The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, February 13, 1849, Image 1
'■ •*•4 4;l h. ,r itii.vv , .* t-, <■*/ 3 W \ J T •> “» v -? :, E§’EABI*IBHED IN 1786. business cards. |)CBHPll& * BifS, UK«T •“*=>., H o * l tmnrb. -:. -.-. 1,. \.-'—r —- —— tAbaUN 'Wtoleiile En,' g .v.') v- n. *. m»" Crown. 7ry»nlLtirv h- funrfl f Whrflasato Grocer*,Jß and •‘ Yy&WcßitirtMViaMm*- - - JfiiSSSlt^aS gSffi JSSSSSpZ- No.-37 Wood tL, between U end MitWftii *r ■ octl - .. WM i.,r.. anx.«gKT%- . »ra«»WOOp. tt«uSbl aHEV SCo., Wholesale Grocer* end ! jrTjSun&sioa .Marchess, end-Agwueftr Btfcbton i» Front sa-Pitts benttuPe. .... ' -■»•- ' ~ “S 3-- ‘ kr r.intrea. -LONG fc MILLER. 801 l end BrU* lX JFOanden sad Fitters, «FPw£t, between «£od end Salth&old atreets, Pittabarife, Pa. B7*Ui|hc« pxiee fi*ta<&r>oU Copper asd-Braas. . iGr^S^^StoMtfrSSSeiS^S^iS^ «' ‘c •n'ABDY» JO?a3;& . ..Xl warding MerMunt*, Ut* f »W»d i te t gind,Waier and Front teeet*. PitHhorifc. i*g_ k.i.Tcaaoa:PWA»»gXAUs - I puiede. SE&^t^mm^moSL'&eeeo Mm*. B Water «,*1« ' mhw; •■• .; '*• *l)llWw>.»»ti O*. 1 raiT.B mitw. ■ : ■, • wm« mpAnr’fcCnJWbrtewtoOrpcetfcCom^ -f edationfilexebknts, tad dealer* is Prod ace, ripest ' iD7 Prtmt etroetfc on*B ; TOHN g. gANITOf, Attorney end Cowi*e»ot at Law •tl farlhetftAtt of PennsyWai^n Hamp-j ton * Miller, M*Candlen fc JTChire, John E Puke, pi—%ii«t6caatletM > JeICITM TOHNSOOITfcOe-Whotesale Grocer*, Forwrud ll Ins end -Comminum Merc hams. Dealer* In Pro-. &Send Ptobmrt M«naf»etnrefc No, 7 Commercial Boww liberty «troel.M*r the C*nal, Piualmrgh, Pa. ; inrftiy •«>•■■• • ■ . / . ; - V a*te4 r«- MuQtiTBK. ilata of thefirm of Algeo and tl McGoiro>) Merchant Tailor, Si. Charles Buudim*, ; fetid greet, near Wood, Pittstrarah. TAHE9 -HOTCHIBOJIi fc Co<—Sncceoor* to Al’ LewiaHatchiaa&A'Ofc) Commiuion Merchant*, tad Acests ofths 8t Lorn* Swam Bag*r Refinery. No, yjVrCßr.ud W .ftoW creetei Pttttfcnrgh. t I'janl-. . .■ ... .- -•■■• ' . “* T .S. ISLWOBTH A Co, Wholetaie Grocer*, Pro- L ll.dnee and fownwiMiaw Merchants, ana Agenu -Her l&e Bmtaxd Powder Co. of N. Y4N0.87-Wood at, -ypStatrorrt. A i»>:- ; ZL jjOHN: ii. ' itreetf One door Bonih of Diamond K«?- :ImL - i ■_ • wrbb. Jr., A. Ql, rmece«*ortoJo*ephG* aPDa*H,)P> l pC h '*^ n * T »»3QW*teT«tigot. oc3l . TOHN H. MELLOB, Wholesale end Retail dealer *J In Malic end Mtaieal Instrument*, School Boosa . P«p»T, giaies. Steel Pen*. Qailli, Printers’ Cud*, and ’Btatiooaiy.senetally J . ; nj*Bag»booghtort*teilatrttdo> tepid = T SCfIOONMAKEft h Co, Wholesale Druggists, tPw No; 34 Wood street,' Phubttrgh. • TOHN D. DAVISJ Anetlonoer, corner sth and Wood v -»l • ' °£*_; r 6TOCKTpN. ; BoolaeUer*, Primer* J. -and Paper MannCafitnrcra, No, 44 Market *w PtfJ»* barah. \£i ./• • •• •-> •■•• • •/■■■«" ** ■ mn-winTO - - • : *tCSAJU> StOJD. r &B-FLOYD, flate J.-Floyd k. Wholesale J Grocer*, No-lMLlbenyAtrect. «ep» Tf Mlgft.yt4T.rKlJ;, W^rfeemleOtqegT T Oiaini««ifm •I Merchant, add dealer in Produce and Pittsburgh -*Ef■Wknaica^-No. 81WaterKmbargfa. janis; ‘Tr ife JONES, Forwarding and Crngmitrinn Sfet-. Jjt chants, Dealer*ln Produce and Pittsburgh mean.. jriioToaj Tihst. ! ' ’ dfl j ~ Yaiarturlron Werki, T EWIS, BALZSLLfe ell •)* 1 1 «* Bar, Sheet. Boiler Iron and Nail* of the best :^ual&,, ''WareWrtt*e l 64'water axidlQS front tt.- T '* WATCHMAN, Wholes. Grocer, forrai 11, <n«rfVwtmri—ini> ftfwryliWnt,Dealer' ill Pttt*- oanh Manulacttrea and- Prodhce, Not. 31 Waterat, andO Freni su ' pO ifonvoau n. itfanji- . ~?nni e. IhS CGILLS4EOE, Wholesale Groeen and Cammis* JJCL lion Merchants, No. l»t Liberty: sb, Ptusborgh. MURPHY, WILSON * CO.. (late Joses, Murnhy A G&h WMesalo DfodejftJ&r&B- Good*. No. 43 .WioodatmfcPlaslHttgh. ... '• ••-•'-» noVO Dealers-and Qosxmitsiaa ,Jf| wlo aCArmriesn Woollen -Ctmds, Liberty «tteet,eppQsita raUu, „ ; aiun. axxx. wx.s>suuul- ACouCoamicdon and Forwarding ' iu,*' Merchants, water and Front cm, - between Wood and Market its. .. . . c. w. xtenraox. SiICXETSON, 'Wholesale Grocer* and UereteiuotttaraUterir^i . janH ■ A BON) No. 65 Market second it, Bank Notes and Bpeele. ID? Collfietien* mad an all tha principal cities tfcwmfbont iha United States.* decl? ' ounstuami) uouti.joxa /~v . BL&CKBUBN 4v<to* Wholesale Grocer* end v/e'dealers to Oil* Boat tore, and Plttsbnrgk:Msa* ■Setized article*, have os hind. at all ttoes, • fall and gsasral nrsartmastefroodafca their tine, Water stmt, •' ear Cherry AUey,Piasbgrgb. «ai- T>OBEST MOORE, Wholesale Grocer, Recniyinj KiDUlUler. dealer in Pitta hnrgh Manafac taxdi.-nri&tu kinds *f Stotifn mod Doaestie'Wiae* sadliraoteJVQ.ll' libfen* street On band a fur lam atoek: ot anpcriot dd Maaonyahela whiskey, whSckwlUbcaoldiowiotctih. aplfcly atCKASD BABD,Wholesale and Retail Dealer in leather, Morocco, gfaOcnak«r»*Tos«» and Find ings: Ttsners’snd Cutlers’ Tocdir’and Tanners* Oil, MS.IM Wood at, Pittsbargh. sepH 'KT»Cf? ,l * we * M *i i"-'- ‘ mtena nosoaoa. T> ROHDiSON k Co., Wholesale Grocer*, Produce bagh Mannfrettaes; No. I*o Liberty at, Pinaborrb. Pa. rn Jaalg ‘ ' fc Co- Wholesale. Grocers, -■itftamiitiartand Forwarding Merchantodealers fffeodace and Titaborgh ,Maflafactttrt*.L£berty*t. : Mmtemii. P*.- ~ ~ ***** ; YjTJSr. CUNNINGHAiI, Wholesale Orceer, TLltealcr in Produce and Finrbnrgh Manufactures, liberty *t ■ ‘ : iyia 1 0. unoua i.imtsxM. Forwarding and Cenoninion - it Jdereh«i4to*lhe Allafheny fore* Trade, deal •‘•.ersla Groceries- Predate, ftrfsbtugh Manufactures - . Tb. bbbutptina, la cull, nil ml «S linoi foiwin try no.- .Corner Cl Pen. nnaltwa «t. Jang CMITfI fcJOHHBGN, Wholesaleand Retail Dealer* D to 7 MiUhtsry;Oooda, Laces. Hosiery aadJFaney SnSelUiNo; 4Bttufcet street, 3d door abere Ifcrrd st, ~apB>; SCBACXUnT it WBRB, Wlolstmlo Desert In DrFsretoa uiSeaßßis Dry Good*. No. *9 Wood st • • 1 -•■ ■•• ./c ’ - febX7tf 1 'k W. BASBAIJGHrWocj' Cc alert * in Floor end Produce generally. and Forwarding *u£ Cpaaiaiton. .Marcbans, No. w Water at, Pina. UltTlßißApdlfT 4 Co.. Wholesale Grocer*end D Produce dcaicriiNd-223Market street, between Sib and dth. North >ide,Thnadcfthit. neja^. . . . /* r f—j-»»yiwannM£T‘ . JOBSKCSOLS, *4XTLI*Di dTjELLKKS 4NICOLS, Produce and General Com* r ~ • Merehasta, No. 17 Liberty si, Pittsburgh. irarsL liaseedand Lard Oils. :rs ¥. VUN BONNBOHST, & CO, Wbolenle (jr».‘ Fonraxdinff.wui CotnmUsiop Merchants, Kj«f» laPißsbttrgh Maonfagtares and Western Pro* ~ daee. hay* renored to tbdirM'wwarehooaeicld stand) cotteroCFronts and Chaaecry Lane, j- - - - I v '• XT. iCOn. ' -TTIROTH * SCOTT, Wholesale and Retail dealer*in re x-., •sTalwKY.Ailtla'f. Wholesale G roc era andConam*-- ta /li,J«K™iVro lino .fewenco 10 •fS'eant.^^ ;H^ttn-Y«rn«,nndKtab«iJbMiinfoomrMrioef^!y l u i--ntMonf Wood .nd W.irr •loooit. PiluimmO-, , ! BoWtfl-AjomnnMlon , ini Forwinaol :.\W/£mEil!,No. 80 From n. between Wooitufl Mwnntotrooti. ■ um - aaaaL ~ 1 • atiw - tn Watene* Jewelry, 'ff ‘ f Silver Ware, Military Coed*, *c-No.'CT Mar- ’ «. JWMBY, Wbolotnlo tndßotnH toSMin , Domejtlc DIJ Ooodt, noiti out * eaMfntMptotntJFonnbtu. . . .mia ;-miLiTon»*--..' no. a. Jtcvn*. nyiL TOUNQ k Co—Dealers in leatheraides, Aru ww 1U liberty st - fSoMy •<•:•• ’ wnajiwgycgaoa. • -—Mar. M’eirrcmoa* •> . -W' e 4 & Hvm&EdN; Wk&teSte Om&, jVtf lets to Frodaee, Iron. Nails,Glass, and Pins., Maottfastnrt* generally, lfi» Liberty st, Via*- *'. hatS^ 1 v • ... - • dees, gy'.- «r. WILSON, Wnebes, Jffwelry.SUrer Wan, * corner of MirkcundlU* ' ii -‘v r PitubttrKb, -Pa.' N.B.—Waleker find Clock* fr repaired. ~ ; . dec* ■‘ypKW WILaoIV. Portrail and Mini ataraPmln» ‘ cw Market. wUI kata conitaffilT on hind a orotteelectcd ae» —main nfitii'tir it ■•mt , 'r~ k ~T Tf-fMTmi ~rV~ w k - *fa, n»rt rtaaonablo mma» FfcyeieUn* . ' aSta* nrfoniWiU W pTemptly,«MndoA»o,ead tap* ■M.frta* <riihadtietothoy.miy,r>ly«gQflaa«eattifte. --■ be aecataiely and t ..j:S.vSvj prepared at any M °» V -.ji fn'cafa/Vieift itock of frub and food P«rfb* ‘s • - ' * unfl&rn , _ r • ' ■ ' , [ FEBRUARY HOTELS CAfeDS. MARBLE WORKS ONj LIBERTY 8T- OPPOSITE QOVTIN ntnoVctore Ucmpncnts, Burial tra aiid Piet Topd of foefaMt&d.Uoriiestio warble, ax arejpxUTjfa4 £ju*ptic&--. < ‘ ’•-, il }~- i • N.O—Drawing* tot femUh* edf ,of any descrbtimL'-Hd solicits & ibsn of public patronage • - ’lagg-dif **mW I KBWA*S%’''T«f*CfOOnH: i’ TBOS. VZJUtsn, It ucoivocn, . .. naiißca, axait luu,' inniiii BECUASIC9' GLASS WOJttKJ. CnSIPSOK A Co'.,' mifattfceaaets ‘of VUl*. Bottles, O and. Window Oliu, keep constantly on hand a general assortment of-Ut* above articles, Alacvmalre to order* superior Urtiele of Mineral or Bod*-Water of colored |tasi.No*lBWdod*t, Pimbfltgh, f’ iLildJi SMITH, A}ana£&cftrcr oTCoaoa'and colored Linen,Fringes Ibr Dimes, Sewing and colored Cotton Fringes ibr silk and gingham Phrasal*. Gimpi' Mohalrjand 801? Bullion Fringe*, made to otderon the shortestbottee.. ’ ' StoD* comet of MaidenLaneand WHQaiti,ensnnee No 88 william- street, third Rota* over Abner A By*’ • atorc,No6Bttaldeh‘Ltnt'NcWYOTk > ~ )yiO ? ** ; , , -■■ !\~l gmaMmy,' ri ' r ' T ' A/TANUFACTCBERafSteainBosi and Family Bias-■ JvJ. kett, Batting, Co ttonMattraasei and Comforts of ail sites. WsrekcossjNo.29 Water street, Pittsburgh. . decjO ; -■ ; . . BEHH MIIaL, PITTSBURGH, PA. KENNEDY, CHILDS'c.CO., Mahuftctaterrof very 4*4 Sheeting*, Caipfct Chain, Cotton! Twine and Batting.; . . iaJO-ly PEKIS TEA ra vZZk st,netr Wood-Ail qaamitie* of Green and ggfiaißiiek Jeiaj dane np lo -anarter. hnif, *ad Daqiuiaa and Iron, Coleman, a ca, oc XoacK and, ; HiMio-;Bbting*, Hammered Axle*, spring ami Hough Steel, Iron, Ac. Warehouse on Water and FSom streets, Pittsburgh. .. Also, .dealer*, inj Coach Tritnminga and Malleablo Casting*. /...'• J octl» . * buckmastsr,’ • third doot above Smiihfield, south side. • Gosvmneiag of all. kinds done with the greatest earn and legal accuracy. : TlUca to BealEatate examined, AoV 'octiQ-jy , \XT A M. HITCHELTRSE, Wholesale Grocer* .Mi Rectifying ; DutiUem, r and • Wine and Lira* Merchant*. Also, Importer* of Soda Ash end Bleach tng Powder, No. 180 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa. . aegw.' . .' • • '-•••'• BORB LEAGUE FACTORY. HAMILTON. STEWART, manufacturer of Heart ::Shittings, Ctecka, Rebecca street. city of Allegheny. . . nov 18-41 y* V . i. f PSWXQRBW A OOh f ffttPiriff boat AGENTS JSsSfisa®-' 'OwiciiaoTiiLaixetaco, ■—wmomml ‘ oetSl NO. 43 Water street INSURANCE. DELAWARE HOTVAIi HBDBAHCBCO> JOHN FXNNEYf Jr* Agent at Pinabugh fer.ibaDel aware Mutual Safety insurance Company of Fhila* adelphia. Ww> Birin upw hnlMlwp mnA mwiainliw. of erety ■"«* wp»n nr cargoes ?f ve*i«ls, takes upon tho most fevarable tetmC • - ~ ft?” Office in the Warehounof-W. JLHolne* ABn*, No. 37 Wasarin&ar Market street,-Pittsburgh. N. success of thi* Company since the estab lishment cT the Agency .is this city, with the prompt - amswl! Ilhmlitt.frth whicheTCTT *hti» nrvin th»m for losa has been adjusted, folly waiTant the agent in Inviting the eanfidesso and patronage of bis trie aids and the community at large to the Delaware M- & Insu rance Company, wfailoit has the additional advantages ■—ttwyiTM-t in Phil»^».l phia—asliaving an ample paidUa eapltal, vrtuch bythe operation cf-iu charter »y««iUtantty increasing, as yielding to eadlf peftoOThanred bis due share of the prefltsofrthe .camapny, withdat Involving him in any roponsibuity whatever, and ; therefo»a' as possessing the Motnal prinerple divested of every obnoxious fes -tare, and in iis most'ettraetiva form. ~ aov4 FIRE ASD JUXUSS HBCBAVCE." fPHR IntoraTire Company of North America, loroagb - l ui duly authorised Agent] the subscriber, oflers to : make permanent and limited Insomneeca property, in this city and its vicinity, and on shipment* by the Ca nal and Rivera. , DIRECTORS, .Arthur G Coffin, Sami W. Jones, Edward, Smith . Jacob U. Thomas, John A. Brown, John B. NeA John White, Kichsrd JX Wood, Tboraas P. Cope, Win. Welsh, . SamaelP. Smith, ~ Franics Hosaens, Samuelßrook*,' . 8. Aa*un Ailibohe, • ‘Aarmuß o. coffin, pre*V Hanar D Hnnsaan, Se^y. TUsis theoldest Insurance Company in the United bavin* been chartered iaITOA It* charter is perpcmal, aaa&tna its high standing, loag cxpericncc, MTI.I.WIMMJ..I ■!> .. extra has* be considered as aßaring a»- pl* *eeuTity to the pnbhc. W. P. JONE& At the Counting Stooßrof Atwood, Jones A Ca,Wa> ter and From atrnetr Ptttahmgh. . mayJ FRASKUS fl&B IBBURANCE CO, fpHE Franklin Fira Xosuratiee Company! of JPnUadeV X phia, will make Insurance, pennaneu anAUmiied on every description of prmrty-in Pittsburgh and the commuting country, on favorable term*.! This com pany has a peipciusd ehaner. . . ...... ~ paid in. Ftcui • " • ‘ 8801000 Office coraer of Thhd and Market ctreetaHttshßigh. apll&tf - - WAREICK MABTLN.Agen* mtffi giiBSCRiBER has bean appointed Agent pro J. tem. of foe Insurance Company of North America, pn<t will issue Policies and to the other basinets Of the Agency,, at the warehouse of Atwood, Jones A Co. apld . WM. P-JONES, water st FORWARDING & COMMISSION. & a. oageaauwaa. t.yrutnoaxstu OBABUEFB* DABESBOWKBACO. TOBACCO COSifilSXOfl BBECHAfIIA,: N*.®Bocth Wharves, ai.JNo. U? South Water at. PHT?An^,>mA to inform the irmiu end dealers generally, ef rVpitiihnrih, that they with the Vimnia nacutectaren sad the Growers of the West, West Indies, anu other places a* win Insure e Urn a&A constant supply of ine following deserip .tionaof Tobacco, which wui be cold upon ea «ecos> ] modeling' terms a» any other hoaee in ini* city or; else-' 1 where, and all goods ordered from them will be'war* rented eqnai to representation: Havana: 8l Domingo; 1 ! 1 Taw. ' Porto Rieo: MUedLeaf to* Cuba; . :Jfoinii ’ AFlorida; } baeee; ALSO—Branch 1 * celebrated 'Aromatic Btaf Caven dish, with a larfe anonaenf of ether popular brand*, and Qualities afpounds, 6a, £h>lfis, Ifls fa, «, 8a and 10* 'Ping; Ladies’ Twist: Vtotila Twist, fco- sweet and plain, in whole end half boxen, wood ana tin, together with every variety of article belong* lag to too trade.. Jelfldly jTaaxnxr. xeanaxteon* BAAIXT,:SSBBIT AGABaSTfOB, FLOUR FACTORB, Produce. Cofcunlssion wad Forwarding fIiICHASTS, No. <3 Noxza WBaxvß,axo IX9 WAtnßr, PHILADELPHIA. Rtyxnfr-Jehagiflrown ACo. > •" Robert Steen AC*. I m,n w ,i»iphi>- BarenA, Beaver A Co. f ■ p to»bfc. Batralev A Co. i Allen A Paxton, New York. Whiten A Harvey, Baltimore. BagalevAßmlth, \ KierAJonet, ) Tpy* Liberal eaah advances ea eoniigiaßent* to oar address. •• • • ' • mtrSkdiy ELtM *fc E o SvfcW.* co - Aid QtaenT OoauslislM nirelußtii Ne. 13 Booth Wa«*Bt*x*t, PHILADELPHIA. KEFESENCE3—Henry Grtf A Co, Pitt>bm*b. ZSS&SSF' \'**T*- A- M- Jtnniry, Miyvnlle. Cfcirici Bttb«a>i Jr 4 LanUriUA ’Datflh, HamphroTi A Co. 1 _ V Mercer, Bro. ft Co: VPkflod 1 * Keed A Brother* 3 tplrtOy , JhajlhAOeoemery, New York; _ - • juenAsxenoso. • * ■ . ABasraoxo; &. cttoaESr . , U Piuibsrcb. Pa-wili uieadMOfflpUy to tfie sela ©i every description of Weilcm Produce, end oiber u tide* entrusted to theircare.' ! Hun, Hotter & Co. Fixoborgb; HuavGiriiMi fcCe. New Lisbon, 04 Merchant* geoonllftWriia* .▼Ule, O4BlurietfcOgwbr, Bridgeport, Qu. A. 0. Eicb* •rdaoa k Bro. Cincinnati; J, r. * pefwoxt, StLoois; fl.. Boyle«, Sh^wo- T ~ \VOOL* PMUa ABO PttobSOEi liJf tt 4: H, EBB ff: » Reed, Bcrit QESBBAL COKMU9IOS HBBCBASTB BOSTON. MASS. pwtknlw Kttmioo paid 10 ibe trio of «U Wnif of Pro ■•• tndli&enJ tdTtpcetmsde on eondgwatnu. Co.bnve I**to to trier to— t Pwk* k Co* Betver; - Cotodft, WeUmlle, O. Steubenville, O. I to OT Rf^|S, E, ’jwh«Un t , V. *rs. ffivsiisaic — BeeeiviJis, Fonrantins nndtieDcral ComtnU . . ' iioß Btrtliani, - Coiomcui. 9rxiTT, 6T. Lora, Mo. (border* tot perebumr in this mtrkctf tni ril bnlne** promptly inacacted. Bribroneo ri Fisibwcbt John BFFaden 4 Go. decSMSa "—'• • w " ' — l —‘ GKOBttSTCOCHBjjr: Coaßluloa uul FonrtrdUi* woafttr*, rmxsssaK, . 1 CoNTlPrtJl3h>trtnttCl>fengTllCoTr.niinlnabttri- Besso-eipefibUy la the puxcfcu* tad ula of Asuri* roftU&Wtares j cwttttiljrwpplied with' th* of PittsbWfhiMtnafccttir® tt tb« £ire*tvwSsc»lo jprk»*» Orders tad eonrifiinmnts rOEWBftIRV sno COMIMION JjUSBCHAW, Iron. Belli, CfftSm^riira* 1 * jHttibnrgli ’ Mnnnflrotorrr g.n.rollr, ' 'liron'W.’Wooo'.ftMn^^nsasaJ^ * l>plT, ° F °* tkVTH .•"-'■•■ mjfcfHiiferft'-jf ni fc * > HP atta COM MJB|{ J 0 t ,|gC»AN TB, I ' Forlfco talo of PrpdacotttteroUy- Ijy libeiij «4y»nceo tOMS'os coxuifnMont*. rjoH'ttWflSßT WM. TIMBLTN, “ ATTORNEY A* fiAWi WILL airoalttad fottlftclTOk and, all other btui new entrusted ‘Rutier '2nd Annitrohx counties, Pa. Befcf to" . r y ; - T* «r &ggsfssi&~- H«fc» : JB. BWEITZER,' ‘Attorney at Law, office 3dst « opposite St Charier Hotel, Httsbtygh. will also attend promptly Fayette. end Green counties; Pa£-fj. ; •* * ■ ■ J REFER TO BlackstoekfßeU&Co.,’) ' « Church A Curetheya, ’ • PT, Morgan,- ' i *eUdly- T? - L HENRY, Attorney and Coonoeller at Law, Cincinnati, Ohio* Collections in Southern Ohio, and in Indiana, .and in Keutuekjvpromptiy and care fully attended to* Commissioner forfoeßtaie syjvania, for taking etknpwlodgmyis^ ~lDcnxTO--Hon. Curtis,Church A: Oarothera, Wa Hays, Esq-,WUloftk A Daria.. a2S g.w. wtuaajts. - - ■ r - - Si ' l eiras. m. boot, YITILLIAMtf A SHINN, (successors to Lowrie and jTV Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. Office "North ride of Fourth street, above Smiihfield. fcbl7dAwly ' j • ~ jAnraap.Kßim/ A TPO&NEY AT LAW. Office removed to Fourth x\. -street, between Smithfield and Grant street. ja3-d3m. raioanwgiofi..' ' . ' i. naxxisosnwm. ThUNLOP* BEWJ3LL, attorney at Law, Offices on ■XJ Southfield, between 3d and tut its. , AJt7" O. & ROBINSON, Attorney at Law, has ret yy a. h»» »n «t»" PTalurHgfcpqtldtwjfaji- Clalr st, next door to Alderman Johns.- ’ apiVty i HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS. FASHIONABLE BATS. THE subscriber, in addition to his own m. X 0 manufacturing, of Hats, has made arrange- Jffl ' Unm. Bebce A Co_ (foe most®*!® fashionable hatters of the city of New York,) fora reg ular supply of his exon line Silk Hats, andnavingjtui received a few-cases, gentlemen can be saitedwiU) a ▼try rich and beaatifn‘hat by calling-ev his new- Hat -and Cap Store, Smithield street, second-door joafo of Fourth, where may be found a great variety .of Hats and Cto# of his own. manufacture, wholesale and re tail.. 'Hats made to order on short notice. !• apg JAMES WILSON. ! a, . H>0OBPA)0(1h ; — tiL. X£9 (Bnecessora to fiPGord A King) i ■- «k Pashienable Battens,,' Oomar of Weed md Fsh stn&, ’’ PARTICULAR attention paid to our Retail Trade.' Gentlemen can rely upon getting their Hats and Gyps "ur ,hw «w and’ wosxjunsmp, of the narxxr rmxs, and at the lowbi nooß.- Country Merchants, pore baaing by wholesale, are respectfully invited to call and examine our Stock; as we-can -amy with confidence that as regards Quaurr and nrcz.ii will notsnflcr in a comparison with any bouse in Philadelphia. < febl7 m HATS, CAPS AND UljFFS—The jon. J 9 subscriber is now receiving from the wEbBS. ’ ®*«city of New York, a choice assortment of Hats, Capa and Mulls, latest fashions, b great varie ty and very cheap, wholesale and retail. - ~ irMMES-WJWON. noTta PraiiKfi.ld n, ad door tenth of 4th 4 Foil FMhloni tor TVftSi Tffc SeOORD A Oo.y l/B (Lara v*coxx> A xmo.) «Se|r VariLL introduce on Saturday, August SBfo. the. Y Y Fall style of Hats, just received from New-Yorh. Those in want of a Deal and beauttfalhat, are invited to call at their store, corner of Fifth and woodeuecia. soeSS / . • - , ■>-. YTRARLT BXAOT FOB PPBUOATIOA Al by J. A A D. P. JAMES, Cfacinuati, the following new and valuable Work*-£ . T Doniphan's CntiTitnlnj a rt* l * l * of thp lift of Col. A W. Doniphsxc the- Conquest of New MexicaQea. Kearney'sOverlandExpedition- to Cali*, fomla; Doniphan's Campaign against the Navfom, and his unparalleled March upon Chihuahua and Durango, - and the Operations of Geo, Brie* at Santa Fe; with a Map and Engravings, by. John T Ilaghes. AB»' the Ist Regimen,i of Missouri Cavalry History; pf'Kentucky—Us Andquidei and Nftaja) Curiorioes; Geographical Statistical and deseppdons; with aneodotes of Pioneers Life, and more than one hundred Biographical Sketches of distinguish ed Pioneers, Soldiers. Stawsmen, Jurists. Lawyers, Di vines, illustrated with forty by Lewis . Collins,! voLoetura Chariei Taylor. Ami) roaa.V Tfao Twelve Months' Yolnmeer, «r Journal of a Pri vate in the Tennessee Regiment ot Cavalry, in the Campaign of Mexieo, dnrin* IMM7, coa aining an ac count ox the March of the Rrgiment to Vera prmx, a description of the Countrypaawd. over; maiiaera, cus toots, Ac. of the people; Sketches of Cama Life; ac counts of all the erttons of other Voluiueerßegtiseat*, and * full History of the Mexican War, list of,nt Ci ted end illustrated by a large number «f correct views and plans; by Geo. C. Furber, l volunyi octavo. - • ; geci \TEIY WORKS—Cnaaweii’i Speeches, Ac.—Oiivei XI CromweiTs Letters and Speeches, iuelading the supplemeut to the first edition: With elneiAfflions. By Tnemss Carlyle. In U vole l2mo. Clo'A Collins’ Ken tacky Sketches of Ken tuhky; «Bhrm±trim history'/ antiquity, and naturuk enriosmes, geographical, statistical and geological d*. anecdotes of Pioneer tifo, and .‘more than one hundred biographical tVftrhrs ofdisuixguiab ed pioneers, soldiers, and statesmen; jarista, lawyers, lflastmed by forty engravings.' By ftlxy Tales and Legends of many Nafions—Select ed, newly told, and translated. By C. B. BorkhardL Beaatifolty illustrated* The Arabian Nights—The Thousand qnd One Nights; - or, the ArabianNigfau' Entertainaents; translsiedand arranged for family reading—with explanatory notes, by EW. Lane,Ksq. From the toe end’ Lonfom edi tion; fllustrated wtih COO wood earn by Harvey, and illuminated titles by Owen Jones. Complete m It pans, paper; or S vols, Uhno. Cloth—Pile The above booksjust received and for sale by JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, Booksellers, novSS market, cor 3d si *ra:iv HOOKS FOR SCHOOLS, Ae—Eiement* of 1.1 Ptana and Spherleal Trigonometry, with iheir ap plication* to Mcnsnration, Stumrlaz ud NeviXstion. BrEUii l<ooml*, A. M. Xenophon’* Memorabilia of Socrates, vjih English note*, critical and explanatory, Ufa of Soenuea, Ac. ByC. Antbos, LLu a'CUatoek 4 Crook* l First Bonk in Greek; contain ing a fall view of ih* form* of word*, with vaeabala ties and ecpb*as exercises, Ac. PaJkeld’s First Book in Spanish: or, a practical in troduction to'tho suds of the Spanish Language. Book Seeping by single ana doable entry.' Practi cally adapted Jo the inland aud maritime commerce af the United States. By P. Dolt A History of France, from the conquest of Gaol by Julias-Cssas,totbß ratgn of Loals'Pluiippe. By Mrs. Markham. MgTisad^fegpmr—l and«rwt«»p-4 Ky 1— Abbott; map andtogTevinj*. For sale by R. HOPKINS, decia Apqflo BcilflJpga, <tb st NEW BOOKb-ioonus’EJemeniaof Trigonometry. —Elements of plain and superficial Trigonome try, with their applications to MußSandon, Surveying and Navigation: try Bias Loomis, A M. A Fim Book In Greek; containing a full view ofthe form of words, with vocabularies and eoplona exer cises on the methodof eonitiutt imitation and repeti tion: by John MlCUntoek, D. H-Frofessor ef langua- and Georgs JL Croovis, A. oL, Adjancl Professor of Languages In Dickinson College. Upbeat's Lift of Madame Catharine Adoma, Od edi tion. A new novel—He Discipline of life. Parts 9,10 and Uof Harper A Brothers’ splendid il lustrmted edldon of the Arabian Notts’ Entertainment*. The above work* received this day,by express and for sale by JOUNBTON A STOCKTON, *ovl3 - - soy dd and market sts JCHOuL ARCHITECTURE; oreoulribution* to the 1 3 Improvement of school houses in (he U.a.: by Henry Barnard. Abundantly ilicstmeA with views and plana Theory and Practice of Teaching, or the motives snd methods Of good schoolkcepingt by David P Page, A. M. Teaching a Scicace; the Teacher as Artist by B.R. •HaU, A. Bl The School and the School Master—A manual for the use of teachers, employers, trustees, Inspector*, Ac. Ac-,of Cennnom School* Intwo parts. Bg Alon so Potter, D. D., and G. R. Emerson, A. Mi Dlostrated with engravings.' For sale by :dec§9 . - R. HOPKINS, Apollo Paildings PARLEY’S CABINET LIBRARY, for Schools and Pamilici.—This srork consists of twenty volumes, and contains five hundred different subjects, Illustrated with £OO engravings. Uis an entirely, original series, teesntlr written and completed by 8 G Goodrich, au thor of Peter Parley’s Tales, and b designed to exhi bit, In a popular form, Select Biographie£an<ient and modem; the wonders and euriosuiet of -History, Na ture, Art, Science, and Philosophy, with the practical datiesof life.. , The price per Vol. I* 75 cents, each containing about OSOpsges, ISmm or 010 pet si. For sale by , - oca- R HOPKINS, Apollo Baiidings^ NOVELS—a Whim, snd its,-consequence'll .+WA?-^S3rtßi*«.».), w Makepeace Tbsckery, with illustrations. f ■ 'Edward Vernon; My OOusln’* Btoryr by B Y Childs. ■’ Story' of the Peninsular Wan by General. Charles William Vane, Marquis of Londonderry, G. C/IL, 0, C. IL, Colonel ofthe Sd Begt Li/o.Guard*. -r"^ The above works received this day. end for sale by ang» JOHNSTON A STOCKTQN SHERLOCK ON DIVINE -hitherto very scarce' and exceedingly valuable work, hss just been publishedby J. L. Read. U)a bean* tifull2mo.voLof 3tmpages. lt contain* the recom mendation* df several clergymen of this city, of differ cm denominations. In one week 400 copies have been distributed jn the city of Pittsburgh and snhnrbs. ills i BOOK FOR PAREJiW, VbtWO femiBONS A amp INVALIDS, Dr. Banning** “Common Health, Physical Education, and Human Voice. M'heacd open the mechanical philosophy of man's physical constitution* being the annstatfee of his lectures on the abore subjects recently delivered In this For sale hr . _ . ocUB Apolioßaildlng, 4th' it DROOKS’ OVID—The Metso orphosesof PubUns . JP Ovidias Nskk elucidated by ta SJtslysU sod «• plintiioii of the Fobies, together with English Notes. HlsioricßJ.Mytholosieu and edltealt sniT illustrated Sf pictorial embeiiuhmeots: with • eloris. ißr.ftC, rooks. A, M. ftoU ; R HOPKINg AP OF.OALiyoiSIA, ORBQON A fEXAS iXJL Prom the laOst authorities: By 8. Augustus Mitchell, with an aceompanimfi nt—HUtoncaLDescrip tive, Geogrspbicsl and Statistical. For sale by - daelft BHOPKlNS. Apolloßuildings, 4thrt JUT ATHBUATIOAL INSTRUMENTS—For Draw iU. inf-la Ebony and Rosewood-eases, with 01 withoatAnlsis’culors For ssle by _ dwrtl B HOPKINS, Apollo Balldiags ’ |k/TAf OP. PENNSYLVANIA—Consmieted from tho IYI County Surveys authorised by tho Staid, audolh eroriginal documents.'- «mpr««r»d under thescjwrvixlen of Wo. E. Mortis, Civil Bjgttiwr, upon data procued iOkeaeh eoaoty. under authority of the A ftw copies of thla large cod splendid Msp received thla day tad for tale by t > ' v » JOH NSTON * STOCKTON, .BaotaeUerv MnrWhflTigui 3d ata WOOli— iTbalea EUnou wee) Just received and ,forsaloby. (detf) J^pORBONRCo. PITTSBTJRGHv TUESDAY MORNING, LAWOFEICES.. BOOK TBADE- COPARTNERSHIPS. f.' . •• COvPARTHERSBIPt X OGAN A .KENNEDY have th»r day associated JLJ *ith twain the Hardware business, Philip WU* •on and The nylo of firm will hifre after be Logan, Wilson A Co. This arrangement fon ders it desirable to close the Old buainairms soddas possible.. All persons Whose n»htnti»« have mamied, are especially requested to' mek* payment. Pitttbnrgh. Jan* 1/IS4S. T OCA®, WILSON' A CO—lmpbriers tod Jkj' Wholesale Dealers in Foreign mid Domestic Hart wm. Cutlery, Saddlery, Ac, 189, >VM»d street, Pios burghgare now folly prepared with a Bftestly tmpbf tadstoek of Hardware, Cutlery, great .jtndncetneinj to western buyers, being determined to compete in prices with, any of the Atlantic -cities. ‘ Al -Joon band au exteniriro assortment of Pittsburgh Hv^ ware, vir Shovels, Spades, Forks, Hoas, Vfees, *en all of which will be sold at the lowest taanufoetnihi^a prices. . janl _ •.. Diaaoluiloiu /I \Hk partnership so long nntir the firm ot X M*Cord A King, was of msmS consent dlsaolvad; Onlhe Ist Inst The business will be closed at the old •taxuihF either ns, using the name of foe fomfor that purpose, Being desirous to have our business .closed with as. little delay as possible, we would re spectfully request those indebted to call and! settle theiraeeounU.'* JOHN a M’CORD, )a2B ILD. KING. ; Cr^Pavtnerahlp. JOHN D. M’CORD having associated with him his brother James hPCord, under the style of MlCord A CA, will continue the H«t, Gap ynQ Fur business in all ns various branches, wholesale and retail, a) the uld stand, corner of Wood and 6th streets, wherafoey Solicit a continuation of the patronage so liberally be stowed pn the old firm. JOHTTD MH3ORD.' JAMES & RTCORD. ‘TN' ietirin* fhnn the old and well known firm of rX hTCord A King, I most rcspectflly recommend to ; thQ .patronage of the public my successors, Messra. hPcord A Co. ]«a9 H. D.KIWO. SSSOLBTIOS— Ike partnership hitherto ulsV ng.-Anderthe#tyleandnrm of-WightnmnA DaL Is this day diootvedby mntualxonsent, John Dal isving disposed ofhls entire H. Wlght ' The bostheu of the late firm will be aettied by H.-Wightmaß,who is authorised to use the name of the late firm for that purpose. • H. WIGHTMAN. spiflOdftw.- Daly 1 >47] J.DALZELL. " "THt! Subscriber is now prepared to manufacture all kinds of Cotton and Woolen Machinery, at the shortest notice. Orders left at R. Wightman*s Shop, cot• oct Liberty and Water streets, will meet with prompt attention. H. WIGHTUAN, Leacok sL, between Federal and. Sandusky sin, spgDtfly Allegheny city. CO-PABTHEEBUU*. TipLß. SOAIFE and CapL JAMES ATKINSON YY have entered Into partnership, turner the firm of SCaTFE A ATKINSON, and wiu earty on the Tin, • Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware m«nofficiary- - Also, Blacksmlthing in all Its braoehen at the old stand of Wn. B. Scaite, First street, near wood. Particular attention given to steamboht work, octa _ u _ ’ ' rfIAYS lEis day associated foe whets sale Groeery. Prodoce end Comsdttion business, taybtotherJdseph, under the flim-of J.B DILWOBTH A Ca. J. a. DILWOBTH. . .January 1,.1549.. v _ / s having this V day associated Ny, John R the lea ther business, tfill hereafter be ceiulaeted under the firm of Wot Young A Go. WILLIAM YOUNG, l«n6 ■ ■ > ■ jNa n. itrcuNß. • MEDICAL COUQH, *AIN. IN THE MDK AND CHEST CtJ £EP?-riJ»Tind a tor long ume been distressed Viih asevere pain in the side and chew, accompanied wlifcjtdry const, I wu induced, epon the arjcnt eoU , citation .ola, tncnd, to Dr. Taylor'* Balsam of Liver* wort,'and Imnit aay thia medicine baa answered os i pupoa ndmirabty. hly distress wd» produced by a •over© ban, and was so rreai that it was with difficulty I tomd swallow my food- Indeed, lam satisfied tm« disease mnsthav* teminaied in Caasamptioa.or some £ual. disease, bad it not been eared by ibis jadiciom medicine. To all who seek to prolon* their lives, I would advise the ase of Dr. Taylor's ***<■■"» of Ijrer- Won., „ , „ JAMES OOWAN, 436 Bowery. * Tbla medicine facilitate* erpecto ration, redoce* fc ver, restores strength, end mav be cosddered at a su perior preparation for the care end prerenuoa of ell diseases In ibo Chest end Lange, end should be reaoi i- S&to, even after these diseaset bare rctitied tbe era* el rent edict. In the practice of this old end very re spectable phytieiu, tbit Beltem ol Liverwort bee ac qeired an enviable rcpatatinn for us virtues, ee supe rior ip that of tbe ebaodent noetrame of tbe day, ea drab the character and probuy of iie investor, to that ■«f assets aadenpinee. CONSUMPTION CURED.—My eon having a rlo -Icm cold, uedto eoagh violently, railing qaasttties of thick pallid matter, and finally be coald not turnover in bed, from weakness. He manifemted every symp tom of confirmed cousomption. For tiz year* be been tobjeci to the asthma. Hit physicians, Messra. Venneule A Andenoa, taid be wee incurable. end mast noon die. Yet I wet determined to try Dr. Tay lor 4 * Balaam of Liverwort, and strange at n stay ap pear. tbit medicine baa fully restoradbia health. SOPHIA GALLON, 14 Norfolk street Sold In Pittsburgh by J D Morgan, 83 Wood u | 3 Ibvtuead, tiUsnet n; H Smyter, cor Market and 3d ats; Henderson A Co, fi Liberty it. Price reduced to >l,aO per bottle. j*re IHPOQTAST TO TBS AFFLICTKD. Di. fiou’i Celebrated Ktmedlek 1 T\R- JACOB 8. BOS£| the diicoTitu «nJ wla pro* A/, prietor of theta most popular u 4 beneficial med telnet, and alto the Inventor. of the celebrated Instru ment for (Mating theLaags, tn e fleeting o_Jro»cf' Chronic dueasei, was a student of that entuteEl pfcyti, eiam Doctor Pkyaie, cadis a graduate of the Universi ty of Ponnsjrhrmaia, sod for thirty yearesioee has been engaged in theiavesugatiaa of disease, end the appU* esuoa of remedies theme. Through the me of his inflating tube, in connection with hiaPraphyUetie Syrup and other of hi* remedies, ho has gained an osparalelled eminsnee in earing those dreadful and fatal m»> Tubercular Con* •amplinn. Cancers, gcrofoia, Asthma, Fcrer and Ague, Fevers of *ll kinds, Chrome Erysipe las, and all those obstinate diseases peculiar to Indeed every form of diseaso vanishes under the dm of his it ref (lies, to which humanity Is heir—sot by the iu of ono eompoond only, for that is incompatible with Physiological Law, but by the use of his rente* to and prescribed for each peculiar form Dr. Ro*e*» Tonic Alterative Pill*, when used are In variably acknowledged to be rape nor u> all other, as a purgative or liver pill, inaamsch aa they leave the bowels perfectly free from coalireaeta; aa «'«« his Golden rill* la admitted by the faculty to poaeen pecu liar properties adapted to female diseases, but being satisfied that a bare trial is sufficient to establish what baa been said in the minds of the most skeptical. The afflicted are invited to call upon the agent, and procure (gratis) one of the Doctor’s pamphlet*, giving e detailed acceont of each remedy and its application. For sale by the fol'ewing agents, as well as by meet Druggists throughout the country: 1 ttchoonmaker A Co, M Wood street, Pittsburgh; J.M Townsend, druggist, 43 Market it “ Lea A Beckham, “ near the P. O. Allegheny city, Jot Barkley .Darlington, Beaver county, Pa. Jno EttiotCßmaa Valley, “ •» «. T Adams. Beaver, “ “ « novlO-dly Tiyns^Ezptctorsnt. _ Bunt, Columbiana e 0,0., Apr. M, I*4L DR- D. JAYNES: Data 8a. I —l fee) bound to you and the afflicted public, to avail myself of this op ponsniiy of giving publicity to the extraordinary eifeeta of your Expectorant on myself Having been afflicted for Severn yean with a severe eeugh, hectic fever and in concomitant diseases, and seemed only doomed o Unger out a short but miserable existence, until the all ot 1839, when, being more severely attacked, and laving resorted to all my former remedies, and the pre scriptions of two of the most respectable physicians in the neighborhood without deriving any benefit, or the consolation of surviving but a (bv days or weeks cl farthest—when the last gleam of hope was about ts vanish, 1 had recommended to me four Expectorant— and blessed bjy that Being who does all things in tto ate of the means—tad contrary to fro expectations of my physicians end friends. I was lot few days raised from my bed, and was enabled by the use of a bottle, to attend to my business, enjoying since setter health than 1 had for ten yean previous. Respectfully yours, Ac., Jia. W. Esttll. For sale in Pittsburgh, at the Pekin Tea Store, 79 Fourth street marS9 ff£W~SKiDi£rci&filSHT; psoeroa & W. MORRIS having neentiy porches ±J ed.the Drug Store formerly owied by Hays A tirockway, Commercial Row. Libert > street, Pittsburgh, takes tbit method of informing his friends and the public in general, that his store will .avail times be supplied with coextensive and general assortment of Drugs, Dye Stafe. Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Perfumery, Colognes, and hdeed every ar ticle called lor in a drag store, which will always be sold as low us ai any other bouse In he city, whole sale or retail. Hoping to merit a shire of ute public patronage, nothing shall be wanting u give entire sat isfaction to his customers. nov7-upl< Hkdropathy, or also Waisr Ours. TVOCTOR BENJAMIN W. MORRD, still continues \J to practice the safe and populsr remedy called Hydropathy orthe WaterCare.andifcstrcd will treat diseases AilopathicaUy. Obstitrical iases will be at tended to promptly. N. R—Dr. Morris may be consoled at his Drug Store, No. 9 Commercial Bow, Libcty street, daring businesa hours, or at his residence, taming and even ing, Penn street, 3 doors below Irwifs alley. nov7»upl4 . /*\PTHALM!G SURGEON, will ittond to the treat* w aent of Diseases ofibe Eye. ' T>t. R. has been engaged in this bench of the medi cal profession for sixteen years, ari has conducted an establishment for the treatment of Jlseases of the eye alone (or several years. Otlttl and residence, comer'f Sandusky st and Strawberry alley, Allegheny city _ ecus iMrUeliSAd In T«tasis«s. TtHIB la to- certify that 1 purposed one rial of Dr, JdolA&o* Worm Specific, ®metwo months ago tad’ g«va to a son of mn»seven years old, two wspw»y foil, and although thramount may appear larga, y« 1 have no doubt buthere was upwards of two tnoeußS wutm passed from him. measanug from <&o quartar of an ineh to ro inches lotyj. BaeawCraak,Carrolco.Terr,feeB7,lB47. JsSt SELLERS’ VERMIFUGE iTULURGIA. — ' Cob mbps, Jan. 6ih, WID. Mfcß. R Selfers:—Your Vnnifure has sold well, and has been highly spoken o by all who have used it. From tho success snendig the administration of yoar Vormifttgo in every e*e I have beard of, 1 am confidant I can sell more firing the coming season thas 1 did Uil 1 will be gl* to receive another sup ply of 4 or 0 gross. Yoon reipectfu'ly, (Extract from letter.} . It CARTER- Prepared and sold by SELLERS, 57'Vood .st, and soldby druggists geneflly, in Pmsl;urgh.and Al leghoy. l l ** wintcsttediclne, Just replv*d and for sale by R- E SELLESRTBoIe Agent or Pittsburgh, of wnomthe gequlooarlcle canbshfi- oct *_ HABWsWN’fI Hair Dye; ". “ Indelible Ink, with or Rd Ink. For sale to the trade at tnan®rahker» priem* by R B SELLERS, d?C9 . No 07 Wood streat- Patent Medicine Direo- JJ Wm. .te'd .J feml. br JKIDD4Co A~IdH£STVE PLATER—IOO yds BUs’ Adhealve to '"“'App*co A" I rmlfVf .—ft'bfT/flrohftt, reeVl and for aala derfl JOHN D MORGAN =IT™ 3 FEBRUARY 13, 1849. HOTELS S : pora&n HOTEL. V- LIGHT STREET BALTIMORE, f. tom sro rsnssros, raonaroa.' THIS establishment long and widely known as aEjB being ono ofthe most commodiou in the city of mSt Baltimore, baa Tcccntly undergone Veryexten jsve alteration* and : Improvement*. An enure new Xdng, has been added, containing namercus and airy Weening apartments, and extensive bathing rooms, jfi Tne Ladies’ department has Also been completely gWfganixed and fitted to in a mom unique and oeantf* gktTstyie. In fact thcwbole arrangement of thoHoase Ip* been remodeled, with a single eye oq the part of Jao proprietors, towards ino comfort and pleasure of IheirGattts, and which they confidently sssert will phmllenge comparison with any IJotel in the Union. 6lWr table will always be supplied with every tnb fmalal add luxury wMeh the market affords, served tpinasaperiotityle; while in tho way of Wines, Ac, jSey will apthe surpassed. _ t'l» conclusion the proprietors beg to say, that nothing Will be left undone oo their part, and on too part of their ■tal slants, to render this Hotel worthy the condoned patronage of their friends and the pnblfo generally. ’ The prices fox board have also been red need to the .following rates; Ladies’ Ordinary, 81,79 per day. Gentlemen's u 1,50 N. Bv—The Baggage Wagon of the House will al ways be found at the Car and Steamboat Landings, which will convey baggage to end from tho Hotel, free of charge. mayfof snaSraißoS . cosaxa er rm arts >t. claix tie, rmsauxan, ra. MThe Cubseriber having assumed themanoge ment of this long established end popular Hotel, respeetflilly announces to Travellers and the . Public generally, that be will be at Hi times prepared fee accommodate them in all thing* desirable m a well jegulated IloteL lie House is now being thoroughly repaired throughout, and new Furniture added, and no pains wiQ be spared id make the Exchange one ofthe fray best Hotels in tho country. - ( Too undersigned respectfully solicit* a continuance Of the very liberal patronage the House has heretofore received. THOMAS OWBTON, .1 febbdtf Proprietor. 1 lahahtiie house, dotnxx o» Foecra *n> omavr ■reams, ptrususoiL ".JfoEk THE tubaeriber respectfully announces that 3ißHho ha*npw opened his new end excellent Hotel .“•"for the accommodation of travelers, boarder*, tad the public generally. The house ana furniture fire entirely new, and no pains or expense have been spared to render it one or tha most comfortable * n -pleasant Hotels in the city. , The subscriber is determined to deserve, and there* fine solicits, ashare of public patronage. OCtt4-dly JACOB HOUGH, Proprietor. ' BWWi irAma Horn, csnmir, fezfWxxx vuouzu in iirni an. OPPOSITE late Bank ef.the United State*, Phiia debhia. M. POPE MITCHELL, marto Proprietor. MISCELLANEOUS- JAHEB W. WOOD WELL, Sodero and Aotiqne Parnitorc, _____ 63, Tnnu> Srunr. Pmsiuxon. A Urge and splendid assortment of Fsmltnro, suitable for Bte«mboata, Will Hotel* and private dsrel hags, constantly on band and mode to order. . The present stock on hand cannot be exceeded by any manufactory la the western country. Person* wishing to porousM would do well to give mo a <—»■ a* lam determined my prieea shall please. Part of the stock consists in— Bufiet Etaqeie; Louis XTV Chairs; Queen Elisabeth chairs; Tea Poyse: Fruit Tables; Toiler Tables; Lonia XV Commoden Pnaeh Mahogany Bedsteads; Piano Stools; 60 sofas with Flush and Hair-sloth eovsrs; 60 Mahogany Rocking Chairs; 40 do* rarior do So ° Fancy do 35 centre Tables; - SO pair Divans: 4 pair pier Tables; 19 marble top Dressing Bureaus; 6 Wardrobe Secretaries and Book cases; 80 marble top wash Stands; 4 pair Ottomans; 9 pair fkaey Work Stands; Awery large assortment of common chain and other furniture too numerous to mention. [TT* Steam Boati {tuniihed on the shortest notice, onion the most reasonable term*. dcciS OhoeoliuT Ceeoii, «e.' W. Baker** American and French Chocolate, Prepar ed Cocoa, Cocoa Paste, Brotna, Cocoa Sheila, Ac. ri merchants and consumers, who would purchase the best product* of free from adulteration, more nutritions than tea or coffee, and is quality onsar pasted, the sobacriher recommend* the above articles, a»Bßfaetar*d by himself, and stamped with his Hit firoma and Coced Paste, as delicate, palatable, and salutary drinks (or invalids, convalescents, and •there, are pronounced by the most eminent physicians superior to any otherjJreparatkms. Hu manufactures an always on aal& m any quantity, by the most re futable grocer* In tbe 'eastern cities, and by ibeti agent*. Hawea,OT®y Awl, of Boston; James M Bonce Aco, Hartford, Cotui; HuaseyA Murray, New York; Grant A 8 tone, Philadelnhih; Too mas V Brundiee, Bal timore; end KeQogfrA Bennett, Cincinnati, Ohio y WAUfeB HAKES, Dorebemer Mass. For sale by . an aSl BAOALKV A SMITH, Agti • WroushtendXast Iron BaUlna. rYUlKaubseaberatbeg leave to Inform the public that 1 they have obtained Bom the East all the late and fashionable design* for lrtn Ratting, both for booses and eemeterisa Screens wishing to procare hand* mbo patterns will please call and examine, and judra fo/thmosehres. Baiting will be furnished at the short est notice, and in the best manner, at the corner of Ctnig and Rebecca streets, Allegheny city. . angSMtr A LAMONT A KNOX : LsschtatrCßTOlna tad Bfosdlam ‘T/ & hOHBIBf (wettaot ■ta tL it — yv»any t A.* No 83 Fifth street, between Wood and Smith field. Fresh leeches received monthly—attendance ail tears. Reference, the physicians of Pittsburgh, Alle gheny and Birmingham. I mosl ebeerfttilyreeoDQaend to tbe physlclass,tam> tlies and all my former friends and patrons, Mr. k. B. Norris as being thoroughly acquainted with the. buai uesaand worthy of patronage. “MO-lr M. R. DEIAfTY, MfcPDfAotmod Tobacco. 'T~ 48 "n"" 'T"' b 5 V* 19 h/do Price A Harwood's “ * s “ ado do do •* «jo ** S 3 dodo Pearl A Harwood “ u sAlb u 14 do J Robinson “ u 16s u S7hfdo -do “ “ S « S 3 dodo Wa Dawson “ “ g m 33 do T Wright's - « g « 37 do O Andereoo - “ 8 “ 9 do LT Dade’s “ g « 3 do R Macon’s ” “ § ** 9 do Ratcliff u M |b “ Just landing from steamer and packets, and for sale by UEALD? BUCKNOR A Co, 41 north water st and 16 north wharves, Philadelphia \K AN Slones ill A Son’s superior sweet lb lamp*. 73 half bxs Webster Old superior sweet Ss lump* 38 “ Lawrence Lottier “ St u IS ** Gentry A fiovs'er “ 3*A fa “ 90 “ Dupont (de la Eure) “ fa “ 10 “ McLeod “ (ja o 83 “ Lawrcnee Lottier “8a Ads plug Just landing from steamer, and for sale by UEALD, BUCKNOR A Co, 41 N water st and 10 N whsrves, my3l Philadelphia: *. J. QI.BHN, XTTE are suli angaged in the shore business, corner Tf of Wood sndThird streets, Pittsburgh, where we are prepared to do any work in our lin<i with des patch. we attend to our work personally, and s»ot lacuoa will be given in regard to its neatness snd du rability. Blank Books ruled te any pattern and bound sub stantially. Books in numbers or old books bound care fully or repaired. Names put on books iu gill letters. *Riose that have work in oar tin** are invited to enJL Prices low. myZfctf BTKAJS BOAT BLAAKETB, ANUPACTURED to order snd furnished at short uL notice, with the name of the boat in etch Wan khi. Also, Cotton and Hoik Msttrasses made In the best manner, for a very lew price by I. HERSCY, novlft-dly Warehouse, g> Water st /"tALF BKiNB—3O dox genome t-Vench Pair V/ fioe article. A few downs Philadelphia Skins, from the manufactory of H M Crawford,’to which the mention of boot makers Is invited. Just received and for sale by W YOUNG A Co, je37 t 43 liberty st AT W. M. M’CUNTOCK’S, No. Td Fourth street, can be seen a splendid variety of sup Boyai Vel vet and Tapestry Carpets, latest styles. Also, Unu sela, 3 piys and sup and fine Ingrain Carpets, of sap styles and qualities; snd in connection can always be found Table Linens, Crashes, Diapers, Damasks, Mo reens, Oil Cloths, Ae. Ac., to all or which we cell the attention of the public. sugtQ TTAVING sold car entire stock to C. ILGkairr, With XX ■ view to closing our old business, w* hereby so licit for him the patronage of all our friends and e&»- RO_W. POINDEXTER, the! poindexteb. PuubQTgh, Aof. (lb, 1848. CIl GRANT, Wholesale Grocer, Commission and ■ Forwarding Merchant, No. 41 Water at aul9 VT OS. 93 and M Front street, Bell FonndoraVnd ma ll nfaetareri of ail kinds of Ralnr* lor Gas, Steam and Water, hare always on hand Wrought Iron Wel ded Pipe for ateam, gas, and water, from 9 In. to * In, in diameter. Brass Caatingi made to order. Aleo, a targe assortment of Bella aud (InUhed Braaa Work to which the attention of Plambera and Engine Builders la particularly directed. Una Fitting* put up promptly and on reasonable terms. . _ iepao-d6m BELL AND 13HASS rbtSOUY. JHh A FULTON, Bell and Brass Founder, has re- Ihm built and commenced bosiueas at his old stand, where he will be pleased to see his old custom mid ini" uii and friends. Church, Steamboat, and Bella of every site, from 10 to 1(M»0 pounds, cast from patterns oftbe most approv ed models, and warranted la be of tbu best tnatenals. Mineral Water Pumps, Counters, Bailing. 4c., toge ther with every variety of Brass Costings, if required, tarn ad and Unliked in the neatest moaner. A F. ia the sole proprietor of Usuit's Aim-Arm fios ttl&L, ao justly celebrated for the reduction of frieticarin machinery. The Boxes and Composition can be hid of him at all times. jaafcly POIRTIKQ PAPBO. THE »üb»crib«r* hating the excloaite Agency; for selling the Printing Paper of a new and extedsive paper raiUlnthis tieiwnr, will beat ail timea well fop-- plied with the different sues of paper, of saperior quali ty, which we offer at the lowest regular prices? Any site or quality will be manufactured to order ai abort notice. REYNOLDS A BHEE, corner Fean wul Irwin iu VCAM.MQTH PKNs—Jost received, one eue of jXL nmmtndih Gold Pent. Persons having coach writing to do, will find great eue in oiing theie pens, ■( they do not cramp the fingers, and have fine smooth points. W W WILSON, deoil comer 4th and market «t» ISbIAICiraBEirCtOTMINo —Jut received for me California Expedition, a complete utortinept of (Jam Elastic Clothing, ai price* ranging from t&fiO to f U,30 for tail of coaupanu and hot. For tola at the India Rubber Depot, No 6 Wood *L dec*)’ J A H PHILLIPS / ILAJLMaN a CVx, bave removaeTioihe \i Warebotue, 3 doorm watt of lb* Monongahela Uooflt on Water and Prom nreeli. FOB. BENT—Tho Warehotuo No. 43 Wood it. ocllfl Pon copy. > TUJTT RECEIVED—Three more of those *© JaiUy t| eetebrated Hamburgh Piai\o*,uwd coostanuy by LUt, Thalberg and other great performer*, together a targe axaortmeat of roaowood -add' faahogaay, of nry own manufacture. The above tnitrnaroto are wamstedtabe peziect la every reapoeu and will be sotd tow feycaeh. F hlitmb. ta!9 No 1U Wood it, 8A door Bornnh : MISCELLANEOUS. ' JCtSfti iBWIWt i . Hr* c Ull ’ I.IPPESICOTT ft. BAna, fIAW J 8 Btrickler A Co.t of.Ph*aLr<fi» proof. safes, ttm^Barr* 7 eua * lct «d under the ryle of Lippeo* of a uft tn Cincinnati, o.—We, (he undendgn «3 wnrepre»grt »t the testing 0 f one of J 8 Btrfckto A ?To-proof safes. The safe was • fonieeh on the public landing, end subjected to to intense heat ofa stone eoalfirtYor more then laonehosu and a half to safe cams, to iSftjtfa”? door of the furnace mi lien 5.2a7 w^ c \ e f a **d *o increased and steady heat to c#tt rea wheels were ftunaee was then thrown down and the safe cooled and opened. The money,-oapen j? nttine d wore as perfect ai when placed there, the binding only of the books being in hired by the water In eoolJsg the anfa We hare no hesitation in reoommeudingitto the public a* a safe JKffSLif J2L** hare cm teen tested, and believe -thatitwUlmandany heat wfaieh mightbo.produced, xcept a heat which would melt U ton solid «"««r SrSfg^SS. ”■>"* * <*■ W “ «“*>. We, the ondetitgncq, selected the safe spoken of above, from a lot In the store of Trabei A Aabery, the Agents 'OO SPRINGER, 8 J KELLOG. Refer to Cook A Harris, Brokers, Pittsburgh; Bnssey Hanna*Co, dtr, do [feMAwlyS PttUburgh tb Batten Oejper ComMity* rpHIS Company respectfully informs the pabueTaad X particularly all dealers and consumers of Copper in the form in which they prepare it, that their Small? ing Wotks are now in cueeeaanl operation, and they are now ready to make comredm for the delivery of Ingots to those who want in .this fpim; and else tough esse to the purpose of rolling. The Copper produced from the Hetalie Mt«w of Lake Superior, is'ascertained to be much superior to the ordinary copper in the markets, whieh ia obtained from one containing toeigmsioOrei substances. This copper is perfectly.pure,-and i* not injured by the pro* cess of smelting, and Is therefore greatly to be prefer red for bell meuu, rolling, and ttuay other purposes. As it is not Ihe intention or wisn-of this Company to erect works tor the manufacture of copper -In the various forms in whichit is wanted, (bay trill be happy to make contracts for tha delivery of It tn the form of Ingots, tough cake for rolling, Ac., to those who may with to embark in the business. Hereafter, all the copper obtained lhwt* wiinw will be brought to Pittsburgh, and iaixe supplies may be expected Letters addressed-to C. GThcsixt or Tdoxu M. Howa, will meet with prompt attention. decl|M3m CHARLES AVERY, President A CABO. fTto THE ENTERPRISING.—A tare ehanee is now X presented for the safe Investment In a bfltlaess en tirely new; one adapted to the man of as to the mam of axtansive resources; yielding a profit from capital and enterprise beyond -any operation of the day. It is the complete monopoly of a staple arti cle, absolutely necessary and essential to every fend-. Iy, m well as indispensable to the mechanic, artisan and professional man. To Capitalists, an opporttHßiy offers itself for a lucrative employment of etuer large ot small sums, bringing lmrperii«twn<t high|y'*»*iifrf tory returns. Those desirous ofembirkingtn splets snt. genteel business, are invited, with others, to call at the office of the undersigned, examine-the article, -and form their own judgment, from the fmets presented.' Office, Exchange Bandings, 8c ftlajr «t ih>pf fe Esquire Johns’office. COLVERA MYERS .decll £A£itES ARE CAUTIONED AGAINST USING COMMON PREPARED CTTAt.Tt. THEY are not aware how (rightfully injurious it Is to the skin—how eoarrey how rough, bow sallow, yel low and unhealthy the ifan appears after using prepar* pared chalk! Besides ills lnjnriana confining g iatgV quantity ol lead! We nave prepared a beautifal vegetable article, which we call JONES’ SPANISH LILY WHITE. It is perfectly innocent, being purified of all deleterious qualities; and it imparts }o the skin a natural, healthy, alabaster, clear, living white; at the same time acting as a cosmetic on the skin, making it soft «nd smooth. Dr. James Anderson, Practical of ebuseus, says: “After analyzing Jones’ Lily White, I find it poitessas the most beautifuandnatu ral, and st the came time innocent whhe I ever saw. f certainly can conscientiously recbcunend its use to all whose skin requires beautifying.” Price, S 3 cents a box. Sold by WM. JACKSON, 89 liberty at maj39 Pttt MachlnS Wsrks Snd Pannil^, • missuaaa, ra. JOHN WRIGHT A Co., are prepared to build Cotton and Woolen Machinery of evert description, «t»rb as Carding Machines, Spinning Frames, Speeders, Drawing Frames, Railway Heads, Warpers, Spoolers, Dressing Frames, Looms, Card Grinders, Ac. Wrought iron Shafting tamed; all sixes of Cast Iron, Pollies and Htngere of the latest patterns, slide end tismj and tools of all kinds. Castings of every description tarnished on short notice. Patterns n*xde to order for Mill Gearing. Iron Railing. Ac. Steam Pipe tar beat ing Factories, Cast Iron Window »■»«>< and fancy Cas tings generally. Orders left ar the Warehouse of J. Palmer A Co., Liberty street, will have prompt attSn don. Refer to BUekatock, Bell 4. Co. J. K. Moorehead & Co 7 O. E. Warner, John Irwin & Son*. Paubarehr O. C. a J. 11. Warner, Steubenville. iattU ff«w HerdWMe Uonse, JOSEPH WOODWELU comer of aad ad Pittsburgh. Dat- tnfi withdrawn from-the firm. of wiiurMrwoodwill, on the let of January, 1&17,1 taka pleasure in anaohneing tc my friend* in ihe eity and eountry, that I have opened my new store at the above named place, j Having purchased my goods for ea*h, and made arrangements with manttuutaiera in this eoontry and in Europe to be constantly supplied, 1 am folly prepared to fertusa Hardware of all kinds, ®“ tema- and a* Jew as ait house East, or West. Merchants and tTlhera are rerpcctfally Invited to eall and examine my stock, before purchasing else* where. The Allowing comprise# a part of his stook: Steamboat and saddlery hardware, ran trimming*, files, Naylor's tied, cutlery, edge tools, anvils, vieea locks, latches, scythes, bolt tinges, screws, Union ftio* topr planes, saws, mahogany board* and veneer*, •u other articles ct • weted with the hardware busi ness rnehlUf P«m» HiehlaeShop. HWIGHTMAN— Mana/acturcr oiaUUndaaf cot* • ton and woollen machinery. Allegheny city, fa The above work* being pow in fail and suce«»»iai op eration,! am prepared to execute order* with dispatch for ail kind* of machinery inlay line, *ueh aawilWa, pickers, spreaders, cards, griUainy machines, railways, drawinw frames, speeders, throssils, boms, woolen cards, doable or single, for merchant or coantry work, moles, jacks, slide and hand lathes and tools in gen cral. All kinds of shafting made to order, or plans giv en for gearing factories or mills at reasonable charge. Ravs* TO—Keacedy, Childs A Co, Blaekstoek, Bel] * k Co, Jaa. A. Gray. Cooper Onplsz LsVer aod VTadchei.' - JUST received and fax —if» at ejjaKSXgSgL gre»Uy reduced price*, five taaa ■sEßias3SSi£3i oc *' *-• ” Cooper,' 6 Caltborpo itr’t, , . ‘ Cr*s** Inn, Bead Unuton,” Da plex and Patent- Lever! Watches, cased in 18 Jtarat sow, and fall jDwelied,/wUh Chronometer balances, rnese are now the finest watches made, being teoeri-i or In finish and aecaracfcrb the jOTTobiM, Joseph Johnson, or any other make. Those in wantofa very fine wateh are Invited to call and examine thia Jot. Also, a large aasottsenttof Gold and Silver Watches. Chains, Seals, Keys, ha, ' IL/~ Fine Watches repaired in the heat manner _ W. W. WILSON, (earner 4th *ndMarki»t «*■ SBW COACH " M\ WHITE A CO- would respeetfttlly Inform • the pablio that /they have erected asho<p on uacock, between Federal and Banduakj streets. They era now melting and arepre pared to receire order* to •*err description of vehicles, Coaches, Chariot**, Ba roaches, Boggle*, Phetms, Ac., Ac, which fremthS long experience m the atanolhctnreof the aboTe work, and the facilities they have, they feeleoaidem they are enabled to do work on the moat reasonable term* with those wanting articles id their liSe. Paying particular situation to theaeleetbn of mate* nal*, and hatring none bat competent workmen, they have no hesitation in [warranting their work. Wo therefore ask the attention of the public to this mauer. N. a Repairing done to the best manner, and on the most reasonable terms. : icgfctf Headquarters fpFlJooU and~&hoe*r Corner of SoUthfield end’pennh - 1 Pmtßtrsan, p 4. fifill TRO i'i* * SCOTT, heriny commenced ihe Bmi federal Boot and Shoe basinets, wholesale end r KLrcteil, wen’d respectfully Ip vita the ■upritiog of their mends a&d the public renerhllr to their splendid new stock jo si oncnetLconsisdny of men’s, women’s, boys’, misses’snd children’s wear, of every Tsrietr, satiable for the season, end at prices to sail the tin**! Also, a splendid ankle pf MetaliaGom Shoes, for no. tlcmon and ladies. Plessa call and examine for yonr» <o,ve *- TROTH ft SCOTT, .. „ corner of Bmlibfietd nnd'itif Vu, Pitutmnrh. oo N Lrsißßßt LOHBBB2I T H v B " b *5 ribcT » taken the Saw MBI above the Fifth Wert Bridge, formerly ran by Mr. John v orabcifcwid haring e good stock ofUmberon band, wonld ioiicii the natroitage of the public. Orders thankfttily raceivco and promptly attended to * BAVARY A BPAULDINO. The undersigned having eold hie interan In the above Mill, to Mearn. Savary A Spaulding, would recom mend them Lonu fertnftt cnstomera and the communi ty ai being well doalified to give tatUfacUon to all who may deal with them. jagg-dim JOHN CHAMB^B woucbbteh’s piabob. T ) RCEIVED this day, and for cats at manufacturere XV nrlce«, three elegant Rosewood Piano®, made by H. Worcester, N- Y. These instruments are eoosider ed fully equal, if not auperior, to any now nude in N York, baying a« fall, rouhd, and melodious tone: war ranted |o wear well and giyesiiisfocUon. The price of these Pianos iir'beUeced to be madh lower than aa>’ ether manufacturer’* iaN. Y. Those who are in waalofa good and elegant Piano at a moderate price, will please call and «amine the shore at the sloreljf the-subscriber.where a lanre as sortment of Cbickering's celebrated Planes can afwmr. be found. JOHN H. MEL LOR. 1 d “ s7 . i — 81 Wooq.t IITATOUES, of, very £Ln« qDalHy, m a be moral »» pailcToe;telected drprctily for retail aaW bj Cooper, Tobim, Jotdeon, Lltierland, De.ii.iCo. Boot ov.aod other genuine end approved mnnufacm! rers tn England. »“-*nu«:iu- F«il jewelled 18 carat Gold Patent LiiraW.t*w ulowusaa outer, 0. .arlotu Utaßry,-eiebtjie., .eyingDorn fag to B|Hl* t to gteil variety, from 85 toW All oyef 810 warranted. Levon a* low a, 818 ■ i noygf W W WILSON, SI mark?!.. 00.r.e tesfeswsa *^'V a ibs rear of the Monomrahela Hnm* with ■jjcatirelj' new stick of Horses f? e i ® a iy d*taku«lied igenta ben fortheueiocbti we uTeihe lAtffest aod finest euon* meat In the city. Call and tee. 8 Remember, we are not to be undersold. BIAKE b meet. ocOtt entrance ou north side of tha Diamond jntu* K. FOR SALE—>Tho' good and tab* f 1 ™- iluiiil.ittta boat AMBHtni <■ fbi- tale on accommodating Apply to )« : /CMPWtjJuAftwmn barbel* dried peacbae, 100 bu*h» i ebesirata, 19 socks foathcrQ* do wooL g do g, hut received per.exeamerv Magsat tod Pio. oeer. and for sale b y dec# C. a GRANT DRY &-VARTET^cSOODS. ' . i FAI.K. GOODS. : "VV' * :ecmpSslng one of the largest ew brought to,the mar ket. which hare been purchased direct firm the Ini porters ana Blanafirctufttnu of thO'iatest Sjld ne west styles, end lower in price than tw offered in this city, to which he taTties uteattanllbn‘ of those wishingto famish steamboats of before purchasing eLsc whem The stock is part of the following RichlliimiUuCuma; Oitojal.TiptiulOiJCloli do Vchret ' do Plain colored do do Tapestry do • glfeetwids* ■ do Brussels - .do 8-4,.W,84,4-dd foil cloth Burn supers ply do Suußods _ i Super do do BAMandMDruggett -do ingrain do SaCrUnen#.: . . Wldode.. do RosewoodOflQnth Common do do ' crumb cloths' I•• | 4-4,3-4 A | Damask Embossed Piano eorrera i Venitian do do Table do { 4-4,3-4 & ttwFd do do Figured Table OU cloths, • 4-4,34 ft | plain do do Turkey Rod Tailenetl . i 4-4, f,|, | & 8-4 cot do AdelalaMals 84 printed cotton CanetsrSbaepskin do Extra sap Chenille logs; Jutd do < do do Tufted do silent 40 , Fine do .do sttKllm ... Wilton do dp Snow drop Napkins Crimson fig’d Plash; Kspef Tbureitng Plain do Crash - Drub M Cloth M Undid Table tineas j Blue do, for eoaeb tm'gs; TrsasphilWlndow Shades Bindings ExtraFrencb do ... do, > .Wostfd cords. Rich Satin do Ltines for do Tanels window curtains < . i : Scarlet, bloe, cnmaon, black and drab. Damasks} figured rainbow pamasks; wonted and linen Table covers; bine, toriffWMij. dnb dsdblank hforceac cotton Plashes of all colors* { Also, Qaneburgs and Drillings tar steamboat deck; . and all Other t»4wwnt»«p« biwimm wv fnr (hr boats labour,Uw,jojrhtehtteespecial attention of,omen Is tamed W. hTCLINTODffS Carpet WarcioozeJ one door, from Wood, onEbcnha^ 1 Bhtrtlag BbiUm mim I W $• MutIPHY invites the particular attention of TV .these wanting ihe above Goods, 10 hi* deabtbli atoek, eonabUng of the beet make, toathamost'iu} proved, ntanaftrmrcta. sad tha lottor. warranted purs flax.—lie has Just reeoved as additional lately, asd is offering Rhjiting Mashas of. a superior at. a very.low price. Also, ; sheeting aha Pillowcase MasDnsi Diapers and Crash; ■ . j Table Cloths, Toweb and Napkins: Bianhets,'G|ailts, Coanterpaiias; ass ’ „ Housekeeping Dry Goods generally. LADIES’DRESS GOOIK£-Bueh as FrenehUenaiai,. Paramettos, plain and fancy Do (use-now styles jast received;) Alpacas, Ae. T The season being tar advanced, all these Goods will be sold tv prices that iaanot fail to pbium. - ,• | Rooms up stairs. , .. . janlS j • A.l. KABOS * G<fc»‘:r. .. , I \TO. GO. MARKET STREET, will continue their 11 great semi-annual safaofDßY GOODS,-for 1 30 dayajooger,dariag whicbriaolheir extensive whole •ala Rooms will be thrown open to their Retail Trade u heretofore. knowing’thai they ate •oiling Dry Goods of every description from ten to fif* teen per eeat. leu than ever before, do invite person in want of dry goods, or who may be in warn, to examine and purchase from oar stock, atths lowest wholuale rates. j Our great objeet in tfedoeing stock b Vo make roofa for opting Goods, it being ear intention to exhibit fa March the largest andWhe richest stock of Dry Goods ever one red by any ouebouse in America. •V- \ t We abali -continue tbe sale of our Bleached and Brown Muslins, Tickings and other Domestic Goods,, at our former low rates, notwithstanding the recent ad* ™ibh? 14 per ctn * eastern market^.' T7INE BLACK nafasiw ■■Wup r attention of borers to his uxteastvs assortments above goods, including mohair and aipaeea Austro,' very fine and flour,7<n blaek and blno' bbekr als&Ta. few pieeea without nutre, for moantbif dressystsbfor. a large assortment of various enia*V»w« «fyif j«ir—rfn ’• striped and brocade Aipaeea*, black and fancy cp> ’ lore plain blankyinvuiblogrcmiydiah and ether co!b. : Maaarine Blue Parmeuos Alpseeas—A few pea of these semree and'deiirable goods lately racaivedf j Wbolesala Rooms upstairs, north easteornsr afdih and Market ata. , LADIES’ TRIMMINGS—a doa blk Lena DcmiVeiis, SpseolM Silk Velvets: SO grou blk DabeyDtu mng H do cattillian do; 18 do colti Floss do: 19 do do Fantasia do: 9 doa coltf fleecy silk do hlk Jenny Und Fringe, IS do French silk Rnehes: retfd F H EATON £h>, Fourth tr T INEN DIAPERS—B-4, 7-4 and 8-4 linen Table X J Diaper, of common figured, damask and snow drop patterns. Abo, Rtxssta and scotch Bird Eye Pat ent, _ SHACKLETT& WHITE, : . 1 *~ K> wood «t ikf nUH FLANNELS tv R Morphy has on TV. a faUosteJtmewoftheeodesiiabloGoodiijaUof a rail assortment of domestic unshrinkable do, ana*, ftu! assortfaent of searlet and yellow, and • spOttedl for Chmtrnu wear. .7 * Home made Flannels—white, brown «nd barred! a tupply constantly on hand, decOO i W ATciT AND CLUCK fitU'AUUhu.— ttanndu f» employ (he but workmeu ta be found, toiroSer wtth a large and complete stack'of fine Mols and nU. chicory, adapted to complicated work, and with accuracy and facility new pieces, eustomersimiv depend on aahafaetiotf, and at aboutihirtame Prices they pay ta many ahopa forlmperfsct worluaod fit to*. ny cases for positive injury done tb their watchu All work is waiiuntttFto perform welL N. &—Having reduced my tetml am determtaed to sell as Jow u the towut regu lar prices, east orwcstlahtf etistomers may be assured that they can taako.iheiT purchases ia-this lineias’ cheap as'ip, tba camera cldcs, thereby eucouraginx homo trado and industry. w w muuw^ BOTI3 • —.- berry, Sterlet, CherryJ Drab, Light Bine, Brown, tad “^ASg&^^grvS^gasjf^^ ■npew ' colorw, including a fow pieces •of Ttry embroSebed Cashmeres-—plain end orbited Moo* do Lain*, printed Cashmeres, Lamartine Stripes, * oe^,^ Ucla fcr Mtea'dreeaee, Batin, itnpcd Alpaeaa: BLACK AND FAN CY CA6SIMEH£&—W R MnS •*»? lately,received a largo uaonmeotcfibeio AUo, nenehDoeakisaiofaDipuditlet. .. „ I ;! black Peticsee Cloths for ladies -Wl. - ™ Afoo, silk, cotton and. merino DndenUna and Draw flrß^nefi,Uadc”ftrt«- constantly no I . attention of Merehanta and Merchant TaK abov^ buj by *** &c9 t M specially invitedtolSe —— • • ""deelß, . ™ , '" Lror " afiss? SiSTSifrasa3!?iflS.!g . J K Hanky haa 4 i otofMW itylr brownaadwhite Brhub Prints, Vere.handsome, arrived hylSaateam. /»• large assortment of choice jrtrke of tiVS* f / ut ‘°k»«dlowpriS: h ° r ’* rfm * V*&torf*VP>T ~s&£SSSj££gjgi M ESSsss* Mons ds Ltm»— Alao received,, a lot of van *>»■« “3 sSuS*£ wi d “ Uto “-A «“* title!,, only Wholesale Rooauap r ' I /S3££2£!&~a' o,olll *JoaaxwrWMarket 4reei, ibi KX*JF h£? V 9 * wtej » «f fia* fcatltti t&r**d **•aadß*«eutcnaloommM£aa?ucft>r. iozb eottos do) one ds of black ailkl*e*u*wSi£*& aMip^ saasarsas* ,!. J • w tUrcr « « !«' ‘ P* B ** ll “ s ZEHOuajt KiNainfe. aZSkfta “•s“> 'qcU*, ' —■*' * eaxjpck* -gg&j;-. u H. EATON * cSToralcn Id XUmdin and *|irimntooaly iSmnancicf ihaklnj tSilutMnrtjs thUcognqy o| Europe far Bed-. w**P.n?°y*» *°4 the only o&e everknhwft xo'mxs,' oy which Utagmltanlc flntde*n fie centered to tfchhih brtlmof to iv^nofthe bodr k **f**»“* 1» now hirU» ■npramdof tnr ?£?&■££)?}* i??i, !CaI y nl ofthS eoon tt mkv whom the tnbcted cod other* when HeftSe^SSPS l* r.fe*? B*g*yl to he *d tcrDTey iho BuKScSia SS,iSS«Si?%-£3£g«rt •tore speech; tad to the irwioaj dm2& ?i!* , £ib to St thocure.of Wirtmic— ft 7*s* - •UotutMto the core ofdia«uaL “ViPwjw oarferepenttnj far the e&reoftfcoee disease* will *l. *o befall* explained to the purchaser, *ndt ptamklat pot into hi* hand* exprenly far thetepfapomkiram. My prepared by the patentee., Butin octiddly „ 8 WtLLIiAIB > r Yine «u Pltttimr^L. Ptttobirth aad Aiitgimw ... (Located 5, Allegheny City, Fl«nW*treetcoi£** ftf. N. cmnmonsj - ,:i npmßfeftltodtfa is 120 tv id soceoaifal operation* os* •X’ttrto asanisbeoi of a competent matron-end nniiefc33t»Medfeel stiff is composed of tfeofoUow* whom attend't* ‘lhe 1 German patients. The object «t theluftnaafy i* not to be a mere receptacle. baa V-to. <Aart« JRSkJS 'SSH 5 * «“2Ssjmany paffis e?iSS ■ SggpSSWsg.? ■m, rena street,* Dr. GaxxanL' M^pet.’pg.Lange,Head street, I Df» fibrjanyPaia 'TEto^'^^Ssvsr^Si3wrti(4iii ai .; Janairjri,i»i9i;“^'''- ; --'. i -' ; •-■ 1 *-■» ' - /ml< • • ')•'!*;; r.a'.-itcrf. rnajua XBatiart, n. ■-. '‘afanftaiMnn. I&SP **e»*»r# .«»«!?SS^|jjS» I Tf *JK«.OIi JtEPD, PARKS i .otaoSredbyqmnulcoilJeiil. TiJ TSBicuorthi __•; uses. •'; •‘ , - •’ ■'- '•’• '•*aaa Ct “* ‘cfesSg- S^***^- FOBWABBMa * raMMBIsJoN i^BOHAWTS, «• vi •[ -.rAsd-Agesu-fo? the. FTT , Puubnrgh kim Cleveland line, imCleVelaijd/t) Union I3nk--- ’ “Clav*i««a^n o' S' Paclfet Line, ** Erie,.Pa. Hefaf to G.!M. HAnoa add: John a. t- ■": %lnT arrmlUeJmteilnv filtering Coekr.a n FORPURIFYING WATEIii? .. JL? r. render* 'tnrtild, wawiroSri hr .yffiSab, ; " rentovipjt all eubitaneeriidteorabiem •;-’-Water. ’ The crotanvraitr'jji NVYork: 1 dlHETffHnmMdthhadi dear and pnrf tajfc»eyn»yet f M ’ V9Ufi * u boor | j^fenc^(w£?4c\^nS* u the <a*e aero orleievrithallhydrajilraier. 7 ' The Bare rihloTHterer-U-n ear indAiSujle,-aa4 U not attended withthe inconvenience iifideat to taker FiUerejMLi’ttiadeaJuedvtftbcutbeinjldetaehed Ooa (he water nipt by the air or from and «Ide to The’ biker. ‘By this eaiji price**, the ebarte-ofaralßri* changed, and all adcxudalatieaa fo iaipara-rabstaneee ere. dzsvea.dr luumly. without onecrewingtho, Filter. I( also pomneatae advantage dibeing a slop cock, and u soch in ajanr caeee willbd'vcry Convenient andecanmyh»ii, -■ , fteag-bdhflkched where there li'any preteark Wh erioWtd'iedsk, tank, tab, ie- with ease. iTobobad of thafokiLAgeni, \ W,.W. WILSON, - •-OCH7; I j corner of Foarth and Market »ti DfphrTiffi* Water. • - ■’te ' THISU tocerufy.tluu Ihaveap ■ I i P>uiied ,limj3toa,itomßa A* Co. .. iiiftiTi ii ijii U *r"" for the shle of Jenninr** jprarkubiiumpatta, Kapraham Hitch forihfc ei ** "St*- 1 tiesoTHnsoargn aadAUerheny. * "Jft" ! JOHN GIBSON, Affetu, WS? 1 M Gi b »oo» W-fiioadwajr, SF' ■ 0cL10,1849. \ve bare Won tuinffono of the above articles ax the oflwe of the Novelty Work* for three mWnth«, qq trial ■ and feel perfectly satisfied that it is a MefarMwenUon.’ .aaa yn take pleasure io recormorniUns them as »nw kve pare Viter. Orders will be thsnkfhlly received aadproiriirthr exeeoted. ♦' ocOB ' UYmOgTON, ROGGSN&Co j, : AdTenliemint. 'L TTHBjrah*etibeiVlfl oflerinyfor sale ahandierielet X of Ntmm &'-Clark Hf (New Yoi*,) ind'CMeker- EUuusiiwoqlil direct attention tothe (*ct thsthi* n thoonly piece in the WwXn So lnjmuttsm»ofthese twojnekenr een be triecTSde br side, and where, consequently, a correct idea of their qualities ctd be fanned. The subscriber befhranxioae b> teat thdirol alive mena, and bavin* foz a number of K n .ponoraed upon the Piano* or Nonas'Jb Ciark. tadenmtonsefoi theiasrtwtiTOsibaihaJaGhiek? erinf Piano, to order to try its durability, and uan Mcpmpfnjrmect to the voice. Till' pta&CTI a*" }* *eea. and eiaainrd at ha rooms:- Ho fea& * .eanfidentotto* ahilitr to giro a competent and «li*. bio optoion on jhesubjeet. A hsndsemd lot of now Pianos will be opened in a -l tyl-Pilt .1 H. KLESER, , _ 1 • AtJW Woo3wa?Ps WMMTEBB -- -J O sabseiiber takfea this nfethoJ to be made oflha best msisrial and by thebesreaeeh s'S'zts.'ai'sS OT- oet3o»ly • ;f ■ . -.Q.KKfyv P|J^HMCg]»-»The'«nb , icrn>m baring (ortho stiorof ihe.oatob rated cash.wtLOOK Tor tabconstruction-'efforaaeot of aU kindHntosft bticke.hav* been pnneaaeed.-jjy coo- ‘ “ i 1 " Ofbis Lamartlne SSdo&ilriiiaWi,- m aadstedUß *odo John .find tads;-idflo Bo* f a ?^! }, “ :co *t e , ni^Ta * I ®J be®* of*tiaTDr ite brands, 1 on will to eloss,by r , -,t ••.dwjkv- LaWATBBiiAN .(***&&& Tu^S&irtrplcTU- X -B£fia*- ‘0» srttttibeis. briny the exetosu-e im porters of James Hnspran a Sens’ SodsAifupr this atsrkev an sow and will eominoe to tenSiOn no plied with OdseetebrSied br*nd,whiebthay will sell tubeJowem market price for eaah-or aporovedaUij. Tier refof-to- sad eeap-haanlsetuFers r this city feneyaUy. respecting iheejutitj^.; ? -- a ' '''' ,!l IWllberffst IRON FOUNl«YTrtJiHiAlilHsa«iU^lrnTPous dn to adooriihing town, with Paoeiai, Toole, hdf all Radyrlbrbasineßsrwilt be sold- *£ eceonua? dxdny terms, or excitangefor Jrm or good*. 1$ Tau Offers *n excellent opportnnity tq ryppn* nan with eatilctoitaltocoxeowtco the £9a foundry bo ,*' * * * ° ' BCAIFE k ATKINSON • -deeds-■ 1 a tsccesi Wood street Boaleij Cooktog Btovea erstWaii: — 1 Tt/f AfIUHALL, WAUiACB& Romai-Church. iIX djwnei liberty and Wood,, «ttoetJuma«Cartart and. (met for dale PtotTann, Floor and Coulter Seale*, of the" most improved quality; CookinyBlOTC*,Tdrw~3 nggEssssss^k ana : brifll*nt qa* Chaiatf Iters,from one tofoar Al *°' IPlpSiSgiS larir reqeestedHo eaU and look s Jj JSHAnrHAaiMffiS, -fli - -gw*faywnJaßtdVotts s»4 , £sr H £ i &,%25? sm huw^w\w»-»—,■ ■ y—" uuu.^Mnmyi XVh^t^r^l7P^ |Bdo’ ,«?;2 i.i!rn-.siia ’-■ • ‘r~/\