The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, February 20, 1849, Image 3

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    BY MAG]
Kxelotivety for the Pittsburgh Gazette.
Waxhdkjtok, Feb. 19,1849.
Senatx—Mr Kutg presented a memorial propo*
ing to carry the mail and military store* across tbo
Isthmus of Panama, £or $12,000 a year.
Mr Yulee presented a series 'of resolutions on
subject, of Slavery in the state of Florida.
He made a warm Bonification speech, to which
Mr. WestcoU responded io a speech ol" coosidern**
ble profuandness.
The General Appropriation Kill was then taken
up and dincusgrd until the hour of adjournment.
Hot «k —Mr Smith, of la.. offer«*d a resolution
making the California hill the first (lung in order in
Committee of the Whole,'which was adopted.
The Mexican Indemnify bill was then taken up
upon which a long debate ensued.
Mr (ridding*, during the course of his remarks,
made an attack upon the Speaker.
Mr Donnell defended the Speaker's ponitiuu.
The amendment-, which were previously pnr
poaeJ, were adopted, after which the bill passed!
St. Louis, FeL It*, Ist'.'.
from Snntn Fe have been received up to
the IGlh of Decemi>er.
Major Beal would soon take the held again*! a
l*rge party of luduinn that was jn the vicinity of
Red River. The<lelermtnatw»n was to force them
to make peace. *
The Indians were continually enmruitmu depre*
dalionsou the inhabitants of Chihuahua.
Kit Carson arrived at Santa Kr on the lot of
The Judicial envoy from Texas had arrived at
Santa Fe with the intention of entering ii|«>n Hk>
duties of his office.
Thp Republican paper ridicules ihu pretensions
of Texas to sovereignty over any portion ol New
H. M. Smith, District Attorney, had reached
Santa Fe.
PtmabSLruu, Feb. 19. ISt 9.
Freight to Pittsburgh—Dry Goods were shipped
to Pittsburgh to day at $1 75 per 100 lbs.
PmiADXuum, Feb. 19, 1549
Flour—Market firm —Sale* at S 3 per bid.
Groin—Holders of Wheat are very firm,
buyers do not meet them. Corn ao<l other grains
in steady demand at previous rates. Yellow Corn,
however, is briak at fiScts.
Provisions and Groceries ore without change.
Cotton lias a downward tendency.
The weather is intensely cold.
BAt-nuoiß, Feb. 10, 1549.
Flour—The market is steady but not active.—
Howard Street is held at $4 93|. and City M.lisal
$5 per barrel Rye—Sales at S 3 00. Corn Meal
S 3 70 per bbl.
Grain —Sale* of prime red Wheat at 109 cu
Com—Sales of prime whito at 45e, and yellow at
51 cts. Oats at 30 cents, and Rye at 60 cents per
Provision*—Sale* of Mess Pork at SI I SSI 1 .37}
Prime at SH) per barrel. Bacon, hog round, at
Oi cts per Ih. Lard at 7}fiS cent* per lb. in hbl«.
Beeves—looo in the market—soo sold at S'! 'ZWa
4 25 per cwt Hogs, live weight, at ~r< »er
c»l *
Whiskey—Sale* at 23* cts j«r gal. in hhds.
Sagar—Sales of New Orleans at fifre jht lb.
.Nzw York, Frb. 19, Ibt9.
Flour—The market is firm, with Rood Eastern
and home demand. Sales of Webern at S' i
I Grain—Sales of prime Red Wheat at 112 cents
pir bushel
—There is more movement io Port,
am 3 prices are Iwtler. Sales Prune Pork at 0 .»o.
Mesa at SIJ 37{ per barrel
Groceries—Sugars are active, but rather heavy.
Coffee and Molasses without change.
Whiskey—Sales of Illinois, at 24 cent* per cal
and sales to extent of 300 Ibis.
Nrw Yob*. Feb, in gf-
Cotton—The market is firm but not active.
Flour—The market is firm with gc o<) Eastern
and home demand. Sales of 2000 bid at
Grain—The market lor Wheat ha* an upward
tendency. Corn and other grams, fiur demand,
sales of&OOO bushels prime White, at '»4 c!«
Provision*—The holders of Pork art? asking
higherjuricen, but no ?aJe* are reported. Sale* of
2tH) barress~Lard fit ffj rf* per Ih.
l«ad—Brisk, at $4 G 2 per cwt.
Stocks—Sales Treasury Notes, at lD9j. New
Lgmns, lllj. __
Feb. 19—0 P. M.
The river is full of derating ice. There have bee n
do arrivala or departures of steam boats since morn
Bolk Meal—Limited Kale* were made to day at
3) eta per lb.
Whiskey—Sales to moderate extent ai 14 i per
gallon—a decline.
Provisions—l could learn of no transaction* Jo
day worth reporting.
Groceries—The market is inactive- and |>ne«r»
ora unchanged.
Flour—-Moderate sales were made to day at $3
75 cts per bbL.
;T2ie weather to day has been cloudy
BICE— 10 tierces Rice. ju»t landing iiota '■iraincr
Messenger and lor sale by
feblO 3_4W HaRBAPGH
MOLASiiKS— SSI bbll Molasses, just landing aad
feX sole by feblO 3&W HA RB A l't t H
C OAP—IWI bis No t Cincinnati, tor sate by
IEFINKD gI'GARS, ?ugar House Molas-e*. and
i Golden Syrup, constantly on hand and for »alc by
James a HUTCHiaoN & Co,
1 :bl6 Agls for St Louis Steam Sugar Refinery
(TALIFOKNIA CORDS—I ease heavy figured Vel-
J vet Cords, a new and excellent article, jo.«i ree d
fobls 99 wood u
LINSEYS —Two eases fine bright colored Plains,
jnat opened by foblS SHACKLKTT A WHITE
DARK BLUE CHECKS—6 cases Shirung Check*,
various figures, jut received by
BLUE DRILL**—Two bales heavy dark bloe Drills,
received and for sale by
/"IREEN FLANNEL—One bale heavy bright twtl'd
A VJ Flannel, just opened by
SUNDRIES— 14 bbls No I Lanl; 4do Noil or grease
do; 5 sacks Feathers; Ido Ginseng; 10 do FI OX
Seed; 7 bales Cotton, now landing from mtmr Messen
t ger; for sale by fcblV ISAIAH DICKKV kCo
II EES F—On linod and for sale by
TITOOLEN SOCKS—3t to prs for for sale by
y 1 »ULK PORK AND LARD—l3,uuo pounds Hams
x> «nd Shoulders; 33 keg* Laid, landing from snor
C Cope; for sale by BaCALKY 4 SMITH,
febtS . _ U? and VO wood «t
■/ ’/CLOVER SEED—IO bbl* Clover BeUd; )3 sank* do;
/ \J 65 bags Peaehes, landing from stmr Caleb C-oi>e;
for sale by / to MV. BAGALKY 4 SMITH
Tk if OLASBES —50 bbl«, per steamer Clipper No 2; for
iVI sale by fobIV UaUALKY 4 SMITH
LOAF SUGARS —310 bbl* Loaf Sugars, ustorted
numbers; for sale by BAGaLEx 4 SMITH
jTOFFEK—I3O bags prime green Rio Code*, lor sale
' fet)l3 31 water and <V front si
\>fpEAS— 60 half chest* and raity boxes YH, I m peri*
I tfL Gan powder and Black Tea*, for sale by
(eblV __ La WATERMAN
OPICES—IS bags Pepper; odo Alsptce; 10 bs* grd
O Pepper; tf do do Alspice; 40 mat* Cassia, (or sale
by feb!2 >L S WATKRM A N
Tuns AND IH’CKETS—IO drßrulia large mxc; *«0
Buckets; lor sale by feblV nS WaTKKWA.*
■ETuTTKR—7 bbls Roll Builer. just reed and lit unk
X> by febiv i I. S WATERMAN
LARD— 4V bid* No 1 I-eaf Lard, JC kegs do do; in
store and for sale by febiv L s WATERMAN
COTTON— 37 bales Cotton, landing Irom steamer
Telegraph No I and for sale by*
fcbia . JAMES DAI.ZKU.
T^^Ja^RDS—An assortment of in*w si)le spring
A Tweeds, opened by
febta hhacklktt a white
WjRINGtS—An assorurieut or black anil eolorr.l
* bulhdu and sewing »ilk I’nng*-*, plain top and
gimp brads.just'reeeiveu by
PEA NUTS— :v«liu*n on band and for vale lo*
close consignment, by
MOLASSES— fly bbh pmnr N O Mula.»*e*, jti-l i«*-
ireived and t,.r .air by
SUGAR —50 blids new crop, /u»t bt'J and mr sale
by_ **bl4 BROWN 4C( I.BFRTm >N
—*Al hss strab i No 1 March, rr.-d *■ j for
' sale by icbli RKUW N 4 t*l.-|.H! .UTSON
/ V> ICE—IO tierecs fresh. jq«t rec'd and lor »aie by
LARD till A-10 bids Brown’* Cm he»i wuiter *irum
ed, just rrreived and (dr sale by
* T?KATHP:RK -taiO ID* prime, /u*t rer’d and bit voir
BULK PORK-300 pa Bulk Pork, ;u*t rec'd un.i mr
sale by febU "'ARMSTRONG A ( K«'/EK
C4LOVEK SEED —U iild* just tee d ami m« —, !«• by
J febl4 ARMSTRONG A « K< •/> K
PROVISION*— 30 Lhii< tiucoD ShouW- r*. n- «l<> Ju
Uuns; 24 i*t»U iugar cured Dried Jirt-i. i -!v
l v4sJl»nu, iO.Wai itn box roumJ Baron, »J! \* .m ■••<*■*l
\ WU*i lo diiy riifrd m ilit* mmrket. hi «torf mxl i<-r -ilr
\ oy SKI.I.KBS AM' «
—UU bbi» Lioaced i ill, m uni- unln »»•'
0 rimed puie; «3do Laid do. No 1 >*nitrr. l-if sair
by *ebl3 SELLKR3 A NU-OLS
_ IM» | ALMASAC. |
1" Saturday,
19 Monday,
•jo Tuc«Jay.
21 \Vi*<jßt*Mjaj.
2J Thnraday,
'£} Friday
roMMrrTKE for ff.i:buahv.
WjMKra. TOl.»||„|,
Okfic« Prm-.rcuii Gazette, d
l ut-rday Morning, Fel-mary 21), I -I. j
Tho wnaiher coot,nun, quilc i-old, and
Ihu u*W.,l Mate ol He me, übove and In-tow
w ' have n,. nrrivl, of unum from any ~0,1,1.
wlueh ha, tended to render the tnartel very dull,
l-eing entirely eonCned I- the regnlnr de.
mimd for oily conxutnptioa. '•
FI.OUL— No arrival, |, g l.t re.vipl,
t.)l wagon, wlin-h are topped 01 at a.
in jqlialily. U’n note regular sale, from more in
l.llilled lot, al.VKlirt, p ~|,l |.,.|d tno.tly nl Ihe
Uliel figure.
lUI-; KlddlUt—Ul tin, Ve r y little
coming in. nud wc have q<> -ide u-..rth rrportmc
limy !*♦ {riven •3V J | ; i r quotat-On-. With
moderate sales fromVtnre. •'
I*l 'I'K WHKAT T-'Lt 'l i; AM) Cfdl N MIIAI.
these n<ni<-bs tho »i* abiin-t rntirriy
I'dro, tlmre having }>erii no r;-,' r>,.t<ylor. - une time
rs considerable mijiinv «• tn irket. ami
•?<"*> prices i-oiild now In* <■!•:.onval
1 \ ery little i.v (I-- -g in niiyj r>rti< le nn
• Hus head, but we may s i,- the .following ns
ll{<* present ruling figure!* of the market.“null «m:il'
Wheat TOo, barley - r >il, rvr ’l*l
and mils at from Mon-.
]‘Kt >\The market i< qmte lirtfi. We
note vile* ol western cured U..xn, m h-!s of bOO
to 1 IK'U Ibw at. lor shoulders' t !<•. s.des
baum nt For city . ured from smoke
house, we may quote shoulder- :ti . -:dc» b;
(3b;, mid Imm* at GJifTe <f> Ih a- m qiumy,
f-K"CKKILS—The market :«, but not
active, u ith regular side* l«i ni\ trmie ns kdiows
0 sugar, common, by lujjH., fair to good f,„ r
4J!3d|, and prime at liqjMc Its. 1,.,*, St
Ixmis rulined, i.h sold at \• .* and [ ( Je p I&-—a„ in
quality. Nh ni'da«»es r*'ti|a,a very turn, w,th
sale? in iou of 10, -.’o, aiul $0 bids. at J 7;
‘.{a being about the ruling sgnre.> m R.n
cblTec rt 7;£r7|, and of rice ttt l ;£f 11,- plb
The market i-ferui. and i..rmer pri
ces fully »u*lamed. For U.sWn S;. , ream 7., aiu |
gjV common W R at bift,b«Vt p lb. ar e u, r ru i iU c
with small sules.
S^IL? —No change in the market, sale* bem*
ctleeled at the following figures, lard V.
!&G(V, luiM-ed C-‘«ijb7, and Tanner s at o
SlyKDF—Sales of clovrr at t: 2f/ab b!. of dmo
th^r ,’57t2i2, and of flax at aV v bu.
—Sales have U*en .•.'mined to limited
lots'et, for kec. V sr'«. and ro., m Idds at HviiT.v
p m.‘i x
LAjib—We I'ontmue to quote Lee at
and b|»i at b|c p th. wab sniall -ales.
(fiffevTEß t'm>—Mills in the amount of iweniv
<>Q the bank or .letler--ii t viui.rv. \.
eountetsigncj and registered m the ('.-niptro'Vr »
otfice. lwonng the siairfp ot a bn. ker n |,i>i].
isville. are Ireing eirrulutvsl m tin- . \ These
connterfeitH nre dirfienit Jo drte. i, sn<l re.
oeiving sin li bills cannot (* t.«. emit.-u--- i m
I From the Si Rerun. ir a,
Wuh the vitw of showing i)„? ul ~| i.,,.,.
nes» done in thu line, we Lave cade.! »;,e
proprietor* of the d/flereni pncking e*t;*nmr m*
in this city and vanity—thirteen :n nund-er— ami
hare ascertained the actual mimt-er .4 h.-es act
caul.- siauchlcned and packed trom the ; »t ~| N...
vcmber tn the *5l 0! January, m- v. . u.«
pmbdble number yd t.i lx handled previous i.<
the close oMhe mmmui. The hii*iuc** -•> I—.-1 nod
pork packing this year ha* If-rn rsth.-r h.'uvrr
than the presiding *eu.*nn. and l.m i,, f ibc |«,| ..
! «a>»<illfOn «r| the MaJ* ;>ortio«iot, ••
' •■FiiUrr w.»wSd have greatly exceeded any • •'•? ' <n
n»«r season tn ibe lusJnrv <yf Si :t wa* ; !l '
however, a Urge number ot &og* intended for r,„ :
piece Were (racked at nearer|an«L more !.er-e* v Me ; 1
p»>rntx strove, which •rrently rjirtailed the ‘ M |«;r.c~
and deprived uur packer* of jbeir anti.- paled »ti|. “ •‘ 1
(dies. The market earty in tie fill opened «->ih a, + '
fair pro*pert Mr an unosaally "heavy business. and •
j hi>gs came hi freely, and dunn* tlx hr*i 1 .-r
I week* wen- worth only ~p | un th. t.»,i
as tin- season advan.-ed and price* t.-.-.m i.,
prove at [«oint*. our packer* H.ri.oi.ed nt.-i
here to V nod Ixlon- (he noddle <a Janos.
ry .';.2f^ST5.::7;, and m some instance* ii. c ;» a.
il.4Utfh.fO was paid for choice lots. but a* t:.. ye-:,
ion drew nearer to a cio-e. juices )«•!! .>S „nd at
present are the highest oiler* made and
mw buyers ol these figures. ,\ Uree pr«.j-,rte.-i
ol the pork put up with ns the* *en«-m —peWctbly
more than one-third—is packed cyre**4y |.,r ilte
English market, the amfltint of barrel j«>rk being
le*« than heretofore. The fcloctish manner of
cleaning and euUrtig ha* also |,een MicessJn’ly
experimented upon, and we tdiujiid *ny lh..i not
less than 15,000 head have been cleaned by i».e
old English, but new American process ■ v, n
;ng. (X the 7t,41y bead cut and packed in lh.«
city, we find, upon inquiry, that about head
were cut for loxe*. comprising the usual descrip
tion* of lorg and short middle*. The residue,
yi'.t. tor barrel* and tierce*.
Tut- nmni-rr of -tilth* slang birred an .l pa'i L<-*.i
will fall behind former years, whim ac
counted for only. from the nlrnnru narv demand
for shipment during the entire fmtiif, and 'be ,*■«
sequent high price*, which have prevailed thrt.uitli
out the sejson the market opened it
and . Ici-ei pt ?,706t54 ? 190 H>» Th- past «ri«
•on, an far as the weather was concerned wn* rer*
lamly the most favorable for slaughtering and
packing ever known at this p«>inl. there buvtn*
been but two or three day* but what it cuuld lie
done with safety, tsnd which, m some measure,
will uccount for the unusually early clo«e of hn»i
ness. At the diilereot packing establishments bn»
sineis is nearly suspended, and all admit that the
season has nearly drawn to a close. The whole
number of hogs packed at establish*
menu, amounts to 75,419 head. There are about
5,000 head, contracted for that are yet to,
and in addition to these, it appears to be the gen*
end impression that al»out 0,000 head more wdl
reach this point, tor sale, before the season finally
closes, which added to the numlwr already slaugh
tered will swell the aggregate number packed m
this city to hb,419 head.
Prom the Ist of November, I $1:1, to 31st Janua
ry, the total number of beeves executed a 1
the dwTerent slaughter houses, wps 2,14 h bead.
The number of hogs packed in this city during
the years I&4G. 1547, and IMS, is as follows;
In IS4*‘, season cio*ing in 1b47, 30.49$ head,
i 547, u u is4s, 03.924 ~
lfclS, “ a I $49, 75,419 •'
From the foregoing statement it will be olwerv*
ed that the slaughtering of hogs in ibis city i« ra*
pidly increasing every season, and has risen from
30,49 b in I $46—’47, to 7.*i,419 the present season,
which is not yet completed,-.and doubtless at the
close the total mimlwr will reach, it
not ninety thousand head.
| From the Cincinnati Gazette.]
Oml s Advertiser estimates that in the seasons
ol 1545 and 1549, there were 1,137;JW>3 hogn slaugh
tered m Cincinnati and vicinity/ The Reporter
puts the entire number for the season of I$4S, 'lti
at 410,000, for 1547, ’4 b at 500,000£ making an >r>
gregate for the two seasons of 910,600 —and show
ing a falling otl m the last season of 90.000. In
the season of 1545, ’4O, 305.400 hogs were slaugh
tered in this vicinity, in ]S4G, 47 tne number wns
not so great. <
From its date the amount of porfaparking in the
years mentioned, allowing on average tliat
twenty“five bushels of corn nre consumed in the
fattening ot each hog. the Advertiser nets d<rwn
3-1,934,200 bushel* of corn as thr jmrtinn ol thr
crop fed out for this purpose then, 9,000,000 bush
els for the 750,000 bids of whiskey made annnal
ly in the west, shows what liecomes of n large
share of the corn surplus, and also how small a
share of the whole that surplus forma.
The corn crop of thr Vmted Stales, is between
1700,000,900 nod 700,000,0|i0 bushels.
C«ttle tlarket*.
Hriphton, Feb. 1 5 —At -Martel—s7s Uel cattle,
9 p.urj working oien, 17 «,w* and calves, !50<l
sheep, 1 bO swine.
Prices—Kerf Cottle—Extra dT7, fi r ,t
second $0; third 5,75.
Working * >seu —$>*7. $95.
Cows and Calve*—S.'l, S2'i V»l.$J7
Sheep at $2, 9,75, Sd, and ooe lot of 40
sheep from N V State, owned by Mr White. *nld
lor 510 euch.
Swine —41. A fine lot of York swine nre on
the way. and will lie in Iho tnsrkel nruTlinrs.
f'liiladelpbin, Feb 15. AI Market— 1700 beef
entile, 20 U cows mid r:i|ves, I'l.lO ; Si ar ,,J ['2oo
sheep and lamb*. Fru-rs—4-eve*, no change,
and about $5O head sold at 0 Oic 100 tb»
>-<>o were taken to New Wrk. < *>w- and C*lve«
>oid nls76tfsl4 lor dry. $1 26r525 lor springers, ai.rl
$1 &#33 for fresh rowv Hog* mostly all Mild m
5.50tf?56 the 100 fits. Sheep and l^unb*—Sale*
ranged $1,256t'>4 lor .sheen, and St.'J.'Vrt-'.f-o ,-nc l>
lor lambs.
P.alliriHire, Feb. 19—Cattle —At the scale* .mi
Monday, ihere wen 1 550 head nirered of which
3»SO bead were sold to city butchers, and 1W were
driven io Philadelphia. Price* ranged from 2.50
to $-1 on the hoof, equal to $5fif7,75 net, and aver
aging 3.0,'; gruxs.
1 log*—There was a moderate supply tin* week,
and price* are something belter. We quote at <5
-New Hediord (>il Market. Feb 12.—Market gm
erally dull, and transaction* limited. Io S[«:rm.
a udo of 1500 Uhls made a fyw days previon* I"
our last at 110 c gall; since which nothing dune.
Whale Sales mily a tew small parcels, al*oul 'no
bbl» handsome N W Coast, at 39i*40c. In Whale
bone, no transactions.
(. &
g a
T»r W’ca.-mer as:i riiE Ki'lE—The wentl.*-:
wntiD»» « ‘•rvemly '•old. and the rjvrr rvn>.
in K m.■ ,| at 6>ur f.*rl water in "hanfei. Hy melai
fnark Tli»- nvr> n rJrMr*il ai>--vf uini !>•*]>.w, imq.
:i'-i ! ' -j*l M.t'iiUa w •« a.l vcrl-rd
to i.-j> r Nrw utir-mi-. u»r >.:i.
V U P I H F. T K * S .
j)iki\ n - \ > n ’i;r, ?" r<.l, rin • ■, „,-„ r w
..*••• I. K I h.N \\|l l!l. A l 'k' I* \]\ •» '
\ •T'. 1> k ' I ■'■J I ..|llj Jl II •, -• l-'l-lri! •* ,r , w .
h J "'' !'■ 'r. r.,,-.. r . I |..i<-u |- im
u"' )i'T r 'J'’ 1 "'
nr-.l U.m. rro-li—i i,n.i i’h.
I'V . 1.11.-. J. t ir| ' 1
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I KKNt I! l.l.iniAN SI'AMmI
*• .1 . . '.ir,
F<*l rom|ir
Krv Mr
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iu..'k Murr ci Mr /II Mr . r \\ <.
1 PiiMlicohlp Nollcr
r JMI"MA' kKSM nv Jr
W N l‘K. •>: M tf. :•» <• ,
■ *< *MN<. «.l. AS* M.i <i'a. i.r. \
K';:V, k ."
1 " . «.H- - |-K. M: ’ V , K.«
»i . « f.Mt.M- f: .
. puii-—■ -nv .
•» *»i r.i%, ..
• M kTKIOI lit M'KKHIi
I K.'M III! -tit I ' K> 1«...
ItKW YOltK A MI ItosTOK |'M Vis.
“I '• '-1 'i
uIJ-rr.J joi
S«i r Ajrm Inf me .*> -
luf \\ « —• l— ril eri,,|*J I 14,n
400 "
•*H. ; y
rii w.nw xiul -juin.
VA I K.NT «Mi. I 11« M A'lif Min T>
l-rr. itc no-v uj *uf>{- y l)r .
i i any r|ii:i >■y inni n,,n m U; -.j‘ ~ •„- r ,
y oil IIUI.J Jicil s.M 91,-,,. a.-
in >|wrm it an i a \\ ii-> •• i >■
.! - m.i N W « u U . - n
i!* '•(Srur v mill «upirii*ru jr <*»•• ru ! o:iir r■> .
• nl out i»io«1 vi :n »ivh mnnulai-' >i rr i». j
mi r |o»»*-«»iori At.I.K.N A N1.1.DJ.l n. Am>*
ti autl £1 m>u:ii ti:ifv«-i
I 72>l i bead.
No I'M Nobth T'Ko-’iii »nr<X7. Pim> : • ;.niu.
MANL’FAi.TrKI.H bikl Impofirr m ilnuMr
«>i>tj r l.nrfoi Stmi (.on*. Hr fir* I*, noit. I’ow -
drr Klantn. '•nor Him*. Pooi'tir-. Ai A r
Ai»o. *i» norrri Revolving 1’,.!0i-. uinl inairri.i.* fot
f*»n Mnier* u*r /»• 1f» i-odjw
9lat|ir»l( di Soa>’ K<hU A»li.
r l' 11K *-uli«rrilirr* »rr now rrrn vmg iiii-i r Fail «ii*r *
A Of llir almtr iirlirix. liin-r v<- • »/•!«. Vii I 111- Jun.ul:.
.Medallion am! I.ydia. linving ti.-tiV'd m )'ln'.a<l> l[,u,.i
iinil Hallima^k an.l luo i’t i. ( .I .»■ n I'.ni.' j»-■ u.,1
Uctlu.. X\irr III! limy ;|f.- tJ, 1 1-* •. r< -. |.n;>ur—.
lO rri «|Yn pflW» Tll-y M.. [r, e;\. il.iiiji,; tlf imi.
lef ami ► prnic r-rum -ui.ji ~vi S-* <>■. «• -
tiorn VV A M MlTiHF.l,nu F
J 0 0 PKU V K M T H A V K I) I
rj'HK VIRGINIA lIOTKI. on Halimim.- . r.,-i n f; .r
1 tin- P.-jkiV t uihlh'liand i» now in ronijimir r.rd- >
for llie rff-r}>uon mil! armiiiii.mli.'ion m inn |<n!iln
Fer-nmi in Ki-a/vli oi fiir ami wi;t do vr<- ■
in pairouizc ii.i» i«tun« iii • ttr') wilt 1.n,: tin
riiamlior* rli-au ninl mir. and Urn T.n.le a* w» I fur
untied a« any m l‘utnl.<-rlind, ai i *•« my-fivn r.-ii,.
gua r imircd
pin nr, a' :i
A I <H l.t.iu, ,j' (~•
* f r*'i if-M r 1 h •• NJii mi -r." *m »• t ■i v > i .
I run ll ir. i t‘- i. >» -ir.-t iin.i hi |. u.lii.i; lIUl'-l
' VI.P.
.1 J m’lUhiN \| -\ kl H ft i ...
V. \-l W t
riiK»,Ki;K.M-lt w fK!. VS. i.»*- t«<,
1 IV w If- 1..- I ><> |iu . I liar
•< rali<*.| :.h ..-. I ■
Il 1.l l .l H i <Vi
Urtcou HmoVtiik'
|| A V),V. ;u-i ■ Inc i. 1,1 <>,.r -iix.k'
’* kll H A Ji'.M.- * H;i
|)K\ Hl> rvni.u-Ji .!<.-<» !V:ir;
I>t i k n»Hk • \nu-M> .« u*«:« •" *3 • "y
J> „|, u I. > V. A T».»; AM.'S
■v IVI |% 4 in IN.Mm •»(> IA I
■\« Ai . A< . I UI \ r I • k » M.W Ml
i>l > J.r.11,. 1.1.1* <lf)
l, r. I , . ill TI IMoON A I'm
] ’I >H .'ll M.j. Nti : \|jrk'f I. "if ’ »
■'11.!.. j A 111 Ti:iU"i iM * <
|Jkm r ii.
M* 'iM« "rrpii .'«) !m«lr <Jti*»t>
|U«I f'-p|v> J h nil it»r i-^
Oil. I'Ah In - ii H.II* (».,■(
.. U| i
| )lli litl'V IHI ...II
IMl.lVinb m»v«v ...J
> »
'•I-' J"HN H M H l j.ll - I » • ■<»!
iiiKK i:u«j e .
»Uil.v«r l.rtrk, K'HKlruoO •Ollniio:, luf , «jr N)
tebia 'Sf VON * Cti
Rrruervn r..R thx pi Emi •m’i.y «?A7rrTT.
if ii!v;/--!. :mj <\t!ij<>ruuin» '*•!>.> exp»-oj •, u ,
lb- i,\ . r;>»ii<i r«m:e. and havr in < uifrady
K i.i-,'v, }. .j i’i ,u n 1 .inyi f
y-r . I.way N . IW. I. -irr.-i
Tl;f (iu.iii»-f n) ,.|„i.
n«-:ir.v 1 1»»* ti.ilf m \vhx-li iiarr ain*:i«)v ii>mrc|
i 1 1■ c.. 1 v ln.iw»
iiiUli ji- <>i mtr .''•'l'llu-rn iiiul Nuriiit-rii Iri'iilit-r-
M a w>k * 1 “• k•• f. l-oiir urn- up
'f" 111 I n(<*ii Imiit tnnrniß* T«m
Tit wh.* n| mir mai, uli.i\i,,.h , !;j vil l h
• Iruiik- nu»-»>. u|i|*c*,iri-il imn ua
■•v J.-ni'v i■ < w.-rtiuur m-ilifr
• iMial.v .M.iHnl ..yii.r- lunik ci i-n-ai.. n. ami >n
'* '**’' ■ < l li.r- 1 M»- rlii- ,i | irmnl Ij:m Ituuor
Ilia! !**• u ,uili-il n.-r ini'laml pun a. Inlft*—
ju-l «'n> <;y n !• - ruiiL.- Imn a ' In y. ' bill Ihe
iiNtu lUnt v>M h:ni ll.i- 1.-|Oor. nln- w.iiilni pui.i»li
r-il a i!r;n mori’ I li.r In-' h<.iiur pr>»i..v.-d In «]>>
il In- • "id !if• l rai. a -.ln" wa* (• n.
i-ral y an i•( llwrlv and du.-int man. hr lia.l nc-vrr
• Inf i- Uni I;Lltiirf, hiul rlw in«-an'l In* nt-vi*.
I>r J..n
nitui.i.: 4uun li-- war d:«»-n n.u-n in a,.
—Tin* mu.niliiy. i ..iu
in.iiw'ri 1 l*V f.'apliiin Hcrr.'ii, j ; iiw r>-,r,v«(J |f,>in
1 1 •>' rrii furly *t;uul>j.| m-w nn.l Innuitilut urnii
1 lif t J>\E (ils.\Y
Tiicy nrp lilting up the wwiul *u.ry >•! liie Y>n
iLinl hou-»* I<'r mi armory.
A 'irri* part oMhii i-omp.titY Willi !m*ir
i'upturn v.iu- ttj** • Llcjiimu!. Jnr ny in- Mrxn-an
war, and wd! nlxv.ty* !»• I'-urul rri.fv for [tin ..r
l.glt[,ix> in■ 11> nl . r duty may d.rtv t
!.> ').<* I ’uqnr-ru* I'nv
AVki.i. I'k... inn;
me Company niim!**r' among it* tnf ml>**r« twun
itufr .• ,-ri. \ ittr-ti. rt« many doi tor*, a I’ml* 'x-r
['•■f im»irv. m.itrr.i.<'jy pud g<
V a V, ,1 C..;..-yiw., : K;I .
ttir 'ate Sr.'rvl.irv it tli«* l n-tiu • rail.: i .-aim. ( ,<in*
in u>*.- • i New rL Tln-y »[.l n-mam nr Ummi
r r k-
: I • i M -
< KuaNtllng KH(III • < > • 4 l imiiiillUm
• M I' H)| r ...
•Ms I' \il.i.l.i>K
11IT <>K f‘K \ Ski IN I
J put..,. «l»»l .11 .U 1 (..'in . Ill'll |t,j.
ii.'-f» Nr* iuii i 1 1.1 ll' I'fxmi i. Frank •»» • .■.>-
o( n.» A ■ a|<:. v »->.} n ‘ f' ii.t
|.o .r,r r- 4;„| .r,-. .rr. ! , H-» II 11 »*•;<!(;* \Vr:iJ,
• I"' 'iiiiii. • riH-.r- l.j "*»r« r n, •n«|ir rjr»lf !>*,
mi I lie win k . • pin - •••. i iin • i»-
•;00 Tm ' I KS "
M 1 . u*«ton Im* li.ll**i
j.hwaiid'k t?. »u>v.
V. I .1 Nurtli -urr|. | .|,,n
r I'MK «ij‘i«rTilirr t« now |>rr|>urui< i» i uilv. j ,i i«rf '
1 I'Ufii t.\ r. uni m il. l‘ei
•r. may lia\r ilir u|>i*<>ri>iniiv wiiti (i.■ • «’bn
•tli u 1 >•»- riirri«*<l llirout'lt. luruialir-d v Hb i-i....' |>f*i
ii- lot ...v. < Haru'.-..i »J 7» ca. l. TH*- m-im
■i •’•C(;opc Im '■wb it ti*! ii.n eitcol lif .*• 'Millt
->• ■(•-• M 1 f ..I*l *l. I.OUla llliOllt ilir athw M «If n
*• JU Ai'i »ro lit*? a coilfry tf/n'* -
I! roHU’JN. Wan. *i. {.■•«,*
M l l > I. hl' A la (i *tnry l)nck 1) rrlu-'K I lou«r
I -■ ...i.rq of
i-ul-i J A Ml - I ‘AI.ZKJ.I24 mi. r M
I ARD AM) fc'KATMKnS-TM.:. %<? 1 I nn
i ; No iio, 7* bug* I-VuDhta. lo ‘unvr; u*r
.f no rhari;- \o rlmrri j<■ r
JARD— iUJ krgr No 1, Wl <UI tlo ; (• ill
j lor uiurlmicry, in uton- .n>d (i.t »al<- liy
am. vl <,Mt--MOt.U» N «' Mi. 1.1-
•r- 1 -M.. - u<.ii non ■!• «!o; 60 -U..r )•>
!*u{:ar, ... -i-.fl'
/ 11 IK! >l> - 1.4) l.|* VVfNtPJ >1 Ht *r i . r ' It
v.’ 4«> ;.if •••.d 6” ■ ilr i.y
1-tbl . K>>HT IiALZKI.I. A Cu. It r
I)IUIiU>N llMni'. Mr r* •• r Oftu ntj l‘ti;lrnii
I'-I'l ! .1 * DIJ.W Old'll A >;
(1 KKKjN fill lilii- irrrw Applc«. lo'tf' :ni>l
* m > - uij j U Dii/v i»im» a
c vFin . M-I 1-1'
V 7’hw
j)l m k A. --MH i;u.:k IV (T -r, I’
"» II JUI.A |> ■! A eMiTH
I. < u a I I KM \\
IIV:;;:-:..". ,r"
| AH l* i.i. • Lai.l
ASM l'( >'»»L< Mna|>niu*'Sotiu A»ti. jii>i rr
* ’ ■ • *■ il ;•* r - * tii>< r I’innt r < urn) u*f »uJf I>\
ii'-J tiiii l.iiM-ny
R M ,
i.i »:<»f*• ■ ’fl '<n
JA> A HI 11-HIM >'•' •' *>
UKMI- -I.M> jl.l M-r .Umllni.ulr l.y
.•"ii KHAI \ a hi iti r
l.v \\ nillviAN
iw.wr. v| j;i»-r..,
„fs KCO »i«>«>STS, ~,,1 ,1,,
1 " A ' n
7,- ' - . i .... “'•‘‘
->, l ' ‘ •' -tn.l >*itt»r<ur*fU Mm in> .of u ' l ilsli ami Wood «i« frlji jw
..... ' . i ‘s; Mu..i Fm-i.ineti l’i '«•*• ' ' '
’I ’* A< i i 4" l> ti*l -k» I •* f ul.r.i . (i, for • jir !: •. t 1 T\lf t Ml ... . . • ... , . . . , ri tn i; w., . . NOT 1C k.
I J"'l M AKLI* . JoM A'o i S .t. “i" I'm?" i .'V\ v'm I tL’J? V,"' rr ‘ ~f t,M ‘ Pllu *”‘MCb mid Royalr
! ' •"*» A >\"l M ■ ■•V , ‘ ~ " b ' ‘•"’l’“ M > “ f *- h mmOrd lilul
CW.AK* In M S.. I l.i t r U / PiiMfi|.f <fi- m' : /MM II ' lIMH In i.l. . 1.. „,nn«, i i*)*f •'* ‘I „ *'* r ' * ,av *' ,ml ' , "‘ l 1 '*»»-i‘«niP[U ol our .lolUr
O U M ; V> r-., u„ 1 ITJ. *** **' * ****' M«nrd.„i I*,, r.ju.i
J d" • ;.. Mil 1 1.1(1 HJ.kl I ,' r '' ”• "'’ r , '■< Marrttnrd. am) Ui«
i n* I iM'f|V ( J in..! |..■ - air l.y .. . , , . * Ui«- I j'ti .luj oi May tty ofiW Ar .
“ MIU.EK A KlCKh'nioN JO U, ”^RM*Uo,Vg'7'JbJzkk" ’ | l-W-IL.iV
JK A KIM IT <-7 .ir> Aoplr-
i: liiuiisis a <
•!r> mi . ./ -41-
K in ini'.!»JN v «
lSn ’ fur lU^in*—Thi* iDni|niiv >•» now
- - :ik- i• i-im(«,hv
n'-i.i men.isf *..! Ik- M ii..- rfirr ... T
|--r i!:iv. A-rv i'l-.n.
ii ant! thal m' h> burger half
—The ‘ K.. .!>
in<>r»|f 1 >lh**r ;ni-ml>ers. ht >*n-«»
nt Aft] •tn:nv U* 'ti-v are
A J.-Vl Tl,
u . < uii>!.iv \ k l '! i mii.-. w..hl ' u .!,n^
f ../• < n.,1,
> If < \
t‘ m l r it ( • »»
" txv.
i >1 n«hl« l’ro|Mrl) for Halt,
loi f't ■ I-'-.-. «* lk*y..
.. ' I Ml > 4. . M
'■•; i
JOHN C.H \ll ANT nr /
; • 111 N II n | lU.f> \ KI
<n*l j
p"r* *.i; !•- *•
rnN k <r< «'k r<>\, t
California Rifle*.
m jO- . i nit
' 'NV.y I u<w. "I : 'in I
i -* wi.wmtni a c<>
ir • .. V. , .
L SUV \ II li M.I N
-.1 rt .. .1 • •• 1n..,,
I > v\ A n.K.MAN
> » l 'iilolinu itj«’<-. in'* i top, lo't.liMK |
m-iu.m I uif ia> i. .
J A Ntl .S A 111 1(111*0% j I-,.
hrai na. j
J > I*ll.U din II A l 7?
Ulnpham'a Eiprtu W «R'iii l.lar, 1 (<OLD WASIUCIIH.
~ iTi i -I' l bi.ii \M»i'im.\ii .run .. . a «., \„ iu. .
Tiyi i ' Hn» H. • I' v v .N.r.- ,•
u \i HI Si.|| \ M
i 1..- i I'..i
t-.l LIPsK fIU.N-»|»OKTAT|n.S LINK. .i : .•
: ' ' "liii'.i - II
'■ MVKJI.W I.lM'u
, I. V -n-.v f-l. . :,U.| j .1 l/ST KKI KIVKD,
j iw„‘!-r:
KVPIUSS WAt; O N LINK, .[|g \ \l |!-,n 1 i -*n
riitOtf ll -L- I",- ■:<•! ff.iyt 11111" [LI,III flint
PlMat.iirgli hi.d Philadelphia, , h-h-i . .;. ■
(Vl* In. >1KK!’»«I m; < ri»> I i:m« l | orlnv .-1.-canl nml
ri.M K. PI Vl|)\ N s- 1(1 \MM, 11 \\\ N II NII, lIT i ’ Vl ‘ !l 4 ' * 'ei'-brai-d fji.ian All aclinic in. a*n
m'hi; p ..m..-„r.. r-,-!:„■,/ ,
1 will riiMit n< i>» the ii.i i, •it 1 ’ ’’ ''<*d •» uctak r, round corner-and urtu^on
wii: rtvr I' l| hi,, ili.ii |Vi„, tu ! ' io , „ ' ln *•
t '!iain!»‘r-'-n. - md mm um,., u Wl il, . ' ‘ !; ,r n*'*' 1 .into. • lj unr.- corri.-r- ant! iee«
fj-mv n, til'-.-. r>i * ; ,„,j " 4 . |, ; , „ u - I>e * l.»*. - I'lii-'O. Have I UJp r> 1 Venn- II l> | n U)e mrr |ia lu-m.
|T>|'irt-,1 1.. ~ 4r .| i,, io <•<>' er me <•« ">*• li.unincrK. po-e-wd
U 1.K1.i II C<> i hur-h" ! 'M' n " 111 lll,; rirtmin, and areal otiee !hr l.c.t
nr 11 \lt It I*- \ [IIVII a-W'"ia-l(if die ,ipe«t I’l jiiua Ilia l can lie l>oui! I\l.
n..\ "i N>. I.! s.m:n Tini.! 1 tr l**,,j ,*.ii* ;>n..-i '. A * ' ” A<l lo ’ emu 1 , I'iano*. Irom
.. ‘ • l"’• f‘lavr-. pn-.c.-imt all ibi* i-ilr*i improvement-.
liKr " ‘' N AMI iMn>m K..M ~ A r.MiM'-ruch v.m s iv.-,««'rii
M.-ri-liai .11-V,J,|, *> ■. >'"■ a #™»l m many oilier
nm.avni A I.UNVAS At..,.1. “■ „• plaa.u,n |*rn.n. „
... . ’ v ' 1,1 u-«.d niminoiiKiuT Rut IK value a* a
... mu.,.,. llir ~.rt,l,„r.,„f Wrh.vr
; 1 ' ' ‘ t rn -'. Ininea “on., of [hr mo.i ilraprcoir roUthr. »omr of
" 11 • *• K*- "•'l'"’"" : ha.l l’rra K for , ro„.,Jr,ab,r lr„,,h
HIUKK Zi. CO’S FAST KXPHKSS ! <ll y mic ■ \ ledalmost mntieduitel) to it, power
KOR Cl Mi.LK.LAM>. UM. 11 •.,( >i;'l. \M*THh u ' "“d ii't'lur niwi.'ure to Hu- mrlrmencv o'
KA'I I'KN i | riK> : i'*' "•'•••un.-r uivn laya ilie louiulauon ol n liartm^
f |'lll rn>t»rieti,r« o: inr. i j imv ~ i,■ ~, \,. w ''ouitiv whieli n.-nU a cjinrk remedy io preveii! tern»n»
•ei i|>Uitn-.i . , .'ai ine ,nvk.-.. ia;,M ** '' " ' '' ■' hav e nitmerou* e-riifirale* ol cure* wlurli it
J <’ HI I>\\ tin- per .irnied, muiiy i>< wtneli ore from pervm* in lhi«
a-r-f -hr.-:* ruKi,ar<li ' ' l< ' 14,1,1 ll '’" pr,,f l«l •<»i"t»4K»<*. aiidtiiey are a »nffieient
Hi 11! I\M>\A|;i i (• | [ \| fete re nee rritiiou: »ny another word m tl* tn vor
onli n.i •M.n.,. ci,„r n. i:-, . •‘ r '' , ’- , red un.ijor *:i.e. wholmale null retail, by II A
•— \ HMkTi m'K .V Co. corner of Wood uml Ist ami
PKSAA. AMI OHIO M A(J()\ LINK, W «•<„' «r. fcb!>-.l.\wS
I 0 i% . ru „ y ft A CIIICKicniAO** pianos. -
•iFror" fepjKejtfM H MKI.I.OK. (»oie Acent for
■KA'y[»Xrw fiSpggißl tMiu-kerme'4 I*lll.lo Kortri. fur We.irrn
l‘l |:i Rt.ll \li l*HJi .A IH ,I.I’IU A II S I f | No -1 W<x>.l «ireet.
rv. lit a\ s,; «r a 5;..,,, * , * ' I HK'.uruli. Ha- rrrnvnj nrnl now open
r | l J JI *- I. ~,, In,*,’.’-. .. 1,,r vn;r 'O'.owi'ii: *-ie K am >K»oriment. direct trom
I I- r ,:a> i• .u. *.i m.m.. m :ur\. ji Mr Clnek rnne'« tiiokion) price-.
CI.AKKK.V I 11 ,\ \\ . i :t (•, n . , u [,
1-1 \\l> 4 lini.l.K. vi y Mauri .! ... -fyen nrliir l’.Hno FoTle. carved 111
le..|«i Pn ■ 1.1r.n ; .""’T! '■ r ‘tod rirh XIV
*" * , "** I' , »*'-'*ood eart cil icrrr. pciavr. new and mi
For California. (-I'’ 1 '’ crier.. « oeuve r,.-w
*-LI:S I - b ■ I ANII\ I . I - | \ 1,.. I .. " , - I'3’MK! •• r,
U \\ • o.i.i ;i t . .!• H.,. : , ~( >I _I n .-jrr 4il :lw innnuiueiory oi J nin-k
-»ii ..!!■■■!.. i „;,,i ~r..,rr . ., 1 n • • ~-i, 1 i io t. ■(•••uxi. of llir iate,! n j ies o( turiulurr. and » Ufl
-(a -i ,i , u , ~.., . .... '. 1 ‘ •* w ‘lll*l unproved ili
.• a.. ' ’’ lf ‘' »!*'"< H*n »«iyn»iui.i uiW
TU, 1-I‘A- 1.. v; . ~ . • lice '“A.M1.1 t, ,>, mir l*iunc,i iron. Uf laaruU. uir.
h rit . . | , . . . “U \\ «>r.‘r«rr. .New W.r k. loriinv. >of the (irtr. ol
- i ’.-d ’A. ~ • t . ~r. ; a i ; \\ nr ~.„-r A Huniam
l a,‘ i N\ -1,..-. . :i • t .. Pn-KM-IMtlovt In.rKli.N V
■1 ■» |- . it.. 1',.. 1 ’ * r ’* 1 t,i ,KUir ri[i,, u . mode ll) Caron A. Rn
Fo« *>n l-'ranc lifo, ( nllf.»riU«.
I : J. - i
»■ OH ». \ » kRA M |N< (i
Me .
IK NK l \i V V*: S
I'lmol.HUb of I'ciint
'i’ll* *•.- M
Piß< aod Ifdar ffarr Saonlarlon
N • »T, ■>«.. \l, at<r i v.^
< Ol T
. »ue |«ii(m>t ..i i .4.. ,n.
u •’*'» •»•■*** *•'««■ '«< I’Ki i f>j'l' tKi 'M
Ko.l. •‘pike. N%j„.
. e*^' k *.V. l « ior*l.*iT
**' ' «»ili«-. I Hod* «nJ a |,o»l ol
•#*(*'•'* aij tilt*, .1 w,'l w luuiitl r lienji soil iluist.rr
li.M »»•..( |>«hmu>ui!) !•».! liirmiun to Ihr t.ajwiiii,.
«•! <'■•!*> It» I«f .1 rrijuifr# ..o psrn:. oml »1,1 noi
i ’ « '• • t !a- ••!. i 1° at.O iLe t>rrs<*rViitii>u o'
KI.UOU. .u/-r. M< U .*ll. t r,, rj. w...r!, .. tluru iM|K.r'..,»,rr ttial .< will commend
W 4 M M 1 fV l( Kl. ! K l-'K 'l*e ' to th*- hi ill uiuir uur rc«lr«l
,1 *“ l Mi ... H 'U )|) A CO , r»tenlee«,
Ulrsdilni PoHiltr, ihlortde of l.lmc.i > T M jn.l |6 |b>avi-r «t. M York
"mK'T'K.’U r, lt MAM.A, II ; lUSSOLUTIOK.
ii.';m i T",' « muiw 4 u;k u» .i.»
• u• ,» i 1.,. I-, _ , ‘ '‘ ' rr ' I *• ,ll *»oivr«l kv ttmioai rPiuenl Tin- of tin
.. no, .0,0-4 o, ail mln'l-lT' W’Hl.e.cuWU U* Jlt .M t'Kl’JI Y.
. ... v. r...y |, r oilr-ijJ*? ; II t >l>u h. Jno .ft). JMU ||
j 'i» ' ft a mi\« I'UlMmiih \-.n
l i.- .»,»-
k--! crn <• tor p *•[. <i r *|i|p;.iv».l l,i •
"'• TI vv •' M Ml IVIIIJ,I KF.K |Up .
Muri-l vii.l r«rt)
'UK ‘H.-rri'-rr. | in
1 li»r .ii * cn.(n,«- (u trail*.irUiig a ‘ —’
•* lin.r » j ,• uau r r imi ]>[ ) < nml ( «[.*«•»■ ry l.minr*« CLIJfTOJJ PAPKIt MILL.
■ N“ W 1.. ">!v. .»»•]•«.i;r .lirri, uiulrr ’.he . r I'HK <-MN lON K.O'KR UIU.. w:a;u,-,| oi Gruber.-
*' IUSHriKI DA lIAVS 1 v,hp. t>i„ o . t.urnnj rulurjtrd am] improve,l
,lur K’’ I 1-4-j ! - »ff> trrPHi ri|wi,*p nev* *ml liir mo.I
. ..... ii. • ...iiir t« a.i.l Mir pii p- m- ajr inriird j v«-«l kiml m inur nmrry. i« uovr |ifr|»: rcii lo man
“* "• jnS . u ft »‘Miir' all ki ■>.!• «i Wtmn K . I'miUit*. Wrajipm*
A Good Uailtini HlmU for Hale, ‘‘ : * °H.ui > a;-’ I'aprr.. Uonnr: Board.. 4r . ;o any
4 i f»N K» i'llli\ A It i mu! \ r,ut.- n.r ».»!*- , «r \\ r »irrn roumry
iA OH v:i,,a,\i': lur wpiim c’nil run t , < ; 1 ,l *‘ ,n,,,r r Un -m* ihr Aweary ol ihr »ln>vr
iiu-inr.. a..«l a .11,a.p mix k Ti,.- |-f.,,i nr ,»r I,. M Im K ,t : ' li: ; 1,1 on haml a »u|>|.ly of
mi narrm. ill to i,a vr iwo , ♦'.alpM-iniiriiK. ill' i-uii.c 111! I I ''llirrr. i kincUol f’nprr, am! wnl Invr any »iir
»r!p,„if Apply ni II \! SMITHS. t l” or.lrr at ,liof. uoiicr *» i.’. H 11.1.,
iMtM-U’.'ni r rirnrf \V')n.i m..| W»mitn*inn »i« j I’t* 11 SJ Wood Mrrrf
/ '.M.inili.MA W k KDHOIIK To nrnvr t y r, |,. r , v . t . v .„ A K ARK CM ASCK.
on Tur.ilny next, l lilt in.l - i I'Kltnrr 111 ihr I'u l>l |« n trif liiimiicm.
1 S lhii.M.o,, Al.rn .i. Ipiiim . Krvi.l.r,.. Priuunc ivnU l(iin»i,. r .
I’i.iol |tr i- nmi SiK,,,;Urr M fni>-. ! 1,1 1 f:: ” ''* l » l ’li-lxjnr in wiUi a pfnliiulilr run of work
I**»'*■ i* kin *r« l>ra*. 11<>>ni<;• |ln i nimri, mrw uh Mr iuu>i hr n mnii ~l tintluprar h •
Il.ow |\j„- .. ’ ' I • |'fomi»iii(C in In* |ir:.iciplo^— »-||-
lor • J-lini .me intnrr-u. ,Kr ! !"* i« 1 >'*- In roi.tru. Utf pmitiMi; at
•- uni, :m,-li'. M ; I,: '—■ a,IJ “ '-“I'llM of S'!.t*lU U> Tlir r»-
W\k U lI.'ON • 111 \Wrlm-. V., . |,UI run l-r, 1.-i .1 .fk, I>: i« |<itol• u r I' or any oilier »uuiii..r «i
i* 1 ' 1 "' nolic- K«r (unher imnicular*. i-iil ou Rev K
,k "'" 1 l;l ‘ 1 *"* I l *'’ !«••» i- < i / [ Jlnpkiu*. M h Hook Room, l*ilUl.utfii l\-», or uddrc».»
«i. ,Tirr , , Kri. •W* \ j J. H. Wui.Fl-', \\ licciiue, Vn
NOl » I*.' |L r i!'.r’.’ -/""'ir-'rn, n i','***"'"', NU ‘ ; Slrf>ol VP' l ‘K done bi .lion none. fcl.-J.lm
llu » 1 1.11.(1 I; . , , ~n n,,. a-ltlial l|.| y ;\|;,fl ii 1 MI’KFS AT (JIIKAT BARGAINS!
’ I \l ~:. V K rt U * ' '•l»*-nui tlie-u .lock ol
Sim k I,- ii,'.- r- 1 |i?i) 1.1 W II 01 AM. a-»l Vii‘lmn*n« l.»r llir .rii.oii, will jcil
lire Mi. i> !, n,i. ,v Mn-.uii.. iircfUiinL ol J‘ni« i e «•-•«<• r armj» n food vum-ty- of I.tNl und
'"ifß'l u 1 i |. V fC A i (>N , I't •’ ii. nr.r Ii m i|. .i. ivrll u* llir imin- .uin 1r.,) uiK.AS
id i-iiru >ii. iw i . I l-.KS l.< 1.-* I mv* Inrh llir ( wouiil n «(i»t ttuli > mviir
i»lli |V» **'** ' ■ Ju-I rtiriv.-il, •£ < .I,r. ill. aI lr ill ion nt (in re hu«<* r • Ni>VV IS I'MK TIAIK
I .".il IS.xK
I'.wUl |,, a
>4.r- 41 1.11-1. 1.,
>li**«-*,a »nprncn HiH It.\ |(( •AI Ns
rlv. ■>( w tu.'li ;ni> i|nahiji\ ■lull.'' 1
\| Uf A \ HlsToK\ u| K.M.I AM; Fr.-n,
i >l 11.- J.nur. || \ |
Tii- 11,.’.., . A:,, i il.
J A II I'll I 1.l .11'S
Tranapnrlallou inilir Knoi.
mim i nn'i/A.\,
(itniniiuioti nnil huru'unlins Isnjis.
<• H-SMmn l-.'i-ti.irtu •-» ! ;
c- ill ,:*n . i, a
'l’Mi; I .urr\i u-111 r
•' <>r H m II ,A
'• i.r-i.l JA Ml I. \ .11 1.l V A .inn
Pl« I » bill (T)i I'rl.otsry *» li, 1 s |«i.
r |'Hun;\ n\i .\,i u- r.-u nai.i!-i. ..u,,.
.* M< . ;ll t -,| | ~, J■ ~ | | ; lull It •
v| '‘’ ■' II I ti.AITONA. I
. „ Jon\ t. cor 11 it a k
\ I rniiM,, a i I.w\ |
V •"«.|,| ~, a(l .
N 1 (Ml* !»«• ikl rti { Poll** OllU'r,
° lll ' ''H HIM -I KM I • imlii’;: .M • -
u :>if it i.i'i n« i % "iiiL < ’l,,** !>■ I'.i.i.-- i. i, i
11/i.w L • "
. , AVII. C. I'lllK.M)
1 SI ~\U
pMlntl SC*<i* 4>h>
07 *-A>Kv J;, A Vr:
\\ A M Ml l i HU.till h.
No Hi-' n
iri-h [ i.'.'ij "w'rtr'
r 'l" " * I' f I [»11 >
h •• \K U \ h 1'..,, ~ „ii
N,. In: \\ „o.| ,i. Piti.i.urifh
mail*- in UaJuutori'. a
ItooQnK—(ialvanlifd Tin Plates.
1' 11 f ‘-t'o • a I lie iitn.ncy.; JlonJer-
A ' - • • 1 «•»* -r* Mu T., , hr
IMAM) n t >l<
't • 11. .. .
k ! » t"' ' <l\- fW H . .-\ lUM,
uinx. (‘mimes nit iksti.hs,
<<' '/ ir. \sn i.a n<r «t\*
(i*n(Uiu*n WtnilDg
, V I ri( K- 1 hr- y .Jrr«,r„i-U wn romumo ihn Woo
\ It ••! iiMrmi l« lII* sale t>! Wo,.io u (omhI «. a
. (ho i'M -la.M ~ ui -j-
iwr. n i ln ‘ lo,n lUr firu ' o» Mtirr-Uv A I :ak<*
.. trr_l ’ : J»ir.».uf- ,11 rn*ummeiidill< Mf J| u> u,"
I' " .»( ID) frmnd* .11,0 llir (lullin'
" m ! J»u J K MI'KIMIY
.'lifl ul «' 111 ur i W joO ail.l KIIUI
I <-I' A ,:»1 aii.l . li*i.. ... i;
Tin* l ii-ii>i i m k i.ntl' - - !i.<* 1 y -i ..I i_.
1.1-t «»i Ktmikltn ■{>.«“ml iu i \ rnil.riluu. ,!
’ .1. * *«] n*.ir | 0
>■' l.i.xiaml. up i<> ihr rii(n ~|
111 .uupl-M. in I wuva UiKJ tiiu.tfH.
i <i Hui.tiitieii, 4u t *t
M‘-i N i ) • i.l- r KI ful.l— f- ur , Wl „.
* n...-., «,!vtT lira*-. Bn
. ."im. ..iu .. iff '.'.k. I; ia ( i.. li-. inkf, out #t | » pob ,
a " f'i"oJuw« me 1-muu-ii' oml durable
i •• ..I ur .vnrr J «i«( rrc* ■ vd ami }o r . H |c. wtio.e
-- Pnia^m.
f (IVKIIIV. 4 ■■<>■ m K Fim.NKD Sl'CAßt^i,
' *!“,% I"' *•“"• Cr “> b ' a »"«
i v^,.,'r .0r,?.;,„r. r ?,* **■■-»* ivsi.
r | ’UK Uln:?r*if ..r<l hM v| „. ~... . ...
... , „ , . ' • ltu ' r'««rm .. .„I clHll 1%
, ' '■»«' l-u.m.'*.
* ■ u*. .* of 1 1. »• Jh » ttv I *i'i] k **
A M>R K\V VV\ |.|K, j
„ J l^- r f . n -iw'[ K A l "' C<S U * M (.h
• li ’ , *- **■*»!**. J.lirr 4lll j
; -•>. fi to or U | ut Lnil«-.i IM4 4l( , r(1 .
: ~M w w wn
f imiUi »i,.| 4th ■!«
'IW.I .... ' '
.1 UUY (iOODS-iur , ( , 4 !
- ami uiiparailriril km>-nitre' *
Hr l.av-- math- -u. I. a P..r-;r r-.1.i. I If „ lu
i.Mu nr.i r-« Hull » Hi now H I»rv-
r.l l l'W I'liST I>< iiuporiaiio .
a-tn;.|r*l l<> Hi’" I'ji'ilufmj I’riMli'
J.UHll.' bKI-S." UIH>I»
m- ' n.r ;.r«K lu:i li” il:i-lnuk . mil. - »<. ~
..!• r. .1 i> A -ilk- j ior«.
i'. 11inwir* -iA' 1 1 rcnrb
'! i Ijjil' k -
• I in.i ,■ ■ i k * Kro<*ln Ur ’•I :< tul «li i|> .1 ■!<
M • I jinl |*in '.l*.
tin n.-in ... jl'cil..-r-* rli.ltiv :rml Cumrl.
>IIA\\ |.S M|\\\ |.S"
>|i| r nl' I''*' ' • rt»«-ti :i lone
frctn N link mn-urtn.. I.rniirln !<> ihi* rimrkf
chi m r.r-i
i lam ninl fii.i.rm ,i I.nrifmim,
»I).i’.th i.'.if». ' s i‘|i- r(iiii-«n.l .-nininaii lm>
>.lk ri-markul.i, ~|,a afr , tiuwl ..
<• h**a|», t runirliun »iik »liawl
<;i:.NTI.t'MKNS <,i i( i|)s
French cloths from ihc c.-irbrated Jolian\ iii.inu
i.irmry 1-or bcauiy or hni-h n i*d permanence oi Anir
tncsr c.oth* have lin superior, a few pier.-, riu:i luir
;rl l>ln< l ami olive oaston l.rnvrr* and oiln r heavy
Mr over cord*. twilled Flench clulh-. manurnc
turn) cxpre*«iy lor rluaks. French nml American
♦ imcrr- *u|*r wen of Knglaud «l«>, super French v;»
tin* tor v« • tings, tlt** bcM Imported. Plain am] fancy
velvet amt rmdimere vesting*. merino siitrlx amt draw
<*r«. lialinn cravat., linen, cambric ami suit hdki*. ho
siery and glove*
lri«Ji micim. Km long cloth shirting,mujdniß. bleach
«*«l and brown niuslih* of good i|unlitv. remarkably
low, tickings, check*. domestic *nd imported giug-
Iminv, scarlet. yllow am] white UamieU. a targe lot
very cheap. a iarKf* lot ot \vtniii mid eroobarred coun
try Uannei*. eheup; brown and bleached Uurnsby table
tiiiriin and tabic cloth*. Rn«*i j and Scotch diapera and
towellings, saunett*. Kentucky jean* and tweed*
An u«u:i. large *u>ck of blanket*, tiircci from the
manufacturer*. *ntue of which arc the best ever exhi
bited. ad of which will !*• dosed out m unparalleled
low prices In iddiuon in the above enumerated
good*, our »l«»ck comprise* a very large mid cMiplcle
assortment oi almost every article u*uaJiy toumi m u
dry goods More, nnJ a* they have been mumly pur
rhn*«-l at the en»ern auction*, hence the late great re
duction of prices We are enabled and determined to
II them ntf at great bargain*
Wbole«aic buyer*, country merchant*, labor*, and
the public generally are respeeijully invited to an ear
ly examination Itnnrain* shall be given
AI.F.XaNDF.R a DAY. 7i .Market «u
!»d- X W corner of the iJiumond
a a Mason \ co..
No 60 Markict rTKKirr. I’rrmncßOK, I’a.
BFU. leave mini respectfully to announce to their
numerous patron* and the puldic, that they, m
consci|uence o( coniernp nimg a change in thci: busi
ness. propose opening the whole of thei* extensive
warehouse, (including aJi their wholesale rooms.) for
retailing, and will continue open until the first ol Feb
ruary. coinnirnrmg on New Years day. JSI3. Our
> wholesale »tock, comprising one of the most extensive
and varied ;t*«nr'iiieiil« o: Fancy and Maple l>ry
(■otxl* ever ei-hiLnird m the we.stern country will lie
odcred m; lower prire. than rvrr before known. Fve
rv article, however enotre and de»irable. wnl ac
cordingly reduced l'|iward« of fifty thou*aud dollar*
of our dork has been recently purehaatd, the greater
ponton of which arc foreign good*, received at New
' ork by late Kuropcan arnvuls, which from the late
ne«« o( the aruson. u« well a> the known pressure in
me morirv market, were *onl nt immense »acnhrrc» at
puMic sales, in rate* varying frotn twenty-five to tny
per rein ;e.» than similar good* brought the first of the
-eason We are :hrref„re confident mat our price* for
me time above m-iiunneil will be found to be even
.ow»r man any Kasiern wholesale rale*
" r »'Uiou*:t invar ail person* to visit our estnb
bshmem, wlieilicr they puri-lnv-c pr not. and lest the
irutb oi the above—assuring iliern ttml they will incur
no übl gallon iii*-frbj but conler a favor upou die j ro
pririnr* Our issoruneoi oi Suk*. Sbawl*. uhd hue
lire. 1.00-]. vv-l- amp; v r-p:i> one lor a, added
••'' c li jii u■-u*uiilly. grcai dt-piav oi iJuincsin-
I VS . W - liofie a,l to can
i inf price wn >- irictly adhered lo
- *1 'Z A X MAMIN A fo
*■ “ 1)1* II J*> l*i M »J». u*r'•!*; '1 -ir am.-r
r '" IV A \ l ... .V, fin Market -irrt-i. wii;
;jii«mor,i .g lift-.* I ,Qt-l. r , <>mprr«i ug il»r
o»nu v./ >.»im p.j*>J .M*-rmo«. a nrw aril
i i«* a'*.l lri<- iu-h*-*1 t.oJi itii.
I'a.-.ii*. i— i.,d .Woj. 1, liti*- I'mouh ai,,l ,*
• 1M- I I l-M .[.- i
I 'T HI K i.i.M'- S
/( *•( !."*> k'S'l i j-
y !: M l I* ! ni'U! ,K-_
’ KN r-' MR 1.. M »
\vi rf k \h i i t' \\
\ n.s i< i\ia - k \\ m r
Ml AM. iM \\r> '\KAll FllKiriiiJ
• o. ai»f ~f l| ' i.M.iur.. a Jr-
S!' 1 ' 1 •'I ‘TI a Uilin in, tw,n,e.,. ar- row
kT r. e.. ft •• -I. . ... k hin I.M..HS, of rr,T fl i
, 4i' ti»• •••• H-*!- -i. ••• ;i;ir.< >.* A. u lijr)
M" ..* 1. ire
sJH.K AK P AI.PAt'AS mni.i. \ Joiiti«o» 4<
, : »' J«W.
on. n> »• .<> ,h-.i i-ui,,.. m >i.a \\ un> Alpaca*.
M.»h.,r lai-tr. . and lkii»it..i/,nev v.m.l. they are
'"'W ~|l | '-ig a: re. lured purr* !Vt»<>
VI W ..ClI-I.N JAM AHi -n K M...1-BT ba.
i. A wiWim a tew <lnv« opened a «uppiy o r biro k Ai
pre.vOow pnee.l. do. medium unit «up r r do .Mohair
1.u.-.rr. !.-«• rvi. Itr.n.i, l>r:ni<; Co Amrncuii do.
l-.ack rimi, ShaAv p.t»d .10. :.rut .tyle
■if l.aine». pluyi lend ami drab do, at I*J, and a vnxi
r<) 01 other,car. e and de.irahle ~ood., worthy the
attention ot iho«e wishing to buv.
Merehanl. will find m the wholesale ro(>m , up Main
a good .;nek ot denraW good*. At |„ w price. jMS
7T% HAND A.\D FOR SAI.K-M p. drat, Blanket
V/ touting ' |i. Lavia.lrr do do. 1 rn*e i.artnder
Blanket.. 1 do grey maed Ootn. 1 do Arrov fioth; a
do rweed.. brown, black ami gold mu; 1 do tawv
t tt»«imcrc«, 1 i-aie blur B'anke, Co n „ Jlf:: r.maigned
dun-, from mar.utuc'nrer* ami tor »nk bv th-pacCnce
Ot } »-. ee u«r. at Ml' KPH V A I.F.F. liberty n
AaK<. 1 • . .1. tin* day Oi rrc 1 lrum the manuiiiclurer.
a iniml-i.ui- a.-.rinu-nt ot rum miwi uml .uin-r three
I'.V ....peri.,l Carpet.. 01 now Mylcf. to which we a *k
the ailent 1011 ot tho- l 0 i urrM |i home. or
.teamboat, 1-an.e, ware.-oom. >o To Fourth .u Pm-
I-nrjrh W M'CM.Vi'OCK
DUMKMIC WimM.I.KINF Blanket... Flannel.
I weeo», Cn.nuieU», i-4 Cloth ami Caasimcie bv
the p.ere of package, very .ow, lor .ale hv ’
, “' vl ' s _ . . . fiKO CIVIIRAN
CA.HsJMKRI-i>--.» cukc* new «tj-1 c Funey
*- ' u.MmiTev bright figure* and very handaome
good*. ju»t opened by
K K ir‘\. C, l WKK,,Nuji AT , .V JoLit'on
X 4h Market Mreot. t. ill >e Uor the ha in tire ot the
.eaten ai eo*i. their *tock of French Merino*, cimirm
w ■■
\T U.VP r KJItBuXS- Ju.l lerrued lit Zcbulon Km-
T »ey Vto Market «ln el,
Vrl .r rl color*;
derV ‘ ml,n ' l,ler >' oun i’i wide plain, Ac.
V.J Mtirkel «t. would invite ibe ntl.Mtiou or dealer.
eotloii I ■ love* A, n I 1, Milt and
wur.ted. Cu.limere, AJpnra.^V^oif.a 1
wm l ' , ev“r l v a, ? , "J - rOUui,
hati IW Ho« a«U t-rntlemcM
/ :zz:“\s
iuji.v ,4f ‘" 1 I K, | u< f g!:*,.* a, eurniet) mini.led
,o ui,) v ision i-uuired.
niineri 'I-i' f ’i' “ 1 V ' ‘ f °‘ '' X '"" ,,lJ, ‘r "<•“><
lu«, J O , ( ree ,1 lir'.l lot * a l r tn
w W■ \\'|l#o,N.
■ . _ __ ' nmrr l>i mnUi ■«< <( 4Ui »t
I KVla'liion '(.111.b n:.Nf,
' £ 11.0 IwVni ...
,a 6 " l,) «; "•11-'HN.
J ' _ cofil'r imirW» nmt lih «ji
Ty IDGLn VF-S- K, «uj>rr Kid
**■ Mi •' innnf »Uili- hi.o liik
' m:--*'** i-lili.rnt do
u i..vton ,v c-
It H'M’KIXs,
I H.ANkI.T CUATl'N.,—Drif.. I.AVCUO <rc, mlI .
J > ri! .itiil !> uc. 'or «u c l>y lue |>i«it w par learn, m
mwiuiaemrers jmi.l... Ml Kf’ll Y *
Jal * iilu rt) b i. oj>ptMiii: in
c;i. c LyIKC'V m.jeil Imitvy «•«»'»,u’iete~i
' >lo I wc.-liv fancy c olor*. 1 do uncy raswuu-rc
lor sole ni in;uiuiacm.‘cr» purr*. t>y
_ i^ 4 _ _ MI.'RPUV A I.KK
T" KI.O> jtoU mi , j
X Urowu »uii i.iurlt t’wrciU. I tin Fancy Ca«*iinrrf
vu»l roc'd and for *«.<• n t inumiiaciurc r* prirr«
M l K I'M V h m!>crt v *i.
AKKIV.AL-W M c m,T„. k ...
xrin'.iric l” l»rni«h iiou«<'». lint a*.«>rl
inmi o' i nr|M*ivii: -vn •,roui hi lo u... mmi.i.iiiiu
rn-ini; m part Hie loilovv.; • ..«»!,-in- U«li »i) ir \r I
' , * 1 I’"'. A k nimbler l;i i ••• -; r, .Jt r u<«-- ». i > i:.. *U|>ri.J
pf>, Ml|>cl .1,,1> • tl|.rriinr ami,,,..' Il'rfluKl
lo wljn I. he niuai rr»jw*. ,iu ,y uiMir. Iu» IrimnU uml
•In- Jijlilh'. lo . ali .in.l rx.-Htuaje Ueldrr puffli,,
••!*rw|irfp \\ .irrronin No IA I mirth H. I'iiul.uikli
VfUDK Al.PaCasa Lrf:i,AlNK> Wr i,uvpju«i
I*l r-.rivod lij' Kljifr . »r»rrH !l»e« tlnp and tJie
dmill Itlmlr rolornl Alp“'n*. dr l.aiiir*. if>il
mere*. Wln.'h will lw sold low
1.1.8 MIAt KI.KIT A Will FK. in W<Kl ,| „
lif'l and keponJ ju*i rrc'd and for »uir |,y
ipl-IS rj.rneT market i».,d .Til *r«
AUmlnUtrmior'a Hollee.
IrTTKK." OI AUiu,ni«tr ; ,imn‘hav*.
J ibr- mKI.-7MKUr.I 0,,,he K-tate ofHre-lry Urn,,*
I.U !>untrm, ». Uut UB. Army. .|e«r*, c d |v rj *£
l,«v,„p n»,mi rn, it»« esute v»,fi u feM . m ihnu ,„ r <-i
u, ‘ ar “ t . . OLDHAM O CRAIG
‘405 Acres Coal Land for Sals,
SITI ATKDon iti«s Mnuuugahela river, about Monies
(rom Pittsburgh and .I uuie* alrorr thud Lock*m
Uu- immediate neighborhood of Messrs. Lron A SbJrb
ami Mr Join. Ilerrtfti's purcha.«e. This fine bodfl
Coni will be sold at the low price of $33 per acre-—<jt»
third m band, balance in five equal aununJ payments,
without imereti. Title indisputable. Location Tory
good—cannot be surpussed. for further particulars
enquire oi S. BALSLKV, who has q dra/t of said pro
perty Resilience-Jd si,below Kerry,Mr Adams*Row.
N. □ There i« another team of coal on Uus tract,
about to fort aluve the lower, of excellent aaalitv
riAHK >«rge ami well built Factory, erected on Kubte-
I ca slrcet, Allegheny city, by R S. Cassatt. Ksqi, it
oilered for «»> or rent from the Ut ot Jan. ln4fl Ths
U>. on whii-ri the Fuctory i« erected, fronu lot) feet on
Kebecra street. and run- back 110 feel lo Pori stmsL
Tlie mam building is of brick, three stories high and
f*o met long by -.C f.-et wide The Engine House it
iorce nml commodiouv with an engine, boder, stack
Ae ,*I in complete order The property will be soltf
low. und on advantageous terms.
fSirfuire of ROBERT M'KNIGHT,
_ , ler-i-uam__ Agent. ’
r,^f? P ' i r ,y C‘*y~n>r 8.1.,
r T J ]« subscribers otter tor safe a number of choiee
JL Lots, situate tn the Second Ward, fronting on lh«
Common ground, on easy terms. Inquire of
W. O’H ROLUNSUN, Atiy at Low, St Clair st
or of J AS ROBINSON, on the premises.
Ml" ACRKS OF* GROUND, situated near the
Piiui.nrgn and Greensbargh Turnpike, 3* nules
from l be rut. umi udjoming the Allegheny Cem
etery on which i» erected a large and well finished
two .lory buck Dwelling House, together with stables,
cumin;.- house. Ac There is also on the premises a
large variety or iruit trees, and a spring of unusual ex
celiem-c '•oiiiiijtious ip the dwelling.
AU.- I),„. n, fec and one two story brick dwelling,
situaieil on Liii«rty sireet, oetween O'Hara and Wal
nut -ireet*. bill Ward. Rent moderate. Enquire of
WM. VOLNO, Ml Liberty st
BIU-*OR| !.,eM oi April next—A small FARM of
-*i> arr.» uml 76 perches, in Hancock county, Va ,
on the Ohio fivrr. »|>|Hi«n r Wi-.uvillr. and adjacent lo
Uir ion !• oi Hamilton The pto|>erry. rroui il« lo
cation :<»>! .|Uii.i!n -. .. v.-ry ile«iml*le lor tturdennir
uml uiji't nn.l will likrly become a part of
iluim-ion. ns u,r ioratjo/1 .M I.usine*. houses or facto
,ln It h*» .i -u|Mjnor .lone quarrv, ami mo*i proba
1h . a amid i ini i.itni, Tli«- prrmi-e- are in gusal re
pjir. »nli .uiiKblr houses fur one or more families
Kci. r lo Aon -irung A c ro/.-r. No tr.’ AUrliel strvtel,
riit-tnireh «uJ lor lerni* inquire oi «,eo B Johustoir
Asciu. Ji.'in •< Mrlnio.b. \V eii*vi!ie. <>, or the*uL -
• me-,, t U THcIAI AS F VIA DILL *
lel.lXdoA WliT
Valuable Ueal Est&ie for Sale.
r l'*lII I r j>i, ••. i.i in- U est« rn I heoio-ical Seminary
k 11 i'- If Ilp. I ;e-| p.-lu;| | 1i:j«~c, « j»/,r
" •I- •' I I • II A. I hp n , I J . oiler Oil Ver)
A ’ - k • 1 - * 1 » ' A p. an of lie lo is can
r h k. aTos a
w M "l.|\r.'w-K
l«o» on l.lhriiy Street for Lm>«.
'.I l.r- a , (' V\V.| rtr.-rt,
‘ • "• :i. -he .li.ii:, .... J:> . .1, nvrt tviil bt Iruv
M-o t .el,. r,
1- - At ». 1,.
Mr- H.i*.
.W »I 1i.,.1,,',. 1.,|
.1 l.riii.
L/l'tK At.K lor nnrreU. the rfrv Vaults, corner
k.l'm llm ihjinntid nml Market *ueei
A--, one |.».e,uri.i .tore n«om. and two upper room*,
lU|UL '"‘ ,ur room* or urtirrt Kin|tmr on Hie pre
rUl»r-..i jatfli AI.KX AN I»KK A |)AY
MA ipl AITIH.!, f'amin ilrf.Jnifr, with two
«c r .-* oftjro.m.l. m near the Ohio
river |i i. nmnicl witb.r, a |V-w rod* of (hr
m " i ' ” r '* “mi but u *ii»rt distance mmi
.. I r.t vr ii. Ar iJouiy mr i <( ,y k. 'I lie hou*e contains
• .cat urge room*, and ■« hin-bed m a bandoline alyle
o'*. >mu.i .-nit u* .liven the Im of April iicil For
par,i"iiiit r*. i..<|uire i.i J.iiu, Irwi,. A Son«, orT il Ne
i o _ or - D e.>,kv|N,
_ _ Sewiclt Iry.
Mu' l ’ I I >KAT Tl) I.KT—A tw© »u»ry
iru-k Inve„, Ul! . w, tll u ,. r .., | ll{rlj)> . lloproTcU
l.atio, 3iium. il m Oakland. to In from ut April
nrlt HARDY, JONtiSACo,
'* 44 Water street
To Let,
MA three s'ory Rnek Dwelling, containing 11
room-, on Wayne nrect Kr.i.t to a good tenant
ApP'y io A M'ANL'LTV &. Co, '
, _ canal hnain
MTHK three nory Hnek Dwellmg Hou-e, for*
ineriy .erupted by the .tib-H-riber. on Kolk-Cc*
‘ireeL ui AJlcgne.-.y city J AS. KKRH, Jr
- - No •» Water at
M A TlIRKK.mry Dwelling o„ Fourth, between
ferry and Liberty -An-cU. now occupied by
Absalom Morn*. Kuipm of
- -'“l 1 * 11 KN*AP_A TOTniN ,
M r F , OR , Wl-'-N'l -Kor one to three yeur». from the
iC n A ij r, ‘ nexl - il '"T'two stoned brick
n < .h }?* cih "* Hou«e.p| en «antty *ttuated on the bank
of thrlhno r.vcr.adjomme the Ivoroush of Manchr.
ter, with a.iout four acre* ot land, out building., iruti
tree.. Ac Ac Apply to
MTo Let.
.n\ ‘ AII V K niul Wrl! Room, wcond
«ory. on the corner cm Wood aud Mrert-,
above Uic ofTicc of W, n J| Williama
J OMrwionipv.Mi unmedtaiely. Jnoofre of
Jlul M A. jtH liberty »t
PI I K 'uuscriber otfer« lor anie or rrm, hi< re.i
dence in Allegheny my l , o««ei.»toii cun be gi
ven l-t oi fc.*brnat> or ioonrr if necejimary, and who
evn may o« . u|.y it. imgtit find n a.lvxnlMgcspu* to re
tain eoiuc oi U.e lurmiure, Ac. . narticulurly .uited to
the place , 4 -i IL \V 2»<ll( N DKXTfc'Jt.
!'n KK.VI'—A'- «lwcii-
whli not Ilian lour iuocui\tu<J n kitchen
Wllllin h V r Ilf Ir.i CIU.IUI*-* oTUic Dlan>Ol><l
vviiii .n«. Lkn .So l'o*i Oflu-c 1
Jfjj, T\Vtl|,<»JS <m Jtrnvrr sirrrlj 111 the «ty ol
•tic. An' tfiiriij al>ov«-ihr uf»parCofumon»,von »u«cO
i* fci'iiJ * irniuf l-uJiliiip, iwuntimc* high! suitable
lor two fiunll Jeonneiil* Tj,elloU me 1 raol* twenty
icrl in trout !•> !»•>■ hundred |..«A deep, uiui run hart
U> a loti)- fe.-t Tbe lutiii.iigs on the pre
11.1 M * wi l j.«y a \ ery handsome ihlrrc-it oo the u»ve«i
lorlii. and ihr properly will «.i\d rli.-ap tut vail.
Apply 101 l Spun... i 't-rk uilluk, I' S'oruj
-TUP ~.1 oft'-1* -nr <•
ll.e . II) . |l||. v.: I 1.. < I-**!* .-Inline hOr trrinv Will. H
wm lu- .■»«• tv r.">.l I. niuil, nurture ot Ml Jut*
Wi,. in. ■>».• prrmi.". John U mnycr u
Hand am; 1.1.'.1 Itv l.r «.r
JHKtI F WRHifrr.
Scotch Bottom Lft&tl forHa|«, ■■■
fl'I.N AilO.-tth I.AM), Mimiu-d m I’crhlJa town
-1 *nrp <>|. me», mrre miles !tom Pm.-
i>uryn ni ioi» to run purchaser. For lunfier paruc
u:nr- uppi) to Hi-nry U ootia, Jd at. or to K
ov*.-d>f above SmiiiiSeld m
Romi Eatate lu M*re« r “cba»ri
A LOT. Storebon»e and Dwellm* ri
A Erie F.iieiifion Ca-iul m th- „,[?■
diesel, a desirable location for a ' r<M Mtfl*
d'i D T i, ' ln * Houw wc "
Water and From «u
... w ,v S’jst
; ••' rup " < a h L*wTi3B*r, c -
, , ! 7 Al> ;r A I'-nmud viiuatv on I‘ui.n
the house nntV ,* * imJ »‘«• • adjoining
r. ,K>W «*> KieJratd Edwards,
tlold* I* ,ro »l of IS teet, a „u 1, depth LJI fet-t, wUI he
„* on lavuntl.fe term*. Titlfl Bi«n«,rpuonaWr. Fit •
" " I <: -.U«.»l|s. V ,w„,c»,W« J .
A For Nolo.
BcJsIRAHLK Huiidniji Imt U*-A»crbeny rity, fa loraVd. ~/e baU mn acre, and
wui t.e aoUl on iirriipmi.iJtiii., uin* hnitnre of
_ _J U 'V||.j.i tM'i, lit* woid ,»
M n»R RKN d-A room , toe wcotu) »un> .Nv
Wood stieeL j»ou
1)1. A N P.\ Pit i.\ I,N A HKA*N.*»AS —T ue »oU«v riWf
<■()«■ r • i«,r .-i r ;l»r »• \!• h*i Vf pluvial »»n m Arlan-
in ami <>rr*i(Mr*J I/) Ulir Itlc
en-.o he >• ..| M.ii \ :snd. himl lO'.'snir c Iwcui)-
• i S., .Ir. il ii ,i r i, i,i) Hit.-e «>,l ■ hsli »i-r. <ol lsinl.
i. • . >• - i i the i uui.uc r til l"hit‘i|" and t.'. «l
-!• i. .i .ul i - . oi , ie.| in U alniil Be'id ill Itie Mii-IS
a r < il'iiVr lie l.ii'li Ol Hi Ip -
ili«<i> *a<lx|.lr<J lu liie
• 6. r<-‘ <>i i,h. land have
' .1 iv alr J I be re «l Ol »
uii.-i i-«•. i:< niri dune,)
.. m.•( n.,.1 t-birliy ur Mb,
fi. wikhJ jwd, in ('
~.l o.ii.U .-v. n <
.. iip -4uti prrtmti a
I.i lu- Limri il-t at 4 (food
• ( .i Kiiiiirusr fci,nu»| p rt> .
' wnli Npw < lllraim aj.
.. .%• i.u. lor Ho- «li.|io*nl oi n« proJufn
. : ■ ii-hii '<*> mi.l from * inrnm*U, JEM)
fom iMouii! oi tlip* t *h‘o. and 7<u nulr* frooi
N.-» l ’I t all.
I j c^( n *Il’,l,|>r,lV 1 l’ ,1,|>r,lV ' V,l ‘ d ' v, ' lr,i paru, d
i I <■! <m« Ae . ii|>pi\ ipoit paid) lo
, . 'Vjfj.lAM n HKRINK,
Jt ‘" Baltimore. Maryland.
1 .......i.J ... 1 1..,n- wrll iow,i»i,|. llravri county
»f»ltion»rr7n4 l»«niy mij.
....... 1 . - ■.. n;!. n lo* (...i...
l».r pf.'l.ll--. I forty aore)l Brß m enluvß .
lIOM .« densely covarog %vuh choice
r I here a ve, n oi coal and * ule fo w ”
ctin . «... the premises Thwfami Ik-.0, , llu » Wt j *
iiiorMi .•i.rniiiuiiiiy. »n.i conveniently cou ‘“ f
,iml 1 Ut. M.fcvcd lew places comb, J
<om:.:r. advai'inge* If wot »old previously, Uns farm
will i... »rtl.l .ii puMic vendue on Thursday; the l*< a f
neii .March For particular*. inquire oi the subscri.
l>f*r. ..r Um. «>ung Al'o, U.J Liberty ,t tCP(i |» IU .
MiSi diwlmT
■•I • lit.- • vl 111- iilulLi-’iinrJ
J'ltl.S | Hr., AN.
AiaLcOI.M i.KJ',I 11
>AAI|.. I: .v 11 KV
Valuable Krai Estate for Mile.
... ;o *!.»•,!« i;i- . ,r\ fn >|.urgh,
* •''•••l',h I*l Uni..- t.e-ier 0,1 Ihe Ohio
I»:» !io->! (I.( a'l Avi-unc. (*0 fret
• fi< ,i rcia.l 10 me Ohio liver, ad
. t >•: hi > B. SCULLY,
or J AM l_s i. UaKA,
l‘urtf » Wuiicnijt* 4ih *t. “
I' r
i!i\cn • i'. In April—A Stora
•ar i.iicny
•ireet, nr i ’ door to the cor-
of Mai»vt tnd liberty
' •'", -‘‘iC* »• '!. >n Penn *lreet,
A:»n ;> t l f»i tjitf uauii, with or with
,r • a>.:il, | , ,..-r-..inn yivp,, irn
'"•■••t DAVID uKKKR,
Pr-.ii «ir--i iiv-.r (be vnnat
*'!l Mil.IN II srt U.V
or ,A.\lKs t. lIARA.
Duiku - ftuu-l.i.y, 4ih ,|,
For Sale.
r :fic of
i \ rmnn well Jin-
•i \ pDwe’l-n' tl.i
rouu.i ‘••niiajujnj i)
• • 0' e»ci> nib 1/ir,
•r (V any |Wfvti vvi«l>.
+ ~i,u, * >.* iruitute* ri<l/- of
|,uu>>-«. anJ jvoJ