, IMFQDtfttMM&Ofr W d - cher Mj,, .,• ~•••• • or _ i'.-f- ;''Bf8to»^lJ»«*M!»J“ a *o ( : ■ .. ■ r'--«»«t*mnoifiit»niof. - ; ; ' *.'» <7th»-«hCl* diJWT .. /: *» l i»jBW , *TNte>B’' c»«p«*'wuackerrr» ■ UtoTOQdMW’M tongeraawnff jtoreof*>aMfnl Jjrr uh**wrieed»WM ftoothe Jjunaanili'ilaiit ‘ SSS& now: ttuidi; , SKsSmtnst»a(m,*lldl«l>ec tv S i The tWUfflenftOM relief it *£• | feriS ■"*thfiSSSttif4nfitene< Affined through ihe : wteto frame by-itn oee, resdbnitß son s^reeable: noodfte^iS!^^^ 1 «Wben iheii 'iieliti* [an 'conictaititrat .mpuluu. voluntarily towe-testimony to thejnubi«rf»tiuogy ® r • v SS^^^^te«Um«^ ? l>eiiiseaotnu7. &feaa^tsßffsss?-s 1 uDr.Sweyne^ • ; ESK ; ■t£iM. cmd' , BbDe*r*ifl. bw-tho oleerapn tholunj** . -g^!^SJaS^MQo«4Towef;, pcyesaed by no ! , Col April jßiMSifc *■’ -n rii.«fiTn'T?riTi* t ** T ” rilT -'bchcyeYoar Com- Br^pyeyi^u' rn in 11 t.tM- teen the roc non oi ‘l fry* l *•.♦««r*col d,^eh K™dn v-asas^g^Siaa;;assp.&ga • £SL^S t xrJ&rfidCttntf * fiirthvlist Mtr.is&r. -aJSSStetisE X feel n debt ofgrtaltede doe n!£S?W^^* ell^»“, l 0 S r iaftTor of year Comiwinil By •»:*eiy conridera >' 1 ty able ,O SS hi?iSftSS£M^tothe«K of Dr. Shaw, one of year frtegda, I n»e. My die •d**tt*t tttnding t coa» •**• l'ibtmd, howoTer, » e Q a Pf ul A. l ! Sk-tnSru«nw of tba Cm box oiMe ,- wa , s h»is»» - .ftSSS}a@?@Jsg;t3rjssi'SSi, , ' V e«f«tend’MW‘, w . fey. j.V ;Jo'«ibas.- .'...•; oleature *.' 1 i*r- *!.'.•• Dublin 1 • - •.c • ■ « - ***** of «CpB dccepurp ; SSE^S'^rlv^'f - «>ih''.Dr. -S?|S^^^^SS!sslcl t «o-«> JO Oisniijtaitli SUSS.'SmSmhartoO orWilh Chetn'r perten' medieioo* ; . Aatj-BUlxma TVlHioJ&Surto' eotapooad ;«mbin« ®t «nnpBTKrfB of iKS^asß^ w&&a&ssggg> ■ y** l f; l ~ a c TOiajiiUijr.pubiiihiiisor • ."iSSgSSSKSiin^wpi^ L '^^p^% i APAHNEOTOCK.i_Co_- eoracrU&tid -wood, and »i«a coirwir cdi and woodQr *»w.^-J. ■ •’* •• ;• •-' 7 - TOMFCGB PBBFEBBED TO ALL \ '■: L*XCWio3iOct 12,-lStt. ur « to tj?S WILSON. gCT.T.gnar S 3 Wood «t» " DM Carry, AH^ay .-. •-•.■ - -—^ ——— i mtfrraxriDKNCK Oai JAYNE’S EX' 12SfflaaSn'i>rtwft , ff^*» gl * pm^iwcoaaig«jd. !^^}SB^Beattgggas :3g®g3««^SiSM •*?SS2!SSwD?Sto!f»SSSS4«uoB FW* Mr W W «B3SkWV/- vL-- ■•• r : »tvmitt« - .'D^ssasssfSSsSfSisS' PtlaECroent tM tc '. v. : ’]i-'-J *jp**fof wTecain Fcnsfc- - .;. «.» «.VwOTaHTOCg*s vßaanyrQE, **7®»-*nd the Hitx 1 fetred' dcufa ' «im> °f Ow goad effect! ; ■ ■ wsSSS^Sssaigsraai^ >gBfegES3K£^ V * - “P IJ i . -^.mrmuTmITCH.AND TfrrlfcK ia^®sssss2ss&i?s^ wimnttd ftw *oaa toe *S l 2i!M : ffdjSn»wmfe ••JBSHMOIIME ,'V'.'; ogIXKWP AIffIMIFUOB—“No ftonll? «bflOlfl-B« : ; . tfbft itiveiftu/with necett 1 deeUedly t<> ■ g’^rSTr.^’S^^uSd • vfckaßttodrt- Venalfegw. «art ■* prcpaiwioo reaped ~. brougai ftott nr BfileboTeso bofitfred. tn 4 sil ;lu?o worms HaaSlj.MtuiiiijOTghi ts b °’3s| < MjbTLrtlilUU tetfwsllr 1° b°d» KP>) - '• i«iaf Ibr Canu. ;.<•• - XgAm' TES^-POP^B^ATK^Ha&JLTmr .fig§§ftlpi - , A.an^H.Y.CTr.- imiSgiif »|W! i P* , "*'>- < I _ > . j ; .-. T ., ; i ' " ' 1 ISiWiCltr ■SSI ii SARSAPARILLA. Th* , TH* ficMct «* QMrf.ltetltt*: t» «V «*U. ••fUn* ; l Thrrwt two«ad apwloitoy-of thfrBamparin* tMfa!lrMkttif»aittMuSßdb» «■?»** tboj:»|Wiu |MjMaHdbrflae*b«ta«didßß. .Aadia (alitiat&cnhdaaM«fHsvMtd«rfidfseeea.- Ithw oerfbrmed withlS Oirlut tn jaw, core liuo tor« of MTOO cwoof dtaWMf to nm inn cojuidored Inennilfc'• I« taaraA ths. UTaief non UaalMQO childMi tetef tbt on pn* nmi. • 10.06 Q Ctonevat Stability and ■ wnritaf Narrow* Enersy, Or. Tovueod’t Bamptrflla invigorates tta whole mt rslfes/Atefatla Jttm Mi aaa ta «srsd. awwcca BLOOD. Xfas Ibrft .dpril BSHSCT. Ox Titnoxfi-t Tdfiy WBm ttai year fame*, rifts bar baas taroogb Ftovidsaea,cf taxing styttfe I tars ftraarsrsl years tad* bad Ctragh. « became rrase asd wen* Aiiaatlttoedlarpeqateth tad Biekt owm od v» erndy ddSb tsttdaiii redccadTwldidMtaipeeltaUn. I bars esJjemf yeer Bamyetilla a start Urns, tta ttars tas awqn&aßfilahaagebeaa limilhoi lioisvtUi to walk ril ever tto toy. 1 i*i» cs bleed. tad ny eaubhw left me. fe* out mfl fsegias that I us itidfilOrilMMnnKL Ten ddteJwui. WH» MJBBSLU ® Catharine*! gcaaliWrfldw., • fby rwawytae, Kxsganrfa, Fretsseu Otari, e» rtStet eflta Weak Certhwnats, Wa, Lea* cental, anoM, ehunstod ci.diflealt-mastre* ' tiaa, Icetntbfcimc* Crta% eettf«imaxy discharge thereof; and for the romal psastutlna cf umsu wtatfce* the rash «f taken* esan m -earns*, prodaesdbybnfalstoy.iQuaseiMddßab Nntto* , ..taa bo aora wpririrt; than tD Invtferatifif «2tats e* tha htttto»anriTFW**»«nwiatatofeta tad* tta* from taUaa tt.ilcbm taeeeaa nta sad tolls! energy wader tomatoes. frtmmsdhttely eecstaraMs tta namieanismcf the tom*Jsft»n».wb»b is tta great - cane el Bamanem. Hiram b* esMctedefos, is eae* ef aTdtfesta ant&n,ta «zbiUt enddeUM ef ■am pertomed ta» i»« emreiba «ffictad.tto. btsdnSTefenn tevatan rspoitta to ef c&saa when fttoißea tan* «“£"** tfiar erisg a tow tattle* af tUa istaletta nadidaa, feqataaa'binciiiwtlbtaa.taalibye&prUg. Botbm isd Dmkd Ltdbh ... Tbia Extract of Baseawlß* tar teas eweatopn ?us»J ;to ntorssto ttftffitoeoaplalcta. HetomaU f«ta has tabaonito ceppon «he b npnaaUn that tofedperted;-Sirtt*4SWdSKyi to take It, aa tt fa a certain pmaarin tor say cf tka 'ansterea tad tantobjUtotojito whitatoaabana nbjeet at tfda Htt* of fiS Tto period »•*- fir soxrti ftara »y artn Ui* wßciM. Her li it lerirvababla tethnawta an approaeUnwo* castaxi, asixts catototad to axrin.aatora. by taek raiag die blood sad torigeiytog lndeed, tta badiaiaa ia tarabnUa tor aS tta daUcita dber ir:to-arblah veaaa an aabjaeL ; k braces tta wbto ayttaat, resam pemaaesay tba natiril eaerfeies,- by resorlsg tta iraparitte* tka body,'ant wt ftr ednalathd as te prtrioce rataequea* retazsdes, wbleh i> tta caa of bum ttaditaea takes fa> fetnaie weakanaaaad dlaeaaa. By enss a few tatties ot .tkisD*dielaa.BaayaevereaBd paiaAj sergiul opera boo may be pretested. Grtnt Blraslu la netbmaad Gblldrea. tt b tba safest aMtoeeteffectaal medicine to* parlor* tor tbs system, e&d retarisg tta .raderiags snetsdtst epos eWU-btrth erer JjeowttUi* ebooUand • to *» bh HK« oowneh adalrod, Loille* la tho north who bS bat Btflo oweho»« aroeonfiaod la elo ff »SJSa^3£s?tft^?S ■aarssa ctanon, oO«d'aw o&eo , cases of tholQood, Tbit*perseaeewodla enoboos* ia Bspreeadostcd. _ ; . Three Children* t . . Dm.'TowitxSSsMtor Bit Ihoro tbo glaums to lafknraroaibatthreeofoy ebUdrea ofthbSaofolabr tbotnof year exeetteot modkiso. TboyroroofiiSdrtijooTeroljrwUbbodßoref; b*r* ukra «olr fcor botUeo i It took tbon «w*y, ton wblob I tel Bjoaf oadorcmtobßnEdoa. Yoii lOaWoatiMt Opinion* of Phytlcient* , DKTircottd b oUooot dally roqdfiaf ordoro tnm r W» fa O »£SSS£S£ a.P~ “ • rii * “* V- J. WILSON, M. D. IU B. BBIGOB, >L D. Att*ay, April I*l9o. P.B. D CAUTION. / , Owicc to tbo great auecou and Isa&otM cal* ®> Dr. Toinueod'a Bamparflia, o eomber of naa who w«ro foßocrly oor Aresta, b*ta eoamoacad wUu Saraapa riUoSttncXa. Eiialf*, Bluer*, Ertraetaof Talfo* Dock, be,., .TbeyeeacranypotUirp lo tbo oaaa tbopod bet* de» end Kmuef tbeabare'ftoletnd capkd widw n, gT w*tnto-thy efo 'only *yortbkao and (lioald be oTcaded. . ' Principal 09m, 12S PULTON Stroet, Son BattUat X y.VßcddliigkCa,Bfiutanroot,Bo»toas Dfotth North Second street Philadelphia} A A - P. lLCohea. Cbwtetoo i Wrl-ih*-1 Co. 13 Chartres Street, N. O.; 103 South Pearl Street,'Albany; and hr-til the principal Dn»f eula and Merebaati generally tbroeghoni lb* Called . 4ciin. West Indte kad tbo Canada** . XIL-i*Pertocsinquiring for this medicine, sboold’ out z>9. mdoced to' dike any other. Drnggiau pot up: ??arsnpariJlaa, and of court* prefer oelling' tbelr own. Do-riot ho.deceired by cny—inquiro for Dr. Town sentfe, and take no ometv Q7* Ibmember the genu* ine “iWinend 1 * SartapArilla,” sold by the solo aceni*. (L E. SELLERS, general Wholesale It Retail 'Agent. No. 57 Wood .atrsex, and D- Id. CURRY, Aileyiietiy eity. -• ..■.- r * • , ijeafl Por ihe'Rectiaertr of'Dortnant and improperly TVltb* held -RE.v/> AND PERSONAL EsxATEj > the Sew Uetosm and Arbitration of Commercial, Trading, and other SecuringPmxeflU forlnueaUonain ureat Jtriiain, Irelandfand the Colonies and Dependenciet thorrunto belbngtmr, ond NSgatiathtg for. tbo .Pux ehafoor SaleroCtneoaiafl. T>KFEHENCE may: be lad on* application free "Of lA, cbar3e,.(pro7ided the motiTft Is not that of mam to a List comprising up u&rd* of 15,C0Q oamps ui which unclaimed property is Handing.' Aiio, aq index loom adretUremenls which bavo'cppearcdibr thepastMyear»in ▼artonaßritisb riewspepewy addressed to Hew at Law and next of kb. Communications by letter'are requested to be. post-paid* BENTBAU FASIAN* ' 38 Broadway, New Vork. References are permitted to lion. Charles P. Duly, Judge Court of Common Pl«as» New VoTk, Jfrceltmd, fitann A Co. ' Cba»« Ccftlrngß A Cok - v , - , W.mj.T.TapsoqtL ... - O.B.A.Bickett*,E«J. - Edward Schroder, Esq-Cincinnati, Ohlo.^. 1 r PresUttd Ratcbm Bonk, Baflab, • noT2l»ddm . ... - ■• . , ' • ™ . I TgihajuughsnyOsinsUryt • A : Ttbeamuaiiaeeunirof tbo Corporator*, held on A ibe fits butt to* fblimrin* pproono were nnsoi* aocalrre-clectoahlinageratoEiMeniolngycsr}-.:. , jonprwssQXj „ ; JESSECAROTIIBnB, o. JOIINIL SIiOERUSSOEIL , ‘ - JAMESJLaREEB, * j * v J.Fuwst, , V . ■ The unmal euttemenl prasemed s (hd Atfalrs;eribe gm^aawgpia^sß^' /"IUK£S&w4OQ hxs ia ijrssr 7 4•* . i iKMSPdBTAM;HSE& toil i as _ . BEtwmtTtarrsßßEGn akd --.W.T.Mi*fflta,Httabn^ii: UoihPaua ft Co, Beantr > -SPropria.* -Caitoyotoft Caiacukta, THE above line Is nowjjrepaitd to tnuujwn freight atad passengers from fhttstrargb and GeveUad, or . any point on tta Cantotttd Latoa. - One'bouleatosFitubnrgbaitdCbnreianddaily,ran ningfn tta ittaaboataLata Erie tod Michigan, between Fiosborgh and Beaver, and a line «ffimclan:totolboat%pß4>eUera, brigs and achoon* Cxi onlakea-Ens, Htueo cad Michigan. Prosextr forwarded to-atiyport of tta Union with dianateb. by WU. uMATBER, or ’ i . JQHR ft.CAUOHEYjAgenta, ' eor Water and Stothfidd sta, Pittsbnrgb. AGSITS.'-BeW.PwtatoCm Bearer} * . . •= B 6 Farka ft Co, votoigstowa, O; * EWCotedftCOjWarmj' < ' n BosrwickftCo, Bmadport; oiN Clark, Newton Fails; F beads, Newport; '.?f. . i> . a:■ ■ S ft'EMWUttleseTrCaafflbcilsponi J (FMT}i«e,BaTennaf: MfcC’HKStti’TttoSo; ! MiilbrftTntflai'CayabogaFiHi; Wheeler 4 Ctioa Ce» t3*i 1 deOa • -dftSShn tomm. ISwro MRgtea.aawlw. *rnmn ' l IdXtcf FIRSTCLASSNEWBOAISANDCARS, mmm td mzarosr coops ncrycct mrtswaa M*4*M MltU> XCT.ARKF. A THAW. Canal Basin, Pfctsbureh. LEWIS A BUTLEB, &» Market sV, PhUadstfthia. JAB.BTEEL A CO. Asu, Broad street. CLARKS ACo* 78 North tt, Balt W. POBRICK, Aft, 15 West street. New York, mails ~ 1 Oo>pftst«evsl»lp» ITIBE sabegaben harp this day sstoclsled Utmacires JL together janda* the-stylq of-'Kiex A Jones, fbr the nuposa ofsrmtintTiag the business (onaeriy earned os 7 Bsjnuei hLQcr, and •allcitMmrthmaneo ofthe Üb> erol patronage heretofore extended to the house. 9 SAMUEL M. gnttt, . . aP. JONES.^^ Msiehl,lB4B. BIER'S POBTAB&S BOAT USE, KaaMas^«y^Jlg^gwPg*FOieyiHSlLige!!Hßj COMPOSED ENTIRKtY’iiP FIBSTT CLASS FOUR SECTIONjBOATS, FOR PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE VIA CANALS A RAILROADS W E are prepared to receive and forward freight to the aboTe and lntsnnedlne place* with u much despatch, and u u low rates, at any other responsible line. Hie attention of shippers .wishing to send Pork ot Ba con to Baltimore in balk, is particularly requested, in* aamoch as oor anancencnU enable os to carry sscb article* through in better order than, tiny other line. HER A JONES, Proper*. Canal Basin, near 7th n. Pittsbaryhi March 1, 1547. «ajk*u k. ra . a. ». non*, KIHB & JONES—CoimrJtrtna and forwvding Uer chuiu,aad Who&ttlfl Dealera.in lro%Bloosus Halt Prodncje, fte. 5 Bbwltf HCTBT CfcUT, K. O. BOTOX. ASP CUL aCVSlfft Fiuibnrghj . - Philadelphia. - 4 , j t7yiOS_LISE, _ _ I tu cuuidiJo uniusii . , . HENRY GRAFF &Co~Canal Barm, Pitubgryh. DDTIUI, JIUMFHBEYS A Co, Natl? Market «,Fhll C. H. KooskcomerNorth foSafttoßtats Ball i .... Jon F.Clvka,oioJ2,4 M A Slip, Now Vane. I 4 * 1 * "VrcmcK-l-Thß style pf oor firm* will Le known from J/l aifor this dim, a* Pittsburgh, u Henry Griff fcCn,«ndgyPfatl«delpht>tMlfau&|jlM^hry»ikCo. HENKYj GRAFF, PuSbaisU. PiTTSBVBGQ fOIlT&BLE BO&TLUTS Bfcg^ i lB4S.mm Forth* tt 'rempoitation of Fnigkt toand/root PITTSBURGH. PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE, If. I 'YORK, BOSTON; it. Boxsdox A Cass, Philadelphia, i TAAWaAO’CosMa, Pittsburgh. line being now in fall opera tion, tbp proprietor* bare made extensive arrange* ment* to forward goods and produce with despatch. and on the moat favorable term*. They confidently hope th*jr well Ifnown promptness in delivering goods—pe* enuar safety in mode of carrying—capseioos warthoo k, at-eachjport, afiordlag accommodations to shipper* end ownei* cfprodaeo—together with their low expe rience and nnremittinf attention to holiness, wflfseeare to them a pontinn&nee of that liberal patronage they hereby gratefully acknowledge^ All consignment* by and for this line received, char* gea paid, and forwarded In any repaired directions free of charge for commission. sdvanangor atozage. . No interest, directly or Indirectly, in steamboats. All conunaoicsifoai promptly attended to on applica tion to the following agents: BOOIiIDGE & CASII, £8 Market at, Philadelphia. TAAFFEA Canal Baiw, Ftnaborgh. O'CONNORS ACCa, North si, Baltimore. WB. a WILSON, » Cedar at. New York, apd LAKE EBIE AMD MICHIGAN IiISE. BS«a* 1848- .iSSt THIS well known line, composed of steamboats Lake Erie and Michigan, between Pittsburgh and Beaver, and freight and passenger 'Canal Boats be tween Beaver and Erie, and C AXReed's Une of find class steamboat*, propellers and vessels oaths Istot, is prepared to eariy freight sod passengers to all points on the EridOanai, and Lakes Ena, Union and Michi gan. ’ < Having every UeUitj for conveying freight and pas sengers with prosipfßess and dispatch. the proprietor andagenis respeetfhllf solicit fromtheirfrisuds aeon-' tinnance ecf their patronage. . . OUR REED, Proprietor. REED, PARKS A Co, Beaver, Agents. JOHN A.CAUOHEV; Agent, aptd cor Water and ftnithficldsts, Pittsburgh. is4B. KOLIPfiB TRANSPORTATION LIMB* To and from the Easters cities, via Cumberland. rpilE proprietors of this popular line. haveUnee their X re-erginiatlon largely increased their facilities to meet the wishes of shippers; and ore now prepared to forward « freatef'haoum by tha FIVE DAY UNE, ss also by additional regular wagons at low rate*. This line will mo throughout thu year, delivering goods through the agents to- Baltimore and Pittsburgh to owners 'and coaggoees at specified rates tod tons. Shipment* from FaHedetphln for the Una iboald be marked “Care, 3 B Robinson, Baltimore." The only agents are, 3 B ROBINSON, W 8 Charles st, Baltimore. > EDOEgTON A Co, Cumberland. O W CASA, Brownsville. feb4 J C BIDWEEL. Pittsbargh. nOIiVBE TRANSPORTATION UfiE- J2* The «fthupopaitt Lint hire diteged.Hu Agency st Cnsbcrtmd' firm ins toes* ofAlcKsig A iWs euj is ts thst of iditfUs A Co. Pittsburgh shd wesUrn sSerclusts ere nbiiflsd that 3 Bar ic itcbiown. NoW South CCarki >t, b<imoro.is tbs odj authorised agent of this Lins in meEsststuclee*. Tbs only sgtaß Q BlDWELL.rittalrarjb, O W CAWS BrowasriUs, • i £DOAt’Tot.x4 > .CoCuabcrlsßd t dee33tf i 3 B ROSLNSO.'j, Western 1848, ■o&'‘SBS&S3&* 1848. TO PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE A NEW YORK vis msmvsnu sjre amo natt naans, a RE prepared t»tnuupoß goods and produce to awl J\, from too abeye cities on favorable terms. Ad* dress or ebply to ? . & LEECH ACo, Cans! Basin. Pittsburgh- HA ERISA LKEUHjNos. 13 A IS South Third st, Pill. J. TAYLOR A SON. Agts, No 14, NHh Howardt sli Bait A. ABBOTT, Agt,No 7 west stream New York. Pittsburgh. March JPtH. 1849 motto l*lns. 1848. jjjjMiSL VJA'CAtIAIf AXD. KAIL kUADfI FOB PHILADELPHIA AND UALTIMORE. p QODS eoiulgfc'ed to etu ear* will ba- fcrwarted IT wiihont dciaf-ut the lowuttdurroni retea. ‘ C A McAJiIFLTY A Co., • Ctuil Pena tl, Pitttbnrgt fMEKSEILLKS A BE VNOUW, * 473 and 305 Market •», Phil'a. BOSK, UERBITT A Co, JeO * Smith’* wharf, Baltimore. BBBOBAHTf WAY PBBIOHT litNß* 1848, miyiygifc sxawVsLt fsiimnunpßiaini ormtiuMiit TjpTWpEN Pinibargh, Bl«lnville, Joh*rtown, itel* BiaiUnraM noweill bawrVrßaiSfjo i»liw p»iUH»nr l»bn';M tl» USKiKSh” dlipudu ' , .j:; c'-: ; ‘■{. }.■"• 'i.-> ,v:JLQKZiio> -. v.; .;> ,/. j Co| '*■* iwoSt*** EXCHAS6EBROI _ . *. HOM®» * BOBS, ' l.Mkttf, Xta»ri Brokers, as&juuuosis f NOrrES.BaAFTB.AOT^N^oo^gn.vEE ' *?O&kECnQNSL-I>rafU, Note* and Acceptances layaWeia any part of the Union, collected on tie mon favorable term*. EXCHANGE on New York, Philadelphia and Qui to?* also, Cincinnati, -Louisville, Safin Lotiia and New Orleans, constantly for sale. °4 *O. **lvem banka In the United States discounted at the lowest rates. Allkinda and Amrncan GoU -* nd Silver Coin bought No. 55 Market street, between 3d and 4th, Pittsbgrgh, Pa. octss .HUSSEY, HAS9A * CO^ JANKERS, EXCHANGE BROKERS, and dealers Ftirogjund DomMtio Ottlfleatw «f Kpodw, Bank Nona, *ndBpecle; Fouru ten* t, near ly in© Bank ofFitnbarek Canentmoaer ecewcd on depotit©—flight Checka fat tale, and coL 3iSsss£“ **“ PriniTlntfS Tga ldghestpnalam paid tor Foreign and . Adyaaei* /figSSt dvmctei EMt,rol Sr* lf@*MiywtoeAHoi: -I® bn England. Ireland, and Scotland baurfat iny amount at ihe ,Cumm Rates of ExcSanm. sl®?*RK2£ la K* tt yP an Old ComtnS t*»® t® -£[.oooi *t tte rata of.SStothe jEßterUng! without deduction 01 ducounu by JOSHUA ROBIN SON, European ana General .Agent, ofice Bth at one door weat of wood. oeiistt n«.miin ■ ■ mt c. miit ; mix * cubby, n BANKERS and Exchange Brokers, Dealers in For eign t and Domestic Time and Qurlu Bills of Ex* ehange,Osrtifieates of Bank Notes and Coin; No 6i wood street, third door below Fourth, west aide. , : ... marSttf mw xiamib.] •« . (dwaxd gBAHBB * B&HH. T>ANKEItS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, dealers X> In Foreign and Domtstie Bills of Exchange, Cer* tincatesof Deposits, Bank Notes and Coin, corner of 3d and Wood streets, directly opposite B*. Varies Ho ton - nmyaSdly TTTBSTJSEUf FUNDS- W i Ohio. Indiana, Kentucky, Mi escort, , v . Bank Notea; purchassd at the lowest rates, by N. HOLMES A SONS, *ep!3 33 Market street. Bills of bxohahoe—sight cheek, ra New York, Philadelphia, and _ . Baltimore, Constantly for sale by N. HOLMES A SONS, •epta 33 Market si MISCELLANEOUS. "Vf ANUFACTUBED AND LEAF JjUL HEALD.BUCKNOR A Co, 41 north water st, and id N. wharrelf Phil'a, offer foreale on accommodating terms, 6000 pkgs &lannfaetnred Tobacco, eonsUtingof Si, half pounds, S’* S’*, Iff*, IPs, lips and ail's, ; tfi, tPs and B*s plug, end 17s Ladles* Twist, in and half boxes, ofthe following approved brands, ViC James H Grant, Osborn A BraggJ Grant A Williams, A Cabanlss, B Jones A Son, M’Donald, Webster Old, J Thomson, James Thomas, Jr. A H Armlstead, JIIIOOIIIA Soo, Landhorn A Armlstead, J P Coates, J M Cobbs, Gent nr A Royster, J A Clay, U A Butler, C A Hail, Green Hall, Wm Dawwm, Pearl A Norwood, J 8 Blackwood, Nath Page, Keystone, W II Vaughan, Edmund Henry, Fortlaax Robinson, Russell A Robinson,) Keltn, Robinson A Go. g>th Halsey, B Mmcal£ John Ender, Lawrence Lottier, J Robinson, Gray A Gray, DB Turner, R Jamieson, Ynik White, D M Branch. —ALStX— Havana Leaf Tobaeeo, wrappers and fillers; Vara do do do Qen&egps do do do 8t Jago9RtSllS=Wrimb scribers offer to sell onc*foorthof the two ferry boaUjCen- Scott and Gen. Worth, now running item the foot of Pena street to Saw-Milt Bnzvuo u tomske It a profitable Investment forcaplta lists, ot an* who may rtfih to engage in the busines*- , . . .. - Forrorther paitletjlarw Inquire of ? v - ... turvanf. oblackburn aco.w»* *». KBW CABPislrj-Botclved this day direct from .ttetonufttettfieiw ;: -u-> ~r ,• . S. '•'".•doV.V.'■ : -'/ RntselsCarpctc do .' Brussels;very aheap,. ■ :do ' --do''"ricbootefa.sngtifrgrfoVc. will nartstpg M lowaa eastto Mnhasad in tbs aaat ttett " wkrcuKrocK,7 g it practicable to perform upon them anymore written for the Hano or Organ. The exterior, alto, las been mnch improved by ploeuig the body or the instrument upon a east iron frame beautifully bronzed and ornamented, rendering it at oaeeamosl eiegant and eguemeiy desirable article. The price Is pat so low as to bring U within the reach of every one to obtain a perfect nuuieal instrument, and, at the same time, a ms*t elegant piece of fnrnl* title for a comparative trifle. 11. KLEBER, At J W WooHweilH GREAT MUSICAL .Novhliv—me ißJMrwor has just received from Europe, ami for sale, an entirely new luvention of Piano Forte, called the CAS* INET PIaNO FORTE, which possessing more power and sweetness than the square Piano, occupies butone fourth os mnch room, end Is a much more show)* and handsome pieee.of furniture. It it particularly deaba bie where the saving of space is an object, being ex* eecdingly neat and compact, and occupying no more room than a small side table. The subscriber has in hand ft testimonial of its superiority from the celebra ted pianist, Moschellcs, In hit own hand writing,which may be inspected. 11. KLEBER, PCO7 At J W Wood well’s AfOtlAS - ATtfACHMEKT. D ECEIVKD and for solo, a lot ef choice Pianos,with Jtv and wiihoat Coleman’s Afoltan Attachment, by Nunns ft Clark, N Y. One of Nunn* ft dark's Pianos, with the Attachment, was taken to England by Mr ryiii»TT,^n > and among many other testimonials of ad* miration for this elegant specimen of American skill and ingenuity, elicited the following remarks from 8. Tbalberg, the greatest Pianist living. Losses, Jon. 18, tMft My Doarto—bi enclosing a leucr to my friend, Mr Brand, Paris, 1 cannot refrain from again expressing to you how maeh I was pleased with your “JBollan Attachment," which 1 consider as a great musical im* pro cement. I can assare you that on my part I shall with great pleasure do my utmoc to make your tavaa* tion known. For sale by I! KLEBP.R. je<9 At Woodwelia fttnritore moma ■'« «t Hstalle Prams Pisne. t A BPLENDID assortment of Rose* MMLJiUgBW wood and Mahogany grand action Pt* II ti f nfi aooa, Just finished and for sale. VI V I 11 Also, two splendid Rosewood Pianos, with Coleman’s celebrated Avolian attachment, finished la the most modern style, and for sale st j«fl P BLU '♦ FTB. US wood st TRANSPORTATION. DEED, P ARKIACo'.. PACKET Eltffc. 1848. jfijA BEAVER ANDCLEVELAND LINE WARREN- Canal Packet— SWALLOW, Cain. Ford. “ •• OCEAN, Capb Watters. /"YNE of the abovo Packets leave Beaver every day, w (Sundays excepted) and arrive next monuag at Warren, where they connect with the Mail Stages for Akron and Cleveland, arriving at each of these places before eight. One ofibe Pacseu leave Warren daily, CtS P. and arrive at Beaver in time to take the ; i.mlri steamboat for Pittsburgh. COTES ft LEFFINGWKLL, Warren, > MB TAYLOR, - {rropririre. BEAVER AND ERIE PACKET LINE. ranouea to m u»« ra roorr bocss. Canal Packet— PnxnLVaoxa, Capi Jeffries; •* “ Tsuaaarn, “ Pollock; “ u Lams Em, “ Traby; “ M Pumsna, “ Brown; w u Y Aicman, “ Sayer. The above new and splendid Passenger Packets have commenced running between BEAVER AND, ERU& and will run regularly daring the season—one boat leaving Ena evftry morning ox B o'clock, and one leav ing Beaver evenr evening, immediately after the arri val of the steamboat’Michigan from Pittsburgh. The boats are new and comfortably funiisocd, and will ran through In forty hours. Passengers to any point on the Lakes, or to Niagara Falls, will find this route the most comfortable and expeditious. Tickets through to all ports on the lake can be procured by applying to the proprietors. B FED, PARKS ft Co, Bearer. JOHN A. CAUGIIEY, Agt Pittsburgh, ear. Water and Smithftela its. AGENTS;—Jas C Harrison, Buffalo, N Y. C M Reed, Erie, Pa. C C Wick, Greenville^Pel M'Farland and King, Big Bend, Pa; Hays ft Plumb, Sharpsonrgh, Pa; W C Melon,Sharon, Pat D C Mathews. Pulaski, Pm R W Cunningham, New Castle, Pm Jyi Psjuuylvanla Canal ft Hall Hoad Ki praaa.Faat Packet Line, __ E3*=£SSSb irVif wSrna FROM PTITSBUGH TO PHIDADELPHIA ft HAL* TDJORE, (Exclusively for Patsengera.) StifE public are respeetihUy informed that this Line will commence running on the C3d Inst, and eon ne througboet the Be aeon. The boau are new, and ef a superior elan, with en larged cabins, which will give greater romfsrt- The can are the latest construction. A boat will always be la port, and travelers an re* 1 qseated to call aoff flUnflne then before engaging pas* sage elfewhcta. (Fare *nly nine dotiah through.) One oftho boats 6t this line will teat* the landing (opposite U. 8. Hotel, eonur ©fPenoatrtat.*tril Canal every night at tune o'- eloek Time 3| days. . For information, apply at the Office, Uosongahsu House, or to, D LEECH £ Co jcS9 Canal Bavin. pssMßgir ud Bimlttuea Office. rtn HAMSOEN tea commits to bring penons JHMrWfrom any part of England, Ireland. Scotland or BBS Wales, upon the most liberal terms, with their asaal Daoetaaltty and attention - to the wants and eoa* {on of We do not allow our passengers to be robbed by the swtedting scamps that infest the se«k ports, as we taka charge or them the moment they re port themselves, end see jo their well being, ana de spatch them without any detention by the first ships.— We say this fearlessly, ai wo defy one of onr paasen- Cr» to show that they were detained 4fl bonra by us in verpool, whilst thousands of others were detained months, until they could be seut in some old eraiV at a eb2p rate, whleh ider frequently proved their coffins. We intend to perform oar contracts honorably, cost what it may. and not act as wt • the ease last season, with ether officers,—who either performed not all, ot when it roiled their couvenienee. Draft* drawn at Pittsburgh for any sum from £1 to £lOOO, payable at any of the provincial Banks in Ire land, England, Scotland and wales. JOSHUA ROBINSON, European A^ent, Oelrcr'i Psteat OenesVe: Beater Churn I BUTTER IN FIVE MINUTES!! TTTE call the attention of the public to the article Y.f beading ti}is advertisement, and invite the en* terprUißK ana' carious to call and witness its opera* lion. Ail advertisements in relation to this invention, to the hundroda who.have seen it tested, is auperera. catien. -w Ist This Churn win produce Butter, gathering it in a mths, from sweet milk, in five to ten minuter and from eresm prepared, as famillos aurally prepare it: tn three to five minutes! fid, The utility of ibis invention is apparent, as bet* ler-Bhtter ean be produced from eweetmilk, cr cream, than cream soured In the usual way) and by means of this churn, a little girl or boy can perform, in five or tan mintjfe« ( what bus heretofore required the labor of a woman or man for one or taro hours, mod cnwnimtr half a day. . . . 3d. By simply turning a- thumb screw, the whole in* side daaherU token out, leasing nothing but the butter andtaiikin the plain woodcirtox. 4th. It li the cheapest Chain ever Invented, as the simplicity of. its conjunction (though embodying a philosophical principle! makes it but Rule to Btanofaeiure It . . . gth.‘ltUaeetnmoq*a«aie chops, -as all w|U admit who will examine it - ifrWebara purchased the monopoly of this valua* blSTnipmTtmew &oo Maun. Carter t Slrer»,Ue W* aremtw oQsring_ the compUui mono* oohr of thirsty Wartietolar thoSutci ofuhio, ; Petto* «yly*nU,New York, Ncwictsey r Maryland: aad JM. aware*wh£h «nU toata cartain tod lam profit* id the^a^^titi^jjad^^e^rTOnroTtpiw^ML me® real HART’S VEGETABLSSXTIHQT ' 19- TUB ONLY REMEDY thmtcan the permanent cord of Spuis&odio CoiXiXUti&&i I*l nation of the Nerves, Nervous or Kck- He»a*CM Nervcoa 'l*rgmflr* T Many Tyiw A ftwtiflM,■ Qtwnl PO* biiity, Deficiency of Nervous ud Thptw Ew'JJ) and all Nervous Disorders, inelndiusthOßiortorc**®* of all diseases that ever affect lbs human roed - ” ’ EPILEPTIC Fin;-; : . or Falling Sickness, Fils, COBTulsiWMj Spasms, tot. Hart woula impress It upon the mind! of the afllictrjJ that the Vsyetabie Extract is the only rtia** coy ever discovered tut eon be reliejfrcnfbrtnnper* maneni cure of this most djeadftil of all Ai ua temleaey is 10 insanity, madness and death, the most SKILLFUL PHYSICIANS .* of Europe, &s well a* those of cur own eotmUT, bare pronounced Epilepsy wearable, a*,* It boioeenao considered by many, until this tost imjbttant of.alj discoveries was made by Dr. 8. Hart. aeorly sixteen years since, during which time U has oecaperibnning some of the meet! • REMARKABLE CURES' upon record, and has acquired a reputaflcn which lime bl ill ages have been trying to discover a remedy for thii disease, but ail has been in vain onifl the present dis covery of Dr. Hart, and we would now say to afflicted with fits, despair no longer, for there is hope! MESSRS. THOMAS A Mala street, cs£ cmntii, Ohio, Agents tor Doctor Hart’s Vegctabb Extract for the cure of tyUeptie FUx: Gentlemen—lt is almost Impossible for' language tc express with what hearfclt satisfaction 1 ftddresiSvest few hues io you, for the purpose of Informing Mg he beneficial results thst-havo beaiedeaea oy thti qu of Dr. Hart’s Vegetable Extract. My eon. aged twelve years, has been severely af flicted with Epileptic Fits, ana with sacc severity lb*- the opinion was, he eould not be cored. in oils of ln» paroxysm* he feU and broke hu arm I 1 called in Dr. MoUbsd, a tbit exeeflem phyiieian, ! wbo re-set it. lie informed me that mr uq\. PnKgLNS. Cuictutidti. Aujort 35Ul IBM. • THB TIME IS NOT PAR DISTANT Wk*n thonvaruU who arc now trembling oadcrthaJ hand of this dreadful disease, and faring that ererr attack may trove fatal, will hai permanent relief and ' b« rra.ored u new tifr, \iy uing tbU celebrated medi- ■ cine, Over c»ne uioaaand cemficaiea have beeu re ceived in testimony of the beneficial icwtltt Produced by the ue bf l>r. Mart's Veritable' RktractT i Prepared by S, JIAKT, M. D., New York. Price,one paefcngt fjnp„ do four pttciages —•lMfr-*- do eight do , onVin THOMAS A MILES, l©j Main street, CiactatmL Ohio, Oeneral Agents tor United State*. CanadaTand Wert Indie- t L- WILCOX, Jr., comer ortaimnnd snrf Markei kt. Agedt for Pittsbusgh, Pa- Pay & Kill bourne, Columbus, ohiw H k £ Gaylord, Cleveland: and for taJe by moat of the principal drag gist* and merchant! throughout the United States. tu>vl«-dAwS n&DICAIi * SUBGICA.L OPriCE, foNo. 65, DIAMOND ALLEY, a “»Woodm«v ; B>. i PB». BBOWBj having bees f wSixSlrShgi ,e *? ia ?Jy educated to the-medica. {«g,s*-c^SS^gw-P , pr e *POO|*B4 been Cor mm* tis* Mgettcral practice, now eaafines £P3«Tpl!f£s£F Us a&estioo to tbs treatment «i delicate coal EftgxOTaL Yk plaints for which hia opportunities and experience peculiarly quolifv W bioj*, 11 year* assiduously devoted t j atatf yfo treatment of those which lime he has had more practice and has cored more pa tients than can ever fail to the lot of any private mo titioner) amply qualifies him to offer assurances d speedy, permanent, and satisfactory core to all affitattd with ceUcala diseases, and all arisfniE.'thßMl trotn. ~i 5 ..- •' Dr. Drown would inform those with p^vaia diseases which have Itecnma chronic by time orsgl S a rated bythssMof any of the common oostnuiaci e day, that their eampbunts can bo radically and onghly cored; be having given his carefoi u. the treatment of saoh.ca.wa, and succeeded In hundreds of instances In coxing persons of infiammaUon.of ths neck of the bladder, and kindred dikeasea which result from those cases where others have consigned them to hopeless despair, lie particularly invites!neb as have bran long and ansveceaafeliy treated b 7 others to consult hire, when every satisfaction will lie gives theta, and their calc* praam in a camfohtlanßax* and intelligent manner, notated oat by a long experience study, and investigsupo, which 1U» impossible for tkot. >*agsged in-nnerol practise eTaedieios.iogive.ah one class of disease. [p*~Hemia or Rontare*—Dt, Drown also Invites per?' sons afflicted with Hemi* to call, m he has paid psrttcs ulor ouentlon to this disc lie. CANChRS also cured. Skin disease*; also Pi' %, Palsy, eta? speedily eared Charges very low. N. IX—Patients of ath sex living at a diwnff. by stating their dUeaso in writing, giving all thortysanl toms, can obtain snodieinca with oirectioaa for use, by addressing T. BROWN, fiL-D* post paid, a&denebwa log a foe. • ...—v, Offles No S 3, Diamond alloy, opposite ths ~ «rcxty Haase. RaxtnuTcnL—Dr. Brown’s newly discovered rrmo dy for Bhetunatisa is a speedy and certain remedy for thstpslnfui trouble. It never foils.' Office sod Private Consaltlug Rooms, No. CDis* mond alley, Pinsbargh, Pa The Doctor is always at home. ID* No cure no pay. drelfc Dium HiuiciL rum miuufoEi TUb following from George E Pomeroy, Esq- the well known proprietor of the Express, speaks for iuelfof the importance of the Pain Extractor to every parent. \ ' • iiZtuuOntcx, Albany, ssnx L Mo. Dalvst: My Dear Sir—With feelings of no or dinary pleasure 1 address you in relation to the beneC*' I b«*e received from your invaluable Paju Extracts* Lniely, my little dilatator, 6 years old, hut a pitcher of boiling wuici turned Into her bosom; her ■'’TTgrm were drnuiful, *o that a crowd instantly gathered be fore the house to team the caaae of the tenth:* screams. I lore brr clothes asunder, and soon spread on yoai salve, sail *he was carried and laid upon a bed. She was soon retie i ed from her paint, end says “Ma, 1 feel as if I coul.l Inughi” and was soon in sweet sleep. She was scalded to a blister from the top of her ■honMrr over more than half her chest, and round under the arm*, on the shoulder and breast hwas-verr deep, bet from the first hoar, ths complained only when it was dressed. The tore healed rapidly, «&d then is nd contraction of the muscles. With tuny wishes, my dear «fe r for mmpnteeeUb the saJc oftiui mighty nrtlele. "*-r - , 1 bid yours, with respect, . GEO. E. POMEROY- THE TEST and NO MISTAKE' The genuine pulley, will ever produce the timet*, stantancous relief, and soothing, cooling effeet In tha severest eases of Burns, Bcelds, Piles, foe. I The Coumcrfeiu—no n atter under what names (her busy uppear—always (rrltste. aud increase tae sain. 1 TO THS P ÜBLIC . I, Edward P. llolmes, of Chatham, Melvin Bridge. Columbia county, N. Y., have been efflieted with then! muiitm 111 my breast, feet, and ell over my body,' for six years, so that 1 could not stand, and was eared bv three applications of Dailey'sftjagioal Pain Extractor EDWARD P. NOLMBSh Mi. Dailey: Sir—l cut mv finger with a copper nail the poisonous nature of which caused my am to swell considerably, wiih constant shooting .pains pp to the shoalder. A larjrc dwelling taking place's! trie am. pit, with increasing pain, l became fearfbl Oftho Lock j jdw. In this extremity your Pain Extractor was rtv commended to me, and which f was prevailed'upon tn try. The consequence was that it anbrded nw atm** instant relief, uml in three days I was eomelet<>lv «.« red, JOSEPH HARRISON, New ?3k corner Broome and Sullivan sts, Bepi 8.1M8." 1 NOTICE—II. Daujit is the inventor of this Invalu able remedy, and miver has and never wiU wmw...i eatn to any living mxn the secret of ns cnmhl^| on jr All Extractors, therefore, not made tod pnlonb him, ore base Pcorvxros's Broadway, New Ynrb, SSdCbestuut street, Phlia. *' * otl^ JOHN IX MORGAN, General Depot; Dr \vm THORN. Agents for Pittsburgh. r X !?'■ V M * Dailetft AmmaJ GaJvdme Car±Jft/ - > Cure* humors, spavin, quiuor, »««. 6#>K nuclbrulses. conUin&glSj novlS dlyls PRUbSgW- ABEBIOAR TET.gnntpn a WT BAtruioax, rrmsCMK axo wmu«T7 WESTERN LINE., “ i Ofllee at the Exebanas. BalUaen. - P EDUCEII RATES^Ttec^.jSS^?!^. mad* on all foleuraphte despslchcsforwardsd SmS. timers Wen ofPiuibojjA; ! rt.».r. ~ for the first.ten words, and 3eenu for each KdeHnccTalOffa tbrrha-iuMwiirt UamthaccapleUonofihe South Wes Urn ’MMtaph&Cm Mnmphis, Tenn-taNew odaansb4a» patcSft* *** ho forwarded to Mmnphit by thisr<c# and mtllhdaaNßirftleaafc 1 aka now landing from at r Genet; J? for sals by jd 18AXAU DdCXEY *Os gALVEBfS „ OINSENQ PANACEA! HTO THOSE r: BEFFEEINO I WtTH DISEASED X LCNG9.—Ifco nnpreeadentpd aaceess whieh baa •Bended the aanof.the , GINSENG PANACEA !" ;; ' n all the varioeafonas which irritation of tho hmga aa* )is« induced the proprietoragain to call aus&» troSßEsiPßi jft£&h£ , ficfa. N ®> wa The changable weather whlehmarfcs'osri&Dtod winter monilnoiaahnwaatifaiAl aonreo of -? COLDSAND-OODGHa, - t - These, If ncglecfed, prec ttnoia »fttu jp 4 "*!T ,> ; i“tostttn>n6i».’ l s>«j me qaeition, then, tejw «Wlf»«lp hjWnjwj the hid! how eh alt we ret.elMr rfeni «nt(U hint 'olds! U THE GREAT- AND ONLY REMEDY > ffl?^^^£S?SPte«SSsS2S} toons of ow benJ^Dwn x cMgns l eraeri ; Seedits curative powers. ThMa, with a ta&asvite* timouy from P^^i C ofthoGc&'SlvdJeiher with copiohd no? we here ta tiSSSm[ ; throng hast the United Bute* mtf .Canada* end we eh* I-!. n which, when taken aeccrdlag,jo anmm- «ad-bo» fore the langaTiM become fateliy disorganrao, it hah A prartcTcpi^; Why*then, need the afflicted heeitataf * Why fesdrtip the mW&e nesrama gotten** b7.lfl*-,hwUmUTiJ aslaa her the assumed naraepfacste puT" deian, and puffed into cOtorieryJbF-ecTtrfiettdVriip** f sens l+iiw. Isfo be had; whose vtrachfTiaieht‘home j ■oui Ml|h In ertor that this iavelttibtowrdleirih may tepiaeed srithin the reach qf t tjie poor to.wcli iho,rien*w*naTS pat the price at j w „ , • OSLT nmiOBU» t '.!jK oat one half the usual cost rfepagh medtci&es, it t* {or sale "by ouragenia In town tod Tillage otot the west, who are prepared tnifito fbHiiaifcrnute. demrelatlve to it. T. BALTER, Proprietor, _ Broadway,•Cincinnati Ohio.* * HYDROPATHIC BBTiß&lifianßSrr" - ragxgißcaaa/toATtotoajaa..,.:; .1 X\JL EDWARD ACKER, takes thu means of re \J naming Us thanks to his friends and the jnihUo' for the extensive patronage to nes rvceived*ana of in-, fanning them that bo hu lately erected a large'and well constructed building, for lue exd usivri nsrpeses of Us WATER CU RE eStaCLIS HMENT, .alhl* old location, at Phillipehurgh, P*-, bn the Ohio nVer,'oppO alia the atcamboulaiillng ai Water, where helsteady to receive patients as boarders! and treat them on Hy* dropathio principles. In addition to his long experi ence, and the great soccers which has heretofore at*: tended his treatment of patients committed u his care, he has now the additional facilities afforded by ntf ex tensive holloing erected expressly for thc|iar pose, eotv ulning ccnunooious and airy rooms, and hues up with every necessary apparatus lering the treatment to the utmost benefit and comfort of-the patient. Pliilllpsborxh is a most delightful and . -healthy village, easy of access: by fords fine and wholesome water. Dr r Apkert-togares. those afflicted persons who-may place ibedtselves mV der bis care, that every attention Shall bepaidto their and as an assurance qftto sohstactial benefits to be derived, he points With etmEdhbrt td" the" fnin-' dreds who have been permanently cared at his estab lishment. The Water Coca leavesno. Injurious 0 fleets behind,as is too often the casa'witlr those whirhave been treated on the old system. It retteveathfi esse, invigorates the Mfstein, protects Ijrem.thodangera. inemenx to changes or the'uetuher,- crtates'* iiaiafal' ’ and active appeute, and imparts vigor u> the digestive Kwers. Terms of treatment and bqtrding reasooabla. r timber portkslazsinaalraat . address the proprietor at. rhill^lnuga.., .sagSOd • ‘ ~ ';'* " V* DR. JAir»tT8 v - ’ • We have bcCa lnfornrtd vj Wrt Boseof aesxetfto tensed on her byDrs JaynsT Alt«r«tlTll.mut)) proves, its superiority remedy of the kind. She aas been afflicted for thelastsinced'ycai*' wiihNfcCltadta or WHITE SWELLINGS; auemted with alecratioai and enfoliatipit of various bones, do ringwbrch time many pieces hhve teen disehargeii from■ the irental hose of'the cTurusm, from Doth.her arms, wrists trod hands, and from both: legs, sa4/rosniftc lett reii.orai bonerand from thenght knee, beanies palnfal alcers on other pans of her person, which havd* baffled the skill'or a number of ibennmeannent phyaifcixnaof oar cit>—dtmng man of the hme'lur saffhnngahave been exennaung and dspioreble. Abont thnro months, since she was induced to try Dr. which ha* had an ae-OBishingly happy effect apod her, by removing all pain ana eaastng tbe alcers to heal, while at the aoibe time tor general health baa become completely rentered,so that tto now weighs. tS Jbs more than sto (lid befu/c she coolo c‘.otk», menuoi shawls, ladies' bpaoets, fce, w about Ihjoring anything that pore water will -hat tajors. More titan efto thoogand pertoas-an dlfisrettl pin* of the constry bare toldniAtb?j.ytoni4ootbo -muhotu iu if it cost coq liotiaxper ente,. In. tr/utg this Snip o« more than 3M articles of light hitto* aailhs; al paecaa, aod ealicccs, I.have only&aadthree piydes'cl silk, two of ahweea, and fcraref ealico.on WhiehU changed tbeeohwi therefore before patting it on a light dress try a sample of the dress first i state this oeeasse Ikm determined pm to recommend,it any stronger than. Ikndw»beamxstlyirea. “ .V.NwHorf.*' Price, Ml et* q pereaha. -Sold, WholCsatenM’retkD by i' CEafcLLE*3^ i•* • . . 1 >_ ■CT wood ft .; X) mo«t extrsardioafy. medicine in the worUQ . Tile £*>' oect Uppt lt Ueix tidleh eheiptsrf p]c&MalcT t .end *fly»olA ‘-It cures disease erithoot ptirytny, rtersniayet] debit imtiny the peiieoi. >,, .' r j\. ~' Lam act rat ltazhx*»i->Bapriscfal£4 person lt*Tej copied iwt i«m« || pjfli bp medicine JaUte shaped bottle. (See that each bottle h»ithtnr*ittenMj*“ nature ' ■ ' ■■ i E. E. SKI.LBR&, Draggle, £7 Wood meet, between. Third end Fourth, ia DrVTii#n*«ad’« only wholesale sod feuil agent tor.Piiadun*b, oLsrbointio geamoa i sitieleeeahe JfcwL, Carry hee- oMo upuhied'kteof for Alieghenyefty, of whom tar gecnihd eaabto had. ’’ 1 ' -•- u-r*,.T'? |«j pj-y, (Opt SCftOfULA A1»I> SUHOPUfcOU& :SW£hfc. LNG&—Serol* !s In dt'itt Bud tip lied forma ithether in thator&flg'f'&tifienlarnniealao standi or bonci, Goitre; White SweTjinga». -into the circuiatton K acd wfyfa thbS|3od it to the nnoateaj' fibre, renoaing drerf-patticle oT diaeaae rromthe tTctea: 'prepared and com ekStt; 8 booth H)ird Street,'Philadelphia**- v • 6,1 Sold at the Pdtin Tea &nre;.Ct6.<3sF6Bab«tfee.: Pitttfaafgb - 1 i ■ -x dd«rin i, remov oHgjl ACg ft _*AOBr . • t t-* 1 - '■ norm i -.,4; BUT IN ETERYiMarrnKRTO HOMESTEAD - . The nndeTiigned he* lou been .'ecafipeed, of the JL . aaoenitr % coaa oeflidne adapted/io the eaebf Children end lafaiui to tupereeat'rti* nedTaflcbOill* medicine* which cajttainopmra,'efcd rasai mngth am*: eeeded in preparing and adoring to the pabuc a qtrtK cine&U 7 antweripg erery (or all dteeaaeaot tno' bowel*, without $e onq'etuufleJetdnoua draft dr idr .other ctlculaiedja'tnjure unbe>a*i:';Tbe tefint Paid acer his* been‘tolly-totfevhat.amv'l; uw ianrinelxaj month*, by numemia pemW and toiu»g fet>e*uet*ag lha extraordinary value* dwl-tq niodoee all the axioiv tsUng effect* u *et to no oritheoiil "ot^3nTctKafct !, -Di- Pains, StcknhsMPttf. withom *ii*unbjqg Drodueing.th* happiest, toq pu»i pleasant‘trotSttlon •Orem Tioktu pain la a tranquil and Jorotu«aih''OffceK in^jatha Uttariytoer:' ,' } Ai/ * T JOHN BAR3AWT»Draggifl and,- ApoihcsaryiriahA- I Mite hall, Ullntt ant other JSranista , a Allegheny and gittsbarghj' .'“, « '^^^deciS*; BA. FAHNESTOCK'S • Tjhis Cathartic tempo I balk wuh efficiency and eo gadve sodas, audit axing.,l i biliary organa,** extranet in which oilioaa leTers'ariu with congestion or tho £d« have now stood the test of ha* provedthom to be a ami Intermittent, Remittent and Billons colic, Indigestion, X vomitings, colds, and’*!! ed ly character. The eomple turn which -Mas bean given fcatt cued thetpjrendpreUjd ous -ceriificatea Inthcirtav veiileouulerfeillhg' the; in graphic wrapper. l - nw, Price dSocnta forhriN* e Prepared and sold bp . comer let and wood,' ant streets. NTI-BlLlQUai id coisbtnei bdi Spaiiiitt nUdu* tif pdf- A y vtluabiQ In ibU- coamrp. ctW' efa&nliiiiu itfeodetf % •omoeb.ptxMjiidi, W y«art.iiid expeHajda, /▼aiajUjla. remedy in l BUiooa -Terer? Jtandlfte, BllibtS nptaurof tn inlkfajnaia. • Sinivcraiantitfrfhi u*«4ho, aaqif>»j ’', \.y . W«P» Ti a * J 'Yv^ D4LAN i > *' of(to MeakfclCeSfrt K Hdfc. JL/edelphii, nowoflera to lh* paVlie hU ciaile- Preiniaia flatter. thbfaualitiei of. arEcST .■Uo *dd BUA e»,.ofaßpftriotcnaHii,. Alio, Wllid wl EejTliiuSat Bnce*;Jower.tban'beretofi)ra offered;.'/; pi ßLUecr maoalactareiMorjin.** eCUhnued C&Bg& hu given general mtlifietltfa to ~ aH lo tbo iCanuff q f coughs, coidi, hnareanc is, .Influenza, wfcoopttrftofifb* croup, etc), price S 3, cent* wr boulco Also,lpftrnn’a UterPill»v »«rtaini3are wliver *"?T'*iTit_ n}pbhtndr aoa tUbida&s ccapjxiita.Jfrida’fflfcii perbox, < »-;»*.» <„ j* >,;» EABDOIIi--»OM>i»to*ff'Wtoigr4ttalceA3jSjrSil landfnrrrotatofiU'lltatenffaittadtariMttbj'V/ agg»fi imlnii. juiialu 1 Wi JOI m'Mirnjp . nißMun* to m 4 wr ta&Mft tatam (k &» •fmriutif ** l *» O ttktaHlirtrMh. I frU&timiaß** U. Hanl»g >Bicttd A> £lrb boftol to ar.jafli to. ■tot J achMaH f i»d . '”'* ■lrrttriSorttCaa^erffaßjißfotetotomU*.!* ISJ7 !vM jodami to in rowifttr fflli,«*}BOOlf CO?- . , r , ,ffyj|tii : Oa>to «f*&&uaowßAcl*altotoßWclqt> ■-’>--••«> *--n I T i rkaJif ecoiphut Mt«r*< kj «oj om »t» bak nitl*»i,«ad la A &ortfi«i wighmiA uK all- SB3B£3£Ssf&ZZ“ uk fia- arf take noolhw tiaa QMMpraii«l ad mHj. fcr EM :f£ ?j )TM,SUCniT,/ lii&fh Wfti' —f Au«jk4l> .dj xSS ttgdha; Modlol Prolto»Toniuidt : PMiU«S 5J?i4 * ■TTECKGS’H FAKINA, new iawe aTihe U«£!iu JX Asylamh ana other Bahlifl'enahnihibenUi-iad : l•« < L t o„u >atfc hi m»0 -’-‘‘ChiUrea fed ealep, or indeed tap tiod efaiaTlaUe*9Bs(bod, which does contain incre* ' die«a l Aoed Csrihefijjmeilhnof'boae* l tedaittiS&i,!'';a I^Qtsoe^^ae^^mßChnaoaKaw; liuut Jtate*,..,. ,v appearfitfl,ont they denot adctrira'strtartfL'iiCT aw -4 ' 1 *■ theiTOTfan* properly developed." ; laiho knalyiii of the farina madohs. ProC Rtld-of NcwYo*, imt«j Mhrf colmlMitßO, lor jdt^ ■Ceoi^at Jrlouen and albamen: and yfeaarfcmA«p -eUitpsonho Farina upon PxofesSaifld fhd pablie will rest upon >*»«pp«»W»rr'*» and ■ihrfnuwi J refetablefiUrifin .aaA“te*Wf'oiftb»t«ixed j. bpdlaanot taanoid.aitbw'tobVoriitaflar'aabwanijeai' * { ’ r i' dndWfciehmodeni-eheaitKiy haspl v .,,j 1 chest, Irritation; ted soreacjroi.lheilhagsj’b l pnh£ti% ~-rr. diffitoliy o£bre*tin*,faecticftnr«,oifW;fW9»|a . atkm a&tgeacnd debility, asrtgnyi.rvllssqtfay .thinsfor the restoration of health. - . ■ .. La.- cquaUU toerita of ihUgT&£Qgtitt9csi2dy|SiaxfeL-. I .j cottindd of the Areata, rratmtoasly., ’' '*. c ..L r* - fti'nl# by ITA FAuNSTOCS bCif, feme? of DBiI&TBKVOAIUniATITBBAIiSAtu! i*. 'I?Bt BtheSe* a A* ml t» «Tto ■aderttoetfliavtajrheeaoffliOtedCttmifUe’ptJti? *•■•■■* wintei wffoatiiaeasortvtftV , ■*■*■ r>A, H»<-nn tinned Tn h*+. and 1 sbmethnes mute' menrfa^«&ia't^few A tea2ihwU#oftr*eatbrea}lltai the snffereF'viU'Felljfr' * Xe -' edftctn a large amosnt of oppressive. •y^F Mifeee&uicreforeib&eiA'eKi&tenty'tfeecgaineni! ® ,toiLHases of ibestomash and boards. /r ,;A,trtIIHSP A Yr SSfdanb street, near Weed, .anti dnF, urtA awreofM-KBCHVYAKTj.iy«deral Tcet. l* • ' • Pvruy Tottrßlooili hw* ,™ MBi O/E fit BLiiiV«»I)HH Me -‘/t^ ;rinf the preyions winter, I was severely. c-r With oserofelou : coapiatat : ia .‘forborne monthsunderthecamorphyueians^Sbey ii - Said my ease was aimbst-ine^afilet < ifiue for mo., J was Marty v#V atd.«if W ljmrchssedof pammgtOf^avnf.gra.;, TOL'a &ÜBUTAEUA. After this «»«« yIU , aoreSeommencedhedhy. nsdlioiti ad^myanneh*-—~ .♦ e»,aiiy. only *. weT^4iqH!«wWth!lstca#e.and _ _ ,si ti>b aad of'the. tparth, was m: tAasdift tildlfn , ■scrmmri IhaTe seen,no appeaiaoc© oithediae«io;ttrf“ r have eotnuacedj'aalainiiow.ititiießwatpejftetheililJ■*’ A!, ‘ jl state withconfitienee,' hoplag this Mher* may be bep yfinsd in -the same wny T tnat tho Sarsaparilla sold by-' too, has been the means asd.th»ottlrme«itsof«‘.c.-.». v; .♦•'a,v -ii< ,-j - L -eßpeffini .' % _ i^«|^«ccat£*a»»'p^^ca^j^rTOtdcT,i Aßji** H ■. ffijrftfllJltrkftni'rct for teo i*ndl*r*bief t a actxdiufc witoiM? 3*9PM>9trr ■ Camera ptmdett •• - -ilaiiaavegetablebatrcdt;',; v—'li*--.*. ‘Jivatka'l* I ■i*syas»,sßiw™Rs^ fears paujeveral arrets compiamu j. -longs, one 4 frwdaya. iiaee,' ana in every. iwt^iwy 'htllCTHt itvfaen e&eted xeUsleMeensi awns ftwH -dayy-i lt b certainly a aatoroedicSp. lS» sttjEaawu> that uWili iSESSi-,, will be Maisr tbanfure; Ido thete&re; 4 &f Utfr&rt W-eJy uuTk ■. Job menreatt&niy rteonuncimhe use of thx£BsuiOaJu/ taall-palpwnary. cofflplaima. ri an' coufidcnniirifrr ■ fees been tee bmim q{f tgaryptf ! 'f '* O EiXEE« TMI»KHIAI. *CCrt;uU 1* •vti**J?? tocarsl - i **■•’ 1 years bej^^bbctf 1 a»feiil U^«drii»a_nf '■ &rtrtal»althoagh-i-faml •epeltnfeaujtC. bt deapblfat two TO*dj*|ltVfc 'frcr Imnediate rotten t&elsiiatncO rtfoubjcd wuh.a-eaogh b«itmteas^itefitt'fi£92JßffT dw»y»ettip» tv, U» <3/ 4 tCnr yean, that QeUec% Cotu&ayrtip a'ate'MwjcwA; •• medicineJL bare ey«r tried eitiie r 'in the^tßd' s£sfinr* • /W0r1d,.,, ~ s :• .^.. z y~‘' WjL'FAiaaooasß,. il Seventh Ward, city iuibaJgSL- I Tbs above cdrtitigaie s&aald ; troubled;with ’Coegb or ait&ma* to give tbs Syropa ioj aU.- ji; niuty 80. had fiw'23 eeuta a bottle, attbtrdmf doroaf, . . r / ' R R aKTJ.igfca&Aibifitjqr fSohl by Dr CusaVfth wud, and O'H'OWi/tIM ! -■-. «'«• . .1.,•:■-! -•-,-.{ , . , -1 .1»* _’ V * QUfIOHIKS >a bbiatioii felaciereij iftSStejM • Sdo Alnmi *4jES»lu;a4lielllp'dto*»**S l./.; rr >; ? deea? Sole Ajtent far Wanna, fcCtoh§ bia'vaeutd candlca on \j fotsate&y. fecg .. ARMSTKOXOAugQgy^- i PITTSBURGH aAZETtk^ paBLDKIEUDAILViTIIbWEEKLV'iInEEirr* sc? W* -=KK^| Tkita « '. T •<•-. ......~*!®*V r?f *R2'?t5 I ““ ,1 “>»>«ko« «itOTUo«^.>JoA Ott« »blfi».?toowsW« tiple«nM,Jf OO . * «fvV„i«V .:•,•:>» fnuT> -.glOO^ wjtMMo* rt oiiit iitiit. sU!t>-*!lr-T • ?” ,%PW)hfltinu>miwi »w :, liijkn • rWxOtllicr;trW,'Ou , .. « -«.j Twy.