The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, February 19, 1849, Image 2

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    - * -■
4 **++ V* *
} ** I J*
€",> ft -7 /A
i "*• Piramaiamgy wnmifccojv » ~
■temmuL«oMßw>-ra& -
vV.MMhani kn&
;v,ad «*3»*Ole<Lfraffi lh-.icScc. ■ i -’ W
'4 co a „Ka<^^BTT»^^^>-
:sss v> ,u£a]NeripUoaltoUsii ftiMMeMpaMnllbt recerrei
£ J , :ss=^
■^•V;m;Wfr wiil't¥o*r»»*ai expertseyaG f.
j*<!k l ;*r ttniecpmUs and «abicnphoa»fet this piper,.., . -X\ n ?
r^v. S r ■ _ *
: :
stf'.ifr*' anncmacetbai Mr. CaiWOTfirdedfaw
1 Oeaeral Taylor’* Cabinet This oa
. ;•'? aad re*pdct£4 a JWhiS
$?/■{*,. .ttaieamJKj.wiUbeeanaejcfgenoalregret, fano
‘ij .•*; gen|lcmaa likely tagtrutothe cabinet has a wider
* IT ’ bold qyffl of the
’ Wtug party,ih&n the eloquent, Kentuckian*
-\Va4md : telegraphic aanoancacienl, howetfer, brings
to the Slate Department; i
will be thepaia..
A TOtPf*, more acceptable appointment, wefcel
» ’■*' aantfiari w»* not within the reach of General Tay*
V to- high Opinion; and forjhis
A gentleman, has been: mom than coo
"occasion--ftnd u ao late os .laet wminer t -wtiea tbo
J , tidettl in again* hhnfrom ibo JNotib, vilh
. am all force. He 1* a high
•table matt,'Who wM fin tbo waponalbl* P»*r,
;Secretaryof StnibwUb dignity aai ability.
:-. hie,foreign iateiconi»o:bting tjwortothe nation*
Sufib da appointment i* tut carfieiVfbattba
ing admlniattatloa wUi be wldal? wooyed fiom
the ‘ nltraiima of either aection of. tbs-'
• tbil iHe which nbite oar gloriona confedera
cy toill bo aiffl JUrthw' and.titf w.
7/ dimcnltle*\rtU bejnrilyaad amitably «ettle«l*' 1
V‘ .Punmo-IMWaVTIP;
[i .; A, Np*York'Jotirn4l fcf.Cottmere©w*find,the Ibl*
• i lowing notice of a Into sal© of lawn»i C>*<k
l >^ ttoam' -5 mWmladory in IfcrtstnwaHt N.. H., and.
> ‘printed . bytMrasrt-Ji of Proyu
a’ '■•*;■ j-. idaacc?rn' : «‘ I , ''.!'•'••* i-cr.-'j-'i.l ..■ : .a ,s\v;.- •■■■■;*<
Tbe first pnblio-drygoods sale of tbosctson oc»
I : cur«3wslerfny/fo tbbpiwebeeoftlup «J
’kf'i »any whioUHticinded o« oftowrt merchants.
■• ■■! •it t*ouii©oitoMia\ (branch n-win to i#*o..phC®^ l .
[ «nrift;botit>.'wn».acceletaied i by
•bctwoenlbff'paities.oinjrttttl•“ S?S
3sssssasss3£. ,,^3
V'--'* jtfrjfaitdics. v j \ joir-i * «
TUia taagratifyu>ffillastrauon<*ny* the Albwy |
' v.-.i: ■ EviaiSgieunial) of Ibeaucceas which baa nUendr |
“ ' ed ilio coro[»ratively,recenieirartstojsnip«o with |
'■ the old World talhonianij&etiireoriheaa deacnp* (
• tionabfgooda. If American dull hna bat a chance
to devetope itealj;’there arelm Very tew , WP"*',
mente of iddaaryln-whiehitWillnot ollimcie ei» ;l
cet It U only necessary to t*k» care of u in its,
,: earlierßlregslci.'
It ia probably natfiewfi to rtiostpf. onr'readera
aayjr IhTOßoaton Advaftteery that ; thei: attempt baa
fine 'aifabria ea SO-atein*, Ite the pentad and of
: more than a rdostepotmd; and they will probably
' bo nirprised to learn, an evidence ao conclariv eaa
, tho(bregoiny statement, tberihiaia dpnotenmaii*
:-ncrtocoinpoteaticceaafally f : ui:qaaln;yand-6tylo
'ofprlnlias,withr&Wyn'gdodjJ B !Wlie]hcr r U;a can; j
V; bo'''<tlco witte profit to the • nnmitfacitncrertn-“>»
' present atiteof tin tarifi; [a .'peihopa.iiot ro folly
proved; ■ltatwlthWdegTO,trf‘trotecii«td“»‘o‘
! the ihtrodnetion of, a new article, chiefly thea™*,
dace of labor, and dfh high 3e*reoof akfll, andwitb
, c l itrny9 ! ‘ ; ** lw hfcb.«an i
: be eiafly afcrded liy apreifia ritea of duty. , there
'manateSures'S-Vhte country,'and the oouaeqmnt
field yet very little occupied.,.,,-'-'; 5 if
op top Bu.Tnua*P*iuo«> -The
PnTtmwri* papfete anbooeeCf that the Baltimore and I
Ohk> ; Bilroad : ia to .be- pttt.ondcr .contract, one ,
hundred nuleaireat of Cmnbeibnd, the coming
'-lam.' Tbe Patriot ....
- Ve torn that at ameeling oTthe board tbamom
ingVthe preddent ataled, that:nt >«£«“*
: lewicglhe.MUCT l ”” -baria.
lim^,dari^l^ti^^» Mof^ pnD(U^1
■ *iimlea,hybey.y wto**;. > io6»6an*U
• Ot«iofMealites*? , »:-*? , *v*T*"V.|:fl«A » '■
. Pork and-Baeotti'-i- 481” "
.■-lrOO»*««7 l *«*' , V. , * ~ V-*****"'***‘ .: • ’OOT' ” - •
Lanl »ddß|fflci.••
mote than in Jimnrr i l«iB,
•iouarnSibn «J »tm by.ib® W iSWLSkS?
Tbo- ,jtrhola Twmbcr
S®fflySS®a m 18w«k dworautonuof
M 4to P uiS®? fiom Miifflor® « •«
poSJotSi b“fcs«? n 4 ' 9 ®‘T 1
ve |Stt®” * l Soi^<»
bcrallWSO SO.oa.itoJagßWni.gag^’”
Ci 183 00 on ibd branch wul, $C?£
Wm.’ Wrote P** s ' oB ' “*
br&nch-^hc-total focreaso bang SISPW 67.
. . WaiearftfiattthoUmoatow^pcmocnU,^^
* aayi&jwft*aimge»in 0»oorth «a
" Faxetta «roi£y. Ujcrag^^ l less vmx!^^,
, . ;• fint 9*&l* 'BOewhaz to Uio
■ 'TiUfy fffl* ataatiha iool of titt g„ > ..... : . L
:r mOes firan Moanl P leasanl* lUap-
Ia TowMhJp»wherej lho p^ja
. m a&4 wbaro It w 4 rcmaia oi
; btT4 geaCTiDy *“P« ldcd .Jat fa' remarWbto in;.
; bome in fporftit anxiety* or cori»
fti»i*aie,penon»o£j UB3 _ j
pnkacj aroita mast —— ; . ■
■r rst-Gui. Tatmi mHt
CouimM ***2, a Union .referring lo inlitiS'
Pcix — >Ell f. m iiy v iU recelrcert
../■ M,; polk mnd
‘ t.’ '
„ ,*ayK— ■■■■•'
CPgUCg that- iha raogl COUteoOS>Q
between these and
UlioOT triJojeo,* ‘ 1 : o
diatt'Qgttt mdhiafhmily win remain nnlikafter.
*• 'Mr- But, Yd uodentadd his Jirpcar
: theiq-e Wa*hittKtmCoii,iho WlLOf Mareb.. y»W
- is (griv an* amhe; of his fiiendvpusShrongh
• hisiotia. and take the.eootbem: rontotoNew
b>N«shTine. |
has never Ti*ted» 1
t Curt tfxetan M* Sxiunt—lb® i
■iaglaiiKT'.Otaimt'n geunSj nnderetood to
" ,Mikondetsun'iui*l»inr«jardtoMr.fl®y>P<>li
Busts bits in re turning to tbs Sentte, eadofother*
lhnlltie bin'<•««* to * h *i ß “' ll “ ita •**
fi ''
r'aSfSS'ss 1
which. biiicnra* “»^
Binf fci^• ’ wiatnant or^n^
- •
v ' --'V ~ /.' rt ?z ; ?
s-.' *
’ poirbq&>atH£m&i 1 Qtxailt. h 1
The ihvonble ttefnt&our iliigUh4>'nnii the sd«
Vtet* front'California, have impulse
.to apocnltlina in Stocky and were it not (nr the
Islnnge usy in lire money maiiiut, caused by tho ac
tion of theSob.Xreesury,prices forUa.ledStole*
Stocks would go to the old mark of 1 IS, as ia ISI3.
The dears o‘f'fiivttaßrlSghiMU'.ataAn.k***
tag a largesum of money onband, at n.time when
IhPtniinuxlcredilQra ore clamoring (or psy,hecps
commeretaf ojreraliOnßredaced to » very smsO
rjg ouaL.The bants are alarmed,and tom their
ttS Bthßaeotthe position assomed towards them
$ tfi®irTrea»ory. £ draft 6r specie upon one
M rffiSfKldolM upon' with terror, and the on.
lucky paper hauled round.the street an id three
o'clock) when the last holder meets it with nil the
com it can raise, , .
■’ iTo night a soncT feast is lobe given to the **•
inerican'Citizens, 1 Eergen and Ryan, who went to
Ireland daring the tronbles; with the view of ten
dering their vnlnshle services If n had not boon
Sit that onlorlnnale interference of the constables,
jast when the 1 rebellion’ should have oomjnencedr
Ihey would no doubt have achieved wonders, and
have been tendered the freedom of Doblin. As it
is, they are glad to get home, and alter repotting
progress, at thb Colissetlm to night, will retire to
that private sphewibr whtelt their talents are more
appropriate. '.* \ ’' . *
•; Inibnnntlon has been receryed of.lho sale arris
vnl of the * Califernia’ steam ship and
that she -would' sail on the Slth ultimo,ferSan
Francisco. Titia is the first steamer that has. ever,
bore the ‘Stars and Stripes’round Capo Horn, and
along the coast of South America to lhe new cm*
pin American'enterpnze has loundod upon the
Facifie Ocean. Wo shall now have rapid and
constant communication with that region, end not
tbo soon.- The late news from there has caused a.
good denied anxiety. ,Tho.congregation.of such
a mass of emigrants, depnvdd of the neceasanes
almost of existence, and totally free Irom ail legal
restraint, leads many lo fear that murders and vio
lence will rule unchecked.
lij Mr. Atherton, whose arrival and new* has made
d much stir, ia tho ogent of lmrd, Warren, Salter,
lc Ccn, of this eityftrod comeafor goods. He leaves
next week fcr ‘home,’‘across Mexico. He com
films ihn stories told of the abundance of gold--
the climate—and of the cost of living. He brings
bins of lading of gold on board tho Lexington, end
ooq house hasa remittance of 2,100 ounces of gold.
Full $020,000 of gold dust is on .board .the Lexing
ton fer New York. This is. nil tho news he bmfgs
cf interest ■ ■ California reports are loamg their eft
fijet:here;'and. out peoplS wont to see thorttU
ietal, befere they go farther- .
'ii The- arrival ■pf tbe .Ningara has given a hide
more .life! to mprltelSvand .Cotton has gono up. 10
i cenL. with targo tale*. A*hea are unchanged.-?-,
-flcutlias reffied 6d lo mcaiUibtiibujws are
not willing to give Hr. Thereisureneweddemhud
fin Command 75,00(1 bushels sold to day-white
Id 55k arid yellow.SS to 00c. ■ No sales of Wheat,
Rve.orOots. Pork is again duU-mid closes none
idaliy at Sll for Prime, and $l2 for Meal, Beef is
wiilmul change. New Oceana Whiskey, S 3! eta,
and"* Rood bn*me» doing. . .
i g^rvin• close • doll ibis flftcrooon,ai low
The 'want of money checks speculation, and the.
oouidefapeniorahold u£- ■< GoTmmenl sixes havp
any. i.
1 Frentihe Nwldnslliuelhgeneep,- af Tbnrsdsy.
fflnale ofi thli*\Frt«ld«au*l Election.
ißy the first *eilh» : of the aeoond nrude of the
Censtiluuon of the United States it is prescribed
that the PVaaident of tho Sehaie uhall in the press
«W SSts'ah'dHouao of Beptreeotariye*
C jß?thdaetof.filorchl. 1132, ills eoactedthat
dongftaahhall he in session on the second Wed.
nfcwtaymiFehronry, 1193, and on the second Wed
hfesday in February succeeding eyery reeamg of
tlle'Elecldra.'Uda the certificatesofthe Hectprs,«
so reaSrof ihem I, ns Shall hare beea received, shall
then heopened, (he votes counted, end thsperwiis
who shall fill the oipes of President end Vice fir
sidenriKOfSßredTnd itekmiy .agreeably in the
- provisions of the, Constiiniion and
the liwiVrellndnary srrsngcmentsJor thisi cere-,
mony himng heen made by votei of both Honjcs,
the Senate, living been previously invned, entered
the Hailnf Representatives, and took Ihetesls pro
pored fetlbcm m the circular area in front of the
I.»“nc^Uw“e d Senate and House of
Representatives .have •aasembledoa ,|he prtremft
on ms by the Consiimumi, by opemngj.m their |
■SSnSto mn'ntei, aad hare
lSoaooficM«i«'“ i ' lrf asddedaref agreeably l£>
tt » li Tii • i|i . rT^;^,
'J*U ofitbe cnidopM in S?
Bieciori'.were;. enclosed,.. commeiraMWili
htrlwiiod handed Ibe paper lo tke TeUen, (Hr.
<* TO "*
themnirecoried may be cramied., . * -
' :The name ceremony was otjserTed t7“O f™"
idemcflbo Seoatein opentagand
retd to the-joint meeting. Tw result v
Gut Butler. Ta?J»- F'llmore.
Maine, £ ?
New Himpiiire, 6 11 , 2 12
Mutaelmaeas,' 4 4
Rhode.,lsland, 6 c
Cbanecticot, 6 0
Vermont,' 36 36
Hew; York, . 7 '7
Hew Jersey. 25 26
Pemurjrlrania, : / 3. 3
Delaware. rt \ g g
Maryland, _
Virgutia, .
North Carolina, g
SoalfrCaroliaa, ’
17/ I 7
23 23
0 0
lAoifiaoa, - 6 6
- .« «o
loditfit, 9 9
Ulinoifc 9 9
Alabama 7 -j
Mtow; 3 • 3
Atkan"®* r. 5
§£ - J
ntconaia, • -4 *
ot Zachart Tatlor,' of Lau,
?or Lrwis Ca**, of Mtdu,
vote FOtt Tier reQxmsrr,
For Mzlusd Fillmou, of N- Y-
For Whuax O.Bonxß,6fKy^
i ThSTrerident ofthe Senaletbenannonneedtho
resnlTiothe joiol pieeUnr t and, fa.comptfcjico wUb
lbs Uwof March d ,ITO 2, on lie subject, made the
declare that Zachary Taylor, of lbs
Slats of toolaib#a, having lbs greatest number of
ioritv affta whole number of Electors, Itdulyeleo
red President of tbs Dolled Stalei lor lour yoari,
Stats of Now York, having tho greaten onraber of
vote! fer-Viee President, and ihM number be,ng a
, XhlarfmplaiMOgh oagurt .cereioopy.
abooi-w hoof and a lud£ betof fiwdgs?**
bribe mortrapeclfol deportment
•• .• AAezit' vu ended, both' Honie* fotbtritb 8o»
jqoroed, wtthoiA attending to My fimher lmMfltt*.
‘ /'xraMaltted for tlm Baltimore American.
N*wQxuujts I 'Feb.l3,P.M._
b'lmmenwlr. house* If to
SJS?lmpombto toobuia aeata uale» apjba*
tiools inkc^ciirty-to,lboday.
ia-rettnl'«o Uio overflew** of iheMmieenmi
tfMfKte been 'egrMeMzdueppomied. Tto
SeSrhueghift »oWde4,jn » oe«««.Ma wo
''S&UjSL so farther, foon of taandetloa «r
aSTmirlwt le •cli»e,*nd ««le» wen
iiSTtoSiy of fotly tea thooMnd belarjt fan
nuohipecuUliontoiMßwriw .
JSZFa 3W# hKa, el‘ , <? which hroajhl fall
PtotouSj dm betaol active.
Charily Ho«pUU«
ir T«y ptot*uiV“»
. »tffl meet and
'7r / if,,
■ ThisiUlcnriftK exafKto (torn ttoletteicSfeMiblo
Laßdott the New VctfecGbo*
xnen^fj T interest. Thehstter
deled* Loodaa, Jak s3»l St £ .K' f
" r^r .ASSEMBLY. ;:
i Ddrrng the lost week or two ibc Frankfort As*
i aembly has aboura a tittle roTiyaL i Tb&jtfaeatio^,
' whether the central power shooldfec deposited in
1 aPrceuleht or Emperor, aad ; whrther
'electlvo or .toageJTnoae
i or .more persons, hare heeadiscdssetlunjlsettled,
i tAM a idiroAgy of three or
more per&na were A pian that ibedig*
nity aoooM be aMdmetf.afiernalelybytha Kingtrf
-Prussia sad the Emperca-ofAustriajeTery six.
1 yeara, was likewise rejer-ted by> Enjuorily.of.467:
to SO. ■ A propoaitian -of the: Democrats.for eu’
elective Presidency, towhlch all persons-should
be eligible, the relipingmbnarcba of the’various
•individual stales atone excepted, shared a'similar
fate, (he oambera befog 339 against -122*. Finillv
the vote for.aa Emperor, to be selectedfrom the
reigning German Sovereigns, was eamedbf 253
against 211, showing a majorityof47.
Thai the King of Prussia is (he party cootempla*
led by the ,Assembly w now. notorious, but the
tnattans one of difficulty. Thai Monarchhas de
clared thot be: will.nol accept the' pbat'unlesaby
common consenLaad it ia understood tlmtAttstria
the heavy, treacherous and scornful opponent of
German unity from the first, finding .that,-despite
her attempt to bill it by fndifiejenoe, there isstill
a chance of the popular will beingaeCompliahed,
is now likely to assert her .
iotrigan or by-such. otheT meShs; as mfly present
themselves, tapul serious embaratttnenisin -the
way of hny adjustment.' If the'King-of Prussia
and the Assembly bad any bold and 1 self^relylhg :
gpint they would at once establish lKe r German
Empire in entire-independence ; of Austria, which’
should bo (rented as whni ,aherKißy is, a Sclavon
ic and not a German power. Wherever her bar
barous and sensual influence extends .she , will
ureas like an incubus ppon cveryaUempt’at prog
reta»and thepresent Is the golden momentJor : the
Saxons to throw bet off. To look, however* to.«f
man like the filing of Prussia, alternately haughty
and bumble* revengeful nnd conceding* for lender*
ahln m such e coim*, would hard ly be- pbwbm£r;
Still leas could the requisite con rage be. hojfod lor
from tho Central Assembly, whoso commissioners
have meekly sustainedirroun&ofinsaltsfront'the
Austrian Emperor and his; and ' which
has sutce condescendedto hold deferential ipter*
course with throe parties while -their band* were |
rectriog with the blood oL one of us nobles* and
most popular membera. “ v * ‘
■ 11 : j Austrian-; ;r. V: -;;;
• From Viennalhe news., has lately been- some*
Wftwi limited} owing to commnnirMton having been
impeded by heavy-snow.' That which baa reached
ns, however, is quite ofiipiece wiJLii; preyiohse*
vents, .The warinHocgaisrhaagotia on success*
fully, and Kouutb andius-follower* are graunaUy
dnven into the interior, where it .is probable; alter
a'fhors atienirtidt v WMfate.. they will nUt»
mately disbam£and escape; :jAI. the. head ot one
division of the Hungarians i* Gdnenil Bern; »P6le,*
'■who commanded thO.Gatdb Mobile Unring the
: chance remains} will be -likely to give ihelrapen
ollroops some troabla - .Mtaovhik ftitice «tn»:
dlsgratxi having establiahed his headquarters-at
Festhrcontrives to keep the world in mrodtbal,
however great may; be'ftie,. power of. a.'democratic
mob far exercising a reign of terror} iti&lU w short
of what can -bo accomplished in the saimo hne by
tiro military servanti of a monarch* and especially
bv‘AU3trian£etd^mhrahals.. Aboottheocraupeacer
meat of the monih he iireedVthft faltowing-procla*
mi Hirtw:-qftiiphtobnrbari»m is perhapsolmoatwilh*
ont n parallel in the'darkest periods ot European
any descrfpUojuin.hia.hahd will'bo., immediately
-dare to attack any Imperial Royal miUtnryeourier,
toy transports, any or singte.-commipdLng officers,
ot to iiyare'them in. any ¥aj aohyerj-anch pJaee
■ shall ber made level.wilh the earth. ... .-.••••>
! ‘The nntboritiea of the diOerent places shall aa«
I swer with; their head* far the preservation of,the
i pobkcpeace.V*- . . .' ’ ;
s The reader will’ hot .fW to notice the convenient
ioinbiguity -of the phrase ‘a weapaaof any. dea*
eriptidn/ which in-the ease of an obnoxious per*
sen'may even be made to apply ton walklng;suck.'
The leveling of. an* entire city,to the. earth* pa a
• penalty fM'aroyat mOiliu-y cburiet being injured
•in any way soever,’ is, in its dazing &«*Jty»Ab»
BOlutely snbUme. AH this, bowover, instead .of
being * anarchy/is merely‘order.’ The English
conservatives shrink with horror atlhe very men*
lion of a red republican, bat they have nothing but
commendation far Prince Windtschgtats. a.
1 - ‘ ITALY.
l - From .Italy the ihielltgehce is still patrol, be*
cause iiplaialyeanEnns the ‘feci that
the Pom is wholly broken; and that be most m.
future be (regarded, like Lord Bronghaaf in our
conntry, simply with respect far what,bAhss been.
He remains at Gaeta, devoutly.aU?fcded; bv the
Tung cf Naples, and the grand peij»lfixte£pt write
verydever 'diplomatist* who hi
Don* Rome is still as te the best ofgetting
him bock again with decency. Any tmne amre
ludicrous, were it not'far the regret ind tenderoess
-with which Pina the ninth maskyei be regarded,
has scarcely ever pecorred in the records of .pou
lt esl artifice- *’• .
: Roae'contraa*3 quiet, and tints tar in a moa
wngular has defeated the eager prophe
cies of the reactionists, .who dating
the last tww months, have been on theix eneea:
i every day,£* l»e tidings of carnage and murder
’ that rhonldiire them the opporrondy to re-estab*
, lift bv proehuxtation*. analogous, lo.ihst,above*
r qaated from Pffece. Windisch*TaU,tjM»
•ropt stale of tto Roman population, if they at length
fall iolo the game theireuemtrt desire, .Had the
peperemained trto to them andtohimseint is
cTtoehtube might #till 'him- kepi themwPfe
bounds, so as gradually to. bring them tq
condition. Hi* flight, lifce dial of the imbecile Em
peror of Austria, in MsyT»* to calculated to
brim abouttto vary anarchy U ia now eboghlto
puduh. In the political ttorm, the master, ia-the
-first-to fly from the ship, and he then reproaches
ttocrew tot drasfcehnes* and insubordination*
The mdsf deplorable evidence of the. change of
character of the Pontiff, and of his utter. feebleness
to tbeliaMrpflii* present*-adviser*ls hhowin
an sddresa issued by Him from Gacta. to Iheßo*
man people,rra New Yeari* day. In this the man
vhote d&nifcd appeals to hi* subjects, together
wilh his calm *answeT» to tbethreat* of. Austria,
elated, only a year hick, the admiratioacf all Uje
lncoherent threats
and *fs»s'e cursing libs a very drab.’ Reproach*
iag the people lor their ssenlegioa* crimes, he
complains 6t having received only *a barren Invit -
ation 4o return,’ without any expresaibu, df.pehi
lence, and denounces the democratic party os an
‘inveterate bond, whose barbarous despotism still
tyrannises over the state and church ofßome.’
Ho then declares the concoction of an Italian Con
stituent Assembly to be a *monitrons, detestable,
abamlnabje,'sbsard, iadaciou* t illegal, irapioa*
and felonious •at.-having-mc its object
nothing; tat demagogical anarchy, and tto calling
ia question of bis aovereign power, as if thal power
depended upon the will ortho people, or as iris
termed, the caprice affections.’ Finally, all peirr’
sons are abaomtely "commanded to alatain from
»ny part in the proposed election, upon pain
ofeXeommuhicatiQn. -
The receipt of this document, U appears, instead
of fseippg tenor at Rome, excited great indigha*
tion, sad on the Gth of January, when, the first
general meeting of lhou Roman
tion was held, to propose the candidates - lor the
Constitneht Assembly, the crowd was immense
and 24,000 vote* were given. . .. I ; i
, Itseema anlikely.bowever, that a .state of
'jngsuch as is -thns indicated can tong eziattn a
Caiholio country, much less under the actualabad
ov of "St.* Peters. ’-Nothing, therefore, but .tto most
miimSnagement can prolong the' Pope’s
absence. . Eveu up to the present-time lie appears:
never tor azr tnstant4o have been an object of di*;
reel peiyonal -nttaclr or disrespect, aqd it is quite
evident , that nil-the irritation now existing is mil;
ggainst those by whom ho permits fumseif to be
surrounded.. : '‘ T L ’' ; \. t
■ The general opinion is that France will perform
wttblhe consent of all the other poyrera. the wel
come insit of Ipading him qoietiv back. to his
throne, end that one condition of the process will
be air amnesty tor all who have been engaged in
carrying on the government since his flight. In
this way both partie* would get Very welfout of a
daagreeablo position* since the Roman# must feel
thaLff-ihe restoration be effected by Austrian nnd
'Neapolitan bayonet*!! will'be mar ted by the atro
cities pecnlaiMo every net of those Government*.
The groat difllenltyi however,Will stfllromaln, of
inducing* theßoman*-Tuscan* and-SardmlsU*
qniellyiogivejtip’ltoir tong j ch crishe dhbpe of *tr
Ralian, unloi* and to permit the Austrian* still #
rest on Lombardy.’. - ’ r H'v
In Tnscanv the liberal fctiU hold powerand. the.
legWalivo chamber* were openon itolWi ofJifli
ruary by a speech’ Com too Grand- Ditto, strong,
ly inWor of &11 nationality, in whicbbadirecf
«d all the eoergieXof tlfe
tionvoftlibl-‘serious: future, * *wh»*i ufloor these
circumstance* they’must preparo themselvea.lo
encounter*. ; • . . ; .
'! Frtra Sardinia we hive no new aeeouut* what •
everexcept that tbe dcctfon* which are now going
forward have tbuafer bieh in flvorofthe.present
democrat!* Ministry,. and consequently of. a rec
ommencement of the war with Austria.
ti n
10 10
12 12
13 13 /
3 3
.• At Naples, ifeppeara,the Parliament is to ha al«
lowed lomttetcnlbelslofFehniwy Ihafcmflca*
ttonn being sufficiently complete to permftnw Mm
jest* tq regard the diswiMton of thafepresepUUTOS
a* whanalea> pMtinje. wbtoh-may veiy wuely be
• Ia Si?ny ilie aplril of independ«Dco .U ft* fierce
M wfeiyaiulon themxtfJanuary, tte aonivera-
the expulsion tof the Nespoiiians wmaeele*
hraiedJwiih lUoiqinetiou end universal rejoicing*.
'Aa(OX‘ a <&Cinber of polioe bad endeavored to get
ub AiwtettooiTflHOlttowßftW placeiintao in*
: tenor.' both® was delected-and with eight ©T his
: wtis Mn\cn<*& <« J*
•tan the fiatjttompt,,io Javor of the Neaw>liana
that bad ever been ventured upon, ana tooting at
tbeowveml animate the
TMMnte'luteedia'to w©' been - little else than an
JSffi&SSf W^neiUoa'when iha Kingof
{■iMnS'fetm complete uncertalnl
»„Zj lb«f«o filUwr &lo6»«ce *£B
<snl*lul> will fa,tin fot"*, Pf ■*.
.to »nr their«trangilu;?>.:f•• *
i :« f IRELAND- - v :’
moaft emmiitmof the put wo ,ew» >»Kt “™
alp;csfisr inferior rncii* being ia
dU^j^^&;|irqcess: which goes on u
stMd^rUadQfhon|:U^ip<)H<l r Manf'of.Uu dully
• T op«ifflonid#Jte&mAvAlfthjtwe now. hear of from;
['lreland a»1oeal squabbler abontuh o boor law, ts
occasional outrage, dndev«y sow ana then a scrap;
,ofjiewa4boatil»iaiSrebdUofU—^^-^r« rj^-‘
I Ar an instance.of the wftyia.which lhoiwo.PV>
Ueaotf I^j^i^oMwtofer%mU*edd>o , von*
neliiteacdn&boaltfiayiag variance,il» following
by thestatepnsonerf toMrs&bß^lP ooo *^
? ' Jan. 12.
, ■ “Sm,—Having lately seed in the new* pa per* two
-letters bearing yon*;atgn*turt? f 'inthiJflnt ofwhich
yon inlareprepitehstvand'mault tbe-sldta prisoners,
who have now' no opportunity cfrepTying t 6 ypur
■aBperaiohs, aiyJ in ,' : ihV second. of wtnchyodpro*
•teas taciflln fiir Uicni inerTaful cooeiderilioo, w*j
cannot refirafa fromleUinglyoa that, thongh .per
fectly contented topasadvcr the former in aliened,
w 6 cannot tolerate with, the Ramo : eijuaOJnuiyyQur
afEsdalioo'ofplty. Wei therefore, sincerely ctepiof.
cate anyffliervenUon on.your pert io^egard.tothe
suffer forhav*
ng endeavored to J'' - - -1
. “We remain; Sir, your obedient Servants, ! .
" “Mr. John o'Coone!l.M.P.* !: V : ,;
■" domestic affaihS.
, A« regardi domestic o6carreneeathree matlesr
of sodal interest have excited a good deal of at*
tentioo —Fifst,a successful attempt. originated
.-the Time* for the'Oppression or mehdicaaaytT’
setoad, & strong' manliest alias ot public.opinion
'for some legal enactment to put a stop ta what are
called * burial clubs,’si churn of associations spread
dyer this country, largely subscribed to by the poor,
and which bavebeeatbd. cause of miny.inurde.rsi
pud ibird,the ocdtinencdof 112 deaths among Uos
pauper.children, at a village seven miles
don, the cabse being nominally cholera, but
ally iUtreatment and neglect. ' r r:
-i The CafetorniagoM'question is jsiiUeagcrfy dfs*
Fcus*ed,ahd Ibereis reason to believe that a cdnW
-•iderame emigr&lionjt going on. appears
almost doily with regard to it,'flrom a/penny guided
which i have observed In most pftbd small hdw#<
menYshopsj up Ip a -treatise published at3*6d,
whichhos this morning mode {ts appearance,: by
Mr. Anated, the;.profes*w t of ;geology/at King’s
.College* called the Gofd -Seeker's Manual. A lets
terfon the-manner in which property in Greaj
Britain may be directed, by a lorge-iijfliix cwgola.
Mm California’bos also beenisiUdLinwhichibe;
hnrttef takes a, much more decided. view of the
-probableconsequences of the discovery thanbsve
generally been entertained, andTlhinlc be ba* ;
much to support him- r Alaraedarihe convulsioQ
jt may produce iq :thq yahterf ttmded property, ha
suggests that we should at pa ce changeqor eland',
afd from-gold tb xilverj .Hrom a medium-that la
lively to fluctuate to one that is lifcety to be-station
ary.’ This would doubtless prevent the disturb*'
once ,ln.ihe, exisi^,reiaUon» l bctw^^rTfih c y'
which, he, apprehends-, w likely to
cause so muchlmjtdhfeG bui;be_feil*iq jprove that
the measure would Be founded *m justice, or that
'what he calls mischief; would in
that term. . If the fond-holier jcoul(^ ) be > paif} off by
the sidle at half the cod which such a measure involve, it would certainly be andn*
convenient thing to the individual, but ii would bp
a greatad van tags to the commnnily.nad the.quei;
tion is, what right have We to nrnfice the many
to the one ? '
" All persona who hove made contracts redeema
ble in gold have doa?so with their cyea opes, and
with the contingency pUin before them that they
would gun in case the snpply of gold’in the world
should for the future become less, and lose if the
event were otherwise. Although the lens cons
trictor advanced money to the Government dor*-
;ing (he war In depreciated bank notes, (such notes
being tbeh’a'leg&l tender,)ho*doc* dot hesitate now
toavad himself of tho right to demand repayment,
not in depreciated notes, but in sterling currency,
uand we need not doubt in the present instance that
it,'ea was quite possible, gold bad gradually become
more valuable, we should, have heard nothing of
hay desire on his part that, for the benefit of the j
nation, the standard should be changed in order :
that be might be paid~olTin the (eis valuable metal.
The celebrated Robert Baketfcll, of Buhley,
: beiautenhin, nnd ihe tbooilcr of the nsy Ibices
to lull no anecdote with exceeding
’filghglee, of a farmer, not only of the olden school,
but of tbe olden Lime*. This fanner, who owned
and occupied 1000 acres tifJand, liadthree daugb*.
terbl When hU eldest daughter married, be gave
faeroaepouter of his land for her portion, but 00
end he found, by a little more .'speed and
e ijQik better management,the produce ct his forut
did not .decrease. When bis second daughter
married, he-gave her one third of the remalaing
land for her portion, but no toooejy . He then her
to work, and began to gfbh ui> hisfurze aßd fern r
what he .called {us poor, dry furze
land.even'tthrin’tbe furze covetcd'la some places
nearly half theMud*. After giving half Ua land
Away tatvra of his daughters, to bis great surprise
hs found that-tbe produce increased; be made
more TBcacjY because his metr 1 broken up fans
hind, brought excessive crops, and at the tame
lime be farmed the-wbole uf bis land better,for
he employed three times 'more laborers upon it;
be rose two hours sooner fcr- the, nSOrtung, had no
more 1 dead folkSwa once in; three y**rirr»3*sad
of wblfib, ho go* two green crop* in one year r gntf;
ate them upoix the land. A requires
» fad.lilkw. 13m tin
upon Ihe landTTVVnSragi
•third and last daughtermarried, he gave hetss(X
acre*, or half of whstremsmedjibrbec i portiwi l i|nd
no money. .Heathen-(bond that;he.uad thecae,
money to tsiur one quarter of the land; as faaba&
at fimtoiapaj the whole, flo begaato «ak;ltiK*
seif a f&W questions, and set his wits*, fa troth
how he was to mate as much cf2s(f cVbofod
done ofl 000 acre*. Ho then paid, off histaififf,
who weighed twenty stone! row wtlh the'larks
in the long days, and weal to bed with' tbslintjb;
he got as onch more work dhoe for-hi* toonoj }
he made hi* ■ervanls, laborers, and horses, s&ve
fester; brake them from the tnail'a pace; and
found > that the eye of the master quickened the
pace of the servant He saw the beginning and
ending of everything; and to his servants sad
laborers, instead of saying, *Go and do it/ be said,
to them, 'Let ns go, my boy’s, and do It/ Between'
‘como 1 and *go/ he soon wand oat a great dilTsr
•oce. He grabbed up llte whole of ins (arte and
jemsjand then ploughed the whole of his pdnr
gross iand up, and converted a great deal of cam
into meat, tar the sake of manure, and he pfo*
served his blank witer, (the essence of manure;)
cut his hedges down, which had not be plaihfed
fori forty or fifty years; straightened bisstg'fsg;
fence?*; cot hit water courses straight, and gained ;
a deal oflamTby doing so; made dathsand |hn&es,i
&il the laaa-be could;, he-grubbed;
up many-of his hedges and borders covered tifth;
boshes, in aome place* from ten to fourteen yard* l
in width,'some more in his small doses, some ifot
wlder lhan streets; and three, four,.five, *ft<v*x-
iato one, He.found out, that instea&of
growing while tbornhedgesand haws to feed!
foreign birds la the Winter, be coatd grawfitod
£? "in instead of migratory birds.. After nil sis'
improvement; he grew <more, and mada
250 acres thou be did from 1000; at tbetruao
time he foobd out lhat bdf of England zdthat iund
was nipt cultivated,-from the want .of meanif .to
cuUivste.itwith.violet him rams and sold him
Umg-hfcreed bulls, sauULßskewell, and told lum
the real 'value of labor, both in*doore and: out,
and what ought to be done with a certain number
of then, oxen, and horses, within a given Unie/.l
’taught him. to sow less and plough hotter; that
there were limits and measures iuaU. thing*; aqd
that the husbandman ought to be.stronger toon
the fans. 1 told him how to make hot land colder.'
and cold land butter, light land stifler, and stiff
land 1 lighter. I «x)n caused him tosbqko
his deep-rooted prejudices,and I grafted new4fxi*a
in thei'rpla2ki 1 told him not to breed
eatfle.jsbeira/or horseB,.but the best of kind,
for 'the be« consumed no more than th^worst.
MyTriend became a new man iu his old age; bod
died ifeh.— Gardens?* Ckmticb. ‘ t l
v i HAOBisßuaq, Feb. 13. i
Reports.—hit Mason* (Internal Improvements)
reported tbe JbHi regulating the conyingorpatMii*
pers ob'the Philadelphia and Columbia Rallrdas
with an amendment. - •
Mr Cunningham (Corporations) reported son
.further supplement to the aet to Incorporate fhp
jPhfiadelphia Railroad Company, with a reedin'
rtnendalioa tb&l it be negatived. . j ?vT'<
Mr Stine moved to recommit ihe bill, on .lop.
ground UuUjbjhWM m possession (mbM&
aot information, which ought toWlalJ befijre
commiuee. .. 5 , •-i.v.-fvf-
Alter a brief discussion, m-whioh - Messr* IQflg.'
Crnbb; Rrawley, and Small unrticinated, the qttesf~
liob Was taken, on the molloD, whichwaß agntetl.
'la ' •' ■ y 4'^! '{
' Btiit Read TJV Tlaa.—By Mr Small, alloTOflf
bills of etceptkra end writs ol error in orialnid
cases.' * ' - '{’ ‘I’
- The bill. to , incorporate the lxial
Cbmpiiny,waa taken uponsecood ra£](agiftnd.lts
generally, were discus>icd f -at eonsklef
rabie length hy Messr*. Streeter. Stpoll
Smyser, Omfield and Hagai. .
Prit&t CWiwul«r-“Tbo following bfils were'read
ooce In thetnaraitig.ond in the afternoon read «.
second iindthird time end passed; with others]: of
an oaimpotahtcharacter: , ;7
An act relative to mutual tiro inference Cnmptt
Dies and agencies of mutual fir* ihwattee &mfta
nice, not chartered by this State.;. W. ‘
An act farther to amend the charter, of ilia
teredfand of the Methodist Episcopal Cimrch'lu
ybe United Stetee of America.. t'*
' nyVoosn* MoV Es«,
fT». »tg»iMrmnx—The:Fifth Lecture, onllfcegiMk
by Tata 1. Bu>b*x, on -Tootf *r «™ni»fc Fib- fl»b,
S«L»c^T^Wine^l''lfcM^t^*or : PiqM>-{iraS^V
A4«ihgle ticket gS-ce&ts, {at fciileJ»fa--*i>{j ypilrtfl:
ftr Uiief. "Tb btd' it ibfrßootf Store* khi *1 ttU
im ~ JACOB WEAVER, Jr,l, S
* towriofthißmrtrnV
*iip nwit*i
: <rp <W*» tU'gsc£)r f ;
P.M, tonomlailrcanjWfV* to bo sj^pgrteb
epiajn* wmtitfp tleetloo- 1
. :B/ 9t4er of tiio EKgpfo Coatfttee.- .fetafe?
in theCbtteifcottse iaßatteron ihecvenlng of the,
13th fast** s?h£s JJoßuJ6bn3}rc3iD r frooi.ibe tom 1 :
mines IppoaOed by a previous meeting made the'
following reporu—
i&ef ha*©
-not given to iEq-subject aside nuiooaod et*
tetuim-ihaiiisjinjjwdimoe.tbaijv • l '- !/
There’is no project tjint has been sngg«ied„lnal
>«. piwJngjlecof.lrioge.
beneficial consequences. loom own vicinity than
the proposed Plank 'Bond, bv giving to Os d road
that would enable ns in nil reasons* with great
ease, to convey oor surplus .products to the cities
of Pittsburgh andAUegheny, sad to receive mer*
cbaudita frtnn these fctUrti. The members ol your
Comroiue havena practical knowledge of the mode
in which Plank Bonds are made, nor: of the actual
expense of eonat/nction. From lbe best informal
tlon they have been able to obtolnj the ascent and
descent of the road sbonld oot exceed an angle of
..twd end onah&lf degrees Grom a horizontal bne.-r>
IfthutVisebnectiilhißre wtnild be no difficttliy in
tocaung the it- At least.the
threoiotmba oflhe present cJaytarnpiketnight be
usedfrrthebetFpf She'proposed.roam Tue blank
and other materials for conalractias ctm
bo conveniently and easily procured, at <pncea as
lowasarttclefrofthte descrJptioncan’be purchased
eUhwfere. ahdin theopiiiiori of yotiv commit tee,
‘foe rohd coald be made for two. thousand fly© bon*
drdd’Lollaraper.mUe,"The y onl y difficult?.Jn the,
way of making the road is.the raising oflbe moa
l;cy. “When theimportance ofthis-improvement is
taken-into coasideratfou'.thc test incrensoit.Wcrald
prodotelri thVtravellingby’tt rdad’orthia descrip-
it* tendency to; increase onr
euhanpaithoivalae- cfour lamUf ond coofi»rmg
: -Oiber benefits onlhecammnnity, U is believed that
tM itbck might be wcmld
bly productive.„ Yoarcomnnctee; ‘'submit to the
meeting the following resolaiio'n: 7 /.
> ! ZUtocDtd, .That acommilto of five persona »ap?:
pointed-to prepare nad-nttend [to presenting n
'memorial to the Legislature for the passage of on
, not aatbCnxUig tbd incorporation ofa teompany to
make the;proposed rood-from the borough of But*
ter to the city of Allegheny. • ■
On tnbfo'onVlhd report of the committee and the
reMlhUoiisnbmiued were adopted.
~ After their reading.ibemeeling was addressed
by-Messrs. Bredin, Beatty, Purrience and Sullis
van.yrhen the rcporTand resolution were- tinanV
imohriy .adopted..
V ThectantuiUeo appofnled in pnreoanco qf the
resolution ore a* follows; ilon. John Bredin. C C'
Salinmn,-GeoigeMiUer,B.M , Nciir,and J G Camp/]
belL - : 0h : rnotioo, adjourned. i
’ JOHN NEGLEY, President..
• j . Company oC Cavalry* ini advance.
i ( 1 Wmt«Vllaa»
: And the Mayors ef Pittstarßh and Allegheny in a ear*
1 riagedrownty tear while homes.
The Presidential Elector*.of Pennsylvania.
-<Tie Be!ect and Commoa’Connclls nf the cities of Piu*t
r barghaW Allegheny and rforrotandlng Boroughs,
f Thediderrm Engine apd Uoso Companies of the two
:leitiei and vieiulty in anifortn, arranged in Iho order
land position as in FlrpntflV parade, under direction
‘ t "
!K The. Mih tiny Companies, under command of Col. S.
'\he Suiepii pfAllegheny and aifrroondibg contuiee,
jhin irLlhfL without diltllifc.
I lion drnsfry*.
Prom the Monofcjjahela wharf, up ■to Smilhfieltl *t
I to liberty at, up liberty at t* Mechanic at, along Me
[ chanic at to reau at, 'down Penn *t toJUaibury at, up
I MaJbmry at to liberty at, op Libery at to Fourth *UB»
[Fourth to Wood tx, down Wood In Water-ft, up Wa*
I ter at to the Mpoongahela House. .
I The Aaaistant Mandate will uppear oa borsebaek,
■ in citizens dress, bias scarf and baton, with threxcep*
I tioooflheaids,who, will went red scarfs.
| The foltowing Arustant Marshals will act ns «ds to
I the Chief Marshal: _ „
I . Morrison Foster, . Charles B. fioolly,
| Edward Gregg, Howard, Jr.
I Wa Bell, Jr] . .. t
I The approach of the steamers containing tanFresw-
I dent eject had-Committee* Of .Reeepllon, will be an*.
I noaneel by the firing of a cannot) stationed, on Coal:
I HUI. The firma will be keptopdbriorthe procession,
i; f«bl? WM. LARIMER, Jr., Chief Marshal,.-
Rsnarnoci or Pajatnaxr T*tuta.'- ; The Military
Cotnpank* throe gtoct ihi* end, the adjoining conn tie*,
Ud the Fire Department generally of the citiei and
Tfeinrtr, are rerphdti'aHy rapietted to bold themrelee*
‘•ready® v> join in (ha proeewiou. in welcoming the
President elect to the city of Phwbargh, Duo notice
will be giren of the day and time of bt« arrival. By
< order oLthis Committee of Prteeation.
; iTTfiNTIOSi n&EttEI!
la Accordance witV rtqoerta addreaaed to me, as
Presidrat of ibe Ilrerwn*' AMoeiauon of loi« cay,
from Committee* appointed by two several merimg*
for taid paroov, l beg teare to request tbn Firemen of
thircity andtricliiifyi»joini«» tbe Proceaitoa p»po»-
ed, l» honor of tbe arrival of General T*ywa, Pr p «-
.dear eiact of ,tbo United Sl»tr», and tn all suitable
jmanaer to contribute to thopabbe demonstration, vrel
(coming that dUtißgoU&ed citiian aaotoat«».
Be*pectraDy, ke , E. 8. NEAI*.
Pi B—Owing to the teartn,.! woald «ogg«*t thatihe
apphnua»> tbS^N.
; - fcbtS .i'.iM i.. -i • *•.
Nanifau, JMZi lading, (MUracSi, law BtantM
‘ ■ .auto aiu* caincs, |
‘ a •. wjjoxs, Ac. Ae-t . jf
Printed *1 the shortest notice, »v low pnevs, at ik«
deSD -G&nnsOvncs»Tßißßmsn* •
nfcd thn following 1 lener, dated April tClb, 180: -/.T
Mr/CTta. Shields,* respectable fanner of tW* vranr
ity. was taken ill; called In * Doctor wbo doctored
htW Or Drtptmim tor on»7«r, tat be atfll
HTtbeirdiM barged UiDMioraad puft-Uia
2iJS iilFth*?** •**'<* yocrv£min.gv»s
CM*>ox of Banativt Pills, and bythewe itfttteae m * ■*
Icioea (eoatlng o^T 5O «ot>) 'be dUeharged, hra»fo
at loan one tSoosaod wonas, end n» two -weeks-w j
•o improved in health a* to attend to bis business,* A
baa been in food health ever «ioce»and says- Dr.
lavra's Vertmm*o and Sanative PQl* bavaotade a
aSSmanofbS. WM. B. DBAN, *■ MV •
To Or. Dt Jayne, Pbila. at Port W»Uaa, O
Pot salsln Fiusbargbet the PEKIN TEJkBTOKE,
70 Fourth stieev near wood. feb!7-dAw^
Bkllsxs’ limttat Cocan Sraur.
Pittsburgh, Feb. 3,1M8.
Hy vrilb has been ttotiblediriib a violent coajn for
ait or seven yean; io bad waa her cough that physi
cians (in Ohio, where I formerly lived j told me' she,
bad the Consumptions After we removed to thlseny
I obtained for her, time and again, different medicines,
bat they wens of uo kind of benefit to her. Some two
months since, l parehiubd a bottle of your Cough By
rnPf-tbe uae of which has done bet more good than
any medicine «he hat ever- taken. I have also used
Mien* Vermifuge in my family with fine success.
> Bcasaab hTGakatH.
This popular comAtemedy is prepared and told by
&S3-BKLLEB9 7 'O7 wood »t, and may bo bad'of Drug
jiiuVoerally, llll,wo eilicr and rreialty fifeblU t
lmpNvementi ia OtntUtry«
' DB. a. o. STEARNS, late of Boiton, Isbropartu lo
manaiactare and set Block Tutu In whom and.pam
of ads, upon gisetionor Aunotpherip,Suction Flams:—
Tconucuaccman m rrva msuWy Whefe the nerve **
exposed. Office and reildence next door to las May
or's office, Fourth street, Pittsburgh; > ....
HXfa io—J. B. M’Faddeo, F. H. Eaton. jitl!
w. Mb Wrifhli 01. D., Deatlatf
tfrftcs and residence on Fourth street, opposite the
Pittsburgh Bank. Office hoars from 9 o'clock to It A
fit, and ntna 8 o’clock tos P. fit. sepl4*ly
. 'At her residence on Montour's I«land, on Saturday
last. Mrs. Atoms CkjUO, daughter of. the late General.
John Neville, and widow of the late Major Issue.
Craig, m. the BCtb year of her age. , .
deceased was bom near Winchester, Virginia,
aid removed with her father lo the vicinity of Pius
burgh ift ftTplenilier, 1775. but went *don kfter to board'
lug vcbooHo Philadelphia, where the remained unti
* the British took possession «frffat eity, when the schoo
was removed to Lancaster.- In 1778 she returned to
the vielnlt/ of f)ii* city, in and near which the resi
ded for hear, seventy rears. Though never robust,
the deceased had enjoyed good health, UPtllthmhißth
of her son, Br. Oralgof the Army, since which time
•ho bad gradually declined, until tiie middle of Jonoa
-3 when she was taken with i| severe cold, which.
though' iteeewed to have been overcome,'re Umied
’dUiing lkcr**«> cold weather, hud carried her off very
suddenly. Through life the deceased was A dutiful
daughter, a ffithftil * lie, and a most affeetionatei tod
'devoted mother. ,
LTbe ftfaeral will take place from the, retidengc of
Neville B. Craig, on Penn street, this - afternoon at 9
C* UNPRIKS—43 bbls No I Lard; 3 bales .Cottoo; 0
O sacks Giaseag; At do Feathers; 2 bags Beans; OS
do Finxsred; 1 tierce do; 1 l,ag Beeswax, to.arrive,
for sale by ISAIAU PICKKY A Co,
t fobtP ;; r .■ ; ■j- ■ ffOOt Sj| ■
TiEABU A3H-I0 CVk* friu\ ABh/jußf it**a *M
F for HUBpß\lk3F. \YrLxoN*<V ‘
3 fej)tQ : : ‘ -"WM
P*~ OTASH—O casks Pdtaii, jimrep’d tnd (or*aieby
febia ■ - BURORIDQE t WI|fION&Co
HAVANA HUfiAflr® bXJiwbWe'VHavana Sugar,
~*rTirl»g«n3rur»aleljfjr' •
febio • mmufttpoi
gUTTEK— 4 bbb (mb 1 Roll Bauer, for rale low by
I febia 1 JAMH3 DAUra
'/TOTTpN—<O bbt* prime Couon.m store and for
\LTaale law to close comignnjei.iJiy
V feblfl JA.ME3 DAI4Sy.f t L
% rtw.iWpuaiD bW» N O Molasses, In fine order.
IVJfnitd for tale by _ feblß JAS DALZRI.L
Ground NUTS—no sacks in *lf>re; for rale by
CjT'ftblb ISAIAH DICKEY A Co, front n
SUGAR HOUSE MODABBES-40 tbit 8i James So*
gaf House Molasses, In store and for sale very low
XTa 9 bIACKEIIEL-i-Tfl bbU prime No' 3 Mtekcirl,
[M in Bißre end for tala low by .
B _ fr«»h 801 l
; fcbl4 '
Manufacture?) tobaccos—ioo
.‘Coßwav l «.VJoli“ on V»n ( l ‘Rucker’*’ five lam j, in
‘agSraiSr m. ..mmsMsm.
by Cfurf Jwnioe*lsnJnl~, .
.Mar - «» !sbx» Lemons; '
t AhTto?»M« to«A rrh!7 ENGLISH A BENNETT
piio»fi,wMwHavanaSß«n . - .
i 'lopraSiHi...'. >gj“»js<j| iw ««ei;.
' JLmh% bennEtj, _ t
»- _ ' '--"Eoafedy, * J *
:JL Hean bchad forcoly
Uc, appli«L-*M it -
lions have-testified to its wonderfßl'bealing properties.
rcpu.dftjrmityi it. restores to healthy aenon urn W«w
v<m* fiystrtrJ, vrbenrfver it i* attacked by any of »*
compEtiufa to whtfeh it is subject; there i* uomeaierae
tlmt can compare with it If yon hare either of the
red that you will experience, reliefAt, V iec ' * n ®
continued application Will- sboir lhc ii%e»*e.
There U no medicufe known that possesses a ulna of
its virtue*. It has received |be approbation of frby w
eiahsoftiie u‘d-eiedicinqt Vv*
abould always be hep! enb*nduvtim* i <jFr>e«i.' l'«*
it once and you will never be without it. ''
Ppinal Affections, Rhenmaiism, Paralysis, ahdailNrr
voo* Affection*, Salt Rheum, Croup or HiveiwAgoe
'ia the Hre art and Face, Weak Jolnts,Colds, Tooth
oehe, fibre Throat and <fniflny,. Ulcerated Borer,
I tarns. Frosted Feet, Indolent Fresh Wounds,
Bnnyeus,Corn*{ Swellings and-Umaea, Scrofulous
AtfeeUoa.% Paina iin the Back, Nervous Headache,
1 Tie Dolpreaux, Bpmins, Mosquito Bites, and all Cu
■ tanebusahdNervoo* Disease*, vanish berort It, and
leave the body in a hound and hcmllby state.' For evi
dence ofils great pdwefoVer the vysteih, *ce the pam
phlets to be bad oi every Agent, gratia.
Extraordinary Cvre ofSalt Rheum.
New York. Feb. 13,1*47.
Sir l hove been cured of Jbe Salt Rheum by a few
application* of Hum’a Liniment. I was affected with
the eomp.aint foreight months. I tried 1 every thiag
tliat was recommended, but alt to no purpose: the dis
ease grew worse. 1 In September last, a gentleman
(UrLUTiiasj with whom l was traveling, recom
mended Hum's liniment.- ? used it but aiXuraes when
tb« disease leA rje. 1 have deferred making this cop-,
nranicatton until l was certain the corA was effectual
and >ennanent. I nm now certain it is.*o,- and can
coaii ientiously recommend Hunt’s Liniment as a cer
tain ind speedy cuw.for tboßftltJlheuni. •••
- ' our*, respectfully, . . ' J. P.CLEMENT.
Ext: aordtnary Curt of nr years stand*
Templeton, Worcester B, M 7.
j, Go. |i fiie/I have been sorely af
flicted with the Sciatica in both my hips for ux year*,
.and Tor the lost two years txr such a degree that I have
.not been able to walir without a pair of erutehe* A
abort time ainee 1 happened to he in of Ales
»r». LeepUstdinx & Jones. Mr- Jones recommended
me to try your External Remedy, Horn's. Liniment,
which TuM.knd after using one. bottle 1 was enabled,
to w»ik without uV cratches. Upio-tho present dme
I have used butt rattles, and am no# attending to my
business.whiehiothatof ablaeksmitb. Afidl would
farther s*y H r *s the grtatest remedy in xhtf world.
•Bhoutdauy I refer them to any of my
neighbor* for the truth of my statement. •
zr Lewis, SutseXrCo., TleU. F*b. 3,1847.
fiend me six boxes of Hum’s Liniment immediately.
1 exa enUrely oat, I have beard of- three cascs-of.
Corah being eared by twice bathing witbthc LinimcnU
[aeyeral cases of Rheumatism; onoceueof Croup; and
several of weak limbs- I have had. to fanmhjhe Lin
im, at Babbatb, so sanguine was..the~applieani
oCi s beneficial effects. A. WEST. A oON
< ) emember this Linimem is told attheextraordinary
Voi price of '£* cents a bottle/.Who would hesitate
.wo ut certain relief isjo bebgfl for «o small, a aomf
I jid by every reipfCnsCw 'Druggist and Merchant
thr mghootthe country.
(iEOKGE E. STANTON, Proprietor.
Shir Shur, Westchester “
AMby tlfc foUbwtog agents: , ... :
raj H Canel, been and walnut stf J A‘JonM,;penn and
hand; WHenderson; 2« Liberty at;- L AViicox, Jr.
tnkiVeb' J & Smith, Birmingham; - D Megley. East Lib-
Arty* J Saignnt, A M Mart hall, Allegheny city. Pa; J
S*tU», Dtidgawater, Pa; Alexander Conn, Bteaben
vijldjO;' AOFaifchild,Wbe«liug, Ya; JO Johnston,
retail Agents, JKIDDA Co, 4th and-
Wood sta, Pimburgh. --; : feblit-wflml
' CertbbUof eseb tor sale by 'Y
)ILS— lOOOralls blcacWd W strained Oil;
; 10 Mb u “ Lmrd “
- 19 bsl* Linseed: for sale by
STARCH— 100 6okwhii'tair*U)
.inpgnor Sarchp. H.mßnnfMniren price -to city
T>RODUCF--5 bbUßye; 20 Bo tOtftll wtlte Beifls;
JtT 25 ba*b dried Fetches;. 4>bU fmb ( 801 l Bauer,
JusHrecelved liidTor *»1« by ' m _
; TeU7 ' r 7"‘. " KRQBI3ON t to;
joat rec’daitd JbtiMie
lUUAH—Otfhbds NOSogar,
by fab!7 -
I. joKt welted and tar sole
COFFEE—ISO bap Bio Cot
/ febl7
tdoAP—loobuffo t Soap, re
O -*ebl7
HLER, (foceewor to Morp tv fc lie,) Wool Deal
• er and Commiation Met chant, Ibr the tale Ot
American Woolen*, Liberty, opposite filh-at. I~ebl7
» pea fancy Ca*«im<Jre* on hand—
.lL- (m *ale at tnannfartarirr* price*, by •• •
frbl? • H l,KE,lJbcny*t,oppotite &th
T \VKEDS—100 pea all wool Tweed*, for aale by
febl7 \ ■ ..H'*
BLANKET coating—An asamnwnt of Kl inked
Catting, for aalo.verrJQW«no u fo*.rt*|
tmnced. TroM mwintof foUaruete will rcibsr*|
'gain*. . fet>l7 . . -|> ifLEB ■
iAOON—<3IO lb* *molred Uacotl rte'd
> orrconticnment and for file by .
febW _ . • 1 TAS!
’ACKEREL—«O tbb No 3; 101 m
. and for nje by fcb!7 TA*
lUTASH—9cuks nperiar qdalit;
in »tore and fortie by TAI
WUl'fE MEANS—fi bl*U fim qm
fortaleby ,frbl7 . Ti
WAR —ISO bfcla iri note; Tor’taJeby!
l iel7 B'AOALEYA SMITHi W tadaOyood it !
WANNESS’ Oll*-t3l bbls be*t Brarni Oil. in tiftre}
i ‘"•sis*
ILCTHANT 01L—44 bhltwintar btewhed,
| tnd for iilc by -fgbl7 gAOAMSYfcW
Q H. MOLASSESrStt bt)la.Baß!e|Oloiiiul Kt&K
f°r 4 SMITH
TJURV. rarASH-21 cask. (roUnd Potash, ■ very
JT taperier qaality, reeVt thl* day by Mls Iv E Line,
2d for file by JAR FLOYD,
1 feblC Round Cfrarch Bttildiog
BACON— IOJDOO l|i« eoantry eared Eicon, in iioje
ax>4 fof wOeby i feblfl 3 t'RFLOYP
T A HD-50 ken No! Utf Lard, (n store and for
liTaieby fetid J AB FLOYD- •
frr RAPES—* kegs MaJsgmCrapetj fir sale by
Hr feblQ . AHMaTOONO fc OROZCg’
BULK PORK—7OO pea Balk Park, iwi recd and foi
■ale by fcbld ARMSTRONG * CROZEB
t+AVANA bx* white' mvabk 80(U.
Mter wiw tl d
M2II. SALtS—Beukt SchS»lu, bnttof* •ndjar
> .ale by , fob 18 EMJLIaU h, BENNETT .
(tANDLEa-15 bit prime Bpen» Candle*; 15 boxet
j Htar do; 2$ bit taoald ana dip dm for sale low
febia ENGI43U4_pENNJ7rr
GOLD PENS—Twelve do?en Ja*t received, of the
finest pen* yet offered for tide, made with great
care, and a* near perfection p* homan s|U| and
'Baity can accomplish. These pen* are- marked “w. ;
\y. tniwn, ml »*"”“>}[ l ; g0N(
• frbtd corner atarltet and 4th at
Pl£TOL&~Fgr California overland companies, re-
I*-*’ >y WILSON;
ijtKATIfERS— 81 tack* now landing from iteamer
1 CamberUnd; for tale by= ,
_ fcblS 13AIAU PrCKEY A Co, front «1
I~ARD^rhU*Not; 3doNofi, landing from tfrnr
*t-BSF* m ** h ‘ “Isaiah dickey ac
iLAX BKED—lobar* tow landi** from *nar Cam*
|«nd; for walo by-fnbls ISAIAIIfitOEKY'tCo
la<..i; tPT ~ . _____
T7&>" No
rjoLl» BUTTEH-rlO bbb Holt Baner, Jast rccM oyd
iv* Tcbis: W’&RM«CUTCHKOfIr
/SoTTON—S7 bftifti Cotloil,'?aiidiDg from lUhr’Cad
Vy be*lann 'indfor*weby. "1 ' J . K
• /ebis • jfe.ftmrrpiflBo?g»ro
Till qLAS3^B—WlXbb^.fJanUllotfUol^utf*,^ta«ur{v
febli l °^** l A.njn'CJUSOJI
SEED—fotbl* ree'd tbit and ioi tale
( feblo TASajyfcß^^
ff and or «alobr ~_
do? Jh Jins tfomoTOr ifst'icr, for ule by- .
rStJ.f - u baoaLbv a smith
JT : WN® l
tndfor *aJ«l
feb* :
liv ui.AS3--500 b«, ow'd *U?s, cn-Jua#
ir «alo by febltt « TASBEY*REST
DblsWhiie BeaiWj ado Fluaeed; 8
9 Laid: 1166 Rouen apple*, Ja« rereived
it,. ‘ S|l wihUAMH,
' 110 wood >1
HONEY PEtV BYBUP—9 bbl* Hooey Dew gnjn,
in ttorc tnd far **ieby febtt J D.A^SFXU 1
.as; rter
mki> PKACHft*— ISOtt- both foroiebr
fc£o , Co ,
/'tOTTtiN—6 tnJtsiifor ulo fay * •, I
, fobis '-y. s >rjy.wtnir«teei
lUer, hmtree'd an 4
JOHN W\Ti% .
Liberty at .
"CjUOAjS CUBED fIAMS—2S e«t*s tagmr corei
O ll#Bii,ln store and fflTwrteby ■•'■•*• =.' '*'iU .■>?••
V mo ' s i w harbauoh
TjUXP'E&~S bW'Boil sate
il by ;. fettfD : : :»AJW HABBAUGII^
1 bbb No 1 Lard, tu store.oai • forby
Li febft. Bt WUAftUAUtni
IINBi&D OlL—iVbbli Liriieed Oil, in store and
iJoswfloby febiO
T Pig« aoft Galena: 8000 lbs Bar Lead.
IjTofwloby fcblQ BHEY,MATTHEWS *Co
By Wt^BurUoa.
fiOn Taandijafed insu, at li o'clftek, »»**•
ifloafe, O’DoaaS?* Whart,
ilirA DM* EtaiJi c— 2550 BAGS
FKK, auperior quality.
for *xuimuaiion the (lav before m)<*.
leblMt . _ W G HARBlSpffy-
Bjr iobn D. DmvlSt AqottOttcer*
Garden Engine, M'ixd Mi!LFranid,in Slaves,
, TtoilifU iSagr, /i \)
Tfci*, Mood*)' afternoon, at 3 o'clock, fl Davi* 5
Kngicb, srWrti will itkmtr water welM**;
tent Wind Mill; 2 JOatorm fl ItwOtml
grilled Bag>. . . .rclilSfc -JOHN lti>A\ lB»Anetv
14 pcxiaqej Suryte- auil fancyjhy Good*, en~Un».
OtfllomUy i»brt»in*< Feb oi Um
corner of Wood utd'FMh
•BirefiL’willlw I 'onaeredu ol three moaUm-om
all 4mD*OTerSM« !«.r appprv.;J _
l An fcxtriuJvO oiMOrlraeul .of Uaple and fobc) *«y c
. Qsodit, toiWiirnc driiipcrfiji.; cJ.iUi>»c«»«niierc»,jeilli»,
■mi Mu.
ns, mriMiKCVpacaVd*
cnfola, .pbol.'ciuon, wlk liuuojiS.pitti, njciUe*.
hotiriv, jSireY,, MwtaS.f'lt, bfruclicd
masliiis, Bala plaid, drap.MlliMU, bi'aycr.claits, la ( Mo
diaper, 4c, ' ' , .
-c AlSo’clocr. . .. _ . . t , • M
Oitodana, Qvskkwa**; PD«ntctaSi,*r. ~
3 hfrtenu Ydi
riot! toilet and *havm£ soap, 1?
Virginia manafaetuml tobaeeo, 5 doUMOrtfu plaai
..ware: a quantity of household nnd' kitepen Tbratnire;
'fcr '
AtroVlocfc, ' ' r ‘
made eloUuog, ffry rood*,/ boofcs, tratcßev
film eotieiy, guns, puioWtnuwfiiti tditiumenw, iTanc>
ArtleleS)&r. tfcblfl. JUHN'O '
Extra Salt ef; Tobacco* '•
On Monday ni'iemoou, Fob. 10th, *\ ao'clocfc, at the
.Commercial {jate» Boom, comer of W ood<u«l 'stb-*l*i;
'will Le»old without reserve, for 'cash."currency r-pa.
accodui'wbam it may concern— - i ,
ll>ox Thomas’Unique Cavendish Tobacco},
| l*• do' Grape brand 5» do
fi « TTWkCo.toi>! ? ' '.'dp }.»_>■
| • 2 “ ,G WiUiam* do do . . , <
, 3 u .9 Roy»' 1G« do •
r * U** fine quality pcaadjump do ti T v
-feMC JOHN D DaVIS/Adcl f
SaU ofa choice cdlation. of'Bate add Vali/oHe
Booh, from a Private Library—fine English
To lake place on Saturday the S4tta, ffnd Monday
26th February, at the Commercial Sale* Room, comer
of WoodTind Filth street*. I
Among-them will be found: ißapin’r History of Eng
(land,Xs vols, London; Bishop Burnett's Sacred Theo
ry of the Earth, KunwlesMiutory of thoTiuks,* Ivol.
.folio; Staekhbuse’* history of \the Bible, 2 vols, folio,
hoe plates; Ledgard’s narai history of England. Ivol,
folio; Clayton’s Chronology lof the Hebrew Bible*!
vot, 4tm Spencer’s English Traveler, 1 vol, folio,plates;
, Bloomfield's history of the ChisUmt vols,
i 4 to; Suuton’s Embassy to Cliim, I Vol; 4to; : Hogarth’s
: works, fine-plates, I vol, 4to; 1 Works -of Dean Swill;
complete, 18 vol*; Hotehlncon's Moral Philosophy, 2
to 1», 4 to: Dramatic works of Ben Jonron, early cdi*.
‘lion, 1 vol, folio, rare; ilindotrCpshensps csrtQuocol
"orad plates, B>oU, Alio; .complete workapfjoh'a pry*
dehil vols, 4t0,1f1&4, very ; nu-e;-. the Turkish, Spy, 8
yolt; Aekenhap’s Hopository of Arts, Lilerathre, fee
ls jirols, colored plates; Gifford’* Life of Pild sad his
Times, 6 Void: Ledge VPeertde of (hi BritishlEmpUt;
AVhitlaw ana Walsh's blxibryof the city 'of ; DtibUn, 2
aots, 4to; Winterbotbanfs history-of the American
States, 4 vobi Focoeke’sOomnfrntariiyi oif-JoeVMi
History, a voU; Rev of Great
Britain, 12 vols, calf; lfcter Pinder,
Svols; complete works of Georgo FafqwhavSyols;
PhUoaophieal-works ; of iord Oiolingbrokc- 6-tVel«j
i Adamic world., DUpibycd;
boson's' Lecturda on Mechartica.' STohL'pl&Simlh’s
Wealth of Nations, 2 Tolir’ LeliitirirDeiflUcal Writers,
8 vols;-Martin’* Phflbaopbfa Brittanies g vol#; 'Bonk’s
Life of Oliver CromWcli, J tore;. Lucas’,. Enquiry
sfteiHshpiitCsa, SvoUTrake;-Ix>wraaa'oh thcßeveltr
tioo; Middle tons Life of deem, lec
ture of Psris,,2 voUj. KatttrplUlitoiy of (UriUand
if.Knot peruaq* 11.
vols; Travels of Tovoasteria vols; BitH D»Ty’*Xec*.
itafcaohAffricuJtaral Cbemisl/y,4tOf Religious Philos
‘ophcr.9vol*,4lo; LUe df ,Blshop UDbart;. l. vol; Rus--
sell’s Natonu Hiotbry.'ijfAleppoj ,8 vott,i4lbj Alken’a
‘lllustration io pta.' Daiwin’s
jhjtaute Garden, i vof* 4lo»j>U, Lop; Anson’s'Voyage
~robnd the World, lvaJ,4lo; Cbflbb (the infidel) Traci*,
a vols; TownsenaVtuiforj oTßpsin, 3 vols; Moncruff 1 *
works, 9 vols, 6 ye; Letle/s by Dean Swift anddUters,
2 Voir, Loudon’s Oardaeyajtfjigaxfne r 5 ▼ou;.pibhm's
ilntrouuriioiLid. the Cliaives, 2 y oIsT Black well 1 * Sa
cred Classic* Defined,, 3 vcd*r Depones.-Travel* m 8
America, 8 vols, rebec with a Them , B
rals; Prose Works of Coleman, 3vbl*; Hurdoh’s ?aa
teiiols for'Thinkinr. 2jtols;,Ußcbmb> England tiaia
'tccr, 3 vols? Sydrt*r hf ipotlrt? WbodibnPs
of JQbgdinB , *j oherrti'HUtorjr pf> Mineral Waters;'Ac;
Also, Bare and Canon* Wsrly Wltldns of tboCiasiie
Greek and Homan «t»Uiors;lrfSiictmi; 4le -a:e.; : l ' ! ' t
Among them will be foundr-Calipinis PotygoilThe- 1
> Uohary, 7 languages, folio; Tfcmbilunis -et Uscheees,
1 vol, (blioj CfanCiaal Opcra, 3 vol*; PlaatuiComedla,-
l yol. Ini io, bta’dk letter; Clavis Lingua .SanetrpAillus
•Gelleus not» Atuei, ; * voI, 4cuo; .Static Opere* AmbhL,
t vol; Kurepifie* Trsgwtis, G vo’s;. Per*ias ,TV«3! I.So
phoele* I'ragddia, 1 -vot: •Urolius do Jure Belli,‘l’vdl;
LucreUns de Reran! Nature, 1 vol, Opere PlSU>ors; 8
vJU; Poets Mendraa Cent*, I Vol; Anlotuaesd’OrlcrnT
l tol, 4m<r, HniomeiCtfornpraphia Curicusj'-COlhrtd
map*; Af*«toti*li» de Ur* 1 Pollfeapllaharelii Chenmei
Mhralia Opera, t vol; Lexicda'Graed‘Lain»tjndll*Wlj
(oBo; EusebHOhronieorßnf, rvalj-tfarnerf-el Hdmen
dakum, j 4 voty ATeathtetis de RheiorieSdVQlj-'BClecin'!
. PQeuca'Benienttß,’l-vol f ' : Heysehii'ljßa)Con'; SV6ls|£ch:
lid, -* f, ‘- S 1
.■ Fall partleolars eatalngoet—wliroh eatt -behad
Auction store/ ~ r .
lotuses; 23d0 S H do; |
Tl ROBISON t Co ''
ree'd us* ferrate by;
jo attention
rtieie, a* they
i (OtlilAiMTlt
H fcEF.
ft BI'RNCKR Will preft'fifluf'wdhttPrtal dentort
lll Hralion* in lhi» l’bilo»Dphy, every->Vening thi*
w*ck, In tijlipitnY, Aurnriinn, RrpuUion,
lUiruetUm nnd Clairvoyance, An Asyttfro for*lriirnl'- ;
W 4 will t>e opened »*9ffS day frt>rhti‘'Vrtx'Vy A. 51'
.tola, wh*n»ll per«oo4 aiTltMrd with v* e.i~:*cau fair
■dil ta» relieved, Na.chorgeif apt
IKT * BFST | ... /.-■ „ , :-•,
faction*.. •> ,-.-, - t .fel*l9’
(f do <Wonbati<J
i jimtvmii."
1 » kQ £ N 0.8. ft ffll i yiUi
»«,rssWi*((cuKKiiT.a i*AitnEM3i«H*ivS(kßl
first Ktening.F.Mtei'lalninentonMONDAY.FEß*
by .. K,
M[S*ANN A CKUIBB, the celebrated VoftlWfcU - 1 t
MR. JOIINJHIMiVWO Idimlui&inßn«oQi<yH-:;j i
•, MR. MURPHY, ibe pleasing BaUad: ginger, aafl
Forparticulars, oe« billsoftheday,
Jp*!Ticket* SOcents....,- t .., ; . / ,-..y.. t V-ftM?,/
Cor niMif aa
ijr, instore end
i \ - ' *•' -w -
(\T TnßMAllMtfril'CAYK.NUgnqi Fnll*, Egyp
VI/ ban, Ohio-and Mississippi'Scenenr, nowexhihil.'
Ing at' PHILO
Amerigtfiß view* it comprise* this - fbHowingt r TT» Valla
of Niagara’, comprisiirg < a~niH , vieW‘—View of the city
of Mexico, from the Concentiof Sair
mic view of the FVlsof UmObto; CromUbe Indiana
: sife—The city of Eoahrot!e,Jfcc.—The Slfcrnmoth Cave,'
•hotel and'cottages (ontrairnn, visitor*■tfnd'inmnletit
of Ashland, Hon. Il.'Clay l * rnsideheC
—•View b/'tfie Hemjilaje—logetlicrwith a dayYjour*
oey on the pfairieii. ; •*
Doors open al6 o’clock- Panorama will commence
moving at T'o’c'fockj'prcciseljs. '
Admittance, S 3 ccmK Ja3l
' ,J?O.TICB. r
-TTIHE pirtnenlifjr HeWidftire between the
X •obteriberv, nitder Uftesoo,
cu dtuolved by Bittuwi cs>D«ni;
The buiin«M of the Gjm'vriU’bff uenltdi hy R II Bee*
n. nr beeson: '*
vr* •
' CARD—He btninen •will,beCoßdoeied na
„l*ire bylCßeesoa fc R. H. lfcf sob,'- seder Ib'e firm of 1
i R. H. BEE3(Wft C6,N080 Merkel at,
fcbi7«3i TMdoor freer the
/"“lAI*I FORNIA OUTFlTS—iiStAfcc’fl.-at.lhe India
V Robber Depot. the follbwiitff-gttodar f?u^
Pants, Jockey Cms, ’“ vlia Preservers.
!*«&*•» Horse Cj Con*, Tenu and
Tem Floors, spier Pillows, Isthmus
Bus, lUversarWf tea, Lone.Jß«ot*
'and mining Hoots. lor sale at Nod
the uunqto hand ps.
leaving,« flb.UtcO
warded by <be owner.
■J3EESON9 wuhlnjgto Join •*' company going the
IT overland r6ate,'pri'pack males,'can do to by ma
king application at the pffieeof A. W. IiROCKWAY;
Tfo. 0 Cptnprcmai Row’. liberty -street This compa
ny expects to go through {root the frontier in lea* than
tigty days, with perfeilsafciy'.,’ Only a limited ma<
ber will be taken, as thd company does not with tobe
retarded by a Jarre body moviug together;-:; AsiCetlug
wilt be held al the abcite pJ&cVoD;:tY*d&*dky'evco*
4bk. lheMih, tt which Time*and 'ptacdaay'lnfcn&ailoh
will be given to those ‘wishing to join. * Nonri'Vriii be
'received but men or ’good character, who can give
a4o»factory reference, . ... . • ’ fcMtt '
i For California* TT) ‘
rfliß celebrated Hazard Bide Voider, fekcgn,. half
rpflß partnership heretofore existing between the,
I ii’ii ii liln ii, in Uni mum nTHi liimim »
was this day dissolved byimnnjai
KJchbanm IdMlbbrisM rfaine'of \h? gra> In
settling the btuiabt’.dfiVe concern.-:
.. A a nwa rt>i
* :P»ttaborgfa L Fbb. IP, ISO. SAMPLE.
P. Behbanar sUltgontraac* Ike fmiiifinff-'
of Steam ErtSinea,MHiAllcbinj«ry k
&e,at bitold establUbaicW'itf Allegheny ctfrvuf-fer
tto Public Squatty...|'i -•; ftH jCdtw
lyi. chant, No. 34 Sogth Fro in street,- (second story.)
ltrpore* Ptrtehosed, picked, injured.
*J?d shipped to ordef. \Vohl, FVmr'i .Crin,' J>rird
cosslgomehi aud «or*
age, wjth tnkurettfctobUinedj ’ • -" feb-d?m
'taaaC'Jdn^' 3 i!i ‘ ••> t-,i u'«.-«-r.^incb;
\rANUFACTUBESS:of kprinj and blister steel,
J3X.piougbst£el,‘Bteelplotirt wings;coicb andclip]
'be snnosKhanmieted iron aklea, r aui) drainin' t
lamp*, and c&ch trtdimjnrx
generally, comer ofßnesonU laiat .*kV | PitobuTjn,‘
boats, Gen- Scottnitd Gin; WoTtU, .n'our rtuning.trais.
'it, a. profitable' investment fcjrcspilali»u,'.or 09/ who,
■ :Fajrftfwerpttrueu!ari,''indUifrttd ' : ' •'/
. uevsa tf v - .~o;tf tN&CojWgi’rtar
. Kicst^bn>, T'-T” r.rr;.
J N•lection for PresMehqManager** and. dfficcx*,'
L for enxunga Biidffe,or-er the
rer l»irt»bwrph, lu of
AHegheny.’twifl beheMhttf&SbliHoi^Wfilouilay
. It jCQHAi&SSfdQd bbi*.pi«taiion .Uolasaeay land<
IW| Tb# fremataa Embassy aadfa-sale-br.;
”cbfa ■ , JAMK9 Bl water ax
f' tRKBH ROLL bUTTKIi-irO tO-day 'ree’daod
ihr reUi^lidil^AaMaiflQagACaoZEft,
EGGS— ibbKa-tfay retVby * .
. fehia ARMyritoxq » caozF.a 1
BUI.KPOBK— «BpM_tuat'ree’d*iid»'orsaleby ; >
: ii&cmii&itfi .
•*rrßrfrfEANQ-S7 bbla soudb
yf «wtfttodtoMleby fel3^ 1 BVf4’yß|iitjAS '
—hai e
irr. ! In
,? j -
n yse MONOXOAHKhayCipt SttnywtlUoToPigiN H
bnjfht Mtry Konilay mo rain* it 10 o'clock; Wfcetl|q| <
evm- Moodafc'evemhffatlOr:*. • —>•
; ;, -' f \>
•»' ‘ -I <?s!
.The H!BKBNIA f .l.
leave I’iiuban'trevrTyTeesdayßorolnE •llOo’doet 1
: \Vhf-tlitisfvfry,Tu<yi<iy'pytqianttl9r;->t/'::i>, i ;^-t *Y
; s rj c- wJ^^aoAic^3®*WJPr~ ; p?-|
! Me NEW NoCVCatfC H. ‘MakMIK tj?
leave PitubDreh every Wednesday' «* IfV*:
o*C 1 ockj.W Bee] mye Very Wednesday gvrfliay $0 *jr f
The BBILUANT,. Cajii. Cues, will iw
biirfh eYery'l’faußday.aiominß at iO.o’cloct^,
- every Tbuyruay evciitug M v: . ,
■- r ■■■ : Friday .PAcjoaT.: 1 ? i-j'!
- -The CLIPPER No. 2, CapL Put Dcvar,- %tll leave 1 -
Pimborgh every Friday morning at lOo'cloek; Wbea*
liuj eVcjy Friday eyewngat jt.. j■‘VV)-**, K n
•* • SAToSSaV PACKET. "A ittstV ’I
-Pituburgb every Saturday*morning at 10 e’elocf;- - -
\VheeUiiaev^.Svt^ytwenw|iuJ : &,p.«4 .- ; '.l. ; ..;
'j ; OF
*• *•*, g^jjgggfcr,
■\ ■ . (TUOLIMOW,) ''
■' sLeaYeli PittobnrghdsiJy. u» o’clock, AI&L, and. or. ’f. v
rives at Glasgow,-tmosith oriheSandynrtd Bearer- Cai i:t
oiil;) at 3'oTcfocki slid New Lisbon ai tK ttaowgkt.
XcwLUbcaatflo'eloci, P. '
iripcnnol lo the riYer.daring the aightj and Gtsnrow
at 9 o’c-'oek, A; aid armes at Fiusborgfc.ats ft
hi.—thus making.a eooiifiaofia Una fi»f. eattyibabai'. : 1
oßd between New Lisbon and niut ? ] .
burgh, iavsSariw time andat leu f*terthaftW«ii|> * s ~
other ronte:' . • • I'. 1 . •
' ThepropHetori dfthlrLma haro the pleasure ofUk. >
.tortiing the jrablfcthat they hare fitted np twoßrtt ClaU *
Canal Itoatjufor theAOcprittnfartatlon of ptsseogefs ud < x •
freight, torun in coaneetiob'wlih r the iweli: knows v
sieSacm CALKE/POPE andiIKAVEB, andeonaeeU.;';
-iifgi ifiV-Glasgow, wiih-the-Fittsb'argii-:afl<l':CuifciiH‘ T^ ,
nail aed other daily lines'of. jteußeia down tb* QUo :
and MiMittippiUmj.VrlhoptoprteWrt-pledge tfeesw..
•eltes’ io-tpare noexpcn«ei'or.troablciaiiiaare c«a- ‘ ,
m, safety uo4 dispatch, and ask of Utdpfeblie a. than l '\".
oftbctrpatrofc**®.— ‘ I ‘V • ; r l r •■"? '
T • “ ‘■••'AWHOftI*EpACKNm?.-r'\;' ;• «
f - ’• S.fcWH/UtakliaK,
: K. HANNA, ACo.
nVu.-u J.IiAHUAVau&Ca. {w«w uinca,
: Uufinoiiee,6r\VeUcviUenafieps* J .
1 fitly, at 9 o'clock m theiaOmine.- s " ■' -■ - Jel3 >
: 1 ' I —jin >
I !pinBßVß&n*BßowMmiia 1
t? ■*■■> D*Ur Psfcktfe 14m. -** • *
■H •*- * - LEAVE JWLY. ATB A- M,AND4P.fiL, Kt “ ;
: i
.1 f<fl?^.~. : l-iS-iee ; .linft : ~t<a , \lhc' DtCSciU'aaartas:.AT* > '*•
a- MSsroSB. LAOTIC.-' <Spt r JaatS» T fitt>lg»o»i-‘. *\>
fI2nOBBBIIAUTIC, Cfipi! A. Jacobs; find LOUB ;vi
v hTLANB, Capt- Bctaß«L.AThe.boat»gur».eotitely.i i
• tic w,’and regard to cxpeasn^Sr^.-fo
‘ 32$ Boats-wiU lamT&e Menongahela Wharf ■
‘ tbeVeot of Boss sL..- iPasseogers p«nctaal-fi*/-fc
* .board,aatbe boau.wiU eenainly leaToatthoadrUf* I,
i Used honrMSA. M.and< -• , r !> ‘ laa3l -V
JOHN DO\yiS,-Attct
44 kcij-WKl.witb
idinfl; too sane and
’’ be liberally Te
febt7rd&t t
~~~ DiHeititlem
rm ApirrsßUßon
' j ifr '' iffluiwft'
■ Tb® splendid fast muuflf'steawav l J*i
Boyd,-master, wiy'-nm as a m|f)arVr''
■jSßßEaidlpaeket between Pittsburgh and 2fliBe»i' ; '-
rUle, € ' ,,, - u I
Fbr ireightjor patsagfi’apply on bcsrd. : rf< . feblA _» *♦
-v i ''‘':^^"TOHBT.'li6urS^l)!aE(r^ , { l •«
i !«h9»k Tha splendid tkainnnion aunaar . *
*nifiES2iß|««s -...i, ..mju*
; ,i^C«W4«---goiincs»Master.-wilf laare foc aboroi
iBBKBBESBnBand 1 intermediate ports on
<la)%ttifi l4Usr»*t„ t • ' .. •*•
rAI-lot Jreuhtar(>*Maxe r ,app)r on board,orto , ..
- ffetii7 ■ ofaQ UAmjENBERORR; Akt;
!-Ti,. .iemumaauut,. 4 Zuj'-
M„TtafcSiieKMmcj r ,. A - .....
Japt. A-Miller, will ranyernlarlj ».
aiaigeauplybnhiatd.- 1 •
'* w< beet; master, - f
r.BBHBOfIWiWIfnr Wheeling, VYu« ■
ioeAayithd-yridajr, alWo’eloek'ptOoUelrlirc.vr c
Uenre’W'hedlsri |
turday; atroteldek,
‘Die Consol will Is nd at nil the' ;.v*
ithaieaaW.PTocared Ua thAcosK 7
• <rhhißaTdwm.'mairtrt,' WiirtittVA'aAv^-.
l*^| ff |Tabt^ab^aM h lnydgcaiinß.. J ’
MiiteiibergeC, orPettlgtieTr AC^agcnta-^^ftM^X^-
STSAMOmiiB smhtaiißri&ieMa&i?^"-
r , -it iiiT*ii* ; ' 1 -The'fine4iean»i ~ • ,
-ttaiter- 1 ha’TOk-'anfi^ionrr'Y
LT Forfreightorpaasageepplyonhoard -1 ■ (
■*BWaBBBMason I toa»s^- W iuj ciTe ' f S CJi j dtf «\
6 : M gECHB : ,
Can «p direcj, amUtu iareierui**ee*re4 tenslfdfl ' •*
«iryd;. - . : .„ ...,,,^-; ; ; i <,.;,., v .. r jtai , ~j
• jv jTfc* scvsieftioer ••■
•■ :: : - y .y
mater; wilt leu* f« don-
Forfttiishtcr t» -...;■ i
; 'i»a, > ;*■ geo b mi£&MirecrS. *- •
-;• • REGULAR WBEEUXa PACKKcT"! — v ‘ f
r »Qsic*rier .. i .■■ :‘,“TT r .
dytojfcA- j aACUABI TASUOBi- -I -■ -J i _
iBMTnf, \riU licfcaftcMW i i •■•.*
packet Aron Pitafcwtk ia ’<
, - • •* * >
' .
; Hocklrtroon,aad„tateraedUt» lind&g*. -
rF_Oliff ill WELLSYILLE, .
J^m|.^itttuter.wiUtoirtfor (hAkbora.
arciyTßeadcy.u lOo’feloek* a.
doOMM ' ' S
mtn> -' ■ a • • -I-, DlliolatlOß.
vasthi^d^ «Umolt«Jby tontoal •
°* ** to* wkkipS£- ; •'
po*e m u asttorixed u> aso ibe nundofito v
“• *: ’t.---' f; sovteb va-punu^ l^:
febjoary?,jait». - GHXJ.BJIEV. ••.- •: .Mb'-
io-lhe name' of -i
Poipg» of tranuctingagcaenU Groc>fr.*W-t T rfs^''.4
Foiwarrflßd Bonne**,) aiUm*
ofj-'ric&Vßtey fct2a,wh««
referm tto Muonagft of ‘ufAx-Stf-- *••
.aajtoatJacoda..-:;r....:, -•,/.>: t
$ -.w;,; “.i W4LKBas.*r:
- ‘M*“" : . ", "fi
,wtaersliipbemo&reexUtiD* !>«»»#*
Wiki'*' ft -
Csr,i*Ud.d* y 4motywtbjrtoam*l«Mj*«flv-' Uettrb. 1
Uuikoift Banes willrsenle the'tro*inett’«f «befW**T.*,'v
M «» frt which porpoxa Uwt «n suharisedtoQMJh*; «.«
pamoonbe eonerm NATIf AN|EL GOtt&X*B&£t 5
; - KDMUND 81/SKE,,^
ln.Ujc>iaae ofJIURKjSa'BARfjES. fttf thi'y££2r,' : '
of«4rtfflaefer)a|rllrt.'frrMraif(^vVjitolrD^S^s- nr%
*4-» at tbc WanJofib*laie s fiTO«of
trcnago of thereMosera of thu booso uri
■ T; .?•• ~v: k
In-wiringrrtmTba<ha^ l CPfti^Tc,^|W^fj» l ,4»
laitb •iacewpljb^’m^aaabdMrti^jwSiV.j-i
i .'* «'co; „ ss',«BS 'M Air
iffSlkfSlii-S 1
* MoatUly atHtma^teT *■ y /J
>£rt O
«J»ort notice
Un-eit, itio or w».TnmiJi>> : «Mii:.
Above loafarof *41&» daE&wrMjwKtk** «**d **£•?*’ ‘ :Wf
.ffifcjflKbtameihe J
«Sbaaa,aUl*» oortli«*M«onjeT ot ; TWrur«£»l(*T*-%-
fcd hmm>. faM .*»?->
TAR— „
feblS 8 VO5 BDNNtiORST &C*
tFtemz? *