ESTABLISHED IN 1756, business rips. F,iubur<-li w B 4«»tar» m Un Utrfh fI*4HU»K MITE*- -iViSrs » khter, Wtok»i. .na R"*;' Bf'i. u>-ny«»da. C... is< . **»£*': £%*? J> and < aouuixioo Mercbmols, No >■»• > L | |( . n ' v Piu«liurylt - . • . n K^iUSSSSS^^^'- " r, O-iiAI.MV k smith. WtotaMte ■■ •" n «a Wood Mrrri Pmsborgli c. txxgsxsLXstesi+z • -- ' rosrs J. BKSMrrr "“'r i Co "vholnafc 0n»o". ""t 1 .l” 1 •"J d>®» field *ucei*, Pittsburgh, Pa. 10- lJig best price given for old Copper atbl SBOROK COCHRAN, Commiwon and Forwarding Merchant, No. <0 Wood street. piurbon-n. my l ' HARDY, JONES 4 Co., Comime»imi nnd For warding Merchant*, have returned to thnro.d •land. Water attd Front streets, Pittsburgh. .}™.. w», atAU>, Baltimore • a. j. Btrcasda, mwisf Htii.n. f pbdaiia. D. c. js'cjjsmos, loan a. wajinica. > HEALD 4 BUCRNOR, Tobhrro ( ommtwoii Mer chant*, 41 North Water *t. 4 U> North ' v h"™p Phila. . . .. " u '‘ until DICXrT, BOtIXHT mcid. i*. TBAIAIi DICikEY 4 Co r Wholesale LroceT*. Lout - 1 mils ton Merchant*, and dealer* m Produce, No«.SC W»P>r, and lift From ttreeu. Pittsburgh. nov JOHN 11. RANKIN, Attorney and Counsellor at l.nw and ComtntßiUmer tor the State ot Pennsylvania SL llou W Forward. tUinf ton 4 Milter, OTCmniUw 4 M’Clurc, John h Uric. BiwelU‘4 Semple, hPCord4 Kmg. je.4 l>_ VOHN SCOTT 4 Co., Wboleaal* lirocrr*. Forward- J inn and CommiMion Merchants. Dealer* in I’" dace mud Pittsburgh Manufactures, No. « Commercial Bow, Liberty •trrel. near the Oanau, Pittsburgh. i r. 0)41y l . JAM fa S MeUOIRK, (laic of the Urn. »< A*"" “»'* Metiuin-0 Merchant Tailor, St Charles Building* Third street, near Wood, Pittsburgh. JAMES Jt’ iIDTCIUSON, 4 Co-Sucee*«u* u» Lewis Hate bistro 4 Co. Coinimssion Merchant, and Agent* of tho 8t Loui* Steam sugar Rehnrry No. 4S water and US front ■trrcl*. Pittsburgh. •anl J.S. DILWORTH 4 Co.. Wholesale Grocer*. Pro «'duee and Commission Merchant-, and Agent* for the Hazard Powder Co. of N. \ - No v. " t>*»d *t. Pituburgh. ,a “ JOHN D. MORGAN, 'Wholesale, and deal er in DyeSnuT*. Pain»eOtls,*. A* .N 0 •» Wood birret, one door South of Diamond Atlc) ■ In - burgh. * ~ ... • , . . 'TAMES KERR, Jr., 4 (*arO<*-or u» Jo-Tj; 1 '• tl Davis.) Ship Chandler*. 38 Water street. ,w w.l JOHN If MELIAJR, Wholesale and Retail dealer ui Muste and Mowcal Instrument*, Schoo *»“**: Paper, Slate*, Steel Pen*, tjilail*. Pwuiers Lards, and Stationary generally,No. alMood st.. Pitfbargh 10- Rags bought ot ukenjic trade epi^ JSCHOONMAKEJt 4 do., Whoietiue Druggist*, „ No. a 4 Wood street PftisQurgfa J _ OHN D. DAVlfCAucuorteer, corner sth and Wood streets, pHtsbargh. _ ... _.. pt ! R ’ JOHNSTON 4 STOCKTON. Boot*ellei*. Primers and Papet Manufacturer,*, No. 44 M.rket st. i -|. - burgh. v . J ‘-- , LTf . i aicti*an rb“Vj T (hw J Eloyd4 C 0..) \Vho.e«le if , Cirorerv No. 1« Liberty street AMRS DALZELU Tlrocer. Cemnnsufit Merchant, and dealer »d Produce and Pittsburgh Manufacture*. No. *4 WaJet *t, Pmabor-h. janlb KIER 4 JONEJiTForwardlng andCcrmmttston Mer chant.*. Dealer* in Produce and Pittsburgh manu. lectured oruclea, Canal Baattt. near »th *L dal ' Veauvltts Iron \Vorks, LEWIA, DALZISIX4 tlo , laanulaemrer* of ail »*- lea Bar. Sheet, Boiler Jron and Nadi ol the ueet quality. Warehouse, 54 wafer and 105 trout n. ;anjy LS WATEB-MaN. Whiles*)* Forward . mg and t'-oconussion Merrhant, m Pitts burgh Atanufociure* and Protiuce, Noa. 31 »V ate/ - and aa Front r. . JOBTt STiilLi- JA*. b. Wll.TKk 1 Wl MCLILI.** & RGK, Wholesale Owen and loumiiv ..on Merchant*, Nd. R>l Übeny •<- l’m.t,ur-h X | URFHY "WILSON A <’[o , llaic Jon**. Murphy * jVI CO ) Whole-ale Dealers mi i>ry Goods, «<>•« Wood street, Pittsburgh otrrsi Vf UKPrt Y A. LEE, Wool Dealer# u»d CommuJioD ]V| Merchants, for the «mle oi American Woollen i,ooda. Li be nr street, opposite Filth no-ril-1 y - anaz. nrxuTT w* * M ALLEN A Co- Co*ms*--o*» and Forwarding « Merchants, Water an*l Front *t*-. between \\ ood and Market ns. . wai -in t«i * *» *** • MILLER A RICKFTISUN. Wbokf-aie Groreni and ComtsiA-'Uon Merchant*. .No ITU. l.xber.y.'t-, P l^** burgh, tV Ji'“ 4 ... •\f IfOLMR< A SON, No. &■'» Market id IN| ■ door from comer of Fourth, dealer* m Fotrign aud Domestic Bill* of Exchange, Certihrair* oi Dcpov it. Ba»k*Note» and Specie. |p-CoUeratmr mad on all the principal erne* J throughout the United Staten. di l, ouvta BLACIBOXS. . asoaoa a ni.tsa /\ BLACKBURN A Co., W holeaaie Grocers and 11. dealer* in Oil*, Boat Stare, aiulPittsburgh Maa- articles, hare on hand, as all time*, u full and general assortment of goods in thou hue. V> aier sirrcl, 6 ear Cherry Alley, Pitfrbnrgfa. l u i‘ _ KCIBERT MOORE Wholesale Grocer, RrntilyuiK Distiller, dealer in Produce, Pittsburgh Miuiuiac lures and all kinds of Foreign and Domestic VV inea and Liquors, No. 11 Liberty street. On hand a very large slock of superior old Monougahela wusac)i winch will be sold low for cash> apl-uy K" ICLIARD BAKD, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Leather, Morocco, SUdemaken’ Took and find uigs, Tanueis* and Cutlers’ Tools, and Tanner* On, ®o. 100 Wood su Pittsburgh. __ aoakaT xJumuii. ‘ watiit t. T) ROBINSON A Co., Wholesale Grocers, i rouucc K,, gad Commission Merchants, and-Dealerstn Pitts batah Manufactures, No. US) Liberty si., Pittsburgh, Pi 7 I sOUkRTDAL/ELL a Co., Wholesale Orocers, K, Comiun-ston and Forwarding Merchant*, dealers upProduee and Pittsburgh Mauulacture*, Libertyst Pittsburgh. Pa. : . _ lcl ’. TTSfff'a'CUNNLNOItAM, Wholesale Orocer, K, Denier m Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures, No. 144 Liberty sl ■ J> l " - 1 ~~ rtm _ J. L. 11l UK. -I 1 , KINOI.UK4 SHEF. Vomiting uiJ Comox.~*ou Iv Merchanu. for the Altepheny Hhrer-Trade, deai tn'ux Oroeencs, ProdoctHFjtKttsburgh Manufacture, and Chloride of Lime. , The highest prices, in cash, paid at all uaw for coun try reg*. Corner of Penn amt Irwin sis. ian-J SMITH k JOHNSON, Wholesale and Retail Dealers m Millibery Goods, Luces. Hosiery nad FuJicy Articles, No. 46 Market street, 3«i door above flurd st, Pittsburgh. *P— Ac- iHKitrn, ‘ c , , , O IiACKLKrr k WHITE Wholesale Dealer* In Q Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods. No. (HI l\ ood »i PiOsburgh. fet.l if S'~-“4,'W. UAKBAUI.iI, Wool Metehamit, Dealer* A an Floor aud Produce generally, and Forwarding ami Commission Merchant*, No. 33 \N aier si., Piu* b “ r » b - ...-. r—r .. MJTiJ, BAtiALEV & Co., ..... le tiroee*. - £« Save removedao iW w.tei.ounMoul suml,, comer ofFront n. and t.hancciy Lane, nov? - ston -i— — 1 t i. ». non T W HOtJTI SCOTT, Whole***® *nJ Rcuut destrr* .r Boon, SJoos, ‘lron!.. Caipei Ha*‘- **■» * '' bTDCT oMlh «ud SinUMteM"*. ruKinu**. l » riSsSEv XSkSi, Whoii.ii.- u.occ.. «ud «•».*■ XBoo MerchmlMiul «**'■ frodoc. N.. Jo Wood *U, PiUAbantb. * WS - B.TOS i fKR 7 Agent h mte7tn.n.ll.n»►»* of Wood *nd W«w treel*. Put*bureu WBffToWeWsmi‘«*inoH‘ wia TWardin* TV Merchant, No. WO Front *t between " » nti Market streets. . xe \'t* . W WALLACE, MiU stone »«d MiH Kurrt,a l U ‘ • iug establishment, NfctiU Liberty »i, '' rar * l >e canal. marSi ft WILSON, Dealer ui Watrli»», Jewelry, • Silver Ware, Military Goode, &i\ No. 57 Mar v .-bet at nov7 WK- tfUKPUV. VV'huiesslr and Retail 'dealer in v Foreign and Uotne*oc Di> Good*, north eari comer of Market and Fourth mi aupTl w*. TOtrSO, ' JKu 1 le'CtTTtti \\TU- YOUNG & Co.—Dealer* m leather Indr*, 4>- If 143 Liberty at ,«nM< W*. Jl’ctrrcaaoa. aoar a'i:i;rcua<».“«-' W* R. M’OUTCHEON, Wholesale Grocer*, d-«- , lem in Produce; Iron. Nail*, t«la»». *»d P- I '* bnrgh Manufactures generally,. |« Liberty *«, Pm*- burgh. J. _ , ( W\V. WILSON, Watches, JeweJiy, *<‘vrr Ware. and Military Good*, earner oi hlarketawl Ith streets. Pittsburgh, Pa. N. B.— Watches mul Clocks earefully repaired. ’ u,rl > ’ a a ATfittSW WILSON, PortnUfaml Mu.iuturtriun M ter. ttnptna, corner of Po*l Other Aliry “'«d Fourth street, entrance ou'dtb near Mattel decO-diC JOHN M. TOWNSEND, Druggist'"l No. 45 Market st, lhr«yk>or* above Hurd * F»«f bOTrb, wiU have constantly on hand a * fll ,c r ' *\ eortmeat o( the best and Iresbest M«-d>eit*e»_ * will sell on the most reasonable term* Kt»y < > sending orders, anil be promptly attended u>, nrui l plied with articles they may rely Mp**" 11 B*l“*“'.' „ . tD" Phyiuo,n. Fr.u-npuoi.. will te “‘’■“■“J'L*"?. prepared from VP. W,l mPen,,, nl *ny boa tk Al«> D, PITINIU Ui.M KDMUND WII.KINH, CtoNTINI : FS to main mrmre Munuii»->ii.. itunsi ‘ Vaults, Tomb*. Il< aC None,, Man 1 , P,. > e* tvn :re and Pier Top* ol l.*>- *n and ,ltm,ew,ir m.,ri,ie. a. a r-gular and fair prirr N H Drawinc« lur mmeni* vault*. *.« list ed. of any lie «oJ,*•.< ■* a -i.are oi |«,i> patronage aue*.i-,|i M4TTUZW KDWaRIM, JO* JAtO# riUILO, FL niiti NMKNIS MKCDAKIC.V bLASH WORKS. S'I NIPPON A r<> mam nrturrr- ol Viai*. Bottle*. and Window (.la**, keep oon-lanHy on band a general ***orinie,.i e< i),«- shove article* Ai>n. iiml>e to order a superior arnc.e ol Mineral or Sodn-W airr Houle*, o| colored p.las*- No. Id Wood si. P,ii>!.ufgli. A&Mi.i.IAM J'MI'TM. '•!jnula<-iurrr ot inllnii nnd TT rolorrit I .men. I rin-e« mr Dirr-er*. Ac , N'wmi; Sil* and colored t’otion I mure* l«»r *i'* .«„d fliigli.ini Para*«U t»nnp, nmi Bui.ion Krint!*** comer oi M i,-‘en I.ane nod William,••rurnm* No “5 »treri, .in •> lloor. over A l.ner 4 1.1) store. No b 5 MmUcn !.«>» New Noth JJ'IU I. II MUSKY, MANI FAI-TL'KI U-i Nemn Hotu and ram, v H i.n kel*. Botlirig. C 01...- Mattr:»**.-s ami t'.iunor* o, all *i/e*. Warehouse. No '."J \N aier-irecl. Pm*i.u: t: li decUtJ PENN MILL, PtTTsUI UUII, PA, KENNEDY. CHILIS a t'o . Manut»elurer- Ol vert •upertor 4-4 Sheetiog*. Carpet Chain, tvoiiou la\ me and Batting a PEKIN TEA STOILK.— No M Foutti. 51.. near Wood—All quantities ol (,reru utnl Cluck Tea*, door up in quarter, huii. .er pound 81.50. jyi A. JAYNI'S. Art for IVVm IVat'o Dnt|Oean«~Spiring, Axle, Steel and Iron / tuUvMAN. HAII.MAN 4 Co. manufacturer* r.r Ootirli and FJipt'c Springs. Haiuinerr,'. A: • *, spiatg ami Plouuu r*' l '*;'. Iron. A.. W ureht»u*c Wmer and Front rtreci-. I’m.-hurrh A in, dealer* mj tfc>a*T Tr'Ttitm:‘i->- ami Mnn.-ul Casting* '-rB Th” " Bl CK.MASTER. Ai ;«koma.v—Ollier, • third door above Snuviiheld. *ou:li .ode Conveyancing of all wi;ul» done with the greatest care and legal acruracv. T'.t'.r* te Rea: C*la!r .• ijmiv.'il. lr \«r * M MITCUK.I. TREK, Wholesale t>ro.-r- W , Rectifying Utstulrn, mui Wine anti I.i.juo Merchant*. Al*o. Importer* of So<'» A»)t uiiJ U'« a»n nj Powder, No. 100 I.liberty Mreel. I*l Itli |*.i HOME LEACiIK FACTORY. HA.MII.TON ATHWART. manufacture! oi Heavy Shining*; Clies k», Ac . Rebecca *uer;, city oi Allegheny. nov li-.II) • . . . . PKTTIGRKW *l CO., ST K A M BOAT Ai. I.NT> aggfiSffi ontrs.B«.vs M .M.u:n.‘. >•». ortni No Vi VYairr *irre'. INSURANCE, DELAWARE MUTUAL ISBUIIANI K CO. JOHN FINNEY, Jr. Agent ai Ruuburgli for the l>e • uware Mutual Safely ln*urnuec t'ompnuy oi udrlphiit. Fire K.i»k* upon building* and inerehaitd./r oi every description. and llisk* upon iiu.i*m cargoo* el vr**ei«, takea upon die ijuiu-'if \lj ' Olfict* ill the Warehouse oi \\ B. Holme* A Hm> No .T Water, near Market street. Pittsburgh N H —Tim Nicer** oi tin* Company inirr the <*-mi*- li.hnient of the ] in tin* niV- wnh ibe prompt nr»* anJ liberality wnli winch ever.. rianu upon them lor loss ha* been adjusted. lull) « arram die agent in inviting the runlideiiae ami pairoiuL-r oi lit* irieud* .mil itit* cuiuiiiutiil) at large lo the Ik-lawarc >M S. l-.i*u ram-r Oompsny. while it has ihe additional advantage* a* uitinstitution among (he most in jjavmg an ample puid-tn capita., which bj . :e o(>crHiion ol it* charter t? constantly a* yielding to each person insured bi» hue »barr oi the prohi* of the company, wn.vtoi tnv«..nig hits m mu responsibility wbauwr. and Ho-rvior,- a* p«— the ,Mutual principh- divested of rv, ,y otnn.iiou* I- a lure, and m its attracii vr wrm novi fiilk and marine IN«VRASCK. THE lusuraoee I'oinpuii) oi Nortii America, inroueh it* duly authorized Agent, tnr *ut.*t rit>-rr. odrr* 111 make permanent and Unuied Insurance on proper-.v ,n tin* rity and iu> vicinity, and on *hipttirnt» i.> : i< • « nal and River* DIRK.rrtiRS I ii.irie* Tayio!, An '>rr>«n !a. ~(« M Th.nnriv Jau., K Nrll. Kit :»ard D W \\r„ Wci.ll. |'i.i ... • Iluirns, Au-iin Ai.ii'um*, ARTHUR l. « nmv l*ir. I Hk*ei li Sii»;i;uhvl>. >-. "y ThJ-> is tin* ln*unuien t'onijvtny m Urn l n,n-.) Slolr». having U*-rn «-uanrfeil n. l.s*4. I*- > * perpetual, and irom IU-Jngn Mumiing iwic ampin alcana, ami avoiding m ri» a - *>l nu mu ha/- ardinii cbaracirr. u itwiy l>r .‘uuviiirfi .1 i»» uili-nui; am- Aiilmr me (iul>i!r l* JoM.' .M me Counting Room of Aluri-»o < A. i «« . W *• ter uixl Front *ir«ru I'uui-UTgii & FRANKLIN PLK.K iSljl RASCIO < 0. TIIK l ,, rankhu Fire Insurance t.'ouipaii}. oi Fbnailrl plan. will make lui' Polflri end attend U. tUe alii*- f ’-u*' ot Uu: Asfcni ), nl ine wiucu«m>e of •'•••• i’»» split W M l* FORWARDER & I!()MMKSSIU.\, C. *- i ».*<>< *« ■■« CIIAULEB U. DAXKSHOWKH at t o. tobacco cufitanssuii lit;kwiAim. N« &a Souih W'harven. > No U" Souui V« .u- • -v I'llll. I.KIUA I >J <»!* In me : and Je*Jer« f-n-r.i ) I ) FillAhtfrgu. Uioi they «rrsr.-.- .n .1 - with ibe Virginia mamm'-' rer* «ni-ui the Weal. \\c«t lixl*-*. ••• ■ «• a laitjis mid constant »upi«* ot !»• to»h>wmr >»*•«« * 4 l’ HOU* of Totiaeeo, which «•: i - tool upon a- arrow mmluunr terms n» a«y ou.’-r bou m u»tr cit> or <■.*• where, and all good* ordered trom thrin wiH t>e war reeled csjuai to representation: Havana, St- Domingo, Cow*. i Vdxa, Porto Rico, Feioi a ■ nT to- Cuba. Jguim, A. F.«i. -da. ) 1.. i. . C>—Branch i celebrated A romuiir Mag tuwi: ilo-U. with a large naaoruaehl of ether popular brand*, ami uuaiiue* of pounds, is, $», Hi*. l *‘* t.iJ Itb*, loiiop. a«. G, »* and Um Plug, Ladies' Twi-U Virtnns lwt-i Ae,. iwre! and piain, in whole and hall > --Xr» wood tuid un. together with ever) vane!) «>i arm - .»UC to the i fade i uiIKT *. MU*KIT L WkM lv'?l BAUHKT, 9K9UIT *GABUETSOS. FLOUR FACTORS, Produce. CommlMlon md Forwarding BiSBUIABTS, No ft* Nortu Whahvls, asu l'£* Watk* >7 PHILADELPHIA RtTU to— John 11. Brown AU« j HoMnawnlli Bare roll, Bearer * < o | Bmilh, liaguiey ACo ) ‘ Allen A Futon. Newport Waller? A Harvey, Batuiooi'- llafolcy A Mu.ih ) Uttri-rKlge.W’jlMJti A 10 1 .. lU .,. ur - h Hailey, Uwwu At o f Kier A Jones. j 11/” Liberal (t*»h advance* on contnunineiM* incur aildre**. _ __ j y c kumxsTO- ciuauw wit aoar vfsr% y ELLMAKER, ECKY &, CO., KLOtIUT ACTORS, And General Commlulon Slercbanls, No U fforrn WaimMiiivt,>klph:a REFERENCE* —Henry Graff A Co, Pittsburgh lUxtyer. A Sherlock, U ; , nclllimU p S»-hoolry A Son, ) A M. January. Maytvitie ; Charlm Ba»r>ain. Jr l*>uit«iaOß'» sAwt-Ri.t ARMSTRONG * GIIOZEH, CtUMMIMMON MERCHANTS, No •■SE'lark.n « re. t. / Pittsburgh, Pu . will annul promptly i«< u»- every 4«t« riplion of Western Prudiiee. and Heirs eutrdated to Uirir fare. t TO Hanna llusrey A l'o Pittsburgh, Hanna, l.ruham A Co. Now Lt»bun U., Merchants generally. VV«tl‘- viiie,<}., Rhode* A Og leby. Bridgeport, d , A 1 G. Kwh ardson A Bro Cinenutaii, J P Howard. Loni«'-TLe. Ky; Coil* A Dorwort. Stimuli, H. Boyles, Meubrn villa. decll WOOL, FLOUR AND PRODUCE. UJU, BE 15 LI k CO., (Hueresscft. io Heed. Hurd A l'o .) GENERAL COAIMIUSION MKUC lIA NTS BOSTON, MAS* Particular atienuon paid to the sale >.( all kmd* of Pro duce, and liberal advance* made on run.-df'iinmi'U L H A Co have leave t» refer lo— .Moser* It. Robison A l.h» j u . * *' MrGiii A Hoe. JTjtUl.urgh K- ed, Purl* A ('.<■ , Bravei, “ IdtwsOii A (toi.nle, WrlNviile, I) 80-wetl Mai l. K-«| <' p Brady K«i | 'V p Pederson, f.*., I Mesara K (Tangle A< «. J ,r ' ,1? ' “ (till A MOu’_ J •* Rhode* AU r et.’, Bridir'port, 1 ■ de< tT7-dAwUtaylhM " T. H. CAVANAUGH, Beetiving, forwartliogiDil Uomil l.orainu lion flterchuot, COHMKKCUL ST l»P!l. Mo y.—Ptoei attention j aid u> ord.-rs n>r purehu*,n in lhi» market, and all bu»uie*» promptly transacted RelVreiicn at Pmsbargh, John M’Fadcn A Co - . V GEORGE COCIIRAN. CammUilon and PorWardln* Merchant. xo ifli wuuu it . MRUtiisn, CIONTINUEJ* to transact a gvuemi Commission hum j uesa, especially in the pureha»e and «al>< of Amert eon Manufactures and Produce, ami in receiving ami ‘ forwarding GooOCcOtnigmMl lo lus earr As Agem lor ilu* Mannhictures, bn will be couMimly supplied with ibr urilicipol BtUcles of P-UUburgti Mana/orinre at u,e lowest Wholesale pnees Urdcr* -nd coiisi R nwe,,t. an*, respectfully rolicited. iV7 GEORGE A. BERRY, WHOLESALE GUOCKas, EUHWBDISU ABU COSBISSIUN BI4BIIIIAIIT, AND DEAI.KR IN Iron, NalU, Cotton Vann * Flttaburgh Maaufaciurea ganerally, iu. Hi wts.u srnoKrs mraacaatl. Pa. Witt* 11. CLAttK, Forwarding Mercbaul, UrowDlvlllr, Pa. AUnnd. |>txrnetiluily lo tlic Korwaidnii; ol Pr«sluee. Ac Ac | Kor any ntiormatton. applv to FORSYTH AI I N ('AN. VVulrr .1 '-e'l» nuUtku, HtturiiKUa a cu., COMMISSION MERCHANTS PHII.AUEI.PHIA. For Ihe tale ol Produce geaetalh Liberal advances uiade on con.igutuciilr ja£4*d&wfimT LAW (IKKILLS, U M I'IMHI.IN ATTOUNKY AT LAW J A K I .1 I W \\ \\ ?. ' Jim,., M.ii.lni. K . A i .. U I II >U| ITZI’R. Mi. *J « ■ ■el'n-i.f 'I « Imi'f- IO CKR Tn Hiark W'l H<- i'Hitr. I. V C., It T Moron. y\ J tp-'.NKVMIomPI ;tnd in. •f I i'. Kf .mi. I \ pr.uni.m i oinini<«lour r \if lit.’ > ni. ••n; ] W-iM.- mni.r ’ni.....mi Km.«Tf lln-i Win It*- ■' A .[.l. ’ v HATS, ('APS AND BUNSETS.! FASHIONABLK. HATS. \ !‘:i«l:in:in! If limirr* ni :ii<- pfi <> Vw 'i ' lor a rrc- ; iriir 'U|*7'l v ol in - rxrr.i h-- si t IKo- **•■’! list un: .; vert r-■ h ur;.l l>r-.m.. In * In: . i'ii. :t'( m f : f.v Ho. <1 Tap Stop* Siu::iil-'d •>'-•■•:. «l”0- '•until ■:• Fminti. wit- rf intv !>.• found » feus vim -if ni Cal* mi.l m maiiuiaotur-. wl».:.r*i:c and r<-- ;a> made :o order on -ao:'. nn'.,<-f lir .. v J AMI'S ji’cosu» dt co.. iSSfe iSuff?-M>r« in .MVord Jc Km?i Fkihlouable UatUrt, T (o’ tjxr of Wothi nrui fifth Nr ’’rt'l J. lIARTUTI.AR aMriilimi paid ift mil K-iaiiTritdr. (..•'*!l.*nif" fan rr!v upon ff.iiiiu iii'-ir llu'.- an.t ,f..||. ... r l-lMI'l'! .:«• »'•-! ' ■l.' l '' ' WomuAVOI .' (*I 'llf t-AUCM >fi t.»5. an- »..l" ,. C |-.i; v , will nut -ulli r 111 H < ftl|.|..l -Oil w.:i, >I) ‘ ' U *' W, " > ' JaMK> M'V n.o. | 1 SllollifiriiJ M dooi •Otllll o' . ‘ 'uictnnnu Uir n.iiownic nrw and u,un!.> W ■-* —1 ntmipriafi'* Kipfiloion—l'ftniannnjt » »*eirli ol to Ito- ..i i'ii. A W | n«e Ooiu)0f-' c» V'. •|«. if ’' ‘j- Jin Nl..m'.u» V til.- k.-VIH.-M! •nun( 01 Ibr Mull'll n,Z a lull Histort -n ih- M-. leiJ srul W i'iumli’l, A • i'.i'.'m HKkS I T..11.W I l!..nia - •” I" 2 ••••"s I -t'l" I .dlMl, h. nil.' IV --JI.« * e-KU.IKKI paid I nr. T a ”• enopiioii . Meirmra'■! .i t> /> I Ulfj. a. tl •; J |»i a;i .i >. Itt C An'iion. I. I. l> M'('lii i.- li A t'rootl’.r«: I r.i.lU' l 111' V f'- . liff •»i>n ~•• •! 1-1 I UUi" - tloilk K «■'■!>.ii(» -• -- r l ■ '' • -irv I’fui >•- UiV I j*«’l >UV. 1/ 1' A Ui-ii r. oi I'li*.i' - 'm-.ii .. - i.»u -r Ju :.p ■ ri-i/'i i• i.i-'i • l*S.. !')>•• 1.. lit* Vatki. till Hrv.*•••! .in|‘r..i'il :i -1 '.in*l.) J ir«i• Al'l’Ull. map • ■i£iuvii«v* I *V K HuHkiN*. Aim. .1 Hur.ll..TV Hi »r !i ii.-t xml *i-f*-rlk ! i.*h-.ij|i.' V.v . 1.. 1-17. 1.:, A M A F.r*t \U*.t i» c,. h • a it v, -v !.-rm 01 a ir.r- an . t> • * i i*ri on •:i«■ mr:fn>.l of in. cn-i. j. .1 r. |wu i.ot- r. > Jojui M «• ]i:<*rk. D I> I* • *»•« **"' > i I ,a:»ru a • i>rMi:!n)li|i' H rro-"C.v A .V Aii;u:.< : Proir*».ir I « | of M j.U:nr '' i ..ft: r. Aiitiri 4 -l riJi- A orw novf... Tlir Lh»< ip ii'P o' l.ilr I'tm V.IIIiikIIIoi A I Iro'.li/* r ij»>ixJiJ n >u«trat<* tr.t Ktiit-nnintii’-iil* TUr jlKitr »M». rr. li... ■!■*, 1.) *, t f.l l.oi*"* .‘i 'ur l > I > Hrnry Bornurd Anuiidant!) mu-irao-il * uli itiid plan* Tlirory miml Prarinf <>i T'afi.ruf nr i:«»- ■ i•' ai,,l inr IlioOk ol good »* Inf l »••••)• 1 1.< In HimH I' P» c AM. r T* ■ * ii.iig a Sfiruf 1 , 11**- If i ui' i > II R Hail. A M » 'l'lu Si liooi anil ttic .Ma-ir-r A maims ’or Ihr gu; .»!' tfirh-w* «■ mp'oy »rk liu'i*--* n.-pri lot • A<• A<* .ol llcmiunu S* In i*n par 1 * H> Ainu /uPnnrt.Lt I) . amt It R. him-rw.ii A M Ihumiuk-i! wilh rrifr»vinr« Ir •a<■ *• g llrrffl IE |H»PK|M A |o>iln Mu i UK* I>aki.i:vs cahim:)' i.iuk ams ■»» i.ooi* .....i }'urn l l l»* Tin* wnih '■<•••*.*■ i.* iiir\ viilum.'.. ainl coiii.iin* i*v** Jiuiidr, •! diUf : -i.l>)' ' il : u«ifu:<• <1 « Uli 40U r i/ruviny • 11 i« no <-I.t.r: Vof .Kin ii r>• •• fffrn tl i « rittm Hinl ( ••H'l’lv !• 'I i. , ><• E .ooil t " li. “ u i>h. u' u popular loim, . H v** >•! Uiokhpiu* - uro i«-ni itiMttrrii. il>«* woinW* 'iikl •'u n<>»i!n , « lli-;m> N » ini*-. Art. r*. ■•• m • . «m' > 'Aiih 1:«'• p< ■liiiira of In'* 'Hi-" prir<- |im Voi in' r'"' i • ■ Ml puer « r,’ mo or *1 *1 r■' I 111 «»)•• l>', ... to' RlinpMV-* Apfi'i'• Bin'll.lui •' XM.W .%< 1.1.- V \‘i in in. inol ii- *• «i * i\ |.'. Ii I' K J:i iiu- *. Vanin I'mr d - - "nr,o.ii i Urn nUi.iam >,«,krp.-a.-i I|inrk *• i | -V I jlw»f.l, \r. « "OH. • ’• !>> I ‘ ’<* U ilii.-MII V»it* M ai.Jll' * O' l a "!« Ir 4 . I, l H.l I • H.l 'ouni«*i iii iln - '/• I H'f : I . if i.a i r .i* r '''> " AOf ' M'i< KKiN »*N F'l \I VI 'VI liT-N i I n..n •».,rl. h.i- .n" i.i-i’ii pni-li-lMd I'V • I' Kro.l m n to ■u• ,„„1 Pim., VII, ..I ta, i-ffr- I' "•lii-imx Hi- ifii- nrtai ton *oi -rvrrn; «>*•>' "'•* rlM '. 01 ‘ltili'r- iii'ili'noiili■■ allllli* In o’'** wr-k •IllPi opif* ipivr 1,-f ilj-.nLnli'il in lb* ‘ l,l l' l ' l ’ l, ' r " '' |i; i' l ' ' ■ a PiMiK lof I'Vfiy ''i«ly lo' i.iiWa K Hull. I'll*! 4 uihiK i*"K I'ARKM-. .ol V. N H-IS- A AM» INVAI.IH* - 111 I. ‘ " Sfli«-" oil It I'll Hi., I -lui allii’i * Hi Villi r a• ' l.n-ii'd Up,»ii ‘hr ni' lu.M.*! .ol Ilia II • pit) •!. jl I'OlMlllUtlllo lif I 11(1 ItlP »II 1 1* til 111 I* ' 'l !■*• Irrturr* o|i lII*- nl.nvc f r i • i.ifnU, ‘ l 7'‘]'r' r ‘ l U. -o in H IK i l*K IN >. «»*■ 111* A |-< "o HuiMnig *‘n “ IkKtK'KB- t»Vll). Tnn Mnam.irpt,oi l’.i’.:i..* I J i l-.i.lili* N!■•••. flu- id lifil 1 i *»' iinaJ) *i« noil ■ i Ii in a-ioii ol 111*- }•' llil.i. lO.'-lli' l Willi K.|o- I- tl N'li’i, iiiuoi.ri.:, m>itini.M..-ai i».ni 'i Wk’. 0 a 'n! '"' V' 1 " H IUH'KI.N** M\p t.l i A 1.11 «»KM '. tiHW.'-N TF.\A> | rom IHr lliirM l»> Att/ii'M- Mill i,fa ,• un ~in|.ni.iiiifiU lEniimcu . f, l‘ i,,.- l,iM.|i|-i|.|ii.-ai mill Mall'll!- J lor *al>- *• > .Irrli |{ HOPKINS A;.., .» Hui Mi-r- B'i«’ T!»‘Al. INsritlMl.M-' l> u noPKIN" aW ■’ AP Hl'' I’KNNSV I.VA.MA - 11 .ifi -iiiul ilorutlif’U* H'-vii. <1 .1.1,1 * nip* ov.'it uri.i'" ' , u ',„. i ,i.i«im.' Alt" K Mii'h,, i .i: I mrnifi < ’M-f” I ,u,r A lf W rrip.f 111 ui:;.. om! -,if .olfl M»p l “ juH\- \\ I -on AI 'o I’lu- >.rr an I-••«.■• in i fit | '' ;.r-'.|.|. vvltt.... I". in•• 1. tv. mu ln ' , :v r.s|iif«tf»l lottitlc-- nniiifi!.-iir ar/It. Jf.i 1 1-4 S lORA.N'i WILSOTS A. CO.- lni|wri.-r« n’i.l j , \\ "..If • -t'.. I>e:i!rr- ill Fftfrii’li It nil llmir .nr lltr <1 i ■„C.,Tt -:..1.n.-ry,Ar . I*V. Wnod-ir.-ei. I'itt.. ' ~ii r>. n *ni f in i\ [.r.tpaTf.i vt.ili a rCe-iii.. ittii-or ‘ l. : ... I. 11l U.i t.l w:t fO . tjill If IV.Ar . Ul .rjlf r t.ft ll'.i' 1 ......... I. If nr., -tv flfin;. ol llif AO-.'HI. .m-- ; - to,nil in . t n-\Vf .T-ninni-»l nf l‘f I-' tir-'. lln r.l w:>r.. \I/ l-.iiur'. Sl(lft.lf» ForV«. Hot*- V ■•••■* A. a" '• v\ .iif.i t« .u I-.- ml.I ai tlf tio.vr«t mn.ini.o urn ‘ ■ ! ..i .v. .-it. U , ~, ... ... 'IUII' !>:«iPi. |. -I 1 M I .‘l,l A K t- I-V M.i.-.t -... IM ■ • ft... I .i + .ir-- 't ' ■ • rv.l 1* tin. .-r to if if.n • :i.;il fttifl'o-'' r-f.' ; it7-:r.>d- in JUIIN I) M I'.iltli iifct.if. • n.t'irr Jam. - NiV.jid. i. A ft. . «... -.t ;u ihf.-11-f. 01,l M.i'iU, foritfr oi SX'oji.l aini bUi i*trpfi*. wtn-r* ' ; . «t ini a ci'f.iiniiiiiion oiDitf |'»0" lat’f S> ''-rni. I Mwwpil on vu>' u"i tirrn i JOHN 1) M i'oßli J JA.MKS S M'CORH IN r.-unne tVom UiPift'd "i..i well known Lrm o( M r.if.l A k.'.p 1 A;o«i rr y rfromntfml to *j.f iintfoiirujv o - :nr pul.i.c in. 'ucc '*op, M * Ai c, ,3'j- II L) KINO nISSOLCTION-T.if l>n r h-rlft fliM o :C U'.tlt r , V it'Hl ljrm •.. Ir'ina . A Dai to i. .. itll-. dm iti - -ni veil i'\ tin: in - Oini»f;i',. Jotm l"«' ini. ' | ti'f Inn;,.-.- ot itif 'nif firm wi.i *tf i-y II V. trbunan. vvito i- iiutlior.i.-M m u-f i;f ■ oie iutu iii u>r |-urpi*'f 11 \\ U> 111 MA N '.['iif.iiljw 'JTI J DA1.~1.1-L TJii Su'- '.-O-rr ‘ now pr-pntfd O' ni:i.nniM''urf itl. f „! t .mon and Won ni SUrl.uiny n> Uif *uor'.i*V. nut.l f (ifdrr« .ft': mR. W if-i.liuan laujinf Mu/ji. i <.r -,,.r j.-,,,.. u.d M ate w im-i-t t.Vi'll luniupi nr ' II WKIHT.nIa.V ! fiu-ok it:wrf n F<-.1« ml unfi S.tndusxv «u., p.n s A'kpiifuj 'liy CO-PAUTN KRBH IP* "ll’M n SCAirn If.'l t'ain iAM KS ATKINSON 7V haVf fiitfß-d no,, partiT rvlop. n:ntrr rt.f firm of Si’ A IFK It AI'KINStIN ,o.d w..i n-rrv on on To; IIIAVI iiin.!:iv n-memted tv.Ui ni- in tl'<* wiimv • :,.f (.rocrv, VrtnliH'f llit.l l liU»nifO n . In m lir J J< «f [ill Ulltlr < l Itv I. till oi J S I»t I. Wt Ml I 11 A , „ j s mi.wmini CIO-PAIITNKIIsIIIP -M.m \ 01. K nil' I r tut* / da, .IW.U, .1 f.i -VM, • in Juloi K Mt th-1.-i li’riii nlV'm Sunn- Atn Wll.l.UM 1"l N(. mia l '' , ‘ R M i I / ii >i i,ii fain in mr smr ami •ciiim i'i. I KF.iV H*'..'.r„4iif.: •>' « .tor hor' il i.l tv a * -l» srr ui tba! 't will, di llif u It , . a 4 I ■>,. - uN-l/M IM It i% if I !• IM - \I- -or, ynd I,S|, f k » I ISI IHIIt TAUT TO TIIK A Tfc.l>, Ur. Kosr's Ulfbrulnl krmnlir.s. jytJ S‘ *'l! -j- Kj -I I'M. at. U.... p, K"— -'* I 'lujfi'i. i..r< uiKj’iUnui-r ,ll i ■■ J M I'i.i* ip' nJ. d r uUf.ilii;'o ;,u. 1a..00.' k.'co,, V\. I A - hi., lie aver. Jayne*' Lip«tCoiant. *«:.*» I .. am- n„n ... <1 Apr Vl. Ir-H j jK DJA'iNJ-* lluh ».» - I 'on i.uun.l u. > < j o |' j -.{J, w t>r n.i4 Inoi’ - >rl r., a;ln< Ir.l. »od Hu ok Hook • ru>»* l s imvinji n.w>nr. tt<. r irin'-di-'* it ml Uir ir- .la-itmiy -u «i I.JIUUH* of IWO ol !iir moil m ji|)) «loiUn» IQ fa Inr Nadi Ilf wii.ioul Jrt; > i..k mi) t>( ttr it: of Uf !>»>» i:ml n* v <•«■>( l ' oii*jj..Ujoi> ol •Uf’-1 • >l.x but a l>.\» .l-j» or ol t*if l«nlir»l--WllCll lll** HSI gll'HJtl i.opr- -a lll'WUl II) m.n, Mi, I uail if CO nil ur. mini in nr ) oul lormil a.ul Lirtoud Li) Uial tit-mg mho ilnri -i. ioiiift ux- oi' «_u ilir hi) j< > i * : Hum Mi) anti WI1» ru.ii,lni !.) i hr Jillrinl 1)1 111) liumnrti. I lia.l lof im ) nif. Jirrviou, K*H|ifciiuiiy youn A.. J»- U'^rii Ini »«.<• in ul 111i* Krk ..Til Si. Kmirtll «trrrl m.n' NKW A Hit AJV <• hiMK.%T. Dl l\"I I>KII W \I<*UKIS 1..1V: f ■ -ml-, l-.. ri, ukr. '.in- in-liin.i ul iirii'-* Mippi.'J Wit;, n■( a-iOUltcrl ol I'm** I»> •* li.i-i.i--, |'» fliunrf) , l n ; nr >»■*. •"'! • 1 :i. i.'W At n! iiny i.llirt lion- in or llit \V»ltr < urr. I iu< I ul< HI-.N.1 A.M IN W MnltKIS. -Ml ri»iiiinuf< | ) i, . nn 1 »»*«>*-■£v ru.i-l II *■: i n|i illi) nr ll.r U »'«m (urr.i• .1 i! .Jr >i r> <1 "■ i '* r nI limtni lo ti n nupt' > N II i)t .Morn* may '■« ir>n«.il'rrl ..i In* * >r, *s St.-f No -J l ninm-Ti uil Hrm. |.j|.fi-y «.ur-i. dur.rii.' , I Viin .1 r*r I .1 iliiflri <>w I' " 'l' ‘ •‘l' r v 11. I'. Itiilierii, >l. T>-. OrniAl.Mli: J 4 l 11 1 ■M >N W. : Ji.t-ii.t ••<> mr tf-nt meni in Ih»*-»i*r* tii'ii I |i«i' 11...1-.I "l’r- Mi' " l l” 1 Moline ■ W-rm mo Vnopooni lull. ku.l dliliongli no- im-um >» •. 1 lm*' no rioiilit i'ut i-i. ti- mbi i*i rt -‘i rwn tiununt* wiiasu r,l ’ MI mr *’" “• "" """ \TkuZuiL : 11/W*.o »< I si ro: I<> r.'hii On- •i. 1 *• 1.1. r ll' N I UMII I i*l. IN " l * M „ % r II I Vy.l iV.'J* , , 1',.,;“.,rJ M,, II K HJ.I.KKS j ~.l uiid 1.-. Oi in- kim - i all) . tn Pill*-!'*- 1 M>i:iM tI. AKKIV VI. In* --•« It* 1-I*l l.olllr* Ol 11.1- ttt.l lubilii. i iTi'tlit-.iir jii*t rri-e.vril mid lur -ul-' K • Sl'f.l.l.fUS. Solr Aym 'of Pui-hurr'.. ■«' frnumr nrVrl.- ran l.r 1.3*1 ’ umi..ill i(I wllhrxi I |T'' i>.it jO'i'i I .uiiriu.r K--.I l> k I :.r '»*■*;» ,u ‘' ill i y ‘• ,l vUr '' I \ iTWuTloV’* - •-*'» cnin« I'Blrul M.-ilh .ix: I>i 1 / )u*l 11 «• 11 Jin! «*f ■ raisiz* Vi)in>tvr. i -**» 1 "" A,l "‘* lV ' I'i n .I. , , U .| f. r-1 ,w il ilfil i<>. -I«lr l.v il. r|- ' J KHU) A« « A l.i'C UK M, All-mini. JUKI t' -1 ' *J “"* 1 * ur l! V , Ir . In j.HIN U_M*»H< : AN La Ml* HUM K 4 <*»k, JUU tr- ’?! r J ,V JUH.N V MuKbAA rOPARTiNERSHIPS, ro-PAHTNKICSIIII' L)kM«olu(IOII. JullN D .M'l'ußl). Ii I) KINO Co-Pnrtu< ralilp. liif «;\ Ip ol M i ord and Fur Kii«o:.'-* n m e in r a l. ,!■»' h: Tat'i.f't p' JAM F.s I.m\ AN. \V> lU.tvrf t N n- .. • ...•-I’ U r !',Sj.[. r i “i.. •-< \ I. Al.l t I I V v\ J ' :m*.i ~t,J :«»• ri • * .-=#»■.' ... / iTrr>K'N~ >».iuw \, I A ili.lrnl I i .1 ‘‘ J KIDI’A H OT E liS KOI NTAI.M UOTICI. yi, 1 1. ii t»:\i. r i m i» « •' i nus'::; w,...«•« M T‘.-(lli .*•!.- ,n l||.- 11l HI« I" II" - ‘l'' l Mnlltrmiri- liti* rrrrnt y timl"i‘M*" v>*»>■* nilK'. It* -i-i.l p I Im-il ir l. I’ Ini' c t.k>l«i* fli- l.mj.p- |,|.i ha al»n 1..-PM fpor >fini/i'll 'Im.I lntr.l up in tl ino-t um.jirp anil l.pnuli fdl nvlr In •if| i nr win.ip <> rri ■ i -• ■ ..I I lip Mn Hip can “< lllP pr..|M iPlur l-WU.i. Ill'- ituof iml -*»!*• Tli.-r • .'-I- I :,l,v . "4rti’.nl ai .I luxury wli U|> in a *.i|«Ti..r -n •<-. w, M." '"-i- !•> <:i y lliat ru.tli|firi n( thr Hott«p will al wn . » |.<- ijuinl u: ill-- » at ami Mi'iimnoal I.aniline-. !x Will convp) 1.-jijgut;p It. u:i.l uuui l Up Hwtpf. I.’pp nt i :.ur

••«.< Illi’.f * id , Tt- .. r i>n:illmi-r )i:i> TM< 'MAS n\\STON. Propr r'.or LAM Alt TIN E lIOISK WFv'vn i*r rvji'Hii l «>;> M i'lll. i.: -t m, u. : y tn.u ll> III! nrHrrd l ) ri-i iit-1 il cv.i< })!c a «n •>' T;i« f.ln-T l» il'-lpfllir - d o ' ><• |*airon»iti ootl Ml H'M I.H. J'roprwlor t'NITRD KTATKB IIOTKL, cn»* , n*7 *t . b etwpk* vi*t hi u a :i rirnt tib OIM'IfSITK ;*.!•* U.iiik ol tiic l bH-.i **lalr» i’liiJl .m i-ui’K mi rair.i.i.. inixr'ill I* ri »| l r ,f_ ’u r MISCELLANEOUS- JAMKfi W. WOOUWKLI,, Hi) df rii ;i nil A n liq nr Kurnilurr .j~.'l'" * i*^ 1 " B M '.ihk*. <*oiix’.iii',:v on :'ul If oul'-r Tlir- ]-..••fin »>'• 1 .li/a!-ett| rhii.lV Ino Ih 1...... \\ < ..isi.n...lrr. :>• vm». A" .li./ »’.i! Hi I'nnr •J.> c ffiilf T.i *• \\ ■ •fria'l--. A'"l II.T'S n-e* •.*'i mi< '!> t- top w-li •1 < vinmsm. ...To„ in.- Chixnlau, Coco*, Ac. \V !in Lrr'« A n»«?ri*- im i'ui Kr» »■ (i *- fio< .n i tli'* I****: jiro.luc • 1 -'h limn a'Jjf 'a' ■>• u.On* I'utrii inti * ijiii i ‘i'u >•: »•. a to! > •,<■ i. :. V'- I Hi.• on.jriu rvi! t»v r>nn»**-. Amt *cmn;>r<* wi:u it.- iin H.» Urmia himl '.'urii't ro'.Mii- ileiiCAi)'. ii.i .. i •! ~ii] >a.u mi y '!ri'ik»'ur vj,:i rniiv»!-». ~ • ao i.ilirj:irf jirniK.ii" v.l i* \ ‘*»i mo-i . mmrnt f>n . •. ■■ u • .nr in a .iv t>: nr t j'f. i'a ■ cti.i.* Mt» rtiftiiv u,< u r i\ |i \t'A k\<>\ Leeching, Capping unit mending. KII MlKftl' .<< 'I K (*■ i . \o .... !•. i. • - « « .H-I MO. n*nu(»i (iirnl ToU»ii», 1S s £4" ■ :j ,i.. d.t \\ ik :i . 1 \\ r- • Illr. .!• Ml . K sou A . .» I*l.. ml.- AM I V II Kill I I 111 A' lIKM.n IU I K **< >K * 1-0 41 N »•!>( »: ami 16 N v» nan. \Y. A J. Wool* (Under*. \1 \S M MaiM'U'K’*. N.. 7- 1 uufiu - n liMiud I.■i. i ii«, I ’rnmlirt, IJdinn-k. M> NOTIt IC. It]nn£r of Ilf I fri<"ml« i.litl 'll HO W I'OlM>K\ I KK. TUI. I‘OIMH \ Aiif 4*h. I (A II (illAN k T. Wholrvur’-t roninii l (••..rwurdim M-teH:n.: Ni. tlWawr.i SIIF.IUFF iCO., X’OJ- y.i »ml yl Front -urn. |;<-h I'nuiiiFt. j 1.1 J.l ulH>! , >iirr» f»i m! kiti'l* n< |'i::m.!* !Of I Ul'<: Willi", h h v BKLI. AND UKA*S KOINDK*. M. A H l,Tt i S Hr:, nml hi..*- 1'..n„« 1 -i l. *’ " r Mr.. r»! W airt Ptritij. \ I i- -h- .o: Mem I’AI'KH |"‘M r > null 111 llu . V ;rin.l\ |. iril A'llh 111*- •llrt-Tt n: «l i v I.H li ulte r j| iln- aimlh-r ->if* mi l in* mu. i. lac lii Ir .1 in unlri lU. i V>l.ll>A MIM . in nr r I*, mi ini,! Irwin .i. MAiIMwIH ri-..N> Ji.,l l«»m»» . ‘\\ W \\ 11 •>* i.N >Wll \ Im .in.) mark. I -f INDIA »U Itfik.K ‘iv. ■> ».i i'Jblofina Kijirdiiioti. a i iini|ili'ir i»- -«jflit***A W i •H I :i-i miil •>> .-i.ui. |.4n<* and linl I -a*-- ul Hi t■< • -» Uiil.i.f i |h iioi. Wi.o.t -i J ft II 1-IMU.ll'-' / *1 0-1 ..M A N. II Ml. V| an ft lu . 1.4 vr r--i.....r.l i \> \\ .11'liiiu i .]<„>(• ul llif Mum | n<» lli.u**-, on \V nlci ami h idiii lull It KM*--Tii.- \\ ii i r Ikiusi* .No 4'l Wood -l - U-.’ ... i. Ji f r i;i\ i ,i» in..i. ... u...-'- -a .u-ii I l.uilt.orr I| u «»-»l r.i.i. Unll )' 1/ 1 ,i*l. Tlmli-.-rg ami <■!..< -r. .i ~«• ftuniM-P*. U»l<*lii«- W urv :» Hirer «n ro-; v» iu>d an.l ihuUokuh' ~i ili'j .'An iu.i.iulut'li) i • I H< ai,uv«- in Uf ulil» HI- >' * \ ff«|*«Tl. it ml ’''l l *' l 111.1 MI, Nu Hi W uod *i, «i«*»r iruin ftiu wall l a t'f I'.V • ,ilj li>w lot e*sh declo •it, is in miscellanrous. IiIPPKNCOTT A. BAKU, (I .-»te J y Stnrk:*r Jk t'n ) Mam JWiTl.ltl’lH:* 01 Ptm-nix ti rr proof *llO, •o.nli .nilr second -Ireef. between \\ orwl mid >.i. Fnui.iirrh J S Sincklrr hnvinv d«*r«*nsrd vi.! ’I..- -iirvivin- partner Mr Jo* Lippen.-oi’ having . liim-rll .vith Mr Win fl llnrr, llir«« »..i l.rrrallrr l.p conducted under the style f»l 1 -H»p»*n i'i.m A Iturr i nn! ni a «afe in Cincinnati, O We. the Ulider«im ,.l |irr«-iu ni the tr any we have ever mien leticd, and Indievc U.a: a will stand nny heal which might he produced, ivrpi.4 neat which would melt it to a »olid niAM. Springer A Whitman, I. Worthtnrton. Keltorf A Kcf-icii. Bcnj Truer. W G I* lirrese. Muru* Smith. T < ihmgmt A 00. Stedntan. Mayard A. CST Wm Manse, Mead A. Wiunor. even *ub iurU-*i albuiU. «itv»i Si 7j per .lav 1 .>» W’r, ihr undersigned, selected the safe spoken of above, from a lot m the store of Trutver k Aul*eiT. 'he A -,.„u C ti .SPRINGER, ** :? JICELLOG.. Refer to Cook k Harm. Brokers, Pui*i>urffh; llinsey litmus A Co. do do [feJkl&wlyS Pittsburgh it Boiton Copper Company* r 1 Company rr*pertfully inform* the pubfie. and i. parueularly all dealer* and con*umcr» of Copper in the form in which ihcy n, thal their Smelt* mg Works are now in lucccdfi operation* and they are now ready to innkr for the delivery of lnc‘t‘ 10 those who want in this form, and also tough cai'r for tile purpo«e of roiling. 1 ne Copper produced from the Metaltc Mine* of I,:ike Supci ior. i« a«certained to tie much superior to •tie ordinary copper in the market*, which 1* ohtatnrd mom, containing foreign mineral substances. This ' cpik-r i« perfectly purr, and is not injured by the pro* i* I**s ,»f«nic ting, i.ii’l 1* Uirreforc greatly to be prefer* mm! for Ivyil inrtai. rolling, and many other purpose*. A* .t i< not tnc mtrnuon or wish of till* Company to rr-ci works lor iiic niHiiufurture of copper in the •• :irnni* t.rfin* .11 which it is wanted, they wit: bf happy to make contracts for the dr tvery of 11 tn the form of Ii l’iH*. 'ough enlce tor rolimg. Ac., to those who may to embark in thr busme*,. llerra'trr. a.t tur copper olniuned from their mine* wj.. '»e hrouglit to Pittsburgh, and large supplie* may i.ri ripectrd Lettrr, adJrc»«ed to 0 <• JjvsaK'V or Tmtvas M iiowc. wi ; : inert witli prompt attention uc. iii-.liin f'HARLKS AVKRY. President. fI'oTHK KNTF.RPRISING —A rare chance is notv iirrcrnird lor tur ‘nfe invesiraem in a l>u»ine«* en tire.y new. one adapted to the man of limited, as well n« 1. irine iuaa ole 11011 *1 v< re sources, yielding a profit M.'iiJ cspirii mid enterprii.e beyond any o|ierution ol Ihr i|;i \. it 1* the cotnple-e inonr.jMvly of a staple arti cle. hi'so'uteiv cece.sary and essential to every lumi M well a* ri.liepensat’ie to thr inocliHin.', arluuin a inati To capitalists, an upportumty oiler- ii*rii mr a luerniive eiuployment of either large .nc- inrv return* Those de.irou* o # emt>arktng 111 a pleas am. reinr-ei l.usmes*. are invited, with others, to call at tne office ni me undersigned, ciainmn the article, and 10rin their ow n lodgment (rom the lact* pre«enled. (ni, e I Si t'lair si, lint door to I J„im- .■ 1 J,- ** roi.VKR A MYKKS lied 1 I.Al)1J-> ARP t’M TM.INK.D AWAIN>fr IVINtr COMMON PfIKPAHKD CHALK. 1 1 'll K\ are mu hware now tuglitfully injurious it n> to l tnc skin - now coarse, how tough, how sallow. > el- i.-v aul h 11 in althy 'he skin appenr* after usfng prrpar pnred <-Itu:k* Itevide* it i» injurious containing a Inrge qiunuiv 01 lead' We have prepared a brauttlul vegetnhle arucle, watch wr cab JoNK.s SPANISH LILY WHITE It is pertertiy itmoceiit, bring purified of .tii dcietrnoof qua.and c impart* m the *k:u a natural, healthy aner clear bvimr white, at the i,arar! lime deling a* 1 r<'*iin-’ir on the *-Kin. making it soft und smooth. Hr Jtiino* gpndi rson Praetica. tJhcmi‘l 01 Maava chu»cto.. »t»v * Alter mini) i»ng Join*' Spunirh Lily White. I lind 1: pm « ».«ch t ie most heiiuti.'ul and natu ral. i:ld at the __ Pitt aiacblite Works anil Foundry. JOHN WRU.IITi i'.. nrr pr.-i*axei» ■- ■: Mxc-liinrrv n(’<•v •• • jii’iru nc Kmmr«, Ini'* . ii.» |>;i.!,<**. Knuvmv lirad». Wuri'f r». | \ rn'i!f». 1 -oom*. < arrl Oriuiltr i>. \V rouchl h»""l I'rtHrri"* mail' 'n »*riphih Pij.c on nrai. r Irrv. \W .u„| • „ ( a-- t‘ ■ m« I A 1.. I Xmt llouit. | J U i..»l I’M \\ M Ci*op«r Duplex Lever md Watches. i ' liin Hftml l-oi'ilnn ' lhi ■r-A'>*i fii. wiiu l nmnomrifr tnLiaiiC'< > .x mi* bur*: « a'.rti<-' ui.ule. »u(>r ri i "I iircuficy ;• m«* M J rol-ut*. i:.\ m »a>- n warn or n in i.iv.vil o <•« 1 an i examine ih:« ;o is.ur:in<-Mi 01 i.nnl urul Silver W.mclie K'-' » \r. s*. A <- t . i< K. !“ \S ati he- rr|niirrd in '.lie ln-»i manner W \V WU..*Ml\. . i' .Jl comer l:h slut Martel «t». NJCW~COACH FACTORY, |\ I V 1 1 1 1 T"Jii' 1 " i [ To^ ,:r, 1i.i.l l-i.dilii Head liuarters for Boots and Shoes, IMI,I i '•iuilllli- .il Fourth .!« yi.-J. I K* l I' 1 1 smrr liny..* rumineneriJ me Il J 'i. Horn .■ ..I e l.ta• i in», wnoie-ulr »m] K w..u il ii me the nltrriWut of o-.l r>>- '.l' ii. >1 :»« imiim Rciier... ' lo ihmr -[ilendld | • n A ' o. k ;ll * l .),••• I-<1 •-1. ■l'l' 11 lit: ol Hlrli ». Women *. I !n. . • mi -*' • ;i .1.1 I 111 .Ire II « urai ol every Vat let) . J • nUnl'e lie ».• n«r>n mi.| nl |»rit r* lo *iiit Hie lcmr«. j luHie-i HI-.) 1-lUie • }■ .-u»e r». I Ill'll r j sillllie |i»r \ .>uf- I pr ir- riMriu snirr, i iurn. rof •'rmthfirM nti.l Oh «u. I*iu-.hiiri'ii I N l! I'i i .->•■ i -|. t’rn ~1%, Carpei At- , mw:;y» mi h-m.l mul Imv li.f •' i»fl ja) i .1 M M I'IH'AII.I,I r piiK »iii-«« Imvmit takn. ihe Saw Mill nl-ove l the I'rih W ar.l Uml: Titniu i on l.ninl. Would rn.icil Hie I'lUotlilßf <-f the jmliti- (Ifll Ihsi’kluuy r«-< rivn! and promptly mi.-in'eil in SAVAUY 4 Sl-Al i.L'l.Ni; Tti<- ui-ilrr*!Ctir J h=« v I -tml l'il ulrrrM ill the nhnvr M 1,., it) Mr.isl • \ >|.uu'.'-ns. would m- ml ili' tn in In' ru*u»inrn mul the rmninniii \ :i» •• i• ir » 1-1 ijUH liiiril to >• i\ f .tils(oc tioil Ui ail i! W rn«K l-t 1 rrm \\ n.H-.'ird wl. ' I • .11 'I J.IIR’IU- It.ii.'irf W OItCKSTF.U’H PIANOS. | "I > KCMVhi* Hue >!»' «'••! im —" m iiihi'Ulih hum* | |Y fill-in til lee » .es Rill Ku-’ Wii'Hl 1*14.10*. mad II V. ..r. e iri, \ Theie ,:,.tn,meni. are co-.«.-lrr • ii; the -re nl ti r *o ii»e| i her. where a I irge a». ii.-• 11 ni i ii- *. * ■ eicHr«ie«* Piano. r»n aiwny* nun.t JOM.N M MhLI.«»K. ■ t AT' IIK!* vrr, tine ijoiiiiy. and hcauu.ui V 1 |.j i ... T>-'rJi' i;»r- *• iy '--r re'ai I -nlrk. miiijr* Cl I'nl-I- ..ii ii -mu 1. t.. I and. Dan- ACo ;te. .1.-, ni.l oilier -. i.iiim- nfol ii i-.imvecl mmiul.irtu rer« in t .ntjiu ml - 1 [ , .- v. .-...-il I- . < .nl.. t* i'em v.-i Wati he« ii....i ti\ |l;v< in mm v\iri*"l jr • <(*«« Mlo s>l Ail flu VV lilt! ll’ .1 l**‘vd« I»* I.IV M*. VV VV VVIIJmiV d: uinikrt M. . or Ith S«‘ *i" • A- MunongklicU Livery Hlfeblt, ns ukhkim' h i'Arn.k.*'oN u»» r «•*» I'***! '« runnm< ttir.iuirii ‘ \ \ !•! 'v-i' *i. In'ittvrii \\ ixxl and >mlllilirlil | in ilir r-ar m ilir Mniionealiru lloux . , iviMi an r-1111<"Iv nrw »u>r k til M*>r»r« and of 1 Ilir |ir«|i ( ii»Ml; ;ihd Inlr >.l *( 1 lr», ||or>C* Li-jil al ilVf r> in lUr Urn in iiuirf jyilly SI'KAM IUMT i:i.IK:KS- 11 svi■ > i* onu.-iudeU i«> *rii oil r mini* stock ol Kukr -Nl irmr Titiicjit.-'-'*. | we now oiler in »ell llirm al luwrt i>,i<’«*« titan lit*') ‘'ini ' i.> Imuglil a( an> li»u- ilt«l"urKli or elsewhere. m.| hi west t • ne lire OMl) rM.rrl»‘llrii in lln' <-it\ l!all and pcp lli'm-'iiii.t-r we are not u> l.« undersold ULAM'.A i n Market atreei. p.nranrr on unriU sid- H» r Diamond . F(»H SAl.U—Tii* - koo>l *"d *ub. tlrami-oal A\l KKICA i« ol ja,i • ' ' J iMuL'VKLI-, Ajct, xvaicr »t S‘ t'N DKI AS --1 Lou l»u«oH« drm*l j>ra«-lie«, llv Uusti »l« otw'iul*. 17 loalln r»,_J7 do wool. 7 do •r | JU»I i> i'fi« r J |»«r »lr»mer» Muguot and »*■„ i urrj .im4 »or «aJc t>y A CARD. •i. M Ul ,F pfl.mpl :i!ln> ■>* ..f J>U|. II ’■■■ ■ -r - 3 purl (H hi* *!»>« I'f nn nat-l»lii« Mhoj>. inai Ui..rr\ A.i‘-«Hrn) ill). I'j ■ rd>-r hi :i. - g .V l .» . llirt. kM»r«. Ur. .■.*• riiinpr'.rlil Hmkmrii. lliry Irnlimi <*l Uir |>ulnH* t(> till* mnltiT LI. HURRI LUMIIERi: Ji HI N i'H AMUKgS •i V\ 1 C H GRANT. iSITT®!# DRY & VARIETY POORS. PALL goods. WMVI.INTfCK. i* now «''>n;uni!y receiving h . !.,n «t«x-k oct.'AKWIM.. Ac-, conipri-i'i< one o' the large-t o-*ortmeut* ever broughttom*; J *» J < l k-t. lutr been |.ur.-hWftl trom Im • porter* .... I Mihiultieturcr* of the latest and newel styles. mid lower .ii -vei ottered m i«*» on. la he .nvi.r- ib- attention ol tbow w.*h.a* to furnish sieanihoM’* or bon*r*. before purchasing else where The nock Velvet ito Wain colored *lo Jo Tape,try *!o 34 loci wide Jo Brussels Jo M. 7-4.54, 4-4 A I v»»l . *oih Extra super.l ply Jo Stair Rod* j Super Jo Jo 13-4.--4 and 3-4 Druggetl I Jo Ingrain Jo Suur Linen* Wide Jo Jo Rosewood l>H Cloth (Common Jo Jo rrnmb cloth* 4-4, 3-1 ft | Damask KmlrtMuted Piano rovers Venilian Jo Jo Tat»te Jo 1-4, 3-4 A I iwfd Jo Jo pi fared Table Oil clr>tli« 4-4.3-1 A 4 plain Jo Jo Turkey Red Touenew 4-4, J, J, |A. iM cot. Jo AJelatJ Mat* *-4 printed cotton Carpet*; Sne«p skin Jo Extra »up Chenille Rugs, Jute Jo do Jo Til fie J do Ahcant Jo do Manilla Hemp do S.iow drop Napkin* Crun-*on CgM Plush; Diaper Towelling Plant do Crash Drab M Cloth M and 6-1 Table Linen* Biur do. for coach Trunsp'nt Window Shade* Carpet Binding* Extra Trench Jo do Wo«t J yord* Rich Satm de Lames tor Jo Ta.wli window curtains Scarlet, blue, rnnuon, lilac* and drab Damask*; figured rainbow Dutnaiks: worsted and linen Paine cover*; blue, crimson, scarlet, green. drab and black Moreeus; cotton Plushes of ail color*, Ac Ac Ac. Alto. Osneburg* attd Drilling* for steamboat deck, and all ather trimming* itoressary or outfit* tor boat in our line, to which the e.,pceiul atieuuon of owner t I« invited W M'CLIYTOC.K'S Carpet W&rcroom one door from Wood, on Fourth m *ep‘J" Shirting SXnsllns and Irl»h Linens. WK. .MLRPHY invite* Ute particular attention of . Uio«c wanting the above (roods. to hi* desirable stock, consisting of the best make, from the mo-i ap proved manufacturers. and tlis latter warranted pure rtax He has ju*t received an additional supply, and i* ottering blurting Muslins of a superior quality, at a very.low price. Also, Sheeting and Pillow-case Muslin*; Dialer* and Crash; Table CiothSj Towel* and Napkins. Blanket*, (guilts. Counterpanes, and Housekeeping Dry (ioods generally LADIES' DRESS DODDS—Such a* French Merinos. Paramettn*. plain and fancy De LaiQSm (some new styles just received;) Alpacas, Ac. The season being far advanced, ail these Hood* will be sold at price* that cannot fail to please. Q37“Wholesale Rooms up *tair». jattlS A. A. MASON * CO. VII. tit) MARKET STREET, will continue their i.l great semi aimua! -ale of DRY MlOlff*. tor ; 1" Jay* longrr. during watch nuir their exien-ive whole •uln Room* wi'l b«- thrown op-n in their Rota. 1 Trade a* li.'t-urorr A A .M A Co . knowing tliul it.ev nr.- selling Dr> Lood* nl «• very de-*cr.puotl trout ten ■<> fil teen |»er cent irs* than ever beior-. .In .'.'•'l'- -r) person in want of dry goods, or who may he m want to ei amine and purrha*e iroio out »iock . at the lowest Our great obj-rt in red-iemg stork .* to make room lor Spring (roods, u being sur intention to ext.ih i n> M.iri'ti tin - large*!, ami ih- ru hest *ioc» ot Dry (nj.i.i-. ever offered hy any one ho.t*e in America We shall continue the *mr o| our Blenched amt Brown Muslin*. Ticking* and other Domestic Hood", at our tonner low*/ate«, notwithstanding the recent.nd vines hi 15 per cent upon the name m ea*iei n murk-ti fe bti IMNF. BLACK R Mt aruy a-k« me 1/ attention ol buyer* to hts.extc.nsive. assortment 01 al*ovr good*, including mohair and alpacca Lustres. v.-r> fin- and glossy; jrt blaelt mid blue black; also n few piece* without lustre, for mourning dres-c*. ai*o a large assortment e.f various eolor* and «tv!e* of -ntin striper! and brncade Alpanens. blaek and fancy co lors, plain black, mvinble green, drub and other rotN Mararme Blue Purinetto* ami Alpacca*—A few p«s of thr»e scarce and de-irunle goods lately received Wholesale Kooins upnorth ms; corner of 111. and Market «t* ;a »l I A DIE' TRIM MlN<»: -Jdoi blk Lace Drim Ve.l* j .1 p» col'd '.lk Ve've.s- i*n gro** hlk D«i*e* But ton*. I( do cii.-ni.ian Jo. do cold Klu*s do, Iti> I • - do FartuiKie d.», l> itoi cm d llee-y si.k tnovs*. f. do Idk J»• i:it) 1. nd |'p -g- ]•„' do French »t!k Ruche*, re-'- Ut,* .Ih ) i-v FH fcIATUN A Co. Fourth *t I ISDN UIA PF.R'-b-l 7-4 and '4 I -inert Tani. i Diaper, of eon.mon hgurrd. damask and *t HACKLKTr A WHITE. ,ulO 9*) wra«d *1 "Yy'El.-H FI,ANNI.I.<—W R Murphy ha* ban a lnii «**oriUH-m of don.-M..- unshrinkanle do • *ull a‘*o.tmei.i of »e:tr-i and yellow, and »pt»tte*l. lb VA, AIV H AND IUKK KC.rAIKINt. m.. > *»-k~ .. V* cmp.o) llie licit workliie.l to be louml, t-grtlo r -* it.. •< .urge !«.>.< 1 - «i»ek ..r On- t toi- and nia -lun-ry. adapted to i umpi.cHlr«J wurl. und making .I-pi- .» a ra«:i *>••- ■ inr [ir.r.-- q.iii or »rrt. amt euil»unrr» may i.r araiin >1 i urn|i a. in ilt« raiirrn rair«, ilirrrt.y f.ininiiijiiu liumr trail*) xii*l iii*lu-iry. W\V WILSON | . ii’rrnrli Itlcrtuoi! French Bterlnoa! U' r tt ML’Ri’MY lu« oiwrnoil within a lew tlay» a • Urj*r iimpri*iiif .lid*’r**l.l *i;ai.i*-. ol' Staroon. (tarn* l. Straw I.* rr > . S.-iU'**!, I'u-rt , . I trail. I .nitit Biin\ Brown. :t*nl ■ lllllr, -U-li. V.lttull* IjUll'llci** oi l.uu k Mi.ll m- i- the only jinioe in Hie West where iljp n»!fum' , 'h> in mr-r two innlcer* i ;m Lie tried m.Jc Ity nl-. :i:nl where. ri an iiir leading rox>! *. including a few piece* oi very ! superior i*£irt. 1 in.l.flVnS M*; irmr Bine, Lreen. Brown. Ac ! PLAIN Ca>HMKKKS—Maroon, Darnel, Brown. Drub, Black. Ac & F.M IlKi HDF.RED CASHMF.RKS—PIant and pnntß ! Mou< >lO Lain*. primed Caahmem. Latnar.nre Sinpe*, j :i'i» artir.e lor iadie» dresne*. Satin »tnpeo Alpucit*. HI. U K AM) FANCY CASSI.MKUXS -\V K Mur phy &u« ritrl', reo-iv-d a large assortment of ihr*e and .* norm, a Ui. in at price* unprecedentedly inw ir»m in B‘iso par id , A. mi, French |Joe«a»ris tf< ail quunUe* A •»> French and Fj*gii*ti Broadcloth*. t<;:■ rr. otivc. vi»ifir sum. hrewn. and !«■ u«* Among these are ‘uitin vry nainDomr suitable fur cloak*, at j rrry low price. a:n! brow:;. invisible green and black Pe-ssee Cloths 'or !adie* rioaks. Aiao. Ri.k. coiion ami incrTno l nder.hiri* iutd Draw er* Marnier* l'ii.i-r*t»m*, constantly on hand L’7* Hie aiteniuvi «>f Merchant* ami Merchant Tai lor* " ho huy ny the piece, is special')' invite 1 to tut above declS Tit* SSCOSD HU.IK AND FAAtfIOMABLS kCPFLY OF NEW GOODS, AT DICIBY'S. Ltd Liberty street. comprising Frencl Cloth*. <'a**unrre« and Vesting*. of the newr* u.i.l most tic-Uuonal'le •tyle* imported. A!*o. a large quantity of Rough and Ready BFstike; and Coaling*, peculiarly adapted to the tunes and ihi season fu*hionah.e *to«'k <>t ready made Clothing in Hit* ett; ,n Ail order* m the Tailoring line executed lit the inn i.i»hu>nai-.e am! dlira l ..e manner iiovlt N I.W BKJTISH PRINTS. Ac -\V R Murphy has .u*t received a iot of new *tyie hrown and white Hnu*n Prints, very hn:id*ome, urrived by late steam er Also, ou Imnd. a large assortment or choice style* ot American Print*. la*l colors and low price* Uiucl Cioth Mt*wL, of various qna.ltie*— a supply jii*t received Hlnck Alpaccs*. low priced and hue—a very tu ' supply, ai d at low price* lor quanty mill V KW PHINTs-W R Mrsn.v l.;,« r. re.'tlv it ved .everu* new Style* „i'mh un.l Amenr. Pr r '.«*.l nrl.e'.r on,> Mmirnmg Prim*—Several new *iy lr* Hi rush Y Ainencuii iirat hguie do. U.-si.l--. ttuuiy other d-*irmble good*, si noith cast -orner 4tli und Muikd *i* \Vlio:e*.ale Kimiiii. up *m,i* iatS Lack mums >umi a it; Murk, i Mtc. • have received one cnrion ni liite |Mig'i*h nit-nd her and edging*; hvc carton* loom made do: in, mr in I* cotton do. 011,1 do ol luurt *nk i ;M -e. twodoct -k and while French work-d lac- cape*, one do ol Mac. rlianulia veil*, together wild u \«rte|\ o' t»u. Bru*s> '« nett*. Mnck an ' colored *Pk nen. for c-i!- coi d a, l while *ilk iliu.*ion tor ev-iniic die«*r- LK-nlers mid other* will find it lor tueir nil«rc*t io ri amine them l.etnre purchasing 14 .^ NRW J I.V*' KLH \- l dot goiu paieni'r U si.'*, r *- 1 " detsched I l *.. ver Aon. gold p-n anil p<:i f i'i, r , Vcsl cha..'* he.iv . '.nurd chums. Urea.; Pm*. Finger Rina* K.e' R,..0 and a . oinplete a-.orimrni ofo hrr je>vnr\ d-ci /J-.ULLO.N KINSKV S. «; murk i :i C' L<)\(» SHAWI.s-W R Vurpv m- O !•-. cived thi* tnor nog | y |'j|io,c a In <.i %.-* *upnnor wool I .0./j; Mw*u, of hand*oinc *i> ! *.* FBt.ucn Mbsisoo— or, hand, a goo.! .lock- i'i-. good—o.ive. giee. , Lam.-i. inarco. din: scarlet Ac A l *--. t‘*rmrllo«.ul ilrnr.hlr i'u i-r. A t'\v i-isri i’li hei 1.0.. r Shaw- jj,,.,cl ,us..: on hand al cusi '•»r:ifi An. am! \|ur«ei *l> dr.-p J MVl.hHl cS.i-.M-y'.-Uoi \V \V WMI.mVn! A 7 market *i. cor ItI: i ill A ,SL I.A Bl K SII.K V'isn», lot Uirisitnas f’re *eiu.—W It MriruT has on hand a tew ver- Uandroine cuangeaide r>ok Vi*ite*, *uiiui.;y im Clin.tin. ]n< M_.ii'. wlucii in .1 seltnig ai reduc'd pri ces A »o. huiul'oinc Pcr.*« ''ilk* mid >atn.*, mperfni" new »!t>c I.i.icn i ..nihric Hdki*. Ar dcrtTt lAI'M.lh IDS - AN’liili- .1 n.l lilac k Luce I'ape* c.m’-'.t j inii'liii dn, \* hitc aii.l bluelf In-e |ln'«er»leev«-», e.o D-rlhu*. l>i*rk do Veils; plain Freiirh AAork l oilai «. I rimnied ;m.l mitruu'd i tHlnllllg 10. etub'd cutf* io itui. li. 1 .idi—u linen rulki-, g-ul* d«» do ili, al*o. opei a He- . bend .1 re «*c•, ai tiheia '• flower*, bonriel ul,. and quiltin*-. juri r-< rive.! mid *ale whole *i. - and-rcta.i bj F II FA'lt>N tt Cd. j. . a titj tout’ll *i /NoaT AND Fid*AK TRIMMI.V»rL-a3 .loi gnu.* a.Mirled i look l'i»*»el-, J gro»* liguted 'iik Bold mg j , Hu do do pulenl Thread, pudding, rain va»* and oilier Trimming*, tor lailor*’ u»e. cousUmih on hand dr. ; A _F M FA’HIN A f». OOUDS- F H Karos A Co «f*' «oii*tinHy with a large and c lion-e a»*ortmciu ol *iik fringes and gnnp-v velvet ribbon* and brrudg. la ec«. edging* and erul.ronler>e«. fllova and hosiery, gem* shiru. *u*t--udcr» un.l undrr (jannenu, Dcriiii Zephyr, woolen >»rn«, i.eedlci*, pm.. l>uUoii*,lape*. hobtima. ic., all oi wht<‘b U»ey otTer al the lowest cash prices m mere haul* and olber*, ni Ibrir new and com modious warelioo«e, U’J Fourth *t, near ruarkeL tu>2> TRIMMIJIGS. lIOKUSIIY AND FANCY GOODS. H. BATON A Ctk-, Dealers in Trimmings nnd . Haberdasher), bare removed from their old siuud to Nu d'd FOURTH STRUCT, 6 doors from Markei Street nov*l LARD till.-4 whiter strained, ree’d per stmt Pennsylvania and for sain by lebi JAAIK3 A HUTCHISON A Co VOL. XVI. NO. IQS MISCELLANEOUS. , . COAD»9 < I'Mnu (/' Gaivanu Battery end Pattmt 1 In i uluifii P olt.i fir Mtdieal and otter rntnoMt, *_/ f pms i- in** only instrument of the kind that huever^ 1 prr«**niitl in this country or Ruropa for med-s " »• tviul i* ilw only one ever known to t&mn. 1 **> « in. ii Uir i;»!vaiuc lisnl can tic conreyedto tie ho« "i.-in eye. the ••nr, the brain. or to any part of tho body.- 1 ei.hrr externally or internally, in a deftnite natJo i *trrnni. witHgifl tfioclcj or pahi—with perfect taPetr—' nml often vnft Ihehnppiest eflecta * I Tin- i tn(tortam apparatu* f* now hfehly approved of I.y many ofthe most eminent physician* ofihiicoun iry Mul hurwpr, to whom the articled and tUherawWta ,i in.iv concern ran he referred. Referenco will al»o~ nr Kivrn to many luyUly respectable cititena, who haWi „ccti rtired by mean, of thiimwi valuable apparat**-*! , ot Muir oi Utc mon inveterate nttnrou dbonUra whielfc, / could not be removed l,y na v other known meant. Amo.* vanout other., u Ka. been proved to he a*t» l inrabty adapted tor the cure of the foUowmi diseases,* • .ir nervous lieadnclte and other diiease* ofthe br«S ; h •< with tilt* apparatus alone that the operator e«* : ’ convey the fluid with ease and «afetv to tK ; eye. :o restore sight- or cure amauroiat; io the ear tor. restore heannp; to the tongue and other orvaaa, to f-? .tore speech; ami to the ranousparu of the body for* the cure of chronic rhentnatiira. asthma, neuralgia, or-1 nc doloureux, paralysis, or palty, gout, chorea or Vmi . danco, epilepny, weakneti from tprainy, tpmtfr* diseases |>eculiar to female*, vontraetiotf of the IbAba.' ' lockjaw, etc. etc, 1 Right. for surrounding countie, of Weitera Pa, and; f ... -V . h» nwn»h««jwt. *nA;‘l prm’t*er**. with the Lnsirnmpiit may be pare hausd, end H>»o icmeJ tor the core ot iliMasea. f. : Full instruction* will t>e given for the various cbetai^' c als to be used for various oiieuei, ud (ho beat min*’ uer for operating for the cure of those disease* will al»s j *o lie fu!!v explained to the purchaser, and t put into his hands expressly for these purposes, earo*i fully prepared by the patentee. Enquire or ocilS-dty S WILLIAMS. Vine it Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh and JUleghenjr Inflrmaryf iLocated m Alleghany City, Fleming street, coo* j imitation at Sandusky—near ... Commons.) r jpt{|.*t Institution i« now in successful operation, UK j_ der the management of a competent matron nurse**. The Medical StaJ 11 composed of the follow**' mg physician*: Dr*. Addison Gazzara. Dale, Brooks, Morgan. Bo!:, Lange and C. nunon, the two last 01 whom attend la th** Herman p&tintits. The object (ft the Infirmary is not to be a mere receptacle, but a ctt-< rauve retreat for the suffering and the sick—the charts tr is therefore limited 10 accidents and acate diseases,' except hi extreme cases. As many patients of character will be received gratis, as the funds wilt.' permit Individual*, Churches, Beneficial Societies,,. Families. Ac , who wish to provide an asylum for tiek* friends, members and domestics, cor do so at from Ss‘ to S 5 per week, according to attendance, room, 4c.< All app icatiout* for permits must be made to Dr Addi» son. Pcim strem, Dr Uazcam, Cth street. Dr. Brooks, “Id street. I>r Lange. Hand street. Dr Morgan, Peart, street. l)r t'orinnan. Perm street, sth Ward, and Drsi Dale and Bell, second bank, below Federal stroet, AJ* icgheuy city. s>iibscnpuoii» and coqwi buttons for this charity, may he made t« the Hev W\ S Passavant. Director of the lns:i*ui»*n. or in the Billowing Hankers. wtto havq, kindly rOns**iiii (i M. Hunan and John A, Cnughey, Pmi? : ■urctK jnl7-lra ReTervlElfl PifierißgCooki ~ KuR i’L'IUFVLNC WATER, i AV>ii iA wjyr The croton water mN. York, (d.Uj^trV > clear and pure to the eye, yrt it pu-.*ea an hour through -tnia filleinng cock. ihowe a larye deposit Assay impure suu«tancoF. worms, &a. Thi*‘ ‘ the c.i*«- mof or lee* with till hyurnjii water. The !ti-7rrnt>le Kilierrr t« neat and durable, and is mi attended with tno inconvenience incident to other < itterpt-. nr u ik demised without being detached frotr. >.<• wiitrr pipe, ny merely turning the key or handU ,om one K>dc to tne other Uy ihi* easy pryeess, the <.rr*c of water is changrtl, and all accumulations 10 • rnpure »üb»ianrci ate driven off almost instantly, Aitnout uuscrewin< the Kilter. [: also possesses the • il. milage n; being a «top cock, and as such in many .i«e« wit: be very convenient and economical. * I: -a;i hr uiim-nnl where there is any pressure 'mV to a i-n-k. tank tub, Ac. with case To be haff ••I me m.I- Agent, W. W. WILSON, .w.-iIT comer of Fourth and Market sts - Diaphragm Filter, for Hydrsat Wateri c» THIS ik loculi!) that ] have ap» jl pouitrd Livingston, Hogpen «k IV riuMi._i..._ s “ l ‘‘ Asenin lor the »«le or JemungV Hi jpruligin Kilter, lor the ci« jSaA JOH N HIBSON, Agent, ; mr Waltci .M tiibson, U4y Urusdway^ Iff OCX 10.1M3. » U r nceii uinif one. of tlin above article* at the • .iti. •* a, til,- N u i »h\ Works tor three months, on iml i fl p*-rirrtl\- k.hi»li.hl tliut nis a.unetul invention^ • if.) •.»<• lai.r pi. jvnfe m rei-iunnieiiding them as a uses ui nti. ir i-> ull who love pure wntrr Order* will he •.ii:intioil> rrionvril :uid promptly •-xcciiteiL .- I ' 1.1 VINOS lON, RtMUiKN A. Col 'IMII-', «üb*cril>or. m ode ring tor *aio a handsome lot J. oi Nunns A Clurk'*, (New York.) and ChickeA jig < illii.icn i Piano*, wnul.l direct attention to the !i*ophteal ami Chemical lectures will be delivered •lunny the winteft illustrated by apparatus. ITte de* pnnment* of Voeil and ln»trumeiual Music, Modem Language*, Drawing and J’amung. will each be tuider me cam oi a compcieni ProfesMir. By close aitecUOn :o the moral and uitcllrriuu; itsprovcmcnt of their pu nl*. the Principal* hope m mem a continuation of .Qte ilnwal putroimjc they have hi'liorto enjoyed. For verms, see circular or apply to the Principals, ja’ilk-dlf I JIUK.NiX F’IRK BRICKS—Yhe jubscribcrs haVmg X. been a|t|KiihU*d Miie Agcnu by the manufacturers, •- r tu- of the celebrated ••ptimnu Bricks, ’ axe •mw pr-pur.-c! io till order* tor any i|uamHr, nt •’ •* -’- ' Liksi. For ttic consiruriiOii of furnaeca-of a., kind*, the-.- brick* hijve beau pronounced by esns ;.«• ten. (U.lgo* at I'Ciiijj «ii|HTior to all other lire hricks .mw ;•i. *c C A M'A.N L I.T^’A. Co. Canal BasiiC mtdtt MANI F.urrL'RKD lu>BAt:ru- ’ ' ’.n i bit l/ttm-sriiite fp*; ;ii ,|o Mirubeao As;! AM -Io Pul man .V* and D. gn do John Kuc ker it; 10 do So •• ii- \ Si«'un i*, 4A do Henri. A Jaiur* .V and^Si ; 'lU d<> John* and I own Ik, .1 d» U ai wick super Is; T tixs '•lew ard ~* s' The -e Tobacco*. >• mt.r acmg I. s U ATKKMAN I’ATKNT tiODA Atilt, 1 MrnHfhD DIRKCT FHi »AI THK Ma.VL’FALTT- I --Ti;- «u k "Cfil>rr«, t'«uifj in« «Mtrrs of Jiiw-f Anb (nr;Ui;* • attiri. ;ir- 1 <>\>- and will rouiimtr 10 lw largely (up- I> i<*J wiiii itn« >••• Irl-rjli'H t'fnnd. wtncli thoy wrilwll «i iti< market pnre ii>r ra.«h or upprovciioji*. I ’ D'* C i n«* a ltd (*>«(> Qla/iUincuuoff f u * •" •* ■' . rt the quality NV 4 M MJ IfHr.I.TRRK;: I|iu\ M'l M* K \ M)K ?ALli —A wo.-ili iron Koon .l’-. i«j l (I k loun, with I‘aUc/a*, Topi*, a'i rr««i) lur liu...i c-pportuntty to a young fflan capita: to coiiinf nee the Iron Fouijdr)rt>u- L'Af. fcjl',UlH <-t 11. Hound Cliweh, _T| l.irv-nr U ihn| *t ntanufadture onn, F.oor and Counter 3c»Je», iM-urv. * o"*utK Move*, for ufood • , of »anoo« I'arier*^ Wrtie, Ac *c Tney.jueo >,r„ K«nr- rh has p|Ven*ueh » :o‘p having t > in to *u of liu.ty mviie m e aticnnty, of .. , K tr..r.Mly or<-J7,6xf i>A rf \t :«>i..>n i Anm.ASTi-Tcrxrrr^sn^ J[ K.jKjrtintlit ui « nnienu* * «-<>•» celebrated triton • c-urc. 4iut -u,k- ,or u. «„ oilier, n. u.e, Maptad lo i.ummic*. •:t»inlM»i.u lour-., dwelling*, pubtasand pnv.--*nt« anil l>rtU>an< .:»;u i* ije-.ral.'c. A -o.(!ir»nd drc. Hal; Luniern*.CtimMahret.GftMxia. V\ !<•*». i.iiimiuat, Can*, TtnmnrT*, 4e. ii,*o d'* '* 'V WlUsun. 4dniarke( «i •• lUrdw*r»-Chcia|KT than ' Kv*rt : " 1 ",V A ; V VN il rT i k ‘ R "*j U 1 J fV: " rr ‘ ll'inJwar«\ I utlrty amt SaddWy s„ \£t Wood -ireel, alKjvr Kmtk ».../• .....v in -toroiV' v t* hr 3,» 1.1,0 «.. i; «-ic. >r4 •u,« < »i Hardware, uar^rtrd itr of ~n in uim whAu, rY .r. iMcrimurd lovil rorr. M K»,iJin K |y J ow . .Merr&ama Ai.o hut* m thr liai.ii ~i ? Earn, are naiuou arly rr.3B ,?* ,ml, Mosul, by . JSIiAWMACLAMa .. lron Works C I'Aflfcs, HMOVFJ.S, in -a, J,„ ?!S- O re»; dtldo .lanurr Forks; ifli do (drain *r).ni do Kockcl do; Axes. JlainlinLs, Maikicki m | , o*if? Bellows, Yir,!,. Ac , for a,’ mS*^,***, by • »«y|e UKOiXHItMUN. * ££KJV I J wflN k£i *i!GAJU»-4ixj -iL . I. J.t niimlkcis I/O do i-rustic,l; So do rlanliid; Ui vtnfy utidtor a*le by *0 IS«9. • late Reed. Harts A Co. 100 liberty** l.t ne-r Wood itreul