The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, February 13, 1849, Image 4

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Bsrhi» ae«eM* ** iSoottßib daily
•**“* ft sil
a^ss,»an p ss
■ particQlex conviction of
wo,Wt Z^ sl to
Snu,>»o , rffitt.C^«<*^J^2' ctt ag ; riccenfel
Byrop °^%rsu.ifihflnlccteon iholungii
, SBl lta, “f Wort
; j^Jb’cuVi
A. ss
•'£ * <h» tun eipe*
~ Mw aiKSurfO OT boweyer lUgfat. At
- elattr iweoadiUom bat wai pretty
boro £raro*#*%^ o ftoasBp>9 ofWiidCJier
•wamiMwa to ntft*yffts4ta«ty t tad been • pros-*
• rr. '.i out jgngrim** I amsSUagain*!
ssa T sj»ilg t to s».frS
• %£&2&&EgBs^2^~
beano ;i l SftrilE SmS™**§»>itfv“ 4
leinpird to im»>* k *“| *It«?!■
I luito lIWW"'*" « .much «ra«B«
1 loffcr u wilt'
.-: asg^Sw^i
; "ffiassf^g^SSsss-
Bt» ll^° t ffigffiffi-V*i < °l» of Iho gco°i»°“
u vonstln
• TirtaeioCDr..
s sl
mamciire... • • - ■ • • ■ —r _. • • -
-• : y pff flCBt PBACEtI .
'^ &^^Sstssssss&
br nn* BJWt *nth© Mton-;
tnU-ot'ditfgttQg* Di-:
SSnrcfecti u «ad
>n I CholtP^^^y , Bf^tl if jarniedlalftly
Tfr»— *« >iatag,awn • «rf iha £o<Jy,'
yjihQgi 4*« n^ t ggLg?'^rfrSiSpteMiPt,wsmuMj
g , Sa P ‘Si»»* l^*“"' t ° c ‘"
madness of
ofsi'yea***® expcn ‘
. f.TIWT *»« lOT ««?,*»
•ssss , sS”S& F nsw^
‘ iSS* *u
‘»SSSS£^ffif«^ ® *? to ‘
,^ip«t4*liii»>«>>T a FAHNESTOCK ICo .
■;?i<tt :: ••>*•’• <• ••■
■ ia,orrHEß3>r.,v._.ocl 12, 1513.
c ‘ t* ReileM:—Oae of cot plmjeauu, wbg»*
ifliametiutmormngof a
•SJSr. Bcn4mcU<L OT a‘A dO 5. B S WIIIS oN.
:. Dmcttt,Amite*.
■OTI " •
-■>"SyS5SSS;®“^®® 2* r v££
>;«S3&**:^r: -{;! -,
'• 1 , cTOIPAINBUUICtOB win, to *« ■*?;
. Sdwittlw*! S3nßrtM«»i C ” 1 *”
asr i*ssaB?%aas>B&-
i. Md ,U 1«
■• :^L tri To ,, 3 e w" to b Sr*S^^ r m:
!'. £Em»££i nuß«nt*
■. ‘'ftjßS^ssßSsa^fias-!
■. *B%S&SSB3B&r
" S”PS-tsrt ter, “ Federal *t*B4. Di*fltari<Aß*'’
'■ »oamJi-»wS Diaiocßd fifagtof-
•»—V mrfiVrrcg anp 'Harm.
"• fflSBSSft
, s»beEaluHl«“l
rSrti'eOTir of iii* , *i“V’p A iSSrocj; tco,
t ,'
- ■^ 1 ; -. r .5 ;^ T —*-
!>« U'V'i : i- ?- V*Kinvl l*.
■!v ■' air, it'*'"
Tixri 11M
*>ttv * otrjjg ' *
“* ■ fr
<to “zSS» l Jqrwi* « »*?*J^ a ®* t ;
1 ; : '■'^SSsaaes - *--
' ' pdiot
(A .iLiti'ii'f CinifTfil T>rTrHl r T *w^.
Sf^SSK»ioV“ ; »>*
'S&SBS3SgMS& ,^:
br ttto r>wM» M *- TC,Em -
Brwt exliaordtasTT dejrt*. - • ; - ♦
.“' ttauompties Cored* *
CUouj tU Strugtiu* «*, ** *“■
firvftdUti#< Oratvvpttfffl. Ooldt. ■
a, Sminsffi<£rt!&
i .^ssssaegEr
■ SwSSSS®*^
nicni HlUMtisptcttoliTi lbsrt
rtfigg SiiMib Mtonta*. «i «*«. to
t»v«2ktU mrtb* rfkr.J 1 «*» *•]£** ■??
••aikto kfteir T«i (U wO tojlw Hi*' * “°
ttukftlimtoiMto • ' : _;;.
i" ,,l, B!iMmu.Be«irt«.
Ta »*«fc**« tol .Magfiedk
pmd la.nftone*
SitinnUdoMOTiimOT** l pduM. fiusicd opo»
tiec# tn*y be pxeieateo. .. .
jaA ,^SE&BiSaa2Ss'
6 ir “Ta^BnnVMo C C«^^^''-’ OT H*s«*». *»
SSiwfiStiwia • «&■=* «*7 w*
caKtaLoSSS Jss«r«fr!wto***JSt
,freo» otremfeto* to;
nwbeMtr- , I ! i^ r SSSTu!«J «B Kioto bov
Si. *
• TO. i» »>7 to TSSTbi ih, Mrts
. rooea '”1 .ritfT wto*; to «•*
'- SSs^S^2jßsttSkS®KK:
tad bayOmiC^^^lZtowf^wWhMTatried iV"*
: .Wi- »(
Tb«« Uai inHats Dr. Tpwwead'* S«mj«ria». tyT
Innxtobl y ceUarf Oai* *»* 4 rtta^sf a4g f
ctaler tc. t*. «aib*f»coptod earWHi *aa,OTC»!an
«*£*•■ to th* uaapl«<tTiq<TOMn,wojlfcg yff
, Hi»*'«HDpotop »alldßa,haTB,ria»tb* rrMJ
fflTPr.Twrarafa■ fa
(aeUest ta temaXu, rtamaaari U*«to% fUMV>J**
. TtorfihHhffdldmL. Awab«r«<tbtaMtg*"»S y*?
'&s&ttJStt 9 G&EStt
i i . -Mflutv Aw itifc BBflSto WJHIB COS&*
toSi O7-tto.o expeoHM t * b *^°s°S? f r !;
Boefoto C*ied»
TOM pen®* tmih m. bo®.
ho»P~«l'W^ r j e . Cbn4iro . ■
ZKMg Sr— * to
UW njSelf
T “Hsi3rW?c£ilN, IM Wooimm*.
ate ortho too * ,TaloabUpr^^pSLwO J H. D.
,J. WILSON,*-J>.
Owlay to tbfl greSroS*? ladlmacnxa Nj* *?££
■ »fe»ald be erciiod.
l 1; - itewfi®
o *® ■
filaKL Wert iodic* and the i
w n —Person* inquiring tor this' medicine, «hooid
nolie ! lndoced to take «ny other. »««**■ P®**y.
Sarsaparilla*, and ofeoam pwfcf selling ihw own.
Do not be deceived by aar-mauir* tor Dr.T*«h»-
iend’*, and thko do other, ET Bcmember the gedo-
JS‘ t Town«nd ! » Samparilfi? sold by the *©i« »«=»*••
B, E. BELLKK9, ««« «J A liSy
No. 57 Wood street, and D.ALCUBK*, Atjcgaeny
cfcy. - JCJO
|StohSSESd*lteO»to«le.M4 D^ndcn™.
, SSSii •nt.NcSoU.UMSfc' ‘l» P»»-
f “a? 6 *!? 0 a -flrmerr
TtebeSl? (presided lie mouje “ “J JiV if-urao
ar®a—<r jgsaswwssLW 0
‘ wififeart*' bto penaitted .10 llon.CUarJe» P. P«V»
•JadSlratfrt of Common Pleai, New •• .
i f®Sn&Bwarf*Ca
. ChA*.'CortJW«e_kC?‘ lt , , ,
W. , A «
«fttjgfe4flnr >■ •*-.
mouiy .JggjjgsSSSf&i K „
. “ »otiHßtsdEU},'„„ I ;-i '
JtSSKCAKOTiMHSki, v; * I ' • '
. ' •
~£> "WJLBON irCANDLLSi - •.} .
•f. iWLni, : •'■...
deoO lilAlAll DICKHY * Ce_
mcib * c
l»w*|'--’.' \y t,M**g*»i Pirabnnrb;. , _ V ■ -.. 1
- BxA,Yabxs&'Co, Beaten. •-:. Jpropt’*.
- Caawronn k CmwiCTU*, CaerelandJ
THE above line is lolranaponfrelghi
and paaengtii from JHtuimtgb and Cleveland, ox
/ toy point on the Canaltacdl^toa.
- Mfcliigln,liewwa Kiutmrill.«]|* Bearer, jail aline
Wfit«cli!»»Kc»iiiboau,propfU«™, bnpanduham
; />.. Ene. Httxon and. Micmgaa.
dwpaicm ny JOHN A. CAUGUEY, Ajentt,
cor Water and Bmlthfield stt, PiUsbarjh.
ACENTS:-K»ed, Pvk< kCo, HcaTcri
- . R o Park* k Co, Youngstown, O,
KWCotes* Co, Warren;. .
D llosnrlek A Co, Bread port;
A AN CiarkvNewton Falls; •
. J k Campbells port;
• J O M* Bride, Ravenna;
M k C H Kent, Frank) mj
, Wheeler* Co, Akron:
Barney, tilbba kCo, Sandusky;
•' Watkins k Engle, Toledo;
t 0 WUUama A Co, Detroit, Mleh;.
■■ hPClnre k .WiW3ns,'Milwaakie, Wis;
, JIJ Winilow, Chicago, 111. opU
voa TXASsroxrasxoa or mauama ■ ■-
WB Proprieioracf this old pstablUhed. and dr*t
, Portable Boat Line, having removed their de
pot in Philadelphia, to w much larger Warehouse
on Marketdtj than they formerlyoccupied, Mdalao in
creased theirmom for etotageat Rnsbarriuaronow
prepared tooflbr ranch greater facilities to their fnenili
and patrons. ’ ‘ .. ..
Goods earned by this lino are not transhipped be
tween Pittsburgh and PhUadMpMa, beingcarrted en
tirely la Portable Sectionßoatt.
and other goods reqninng carcfal handling ,thi» is of
importance; No charge made for receiving or shipping
goods, or advancing charges. All goods forwarded
promptly, and upon aareasonablo tents as by any oth
john McFaden tco,
■ e rASS£ssHiVSs*-
. 237 Market AM Commerce st, Phils.
JQHN-HcFADEN k Co- Forwarding and Comma*
aion Merchants, Canal BasbtiPenn it, Pittsburgh.
JAMES M. DAVI3 k Co, Floor Factorsand Comal*-
aion Merchants, S37.Marfcet, and 6* Commerce
~* > tD*A§*smcea niade by either of the above on Floor.
tdSel and other descriptions ofMerehandtee consigned
tothem. *• ’ •* * ‘ ’ feh2l *
XTOTICE—The sabscriber* have disposed of their in
jv tercstin the Pcnn’a and Ohio Line to CLARKE k
Pittsbnrgh, and JOSEPHS LEWIS, ofthU
will continae to transact business'for the line,
at their Warehouse ou Broad street, as usual, and be
{ga. te “ *
Philadelpnia, March Sih*ldt3.
tui ud| Ohio Co.
Donbls Peibf Luuctf
rursKds to Tasasrcsr ooone asrwao rmssumaa
W. PORIUCK, Agt, 19 West street* New York.
mHE aahacrihcra have flu* day Officiated OtexaM.rtt
1 io«lhM under lb# «yle of Klerfc Jone*< forth*
of continuing the batinrwjfonnerlj'etrTtod on
?I (L Kicr, and eolieU a cdßinnanee of the lib
■nirt heretofore extended tothe bony-
piliabargbr March l, 1843-
ytttßifl POIiTABLK BOAT^
WE are prepared to receive and forward mughl to
Ui# above and intermediate place* wuh a* much
despatch, and at as low me*, as any other responsible
The attention of*hlpper» wishingto seuAfork or Ba
con to Baltimore in balk, i» particularly requeued, u»-
■uunoch asour arrangements enable u to carry tueh
U,-o» 8 h in Mnnrgrte
'. t Canal Batin, near 7th at*
PiUibaigh, March l, 1817.
aaM*i> at im> *• .*• *?***»
ft mrvw. t *■ I
TriRR A.JONE9 Ccnmiirirm and forwardingAJer
IV chant*. and Wholesale Dealer* in ka*>TJloom*a
advancesoa conugnmayffi 'fcdg ttf
uassT UKarr. a. «. Down, ahp ctux. uCit?b*>«
VIA n MUipinni
HENRY GRAFF A Co- Canal Baaia, Pittsburgh.
DimLU.IIUMPHBEYS ACd.No.M3 Market*!, Phil-
C. IL Room; comer A Saratoga *i*Balt. 1 A<<f .
' Joint F. Clante»J*o 13, Old Slip, New fcor*,
our firms will be known from
Pittsburgh, as Henry Graf
to,, <uuitn
; ■ lIENBY ÜBAFF, Hn&ojji. . Ml^aT
IR4B .
A CAfOr Philadelphia.
TaATT* A CPCosowu, Pittsburgh.
Tina old established Lino being now in.fall opera*
on ihe most fovoreble terms. They confideaUy hopc
; *»"«*«* c, r
rMpaid* andfotwarded in any. required direction* free
I AUtomnmni cation* promptly attended to on applies*
d «,
TAAFFE A cyCONNba. Canal Bmw, Pittsburgh.
O’CONNORS A Co, North «, B^dmore.
WM.B- WILSON/9* Cedar st, New York. ap*
elmis iteambotua, pTopellera and Teasel* on the bases,
itprtiwred to carry (rrigiaiand pauCTger* to all point*
ottithnEtiaCanal,uulLake*Erie, Huron and Michi
ettrj OtOUr for «m»«7tof u»*
ecogenwiih. promptness anddwpatch, lie proprietor
.J.pttt nupcetMly solicit from their fnends neon
““““ oftor p io[
BEERPABKS A Co, Beaver, Agents.
cpl 4 cor Water and SmithfieldVta. Pittsburgh.
SBkB£k 1848. rISL
fTHK proprietor* of Unpopular lm^bayc^«tb*»
A re-crfgamiaiion largely inereased w
meet the wbhe* of tfTuNiL
forward a greater amount by lie HVB DAY WNis,
u alto by additional regular wagon* at lam
Tiialiiw will run lirwigbout the year dalnriain*
rood* through ibe agents ut Baltimore and Pittsburgh
to owner* and consignees at specified rate! and tuna
Shipment* from Pmladelpbia for tie lino should b«
marked ‘•Care, 3 B Robln*on, Baltimore."
The only agent* are,
Oil 8 Cbarle* at,Baltimore.
EDOERTON a Co, Cumberland,
a w CABS, Brownavill*.
fcW 3 C BHAVEFX, Pin*burgh. .
Eclipse transportation iwe-
*rcncy tl CuSbtritad fram iU ho«* oj Neltai* *«►
nU to (b*t of Edc«rtoa A C®- , h . t , „■*.
• pituburib tad noun mtretaplfw boUbm Uut J B«T
trßobitaoo. NoW Booth Chariu it. Balt®***, <• tbf oolf
Mlhonwd «gea» of lhi» I*u» t* * J “ t,ni tiM **
Tb«*»y t£Cßt*«« j c mDWELLf p i tt l bor l b,
O W , .
£DO A RTO»‘f A Co Cnabtrlmd,
J B KOBUißON,Britlaa*.
-~w..1. tnTr.g.pcrt.tlooComp;^
•A“n2"^«j c “" on
* KJibH -.go.
J TAYLOBABONj A«t* l Nol4,N , lJiUow»rd«l,B*lL
New -rto
Pitubuntb, Marchjjffa 1848, - - • -
Moroboito’ Tr»n»portol>Jn blo«. "
Goods coiuigiwi « w cm* wiu ba tomne*
J«|*, u Ih« Co,
2*73 aod 365 MarketPhfl’o.
]e23 . _ Smhh , « wharf, Baltimore.
KwemHnnUnidciiCojmad Pe»
n| |, tpyfk) aw.
Canu ,«w* *»■“
. .
Co; Dr »• Bh*enl>«fw.
.. S. HOI.BKB * 8088,
Batikerii Bsehange Brokeiii
COLLKCtiONS^—Draft*, Notes and Acceptances :
payable in.any part of the union, collected *a U» most
favorable terms.
EXCHANGE on New Yoik, Philadelphia and Bal*
tlmorei also, Cincinnati, Louisville, Saint Loots and
New Orleans, constantly for sale.
BANK NOTES.—Note* on all solvent banka in the
United Slates discounted at the lowest rate*. All kinds
of Foreign and American Gold and Silver Coin bought
and sold.
Office No. Si Market street, between 3d and 4th,
Pittsburgh, Pa. octtS
JD In Foreign and Domestic Embargo,Certificates of
Deposits, Bank Notes, and Bpeeie; Fourth street, near*
!y opposite taa Bank of Pittsburgh. Correal money
received on deposit®—Sight Checks for sale, and col
lections made on ndfcrlyaU the principal -point* in the
United States.
Ho highest premium paid for Foreign mA firp•>****•
.Gold. •
Advance* made on consignments of Predate, ship*
ed East, on liberal terms. 11 mchlS
TJILLB on England, Ireland, and Scotland bought
: Jjf any amount at the Current Rates of Exchange.
Auo, Drafts parable in any pan of the Old Countries*
from £1 to £lOOO, at the rate of S 3 to the £ Sterling,
without deduction or discount, by JOSHUA ROBIN*
'SON, European and General Agent, office filh «t one
: door west of wood. . octlSu_
rossTß a. au- w wit c. comar
BANKERS and Exchange Brokers, Dealer* In For*
ieign and Domestic lime and Sight Bills of Ex
change, Certificates of Deposits, Bank Note* and Coin;
No & Wood street, third door below Fourth, west
tide. ' martltf
Aixu’uiaua.l {sawann aatat
Bankers and exchange brokers, dealer*
In Foreign and Domestic Bills of Exchange, Cer
uncoies of Deposits, Bank Notes utd Coin, cocner of
3d and Wood streets, directly opposite 'St Chansrs Ho*
ieL meySSdly
mBSTE&a rraDß-
W “W. *
Bank Notes;
porch ased at the lowest rates, by
tepU 39 Market street
New York,
' Philadelphia, and
Constantly for sale by N. HOIJtfKS ft SONS.
M pl3 33 Market «t
Manufactured and leaf tobacco.--
HEALD, BUCKNOK a Co, « north wutl «, yi I
. whams, Phil’tt, offer for sale on sccommodaun r
terms. COUOpkg* Manufactured Tobacco, consisting®
tonsils, half pounds, St, H% lffa. fjp^.
amps: ffs, fi’s and tfs plug, and UTi Ladies' rwut,ln
•wholeaod half boxes, of the following approved brands,
Tl Jaaos 1! Oram, Oibom ft BraggJ
Grant ft Williams, A Cahanlss,
S Jones ft Boa, hMhmald,
Websur Old, J Thomson, /
jameaTbowJr. AllAmistead,
' J Thomas ft Son, Landhorn ft Aral*toad,
J P Coates, * J M Cobbs, I
Gan&nr ft Royster, J A Clay, r
M A Butler, CAM,
Green Hall, Wm Dawson,
Pearl ft Norwood, JS Blackwood,
Nath Pane, Keystone,
WH VaShan, Edmund Henry,
Partisan Robiown, Russell ft Robinson,!
Keim, Robinson ft Co. S*ih Halsey,
John Ender,
Laurrenee Lottler, J Robinson,
Or., A 0r.,, D BTurrur,
R Jamieson,' \ ark White,
I>M Blanch- —ALSO—
Havana LeafTobaeoo, wrsopots and fillers;
Yarn do do do
Cianfnegos do do , do
StJagodeCuha do do de
Bl Domingo do do do
Soria ft Guidea <lo, part hue, do
aysviUe do do do
Kentucky various grades do do
Yirrinia Leaf, satiable for manufacturing and expo t;
1 Spanish Seed Leaf, Penn’a, ConneeUsot and Clue,
1 Virginia Scraps,sweet; German Pipes; PtpehMdsj
Scotch Souff (loose and bladders;} Meccouba Meal;
Tonnua Beans, Havana bass; Quo Rose; Bernm >t;
i Calabria liquorice; Patent Cavendish Knives, Bpnt k,
l to.*™ PHILADELPHIA, mTt3
At hii Old Stand, comer of Bmiili!U!d *n«*t and
Diamond alley, Pittabaigh, Pa* «OfiW respectful-
IT call ibe attention of Coantry Marehantt, llotcl tad
Steamboat Barkeeper*, to a lam aa P“ i( ? r ““J v
anton* TrUck wiU be
found the fbUo«ing brand*, via: Ea*le, Regalia, Ca»-
ullm. Prinelpe, La Nonna*. Star Brand, AUjrerr* and
of »kich will be told U tow aa can
be bad at any other hottie In the city.
Alio.- canatanUr on band and for tale,, a laryt and
well acleeted ttock of Virginia} Fine Cot
Cuba and Common Leaf Tobaeeo,
j constantly on hand andfw tale. no_r&<dfim_
approved Eotero plana
aad meet fcihicneble Eastern pattern* Al»
ortnadetoetderof alf*ixe*,end aiallprlee*. «
Country Merchant* and ©2»er» wo inrlud local! wid
examine the above for licmaebrci.ajan wiQbowid
wholesale or retail, and a liberal dedaeUon made »
mHE undersigned offers f« *h|« V w £: rt * p™
X of brick for building, made by **»«*■»£«*•»
improved machine, for which be has obtained a pawtit,
•ad antes to fit* purchasers a wiiaea fTOUta* that
they ueitreofer, and willresist frost and wti weaib
ct and imlsbeless moisture or dampness than any o ti
er brick, possessing greater body and superior teiuiw
and much more durable tu every respect, each I
being subjected to a pressure of several urns, and p»»-
tessfnx a handsome smooth surface and even edges,
they make a front equal to the best frontbriek.
They have given the greatest satisfaction to all who
have purchased. A kiln eon be seen at my work*, and
specimen at the Gazette office.
*Tho*a having supplied themselves lor their buildings,
ond wishing handsome front brick, or superior hard
aad solid paving brick, can obtain QRBOO
Birmingham, June 13,1548. tf
« TAKES this method to inform his friends
and the Public at large that his Paetopr u
na-trin fell operation, on the west side of
the Diamondf Allegheny, where aeon
slani supply of Blinds,
and quifittes, are constantly kepton hand,
also7at No 3 Wood si, Pittsburgh, at J k
H Pwllips’oU cloth ware room
[butters made to order in the Mi* style.
Blinds repaired at the shortest noUM.
QWSENBW ARE UA ”V. , '. A £ I,,, 2S%^
Blrmiß|ltaia,|nesr Plttibarthilr**
Warehouse* to. 137, Wood itre<, ftlinburgh.
MrfsWlLLconstantly keeponhamlagood assort*
JaR/mcui ox Waie; of our own manufacture, and
BiM , flm Wholesale and country Mer
nr chanu are respectfdlly tnvitsd to call and ea*
Mia. (bi IMMtWe*. M w» «I 0 10 wll
cheaper than has eyei before been offered to the pub-
‘rrj- Orders sent by maif, accompanied bT 'be ®V£. 0T
city reference, will be prompUy attended to. febtt
CO AC H M ■ ,
PROM the very libentl-eocourap,
.mi-niihe .obaoriber baa received.luce
CeSffleSr'liß bu located hltxmelf la Allegheny,
Mn9ra* ba» induced him to take a lea»c,fora
SBmmßmicrii of year*, on the property be now
occur**, in Beaver meet, immediately, betide tbo
Pretbytenrnn Chare b. Prom the lon* experience in the
abovo banneit and a detlfe i* plesae, he hopes to mer
it and receive a there of public patronage.
Now o n band and Oaisbtng to order, EoekawaT Baf •
gie., open and top Baggie*, and every detciHpilon of
Ssss 4 ** ua® ""H^sSsar
nononcabtla Home t f »Uorin| Rotate
liihmeat, , •
T 9 AAC WILLIAMS. Draper and Tailor, bep .19 »1
I f orm the citizen. o f Pittsburgh and other*, tbit he
It now opening at hit room* on Smithfteld »treet, an
£r ihoX.«l!oU!l, . I.rg« ud kraitMil
ofClotb*. Ca«*imer®«, Sauu., Stlh*, aud other Vesting*;
locdiber with tuch other article* a* are required lor
pmUomen’twear. Hi. good, have been Carefully *e
feeted and are of the newe*t and mo.t fashionable
I *iyle, a. well a. of .aperior quality. U|a coaunoera
may depend apon having their clothe, made op w a
manner which cannot fail to gratify the ( la*te of the
I meat {hsudlocu. *P** J, 7-
the star op the west
w A y«i oftbe Diamond, when Veiutiin
Blind* of ell the different sixes end coloW
A£iy&^ are kept on bead or made jo order ails
latest eruHncat approved Eastern fa*h«
V| ions, ol the shortest notice and on the nu>«
re su^ cheap Boston roll or split Blind Trans pa-
P^prrLatt-work done with the best material and
wottinanshlpi and warranted to please the most Cos
tldjoca. auglfrdty
Alleghany City, Ang. 10, ISia
7v«rfeaM~ PERRY BOATS FOR BALE-The mb-
N serlbers offer to sell one-fourth of thg; two ferry
toats, Gen- Scon and Gen- Worth, now running from
tbVfoot of Penn street U> Saw MiUßan, srfas to make
h a orofittble investment for capitalists, lor any who
wy wish to ongH® V» * O , W®”;'
F&rfophw PM j!|^p :^^N4Co! Wa | M;at_
NEW CARPETS—Received this day direct trom
the manuiactnror — >
now stylo Tapestry 3 ply Carpets, extra super,
do ■ do do do super;
do do Brussel* Carpets;
do BrassAj, very cheap, do
do ridwoMa super Ingrain do
M,Mw««ta»TVebnlii 4o
il M anAWthaomo* do - do
Allot whleh wwffie sold at a small advance, and
*ssr“ sa NP«B&BBSas*iy£s:“
mm. mims i
; VtASO VOUTKS. ' ' •
I - ■ ,-jmro H. MQJipB, NaaWood
Street, has now received a rail *x%or\-
ytntrr'n meat of Pit no Fortes, selectedfrom
K| V I | * tho following manufactories in Boston
nd New York, to width the attention ofparchaienit*
etpCctfdlr invited. 1 Those from Mr. Cbickehn*, <for
tie sale of whieh he is sole Agent la Western Fenn-
Tlronia,) have what U tensed the New Circular Seale;
ieink ah improvement recently made, ami gmn* item
i decided advantage in power and eaooQty of lone
rret any others. The following are the patterns and
tyleshfChiekering’s: .. . .
io. l. Rosewood, 7 octaves, finished baek * front, JJK
' g “ u JJSq
“4. “ . 6* u earved mouldings, *; 9M> ;
“5, “ SI u fiuished baek and •3® 1
: >V‘ : : : §
e. o “
9. “T 6 projecting front, '*®?
“10. “ 7 richly carved, style of Lcniii-Ulli.
“U. 0 hollow comer* and toUow cor
nered legVMCond hand, cost originally 5423, ana will
be sold at avety reduced price.
No, VI Rosewood, ronnd corner, very elegantly hn-
Übed, 5275. No 11 Rosewood, roand comer, very el
egantly finilfied, 5375; w
*Th* above are manuiaclored by 11. Worcester, N.
Y well kiown u being connected formerly with
Messrs Stotard, Worcester t Dnnham, N. Y. "
No. H Rosewood, o*. carved moulding, made by the
Mauhatlan Company, N.Y. $275.
No 14, Rosewood carved, o octaves, Gala 4: Co *, N.
Y, 5250. No. 15 “ plaiu 0 “ .S B *?
No 10, Rosewood Grand fiano, made by Henri
liars, Paris. ~ ,
No 17, Mahogany, o octaves, second hand, pnee 57a.
Old PiauDi InJlen m port payment for new oae«.
Sole A*ihi for Orand and Square Piano
Fortes, for -Weiigrn Pennsylvania. oeil7
- A SPLENDID assortment of Maho-
xanv and Rosewood Pianos, just fin
nnfgwl uhed. These inxtrament* are made of
Iffi | “ tho latest pattern and best materials
and will bfl sold tow for cosh by
F. BLUMB, lIS Wood street.
2d door above Fulh.
N. B.—Those who are in want of a good instrument,
ore reßpectfally invited to examine these before pur
chasing elsewhere, as they cannot be excelled by any
in the country, ana will be sold lower than any brought
from tho **-"?«- Also just received, two pianos of Ham
burgh manufacture, warranted to be superior to any
ever sold in this country. QCOP F. B.
THE subscriber hat been appointed Sole Arent for
ONS, as manufactured and and perfected bj Messrs.
March A White, of CiaeinnaU. The urea l compass
and extent being but four octaves, Messrs, N. * »*-
to accordance with the general desire nnd demand,
havwexteoded the scale of these instrument* to 4k end
even 6 octaves, that making it practicable to perform
upon them any music written for the Piano or Organ.
The exterior, also, has been much improvedl by placiug
the body of the Instrument upon a east iron frame
beautifully bronted and ornamented, rendering it at
once a most elegant and exuemsly desirable article.
The price is put so low as u> bring U within the reach
of every one to obtain a perfect musical instrument.
aod, at the same time, a mw elegant piece of foi
mie for a comparative trifle.
has just received from Europe, und for tale, aa
entirely new Invention of Piano Forte, called toeOAB
INETPIANO FORTE, which possessing more power
and sweetness than the square Piano, occupies but on*
fourth as much room, ana is a much snore showy ana
handsome ptece’of furniture. It is particularly desira
ble where the saving of space Is an object, being ex
ceedingly neat aod compact, and occupying no more
room than a small aide table- The subscriber hie la
hand a testimonial of us superiority from the ceJebrtj
t«i pianist, Nosche lie*, in hit own hand writing,which
uiay be inspected. H
0c127 Al J W Woodwoll s
RECEIVED and j&t talc, • loiof ehoice pianos. With
and without Coleman’s /Eolian Atuchment, b>
Nanus A Clark, N Y. One of NonnsACiark’a FUoos,
with the Attachment, waa taken to .England by Mr
Coleman, and among many other testimonial* of ad*
miration for ibis elegant specimen of American stall
and ingeoaity, eUcfted the following remarks from
ft. Thaftofg, thegreetest Pianist Using.
Lojcdos, Jaa. 18, l&tA.
My DearSir—ln enclosing* letter to my fneml, Mr
Brand, Paris, Pcannot refrain from again axpwsnng
io you how much 1 was pleased with your
Attachment,” which 1 cmisidsr as a great enaical im
provement. I can assure you that on say part I shall
with great pleasure dp my utmost io »ake yoar i fovsn-
Don known. For tslo by H KLEnKR*
ugg ‘ At Wood weirs furaltare room*. 3d St
r " Bstalle Pram* Waao. ”
- a SPLENDID assonmentof Rose
and Mahoranv grand action P»*
anas, just finished and for sale.
II V I II Also, two ipleudid Rosewood Pianoa,
wuh Coleman's celebrated JEoUan auachmem, finished
b U»»». mo-l-n, *^^lto i^.E^l , agocJn
1848. JUg,
Canal Packet—riW ALLOW, Capl. F«»id.
** - uCKAN.Capt. Watters.
OSVlof the above Packets leave Beaverevery day,
iftoAhiTa exempted) and arrive next moniuig at
Warren where they connect with lb* Mail Stages for
tkrim and Cleveland.'arriving al each ©i these pla<-‘
before tuxhV Oneoiihc rackets leave \\ arren dan y,
atA P- M* and arrive at Beaver in time to take the
morning ateatnbeal for Pittsburgh.
~W B TAYLOR, “ >
Canal Packet—Pra*n.vaatA, Cwi J«me«
U . Txua**ra, d Pollock;
« “ Lass R*™, “ Tracy,
. “ “ Psmwna, * Brown;
“ « FaWHios. 11 Safer.
The above new and ■plendiil Paaeenjrvr t*«ike«bsw
eotwnaeed running between HKAVfcIB AXDvEBJE,
'and will run re fairly dannf foe aea»oa--<Hie boat
leaving Erie every morning at S o'clock, and one leav
ing Beaver every evening, immediately after urn arri
val of ike tieamboal Mleiugmn from Pittsburgh. •
The boat! are new and comfortably formated, and
will ran foremen in forty hoar*. Pajwenfere to ant
poiol oo Iho Ulev or lo Niogoio will SoJ thU
nmie ike moat comfortable and expeditions inearta
foroogh to all pona on the Lake can be procured by
apply,ng to foe PABKBJk
JOHN A- CAUGiIBV, AgU Pittfbnrek,
cor- Water and Bmithfirla ata.
AGENTS:—Jas C Honiaon, Buffalo, NY.
C M Reed, Erie, Pa.
C C Wick, GreenviUe^Pat
M’Parland and King, Big Bend, Pa;
Kaye A Plumb, Bbarpaborgb, Pa;
W C Malan, Sharon, Paj,
D C Mathews Pulaaki, Pa; ,
R W Caaninfbam, New_Caatle,_Pa. Jyl_
pamuylvaßla Caul fc'BallHowfEx*
Pack»tLUn» M |m .
(Exclusively tar Passengem.)
rTtOrSpablioare respectfully informed that this Lino
I wili commence running on foe B&i inst, and «on
unse throng bom foe Benina.
The beau are new, and of a superior class, wtfo en-
Urged cabin*, which wiU give greaier comfort. The
ears are foe latest constracuon.
A boat wilt aiway* be w port, and traveler* are te
quoted to call and examine foem before engaging pas- 1
,B ft?nre *uiy nine dollar* forough.) One of the boat* of I
foi* Line will leave foe landing (opposite U. 8. Motel, |
comer of renn street and CanaL every night at nine o’- |
clock Time 3» day*. For mforauuomapply at foe I
Office, Mouougohela House, or to P LEECH ACo i
j egp Canal Basin. I
' h.venDkn A CO* _ |
Paiitngsr and BnaMtanea Offlee,
HANRDEN A CO. continue to bring persons
afiSvAfrom any pen of England, Ir'land. Scotland or
fi&flffWales, upon foe most liberal terms, with foeu
usaal punctuality and attention to the want# and com*
fort ofemmigTunu We do not allow our passeuen to
be robbed by foe awicdling scamp* foal infest the sea*
ports, as we uike charge of them foe moment they re
port themselves, and see to their well being, and do
ipateh them without any deteatiun by foe first ships.—
\Ve say this fearlessly, as we defy one of oar passen
ger* u» show that they were detained 48 hours,by ns is
Liverpool, whilst thousands of other* were detained
mouths, until they could be sent in some old craft, at a
chftp raw, which 100 frequently proved their eoffina.
We intend to perform our contract* honorably, cost
what it *»y, and not act as was the case last season,
with ether office!*,—'who either perfotiued not all, ot
when it suited foeir convenience.
Draft* drawn at Pittsburgh for any on from XI to
XlOOO. payable many of the provincial Bank* in Ire
land knelsnd, Scotland and Wiles
European and General Agent,
n*k iifMl nn* *mi, «*«•<
A KJ N, a
Colver’i Patent Ooneave BemtesM
'TTT'E ca!) the attention of thepabUelo ike article
YY heading thU advertisement, and Invite the en
terprising and euriotu to call and witness iu cper*.
tion. An advertisements In relation u> this Invention,
to the hundred* who have teen it lei led, is snperero*
-{Ttm. Churn wiU produce Batter, lathering it in
a mass, from sweet milk, In five to ten minotpsT and
from ereom prepared, as families usually prepare it,
in three to five winotes! , , .
gd. The utility of this inveaUon is apparent, as bet*
ter Butter can be produced from tweet milk, or cream,
ih, n C ream toured in the usual way; and by means of
this Cham, a little girl or boy ean perform, in five or
tan minutes, what nos heretofore required the labor of
a woman or man for one or two hours, uud sometime*
By simply lamia; a thprab screw, the whole in*
side d"«V r i* taken out, leaving nothing but the batter
and milk In the plain wooden box.
4th It'U the cbeapcitehum ever invented, as the
slmidieiry of iu consttuctiou (though embodying a
rreaTpulosophical principle) makes it but little to
manulkoQire lt : . * .
glh, Jt is a common* *en*e chum, as all vQI admit,
who will examine it.
trr We have purebased the monopoly of this valna*
bteimPTOTement from Hcura; Colnt*Myers,tbs
We ore now oflertiig the complete mono*
nolvofUlie styled arttolo (or the Bute* of Ohio, Peon*
*v rmda, New Vork, New Jersey, Maryland «nd Del*
nwareTwhlob will insure certain and lame profit* to
r!E following
well known proprietor oftto Ey* 6 *** * CTerr
itself of the importance of the P*to E»mc»r»eTeij
parenl * anripmc^Altoyt^ l ! 1
Ms- Dauxt. Mr Dea*Bto-WUb. ?|ffiSsjfSe£
dinar? pleasure 1 address W rJSES;
I tare retired from yowtowtaabto
Lately, my little daughter,-; • yearaoi^h^*.
'of boiling water rented into het boso»* : b***® .
were dreadful, so that a crowd to**X[JPS*2**i
fore the houseto leant the
I to* her clothes asunder, and soon»pre*don .TOtt.
wire, and she was carried and Ulinpon a bed. ge
was soon relieved front her pains, aw* *®T* * av— I
U in could laagh;” and was toon to sereeuleep.> bm
was scalded to a blister fromthe topof her:,«hpuldCT|
over more than half -her- chest, and reond noderuje
ftnnk. On the shoulder and breast. U was.ytxT df®g> I
vet from the first hour, «ha complained onhr*rt«ntt
■ wa* dressed. The sorrheiiled rapidly, and mere is oo
coauaclton of the muscles. .
With many wishes, toy dear sir, for your sneeess in
the sale o f this mighty article,
The renuine Bailey, will crer prodace the same to
■taauaeoii* inlleC and toothing, coolrnc efeet, ia the
MVereil caaet of 9c«ld«, PUet, £e.
The Counterfeit*—no n alter under what bihim they
may appear—al way* irritate, and laereue the pain.
I, Edward P, Holmes, of ChMluaj, HeWnttMie, I
Columbia county, N. Y., bare boon efflletcd with then,
metiun io my hreaet, tel, and all OTerray body, for I
aia Years. ,0 that I could not stand, and waa cared by 1
uJL .ppbe.tlon.rfßdl.lgmjmgPjgß^r
Mr Dailey: Sir—l cut my Eager with a copper naß ,■(
the poisonous nature of wiich caused my mm to earclf 1
considerably, with constant shootmf pains up to lie I
Faw. In tbit extremity yout hin Extractor wn re-1
corner Broome end SoUivxn at** Bept 6*1848., 1
NOTICE—-H. lUUXT 1* thel
able remedy, and neverbai and never will oemmanj
ceie to anylMnyra*n tbo «ecret o l u» combiniUoaJ I
All Extractors, therefore, not made and pal ap b
Broadway, New York; |
General Depot; Dr. WM.
THOEN. Agents for Piiubnrah.
Ammal GaJvaTW Cvn-AH,
..ssLJSrariasf' gsstfs&ssp
ÜBnumapf be &d™g{"“-
peris-dlyi. Agent, PiMbargb-
UW doon below Wood unet, to*
■twjjjfllt. SBOWKi hiTinj bed
tfg«E*TOWff regularly educated to the medlca
PSreßßhefljga pra&tawa.eod beesto same Uma
pßfj W&mKftSa general practice, now confine*
RMfiESaßraia his atteniloo to the treatment ot
EBBSSBacc. tho*» nrrraie end crlicttc, cemj
IBMrair plaints tor which ids opportunities
BHBraSStklL and experience peculiarly qeelito
BHHDn him. tl yearaisaidaoaily derated
taatnJuAtrcy*""” l oi those eomplmintMtapjwhieb,
pwMee aiiti anrtamv*
tlenls then can ever feu to lo * °f g*
Sr /.nsiifLei oner eixanneee 01
onattaneesin curing SSaS
neck of the bladder, often
remit from those earn JESSES
them to hopeless despair. HipkrfeMriyjawgbklltt ,
u have been long nnj im*g} by \
to consult him, when mff satisfaction willbo riven
them, and their cases treated in
Intelligent manner, poiatodquifry* long experiageo ■
studyfand lnTe*tjgadon, whfch bislmMUtfiUo tor UU»s
engaged in general practice of medicine to give an
One class of oi/ease.
irj-H.rai.or Bopninb—Dr. Biowa»ueßTlt«« pej;
foil .fflieitd iruh Herat. lo c»H, mtoUiH p«ur,
ol.r onamioo to thl» dirawfc
GANCKBS also eared.
<Mn disease*! also Pi’ ». Palsy, ela -> sp®*dlly cored
«ul Urtiwu . dlmßcojbJ
onrjng their disease in writing. ttoajßM
ZmbZmoobtain medteincs withdirecntnu fc use, 6y
T. BROWN, M- D, post paid, and endoa.
kftfflriTNo. AS, Diamond alley, opposite tba crezly
11 ftMcmartXJU—Dr. Brown’s newly discovered reme
dy for Rheumatism is a speedfand certain remedy tor
that painfat trooble. it never fails.
Office and Private Consulting Botany No. A 3 Dia
mond alley, Pittsburgh, Pa. The Doctor is always at
home. _
icr No care no pay. _ _tteetx^
iVL JAYNE—'This certifies, that immediately after
frme mended my brother, who died of consumption
In March. iiMt. I was taken tick with the Consumption
or W*rr i'-oiapiaini, and w«s reduced so law with the
di««“a<e. ibai lor four tears I was unable to attend to
mv bwiWM. either el home or abroad, being for the
ro.Mi ume confined to tut bed. During the above peri*
ou of tune. I had expended tor medical antmdanoo o
regular Phyweian* and medicines, to the %aom°t
*3uu, without receiving any benefit Ihcrefrom. in
Jaly, 13*5. 1 commenced taking Dr. Jayne • Meal
cines, oud have taken them more or lea* ever alnee,
and belie*© that't was by MWavering bt Utetrue,
that 1 can now truly say that rhsvo completely nreo
tered my health. I believe that Jayne’s Banatfra Pills
and Expeploraht are the best family medicines now In
T'lcaUr in Springfield, Onego connrjr, N. Y- tad
earn on a furnace alnl machine thop m thsl pUM|
nad in boI intere«ietl In any manner ut the »*le of the
■bon medieuicSi nud mate IU, g'
efit of thoee alflieted. EUJAU EATON,
■winarfd. N. Y- Sept in. lia )ri
“ft rifcltluiiM to WoiM«
TWBNTT.FIVE DCaitAßBwiH*»*pwd»«T«»*
who will produce a spot of P*hrt, gre«* os dry, £**
taaaoi be oxtraeted with Hon 1 * l®p*o<«d Qeaiat
Soap. IhaTetoeaatorficttonefEaylngtotoepeoptoaf
this place, that tola article, bjr my ownTomweettenxea
iu bow stands unrivalled to ton country 6a extracting
carpel*, table cloto*, merino shawls, lame*’teJceUj
Ac, without injuries anything that pore water will not
lai are. More than one thousand perooas aoftrm
parts or toe country hrro told cat they weald
witooat iu if it cost one dollar percake. to arm toU
Soap on more than 3» artiflei of satlai. «1*
paccaSrOnd ealicoes, 1 hare only found three pteees to
iUk, two of ulpaeca, and four *f calico, on which U
chanced toe colon torrt&re before Patting it on a u*bi
drets try a simple of the drew first-T kata this because
1 am determined not to recommend it any wunttr than
1 know to be strictly true- . N U H«*.
. Ul eu
° «ecB4 57 *ood w
S A-Finsmeci,) A. 8. Ilou* N. Y. Chy
B. L. panaPToo,
lter* la tlu CUy of
Beer York* , , .
E&a&saswa \£ss£sss
tateratiiia) asrf *ll etbar articles in their Utt of boti
ndb.of a sapfriorjaality as tow as tony can bopur*
*£2 IPJfffiSF -fS. Wu^rnc^r
KjLtxixuax, rrmstrssu aas wnxsusa.
Offiee at ttie Exohan|*i BMtBMW*
REDUCED RATES—The chargee have been redu
ced on all Messages to or from Baltimore, Pitts
burgh or Wheeling, and a corresponding radacUon
made on oil telegraphic despatches forwarded from Bal
timore We»i of Pittsburgh, Pa. , . m „
Rates. —The charge tor a telegraph despatch to or
from Baltimore, Pittsburgh and Wheeling, !* 4$ cento
forth* first ten word*, aud a cents for each additional
W p7» No charge i* made for the address and tlgna-
toe completion of the Booth Western Line of
Teleiranhfrom fttomphi*. to Now Orleans, dee
patefieSean beforwarded to Memphis by this reals, and
mailed tor New Oriesn*. ■_ wii
TTAVING'tM* day asioclated toenuelres together
H to partnership, undt-r toe A. A J-
Waonßore*. for toe maaufoctnreof TIN, <X)PreH
AN D SHEET-IRON WaßE,oo the corner ©r RoMjk
son street and toe Canal, to ue Ist Ward,
cm where ihoy are prepared to furnish to order,
wholesale and retail, all article* to their line with
HXiry Trimmings, and Carpenters* orders are so
acited,'Which wiU reccire immediate attention.
City of Allegheny. Feb. 1,1&49-—JGm
" dscoß imektof, ”
HaVINO jo*t completed the re bonding of our smoke
louse*, we are how prepared to receiT* meat,
sod *muke it in the must merchantable manner.
Thehoure* are fitted with ail the toodern tojpiore
* ■ * —■ —* L '
SUNDRIES— oO bbl* Family Floor 50 bx* Wester
among which are Saponaceous Compound Sha
ving Cream, Transparent ganotoe;
B«toh’ Marrow Pomatum, Cut Glass Pungent*, Idly
White, Indian Dye Iff eolottogto© halr abeant^
ynT “
S HAVING SOAP—IO bl. .»■»! »to ToUMi , (»«»•
nARTAific ACID-3 b / tEa Co
o UNDBII'-S—Hio Cofee, 100 J«K
O do: peal'd Peorkn. 4 cMllj-dIW 0“. ®«
driedoppe" 00 ta.lii Tobuto, 100 brupU;
fcccivcd cod 1.. .ulc [| >;, R „ WN fc CULBERTSON
All *3 I r - k*ir| ilimrtrtßd |ilßS| ' Cot till
AILS-I7u keg* «»||gg WN CULBERTSON
WtiiTK I faD— 143 k«st No 1. rec’d ml fet ult
FIGS— 4 cask* Smyrna Fig*, for sale low »o eloio
■STEPiNKO SUOAR-75 bbl, Loif SW, ÜbOrtbd
K nanlioraj S 3 do ctu*hed do; OdO jnilTPTßejldOf 50
At. nrima NO do; S 3 bbls do do Molasses. In «tOT»
“dibSbrjbU brown^cuLnEtrraofr-
>-vif 1 EMON—<S Ibt Oil Lemon, joil .rac'd nsd tot
■tebs JKIPPfeOo
SUuAli BOUBK MOLAB9E&—S bblioo eoaiign*
menc wiU be eol4 low to close.
ftba q ISAIAH DICKEY &Co .
•* oiu—o bbl* Uoacad Q& jut tat Mandi
T , SSSSi br fate / PDg A Co
Y ABIEGATED SOAP—IO bzs Jut lec’d afidJbr
■ale by fete J PDD k Co
PaCSSIATE OF POTASH—I3O lb* jut ne*dud
for tale by feM J EDI? A Co
POWDERED GINGEBr-On hand and for ole by
fete J QDDAOo
tNGLI?n MUSTARD—On hand and brhajsby
jl fete ‘ fete J PDD A .Co
Hruil Sugar; SObbla LoTerisf^aCru£©4do; Id
c«. LccrinsydcM.
m# 18 and to wood at
N juoJJeyTsSSh"
“this BYBTKM, VIZi
•«y,:Earpo*ar*otlmpn*denco.»UM- AlcOi.Cbroaie
MeSrinaTpropertie* of comblnedwiih
SmSufceSl old*, thotaoßtfßlottir pretoej^
3£ most potent »hnptee of lb® WUblo *“**£^“4
▼anon* compoood* bearing the namecf, flwjjwwj
Disease* have been cored, inch a* are not ftixmttM
In the record* of time past! and.what O ?** •****&
done for the thoomdi whojtaee used i**-J l i**£2s2|J
of doing for the million* *t2l nflerihg a&4 struggling
withducaae. It porifiea, cleanse*, and *trength«n*
the fountain spring* of life, and inlh*e* BOWtijot taro 1 *
oat the whole animal frame. ,
The following striking and, as will be *een, perm*- ;
nan l ears of on inveterate cue of Scrofula, comraenaa
itself to all similarly afflicted: : rf .' •'
SouTHTOtT, Conn., Jon. 1, leU. ,
Messrs. 8osw: Gentlemen—‘Sympathy for the afflic
ted induces me to inform yea of the remarkable care
effected by year Sarsaparilla in the case of my wife.
She «o rererelr' afflicted with the rarofala on dufer*
eut parts af'tho oodr. the glands of the neck were
rreatiy enlarged and her umbi mnch swollen. Alter
over a year and asatwr no relief from the
remedies need, the disease attacked one leg, and be *
low the knee rap paroled. Her physician advised u
be laid open, which was dope, bat without any.
permanent benefit' In thUalniation wehe«rdjpf,dnd'
were induced to use Sands’ Sarsaparilla. • -JhefiTTt
bottle produced a decided and fETOTUbleefftfei, reUev*
in# her more than any jpreteriptioii she hed-everta
tem and before she ha/uaed six bottles, to thp.ufen*
ishment and delight of her friends, .she found het
health quite restored. ItUnow Over a the
eon was effected, and bur health rraalns
ins the disease woe thoroughly eradicated from the
intern. Our neighbors ere ill knowing 'td lhee*
'Extract Item a letter received from Mr. N. Wj Hit* ->
risr« gentlemanwpllknownin Louisaeountn.Vaj
‘•Gentlemen—l bare eared anegro boy of mine with
yeer SkmpsrQli, who was attacked with Scrnfhta,
and of a scrofulous family. nawutn
• 1 “Your* truly. N. W. lIABSIH.
aprtderieks EUf ( July 17,1649."
ItseemialmostnnaeOCßsaTT <
todiiecl atxentioato an article so well known, and so .
dnCITcdlT pomlM, M-lia* prcptiriign, bot f*U»U
SnK wtio triit »■» tii« MtoMi «f *'“**,“??> £?
inibMd to ITT trorthku eompoandJ brariax
Sdeontaißißf little or none ©fthevhtne of tkiSTiin*'
abtetoot; and we thinkwe cannot confer a greater;
hfrtrgi on our readers than in directing theirettetmon.
to the advertisement of the Messrs- Sands in another
column. The bottle has recently beenenlargeatohola
» quart, end those who wish a really good artlelewUl
find concentrated in this all the medicinal to] no of the
root The experience of thonsondi has proved -its efr
fiemsy in caring the various diseases (or which UU
n commended; and at the present timo more than any.
other, perhaps, is this medicine useful, lopreparinsthe
system for a change of season.—Home Journal, Sept
* end sold, wholesale and retail, by A. 8.4
D. BArtDSi Druggist* and Chemists, lOOToltaft street,'
comer oftYlUmm, New York. Sold also bw Drug
fisu generally throughout the United States and Conn:.]
aoa Price SI pet Boole; six Saules far $S-
sale In Pittsburgh, wholesale and retail, by
aA. FAHNESTOCK, A COu, comer’of Wood add
Front also, eomer of Sixth and Wood stt; by L*
WILCOX, Jr., comer of Smithfield and Fourth at*,
and also eornerof Market-'at and tho Diamond; also,
by. EDWARD FENDERICiI, eor Monongaia Bouse.
feb«ro • * ; ' - • -
r>. those suffering with DISEASKD
LUNGS.—The. unprecedented saccen whieh tu
oended the axe of me
a all the eariou tama which iniwttinn of the langa***
hu the proprietor again to call atte»r
too to .PREPARATION. .
The ebangable weather which marte oar (hi) ana
winter Btontha, ia of
These, If neglected,, ate-baltho preeniioia of thalfiUJ
Tfce qoeßtai, Oien, hgw ia
the budl how r>*» we get dear of oar eosgha and
•" b :
Aexeaa of oar be« known citixenf, who hare expert
caeedlteearatire power*. Thes»,wWiaiiia*»of tea
Miniater* of the Gospel, Ac., together with eepioa* o©s
Ice. Horn ““ ODENjag op TIgDAT,
we have In pamphlet ftfta, ana stay he ha*
.«*** " I^ I S«^¥SS OTI,nT-
£ND I feNS op thousands^
throngbentthe Umted States mod Canada, and wnc*»
a which, when «tw< according lo directions, and he*
fore thelunga bad become frmlfy dlaorganaed, it has
Whs. then, need the affieted hesitate! Why reson to
nostrums. gotten up by nan ownindivJd
aais s ier the assumed name of some ee sbrttea fiy
tod pnflfcd into notoriety-hy eoniflette* n par
son* eeasllT unknewn! Whilst s medicine oi
: U to be whose TOBChenarc at homof-onr naigh
hon many of whom It has
In order that this Invaluable medicine may be placed
within the Teach of the poor as well the rich, we have
last one half the anal cost of cough medicines, n u
tor sale by oar agents in nearly every town and Tillage
over the west, who are prepared to give toll Informs*
don relative to U. T. BALTER, Proprietor.
Dread Way; Cincinnati, Obd.
nYDuopXTiuc ebtablishMSHTT
rnmiracaos, ra.
DR. EDWARD ACKER, taka this means of re
turning hla thanks tpha friends and the aabtie
for the extensive patronage he has received, ana of in-:
forcing them that he has lately erected a large apd,
well construe ted’ bnildlng, tortbe exclusive pnrppaea
locadaa,at PhlUipabnrgb, Pa~ on the Ohio river, pppo-,
site the ateaiaboiailanding at'Beaver,where he U ready
to receive patients'aa boarders, and treat them on Wy-1
dropithlc principles., In addition to Us tongexpen-j
enee, and tne kreht soceesa which has heretofore at- I
tended his treatment of patients comcrittcd ta his pare, ]
he has now the additional facilities aflorded by, an ex
tensive holloing erected expressly tor the purpose, con
taining commoSloos and airy rooms, and fitted up with
every necessary apparatus for bathing,anddtwlma
tering the treatment to the utmost benefit and comfort
of uS p.Uou. l-MlUjntminh i» . mat diiigtaful *ri
healthy village, easy of aeeets by steamboats, and af«
fords one and wholesome water. Dr. Acker auercs
those afflictedpereons who may place themselves tin
der hioeare, that every attention shall be paid to taetr
comfort, a n " as an assurance ofthe substantial be cents
to be derived, he points with confidence to the torn*
dreda who have been permanently eared at hit estab
lishment. The Water Core leavaa no injurious effects
behind, at is too often the case with those wpo.hfcyp
been treated on the old system. It removes .the pit
ease, invigorates the system, protects from ute dahgeri I
incident the weather, creates a natural ]
and active appetite,- and imparuvigor to the digestive
powers. TermsoftreaimnntandboanJlng reasonable
For farther jpartlfcmarnionuire at the establishment, ?!
address the'preprietor at rhiiliptbujgh. (
angtUd.%. .
We have Seen informed by Mr*. Rote of n'ctua per
fomedoober byDrt Jaynt’i AUerAttToiW&ca
neves-ita ruperioTiryovereveTy other remedy of the
dud. BheharbcenaffilctedFdr.the latttixieieftyears
with SECKQSMw WHITE BW.OJ4NGBi attended
with oleeiMicnaand eofoUation of various bones, du
ring wfciehUmeritinypieceafciVe'beeh discharged from
lie I rental bone of the cranium, from both bef'ami,"
wrist* and bands, end from both legs, and from the Kelt
femoral bone, and flrofo the right knee, besides painfttl
ulcer*on other ptrta of her person,which hat* bgfflei
the skfllof* number of the men eminent physiniiAa of
oar city—doting most of the time her saJfonags pave
been excretmung and deplorable. About three montht
•Lace the was Tndneed to try Dr. Jayne* Alterative,
whieh has had an aatoaUhlngly happy effect opoqhor,
by removing all pain and swellings, asd eanamg the
oieert to beal, while at the dame time her federal health
haa become completely restored, so that the cow weighs
Id Ibe more than the did before the commenced the ace
of this truly valuable prepanoo.—(Sat- Eve. Post..
For further information, inquire of Mrs. Rote, No. 139
Filbert st, Philadelphia.
For sole ia Pittsburgh. at the PEKIN TEA BTORE,
73 Fourth st near Wood. JyJ
Just received of Dr. TowuseruJV Sarsaparilla, the
most extraordinary medicine in the world! ThUEx*
oaetispaiaplnqoanboule*. Lis six time* cheaper,
pleai«nter» and warranted 'superior to anytold. It
eureadiaeaaA without vomiting, purging, sickening or
**—fimUWllg MTT . . . • .
. Loax atra rcxuurarioni.— Unprincipled perwasesve,
wurffd Mu labels. i» n| t pat ap medicine in the Mine
font each bottle Us thewritten «f
-nature of B. P. Townsend.
£e.SELLERS,Dragging Wood street, between
Third and Fewth, is DrTowncehd* only wbofaaaie
and retail agent lor Pittsburgh, of whom the genaine
article can be bad.
D, M. Currr has been appointed the sole agent for
Allegheny euy, of whom thegenaine artier rim bo
Q INGR—Scroi' la in ail its malUplied Xprmi
wbetbarin that of mini's Evil, enlareemeara o the
duds or bones, Goitre. >Vhlte Swemng*, tiffiromc
Rheumatism, Oonser, diseases of the Sainflropino r
eroi Polmoaaiy Consumption, emaatto. Iroo one
andtheeuMcasse, which is a poisonous paulpla.
more tt lets inherent Is the human sy«tom.<fX%eree
(w 'tfalen this principle can be deStroycdjßd radi*
SocweSnbe&ecte^botif tba
vhicb the disaase depends, is removed, •[ cure
Btnkei nMstityrQilnw,AonvaUcTaQiitr9hattona
the disease ahould manliest itaell. This, therefore
U the reason wb/Jayxx’a Ax.TXßaTirjt.ia so uni
venjtily tuccessmi in ramoflwkd' maaymaljgoani
illsmiif It deatroy* the,, priifoipjq from,
whieo thoee diacane bare their erijla,fcj eajberixi
intotbe circulation; tnd with Urn Wood iaeonretw
to the ells*test fibre, veaeting Aten partleied
diaease from the sj*te^ ; Pimred and sold *(£<?>
B Sooth Third Street, PhUhdebhiA : " r l '}
•Sold as the Pekin Tex S tore 'if otrea. ■
Pittsburgh..;.-.,: to-r ?• *yv-;-..n,ta<jh3l •
'Vf ft q MtnvKani—w
to dose contigsmaia. fohl JASDALZSLL
cfj*int»tt*n£«ii*JJiUaU»»Uklrii'NM; . -A'
3grt2im& nth* •*»*
i^^swssf^sssssa.^ 111 ?
■vfatifc«rfirl2mCeafttrt<irKutoß>4Sfctktt.->4cofr >lfi fc»i
QwTlDß—Aiflwt m eotv PS2» fccfar* tto jaMfe
y»TTjniJwTffl« T , t>«na3*%ho»iaiafcQKinJiat£an£
s t j;
Br.Ciitti, Via JFW,OI« Caajf,*ft^j f
W tha M«dic*l FfO»*tfwi «4>«Mtei v : *
tower tfeftttß^iLubk.x*;
•fni loraiid*. modi loperior la tnßwi*et»*WO|.w**r , ,
e*eh Kcccagtaipd wto^ptiniei.directions&r^owßf^
iabit i*riealßq»lChrmtOTy,jc43 l^WJr f4p o j
( w
ol uc£Ddreniftd enow-woti
■*us44f iflqrteKtcoMe feed*.wWghdoe* s?!9w£!E£ff
dients fined fotthe fennadohcf boace infwbA .• r . ;
'fr%f Mfrpfht. «rwJ i>aalrt «feh eMUHjttti QrtfT ItWfcb*
tope** fell, b« to
New t
ii?Mblio wiUxtJtt opoa, lu «rauioin| iaifce.kl* B *?. ,
1 *>•
bodies net .te£id anew not or ttafl»Mn}»u«*t» „ ,
,»nd .
ne«eaAiT'to'tiie-formetio& i,Bdtojr *-*
efwfafckiutti*.iM*w n
» - ■kp!B amiu_
Or* at English -ttwxly. ,
USIjJ duc^ra*!*S?°"j* *“
KVi|| ■ nr>, tto BUdg* .■ t
%(& bbclus’i Umguiaa MiW ,cf yuyto,
Idont for tha toturatUraof htalUt - , . ’ -_“V ’
s? »i^Mgr
nfiulWMytinJWflfldtolWlltt 1 ' I '' ! ■'*
pa* jit BaiMJB’ 5 ’
rpBOM IMBer ABA- SHIN N,* w<aitM«aßUlJWii
'l'ba D«n ,EUcl«Jflu?tcJ UlSpral*
viuci -riih aidUnu mU .mmkeh,Mnclme. pro
iesedte*triiblinle<Bffegyto«flmsSsw^*-.b«al* ,
h .*S?a,
erased the psia to abate ialicTO
BtSTrad in fifteen ox wraa -BOnaies ewaf ra«*q
Eenuibn wraemirtly'qairiW.-"Tfio aodlcinewftft
ed; tgfis^tttd' ttediefaiestiy cranfagti
Fi, «lo toTiluiiujli u'^?E4!n%J>%^l
Tljrß.O. K.
LVI rinff-tho praTioaa winier.
witAescTofnloßs complaint'fnjw tegs, and ara been
Or ta mo tosathsaadeg J3»>
ntdofcrmebeaeoßidwiih difficwijrgctarasL. 4a Jfftg
last. Ipaschasedof yon, .rad commenced osingßsa*
airal MtejuijSj&djf
in sheering sheep..;,- In aUrl-nacd r .lps
Md seats, hms. ill. raj rad ai&ra w
..■MiMriittwi racat rio appcntsaca otihe ilwiH) era
brae ctfnrtntW, sadratnesr.lnths
. I cute with confidence,
efltted In the ram* *ijr, this the Sm«giriHaee*MT|
“W.-w«i.^T=^ fest&i£ tCa ,
cor, front F wood sat fcalsfr center weed fefthm
J? Creamde’AmndaAmnoYto tfcwioc
.Cream ala Bose, tax staring}
Almonde Cream, - do; * '*■■'■■
BoacrfloeßoaCT,oaßoteoUfa... . .
Bezant tccatgaf*, perftmed Jug]*
toilet fraataat
Csi tbs hand kereMefi a scent tiaf, and toilet WpM>tV
lebtetoprmntt*. . •.< .■-y.-wa.
Indian vegetable luureil* ' ■ :’ c .
Beer 1 * oil, m fane? or common wrapper*, (rpMSptth
]<mea > Boaw Nraphlßpapi KbsatJp ssltss SZ.
Shell soap; Bodaaoafl together with a (teat mU&
of fine ian
■‘"itit :;f • ,v ' • / “ ,> -«cw&hfcWodaa
Polmidaanr BaJamriM >v - l 1
mjTESSBS. SEED * CUTLEB—I fed it «■ 4«Jf 1
JWI owe to my -fellow ereatarea, to state apawthiia
mars 'respecting fottr ■Vegetable Pdaonaryßdlnsa
Binee IfimtuedutaEilsani, abootaterea yeus
the happy cgeet'df which liaaa taco m .apeoant d, I
bars bad serfxtLmteracqmaiauua and attacks at ms
lnn«,aneafiw days *iilci, and 'in-eTety instance 1
baTe ated iheßaUun alooe wUh complete and perfect
nceesa/ khaiiflbeladrCUetasdfoyefatavrtrTCsw
days, bia certainly a safe ttßffciaOvJde net-toom
that it will cure a fixed eoasamjttton^txl'l. belfCre U
will be In many cases a ptereanTe, and pferenttoa U
better than core; t do weztfittti, for the love of myfel*
tow men, earnestly iCebraiMad the art of lM» pumm,
in all pnlmMutlT complaints. 1 am-Caafidanlthat u
baa bent the mean* of preserrnixiiiy lifeto this day.
. Boston Junel®, Hi rASSONS*|
‘ForsaWby B - A Fhhnestock. fc Coj Corner firm and
wood and alJto corner wood and Oth. - jal>
. power tocon!. -. * Plr»gtMg,Tc&
. B. E. Bxu.m:—My wife Jm fo.yeanbeeasffice*
10-adiatmiiiweonrt.iaceampeiilei *uk aflanAtoi
theeveof w&ieh she used aifieteot .court rOMas*
eadhedthsadriesioflhSinQtt.ncw* pbpiisiass U
Englirul bat alt wu.caarailiag. ■ ,ByiChas)*e;VMh*l
otToaz Imperial Syrup, and was ialucedta tjoj
a bottle fer trial; althoafhlM& no.bcUcf thsuoythat
eoold/tenors bet W , 'ira«*.«ipTt»e>
■two drtt nrs h« Immediate Uieiiaubees
troubled with a ceagh, bat two tcajpoonsfal of Sjrsp
always stops it. lan satis&ed*a&ex a trial or [these ®*
toor rcan, that Sellers Coogh Byrap is(«-*o**h
medleine I bare. erer.pried either ie-the XUd-orNsn
WOtM.' ' - • " ' ’WMrgAOMSciO,
Serenth Wei^eterof
TSi* ilxnro eeitifieaxe-ftboald mdsee all wte
troubled cttjfrerttth«fc,t®fWetWßy»fc»Bfc >
tl. It may' be had fin 3S cents a bottlejrtt twang
•tor* of
' 'Sold byDrCuael, 6th wwdJamaDu Ci?W
,(beo yeity. •>***
S'usDßißs-s bbu _ sr'TT
DObbla Nolmaekerel; SOhf
w * «'3 « urdottaantw .
S *> A\imi) 3'4» BSllUi 3
1 hf do Niuraera: SO bx» No lacaiad wmai.
bObraNoOdodiK OdoaeaoOwapapJ-
do) 104>Ko»<k»‘'» , 1 !
, IbalffClilMaj 10bags JaTaUolra .- >
b». M N 'SSS^SSEbt™
yimiVerndfiige la m family,
ny ehjjdran idedoa^wtilcJiexpeiW
Simlk •’ ! '' ' - '**■' H'
■J rnimT2c3«bi*te4&«in7of Nann»fc'Sj», N_
"Sett twj tnpcriorPlwK*
."fflP**' \, Sclitotnxtoi§n£f%§&
/HANDLES—IO b** ao&M moo
of as* AaMsraoNQitcEJ
fum-iaimuDAU-Yi TSfcWKSKMMisreiaujr
Qua umrtio««r Bhort, Of OO
TwoinMttiOM »iUK»uIUr«ioM,4.V..UJ. 0 W
o».w«a' <• <•
TyoWMtt •• “ 160
Thm " " <• 600
One Month, <«.
Two- «
Threa 11 , r M ‘«*«**>****
OT Loagu aaTarliaeaa Ata 16 osi*
Oaa*qttir».sßwatici,widjOttt »lUmip»>*» IOOt
1!" «
OBS«mi«« l eßaia« l ttembto(t{lMai», U OO
ii *n |j « _ u o «m t ton
Etehidilitloulaqxß>n>rllßouki. < > > »>> 10 OQ
Tw6 uimi, S monlki, re’wiMo tl plmnra, 30 00
.Etch ludittnnil wpai« r 6 -0 00
tnmm ox Tu nmi nuuH^mu.
Oniupaire,olnsertion*, 00
" " pith »JdiUn«ll«»o»tto»,» T .y.. 3)
■ intnaunxi fj
FtnOau dol:)w 4> 6 00
■. <l. “ . .111 0 ao
|| " " 6noyiii > 'aiU]!& 4 «MaT I 10 00
" « " iii moalhi *| • '*! ■ oo
for £0 Una, or lea, Om Inertias, ~>*u»,<o 00
-'«•« 'fcfao