The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, February 12, 1849, Image 1

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    ; sy>:os-»
zxtt&xsh s fc.
■•i t i;u 7^> ; Wi c :
IN li>~
■ -t: '.Viv •: - - - '
‘‘ 1 -B&fKTRONO Merchant*
A tnd Dealers in l*rodj se, No. US Market tirect
• s ‘ -dcc9,. r'
J V'".' 1 I W.*. HAlfc
, nUSHFIKLD& IIAYB, Wbotettlo dealer* icr'Dry
"' ' . iSCoodii (irocttigs; llootk, Shoes, Pittsburgh jnami~
K S£taceil srticles, N{ri S2O-Liberty street, Pitls
tonrth. j' : - -- ' • {-‘ jtS
.\w> 1 TJBAUN * W
J liberty
r,. . QROWNV 4- CytBKRTfcON, Wholesale XJrocer*f
J>'*lkl.Conmiiiiicm Werc&anu, No; 14d, *x_
■ - . ; deiPty,-
H -j j>i- A. FAHNESTOCK & Wholecale and He-
D> tall PnurgUtt, earner Wood and CtK *t* }yl
: D-OALEY fc SMiTtr, .\VT»otef*l* GrteetSft&'am
•" 1> BPWbodureevfitUtmrgli,
UNqEiSh' fcBENNETT,’ .ob,
£o.y\V&dleMl9-Oroc4n. -otnouMion and.cor*
* u >vftnuac Merehams,Vnd<lc&l< , i«in-ProdQc«and Phu
tTgfa>lr™rartm^» > No-37 l and
K tixetu. ■■;■■ ■■.■; vrl'r"""' ; > octl •••
... - p *CoajaiMlon,olerchfcßt:j
• ; ‘ OoUon Yaro#,tW*. Si VRae > j
/Y*LLAfIHEBi WWO Jt.VMlELKKlien nß&'Btasf,
r , IjrfCttfaaarttod GU-FilSftts, "lorFftttmbeWncfta
Wood and BxniUxfioUi*tjecls,Tillibnrfb f l Pft.u - ■ wV_:i
t; * 0* Uigkdst price lirwi for oldCop^ef,«atdßrm.,
..." ipIEOEBECOCIBLik; CaiimUtkriiiiSoTOinSinj
' 1 UT ttotmy No. ao WocJ
it TTARDY,""JONES fc Coi’com™’-
• • ].-JCL-W«Jding Mercliant*, hat**'
• ••'mndt Vftrter and Front inrrctr,
W9UBULO. Bttltunor«o i. ..
' A.».*ncMo*t *»WAW»mUU. jrbliaili. .
• •••vV; i c. AIUOI Jena A. WAttlUb.. V
* TI3EALDfcBCScNOB»ToIMiMo<»«iffI»»a ( N)sr*
v Nonh Water«w
■; ■*'. I ■' kSBZSt XMOCt, r*, ;
1 TfljUAHpingKY *.Co~Wholeole OroccT«vCom»-
\ JLjniiiifln WercHaiiu,«ul dexlen hi l l todaoe,.Nw,sS
■ u \V*l£r;toMa7 Pront«ire*l*, Htabargh. norS ‘
f OHN H, B * NKiN^Anotaey ahAConhceUarm Law
:' t) r J wmnt««iaw#r. iugihtt Slkia :©»i Pennsylvania
■. nW
m k Miller,.M’Cahdlea* A'M’CJnre, John-is'Pttkß,
rß«aaMtBq»lfl?M*CprffcHlnfl.' ' jell:ly
TOUN SCOTTSs.Ci- Grower*,
*I irigamt cnmaigslati- Mcrchknto.Dealerr 111 Pro
i.' See and PttUtraTrt'MajinfacUjrfi, Ne, 7 Commercial
Hour, liberty »UeeL near'ihe Carial* Pittsburgh, Ta. ■* f
.. ..nySlt : ‘ r i .
TAMES S HeGUOlJ^jUilaECthefirmcfAlgeoanil
•I Merchant Tailor 1 , st-Cfoariea JUulilinga,
“T^atrect,pehrWo&l I Pinsbgrgh.-' ! • -
'* •>" • % TAU£3X £ - r HDTCIHSONp4; Col—Soccetso ra -10
V ; !-IjBw!*IIKtebtea\ll& Ccnnmitiioa WcrcijcnU,
? /-~ttA'AgenSf of iha£L;LottiiBtt*ni 6*j»T Kefin<ry.
’ iasa ‘-■uS ; .
T-j .8. JHLWORTU 4. CoQ WtOlewlq €rocen t Pro: i
tl • dace aad' Csnuninion' Merci*n»,«»d -*g >n{ * 1
ro» Um Htmfdfgyrdst 27 Wood «i»
Pimbarth.’-- : 1 j&S - •••
TOHN tt MORtAN.'Wto'.eule DniKlat And deal-. |
Wood street, one door South of Diamond AUer„ Piiu*
barghL:.. ; i-s.. i ' jant'
TAMaS* '
fa- KERB.Jf. t 4 .Cu^‘ ttpcccwprto Joseph <l.
•■~r~^tr : P«Ta,)ShipCbfcadkr« t a3_Wjater»trtet. ~. ocJV ...
n KrTOttfi Jt MELXtoR, Wholesale and Retail dealer
J 1 Magic 1 anil hi luical lujtnuaenut. School Rooks.
i- .np«r ( fiUievßt«ei.I > tfta T Quills, Frinten* Cud«, ami
lC L:S»tiona^gaoja«l|t»No-8lVowl«-) Piiutmrsa.,.,, f
/ g?*Rwt»ou«ht ottalrenintiada. „ . sepia ...
' "~T 1/ BCHODNMAJEEB Co- Wholesale' Tjrogjists,
.' t VtfV.Nd. ; Sl’lV6ott ttreet, Piiabargh. j r -- -
TOHN lilDAVli, Auciionoer, corner 6Jmnd >Voo3,
.tr l«trcfri;-Pm»*togh. ' -. ■ • . ‘.oct^-f
TQHNSTONA STOCKTON, Bookseller*; Printer*
V .«od Fspei No. 41Morkct Pnu
tmrub/ —. —■-- v-* ; - jeO; ,
iV, J‘ ;¥:>* B.HMIR JbtftWoyik CoJWbotcAalu
j GrOceiij . .gcpS,..
---'■•TAMJiS T*»*l OrnfjwT, iVmniiwinn
v ' M. jj Frodacd ami Piuatiureb
-'i Maanamaie».Na.tftlVftTyt.-fWfittsSargh. jmnlif
Vfi tints. DtalenißrPMdr
' TeinrUw ltoß Work«.~ T7T7
,\l TthVfcs DALXELUJt.-CavttasuiACUiren-er alLsir
JU Jw,'BiM^ r ildUcrJTpQ:|p«4 Nailfcoi the be«
iSi^rat^raa^lM from a. .•:■ -.c
a WbuJe«ile ‘t4roc<r, Forward
ir«d<!oauaiuioH Morciuusv Dealer in Pius*
IWiitiiaeture* «nd Produce, No*. 31 Water fit,
gjpg»s>> ■ :.■ •- -i-s i jg
jots JCeui*;(vy.awiJtaJCß&fcU ►, W*w*ifr ;**»*'.
, *\i| etiILLS >Vt»teitJejOtoeetarod C&Biiu*-,.
JjJ, turn Ubetif »L,l > iiu2Juiyh.
• J*B- ,;,. ;.-;..;; ;. / _
• XytUEPUY. WILSON k. CO. l ('sateJonea, Murphy tt
, U«(ir Co.) .Wholesale. Dealers in Dry Good*, Ko. 43
j : . uoyS3_
• .ifljCß WoolDeafer* cad CommUiion
, JUX-Mercham*, fur ihe old-of American Woplien
fifths • mvtlij
amx. -j ' yx a. xxkicx. .•
Iff- Arj.RW A CO4 Commission and Forwarding
SUL y ‘AW reliant*,- -Water' add -between
wood and Market su. / : jane.
sot MtLuca,',-. •• •['■■• ; C..W. mexsnaa.
LT ILLER t HlCKETSONjWholessle Grocer* and
11 Cooxulssidii Merchants,No.l7o, Pitts
aygh/Phr ~'/;/ iy; - ? jmiid
• XNwtfOOT from earner of Fourth, dealers in Foreign
. i; .-indflaßJeiticUilU oCEiebauge, Certifieaiesof Depoa*
Banh Notes and Specie. ~ . . •
: '{XT’Collections mad, om all the principal cities
-r ttoppihoat the Uuitedfitatcs. i deel7
'Knll'iucnvu. etuui a jum.
' A -RUCIiBUBN A.’ Wholesale Uroeert and
. .%/• deale»inOiis,BoatStore,andl'itutmrgh Man*
. wahturedJUlielßa, have on hand, ax all times, o full and
,fßn*ral*Mamnemtrfgoodsin their li'»e, Wotcrtireot,
■ eafCtdrryAUeyrPtashgrgtu, aaif
KObKfcT MOO BE,; Wholesale' Gtoetr, Rectifying
•ptalilcr,- dealer in Produce, Pins burgh Mamdac*
- -«r«*,-andall kinds of FoteigxiAndiDoiaestie.Wmes
and CqacfiyNo.- II street, tin hand a very
Jtigwapckvof superior old hSononfrahelu whiskey,
which,will bo apld' low'for eash: ' aplfciy
BABD/Wholeialb and Retail Dealer in
■' ; -^^ : lieailieri Slnnk;cb^Shoctnakeis , 'fooa'ahd Kntf--
•tnrt,*Tanner* , and Cutlers’-Tools! tad Tanners’ Oil,
Wood st, Pittsburgh. - - sepia
ipHHKfuiV • «mr«r. ■. eiimntntt.
J» k «paiJ(SON t Co-Wholesale Grocery Produce
X|m tod Commission Merchants, and Peeler* in Pitts
pgqi‘Mimif«£targ« T iKQ. ISO libcrty *t., Pittsburgh.
%->:>-• «' jaalU
ibGMSIfrDALZKLb & Wholesale GrOcers,
••' " - Ja;'Coffimmiona«d-Fojn»midlns^ l Mcrcliantjudcalera
'" ' tSTPredaec end Pittsburgh' -filanufictares. Liberty u.
T r«nibafcfr > Pa. - * fefrM
OB'jC. CUNNLNUUAW, WkoiewUe Grocer,
iDc«iar±nJProdaco and Piiuburflr Hanufactores,
144 liberty »l r .. ; - • jyM
- ' 1. L. IHZt
Forwarding and Commission
] ' JLV Merchants, tor the Allegheny River Trade, deal
./• •, cys in. Groceries, .Produce, Pittsburgh Manufactures
X '".•pdChlorifidofLime:■“* •
/; -Tliahlffhe*ipriee«.in cub, paid avail time* Cor coon*
>|J , gTrag»r , Pena endXrwinst*. - gg
v C*ums * JOHNSON,'Wholesale and Be tail Dealers
0 in Millinery v « Lace*. Hosiery sad Fancy
- :; ArUcle*,No. 40 Market street, 3ddoor above Hurd si,
• : • ’fcp2g'
S'«.e.*nae»jjtrr, .... ,'tuca. a. rrufta.
tUCSLErr fc WHITE, Wholesale Dealers la
■Foreign end Domestic Dry Goods. No. WWood sl
. mtfHagfik . • j ' icbiTtf
*,|SfiwTaABBADOBrWwJI ilerekuis, Dealers
'■?"v Dja inrloarandProdaee'generelly, and Forwarding
‘i '* tof Commission Merchants, No. si Waver tu Pills.
. .. largh. . . >
BMfIB|BAOALKV A Co., Wholesale GrOeers and
.'fpodiiee dealers, ho.2£) Market street, betweerifith
~ tod atb,Kortb«ide,yhiltaglphia. ! aer&
ir- • .'f.ißum rmiiiuß. joiis iochol*, suatLanij.
: NiOOIA Produce and General Com,
‘ . - • P-mission JderciftnUjNa lT'iLibeTiy Pittsburgh.
-• j, ’ ttpena, Hawed and laird . ,
- 'tS % VON 'JKXNNHOBOT.* Co, Wholesale Gro-
Merchants, I
Kalera toTiaabnrgh ftlanaftcare»4i>d Wetteto Pro
<- v No.aS,eom«cfFroatiLaßdClnnc*tyLaj&«.
• . ,
r.ffirt^-T^.a.'-TaoTg.^' •' '• 7. f.scott.
" JTIBOTB & BCCTTT, Wholeiwto and Retail dealers in
t ' TtStoS; «Sm, CttJtctßaja, Ac, S.W.
oregfofitittfld Bffllihficitl»ti,-rnl*&argtt,
mtwKV fc UEtff. Wholes &Je Grocer* antffccmini**
J-r f iui4 .dealer* in Ffodyce. Noi- 35
1 W<ad»t t l r lttibnnth« —-■- - " paß
' - to? Mexico widUrt 4 iu»d
prgflßp’ftg penaionsplt the An**
dn.£fl&. Bark'* DuUdiat*, dib it. My son
, \ kiiktrcaenl lpftdo£co*J Washington. winatirml to
*\l:' mj bttsewtban fir* oreipeDi* toapplicants.
Ji •■ - ■’ bino M , C*JtBL&-
. > • *WrlCK<*ll«OAVDL£3S,‘‘(soccewar* to U AJ. D
•■■;*• Vf WiekA WboTeMte GriJcer*; Forwanlinr and
1 : / dCttlets-iH li£U, Nolle, GUas,
,1 iVv*‘»*'YaTas,and Filtibaig h Manufacture* gaiteiaJly,
»o»aorof Wood «<>■» Watet •= irccts. PtUsburKb
ttftep- atia forwarding'
Jff'-.'Mnrcbi«CT<#rw F*«ot «t between Wood and
t,- Tfafcel fgeoia. ■ „ -i-- - fcfrM ,
- W f--y W/WALLACEj Mill alone; and Famish.'
"' ' - ■wf'V iftg e*tabU»imiect,:No. dM Liberty tv, near lie
aaaat .v,.. marg
• ■ WILSON. Dealer in Watehee, Jewelry,
tr-*/.-.. , »f .f Hitter Ware,Military G00d5,Ac.,N0.57 Mu*
i. 1} -> tM U. *. ; . 007?
HUEFUY, Wholesale and Retail dealerin
•-• .Tf ♦ Foreign' and Domestic, Dry Goods, o6rtb east
■ '..••>■ llartuaadrbßrtl! stt.' tuigta
, 1 - to Sfr jlSytc
- '! fy _l4> libcnrsi i ,0a5.1y
- w^mvernrant.;
ViTW T~ M*CUTCHROSj'Wi»I«EIe <jroc«r>,«iea
' T .“*.*.i* ri, J I,^rodßM ' ,rTO ? NiilsUltM* tmi Pm*.
... bBri*Wm»£Miaxe» jfciiemlly, jj* Lilwnyj*!, J’liu*
"" ’ • »'. r. . • r "dqrtf
I U 7 W.WlLßoN,\V»«kc^Je»,l„,BU T „\v' , irV,
, *u« Pa. NJi.—Haichn aad L’iooki
4’ * ■ Hiafaillr repaired' di-rt
•• , fc WILSON, furtrajlimd MioWurePmin-
-Hocm*, corner of Port Office Alley wid
deet-dxC—• ‘ - ■- *
Martel tt,ihfeo door* «boreTUfJK FUu* 1
canstantfrpnkud jtwidt lelcetod u
•: vaottßoaSotibo be*tj*ad ; ue«M«t
."f j ri>wUl aell on Utf wrt.reuoaiblotenni. Jftjy*ici*ji«
■*■ '-■■■ BBadtof oiwn, will bo prinipUy Mieadod to, md *np*
: -
•• ;|Ef FkyflidnupKttriplion*<*rulb6«ccumelyaiui
' >Wf pwpored Cnwa ihfl be»taatgri*l»,ai any bwof
J , nock of .fnib tad food Fetfi^
*' a*ir. •• w jwa .
r' wr ‘' **■ l- .-. - ’* ■ •
i/.ij ,
. ! >
■ ■ !■<&)
Kpaipsp,TV*i.KlWS, : ■
(o. matmtiicnmi'Wcnanlpr,l», lintii
lltf l affStoaei,'M»jite( Pieces,
.w aztaijaet Tb»» offoreign and 'domestic marble, w
: S*r , .pf»win*»,for.mdnUnietfu, vault*, Ac. foroUh
«u i f>[ arif“dt«cnpUoiL He solleiu u«b*re‘of public
pairoaaCT-- „ ; aogkdtf
j -)o*.cJn*s»j • widjLrtijt'ouJjr
1 ?AOOS VOCES,-'- ’ V*nsS«lS,> - J4SQESJU. »yHB,
■ •—y-. Ui . . TKOB. SIMMOS. 1 ' , '
CIMPSON’ ik CovnunoJaetarera-af.' ViaU, Boulev
O «nd y Wlndow>01o»», Iwflp 'constantly ou hand-a
'geneTrafassortmeat of ilwabove articles! Also, make
to order'S superior article of Mineral-or Boda-\Vuter
-Boulestof colored-glass, No.dC Wood £t, Ficirbargh, i
Pa. .. v ; ._ • -- •acg3t ? Qra. ,
"i)tTi!3AAAi SiilTJifTlluirdSeturey 0?~ Cotton end i
If- doldred linen. Fringes Tor Dtewei Ac.; gcwinr
Hlk and * (ton FrtrigSilfei''kHk;anjl ringhatn'
obair, and Silk -Bulliorf Fnnffet
hArtcst notice.'- •• ! .
mi Lane and WiUhun.eutruVec
rd floor, over Abner Jfc'Hyi*
A' Net? York ] t - jyto.i t
tERSEY,, • ~
f Steam Boil niia Ftbnlfy
\MaUrorsesand Comfort*.of
\sp Water, street, Pittsburgh.
roletale'ind Retail-Drnj
and St. Clair ftireeu, fitta*
> may U...
, Wboleiale‘Groce r*ond
;«nd AsentkTorHrixfaum
,-and ll» Front «*; Pitt*
i —’ febS
pexi nitw nniaviuii,
TT-ENNEDY, CHlcbs * CO.-, M.nnr^,“ ro „SV c ji'
mtSva? <HimiUc, ordreS. Sa
k w Co/'uianafairarer* of
Coacti -iii Riptid' Sprirtgi,’ 'Hammered. Axle#; N
ppnrtg and TjpugU twL*lro^'&e.
Water and From »Utett, Pift»boi^t' a
a e alcn ( lsiiCoaehTWraming» and WalUmbic
uainw*~ •■■•••••> ; ••*•.*•' | -
mission and For
itnrped to their old
'tfjarjh.. ' JnU "
ALSKMUJt--Oaice, FobmEmli
,• tjilr4 door above BaushfieltL *oaib side.'
.Coawytmcuigorall kina* done with the neatest
vara and leqal accuracy.
•,Tit?e« te foal Estate j oct3o»ly '
‘ WT 4:
fliereHaaUi AUo, Imposter* oC Soda Ash usd Bleach!
n ff Not tflOidtionr axreetr Pittsburgh, Fa.
LKAQPa PAr^ntiv,
H A «l!!i'' tON^T E J VA ? T^^*? ,1 “ c^irer Heavy
Slim mg*, Check*. hc n fie&eeu; iutsal,. eiivof
AUeghgiiy, horlS-dly*
v ; i r U ft coA.n.
OvTU-sasor* M-AUAS& do, '
ttsa&aam >occi •- • mvmvwt g&k-
y £7*?“ Wetunl Safetyjnsnronce Company ofPkila
ouclphia. .-RreffiakijiootCluUidlflgt »a 4 tnerghandi«*
of every drsrnpUon. and Mar in© Risks upon hulls or
.cargoes of. vetac/s, taken ,HpaO the tno*t favotaWe
terns. .». . '.... ,
; in tfie;Warebou« of TV. B. Holmes A Bro.,
1y0.37 TVnler, nearMaikei street, PiUsbnigh.>...: j.
The succeu qf ihis Compiny since tboestab*
; »«ft*nrnt of. the Agency in.UuseOy r with,ifi& pro tap!-’
ceas and liberality with which every elnimupon thrm
or/os* has been adjusted, fully .warraulthe afem in
inviting the confidence and patronage, ca'hta friends and'
the.-community, at large to the Delaware M. S. Intu-'
.ranee Company while it httsthe additional fchrahtajres
aa ah institution among lEembVfahajishiatfin PhßtdeP-
hiyihc frt ample paid-in capital, which iy iw
operation-of-its -charter is constantly irtetrAainr, a*
yielding toeach. person insured his doe share of th.'
•profits ofi tto involving him in any
<«jon*ibiluy- > whataver,.'«iul ithfrrfpre b* “po*se«wifL-»
toe Unteal principle dives trd r<jf «varj obnoxious
ture, and in us most aaracuve form. ■ j
lniuraiirr ou
on thlpmcm. IjjihYOl.
'Dl HECTORS. . •
AKhurG CoW-; " ! - - Charlda^ayJor,
g“**W ? Jqne A '• •‘Att»n*ae\ViiiJ,V'
Edward Smith- - Jacob M.ThoioAi,
JohnA.Browni- John R. ' *
John While, ■ ■ *■ Richard Du Wood.
Thomas P.Cope. Wm.uvhh,.”^-
Krunies Uoskens,
SamuelßrookSy : i 1 S.Austin AUibdw, -
- « ‘ -iv ‘ . akthpr m 2 corny, fre»V
Itemrr-D. Snoartxs, fiery. • > •
'.„Thk i* theoldest Insurance Company lrrtVe'United'
Sales,juiviug betti chartered itr iw|. Its charter Is
perpeuull, and from iuhigb »inmling t lohg experience','
,ampTeaeans, and avoiding all risks of >an extra hai'
' ardOQs character, it ft»»j be eousiirml as otferin* am-
m.ihe public. TV. V' lnVw *’•
• Ar ihe'Coonitnj»-Ki>oni of Atwood, JorterA co~\Va«
to:had Front streets Pittsburgh/ > ■* ' ' amyd L
ig-aitii Coi&nuisioa Mer
le liul Pituburalimaflu.
;-neir7lh «t. ~ <J3t*.
JPHASKi.W t :yiBE rtfitIttABCECO. V
rfusKfranklintTra iasuronceQcwpanj-, of philadel—
■X phisE, wiil.mske Irtsßnrotw,'|toßtaiicatf«d.4bKiied:
at every description of property, ta .Pittsburgh and the
'surrounding ceaotry,ou lavm-able arms. ..TUis com,
pany ha* a perpetual charter.
... • HOQJDOO paid in.
Contingent, Fund
OtHce eomerof Thitd and Market arrets, Pittsburgh.
aplifltf . y WAKIUCK 4lAßm\AfCnt
ITIIE fiUUSCRIUKR has been appointed Agent pro
. lent, ofthe Insurance Company of North America,
ami will issue Policies and attend to tbe other bdshtesi
of thD.Agcnry, ,ai Atwood, Jones &
Co. ... rtpia rWAI. F t JUNES. water si
c. a. ojunauuvia 1. iciauw um.
No. © South Wharves, No. 117 South Water st
BEGS to iuform thetmau and dealers generally, of
Pittsburgh, that they tins a made rocb’srrange menu
truh the Virginia mtuiutaclurer* and the. Growen of
the 'Weil, WcstJuilies, ana other places, as will insoro
a large and constant supply of the following descrip
tions of Tobacco, .which nw ire sold upon as Occam*
-tnodaxing -terms oa any other house in this city or else
where, and all goods .ordered tram them will be war
rented equal to representation:
Havana; .fib Domingo; Coon.: 4
Vara; Porto Rico; Peon 1L; >Seed-Leaf; to-:
Cuba;. ... Iffuioi; , . Jfc.Florida;J bacco;
ALiiO—Branch’s celebrated, Aromatic ptag'Caven
dub, with a large assortment of pother popular
-and qualities of pounds, s*. #*, Lfs, 10* and3d», Lump;
: fi»i' 0, ba and 10s Piugfijtpies’. Twistt Virginia Twist.
Ac- sweet and plain, in whole and half boxes, wood
audita, together .with-every variety of article beiong
iaglo the trade. ■•-* jelCdly
i/iamt. _, - • 'a. ftsaeiT. c. oanarwos.
. -FtpUfl .FACTORS,
Produce, Commission and Forward Ins
“tftrMtttlJtft, .
No. £2 NoixalTiuSTes, aso UJ9 Wat** St.,
Bsm to—John H.’ Brown' k Co. ]
Robert Steen & Co. Ipwii-j.i-m-
Barcron, Beaver 4 Co. f PhUlldel P ,M '
Smith, Bagolejr k Co. J
AileuA Paxton, New York.
Walters k Harvey, Baltfmori:
JtagalerASiaitb, )
Bnrbridge,Wilson* Co I . ,
Bailev, Brown k Co. f P ‘U*WV
■ 1 luer k Jones, , J
ID* Liberal cask -advances oa consignments' id ouf
address. • • • ■;> .ptarSMly
f. c rujum. ciuniEs ccxt. aosr.WAnis.
. *m>obVa<?tobs. .... ’
And General Commission, £fercb»atj*
Ns. 15 Socth Wain Snka,
REFERENCES—Henry Graf k Co, Pittsburgh.
"A. M- January; Maysvuia. ,
diaries Basham, Jt., Louiavine.
' DnUlbfUamgiireysft.Co. 1. \
Merrcr, Bro. -k Co. j-PbiihtTa
Reed k Brother, .4
DutilbACou«ittcfy, New fork. _
jsjutssajnrxaojw. ~ sssttrkL'caax&s
r.IOMhUBSION MERCHANTS, No. 5J Market street.
\j Piiubutgb, Pa., will attend_OrcrnpiJy to the sale o<
every description of Western jrjplnre; and other ar
ticle* entrusted to their .care.— .
„ ’ :• -• * - lUra-rd.
Hanna,Horsey kCo. i’itisburgU; Uanna,Gr*batn
New Lisbon, O-l/Merchama generally, Wells-’
•.viUe,fti Rhodes AOgteby,i{riiigeporT,o.;A. G. Rich*
Cincinnati; j. cT.Howard,'Louisville,
Kyt GtulrMtorwori, Bt Looiii 11. Boyles,Jiieubcn-
. ■ '■ ' [ . , •?• decG. .
... .Hats, 6Eisi> i CO:.,
w Heed, Hard A Co.,V
OBIIBRAI, COnaiIEBIDS heuc/iiakts
.rartieinaf attention pajd to Utd soleof all kinds of Pro* ;
• *.*2’ ??7i- *dv<nce* while on cunsinunsou. i
I* B. & Co. have teAVe tovefor to— • !
Mcssn tt. Robison k Co. IA. , -
-.. t ~, l !i McGill* Roe. I Pittsburgh.
;! Rfred, Park* k Co., Beaver
- Lawson* Wcllsvllle, ft •
.. «KBiie n vUl«, Oy
... t*. urmly, Esq. ■ i •
. ; /Woß.n I!| V.
" (Jill & BloiH, ) .
„ . , ,?,• *'• **vA«xirsnr‘
Beteivlug, Ji'orwaurcljDg ajjd Ceueral Commit
v «ion flertluiov"
* :/.Comi«cxiX.:Sr»nrr, Bt.'Lobu, »|o.
. N. B.*~#tricL attention paid tdi.orilri* tor purchasing
, inthitjn&dcet,sail nJlbasines* promptly transacted!'
Reference at Pittsburgh, JohaM’Faden k Co.
- decSB*d4».v--*--'- '» v — > ,
Commtaaion and Ponvardlag Usrchaat,
. , k
CONTI NtTIS to transact a general CotnniUiion but*
. tbepttrehasoahdsalcof Ameri
can Uauwactnres and Prodoce, dud in receivlttg aiid*
forwarding Goods eonslgiteilw hidcare.’- As Agearfor
the AlanansetßWvbr Will be constantly, supplied wiUi
the principal articles of Pittsburgh Manufacture at the
lowest vtrholesale prices.'' Onldrs and jcoosicnmerus'
are respectfully ' «07_
Iron. NallOf Colton Jam* A PlUibar|h
. r . Manol*ctuf«kiffeue»*nr.
no. iu wood, anutar, rrmnc&ou, rs .
r; ,. " ■ —~WdVm. oi.aSJI.- • ' , ■ _
Attends panjcniarljr lo the Forwirding of' Produce,
*•.- 'Tor any 'information,-apply to FORSYTir t CUN
CAN. W.Vrst.. . • wild
- v-*<‘, For iii» ule.of Prodpeo yensrslljr., y . . j , j.
tty Ltberal sdvweet axt&a ooxoiuifMntnu.
jtaLdAwftaT . . . '
.0 U.-J I . ,
- ----
insurance:: ......
*A• > a
■i- - „\u.i i .i-.M
■ •- ■« • Wtt/T»MBUN,'* * ,
■ii , , Pd i / :
«l«j'-tLttendaocot!eillnn> had all oih<rba*i-
T? r - oe*».oiinwte4 to biro in . Butter .»ijj Arnwironr
eottmienipa Ref«to , j 8
J. i R. Floyd, liberty *M
: ' • WjW/Wallm*, do I
..Jamet.Manhall • do • { Phtabifcah.
J. >*>_
JB. SWEPfZSIR, Attorney si I."«w, office 3d *l.
.oppMiteJSt. ChorlM Hold, Knalnngli, will also
suend promptly to ColWcUoau, ; ln Wmbihrion, Fayette
and Orem counties. Pa.
• -REFF.R TO < .
lnackMOfk, Bell A Co. t 1 . •
_n‘r'u^‘ h '”>' ■- } p,:,,b “ rsh -
E, J. .HENRY, and Connrellar at Law,
• Cmcinimtf, Ohio. 1 ' ib ponihcm Ohio,
and In Indiana, tail in. Krntacky* prinjpllf and oore
oiUy, ConunKsoner for lho;8laie of I»enn-
for taking Depositions, acknowledgments,
B«*II A 86d.<Cuni«, Chair h fc
CirmhcryWm. Har* *' -. WHIdoV*, 7W*
I*7ILLIABIB A SUINIi) (uecemiu Lowrie and
• Altoniev* and Counsellor* aiLdw.
Omen North aids orFoartb street, above Smithfidd.
ftWdkwfr- - • _
'A TTORNEY AT LAW. Ofiiee'rtnwTed tu Fourth
C£x.'*twVbPt*e<m SmiUifield and Grant street!
- , i: in3^3ia 44
l lrk*lE3'DV?riiu?; t-Wuzson rtvell.
ThUNLOKA SE\Y]ELL> attorney. ol' Law, Offices on
JL*iggHlbsetd»between 3-1 md .4ui sb, ... .
,TJCr • P- H. ROBINSON, Attorney afLaw. has t«-
-T.r'V taovedhU-oOeeio the'ErchkneeiJuikiing*, St.
Chirm trekt BSofctol AldetfeatvJdhßa: ‘ cp!7ly
n THE aubacßher.'iuadtUuoik tohU own *>«»
taring ofliatsi-Juu made arrange* jfilf
Mam Bebee ArCo- (the
/ashlonttMe hktteri’ttftbe eityfarNet* York,) fora retr
ulaz supply ofhis extra fine Silk Hats, and baviugjust
received ,a can boeuitedunth «
;yqry rich ana beaoulti'baipy colling at hu new Hat
*nd Cap Store, Smithteld etreel, aeeoad door south of
•Fwra/wherOvßidy' bd Ariitklagreai of Hats
and CtinSorhi*ownTnaiinthcrure, wholesale and re
;iaiL;llal4tna4a,loorderoushorl notice.
, ~npS3. ',7 ~ JA£ifcs wilson.
' fia" 1 H»CORD A>cb- ’ ‘ jm -2V
Jm . VtSocccssors to M’Coni & fanrf : ’ 9&wm
-Ji, » r OMurtf-mu-itU Fifth ferrrtJ.
t)AHTICULAB attention paid to oar Retail Trade;
1 JJi' Gentleman/ can relyj.npon gening their Hat* and
‘OapoAtta out establishment of the afer uaTsaiaie and
wospujsinT, of the LaTS3T.mi.Es, and. at the uh-m
Cotmmr Merchants, purchasing wholesale, are
respectfully.invited to sail ond examine oilr stock; us
-wa £an_*ay with confidence that h* regards yexurr
and rocitit will not suffer in.a comparison wuh *uy.
house in Philadelphia. tad 7
; HATS, h!oFF^?The'^»s k ~
,j§§|. Subscriber is now receiving from the.
ofNew York, avheiee assortment '
ofliau.Cpps and Moils, latest fashicmisfn great vatic--
ty oad Very'.cheap, wholeMfeoAd retail,
wOvlS Smithfield at; 8d door sooth of 4th
Yell Fashions lorTsVei
M HaCORD 4fe Cos* fig
*7* , • , (UU M COBD A EGMJ,) . . 'o<j&
j\kf jLL.ijitrouilce on Saturday,] August--fifth, tbe
Ir Fail stylo of Hats, just received front New York.
TkoaA'ia warn o/kaeat. and beautiful bat, ore irvviied
Mo call at their store, carnet of Firth and wood street*. ’
111 ferJt'A** UvP.JAiUKSJ, £mri£nsd,th{! following
new aiul.vaioabl? Work!-— * • • *
f. / <•; J. _
Doniphan'* Expedition—Containing a IkArh of the
liu oi Coi. A. W. Doniphan; lha utruiaesl ,of New
.dleiiewiJea. Kearney^OrMlaml ExpedUloi) 1o Cali
fornia! Doaiplwn’a lhe*NaVj]d«, and
.jus unparalleled March upoa Caihaahaa u>d Datango,
am! the. Operation* of Oen. Price at Hants Fte; with a
l M#a and. thij»Ttt*ing«, by John T Jlughe-i. A
t?l lieynimi of Mirsouri Cavalry '
,4 Uliiorj of Ketitocky—lt* 'AuUffnttie* and Natural
Cyooartje*; Ueoeraphteal {jtaiwutfal and Urological
description*; wiui-ancadou>* of Pioneer* 1 jfe, and mote
chariose IwadradiUofiapbtcaltMuncbe* of duunniiib-
Od'Pioneera. Soldier*. Stateamen/Jgrfcl*, lawyer*, Dl
i** " f 1 ~~
_ _ . _rn.' r<
. The Twelve •MOTlta'Wamertvbr Journal of * *»n.
V*re in the Tcanc*iu*i* Rrgiijjrm « 4‘awairy, m the
deilrimbm o/ th« Cctrnry r-mcd orer, amanen, nu.
ion*, la. 6f *6 Tieopte; fcfcclfehe* ’of Cwnn Ute; ae
(ffaniM of all (be aciuxt* of ofliefc Vo)auire7uavtißem«.
aiid^a m JUsiort;.cf jheSJprican Wur.liatutu.* K«fc
led>ad \\ ountfnl, k« UluMfawd U n rlarjps number ol
fftrrfbt (He»« andj»lan»i by (Jco, c. f'urbcr, l volume
Octavo. . ... .
Cromwell’s Letters,and SpcL-hr*, including the
aappiemctit to the 6m edition: With elucidation*. Bv
rhomss Carlyle. In a v«l*t Isino. CJOJI '
Gulins’ Xemucky.—nitloncal Sketches of Esn
iucky, embrocuitfiu history.'antiquity, and natural
eoriositie*, geographical, statislical and geological de
scriptions; wuh anecdotes 6f Pioneer ItTtk and more
limn cos hundred biographical sketches bfdutiuruish
eu pioneers* soldier** and statesmen; Jurist*, lawyers,
eW * Illustrated by Amy engravings. By
LewuDollins. • * *■
. Palo* «i4 : l>gendr.or miny Naiiona-Select
eJ, newly . told, antT UaaalaiM. ity c. Jl&ukhardt.
Oeantifuliy lliutrsicd. ‘
'The Arabian Nigbu—The Tlioiuaetf and One Sir ht*
or, the AtabmaTLgh'u’iiintenajpiaems; transit led ana
“"^‘.‘MttrtomlyreaOuii— w»atex|»Jauntorr note*,
by £. vV. Lane. E«q. Prom the aeeoud London edi*
uoO: Illustrated with eoo wood cut* by Uarrey, and
illuminated UUes by Owen Jones. Complete in 19
wla, paper, or 7voU, t2mo. Cloth—Oils:
The above booksjail received Undfor sale by
norS j _ market, eor 3d at
N E "’
.11 Platte and Spherical Trigonometry, with an.
plication* to Metumraiion, Surveying and Navigation
ByUJA* Loomu, a. M.
Xenophon's Memorabilia of Socratc*. with English
e mjcol and explanatory, Ufe of So crate*. * c .
By 0. Anthoa.l* L. D. ’
, JPCUntoek & Crook*' First Book in Creek; romaui
•°<r a wH view of tho fora* of word*, xriih
rie*aodeopino4 exercises, Ac. -
- Palkeid'* , Kirn iiook in Spanish; or, apractical ut
t redaction to the *tady of the Spanish Language.
Book Keeping by ungle.aod double entry. i'raeti
. *7. . a P ,e< * w Ibe inland and maritime commerce of
the United State*. By P. Doff. ,
A History of Prance, from thd conquest of Cant by
Jniiw Cm* Oie reign ofLoni* Philippe. By Mr*.
■Myanam. Revised, improved and enlarged, fey Jacoo
Abbott; map and engraving*. For *aie by
■ Apollo Baildir *-*-
*\TEW iiQOKi^—Loomis' Kte»nem«<yrVlgr i n*Titictry.
Ji\' : --Ktonemj of plain and nperfieiaj Trijronome,
or, with ihetr application* to Mensuration, SorTeyuir
and Navigation; by EUa* Loomia, A- M. ,?
A Fim Boot inti reek, containing a fall view oftbir
torn of .words, with TocmbuJarie* and eoploo* eier
ciaes on the method of const am imitation and renetl*
lion: by John ITCliatoek, tt of
geyand George R. Croovis, A. H-, Adjunct Professor
of Languages to Dickinson College.
tybam’s Lift of Madame Catharine Adorn a, 3d edU
Uon. *
A sqw. nbvplr-Tid Discipline of Uta.
Pam B, 10 anSll pf Harper A Pwthen’ inlendld it
lostratod edition of the Arabian Night** Entertainment*. 1
The above woxka Deceived thi< dor by exprew and 1
ftraate by JOHNSTON 4 STOCirroN,
' aovi3 tor 3d and market »ts j
SCfJOuL AfICUrfECTUBE; orconlributjonitothe
• toproreaeat of tehool booiea in the U. H . by
llertfy Barnard Abondartily iliaattaied with rirtri
tod pfanm.
Tfaoxr sod Practice of Teaching. or tha notivai
flAdpelhodi of good acbool keeping: by i)avid I 1 Page,
- Teafliittf •Betesee; the Teacher an B.R.
JJali} Aa hi*'
• -The Bebooi and the School Master—A manual lor
tha., dip,of teacher*, employer*, trustee*, inspector*.
'*4?. Common Schema, lotwo part*. By Alon
zo Patter,D. D., and G. H. uueraoß, A. M. Illustrated
*rith engraving*. Foraafe hr
jdectß RUOPKiNi
il*, Apollo Building*
FaroUl lea.—Thin work consists of twenty volumes,
and contain* five hundred different subjects, illuMrnird
With £OO engraving*. it Uan entirely original series,
recently written and completed by o U Goodrich, au
thor of Peter Parley’* Talcs, and it designed to exhi*
.Hit. In a popular form, Retort Biographies. ancient and
'modern; the wonder* and chrutotle* of iliblory,' Ni*
tare, Art, Science, aud Philosophy, wub the practical
dntiea of life. |
The price per Vo!, is 75eonts, each rouuuam* about
390 pages, IStavr, or 810 per Kt F®i rale by
' OCX* K HOPKINS, Apollo Builili.tßa.4ih »t
NEW NOV ELK—A Whiinidnd its coavuuencer
by <l. P. K. Jhmra,H*q.
Vanity Fair, a novel without- a Heto: by William
Makepeace TUackery, with illustration*.
Edward Vernon, My t!ou«iu*Story: by £ V Child*.
Story of lb© Peninsular War: by General Cliarlpa
William Vane, MarqnU of U. C. B- U.
C. fl., Colonel of the lid Keg’l Life Guard*.
The above work* received (hi* day and for sale by
O uiib^rlo'very Scarce ami exceedingly valuable
work, baajuil heeu pulilliLeJ by J. 1,. lleaq, in u beta*
• Ul'ol dSmoj vol. of £lO page*. . It contain* the reumt>
meDdniioit* of several clergymen of fftts city, of differ*
enl denomination*. In one .week 4W) copies liove been
distributed j‘if llib city Of Pitlsbnfgh and suburb*. Ri»
a book for every hour; For rale by
mrrffb _tt HQPKiNS, Apollo Buildings, 4lb it
i jfidotc FOR young persons
J\_ AND INVALIDS.—Dr. Burmins* “r-oounoa
Senke n on Health,.Physical Education, and Human
Voice,*a» baaed upon the. mechanical philosophy of
mania physical conatilutipn,being the aabstoiiceof his* an the above *utijeci# recently delivered in
thl*>hy. For tale bv » '■ i R HOPKINS,
<>£tl» ‘Apollo Building, 4U» «t .
.'OROOKS' OVID—The Metamorphoses of Publius
Jj Orldius Saw,- elucldnied by mi tutalfiis ami cx
jUutationef the Fables, togeflwr with English Notes.
Historical, Mythological anti critical, aao illustrated
V/picioriai embeihsbmeow; wu| aatovie. Utffi.a.
Brooks, A. Al. ' jfolfrt R HOPKINS
\f !ap of California, orkuox aTexas—
JjJL Pram ibe latest ayiiiorities: tiy S: Auguste*
Ajiiepel), wills an aeeornparftwom—llisumeal.Dncdp-
Mf t (Geographical and statistical. For Mile uj
deelS _ R HOPKINS, Apollo Uulldings, <tb «r
iU.' itig—la Ebony and Kofevvoort caws, with' or
wilhon^Anlsu 1 colors Par sale v»y '
_>■ i qccitl RJIOI’KINS. Aj
tpoflo Ugilding*
M f APOP PENNSYLVANIA—Conitrneted ftomtfaa
gocrey* authorized by the Biata,*nd'oth
tt original document*; ; Beyticd and iraprored under' Mor»l*i Cif il Engineer, open
d«ia procured In each county, under authority of the
JCftweopternoriluj Urge and *plendid
Jklaptteeltred lhi*d*y amlforjitUby v
'■ ’ Boot«iler«i c6r market and 3d *ts
)\T7OOL —l7 balei'lUmbi* .Wdoi tlul leeeired sq 4
. liV fcr.i^aby tdecfy *H. ROBISON*do.,
AM-U , • - .
. VCO»gAM'atBRBIffP. ‘ T
LOGAN & ESSNEDV have thii day uaieiated
with them in the Hasdvgflrw Philip Wil-,
wn ondEdword Gregg. .’’lie arleof fitjuwin here*
after bo Logan. .Wilton This arntngemem'Ten*-
dera it desirable to close iheold.bosraess «* won as
posuble. AD persons wbi*.n liabilitiM-have manned,
are especially requested to rntfke immediate payment
Jan.l k ISIS.
T 0G45, WILIOS -5 !‘COw-!mponen and
Wholesale Dealer* tin i'oreumand Domestic Herd*
w&e. Cutlery, Saddlery, I39,.\T<fl£*fr&ct; PitU
barjhJarejurwfaUyjijTiweii wU£'i, IBeuilyfUnpor*,
ted stock cf HardwartvCft'.i iry, ftc.,(Q offer, yejy great,
inducements to western* jlr4jjri,'bemg detenwpeiJ ’to
compete in price* sfithiany: 'Al
so on hand aa.exiensiv© anortazeotof FtttsbufgW Hard*
ware, viz: Shovels,, SpaJ.-*, Fork*, Hods? Virus, fte.,
fill of which will be sold-at the lowest manafaebuer’s
pneea_ _ , Isnl
Dindtation, i
THE partnership sototyr **»«dnp under the firm or
M’Cord ftKingy warn •lymutual consent dissolved
oh Ibe'islintt. The husio •«« will be doted at the eld
stand ty either of us, using tfconameef the firm for
that purpose. Being dee rout to hare ear basinets
closed with as little dd*’ at possible. Vrc would re*
spectfniljr request thoxe mile bled to caD and settle
tneJraeeounu. JOHN D. M’CORD,
J«» u. D. KING,
'& DavU. a 23
• Co*PsrioenhJp.
TOHN D. M’CORD having associated with him hia
y brother James Al’CanL under the style of fiPCotd
ft will continue tho lla , Cap and Fur business in
all its various branches, ,'rbolesaio and retail, at the
old stand, eomeeof Wood :uul 6th streets, wherw they,
solicit a continuation of the patronace soJiberally be ’
stowed on tho old firm. , JOllNu 'ArOORD.
J*23 r - JAMKS bTCORJ).
IN Tmmng from the old, and .well known firm ol
U’Cord ft Kin;, 1 non . respectfUy reeonunead to
the patronage of the public toy’ successors, Messir*
M’cord ftOo. )aa- _ !!, D. KING.
T^klSSOlallTlOßi'—*niLi’i)ai inert hip hllhcno exist
-L/tng umlcr the stylo and firm orWigfcunan ft Dal*
sell, w this day-dissolved by mutual consent, John -Dal
zcll having diip|Oaed ofhi» entire interest to IL Wtghl*
man. The business. of the lab) firm will be'settlM by
1L Wlghtmin, who is authorized to use the namd of the
late firm lot.that purpose. 1L WiGIITMAN.
Spc&ttw [julyl'iTj J. DALZELL.
TIIE Snbtcriber is now prepared to manulhrtare all
hind* of Comm and Woolen Machinery, ul did shortesi
notice. Orders left at R. WtghUuanVhiiguieJ*hop,«or*
ner Liberty and Water streets, Will meet with prompt
atumuoo. H. NIGHTMAN,
Leac-ok sL, between Federal and Pandatky its.,
tprjudly ; Allegheny city.,
TV btve entered Into partnership, under the firm of
JCAtPK ft ATKINSON, and will carry on the Tin,
Copper, Iron Wore manufactory.
AJ«o. lllsckMuithingin all its branches, st the old
stand of IVo First street, near Wood.
I'ortlcolar attention riven tostemnbom work.
uct£ ' '
IHA VK ibis day'associated with me in die whole
sale Grocery, Produce and Commission business,
myKother Joseph, finder OiJ firm of J. a DILWORTII
ft Co. J. s. DILWORTII.
January 1.t&4».
-Win. Younghaving this
day associated With him, John IL APCurt*. iheles
tber business will hereafter be under tho
firth oAYm. Young ft Co. WIEUAAI YOUNG,
| HED>—Having a for- long lime been distressed
• *®vera para ia the sale-nad chest, accompanied
i with a dry cough*.J was mdnred,,upon.ihe urgent soli
citation dl o,„DfciuM°-Dc Taylftr’s of Liver
wurc nul I mail has answered u»
pufpp?* Warmrodoced by a
*c»ere bun, Weal tßatli waf with difficulty
I comd *wa>i<£T,inytr»d. Indeed,! taa**u*!icd tfo*
aueaae until lavb tnramated in Consumption, or tome
fatal **jrltJt been eurfd by thi* mdlr.ou*
medicine. "Tp all who afcek to prolong their lives !
wopjd adv(t< thf uffjbrDr.Taylor’t balsam of Liter-
W*orf fijari* OOWAN.A!*Uowarr.
lint medicine faciiiLain rxprcloraupn, reduce* le
ver, resiore* be considered assu
pertorprrpiratlon forth** car? mod prevention of all
disease* ill the ptiCM and Lungs, and should be reso»t
ed 10, even afk’ritietc diseases have remtedtbe usu
al remedies. ' Id-the practice of this old tad very re-
physician, th£» Baltam ot Litertrpti *e
autred an enviable reputation for u* virtues, as sop*-
norWthat of ihn abwtdani ndmram*'dfihe day. Vs 1
was the character and probity ofits inventor. lo that
ofquacks and empirics.
UOSSUMI’TIONCURHD-jlly .on having a vto-
r Qt . tAid ’ o#e<l to coagtr viptemly, raising quaauiic* of
thick putrid mailer. and finally be could pol turn OTer’
in wo, fton vtikntiM, lie tsaiitt'esied every »ytnp
-tom of confcnued consumption.; For six'Vrart he bad
U»en sutures lo Urn atihzna. Dji pbyaleiaas, Messrs.
»ermouio & Auderson, ap<«l.ha iras utcorable. o«j
die. Yet J wa* tleifnuiwd lo try I* Tar-
Uirt itaitom of Liverwort, si*] strange.** it may ap
pear, this mmlifcinc has folly health.
u ~ , „ SOPIiU GALLON,U-Notfolk .Ireet
aold in Pittsburgh by Jil Morgan, P 3 Wood ti, J
rowtwend, AS Market sti .il Hmysct. eorAtmkei and
•Uslaj UendenonA C«,.5 Liberty si Price reduced
to SU» per bottle. , 1 JttsJ g
DU- 1AU)B 8. EOBL ducov&er and sole pro
prietor Of these most popular ahd beneficial med
icines, and siaotholavfiuoc of-the celebrated ittstra
mem for moating the Langs, in effecting a cure of
Chrome diseases, was a stodemof that eminent phytL
ctan, Doctor and is a graduate of the Uaiveril
ty of Pennsylvania, and for thirty years »iare has been
engaged is file tavesugntiun of disease, and the apnii
-c alien of crmcdiCs thereto.
Throagh the use of his inflating tube, in connection
wuh hi* IrophrlaoUe tSymn amfotber of hi* remedies,
he has gained an onparaielisd eminence m eurum
thowj dreadfai and ratal maladies, Tubercular Con
sumption, Cancers, tforofuU. Rheumatism, Asjhms
Fever and Ague. Fevers of ail kinds, Chroufo Krysme
ias.aud ait those obstinate disease* peculiar to fomales
Indeed ever>- form of vamihas under the use
o 4 his remedies, to which humanity Is-hetr—uot by ihe
use of one compound only, for foal is incomnauble
Willi Physiological Law. bat by the use of fu. reme
d»e*. adapted to and prescribed for each peruiiar form
of disease. -
I>r Rose's Tonic Alterative Pill*, when used are in
variably acknowledged lo b« superior ra ail «>*«, M
a purxauve or liver pill, maamoch as Umr leave the
tH»wef« noneeily free from a* also hi*
Golden PUi» is admitted h) iho faculty to possess necu- I
har properties adapted to femolc diseases, but l>ein-» 1
satisfied that a bgre trial is to establish what
has been taid in the minds of the moil skeptical
The afflicted are invited to rail upon the agent and
procure I*raus) eras of U» Doctor’s pamphlet*, givms
a derailed account 0 f each remedy and Its applhFatioi..
us well ashy mesi
Druggist* throaghoot the coontrr; 7
J , sfS,ootunaker A Co, 24 Wood's tree t, P,u»b ulg h,
J MTownsend, druggist, 45 Market m
“MrtlicP.U Allegheny riiy,
Jo* Barkley, Darltngion. Reaver conptt p*
Juo EniotL Kdnoa valley, -•
T Adams, ucuvcr, “ »*
3xUat,,Colnmhiaha co,o. Apr, l*t, IHL
T\B. I>. JAV NKS: Dut Hie—l ft-el bound to yoo
*Mu lire alhicuil public, to avail myself of this op
portunity of givthg publicity to the extraordinary eflecta
oi your Expectorant on myseit Having been afflicted
-«*r MTfriil year* with a severe taaga, hecim /ever
uid its concomitant dbirase#, and seemed only dvoiced
to linger 091 a abort but miserable existence, until the
flail of I£SD, when, being morn severely attacked, and
haying resorted to «U my former remedies, and the pre
scripUotv* of two of the most respectable physician* iu
lAd neignbcrriiood withofai deriving auv benefit, or the
eoniolation ofaunrivlng trata few .day* or week* at
fortheai—-when the last gleam' of hope was about to
vanish, 1 hod recommended to me poor Kxpecmronl—
and bletaed by that Qeing who doe* all thing* in the
ose of the means—and contrary to the axpcctation* of
my piryaieiana and friends, 1 was in a few day* railed
from my bed, and vu enabled by tjie oaeof n bottle, to
attend to ray badness, enjoying ijnee batter health than
I bad for ten year* previous.
Respectfully your*. *<■.,- j**. \y, Eariu-
For sole, in PUiafiargli, at tha Pekin Tea Htore, 7i
Fourth street. mariS
DO CTO U U. \Y, iiORIIiS having recently purchas
ed the Drugstore formerly owned by flay* *
Uroekwav, Natl Commercial Uov. ,Libert' aired,
Piitsbargn, take* tbi* method . of. informing bis
friend* and . the public in general, that bis store
will at all limes be supplied with an extensive and
general o*horuient of Drugs, Dy • Hluff*. Paints, Oita,
Varuishesi Perfumery, Cciognn*. and Indeed every ar
ticle coiled lor in a drug store, width trill always be
sold aa idw aa at any othre'house m the city, whole
sale or retail, liopms to auril t sharr al ine public
patronagei nothing shall bn wanting to give cuure **i
i«fae tiouiq hi«eu«lomcr». -pov7*upU
11 ytlfopitEyV "or (fans ‘ Waftr Core, ”
1 \Oc'rt I fU DKNJAiIIN WJUwRKIS, siill ronimnea
±J to practice thn sate ,andpo|tuUr remedy enilcd
Hydropathy or the Water Udre.and if desired will treat
di>cn»o\ Altopuilucally. IHntiirtral rases will bis up
tended to promptly. -
.N, IJ.—fbf, Morris may lx* ronsqlled ni h|s Drug
Store, Nut d Commercial Itow, liberty sireel, during
business tours, or at ip* residence, morning ami eyen
tog, Petmistrcel. U doors behiw Irwin's alley.
0: ll« *I r . Roberta* Al 7 &•,
PTHALmiC SUBdFON, will attend to the treat
mem Af Diseases of tbo l-Ve.
Dr. ft. bd* bent engaged In lot* branch of ibr medi
cal-profession farsixicen j*oar«, ntnl has rnmliirtrd an
eatftblishrblent for the treatment of diseases of the eye
alone for sievaral years.
Owtcj: bud rcudencs, corner of Bamlusky st and
Htrawbcrry.nlley, ASlcgbeuy ciiy. , ectiif
- Prt llcLane la tumsiM*.
I*lllB ia to certify tbui.J pureha’sed one vial of Dr.
iloLonp*! Worm Bperlfi 1 , supie two luoulbs ago
nud gave to a son of miiu>,son*£ aeven years old, two
lotupoent’fall, and although the nmount may appear
largo, y*t,i feave no doubt but there was upwards of
ra-0 vitoosasfi wojuto passed ftoro him. measuring
tom one quarter of an inch u> iwb mciies long.
Rone** C'nc k, Carrol co. Tnttn , | |jpc ‘-'7. IH4 ? josil
O OutDMam, Jan. eih, tatl)
Mr. K- H .belief*;—Your Vermifuge hn* sold well,
xind baa bcdn highly »poken of>l>r all who hav* uwd
>U From thu *occc«* aitrtftlihg ibe adimmatration of
)■ ont Vcnjfifufce In every can’ 1 hove beard of, l am
confident lean aeil jodro during 'the coming wanni
tbun 1 did am. I will Uo glad lo receive another »cp*
ply ofdorpgroea. Youra, reapecUuhr,
IKj tract from letter.) H. CARTER.
I’rcparcf and *old by [L K. sJKIXKRSi 57 Wood it,
and »old bidrugglite generally. In I’ittihurgb and Al
\ JllQ __
W boulei of.lbia great foil and
"Wgßeiticine, jiut-recelvcd and for »«le by R- K.
Agent.for iHluhatgh, of whom the
felo ran be had-
JiSlfftTN'y Columllini Hair l))'f t
dp il* Indelible Ink, with or
•dftmi prctaratlon.
Huftrsonu aaifirior Red Ink. Far »oJe to ibe irnlo
•t i>nr«k», l»y if
aM3 '; .j » . fvoS? Wood cireeL
rr»BN'Vi»trol AMimwi DuccT
i°' “ M ’ * two* co
RncUromej»!! color*, jpsl TecSl
X>_aiul by UeclH J Kltfl>&-Co
J.X Hsstcir, ja«l rrcskvrd end fpr sain by
._. t , • J KIDD kCo
1 \ LCOlWL—5“Ebri AteottoJTrec’d and for iblb
Ji. by ; declO ToMN iyMOnOAN
T AMf cuk* jmt r»o*«i and fcrTal* by
Xj , ■ 39liUN J D i MOEaAN
r HOTiEs; .<
, T mSTAfif tiomi. . .
. - .ifi. asp preuroa. rmvaigua*. , t
EH* THIS establlifanent Tong and widely known a»:
gH gyipyoQaofthemoa<»»ttinQdldti« lut&fteityc*
•*fl*muunoTOj bo* receutlyuadeigoueTeiy exasti*.'
.alutrnnoas uuj improvement. IPfT
.wing.hjj.been *dde(V containing rtutoetetifand airy
fcpsranent*, ond extensive bathing room*.' /
The Xadics’ department has afso beca compietCiy
and fitted Bp Id amoatuniqntfandwsamir
ln fact the the Boos*
?,** _?fMnodded, with, a tingle.pj? joalheraior
•Mtort* comparison with any Hate! la flMftttia&w:
Their.txble will always be *uppUed.:wilfceTftiy *nb
ttutial.|tnd luxury- which the marketa4bnit,iem4-
“P *n awpenor style; while in the' wayenYlne*,£e~
: they will not be surpassed. •-••• .-,w(■>!».. 4 *ww*«.
_m£°? c l luion *i»« ! prtprietonr begfowfvCthar nothing
wui be bn ondoae«atheirpaTVandon(Mpartofihetr
asslsuntt*, to tender this Hotel worthy the continued
patronage of their friend# and the public generally.
~..?t oP El cc* for board have al«o been reduced tolhC
touowmr rate*: '
Ladies’Ordinary, *1,73 per day.
Gentlemen’* “i jjso i
N. H>r—The Baggage Wegon of the House willaK I
wavs t* found, at,the Car and Steamboat I.ending*- '
which will convey baggage to and from the Hotel, free
orchanfr. ' tnavStf ■
M 0 n. aim tra, nmnvtt, fx. •
' •The subscriber.having assumed the manage*,
■ttcni of this long established and popular Bote),
on noancea to Travellers and the
ruoucfienerally, that he will be at all [times prepared
to Acchmmodale them in all thing* desirable in a well
rfoUsfelHotel. - The House is now being ifiorotagtty
repaired throughout and new Furniture added, ana no
paum wuibe spared to make the Exchange one of the
very best Hotels in the country.
Twjaderslgned respectfully solicit! a eomiauanee
SLir&Jl* 7 House baa heretofore
ictuwn • -proprietor.
ft hibuaTUG hov|bT 1
S f „!. on P t oaxiff areata, piTmcioa.
J9Blv' THE subscriber jtspectfoUyairobttneet that
JUBfrchsjnow Opened bis new and excellent Hotel
jpt the accommodation of travelers, boarder*.
•M try public generally. The bouse and fn mi fore
an entirely new, and no pains or expense have been
ananuto render it one of th» most comfortable and
pleasant Hotels in the city.
The subscriber la determined to deserve, and there
fore solicits, a share of public patronage.
octlWly _JACOB HOUGH, Proprietor.
£TOfiPH> S TiTEs' ittyriaf,,
„ c y*”E7 y fi uwwjks rottkTH xat© ran an.
APWWITIs late Bank of the United Six tea Philx-
VJ-delplua. M. POPE MlW’Hfj.i
-Jg*jg*L_ ; Proprietor.
floitrn and; Antique furniture;
83, Tfllto PmaßtfXJH. :
A large and splendid -
assortmentof Fttrniiuxe, PMfffiffinimTnfrf
—jJMlia for Steaatboats, j£&sSSS££l
BntHptdiudatoiss dw«T 1 '“***
usn, constantly oo band and made to order
The present stock on hand cannot be exceeded by
any roauufactoiy in the western coontry. Persona
wishing to purchase would do well to else no a call,
ad lam determined my pncos shall please. Part»
the stock consists In—
lYleaTetei Buffet Etaqeie;
UuiiXlV Chairs; Queen Elizabeth chairs;
Tea rrait Tables;
Toilet'fables; Louis XV Commoder.
French Mahogany Bedsteads; Piano Stools;
GO sofas with Plash and Hair-cloth ouvarr
60 Mahogany Racking Chairs;
40 doz Parlor do
30 “ Fancy Co
"iS centre "Tables;
SO pair Divans: 4 pair pier Tables;
15 marble top Dressing Bureaus;
8 Wardrobes; 8 Secretaries and Book Cases:
® marble top Wash Elands;
4 pair Ottomans;
’8 pair f<bey Work Stands;
A very large assortment of common chain and other
■unmare too aomerous to mention.
{Lr Steam Boats furnished on the shortest notice,
and on the most reasonable terms. decid
'CHacpl*««Y Corots, A«. ' “
w. taker’s American and French Cboeotatr, Prcpar-
Coeoi, Cocoa Paste, Broma, Cocos Shells. Ac.
rj'U merchants and consumer*, who would purchase
X Ute best products oi tfocoa, tree from adulteration,
murenumpou* than tea qr coffee, and in qaality unsur
passed, the subscriber rerotoinends the above snides,
manutarmred by himself; and stamps with his name!
Ria Bronia and Coeoa Paste, as delicate, palatable,
and Military drink*, for invalids, eyayalescenu, and
ether*, are pronoun cedby the most eminent physicians
superior to twy other preparations, (its mamifaemrw
“* oa <ale ; tn any quantity, fay the most re
spectable grocers in the eastern cities, and by iheh
agtmto. Uawea,(iray Doston; Jaiues MBanco l
® no, jlsrtuini. Conn; Hussey A Murray, New Vork
tlraatA Bioue, Philadelphia; Tnotruu V Bnindige 80l- '
timore: and Kellogg ft Bennett, Cincinnati, Ohio.
' WALrKR BAKES, Iforchetier Mass.
•*** tkom Eumai: —
r FIBS subscriber* beg leave to inform the pubuc that
A. .’ l »*r obtained from the Ku»t ell the late and
twhiOnahhs designs for Iron Railing, both-ilir houses,
sod cemeteries person* wishing to procure haiul-
will pleose call and examine, and iuilm
Railing srill bwjjutdsted at the abort,
nt cqtice, and in the best #t?he cSicrqf
Craig Ami Rebecca streets, Allegheny eltr.
aujrt»-du- _ A. f-AWWNT A KNOX.
A* N*WPiM ,tre *L between Wood and Bmith.
held. Frrsh leeches received momfcly--*Beudanp< ail
boars. Reference, the physicians of Phtiburgh, Alle
gheny and Birmingham.
I mo*t cheerfully recommend lo the physicians, fan.
dies ami nil.tay former fnetid* and patrous. AJr. K.i B.
Norris as being thoroughly acquainted wnh the bam
ness ami worthy of patronage. “
m„r. dela?tt.
ilsnuthctond Tobaeeo.
tUiysief’s superior sweet 5 lp»;
18 hf do Price ft Harwood's “ ** g* “
SI do do do w m |g u
Odo do Pearl ft Harwood w u 6ftlb a
14 do J Robinson “ u Ids “
Wh/do do « 6 “
XI do doJtVm Dawson
SI do T Wright*. - “ 8 “
37 do Q Anderson '• *• 8
8 dobTDade’. ■* « a **
4 do R SiofortH - h g u
• do Batclitf '• » (5 u
Ju«t landing from .teamer and paekrta, and fox .ale
by UtiALU, ituctNoa 4 eo,
4J north water «t .nd Id oorth whf*n,
- - o '* ]a l*hilade!phia
Tk* TOBACCO—SO bx hf 9 aJonea
iU. A Bon’a aaperior tweet lb lamp*.
74 halt bx* VVeb*ier Old nipcrior tweet Qa hnnpt
TX “ Lawrence Lottirr •• 4. **
*4 “ («rmry 4 Rof.'er “&»&&■ u
a “ t)npent (de la Eore) u C» “
to u McLeod “ gj o
& “ Lawrence Lottier “ fitACj plug
Ju«t Undtng Cron .leaner, and for tale by
41 N water at and 10 N whanrea,
WE tro tall engaged in iho above buaiuflu, comer
of Wood and Third clreeta, Pittsburgh, where
we ere prepared to do any work moor line with dee*
patch. w« aueodio our work pereonally, and eaue
tacuon will be given In regardto it* neatneu and du
rabilii j-.
Blank Booka ruled to any pattern and booijd cab-'
•taiuinUy. Bookaui number* or old booka boond care
folly or repaired. Name* put on books in gilt-leuen.
|Jo*e that have work in our line are butted to call.
Price* low. raySfcif
VI*AJiUFACTUKED to order and furnished at ahort
OX. notice, with the name of the boat In each bleu
kht Alio, Cotton and Hiufc Mactraitea taado In the
beet manner, for a very low price by t }JERS£Y.
novlO-dty Warehouse, 3P Water at
/ IALF i*KL\S—3o<loi i-emune Krenifc Calf Bkm*. ■
\j verr fine erticle. A fcxr doiene Philadelphia
Skm», from the manufactory Of H M Crawford, u>
which the attention of hoot makeraia inviiei Jun
received «nd (ipr sale by \V VIMJNU A Co
143 liberty* «i
« w. M. M’CLLNTOCK’*, No. 75 Fourth
ran bsaeena splendid variety of tap Royal Vel
vet and Ttpesiry Carpet*, laico ttylea. Alta, lirut
telt, 3plyi and *up and one Ingram Carpet*, ol tup
*ty)c» ami nuaUtiet; ant] lh connection can altvayt Ue
found Table Linen*, Crathe*,' Diaper*, pamu**, Mo
reen#, Oil Cloth*, Ac. Ac., to all ol iswh we call the
attention of the nttbltp. aorta
- -- 5W168T *—
T_T A\ INS sold oar eoaie tiock to C. IL Utater, with
4~L • view to rioting our old batineiu, wr hereby ta
unt for him the patronage of all oar friends and ettt
lomert. RO. W. POINDgXTRR,
Pittsburgh, Aog. 4th, IMS.
» Fonyarqjiiy Mp.rrbmt, No. 41 Wmrr «i. iui«
\ro3. M
i-'l ufa,-turer»of ail kind* of Killings lor Cat, Steam
and Wafer, have always on hind Wrought Iron \\'el
uptl Pipe for steam, gat, and waler, from 3 in. m 1 lu
m diameter. Dra»» Castings made to order. 41« o, m
large assortment of Ball* a«4 Gmshrd Bwm Work, iw
which the attention of Plumbers and Kneine Builders
isparncqlarly directed.
Ua» Khuwja put up promptly and on reasonable
,rnn *\ ..... _ srpaWCm
fil A I’ULTON', Belt and Urau pounder, has re
f|9 built and commenced basinets at his old stand,
whore he will be pleased to *Ce ins old custom
pn* amlfrietul*.
Chun-b, Steamboat, and Hulls of every me, from 10
to 10,000 poanUa, cast from patient* of the moil approv
ed model*, ami warranted t* l>e of the beat material*.
Mineral Water Hump*, Counter*, Railing. fco tuee*
tber with every variety ol lima Oaitinj*, if retailed,
turned and tinuhrd in the neateit manner.
A.F. b the sole proprietor of Baaatr'a Awn-Ami-
Ttoa MfTAL, >o jnatJy celebrated for the reduction of
friction in machinery*. The lioxea and Contpoaitioa
Can be had of bint at all time*. jp4hly
r |'HK aubaeribcr* baling the excluaiyo Agency fbr
X *etling Priming Paper of a new and catenjiyo
paper mill in ibU Ticimtv, will lw at all time* well »up
piied with ibe different aura oi' paper of superior quali*
17, which we offer at the loweil regular pneea.
Any ties or quality will he manufactured to order at
•hon notice. REYNOLDS* BHEK,
corner Penn and Irwin iu
MAMMOTH PENS—Just recoiled, one eu« of
mammoth Gold Pen*. Penan* having utoefa
wrtiinj to do, will find otitig Uiese pens,
#» Uiejr do not cramp the finger*, tad bmv* fine imootlt
point*. . . W \V WILSON,
_ dec 11
T hUbUKII RctmliSrUa
4- California Expedition,-x aasortment of
“Ctoihinj, u pricci ranging from StySO to
Bil,sofor«oitofcoat/pamiand haLi For calottihe
India Bobber Do pot, No 6 Wood tL
corner4ik and market *u
—-~«j «v%iL!ifAN a Co., kiro removed to tbe
W Warehouse, 9 door* west of lie hloooogahela
mWwt and Prom «ireeu.
TOR RENT—Tha AV*rehott*o No. 43 Wood.tL.,
octitf-" ■ Post copy.
JO9TT RECEIVED—Three more of those so Justly
celebrated Hamburgh Pianos, used constantly by
l«ut, Thalbejg and other great perfonnerv-togßlher
'RUb a large assortment of rosewood and mahogany,
otmy own njanafsctare. Th«.abore Usutxissnts are
warranted ta be perfect lu evirr rcsphet. and wilt be
sold low for amah. PHMJME.
dcclS No itf Wood*t,2ddoorfrtm&h
A test s t
fi'L’i Jtl *r!j Juttu
' ~ ; i
8 SoicW«r«<at)r 7 -
’ if hwi* ■*, 'prooi, site*.
dm *yii 'tffiLlpfieiy
'3£i££Z B ? n ° , i *«s t«l*ra>*SraSiS
■f»!2^^i!fi 1 ! c i , y c ? a r ®* increased and mksdttlmta&a'
g^J«s^B»£4^SUyrt tco,
Ag«*ta •* ; ' C OgPRINGEBi
Refer re Coob fc Iferri3 l lJniirer,,|JffiS 6 / .
■ . Haocy Hannah Co, do do.[frMfcvrtyB
• *o*t®a copper OomputVi
T®l Company jnspectfpHy isfqnaj •
A P*Tticidarly «lf Mfleis utf eoxenjoers ,ofCopper
in the (brain whieh'lbe* pnpfe if, iK flielr'Bm«l*
iny Works erenow operldon. -sW they
are now ready to make coruiiS' for the delivery of
Ingots iotfcosfrw}uFwdiittii dUstbck and also tbflfh
o^fiiMheporposepi rolling. . 1 -r «. •
_ prodaeM iVom the Hetalie Hines of
Lake ftapenor,.ig ascertained, tab®. much T *apeHerW
UisotdwarT.copper in the markets, whieh-i* obtained
noth onseontaiit!flg'6relghteihenl'stihstanoesrThjr
copperis Keifeetly pore, and it .nflt,injar*d : by the too*
Ce ”,ofracitth£, ttirf U greatly w bp prefer..
ni . fo ;. b ,elmctal, piling, *od WSt other '
■ As it-is dot' the intention or wish of this Company
to erect works tot the nuujsLtctßra of copper in .the
varjoasfonpsinwhiehit is wanted, they w]il'bVhappy
. to. nuke contracts for the deltrery of the.rotm of
Ingots, tough, esko for rolling, Ac., id those who mar
with wemtJsik la the business. l ' •- i
i(* the capper obtained from their mines
will be bnmghl to Kiu&ugh, and largo snppiies may
be expected Letters addressed to C'O. IlirtsKTbf
llow *t Jflil mWt with prompt, mention..
_JgolOHiant 1 CHARLES AVERY. President
I T° THE ENTEHPBISINa.-A r>n> ehxn 1. no,
i # i»- .pwwtilw for the tafe Inrejunent ina ba*iaenen-
Urely new; one adapted u the man of limited, da well'
u totho maa of exteoalTe retonrcea; Tteldin* a profit
, uoai capital and cnterprue beyond any operation of
» l?* .** /• complete monopoly of a »tap!e arti-'
cie, absolutely neeeuajy and eueoual tMrerr fami
ly, aa well a* indirpenaabte lo the mechanic, artisan
and p roCeniaaal man. ,To capitaliata, andpponrany
offora iUelf for a lpcmire emnfoymem of euhor larre
or iraaU *anu,bru»*ui g immediate and highly aatisfac
tory retnrna. Those deiitoai ofembaiklnfr In B Pleaa*
am. yenteel btufneta, am invited, drith odiera, to call
Rtueomceof the tuderaigned,'examine die article,
aadjonn their own iodjrmeot, from the facu presented.
Offioe, Exchange Buildings, St Clair at, next door to.
Esquu* Johna’ office. CULVER 4 MYERS.
cbtrisoar p&kpahkd cbalk.
I JpHBY weitol aware how<ttghtfaiJyl«jßrion» it it to
quStinonrJ^ 111 " 1 * “ U "H ,I “' »3t».
U perfectly mnowot, beinj pgrified of aO-dcletcriou*
(qualities; -and ii impona hi the skiu a natural, healthy.
living while; at the tarns time acting
,aa a ebtnwtld on the Ain. making it «>A and unaoth. *
. “f- Aodenoa, Practical Chemist of Ma*»-
UAfter analyzing, Joae*’ fipaniih Lily
White, i M itjNjfaenea tha mon baaotifa and aatn.
rat, ui at the *ape_iime innocent while 1 ever taw. 1
certainly can eohacienUonalr recommend tu use to all
PIU Blfcehln. WWEfcg »n,j p.nttdrr. ~
JOHN WBJGirr ACo., are prepared-to build Cotton
aod Wooten Machinery of every description, •neb
preMntJPniMs, C,nl Grinder*, he. Wroarht
IroQ Bha/bne turned; all u2e* of CajJ Iron, Polite* and
Hanger* of the latest and hand Lathe*,'
and tool* of all kinds, Caitinj* 0 f every description
JUraubed on *hort notice. Patterns made to order tor
MillOeanwlranßaxiinr,4c. Seam Pipe tor
ttf Factories, Cast Iron \Viiulow Sash aalfcncy Co*,
bur* generally. Order* left at the Warehouse of J
Palmer & Co, liberty street, wilt have prompt Mien*
JU.fer u> Btetawclt, Ifcll SCo 1. K. Moorehrad 4
**• S' Jnliii 1/ww & Soa*, Pittsburgh; G.
t.AJLJLVraxner,Stealicnvilio. T ianlP
i«w Hardware iloose. *“
.gtodSLrtaS I JOSEPH WOOIiWKLL, cornet 1 Of
wood and tid Uoy.
'SSaaBBmBBP uig wiUidrawo«iVotn the firm of
Warner and WoodwcJli oa the Ist of January, 1547,1
mKe in ttanoniArins my friend* in, the city
»nd«mntry, thkr I'have opened my store' at U»
Pure wed my goods for
traan, and pads arrangements •withimaiiatociarerain
toUeoentry and in Eurtmiio be c«S“Si
l am fully prepared to iaiaua Hardware of ail Imidsl
w.« *t?T.«v na f “!? M . as Buy house East or
*« olie ” ®“ respeetfhlly irrrited
wh«i V Tt^S^2l; ra r frorohasingelse-
ca “P"*»«P«t offciltockt
flu?f*?!S* ad “ a “* w y Urdwaro, ran : trinuriiu«,
Mfo* c^Uery • edge tool*, anvils, rice?
welse&, scythes. bull tongea.sciewa, Union Fac.
toiy pianea, *aw», tfiafcoganr boards end veneers, and
all other arieies cc- eccted with the hardware bus*.
PinnUaehiaeShhn, *~~
WlGllTMAN—Manqjflptttror ofluikindsefect.
xsstsff £
8!i«2 r *’ *? Te#dm > *ard». GrSmflg machines, railway*,
sS£n throssU*. loom, woofen
canu,doable orrioffie,for merchant or eountrr work.
stlM* V*» ru Jff d h “‘f ‘“t l *” ‘ ooJ »' ln fie^
* l &rg3r»
Duplex ILeV.r »aa~Wiueh t ».
*GBT received and fcr sale at
greatly reduced Prices, five genu.
F* Cooper, 0 Calthorpe •tr’t,
, . fttsy’i Inn, Road London.” Dd.
**? k? T ?* Watche*, cased in 19 kaiat
raU, tod foil itfweiled, with Chronometer balance?
££J,pZ'i%T£.' orG °' d “ 4^b " ' v ‘ ,ch "'
DD” Rn, Warebc, repaired in lire bpM re......
° ca< corner jib and Malta iW
\r WHU’b* CO- would’ reepeetfirtly inihrm
ill. the pobUe that they bare ejected
McockibetweenFederal tad Sandoaky iuwu. 'AeT
Vtnon rating and are prepared to receive order*for
«übled to do work on the most reasonable terms with
those wanting articles in their line.
rtSF'FJF*?* 19 * w *• Section of mate*
rtals, and baring nans but competent workmen, they
bare n° betlmwß in warranting their work/ We
“v w *. n“? 1 * on v 0^ 0 » >l>U matter.
N. B. Rep airing dona in the bett maimer, and on the
most reasonable lona* iaSkt/
for BootsantTshoes.
Corner of Snuihhctd and Fourth
Cftlfl TROTH i SCOTT, having
KM general Boot and Shoe basinets, wholesale and
f IM 51 " 1 * wwki respectfully lav its the attention of
their mends and the pablte genamCy to their splendid
joMoneaei consisting of men’*, womeSl
boys .misses and children’s wear, of evenr variety
suitable for the season, and at prices to suit the times
Also, a splendid article oflUelalic Oast Shoes, for ren
demwt and ladies. Please call and examSSorylur*
,T#l T?9T ,Jfc .§ c VTT«
N. 8.-~Tra»elm*Tniok*, Carpel lian. to, alwava
on hand and iowfor-cmih. ~W| Jia ,B
Fifth Ward Bridge, formerly run by Mr. John
s naraUra. and having njood ttock of Timber on hand,
wobU solicit the palrouage of the public. Order*
than!fully rcceivetr and promptly attended to.
undersigned having redd bis tnterect in the above
Mill, to Nessra. Bavary A Spaulding, would reccm
mend them to his former customer* and the communi
ty a» being well qualified » give oatiifaetum to all
who may deal with them.
JQfiN chamubm
"DECEIVED this day, dad for sale at manufacturers
JA; prices, three degaat'fioscwood Pianos, made by
' V ' orceilo l> N. \. /These instruments are consider,
ed fully equal, if aoysuperior, to any now made in N
' ork, having a» full; round, and melodious tone: war.'
ranted to wear well and give satisfaction
The price of tbdie Pianoa is believed to be math
lower than any other manufacturer's in N. Y
Those who are in Want of a good and elegant Piano
at a moderate price, will please call and examine the
above at the store of the subscriber. where a lane as
sortment of Cbickering's celebrated Piano*oaaafwm
b - JOHN It MELuKI 7 *
SI Wood if
ATCHEB, of a' very fine quality, and beanUful'
VV patterns} selected expressly for>i
?»L C ? oper, T ob i 4 ‘’ * Qb^*oa * ttihcrlind, Davie* Aftf
Fall jewelled 18 carat Gold Patent Lever Wn*.l,
«* low u SB. O ■!«-.>.. van... rrlc£"«o,s£, 5
qnjUly, w.l»ht, ic, ..tying from ttoStlM
fo fireai variety, froth tSto *ia. ah
the rear of the Moaongaheta lloaia.
withan entirely new llorscl and Carriages of
thabeataualityandlateantyias. Horses keptatlive.
ry in the best manner. JyAUy
STEAM BOAT CLOCKS—Having concluded to sell
off our entire stack of Kifke’a Marine Timepieces,
we ndvf oner to tell thethat lower prices thaatbay cab
be nought at any house- or elsewhere,
east or west. Being the' only estahushdd'ageiits here
for thaw fcloeks,' webave die urgest aad finest arson
mentbtthaclty.:.C*Uand«e., . , • „
Hemeiaber. we are notuf be undersold.
- . BLAKE A 004 Market street,
octJO entrance on north ride of the Dtam^ n) j
tfWffffill feted; for ate on accosnaoditinr
OBCBOBBitAnu. Apply la
)*8 JCUID'
CUNDma-iSeH bubeliilrtalpeKlua, 1(0 baA .
O el. ekerantt, 1i d7waoL3to
gtn»eaf,Jacixeccfr*d PW ytoatnan Minit *a2
oeer.'wuf &?ial*W ,
Ue9 ' " • (tawt . ; jR^ttORANT.
1-t vi i i,i i.-tt.i.M
U';-i*<Ksi.h i. j
- ■), m P&U.IaOODS. f
-•yrr ■iirCUNTOCK.UnaweoajUnUf regeiyinr hjf
,ff •' EiH wock or CABPKTING, A<L ttjnamilajr
1 ■oa* ofcflHfliftgaaf ifidltitmi ever brought to the mar
ket whiefcbave been porclfosed direct T(rom thelm-
MttenftuMihbfliitnwreof the'tate* and newest
{ 9tges,ndloifei4jifmacaMDcrtroSb*iinthi»xitr,'
, to *WehJie lattes. thft attention of ttufoer withinr-w
'fitrafob tt&oiiboiia irbettMlif'before pnrehasfog el*o
r wfcere. Tba,»iotk.coB*iJo%4a|>artofTie following
.. .variety, vie- \ • ~•■•
aich-AmainliiCarpeu;.-' Oriental TbpcitzyOttCZoih
. do. Velvet ; (i-- dor; • Fiaiaeotorew , ,do '
.do Tapestry do $4 foe t wide. ..
-fld-BttaSWs So : 8-4 74* M»4f4ft foil cloth
: :KnnisppeWplf7 do t Suur£odv . j .v
Soper do' do 12-CMaDdi4DmQfott .
■•’ d» - 1 State Lizreas|
Wid® 40. . do . Besewoqd OS Cloth v
tfOnimoa do do ' ' ehmb ilotifo . : , I
44*34*'4 Dunahk -. v finbcjaed Piano cover* " ]
I i .Veniiiaa do do i T»We do i
44,34 ft ItwPddode ‘Ftnred'rebbOil doth* |
4-4,84 ft I plain do do '. , i, 1
4-4*f»iv 4ft 2*4 col do AdeiautHaU 1
■Wprmteu'cottonCarpets; Sheep'tkm'do' Yl
wpiChcnilfo Bngsj Jnto t ,4* v. ?l
do do .Tailed do A lie ant 'do I
Find ••• '•'■’do' -•'-'■ihf ■ Manma-fterni’ -•-•-J
'Wtlxoai do > do. . Snow drop JispkijM. , . I
CnniMn fig’il Plush} Diaper Towelling 1
Plain ’ >t ' ■ do Crash
graWUClMli. ~ . , I
Bla© do, for eoadh tm’gc Transn’m Window Shades f
Carpal Binding* «> ‘'EBrerkeneh do - • do, I
cord* , , . Hich Satin ide fop I
•do Tassel* ' ' • window teruina *’
sear let,-bias, crimson,: drab^Snzßaakxi:|
ngared rainbow Damasks; wonted and linen Table I
Z°T en -> cnfluwo, scarlet green, drab and black I
nTTV^t 1 -VffffiPg l *° d Drillings for steamboat deck, !
nfaaiiW ftatftTMA'
thopiWicalar attention of
'.,s!v^2?iT^ a SS^ e , abo7B Goodsjto hia desirable
•toek, eotfristing- ofths best make;fronribetnoaPan—«xttfoct luier Warranted pure
awul^y t *? c< i T “* additionalsapply, 1 and ii‘
oaanog'Shirtjnff Mnaiine of * anperior cusdity; at a
very.low price., Also,. . H "
Sheeting and Pillowcase hltuUas: I
'y" Diaper* and Crash;.
Table Cloths. Towel* and Napkins; I
pallia, Cocnterpaaes; and ' 1
iioatekeeping Dry Goode-ceneraUv.- 1
t»k GQopi£-4}ach a*Ffcnch^Mennoa.
PhniniettOa, plain ~aod fonev D©' t.«trr^« l (totntr new
rwdyed;) Alpacas, ftc, - .......
rne season beinr for advanced, all these Goods wfll I
be sdjd MPrieesinat ettmiot'fettrop)#itf, ••
It np min , Janld I
A. fif A.SOH * CO.*
XTO. 60, MARKFir STREET,, will condone their
JLI great semiannual sale of DRYGOODS, for 30
d# ?*i on| Sk*V*°rtaf which timathei* irstensivo whole
jaw Room* to/thrown open to Uieir Retail Trad*
1 etaL kw.thon ever before,; do invite every
I xr * R \ of dI T f oo4 *- or wto mybo to went,
to eiatmee and purchase from oaf stock, at the lowest
j wholesale rale*. , , •
Otfrgreatobjeetia reducing stock is io make room
wr Spnns it bein«. our Intention .to exhibit la
March the largest end the richest stock of Pry Goods
ereroffered by any one hotue ln Amprie* I
,tvo wrSQK condone the sale, of oor Bleached and 1
Brown Muslins, Tickings and .‘other Domestic Goods,
ai onr formerlow rotas, iiotwUhstandina'lhh recent ad*:]
l5 per cent upon the same incsf tern market**]
Mu»rat ut. lh«
f 11 .<« bariewio of
lUovp inelmUns.nujhair nod upsecm Loitre*.
lewpleces-Wuhoßt utatrc,rar aooniinffdreasea; ■irh
orikene ttiirj uid dwirabWgoodii HuJy nttin£
T ZHyiyFy-*-- *** i-ikUet Deal vdi;
Xj 3 p* col 4 Silk Velvets; 20 frW* blk* Dailey Bn£
tone l* d 6 etoumao do; 19-doed*d Rondo; lado
Ti J D&iv U H I?E,!S_<M ; M«a M Linen Tpiile'
XI ula per, of common fiplred, damaik and anow
drop pair ms. Aim, fim«a.andScoidkßlrdKTß Pw.
— l*** l »i*Mdn
WW FLANr^LS_ 'V R Mniphytai on hand
JLJ,. a £aJl *»<mmeniof these demabloGocd*; alao,'
< Sir?«E!S!!J m 7 , V of top**** nnahriakable do/an??
‘‘ rUl ttadyeUo " r » ‘P««*W
LSf.S® browa and barrel* a '
[apply constantly oii hnnd. d«sr • J
rIS aS? J .n^ < l. l w!;r r f ,rknw y to bd
Saew S.?2i W* 1 " V*« k ° r **o t*o& and ££
:J£? sr *» «wapted to icomplicjoed -work, and <».n»
and at nbois\ha vame nrieesi
fcr°?lS y . ?to f*/ or “ ftperfec, l wo * k iMdmma-J
arj , ac,^,^.- aa t.
.Rrancfc'jlarlnoM —
cj£r° l * ‘“•totiieMc., Sakti imped dJpeX
, n Sr r olive,
W«k Pelji«„ P C l oS.?i l^°”“',^* lbl *
_ deelS
ncoa, iSSiTiS—
■\TEW BRITISH PRINTsT *o—W. r. Mml. h..
or “*•
*%££?****« >-“rto-»" c .-\, Dro , ?
h " re “»«y recor
ie&^*y b i M °“” *• **»«-* tod wid., oair
■«■!». BriUA^li,
lYholcnlo Room»ap<f jft
eolM mu) while 7uk An* wlk t EeU * f or veil*;
Ocslenud©u£,/ willSSft *?* *, Teaio * ile * ,el -*-
■»«>«. toCn, brU '" “•
jyJt„ rjjiy—l Jo, , ola Loye[ Wm^
'*» * “ “detached w «
, aa»m^».BMgeVgpSAtt..
S , 22K3y*W SHAWLS-W R Morphv hu
*y Hxprt.., iTU
of poW gaud, Test and feb
feSSSWffW VWI-ES, for Christmas Prc
V f«Uv— W, H. Mcetbt hu on * f ow
cKfe ne eb,u W* ttLl « Wlk. very suitable I*
Christmas presents, which he U jeUin# at redncttl nri*
ce*. Abo, handsome a«tiw
newuylrLfaen cambric dedß
to mutch, Indiee lmen chnibnc hdldsteeau do do do;
J **«V‘«liclS KrV»"»S
UtZ^ArSt*! “S*** JlOT ' m *‘ M *“> for«»Jowholo
.Kr^'^'br 1 F HEATON* Co, ~
dees - _ eatburSal
•pSESU OOODS-tF.HEmo!. i CP) *rt<nWllu7
ITiupplied wilt I liW uid ohoico X
»Ut frU>g« and pimp*, tymifribbcna
»od wohroidcTiMi; Wore* U d hfl3*wT
doder rmaenia, bSB
tfMJUUHoa. M^ffis****,*
■ 11 "■ ■ 1 H ' i ---it. Bot2D
I V£Bj£#ußSBsß&im
. -1 ,„:i •, ;
is* •>P»,K* »(Axil *■,.* !
tl*s*i*)U&;r, a ,-.,0 u, I U u. M
..■ '•*-44tout .
V ‘'
' COjUPS 1
Kant Grarfatf®* Gabaae ffiftfui *»j «*L. - "
i* the o ftjy tettremsat «f ikft Ida 4 isSCSI.
tr WU& ii» gitruTe Mla>l«amMu2&
tholreln, «!»«;>» Mii wSSS"
.tiito momnUr or taanullr,
« Among radona other* IThu
2s& ■'
.wit»bnrjt& ~
sss, 1 ?. ■asTSto 51?
?d«*?H^l lr »> ccon2a «
gf.: •"•’ * soisorn, Hill iCurry, «rd £L |)i
I T*jy ..—; — —. . ilMime
hSuS 3 ? Jr^e S ri^T ° r °Wood and 4 th
January 1, 1549. f
I _ KENNEDY e iuivtS “WTI*.
eg »rw,«!«t.tnu* w«£J£
T'sfJS r £ F ? KE P> '•'inKS * Co. u*Sra„
nint ,“ J <oa*«JC Thebusinessofthe
R. G. Parks orPUHati
al the old office of R. Q. P&T cffigjft EKE* I
nn, ,
u£ L&*” 1 C!0, 'I'‘"d 1 '‘" d Un ”' “CTCIMd, O.
R. G. Park* l Espies* Pdcktif Liu;« Ertof pSf 1 * °*
bjSh! r toOM * “ anon * A Rt»-
bllUfjny la ~»
A poa purifying wases,
yJk WMW ?«■ by
sg|||3bv removio*-all‘«6b*tsh«es not soluble in
J&RUS& w TV Bf - /Jbo in N. York.
" fiitenog cock, shows a lup
Ttiffr..... injyure flubcianees,*worms, fto. Thi*
u the ease more or lew wflh>aUfcydrint water
The Rerasible PJUerer. ia neat and durable,’ end is
cot attended with the inconvanfcd<<« ineideiit to other
Wterers, as it is demised withotrtbeiiwdeißehed frtn»
uwrwmter wpe,.by merely umtinr jheirfy or h—ai,
from one side to the other. ‘ BV tht* ensylnroeesa. ib«
course of water is changed, and all accumulations to
tojwro subsiaucei.aie dnvea off almost instant!*
.mthpta unscrewing the VHtet? Ir*also possesses the
?j!??^F. ofbgin y « «op cock, and as such Inman*
eM«awUlboTci7 «nV9ientaad dccaoaietl. 7
It can be annchedwhereWrais auypretsare hlah
* cask, tank, tnh,ic- urith easo. Tbbejß
ofthewrieAgaa, r * . W.W.WILSON.
octl7 comerdf Fourth and M *rVrt
DUpbngm FMtri W- BMnMWitar.
■ m THBbucertify thu' Ih*»ein
■ 1 po.marLivtofnoa, Eojjen *c£
4|r< |U s __N7ie to tin laio cf Jeeninjr*!
Ji ue»ofPlOifiiir*ff and Alloriwnr
J&k , ro , JOIdoiBSWrSSL
' gj Wdlfiril 0238011,
&*i . 'Ostitviwa-.i
\mZT'fS? fe®»«*Msoao.of»ha aboro uticlc* u tha
!®FS Wort, to 4*o mOTlt£oa mff
Sd a « ««oftUmrajW
rfcciyed an4jPTWDnt]y. exccnled.
v „ MTertitnaent. ’
o hfi n ’ , tjf i * 7°“ Id Street attention to dut
a %aas
MeompMyaemloWtf rblee. Thli
M * "• *efn andazomuted at fan roosts H«&^a
l_ .AUW WoodSsl».
I__ 7 OaEATrlVgHnMBpip —
««, Trank* «d wWpVnSSlSiiS'rfSteaw
to b= c:aJo of lie be*t to*L*na] and br itip'Tjj...
•Jit* to Allf/tbcny bMITt SfLa “ t r , ‘
hu m»mtftctgfea«qietluMg Jo wtrthn“ u
lofora .old by' wy itolff.,uSi(bmo^.^!“
ttow prey a»4»fiUo^fir*,far iayW» n ß;J^
g^,^|ffl^agfcs2S s
do FatmanS* nodli; 20dcrJ©im Eackcr St
s**?* SmonOj-.Uio Uwrr i-Jtmn
c'u>k!S iU ’ SS'iiV°w
by ■ -- -wdoca a WatE^ST,, 10
plied with tliti celebrated braS wMch 11,^?i , ;,”^ , -
I! the loweefmuket price for eeth --- - * w i** *ell
Her refer lo the elu. S JJJS mT"JMl|e
thli city generally reipcctlnr 11?™,]?,, C ‘ cn “' r * r
norl ''' .^S^ITCfIELTBEE,
Y tod yoUrJlißY‘'@gtfAEKh^A **
ss^b4s *■
‘ Bolei) n».. ■
'TIifARSUAU* W4i£lCg!Sl&> 0 *«•
cataaon Gmti, lloCotrAvfiafft/S* §^w»S
d as
, t' cg^muw?co , ffiL tl>aarß7s n'
■JwSS?’" ll wEtSrtSa-Jr iSJSJIi>#»»« ™r
«d£s n £"]S^^»s?w?siSuS?
octl • ww dfcir ezpescea. .
Fi one tad ahilf
Iwed'for‘dsSi>r»ifi^i??° a<iailce iM».' arirS jmtvfe
c^? ^B ^oC:areeifoa ot
CPADE2j, j '■■
■ KX;V«2s;3& toSiasbfaFcrtH »de •<,*—•
to Beftkei iwea«v Mtaoei: 1 ,
«aaU Loa?lsan&' ‘
JEt 49d»-
dee# ‘ j idfljnmtad « froai n *
I i ■Jat .r L-* Mi.;'* •>s. -p. |
i „> * -•‘r ;■’■ --. >r;> ■ -77 -'i
>,&**• • •’ "^g&sjglh