stmmmmms? IUBPORTBD ATEXK “eiiw^aj^ewiuwWtai . . FOftEI CTN NEWS. !i ARRIVALTHE-V9PEAB SHIP •Mitt•<* ' ■ COTroNiFiBH.AND Auli V ki.: PBOYBIONS zisCLmEJ^FBENCB^ A&w BOlCOfffPfEyff TBA Wariß OR ERROR IN O’BRIEN and! MBAr,. ; G^R?S_CftffE3 r ' Y;'.\, T-^^7Rwro^FeV.^,lMO^;' TtoNligm inived tbft'CDonißf itriih LLvei* H pool iiu^ilve^ : Sba'majAiha . d«7K ywr-" -. r i : :, -;'--;->;t i ' l, :iT Jv ' COMMERCIAL INTEtUGENCE: ’ Ll ISC9./ ’' CoTTosr Muurr.—The xnufcelis' ireelf. ioppll* edttdie advanced rales..' "Fair tJp&nd, 4?djMo»r Orleans, 4id» v Sates of. the week, . at .^^s : ;6^f;LiC^ r vUtoto l3*. 'lWtoit Id. ■' B*ovtsxoa*--Tbe- Esrops's !*tiircacd ■ price* Beef stead)f lo2sper<^->Lard > Sotd3Csperbtrr*L Cheese: slock cmcViwfaxced, tad aalesat fuU.pnces. ,;V : l The lira is i^^^advtt^'ratw.-^ The tim Jn »no nnny: fon H~ T an' highly ntitftrttrry ohd ln Manches* ter and the s&rzoafuiUngccura die* * The-lmproVed' ccmmoituaT: again alio fiTtti',public’ Ooa«* sols tomi»ey,end' account, 91109 U—showing an advance of 5f percent, iiiLoiadoh;'!;t7. : Butte» > 6 pereeftt*i doe 1863,101 to ICS; New York 5 per centaLS% .Ohio C per cenla. OTj Missouri atera iingtondaCO. .. - j v v- jj'-'vFtoMfC3.y ; '-r:;^ «ooatty ia qttidL:• Mnmut retain* hi*, seat ts Elfetfdenl. ortie : : Aawmblf, M. Bonlae Delra meaT'etocteiVteoPiesideiiL ...,' , ExtaulvtyNava! preparatiansare making, and. eleven Braagra preparing, the supposed destina* tkm,ofWHlch is iotcrvenuonia favor oflhoPope. Tbe latest dates fiom Peru *ma that public opi<* ntoa has onflergono a great : change, and ilia atate of Ute And* ha* opened-the eye* of certain jafln* entiai men, who are now opposed to Fiance Inter fining in, liar affair* fcf Italy. ••• ! ‘ . continentalaffairs*. AasensUf bujairty casttho ap» pleofilac^«iftr^rtilto.Frince»of(3ennany.' ThoA*aeJnbly,tia the dignity of the bead of tho Empire, vthidi is to bo giTentooDertignlngGCTEtmSoVereigtt.. Hi* believed that the next vote win declare the title o£^p«orjo.seh^re^ittiy.', Atatriaiihavinjr tirtoaDy fitira ■ the circle, the central anthority WiD to eatabGaiie'd at Frankfert. Jrihoa rgtffiftqfiaETba Aoemblyto take tlmunly.tltera*- tit® aPrinceof the Horae of Hohonzolenj to the imperial throne. ' > - AUSTRIA. Aoxtria Is fast- recovering her rebellious Hnnga rianprovince*.-She tasAoew field efcowiover ayopaaedlqthe threatened rivalry of Frutria,*fi>r the Genßadtiaone. - < j.• HUNGARY. , ‘ ‘Windbgnux baa been entirely goo tinaifijL' Confiscation aad'-exlcrainaUoniaXho'or tier of the'day. ■ *, • •••’•■•« -«••-. • - 'Naples aad’Sicily are stillo&settlefL Premia Uttmnqiß;' . ,':V* - - o. -DENMARK. • ;I)enoiark annoanoedher lnteation to borrow seven tfiilboiis pf dollars, andi inme foor millkm* of exchequer bills. ... ' 4 ' ;>;.. 5 , \T Popodemand* the imerytniioa efAnstrfa, , toreataxMm .inhia temporal power, and both Sar? France, strongly /remonstrate'.against each-adetominatioa, beeasse the Roman’ fwbple bays lad jittreiriyeace .ffo than a Prince '<Tbeipu^sal : analh* . pgiuii4.lh^.ba^ : 'cia(> |£d nothing bnt contempt-ibr Knives* - ■ " tta4f^\Wredatt»the ■wxpeniitee* cfreverol: v 'tl»J ; depicftnaata~ M rise, in lb© funds abda generalbuoyant teeCng is attributed toitecastemptaeArefiro' { Tho Joftgra erf the. Bcneb, foavq oyera TBleri tire writs of error xo ibo cases of floitiifyßrigu and hts fellow pTaontt*. The Court wren tmaalnriJUS, anßootiriiig cow-remains bat a appral to'tiis Sraso of Lords;. . ll yu sided that appttatfcm bad.becamndo fi» appeal fim tho Lord Xifluleosat,in tbecssecri O'Brien. • Rinata proceed fortimr,'sndjhai resolved tp stibs ’ jflllto'blsfeid* : c • - £Oar ranespondents alNew York, Philadelphia, arid'BalLimare, report the 1 markets at old {ou»ra— has, as yet, had co efiect upon i- ■ Vi‘/ ~1 "A.i'-.f r 's as 109 j-rt» idtiSics.l > TmunnuUm to tbo Eut “MseFTcoplih. '- - - . im,- i. / j . Commiuion- andPoreardiJig. Igenlt n. M. HABTON, will Pndaee ’ febifjM - n-t c. ■■t. U 'r;./-BBadrflfc ■ -f. 1. ■ ■ jfthhlf --• ■> -■•■■•■ • ■ ..-o ■^^.^ss^MaßEttags 1 * y fc* Exprei*, serenl e**e» fiafl tad oe inode ecfoPßd'Jlfp«e**» daLakes, tsd^Cub* BBACgLEiTfcwsrrE,fowoodc - ‘ OPEHW;WHAIX AND .-gi ca vv iMTmfhrtnitdthiawctten • r, d»c ' "'•’goo**- : , <ia'i»iaierwb*la^ ; -dtf-.'' : -do r < ■••■ "T4febUNoll*rfOU, wtoten iafl *»<l for l - BICKERKW 1 * ' TMJTTEE-5 b&U fretli Rott,_frr ialarly • ; - • n taa - «- j p wimAMßritowpod »t IVXTEB*6/bM»fa«k-Bill;BSecs"**: Jurnetf I jgd ferjtbfhy r JPWTT.mAMH :• .fiiiTyW.Tn'' fahf t fiTtiitlfmi'lft'rtn fltir firrtt'fffir , ;; fTfeb3 •- WILLIAMS, SOAF—OTk»CtfUe«I»« lQdoClaelmi»iU'te«»l* '■■ - !'--r fete JPWILLIAM9 [LS~4O bblf Turners’Oß; lOdowbsledm’lOdo Plp-mtlATBp dP. • ‘' feba -'— JOHN WAIT . No 1 CincirrasU Beepj SQdoMrald Jllll 7oudl6K übblsXresk; roll Batten frit «eM ,ia<brW*£ypr j r \feb3 : - JQffij WAyr TiL*XaEKD|OIL— 25 bbUiasnafrfitarcdln Payton," 'iSffPF* mrt?R ~^ s «gflkmdrifldPc*>dr - '/• ' fynga^i •-.’lVfflf^P'' t a»« erofctfjOSm*. .bT r •■■ ; L . 'r,ira it BICKETBQN, 170 Übercy »l'. Jot,' joi tBICiETBON , atii, IttwUy'-rtatt “■Oi vw /»ngfrKn»lO ft CROZEB ftM i- Batter. taMrngi lad .SMAiMHTgQ’io t riHOZEB /^^^^■aSiHirrciitsd^Wc.- r,*g - I .^JtHJkPOKX—TOO piece* tindifljr uni &rJiy * P--ft*9 I RQBTPALZELLA. Co lie l 5 4nD> uAebskamNuMU*' •to ■ I3AIAHDICKEVfcCo :i : r * *T>TEFLOUE-#bbUHTßPUrar,fcmtefcr • . L '* " : ABMOTBONO fcCBOZEjE I ? '[ ' • fttf’■ ’^Ff^RgflEYfcCo, if/lgg—atffabUFlOßT. in tofA «nd for ta'e by .: inhere «aid A-i a-4 swuwoni«*oo-^. w ' ; CamrSgttfc gda ia Bsst«i<i«‘ri Jß “““W‘<i' * >t.M.-l» >r : t w -*«&^%^*ggSß3Wtf~ *£ £ A WMTCgjBONtCo 1 » sdK3®^R^? , ?“’ r *«* 4 "»*!L; 1 COMMERCIALRECORD. ist9 | AiairAarAc. 'FEBRUARY* 1 |liQasatUt 1 10JBatarday. •••.., It-Stasday, • -V~ • • (. • I_. J W Mohday, i 13 Tuesday, < .. jv:v ........ 14, Wednesday:" ♦. .... lS Tharcday,*' isyridar. ■ J.;;.. PITTfiBUMOtt nftsnniftg ■rmnn : Gazettk, l ■Toesday Morning, Fehreary i 3,1519. J r weather yesterday wa» «xuemely cold and door.bna&reas, end, the amaU .emirant of aale* transacted' ia’lheinarter showed Ra'change m qnotationa_ , . - were no receipts by nver.yes tetday, witboaftrensactiphs ■from first b4mds« t Owing to the lightness of re* .celpts for some few daya prices have become more firm; and the article vroold be readily picked Qji.oa the'wharf at 3,75 p-’bbl The regular rates Aom etore may-bo 3A7OS4. p bbl, as in 1 ;i v ■ - ' '- ■ ' RYE FLOUR*-Wilt light (applies in market* .we may quote’ ns abcmt' the' ruling figure of the with y : Every thing under A»« bead te« in&insateady, but very i&ile activity i& manilested* Salesp? regalaf > ltmited lota; f of sugar by bhd At4toso,to 5{ fur common to prime.. Of NO molasses, tiie receipts yesterday amounted to some TOObblSyend the market is now fairly supplied.— '83029c am abotu the ruling, figures with moderate sales; Rio coffee remains Arm at 7{o?ia p Hi. PROVISIONS^—For baimn ihe market is quite* sCttve, with regular sale*: of Western cored in loUoi 5,000 to 10.000 Da at 6ic p fii, &t ebpoldeni; sides and ha ms. Sales of city cu red shoulders from smoke *boase at and of .hams at 6ie> fit Of lard wo note sales of 8500 fils'ia bbla at 6}, 4 months. Sales of H bblsroU butter in lou at 11012 c -pTt Keg butter is in fair demand atBloB|c f Sl Salesof dried in lunlted lota at 7io7|c OlLS—Sales of lard oil at 56060 c, for &!1 and vrinter strained. Ia Ltueed, ,we notice an improved feeling with sales at 56057 c ? gall— Af the jaiest dates linseed oil was selling at 540 itj Cincinnati, end held higher. Tanner’s afire* mains steady at $160319 ? bbl, as in quality. “ ; ; Louisville, Feb. 9,1349. Ovsbvlqw m the Lower Misstsami.—The Phytqna reports the Mississippi very high and in many- places the levees were caved in. Copt. Shallciqss thinks that it will not be much higher a 4 it was fitiliog above and below Cairo. But the wqeat rise ia the nver herp, the rise in the Wa bash, ini the Cumberland, in the Tennessee, in the Illinois, and in the Arkansas, will certainly in. crease the flood in the Mississippi. We gives few. extracts from the papers in Louisians is re* it. The St. Francisville Chronicle of the 87th, rayc .. "Tim Mississippi is still on the rise, and that too qt tt-yery rapid rate. The water is now running tirerfadmei cf the streets at Bayou Sara, and - iT* cbe&is not soon put to it, our sister town at tha Rsyottwill, in the course of another Week, be dsder-water.- Great loss will be sustained by oar qitizena living on the river, from the loss of cattle, Wood, and * general overthrow of their lands ° I The Points Coupee Echo of the same ds»e tayie V."-'/' i *Tho river in front of our office is et present brimming with the bonk, and it is still rising with unprecedented rapidity for this month.” The Concordia Intelligencer of the 27th, says: “High and threatening as the Mississippi river now is here,,we fear that we shall have it some higher recede* ( Already it is over reusing hs banks at somo points near the north* ere line, of this State—at other points a slight in icretse of water will cause great damage, and no where can wo- stand so heavy a rise os we am threatened with.” The Lnke Providence (Ld.) Republican says: "Oar town just about this time, is in on awful [condition. From the lower end as high up as Railroad, street, it is covered with water to the depth of about two feet* The river commenced rising here again on last Tuesday, caused by tbe Arkansas. Oar whole country will inevitably by overflowed. We learn that there fa much oicknesa among the fcegroe* on the plantations in the neighborhood, though we hear of but &w deaths. There were three death* in. town night before last, and one yesterday. Three cf there persons, we were in-< formed, were Irish laborers, • who had been very miidr exposed by working oat : in ( the inclement weather; the other was a negro boy. Some say they died with cholera, others oay they did dol— [Journal. . . _ New > Bedfbn|Oil Market, for the weekending Feb. A—epem—Market of 50& fahts, sopposedat IdOygolL Whale—Saks of. afew parcelsNW about 500 ghD,and 100bbVbn private terms. Agoodde* mood, and holders are ; very firm; Whalebo&e— -Nosttiea. - < Monthly statement d Sperm Oil, Whale 03, had . Whaieboae, Imported into the TTnited Suites for Jan. 1&49. Sperm. Whale. Bone. N Bedford, 4 ships, 2 brks, •Providence. 200 s£oo 20,000 Total, . 2,760 74,900 Same time in 1819, 2459 6,458 32,100 New Orieans, FeL 1,1849, Cotton-—We, this morning received, per mail, from Mobile, a telegraphic dispatch containing the anival oC the atouner Canada at New York, and her advices of the Liverpool Markets, So for as we are able to judge, tbe Liverpool Market had, dnriog the week ending the sth uH, had advanced and considerable sales, on speculation, had taken place. We particularise the sales as foQowc 215, 320 aod2oo bale* at —; 69 do at 7,120 do el 6|, 100 do at 6|, 30 do- at 6|, 225 do at 6}, 54 do at CJ, and one list of 1107 bales, at 6to?Sl Tobaeeo—The transactions in the Tobacco mar ket to day, reached 268 bhds, u follows: 64 bbda Admitted and Befitted ax —; 5G do Admitted at 4i;22dorefQ&edat3li:lshbdj, at 5; 3 Admitted and Befitted at 4; 2 Admitted at 3h 0 refased at 31; 3do atSi f and 11 hbds Admitted and Refused at a price not mode pobHe. . Sngar and Molasses ■ The my ample receipts and large stock on the market, together with a somewhat reduced demand; has given an appear* uce'of dullness to the Soger market, bat prices •are quite well maintained. The salesto dayreach •boot 500 bhda. Of Molasses, . about 600 bbls were sold at 201021 c (p gall. On plantation, « tiiog of 300 hhds Sogar sold at 4, and 100nl3lo * Floor—There was a slight improvement in the Flour market to day. The sales are 600 bbls Ohio froarfialbont at 4,20:300 do at do at 4 JiSr. 200 do at 4j37i, ana 100 do choice Illinois at $421 ?bbU V • Ostti«nsrk«t< Baltimore, Feb. 9>-Cattle—There was a con* aidenble Increase in the anpply of beeves at the scales last Monday. The onerlfigt reached 600 bead, of which 400 were sold tociiy batchers, and 200 were' driven (o Philadelphia. Prices ranged [ fixun2£OoBt eqaalto&,7s net, and . averaging 3,50 gross* : *Bog»—The supply wan Urge, and briik at former prices.- We quote from 8305,50 Philadelphia, Feb. Market, 1000 beef cat* tie: incloding 250 bead for H York, 300 cow* and calves, 800 hogs, and 1500 sheep and lambs.— Prices. Beeves in good dethhad and tales ranged 6,7soB£Qihe 100. Bib, Cows and' Calves sold at ♦70814 for dry, 8120825 for springers, and.BlSo 533 for fresh cows.- Bogs sold at s^ooB6the 200 : Bs.': fiheep and Lambs mostly brought sl,2Sost each fpr sheep, and $1,250350 for lambs, as in quality*.:;.. tJ .. Mloart Wosn Vswnrra*.—The popularity which tint medicine has acquired hi Western Pcnnavlvania, is a saw gnarantee of ha exeeiknee. The following •femtemen, highly respectable cltiwns of Allegheny and Bearer cmniUe*, hare oaed this Vermifuge in their fmUics, an d offer the ataaraaca of its great medics. properties.//, i JpjM Sttrtloo, Ftnmlwt. Biad, PimborilL *. 1 Buiy*. Stratton h - Mary Stmton, « u • -Alary Bark, Bearer coanty. /.Sarah Haiberger, Manchester, near Pitt. • Margaret Lindsey, u l James Burk, Squirrel nUL Agt»s Bark, a . ■ For sate ax the drag store of J KIDD k Co, 80 Wood ',*V.. ■ , ,_ 1 • » Cecil ■Cocom asn .Cot^x—The. freqoeni changes in the weather at thUeeasoncf the year, invariably bring ■longwith thenrcocghtaiulcplAK,-.which by timely Jg; ifor thd last.l3 hai gained more reputation enre of coagiu (not requiring .aettye medlea) treatment) than aoy other preptraiien ercr otfcred to (hecitiseasof AUegbeny eoanty; The Imperial Congb Brian 1* very pleasant to the taste, and. on count, fon great favorite with children.' Iba doses are tty graduated, in the direclions, to. salt all ages. BfsiS^iawp»wK^arts •LKßS, fi7 Wood it,' "rrwThA execsstrd'or morbid secretions of bile is wettknowQ to eaaae violent disturbance of the diges* SSFSSgpp Kaevaad afford reliefin VsT?ft?wrwnrwnr •* Co. Spared aad sald by B A FAUNI3TOCK AC<v corner Ist and wood, and comer 6th ana, saw sfo* • tag® ~ . to, they iavolrs themselves; and 41 mofth, gttd if deortwd of it they die.;Tbe eelebntted first' to reiaoveihe and secondly. to expelthe worms rendered bslpldis mid tender ny I>«t fine time denuded. Ititafemedyln wfcieb every coo* Qdenee cube placed; -and that It fca* answered the jparpMels manifest from die hundreds-of certificate* <ftwaiaiaf»r« ■ 1 , ■ ~ >;|e# • liTu-ci-*?^,' ... "i [ PORWFm’SBDKtiH. Ann Ban me*, sets. ’7 9 697 .Y V 'C,§ 059 an 057 £33 6 66'* 633 065 -b 35 Baltic, Jacob*, Brownsville. Atlantic,'Parkinson, Brownsville. . , . Caleb,Cope, Mhrdocb, Beaver. 1 Beaver, Clark, Beaver. Lake Erie, Gordon, Beaver. Cemdeo, Hendrickson, McKeesport Hibemia'No. g; Klfnefelter, C^n. Embissy,.— -r—, New'Orleans. Pilot No 2, Karas,Marietta, Lamartine, (deW) shipyarA DEPARTED. Baltic, Jaoobs, Brownsville. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. Beaver, Clark, Beaver. Caleb Cope,-A* Murdock, Beaver. Lake Erie, Gordon, Beaver* Camden, Hendrickson, McKeesport. Monon'gahet*,Stone, Cin. Zachary Taylor, Lucas, Wheeling. There were 5 feet 0 inches Water in channel by pier mark, lost evening at dusk, at a stand. BOATB LEAVING THIS DAY. v >£ Cincinnati Packets, 10 A. M. Brownsvi Ife-Packets, BA. and 4P. M. Beaver Packets, 8 A. M, and 4 P. M. Wabash—Colombian. Cincinnati—Hibernia No 2. Wheeling—Cos Nelson. GaDipolis—Pfioi No 2. Tas Fftooux State.—We took a pleasant tarn on ibis fine steamer, yesterday, some five miles down the river, on a trial trip, and .must say in truth that Capt Baldwin need feel proud In finding her every thing that can be desired. Her engines worked to admiration, and being of exquisite mo-, del, the moved easily end steadily over the weten aad all things considered, the bids fair to make an excellent runner.* Take the P. S. oat and out, she is a noble specimen of PiUsbuixh steamboat baild* ing, and each end every- one who lent a bond in building and fitting oat the noble craft, need feel proud to acknowledge tbe job. We bad in company, Mr. Hough, daguerreoty per of Burke’* buOdiogs, 4th street, whom (be Captain bad procured, with his apparatns, in order that his fine steamer migbt sit to him for her like* ness; this was done while snugly moored opposite the foot of the Island near McKee’s rook; the ap paratus with its distinguished operator being on the Island opposite, end tbe representation taken was beautiful beyond description. Capt. Baldwin designs tytbograpbing'firom Ibis picture in order that his bills may show, his boat to tbe life,—a good idea. Tbe Prone State is designed to take the lead in a line of packets Ip runjrom St. Louis to Peoria Pero, and Lmfle, Illinois river, and we are aura she will odd much credit to tbe tine, bowwver splendid may be her associate* Death or Capt. Ghhjtt,—Gapu Gillou,-former, ty commander of the steamer Wm. A Violet!, dipd recently of choleiy, on the sleymer La tons, of which he was commander, whilst on his way from Red river to New Orleans. Sold. —The steamer Oswego bos been sold to a company at Sl Louis for $9,000. She is to run from Sl Louis to Davenport, Upper Missippi, and i« designed mainly for tbe shipment of flour from , extensive flooring mills in that region. The steamers New World end Pike No 9, were advertised to leave New Orleans for Pittsburgh* on the 2d instant 12SPOBTB BY XUVBB. Cincinnati— Per Monongahela—2 csks bams, 10 bblt beet, Kier 8s Jones; 75 bbls iterise, Friend, Rfaey & ec; 9 bxs coin, S Joces 2c co; 51 bbls whiskey, J 8 Bonnet!; 1 refrigerator, J C Bldwell; 17 tree hams, H Graff 25 do do, SO bbls molasses, 50 bxs candles, 8 & w Harbsngb; 12 trea beefi Sellers 8c Nicols; 25 csks bacon, 12 bbls beefi same 5 ilabs, 8 bars (feel, Jones 8c Quigg. Per Hibernia No 2—2 refrigerators, J C Bldwell; 50 bxs candles, 70 do soap, McGrow; 31 bbl* whiskey, J 8c 3 McDevlu; 25 bbls bams, Oram de McGrow; 10 hhds bocon,j2oo bxs soap, Sellers ds NiooU; 20 hxs starch, Bsgaloy 8c Stmtbf 10 bbls lord oil, 1 box medians, Brown 8c Culbertson; 32 csks hams, Wallingford 8c co. Per Lamartine—l boxes mdse, Whitmore de Wolff 70 bbl* molasses, Lambert ds Sbipton; 50 do do, Brown dc Culbertson; 25 bbls talkiw, Wilson 8c Gorman; 7351 pcs balk pork, Carson dc Me- Knight; 195 ska corn, E Heaxelton; 19 do do, 15 do potatoes,*! do apples, A Boaghman. Ntw Orisons—&ts Embassy—loo green hides* W Bryant; 1 bbl lard, lippencott de co; 500 bbls t molasses, J Dolzell; 611 pcs bar iron, Coleman, Jjaihnan & co. VThttling—Vtj Z Toylor—s3 bbl* floor, M Leech de son; 13 do roll butter. 2 bxs mdse, Oram de McGrew; 1083 pcs bulk pork, 1 75 jowl*. 5 bbls clover seed, Smith de Sinclair; 2 bxs mdse, J C Bidwell; 11 bdb paper, D N White & co; 91 ska bafley, Geo W Smith. SHIP 3 FOR CALIFORNIA- Fat Califontis* TWto A 1 ship ANDALUSIA, was ballt ■OtBSy at -Baltimore in copper fastened tsd wESMcoppered, burthen <9l tons, is a fast taller, and in every respett a vessel of the first class. The between deck* are very spacious and thorough ly ventilated. They are 8 feet high, about 33 wide, and lfiO feet in length. Wilson Is an experienced master, and fksul iar with the Pacific trade. Pmneagen to California are bmted to viait tad ex satiao the aUp, at Rauuay’a wharf. For freight or oarage apply to HENBY MANCTO, IS Bowly’i wharf, Baltimore. For Sna. 7ranciie«i Cdlfarslt* To F>n. PcsmrxLT, Woxbbiat, fioth Fnaoasr. j-fßp Tba superior aad spacious ship LEVAWT, rfCTW.C«Pt. Blows Hoyt, is now receiving freight ml sffi&Sthe foot of Dock street, and will posuively sail as above, sad take steam lo sea. Thn ship offers ca pe rior indoe etnenU to passengers, for comfort aad safety. She wi4 be in good buoyant trim, aad fitted oat In an extra manner. For freight or passes, (at fSSDin the caLLfl, OT 8120 bfiwttn decks, comfortably arranges and with liberal fare,) apply to GEO. W. ASPINWALL. gosth side Dock Street Wharf, ftulsoa. Tkls ship insores at the lowest rates of premium. fsbS-dtw jw>fi»A«y*uMfciaca: The fins new ecrper Jaatencd and eopper fßjalfred baroTte'JOHN MAYO, Opt Pnniagton, •ESssfitia now loading at Craig*K whajt ana will lure deep a: eh. ?■>' 'freight- ot nmit, apply an board, or to HENBYMANKIN, ja3l*d3w 1C Bowiy’a wharf, Bahiaore _Blnghaßi > » Bipmi Wagon Id» v B@S.„ ■: “■“CTFESBUBOH AND PHILADELPHIA, miME, FIVE PAYS nanumg Pay and Nivhll—A ft Cmr will leave Philadelphia daily with iae Mail Train to Chuabenbargb; a Wagon will leave on lu arrival, and having relays of hones running day and night, secoree the certain arrival of roods in Five [lays! No more Goods will be received than can be oaded up each day, so that no delay will oecor. ' We will bo prepared to forward <BXIO lbs daily. Apply to WM. BINGHAM, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh. BINGHAMS 4> POCK* No g?dMarhei street pjtUana. BCLIFSS T&ASIFOAVATIOV' LXSB. 1848. » an • SHIPPERS andother* ere informed &u till line continues to rea tfaOjr. Produce end msrcbendiia receipted for by FIVE DAY LINE and refold wtf* one. si low rates end specified time. JCBIIWELL, Pittsburgh} ROUINSONkBOEHU, Bsldmere. BXPBBIB WAfiOB LIKE, Fituliar|h ud FbUadclphUf (mauuomu.) _ TIME, FIVE DAYS—RUNNLNQ DAY AND NIGHT. rflHEjrabUo arc rttpeet/olly infonaed that (his Lina X wifl. commence nutning oo the g7ih inti. A cat will lease Philadelphia daily with toe Mail Train to Cbarabenbatf, and from thence by Waroo, with a relay ofhones, running day and night. we will be mefutd to forward COCO Iba, freight daily. Apply to D LEECH k Co. Pittsburgh, or HARRIS A LEECH, . _ _noTSO . No l 3 South Third Street, Philadelphia. nOXEBa TbABIPOBTATIds'tIIEi mam 1848. BETWEEN BALTIMORE AND PITTSBURGH. 'S- BJ-Time, d day*.-fll Merchandise tramported at Canalrate*. FORSYTH k DUNCAN, Agents, Water meet, Pituburgh. FRAILEY k MARSHALL, A«n^ 00,17 4? Light street' Biltiwor*^ “ BUBKEA GO’S FAST EXFUBBS meata awfey «nn FOR AND THE mm Proprietors of tbU Une have put on Ne w Stock, V and an prepared to forward package* of all do .cripupc<u£y.uu,. A „ nl , Water street, Pituuargh. ROBINSON A BOEHM, oeffl P 9 South Charles it, Bgltlptoi*. - FOB BAL&—Tho rood «£d «b -' ijCSlft «£«&»«»»bo*l A&EBICA UcT. MSggeßSll fared for ute on «co.sunod»ilnj fIBBHBESSBtena*. Apply to J«T7 - npHB PARTNERSHIP of W«. A B- Hats having JL bees dissolved by the death of one of lie partners, toe Interest of Wo. Hays, Jr, deceased. in said firm, coon sting of Hides, Leader, Skins, OU,Ac., will bo •old on the premises oo top lath Inst ' i fab7-id JAMES f-*VQHLIN, Administrator. fpHmTV*PiV»f a^uT^POH 7 oi JL Bl Clair street, next door to Eeq. John's. feba • H. T. CLAYTON A Co. fjri tiii JOHg T. COCHRAN, A TTORNEY AT LAW, Fourth street, between J\. Balihftctttaad Grant jaLWdm wro. mm‘«* 11 irafo, Afjixjaun firm. Chief of Police. Rp«i« HaBox._ _ __ -jaio-dSa WJ®» C. FBlfiSP. ATTORNEY AT LAW, POorth street, DMT Gnu. ■ • • • Jalgdly - Aw CASKS (Glue makere) Ju Mnsprmtt A Sons* & l braodi i®* l rte*d per itcsmer Brooklyn, and for »...WCAL MATTERS, _ pcrmaoEDta.—A young man,' clerk in Garrard’s store in Market street, was.railed, to the door of the store, on Sonday evening, by some person knccking u if for* admittance. Oa opening the door he received a blow In his eye, and before he recovered from the effects of it, the villain de* escaped. Several other transactions equally cre ditable to those concerned in them, occurred on the same street. Stones, brick-bats, and glass tumbler* were hurled about, hilling several per sons, but fortunately without serious injury. Tbe police propose attending the weekly meeting of these hopeful young men, next Sabbath evening. Splostd Hara-tt will be seen by advertisement to to»day > s paper, that Nessrs. Sellers 4c Nicols, atNa 17 liberty street, have jast opened a fine Jot of sugar cured canvassed bacon Hams, from the establishment of Messrs. Miller, Brown 8c Han» kina, Cincinnati. We have been favored with a cot at one of these excellent hams, and most ac* knowledge that ia sweetness of flavor, they are equal to the best ever sold in this marmot. They have also a good supply of common Cincinnati cured bacon, which is an excellent article. Loos Our.—A coal seller was arrested and brought before Alderman Bockmaster yesterday morning charged with a violation of tbe City Or dinances in selling coaL It was alleged that be sold a load of coal for 50 which upon meas urement was found to be only 38 bus. Coal tellers must look oat, as the Clerk of the Market Is deter* mined to enforce the ordinance* against all offend era. Ma\oa’s Office.—Mayor Herron is becoming decidedly uopopolttr among certain dosses, ueither thieve* drunkards nor vagrants called to*pay him their respect yesterday morning. Perhnps it is only because they do not like Captain Robert’s beds that they neglect to*calL Fax.—Tbe fire yesterday- morning wai in a ghie fictory, in tbe fifth ward near the toil gate. Loss ioconridenble. Gams Laws*—A person was arrested on Satur day charged with a violation of the Game Laws. He was found selling game in the market. Ho**. Thief.—A man was arrested yesterday for ■Ruling a wheel barrow load of coal. RECEPTION OF GERER AL TA YLOR. PimsuioH, Feb: 12,1819. Cot- SatfL W. Black: Dior Si'f—The Committee on Procession have directed me to request you to take command of the Military, on the day of lh* arrival of General T»yior, the President elect, iff this city. Very respectfully yottre, * MORGAN ROBERTSON, Chairman. Prrrssuaon, Fsb. 12,1819. Cox. Moeoam Rostnoa — Chairman af Committee, fee. Sir—lt wiD give mo grear pleasure to take part either as commanding officer or subaltern, in pay ing public respect to General Taylor. Respectfully, S. W. BLACK. FLOOD IB TOR MISSISSIPPI. Th» vtaihsr—BeahJt of On nty —liedm# ts Cotton— Bnsiassst fe. Nzw Oxleaics Feb. 7, P. M. WUhin (he po* few days there has been a great riseinthewatenaflhshiiremippiriver. It is now nearly level-with tbe banks in some places, and in others overflowing them. Tbe oldest inhabi tants say they have never known the wtier to he ■o high. We ore momentarily expecting an over flow, which most prove moat disastrous In its consequence*. Precautionary measures are being taken oy all Our city continues very healthy, aad the weath er cool end pleasaaL No cholera, except some lingering case*. Basincst is active snd prosperous, only retarded by the apprehension* cf a freshet and overflowing afthe wharveaandlower psrtsofthe city. The new* by the steamer Canada has been re ceived and pretty well digrated; since which there have been sides ofsooo bales cotton at ooe qosr* ter of a eeni pet fo- decline, and tbe market do ting heavy. Go. Taylox at Natchxx.—Of the General's re ceptioa at Natche* oa the 2Stb last, when oa his way to his plantation, previous to going to Vlcfcfr burg, the Notches Courier says: The committee appointed to wait upon Gen- Taylor and tender him the hospitalities cf city and cooety, performed that doty et an early hour in the morning. The GenereTs reply was bnef and to tbe He said that the drcum«tai.ces pre vented trom complying with the requests cf our cittxenn—that nothing give^himfteatertden sore than to meet his Adams censty meulsiaao* dal intercourse. ‘The boat remained at the landing an hour or more after her regular time of darting, ia order to give our dtixeos an opportunity to call upon the, old hero, and to take him by the hood. Numbers availed themselves of the opportunity to give the' old soldier and true-beartea honed patriot, a con dial shake of tbe hand. All seemed to wish that his civil-career aright be as mccessfol and gtoru oos as had been his military one. •We never saw the General look in better con dition. IBs is mod excellent, and his amp is bb elsstio as that of early manhood. ‘A ra* nt " of thirty guns was fired In honor of the UenersTs arrival, and the same number announced his departure." There may naturally be some anxiety to know who ore tbe in dividual* accompanying the Gens' xtL Tbe following extract of a letter farm Be* ton Rouge, ot Jan. 29, thrown'some light on tbe subject. Mr. Samuel J. Peters, of New Orleans, is here to take leave of tbe General, Mr. Peters being com pelted to decline an invitation to accompany the General. Mr. Benjamin, one of the electors, tho Hon. Bailie Peyton, and W. L. Hddge, Esq-, tbe able editor of the BoUetin, have been invited end bare accepted invitations to accompany tbe FresL dent elect to Washington. Mr. Van Allen of New York, is also here, aad he and Major Gars cell of the army, will be cf the GeueraTs rstL Dlaaolutlom of Partatrihlp< THE firm of M'Kee A Qeistenhalner, ha* this day been dissolved by mutnal consent. They beta ilaerd their book* and aecoonu in the hands of N. Jaekmasler, for the porpoee of collection and settle* tnent All persons knowing theasel res Indebted to the lato firm, will please eeli and settle with bis, esd all persons hating elaixss against them will preheat their aeeoants for payment DAVID M’KEE, CHARLES P. OKIBSENUALNES- Pittsbnrgb, Janaary g, l9tB<—jsS4«dim . "UUFORNIA WABDROBE-To amts by Ex* j press, on Taesday next. I3tb Inst il, & Dragoon Pistols} Alien's 9 barrel Revolvers; Pistol Belts and Shoalder Straps; Bowie Knives, brass mounted; Gold Bagt: Blow Pipes; . Pocket Glasses for examining minerals, Ats for sals at Eastern prices, with addition of freight, by W W WILSON,, feblO corner 4th and market «t Oyfia or ma Piasts. Bait. Boas CoxtaML 1 ' Philadelphia Feb. 8,1849, f XTOTICEU hereby given, that the eighth Instalment IT of Five Dollars per share on the Capital Stock of uus Company, u payable oa the second aay of Mar eh Western Stockholders will pay to W. iL DENNY) at the Merehaau’ A Manufacturers* Bank of Pitts* bargh. febD G. V, BACON, Trcasorar. INDIA RUBBER BUOES-Jtut received, 8 eases net lined Over Shoes, a splendid article, superior to any ever offered in this city, of which any quantity can bo had at short notice, wholesale and retail, el the India Bobber Depot, No 9 Wood street febB J AII PHILLIPS M°^f“_ bbU N o Mol s^ l rEo"‘ l - p.LOUB-«*bl,"^rtn.rU'. &iQ[LLgt i toE (yNBESO-abbl., I. r* RQE Eye FLOUR—J bbl» Byo Flour, to-day by ARMSTRONG & CROZES. Jt23 t g3Mßfb«Ut Roll buiTEH—3 bin ni>ii boll Buur, m by )«a PBIbUD. BIIEY t Co POTASH —(caiii fliuwru, (orrtlo br ]»a FRIEND, BHBY A Co JjIBATBEBR-lB tub priitat Fcalitn, Ufobj COTTON— 108 balat for lilt by ' M FRIEND, RHEV fc 0° ROLL BUTTER-0 bblt Jut recHl and (br b 7 1150 ARMSTRONG It CROZER E°l&~ 1 1 ’ l “ E "" 'arms&onoa CROZEB FLOUE— M bbli Rupcrfinc Floor, for «alc by jagO ARMSTRONG A CROZER T) UTTER—IS bbU <re»h 800 BalMn 19 be« 4iJj in i* itora and for »tle by Ja¥7 LS WATERMAN YE FLOUR— SO bbU cvparlor Rye Flour, in flow ’ ' -uli by jifi L 8 WATESMAj* T)Vt XV and (or wlo I/Sr" btU SODA ASH-19 cuki Maspratls’ Sod* Ash, jut re ceived per siesmer Pioneer end for sole by W AM MITCHELTKEE, jag] 100 Liberty »t TllCE~3Qtirrecs Carolina Rice, new crop, Undine XV from tunr Consignee and for ealo by • JaO JAMES A HUTCHISON A Co JJEMP SEED-* C*gg T e ™^ r °' *Wus >w GUM ELIMI-i ease .-©c'd and for tale by, jag BRACK A REITER jyiYFßmr-^h^g® Jafi J BDJLWOBTH A 00,97 wod it Ky SEGARS— 40M No 1 “Dp la Crpi” Principe Soyari; 33 M •* 9 do do - do 23 M ** 3 do do - . *lB£ £ ' iwl “ 4 r “ “iifiW * RWBSTWN iMISCLLMEOPS 4SOLD W4IHEBB. Hi- PARRY has Interned ;* machine for washing • Golffferwhieh application for a pate CL Theatre now offered for safe at the ware houite of Parry, Scott A No; IQ3 Wood street, Pinsborgb. - V Adventurers to California ore invited to eaii and ex* : amine these labor-saving machines They are simple in their contraction, easily transported an the back of male* or horses, Weighing eighty pounds each, end eon be pat in Operation in half &□ hour. They eon be • fitted with pTormons. It is the opinion af those who have seen the trial of one of these machines of tmatiest Size, that two men will wash the mineral from ISO bashelt of sand or earth in a day, without the ion of a nafljfi* nfti*- They con be increased In size aod worked by water or male power, If expedient. The opemton-wnrk without going into tbe water or being expoted to wet, and consequently without en dangering their health. They will require bat a small stream of water, and can be used the whole season, andean be pat into operation where there is not suffi cient water to wash in the usual way. Price of smallest si*a 83S. .Order* from abroad, ac companied by cash, will be promptly filled. > H. FABRY, at Parry, Seott It Co’*, febg-dtf • No HP Wood n, Pittsburgh. I. . ytVBT BXOBIYBDi ' fm ■ AND now opening-, a iplended lot o JBE2£b£ES| Plano Fortes, Cromtne celebrated firm Y. It consists In VI .W V I span af the fallowing: One elegantHo*eN7ood‘Cl octave Piano, with earved top'and plimh, projecting front and earved One rosewood Piano, 61 octave, elegant and plain, with Coleman’s celebrated £o!ian AU&chmem, a ta pe riot instrument. One Rosewood 6 octave, round corner* and octagon legs. One do do do One rosewood Piano,square corners and legs.) These Pianos have Improvements in'lbe mechanism. In stringing And covering of the hammers, possessed 'by no others In toll country,, and are at onee the best as well ns the cheapest Pianos that can be bought - ALSO—An elegant lot of Chickering'i Pianos, from 7 to 0 octaves, possessing all the latest improvements, at reduced prion. ALSO—Ond elegant rosewood Cabinet Grand Piano, 7 octaves, a raw invention. HENRY KLEBER, fcbl-tf > At J W Wood well’s, S 3 Third st B. A. FAHNESTOCK A CO.’S Pcenmdnio or Cough • Balsam has a great advantage over many other Cough preparations, as its pleasant taste permits hto bo used oUhout inconvenience. But its vahis os a Balsam consist* in the speedineisofttscuru. We have known some of the most desperate coughs, some of whieh hod been running .>n for a considerable length eftime,yield almas 1 immediately tolls power. In sum weather es wo have hod daring the past winter, every one is liable lo take cold, unless great precautions are used. Wet feet and undue exposure to the inelemeney of the weather often lays the foundation of a hacking cough, whicb-tibeds aqnlck remedy ia prevent serious results., We have jtomerouj certificates of cures whieh it has performed, many of which are from person* in this city and tha.Beighborheod, aad they are a sufficient reference without laying another word in iu favor. Prepared ahd for sale, wholesale and retail, by B A FAHNESTOCK A Co, corner of Wood and island Wood and C& st*. febS-dAwS OBtOKEBISQ'iI PIABOI, - w- ” JOHN H. MELLOR, (sole Agent for CUckeringfe Piano Fortes for Western f l re sT'afl Pennsylvania.) No. 61 Wood street, IV • V 1 *Wubargh,h*s received and now ©pen for sale, the following elegant ssnrtment, direct from Chlckeringfo (Boston) prices, vi»— One Rosewood seven octave Plano Forte, earved in tho most elegant and rich style of Louis XIV. One Rosewood earved eeven octave, raw and Im proved seale. On* rosewood Plano, 6| octaves, new scale; Ono “ earved, 0 “ u “ Two “ room! corners, 4 octaVe, new scale, Two “ pannel «#•<«« The abovaore all from the manufactory of J. Chick ering, Bus 100, of the latest styles of furniture, and with the new ahd improved seale. ( Also on OAttn Aim ros sals tow 3 Rosewood C octave Pianos, from tho manufactory of H. Worcester, New York, formerly of the firm of Stodsn, Worcester A Durham. Bro*ewood6e£tave,Gafe£Co., N. Y. 1 ronwoodfif ootaye Rano, made by Baeon A Ra ven, New York. t Uahogany 6 octave Pfeno, mode in Baltimore, and leA with ms fos sale by the owner, for cash or In ex change for Pittsburgh manufactures, or groceries tail able for a country store. Prieo 9300. ' ja3o Hooflng.-Gslvanlsed Tin Plates* rlEenbscnbon beg to call the attention of Builder*, Architects and owners of Buildings, to the many advantage* whieh these plates possess over all other metallic substances hitherto used for roofing, Ae , os they possess at once the lightness of Iron, without Its liability to nut, having now been tested for several year* in this parttcnlar, both In this eouniry and in Eu rope. They are less liable to expansion and contrac tion than sudden change of the atmosphere, then cma in on tin pUlcs, iron, sine, or any other metal sow used for roofing, and consequently form a much better and tighter roof, requiring far less frequent repairs, whilst the Cm opt is out a trifle more. A foil supply, of all styes, fjopt Id to 30 W. con stantly oa bona end for sale by GEO. B. IdOREWOOD A GO., 14 and 16 Beaver street, New York. The patent right for this article having been secured for ute Cnltea States, ail parties infringing thefeon, either l/y importation or otherwise, will be proseca ted. ocafadAwlyT : mso nvne. *|uiri S2v*j Moon; My Home, my happy Boor, JL Tl* Betas where e'er the Heart is; Jenny ldnd folks; o 1 bay* left the snow clad Hills; Rosa Lis and Old tfapfo flesgana Polka; Go where the mist* are sleeping: - Will yoaeome lomymeunuta home; Grave of Bo aeanej •- No, esd thy homo be mine; Oh! ffssoana; OgM-BriM : Empresgtienricua , s Bolt; Joya that wa’ra tasted;- Alien Liuirisns Belle? Ethiopian Bancea A raw edition Of Hrotn Pu» Fuats InszxrcTos, with French and KngUahiygt) reduced to the fol.ow iaglßW prtqra, Vis: work, ga 00 Bartowfe Flaho forte Primar, —23 ZUrttnis'-Afethod for Piano, 3 CO CircastPsGanar Instructor, 9 00 PsasttMfs VoeahSehool, 3 CD Rob hoc kfa Piano hmrnetor. - j IS3 . iQHJfJJ.iteajOB. - - jafl* ..*• , : '.'/gkwaeffxr-' SAM'L. QUAY, MERCHANT TAILOR, iiOßtrot act tt> i net a, BT. CLAIQ kTA£&T| PITTSBVnOB, —> KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND CLOTHS, CiSSIHBBES 48D TSSTISGS, OP THE BEST QUALITY AND LATEBT.STTLEA QtnUcmia Waatiitg FASHIONABLE GARMENTS, Will fied it to their advantage to give him a eall. )s» * BUST PBOOP IIIOH. fTUIE under*typed have erected work* is the eity of 1 New York, forthoperposo ofGalvanUingaU arti cles of Iron, which it is deniable to PROTECT PROM BUST, such as Telegraph Wire, Bolts, Spikes, Nails, Wire ior Peace*, and any other artlele which may be required. Por lluops for Casks, asusubeumie for bale Ropei lor Clothes une*, Lightning Rods, and a host of other application*, it will bo found cheap tad durable. They would particularly call attention to >he Galvani sed Wire for fence*; it requires do paint, tod will not nut. Also to Spike* and Bolts, the preservation of whicß is of to manb importance, that it will eoameou iuelf to the notice of all Utose interested. GEO U. MOBEWOOD A CO, Patentees, octavdAwjyT U and Ift Bearer rt, N. York. DISSOLUTION. THE partnership of MURPHY A LEE it ibis day dissolved by utotual content. The baiiuess of the late firm will be settled 11. Lea J. R. MURPHY, Pitubaryb, Jan. 20,1:49. 11. LEE. NOTICE—The undersigned will continos the Wool business and attend to ths sale of Woolen Goods, at foe old stand. H. I-P.k. In retixpiy from the firm of Murphy A Lee, I lake great pleasure in re comm ending Mr. H. Lee to the confidence of my friends and the public. Pittsburgh, Jan. 30, lfc4fl. J. R. MURPHY. CLINTON TAPER SILL. THE CLINTON PAPER MILL, situated at Steuben ville, Ohio, having been enlaiged and improved, and at a very great expense added new add Uto most improved kino ofmachinery, U now prepiredtb man ufacture all kinds of Writing, Printing, Wrapping and Cotton Yarn Paper*, Bonnet Boardi, Ac., equal to any in the Eastemor Western country. The uuderaigned hating the Annoy of the above MiQ, will keep constantly on hand a large supply of the ulfihtent kinds of Paper, and will have any size made to order at short notice. B, C. UILL, A HA&B CHANCE. WANTED— A partner in the Publishing business, embracing Stereotyping, Printing ana Binding, in a largo esubushmetu with a prpfilabla run of work to commence with. ;Hemnstbe,a'maaofunimpeaeh ed Inteyrity—aaeomprtmislng tri bis principle*—wil ling and able to control the printing department at least,andhaveaeqplialofSnLbOOt9BlO,OUO. The es tablishment Is at present in weeliog, Va, but can be removed 10 Pittsburgh or any other suitable place at short notice. For further particulars, call on Rev. R. Hopkins, M. h Book Room. Pittsburgh, Pa., or address J. B.WQLPF, Wheeling, Va N. D —Stereotyping done at abort notice.' fobiUm ncm at 6heat bahoaissi M9CORD A CO- wishing to cloeo out their stock of Muffs and Vletoriens' (ot the season, •will sell altneh (embracing • food variety of Ltaz and Fitch, at well at the more common articles,) aIEAB TERN COST—to which they woaldrefpeeutillylnviw the attrition of franhasers. NOW W THE TIME FOR BARGAINS. Call at corner Wood and Fifth struts. ; JalO TVTACAUEXY’a HISTORY OF iu. the access loa of James IL—VoL l. . The History of Alexander the Great? by Jacob Ah bolt, with*map aad engraving* The History of Charles the First of England: by Ja cob Abbott—elegant engravings. Harper's Life of'Franklin: splendidly (Embellished by Qomeroos exquisite designs. l, 29 cents. To bo eotnpleied in a tyunbers. Pictorial History of England, op to the reign of Georgs 111—complete in 4 vols, octavo: 1300 Ulustra* lions) Just received by R HOPKINS, febO Apollo Buildings, 4th »; Mount eagle Tripoli—For cleaning wm* dow»and lamp glasses, silver plate, brant, Bri tannia,nod other ware. It rapidly takes oat til spot* tnd stains, and reproduces the beautiful and durable lustre of new ware. Just received and for tale, wbo.e* •ale and retail, by JOHN 0 MORGAN, j*S3 Druggist. LOVERING'A DOUBLE REFINED SUGARS—CO bblt Levering** Doable Refined Crushed and PulverltedSngara.jnsijeo’tlandfprttleMthe Peki «a Store, TO Foarth street, by novSS • A JAYNES SpTfOßi fpflE undersigned having'removed to Washington X city, will a Head to the prosecution of eltime on tlie Government, and to' any law-basines* before ibe Coarta of the District, with which hemay be entrusted. <kcB-d3als ANDREW WYLIE. J»* JUST RECEIVED—A large lot of silver and gilt Start, Tatsels, Pringe, Lace and Rosettes. Alto, tri-color Webbing,Tor United Booi of AmarW ea. , WW WILSON, few comer market and.4th sta T? AHIItI&Sr BCOSOStUTf »and the Public, JC to effect a saving of oae*lhlrd, and obtain Ike greatest bargains Cterpurchased, are most respectful* hr Invited to vlalt KQUINSON’S Cloth Establishment, Pott Balldlngs, corner Flflb.and Wood m. febd-xw BOTICJB* fTtHE Stockholders of the Pittsburgh and late Royals J. Copper Mining Cotppany are hereby notified that the Trustees fcsye ordered an assessment of one dollar per share, payable to the undersigned,to two equal la* italmentt, one on the lit day of March next, and tnd other oq the ISib day of May. By order, A«u JOHN IRWIN, Seo’y and Treat*. JaSMUm cot.’Ferry andFronl su. DRY & VARIETY GOODS. Sia'cetfu Dsvetmmait oftko California GqldFtvtr. UtttWDKa 4PA¥, No. B Mum Srxtrr, Pirmcaag,- TTAV2 resolvedon SELLING OFF their lain XL stock of DRY GOODS— the principal pm at which have lately been purchased ai the Lsaoa Atm to» Saua in Philadelphia and New York, at a tre mendous and unparalleled sacrifice! We hare made inch a large redaction faun our teg alar prices that we will new tell a large portion of oar goods BELOW COST of importation. The early at tention of buyer* U invited to choice high colored goods adapted to the California Trade. „ . La BUS DRESS GOODS. PluoandfigaredCaaelian Cudunerea and delaines, Very superior brochia flgVl Buper elo2 cloths, all co and watered blk silks, lore. Superior reparmnre silks, French merinos, all colon, blk and colored. Black bombasines, Soper black glossy Gro de Cross barred and atriped Rhin silks, alpacas, VisflUe and mantilla silks, Broeha fig*d snd strips do, best quality, Jenny Lmd plaids, Pore satin*, blk and bloc Victoria Lyoneae cloths, blk setins, very neh. Lamartine satin merinos, Cobefg cloths and eameli- Soper silk warp alpaca an losses, lustres: SHAWLS! SHAWLS!! A fair broeha Ion; shawls, the finest we base ever broo;ht to this market, new to be sold at gnat bargains, Supemneandeommonbro eba square shawls: SopercameUan tiQt shawls INS’ GOODS. Splendid plaid long shawls, Splendid terkeri shawls, from N. York auctions, great bargains; Plain and embrm’d thibet ' shawls, all colors, Silk fringe, remarkably cheap; French cloths from the celebrated “Johaav” menu factory. For beauty of finish and permanence of wear, these elqtha have no superior, a few pieces extra fine jet black and olive caston beavers - and other heavy cloths tor over coats, twilled -French cloths, manufac* tored expressly for cloaks, French' and Americas eas simeres, super west of England do, super French sa tins for vestings, the best Imported. Plain and Caney velvet and cashmere vestings, merino shirts and draw ers, Italian cravats, Unen, cambric and silk hdkft, ho siery and gloves. \ STAPLE GOODS. Irish linens, best long cloth shining, muslins, bleach ed and brown muslins of good quality, remarkably low; tickings, checks, .domestic and Imported ging hams, scarlet, yellowand white flaanels, a lares lot veryebeap; a large lot of white anderoasbarreaeoun try flannels, cheap; brown and bleached Barnshy table linens and table cloths, Rossis and Beoteh diapers and towellings, latlncm, Kentucky Jeans end tweeds. BLANKETS. - An usual large stock of blankets, direct from the manufacturers, some of which are the best ever exhi bited, all of which will be closed out at unparalleled low prices. In addition to’the above enumerated . goods, our stock comprise* a very large and complete assortment of almost every article usually found In a dry good* store, and as they have bees mainly pur chased attbe easern auction*, hence the lata great re duction of prices. We are enabled and determined to sell them on at great bargains. Wholesale buyers, country merchants, tailor*, and the publie generally are respectfully invited to an ear ly. examination. Bargains shall be given. ALEXANDER k DAY, 73 Market at, fobB N W corner of the Diamond DRY GOODB NOTICE. A A MASON * CO., No. do Muut vrxxxr. Pzmstraaa, Pa. BEG leave most respectfully to announce to their numerous patrons and the pubUe, that they, in eonscqoeoee or contemplating a change In their easi ness, propose opening the whole of their extensive warehouse, (including all theirwholesale rooms.) for retailing, and will continue open until the first or Feb ruary, commencing on New Yean day, 1843. Our wholesale nock, comprising oae of the most extensive and varied assortments or Faney and Staple Dry Goods ever exhibited in the western country, will be offered at lower prices than ever before known. Eve ry article, however choice and desirable, will be ac cordingly reduced. Upwards of OAy thousand dollars a/ourttoek ha* been recently porehaasd, the greater portion of which are foreign goods, received at New York by lata European arrivals, which from the late ness of the season, at well us toe known pressure in (he money martyt, were told at sacrifices at public tales, at rates varying from twenty-five to fifty per cent less than similar goods broughttho first of the season. We are therefore confident tool our prices for the time above mentioned will be found to be even tower than any Eastern wholesale Wes. We anxiously invite all persons to visit our estab lishment, whether they purchase or not, and teat the truth of the above—assuring them that they will incur do obligation thereby, but eoofer a favor upos the pro- Ka lore. Our assortment of Silks, Shawls, and fine ess Goods will amply repay one for a visit; added to which, unusually great display of Domestic Goods will, we hope, induce all to call. Our system of one price wil be strictly adhered to. jais; A A MASON k Co RICH DRfeSS GOODS, per toman steamer Europe. —A A Klaaoa k Co, No 60 Market street, will open this morning. Rich. Dress Goods, comprising the following styles, via: Sahupiaid Mcrinos, a new arti cle, and the richest goods imported this season; all wool Plaids, high colon and choice styles; all wool Cashmeres and Mont de Laiaes; fine Coburg and Lyo nese Cloths, of any deseribahle shade and color, flytln striped Cashmeres,ia gfeatvuriety, ’ jaifl A A. MASON A Co 7 80 Market met, have josl • received another large invoice of plaid Long and Square Shawl*, bpoght 83 per cent lets any previously received this season. Onr Mock of Shtwlf it now the largest in the city, and porehaaers may be certain that onr prices from this data will be S 3, pet cent lees than at any farmer time. jalB Sects'^ Gt.-X-O' CLOAK TkfiSELS-4) dot Tn*. *el*,Mtoqsd; 3 dp nlk dodo: Bdo define do; 10 aoce Leaks Tenets tuorted; *do eoPddodo. „ WOOLEN children’* woolen coals; 6 dodo do Cess: 4 do do common; 10doe Woolen com* forts, assorted; 18 do dp with rings; 8b do Indies Cut mere tijoren ui'-d. LEATHER blk Malhskia Belts; a dodo Morocco da, 9 <jbeoPd<ta at non» 2£BIyLON KiNSBVS,g7 market n ABTIFICIAL FLOWERS—Smiih A Johnson, 40 Market «*, weald Incite tbs attention of dealer* and others to their extensive stock of French and American anifidni Ftowera, which will be offered at eafirra prices r>ENTff“fT BNISIUNiHjQQiA vJ standing collars; nation, tllk t do do Draneti;, slut, kid and woe eouoa and woo) | Dote; bit Italian phytScari*. deep pi J—>kn* &nm»,witjf cad wool Ye*tst do it Glares; megleo, I cravats; fine So- HEATON A Co w^TTin».vx't ■ >% r 4«naatMMK>riSn,. AiW'l.h fcAq T y t (q , eul aad exsmiae oat Axoiiourr Carpet*. *hlch ara ▼Mj rich la atyto aod/eoten. Wajtroom, No 78,4 th «V Knabwrt. deeg W &TCUN7OCK ylMl Im*M— .. >ll^- Laoie* and Guts Dreninf Sacki, oloaka acd Qom Garment* cstbrolde knitting, netting, erote king neatly executed. td or Btuopod fat oahroideryi st cod nu> ‘ acsrg UNSHRINKABLE FLANNELS—W. R. Snntr inrite*4b« attention of bayere to his stock of the above good*, of stl the.differert qualities, ttid to be as anthruikabie at the Welsh, and at much lower price a. (icouinr Welsh Plan salt olao constantly on hand. Gaoze and Silk do, 4-4 land 5-1 do, for She«n<»wg pty. pose*. Also, Home made White Flannelt Llnseya, constantly on hand, at the north east comer of Fourth and Mar* Met atreeu. fbbS NSW GOODS. S3ACKLCTT A WlilTE, 99 Wood street, are now receiving a fresh ttock of DRY GOODS, of recent purchase, sun fresh styles, patterns, Ac, which they will Mil low to the true. Merchants are requested to call and examine their stock and prices febfi SILK WARP ALPACAS—Smith A Johnson, 48 Marketttrect, would invite the attention of dealers and others to their choice atook of Silk Warp Alpacas, Mohair Laities and fine Bombazine*, whies they are now offering at retloced prices. febQ New goods in January—w. r. Mdust has within a fewdaycopened a tapply of black Al* Keeaa, tow priced: dot median and super! do Mohair •ires; new stylo British Print*; do American do; block cloth Shawls; pihid lone do; oeat stylo Moose de Leinvt; plain leadhutd drab do, at 184; and a vari* ery of other scarce and desirable goods, worthy the attention of those wishing to bay. Merchant* will flnq’ln the wholesale rooms ap stairs a good stock of desirable goods, at jatfi ON HAND AND FOR SALE—IO pa drab Blanket Coating; Bpi Laviudcr do do; 1 case Lavinder Blankets; l do grey mixed Cloth; 1 do Army Cloth; 8 do Tweeas, brown, black and gold 1 do Taney Caaaimerea; 1 bale blue Blanket Coating; consigned direct from manufacturers and for sale by thepaexage ot piece. dccSO , MURPHY A LEE, liberty at EXTRA AND SUPER THREE PLY CARPETS— Received this day, direct from the manufacturers, a handsome assortment of extra taper and taper three ply imperial Carpets,pf new styles, to whleh we ask the attention of those wishing to famish bosses or steamboats. Carpet ware room, No 75 Fourth at, Pitts burgh. decM W M*CUNTOCK ■pvOMESTIC WOOLLENS Blankets, Flannels ±J Tweeds, Cassinetts, M Cloth and Casdmere, by the piece or very low; for sale by PQVIB GEO COCHRAN FkNOY CABBIMERES-2 cues new style Fanny Cusimerea, bright figores apd very goods, jest opened by decia ■ BHACKLETT A WHITE J FRENCH MERINOS AT COST—Smith A Johnson . 40 Market streei, will sell for the balance of the season atcotVthelr flock of Freneb Merinos, coapri* sing the most choice; colors. Now It your time tsxs- i f declS *V" aey’C®? Market 2c nlonKin 30 ps colored Velvet Ribbon,assorted colors; 30 •* black u « u Gimp; 10ps wide Plain, Ae. &LGVE3 AND HOSIERY—Smith 4B Market it, woald invite the attention of dealers and others to their choice stoek of Baida's superior Kid Gloves, and a great variety of merino, sillt and cotton Glove*. Auo, to their exteosiva stoek of worsted, Cashmere, Alpaca, Vigooia and Silk line; "Moravian and other styles of cotton Hose—together with every style of enudren l * Hoso and gentlemens* half Hose. JaB /"%OLD SPECTACLES—SiIverdo; Steel do; German \J BUver do. A large assortment constantly on hand, and care frilly fitted to any age. Concave, con* vex, and caiaraot spectacle glass aeenrately adjusted to any vision required. Also, multiplying glasses for examining linen, wool, minerals, bank notes, Ac., just reo’d ana for tale by W W WILSON, . ]a3 corner of market and 4th sta LEV LATH ON GOLD PENS, a magnificent and most excellent pen, being the first sent to market; for sale by W W WILSON, Jad comer market and 4th at* TTIO GLOVES—£23 dos Ladies sapor Ktd Gloves; IV 10 “ mens wfiltf and blk u 9 “ misses eolored do -B*od V HEATON A Co \yf AMMOTH GOLD PENS—Alarge and beautiful ill pen for engreuing. and for all outer purposes. Also, Premium Geld Fens, large, medium and «*■» sixes, of the best makers: for sale by W • w W WILSON Lavendar, grey mix* ed and bine, fame by the piece or cukue. at .manufacturers prices, by MURPHY Jt f.Rg .1.5? liberty st, opposite ith CLOTHS— 4 ease Mack mixed hfavyxosslmeres; 8 do Tweeds, fancy eolon;4 do eassimere tor sale at minnfsrmrtrs prices, by I ' MURPHY A LEE T brown and black TweediJ^do 2 Fancy Jut reew and for axle at aanalketarara pneea. , - MURPHY A LEE liberty «L declfi 'j' . opposite ah T7RESH ARRIVAL—W. U'CUntock offers to these Jj fishing to fiunlah bosses, the handaomest assort* mantofCarpetihg aver brought to this i&arksL com prising in pan the following varieties: Rich stylo Vel* v« Tlie; Axtmnster Tapestry, Hnusela, extra super 9 ply; super 3 ply, toperfine and fine Ingrain Carpets; io which he most respectfully invites hts friends and the public, to call and examine-before purchasing elsewhere. No* 79 Fcmyth at, Piuabuxgk. •:-4#5U ! MISCELLANEOUS. Consultlag Coxnuallara tar to ptoeoiiM and defeqto* Fstents, topartin* once to the Arts, and on American INireLraxfiri of Patents. i - PROF. WALTE3I late of Philadel phia, and X.C. ROBBINS c eltr (to be aided by Hazard Knowles, Esq-loteHaehinßii of the UniteaStatea Patent Office,) hare together for rite proseendnn of Uw above branches ofproressioaal basinets, either in their office at the Patent Office, or before the Chuns; and will de’ rote their undivided attention to forwarding the inter! est of Inventors and other* who may eonsnlt or place business in their hands. Mjr. Knowles hss far the put twelve years held the post of Muehiaest in the United Btates Patent Office, and reidrht that sitoatioa to take pan in jhe present undertaking. His talents and peculiar Stack) for the importabt office so long £1). ed by him, havrfbeen Ally recognised by Inrentors wherever the office Uselfis known! The office of Messrs. J. & & Is on F street, opposite the Patent Office. Washington,-D. where commuaJ cations, post paid, will be promptly attended to: exam inations mode, drawings, specifications, oil requis ite papers prepared-t-ona models procured when desi red- on reasonable .tanas. Letters of enquiry, expect ed to be answered after examinations had, most be ac companied by a fee offire dollars. . )i> ™ duties of their office which pertains to the Pa tent Laws, Messre. J. A B. will be assisted by a legal gentleman of the highest professional character, and rally conversant with Mechanics and other Scientific subjects. . mygfcd&wlyS FfiSBB PURE TEAS, Wholesale and retail, at the ' "DEKIN TEA BTORE, 70 Fourth street, near Wood, A Pittsburg In—The subscriber having just returned from New York, ik how receiving a Urge fell supply of fresh GREEN AND BLACK TEAS, from the New York Pekin Tea Company, selected with great care for retail soles. Our stock beioghow heavy we orepre pared to supply Grocers, Hotels, Steamboats end Fam ilies with any qaanlity and at any price they may wish; 'packea in 1 and l pound packages, 6 lb: tin Canis ters, Band 13 lb catty boxes, and in half cheats. Retail Groeere are-invited to cqll, as we can and will mll better Teas at lower priees than any other house in Pittsburgh. • Oar stock of fine Young Hyson, Gunpowder, and Im perial Green, and Oolong Block Teas are the best in the American market. ’ Lovering's doable refined Loaf, Crushed, and Pul vented Sugars,** retail, or by the bunreL COFFEES—Mocha, Old Gov. Java, Laguira, 8l Do mingo and Bio Coflees, selected by the most expet fen ced coffee Broker in New York. Sweet Spiced Chocolate, Pickled Cucumbers and Onions, ’‘Fresh Peaches, pat up in their own inice. Malaga Raisins; in' 3 lb boxes. N. All Dr. 0. Jayne's Family Medicines for sale. deeh-dJtwS A. JAYNES. JH. WELLCOME’S - PREMIUM FIRE PROOF • CEMENT.—The Proprietor would respectfhlly inform the public that he. has now the satisfaction to offer them a Cement, which will weld, beamifolly and durably, all trtieles of Chino, Earthen and Glassware, Shades, Ornaments, Marble, Ivory, Ac., ’without dis figuring them in the least; rendering them as useful for S purpose whatever as they were before broken, not affected by heat, water or air. Tbi* Cement is not weakened ia the feast when sub jected to a •irons dry heat, or wben immersed in hot water, 'fhe public have long since felt ibe necessity of such ran snide, and in Lais their expectations will be fully realized, as it la applied without heat and eon be used by a child. The subscriber has folly tested this article. For tale by WW WILSON, JaSB corner market and dthsts I ntOß GENTLEMEN,—W.k Mura, JuuncraU; X* received a farther supply of Gentlemen's Fancy l CRAVATS, including some very handsome. Also, blaek Italian Cravats, several qualities, and including some superior. Also, gents Linen Cambric Handker chiefs, plain and with colored borders: super Silk do; Undershirts and Drawers, merino, silk mod eouon, some of the former extra size. Especial attention is asked to his stock of French Broadcloths and Corel* meres, of the latter plain and fancy; Velvet and Satin Vestings, Ac. At north east comer 4th and Market streets jtSS TUBS AND CHURNS, fine and Cedar Wan manufactory, No. 87s no»vti M***tt axd FLttb Sra, Pirmuoaa. fpHE subscriber keep* constantly ou band, whole- JL sale and retail, very low for cash— *Yo»h Tubs, i Barrel Chums, . Bath Tube. I Staff Chums, Hone Buckets, | Half Bushels, Ac. All other kinds Wore in his line inside to order. SAMUEL KBOESEN. rpHE undersigned would coll the attention of the A public to his stock of DRY GOODS, which he will close out at cost, as ho intends to quit the basiness. AO persons knowing themselves indebted, are re quested to call and settle immediately, as all accounts not closed previous to the fimof Much, will be placed in the hands of a proper officer for collection. JOHN WHITTEN, No 04 Market meet. NOTARY PUBLIC, OFFICE at Messrs. Spang A Go's Warehouse, Wa ter street, between Wood and Market. Residence at ffin. Jpnek’, Fbtuth street, between Smithfield and Grant, next door to the office of Bobert Woods, Esq. Pittsburgh. 1*33-d3»* OYSTERS! OYSTERSn FRESH FROM THE SHELL—By Burke A Co's Fast Express, at reduced prices.—To accommo date all lovers of this delieiqqj fnxnry, BURKE A Co. have resolved to supply fee people regularly through out the segre&i wnh ike choicest Fresh Oysters in cans, half cans and shell, at such reduced priees as will enable every family to enjoy this delicacy at tfreir tables. An Express lead will be received doily at the ware house of JNO. C. BID WELL, Water street, between Sdlhfield ted Grant, aad.for rale there, and at the faj i®Ving depots: Sels 4b Berger, corner and kd ns; R Heaxfaton, Diamond; A lloevter, Ponnst, sth Ward; D Hanghey, foot of Liberty s- JColtan, Jr., Penn'a Avqnue; Blercer A Robinson, Allegheny city. KttW YoaK aMP BOafroa piAaos. JOHN H. MKLLOE, No a Wood ffiSQga street, has received invoices of* lane sapplj of Piano Fort** (torn the ceie f 1 « I |»braied manufactory of t. bickering, Boonoo, to amve in a few day*, of which due notice will bo given.roryljtg in price' from SSJStoftQO. Also from the aanofactone* of B Worcester/ and Jtaeott 4 Raven, New York, a hsndsotke assortment of-A of andej octavo Piano Forte*, rosewood ajfd mahog any eases, ofihe most elegant dreeriptioOfand with oil the late Improvements. • ' The above, tn addition to'he stock on hand, will the>iartcO and .«s>(, desirable. aelection ever oflered for aalaU fela cttx,Wwmt«'iold iaaHeuM 1 ■tmopfectaieni prices* on aeeotn»od«iagteTOua»A a tnfctan gnoxastee given with every Piano Fane told. „ , , , , JOHN H. MELLOR, Bole A yen for the sale orChiekeiisk's Piano Fortes, tot Western Pennsylvania;. deeSO I*IFB OF FBANgLCC Illustrated—ln coarse of i pabUcatioQ in-the social form, by Harper A Bro thers, New York, The Life of Benjamin Franklin, con sisting of his Autobiography, and a narrative of hit public life and services, by the Rev. D- Hastings Weld; splendidly embeilubed by numfcroas exquisite designs, by Joba<r. Chapman, engraved in the highest style of art. The work is panted in the omsto form, an so perine papej, from bold sed legible type. It will be commuted In tight pans, ai S 3 cents each, and Issued at bnat intervals. .Koch part will be received by ex pres* Immediately after Its publication. Part Ist lost received and for sale by JOHNSTON fc STOCKTON, comer market and 3d sts js33 PEHIALE INSTITUTE THE Second Session of this limitation, e care of Air. mid Ain. Gossoss, far the present academic r«ar, will commence on the first of Februa ry next, in the same bolldings, No. fit Liberty street Arrangements have been made by which they will be able to AtraUh young ladies faculties equal to any in the West, for obtaining a thorough English, Classi cal, and Ornamental education- A fall con no of Phi- Usophical and Chemical Lectures will be delivered during the winter, illustrated by apparataa. The de partments of Vocal and Instrumental Mane, Modem Languages, Drawing and Painting, will *«<■> be nnder the carebfa competent professor. By close attention to the moral and UtteUeetaal improvement of their pu pils, the Principals hope to merit a continuation of the liberal patrqtuiffe they have hitherto enjoyed. For texmajjsejjlTcoJar or apply to the Principals. OOoi of Amuleia 4 ponin Patents lata firm of Keller A U Greenough. conUhuw the business of Consulting Sreineeir and Patent Attorney, at his office in the city of WASHINGTON- He may be consulted and em ployed in making examinations in machinery in the Patent Office and elsewhere,' In furnishing drawings and specifications of machines, and all papers neccssa 2, transfer, amend, re-Usim or oxtend Lenars patent in e United States or Europe. He can also be consult-' ed professionally on all questions of litigation aris ing under. the Patent Law, and will argue ques tions before the Patent Office or an appeal therefrom, for which bis long experience in the Patent Office and in his profession, nave peculiarly fitted him. The pro fessional bushiest of the late ur. T, P. Jones having been placed in his bonds, all letters in relation thereto should be addressed to him post paid. aurtO-dAwfimß WOTTB»; — - A SiTUTION either as Book Keeper'.or Salesman, by a Gentleman who has been, for, some ‘years oast, and still it, engaged ina well known Wholesale house on Wood street, as book keeper' and assistant -talesman. Baits factory references given. For (hither particulars enquire of editor Gazette, febd-dfiw* • ~A JAB. MUSPHATTA SONS’ PATENT SODA ASH— -1 too tana 3| cash currency, or-dtacs. anp*vd bills. 5 tons or upwards, do par. 6 mot do, hue rest ad ded. For the superior quality 0! this brana we refer to the gliu and soap manufacturers of this city general ’ dee* ICO liberty u ] X BERB.—The subscribers have on h«r»l and will' ceastanUi bo supplied with Jot. Muipraa A Sons' cel ebrated Blenching Powdor, which they will warrant equal if noi superior to any imported 1n the U,£tme*,' and which they arc prepared to sell at the lowest mar ket pries far cosh or approved hills, novl. WAMMtTOUKT.TPgW * -tLTREEt 1M liberty at T Uugntt * Bona* BodoTniui. - HE onbacnbon in trow rreemttr their FHU »tock ojuw •liffiji orddo, threo Teud., rta iho irpudo, oiKldlkai ortdLjdlo, twin* oniTod m PhUpfilptii oodilolumoior ond inmti, tim Stephen E«ld»inaiid tailo, ihonjy ezp«cud; Ibev ore, tPoTofore, prepared u> rooehro Olden. Tbo; Ordi rccdvo <tarW Unwin, lor oodiipim* rerdoMuppHoopi* Now OtSoti °°ra wtMMrmma.TBCT. | ijmSgSL ' D&, D. Dentist Comet ofFoorth 7. and Decatur, between Martel tad Ferry tueett, aepS-diyin > eubscriWa have tala day associated them* 1 selves together for the purpose of transacting a wholesale and retail Dry Goods and Grocery business, at No 22) Liberty, oppoaito B»venih street, under the atyle and firm of BUSHFIELD & lIAYB. nttsburghv January 1,1849. •N. B—Oar old customer* and the poblle are invited to giro ns a call. ~ jaS’ 100 piBIt CEST BAVEDI OPPOSITION HOUSK. rIE VIBOINIA HOTEL, on Baltimore afreet, near: tho Depot. Cumberland, la now in, complete order: for the'reception and accommodation of the'poblic.; Penosa In search of ease and comfort, will no hrell; to patronlso thi* establishment—they 1 will find? the chamber* clean and nice, and the Table as well Air* nished as any in CumberUnd, at twenty-fire* cents, guaranteed as good aa any lut can be had in the place, at any price, or no charge. No charge fat transportation ot baggage to and from the ear*. jal£&m WASHINGTON EVANS. OSO«W.|XITH*COn rNFORM their friends and the pohlis that they have i. no longer any eonneetion with their mg establish* msni in Penn street, known as the PittabMakßrewery. having removed entire 'baslaesstoSwo POINT BBKWKHV. In P<ll maet. mylBM y 8 A Good Buluii und tat lil. A CONFKCTIONAB.Y md Vmietr Stnto fotulo, A. on Pennsylvania Avenue, with a good run of business and a small stock, “nm Proprietor, ftafinf it Inconvenient to have two establishments, the causoTor selling. Apply at Hr RL SMITH’S,' jaS€42a eomar Wylie and Washington sts - WjUTFSD) A FEMALE to do Housework in a small family,-* To ons-wbe udderstands her business, good wn< cat and a permanent situation will be giyed. ALSO—A young girl, or a respectable old ludy.tO: taketha chare* of a nursery, in a small family: En« quire at this office. . febmdawa ; . TOHN WATT, {ueeeseor to Eentf* A OeljliirO •I WfaQieiala Grocer and CemraiMioa JltrcJuix. ouler isi Erodsca and Eittibarch Mairafkenm. Var. '•-'-i.zi'irr. .:i! it} t\' l HOUSES, LOTS, FARMS, &. TO ‘ PLANTATION ' IN .ARKAN sabscrthwrr offer* for win toh extensivo piajitariptrinArkaa. aas, fdtmeriybelonging 40 ; ahd: oceuplqa byla»- Governor Kent, ofMarylond, and. eoataiwaff.tweniY* , , - Trhis estate Uesin the countfos Of Thill tenden, and is eimated mWatoutlfond.oafoe&nsaia tippi river, twenty-five miles above the town of . Hele na. It U said to w toe highest rive’r dandJn iMI to* . gioa of eou&try. Iu soil is peculiarly.', adapted tothe ' growth of cotton. ItaiinproYcmcntsare anoyerseer’i house, a hone-mill, several com .hoUsclj.antf good - . quartet* for servants. , ?. 7. 5f Upwards of seven bandied acre* of tot* land feevo.., been cleared and ore now. cultivated. .’Tborestofit, :taay be easily cleared,; (foe toast being already dcnej.~. . ana hastes* timber upon it,andto*t chiefly oftshj which is readily sold at.a>weU located'wood yard,.ln ' quantities of several thousand cords every year. . This plantation is oneofirrcat present* k : rare opportunity to too pabue. ,In toe nand* of a good Slanter n may be easily made of immense anneal pw» . s ..... l lu fakihue* of Intercourse wifoJie w Orleans at i r - tord a cotistantavenuo for tho'dispositof itSprodOCtkc.* ! ct It is distant about SCO miles from Cmeinnbtx»flSpAi miles from ton-mooto of too Ohio, and TlOmilea ooH ' ’ - New Orleans. . , • j IT-, - - This property will be divided' Into several psrtßr if desired. p.-.v.-i.’., ,; For terms, apply (post paid) to ’ ' 5 , , * WIEjAMBPERIira ; ja4-d3m* . • .. - Ifriltif , • ac& Acres Coal Land for Bale,V:7 . OITUATEDon toe Mbnongahela riVer.ahoat WmOes’ O from Pittsburgh &nd'3mi!e* above third,Loek,.in V and Mr r , Jdhn-Henonyjsrehaie^^r^^^^ V' Cos) will be sold at toe low-price ofB33per.aere-vono third in iutnd, balance in'five equal annual payments/ witooat interest. Title indisputable.-Location.,very food—<annot be sureasred.'-For farther particular* V enquire of S. BALSLEV, who hue draft of said pro-' ~ petty. RfeaidencegdstjbclflvrFerry,Mr. ' ' N.. 8. There is another, icain'of coal on this tract,, about 60 feet above toe lower. of excellent quality.' jygfedtf . • . A FABHFOaSALE. THE Subscriber ol&rs forsalelM acres of Land/'" Isitaated ,fa ; Hopewel/town*hip r ßeaver eounty; - Pa.j one mile west oftoe Ohinriver ond twenty miles from Pittsburgh. ' There are a Jog house and, barn on • [he premises. Upwards of forty acres arei in cultiva tion-toe remainder is : densely'covarett.wHhchfiied'* • limber.:'There is avein ofeoai and ia site for a water . grist mill on too premises. < This farm being a moral eommnttitv, and being convenient (by confab Of river) to Pittsburgh,* it is belie ved;fcw places combine so many advantages. If not sold prerviondy, this form -> will be sold at public vendne of l March. For particulars, inquire of .lhc'th'bsert- 1 ■ * ber, or of Wa YoungA Co*., MSliberty street.- j burgh. , JOHNY.2TKEE. ja2g-dAwlm*T 7 ■ ‘- f i "■ FACTORY FOB, SALE OU BEfIT. ' rriHElnrge and Wall.buiit Factory,' erected onßebea--. X casucen, by R. 8. Cassatt. Etfc is. offered for sale or. rent fromthe litof Jan; 1549. The lot on which toe Factory is erected, 1 fronts 100 feetea Rebecca street, and runs back 110 feet : to Park street. ' The main building is ofbrick, three stories high* end. 60 feet long by ‘J7 feet, wide. The Engine House is largo and commodious,,with on engine, boiler, stack, . Ac, all In complete order. The. property wi[l be sola low, and on advantageous fonni. •' • 7'- ■- ... • Inquire of ROBERT hPKNHSHT, . . ccc3B-d3m Agent. " Property inAiicghenyCityforfiale* s THE;.eubsenl>era eflor for laio a r number of choice---- ■ Lots, situate in the Second Ward, fronting ofltbo Common cMy.ujnn*. Inquire of ’ ■ W. o 5!!. ROBINSON, Atty aiLaw. SlClair st or of J AS ROBINSON, os myl7:dfcwtf T ■ •. • - C r- joocraT hesidesos ; Foa ■ mcsr. MlO ACRES OF" GROUND, situated .near tb»' Pittsburgh anil Greensburgh Tern pike,- 3j mUet <:? from the ciiy, and adjoining the'AlleghenyCette w etery, on which is eteeted a dirge* and well finished:',: two story brictDweHinp House, togeiher.wiUi i carriage bouse, &c.‘ Tacrs is also oh las premise* lam variety or fruit trees, and aspzing'ofmtnsitalezv;--v' eelljhcecotitifflotts tothe dwelling- . /" • • ■?, ‘ Also—One three -undone two story nrielrdwellingy •* situated on Libeny street;- between O’Hara' and Wai- .> tut streets, ath ward.'' BcnMapderntc. "Enquire Of - • JSI3 WMjYOUfrfi, 14JLibcrty ft Valuable-Real' Relate fta Sale* THE Trances of thetWettenLTbeetoMal Sdainaiy, haTiny decided to MtL'oh perpenudleaeer a por*. ttonoftheirpropartyin cavery favorable tenaa Xrom,3o, lo pQ Volt ,'or. different; •***+- A weznntetf Uilo.triUbefireni.fAplka'orihelotaena be »een at No. 129 Woo<L*treet. V \ - s ... .•* . For panicalora, enquire of eillier'oftia undersigned , Committee. , JOHN T."X©GAN» ALEXT LADGHLIN, , - MALCOLM LEECH , , ILCIHLDS, SAME. 1 gAILEY. . frbg-tf Valuable Real Sbita.te.fbr Sale*/. THE following property 'in'the city of: Piusboisi, ! and near the borough of Manchester, on .the.oEio'., nrer, is offered for tale on accommodating teimftc'tV 3 Lou(being »üb-diTisionof Lot No.4fflinlho;pla#. , of the city of Pittsburgh,) haring SO feet front on Bd?X Tenth street, by .210 teel to Strawberry- olloy, OeW Grant street. rc • -• i-, 10 ono acre -Lou .fronting on ide, running from Bearer road to the Ohio nrer,ad- , ifting PhQlipt’s Oil Cloth Factory. - - ... For terms, enquire of CHARLES B. SCtJLJjY. ; or JAMES O’HARA, , .* '; Borbe’s' Building. 4th qtg', FanjussTf ' ' JpA AND possession glVen the Ist April—A Storo*’ l -sn” inMartel street, near liberty-* .j AStore in Liberty atreet,-next doofto thecor ner of Market and Liberty sis-, , , The adjoining Store, comer of Market and liberty streets. ' v ~t,' Two Stores, with dwellings attacked, in Pennatreet, i near the eaoal. - Also, a .first Rite stand, with or .with* • out dwaiiing t near:tfte canal Possessiongivenink- 1 mediately, inquire o£ ,: ' DAVIDGE&EB, - -,- = • jalP-dtan* • . thecannl t TOXET. / ■ • M -A Dwelling Home on Federal •treel T AU«JfI«J JupLnftsear the Market Square; ®nd a cxnaUhm#a / on feimsjlvvua Avenue, near Mm Murray’s lavexnl. Piirwwnahip. * . ... S J 4 ' Ain, n Jons, room, M storr,' Market street, burjh.- Two. CTjalL,*te«*''on'fi4»ireet r saftatfcitii eonTemrui offices near tie'Pdsfoffiep. - Apply* to: i . . ayoecrPhilo: Sas Jt tot on tlbert ' i irißjUyr»<3 farting ijj; ica Street Cor' £cm(. ; ’ : -IV. ’ •end cottToaeftUotha ilbaoncahela riTcf,w2U be leav ed for a term of yean. Esquire of '^rr+. v _ CHARLES B SCULLY, , .or JAMES O’HARA, - '' ' BcH&pg,4dy«t.V. For Sale. • • s • ~ / A SECOND HAND STEA3I ENG INE, in good nuv4 nlng order, ?i inch cylinder, 30-Jneh stroke: boi ’-r 14 feel j 0 o» -‘OO inches in dialed-r, fly irfeeeT P' r- -.-.-s- , .vrouppertoonw* ratable for eaoe rooms or offices- Encoire on the pro* tnitetof . j 'aSQ ' ALEXANDER fc DAY. M COUNTRY SFAT TO LET—A .two' .lory Brick Dwelling! wiih Gfr acre* highlyimproved Land, sitaatedia OakianA,to let' from lit April next. 4 HARDY, JONES*Co, feba- 44 WaterstreetS ■feA A-lhreo s’.ory Briok Dwelling, containing 11 Sftlff rooms, on Wayne street. Rent to a good tenant, - “ o. Apply to C A M’ANULT Y * Co,. feba ■ __ canal basin FOB BERTi m THE three itory Brick Dwelling Home, f©j. merty occupied by the subscriber* on fiibocca street, In Alicgheuy city. JAitJCERR, Jr. •, jalAif . NoS6 Water it: to let; T~ SA THREE story Dwelling on Fourth, between Ferry and Liberty streets, now occupied by Absalom Morris. .jSaqire'of j«mi KNAP & TOTTEN MFOS RENT—Forotjc to three, riots the Cm of April next, a Largo two storied brick Dwelling House, pleasantly situated on the bonk orihe Ohio river.ruljoinmg the borough of 1 Manches ter, with about four acres of land, oat buildings, fruit trees, Ac. Ac. Apply to jtts JAMES A HUTCmSON&Co MA LARGE and'well finished .Room,' second story, on the corner ofWood and Third 'srieeU, above the Exchange office of >v nt, H,'Wiliiain». PossessiongiTcnimmediately,.lnquireof ' \ jus BrGUILS A RUE, LW Liberty's! ~ 'POOI£e OH. rtßkr.;. JnCv THE inbscriber offers forsalcor reil- Airidence in Allegheny city. .Possession can be cl*' veo Ist of February, or sooner if neee*siryldidtrao* ever may occnpy ft, might End it adtaritageoartd^W-, tain some of the farniutre,. Ac« particularly suited_tb - the place. - jsa . B.:W.POINDEXTEIL M' WANTED TO RENT—Auoail.priTste-dwell log with not less than Emr.tooms.ahd a kitchen, within five or mo minutes fßach'of theUiamb&d. Addro**,’with No. 210. Post: Office.** . I*l' '• : ... . ' TWO HOUSES AlTO^OTS^lWitt-n^tt. - AJW . TWO LOT 3 fj'BcaveT^street,'inthe»dry of JasL. jAUegheoy, iheoppcr Commons, on which u erected a frame building, two stoiies'hlgm'fultmblo for two ■ small tenements. lie leisure each twentr • feet in front by one .hundred feet, deep! and wn hack to a street forty'feet wide. * The buildings oa the .prw mises'willpay arcry handsome interest on Ute in vest menu 1 and thejroperty-will be sold ehpap for-cash. Apply to M. riprodl, Clerk’s office; U. S.otta -J -, ~nOTg)". - rRAY-XCO UOOEDALE TiTEETr*; ; : ~ THIS dellghtAil Summer Retreat,; forint spme occupied by Mr. field,' goffered' for sale or rent on,that £ntS“* oi-AprilnexL. This ’property bos been I '.improved by additional building*,'anda substantial stonewall, and terrace planted with EvergrtfOns and Fruit Trees,» To a good tenant capable of condncdnr tho fietnaty the reasonable. - 1 •' GEOCOCHRAN* Pittsburgh, Pec.?/-. • '■-AgentlorProprietor^ ‘ FOB EfeST., ■ M THE subscriber offers for rent for the term of 151 eno or .more years, A largo conycniektweU- fin ished two story Dwelling ■•Ho'nJe,/cOnuur , injAl too ms and Kitchen. There is alotbf ground Commscturi} acres oCfineL young fruit-trees of every klnO, : atnble, Ac., connected.wltn the house. To any penon wish ing a. delightful residence-wifhln a few minutes ride oi the city, this will be a rare chance. For termsiathieh will be' Jow‘ to a good, tenant, inquire of Mr. Jao. Wright, near the pfenusfes*of John Watt, eorner of ilanoandUßcrtr streets,ogol . ■ , ", catSES-tf - .» • TJIEO. P. WRIGHT.: tand iorhalsE “ TEN ACRES OF LAND, situated in poeblcrtown ship, on the Monongabelaj three miles £rom.Piu». burgh—ta lot* to salt purchaser*,- For fartScrnartie alara apply to Henry Woods, 3d st, orto ~ "• - - WASHINGTON. novgMtf - -4th, above flmiiMuu... llisljuuts tn«a«R«r CouatyTT — A LOT, Storehouse and 'Dwelling, - situate- on the jfX Erie Extension Canal, in the Vtllsgu ofWest MM. tUesex; a desirable- Lot and good^welllng Hettso well *ffitodforA.T*sa, Stand, In the village of OrnnrevrUc; <m SUta'lina «f Ohto. Terms 3S?<- &&&*]&&£*?&!***> fcMP-::.” . 4 r-AYateyittCgiwafam.' LANP.FQR SALE—Bcveri 1 r ßitVi y situate mbend Of Utd Memoagahela'River above Browugville, Pa., having a 7 which-will be sold in exchange for ara applyu> focjgl 8 «««, b,mcenjmyiu4.Uuboi7«[f:«tf<>s£s. to hoo» m 4 occupied bjr/SifiMa tdwunli, d fror.t of 2., fc-l. anC in dcplh 12U fijeVwJnm toidoa^uTOTUbjunto-. Tillsuno«epliOdi£lt“S i‘|-o:t.ooais.%.viStWo<id? ,i ■■ .. -J* , For gsiie«~- .. . ;.^7^s3^ 1 - - • tVfl't 1 ' m™, ' - ■-'/;« ;i)j ' j ß'-i? ^ad '(4£t •'' ijv !'> i ,-51.■}
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