The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, February 19, 1849, Image 1

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    ■ fj: JJ'it i'j\
fi f a t r - a
- 4057*5' '■ 3oi&'
isf IN Vim -
> n uffTßnwfl * CHOZKR. Commission. W tchinta
A end Demurs .to Fradsctf NO/.mt Market street
r*USHFIELD* rTATTSi Whb*etalft_4ealert In Dry
i J 5
SettfttrixtUteV kCj S«.t3o ÜbeTtT »trect.,P:ui
barfiu- v - 1 - y jts .••<■
•.■• ixsaaic* meg, ; '’•- —~ l oxoxci isnut.. t
TIfiAUN £ BEnzn T - I Vrfa6U«a&r’ad;Betsit-Z)nf*
|> ettbj#ortta of Liberty mod BU.CUirsuOeis r Hta>
bsrffirPS. ' ', .-401514:,
3BOWN ;/<► Whotawlo Grocers,
1 tM CagmtiiSa iUrchliui'No. 10, lifcnr al
ittshtojghr: y *2j‘ - _
DAGAUKfc SUITi!; Wtcblen!o.Oroeen,:i9
Jt>aaWooartfpetPfaube^hr;"■'••• •’
/Y ■&ltijnaiUFf±Co4 Fetmv4}at-**i p«*9'
Vi mission Merehamsi CanaUJasin, Piiufiarjh Pa,
>} lanr.uaam.' ■*
f?NOLI3H *riEflWßTiy (late
IJi * Co.) Wbbleiai t Osoew Cownmnog and For
wanting Merchants,! oi dealers in Pnditce and Pint*
tjorehJdansiicurt*, J foUTYVcod st; between *J aod
- .•• -' oca aiacb*''"-'I . ;: ow. ; ' • /AJanwooD.
IMUEND, HUEY. &• Co., 'Wholesale Groeen ud
ft? f and > Arena fat Brighton
Cotton Vann, Nos. O Water, and 100 Front sti r Pitl»>
iV i-i- ftM:,.
C* AUJU3HEB, XONO ftßHLLEß,jßellaud Bnus
ftjr FwtDdefrr asd Ga* FUlervllV. Front, between-
Widd'acdtoithCditsotea, Roibatgb.Pa. -- r : i-
Hij best price giTttt fir told Ccpjw# and Brass.
BO Woodatttct PHubaigh.: qjW
HABDV,, JONESfc •:«&, vfcomiaiUMm : jwl- Ter
•■rardisg h*Y«_TcarneJ_ to iheireld
Waler KTOt FrciU crcei*, yiortrerga. =;••-« J»&^
’ . >Si :, v
AlxTictote', ctwabj)
• • xkj&tfciadtoJOoir**. w**«s»-* $• •
tr lai.rt xb TH/CKMHt. TOtaeco Commission Mer- :
"iMUUVOTMSjrCr.f i 3; „,** v «OWt» KCXST.XV .
SB4UH dBICJICT A t&jWlwlciolc Groceti, Com-
»uddc*ler» m,Troda«, No*.£d
siervU^TatFran ■ttwa.KtubmKfc.. ' ; :,,jioy9.':.
JOn&'&ftAlfcni; AiUEraey-'indCconwUAfol Law
Tiitib nrrh: Hoa
-jm tiUHpriTfiTCaodiei* & JTCI are,"John &P«lk«,
•-. &.ntctTB~& Scfflr&'&TOcrrifc. Cny.' ;; r -
IOHN Oroeen^F&nrard*:
ail inff and Caoamiiion
L^fAiul”rfti*l>ittsa.ManßfiiClttre»i N*;7Ponuaorcisl,*-,theCanal, fttuborgh,Pa. •; •!
"iTAJiI&r sTMcUUIBK, {laM Qftiia flnaaf A3gea and i
■I MeGtlr^,}Mtrihint'Ttilor,BL<JKarl» flaildinge,
. nmdtttrtei; peter Weedy ■ I
•I tJcwirHmehiwn Co,. Comatafea Merchnna, I
and Arcfitte'of liitf. gu.L’&tm Sievin' Bciar'"-” — 1
Nflwdft/yattff aadfQ £*ar»;tteeU, Pittabwjh,
t j&vDitiwofrrn * c*4 vnoierai*
09 dfetfTA&d Jfeßiinimoa HerehiflUj *n4>Agt»..
for r It No. ETVVocd sx,
- ~y. 'I 'S' - | “: ,- J - u :• j_*
TOHK-a'JOOftOAK, W&oleale Sronlct.
tl Varni»Ee»,Ac^No.W
Woodaueevosa door awukof-DiaJßoiuiJUiey. PiU*^,
VAMIS^KEBS.iri -to CO.^Uae^eosortoJfeiepli^
' tP Pytfr^fmpdaoaterai oca.”
TOHN BrMELbORr Retail lifialet
«| tu
Paper, BUtafßteet VemfQpiil*, .Ptium\ Carda, md
ttationaiy gciienUljVNo.-olAVodait-, P»n*tmrgfa. •.,
—— —*■ trade.* r--?* -vepla.- :
» Mo,3tTYooft.«trccW
. lOON U. DA.VIS» Aoetfcnetr, coraexSA i£d Wood'
»»• ttttgt^yiwfatogh.’ V•.- 1 •’ * oet9
iOUNSTON Jt'STOCKTON. Bookaellei%:Printftn
cut Piper ilmttfccouer**KM4 -AUlfcet s%PiXOr
lags FUJT&. - MTHllft' TUiTIXi 1 -
i: (Uua:X Floydfc \Ytolmle
» Liberty iqgM. ' . wp>
Whatoala Oracgr, Oamioion
*| ftteceiuutt, and .dealer la ’■Produce mad Plutanb
_ WaICT It, flttlbcrgfc. * Jlfllfl:
fZeuirrfiiUdeitCmtlßMiatawTtttt. :. . :‘.'‘&U , '_'
- - y VfttTlM lwa Wotkl* .'.
£. EWIS DALZELL 4t. Ci, maMise Butt* of all sk
Jj ves £or, Sbeet, Boiler Iroalod Nails pf tbs best
f«*tigr s .r^y«ittKMiie > S 4 vftercndlosfloats*.; '
V . 8 WATKEMAN, WboicialC.a racer, Forward.
■ MnwhintlleilM in/PiUV
borgfc Hincfactarts aod prodgcg > wea. at. W*ter »t,
l- -•
wufsrca*;'. • us.:k x*oO£. " rtrsime. com;
%£ visits £R|^ GttceaudCommit*
Na iM Liberty Fiuatnif^L
14 PRFHV> WU^N^OO^jUtTjro^'Mcraby ft
. JuL €&)£Y*o!esa)« .Deltas in. Dry G«ods« lCa-43
■ • 'ffwm
Jfl UerefeaniVferUio.uJe Of Amrrirsa Wooden
-muxlyUbenr *treet,ogpa»jie.Fil\b., . , - oorOly
JDU.«<-AUrebsotS) : uid - toweto
WaaSind tfirtetsts.. ■ •■ ?: •.; . -
- '' W*. kliut,'' ": l • ~
MILLER* HI CKgTgON, WlmTesSle Groce ti and
CMBrainijon Ajrrclum^gto.
tLt. .HOtMSJd i *. Nfc « I Market* kl, seeond
JM • daarJfrem easnereLftaziMfealen inJforuga
and Domestic Hin« ft* Kt* Pepofc.
U,BanhNotesas4£peele.r-v xiri.,
05'Collection*-mad os. all the. principal.cities
ttroagiiogt tSyUnilcj-gmoJ' -' V--- ‘‘ ~.dcgl7 ;
euvMaucotnisr** '■ ~ -exono* *.TtEcn.
4~v BLACKBURN, Whole sale-’Grocam and
V/« ettl ? r ‘^ fl OUi,l}oarBt*re, I fJi4FUiibu«b Man*
■Jaetdretf articles, taxa on btuxLatall timr*,* fall and:
«ootadlifi«tnieQtcfgoodjlin thdrftnerWatcr street,
wCi>cny : .AUcy;Piaafauylu:.-v : , ;-,> r , : ' aair
T> OBERT MOOSE, Wholesale Gfdeer, Rectifying
XvDi*iiller,~UaalermProdßeei Pltubcrgh Harm far
taresp-and all kinds of Feydgti and XUtnestitf'WSae*
and Lkjom*pMa:lJ r Libenyatn*t.-On banda-very
Urn sUKfc of ssperior old Monosgabeiai.whiskey,
QfiaLUIbiDAHD, Wholesale «td Detail Dealer in
Ja* Leadier l -Mcrtecd,.SUoefiiaier» , .Tooiaaiul Find-,
-Tanner* s and Cfailera’
fttosigp - '
»»Kir soanwKi, . - a*3nrzx>a,.*oatt*os.
*> ' BtfiafilfON iC^VYtiiiOsaJeGrofcensFredace
-CBRbilawtlaefiirtsKNo I*l XJbeny rat, Jiiabntglu
• P*-X -■ 0
. l)ALZhl.L:Wcou- Wfaalesala Grocer*,
iV CommiWtajina'Pcftwiidriif. Merchants, dealer*,
in Pra&ceaaft.'Fttiibatgfc .tinmuaictorci, lawny ct-
- * l-
EOKf. , A'.<CUNNINGHASi; , 'AVliole*aleClrw«r,
Dealer in Produce andKmimreh Manufacture*,
•No. i4*Ubeny «t>-»•: v .?- 1 ~ ;.;jyi«
• :;v~o.'imsi»!ia,. J . - . . \ J. u srna. . v
\}KYSOVD&k Cemnuwon
Xv' Merchants, Sfit tbo AflerbeoV Hirer Trade,
cr* rtf-Oroecrifcv ptedudo.- KusfmrgijL Mnitttfhetaie*
sDdCfilortMOTlanKLt',*.’'.* '"/c .. ,- - '.XX'X-'.
-XbeiiUlietti* rices, St.eaali, paid ax all tines fir eoaa
uj p,,TiM ' nn^iaDaau,'; .--^---J*ca3
, OMTJUi JOUNSOX.'WthaleialiiaAd Betai) Dealer*
*0 in'jQuUaery,*-' i oois^.l ( aid'Fancy.
door '.abOreTOrd *l,
<*. c. *n»rxLeTTf&
G>HA(<Ud7r «:)Wiin% "W)i9!euJs Dealers la
(0 FdTeigh twiDcßsestia Dry Goods. No.W Wood si.
w. HABl*yok ; yptt Merebasts,-Dealers
I 0« in Floor acd.Ptodaea jtwAßr.’toid Forwarding
gcf l ;Kn.: Phu.
SJMIWi aM?jU£Vfc Groeezs and
0 df<iffT*,Kb, ZB Mariceiitrect, between Sib
NorA -r: , *tw»r
ml nma; rmuynw-' <■ < rras.K(csou,xaatuis.
A-ifHCCiUBtPKDdnee Csd. General Corn
• Libeny YiUibsrslu:
J&Suaieedand Lard Olifc -r r •
; » ' V. - VO» BONNUOKarr, ; * <Sa»Wlii>le«»te«lro-'
• Pw«!i*t' rdnw™«g«dd OwnraUsion UtrebaoU,
Dealen ia .fistutfiemns and Western Pro-
baTtrwoTedloibeirnsw stand)
50T3& comet&&aal strand Cbaxtccnrlaae. v . x:
■■■'aari.- •-. • - S
. f |fiimc.? .1 'T.'T.SCOTT.' ‘’
•>:• msfffH-# BColTi<Wl»iettla and Baudr deaten in
< • i. .&Otti6hi»»r-3«nk*j.
oir4ftandBcalibdefdax * t i ,uttt | ury» ) - jal -
? tfSTaSStv n uKygf^Wfaoame Grocers and Certmi»-
J. Prodsee. 3S
FtWriiK,- Ajern tor Mexican mlsZatMi*
an tfcmteral lind cUßce at Wdauaftpa, .«wauend iff
mr bsEwsltore Cdwnfexgocd to '.
ana wicx.• Ban*aywy*
nricx7Cu'CAsla£es l imiin toutj.p
SilinWiikuikai -n*.lfamtu
|f?. »Hrreinr|-MK ab,rnmi a.h*™™ WgfJ?
(•rtnunuT: .fetal
LWMiVxfeMiul AUl,nre^>:
,v;.,y .irarta •.
XXT Dealer ta Watebds; Jeweiry,
.- ff e Bilvax Wan,
•:: r-., i v :. !:•••.nnv? •.•
W: K- MUEPU V, Wfceletale and Betall deader in
ftdaestfe Dry Goods, nortb cast
k u £Si5
If lWXiWrty g. *• ~V.‘ < A4JtS^T
•WMtWOCSKOMBM* ; ■ ? '-‘ .'*:V.-:.-,-aaaT;*S^CHTL'gicgi»•
*iln»i? »ota«. Iren, Nkita, Olio, BulVitU.-
«, -pare;'
Pare*. .i u - v.-
nnttXK .Pa, and Clock*
MA-mucV Wiusdrtf PonraUasd
eoreer of Post Alley and
TT — i *V HT * ‘*l yptww* oa <tk «wrM—»ff ■« —v
•.- 4ai V'■
' - Apotweary,
x V
. - fccghi wUlfcaye eontfamlypo Jupd amU4eteeteAa»-
- wudnitlsbAßcat and. (men Medielnes } «bicJi Be
will ;Ua aost.-reasonabia tsrau. .rbisician*
plied,widi axticie* rmiy apon as (enoi/ie, .
D7r Pbysleiaaa PmeiiptLeniwulba aecarateiy and
- r»aur prepami tram tluToest snucrlal*, at aoyboer ol
• . •.•:taa'sayeifliebu,-.- v .„ .
Alta frt.Mjc» ft lw fUKk'fit flreiband foodperfa
ntery,. lani -
' 7 iiihm ' I,TrTTI - : ' H ! U r I'
C O vJKi t Sni° f£Jl , i c, “ n! M<»sienu, B«ritl
iJ^i^tUfY 9^9 t®* ®o«a«eßtti‘ T*»lt», ti. forniib*,
pMi?itti^^^ CWn^on * : ' tUo mUciu % tiuuß^or^obiic
W. B- BAtfc
' ra**c.*oeo*'
I J.SEcnAsncS!'ouiVnoßEi. -•
V *m Wintfotr Glus, keep eonrtantiy on band a
general.anoranent of the above article*. ‘AltOiUiake
a juperior -article of Miaer*! orB*da-Wuer
Botue», of colored glass.' No. 18 Wood it, Httehaigb,-
SMIXIJ, .Alannfae Hirer,of Cotton.and
« colored Liiien.Fnnrt* Scwmr
.colored Couon Fringe* for «Hk and fftagbua
PartuoU.' Gimp, Mohair, tad Silk Bullion Fringe*,-
m*aeioardefroatfis.*h»riexinotice.' .
■ Stone, comer'of Maiden Laid and William, entrance
No 63 William street, third floor. ever Abner A Ely*’
core, No C 5 Maiden Laa: New York' , jyto
; ;-=v V I. nEBS£T( = v T '
X/#ANCJPACTOREBof &c&m Boat tad Family Bias*
:IY4 keUr’ Battingi Couod Mattnusei and Comroru of
alltixea. Wtrcaow,No.S9Water■trccl.Pituburrt
•■••• ttccflQ: i- , •., •. .•
-T7IENNEDTt'CHTu)9 it ofnnr
IX. tuperlor 4-t Sheetinf*, Carpet Chklii, Cmim
• Wt* and Batlinj, • - •
fSg3 PKKIHTEA BTOBE.—Ko. s Itami
' ?lSi£*tei!sS^^t , - w “ ek r"“
■ Alio, dealers Coach IWntminga and Malleable
casoasst •■ •_ •• • . ocUd •
. ' .Cooreyrinclng-ofall lrinds done with' the*ereaieat
earconalejrtl accuracy, T™ 11
TulcfloeTtcal EitdiecxamiacdjAe; oct3o-ly
W. Grocers,
li/Lu and AVlan and Uquo,
Merchants. Also, Importers of Soda AihondßJeacV
>O,lOO Liberty street, piUsbwyhTPa 0
H CTEWABT, matmflwtaTCT ofHeaTV'
*«•* ****ea«&wtUityof
AueBtoMT. - i , • ■ * noriwiy * 1
u I tk • PETwaasw * co~
- - <2rruxA»o7xAL JLlucsACo,
. • Wo. ti Water aircfC-
PSLAfWARB ttPTPiti'PiaPßjnyTO^n;
I Ollf» FXNNpY, JyJittnt arßusbursb for thaßel-
A#d 8 Company of phUa-
dtteripaoa I '~tmi fllaiinoSuhs uwnhalisor
’ iß^ssaafeßafafts^'^-
-•. N« taeccw of this Company since thecaal*
iiihmrnrof the Agency la this elty,- with the prana*'
- ccM~and liberality with whleh every claim upon'them
far lose has been adjeatcd, ftilly/ ■warrant the agent in
inviting the confidence end patron age.-of his friends end
ttoicetnaninity eitaxge to tbe Delaware fiL S. Inn*
rance Company-while ft: ha* the additional advantages
*u an institution oatogthc mostflnumhinrtn PhiUdel
-phia— M haring an ample paid-la capital whieh by the
of iu charter U constantly tocrcasitur. as
yteUlsrtoeaeb.pcnon msaibd his due thartrett ■ the
profits of the company* without involving him Incur
md Ihmfcre u poiteuiai
ttejMntaw prineqilo dirested of erery obmuloutfea-
and ia its most attractive torn. • ;poV| • j
- S 5?» AM* »MUS» WSDBASCE.'
mau permanent and funlted-Jnssraaec on
*hia cut and iu vicinity, and oo ahipcaenu h/th*c£
nal and Rivera.
V ; - - i - DIRECTORS.
Anhw 9 Coffin, Chute Ante.
B*mW. Jones, Ambrose White,
W"»* Jacob hL Thomas,
Brown, Johaß-NeS;
JohnWUie, Richard JXWooi. .
.Thomas E. Cope, VtVm. Welsh.
SasacXF.Rsuth, Frames Hosktns,
SaipacJ Brooks, a. AmrirTitiiiW!..
'"n.»;‘n'n_J:- AOTUtt O.
RmrlX flffxaxxaa, gee^y.
This lathe oMra lasoranc* Company In the United
Slate*, having been chartered ia Ls Charter ia
perteaui, ana from its high standing, leu experience,
ampin meins, and avoiding all riaha of ap extra haa>
azdous character, it atay be eoeaideßdcaefieria*aa>
pie sceurity to the pubhe. W. P. JUNcS. .
i the Room of Atwood, Jonea 4 Co., W*.
leraitd-ftextuyeeta-i'atahaagh. .... mayg
TIiHE Franklin Fire Insurance Company, rif philadel*
-:JLI phia, wiil make tnsa ranee, permanent and United
on etrery fiseripfion «Tproperty, m-Rtttatorsh and the
aarroancißg country, on favorable terms, Thia cc{a*t
nay has a perpetnai chatjer. J
. • SWOjOOOoaidin.
Cooxiflgentrßnt^' l • ' sasS3s*7; :
- Office comet of Tfeiid and Bfoxet streets, KuilbaniW
apUPtf ; - WARRICK hlAgffil Agent ;
-fIIHE SUBSCRIBER has been appointed Agent pro
waitfCto Insurance Company of North America,
of the Agency, el the emrelicmie ofAlwood* Jones'&'
Col . aplS WM. P. JONES. water *t
Na9BdatbWhmed l No. U 7 Soatkr Water vt
BEGS. to lofinatbe r-uv«nddealers generally,of
Ptnibaigb, that they uaxomadesoeh arrangements
witnthe Vimnia and the Grower* of
' the West, West Indies, ana Tther places, as wiO iexare
n latxe and Constant «appiy of ins fiUosripg defchp
tioti* of TobaceOj Whico wrn be sold apoit a* secern-'.
tprfeifetiny term* 0* Knn» >hife pf ’
and ail good* ordered from them will be wax
relied equal to represeitfittoo: .
Haeana; .. St Dominfo} -. V
Yar«i, < Porto £ico; > Seed Leaf to
;Cuba:.. , Igaiai},... . fcFSoridai j bawo;.
a i j-0 ■ ■ TTi* jii [i*b ' celebrated. Aromatic Stay Careo
dishf .withA large assortment of.other popular, brand*,,
and dualities of Donnd*.' 6sl'6nl2s> Ids and 22*. Lambt
6*, r isa and
Ae ? sweet and plain, In wbple and naif boxesj wood
jsnd tin. together with every variety of article belong
log to the jelCdly !
t. ajuenar. a. itxas. • , %. utamoa
Protfaoe, Oomaiuloa sad Forwardlag
: No. 63 NoKtt Wiurnts, asp ld9 Wans St^.
Bnyxsio—JolinXLßrown&Co. \ a ....
■ - :
Saiithjßaghley iCo. j
Allen 4 Paxton, New York.
- Walter*marrey, Baltlnlore. - '''
• - -BagaMyHSmith, V
S * ButHdge,\VilsoaPCdl p S i f ;>. f ,^v
’ Kier« Jones, • ; J
_-jQ7*i4barai eash advance* oaeonsiginaems tOoar
;«uiaie*si ; ; ■ p»l3o*ly -'
y.C.ZUJUXZX. . . «*>»*/” PTITi . . ynyy. wirtm
An 4 Omani -Commission nartAsati#
-r- i - ' Ns. 13 Scats WAmSTaxrry- ' - •
_-: -- - •' •* ■ - PHUiADBt^IOA
HEFEHENCES—Henry Greff’& Co, Fitt*burgtu - •
AH. JajmsryjAlaySnlle.V »
, 1 . CltarterßMliuD,'Jr^LeAhtrule:’’
•' • ' DoiilKHumphrey* A Co;~* ••'
•' ’ T •• Metr?r, Bro. fcc£. VFUHdV
Rerd&Brbtbny v .fc- ro.
Aplrfly - pßtnh A Cocriaety, Wetr Yort. •
iaicm ’
. /COMMISSION MEBCHAN'fSjNafiS filarkitelreet,
-\j Pitubtt»b r Pa- wi4'»i«a4 promptly to Uw ul« 01
«raT deicnpuoa of -tyerero ace, ap& oilier mr
udesaoranediotlieir calfi.y . ,V ,
00 ** Hiusey i co.'-pSiSr^i;' E(kaaa*.Gr«iaa
Merehaiua feamilTi'W«n*>*
; TiUe» £(jgj«bf,’findtfeMit,o£ A> Gjfileb-
P S^ i *^S‘ l Ufa-'
i- r SSfiSF!«£*£■'» •'
* ?"<>, Puk.tlCi; Betrer:
j lw3B*anf,y*
EteeifiDg, forewdlDg ud General Comma*
' !. ifoir anthmii,
i. ■ Comment Bnxp. lid. -•
N. attention paid to orders torpsrc biuln if
in this market, and afl baidneif promptly iranstcteA
KeCflieoco at Pittsburgh; Joko Sl’Ptoeu * Co.
. i dMSMSn .'•■•■•*•.«.*
-j-“7 - -
CdnalMloa sndPorwtrdlnp
' • • .., n ao»SB wool>g.,rfftti'ciag. •. •• * 1
V/ dess, e«j*SaUftotbo purchase and sale oTAaer£
call BUaa£dctcrt*- Aod PnxlaetvAnd in receiving cm
fenraxdin* Goods to bis care;. AaJUeittfo*
lb* JtfastfaetareSjJie
(bepruxdpal articles oTPlttsUgrKhVManuiactnrAeiifar
bhrest Wsotesale consignment*
■Arefeiaeetfallyoueited.-? »r .
Iron, Sa]l>,CiutiiTuai« PlUatarai
.'4 i vroopntsgt, rrmstnan, ra.
\X~y 'Jj.
Atrctto'paritoaXariy totha.ForvvardingiofsProdHee,
f ‘JffV Apply to FORSVTH A'ctlN
;[TJ7‘S- W * - . : • • •~ <B '
i. Jiautujsjt, BttUTHasi&ai * vu> f
? OMN,^lia!iMfi ! C H A NTB,
’ I ": • -
. / ; ■...,/.
WUC Also attend lo collection* and aH other bori
ff ness entrusted to him ia> Bntler and Arnmrou
counuesvPa Refcrto •
• ■■ J. AR. Floyd, Liberty st 1
’ ‘ . W;W:.WaHaee,,do' \ .
James do ' -r Pittsburgh.
_dly Kay fc Co., Wood it. ) %n? -
J; B.r SWETTZER, Attorney atJinw, office 3d.»i_
o opposite Si Hotel. Pittsburgh,.: willalso
talKkUMk, Beh mSl®' ‘
Ei h UENBY,-Altorney and Cotmcellor.«iL«w,
• Cincinnati. Ohio.' Collections lit fiatihein Ohio,
5*5? l ® * n “W«* 'ttndlri Kcntaeky, promptly end ewe*
folly attendedto. OottunlwlonerfofiWSiatoofP«an»
Sftoke:• T luting '«Depontkms,-.ftekaovledgneuu,
-Sktoto—lion, Wm.Bell*BonjCuais,Clmrch &
Cvothen; Wm.-Haw, E«u WlHoctfc Darit. a 33
•g?_y\• ; ‘ K- aHner.
.TXTILLZAMS. 4 SHINN, traceeiion to Lowtie end
.-i.? williAßu.) Attofnav* and .OonttieUor# it Law.
Omce Nortir tiddof FdartQ atreet, abote fiadUifi-ld '
fflblTd&whr , Vi ,,
A-TTORNEV ATIjAW.’ Office T«n erred to Fourth
JX. < ,*trtct I ;bet«peen : Smithßeld and Grant atreet.
Ji3-d3ra ; ■ ~ * • •'
.7 —■ ■* •> • i.MAMMaoa mnu»
T\t7NLOP«&EWKLL» Mlon*ey u Law, Offleet o&
,U ftnltfcSeld.between3d«id4Unt». «
'IIT .O- U-.-EOBINSpN. Attorney ftl,Law,:hasre
-1 Tf ■*,. moved us office to the Exchange Bofloinirs,'BL'
Claust, next door to Alderman Johns. : nplTTy
THE tsbscriber, in addition to hit own - m
JB nuuwfaewring-criiatsL Jut* made amnre-JH
meats wjU» Mettic Beta AOow (tbeaon*%
CuUcnablohaaeri of the ciljrof New York.) forareg
alsrvamly of hie eitrtr fins Silk Hats; end taint just
reeei«a a !fcw ca*e*«otleiMO can bo railed with a
VcttrlchandtaadfiiMtatbycalUnrathirnew llat
too Cop Rtortyßrnithheld street,'second door tooth of
.Eoonh, tfhcre>aar : be ; foandagreat variety of Htts
andCfipsofffciaown and re
tail' fiats made to order on -
'' »P 29 -JAMES WILSON’.-
J '
—. hw »»* vs*» stnsi. ;
PAETlCULABaggroottpaidto oar Retail Trade.
'JC Oemlemcn eaa -rdy open getting their Data and
Capa&am«M f >««hll«hn fr Tn.rtrih^^« TT M d
-voaxsaicnu?, of the uxbi truss, and at the Lowgt
Ccnany‘-Merchant*, parcbiuinf by .wholtaie, are
-respeetiauy Invited to tail and examine oar Stodq os
we can in?, with confidence that at regards tjeaurr
nnasxml.nirUr nottttfler inyi conmaiiMn with any'
•boase in Philadelphia, febl7 -
7 |» HATB/.GAPB AND MjjpfcH-Th. C
subscriber U now recelTingfram thowaigSl v
dty. of New York, acboice assortment *TF«£»
ofHuu, Caps and Muffa latest fhshions,in groat varie
ty and veiy cheap, wholesale aodreiati. •’•••.. r
' aorta . gmuhfictd syid doov-soath of4th 1
Vail Faihlons lor IS4S».. rL‘
J 3 HcCOBD At Co., fa
~w (unaknaA KUnd. B
XJkf Introduce on Saturday, Angus* 2Bth. the
Jj <Tyle of lla&,jo*t received frotaNewYork.
Those tit want of a neat and beaa&fa) bat. are invited
to eatt at their store, comer of Filth and Wood streets.
■ , BPgW . , , • ’
Ai by jTa.atU.P. ; JAMES,Cinelnaati,thefallowing
_ Doniphan’s Expedition—Containing 'a sketch. dr'tiy*
We of. Col Jl. W, Owtiphaic the &tigaeai~of New
-alexiemOem Kearney**OverlandExpedition ■"'*>»-
Aiesia; Bnaipta’s Campaign against the Navikmfajut
hU Bunartifrted March upon Cbihashßa and Durango, •
and the Ope rations of Gen. Price affiants Fe: wit?*
Mao and Bigtavings,- by John T Hashes. A fl*«th«
Utßeginxeat of Minwari Cavalry •• \
_ Hbflary erKeatneky—ia Antiquities aad Namral
Curiosities; Geographical Statistical and Ueoiocieal
descriptiopsi wrih aneodotea of Pioneers Ufa. and more
than one haadred Eogrsphiesf Sketches ofdiiiimndsb.-
ed Pioneers, Soldiers. Statesmen, Jurists, lawren. Dt
tnnes, Ac.; tnastrated with ftrty engruTtagK by u«U
Collies, l.vot detavo. ' '
The TsrelveMfcuis’YoJumeer, or Journal of a Ph
nu in the Tennessee Begiment oc t aralry, in the
Campaign of Mexico, doring.iMM7.eea ainuig an a*-
eunt af the Harsh of the .Segment to Vera Cma, a
SSffiJ f a u S‘»'ffi. <, 17b3”"S i c S
u TT * e V°? J Of other Voluntimrßßgt renta
ami a fall Hwery of the Mexican Wan list at ..e Kii*
ird and Wound*d, Ac: Ulastratcd by alarftnamber ol
botnet views end pfani) by Geo. C. Father. I volant
pew. ' - - * deel
CramareU’s If tiers and Ppeoehes, ioclmljar the
oepplement ttrthe first edition: With elaetdaiass. Ur
'TncmusCarfylei-'tntt'VoltrtSßuK'-'Cldk. ; j • •
' Jkntatky.--Historical Btatctee of Ken-'
ed pouters, soUiers, and aUfetifien; janrts. iawrer*, 1
t -bk-vCwur.
FairyTelea and Leg and* of many Tfations-Sdect-'
&?A'SlbA ln ' uU:aL 4.c. &
Tba ArabianN’ighls—The Tboosandaad One Nights;
or. the Arabian Nq;his* Entsrtaiaßwats: tranalatea ana
foi ftmiiy reding—with exylanawry notes,
by E. W. Lane, Eao. From the second London edt
tfitm Dlastmwd With ®0 wdod eau by Harvey, and
Uisaiuxed thlee by Own Jones Comptete ln IS
pans, paper, or 9 rols, Umo. aoth-GPu
The dbova boofcsJast received and for sale by .
0 ; ' market, cor 3d >t .
NEW BOOKS’FOa'BCROOLS, Ae -Elements of
= Flaea tad Spherical Trigonometry, with tlieirSp-'
pUcaiions to MeniarMiau.-ScrTotiag ud NavUtxiozu
BvEbasliximft, a.St
jCcnbphbn** Ueaotabi'iA'of Sdemei, with English
waetjCmicAi and explanatory, life ofSOctatcs, Ac:
By O. Antfcon.T.'L. !>. -
BTCUntock A Crooks First Book ta Greek; contain*
lagatollTiewof itofermsef-urbTdt;vrtih voeabiil*
ties and eopbms exercises, Ac.
Paikeld’s First fiook'tn Spanish: on a practical in
trodaeUra to the study of the Spanish Language.
Book Keeping by stogie and doable entry Praeti*
calJr adapted totbeialand end maritime commerce of
the Unimd flutes. By p, pi;it
. A History of FtaBee*J»e» the cecopest of Osot br
JcL)'7*Cciar, toth* reign ofLoaisPhiiippe. By Mr*.
NtiiiwA Revised, improved and enlarged, by Jocon
"ADboo; map and engraving* Fbr Sale by'
- - ~ " B. HOPKINS,
dceia , Apollo Bcihfur?gi, 4th »t
'•XTJBWBbOKiJ-' Loonis*.Elements o ‘ Trigonometry.
X™ —Elements of plain and superficial Trigonome ,
try. to Mensuration, Somyinr,
and Navigation: by EUas Loomis, A M.
A Firstßook iaUrcckjieomaiiung alhll viejv at the
tormof wpfds, -with voeabalartcs And eoptons eicr*
decs on- the. method of constant Imitation And repeti
tioiu by JoittAPCJintoeiM* D., Professor of Langd*?
CO, And Geotn B.CrocvU,A.hL,A4juuct Professed
pf Languages in Dickinson College
Vpham’s life Catharine Adorn a, M edl*
. AnevroveWnteGireipiineof Lift.' '
, Firta 0,10 and 11 of Harper A Brothers* splendid 11-
lasflrAted edition of (be Attms*Night*Entertainment*,
. The'abodevsorksktmeiTed this dsjr by express and
tor pale by -jOHNBTOX A BTOggrON,
: aoVtJ cor Odafid market eu-
SCHOUL ABCBiTFXrrtmE; OTContribntions totbe
Improvstowu of school-tooscs- Je by
Henry. lUfMrXAhundonUy 'illßstraled vrldi viewa
and plans. - - -\., r
frheoTTond Teaching, pr the motives
and method's ofgood scltohikeephir,
lAikf. •• > s /<
Teachiec* Beincei the Teacher as Aniit: by 8.8.
Hall, A. fit; ••
“ 'fka ScbnoJ-flrtd ihs School Slaettr—A ajaneat tat
thfe use of (esehers; rjnployens inspeehin,
Ap. AcVofCeatideß School#. In two parts. By Atoo
to rAtxer, O. D., asd G. B. Emerson, A.M., illnstrated
anti eagraviugs. kale' by "
: dccSa , R HOflOXa; Apollo Boildtogs
GABUiBT ÜBRABT. tor Scbools.and
consists oflwcnty volumes,
cins £re JuipdreddiChreßisohjects, illasunitcd
enfraVinga. ’ It is an entirely original series,*
twmtra mad completed to 8 G t&odrieh, an*
taor «r Peter Parley’s TsJoy end -Udeslgped toexhi*
•bk, in a-pepntar form; Belect Bographles,aacient and
modem; iho wWtderr aod 'etjriowics of^History,-Nn*
tore, Art,'Science, adi PhlToeopby, with the practical
daUet ot 1it0i...... • , .. j .
The prieoperYol,ia7dcentf, eacheonlalnin^aboiit
. 330 mess, Ulmc; or Alo>sr at. For sale by •
, Jt BppJONB,-Apollo BnHdings.4a a -
NGVEL&-A Wkixs, anil 4* eanscniieappiy
IX byO. P. &-Jtme*,EtQ. -'
jVabity - F*ir, a hovel vuhbat a IIeros : by William
' 'Edsrard'Verwm) Uy-Cbiuin'a Story: by EV Child*.
' Story of the'PeniiuhtaiTVar' by General Cbhiiet
William Vany, Maraois of G. C. 0., 0.
C. Rf'Colonel of Uto W life Guards.
‘-hitherto very scarce asd - exceedingly vajeabto
Work* has lost ffen published by Ji Li Bead, in a bean*
pfaHymfl. pagea It- contains^the r recom
mendalioat pf severs! clergymen of this eiiyj of differ*
.ent deoominslions. Ipone week 400 been
distribotedin thecity of Pinshargh and sobaths; - It Is
a book tor every body.; For sale by -w- ■ ?.
nov33 * B- UOPKIfW, Apollo tt.j
A AND INVAUDS.—Dr. Banning’s ‘‘Ummon
Sue» on tieslih, physical Education, and .Unman
Voice,, as based npon the mechanicil Phitospphy-of
tana’* pbysicai eoasUhrtloii. being the substance of hli
iOTOreaon the, above subject* recenUy ztoliyemi ia
-this city. For. sale bv ' „ H MOPWNfih
1 1 'ifrtttg'-' -v ' A polio Pnildlcg,4to si J
BBOOKB* OVID—The Metamorphoses of Pul»U«*
OvidlosNasm claeidsted by an uMyri* andJk^
From the latest abdwritiest -By 8. Ahgasita
toll, with an odcempanlaieni—llls toncaUltoscrip*
live, Geofraphieal and statistical. Forsale by‘’J ■>
.. -Kaw«aia.»aii»wwii«»S>.«>.,
liH-Jn Ebosy. und Bouwood .
’wiiiwat Ani*u’ colon ,
: Ueen . - i ft HUPKIftK. Apollo. Balidtop. 1
Map OP tea fee ,J
'of©ri«ia*l - document* EevUed &ad un&roiredVJiuer
'UwMiwrTl*iejiOf l Wta.E.ilonl»;ClrUEnfifle«r,TOoij .
duwproourdd Id eaehcdunty, under MiSority oriJia
LcfiiUturer A‘&weoplmi o# title ttrgeund-upiendid .
> fcfan freciVed 'thiidftT mad for ealalrr ;r 1
:■ . ‘ii JOHNbTON A STOCKTON,, j
f 3 - - ifookeellm oorttuuketandSdetr
WOOL —l7 bale* Illinois wool jnrt received sad
Oft «ei epy, w«*S) juiympH&pK .
tOGAN'4 KENNEDY hm thb .aitodiud
i with, them ia th« Hardware business, Philip WU*
»a and Edtard Greg-. The'*ijrle of Cno wffiiere-,
aftdt be Logan, Wilson ft Co. This arrtnjremfinl rea*
aero it desirable to close the eld - business*^w soon as
possible. All persona whose liabilities have mMared,-
sre eipcciaily requeued to mate immediate oament
Pittsburgh, 1949-, T™/ 1 '
T[mH, WIIBOS A O6<4moi(en
U Wholesale Dealeia in Foreign snrfTVrnHitifl
, Ctsllsl7 ’ Saddlery, ftc., lfc W«*9 street Pin*
jnnghjare now folly prepared jmth a tteeaUr teper
ted stock of Hardware, Cutlery, fte~to oflerreric areal
inducements to western buyers; being detereuaai'W
compete in prices with any of the Atlantic cities. 7 - AU
so on band so extensive asorunentof Pittsburgh Hsnt
gpccs. . '•■ • " • -]Anl'
. , OUiolatiois. '
T'EX'SW&t “““? eAUtinj underlie Arm o(
. JLI MKlord ft King, was by muttal consentdHuolrsd
ontttae istinst The business-will bo closed‘arthe old
ttandi* eitber of. us, using the name of the Orator
thatjurwj. . to hmre our business
cto^L« PI * M.Wlo. Way aa possible tee woMdre
■peclfolly request those indebted to call-and Mule
thdraeeomns. JOHN D.hTCORfI,
‘ i*29 H.D. KING. Z* >
with him his
Sr*!™?.* , “ J “ M s°ld, under the style orM«Cetd
ft o*7*lll cominu the Hat, Cap:and-Fttr-bniiuesaiu
■H; m turioos brunches, wholesale and retallat tho
I^e< rt ßcr l f rv“ n4 ‘ Wl, *tte«Awheratkey
TSStSSfStig* l >3BS™s®-.v
1* 29 jamb a. trepan; ■
I*i •f“W *»“ >)“ oW .uid .weU known firm ol
SPCord ft King, I most reapcctfUy, reconmend to
paireonge of the public my successors, Messrs.
Uncord ft Co.' D.KING.
T\lBSOI«VTIOS--Tho partnership hitherto exist*
1/mg under tho style and firm of Wtehtmonft Dal*
»«»»■<“» day.diifolred by mutual coaScut,Jobn Dal*
wll having dispoud'of his entire interest toH. Wlriiu
matL The business of tho late firm will be settled by
Q. Wightman r -who is authorised to use the "»■«■ of the
lato firm for that purpose. |L WlGimiAN.
spt2od3w . ■ fiulyl*47J J.DALZELL.
' TOE Subscriber It uowrprcrmred to manafseture all
kinds of CoUoa and Woolen Machinery, at tho shortest
notice. Orders left at IL WighnuanY&gino Shop, eor<
ner Liberty and Water streets,wrUlioee| with prompt
attention. U) WIGOTMAN, '
• ,l£Vqk **-» between Federal and Sandusky sts
*pa«|>* - ■ AUeghtnyeity. ■
Vy hate entered into partnership, under the firm of
SCAIPH ft ATKINSON, undwiucany on the Tin,
,Copper,and Sbeetlroo Ware mahßfsciory.
AUn, Blackstailhing In all ItabraiWhek at the old
stand of.WhL U. Scaije, Firii street, near wood.
•• Particular attention given m steamboat work,
T HAVE. titia day associated wnlijae in the whole*
,-Jj toio Grocery. Produce and Commission btulsess.
rey biother Joseph, under the firm of J. S DILWOHTH
; January MM?.
1 J dayjusQcUirdwhh
her business will he re after be eonduetedunder the
Inn ofWta. young ft£o. WILLIAM YOUNG,
J*as- JNO. R. hrcUNK. •
V/ RED!—linuws Hat long time bean 4iitmiu
wiia a were pain in the tide and cbtstv aeeoifiMaiei)
with • dcyeough, I wsi tbeargem aott>
citation of a fraud, to Dr. Taylor l * CaUmaaf Ltrei>.
wortiaad Imstt aay dtiiUßlieiai hu tuvcnd tu
porpott admirably? t My didreu tru produced by a
«ev«r* hart, and wtteo great th&tii area witirdUfieaUr
leouid rwmijow mV food. Indeed, I amaatiafied iMj
most bare terminated lQCenmapttoa,ertoau
/alol disease, had a Brnheeu cured by dU»'jndi«iatt»
medicine To ali who seek «o#rolonf their Urea, I
-wpald adriae the ate of Dr. Taylor% »«<—"► of liver.
>Hft‘ . „ JfkUiSGaWANrttOßowerr
fllli* tnedieiae (aciulates-expectsraliaa, reduces (*►
nnDteistntiph|titdß<T *•••&•
Pcrior preparation for ths -dsie and pravemKra of ai)
,™ eMM m il«Ch«t and Long*, and thcold bo re&ojt
-«» Wy.eren after these disease* jjar* resisted the. bib*
airCawvliCA, la ti» practice pf Uuicddsod Terr ;e
-vpec tab ie physician, *hla BaUara oj Liverwort haste*'
<(dtte4aa ftanahlafepuauoa for iu vino**, m ion
nor to that ot, the abundant bo*ub ms oftho day, a*
*raa toe charactcp-arid p/shuy of iu hircnujr. to. thtl
ofqaaeka and cmpjrtes. '
tent eoid* B»ed to cough violently, raising enaatiße* ot
ibtek putnd Baiter, and finally he could ran ram ove>
ta bed, froß weahneaa. U* manifested every irtnp-
I two of confirmed voaramptiwr. Per *bc yearrts had
|b«a ‘Object to the avthma. Ifi» pby*ie»tas, Mean.
: vermoole ft Anderson, soM fee 'was incereiilk «jj4
f OH^, i o ? 0 .T tt , wIL » determined w try Dr: Tor
lor * Balsas of Liverwort, arul stranteas it (nay no
; pear, this medicine haa full? restored his heeith. 1
c ,,., ’ SOPHIA GALLON-, 14 Nortott street
Sold In.PittiWh by J D Morgan, *3 Wood «t J
Townseady « Uarketst; H Smywrr/cor market ud
ft Co, JUberty n. Price rednfeed
Dr. Eoit’i bltbraltd ktmtdln.
T|H. JACOBd. BQ3E, and ral« prtv
VM plietor (KlpaillidbtllciciAlKtJ-
S**? tOTJAW Cf tlu MUblSyittSi.
ui Ui© tQTMUff«aon of disease, end the ipnip
cation of remedies thereto. .
th® ase of hts inflating eoaneettafl
l£te dreadfal and faisi maladies, TubercalarCon.
tttmpuon, Cancer*, Sciofaia. .Pt.«.p«p 1 n , t > n,
F*verand.Agne,FsTe»efaU kinds. Chronic Krisiow
las, and allUionobstinate diseascspecoliar u> fcvt**~* .
Indeed dvenr fora of dlseaso 'vanuhes ander the use
orhu remedies, in which hnmanilv la heir—noi by die
aae of onecuttponnd only, for uai is incompatible
with PfcysioJafieaJ Law, Su bt theasooS fcit'feart
to and prescribed for each peculiar form
. Dr. Rote's Tonic Alterative Pill*, *hea used are la
variably acknowledged to bo superior to all other, as
-a porraUve or lira pill, inasmuch as they leave the
bowess perfectly free from costivene** esalsohU
Ootdea'HUs h adnuued by the foeohy to possess peea>
llsr properties adapted to insole, diseases, bat Uios
satisfied that a bare trial is suficient to establish who!
has been said in the minds of the most skeptical
The afflicted are in sited to call upon the agent and
procure (gratis) one of the Doctor's pamphlet, riving
p detailed account of each remedy tori its application
For sale by thefol'owing agents, a* well a* by mett
Druggists throughout the coa.itry:
J Schooomaker A Co, tft Wood street, Pittsburgh:
J MTownsend, druggist, C Market it *
Lea A Beckham, " near the 1\ a Allegheny eilr.
Jot Barkley. Darlington, Beaver conuty, Pa.
Jno Elliott, Kanon Volley, a •»***•
T Adams. Beaver. a
novi&riiy i
Rapines' Fipectofsnt.
.SAUO»,Calajßbiana Apr. £l, IWL
TAILD, JAYNES; Dxas Sue-—* foci bpvna to yen
■XJ and the afflicted pablie, to avail myself of ifiltop-
Ertuuitjr ofgiyina publicity to the extraordinary effects
your Exfectardnt on mrsejf. Having- been aliffeted
’ several years with a severeceugn. hectie fever
:and its concomitant diseases, and sec ate a only doomed
•to linger. out a short but miserable existence, until (ho
fall of USD, when, lacing more severely attacked, and
having resorted to all my former remedies, tuulthapro-
Ucripuous oftvrooflhh most Ttspeetablepkysidaiwin
tho neighborhood vHthoei deriving any benefit, of tho
eansolation of surviving but» few day* or weeks it
farthest—twhea tho laic gleam-'of hapwwiiaahoat to
-vanish, 1 had recocParndcd tome your Expectorant—,
anil blessed by that Being who doeanll dungs In the
use of the means—aad contrary lo the sXpeclsUcna of
my physieiuns and friends. I was in a few days raised
from my bed, and was enabled by the aseof a bottle, to
attend to my business, enjoying since better health than
f had for lea rears previous.
Hespertfuliy yours, Aa., Jic W;Entu~
For sale in Pittsburgh, at the Pekin Tea Stord, 79
Poarth street , mar®
■ HK\TAfiaSSoaiiiES i fr~ r *
YAOCTOBiL W. MCJHRIS having recently paiehas
1/ ed tlie Drug Store formerly owned by flays A
Crock way, No. a Commercial kow. Libert r street,
Pittsburgh, takes tfcU mrihod or inarming his'
friends and tho pUblif in' general, that Us VtOf'e
will at all limes bo supplied with tpt extensive and
general assortment of Drags, Dye Studs. Palau, Oils,
Varnishes, Perfumery, Colognes, and iudeed every ar
ticle called tor in a drug store, which will always be
•old as {ow as at any other bouse in ibe city, whole
sale or retail. Hoping to morit a share of the ppb!)e
patronage, nothing ihau be wauling tp grve eiitjrt rgt>
lafactlon to hjs customers. . no>7.upU
TsS?ltSt°ffKNJ I fMIN r W^Soßm^flluSlTSiu.^
AJ tnprgctico tho safe and papular remcijy cariM
Hydropathy or the Water Cure, mutif desired will treat
diseases AllepapiicaUy. Otnuttical. cases prjli be at
tended to promptly.
- N. ll.—llr. Morris may ha epnsuUed at bis Drag
Sfore, No. U Commercial Stow, Liberty street, during
business houss, os at his residence, moruing and «V«ir
inff, Penn street, 3 doors below Irwin's alloy, i ■ -
oov7»upl4 • •• . :
~ tii'tfltobsru, un».;
!>\FTiULulo_9UiUiiXiN. will atlend tp Ihefyeav
XJ mental JKogaoesofthe Eye. ,
; Ur. B. bal Ijeea engaged in inis branehdf thy tbciji'
cal profession for sixteen years, Aim nos conducted an
jCStnbllihmenl {at the iresuneni of diseases of ihe ejo
-alooe forsevaml yean.
O met and residents, corner of Sandusky si am!
Strawberry alley, Allegheny city. __ u «cU3 _
Dr, BcL«ns ip " ' '1
'|MUS> lo jsenUy that: |.PHinh*»ed oais vlgl of Drt
J. McLana** Worm Specify, oqm» two months, ego.
Xhd gavrto nonqf miae,•oimetovcareaTsqW,(wp
-tolupodna fillV and although the amount may appear?
krge» yet 1 hftve no donut bat there wag upwards of
mo TSOCiigO woaxi pissed from tim/infuuri'Hg.
tea ace auarter of an Inch to‘two inches tone
gocauCraak. Carrol cp. Tcnu, Qpo ay, Brtf., Jay •
O IN ÜbXIBCrA -- ,
O Cvpviuqi, t Jan.'l)(h,l9'>9.
Mr. R.Gb^SeUers:—Your VermlAjge has sold Well,
and spoken of by ail woo have used
jti Vqsbißß aaeeess atuntdiog iW «drain:rn»tion of
yoor vfeaifuge in every case I have heard of. l am
confidenPr can sell more during the coming season
than I did last I will tie glad to roceive anothervup'
ply of« or 8 grots.- -xouie, respectfu ly, i ‘
.iExtrect from letter.) R. CARTER.
Prepared and told by B. E SELLERS, 87 Wood su
and sold by drug gists generally, In Pittsburgh and A>
Iqfhny. . , • - Jai^L
KV&art. \
ioai rtct “iTji.ißpnfpy «>,«.>» ariJ a
Uote a* PUaS'fo?WfOcl#nn*sj» ;->-* \
t- Pot ,
SoUWjsneUwmWMn^?^^ , iJ? /;Weead S«ai;ty. ;
tHPiI *C*£oe- „
I :
•hoae ao f fiiSSSKSSft PJcKS/^i
coaitai mlaa* jonaMaetaftfiH pH>^a^>
mtn, 10 . .‘>Mj_±'Km?.TT, bko cociutAN-. aoig^g*;, •
od ntaht • jJMna^jauuAKa^^oo^iiumija^-.Jff^gSy.,!
itnyucai lAfMUniwm.UPitQ goydetwt aw-fi!...',
uandw. c .. T -...i
toimt I; "-JAS A IIfcTCIUSOM t Ca' V- 7
arfaai i • • £ft»flll*ai< Steam Saeai-HnSt^fy.:^ ,-\i-:.t.''k.
. - -4w*» i.'.-uc.i.ix'tti p * 4&wftur«tfttfl|fifc& ftV':. O
i rv-.i iij h»!^b^v ( .vj.Si * it:**} $•/** li '-^siTv'•'
. .' ■ nos ms p* W^;^V : )
' '"• '?- das* £oht-z• i -'- H .i.^v-^
V 3 j^.-
’ "«w , »r»^i^«ftto'*nw&&»<wwnB«wwOTn'TMmiii(y«m«»a»K>a^^
tX7ONDE&FUUAftBJV4J~rD». TwwsAfl*!
ft .U/ITItM • -liftOO bo tiler of lUi greaifaUund
wxntermediciiie, jast received aud for B- K
'BELLEBBi'Soie A#ent (for Pitubatgii, of Whom tbe
gcaalca article can Be bad. - octafl t
.oUSf) Colombian lUiTllyc;
«to ' - -dfl- lodebble Ini, with of
preparation. r
I 1 Hfl*n»oiwrtpeiior Red Ink- Ftu inic to
At ma*jtfactßrcr‘a pncen, t»y R B BF>LbER9|'
l ' ded>' 1 " ■ ■ mo 67 Wood tout* j .
renms"fiVcnt'McdiCirto jffieft'
■ ,tc ' d “W Vi-noVk coj
SO JBt Finetiroitze,ail coToriTjiu? recoil
and tot aalo lty deetfi J KIDDaCo. 1 ,
ADJIESIVE Pi,A6TEH-J5O yd* RlU’ Adlodrt-
Plwtef,Just received and foi «*le l»y “ '
de«|». M . . .. . 1 J fclpJDkCp ,
LCOnoCTs bb!» Alcohol, lost’ rac’d and tor tala
by dec 10 - -JOHNOMOgfiAWI *
T ASiP Bj*ACH—d caiki inatTec’d and ft*
Xj declC ■ f JOH.YD MORGAN
."C ;• f<.
.. fpe® juvd TsirxsTo3»noramon. .
gaTIiJS esubftmmeht’ long ,nid .widely known as
hm* rcceody vctT eitea
stro 'tterattan* amt. improfeaeuiai > Am euUm'totw
«Jw In?* Cofitaiui_ng- naapras-and airy
reorffciied iStS^eaolf'
v TnfdeUha Wftqleanggyflaemofthe Uoosb
nuodraTmtaidc^wiih:*alaifc'Bj i ß'4& tbefcanof
chiClAja cpmpjrlwnwiti Unl«)7
Bismt&ts,to rendwafcifHotel• worthy Ujsxominned
i alaabeen.Tedßced tathc/
(ollowfew raioej * , . K . .
- fj®*** =•
• y« Btfrate Wa*ra of the Haase will'll.
> d.:Mihß-Qir;cnd.ffTnnnhnat Lendings; *
LflffffifflgMTCT bamgo to andfromihe HotaL free -
qfehro., , rnavaf.. ,
fSB.; T» wbacriber toning attained iftetaannirt-'
trf&to long cosbliifred and popniarHdiel.'
iff, Trsrcllers' and the
Public generally, thatwfllM at ell time* prepared
*s™]? all ihUfca. desirable to a*rell
‘nwUdups U nowbeing thoroughly
£?£'2}.?« m * wd new FmmttiT* added, And no
respect/hllr solicit* a eooitononce-
SLiw?** llber *ipatrfthartthe.Howehas heretofore
' ■■■ ‘ Preprfetof. •
, ’ SOUBE, r "* —
art cam truraj mmiuß.
fl|Vl HE •obicnber respectfully auracnce* th*t
JeSs B *?* his new apd excellent Hotel
. .^y^P^conoaodsiioD ,of travelers, boarders,-
?2f *“? IpaßTally- Ae boose and ftmiirare
are entirely new, and no pains or expense hare been
cpana to render It one of the most earn fb nab Is »nit
pleasant Uotals to the city.
Thtfsabtcriber Is determined to detent, and there
tow «rtjciu, a share oftmbliepatrohsw.'' •
liaikVkks cs-'a-Aygg HOTBtt
JL r JES&XS?"i In,aj Focargagp Fiyrireia. * 1
f%PPQBITE Ule Bank of the OoitodSiates, Phil*.
V/.tolda. il. POPE SirTCHELL,
-***±**L- _ Proprietor.
Hoacrn rod Anilone Fornitore.
3!'. ’•■ SI, Thbii> Btxxxt. rrmacxati.
Mb A large and splendid
IV assortment of Ftonlmre, Hs3jj&S]sS&»r
(of Pmmhnnn, gKnßSßgßnil.
881 UoleU and private; dtvei- ,
Udn, constantly on hand and made to order
Tbo present stock on head cannot be exceeded by
535.J¥* twflK ’ un ? r 10 *** vuun country. - Persons
vUhUfM porcbaae would do veil to give me a ealL
*f *«* determined my prices strall please. Parted
. thbatov eonsistsln—
-354 fc 3sifw Baffet Etaqeiej
Chain; Qoeen EUiabeib chain:
TaaPw ftuit Table*
’Sg&tiFF - I*aia-XV Commoder;
tycstli Mahogany,Bedstead* Piano Stools:
< with Plush andlfair-clotheovsra;
€0 Mahogany Rocking Chain;
-40 do* Parlor do
‘ s.ijjel, »»
S&pair IhTans; 4 pair pier Tables;
If marble top Drcsriag Rurvatu;
! Jj Wardcpbe* S Secretaries end Book eases;
Si marble top Wash Stands;
jf pairOtaasamq .. ..
! r. tpair fancy Wotk Stand* .. ...
A vary large assortment of common chain and other
mpumre too namcroos to mention.
(Cr'Steam Boat! furnished ba the •s&drtcit.'Botice.
and on the most reasonable term*. deetfi
X. thffbswgmdncuofCncott freefroa adulteration.
mar* nalritio߻shaoteaor coasted lacaaiity anew- -
Parsed* the subscriber rcconuacuds tho above articles,
nfnufactartd by hlaselC atuLaiaatoed with his aaaa '
**? foco* asdclleate,.palatable,
= Tdrinka ft? farrnlidi, eomraleseent*, and
■»*»■« gePtaaonacnd-pyiha most lArmSgt.^-i
iS^&« t 2?-S?f r 1 prepAmio:u ‘- Humnoßfimtaro*.
to any. quanumhy.the most re-.
•pkettUo grocers in the eastern elites, and by U»li
&*£, ofUostonTjaae* 81 Dtnree' J
llmuey* Murray, Near-York;*
V”“iAS»tip,Phiiadßlphta; TMaatVh^, r .».u
L »»., .WAl2rHoLHAKLfl»Dorche*tdV.Ma»t
FhrAiebr anga BAPALEV A SMITH, Agt* |
, Wrongritsusd CMtlronJUiUM.
rniUiCabtcnbeik beg leave to Inform the pabUe that I
1 Jl. to«J have oblalued from thv Easi all t& late enAi
rashmaabU designs for |nm Rail my. both for booses
and cesaetwdes Penona wishing to procure >»»»<*- i
«otoo Patterns mil please call and examine, snd’jadee I
tot themselves. Ratling will be famished A'Um short
wt norfee, «m»ln iheiwat manner, at the comer of
Cralgnad Bcbeeea streets, Alleghany city. i
ho®ro Reference, the physicians of Pittsburgh, Alle
gheny and fSnsnghsnb-w .
smith jr of patronage.
CtaHMy .
m. a delany.
Busftennd Rotated! - 1 1
t . Ifrhfde .Price* Hanrood*** 1 . ,« $. « ‘
( 51d0f0...,. £o '*: '' tf id.
,* . lbnr&td </> 4
' M do TRobmWn a ■<t
■ • J7hf4tt' --d»- •. I- - :*- r* . * *
JrVa Damon
33 do * Wrighft
37. do Q Andenon
* doLTDade’t
5 do R Uirni
9 do B"'"l'<f
' 3mil iaodinf frem steamer and packets, ond tot sole
by H&AUX QUCKNuk k Co,
41 north water it end 16 north wharves.
_j«sl _ Philadelphia
Yf XSUfACftrREFTOBACCO^»t I iEj i 9 Wanes
ill. k Bon's superior sweet lb loops.
TShsU’bxs We beer Old saperior sweet Ss lumps
34 ** Xuwreoee bouler 11 £* *»
-85 a Gentry k Rovi'er “ 3»&4s u
80 u Dupont Jde la Ears) “ Si “
10 u McLeod “ 8s **
■B3 ** Lawrence Lonier “ SaJcGs plufj
3ait landiaf from steamer, and tat sain by
. _ <IN and w *£ whams.
W3l jPUlndefylua
. •_ W. 4fc J. eLfittV. Book Binder*.
Tbte tie suit engaged in the above hoaineii, comer
?T or Wood and Thrd streets, Pittsburgh# where
we an prepared to do any work in oar line with de*-.
patch. »V* KUend to our work personally, and tau»>
taction will be given in rernrdto its neatness and do*
m Books ruled to any pattern and bound tab*
. Book* in numbers orold books bound cam
tuny ©rrepnired. Nunes pot an books in gilt letter*.
• nose that have work in oar liue are invited to
Hrkesjow. mySfctT
\f E? * SSfj u
ill. QQuce, With the name of the boat in each blaa*'
kht- Alko, Cotton and Musk Mattresses made In Urc-'
b*«t manner, for a very tow price by LHKKSEY,
eoTld-dly VVarebomcvSP Water st .
/'tALP HKlNtf—JO <los genuine bYeiieh Calf t*ktiia< V
V nr T b°tt article. A few downs Philadelphia
Skuu, from the manufactory of H M Cruwfqitf. 10
which the attention of bool maker* is Invited, jusr
received and for isle by AV TOUjfG A Co, •
I B ** _ H 3 liberty M
A T W. M. •M’CMNTOCK’S, No. M Fourth
J-L <tP»J>t»»ren a rpirndid variety of sup Royal Vel
vet'and Tapestry Carpets, latest styles Ai>o, tires-
MlStSplyaandsap-aod fine Carpets, pf sup
oyica and qualities; and in cauucction can always be
Mp 4 T»Me Une us* Diapers, Damasks. MO
roeps. Oil Cloths, Ac. Ac.: to all ot which we coll the
attention tlfthe public. -aegtia
' BWICE. 7
TTAVINO sold entire stock to C. H.Gfcjjvr, with -
XL.* view tocloung oar old business, we hereby B o*
li>il for him the patronage of all oqr friends and eu*-
ituner*. RO. \v. PWNDEXTiUL
Puubdrfhk An*. 4(b, 1848.
C 11. GRANT, Wholesale Grocer, Commission «nul
• Forward ms Merchant, No.-4 1 Water it autv
” Jouirda£uxFF4rrGki
Maud fit Front streevßcU Founder*and min*
li ufapturera of »U kind* of Fiuiun lor Gas,, ptefim :
r*T Water, have always on hand VVroaghi Iron Wef.
dad Pi|Kj for stcam,.(nu, and water« from*tn.
t'l diametej. Grass Coalings made -to order. Also, a
t*rao assortment of Bells uud finished Bran Work? to
-whiphtboaueiuicmnf Plumbers and Eomnc Builders
.is particularly directed.
Gas PUiinp pot. up promptly and on reasonable
t°rtasi ••• ? • sepao-dton
A A PuLTGN,tteUand Bran Founder, baa re*
»|.btuu andl commended business at his old stand,.
. where fib will lib plfchsed to see his aid custom-
and Glenda,
;• _ Church, Steamboat, and Bells of every also, frtm to
to KMXX) pounds,' east from patterns of the most approv
ed model*v and warranted to be of the best matenals.
.Mineral Water Pumps, Counters, Railing. Ac., >W
: ibex witAevery variety of Bmsa Castings, if required,
Idrotd usd finished In the'Dealest mauuer.
■ A- F; is the sole proprietor of flaarur's Aim>Ami,
tws Mktal, so justly celebrated for (he reduction of
friction In machinery. The Boxes' and Composition
can be had of Aim at all limes. • jaSCkly
Hl-i> ißDierlbtiß baring lb® elcluiive Agency for
■oiling the fapcx of a uew anti exteuwve
P#P*x cult b tbit Tieltutv, wilt be at alliimerweil lup-
J> jIM wlUf Ihe different tlxe» of paper of aapeiJor oulK
i *lx> which we offer ax the jowett regaier priori. ....
< aixnox quality win bo monufticmred la order #i
ikon Botice. RbVNOLDSABHEE.
I J*BCm ~ comer Penti &nqfrWt»-
MAMMOTH PHNS—Joji received,- one etpo a{
mammoth (fold Pent. Person* bavins much
n *J'* 4<>» will find jrfcatease laming these -peas,
at uejr doitiot cramp ine fingers, tod*have fine smooth
points. , , W'W WIUSO«N, .
* cQtneitth-aadmefkgtsts,
I CLCrfiilHu—Just received lortuo
.4 ■ > complete assortment of
i UwnJSMUo Clothing, at' pnces ranging from KfiO to ;
811^0foftoil« Coat, nanttand hat- For saloattho
loan finbba lkpot,NosWood *k ,_, , .
eca ... . J£ H PHILLIPS
UAHJUaN a.CflJ|ltmVa removed to Die
.V WawUouie, 3 doom watt of the Mononnhela
°*t“ Pox copy,
. —Three mote of 'thou m> JuiUt
< cmeiinffd-aamborgh FUaos.ated caastanuy by
Lust, Teahwrj and ouer great performers, lanoter
»Ua a large anaraaent of rosewood and mahogany,
of my oarttiaana£utare. The above instßpneats are-
<deot€K J - - -No 113 Wood f^Sddodrfrom GUt
M. ■ .... te J B Strickler.A C0.).. >, .
ANUFACjTJRERS. of l‘ha-mx fird p roof-'xfrr,
wcbnd rtreet. bettreon Wobd inid
onuiMtld Pnuborsh, J 8 Strirklerhmln-demaMd
anfl 100 rarvivuißpanncr Mr. Jo» Upp«iMil,ttn»li«.
"l 1 * .Mis..Ww C Bsrr. the.bintass
WiU hereafter be conducted Bride r the atrfo of Linbea*
• con it Barr. ' t m - ,>*"*
■ .Trial of a tafrlh Cincinnati; ihe onderafgn
<d .wert-preaenJ at the teatiag-ofoaoorl SSiiiokicr fc
m»M in a fnmacp pa the pobliclaridir® aadspßjected
1% intense teat of a ttona 1 coaffirewr T more, thaii
■thnrohonre. InonefeoornMaltalrthe eaf© cam© 1 to-
P keat} tttt-3ai»f oftha (tarfiate 1 -was then '
chcansaraainereasedacd ateady beat for
Sf<J>ttaiUl the can troa whec)* wore
«*W «Q the iunfoa© was then thrown down
Lf?°J, had opened." The monevypaper*
ritichit contained wertosperfe'et akwhen
b *h© binding ;oalr< oPthfi • book* ; being in*
{“Si'•pjf ,»tta .water iacooimg the oft. i WoJhavo.B©>
public os' a info
prog seen.tested, afcitbelievo
thit.U wlll'WaalFanrhcif'wfaiet i mwiuetd;>
jteeptaß&lwtetfUWid notit m awiid -wSS.^-’
I fPriflgW'fc: Whitman*l* 'WorUanromy .Kellogg &
L 4 W (3 P Br&e*e,ilcrm» Btnifo,, T
Wra &**>■
We, the. Uddnlgnea, adoeted tho safospoken o£
d tepSß, from* tot far,the aero of Hubert Aubery. the.
Ageata;.! COSPfIINQEa,..^
' r toCoofc & Ham'*, PituSrif^'
•_ . . Hhwr 'do tfiOdAwlrß
popper camtuurov
i fpHIS Qjtfcpany kotoedtfally inform*'thopabutottad l
J %partienl*dy alt neater* and consumers -of Copper
talbe&noin.whifih.tbey, that their Stnelt*
tng Worksare how in luccwtfioperation. and they
ireuo* ready *o mak* eohfroHa for the deliverr of
InkowtethoeeHjrhh'wajjthi’thUftmtirttnd alio tough
/cake&rtbatmiposeof TbUiogj- - -~. : * ■. 0 I
She; Coppo©.prod#eed:framihe.MrtnUo .inline© of
t-Aae.bppenoi, isascertiined much , superior to
the ordinary eoppe> in theihgrkels, which f»‘ obtained
from oaa tranera) eubitartCei. Ttfor
topplkr U perfeeUf pnfe/and le •no t injured by the pro>-
©eroofameiang,andis therefore be prefer
rea tor bell metal, rolling, and many other purposes.
A*it is not the intentionor-wisa of thiacompahy
to-erect work. for the ntanafaetare of copper in the
Torfons fonhs in whieh it ts wanted, they wWbebappT
to make contract* for tho dßUrery'of irtn the fora rtfs
tefXkt'h'TbS'S 4c - “»r’
,copperdbulned from thfeitmuifca
will be hrtnffht to PimbareV and taree snpplies may
tetter, adfieeiod to o.O.Wn«r m
* M. Hows, will meet with prompt. axtentioA.
.drglfrdto , , Charles JenT
« limited, ax well
MOine raM ofextstujvQ revfoatce*; yieldrrir a nrofit
MtarjirtKttajroatl dr opeeadSn of
lh»4*y. Ifctedtexomß• ■tapltmm
f' e * * b \ f 1 e^ s ***?.«*S., wacßOi 1(o every Ckf ni.'
y» ** uWi»ju!nwbla.tQ ibe mec frame, aftkan
SS-fiffi; r oal . raim - , To an otmonfflltr
ofitfrt itMlf for alueradrij employment of either term
earn*, lnmn-dUte and highly ranWc-
SFifi’SfV Tho»« dciifDttso/fUttbajitinyio a plea»-
!Ph.r«fK?i V a foiled. TyiUi others, to call,
iSfe2?S5-tf Resigned, gamine the article,
if‘WttWdnßcm, from thofacwprwemed
p*™”’ Ereherirrßalldlng*, 3LClairrtinext door to
Esquire John*’ oaipa . COLVER4-MYKE3.
. oeoll
H 1 * *Aer Bain* piipar-
, °° ,i “*' c “' 4ta j?
Wc bare prepiyxJa Lcamifnl v«etabl« article,
jbieb wo caff JUNKS* SPANISH UCV \\TimiH
S£i»f !eU,r i at * belaff *•“**«* of dll' Oaleterion
flualiuea; and U inputs to lire silo * nstaraL beaJihy,
yhbaster, dlear.iivin* wlutep at iho saute lids »ettn»
M£ c «met« Oft tee SkitWmakijißjt soft «adajoootbT*
pr. James Anderson; PraeUeaT CbeinS|Jnsa**k;.'
“After analyzing Jones’ SpaalsTiXiHr'
White, lAnd irpoesdsses the mo« MiouToJ' andtianj
ral ’'“»J lt the same Umo innocent white I ever saw. 1
certainly can eonseteitiioasjf recomiQend its ase to all
*oo<« *»» wonires -iieanuiyiiir." Price, 25 cents a
box. MJ br lvM. JACK StiSTs) liberty »L raSS
put H.ofiKrw«^i LKa>J^safyr
, nTmiraoH* pa. <
BS3 ’I ! SSpJS&S^'SSSi tea latest patterns,-slide and h»»* t.«>w
JhmSw kmd *'i Ca %W»iC?l' every description
*»«« «o *hort notice. Patterns mad? to otder for
4Jpeantqc Iron Railing, Ac, BteanTPiM finrSoS!'
if PaetflfiSfrrCast iron window Sash udfaney Cfis*
fJLrt'SL 1 * , onJ w» J'=ft *1 ten Warehouse of J.
•ddn f * liberty street, will hare promptotten.
Moored t
Si:»g:aiS Bb^p^bu^O;
■ o. House, • —'■*'*—••
WOODWELL, corner of
SlßßSlfiSgi >Vood and 2dfru~ Puisi>PT«K. Oav
wajJteranilvV'oodwell, oh the Ist of Janttary“ittf7, f
Si jfiSSfVk® •? I 5» a « n r 10 my f^endnaithe city
and eoatury, that I have opened mfiiew store «i tho
Sh'.'XT 1 /I*'* 1 *'*- »”'»« purchUd my *»£<£
Cub, and made amogefeieiita with BtanautcQuers is
MS' “**““*“• «Sp|nSsrrS»ttM ■
■if'ctee. with tea 1 bhrdwhro ‘
- , .•. -_ mchtltf 1
Pena T
H, WlGflTJlAN—Manufacturer ofrill lands o/'cOi*
# ton nnd woo lien taaehioery, Allegheny tin-. Pa
: *OO nbore Works berng now b (ail aniT laoccsinil op
o® prepared to execute order* with dispiueb
io>«li lands of machinery io my lac, such os wijUnrs-
Pi<ieT% spreader*, tnnla, grinding machine*. railways.
tiiJojaile, looms, woolen'
*Mut,doßlilß or angle, for merchant or country work,
® i decide. * nt * baud lathes and ttolain
#T / ~i axaa* of sua/Ung made to ordeT. or plain giv.
en tor gearmg.&cwmes or toiiis at reasonable cUartra.
. xo—Kennedy. Childs A Co. Blocksmck, Uolt.
* Co, Kin|, Penoofk &C?.,Ja*. A. Gray.
Cooper ftHpftn»Ttr >n3~tVatfhti7~
MVVdffiSi JUST received and for sale at
WT°V*?r gTga^y redoeed prices, five gene
-110 Coopur, 0 Coliltorpe strt,
, Mmiisi.i Cray's inn, Read London.” Do.
P l ** ***? aTer Watches, eased in 18 kotoi
gwd, and fall jewelled, with Chronometer balances,
rbesenre now thf finest watches made, being- superi
or in finish and accorofly to the M.J,Tobias, Joseph
Johnson, or mdy other make. Those in want afavery i
fine watch are invited to call and examine this lot
«‘daa w w4,cic^
v ID* iFlne \tarebesirepalyed in the*be«t adaon.' •
/ ’* w. w. wiLsort,
oct ** •- cornet 4thand ..
MA. Wili iii A Cs_ wpaid rcipectlkily inform
P“ b fc h *^ e erected a shop on
ij«eock» between Federal and Sanduiky streets. Tbey
are now making and are prepared to receive order* for
eaeTT daserlpUoaof vehicles, Couches, Chariafs^Ba
rooeh«vßyg|riefc.Riwtana t Ae n which fipouheit
,on f foe manafoctaw of the shave work*
andlba facilities they have,they fceleanCdeniiLy are
; enabled to do wort on the most reasonable i cn n»with
those wanting trueles In thelrllne.
[ , Paying psnicolar attention lathe tekettoo of Date
rial*, and hsving none bat competent workmen, they
! hare no hwitatlon In warranting their work/ We
: t,k to® attention of the pobUe to thi» mortar,
f Ifrß. Rmalttnydone la iba beat manner, and on the
! jaa*\ reasonable re tats. r jaW-tf -■
Corner of ttmithfieid and Fourth ■&,-
mTßOrrr A SCOTT, haVipg commenced .the
general Hooi and Shoe business, wholesale and
retail, wou'd TMnectfUily invite the atieatfon'of
ineu irienda tad the pablio generally to. their Spiendnl
new nook jtm opened, consisting of men's, women's,
boys .misses’ and. children's wear,of every variety,
suitable for the season, and at prices to sail ihe times
Alto, a splendid article of Metaiic Onni Shis, forien-'
tlemen and ladies. Please cal! and txanune ibryoar.
XJ I> , of SailhficM and 4lii att, I'liubiuzh.
S F/wiff'w “»W n * l ? ke * 3** aim above
tbo IjAh \\ aid Ufulge, formerly ton by air. John
»S ter^il!l ,i‘ vi " ! I l ' ood f (Ml! ofTiraberon band,
wcttld solictrtlis Order*
thankAilly'teeeiiuii And promptly attended ti. • •ic'--
Tb« tmdersigned laying sold Ms Interest In the abote
Mill, to Menr*. Sliding, wobld recom-'
tittna them to his former customer* and the emnnmnf.-
ty ha beiny will qndUfled to give satisfaction toall
who may deal with them.
' J»22-d|m ‘
■ BfvCEIV.bJ) thisdsy, axui (or eala at Rtanntacturero
JLV price*, three elegant Rosewood Pianos, made by
H. Worcester, N. V. These Insiremenls an consider*'
ed fullt equal,'if 'not superior, to our now made In N.
York, having as fall, round, and melodious tone: war
famed to wear .well and give satiiiaction.
Ttii pVice.'of these' Piano* is believed mudh
lower than 6iher thhitbfaetttrtfVfirN. Y: •
Those who are ih wan) of a good and -iloganr Fiona
nt imoderath price, will please *c&U and pxaminetha
•hove alike store of the subscribai, where olonrea*-
of Cbickering's eclebrakd Pianos can alVnyi
. ___ ' ■ -'MrrwSSati
cf- — ~
A»w.— . rta very fino quality,
. r -paoeiw se toetAt expressly Tot retalUafa*,
by Cooper, ToWv.Jolmsou, L'lMiUuid, Dario* * Co.
sjji approynl putiiuCicm-.
IM! Jeweled IS Carat • PatenlLever Witches
« T “% '<«** *vwrtmw P fUsC?ScnSj? ff i
quality, varytay,/spin 440 tp.«sa«„ .5,.
•sss^^^sst^se^ •&■
ctnrgj ffWIVIiHDSi S7maihstMK •
Uanonnheii tlrtryStiiti? - —r
• <l r • ’ jwwa n. pattk&son tS opdea
>ZXUVthe luge stable on First st, nutnJncr throalrb
ff>\ toSecgnjift, between Wqod andStmoSel t
eirtrtly ■
‘C'TBASI ttOAT'CLWI^—Hnur coficJatJod lo
O-off oof amiip of Kjdce** SUrtne Timepiece
•*« orw*«t Belas the dnlT'MtaWttAed iiehl«W
for lhe*eeldci*, we wvethe isrgeiit tad inmmwair
metiUflth©-ciff. 'Calftatf«ea .''v • ~.
ir<KjtTorift Co.‘ttro^oon*xambr'
& JautfmstttDbOice axcorutmt) of
yelfm-nbboas .aat) braid«,r|L
c«*,.ed«i4ig».,oiul 'cttbtoiacrif)% glove#-and hwierVl'
KH» jhitu,»■ wiaußder tirmenV,-Berlin’
pfiyvto netfhafttaaad uttorej aiUteit riomf
ynK?froiif<>,.Caja>yih W, uraaraark^L
"SmitUlJSdßr UoBlElWvias’BASor
•) QOOOB*- 1 ..••■vtEii "
it?.' I LjBbTV# A
, | *** '
- ■< -.-.»w pMim ttsn Bto-wS?; lU,'^
. j. . mb
Beaeißber,«esTeootieteaodaTKU.< j - . k
... BLAKls&ca,Maiket«fnet >
ocoO ~ ~ entrance pa north ilaaof ihe ■ t
* wfe.
. lift n.rJf AMEHICAi«. ft f.,
jjh9‘ ' ','"•* JcmbwtiLLj A gt,-wWe»«.v; ;
£vtjNDßlA&—lsoo bojVUUdrleff pcaciie*, fOO r tusv.'
O els ehetnats, 19 »ack» feruherv udoirpol‘2 tfo
ginseng, Inti received per- Uedalflti Magnet ana Pio.
neer,endtoiiieby ~ i .
.. -dee* • , , v
, .t ~,j „ r . <.r, s4>:»o.-d j .* >■■ ; •> >■ $ -s-b-
'•••' > '<n, l»»laplBOOi»8tf-.,:al!fc5 S »SK!tii»
W weonitamly recelTiaihla
. railatocV; far CAKTCTLNO; ‘ ’tefapnttaf.'
. aneofibetAfgmjtaiottnemseverbraaghStytbejßar*':
ket. which have beetvpßrcha?ed direct from Wo In* 1
porter* am! MAuufaciafetif, or-the btrtt cod-tiewm |
to which tie invite* the attention of those wuhhl* to
furnish-steamboat* dr bousev brio frfporehasiai else
wberei The stodk con«rt* - mpajt©rWo./ollowina:
variety, Tin ~ 1
Rich AmniniM Carpet*; Oriental Tapestry Oil Chub.
1 j •^ e^ei Plain colored .. _ do
-do Tapestry. do !>| feel Wide " *•"• - ‘
tlo-Broiweli ' do' 84,74 j > 'M&iollelnth
Kura toper 3 nl, Stair Rod* .
?“!«' r , do' l!M,P4aWd«®nijxeu---
Ini&tt *- i do - Stafrioßea*;,:, ,
Wide ,do - . ■ tio . Rosewood Oil Cloth „
Coaunoa do -do Vremb’cloths '
: -' Emboeted Piano- cqvera v
. , Vemtian_ ~ ~do. do. TaWo do
4*4,3-f A | twl’J do‘dd' figured Table 1 OQ eloth* .
■44» : 34.*a5 j.pliiodoldo;;- : To»keyßod*Toileaett , .
l*d*.f>4;|A2e<ccmlo Adelatd Mate
MprimedcbtWnCarpetar'Shwpakindd - * - ■ i
do ~ .
do, do ToAgd . :do ' Alicant do ' ' *
Pm* ’• • -do-' 1 f «h> r J 'Majtfflfl'Hestai
Wilton do ‘do Snow drop Napkins
.Crimson fig’d Plnibi Bioper Towelling ' ■ i '.
Plain *<
M,aiidC4Tab!eJUnena .
B|ae .do ,(6t eoach.tmVsj'Transtfnx WindowShade*
i-i ? EitmiWica ae- -/ ofo is
vvoKid.caTdt . lUalt Sqtiij do Juunea.ibr
'up Tassels' • • -\Viadiwdorthins r "-* : -•-
rainbow, DamaakK ,worsted and Itnen Table
corers; bliie, cruniofi/sfcarlbi gfe<&; dtab'ahd’lilafck'-
<tnion.pjßiEMof A
' j4!*2* OiDebarg* anil Drillings far steamboat deck,
aitrdll aUtirWataunds rrteenafyfbr outfits (be boata-J
in oar line* 1 !® which Wo especial. attention.of, .pwnfti*, j
Uf tnrued. W. M’CUINTOCK’S Caipet Warertwm;-
oqe door from Wood; on PodrtlmL’ i se|
XJiT •H- MUfil > Hi'i»v’4BMilioftariii3il*ran«UiDa*fT
■ 7,• Uu>2e wanting the abort Goods, tbTilif desirable*
sipcr, consisting of’ the' belt nt«V>>, fTcnubf rrfr«t ‘t[h;
proved Ut» Utter warranted pare
flat-—«e hasjust received on additionaTrttjjplf eand la
ogenng Shirting Muslins of-'a roperior oeniifT.ava
• , . .
niitt'Ptnb*T-<ase'Mo«lfaJ,‘'"- •'• '••'•
Diaptw-indCnub).’ - ;
t ■ ■ •'• , ] J»WoCioth*JTowela.andNapkins;
! Blankets, qttaL<CbiiTite#panm'and l - •
PararitettM, plain- and ’fancy DeHjsirrekf (woe- new:
: wives jan.TTSceiTed;)AJf*ca%4<j.! - «.. . • >
- The season being fay. fdvaneed, aJfthese Goods 1 trilf
• i£2i J 01 P* ie *» rt»ateasnw faUlbplead* .,.l i-» th
IPrWhclcsaioßooinsiop stairs. , . _ i , Janls
_ -A. A, BIAS OS feCO*. «.
MARKET.SIfIIEET,. will..continue their
J." great senu-annuai sale of DRrGOODS, 'for 30
047s longer, dnring rrhidLtimei their extensive whole
ii SsSS!S? wiUbe thrown open to their Retail Trade
,Hj! f tetofbre. a. A. M. A CO4 knowing thnt they are-'
- .uplnig Dry Good* of every desefaptiphfnnaten to fif
l<*en; pvr.eent. less thnplever before, ido invite every*
>erMm m want of dry goddif/prwho may be Itr-wtni;*
wholesale'enies. 1 * urew frcslear Mock; at thelowest.
SLSSSnP to exhibit In
March toeJa r gcn i and ; iha richest a»ck.of DryGoo<a'
* t *r°ftofedby , a j jy one hoase in America. - •
A>e vtalP continue thelaale of-oar -Bleached and
BrwroAlnstuta, Ttckingaand.other Domestic Goods,,
■1 our former Jaw rate*itotwis*taadiag iberecentaJ-
Vtn< ** P* to caste rnmarfceta:
piNE lh6
. . E?” toihuexienaitre assortment e?
and 'ajpacei Insties;
very fine add gtossy/ jet fcliek and blwrl>laelcs2£a -
few pieces without lustre; Sbe mounting dresses; also.
a J* r £f assortment of vanoos colors and styles of Batin'
«nped and Aln aCCM> i,black .and fancy c -
tovutblejgreea,-dxaband other col>
V T A^2u5 B S9^2 s l?i?* :brk Lac * Bemi Veils;
v «?e%!®«Kw blk-i)tiscyßo£*
c2L* doacojyileccy ajk-Gtoycsni do blk
• Pm V e » 13 Kroitoh ailk'Buchesi'refi’d -
ptAPEHS—C-4, 74‘and ttneii Table*'
Ij Diaper, of ecmaon’figured. 'dSixfcttnd 'inow'
drop patterns. Also, Russia and Scotch Bird Eyd Pat--
****.„ SHACKLETT A .
—• *** .- - :■ WWOQdsL 1 '
WEtoil FLANNELS—W R Uniphybanoahand
_Vf,; *• fall assortment of these desirable Goods; «lOv
ffi* 4l P**n*&iio( dnmcnic nM>iTina w p| P 4s, jJufv
CirJM2^S? rfc “ ICI “ ,J
“T InunMl'toicMlWi--
.ki-r 87 Oak* thfctr parrhintrs t itv-tWy
w .'
Brat, BlLk fiiunei, Bwwp,
* -psssszs'ls
goods, and is opeminir WonnMntof iheaf
a\ ™is“» sft? *£» P?/r"
AUa! pw£ IJ ?fS^ n qaaiiU’es.
jrero bi a c k) obvc,
* r '“
A T c,X ß^S*™| S » s rr^
’•nil So?ng?' P 2cßl'l'ty > . t 1, ,^“2l BtaK»eß
season. * Mapicd lo the times and jfce,
foSbn&fe iuiltlß'i?'' l onJ nuw
AH orders in the Clotiu n? i® tHi* city/
fashioned* and durable “» thil mosr
New BRiTOiTpiUNTrii; . v ~ -r-^' ’-'
juit received A loi 01 Murphy has.
.British Prints, very handsome, ,y - b f°, wn ®nd-wfaite
«r. Also, on baud, a lam. a* B £" ,T ? l ®y late steam
ptf American PrinU, Cast coloraS? 0 * °* Myles
Black Clod. Shawls of vanou °T | P riccv . ',
)a»t received. Rualuie*—n supply
• Black Alpuccas, low nrlcod art, c
supply,m<l ai lowyrioes for quality. 1
PniXTS—\V. R. Mcarav haT. ~z
Li ved wveraimew styles of EnffluiT ? . U ? "’***
Wtnu, warranted fast colors. “ Atderioau.
“ DK LaiJies—Also received, a loVr
Slid handsome styles—Mazarine blue
aad white, Ac. tut®, ffifceß
v JJ*l** a Moufe de Ldines—A rood *j . ~
lei cu per y«l . * - J e. oaky.
Atooruiug Prints—Several new style*, Britit, V ''
Ataertcan neat figure do. ,
. (besides many other desirable goods, at north.-.,
corner 4th and Market sib.
Rooin* up stairs.
t ACK GlKAltS—Smith,A Jourtson, 40 Market *tte\
U naro received one cirton of line English thr'ea.
ace and edgings; five canons loom made dm ten car*
ulw eouon do; one do of black silk lace; two do of'
b ock and white FVcneJi worked lacscMes; duo do of
black ph&nlilla veils; together with h lately of fancy
Erossds neus; black and edlored ktlkTeibTfor vdis:
coW and white wtk evening firesseti-J
DcaJcraand others will for their interest to ei
atbiuajliera before purchasing. in*»>
ft MV JEW lOJiy—i dor *•''*
EVVTe" KUiy—j h
!. t r \ “ silver C ' *'
*» ••* if” M v«i ’dfiaa KeWy
I*' B,e “‘ r "“' *'■»«« Itiiif (, Ear Riuri
ofolkar jownYry, at 8
i J '•• sil'lULi.oh' KlhiisHts'kJ,G7,ar aikttl v
K Morphy' bUT
O ra.'cised this ciominr hy Eiiitrsi, a lot of Vttrv
"TyktaiV “
- * ■> ~ coa»m;ii?rcf Roid «na f 9 s
'•eh*m»» ruigvbT'H’niaar'
v k 4 i^f’. ( rf r ? ul B**«HiceU&>locket»,.bnckl,ea > ilide* T £n,,
ctud caitca, fruitYnlvf?'
•Ijield*, pencil*, W Q caei ; -*ii6c4 tooth Vhi *£ Wekll'
*' 5 ’^wwwttsoS:”’
dae| . .. .. . • S7maikert4coMtiL-o.
-■ VIMTKS, ibc Otewauu PiS,
• WT lilnißi hu enhand a-fcnf *ety
hoadioiQß Changeable SiltVolte#,,very aoiiaMnJor'
Chrutaaa MMonis, which hßiaadbng'MKdoSS&i
-*** Abo, hamUorao Drew SJlirtaEd tJjuin*, rirperflne ‘
• new wyle Linen cambric *
T f
XJ mtuhn do; White and blaattiaeoUfiderueeretj do;
W* Bmhaw:i*taek do Veil#,* plain' french Wort
W** trimmed and onulm'd wandincjdo; erah’denff#
■ iaiiic* linen caia6rio iidkfcf cent* do'do <Jd;
• dpbra Ue*,head dre**ea v arUficfhV'&wtr».'bonnCT
. lab* and and for *aJe'-whOle
•ale and retail, by „ £J| BATON A Co,
dec fi ' 63 fourth tt
COAT ttnta
aasor'eiieloak Taaael*} grow figured *ilk Bind*
mcj.d dfedo mot)air do, JJdodo drab ooaida sdo drah
orertoat bottom: .40do fine eoai.bnitom; iSPlb* belt
ItahWbavihnt 40 do' do 'pit fch I Thread!' pad dim, ran..
■ ixra*«mh4etherTrunming% (as tiiiors’.cifi.eoratzmtiy,
oa hand. deed . FU BATOJtA-Cp
pßESirer 131; - “
— — - ii rT‘i ri^ !
• -is A;?rg
wHIS tube oalyjStramfcm'ofthi ■-•
•gdriTe/1ha 1 • magnofo ®W **' ■ ■
|c f s3&s»|':
,Viul»iliu&«;<ipilt4ifc «aEK£V **
Pf^^?flSSiniSm? mi!34;rWeC *“' P »?«d
übctcffSflorttß4nma?-■ .
sgfeaeEai^'Bgy^i l «
T®j >o{o ot» banarexpTMaly for ■'
awssMMa&aBHESN -
iAgSSS%aiai t •;
H*W 4 «]«TOMw,cMea.vA*m»nj!MUaaf»arSi7 .
AU^piieatioasforpenaiu mailb®madaioDrAddu -
'^SdSS^^ (^ffiSSMs2Si »‘> , w- w
ffiJSSf^SfesssSSS 1 -
i co;"w‘Uiiidlf‘' ; ’
mi tta, ollo»e«afp.o,fmAm «, t CHAS. M(Ms3FS r%
, |Bfa»«,J»ii.B,lB«. _ ~R&S2S? ia ' ! “i’''
: ei|
• ‘
> i iUv«nibi« T ,
i* ft - -
I , rtddffn ‘tnrtntf waturptoebj l
i 4
ffflM . , water. Ute croton water in N. YorkT
dear and pun, w theer* y£ -f
® ,v '
tf ■sSgsff. ■ ‘
•srithoaton*c«wing tho-Rltet:. ft iSo7no»aa*«2 t&J ,
rrflkMtoJ,^-• .♦• 1
■OCUtn; .- ,OingX<lf <Vmnt:»gll l&Thifil. - . ;i
I DUphngm, «ltefiTM-.a»dr»Bt Water* ,«
; -vT,,,: Uat Ihiveap! -
:; rtLs ■■"’
t«p" •• gj
JgySJSkSS®* -ean'to trteUHaSr- •
if would taulio im^rg^JS^ohS,. ll ” c "*l '
.aga&SaagSSaag; ■
Mnmcuu orVooul iSb!®Si!S wSe: ’
'r^>SOUsc«,Dt w lnn uud Filffif
ihto eare of a eoujrxiemPfruvtwn,. • •»-. *.*• “ tltoJer
la them6ra7^Sij t ttte.iwL- Br<!,W9^ WMitotf
Pnn^J.”s^* I JS7? T “' nt <~;*elrV*
foeral .tff jS^h^n^ Utu Y UiC^ cf
,e MSStf
F™ a> Sji , nH; mucttjrnr, 1 u u ' 1 '
*D kiJjditiJcse fcrickslmv* &*n»ce* o(~ ,
*' ''
do Jofiaaand Lcwiv J«- i,uii* -V 1 ? 1aod *»; l£> 1
SlowaidfiC ‘3 do UVw.clt «u,,c, j'bji •
: tSHSsS}»St,
FOirH>T.V J «- 7
■ .at TSfcAlFEi'^Tsiji,'SQ i^- ;ii-T J
•; Seal**. : llfl „• -..
and pffcr for «i& manoiictarf .
of iheinou improredcjak Floor wad CoamortEit!,,
aod’coalf. Egf(Bwr«« P? k %s3?Sc£S»2& v '?
cOmmoa Hallow?rio®» *i2«»;rpt.f 0 ;
whiduhey would
,lßc the .
JT Ogbaofiaiaß^SSSsrrs
W'icki > ‘Aj-.'t
ono WTm* Km?“£>® ■