt.«l
(, ~,.,1,,-a collars
,hi <»*» • » rfavHis In*** l-r
-rmlmi »n«l w«o* k Ho* . |j KATON it <•«* 1
*'. ll> CAKI’K'IV -\Ve would luvitt*
* XMtN>»r.K *>A»ir. f,.*„,.ii hou«c«, to
I /, »Ti>i HA MASK— 'V M'Cliniwlt offer* ]t> po«h«i‘-
S ™ fUS 7;—*.
I jfinnks tor window curt * l A ai hie carp* l wore
hu tf-. imen,iro:u.pare u i»h«desAc ,ai n« c» j
room, 74 Fourth *t.
p kr tm©ni under <h«r*c of &• < t l ,7 f t|ltw - v\>»r. Miw»
a,*. U,„>. **"«■>*
Ulna «>e*uy execuled
. . r-i-i irrr * WHITE. Wood nrr no*
S .lock »< »R V OO«DS.»f
,V„"IT- ...j i-h «**• i'*"""*- *« • ” l,,ch
l » "" •“*
-.lock and ptH’f*
, .• vi/tttl* aII’\.CAS* —Smith & Jol«n*«n. If'
now oCfr-nu« s' r*Jucr«l pmr* . - -
. «!>od uook of J~*>. .1 low V"
*• T ""±t k rSk uS.VS»rWU?.«; r~- r .
t’a*«in»cr«B, * ua»r v** ...'.,,,1.11, ihr piwka?'
m srriS t,ul mV'BI’HT A I.kL 1i1..-r I T «t
I 1 X TKA AAI . (foul u»r inaiiuiartuft f*.
.,.s«Mm»w‘»rf :«"■ * wU ,rli u»k
•IT imperial ( nut \o iurr.-li Ucm«- or
,I,r ttUrnnon o< tho** No T 5 Fourth M. I'lii"-
*irnml»cmt» Carpet » Breri * \v M't’l.lNT‘>OK
, vCiM’Yt 1 liN* H'tUlWrlh. tui.iir-l-
L)"iw,'"V,'S. n.O,h.n<t .'»..»r.r,M
hr |urrr r.[ purWugr, vrr} l ovr '
opened by miAFKI.RTT A WIUTK
MKKiN „ for , he h«lniir<> »( Oh
r 4».M«rtrt .ir«l. Krf . lMl|| Ml . n,mi
>«»'* >■“-"-.r
- Uimp. U'r" »'•>«
huMMV-N-* A J ""'"?,,, irr .
( -i- i. „0.,U1 mvrlr ihr nUnUioil «! df.urr-
Murfc pl r |. 01 ,.r KUM-t ol Uiijou’* mpr'P'
*< * A^V*S
ir.".“”r -Tie OC fi’.-to..'- »•«■
half Ho** _ . - - . .
°M*o. mulUl'lymß R la«c» fot e J*f* l U,T«bs°by
TUiK-ruU, bank nOle», Ac.,- jn*l \yjkjiypf,
ia3 corurr of nuirki-i«nd4jh«l*_ _
, KVU : niuMluuC.U fty, ■ I-
Li mom ricrllenl I*rn, bring w \\* WII.SON.
larkei, ibr sale by mstffcrt *„,] 4tl. Vi.
■> in .J| JiVKH- a.u Uid*™ * u »" ,r
k I,U W Til « ««■... WUllr allJ Wk
>. •• mn>*r* roiarrJ *'•
■ V-V-,fl~f-i~C7,r~l>rn 1 1 , l.avi:mler, K r «*y nni-
BUANVKI * OAIIM ,, B ckuk'r
r.i «nd l-> Urt . tor ►.* ‘‘‘VfiTtMlY ft U->t
luanutarturcr" pnre». o) )|t>rrtv 4l opl >o.iu« mb
,Mi ||.,l miird li*t»vV (•a««m*rrr-. '•*
J it*. Twrr.Kfaury rolur., L0t...,.)
uif al inHMUtarturrr* pru r*. ,*j (R puy 4 j.KK
,ln " - i \iKkh>— i ra*r* *‘ ,,J ,ull * l
* ,r °'T«„j ior ialr al tnam>m--iurrr. pn«»
, tt .trerd»»d«Or« Ml R j., n A I.KK, liberty
■ • J ' T '
declfi j . _ - - - |
’I'RK* 4 !! ARKI V A a«»url
- i r, t r k “^
u« P“rt ,hr lo .i!"£."‘ t fv' *lVru»*«i'- fill i
V'« P«W; A*«mu: ,r [ JXe (.nr ln*rmi«i
M, s; “" 1 *'"
me n-». wnicb * WHITE. W wood »l
\4 ACaU. necond ju*« rec d *nd for «ale \»y
iYI 6im «*w »« c on«j WJNjCr()N A pTOCK’rON,
, . ~ comer market End 3d »u
Administrator* Sotlec. 1 4
LrTTEBS* f*« A<Jmmi*U*aon have been ptanlod 10 /V voraiiß , t- n„ s icrm*. Inijure Of
*£?„derMg,ir«b<m the Estate of Pte.lry H « r,,g. w..l I* ao.d on « C o«« p vV|LUaM S.
in the U S. Army. d«c«i*ed I’rrwma I * cW> - - . w*
aavinit claun* on tbo e»l*W will preaeni them lor «rt I rOK REN T—A ro ° m m
~ OLDHAM O CRAIG, tfSjS V/oo4«tI«>- , S 1
IcblMSf Admmmmcr. | ■“■ 2T
. i , ior «ale 114 acre* Of Land,
T'lF. unwell lowiwtnp, Borer county,
if ~T,n,lc writ o' the Ohio river end twenty mile.
I it . oitc There are a lot hotia* an<l ham oa -
from I ui'hurn f(U of fofty acre* are in culuea*....
the ( .remi‘e. UI den „ ly covered with choie*.
,U, 'r"7heT » » vein of real and a •»* for a »alor
umher I "«*' • im „,. Thu t*rm benn aiiaatedin
« n .i Dili, cm u,c \ j.rinir convemvnMbyroorwof
a morn! ■ ummuniiy. |, r i,c V ed lew plaeea eornbmo
rivrrl to I’litr-huricn. - , 011 l previously, ihu farm
•onuin adv»om« r , ue 01 , Thursday, ihe Iml of
will tm wUI al ‘‘ ......inr,, inquire of ihe nulweiv
nrit Wiireh for l j luhrriy Mteei. PIU»-
her.oroi Wm ' " ul 'f * 14 JOHN Y M’KKE.
hnrnh . _oy
U 65 Acre. S^Sfn'e'SS'ie-uh.
C lTl\ATKl»»nth«M.i»on«h*»<jn w m
O item rm«i-urjh ami • Me«r*. Lyon & Short,
ihr nuin» - «linU‘ nrjgliW*H> Ttn» fine body of
«..d Mr J««M’ l Kprmc (Helper active
Coal will 1-c ««W a ' h ; ® tiv p f equn i annual payment*,
uurdm hand, balat lll d, < „ u uble. l>»caUOU very
.d-ir.l 1.. r « "»' '■»“,•£. JS iiS'inlfeel on
„„ „„ » h„ l. il.<- '* Tnufril £ p»,k ui~>.
«*"* “'s'- 1 - • ,,J ™','*i,J',*k [brro .torichilk, »»d
The ram" Engine Hoom n»
r.u low ky « w »; d ' c „;,“k0.1«,.i«1>,
i itt;:, -rS. p ,^ju
low. ~..1 oii«lvA»lMro..l|n««J- M’KNIOIIT,
| Inquire ot ** Agent.
| .. _
mT \7:ilAwlfT - -
COl-NTtl* tiUOINP, neßflhc
ur«a»l.«n!l> T»n|f'kJ. J* g 1”
C ; rrv . 1 || oa „7l.>s«b« »ilh .üble.,
IWO »UW> I*nck iw T ? *i»o oil ihe pretnue* a
-■-ter* *
cfilpnrn ro..««ou« w ttte dweUiJK- bric k dwelling
A I*®- Our threr anti one two ”” c J > , i i ara and W«J-
Miuiiiptl on modcfale. Enquire of
" Ul pl-f h WM. YOUNG, 143 Liberty «
I IKFttRK Uie 1M ni April well—A »maU FARB
oil Ihe ( «'»> riw *‘ f r ;ilion The property, from iu lo
th" HeW T,u«J ,i* . very JeMtahle tor pHrdeuui*
rution iiml cjunlttic*. t 5 likely become apart of
r ! S=s=*
Refer u> Arm «tro»* A C O “; r ,V „f I ieo 11. Johnston-
I’UL.'liurj'h. anJ ‘“ r }'‘” n .V I \y e ||,vine, U., or tlie sub-
A*«-u *?"**■ tHOMAS K MAGILL.
i sender. l.rbuita. O. 1 "
frill ;f-dtlAwllT«»"- , s£S4L , 'A r u.^a.i*«--
"V"" ", *?“ ol .be
For parnui.ars, , j OI , N T WIGAN,
I'otaiu..trc. Vi.vat. LAUUIIUSf,
T'U; «' .m— '-f-«» ,h ' oE " >
lii.oil -urn. A*«.itur. *U fret
llt „, Uurkr '■* Wuili<u>K. 4»h «t. ..
■ . AN i) I -i Apnl-A Jut.
m m K;' «xt *»»»«««»•
-■ r SKsais:”'
m ' ,1 . 1 ""‘ 1.. 1n,, “" Ptitn Mifft net the mil
/XM , oppoMic \V«a« *{Te«L,
„1 iot jurm ut y««!»- R|. K s B SCULLY,
' i(»rbe'« Building, 4th ■*•
frbO >1 ......
nTORAI.K for »») >« *<l V - ul "'
%£ :r *-sr ~
For Sole* .
m A rt^r.v'ikJoS
’rTv"' ’ Mtunf‘l n fe w rod, ©/ the
x ■ isrsJis
Mr. Ti avtl.i » *'*»*“£* in a bawlaotne awl*.
vsis r :r «< a p «i
purti. ulars. uujuirf •■! J«bn lrm "
viii * > o. l’ni.l<ur*h, or srwickicr-
Irl.T-JV'vi.- _ _
\ .'.'i»V <L-vr ’lt i LKT—A I*o «* or Y
nrii. 44 Wairr niyel
To Let*
, iir.ok iKrrUmg, conUtntng II
A '.y'* r ~,rrt Urn) ton gout* urimm,
isl f,>< ‘ n>A - ?“ ~V r A M'AMH.TY a 00,
“ S2.H' Applj 10 canal Uatin
,H, ‘ > KOIt IIKSiT.
, . ~„v Krirk itwrlliHg
mTIIKU.rrr »" 7 on Ke»*>rra
mrf(y n« «:n|>nnj » KKRR,Jr.
• inffi. in AUrgrienl c,l > So :» Water »t
’ TO LBTi L.
a TIIRFT. Dw-riunson Fonnli, **'****
*s| IV „T ,* 1 '■«" °" u '" rJ l,y
Mor,.. -rf lirm: ,
Jll I .-l* , * *
|,L A T.. V 0 f .tnr to tht«-r vr»r*, iromtbo
Jb& . 1 W, Jn A largti WPO «ort«a bnrk
urr-. if. Ao A ‘‘ l ’ ,> J l ° MF-S A HUTCHISON * C-O
)a ‘ > To Lot. .
.. v , aRijK anil wrll ftuwhetl ttoom, wont
‘“SffiSA Kurt
:: iAsSsJkl
I um .'.'mo
1 -«“»^- a ‘ oa "
4*' ' JTt'
iFst \\tMnVny, ai>ovr ibe upjwCo»mon»,«»“**
'tKK's. «kjga;
S:»',.. .torn ».y «»« hunzted re«t Jc«p, b««
“’ “ ‘wilt 5";Vvc l tyTi'aJiac fJrenonUMilTO*.
= S 5 SUV-sf-} STJKT*
APP»> »« »• SPW* 1 - LkCrk * OB 1 KAY fcl3o
jEs.°»* of ,m |w_|i,„K Hua>«, roiiuuuajj Sroomm
two tiwy Owe K „ tl cptunifta,,* 1*
Bi'd Kitefteo. Ihef f . , rc< ., o? every kind, •table,
ol Ul "' | IOU M- To any peraoft Vtsh-
Ae , ro»'"-<-'' d vr.ii.m a few umtuteatidr of
>"* B .lenytutul cllilJlCc . For termi,>hirh
h tenant. o( Ml. Jno.
.»“«* the>. o. John Wall, colter ht '
ll.„«l ana w* THW>. F. WRlillJT.
* Scotch Bottom L«»d far b«l«.
„,... .j-m-apr I.A S !>. situated m
r | '"| t nil me Monoiirabeta. three mile* frnpk FlU*-
1 * 1" i..i» iu .mi I'urchn-erx For ftirthr.S'parnr
| «• H«->-
»M»v‘.W-dit 4th. ntw>ve Muubfi>>ld at
Hool Ksuu In Bt«rc*r Co«>l|.
AIAiT. Storehouse *n*l Dwelling, ittnatfr on the
k-jie l'.iteiiA.nn Cunul. in the village 01 \Ve«l Mid-
Oii-nri * desirable location for a inrfrhtßtr Also,*
nnd flood Dwelling Home welt sailed fork Tavern
Hiamt, in'the Village i»F on State lino of
Ohio. Terras easy. ISAIAH DItIKFA fc Co.
feblO Water and Ffront uta.
tU»AI. I*AND FOB Seven acres coal land
) tor saln.Mtaate in l>eml ot the Monongahela Kiver,
above Brownsville, Fa , hnvi.ij a 7 fool vein of coal
which will be sold m fur coods. For partieo.
■r» appFv to [octl&l S 4. d dIARIIAI t.ll J3woo*l *'
1 ' ~ WAREHOUSE FOUSALK.—Thea*obwrib«r
I £?■ otiers tor sale the three story brick Warehouse
1 “**oll Wood street, occufttd by R n S ner ,
»pl 7 * Wll WILSON, *■
V 1-011 SALE-A Lo, ot
the house and lot now tx-rupud »•> «' w ,|l ■
having a front ol ‘23 tecl, cf pi»oS*t>»«. En-
I.*.»■*1 .*.»■*
* octal-<ttt .. - 7T-