* - r ■ • ‘' «■ ;the yflrsßlM PVBU3HED BY wmi'E fc PQ . PIMIBTOOBI - , TITPCTItT MORNING, TEB.lt, innß~iin»Al.TM a * i i yIOHT. v toftot week, 6*o «« S fens of da and ih» name of talUdoge. The 7~~ ’■ nrndnccd-hT iMa ooat.diegracefnl ’ f r. r in. the ' e asterychtefr tf mtat ■exlraqrdm&iy. | ■j - jj'oag !| ‘oi‘ tie sitonndiog' cTentt ofthe ptot • jc#f j i mpeaft to Java made near et muchimpression in j j coiitesU'would, no TliuUr jodging ftosUhe interest j bken Injifiia-lwnUil'iight, command, w.lnißfl .pad M <kiighittlaadiemxsastatheiUysafttoCaaars*: ■■ immensesmna.ofmoneywere ba,qtfthi% fight‘s ■ Oftfl-paper . tgie m?rtg a gqri their ia order ‘to ni»a 'a£itief ''V3 l bet aa tlie result pfihU fight; in one, -s.' case* his read ekote to the extent' ofatf‘ftoosaad dollar*, all which he haf risked on. tke-aflfcir.' *■ - • t •• • : •rHyefc the conqueror, wna received ;io Phda* ' by immense crowds, ani with enthuafc _'wtic : tlie rash to Bee him was most *iren»nclo«».' l ' r ■' • •,/Of flyer and SuDivuti,the combatant*, the Near; ■ "Tork Eipress, gives the following ■ ■ ■' diver' »• a niiUve or New Yorl:;Vi^. or two over eir. feet in heighL Suliivaii ie en ! irishmen,muTisnot'moch ihort,if :mr,<rf•>**“* high. Hjer ie .a So.mfcrmmid feetnre.;'^ rt • in; hi* personal: appearance,—riodeed, we nujr ea/» ttofitnnbeingahsndeonieinaE; Hverieano', •Sthparuirtly, in hie no* «ty cred,t *“i?s l }?" he has tagbt no_teHa >^ 0 , ■viixa ring than ilia noiorieu* ‘Connuy »J“n*“l> i etrhe#e of two' hour*, whipped hie S^Mlivan'ffS.-eM W* f . and tee fcughi «o«ial,lijid ne™ Steen beilen. -One of hießtoptowaaactor. Id over Ilia tattered cereal* of a negro, in Engr ;7*BnHiyan, wo .ore informed? lito-lhp celebrated \ hiacoantryforhi*country's ' ■ -ini«flcr a resideuce of rente year* artitopleasmni thi wttai of time honored the VfliteA States, by ’•KiSoP Ws.abode thereiiuNHerehe dlsringgfflf ‘SSffiifioibe anxious ptimit cf to* profeasioo, •;• r'ftMeaxed at exhibition* of pugilism/ at'vanoua ’Skeevwlier© he»howedhira«S* grealtdepl in ;; -ErSTOOtetcicace. » Attest, a real JcmM* prixe - vo* get op between .two of ms friends, . iUm. Chris. Lilly and Tom C4*Coy, and ha went *w»ft iho ring, as second to tha latter: who, it wflj v ba'reiiremlierd* was'.kilted by.what ; tl*eso ftadfel • Nats*. fromlhO'./ire* Lflty»-F6r. I WMrt «ttd-partyaDiran had tatett iix thia affair, ■• i w*s accommodated wtthlodging* (such asthcy •v'VfOTV.in alsxgP stone edifice bdononfio wn - moatweahh. plcasantJy stunted ,cm the banks of ',.Ow> thk vfllaga Of SißgSng, whCTB he v -rime. nod would more. •: bote the exercise cf Governor Wiigtt’a offloal ; desmscy, to which there war attached the con»j dUkm tn&t the pardoned convict should hava.] • nothing more to do, in.any way, with the pursuit ' ufthis-favorite science- •■•'•'. • .jj Sctmtiiar to tbdMdtwpdbs, be becomes in,doe *■ r CTnry* oftime, an active party politidan.n mem* {l&txA aoelrfffated dabdovoicdtotbo gioptgFatmn ’ a pomijr datahl&hnient'among that influential class of the -" cmnmunlty, kh own mNew Yodras ‘the Vtoyn ' One eveniiwre few months *go>ba fcD In with Sir. Thomas Hye& nrt‘to known vestaamViaßroedway, upon which occasion* it w«have learned the&ctsaright,hesa'Wfittom* ‘ duke tn toad -boasts of bis prafeanootlability, es neSilY and obviously intended to apply to, and to SStoHycr. caence, the result of whichwas that Hyer, laving is,to* we are told by the author of Fis* ,'•tiana,' ; - , b» head under-hi* arm,*—and caving amtued himself with pdmmctting that artidq wet* tv aoundly.lib'r eomemUmies, compelled, ‘Yankee’ ttUstito cry atcow. ; Botthis.proved the com* nencementof a deadly /fond between thocomba* •Stitm, »nd. ofcourse, of theagitntionoUhe important enSioniinthespoiticgcomnmmw.whichwaiHho | better man/ TourHyer or Yankee Snllivan! In dne.l process o£time and drcumstancea, a‘match wss rado op between them, large sums werehet cnt£o !< •imde.tee’Wi of .oppn Ibsihe trial, and both (about two months sgoj wjnt /Into training far the grand event HfWjWcanpanled •- by his twnlrie*ti*»aiul trainers* resorted.to. n T with- hig. aoPght a qmct tc« In these two secluded spots, whicb,tittringtbeir. n residence thews were, of ckmncn . resort among ‘the fancy/the iniamttmg wore; of ’ aettioc into proper trim;for the grot >eoaimty?a*i for two month*, sedulously, carried anby.th e J°* . /This-prowse of Tiaininff i»_ . Aftsr.a«oodaonnamgW. sleep; the trainee with his tnOßere, riaei ftom t*d> \ and- fetches'a.Uong qiiick' walk;. breaWhst of black tea, not very rtznng i Jl*n axes another good walk, or nin, as his trattusrs dirg; J comes home io dlne; b«t not too hesrtQy,<m «et ..: Bteak,;almost raw.* No, spiritons amoSng are allowed • daring' the .wrosj lime, I neither isanything that can esxite the merm or . :■■ nroioOT the (ligtaeu of pertmued. With the *xmSica of tralttno ind numioE, that-of oraauiohal, jpamiig.- with »he ' Itlovevit al!cmMrd iWly, oal to invtonl* Jho umbs Creqaent robbings are used,and tias^aome* times; with the addition of applied «mem* any; This laborious system, pursued for several . weeks, without inletmisaipn, resnlls m redneing the superfluous -flesh and indurating the retV wtrenaihening the muscleih expanding the «««, free and regular play to the lungs, and ptrt tiarfrie anbject into good practice in tian*ocf , Es upper and lower limbs,the firtf, in *trffang and *" last, in standing firmly, and moving eaa3y<r. ,i > Snßnm £ti hitherto been eigoiillf eneeeepll, :' boeeen in the foiltwriiigaaictM «yMEsi» of hi, fighting onreer. ' ' .1 ;- He was barn on the 10th of Blareh lBlsatßan« : don, near dork, Ireland/ and conieqnentiy thfrty foot yon of.age. He won eiilattleeoii the other : ' of the Atlantic. ' .. . ~ He - beat Stewart ibr «Cl 2 aside, in 2 hours and , ; a rida, la 13 * .%l hear and 45 minntes. , . ’ H#;beat Jpbnny-Wbae for a purse, ml 3 tenons, ; for £lOO a ride, in 2T *otmds,in.l-bour andSminutes. i . } Be beat Tom Brady a first doss man in tlzs, in tTfonads:aad 30 mantes. . j . Ha beat the great Hammcr-Lano wr iklOimißdaraadStjninntes. - ... victories ware, Hammond,, in 7 • ’and 10 minute*.; ... fiettor, 63 rousds. 1 hour and 3 minutes. Beoeived fcrfeitfium Am. Yandexxee. Bflj Befl in 23 rounds, and 32 minutes. . Bob CanßtjfiiY rounds.andlSmihutes. • , A* most of lio Slate* have pined sesere laws < brutal srhlhiitoas. Maryltmd npnrt for the ffght, and the ptaco selected fa tbs ancoonter was doly prepared upon’un 1 island. Yba outer 'ring 1 was stated out, occupying a circle sfabontaquirter.ofaadCTu; inside cflMewss* ■tan' at about. 2* fat square, ret aa tbs other boaudaiy with stakes and rope* This ianeraquaie • «ia tbs place of .contest, tbs arena, iawhioh tbs ggißab were to exhibit their brute! preSdency. ; • B ana corsred with tan, and roßed tight and , i '. V -BsEag driren from this pound by tbs P o^, : i • ' a»d tbs psihcipels barely escaping erreiMho. ffght ' S..IW tmm off without much preparation, and [ . ■.Shfc#sslcfaojs. Tbs ißalffmoro Bun fives oidGShimak account of it: — _ ’ : • ‘ 'TgaFtogr^-fteTeriledfromthacotaTmiwitlOTi ~ S i£rfr uarposs- by tbs descent of tbs pohis on ; r , . S^lsfaifat effectiiw their escape,tbs pnu. ■ • - jU-TiaSo this brutal affair were determined n« to SHMarred from tbs sport They succeeded in ■=■:4jgig^>s£^f«&Bsgs ~. V brio* uadittubed ' ’vVl. Watom^aperamwtoTOP^“fa^ ■ ooand. that tbs parttsa met with gmstaerntae : ShMfrfaof personal Mimoaity. Md upon exr SamriaubtasSrit was.wiih an etidmt , ' nation tomato abort wmt ... .In the tarty stage of tbs contret, r '• t 1 irtlMoodaanM •JJJJSS ' ' tfmek a«BTe» blow in lie' iteat'pa tap«»a 1 - ' down. The fl«ht then ctmlixiued m'e repid of Tecgttiag ■ blow fiom hir trcmeridon*' crpponentvwy . ponUhoept-The. ioleimltsoo Ulvmb 'i"Tinl dueiawt* «o brief that it •coin* *oj h**® besnrejordedasaprcuyKeadpfijbt.Fp o°° <” f the roaadJh SttUivan .receiTedaeevtre olow or« I. /tfalcfteye,la*««itiosUio»celp,aiui ®lifliDBr.a he-ma oftha-foreheadi that ft fell ove> hi> ' ays andtobsemreff hissight. c Thisesuredh min- W» ddiy, while'iiwaa fcttpned opwith waking " “1* abater,-•&a?- rotiMq.«at.iwittd, -Bolttm -wm ; ‘ S5-albtew;iipoft the back of U» httd, Wth; i ' ' each violence that it.ww U«rortt t bli«taU.w*a I - <.-flr«ctnwdMhodropped *pp«ieoily hfel«* to,the. i \ a J*. cotaud. -:He kwa recovered, tawover, ym; came I. ! up to lire<»nle*t,tintilittthefilUenthfpraa,j*rhen * ewMher Whi« : tr | .•'■-'V. ‘thf^wJiitn -heavilyand awkwardly-to tho eerlh < U, uoonlbelflk ' .-’r tigpSirt to rcaamo tho £gU, it wm ’v. -k i tt*nalpeswoaibr.d»ai!e. - • iHtattatnfa , : - , - ■ being SSssS^^^^srJi S* 1 ' - ' ’ •a» v '&£ntff #.*a p...- 'z*,For du Pittsb*rgk,<hf*u. him \ YO» to'dj*6cnJtfnwf6it£w'opei*lJ6ttifis* i.-.-The —m'«»Mi»*p<«rtlnu of th« Dembtretio Party haj bien iMHWlilely byttu, KnmgefroMriing. oTHeMomi.fcß*, Il*eem» a* if the editors of the ring. Thetixae orcopwdbytie fighiia van* that paper havisljieen laboring under aome wild oualy tt^^allß,'^2l f ‘'B!ifiJ S) tniDiitea. -' >••- < h<Hoi»?fifttipp,TOd-Kfr» ih» man who-thought he ‘.“’i One of these nee haa been arrested, tod we had a dog ibOowing hlnx'ooe day, anda glaasnose £ope the other will be* and both condignly pen* ibe oext, are kept in a continual sweat about ima* *»E©d. -» (n fooh vASHnreTOH., o ftno ? oiite»»oJto'PUUb»i*l‘ o«mm. Feb. B, ISI9. r The ja^ W l '3 ‘ ie - <W ‘ verT I |<iEini6h»,iii,tH»liea:p“‘ < ? ! B^. or la ; Ttoi*hmWbe*o«Maj elaborate wiilteu opinion* dellgiea;'to: Wen ,lo which wee ak moa cncmgb lo break down ihe conalUnUon o> any bm," hot' ihe ‘ conatitnUcn of Ihe United Stntda U: Malta; adhi Whet .baa ravived Andrew John TyleJ and Jnmea K. Polk, "and may he now eappiiaed to bo nixing enough to i amd anything. Bnl oo'y tlunlt of these eoven ' opinions in Hfcwartfareport! Why they will tom i a luge volume by themselves Mr. Woodbury’* wu as long and dry, if a little more comprehensi ble, as ane*of bis it issury reports; and Justice Wayne the coolness to read a long essay repudiating a fc tner decision of the const as having been irregularly given and bavingbeen de» clued‘against the opinion of a majority of the Court. l wriw tha “memoirs of my Own Time,” which l have ln.coniemplalion, I shall not 60 to introduce Justice .Wayne’s graphic sketch of thd late lamented rushingahoutthe capitol and dawo the ayenue oiler. Judge Barbour to withdraw his consent to the decision drawn up by ihe latter, in York vs Milne. Mr. Polk has ans’svepfd the resolution of inqui ry concerning the prpuiboL He aaya substantially that Messia. Sevier andClifibrd hod authority from him to make this arrangement or explanation in I regard hy the Senaleamendmenta to the treaty i 1 that thri protocol waji not so favorable to the Mexi«; can side, upon the subject to which U relates, as, the 9th and lpth sections, preceded by the Senate j i amendments, that tywas entered into after the ret* j 1 ificationhad been completed, snd was therefore no* j binding upon this government, nor a qualification of the true provinces of the treaty. He commu nicate*, likewise, Urn instruction! under which the ComainoxiQa acted. -The whole were ordered to be printed! My own candid opinion of this mesaage ia it will tend to confirm the impres sion already entertained by n considerable part of the nation', that MriPolk’* administration has been stamped itt.an extimordlnary degree with the wai of personal duplicity and feithlessness; and there can hardly be a it will go a great way to give to our diplomacy the same character among other nations, j - Here ts a aacrfed national engagement which bean upon - it* lice incontestable evidence of a clear and solemn understanding upon certain points of great moment between ; lhe governments of the ] United States an£ Mexico, unerfy repudiated by| tho chief ofjthe tomer, declared by him | to bo’s mere tost, meaning nothing and securing . nothing.. To me it appears a gtoas breach of national faith, an£ is in perfect beeping with that act treachery, which Mr. Folk is charged with having committed at the very begin lag of bia in reference to the adoption of the alternative form of annexation. I thinfr that the chances are that Mr. Crittenden will come into tie cabinet. This is an inference which I have from conversations with hi* friends, or rather from distinguished men from the west, who concurini saying that he will bo prevailed npon to take thit post of Secretary ofStale. In that casewe havetpe foQowing names as likely to be presented te this Whigs by Gen. Taylor, Mr. Crif tenden,-Bccte}iiiy of State; Mr. George Evans,cf ' Marne, Ba, as Secretary of the •Treasmyi’T/BaUer King, Navy; C.B. Smitb Post Master General; and for each of the iffufant of Secretary of War and Attorney Gene ral,. some distinguished men from Tennessee and westaf the Mississippi. This t* a conjectural OTiihgeihen!, which. I pr«eal “ <»« rendered cf the .time*. ~.. ' The Speokerlstated to day in reply to a suggest l turn from araeihberW the printing committee that ! ta» lia*! been-concluded to the printing of the'uext CougTOT. ‘He said nnmerona bids had been received dud ofeeoed, but none had yet been accepted. Tbd Hptfse to day laid on the table, by Iho vote'of 54'ta the resolution passed by the Senate'iftxaehja huny last Friday,.postponing the lhe bids from Satnrday last, the 3d to-Wednesday the 14th. 1 intoned yon that resolntion was to givetnae to atoogale the oaMnet eyitem, by providing to a rotoatipn cfthe dfe practice of electing a favorite party editor aa printer. The opening of the bids . wa» on account of ihe passage of this resolntion by one branch, arbitrarily postponed to Wednesday, yesterday, but even then the House had not acted on the resdntion, so the business of opening the then proceeded with. Mr. Best, a journeyman printer in tbo Union office, was found To have bid for nearly all the work at more than ten per cent below the present ruinous rates. Of course it was ig sham bid, intended to be with drawn pt the beginning of the next session. lon demand that Mr. Thorn, aa Richie, promptly offer ed himself as security; but Theme*’ pecuniary sta-! bility U not i* the'virtue of Cmaarie wife ought to 1 have been,' find the probability is that Mr. Richie fmit Vii-'-pmlege will be cooiy shoved to the wall, and thd cofilrad given to the next man who has made an offer of such a character as indicate* tha ( he means arid wM be ableto do what he engages to perform. non HEW YORK* Correipondenee of the Pituborgh Gazette. Nzw Yoxx, Feb. 8,1849. Arrangements wo u» progress to relieVo ibo Bob-Treasury of its accumnlstion of com by a process tot profittWo to the originator* of the .Vt.n. Poar come time aneflbrtbaa been malongto depress Treasury notesr and with recce**. The narttoswbottowboldtb© notes which are Marly orcraitedne, hare made an arrangemenii witlrtbe Serf? to redeem them at par,with the understandiag that owmtho restoration of the com bond* *haU be iarowlto thaamooni of the note*. Thi* process relieves themoney market, and adrencea atoeto, enabling hddera lo aeU out profitably and at the tuae lime get hold of coin with which to pay back the diy haa provided a free college ibr the poor, a number of benevolent individuals have undertaken to provide public bath* for the city, so that one half mitbon of people can have dean hand* and persona, ft iaproppaedtoform acom. tomeasd wash houses and baths SmJar to those now in anceessfol openumo in London and Liverpool Poor people can, Uirongh iU means,: bathe about two cents. wtd wMh most trifling co«. it is doubt fol whether we have that dense and poor popula tion that makes this public washing necessary, but it is better to be ahead of inch a wanton the part of the people than to be behind the sanatory wants ofauenamthy city aiourv The result of the brutal prise fight between Hyer *nd Sulfrvaa,haa earned in some quarters of the dtv, an excllementnot inferior to that the new*, of * battle from Mexico. The brutal Moody passions of the people seeia to grow with the aliment upon, which they feed ana we shall hav»a series of these, firhihftions of “the manly art of self defence, 0 unless an outraged public se- a law which wifl corisign all the professors of thn art to the public priaoua for lheir live*. Now hosrever pnbliaopiniQttisso debased that women iostle tto sterner eex irtheir eagerness to get a glimpse of the reccessfbl combatant, displayed in ffMoTooloia in the print shops. * The shops of the engravers and booksellers ore nov the great point of attraction for a sightseeing neonfe. ■ The recurrence of St Valentine* day has fe&ridtd jor, yd a. .teyat mMm of at, frirHfin ate df*rfflyed with more than sransxan ele- Ho lor. istopoorthatil canml find ,0 toben eqnsl to tbo pane of the ■Sriotanono.” Nor ia there on affection to oom. orehouiro ee lota unable to finds Valentino lim SSShtoexpressnil- Notrafiyko«Utrade.end brnffftri l ?*"* provided with emblems, hot each seem fotaytatra sab divided into e doxen cartes.— Thie festival of SL Valentine! offera the meani or manxdelightfiiipleasantrtes, tat a i» elao attended SriS eboeee that would itame tbs meet Itamlions eeoilolaf Eoropet. Anonfraonalettereoflbemo* nfiensire mesaeee ore coot In ell directions to the fcorTarof parer.tr, end ell who respect the pnnty of •ta domestic taartb, end tta ctutom will eoon be abendonedto the low end rde. T/jv, nkbt the Italian Otars bottle wee crammed from ml to dome, to witeeee Ibe performance of MaCbeth for tbo benefit or tta ‘•DratnetioFoDd.' 1 — Thomoatebleof the eettie of Americewxre there, iSimnnitani:reotaed;towfil;relimre mnoy » ■ooerenaetedectororbieliiaDy,efler “hfit’. fitW ■/■ene. are o'er.” The drama, like the sister arts of noetrv and painting has cow.ln the United Steles, irefuio to offer to ill votaries,. whoin,“tho>ere end vellow leaf”hivo nooeof. tbi. woridVgoods with which to cheer their declining itepa, to “ that boamofiont wheojeenoi traveller returna.* i Ibetoone otfflltat; tolbtiotts PfrctoepT of the lalo Attorney General of the United Statee, end of aoiemr Sevier, is tle.topinof ,oniveraai remark Hit 'deriftonoh IaBM-aiahonot tatho JstMng.sdtninlrtrallnn, yd brsfiltarelore tons ofijrineipled cereer. well ‘ may EdropobedOTbtStliftbeenceetooferepnb-' : llc, tfier vntneedng Ibe tSrpitade’ortbo condaelof < the teal twenty jeincfoßrneSoes! Bnt etoitteioaS!^ l diwhintind the nefion hslH ‘ tho edvent to powerof honest tnea -. ftlen : who will administer Ibo xor ernmest for the good of tta people, givinguelewe tbet will meta tu indepebdenr of ibe world end reepcoled by ih I • t- "\ ginary. fll*,;-. Every sensible, man takes & sensible view of eve 17 thing - . He ia calm, considerate, and calculating.' fcfo is not carried 'away by a little noise, and a little flattery about rights between tbe rich and poor—his country is st his heart —her prosperity is ever dear to him, and measures that are wrong, receive his condemnation. Every lover of order in this neighborhood has seen in these Factory Riots much that has induced him to fear. It fas a little startling,but it is nevertheless true, that they have struck a blow at the prosperity of our dly, that will not be healed for some yean to come. But what is the worst feature of all, is the fact of a city paper, professing to be the organ of a re spec* table party, lending, at this crisis, ‘ aid and comfort’ to those who have trampled on the majesty of tbe law, and dared to slop the wheels of industry in this city. Strangers, in Other have seen these wanton acts oi violence, and formed conclusions at once injurious to our credit, and further advance* meat. The old song o! rich against the poor is ta .kgn up by a man who knows better, and blown through lua editorial columns with an indignation highly amusing in a country like this. If capital is to have neither rights nor sympathies, than labor must suffer just as much—there will be no employ* meat for tbe poor, if there are no indneementi for men of means to extend them bid. These miser able pretenders, who consider themselves reform ers, may talk as they please, and struggle as they may, to stir up the apiritef envy and hate between the parttcf, but the Jay will come when thismaU ter must have on end one way or the other—Hhe manufacturing establishments of this neighborhood , must have a fair .and honorable chance to do well, : or they must be closed, and the men and gtf'« 1 heretofore employed In them driven to other occu* 1 where the agitators’ spleen does not inter* I If the Democratic Party in this section of Penn i sylvania bear Mr. Harper out in his proceedings i against the manufacturing interests of this plane, they wilt only be taking with the rashness of blind -1 ed men, a sufficient length of rope to hang them* •elves with, are two years elapse. Men who pro* fesa to know any thiur about Political Economy., will not be deloded fong by such antagonutical preaching. It is the voice of madness, smarting andsr recent political defeat, and seeking with the insanity of him who fired the Epbeaian Temple to bring into ruins what has hitherto been tbe pnde or theutnd. Pittsburgh has won for herself an hon orable name. Her men have been favored by Heaven with strong beads and manly hearts. She has scat her smoke up into the western skies, with the pride of independence that commanded the at* tentian of the world—her aoni have ever been characterised by a noble sense of duty, and a raan -11? purpose that quailed not in the hour of danger— ute does her part faithfully, and In God’s name she asks DO foreign critics to throw odium upon her, and retile tbe men who have helped with a unity worthy of a world’s applause to make her what she is.; She |s not begging mercy. She can take care of heraelh if these pariciaal arms are taken from her, that now. struggle to stab her interests to the heart, and leave her laying bleeding and destroyed. Her can be removed lo other places where the low* narrow, bigoted, foreign apleen of import ed harpies does not get leave to swell and gan grene. Whet party hereafter willlook to her; in terests* What answer can that paper give which has so lately been atrewing fire brands among her population, and lending its influence to close her tonaees for all time, and drive ber spinning g*Q‘ niea to states where the hydra of agrarianism is kept low by the common sense o^man^ Fnw CoHTAirr ro* C aluo axis. —Tha Compa. ay, the} character and route sod object* of which is described below, left this city yesterday, in the Mn«nw|p>hgia_ Their appearance folly justifies the remarks of the New York Editor. Proa Uu New York Courier. Ho ; roa —Of the numerous com* taoie* which hare left this and oav sister cities for tte land of promise, there is cone which, in our judgement, promises greater success than the band of stout hearts and adventorous spirits, who took pssage yesterday ct half past three o’clock on board the steamer Transport tor Amboy, and the mouth of the Ohio via Pittsburgh, under the iraroe-. diate charge of John W. Audubon, a son of the great lftd, and well known as an artist of This expedition was organised by Cot Henry L. Webb late commandant of the 9th United Stores i Inlhntry, noder whose Immediate command it will i be; aided by Mr. Auduboa, out as the i second in command and commercial Director— i u b pxneiy'B military organisation; and on its ar* Ttral at the mouth of the Ohio,wbere Colonel Webb »ra#« the command, with a sufficient number , of hislate soldiers to make up the complement of I one hundred, the expedition will proceed to the month of the Bio Grande, and take up its march) fop the Pacific. Each member of the company' will be furnished with a mule sad a horse, snd is completely armed; and the strictest military dirow •pline win be enforced during the march and while a California. , ~ . __ We have never seen a body of finer young men than those who left here yesterday. A reference to the feQowiflg list will show that U embraces the sons of our best known merchants, lawyers and phvsiciana ; and the bcßu of oor city, will recog* mm among the number, at least half a doxen of their fashionable btsnx, who hare thus pros Jd by this enterprise that they were well worthy of the smiles which have beea so frequently bestowed upon them. Most of the party are men oteduca lion; and all of them are young men of high mor at cnaraeter, of unspotted reputation, and of in* domnitable energy and enterprise. Every man » character has undergone a scrutiny ; and they all left well with their officers, with their en terprise, and with each other. Harmony snd good feeling pervaded their ranks: snd all hands looked upon the trip si a debghlfhl excursion —a mere party of pleasure—the adventures, the dangers, and hair breadth escapes of which, will fill up ma ny on hour around the domestic hearth, when in future years these young adventurers tell the tale of their early pilgrimage to the shores of the Pa cific, to their anxious listeners. They with them the morals, the education, the j* l hrbtta and the principles of that Christiani ty, which, planted in the virgin soil of California, will grow and strengthen with her growth, and en able her at once to leap from Infancy Into manhood: aad finally secure to herself as proud a place upon the scroll which bears the name of her elder sisters, ss belongs to either of the Old Thirteen. Five hun dred or a thousand just such sprite could have been secured for this expedition; and every mao who has offered, will assuredly, in some way or other, find his way to the Bl Dorado of the West. arh«t a population must be the result of such an emigration? True, all vill not remain; but a large majority of all that go thither, will never desire to return; and as bone but the better class of emi grant esa go, jll follows thflt California is soon des tined to occupy an enviable place amoog her sister states , God speed car young adventurers say we, and all who Uke them seek their fortunes m tho true spirit of a morel, and adventurous interpriie. The following, are the members of this company: CoL H. L. Wxes, J. W. Aunwßoa, Esq-, WaxboxWxbx, HxaaT C. Maiioxt, Esq., Dr. Kunn, Jacob H Bachman, Mathias B Valentino, TJos. B Valentine, John H Tone, J Robert Lambert, J S Umbert, John B Lambert, Joseph Lambert, Edward A Lambert, Wm. A Hutchinson, Gffbert B Whittlesey, Edward W Osgood, David Hadron, Henry Cowden, Charles Valentine, Chos. Montrose Graham, Peter McOuaker, Andrew J McTown, XTlysssa Doubleday, Wm. D Molenaor, H Brady, Joseph S Welltinsoru Augustus F Lee, J Kearney Badgers, m, Robert Bcnsonjr, Leffert L Bensoo, Francis B Winlhrop, Aaron TShipmap, Jno. Brady, John A BHr-h, william H Inscomb, Samuel H Xjjjcomb, Henry Slille, Uriel Keahnw,Dttaiel A SdveraWHlinra D. Stivera, William J Cree. John J Bloomfield, EminoU Powell. A Spencer Graham, A Cfoabfi Graham, Lyman F Hinckley, Nicholas J Walsh, Lake Damon, John Stevena, Jameal Emelie, John H Flnmb, Andrew M Novln, BumN ton J B Clemente, Uone H WiDlnm eon. Gerardos P Davie. Edward W Whittleaey, Richard W Sherwood, Thoe J Hell, ir, Jnmoa W Sherwood, Fred. 8 Combe, John Delenev, Juetio Elv ir William B Bamny, Hannon lallman, avion H Haven, Lews V SI Vnnßuren, John BTraak,Venancio Ayrea,G^rge C Steele, George Weed, John P Cavartey, Edward 0 Webb, James Warner. Great baa been the rejoicing over the return of the due Burner Vniui Bmu to bur borne, after a moat lempeatnona paaaage, aafo anil aonnd, and all handa well, albeit veteran commander and our Wend Cant. Saokataff, ahowa. in bla looka, halo m be U, that it baa been n rough and wearing lime ''ma'ahip behaved nobly, making no water, break* ing nothing—nothing attained, and atwaya buoyant -und equal te whateyer tnal ahe waa pnt to. The machinery, too, waa well proved, and atnod the lance and aclfal management of h» ship. The officer* and stockholder* of insurance com panies, too, we opine, draw their breath niorafree fy aIS the United Statea waa announced Hum for U“e day. befcre; Or her cargo i. very viduaUe, and large amonnu were covered in the Wall alreet offices.—iV* P. Courier 4 Enqatnr, Uxw York Sbiator^—The vote of the Genera A«sembiy of New York for a United Slate* Sena tor, on Tuesday fast, wo* a* fellow*: William H. Seward, (WhigJ l |\ JohnAaDWFrteSoUJ”**- , Bettb«nH.Walworth,(DemJ J : Scatterfng 11—J5I On the anme day, Pmuv S. waa elected Eegentcfthe New York Unlvcmty. • Onr obligationa. aro doe to Mr- Hampton, (or Tahuble pnbho document*. v- - ; t ; . We acknowledge the receipt of docUmentt from Mum. DirfW, L*rai Nobte ' “ d SniTelr ’ “ Harrisburgh. V * ' -AG QUGmiLi'■ aemabki oh ypi*oy ohiso. ' Ploughing is ib&firtfpratjtical partof caltivatkm, ■nit tho most/essential; but one mas* generally neglected by the fanners in this-neigh* borhnod. VeryTsw of them payany'alientlon'' to tbe leanung of this branchOf agrieutatro, although, it is the ttt l ?** difficult to learnl It is generally performed by boys, that have neither aoffirienl strength or knowledge to do it properly, while the able-bodied men are employed in fence making, or some other work of less importance to the farmer; this is decidedly wrong,,an<) baa much need to be discontinued; Hue, newly cleared g-oand will produce good crops, if the sutface U but ronghly broken; and will continue to do so to a few years ;' but, this is the very reason the ploughing should be skillfully performed at the first ploughing. After ground is labored , in this manner for n few years, the rich topsoil becomes completely exhausted, and mostly washed off by heavy rains, dec. The farmer then 1 begins to look around him, and devise some means to renew his exhausted fields, by green cropping, litne, ma* nuro, tillage, subsoil ploughing, &c. dec, but it is too lato; he has nothing to work upon bot> cold stiff subsoil, all bis original good soil has vanished, : and be never can replace It. This ia Urn reason that the traveller sees so many computt* tlvely barren fields, although lying well, and in a naturally rich country. When a field is first cleared, it cannot be all thoroughly ploughed, but whenever it can be dose, there should always be some of the subsoil brought upend mixed with the top-toil; this gives a depth of soil at once, and consolidates the rich light top soil, and prevents it from being washed away, and every time the plough b applied, continue 1 to bring up some of the subsoil, and mix well by harrowing, &e- So soon as the old stumps can be rooted so; and then give aihoroagb ploughing;.continue a judicious system of green cropping, rest; manures, fee-, and your form will remain fertile for ever. There ia another evil, vfx -.—the greater number of plooghs that are now in use, ore entirely useless; bat many of the tinners cannot he persuaded to 080 any other, because, they say, they are good for taming a large farrow, and making good day's WOT k__f a d{j0 —they are only calculated to destroy the land. They lam the farrow fiat on its bach, gi»w and harddn the bottom, which is bat d Tow inches deep, and prevents the absorption oT extra moisture, which readers the surface n complete mire in wet weather, caked and burnt up in dry weather. 1 would here recommend the. general use of Hall’s to Speer’s Patent Lover, or their centre draught Iron Ploughs; they are decidedjy the best now in ttae.but need a little mere alpll in holding them; than any of the others. Where the No. 8, centre draught plough is used, there will be no need for subsoil ploughing; in foci, there is many of the enbeail plooghs-of modern invention, entirely useless; it maybe presumption in me to say so, but it is nevertheless true. There i* subsoil plough of any .use, unless it bring* the eub soil ap to the surface, to be exposed to the aepon of the suu and frost, and then be well mixed, with the top*soih before It can bo of any benefit, 01 what use can it be to stir the subsoil, and let it remain in the bottom of the furrow? It may re main loose a short time, but unless it is mixed with tome other ingredient, it will soon gut as dose and compact as ever, but bring it up and mix. it with the top *pil, it will then remain open for over; besides, it ia very susceptible of improvement, by the application of manures and ether fertiHaerf. la all cases where practicable, ploughing should be performed quite straight, and laid as evenly as possible, and held at a regular width and-breadth ; andlf the land is dry, should be drawn off in ridges thirty-two feet wide, and if inclined to wet, in ridges of eighteen feel wide, or even lass. By this means you can eaally regulate your sowing, and likewise your rows and drills. When alien turn is not-paid to the above method of ploughing, but is done in a careless and slovenly manner, : making the furrows sometimes broad, land then narrow, sometimes deep, and then shallow, your: crops can never be regular; the seed will bo ad palled by the harrow, into the hollows; beside*, in heavy rains there hollows will stand full of water where the plants are growjog. But lcm carrying out these remarks beyond due brands, trespassing on your* and your readers indulgence. Should yon think proper to give them an insertion in your widely' circulated Weekly Gazette, you will oblige me. and perhaps servei soma of your numerous reader*; and if yon think proper, I will, from time to lime, give yoo my optnionsen various subjects relating to agriculture. Feb. 7tb, 1819. A FARMER. PBBBSYIiTABZA LEOULATCBB. HanosstfeOH Feb. "7, 1849. shuts. ' ■ .. The Speaker presented the annual report Of the Board of Directors of tbe PtomyiTani* Iwtitotion for the Deaf and Dumb. -Ho aha presented attain monicatfon from the Slate Treasure* in reply to a resolution of the Senato,’ telling forth that tus department is not in posSMijOh Of tbemfacißaUQO required in reference to the amount of State taxes duo and unpaid by certain cnunuei, but that tho Auditor General’s department can probablyinr- Petitions presented—7-y Mr from Potter, I nifc«"gfo* a j ue of $BOO from levy and Bair. -’J ■ By Mr. King, for the establishment of a bank at Rolfidaysbnrg , . [ Reverts—bit reported, with an a mendmesl, the bill relative to ReUc£.>ssnes. He w ]pn reported, with an amendment, from the same committee, the bill to create a sinking fond, and to provide for the gradual and certain extinguishment of the debt of the Commonwealth. Mr Johnsotu/Jttdlclary) mode an adverse report on petitions from Allegheny, asking for on increase of the salary of the Associate Judge* of said couo- The Senate resumed, on second reading, the con ■ideration of foe bill to exempt property to the val ue of $3OO, from levy and sale on execution or distress for rent. , Mr King, who was entitled to the floor resumed and remarks Inoppotltion to tbs bill Messrs Streeter and Brawley advocated it. Mr Stine opposed foe bdU The Governor sent in n communication etclo ina a series of resolutions passed by the Le»«ln ture of Virginia in relation to the Subject of slave* rv They were referred to a Select Committee, composed of Messrs Johnson, Kiog and Brawley. BOUSX OF OCTMSWtTATIVE*. Mr R R Smith moved lo postpone the onto* of the day in order to take up the bill repealing the charter of the Erie and Ohio Railroad Caa»ny Tw«Xhirds being necessary, it w« disagreed to— ▼eaa 40, otyi 4*7. Bmru of Conmituts— By Mr Otto, (Domestic Maoufactnrea) os committed, bill to encourage do* mestio indnatry.and facilitate the formation of nan* companies, made ipecialoTder (hr this day two weeks. By Mr Noble, (Inland Na%igalion) «apple»ent to an net incorporating the Pennsylvania and Ohio Railroad Company. , „ Mr Gnttingerh reaolotion directing the Commit* tee on Ways and Means to inquire what revenue. | it any can be set apart for liqmdation of State debt and avoiding Incbne Plane, and finishing Nwth Branch canal, without preventihg the punctual p*y meat of the semi-annual interest came op, in order. Messrs Fuller, Utile and Coxnyn opposed, and Messrs R R Smith, Laird, and H S Evans, spoke in favor of the resolution. A motion was mode to postpone the'resolution, which was disagtwd to, and Ute resolution was adopted. Yeas 65, nays 35. The Speaker presented a communication from the Auditor General, transmitting the Inlonnation called for in the matter of Edward Postern end Ja cob Shoemaker, late Treasurers of the county of Monroe, alleged to be defaulters to the Common- After debate on the subject, la which Messrs. Overfield, Brawley, Mason, King, Konigmocher, McCaalin, and Johnson participated, on motion of Mr. Overfield, the communication, together with the list of defaulters previously famished from the Treasurer of the Commonwealth’s office, wo* re ferred to the Committee on Finance. - Mr. Brawley, from the Select Committee, to whom the bill to erect o new county out of porta of Crawford, Warren and Erie, to be called DeN color, reported the same with amendments. UOtTSB OP BETSXSSSTATiVCS. Prayer by Rev. Mr. Meek, cf Centre. t A joint resolution wm passed voting a gratuity of s2do each to Mrs. Murray and Mr*. Wolfe, of Lancaster county. Mr*. Murray lost her husband, and Mr*. Wolfe a son, by the late railroad neci- Lilllo read in place a bftl providing for the redemption of the relief notes, for avoiding the Philadelphia Inclined Plane, and for lbs comple tion of the North Branch Canal. This bill propo* aes a Slate loan for 20 yean of $2,000,000—5600,* 000 to cancel relief note*, $300,000 to avoid the Inclined Plane, 91400,000 to complete the North Branch OanaL The bank* are to take the loan, and iuueone, two and three dollar bills. Two hour* and a half were spent in presenta* lion ol petitions- _ - Mr. Evans, of Chester, reported#K>ill from the Comm’Uee on Education regfrjg common schools. Mr. Meek read a bill to prevent bankers and broker* from issuing hills less than five dollars. Mr. Nicholson offered a resolution, calling on the Auditor General for a statement of tbs account* of the Chairman of the Library Committee of 1837 and 1839. Butty oni of the seventy Whig and Native mem* twrs of the Legislator* have signed a recommen dation to General Taylor, in favor ofJosiah Ran dall for Attorney General, or some other post in the Cabinet The Savannah Rejrubltcan thus speak* of the signature* to Hr. Calhoun's Address to the People ot the South.— There are 121 Southern members in Congress 4S of whom signed it, two Whig* and 43 Democrat* —ofthose 121, there are 75 Democrats and 40 Whigs—and 43 out of the whole number of Demo crata signed it, leaving 33 who $d r<9 On a far ther examination of, the signatures, we find the namea of six democrat* who preferred Judge Ber rien's Address, and who had voted to aubstitote it for. Mr. Calhoun’s. Thistedncefi’tbe number offao advocatesotthe Ulter gentleman's Address to 39 ~ODt one-third of the Southern Repsesentativol This'number represents the motbl forced the pro* .One member/ram Georgia-signed it— nme dwhot Iffaey'represent; the feelings knd view* of their constituents, it follpws that only one* l»niii of the people ofthe State are in favor of the movement, Yt*m Ca<arfa**** h j ThaaiSqp < night's wartcrotnaliV The<nicfa>o; t4ar*:dirt» 1 “EonbviMFefcrl.” ;Tbe nxckbed jfeuer i*‘«d» dressed to ”Wtshin giro Union "(pblitenettcif lit* StockweUO.JWe giro the writer’s, name, with the simple remark that “the nsm* of El Patrick could not be found in the Adjutant GeaeraPe Office on ' apy roll of the troops in California, to far •* bu been exaniined. Tfthe name bo ibnnd on the rolls yet to bo overbauled»yoa thaU have it* We have since received no farther information from, the Adjutant General's Office. Wo can scarcely' believe, however, that it is a quiz; and tfa genuine letter, it ahoivt how rapidly the passage can be made fam Monterey by the Arkansas route. This leUerywggedts an advice, which we take the UU erty of oflepng to emigrants, via: To associate yourself with a band of companions in whom yon 1 have great^onfideace—to organise it ao as to have ' a captain ji{ energy who can direct the operations— an honest/ treasurer, to take oharge of the treasure * -—a quartermaster, to take care of and provide r supplier—doctor for the health—and a miner to see that tjrhal is collected is gold. Moctexxt, Not. 21, IS4S. A* Mr. Stockwell and bis company of eigbltry I the new route sooth, down the’Arkansas river, this perhaps will reach you at as late a date as any news from the diggings. I want to inform | you, andj through you my friends, that we have no ! respect Here for law or honor—all & gpld; but not oil that gutters, for we were all in a perfect rage of disappointment the last week, occasioned by an Irish Yankee who has just arrived with his chemical apparatus, and has demonstrated to us all, who bad , supposed!, we had our fortunes, that near!? throe* I fifths of our gold ijt bat a worthless mineral, princi pally iron, coppeT, and these compounds; neverthO' less, we have gold In greater quantities than it is usually found. An industrious man can make from five to ten dollars a day by washing ,and pta the in* spection of lbs essayist. The country is filled with sickness, principally towers, trom exposure, bad food, and intemperate habits in the mines or pla cers, as here called. Every article of necessity Is at an enormous price, but falling in consequence of the greater portion of the mineral not proving to be golf There are many other valuable minerals in thia.region aside from that of gold. 1 would not advise (hose who are coming here, to raise their hopes too high of foriunee quickly made, vet, by prudence aha caution, it may be. done; but the sun fcringand privation to do so will be death to many an adventurer not accustomed to rough usage.— We are almost totally Id the way of pro visions. The soil of the valleys of the Sacramento and Sar Joaquin is better adapted to gracing than anything else, its general character being light and * thin. Mechanics are sure to do well here "better 1 than any other cloxs who may come. We are full 1 to overflow now of speculators, but we have room , 1 enough for alt If my mineral had all proved to be gold, 1 should have taken the new route to Unde Sam; but out of sixty thousand dollars in mineral, I only got twenty«three thousand in money. I have not time to give yon n description of the cli* mate ofthe country, but you will have that from Mr. Stockwell on his omval in Kentucky, where he is booud direct. The thermometer ranges from 45 to 80 deg.—extremes. Chilly winds are preva* , lent at aUseasoasoflhe year since my sqjouru here. I If the party succeed, ibis will reach you in sixty j days from date. Respectfully youts, &<r, K. PATRICK, Private, U. 3. Army. Homsstead £xurno.i, Ohio.—-A bill ha* been introduced in the Senate of Ohio, to ex*, empt homesteads from forced talea on execution. It pro ride* that any resident of Ohio, the head of I a family, may set apart and hold for the benefit of | himaelf and family, exempt from forced ule on I execution, a lot of land not exceeding in extent | 100 aorta, nor in .value together with the boUdicg*i I the sum of $lOOO. It also proridea that the own* | er of a hoaae oa,lxnd not hia owp may eat apart I and hold said hooee aa tda homestead, a boon and I lot in any village, town,' or city, not exceeding the | valne of slooo.' I: provides that in caaoa boose and lot or any other homestead shall be appraised I at more than $lOOO, the plaintiff may accept a sum annually, equal to a fair rent for said premises, ns* | til said debt ta paid, or at hia option he may eaoae the homestead to be pnt to ale, and $lOOO of the proceeds shall be paid over by the sheriff in exes cutioo, and the balance be applied in discharge of tfie debt But such homestead shall not be sold for less than its appraised value. It also exempts td .. the. heads jjf families oatjnvniug * homestead, chattel property to on amount oot exceeding $lOOO. New 0x04.1 on Piano ATTsctuunr.—Our for* mcr follow citizen Mr. A. F. Hunt, has suceeded in obtaining n patent for his new musical initra* meat the ‘Omnicano,’ with the principle of which many of our towo reader* are probably aoqniin* ted. It Is designed to be attached lotbe pianoforte or organ, and so simplify them sins to render them susceptible to be played upon by those who are not familiar with the intricacies cfthcea nice end -COmpUcnH.dinstruments. The attachment, for which be has obtained letters patent, consSts e»» sentially in &- cylinder which ta surrounded by n theorem of paste board, or any convenient caste rial which has a musial staff written upon it, and per foration* through it, answering to the tone which i» desired to beTifoyed* neoented notea are larger than those unaccented, which gives a more fall play of the springs which are attached, and which communicate with the finger keys of a com* mon piano or organ. Tfaecylinaerisopersted up« on by a crank, and aa it revolves, the smaller key* of the attachment are pressed into the perforations by springs, which are connected, and these com* municate with the hammers (if connected with a piano) which strike the strings, as if played upon inlbe ordinary way. If attached to the organ, we apprehend that it is designed to communicate with the stops, by the meant of its keys, in a manner similar to that by which the keys of foe piano act upon its strings.- TratnbuU Co. Whig. Gxsat fount Wauek, Txcwsull Co,Obex— ' a slip from the Trumbull Democrat, dated 9th inf*, 6 o’clock, A. M. says: Great Fin in Warren. Nxirfy oneJtai/ of tks Butins** Square on Market sL, in rusts. Between twelve and on© o'clock this morning our citizen* were aroused from their slumber* by the cry of 'firj and ther loging of the bell It was tooo discovered that the tailor shop,* we believe, of Westcott Ac Weeks was on fire* How the fire originated we have been unable to team. The tailor shop being in the block of frame buildings on i Market sl, occupied as stores.cffloes and shops, the fin-soon communicated itself both ways, and U was not long before the whole block was on fire. The Firemen and citizens, both ladies (Heaven bless them!) and gentlemen, did all in their power to stay the ravage* of the devouring element from consuming all ofthe frame buildings fa the Mock, but to oo purpose. By dint of the most unflagging exertion, however they sucoeeded fa saving the brick buildiags on either side. The wind Mew bom the westward, daring the burning ofthe build* ings, which lasted about two hours, with neat vio* fence. Tbs extent of the loss occasioned by this fire we hare been noabie to either conjecture or ascertain. Many ofthe movable things were saved, though fa a damaged state. The suferere are Messrs. Iddfags, Steele As Co. merchant*; A. Bartholomew merchant, Howard 3c Filch, timers; Westcott Ac Weeks, merchant tail ors; Wm Chamberlin, saddler, Jefferson Palm,book mere ha a; A. W* Bliss, hatter; B* Bransge, shoe merohan; DumarsArFoote, publishers ofthe Trttm\ h»U Canty (FA ig; Crowell Ac Brawn, and T. J, p M* T -* in i attornies. Bome merchants in the brick blocks it stained some loss consequent upon the re* moval oitheir goods." Uaa&taßtnto, Feb, 8. Tbr Chhaa akd res Hoxzor • By Dr F. Humphreys. Nevf York: William R*dd, >ablisher. This lille volume, we are informed, has receiv ed the tanctfoa of distinguished Homeopathic physicists, and contains all the requiiita inform ation fa egard to the symptoms and treatment of Cholera, fccerding to the priootples of Hanehmann. For sale \y J. G. Bnckoffisn, Liberty street, above Bmithflek Tua H'ktts or Montezuma ; a work or txu ra; is the titlo’of a thick pamphlet, by J. N. Hoops, of the Seoont Pennsylvania Regiment Published and for salent the Chronicle office. UipoaTATfl to Persons ooxro to St. Louts.— All the leadig brokers of 8L Louis have notified the public, tat they will/not hereafter receive or pay out at fair couuters/bank note* of a lets sum than tm dollat! SmalLHotes k no go’ at the wes« tern metrapolL Rscxrnos Qt PtniocTT Tatlo*.— The Military Companies throuhout this and the adjoining counties, nod the' Fire Deartmeni generally of the cities ana vicinity, ere respctfuliy requested to hold themselves ‘•ready" to joinin the procession, in we looming uta President eleet tithe city of Pittsburgh. Dae notict will be given of te day and time of his arrival. By order oftho Comdnee of Processions _ fehia MOIGAN BOBEHTBON, Chairman. nr Uss to* Par** M*aj«a—lf you wish to be sue- Dewunl la any unemking. you must always *ase th# l eroper means.' Thrcfore, If yoo tavt i cough, use i Jatkb’s Err*cro*Alr and be eared, for ttU the proper | means. Have you vsihma or difficulty of breathing, then the only official means to cure, you U tq use | Jayne's Expeetoraatwhich will faunediatelroverehlfie the spasm which coquets the diameter of the tabes, and lumens and bring up the mucus which clogs them bp olid thus removeavery obstruction to a free ttmr niton, while at the sate ume all inflammation is sahj dued, and a oara Is ertain to be Have yog Bronchitis, Spitting ofttood, Pleurisy, or in feet any Pulmonary Aflecuoruhen uw Jayne’s Expectorant and relief is ccrutln,>d yon Will find that you hav| •toed fee proper mean* For safe in Pi tub argot the Pekin Tea Store, 79 4th street near Wood iant7 jmproT«m«<u In DekiUtry. • Dft. Cl. O. STEARNBUte of Bo*ttn, U bjegnred to *«i*nafhfltigo end «et Bice Tnra In whotiiudpsn* of teu, upon Buction oi'ltmorpberie Buciicm fiOQhxk md'iw' cn kind Toonucturrons w m m«m, where jheeeire AV CT • ski ftpSw w exposed. OfieenadtwdeoeenextdoQitothe May- V? endfettalpgy fi2i®-£i*SSLSJ®eT . Bj’iTSlce I Fott|lhMtreeVluibureh. . ldodopuU^l gOT , TO -j.a^^r.ft IJM WrlgM 11* Dji ~ *f*faßODt}CE—a>bbUwhite v ßesßhifdo'Aaiseed; 9 Oma end residence oiFounh meet, opposite tta M doNol Lari; it do Rostttta&tes. jost rteeircd Pittsburgh Bonk: Offlcelnnfrom9 o'clockio*UA tJA, JPWHXYaMS, eepHlJ ,““g* f 110 wood* tan eoanty, ftu; lathe «r tHar mends afieinvillcd to attend her fapjf**l» fr?® thawrideape otter husband,on Wylie :jp ■ bOT9 die Uih Init, at l o'clock, to pro* coed to tha Allegheny Cemetery. r~~ B7* (Sty ppperajdease copy. ’ ■ As Sotloekrtml Monday morning, Mr*- Elizabeth Bcbijqull, in the 87th year of her age. ftm»r|]nW plwi* ftnn.lhft-WUdrttCe of her •oo'in-lsw, Joseph Jordan, Rnnrth street, eorser of Cteary alley, at t o'clock this afternoon. The friends of tbs family are respectfully invited to attend withoat timber notice,.* . , JNtselmtlon* , . THE co-partnership heretofore existing betwee n the subscribers, in the name of Coot table, Burke'A Co, U this day absolved by mntasl consent Messrs. Barks* Barnes 'Will settle the bosineis. of the con* cern, for which purpose they are astborised to use the i»«m« of the concern. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE, EDMUND BURKE, THOMAS BARNES. Ihe undersigned have this day associated themselves In the name o? BURKE A BARNES, tor the purpose ©fmannfacmrwg Hre Proof Safes. Vault Doors. Ac. Ac- at the stud of the late firm of Constable, Burke A Co, where they will bo pleased to receive the pa* tronaeo of the east omen of that hoose and their friends. EDMUND BURKE, THOMAS BARNES. In retiring from the firm of Constable, Barks A Co, I with sincere pleasure- recommend Messrs. Burke A p»nr« to the eonfidence of my friends and the public. Feb%71849. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE. fcblS-dtf FOB BALB OB BERT, BEFORE the Ist of April next—A small FARM of tf acres and 78 perches, in Hancock county, Va_, oo the Ohio river, opposite WcQsßUle, and adjacent to the new town of Hamilton. The property, from Its lo cation and Qualities, Is very desirable for gardening and other purposes; end-will likely'become a part of u the iocarina of business houses or fmetn tles. It has a superior stone quarry, and most piOba i biy a good coal bank. The premises are In good re pair, with suitable houses for one or mom families. Refer to Araittong A Croze r, No. S 9 Market street, I Pittsburgh; ud for terms inquire of Geo. B. Johnston' I Agent, John 8. Mclntosh, WeN»vUle,o., or the sub- I scriher, Urbsna, O. THOMAS F. MAGIIJj. | - febl3>d6*wijT __ iawarb. w :*petrtfolljr Inform Co an try l ihyt they are eonxtanuy >a nand, almrg* ewonment ire. la their ctoek will be BBITJUt. mHB subscribers molt ret AiMOtehams and others, manufacturing,and keep oa of the belt Britannia, war (band: Coffee Pots, | Cream Pota, I Pitcher*, | Baer Mugs, Tea Bpoons, Spittoons, | We will-warrant our cto kat. and purchasers will fit call before purchasing e' Tea-Pots, Sugar Bowls, Outers, Tahle Spoons, Lord lAinpf, Ac. Ac. c equal to any in the msr llt to their advantage to hen. IX fc BOARDMAN, it, PHILADELPHIA. No. 104 North feblfl-w?tT FOB C&liIVOBHIA. £EBSONS wishing to Join a company going the ererland route, on pack mate#, cagdo so by mu* r application ntht office of A. W. 1 BBOCKW-AY, ko. 8 CMxnnsrctal Row, Liberty, street. Hdfeoiapa* ay expect! to go through from the frontier in leaa than dxty day*, with perfott safety. Only a limited nun* ber will ne taken, a* the company does not wish to be retarded by a large body moving together. A meeting will be held at the above place on . wedneaday even- I imr. the lttb, at which time and place any in tons anon I wfll be given to those wishing to join. None will be I received bat men 01 good character, who eaa give satisfactory reference. feb!3 For California. mfiE celebrated Hazard Hide Powder, in kegs, half X kegs, quarters and cans, for sale by feblJ J 8 DILWOBTH A do, 77 wood st HVBPBri MUSICAL SOIBBB, I AT APOLLO HALL, /-VN WEDNESDAY EVENING, Feb. 14th. 1840. op U which oceuion he will be milled br Ur. T. AB CHKB, Ur. FA&SLL, anil Ur. J. T. DONNELLY. Hnrlng the evening, a variety ofSoloa, Dnett*, Gleet, CStontm.Ae. pT Tiue s, which will admit a gentleman and la dy, £0 eentt—to be had at the hotel*, and mnaie *tore a. Doera open at i before 7—to commence at t pact 7. B' jLACK ALPACAS AND LUSTRES—W. R. Mua jj phy toritea the attention of borer* to hi* rery fall assortment of the ebora good *• embracing the rarioo* etraliiie* fwm the lowest priee tothe finest.. AUo, Mob*** Lcstres, rtry potsy. end of rich Peria blk. Al*o, e lane assortment of fancy Alpaca* and Loa tret, cessUliat of changeable, nun striped, satin and fancy bawedydiTnaih figarcd» Ac. Maxarine its Parmettoa—A few, piece* of these a—t—m* and scarce goods on hand—also, Mazarine bloe-Alpacas and Moose deLalnes, at the.north east I canter of Foarth and Market sta. . . | Wholesale Boons op stair*. * feblA FOB B&IiB, . M ON favorable tem*—A Lot of Ground, fronting 60 feet cm Penn street, and extending 110 feet In aepth to an oiler 90 feet wide—a most desirable loca tion either for private residences or for manafaetnnnc purposes, Quiuin of J BCHOONMAKEBi Co, M 75U - • ' Nowwood»t T> BO VISIONS—® bbds Cason Shoulders; lOdodo X P*»n»i 84 bbls sugar eared Dried Beef; 18 do dn do Hams) SOiOO lbs hot round Bacon; all warranted eoaal to cur cozed in this mortal, in store and for sale Sr ' fcbls SELLERSft NICOL 3 OILS— no bbls lanseed OU. in fine order snd war ranted pare: S 3 do Lard do. No 1 winter; forasle by fabl3 BELLEBS ft NICOL 9 T *BD-ca> *egs No lj SOW* do do: ft do do No*, JLi ter machinery; far stow and for safe by fabU SELLBBSft NICOLB Mnr.qgwpa AND BUOAB—I4O bbls N 6 Molts* Udo sngarhoose do; 50 hhds fair to prims Bagar. in store ana for sal* by - , , SELLERS ft WOOLS CUKESEr-WO bxs large Western Reserve Cheese, landing and for satflby febia ROOT PALZELL ft Co, liberty »t ►lO IRON—£O tons Mercer county Pig Iron, febia 18 DILWORTH * Co GpctN APPLES—6O bfels green Apples, large and la flne order. fcbta J 8 DILWORTH ACo SAFETY FUSE— feet Safety Fue, fat blast ing. febi3 JBPILWORTH A Co PPLES—23fi bub diied uda, in nor* . end for nit by Ltf WATEBMAN t febW 31 water end €3 front it tBACHES —320 bash dried Peachea, in uckt ant bbla, in ■tore and tor sale by feb!3 L B WATERMAN /CLOVER SEED—4S bbla tad 73 ban atrietly V/ Clover Bead; Cor sale by LB WATBBa febW TT7 HITE BEANS—B 7 bbto amoll white Buna, in W ttore tod Cor aalo by fel3 L 8 WATERMAN MACKEREL— 45 bbla No 3 Mackerel, large, Cor atle by fcbl3 L BWATERMAN APPLES— 10 bbla men Applet; 50 both dried do; ioat received tad for tale by fobir R ROBISON fe Co OIL CAKB—IS tooa Oil Cake, far tale by febia B ROBISON A Co PIO IRON—IIO ton* Mil Foundry met*], for tale fa fobU RROBISON A Co Yai.rvWNKS— Of ertiy niletr, sentimental and and eoala, received and for tale by fobU JOHN H MELLOR, 31 wood;*! FRE BRICK—I7.OOO Ewing’s, equal in quality to Bolivar brick: 10.000 nod common, for sate by fobU S F VON BONNHQRBT A Co T ARD AND FEATHERS—7 bbla No 1 Lari: 9do Jj No 9 do: 78 ban Feathers, to arrive; for aale by fobU ISAIAH DICKEY A Co, front rt SUNDRIES— H bblaNoTLard: 4 doNo 9or grease do: 8 aacka Fe altars; Ido Ginseng 10 do Flax Seed: 7 bale* Cotton, now landing fhja star Messen gen far aale by fobU ISAIAH DICKEY ACo CHEESE— On hand and for sale by fobia ISAIAH DICKEY A Co T>ULK PORK AND LAH»-nyW> pound'. Hum Jj and Shoulders; 39 kegs Laid, landing from sunr OCmi for sate by BaGALBY A SMITH. ftbla 18 and CO wood it CLOVER BRED—IO bria ClorerSeed; 19 neki do; 68 baga Peaches, Undlngfrom aunt Caleb Cope; for aale by foblH BAOALEY A SMITH LOAF SUGABS-9U) bbla Loaf Bmmn, aaaorted numbers: for aala by BAGALE V A SMITH ftbia QOFPEE-KD big. prta. P“| febia 31 water and 83 front st rSAS— 60 half chests and catty boxes TH, taper BtoO SPICES— 18 bag* Pepper, odo Aliplee; Übxi gr‘d A%., <t , ..In mUBS AND BUCKETS—IO doa Tube, .large aita fiO. X Bneketa; foraateby,. fafetl. LSWATERMAN BUTfBR— 7 bbla Roll Batter, Inst rac'd And'for tale by fobU L 3 WATERMAN LARD** U bbte No 1 Leaf Lari; lOkegadodo: in store and for tale by fobU L S WATERMAN COTTON-r 37 hales Copou, {adding from iieamar Telegraph No I and for aale by fobU r JAMES DALZELL HONEY DEW SYRUP—B bbU Honey Dew Syrup, in store and foreale by fobU J DALZELL COTTON YARN, Ac.—(o,ooo lb. Otlon V«ra, »» sorted Not; SOObaiet Baring; 98 do candle Wiek; carpel etaln, cotton Twine, and coverlet Yam, for gale by feblO RHEY, MATTHEWS A Cr tRIED bush halves, for aale by f foMQ RHEY, MATTHEWB A Co riOTTON-68 bates for aale by Kj RUBY, MATTHEWS A Cb, feblQ 87 water atrei SUGAR— Ithhiaprimoolderop; 96 bbla Loaf Suari for, tale by febURHEY, MATTHEWS A Ctf • QUQAR CURE?} HA4JS—3S cask; sugar cored Q Hams, iii store indfo* sale by / YeblT SAW HARBAUOn RICE— 10 tlereee Rice, mat landing from steam: Messenger end for sale by feblO '• SAW HARBAPOU MOLASSES— 80 bbl» Molasses. lost landing- aad for aale by feblO SAW HARBAyQH ■% tan-m bbla No iLard, in store and forstle. by X/ftblO SAW HABBAUOH - T INBEED OIL—IB bbla Linseed Oil, In store and I lx* far sale by feb»" SAWHABEAVoff ;1 Ct OAF—IOO bxs No 1 Cincinnati, for sate by Q feblO RHEY, MATTHEWS ACo /TLOVER SEED—B) bbU rec’d ibis day and for tale Uta feblO TASBEV A BEST miMOTHY SEED—B bbl* in atom and for sate by lTfeblO • tabkeyauest CJcrtiaptory Salt cfi Goodx.\ - - On Thursday monung,Feb. lfiUvat 10o'clock,sifhe Commercial Sales Booms, corner of < Wood tad ruih streets, wfll he sold, without reserve, for ecu cuttcd- extensive usortmenT of staple'and 6007 Ttrf Goods, consisting of isperfine cloths,ca*«mglei>lcan*« flantwu*, blankets, conion flannels* •cash meres, merinos, alpacas, do tains, gugßams, sober prints, dress silks, satins, fancy■ ve«iiigs,«hawU l hdkft, cravats, CoateH»poo!eottoa,"vHk'bßnontipte*,*-«*»“ dies, hosiery, gloves,aewlng ftUk, bleached; and brown muslins, gala plaid, drab satteen, beaver dloths, table diaper, Ac. , , . I : ai 3 \ • q»xxsOt.'Qexznsvasn, riianaua*, «. VirriniawraflMWdjtohaccoj lmperial patent ESmcesT'S® l els. stoves, carpenterVtooli, Atu •- TeUicn, •LttW BrndynuS clothing, JrfP»K book*. wEtchcs, «JT««Wv mns. pistols, mnsieal: instruments, fancy !£ielS,S P -K' ' JOHND DAVIS, Awl Salt of a dvia a/yUm cf Ban t and Fofaoto Bah, fim' o frmu iMay-fim Engtah 'foukepUce. onSsOnl«7 JNk* ■{ id MoaJ«7 26th Febntarj.ai the CorumennaJ Sale* Bran, corner siio-. Bijinrjf Bishop Barnett 1 * Sacred Theo- Pjfrtli oftheTothSi l wl; folio; gitcfcbpasa** hiaiory ot'the Bibla. 2 OnepUies; Lcdgard’*navalhstdiT ; foUbTciay ton’s Chnmoloty lUWe,i I nL 4uk fiDeneer’s EturiishTCTaveler, lvol» folio, plates; SooiSciSS, hiiiotr of “Sfi'S £2!Sf£SE®SSL2fBg?£ tioml yo\ } folio, rare Hindoo Ccsbeemes ered plate*, 9vola, folio; complete wk* of John Dry dca, 4 TolC 4u>, IK4, very rare; the Tvkfab-Spy, 8 voir, Ackerman’s Repository of !s•**?*?» A c £ 12 vols, colored Life of Pin «**#• veils; the. Whitlow and Walsh 1 * history of the of Dublin, 2 vol*, 4to; Winterbotbam’s history of ihc'Amenean Btates, 4 voU; W‘* wthandMalachklvol,folio; tUstory, 2 yolsi'Bev Babeh Henry* History QfOr** l Britain, 12 vols, calf; complete work* of PeierPpdef, 2 to la; works of George Fatqahar, ftyoli; j PhUosophicai works of Lord Bolrngbroke, 5 vol*» , AdanU’Beligious World Displayed.3rols, Bto?PW , guson’s Leetares on Mechanic** 3 vol*, pi*; Smith’s [ Wealth of Nations, 9 vols; Leland’s Deisucal Write**, * 9 vols; Martin’s Philosophi* Brittanica, 9 vols; Bank’* Life of Oliver Cnsnwelf, L vol, rare; Lucas’ ‘ Enquiry after Happiness, 9 vols, rare; Lowmaa on the Revela tion; Middleton's lift of Cicero, 3 vols; Mereier’a Pic ture of Paris, 3 vols; Natural History of Birds and Quadrupeds, 4 vols, 8 vo; UlsaryeP Filar Gerund; 3 to Is; Travels of Tovsasten 3 vols; Sir H Davy’s Lee*, tniei on Agricultural Chetmstry, 4to; Religious Philo*-' opher, 9 viol*, 4to; Life of Bishop Hobart, l vol; Rcs-j selPs Natural History of Aleppo, 9 vols. 4to; Aiken's Illustration to Songfclvoi, folio, eoM pu, Darwin’s, Botanic Garden. 1 vol. 4to> pts, Lon; Anson’s Voyage; round the World; 1 vol, 4to; Chubb (the infidel) Tracts, 2 vols; Townsend’s history of Spain, 3 vols; MoncrolTs work*, 9 vol*, 8 vo; Letters by Dean SwUi and others, 2 volt; Loudon 1 * Gardner* Magazine, 6 vols; Dibhln’s Introduction to the daasic*,' 2 vol*; Blaekvcll’s Sa cred Classics Defined,’S vols; Deport’* Travels in 9 America,'9 vols, Nienol’s conference with a-Thdat, 2 vols; Prose-Works of Coleman, 3 vols; Burden’s Ma terials for Thinking, 3 volt; Ducomb’s England Gaza leer, 3 vols; Bydney'» Defence of Poetry; Woodford’s Fharaphrase open the Psalms;. Puifendorff’a .History of Kingdom’*; Short’s History of Mineral Also, Hare anA’Cttiioas Body Editions of the jCJasild Greek and Roman authors, Lexicons, Ac ftc^ Among them will be found—CaUpinis Polygon Dic tionary, 7 languages, folioj-Demosthenls et Oschcnes, 1 vol, folio; Clafldiani Opera, 3 volzf Piannts Comedia, 1 vol, folio,black letter; Clnvis linguaSancto;; Aulns OcHw"**? *<ri—, 1 vol, 4tuo; Statis Opera Amnia, 1 voh Enreptries Tragedia, # vols; Penmsjl vo); Bo phoeles Tragedia, l voi; Groana declare Belli, 1 vol; Lucretius de H*"” Nature, 1 vol. Open Platouis, 8 vols; Poets Menorcs Geaca, 1 vah Antonitteso Own. 1 vol, too; Holomei Cboroprepm* Curietu, colored ' Tnap.; Arestbtelis-daaraPomea; Hnhaxehi Oherane] Morelia Opera, ! vol; Lexicon Grace Latentsn, 1 vol; folio; Chronicoruni, t vol; Homerl el Hasten* rfsTTifh. 4 rol*; Arestotelis de Rhetorical vol; Deiced* Poetics Bententia, i vol; Heyschil Lexicon, 4 vols, fo lio, Ac. Ac. Ac. Full particulars in catalogue*—which can be had at tha Auction store. febl9 tl ■ JOHN D DAVIS) AuoL . BBBWEnw PASOBAHA OP THE 11AMA10TH CAVE. Niagara Fall*, Em dan, Ohio and Mississippi Scenery, now exhibit log ai. PHILO commencing January Slat.— Among the views h comprises ibe following: The Fella of Niagara, comprising » (tall vie*—View of (heeity of Meiieo, front the Convent of San Cosmo—Panbrm nrio view of the Fella of the Ohio, from the Indiana aide—The city ofLouirrille, Ac.—Tne Mammoth Cave, hotel end eottagea for strangers, visitor* end transient boarders—View of Ashland, Hon. EL Clay's residence —View ofthe Hermitage—together with a day’s four nay on the Prairies. Doors open el 6 o’clock —Panorama will eomsjence moving at 7 o'clock, precisely. liiNnltAM 4S ffvntt IflSI To tie pemaraUe the Judges of tie Court of-Gened nd Quarter. Session* of the Peace,ii\aad'forth* County of Allegheny. •« Sail non of Okoxsx Gmos of the Second word, af Pittsburgh, in; the county aforesaid, hnmbly that your petltioeee has provided himself - for the ■'•*pwm,nrint[*g, of travelers and "others,« bis dwelling faoose»i in the elty aforesaid, and praVe that your Honors will be pleased to grant him a tacenve Puhlin.Bojaie-of Entertain ment. And year pewtoner, as in doty bound, will \Ve, thfl subscribers, ehhea* of the aforesaid Ward, do certify, that the above petitloueri* ofgood ‘repnte for honesty and knd is Well provided with house room and conveniences for the eceommodaiian and lodging of strangers and travelers, end lhaiaaid tavern is eceesnry. B M Argust, Geo Parsons, Allen Brown, B H Patterson, 'John Kfor, John M 1 William*, Jonathan Miner, Wraß Shader, John Anderson, D Barnard, , Tbot Sanders, Geo Whitfield, > feblXtt*. _ _ DOES IT LOOK.—Sanda, Brittoi and Ball, ormejlyjaa their Btntgtrilla In .imall bottles f a few ouneea,'but 'tince Dr. TownaendVhM become known, and aim oat or ; qtul« driven Jheir tittle battles oat of the market, they-art now pitting-their a up ia larger boalea containing fear timet as maebas before. Query! How much profit did they make be fore off o? theirmall bottle*? hoaeat?> Aed ■twee they hare reduced Ihe/atreagtS .ia Irboneitio pretendtaattbeytere»rood’a*they were? Dr. Tow nsend commenced honestty tad felrty-Hrave u maeh u he coold afford, haa made several im provements, tad ia determined to keep op the tfrtngih and quality and wiU warrant that eaeh nia SartapanUa contains more than fear times the quanti ty ofsananaxiUa and mcdieai qualities, ihanaaY'ofe* er preparation of Sarsaparilla ia the marked > Soltfby. B- E. Seller*, solo agent for ftttabtinthJaad IX M. Carry, Allegheny. feoW riimg SECOND SESSIONo> PsoT. Tnoxrsoa‘l Fe« I mala Seminary, will begin on Monday, the jittfi last The /ntyaboj of poplisin tbs department jaew 1 open, U limited to 30. Early application is therefore desirable to seeore admission. j T.mwi-iiiebgf branches of English, Mathematics, Chemistry» Natural Philosophy ahd Latin, • B$S 00 Freneh, extra, jo W Wridnirboohs, peas, Ink, and all other stationary, 60 per session of SI weeks. JAMES THOMPSON, Irwin’s Row, Liberty street. -Rev. D. a BJddle, D. U Bor. H.DjerraD, Sbv. Wta.hT.Laie a. oq. Wilson M'Candleia Wb, hPClttre, ; Esq. Geo. a White. PUttborgh nuioal Aeadtm)r< THE Quarterly Concert of ike Juvenile Out, wiU be given on Tnesdty evening next, at Apollo HeU,' commencing el ? o'clock. Admission ISJ cents,* tithe door. i Terms of edmlasion in this elm, one cellar for etch family, per quarter, la advance—tfcne of meeting, Sat urday, at fl o'clock, P. M. adoh class meets eve* I ry Thursday evening, tithe now Church, corner of Sraithfield and 7th street Terms, one dollar for each I eohoiar, per quarter, in advanee. foblCM&t S. L. BINGH i pra for for tale by ISAIAH PICKETS Co jIyTOBGAN’S COUGH SYRUP. . ... Mr. J.'li, Mwpuu.-Ifc«.airT-B«iM»6*«^ r,«J»Pt ed vilhxrbad cough kbu two o; to, l.wat in duced by imy friends tq try ydqr oelebretcd Cough Syrup. iicalled at year store and purchased one bot tle, and after tablag afewdosealfcasdaiy eonghen. Urely purpd} you can«afoly recommendU to ailper* woi u e soto panacea for coughs and cold*. Price 33 ceat*-per boule. Wm. Bosom Prepared wholesale and retail by the proprietor. JOHN D MORGAN, Draggist Also for sale by Joel Mohler, comer Wood and filh streets. fcUVd DiMOlnttori) THE partnership heretofore arming between the subscnberi, in the name'ef Behhaam A Sample, was this daydissoiaad by msteal consent. Wm. P. EiehbaumW authorised to use the name of the dm in settEne the business of the concern. WM. P. EICHBAUM. Pittsburgh, Feb. 10,180. ALEX. L. SAMPLE- - . KWm. P. Eichbaua still eoatinne* tkehnihUag uniEngines, Mill Machinery, at his old establislnOnt in Alleghany efcy. hear the Public -gtptaro. *•••*'. ‘ wblidlw THB lit APRIL. JOSEPH PRICE'S JOBHINQ BBOP.—Jo til ;pci iops about to remove, and wanting their store* «r bouses repaired, connier*; shelving,' doors, windows, ; and hnlidoj wheel* put: opj. carpenter wqrjtofuU kind* dene oashor* notice on reasonable tern*? cabi net work made in'order and furniture neatly repaired and varnished on reasonable terms, ontfAh street, ta tween Wood andfenithfield street, in the csSjta'ware house of John Liggett, late of Win, T?ovtUo> opposite the Allegheny Engine House. febl«-dtAplit • • 1 JOSEPH PRICE. '* CA&D. , M. EGOLF, VfERCUANDIBB BHOKEH andTCommission Met* iVX chant. No. 3$ South Frdht street, (ieccuvdstQiJ.l Philadelphia. (o*Geod* Dttrehned, packed, in anted, and shipped to order, woq)., Flour,’Grain, Dried Fnrit an&Cheese received on consign tr\ent and itor* age, with insqrgflc? pJhwJn? £ ■ feb-d3m ymsßUßoa ansa* works,, and spring 7rr AXLE taaafi iitM jon» f. qm*o> T^aotHcSSbSS * Wtoa MMi. Ixl plOßgh 1 andttinj Uo jß)nog». hhaunered iwn an# dealer* la mar leable eastings, fire ecglvalampa, and coach tnmmisi ofJttf and Frpnt sts^ For Sale* a—a ‘ A BEAUTIFUL Resideac a, ■KdUt tw 813 acres of gnmnd, la Sewie«B¥, WjhaOh lt U situated wUhta a tor coda +f the Edgeworth Beaman, and not a short distance' from Mr.TrftTeJtl’s Aelaemj for bgjr*. The toase contain eigfctlane rooms, aadla finished la a handsome style. Fooessioa can begirta the Ist of Aprilnexv, For particulars, inontre of John Irwin ABoni,orT.H. Ne» S^r )■ ■■:. fobokst. ~ .: •"***§»JbffSSSS l^ £"■^WMW^sUitiisij rpHAT - s£ S?ffS'sT . •/„ . • » ;. ■¥& •„•' &i s tLip. yird. SAiSfcO} bus Croat oa too'- 7 ' An Actd|j?3|o; ,. t , A.-.^, ...: -sssssgste At Johanoni-Btocbtotfi, t 'iitf^^mSSSSSjSttS^iSSS^^t* oo * TO liET. ' { ;;; tomyexnhSßaSßSfe^ «'W6oSiSwSr^ww~-‘. :.^- T '" •'• '-; "^fffltjnn!’ l *r**“«» , bc»t*i*i^^ lW*uyT?r b^iotMof umlMstipdoa. '• Jt : ft rtfttißn'fai Preria<tot- v iL»ja .». - Aptimyo:si.ms4B. „.f7:.-, , J emUV; ■“* [ 6“iJ^ , *" li, iesa 3 1 £S^^g“ T j - ‘ite «sa M DAI Ly PACKET LINE. mHIS well knownUnftofwfcadid|«*en«etBttjaH I era is cow composed ofthe largest. be* aadjfarfiUbidl »mt iqnft powcrfaiboatt OJtti* . «u&n of tte wS^&fe^gmwggggg l eoa » fort that money can procure, nas beenproTuSKitorpa* ry to their person*. ' Tfe» die ton of Wood street tbe'ddy predion* tion of freight asd tne entry of passenger* on the mu lct; in all cases the passage, •adrance. . -•* - 1 • ■” - £ AMUSEMENTS. SUBDAT PACKET. .?•' t lie ISAAC NEWTON, Opr.,. . . ,eevo Piuebugh every Sviit’ey inonvAy al 10 e’cloer Wber'.inr every SttSdny evehiag'C 10 v. K- • -■ ' < l M»yM,I9W. J " ' -V- ■ .•r.-.-.-i.t.-,.-vw UOmT PACKET. • • burgh every Mond*yjnofmrig-»t 10 o’etock;- Wa»nM every Monday evemngillOf.it' '•’ •• - * * ■ TOKSDAY PACKET. : Tbs tnBEHNIA < Ngi*i.Ca|lli JiJKuOTln* will leave Piiubifigli evcr/VcccAoyrcoJyitlgn llloclljck, Wheeling every Tuesday evening it 10.11. \VEDSnBSI>AT,PAcKET. - < i Tie NEW ENGLAND Nojit CcJA S IHll,™ Icnc Pitubonili- mtr Wrtaßjtajr pownta* JCtt o'clock; IVhceluigevery Wcdltcrtokkkcmaf kl IPk. jl TOTJHSDAY PACKET, j. i. The BRILLIANT, Pttt* burgh every Thursday morning at loo’cloeki Wheeliig everyThanriay«TewngailO». a*. .i ~ . piuoAY~PAE|EKT. . The CLIPPER No.CajH.PM3 Dem, Pittsburgh every Friday WTjeu* iiiik every Friday evenug at 10lM(. , SATURDAYPACKET. —"=• ■} The MESSENGER No 3, CaptW&nnrjeuy Will Imyo Piu*burgh every Saturday mohihir 'alifKu’Clott; Wheelini every Samnlay evening uTO 9> it 1 , ►’ - NEW U9BONAND PITTSBURGH DAILY W* OF CAN ALAND STEAM PACKETS,, / pBSGSbSBI Leaves PimborehdsilTeittA’cloCk, JLM4tn4*!f rivesmt Glasgow,, (mouth prtho Sandy andßenttrCn - V m\\ m fto«fliodc«.attdKtßrli»l>oa-ai'Hj tamdugfec New.w«bon|Uoo^lpclsP.Sl^t*MU3|tt* trip cons] to the nvdr-daxiny thci. ntobUjawiGlasttw 8t B o’clock, A. M, ind' «»w tt «a»b|»ft ail bL—tlms a • cooUnoQus.Una Cor: canybfapej* KU er< and freight bug&, In tborter-iuno.andat IOM talcs,thanl^aaj 0t of tbit lino bmrefatfpiliiiofafifW tonnini On public liatihey bate fined op two flirt elaki Q.p.i BaftiZibf the, accommodation ofpuegngertand freight, to run in connection wtth u V”~ we }f* jgpyj Sn CALEB COPE nMß&tg&k «d Wggff«f ing, at Glasgow, witlf the natt and other (huly. Unco of-ttctngre dow& the Ohk and Mississippi river*. Tho: proprietor* pJedgOfa*** selves w ipnre uo expcnio or: trouble to tnrtm eo» fort, 1 kafety end dispaien, and ash- of tfcApobttc A Jiara f. fc WJMaSbAIIGH,' myU3f jSuBBAIJoH'sOo. jsCTrlilbtllii NOTICE— I Thu ((earner BEAYEB.O. B.Clttl»a«Ur ter, will leave aflat this notice, fer waUiriUo jnmft»> ally, at 0 o’clock fa th&moming. • rv.; «848, ” ' ■• •- - - FITTSIIISim* BBOttlmUrSv FEngPAgYl^rSf LEAVE DAILY ATS A.At, AND 4 P/BE - _ k The-foltowin* ncw.boit*..ett®lM| i fl, iTLJs tiwr line, for the jrescpt eeasoru Ax- M’LANE, Caot E Bennett The boats V* etunfe r nsv, and are fitted cp.wftfrogtregardto expense,' T&L eiy comfort that p^oaeTeyproeßTeMtfggeaAtßyttifl The Boats will 1 care the Uosongthela WharfQtMftt the foot or Ross at. Passengers wilt bo bontaalas board, as the boats will certain! yjeare at the ftdrer* tised boars,B A.M.and4P»2i. . -J.'jinll FOBST.LOOTB~1)iltBOT. -* Th " lf! 'aT. : THß?oS* ““T" IsfeateCa Kcnntajourtefr 'w fl U e4 *O'forAbdTo CBEBBSaBBand -intermediate ports: on Wedato* day, the 14th lust. FoasT.Louia, -.' r'+zey* k splendid fasUtapningVsfatgiiif i fit • - CAMBRIAj *gtfiaywiß"C.-S.KendrickiShaitan-will teaed for BX3S&B93feßlhenboveutd Satnrsdar, the 10th inst» a» 10 o’clock, A P>l - freifhx °r pa.»». ..phr io febO CEO c MtLttjm.riHWMi A|t FOB ST. LOUIS. * ' • 'y ■ , i,. Bowmana*ficr„wiUle*T»u»iW»• .nod, istenaedtate, pom juajlay ti 10 o'clock. ,. t '‘"tv 1 A For frcichfcor p- -few apply onboard, FOR XiAFAYiTtXB-rWABASS'BITEB.' ' r Jhe■plc«alnc|rstcjuaeyfT t|‘' yjSateSSt ffn ilailca,inmer r wiL.'ieaT« tbma tn<»Tm»<»«W»iwnrtS tff-ffiOf*;"’ oo*■onunj ftt too’dlocfc . - For freight or passage, ripnlr on board.’' ' (efts - —.,„ : .. • L efiSrWfefflS IJ Gregg, master, wjUin*©-' IWtio Ji4fr> diy.theSth inst,tttltio’eldckrh.-atv-**^'*‘ i -' : ' 3-Ku 1 - • FOR WABASHRTVER.'' f *\‘ • ' K The splendid fast Tunlsc jtftijnr BBBBB8SSBBaboT» end ail intermediate ports-on Tfcoreday, the 15th (mu , >■-. -.x For freight or passage apply, on boards or.to ■> >r feha » /mewton jowto^ fob wabash etveb. ' Thofine.«wtia«r r*' - ijEs£i& CINDERELLA,- 1 1* . JBt&flsrtlgl l G Calhonn.i mute*;*• BBaSaQEuSs&bove, »h<« day, ' ■ypfyoa tetnLv-rr' frtß For freighter) .pmsotßca & TOeewiftwanirt T t ■ffl' Wehberi maitfer.'wlll ■SBBaS&ESfer Wheeling,' every Mw'jfayHyW nesdoJ on*?Friday, n 10 o’cloelrpreetety -- Leaye Wheeling every Tuesday, I%uL .ua ■« tnrnny,ai?a > eloexjmm,preeiaely. ,• • — J «w -' The Cornel will lnsdat all (he iLnmedlra Every aecomodaflonihat eu tw proeared fcrtSveoia fen and Mlhtr of paoengett htnWn provided; The boat u aUo provided with a. eelfactiiijr. safety nmrd a KX.^r mv " feh4 Al Smithfiald and Water «**• FOR NEW ORLEANS. The rawaadjtjtfcntifr tteimer Thoaßaldwin. aastmia»uFlaA*i for Monday, Feb. 12th, aUO o'clock,**. . ' For freight or passage appjy-on board, or t*-£eo B Muienberger, or Pettigrew A Co, agents. 1 1 - - * ftbd ZANESVILLE AND MARIETTA PACKET .. The fine steamer . Bltming, ’ master,JSymif, vndtqpnu < BS«9ES3S&Btboranga repairs, erillriwae' bbtra' arpacketon theabotetraaa," Leaves PUiibtOgh ev ery Wednesday morning—returning, leaves Zafcerrilie every Friday laonung. -• • • 1 _For I frbl PITTSBURGH AND The new and splendid fitn^eecn- Pa<? l&Vi ■HBBSlßahrasont mamer;*Ul leave ■&H3Uein nan and Louisville angetnrdty,ihe 2Tth buß-aii© o clock, A. M. For freight or passage apply onocant. » BURBRIDGi; WlfiSONk Ctt or , GEO B MH.TBNBEROER.^L DT* Steamer Peytonavrill IrrmTsirrinrinn fitKrw Orleans, on arrival of TelegrapnNaXjPilsifcrem eanp direct, and can have bertha de FOR CINCINNATI AND; LOUISVILLET -Js*«sßraa;g Haaltp, matter, wiU leave fvjtr&en M 3 iM*»• a. Tbflfin©'*ae«aw *• .I^TITA' Lin nrnng . TA7t4)H£* -gWCUB '• Lae ii. sa*»xeT;win JusetfUmll u m ■fßHßßBMßr®CTlM;'p«kel from Pit&MUfk **■ every Mtmdiy,' W«da«*~ £Ol ftciglrtQtpMiig® »pply on feORMAKIETrA, " And CoeUsgpotvand loterotfdUiftßuiduqp- • iIE§SSJ3Iv-'-' r '*' j tobßStow^••-'* . BBaBRKSEBBpitt* ofay Tuenlfty,'ai'rf<ftßck, jl JCT . -g> torfrclgluorp««*go»fo37ottboM& t d»OM» JPEH aA. ASP omo WAGOSUag. ■BSBSSM’I n iziiikrx. ./ 'teaßaßjaa - - "'aSoaKaQB 'PITTSBURGH Fin&D&PBftL s nA»—Bftrmw batato mm* Line i»rio , wrn«oeir>tmg : OOO O: X per day, at tedijcellratet.' CLARKR A THAW; canal batutf-TOitiiA. LEWIS A BUTLER, 09 MaikcVat, ■ftuio - -- PWtdthddfe co-partnership heretofore exbtjj» between *«• X subtenbersitoUtenhiaeeC.FHftndJllheefc.Co wu this day di*«eiTedJ)jf>ft4uialsewenk -Malkn will settle the ba«met4tfiheeoneer»,,forwMChftuL im*e he-is aoUiorlte<ttft tfjtf the tart* m tiujdCT. .. • - poKmt-RFffinx JAMES.WOOIfcS?' 'OEO.ttHSSyr^J^ Co-Part&enbJp.'" * '£*•. and ear friends. * 0E0: . F.WrT.isu. ••'colon In biumt*, SitjlSSaS? C* F•&a*/y 7, ISO.
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