- by MA6NEHC mEfe^Pfl. BfiPQBTKD^ ARRIVAL OFfiENERAL r PE Ovii'-.V . >■ Gcmi»l Tayior ajfiffcThcTe : received and Gu;*alo.by r “I;, . “Tv* MS- ~: T , -I ,r. . attACKLETT jfcWHITB -fIBEEN tale heeprrtrigit twflU jftACKum A T^rfe SUNDRIES-^ bbl.NolEsnl; 4ci>Nli2orjrM*e’ •*jJ'-ssaeki»Feathers;ldnOinsU,-i /h-> . ISAIAUPICSKY fc Co 'TirOOMW&OCKS-Wpreftrr ftr/aale br fV- .febtt ~ - TgAIAUpICKEy&Co BVtX ttjtfK AMD potmd* Hama :WdBfcoMtTijf®k'' ,l- “ l ' *fs? w ; ■' V^UWE&SEEI^I? ‘\j S3 btfrFesebe*,^ - •-fefair ■'T OAV SUGARS—Loaf iSujrai*, anoned "idjnuabenj <6l tale by- BAOAJTkV * SMITH U ftbU ■'■>'■■ ■’. -••■•. - ~I- • t f~i(>¥£ESrr\yi)i*%t prime green Rio Coffeei for ski* l \/:.&<• * LS WATERMAN,. ; •,•.•]; ... . 3l wstajand fi3front«c . eauybaxet V H, Imperi* -'jt tLGß3polwl«r*bdßlaekTeasJbr taleby LS WATERMAN SPICES— 35 ban Pepper, &do Abklee; lO bXs gj'i tapper, -8 do do AUpieej 40 mauTCutie, for tale by • fella - f LfIjWATEIIMAW '£r fTWBft AfiP BUCKfcre—lo dot Tact, large niic; 80 ‘ . fj fttffafti'fcrAiety febia lsTwaterman B~ UTTEB-r-? bOIt- SoU Botter, ]ajtVec , d and for tale hr , , v ; febl9 : '. LgWATKgSUN - t ARiW4t : bbfr -Wo i tm*t '-LartallC fcqn do do; is ' e■; - ÜBj WATERMAN Uod& steamer y'fehi? r “‘ 1 ‘ y ° I ‘° d “* “ilfe DALZELI,. 'fITVVaEDS—An ttxaorftofnrv o[ : neyt oyle.apriEj ' ? awoiunent of blick aad coated -•JC‘.’tbUtom3fld tawißff’»ilfe tad I V-}fa NUTS—3OO bn»b on hand and fer tile low 10 tcw-BEnrsoN;, , . : • "T;ißP^Mtso(ibl«Bi»iSicii>.U«wioiCT>ir*ih. , 13P5^^Ma8Ss , ‘ - i & /a*t leVdLnd for «a« fcy i? Cr. frbil. ABifitTEONQ & CRtiZEB : T> BO VISIONS—3O faMs 6u«u SkooWeis; 10 do do •Jr~HiJU'*f44>l*fafir«aMdDrf£d\Bees>J2 «dMllo AT eared in due cartel; la elcre end for nale .xj - - 1 r rlfiM SSdoIJDd 4o» No Tlwiitfef} for Mle iy r Icbl3 ' SELLERS A NICOLS ijj .-w~ H 50 bLU do Jo; fl Jo do No*>- -1 iinrtAit Sine rT. famtetad tot tnitsUf ,i-\ -‘^SELLHWIfcNICOLS^ u/ im aNIIS'UGAE—I4O Moles 'flX-«Slsdb'SdfMko°*e*k> < air io>riii» v Swtr.icuorevod forteleby / '■ • Lx» Urge Weston Tie urttc Cbrr*e, tlfi i'’\/ lijjdia* »-.l'tor iile tiy * —• y;- ~ ‘* ROBT DALZELLACo/liherry si irg l Ssg?^ , T“ BCC c _ 4 Ji VftSBBI A9PLES-® bU. item Applo, L»i|><- iuul « - !rt»H JM OIf.WOHTH *_Co ! .C iSJAfSTFUai— ilcSftlTaifciy Furr. lor bIMV-, CDMERCm RECOBD. t > A*» WkC.‘ San' gob •'-TKatPAHV. 1 v jj(|irrT rises. seU. U Monday, ? \ ?• *; **»•: ;■ —ry«* o » ‘ 'a at IS IS 10/yrtdsy.r q & . BOA2UT OMRADK ' ;T : x COMUr^PEE-FOKTEHftI/ARY. ‘ . s. caaio.T-:'- v ! ;~w i , nisxvL-C- •■rwat.-m.aruaput ! • • Opwcu Prmroatnr, GAzrrrs, T . ■ •-.vir..? ; Satawsy Morning, February . Mituactjouofyesterday, we bave nothmgAew.io notice in the market Every tjunjf vaajjaiet, and quotatioaageDemlly present* <&nb important changefrom car last report. ’ iaTO had no arrivals by nver, and snpphes.bayirmateriaUy foj!«n oft. We .don* sales' from, atom m d small way. at generaliy ..GRAIN—-The market is inactive, with no change from last quoiatious. SODA ASir—Farther sales oi lOand fiaski at 310,4 mos." ... GROCERIES—The market i* geuerally with out change. Sales ; !2 bbds primr old N O *«gar at .3}c pßi and 7 hhda fair at 4j. 4 too*. Sale of 50, bbla tnolascM in tot at 2Sce gali. For Rio codee there is a lair steady thjaan J at 11071 c for a fair article. Of ioaf atutar, sales in limited iota at S 0 10c,a* !n unalijy. Sales urHYr* at 4104)c per poum) BACCN—iUIea of 8000 lbs western cored io three lots al tj, f«, and 6| for ahmitden, sides ao*d hams. LARD—We quote No lin bbls at Of, and iu kegs at 6061 c w Ot, with small sales. BUTTER—Sates of 2 bbls rull al 12c, and of 5 •ibis at 11011(0 W®* Of keg butter we note reg. ular sales at SKSSI, and 9c p lb. DRIED FRUIT—Salea of 70 bu of peaches at w bu. - Sale of 20 bu apples at 60c bu. COTTON YARNS—-Salei of 75. bags assorted Nos. at 14c w Bl FEATHERS—SaIes iu regular limited lots at 3203.7 c <»•&. SEEDS—The market for all kinds is dull, and sale® are confined to limited lots at the following rales: Clover. timothy and 6ax seed-at 95c p bu. SOAP—We quote farther sales of rosin at 4JO 4(,0f variegated al lOio-w ft. CANDLES—SaIeaof dipped at 10|, mould at 9c, and star candles a* 2le w ft. TALLOW We quote 7071 for rendered, with light sales. BROOMS—With moderate supplies, ve note amall tales at prices ranging from $1,25 to 2,25 y dozen. BUCKETS AND TUBS—Regular sales of buckets at 2,25, and of tuba, large rite, at £9 per doxea. New York, Feb. U, 1549. D&t GoonsTradb— I The following is the move* meat of Dry Goods al New York for $e past week: Imports. Em. Warebonsa. Wubd’o Woollens, Cottons, 633,021 40,411 50,524 Silks, 571419 30,720 45A64 Linens, 17,232 4J255 Mtace&aneons, 6,86t 6,718 sl^lB^s6 $173,760 $1284188 Philadelphia, Feb. 12,1849. Coat>—The following is the quantity of Coa transported over the different Raihoads in Schnyt* kfll county, for the week ending Thursday even* tag, Feb. 8,1849: Week. Total. Mine Hill and S-Harenßß, 1,69113 18,765 47 liUteSchnylhiU Railroad, 1,262 07 9,456 16 Mill Creek Railroad, 1,69 S 15 10,635 OS Monht Carbon Railroad, t ,666 13 7,697 00 Schnylldll Valley do . . n - 4,443 09 Mt Cart»n Sc Pi Carbon do 2,553 05 13.908 00 Ftnpp and Gaost—Among othrr Bills now be* fore the Legislature of this are several hav ing some bearing on the gristing Inspection Law* of the Commonwealth. It is our intention, at some fotnre period to dwell npon the practical operation of the several amendments, as they may chance to affect the business of our aity—meantime, the following official account of the receipts of cer> lain, articles at Philadelphia darieg '4be year, may not be nnialereriing to onr mercantile rea ders: 5 floor, bbls. Grain, bo. Colombia Railroad, 222,484 864,421 Eastern Div. Penna. Canal 107,797 39,068 Che*. Sc Del Canal, . 45,009 091,006 Navigation, 205,893 Total, <93,250 1,711,006 ' In -Addition to which, a ronaiderebfe quantity c£ Flour, and immense'quantities of Wheat, Corn and Oats, arOanmiatty received at this market in sailing vessels from Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, New Jersey, and New York, the quantities of which, under existing laws, it is impossible cur* rectly to lnq. lacnvsTATion is Snuff Eoilexs. —M. Cave, the eminent French engineer, announces that be has ascertained, that a QQnber of small oak blocks, thrown Into meam boilers, baa the cfleet of com pletely preventing incrustation, and that it n suffi cient to renew them tbotrgffoce a fortnight. If thin be true, and we hope it i£~a is certainty a v«* Tf valuable «ml important dismjreryv ' Xus filixwatrax—We have learned of an iseK dent connected with the sinking of this boat, which is really touching. When Copt Krickmao saw that the was .going down rapidly, and that there was no way of preventing the disaster, his first endeavor was to save his son, n yoolb of some seven year-s old —bnt on searching the cabin, be could not be found. There was a moment of sg« ony'which only a parent can feel, when, after re* pealed calls- and no answer, the fab*? was com* pelM to save his own life by plunging into the tey (dream,.with the only hope of swimming to ipor«g this he did as did also five others; but ere he had gained an hundred yards be turned and gave.one law call, as be supposed to his child-7 the boy heard the cry--being with several other per* sons on an immense cake of ice, floating down the stream, and anawerred his parent’s call. “Fare well D? aon,"exclaimed lie father. “Goodbye, father,” screamed the child; and both were ce/uin that they had parted finpver—but it was not solo be. They did meet again to a few hours afterward on store, safe and sound—with what feelmgs may be bolter imagined than described. It is almost a auricle that ail, both they who took to the water, and those who trusted to the ice, ibonld have es caped death—(St. Louis Uoiqs. FOBBAXE. THE subscriber offers for sale, on accommodating terms, his Grist and Saw Mill*, together with about 43 acres of Land, situate on the Pinny fork braachef Peter's creek, Snowden township, AUejhe -uy county. 18mflesfrom Pittsburgh and, .three" miles from, ins liooanguiela river. The mills have a good waterpower, and the fftfrt mill has also itr it a steam engine, nearly new, oLsoffirlent power to drive two ran of bum, andeontains one poire/ four feet burrs, and one pair country stones, both of good quaijty, with the necessary. bolts, screen, smut machine, Ac. . There is also connected with tbs property, 4 acres of coal, and convenient to the mill. For particulars, inquire of the subscriber on the premises. 7cbH-dAwUtT -t ALEX. MILLER. FOa SAUI OB BEST, BEFORSHhe Ist of April next—A small FARM of 20 acres and 79 perahas. in Hancock county, on the Ohio river, opposite 'WsUsviils, and adjacent to the naw town of Hamilton. toe property, from its lo cation «nd qualities, is very desirable for ppiemjig and other purposes; and wjll likely become a pan of -Hamilton, as the location of boriness pontes or foeio rtes. It has a stmsrior stone quarry, and most proba bty a nod coal bank. The premises are in good re pur* with suitable houses’for one or more families, -..“ferto Anattroiif A Cnzcz, No. W Market street, Puubnreh; and for terms ImiB&o of Geo. B. Jphnstoo ***»*» JobnS. MctamrityWellrrille. 0., oy the snb “"febiSdcKlS' TUOUAS T. MAGJLL. _oL‘ Prspsrty tor Sale. vpm anderslgned offer for J nie the valoabla proper- X tyknownMCottcertHanjsitaaiedonPenn street, having a front on Penn street of U!0 feet, 3 runaing back ICO l&i 10 al2 feet alley, on which U erected a very large brick dwelling boose, the mam hwldingiroai of two stories* with vring* one *.®2 ft?? 1 * **•* re4r building three su»- The bunding is very convenient and well adapid for a ttwerdrextensive Boarding House. It U now occupied by Mf . Christie as a Hotel. Foe. terms, apply to JOHNCRaBAM, or »„ feblS-lm JOHN If. PBKBJ&H, j Executors. . ' . For Bata* ’’JbnA X BEAUTIFULFamiIy with two Bgaacretoffround. la Sewfeifey, netriheOfoo Jgil&river. Iris situated within a few rods of dut Edgeworth and but'a»h; U/w SfV'J W WFXDIN ; fcbisgja ’ A 4 iob.tlpo fc 1 , ; TO I*KT, ' fnrh - The AUtentFunt Saloon and Bathing ffitfAul* ' Of went. Also, the Store Boom and Cellafe, St)- sBS*Kj3 VVood sweet, below Poe fib, beingooe of the best stands In the city for business of any description. Appiy.at No.fqWoodet. _ febii.|Dfli hK xO LET—A two story brick Dwelling Honsr fe&lS r “ reC Golden ttj rap; eotisliutiy.oa hied and for sale by , ; .JAMRjJArHDTCmSONACo, tecta ; Wti iu7 St laßßii SttUD Sugar fisfinriy T. 35fcbi* do; instore and for - - --febj s - -JaSDaL2ELL PORTOF PITTSBDRIiH. „^tRRiVED, I Beaver, Chirk, Beaver. Lake Erie,■Garden, Beaver. DEPARTED - Lake Erie, Gordon, Beaver. ’’ There were 4 feet 0 inches water in channel by metal mark, last evening at dnsk t and foiling. BOATS LEAVING THIS DAY St. Lonis—Mt Vernon. Louisville—Fort Pitt. The l*as»- Newton wa* biwed up from the rail, way last evening, and will leave for Cincinnati io„ morrow. The steamer Hadron hS for Fort Smith, Arksn-* sas, on Thursday aHercoon; after proceeding some few miles down, returned again, To aurit the issue o! the weather. The »tetuuers North River, Capt. Desn, and Tlglioni, Capt. Coles, were advertised to leave New Orleans for PilUburgb, on the Olh iusl. IMPORTS BY RtVKR, 717i«/i»r^—per James N^son—so bbls apples, Crum Sc McGreu*; 23 do rtdur, D Leech Sc eo; 4 bgs peaches, G B Miltenlierger; 10 bbls ImUer, Armstrong Sc Crozer; 281 pcsimork, Church Sc Ca*. rothers; 218 do do, J Dalzd%lol bbls molassea I Brown Sc Culbertson; 98 do 3b, Bnrbridge, Wilson m co. 3 bbls lard, R Dalzell Sc co: 100 reams pa. per,SC Hill. MISCELLANEOUS. CLOTHING, AT THE United State* WUOLE&ALK CLOTOtKG WABEBOUBB, LEWIS * HANFORD, No*. ‘iSi aud 450 Psaol srasEi, Fulion sireet and Barling Slip.) NEW YORK, Hava o.r uabd rot Laaomr sssoanitvT or CLOTHING M TRfc UNITED STATES u» rat Ajnicur or BRIRTB AND DRAWERS, We keep an endlets variety ALSO IMS HOST IXTEMUVE niMJTACruKXti OX OIL CLOTHING aim COVERED HATS in the World. PLAIN AND FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, Of ail kind*. LEWIS ft UANTORD, _ftbS-dSmauw No*. g£a and 250 Pearl *l, N. y. PHILADELPHIA IMPORTATIONS, ~ AT LOWEST received, Pant Fan* ' of latest tty let, Percussion Caps, Teeth Brushes, German Slatet and Pencils, Preoeh Perfumery ana Druggists vtielet, with the most extensive variety of Fancy Goods in the city. Dealers are invited to an early examination be lore purchasing their supplies, at the goods will bn offered at the lowest importation rates. WM. TILLER, importer, ’ No I Commerce it, Phils. jail-dfl weed poii ba£e. A FARM situate on the N. W. tank of the Ohio riv er, time miles-below Pittsburgh, contatniag 228 erre>, taw the property ot John M. Hood, deceased, and known as “Sale Landing n Reference to David Hood, on the premises: Wm M Davis. Allegheny, and the undersigned in the city of Philadelphia, tebl-grneod CHARt.ra GILPIN TO OAttlFOßSniAi FBOS BT. LOUU. TUB subscriber is now preparing to convey a large party by the overland mate to California. Per sons who w ish to go in a cheap and comfortable man ner. may have the opportunity with this, party, who will all be carried through, furnished with good pro visions. for the low eJmrgoofilTOearh. The quanti ty of baggage to each Blurt not exceed 1W lbs weight. Will depart from St. tarol* about the doth of March A remittance of $3O will secure a conveyance. fcbl»Uaeod2p a COBWIX, Main st, St-Loais PREBB PUBS TKAI, Wholesale and retail, at the PEKIN TEA STORE, 70 Fourth street, near Wood. Pittsburgh.—The subscriber having just returned from New York, u now receiving a large fall aapply of fresh GREEN AND BLACK TEAS, from the New York Pekin Tea Company, selectee with gieat care for retail sales. Oor stock beieg noir heavy we are pre pared to supply Grocers, Hotels, Steamboats and iW llies with any quantity and at any price they may wish; paekeu tu i, 1 and l pound packages, & tb. tin canis ters, 6 and 13 tb catty boxes, and in half chests. Retail Grocers are uivited to «fhU, ■« we can and will sell better Teas at lower prices than any other house in Pittsburgh. Otrr stock of hue Young Hyson, Gunpowder, and In pcrialGreen, and Oolong Blark Tea* are the best in the American market double refined Loaf, Crushed, and Pul vc nzed Sovary, at retail, or by the barrel. COFFEES—Mocha, Old Gov. Java, Laguira, St Do» mfugo aud Rio Codieea, selected by the iooii expenen ced coffee Broker in New York. Sweet Spieed Chocolate, pickled Cucumbers and Onions, Fnrsb Peaehea, pat up in tbetr own juiray Malaga Raisins; in 3 lb boxes. N. B.—All Dr. D. Jayne’s Family Medicines for «ale. derU-dkwS _ A. JAYNES. ParUisrihlp Notice. THOMAS KENNEDY, Jr., corner of Wood and lih street*, has this day associated with Luu to tW Ixadtinv Ul»»* and Variety business, Mr JOHN M. SAWYER, of Marietta, Uluo. Bif firm hereafter wilt m Kxsaxsr wjjatrixn. January 1, ls4tf. THMUA U93KOY, JR. JOU *. R&Wjnt KKSSBDV * IAWYERt LOOKING GLASS Mamtfaetarers, and Wholesale dealers in foreign asd domestic Variety Goods. Wesiera meiebanu, Pedlars and others are mriied to cait and examine the prices and quality ofoar stock, as with our present increased facilities in manaCsclor ing and purchasing, we think we can offer as great inducements to boyers as any other house west of the Mountains. __ _ JH WELLCCiMfcTS PREMIUM' FIRE PBOOF # CEMENT.—The Proprietor would respectfully inform the public that be has now the satisfaction to offer them a Cement, wtueh will weld, beautilaily'and durably, all articles of China, Earthen and Glassware, Shades, Ornaments, Marble, Ivory, Ac , without dis figuring them in the feast; rendering them as useul for any purpose.whatever us they were before broken, and not atferied by heat, water or air. This Cement u nut weakened in the least when tub jseted in a strong drv boat, or when immersed in hot water. 7*be public have long «mee felt ihe oecessity of such axr article, and ui this their expectations will be fully rcsiired. as 11 is applied witboot heat and can be used by a\child. subscriber has fully tested thu articfel- For. sale by W W WILSON, ja2U _ _ corner market trad 4th tu T/OR GENTLEMEN.—W. H. Mvsvav has reeently A* received a tynber supply of Geotiepieu’s Fancy C&AVaTS, including some very handsome. Aisd, black Italian Cravau, several qualities, and including tome superior. Aim, gents Linen Cambric Handker chiefs, plain and with colored mper Silk do; Undershirts and Drawers, merino, silk and eotlon, some of the former extra «ixa. Especial attention ts aaked to hu stock of French Broadeiotha and Casst. marea, of (he latter plain and fancy; Velvet and Satin Vcsuugi, Ac. At northeast corner. 4th and Market atrecta. _____ )c» OifBTKttSI OYBTEBBIt I?RE9H FROM THE SHELL—By Burke A Co’s . Fast Express, at reduced prieea.—To accommo date all lovera ofinte delicious foxnry, BURKE ft Co. have resolved Ui supply the people regularly through out the season, with the choicest Fresh Oysters in cans, half cans and shell, at toeh reduced prices as will enable every fpjajiy fo enjoy this delicacy at their tables. An Express load will be received daity at the ware house of JNO C. BIDWELL, Water tfreii, between Btuilhfield and Grant, and for tale Iheie, and at\be fol lowing depots: Reis ft Berger, corner dmilhfield and 3d Ail E Heaxleton, Diamond; A Hoevier. Penn si, Sib Waru; D Haaghey, foot of Ltberty *1; J Colton, Jr., Penn’a Avenue;'Mercer ft Robinson, Allegheny city, novfl* OBW YORK AHD BOSTON PIANOS. ~ 'JOHN H. MKLI.O&, No fcl Wood street fait received invoice* oi a large supply of Piano Fort** fro® the cere (l V | Jlbrated manufactory oi t tuckering, Boston, to arrive in a few (fays, of which doe notice will be eivciF, varying in price Irorn SV7b to 87Wi Alto from the manufactories of H Worcester, and Bacon 4 Raven, New Vork, a handsome assortment of 8, and-6} octave Piano Fortes, rosewood and mahogany coses, of the most elegant description, and with all ih* lire improvements. ilia above, in adflifigh to'be ttoek on hand, will make tbe target! and mot! desirable selection ever offered fur sale in this city, and will ba told in atl pates at manufacturers prices r on accommodating term*, and a written guarantee given with every Piano Forte told JOHN H. HELLO R, Sole Agem for the vale of Chickering's Piano Forte*, Car Western Pennsylvania. decay T'IFE OinPIGSNICCIN, —io i-our»c of I i publication in the social form, tiy Harper & Bro then, sew York, The life of Benjamin Franklin, coa ming of bia and a narrative of hi* politic life and service*, by tie Rev. il. Hastings Weld; splendidly embellished by numerous exquisitedesigns, by John U. Chapman, engraved in the highest style of art The work is printed in the oetevo form,-oa sd perfine paper, from Void and legible type. It will be completed in eight puts, at 2H cents each, and issued el brief intervals. Each part will be received by ex press immediately after its publicanon. Fait Ist juti raceivcd and tor tale by JOHNKTON k KTUCBTG2.', ja-i-'i corner market uud 3d su Ofict of American A Forclvu Patent* JAMEH-OBEKNOUOH, of the late firm of Keller A Greenougb, Continues the bauness of Cousultiri* Engineer ana Patent Attorney, at hi* office in the city of WASHINGTON. He may he commit**! and cm pfoyrdin making examination* in ruitetiinery in the Patent Ojkre an a elsewhere, in furnishing Jrawiof* and speiuficalitro* of machine*, and ail paper* necessa ry transfer, defend, rt'-Usae or extend letter* patent In lie United States or Bttbpe. He can alia be consult ed professionally on all quesfionvof*litigation ana* liw under the Patent lJw, and Will «rn« oiiea tiooi before ihe Paieitl U fibre or an appeal therefrom, tor which his lone experience In the Patent Office and in' hi* orofosnlcn, have peculiarly imed him. The pro- S«nofisnffl&ipV ® l*ie. Hr..'»'■ f* I°"*' h S" a * been placed in bw hands, «tt liter# m relauon lb -rein abonld be addressed to bUO pdst paid- Bp^2^vAwtJiO_H Mnspratt dfe'Sena* BodmAnb, fPiIE subscriber* arr now receiving their Pall stock 1 of lb* above article, three vessels, viasjh* Jumatn, Medailioa and Lydia, bavin* arrived at Philadelphia and Baltimore, and two morr, the Stephen Ualdwiu add. LeUs.'lhorbY expected; they are, therefore, prepared to receive order* They pill receive during the win "e“l,r “-Sr.TtefcfflßS™ 100 PEB CENT BAYED! OPPOSITION HOUSE. ritllE VIBOLNIA HOTEL,on Baltimore street, near 1 the Depot, Cumberland, is now in complete order for the reception and oeeomtuodaiion of the public, >» search of ease and comfort, will do well to/patra/jad this establishment—they will find the chamber* clean add the Tabje as well *4 r * ftiabed as any in Cumberland, at twenty-live veins, guaranteed as good as any tint can be had n> u»e place, at ahy'price, or no ebarge. No charge (or traosporuuonoi baggage to and from the care, jal&dim - WASHINGTON EVANS. OKO. W. BMXTn * CO„ I HrfJßil their friends and the public thiuheyhava A m>lpo£»r any ctuulection with their late establish* utetHln Penn rtjeet, knows a* Urn Pittsburgh Hrewety, having removed their entire business u tnr roij i BREWEHV,iaPitt*stra«. aylM >s PEACHES— fßOCush dned Pesehc*, in ' , aelM and bbL.m rthre and \yaTEBMAN •• 'I LOCAL MATTERS. * - BSFOITKD FOX THX FITRaUtOH XUU,? 4 42^TTS ' Gxiirotin*«xr~A company of young New York city, ore- now On board the steamboat, Hudson, tying-ist the poinj. They ere botind for California, via Fort Smith-'and the Arkansas river. They flatted om oo 'fhursday evening, bnt not being able to get below Long Island, oo account of (be ice, they were obliged to return; An eqnalnnojber of as healthy, One looking men are seldom seen together, and withal, they ate gentlemen of agreeable manners and 4utch in* telligenee. They go well provided with every thing necessary la render ibqir journey comfortable and have expended aboatlbree thousand dollar*: in supplies at this place. They expect reveral others to join them at Cincinnati. The «roaipsny is called the ‘Knickerbocker Exploring Company,’ and i« under command of the following-officers J. A. Ebbstb, Captaio. Or H. Rfcaxx, Lieut. A. A. Vax Gctzm, Lieut. Javts P. Baxx, Secretary. Ma.tox’* Ofrics.*~Ye»ierday morning there wai nothing oat of tt|e ordinary routine of police reports to relieve the njonotury of his Honor's court. Six eases under the stale old charges of drunk* enneax and vagrancy were brought up; live of whom were sent jo the hill* u^oaxiiAs.—‘Night after night Philo the tllile of car city, who rush ilaets the riblbiuoo u| these Brewxr’.s P Hall is filled wil in crowds iu To night lathe in this city, unti l ed ibem will do value a good seat Next week the j Hall, AUe’gheny (i Inal tirae Ibey. will be exhibited tu»e who have oot already visit w'ell to be there la utne, it they &ru to be exhibited at Quincy 'Fir* m Ai. i a»r.—A fire occured yesterday t acery store, kept by a Negro, on tact and Federal atreeta, Aliegbe. /discovered io lime to arrest its serious damage had been done. morning, in a Gi the corner of ay City. It waa/< progress, before L Tint wxathi i yesterday, would have done boo fland winter. There has not been efore, within the memory of the or to a New En a* cold a day ‘‘oldest inhabit* Gcri. NATCTauxi.no?!.—lt bavmg-.been slated ,ihit Gin. Shields was inteligibllejo the United States Semite, because he had not been nat uralized a sufijciem length of time, a correspon dent of the St. Louis Republican.oflersthe following facts ' i &‘General Shiilds was a lad when he came to this country with his father—end his father having been naturalized, helwea, by the same means, natttrali *ed himself, Some ten yeare ago, when there was a revolution projected in Canada, Shields thhn a yoong and ardefct spirit, while traveling the dread With a certain Judge, expressed a Jeiirminatioo to join the Palnotsl The Juge told him, if he should do. so, aud was caught bytho British, unless he was it might prove a hanging business for him, and adnised him to be naturalised. He did so; not that be considered it necessary to ren der himeligil*le)toall the privdegesthnt are extend ed to citizens of foreign birth, lot because he thought it might'be of service to him, if, by the for tunes ofwar, he should foil Into the hands of the British, io his proposed visit to Canada.’ RBC£PTIOS OP ZACHARY TAYLOR, PRESIDENT ELECT OF THK V STATES, Programme! Company of Cavalry, id advsiu-r \Vbitk's Basis Baud. THE PRESIDENT ELECT, And th* Mayors Jf Pittsburgh and AlfogUrny mi a. r»r nags drawn by four wfaitr horses. The Presidential El of lore of Pennsylvania The Select and Common Councils of the euiet of Piu*- burgh sod Allegheny and surrounding Boroughs. The different Engine and liou Companies of the two cine* and rieiuily io uniform, arranged m the order and position as fn Firemen*! parade, nnder duertiun of Assistant Marshal Wo. U. Edgar. The Military Companies, under lominand of Col W.tllsek. The citizens otlAllegbeny sod unrounding counties, are requested to join in the procession without dittiue tion of party. BObTK UF PROCESSION. From ibe Motionrahela wharf, ap to Scauhfleid x IO l.tbeny *l, up Liberty «i to Ueehanie st, akrng Me chanie si to Peon st, down Peon «i to Marbury si, up Marhary m u> Utterly si, up Übery »i to Foanhst, u, Foarth to Wood it, down Wood to Water it, up Wa ter si to the Monubgabela Uouse. Tbe Assistant Marshals wiU appear on horseback, in nut*o* dress, bias scarf and baton, with the excep tion of Ibe aids, who will wear rad scarfs. The tallowing Assistant Marshal* will act a* aid-* to the Chief Marshal Manri<«Q£feti*', Charles U ftcolly, Edward Cregg, Wet. J. Howard, Jr r Wm. Bell, Jr. The approach of the steamers remaining the Presi dent elect sad «loaunmceaj»f Reception, will b- an- Auuured by Ibe bring of a ran son stationed on Coal Hilt. Tt»r firing wjil I* tout ap daring the pruc-csioa Will. LARIMER, Jr. Ooef Marsbal tew COUNTY. \ Pittsburgh, Allegheny City ant) y, opposed to the incorporation, or County in the proposed New leJ dtonongahela, ore earnestly tt invihe New Conn House, on If next, at 10 o’clock, jergctic aufioo is desired, that the if. the cuunly may be prevented Sty. The edirena of Allegheny Cantus any part of oar) Co only to be coil requested to cbm Saturday morning Prompt and enj* dismemberment FnaL’sxT, 14, Kubioson & Alii, rolhrrs £ Co; Colt k Co. Juges UUUI Matthews & Co, CindlrM, Z CirU Rafam, J Kidd A C > Wolfe, W U Maei ( lID Kior Junei I Oeorge Kurtane, C t Mackey, T J Jonr , A Seij««ni, M’Co 1 Rippey, W 0 Leal * Fnind, C W Oott B#Xter, H Nixon, , MegUl, Joseph 8c 1 Bonn ilifup, Dar Coyle, Michael Di a Backraaster.Kay . A Jaynes, Wn & i Murphy, Wilson k < Sinclair, D N Win i Andre - *’ White, J j Bogeys, John Forr Tbomai hl’Kce, jo Benjamin ulydc, I ■ D ntisinuaons A S 3 ben, John M'.Mlll 1 llerro*. flartnar D Jared M Dnub, Da t well, Joseph Bark gan, Jao Layton, \ Sam'l We ker, J j mer, J W Lewis, • Perkins, N Holmes i *; l-yoa, Sholb ft C«; Cbaich. C» : man, Heilpan A Co, Caddy, Jones I an; Bttrbruln, Wilson ft Co; (they, 3raff, J,isd»sy It Co; Wick k Mr ti, JS Dilwofth ft Co, Kramer ft >, Wm A Kill, Geo Kennedy, Hear}' «y, John Drvereaux. Wm Bradford, Part, Jr. ft Co, Wm T Shannon, eft U Phetp*, R H Manley, K ft W , A M Uanit, John Hhipion, John d ft Co, M'Curdy ft I.oomi*. O 11 e, R King, David D Brace, Wm C Geo Avery. J 8 Jd'Cardy, Ju W A TJAger, John T Jacob, Thoma* Ist, John Scou, W J Howard. Jr. vid Wilson. Alex M Walton, John n Magehan. Alexander H Killer, N • Co, K F smith, Alex Bichardaoo, art*, J G U'Vay, Ws 'Coartney, : Co, Whitmore ft Wolf, Smith ft a. Cooper ft Lavely, J P Kauffman, l mn Kennedy, Geo W Kahn, U J * lb, Jokn Cartwright, Geo Breed; > I Mohler. M'Candles* ft Campbell, a B Tebbetu, Richard U'Canhey, ! jp*. J A Fjttaimmons, Henry Lam m, John Hal!, RE Seller*, John 1 noy, Che* Rowan. Sam’l M’Kelw, rid Holtz, Wm Porayth, Ja* Criv r, Jacob fiebhart, Br, James Lo lVm L Adam*, -David M*Clelland, Ekin, Dan'l M*Curdy, Sam'i -Pal* Vm Benton, James Gonnley, W Jr, Wm Wood*. 'ttsnror Teiio*.—The Military out this end the Adjoining coanties, rtaeni prencrelly of the cities end tfnlly requeued to held themselves . the procession. m welcoming the be city of Pitubargh. Dae nonce day end time of us errivsL By nee of Procession. Rtccroofl or I Companie* througl ( Hid tjje' Fire Ueper vicinity, >fa rfctpec t * reedy*' «o join ii. Ptetmeot eiect to i b will be riven of lh< order of the Commit fobltl MOR 10 AN ROBERTSON, Chairmen. ATTEST la accordance » President of the from Committees sr tut raid parpowi, 11 Uus cuy nod ricuui nd, in honor oi the deal elect of the' maimer to eomribai coming that dutlng Beeped. jTlOar, FIREHEB! *ith requests addretied to me, u fumnens’ AjßocUtion of this city, ißpointed by two several raceting* lieg leave to request the Firemen of jty to iola in tbeProcrasion propos- Irrival of General Tatlor, Preei- Jnited States, and in til Bailable jtato the public demonstnuou, wel r llshed ciuzea amaogst as. hUy.Ac, K.& NEAL he Beaton, I woold suggest that the ’ thout their apparatus. E. S. N. y 8 —Owing to Firciocn parade w wbii c YVe wo aid roll attention to »ty for CoOHhs, Cold*, Consumption, i rectioa* 01 the Throat and Lunya t< ■ within a fewjrean past bad occa* enc of this kind, wc ha re.by expert « Hen! qualities, olid are prepared to i there. Ministers or other public with bronchial aflectionawul timi iis use.' It i* prepared by.a scieuu i )1 classes will find it a sate and em it the diseases for which it ta re h imbus {Ohio) Cross and Journal, t kin Tea Store, No. 70 Fourth street J* Tire's Exescrc ibi* riceilem rent* Asthma, and alt a Having several win •ion to use a medic ence tested it* exec recommend it to < speakers afflicted Sreat beneljj from I e phyqcian, andi cacioua njedjcine corameDdeiL—^Col For said at the Ft m jriS Ns Mortal is 8 aiAgaa’ Vaxaiycux. booth Piusborgb, Jan. Duth, 184« Ilf. JL E. Sellen —I purchased cue vjaJ of your Ver taifage, and gave i >y puy, aged 4 yeaiSr twoood a hall teaspitfocsful, in [hi i space of fonr nour*, add tlie tesuit was, an enormous discharge of worms of a large sire. Previous to giving your Veriwfltge, I had tried Dr M’- Lane'a and Dr Ja r/je'», without any eoodeffeet Vonrs,Ac ~' UEOKGEHiIUfyK. Prepared and *« td by R. li HELLERS, A? Wood ct‘J ID" Worms, l*y their IrnUUon, augment Ihe secre lion of mucus or slime in'the stomach, in which, all so, they involve themselves; and it is said they feed upon it, and if deprived of it they die. The celebrated Vermifuge prepared by B. A. FAHNESTOCK, Pittsburgh, h admirably adapted in iu operation; first, to remove the proiecung mucus, and secondly, to e£pfl the worpit rendered helpless and tettdej by be ing thus denuaed. hi* a tcfoduy in which cvejy con fidence cCu tie placed; and that u hi* answered the parpote i* manifest from the hundred* of certificates given in us favor ,jci ' IT r Dnnnu a the bane of many a man’s exist* ence. No tongue can-describe the suffering* caused by this distressing disease It unfits mao for his sta tion in life, whatever it may be, add makes hit? feel as though he weald rather not exist than endure such t»j*enr. Yet these sufferings are produced lit the first place by derangement of tUe stexnach, and if this were rdkt by tiding u.' A. Fahnestock's Anti*Bil|ous Fills, Ihe bowels would- be cleansed, the accumulation of bile carried ofcaad a speedy and sure relief oUdincd. Prepared and told by & A. FAHNESTOCK. A Co corner tn and wood,'sdso earner Gth and wood »i*. v ocua .. . -TRANSPORTATION kc. . JMhgham l * Express ; Wa£an Line, -to «>o» - '""OTiTSBUBGH -AND PHILADELPHIA, 1 via cruastsKsetott. TIME FIVE DATS—Running Day and Night!—A Csf will leave Philadelphia daily with the Mail Train to Ctaaiubenbargh; a Wagon wil! leave on its arrival! nnd having relays of horses running day and night, ilecures the certain arrival ot roods ilk Five Daysl ]No more Goods will be received than can bo loaded bp each day, so that no delay willoccar. We will be prepared to forward GOOO IPs daily. Apply to WM. BINGHAM, 1 Canal Bashr, Pittsburgh. - - BINGHAMS A DOCK. dectSUOm No 270 Market street Pbfl-'l*. ECLIPSE TIIAKSPOHTATION LINE. j&L 1848 - mm SHIPPERS und others arc informed, that this Line ronUuaes to run daily. Produce ohd merchondire receipted for by FIVE DAY LINE and regolur wag ons, at low.rates and specified lime. J C BIDWPXL. Pittsburgh; novM . ROBINSON A BOEHM, Baltimore. E XPK£ 88WAU OSUSK, PlUibargh and PblladelbhU, (vu cnanasußtrao.) r TIMK FfVKDAYB—RUNNING DAV AINDNIORT. n>UE nublir are respectfully informed that this Line X will: commence runuinj on the 27i hi iutu. A ear will leave Philadelphia daily with the Mail Tram to Cliaxnber#E»dru, and from ihence hy Wagon, with ■ relay of Uor«e«, running day and nfebt.f »Ve will be prepared to forward GUOO |ha. freight daJjy. Apply to D LEECH A Co, pldkbaren, or Harris a leech, noviOj j No 13 Sunth Third Street, Philadelphia. PIOHBKR TRANSPORTATION USB, ate«iB4B.aLiai BETWEEN BALTIMORE AND PITTSBURGH. (LT Tune, 5 day*. -QJ \ Merchandise uanaported at Canal rate*. FORSYTH A DUNCAN, AgenU, Water atxeet, Pituburgh. FHAILKY A MARSHALL, Acenu, °ovl7 17 Lt«bt treat, 1 Baltimore. BtiaitE ft CO'S VAST EXPSESH . ryr' iir ," w W" rafgaeci FOB CUMBERLAND, BALTIMORE,; AND THE EASTERN CITIES. ! THE Proprietor* of this line have-put on New Slock, and are prepared u> forward packages of all de scriptions duly, at the lowest rate*. I J C. BIDWEIX. Agent, Water street, Pittstmrgh. ROBINSON & BOEHM, oct3l >3 S&mh Charles m,|Baltimore PEBJSA. ABD OHIO WAOOB JiIKE, j |o Aia non PriTSßUiu H AND PUILADEL! TjHR, 6d, 5 —BD.tStKB DAT AKD N THIS Line mivt receipting for COQO per day, *( i ph Consulting lO(U>e*n & Cooni : Patfntecai tur and dafcadinj Painni utcbamcs and uae ajrplti , ahd on American and I' Office for proem information on eoce to foe An of Patent*. , PROF. WALTER B. JOfINSON, uir of PhUadel pluSf and . C KOBRINS of Washington city, (lobe aided by 1 azord Know leu, E»q . lata Machineit ot the. United & ales Patent Office,} bavJ associated themselves nogrther for the prosecution oj the sbore branches of pro! -siional business, euhe> iii then office, at the Patent Ot ice. or before the Court*, font will dr sole ihcu undivided attention io forwarding the uijer e*t of Inventor* tnd other* who may conkuli them ox place business o their hand*. Mr KnoWlea has for the past cwrlv* held the post of Machines! io the United States Pi tent Office, aiul resigns that nutation take pan in tie prcieut undertaking Iln utieois and peculiar fitnpu for the unporuutt office so long LIU ed by him, have been faUy recognised by Inventors whereve) the oa :e itself is known. The office ot 5 least* J A. K. *» on T nrrtt-t, opposite the Patent officii Washington, ik t'. whrrt rotmnuiu e*tion«, post pail, will be promptly anctulifd in- exam* mations made, d swings, spceihratiuna, anil aif rnjuis uc jiupcrs prepa ed-sud models when Jesi red—on rvatonal le tortus. Letters of eiujJiry, exp* ed to be answer, J attar examinations bad., must be ae> companied by a re of&ve dollars. in the duties o thnr office which pcreuiit to the Pa* teut ImWk, Mess t J,4 tt. will bn assisted by a legal geutlcaaa of the turbrsi pfofcusioual character, and hilly conversant fmiL Mechanics and other Scientific subject*. myAMAwlyg I 1 fthXiilO.N oi Psnr Tirol : ry, will berm on Moods i rr of pupil* in the depoi o 30. Early application admission. branches of English, M tl Philosophy slid |«atinj ri'HE BECUS', j. male Senun; uttt Tti* numt »p*n, it Umttul d**irmble u> #ecn Tnuo—lilfbej Qtenu*U7, Nata rxtrm, (ifiaia, do, Writing bools«, per «Mi4v It Dyer. D D. ev. \Vaj. JU'l««rea. on. WiUon APCvullc**. U'Clare, tka. to R. While. _ _ itlon of partners blip. Kre &. Oeusruhaiuef, hka this day ’ -d Vjr uintual coitient. (They have s> and account! in the hand* ui N. lie purpose of roileclion Wad •eitlr j i« knoanur ihenuelve* indebted 10 I please cnli and cetilc with hnn, and Xcleim* against them w*U present turaeaL i ►AVIDU’kEii. I HAULS* p. UEISSENiIAINER. »*ry Cl, IStt.—jaSi-dlia AND CHURNS. fdar Wan Hanntaniry, luiet ast) Firm Bn.. Pmtnwa. keeps emuUnUjr;«o hsiul, whole l, very low lor cash— Ruittva—l l 1< 1 i I < \, DlMOll I'HKftrfooTM t>c«t q J*n "tubs Fint tad I No. NT, anD ritHK «sbscribe 1 sale and reta Wash Tabs, Bath Tabs, Hone Buckets, All other kinds I Barrel Chora*. Staff Cfcarns, Half jEubeU, 4c. hu ilQfl made id order LOKUO OtJTJ ed would tail the attention of the took of DRY GOODS, which he wi.i u he imead* to quit the busiaet s. xwing thtmselvee indebted, are re* I ectuelauaedieteVy, as all accounts ia to the BatofMafleli, will be placed proper officer Air collection. JOHN WRITTEN, No M Merkel street srnarniTTinpM-sr; — JOT ARY PIT DLIC, OFFICE it Spang A Co’s Warehouse, Wa ter street, between Wood and Market. Rcridencc ai tin. Jones', Fourth street, between Southfield and Giant, nendooiko the office of Robert Wood*. Esq Pittsburgh. ; Ja»d3w» A FCB(TUfca BISDCV A MjUITCIiEDTREE, IflO liberty st DaV D. übaiT, DeotiM. Corner orroanli X end Decatur, between Market and Ferry saeeu. sep9-4^yio fPBB subscribers have intattlay -associated tietn- X selves together (nr thr pdipoee qf iraassctfng a wholesale ana retail pry Ooodi amVGfocery business, at No SO Liberty, opposite Seventh street, under the style and firm of BL’SHFIELD A HAYS. Pittsburgh, January 1, IS4». N. B.—Ouroid customer* and the public are invited to give as a coil. _ ;s5~ A Good Ifuiiheii SUnTfbVTiK* 1 CONFECTIONARY eud Variety Store fofsqlc. A on Pennsylvania Avenue, with a good run of business and a small stock. The Proprietor finding u inconvenient to have two establishment*, the causelor selling. Apply at I|. M. SMITH’S, jaS&tSm ■ eotne/ Wylie and Washington sis California wardrobe—to amv«? t»> kx pr«a,on Tuesday uext, Ifth mst.— U. 8. Dragoon Pistols: Allen'* 0 barrel Revolver-!, Pistol Bells and Shoulder Xirapr, Bowie Knives, brass mounted, rfMIE tmdersi{i 1. public to bis cltwoui at cost, Ailpenona kn quested to call as not cloud pMTto in the hands ef a- Hold Bag*: Blow Pipes; Pocket uiqssc* (or examining qpneral*, &c ; eml for rale at Eastern prim, with aadiUui£W freight. by W W WILSON, frblfl confer 4th and market ei timer, or tub Pans*. Hail Hoad Company, { Philadelphia Fbii. •?, y NCITIUKii hereby given, that the eighth itjolslinenl of Five Dollar* per share on the CapiiaTStOfik of abie Company, i« payutile on the nceond day of .March next. Westtuui Stockholders will pay to W 11. DENNY, at ike Merchant*’ & Manufacturer*’ liuuk of Pitts burgh. feby (f. V. BACON, Twnurei. I~NDIA RUBBER SHOES—Jn*rpsoeivedrTca*r- Ml lined Over Shoe*, a «j»lendjd article, superior to any ever offered iu Uu* city, of which any ran be hod.»i short notice, wholesale and retail, at the India Robber Depot, No i Wood street. fe.bH - ‘ jfcupimxire Transportation lo tb« Cm(. DQBBEV& (WAN, CommiisiOD ami Forwarding Jgcnls, : O. M. lIARTON, Pittsburgh, will receipt Produce going East ftbl&fem __ D 4 0, j [v FOR HALF-—The cood and sub- ! Ll’WJj'HJljnr «tanti*i steam boat AMERICA i» ot- ; fercd for sale oa ace. jnutoduiijig , ■BBBS&Banuißii. Apply 19 ' _ f*® 7 } C u(iDWELL> Agu water *1 'VM PARTNERSHIP of Wm7* R. i tin having : I Deed dft*o|vbt] by the death Of Ona of (be partner*. 1 the inlarrtl of Wnl. Hay*. Jr., deceased, u» said lira, consisting of Hide*, leather, Shin*, Oil. Ac., wrll be 1 sold on the premises on the I3lh iu*L •• • | feb7-tii JAMES LAUUHLIP}, Admitiirtjajor__ _ Fehrntry Biht IMO. niHIRTY-FTyiTA/uLKR FOR SALIJ-i Lijuite on | X Iv. Clair *ireet, nest door to Esq. John’s fcw*_ || T. CLAYTON ACo . JOHN T. I A AT LAW,' Fourth street, betarceu ; stnitnfield and Gran! jalS-dßra *ra~ >FtßSßl^gtS£sS£^ ; J." irate, ALboUtsK Stctci. Chief of Police, Rooxtr | )U«itlK. 3i16-d2D. \vm. c. phirbii), * A TTORNpv AT LAW, FourihaWt, near dram. . JaiSdly „ „„ P*«Tnt^o4»TCiir; — u —' O i (Glass maker*} Jos Musptstt.A. Sons 1 . * . ® fM ®> iu»i rec'd per steamer Brooklyn, and for “*• VV i M MITCHEETREE, No 100 liberty *t >vATT, (successor to Ewalt A Gebbart,) i , 0 Sf"? and Cosumuion Merchant, “* Jer Pfoduee and Pittaborgh W anofaetorcs, cox* ner ot Liberty and Hand street*, Pitttbttrgh P*. i*»_ STARCH— ioo bis FoxVCin. and PcarfStareb, for ■4U hy )a2D HAQALSY fc SMITH /~IRAB ClDER—bbls Economy Ciib-'dddrrjp*t rwiTedanttforsaleby ... MILLER A RICRETSON f™V A T^r l 0 t,aßb w>-day tec-’d anifor tale by V/- feb9 ARMSTRONG ft CBOZFR _■ - GOLD, WAIHEBB. tf PARBYht* InVeated tuaichinft' XX« . (laid, for which he has mads application fora patent. They are ijow offered tor sale at the wore- Seoit g Co.. "No. 103 street, Adventurers to California are invited to call and ex amiue these labor-savinjruiaeainea. They are simple ut their construction, easily irons ported on the back of ™V. ° r . horw "’ eishtf found, each, «nj can be put in operation in half on boor. They eon be foted with provisions, it is the opinion of those who have seen the tnal of one of these machines of smallest me, that two men will wash the mineral from liO busbeU of sand or earth in a day, without the loss of a panicle of the miueral. They can be increased in the snd worked by water or male power, if expedient The operator* work without joins into the water or being exposed to wet, and consequently without en dangering tb<-ir health. They will reqntre bm a smaJl stream of wmer, and can be used the whole and can t>e put into operation where there it not saE* etrni waiter 10 wash in the usual way. Trwe of smallest size 835. Order* from abroad, ac companied by cash, will be promptly filled. !L PARRY, at Pany, Scou fc CoV No 103 Wood *l, Pittsburgh. JUST RECEIVED, • AND now opening, a spleaded lot o Fortes, from the celebrated firm lr“gTr*f! of Nonas A Clark, N. Y. It consist, in • t * I |.* pan of the tallowing; One elegant Rosewood flj octavePiano.wiih earved moulding, top and plinth, projecting front and carved gothic tablets. One rosewood Piano, Cl octave, elegant and pi«tn with Coleman's celebrated iEoiian Attachment asu perior Instrument. One Rosewood e octave, round comer* and octaaon leg*;' One do do do One rosewood Piano,square corners and legs These Pianos have improvetaeatain tbemechonisnb in «nnring mid covering of the hammer*, possessed by no other* in this country, and are ai once the best as well a* the cheapest Fianorthat can be bought. AUiO—An elegant lot of Chickering’s Pianos, from ? to 0 octaves, possessing all the latest improvements, at reduced prices. • AUO—One elegant rosewood Cabinet Grand Piano, 7 octaves, a new invention. HENRY KLEBER. feM -tf At I W Wood well’s, 63 Tbira st BA. FAHNESTOCK A CO.’S Pneumonic ot Cough • Btlun hu a grew advantage over many other Cough praparauona, ai iu pleasant tune permits it to be used without roconveoieuc*;' But its value at a- Balsam cotnists iu the ipeedlneia of iu cure. We have known tome of the most desperate coughs,' tome of which had been running .m for a considerable length of time, yield almost immediately to iu power. \ Iu such weather as tVe have had during the past winter, every one is liable to lake cold, unless grdat precaonons are used. Wet fret and undue exposure to the inclemency of the weather oft in lays the foundation of a backing cough, which needs a quick remedy to prevent serious revolts. We have numerous certificates of cures which it has performed, many of which are from persons in this eilj and the neighborhood, and they are a sufficient .reference withool saying another word in iu favor. Prepared and for sale, wholesale and retail, by B A FAHNESTOCK A Co, corner of Wood and Island Wood and Cth sic. feb©-dfiwB OHIOKEBING’B PIASOB. JOHN If. MELLOR, (sole Agent for Cbickering’s Piano Fortes for Western rffifTl No. 61 Wood street, * 1 * » 1 • Pittsburgh, has received and now open tor sale, the following elegant assortment, direct from aje manufactory.fftt Mr. Chickering’s (Bosiou) prices, It* produce One Rosewood seven octave Piano Forte, carved in theraewt elegant and rich style of Louis XIV. One Rosewood carved seven ocuve, new and im proved seaie. One rosewood Plino, 6J octaves, new scale; Ono 11 carved, 6 M “ , *• Two “ round comers, • octave, new scale. Two “ pannel “ 0 “ •• *» The above are all front ths manufactory of J. Chick* cring, Boston, of the latest styles of furniture, and with ihe nsw and iiuproTcd scale. i, Imparting ation of Sci j reign L«w» ALSO OR tuno ARD FOB lAU LOW ajv *va iiai.i u;w '■l Rosewood 6 octave Pianos, from the manufactory «t H Worcester. New York, formerly ot the firm of Stodari, Worcester 4 Durham. •i rosewood 0 octatje, Rale £ Co., N Y. 1 rosewood 01 ocU,ve Piano, made by Bacon A Ra v«-a. New York I* Mahogany 0 octave Piano, made in Baltimore, and U-u wuh me fiw sale by the owner, for cash or in ex cusage for Pittsburgh manufactures, or groceries suit able for • country store. Pace 6300. jahb Hooflng.-ClalTaalied Tin Plates. rf'lf K subscribers beg to rail the aneation ofßnllders, X Architects and owners of Buildings, to the many advantages which these plates possess over all other metallic aubstaoess hitherto used for roofing, Ac , as they po**e»» at once the lightness of iron, without iu I lability to rust, having now been teited for several years tu this partieuiar,jboth in this country and inEu rofai. TTiey are lass liable to expansion and eontrac- UM from sadden qhangfrof the atmosphere, than com mon tin plates, iron, xinc, crony other metal now used firr roofing, and consequently form O much better and lighter roof, reaturtny far less freqaent repairs, whilst the first cu»t is Eit|t a trifle more. A fall sspply, iU all silies, from 10 to du W. G., can «r*oa'» Fe «>r. the Itth .ftairoi DOW t* therefore r pilK Silver Moon; Mylflome, my happy Home 1 Tu Home where e’er ihe Heart is; Je.niiy Und Polka, ; I have left the snow cfad Hills; Rosa Ij-e and Old Urictc Neil; Susanna Polka; • *o where the ousts iln-pmr Will you come to mylaiointuia home, tiiavc of Boi aparte;, No, ne'er can thy koine be mine; oh! Siiaanua; Good-Bye: Empress Henrietta's w nux; Benßeli; Joys that we’ve tasted; Ailwn McVbuiueen; Louisiana Belle: Ethamion Danceri A new ediiiooof Hirtrtu* PiaSoFowslkstbcctos, wild French and Enghih Tell, reduced u> the follow ing low prices, vit llaotcrN large work, rental Bug 03 pages, 9t 00 suraJi “ - os 15b Burrow's Piano tons Pnmer, [ US Uertiiu.' Method for Plano. 3 00 Oue«M'itMisrbnintlsr r I SW Paascron'i Vocal School, ' . dOO Hohhock's Piano Instructor, 1 il >ox*»le by JOHN U- UKLLOB, SI wood si SAM’L. ORAY, MERCHANT TAILOR, 1 ricHANQE suiLcinaa, STj CLAIR STREET, PITTSBURGH, I "KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND a run sjooxnccn or CLOTHS, CASSIUBBEB AND TESTINGS, OF THE BEST QUALITY; AND LATEST STYLES. P-Xw NOT ICR. “ ■; rpilß Stockholders of the Pittsburgh, and Istbßoyele | Copper Mining Company are hereby: notified that the Tnytct* have ordered an asaeuaeatiof cd and brown mtniin- of good quality, remarkably Jow; tickings, checks, domestic «nit unported ging hams, scarlet, yellow and white flannels,. alArge lot .very cheap; a laige lot of white andcrowhaxredeotm try flannels, cheap; brown and bleached Barnsbysahle linens and table cloths, Rnssis and Scotch diaperaa&d towellings, and tweeds.^ An usual large stock of blankets, direct from the manufacturers, some of which are the best ever exhi bited, all of which will be closed out at unparalleled low prices. In addition to the above enumerated goods, our stock comprise# a very large and complete .assortment of almost every article usually loundln a dry goods store, and as they have been mainly n u . .chased at the e&scrn aucuoaa, hence the late great re duction of prices. We are enabled and determined to sell (hem oa at great bargains. Wholesale buyers, country merchants, tailors, and the public generally are respectfully Invited to an ear ly examination. Bargains shall be given. ALEXANDER A DAY, 75 Market si, ■fcbS N. W cornet of the Diamond PRY GOODS NOTICE. A. A. MASON A CO., No. CO Maaxxr grazer. Prrrsstntgn, Pa. BEG leave moil respectfully to announce 10 their numerous patrons and the public, that they, in consequence of contemplating a change iu their busi ness, propose opening the whole of their extensive warehouse, (includingallAheir wholesale: rooms,) for retailing, and will continue open until the first of Feb ruary, commencing on New Yean day, ti)i9. Our wholesale stock, comprising one of the most extensive and varied assortments of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods ever exhibited in the western country, will he offered at lower prices than ever before known. Eve ry article, however choice and desirable, will be ac cordingly reduced. Upwards of fifty thousand dollars of our stock has been recently purchased.- the greater portion of which are foreign goods, received at New York by late European arrivals, which from the late ness of the season, as well as tho known pressure in the money market, were sold at immense sacrifices at public sales, at rates varying from twenty-five to fifty per cent less than similar goods brought uie first of the season. We arc therefore confident thaiour prices for the time above mentioned will be found to be even lower than any Eastern wholesale rates. We anxiously invite all persons to'visit our estab lishment, whether they purchase or not, and test the truth of the above—assuring them that they will incur no obligation thereby, but eoafer a favor upon the pro- Snetors. Our assortment of Silks, Shawls, and fine teas Goods will amply repay one for a visit; added to which, an onuraalir> great display uf Domestic Good* will, we hope, induce all to call. . Our systom of one pmre wil Ve strictly adhered to. MIS MASON A Co 1) ICU DRG39 GOODS, per foreign steamer Eurepa. XV —A A Masos A Co/No GO Market street, -trill open this morning, Rich Dress Goods, comprising the following styles, vu; Satin pleid'Merinot, a new atti ele, and the richerl imparted this season; all wool Fluids, high colors and choice styles; all wool Cashmeres and ftlous de Laines; fine Coburg and Lyo ne*e Cloths, of any deseribable shade and color. Satin striped Cashmeres, in great variety. jam A A. MASON A Co ,CO Marina street, have just • received another large tuvoiee of pUiJ Lons and bought 25 per cem lets than any previously-received-ibis season. Oursioek of Shawls is now the largest m the city, and purchasers may be curtain that oar prices from this date will be 25 per cent less than at any former time. _ jsifl RENTS’ - - CLOAK TABS ELS—2 doi mohair Tu- Mis, assorted; 3 do itU do do; 2do do fiue do; 10 do do Ladie* Tawed*, assorted; 1 do col’d do do. WOOLEN GOODS—ID doz children’* woolen eont>s: S dodo da Cuonj 4 do do common; IDdoz Wooten com. forts, assorted; 38 do do with ring*;. Su do hnlic.i CaxL nen Uloves, su*’ COCHRAN IJANC\ CAS&lAlE&l&t— a eases new style Fancy Cawintere. bright bjure* and very-handsome good*, just opened by *****«*«uic __ SUACKLCTT* WHITE, Tj>RENC|I MtaiXOS AT Johuon X 46 Market •treet, mh «eU for the balance, of the *f"°» al eow ’ *«» r ***** of French tte*2£ wm£! N °« •• Zc, * ub “ «“• :m -'iu°k° d K»ned «!«•;••• : ■. T * a “ GunpUUpiwidc M , J (tmitlho lUMlioo of JtiKm !£d fitoJli ci “ c e.*>Mk 1 61 lUJoo’o popeztor “ d -® r** 1 wuwiy of merino, tilFttud woiSteiP l rl*t A “\ i lO ‘ • Mteodvo; «6tf;‘-ef' MDmii ,?’ Alp IIC 1 lC1 ’ Vigaiila "M SBVltihej half Ho** ' * ° f chJ dren’sllosb andgemlerriSu* GtnqAn k“" . B, ’’ er l A J mi s r constantiT ou « fi«e3 to rmyago. Concave, W ci, and cslaiact spectacle gtau accurately adjusted to any vision required. • . - . Alto, multiplying glasses for examining linen, wool, minerals, bank notes, Ac., just recNl and for- m!« by u. wwwiwqjv corner of market and 4lh.sU LEViATHON GOLD PENS, V magaifiwnt ami most excellent pen, iWnff the blunt to ihU for »nJti l»y W VV WILSON, )*®' comer mtxkci *nd 4th T/~ lit GLuVKS—US do 2 Ladies taper K»d GloVei; ii- »0 “ mens white anil blk “ & 14 ausMa colored . do' <*** F HEATON - * Co BLANKfif COAHN&-Dnb, iAnadut gnj mix* ea and blue, tar sate by the piece or peekard, at mtbu&cturera prices, by MURPHY* LEE. . liberty st, opposite ith CLOTHS— 1 tii» black mixed heavy caisineiaa; 8 da Tweed a, fancy colon; ! do fancy cauimero for sale at maniuactnren prices, by ' . i*6 • MURPHY A LEE rp WEEDS AND CASSIMERES-2 cases rold mix’d X brown and black Tweed*) Ido Fancy Caiaimere jo*t ree’d and for sole at manufactaren once*. MURPHY * LEEj-liberty at dedfi . opposite sth FRESH arrival-w. M’CU&todk-'ofttrto Ifaote wishing* to fUrniib botne*, the haadaotneet assort ment nfCarpeiinf ever brought to this -market, tom* yriain* in panthe following varieties: Kick uyie Vel vet Pile; Axtninsttr Tapestry, Bnawls,«tra «oDet 3 ply; toper 9 ply, superfine and fine tniraia' Carpets: to which he most respeeifeily invites ws-ffiendsafia the pablie,‘to call and examine, before pnrchasinjr elsewhere..' WarerOon, No. 75 Fourth- ev fcr’Vfriijifft. dcelfi’ S^tAffe, 41 4*. w ITcM “SH*jSt2?BP*WßjtEi W-wdU »*) « •nh *V:i ! anitbdoaiv PLANTATION IN ABKAN3AA-Thosxh*ttih« X Q3cr» for sale the extensive. ptanraioA iaArfr« n . aas, tomeriy belonging to and oeennie4.hr. the Jata Governor Kent, of•hlnryiantL.aadconttuUof'iwentr.' - vr m jhtbandrai and eighty-three aaffd halTacreacfliiut /fi» *»tajo Ues to the counties of'Ffciliipsaad CrlK 'Sf-', teadea, and u situated iaAVahrat Btmff. ou the Mlsris- ' J “JP* ,”T cr ’ twenty-five mile* Above the .town of HfJ*. - -, t niu uli aatd to be the highest riverTUnd ia jhir«- •’ * : s!£l?h C r UU,IT ' peculiarlpadspted.toibe : growth of cotton. lu improvement* ate ah overseer's - *> """ .. .. Upwards of aeTen hundred, aererfof this Uod hare ■> . beeu cleared and are now -cultivated. The rest 'of ii nav be easily cleared, (the monbeing alre&Tdcaed and has lew timber upon it, and. that chieflyof m*h which 1* readily *oM at * well located wood yard, in quantities of several thousand cordaeVeryyei This plantation is one of neat valtie, andpresents a rare opportunity to the ptrbum; -la the hand* o£a nod planter u may be easily m»dcofimmense annualpro fit. lu faciliucsofintercoarsD with "New Oi.letnxAf-’ • L ford a constant avenuo fofthedupoial oflU product It u distant abwit BDo4iiilet frtai CinmttMhiao mde* from the month of the Ohio, had Wmjirf fan • - New Oflfius * de '^^ll ,ro P ert T W >H be dividod Inioitveral if 1 ♦ For terms, 4c., apply (post paid! to ' - i.iwt'to.e WILLIAM Bf PEEING ja*-dSm* . R*iHw. ft ye > Mwyi«hl A FAEM FORWill^. THE rabsenber offers’ (br nde m scm oflaai ■ ± situated in Hopewell townßun, Beaver count?. Pa,,oM tnUo we«oflheOhto'riverAod*twtaiTaS£ " from Pittsburgh. There area log Room ulv boinoa :• {be premises. aerm«reto SSfi*. ' tion—the remainder, U seaseiv wared witfcdSiea timber. Thereiia vein of coal ahdasite fox* araS " ' ' grist mill on the premises. ' “ftps fens being shuared in ’ a moral community,'and Wnffconvenient (by course of river) to Pittsburgh. It iff believed Taw so many advantages. If Pm sold fufevfaulj.thii&am will be sold ax public vendue op.Tfcurtdajythe Utof ' ' nert March. For particular*, inquire of the nbaori* ber, or of Wta. Yoong & Co., 143'Liberty street.-pin*. , burgh. -JOHN Y. M’gTT^- Jag9-dAwlm»T 1 ' • - ■ . 885 AcrteCoai LaadlorJMSi ■ - Q rTPATED on the Monbcgabtlaorcr, aboultd aflka ■ ’ -1 O from Pittsburgh ahd3riuiesibove'.third-JU>ck,ia ’ the immediau neighborhood-of Meun-Lyoa A Shorty and Mr. John Hemmfe-purehase.l ;TU&.fina body or-' Coal will be ioli attic low pries CIB33per dert-rfma third in, band, balance- in five equal paymeota,' --• without interest Tftle indisputable. Locxulotr very' • > good—etanot be stupassedx For furtherpxnieulfi* -i' enquire of 8. BALSLcY, who has a drafl ofsaldnro* petty. Residence 2d at; below Eerry, Mr. Adams’ How. : <'■ .> N. B. There is another seam of; coax on this tract, about6ofeet ehovezhe lower, oCezceUeatGttalxiy. - ' iygfcdtf , , &B. "• ' . >B rpHßiatgeand weiUiuiitF^cWryidreetedanßebac-, •4 e b*mm»-ARcgbehveity’,by&-B.CuntLEsn 3 is offeredibittleor rentltonxithetMofJto.*lBtorxh* wt on which the hreefeft flonatooibet on Rebeeca street, and rixnibtek UO^»M to Fatk- itnot. ' The mainbuilfingb ofbriet litrte . 80 feet W by i 7 fee 1 wide. The EngimTuoosa U w eagiaorWlcr.siaeh. . • all la eompleu order. The property wiU be said low, ' In .sosEtfr-mnoOBT, •- “--5 s v W. O-H.BOBINSONL Any itlSw.BtCWrn. ' ' m, lliiHirtT HDBlN^ot< - W liiiliteiiuiid. COUNTRY tUCUDESCE Hm mm M 10 ACRES OP. GROUND, Pitisburgh abdOreewbaxgh Thmpike.Stmae* from the ciljt, and adjoining the AUraheny Cem etery, on which i»'erected a large and weir tnuibed two story brick dwelling Bouse, together.with stables, carriago house, Ae.v Ttiere is also on the.preihises a lane variety offruil trees, and a spring ofonnsualex* cellenee eontittiou* to the dwelling.• Also—Ooe three and one two slerv, brick dwelling, situated on Liberty urtet, Uerweea,O'Hara and Wal nut streets, sth Wardj Rent tooderatd.' Enauire of Valaabls Real Sitate fsrlals* rliliE Trustees of the WettemTheologieal Seminary X having decided to selLou perpetneu lease, a por uoQ«fifaw property ui Affegheny cltf ; offer on very favorable tennA-from 30 to 50 Lots tif different sixes A warrantee title will be gi^en*.'Apian of the lotscan . he seen at No. 1:3 Wood street. '' , For particulars, enquire onehher df (he nndarairited Committee. .... JOBfTT. LOO AN, ' . Afaaf.-rAimm.iV ~ ; lhsch, , iL CHILDS, , fcbB-tf , SAML. BAILEY. „ i , Valuable 1 Real Eitflte-fer gale,. THE following, property ‘in the ehy.of Piusbu.Tß> and near the-boroogh of Manehesteri on- the OSto riveT, is offered fer sale on aecornmodaiißg tenxuw . S'Lou (be inriub-di vision bflrfJt N0..4«w in Utfhlsn of the city of rituburgh,) having SO feet front Ja Se venth street, bV xMO teet to Strawberry alley* near Grant,street. ‘ • t . j IO one acre Lou fronting feel wide, running from Reaver roadhatbe ohio-iiver, ad-. joining Phillips'* (>it CtothFactaryl- .. .. y - For lezm*, enquire of CHARLES B. 9CLLLY, or JAMES r AeA A.VD possesuou given the Ist April—A Sum 1 l&H in,Market street, near Liberty! A Store in Liberty street, asxt door to the cor ner of Market ami Liberty r». . Tlie adjoining Store, corner of.&larket and Liberty - titjeiV ./ • . > Two Store*, with dTrellingssttacbed.in Penn street, nrartha canal. Also, a Lrutite stumf, wjlh or with out dwelling, near ike caduL Possession eieea im mediately. Inquire of r ' DAVID GREER, ja|D-dCm» Penn street, near the canal | ,G7«aartfct if* J \ TO LET. ’ M A Dwelling Hoase on Federal, sweet, Alleghe ■ X£s.ny, orur the Market Squarer-atxda small hou* 1 1 on Pennsylvania Aveuud, near Mrs. hi army’s.tXTCni, PiU township. . ' ' Also, » long rbont, 3d storyyilarket streetj-KUsT^ 1 . burgh. Two small stnei on 3d street, end ttvenJ ccovenient offices uear iie Postoffica.- Aj>ply to .. fett-ddV - office _ *.! • Lot on Liberty Kir* . - ANE LOT, -, For Sale* AS ECOND HAND STEAM. EJf GINE, in rood ran* niag order, 7| U}ch«yitnt!er,-Ai'mch atrokerwi* !. • ALEXANDER a Pay!/ COUNTRY SEAT TO LET—A two story ' Brick Dwelling, wftbfij acres highly impro»e& . Land, situated ta Oakland. to in from-ist AanJ ’ next un HaIUIY, JONESACojTT ' f c ba * ' 44 Water street ~, To X*«tt. Ank‘ A three story Brick Dwelling, containing JJ' Jiatfl rooms, on Wayne street. Scot to a good tenant. ■""JMRL Apply to C A'M'ANULTV A Co/ febd . canal oasla you EIBST. . I E THE three story Brick-Dwelling Boose, for* mnly hectmieiby tlu »abeciibftr7on. Rebecca, street,in Allegheny city. ■ JaS. KERRjjf. • " ’ i - ■ No 38 Water nl IH TOXBfT 1 —: sinA A THREE story Dwelling on Fourth, between ! Hjffa Ferry, and Liberty’streets, now occrasdbs dßaGa Absalom Morris. Engirt of . . J«l3-» KNAP ATOTTBN • iRA; fORRENT—For one to three yc*ri,~fttaa tb* • next, a . large two storied * bdcA House, pleasantly si tamed on the bask ol the Ohio river, adjotzung the borttrgh' ofManehea ter, with abootfour Acres of land,'oat frsii trees,Ac. **•. Apply ta • . 15* JAMES AHPTCHISON to Co MA LARGE and welt Crushed Bobsu secohl' story< on the comer of Wood and Third Streets, T . above the Exchange o£ce of Wot H Williams. Possession given immediately. Inquire of ’ J ' ‘ _ i** _M*GILLS ARuE-tBl Liberty st JP&R SALE ORTELEN’t*. 1 1 ‘ M THE subscriber offi-rs fljrsuleorrem,his rule deuce in Allegheny'city. Possession can be ifei r *° Ist of February, or oooner if necessary, ever may occupy u, might find it advantageous to re tatn soma of the furniture, Ac-pairtlculafly edited to l^*_Pl ?sr _ . g. w.POEVDEXTBR- jteA wanted to rent—a smell private dwelt-’ JftjM log with sot less than.four rprnas and five or ten minutes itaeb of thUtfraiaraitt.' \ddre«, with poxucular*, “Box No. 216. Pbrt'HJfEce> jal . .. '' ' TWO HOUSES AMD LOTS VO&SAfcK*, TWO LOTS du, Beaver street, ia Iks city of BM Allegheny, dboygt&e uppeiyommons,on which i» erected a Trane bulldiogrtwostoiieshigli.-suiialil*, for two email tenements. 'The iat*-ar*caeh- twoair feet in front by one hundred feetdeep/aAd.TUnbhC*, to a street forty feet wide. The building* on thepro (nisei will puy a vfcry b&ndsomeinlercsl oa-thpjnvw aient, and ihe property will he sold cheap.ibt cask./- Apply to 11. rtprooi, Clerk.’* ofliee; U.SLorto . nov£9 - KA.Yfc.Cb ItOSEDALK TO liE'4'*’ - in n TIQS delightful - Summer* Ketreat, for BS»3f some yean pattoecupiedbj'Mr*!* Burcb-WI is offeredior safefcr Teut on ihe or April next. This property has been, improved by additional buildings, and a substantial stone wa!4 and terrace planted with Evergreens oacLFruit Treea, v Tp a good tenant, capable of conducting the Betreavthe terms will be reasonable. . u GEu,COCIIBAN,i ' Pittsburgh, Dec. o.' Agenf tot Proprietor. , BEsv." ■ _>jL. TIIK subscriber offers for rent for the term of Ba one or more year*, a large convenient Wdl fin- Uheil two story Dwelling House, -containing 8. moths and Kitchen. Them Is a lot of ground containing!*- acres oCfine young fruit trees or every Und/etulo Ac., connected with the house. 'To any person wish ing a delightful residence within a few nunuieaxidadt the city, inis wiU be a rare ebance. For terms, which will be low to a good tenant, inquire of Mr j n © Wright, near the premises, of John Watt; cotseru Hand and Liberty Street*, or of '' • • v* 1, oee»-tf THEO. F. WKIORt. _ BcoteiTßotliua fian mr ■ ■ Ten. acres op “*■* -BAWI n®pw*ci~. »r» apply la local- 8 fc WllAßHjOXilf aSS?i« if&.* WA F ;H 9 t,a f roaBAXjj-xho«i»ci3^ .mr““' v ° od a.Diaa«B3. 1 •■-. WtL WItSCIN,./!. ■ V A irtiMS J ?J I£A^.ESTA ’ rE ON PENN STREET .4—. Eot of Gtokwl t;uw wi •trtet, Mtweejr-tiay and Uarborr.itifeonr ftdMatoc Uiejjottao»n4iot *y>w owopied byiEifh«3 ißdtrtrcJ*, &Vj«g \froat cad ia dept* ISO (ecu will bo «pl4pnflwrtxMtjurmfc TiilettoexeeptfcaaMet Ea quire ‘ : 3 C.O-U>Oilia,4ilj«i,aetx.WftKL - • ■: J : a IJIJ For-saii. • • --•''4Viv • AJlflglienycltyifa- JW 1 wrjctqQWi >e «old oaacwmffJwtfnr* oT . .vfebe ■: ; : . V JPTV&TJAM3, UV*dol« - .•* Ti.-tU't- xirwrr/.*! * h * :p ■•;. ■ e "• a ■ ... 1-' •-'. •'&> f.