PUBLISHED *BY WHITE k CO PITTSBURG Hi WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEB.JU, PHILiIIRtpiUA HORTa ABSBICti'. . A'dycnisememA ud S-abvriptumslo the Nonh Antrr t'Uft’uad United State* Gazette, Philadelphia, received ml forwarded from this office. COMMERCIAL LIST ASO PHILADEL PHIA PRIOR CURRENT. '-Sab*cripuoJ» to this valuable paper will be received and forwarded from this office. SEW vnnu EXPRESS. We will receive and forward free of expense, ad- Venisemeuts and subscription* for this paper. * UT't'n* PmaatmoH Daily Gaxxtt* li published Daily, 7 rn-Weekly, and Weekly.—The Daily i« Seven DoUan per uumm; ibe Tn-We«kly it Five Dollar* per annum; the Weekly is Two Dollar* per .nnam, iirudy n advance. H>~ ADVkjhishes are earnestly requested to hard in aietr favors before 5 r and at early latheday *» praoUcuble. Advertisement* not lax-ttruJ fora speci' Ued time will invariably be chafed until ordered out Be* next page for TsDgraphle News. Hor Local Blatters see next page. Tiib Cabinet. —The whole country’ is at ibis m«*« men! on the lip-toe of expectation and anxiety, i& reference to Gen. Taylor's Cabinet This is pec feclly natural, and right, as the welfare of the whole people is intimately concerned in the selection. A four year’s administration at a time like this, when events follow each other with telegraphic rapidity, and’especially in a country like ours, which out. strips&U the world besides in the nice of progre**, is no small mailer. There is, however, in the midst of the anxiety and curiosity, manifest, discovered in every quar ter a strong confidence in the wisdom and sago city of the Presidentelect The country confident Jy expect General Taylor will give it a good cab inet, composed of able, experienced and discreet men, and we feel the most abiding conviction that this confidence is not misplaced. Among the gentlemen spoken of; as likely to he called to a seat in the Cabinet, ts Caleb B. Smith. now a Representative in Congress from Indiana, as Postmaster General. This gentleman’s claims are urged by the North-Western Slates, Ohio, Michigan, and Indiana, and his appointment would be highly acceptable to the whole Union. His name is familiar to the country, especially to the Whigportion ofit,although be has not been verv Jong a prominent actor on the stage of public life- The New York Tribune furnishes the following brtefhistory of bis distinguished career. •Mr. Smith ha* not been long in public life, but every dav's continuance therein has enlarged and extended the.popular estimate of his abilities and his worth. His first appearance was a* a Member of the Legislature of Indiana in 1533—1; and he was re-elected for three successive term*, and snefa was the judgement* formed of his capacities that he was chosen Speaker of.tbe House at the opening of hi* third Session, and re-elected with - out an opponent at the opening oflhe fourth. The next year he was appointed one oftbe Fond Com • missionere of Indiana, and cootinued to discharge the duties of that post for two years, when he te signed, and in 1540 was returned to the Legisla ture and chosen a Fresisdolial Elector on the Her* riaon ticket In 1543 he was chosen a Repre-en tadve in Congress, and is now closing his sixth year of continuous service in that capacity, having been twice re-elected by decisive majorities Mr. Smith is in the prime ot life, industrious, energetic and practical, and would fill efficiently any station requiring soundjudgemenl and resolute assiduity. Asa debater in Congress or a cauvas ser before the People he has few superiors. Hu speech in our City a year since, at the meeting ol the friends of Peace and Henry Clay at the Taber nacle, will not eoon be forgotten by those who heard it. Home Department. —The proposed creation of a new Department at Washington meets with gen eral favor, and the hope is widely expressed that the Senate will agree to the bill from the House. Such a Department was recommended by Mr. Polk in his last message, ami its necessity has long been fell for the economical despatch of bosineev The only additional offices it will create are, a» Horqe Secretary, to be placed on the same fooling as the other members of the Cabinet, and a Chid Clerk. The Department would then be constitu ted by transferring to it numerous and anomalous bureaux, now attached to the other departments. — The business of the Indian Bareaux and of Pen sions, now under the War Department; of the Office, from the Stale Department; and of . the General Land Office, now under the Treasury: ofiNavy Pensions, of Internal Improvements; and - otkor n— entirely Wome supervision and concern, would be confided to the now department: and, under the charge cl e head devoted specially to the care of these interests, they would all be promoted with more certainty, method and econ omy, than now they can be. As this measure has been introduced and car*, ried through the House, by Mr. Vinton, of Ohio and as few men in the country aye as well acqaaiti' ted with its home affairs or have had a more extended experience, :l would give us great plea sure to see him called to preside over it, should such a Department be constituted. Gov. Joh.sston. —A writer in a Philadelphia naper, urges the appointment ol Governor ton, as Secretary ol the Treasury*. Ol Governor Johnston'* fitness for the appointment we cannot doubt, but Pennsylvania cannot spare him from the more important, more august -appointment which he now bolds. No political event, we feel assured, could cause more chagrin and disappoint* ment, and give greater pain, to the Whigs ol Penn sylvania, than for Governor Johnston to relinquish hi 3 present honorable postion for any other, until his time expires. We do notbebevo, lor our pa/t. that there is any danger ol such an event. Wr Jo not believe the Governor would accept an appoint ment, if it were tendered to bun. Later from VE*xzcrt.A —Capture of ti StEaHER Ge> JaCXSOM. —The editors of the Ne York Journal of Commerce have been favor with the following extract cf a letter, dated Puerto Cabcllo, 2otb Jan., IS4W The war appears to be at an end. The rustle of Maracaibo was evacuated by the Paezisr* on the 21th till. The steamer General Jackson* ba beeo captured and brought here with seventy pri soners, among whom arc CoL Miochin, and the three sons of General Paex—Saba, Ramon, and Carlos. The prisoners have been sent up to Car acas per steamer Libertsdor. late Augusta. The rest of Paez'n party are all dispersed. Celts and the Baptisms are at large, and are supposed to have escaped into New Granada. * This was formerly her name, but latterly ab< has borne the name of Buena Visa. She was fit ted out in New York m October last. Hot*. A. W. Loomis.—The New Lisbon (Ohtoi Palladium, noticing that Mr. Looms has been spo ken of .for a seat in General Taylor's Cabinet, . "ays: * Mr. Loorms resided for many years in this com - mqniiy, andoccnpied a high and castable, position. We are confident that no appointment could be hailed with greater satisfaction throughout Obio.ihai. Would his to the position for which be is recotn mended. If Ohio should not be represented in the Cabinet, the appointment of Mr. Loomis would better alone for the disappointment than any other which could possibly be made.’ Pnocntns of the Pkesjdot.—F.sery body will join with us in the regret that Gen. Taylor should have been subjected to so much fatigue and delay, in his journey to Washington. They are, however, unavoidable. We understand that he is not well, ■nd is anxious to finish his journey with as little delay and parade os possible. He was expected to arrive at, and remain in, Wheeling last night, and to proceed on to day by stage to Unionlourn, 3, where he will probably rest to night No one could expect him to visit our dlly under such circuau laurrr, no where would be be received with a heartier welcome. SmciocoF a Communist. —A late Dumber .'of the New Orleans Picayune contains an account of the death by suicide of Dr- Juan Rovira, a mernlwr the Communist Society attempted to be establish cd at leans, in Texas, by Mr. Cabei, but which was recently disaolvetl The deceased was a Da* live of Catalonia, in. Old Spain, whence be went at an early age to Paris, and became an enthusiast in thecause of communism. He wrote his will about 0 o'clock on the evening on yrhich be committed Lhe dreadful act, which left a young and beautifal wife and a fine little boy without a protector. A GetriUL Banxj.w Law.— We publish, in a tenso, to-day, the important bill to regulate Bank ing, which has been introduced into the Legislatiiro ofthisStote. Our readers will, of course, carefully examine the details of the bill, and make known their views to our Representatives at Harrisburgir Aocs op PtTBiJL- Me*-—Mr. Clay is now seventy one. Messrs. Calhoun, Van Buren and Webster were born in the tamo yotr, ITS!,nmi ire now 07. G-n Cota ia aixlywux. Oea. Taylor la uny-lbur. The person who borrowed our General Plant: Road Law’, will 'oblige "e by relnrntos U 'mrnedl ately. , f The proceedings of the Agricultural meeting m West Deer Towsshippcame too late for this paper* FROM W ASHINGTON- Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gatette Washington, Feb. 17, IS* 9 - Tho Senate and House are playing at cross pur poses. The Chairman of the Finance Committee, of the former branch, has moved to insert, a* an amendment, m the General Appropriation bill, item of $3,720,1)00. as the instalment due this year Isl 9, on the debt due to Mexico, for the pur-base of the western provinces. —and it will probably I** adopted. But the House have a separate bill for the purpose, and a general discussion began upon it yesterday, extending over tho whole field of eon trovervy growing out of the annexation of Texas, the Mexican war and the extension of Territory. I have not examined the House bill, and eanoot ly whether it contains any peculiar provisions,or i(fixes any condition to the payment of the money. It is said that there is some rule oftbe House requires ibnl appropriations fbc carrying out reaty stipulation*, shall be made by separate bills, ndependent of other item* ol expenditure. Mr Vinton says that he shall move fortheoes* satii’n of debate upon the House bill, on Wednes day next, at two o’clock. The opportunity will l>e improved for the delivery of the greatest jH»*»ible numtar of speeches opon the Slavery question. Since writing the above. Mr. Vinton bus moved lo close debate at tlie tune indicated, but oil Mr. roomb's motion, the Hou-e substituted Monday, at the «nme hour. «o tlie chief part ol the sjvenk* iag inn-t be done ,hi* evening. Mr. Stephen* hti- just concluded a pnweriul and eloquent speech, against recognizing the treaty, or doing any other act llmt shall aanciinn the wnr. either in’it* beginning, continuance, or close In my humble judgment, this doctrine is not correct, nor palnotie. But 1 cannot doubt that Mr. Stephens -peak* from the dictates of hi* bent judgment. His comment* upon the protocol were very expressive uud in my opinion, altogether just and deserverl — Hemal it was a truuJ upon the MeXirau govern ment. it could never be carried into effect, and was not designed to fo*. p was a cheat on the pnrt o! rite President of the United States. He began hi* Administration with h cheat upon his own coun try’. and was ending it with a cheat upon .Mexico ' He had cheated mi ‘fifty lour forty; he had cheat* «d the iron men m Pennsylvania with In* Kane letter and lie had cheated the gentlemen from Penn-vlvnnm. Mr Wdmol, on the Provt*o. m a conver-alKin he bad held with him. and hr believ ed that he Wa* attempting a cheat upon the divis ion of the country from which be came He did not seem to be able to do anything but cheat. Ai this moment, fortunately perhaps tor the President Mr. Stephen* wn« knocked « passed with the proviso at. lached. Mr. W. told the President that he did 00l believe the appropriation would lie efficacious to the end proposed, but on the President's urging that he had official information, that placed the mat* ter beyond a doubt, he said that he should regret to inUTpose any obstacle, and would withdraw the proviso, provided he could gam au expression of opinion m ihvor of the principle from Congress in any other form. —and he spoke of a joint resolu tion. The President caught nt the latter idea, and said very well, bnug it in, and otherwise express ed a hearty concurrence, in the policy ot such an assertion of irgulaktve opinion. He said Mich a resolution would not ta unpopular, even in Mis- MMippi. and declared with much earnestness, that he had no design nor deaire of extending slavery- U would not be for the interest or security ot Jdie ! South, where it already existed, that it should be oxteuded. There wa* uo reserve nor privacy about tht* conversation, and he had freely spoken of it to hts friends, among others to one ol the delegation fromS. Carolina, wb«> had requested his permission to make use of- it in jmbltc, which he bad declined to give them, Iwcause be d>d not desire to l-e con sidered the retailer ol gossip from high *om«-e% He had snb-rqqeiUly spoken of tin* same vernation to Mr. Stephen-, blit not J:>w iy, n--t at this session, nor With ibr cijHfclalioo 'hat Mr w->uid make ii pubic xntucnl* -IQ ihn chapter .»( 1 shall male n> PiUkerv, except t > remark that it n lli** mi-si mart- -n krwng ei[»o-uri- of dnpin ity and ,n«loc«Titv that we Imv- had. even dur-ng this Adnum-trs\ Wr J,» Hot i-ijm - : the Pres-denl ele« ' for a tt'erl The k»** .ii ibe ' "i>o r>a* obtruded .tvii m-*-t m pertinently on public attention. Tbr has advices fro cl Mr Crittenden to the rile. • lh-i he will not go mm the l abmet in suY i-»i»w->!t Per contra, w« hid me-sagr* by tHegrapn day and day fo-fore that inr Gwsern would «-ome m and that be would prefer 1 1.*- p,«rc of Attorney General to Lhat o< Secretary -i MiOr Hut proS.ihiy the -our.-e- troin wh- h t*»»- I«te ;i .» grocer depve* it* information are the lie-i Ihe name-ot \V. <’ Kr.-e», of Va . snd F.J'* »rJ h»ei. ett.ot Mum hav*- }**en added to the n*i if i:..iv spoken - i by -pud nurw - for the Utter •f’ PKJENRT LVA.MA LKti ISL. AT IRK. H ARRJfF' son. Keb I- 1 M'. The journal of ve-lerday. wh read «nJ «p proved. The Speaker pre-euled a roitimun»-»i'nn from the Secretrry 'd 'be C.*cumonwe:»!th uaiiaimitinir the wliici«i return- >*l lhe recent e.iecl.oti m .he twentieth Lisin* t rs*nip-.r*ed ■ tne routine- ot Arm-lr.imr. ' awbrts. fofeartieid and Indiana, to fill the va»-.jn< V wsasioneJ '.y there. siguatiOD of Win I Johnston Mr Augustus Ivmii. the uewly-elerted S-Ratoi from Arm-trong. Bpjiesretl. wasqualiAed his «eat • The speaker pre-eDted a communication from the Auditor GeneraJ tran-miHing a tabular -tale, meni, containing the informaunn called tor re|*. live to the amount o( money paid into the .'isle Treasury by the different county officers dunrut ttie la.-t ten yearn. iJu motion ol Mr King, the tabular -tatement wio, referred to the < 'ommiUee on Finance and .',OO cnpie. ot the Bftrue was ordered to l>e pr-nl ed. Prtiiionj jc-.rnie-/ —By Mr Brooke. Irom I >e lawarr county, tor a law for the prevention of not- By Mr ijvertietd. a remonstrance from riiixena of Peausylvunia, for a law to prohibit sny incor porated cotnpuny irora tuiiiog any senp. unle«a they are made personally liable therefor fyfirptrru. — Mr King. Judiciary, to whom the lull to exempt the homestead* of insolvent debtor-from levy and rale, reported the same, with a recom mendation that it be negatived. Mr Orabb. Judiciary, to whom the bill nipple meatary to the net for the protection ol livery sta ble and tavern keeper*, was referred, refuted it with a recommendation that it be negatived The Senate resumed, on second rending, the con sideration of the bilijlo amend the art to limit (be hours of labors in factories. Mr. Crahb moved an amendment, allowing per sons eighteen yeax* ot make a routroct to work more thafo ten hours. Mr Savery moved to amend the amendment by making the bill: general in lU operation. Aller a long discussion, which wa- participated in by Messrs. Crabb, Small, Savery. Slreeicr, Kon igmacher, Forsyth, and Johnson. On motion ol Mr. Johnson, the bill, tneether wnii the amendments pending thereto, wrrr re ferred to a select committee, composed of Me».irn. Johnson, Small, and Crabb. The bill relating to the collectors of tolls. Super visors, and Su{>erintendenlA in ihiaGmtroouwenlili [compels these oilircr* to make a prompt »*-tilc. ment of their accounts.) Messrs. Bntwlcy. Hugtis, Small, Overfield. Streeter, Johnson, Mason, and King, discussed the provuuou- ul the | n |l m length, when it wo* read a th avoiding dus Schuylkill Inclined Plane, lavoru* ble U> both projects. Tliis being Alphabetical day for bill-, Mr Baber moved to call up the Seuale bill tbr the ex - tension of the charter of the Farmers'and Mechan ics’bank ol Philadelphia, Arc., and the House re fused. Yeas, 41. nays, fiO. The t/ill to erect a new county out of parts ol Beaver, Butler and Mercer, to be called Law rence, was passed through Commruec ot' the Wboie. and negatived on second read;:jg. Yeas 4 0. nays -to. Mr Beilis moved to take up the bill for the re peal of thu act incorporating the Erie and Ohio Railroad Company, which was agreed to—yeas M 3, nap 37. Mr Ball commenced to speak against the bill, when Mr Swartxwelder moved the previous ques tion, which was seconded. On the question, ' Shall the question be now put ; ” the yeas were Ifi, tho nays 4f>. Mr [tall then spoke bill o'clock The Senate bill, nutliorumglhe Auditor to renew certificates of debt due domestic creditor*, was passed. Adjourned. GENERAL BANKING BILL Reported In Use Ilonse of Represents ti ves at Harrisburg. Ski:. I. He U nmettd by tht Nr note and House of Hr * yifurnta/irvi oj the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, i '< denrral AsssmUy usrt, ami U u Ucrrhy enattetl I'M the authority of thr tame, That the charter of the shall lw and the name is hereby extended nnd ccmtinued for the purjiotc ot transacting the busmen* of Limiting lor the term of year* from the expiration ol the present charter, witii the capital slock as at present fixed by law, subject to the prevision* imposed by ll.i* act. aud pre visions now imposed upon the said bank by exist ing law* of tin* commonwealth, nnd to such fur ther previsions as the legislature muy herenlier enact lor the general regulation ol butik* in tins eommonweuit h. Skc. 2. The total liabilities of'the said bank, ex clusive of dej-OHits, shall not nl any time exceed double the amount ol its capital stock paid in. nor ?bnll the debt* cl every kind due, and to become due to (lie said bank, except debts due. from the government ot tho United Stale* and the Stale ot Pennsylvania, ever amount to more Ibau three time* the amount of ii- capital *t.* k paid in. and the said ItanL* ntmll neither loan nor discount when us circulntion shall be equal for thirty •• jiisecutive days, to three tunes the amount ot specie and notes of specie paying banks m it* po«!>e**ion belonging to *nid Lank, and any balance iUh.I mg to the credit thereof in specie paying bonk*, convertible into specie at the pleasure ot the stud bank. Skc. The Auditor General tuny at any tune require the cashier of said bank lo state, and return ■>n In* oath the amount ot the circulation of »mJ hunk, lor any cuo-ecubve period ol thirty days, which he may designate, and «ls.j lor the same period the amount of specie and note* or specie paying bunks in its possession t>elongiug to ihe said bank, and Ihe balance standing to it- credit hi specie paying bank*, convertible mlo»j>ecie at llie pleasure of the bank and ul-o the whole amount >*i its liabditie* nnd debts due and to beyonie due, mid if upon the return s« \nade. it slcili uppi-ur that any ol lbe provisions ol the second section of Ihi* act have been violated lor the sAid petioJ of ihtrtv days, so designated by the Auditor General, he -h„l give notice thereof to ibe tiovernor, who shall thereupon issue his proclamation declaring the char ter ol the Mud lo be lorlcilrd. sk< I li the charter of the -hid bank Mull U* forfeited m maunrr provided m the pro rdmg sec tion nlier proclamation made by the Governor IDen the director* ul said bank shall forthwith make nod execute mi a»*igninent in the manner provi ded in the nvtof the tweluh March, one thousand eight hundred «ind forty two. entitled An Act to provide tor the resumption of Bpc.tu- payment*, and for other purposes,’ nod it shall tbereiifion Is* pro ceeded in tho manner provided m that «. t. if the director- of the said bank should neglect or refuse to make the assignment provided for in tht* net ihey shall lie found guilty cl a mi.-demeanor, and U|K>n conviction in any criminal court m the com monwealth be imprisoned in the jmi e| the proper county, for any period m>f exceeding two year*, in tbe discretion oflhe <\>urt. Spi .’i lr any president, cn-lnrr . r uny other officer occlerk ol' (be said bank snail Irnudiilenily embezzle or appropriate to hi* own n*e or lo ibe use ot any other person it |*er*ons. any money or other property Iwrlunging to said institution, or left with the same as a special de-,«i«Ue or otherwise, he or they upon conviction of such offence, shall tw fined m any amount not less than the Mint so appropriated or embezzled, and sentenced to un dergo imprisonment in one of the stale penitentia ries, a.* the case may be, to be kept in separate and solitary confinement a> labor tor any term not exceeding five year* /VcmviW, That this shall □ol prevent any person nr peraon* aggrieved (real pursuing lus or her or their civil remedy against such person or persons. Sec. 'i. h shall be the dutyroflhe auditor gener ril I" require the said bunk on some discount day tn l>e designated by him in every quarter of tin then current year, one of \rlu- li slim! !-• in tin month of November, to imikp and return b* turn the exhibits hereinafter provided lor, w tifcli exhibit* the auditor general -hall prepare in tabular form and cummuuiojto tiie -nine to l»cih brunches ot the legislature within ten day* after their meeting PruruUJ, That lh«r first section of the a< l appro ved the first April, one thousand c-cht tiumlml and thirty six. entitled “An act requiring the bank* ot this commonwealth to make quarter.y statement* to the aad.tor’ shall not tn? made apple a Lie to this bank Sec. ". U shall be the duty H the presi.lrul and cashier of tile said bank fur the Lime being, lo prepare, ii|v»n the requisition qf the auditor general, a just ayd full exhibit of the affair* and rundiliou ot : day* of the then earrent year» to br designated by ' (lie auditor general, one of which shall be is the month of N- vcuber, so as lo exhibit Ihe entire amount ol the of the tifank. and every item thereof under-separate and also Ihe entire amount of the indebtedness and of the sa.d bank, and 4*very item Ihtireot under separate | tiead*. -etlmg Ibnii on the onrt -ule parteulartv .e* to give u fuß end proj*er view nt j!I tlie a-*et.« belonging to the said tank—ffirst the mitiouiil <>i eul.l nc*l s.iyer in the vault - <>{ ihe KnnL. the um- >i■.: >i nili tb- him-Unl c.i (iiicorrcat n.rj<-*, '-fm-k- nnd l. fl« -,i j .Hhrr bank v the imounl i-i' any mhiT - Jihujiion* > -i I othrf lhr aiiiiiuiil ot l-id* .tnJ n.iln dc-',-«li|i I td. Ins >rl the m,/rUU!'-> <>! H«- f.-ui. and i the assessed vilue U»r lhe* V-«r .•! the 1 real r-iate l-.piaj by such inortga*r-. (hr am. iini ; •<( pn.T mortgage-, indtnieot- in-: -Hiier i.e,,. ■ I in- amount ol held l-\- lhe b-mt \.| lt»e real e-t «:<• U«n-.d pidy mr nr mie'iiDl ,-i prtor )iideuicni- uv’rtsns'-- nii-i • ffhrf'l-en* the acD.iuui oi in«* bv lh- bini *nd the s»-e---e.l - nwio'iin !ue Hlirr l>«iit* n,*: jr*- «.' | \r;,i -.p >lir I'l' UIQ.>- ol «<, *1 ha .■ k Ir.Jlti U 10. 1»41,r .-jdoe UarHher ’a- lti Itre lun-unl - d'O- hy »•%. '• • ol -aid b-ok- H»e anr-ni'd di»c .. m si •; v «t■-r littil. Ill* name, ol ti hank- an! nni--iw,! i|ur Uvtn I‘iu-ii one lhe ammial ol j-.0-'. and ,ur- -loci, rtlul t-sn- J Hie l.nni lhe naltire iivj LJu.f i’l loan- iiu-t -C-aa Jre id Ihe kii>. .nil' • !ie» J. de-tjrn-liny p»rii< ut-fy the t> a■•l - *- a (it) • -urn W* .1 |!K- l.ifif* I,e'd ill-! \4 Til-1 »- h 111 ot <*•.«. 'he mh.-iu>' If-eaauiy tiole- lhe tin ■ul lami- in aie .1:-pole,I If IU r- et*\ Ui- a lIIOOt>< , .| -, > ,lj)ef .b'-l- Slid in- due .f 1. , . „|,.- djle led the vaflle .( -41-y ..(her pr-.,«*rf, 'he tipnk »«'ihe « one %jand - 'titfn-. 1 ..r> i,*- '.-.i»..r whi si..! m tct«' shall l‘b - ihe iwi.J Hnl oil ttie «• an»'>ut»l due lo «•«►rj-'ifsti- <»»• the amount Jtie 1 . t,aiik« '>!*■ lII.DIIOI dor |>> m lividual' Mi. l (Ije am.itilit •>< . .*•«»* aifvnM 'he tvTfiW remain.up i nuf'.vpfi, i»«d any lem» «• lef*».cj ru>»« of hal.l.'.ly lit 4 fllltix. I‘.i .o 1,."* p.rep ~nj» i ation* . Sect * It »tm'! moreover the duty ->i ih* I resident and (a«b,er .U preparing the exhibit re iii the preceding *er-imii ..| Hii» »• t tor the month of Novurnl'er preceding the ifierting o' ihe fyeginlat' •• t- > *t«te a regard to r 3' h item ami rtiilnJivi«ion ol (he aiu-O of (hr Imnl.. wHut i* in the jiuJgn.tnt of the i'roauieni m,, 1 > .i*hnT ihr IV tual marketable cash value .4 no li u-oj <•( tJit* nnir uml the amount of . urrrnl uolea oJ other hnnt'a on baud of tlio lime the e x i« made out ut weil aa the name* of the lank». mid the amount ol the Hole, an.) hill* of em u mu' mi hefj and ;n like manner :tt record If* the um urrmt „.;te» lidd l.y Die lianli Sf/-T 9. The eih.lut to «evcnlh ami eighth acf-tiuui of tbi# art ahnll l-e verified mid ac oompnnird wilji ll*« onth and allirmntion of the President and (.««bier of ihu said hook July aliens led before amnr officer, aitlb«*n*eul Ly law lo l«ter oath*, to the following elj«-cl. iihifirjy -That Ibuy, ibu said President and < bushier. have careful ly rxamiaeJ lb« Imnlc* and inuntinmilsol (lie hank, and have com pared the same with the said exhibit, and lhal they verily beiieve that the «sid exhibit or statement present* a true, fair, and lull view of the actual condition of the bank, and w» a4dibou to the alr,ve exhibit mnde for the discount day »n the moulh of November, preceding the meeting ol the legislature, shall !*• acrorufmiued with the oath or adirii'ftlion the President and (-ashler ol the ■a.d bank, setliug forth that they have inspected the several item* ot a«u»i;4.)r the evidence lliereol in the said exhibit referred lu, and that they have, according to the best of their judgment avd ability, valued each of said item* of asset* at the absolute ,-ntui price, which it would produce in open market ot the lime, and U«I ,n their judgment the arlonl asset* of the bank ar» Umu tide worth the niinnint nf the valuation so made by them Set r. 10. The president, dtrr< lur*. and < athier. and i-iher officers of the unid bank, uud o/ every oilier bank bereiilier ‘ bartered shall, brtcire they rjclrr on the duties of their several offices and Mu lions severally lake * them, that they will uiitues diately communicate ihr lucis to the auditor gene, ml ol the coiiimoiiwrnllh, the Mid oath *0 to be taken shall l*e subscribed and umned.atuly drliv. ered to the wditor general to U- tiled on. e su he. otfice. Sjjj., [|. It any prriudefll, director, cashier, or other officer ol the said ot any other bank herealter chartered, shall, aller having taken and -mUcr.brd the oath required by lifts act. wilfiHly violate any provision of toy art ot assembly appfK cal,le to the bank, ol which he is an officer, he •halt t>e taken and deemed to Dave committed wilful tied corrupt perjury, and upon convietioft to •aoy criminal ceort in this commonwealth, he ahail aufTer such pumshmeol as i* indicted by the l*w» 00 “V P" 1 ” 11 guilty of the it%z Trawn tam ‘ h ° rao ' ,c l , ,lu ' il " ol •» Ora', a iron, thn bank lor iht pnrpo« ol 1,e,„ „l a . U„k".n,T °: h , Br , b “' ” h »“ «“»■» ■» Z b.ntU „ Tb ’ 8 “' <1 bank, and thr i^veral bank* in tin* commonwealth hereafter chartered shall pay into the treasury of the state, in the man ncr now directed by law. for the payment of a lax or dividend, ten per cent, on all dividend* which do not exceed arx pttfeent. per annum, and on di viifends exceeding six percent, nnd not exceeding *even per cent, per annum, a tax of eleven per cent on such dividends, and on exceed* ing seven |*er cent, per annum, and not exceeding eight per cent per annum, the said banks shall pay a lax ..(twelve p.- r cent, and on dividends exceed ing eight per cent per annum, nnd not exceeding nme per cent. Die «n.d bank shall pay a tax of thirteen per cent, nnd on d.vnleudaexceedmg nine per cent, nnd not ten ,K?r cent, the said bank- -hall pay a bu of fourteen per cent, and ou dividend* exceeding ten per -rent, and not exceed ing eleven per cent. Die s :u «l bank -hall pay a tax of sixteen jN-r cent, and on Jtvidenus cxceediag eleven per rent, and not exceeding twelve per cent a lax of eighteen pe’r .rent, and on dividends ex. . emluig twelve per . rnt. the said bank* -hnll pay a tux of twenty per cent. Se.-i. 11. Neither the mini bank nor any other bank hereafter chartered, -Iml! i a *uc and put in - ir-'iilalion any bill or note ol said bank, paya ble at uuy other j.lace than nl -md bank, nor olnera i-e than payable on demand, and of p de nomination nut less than live dollar*, and afiy vi olation Ot tin. sc. lion -hnll be a misdemeanor, punishable upon conviction by a fine of not lesn than five dollar*, ami imprisonment in tlie jnd o| me proper ■•. unity not le«* than u year i I.V The real e-tnte whirl, the raid bank may nl any tune In* |k»— e-sed ot, except the property, aud banking house, which it mny hold lor Ihe pur |>o?e of transacting ’«* bu*ine*» shall until disposed Ol by t he bank by a l*»nn fide sale, In* subject at any time to redemption bv the party front whom it lust pn«»ed to said bank, upon payment of ibe -urn nl money lor which it may lurve Iwen pur chased or ntherwi-e obtained wnt, i, interest lUcreon m full, and anv amount ol . o-fs not ex ceediuß fitly dollar -1 b -hull not be lawful tor -md bunk lo make or declare any dividend to the stockholder* I hereof, exirepi from profit* actually acquired above the par value ot the -t.- k, and no -m h dividend -hall In* made at any tone tint will in miy munurr impair >r dimunsli the eap.t.d *to.-k ol amd bunk. S** - ' 1” No Jirei tor ul said bunk shall apjtear as drawer or mdor-er. or a- Ldh drawer and endor- at any one (mm for a greater amount than thousand dollar*, and the gros- amount discounted for or loaned to all the director* ami other officers ol antd bunk, and lo lit*- hou-e» or li rin - m which they may l*c interested, directly or .iiforec ly. shall ttot exceed at am one fine, the -u n ui tbowi- Ant) dollar*. Sr< ) 'j. If the -aid back shall at any lime fail or relti-e lo redeem 'l- notes, and pay it* habililie* in gold and -dver com upon demand ie-mg made at the banking hou-e of s.«>d bank during banking hour-, such failure •>r relu-al shall la* deemed and held lo be an ah- >lnle torteiture ot charter of said bank. Hf The slra kholder* of the -aid bank of -hall be | !y liable lo the creditors of said bank l*eing note holder* tn their individual capac ity lor the jamouut ot all the notes i—ued in an amount not exceed,ng the par value of the stock owned and possessed by them respectively, and the manner ot colon mg «nch liability shall l>e as follow- m ca-e lne -aid bank -hall violate the pro vision* of uny law applicable lo it. -■< a* to forfeit it* charter, ot become insolvent, ami m tailing cir cumstance* by reason ol tn** :ni*-ni*mtigemeiit ol its affair*, and i» com[>e!leJ to make m as*igtiineu( under the provision- ol th- ad. or Under the pro* visions ol if.e act ot tivelilh March, one thousand eight hundred and lorty two. entitled ' An Ael to provide tor the rc-uiiipbon ol kjn* -ic payment* by the bunks,” the assignee* »o ap|*nnled, shall pro •reed to make a t or and equitable appraisement of the us.-T-L- ot lhe -aid bnnkol every description at their ••.isli value, and «;•<> to make n list of' all ibe •lelil.* due by the said hank, and if it shall iip|M*at that the H**e'.s are insttllicieni lo redeem tlie notes m circulation, the stockholders of the said bank -hall In* liable to make su<-h deticieney in proj*or« holt to the res{M*.nve itinount* ot stix-k held bt each nt tb** tune nu-h n-r-icmiient i* made. Prurv • Ul, That the joint l.abictv *tmll m no case rxcee« the iuiioimi of tli*- par \ alue ol llieir slock Sri . 2n. It -h.ul t*- ihe only ol tlie asmguee* alore* said to cuu*e u -< re lacia* m tin* name ol the Com monwealth of |\l to In* •ssttedbyiiie Urobonoury ol county, ug a*r, -( all the -lock holder* oft lie said bank, reciting the .im.mnt ol such drficrency.’auii requiring them to appear ulthe next Court ot Com tnon Plea* in sm.l painty, an.i show cause why such amount ;.>*.! -u -h -c,n- !.«ein* -had also *ei forth the proj»irtr.m* due irom each >*f tlie said »teekbold«T». am! :t -had !-• ;ne duty ot the sheriff of said county '•> serve the said writ upon all stockholders mimed :n -md wr-t re-.ding within ins bailiwick and 't shall brUwlul h>r the Court of Common Piea», .>r a Judge >n vacat'fut. to make auch order n r«-ieren* e to pvmg n'U. <«* to *fc>ck» bolder*, noH*re*ulei>ta of the county, and named m said wnt. n- the ca-e may require, Pr-.nnded That the wni <>l sere m- •** shall n<*t abate I*v rea son oflhe uou*juinder ol any stockholder, nod m caw it *httd ap)>ear taut "n< or more jtersons in said writ named, are not i.jl»ie under the provis ions of this net, it -hah II a T tiate li** proceedings against Ihe other-. Sr> 21 i isf rftitrn -. -'l »•»«•! wnt nt *■ ir» 1 i.'r'j« .| »Laii lihf .!>»iv • irr -»»t.* u»: iiir- »t.« uama-•*> n (•! iii»- i ifilrnry gnr ia«: *r.t«i«i it t '.p imni *u»>i »!•*• kb. •(.!. t It rr(«n, • v <( l>.i :mi ' |.p -Vl-[•.,-mill \X. . iii,,j|irr ft| ft'.T 1 U»r V. 'll U ..(IP ir-ilf t. • 't>P .1 «*, 4 ’ l| ||lP|> l • ' t|.«* ,a, .l 'wit *i> ft * ’ fi« i *• r-pp'-ikp.l a It i»ulrf -( M»p '•*•ll** lunle a -I. V a- \« f I •' a. .f»- !•>«• »• ■ imMlw 1 n Hip . i'i,c ti, mi,rt »i:J I. .r the • "me [>r( (.ir-, ... n«.»r :,»• -| '++x\ ti ».l '>e p«.i|i i, ur • • ' ! t *»r » ii .i- « s. i I r»h «lr rrrd •O 1.. f *i. I. .rt- T a!V' |>f -- • * a r.ft i p • ••u-.l In p« Yl. • r *.p» n »l • iy : . Iw- *»* «- nee« »n j !*■*■ vi- i hi. di*. n«ry.' in Uictii >n.l -I' 't P'ip «' i *.. .i.lrf «« ill INr r ,i u,.. , v . «i,.,b n>nd l-.'rvrfy n *«np • tm4 b« '| - '*< f«i .n u b.> •hn • n i'.i' ml v• n< •'.mr> •( iwiy •lia,'-> .•! •(.» 1. • laiwhlo' n the name I . ... ..1 1. >r? h i. n r. ~1 ll,< Ull.l ..I >nv -.I iij« ••h.idmi n,r *** iwpniy .-nr v»»r».JNii' .. • iru«if-«-*»p|*.iin.-i* *,y a a ill «n.l !•»«! a infill i.r !•> a • ••nrl i i ■ imib.-ny ftiid 1... Ip/dl nr > .|t» inb.p owner ..I >lih Ii node’’ !ftr «IT» i.i i*..|iU' oh., ,'ir. *tii. tie in.l vdually liable on -'. uni -I Hi'- »h*re« «.l i» lrii*iepa.' shall !•* held i . "m.j.iv ' “.i Mtr hhiphi« mailp by lb** li'lftk an.) fip i . .ii rt a alialt cyrmnx* nil ih* [KiVPM l!irrp • *■ v pii. ,i| addition b. IhP I'onlprmd bv ii.-* s. i, a '•! Ihr a.-r-im hi an| lbp iMiyuri-.. *od it• Jn' any i>Cbpr act iipi-pi»*»ry and |>fliftb lb* 'purpr.ara ul Itjp Irnal .lint l" ' ixnpri llip dl«triliil(lCJO ol lb« moiipya and «««•!• n ihp b.imUor | H iWpr id ihr «hiJ •aftiwi.r* 1 * aniinigfti Hip ■ mhlnra rulitlpil nr.'iirJniy 111 Hip jua( | .r. >rt lull dm- In pnrb. .-»j Jf, Tltr *»id Hftftjunppa »hft(l [.ay mil m |lip in‘i-1. nnd |»/«»|.pMv ..I Hip ami] hunk' m . a»e id an n-oitf nmriil. I hr- dplri< and Imiiildioa in ili«> lullow .n< '.rdrr u.iip hiddair* rm iind dpja>«iii.r« , •inird nil ./ilipi crrJdur*, ryrpjd stm-klHiiupra, v*- U< > Sn V i I. i;i- i iiftf'l vp ni'V id I Ilf aim! t.nlil rrattiiir)«- ii(, ihp .bn-piiira m U.r said haul by wlii.iw •i. I" >*r .immai.Hift ihr y wk ,u nr in jmri -I I'iiM diPil, mid wlirilipr llirn m officr or nid. •linil phi b l*.* linldf* In tlip •tu> klmlilrr* and i ri-dilnr'. id ihi* *aid iMtik (nr In* |irn[xirlinnal »hare n( U.p.r ruApn nvr loa»cj. ilm prn|Mirlinn tn !*> ;t*-r-rtumod by dn nJuiiC the wfmlr In** nmonß«t lli« numlior ear ii)M>« to harp tnirly und lft-|r*lty nnd jfpuprnllf wilti ihr anme care and dilurrncp turn n*<'iiU rectnviiyj a comprnan iioti iox Iheir Arrvn es nrr laiund by law loobnorwr, und d atiuil lir im umlionl on Ihe dirndorn nnd ftfirckhfddfrft oi rvrry «»<-h iiutolvent porj*oraltnn In re|>rl by ].rooflhi* |>rr>nmi|ilioii of fraud. Thr term inftolvrncy, nm‘d in tbit art. shall i-c .—ln apply In (be said back when it is pi impel led ■<■ make cn QHJignnirut In the provunnift nl’ ihr umneentii >.p|>iinii of tin* net, and it »hn)f !-• tluTrii[«in the duly oj Ihr direo* Uir* ut the mill bank, lor the time t>eing, within ten day« nllrr Midi iiMMgnmenl. lo file in the otfine of the r.'otbnnntnry of tlur Court of inmtm l’lrn« ol i*oiriUy, verified by onih nr urfirainlion, n lull nlnlPiiinil nl itH iiitiorw, lamlamlng [. An acenunt nl the rapitnl ntoi-g ~f ihe bnnlc, llie umnunt paid in, and thn amount of Moek held by surb enr|«>rntion !) (juanlity, drsorintion and value of the renf eslnte u llie said bank. Hi. Thu KQurr* ul dock held by ihe bank, whether aboolutolv or ns coltalrral security. Willi llieir numlrer and value IV The debta owing to *aid bunk and Ihe amount of "aid del** that are rtdlectable. V. The aumutit of debts ( wing by said bank, wnb the amounLof >UAp, or bill* in cir* nlaliOß. amount of dej-.Ml*. and all other liabilino*, with an account ul u* |,,an* und discounts, and of on hand. VI A fftiticujnr account of the loan.* of the cor|x>ratinn, and the enure ol ijs in«olwnrv VJI. An accurate hat of the name* ami res.* lienees and li.o amount cl «t(k:k held by each stockholder in said bank nl the time of and f.u one year prior to the tune nl the «aid assignment Sitis nil, (f the fjiurt "liall he m *e**ir)n when the statement i* tiled, the *ame shut] he immedi ately presented to the Court by th« said directors fur elimination, and tl the Court shall nut be ,n session al such Ume, liien the said statement shall be presented upon the first day of the session of ] the Coart thereafter, and it shall thereupon be the duty ol the Coart to appoint three competent Au» ditors, who shall be sworn oh affirmed to toabe a a strict investigation of the affairs of such bank, and of the accuracy and fairness of the statement thus presented to the Court, and to perforin their duties with fidelity. Sec. 31. The auditors thus appointed shall have P°*’ er compel the producUon of the books and papers, and to aubptrua and examine the directors and officers of said bank, and generally lo have and exercise all the authority now conferred on auditors by existing laws, and aller huving per* formed their duties, th#y shall report lo the Coart the result of tbeir investigation, and in case they report that the insolvency was fraudulent, it shall be their duty also to ascertain and report ihe amount due from the several directors, according ! to the liabilities imposed by this act Sec. 32. The said court shall thereupon proceed lo the investigation ofthe matters contained in said report, and shall determine whether the insolven cy of said bank was fraudulent or otherwise, or if they deem it necessary for the purpose of jnsticr, they may direct un issue at the request of any per son interested, to try the fact of fraudulent insolven cy, and if the judgment of the court upon the re port of the auditors, or upon ibe verdict rendered upon such issue shall tie that the insolvency of such bank was fraudulent, then and in such case the said court aball proceed to decree against the directors, the amount due from each, according to their several liabilities, and the said court or i-nm* mmi pleas for the pur|iose of carrying into rlleot the provisions ot this act. shall have the same power* and authorities to obtain the appearance of per sons then made amenable lo their jurisdiction, and to compel obedirncu to their orders and decree*, and enforce execution thereof, ns arw bylaw vest* ed m the said courts in cases of trust S*r. 33. The provision* of this act shall go in to etfect upon the expiration of the present charter. /Vm'irfei/.That the stockholders holding a majority of shares, shall fir»t testily their acceptance thereof id writing, which shall be Irnnsmitled lo the govern or, and filed in the otfice of the secretary oftbe commonwealth. Bec. 34. The legislature reserves the power to aller, revoke or annul the charter of the said bank whenever, in their opinion, it may be injurious to the citizens of the commonwealth, m auch manner that no injustice bo done to the • •orjmrßtors. 33. So much of any act ot assembly as is hereby altered or supplied, t* hereby repeal ed. Lirei. -“h’tTS—The New York Courier makes the following statement - The readers of the New York Herald will re» inemtier that belore the opening of the Opera sen sou here, under Mr. Fry * direction, mid Ht short nilervals'dunog the whole ol that season, article* both violently aud insidiously ot Mr. Fry aa a man and a* a manager, and also abtrusive in the same way ot the subscribers aud occasional attendants ot the opera, appeared in that paper, in the editorial type uud not m the usual column ol theatrical and musical notices. Mr. Fry look no notice directly indirectly ol tbeae attacks, but now as his season draws to a close, with all his contrail* to singers and subscribers fulfilled, he 'lumps 1 these libels, either one of winch, if we re» member right, is sufficient in itself for the purpose, and brings a suit against the proprietor and editor ul the paper in which they apitenred. He has retained ihe moat eminent counsel in the city, and lays his damages at twenty thousand dollars. The declaration was served yesterday as we hear. , Cabinet ApeotNTWKST —Numerous speculations have been indulged in by the public press in re* sard to the probable composition of President Taylor’sCabmet, and amongst ibose distinguished Whigs who have been assigned, by a sort of gene ral consent, a place in the Cabinet, is Governor Crittenden, ol Kentucky. Knowing nothing ourselves of the intentions of ibe President elect, we have hazarded no conjec tures oq the quite satisfied that in good tune the Public would have ottered to it the names ot a sound and able Cabinet. 11, however, we have bwn able lo shed no light on the future ns to who will compose the Cabinet ot President Taylor, wo believe we can aay lo some extent who will not be of it and, as ibia may gratify curiosity and be stated without insidious ness, we are induced to say that we have reason to believe that Mr. Crittenden baa positively Jecbied accepting any Cabinet appointment —Aj/. litttl. liilli la-itug. I stir Hlanls i I'ruiirJ ui i)ie tJiorir-t notice, m low price*. st ihe de—* t• azkttk own s, Thi»U en • "'*« tented Il» rxre.lrnl and are prepared m l'-•■ornrr>rtKl >t ui others Mmidetl or other n u i„, r Speaker! aittieied mih bronchial stteriuh* will bud ir-.Mii u»»- li i« prppufftj :.j « "i-m -i'M • *u.l -ii. rn,,.M U„,i ~ *,,0 ..fl, »r •»!•* «l Uir I'rhm Tr ■ Su»fr, No To l ourUi «irer t Na M vx >u ;> V taairi >.i 9<«iih I'mx.oiKb J»» M«h. W« Mr K h" Seller* i pur r L »♦<-.! uif*- » , m > t»»t V. 1 . (uI. m llrr ap«<-r q| l OU ( |,«iur». miJ Ibr »r»(il| ■•> 'wnnu* .lirrlxarjr of Obtnn ol • l»r*r «i»r l’<* ».<>«• U» imni \ -lit Vr mu luge. I bail uwd Ur >1 I iw • anil 111 Jai i»r «, wilbottt an) ( »r*fl 'Vin J .<• C7* 1 •*»«* I’uru M um K yr»o wt*b to b«- u« -••ta * ant undr r'ml ■ iir uiu n>uM ahi ■ i|>e . i>|rfr ».rtM iuu t»«»r a rough u** At - *• N t »b- l Ji>»l > hi r*CToiu» vt a».l t.r fcjr >i .» >l.«- j>rn|«*t , * * Jri.lV i Have mu A*tfima or JiitoruJt) o.' l.t*-atJnng, ! 1 I H.. I-. , -tLr-Mir ItM'ant to r»i» win ia to u«r . I J «-.••••• I t jutUirant «hirii wil■ i>tire'*Oi.iir'i urrrronte • - ;it w hir t . ottlt »r t* i!»r .lul»i-lri i»i th<- In tu>«, IJ I IThK '.'l ■ 1.l .ikmii* ami )• r>»« * U|| Uir Uiu< u» u hirti • it»c» .Urtu |1 > >- r -i.* ..n,r i.„„ ,nfl»lHlliul. i. >■•*< <•' H i'.vJ IVumt n> tart any A(J>>:t<>« turn u-««- Jatnr i h_l |tr* miant il t a—l •» '••nam. and jug woi tui.t that > o« ha«( j. -o) again* Uir # u,<. jx rn» ana “ir .am** ■. ’i a»*iy n;ji«'nl ft . . t v < *finl .< w. •- »«..! eillirt l«* J i.r hi l'.n>l.ur«li •! ifi* Tflin tn *u>rr 7M tlb *»«■•! Wow] t , i«iil? "latTM ' 81..1 If Mi hm.l Lul <1 !.» ibr itiailo hr tl• v«- « a iwl InrairH murli jih)tir»l lutJrnnj i-ui !»d !hr '.M!«wiii» >tlrf iltirtl IMli \fi Wib •»h*rld. « rr<|w>'lßblr Itrm'l rif Itm »ir,r» %w»« i»4*n til, ■ allrj .1, « tfc>--'0( wlio .Wiolrd if i>v»(«-f>*ia lor unr , r»r t- u < br • • >l- *ui wont 11. ihru Ji li» (|»0 h,« Uocior and (mid inm it.jn^ • l»'i«i« M*- Uifii jol a viaiot vi*ni Wmii'vßr and • nr <»f **ariati»» P.I)» and > > tt.r o*r o< Uie«r n.rd . -..<•« iroalK»jr onl\ jUramai b« ill*«ha rgr U, b-»a>». n. unr thousand wgrmi, and tti wrrki »aa • iirijirOTpd in Urafih a* to aHriid ’o fu« tnidjiraa. and '•»* I-'II in rood u-aiit. Mr| luirr ami itvi Ui Ja*nr * I'lim’iif* and ffaiiai.Yf |M!« kavr oinjr a •mi ml in an o 1 In 111 W M U UK A** »* M, I'«i Ui li Jm\n» l*K• l• mi Pori W illimra 11 in Fni.t.urgi. mi (hr PFMN I‘F.A <|X>KF “U Four Ik tireei nr*i \\ 0,.d ipli|T J.k w** **»U «*• iMrtkuu Colon Stkl r Mouth Pititt.urgh Fet. ‘I 1-40 M) .vile ha. t.p'.i 'routiled Miiti kv|| • i«-1.1 rough 'or ill im - i'll ini. ».j had >•'* .hr r rough Him I phy »i rian* in, illuv. wliTu I nxiuerly livrd • mid irjr the had liir • oti »uiHpl<<>n After we rrmOVi-l 111 tin* ~iy i obtained !•>( hr i. lime mini again. Jillrreu! mrdieinrt. hot tlin *i rr oi n« kind ui tmi»(il in tin Smlie I*o iiKinlli* *m. e. I |'ii rr li m«eij a bottle ill your Cini*li My cirji, llie uw .ii who'll tin* Jour hrf niurr good ihmn Seller, \ rrnniuKc in ih) l»anl| m itli line tur rr«> Uva.iaan M'titk* rn Thi« |i.iiiul#f rmifii remrdv u prepared mini mold by H F mkI.KF.Ks, i* t\ ihkl >i and may l>e li*d o( i*m* <•'!« Crnrrjlly in i||r ij»o riiiri and ru ituiy folilu InproTtmtiKi in Denilalrf. UR «. II MTKAI 1.l rlVk kIMIK when- (lie nm> ls ripnmed Other mut residence urn donl to llie Ml) m • ndirr. foiHlli inert, PiiMinrgh Him he-J H MFadden.F l| Katun jalu w. HI. Wright, fll. D„ D«nt.iit, llfFir* and residence on Fourth iirert, op|*o»iie ihc PiU«hurgli U*..k Other huurt from 11 o'clock to |j A M .and from kuYiock u>s |> hi. mrpH-ly PbllkdalphL Colltgp of AJedlrlno, Filth kiyrl, Mouth ol W alnut, rnmjtiiiit.Miu. f|M{K Sl'RKNti t'oL'RMK OF- I SSTJU'CTION will X Le roiumn.irj on MusyaT. March ptih, IMu. and l>e continued four month#. Anaiomv { Jkme* McCliuiock, M P Anaiomy. MrClminak, M |t, Adj Pief Institute* of Medicine, and J MrJ.r.l Ju„.,,nid.,Vr. j « U .Medical l.'lu-midiy- A I. Kaunedy, M P Mairrin Mrdica mid ) , .... f frill* ful ThlT.|,PUlll*. I K “ ,h SI D TUcury and Practice ) .... ~ ...... of Mclirln. j 11 Sin, hrll. ,M I) Midwifery nnil l>m > raaes of Wotnrn VTin«ii)piirr t 5 C-oi.M D and Children, ) ' Comparative and IV/,. ... ... .. _ ihological Anatomy \ " n "'‘«“”* M D Margery Jatnc« MrCluimek, M U Froieeiof of Murprry—Kirhufd Burr, M- D. Fee for the full cour»r 594 Mairiculabon fee. only oner paid 5 u(i KruduaUon 30 ufi Fee for tboae who have attundnd iwo full g2 ruur ’ rl ln other college* 45 (x jm liiaaertmg Ticket, optional j u uy Perpetual Ticket ISOUU Tlie fee fur ihc .eßproliFe UrkuU may be paid to cirh member of the Faculty, or the whole amount may he Mid to M,r Pean, who will ia*ue a flertificnle which will entitle the aludetti to the ticket of each I'Hdnior. To inrrtnao the tnrans of a practical knowledge of the profusion, fall roarae candidate* i..r giailuuUon will io funded toe Nomul urkri without charge, in addition lo whirli Climral uuirucUon will l.«* given at Hie College, iraui l‘J to 4 o'rlork, ini \Vr* WATKRMAN. _ Jl wairr •i,dn< in.oi »i uercc. piime new crop Rica, for »aie bv ft™ L s Waterman JOB PRINTING. HIM. HKAtIS, CARDS, CIRCULARS. HAM) BII.LA, 1-ABKtJI. < KKTiril ATKs, ( 11 V4 k’ munis*. Ac Ac , .rv»l fuff my U>> . ayrd 4 yearn. :w.. *i.«l a i 4 »;i AdJoartsoA Administrator‘s Sal*. BY viittic of an order of the Orphan'* Court, the an dersigned, Administrator ot the Ratals of June* Cilmorc, of Sooth FtfreUe township, Allegheny coon* ty- Pa . deceased, nhd will expose to sale. at public outcry, on the premises, ou Monday, the 19th aay of March, A. D. LM9, at 19 o'clock. M . all that valuable FARM, situate In the said township of South Fayette, bounded by lands of James Hemoi, Joseph Hickman, Samuel Kennedy, James ATKeowa. John Alexander, the Rev. Win Jeqerr and others, containing 979 acre* and 107 perches; mi whicli i* erected a large and val uable bnck Dwelling House, and a large frame Barit and frame Stable, a stone milk house, and tenant house About 175 mere* cleared, the residue, has fine umber; an tipple orchard hi it* prime, all grafted fruit. The farm u in n gpod stale of cullirauoit, and the soil is well adapted to small grain. Tbs farm is well wa tered, ami has an abundance of excellent Slone Foal. It is situated nbouttlD nulcs from Pittsburgh,'and about if mile* from the Pittsburgh and Washington Turnpike Road. 'Hie land will be sold as one farm, or in two tracts, as the same was divided by ihe imiue-t rf par tiuon. Terms of -ale—qne ihml cash; one third in one year, with mlrrrst irora ihe day .ale, and one third m two years, with iniereit Irom the day of gale The two last payments to hr scrurrd on the premi-cs, by Judgment Bond and .Mortgage, Person* wishing lo purchase can rail for inribrtr information with the undersigned in *aid lownsbip. near Ramsay Ford, nn the «rhl Turn pike Hoad SA.ML Kl, STEWART, Admr w'it*T l>avid Kilrjne, ; In the District Court for cj tnr County of Allegheny John Snyder, Jonn* Hair and Elizabeth In* wife. Ja- No lus -April Term, cob Hrown ami - 'Margaret |v49 Brown hi* wife, John Sieg fried, Alexander Clnrk and Cicely Clark lus wife, it nil Breve de partitione fur i Jacob Brown, guardian ol etida the minor children ol Hen- ry Brighi, deceased XTDTICF i» hereby given to the nbove named par lir*. ihnt by virtue ol ihe nl>ove writ <>' |iartuion, nn in. ( iiest will he lie,,t ni ,,| | K krn upon Ihe prrmi-e- therein de*rnl»ed. gv i / Two lails ol Hand, -iluate in tlie city ot Allegheny, mid iiumherrd til the I'lun of *aid ell, one hundred nod three :ind one hundred and i I»4V leb'.M-wtitT 1) A F 4 HNKyTuOh ACO 'S Pneumonic or Cough _D« Balaam hits u great advantage over many other Cough preparation*, k* plea«uni ta-ie pernnis it in be used without inconveuience. But n» value a* a Bal'ani coii.i*t- in ihe «|>eedine*« of *ts run- We have known romr ot the m<,*.i i|r<|*erate cough-, some of winch hnd been ruiiiung mi lor a considerable length Ol time, yield almo-i immediately lo it* power In -uch weather r.s we have had during the pa-t Winter, even-..tie .• trnhie i«. lake . old, mile** i;re*t precaution* me n«ei| Wei ie«-i mid undue exposure lo ih« inrletnmcy of the Wenliier ofini la y « ihe ion min l ion ol ■ hacking cough, which need* ;i ~u.i L remedy to prevent serious re-ult- We have numerous certihcate- of cures which it ha* periorroed, ninny of which are from per-ou- in thi* city and 'he nenehhorh»M>d, and they are h -uflicient relereocc without -ay me. another word in ns lavor PrrpareJ and lor -ale - following brand* Tobaccos, in store and lo arrive, winch lacing consignments di rect from mamUßCiurer*. he is enabled to sell at east ern prices i hr* R W Cren-haw '*», ?u t Jame* .Madt-on bs, -1 t l-amartiiir S«, i£l f Mirabenfl p*; I I’uinum f>* and Is, 15 I " Roberts k. 3i««on i-, if • '“car Hurl is, 9 t " Johns A Uwn Is, d » - Warwick, supr Is, 4o i Henry A James 6*. I* and S J u»: r rr J. :» frran «upp!y, at reduced price* in,fll U tl I.'IICHRAN Tabs mxs)| \( j I'VBS, Vu doi Churn*, on hand and —4 H t for *aJc low i.v SA4FL KRoFSkN, fet.-.a>-itci comer market and Sib «t* IARIF -IT bln* No I l.ard. keg« do ilo. to arrive j and lot sale :.y BROWN ACI I.UKRTSON, 'eh'A' 145 Liberty *1 KOIX BCTTER- I- hid* Roll Buuer, to arrive an for sa> by frl-pi UKiJWN & CULBRRTSR»N KFX3 HETniK - " keg* prime Butter, to arrive and for «aie by b-b*, BROWN k CI'I.BEKTSON I\R BARfH.ICS lIORHK POWDER—On hand and XMor.nlrbv lebai J KIDD A Co / * h_N IIN K ?*AI.A DOl I. on h mid and lor nale by \ J feb'At J KIDD ACo / 'ARIiNKR •* I IN'IMI NT-tin hand and for .ale VJ '-bf> Jhi 111) ACo ' Jt |.|,<-\\ "I’l < me in, ti \nd and mr *a,e by i J lebW J KIDD ACo A 'JM I'E “'l' v ..i t .ru v • C l, nime rtl. ran be had at :b- |if.,e «.( tebifo JKIDDACo - Cotton, V O *a< k* i *in ng. :: i ,Iu 4 "-alli.-i • . 5 bag* Ueuiif, 3S •In Max*" -.1, iuer.e.tu, I -.e |'„e.w«x to '*'*• *•. I*o Ml Hit hh\ A Co I>l AKI, A>ll I*■ < >» k • A »li rrr.l ,„ii 1 11l KUKIIX.K U|U<<|\ 1 10, I>"l '!'ll IW„ a ,n.l 10, I !*•' IV ut H tiltl I* >1 \\ 11 .*‘4 »N t I'g !' I • " hi' Hava 1.3 >u(ii HI KBKI IV .I \\ H.SON Ai o Hi KHRllti.f, Wll.MiV* r, J A Mhs |)A i.zki.l. « r »i*| lr .r' lt«i Huner lor .«> mw by JAMKs UAIJCKI.I. JAMi> DALZKI.I. Ik I < H.A'tM « .S.M % n Mo- m tip* c.f.ft i»l »..<» , 0 f i >-I.l'i n? iMi.zn.i. / • R*>l M) M !•' i .. ni , u.r - V I ■•■'•iv l-Al Alf liirhM \, a. It. olf.AKlluiM *4. i.i.j. si P »*t Mou.r v , f) JAM, - I.AI.ZH.L \raim u •« t.i,M - | »-«U N" J AMI S IJAI.ZKU. JAi Ki KM. 'i. bln. prune No V Marker. JAMfs DAI.ZK.I.I. 11l mil. 1» i.e.h Kwl K«.Uc,. ,U.I red „ I) (oi «.,|H : > inH.N u ATT 'M.iu Lu.crn »i jy| AMTa'TURLD T'»HaCcu* I .XI i,*n i, OXP , 'Am ha l Ih.|. . ' Gram- lisrj*. I' . ■.l >1 (,vr nmip, I«»r - •*!*> 1., <• l.i; iSMiTII l-'KtM l.i iirnT in i tnri Ju*ikc Marshal— r '•<.«••• Rh.-.m. I “S drum* Figs. I’ l -Hi W inwl* Aliuottdi W •«' IA b». Iwmnn.. Aud t«-< *a I. !.' *a wut: FNGLHH A IIK.NNKTr Si NDiyi.s m arhi\ y.~ ■ l«' ! i- Havana •‘ui.-xr. H» lime, Rice, 11. l 1.1.1 a N W Mol »«mw, I" 'n» I-cOhmi., :a> l,xs jUiap, «- hi. H3i»n.». 4b .a, ,0,.c, Soap, And (..f .air i,.w KNI.LIMH A BENNETT '•"l’ 1 ' :n m-ikkl .i km.L 111 ITER • 10 I 1,1, Ifr.h, ju.| rn- tJ ami f,„ «»Ib l.v hi.IV _ARAI:*TUo.NG \ cRoXI.K ORA.N.IKs. LEMONS AM) RINK Ai’I'LKS A t.-* 1.i.!, ol ra. Ii lor sale l.y i*rw« A km« ■ I For lawilr use, i, y '"h' 7 O BLACKBURN A Co RICI.- 11l liefer, irrsh Ri.-r, for «*Ju by O BI.AcKUUKN A Co O r A K<' 11 Il«) boxes Livingston, MVlurg A K 7 superior Hlnrrh. at manulaeluicr* pure to rtiy ir»Jr, constnnlly on hand and for xalr l.y , * l ’ l7 K ROBISON 4 Co 1) KODUCK—-6 bhi* Rye, Slid., small white Bran*. VU hush dried Pvnrhes. ■> |.|.|. frr»h IColt Butter >"»l received ami lor sale |.y -_.irlL 17 K ROBISON A Co (jUIiAK-W) hud. N O Sugar, jun feed and for .air k. 7 l>> _ tcbl? _R ROBISON A Co MOLASSES- ;B*i 1,1.1. N O*, «J 0 SII (to; jn*i m riyrd mid (or sale l.y fH,,: U ROBISON A Co Cl«>h h KK-I bugs Kio C<.iicr, rrr'd and for *ab* by R KOHISON A Co kJOAP—IUUbji No 1 Sonp. rec.d and for *alr by ° ,rb !_ 7 _ MUmiHUN ACo UU'.L Miii-or-,.! to Murphy A l«r e .) Wool . rr and Unrmu..!,,., Mrn-hani, for Uie hair of nmcrirun Woolen.. L.l.rrty, opposite fiU> *l. | C bt7 ( y A for Sl ''s l ‘ R I K ' S ’ fanpy Ca,a,mp "s on hand— V> .for »»le at niaiiofarturer. pnen, hr I Idheriy at", opposite sih T V £sr" U ,M * *" W--«« 1t.,. No l, •!..(?. lor .ale hy J IMUII 11|> ’ K K N A*.. CIHKHSK- W« hi* pnn.e ik e Chreta. rrc d aud lor ' »»,*• by w a r M CirrCHEON, fcbiS - lffl( Liberty ai AUCTION SALES. fh, G * Anctlon««r a ho^ T *Jv^ y> ;^ 1,n * , :,t 11 o>»«ck, at Ibe WW linrAii^t“ f 1 ‘ Wban. Uaiumore, ihe cargo of u - u,s ■ t ‘ l3 ' w o ha most »n. By John D, Davis, Auctioneer. Buggy at At.tiunu tin Tbnraqay afternubn. FVb V.'d. v. irom of Davis’ Comraercml Sales Room*, corner uf Wood and Firth tl recto, will lie sold without reserve—t «ab«tanual -e corn! hand Buggy, with top: l »et doubio Har n*** JOHN D DAVIS. Auct Isjrrt Sal* of Fancy an,l inajtle IJry On ITiuraday mortimg, Feb WU, ut in o’clock, at Hie Commercial Sales Room*, corner of W ood and Ftllh street*, will be Bold, without reserve, tor ca*b currcu cy— An eilfimiv* Msortniem o( ttnplr nml fnury Dry (loot)*, cotKintytic of xupcthrie cloth*. cHtMiuere*,je:ui«, tweed.*, hoover cloth, while, yellow, (jn-en and leaflet dannela, canton tUnncl*. hUilirt.i, i.rkun;*, chirk*, blraebed anil brown mu*ljn<, I'rein-h no,I Manchester gingham*. «uper print*, Rn.spimd. c>i>hmerr*, men non. ile Inin*, drr«* »i lk■. M:n k •’tun. boo nor t'oole«' •pool cotton, sewiinj silk, pin*, ueedlev «ilk buttons. 2U) gross xhoe laces, 25 gross super may lacing*. 70 gross laming vest ballons, 4 do* French elaitir *«»■ pendent, Ac. AJ 2 o’clock, (iwrniß, qrKWawxaK, Fpkxrrt'Rt, Ae II tnd Imperial tea*, 2 bbl« sugar boose iuola*«e», 7 bx« Virginia manufactured tobacco, ifi* hi* rxtru .No l cured soap, 1 crate ansorird glassware, lk*, fan cy article*, Ac. fcbtjli JOHN D DAVIS, Aucl AMUSEMENTS. SIUHBf ECRIS9I AT PHILO HALL. MR SI'KNCKR will present In* wonderful demon •oration* in this Philosophy, every evening ihi» week, in Sympathy. Aura.-unn, Repulsion, Phreno 53mgii'-l,*m and Clairvoyance An A*> lum lor Inval id* will l>e opened every day from Hi o’clock, A M to 14. when alt person* aillicied with disease* can rail and i»e relieved. No charge if the pattern is not bene hied Admission 25 cent* I'ickei* SIU to Uio whole rour«e. and to private in struction* frbltl To th* Honorable (hr Judge* of iht Court of Cette ra! Quarter ,Vtn on.< of the Feore i n and forth* I'ouMly of AUeghruy/. T‘MK Petition oi Lewis Must, oi the Kir*t Ward. city oi Pittsburgh, in the sime*aid, hntnhl) •hrwvtti, dial your petitioner Ini* provided himself nub materials lor the accommodation ul traveler* iinil others,' 'at hi* dwelling hou*e. in the rrty alorr«aid. and pray* that your tumors will be pleased lo gram him a license to keep a Public House oi F-ntertain-' merit. And your petitioner, a* in duly bound, will prav We. the «üb*rnl.ers, citizen* of the aforesaid Ward, do rertuv. dial the above petitioner is ul good repute for honesty and temperanee. and i« well provided with house room and convenience* tor the acraininodniiuii and lodging nl stranger* add traveler*, und dial *aid tavern i* accessary Peter Hocb, Fr Freivogel, John Kircberr.Nic. Hard wig, Henry Holimun, Henry Lnsienberger, Jacob Beil, John Tuch*. Samuel Hi >-in, M Brawdy. George Brald, Wra. Gallagher. frb2ti d n SUPER FRENCH BROADOI-OTHS-W. RMen pht invite* the attention of buyers to In* extensive assortment of above Good*, embraemg every quality op io very hue, and troin the celebrated maim lac to ne* of France Purchasing these goods irora the commission merchants or agents of the manufactu rer*, he is enabled fd sell them at the lowest possible prices. AI«o, olive green and invisible green Cloths, very cheap; wool dyed blk do; mid Frrneli, British and American I'ASSIMKKhX, black and fancy; blk and fancy sauii VESTINGS, gentlemen’* silk pocket Handkerchiefs, black and fancy Cravat*, linen pocket lldkfs, I'ndcrshirt*. Druwer*. Ac , ul ihe nordi east corner uf 4th and Market streei*. Wholesale Rooms up stair* fetcJO WORKS, COLKMAN, MAILMAN & GO coniinue to manu facture Small Iron, Spring and Am Bliocr Sirel, Plough, Fork und Hoe Hteel, Rivets, Spikes and Wro’t Iron Nuu, all ni7es, together with Coach and Elipnc Springs, hit Pat, Taper and common Axles. Having reduced the price ot Wrought Iron Nuts, engine builder* und Olliers using the article., will hnd n to their interest to give this uew branch of Pittsburgh manufacture* iheir attention. Coach inmißuic* ami maicnble iron on liberal terms. Warehouse on Water ami Fourth *l*. febthMf NOTICE, MR. SAMI. H. HARTMAN having -old b.» inter 'C»i in the co-purinership of Ckileman, liailaian A Co., to ihe remaining partner*, ha* this day retired from the linn February 10, IslU-lf For Sola. A SECOND HAND STEAM ENGINE, in good ran mug order. TJ inch cylinder, ftu inch stroke, boi ler 14 feel long. niche* in duimelrr; tty wheel 41 ewt. AUo, one line of shafts, 25 feel long, Vi inches ui diameter, with drum*, one upright «aw. Kmiuire of fobVU-dVw* J AS. SMI I‘H, No. 46 High el. IJITTSBCRGH MANt KArri’RKS -The under- X signed, Ageni for the trwuiufurlurcrs. has on hand and is constantly receiving a full supply of the articles made in Pittsburgh and vicinity, which lie orftir* for sale ul mnnuiucturer* price* GKO COCHRAN. fel’2o ill wood t( Cl ALIFOKNIA OUTFITS— Ju«t rec'd at the Indra ) Rubber Depot. Ihe following goods; Guta Klustic Pants, Jockey Cap*, t ump Blanket*. 1-ifr Preserver*, lagging*. Hor*e Cover*, Drinking Cun*, TenU and Tent Floors, a splendid article. Bed*. Pillows. Lthnius Bar*. Viavcrtaeks, Canteen*. Pouches. Long Bools ami mining Koois Tlie above goods’tor sale at So f> Wood *i. feb|7 J A il PHILLIPS LOST, LAST evening, l»n»«-n £ ami!» o’clock, a 911. YKR WATCH, with B steel chain and key, ami aiih the mmute hand off Any penum finding the Mune and leaving it nt the ({.arene otbee. will be liberally re warded b} lUe 0» ner IcblT-dU FOR CALIPOHSIAi PERSONS wishing to ;om a company going Uir ovcriaiid route, on pack inule*. ran do «o l.y inn king application at the office ot A. W HK'ICKWA V. No. f I'otumefcial Row, Liberty turret Thi* romp*- nt etpeeu to go through from ih<‘ frontier in le«» than »ilt>* dn> n, with perfr tt airly Only a limited i>um Irtrr will i>e taken, a* the company dce« not wi*h to l*r retarded by a large body moving together A meeting will he held at the above place Oil Wednesday even ing. the Min. at which time and place any iniortnation will be given to thfoe wishing to join. None Will lw irrrivrd but meu ol good eharnct»r, who • atiMurtory reference iebii For California. PffTlE cciebsalrd Hazard Ride fowdrr, in kept, hall X keg., i|Ooricr« .int rant, lor -ale by lebci J S UILWOKTM A «V,.er wnoit M CARD. EGOLF. MF.RCIIA7- SE BitUbKR m.d Ynmnmucin Mer chant. N«. :tf Souib From .irr.-t, ( «*-ron,i tiory.l Ph.l.delphlS pur. hs.rd. parked. mMUrd. and thipped to onier Wool ii.vur, Ora.n. DnoU Frvi.l and Cbeesc irreived on contifijimrm and «u»r n*. w ■ It) into ranee obtained. Irb dUui FirrSBIROH STEEL WfißKs AND AXLE FA'TURN iss.c Jono, joins r oemo. JONES * 41'IUQ, MANLFAITI KK.RS oi tprm T a-i.l bli«Wt «trel, plough .'eel. ( plough .lll{v .-oarli nmfel.pj in «prtng*. naniinered iron ailr». and dealers in nisi Icabie ea»ljn|U. Ute nipur lamp*, and enarh trmmtmri geiicraiJy. comer ot Rott and Front «i* . |'i't«bur>3'. I>. tel.t. STEAM ff.KKi miAT>'HiK SALF. The.ub •cnber* otfer to sell ooe-founn oi the iwo irrry boat*. Gen Si“oit and Urn Worth, now ruui,iu< irotn ihe loot oi Prba street |o Saw Mill Run, «u ns ia male ,i a piohiablF in vr.unent lor capnelitii or uuy who may wiM, to engage m the busines. I or lunbrr pniucular*. uniuite u ( r.ov-JS ll tl BLACKiJLRN A Co t\ »ler it Election. AN elecl.nn lor Piriidetil. Manayrtv snd ..dicef*. Mr ll.r Company tor ejecting a I'.r.dgr over the Kim op|Hi«ile Pmsburfh. m the .-ouulv oi Allegheny, will be held at the Toll Hou.e .... lay ihe *rfh dai oi M.rcj, next, nt :ioV<«-k. I' M •rt.: I.KKCH A Co, Cauat Basin CtLtIVKH sELD \M tibl* new Herd, in .lore and lor > sale by Mit; TASSEY A BF-'tT MACK>TO-J- bids No 'I, Hi imtt do ilo, on hand _«inl loi saw by _ feblT I aSSFVY A BF.ST i)UTASH—tI cask, superior quality. fo r rrtnil u-c In attire and lor tale l.y TAKSF.Y A HFXT ' U: HITK BHANS— 6 bbl. hr*! ijuality, m .tore and lor sale by mbl7 TASSF.Y A BEST r | AH 1 5«> hi More, (or sain by l_. '"J 7 -. OAfiAI.KV A SMITH', la null 9u wood ,'t f P AN N KR»’ LMle -IUI ÜbU boat Brown Oil,.in store J._iorw.eby feb!7 mAGALKYjte.dMrrH ' L'LKPiIANT OH. 04 Mils wuiier blenched, m .tore _l_j and loi .ale l.y lebl" HAUAI.EY A SMITH S •*«**•*!»»■-«*> »*U K„i„r. kjs r>, m note, for sale by l>b,? UAGALEY A SMITH ( ll) lihds Codfiih iu .lore; foT sale by V - / fel)l7 BAGALF.Y A SMITH I ) LRK PtrrASH-til Foiash.'a very , , “ P rr , L fblß Round Church Bmldmt; / U.OYER SbiKl>-25 1.1.1 s Ohio, in siorr and for sale V-/i»y foUI6 _____. J A .( FtA>\D HACoN— lyixw ll„ eomiiry ctlfcd Baron, uv ‘More and for sale by frbto J A U FLOYD ]ARD— OOließs No l Lard, m sn.rr and’foi - J ..* JAR FLOYD G tt f H? - * fecgn Urape*. f w »*]« by . ["bis ARMSTRONG A CRoZMt IiL'LK CORK—TIHj pcs Hulk l*ark,ju*l rent and lor ARMSTRONG A LrtOZF.R HAVANA 31 (JAR--ail I.IS W'yyr Harnnu Surar, a prime nrtirle. tu alore and s>( snle low by frt>m iLNrrr.:r7 wood .t MALKEREC - JUbLja No 3 Mackerel, nt dorr and lot sale low by ; ENGLISH A BENNETT SCII. SALT9—h casks Sell Sail., in store and for ‘O' fell 10 FAGLMII A UF.NNFTTT C^ANLLF^*— 15 bx* prime Sprnn Candles; 16 boxes J Star do, 'ii bx* Bould anil dip do. lor sale low ™>ld ENGLISH A BHNNKTT / * uI.D HENS—Twelve dnren ju«i received, of ihe \J Met pelts yr, otlcred lor aah>, ntsulc with great rare, and a* near pcrienmn a* human .kilt und inge nuny can accomplish. These pros are maikrd “>Y. Wilhon, FittaUurgh,' 1 «u».i wa.ronle.l by \\ W wh„suN. fehkfy rorner inarke' and 4ih «t I)ISTuurt, ir reived )eMrid:iy ami tor sale by W W WIUSUN si »ark« now binding uuio »te a mer t umbrfianj, f ,„i P by ISAIAH DICKER A Co, from *i lAItU 7 bbis No I. - J di. No d. landing from J * uj»).erlaii.t, |,.r tain by ,rM: * ISA I \ If DICK FV l Co Ij'DA-X HEED—llr t>ag* now landing fiom«.mr Cum-i laud; for thlc by feb!3 ISALvH DICKEY A Co I STEAM BOATS. CUCISHATI ft PITTSBURGH ■ap jsst i&ta D A I L v PACKETLINE. millS well known line of splendid passenger Steam- X rrs is now composed.of the lorgest. swiftest, bea flushed and famished, and most powerful bodts on th 4 waters of the West. Event accommodation,and eom fort that mooey can procure, has been provided for pas sengers. The Ijne has I*een id operation.fof RVe years —has carried a million of pepplt? scuhoat the Iflost inju ry to their person*. Tlie bogt* will be at fhe foot of Wood street the daT jireviotfs to starting, for ift* reecgn non oi freight and the entry' Of passengers on.lbe regis ter In aif cases the passalge money must !«■ paid is advance. K BUBTOAY - SaCKBT. The ISAAC NEWTON, Cape , wu. »iw. Vr every Sanaa)’ moriuug at 1U o’clock; Wheeling every Sundav rvethng at IU r. M May vsf, I>*47 j _ MONDAY EAaCKKT. The MONONfi a JIEd-A, Cifpt Stonx. will leave Pitts burgh every Monday mimtmg at til o'clock, V\ hcelmj evety Monday evening si jy|e. m.' Tt KSDAY PACKET, The KIBF.RNIA No. 2, (>apt. J Ku.urimi, will leave Pituburgh every Tuesday morning at It* o’eJoct Wheeling ever) Tue*«la*- evening at 10 t u \V KDNKBDAY PACKKT. The NEW KNuLAND No. 2, Copt S &XAX, will leaie Cntsliurgh every Wednesday tnoruihg at |f n clock. Wheeling every Wddnendsv evening at iOp. U TIiniSDAY .PACKET. The BRILLIANT. Capt. (iucs, will lejiVe Pilft bgrgh every Thursday mormiig at fOotlork.AA’hAjias ever) Thor*duy evening at id r. ». ;• * FRIDAY fUcKET. The CLIPPER No. 2, Capi Pan Dctlu trill leayc Pituburgh every Friday raohiuig at l«o clock; Wb«e lint every Friday eveunig ad 10 r. »L SATURDAY (PACKET. Tin- M FXSF.M.KK No 2, c4pt WoubwitD, Brifl leave Pm*burgh every >ntarday )morning gt o'e.foek " heelm, crety Saturday evAutng at 10 s. u*-_ NEW LISBON AND PrntBURCJH DAILY LINK OF CANAL AND ST|KAM PACKKR3, Ivu b«nh. a. HANNA. A Co f M ,• tnylLtf J HABbAI'GH ACo. | New l^sbon, NOTICK—The steamer BEAVER,C. E. ter, will leave after this notice, i»r Wellsvtlfo panotu oily, »i » o’clock in the morning IS4B. 1 • |S Ai PITTSBURGH * OROWBIVUiLB D»Hy Pukit Lln« FEBRUARY ln,l»te FEBRUARV Ui, I|i LEAVE DAILY AT*! .M, AND 4 pIW (v The foil,Swing new boat* Complete ; iL ■■ ine tine for Ihe present *eaft©iu Al• KuiJiJwMl LANTIC, Capt. James Parkmsort Capt A. Jacobs; and LOUIK M’LANF* Capt K. Bennett The boats aro entirety new. and are fined op without regard to expense. Uv« ery comfort that matter can procure has be-en.provhiodl Tlie Boat* will leave uie Monongnbelu Wltarf Boat • the foot of Rnra «t Pasaengera will be puaemtl 0Q board, m the boats will certainly loavo al the tdvsr tm-d houra, h A. M. and 4 P. M. •' jonll TOR CINCINNATI. h» The tine fast ntnoing steamer i IU .. WYOMING, Rogers, master, will leave ay above iHHKSBtton the openiug of navigoiion; For freight or passage apply on boanL , ; febtl FOR CINCINNATI. •yx«i-r»» K Th« tnlendid ful nuinm. p>wi...r ijpaekel ISAAC NKWTOJi, cSSfe-StSt S HemphiU, tattler, mil Irtfre forUbe ■BSSEaSBBrbove port on Tbaraday, ihftttd tnai M. at 10 o'clock, A. For freight or postage, having *aper»or bccooub* Jitions, apply on hoard or to. FOR ST. LOUI3. The rplrndidjjjMsenjpi airatner Jayena, ma.ier, will "leav* for Uw ■■■■BHBabove and intermediate pons upon the opening of navigation For freight or pn««ag» appiy on hoard. • feb£o KKUUI.AK ZANKSVILLK PACKCT. rv The »plendtd font running tteainer JL 005! ET, Boyd. matter, will run iurfAiir between Fiiubargh ud aln... vil'e, opon.the opening of navigation. For in*igl»c or paoniye, apply on board. fablO for v »U 1 leaVe Yeguls^, Wheeling, OTery Monday, nesday ami Friday, at 10 o’clock precisely • Uave every Tuesday, Thurwlaf Bfc tnrdny, at 7 oVloek. a ig, preclsrly. *• • am The Consul will latid ut all the intrnaeiUi. nnrta.— Every acromo.lauon that can be Procure (q, g fort and tafny of passengers bus bce«k nsoruVd Tb* bw*is also provnied wni a wlf-aouas takur ward tl prevent explosion* For freight or. passage an D |v n» board, or to \V 1 WllHLSri few At W Greer's, o«. Sou.bfoU undtfß, M a i OH NEW ORLEANS. "'"7ijassi¥g^ r Monday, Feb. I*dih, at 10 o'clock, * it For frr.ght or passage apply on board, or & G ro ia Milieu be rger, or JVmgrew A Co, age.m* ZANI->VIU.K AND MARIFTTTa PACKET, j-y-p *. The Dne steamer .ry "■ornu.|:-.« u rmu fi ,l„v^^«,v,li, every F nday mornutg. _For imtglilor OH 1, 0a14j I'I'CIXUL KG)I AND Luii 1M V 1 LLKCACKgFLffc» P«4.n . ICBSfiSS) m.EfiRAPH No 5, - - I , d, . , ° k ,Vl '? r »P h No *A Pa>ee,,*era can go direc., amt rtm h„ve bmL aeeured Iwre i/de " rr<, JaVfl AND SPRING Full iVINi’INNaT! AND I.UinNVILr,E ~ V 'l he splendid new ateamrr. Uk.„ , TFJoEiiUAPH No. V will leave jftt, K * M : " rp ”M»^T Co ,lf,ilIA R "nnuiuvfaPACKlM ' cp-i* —iv *“« lute ntoamer LfeAkvCag . SACHART TAYLOR,,, Wll} hereafter y., „ . And ..q .A*, /W«»* |v Thc fiae Mamner • ? laave to tflU aNzve m For pom ovory Tuesday, ai ID o'clock, a. ». ro, frelghl or , pply 0 „ b 'Q.‘^daMS >i,,i.. Dliaolaiioa* A »dUei?hM^ e , r * l ‘.» P lier,i,o, * ,M c*winn benseejt the ia . D " ne oi Prieml, Rkey-A Co , will W i| P v,tl consent, fJao. Bhey l»i »e he is u( ll,e co »<»ni, far whlrh pur- I‘ * c br ,r M‘l>on*ed to use the name of Ihe h«n. Febtuary 7, ig-ly. ■n,. ~ . ... hav« itiuday OMoCiVfd U^B»e)*ro* ' h« name nf RURY", MAITHEWSA; the- TwLI* r » n ' a . C . ~np * «ro*f rx,Cotw»mion o Ol '“AdotihaUte irro ?rcrlv 7 * °° ' '? UK -**7 b« pIW»«J W LBVI MATTHEWS, WM.KBB3. February 7,1849, p i e **V« »■ eccoioroeodi®gloifc«ftOftfiJpm*e ‘lour inomla and 0 f Friend, Rbey *. Col our ,Mrc,JM « « Rbey, (llaUhewTiCa, - - PORTER R. FHIjEND, _ JAMES WOODS: 1,, M . oiMoi«tu>p. h fo-paniier*hip heretofore exuding between the Hil."onl»t>i«. in ibo name of Conlabhv Barke A V"* ■ du > by mutual ootimou Uetsra. i.uiir A Horne* wtU *etile ihe basioan of l&s eon ren>, far wiucb purpose j},«y ore auihoriied tft'ns* Urn name oi the courern. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE, KOMUND UURKB. THOMAS BARNES. • Tlic undrmgnrtl hare tht* day muociolcd ibemaeh'e* *" til- name of HURXK A BARNES, for the purpo*« of manufacturing Ftr*i Proof Safe*. Vault Dodr*. * r • at th«-*i:MKi ot ilift lao? firm of «( n , where ifiry \t»1I fie pleased in receive Jh« t>*- trmiagu of the rufiomertorthai house andtheirdfiendr EbMUND BVBIfK THOMAS BARNES In retiring from the firm of Constable, Bsrtat> Co . J wulj atneerr recommend Me***- I*«* k Barn«» u> the confidence of my friend* and ttaSfWwi * KCb NATHANIEL CONSTABLE TUB IST APKJL* JOSEPH PRICK'S jOUUINO MiOP.-To a}} pee *on« about io remorr, aod wauiiaK their siprefe or bou.r, repaired, counter*, sfcelrurff. door*, Wtiidow* and lioiMiug wheels pul up, carpenter woraevf alt kind* done on »fiort notice on reasonable term*} eatn nei work mode u> order and furniture neatly repaired and varm-Ued on readable term*, On l-lflb ' tween Wood uiwl SuuthhcUl meet, in tbe cu&B Ware bmnr of John Ijggrtt, laic oi Win. TruviUo, opposite the Allegheny KtifflDc lion**. ’ fcfiis..»iApi«t J „ . **»K?HPWCE. Unshrinkable flannel4v-\v. r. Mcej-ht invite* Ibr ollriiuon of buyers lo hi* (lock.of ihr at>uvr xooda, of all tbe diderent qualities, raid to be as uu.hni, a« tbe Wrt*b, and al moeb lower unde* f.enuine \VVf«n Flannels alto constantly otf.haaA. f.suzr and Silk do, 4 4 and 6-4 do, for Shrouduur pur pu«r* Alto, Home made While Flauael*audLuxseya.ooaatamlT on hand, at the north can ComoT ef Fourth and Mol bet-streets. fcfa PCTTIUBKW &. Co. Ai;rim». POUTER IL FRIEND, jameh wood,:; GEO.RHEY. ■