I?'""'' «fHFi ptTTSRIHUifI^fiA^EM^ i: t■■■'■> pimuailEP ‘ : i '. ”""-" ! -~- -.-JjfaSSSitßjwa^*^ oB - •' '' ry 1'| »* ’'i-^gSSS^wSSSSftfep^l . ’. ‘^^ M I v •.„ ;.■ «a^tis»jsssaa^| :: £ru<& W..»jjSSBS*jS^S«S®ss^??^ a^' v J :fA , .;r>ww- ' " *”cY'r.V*V. UOMfiSTBAD SXBi Tb»<»oanunuaa»aoatlii»*nbj«* , W>« ™ sa •• ■ dentn, ,, wtiuA wapabbibcd to ™ ■-■'•.. .toady, and ~ - of obi corretfa&i** "* 5 vUk-him to Uis to tod to w .‘» • • •>;"* 'ufito itfuiinriwlT [-"TM** •«*“ “* YiVi-J: >‘*,,tf=*htoa.b«ncntot toi«Mo&**«««v, ■ >;r 'f o.air.arfi«toMto.ta.«^ ,Ml> *gy i • •Kni <»»t»9ii^o»Bto~ttl:«aiti tbnjjd;,-nlflW,.. l * w *““•, :- \r- '.' tißioavrey ffi»i «®4 te 1 .- UUim .' -. Mjon-ibttto finaiflabirwioj ;«*»!{% Pf“ ctu ' dliy ■' * 1 h *'? ~“ ‘' rv 1 ■• • frai Ml-rn IMI nre iffll on die earths - ’•■•, :■ ■■. ■; J»i i;-:'?. '-’ ■ V'id*ttom'-to*ft{£s; ■ ’A\r =,-"' ties :ihi':thi«: «li^ii»'iV*» ll ' “tbaCTnpqoafiry,, /' ■'•_-i„ ' imußicotodlraud *•*«><*■ ,t-.: :«-^«*■«»» ta ‘<‘^2**“-"^- ... . h.jt •~‘*-.4ji'iibuuStr **4 --,‘VA'.StaMiylretdtodotetaw. wbtoh,.lull' nolba| "■ ■ '■, union end oneqoal in apodal c*»4 end M» . fcw^ , oftbosowbieh onf iriebd'ao. ably .expound. ■». in, 1 'k-.J&.Y ■■ rASam a lan « Tire ta -.: -•'•■ ■- -. 'i'- t tUm point moat etrongty indued npfcs by cor cot. , - ‘ ;.' rereondeut-wc f«l indfcdtnfdyto dony'- Any-tawthai patera, ~. -conwyondentmj«, *•s:£&■ :•? ..A mart wa»^:ff»p|toj| . ptadgrfibf :-- is isi tiictf,, redemption. A. Uw arotlij -BadSiattloß ofhta &tt2y: Wo Ire not «U» tlui '«. : . .’.Vißpmionttwen “•! ■'-■> ''creditor. . oldtawyere.:whoni;osi««na » ~ .. tiuor. 'Sccb »tao ta aioFfa c '> 1 f" 1 5* 0 , 1 * 1 ' ,W/‘ . debt ta paid. ", not.^wavcr.aoytonWpennilUu. and ■; ' . '.. avo«olessbonoßUhimlQur/torttatbor. wo are ■•*. ta mm moreinßO^!.* ' - tod bedding, . u con't*ntaitoe»,art cxetoptfipiii!i* *ny a f ■ --> -■- rla.tag,andit ■gfllrotbo kmg, jgn tbmV, bdbre : ;. , . . ‘ . Y; . . jmf . - m -■ iih»»TOi4i«taii«Btasiy* t i e *^ B ?^’r"S W! ' ' ■ icbJim* cF^SdtWi^W^lAj.wrw -’... ./Y v- r.tataCf ! Tko operation of thailaw, a* wc|raideii!indit,a - '■* tbito .A'atuabciofpenroa ot '' rerelbaotohpa!' , «?"““ io ‘ y bmlw Eugo dividend** fiat a wk3a all y twepein»wy«»“3 * a . #• ? * hot afterward. c6mo wawvßade*. Tho - , '.cctfcn iheyhave bods Won crejit tea m», r.ii. a, five—they enonetleto P»y. *W c^ a>au . InHlI their Jamertee^-^ - £X£> *! * tV»«p*ytigglar concCTfl l .«a >■ emit princely (brtanM end no oo* think* ofqra*’ . Nowhen;i»anah*tnebon oT property Com tlie-panait of creditor* eruh » t** infimaty mcgc injemmy «» * ' „** * ' ability than we can r pretend ?“J° ■>jn::-t l:'-t iprutall donbg« that he gflldo tITOT V tpf -• ■’>-•"• ••••',. ’.I ' -«- ’ , ’, ' "' ‘ '.'r ■ Mother thing occnra>,oi » worthy of cot «j ——> --—f--? :^.-.->.^t,f j~ T njinii* tq ; A mnn cannot mu hi* *** :/.;,:.:,; V;r «nia *een>»to 'i niww&her y-.to. bcinuartd'spbd*, Sow« W» Bet -t|cfl*libcwand •B3&&&* Thailand *renn r_r ia to * SStSmkj^taiSanaii**^:. 'Vi', -"'■■■ >' ihatelaimabcold in a proper degree " ; ' •‘'■'' ' to? QliiSoic cpopLjttlctoa would •:« v Irote yotiraeir i tarta telrtne*/andrnnch mom i-'- '■■/. , .' Jmhe eane vein. Ihaie an the atnflk^dgnna ' j'li'-i iifi ■■>■■■.' ).'-.< ■.pe.Vt,. haaitetap.partir'WUharYlCWafptpa»nf ; "V >, V .«p hi»ar*nnieit > 'n«4 partly,-in WiSpeol.,wfth* -'• “'' aiewbfahowiishow he;irtiM *l*l, an ho had :hot an opportunity; 4?il*w»-an) qnae wiDing-to . tl':'”- - ..V wUl-teeaflu ■i . .illf.Mu'- r *•: !>>• dwbinflM to-rtil .flgA *M IwOd* «W j-o' : s>&' : f ,'Unvn.iho poordambiaaplcaapractilcdhKnla , a- 1 ' : 6o>ftlea4> *t Brfe an In,a bid’htmwr.— 0 ttedaHhemwOf Httahitnihi tatonr thomaelvealn. InflMac© wxeiidkvFiil** ■ .yy^fropln. rauiy of jwnp;tW eM ho*«.«f t. ll .re^rtJiia-abfcietfbc^- | : -y" v^'i S'-A'i'- • - •V,.• \ ' r' ' wiU Blond “ IbjgwVnioio smr «- *~Txsef , „ Vihrntmui “*“*• fl r /w . r.Conupbdfidnee of tteKttiistgli Okct. ' y ,f- : fe|l*k f- **•%¥%! 1 <;- XOfifioUbQf tn4c*fj>y tnottjqtteot speech from &r* Pretoni* I jif»ia«ta wmft gentlemsnwbot about ibecioeeoflhe I UttKMiotir&carrtdUM censarooflfca Efaio&fthe | Richmond Enqoifor, and of nil that sshool of poll* | ticftwito Which thoemiOTctf.ihawirTtott Wang, imlhe'Wttlsmeifll of. U» slave He pro* ■ested'jribUi.fer.tho admission of California as a State, which U Tery aihiilis-io tiai introduced by j i hfijT. ■ tK#i feginmng of iha gCBPOa»d» j MtChirleil Brown, of inidft n pretty fair speech Idpon the subject of; Slamy, inwhlcli, having be* j I fore pretty thoroughly disputed hlsewn reals, by his vbteaohlho some qoea* i tiou t he gave the;South somepretty 'sound advice 1 on improper omtEgemeni'anildispasiiioii. of its I 1 slave-population. Bwtsnitaraletr.ughthißbe 1 aboold have adopted General, bus’s nation, that! I the best way to correct the ; acknowledged «Wl» & \ I the system, is to; diffuse Rom unlimited :space.--1 1 Mr.. Brown may ,bO; howst, for iWsUeve that he I I does not profess to desire the Has) emancipation of I I slaves, but ddcnds.it is mode oiflife for I isloN«W*> §«•«!> r the But what inhim mny be reckoned as | honest error, musM'n Cass be stigmatized escoa*J te mptible' sophistry, for in his -creed the diffusion j I of slavery is recommended as the means of its abo» I mion,justaa the esnse of emancipation Lathe U' I B4«W« h«« h^eti 1 advanced by.the cUcnhinn of als> I very over the broad and fertile fields of the tWuif I sianaand Florida purchases, sad Texas. Had the counsels of auch men as ' Jeffinton and Mason, of Virginia, and Gory, end Dine, Wii jKing* of Hiu* j Lathe convention that form* I ed effectual provision would have I I bwn for the peremptory cxclaiion of Slave-* 1 | ry from dlthejSpnth well u the North j I Western Territory ton owned, or to be. acquired 1 ISy the’Whitedtitto; *&s thftn a real_ topefimea ! wpoM have been interposed to the tpcead of this j cane, and the-egimiion thht has'aicee,like e pesa | tilence swept Over the country, would never have; | been known- But the Casses end Browns of that I day* were too nnmerpus, end things took their ■ I coarse. • Mr. made 4 bogund/able speech in the j Senate on a project introduced by hiihielf in the I . Wiape'of abUl, forth© location end construction of I i a territorial road fiom the Mississippi River to the! | ptcifie.'--The contemplates the construe* j tfcn‘ ofa rail..road 1 for that portion ol the rente which" shall be found practicable ibr and Car the I nmaxsdet adopts a natibttal tnrnpko. Mr.?, said j I it nruW be a great national high, way/amamicted and I I owned >y.Uw Government, altogether separated l Otun the pianaor interests of individuals, and open ItoalL- R irom soine central point like | St. Loms, andmustgothj«ughthe State of Mis- IsouiL " A friend -who heard Mr£B. gave the Mowing ■« ■'« nfTria .peach. He read to tie Sen* ale the whole of Uibbotfe "Decline ana Fall,’ the greater part ofCmsar’n Commentaries, anai*la«i ted the story of Adam and Eve, fiom aU which he deduced the high motel and political necessity of building a great high, way of iron, stone, or earth, from the Pacifio to St Lonis, on the Masissippj ; River, where, as he particularly and frequently in formed the chair, he resided. I suppose this is a cerrirature of Mr. Benumb peculiarity of manner in speabing, an fllustralion of the pomposity and pedantry with which the greatest ellbrts of his ffrwsng ipintl gjo disfigured. Bat th* of fee Supreme Oouxt was tho point of chief attraction, it being known that the Justices would deliver opinions in; the great case* tevohring the co&tfitotitmahly a£ the statntes of those Stateswlmr have passed them,lor imposing ] opon alien passengers arriving in porta. Judge .MnLoanJretd a long opinion, in which jostles Catron, Grief, Wayne, and Me* Kmley dedarin&lbb» laws uwon*l* | fntirtns.l and void, : and reverringtbe deds&miof the courts of Kew Ypricaad Massachusetts onto* cisgfhe aka of those Staleefcr the . collection of the taxin the cases da which the sada at issue s* toss. The principle lafirmed is, that these laws ue regulation* of commerce, ond .*n<.exeroisoaf the power to regulate eonuseree, . which belongs,; under therConstitptoa,toCcngrejtBftdthe Gov* «nmattofthe~Xrnited Stale* exclusively.; The cnd'Daniei; read a very long,' •fatioratet and able opinion, dissenting fiom the! coadosams,** well a* the reasoning©* the opinion ( pf the o^jority/andaffinniiig -that these stttntes; were oft ; regulations, of eotamerc© within' the \ tW the transport** tim 'of ptssengeri vras pkperfy* branch of commerce* and that these autntoy were posce and regulations, designed to protect the States the evib of pauperism and disease, arisfng immigration. The argument bfthe Chief Justice sonck all who heard it as beingex* ceedingly forcible; bat fivo to tour made the law* Jtnaus. MOB SKW tOBK. Correspondence of the Plash tirjh Gaxeue. • NsvYoxx,Feb. G. 1519. affiiire generally are ray but a pressure would fee .caused as soon as they demanded coin with which togehbetoidfc ThjsfoUyof^dmandin^ created a feeling of in tonation -against the whole specie policy which, mirmemhsats hope to aee speedily repealed. rl The * Sporting World’ —a class numbering thou sands in lhdTclty--4* aB agog to know the result of the prise fight-that is to come off to morrow, be« tweeutbelriabman (not Yankee) SaMvan and Hver. la hotels, sfl places of amnaomenu and among the brekers, the talk is of this most brutal Vista’s and the conversation generally ends In a bet. A great race ueverexcitedmore feeling— and as ra n/,h money 1* now at riik upon this pu gilistic encounter,** was ever stakedjapon two • yAw •niiwi« I «ieh (Boston* and ‘Fashion.— . The attempt- to pare a law restraining these fighi* v la.aH tatfan; and wjlTndyeraneceeAvi l*\wqmd. i ruin the political advancement of. any who should Vote for «i thus secure the aileuce of our leg* laiors, who ere not of that tfern stsiT which does i rigbVtn the lace of aHcouaeqaeacea. Witness the • exclusion cf New York Cuy from the operation of • the license system in proof of thia position. : The rottenness of the Za& lnsnsuee offices, tU laded to some months since, by tout correspond dent.' hu become, the subject of' discasrioa by fyn>tp«t«iiiMa of iteTariffof ’lB, 1“ «taof li»l tapo,ud he pnnaa » connecdcntori In bend The Eno Cueno .Mijy.th. to Butoif LtfWi'UA o .Bigaiiilm BiU,.-. The QueVanj* >|! '‘BvwsvoftodicaUsgthe stale■of'pubbn sent!- mem ItttSu BerUUm. we tol eiio in mrj l !* ibu nine lentil of Ihe eUlwne of Erie CoußTWin avaroCOeaeielgeiiHin enJHixnmteUEKmp tsal«m' '" i *o»t-»B|M^«> : ««i JV- Tit.ba already been a great'emi* 'gniiUg party from Arkansas* Wiflaet crffaboutthe Ist ofAprfl ne±t, w&eh persons from all of iu?iied to jolo. v Tto government, it has onleredjAeacoxt of troops to accomptnylklt party, at leusu%\u S&nU Fe. ...Tto &lbwiag,officisl. order,, in (be TtpiOT T yrgpal}m }i .■;. .AbinTAisTGacminbvncß, ) Washington, Jan. 23,1649.$ :r .General: Senator Borland, of Arkansas, has sta ted to the Secretary or War that apaity of citixehs cfthat Stats are desirous, some to emigrate and otben to trade in the Territories of New Mexico and Cslfcroia, provided that theparty be protected, by a military escort. The plan proposed is, for such citizens as may be desirous of making the ex* rioration, to rendezvous early- in - April at Fort Smilh or Van Bdren,;and proceed to Santa Fe, along; the valley of the; Canadian river, dee. Tim Secretary of War being aaxtoas to obtain informa tion With remoct to the route, as weUfcsdeafroof of affording facilities lor such explorations ae the one contemplated, and with a view of opening new avenues for emigration to our newly ter* rttory, -he deemsitexpedieni to authorize the desired protection; and you are . accordingly re> quested to organize a a&uabte escort to accompany * the'.party as far as Saqtu’V**'-' \ Aa ybu have no dragoons at this time within your department a detachment of one officer and thirty men from company F. at Fan Scotches been orderedto report to you in person. of .Fart Smith at-what time the troops' will be,in readiness to move. { U is intended that an officer oftopographicarenr gineers shall accompany the detachment, to make reconnoftancc. of the route, report, dec. • Enclosed herewith yon will receive special ora den (No. 6) of this date, making the detail# refer* red to. 1 am, General, respectfully, Your obedient servant,, fttforaa, Adi’t OtoX Bit. Brig, Gen. M.Abbucsue, ' ;* Goffid’f 7th.MU.DepL, Fat Smith, Arkansas. ■ The rendezvous of the petty, Fait Smith, is pot amply a mOiisry post, as many suppose, hat * ; yqwifli business town, which bids fail to be* oome, at a day not &r distant, coe of the leading i cities of the West ./Senator Borland, in a letter i in referenee to the expedition, says: i “But the great benefit to the country I amici' i pate from the movement, is the settlement, in great put, at least,of sbe mooted onestkm,'lV4£* tith* shorUst andbest Tpvti toCohfanaa. 9 . i • «Tbe trip from almost anyportfcm of the eastern' i and middle states to Fort Smith, can be made with entiie convemience and comfort on steamboats and : railroads, within three weeks it farthest- Thus, 1 .only ewfomdrai andtvtktv tafmr moxt&s, j will be to place the emigrant, from the l most distant point in the United States,.; si .San I Francisco} i»d that, too, over a.route which, (hr safety, certainty, and freedom from disease, has no rivalr A circular from the agents says *•— Erety ableabodied man will oe required to rat* nT«h himself with a good gun and plenty of ammu nition; tlao with 150 lbs. of good floor, 100 Ibaot good bacon and transportation fir the same, kyery | head of a fiunily most furnish himself-with a good i nttat wagon, as the drcnmstances of his j family may require, to be drawn by horses, mules, i or oxen, and m> wagon to carry over 21)00. Any! person will be permitted to take as mnch slock as ; he may wish. Young men could unite, say, five a six together, and purchase a wagon far trans* p^nhfm [ which can be done at a trifling expense toeachoae. We would say that the persons who an at the head cftbfs enterprise, airmen of energy and experience, and that they are determined to proceed by the first ot April. A few yonng men who may. wish to go, bet are j not able to purchase an outfit, might find employ* , mentu teamsters. Every person who wishes to Ttfi»h himself lo the company, will please forward; his (if a man of family, state tho number, and number ©fwagouajtoeiiher of the undersign* ed agents, who have a register for that purpose. Every emigrant to be at this place, (Fort Smith) by the first day of April next, when the company wiU i be organized, and commence the march Unmeet* < atety. Provisions can be purchased hereasebeap as at any place in the &ate. | t AUlettera addreaaed'tto the .agents must be past paid. Respectfully, dec, •Joaa 1 J. B- Juiauiv, > Agents. Joan F. Wuxsuek,) Ths Wtutraa Oamaro.—The whaling bark Su» periar, Captain Boyce, of Saghartar, arrived al, Honolulu on U» 4tb of September lari with 1800 >»M«- of Whale oil, which aho took in the geaa. la an- aeeooni of hia successful yqyaga tarnished tbeFriend, Capt. Boyce nys— { .1 entered the Arctic Ocean abcmt the middle o’ Jaiy and croaedfoaacoalipgat to coatloont, going Aihirtiaattt. 70/ lad nv whalee wherever I ‘ went. in tar lastwhalb on the 22d of Ang. land-renaning through Behriog*a Straits on the 29th pf tfr* yuan rru-wilh. On accbont of powerful currents, thick fcgslhe Yteurixy of lasdland tar, combined wfth.the Uppers ons to get 0&! ahhongh there are plenty of whale*. Hereafter, doubtless, many ships will go ibe»,and 1 think some pnnriswri ought to be made to'save the lives of those who go there, shoold they be cast away* During the entire pwiod of the cruize no Ice was seen, the. weather was ordinarily pleasant so that the men could work in light doth* in fn meet parts of the ocean there wasgoodan*- cbonge,6oml4 to 35 fttbcmi.and apart of the itoe the vessel lay at anchor. Tbefirttwhile was »Wn at twelve wdock at. night! U waa not difiU I CfiU‘to whale* the whole 24 hours; n. light was it thatatmidnighsitwaaeasy to read in the cabin.— I The whales -woe t|nilo tame, bnt (pitta di Boreal | fiffm any Boyce had ever befine taken*—; He took three difEneat spades, one of the latest 1 TieldingSOO barrels of oil. The dm species ouch, resemUea the' Greenland whale yielding ICO or ; 170 berrelo; the- secodd was a spddes called Polar whale,» few of which love been taken on the Nastbrtsett.GbBrif.and the third a small whale to.that-, ocean. The last three ■ whakawhich were taken yielded over aix hnn* didl.barrels* - - I The American coast baa been explored and found tobe inhabited. Cepum R. discovered that the ffflyr waattlso peopled by numerous tribes of Indiana, and he is of epmiou that they are well applied with valuable lon that could be easfly porchaaed There are no good chans of the Asia', tfe coast, uutess they are in possessioa of the Rn*» riant. _ Oa entering the Strain, seven canoes, contain* tog forty men each, were seen ciwticg &om the to thfl Asiatic coat CepTßoyce did not any cnmmnnfeafcm with the Indians, hto vessel betogtouly jartUlh armed* and to one to* -bowed that thcvwcre disposed to r* 1 "* him a boAUfl'riiit when btealmed,but a fevomdle breeze springing «p soon cuned toe ▼esseCbeyond foe region cf danger. Tbo aaocew which' has attended foe Supenort cruise will donbUeaa others to follow her adventu tons track. y?KTt* Bdtueatxos ovOmo Cotrarr*—The fid* lowing synopsis is compiled from toe books of toe Commissioner* of toe county for toe year 1849, It has been ; famished as by a friend, and believing that its publication wilTnot prove onto* temitog to many of oar readers, at home and *■* broad, we with pleasure give place to It While popnUlion la the Olrpropm...-..- Mil n n » tabarbs of too City 2289 mite popnlatton to the County apart from the suburbs cf toe City Total white population of the county is I .&n This gives bi a population in toe County of 100 to the sqnare mfle. White Males between 3 & 10 year’s to toe County,. 2003 White Females between 0 & id year’s to toe County 1890 Of which number 2230 is in the City proper. the colored population of toe City, to toe white population aflhe City and suburbs and we have toe following result: i White population oi toe City and suburbs 105001 Colored * City alone 296 Total population of Gty and suburbs 11150 The increase in the City* ropersioce toe enume ration taken by the City Aosewors in 1840i52019. — Wktd&g ustz. Hojco to Actuai.' Ssmxaa—A bill to before Coagresa to secure homes to actual settlers and cul- Uvators. The difficulty tobe overcome to shch a law is the rapid passage of too toad through toe hands of toeonsidernte settlers into those of speculators. The difficulty would in a measure bo overcome, foe Washington Union suggesta,by making it. ne cessary that toe settler should occupy the land for a term of years/aty title not to be perfect* ed, and no right to the tan4«r improvements to be assignable, until toe.expiration of tennjriorun* lea the aefller, or Hs widow,' of bis heirs, hsd con* Itouedtooccnpy whde pertod. Nor %mtj sny dyer be entitled to e. second grant wteretoe title to tha firal had been perfects ed. , . . - . H A’legal’ investlgation of, the circumstances at* (edffing'the murder of Mrs. Mary EUan Smltti,[or rHdwwdJ bttVßddff sighl, 1 ftbrou, 2d, =al ike faonMOfMr.WolitOQSth emt, Ciiictauaii,b, M» H M pielHawirtiwii»h»dbei>ielitorarS^ncer-! y Hehiy V.iaaii&iiiWf «n aony io put wiih Mr. Minor. He po lo Fauna,onibelSth of thia ooath, w aaaaiaa tharallioadtouleawsea'helßhmuv Or^EVER&L , Eboomzl to meeting of the efe2ctns,os Allegheny held at the oq this -The ibllowiog gcnilctnea wcr« (pointed otioeta Jonathan* RfflK Chainnaa; T.fclßfrMfllan and Archibald St'Gordi > Vfe&Preaidems J. Knox end DrNLConyj See* jTt ' ryr • £ . ~ , : j ■J AfieruecaQ had beds read by the Secretary, at jhe request of the President, Mg. Alexander moved that a. Committee on Resolution',he appointed; whereupon, A-Alexander, J. King, and J. A. Smith* were, ..appointed; who. reported through Joseph Knox, the following >— - Whereat,— Major General Zachary Taylor U sow the President elect of theee United, suit##; and it is no less the pride than itis the doty of the peopie.of every portion'of Una wide spread Be* public,ta show respect and boqorto their poblio ifsnranUi strengthen and perpetual# the ccnstilglion and laws olthe land ; therefore, . Resolved—That we, the people bf Allegheny connty, in mass meeting assembled, do ■ hereby* , one and all, hailwith plehsore thdexpected arrival of General Taylor in our midst; that w*. wIQ assemble to greet his first step on FenhlffcanU'* 1 fabil; that we will do all in our power toinak*?hfo! ■mourn among tu agreeable and pjeasasti asd when be takes his departure, we wm Taylor, tb that he shall feelPeimsyivamian* have not ceased to be warm hearted. Resolved—That this Committee shall havethA power to appoint tubtcomirnttees, and make.all 1 other arrangemaata separately, or io concert with | any’ ‘other Committees appointed for like ant*: j/poids, in order folly to carry ont the objects ortide i meeting, viz.—a hearty reception of Gen. Taylor, i even by the'whole people of Allegheny eounty*itt a manner becoming the proud position aha oeca% pica by natnra and art—the warm hearts cf htw ' children, and the sturdy arms of her citizens; ' ■ .<; Whereupon, on motion, the resolutions unanimously adopted t The people appointed the following ConunittAt of twenty j— • "* Hon J Hash; ArehibaldMcOord;SCadoo,Soo#- den; J Knox* Pittsburgh; Colonel D M Curry, Allegheny; Col SWBlaak, Pittsburgh; WJ Marks, Allegheny; HoghM'Cormick, Saowden; H - belL Allegheny; Col J Young, Robinson: A«jl Highlands, Robinson; John Murdock, jr. Peebles; M. Bowman, Kith Ward; Wm Perkins, Lower' Si Clair; E S Neal, Pittsburgh; Andrew Johnston, N. Pittsburgh; James; Keating, Seventh Ward; J H Scott, Allegheny; John Goddard, Allegheny. The Committee to meet at the Mayor’s OfuW, Pittsburgh, on the 12th insL, at half past 6 o'clock.: On motion the meeting adjourned. \ JONATHAN RUSH, JPnridati ; DM Curry,) Seerttanu. \ J Knox, } P&HNBTLTABU LBGUL&TVBB* Feb. 6. •BUTS. Petiticnumgrumtad—'B'f Ur. Lawrence, front Washington/for the reduction of the n&ea of tOQ I on the Monangahela improvement. Also, one tor 1 a railroad from Pittsburgh to Steubenville. like* | vise one for a new county oat of parte of Wantn I 1 and Crawford, to be called Decatur. .1 I Ur Konigmacber submitted a resolution 1 I ring the Auditor»General to fantlsb the Senate vllh ] all the information in his possession in relation to] the frauds alleged to have been committed is the 1 Treasuryof Moqroe county, whereby Edvard Pi>l I tent, late Treasurer of said county, has obtain* I I ed undue credit in the settlement of his ae-M | counts, to the serious injury of the Common* I wealth. ! Ur tnhngtwn submitted the following resohsti weich was considered and agreed to. Booted; That the State Treason? be requested] to inform the Senate of the whole amount of Stale | tut from all ■jureetdne and unpaid to theGbn*! moo wealth, from the eity and county, of PhiladeL 1 and tho counties of Erie ana Allegheny,! I Sgnatingthd years tor which there ore deficits,' l | eating the amount for each year. I On motion tfMrßichards, the Senate proceed* 1 I ed to consider the made by him •fin) | I days since, to reconsider the role by which the bill j I to erect a new county out of parts of Berta, Cba% I ley, and Montgomery, to he called Madison, Was I rejected. I The motion was agreed to—Yeaa 15j naya *■ I Ur Brooke then moved that the coast derm ha cf UebUl be hdatponed tor tbs presenL wnd Smoke advocated Ike DO* tfara,ft&d Stine and Ktchardi opposed tt. Tbeotmatua vu takes on the (Mange of the. bfllte&a U vu dfllcrtainedia the afinnstire by the fellowing.vuiei „ % ' frit—Sfetfb. CrabbrCanningbatt, Frick, Ho Si, King, tAvresce, hlnuhiu, Richard*, fljdler. jraer, Stine, Su#eler~ll; ' - N*»—Mean. Boas* Brawtcy, Brooke, Johan, Muoa, tt’Cesiin, OverfiaJd, £&er* ii«it,DMrie;(Spetko)--10. I The Governor teat in i.t&csttgo BcnnnaiiftjtUur Wtßtor, -rfHk ocanitf J 74. Biker? ofPentJ T* S. Cunningham, of Mercer. - BUts read in jloct.—'By Hr. Brawler, to erect a nev ooaniyout of parts of Crawfcrd, wum end Erie.lobecailedDecainr. ‘ By iMr Lawrence, • aopwement to the eot to in corpcme the MoaoagintU Navigation Com* pany. bocH oV nsanxKTATtvßa. Tbs Speaker laid before Iho House s letter Gum tbr AoduorGeoeral, transmitting tbe utttrtnwil. of tits aflaira aftheDetawixeand Hudson Ctsil Qua l pony. He alto pretented a petition from Robert MiicheD, nr*7iMfin relieffromibe sentence oflhe District Cotaortbe “Westejn District of Pennsyl vania by which they bod imposed n fins of $9OO for harboring afogtovetiave. i Tbs ball rebUiTs to matoal fire insurance com* P>fyV« ud agents of mutual fire iassrasee com* p*nt#a not chartered by theSutte, vat patted. Ur Diehl introdooed abffi to authorise tbe boil oest of and to at tie ■ linking fond fiat the payment of the State debt Ur Smi>h Reported a bill to ovoid the Inclin ed Plane. Made the ordsf of the day for to-mor* rov. } an the biQt span the private calendar vers paced. exeer* No. 156 and the Sap piemen! lathe Aet to Incorporate tbe Lyken’a Valley Coal Com hiU declartiory oT, the act declaring pri* vale road obatrsetionr public nuisance*, vat pet ted. A toll was reported, conferring upon the Audi* tors and State treasurer toe power to adjust claims sgatosttbe Kata. My. piehl introduced a. supplement to toe act ordering salt to be brought apoo the special bond of W. EL* Mitchell, tote Supenntendeni. The SpeafesT presented a communication from the Board of Canal Commissioners, to relation lo toe yearly cost of maintaining the inclined plane west of the River BcboyiltiU* Discousmy or Looorocmsa.—lt has been toe practice of the Cose! Board, whenever there were in it members who had aqrvedlosger than the others to appoint the oldest member President Cause* quently, as one member to elected annually, and one goes out annually, each member of toe Board becomes successively BreaidentofjUurThis prac tice was deemed alike dui to courtesy and to har mony, aa toe President of the Board hat no great* er voice to it toon either of toe other members. But this rule has been-indecently viotoled by Mr. Painter, toe newly elected Canal Commission ner, who refaaed to vote for Mr. Power, the oldest member of the Board, but voted for Mr. Long* strelb|Whom be new to be disqualified from illness, for serving. Yet he must exhibit the discourtesy, or we might with justice say, the flkbrtedtog, that generally characterize* the small politician* of toe puty, in their official as well aa social intercourse. .But Mr. Longstretb could not be in duced to commit on act so derogatory to toe char acter of a gentleman. Hd knows what belongs to toe cdorteSeh and decencies of life too well to neap no open insult open an associate to office. He would vote for do other member of the Board than Mr. Power, and therefore, to accomplish an organi* it became necessary for Mr. P, to vote for allow toe eSbrt cftodo by Mr. Longstreto to comtog here for toe purpose or organization, to be of no avail. Mr. PowhXt therefore tabmttted to the sollciialion of those interested and anxious that the Canal Board should organise for business, and voted for himself and thus vu elected President of toe Board—the position that partisan pia oo and personal ilMireediog rsfused to place him to, al though enlittod to it by all precedent and exam* pie.— jiarrußtirg x Td. Br following important let ter will be interest It comes to us exclusively, do other paper being to posses* sion of it: Btaietd ixcktsivtly farthitpapir. Dcteoit, January «, 1549. To toe Hon. Speaker of the Senslo'of Michigan: | Sir—The noise and cohfusion which prevented me from being heard at Cleveland to regard to my views upon the subjected the Wflmot Prov passed away, and there being no further necessity for my silence, as the.plstiorm upon which I then stood has been knocked into • cooked hat by one Zachary Taylor, l have sow to say, that 1 am ready and unlling to give mj hearty support to any Proviso,, whereby 4-msy be enabled to'besom a re-election to toe Sennit oft he United Slates... I ftuthe* beg leave to lam disposed to votA for the improvemofitol our.&ver* and Harbors, provided Balt, River to mcladed/astnany cfmy Deaocmttod«tl^a ? toltivictoity.ailirthe 4th of March nextr. c . Itoping toai a citaussianoes*'iiiBy permit me to feed for afew years longer at the . pobltoerib, and to pension mfsmt and »oa-in*Uwupoa og venerable fmtron, Uonleßtmi • *‘ •< • >“ , MICHIOANDKfi.. ■ ■ ■.. PEQPrrxßix Swiuui qvpai-7Tho Alhaby livator gives aa two swarms of that on the Jotje lart together into " toui of 'Week’s, paoto hives, and made aevatiy’ pounds of hooey, beiides planiy to the haves' to winter toe beta. ■ yßiflanat -drj ftiauair -•Taxut*.—Vm -Mfflyr «he ididtma*.e«wme% PwiMTOtelerMoihaety'of -D» PfftS will be Eton'of the day . and time of hie imi«l*.:W «wdo»ftfthwCnwfMtnjy, ** 'PmwHbw: . .. .. •_• vfchjf r. ? MORGANRnHgttTqON,Chairman. - CaonQT fusers are requested to copy*- * ii~- r JOB FBZimHO* BILL ISBAIB, CARDS, CBCiam; ■ Uatifat), SOU LatKng, Coaructi, Ua> Bknb, •.-■■u- .- leasts, tuuiicetts, cunra, ..reuass, to. to* Fflhted at thoxshoitast notice, at lew price*, at (ha ■<*w QizztnOnmtSiioßnc- »r?' A cough should nerer be neglected. It may ccaear trifling and unworthy (ho snentioa at first, but tfwffl DcTremaia stationary loan k <°ay progress ■Jew at Cm, tad it* augmentation mar be •cared y tareeptible, yet when it cnee seitea iheimn, all the I Siar nnoofthabody will bo ■ympatheucally effect ed, »~*f Coomnation tad premature death I wth be (he Inevitable result. A little care would save I n>f"T t tile, and the timaly me of a proper remedy 1 «"*■**♦ biTs arrested many a conaaraptlon. Bat many I an invincible repugnance to taking aay ( medicine, and rather than ate the means toward* ar irestkurA disease, simply became the remedy may tun I be e&lsaaant one, would safer and languish for a long Itime.oe&retheywould resort to the aid of medicine. | B.A.FahneatOek * Co. 1 * Cough Balsam has a great I advantage inthia respect over many other Cough pro* loaraUom, u tt* pleasant taste permits, it to be used I wfJbonFuteonvenieiiee. But Its value as a Balsam t coniistainthespeedhiessofUscnre. We bate known I S ooa of the most deaerate coughs, someofwhioh had I been vanning loa a Considerable' length of time, •I Ytflft ta If ptregr- . 1- pnnared and for sale, wholesale and retail, by j B. A. FAHNESTOCK* Co, 4 nnvli cor Wood and Ist, and Wood and Cth sts I 17» Cat*aP*o«aMjush—lfyon wlshto besue i pessfolla any‘undertaking, jro* most always *use the , croper means.' Therefore, ifyou have a cough, use Javhtfa and be eared, for it litheproper \ meant. 3 Have you Aed*™* or difficulty of breathingf [ )hen the only efficient «*«"» to cure you is to use I Tayne** Expects rent, which willimmediamly overcome |fhe spasm whieh contracts the diameter of ths tubes, I «nd loosens and brings up the nmous which clogs them [Wp, «hd thus removes every obstruction to a toe respi llrattoa, while at the seme time all inSammadoa is subj rdsed. and a cur* is certain to be effected.'' Have yoa l-Broachitis, Spitting of Blood, Pleurisy, or'in'fact any rPuimenarr then use Jayne's Expectorant l and relief ir eesuin, and you will find that you have the Pekin Tea Store, 7* «narfo and caallw and will warrant that each bis aimaasßgoc«a>ht*«oTi»h*n fret ttasHtegaatty I*itl3s3a&fe«ißMdieat-qpaUtiaa;ihiai aaroih* •rptepaznoaefSampaiiUaißtlttihixKet' Selabyß. B. Seller*, sal* agtai for Tittabvrgh.and DMCany.AllcghsnT- foot# ft/rOBOAN'B COUGH SYRUP. IVL Allegheny Ciry, Pa. Bit. 3. D. |£arf*n: Dear Sir—Being MTerefr aflbci ed with* bad eonhacso (wo ««£» or ablins ia dae«d by m* IHsoda to try yoat eekiratfd Coogh gnm. icaw4«siroavsoz«aai p«xthu«do&ebot tig mm* mftrr taMflf a tor ilnim 1 wand nr coorh ea tlntreued; yooemmsfoly wcoaaead U to wiper- Boei u a nr* paaseva for coe«b» and cold*. Prico fiS rents per bottle. Wn Roooxst prepved wholesale end retell ter the proprietor. JOHN D m6ROXn, DnsfUt Also far ule by Joel Uofclet, corner Wood tM 5Eb street*. fth** Pliwln* 1 ""- milß partnership be re into re exit tiny between lb* 1 sabsenber*, in the nemo of BehbawsfcSmnple, wu thU day dissolved by —»n" al consent. We F. Fifhh«tmi it aniborimd to are the name of the ten in ■enlmc-tbe taainea* of the concern. w * uua * WM. P.aCHBACMj Ptuaboifh, Feb. 10, 1649. ALKX.I* SAMPLE ny WmTP. EiebbsaJQ still condones the boUdiny efSxtam Engines, Mill Machinery, Hydrostatic Fipfet, An- at his old establishncoi in Allegheny city, near d» PabUo Sqaare. fcbl9-dlw TKS IST A^PHUm JOSEPH PUCE’S JOBBING SHOP.—To all per sona aboot to remove, and wanting thalr atom or hoasas repaired, eoautnte, abelvlng, aoora, windows, and wheela pot op} carpenter work of all yiniU on aknrt notice on reasonable terms; cahi* net work *"p** to order and tonitnre neatly repaired and vamiabedos reasonable terns, on Fifth street, bo* tween Wood and Smithfidd street, in the coffin ware* boose of John Liggett, late of Wa TmvillaPeppoiita ,bl JOSEPH PRICE. ' CABJD. andfeomiuiaton Mar m chant, No. 33 South From street, (second «tOT7») Philadelphia. fiy Goodspurchaied, pecked, insured, and shipped to order. Wool, Floor, Grain, Dried Fruit and Cheese received on coneifusteat ana stor age, with insurance obtained. (eb*d3a_ VBOfI ST. LOP» TUB nbsetiber is bow preparing to convoy * toft party by the overland roate to California. Per* •one who wish loco 100 cheap and comfortable mao* net. may hare ute opportunity with this party, who will all be earned through, faniubed with pod pro* vteions, to the low charged tl7oeach. Thequanii* ty of baggage to each mast not exceed ISO lbs weight. WQI depart from fit. Leola eboot the Dth of March. A remittance of C3O will eecore a conveyance. febl»lnaodSp B. CORWIN, Main tt, 8l Loaia FOBBEST. rHAT Tillable piece of property ■ touted in l the Eighth Wert of the city of rituburgh, adjoining Ges Work*, end bow ocespied by Joseph Tomlin son, Esq. es e ship yard. Said Lot has a front on Greeneugb street of Ist freest inches, and in depth 300 fret to the Mooongabele river. Possenfera given the Ist March. For terns apply to J.B. WELDIN’, At Johnston It Stoohtoo’s TO LBT, JmA The Athenwtm Saloon and Bathing establish* Kaßteat- Also, tha Btorc Room and Collars,; No. ■ r *bJ Wood street, below Fourth. being one of the best stands lathe city for business or tar description. Ayplr at No. «3 Wood st. feblt-dsi MTOIET— A two stery brick Dwelling Hflijso os Hay street. Esquire of febiq JAMBSDAL2ELL, 3*waters! Transportation to the Boat. xjobsbv a corns, now J.VILLI, Commluion and Forwarding igenls. O. if BARTON, Pittsburgh, will receipt J Produee pins East. feblfrttm D. AO. ■YTALENTWES—Of every variety, sentimental and V. and comic, received nod for sale by fcbl9 JOHN H MELLOR, Si wootf si FIRE BRICK—I7,OOO Ewings, equal in quality to Bolivar brick; caaniaq. for sale by tobia fe y VON BONNBOBBT A Co T ABD AMP FEATHERS—7 bbie No l Lard; Bdo I j No 9 dot 79 bageFeathers, to arrive: for sale by HcbU ISAIAH DICKEY A Co. front st SUHCBIE&-U bblaNol Laid; 4doNo9or grease do; 6 sacks feathers; ldo Ginseng; 10 do Flag Seed; 7 baits Cotton, now landing tons ttmr Messen ger. for sale by „ foblQ ISAIAH DICKEY ACo CHEESE— On hand and for sale by fcblk ISAIAH DICKEY A Co TJULK PORK AND LARD-IXOOO poonds n and Shoulders; 32 kegs Laid, landing from sunr CLOVER SEED-W bbls Clover Seed;-13 sacks do; 60btg« Peaches, landing from snnr Caleb Cope: for sale by feblß TIAOALEY A SMITH T OAf BDQAES-M0 bbU Loaf Sugar* assorted | i nambers: for dale by B&OTH * **”** - - • . - - : COFFEB*~ttO bag* prims grasn Rio Coffes, far m!» by -LBWATEIUUN, ftta . - ai wtt«snd ttifrmu u SPICES— 16 ban Pepper,-» do Aliplce; lQbxsgr'd Pepper; BdodoAunee; 49 tail Cassia, for tale DT ftl.lB L« NVATERAIAN LAUD-41 bbls NolLeafLard: IS kendo do; in lWreand»t t Jjjaby febW Li\yATfe&BJAN~ GggßMa^-T; HONEY DEWSYBUF-abblt HOMTDnr&rrap, in tore and for tale by bbu J PaLXELL qotkin *&ht l k. Co, “ - sr-muamn rp hbA» j^riaa Sugar cured w*mb m rttvi niu e««4 Bttti, in storeaaifor satebt _ _ feblOl si W HARBAUQH tierce* Rice, ran landing from Wintr t ”“ it "“ l,t l fc WHABBA W H >bbl» BoU Batter, la stora endforufa feblO BtW HABBaUOH La rp —IP bbls No 1 Lord, in store tad foraale by feblO SAW HABBAUOH - IN SEED OIL-15 bblrLinseed Oil, is store and t tor tele by feblO SAW HARBAUQH_ GREEN A ?PLES—IO® bbU green Apple*, in store and for tale by feblO SA W HIARBaUQB Lead— 053 pin toft Galena: £OOO Ibe Bar Lead; forttlebyT&lO RBEY, MATTHEWS ACo SOAP— 100 bis No l Cincinnati, for sale by feblO RHBY, MATTHEWS A Co LOVER SEED-ftO bbls recM this day and for sale by ' feblO TAB9BV A BEST SEED—ft bbls In sum and lor sals by TABSEY A BEST ENDOW GL. end for sale GREEN APPLES—S 6 bbls Bassetts, Bellflowers IULE PORE—6OOO lbs Itt'pTine order, lor sals by BONNBOBST ACo T ARD-lflbbUind«te»tossloby A I i febft SFVONBONMBQBOTACo .C®*? b “ IROOMB —GOdnz pruzo rill hiadledjio doccismo: [far •*<*•*>* LSWATEBMAM of M W BxtMomuan,i&t!,«ii4,mia,»ndmai GUa».butenwatowfabr , L .j-nirnu-i-i faM . I. 8 WiTEttMAN OUO4B-U0 Jfafil N 08w. sU stsp, smtl ■p-yqftp star NewEna- j STRAW BOARDS -Assorted numbers, from 30 1 Sfttlnelasive, jest we*d and far sals by BROWN A CULBERTSON pUCTCIOTIB •^<4b^'*”° i “° i °* t white T ACES, EDGINGS, Ac—A lim iarcica tow priced JLi and £m Cotton tta Thread Lace* and Bfiac»,ißttreceiTB4by' fcbO SHACKLETTA WHITE /"lANTON FLANNELS—fire bale* heavy twilled V/ unbfoaehed,J«tanivedat fob 6 SHACKLETP A tYIUTITS EGGS— t bblt Efft, Jett rac'd and for ulk by fobs CH GRANT, 41 water «t T E&FLABlMbbtißnsa LeaTLard, ree’per mu ■ * Pilot No A and far nil by fobs C H GRANT T)RODUCE—SIS sacks Oalr L 37 bbls dried Applet X mdo small while Beans; 11 do FUxsoed; landing from Pilot No 1} for eala by BAQALEY A SMITH, fobs 18 and aPwood » PEACHES—S 3 tacks Ohio Peaches; 4do do pealed do; landisr from star Bearer; for sale bjr febd BAQALB7 ASMTTB PRODUCE— £0 bbls whUo Beans; Sdo Flaxseed; I do No 1 Lard; 11 do Bassra applet last received and for sale by Ju WiLIJAMS, ftbd , UP wood st 'TFTANTED—I3O bbls Clover Seed. Vf febS ISAIAH DICKEY A Co, front s»_ TJEPPEB, baft Black Pepper, 43 do Pi- X nemo: 6 bales Qovet; for tale by jtM BAOALEY A QTABCB—IOObxe FoX'sGa. and Pearl Sureh, for Q sale by frO BAOALEY A SMITH RAISINS— 400boxes MB Kalstds; 300 hf do do do SOD or do do do; In store and for »i« low a close* by Jig JAMES A HUTCHISON A Co ffIOBACCO— iOhhdiKy Leaf Tobacco, for sale by 1 Jail HARDY, JONES ACo SEGAB9— 40 MNo 1 “De la Ctn 9 Principe Severs; 33 H H 9 do do do «5M u 3 . do do do jtutruemdandfbr.Mlaby febB . . MILLERABICKEXBQN BACON— itoat fiaton Sides;'ln store and for sale by WICKAM’CANDLESS, decHl corner wood and water its , ON CONSIGN HENT‘* p 6ofchla white Beane 60 do Com Heal; ft) kegs prime tatter; 100 train Flax need; dried Apples, dried PctchctJClowT Seed. Lard and BoU Batter. Ja3l YtTGILLS ABOE TXTELCOMK’S CEMENT, for restoring broken Cb£ YY na* Glass, Ac , as itronr 'as ever, for sale at 11,60 per box, by feb3 Tyw WILSON SMOKED HERRINGS—ISO bxs No 1, rec*d and for tala by fabt BROWN A CULBERTSON SMOKE HOUSE, FOR RENT-Soilafcte to saokt 15R0Q0 Iqt. ImpUre of fob* BROWN A CULBERTSON QUO All BOUSE MOLASSES-49 bblalanillnff&a O stmt Wyoming, and forule low by feb3 JAMEtniAL2ELUwatcr st ;T>YEFLOUII-7bbls Rye Floor, uiYiaro and for XV sale low to dote consignment, by • fobs ' „ 1 JAfl PAtigCT.l,- l/LAYBUATa—9 Flat Boats, 110 feet W, tofwldji JP for sale by Ja3 BBOBIBOtift Op (BY PEACHES—3DObash dry Peaches, tceM nni for tale by Jag WA BMOTTCHBON , tee’ll andtor sale V/ by Jag W.ABM’CinCHBON r TIT INTER LARD OIL-IQbbWW & BrmfcCo'sl VV Wlater this d^jj^syßnfltofrfos' L A j£-‘° W ' N ’ l ** M*OILL3icRQ E ■DUTTEa-lO bbii peckedßmten IQ do roU dm (at ■Dwtobr UUMKHLUtBOB jgjafr 1 EWSUIU-IOObbU Flout in eta*. JelS tTOILLS A ROE BDLS MEAT—3S3O pee Shoulder*, deily expected ■adforeitaby Uu HARDY,JONEB& Co /OTtoN-ao fertelaby i pn for for tale by ISAIAH DICKEY 4 Co TTT ADDING—fiOQ dot Terr heavy block Wedding, If Just ice*d end for tele or v Ji aHACKLgTTA WHITE.» wood el for «*le by ill! lAS A HUTCHISON h. Co Golden sybup-ih wil htirbbu, tad to gtiioa kero for tale by . - iUT . . JAB A HUTCHISON tCo msr TJtTPTEE— SO fcegVOObblt ia food MJ order; jaxt received tod for ule br • *«S H&OWN ft CULBERTSON •vfrft . ~ 11 BgftWNft CULBERTSON T INBEEDOUr-ltObb Eawer ft Himllton'r brand, Jj inii tee*d tad forstle btr Jtf - B ROBISON fo Co 'TJECANB—3 bbUjiut red'd and toe «ab bi IT*ittt- .. *; .A&MglgQNtt »C IX7HTHi \y4iraLNG-l «J 4w*a, feodteftTX «ji' and to ttle bj teg ; J?II4PKIkTT ?»Htf»> H jKff? HA ■ °MIStoVcUXJI3ITSOZ' T»IITT£»-ld bid* frSiroU u*l P*e*« amßl il»o IS 40k.,.BuuTi l*il "“ i ™*£§sSjji{S& Salt of a dotes eafictfuus of Sen • Bodttifmei o Prwdk Xtirary* ■' Editions. Tb take place on Saturday the 2-tib, and Monday ®th Februaryitnhe Comaur ratal Sues Roo&veczsex of Wood and JRfth itmu. Among then will ba faundj StjaaS HUtory ofEag* ; land. IS vols, London; BUhcp paiaett’a Sacred TTiro- . ryot the Earth,. Emmies’ History ofihaTUtka, l vol, i -folio; StackhowM history eT the Bible, 2 tol*. folio, fine plates; Ledgsid’a naval history oil England, l to!, folio;, Clayton's Chronology of the 1 lebrew Bible, 1 : toL 4uk Spencert EogUshTraveler, 1 rol, folio, plate*; Btooamela?*\ history of. the Chistian. daityra, tfvols, 4 to; Hogarth'* vorfc*. She plate*. 1 Tot, 4(0; Works ol Bean Swift, complex, la vol*; nmchinaoa's Modal Philosophy, 2 vol*, 4 to: Dramatic work* of Ben Jbnsoh, earl? eel* lion. 1 vo*i folio, rare: Hindoo Oeshedmea ctrnou col ored plate*, 2 vols, folio; complete Work* ofJohnDry den,4 vols*4to, MB4, very rare;-the Turfciah Bpr, S vol*; Aekertaan’aßopotitoTY of Am, Literature, Ac., ttYols, colOTcd life of Pitt YpiSJiw ans WalS’* historyol the city. or Buh£v& tOlt, 4to; Wint**hothajn , « hialory of the Antsnean State*, 4 voli; Pocoeke’a Commenturiea ba Joel, - Mir cab andlUl&chklvol,folio; Botintbroke’sLeueison History, 2 vols; fiev Bebflrt, Henry's History of Great Britain. 12 vols, calf;, complete works of Peter Finder, 9 rob: complete work* of George Fwquhar, 9 rol*; PhlfftnyhtffVi works of Lord- SoUngbrohe, S to!*; a a.t»* nutijriniiE World Displayed, liroia, Sto; Fer •eusos's Lee tore* on Mechanics, 3vpls.pl*; Smith's wealth of Nation*. 2 vols: Jutland's Deigtcal Writers, XtoU;Martin’s PhilcwphUßriitAnicn,avols; Bank’s life of Oliver Cromwell, l.vol, rare; Loca»* JRaqoUy after HaDolnets, 2 sols, rare; Lowmanon the Rerela- Kn- SSldffilifoofCiberoiDYOU; Mefcler'sPie mre of Pails, 2' sol*; Natnral Histonr of Birds and Qttadropedkd yoU.B yo; History of Fdar Gerund, 2 toU; Travils'filTbvoaitefiftVoli; Sir H Lee* tneaonftj riculmralChemistry,4us HebgtousPhdot oehor.Svc Life of Bishop lioban, 1 roU Bus wintin 3HiaoTofAlipwvS.oty ,us JJtaa, llluitratloi to Bengal vol, folio, OoPdpts, Darwin's BotanicG rden.lvol.4«>ftUi round the VorlLl vol, 4»; Chubb ttoe infidel) Tracts, 9 vols; To rusena'shi*toryoffipaia,3Tol«M«»craffw works, 9 y >ls, 8 yc; Letters l»y>san Swift ando&ers, 9tolk ho idoa*s GardnersMartiine,-dYoU^Wbhfos Intradoetl a to the Classic*, $ Vcfoj’-BitckweU 1 * Ba* cradCiasi «s Defined, 2 voir, Depotfs S An»lfc*r ivoJsfNlcbal* .cottfcrenee.wtihwTlwW.a ▼ols;^™»WorteoffOolesaan, a.Ytak-tordtmhiMa . leriatsfor (Unking, 2 vols; Poeoafo’aEngliadGara* » teer r 3Tol >: Sydney’s Defence, try; . Fharaphr se upon the Psalms; Poftendora’s Hi»tory ; of Sinsdo n**; Short!* History of MineTUlWalef»,ftc. Also, B ire and CuicciEartf of the Qasiie * Greek ah l Roman authors,Lexicons,Ae.Ao.: . . Amoagthem wiU be found-CalipinU PolygonDte* lionary, 7 language*, folio; Demosthenis eiOscbends,' 1 vol, toilm CTaooiani Opera, 3 vols; Plautus Comedta, 1 ypl, folfo, black letter; Claris Lingua ganetn; Aulus - - Gelleas nets Attica, 1 vol, 4tuo; Btatic Opera Amnia, J vol; Gambles Tragedlt, 6 vols; Peraius,LYoh Bo phoelesTngedia,'! vol; GrobusdaJure Belli, ltt>l, OpferaPlaienis,B vols;'PoetiMeriore*Gea£h;iTol: AntdnluesoOpera. I vol, 4loo; t Holtetei Chotopraphia Cariens, colored maps; ArestoteUs da ars Poltiea; Habarchi Cheronei Moralia Opera, l yot;,Lexicon Grata Latenom. 1 to!, EusebU Chrooicorum, 1 to!; Hameri et Hoauu* darwn, 4 vol*; Arestoteli* de I vol; Delecla Foettea Sentmxtia, 1 vol; Heyschii Lexicon, 9 vols, fo lio, Ac. ftp. AC. nil particulars in catalogues—-which can be had at the Ammon store. . fisb!9\ JOHNS Davis, Anew i bbls Molasses, lest landing aad feblO &4W BABBAUQH •900 bis, eas'd sites, bn hand feblO TASSEYA BEST fs No 3 half, bbls a3l M*GILLB A ROE I bale* Tenneasee Colton, in store tod jail HARDyTJONESACo > this 6i Louie Be* rCTIOfI SALES iD,D«Tlf,AMetll . ( Largs Salt cf Dry Goods. On .Monday morning, Feb. ldtn, at 10 o’clock, at the Commercial Sales Rooms, corner of Wood and Fifth street*, will be add, without reserve, on account whom it may concern, for cash currency— An extensive assortment of staple and fancy Dry Goods, consisting ©fsuperfine jeans, flffrnais, blankets, canton flannel*, cash* mens, merinos, alpacas, de lain*, ginghams, super prints, dress silks, satins, faneyvestings, shawls, odkts, cravats, pome's spool cotton, silk buttons, pins, nee* dies, hoaicnr, glares, sewing silk, bleached and brown mfijn*, g ila plaid, drub sateen, beaver cloths, table eloths, bin a eye diaper, turkey red prints, Ac. At 9 o’clock, xgzxs, Quijasvraaut, fcxsitusx, Ac. . manofkctaxed tobacco, YU and Imperial od and'wrapping paper, glauware, patBnt hovels, stoves, carpenters tbols, Ac. ty of household and kitchen fonuloxe and roods, looking glasses, mantel clocks, Ac. v • At 7 o’clock, ado clothing, drygoods, books, watches, r. suns, pistols, musical intauments, fancy SbloT j JOHN D DAVIS, Aact A quint household Ready i fine eutlei articles, V AMUSEMENTS BRBWS&'I PAHOBAJIA ; F THK MAMMOTH CAVE* Niagara fWb, Egyp* Qb< a and Mississippi Scenery, now my uRHILQ HALL, cmnmriictng January 31*t— Amos* ue dews it eomptiseathofollowing: The Falla of Niagara, djmprising a! fuU view—View of the dryj of Mexico, from the Consent of Baa Cosmo—Panora mic dew of the Falla of! the Ohio; from the Indiana sido— l lfco city of Loolsdße, fcd—‘ne Mammoth Cave, 1 hotel and cottages for strangers, vial ton-and transient; j boarders—View of Ashland, Hon. H. Clay's residence I —View of the Hermitage—together with a day* jour ney on the Prairie*. ' . Soon open at 6 o’clock—Pane rams will commfncq I movingax 7 o’clock, precisely. I ,2S cents. . jaal DUMIQtIOB. T**obsei?&eis?in life wune of FrieniSlheyAjCq., was this day dissolved by motnal consent. Geo.Bhey will aealolhe buiaeuafthe eoaeenfc forwhich pur coin he is authorized to fete the name of the firm. 1 -1 i PORTER R. FEJEND, \ JAMES WOOD, February 7,18tt. i QEO.RBBV. Hu subMhben hare thi»datai*oeiatedthestf*lire» in tte of RHEY, MATTHEWS & Co., to Uw pbnue of tttaticifoga jeneialCroetry.Conjmiiwob •* lbnwndnflligllttßm' “ a " r4tel ‘ Sfftfg&EWSil,. WM. EBBS. j, February 7, 1549. We tatepleupre in recommending to (he confidence of obi friends and those of Friend, Bhey&Co., ©nr mctoonta [ feb9 JAMES WOODS- ’ I Tli* CtaelnA&tl Cbemletl Übovitorf . HAS oa and for sale, at redased raiea— [ UOO carboys Oil Vitriol,' condentrated.in pi&uokj 500 bblS Atirm- , 800 do bestiCopperas; -: <': £ I too carboys Aqua Foriis, 5S°; 100 do Mnrlatic Acld,£2P; I UO; 4a Aqua —sulphuric, aeetus', and nitrous ethers, warranted of e* qual qaißty: to any other. ; ]- - 40 tons BanUa, at taper ton. [ Alcohol from ?6 to 95 per cent. above proof, con* atamly on band, or made to order fa» any quantity. ( All orders addressed to ny eicUuivea«jus, Ne«ars ALLEN ACO., will to promptly altondedfo. ' febO-dlm[(sn Oaz] B.GRAS3ELLL 1i HE SECOND SESSION of Pxov.Tsovnaa's Fe* male Seminary, will begin on Monday, the Iffo tn«t. The comber of papal* in tbe department mjw open, is limited to 30. Early application• is therefore desirable to secure admission. •< [ Tama—Higher branches of English, Malbcmmihu Chemistry, natural Philosophy tod Latin, - tSS’Oo Pte»*, MJr* - • • * German, do, * , ~ . . *•• l»;W> Writing books, pens, ink, and ail other stationary, 60 perwssfonofßlweeka. JAMES THOMPSON, j r Irwin's Row, Liberty street Rxrmacn—Rev. D H. Riddle, D. D. ReT.il.D7er, D.u i . Eov. Wm. AfLaren.' • • j , Hotj. Wilson JtPCandleia. - * Wm.SPClure,Esq. [ feM-dgw Geo. H. White, . !- - r PltUbwyb Stuloal Aead*m|< l THE QuarteilyCoceertof the Juvenile &*», will' be gives on Tuesday evening next, at Apollo Halit* commencing at-7 o’ctpcg. Admission 13t cents, attfce Terms of admission in this class, one dollar for eieb family, per qaarter, in advance—time of meeting, Sat urday, at 3 o’clock, P. &L An adult class meets eVe ry Thursday evening, at the new Church, comet of Smhb&eld and 7th street Tenas, oiie dollarfor each echolV,pcrqaartftt,in advance. . . I a L. BINGHAM, Principal. CALIFORNIA WABDBQBB-Te arrive by Ex? prcxs,ca Tuesday next, labiest— ' . tf. & Dragoon Pistols: Allen’s# barrel Revolver*;' Pistol Beua and Shoulder Snaps; f, Bowie Knives, brass tnonnted; 1 Gold B*S Blow Pipes; ,•• •»-.-i, vi. a Pocketolassea for eumlnlM minerals. Ac.; tod for sale at Eattem prlees, by ftblO comer 4ihand market st Omcajov raa Patras. Bam Roan Coust,) ’ Philadelphia Feb. 8,1849. $ NOTICE is hereby given, that the eighth in*ialn*tt» of Five DoUart per share on the Capita* Stock Of foie Company,repayable on tbe seepqdday oTUftnb Stockholders \ritt pay to W. IL DENNY, at the Merchants’A Manufacturers’: Bank of RtUh "???%& 0 y, BA CON,.Treasurer., A • Fox flnle- A BEAUTIFUL Family Residence, with llvjd res of ground, in Gewiekley,* near foe. Ohio jHuitar. L la eimattd within a few rods of the fiugewofth6emmary,«ad bq* gatofl disiasco; from Academy for toys. Thehousecantein* eight lam rocas,'uufu ftnishod la. ahandsome style. . possession canoe givea-foe lstof April next Trot, njmkulirt, intone of John Irwin A Sous, orT.Hj N - Tin A Co* Pm*bttMb,cr • D.E. NEVIN} ; .febfrcJw • '•• * ■ 7 • Sewieklefr’ ftITBBUEGH STEEL WOBSS ANB'SI’BINt ■ ' \ANO AXLE FACTOBY. t . iuw MSB,- »«®* *• «?><•» ■»**MWACTW» 5 SS?& Waa' tev .M plroili cttcl, «*el ploß*£wst*> c©Mh MdWM wdc* } aaddealmliiMl Kleettoau:' ■••}••••■ kHOttmftt Fit*idMU,Maw«S A fof*Tli«Cwap*HjrlbrerßiUni*Bilds®.oTw ibe WRAPPNGI PiPEB— ' . imriunXM Bto Vfarenft i' • \ \ fWIBtt PARTXBBfIHIP Qf W»*E g*T« hgTing Ttof dbSSSSby the into WoMff the P«tjw, ■tear pn S3Kwv» needed fS oincM eoTcaliforniaexpedition, each *» # l.\-‘ Tdoi Air Beds, .:.«.■ {a— • i* u Pillows; *'• ■ ’ * j L ! f~: 3 «-»>--« San, u SdosLaifO Ceatl.' ;. A &H&Js*vF%tSBB£i&r ■ _ ■> • : l-'X I f>ATIEaCESnaweMoR«« ? iv . I. • 1 OU iwhhto ; u . v “• i«5» j: | OQ£ AUaCAS* hatajttft Expreu, MTen|eaaet;Bi»tu me dium mole colored. aod Cash ,&«**, which wlltbesoldjow,-. j : -~ f : fB?: ‘ »IA- Va PEHB.WIULE AND LARDOifcS-tH» {1 O blnehedwlnWi Sperm, miaafrctcmUhii wi 4a>^'li''-*•**> 900“ do wiirttt Wliia, do *v-1| ' do| * 14 bblsNo 1 Laid OU, winxen JdM lac’d vai Uilbj ftW UIU^a*IUCE£^( I STEM BOATB . ■; oiacMsivi* piTTaßimoa * PAC m tsiawntu va a. CapLWtewraaa* vrai icaTt Piniborgh ««••**. Wheeling every .Sttatdty evcalntaViO >■ w. .. new usbon and u»nb I OF CAN AI/ AN& STEAM PACKETS* 1 m »" iiSpt* 'j. ... (Til flTLiaitOVi} * V". .£■■■'.'■: ‘i Lem> it* tfeldef* Aih£» •»* riveaatOlasfow, {month of the Sandy.andßeaTer-Oa* c*L\ ax. 3 owock.andZwwliibon ailV tame oust. Leaves Jiewfiahoa at 8 O’clock JpVM* {Btikingihi trip canaltathc riverdaring IheJnkht) Mtt*Ot««oj at B o’clock, A- iirvrt* atTPittsbnigh it 3 P fiL-thas making a coniintraasliMtbr-canyingpas* tensers and freight between New LUhan anoFixu* bugh. in ahbner riine'.aiuiaviW§f»Jesthtnbjranj of this lime fcayefrip ptetsnre of la* ’ fimninc the eoblic that they hnvefittedep.lVwßxst class. CrT?ltttftßtffbrihfl aecocimndstiiSri.-efpagengm ami 1 freighutontn in connection vHthihe well known ! SSSms CALEB COPE SSrlu • Glasgow,, with and C^ein*. £& and oSmr daily line* of stessgs *own the OWe and Uissiarippi risers.-The propriteraptedgMUtta* Hires te-spart no expense or .troxtble to iMato eom fort safety-and lukcfthopohUen Share; ° r i i ! atw-HSpCGH, {^ myU:lf Co. NOTICE—The steamer BEAVEJLO. E.Garte>»» ter. wilUeav© after ’ this nouee/tor WoßsvWe paneUfc* allr^atBo’clocklathe tnnnilnjr.■ *■ ■«/■. *. iei3 FEBBUAKVI»I,'IMa \-~jTjBSBBPABY,fa, l#« LEAVE ' .. Tits folhrwiajfnaw dostjoaopjai* 4 ; .- ~ -V LWLlUgfljP j grtvrtn«a gmtdi.willttaTO tor the •» end ; intemefitfe porta this day u 10.0’010ek... For freight or 1 FOB LiFATETTEr-WiBiSH BIVEB. ' 3 'row. morning at ip.p’dloek.'. ;• o-' L f' ?;j : FMJwl*htorpuaa*ge,*ppiybn>ttMrd. fahS :H " " -i! ,-, i,;Thftfina . ; : i jOttifg.toiiataßmu'iMTe for tio> ioictseutla dors on tfo» day, the Sth init, at ID o J elock^2j2? ,VT v ’ m freight dr pumge,appfy-wlfebuAor to . ,'.i -.feta • •” fErnGREWAc. b T . vEPE WabAsbeiveh. t "T 'ij .-Th*fplendid:&*truiinlM«Maaar >rfT**rr ». - ■ COLUMBIAN*?; f j pe teate for, the *j 55Hy?thel£ttin*tv /■ °.“,>a For freighter Postage •ppljrMLboard* otto - , & • feb3 ' |] PACKET. wd : T■***»* ■ *;; ' Tfce Comal will l t&s utetnMlata portL*-: • fort *m Mfsrrof MHBewet#W»w«j provided. 71* too tt u also provtifaj Trim m itifcfetißg ■ ttletr n&xdia v, pwTtnigiptodoat. rwfrcgfctftrfr*rago *sply *• : Do*ld,oru> :.' -i- „•■■ Vfi SrirßßßLtfß, Aft, feb4 Wttcr *ta. % FOBNETFOBIiEANS. :.-Ttioi Baldwin: q* ■■HBBHBtbe«bore MdJmtxmedbus Mrti o» ;< Monday, Feb.lftb,«i 10 o:cJo€feAat 'v , • Far tmtkt o* Mmft tpptyjsit»Mxd; •» to Geo^ feM_' I ' ZANESVILIEANDHAHtErTAFACIET.' , 1 .« ILI" . J> .♦■•».• . ~.| • mMUIWM BinnSniv: jaMerthmag’toOerrew ■SnßßßßUranKtfft npAirs/piU nm ts ltrretalßKffffCT£__ ' r IUaaULAIt WHEEUNOPACKEt. TAWORV -tacaa, tamtor.-Witt kcrtator as u a paekKvftoa t» &>rjtzi -• ~: And M>tOrffdgAiorpa«aga*p{-Vl r\^ •' .->?•> ■ JCSgT^n ? % ~-.L Si- ,j..i .■rtji-i‘ r r‘'\ *' y/wtlcrtt fet f| BAMO hiWetem Yll md fa. TT b, - - :i^L^W^!SSal&^^: OAB-Wfcxi.CtftiitinM&an: fe>u]» b» , •*“=» i-v*aK3fWol ——; : JWSaESlT!6iß?^*>i*'^*»* '■ ~ ~ v ~ ~ ■ UIK •G*SbeB w!Mf3r^a , 2ut , Vi i f “ 4 “! • - ’-’ ■.. '”" ... * • • t'v . f&efrnl ftoacuattr '« e>oMC«iuUiUMai JAJtSSIXALZELL