The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, February 15, 1849, Image 1
i,n > t 3 -• q v ■■ l4 ■gmmmMmrns cr=- . . L - “TOSiNESS' CARPa W ImQH ■‘ft'-.V =.’J 1 Y‘l , ~ v JX. Wo-; S 3 Markfet street, PHtebarfh. vh-avLa.jdg^,^;-; !JUU»- , l»nrglr.- : —■ I «-.-, | 'i°£ ■act iskujfy/ ;Jj;fWt#rfeartte^.^JJWrty.6idSt:Cftßr*traißt»;pitu. ' largo, Pa.,v!.-; , yi m. ■ ~ . ..'. V~*.sjmtyl<- ' ... * .wtoiu&f^S^; "■'■ ! T> i;RUCfe«OCK t Co, Whotaftlei • * , '|**^' ta 4y c gSt<tt«vC<gPgT..\Yood>fldCUittK. jyl '■» VororxrJmg iod Com*' , fc/i lluip, Puu^WffijPa, v* •?-i - »■-' wn; '£ •fcartan.-.' >.: / t - . : 4iwa jTjanpgr&'X. V7NCU6U & HENNERY flat®, Ehjrliab, GeUaxfca . \VTjolfialo Grocer*, Conmutstonl ajnTl^rr ; ... u wifdhif'ftietcHani/aißlfittler* ', ':;", . : ButjgVMinuf*clohi*iNO.37'.WoodSL,beiwceavd*ad ; ' ,, 3il>tre^t»^'''v"~' :i ,•>■>- r.n: ; .» .<■, {M.oca, , t. a..VKXKJiS}' '-"4toi-mt,'..-v . :r*m*‘WooO. .U?gI^?iDwKIIKV-A. Ccw.Wholesale anti v's-*. Agnus for Brijrhtoh v , i |J^ioo.Y#ra^'Ncil.sT:>'VctCrrdW-llB ; Rn)at'sisLy Piu*‘ .^intrgj^lI*-:y 1 *-: y • 3 ; - ■‘i j *‘Tcto • -. -'AX tend Ga»>tnttßM,i.lo3-feromTStwsen * WoodfeatFßmltfiscfo'»ttetnr.Eztqb*raa, F*J,.^, , —|U",Bl*hc« price giTenfor.oldCopperiudßrass, •-*"*, r. ; ., delft., Y"i EOUG E COCURaN, Commission 1 ediFirwardinr' , yT McTchaai»Jfo J iaßwood*lrfeeL'Phtt&feAli.;wyu -B r .« ? »nd r For jLjLrcaidjug iMerchiiiU,'llatfe- retflnsed 7 t*’their eld ».ii ■ 'j*s' ti ' o. . : -e‘ toWAB. JUU6, joflaju w**a»a» .(rT , •. • , v TT EXT.D Tohmceo Commltiten Mct* , _Fhlia. , .. ~ inorßO-tf.-, •***:.'» v' I s±ta:rL-^ 11 y • -4.-t>D., WlibleUle'On>eeT*.Co«» jni '';^<< fi tJnlntotf£Xi!teliuK.iuxd-a6«ler*-ia'PMiSiicej'No*^B< • noi».’ < VT! «n&Coiuu»ll®r ai Law! CWiHtot6ne*‘totteScatoco£^*fi^twu*. &*« j ',' .“TV*. *-'Jli»t»E«neB^Pitr»bnrgln'fian.w t f , piTriiw, Hainj>. ~ * -•“■wSsfllWf, U’Qittrst Jofed EJfukvi ,f„„, GfoeerW Forir*itl/' -c c tJ'iflS and-jOojOT?iMerchants,-Dealer* hi Fn^ . .. .. , \,lace'iuid'Pim{iiron.^wifactßte* ? No, 7 CsrtntoteMar ’ ■arw>libCTtyfjj*»eVncarTic' i^4iiaL,,PiU3bffrjtJ,’'.P*r- r - ‘ nyfrly—L,_ J P i.-.-a JAMES •- - .r-.ia -AMES itOttUMIU* ilauLot fcfrfita o£ Alccp and >«MbGsiie;]l Jfiemtatt: T*\lot r SL C6&tle* {Bmiainss* wTrcgt/agkriWood,PinibttfgK- ; j r > ~ y- !f Steam So*»t " '• rt Hci' | MW«H!rajiJ9~2’ftiH»i l *' •■-•-• f--. i:l M ■>, V f/7~~ ... ... .• i ' c " : 1 *rt'-fm®' Co. Wholeiale UrieeHtPra-i >»'"j.,n y» -tiac6-anavCWmlwicii. JJeichaim, ahd Agent* 4' : um v.i .®<S« Uazbtfd ZTWot>4«, ; - •"■ -f. Wi»l!»rtV : ••- ■ . • ■•■ I ■ jKt : • t*3 -i-:> •= ; ,*«t het iaJ^tttoiiSi^ainUjVoniiVVimrisS^iM^Nb,^ a “ ■ > iiTJfPood d&of.Sottlli oi^lUaßrbfti'J|lloyjjKn?* HT&SIES KKBIL Jn* &-Co-JificeeMort* iwepko, -' - t> Cll«ncUfrT<»w >Vaicr «lffct ocax “" t\Viholc**lc ana iJ:tm!'3c&lcT : i-rr**-- T.-.jggrat-lilutnupeon, SctofttCoenr -PenA, CuD Is, Primers’iCards, mid *■•■"■■* , -' l^ ‘Suiiocajy : ft4is^y,Jio*bTWpediUPiluborgb-. i*rr. » •>/ .*.» ,' .seplS.,. ~t .., I '.^K(XJN, , HAKEa & Go-iWhoic«al*| DrnMi*ts* ,* A -4;>r*l* -No^~AVo^s^ ? j-j~r ■ • /IOHXSIC.N BoolucUeni Prints* • - '■' •-•■':. itr'sad'PAfwi^Aboiq^qtM^r*,;ip. Fitti> • * “«‘t -iUllttnAu;-.: c:ift *-vy ‘* •r-'.:’*''—-:*-:' j £ }v6 '■ „ :?f^;R’.Ef«faYDs-iUte{ ' * ' lit! 5i W rtrtwfc N ottfl* LiU TAStiJsi>xiavxiEv\ ’ a&ftil , _ . 1 • N0i.34 Wow jLVcH&uv.xieuers'&rPrbdiaee i. Jfrs&il ' «>Vv»T?~r-T\ -Triy*raVla*'ireV * ■■;. '-f/.'eWiS, teasEM; *<eoi «&•» -. .' Xi»i»li»r,'tJh«ieß4ioiierlfoa end. Nail* ©f,tiioT»*i v "W«ui^ioy«e ? wiucr audiosfroi»-«t ...„ .. Forwar ding,Wßi.Coibuiii>fulijU?ft,ft*iit in Pin*. } '~i'k*?2L n -jrAi^rMt-jo*. i v ';*'••< to- y- ,^iV4«(#j*kSjtßOKtW'to{g<glßGnfcet*iiuiC<Uotf[i»» i'..i • * • Dealer* la j DrJ*Go9d* T ~No.ftB - r •; ncvaa T ,VIJ uoPux*yi£E*''<x’lDeilers lnd^ciaQiuuioQ . 'Ht JUerchJmu, far lie /kUo of vSteericsn WooUett •u; y.-' -t.vjmwdyTiilwttirauMetjPppoMiaK!ftlt/:vt Ipgrasiy/ ' i,:. ; far. jnCr?y r *’ : \f ft , . I '' • ’ A** a. a, t -VValrt> between «••■' »- v f • \.:>. jy, JanS, . zrwjßiixotU r.i',' I c. w. txxxnox.^ . ]U ILLtKE- 4 JUCRETSON, Wholesale prociri-aad Merthaots. No. ltd, Liberty l Pix»» * -.2 *'£.•; ftogb+iW f janu I\T IIOLHES- fe«0!( f ffefc 6fil Maiiet »ecwvf - bf .p«imk»*totleri ia Foreiirri r ;;; . ■- oa aIT tiia priadpal:elile* • . <(I .guodtcimfitilift Unlud-team, . j dwl? " «• <> . ’' B. JUXXX. - : '/'Y"GKBUKJJ.A-•Co;,:Wkolesale Groeex**sd if. w dealer* tn <hU,>BQ«t}iuJTe,-fend FitUbargb' M*d-, aw tored articles, ,haTooahBTr»iataniaa*»,flJallaiui ■; :.«eaenU • • ’«*r Cherry. Altov VmibnnzV .. ~~.',.f j„. salf T) OUEBTjSlOOKii'AiTitilfiiUe Ortitti', Bioi/yini . ... Xv .Bi suilervflealcr la TroddeeJ' Rrtiibtijreb Manttfiie-- ’ .?/. vvtfnßt.M'd'dilkidd* tif Fbfreign 1 BomeatieWiae» r. —.. •; r Lhjuor& No. ILJibeny. street.' t O«? land’’* *err • r . tiirge'iWcK afeiiptriar oiafMoiiorfjtt«i« .rtdtkejr; • r r ~ whiis&-‘dfll , b>Wia'torTqrc&xh.i " 1 “"’it .•l>wliA'Pß;itAlilit'whoU»iii? t«i R^tkil"Dealer ii „ ■ v - j' : ; ,-Jju Tocosnend Find* ... o. 0 Oil, J| v) tl i<» lUMfr.Bosisaox,;- i< ' «AKEZL;S. BOSCWEL. ::1 ** ' -O '!.'lA>iiiNiJOj , JiitCdySvijolc«UeCr©cEr»/Predace t -Xw»Ai>4 Cointnusuio SedeniQ'Ha*' Z • * iSoeny «4 Pitubnnh. P».-- ’ ..r.-jaaliK *“ \ & Wholesale , Oroceri, ir^-7 J Vt.c.-iy:A&jCfli»^Bi*. ,| joa : ■*.<* -. Liberty *L - L 7 .■..♦•■ vV .:.‘l}*"'* febSt -• ,j\ VvIjOBT. iV CUSNIN6*UJtt| xTtbsfeale, Grocer, \ v ■ . .; ••.vJus'3)eaJct , l4Prodftcews4. f Piii»bßyioi AJanalacuires, > .i «rv.-> ■■■■’**&.maua&Btisri- ... ~. ,f jx. x- uxzs. ■ . j >fi|XOrj^A.ft l lgyPftW»rtniynd CMWttinn „ v c /> for ilic Ahegteny'KlTe*>Tradc,<leal j.'!' eoidt paliatail tiauj« fot com ' -OJtaef>/peaii and jrgin »Ut ;; .' , jixgx - .‘ •r-.* «?! WbolantlomdEettilPtMera I > • !?,\ 0 7S!J'W if J ,m »“ l i»l>rf.aood«.N*.WWoo4n. V> t .MM Sl' * 'v. '« “ »ww m 4 fcodftcspaieraliy, and rorwodinr Water ... " IXAGAUSY h. -Co- \vSr>Wjl« nh d t 4•- K ~ *.• .'ft . VOX. WWIVUPKST,.* ’..ffyeaw. ToTWprgiHg and -Cnaaf»«intr‘ Mtiwficiures and ••teee. ! 6»T»r«fltfvodiollieiniffwt*%rch{mjuyaia*iaad) -Ma. FfQiti »u and ChAnccry Lme. ' 1— ——' r ~ X TfrSM I Jj' Twnfcal' Cafjyt R«f r .&0^,8. W, y; ’■* ~jyorai>ipf*fb *fld* SxairhSeld tiyiftmburgh, Pm... ja3 , • vVVVfjfiXiSisY 1 * MiS'l’i Wltoleiita£frbeer» ijwfcqjaifi. ;c'.--Vv'-;- r —l tion deilerrfa-Produce.- NfeiU f eUPtlUbargh. «C~>33-a» .:, pgg ' ■"-ty-. -ffi. prteapug pcn«on»,«tihfl office of WaK Ato» ' ‘■■ '•v'fln/EBit Bork^lJitiikiwgßr^tli«, Pituburgb. My ton ••.•ui,-.-i>. «*«j i njjeral land c&ee-at Waiblnjtoo. will a Used to ■'■ ;■ i - of expcnrcjio ,,,.. . ; n •*- "•' l - •• > '• : * : ~7|~ »awfr*C4X»Mß*.' -4 < KsS3,4«icce»o»Wli.* J4l). : * ; Ciocerj, and > -s**!* Yarnß, ; aad.l’iUBi»urzb AJanjtfdclßiee generally, , •o»jR ■>:•=;;■ Rad Wa‘^; s *t/eeu«-.Piiubari(V' •• rjift; -Oui JPOTWRKIijS- • vs:lf,' tYour st benifwo Wood and • - i ; > .-7tfwwttm t ». > :; feMrt , WaLUacKj AIUI *tooe and Mill Farwib. ■- *f,».iug e*ubli*imfenu Ne/SH liberty *tj near tie * ■**&*?«.,■■_ ‘*~~ ' . , : ■ ■tatsSS'-- rv '.a> ■ ' llcnlct in. Wiietic*, 'Jewelry, r-rre • C • v>J f *L* Ware, No. 67 ilar- W* M- 1 - L BOV7 sftjf -.•»- ««;- ( ■-. TO:«JU^MUEMiy'wholesale oAKetaildealerln , J~yy^ : ' "T lXane«Ua4l)ry Good*, nortfc eiil ut,, .‘ eotaeiof-MaibtttmiiF&anb«ts. ?c> : * *agti 5." ■ ■• ' . : seca -.-. '—i • .. nitttfc Pa<**L&—Watche* «afi Clock* . r cuefiiily tepaifcd.--! ' - g^A- MX*mi KW - WILBON-;Ponirmit and ilklaiarertß^ ter; -Hoorn*,- career of Foal Office Alley «ad Foanhitrefl&'eilTraneo cm 4UtttesrMsrk«t. : • :. t"r,, ~• / M- TOWNSEND, iJnjgjitt nd.XDoUsecuf, ‘ :tl,N<T4sMarket tt*tirec L doojsaboT«ThinlaL pla£ f=i- ’r -.-’' .ujnurgh,wUl hnVB ConstanUronbaod g well selected m* •-yjs .r.WTUßentofilfc'bfcefwid'WibesrjdedieiiieLwhlchho ...-s-.-vr. jrill.fdl. onr lie 'mcwt' reiuonablo-'Wrnii. Tbyticimi 1 wlii beprorapily trended to. sod »a> p rttot with;anicfe>t)>ey mty rely ■pba u gunniru. . -■ P«*enptibas wlu be acewstely »nd v . Vfora the best raatet all. ct mr bear of : ;TI» ttyerirfihi. - * AUefortale, aUrfraoekoffr**])i3idfood.Perfa'; -•. ienl 1 WORKS ON LIBERTY BTu .<JPPO^ITH BWsS^SkSS B B , UR “ H ' ™ IJsS^SSSnSSSp.’^? ’ ‘fcr iaijnmiatnu, &e. fomUte ■ r ° e,en^ort ‘ * • o ** o ** a [qf^btig Xj-aad.Wlndow-Glaii, »e<rp • cojwtadtiy oft band a Renenu.auortmenc of the ai*ove*rti£l<i- Atfrft tQikt B0ulM,!of coiomifta**;. ,\V ti M&nqr*ttarc-r o?~UououMnd.’ ,cO«'*nScft!o»d fof'fiJk cm lonrbata •Km, No ClMolilen-ljil- New Ton- 'I i?i§V', i)r 'tor*' nEBI ®> _ ’ i ,■/ ~ k'UjßilttM,, Coital JJjoraliei and cHni“r TT ENNmTfcmLbss caf”. 6&?H p KKjaijrBAaTORE-~No. BFrorih Jsssmßpas mbimub. I "JEBSl<aa£®M!sjE@S%i|*.‘ joctaMy Lg afos ’ gas**™ *«fc«aWre,-^o2j/; 'Ss ? -"^w?SSSSsSS!®j iViSb^T'V l^WP?f*^i®r^*- Cbinparix'BiHee tWwww. .■llltbpacpt ttfjha, Agency ifr' Ittt kto bhumlh. IKWwfei mTiuay the confidea« *ndpaßpaa£tor&LdTnMuUaa& m,a iSI ranee Cowpauy, s'** .WPeUlOtioa muongthe mbat'flbhWtHtrVifrPMii l J ( .|., ferwftiomred hi« doe ahamtor'tba-- pnJa <Jst<omt*t,t;*hh ml toolviaJfbS"-^ -th^‘itV.^Jr I’l,llll 1 ’ 1,1111 ei piviltsvifc*’ K^lUcSirtnriSi if every olruMaKfej!' 1 mm,, Ml r* PSfff • -Wl> WBIKB IJISt'IIisCE/ MfMniml^luSwluuMSSS^rtgJS; wmsdtobsj ,k- 1... -„ --r SRrff 1 ' Y C6»»le.T.rl.>r, • . fa M 1 ”™ £??JL - , •>«eot>M.Tkgraa«, iiv iv ß ™? n ' ~Jolm R.Xefl: : ' • ’ JoktrWULle, • * •■ >1 -;• Hieh&rd awpod,; ~ Thoxaae p. Cepe, <•..■'.. - • ■•AVm:-tc>i.h • W T r » Samae RSmjth, • - 'FWuufcHl&hM. 01" SamneJ Brfwti, Austin AJUboae* u . 1' *• tteWe»t !n»arauctfVjoan»ni ihtWUftiM ! perpetttat, fcmfrbtniu i H r ** p ritks of an extra,haSM chWaeter, it may *S.‘ public. . W. j " *vHw Oounnrfg Hoorn of Anrood, Jones & C4J’W*J' ter and Ftomropeti Pitabargh. ) mmjs X »»dlijwie*r >pa crcry deseriptioa ofpropcnyyfo' PitLkimygH \ : iW-tfoif-,; J p;.; £ « 1 SStofeitod " «SSo'“ ,aW mu bdcfl tppciadj Agp qi jsi»| X' btftte'iasnraacoCoinpoixyofNqrtli Aid^RaCi Aaa viliistae Poiieie* txd attend t*Ue other btulnesa I of Lhe.AcfSfi£r>«k|k9 warebouM of AtsrtocL *,4 CO.l -, >«pi l. ..WALP^OXt^W^J:! POKffABIHM6 & IfiSMtt cig.-nxmouwaa. chabi.esa. DAifcsnowGaTco, /TOMCCO flfiKCflA3lf&. Ne. S 3 Sonih lYharvea,' r_.jrio.iir Booth Water*. pim.%f>nLPjii&. - ■ DEG 9 to inform the ithUo and dealer* generaUyef *fey. A 3 “adt nrch amuse menu with the Virginia mttni:acuin;n..aod the OrmrToi . the Wett, tv CTtlndiCf, attijbihor plaids, a* will , a arid coa*Uua«3pply of m- following deaefflb lion*of TobaiCd,'which WMbe*oUombukuS' .modaling term*, W'gny oxber fume in thli cfcvor eUe. where, and all food* ‘onJe#edfret»‘them will be wifi ,r«aiea equal to repfeeintanwc' *' , . .Havana: St Doaiingo;' Conn? '“) Vara; . ..'Ppnpßieoj ' Pehn'e? ta*ed Leaf ‘u>- ALSO—BranAh'a eelebfajed • Artatatiei Stir Cares* ditb, witil'a .lirieiuoruaent-af ilberpapajir brand*, and ttuHUei'ofpotad*,' Si,' WandWLmaS 4*7 o,e»aad IGs Plif; 2i3id?'Twi*tj'ViWuu» TwiiL whole and naif baxe*, wood ond iiiii together with every variety of irtiele beloag. tag lo thc ». .. . i ■ JcHkUy c "***sSipSt. ''ffASUSB?, . FA FACTORS, ;• ise«fO«anltilo» wd.Eonrftfdlac aBBCIHSTiI,! • Nk.fijftflmi.WxUxm; Alto-lift WktrtStU ' 1 * J H j L “ BLISU - BmltlvßMiley i'Co: 7 , ..AHenArPiuton,’ ' NetrToyk. .' . f Witter! ft: Harvey' ,r ' ..J£>; r r/ A Co 1 ... Balky ««mo*|C* r , [ Ktubarjiu ; Ki*ikjooe*,„ _ ... j, « • » •-tpr Liberal <ail> advances oo coniigtoaeau to 6b/ addrm. • , ~ ■ r. c. • < CaACLS’ECKT. - - ' ton.~WATB3U. y***m&*mi(£ And " Co*»xni**Jpn ilerc^&ta, ' . tfa-PBoratiyirnStittn, /(.> I*l •, -r.,-,T j,, • J . PHILADELPHIA.' ‘ HEPKBEJJCK9—UciIry-CfiirtCfLEutitjßyrh' •<* ft ;■ ) Rodyor* y Sherlock, ;) «•'< v : 'OO SJJcfaooley k Son, \ CineUrnim. "cA. M. jofiannr, Jtfnyitille; * '■• ■ OurleilUaMro, J/., . llotWWeyt* Co. *) 1 ”•< ilereer,Xta£.tCb. * _ IpUindV Reed A Brwlicr, J' -JDatiib.&Coaalngfy ? TiHr York., •: "' ft'C&OZBIL -■ r • jrtOMMISSJON MERCHANTS, No. 2»Mttk« itreei, V> PilUbnrjb, pa., will tuemt ptonpily to tbe-Mlo'df ■ *Wf de*onptfo9 or'Western Produce* and otter belei eAtiutted totUrir etle. ■ ' r ■ , f ' J - ~ '■■■ '• 'BzrssTO. ,*L • L A Co. Pluttargb; liatuu, Grahus' Lisbon, ©4-MeraiiMt* gtiacnllj. WaJl** vflle,Oj Bioee*k.Og]ebr r Cridnport,o-; A. <2. Rich* ■rostra &-Ero. Cincinnati*, J. v. Howard, teroiiTtiJe, .*w Guile* Dorworl, SitooU; 11. Dajles, Steaben- _ j,_■■■ j t , deed , wwio PLQVB ABU>PIIUDICIZ. rr- ÜBifl, OESK^ufc^MIMIOSMMfc'nASTB &>»4ato ofaU klfldaof Pro to’ mado ga coo*i£isnwnLr. U fl. A Co. b»Te leave m refer lo JL Bobhoa & Co. Ki.: . ■! ' 1 ’ * * 4 RocT l«t*«hwfh. Iked, Pttk.* Col IW.ypr; M .Lawson ACorode, TCelUrillc, O, ~ Me**n BCno^Tco^l.Wlirf Itcj, V* -GUlABtoativ- : ostety, . < • !#» B< CAVABAtIQU, BseelTiag, Forwaiiltagniii tepernl commiv - r .'Wiioß Oudiiut,’ ‘ Cosanurun. flnscr. fix. .tom. Mo. , N -' a -*i' iol ‘ttnxlmtlUlßvTicn Vof potchMUfr io ito niwket, >llll ill bpitaen proitptir inuumcleil. Bgfcreflcoatr*iubargh. John APPaifrn fc Co' . ~ ...... < . .. . OEO&OS"COCKZCtA97 CenuatisJoA >ad Fora«4ißg BtrthAai. !; '‘ ~ ' - * /CONTINUES to transact • federal Consmiation btui \j dms, eipeciaiiy in the purchase and tale of Aineri ‘ can Manwaetorea and Prodacc, *ad in receiving and ta nil earn. Aj Agtut tot ■thft hn will be constantly voppiied with . tha principal. aotelaa oCftmhPtgb*frl«mtf>cw at the Rawest - wholesale prices, prder* and cohsijfrmeut*- are, respceitaUr eoucited* - .. -.- ?y 197 GEORGE A. BERRY,-—“ ' ' WBOtSMUeBOOKBl! FOSWfiDiity ijto coasnsioN fIEBCHUx, : ; . ASD DKAIJEB W . ■ - . .. Iron, BTallif CottonYarna* Rutbu(b gg:' IP Tgoofl irmiPEaa» 7 -»A« - . ~ WM. HiVISHHt ...< Vunillußmfcut, DMwMrtll<,P». AUoudi partearlir lo.ll»<Porni«iii|[ of Produce, i • tr* I Ter snylnformaiion. toplylp FORSYTH t CUN'I CAN. W.lBfrt ,f ; , -.oCtfB '.! JuaiuiiiS, uuuTUKiii • ««•._ COMMISSION MEftpHANTS. PMHAnBI.pHTV .. _ Forthe sale of Produce geaerffljr- / cajs -op - ___ i . . j ~" 1 mln'ii : ' ''': "" •' '• ’: ; "-' il !■’•• TT HS ~ CARDS • I •;. .- '**> RSBZT. X. w«B|. KEBBIT * BAaH£TSOB s tii*. X “- & j Vsf EAW OFFICES,. ' , ; / VphrrWßLUrr ■ ■ ■ 1 ' ATTOaSEY ATLAWI - .: Jhftler t Pa »Uooaffpd lo coflecilcra* and xjl oifw '!L%XPgS3&* i m . $ * !£JB$ " ». i ' " : A REFER TO / ' - " “S^ir 110 ?; :'Vm.Bcll, tSon.Cimi., a,<utAft ujj-' l ijy.“‘«M.)., and m jji W , fiswSpS^ l9 ®^^ wtt *- trefct)^abpifrawithfirli A WORNBV ATLAW: Office removed to. Bount- I a*. ** n 's}* tefpfefen'pri4ihfield bod Grant street (n.'LiWw,- '- " v _ . l.ttttftlSJffrewtlzi' T\uNtdP & SEWri.I, attorney at lak. Affirm K4-//Bmith&ct4 betweeryM atnUUnta. - '““*=*“»• IW * o* iE" Robinson, 'Attorney uiitff. has re* 1-vff -awvnihia office toibe EichWe nuildines, Sl door tejAldennan Johns. ' , ffM r CAVS m BONNTO. I * -PAtRIOBAaLB WAgna" a TUR «Bbseriber r inaddiuea tolis owd , Swuafactaringof Hau, humade arrausL» a Mil witS Ale sctV ‘Bebee iCo_ Qfae most^k ■•w^s^unsss^fi^Ss ™&ti^Bsjg%ss and Cap Store, Southlrfld sonth of yreat-farietyjof Sl; r tiluiißktda tpicatlet oa-iriSrt^nt^y 8 -S ,;,,i i JAMES WILSON,- .- aa>ajLL < l,o**«'4rlWU'ifi. Psk Sim>« , TJArTICULaR itlentioa peifl'toour BrtailTtWe, J v*ES.r™n» our o(Uto BE^JuxEkijtijrj&ip at tkcjtfvrg# I -CodnUy wholgnillL tfttf Urrtted JMftll 4W!4X«aJne-Dor Stbcik ny we on aj w&b.ecafaleacc, ihui «m c “ wri “” VcceWag.ffS thclilfir York, ichole'H iiygonmeot*!™^ tvj c-I*7^!l.'Vef7:cto*Pi wme*ttJK«ntf.ttta|l- *“’ " * '■ : a/™• u *-» JAmßrwitBoe<i‘' ;. I / flptia., : ■ Wmßm?- -4 \WTJIiU mtnjdOTc -«*-' BatardaVf ~Aitauir' , SSUii' < tt? of » >nl «iu( benrilfsl bil, on invited men. i ; - : . , tessresps?** ] gj^Qw'OpeiaS^orGil^ I, *£j«htf 9-Uaglm. A n «» tf* |’)?f •‘^funf?r<xf4lin^RtriO , »«liyt --irj ' r^* , ?’ rr *^ Ceam^Jr - i “ Asiiqmties onJ tfatamV Suii*Uc«J, jyiJ C^olqgiSr I'SfJf $%?• J*SMecdptti of r&roeeaWe, anymore I-^riL bsllQn^ I 'r (^ fifo ff T> r^' aJ Pkatcbw orui»tin*ai*S. f~*r Konwi, SoUiar*, Statesmen, 1 J ah»u. L»WTfr»,T»U I■■•_- • . m. ■■*■ ■ "*•■•- ••wSJwPI'SiKSK V f. !w K CT J atlmmti oKa PH. 'iltemCuhria^.la*rol* -lfm, Qoa“T y ttn, } -Sictchia af Era sSSsSSsaiE!sa®iXas! •enptions; witi ueetfou* e# KooeerbfrMd i M pk>ae*fs? ufidien, and tmumexk. £>rtm. iawren. > f £SXkS&®wn n.«w. SSss£7!& I Jj*^ 0 f ffitlrmi nr lnu ||Sstm Mr. •&»*■£ part., pun; fr 3 WU, lsuo.. Ctotl-liih: , tool.Jon rttelvtd „J to, „ le t,. JOHNSTON * STOCKTON, B,»ta«Ui~ ' _ la»r>«.co,3j, few IKE - ~ ' ’* *^ £ ’^f Q! ‘ Memormbiilm of£oer»t*£ with English V„.w‘S U> '* *?'?“*,■' nmltol la Creek; aaih SSftS^3s5 r Toeabala !S ’ B P“‘*>« «. » practical m >**^SsX i SL!?, tke 'f! o£fl»Bp*nlth'Language _ Bod* Keep&lg by tingle *ad Arable entry prabtf-' ;ttf&hfc«S? c^^isSc‘' BUr “? u ’ conjaormpf 6^ Pl ? nce t- £maj eouffhert ef G*al fcf ‘ ftflS- and enlarged: bv Janon Abbott; map and esgrariugi. For aale by R. HOPKHW, Apollo Bnlldijigi, <ib .-ft • Sftjl to WcTTTOTstion, Surveying r*" H***"** y i re «^ ! ««nalain* * fall view ofUie rorro of word*, with vocgSalariei %a d ccmiou ant. «***■?? J*?- Betio ‘ i «* «OSsttot. iaitaiiao^rf*reSi. trgUotoct,.^D-. Pro&nor J?UeS£ fj!) Gcargo R, Cioorii, A. It, 'Adjunct Ptottaor of Language* in Dicklnton College. Ufa.of M#danp Cai&aiiae Adoma, Sdedi* :■£ 0«T novel—The Di*cipline of i/fe. "^■Bssa&’sttfcgsa.r' ’ ■ aovin ••. . cor 3d and market *ta fOHpul, AECIUTEOTPBB «td«utibiS;. lo iho ™l£*T* tornt of acltoof fcocw»'i;i tAs 1;, by-, nry Bsniluil... Abund rally Iffirilttldil wiih viyw. J, ».:.•! Teiehlflfc «r tin motives ; wpntboOf o<gnoJ.«chaoi ke»piogt4iy David p Paje," Beieprt; the Teachsri* Anln: by 8.8.' iiolii A«’Mi' I Maim—A munn) {or j -dsC. geiboli. In two-paru. By Aleiv 1 « Pfttnf.D.D.i and (L.B, KnitTMa.XM. -lUnoatied wiih enfnrio i ». For sale by <• , . , i vdcefl ...... gHOraLNa,U'polfo ' lOARIaEV’S CABINET JJBR ARY, foi Bciool* and ! X rwniUfifc— «on*iit»driwdmy voimnciy u» contains Ove handled different iybjerts. Ulaitriied*! .WUhCOßengmJnjfi. It ixan entirely orijuat Mrtakj lecentlv. wntten liid dotrfpfeled 1»y g 0 Goodrich, «H| J»de*ly«4 toxKlJ ly® Apopolaf Bjornipihii'ictflchnu and - moaernxihe-wondrryenii rariawie^oflftstdry/jfa*' i s "*' * Dd *' h j UHo r Ji y> * il * to* p/acjicnl, ri /Thd prif* pcr VtoL It 73 cents, each coataiainsAbioat S3> pares, 1? no; irtlOMr «l Yerselebr H HOFKiWS, Apollo flaildingmyCih »t j KW WUn, ud..iu toßtequenfei: *J- bj U, F, E.JaajefcjUq. , Virnif Fair, a novel wnbcst. a Hero: by WjlHaa Makepeace Thaekvry, with -Jllomartont. Wwirt Vernoßf-iwj by B V Child). ~^ l T «/„ Feninanlaf War. by&enera! Ckarie* TTUftaffl Vaoe.Maroiu. Of Londonderry. G. C.U-(I. <. It, Colonel of ihail Reft Lift Oeardi; - - . The above work* received lhJ» day and for tale by • Bajpg jqn?teTort&stockton • CJJIKRLOCK ON DIVINK PROVUJENCEV-Tftj* IJJiUtdTto very scarcer And exceedingly v<loable k work; has jum been pobiMieU byJ. U Bead, in a boon* UCttU^mo.toLoriWipage*. It contains ih£ reccin' mcndhtfOßS,of*evar*l clergyman ofUus oily, of differ* ml denominations 1 ., lit. one week 4UO copies have b~*u Plusburglmjid suburbs. h abooft&Tetery body. For aoleby_ nov33 H HOPKINS, ApollotlaJldingi, 4Uest A BOOK FOR PARENTS, YOUNG PKBSONS ' AND INVALIDS. J-Dr- Hanning's “Common Sense” on Health, Physical Education, and, Homan Yoiee, ta bated opon the mechanical philosophy af 1 man’s physical €Qfl*iittUkm.beJs6tbe substance or hit lecture* on the above subjects fefceaily delivered in this city. For sale bv K HOPKINS, octlfl , .. Apollo Building, 4thojv. BROOKS’ OVID—The Melainorphoaea' or.Puh?iii» OfiihtVNaao; elndditcd by to tntlyale tnd ex fianaiioaof ike Ftbles, toreihrr with Engiieh Note*. Itaoricsl, Mythological dud critical, tea Ulsatratcd by pictorial etobdliahmertu; with k clod*. By N. C. Brooke, AJM. R HOPKINS Vf AP OF CALIFORNIA^O&iXiON 4TEXAS— JJX From the laieat nudioriUfirf By S. Angtuou MUcmiLwitb an «c com pan intent—Hlitonral, Be acrip* likftGeographical and SUiletfeaH IForeale by. decl3 - R HOPKIK9; Apolltf BaUdlag*,' 4th n 1 \TATUEMATICAt,, raSTBuapNTB-For Draw- AJJ.' Ebony end Rowwood caie*, vrirtr or wubotti Anut*‘ evictt For-eels by ’<- dee3l - - 1 R UtiFKiNSj AdoUo Paildlftgß.. : MAPOF ftonOe -Cettatr fiarreft *cihotittd-bt the Bt»te, eadoth. eroogmej docnmenu. "IJevlMsd esd improved onder ■ of Wei. F-. JUonU,'CiTil£nrtp«r,oj>oa debt procured to euh county, .obder tatbority oflhe • A few eopitt or end ipleudid M»p received ihUday end/or ttle by 1 - 'Johnoton * aronawi, ’ • _ Bookicilcri. cor market eudMete imngir wofei'iim received end ” tembtf Wert) lL‘ROBISOll«C«.‘ Bittsb ■' €OFMTNERSHIP& 't \ _ _ , . : co.f AiiTroaßßip. i ~"v T OOA3i k KEJfEJEPV bnyp 'thft day tuE&tated , ln the Hardware htt*inrth, PhiUj AVO h4«J.Ed#sbdJlrdgK.. The 1 ihfle bf Grot Wflihere* .hJUrriie Login, S Co, TtLt;iirringfcmeßx:rta« (fets,. i(' T 'de«irali>iß.'tD tloie Blighted *a.'ioaji u tjoMil»ra. All piJWoi WyamSorel, ..*reJ!ia>cctolly’rtqna»t#dTd>uako iumiediatelimyatent’' Jajfy IS4S V ; -r T i.XfttiAm TMMW' 1 * • COi-MpiowA »nd i • «*+/ .WioTii.aleDealer* IhFofeicn andPonittleHfcftf-'" |i. l 5 t j.*)oek6flfatdchiiy ! 'fSul^ty t 'i:o l to*flea verygreat [ ; )napttejnenii .tq'wfeiteTs , t»tJ7trit ; to CCBpeiis In pficftftnUHjny of th®'Atlantic cities:', Al *Q on hand ah' erteasmi twsdtUuehtOfPittstiurgh Hard' 7s*%. Sfi.OTcla, Siadbgj' pMlfj lIoe«, : ,111 or hf Qrbe tdld at theiowestmaiafaetirer'a.. jncVs. . “ _ '-- : . ; cartz»ar*i i i!i>sololig eiisUhtr l under ibe ! flra or J. M’Coid A lung, mtrtutr eoAseiulissolfad ouoho - ; Thc business will be elWd atthp old •UaiLif, either-of 4t%.o»h>g did nttfw'df the firmfor that rpurp<*e, Using dd*lrous W. haVe ofar liaslaew WfW with as little, delay fls,j>di»ible-"wo woold re specmjly request those mdflbied'to eaJl anil settle theUjMpoanta. " ‘ U JQHN fittSOß!). i«w , . . . h. a Kirfo. . h .. , Tritlil ft." M’CORDbaviiJg aisee&od Vi£hhlt4 his : JomeF.M'Cord,. under the style ©fM*Oirrd | *Ct a, wtil cominu•• the Hui, Cap ang Futj btninett Id. it* t » various tamche*. wholesale surd faliuj, at the °W»ttnd» eomorof Wood and sth streets, whorl Qiey •phe }l a continuation of the patronage to liberally 6* stdw ed od tbe old firm. » JOHNP; M’OORlfr • JAMES S. tfXJGRIX: fr?®. the old and woll knbwn, firm o! STCord A King,l nost.mpectnJy ra^mmehUid* -m? .Patronage of the public my tuoteesirs/Mckti'a. Sfe tord ft. Co. J jaart . JQ.IIK'UINO. r|ISBOLUTYQ& r »’rbc pannftrshiptjthwto.ejrtst ftng under the style hud firm of Wfehtuian k Dal xei'j, U'tlnS day Jitsolrel by mutual cotisetof'JbhffPul aelK having disposed of his entire interest to U. -Wlsht* 5* T“ brM}rtc*i of-tbo late firm wlllibe sctUrsfhy f*j, WighDptm, who u authorized to use thd name of the •!»' ifanjpr that purpose. if. WIOHTMAIf «rgt3W3w , puiyiw7) i pAifgrtf.f •• , ' I*HE uowpreAare<t.toniimifikctiir®*ll out da of Cotton aod. .Woolen (Vtaottiucry. at the shortest ol MptCjrsJefla l B- VVigliwuui’a Shop, eyr* ' J * 1 Caaeok Federal trod SsjuloskVetL, ••' > i- ~ i- Alleghenycuyy 1 ' * CO-PABTSEOfIHtH*, " "*' •&GhiFE,aha,Chpi. James, ATavsbK . efnertff ureypurtnership, uudef the tlßa’af ft 'ATKINSON.' and will entry on'the .T 5», StoWue tjMd Sheet Iron ware mauufhetore... . AW tj'Wrickitfllthluj tfl alt UsbranebesTat the Ad Wirr U Writ-strew, r*ar\Voo»l. * ||h, ,J tr;ttUettlion given '' *■> »ve L- i I s<“t. lo _ Frtdtlep tfhd.^ommhtsLof. buiineni, rbrother Jd^epa, DJUtiKORTn. :: ’' r D Wom , ' V y-day-pasaeUted with him, John R. ATCHtte, th?leS HW .AVILUAJt-YoUNQ, o P,°™Uv TimsiDE aU, CUEST cv. ' « ‘ ,oV ' !on <f tiaelwfn dUtt*««rd u,e ctnua, neMtapamei .*|Ub;*-4f) chart, I wm Induced, upon stv urspcnTtoli.; Irfet uo *J , .t? to4< *£*• T *r lor ' 5 uv^. aodvl Bum avj.ihi* medicine ha. frnnured us piirytot. «d»arabiy. Aly distrett wa» produced by ft *i»jjaiutft,*n4 »© fieaubatu wa» Mia dWlcnfir l.foiiid •waUow/nj* food. liulocd, r «m!wnl*Set! thii m,(wB ***l«tn»n*tM itrCofirnmfiUoii. or tome e ***! it not btsc.*> carad try Unj iodteiou* wlw irrk to prolpna their lire. I' adri*e tie mor Dr TayfoVr Bif|am bf ioVer* ... MKK9GOWAN. Bowery,- TTiit medicinefatuijtßtp.t expccioraima, wstncwfo, v «Tj ITJioruaiiui gth. and mar be conMdcrerflh* am. pfIWJ the' cure and prevention of all A»ra*e*.in jboCtm*t and I-uiijra- and «h«lt*tf to rp*p,t -*!?**>?s? 11 difnaxa harcrraMed lie u*n ‘fiCT*. !“ «*> ptncUfe.p( ,rhu old pad trry Tc .ipccU!,lCila,r ,| e l^^ i l ',-' l t a rum „f L,>»nn b«W ‘i*« e **d.£ l *Tw»le lejuitauou fa* ,u» «mneK:«»wne reassi^#*^t',,iß«w “ ‘“‘“"“w. ■» «>* -VUC RiLD —Sj j- b*rin* a Tio tt»cd to CodjJi c(o|mitly. rai»irt qnaaxmo* of jl&icjtbujrid imitor, and finally be cduid - not turn over ,tto of. ».•«, ttz Ja h iSlld ! v«m«wv it Ut w*j incurvU. »j.i ■MiptHen itij; ivil'iii'iftituutt to trr l)f rr__ OtMiebje ia» fulhi minted bid health/* : - Pi NorfofVtTTtrei * c °' sub "«' : ‘ TO TUB ABfLMTBn,. ided for iaftatn>f the Lanf«.- In effaetm* • care ef | catfon of remediM (hereto. ’ «ppa-. ~'.'^r ^'!, A ,s°'' 5 °'' ~ V <T ” Ho<S ClnJiic Ktl.ipi *nd ail tiiot* obttinate to fbmain ladeedeeery form of diuv e*ai*be« ar.dcr tie u*e of bia wJrieh humanity t» heir—not by U)<* ““b.°.!w 0a ** t * a * ,oaßdoa, y» Cor io «»k4»eamnaa*ie »ilh PhywoJocicai Law, fc, h . Q,» omgS^TSS^ 1 hfj?u^ tCl,TO P" * a * caehjieeTiiiar form wb<n*u^««m wl* * B P rTtor «» b[! coher, 1) ?-P gT y m^. oy |rrer n > roatmoeh at they leave um frß * tron *«*ti*eae»* »• »},o bit Golden hu» u atlmian} hy the faculty tcTpowcM r*ccu f.SFT? I** 1 ** to Cme «hefi«4 that a Ur. tn.i » mßr.t.i , 0 whi‘ h^rwlf e rt^* id 1 U> K,md * ®f dw moti tkeptieal > TU alßlcteU of e inTfted to .call upon tic ticnt. and frtcntn (aratlt) oac of tbe DocWt pampUlrts adctajiefaceaMli of each remedy 1 and if* applmaeol? For taJa by the frl'owtn* ayeuti «, well ii by mc,i throogfcout tic cou-nry-’ * c { k. Co. « Wood ainwi; Putahonrh: ’ J MTourttveffif, dTURptI.-fi Market «} ** ~ AUfffheHtnrr Juafiaiklejr. coumv. r* , J*o hlittru, Lnnon Valtar. - - T Adams, ileaver, >• narUMlljt . «*»***•' Expectorant. . Sat**, Columbiana c0.,0, Apr 24. IMI TV" 'JXf* 1 Dsab »'*—* f*e! £>'Jnd tu )oa 1 *fy tflflgtcd public, to avail mr*cli of 0,,-op p?nnn”?r. °**^ ,n t Publicity to Up ejtrt»ord:rtnrr rtftru of 7our tiecctoTan»onmy«*lf. flarutc beon ’^? lh • "■vrrr eocftt, becue fe»er ana tu concealtaumliaeasea, and turned only doomed £rt a !S’ e f»S < I&PW • laUerai ' le « ia *wf, unit) Urn [OU ,0( ISO, vbeOj.bfhtf more aevrrtly attacked, and totrwf r?amed.(o ail my former remedri. and the me. ic dpuoat of 4*o of the most reipeetable nuj.ieiin* la utljßtydiood without deriviu* any l*eoefit, or the Consolation ofinnrivinf bai a fnw day* or week* at Itnhm—wben the la«i fleam of hope iru about u> vanuh, I bad recommended u> me y our Kipcrforah!— '« nd Ne**«l tykiaUMb* who doeaall Uimn la the an of tnn m«a»*r«ad contrary to the axpeciauooa of mf f hywciaa* and fneoda, l «*> j n a frW day* rai**d from roy bed, and waa enabled by the u«n of a botUe. u> aneod ic fay btuinesi, enjoying tmcebAter health than 1 had for ten Yefcft pnrvloaa Roipeetfolfy rtTttr*. Ac., J*». W.&cnii. sale iu I'tmbofgh, at Urn Pubis Tea Mure, 79 Fourth street. . u»t*l *1: Pfog Htore formerly oktied by lUy* A KockWay, cbmmetnial W latane atrect, PtmbargA, •. takaa ibia •. method of informing hi* Irißßdx and the public m general, that hi* More vrtil at alt time* b« supplied with an riwnaive and reaeralaanrtttemcfPnjß*, Dya fltaffa, PaJnw, Oil*. Vwniahea, Perfumery, Colofnma, aiuf indeed every ar title called for in a drag ktore,-which will always he sold aa low aa at any ullt*« hotwn Iu the city, whole. pala or retail. Hoping to M«ril a'shartoeftte poblir patnmnge, nothing shall bo wanting to erre enure aai« utMtion tohi»cti«rmj»*, ndv?-tAp|4 i_ dySrojiaiEyt orlfae 'Watir'CareV T\t*irua Senj amiin w. uoawtt, «un couumtet XJ loprajUM Jhe aafo anil popaldr remedy called : *fJ"fDpSthy«r ton Water Cure,and it desired will ireut AliopathioaJly. Obabtrlcal core* will be at tended tonromptly. N. B -Ur. Morris may I*4 eonsaiird at bla Drug Slorc, No. 2 Commercial flow, Librny stregt, (hiring ptllnicaa hour*, or at Ills residence, morning and even utg, Penn Stietr, u doors below lrvvju * alley. novT-upll ' „ ... ... _.-.o’berfT, Jif, 0., rVPTIUL&IIO SURLKUN, will aUejitpta life treat \J moot of Diseases df the live. I>r. R. his bees engaged Ui iliia bVinch of tbn Tuedi- Cftl profeiibn Tat sixteen ycort, acdjios conducted an Mlablillart'eutfdf iljo tfeaunnit of diseases of the eye alone for levaral years. * Off las and realdenea, corner of, Bamilisfcy u anil s?*. w P*t J y alley, Allegheny city..j actlti . • 'Dr* UeLana In Tannessee. f pßlfl is to certify (hit I purchased one rial of Dr. X McLaos’i Worm Specific, sums two month* ago to a ton of tome. *ome arjeen years old, swo .bMpOOOI full, and althmira tire amount may appear •fgOitit Move no doubt but (hero was upwards of Two tartffi**!) u’inuu passed from him, measuring wore cm quarter of an loch to two indie* tong. „ • • '0 IV ItuMJiUY. • Ecaa’l Orook, Carrol co. Tenn, Die t 7, 1547. ja?t QkCEEks- mfIIVUGK ifiukukuia ,o. •“ CoiiKßiA. Jan. fill*, Wr.Jtt. K. Seller*:—Your Vermifuge lim *oid writ, and bu been highly spoken of bv all who ha** u«c«i it. From the sucees* attending the. administration of your Vermifuge in every euso I have beard of, 1 am confident l ean aell more during the coining season thin I did lakL ] will be glad to tt|eive another sup ply of 4 or 6 groM. Your*, respectfu iy, l» '.[Eiiract Dom letter.) 1L CARTED. Preparad-and sold by K. E.£EIJiEKS, 57 Wood st, and soldby druggist*generally, in Pittsburgh and Al Itghny. _ jaTl WONDERFUL ARRIVAL.—Da. Towiasan s B*a * * BAFSITT.tAi— botilei of/lhis great fall and winter fhedieine, just received uhil for sale by R. K. BELLERfIL Bole Agent for Piu*t>o»gh, of .whom the genttina article can be had. oecKJ XTARRISUN'S Columbian j|air jjye; ' do do lodcllbio Ink, with witS&ot pnmtraMon. H®hMw EQptvior Bed Ink. .foj »ale to ike ira w totnttfsoi«*et'a price**, by H fc SKJXBBS, dccfl No 57 Wood .treet iU'edlcino Din U 400 a, ju*t ree’d and for «aJe by _ J KIDP& C< BJhJNZK—IB iWTfne Bronte, ail coTor*7juit rtsi Mdfof iaJo by deelß • JtUDP&Cc Jl frJttSlVfc PLASTER-150 yd. KilU* Adhcai ; ix rluteitiaai received and for ante by «. ... * ’ tecta ' ; J iOPDJt Ct A' itCOiiOL—£ 5b U AJcobol, jnsl recHl and fift t A by. i decifl JOHN P-AIOBBAT T~amj*bx-aoM^ Xjd«W ORNING, FEBRTJ. FOUOTAIIg notKi- . ' ~~~~ LiqJIT.STREET _ wt **» ratteno*, tadFantros* - ~ ' d ps> Tlllft.enabttifameni tanpantf wiMy known**, Fa twi.ciieofithftnumeominodiQMin t&eeifrV ™®!.Mtwaoye,ha* recently nnderrQnevety'fcrwn!. • live WtSttioni kfid ljntlrt ,«3r<H»te«l *<Uol,< ! ommhin y i l to4lf™dST •WMff«pana«u», a 7 Tho Ladle*’ department ’ha* also bean Comnlctolv WpLntzed and fitted np in a m&Wnmqne SdfSSj'‘ ftssssttafi §=■# •tanial and luxury whielrtiß^Ht^aJc^v^^^j. foitoS£j *.'“ k*» S-otoi Ortiujr, «us lit Snr," ,f Gentlemen-, u , . . ifio " -N; »•—Jat BMffage Wagon of die Hocie trilFlli . u the Q lll «f»«i Steamboat Landtag* - Seftam 1 b * ss *« D ““W frotA did HotauSr, -=— „ " ' i maygrf HXCn&SQB HOTEL. ' M oa,JT SL or ”5® "• ***>» nrarfosoH. til ‘ ‘ Tht «übscnl»ef having iMuroed. ®*° l °,Vn “ onff est4bll shed and poidJW Hofei, Pithtißannounces to Traveller* and tho he will be at all timWpwparpd ““, c °™, n^ d , l,t f »hera m alt thing* desirable ja iweH regulated Hotel, The House i* nerw bdnd thoroughly nwM^iinf aad ncw Funu,ttro aided, tuJ ho ''•Peelftllj-MlWu • eomimiMM pixnopnjtejhe Hour bu heretofore TtoS TiiOhLAS OWffTONj ~ wuu __ . Proprietor. iTAn&BfTirB uodsrT M"*”* OIU - TT mm, } nvKßwn. ««pectlollv andotmcea that ?* now dim new and eiccUeni Hotel far toe accoouaasation of traveler benr&cn, hoMOnS AIStOW ® > .® nd "»P*i n4 o» 6b»« bees «« Uoni of iho most comfortable and pleaaam Hotel* In ths city »»r ,^^. ,C !!H rU^. tera ?- nedtot,RS *"®. and thcre t#to aollciu, a shaie of public patronace. __ _JACOfi HOUtfll, proprietor. PSITEP UO l^Er“~: Op SnorTT' I v’, 4 * o v ‘t 3 S 0 ***® *J»n nrm m. PPO9ITE laie Bank of the United BtatevPhila ddphlo. M pope mitobel£, -sgg f — Preprint. JAHKB W. WOODWKIjir V Uodcro a nil Inline* rnrnithM'; l ‘fai»o sJtuctt. PttTftnwy. In«p, ecnstaiuly on hand and! maA» & ordei. -Jv , l pre f'°. t ,lock o ? twndiflsnnoi be exceeded liy wy. maaufafion ut, tjta. counfrr. Wraohi art thing to porcUaiß Wqaid.tJo well toaif* me • «»ti. «l,m d-.cralort rtypti* aiilpifil Ihe ttoek ecmsme l»-~ •• "- r r *" TstnaTbie; - •* BufctJStanetd- * {*“rT2sf u ' SOnofa* with Flnth and Hair-cloth Oovem 3tl Mahogany Boctoiß Chair* *Uik>*p»rior ; da -*0 •• Fancy 4i centre Tabic i, 1 20 pair Doran* 4 piir p,er TaMev 13 marble top breach*- Bnmmn * u 9 »c*rotanea ami book cue* «0 marble tup l\ ui,. <i^ n .].; • • 4 pair Cniomau*; f* pair fancy Work stan<l«; , *I"*" -ht:T.*„d«>tht, turminre too nuui*roa< to axenUim. B °*" Uu> 4h»nc.i n«Uee, audon the mo« reaaanablr] term*. drels iv n w . Coeo*, V *«*«» American anJ lVu. c U.6ii>cdlate, Prepay ni Ulcoa, CoCoa Piute, Broma. Cocoa-ShelD kcT I .». BM ! Tl ' bom \ B,ul col, *uh** , r*. who w3oiU purebaw l the twMy.rodart* of Caeca. free from aduiteraijon, 'f n '*^ U fr UO T lh * n «o*o. Md u duality oiuur jwixaed, the sjib»cnt*r rccoQiacmU tl»a ul-ovr onirle*. Ilf. 1 !r y o Uo *f I hi* rtam£ Jilt Brprea and Coc»h W.te, w deiieulo, paUuhie, • B ** >alaj y dnnke for Invalid*. con**le®e«m* and .•then, on* pronounced by the most c taut ran phTiicmiu ■taperior to any other prcporvioiu. Hu manufccttfrei •araalwaye ou tale, »n any quantity, by tbo’rooatre- ! S™**™ ln ***“ «»>-ni ciUea. and by (licit Hawe* Gray 4 ra. of Uoium. Jaluee M Bweo ro. Hartford. Lonn, l(u»«e>- & Murray New \ „rk- 1 OranWt Stone. Philadelphia; Tnoma» V Qrumiure Uul- 1 ‘littorej and 4 {Vennott, Ctncmnnh, Oh.o. *■ p , ''ALTt.R UaSCKR, Uorchetter Mftse. b 7_ «8?> BAUALKV k &.MITH, Agt» .rrntwhaenbere beg leave to Inform thepMi!* that lr».^r r Ji mv ? olll * ln ™ from ihe Ka*t 4l4b*»»te wd £uhkmoble deaiptu far Iron Roilinif. ■ both And eemeterw* I’erum* miluag tophvrure hand- Jr™J* P a ‘^ r ’'" 'V*J ?*«»•« rail ar.4 ckamtiit, A j tt,lu y witiVc fiirnithrd at the «k^». -» t»tie* «nd tnttmhrer manfiW.' tt# |h« corne«_of ; Crat ff and Itebec*-. AUeshcnr r 4 w wrne *^“ ‘ "fP** - 4 . A- UmWa.KNO*. rud.^ r3uta . . J moot cheerfujl; Mconuaend to the phytieiamuiam. *nd ail my former frfendk and patroa* mT'Il IL Notna a»6cia* thoroaahly acqoJunpM tbr be*i aew and worthy of pa^onare. —”■* _ _»■ B. DEI^MV, 48 *vv' L?« 19 hfda prin Adinroalt *- •• 5 u £1 do do do » u m 1, S 3 do do >eart & Harwood a- vaklh* 4 ti do i Bstaoaoo '■*uu .. ST hf do do • - j . S 3 do do Wm Dawton •• « a .1 33 doT%Vnfbt*» ; « • .r 37 «Jo G Anderson - v. u 9 do t. T Dade'. 1 * » u «. 1 iloll . - ‘.« s ~ 9 do Rairiid « -n, •* Ja« landing fraat .( «n* packet*, *n«J C, T „i« h * , , MKALXI. I»UCKNt« 4Co <J tiorth water »t »,.J Id ttortt/wharre*. ' . . fhiiadrlpkm MANiiFACri.BW) TUiiACU»-agUx afs .j. g ,« e Sou't »ai<n»r awcet ih lampa n half bi* Oti> #djwHor lump* to “ Lawrence Unvf - J* <• S 3 Gentry A Ror»vr "3»A &a - A “ Dupont idnta Ebrr> « b « to - McLegl - ; Z - , 85 , “ ,Uwrenre Lather 3« *.(* Ma* Jun laodme fn*m aiouacr, and tor tale by UKaJ.D. at’CKNUU 4 Co, «f N water n ami lON wbarre*. Ftuiadelpbia. i JffflUKSJi. Book Dlndtn. F l?Tv-i!/ m * trt>Tl ' *"}«»»«*, comer ** Wood andTh-W *trectc, Mnibureh, where we ere to do any work it> oar lioe wiiit dc*- Peirli. We eticnd lo our work [-rwnally, and Uui r»b«My fW * r ‘ *" «<?»«*» •» oeatnert find d u . *■?> bOOEUI Ok n.m.»lly '•«■<•>... na»l»r, ototomi, |*„„d cue n'o, > TI«« '■» fiMJctur., 1 U 0... thai haw walk ),i am !ma ar> (aWIrJ to rail • TICAM BOAT ULAAskTlir ' T ~ I\f A r ,ft,V*' A £7^ 7 lL KiJ 10 orUt,r " nd funiuM at ttion khT » e i U , r> **““ o 1 ,l,e fM ' wt ««rh Man r , kht - Ai, ° CoUuu end Uuck AUtuavdr mod* la iSn C ( ° r * " r> ow M* 0 b * 1 HKRSftY, W»»r)wa*f,a) Water .1 I f IALF Freaci Cajf »kjn*, i 1 M^„T er < LJf , “l aruclc , A ww Philadelphia «kin«, from the manofirtary tt H M Crnwlbnf to wigcb the ancotioa. d tarn m*kera.ii invited. just receded iind for win by 'V YOUNOA XJo. 1 ' 37 _ ■• _■ lOlihwi,., At w ». M'ctiiwTOuk'ii. hi.>irini, u™i e ®{'- **•# ®Jfplo%did *an«-tyof iup Royal v«-l -?V Tuj«iry laid Ah* Um.- V* I ** J Ply»»nd «n» arid Unr> larniin darpM., of .up Myle. ami quaJi|ie*{ eadUa cfnpocuon rail tin T^l! d £ r ** hr *’ Oi«J«r*a»annuk.; Mo. Oil Clotb*. to, fcc., to all or whirk vu eatl ike aucnjion of the public. aurtE flTdficK. - TTAVIVfi sold our cadre stock «aO with AX a'vww U> Plowng out old we hereby .0- bcu for him the pa>rona#e of all our frlendir and eti** ,mnrr,, • 80. W POLNOKXTBR, n . . . <c . .TUB. I’OUV^KXTKII. ruuburjli.Anff. 4ifc, ityi ( 1 IL (1 RANT, Wholesale Urocer, Conumuilon and V*_ Forn '“ rd * lt « Merchant, No. 41 Water *l. unta N OS. 09 and M Front Mrvei, JteU Founder* and man ufaeturrMofoll kind* of FtUinff* torUaa, Strain drd “" Mwayennkajid Wrought Iron WeJ. , ‘P* 5 '°f •‘cam, fa** and tiller, from 2 (n. to l m. Ura.» Ca.unif* feafle \o *rdrr. large oMortmeni of IteUenud 6niihed |irtu« WorlPio i” “ nj JiV Fimn r‘ P nt promptly and on woionable ... . __ .cpSOhlCot • ASIIOBASS POcioKt. SX b *”‘mrai*Fpuu4eT re- Ba bo *‘ l and comumured ba.iuc.a at hi. old «and. where:he wUI be pleated to the hi* ohtcimora- and inertdi. IB mj«ii ,,^^.l rf nbo ® ~? h d llolJ * ofo "fy *ize. flora 10 turned mid finished in the neatcn manner. * I proprietor of Babbit'b Ann-Arau. Alktal, *o Jo«ily pplcbroted for tbo reduction of "l ■W'""*- The Boxn, w ,a C6,»p<£M can fre bid of him «l all times. joSOrly PIUSTINO PAPEJU ~ I •' •ooicnljer* bavuig ibe exclusive Agency for X aeJUn* the Printing Puper of a new and exteusive paper mill in ihU vicinity, wju beat aHiiraes wen *up p.ied with the different sixes of paper of superior tmtuu . which we offer al the lowest rego'ar prices. Any size or quality will be manufactured to order at •ho,t notice. RKYNOLUS* SMKE, joHom . corner Pcyn nno Irwin sis MAMMOTH PENS—Jut received, one ease of mammoth Gold Pens. Person* bovine much Oy to do,-will find great ease in these pens, ««i l^ ,dD BOt P rainplb ® fi,, 8 e *»i and have fine mnooih \V W VVIGSON, , 1 w>tzror4lh.«md market ns t w dia && 4 complete assortment of a?FLB£ ae l Qo , au " B '^ 1 P” cc ‘ from «A6O to i.M,. D oP u! ui| P* *»«• anA hab For sale at (be Imha Rubber Depot, No 0 Wood st. ' • de _ • • J 4 If PHILLIPS ' /IOLKM* "JukziAN, UAJLMAf? VCo, have reinoYe<fTO4* it?*®* 3 do °™ weal of ihe MonongahnU ll^^r^cr‘nd • JENT—Jho \yarohoii*fl?lo; 43 Wood «L Po*tc&py. •> VST b£6j ,THf:r *EOKIVKD~Thrte ioore of thou n Juilj ?i«L Thif &le S Hamburgh coailanilv bj ?7** uer K afltJ other freer performer*, tofetitir . btais NouaWo«j.t,aiSc£,&o“%- iasi reru amlfer**ie" JOHN DMORO JUS HOTELS MISCELLANEOUS h ' P 0& 9At»E.—The rood and mb. I lhi\ iViiftiwT" «tena boat AAIEKIGA’it of- far .sale .oa aecommpdajiflg .>J»B-. _ _ "**'/ Ap, mdt/ii » QUNDBIA&—IdOO bushels dried peaches, tOQ bath* O eUcbcomw, la socta feather*,, la (lb Trbttija do (bmif,ia«t rtceited per stedmeri Magnet adfpfo,- jieer.anaJbriialeby . ,T**\ C^UIWMS mtscellaneotis. toWti.UITOOT,. r Ut-^iM ■ f ..... MPPBHCOTT *o*llo, “ ,cjS«| f wSiw , fnr^H ß '^? or foroacp truwta* (iowttdCTrtt, , S6®S , 'SSssswffi T® »l. Ay®* Mdairijnea, selected Oje »af« tooleo of 223* Aom *to i» *toro of TrobCT* aSKSv, the A 8 - : . ... C.p^PlUNfftk, Wer toCoot & Hania, Brokew;l^JsB^^^ , HuMeyHanaa&Cb, do; dn 9°®^?JfVecWuUy ' 1 Jtt he rhwnb?*i&l,• ?-if dco . o,Hme ? afCopper S that their Smelt 'Tl rtl V® *nece**foperaUoti, and they ye bow ready Waake contra?* & thetdeliyery of ingot* to thoee who waatfbihis form} antj aUo tough cate Cot the purpose of rolling. i . , • - 1 fromUtfl. Metali Mine* of i Lake Superior, ii be OaelTwraerior to 1 the ordinary oopper m the markets, which; it obtained from ora contiUaingforirigoißißerai rabakneea This’ copper ta perfectly pore, and ii ;not injured by thepro apd U therefore, greatly to beprerer red for’ Mlmetal, rolling, and many olfierTparpoaca- A» it ,is not the intention or wish of tmaCompnay toeroctyorir* tot (be mamUhemroef copper lathe vanotm fora* in whieMi ia wanted, they\fillbe happy 0 make eontraewfer the deliver* of iuri the form of rolling, 4 c., to those who may i» cntnarkln the business, '** • T.. ~ . . ™-i.*!n ,ter,^ like copper obtained from their mine* wui be brought to Pittsburgh, and laigeeupplie* may &,£**?sr*Lig naT ? or mo filrunee U now ' “ <of »o/e Inreitment In njtnurinewcn iT.S* 1 »«• lo Ure' mu of IMiS, „" eli £?I’ES'Y' ° , * laDa ’"’ Moomtia;. T ttS annS! !£5^ ph £i wnontwcnM ImjnndjuJ, Epfindo™? and form fiJuprtaenicdl , r^conk% i rns^M'^h^ iT T“? v"* A tb*«*n>—bow eoarwybow tocri, how fallow, ye!- the skmappear* aflcrfrififflttlpir- UmapltJi"" 1 " inniiniuioa»,ooni^itllnffn^fnrgo wu' k ““ ,r IfSSSLf >“MIWI-‘ i WfctMo' article, . jimr f Spanish licvjwmTEl li ZS’ZI! 1 * "!***'"' b * an E purified of all delebsriotW U } npw '* *?.<*« • k *u * fldifrtl,' healthy, alabaster, liqat, Jiving while; ju fa <W nI dm* ‘ iw ? n making * etinLeS PUetieflcbfiinlrtof ,W f£ r ??f U *’“T® After JQHe*’ [Sfornl.h |i)y J the ansi beaotMpndniff mi, ««d at ihoaamr.uma whMeievCT raw. ? wtainjy can eoascienUoaslv recommend it. tts» to all »**lfegfc£S3 * PUt HachtiU Stark* and Flandm J’ " 1 rtfructdo, fa. ■• | 9 ’ °»* S^SLi 00 -’ 4 w* Couon «??.b m* otnetv diyiriptiani inch mm> Caiduin Machine*. fyutoinx Framis, * gpcedtr*, Frame*, R.ij!way HetJ*, P?^!!?J raxor *' VVroShi Iroft Phafttn* to riied: all fixe* of Caw lrosrp u JbM?ttnj', Hanger, of the latest rattcno, *hde ami|2aisUthX and tools ofaU kind*. Costings of every description iumriT 1 ° n ** on 2?*?f. e - P fcU «ro* inadf to ordenfojr Mill Crervug, Iron Kilting, He Stram Pina for k«i ui{ F.«on«< Uh« Imn Window Ba*b aUfaney c£- ,° ,dc ' > 16,1 01 'vJrebooi of J. Uon? • I *' l ’ rr ’ r Mrpcl - wdl hare brompi niton* to llbA-t.wk, Ilcll & bo„ J. K.tloorefiead& ' X°3® fr '' atacr John Irwin *Son»,Pitubaxghi G. c .-*-|.H_WamrfiStoDtwimUn. I iaAl* " r Sew UiidwareHoair &943L& £22l WOQinvELL, comer oT raSjHggßSgn W eod *ad.Sd «tv, PiuJtrargh. liar- S»**?4r “V? withdrawn .from the firm of \ inker end tVoodwcll, on thcj-t of Jahoarr, IM7. Ii SdJ«iSrt2»“?'a Un< ' inß 10 my city .anaeoaatry. UnM | taw owbeemyinow Bti.iw y, , pljK * parehjjmed-iajr good* for' amnswnanu wuiSannlaiSiter.ln i r 7g^tTnSn%;ssshrs?j£S; : ay woek, before(wrebflUureUe- W i awj coropnee* apar/YrMi wocT SunuaboatamJ wmdsery wdware t cifD trinuniilce, tc “*' hiaje*. eervwL UtuoaFee, board. andVeuee^' *od •Ji aibrr arttaim « t - wied w»U» lire hardwire botj ' . . urewur •• H ! Perna Slaebiae Ihoni - WGIITMAN-Maoiifaciaref q/Vifcißdeofeot. , tba and woollen niaehlncrf. iilerfjcaycity, Pa. i ane abotewerka feeing now fn fall audl iucrea*lul op. L,,& to *f w * 1 ® order.rwjih di*uatrt rv^L* °f maeiiiaCTr ui aj lme,Mah as xvfflovitt, pmk»ra,»preador»,«anU,ghodiiig machmee, railway*, 1 .* p « d * r »t UwMilfc loom*, woolen I double or ruile, Tor merehanrotToouiry work, : 4 /- J * r »* * nil band lathe* art iooKin«n’ All kinds of shafting madeiooniot, or plans nv- C °n^/ e * Ca *o Mlonc * or a " ,u * l charge. . to-Kenno y Quid, & Co Buck-cock, till * t Co.,;**. A Gray. Coop*r X>Oplei~ln«Ve r atid j Cs?f received uid for sale ai tkV~ir I rTf>t * T rednncd prices, five rcuu- HSsSZ^9* 0 * Cooper, 0 Cajthorpc rtr'i, n i.< u_ , Ur *l"* B*ad UndouDu. Ssifet;' asrfesa; asss ®“7 other make. Thosem wantofa fine watch are hmlsd to oall and oiataioi this lot £^£r^^!° (ao1 * - nd #>lvorW^ SJ" Kino \v.n:hc< repaired In the Uu manner \* W. W, WILSON, *■ 4th and. Market tu. bbw coAcii vicrtfoUY, tlUßnuj \C CO-t.woaM. reapeetitiny infona ilX* the public that they hnwo rreetrdn .iv,n m ; l»et«reen Federal and Sandtuty Bireeu, T&cy miprep»rt , 0 ™i*i„ odeifcj description ai whurfev Comche*, Chaxior*. Ba- W ™^ WMa / Ffajeuwu, fee, A&TwJieh fromuSir Iftn* experience in the mauufactaxe of the above wort t oy h * Te i ll ‘ e y feel confident theyaxa aiiablwl W do work on the met reaionabla u-xua wJS. tbeae wanting article* ia their line. Piping particular niteaiioo to thdwJdetihiror mate- l 1 *** f w>j« but competent tfrorknwn, they ®*** 00 fiMitauoo in waryanuiue their work VVe N re a r fii I rliSf l rV r '‘ hUoa fc 6f ft-Wqto IHU mate,. »£.aJSSSSK ,n,ka bMI *»£“£• Head Duarten'foV"Bo«t< MkaTtihoeoT Corner erf Snithfield and Fourth »u n 1 I fill TRorii 4 sedrr, ftvlf reneral Boot and Shoo bwineaj, ’whoUsais *nd s^^rasiss-p tlracn amt ladiei •olreo. comer > N. on baud mj low ? jlu: 1 Ilia Fifth Wf Chamber*, and /ihi*«»V.TX lirU fto of'the nubjE.^rderi! thankfully recemid and «i!#pUT auenUed to ' HA VARY A 81'AULDINO. •who may deal with them. , s > . - JOflN QIIAMBKIIS. ' IV OROBSTKR'fI PIAIIOIL toiMrpoJrW., made b y -i )\P rce,l ®;» N* ' • TU«w in<muae!i|»a«j ccxaidoc. ed folh eqnaJ»if not wpenof, to any novr made in N* X«, k, i. ln * ** 1 ro J aD<1 ' • ad nwWioM lone; war ranieil lo weu troll and giro satiifaction. “ The price of Uw«o Piano* i* believed to be mucß • JE? r lhfln *°T 9d,er wanofootuter’* In N Y - ■ f. Tho»o who are la tram ofagodd an* elegant piano at* moderate price, will pleate call and examineX above at the (tore of the nuhacribsr. where a lsnm »«. be JOHN U.iMfXuSl; by Cooper, Toblai, Johnson, L.therla[3fl)*!ti£ *S? F-ll jewelled W carat Gold latent Lerer w.v.v,— Other* “l rarioo* priest acconSne^f qnoJity, wauju, Ac., varying from m ’ Mirer watfibei In great Variety, from 63 to ovr m over6lowarraipod. Lavert aefcw a*gt*T s ?. .A 11 fesSKsstaasis with an entirely new (took of ildrkei andXiSiinS.**^ STBAU BOAT CLOCKS— Hanra eonofailtrd to ceU off our eatiro »ioek of Kirke’s >Urina Tlnwiiece*. nnuiqihse}tf. .Callfcodiefc. & i Rpraember, we*i* not to betmdewold %! . „„,~v 1 •BXiAKEA.ClX t Mkrkeiitfoev.^ QgQP- . •Mrancßoannrik ciila of the Diamond , .m > iuaujina : ;DKY : &; VARIETY 6001$ ' i >■' r -pixAi Gopaa. ' • 1 ' T(7*M'CI.WTOCK f _& bow-rioristamly receiving hi* ’ *Wi' •tt»' dWckorfeAftPEnittJ, £L iaurrmag • one of thelargest assortments eretbrought to the mu ■e which bare boat* pnrchased direct, thejm potten andSlaimfactiirert, Of to®.?m®« afid-aesrew , styfea, ahd lover iupricstHin ererofffcred fntWaciiy,. ’ J to which ho mrites ’oho attention' of those wtshhttto; -flwniai steamboat* t>rboa*e®>’befiwDpartliaiinjwl*o«i - where. Tho stock consist* iapwtoCiM following , £ rarienr,rixi . ' Velvet *^db • r ’doTapestry -'4o - slfeei-widej m y ■' . ‘idOßttmeta do t 64,7-4, A4* 4-4 4 feU«lMlj’ rEsrasqpe'Jply do . BtaifßCH*, • - . iL , . . •Sopei do do 124,84endJ'^.HtijSett■ ~m Ingram do BtairUheiii WMe- dd do RosevobdOßC Dth Cottmotv' do- • do crumb cloth*.! 44j94&ftDasuik GobonedKuu eotiii 9 * -Yesiuaq . , do dp,. TabU do 44r34&Itvl’d-dodo.'. FiguredTaMetil cloth* 4434 &>pUin do do' TnrkeV'Red Toijeflen,..* 44, f,|, | tS-tcoudo AdelaidMat* •*.’ 04 primed cotton Carpets; Sheepskin,do ! i!.- ••? ’Extra sap Chenille RagsiJate . do ■uq. do-TaAed .do Alicant do ; »2g® ]do ~ do Mariilltf Hemp , • - 1 ... Wfltotl do r 'do flnbw drop Napkins Ctitimoaflg’d Plash; Diaper Towelling Plain do Cra£ , .MwlMTilleJUniuß, eiae do,for ecach.tmVs;Tran*p'nt Window ghedea Carpet Binding* Extra . -do„. Won deem* • Or ■ ®> Tassels .windowreoriains '1 •' 1 •*'' ; Searlet, blue, .Mack sad-drab .Damasks; ugared. rainbow r>* ,Ti sikiti worsted and linen Table wj*”! bl o*i etimson, scarlet green, drab and black; »7Li a tL co, ? ori Pfn*fiesorane«h)r»to.kc,Ac. ... •«^Tu*s? nEb ? , S* * 3d Dnliinga for-steaibboat 'deck,' ui?Ti < * t ® er necessary foronlfiik for boms: f?^uHa**M? rl mSk.?£.S!P eci *l attentibii of Awncre Sti^S 'V. Carpet; Ware room/ one door from Wood, on Fbtinh it •>.% , -,.:aagß?,| W ,r-tavftes the parrichlar anemioa «f J2*» ant f2 s .5 B . mboVo to hi* deiir*blr (TOk; coiuiflißf ofW hen make, torn the mm apr SS3WSB? 3SS- ° f »"^S& «-• Sbeptiitgihdpm©t*easeMaalinhr 1 Diapent and Cnuk i «, . TableCloths* Towel* indNa&Eiu; Counterpanes; and 1 ranmettsa, plain tuwffsney DoLainen, {tome new «yjf» jurat received;) Alpaeas, it. ’ being far advanced,ail these Goods wilt ] please.; .- t ILF naolesale ap italri. ' jaaJS. J „ A . A. Ai UfASOBT * GO., *\TO. co MARKET STREET- will cominne their ul areai serru-anmiai sale of DRY GOODS, forST «£ Y u c& time UjfU ftnansrsOTsbola sale Roonn Wjll bp thrown open toiheir Retail Trade 3 A ;«:*<»,-known* toi to,.re fisUiog Dry Goods of every deicnpiijHifrtini ten to fif* ££l** *?“J** n V* f before, do invit*?,cwjJ £f ***\ oC **l ffP«K fit who may be in want, whS^ C rSS. PW - m **«*>***** !OWC,t m make room" *&r intention: fo exhibit tA Wared th» largest and.the .richest stock ofJhrGoods J ev«offoftdbyaayoao£,nte inTAmerim. • WQP *4 tt-.TI .. cQHpnpe the sale of oar BleaehW -and J 5227c£S i^Sj oOtw OdmasUpPooda, | n onr foroerlow ra!**,Botwiihsn«ndln* the recent ad- I , * a ” s t^ f * 5 P e,, «« I *t , P o ntboaa««tooanemi«airketa I Ewe black Uutbes-»w. iLUnrur wk»,u»' n -i 00 - of feK et810 extangTe OMortmaritbf gWHls-incJiitlinc mohair.nod alaacea Luaea. 11«7 fiv flossy; j«l block and bbS tc * Pieces wlUimztJnstre, for rtttuttin* dretf&fc olotje o**p«xnentofvaTt*ttdcolorß«na*iTle»»fttM ped ami t roead e Aip*ooas, Mark and fancy co- J&.?irf2. b in ,k, n T ‘ ! “ bl *« tei^0 » < M>» as oihcr col**. ifloe Paxaejun,and Alpacdaaf-jfcfeffvnos de^ &«>di lately receive* -F 00 ®* °P nair *> Bortbetut cbrner of4tb • ana JuSrcetft*. J»3J, £v -fa?*'- 1 * u _ d^ ia -PtWHh *t^ «0d UoaftJlkM* SISS^msSSSM!K' ■ Vv R Mttrohy has «n hand ; * rJi «J&f?S^L of Gowi^S&r * rail xsoftHWoief dotoes>le .a n «Arttrt^M^^o7« 1 nE^'£sfe i j . 'JSSfe?''- to&r+fßßf* I ZS!±2 “PJM template iwi of OAo laoj*i2| ml. uirtflry, adapted to TTVSft_- ffif»' &525 «L'“ e l f ? r U*n aDSi«SS"M &S.'ftSds2SiSte^!Ste^“r’‘' < “* ,K ' ggKEasa^® lOTCW4, MU <s2fa«g»»-. .... , .'-S ~: am,,. -1-TvTT , UrS.'SS2L b ** JW* wllUn a few den a £§&&£S£ggj u “‘ p?ita. p <SS:. ZMS.T'tJk?'"* ,I "“ «4 •^SiSfflstesssasssa Ih *’- *- -r- - - 1 ' ‘ 4eeU vcissr^s," 8 Fnack moraiiSffiSJriSri.SSj*’ n ' r "*' £»a®ff«ss t AJlortfr, „, Ih . fa ££ frahionalMe «nddarablwfiSiSS J M “ , JJ““ ’■ Fnna, wiramni &,, ooton? 1 -- I *' ™ W flf“ n ?«. •»JtaS2ySSg2SjJ^i T S i >‘" 4 ■»«. •id whltiTkS,"^™^ 1 "" 1 " b, “«Bf «*in, jreu lE»"l!? I 5^. Sto “ Mi ' l f ta '*-A l«K< irticl*, only .« . >Vnole«tfB Eoom»nb nairm •• ■*•••' l? col’i and \rhite «S&mn£SifS? l iSfain3^i££i’[2? l^< ; anwi?«ffis'Brasji , fS^^S^lfef t^k«»»J fu. rtrT ■oultuto. p„ii^“!S™V ? l»«oi >r drmb, A l#W hla»|r *p»K«Mr I ''“‘aV/** ®«Ort. J V cfei k^bi,, ‘ 1, « ol ,f° W 'and f.b' 57 natfcei it, cor 4ih | Vlan'&.'fii'r Chmnti. p,s. R- hWirflY Wk-WlSirid a few rerr hanaidme ohwtyeable 811 k. Virile*,' »*ry uiiiablefS UifUtmaa presnu, whmfe he is lallng at reduced pri ce*. Al*o, hand*ome Drew Silk* and K«)t n - « wr . r £ nn new style Uueu cambric Hdkfj, JSa if ACEGOODS—'WhiIe atnTbfiiPk'Laen"^«p>V)fj>Vf' blMlc do bsee Bmha*«ok do Veil* plain. Wench Work W ed .“ d miria M MwUnjdoj eWirtfciflV to ostein Udto Unco cambric cenu do do dot J*? 0, 0^3 r * r *“ c *» a itifielai lowers, bonnet Ut». ibr raJewbole otie andrettn. by ••* • FH BATON*C& . •««» .... i; ©fourth «t pO AT AND' V oaaarted-cloak TmiAU; CfTOMfifUredsUk -Biod.- ingt.ddo do mphur do, d dodo drab coat do: 5 do drab I orercoal bwum«j XQuofino ebatbuuon*} I2Hb*be«t esMKtd otaepTriamitlji, foftailo«’bie, conataoiii d*e3 ... F U BATOV &Co * . irgnoS * Co. art coa>m^{]y'l X. kupßlled ‘with * hUM'UUlehatcp *Mortmam of , •ukMsmUdghßp*, l*. ees, edntzg* end glarei md hotierr genu liirtfc M«wtjaer» AhXwuftr ktraanto, Berlin S^tSf&itSlS^SS^iSS&' price* to merchanU and etben,* c&lfceir new and com? madiooß wnrehocM»fl>roMthc4 year mrfcrtTyfrpp ■ - TEUUmSGS, noHEttT AHU PASCV ’U»- a EATON t co., tiBj£jL2 *: d ' "°°° T<at . feSiSSr oi d HjQ AP Ift-* 1 fcM- . fcCo^ ■' ! :;:’ > *■■;: -1 --j I!.--.» . ■ ' > JJaa r..;T f ‘f t; •«. <M u l u »,i M Ijbi Ituu ” ~ A *• JI/ lt u«iia i i ; H£BSiggf _ „ COAD»9 ' . .-> ./ end Ptteat ypiia i«tha wdr Huttßaam of the, kind .-*-,««*presented in this country or Eorooe tor mM. and ia tha only aneort r fcnown to ■gUttr&tteetaffiotnln,ori» vt*pvioftb i bodv *w*rwnßTMl}y*o* iateniaUV, in «nitt J"*? “■»!»• oSeTorgii^S f»ttswnlmuii,'nhlioli, hminUjlt. ot ma£«liore» mBl Vim » dsneflr epUepsy, weo&nesi Bon rantoi, SS Sieeimdt » frcalrs, coinrnct-oaof tie »m>.- tc.cte*-,i- •. • i . ~ * crondas onVeslwa Pn_ , , I'TUilnHtroetlcoswul WefyonlbrOiarariaß«<.v««.i totlhe Cttro-af iftose-doeue* will al« Pitubnrgaand AUotThmy .'§ ’“JS Inwitntfdfl lrfl6wih»neeefiflfl' osuhe .management of;*<o«noeionl matron -and P ttr y*» M«dip»l Staff’ll composed of the follow* ‘ LnyphyricUmii-lhi- Addjson Sdi£m,l>alfc Brook* l*age-*iul C*/nman, qto (wo last of tSlnSrfSii r*!£t < £l rmMß ‘ pS* The object of ? nt » a bat* co ttttTfcfeuoot wflbnnr and.thnitek—tie chan to *« c weoti and junto diseases, «e«P* ur ejctreni©: eust... Aamtovr^entTorihi? ** «° fond* will Socioties, ffindSnS^.^FJ 1 M P**** o *« «Tlam for tick 25£ftfeF^^k2£5? n W a i cae , do, 60 « from S 3 , kccwdin ? to orteiidmrie, room, Ac gtegp3 1 S£ftS Bahnx • y. ’ Jecjb-tf '&&BBs£Rsn* . .Jlannarrl. 1549. • Y •> ; ft ; I sg&ssr&mss nimf, Jtn.a,tsa.f -££'K" K!j| ""k’rr-i -u»-v* roZ^'Z4^^itEß,m -|g3^|sr^g:g£pl ■ r .ItolmteMaSS, bT JWm sf^st aU •"■*•¥?'" noLMloblo ,i ■ fWfifr rer i*» crtJU>p\Pairr in N. Yoik. e,e * x “** P®*** Ike eye, y.j - j»Awr *i Wb ii. ; . s \Bf.. „ deposit f»^>e t CMomo r eoriefc*j^tlfas^ram«to C ‘ Tsli * l i ®»’S^sssssagaaiasi %?*' ieT PIP e ’*r • Ot>fitoae«denaU» o|h#r«.- ity.tS* ew^wottuuThXj - hirt ”“£!£* A * wn *‘ ; ' t W. WiLSofi* < > • CQmgrpf Fonnh yid aUrket cti. •PtapfcropA Bidnat w«*r. ... **<oSv*th« llutbu. m. ■ -‘-pumtifc ft Cb. Aprau for the «lo of Jeaninrt , n ;lP^_r*%ia-rater, JSv v " TIP i U GS ** A * 84 ® BrK&my, iip&s§ m> - ;__i_uymGaa;&y,.Bt)GGEN 4c« miiclU" ir ******iaeiiu - sasssii SSS-£«S*-S£ f &£&&%s£?*' ■» ~ L.. iiiffwJ]- ■tohu'tiifrMßtsigtoekof i&t> /funfe.i 0 B*°*™! that SHaggS^ aaijam AUecbeov conmr R»m» A., ® j**. ®®to u* ntisiiSiSSSiKiiSuUM l ?” e11 «• So tenth. Ain, “u 1^ 0 - .^^wSwSSsH* — S|SS sprang 38SSSS*«i®h iS^p-HS d “oy to «“>o»e«badg«foplroa,wtood#. as®»‘«r li— SCAIVi: & ATKINSON. .. • TifPftM? Wood ttreei. eom»on Gr»x**,-Haltow Wow, Ao.Ac *«or and •m&smnte> Wwtaaß«yrc.wSfchbiS«nJ!/*k t. - ««ortn»ni aCCatneihisJk Co** eel7h^.-J lon * lvo .»• Cictore, and mperior lo ail otherrn In “®an-.r ebarche*,%teamMau. to? .iSSJMSSsS^r-r® 3s ©!.-^ to fijj^SkS ol ** *®» &**> d " cl rgvig,.^-., , s *"'"7,kS «l»,p «d jmU rtMdSg, ofMSh!? *“!» * TOy h.bffiff E£r MoSffi. I" 1 ) 1 *%»MWI ioiall JutoiSStaft"’ * re PMlitn- ITOimimißS# • V4KB SKSP — SffSSSS I .® °“> •& « b*lf ored, p L er & “*•&*" UnoW-|f jI HiriWn\ qo«Uty do SaeSmtAr? J*“anM fo/iii; sutiuouuu sirf>wei*,jo - il. I i •omjamzmtti s si. woSJ2^ : «Miftart*«oresndtofwJa by ; - v.2*..* u. j„ ■".iiJJ&AHiitotisox *ca. •:.•«. * •;•**• i«£ra*SBS»SSggv : . * - •:#■..* i-i i‘-» iiVii-v K .;a *iii '- ••* -<!* ilii i; 1K ; f.ti\ dt«ii ij Lzi.Ui •• ■'" . /i