The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, February 17, 1849, Image 2

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*p >S ÜBflP>. -
i c^SKKsSflsgf’
'. 'itarinxi T~?-'- : ?.:
’ „„„„*.-rcr*rAI,I J IBTA!ffI>PHILADKI#-
~ - ~': aBW VOiu£ EXsaEB»O
We -will rewire «*l-tawtrf free'
trT'Tiii FtroKBOMS. IXiiLT Gax*tt* U; published
ol® ffi-WeeWK U Seven l
f|y SjJ Mr-fumatattbo u Pivc uoUatsjpef
sunusalibe Weekly is Two I?bUir« per*nttuw,';itritfj|f
r •‘ Siwii
jp&'f.trtfeftl !(K*tU» Beenexipece* . ' '..
- 'cold .weaiW for ibe last few 1
daje hninwily closed fiver navigation, is 1
- ■ somewhat .doab ifol whetlusrwe ehallhavethe ]
ln^d& : K>- Wai!QOgtOQ,vkixatliUle deL&y as pout*l
tfiediSlcfclilea he. wniencounterbefore bu j
arrival :nt/Wheeling wdlmosl Hkrly induce him to |
pnawlto'Ballimort’al mice by the'National Road. I
<lrit willpay l us a visit nest gtunmeiy when he ha*
ter,visibHarriaburghi and other place* in the
interior. ; We could then fceep him Ipnf« |
hiMompany. !
however, aoiehla doricg
tfroptn*' we may k>6t <wr
JumonMomigy. -
,T&e eiitir of the Tost;*, not pleased with the |
opinion; whie solidtalion. we g«Te on the
rasters in controversy betwtenhini nnd the *>”:
nil, and in Bis; extremity finds fcnlj with octper.;
sohot nppcarancc "we rtio ;Bolgood looking. ,
POslV char c of cgiinex* does col discompose UI
litxlhe'lcasi ainl if .tie editor c*n tori «
4torVi«'< wn to I 1?”" 1
siid ccnirotf it wfll gi re him.
‘‘Comes Pomrs, by D. Trueman. Mctinl Picas, j
nat, <Dl)ih; Glinted <md Published for the snthor, |
•' by EuDch Hams. 71 ' ■ I
v This iatrililtlo TOlnmo of fugitive poems, which I
ftjßffiijaßr metiL without nnstldiig very extra? I
'on! nary, either in elylo or thought. The veraiS-1
cjrjnn.xasmooihi.'und' the sentiments ere good— I
- this much we cun say rfno more. If ire peaiotl
;. iga-ituitt lo praise, we find nothing to blame— I
,We cannot, say Ibis much of the printing, however, I
wtdch'Ajn .execrable mm; old: toUoned| wore I
«"—* U “ OT * ! >I
■ wiihcuLrhyme or reaicn. The binding i» by Mr. I
.■WHEamWt of- this city,- end ia well done 1 It i» j
I'or sale byWr.-Hoplrinj, ftbst. I
‘ J Slivis—lt ieprepoeed in Mieiieeippi,J
Jd'jiiaibn|tbe'GoTere6r,to cell nextre eeseioi of
, tho iesielliture, m order to udre mean* to prerenV
ISo farther impoHatinh of slaves into thel Stale.—
:Tb* object of the meastiafiis to compel tbo border
1 dure States to standby the South in lie etrnggle
- •teiconstimtithulljgbte.endtopreyentlbopropeee
of tn tboee Steles, 1 and their cone
■a 'sequentttssimiladion infecling with the Northern
a Stated ■>.••;.> • -,h I
.This,Natchez *Free Trader* aUndea to a meeting
' ■ ofcitizens,'beldon the 20thnit, tn Mndiaon
, wbjcb nms adopted e petition, bnvinstbn objseu
j' f above ditoded to in view. . .
< : -Glsaa Milk Pens nre coming into nseinl!ogl»Hd, j
•iindbre lieie considered much pfeferablfl to any
'otheri- lftliemilkbecomra acid inn wooden pen,
Ithe wood absorbs a portua of the and, and most.
Inline the Crreh milt the tollowing
' Viw >Jn- ml ear,then nr.tin pan,.any acidity in thn
• anilk will not ttpon the lead: with which those a>
nlsietas are cdsered, and the reilt will be in some
- -<t%ree injnncoa!y Tho glaaspan
i tiihlyexempi lrem any ipf three edeae, and hence
•^its'y 4lue. L This snlject is‘weß worth the alien
: .; lida Ofbolh bar fiinners and gibes manutiunnnrs.
G'j :Vd ■ .... -g-g^— M. *
::WraoVcai.joira;yr:rtej«b».- ,r,, ® B^‘
: -jhoiid paper* numtum-ajßcUacboly.eTenlwh^
Cot JobfriSi T&mpaon*: of Baler
..toin. wl.ifc ipeotinE.
He W v*
ifcght judiipOßikm. ColTtompeonbore *echary
'' 'mail 6f» estimable gmilfinMi, nod m» teMdly
iibotovcd by ha mnpciatca *ad fneoda*
,t> < jf. Uf:':.:. 1 • << . , .J. . —-- j
■il 'tbarzoSOt Duxy FaKhwg^—For ayear Of tor*
■'-past'there has boena rapidincreaseia the dairy
; buitoM of Ohtorr^aollilntlminoniifitttofyof
‘ Gte»o—aaa -wo believe list ilia branch oT brm
faced more most others, when
■ : atehllymanaged.^• .The- fiiUowiiyit is one among
1 'iho many ilemaofthe hind that coaid be forniahed.
. . •Oma Wifira, Esq,,ofHonubprgh,Geauga cram-
t y> Ohio, bio kept seventeennnrt oaly lb* poll
• ■•*ta*on;andT»ithoat..nny. very, extra keeping, ha*
! realized from hi* dairy the ram of *BO6. which
’ 1 jf(r«»*be aam df S3s,«eaeJ»cow.j Thisdoesnot
include the,calves aoli, or bogs 6aened;from the
-i - djiryj and aqnanhly cf bnller and cheese yd on
I CaotEM.— I tfto-desilisin ihoNewOriennsChas
rtr Hospital fbrthe week ending 3dinstwete43,
of,which: IS were by chtdera. 'Three new canes
fif cholera were admitted into the hospital on
. « f
■■ ■ ThedeolfcsinMobDofcr,- liie weak.ending 2d
-inut veto 35 k oflHFfcieh 12 weto by ch’olei**
i.' l -A C+Ujosxi*. Hcui-Tte *■ NcwYork
mftMved atonetpottcwdied^LonirnHc?”? 01 *
"•' 1 poitinff to cbsao from 1 Mo&l4rey» CeLi which ii pro-
a kax.' ft la prccbely pfifetonlb chtr*
i~: - abteras thal we copied from th© 'WaihingtOT Ua»
io4» dnJtodayr*i«acd ?H;~ 'parporiißg
/-V F**
t ~
ilot lhronh the hreut at
- -CnTß<sorift.a»djwpor*»i “mnuß)r..'w?u«a«d,»
> ••'•«»ftllotriiiffgooillliiiigby* Sacterwig:' -
. SotM n*n h»™ |‘to«t licil lieadt,' *nd ;liv«d,
n -I ■ ‘ But umogcriar lhaa ibfijc;' • .
Vi.iiTCftjhofihMiarfdUnoogbShaad’* ta**B, .
' T : Instead ofbun/killed Bteese.
-■•< -- •
, : vI?-i.• ;.
*;-V ‘'aitit KitioialtoeHigenfter«ap, ih*i lie Hoa.'
C»nch;l*. bearinfibo ( «gumesu of
I« L ymiwt-in tbe palmt. casoof Alox«nder Bain w
'PfpfesowMorw; ftfwumptovemeal in thoortbf
--tho decision of the Comminwoncr
*: being Jbo'l*® 6 ? ** :aa
; Wm.'Scbicy. teaJtfpor*, ue counsel
f.;* , &rß*in,mxdHon.Axao» Ken&tfl endA*H.l*w*
//Mace* .Mono. [ . -
~~-i ■ Jp»*vtrLng?Htra.'JAMEg:Mc3gpaY.~TfcgFrcdo > ?
’. ■ McStenyi ofPennsyUtnia, *ihi» rearianeb iniii
“• V tf 7 tbft , 3d ia*L\ Tar twenty oddyw* bo
£vedinlhe LepsUßare of his; waif©' fitatej he
• dolegtte*w reform l»r ■«#*
i-- •:■: wriT wta'cnce n member of Conyrcss.
1 /' Tfao cf,'e&iealion win be pleased to learn i
*• itesityoT M ample foundation*"i*
operation in thiaSute—
T-:*tiowUbaig , '“of which notice
cclomri: 'PcnnayWabia
eftloebji, fiomtho number; and
t«asftlea. ,• i ..
[Fotnos AMD CaUYOUIU tfsWV
uppeimoetia, m en’* mind*>
; Monday;vm tbo* important coh>
\Dtnal2urtpe, fcioujhl bjrTbe **NK
>le» £rotp
. by;, Itobert: -Albertoo, &£ A
of Monday evening, *ay* '
away fron /Wall tho Cfefo
'tarouiff ererybody. cnzy -egwn-*—
«■ Bjwi-wiwwrring. ud tbbeo already
.'prepanofeti't© 1
xaoDJsy t^a; advioGed—eo haw
totcLwitn Mr. Atherton l» any
prbelttjteanußtt? ao gTeit la the
tb‘lniw»Ttt«lk : withJßn£.
itbo' geatM»«i.-hmffn<fi».a wy.
nibtioo ‘ out' of; his *4wwi,"; in- the
r to the novspapcnf end *operatiii£
roJlitiedrtV'- i
’ dite
’tSiffMila cotnuAered nmufc*
•Our jaejcli«JM «o to th* be«t i
esueciully thrao cf them, who *re
jßsuteaUy." -- .
V. ' '
-‘teSsia I .*, 1 ■&, &■£!£ iSVaii
: » f fboh wa§his6toh.
Correipondenceofilie Viwli WghGattUe.: ;
** { •Vi#msatow l ‘Fdji.l2»lBl9....
■' Tito BUI dr oTlbO Hooio-Dc*
pattaent, or. departraeniof the Interior, which the
Hou*eha» been engaged opontodayi tit nie*a®e
of miTch importance and interest. It will bring
together, under the control and direction of ope
I wbo war fee tf member of the- Cabinet, the
Patent Offioejandlihai to which iis'.transacurd the
I ceiuai, taken from iho StalcDe*
jpirtment, the fieneraMjandQfiice'j Revenue .Ser*
Coast. Survey, from the Treasury De--
lndian and Pension Bureau* from
the V7tr Department;^and the. Naval Pension Of*
ficeirom theTttastiry Department, and the ropers
iolandenee of ihe Public Buildings ia tWa District
Mr. Vinton .bowed the necessity of such n de
partment, in a speech replete with (acts, ami the
moat valuable information. 1 Mir. Cobb and other
of his school among the’ OpposiUon, opposed the
considerafiem of bill at the present lime. But
Mr. Vinton prevnUedsTaj! attempts to refer it u>
<»mmiuees, and such like movemeats, intended to
kill it oIT, by delay, were defeated, and the House
ordered the bill to be engrossed for a third reading,
by a decided votel'. Beside the head of the depart*
meat, who will receive, like tho other. sfi,ooo p«r
annum; the bill provides for a chief eterk at $2,000
a year, which I believe ore the only salaried offi- ■
ces created by it i
South Carolina made her annual display in the ,
House to day, on the slave,question. Mr. Wallace !
presented the resolutions of that State on the Wil« j
motProtiso, and kindred topics, and although such ,
U- not the usualcourse. when similar documents
are submitted from other Stales,the representative
of.the Empire of Carolina, of course, demanded to
be heard in a speech, and leave was given, or ra
ther no body objected. Mr.W. wear on for half
an hour, or so, to sUwwhat were the determina
lions df the nalinn'he came from, provided. Con* .
grass did not take tfce.luck track, in its legislation ;
upon Slaytiy.. _Mf. W v having fulminated .the j
Vermillion edjetfrom ths lfldigo Slate, Mr. Ash- i
man aiked'leave -to tnakea single remark upon ,
the first dauseof the.l»U}.boVthere was an objec
tion from Mr. LcLeon, of Maryland, and probably 1
from oiher Somhwrn -membew. Mr. Wentworth i
rtm that here South Caroli* .
na'had been permitted by the ’unanimous consent
of the HooaMtatfiSjU&pC yrbcm we Northern j
to explain her poison,' while in return Sou* |
tbern members hid-choked off* Northern man |
from utteriag'VVojji of hi* j
portion of the couirfry, 1 W the objection wns tn. •
aisled upon, nevertheless. _ > 1
'.The House paaed a resolution, for the payment
offive or six hundred dollars out of the contingent
fond, as per dieffl toMf.Botta,of Tagmia, while
here in 1843 and 1 ’« donterttog the seal of Mr.
Speaker Jofles—which I bfelieve to be according
to custom in such 1 cases, though it was twiee re*
ferred, while the tther party here were in a ma
Mr. Douglass speeds a good portion of hia.tuno
in active electioneering in the House of Represen.
Wives in few of his last scheme tor thh adjust
ment of tho eontroyerey concerning slavery in the
terrilories, by the admission of Califonua as a
State, forthwith, and the annexation of half New
to Texas, and keeping the other half in a
rtate of tutelage until fit to come intolhe Union on
the footing of a State. The Judge’s peculiar friends
and say that be is doing a good burinere*
and that his bill will pass about the close of the
•ession. ‘lt may be so. Strange things are done
in the last hoars of the last session ofca Congress.
Many take tbal occasion suddenly to ‘jump Jtm
Crow,’ and in Ihe general ‘turn about and whirl
about’ many other* * do from whom bet
ter things might be expected. .
\Vjtsni?tQTos, Feb. 13, 1649.
You perceive that the sfarm end apprehension
excited by the prospect that the poor sailors were
stout to lose their grog rations nod the eataosnme
taifa-sheir liquor end Ibeiijieking—ltsve not been
realised. The House crushed in the bud the grog
rrfanw-nnd the. Senate yesterday rejected the
amendment for the abolition of corporal punish
ment in the Navy, so that aa heretofore, Jack will
be fiisrgto&ed, and then llogged-theooe being m
correction oflbe otto. The vole for the common
tun of (he Hogging -Was ayes 32—nays 17. This
resnll is mainly dne tothc-oaertiona of a number
of inluenfial'navalpfficetti vrho have represented
to Senators, that the abolition of the last, wonld
inevitably destroy all eohdiaibniion and. discipline
fa the aecvice-r.Uu wsfliaWtUhattb* whiskey
iaUba‘nnd tha tmrof.the' lash' eiceps air desertion,
have been fang since abolished in theurmy, and I 1
have never heanl aa oSner complain that the ef
fort has been inimical to the edtrieacy and discip.
Un® of ihVt»vicei
■' I intended yesterdayto remark upon the move
iuent'of Mr. Thompson, of llie neighboring district
Lto Pittsburgh, ibr the mniifatSe of the journal of
I th-HnoMii by expunging Usereltpm, the proviso to
the resolution of thanks loGfu. Taylor, by which
proviso, it 'ii declared that fae fate war with Met- ]
ico “was uunecessarily and unconstitulionally be
gnn by the President of the United Stales." The
agitation upon the expunging resolution of Mr
p-ptnn is become olmosffl; thing of the past gene*,
ration. Nolhwilhstinding the peiaevenuico and
eneigy .wilh which it was pressed, and the success
.which finally crowned the agitation, it was most
justly denounced e puerile end contemptible hum.
hug, and I have no doubt that Mr. Bontoo nosr
feds heartily ashamed of it-Mr. Thompson a x'
u Beaton, n« Mr. -Polks Gen. Jackson. The
House journal wffl tux bo mutilated and defaced as
the Senate journal was; the Dour Expunging Res.
olnlion will excite no senaatioo, and Mr. Thump*
ion will “fake nothing by hia motion.”
A rather curiona and illnatralive incident took
place yesterday in the House. Mr. Wallace, the
enweat ttnd the least Able of the respectable dele
gation of South Carolina, presented the resolutions
of that State, denouncing and presorting against
Ufa enactments of the Wilma Proviso, and >y Ibo
; tiwena comma of tho House, he was permitted
to make a speech upon them, when the domg »
sms altogether contrary to custom and usage, to.
j peril oousand unnecessary. and when to objection
ofasingle voice wooldhave pavented hfa speak
ing, hTwom on to apeak in commendatmn o.
the resolutions Ibr half an tour or so, ssytng noth
ing worthy of notice. When to had concluded,
■ Sr< Ashman; asked leave to *)» » ,m * 1 '«-
mark upon on. pasato '
commentaof Mr. Wallace upon fa but
several .objections by voices tom £
no persuasions cottld indnoe a withdrawal of to
objections Tima after South Carolina bad pm|£d
by to indulgent courtesy oftho House, to set forth
to pretensions and designs, the poor privilege of
sword inreply. was denied to a memto tom
Mnuachnseiu. Had a memto tom tirgmia
Mceeeded Mr. Wallace, the same lip* would have
been of remap xnnee aa a auclong
> jTlxiiiriroiorMr' Ajlumm moved a tormOioa
of tStfjoUmal. ICWas there staled that Mr. Wafa
face presented the resolutions, “and by special 1
leave was permitted to address to Haase." Mr.
Aahmun wished it to appear ihal Mr. W. was per.
’■nufaib w sneak without objection, tot that when
he,Mr. Aihmun, mao, objaction was made. That,
was the fata, and he desired it to appear. There
was a desultory conversation of ao hour or mom
which ended in the amendment beiag rejected,-
gye»Bl—noea 82. Had Ito Speaker voted la to
negative, tore wonld have been e lie, hut tho re- I
suit would have been still tho same. .
We hear continually of agitation! in the slave
•fates upon to question of enconiaging slavery In
die outi. Such a one,*and> serious and permanent 1
in its character,too, hi beginning in Kentucky, aqd
en internecine contest baa long been in progress
between mctiona'of the ail powerful democracy oi
Missonn, ttt tiie.bottom of which la this aa®* goes,
tlon. Mr. Benton ia tbe eblef of to Free Soiteti
etid Bantbumen, wito are to annceisore of the
“Hards," who'figured three or four yews ego. A
desperate attemptfa miking to oust him torn to
Senste/fn which he wiabea’-lo secure a lifo eatste.
qiii election' Will lakeplacola year from nest An-
‘ p J ft»*u»on l »»P Auiairnnr Crrr u> Cot'll*
T* Sctn.—iW« in wrerilqMiter, titompu
t mado' dn« oa' «<■ circnlmlon life
■crlpiaoed byaur Mi*ibawop u’lbo lorla’lml
m, praams ttey.vfll m 3 Bite. W« «» an
daUrn imprajion Uu* *1» J»». * PW •» dt J «
mac!) too lorgS; forming tb* diief part "of Ute clreQ.
I'gaft and cmmenMtwill pmbdity coalinfcaip w-
I ter lareoly telo-commoa Jiijiii«a:'.operaiioaa—
I The Piuibaal>. B '°t« , l'® m ttnlondloKy coittmue
I to rceitVo it or atom currency ate?; am) •‘>,*>■>6.
las thir U Utl* lt>o (ad, or «o long *i'<b«y t*i!l
Ibayu modi of FBobbiyli' nanufaruua as wtii.
I 'eaifeacv gcucfdly* H cotrttiww
l Ooety here/, Ii will »<* tie availalSe, bowo*a. for
SfpajSw of Sate To*. Mriumrcunency
[Bmutr.MS™* ■■■
The New Yorit Herald andTieibane ofMqciday,
giveeopiou* terns ofJklilbrnii tent brought by
Mr. Robert left .San Francisco oa
the 10th ofD&enfl#r, tad made the journey ri^ 1
Mnxallan and the’city of Mexico:—
Mr. Atherton bu brought with, him a number of
letters (or popple in New York, and a file of .the
Californian newspaper, published alBan Francisco,
lothel&b of November last Re arrived at Son
Bias from San Francisco, on the 20th of December
last,,in the brig Laura'Atm, Gaptam Blanchard,
which vessel left San Francisco <?n the 10th ol that
month. TTiisnews is, therefore, nearly (bar weeks
laterf'ih&n any intelligence which w© have received
I from'the famoos gold resjona of California.
Mr. Alhertpa brings with him the bills of lading
of gold to the value of $2OO/100 shipped on Epgliali
account, on which he proposes to effect an iosar» 1
aoce here. He also fully confirms the account of
the gold on board the U. S. ship, Lexington, which
was originally published in the Tribune, some three
. weeks aiocc. Mr. Atherton states, as did our
correspondent, that the Legington has on hoard
' SfiOO.OOO worth of the gentribe metal She was
i about to sail when Mr. Atherton left for the United
> States,
The ex teal, of the gold region, as for as it has
been explored, is three hundred miles in bf
one thousand^ o length, nod new discoveries ore
made from day to day. To the time when Mr. !
Atherton left, there were never more than fifteen
hundred persons engaged In digging at any one
time,'the average result of whose labor was about!
three ounces per day to each digger. This gold Is 1
found in flakes or scales in what is termed the wet
diggings, and is lamps and in the crevices of rocks !
In the dry diggings. Various reports were in cir* |
culotion as to the size and weight of those lamps i
—some persons asserting that they have been
found lo the weight of twenty-three pounds. These
an?, however) only rumors; bnt Mr. Alhlrtnn him* I
self saw a piece which weighed seven pounds,
anti which was found by one of the adventurer*.'
There hs» not been as much sickness at the pla
ced as we were led to snppose, neither isthe state
of widely there as bad as has been intimated.—
Fever *nd ague prevails there to a certain extent,
and attacks who are careless in regard to
their health; but, with ordinary prudence, persons
can gel along without any sickness.
About a dozen persons have died, among them
inMr.HP Richardson, of Bcmoo, who wasta
kenaick at tho placer, but removed to Saa Fraa
cUcMdr. Vm McDowell, of Ibe West, and a Mr.
Dickson, of Philadelphia. About a doien have
l died at the gold diggings, principally irom want of
prudence and exposure. .
When Mr. Atherton left San Francisco, U» Uni
ted store ship Lexington had not sailed; but
was to do so in a day or two. She bad on bohrd
! rold doit tolho value of half a million of dollars,
i which was for New York, and consigned
jto several booses here. The Lexington will take
' Messrs. Wells and Dewitt as passengers. They
i belong to .NeW York, and have gold on board as
i Delgbt. They were attached to the New York re
gsmenu ■,.
i of the line Ohio, Com. Jones, was also
in thb hiirborbf San Francisco. I
\l One of the greatest features of the news is the :
'discovery of agold mine, of great extent, in Oregon. I
j This discovery was attracting the attention of the i
! people of that territory, who were flocking thUher :
ra gritt number*, in preference to going to Cali* |
; jorni&K . I
Tho whole value of gold which has been gather* ,
f ed in California »• estimated, by those acquainted |
: with the muter, tt three millions of dollar*, two of I
I which left there in v*rions ways, and the remain* |
l dealso4 it*way to the United State*. It must not i
|be suppesed, however, that every one gets rich
’thme ofi the moment for the work of getting tho
role dust and and washing it is very arduous.— |
Caot Daly, oi'San Francisco, organised an expedi*
lion of ten men,who went to gold digging and were
absent three weeks; but they did hot gather enough
to cover expenses’ and were disbanded.
The precious metalexist* there, however, in ex
traordinary abundance, as is proved by the feet
that the captain of the French brig Perseverance,
with one hall of hi* crew, gathered ten thousand,
dollars’ worth in three weeks, as well as by the
large prices for which merchandize of every bind
Real estate, too, wosjaelling at enormous prices
—lota 25 yards square are selling for SIQJJQO.— ■
Provisions were abundant at San Francisco and
the diggings. Flour bottred in in great quantities,
from Cbili and Oregon, and came down in price,
from $25 ber barrel to 816, at San Frantiaeo. Tbe
nrobabaity is,,that article bos fallen atm farther —
perbgps to SW per barrel. Board in San Francis
co was SlO per week.
Great os thp discoveries of gold are, they are
equalled by those of quicksilver. That metal is
found in various parts of California, and the quan
tity fa as abundant aa in tbe mine* of Spain. Mr
Forbes, the proprietor of the mise*,had llrirtylhtm- !
sand dollars worth of the article on baud at Tepee,
ready for osritei. It is fotradgeveu within three i
miles ofSan Rrsnciuo. . I
About two thousand emigrant* had arrived ml
Cok'lbrain Hoot Oregon, ike Snndwhb UtenJ«, «nd
difieienl pin of Sooth Americn and Mexico. In
fact the gold feverxngee «a fiercely in Mexico aa
it due* in tbe United Statea, and, there ixwelt aa
hero, expediitM. «u towt&i. Mr. Atherton aaya,
that it is nccndviaable fitr luge'armed (mates n>
Ute the orcrlaiid ionic through Mexico, as the
aolhonliCß will be litely lo interfere,with them
an ip rev css their puugu. Smsll parties can go
wtiL Kcjjftry. .
There erne abo«t * do*en vessels of Wo9*
bind* at Saa Franeiaco when Ur. Athartoa-teft.
TtoW,Rhone,Captain Htßg-BffktaQm s wu
r«srgo, wa* togq wither. ... - ,
The ship, Hantma, was sold foe and
her purchaser intended to send bet to Valparaiso,
fur a cargo. At that place, there was, at the but
i dales, great excitement in regard to Oaluornik
| Everyone was leaving, or talking of lenvfug.
ondao many clerks were emigration to CaHfv&ut,
that the aerahant* feared they bonTd not be abU
to'condoct their basinets, as their clerks were all |
going in the same din ctfon. ■ ;
The cargo of Urn ahip,Uadnio, which was re- |
shipped at Valparaiso, was sold at Fraacmco* at
five, hundred percent wofiL vessel was told i
at Valparaiso for «MCO. epd'afterward re-sold at
San Francisco for f2opop. .
Captain Phelps. of tbe bark, Moscow, ahd CapL
Ldndsay and Mr. Mellow*, are on their way to the
Atlantic;with one hundred thousand dollars worth
ofgoid dost . „ _
Edward H. Hanson has beep appointed coUector
nf the port of Sin Francisco, by Colonel Mima.
Valparaiso, bat could not engiigo n craw ondcr
£5O per month to eneh mnn, nod S"6 to the atnw
ard, with no agreement lo take them baclr again to
San Francisco. _ _ . .
• The brig Mary was to leave San Francisco «r
aixmi tbe first of January, with gold
d °CaptaiuStoui, the agent of Howland fc A*p«n.
wall, lad left San Francisco for Vsn Oouvar’s Is*
land, for tbs poyposp of arranging for a supply of
coal for the Faeifc meaner*. .
We learn by this arrival one very important foot,
vir—that the Sacfgajenw river i* navigable for
vessels drawing eight feet, from the ocean to Sui
ter’s fort, a distance of onn hundred and fifty mile*
from San Francisco, and for a hund,-ed piles far
ther by vessels drawing less. j“ kf’JJ'’
ton himself has been in a vemel with 2000 bushels
dwhcSt/Wm SpUeFsfort toSao Francisca
On hit route to Vima Cfiia Mr. Atherton met
I with some a( the American adventurer*, among
! whom were U»e coopgnie* copmcfed wub which
I were Mr.<Boyd*s, and Mr- Jacfcso* One Company
third at .Vera Crus. _
Tbe rumors concerning CoLStovenson and CapL
Marcy making so much money are, u seems, CiJae.
CoL Stevajsjop did toM arrive ■»P*^ s ** ht&fn
October Ust, whan tie season for gold digging **•
over, ond lberefereTcoutf 80J have tccuouUud
so much told dust as has been itJWWtfed*. CapL
Marcy, it? spears, has not been at the gob* m®PoBs
Americw oeuMtipr on tie
i not yet got penniswon from the Mnitican govern*
j ment to touch at Mixatian or Acapulco for «-o**, i
! in consequence of the tonnage duties.
| From tht California Star, Nov . IS. (
Several disturbances have recently occurred io
and abwfrt* placer, and another murder has been
committed, Abom the Ist insL a party of men
crossed the tract of coojnUy between the Juba and
American rivers, had a 4a \ifi animiysap' the
SSi/rtrcam and separated in rehfeb. They sue*,
Wed iff recovering their property, but jtfu of fee
rsmn* Wtffrnwere, accordingly, Intern
■SSSIhL aim UMuetfioaftblP evidence obtained
Xi tevC (cIEwST swi Bifti* Sth »t tte
Mndf oTlhelmUfi" Tito xrtnxxtujmSWVW*
“oil ofthr miuin* m.O »rr.
r lSuSw:i^Hw!'? ll 7j -rf • anU y “
SStbsSrigraato late from Oregon, having re-
SiJS injuries from the Utlp> M*?* 1 * tiDCe * rt *“
-A P«lp pfmrn puwil our
that moment W*ved from the mines. • >l fis l ! H Fi |
nrteronoaltaU'fii hoW* gnoJ. though Ihocutomi.™
tebm xppettn hf <!■« »> reu » «^* n T *“*
z£Li,ild (rnporing . xay upon the
Si aorlti* the winter aie «li*d* «mploy«rf In,
wilh prnvnmn nniloiernetenve.
fcr the ..ppioxdiin* MW Should Ihn »ln
ter he M ifetrere .. thu of lot y«M, hute «dr«nl«ge
rwi te gitned by ihe thjttes, wre
eholfr t/gr«>“dlor ipring operntieaA
The Lnleet ■«»» frofll the lltbmiu.
Arritml ol lhe U. & Mlul filetmer, Cxltljraix, U
Pnnnmn, nod the lMhmiii et flivutn.—We «re
indehte? to the Chirterton Courier fcr • ahp.ddeil
Peh, il. V P-01., 1/om urhtek we wke the feltowlpf
imereßilwgintelligftncn t
The U.SiMnUSteMMy,lubol, C«pl«ut Rolllnx,
.Rind .1 Charles:M/on the nth jntt n hringmg
Hxrane 4ite»u the 7th. 1
The D. S/ Mnil Steamer, bthmtm, urhred u
Hnonon.ontiteWl.lrcm Ctugrex,which port a|te
tea on the2fith Innnnryi ,nd nn offleerwhpenmo
K dr benrer of the diepateheatathpUniied Steles
Ooviromccl, tolly codCtox the previse* inpnne,
InrMnidloihi nrontUnco.ofgold infteliliajfi,® |
riledu Peoxmn on.tbe
litter pf Ibn pojrigy’n corrmyaadtnt,/fom
Which Uus jttiove are taJttnticbiicludes. as
tKfjfo?. dtacpirery^oifDorado, - evep
boTealized, »BH»rnk ilfce}y io exetdae an important
infloence on trade and commerce, and perhaps on
the interesting qaeatiou of. currency. One may
safely say, that its immediate effect will be tostimo*
We the energies andresources of the United State*,
already pragressingirith tuch marveflouß rapidity,
and oar Island may anticipate a chare ot the bene*
file, from an increasing demand for our staples.
Prom the Washington Union, of Wednesday.
We are the Secretary of the Navy
tor the following very interesting letters, ju«t re«
cenrrd from Commodore Jones. Tliey were for*
.warded from Mazstlan by our consul, Air. Parrot,
1 thetwe across iatid to Vera Cruz, and transmitted
to Pensacola, thence "by tnafrlo Washington:
Fno Snif Omo, Sa.h Frasclvoo,)
December 22. Ibid.)
. Sir— My letters from Nos. .'i3 lo 44 Inclusive,
«fespalcbed from Monterey by Lieut Lnnman, and
f.yom this place by the Lexington, Will fully inform
yfcra of the operations oTtbe squadron since our
departure from the- Galf of California. Nothing
i notarial has occurred since ray last date. De
sertions are less frequent, the Ohio baring lost but
c me mao since her arrival here, and 1 think the dis ■
i wsition to desert is not so general; but that may
I >e owing to the inclemency of the season, which, for
II while, must suspend the digging and washing for
, {old; except by such persons ns are most amply
i (applied with good bouses, and all thmmasaries
.tf life requisite for a winter's campaign in a rigid
■climate, affording nothing for the use of man hit
gnU. Incredible quantities of gold are even ye!
daily collected; and scarcely a week elapses with*
out some new discovery of toe precious metal more
Startling than any previous one. U is said that a
Small party of five or six persons, a few days past,
Rtruck upon hpotkrt, as they term certain depew
from which, in two days, they obtained $30,-
000 of pare gold!
1 have been living on shore at San Francisco
. sow two weeks, and have had ample opportunity
for examining the subject, and I am more than
over satisfied that the disposal of the gold regions
ia the territory of California is the best, if not the
only practicable disposition that can be made of
them In the present disorganized state of society
out here. ******
The wont forebodings of evils consequent upon
the wsnt of certain and energetic administration
ofiaslice in this territory, are almost daily realized.
Within the three last weeks, we have certain
accounts of fifteen murders. In one instance-$n
; entire household of ten person*—* reap* ctable
ranchero and his wifo. two children, and six ser*
▼ants. The man, whose name was Reed, had
, been very successful in the diggings during the
1 summer,.and had returned to his home, near Santa
Barbara, with a large amount of gold. His bouse
was surprised by au armed party, and the whole
family, as above stated, were oarbatously murder*
ed, and tbe bouse rifled of its The
perpetrators of ibis horrid deed are still at large ;
of the other five case*, four are highway robberies,,
committed on persons returning with gold from the
i mines. In a word, I may say with truth, that both
! persons sad property are Insecure in Upper C&li
! fornis at (his time; and lam sorry to add, that in
all cases of outrage and violence, as yet discovered, i
1 emigrants from the United States, disbanded volon*
, teen, runaway tailors, and deserters from tbe army,
and navy, are believed to be the perpetrators.;
The mutinies, attended with murder, lo which
I alluded In my letter No. 43, have been fully
confirmed, and—not without good reason—has
caused much uneasiness to shippeis of gold from
inis coast.
To guard each and every vessel sailing hence
with large sums in gold dust, would require every
ship of the navy. The best that I ran do is to
keep tbe vessels of th>* squadron at tea as much
as possible, plying between the ports most frequent
ed by oar mercantile marine. Enclosed is a copy
of a circular which l have found it necessary to
issue and make public, in the hope that it may
have some tendency to prevent a repetition of such
acts as have recently occurred on board the En»
glish schooner Amelia and the Chilian barque Ad*
A recent arrival from Callao report* that tbe Ad»
aline h«d been taken into that port, and the muu»
neera eight, in number, promptly executed.
I >»<»d received a request from the Governor of
. Valparaiao, through Mr. Moorhead, our consul at
I at that port, to arrest and safe»keep the Adeline
I should I be fortunate enough to fall iu with her on
tbe Mexican coast, where it waa supposed the
mnlineera might take her.
I I have tbe honor u> he, yonr obedient servant,
Comma Oder in chief If- S. Fok<s,
Pacific Ocean.
The Hon. Joan Y. Mason.
Secretary of tbe Navy.
P S. Since |tbe above letter waa written, we
have accounts of more murders—one m the town |
of Sonoma, and another in the virioily.
December 2A, 1645. *
e Sa* FiufCi;co, (Upper California) <
December 23, IbtS.
B So: The long looted for Si.Mary'e, Commander !
Crowainahteld, joined me at thia place on lb* 12ut
but, two hundred and forty five days from Norfolk
Virginia. . * * * * . *
u I can render any aervlce to my country at this
rjnw, and especially to tba inhabitants of California,
it will ba by remaining on ihiaeoaN'&r a while, at
least, until we can receive from Washington soma
intimation ofwhaiCongreasaad the'cxccutiva have
done, or may speedily do, n ter*
retnrn of the Ohio, •Dale, Preble, ami Southing
ton from service they are now t»n, which wiß be
aboat the middle af February, when, after a few
days* detention for bolding a general eopit matUhl,
aad formating some transfers, conseqoenl to
tbe Dale’s departure for home, (which I have ael
for tbe first of March, tbs squadron will be flgaia
disposed, to cruise where tjaey can bemast ser*
viceable in giving protection and security to oar
ooaatrymen andi their property.
4i I have already said, if I can do the State any
good service out here, it will be by mnainingat
this point, at ieaft as long as above intimated, (fot
that 1 take any hart in the civil adaiinistratioaot'
aAaln on iand-Hhal l have nothing to do with—-
although I am often consulted, as well by tbe tnili*
i tary and civil officers in authority,** by our coo**
try men, resident citizens, os also by commercial
’ gentlemen visiting tbe port; and although lam bbt
ill qualified to give advice apon many questions of
law and oaagol which daily arise, there are man/
r of the ok} inhabitants, as well as of tbe recent Io»
r migrants to California, who believe, or at least pro*
■ less to believe, that my presence on shore w&add
> strength and influence to the law and ortler'e^id*
log portion of thejrommuniiy- 5
r I nave the hdnor lobe, your obedient servant, -
Commander in Chief U. S. Naval Forces,
Pacific Ocean.
. Tha Hon. J. Y. Mason, Secretary of the Navy.
* Preble, oo her return from China* Dale, ea a
yjgjt to the Sandwich Islands, via Macallan, fia>»
Sopihamptop, coon yilh provisions, for. the
trqopf recently aiTived at Los Angelo#, ovprjani
frotp the tTptted Stales, and to bring a portion qf
them to this place. Warren, at Monterey, guard;
ioKtbe naval store*.
The Washington OoionofWedoesday last,#ay*
—Lieut. ffgpm* n i of the United States navy, arrive
ed last evening in Washington, in the Southern
steamer, as bearer of despatches from the com*
mander of the Pacific squadron. At Paita, op thp
12th January uftltpo, be took passage ip the man
steam 67 California, and arrired at panama on the
17th. On the 25tb tjte California «u to aaij from
San Fangraca We {eats from £teuten*ot
win that there were aboat five hundred pcraonsj
Including Gen. Smith and other officers, waiting at
Panama for a passage up the coast. Lieutenant
I* ta confident In the opinion that they were ace
eommodated with passage In the steamer. The.
American ship Philadelphia, aad an English
ael, discharged coal at Panama. There had fpot
been roach sickness or mortality on ibe istbqtna*
The California (one of the Aspinwal) line of steamy
ers) reached Panama after (he extraordinary ja**’
sage days from New York, and la
a splendid sea«*teamer. ' ;
Far Uu Ptiiikurgk Qasem. ' ,
To mi PiUooi Md_Prt«Bdi of Uie f^ki»
▼•ri 1 tyirUwlibnrf,
The Board of Trustee* lake great in
making fenotrn to you and the public generally
that they havonowaecunjd in sabscriptiona.iciUbe
foods of flie piuypfiitsi Uip roll mm
dred thousand dollars; and that (hey are thergjbre,
prepared in their corporate capacity, to eater upon
lb 6 performance of the various duties assigned
by the provisions of l heir charter.
The Board would fiirtbcf Inform pou, th*t tits
Academical Building ia now completed, aoi)'in a
short lime, will be occupied by the pupils orthe
Institution. This is a neat and commodious edi*
flpc, fupnisluity ample and convenient accommo
dation* for a large number of student*. Active
measures have also been taxed lb put' ■
imftt a* speedily as possible, (he entire auita of ‘
College edifice*. . - \
In addition to tba able and efficient instructor* :
iu the Institution, itis-Baard at their present' meet* ;
frig, hasp given appointment to two other profes*
on® in the Greek end the other in the Citin
«»•*> « l“poJfr
opboM. “*«.*«*
term ; and the other at the coiumence!r*Uf-ffK)U 0
pext winter session. '
The Trustees, furthermore, are highly grabbed
in being able to announce that pltp bp is, in
every reaped, in u and promtsinghon*
ddioa. We need not ialarm lb® friends at the
University, that, for the continuance of itiis pros*
pertly, very much will depend upon their prompti l
tude in making payueut of the subscription* ibev
have so generously given. In the belief Ihai' fb/s
ViU bn done, the Trustees are unshrinkingly as*
sowing waighly responsibilities. The first instg)»
mentis row due. Subscribers in bswisbutg'and
vicinity,cW PW their subscriptions either to Sami.
WoUe,.. Trehsnrer of- the. Board, or to Joseph
■ Melxel*-' ■
Tbomae Wcttson and 8. J. Creswell are *,ulhor
ittdtoremwsubacrirtions, in the city of Phita
wW: fn Western Pentyl'
vanlfi. funds may be forwarded to /he fcgc&iQr
oamed persons, vis: Oliver Blackburn, Pitutargh;
fl. W. Wilson, Washington, Pa.; John Idoyd,
Mount Flntanpt, Fayette county, and BLDiGtip-
up fppmiialbned
in various lecdliiitt in the
all the aubacribpra everywhere, are
quested to be ready to answer the call o/lhe weal
G. F. MtUJOh Secret ary .j
' Jan. SQth, 1849*
California is to start on the 35th ofMarchfitua Nav
chitochea, os the-Red river, under tbe command
and Col Whiting ttf Texas. Tbe.
route that this 'party traversals entirety through
American territory, around El Paso, and thence
down tbe valley, of the Gila, (with Us romantic
scenery,) to the PndGc coast. Tbe advantage
claimed for this- route it, that it is upoo the line to
tie run by the U. S. convoy detachment, has TOO
miles lest of prairie, sboands to a great degree in
forage than the more northern trails, and will
allow a departure at an earlier day.
Tbe party will coasial of from 300 to 500, all of
the first respectability, aad of the material to make
valuable citizens, should they become settlers-
Each man goes provided with one riding and one
u&ck mule, andthe usual arms and accoutrements,
but only such baggage as will permit rapid trav*
tiling. Several of tbe adventurers leave ibi* sec
tion of theieountry on tbe 20th iaslant, in company
with Mr. H R Marks, formerly a Lieutenant In
the volunteer service of Texas, but recently a re
sident of, and well known in Baltimore—rwbo acts
as agent of tbe expedition. Mr. Marks takes with
him the tjlnt wishes of a large circle of personal
friends, aud we sincerely hope his success iu the
laud of gold will be equal la bis enterprise and
worth.— Baltimore Patriot.
High Watkjul— At St. Francisville, (La.), a
Point Coupie, at Concordia, and at Lake Provu
dence, as we leurn from papers from these pla
ces to the 27ih ultimo, and at other paints along
the northern line of l<ouisiana, the Mississippi had
then overflowed its lumks, and was still rising with
great rapidity. The. St. Francisville Chronicle
1 Great lots will be sustained by our citizens liv
ing on the river., from the loss of cattle, wood, and
a general overflow of their lands.’
At Lake Providence, the waler was two feet
deep in the streets, on the 27th, and it having com
menced running into the streets of Bayou Sara, it
was feared the whole town would be under water
at the end of the week. Tbe Sl Louis Republican,
of Saturday week says:
'The Illinois River ts very high, overflowing
the banks In many places. At Florence, Griggs
ville, Apple Creek, and other points below the
gorge, the water was in most of the warehouses
and other buiidioga near the river. Tbe first steams
er for three weeks had arrived at Sl Louis from
Brownsville the day previous.’
Manifest*, Bill* Lading, Contract*, Istv Mauls
iu*d sints, Usama, czaTmexTu, cubckb,
rouaxs, Ac. Ac.,
Printed at the shorten notice, sl low price*. si thi
de2U Gazsttz Omcr, Tbikd rrxsrr.
The Irleb Delegation.
The ln*h delegation will preach in the following
Cburobe* to-morrow:—Da. Dill in Dr. Herron's, i pssi
IU, forenoon; Mr. M'Lsren’t, J part 2, afternoon, and
at Mr. West's, 7 o’clock. Mr. Sumo* at Dr. Black's
forenoon, | pan 10; st 3d Church, 6th meet, 3 o'clock,
and si Mr. Passavam’s, 7 o'clock si night.
No collection lo be taken op In the Churchc*
{p”Yocsno MliS MkscahtiLe Libiast asb M*-
cimucs' Ijrrrmrr*.—Tlie Fifth Lecture will be given
by Tut*. J. Bio&ah, on Tuesday evening, Feb. 2UUi.
11*49, at “J o'clock, si Apollo Hall.
Susjsct—The Mineral Resources of Pennsylvania.
Alsingle ticket 25 eent*. for gentlemen —no charge
for ladle* To be had at the Book More* am] st the
* DAVID HOLME!*, SCoummiw
leblA B. A. SAMPSON. J
The White mid Anumasonu- voter* o( the town
■hip of Jeffer*o». will meet st Lowrie’s School House,
ou Saturday, the lid day of March next, sl 2 o’clock,
P. M., to nominate candidate* to be supported st the
ensuing township election
By order of tbe Executive Committee feblO-T
“EcoSout tx Wialth,'* and if Mr. Shield* bad but
been governed by. the shove motto, he might hove sa
ved money and blnxelf ranch physical suffering; hut
read the following letter, dated April 10ih, 194 b:
Mr. Wtn. Shields, s respectable farmer of this vicin
ity, was taken ill; colled in s Doctor who doctored
him for Dyspepsia for one year, but be still rot worse.
He then discharged his Doctor and paid Situ thirty
dollars He then got a vlal'of yoar Venmtuge, and
one box of Sanative Pills, and by the u*e of these med
icines (costing only SO cents) be discharged, Ur say*,
st letel one thousand worms, and m two weeks *»i
so improved in healifi a* to attend to hi* basinets, aud
hss been in good health ever since, eiui say* Dr
Jayne'* Vertmlnar and Sanative Pill* have made s
<ouod man of him. WM. U. DEAN, P M ,
To Dr. & Javne. Phils. at Port William, O
For sale in Pittsburgh at the PKJCIN TEA STORE
70 Fourth street, near Wood. (ebl7 dAw?» ■
[jy Us* nr* Psora* Moans.—lf you wl»ti to be <ae- |
pessful ta any undertaking, you rauil always "a** the j
cioper meauA. 1 Therefore, if you have a cough, ute
Jaths’s tiracToa aat and be eared, fat it i* the |>ioj>er
nu-siis. Have you Asthma or difficulty of brrstUiu)',
then tbe only efficient means to cum you is u> u*c
Jayne's Expectorant, which will immediately overcome
the spasm which contracts tbe diameter ot the tubes,
and loosens aud brings ap the mucus width clogs thro
up, akd that removes every obstruction to a free reipi
ration, while at the same use all inflammation u subj
died, and a curs is certain to he effected. Have yoa
Bronchitis, HttfUing of Blood, Pleurisy, or in fact any
Pulmonary Affection, then uv Jayne’s Expectorant
and relief is certain, and yoa will find that yoa bat*
used the proper means.
For sole iu Pittsburgh at the Pekin Tea Store, 79 fob
street Hear Wood t**tl7
nr*nafatm#A«idMt'Btocx.TK*Tn. la whole and patu
*trf«eis,apoaSudiinn«ir AuooepbeM* Suction FUi«l—
TooTBACticniRXO trfwv» Ruror**, whet* ttm nerve j»
ca posed. (JjEce aud retidenw next door to th<* May
or'* office, Fourth «!mt, Fin*banrtt-
Reran to—J. a M'Kaddea, P. 11 Euan. jal»
W. O. Wright, B. Dm DtnUit,
Onict and residence on Fourth street, uppoutn the
Pittsburgh Dank. Office boor* from 0 oVlock to lit A
Jf H and tro« t o'clock tos P.M. *epM»ly
THE partnership heretofore exnunf between the
»ob»erib*r», under the firm ofM’Duhaid ft. Bee*on,
was dissolved L>Y mutual eoiuctU, on the tdtii tn»t
Tile huttqtl.4 of Uie firm will he settled by R li bea
CARD—The basiuet* will be conducted as hereto
fore by a Beeeon fcILH. Beeson, under the firm of
a «. BEESON A Co, NO dO Market at,
febl7*3t ' Sd door from the Diamond
(CALIFORNIA OUTFIT?—Tost rerd at the India
j Rubber Depot, the following good*: (iua Hmatie
Pant*, Jockey Caps, Camp Blanket*, Lite Preserver*,
l*ert ,n l»> Horse Coven, Drinking Cop*, Tenu and
'Tent Floors,,• splendid aniele, Bed*, Pillow*, Dtntnua
Bibb, Haversacks, Canteen*, Peuebem, Long Boot*
Vpi?mining Boat*. The above good* lor sale at No A
Wood *L fcbt7 J All PHILLIPS
LAST evening, between 5 am) 8 o'elock, a SILVER
WATCH, with a *ieal chain and key, and with
the miunte hud off. Any person finding the tame and
leaving it at the Gazette office, will be liberally re
warded by the owner. teblT-dil
Manufactured tobaccos*— joo bait b©xe.
Myers' aoperpound lamp;
SM him boxes ‘Grape.’ ‘GrmntWfltrt’s,’ ‘Weuqn*f.'
‘Conway’s,’ ‘Jphnapo**,'- and ‘Rocket’s 1 Ge« lamp, in
stem ter iai4 fry 'fryn ; bagaleya smith
FBtTT— T® arriso by Chief Justice Marshal—
COO boxes Raiim*; 189 drums Figs;
75 hf ilo SO Oralis Almonds;
JO qr "dq 15 bxs Lemons;
And tor sale low. febl? ENUL|3U A BENNETT
f 10 bn prime white !liyw>*Su«n
ip tierce* Jfyce: lt3'Ubl» N O Molgtm;
10 I>*> Lemon; Sti bn Soty,
60 b« Beilina; 4(1 bx* lolioi Soin;
feb*7 - _ vroftti m
EGLL BUTTER—tO bids frc-ib, lust rac'd ana fur
tala by . febiT ARMSTRONG fc CHORER
and pink APPLFS-A
If few kbit df each for tale by
OU3— lbO(J (tilt bleached \V itrained 0*1;
l :' lObbl* “ “ Lard *'
Übbl* LJtuecl; for «ale by
fabtr ? 4 »:o
TrtliSJt"-w lrish Salmon;
Jp-- - tin large No 3 Mattel
qdajtefiA*m» u i 1 “
far family u*e, for rale by
feblt •_ _ _ OBLACKBURN ACo
E ICE—10 tierce* fieib Kice; Ct
febn ; OJ
STARCU— lflObOte* Uvuiftt
tap** ior >1 maoufi
itailo, cpimaoily on band mil fo
feb|7 ;
PRODUCE— 5 bbji Hye; U 6 u> wmall white Beane;
•JSbifsh dlied 'Peachies: 9tji!*frtt!i Roll Butler;
jail rcctiVeil aid lor tale !•>’ ’ '
R ROflStlN k Co
SUG A R—tib Wide N O Sugar, ju*t ree d and for sale
by . ;J‘*bt7 , |i RORtsON k Co
M" QLAaSESi-3pii pUl* N O Mplktses; pi lu S|| Jo;
'luifteecierduno rbr ealfe by • "
fAl? • V, BOBfSON k Co
CIOFFKK— IWliap* Kio I’-olfoe, rec’d aud lor rale by
j febl? ,It ROBISON kto
SOAP— 100 bid No 1 Soap, tee’d and for tale by
tebi? ’« Romans acq
HLEfI, (totfp!J*or tu Murphy 4 Lee,) tV’ool Deal*
a er and Gornmisiioi) Merchant, fur ut* sale of
1 Ainetlean Woolhht, I Mb «_ tab! 7
|/ pci fancy Caaaiinerer on band -
'.( / Cor tale at adtiuficturcr* prices, by
| febl7 * H LKK, Liberty «i, oppo»tte_6Ui
ImWEEDS —10? pet ell wool Tweeds, lor <tale bv
ll I e . h J7 II H LEE
{/SIIoTH—I obi# Bley uutnd Cloth, lo* sair by «
|J' febl* •• V 1 * 1 • i .lIJLEK
inLX??^WS-^Dp e ** r,b BlSAkcta. The attention
'|j ofCtUfomid-awil are asked to tbit article,as they
ure heavy, and VVUI be told low to close consignment
I»tl7 j 11 t-KE
jlinced. Tbo«e ;lp want of thia antelif will^t^lar-
ViAOON—G2tff- U>» tmofee4 tfa?oi) Mioulben, rec’d
/TI.OVBB tQbbh new Reed, in store and for
l/«,feby ;_lebn TASSKVA BI'.ST
»jTACEKRKI.[-60bhU Nod; Hi half do do,on band
(VI an j for sola by frbu TASgUV »
tOTASH—9 oik* "UjMirior quality* for reuil um;
j^ t gje tale by ;iTAB»HVIfBI»r__
'IIITK BEANB—S UliU tin«t quality, iu More #tvl
Tor We by; ;TA9SKY A BRS»T
lAAB—ISO bill* in Hove; for wje bv
1 ir!7 BAGAMSV* SMfflf, l£ uri to wood it
fhANNEttS' OIL—I9I bWi b*M Brown Oil, {niton*;
I for ikle by fobl? BAUALKV A SMITH
*1 VPIIANT o\lr-u bbla winter bieaetral. in store
■ : 'h!Jol*ASBE&—awlbl# &alU*(tto4Lml ftiktie
i ■W, in store; for «le by * ’•
tebir UAUAI.EY k SAimi
C 0?^ U_ “ ,Ul, ' C ° ““‘BStEv'ialnia
CoiS. Mum* 'if.aa. ]
<!£%?'.bu tia w r'*f< =xp«nfoff ° f '““‘g'j?;
and pledge* himself ax leader of thi*
them throogh t*the Gold Dinings within (OdaTtnoffi
the lime they mount their mole*, at a point on two Kl*
ver.La. • • . . . .
The SSth day .of Mareb la ibe lalert period given for
departure on mules. . , ~
Slore than ICO personrhave already joined ibis ex
pedition; 900 mile* will be aecompl'thed by «team,
leaving name 1500 mile* by land, fiSO miles of which is
through a settled country, and shoal 800 mile* by an
unobstructed route. The whole expense from Pitts
burgh to the Gold Region will not exceed *175, nod
can be accomplished for 8150, including every ex
1 Every person provide* himself with dll things ne
cessary for this trip, ha*int the entire eomrdl of hi*
own means. Riding and Hacking Mules ostT wiL be
allowed to be taken ou thi* expedition. Each and
every man joining tins company, (which will extend
to 250 men,) must give" satisfactory, reference of hi*
good character, Ilanl.or Pilot Bread end
Parched Corn, **re the articles of provisions that will
be parked—hunters famishing wild meat on the route.
From 2to <OO Breve* will be drove for consumption
of the men antthed to thi* company, or far their n*e
on the arrival at the Gold Mine. A*afe, easy and ex
peditions route ia here offered to persons who with to
vi«it the Gold Region of. California. The time of de
parture from the point of rendezvous on Red river will
be the 231 b ol March next, and the route Natchitoehes,
La., across Texas to the poiut on the Rio Del Norte,
crossed by Gen. Ktarney, thence along his trail to Sen
Diego, and up the coast o Son Francisco. Ttuwouie
possesses many advantages over the noithern goaie,
not only on aceounl of the distance of land ftfcval,
whieL u lessened over fiW miles, but the clinOga is
milder, and the region traversed fertile, affording-;lux
urious grass far oor animals, at a much earlier period.
We vary but little from lot. 30, through this routs to
California. Maps of the entire route, rules and regu
lations, circulars, expense* of outfit, Ac. Ae n can be
bad of Col. Whiting, until Saturday evening, 17th
at the Monongahela Mouse, to persons o«.T whom
tend to join his command. Lotier* post-paid, address
ed to Col. W. after the 17th, will be answered byjum
from the Galt House, Cincinnati, t)._ _ , febtC-d»
To the Honorable the Judge* of the Court of Gate
ml Quarter Session* of the Peace, in atulforthe
County of Allegheny. *
rpIlK Petition of Exoch Sjutm. of the Fourth Ward,
1 Allegheny city, in the county aforesaid, humflljf
saeweth, that your petitioner ha* provided hiraseif
with materials tot the accommodation of travelers atou
others, at his dwelling bouse, in the city aforesaid,
and prays that your Honors will be pleased lo grunt
him a license to keep a Public House of Entertain-1
menu And your petitioner, as in duty bound, will
** We, the subscribers, citizens of the aforesaid Word,
do certify, that the above petitioner is oigood repute
for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with
house room and conveniences for the aceommodatum
| and lodging of vtranger# and traveler*, and that said
tavern is necessary. . ... _
G Neiman, W Smith, And. Weaver, Hugh Ilayt, $
Whitworth, W Chadwick, R Tomer, Wm Turner,
John Win, Joseph Newton, J B M’Dennott, Adam
Treaner. fefato-d3t*
ffHIE subscriber respectfully informs the Ladies and,
1 Gentlemen of Pittsburgh and Allegheny, that he
will impart instruction in the following! an gusge*, vis
By strict attention and reasonable terms, the sub*
toriber hopes to merit a share of public patronage.
He feel* confidem of bis ability to give tailsfanuoa
with regard to the progress and imprdvement of hts
pupils, the mote *o as he is perfectly familiar with the
English language, which enables him to impart*#
knowledge of toe above in a clear, comprehensible
and concise manner.
For competency and character, refers to:
Rev. Mr. Passavant, 11. Kleber,
Dr. Reichhetm, Josiah King, Esq.
T£7> Persons desirous to avail themselves ot this op.
ponuniry, are requested to leave their rames at the
book store of Mr. J. H. Mellor, Wood
ObtC-dtw C. F. SANDERS.
.4 rtfs BBliS. TANNERS’ OIL, in handsome small
4UU barrels. , .
OIL. Constantly 00 hand, bleached and onbleaca
ed wittier and spring Bperm, Elephant and Whale OBs.
Also, light coloreu selected N. W.'Coast Whale Oil,
•unable for retaiUnc.
bers are now pte pared to supply ‘Dorian’s Patent OB’-
m any quantity] machinists, nonefueurers, Am, are
requested lu coil and examine the article. Certihcates
of its efficacy and superiority over all other oils, from
•even! of our most extensive manufacturers, are in
our possession. ALLEN ft NEEDLES, Agfa,
33 sud 23 south wharves, near Chestnut su.
frbltbeoddrn Philadelphia.
No. 131 North Sxcosd strut, PitnjaiKU'au,
MANUFACTURER and Importer ot double sad
•ingle barrel Shot Guns, Ride* and Pistols, Pow
der Flasks, Shot Bag-, Pouches, An Ae.
Gun Makers’ aw. feblG-eod3w _
ON frvorable terms—A Lot of Oioond on the south
Md« of Peon street, near the Monougabela river,
fronting rdt feeton Peon street, and extending 110 feet
in Jeptb to an alley Ob ft wide; a must desirable loca*
tutu either for private residence* or for manufacturing
purpo-e* Enquire of J SCHOONMAKER A Co,
y rebio No 3d Wood at
Admluiitrator i Holies.
IFrmiRS df Adnnursiration haVe been
j Ute undersigned, uu the Estate of Presley H Craig,
late Surgeon lu lb- U 3. Army, decettml. Persons
hsvinr claims ou the estate wdl present them for set-
i.-MO-diii* Administrator.
f 11KI.EGRA I*ll WIRE—We have instore twp reels
J_ 'iviegrapb Wire, which win be *old to pay char
ges, if not called for and charges paid.
trblMw D LEECH A Co, Canal Basin
PURE POTASH—2I casks {Poland Potash, a very
superior quality, reejd ibis day by M A L E Une,
■nil (gt tale by JAR FLO\ I),
: |*bm Round Church Building
T>ULK PORK-TOO pet Salk Park,iuit recM and Cor
j) tmle by *fcblO ARMSTRONG A CBOZKK
Havana bi-oar—a> i»x* *u« Havana
a prime article. iu «tore aud tar nw low by
frbtO ENGLISH A BKNNKTT, 37 wood tt
\ M IcKEKKU—So bt<l» No Z Mackerel, In »u>re and
IVl'for tale low l»y
- tVbl6
SCH. BALTS — <i ca#k» Sch Sails. »o •lore and .
.ale by frblC KXOLMH * BUNNETT
CIA.NDI.kS* 15 hi* prime Sperm Candle*; 15 hole*
/• star do: fiS bit mooldenu dip do, lor »al« low
GOLD PKNS—Twelve do*enju*l received,of U»e
fineii pen* yet otferrd for tale, made wtth great
rare, and ■» near perfection a* haman «kiu and utar
anitjr eati accomplish. These pen* axe marked “W
\Y. Wilton, lhu*hnrgh.*’ and warranted by
\V W Wll BON,
corner market and 4th »t
PISTOLS- For California overland company
eeivnl Jrtienlar and for sale hy
lehll _ W W WILSON
FKATIIERS-BI urki now landing from steame
Cumberland; for *ale by
feblft ISAIAH DICKKY A Co, from tt
LARD— 7 bbla No 1; 3doNo «, luting from ilu
Cnmbertand; for »ale by . _
FLAX SEED—IO bag* now landing from •tmr Cun
land; foe tile by ftbli ISAIAH PjClsK\ A Co
LARJV-fQbbU Np I, m now; tor sale by
evstir* bz ’ pn "'w i', c gss&&ss ,or
feblS _ 133 Liberty si
ROLL BlftTEK—lo bbla Roll Bauer, itwtrecM and
for tale by fcblS W A _
/ 1 KEEN APPLES—IO bbli on hgnd end tor tale by
("TuTTUN— 57 bale* Conan, lantiftg from «mr Com
j befiand and for *ale by
tobia jas a mrrcmswf» fto
MQI.AHSK-S— am bl>U Plantation MoUsse* in afore
and tor sale by
MALALA WINK—t» qr e&iki t»'«i Malaga Wine
SO Inda bbli do- “
For tale low to rfo»e consignment. by
IJIBH— TO.bbU large No 3 Mackerel, for aale by
* fcbir, jax AlurrcHlsuNso.
HK.MP— «0 bales daw rotted Hemp, in More and lor
.ale by febli JAS A HUTCHISON ACo
MACKF.RKJ, —(S bbla No 3 Macketel. iaige, tor
sale by _ teb’3 AN
APPLES— lb bbls gican Applet; SO bush dried do:
'juit received awl tor «alr by
Oil. CAKH —IS ioi, o uil Coke, for nttoby
PHJ IRON—IIO tons toOFoundrv melal, tor tale by
icbia R ROIH9QN A Co_
V.YABNT1 N ES - -Ot every variety, acnumeuiat ami
and comic, r«-c?iv*4 and f=* *aio by
• • • JOHN 11 MELLUR, di wood at .
FIREBRICK— 17,000 Kwtag.'s, equal in quality to
Bolivar brink; 111,000 good common, for rale by
I ARI) AND FEATHERS—7 bbla No 1 I.a,Mj
j Noddo; 78 bag» Feather, to arrive, tor rale Dy*
■tebl'J yICKKV A Coj front st
TbICE— U) liercea Rice,inst touting from steamer
K, Metienger and for rale by
\M GLASSES—2O bbla Mototie?, last landtag aad
ML tor u!e by tob\« ‘
IJUTTER—HiIda Rod yutierin store and tor rale
Q by< ■ fltiir r _l? VwJ’arqauoh
LalU>— iU bbla No I Laid, ip (tore ami tor aale by
lINBEEP OIL— IS bUH I.tOneed Oil, in store and
j tor sale by feblO 84 \V JjIARBAIHJIi
Gl BEEN A PPI.ES 100 bbla gteeit Apples, in store
T and for sale bv feMO SA \V IlaßßaUhU_
Lead— sEffis pigs *od tinier#: *i!& 'tL* b*» U*d,
for anln by ftUEVi » TIIEWH ACo
Soap— luolxs No 1 Cincinnati, for aale by
ir tale by
in, M'&urjr A Tcew'a
eturert pnce 10 nry
RKOmsON * Cu
CILOVKK J<r.ED- iU libl'j rcr'O this day and (or i&lr
ret.ui TABBKV k BEST
W S&>
rrriNDO\V ULASS—awt»l*, oss'd Aise*. on band
W and - fat by JehUj TaSSKY k BR9T
PfcACHEB— *3 taofcs Ohio Peaches; 4do ilo t*a{fd
& &m.
lijiinLv... —ito'UUl wlntf- Branr, Sdo Haiaeeil; 3
£ do No 1 UartJ; 11 4u Hm«ril applea, fu*i received
snd f&r mlc Uj '-J u*W||<LlAMB,
tVW u? WOOflfrl
VTQWVY UKW SYHUP—e i'll* lloney Daw Syrap,
rl Mn iiore And fur-tale by febia X
rurmW v AttrJ, i-e.—<o,ooo it* cauonTVinu,
I, mrirJ Nbt; IiUU bale* Bl&ug; 23 do canak wick;
tfanwt chain* couon'PwiodMud puvnrkl \Vu» Cor
SSKv iuy c.
TS.'tuFP' bath batata lor tala by
iJ i'eJrti RHKYy Matthews ac u
/^QTTftSi—J,olr» for talc by
i) RUKV, WATTHEWr* ft Co,
frUO n _TO?LiBUS_
o UUAK—hhdi prime oWcroB.MW bbUUwr Mtftii'
HAto&-23>«*k». \agwt cared
Momi, In tore and tur -a!c Uy
S A '“ ATCS “ 10 ?? &V Sm&HOBST * to
By Joka D< D*Tlit A«fltlMlMV»'
14 paciaga-SlapU and Fancy &rtf Goods,thru
vwnlht credit. ■■■■ I >-•
On Monday morning. Feb Iwtb, a! lQoVtock', at \he
Cojnmerciai Salesdloqms comet of Wood and Fifth
*l7eel*, will be sofa, on a credit of three l mouth* on
Btuu for approved endorsed, note*—
'■"'Aocltensive assortment of *<aple and fancy Dry
Good*, consisting of superfine eloths,cassitnere«,jeans
Mdinetu, flannels, blankets, canton flannels cash*
meres, merinos alpacas, de lains ginghams super
prints dress silks satins, inucy ve«dug*,shawls hd*f*>
cravats, spool cotton, silk btmdtu, Dins needles
hosterv, glove*, sewing silk, bleaehed and brown
mnsllns, gal# plaid, drab satteeo, bearejr <* l °lbs table
diaper, *c. . , . • I
Ato'clock, . ,-i,
Gxocnns. QoEsaswass hjhinnjas;*e.
3 h/cbests V Hiea.*3bk» brotfnsoajvtttdosupe*
nor toilet and shaving soap, M b«* . boxes
Virginia manufactnred tobacco, V do Assorted glass
warn; a quantity of household and kitchen fanuturft,
At* o'clock,
Beady made elolhtnf. dry *©oda. twok.i, sralchM,
line eaiJerv jrua*, pistol*, mosicat inatnuatata, fancy
iniclei' R. feblG JOHN l> DAVIS,Aaei
Saif of Root*.
On Saturday evening Feb t'th, “Jr 7
Commercial Hale* Rooms comer «£Wo»J mnd
•treets will be sold, wilbonl reserve, to close con
"lA, of valuable miacellaneotw boobe,
urnms wbk-b are "iSindaTd «'» rk * ll 1.” 'J'
parutreiiis of aclenee bod ligature,;faautrand pudk-
line illustrated mark. in neb
liJil. Slier and cap umtrne paper, Meal and fold
a quantity or rotarellnneoua book*, from a pri-
and a variety
Extra- Sob of Tobacco.
On Monday afternoon, Feb. I9lb. nl3 o’cloclcj-»l lac
Commercial Sales Room, comer oHV ood aud -m at*,
will te-old wilbom reserve, ior cash eotteucy, on
acconnl whom it may concern—
-1 box Thomas’ Uoupio Cavendish Tobsrco;
1 - do Ora pc brand* 6* do
1 •• TTWi Co? cut 5« , ‘ do
3 “ O Williams do C» «o
3 “ 8 Roys’ 16* do
11“ fine ijealitv pound lump do . ,
feblU .. JOHN D DAVIS, Attel
Sab of a clinice collection of Hare ttild
. Boats from a Private Library-'fine Eagath
Edition*. .
To take playe on Saturday the S4tb, and Monday
gGih February, u the Commercial Sale* Room, corner
of Wood and Fifth street*. . ._
Among them will 1m (bond: Rapin'* Ui*tory ofEnf•
land, 15 volt, London; Bishop Burnell's Sacred Theo
ry of the Earth, Knowles' History of tho Turks, Ivol,
folio; Stackhouse'* hlMory of the Bible, 3 vols. folio,
hue plate*; Ledganft naval history of England, I vol,
folio; Clayton’* Chronology of the Hebrew Bible, 1
voJ, 4n>; Bpencer'» English Traveler, 1 vol,folio, plates;
Bloomfield's history of the Chisliau Martyro, '1 vol*,
4 to; Slamon'M Embassy to China, 1 r01,4t0; Hogarth's
works, fine plate*, 1 vol, 4io; Works of Dean SwiA,
complete, lo vol*; Hutchinson’s ‘Moral Philosophy, ff
i vol*, 4 to; Dramatic work* of Ben Jonson, early edi-
I tion, 1 vol, (hlio, rare; Hindoo Cosbeemes curios* col
i ored plates, ’2 vole, folio; complete work* of John Dry
den, 4 volt, 4to, 1664, very rare; the Turkish Spy, 6
vol*; Ackerman’* Ropositonr of Arts, Literature, ke ,
U vol*, colored plates: Gifford's Life of PtU and hi*
Time*, 8 vol* Ixxige’s Peerage of the British Empir*;
Wbitlaw suit Walsh's history of the city of Dublin, a
vois, 4to; Winterhotham's history of the American
'■States, 4 vols; Pocoeke’s Comreentarie* on Joel, Mi-
Vah and Ualaehi, 1 vol, folio; BoUnfbroke’* Letters on
M volt; Rev Robert Henry's History of Great
lff vols, calf; complete works of peter Finder,
is vols; complete works of George Farquhar, a voU;
'philosophical work* of 1-ord Bolingbroke, 5 vols;
-Adams’ Religious World Displayed, 3 vols, Sto; Fer
»umu‘s lecture* on Mechanics, 3 vols, pW; Smith’s
Wealth of Nation*, 2 vol*; Lelaod’s Deisueal Writers,
9 voU; Martin's philosophia Brittaniea, 3 vols; Bank's
Life of Oliver Cromwell, 1 vol, rare; Lucas’ Enquiry
after Happiness, 3 vols. rare; Lowman On the Revela*
lion; Middleton s life of Cicero, 3 vols; Mercier’s Pic
ture 0 f Paris, 3 .vols; Natural History of Bird* and
Quadrupeds, 4 voU, 8 vo; History of Filar Gerund, 3
vol* Travels ofToveaster; 3 vois; Sir H Davy’s Lee
tares on Agricultural Chemistry, 4uk Religious Philosh I
S her, 3 vSr,4to; Life of Bishop Hobart, l vol; Rns-
IPs Natural History of Aleppo,. 3 vols, 4te; Aiken’s
Klu*ltalian to Songs, J vol, folio, col’d pu, Darwin's
Botanic Garden, l vol, 4to, pt*, Lon; Anson'* Voyage
round the WdHd, 1 vol, 4to; Chubb (the Infidel) Tract*,
a vole; Townseoa’ahistory of Spain, 3 vob; MonrrntPa
works,3 vol*, 8 vo; Letter* by Dean swHt and other*,
3 vols; LW'aiqStflanlne** Magazine, 5 vols; Dibbin’s
Introduction toibe Classics, 3 vols; Blackwell’* Ka
vrcd Classic* Defined, it vd!»; Depoa’s Travel* in S
America, 3 vols, Nlcbol’s conference with a TheiM, 3
vols; Prose Works of Coleman*. 3 vols; Bunion’s Ma
terial* lor Thinking, 3 volt; Bo comb’s England Gaza
teer, 3 vol*; Sydney’s Defence of Poetry; Woodford*
Pharapbrairf upon the Psalms; Pnflendorff** History
of Kingdom’*; Short's History of Mineral Waters, Ac.
Also, Bara and Carious jiity Editions,of the Classic
Greek and Roman authors, lexicon*, Ac
Atooag them will be found—Calipinis Polygon Dic
tionary,? languages, folio; Demo* then is etOlehenes,
1 vol, folio; Claaaiam Opera, 3 vols; Plautus Camedia,
I vovfebo, black letter; Clavis Lingua Ssnela; Aldus
Gelleu* uota Attica, 1 vol,4tno; Static Opera Amnia,
1 vol; Eurepide* Tiogedia, 6 vols; Perrin*. L vol: So
phocles Tragedia, t vol; Grouui dr Jure Belli, I vol;
Lnrretiu* de Renrw Nature, l vol, Opera Plaioai*,S
vjU; Poeirf Menores tieuea, I vol; Aotoniueso Opera
-1 vol, 4iuo; Hoiomei Cboroprapbia Carious, colored
maps; ArestolrU* de ar* Poluca; Hubarcbi Charboei
Morelia Opera, I vol; Lexicon Grace Latenum. I vol,
folio; Easebit Chnuucornm, 1 vol; llomeri et iloxuau
darutn, 4 voir, Arestotebs de Rhetoriea, I vol; Deled*
Poeiica Bcjitentia, 1 vul; M«)*chii Lexicon,ff vol*, fe
-10. Ac. Ac. Ar
Full pAUieul&r* m'-eauJojuef—wliith cuji be hud
it Ule Auction store.
■» jTESSBd.' A RCIfKR utd FARRELL give ibeu
AX first Ryeumg Entertainment on HONDA Y.FEB
BUARY 15»ih—assisted by
MISS ANNA CRUISE, the celebrated Vocalist; . ,
MIL JOHN DUNNiro iiumittliie Buffo* '
MR. MURPHY. tlte pfoaring Ballad. Singer, sod
For particular*, v* bill* of tkr day.
UjT Ticket* £0 ceuta. _febl7
tian, Ohio and Kfiuiisppi’3cenerr, liov exhibit*
ing si PHILO HALL, commencing JatmarytlUt.—
Among the views it eomprise*ti»folw«rtnXJ;*flw Fad*
of Niagara, comprising a full view—View.of iftecitp«
of Mexico, from the Coovenvbf San Cosnjo— Fanor**
inic view of the Fall* of ibe OlUo, from the— Indiana
side—The eity of Looiavilic, Ac.—Toe Macoinoth Cave,
hotel sod cottages for airaa*«rs,.visitors and transient
boarder*—View of'Atklnnc,Hon, IL Clsy’s.tesiueaee
—View of the Hermitage—'together with s day’s jonf--
ney ou the Prairies. '
lhwrs open at 6 o’clock—Panorama will commence
moving at 7 o’clock, precisely. )
Admittance, UReenU:* J*3l
crapes foi Ur
To Positively, atnh FuiuaK.
■-jerr The fast tailing coppered and copper fatiten-
JftyiLfd barque ALfiOHA, Skaau, muter, has
JSttCujree-fo«nbaofbercat{;o engaged, and wU$
aail aa above. ijhe baa three convenient cabin*, ,oae
of which would be appropriated 10 a ocompany o(JQ
or la person*, if desired. ' r
U3* PatAciieera wiH be liberally provifod tor, aad
two eminent pltyaiciana wiltbe ap’irtt-
Cabin passage &£U>. No steerage taken.
Some freight uod a few more pawtsngera can be u-
ky applying early on board, first wharf
above rute street, or at
■ Dock Street Wbarij
Philadelphia fa.
_ j?or
The fine A 1 ship ANDALUWiA, wa* built
Baltimore in 1849 is copper fastened and
burthegj. 771 tons, is
and in every rpspeit u'veuel.of the first class.
The between (forks on very spacious and thorough
ly ventilated. They are 9'leet high, abeut 5* wipe,
and 150 feet iu tenpin. •' \
Captain Wilson ti an ex]jpir\ence4iiuster, aud ftoul
it with the Pacific .l
Passengers ft»jf California are invited to visit aud ex
mine the ship, at Ramsey's wharf.
Far freight or passage apply Ho
16 Bowly*! wharf, Baltimore.
iff® The fine new copper fattened and copper
jSSrtsitA 1 barque JOHN MAYO, Capt.
BBabin now trading at Craig** wlmrfj sod will
have deepatch. P - *-' freight or*pasaa*e, apply on
board, or to HENRY .MaNKIN,
ja3l»d3w l fi BghrlyfrwharfrgaUlttgy
PERSONS wUhing to lofcf-A company gout* the
overland rpati'qa PM« mulea, can do to by u»a*
1 kiug apblicCllpo at the office pY A.W. BROCK WAY,
NqTIJ Commercial Row, Libfcny ttreet. Thii cetapa
jiy expect* to go through frota (be Dormer m le« (had
rixiy day*, wtrh perfm lafttj. Only a limited
ber wiil be taken, at the company does not xri»h 10 be
teurded by a large body mdvihg together. A tweeting
will he held at the above place on AYCdriesday e?ea»
inn. the Hth, at which tpia-aod \Uaraanrinfofajßtian
will be riven to uw* '.vOfhina to join. Nona wQI b«
ircmed but men‘of good:'chapicter, who can give
tfruXtiOtcrY t«-r<tcnd‘c. . febia |
Callfornlaßlfleii, . <
Qrtrt RIFLES, tame fiaakutiin, flat* model per
-6UU coMioaUxk Btftea,
Stair* Ooveraineuu Thejf Cie etronj,.yfylYniade, eud
kerviccable Gun*. eiuctly the article jot
m. T,«e, ';
Noj'Ji Nor’h nrc <t, f tdladtlp^U-
THE celebiatt itftkeft*, half
keg*, <*matci« aud uaosjfiir rale by .
fcby* •_ J. S jj)L\yO&TAVA: Ck X 7 wood » i
Illegal VtUo»>
fIYIAE ut»nnci;*bp hiretcfom exifling between the
1 nubfcrtbar*, in the atae of Eichbaum k Sample,
\Y** thla day dissolved by mutual ivaieut Wra. P.
Wchbaum i« autboriied to uta the nantr of die firm
witling tbo buaineaf of.the concern. ;•*
, / \VM. P. ElOttftAUM,
Puuboigh. P«b. 10, JS49. AI.UV ylitANlfrfiP
K 7“ Win. P. KicbMam AiiUcpmtnuc* thcbulUttng
alSieun Engine lljrdr»*ttti»V|ea#ea
-- - Iji
Vf 4is*Gonunii»joi» Mel-
J.Vi chuu* No.US South Front street. (b»*:gml-»ioryO
.Philadelphia. ITTCoods purchased, narked, insured,
.end shipped to order. Vs'oi*), ngo/, brain, .Dried
Fruit and leeeived on consignment and »IM*
age, y?»th obtained- fetHiUa •
and axle FACTORY.
taaac iotas, . w»* ».
\f of spring and steel,
ill plough steel, steel plough wings, cojoh sni clip}
ucjpniiffs. hammered iron aaies, aMtfederi in and,
lefcbl* easurigajfire engine layups, uul co|u:i* iriiaatfngs
• gene rally, comer of tLcrj* and-From *»'-> FittsUu*j»i
: Fa.
AfrAOAl'i JIYiSIIUmWY OF IttiUl'ANDr-Vol..
IVI Bm&nd heeo!Ml;twt-ticc , d,*k*jK>t »»lo by,
• i OJU\&TV»\ A VtQtWIN r *
sorugr mitu *nd Hiu ;
ill yigVoa4»unr Baba**? and for tile by'.
JAMKaDAUSELk, at waicru
FBB3M EOLl* BUTTER—9 bhU to-day fas\i w&I
far >»lt»by ftthia ARMSTRONG A'CgQZEK?'
rnCGS— lUM io-d»y rro*tlLv ' 1 ' L ', .' '•! 'Av
hi febia • A CRQZK8 -v*
WiJUC-a«ipc*jujitrto , d and I'orYiUbr" ■';
XJ T fcblß --' AaMaTEQNG A - ’
T> fffeifi.
K. f d»Wv .;.' l^tvoj^Njgipb^
Vf fctiuLtf 1 i
ill (ayyr tc®,
TnURE BEANS—27 bfcls mill white Beui. to
\\ ium tad fat uta by feu L 3 WaTERMaN
Far San Franciaco, California.
7 Cincinnati * pxnmnu&
iisa ica ifia
mins well kn6WftUned£»>iropa*M*|»^^
I «s is now* <om»ae4.ofth^iMf^wrilksLbea
fims bed and ftirhiahed, aadmwyphweffei £oftt»«t tbs
vraten of the Wcu. Every accommodation und com
fort that money can procure, haabeeo provided for pas- ..
senrer*. Tbo line-baa been in operalicaTof fiTOTvaia-**
—hss carried a million of people without ihe-lea*tinju
ry to their persona. The -hosts, Wilt he' «l we foot ot
Wood street the day previmuon tuning, for the recep
tion of-freight and the entry o i parwngvrs on tbtf WdU*:-:
ter. In sIT esses the mw wp»Ui»>
advance. ' » • - • - • i. ;•... c~
The ISAAC CapL ■ .r ■>— •
tesve PilUbnrgh every fetuniayraonuagaUo OVlncl; *
Wheeling Uvery'Sftnday evening hi lay.*.;;; vc k
Ma)*&,U*l7. . . *
The MOXONGAUELA, CapLSroXa, will Usvf Pitt** •
burgh every Monday morning it Ifto’eloek; W baiting j
every' Monatf evening st 10r.pL _
: TtTKSDA'irPACiißT* 'r'-r?. r"...,
The HIBERNIA m 3, CnpLi.Ruaumm, witt i
leave Pituburgh every Tuesday morning at>iu o’clock; *.
Wheeling every TStesdsr st 10 vr is- -\.IL
'fhe NEW ENGLAND No- S,;papL t<. lm*,-will -
leave • Pittsburgh every Wednesday worijtag’ at -D.v
o’clock; Wheeling cvcry Wcdneidiv etching at ih>.A.*.
:h. ’ i
The BRILLIANT, CapL Gates, will leave Fids '
burgh every Thnndny morning si 10o’rfork; Wheeltag -
every Thursday evening at Her. j
The CUPPER No.3,Capt- Paxs Dcvti, will fefvt''
PiiL-burgh every’Fridsy lunmiiig at lUoVtflt’k:;,\Vhr<- r
lint every Friday evening at .. ,I'JL:?.
Pmsburgh every Saturday momiay.H lOVelnrt;;
W'heeUnf every SalunUyejeaiflf gt.lo r. M. ■>'!
nrw Lisbon and mti&kmr DXit\
ouaocrtr,) ~>'
Leaves Piutuorgh dally, aid o’clock, A. M.; and sr
riveaat Glasgow,’imofillt of the HandyandßeaverCai -,
n.i,) st 3 o’cloek, end New Litboa ut If,' wmeoigho X i 1
Leave* New liabon at So’.cloc.k, ‘P. (makinglho- 1
uip canal to the river .durlng ihe JuahL) srtdVOTa%e« -
at o o’clock, A. M-.aQd smye^at^ntitoxgbatVl’
M —thus making a-'CootlttUQUa.luw Jor’eArrylnrpii
heaver* and freight beiwren Ncw LLbon andTitii.
in shorter'time aad-at Jess theft
of this Lute have-ike pleakareeflft-";
forming the puhlie Rut theyhave filled up fwofimekw
Canalßoabtjfor theaceommodaßon ofpaaaeMme.ftad '
freivht. to run in.CGßnet’tion wlth tto. weD knowik
Steuuers CALEB COPE And
ing, at* Glasgow*,;with jUftd, GhfQC
nut and'Otherdmly lineauf-ateemdu dowo-thefNUk..
and Uixtissippi riven. < Tbe.>repiiel*n pledge.■ tMJO-',
M-lvat to spare Qoexpen>e : or.Uoubie to iunre.ep«f'
fort, safety and dlspsiea, and ask,of the publicuAute. f* , ' O “f^ UOBI2E i >iGENTS . :
a. i*w!ISSEiCQM, lfi*Utorjb-
lyiinf • •' ’
NOTICE—The eteamer BEAVERjC. E.
ter, will leave after ihianotice. forWeUsviUepunetcl;
ally, at 9 o’clock in the morning.- v,> -
Daily Patkat Lina
• k.-- Bta foUffwing new boatg cozaplci
t fL .TT.S* un line for tbo.'prutetat •ecfoßrAT*
LANTIC. Cant.. iaohtr ParkhUDbi
CaptTA. Jacbtajaad-LOVli
U’IaANE, Capt. E Bennett. The boats nweafirdf
aew, and are fitted up without regards expetmef : s Ev*
ery comfort that money can procure has been providAQ
Tim Boats will lesye the Utmougaiula. Wharf DoatA
the foot of Ross ct. Pasßeitgers will bn punetual.w
board.esthe boats will ecrumly fo*ye at*the
used bouts, BA. ALandiP.M. *.. - Jaa3h» ,
igSBoBBa Kansu, money, wUlUavefer,abkT»
nKSBEBuBand intermediate porta oaWedae*-
day,*tbel4thinot. . , '
For freight or passage. apply on board, or to - i
febl? GEO U&iILTEffBEROCRr A|i<
, v The fine steamer
r FORT. PITT, -•' 'v if J <
jgStagwßa Caw. A. MUler, will ruaateufctfciit
■ffißSaaßihe above trade, leavutg Vuubnrgb
this day at 10 o’clock. ' ——•
For freight or passage oppJjr oa booed. febl? r
O&SBBaror Wheeling, evewJUbftda&W##*
nerd fs and Friday, atlOo’elaoh.preeisely.. -jiv; \f
* Leave Wheeling every Tu
mrday.at7o'clock,ora.pTCtUely.i : j
The’Concal will land at all the- uaenwditto- per j>-
Kvery accomodation tbal can be prepared lot
(on and safety of passengers baabeebpnmde&* 'ft*
boat t« also provided with « self-acting :aafety.«B*VTf
prevent ejploxioni. For freight or' pjuuugQ manly an
board, or to W. & *S£-
feM AIW. Greer**,cor.SmithyWkwWkier»ls_
■" .. FORMtW.OsiLEANiS,"?^.'^.
qggSmß :.TtK» BtUwln, nMut,
nnflßEßßfttbe above and UttetmMiim'iidrtr«K>:
Monday, Feb.Kthi at M >: • rr 1 -• ■■.■P’-iF*
. For ftpigbi or passageapply oahoatd, ortafisaß
' MUttaberg«r,«rfttdgTew At exigent*. .;.?<<
Tkefaa-ateaner . V 'J
iCamJR . r '.;= CAROUKE; "wj f-[■■.
wttnTOH, Btfalog, outer, haVtsg'mdM««oa
KSHSaSBBthorODgQ rwlrt, win ran n .t. ntß'
tar packet on the aboya trade. : lam PituhareA w> }
ery Wednesday
every Friday monuag. •••; ,
For freight or pa&shge apply at board. <> Jfehi
prrrsßUßGii'ANO uiuisvillepackktunb
, toTpUUa.
i , Mb^Mt- ge>P TKLBURAPII NO*
i OBBaKMHttMa«in,inandr. vrill leavn fitt Oiwa.
> oatl and Luayiite*a Saturday,^
•• oeloek,A,M. For(renduoraasatss applyaa^C—.a
to BUBBffiWiKTwUScififi
• ■ u
- |Er Steamer Peytcoavol) leave lotib’xille.Orffeva
Orleans, oa arrival of Telegraph p»—rrffra
caajto direet, and nw have Wfthg spared keroiedr
tv The *Pt«iSd new- ttetmet 1 -<
„ r TaSuBAFU,No.>; , ‘'
-gmattaa H*aka» piaster,witf leave to .abova
«» '
HraiULAR.tyUEKMNC PARICEt.. , , ‘.
dKfaialt 2A®Sv TAVU»«, Xl . r
l.ncMiMtm. will bnla .««• A
mwnil.'TMßlrwiloi picket from ln»k«rjl> la
Wheeiißx.leaYwsrtmluirgheTerf Maedtt, WtSui<
davauiyrtUy. . ‘ - • -Cy f
W Origin w ptmge opply.<m'>i»i4.*,
Andliocku*fport, and utennwUaw landiuu: '1
‘ k_ ' ThehWjftefaerv- r
1-iMirrnff _ wki,fs>vtrTP J t ./? ••
Foe,-pinto,willWaVfe'fbrihii above'
■vßHMNdESportaeruy.Toeedar, aiiOONstoh, *V
u. Forftetth»oipai«asa applyoaix»aid. .daeg^lM.*
Diiealauom.. - •.. .JJ * B l. l
JL *awribera,lntlien*niaef PrtewKTttevteSr
vu ifcU day dioolvedby morakleocWni, VrrtTbfirr
wuluntolae bv>i!t£astofibe-eoncerai'raiw,hiefc.p«J.
pn«e ke I* audiorind toutsthe nme oflbe aiits^v
~ ' jauhhw3od, i uT
Fobiu.ty 7,1813. - : - l)Bq>.llifre\r. ; ;Vi; iwfi
in tie oaste o£ BHEV,
panme of Wuuactinja (ananlGrocmT&SubSsioß
alike ftudolibaltoSm.
pf Fneud, Shay they'wUlbwpUriund to
rteeive the patronfe or the ttEttoawr* ct- 'SSjtour.
aad our friend*. nra>
in bnimem, i
*** JAMES^gOOPa*? O,
_____ . Pitoqimtqwk'* —-‘V 1 ..
PfUIE co-patWQthtoh£rgtflfaflw-rfri|4ff between the
"X cubicnbew^athenaioe^o?Conitutla'' }*»*** k.
lvt4l ? Bttiti
*»*•:* Bwnfca.YTili MUlou»vba*ine» aTtter, eon
een *r tlwyaie an&erieed tattoo the
nan* therconcent ;■?lATO*Mro.mMfttrt».p
.of nunaiaenmoiFifeproof. Bafe t, . Vao'iiDbSu *A»T
At., al the Hand of the Late Crta of Cg ijtiUygffirm
A Cctn where they will be pieced to.-££7^'jg-gT
irotiago ofthbevslODiBTfbrUtk).ln>Bai^MtfMtratiiSw
>! -
In fetirfnf from th* tanof -Constable,' wJJbI La,
I with 'Miwrt nUoeaea v—ora—
Bainea to theoiofafidaaca of W«V vh«i>*«. —^..kTuiTTi.
tfke"'ClMluaii ciiutoU ltoWmSn
HAS os band aod tor aitfe. a» fednedd.tanw *
'£SifSC2‘ W«^r»^Sss«ta. !
■2OO do ' •■ r .'!! 6 ‘l i •
IWraibo£iJtattaPoitir.3QOt• • -
• lUi d<*« WariaiicArtd,TE?o; - r v .*
"“■ * ktf tro
•oilnmwi» eUmnswtniMv,
SJl«l3««t5 (C. wy mW?°T
(U lon» BuiK »1 wswi Um
Aleobol from 71110,35 [or cent.' ibarn.
luroii. or umjo toonjnr to luiVitimAv
All order* adtuerted to ay «iela*i*»v2S? U f7‘
aIIaKK A be ptmiSi aSiSPSfr* l *”
> lSleeuaa* -. f> -'
; '^’K^sss&ssr^B *«
' -y up mo r*. ' -i-i.
wheel*', pat upt-t- arpeatez lieork
htadadone on *hon douce on i eavmaM?. ®vJS l
iweea^ood.udSouihlkslAaif^i^ivl^iili?!}' I^'
•TAISIA c, fi» aah> brtt . ~ “t
4 fetl6 3 F VON BONNaoasxioe