THE miSBIM GAZETTE. PUBLISHED BY WHITE * CO \ PITTHDU&GUi TUESDAY, MORNING, FEB. 20, 1549. P«IJL AD £ L PHIATSOBTH AMERICAS. v Adveniscmctus and Subscription* to U.e North Araer fcajrand Baited Siam Gazelle, Philadelphia, received yid forwarded from ibis office. COMMERCIAL LIST AHD PHILADEL PHIA PRICE CUB&SST. I Subscription* to Uhb valuable paper will be received ■ltd forwarded from this office. SEW YORK EXPRESS. We will receive tiid forward free of expenie, >»l- Veruicinent* und cuhjicriptinn* for ihi« paper. • !} /~nnt PiTTssimtu Daily Uazettic I* published - Daily, Tn-Weekly, mid Weekly.—Tbe Daily i« Seven Dollar* per »nnmu; the Tn-W'eeldy « Five Dollar* per annoini ihc Weekly it Two Dollar* per annum, Jtrieb'y h adrtnn Ey”AiiVDmsKics arc earnestly requested to hand iq flicir favor* before i r and •* enrly jn ihe day a* practicable- Advertisement* uoi inverted fora speci; lied tune will iuvanal*l> be charged unul ordered out nest page for Telegraphic Saws. For Local' Blatters see next page. Extension of the Baltimore and Oblo Railroad. In the haste wilh which our briei sketch of the remarks made by Mr. Swann, the President of Che Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, nt a meet** mg of tho Board of Directors yesterday, were pre pared, the points touched were so imperi-'otly sta ted, and. the exact bearing of some of them not folly comprehended, that we are glad to bav* an op portunity to publish the following fuller report of the sobrtanre ofhis remarks, which has been pre pared andi handed to us by a member of the Board Mr. Swann alaled that he had been eugaged, almost without mlcrmueion, amce his connection withi this Company, in removing the obstacles in tire Way of the extension of tbe road. He had had many and serious difficulties to contend with. The question of route had been finally disposed <>C 6hd, he had reason to believe, foiho-c»tirc mi* of all interests. He was happy to rob grstidaie tin: Board on the adjustment of lbi« vexed que&liou. After disposing of this question of rente. hi» at tention hod been directed to the relation in which wu stood td the Chesapeake and Ohio Cao&l,Com pany. The Canal claimed the right of prior, loca tion along the North Branch of tbe Potomac to the mouth of Savage. From the resolutions passed by the Conal Company, it would be seen that (his difficulty hsefbeen satisfactorily arranged. Mt- S. said that this was the last obstacle in the way of the prosecution of'this road, aod the period had now arrived when the ropd could proceed without further delav. t Mr. Swann said the cost of the road to tbe Mo noogahela had been estimated at $4/>()0,000. It might fall short oi this amount, bat he believed u wbuld not exceed iL At tins point, the revenue of tbe road would be increased one half, or $2,153,143, being equal to 9 per cent as estimated by tbe Chief Engineer. The five per cent Sterling Bond* could not fall short ol $2,700,000. The revenue of the road he would estimate at $1,3000.000 during the prog ress of tho work, and he ihooght ssoo,ooomodenile estimate for the citizens of Baltimore. This would accomplish tbe whole amonnt necessary to carry tho road to the Mouoogaheia river, supposing its revenue to keep up. The road completed to the Monongnhela, the entire debt applicable to tbe Main Stem, might be pul down at S3,2oo,ooo—this being the amount «>f the Sterling Bonds, which would rema-n as a per petual loan, to the Company. The Washington Branch,would lie ample security for the million loan, and the bonds.more recently issued. The entire capital invested in tho road at the Monongnhela would be $13,000,000, frpm which deducting the ot debt, you would have upwards of $9,000,000 as tbe basis of auy future loans, necessary to complete your connection with tbe Ohio River, besides tbe subscription ofS-Kip.UOO from tho city of Wheeling. The mail contract, on the completion of the road • would be equal to a capital of 5C,000,000 at the present maximum ofs3oo per mile. For this scr vice there cohid be no rival. - Tbe debt of tho Company had been reduced to 553,700. From the Ist of October to the Ist cl April. total obligations of (he Company inclu- upon loans, amoanted to $300,000. — Mitipwann said that if no tailing off should occnr in the revenue during this and the succeeding month, the Company would be out of debt oo the Ist of April Or shortly thereafter. Mr. Swann said, that he had every confidence in being able to make the sterling bonds available to the Company. We had always relied upon them as the great source to which we are to look, in the extension of the road. He had lost no time in communicating with capitalists abroad, In relation to (hose bonds. The result of this correspondence was a proposition for the ohsolute purchase of a portion of these booth by one of the strongest hou ses abroad. This proposition was declined.— Within a short time past, he was informed that an effort would be made at home, to purchase $500,- U 0& o>-$l ,000,000 of these bonds. He had no doubt that ao arrangement coaid be made, predicated upon these bonds, which would cnaMe.ihe.Coihpany.4o move on without delay. The road being completed to-the Monongabela river, this Company, in his judment, had nothing to tear. "• Air- Swann said that he might be over sanguine iu his calculations, but the Board were as capa ble of judging a* himself His expectations might not be realized; bat he had certainly good reasons for assuming all that be had stated in relation lo the prospects of this great work. —PztnoL The above article, suggests several inquiries of interest to the people of this section of Pennsylva nia. 1. At what point ou the Monongahela river wil the Baltimore Railnfad .toss? Will our friend** ot the Baltimore Patriot inlbrui us? ‘2. Ia the Mononsnbela river susceptible ol a Slackwaler improvement to the point of intersec tion with the Railroad l 3. Ia there any Legislation to Virginia allowing of sueb au improvement? 4. Is there any Legislation in Pennsylvania which permits of the iSiackwater improvement Jo the Virginia Stale line? 5. Jfaay Legislation is wanting in either State, will it not be advisable tomroeure it this winter? If a Slacfcwater navigation of the Monongahela is feasiblo to the point of Railroad intersection, it would throw the whole trade of the Baltimore Raiffdailon the Monongabela river, from the time the road was com pitied to that point to the time <•( its extension to the Ohio river, which might tie many years, and might never be, if the Slactwi ter answered the e&d desired. At any rate a va bu*mess{wonld always be done on such an tmprov ment, of great value tp Pittsburgh. Telegraphic Reports Ac,Ain. —The blunder* o( Iho telegraph!,', reports or reporters ore really l>e ‘ onung intolerable, and\unless a reform caa be brought about, the entire System of reporting lor the press will liavc to be abolished. Incorrect reports, reports which give a false view of the markets, are infinitely worse than no reports at all; and, unless we can hereafter obtain accurate, quotations, thall dispense with them altogether. Oar attention has been called to this mat i4sf by a commercial friend who received a dispawt’ yes terday morning from his correspondenj.lit New York, dated tho 13th, after ‘change’ Jujjrs, stating that mess pork was offered at S*4‘* , so per barrel and ‘dull,’ while onr reports qtf«e it at $l3 2b, or a difference of one dollar and seventy-five cents per barrel. We can at present do nothing more than warn onr readers not to place much reliance on these telegraphic re|>orts, but it is onr intention at an early duy to investigate this whole matter - and unless Wc can obtain reliable reports of mar-’ fceta, we will have no reports at olL —Louuville JournaL The above is a sample of (he continually recur* ring complaints, on the part of the Western press, ui relation to telegraphic dispatches. The com plaints are well founded, and "Unless some improve ment is must so far discredit tele* graphic diipatohes, as to render them utterly use* less. The editora-of the St. Louis Republican and the Louisville Journal, have frequently complained of present arrangements, and have suggested im provements- We hope they wDi persevere. We are ready to join them in any effort which will place thiswhoie matter in a wholesome ;&nd equitable train. Solar, to the Western press, the telegraph has been a nuisance ratherthan on advantage, and we believe it has been an injury to newspaper readers. The exceedingly meagre details thefWeatera press has been able to obtain, owing to tho high tolls charged, have been of more injury than benefit, and frequently an erroneous impression is created, which is never afterwords corrected. It has added to the labor, the perplexities, and greatly to the expenses of the press, without any corresponding pecuniary benefit, li never can l>e of any certain and permanent value to the press and newspaper '.readers, until the tolls shall be put at a rale which will permit of copious details, without the use oJ bungling cyphers. iNTOusnso to Cauir'uKxxAns.—We learn from the Sb Louis Republican,that Messrs. Tanner and Allen of that city have determined to start a pa»* senger train of wagons for the gold region, raking tho overland route by the South Pass. The Whole expedition » gotten up with strict regard to the accommodations of those who wish to get to Cali* oroiii with as little troable as possible. The pro .. .ectocs are familiar with the business, having been attached to tho army on its second expedition to Chihuahua, io..charge of a large number of wagons, and whatever they undertakeAhe Republican says they will perform. They have not yet determined Upon the number of passenger trains which they will fiend pul, but those who desire to engage this means of transportation, can address tfcfcm on the .subject. Price of passage including rations from the day the train starts $2OO. IGO lbs. of baggage will be allowed each man—extra baggage, 20 cis per pound. This is the best means of reaching California we have heard of—being safe, healthy, and pleasant, and dovcid ofafltroubk. , FROM WASHINGTON. Correspondence ot ihe Ptturturgki Gazelle W*kii:xgto*, Feb. 14. 1819. The votes are officially counted, and it is. daily announced to the country, that Taylor and Fillmore are elected President and Vice-President for the ensuing lour year*, by the vole of .one bun* dred and sixty three against one hundred and twenty seven, given for Casa mid Butler, die majority being thirty six. The scene wa» ani mated and amusing, and if graphically anil ppirtl edly descrilred, would make an entertaining chap ter m political reading. The House put ilselt un its good behaviour soon afier assembling, and >a t waiting a Uriel moment, with prim visage and irk some propriety of detneauor. But quiet and studied decorum are not the elemeutsol our popular brunch- The galleries wer>* crowded with ladiev «ii" it wu manifest would not be displeased at little lun and excitement, or even a moderate row. Si by way of passing the time. Mr Jone* asked leave to introduce a bill, granting one hundred .uid sixty acre* ol free soil to each bead of a lumily hi tlie l'nited State*, who xvoutd settle on tl- leave w.i» refused. Somebody else propotrd to instruct the < oinmiUee on the Judiciary, to inquire into the Hum ol Great Britain, ‘once a subject, alwur- a -object This was also objected In. The Senators not arriving, Mr. Sawyer i l ' *hn started up, and said, that the grnllemen on that «ide of ihe House were at length sati-ticd 'hat oid /’acl; was ele.-ted. They would give it up ,-c ;,nd not inii-t on a count. It had been suggested. :t,ut on un official scrutiny of the returns (>. in (In- Slat elc-iors, something might turn up to the advantage ol Mr. Ga.vs, but they did not roly upon that and were willing to take for granted common re ( ,jrl and universal Miet, that lie was delt-air.! Me therefore moved, that the joint resolution fur the official canvww by the Senate and House be re. Kindnl. Mr. Sirwye N r\ speech and mciu.n o— casioned a hearty laugh, in which the Speaker j"ned with moderation, but he informed Mr S that the motion wan not m order. Mr. Cocke of Tennessee being moved by t! spirit of gallantry', and fully perceiving the •mtili quitey ot space in the galleries, tor the m-emm. dat.onot the Indie*. moved (hut they Ik- a.lm ii lo the Ib'ur, which motion. Mr. Atkin- -u «i V. objected tu, observing as he did so, that iadu were excellent creatures, but that the thv>r oi House wa* not the place for them. Mr .Atkin- is not, ns vour lady readers wdl *up|>o*e, a .-ru-ty old Bachelor, but a husband and the father ol several blooming young damsel*, even ( r b.iMy among those whom he sought to exclude ir their just participation in the sight seeing ol the country. Of course the counting of the votes was a common place affair enough. There was a lingering doubt whether the electors ol Florida might net have refused to throw the vote r.t the Stale lor Mr. Fillmore, and the resolution ut that doubt xvns tire only point of interest iu the proc-mp tug. The Senators marched out as ihev cam'- :n’ !>y the flank, right in front, some of tin m met singularly matched. Mr. Benton and Mr. West- in ami. The tir*» is a jmrtly gentleman of some two hundred and twenty, wl.ia* Mr W wuh hut cue lied up lielund him. is leaner limn Cassius, and would kick the lever against one hundred and thirty. The rear was brought up by a dimuiunve gentleman, oue of (he Senate > lerkt; when he passed. Mr. PenJleton gave vent to hi. satislnction alike end of the ceremony,by exclaim ing, ‘Ah. that must be the end, for here ccin-.. tho protocol.’ Both Houses adjourned without further delay, and the members went to the library whither the dadien had adjourned before them. And mere a grand Taylor Levee was held, in which Cuss democrats of the male gender, were cordially .n -vited to join, and seemed quite pleased to do so. Senators Houston, Hannegnn, and Douglas*. iL*, tinguialied themselves here by their intention to the fair partizans of the old general. At three o’clock, Cuss and Taylor men aud women va mosed the ranch, and the capitol was a« quiet as a banquet hall deserted. Tliere is no political news of cjupieijuouoe. Jrair*. Wjuiint««Tow, Feb. lft, IM;<. The bill for the establishment of a Home lfe partment hasj passed.* The title, ‘Home Depart ment,’ ia preference to that of ‘ Ifepartmeul of the Interior,’ was adopted as aaamendment, probably because the latter had a foreign sound. I like i l best. The Treasury ia a home dejiartinent, and ail the rest are more or leas home departments;— but the one now to be erected is hterally and hi spirit a department for the management and cure cf the public internal affairs of the United State*. It has yet to pass the Senate; but there is no reasonable doubt, that it will go through that body without opposition. This is about the only matter of interest iu the political way, that I know of today. Mr. Bentim has privately informed some of his friend*, that he shall ojqiose with all the powers of h-s voice and pen, any of the Schemes now before Congress for settling the dispute cooeeruing the government of the Territories. Hethmk* (hat the controversy a!out slavery, as to these territories, ol no practical consequence, m ar, much a« »Id' very will not probably seek a lodgment iu any part of them; but he tu, upon principle, opj»>*e«l in the extension of slavery. That tact now appears With clearness. He will deliver a well prepared, and therefore powerful and effective speech ngainrt iJoaglass's bill, when it came. up. and t-etween ibe two, would prefer the bills reported m the H.»u*«» providing simple territorial government., it,.nigh wih the proviso attached. But the chan, e.- mat nothing Will be done, or feven attern <-t.-rn:a I l>e left Lo't. t.«te lor nine months longer. I*ftst night wxi •'./Id and windy alnm-l l.ryund '■'any other of the sennou, aod a nre wh-cii l.eout otl the principal business street of the nty, proved destructive accordingly Three nae fit.-re- with most of therr content* were consumed. Mr. Briutaell, the government <-|erk who wi> knocked down and robbed i-i -1 ovrumg, and then while m a slate of insensibility, dragged to ilir door of bis own dwelling, lies in a very dangerous condition. The streets of our city, the usually quiet and moral capital, have become no miesied with these murderous ruffians, that the ' iii/ens hardly dare leave the avenue after dark, li yon substftute the pomard for the slung shot, our <-nn» dition might well by assimilated to that ot tin- well protected communities of some parts ol Italy. Tur key, or thy Islands of iho EgeaQ, but it ha* r.-rtun.* ly become very unlike that of any otli-r in the l' States, with or without n paid police. Jimi v The Pees lderr.—The cold weather continuing m its unwonted intensity for the reason, navigat.on on onr rivers is clo-ed until a thaw, ami must pre vent General Taylor from paying us a visit by sunt av'enue of communication at least The i.i.-t ac count, at this present writing, we have, ol the whereabouts Of General Taylor is, that he wav. during yesterday, some where between Marietta nnd Wheeling. A telegraphic despatch, received yesterday, from Marietta, says: Marietta, Keh. 19th, ISIS* General Taylor passed here at 5 o'clock .’to min utes, this morning, and has been agroutidlivc miles above. There is a probability that the President reached Wheeling last mghL If so, he will go through Washington to day. Some of our cilurena, we mi* dersUtnd,nave gone to Washington, to invite ium to this city, hot we do not think he will eomr ui present Having undergone greut fatigue,* noil wishing to hasten on to Washington us rapidly as possible, he wdl most likely deter his pr inted visit to next Hammer. From a statement m the St. Loots KepiU.b.-Mi we learn that Ike whole nnmber of slutunbc-sl* de* stroyed on the Western waters in JWh was iifiy nine. Ofthis number three bum their bnlera nod blew up, nineteen were burnt, and ilw.- residue, thirty-seven, were sunk. In addition, a Urge num ber ofminor accidents, involving but a nmuJl u.m of property, have occurred. The number of hres lost in the nbove fifty casualties is estimated at one hundred and thirty, and including till g*hy r acci dents as far as can be ascertained at hundred and forty-five. The low of projierty at ltb» very low estimate of ten thousand dollars in each cna* would make an aggregate of$fil)0,000, independent of the lews of life and personal eflects. The Cincinnati! Gazette having entered its tUh year, remarks: “There are few newspapers in the country, and We recollect of none m the IVesi, that have been, pahliahed continuously lor so loug a period.’’ ■ Does Our very respectable aud venerable • oteru pprary regard Pittsburgh as being in the Wtu'f FROM NEW YORK. Correspondence oftne fVuourgii (.aieitc New York. Feb. Ift, Isd. The arrival of the steamer Northerner from ! Ghariestnu, with de*palche- from Chagresand I’a- i nama, ha* brought information c! the most gratify- ! .ng cnancter to mir steamship bui’.dern and engi neers. The s!c;uncr California made the run to Panama :n .. , day*—a rate uf -peed winch eslab 1-shc- her reputation as superior to any bant on the Atlantic, domestic or foreign. She i* a« sound :n her machinery a» when she left the dock, and her Gapiaia say- is ns certain :n her nmuon* as any ferry m New York. The Cuhform.i fever rata slnt k* off and ve»se!s till up after much hard drum ming. An arrangement ha* l*«. n m& de tll I>rmic IW . go.d oil board the slorrsiup Uungtoti across the Isthmus of Panama, and ,[ mny expeded m N in ail of March. A good deal has l*een ,moire vd here and ,n Ifoslon at S per <-e n t rates, which -how little confidence i n t he reports of p ir nle* m Hie region ol gold. The ab-ence ot gqld" hn* erod ed off not only the ardor m Uw emigrant* but the feehngs 0 ( speculator* all kind, of thine*- Mi--ks have retrograded and close dull—«ome I S ' *'•“ t,av,> I'MrchaiM-dtn d:.v l-.r rem.ttanre to Europe, but the buoyan.-v caused hv me F.neh-n news .pule gone - V S O', ot 'O's Hose i.l 111. and 1 rea-ury Note* 1 (19j. The Trenton Iron Work*, win. h have j.i«i tin ;-hed ft , „llrr,c l(1 ir „, Mr the H„d son 1.l ver road, at VG..V) per .ton. stop on ti.e I «t ol, and diseharge HIM , n r n . who arc p.w>r enough. Ihe demand has U-n, „> areal (.-r Rail' road l-ir- Hint ihe fonipniiy has e-caped the ope. lal-0,, ~t tree trade, unlit rxp-nt.oM ~| the term o! office ol the |sd-,iK ;il gniubler- wiio i.01n.e.l -i;Hi >i heavy m-lb-loi.c afoiut ti.e ne k* m’ Anim.-mi laborers, i. »ur luercunnl- ~r.- n*'w i.t . !e-e corres pondence wilh the proper i'mu iiuitecs H oiis were nece— ntv. which were abducted t»v the reverend imposter on hi* depar* hire. \\ cHV I'll! NrW York could produce a more adroit ra-. nl than tins. A good deal of lechng i* gro\vnt‘> m the .ary. a; the delay o. I .utmess in passing law* to govern t alifonim. ami tbete is some talk ol having a pub lic meeting, by the Mayor, a-fong that «ou,e -lejM U« taken ui secure tho live* an,) pr->|>erly ~| tlio»e who have rushed lo the umvni: region* Letters here !n in the digging', say a govern lllent M'Mf 1.0 notde Without the e. u»ent ol i ou gtes*. ,f our h-gul.iture p**n.*t m liter de'uy l pon, the market* have l-ecome rather active. A-lies Hose dull at b.i;7; Hr }\a- and Pearl-, ('oitc.ii is ojj h.irhrr. and a i.tlle dnit ;il Ihe elo-c. Flour liu- dd largely m ml! prices g’- .) Michigan lit Jft.HJjrjft <>. extr, ' ’• '.ran i* firm, while i <>ni ,'d, n: led <7* ", Kve, oft;bn« Genesee Wheal i Gl. gtii) r.-.i t*tl:o ) I No I -S-nteh P g VH...1. I.jlrar and bOO ion, m .'-ugnr ami M. .a— c- I:.> ■. er and IiH.I lirmh . m Pori. liter.- .. n prui < l""i> Mil- me,- -old hi one ha l.v Snvdaa. >.ige ,V <. i»l Si 1. vv in nn .Her ol a- mm :> u o-. k 'lei the market, prune Sltl.Jft. noni.nady. |F--ct. in.Hianve Lard '* cheaper. t’i'Jj'- for good tu (irtme 1. u-cej od lia- gone up to ft > r nn.| more a-ked. p ritAURKN AND PANAMA. I>etlerstrom the isthmus, are tdnind. nl 'U*: ii-w brought by the -lenm-lup 'hnni'* ui. •-u It. gres f>r Havana l.inuary I“.'—the h-ii.. r . e-mwo: irum thence in the Label In Chnrieslon. and ; '• u -on t.' New York in the Northerner The r • mu larni the Herald s correspondence w.d '‘c no terestaig to m! who h.n-c tin-.r Ui>iug‘r. mn.e,| wards < 'nidorn.a LnjHirtiixi to A’tirii' \r-'*i.r A>'.*nr.t •> r», ('nA'.arj, January 2t. ;>!.• The dtficuliy an I risk ol entering thagre* !ur> ln)r. can I** better tmder*l<>od. | rrhapv u n<*n tn<- disaster* that hnve oeciirred There nr- made known, and all w. htrsieg her .*nnro ufliuie*. She went in th-lirnt tme *i,!r —loaded, and i.n triingout thtmij»*d on it.? t.,ir .ind knocked otr par*. of her keel b"we* er »he kept in., ami in a irw d.«y* all hand* were taken * . e > she wo* lorcrd to put l*a*\k again for O.ngres com* mg over the bar the seo.ind time jT"t on *‘u'r laid three days thumping, tmully got <■ •< and had l i haul imo the mud to keep her Irvm sinking. The schooner Matron wan lost on the 10th or 11th of Jan.; she waa itgbt, too, htmnsr a lond of passengers fnwn New Orleans. <>n the 13th of January, the Caroline U. I’hm, from New York, loaded wuh c - ii for the rN-am- : Isthmus, was lo*l. The had the Ueu pilot in port, nnd hi* assistant. He took the precaution ul*o. to tore the t,M K lewder * whole crew to assist him in—Hut >nr was hxi The Img (nheilo. from New Orteaa*. win a cargo ot s2»•. mud not repair there, she irns lowed out ~v the t 'ruv mi the 2.dl of January, w:th all the ( f. Piatt's «_rrw. in addition to her own to pump mi tbe pa».Qge No farm, mi !*onrd ' *n tlie i,l January, tiic hrig Mnrv Pennei!. trmn New ’tori, with a |.*ad ter the iMluuu. np fwrared in uglii, sa:le,l ml and mi *:;U:I !>,•• V'al At 4 o. im-Ji, j, u». :»v*,.taj" r went !■> tier from . :i hoard the < Inn, Unt every evrt'.j') prove 1 <• im nvm!. f,r in n f»-w |i,,nrs. .tie t.u, uti,mw>idc the K Plat* in the breaker*.. I he John I'enson i« the ,niiy ves-el lhn*.e heard of. *inoe the gold inauia. ll.m ha« e-< a)>e«l . Imt -lie wo« f.)rlunaie ,n having a 1.».r wuuJ no.I -irons breeze. Now. all !:»«*»«• ili«(nlrr« o. • urr»-0 c . .1:1;' in. ami wi.rn i!t, **v«*ry on" •« anxious I<> l’> > ••oi „n.i i-i -fit jot ** *.tv ‘I is Wnr»f fn.ii* ..nt t!•• ft i ining mi 1 'ti ll>" arrival ■.( t.awrnK'r- at I :..u:r«*«. lli**v %* :'l hr* 4 no ii-.u-itcT p.i i ••innicui.iiii-f* <>• • 1 I.u si.-.r-' i* • I,(\ '• . :• in -• ' .. I•• X • >ll |ia"ll mi.l r l-.-ifffjiSr l *4|ii,un Tuck«*r ■•an to uj b:« lin.ii ihr ''nu>. U'fnlV livu iir.- no ikx.l.l lint li*s u l!i J.I 'I J.lan to t"l |>.u»«a-ncrr- U; <’rure« iniiidi rlira;'"r and wiili nm hloi-.pi venntu, '• Ilian lorniri y Mu I **- ar-- t. ■ I." ■■ l »i i a- "n oi.iiioii.-'y rd Bt < irurtrs lor ntKinl 11 1 r3«*ti. u .nrli Ui.Jn’.r *; tin* lo I’.mart.a imi • mint m.* ..rln >*r- • u.r rx i«*n««* o( from 1 lo i’mu inn id Si" \l, |. r,*,, f ,y 1., iin-Jrr ■/Id -y-luiu -a- I *-».i! !."!■ rr ' _ij>tHin lot \ * ;( . ~ ~, rr f"*rli i|>-. v ~i do ;i . ;ir,if.rf 1■ ■■ tr.-tht ol o imi' ii Wnulod I iff" and a load w.,-.i!l i. • \ %a. , : « l*o d< mill, il Inr y afnvril - mil : I >' Air'*lh»-r Very rinj**.rtiji»t duiu I-. llir k,j-i nu»ii"V l*> <'3Trv in f‘murr*-. to j.ay f-k;>ni-r* * Eivrrv I!'"'* Kill o,n to • lfa«t ht'iy dollar- .• • 111 < lil.Vfrs 11.- ■ • Ull! IUtM-IV In live dollar* .i! to iij. I)..- ! v.-r *■’ • .1 n f • ■in *[**nd Ihrm u!l i-.r ■ , ■ tni*'. "tir half ''vt! «JOi.-ir<‘ \ ' l,u: '• h '"d -< ifml. ii.;,i K«it» w»ly I i-:t. u-.t.j w.-nr, : f‘-‘» ». -r« “"> -- cr ...I . forty imie, turned luiu, b«t innlJireer.N and live frur. s -.r. v lb- ire'-: . j 11 * '*• :>V H.e emwd and se.ied him l«l .-cut pin p ,K> for I'* e; i; ii l I the ft nr.-I .►■ l y , oMierol. Iha VO Voted nmo j -'"o'* t ,r *' ! r iii Inti never iruvr any vote willi \on-l mportallon of SI a v «*t Son th. 1,, w . '» H.c v *d«. I jtnve J’ott. I jelt J ; "*'< t W i. r an lionest man. win. wmilj A .W l.U.i —lt appear* there .* ... ri J the• or- .nt order of rhtnrv 1 M *$Oo« Ui Ueoreu • :.:w ; irl.idilmg in-' .mjxirtjiioti slave. . 1 " * aM * ' »**niTsi|, 'and will jlf> my , n .t, ihr hi,.i, a „„.ij !!n!; r 'T 1,77"! I| >- - , " "'** I'*' I’'' hHVe oee,. m Ul an> j ,»|waya come th« -•alu’.e 1.-**.k and :*ceit .• j .ei,iy « r "id v- >i ;i do oumn.' ft,r every a! 1 pi-rnM.-hrii mm. the Oner.,l hod some tieo that most of tli- Irmling journo.' c-l are now *j»«*alr;ng "Ht 'n Mvor ol tl»»* -nl'irciTu-ui of iU j»fi»yr*ious. A iiovc, urinates I nciit Wearly K>rl»i ;n Uur I.| .>«• in so Joiatt »'!•' ,n% Irotu the Aujrurla CoTHlitiK.nna : »i W«* hope tiinl every Sjutb**rn .*>• Jit»* it., simJar provision. The* law should loimiy pr..u,j, the introduction of niaves into the State lor the pm. po*e of settlement. By this meant the necessity will operate immediately on the border Male# >.t Virgin, Maryland and Kentucky o( liiulutg terri tory adapted In slave l*t,or among our newly nc* quired poiuessuous. It wotlitl tgduce an .turn lo New- Mexico and perhaps u> Cah.ormu. of stave owner* wiui their slaves. Tin# state tW would gradually or nl compel Tennessee und North Caromn to follow suit. Denied a market in the more Soutneru i.iave Slates, they would seek nod insist on an outlet lor tu-.r surplus slave fiopu. latiofl. They would t«*c.uiue strenuous and uoll iich. ;njr advocates of a Mir purtu-ipaUiu the fr-e Slutea in our territorial uojiiisitimin. The whole South Would h« interested in ttje Mlcyca# of the . demand. •Thu jKiluiy,d - adopted l>y »!l the slave Slates, would be U»* l«eirf jM>BSli>tU preliminary step to union,!" concert of action, and bar/rfony of mter.. enu. Thai the Slate* enumernted, or U) liroe will have a redundancy id slave population, lor whii li they must have an outlet, ia an adnmted Tact. r,»U it now he tell by, and forced upon the border *tuJ they will be atimulaled al on l " r**luxion ir> the lw.« hour law. :if i-i thr a<-t limitm* the hour* of lT wa* under consideration m ad* Itol-SF OF REPRESENTATIVES. \i" T ' * '; om liie ( -<»nunittee of 'V"" 1 which iva* referred Mr. Grn •e". K ( 7i," ,u r ~v m ? tm * * n, l uir >' a* to ibe aj.ili. !* , • ,l ‘‘om l ...te ti>e North Branch Canal "! L- Vr* tav *- lompletion of that 1; l l-n»„n* oyster, eatmg an d porter ho.-.ev ns .t mean* of revenue, thelboh ‘ the of a ' !. 'V, ** l ' h > ,f ‘ r * on Ui military M.K The C«,m,i,t|« another re- > *‘f' AW ”• Mr. Strartzwdder a .rrix.n.i,- the B.riiungham Manufaetnrmg Jimm-mT'o' *”! B, ' t >■'< l».- final the inmiuiiin 1 ''l m. t>..n -•! Mr Umslon. the Senate revived '"’V l '-' r,, »t'Ve *e, 8 ,0,i. and iinantinou*lv J „f the loWm* named ae..He-men a* l-idge, —JoIm, A. Baker. ,T 'n' : L •" OI Mercer H K-h-i -• Nonljumpti.ti ami W Bm rf I i I urt-'ii 1 Mr ( itim.npli:iin, from the* |> T'»>»’nv rt-|i'irtrj n tail m nt<*orpornle th<* f ’" ul Alkjghniy.wiih kinetul Mr t 1,,. |,,u |„ mi! ur.tur miuitii.,, iiiriiii; ami mr.'haiiirnl mnu-""' ,n ‘ '••'"••'■■nwi-iiltn. will, ainrnil- •I'nr .-.Minir „ wlll | llMf . -in. rui'i n i.l 11,,. -,i|,ml |„ (hr an l„ Imm Hi. hour- c'f !:ilv-»r '.n ti.rlurif*. l In i[n» -fji'ii (k njtiii' was mi ihe iiioiion nt Mr ni\'.*r i.) -Inky .. lt i ni; :»n«-r dm enardnt: rla line. ""'-"••‘"-'•tl'n Ve,« • * a. i.i utrl *->iiin rtivjii hii miichol'il a»jmi li.lnM il.f *•,vmrht i-!i Mrrn nn.lrr I-.'year.. J]' r '"iv*i'r .ulvm-aim) l„. linrnl. Mr.-mml: .J „ mil. nil,l,ml wa., vml—vea. 5 nays ' ' I'"' In, In.,i. l.,!l. alliiwin* li'-r. Jr ,| „i „ '„ r ,. « ~-n-n|,n l v* :ir«i «** I*' -|-. .1 i"i ir-ii'ia in IA-nfl; loitirer Urin li- .nr- |»-i .1 - in nrt{*li\vd I>V a vote A.-..rnnn.n,iron, ihn-,i in | < \ llu- uni- m.' ,i in.iir V < due U- laU>rrr.« and .'IIn-r-- nn in** jnit. . m.|,r 'Vr'inriii.,. wn« rpi-eived Mil. ln 1i... i „ lrtill . r I AJ tiri r-• J iini'v Kri'Hß.Fir»Tivt». , l "' : ( nm mllrc ol tt’nv» anil . 111->* niir nr->) l.y . f.niJl.- .'Mol.b* .irui Nh'liolhoii h was or* ri*-1 1m- proilr.l wi'ii |i| r uotjofity report. ' -'it it.n —\ muHniido of ii.rii). .ruil» ami rr rim»— w»-r»-Irom a 1! part* of liitr vrry leneHiv •ni-iio ir-! !■ v w.'inrn of ( lir«i«rr -o'. ’I li.t- 'icviisc laws. t :• l l.jfr —; ‘.v Mr Swarlxwrlder. a >'* lor a tax on (.»uk note lu * • " ' •-! rv the Citnnl «, | ' ..i..r.u rr,»- I|..*(»,* whether the lolls on 1'11., 1,.- Wi>r.. ,• H>>) 'I !.«• hh io iiu-rea*e i.’.. . : ! ; -'t >tm,* without detriment lo the Wii, Uk-!1 Up ;«n J pa-ed. '*■ l >f '* v:, l• ;i u lor the cmuplct.on of the Nurth t-r.:< .mm \v tt s taken up. when Mr Meek-poke t . i’ir !..u:r m aniourmnrnl. 'VERT EM7.AUKTII MKETISG A .-‘.rur an,, r, -i■ t -x. ie n.eeMig r.| tho citizens "i tm* T->wn*. L ip • i .It*:l«-r«* *r: nnd tlie Borough of f»i wj- h»-u &i ti;*- Pubiic Jnluh>l :,1 'S; J •. me:;. .. u Saturday, tin* I 7th day '( I H>r>i.irj '■*• •• '■ *»■ i''" |>itrpo«t» of taking some 2 1 ••• 'ii |r. -f.t new county.— Th- mr.t ns •.» . i-n-jed l. V rali-Mg K. lU*da, ■•f JciU-r-m f '\i lx:, j. I , f'Ka.r, i.ud appoint* • I; - T Ti'"iu... M,U- Sv.-i.Ury, Tbe Object Ol tne uuVu.jr i n* stale.: by K. percivai. K«|., U we. rerr-d uiat it omimitin; of three 1 M appointed to doimed E. Pernrni. Kj-p, J. Cnuk\ and V. Jhggs wty> retired, and in o snort itam jjy, Mowing report, whu n wus/mtd and adopted Wiikkka* t-.rc t nr 1,. -U e iearn there >* now pending lie* a I.'-’ <<.r the er-ation of a new . ountv on: 'I j'.-;ri.. 'A’.tsii.iigton, Payette, Wrjt/ nn Tt-u.i.i, and A .o*beny Cuunliev to be called M-nmigiihcU-Therrimn, fi-MJtt.J. w t-nrtif>tlv outer oar reinon« rJfiin. -' ajm u-i iff i. rut;)[min ol uuy '-.irmly latmjf •h.v I'-irt <•» A -it i.-nv 1 minty, an,l particularly •••''"•“I .mJ uoy part ol fI'WC-tl i' 1 :*>, i'/—l'lil t lir* for *n»uml, •<■ tiu..»liriirs, anil other '**•• our taxrp. winch are W,„l! .i r;iJv Millii !_-iir'.Jpn««)rii»*. "*■' ,r '' 1 * l:iU '> J ■'* *»ln . r i:ir- ('urj. rfr. ting f.miJuu'9 i a- h 4 h-n * < • :>n! t•-*:.»«-1 1 arr nuw l ,a,J: “ r ' . w. ~u r i. lt Jlir ,-oontV jiur* n.ivf r^-ij n<'(~ f,, ii,«« «tnii-litril e-t nto«t I!m -< 'uf ir; «t>i*n w.lh Inr '-ity .>( I'ittvhurph. a.. 11l- t r-al [ml !,, innrt l, rm- is u l (hr fo r . iimt. in- in ii iii.u • an,l , ihrrs. ihai rnir iinii, .« ulil in m-mt , I- (ji.ii* with •V 'l'r- if in; f...,,.,. r ,,„. |lw . >'• M.IW ~| tl ,J 1 1 'if ■ fLf»i irmn Allegheny - t )• • • t.. !- r u Mr., l-h <>ij iri.«n AI m- r-»|rf., r.n.l i»;irnritly 11 • i• • n v .i :i y |iirl in>m A li**ghcn v i i»'*w e-unty \n.v i-K ...i, t |,« re| >orl. I>r J |{ Me rvf " , * rr ' * !tl '' wltp.-h wbs I I" J.rc- •ed.iiß* he -iffned bv the •'l'M* ~n«l Unit |* flutter mid K. •mm’Met- hi prepare the same ••l Lirward a copy in each () | • im;.- ,tmi II ’fise .-I Hepre-en - irieelu,- nlji•iirueil I' I’> 11 1 d 1 'A l is, < 'hairin.wi fe Cl•>. 1 l-jli.-Unig ■ t>. :denbl • ‘y who c-iunc to .peal; to him rtecompa ■» •a , l |i,i.| M .|, t, r . ~o.|. 'Are ihoae your ’ '''l d Mv ••hildreu are at Tl "‘ .M —Mir: wrs pui'hxti a w ory about B Mr* ' Mirr h ■,{ > lujjicr wtinly, who n|« i,» o. :■ i'-f Me cave the mosey In his wife* At ii.t;M a sJranger applied £>r • hxhpn* u.,.l fH-rmiur, l {., remain, feat*‘in |h m“lil men .luchimml ar nejrroeit went to the hoiuw; uinl ilcm muled adrnitftnrr ami the nipjjey The woman >nlo-me.i il.c Mranjrfr □/ whnitras go-* mirt®, w»,o iinndrd hern }»*(»[ with whirl. she b!WI one man, ho with mmihrr pi.lnl Injfeg a w ,.. (-ml.mul tl.o ifctal •le* .im|>rJ. l?p, m examination it wn« Tonn-i t. k m the wmnna cad killed her own btuUnd. A .'•tT-Avti.M' Kace.—We i<;arn, »*ys the Lntits- V,H«. Journi.:. tr»m Copt. (Ollier, of the Robert KuU ton. ihnMlie junior- ami 4 ler.jf Scott, Cn{>t. u j. riiiiiiing a nice from N e w Or lean* in St. Tho Fulton met them H liOVe Crtmi.lli.- Miwuri no miles uhend of the Scott.— Tuey made u.e trip Imm .W 1 >rlrnos to Cairo is 4 day* nml 1 irnii. n»ere w«» £rent excitement in M. l>nm t-ii f.-r-cuTtt «( li) is roi.e anj much The legislature ft Min«a«-l,usetu hat directed the ( 'omiinttefl on the Judiciary u, m>|uire into the etpcifeii'-y •’* law, hometfead* ol the value -1 three hundred dn||« ra b« e*wn ( *t*J Irom execution lor debt- The Roslon Courier ap» prr,ve«the movement as lar as ,1 gnea , bat thiolta it should l*e more comprehenaire. J, M< I.ia.i— The W,.l„„ 210 „ dent of the I’hiladeljdu.t North A iimncm, writes u» Jvllow*, under dale 01 I'tlh inxinnt “Jnd K r m. i.Oan rem-oM-da IrirgVapU’ despatch Irooi t -• >hwiil-o« 1 ins rimming rommumcatmglhnl a , mi. us Hi- Whigs in the Lcgisfnmr* of Ohio, has noininali-d him fbr|thc H. S. lo 41! tile t .mniM Yto 1.. Ilf by the expiration .*1 Mr, Al len * term nil the Man'll An ao-wer was Junnedmicty returned, declining the honor. la reference to a vile iiwinoaiion, ia some pore two* of lJm Loccfoco pres*, that Mr. Clay is re turning to lie Senale for the purpose of opposing General Taylor's adnumstratioa, the Louisville Journal says: Nothing can be |more grossly absurd or uuerly unfcraoded than the supposition that Mr. Clay will ever forteit any or that distinguished consideration which the Whigs entertain tor him by a factious and malicious opposition to a Whig administration. INo, the gallant Harry of the West is the soul o k honor, and he will not in the winter of his life prove ! recreant to hm lofty sentiments, but, true to the principles which he has always cherished, be will yield a cordial support to his friends, and be ready to turn aside the shafts of his enemies. No dis honor will slam the evening of hi* life, and his sun, uoobscured by the nusta of treacberv, will go down 10 dazzling splendor. Hctgr Clar.—The New Orleans !>elta of the Sih inst. has the following: “The Hon. Henry Clay, now sojourning in our city will not, we undereland, uttend the anting of the Senate called on the 4th March next, but will be at his post, 1f his health permits, at the commence ment of the regular session in December next— It may be interesting to his distaut friends to learn that the distinguished orstor is in the possession of a!! his vigor of mind and body, and loots as if he hsd many years of good service in him. A para graph in some of the papers states that Mr. Clay had written a letter pledging his warm support to Hie administration of (Jen. Taylor. Weunderaland that this statement i* unfounded, and (hat Mr. Clay, •Lunds wholly uncommitted as to the course he in* tends to pursue in the next (Congress ' February 1 o. IS-Jv. JOB PRINTING. KIM. HKAI)S, CARDS, CIKCri.A RS. Muni/fjU. Udh Lading, Contract*. Lire filonit, IUNb SM.t.«. LABKIA, rEfmriCATES. Cim-KS. rouciui, ir Ac , Primed »t The shortest notice, at low price* at ihe d-JK i< ASKrrk ( >mi a, Third *rikrr ID”^ornnn .Mr.vS JVJsjh *xrn.«i I.jbkakt ash Mi . iuskV iv-Tirr-ra-The Kuth lecture will l, c givcu by Tikis J Uiohau. on Tuesday evening. Feb irtnh. «t 71 o'clock, at Apollo Hall. Siraiw-r—The Mitieral Resource* of Pennsylvania. Ajauiglc ticket 'ii emu, for gentlemen— »o charge fortadie. To be hail ni the Book Store* and at the door ID" Tin- Wlw;.- nmi A nlinin-onic voter* of the lown ■n.p or Jeiler«on. will mert at I.ownc « S.-liool House, on Sniiir.lnv. iheday oi March noil, at y o'clock, I M , to nominate candidate, to lie supported ai ilie ensuing iown»lnp cleulion By order of the hiecuuve (’ommiliee fehl® T I.iveh Pit.ia—Nn medicine ever earned far itself » higher reputation m * briore the public, n lias already earned for ilarlf a de cree oi popularity hitherto unsurpassed The demand inr them Has l«rome immense ,Me«»r« Kidd ACo . the proprietor* of the medicine, who re»ide in Pitts burgh. corner oi -till and Wood street*, nra constantly receiving orders which ihev fj'nd il almo*l utterly nn posublc to a .cicnti fir phtMc.mi. and nil ci*.*e« will Lnd n h safe and rrti caciou* medicine m the diseases Inr which it is r--. commended - (Columl.u* ((•uoj Cross and Journal For sale nt ihe Jvkm Tea Store, No 7u Fourth *u.-ei. No Mur am is .smi.Kav VatxtrtuK. South Pittsburgh, Jan 3bih. IMP Mr R B Seller*—l purchased one via. ol your Ver imfujte, and gave my boy, aged < years, two and a half tca«pooc»ful, in the spare of (our hour*, and the result wa«. an enormous discharge of worms of a large »ixe. Previous to living your Vermifuge. I had tried Dr. M‘- imne * and I>r. Jayne *, wnftool any good effect. ' our», Ac . GKOROE *>HI NK Prepared and told by R. K. BKLJ.BRA. Wood ti A;«o, by Dr Cossel, Fifth Ward, D M Curry. Alle gheny, and WtnJ Stttlh, Tirmperancevii e f c ß7 C7* L't* TU r».irnMu!o.-lf you wish 10 i* sue pe»*iu; in any undertaking, you muti aiwny, u .»c ibe fro|»-i tw*i» ' Therefore, if you have a rough, use 1-jrHHiiu’rT and i.e cured. for n i* Hie proper iueau« Wove you Asthma or difficulty ol breathing, Uirn the oniy efficient turani to cure you i< 10 use j*yuc» Fjp«-cu>rai.i, which will immediately ovrreoitie - tne spasm wn„-Ji comrnn. the diameter o/the tubes, I > Al'l>N—litMO ;[,« smoked Bacon «.. loti .b-r. re'l ami and bm.g. up the lourg. which clop, them ' JJ on and for sale by ' rTt'm., l.m“ l ***["• T\SSKY A BWT .lue.l, ami u ruri m certain 10 he effected Have you ( *l' ,,v Kß 1 1KI>—**«J bid* new S-eil, in store and lor Bronrtuu». Spitting of Blood, Pleuruy, or m fort nnr *■'*■ **>’ foblT TASSKY ft BKST l-or a*le in Pttuhurf hat the Pekin Tea Store, TJ 4th , I)t>TASII —0 cask* superior quality, for retail itrcet near Wood. jaa!7 ' X In store and lor tain by TABSKY A IJKST ' ,t M,. h„l i governed by the above m»Ho. ho might has,. ■ „ - iJ E”SSi* “irS v.-d money and himself much physical iuffennrr; but **T'® H *— ,6n <»»»>«• W »««re; for tale by ’* <- • ' -< read the following letter, dated April 1 OUy, le<3: I _JL _ . _ BAti^AA SMITH. and SO wood at MrWru Shields, a rr*pectabie former of this view- fIUVVPnv nil iTT"i <, ity. w»» taken dl. called ... a Lfocuir who doctored : I ~ NNE , Rj * C>ll —l*» i*blw fo*st Brown OU,Jatttre J..« 1 for Dyspenst* tor one year, but he Mill rot worse A — BAUAJ.hY A 017411 He then discharged bis Doctor and paid him thirty .foliar. He then got a rial of your Vermifuge, and ••ne box ot Sunali ve Pill*, and by the hse of these med icine* | costing only SU cent,) be discharged, he *ay,, nt least one thousand worms, and in two weeks was -n improved m iiraiib a* lo attend io hi. ba«tne*s, and ).a, neen ... good tieaim ever since. and say. Dr Jat Venmiuge and Sanative Pills have made a -ound roan ot hun. \VM. B DKAN. I’ M . In Dr [I Jayne, plnia at Port U ilnam. O For rale ... Pittsburgh at ilia PI.KIN TKA STUBK. '0 1 mirth street, near Wood. lei.lT JAw5 CH JMI I Mi— Mi till- 1 * I'odtuh m »u>rr, tbr tale by ' “-W' BAt.ALKY * SMITH 1)1 Rh i'tiTASIl - til rnrk> [Foiund PoLa*h, a very •«|w.| K .r Httaln>. .mu day by Mtt L K Une and for ole by J A H PlA>Yi>, Jlouod Church liuildinc s n.i,i»< larxiu. Cocnu Stair ~ - _, . - South I’mtliurrh, |>ii I IM9 | SKhl>- vli Übl« IMnu. m »u>re and for • ■!<■ \l, •.*!,. a.- 1,-„ troubled a riolrni f ou(cb lor JiRFUJYU_ t, M \‘ , ? n d "\ he 1 r p ®y* b v? 1 p *yy . kmm, B-.r0.'.. , n ' .tor* ,' 1 " atrr, I formerly lived.) .old me *ftr O and tor ,ale by feblti jJk K KUH 1) l.ed in.' I in'.um(>tn>n After w* rrmnved.lo till* fit) 1 I nMniurd ;.,r brr. nm-nnd a* »iTL T AKI> -do kc*. No I l.eii I.atd. in .tore and for t.«; thr > » -re nt no It in.l of bri.rkl to her. Some two 1 * • t »lr l.y leM'i JA H FU>YI) »nonth« .lml j.urrh»*** r * V-rm.’u-t- in wy l.m.i) 1....- .urrr- IJI’I.K »*«>KK Hulk fork. r« 0 and ior Hi x*« Rt> Vlf.iuiH X>A»lf|, v . UM«; AHMs-IIiUNOiCHiiZKR rill- pn|.ti
M.I.KHM?Wo«u,. -nd ...»> b- t.ud ol I.f.i, lIAVA N A M li AK- 'Aibn «lmr H««an» j r'-iicruii) in ihr iwn p.uc« »i,f'..-ir 1 1. und r„ r i»i c urn- i.y % m ' M.lrt K.Nni.lM) .1 HK.N.NK'IT. :i; woo.l «i Improvements In Dentletrr. \,f AiKKKU. -.Vj obit N<>.Mat kcre-l, in «totp and IjR ( 1 U >TKAKN.s. l»ie ol Ho* ton, i« lo iVI Inr m!e ,ow i>> inanuluip tnd «ri Hl<«i T»mi ul >*ho|p and pan* fbl'i (■'Mi!.k*>|| A BRNNKTT i|>«mi >ucUon or Alnmijiiirlii.' Plate* • I iik *»!> i* rive m:*i t*.v the rirrye 4 itfirr mui rcatdeure next dour lo ilir May ni • oi!ir<- Kounli »trrei. I’m«t>urrh l.kfkKt.- J H M’Paddcn.K fl Kaion jaiy W. n. Wrlßht, M. D., Dtnil.i, / mI.DPKNS T*-i,r dor-.i ,„,i received P i the I x arid residence on Fourth «ireet, oppo.itc i|, e v J fi.»rn pen •v r i ntf. red lor ml**. mad*- with great » Umik hour* from'J <> rlo*-k 10 l-.' A ' »ml a* in-ar |>-ru-<-Holt a. human -kill and mri-. M . and ironi 3 o'clock U»5 1* M. wp|4|y " lhl ? accornpn.h The**- pen. arc marked -\V - » " " i:«on, Pitt«(.u i gk*. 1 iind warranted by DIED, ... 'VWWII.SOV •> o.icpUr, Cmtl.U Piurri*. agad 4 year* and 4 ° coron markrt an.Hili ruoniln. -on of Porter R and Eluabeth £a W) ri I) I s I t H,S For i:»iiioriua uv-ManJ cuinpvur*. r» Funeral will nikc place ibi* afternoon u: 3 o'clock, c. i V rd ye-tc rd-*> and n-r *o.l* hy ,’xc re-ldc:,.« Of the parent* on Smtthtic'd hrtwtri ”' l ' " W " ,, * S " N Imnt and t ourih iirrou J-'riPiid* »jp ;<» .A HII*KS -3l -ii'K lion Inndun' num strainer 4 ifiT"* i'iAMH'ph'KKV * ,M. f,„„, LAHU-: M.u No I ii.lo.Wd. lumi.nß l/um «twr (. uml»«rtlilJ, (•>, -air I. •, . jsaiah mcKKY a r« I^l. AN SKKO- 10« wiw irora <’iur t'um- JboU. >... .Ulr- |,y irhlj ISAIAH UICKKY A ( .. 1A Hl>- I*o lil.l* No I. pi -tor.- for -al>> (,y J __ I.' l/j» l-niii'' inijs" Ot«*r»« rrc d mid ror V_/ «Ip by W A K U-anvitKON. '«*!* ISd* Ijl.rny «< HOI.I. BI'JTKK ID l.l.!;. K.'M Jfotirr. nm r -<-M .m.l for *«!.- I,j f.-i.l •) \Y .1 H M Vt"IVllKO\ G'TO Am -* < • -ullmlrs Coiiou, tuniimy' from mnr * that your Honor* will In- piea-u-d to gram : him a iH-cnir U> keep a I'ublir Houu* or Knlrrtnin- < nirni And your petitioner. a* in duty hound will I \\>. lie Mihvnhrr.. rm,r„. or ll.r ahirr.iu.i Ward, ' do rrrtl'y. Him lire above petitioner t . «,( pood r*|uHr • rr.r nrmcuy a«.d t-pui Fr ance, *rul i; well ayuu ! hou*T rutnu mid , onyrinpnri'* for lh.- a. r.uumodubon • and lodpiMK of virajigcm and traveler*, und itiar .n,d ! tavern i» aecraaury | I'elrr Hoeb. Ft fremigel, John Kirrl.err.Nic. Ilani w.p, Henry HoUnmn, Henry f.u..ei,hcrk't>r. Jacob t Unr, John Tuclm, Siumirl Rirnt, M. Urawdy, litarza Wm. (.aHu K lifr. febst>d3i 5 OLTF.R FRfcLNCH HROADCIyOTHS—W R.Mi;b- O mi mvite. the aiteuiiou orbuy«rtiobi»exten«iTo aaKrrlment of above fJoodi, embracing erery qaaltiy ajitovery linn, um) itmii the celebrated manufactu re* of tnjnoe. i'prcba*i > i(j tbe.r good, rrom tho e.>m®t*»iou merchant, or agents qf the mamiiaetu rera. lie .» maidr.l to sell theta a f |&e po«ll.le pnra.. AHo, o-.-c «epn and invialllc green Cloth., very cheap; wool rlyrd Mk «io; and French. » nlM h nnd American CASSIMKB*>«, Mark and f»nrv lit and fancy rntm VKSTINIiM, gentlemen, atilt pocket iiaadJurehief*, Mock and fancy Cravat., linen norVei HJtr., Uodenhirii, brown, *O, „ il,, „or>l~C.„t! corner of * nu°.6.ur- „„ h .„,,„ a tor »ale low liy MAMM.KROK.SPN feb'JlldGi corner jnnrkfit and s»’h ’•»» ' PAR-ll» NO. for »a!p by , AKIJ No ~M Vo V.,. do .o;,o'.; rt vo 1 V ° N !"»"«*■' * C ° |j and tor «ale by BROWN A CL’I.BKRTXON A/f OLASSP..*bid* N u .ubi received 142 liberty >t ! JM“ >° ;tl _ WoiI.LSA ROK IJpU. 11l ITKR -I* bbl- Roll Um,,.,, io arrive L^WK -Ui bbU mperLne Flour. IV tor ta r- by feb-JU BROWN A CULUKKTSuN 'X 1 i«*3l M dIU.N A KQE I/r'fvO lIUTPI.H- 2 ke*» prime Bulirr, to-erriTe and INSKNU—3 bbN, in Rood order. JV 'or aaJc by feb*j BROWN A CL'LBKRTRON A ROK ■ vb. barbkbv) iiuipsirnm-beii-o. i..„j ~‘,d 1 / niRKSK-»ii, u r rir l .,mr . _J_/ lor»aJe by lebSU J KIDl; aCo » O tor «nle by ,»« WA R MH.'UTiMIWrN G 1 ENUINE SAI-ALI OIL—On band and tor tale by DUTTER—u» bbit lre»n Hnll Baiter; 19 keg* do, ui r feb3U i KIDD ACo JD ,tot * MJ ~. do No I Lnf'l; H do Ru*seit apple*, -ui", rrn-..e.i a:nl for *ttfe ky » J l) WIUI.IA.MS. . _JcUI _ HO wood .1 l)l .\\ 111. P— t hhU Honey Ifew S) rup, in «lorr and for ui'- hy fei.j-J J UAJ.ZHI.I, / 10-ri'UN YaHN.'a;-Wm< a* \J sorted No«; atio l.ale. Hatumr, -dido candle W«-a carpet rhain. rotton Twine, an, rxi I.M- nutur lor inl«- t.>> UmiV, MATTHF.WSI4 t> 8 1 L't.AK itri:u .11 4101..' »nJ >Ol “ulo l.y ! frl.Hi S A \V IIAKBAUIrII SALKKATI .** lu- u.k- lot .*lr l.y iVMS M Vi.\ Mtl,NNJli>R.srtOo 1 kI'TTEK •'* l‘M* Ro'l liiilirr, in store nm{ tor i> >»)• I--M" SAW MAUHAD^n | AUIJ- U* M-' N« l m r i«:* mm tor sale by JLI IVIiI" F 4*V HARUAUGI! IIKXF.F.I) OIL-l* bins Linseed 0,1, „ore k»,l J'fur sale by Hi W lIA HliA Uull Cl KEEN A PPI.ES-lUi !.»>!• green Apples, hi store r and Ibrjmlr t.r trbMi r» A W HaHUa^U I- pie* ««'•. L >.«. ‘AW lbs Ilnr .rwu UIIKY. MATTHEWS A Co MACKEREL -W 1.1-i- No .1, lor' .air by M.ts S K VON nONNItOBST A C-o WIH I'K HKA bl.i. • «,*!,' .lorr amt lor »«le l:; J. s WATERMAN OABDNEBs LINIMKNT—On band and (or sale U by febSO J KIDD A Co LUDLOW'S SPKCIFIC—On hand and for sale by *b» _ J KIDD ACo AGXNUINK article ol Gray’* Ointment, can be bad Drup Siorr cm febflO J KIDD A Co SUNDRIKS— 45 .No I Lard; 5 bales Cotton, V sack* (•jitsemr; -TJ do Kratners; 5 boys Beau#; 36 do Flaxaeed, I >r.' t do, l !.»x Beeswax, to ornve. tor sale by ISAIAIi DICKKY A Co, 'l'-'JI front it PF.ARL ASH—lo casks Pearl Ash, iu»i rec'd and for sale by UCRUKIDGE. WILSON A Co, waief *t POTASI I—6 ca-l« Potash. ju«t rec'd and for by _febl9 DI'RDRIIKjK. WILSON A Co HAVANA SUGAR—fiO hx* white Havana Sugar, arriving and (or sale hy BUKBRIDGK. WILSON k Co ALMONDS-ltw basr« soft shelled, for sale by fcblO BI'RBRJIXsK. WILSON ACo I>I'TTFR—2 bbl* fresh Roll Uuiter. for sale low by X>_febl9 JAMKS DALZKLL Cl OTI UN- -Hi bins prime t otton, m store and for / sale low io clo*r con-igmnent. hy JAMKS DAI.ZKLL MOI.ASSKS- -s**' bbl* N O Molasses, in fine orde and lor sale l.v icblU JAS DALZKLL /■tROI'ND NUTS-130 sack* in -tore; for sale by Vjr_ ISAIAH DICKKV A Co. from «i 810 AK 111 it Si: MoLASMIS - 4tt Mil* Si James Su gar I lous>-, m -lore and tor sale very low to close fontigiuneiii, by leblU JAMKS DALZKLL water st l/LOl R--Tty bids S I 1 l lour, in siore and lor *n J/ low in let.lV JA.MKS DALZKLL MACKKRIX—:t‘. bbl* prune No a Marker 1> in »lore mid lor sale low by I«*LI0 JAMKS DALZKLL JJI TI'KH-Ui pin. iresh Rod Butter, ,„si rer'd a > mr .nie i,\ John watt. MaS'kfai'ti’Ri-.d Tobaccos- -wo ba i box Myers -uper pound lump, g;bls fresh Roll Rutter; just received and lor vile by fe-Ltr R ROBISON A Co Lt •A It -fiti iilid- N Sugar, just rer'd and for sal o i'V *• nIT R ROBISON A Co Ml M.ASS KS - .Bai Md. N o Molasses. 25 do S II d. ;a»l rei-eivrd lUld lor sale by M, »* R ROBISON A Co Ct*f- 1- KK— 160 bags Rro Collce. rre'd and lor *ttle by 17 R KOUISoN A Co COAP-tUi bis No I Soap, rrr',l and for sale by ’ r 'J 7 If_RoHISON A Co HI.FI. i «urre isor in Murphy A Wool f>ea • er and Coinini—ion Merrhinii. lor ihe .ale Ameriran M win,.. Liberty, o|n>o-ite ilh ii febl? Cl ASSI.M I IRKS - 51) pe.« inner Ca,«iiueres on band / for sale at nanulsr tu rer- pf:ers, by H I KK Liberty it, opposite s;h pc* a., woo! Tweeds, mr .ale by A frb * 7 II LKK ClL*) ril - 1 run grey mixed Cloth, lor «iie l.y reUl , 7 H LKF. Bl.ANkhrrs —s*i pe» Drab Blankris. Tiie atlentioi ol ( nlilonnu men are nsled lo llos artielr. ns tney are heavy, aim w„| :,c sold low to rlo*e con.ignineni fr bl* H Lj-IK BL ANKK r t'OATI\(. —A:i assortment of Blanket Coaung, :..r .ale vrry low as me vason is far ad vanced rbo.e m want of this article will get bur g’*"l' feb|T H LKK ELEPHANT oil-44 bills wmut bleached, instor* _ and (or sale by febl? UA(,ALKA* A BMTTU SH MOLASSES— «a bbl. Battle Ground KeOne . ry, H. h.r sale by ,rh « 7 BAGALKY A SMITH SCI! SALTS sale by •t • li Sail, in store and lor KNGUBH A BENNEIT Ct AN UI.KS •li 1.1 . prime Spenti*CamlJr*, 15 box 01 > Star dti. ?o i.iv tm>u!i! and dip do. lor nale low "•bHi 1-N(.l.l>n A BIINNKTT '*•* hand anvl lor »«> by WAR M OUTCJIKnN MOLASSI.S dnn i,bU rianunou Molmffn, i n Mortr and lor «ui«- l.y JAMES A HITCHJjSpN A Co / II.OVKU .“Kill) -*u llbls rcc il lUv - I(d Uit fiUf Vi by fcbli) TASStfYfcUIiST rpJMoTHV *KKI> «b,.l* matgre and/or .ule by 4 ‘ Vb ! H .. A IIKST Window tinss- owbi.«. n*«\i .tec*.,»« ir u y TAsSKY A lUIST PKACIIKS-W hark. Ohm Pcmhev \ do do pealed do; landing Iroin nuir IJ.-aver; lor »:ii. |,y IH, » HAf.AI.KY A SMITH -,«*i .uj>ar cnrrd AUCTION SALES. bou»e. O'Uomi*:; .\\ „ K ’ 1,1 ' he W* l ** - - -- j "‘' ,,s •■KKi-? klUSjf ■Jissirfe a *• . J_. Vv l; || iiuilmj.N By John D. D.-1., Anclltrn..,, U,l< Sol' of r„„cy tr.l .rv r.00f,. Um Ttinr.J.y .mornm,, F- , FA:, ul 10 ~ .... Commercial Saif* Konm«, corner of \Yo,kl and r.n» Mreti-s will be without reserve, tor cash eurriMi ey— An extensive a**orunent of staple and fancy Dry Good.. consisting of superfine eloihs,cuM.imere. ira„« tweed*, beaver cloth, while, yellow, green and scarlet flannels, canton flannel*, blanket*, 'tiekmg*, check, bleached and brown nio.lm., Freud, and Manchester gingham*. .uper prwm. gala, cadimeres, meri nos, de lain*. drc*« ailks, black huudoit'oates’ r»l cotton, sewing »tlk, p,ns, needle*. .ilk l.uuon*. grou »hoc lace*. Sfi gm** >u r r .uy (aengs. «0 Rro*» lasting vest button., 4 dor I'f.-ru n p|«%uc «u*- penders, Ac. Ai o’clock, Gaocxud, ticKK.' FfKMTt;*x, i r YII ami Itnpena! tcaa, M ol the Kurtli, Kuowlr-' History ol the Tuik«. 1 vol, tolio. Sim (house's history of the Bible, 0 vols, tolio. line plates. I,cdjrard’i naval hi.tory ul England, l vol, lobo, Clayton's Chronology ol the Hebrew Bible, i vol. 4 to; Spencer’. Kngli-ti I'ravelrr. I vol, folio, plate., Bloomfield - history ot the Chistian Martyr., -.'soU. 4 to: Staiuon’* Embassy to China, I vol.4u>, Hogarth’* works, fine plate*. 1 vol, 4to; Works of Dean S»wiß, complete, |- vols; IJuielmuon’s Moral Philosophy, ‘i vol-. 4 to; I(rumauc work, of Ben Jon«oit, early edi tion, l vol. miio, rare, Hindoo Coshceme* curious col ored plates, v 01.., tolio; complete works of John Drj- Ucn. 4 vol., 410. IU-4. very rare, the Turki.h Spv vol*. Ackerman's Kopo.wory of Am, Literature. Ac . Id vo's colored plate s t.uford’. Ufaot Pm and bis nine.. 6 vol. Lodge'* Peerage of the British Empire: U hulaw and \\ ai.h’s luxury ot the city of Ihiblm, *J vol., .to, \V iiiicrbothum’i. history oi the Ainericun State.. 4 vol,; Poc.H-ke’. Commentaries on Joel M,- csi! nod Malm-In, | vol. tolio, Bdmgbrokr - loiter, on 2 vol,, K.-v ll,.„„ , |1,.,„ tl Britain, It vol., calt. compleie work, of Peter P/nder, f •’ c° ,M pl' ! te work, ot George Farquhnr, '* vol-.. i hiiosoplnra! work, ol laird iLiiuebioke, h voN; Adams' Religious W orld Di.plu) e.|, :i vol*. .to, l>r gQ«ou'* Lectures on Mechanics, :! vol*. pis. Smith's " eallh of Nation*. •• *ou; Inland's Dn.-rical Writer., •J vols; Marlin’. Phtlo-opfno HriUaiuca. d vots Bank’. 1..1e of Oliver Cromwell. I vol rare; Knquiry after Happiues*. ■> vot«. nirO; Uwntaii on the Revrla non. Miduleian « Ijfe ul tNeetn. J tu l *, Merrier', Pic ture oi Puna, i vol-. .Natural llnorv of Birds nnJ 4 veils, 5 vo; History of Fi’ur (lertiird. ‘i vot,. Travels ol Tovoa.ter; ’I vtiD. Sir H Davy', |u-e -tures on Agricultural t'liciiii*tr>. 4io, Religion. Philn«- opher. tf vol*. 4to; lute of Ui.hop llub.rt. 1 vol, Hu«- .(til's Natural History ol Aleppo, tf vols. 4io, Aiken'. |llu«trulnMi to Song*. 1 vol, tolio. cot'd pu, Darwin's Botame Harden, l vol, 4io, pu, luxi; Anson’* Voyage round the World. I voi. 4to, Chubb ft he n.lidel) Tr&cu, a vols; Tovui-end'. history ol Spnm, J vols, Monerufl”, work.. vol«. - vo; luiiler. by Dean Swm and oilier., a vols, Ivnudon'. (jurdners Magazine, .1 vols, Diblnn's l ulrodurlion to the Cla.sic*, t» vob>, Blackwell's Sa cred Oas.ic. Lh f-m-d, t> vol*; Depon’s Travel* in s America, i* vol*. Ntebol Abnferenre with n Theist, V vols, i’row Works ol CoTCtrnui. 3 vols: Bunion’s Ma terial, for .Thinking, ’J vol* Dticomb'. FjigUml Gnra leer, 3 ro!., Sydney’, fb fence ..f Poetry; Woodford’s pharapfira.e upon the P-wlm*; PutTcndorfT'. Hixtnry oi Kunnloin’s; Short'. HtMory of Jtlim-iai Waters, A«. Also. Knre and Cunou. Fairly KdiOoii* of the Cla.aic Greek and Roman authors, Ixtxteonx, Ac Ac : Among them will be foond-Calipini. Polygon Dic tionary. . la»gUHgr«. foilo; Demo.thenis e| (Urhenrs, l vol, folio; Ciftudiaiu Opera. 3 vole; Pluutu* Coinedia, I vol. folio. Illicit letter; Ctavis Lingua Kuncli'; Aulti* Gelieu* nota AUtca, l vol, 4iuo; Static Opmi Amniii, 1 vol, F.urepidr* Tragedia. t vo 1 *; Prr«ius. 1 vol, So nhocle* 1 mgedia, 1 vol; (.’rotius de Jure Bell:. I vol; l.urreiiu* de Rerutn Natura. l vol, Opera Pltnouu, f yjls, Poeta Menores Cleaea, I vol; Antoniue.o Opera. 1 vol. 4luo. Hoioinci Cbcropruphin Curieus, eolored map-. Airstotelu dear. Poltirn; Hubnrchi Clieronei Moralia npern, l vol, Lexicon Oraca 1 vol, folio; i-.usebu Cbronieonun, ! vol; Homeri et lloaieu darum, 4 vols; Arcslotehs de Rbetorira. I vol; DHecin I oetica Senleiiua, 1 vol, Hey.chii Lexicon. « vol*. fo lio. Ar. Ac Ac. Full particulars in catalogue*—which can be hail at '.he Auction store John d Davis, auci. AMUSEMENTS. MESMERISM AT PHILO HALL. MR. SPF.NCER %*iil present m. wonderful demon strations in tht* Phiio.cphy. ever}* eveiu. g this week, tn Symputhy. Attraction, Repulsion, Magnctiacn and Clairvoyance An Asylum lor Inval ids will be openrd every day from 10 o’clock, A. M. to Ith when all persuu* ottlicu-d with diseases can eah and be relieved .No charge if the patient is not bene fited Admission £j mil-, I ickets 810 to the whole course, and to private in struetions. feblfl CLOTHING, Halted Hattj WIIOLKfm CLOTttlßfi WAREHOUSS. LEWIS 4fc nAITPORH, Nos. *nu tlofi Pg*kL rrjutffi, i Between Fulton street and Burling SlipJ NEW M>RK, U*l V O.V UI.VD TUS LApt'.KYT ASHUUTUrVT or CLOTHING in rnx UNITED STATES IS TTIK AkTKXR OF SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, We keep an endleas variety. also tux tfoxt UTxnstva bxsovscturkss o»- OIL CLOTHING COV ERED HATS In the World PLAIN AND FASHIONABLE CIT)THIN(i, Of all kind* LEWIS A HANFORD, febn-d2tn3taw No*, t &i and SOC Pearl st, N Y PIiLLADKJjPIIIA IMPORTATIONS. A T L4»VV»rr KATKS.-Jum received, Pune Fan* /Y ot Intßsi styles, Pcrcusaimi Cup*. Teeth Brushes Gerninn Slates and Peiieila, French Perfumery add Druggist* articles, with the ftursl extrusive variety of Kanry Goods ill the eity Dealer* are invited to an early examination beiore purchasing Ueir *op»He* t s Ihe goods will be odered at Die lywen unpurtation ralv ' ~ , WM. TILLER, importer. jsl I dCweod No j Commerce *t. PUila. for sale:. A I ARM situate ou the N' W. bank of the Ohm riv er. niile*Wlu th* prrmt-w. Wm if ;'J l, ‘H , *cn>, and the tinder.ttfiied in ti»r n*y of 1 Inladclphiu . irbl -bhiipod ClfA Rl.hy tij LPfV». MOTICfC. rjMIE purtn«rs|,ip heretofore e*i*tm ff between die 1 subscriber., under die GnqofM’Donald A Reeson, ~ J *. a, *' olvr ‘ l ’•> mutual cou.eui, on the 15th n»t nie business uf the Drut w,II be settled by R || Bde *,,n 'NTtf. M'DONAI.D. ' K U BEESON . *'* ,, 1 P: > Tl,r butunea* will be cut.duviej Bi brrelo. lure by H Beeton AIL II Beeson. u „o cr ,a»- f, rw OI HU BEESON 4 r o| No *i .Moure. Ud door iVoiiithe lAaniond / IAIJEOKNIA OLTFITS—‘u»t re. d H , u,. | n , Un ' V_/ KublM-r Depot, Ibe (.uni ElaMlc 1 anl., Jockey Caps, Cutup Blatfiets U,e Preserver.' Leungs, Horse Cover.. Ihinking Cup*. Tr.,«. ori.j Tent Hoor». a splendid ariicip. Ih-ds. Pillows, l.thtouj »t«X*. Haversacks, Canteens. Pouches, Lonj Doof. ni*d tinning Boots. The al»ove goods ipr .afy \t Vd 5 ; frhlT .» A H PIULI.I PP AST evenme, between 5 and - n'cm.-k, a SILVER J WA'rt'U, Wi lb a «ecl rimm and Ley. with e ininuie hand otL Any person hnOjiyt the umc ami uving U r»t Ihr (iaiette otlioe. mil l.e hb.-rally re ur.lcu by the owner trt.lT-dii POII CALIFORNIA PERSONS wisoihk m join a cmnpiuiy going the overlamt route, on pack mules, can do *o by mu. king upplirutioo nt tin* oAreof A. W. BROCK WAV No. a Commercial Row. Liberty sirect This cptnpu n» exj>ect» lo go through from the froul'e: b*V than sixty day, perfost safetr Uai) 9 Smiled num ber will be i*ken,«»yis doe* jmt wish to U± returded by a la** oody moving taithtlifer. A mfenint w:ta l»c held at Urn above place on Wednesday eVeti mg. the Htb. ut which time any infonntit.oX will be given to then.* wishing lo join. \p„ 5 Xyl j| w received but men ot good cTtorscltr, w^ 9 can give satisiariuo reference. __ febia >s»r California. 1 Til* eelebreieu Hoxard Ritte Rowdcr, in kega, half kegs. . : aurter» and cans fur »aio b\- : .-•M3 JSUILwA*TUE_(i, , 948 U, Pbiiuiteinhin ir i-r«T ro fweond Story. r.u.i » h ,"i'n 10 ° rt " rrrrsßL'Bou arrao, ivoST7ST sre.No *«« AN " ' JOKES V qu.GO fvnerall), corner of Rom hu-tl u*, P.tliiburjs, S-- - - . febb S «*«»' BUAT3 Tor balk" The" SiT. i r * affer lo l,ell one-fourth of the two ferry li J *> 0,1 a »“* C«*o. Worth, now running from the foot of Penn .ttuct lo Raw Mb' Ra.i, io at ijWr " a profitable mvrsOuent for PapiUi'|«‘s, O>ASH- I cask, lirst sort., for salt hy ” 1 VHI END, EttlKY A Co ..v-l. f..»r lv.U« w . f„ r „,v i 1 miKMI. KHKVi IV. | —IUJ laic, for sale by V - y FWfND, HIIEV t Co tpcuy- 1 t.LI Kgg., rot ,aJq l.v )•*> ARWS-I'IIONU iCm.ZER kU ' “P" li 8'l' 1 »" r , to, »ta l.y A . .HMsTRONO * ctuaKK ( i™ , U,iAU '' N - : "“ ■»- b. «. u, - - . -I KIDD A t'-o ar-otied dz—, on bimi tt „4 i« kf by iX-- _J KIDD It Co / IBAB CIDER—;iu bbl. f ur ia | r , )y J S DILWORTH 4 Cj STEAM BOATS OIBCIHHATI A PITTBBUROII jSt^ DAI L v PACKET LINE. well known Use of splendid passenger Steaa- I en is now composed of the largesl, swilteat, be» finished andfurnulted, and most powerful boat* on th« waters of the \Ve»L Every accommodation and com fort that money can procure, bos beeo£rovidrd for pas- The luue ha* been in operation for five yearv —has rarned a tailUou ot people without the least inju ry >o their person*. The boat, will be at the foot of Wood street the day previous lo starting, tor the recep tion of freight and the entry of passesigers on the rrris lrr In ah cases the passage money man be paid id advance SI'NDAV PACKET. The ISAAC NKWTHN. Capt. , I , ‘ ,u * l,, *''gh every Sunday morning at luo’clock; v> n»-c.iiig every Sunday rfmnr at 10 r m. May gy, IM7. „ . MONDAY PACKET. The MoNo.Nt; a Capt. will leave Fuu borgh ever) Monday morning al |0 o’clock; Wbevltaa every Monday evening at * TUESDAY PACKET. The HIBERNIA No. a, Capt J. Kutmam. »|h w*. i Btsburgh every Tuesday morning al iu >» heeling every I ue«dn%‘ evening at lb r m WEDNESDAY PACKET. The NEW No. d -»i g n»ii -.v “N’S o <-lo« k; U Iteelmg - vpr W edue.dat ev.». Q g at f. jg TIIUUMDAV PACKET. The BRILI.IA.Nf. t: a p,. Gaaea, .e»vo p lu burgh every Hiur nionnng hIIHovU- TxWb., every Thur-day r ruing m 111 r b K'JLDAY PAOKPjT. The t'LJPPKi No Capt. Pxas Int »u will > « Pi..-bur jo» W lireim, every S ..rtUy evemog at J<> p k N K vv^ M ,^m^ ? s£^vij N % , " 4 “' (Vt* v. ' tMOW.I [.raves Piusbargh Uai vat !• o'« lock, A M-, »« nvreat Glasgow,(mouth . th« Samly and Bcjvev thw nat.) at J o clock, and Net- Uslmn at If, saMu ni.,.r Newlj.bouutt , 'elo-k, P. AT, ,ue lnp rnnaJ to the nvrr dun . th* and l’’o» oW iijtl o clock, A M, and ai .7*, m |‘ .'I —lima inukiiig a comimi a- hue u»r can -e j-k» -encer* and Irmght betwcei New Uahov ujVi*L burjrl*. in shorter tituc and a 'e*s r«i c . Ksi. tlTani other route * riic proprietor* ot tin* Line ha. 0 / , n . the publ.e that limy have fir-1 class Gunn. Bouts, lor the acconunodation of pa.s a o < ireiaht. lo run in rodrtecUon with the well tmowfi -.•earner. « AI.KB tXJPK and UK4VKK, and ro**> t9B |. ing, at Glasgow, wnh the I’ltHlMirgh oiUl Fincio nati and outer daily liitea of steatnerr down (be Ohi« j'id . li-'iv-ppi liver*. Tlie prupfteior* pledge thera *el ve« io *p« re no r(peti>e or liouble U> ihruie e«*Ul ion saietv and ili*p*n-li r ruul u;*k-of the public a sbait ol tb,Hr pui rin-of- Al Ti hiRJZ KD At; ENTS. G AL HAHTON, > »• *w* UARBAUtm, i P»twt>orgb. K HANNA, A Co. } ... , myllitl JHA ÜBAUGII kCo | New lu*bon Ntrrk’F,—TJie ttennwr BKA VKK, FR. Clarke, row L'in W ! . ''*T r n ' l, * r ‘ha ttouce, lor Wallsviile poortu aii) ,aum 1,,r 1 •<« tn« morning. w-ta 16*8. ~ tid\ PITTSBURGH A BUOWSSYIUiM * Dally Packet Llua IKUKUAEV l»V IMa FEUHUAJV 1,1. 1«i LEAVE DAILY ATa A-AL.AND4 P. M. D, Tb ,® new bocu eompl«i« • jy-Awray t . no J mp (al psck«r.ut bmmou: Al*- —LA.NTIQ. Capt Jucxea PaxkmMrl Capt. a. Jacob*: tod LOUIS M LANE, Cutit fc. Bennett. The boat* ale entirely new. and arc fitted up without rrgard to expcnxa. Rv4 ery comfort that money can procure Ime been pxovidAdl The Boat* wtll leave the MoncmgtUiela Wharfßoai * the foot of Ross a. Paswiigrr* -will be puncisal oa board, as the boat* will certainly leave al the -dva?. fied hours, 3 A. M.andAP. ftL iSH FOR ST. LOUIS u The.splendid pwsenper steaaer ■annS-? S 5S’| t ’l.»„ fOI u,„ and iiucnaediate pnts upon the Opening of navigation. [T ” For or passage apply on board. [ fobao UEULLAR ZANEBVILLK*PACKrar /fvJ—e- U, The splendid fan running iteaiaer COMET, • ■MT™ BorJ ' "Wirt, will run aa*rtgu|a> between Pittsburgh and Zane*. vinedupon the opening of navigation. For freight or passage, apply on board. febt* FOR ST. IAJUIB—DIRECT. |v The splendid fast tuanurg ntimi . LfirAtefaff tr MT VEBNOW, • - “aster, will leave for abara . ,„ te «, eduiK ; i’ur, freight or passage, apply cm hoard, or w fd-1. GKO U fUILTENBRRGER, Agt foh loulsvu.-le t /f- *-?y. The fine iiennier J JBbSSB.?' 1 A *UI nm'mkhdi For freight or puuage •pjily'oa boen|, PITTSBURGH A WHEELING PACYkT' iMw* * Tlie xwiA swaajer ' ■**&**« l Tb= ilooml -riU taJaiall Uo UOnaai.tJ t>o«i i, ,!«. pmvjJed wiif , •olr-acSJ’SfcSSaJfl prerauciploSiio,. Fnrlreljhlor pMaSNSIf^S 1.0. rd, one W. fi WiriSSrJS, °» fr ±!- '''"-'■./wr. soiuiscid FOR.NKW OEi.KANa f r For twgfit ctr passage apply oa or th Geo R Miltunherser, or Peiugrtw k Co, ageiml '/ 2ANEBVIUJJ.AND MARIETTA PACkl?* tlie fine steamer l2 r .^‘!»’ lu or kppb’ an hoard. foil I*ITTSm;R M U AND LOUISVILLE PACKET LINK . JfSZA TELEGRAPH No.I*, 1 *, -*• master, wilf leave ficlrt*. nay and Uoatrville on Sararday. the o uloek, A M. For freight or pawa« »• ,a bi-rbridgel J&g The new su-a«r - * i J&tefg ~ . wuwum nTi, • Baxter. leave tor .bon 2-Jd ion, di xoT'.uik !»”• m JilooJ,, Ku, (rasn., u \ • Ut'RBRJDfJh’ IVllMflN A A. __jag UK) bmiltenkbSolT HKfirt.An * ft ——- iv Inc bite steamer 1 UikAhCST 1 z.chary ta\-mq» ■ iMC... mMtrr, Will irUiSTT.ia „ . It tin Dliiojkitlaot . •«lwrKr,'il l l‘£. l SJ lb r^“ U "* toWMn Iho s; 2a- d £ d K3s s^EZbPzss; I- b.U»„„! ! f I'OKTKK It FRIKND, i i WO0 D . tk» ~,.i ’ in titf namp nV d JL}' patpm« or .™ n /nt n,,KV ’ iV wiOorwaS^^ a » Ufts * S' loo '* l <>’ro*p’ry.Comtoii«iOT < , *!Z*-** ri ** t **T wilt UeST«»ed to ..rf «« mSST’"*** TraT£igr W^’*™ JdKvi NAttAfStfoi; WM.KWIA\ . Wkf .' February ?, at ™' l , ! rMl >7 in KUtifMltno. - S3BB3iSaaBf Wft uiiMi«uuM ! "7 T~* — I *<*•« co-pannef«tip bcreio&re elating Ueiv&oa |W p ri !’ t ‘ , *l “ ,he na “® ®f Ojn»Ubl4. Kjke V tlai* uUaoJved by mdtoal eotir^j. B&riies will settle the butlnesTdf itfce JJJ c c.a„»r wliicii purpose they are niboesedinrcif- ,k» uan *° of lie coucenu NATH AN IELTON STAR L EDMUND BUBKR.T THOMAS. BARNES-^ Tbeunderrienedhaveikuday anoci** o( nei work made to«J! ?* f «a»nable ledlVi cab»- and Varnished «.? orJet * n ' i f°rnitmre osatly impaired tweed Wood and 55 fl “ n »We lenn*, oo Fifth »U««, bo* Kout- of “" d *«uhM UreeTw the «*5» ware aS&VkK SK£ ‘ W ° J JOSEPH PRICE. EUANNKLfiU-*V. B.,Uv»ht %t«va l!i' “ tentlw > of tayert to *1 of the °* 4,1 >•»*■ dtflV rrm qaaliUes, said to be as “ ll,e Welsh, andaJkuch Jowex price*. Webb Flannels alto eonataatljr os huul. I.auae and »uk do, 4 4 aud 5-4 do, for Shr«ading4>»,. po*e*. Also, llntne made While Flannel*andLin«y*. constantly on band, at the north east corner of Foqru «d Mar *rt streets. ; ffobfi MOLASSK3 -5W bbla Plantation Molars, u~« utR trotn »tmr Embassy and for aide by »ej»l» JAftlBS DAL2KLL, 21 water «t I?R.ESiI ROLL BUTTER-9 bid* * n d lor nlf by (ebU ARHSTBUKUA CBOZRfI f J.nttiH—l bOl'io-day rcc'dby . ' . \ frM6 ARMbTRONO*. ( C^6ZEfi HULK PORK—6Wlprsjasr'roc’tl&ad-tor s*u k v leblS ARMSTRONG aCSOZER 1> ICK— 6 uerces fresh, just 3ec’d and for sale he Xv lebli S F VON BONNHOiSt*C»